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File: 60146fd295fb1f6⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

bad7c5  No.14417437[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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bad7c5  No.14417440



>>14415718 Fire and Fury decode via DJT #500

>>14415740 "Among others" added to decode #4935

>>14415769 Owls, Happy Hunting added #522

>>14415778 Protection lost for the Owls?

>>14415783, >>14415799, >>14415849 Blue Corn Moon/ Sturgeon Moon Sunday 8/22

>>14415814 Moar decode: Fire and Fury book about DJT (leaked in full)

>>14415820, >>14416224 Planefag spots #HarrisDoesHanoi

>>14415928 A reminder on owls

>>14415942 Owl cyber defense

>>14415964 Decode summary

>>14415985 CORN/NROC proof

>>14415988 10th Mountain Division in Kabul

>>14415994 US and British Army bases near poppy production in Afghanistan

>>14416012 Afghani independence day was 19 August - celebrates 1919 treaty

>>14416085 Dang. A clockfag decode even baker understands.

>>14416113, >>14416309 Anons opine on the importance of Afghanistan to Black and White Hats

>>14416133 SCOTUS blocks Remain in Place policy revival

>>14416503 538 offers a rundown on Dem House retirements

>>14416517 CA wildfire park closures

>>14416539 #18236



>>14414845 Doctors say they would be concerned about 'anyone' with Joe Biden's symptoms at age 78

>>14414846, >>14414916 Michael Yeadon Former Pfizer VO Message On Vaccines /


>>14414851, >>14414865 Tucson being investigated over vaccine mandate


>>14414881 PF REPORT - SAM060, SAM057 adjust course from Elmendorf to Hanoi to avoid flying over Russian, China airspace

>>14414887, >>14414922 Chemistry teacher no longer employed after anti-Trump rant to students goes viral

>>14414924 Dr. Carol Swain on the fight against CRT, release of '1776 Curriculum

>>14414955 Are Effective COVID Medications Like Ivermectin Being Suppressed Because Their Successful Treatments Could Cause Vaccines to Lose Government Funding?

>>14414971 Three Reasons the White Hats Are Winning

>>14415008 Tucker Carlson sees coverup plot behind announcement FBI found little evidence of coordination among Jan. 6 demonstrators

>>14415033 U.S. Army - The @DeptofDefense is laser-focused on operations at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul

>>14415052 NSA Cyber - Our guidance is still applicable for network defenders hunting webshells this weekend.

>>14415088, >>14415090 In a new video called “Make A Stand,” AFLDS and Frontline Films™ continue its crusade during unprecedented censorship on accurate information surrounding COVID-19

>>14415152 #18235

Previously Collected Notables

>>14413256 #18232, >>14414007 #18233, >>14414794 #18234

>>14410927 #18229, >>14411697 #18230, >>14412460 #18231

>>14408639 #18226, >>14409405 #18227, >>14410162 #18228

>>14406271 #18223, >>14407077 #18224, >>14407871 #18225

>>14405701 #18220, >>14405791 #18221, >>14406971 #18222

>>14401351 #18217, >>14402129 #18218, >>14404857 #18219

>>14398886 #18214, >>14399762 #18215, >>14400510 #18216

>>14396588 #18211, >>14397378 #18212, >>14398112 #18213

>>14395465 #18208, >>14395082 #18209, >>14395776 #18210

>>14391749 #18205, >>14392505 #18206, >>14393271 #18207

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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bad7c5  No.14417445

File: f82dccae500fc5e⋯.png (360.38 KB, 555x555, 1:1, Conspiracy.png)

Same Old Dough: https://controlc.com/a573f520

Shotpost Away Anons.

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bad7c5  No.14417448


Kitchen is open.

Self Confirm

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96e2c7  No.14417449

File: 892d7d41e850e9c⋯.png (48.38 KB, 650x172, 325:86, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)

File: 0b3663f2a06d55a⋯.png (44.07 KB, 651x171, 217:57, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)

I just remembered about the Afghan President stealing $169 million dollars on a few Helicopters.

How many Americans did a few Helicopters rescue at a hotel near the airport?


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f199f1  No.14417451

File: 38a811e9aad26cb⋯.png (97.53 KB, 214x253, 214:253, TrumpPepe.png)

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b182ad  No.14417453

File: 4b5481f642993ed⋯.png (307.74 KB, 509x322, 509:322, backtat.png)


>Shotpost Away Anons.

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e96edf  No.14417454

>>14417333 lb


Thar fixed it for ya

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d13801  No.14417455

>>14417301 /LB

Arrogance is beneath you, anon.

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66b5cb  No.14417456



Look at that beautiful beautiful bread. Lean like a fighting machine.


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9a5322  No.14417458

>>14417230 PB

Schwarzenegger is a German surname that means person from Schwarzenegg, which is both a town in Switzerland and a place in Land Salzburg in Austria. The name also translates literally to "black ploughman" in German.

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e83370  No.14417460

File: b641c617085d370⋯.jpg (75.9 KB, 721x738, 721:738, b641c617085d370b5df6f4a29e….jpg)


TY for the ebake.

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9a5322  No.14417463

File: c06890d05d54848⋯.png (37.99 KB, 308x305, 308:305, ThankQ_Baker.png)

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4cae50  No.14417466

File: 841f3070d97bfbd⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1713x962, 1713:962, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2918776d0364bb0⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1238x774, 619:387, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a811dc36ea375e⋯.png (327.03 KB, 295x373, 295:373, ClipboardImage.png)

the bible says the afghanistan belongs to america for eternity

obama will proclaim soon

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bcdf02  No.14417467

File: 7b881b87c5c0f49⋯.mp4 (5.53 MB, 638x308, 29:14, 7b881b87c5c0f492ab8cf5c23e….mp4)

Upgraded version.

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1b406d  No.14417472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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402b51  No.14417474

File: 6e91e67b4746abc⋯.jpg (68.89 KB, 499x499, 1:1, tumblr_nxvp7nSSsf1ueiaxzo1….jpg)

Cant stop wont stop

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eeeda3  No.14417475

Dear Q. I’m not feeling real comfy right now. The feelz tell me there is a massive storm coming.

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630725  No.14417478

File: 3860245f6909814⋯.jpg (109.46 KB, 565x586, 565:586, toldyaso.jpg)

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24b2af  No.14417480

There's like 236 breads going on… is this the right fucking Bread?

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b66e2e  No.14417481


We DID effing tell them so….long and strong. They are cracking, several personal stories of this.

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d96e30  No.14417482


I was waiting for one of them to accidentally shoot themselves or someone else kek

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c32fb5  No.14417488

File: acdca8f3c2c1a34⋯.png (436.33 KB, 519x300, 173:100, ClipboardImage.png)

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731863  No.14417490

I just… JUST had the cops at my house which is beside this point I am making here.. The person has been arrested! anyway..

After a cop took my report, I asked him if they are going to force you to take the vaccine. He said, "our union is fighting hard against it". I said "good because it is poison you know.."

I told him to check out AndWeKnow.Com and informed him of Q_Research being unfiltered news and he mouthed to me "I know" pointing to his vest camera. I said the media really exaggerates the idiots numbers, eh.. He smiled..

That all reassured that hell out of me and then..

This knocked me for a loop!

The officer's name tag was J. Johnson and I had just watched Jeremiah Johnson last night and told him that.. He said, "That's my name, my mom named me after that movie because she was watching it while she went into labor".


I just had to share that bit of info with you anons.

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26593d  No.14417491

File: 2ddc4b1a1c3d789⋯.png (679.95 KB, 612x909, 68:101, not_a_horse.PNG)

File: ed9d5f6d5e3e2cd⋯.png (429.29 KB, 574x761, 574:761, trigger.PNG)

File: 56b351dbb502d0c⋯.png (565.49 KB, 584x383, 584:383, chess_hill.PNG)


You are not a horse. You are not a cow. Seriously, y'all. Stop it.


Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19

Using the Drug ivermectin to treat COVID-19 can be dangerous and even lethal. The FDA has not approved the drug for that purpose.

You Retweeted



Replying to


More answers to questions…

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e83370  No.14417493

File: 53602c5ca540b60⋯.jpg (15.58 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 63c107c352d93f294639a4f6e8….jpg)


Sounds like you're going to need some TP.

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c563da  No.14417495

File: 63a167fdd7fd25f⋯.png (361.08 KB, 863x625, 863:625, ClipboardImage.png)

Fire and Fury

From social media (two year delta incoming)


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4709f9  No.14417499

File: 1ae5949188c1e10⋯.png (99.95 KB, 1425x973, 1425:973, NIH_jpg.png)

File: e991e930744703a⋯.png (539.51 KB, 1547x981, 1547:981, FDA_jpg.png)

File: 79abcdf933fecf7⋯.png (365.33 KB, 1627x985, 1627:985, Nobel_jpg.png)

Not too long ago, the NIH quietly released a report giving positive light to Ivermectin treating Covid.

Ivermectin for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Infection: A Systematic Review, Meta-analysis, and Trial Sequential Analysis to Inform Clinical Guidelines


But on the other hand, the FDAs website tells me not to take Ivermectin for Covid..

Why You Should Not Use Ivermectin to Treat or Prevent COVID-19


Why would the FDA tell me not to take it? Might it have something to do with the fact that if Ivermectin works against Covid and is readily available, then the FDA can't approve the vax because there is no reason for a vax?

But wait….

Ivermectin was awarded the Nobel Prize in medicine in 2015 because of how awesome it is.


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9d783f  No.14417500

File: 89dc57e3c5cc0b8⋯.jpeg (74.11 KB, 750x632, 375:316, F123CC6E_651C_43D6_BD06_7….jpeg)

File: 769e8fefc974fb3⋯.jpeg (302.51 KB, 750x1039, 750:1039, 95F306EE_5329_4D7A_93EC_2….jpeg)


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4a029f  No.14417503

File: 3b5229bbdb48bd1⋯.jpg (209.28 KB, 608x562, 304:281, SMN.jpg)

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26593d  No.14417506

File: 64e67750e3b3985⋯.png (506.19 KB, 651x356, 651:356, my_name_is_nobody_10.PNG)

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e83370  No.14417509

File: cb2f8913fc1d05a⋯.png (280.66 KB, 892x892, 1:1, ba1ae748de00d433a946d71ed3….png)


No. You want the 234th one.

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5db6ed  No.14417511

So Joe Biden gave each Taliban fighter a new vehicle? They left behind 75,000 vehicles and Joe said there is 75,000 Taliban fighters, would have been cheaper to pay the Afghanistan Army their wages.

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d13801  No.14417514


Well, if true how cool is that to have a irl experience of connection! Thanks, anon.

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e0625b  No.14417517

File: d49267d637343dc⋯.jpg (45.32 KB, 337x404, 337:404, Trump_flag_pepe.jpg)


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39264f  No.14417518

It doesn't matter how "good" the politicians we elect are as long as unelected globalists are in control of our currency. We are at their mercy.

The Golden Rule

He who has the gold makes the rules.

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82be7a  No.14417519

Noticing ivermectin (injectable) is becoming less available online. I went to refresh an order and found most outlets out (Tractor supply, Amazon, pet stores) or only available for in-person pick-up.


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c563da  No.14417521

File: e9fbbc88994f0c4⋯.png (7.02 MB, 3600x3600, 1:1, 1qclock_vanilla_2_36x3644O….png)


From notables KEK

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e96edf  No.14417522


…and everyone who voted and supported him

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9d783f  No.14417523

File: 8a13bbaadb01c70⋯.jpeg (196.17 KB, 750x1054, 375:527, 38759928_B4AE_451E_B857_2….jpeg)



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4dcc39  No.14417525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



God bless the USA

If we fall, the world falls

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3d4198  No.14417527

>>14417316 pb

>>>14417282 (You)


>>Hitler was always ranting about judeo-bolshevism


>The original translation was "Asiatic Jew" FYI

in the original German it was Judäo-Bolschewismus, or Jüdischer Bolschewismus ...

Asiatic meant Eastern Untermenschen, subhumans in the Nazi parlance meaning the Slavs like Melania and everybody east from them

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9826fb  No.14417528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not a new topic(Wuhan lab origin), but surprised to see Brand discuss the fact that yes, it makes sense that more and more people are questioning the overarching narratives. Don't know if this is a slow walk red-pilling, but, the fact that more folks are going "wtf" is somewhat encouraging.

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5b2513  No.14417529

File: 439519e45272adb⋯.png (421.58 KB, 1328x370, 664:185, ClipboardImage.png)

Mebendazole is a anti parasite drug (like Ivermectin), works very well against Covid.

Guess what… sold out everywhere in the Netherlands.

Production is stopped because of stagnation in delivery of raw materials with no reasons given.




This is on purpose.

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a49534  No.14417530


testicles the size of raisins

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b98723  No.14417532


Him pointing to his body cam was a sign to shut your pie hole and he knows Kek.

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e83370  No.14417534

File: f11b464717c708a⋯.jpg (85.36 KB, 1080x689, 1080:689, f11b464717c708a2131c77d256….jpg)


>Noticing ivermectin (injectable) is becoming less available online.

Be back in a few. Going to add to the shortage.

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00f1fb  No.14417535

File: 26d9b213a43bca2⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 294x171, 98:57, 45364703286651387562345325….jpg)

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26593d  No.14417536

File: 221d7b7d14bf1e3⋯.png (574.01 KB, 858x791, 858:791, then_we_th.PNG)


It’s Worse than We Thought: Taliban Seized 75,000 Vehicles, 600,000 Weapons and 200 Aircraft in Afghanistan Leftover by Biden Admin

By Jim Hoft

Published August 21, 2021 at 2:37pm


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5b2513  No.14417538


Sorry, forgot link to medical article….


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731863  No.14417541

File: 81df169c9dc84c8⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB, 640x362, 320:181, EPIC_SPEECH_FROM_A_PATRIOT.mp4)

Always good nfo from AWK

8.21.21: More Warriors using their God-given abilities to FIGHT EVIL! Pray!


This speech almost had me out of my seat cheering!

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990f53  No.14417542

File: 2de0ed0af90de18⋯.png (2.54 MB, 1725x852, 575:284, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14417180 LB

Who reports to P again??

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975a4c  No.14417544

File: 6c7892a116994f1⋯.jpg (1.87 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, P_20210821_154511.jpg)

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d49fde  No.14417546

File: c35b698b485574a⋯.gif (3.6 MB, 444x250, 222:125, tpboys_bong.gif)


be cool

she's coming over here

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96e2c7  No.14417547


Is that gonna get hit by Henri too? The Hamptons are about to get a beating

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c32fb5  No.14417549

File: b78a6749d6f9b24⋯.png (260.71 KB, 808x528, 101:66, ClipboardImage.png)

Looking for Georgia Nov 3rd election graph.

All I'm finding from search is the senate race graph.

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65ed12  No.14417550

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Never So Awake, Never More Alone – Grant Gulliet

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c62c82  No.14417551

File: d369eb0d4456275⋯.png (389.72 KB, 1046x2294, 523:1147, fs.png)

Fact Sheet: United States Imposes Additional Costs on Russia for the Poisoning of Aleksey Navalny

AUGUST 20, 2021

New sanctions imposed today under the CBW Act include:

Restrictions on the permanent imports of certain Russian firearms. New and pending permit applications for the permanent importation of firearms and ammunition manufactured or located in Russia will be subject to a policy of denial.

Additional Department of Commerce export restrictions on nuclear and missile-related goods and technology pursuant to the Export Control Reform Act of 2018.


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9826fb  No.14417554

File: 49521c6894d4f1d⋯.png (52.73 KB, 303x331, 303:331, ClipboardImage.png)


2 scoops of 'roids

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7d6144  No.14417556

File: 4d8c8da085738e7⋯.jpeg (770.61 KB, 1242x1515, 414:505, EEBD4FFE_7BA6_44A3_BC36_A….jpeg)

Tunnels bombed by US in #Afghanistan were originally built by the CIA | via New York Times #Taliban



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267fd3  No.14417557

File: 37a3db1113d7055⋯.png (872.49 KB, 884x784, 221:196, stepping.png)

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c95060  No.14417560

File: 5795a1776318426⋯.jpg (25.85 KB, 367x264, 367:264, Screenshot_20210821_141912….jpg)

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3d4198  No.14417561


>>>14417316 pb


>>>>14417282 (You)




>>>Hitler was always ranting about judeo-bolshevism




>>The original translation was "Asiatic Jew" FYI


>in the original German it was Judäo-Bolschewismus, or Jüdischer Bolschewismus …


>Asiatic meant Eastern Untermenschen, subhumans in the Nazi parlance meaning the Slavs like Melania and everybody east from them

thinking about it … Melania looks a bit Mongolische, eyes and the cheek bones

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08a032  No.14417563

File: b923429e87affc0⋯.png (423.6 KB, 586x562, 293:281, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 58e3aeba5ae1081⋯.png (236.1 KB, 997x659, 997:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbe4761b4b2efff⋯.png (65.72 KB, 601x433, 601:433, ClipboardImage.png)


U.S. Geological Survey crews are in the field today installing storm tide sensors – from Long Island, New York, to Cape Cod, Massachusetts – that will measure storm tide flooding and waves along the Atlantic coast caused by Hurricane Henri.

USGS storm tide sensors provide essential water level and wave data that local, state and federal officials can use to inform decisions that help protect lives and property.

Scientists use the information gathered by the sensors to fine-tune future storm surge and coastal change forecasts.

The sensor data can also be used to guide recovery efforts, plan evacuation routes, identify areas hardest hit by storm tide flooding, inform building code decisions and improve structure design¬¬s to increase public safety.

Storm tides are rises in ocean water levels caused by coastal storms and include storm-generated surge plus local tide increases.

Storm tides are among the most dangerous natural hazards unleashed by hurricanes and tropical storms and experts are predicting some areas in Henri’s path could get life threatening storm tide flooding.

To learn more, visit:


USGS Deploying Storm Tide Sensors From NY to MA for Hurricane Henri

Release Date: AUGUST 21, 2021

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2bfd15  No.14417565

File: fac7cb916dede5f⋯.png (368.47 KB, 702x544, 351:272, ClipboardImage.png)

America’s Audit Update: Report To Be Delivered EARLY NEXT WEEK – Audit Opponents Release SAD Prebuttals

Arizona GOP Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward issued another amazing Americas Audit Update late last night.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the preliminary audit report will be delivered to the Arizona Senate early next week.

In addition, radical, deplorable hating Secretary of State Katie Hobbs and RINO Maricopa County Recorder Steven Richer have released some ludicrous preliminary responses to the coming judgment they face.

Dr. Kelli Ward gave the following update.

Ward: Hello everyone Welcome to America’s audit update from the Republican Party of Arizona. I am your Chairwoman, Dr Kelli Ward. Now, we are being told by the audit team that their report is going to be delivered to the Arizona State Senate, early next week. The State Senate is going to review the results for clarity, and for accuracy, and then they’re going to release the final report to the public. Now, like all of you, I am anxiously awaiting that final report.

Now, opponents of the audit are apparently anxious about that report too. They can’t wait. In the last 24 hours Democrat Secretary of State, radical, leftist, progressive, Trump supporter hating Katie Hobbs released what she named a “report on the partisan review of the 2020 general election in Maricopa County”, the media, they dubbed it a prebuttal. In other words, she’s making up stories to misinform and mislead the public, as usual. The ridiculous, ridiculous Maricopa County Recorder, who’s been vocal in his disdain for the audit, put out an open letter to Maricopa County, hilariously pious. Remember, he doesn’t want attention. He wants the office to be boring again, but he did have time to put on makeup and head over to CNN and MSNBC, to avoid any attention. Of course, these fantasies were sent out to their liberal allies in the media and rolled out at the press conference by a supposedly nonpartisan group. I’m sure no sane person read Richard’s 38 Page manifesto and even fewer watched their performance.

Am I in a time warp here? These opponents are responding to the audit before the report is even been given to the State Senate. Do they have a crystal ball? Can they see into the future? I don’t think so. But what they do have is smoke and mirrors. Hobbs tried to criticize the audit for not having adequate security procedures, but many, many observers praise the audit for how secure it was. It was much greater security than ever existed at the Maricopa County tabulation center. Of course, Hobbs fails to comment on the breach of the Maricopa County election system that occurred shortly before the election. Hey Katie, omissions are also lies.

The Maricopa county recorders, open letter. Oh, it is as sad, a communication as I’ve ever seen, that has come from an elected official. It’s filled with numerous woe is me anecdotes, and undeserved, unfounded, and even egregious attacks on audit contractors. ironically, there is a section titled, “I was never anti audit.” OMG, he’s a comedian. Actions speak louder than words Stevie. This county recorder has tried to hinder the audit at every step of the way. It’s embarrassing he’s a Republican. Responding ahead of time to a report that has yet to be filed is not responsible governing. These two sets of documents were very, very long, lengthy and they were released at the same time. This is not a response to the audit. It is a naked attempt to control the narrative.

These are just more failed attempts to cover their tracks when this report shows the serious discrepancies, which have been found so far.

They still refuse to provide system admin access and router access.


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42a997  No.14417566


Rule 1 is a rule for a reason anon. If in doubt, refer to Rule 2.

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9a5322  No.14417567

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world"

John 16.33

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14b21c  No.14417568


Is that lady 11 months pregnant?

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c62c82  No.14417569


someone's collecting these citizen videos in a bread


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2bfd15  No.14417570


Bloodlines of Illuminati








The Rothschild’s Global Crime Syndicate and How It Workshttp://themillenniumreport.com/2019/08/the-rothschilds-global-crime-syndicate-and-how-it-works/

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7d6144  No.14417571

File: 8ece3acdfb84291⋯.jpeg (949.35 KB, 1215x1540, 243:308, 89A69521_3049_42B7_B55D_9….jpeg)

Can someone tell me where these wires are going and why is the desk is standing on cases?



