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41d4d8  No.15371638

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3baefd  No.15371641


>>15370152 Trump Rally energy firing up in two days

>>15370215 Halo Xbox 360 servers have been shut down, ending an era

>>15370228 Chinese Spies Have Built a Criminal Stronghold in the West, Tied to Cartels and Corruption: Sam Cooper

>>15370230, >>15370326 Part Three Of Three- Pre- Knowledge Of 9/11

>>15370263, >>15370271 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Summary of findings of the Corona Investigative Committee. 15 September 2021

>>15370301 Doris Kearns Goodwin is one of the historians trying to shape the J6 narrative

>>15370356, >>15370363 PF Reports Jstars dont see them often.

>>15370391 Full moon, Wolf moon Jan 17th 2022 6:48 pm

>>15370415, >>15370435 New findings 'strongly suggest' Epstein-Barr virus may help trigger multiple sclerosis

>>15370482 Dan Scavino Black Crow (0:21)

>>15370527 “Noose all pedos” A man smashed up a statue commissioned by the BBC & sculpted by sex offender Eric Gill who raped his children, sister & dog (Cap 0:22)

>>15370616 Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6

>>15370189 They don't need to delete anything, they just need to make it seem like a false flag was planned here.

>>15370225 I certainly am, I do not, will not, and have not EVER condoned any violence.

>>15370479 Newfag doesn't know how to use BO tools. Weird ain't it.

>>15370505 Hi retard, welcome to Q research. Here's a tip

>>15370614 I mean, I'm sure they gave you a research packet right?

>>15370682 Hey agent smith, how come your first course of action was to find and unban JonDoodle?

>>15370833 #19442


>>15370940 Why did the re-instate JonDoodle as their first action?

>>15370942 Real #19442 notables

>>15370944 Bakers Union refuses to let OSS bake

>>15370950 Oh, I know Doge, just making sure all the anons see what is happening. This shit is gonna be fun

>>15370954 everyone go into the bread I made and see who locked the bread……… THE PREVIOUS BAKER!!!!

>>15370965 Fake hand-off

>>15370975 Oh shit

>>15370987 GAME ON FAGGOTS

>>15370997 Educate your Children about Child Sex Trafficking

>>15371002 Shill tries to claim regular anons aren't allowed to bake

>>15371033 P.A.N.I.C.

>>15371059 Turns out OSS is antifa they say


>>15371145 Prison guard get's military or jail choice

>>15371158 BiBi out of politics

>>15371169 Baker Beach

>>15371134 It's today [58] v. [59] tomorrow in terms of where the tweet time aligns as a date.

>>15371208 Major winter storm to impact tens of millions in Eastern US over MLK holiday weekend

>>15371217 Remember when /COMMS/ planted a bomb threat on QR?

>>15371343 Tucker: This is worse than we thought

>>15371449 After coordinating the raid with CNN

>>15371473 One Sex Offender, Two Murderers, and Three Gang Members Arrested at U.S. Border

>>15371489 Time Traveler post from 02/22/22

>>15371511 KanekoaTheGreat Forwarded from Official Plandemic

>>15371517 Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variant

>>15371521 Dogefaggot is still a Jr. Agent, has to get real agents coffee and shit

>>15371533 Scavino with a Clarence Thomas clip now.

>>15371323, >>15371444 Nancy Press conference was in the news. She starts press conference discussing the17casualties from mudslides.

>>15371409, >>15371429 Nostalgia posting

>>15371298, >>15371309 B Larp back in full swing.

>>15371123, >>15371125 AB-SO-FUCKING-LUTE-LY

>>15371355, >>15371361, >>15371365 Is the WH preparing for a siege of some kind?

>>15370986, >>15371001, >>15371015, >>15371296, >>15371383 So the BO is baking? - Super organic, these dumb asses

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41d4d8  No.15371645


Spam reported

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41d4d8  No.15371649


BO/BV be advised this is botspam injected via script

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41d4d8  No.15371654


#19443: Year the “Great Realignment” Became a Death Spiral for Democrats Edition

>>15370939 Delaware Governor's public schedule stops March 2020.

>>15370942, >>15371277, >>15371318 It thinks it's baking again...

>>15370947 New stage of the corona parasite just dropped 'ebola-like hemorrhagic fevers"

>>15370957 Watching this with new eyes and ears. Think mirror.

>>15370985, >>15371174, >>15371533 DAN #TBT

>>15370997, >>15371024 Educate your Children about Child Sex Trafficking

>>15370954, >>15371001, >>15371070 How does it feel to be treated the way you treated anons, "OSS"?

>>15371033, >>15371364 It's Official: P.A.N.I.C.

>>15371083, >>15371352 Call for "In-Q-Tel" dig!

>>15371145 It's an upside down world. Prison guard get's military or jail choice

>>15371152, >>15371185, >>15371632 moar Flynn vs Lin posts please

>>15371208 Major winter storm to impact tens of millions in Eastern US over MLK holiday weekend

>>15371212, >>15371212 Scavino posted this vid with a Bird. Pile up of cars in the same area?

