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File: 5f07a404623396e⋯.jpg (9.33 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 5fd8ce80979c9daaf016a8a79d….jpg)

5cac2a  No.14290853[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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5cac2a  No.14290856


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>>14267381, >>14267466, >>14267474, >>14267503, >>14267542, >>14267551 NEW LARP Attack, shills trying to pretend retard JonDoodle is an insider.

>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

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>>14290098, >>14290117 Biden sends in B-52 bombers and Spectre gunships to invade three key cities in Afghanistan

>>14290118 Anons, any update on Jim shutting down 8kun? Had seen the license is up in five more days.

>>14290135 Vaccines make Hollywood types sick

>>14290136 Covid is a parasite transmitted by DOGS ?

>>14290186, >>14290705, >>14290152, >>14290776 Obama's 60th birthday bash, massive tents dwarf the mansion (Cap 0:10)

>>14290195 Vikings qb dropped from spokesman job for refusing vaccine

>>14290220 Swedish Professor Says 5 Shots Of COVID Vaccine May Be Necessary

>>14290222 Donal J Trump: Wisconsin has just canceled 205,000 voter registrations because they say they could not find the voters

>>14290228 WTF Veterans are receiving a letter from the VA asking them to “serve again”

>>14290252, >>14290584, >>14290743 FRANCE Large protests against vaccine passports and mandatory vaccinations

>>14290256 Two today that caught my eye

>>14290233 Tomorrow is National Doll-R Day..

>>14290280 Why you cant catch a virus

>>14290299 Will California’s print from home ballot system be closely monitored for the recall election

>>14290330 Why We Will Really Need COVID Passports: Armstrong Economics

>>14290383 Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Fulton County Ballot Audit Will Expose The Actual ‘Big Lie’

>>14290397 Swamp Water: A drop in water pressure in the D.C.

>>14290406 Only vaccinated People will be able to buy food in Germany. Adolf is back

>>14290412 The FDA imprisoned an Amish man for selling a natural ointment

>>14290456, >>14290469, >>14290490, >>14290508 Arizona state Sen. Tony Navarrete accused of 7 felony charges involving sexual conduct with 2 teens

>>14290492, >>14290504, >>14290520, >>14290541, >>14290587, >>14290603P TPN22 for global population reduction via

>>14290505 CDC Not Mandating Its Employees To Be Vaxed

>>14290590 San Francisco sheriff’s deputies threaten to quit over COVID-19 vaccine mandate

>>14290692, >>14290754, >>14290800 Covid outbreak on fully vaccinated cruise

>>14290693 Loyola University students win battle over COVID vaccine

>>14288290 pb, >>14288245 pb, >>14288171 pb, >>14288194 pb RFK Murder COMMS?

>>14290737 CDC Director Admits to CNN That COVID Vaccines Don’t Prevent Transmission of the Virus

>>14290141, >>14290746 Rosicrucian Hand Signals

>>14290764 Weather manipulation capabilities were declassed over 10 years ago

>>14290848 #18079

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5cac2a  No.14290859


>>14289263 Senator Townsend Clarifies That Governor-Initiated Special Sessions Can Only Address the Subjects Specified in the Governor’s Call

>>14289319, >>14289505, >>14289626 Does God Really Ask That Much Of You? The CHURCH Asks for Tithes That does not mean one is mandated to it. God Moves.

>>14289324, >>14289507 Unity is what the world needs.

>>14289335 Deep Rig Movie share link

>>14289344 Ezra confirms Iranians are hacking ships in the straight

>>14289345, >>14289355 Not Comfy "Deepfake" Demonstration for The Masses.

>>14289364 The lawyer who was pardoned for pointing a gun at Black Lives Matter protesters in St. Louis is suing to get his firearms back

>>14289404 …"Next Generation Overhead Persistent Infrared constellation, a new space-based missile warning system being built to replace the Space Based Infrared System, or SBIRS"…

>>14289405, >>14289496, >>14289513 TRANSCRANIAL MAGNETIC STIMULATION/TMS And a study with TMS and graphene as the interface.

>>14289626 Grenell Weighs in: 'Don't become what you despise most.'

>>14289639 Dan "The Assurance" Scavino: "…too soon, dude" Lionel_Richie_WOW.gif, OUCH_Quote.gif, Andrew Cuomo Calling for POTUS To Be Impeached.

>>14289730 US Embassy Kabul - US citizens should leave immediately using commercial flight options

>>14289755 Medical Marijuana now legal on Cherokee land in western NC - 1 oz./day, 6 oz/month

>>14289775 "WokeKindergarten" subjects 2nd graders to anti-police indoctrination

>>14289777, >>14289779 The new Netflix series seeks to illuminate the US's role in the massacre in Allende

>>14289783 CDC is No Such Thing

>>14289807 Kids in Cages has spiraled out of control under Biden

>>14289814 New England Journal of Medicine - 104 of 127 pregnant women had a miscarriage after jab (June 2021)

>>14289820 Rep. Madison Cawthorn slams libs' 'swampy backdoor tactics' in surprise NC school board speech

>>14289839, >>14289866. >>14289867 California Health Care Provider begins Issuing Vaccine Badge tags

>>14289868 'No more BS': Dan Bongino demands Republicans seek Biden impeachment

>>14289933 Wendy Rogers They are cracking down on us only because they know their time is short

>>14289941, >>14289874 Vodafone and the Ku Klux Klan

>>14289951 Gen Flynn, “Parents Strike Back”

>>14289997, >>14290002 FAKE Dr, Fauci expects "a flood" of COVID-19 vaccine mandates in America after the full FDA approval

>>14290007 People evacuated by ferry from raging wildfires in Greece

>>14290034 Democrats who fled Texas sue Gov. Greg Abbott, Speaker Dade Phelan, saying efforts to force their return violate their civil rights

>>14290043 #18078

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5cac2a  No.14290860


>>14288522, >>14288614, >>14288664, >>14288696, >>14288730, >>14288744, >>14288775, >>14288934, >>14289200 “Yes, He Was Infected in the Lab!” – New E-Mails Confirm Origin of Chinese Lab Director’s Infection. - COVID ORIGINS Faggotry + MOar COVID

>>14288561, >>14288600, >>14288894, >>14288925, >>14289046, >>14289188 GlowRUsAyyyy Shine On!

>>14288696, >>14288727 Graphene Oxide Neural Bio-Connection Interface?

>>14288744 Fauci’s institute funded ‘deadly & unnecessary’ experiments on DOGS, animal research watchdog says

>>14288746 Pegasus Re-Share

>>14288751, >>14288808 P Files: Arizona Informer: Democrat AZ Senator Admits To Pedophilia, Could Be Removed, Handing GOP Means To Push Forward With Election Audit Enforcement

>>14288795 Justice For Bengazi

>>14288815 Jill? WYA? They Send My Wife Back Yet?

>>14288829 Column: Has America’s right wing entered its ‘hippie phase’? Ask the QAnon shaman.

>>14288849 E.Musk 'History in the Making'

>>14288893 Maricopa Lied, People Died: Media isn't saying something about #maricopa county audit. @FannKfann reveals promises made, promises Not kept by election officials.

>>14288997 Anon's NestEGG Cerns

>>14289032 Billy Carson: Scriptures, Extraterrestrials & Evidence for Atlantis

>>14289137, >>14289190, >>14289148 Notes from Meeting With 'Trump's Doctor' and The Israelis & etc.

>>14289216 "Delta Plus"

>>14289220 #18077

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5cac2a  No.14290862


>>14287687, >>14287756, >>14288005, >>14288324, >>14288351 Remember The U.S. Marines Thread

>>14287711 Homes are being quarantined in Sidney Australia

>>14287695 "These are the same people that are claiming they should have control over your child’s mental health #SEL

>>14287697 @WendyRogers We are up to 50k signatures. We need 1 million minimum.

>>14287702 Happening now: Patriots in Wisconsin are holding an ‘Audit the Vote’ rally 🇺🇸

>>14287772 Lin Wood 17 minutes A Pathologist Summary Of What These Jabs Do To The Brain And Other Organs


>>14287805, 70% of New York voters say Coom-o should resign, majority thinks he should be charged with crime

>>14287861 AZ Gives Audit Subpoena Timetable, Predicts AG Will Hammer Maricopa Election Officials

>>14287870 Fuckerberg Gave $11.8M to Democrat Consulting Firms for ‘Nonpartisan Voter Education’ in Michigan

>>14287898 WTF Moderna and Pfizer Intentionally Lost The Clinical Trial Control Group Testing Vaccine Efficacy and Safety

>>14287934 MyPillow CEO 5 MILLION DOLLAR BOUNTY to anyone who can debunk his theory on the 2020 Election.

>>14287935, >>14288386 Kathy Griffin Dog Comms + USArmy on Aug. 5 & 6

>>14287991 Gov. Newsom Enters Panic Mode Ahead Of Recall Election

>>14288014 Mike Lyndell 6-7August and 11-12 August

>>14288050 Ohio Rep. Bob Gibbs seeks articles of impeachment against Biden

>>14288071, >>14288086 Maui Protests Against Mandatory Vaccinations, upcoming!

>>14288100, >>14288102, >>14288039, >>14288115 ICYMI: WE ARE AT WAR

>>14288109, >>14288109, >>14288111 Unearthed 2017 Paper Shows Dems Admitting Machines Are Hackable Even Without Internet Access!

>>14288138, >>14288297 Moar Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome-C, Plus Neonatal Onset and Juvenile Multisystem Inflammatory Disease

>>14288148 Google script on CSpan’s BookTV basically ad libs that they knew Muh COVID was coming in Dec., 2019

>>14288162 RED ALERT Red cross spreading the virus through the vaccinated ?

>>14288180 Pic rel is a sampling of the MSM panic from Aus YouTube

>>14288290, >>14288245, >>14288171, >>14288194 RFK Murder COMMS?

>>14288203 He's A Pathological Liar": Cornell Chemistry Professor Dave Collum Unloads On Dr. Fauci And Covid Hysteria

>>14288236 PCR test does not work, how are they counting cases ?