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26593d  No.14417572

File: cdb600431480782⋯.png (205.5 KB, 390x824, 195:412, no_good.PNG)

File: f71099c8d9e9ca3⋯.png (68.06 KB, 392x575, 392:575, trending_iv.PNG)

File: c5d1ac69ada8d8a⋯.png (346.45 KB, 394x372, 197:186, my_name_is_nobody_9.PNG)


We The Media, [21.08.21 08:31]

[Forwarded from The Kate Awakening Channel (The Kate Awakening)]

[ Photo ]

From the people who brought you false news of Lil Wayne’s impending death and a fake photo of JFK partying on a boat:


I personally took ivermectin 3 months ago, as prescribed by a DOCTOR, when I had covid. I was symptom free within days.

My elderly mother was given ivermectin by the Mayo Clinic when she was hospitalized with covid last year, and she also recovered beautifully within days.

Never forget who owns these rags or that they, apparently, want you to die.

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b182ad  No.14417574


>I’m not feeling real comfy right now.

We're being given a gift, Anon

We're being given the opportunity to take part in the futures history.

Everyone dies

Most are born, breathe a bit and pas on.

Each of us living today has an opportunity to Ride the Tiger.

Embrace the suck

Be the calm in the storm.

God has given us this opportunity.

Be great. It's what you were born to be.

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d13801  No.14417575

People have been camping out for DAYS to get into President Trumps rally tonight in Alabama; GETTR set up phone charging stations! Fucking love it.

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731863  No.14417576

File: ea5f28aa8f2746d⋯.png (346.07 KB, 547x242, 547:242, ClipboardImage.png)


>if true

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355810  No.14417577

File: cf7bd99af8475ca⋯.mp4 (2.9 MB, 640x800, 4:5, cf7bd99af8475ca68526bad750….mp4)

anons are different. why?

our 'god' is not FEAR. Our 'master' is not FEAR.

FEAR is the GOD of this place. The spellbound are stricken and enslaved by their own fears.

Actions tell truths.

LOVE knows no fear. The opposite is also true.

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08a032  No.14417578

File: 1e8ef003d7a268c⋯.png (577.58 KB, 636x663, 212:221, ClipboardImage.png)




7pm ct

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990f53  No.14417580


Looks like quads!!

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96e2c7  No.14417581



I was JUST reading about the Argo Tunnel in Idaho Springs, Colorado, an old Gold mine drainage & access tunnel

I like when that happens

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e0c17a  No.14417582

File: 379c3646c4bd03f⋯.jpg (137.15 KB, 942x728, 471:364, GOD_Bless_You.jpg)


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0f8e1c  No.14417583

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

Reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are blessed and loved


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9a5322  No.14417584


Looks like she could go at any time, the baby has already dropped.

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4fe0f2  No.14417587

Is there one fucking person on this planet that knows and can explain why Trump is still pushing the poison and why is he so proud of that his vaccine program was so quick? He keeps doing it again and again.

It's not for PR, if he was sceptical towards vaccines, he'd probably have even greater support

His JJ shot doesn't "work" and it's not some placebo either, it fucking kills people like the rest

Why on earth would he tell his supporters to take poison, what on earth could be the motive?

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d13801  No.14417588


Unnecessary, but thank you for this!

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3660cc  No.14417590

File: 20a729e7c110ff9⋯.jpg (85.14 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, ZomboMeme_11082021161932.jpg)

File: fc42e58d5041e2b⋯.jpg (106.37 KB, 956x1020, 239:255, ZomboMeme_09082021215237.jpg)

File: 8d5601e82cef7cf⋯.jpg (120.69 KB, 1016x960, 127:120, ZomboMeme_15082021210159.jpg)

File: 413b7450712c582⋯.jpg (114.77 KB, 1020x964, 255:241, ZomboMeme_21082021095300.jpg)

File: f43fe72e6e2db79⋯.jpg (77.47 KB, 962x932, 481:466, ZomboMeme_21082021102105.jpg)

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c95060  No.14417591

File: 86e3f9cff887a13⋯.jpg (38.73 KB, 359x250, 359:250, Screenshot_20210821_150634….jpg)

File: 4b35cdb5aabeda8⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 348x276, 29:23, Screenshot_20210821_150636….jpg)

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c95060  No.14417593

File: 3223349cc9bdd6a⋯.jpg (76.49 KB, 703x466, 703:466, Screenshot_20210820_083156….jpg)

File: 6955b37506b90a4⋯.jpg (84.76 KB, 518x671, 518:671, Screenshot_20210820_083208….jpg)

File: 04d817dde5e3eb0⋯.jpg (20.86 KB, 283x216, 283:216, Screenshot_20210820_083257….jpg)

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bad7c5  No.14417594


New Dough: https://controlc.com/67079a11

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3bd786  No.14417596


lol… number sequence is lining up its a good start.

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ce98b5  No.14417598

File: 695f5db58584dd8⋯.png (169.61 KB, 500x281, 500:281, ClipboardImage.png)


You just doxxed Officer Jerimah Johnson.

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c95060  No.14417601

File: d473a34229e3fac⋯.jpg (27.88 KB, 416x311, 416:311, Screenshot_20210821_145607….jpg)

Supply drop: memes.


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0f8e1c  No.14417603

File: 3c4faad0e22bec2⋯.jpg (1.16 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210821_180119_199.jpg)


ThanQ sweet home ebaker

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731863  No.14417604

File: f9362410b376a4e⋯.gif (2.56 MB, 245x256, 245:256, external_content_duckduckg….gif)

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ce98b5  No.14417606

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f199f1  No.14417607

File: a61c3c69594f4c5⋯.gif (913.82 KB, 480x287, 480:287, Biden_Cmon_Man.gif)


>Can someone tell me where these wires are going and why is the desk is standing on cases?

It's a bioelectric plate interface at the base of his spine. Cases contain bioelectro modulators, phase arrays neural networks etc…kek

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c95060  No.14417608

File: 5388062f820afff⋯.jpg (75.29 KB, 598x443, 598:443, Screenshot_20210820_084644….jpg)

File: 25d5d5bed39f704⋯.jpg (60.97 KB, 352x447, 352:447, Screenshot_20210820_084645….jpg)

File: 27a141bde6f0986⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 356x436, 89:109, Screenshot_20210820_084646….jpg)

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26593d  No.14417610

File: ecd531640b601bc⋯.png (557.91 KB, 820x694, 410:347, thousands_cali.PNG)

File: d075e3d1a819e0b⋯.jpg (37.76 KB, 521x778, 521:778, total_recall_saved.JPG)


Man Arrested With Thousands Of Ballots In His Possession In California

Anthony T by Anthony T12 hours ago12 hours ago

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f28d59  No.14417612


Three components of the Just War Tradition

In this course we are going to be thinking about war, and the morality of war. To understand what philosophers have written in this area, we need to distinguish two things. The first is a tradition of thought, and the second an area of philosophical enquiry.

The first, known as ‘the Just War Tradition ’ is a long historical tradition which is difficult to summarise in a non-controversial manner. It is, more or less, the claim that there is a set of conditions which can act as a kind of checklist for whether a war is just or not. The Just War Tradition takes its form because it originated as a source of advice for princes and kings who were considering whether or not to wage war. In particular, the early modern just war theorists were advising Christian princes on whether their warfare was justified. They were advised that, if their actions met the conditions specified the Just War Tradition, then they were morally justified in waging war. One reason why the Just War Tradition is important today is that it has been encoded in the rules of war – the laws covering international conflict – at the Geneva Convention, the Hague Convention and so on. These conditions were conventionally divided into two groups, one concerned with when one may go to war and the other concerned with how one may fight. These two sets of conditions are standardly known by their Latin tags: Jus ad Bellum and Jus in Bello

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59ecee  No.14417613



Party On Obama…… Hurricane wipe out……..

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e96edf  No.14417614


smart MOMMA!

Having her baby listen to the most highest ranking ANON and most stable genius we all knowz …, like playing MOZART

Future genius

God Bless

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c95060  No.14417615

File: 152145f825e3078⋯.jpg (28.69 KB, 334x245, 334:245, Screenshot_20210821_082634….jpg)

File: 75ade7fa144b2bc⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 344x247, 344:247, Screenshot_20210821_082640….jpg)

File: e67c130835c3186⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 379x246, 379:246, Screenshot_20210819_105409….jpg)

File: 7366d42aea7f1f0⋯.jpg (26.27 KB, 317x283, 317:283, Screenshot_20210819_105443….jpg)

File: ca897d1ff32669c⋯.jpg (32.59 KB, 239x370, 239:370, Screenshot_20210819_105445….jpg)

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4bbab2  No.14417617


Kooky kosmos kimosabi…

Just been watching John Milius doc…

And took a break to check in here.

Far out, you said it!

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cfe379  No.14417619

File: f303442697f9ac5⋯.jpg (449.4 KB, 1147x642, 1147:642, capture_431_20082021_08295….jpg)

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629f8d  No.14417620

File: 6b9ff23c3ec5ddb⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 372x298, 186:149, 4e3c685c82bdb4c8a5f0a367aa….gif)

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c95060  No.14417621

File: 95fada8d84a53de⋯.jpg (71.85 KB, 451x446, 451:446, Screenshot_20210819_094314….jpg)

File: 99f42900da0b311⋯.jpg (130.22 KB, 620x443, 620:443, Screenshot_20210819_230856….jpg)

File: 426753f4a4d75db⋯.jpg (42.51 KB, 362x327, 362:327, Screenshot_20210819_233255….jpg)

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e99b0e  No.14417623

File: ee37d0b5f694d5c⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1118x742, 559:371, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 085c54c2b84c9b4⋯.png (812.77 KB, 812x488, 203:122, ClipboardImage.png)

24.5k watching RSBN on youtube.

33.5k watching RSBN on Rumble.

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608873  No.14417624

File: 8c93e8b05300d31⋯.png (394.04 KB, 790x565, 158:113, Heads_Up.png)

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7d6144  No.14417625


anons on the same frequency! Hi likeminded fren

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c95060  No.14417627

File: 6a79afbf7a60981⋯.jpg (15.76 KB, 359x166, 359:166, Screenshot_20210819_105533….jpg)

File: ce38423a8ef747b⋯.jpg (60.22 KB, 388x382, 194:191, Screenshot_20210819_105535….jpg)

File: fedcacf2b3babd2⋯.jpg (41.49 KB, 378x330, 63:55, Screenshot_20210819_105820….jpg)

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e96edf  No.14417628


veil lifting

untoucchables finding out wut its like to fauci around

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d49fde  No.14417629


opsec anon


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2bfd15  No.14417630

File: cb9f85a69e436bc⋯.png (96.26 KB, 502x479, 502:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1e2fb4f729e630⋯.png (18.9 KB, 525x186, 175:62, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ed7652b1467298⋯.png (29.22 KB, 538x245, 538:245, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5e1396984211e0⋯.png (212.8 KB, 1000x909, 1000:909, ClipboardImage.png)

YouTube Kills Conservative Commentator’s Live Stream For Discussing History of Afghanistan

BlackPigeonSpeaks' live stream was banned despite no clear violation of YouTube policies

YouTube terminated a live stream hosted by Felix Rex, better known as Black Pigeon Speaks, which focused on the history of Afghanistan leading up to current events. According to Rex, the take down happened mid-stream, as he and his guest were discussing the history of Afghanistan that led to the United States’ 2001 invasion of the country.

“Youtube just took down the first stream I have ever made mid-stream talking about the history of Afghanistan as well as the lead up the the American led invasion,” wrote Rex. “Not only are my subs removed and my channel shadow banned, but unless you are controlled opposition you can’t comment.”

Michael De La Broc, who was featured on the stream alongside Rex, first broke the news on Twitter. “No reason given, we literally didn’t touch any verboten topics, literally just current events,” he wrote. In a separate tweet addressed to YouTube, he added, “Hi, @TeamYouTube you just suspended @navyhato midstream, we were talking about events in Afghanistan, no swearing, no terms of service broke, no forbidden topics addressed. No reason given, 2,000 people watching, what’s the deal?”


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c01e68  No.14417631

File: 480c684292d4131⋯.gif (733.86 KB, 280x210, 4:3, 480c684292d4131d2bc4904ec2….gif)

>>14417577 dubs

To know God is to know fear.

Righteous fear.

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dddd4d  No.14417634

Letter to believers in fear of covid (1/2)


To all CHRISTIANS in fear of covid:

The Pilgrim Church, by E.H. Broadbent, first published in 1931, shows the “continuance through succeeding centuries of churches practising the principles taught and exemplified in the New Testament.” Let us read of our brother Konrad Grebel, in the 1500s, who died of the plague after escaping from prison and attending secret meetings with other believers in the forest:

>…Konrad Grebel, son of a member of the Zürich Council…distinguished himself in the Universities both of Paris and Vienna…[he was] untiring, travelling, visiting from house to house, preaching, exhorting, and great numbers accepted the Gospel and were baptized and gathered as churches… The Council forbade all these things… persecution became relentless…endeavouring to exterminate the churches… The meetings, which were held secretly at night in a forest, were discovered and scattered, and fresh places of gathering had to be found. At this time Grebel died of the plague (1526)…

Let us also read of our brother Anthony Norris Groves: Around 1829, facing a plague in Baghdad, he and the other believers with him refused to flee and refused to stop their assembling together:

>…Rapidly the plague increased, and although half the population had fled, among the 40,000 remaining the mortality soon reached 2000 daily. …As to the little missionary household, their hearts were rent at the sight of the indescribable horrors going on around them, yet Groves was able to write at this time: “…the Lord has kept us of His infinite mercy in personal quiet and peace, trusting under the shadow of His Almighty wing, and has enabled us daily to assemble in undiminished numbers, when tens of thousands have been falling around us…”

In both these cases, the believers did not abandon their assembling together, no matter the threat of plague, persecution, and death. Let us consider Hebrews 10:22-25:

>Let us come forward to the Holy of Holies with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope unwavering, for He who has promised is faithful; and let us consider one another so as to incite one another to love and good works, not abandoning our own assembling together, as the custom with some is, but exhorting one another; and so much the more as you see the day drawing near.

Groves was separated from Grebel by 300 years, and we are separated from Groves by 200 years. We are hundreds of years closer to the Lord’s coming than both of these brothers. How can we put the torch down now, after so many have gone before us? How will we face these ones who willingly and joyfully risked life and limb to meet together as the Lord commanded us to do? Consider the slaves of Jesus Christ who this very night are being slaughtered in Afghanistan at the hands of the Taliban. This week on social media you could see posts like this:

>Just FaceTimed with [my parents]! They are hiding, surrounded by gunfire and bombs. Everyone is hiding in their homes. The Taliban are taking women, and slaughtering anyone who resists them. They will kill all foreigners and anyone who has worked with foreigners over the past 20yrs. Yet, my mum and dad are full of peace and joy.

We should never be careless and carefree. But we should not be fearful and faithless. Has the Lord not commanded us to meet together for His testimony? We should be deliberate and decisive in our faith, that should the Lord choose to take our lives because we are following His command to assemble together for His testimony, that this would be our honor and a crown.

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630725  No.14417636

In a matter of 2 mins, Amazon raised the price of 3 tubes of Ivermectin from 36 to 94. Yesterday it was 27.

Durvet Ivermectin Paste Equine Dewormer - 3 Pack (New - 3 Pack)

5.0 out of 5 stars 2

$94.50$94.50 ($94.50/Count)

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c95060  No.14417638

File: cb2351e554e9273⋯.jpg (28.22 KB, 337x229, 337:229, Screenshot_20210819_170855….jpg)

File: 3a27ca42d41d756⋯.jpg (669.67 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Screenshot_20210819_183856….jpg)

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39264f  No.14417639


Optics? He would get destroyed if he came out against any vax. The vax was supposed to be the end of the pandemic. He parroting [their] points, which makes them have to keep moving the goal posts?

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f199f1  No.14417641

File: e34df105193147c⋯.jpg (79.59 KB, 600x335, 120:67, GiantVoice.jpg)

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0f8e1c  No.14417642



Adolf Hitler and Arnold Schwarzenegger are both Austrians (not from Germany).

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2bfd15  No.14417643

File: dcd6a3377e89515⋯.png (499.56 KB, 730x408, 365:204, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6423c97c93dd4a4⋯.png (346.64 KB, 579x439, 579:439, ClipboardImage.png)

America's Humiliation Continues as Taliban Special Forces Unit Mocks Iwo Jima Photo Wearing Captured U.S. Gear

The Joe Rosenthal photo of Marines raising the American flag atop Mt. Suribachi on Iwo Jima is perhaps the most iconic image in U.S. military history.

That photo is now the subject of mockery by the terrorist army that controls Afghanistan.

The Taliban, on whom Joe Biden is depending for the survival of thousands of Americans he has left stranded in Kabul, have released a propaganda photo mocking the Iwo Jima image, according to a News4 San Antonio report. The mocking image came in videos the terrorist group released after capturing Kabul and the U.S. military weaponry.

The videos show heavily armed Taliban soldiers carrying U.S. and U.S. ally-made weapons and gear that appear to be stolen from various allied militaries. Various helicopters and light attack aircraft, including 35 American Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, are also now reportedly under Taliban control.

In one propaganda photo, it appears the Taliban is mocking one of the most iconic American images from World War II — Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima.

The Badri 313 Battalion show themselves in the video wearing elite combat gear they captured after Biden senselessly ordered the U.S. military to abandon Bagram Air Base and leave that gear behind. According to News4’s story, that gear includes attack helicopters and light-attack fixed-wing Super Tucano airplanes. The report also says they captured one or more C-130 Hercules transport aircraft. The C-130 has long been the workhorse of the U.S. Air Force and allied militaries. It’s capable of landing and taking off from unprepared runways, and of dropping supplies to ground forces very accurately. The Taliban may now have one of the better-equipped military forces in the region if not the world. They certainly have a sophisticated propaganda effort.

Joe Biden pitched himself—and his party and the media and Never Trumpers pitched him as well—as the adult who would restore America’s prestige and standing in the world.

Here’s how that’s going.


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402b51  No.14417645

Where is david wilcock? I wish to be entertained.

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c95060  No.14417646

File: 4510781a0ee1d38⋯.jpg (56.32 KB, 452x480, 113:120, Screenshot_20210811_143900….jpg)

File: 3fb5d5836516171⋯.jpg (28.06 KB, 371x196, 53:28, Screenshot_20210819_170909….jpg)

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dddd4d  No.14417648


Letter to believers in fear of covid (2/?)


If the government does not allow us to physically meet together, how is this any different from the persecuted saints in the past? If we cannot meet together in our halls, then we must meet together in our homes. If we cannot meet together in our homes, then we must meet together in the forest. If we cannot meet together in the forest, then we must meet together in the prisons. We must meet, and we must meet in person.

I avoid virtual meetings as much as I can. One time a brother prayed in a virtual bread-breaking meeting about how great it would be to meet “mask to mask.” This was meant to be a cute play on “face to face”, but really it is an abomination. And having a virtual bread-breaking meeting is also an abomination. Did the Lord Jesus Himself not pass the physical bread and physical cup and say, Do this until I come? Did not Paul encourage the saints to greet one another with a holy kiss (face to face)? I was willing to go along with this temporarily. But isn’t it clear now that the fear of viruses will never end if we allow Satan and his helpers to use it to stop our meetings? Isn’t it clear now that the Biden government derives its authority not from God but from Satan, in the spirit of Antichrist and in the operation of lawlessness? Just hours ago, the Taliban lowered Biden’s anti-God rainbow flag that was flying over the United States embassy in Kabul. For months now, this literal anti-Christ flag has been flying over United States embassies around the world. Not only that, Biden is removing the distinction between male and female across all government agencies and federal texts. Mothers are now called birthing people. If this is not the Antichrist, this surely is the spirit of Antichrist. If this is not the man of lawlessness, this surely is the operation of lawlessness.

Everything you read in the news is fake, Satanically and intentionally fake, crafted by Satanic minds to trick you. For example, are you aware that in April the CDC quietly published a study of all covid-related death certificates from 2020 in which it found 60% of those included in the official covid death figures died of something unrelated to covid?



The reported number of covid deaths in the US for 2020 is 378k, but upon examination it turns out that 229k of these deaths were from something other than covid. In 2020, the number of people in the US who actually died from covid, according to the CDC’s own study, was 149k. Whatever your fear of dying from covid, you should reduce it right now by 60%. Furthermore, it turns out that the PCR test the main method used for covid testing most likely cannot differentiate between covid and the regular flu. That is the subtext in this recall notice quietly published by the CDC in July (and ignored by the media), which curiously does not go into effect until the end of the year:



This explains why the flu for the first time in history disappeared entirely, overnight, immediately after the covid test came out.

There are hundreds of published studies showing the efficacy of a wide range of treatments for covid. Yes, it is true that covid can be more than a nasty flu for some; it does its worst to people who are obese, deficient in vitamin D, elderly, and have other health conditions. But ivermectin is an effective treatment at all stages of disease progression. You can see all of the studies the good and the bad collected here:



Please watch this 10-minute Congressional testimony of a world renowned doctor, from December 2020, on the effectiveness of ivermectin:


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ce98b5  No.14417650

File: 04f3637171b4192⋯.png (118.82 KB, 910x1332, 455:666, ClipboardImage.png)


> Dear Q. I’m not feeling real comfy right now.

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c95060  No.14417652

File: 686aaa05fb9f650⋯.jpg (33.04 KB, 378x278, 189:139, Screenshot_20210819_112904….jpg)

File: 810666e1dd006ea⋯.jpg (55.75 KB, 550x336, 275:168, Screenshot_20210819_233345….jpg)

File: 13a9569442d5858⋯.jpg (31.73 KB, 341x442, 341:442, Screenshot_20210819_233402….jpg)

File: 3395fbf1d6bf9cd⋯.jpg (40.06 KB, 324x401, 324:401, Screenshot_20210819_233859….jpg)

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122ede  No.14417653

File: a9a591fa83ee81b⋯.jpeg (510.24 KB, 640x947, 640:947, 378C42D6_E99C_4B36_983A_8….jpeg)










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187d07  No.14417654

File: 15a8121df667bf4⋯.png (268.68 KB, 1082x761, 1082:761, bigpharma_Rockefeller.png)

>>14416915 PB

"Our Healthcare has been seized by tyranny"

Topics included in the article:








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dddd4d  No.14417655



Letter to believers in fear of covid (2/?)