>>15371238, >>15371269 il Donaldo Trumpo says BUCKLE UP!

>>15371263 Please share here, there and everywhere [Gain-of-Function]

>>15371298, >>15371446, >>15371499 Who DRIVES you? Who gave you the playbooks?

>>15371323, >>15371444 Nancy Press conference discussing the 17 casualties from mudslides

>>15371343 Tucker: This is worse than we thought

>>15371355, >>15371361, >>15371365 Is the WH preparing for a siege of some kind?

>>15371384 Is Ray Epps John Brennan's brother Tom Brennan another clown in America?

>>15371442 James Gunn and Cena dropping mkultra references and even gave a shoutout to pepe the frog

>>15371450 Read the declaration from the International Association of Physicians and Medical Scientists

>>15371454 Who is on the board of HDRUK? Jeffrey Epstein's right hand woman.

>>15371473 One Sex Offender, Two Murderers, and Three Gang Members Arrested at U.S. Border

>>15371494, >>15371495, >>15371539 ICYMI: Scott Adams melt down, trying to be on every side of the Covid issue

>>15371504 Georgia Finally Investigates Ballot Harvesting Operation

>>15371510 Genomic sequencing matches Moderna Patent from 2017. Then look at link between Moderna and DARPA

>>15371517 Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variant

>>15371592 Earth to Trump and Military By Anna Von Reitz

>>15371616 Twisted Sister guitarist Jay Jay French: "record labels are criminals. It's simple as that."

>>15371622 More than $10M worth of masks, protective gear left in the rain outside Bay Area event center

>>15371651 #19443

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41d4d8  No.15371655

#19442: A taste of Southern lied in Georgia y’all CNN down by 90% Edition

>>15370152, >>15370702 Trump Rally energy firing up in two days

>>15370215 Halo Xbox 360 servers have been shut down, ending an era

>>15370228 Chinese Spies Have Built a Criminal Stronghold in the West, Tied to Cartels and Corruption: Sam Cooper

>>15370230, >>15370326 Part Three Of Three- Pre- Knowledge Of 9/11

>>15370263, >>15370271 Dr. Reiner Fuellmich - Summary of findings of the Corona Investigative Committee. 15 September 2021

>>15370301 Doris Kearns Goodwin is one of the historians trying to shape the J6 narrative

>>15370356, >>15370363 PF Reports Jstars dont see them often.

>>15370391 Full moon, Wolf moon Jan 17th 2022 6:48 pm

>>15370415, >>15370435 New findings 'strongly suggest' Epstein-Barr virus may help trigger multiple sclerosis

>>15370482, >>15370503, >>15370766, >>15370817, >>15370861, >>15370863, >>15370521, >>15370667, >>15370677 Dan Scavino Black Crow (0:21) Black Crow is a little visitor? Or Raven

>>15370527 “Noose all pedos” A man smashed up a statue commissioned by the BBC & sculpted by sex offender Eric Gill who raped his children, sister & dog (Cap 0:22)

>>15370616 Meet Ray Epps, Part 2: Damning New Details Emerge Exposing Massive Web Of Unindicted Operators At The Heart Of January 6

>>15370666 Fraudulently Instructs: Biden tells states to ignore Supreme Court Ruling and impose vax mandates

>>15370694 China's 2021 trade surplus swells to a record $676.4 billion as exports surge 29.8% - AP

>>15370732, >>15370734, >>15370737, >>15370738 ICYMI: "2021: The Year the “Great Realignment” Became a Death Spiral for Democrats"

>>15370813 Michigan Auditor General Report: Gretchen Whitmer Undercounted COVID Nursing Home Deaths by As Much as 30%

>>15370876 #19442

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41d4d8  No.15371659

#19441: Grand Jury for The Transfer of Presidential Power 2022 Edition

>>15369395 Tina peters (CO clerk from symposium) is live on Oltmann live link

>>15369369, >>15369420, >>15369425, >>15369428, >>15369432, >>15369613, >>15369406, >>15369510, >>15369552, >>15369612 Formerly known as Prince, Andrew memes

>>15369379 Rockets targeting US embassy injure two

>>15369447 Fully Vaccinated And Boosted West Virginia Governor “Extremely Unwell” After Positive Covid Test

>>15369449 PF Reports SAM084 up out of Vegas Baby! Mapping Q84

>>15369454 Truckers will need to be fully vaccinated to enter Canada, says federal government

>>15369464, >>15369679 Jim and James show, January 13, 2022

>>15369539 “It Has to Stop” – Joe Biden Tells Social Media Companies to “Deal with” Covid “Misinformation and Disinformation”

>>15369558 Federal judge blocks Pentagon from punishing unvaccinated Navy SEALs, other special forces members

>>15369565 Clockfag YEAR OF THE WATER TIGER Can't wait for the Trump rally

>>15369566 Eight very anxious men: Ghislaine Maxwell GIVES UP battle to keep identities of high-profile John Does named in civil lawsuit sealed after Prince Andrew accuser Virginia Giuffre demands they be made public

>>15369715, >>15369746, >>15369759, >>15369751, >>15369753, >>15369763, >>15369776, >>15369796 Cardinal Princes on Epstein island having to do with an actual Prince even though I knew Andrew had been there.. 3 other Princes?