>>14288287 Who has the answers?!?! RE: Phoenicians


>>14288395 Black Democrat Operative Blows The Lid off Democrat Voter Fraud in Texas

>>14288446, >>14288465 @CodeMonkeyZ, Work on phase 1 continues…

>>14290509 #18076

Previously Collected Notables

>>14286041 #18073, >>14286820 #18074, >>14287669 #18075

>>14285296 #18072, >>14286041 #18073, >>14285296 #18072

>>14283276 #18069, >>14286864 #18070, >>14284425 #18071

>>14280419 #18066, >>14281201 #18067, >>14281974 #18068

>>14278136 #18063, >>14280835 #18064, >>14279641 #18065

>>14280073 #18060, >>14280799 #18061, >>14277386 #18062

>>14273476 #18057, >>14274261 #18058, >>14276240 #18059

>>14271072 #18054, >>14271832 #18055, >>14272699 #18056

>>14268686 #18051, >>14271360 #18052, >>14272171 #18053

>>14266325 #18048, >>14269856 #18049, >>14267861 #18050

>>14264425 #18045, >>14264704 #18046, >>14265458 #18047

>>14261668 #18042, >>14262419 #18043, >>14263017 #18044

>>14259368 #18039, >>14260121 #18040, >>14260894 #18041

>>14256992 #18036, >>14257992 #18037, >>14258913 #18038

>>14254674 #18033, >>14255408 #18034, >>14256273 #18035

>>14252768 #18030, >>14253109 #18031, >>14253883 #18032

>>14250078 #18027, >>14252928 #18028, >>14252845 #18029

>>14247660 #18024, >>14248426 #18025, >>14249188 #18026

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>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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5cac2a  No.14290864

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5cac2a  No.14290866

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5cac2a  No.14290868



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270916  No.14290874

File: 58a48cd04d90a1f⋯.jpeg (100.71 KB, 752x482, 376:241, 9C7619F9_C3B4_4C5C_86D0_4….jpeg)

Thank you, baker


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5cac2a  No.14290877

Op-Ed: I Tried Firing An AR-15 Yesterday And I Have Literally Been Soiling Myself For 17 Straight Hours

The AR-15 — the deadliest abomination known to man. A gun so terrible it’s killed more people than net neutrality and Trump’s tax cuts combined. And to demonstrate how awful this weapon is, I did something foolish: I tried firing one. And the experience was so horrible I have not stopped crying and soiling myself since.

Yes, even as I type this, tears fill my eyes at the remembrance of pulling that trigger and the terrible things that followed. And my pants… my pants are so soaked.

How to describe the experience of firing that monstrosity? When I pulled the trigger, it was like an explosion went off INSIDE THE GUN. There was fire and everything! And then the gun ATTACKED ME! It lurched back at me, trying to strike me with that flat part on the back of it. You heard me right: The gun tried to BLUDGEON ME TO DEATH!

I reacted immediately and dropped to the ground, curled up into a ball, and started weeping — the same thing I’ve been trained to do if I ever hear the wrong pronouns used. And then I emptied my bladder and have not been able to stop since. The doctor is telling me that with all the urination and tears, I could dehydrate myself; I will be yet another casualty of the terrible AR-15.

Obviously, any gun so scary it would make me continuously wet myself must be banned immediately. I don’t think I will be able to stop crying and peeing my pants until I am assured that no one out there owns an AR-15. This has so traumatized me that I have now nearly forgotten my previous trauma caused by a butterfly landing on my face.


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a2e918  No.14290878


"Antifa is just an idea."


Hang the DJ, play pretend

Burn the city, fuck your friends

and sing along, and sing along


Black smoke

Black smoke

Black smoke


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a2e918  No.14290883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5cac2a  No.14290893

File: 0c099c972c5ba5f⋯.png (2.22 MB, 1200x1189, 1200:1189, 0c099c972c5ba5f87e11227af9….png)


Baker requests Handoff

Kitchen is open

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2e4c86  No.14290902

File: c76af2dd72e2f82⋯.png (335.89 KB, 585x735, 39:49, TRUMP2021.png)

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271b23  No.14290903

File: 8ef2b536090e388⋯.png (626.33 KB, 635x605, 127:121, Screenshot_from_2021_08_07….png)

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587474  No.14290907

Day 6 till 8kun shuts down

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a2e918  No.14290915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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083f92  No.14290922

File: 8b187f66a3fb973⋯.png (871.82 KB, 843x1351, 843:1351, Screenshot_2021_08_07_at_1….png)

File: 267ff1374be93e3⋯.jpg (189.47 KB, 491x325, 491:325, 1628259972.jpg)

Dr Baker gets savage on fuckbook

Dear "Super Spreaders" aka "Pro Vaxx", your logic has never made sense. Your "logic" makes less sense now than ever. You got tricked into injecting an experimental shot with questionable ingredients, no long term studies, and serious "side effects" into your body. When this shot creates damage to your body, the manufacturer has ZERO liability. You STILL have to wear a mask because you are an asymptomatic carrier. You have a higher viral load in your body than the non-"vaccinated" and you are infecting people around you. YET… Somehow you think that the people who are healthy are the problem. The healthy people (us) stay home when we get coronavirus, a cold, or whatever. We heal, build immunity, and move on. YOU are walking around the streets like a leper, bitching about a "pandemic" that you are fueling. Its ok if you want to be a lab rat but please don't ask sane people who think for themselves to get in the cage with you.

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57c780  No.14290923


CodeMonkey resigned right after the election

8kun shuts down right after the symposium

Nice set of bookends on this part of the story

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587474  No.14290925

The end is near

return to the beginning

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d8bdb2  No.14290926



>Jim honestly asks what would people do if he shut down 8kun


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4ce1b0  No.14290927

File: ef690092eb5ff5b⋯.png (537.76 KB, 974x726, 487:363, depop.png)

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4ce1b0  No.14290928

File: ee0f7b19c7e8a1c⋯.png (917.24 KB, 980x886, 490:443, notscience.png)

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c9e9cb  No.14290929

File: 7939859c8125ad1⋯.png (52.62 KB, 655x380, 131:76, ClipboardImage.png)

Do these idiots ever come here to see whats posted or just go straight to spreading lies? https://twitter.com/OccupyDemocrats/status/1424020493212942336

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a78044  No.14290930

File: 2e1145749667fa9⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1076x606, 538:303, ClipboardImage.png)

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147d68  No.14290932

File: fbc712d77ebc4b3⋯.jpg (965.58 KB, 1239x1467, 413:489, qline.jpg)

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587474  No.14290933

back to /pol/

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5fae3f  No.14290934

File: a53ac010ad16e0c⋯.jpg (72.86 KB, 632x263, 632:263, Screenshot_20210807_103210….jpg)

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a2e918  No.14290935

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b25d3b  No.14290936

Maybe we can get one of these to trend?





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83e4dc  No.14290937

File: 53ba5221aa47601⋯.png (1.2 MB, 839x544, 839:544, lakeorv.PNG)


Congressman Doug LaMalfa (R-Richvale), Senator Jim Nielsen (R-Gerber), and Assemblyman James Gallagher (R-Marysville) met this week at the top of the Oroville Dam to decry Governor Gavin Newsom’s “lack of leadership and gross mismanagement of the state’s water, power and forests/wildlands.” They demanded urgent action because Californians are suffering, and it’s about to get worse.

The wells that rural communities depend on – which LaMalfa, Nielsen and Gallagher represent – are running dry, and farmers are being denied water to grow food. Currently there are weekly threats of rolling blackouts and Public Safety Power Shutoffs, as hundreds of thousands of acres burn throughout the state, threatening lives, property and wildlife.

It was only in April when California Gov. Gavin Newsom held a press event in Oroville, with a 60% empty Oroville Dam Reservoir as his backdrop, and said he was not ready to declare an official drought emergency – despite that the previous two weeks 91% of Delta inflow went to the sea, state pumps were at -97%, federal pumps at -85%, and outflows showed 6,060,828,600 gallons. Since April, Oroville has been drained almost dry.

The state uses about 47.5 percent of its developed water supply for the environment, including wild river flows, managed wetlands and wildlife preserves, habitat and water quality control for fish, and required Delta outflows, according to the Department of Water Resources. Water is diverted in times of drought and times of plenty to the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, leaving much less for irrigation or for Californians to drink, and now a recently passed law requires residents to be limited to 55 gallons per day in the near future.

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b97d3c  No.14290938


the same thing I’ve been trained to do if I ever hear the wrong pronouns used.


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a2e918  No.14290940


This is fine.


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5fae3f  No.14290941

File: 78fc23c3a5f960b⋯.jpg (34.71 KB, 424x150, 212:75, Screenshot_20210807_103658….jpg)

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e37d60  No.14290942

"Time it was and what a time it was

It was

A time of diligence

A time of (no) coincidences

Long ago it must be

I have my meme folder.

Enjoy your memories, they'll be all that's left of this."

Evidence of this operation will self-destruct.

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5359b1  No.14290943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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147d68  No.14290944

File: 04149ca2ef28eaf⋯.png (1.12 MB, 980x804, 245:201, watchdam.png)

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57c780  No.14290945


I was not implying that it is the end times at all

I was just noting that it fit nicely

If this moves into a new phase of a true Great Awakening, we won't need any more Q posts and no more 8kun to host them

I think we are moving into a new phase now

You can think what you want and you can't read my mind

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4ce1b0  No.14290946

File: dc234f62845beff⋯.png (771.19 KB, 980x1010, 98:101, yesnormies.png)

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4995a1  No.14290947

File: 51fecd0eeda9e67⋯.jpg (104.41 KB, 500x715, 100:143, 5gic2s.jpg)

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c6771c  No.14290948

File: 36814416bcda60a⋯.png (58.12 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 0b418c3b929c562f76321a9f92….png)

File: 241147da70aec37⋯.png (2.04 MB, 2486x1224, 1243:612, 84a4b19e81ef6785d3dc9f8ef6….png)

File: 20d2585b58126cb⋯.jpg (25.8 KB, 532x395, 532:395, 98b6959843b8afbc632f2208ff….jpg)

The US Supreme Court approved tithing to Moloch in Roe v Wade. The unrecognized hypnogogic or trance effects produced by cult media programming from infancy, accounts for almost the entire behavioral repertoire of a normal NPC.