Hydroxychloroquine taken with zinc is also effective. I had covid, and so did my wife. With hydroxychloroquine, zinc, D, and C, I was better in 4 days. My wife was getting worse for 8 days, and we considered taking her to the ER. But then she took ivermectin and was better within 12 hours.

Do not be afraid. Consider the words of C.S. Lewis in 1948, discussing how we should live in an age under threat from the atomic bomb:

>In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. ‘How are we to live in an atomic age?’ I am tempted to reply: ‘Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat at night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents. In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented… It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things—praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds…

Covid is not as bad as they say it is and there are effective treatments if you catch it. Last weekend Obama had his birthday party in a fully enclosed tent in his front yard with 700 people, none of whom were wearing masks, and there was no requirement to be vaccinated. Two weeks ago, Lori Lightfoot hosted and attended the Lollapalooza music festival in a Chicago park with more than 100,000 people in attendance, smashed together shoulder to shoulder in a small area like normal. Nobody was wearing a mask, including Lori Lightfoot, and there was no vaccination requirement. The politicians allow and attend these events because they know covid is not as bad as they make you think it is, and if they catch it there are effective treatments. There are many videos available that show Democrat politicians taking off their masks when they think the cameras have gone away. But note that no Democrat politician at either the state or federal level has yet died of covid, though many are very elderly and unhealthy. All 13 federal and state politicians who have died of covid were Republicans:



Democrat-led governments at the state and federal level continue to hold believers in fear by tricking them into thinking that covid is worse than it is, and by tricking them into believing there are no effective treatments. They are being used by Satan to stop believers from meeting together for the Lord’s testimony.

The Lord has called us out to meet together until He comes. The spirit of Antichrist is operating in men of lawlessness all around us. But let us not abandon our assembling together, especially as we see the day of His coming drawing near. Let us greet one another with a holy kiss. If we die because we are following His instruction, let us pass into His presence full of peace and joy at being found worthy to die because of His Name.

Your brother, in Christ.

>Therefore being always of good courage and knowing that while we are at home in the body, we are abroad from the Lord (for we walk by faith, not by appearance) – we are of good courage then and are well pleased rather to be abroad from the body and at home with the Lord. Therefore also we are determined, whether at home or abroad, to gain the honor of being well pleasing to Him. For we must all be manifested before the judgment seat of Christ…

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ce5496  No.14417656

File: ee9922dac75fc23⋯.png (291.98 KB, 544x554, 272:277, JWoods_re_Taliban_mock_Iwo….PNG)

File: 6b13838fbd3fabf⋯.png (784.85 KB, 797x631, 797:631, JWoods_re_Taliban_mock_Iwo….PNG)

File: cfdd9bc118dd608⋯.png (760.24 KB, 769x510, 769:510, JWoods_re_Taliban_mock_Iwo….PNG)

File: 7bafc34f4f0fd07⋯.png (383.83 KB, 795x645, 53:43, JWoods_re_Taliban_mock_Iwo….PNG)

James Woods

So, friends, I can’t look at this for a while. The rage and disgust we are all feeling is intolerable. I simply can’t breathe when I see this. Gotta take a break.



Taliban soldiers wearing U.S.-made gear mock iconic World War II image of Marines raising flag on Iwo Jima in 1945 and release propaganda footage showing them armed with American weapons while on patrol in Afghanistan



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14b21c  No.14417657

Where to watch the Save America Bama Rally






Feel free to add. Don't want to leave anyone (except Youtube) out.

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3bd786  No.14417658


smh..... xiden needs to be arrested. this is mind blowing to me. resign? he's a straight up criminal. when? ever do criminals just go.... okay, i'll stop. good grief. arrest/remove him from office.

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50ce75  No.14417659

File: 4762389a953f997⋯.png (449.2 KB, 634x423, 634:423, ClipboardImage.png)

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c95060  No.14417660

File: 0d5850acd177646⋯.jpg (58.59 KB, 549x468, 61:52, Screenshot_20210820_083350….jpg)

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990f53  No.14417661

File: f578ac988419ce9⋯.png (10.6 KB, 255x207, 85:69, 88e6f3c5515f5fd7597023cf01….png)



That is so cool!! Hope there are way more like him in our police force!!

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1b406d  No.14417662


Biden's ISIS

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c95060  No.14417663

File: db64e6cee387464⋯.jpg (47.14 KB, 355x373, 355:373, Screenshot_20210818_153051….jpg)

File: b7903222b682fce⋯.jpg (40.39 KB, 356x274, 178:137, Screenshot_20210818_153715….jpg)

File: 04ef1039986f04b⋯.jpg (47.2 KB, 378x365, 378:365, Screenshot_20210818_153732….jpg)

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08a032  No.14417664

File: c3e8d4fcbde862a⋯.png (395.13 KB, 620x387, 620:387, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 30372923f15a41a⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aad00222e0c5f85⋯.png (111.53 KB, 350x200, 7:4, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17951e21d4a7fe7⋯.png (5.44 MB, 1600x1600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>John Milius

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d49fde  No.14417665

File: 402253bd70701c2⋯.png (211.58 KB, 364x530, 182:265, thee_thim_thers.png)


>Where is david wilcock?

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629f8d  No.14417666

File: d3b53b5e7005889⋯.jpg (11.33 KB, 255x134, 255:134, 4e7d69ef0950f978c33f1cf96b….jpg)


Vikings are awesome

Veritas Aequitas


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690cd1  No.14417667


We can only hope Barry and Mike's house is leveled

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267fd3  No.14417668

File: 3e26cce3ef37db9⋯.png (944.99 KB, 980x552, 245:138, begins.png)

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4a029f  No.14417671


only one interpretation makes sense,

mockery is not it

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fe3e22  No.14417672

cannon fodded cannonization

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c95060  No.14417674

File: b493fb3df57a863⋯.jpg (41.94 KB, 309x378, 103:126, Screenshot_20210819_112652….jpg)

File: f9785467e62840e⋯.jpg (38.77 KB, 374x257, 374:257, Screenshot_20210819_165240….jpg)

File: 618d6d452d2a654⋯.jpg (24.59 KB, 360x238, 180:119, Screenshot_20210819_235651….jpg)

File: 48f391c81e997ee⋯.jpg (47.18 KB, 379x299, 379:299, Screenshot_20210819_235712….jpg)

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d01576  No.14417675


hello to Taliban on this board! Welcome and thank you for fighting the deep state.

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26593d  No.14417676

File: 4888d700750c433⋯.png (33.08 KB, 607x269, 607:269, write_laws.PNG)


Corporations should not be able to infringe on their employees’ rights. Some of these corporations are bigger than some states and countries and we should pass laws to protect the people from their tyrannical practices.

9:11 AM · Aug 21, 2021

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a49534  No.14417678


taken off the U.S. market years ago

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c95060  No.14417680

File: 3f848cd5c7371fc⋯.jpg (22.24 KB, 266x209, 14:11, Screenshot_20210818_154245….jpg)

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fe3e22  No.14417682

File: 178ffbbab7d618e⋯.gif (1.87 KB, 115x46, 5:2, IMG_2135.GIF)

File: 634552e20cc58f4⋯.jpg (68.28 KB, 496x798, 248:399, IMG_2146.JPG)

File: eef45ddf8f15552⋯.jpg (95.51 KB, 600x900, 2:3, IMG_2169.JPG)

File: 6e67c00fa808ced⋯.jpg (71.74 KB, 1024x925, 1024:925, IMG_2242.JPG)

File: f5037abf3d32c35⋯.png (62.91 KB, 879x533, 879:533, IMG_2245.PNG)


>cannon fodded cannonization

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e96edf  No.14417683


bezos health items : sex toys

demoralizing commie

ship him to his people - no one likes you bezoshit- and your service will all belong to us and be utilized

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a49534  No.14417685



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c95060  No.14417687

File: ac1cbe38737507b⋯.jpg (85.59 KB, 527x424, 527:424, Screenshot_20210819_094322….jpg)

We will hear OUR flags blowing the wind at night.

Love that sound.

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c95060  No.14417689

File: b0de45c4cc7f589⋯.jpg (41.43 KB, 343x356, 343:356, Screenshot_20210818_153809….jpg)

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629f8d  No.14417690

File: 7db9673b124906b⋯.jpg (22.98 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7db9673b124906b96bcb765cd5….jpg)


They are out there Anon, even in the deepest of blue seas.

Train to recognize them.


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355810  No.14417691


james woods? this is a clown firestarter in your face. again.

'they thought you would follow the stars'- Q

he mad about a propaganda pic mimicking a propaganda pic. think on it.

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a4fdfc  No.14417692


>there is 75,000

Sucks at grammar

>would have been cheaper to pay the Afghanistan Army their wages.

Sucks at math

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fe3e22  No.14417694



true d'oh

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c95060  No.14417695

File: ecbec90fef8fc30⋯.gif (2.09 MB, 498x275, 498:275, ecbec90fef8fc306302fa6e8db….gif)

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884c44  No.14417696


I don’t understand why more anons aren’t all over this?

Unles… they are but it’s being suppressed by P, which is Big Pharma! We all know it!

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230386  No.14417698

File: a94cad9679a2d23⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2021_08_21_13_15_31.mp4)


Grace is on fire!

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624917  No.14417699

The State Department has been hit by a cyber attack, and notifications of a possible serious breach were made by the Department of Defense Cyber Command.


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9826fb  No.14417700

File: b8ff45474c172c6⋯.png (204.83 KB, 360x204, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)


LOL at TMZ being the arbiter of medical truth and advice

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c97ed7  No.14417701

>>14416644 PB

Trip dubs showing pic proof of election fraud and calling out LB missed notable.

LB x2 Notable

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08a032  No.14417702

File: 7d47de5b6402f53⋯.png (114.51 KB, 647x572, 647:572, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d08d0884ddadc24⋯.png (130.94 KB, 668x613, 668:613, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90c7d4ee992a4da⋯.png (126.63 KB, 662x612, 331:306, ClipboardImage.png)


>John Milius


screenwriter / script doctor

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d01576  No.14417703


as well it's our pic on the board, the fact they imitated it is kinda like them letting us know they are on our side

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c95060  No.14417704

File: 3ae4ebb5c948b04⋯.jpg (75.7 KB, 681x604, 681:604, Screenshot_20210726_111816….jpg)

File: 93493c15ed38eca⋯.jpg (78.91 KB, 703x497, 703:497, Screenshot_20210726_120138….jpg)

File: a5a57aae599bdf0⋯.jpg (17.77 KB, 494x444, 247:222, Screenshot_20210726_122808….jpg)

File: 7a2ce03020723f6⋯.jpg (40.78 KB, 633x624, 211:208, Screenshot_20210726_122818….jpg)

File: 6c26b6a57be320a⋯.jpg (12.66 KB, 591x136, 591:136, Screenshot_20210726_123227….jpg)

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27016a  No.14417705

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3bd786  No.14417706


aside from ( muh protocols) Nice!

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d49fde  No.14417707


Q.Research General: Taliban edition


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96e2c7  No.14417708

File: a15e77388c8b57e⋯.jpg (274.64 KB, 1200x796, 300:199, pepesworkingtodestroyevil.jpg)

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fe3e22  No.14417709

File: 0d9cb54990959e5⋯.png (1.81 MB, 994x1280, 497:640, IMG_2107.PNG)

homosexual rocketships launched against prettyprincesspoints

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26593d  No.14417710

File: d170242ec95c9d7⋯.jpg (62.89 KB, 1301x595, 1301:595, my_name_is_8.JPG)

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4bbab2  No.14417711

File: fce6553591abee0⋯.jpeg (1.49 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, AB19C258_6C60_4915_B01C_E….jpeg)

File: dceee6b28ae3b41⋯.jpeg (54.26 KB, 320x240, 4:3, A7285B4C_E516_4406_B875_A….jpeg)


One of my favorites

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d4399e  No.14417712

File: 4b04476303347d0⋯.png (31.41 KB, 684x317, 684:317, ClipboardImage.png)


Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled country with only the clothes he was wearing, an official says

John L. Dorman

Sat, August 21, 2021, 11:45 AM·3 min read

Former President Ghani left Afghanistan with only the clothes he had on, per a former official.

Ghani was reportedly dumbfounded by the rapid pace at which the Taliban advanced on Kabul.

After fleeing the country, the ousted leader turned up in the United Arab Emirates.

Ashraf Ghani

Business Insider

Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani fled country with only the clothes he was wearing, an official says

John L. Dorman

Sat, August 21, 2021, 11:45 AM·3 min read

In this article:

Ashraf Ghani

President of Afghanistan

Ashraf Ghani

Former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. AP Photo/Alex Brandon

Former President Ghani left Afghanistan with only the clothes he had on, per a former official.

Ghani was reportedly dumbfounded by the rapid pace at which the Taliban advanced on Kabul.

After fleeing the country, the ousted leader turned up in the United Arab Emirates.

See more stories on Insider's business page.

Afghanistan's former president, Ashraf Ghani, was so dumbfounded by the rapid pace at which the Taliban advanced on the capital city of Kabul that he left the country with only the clothes he had on, according to a former senior official who spoke to CNN.

Last Saturday, even after the key northern provincial capital of Mazar-i-Sharif fell to insurgents amid a sweeping military campaign across Afghanistan, Ghani was ill-prepared to depart the county in such a hasty manner.

Hours before the now-ousted president fled in exile, the official said that a senior member of the Ghani administration met with an individual with ties to the Taliban and Al Qaeda, who said that the ruling government needed to surrender.

"In the days leading up to the Taliban coming in Kabul, we had been working on a deal with the US to hand over peacefully to an inclusive government and for President Ghani to resign," the former official told CNN. "These talks were underway when the Taliban came into the city. The Taliban entering Kabul city from multiple points was interpreted by our intelligence as hostile advances."

The former official added: "We had received intelligence for over a year that the President would be killed in the event of a takeover."

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56d63d  No.14417713

File: d294d8c588b38cb⋯.png (1.12 MB, 708x936, 59:78, Screen_Shot_2021_08_21_at_….png)



HCQ & Ivermectin probably cure a shit load of diseases. Pharma stands to lose billions, and is going to extreme efforts to taint these treatments. Genie is out of the bottle though.

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c95060  No.14417714

File: 6d26c90fb7bf603⋯.jpg (28.33 KB, 247x352, 247:352, Screenshot_20210816_200228….jpg)


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731863  No.14417715


LIVING IN AMERICA, what did he say wrong.. He was within his rights..

At least for now.

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e5e209  No.14417716

File: 1bc34198015a6a4⋯.png (1006.09 KB, 1280x762, 640:381, tumblr_pbs8866ZTL1tn7avwo1….png)

Owl is the letter M. FYI

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223146  No.14417717

File: 98b6182bf55447b⋯.jpg (37.55 KB, 720x752, 45:47, FB_IMG_1629493481585.jpg)

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96e2c7  No.14417718

File: c444d00b7e66398⋯.png (33.42 KB, 800x801, 800:801, SA.png)

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974cd6  No.14417719

"We're not gonna take it anymore"… just a bunch of idle threats, and then no one is going to do damn thing. Complacency through trusting "the plan"…IS the plan.

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c95060  No.14417720

File: 154a350167a713b⋯.jpg (118.71 KB, 794x674, 397:337, Screenshot_20210726_113250….jpg)

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5124bc  No.14417721



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fe3e22  No.14417722

File: b669ba2b280f959⋯.jpg (149.65 KB, 1710x900, 19:10, IMG_2174.JPG)


teabagger teabaggering ghost of teabagging past

startle the little ovens tech

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b93f68  No.14417723

File: 63ce9d913decdc6⋯.jpg (210.33 KB, 800x450, 16:9, anorexia_very_breadly.jpg)


ty for the anorexic dough baker.

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f28d59  No.14417724

File: b10dbd378d68ab2⋯.jpg (55.64 KB, 576x289, 576:289, DandelionLove.jpg)


And when somebody tells you

I Told Ya So

Ask them why they hate America so much.

America is a country of neighbors helping neighbors

So when a Marxist starts spouting to you about conservative values

Tel them that you are not buying into that Marcist Hegelian Dialectic

Tell them that Jesus saidLove thy neighbor

And tell them that you can only be a true patriot

By above differences

And finding UNITY

With your neighbors

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d13801  No.14417725

File: 83810665d01b659⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1920x787, 1920:787, Screenshot_2021_08_21_at_1….png)

File: decc29ae38202f6⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1920x787, 1920:787, Screenshot_2021_08_21_at_1….png)

File: 26c28383d70d28a⋯.png (1.89 MB, 1920x787, 1920:787, Screenshot_2021_08_21_at_1….png)

File: 62a1e3df2168127⋯.png (330.63 KB, 1226x595, 1226:595, Screenshot_2021_08_21_at_1….png)

File: 661cdc6e35f4c53⋯.png (1.88 MB, 1920x787, 1920:787, Screenshot_2021_08_21_at_1….png)

VAXXED Patients' Blood Examined, Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians!

BREAKING! The 'Stew Peters Show' has obtained footage and slides of multiple patients' blood that was examined after being inoculated with the shots being called 'vaccines' for COVID-19.

Dr. Jane Ruby joins Stew Peters to discuss what the slides show, and how the blood is being changed, which can only be described as unexplainable and alarming.

www.StewPeters.tv | www.DrJaneRuby.com






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d4399e  No.14417726



Vice President Amrullah Saleh on Sunday fled north to the Panjshir Valley, according to the former official, with other individuals leaving the presidential complex "shortly after when there was gunfire outside the palace."

"At that point, our goal was to save the city and its citizens from fighting in the streets," the former official told CNN. "This was maintained and the deal we had started negotiating [that] continues today in the hands of [former Afghan chief executive] Abdullah Abdullah and [former President Hamid] Karzai."

He added: "Before Kandahar fell, a strategy of consolidating forces was drawn with the help of US forces. However, the speed of collapse, which no one foresaw, never allowed for the consolidation of forces to be completed."

The former official further described the manner in which Ghani left the country in exile.

"He went to Termez in Uzbekistan, where he spent one night and then from there to the UAE [United Arab Emirates]. There was no money with him. He literally just had the clothes he was wearing," he said.

In a videotaped statement, Ghani on Wednesday said that he fled the country to avoid being lynched by the Taliban.

"If I had stayed in Afghanistan," he said, "the people of Afghanistan would have witnessed the president hanged once more."

Ghani referred to the 1996 murder of former President Mohammad Najibullah, who was executed after the Taliban seized control of the country and took over Kabul.

The ousted president vowed to return to the country and denied allegations leveled by Mohammad Zahir Aghbar, the Afghan ambassador to Tajikistan, who said that he stole nearly $169 million from the country as he fled in exile.

"Accusations were charged in these days that money was transferred, these accusations are fully baseless," Ghani said on Wednesday.

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267fd3  No.14417727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c95060  No.14417728


We are so you have been dispalced

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223146  No.14417729

File: a64d7a059659208⋯.png (1.09 MB, 976x1077, 976:1077, 1629509034021.png)

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630725  No.14417730

File: d1f317e0a1821e5⋯.jpg (78.79 KB, 464x564, 116:141, warriors.jpg)

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42a997  No.14417731

File: 19fcab78a996b9d⋯.jpg (7.5 KB, 150x150, 1:1, 28csdt_Copy.jpg)


It's cool that you had that interaction, and it's cool that you shared. It's just more confirmation that anons exist everywhere in physical space as well as online, and in every profession.

That being said, don't let exuberance overcome your OPSEC. Especially now.

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d7a8e8  No.14417732


Masonic ?

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08a032  No.14417733

File: f938ba2c3c64441⋯.png (360.36 KB, 410x391, 410:391, ClipboardImage.png)

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e96edf  No.14417734

they're trying to turn AUSTRAILIA into AFGHANISTAN

Flag comes down of National Pride

and Flag goes up of communist dominant terrorism

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731863  No.14417735

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d01576  No.14417736


ooooooooOOOoOoOo… a top view, nice! ty anon

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ce5496  No.14417737

File: 8837add0a4d7794⋯.png (599.5 KB, 516x777, 172:259, Taliban_we_got_this_woke_l….PNG)

I'm pretty sure this was the moment the Taliban said "fuck it. We got this".


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630725  No.14417738

Is it possible the ivermectin or HCQ could cure the vaccinated?

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fe3e22  No.14417739


MAy i have

"things taht lick peepee" for a goriilion homo

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c95060  No.14417740

File: 786a43e2d7e5adf⋯.jpg (139.07 KB, 837x589, 27:19, Screenshot_20210726_113546….jpg)

File: 2366af3e5255ebb⋯.jpg (99.95 KB, 732x707, 732:707, Screenshot_20210726_131154….jpg)

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990f53  No.14417741

File: 3a3e4d53739a66f⋯.png (627.49 KB, 1066x932, 533:466, ClipboardImage.png)


Kek! I love these!!

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223146  No.14417742

File: 3db34158db28ffc⋯.jpg (30.15 KB, 509x602, 509:602, FB_IMG_1629566247554.jpg)



I caused that feel

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fd7378  No.14417743


Enforce the laws already on the tyrannical books

you feckless morans.

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3d37e1  No.14417744

File: 999fdf387a1afa5⋯.png (826.16 KB, 606x482, 303:241, ClipboardImage.png)

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9826fb  No.14417745

File: 1b403726f9a5902⋯.png (179.56 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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f28d59  No.14417746


If you can't get along with your neighbors

That is God's way of telling you to move

Pay attention to the guidance of God

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4e955c  No.14417747

File: a5026aa5e577f15⋯.png (322.44 KB, 489x382, 489:382, apu_reading.png)


You mean like Apu Apustaja negotiating a deal for Spain with the Tallyban?