>>15369717, >>15369793 Queen's 90th birthday and Prince's death (age 57) just happened to be the same day Purple Rain or Purple Reign?

>>15369721 Erdogan blames Turkey’s currency problems on ‘foreign financial tools’ as central bank reserves fall

>>15369723 Corrupt Victorian Deputy Premier James Merlino: Get the clot shot or get sent to a special hotel and Novak Djokovic visa in limbo

>>15369765 Waukesha County judge bars the use of absentee ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin.

>>15369748, >>15369808 March 11th is 11.3 (day-month). exactly 1555 days from start of Q Clock.

>>15369832 CBP Officers Arrest 34 Fugitives Since the Beginning of 2022

>>15369906, >>15369987, >>15369993 Part One Of Three- Pre-knowledge Of 9/11

>>15369911 Governor considers recruiting New Mexico National Guardsmen for teaching positions

>>15369939 ICYMI: "Now Biden’s given America the worst inflation in 40 years"

>>15369943 President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart

>>15369970 ICYMI: "Scandal-ridden CNN sees ratings dive by 90% after 2021 coverage"

>>15369998, >>15370002, >>15370005 ICYMI: "A taste of Southern lied in Georgia y’all"

>>15370085 #19441

Previously Collected

>>15368649 #19439, >>15369289 #19440

>>15367232 #19437, >>15368523 #19438, >>15368651 #19439/2

>>15364632 #19434, >>15365416 #19435, >>15366186 #19436

>>15363198 #19431, >>15363413 #19432, >>15363657 #19433

>>15362187 #19428, >>15360803 #19429, >>15362892 #19430

>>15360376 #19426\1, >>15360380 #19426\2, >>15362056 #19427

>>15356109 #19423, >>15357900 #19424, >>15358178 #19425

>>15353613 #19420, >>15355146 #19421, >>15355263 #19422

>>15351501 #19417, >>15351889 #19418, >>15352758 #19419

>>15349841 #19415, >>15349839 #19415, >>15350339 #19416

>>15348025 #19413, >>15348025 #19413, >>15349021 #19414

>>15346160 #19410, >>15346488 #19411, >>15347293 #19412

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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41d4d8  No.15371660


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President Donald Trump Launches New Platform



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>>15266798 (pb) Learn to Bake,>>15226868 (pb) How to Collect Notables

Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Complete Apprentice baking instructions https://controlc.com/0cf78628

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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41d4d8  No.15371715

File: 8f71b52266944e9⋯.jpeg (97.84 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, 8f71b52266944e9cb8682d1fc….jpeg)



Baker requesting handoff

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1e9745  No.15371717

File: 2f5928333dcce30⋯.mp4 (230.04 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, bvOssIsanigger.mp4)

File: d7e6ba061471a01⋯.png (262.97 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, okeeferamenOssnigger.png)

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41d4d8  No.15371718

File: 86dfabc08da6212⋯.jpg (152.01 KB, 670x670, 1:1, 404cad1c_eaa6_41e9_94c6_ca….jpg)


Fog of war, amirite?

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8702cc  No.15371719

File: a3b214169403371⋯.jpg (136.83 KB, 919x651, 919:651, 8906uu9054u90u054tu08tgu80….jpg)

I refuse to acknowledge the new /qresearch/ heirarchy.

Burn the Kuniarchy

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3baefd  No.15371720


Tik tok one is pretty good

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8b467e  No.15371721

File: f09da74e178ba64⋯.gif (923.17 KB, 400x250, 8:5, BA5057C9_FC3C_493D_9720_EB….gif)

Oh snap! Anon just came across a gif of agencies trying to figure out how to out-meme anons. Gif related. Don’t [they] know if [they] ever made pepe “ghey” anons would quadruple down and make pepe a ghey frog, that was made that way by chemicals in the water out there by the cabal, and then became a lesbian…. Hence… ghey pepe would be banging chicks again? Do [they] not know how the “boomerang” works?

Look at the agencies at work… gif related

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5f8485  No.15371722

File: aa70e387ad9c588⋯.png (15.36 KB, 607x182, 607:182, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_01….png)

BREAKING: Ukraine reports massive cyber attack on government websites - AFP


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f18000  No.15371724

File: 9ac0cad6cfa370f⋯.gif (2.19 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PsychologicalWarfare.gif)

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d8be38  No.15371727

File: 90bc4b9e6bc0576⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 426x568, 3:4, Magic_Sword_Night_shift.gif)

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6a88d6  No.15371729

File: ac566f98d422ca2⋯.jpg (64.4 KB, 800x400, 2:1, bd8b5bc25c008fa983b5ee9773….jpg)


Bless this bread,

Ty Baker

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d31c89  No.15371730

File: 17f98ead5d523af⋯.png (223.21 KB, 500x334, 250:167, d6ee2123ef97c470889c4df40c….png)

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