Restoring cognitive autonomy to those who have been conditioned from birth to respond to specific words and images in binary fashion is not "rehabilitation" for in order to rehabilitate, an individual must once have been habilitated.

By learning to recognize the cults use of symbols, or musical cues, of visual allegory, we can habilitate ourselves, by learning to identify control mechanisms in circulating cult IO - media content, 'news' stories, and popular music we see how the cult uses things which attract us, sex imagery, music, romanticized violence directed at enemies -and use these attractive things to poison us with self destructible behaviors and distorted 'truths' or ideas that appear beneficial but in practice will prove dangerous or fatal.

Making cute and pretty things, like children's toys into deadly IEDs is SOP for the cult, and they do not just do this with material world objects, but with abstract weapons - the deadliest weapons are conceptual - they are ideas which kill as surely as any g man's popgun and do it in ways that go unrecognized by the great mass of humanity. Consider the success of Marxism, and entirely artificial complex of ideas, that has deceived millions into promoting and opposing.

"Whom the devil would deceive he tells not a lie but a lesser truth."

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ca6adf  No.14290949

File: 3d13f10d04e712e⋯.jpeg (95.62 KB, 1024x716, 256:179, E78frhcXsAU5aG1.jpeg)

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249784  No.14290950


Just mirroring

The dems plan violence in case election 2020 court cases are won.

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a78044  No.14290951

File: 838d067b7197bff⋯.png (421.42 KB, 500x457, 500:457, ClipboardImage.png)

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8aa47c  No.14290952

File: a0f6f06b42ec670⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1676x1063, 1676:1063, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14290904 (lb, late)

>>14290921 (lb, later)

gotta run, anon. o7

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b618c4  No.14290953

File: 90a6c8061300152⋯.png (306.73 KB, 453x264, 151:88, fauci_soros.PNG)

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a78044  No.14290954

File: 0a5d06414fee73f⋯.png (615.22 KB, 880x586, 440:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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a2e918  No.14290955


Eventually,with nobody going to clown colleges (wm, odu, ecsu, etc) the clown supply is gonna dry up. Whoops.

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2e4c86  No.14290956

Don Jr. just tweeted Rogan clip on the vax passports.


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5cac2a  No.14290957

File: 48063f77fb5c83c⋯.png (64.76 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



Play me something music man, anything that comes to mind.

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b62181  No.14290958


Creating FF's, is their forte after all.

Setting patriots up, putting out the precursor false narrative so they think they have the upper hand.

Sure would be nice to have the evidence of Nancy's Jan 6th staged insurrection come out right about now.

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b25d3b  No.14290959

they want us to die of thirst.

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b97d3c  No.14290960

consider where things would be today if we didn't have Jim fight to get 8kun up

They deplatformed the POTUS

They shadow banned every un-left sentiment

They removed every conservative voice

Consider where the country would be if we had not been shielded.

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147d68  No.14290961

File: 3e87a03fd21818c⋯.jpg (230.12 KB, 680x546, 340:273, obamabinclooneygate.jpg)

Is Obama setting up a FF to blame anons with this party?

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083f92  No.14290962

File: 88b8fe21594ccbb⋯.png (1.11 MB, 833x811, 833:811, ClipboardImage.png)

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b97d3c  No.14290963

File: 552e49b9c4f444f⋯.jpg (78.61 KB, 500x728, 125:182, 5iqe35.jpg)

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044cb3  No.14290964

File: 90a271298574c10⋯.jpg (402.43 KB, 1080x1544, 135:193, 20210807_093621.jpg)


мвs move[s] the events in the Middle East.



you are not wrong in context as far as in detail.

modern christian doctrine and accepted theory hoc mythos is…

misled in much.

being wrong does not necessarily affect nor effect Grace.

still… the story suffers in the telling with millenia of assumed inaccuracies.

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46f778  No.14290965



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a78044  No.14290966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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afdba8  No.14290967


Magic Plastic for the Magic Virus.

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1defdd  No.14290968


Not enough people get this. Jim & Ron kept Patriots Comms up when everything else was being deplatformed and mass bannings were occurring…

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88f10e  No.14290969



ohhhhh scary "qanon-ers" kmao

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5cac2a  No.14290970

File: 03677d0be92c0e8⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1200x1808, 75:113, d2c5db2ce4aa7bda8ea6c793e5….png)




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10370f  No.14290971

File: 7d221a0dd616d46⋯.png (107.54 KB, 408x694, 204:347, Screen_Shot_08_07_21_at_11….PNG)

File: b828db14ebb8470⋯.png (380.75 KB, 858x1200, 143:200, ClipboardImage.png)

Notice it's signed…President Donald J. Trump

205,000 voter registrations

2X5 = 10 2+5 = 7

Liz Harrington



"Wisconsin has just canceled 205,000 voter registrations because they say they could not find the voters. Why did they wait until AFTER the election? Would this mean that we would have won Wisconsin? Congratulations!' - President Donald J. Trump

8:34 AM · Aug 7, 2021·Twitter for Android


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2e4c86  No.14290972


Scroll down and check out the Sean Parnell retweet too. Sick fucking animals.

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587474  No.14290973

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The End is near

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0f9047  No.14290974

>>14289319 pb

>>"Our God is not an ogre."

The purpose of the cross was not to save you from your sin, but to reveal the invisible Father by saving you from your sin. The OT sacrifices saved no one. They were promises of salvation through the cross.

Elohim means 'God אל separated from creation י - which was finished by the son ם - by ignorance ה.

Israel means 'man יש joined to God אל by revelation ר .

When God created man, man did not miraculously know God. He had to learn who he was. God taught us that he is Holy through the law, and Love through the tabernacle and temple and sacrifices.

The laws against joining things like seeds in the field or materials in garments are pictures of joining Holiness and Love. We are prohibited from doing it because we confuse them.

When we see a criminal go free we do not glorify mercy, but complain there is no justice. When we are not set free, we do not glorify justice, but complain there is no mercy.

How can God teach us that he is both? He said Adam would die the day he ate the fruit. He did not learn of God's Holiness by the tree which was separated, so he was separated from the garden to extend the lesson. But he did not die. God provided the substitute for his penalty.

Abel sought a city (walled place) not made with hands. A garden has a wall vs. a field. He sought the garden not made with hands; to return by giving back what God had given to cover Adam's sin.

This is a foreshadow of the cross, a cross which is also a teaching that God is both Holy (sins must be dealt with) and Love (giving mercy to the sinner) by becoming his own sacrifice.

The blood of animals did not forgive sin, they were merely promises of grace looking forward to the cross.

God is not an Ogre. That he IS an Ogre is a strawman, built on misunderstanding the sacrifices. It is built by those who fear death. Death itself is just a shadow; not feared by those who trust God. It is a strawman designed to nullify the Holiness of God.

It is a strawman to promote the temptation of the serpent that you can become equal to God, and anything you do is acceptable because you determine good and evil for yourself.

The world is filled with insane people playing God (defining good and evil for themselves) and causing pain, suffering and death; but blaming it on God. Encouraging the insanity is itself insane.

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e44284  No.14290975

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.jpg (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, dafuqPepe.JPG)



"Qanons stormed Martha's Vineyard"?

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083f92  No.14290976


has a little paper crown on it so it's ok

he'll be fine

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a92098  No.14290977



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a2884f  No.14290978

File: 9fbce0ca7c7e2f3⋯.jpg (47.56 KB, 750x493, 750:493, yusduyasq.jpg)

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2e4c86  No.14290979

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a1b781  No.14290980

File: 8f10d2ec9fd0fed⋯.png (1.15 MB, 934x885, 934:885, ClipboardImage.png)



someone say vineyard?

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8c097b  No.14290981

File: 9b9cf7fbae1bb6e⋯.png (924.96 KB, 1369x894, 1369:894, EbrahimRaisiRing1.png)

File: cc4225fcc8ab3f6⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1369x894, 1369:894, EbrahimRaisiRing.png)

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b228df  No.14290982


You Qanoners need to stop the shenanigans!

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a78044  No.14290983

File: 3ed58f2fb2e48ed⋯.png (368.01 KB, 618x412, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e854b  No.14290984

File: cfe98e7bf867217⋯.png (459.65 KB, 880x662, 440:331, Aug_7_RRN_Susan_Rice_Hange….png)

In case you missed RRN yesterday:

Military Hangs Susan Rice

The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps on Wednesday hanged former National Security Advisor Susan Rice, just a month after a military tribunal at Guantanamo Bay found her guilty of high treason and recommended that she be put to death for crimes committed against the nation and its citizenry.

Asked if she had any last words, a tearful Rice said she had done nothing wrong, that she had only ever followed lawful orders.

Her execution took place without much fanfare, and she died on the same apparatus that was used to execute Hillary Clinton last April. Vice Adm. John G. Hannink ordered the execution detail to conduct the sentence at 9:00 a.m. Rice’s neck snapped, and an attending military physician declared her dead.

Vice Adm. John G. Hannink remarked that he took no pleasure in overseeing executions but acknowledged that duty mandated he conduct “unpleasant business.”

“These are grim times, and we’re called upon to enforce sometimes unpleasant business. We must remember that these people are among the worst society had to offer, and their departure from this world does make the earth a better place and give us a glint of hope for the future,” Vice Adm. Hannink told the small assembly who had gathered to watch Rice hang by the neck until dead.

A source involved in the military’s Deep State purge told Real Raw News that rice spent her last few days in captivity in tears, a sharp departure from the stoic silence she displayed at her time of arrest and during her military tribunal.

“She was in some state those last four or five days. She cowered in a corner of her cell with her knees drawn up to chest, crying that she was innocent. She begged the guards who brought her meals to let her go—like they could have done anything. I think she was hoping her Deep State allies would spring her, but in the end, she got what she deserved,” our source said.