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267fd3  No.14417748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c95060  No.14417750

File: 3c3e235b01b6876⋯.jpg (26.77 KB, 354x278, 177:139, Screenshot_20210811_104808….jpg)

File: 351fcbee89a381d⋯.jpg (30.98 KB, 346x364, 173:182, Screenshot_20210811_105153….jpg)

File: 9f99429c30cc7ca⋯.jpg (28.46 KB, 260x359, 260:359, Screenshot_20210811_105205….jpg)

File: decbacc398fba56⋯.jpg (31.86 KB, 301x347, 301:347, Screenshot_20210811_142213….jpg)

File: 064816be0b17bee⋯.jpg (52.27 KB, 393x473, 393:473, Screenshot_20210812_125856….jpg)

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1b32e9  No.14417751

File: 700c95fead4d4c6⋯.jpg (367.68 KB, 720x710, 72:71, BuckleupBitches.jpg)

Is "buckle up" the right definition for what to do when really strange things happening in the not too distant future? I think a new word is needed for what is coming!

The Redpill is gettting bigger by the minute…

I see crazy things in my head! If it is true and the vaxed people are shaking without an end, maybe they collapsing en masse in the grocery store at some point, while others are shaking arround you, people talking like the guy, I think from Australia who got some weird shit live in TV and you look at him, while he is morphing to something very creepy, live… In front of your eyes… Strange, strange roads are in my head, sometimes…

And if you are one of them outside, listening to Doc Fauxi… well… you will maybe have or get some issues very soon… Serious think issues!

If you are one of them, please do me a favor! Don´t use cars, while confused… Do not fly planes while hysterical… Just stay at home!

What a timeline!

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3c17cf  No.14417752

File: 0fcc07351ec0661⋯.jpg (7.6 KB, 250x241, 250:241, 2f8dff398b0f2cd569fa57ee48….jpg)


They just won't stop with the Schitt

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08a032  No.14417753

File: 17d87cdad45fe97⋯.png (968.27 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)



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267fd3  No.14417754

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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990f53  No.14417755


I feel so sorry for this kid! I mean, we all know he's messed up, but poor guy/girl/it got thrown into this whole mess and is now the brunt of our jokes, me included :(

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c95060  No.14417756

File: d089d8fcecd64ad⋯.jpg (20.46 KB, 319x192, 319:192, Screenshot_20210821_142519….jpg)

File: dbe691d58989d92⋯.jpg (41.41 KB, 367x324, 367:324, Screenshot_20210821_142712….jpg)

File: 9da88c737f2f1c7⋯.jpg (26.51 KB, 268x330, 134:165, Screenshot_20210821_142728….jpg)

File: 5ffcb473c9b8b5a⋯.jpg (32.1 KB, 331x262, 331:262, Screenshot_20210821_142748….jpg)

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50ce75  No.14417757

File: 8ddc38790239e4f⋯.png (254.12 KB, 471x438, 157:146, ClipboardImage.png)



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96e2c7  No.14417758



Not that difficult to figure out if you had the time & need to be an asshole.

Cool story, but probably should have used LESS identifying info

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e5e209  No.14417759

File: db2cdcfb41a2c1b⋯.jpg (302.83 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, db2cdcfb41a2c1b94e2a781b3f….jpg)

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c32fb5  No.14417760

File: 79060744d90489a⋯.png (32.62 KB, 648x83, 648:83, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc6399ed279df51⋯.png (26.12 KB, 634x210, 317:105, ClipboardImage.png)



Gives new meaning to Q's statement: ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE

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d4399e  No.14417761

File: 4fdb1d6da0adb96⋯.png (268.03 KB, 889x573, 889:573, ClipboardImage.png)


Mississippi officials warn against using anti-parasite drug to treat COVID-19

Matt Gaetz Says Lloyd Austin 'Might Be the Stupidest Person' to Ever…

'The Five' question if Biden lied during 'disturbing' national address

The Mississippi State Department of Health issued an alert Friday warning against using an anti-parasite drug to treat or prevent COVID-19. The alert came as calls to the state poison control center have increased, with at least 70% being related to ingesting ivermectin – a drug commonly used for livestock.

Side effects associated with taking ivermectin include skin rash, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, facial or limb swelling, dizziness, seizures, sudden drop in blood pressure, coma and even death, the FDA reports.

Of the callers to Mississippi's poison control center, 85% had mild symptoms, and no hospitalizations have been associated with ingesting the drug, according to the health department's alert. One resident was instructed to seek further evaluation due to the amount of ivermectin they ingested.

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267fd3  No.14417762


Australia is so rough, they charge you $3,900 for protesting!

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629f8d  No.14417763

File: 1af280dc834ccd2⋯.jpg (14.2 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 6ea85da85a5f2666e6a73b9822….jpg)


May the blessing of Light be upon you, light without and light within.

May the blessed sunlight shine on you and warm your heart till it glows like a great peat fire,

so that the stranger may come and warm himself at it,

and also a friend.

Go in comfort, Warrior

"In Nomine Patris, Et Filii Spiritus Sancti"



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8ade5b  No.14417764


There are other brands. Ones that are made in US.

Try Med-Pharmex. Or Farnam.

I have both but only have tried the Farnam. Was more of a cream consistency and much easier to swallow than the Durvet.

But get for feed/tractor store, not amazon.

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08a032  No.14417765

File: 937fe6ced3ee341⋯.png (233.77 KB, 450x604, 225:302, ec14631c8e2949443d27790682….png)

File: 4cbac41142b9f2c⋯.png (643.52 KB, 662x719, 662:719, 23cdbcc5b9538f57a95e598903….png)

File: 5000121ef8ee025⋯.jpg (107.75 KB, 1125x631, 1125:631, E9Uo_jOWQAAryC5.jpg)

File: bf277afcc405d56⋯.jpg (375.65 KB, 810x1200, 27:40, bf277afcc405d5628d6953b0c6….jpg)

File: a8120fc856a186a⋯.jpg (1.46 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, a8120fc856a186a37ca9812b7d….jpg)

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355810  No.14417766


which side is dealing with the global supply chain, food production and distribution shut down that will starve most of the planet THIS YEAR?

Where is that side?

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223146  No.14417767

File: a2e1ab4d1f0c3fa⋯.jpg (117.08 KB, 730x783, 730:783, 1629496038277.jpg)


> I think a new word is needed for what is coming!


(holdin on for deal life)

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66b5cb  No.14417768


Kek - on target! Lucky i wasn't drinking anything when I saw this meme. I would have lost the keyboard.

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9d783f  No.14417769


Twins maybe? Is there writing on the side of her shirt?

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58882d  No.14417770


That is an incredibly awesome hedgehog. I stole it. He will live on in meme infamy soon.

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c95060  No.14417771

File: b5e6891605d5c43⋯.jpg (27.84 KB, 276x367, 276:367, Screenshot_20210816_200500….jpg)

File: 679950fe57a8574⋯.jpg (24.93 KB, 374x238, 11:7, Screenshot_20210816_201257….jpg)

Praying for ALL on the board.

Be ready..

God loves you.

God bless…

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c62c82  No.14417772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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96e2c7  No.14417773




Drives me insane

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31c4fc  No.14417774


spoiler that shit fam

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fd7378  No.14417775

File: 3e64e62ffdc876b⋯.png (26 KB, 283x200, 283:200, ClipboardImage.png)



>If you can't get along with your neighbors

>That is God's way of telling you to move

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223146  No.14417776

File: b3074e80d9a313d⋯.gif (3.04 MB, 590x633, 590:633, 1629537721247.gif)

Don't [you] get it yet?

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cfe379  No.14417777

File: 56670d5a138de8f⋯.jpg (352.83 KB, 803x893, 803:893, capture_970_21082021_13233….jpg)




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3660cc  No.14417778


How many calls go to poison control for ingesting edibles?

People are morans.

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e5e209  No.14417779



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f56d1d  No.14417780

File: 7460b5b53c9ea88⋯.png (995.65 KB, 1590x2175, 106:145, redhead_107_Car_fixed2_Fir….png)

File: 4885c6b67bf2eba⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, Trump_Rally_1200_Car_Q_Lov….png)

File: bffba5beb522f72⋯.png (714.05 KB, 1200x625, 48:25, Rally4_Q_TRUMP2020.png)


ThanQ Baker !

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c95060  No.14417781

File: bea79e7d1156e12⋯.jpg (65.08 KB, 423x401, 423:401, Screenshot_20210816_203125….jpg)

File: a865274e1976f8f⋯.jpg (40.78 KB, 417x360, 139:120, Screenshot_20210816_205107….jpg)

File: b6603a795c857b9⋯.jpg (46.58 KB, 436x432, 109:108, Screenshot_20210816_205109….jpg)

File: e254ac41caa9aa3⋯.jpg (57.17 KB, 445x440, 89:88, Screenshot_20210816_205113….jpg)

File: ab5a0a9992eb66c⋯.jpg (793.86 KB, 1200x2000, 3:5, Screenshot_20210818_065626….jpg)

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630725  No.14417782

File: 171a502e8a6ff6c⋯.jpg (71.62 KB, 554x496, 277:248, toldya.jpg)

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fe3e22  No.14417783

jealous gehy wigger jew devil avalanche larp

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66b5cb  No.14417785


Horse.com - look for Bimectin

Bimectin (the manufacturer of Ivermectin, sold under license from Bimectin by Durvet).

Bimectin is what's in the Ivermectin tubes.

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187d07  No.14417786

File: 7f1b8d1dbde96f5⋯.png (196.49 KB, 619x458, 619:458, FDA_Woodcock1.png)

File: 1c28e431f163a24⋯.png (230.52 KB, 897x615, 299:205, FDA_Woodcock2.png)


Don't have twit acct anymore, but if anon does maybe send the link to FDA Commissioner Dr. Woodcock @DrWoodcockFDA

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629f8d  No.14417787


trip dubs chekt

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08a032  No.14417788


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223146  No.14417790

File: 6b69af3e44e22f4⋯.jpg (36.52 KB, 925x688, 925:688, FB_IMG_1629576885710.jpg)



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d4399e  No.14417791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rachel Maddow looks at reports that some people in Mississippi have accidentally poisoned themselves trying to follow the junk science advice of right-wing media figures pushing ivermectin as Covid medicine, against the advice of an increasingly exasperated medical community already strained beyond capacity by Covid patients misguided by vaccine disinformation.

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3bd786  No.14417792

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d01576  No.14417793


kinda… we will see more shit in the future I believe, but for me them recreating that one picture out of every picture they could have recreated is not by chance

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223146  No.14417794

File: 76108cd69b93f7e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, this_nigga_eatin_beans.png)

File: 76108cd69b93f7e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, this_nigga_eatin_beans.png)

File: 76108cd69b93f7e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, this_nigga_eatin_beans.png)


>have you been beaned?

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c95060  No.14417795

File: ea392b1f24c8da1⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 241x326, 241:326, Screenshot_20210818_154448….jpg)

File: 3c11f9f24fdb51e⋯.jpg (42.84 KB, 380x407, 380:407, Screenshot_20210729_121816….jpg)

File: d242344010b3000⋯.jpg (21.55 KB, 211x255, 211:255, Screenshot_20210731_145240….jpg)

File: 2a199a78d1841fb⋯.jpg (83.17 KB, 472x847, 472:847, Screenshot_20210731_145323….jpg)

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97cce7  No.14417796

Soooooo…many broadcasting companies did NOT air the EBS, as they were required to do by law. Licenceses would be revoked. And now we have the lib media turning on Biden in a record, oddly uniform, pivot. Could it be that they are now taking marching orders from white hats?

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4e955c  No.14417797

File: 903c2325153b7b0⋯.jpg (54.46 KB, 382x247, 382:247, suspicious_bread.jpg)


Meme negates notable call.

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42a997  No.14417798

File: ed72f5423f7cc47⋯.png (392.35 KB, 1058x804, 529:402, 0a51a1742d1847c55294a02e39….png)


Three pair chek't, but nah…fuck him.

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c95060  No.14417799

File: 7c2d1d58040802b⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 346x371, 346:371, Screenshot_20210731_235020….jpg)

File: 2a430f293302823⋯.jpg (47.66 KB, 331x353, 331:353, Screenshot_20210801_004634….jpg)

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c95060  No.14417800

File: 0e67db9e3b5bd68⋯.jpg (104.29 KB, 678x930, 113:155, Screenshot_20210801_192828….jpg)

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fe3e22  No.14417801


>jealous gehy wigger jew devil


>jealous gehy wigger jew devil


>jealous gehy wigger jew devil


>jealous gehy wigger jew devil


>jealous gehy wigger jew devil

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884c44  No.14417802


They are anon not Taliban!

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c95060  No.14417803

File: 5b1c95044edb3a1⋯.jpg (63.3 KB, 421x413, 421:413, Screenshot_20210818_130154….jpg)

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c706d7  No.14417804

File: 7109fc4c60b48a8⋯.jpg (262.58 KB, 1073x993, 1073:993, Screenshot_20210822_082908….jpg)

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ca724d  No.14417805


I know my ballot definitely does not look like the one in the video that has been posted on here. Are these the real ballots that some people didn't get. What is going on?

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c95060  No.14417807

File: 0b294ea3b0dcf09⋯.jpg (105.29 KB, 552x688, 69:86, Screenshot_20210802_093854….jpg)

File: e9311e96e8765af⋯.jpg (142.47 KB, 1018x802, 509:401, Screenshot_20210802_094057….jpg)

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629f8d  No.14417808

File: bc06040c538268d⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 255x134, 255:134, df6509e7f1391629f7268ceef4….jpg)

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e5e209  No.14417809


It's important because MLK. Associated with king, God, sacrifice, Moloch, etc. As well as Minerva. Same but diff.

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c95060  No.14417810

File: f469a79e06c6051⋯.jpg (29.08 KB, 413x344, 413:344, Screenshot_20210729_133254….jpg)

File: ee72a3830b1f624⋯.jpg (39.75 KB, 381x332, 381:332, Screenshot_20210729_153542….jpg)

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83b05a  No.14417811

File: 3f28bd384292880⋯.png (11.96 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 3f565b007753faa4d9f02fadb9….png)

I have to be careful to not count the sheep around me because if I did I would be constantly falling asleep.

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d4399e  No.14417812


another Rachel Rant on invermectin

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e96edf  No.14417814


maddcow won her case by claiming all her claims are exagerrations and entertainment purpose and no one in the right mind would believe anything that came out of her mouth - first amendment rights ← clearly and truly highest ranking shill

run with this shit because domanance of stupidity never tires

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e5e209  No.14417815



Oh and 13. Because they like 13.

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55b214  No.14417816




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b98723  No.14417817


>for now

Key words

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c95060  No.14417818

File: 40142e3ae9f5b59⋯.jpg (144.61 KB, 924x647, 924:647, Screenshot_20210801_113402….jpg)

File: 59ed63e5fc98d9c⋯.jpg (40.5 KB, 385x407, 35:37, Screenshot_20210801_130830….jpg)

File: 6ccc12095bf930d⋯.jpg (26.18 KB, 332x337, 332:337, Screenshot_20210801_130836….jpg)

File: e560a9b176224d9⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 269x373, 269:373, Screenshot_20210801_130842….jpg)

File: 1f1e365bab25acc⋯.jpg (36.02 KB, 389x383, 389:383, Screenshot_20210801_165738….jpg)

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223146  No.14417819

File: 933f200e8b5c5d4⋯.jpg (32.51 KB, 750x749, 750:749, FB_IMG_1629567057751.jpg)

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d01576  No.14417820


are you new here?

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355810  No.14417821

File: 62f8adc28e24f89⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 2137x1457, 2137:1457, sale_img3.jpg)


Fear is your only god. Bow down.

Release the fear, dogma, and programming. There is never anything to fear. EVER.

Know LOVE. Unconditional. CREATIVE force.


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fe3e22  No.14417822


>>jealous gehy wigger jew devil


>>jealous gehy wigger jew devil

asshole faggot asshole faggot asshole

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65ed12  No.14417823

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5e8539  No.14417824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4a029f  No.14417825

File: 5ca06f557d92ae8⋯.jpg (120.54 KB, 420x420, 1:1, np3ty.jpg)

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66b5cb  No.14417826


Wendy you already had your chance to make laws. Now we're going to bankrupt them. Join us.

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c95060  No.14417827

File: fe513258c493bc8⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 833x459, 49:27, Screenshot_20210801_165554….jpg)

File: 15ffc4f1dda8f71⋯.jpg (62.15 KB, 498x584, 249:292, Screenshot_20210801_165614….jpg)

File: ceaa514e08fb389⋯.jpg (10.41 KB, 145x200, 29:40, Screenshot_20210801_181750….jpg)

File: cad5d4894c25991⋯.jpg (87.68 KB, 739x615, 739:615, Screenshot_20210811_082951….jpg)

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4e955c  No.14417828

File: a21837ac2c14a11⋯.png (224.8 KB, 379x412, 379:412, skull_missing.png)


> because we trust all news stories as being 100% legit, honest and unbiased.

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c95060  No.14417829

File: d4af4ad3d574ec6⋯.jpg (41.55 KB, 363x336, 121:112, Screenshot_20210803_155911….jpg)

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223146  No.14417830

File: 20bbd09a63648d5⋯.jpg (64.28 KB, 828x895, 828:895, FB_IMG_1629538045713.jpg)

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d4399e  No.14417831


need to be meming maggie's parents

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bad7c5  No.14417832


Release it all

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58882d  No.14417833


Not breaking. The attack was a couple of weeks ago.

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990f53  No.14417834


Legions of angels here to protect us!

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5124bc  No.14417835


I have a new puppy. The vet gave me ivermectin to give the puppy for deworming. It was in a little syringe thing already pre-measured and I squirted it in the puppy's mouth. The side effect was possible diarrhea. The puppy had the runs for about half that day.

As long as you get the dose correct this is not dangerous in the least.

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731863  No.14417836

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>LESS identifying info

We need MORE patriots identifying themselves not LESS.

Maybe on some cosmic level, I just kick started police marching with us.

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cfe379  No.14417837

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


<Is your vote compromised by a hole in the mail-in ballot?

>708 views | Aug 20, 2021

With the upcoming Gubernatorial Recall Election on Sept. 14, there are some

viral claims circulating social mediathat you might be able to see what you

voted for through the holes on the ballot envelopes in some counties.

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355810  No.14417838


new here? is anybody 'new here'? fuck no.

I know you don't have an answer, so why waste a post?

Who is dealing with the FACT that there will be NO FOOD before fall equinox for many nations?

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c95060  No.14417839

File: c2e8d18d287e413⋯.jpg (69.42 KB, 692x497, 692:497, Screenshot_20210811_143850….jpg)

File: 8a7966529b7575c⋯.jpg (20.33 KB, 270x159, 90:53, Screenshot_20210814_082916….jpg)

File: 464e92b893e79d6⋯.jpg (19.29 KB, 280x266, 20:19, Screenshot_20210814_082919….jpg)

File: df1178ac222476f⋯.jpg (11.69 KB, 200x266, 100:133, Screenshot_20210814_082921….jpg)

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c95060  No.14417840

You have the ammo crate

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96e2c7  No.14417841



I'm at the point now where EVERYTHING that is classified needs to be leaked. EVERYTHING. Even the really bad shit. The Truth NEEDS to be set free.

Anyone yelling at anyone else for what info comes out, needs to think about what info is now out about them.

It will be bad for a bit, but fuck. Clean slate that shit and make sure it NEVER gets this bad again

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4e955c  No.14417842

File: 21a5436cc51e944⋯.png (166.75 KB, 500x500, 1:1, shitb_removebg_preview.png)


Shouldn't that read "I'm rolling in your faeces and loving it!?

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629f8d  No.14417843

File: 59dde91ad5626d1⋯.gif (12.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 34febbf1ba2e9c4786f25a2c9e….gif)


And they carry flaming swords.


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c95060  No.14417844

File: a9f5b6c7953a2e1⋯.jpg (42.42 KB, 320x342, 160:171, Screenshot_20210801_130942….jpg)

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223146  No.14417845

File: 506edc8340aff31⋯.jpg (18.8 KB, 480x480, 1:1, FB_IMG_1628883094834.jpg)


it's coming

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f28d59  No.14417846

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

At this point the majority of members in the MAGA movement are former liberals or Democrat supporters.

This includes Donald Trump

A liberal is simply a person who has been indoctrinated with some bad ideas.

But many of them have found their own path to the edge of a Great Awakening

And they have important lessons to teach us if we truly want to overturnALL of the old world order

Here is one such person who is living an unusual life.

Oh, and she is also aBread Baker

That's yet another B2

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c95060  No.14417847

File: 30be10a4979d0bf⋯.jpg (32.17 KB, 454x419, 454:419, Screenshot_20210803_150845….jpg)

File: 39bb3a18748cb3c⋯.jpg (96.05 KB, 692x811, 692:811, Screenshot_20210803_150858….jpg)

File: 4b50726c1dcfa31⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 679x770, 97:110, Screenshot_20210803_150923….jpg)

File: de839d69ebbd55a⋯.jpg (130.58 KB, 1075x607, 1075:607, Screenshot_20210803_150936….jpg)

File: c674e9e7b5a4b14⋯.jpg (104.48 KB, 548x842, 274:421, Screenshot_20210803_151005….jpg)

You looked at it.

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630725  No.14417848

File: fdea0436a23876e⋯.gif (2.32 MB, 517x800, 517:800, mask.gif)

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d0b2e1  No.14417849


>Could it be that they are now taking marching orders from white hats?


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22b35f  No.14417850

File: b71060e32aabb65⋯.jpg (74.68 KB, 845x687, 845:687, bidenhunterwoodcock.jpg)


Woodcock's in Neilia Hunter's line.


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187d07  No.14417851


Seen many posts here saying the alternative was the cabal timeline of many years lock downs then mandatory shots that by then ppl would be willing to take so the speed was to preempt that.

That we are truly in a war (Cliff High & others talk about it) and it is a case of lesser evil to oppose en even more evil plan.

Agree still horrific. Current option includes find ways to counteract the effects of the shots IMHO.

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d4399e  No.14417852

File: 78e47486a256203⋯.png (591.05 KB, 455x690, 91:138, ClipboardImage.png)



I wait for you to come visit me.

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c95060  No.14417853

File: dea04056196c065⋯.jpg (37.66 KB, 371x360, 371:360, Screenshot_20210816_201832….jpg)

America purity

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d3c6ab  No.14417854

File: b8a8c071ab9ad75⋯.png (6.69 MB, 2358x10946, 1179:5473, 2021_08_21_12_16_42.png)

File: 6dcda9a24b377e9⋯.png (1.61 MB, 2100x1177, 2100:1177, 2021_08_21_12_17_17.png)

==State Dept Sends Security Alert, Due to Threats Do Not Come to Kabul Airport

August 21, 2021 | Sundance | ==

Yesterday, while responding to reports of American citizens not being able to get to the Kabul airport for evacuation Joe Biden said:

“We have no indication that they haven’t been able to get — in Kabul — through the airport. We’ve made an agreement with the — with the Taliban. Thus far, they’ve allowed them to go through. It’s in their interest for them to go through. So, we know of no circumstance where American citizens are — carrying an American passport — are trying to get through to the airport. But we will do whatever needs to be done to see to it they get to the airport.”

Today the U.S. State Dept. Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan issues a Security Alert:

“Because of potential security threats outside the gates at the Kabul airport, we are advising U.S. citizens to avoid traveling to the airport and to avoid airport gates at this time unless you receive individual instructions from a U.S. government representative to do so.”


Something sketchy is going on…

The State Dept. Public Relations firm, CNN, stopped Clarissa Ward (journalist) from reporting outside the gates of the Kabul airport. Now the embassy says don’t go to the airport at the same time the Associated Press is reporting on al-Qaeda and Islamic State elements threatening the area:

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Potential Islamic State threats against Americans in Afghanistan are forcing the U.S. military to develop new ways to get evacuees to the airport in Kabul, a senior U.S. official said Saturday, adding a new complication to the already chaotic efforts to get people out of the country after its swift fall to the Taliban.

The official said that small groups of Americans and possibly other civilians will be given specific instructions on what to do, including movement to transit points where they can be gathered up by the military. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss military operations. (read more)

Question everything.

page 1

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4a029f  No.14417855

File: c10c4315a77f33b⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 902x641, 902:641, DEPLOY_DA_DEPLORABLES.jpg)

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d3c6ab  No.14417856


Unfortunately this situation is very complex and with journalists now exiting the Kabul airport the American people are blind to what is taking place. We now have to rely on the government for information about what is taking place on the ground. Given the lack of credibility in government due to their lies, manipulations and documented efforts to control perception, we are in a precarious place.

The White House is saying all is safe. The State Department is saying the opposite.

We must be cautious in reviewing any/all media articles about the fluid situation in Afghanistan, as both Leftist and NeoCon media are framing the crisis story to fit their preferred narrative. All DC media reporting should be viewed through the prism of cynicism and skepticism.

When we review a State Department position (DoS) on anything, it should be noted that DoS personnel are, by ideological tribe, very dramatic, tender and pearl-clutching leftists in their worldview. State Department officials are the wokeist of the international woke community. As a consequence of their alignment and role, CNN is almost identically predisposed to the dramatic flair.

There is also an effort by media to parse the Biden administration into segments, and position blame according to their ideological unit inside the tribe. Watch for this to appear in the reporting, and we should not allow it.

The U.S. State Department, the U.S. Defense Department, The White House, the National Security Council and all officials in positions of leadership within the entirety of the Biden foreign policy establishment are equally to blame and all attached to this failure.

Their foreign policy ship is sinking and they were all on board.

Do not allow them to reach shore and excuse themselves from their crisis.

U.S. Military leadership was wrong in their claims, plans and risk assessments prior to the collapse of Afghanistan. The U.S. State Department was wrong and inept in their planning to secure the Embassy mission in Kabul for all Americans. The White House failed to organize, coordinate and manage the draw-down of military action in Afghanistan. The President made the wrong decisions. Those in political position advising the President were inept.

The Biden administration and foreign policy team is weak, ineffective, ideological and functionally flawed. Everything they do is exactly the opposite of what should be done.

Just like Obama before him, the Biden foreign policy is a joke.

page 2

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27016a  No.14417857

File: 3903ae36b0fed71⋯.png (28.87 KB, 748x428, 187:107, ClipboardImage.png)

The Bias



3:31 PM · Aug 21, 2021·Twitter Web App


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c95060  No.14417858

File: 5568e8ac36648d2⋯.jpg (13.87 KB, 250x403, 250:403, Screenshot_20210729_172954….jpg)

File: 0879582aba0721e⋯.jpg (36.67 KB, 280x371, 40:53, Screenshot_20210731_173359….jpg)

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884c44  No.14417859


Confirmed on Fox News

Cyber attack

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223146  No.14417860

File: 246944dc4b785a3⋯.jpg (43.61 KB, 585x585, 1:1, FB_IMG_1629566152242.jpg)

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630725  No.14417861

File: 0dd1bc8fdaffc81⋯.jpg (379.85 KB, 962x614, 481:307, oprahorca_2.jpg)


Is that Oprahs doll?

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b7d4b2  No.14417862


Hey Larry Elder, still believe that the elections are fair and secure?

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d4399e  No.14417863

File: 602f3709e23562d⋯.png (476.37 KB, 643x520, 643:520, ClipboardImage.png)

where is witch Jill these days?

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cfe379  No.14417864

File: 9cd0ee7ea0c553e⋯.jpg (185.25 KB, 980x489, 980:489, capture_498_20082021_09443….jpg)

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884c44  No.14417865


It happened weeks ago!

Smells fishy

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3d37e1  No.14417866

File: 2c0afc6f6e0ccd4⋯.png (677.55 KB, 606x424, 303:212, ClipboardImage.png)


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3c17cf  No.14417867

File: e83215fdbd823c3⋯.jpg (21.97 KB, 400x400, 1:1, e83215fdbd823c3891d947538c….jpg)


I think that look is for Abdul not the ladies.

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c95060  No.14417868

File: d39bc131a603a2f⋯.jpg (75.48 KB, 790x601, 790:601, Screenshot_20210801_165726….jpg)

File: 3ab8600009be9c8⋯.jpg (36.01 KB, 291x285, 97:95, Screenshot_20210801_181724….jpg)

File: 7187547221ea918⋯.jpg (147.53 KB, 729x972, 3:4, Screenshot_20210801_211205….jpg)

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d3c6ab  No.14417870

File: 2702e0eebb6c55a⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1348x4729, 1348:4729, 2021_08_21_12_43_51.png)

File: a08c9cfb0906fa8⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1293x3546, 431:1182, 2021_08_21_12_44_25.png)


Islamic State threat forces US changes to evacuations at Kabul airport

By: Ahmad Seir , Rahim Faiez, The Associated Press , Kathy Gannon, The Associated Press , and Lolita C. Baldor, The Associated Press

KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) — Potential Islamic State threats against Americans in Afghanistan are forcing the U.S. military to develop new ways to get evacuees to the airport in Kabul, a senior U.S. official said Saturday, adding a new complication to the already chaotic efforts to get people out of the country after its swift fall to the Taliban.

The official said that small groups of Americans and possibly other civilians will be given specific instructions on what to do, including movement to transit points where they can be gathered up by the military. The official spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss military operations.

The changes come as the U.S. Embassy issued anew security warningSaturday telling citizens not to travel to the Kabul airport without individual instruction from a U.S. government representative. Officials declined to provide more specifics about the IS threat but described it as significant, and said there have been no confirmed attacks as yet.

Army Maj. Gen. Hank Taylor, Joint Staff deputy director for regional operations, told Pentagon reporters on Saturday that of the 17,000 people evacuated since Aug. 15, just 2,500 have been Americans. U.S. officials have estimated there are as many as 15,000 Americans in Afghanistan, but acknowledge they don’t have solid numbers.

Time is running out ahead of Biden’s Aug. 31 deadline to withdraw most remaining U.S. troops, and the president on Friday night did not commit to extending it. He faces growing criticism as videos depict pandemonium and occasional violence outside the airport, and as vulnerable Afghans who fear the Taliban’s retaliation send desperate pleas not to be left behind.

Crowds remain outside the Kabul airport’s concrete barriers, clutching documents and sometimes stunned-looking children, blocked from flight by coils of razor wire.

Tens of thousands of translators and other Afghan wartime helpers, along with their close family members, are seeking evacuation after the Taliban’s shockingly swift takeover of Afghanistan in a little over a week’s time. The fall of Kabul marked the final chapter of America’s longest war, which began after the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attacks.



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96e2c7  No.14417871


Yeah, that stuck in my head pretty much when I realized



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97cce7  No.14417872

File: f448670a522b4f2⋯.jpeg (75.31 KB, 503x496, 503:496, 5E259483_A0B9_451F_9908_1….jpeg)

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e96edf  No.14417873



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d3c6ab  No.14417874


Remember those 169 evacuees mentioned by botus yesterday? Here's the story:

Inside the mission to rescue 169 Americans from a hotel outside the Kabul airport

A group of 169 Americans were airlifted from a hotel outside the Kabul airport on Thursday, Pentagon spokesman John Kirby confirmed to reporters Friday, one of a very limited number of actions that U.S. troops have undertaken outside of the Hamid Karzai International Airport walls since a contingent of 6,000 began deploying last week.

President Joe Biden first spoke of the mission during an address on Friday, in which he described “military assets” bringing Americans “over the wall” of the airport.

“… the original plan was for the Americans to gather themselves up at the Baron [Hotel] and walk through the Abbey gate. The gate is right here. So you can see from the hotel to the gate,” Kirby said. “… but there was a large crowd established outside the Abbey gate ― a crowd, that, that not everybody had confidence in, in terms of their ability to walk through it. And so, local commanders on the scene took the initiative and flew these helicopters out there to pick them up.”

Three Army CH-47 Chinooks fetched the Americans from a landing zone at the hotel, Kirby said, then dropped them at the airport for processing. He could not confirm whether they had since been flown out of Afghanistan.

The extraction was the first time U.S. officials have confirmed that troops have been operating outside the walls of the airport. ….


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24b2af  No.14417875

VP Camel Toe Harris is headed to Singapore in the middle a huge crisis… but why? She's being sent on a Deep State errand to meet up with Sleepy Joe's Chinese handlers. Person-to-person meeting so No Such Agency can't intercept digital comms…

Didn't Q post something about Singapore?

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1e8e46  No.14417876

How you fags been since I've been on vacation?

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223146  No.14417877

File: c7d872445a79724⋯.jpg (31.6 KB, 552x374, 276:187, FB_IMG_1628952427321.jpg)


>where is Jill?

Hopefully writhing in agony

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fe3e22  No.14417878

anderson cooper

s closet depraved homo spreads shilldawg memes

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fd7378  No.14417879

File: 3a37447cbf32a16⋯.png (80.99 KB, 480x362, 240:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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d3c6ab  No.14417880

File: a8a2b46537ceab9⋯.mp4 (14.85 MB, 400x274, 200:137, 2021_08_21_12_55_17_1_new.mp4)


This article used a video of an unrelated but important event - the rough handling of people outside the airport. Not just by the locals but by German and American troops, according to one witness.

Outside the Hamid Karzei Airport - VID


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c95060  No.14417881

File: 5f299e1f39fd8eb⋯.jpg (71.56 KB, 477x713, 477:713, Screenshot_20210727_225734….jpg)

File: 86e574b643bf2ec⋯.jpg (17.7 KB, 348x265, 348:265, Screenshot_20210804_090521….jpg)

File: 8507b1119e6e74a⋯.jpg (21.02 KB, 379x276, 379:276, Screenshot_20210804_090803….jpg)

File: 4efa1f1c820e7af⋯.jpg (38.67 KB, 396x328, 99:82, Screenshot_20210804_213619….jpg)

File: c73360724eb1de0⋯.jpg (22.65 KB, 341x246, 341:246, Screenshot_20210814_053329….jpg)

Two targeted flawless gem stones

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1e8e46  No.14417882

File: de2be733d0ad796⋯.jpg (170.58 KB, 1120x1410, 112:141, Franklin_goes_to_Ukraine.jpg)

It was a working vacation.

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3c17cf  No.14417883

File: f3f25efe7dd327a⋯.jpg (371.28 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, f3f25efe7dd327ac160796cd4b….jpg)


Or maybe she knows we're frogs & she's letting us know she lurks here.

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fe3e22  No.14417884

anderson cooper must be a real slut with all the fehgel

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4bbab2  No.14417885


‘If you don’t let us put stranger chemicals under your skin for your safety, we’ll spray strange chemicals in your face… for your safety.’

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731863  No.14417886


>for now

Thee old.. "I was just following orders" ploy does not work for me.

Good uniformed "officials" will hopefully speak up before it comes to that.

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97cce7  No.14417887

File: 69cc5cb1d533cdd⋯.jpeg (40.44 KB, 474x266, 237:133, EB765D39_16E6_4CE1_889F_D….jpeg)

File: 9e4d4e45fe48376⋯.jpeg (29.22 KB, 474x316, 3:2, A75C8433_B2CB_4316_9FA4_2….jpeg)

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42a997  No.14417888


quiet kek

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4a029f  No.14417890

File: 78792bdd93a3315⋯.jpg (87.86 KB, 499x699, 499:699, WORSE.jpg)

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1e8e46  No.14417891

File: d5007b7ab75e8ec⋯.gif (4.6 MB, 517x640, 517:640, kysa0jqxmnl11.gif)

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96e2c7  No.14417892

File: 134686d951a4e04⋯.jpg (104.27 KB, 768x768, 1:1, 1613846536994.jpg)


I highly doubt he'd want his name on here, but whatever

Have a meme that I didn't name & can't read from the thumbnail

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629f8d  No.14417893

File: 211ca2768f78824⋯.jpeg (17.23 KB, 255x166, 255:166, 54753b11c59160739c581090f….jpeg)


Not the NSA, but..

The flood is coming.

Emails, videos, audio, pics, etc.

FBI accidentally deletes texts?

No Such Agency accidentally RELEASES IT ALL>

Shall we play a game?


HENRI, flood.

CULLman, AL.

I dunno


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9a5322  No.14417894

File: f4507f94b98fa74⋯.jpg (163.06 KB, 1600x1202, 800:601, Armour.jpg)

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2bfd15  No.14417895


same stick as last week

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c95060  No.14417896

File: 21e37da5c7238b3⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 376x366, 188:183, Screenshot_20210729_200143….jpg)

File: 01b7da5934129f3⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 265x270, 53:54, Screenshot_20210729_200845….jpg)

File: 115686ad0311ab0⋯.jpg (49.2 KB, 381x468, 127:156, Screenshot_20210731_165731….jpg)

File: aa9ac6d056a735f⋯.jpg (88.5 KB, 452x585, 452:585, Screenshot_20210731_173902….jpg)

File: f0d7a820926859d⋯.jpg (35.26 KB, 373x333, 373:333, Screenshot_20210731_184603….jpg)

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731863  No.14417898


If you are not a Liberal by 20, you have no heart..

If you are not a Republican by 30, you have no brains.."

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d3c6ab  No.14417899


State Dept Sends Security Alert, Due to Threats Do Not Come to Kabul Airport

August 21, 2021 | Sundance |

red text fail, kek

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b98723  No.14417900


Vote in person, anon. Many shills complaining about elections still being rigged. Anon doesn’t believe that at all. They were secured after 2018 midterms. The 2020 election and a few smaller ones around were ALLOWED to happen by design for a bigger goal. Vote in person

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d83fd9  No.14417901

File: e4df2a519ba26e9⋯.png (98.77 KB, 784x532, 28:19, ClipboardImage.png)


It's on th WHO's list of Essential meds 2019…..Dosing listed is for anti parasitics, but…. still on the list.


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cfe379  No.14417902

File: 056e90c820540f0⋯.png (141.93 KB, 767x63, 767:63, _DeathSpiral_.png)

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3660cc  No.14417903


Someone clicked on that Penis Enlargement link.

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223146  No.14417904


>she's poison ivy

More like 15 minute itch

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d13801  No.14417905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cbb394  No.14417906

We habe been humiliated by the Tollybahn!!!

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8de05e  No.14417907

File: 4adb9227ee04914⋯.png (387.99 KB, 631x450, 631:450, Screen_Shot_2021_08_21_at_….png)

File: 6ff56779d0078dc⋯.png (89.71 KB, 655x320, 131:64, Screen_Shot_2021_08_21_at_….png)

Something BIG is up with the vaccines. Posting a few things from different places. I couldn't access the story out of Romania but I did get to the outlet that apparently posted it. Someone with a Twitter account should be able to access the story.

This link provides a bunch of graphs, but the last statement is something:


'“Whether governments throw in incentives or coercive measures, there is no magical solution,” said Martin Blachier, an epidemiologist with Paris-based healthcare data analysis firm Public Health Expertise. “Some will just not get the vaccine.”'

Then I just discovered that there was a big anti-vaccine (medical freedom) rally in TX. E-mail excerpt introduces a new category of parent: Those that have lost a child to a COVID vaccine.

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fe3e22  No.14417908

anderson cooper homo must take up the zuck butt hole

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d01576  No.14417909


>which side is dealing with the global supply chain, food production and distribution shut down that will starve most of the planet THIS YEAR?

Why TF do you ask such a stupid question then? And what do you expect from anons? FFS everyone here is already awake, you wanna post questions like that go some where that people aren't awake. That is the number one problem right now, if everyone woke up and decided to stop this madness they would in 24 hours.

Forget food, normies will soon be ratting you out for everything at the rates things are going. I think you only need something like 10% of the civilian population on board with the government to maintain a tyranny. Right now it's likely at 50%, so get cracking on waking people up.

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fe3e22  No.14417910

anderson cooper homo donut must want double stuff histrionics

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f28d59  No.14417911

File: 9547f6219cc1b90⋯.png (160.19 KB, 250x342, 125:171, OMorainCrestColors.png)

File: 9e6821e314c9b27⋯.png (817.7 KB, 890x534, 5:3, MacLeodTrumpTartan.png)

File: 914792d9858b57e⋯.png (111.22 KB, 300x380, 15:19, ChildDonald.png)



Moran is Irish (and likely Scottish) Gaelic meaning

The Great

It was used for kings and heroes and ended up becoming a surname

Funny thing is their crest is the same colors as the MacLeod tartan

Remember that 4chan was started by the CLOWNS to run their psyops

And everything associated with the chans including Q is polluted by clowns

Whitehats intervened and took over Q and used it against them

And extended the chans and eventually got control of 8kun

But all that culture

The POPE as a green frog named Pepe

The KEK thing connected to Korea

To hide the North Korean physicists who trained at kek.jp

And then created Bitcoin as a software implementation

Of quantum entanglement

They likely died in the satellite attack on that North Korean mountain

But their stash of bitcoin is likely still in the hands of North Korea

You have a choice

Either you mindlessly follow the CLOWN pied pipers

Or you think for yourself, resist the enemy and forge your own way to the future.

Either be a slave to the past, or be a free human in the BEST world to come.

And for those who dig

Try these two searches

satoshi site:kek.jp

nakamoto site:kek.jp

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4a029f  No.14417913

File: 4e7861dcdf7ac09⋯.jpg (258.83 KB, 1060x600, 53:30, coop2.jpg)

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8d162d  No.14417914

File: f4cc181aee546a4⋯.jpg (552.39 KB, 1080x1206, 60:67, Screenshot_20210821_133730….jpg)


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355810  No.14417915

File: 8fc35847eb479c8⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 752x386, 376:193, wutang.jpg)


we are they

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d0b2e1  No.14417916



Fox News.


Sure thing.

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0bcc0f  No.14417917

File: 889888056661668⋯.jpg (62.8 KB, 1122x561, 2:1, 8898880566616684cd73cbec84….jpg)

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4cae50  No.14417918


best question since oct 2017


some people do keep their eyes on the important stuff

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8de05e  No.14417919


I'm pretty sure that if there is an actual new disease out there it is NOT (primarily or only) viral. There is a definite parasitic/bacterial component. This would explain the usefulness of both Ivermectin and HCQ.

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d8bdd2  No.14417920

File: 11206e7e286e066⋯.jpg (120.59 KB, 700x467, 700:467, g75y8ytgw9h858u9eygw58thoq….jpg)

Imagine they'll run with the '1st black woman prez' shtick and hype for a while.

Implement MBrotherhood laws through her by EO's.

Attempt to chisel away more freedoms.

JB tries to quietly bow out and ride off into the sunset or gets

snuffed out by his handlers.

Light exposes. Fire burns.

The world is watching.

Just thoughts.

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d4399e  No.14417921


notable….State Dept cyber attack……is it old news ?….


>Not breaking. The attack was a couple of weeks ago


>It happened weeks ago!

>Smells fishy


>Release it all

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0d7111  No.14417922


>before it comes to that.

Agreed. I wish for the same thing. What’s happening in France and Australia and other places, in anons opinion, HAS to happen to some extent here. People need to get so pissed off that they are willing to walk away from the old system.

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83b05a  No.14417923

File: e9414cac5b696e0⋯.mp4 (7.38 MB, 854x480, 427:240, e9414cac5b696e0bfabf3f0577….mp4)


It is hard to imagine that our military could not defeat these elite Afghan forces. SMH!

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f199f1  No.14417924

File: 2b84b1c481d0bf6⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 474x354, 79:59, willcock.jpg)


reading you now…

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c95060  No.14417925

File: 26f23c4cf266c40⋯.jpg (26.42 KB, 329x243, 329:243, Screenshot_20210731_145335….jpg)

File: c93091db1730f92⋯.jpg (24.34 KB, 375x206, 375:206, Screenshot_20210729_114805….jpg)

File: 0e9b0080a2f4a5f⋯.jpg (35.42 KB, 282x364, 141:182, Screenshot_20210729_114830….jpg)

File: 84e5a93adedf215⋯.jpg (176.58 KB, 1266x716, 633:358, Screenshot_20210729_132932….jpg)

File: 7462b529a5d6aca⋯.jpg (34.51 KB, 517x522, 517:522, Screenshot_20210801_164307….jpg)

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d01576  No.14417926


let me guess… russia

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630725  No.14417927

File: dc21e1f7eedd423⋯.png (2.72 MB, 2818x1733, 2818:1733, biden.png)

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ce5496  No.14417928

File: 3b23bc47f60d855⋯.png (107.8 KB, 526x624, 263:312, re_HI_High_Covid_Rates_Not….PNG)

You probably didn’t know Hawaii just hit an all time high for covid hospitalizations because the media can’t blame masks, vaccines, Trump voters, or Republicans for this data.