Rice had had numerous opportunities to avoid the hangman’s noose. The military had hoped Rice would supply incriminating information on her former boss, Barack Hussein Obama, who the military believes is still masterminding the Deep State’s efforts to enslave law-abiding American patriots.

“Obama’s hold on these people is remarkable,” our source said. “Rice wouldn’t give him up. Podesta wouldn’t give him up. The Clintons wouldn’t give him up. But that’s not stopping JAG from pursuing its case against him, and it’s only a matter of time before Obama shares a similar fate,” our source said.


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044cb3  No.14290985

File: 45a523ef8e04efe⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 498x373, 498:373, 20210807_094511.gif)


none of which matters

because bidan is president

and bolsheviks control

The United States of America.


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a92098  No.14290986

File: 236f43297331cbb⋯.png (270.99 KB, 547x232, 547:232, Capture.PNG)

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083f92  No.14290987

File: 0dcc3b9cefa7286⋯.png (2.04 MB, 2100x1017, 700:339, Screenshot_2021_07_31_at_0….png)


and so it is

can take the ferry from Woods Hole

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7fb5d1  No.14290988


like border it could be reversed with the stroke of a pen

witness the destruction - abandoned disregard for life or humanity

pure lust for power and control

disgusting atortraitor

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b618c4  No.14290989

File: 1850e509a3f8752⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1167x587, 1167:587, maga_flotilla.PNG)

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083f92  No.14290990


where's Rusty

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044cb3  No.14290991

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678115  No.14290992

File: c41a1eeb68b5e86⋯.jpg (15.18 KB, 255x236, 255:236, 53a9a1170cbf87f6a3f64180ef….jpg)

File: 588368e5a8fe096⋯.png (12.85 KB, 255x237, 85:79, a570100aa5549dde4281cc9c11….png)

File: 800c8fdfd5e8d9d⋯.png (9.47 KB, 255x221, 15:13, 6751e1600b4b9046c3dbe3df74….png)

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a92098  No.14290993


HaHa that would be funny!

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0b556e  No.14290994

File: ab20f4ad626393c⋯.jpg (85.45 KB, 719x528, 719:528, 20210803_102917.jpg)

Madcow does not actually hang out here

Try checking bidan's morning bowel movement…there are no qanoners here

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147d68  No.14290995

File: fe0589d4da5a2d7⋯.jpg (1.68 MB, 2096x1662, 1048:831, obamagateboat.jpg)

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5fae3f  No.14290997

File: 944b3c024058642⋯.mp4 (6 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 1_4927280619064394112.mp4)

This should infuriate every human being.



>Kinderarbeit in afrikanischen Kobaltminen

(Child labor in African cobalt mines)

>Wir brauchen eine Lösung!

(We need a solution)


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03f27d  No.14290998

File: 5149c3baf4184be⋯.jpg (63.79 KB, 780x1040, 3:4, 5149c3baf4184be3a665fe618e….jpg)

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b618c4  No.14290999

File: cbbe594c06fc8f4⋯.png (178.33 KB, 250x258, 125:129, kabala_laugh_2.PNG)

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083f92  No.14291000

File: ca8b0466f8aed7d⋯.jpeg (82.63 KB, 828x817, 828:817, 1627832520.jpeg)

File: 4eb88b47d8fda22⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB, 848x464, 53:29, 1627834917_1.mp4)

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10370f  No.14291001

File: 9c281022f15017e⋯.png (13.72 KB, 491x220, 491:220, Screen_Shot_08_07_21_at_11….PNG)

Timestamp 10:36 am 3X6 = 18 18-1 = 17

President Biden


United States government official

The Delta variant is surging, but we have the power to stop it.

Get vaccinated.

10:36 AM · Aug 7, 2021·The White House


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3f720a  No.14291002

File: 85a0b68053ee91c⋯.png (451.84 KB, 516x552, 43:46, soroseyes.png)

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e9cb00  No.14291003

File: 23e256236ba4e78⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1686x1584, 281:264, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)

File: 532e81dca744619⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1666x1538, 833:769, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)

File: 31d8f46a5b53ebd⋯.png (752.07 KB, 1710x1522, 855:761, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)


Newsom Administration Wasted So Much Water, Oroville Just Ran Out



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afdba8  No.14291004

File: 19903490d74a79b⋯.png (1.22 MB, 837x850, 837:850, ClipboardImage.png)




If you roll the yellow bit around a circle you get a star.

Hmm, where have I heard about this type of thing before?

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e3e18e  No.14291006


Delta is the cold.

Circled back.

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147d68  No.14291007

File: 4df96a9ac709aca⋯.jpg (258.72 KB, 411x656, 411:656, teapartymask.jpg)

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5cac2a  No.14291008

File: a6826ffc0770e12⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1392x788, 348:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Vaccination Rates Plummet As More Celebrities Say They Won't Hang Out With The Unvaccinated

U.S.—In a disastrous turn of affairs for the push to get more people vaccinated, rates have plummeted after Jennifer Aniston and other celebrities say they won't communicate or hang out with people who aren't vaccinated.

Aniston has vowed to block and cease all communication with the unvaccinated, making a very strong case for never getting the vaccine. Many say they would rather die of COVID than hear from celebrities.

"So, if I don't get vaccinated, I never have to hear from Jennifer Aniston ever again? Say no more!" said one man, exiting the line to get the vaccine in front of a Los Angeles clinic. "This is great! Not being vaccinated now seems like one of the best value propositions of all time. Of all time!"

"Man, not being vaccinated may be the greatest choice I've ever made. I hope all the other celebrities follow in her footsteps."

Following the announcement from Aniston, there was also a strong spike in Google searches for "can I reverse my vaccination"?

Sad! Not good!


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9f750b  No.14291009

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

kek, CDC new inc PCR test protocol will fake ppl having 20,30..100 different virses, at the same time

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efbb21  No.14291010

File: 7d8378a5b9d39ab⋯.jpg (86.46 KB, 520x480, 13:12, pepesaysnow.jpg)




4 days till the web certificate for 8kun.top expires. Is it going to be renewed?

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083f92  No.14291012

File: ff2aa692e537d4f⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1200x676, 300:169, Screenshot_2021_07_31_at_1….png)


too cute…can't breathe…

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0b556e  No.14291013

File: e4a0d9a8a58bdd0⋯.jpg (78.21 KB, 500x714, 250:357, 5ivtv7.jpg)

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5cac2a  No.14291014



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46f778  No.14291015


>Timestamp 10:36 am 3X6 = 18 18-1 = 17

so many high iQ detectives here now

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7fb5d1  No.14291016








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3a2a39  No.14291017


Interesting how all the replies such as 'fake news' were hidden behind a warning?

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8c0031  No.14291018









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5fa5ed  No.14291019

File: 8372934e3024c2a⋯.png (91.62 KB, 1047x229, 1047:229, Screenshot_2021_08_07_9_31….png)

File: 9f281fc5cfb168a⋯.png (931.77 KB, 1125x2001, 375:667, ClipboardImage.png)

Any truth to pilots refusing mandatory vax?

Can any anons confirm these flight delays?


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a92098  No.14291020

File: e86f8a5a946729b⋯.png (77.18 KB, 279x269, 279:269, Capture.PNG)


999 or 666 upside down kek

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ca6adf  No.14291021

File: 36590aa7793e9bd⋯.png (620.62 KB, 1079x617, 1079:617, laurene_powerll_jobs_atlan….png)

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10370f  No.14291022

File: f2779f4c7384bdf⋯.png (21.71 KB, 499x237, 499:237, Screen_Shot_08_07_21_at_11….PNG)


Timestamp 11:47 am

4X7 = 28 28-11 = 17

President Biden


United States government official

We can’t just build back to the way things were before COVID-19, we have to build back better. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal and my Build Back Better plan will grow our economy, and create an average of 2 million good-paying jobs every year over the next decade.

11:47 AM · Aug 7, 2021·The White House


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83e4dc  No.14291023

Mcconnel is allowing this to give his non-maga swamp allies talking points to use ahead of mid-terms when they go home. Even the left knows this


Los Angeles Times: “At a moment of such intense partisanship, this momentary alignment of incentives for Democrats and Republicans, set to vote in the coming days to pass the approximately $1-trillion package out of the Senate, is the Washington equivalent of a total eclipse. However rare and fleeting, Republicans and Democrats believe they are serving their own self-interests, not just the president’s, in voting to pass a bipartisan bill to improve roads, bridges, rail lines, water pipes and broadband networks.”

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c6771c  No.14291024

File: 4e091ed2943b089⋯.png (311.66 KB, 828x1464, 69:122, 00a20f1ddc94fad1fc62d0483a….png)

File: 2c21039baf165ae⋯.jpg (404.25 KB, 1287x729, 143:81, 2a375dda8f22604dc3d569988b….jpg)

File: 4b0ee0c68afa8cd⋯.jpeg (144.78 KB, 1480x834, 740:417, 3e5f27253510ad9e2973631fa….jpeg)

File: 802eddbffb67cba⋯.jpg (564.25 KB, 740x1171, 740:1171, 15cb8180b85dc9e3c336a8ba53….jpg)

File: 6fb68579c13a3a7⋯.png (355.57 KB, 649x535, 649:535, 05153089a3508ffb709eabe29e….png)

Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly from the natural world. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.

Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans and the universe is *all* acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater surrounding social, economic and political reality.

We are entirely dependent on the *integrity* of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share, and legacy media has betrayed us, engaging in massive deception and running 'psyops,' or 'Information Operations,' stories which use information in ways engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.

Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.

*The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.

*The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.

*The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.

*The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.

*The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.

With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.

Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values and gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult materials (eg. Catcher in the Rye) are introduced into high school required reading lists. False history and false flags arelegitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, while subversive 'educational' programs like "common core" are promoted to turn kids off learning.

Cultist media gradually, over decades, reduces the public vocabulary, promotes social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.

Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure; the entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals.

It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember fellow citizens still trapped in the matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control.