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fe3e22  No.14417929


we should find old pale horse feghel for ander son cooper to double stuff histrionics wiff

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629f8d  No.14417930

File: 07d2c37151dd5eb⋯.jpeg (35.22 KB, 436x379, 436:379, OIP_10_.jpeg)


TY for the update.


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c95060  No.14417931

File: 6417ae8c3f8ea66⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 577x455, 577:455, Screenshot_20210803_082224….jpg)

File: 73b1758b7763cd6⋯.jpg (198.51 KB, 1242x727, 1242:727, Screenshot_20210803_084057….jpg)

File: d25459f840595cb⋯.jpg (72.15 KB, 677x521, 677:521, Screenshot_20210803_113434….jpg)

File: d2e19f7f40535b7⋯.jpg (31.09 KB, 372x275, 372:275, Screenshot_20210803_150751….jpg)

File: 9cbf5ae544b3565⋯.jpg (25.87 KB, 277x362, 277:362, Screenshot_20210803_161731….jpg)

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1e8e46  No.14417932


Rihanna married a BillionShekelSupremisist. I don't know why the tabloids are acting like she created an empire.

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d13801  No.14417934


Heels Up knows her time is limited and she knows she is never going to take office: she was on display to expose the corruption…that's it, that's all….sucks to be her.

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4a029f  No.14417935


They have to get her MEDs straightened out 1st

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31486b  No.14417936

File: 3ae51e9687e53f3⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1125x1727, 1125:1727, 2020_02_11_19_19_17.png)


You have guessed correctly anon! It’s always Russia!

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e96edf  No.14417937


Trust not the word of man, look it up your self; search and read; and know the facts and what the Bible says – for your own self.


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731863  No.14417938


I just searched for him locally (using middle initial I left out) and found a shitload of Jeremiah ? Johnson cops.

I think he is safe.

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8de05e  No.14417939


I can and DO blame the vaxxes for this. The vaxxes cause COVID.

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3f8f47  No.14417940


They're in full rebellion now. We are currently living in a lawless country. The only reason there is order is because most people don't know it yet.

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6d7fc5  No.14417941

File: 4195c57816e1d01⋯.png (407.05 KB, 505x480, 101:96, ClipboardImage.png)

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3d1752  No.14417942

File: 4be6f24ae100a9e⋯.png (506.96 KB, 936x730, 468:365, Qfinal2_2.png)

File: 507420fc1f9fa7a⋯.png (283.42 KB, 796x673, 796:673, Q17_2.png)

IDK what this is but someone look at it my brain hurts

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c95060  No.14417943

File: 6e39c6bb6a714c8⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 651x326, 651:326, Screenshot_20210806_083906….jpg)

File: 6420d4c5b495773⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 613x323, 613:323, Screenshot_20210806_083926….jpg)

File: 6e2e08ecc9e1b7f⋯.jpg (131.25 KB, 1200x1329, 400:443, Screenshot_20210806_083956….jpg)

File: bb5b3d29f70059d⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 498x681, 166:227, Screenshot_20210806_084739….jpg)

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412a78  No.14417944


>To know God is to know fear.

No Fear

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4d3f42  No.14417945

(pb) >>14414971 Three Reasons the White Hats Are Winning

#4 Could be the fall of Afghanistan. It's too early to tell but heroin production going to zero and US taxpayer trillion dollar rat line to Afghanistan drying up would be a win.

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4fe0f2  No.14417946


He has enough support no matter what. Now those who see the genocide can't trust him. When it all blows over won't he have to take responsibility? Can't find sense in this move.


I've heard and thought about this before and that itself makes sense but then why shill the poison now? Why keep boasting about how quick his vaccine program was, what's the point of that?

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c95060  No.14417947

File: 6a3c0b95cc176b8⋯.jpg (65.39 KB, 695x452, 695:452, Screenshot_20210801_165210….jpg)

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4cae50  No.14417948


not lawless

law and order is tighter than ever.

you just can't see

what is a fusion center?

could you plug in a different set of criminals for tracking?

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4a029f  No.14417949


no, they cause profits

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d4399e  No.14417950


kamala will soon have to face Jussie SMollette charges….timing is everything

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630725  No.14417951

File: 62692673b97b43a⋯.jpeg (171.31 KB, 474x543, 158:181, jesus.jpeg)


Do not fear

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c95060  No.14417952

File: b71bc64dad87783⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 351x249, 117:83, Screenshot_20210728_112252….jpg)

Baking tonight


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50ce75  No.14417953

File: e01cf22aadcfd58⋯.png (21.17 KB, 504x282, 84:47, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ca35af6805dfdc3⋯.png (235.39 KB, 420x528, 35:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8eaeeddbe20d76f⋯.png (29.61 KB, 368x260, 92:65, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db427777ca0f103⋯.png (623.27 KB, 650x366, 325:183, ClipboardImage.png)

When it comes from Bidan's twitter acct

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0d7111  No.14417954


What if those were our allies dressed up as Tali? Perhaps even some US troops ?

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58882d  No.14417956

Gawd, RSBN is not broadcasting shit other than some four-eyed homo editorializing and opining to hell and back. Frank is just as bad, symposium re-runs and that awful iranian twat rambling about afghanistan over and over again.

(sigh) At least there is here and youfags.

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8de05e  No.14417957


Huh? 8:07 AM Aug 22, 2021

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187d07  No.14417958


IMHO most people can't believe their Docs and hospitals are part of the corrupt system. It is truly evil what Rockefeller et al did/continues and beyond the decency of normal ppl.

Even honest Docs & decent hospitals are trapped in the system, so there needs to be a whole other set of options.

Another problem is trust - where do we find an honest healthcare provider and how would we decide that they are not quacks selling snake oil?

Needs to be some sort of alternate medicine certified group that would serve as an option. There may be some around throughout the country but if so don't know how to find them.

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c95060  No.14417959

File: 4af32e5013fb2fd⋯.jpg (18.71 KB, 212x214, 106:107, Screenshot_20210820_223807….jpg)

File: 65e87efedf49545⋯.jpg (22.06 KB, 283x193, 283:193, Screenshot_20210821_144605….jpg)

Watch the lights ;)

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8de05e  No.14417960


COVID is profits.

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731863  No.14417961


Always easier to remember the truth!

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cfe379  No.14417962

File: 316e261d9d64008⋯.jpg (177.52 KB, 1043x584, 1043:584, capture_926_21082021_10475….jpg)


>Enforce the laws already on the tyrannical books

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c95060  No.14417963

File: e61b9299a620f1d⋯.jpg (15.21 KB, 193x254, 193:254, Screenshot_20210731_144907….jpg)

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379044  No.14417964


Joe forgot to put it on the list.

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223146  No.14417965

File: 7cd9bd2629fb9be⋯.png (47.83 KB, 255x108, 85:36, 82ba33880e1acb753f974ea8e7….png)


All that and more!

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96e2c7  No.14417966


Maybe the Google employee, his wife, baby & dog flipped & were put in Witness Protection

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50ce75  No.14417967

File: c3c2fa08c290af0⋯.png (110.82 KB, 255x170, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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629f8d  No.14417968


New Zealand maybe

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55b214  No.14417969


Bottom line: we should have picked Cruz instead of Trump. Love Trump but look where it got us.

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4d3f42  No.14417970


No one would dare tell them they can't dance. Solid Gold dancers.

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d13801  No.14417971


What were we talking about?

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e96edf  No.14417972


oh SCIENCE, oh SCIENCE, oh wut have you done for me, took you to Alabama with MAGA rifle on my knee

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0d5db5  No.14417973

File: b8f56d0ba436518⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_21_….png)

C-32As 98-0002 & 99-0003SAM057 & SAM060

Planes have departed Tokyo heading SW.

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3f8f47  No.14417974


We've learned that reports of hospitals full of patients is almost always bullshit. We also know that the PCR test can't differentiate between the flu and COVID-19. We also know that people in Hawaii are totally brainwashed, so if they do come down with flu symptoms, they probably rush to the hospital thinking the worst. The hospital administers a PCR test, and then they get admitted. The mind makes it 10X worse than it is, and the person swears to God it's the worst thing they've ever experienced. We're talking high level magic here.

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7d2a79  No.14417975

File: 4152bf445bcaa2e⋯.jpg (4.32 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, image.jpg)

Where the pig is @

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731863  No.14417976


try and keep up.

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08a032  No.14417977

File: 642b7b61d813f4c⋯.png (5.11 MB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, ClipboardImage.png)

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45613a  No.14417978

File: f5f3c9725bb7da8⋯.png (10.62 KB, 930x133, 930:133, nsa_releases_it_all.png)


https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/334286888#p334288600 thread was deleted all i got should have got more was archived now erased

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223146  No.14417979

File: 91096d6f9c148a0⋯.jpg (89.03 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 91096d6f9c148a032ff055a9d6….jpg)


>When it comes from Bidan's twitter acct

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eb3a38  No.14417980

File: 5109228726cfbbf⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1069x587, 1069:587, RallyTime_2.png)

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fe3e22  No.14417981

anderson cooper wants fehgel in latex fo sho

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97cce7  No.14417982


Because maybe he’s not Jesus. And maybe all of the unvaxxed are standing defiantly on the wrong side and misreading clues? Or maybe the vax doesn’t matter at all. Like, not. at. all. And the Covid is being sprayed in the air and put in the water….

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630725  No.14417983

File: 9272bebbe93a3d3⋯.png (2.12 MB, 1403x1448, 1403:1448, gotime.png)

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c95060  No.14417984

File: 0dc7e5c881b593b⋯.jpg (82.09 KB, 645x717, 215:239, Screenshot_20210728_111302….jpg)

File: 3275eb62407997d⋯.jpg (123.12 KB, 1355x760, 271:152, Screenshot_20210728_205337….jpg)

Watching the water…


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d13801  No.14417985


nvm! I followed the thread! Sorry for your troubles, and I double down on TRUTH with you. Thanks, anon.

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4bbab2  No.14417986

File: 8f8072addb82688⋯.jpeg (36.06 KB, 627x352, 57:32, 2C3B6CE4_616C_426D_8826_7….jpeg)

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8de05e  No.14417987


You might have made a point or two, but a positive test doesn't usually result in a hospitalization immediately. I think you need to be VERY sick with a low oxygen saturation.

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f28d59  No.14417988


Looks like a fancy letter Q

With the handle of a Pirate cutlass turning into aQuill as the tail of the Q

In French, tail is queue

The blade has turned into a feather

Penne in Italian

That is used to write SHARP prose

But only when it is wielded

With skill and wit

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9267ac  No.14417989

File: 70cb088cba80e7c⋯.jpg (387.47 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 2020_Ballot_alignment_1.jpg)

File: 502e2ade229a7fd⋯.jpg (761.79 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Front_CA_Ballot.jpg)

File: 9c6780fcae79174⋯.jpg (534.65 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Alignment_mark_1.jpg)

File: 4dedefb30b5d2f2⋯.jpg (701.94 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Back_CA_Ballot.jpg)

File: 16fc3e8186a009b⋯.jpg (472.22 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Alignment_mark_2.jpg)

Okay MAGA… RED ALERT!!! If you’re in California, and got your mail in ballot for state Governor, DON’T USE IT!!! I REPEAT…DON’T USE IT!!!

I just got thru reviewing the video below from Jovan Hutton Pulitzer being interviewed by Joe & James Hoft from the Gateway Pundit.

Check it out: https://rumble.com/vlegt3-the-mayham-in-maricopa.html

I had to check for myself so I took my MAIL-IN-BALLOT; I just received today, and shined a light thru the backside of the ballot on the CALIBRATION markers. HOLY CRAP! The front page and back page markers don’t line up with each other. This would place my ballot, IF I USED IT, in the adjudication counting room. That would allow some STRANGER to decide whom THEY THINK I wanted to vote for and change my vote to whomever they selected. If the CALABRATION markers are off so is the scanner read of my vote on that ballot!!!!!!!!! I also checked my wife’s and the same thing, markers are way off!!!!

I’ve also included images of my 2020 Mail in Ballot calibration marks. Look they are perfectly aligned!!!

Watch Jovan Hutton Pulitzer video starting at 13 minutes on this video interview for the proof!!!

We caught them again cheating MAGA. I’m only going to vote in person now and will check the voting machine and its paper at the polls for the alignment calibration markers. I most likely will DEMAND a PAPER BALLOT when I’m there.



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223146  No.14417990

File: 8fa98360982813d⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 1024x1023, 1024:1023, 8fa98360982813d09bc88a426b….jpg)

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08a032  No.14417991

File: a0dd81c022af4ae⋯.png (395.95 KB, 568x323, 568:323, ClipboardImage.png)

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39264f  No.14417992

I have been living in fear for the last several months. But last night I realized, at least we're not living in a world where we are 8 months into HRC's 2nd term in office. Things would've been so much worse by now. The bioweapon might've been not 98% surviveable. There would still be no vaccines. Q would never have happened. The truth about our milleniums of slavery would've died in darkness. 2A would've been more heavily infringed instead of a bumpstock ban. Think everything we've been hit with over the last 18months x10 or more. Fear and panic are the enemy. When struck with adversity, we must lean on our loved ones and find a solution.

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50ce75  No.14417993

File: a3e968e8896cee9⋯.png (92.16 KB, 674x531, 674:531, ClipboardImage.png)

Taliban notify gov't servants to return to jobs

Finance Ministry issues notification saying salaries would be issued according to routine


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d0b2e1  No.14417994


Truth is true.

Go heavy or get thee to thine own abode.

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8de05e  No.14417995


The poster is saying the media is NOT discussing this. Makes me wonder if the high numbers are legit.

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731863  No.14417996


>willing to walk away from the old system

Communities gathering en mass with their weapons, marching these commies out of office into jail on a rail is more like it.

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3f8f47  No.14417997


Hospitals do get reimbursed for COVID-19 patients, so it's possible they just admit people to boost those numbers and the narrative. But then again, if Hawaii is one of the most highly vaxed, then it's also possible that these people are suffering the onset of ADE, which many doctors have said would take out bunches of them within the next 6 months.

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c62c82  No.14417998

File: 5e195835c9ad49c⋯.png (103.75 KB, 525x356, 525:356, 78fc3bc3fac1b084988e31a305….png)

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b2c322  No.14417999


> State Department has been hit by a cyber attack

how many passwords, computersm files, etc were left in Kabul for China to access?

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4a029f  No.14418000

File: fa4b04e04f917b0⋯.jpg (371.79 KB, 1079x718, 1079:718, cures.jpg)

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b54662  No.14418001

File: 5b446f9f224caf4⋯.png (111.62 KB, 474x134, 237:67, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4399e  No.14418002

File: b120cd8ea3bbf09⋯.png (81.17 KB, 838x445, 838:445, ClipboardImage.png)


when covid is the sword…

releasing it all is the mighty Pen

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3bd624  No.14418003

The Orion Group is a Satanic force that has a predatorial ideology that uses females as slaves or breeders, while seeking territorial dominion on other planets within their warring and killing culture. Their position in the NAA and its consortium of Negative Aliens is called the Black Sun Program. They are a predator force with a predator mind which is mainly responsible for creating much of the Negative Ego in humanity through Mind Control programming and they have introduced financial and Debt Enslavement to planet earth through the banking cartels.

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08a032  No.14418004

File: 6721cf65c57cdf5⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1199x800, 1199:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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f78b78  No.14418005


God bless anon, I’ve been feeling for weeks, but I’m sure glad God gave me the faith to believe. It might be our dark night of the soul! Dont give up!


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55b214  No.14418006


We should have picked Cruz over Trump. Everyone just went Gaga over Trump’s speeches. We’d be in the 2nd Cruz administration right now and yes, he would have easily defeated Hillary.

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4dcc39  No.14418007

File: e62ae8b8783c7aa⋯.jpg (38.23 KB, 577x433, 577:433, sc_ts.jpg)

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7d2a79  No.14418008

File: de1dadd3178902e⋯.jpg (99.38 KB, 533x449, 533:449, SATAN_TWO.jpg)

Worried a little bit

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32dbd6  No.14418009




agreed, shorter bread is better IMO

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c62c82  No.14418010

File: f7c38314336a207⋯.png (155.99 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Rally_Shift_min.png)

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d49fde  No.14418011


>sum of all fears

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3bd624  No.14418012


Additionally the Nordics are blond looking humans from Orion and are also predatorial, this species is responsible for spreading racism, genetic discrimination, genetic experimentation, such in the Nazi ideology and they are proponents of promoting their belief system of "genetic superiority" through spiritually abusive methods of Eugenics. This Nordic group was directly involved with Hitler's Germany and World War II.

N= Nordics?

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50ce75  No.14418013

File: a28ceed15f21fc7⋯.png (144.99 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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96e2c7  No.14418014


One of Trumps statements the other day had the capitals:


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f6daa5  No.14418015

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Are they killing us with the mandated treatment?

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c609f0  No.14418016


"..despite one of the longest mask mandates and highest vaccination rates in the country.."

Well there you go then - explained.

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8de05e  No.14418017


I know. This is what I think is starting. A lot of people have been sick this summer, including two vaccinated family members (not me, though).

The vaxxed have trashed immune systems. Not only are their bodies vulnerable to actual mutant "coronavirus" but also to other pathogens. ADE was always the result in previous attempts at making vaccines against RNA viruses, if I understand correctly.

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355810  No.14418018


>what do you expect from anons?

not having a beLIEfs in 'sides' or 'good guys'

There is truth and everything else.

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d4399e  No.14418019


Cruz would not have beat Hillary because he wouldn't have stopped the cheating.

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3c17cf  No.14418020

File: 8700c93f3a6a0b7⋯.gif (8.09 MB, 640x358, 320:179, kamala_harris.gif)

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630725  No.14418021


Future proves past? They lied about the hospitals the first go round, and maybe now people are really sick with the fauxvax and they dub them sick with Covid

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bad7c5  No.14418022

File: d58c19649f7b241⋯.png (20.67 KB, 549x279, 61:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aeee10a82104f4d⋯.png (498.74 KB, 1920x943, 1920:943, ClipboardImage.png)


SAM057 was squawking 3270

Interesting mapping to Q post 3270

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d0b2e1  No.14418023


Criteria for admission must be met.

A level of service satisfied.

Otherwise, you are observation status and should gtfo.

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7d2a79  No.14418024

File: 3c151d58f586ed5⋯.jpg (89.91 KB, 500x634, 250:317, chanting.jpg)

Rock bottom

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d13801  No.14418025

According to the crowd waiting to get into the rally tonight, a child sang God Bless America. Anyone got video of that?

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d01576  No.14418026


tnx anon, it gets the point across

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731863  No.14418027

File: 19ca412a8f19fe6⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1024x611, 1024:611, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4399e  No.14418028


>N= Nordics?

that 's my opinion.

N is not new or nazi, but subgroup related.

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629f8d  No.14418029


Love to know who Validated this MILAIR request.


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001a26  No.14418030


Dumbest post in a week

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715f10  No.14418031


Ahh, they're just collectors items, will be valuable some day on Ebay to our grandkids.

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4a029f  No.14418032

File: 24072f479b46c76⋯.jpg (55.32 KB, 600x401, 600:401, sad_nortic.jpg)

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c7539d  No.14418033

>>14416893 lb

>5 good reasons for the FDA to give full approval to COVID-19 vaccines: Analysis

Five better reasons not to:






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fd7378  No.14418035

File: 9e07bb2a8690ab3⋯.png (137.02 KB, 236x293, 236:293, ClipboardImage.png)



>And everything associated with the chans including Q is polluted by clowns

>Whitehats intervened and took over Q and used it against them

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8de05e  No.14418036


Are "Aryans" the same as "Nordics".

I think of "Nordics" as more like "slavs" who were subjugated so much that we get our word "slave" from them.

Where am I wrong (legit asking, I'm not too familiar with this subject)?

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1e8e46  No.14418037

File: dd4c0e9f3d73ce3⋯.jpg (3.98 MB, 1818x7725, 606:2575, Screenshot_20210821_155013….jpg)

File: 5da7194b801a983⋯.jpg (3.02 MB, 2051x6794, 2051:6794, Screenshot_20210821_155123….jpg)

File: 9c578156104f45c⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 2051x5172, 2051:5172, Screenshot_20210821_155227….jpg)

File: a6847b92534c44b⋯.jpg (2.86 MB, 2052x5855, 2052:5855, Screenshot_20210821_155316….jpg)

File: 859a32b6216c77b⋯.jpg (2.39 MB, 2051x5955, 2051:5955, Screenshot_20210821_155408….jpg)

Here's something I've been working on. Dig on this anons. Crisper may be the mystery machine.

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b7d4b2  No.14418038


>Bottom line: we should have picked Cruz instead of Trump

While I was a supporter of Cruz (still am, somewhat), we can only speculate where we'd be with Cruz as prior president. Unfortunately, Cruz can not self-fund and would be beholden to his funders.

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c706d7  No.14418039

File: 383b7cddd6a95b4⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1470x828, 245:138, ClipboardImage.png)

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9983dc  No.14418040


Blessings to you for this!

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00f1fb  No.14418041

File: 06d232ecc0ce54b⋯.jpg (19.95 KB, 305x222, 305:222, 06d232ecc0ce54bce0da5707af….jpg)

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f199f1  No.14418042

File: 5bfc296e58fff7c⋯.png (120.45 KB, 289x292, 289:292, MeinNeger.png)

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50ce75  No.14418043

File: 20f39e3c7fd519a⋯.png (137.01 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 065348136096dfa⋯.png (147.35 KB, 255x239, 255:239, ClipboardImage.png)


Cruz was not the Chosen one

Lurk Moar, read the drops


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55b214  No.14418044


I’m glad Trump won in 2016 and I have no regrets for voting for him in 2016, but he didn’t stop any cheating in 2016 or 2020. He did walk away despite overwhelming evidence of cheating in 2020 though. He also allowed the COVID hysteria to set in and relentlessly promotes the vaccines.

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fe3e22  No.14418045

peter pan creamy is our fren

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97cce7  No.14418046

File: 0fe761fe20086ac⋯.jpeg (618.45 KB, 979x1245, 979:1245, C8EED612_1352_4820_AA71_A….jpeg)

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715f10  No.14418047


Norwegians? Norsemen?

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f78b78  No.14418048


Thats pretty anazing sychronicity anon, i wish I could find someobe irl. Im happy for you, but i did find a Q friend at shared offices a couple of years ago. Yours is much more meaningful though

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d01576  No.14418049


your a fucking idiot, leave the board plz

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4d3f42  No.14418050


And hooked up with Maria Shriver. Sort of an odd couple.

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d3c6ab  No.14418051

File: e3ae6dae3babf9b⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1610x4782, 805:2391, 2021_08_21_13_51_37.png)

Covid-19: FDA set to grant full approval to Pfizer vaccine without public discussion of data

BMJ 2021; 374 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.n2086 (Published 20 August 2021) Cite this as: BMJ 2021;374:n2086

Transparency advocates have criticised the US Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) decision not to hold a formal advisory committee meeting to discuss Pfizer’s application for full approval of its covid-19 vaccine.

Last year the FDA said it was “committed to use an advisory committee composed of independent experts to ensure deliberations about authorisation or licensure are transparent for the public.”1

But in a statement, the FDA told The BMJ that it did not believe a meeting was necessary ahead of the expected granting of full approval.

“The FDA has held numerous meetings of its Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) related to covid-19 vaccines, including a 22 October 20202 meeting to discuss, in general, the development, authorisation, and licensure of covid-19 vaccines,” an FDA spokesperson said.

“The FDA also has held meetings of the VRBPAC on all three covid-19 vaccines authorised for emergency use and does not believe a meeting is needed related to this biologics license application.”

The spokesperson added, “The Pfizer BioNTech covid-19 vaccine was discussed at the VRBPAC meeting on 10 December 2020.3 If the agency had any questions or concerns that required input from the advisory committee members we would have scheduled a meeting to discuss.”

The vaccine has already been rolled out to millions of Americans through an emergency use authorisation. Companies typically apply for full approval after a longer period has elapsed so that more data are available for review.

But with the US government indicating this week that it plans to start making booster shots widely available next month, experts said the decision not to meet to discuss the data was politically driven.

Data scrutiny

Kim Witczak, a drug safety advocate who serves as a consumer representative on the FDA’s Psychopharmacologic Drugs Advisory Committee,4 said the decision removed an important mechanism for scrutinising the data.

“These public meetings are imperative in building trust and confidence especially when the vaccines came to market at lightning speed under emergency use authorisation,” she said. “The public deserves a transparent process, especially as the call for boosters and mandates are rapidly increasing. These meetings offer a platform where questions can be raised, problems tackled, and data scrutinised in advance of an approval.”

Witczak is one of the more than 30 signatories of a citizen petition5 calling on the FDA to refrain from fully approving any covid-19 vaccine this year to gather more data. She warned that without a meeting “we have no idea what the data looks like.”

“It is already concerning that full approval is being based on 6 months’ worth of data despite the clinical trials designed for two years,” she said. “There is no control group after Pfizer offered the product to placebo participants before the trials were completed.

“Full approval of covid-19 vaccines must be done in an open public forum for all to see. It could set a precedent of lowered standards for future vaccine approvals.”

Public discussion

Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Center for Health Research, who has also spoken at recent VRBPAC meetings, told The BMJ, “It’s obvious that the FDA has no intention of hearing anyone else’s opinion. But if you make decisions behind closed doors it can feed into hesitancy. It’s important to have a public discussion about what kind of data are there and what the limitations are. As we think about risk versus benefit, we need to know.”

Joshua Sharfstein, vice dean for public health practice and community engagement at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and former FDA deputy commissioner during the Obama administration, said that advisory committee meetings were more than just a way of receiving scientific input from outside experts. “It’s also an opportunity to educate the public about the important work that the FDA has done reviewing an enormous amount of data about a product,” he told The BMJ. “It’s a chance for questions to be asked and answered, building public confidence.

“If there are no advisory committee meetings prior to licensure, the FDA should consider taking extra steps to explain the basis of its decisions to the public.”–

On 18 August, before the news that the FDA would not be holding a formal committee meeting, the president of the Infectious Diseases Society of America Barbara Alexander praised the impact of the VRBPAC meetings as “a critical and necessary part” of the process for assessing whether to give booster doses.6


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fe3e22  No.14418052


deep in RUMP archives

there is wonderland

built by sorosanon

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b98723  No.14418053


So many moving parts it’s too early to make a real “call”. Anon’s smell-o-meter is off the charts pointing to a completely false story/narrative surround ALL of it

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7d2a79  No.14418054

File: 60c912257bd8187⋯.jpg (89.81 KB, 609x453, 203:151, Buddha_says.jpg)

File: 998101df1b8c7f2⋯.jpg (96.87 KB, 521x413, 521:413, the_real_42.jpg)

Does God dwell in every soul ?

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d4399e  No.14418055

File: cf225db8419d5c3⋯.png (121.61 KB, 835x760, 167:152, ClipboardImage.png)


>N is not new or nazi, but subgroup related.



Nordic Race - Nordicism - Nordic Thought in Germany - Nazi Nordicism

Nazi Nordicism

Further information: Nazism and race

Adolf Hitler read Human Heredity shortly before he wrote Mein Kampf, and called it scientific proof of the racial basis of civilization. Its arguments were also repeated by the Nazi ideologist Alfred Rosenberg, in his book The Myth of the Twentieth Century (1930).

Nazi racial theories, such as those of Julius Evola, held the Atlanteans to be a race of Nordic supermen, and Alfred Rosenberg wrote of a "Nordic-Atlantean" master race whose civilization was lost through inward corruption and betrayal. The Occult and Nazism Re-Examined. According to Rosenberg, the Nordic race had evolved in a now-lost landmass off the coast of Europe, perhaps mythical Atlantis, migrated through northern Europe and expanded further south, and as far as Iran and India where it founded the Aryan cultures of Zoroastrianism and Hinduism. Like Grant and others, he argued that the entrepreneurial energy of the Nordics had "degenerated" when they mixed with "inferior" peoples.

With the rise of Hitler, Nordic theory became the norm within German culture. In some cases the "Nordic" concept became an almost abstract ideal rather than a mere racial category. For example Hermann Gauch wrote in 1933 (in a book which was banned in the Third Reich) that the fact that "birds can be taught to talk better than other animals is explained by the fact that their mouths are Nordic in structure." He further claimed that in humans, "the shape of the Nordic gum allows a superior movement of the tongue, which is the reason why Nordic talking and singing are richer."

Such views were extreme, but more mainstream Nordic theory was institutionalized. Hans F. K. Günther, who joined the Nazi Party in 1932, was praised as a pioneer in racial thinking, a shining light of Nordic theory. Most official Nazi comments on the Nordic Race were based on Günther's works, and Alfred Rosenberg presented Günther with a medal for his work in anthropology.

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731863  No.14418056


>Unfortunately, Cruz can not self-fund and would be beholden to his funders.

what you said

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630725  No.14418057

File: 09c4d0240d2f84f⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 564x576, 47:48, nwo.jpg)


N is for neural

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1e8e46  No.14418058

File: e3960deef3e3597⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 2039x4826, 2039:4826, Screenshot_20210821_155456….jpg)

File: b7c5228fb90ceae⋯.jpg (2.92 MB, 2052x6083, 2052:6083, Screenshot_20210821_155503….jpg)

File: 101a87bab01bba7⋯.jpg (1.95 MB, 1575x4758, 525:1586, Screenshot_20210821_155659….jpg)

File: e165cc91d69be46⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 2027x5414, 2027:5414, Screenshot_20210821_155806….jpg)

File: 3e6b42ddad9b4ca⋯.jpg (2.19 MB, 2052x6493, 2052:6493, Screenshot_20210821_155811….jpg)


Here's something I've been working on. Dig on this anons. Crisper may be the mystery machine, continued.

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990f53  No.14418059

File: 23cb5377b1440c6⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1682x771, 1682:771, ClipboardImage.png)



You may have something there anon!!

Even the carpet looks the same!!

And check out the red 'scarf' around the dolls neck!!

Question is, who is that baby??

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975a4c  No.14418060

File: c02713d4048346b⋯.jpg (441.97 KB, 2343x1185, 781:395, P_20210821_170103_1.jpg)

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fe3e22  No.14418061


> wonderland


>built by sorosanon

by german fudge factory

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355810  No.14418063

File: 0572ea1c9e1d634⋯.gif (1.69 MB, 400x416, 25:26, jiggy.gif)



if there were any 'good guys' they would bee bringing attention to this.

Who ever anons 'follow' or listen to, if they have not brought up a global supply chain SHUT DOWN, and a catastrophic food supply scarcity, they either know less than you, or are distracting you from it and intentionally avoiding it.

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55b214  No.14418064


Are we living in the same country? Do we even still have a country? How did we get here?

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c62c82  No.14418065

File: efae8a6a9d21279⋯.jpg (23.42 KB, 420x315, 4:3, Cruz_Hidden_Hand.jpg)

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76efec  No.14418066

File: 0ba34d47e17c1ef⋯.jpg (93.75 KB, 483x619, 483:619, WIN_BAKER.jpg)

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c7539d  No.14418067


>Covid-19: FDA set to grant full approval to Pfizer vaccine without public discussion of data


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1e8e46  No.14418068

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6d7fc5  No.14418069

File: 53468ed128da323⋯.png (483.41 KB, 583x480, 583:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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629f8d  No.14418070

File: 43e6261a418dda6⋯.jpg (23.54 KB, 400x309, 400:309, c77c97d5f9d486abc71b41904f….jpg)


CNN holding Live "outdoor" concert with HENRI en route.

Must be the rally counter.



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ac37f0  No.14418071

Anon here asking to go down Rabbit Hole on

The Black Cube.

Any vids or research sources…..

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a75e57  No.14418072

File: 27c9c53e6a09fd9⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1233x693, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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b93f68  No.14418073

File: 2bc5f2e27c1d283⋯.jpg (133.77 KB, 988x627, 52:33, cheney.jpg)

File: c59f1ba1a3e3085⋯.jpeg (118.32 KB, 988x627, 52:33, graham.jpeg)

File: 5659726ed4d1a23⋯.jpg (125.93 KB, 988x627, 52:33, rubio.jpg)

File: 07d4b2e86f21ec6⋯.jpeg (128.55 KB, 988x627, 52:33, mcconnell.jpeg)

File: 7e736d69aad9392⋯.jpg (119.7 KB, 988x627, 52:33, romney.jpg)


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d4399e  No.14418074

File: cdce12438e2cd8b⋯.png (76.6 KB, 889x586, 889:586, ClipboardImage.png)


In 1942 Hitler stated in private,

I shall have no peace of mind until I have planted a seed of Nordic blood wherever the population stand in need of regeneration. If at the time of the migrations, while the great racial currents were exercising their influence, our people received so varied a share of attributes, these latter blossomed to their full value only because of the presence of the Nordic racial nucleus.

Hitler and Himmler planned to use the SS as the basis for the racial "regeneration" of Europe following the final victory of Nazism. The SS was to be a racial elite chosen on the basis of "pure" Nordic qualities.

Addressing officers of the SS-Leibstandarte "Adolf Hitler" Himmler stated:

The ultimate aim for those 11 years during which I have been the Reichsfuehrer SS has been invariably the same: to create an order of good blood which is able to serve Germany; which unfailingly and without sparing itself can be made use of because the greatest losses can do no harm to the vitality of this order, the vitality of these men, because they will always be replaced; to create an order which will spread the idea of Nordic blood so far that we will attract all Nordic blood in the world, take away the blood from our adversaries, absorb it so that never again, looking at it from the viewpoint of grand policy, Nordic blood, in great quantities and to an extent worth mentioning, will fight against us.

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55b214  No.14418075


Where are we now? Do we have a country anymore? How did we get here?

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4a029f  No.14418076

File: 5e677cad871fcdc⋯.jpg (198.27 KB, 1023x765, 341:255, HALFWAY.jpg)

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468c8c  No.14418077

Good review of events timeline. Also need help

1) spelling ? corsiquin (?)

2) provider of corsiquin ?

Hasidic Jewish Doctor: COVID Medical Tyranny is Genocide Against the Innocent


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f78b78  No.14418078


My doctor said the only difference is the processing is not as pure as humam drugs, in other words the facilities are not as clean or inspected

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1e8e46  No.14418079

The contract was on my phone. Bueno Vista was in German and Foxconn was in Portuguese.

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8de05e  No.14418080


Makes more sense than what passes for "medicine" in the USA: Get vaxxed with experimental gene therapy to pre-treat a head cold.

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630725  No.14418081

File: 576045f92b8306d⋯.jpg (169.15 KB, 918x612, 3:2, oprah5.jpg)

File: 2ecc17e7859598d⋯.jpg (51.86 KB, 474x316, 3:2, oprahcomp_2.jpg)

File: f2bc6bf1b91f572⋯.jpg (326.01 KB, 724x1108, 181:277, oprahorca2_2.jpg)

File: 90dc88216234544⋯.jpg (267.42 KB, 968x611, 968:611, oprahorcas3_2.jpg)


More pics from her Island house and dungeon

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fe3e22  No.14418082


>> wonderland




>>built by sorosanon


>by german fudge factory

in leather pants

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0d5db5  No.14418083




Seeing as the air force has only got a few of these VVIP planes it must be someone near the top of the chain.

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629f8d  No.14418084


Annnnnd nobody is wearing masks.

Homecoming Concert, NYC

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d49fde  No.14418085



ima cruz missile nao

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355810  No.14418086

File: 72159f22983c153⋯.jpg (38.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, birkland.jpg)



fear is the opposite of what (you) ARE.

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fe3e22  No.14418087


>>> wonderland








>>>built by sorosanon




>>by german fudge factory


>in leather pants


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d13801  No.14418088

File: 105e0ffc5ab8a08⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1696x870, 848:435, Screenshot_2021_08_21_at_1….png)

File: 178647fe9d5f7eb⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1920x927, 640:309, Screenshot_2021_08_21_at_1….png)


Is this the undiscovered STAR?



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151831  No.14418089

File: e12318ca2b2103c⋯.jpg (78.74 KB, 700x525, 4:3, t574yt78eyg89e54tq3tu87aeg….jpg)


Yet another sausage fest.

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8de05e  No.14418090


Haha. FDA squealing as people discover they don't have to die from WuFlu.

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97cce7  No.14418091

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66b5cb  No.14418092


That's about the stupidest shit I've heard in about 5 years, ever since the Son of one of the JFK assassins and Canadian Ted Cruz tried to usurp the GOP nomination.

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50ce75  No.14418093

File: 6d6044a3820d86a⋯.png (171.5 KB, 255x255, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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5e8539  No.14418094

File: 99994e20f481517⋯.png (1.29 MB, 680x817, 680:817, ClipboardImage.png)


glowniggers everywhere

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4a029f  No.14418095


What does Ivermection kill?


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630725  No.14418096

File: ccf5d7eea0e76f4⋯.jpg (112.64 KB, 448x442, 224:221, cashflip.jpg)

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1e8e46  No.14418097

Have a nice rally.

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c706d7  No.14418098

The DS have played the world for decades

Why is billionaire trump any different

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3d1752  No.14418099


will do, interesting stuff.

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97cce7  No.14418100

File: b076b839bcabc31⋯.jpeg (1.28 MB, 1668x1448, 417:362, FE5B0232_95B7_4B36_B188_8….jpeg)


Singapore 22

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b2c322  No.14418101

File: 226ff8ae17eca0d⋯.png (231.86 KB, 783x525, 261:175, ClipboardImage.png)



Where are we now?

We're Halfway There

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731863  No.14418102

File: 3b61222cdf48db0⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 235x240, 47:48, cannot_stop_the_love.gif)


"Can't stop the love!"

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f78b78  No.14418103


That makes me wonder do they have gas and jet and chopper fuel in abundance over there. If they dont it wont help them much

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629f8d  No.14418104


Way high. Priority classification?

$ amount for RON and multiple fuel stops x TIME



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223146  No.14418105

File: c5903c5e6d3bb6c⋯.jpg (469.94 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, rally_shift.jpg)

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8de05e  No.14418106

File: 5b398f4e90882a6⋯.png (14.79 KB, 352x107, 352:107, Screen_Shot_2021_08_21_at_….png)


Anyone know what this is? Found it on Twitter.

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630725  No.14418107

Does Ivermectin prevent cancer? HCQ?

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355810  No.14418108

File: 2ae79a72e6b8bda⋯.gif (137.59 KB, 198x109, 198:109, e02ad56678.gif)





kick rocks clown.

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bcdf02  No.14418110

File: 78fc72d779bc601⋯.jpg (96.91 KB, 722x1085, 722:1085, E9VwNeFWYAEnpXi.jpg)

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97cce7  No.14418111

File: 1410ac63ee7e971⋯.jpeg (651.44 KB, 1116x642, 186:107, C6EBC031_59E7_428A_9801_A….jpeg)

File: 6dc53ab2f1432fa⋯.jpeg (326.58 KB, 1112x933, 1112:933, 34551F8D_9581_4690_92DA_4….jpeg)


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3d1752  No.14418112

File: 2e818c3b8797640⋯.png (156.51 KB, 1155x497, 165:71, q_3.png)

Whats going on in Asia?

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b98723  No.14418113

File: df0809142c95a0f⋯.jpeg (110.65 KB, 750x341, 750:341, 16F69660_F696_4A73_9DDD_F….jpeg)


That’s not the answer, anon. This is war is to be won diplomatically with a “pen” (vote). Peace is the prize and a bunch of people running around with guns, although poetically just, doesn’t promote anything other than more dangerous conflict. Might there be clashes during some protests? Probably but not what we want. What we want is Truth and that alone, standing by itself, will have these people drummed out of office. Their shame will be their prison. Their former constituents will despise them. That, for them, is a form of torture for their psychological make up. Drum them out! Get the drums-a-beating!

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c6cdc1  No.14418114


it started when LBJ said "I'll have those niggers voting Democrat for the next 200 years!" regarding Civil Rights Act and welfare.

Been a downward spiral since!

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8d8750  No.14418115

File: cc38fd69c8e6f0e⋯.jpg (144.39 KB, 769x510, 769:510, cfdd90.jpg)

File: 908ab4596a9ebe3⋯.jpg (166 KB, 769x510, 769:510, cf0.jpg)

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7d2a79  No.14418116

Am I too weak to protect women ?

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5e8539  No.14418117


try clicking the fucking thing and see where it leads you

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d0b2e1  No.14418118

File: 7f7cf0b5203a6f7⋯.gif (775.46 KB, 220x220, 1:1, 1B2A088E_449F_4AB4_8C0D_64….gif)

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a4fdfc  No.14418119


Very similar to what's going on in the streets of France, Italy and Australia right now. What is your point?

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08a032  No.14418120

File: 57e1e9362a1318c⋯.png (439.57 KB, 512x540, 128:135, ClipboardImage.png)

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bad7c5  No.14418121

Will eBake again around 650 unless a more experienced baker wants to step up.

If anyone collected Notables, paste em up and I'll grab them.

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d4399e  No.14418122


you are blind if you don't think Trump stopped some cheating in 2016.

what does that mean, then, if he stopped it in 2016 and not 2020?

it means he wanted to lose in 2020……do you not see?

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9d783f  No.14418123


I still trust Trump. I’ve wondered about the air and water spreading the virus. Every time I go outside I end up feeling bad after. Could be allergies I guess?

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8d8750  No.14418124

File: 466f2ed2fdd9002⋯.png (377.64 KB, 409x373, 409:373, 1f27818f3033581a79b13d7ba3….png)

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f78b78  No.14418126


Thats why i dont care for TGP

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4a029f  No.14418127

File: 3c5def74236d308⋯.jpg (334.35 KB, 1082x630, 541:315, Louie.jpg)

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55b214  No.14418128


That line of thinking and obvious slander is why we’re where we are now. I’d vote for Trump tomorrow if he were running but I won’t overlook the obvious implications of the last year of his Presidency. The COVID hysteria and the current vaccine situation we’re all facing is on him. Cruz was his staunchest ally despite the bad blood by the way.

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a70186  No.14418129

File: 47436d308c39278⋯.jpg (215.48 KB, 900x900, 1:1, free_beer_tomorrow.jpg)


No doubt.

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d01576  No.14418130


it kills parasites, and people smarter than me knows what it does. My understanding is that with the covid/flu ivermectin stops blood from getting iron stripped away.

My experience in having used it for the flu/covid is that my symptoms dropped down by 90% for the two days I took it. No fucking clue if it was the flu or covid, but neither does the hospital because the pcr test is fake and gay.

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c706d7  No.14418131

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1b406d  No.14418132

Rumour Mill

Robert Muller: Indicted

Joe Biden: Indicted

Hunter Biden:Indicted

As you were.


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b2c322  No.14418133

File: a157a5e931c38ab⋯.png (274.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



the R stands for Research

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b93f68  No.14418134

File: d3619f0c3d35982⋯.jpg (163.49 KB, 1125x1137, 375:379, trumpwon.jpg)

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45613a  No.14418135



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1e8e46  No.14418136

File: 441822977921a70⋯.jpeg (243.72 KB, 989x1402, 989:1402, Esqdn3pXYAAbiVp_6_.jpeg)

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bad7c5  No.14418137


He didn't want to lose.

He wanted to win so bigly that they would have to expose every cheat up their sleeves to steal it from him.

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f78b78  No.14418138

File: 04235d96752e40f⋯.jpeg (508.45 KB, 1241x1603, 1241:1603, 1331CC4E_867A_495B_990C_F….jpeg)


Golly look at these Patriots. Age doesnt stop them

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56d63d  No.14418139

File: 3be216f276e4026⋯.png (100.5 KB, 1516x492, 379:123, Screen_Shot_2021_08_21_at_….png)

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45613a  No.14418140

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a70186  No.14418141


Imo, Trump has yuge blind spots in the areas of l.e. and pharma.