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efbb21  No.14291025

File: 7681ab6a397d06f⋯.png (108.15 KB, 1175x808, 1175:808, ClipboardImage.png)

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b228df  No.14291026


>Get vaccinated


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5cac2a  No.14291027




New Baker self confirm

Ghosting in 20 posts

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147d68  No.14291028

File: 150bb2cd8d88114⋯.jpg (402.13 KB, 799x480, 799:480, OBAMAGATE666.jpg)

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e44284  No.14291029

File: f534f9b90b9cb3a⋯.jpeg (42.46 KB, 960x908, 240:227, f534f9b90b9cb3a85157c143b….jpeg)

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083f92  No.14291030

File: 34bf40133d935a3⋯.png (227.13 KB, 474x460, 237:230, 1536620359.png)

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1c854f  No.14291031

File: 0dffa8d14997f43⋯.png (766.56 KB, 1250x811, 1250:811, I_O_mirror.PNG)

File: 0f34745b0da8909⋯.png (439.07 KB, 598x596, 299:298, aug_7.PNG)



Night operations. Are you ready? We are.


4:07 PM · Aug 7, 2020


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b25d3b  No.14291032

drones can be effective.

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c85127  No.14291034

File: 1817e902ffdab81⋯.png (188.16 KB, 332x523, 332:523, ClipboardImage.png)



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5cac2a  No.14291035

File: 79866c2238953e8⋯.png (853.7 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 79866c2238953e86fbc583bed7….png)

>>14290853 (OP)

>>14290893 (You)

>>14290868 (You)

New Baker self confirm

Ghosting in 20 posts

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5fae3f  No.14291036


Mr. Jim, please renew the certificate.

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ca6adf  No.14291037

File: 7e66a1082eb1085⋯.png (9.06 KB, 717x41, 717:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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678115  No.14291038

File: ae3a7cec40ba8f6⋯.jpg (16.26 KB, 255x143, 255:143, bb75ba7d674748741ee26d4efd….jpg)

File: b10ef2ac32e5912⋯.jpg (25.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 576e81c2d38bd97beb0cd2146c….jpg)


Dig, digger, dig. Muh device needs a charge. This is criminal. God bless the slaves humping earth to fuel our digital war.

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a92098  No.14291039



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5cac2a  No.14291040

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083f92  No.14291041

File: 3e23a029a8903c7⋯.jpg (86.45 KB, 800x600, 4:3, 1548267632.jpg)


those fucktards will stay in the this hellish timeline they created. we will not see them again

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c6771c  No.14291042

File: 7464ed6c49393a0⋯.jpeg (156.38 KB, 457x640, 457:640, FuManchuAged.jpeg)


(for corrupt officials in government.)

…especially severe in the Ming dynasty. Often, all their family and friends were killed, and they were boiled alive, after that their skin was flayed from the corpse and hung up as a warning to other corrupt elite.

…Therefore, “nothing is greater than punishing

corruption in governance”, “the most urgent task of kingly ruling is to punish

corruption” have become the principles pursued by the rulers in all dynasties. Only the presence of honest officials would allow healthy development of the nation.

…Although Tang Dynasty has been harsh enough to punish corrupt officials,

Ming Dynasty inflicted even more severe punishments. Ming Dynasty stipulated

that two-level-harsher punishment would be imposed with '''the officials who were

responsible to monitor law enforcement''' but committed corruption facing the harshest penalties.

(Flaying alive, public castration etc)

…“For the crimes in regard to ceremonies, customs and enlightenment, Tang Dynasty had heavier penalties than Ming Dynasty, but for the crimes in regard to theft, robbery and

state treasury’s properties, Ming Dynasty had heavier penalties.”

In the reign of Emperor Sui, a censor took an inspection tour to the fifty-two states in Hebei

and impeached over two hundred corrupt or incompetent officials in his report,

leading to shock and profound fear of the entire Shizhou County.

…Emperor Kublai Khan of Yuan Dynasty metaphorized, “Central secretariat is like my right hand, military affairs ministry is like my left hand, but censuring is the organ to cure these two hands.”

…reward means to grant positive praise and reward to an upright and enlightened


…Zhu Yuanzhang, who was an emperor of humble birth. In order to increase social

concern to the officials, Zhu Yuanzhang has adopted two measures. Firstly, for an

official convicted of a minor offence, he would be punished by bulleting his crime in

the place where he had governed.

If a dismissed official was reused, (re-appointed) he would also write a reflection to post on the (his office) door for caution. (to public)

Secondly, '''civilians were allowed

to escort guilty officials to the capital,''' so that otherwise whole families would be punished (?)

>>14232568 (PB)


(for corrupt officials in government.)

…especially severe in the Ming dynasty. Often, all their family and friends were killed, and they were boiled alive, after that their skin was flayed from the corpse and hung up as a warning to other corrupt elite.

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147d68  No.14291043

File: f7ae9fe7df37b0c⋯.jpeg (354.88 KB, 862x675, 862:675, gavinsome.jpeg)

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5cac2a  No.14291044


how do you know?


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e44284  No.14291045

File: 04c5ff38f7a26a3⋯.jpeg (52.54 KB, 640x960, 2:3, 04c5ff38f7a26a3346146699e….jpeg)


Fake bread from fake bakers tastes like pre-baked dough.


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efbb21  No.14291046



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c6771c  No.14291047

File: 9afbc3ed7440b8c⋯.jpg (127.9 KB, 717x900, 239:300, Mr_Yee_Chyna_Spy_Boss_NotR….jpg)


Part 2 The Honor of Fu Manchu

…an official was involved with a pecuniary interest or bribery, he would be subject to a legal penalty irrespective of the amount of the


…In the Qin Dynasty, an official would be punished for the corruption of even a coin,

such as (with) face tattooing, (assignment to) fortification building, trenching and other coolies.(coolie work)

…In the Northern Wei Dynasty, a local governor would be sentenced to death for the

acceptance of a sheep or a cup of wine.

…According to the law of Tang Dynasty, if

a local governor accepted the bribe and the amount of bribery equaled to a bolt of silk, he would be sentenced to 100 beatings with wooden staves.

…If the amount was more than a bolt of silk, he would be subject to a harsher punishment, and

when the amount reached fifteen bolt of silk, he would be sentenced to be hanged.

…In the Tang Dynasty, for example, an official would be punished even if he accepted other people’s things indirectly. He would be punished for the acceptance of money as well as (of)…meat, food, wine, fruit

…deemed as bribery. Even for those officials who had left their positions, they would also be punished for the acceptance of things from

the people of their former jurisdiction.

…In China, the earliest imprisonment appeared in the Qin and Han Dynasties, which were the laws to remove the officials’ titles and dismiss them from office.

… In the Sui Dynasty, the law stipulated that if an official was suspected of embezzlement but not up to (did not merit) the death punishment,

he would be given lifelong imprisonment even if he was pardoned.

. .. sometimes the imprisoned official still could not restore political rights even if the punishment was lifted. He could not live in the capital nor enjoyed the same rights as an honest civilian.

…It also created a good atmosphere for socio-economic progress, nipped the corruption thinking of officials in the bud, and played a major role in the stability of people’s livelihood and development of feudal commodity economy. It must be admitted that Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang’s “heavy punishments on officials” is truly commendable now.

Credit to:

FENG Yanyan

Lecturer College of Humanities and Law, ShanDong University of Science and

Technology, Qingdao, China.

*Corresponding author. Received 8 March 2016; accepted 17 May 2016

Pedovore 'round up and cultist roping is a worldwide event. Welcome to the Great Awakening.

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e9cb00  No.14291048

File: 9004ced2d2907af⋯.png (31.41 KB, 902x196, 451:98, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)


"“Lake Oroville was at full capacity two years ago, as well as in 2017,” said LaMalfa. “This dam was designed to provide water and power through five years of drought. Governor Newsom’s administration mismanaged and wasted so much water that Oroville ran out of water in just a year and half. Throughout the winter and spring, the state let water out of the lake, ignoring that we were in a drought. The government has used our water for its pet projects like the delta smelt, a fish no one has found a single one of in over three years. Yet families and farms have seen dramatic cutbacks in their water availability. Mismanagement of our water means we lose 450 megawatts of power, recreation, drinking water, water for farms and water for fall run salmon. Everybody loses because of the states wasteful management,” LaMalfa said."

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ca6adf  No.14291049

Throughout the winter and spring, the state let water out of the lake, ignoring that we were in a drought.

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b618c4  No.14291050

File: 360c517b7cf0293⋯.png (91.05 KB, 252x266, 18:19, build_back_better_666.PNG)

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147d68  No.14291051

File: 581543eb76690a3⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1408x788, 352:197, watchwater_2.png)


[They] have always wanted full control of the dam

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38c3e3  No.14291052

File: 8fc4d942b214c80⋯.png (344.24 KB, 498x520, 249:260, joehorny.png)

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8c0031  No.14291053


Create an account here and ask the pilots directly…


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ca6adf  No.14291054

File: 6d66e9dee3531b3⋯.png (105.97 KB, 1100x890, 110:89, ClipboardImage.png)



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083f92  No.14291055


I got a whole box full of hard copy Fu Manchu books by Sax Rohmer - want 'em?

they absolutely suck

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5cac2a  No.14291056



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7fb5d1  No.14291057


someone gained of function early from the covid amplifier of morbidities

-took out jobs , naturally

slimy indeed

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10370f  No.14291058


>HaHa that would be funny!

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afdba8  No.14291059


>…because there's seven of them.

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044cb3  No.14291060

File: dfc89b5cae069bd⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 500x457, 500:457, 20210807_095631.gif)

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5fa5ed  No.14291061

File: 46aa2a14d8a2882⋯.png (488.92 KB, 1080x863, 1080:863, ClipboardImage.png)


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e9cb00  No.14291062

File: 7c21ea628b9f5bf⋯.png (906.81 KB, 920x680, 23:17, newsom_causes_ca_corruptio….png)

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c9e9cb  No.14291063

File: f9add33d1628823⋯.png (142.8 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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147d68  No.14291064

File: b6a49b546e2c03a⋯.jpg (42.77 KB, 680x453, 680:453, omarethnic.jpg)

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ca6adf  No.14291065

File: 366ea20c482fe65⋯.png (316.79 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

someone gained of function early from the covid amplifier of morbidities

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c6771c  No.14291066

File: 1fd8f39b926a230⋯.jpg (252.57 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1fd8f39b926a230221d3196095….jpg)

It is possible to diagnose and track a host of diseases by analysis of online behaviors.