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122ede  No.14418142



Kys faggot

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d4399e  No.14418143


if he won, there would be no cheat to expose?

how old are you?

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d3c6ab  No.14418145


To find out more about supply chain problems:


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8de05e  No.14418146


Since I don't have a Twitter account the site no longer lets me access posts. I just scroll the accounts.

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715f10  No.14418147


Japan time

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731863  No.14418148


>although poetically just

Thanks for that.. I needed a slap back to reality.

If this can be done peacefully, YAY!!!!

I am just impatient AF watching things look so fucked up for YEARS NOW..

I feel it in my bones too that is the plan.. The fact I run into morans everyday tells me we need to fight harder.

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3c17cf  No.14418149

File: 3be984253c42fd6⋯.png (50.06 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 41cdb699c3be6d66ea024e822b….png)

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a70186  No.14418150

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8d8750  No.14418151

File: afc52fb0ab7153e⋯.jpg (186.1 KB, 1185x600, 79:40, taliban_iwo_jima_2.jpg)

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45613a  No.14418152

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c706d7  No.14418153


Trump stole it from hrc like she was planning to do to him

98% win remember

MI stepped in

Now this time he lost on purpose to show us all how it happens

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8de05e  No.14418154



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7d2a79  No.14418155

File: 42e640fc4f617d1⋯.jpg (103.94 KB, 500x597, 500:597, JB_NP.jpg)

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97cce7  No.14418156

File: 7b5c7e0c7c00d3c⋯.jpeg (33.14 KB, 1266x188, 633:94, 9B6E7A8F_577A_4B39_A1DF_C….jpeg)


No, but this weird thing was added to a stock trading account? No idea….

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66b5cb  No.14418157


You can't argue with evidence. The man was born in Canada and his father was part of the JFK Conspiracy. You can't unring those bells and if he runs again more will come out.

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bad7c5  No.14418158


Trump won the election in a landslide.

Did you miss something?

Biden was allowed to win the steal.

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54b15f  No.14418159

File: 9a01c213b03cba6⋯.jpg (50.28 KB, 500x500, 1:1, artworks_000313195794_j6xd….jpg)


If your idea of entertainment is being lied to, he's your guy. What a grifter POS.

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4cae50  No.14418160


governments don't forget food supplies

even if they should focus more on educating the american people about it; in my opinion

i dunno about the catastrophic food supply scarcity you speak of


the planet is always prepared for food shortages.

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f78b78  No.14418161

File: cb07c0407fa660d⋯.jpeg (323.39 KB, 1031x1455, 1031:1455, DB2F6845_ACCA_454E_95AC_6….jpeg)


I think so

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c62c82  No.14418163

File: 4fa97d6149c9c0e⋯.jpg (159.02 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, Keep_Up.jpg)


"liberals cry again" shirt


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c7539d  No.14418164

File: bbb5d85065a38b1⋯.gif (2.1 MB, 200x266, 100:133, bbb5d85065a38b1a7d3e3d89c9….gif)

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d4399e  No.14418165


we are agreeing with each other.

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731863  No.14418166



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55b214  No.14418167


I don’t really buy that now. I held to that belief for a while before I decided it’s BS. Even if that’s the case though, this sucks. I don’t believe there was “no other way”.

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00f1fb  No.14418168

File: 87a3f8bf54ebee6⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB, 480x360, 4:3, Lyndon_Johnson_control_the….mp4)


He also said if you control the weather, you control the world with "satellites."

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0d5db5  No.14418169




Aug 22

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d01576  No.14418170


wow… you corrected a spelling error.

>not having a beLIEfs in 'sides' or 'good guys'

>There is truth and everything else.

Why are you here faggot? Everything is good except some people who you are too stupid to figure out are causing food shortages. "but it's all good man, there are no sides"


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1e8e46  No.14418171


For a better look..


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f56d1d  No.14418172

File: d0d39480095ea8a⋯.png (2.8 MB, 1400x781, 1400:781, Rally2_Sketch_Q_Party.png)

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39264f  No.14418173


Do you think under an HRC Admin that Hollywood would've shut down, Weinstein gone to jail, along with Epstein and Maxwell? Trump is as imperfect as the rest of us, but there were no Lewinsky moments in the Oval office. Their impeachments plans were horribly and hastily scripted and failed twice. Maybe it's the best live acting we've ever seen, or maybe Pelosi is so nasty that she tore up Trump's SOTU speech because that's who she is?

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b93f68  No.14418175







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4dcc39  No.14418177

File: 6bbd39426d71e76⋯.png (694.68 KB, 857x500, 857:500, 6bbd39426d71e766e633f3d7b2….png)

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58882d  No.14418178

Kelly Townsend giving an update from AZ


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a4fdfc  No.14418179


>Trust not the word of man,

The Bible was written by men

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630725  No.14418180

File: a6aea6f3f68074b⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1586x1791, 1586:1791, magao.png)

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a75e57  No.14418181

File: ca5dbdef3a0f9af⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1233x693, 137:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d2a79  No.14418182

File: 7fee81ec8a8c6d3⋯.jpg (144.59 KB, 500x717, 500:717, biblical.jpg)


What, two more weeks of being homeless ?


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355810  No.14418183

File: e00109046dcf31a⋯.jpg (76.53 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, al.jpg)


>governments don't forget food supplies

>i dunno

use. the. internet.

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54b15f  No.14418184

File: 67bea5f372fbe79⋯.jpg (69.37 KB, 606x500, 303:250, 67bea5f372fbe7996572787891….jpg)


Not his only blind spots/faults.

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715f10  No.14418185


Just so happens Heels Harris just flew out of Tokyo, maybe Jacqui Harris is in the press pool on either SAM060 or SAM057

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187d07  No.14418186


confirmed. Lots of info saying so.

This link to an original article 2012 but many Docs have talked about it re covid.


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f6c9a9  No.14418187


wtf did you do with the first post of the dough? half the content is gone. fuck you.

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4dcc39  No.14418188

File: 39ec5f4c2b006a8⋯.jpg (12.06 KB, 360x203, 360:203, 39ec5f4c2b006a8d6afe5fc92d….jpg)

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223146  No.14418189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1e8e46  No.14418190


There is much between the lines which could be explained. These are just the PowerPoint images I'd use during the ted talk. Kek.

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8de05e  No.14418191


Found link about it:


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d4399e  No.14418192


imho, you are an extremely shallow thinker

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4d3f42  No.14418193


"Never pick a fight with a farmer. If he is too old to fight, he’ll just shoot you."

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3d1752  No.14418194

anybody have anything with the Map decodes?

10 and [10]

Map is key


etc.. etc..

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f78b78  No.14418195

Is Cspan covering the rally? Id really like to see ot my big screen TV I never use?

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f85715  No.14418196

File: 58a6a0ba002dad8⋯.png (1.96 MB, 1544x870, 772:435, ClipboardImage.png)



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22b35f  No.14418197


Nu World Order

Black nobility

Egyptian symbolism

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4dcc39  No.14418198

File: 037330e2a144ef9⋯.png (476.83 KB, 550x347, 550:347, Capture.PNG)


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d4399e  No.14418199

Trump bashing shills are in full force pre rally

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e96edf  No.14418201


read it then

God made men

Jesus saves men


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629f8d  No.14418202

trip infinity pair chekt

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355810  No.14418203

File: 0a71c6ab0a081d4⋯.gif (826.56 KB, 500x284, 125:71, cortisolBURNS.gif)





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cbb394  No.14418204

Will Trump mention ‘Cabal’ tonight? I thought him mentioning it the other day was interesting.

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d4399e  No.14418206


i am open to anything.

but how does that fit as a subgroup of Nazism?

do you have a link ?

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630725  No.14418207


Trump's a free thinking atheist

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e83370  No.14418208

File: 09cec8139ee0867⋯.png (71.06 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 9f315d27e523e87584e710d90c….png)

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d01576  No.14418209

File: f1a5cf5599f6406⋯.png (363.07 KB, 400x448, 25:28, ClipboardImage.png)


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c6cdc1  No.14418210


How does Alex Soros fit in?

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c706d7  No.14418211



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d4399e  No.14418213


don't bring Trump down to your ignorant level.

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8de05e  No.14418214


I don't know about either of those. However, NAC the substance the FDA is attempting to ban, seems to have anticancer and anti-allergy properties.

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d01576  No.14418215


are you retarded?

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629f8d  No.14418216


You grab the ICAO airfield in Japan for the refuel stop, Anon?



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fe3e22  No.14418217


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7d2a79  No.14418218

File: d5e611a9dff07a4⋯.jpg (88.74 KB, 630x453, 210:151, The_Two_Witnesses.jpg)


If I watched it in public, I’d be cursed by random people

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e7cd65  No.14418219


I hope they boo the fuck outta GEOTUS if he starts shilling for the vaccines during his speech…

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55b214  No.14418220


What is the rally even for? Is it going to fix the fraud? Is it going to get Trump reinstated? Is it going to get Biden/Harris impeached? Is it going to put an end to the COVID hysteria and vax mandates? Or is it another ego boost for Trump?

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97cce7  No.14418221


Not atheist. Attends anon’s church.

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731863  No.14418222



Who could make some shit like that up? kek

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e83370  No.14418223

File: 482587d9ccdf966⋯.png (362.26 KB, 824x764, 206:191, 75a83d28de0bb4f8870bf5b802….png)


>Australia is full of kneelers.

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58882d  No.14418224


AZ cops have to vaxx by Tuesday or face a 5 day suspension. Says its illegal but doesnt know whether it is a 5 day suspension and back to work un-vaxxed.

She says she uploaded some videos to her twatter feed. Sauce:


Committee to review audit results.

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884c44  No.14418225


Anon! I was thinking the very same thing! In all the pics/vids released so far, there have been many instances where I would swear the guy in the pic was American.

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b98723  No.14418226


>I run into morans everyday tells me we need to fight harder.

Anon is just observing the change in collective consciousness and has not been so upset by others not seeing what we see. It was very upsetting for anon in the past but has come to a place of observing instead of ramming info down people’s throats like it’s our last day on earth. Kek. What anon is seeing is the tiny fractures forming in the minds of normies. They have known something hasn’t been right their whole lives they just never wanted to address it consciously because it’s too painful and scary. It shatters their paradigms. It’s happening with the Plan regardless. There is a mass psyop being run and it’s to slowly ease normies into the reality they never wanted to face. We can’t break them totally or we will have nothing left. Low and slow. Slow and low. It’s the only way. Imagine the vindication when normies finally come to us for a few questions they have… a few answers. Many will feel a certain guilt for how they treated us over the years and research done. It brings a few tears to anons eyes even dreaming of the day. Peace is the prize. We need to save the normies minds and hearts as painful as they have made our lives.

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c706d7  No.14418227





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d01576  No.14418228

File: d36ab92e18f9359⋯.png (26.95 KB, 692x319, 692:319, ClipboardImage.png)

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151831  No.14418229

File: af2d13592b929cf⋯.png (15.32 KB, 438x203, 438:203, 7524ty59yw89egwt74yq378ty3….PNG)


Light exposes the darkest places.

Nowhere to hide.

Minions turn on their own.

Drip drip flood.

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223146  No.14418230

File: 7c64ba941f2d5a7⋯.jpg (9.62 KB, 478x482, 239:241, FB_IMG_1629566125643.jpg)

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d4399e  No.14418231


trump bashing shills …..

most stupid shills ever on board now

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4dcc39  No.14418232

File: 709bf716236e94a⋯.jpg (138.16 KB, 740x847, 740:847, 1629303744299.jpg)


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2f7b8f  No.14418233

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh in case you missed it…..

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355810  No.14418234

File: 87cdbd9013a9268⋯.jpeg (194.52 KB, 828x537, 276:179, 87cdbd9013a92684da4b4a98f….jpeg)


Nothing is good or bad- perception bias.

there is what is, and that which obscures it.

I am here in part, clearly, to test YOU and your ego. All can see how you are thus far faring.

Neither new,, nor stupid, nor fag, nor good, nor bad. Just see what is. Is it always this easy for a stupid, newfag, anonymous bot to make you so angry? Easy pickin's.

Still mad? yup

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d01576  No.14418235

File: 793fee2ee0e1b58⋯.png (24.96 KB, 760x319, 760:319, ClipboardImage.png)

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cbb394  No.14418236

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97cce7  No.14418238

File: bfd41654711c7f4⋯.jpeg (101.87 KB, 500x559, 500:559, 87DAF19F_3D70_4C42_BF9C_6….jpeg)

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e83370  No.14418239

File: 899ec6d66cffe70⋯.png (283.35 KB, 556x477, 556:477, 94c4ffd59c8d3d31d11d9fe0eb….png)


Stop doxxing yourself, moran.

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0d5db5  No.14418240

File: 6181a7713319bfa⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_21_….png)


Planes stopped at Yokota AFB.

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57f373  No.14418241

It seems as if the corrupt Unions are actually going to be the ones that protect workers from mandated vaccines.


attacking them with their own weapons is the best

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cbb394  No.14418242


Dedicated.. nice.

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66b5cb  No.14418244




What if Al Queda and ISIS infiltrated Taliban in Kabul? There's a lot of crisis acting going on + fake news looks totally read into it.

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715f10  No.14418245


She only stopped for fuel for about an hour and a half at Elmendorf, then half hour at Tokyo, not unusual. 24 hour flight from Andrews to Hanoi is about par, considering you have to skirt Russian and Chinese airspace in a military plane.

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990f53  No.14418246


second pic - what was that from anon?

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731863  No.14418247



You move me!


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602787  No.14418248

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14417246 pb

right. jesus was a royal

They took first born in those days, to the Temple,, given over to the priests.. All first borns.

Anyway, King was jealous, wanted him dead. foretold he'd be a great King.

Mother of Isus was Royal

The "born from a virgin" was to combine his myth with the solar myth and with other myths of the ancient world? Roman religion. Romans stole his fame.. Like they do nowadays with those they kill

Mitra , etc. ?

Also, the baby-fucker cultists wanted an icon of a fatherless boy.

>>14417305 pb


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c7539d  No.14418249

File: cfb2c5a5648ab3d⋯.png (587.79 KB, 791x501, 791:501, nikole_0.PNG)

File: 40afd7faad97ee2⋯.jpg (699.04 KB, 758x556, 379:278, WTF_IKR.jpg)

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1e8e46  No.14418250


He's not.

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a4fdfc  No.14418252


>read it then

Anon did read it

Written by men

You said "Trust not the word of man"

Did you read any other books?

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629f8d  No.14418253


Well, at least that part makes sense.



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1b406d  No.14418256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3d4198  No.14418258


Trump reminds the Stupid Party GOP who's the King Maker ..

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00f1fb  No.14418259

File: 99572b62b3021e7⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB, 654x480, 109:80, Joe_Bidens_lying_comments_….mp4)

Lying Joe Biden

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69a996  No.14418260

File: 3147b4731dcf2f8⋯.png (764.08 KB, 777x733, 777:733, Pedo_Joe_confused.png)

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58882d  No.14418261

She will not officially state for record until results reviewed but her guess is that they need to de-certify results.

Thousands of adjudicated ballots with no serial numbers.

Not official yet.

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1e8e46  No.14418262

File: 251aea8cadb4cf2⋯.jpg (36.76 KB, 316x444, 79:111, 20210609_173843.jpg)

File: 5afc5b58d4bd440⋯.jpg (98.3 KB, 680x452, 170:113, 20210609_174103.jpg)

File: fcc278de260f3f2⋯.jpg (213.3 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, 20210807_103331.jpg)

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151831  No.14418264

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55b214  No.14418265


Watch the rally and count how many times he brings up how he got the vaccines in record time. I support Trump and would vote for him tomorrow but he walked away from the fraud and he just can’t help himself talking about the vaccine. I’m not willing to just ignore that. Maybe we need someone else to step up and run for POTUS. I just don’t buy that there’s all this behind the scenes white hat activity happening. This has went on too long and our country is being devastated.

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629f8d  No.14418266


Thank you for clarifying. I was tracking a RON last night for some reason.


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d01576  No.14418268


shut up homo, no one gives a fuck about your new age faggotry. I am sure you will be all calm when the Zogbots come to inject your kids and family. "It's not good or bad… it's just your perception derp!!"

I am a strong Catholic, ten commandments exist for a reason.

You're a newfag, a new age fag and a retard.

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08a032  No.14418270

File: b456e1baab16221⋯.png (104.35 KB, 1090x692, 545:346, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f672c74f48c62fe⋯.jpg (36.89 KB, 530x536, 265:268, f672c74f48c62fe55b9bd32280….jpg)

File: 59338d59d1b91d3⋯.png (82.59 KB, 892x716, 223:179, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8256a36c0cb5fb5⋯.png (412.75 KB, 897x681, 299:227, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4aad5bc36ef4096⋯.png (145.15 KB, 897x738, 299:246, ClipboardImage.png)


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715f10  No.14418271

File: f4a5fbe08307319⋯.png (530.31 KB, 1577x601, 1577:601, SAM060_057_pitstop_Tokyo.png)

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3bd786  No.14418272


what do you care? its for updates, for moral, for keks

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4a029f  No.14418274


> free thinking atheist

contradiction in terms

"atheist" is a pre-created label

that serves to limit your thinking

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55b214  No.14418275


Okay. I guess that’s really helpful.

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151831  No.14418277

File: a0a781e8ec5c1fe⋯.png (58.24 KB, 230x307, 230:307, 7585ue5ueu6uwy6u3567252yy2….PNG)


Drop 'em if ya got 'em!

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1e8e46  No.14418278

File: af62d557411c0f5⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1078x1442, 77:103, 20210804_075916.png)

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d4399e  No.14418279



yeah, so.

go back to pouting

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8d2f4a  No.14418280



They really believe that they are from Babylonian descent…

…or maybe they know

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630725  No.14418282


Kek that's ridiculous

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bad7c5  No.14418283

New EBake

Please fill this bread first Anons.

>>14418200 OP

>>14418243 Dough

>>14418243 Dough

>>14418243 Dough

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c01e68  No.14418284

File: bbad04c3fd957dc⋯.jpg (25 KB, 238x250, 119:125, happy_frog_party_vector_12….jpg)


What is like to know is…

Who was arrested and for what?

And what was your connection to this person?

Why did his arrest have anything to do with you?

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5e8539  No.14418285


>user was v& for this post

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223146  No.14418286

File: 2cdff5a2b8e6f14⋯.jpg (100.06 KB, 998x1536, 499:768, FB_IMG_1629580372683.jpg)

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3c17cf  No.14418289


Because we can!

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97cce7  No.14418290


Nice leadership and work, fren. Thanks

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6d7fc5  No.14418291

File: 9f1323b18ae5fc1⋯.png (480.36 KB, 342x480, 57:80, ClipboardImage.png)

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22b35f  No.14418293


Still researching but it's been interesting to realize that a lot of the symbolism we are seeing is from Egypt. Still trying to sort out the different factions. There are the bull worshippers who thought of their followers as cattle. When the stars changed some went to a 'new' religion that followed the Ram (Aries), they were the sheep.

The Order of the Golden Fleece belong to this group.

Pisces (fish) should have been the next iteration of their religion (Christianity) but it was mostly infiltrated by the Aries group, as far as I've gotten.

The more you research the less you know. It's very convoluted and hard to get through at times. And an open mind is a must.

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4d3f42  No.14418294


Showing support, showing the people who voted for him he 's still in the fight. All while coup POTUS Bidan sleep walks and pretends he has supporters. IMHO.

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66b5cb  No.14418296

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d20318  No.14418297


Same old rhetoric. It may have been written down by men, but God is the author. Learn discernment. The men who wrote the various books of the bible, did not do it of their own accord, therefore, THEY did NOT write it. They only wrote down what they were told to write down.

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55b214  No.14418299


Not pouting, just not in the mood for more rah rah bullshit that accomplishes absolutely nothing.

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a70186  No.14418300


On a drugs date w/ Hunter.

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e7cd65  No.14418301


All good as long as he abstains from vax shilling

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e96edf  No.14418303


dunno any other - who dat

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76efec  No.14418304

File: 7dbc17a2c15fe77⋯.jpg (108.89 KB, 455x641, 455:641, 2ND_AMENDMENT.jpg)

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97cce7  No.14418305


Bible slide. Stop it.

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630725  No.14418306

File: f4ab9d8a35c0161⋯.jpg (181.02 KB, 618x389, 618:389, awgod.jpg)

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4a029f  No.14418309


there are some things atheist can't think

or they become not atheist.


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66b5cb  No.14418310

File: 13ea62b6f6339b2⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 630x350, 9:5, acehw.jpg)

File: 4755d3d09790ee3⋯.jpg (94.15 KB, 600x426, 100:71, safewau.jpg)

File: ce3e7f346c873e0⋯.jpg (157.94 KB, 900x650, 18:13, homedepot.jpg)

File: 01fa65b3c80a1f6⋯.jpg (95.45 KB, 550x413, 550:413, outbacksh.jpg)

File: 0d079a06280f0dc⋯.jpg (421.51 KB, 1632x918, 16:9, Tacobell.jpg)


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d20318  No.14418311

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355810  No.14418312

File: 66d8d329e038d17⋯.jpg (85.34 KB, 600x917, 600:917, download_6_.jpg)


why so easy? so mad?

You are letting your own secretions KILL you. Literally bathing in your own death sauce. At the hands of a 'newfag retard'. What's that make you, child?


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223146  No.14418314

rsnb is trying to summon The Great Mike Lindell

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3bd786  No.14418315


you feeling okay? your priest have a number for an exorcist?

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884c44  No.14418316


And wasn’t it Carnegie/Mellon that created the education system?

All are old Cabal Elite.

Those whores surely made deals to sustain each’s capacity to rule over the sheep.

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fe3e22  No.14418317




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bad7c5  No.14418319

New EBake (Snipe)

>>14418200 (You) OP

>>14418243 (You) Dough

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d4399e  No.14418320



if you think the vaccine is the worst thing that could happen to anybody, then you need to rethink your priorities.

we are in a major war. WW3

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