By tracking the key words used in symptom searches by newly infected people we can follow an epidemic in real time. It is even possible to discriminate between diseases, or variants of disease is they have distinguishing symptoms.

Most NPCs do not understand that we can track disease in real time now. "WE" meaning any intel agency, private data brokers and all DS Big tech pedovore monopolists.

pay attention

…time series of online search query frequencies to gain insights about the prevalence of COVID-19 in multiple countries.

…modelling techniques based on associated symptom categories identified by the United Kingdom’s National Health Service and Public Health England.

…minimize an expected bias in these signals caused by public interest—as opposed to infections—using the proportion of news media coverage devoted to COVID-19 as a proxy indicator.

Our analysis indicates that models based on online searches precede the reported confirmed cases and deaths by 16.7 (10.2–23.2) and 22.1 (17.4–26.9) days, respectively.

…Finally, we show that web searches improve the short-term forecasting accuracy of autoregressive models for COVID-19 deaths.

…Over the past several years, numerous scientific studies have shown that user interactions with web applications generate latent health-related signals, reflective of individual as well as community level trends

…(COVID-19) pandemic, caused by a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), has generated an unprecedented relative volume of online searches This search behavior could signal the presence of actual infections, but may also be due to general concern intensified by news media coverage ==Media Induced psycogenic illness'''


And Again

Indeed, in late February, people were already conducting online searches that suggested COVID-19 was spreading. The first positive case in Iran was announced on 20 February, and the disease peaked there in early April. In early February, three to four weeks before the number of infections rose to its highest level, online searches about the loss of taste and smell (and related keywords) were growing across the country. This implicit indicator peaked in mid-March, two to three weeks before the peak was reached for the number of people testing positive for COVID-19

1). That period could have enabled the health system to prepare better for the outbreak, including urging people with these symptoms to self-isolate.


ROCHESTER, Minn. — Web-based analytics have demonstrated their value in predicting the spread of infectious disease, and a new study from Mayo Clinic indicates the value of analyzing Google web searches for keywords related to COVID-19.

Strong correlations were found between keyword searches on the internet search engine Google Trends and COVID-19 outbreaks in parts of the U.S., according to a study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings. These correlations were observed up to 16 days prior to the first reported cases in some states.


With 'real time' or live data aggregation of individual users and groups it is trivial to monitor, identify and isolate group characteristics for IO targeting. By controlling individual and group data feeds an ill disposed entity or organization can engineer individual and collective epidemics, contagious hysterias and psychogenic illnesses.

The pedovore cult controls the data feeds of 99% of humanity, via MSM and 'Big Tech' social media entities.

We the People may aspire to freedom but without a secure networking system which protects anonymity and at the same time offers assured identity, our desire for freedom will remain, as the cultists like to say, 'aspirational.'

Since we have ubiquitous, universal surveillance, so a data broker or data customer can see (for example) when we make a trip to the drugstore, purchase an anti-histamine etc. In addition by examining our retina via the uncovered camera on a laptop we confirm the existence of and differentiate between 1000s of pathological processes.

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ca6adf  No.14291067

File: 3d79c7087238de1⋯.png (111.69 KB, 577x361, 577:361, DOG_ATTACK.png)

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b618c4  No.14291068

File: 4eeeefc502863ef⋯.png (990.14 KB, 821x483, 821:483, biden_where_did_that_littl….PNG)

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8569ea  No.14291069

File: 3a2a8a1a3b8cfaf⋯.jpg (50.93 KB, 714x532, 51:38, 20210807_115840.jpg)

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147d68  No.14291070

File: a5b705eb2bb4223⋯.jpeg (115.05 KB, 640x572, 160:143, neighborhood.jpeg)


will it be the dog abuse that finally awakens the masses?

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271b23  No.14291071

File: b48a973268382ba⋯.jpg (148.96 KB, 1040x2013, 1040:2013, CREEPYbiden.JPG)

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5fa5ed  No.14291072


I am pretty sure the pilots are walking away, there has been a lot of pilot deaths after they get vaxxed. Something to do with sitting for long periods of time and pressure changes.

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06bf3a  No.14291074

File: a51d138a3f3f52a⋯.jpg (84.36 KB, 550x327, 550:327, 15914_1.jpg)

File: 596a33eccbac984⋯.jpg (130.06 KB, 600x557, 600:557, 82770270_item_big_PS1_CLOC….jpg)

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2e4c86  No.14291075


You know that he said that to toughen you up, right?

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5cac2a  No.14291076

File: 32de2443df8dcec⋯.png (125.24 KB, 594x480, 99:80, filter_a557bef5bd446adf387….png)

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ca6adf  No.14291077



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5cac2a  No.14291078

File: 441801e43673dd4⋯.jpg (343.76 KB, 1014x1069, 1014:1069, 441801e43673dd4f56570a62e6….jpg)

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9e78d7  No.14291079

>>14290984 (p/b)seconded


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8569ea  No.14291080


Every family's got one

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d303e1  No.14291081

File: ee6cc9f25def0bb⋯.jpg (188.25 KB, 539x859, 539:859, Selling_Shit_7_days_a_week.jpg)


>Do these idiots ever come here to see whats posted or just go straight to spreading lies?

They just go straight to spreading lies.

How else would they be able to sell billons of dollars of advertising space?

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147d68  No.14291082

File: 1c3ef829ad0b436⋯.jpg (380.2 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, susanhand_2.jpg)

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826375  No.14291083

>>14290136 lb

Remember all the media making a fuss about Presidents and their dogs. Trump didn't have dogs at the WH! They made a big fuss over that.

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9e78d7  No.14291084


>>14290765 (p/b)seconded

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aeeb56  No.14291085

File: 2d81d47fdcf5e7a⋯.png (149.49 KB, 307x571, 307:571, Massive_FF_planned_to_be_b….png)

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ca6adf  No.14291086

File: e1351bbce6ace02⋯.png (196.72 KB, 235x424, 235:424, ClipboardImage.png)




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5cac2a  No.14291087


Fuck no


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8569ea  No.14291088


maybe that's her funeral at martha vineyard

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083f92  No.14291089

nevermind the long URL, it's legit

and you must watch this


"Mode RNA"

just click it






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9e78d7  No.14291090

File: 813663035a42a87⋯.jpg (115.14 KB, 675x900, 3:4, NaziGruesomenewsom.jpg)



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c6771c  No.14291091

File: 0ad8883323b8528⋯.jpg (190.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 0ad8883323b8528a14e7b51a9f….jpg)


William Burroughs always referred to it as "the insidious racist garbage of Sax Rohmer." Heh.

There's a good Confucian detective genre - Judge Dee - said to be fairly accurate historically


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88f10e  No.14291092

File: cd56bdcc26fc5ad⋯.png (274.75 KB, 547x232, 547:232, ClipboardImage.png)





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b25d3b  No.14291093

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083f92  No.14291094


>William Burroughs always referred to it as "the insidious racist garbage of Sax Rohmer." Heh.

yeah, that would be my father's taste.

fucking heinous.

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55793f  No.14291095

File: fa98719f63d8da1⋯.png (842.38 KB, 980x652, 245:163, gooey_mutate.png)


does even the CDC say this now?

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9f750b  No.14291096

File: a4df8ab87be02f3⋯.png (818.92 KB, 547x1244, 547:1244, ClipboardImage.png)

yup, vaxx kills pilots

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8569ea  No.14291097


both her face and her hand look like catcher's mitts

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f09775  No.14291098


That's how they want it. Soon you'll be begging the same people that created this to fix it. Besides, having all that water around may put out fires, and they're just getting started with fixing that problem.

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5cac2a  No.14291099


>>14291037, >>14291046, >>14291054 8kun certification details

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55793f  No.14291100


last time there was a day lag or something

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c6771c  No.14291101

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There is a great circulating information medium that connects us all; our common information supply, composed of our entire news and 'entertainment' media; movies, TV, music, cartoons, video games and advertising; popular culture.

This circulating information medium is an interactive fluid network, media content, both news and entertainment forms our understanding of 'reality' we inhabit and each other. Media content delivers information about our environment we use to make descisions about every aspect of our lives, our children, businesses and communities. We depend on our circulating information supply to allocate our attention to problems or opportunities and to assign community resources to improve our world and to prosper and grow in safe and healthy ways.

Circulating information from news and media content is how we organize our lives, plan for the future -

Our common information supply is critical to the health and well being of humanity. Anyone able to introduce information into the common information supply is able to introduce images and ideas that must either make us better, happier and more tolerant and better equipped emotionally and intellectually to deal with our environment. Or, information can and has been engineered to produce the opposite effect.

Nations have ALWAYS controlled the circulating information supply. A nation that doesn't absolutely control their own circulating is vulnerable to attack from within or from without. That's why every nation today does control its information supply.Except the United States and our information supply is controlled by 5 media companies and a few big tech companies. All of them finger of the same hand. All controlled and operated by the blackmailed and brainwashed protecting pedovore cultists.

Entertainment is not just entertainment, news is not just news. As recently as the 1960s suicides, especially the suicides of celebrated people were not reported in the news at all, or, if they were it was always with the caveat "while the balance of X mind was disturbed."

WHY? Because 100s have studies have shown that publicizing suicides creates a wave of imitations. This is why bestial atrocities are reported in such meticulous detail today. That's why clims of extreme violence are shown over and over on MSM media. Decades of exposure to this kind of media content causes real measurable cognitive impairment and these facts are well known to everybody in the field of IW and psychological operations.

This is why some generals have declared 'kinetic war is obsolete."

When we replace media content engineered to do us harm with media content engineered to restore our peace and self respect we may get our first glimpse of what who we really are, what we are capable of, and we where our destiny lies.

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1d54f6  No.14291102


>Something to do with sitting for long periods of time

A Hewlett Packard executive told me that after major operations were moved to China that he and others had to make the lengthy flight frequently. He said it wasn't very long before they started having problems with blood clots, thrombosis and strokes. Many executives quit/retired because of it. >>14291072

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5359b1  No.14291103

File: a649207edcd3798⋯.jpg (296.47 KB, 616x595, 88:85, cream.jpg)

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a79357  No.14291104


Cyber symposium happens when. Just sayin

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b0da82  No.14291105

File: 0a5b4c44d802136⋯.gif (357.34 KB, 540x328, 135:82, 20210807_100429.gif)

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a92098  No.14291106

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9e78d7  No.14291107


sick fuk

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5cac2a  No.14291108

File: d943eb26b83039f⋯.jpg (175.89 KB, 700x499, 700:499, d943eb26b83039f73383fd5ab5….jpg)

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9c1fe9  No.14291109

File: 11881f7af605345⋯.png (201.78 KB, 832x706, 416:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1ab26d83449c16⋯.png (391.69 KB, 944x757, 944:757, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 19aa5b9cf425dc8⋯.png (236.71 KB, 284x344, 71:86, ClipboardImage.png)

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c6771c  No.14291110

File: fca5739ed6ac6fc⋯.jpg (524.66 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1a8q7mxwogovm.JPG)

Innocents - into what prisons are ye flung?

To what lowliness are ye bowed?

How are you ground between the laws and the customs?

The dark people of Fomor have ye in thrall; and upon your minds they have fastened a band of lead, your hearts are hung with iron, and about your loins a cincture of brass impressed, woeful!

Believe it, that the sun does shine, the flowers grow, and the birds sing pleasantly in the trees. The free winds are everywhere, the water tumbles on the hills, the eagle calls aloud through the solitude, and his mate comes, speedily.

…Come away! come away from the cubicle, the screen and the desk, from the shop where the carcasses hang, from the broker's den and the lawyers' offices…come away for the dance has begun lightly, the wind is sounding over the hill, the sun laughs in the valley, the sea leaps on the sand, panting for joy, dancing, dancing, dancing

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170a9f  No.14291111

File: 924614bb61dc625⋯.jpeg (609.84 KB, 1241x2074, 73:122, CA8EE358_5DCC_4E68_AAEC_B….jpeg)

File: 800f136f4fb503a⋯.jpeg (477.82 KB, 1241x1371, 1241:1371, 4A68897C_8B37_4460_9B26_2….jpeg)

Interesting thread from 1/2 chan, canabalism

…Anonymous (ID: aHkggsAG) Archived

Cannibal Chef General

08/06/21(Fri)20:06:34 No.333113352

55 KB


Okay /pol/ here me out, my GF and I figured out who actually butchers and cooks the human meat for the cannibal parties in Washington D.C.

It’s none other than chef Jose Andres.

Friends with the Obamas

Friends with Jeff Bezos

Friends with the Clintons

Was a close friend of Anthony Bourdain

He owns many prominent restaurants in Washington D.C, which are all frequented by politicians and the NWO elite

He is such a professional on the cooking of human flesh, that he was hired as the cooking consultant on the NBC show “Hannibal”, which of course is about a cannibal.



Jose was recently given a $100 million dollar gift “to do with as he pleases” from Jeff Bezos. Which to me seems like a pay off for his human butchery and cooking services.



Both Jose Andres and Pedo James Alafantis (comet ping pong) we’re both named as some of the most powerful people in D.C in 2012



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b25d3b  No.14291112


HP sold their soul to ChYna and moved all the jobs to India for cheap labor.

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12e98a  No.14291113

File: d85d6d3b711563f⋯.mp4 (1.06 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Sterilization.mp4)

Sterilization of the useless eaters.

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5cac2a  No.14291114

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8569ea  No.14291115

File: 0c9c386f784a75d⋯.jpg (114.39 KB, 678x758, 339:379, 20210806_181239.jpg)

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083f92  No.14291116







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b618c4  No.14291117

File: ea6f849a2e4b576⋯.png (49.1 KB, 249x244, 249:244, pepe_thinking.PNG)


sort of coincides with aug 11 eas nationwide test

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0f9047  No.14291118


>>Last Temptation of Christ

This is propaganda by the priests of phallic religions (religions of the flesh). Jesus was not tempted by everything, (sex, drugs and rock and roll) but in the same manner that we are.

Jas 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.

In his heart of flesh, Jesus did not wish (to be made sin and) to die. He learned obedience unto death by the things he suffered.

One does not overcome sin by resisting sex, but by trusting God even in ridicule, persecution and death.

In the wilderness, Satan used the literal scripture to suggest he could turn rocks into bread. Jesus, understood that he was the Stone (aben - ab father - ben son) the builders would reject and he would become the bread (body given for us).

Satan used the literal scripture to tempt him to jump from a high place. Jesus knew he had already left the highest place 'heaven' to become the man.

If you only understand the literal Bible, you only understand as Satan does.

see sensus plenior

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147d68  No.14291119

The bodies aren't buried. they're ground up for fertilizer, cement, and hamburgers

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9e78d7  No.14291120

File: fcf7ebfd2e43de4⋯.jpg (12.57 KB, 307x164, 307:164, SIZZLE_.jpg)

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b25d3b  No.14291121


always these rich fucks with rotten teeth!

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083f92  No.14291122


they ALL did.

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271b23  No.14291123

File: 309e099235b7034⋯.png (597.99 KB, 768x3006, 128:501, Screenshot_2021_08_07_Beij….png)

Beijing Biden Gives Chinese Spies A Blank Check

In fact, Tang is only one of five Chinese spies against whom the Department of Justice (DOJ) recently dropped charges. Prosecutors dismissed all charges against these individuals, Juan Tang, Chen Song, Kaikai Zhao, Qing Wang, and Guan Lei despite the overwhelming evidence that they were all sent here to spy for China.


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5cac2a  No.14291124

File: f2ae6af5d390596⋯.jpg (49.26 KB, 460x879, 460:879, f2ae6af5d3905966679574ff31….jpg)

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9e78d7  No.14291125

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5fae3f  No.14291126

File: c3236ccb6623ed6⋯.jpg (433.38 KB, 719x1424, 719:1424, Screenshot_20210807_110843….jpg)

Report: Far-left college professor wants people arrested for criticizing Fauci and others – calls it ‘hate crime’

Dr. Peter Hotez, Baylor College School of Medicine suggests hate crimes be filed against critics of Fauci, other "scientists"


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b25d3b  No.14291127



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2d4d25  No.14291128

File: c36ce017efeed0c⋯.jpg (81.83 KB, 696x500, 174:125, creepyjoe1.jpg)

Creepy Joe

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59c600  No.14291129


A perusal of this forum seems to indicate the pilots are as divided as the rest of the country. An aside: recently took a flight across country, several actually, what with layovers. Noticed all the pilots both on my flights and in the aiports seemed to be very young. Like late 20's early 30's young.


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b618c4  No.14291130

File: 03f3c55c0f04e74⋯.png (272.12 KB, 297x355, 297:355, jacinda.PNG)

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083f92  No.14291131

File: d2264927ab59afc⋯.png (620.79 KB, 590x755, 118:151, Screenshot_2021_07_31_at_1….png)

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170a9f  No.14291132


Wild digits eh?

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c2095e  No.14291133

File: 3f971bd131e43bd⋯.png (180.89 KB, 988x927, 988:927, Screenshot_2021_08_07_1009….png)



Impossible beef on the menu.


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5cac2a  No.14291134

File: d2a1c8c942f459a⋯.png (243.6 KB, 398x480, 199:240, blow_dart_ninja_pepe_38ae3….png)


mmm could very well be

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083f92  No.14291135

File: 86e79016109865c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 814x1087, 814:1087, Screenshot_2021_07_27_at_1….png)

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ca6adf  No.14291136

File: 94949fdfb209c87⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB, 848x464, 53:29, truthsource.mp4)

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38c3e3  No.14291137

File: cb51486c1350c00⋯.png (787.66 KB, 769x864, 769:864, bidancamel.png)

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8569ea  No.14291138

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b25d3b  No.14291139


we need his victims to come forward!

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2e0c21  No.14291140

File: 5b19ab3a1d3cf5c⋯.jpg (171.26 KB, 1072x406, 536:203, No_trust_left.jpg)


It does make you ponder.

What is better… to stand by defending a known comped board, only to be banned and deleted, realizing you really can't stop shill posts… other than to warn others it's totally comped.

Or watch it burn to the ground whereby no one can BULLSHIT about some hypothetical Qanon character.

It does give one plenty to think about.

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8569ea  No.14291141


kamel touching her breast, biden going for her underwear

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7c214b  No.14291142

File: 0461fa0419bf66f⋯.gif (1.44 MB, 3000x3300, 10:11, qclock_thru_sept17_colored….gif)

>>14290861 (PB)

updated colored clock (by year)

Here ya go faggots! continuing what i started.

The done in 30 theory (30 rounds around the clock) makes more & more sense….

We are entering the 23rd revolution

isn't 23 associated somehow with PAIN? seen that somewhere…

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271b23  No.14291143

File: 7109c59727676a4⋯.png (171.58 KB, 354x436, 177:218, Screenshot_20210721_235716.png)

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ca6adf  No.14291144

File: 094ffb83ed3321f⋯.png (21.71 KB, 100x100, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1defdd  No.14291145

Never underestimate what a small dedicated group can accomplish. The Revolutionary War was won with the involvement of less that 5% of the Colonists…

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d303e1  No.14291146

So, the FDA thinks they can get approved something like this for the Chinese sniffles with a 99.987654321% survival rate?

With proven alternatives like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin?

Who tf are they kidding? Not you, that's for sure!

VAERS COVID Vaccine Data - 545,337 Reports through July 30, 2021

12,366 - Deaths

46,036 - Hospitalizations

68,040 - Urgent Care

92,527 - Office Visits

4,759 - Anaphylaxis

4,044 - Bell's Palsy

1,381 - Miscarriages

5,236 - Heart Attacks

3,728 - Myocarditis/Pericarditis

14,251 - Permanently Disabled

2,269 - Thrombocytopenia/Low Platelet

12,194 - Life Threatening

23,354 - Severe Allergic Reaction

7,509 - Shingles


The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting18,928 fatalities, and 1,823,219 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.


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a92098  No.14291147

File: abd5d4f8f4b8bc1⋯.png (199.54 KB, 595x354, 595:354, Capture.PNG)

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ca6adf  No.14291148

File: f0116aa59bb5db9⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 265x308, 265:308, hrrahaha.gif)

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5fa5ed  No.14291149


true enough, they may be divided, but when a pilot starts to see a bunch of their colleagues die or get sick after the vaxx, because they are more likely to have complications due to their job, I am sure many will err on the side of caution.

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083f92  No.14291151

File: a2900eda5b37d42⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1705x1111, 155:101, Screenshot_2021_07_27_at_1….png)

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b25d3b  No.14291152


That's a dude.

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ca6adf  No.14291153

File: 35c6a898b6f365f⋯.jpeg (274.21 KB, 1146x1212, 191:202, teeth.jpeg)

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03f27d  No.14291154

File: 6e5a2035505a1e7⋯.gif (853.76 KB, 320x240, 4:3, reason.gif)

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afdba8  No.14291155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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5cac2a  No.14291156


overly dramatic


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b25d3b  No.14291157


I like it.

ty anon

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8569ea  No.14291158

File: 1ef6aebbe030d6a⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 1ef6aebbe030d6a6e1e64aa924….mp4)


….and China takes the bronze

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7c214b  No.14291159

File: 7904e3118984f75⋯.gif (1.63 MB, 3288x3300, 274:275, qclock_thru_sept17_colored….gif)



Here an un-ovalized version.

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c6771c  No.14291160

File: 7b408256de57b0d⋯.jpg (18.61 KB, 350x228, 175:114, danaiimage007.jpg)

File: 16b19ba2b6f1979⋯.jpg (218.17 KB, 1704x959, 1704:959, death_machine_euthanasia_h….jpg)

File: 17cec06ccc0b3e1⋯.gif (43.61 KB, 480x400, 6:5, khome2.gif)

WAIT! Don't do it pedovore

Not until you read this post.

Pedovores, the Almighty having set his canon against suicide, it remains a statistical inevitability that a very high percentage of pedo cultists will chose to act in radical disobedience to God's will and ace themselves, regardless.

For that reason, we would draw the attention of all pedovores to alternatives to the fancy 3D printed "Death Pod" now on show at the Venice Biennial; where the with-it bloodlines shop for this n' that.

Your choices:Die in an untested, newfangled plastic smelling puce colored sneaker, subject to failure in the event of an EMP, DEW weapon attack or being hacked by the DARPA AI .



Choice 2

Heavily tested, proven deadly, the pinnacle of finely machined analog technology: The Kevorkian Auto Croaker. (tm)

Handcrafted analog technology preserves a much purer quantum wave form, is guaranteed proof again any EM interference, mass coronal ejections, blackouts, common uprisings, magnetosphere inversions and rooting by the DARPA AI.

Suicidal pedovores, God wants your repentance, not your eternal suffering and death. If you do choose to spurn His love, the Kervorkian Autocroaker(tm) may possibly be worth considering, as an alternative to being found dead in bubble wrap plastic display case with your veins full of cheap Guyanese zombie juice.'


Point 32a: Unsightly remains including protruding eyeballs are highly visible through the death pod viewing canopy, even minor celebrity clients should evaluate the chance of appearing on the front page the National Enquirer website like Elvis with a furled extruded tongue, lividity, 'slippage' and mottled skin (a result of light filtration by the semi transparent viewing lid of a 3D plastic sneaker)

* There are seven suicides in Scripture from King Saul to Judas, and they’re always depicted negatively. They are never God’s plan for anybody’s life

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ca6adf  No.14291161

File: b72b46c0639b72e⋯.png (99.94 KB, 1620x109, 1620:109, Rendered_Spectrum.png)

take the rainbow back

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7fb5d1  No.14291162

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678115  No.14291163

File: aff88128ae48c87⋯.png (9.92 KB, 255x206, 255:206, 1fe3a7fb1724e69ea4388d124a….png)


Where the fuck are all the victims.

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a92098  No.14291164


I am allergic to death.

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cef0c8  No.14291165


How about we arrest him instead.

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a9e6ad  No.14291166

File: 7c1960c0edf16d7⋯.gif (14.69 KB, 219x123, 73:41, 20210807_101439.gif)


it will be eternally chuklsome if they#TAKEAMERICABACKupon one's remembrance of incept date.

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5cac2a  No.14291167




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03f27d  No.14291168

File: e8d01bd3f17972f⋯.png (118.41 KB, 501x262, 501:262, Screenshot_2021_07_19_at_1….png)

File: 93014720d0da12e⋯.png (252.41 KB, 571x343, 571:343, nct.png)

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b25d3b  No.14291169


better to eat you with

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d303e1  No.14291170

File: b310b83c229a36a⋯.jpeg (67.79 KB, 871x747, 871:747, Whale_of_a_Pepe.jpeg)


How many Gavin's would fit in a Blue Whale's butt? What sort of whale would let him in it's butt?

Gavin pissing off Blue Whale now?

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2e0c21  No.14291171

File: b99a6d264d50ed2⋯.jpg (181.17 KB, 774x610, 387:305, more_instructions_needed.jpg)


There is an easy solution.

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d8bdb2  No.14291172


>what is a SSL certificate and why does it get refreshed

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4a14c7  No.14291173


clockfags are fucking idiots

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7c214b  No.14291174

File: 90ed9bbdea44a65⋯.gif (108.22 KB, 640x392, 80:49, Lemmings_vaxx.gif)

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b25d3b  No.14291175


hopefully in protective custody while giving testimony at the Military trials.

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d303e1  No.14291176


>Report: Far-left college professor wants people arrested for criticizing Fauci and others – calls it ‘hate crime’

Spoken like a little child.

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ca6adf  No.14291177

Miami condo status?

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4a14c7  No.14291178

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5cac2a  No.14291179

File: 8648da578a96bb3⋯.jpeg (277.8 KB, 677x574, 677:574, 8648da578a96bb3b7e2ddbb76….jpeg)

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f09775  No.14291180


Rat face fuck.

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ba5e47  No.14291181


Grandma got run over by a reindeer.

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55793f  No.14291182


saved bigly

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5cac2a  No.14291183

File: 903bb416ac1a77e⋯.png (1.74 MB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrat State Sen. Tony Navarrete acknowledged touching the victim's penis and performing oral sex on the youth multiple times over several years


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147d68  No.14291184

They want us to put ourselves in the position to get arrested…so they can vaccinate us against our will

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c6771c  No.14291185

File: 2ef6fe9e0f798fb⋯.jpg (59.48 KB, 600x338, 300:169, b65a607a_a9b2_49f4_886a_ac….jpg)

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5cac2a  No.14291186

File: aa3fc6ffd3e6158⋯.png (386.82 KB, 699x1280, 699:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1efe04d1e08c936⋯.png (445.33 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, ClipboardImage.png)


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b25d3b  No.14291187

File: 1c924db134fb335⋯.png (576.34 KB, 640x624, 40:39, CLOCKFAGROCK.png)

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aff581  No.14291188


They cant, they dont have it, I do :)

But they're winning timelines dont ya know ;)

Except … they have no time, a black faced watch, appropriate for the trollop

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4a14c7  No.14291189


Don't fault Tony Navarrete for having a small mouth.


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afdba8  No.14291190

File: 3bb9478169a14c8⋯.png (568.39 KB, 618x410, 309:205, ClipboardImage.png)


>Wrapped up.


Sophia López Moreira, her husband, Luis Pettengill, and the couple’s three children are all missing, as is a sixth Paraguayan national, Lady Luna Villalba, the nation’s foreign affairs ministry said in a statement.

Moreira is the sister of Paraguay’s first lady, Silvana López Moreira, and sister-in-law of President Mario Abdo Benítez, according to the Daily Mail.

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7fb5d1  No.14291191


someone asks this dude if he even based…, never heard of dr fauci -dr evil hound dr death

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4a14c7  No.14291192


Make a clock that holds all the timelines. Impress me.

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b25d3b  No.14291193


I am not a clock fag

I only dig, meme and pray

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7fb5d1  No.14291194


notice how they are always so pretentious about covering up their face - spread the disease


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b25d3b  No.14291195


will rape young boys but worried about spreading the Krona.

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678115  No.14291196

File: 255efa8f6c1a330⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1221x731, 1221:731, aed91d79479ff1103ecb91b347….png)

File: 543545df70a0425⋯.png (6.01 MB, 2069x4400, 2069:4400, 4384aa3e1d41e39af1511471e0….png)

File: 103d24a04858981⋯.png (317.76 KB, 588x404, 147:101, a5266b66e6a3030b41ae0c21a6….png)


Go pluck a rice paddy fucking ccp chink. 5 captcha later.

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c2095e  No.14291197

File: e709c1db68a4220⋯.png (761.52 KB, 729x1107, 27:41, Screenshot_2021_08_07_1025….png)



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170a9f  No.14291198

>>14290383 Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Fulton County Ballot Audit Will Expose The Actual ‘Big Lie’

Full article below

Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Fulton County Ballot Audit Will Expose The Actual ‘Big Lie’

by Jonathan Davis about 4 hours ago

Freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said Friday that an ongoing audit of ballots cast in Fulton County, Georgia, during the 2020 election will expose the real meaning of “the big lie.”

“When the truth about the election comes out from the Fulton County audit in my home state of Georgia, people will finally know what the big lie really means,” Greene, a Georgia Republican, noted in a tweet.

Greene did not elaborate, but past remarks by other GOP lawmakers have echoed similar claims.

Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga., told Newsmax TV last month that the continuing forensic audit in Fulton County is revealing “tremendous amounts of potential irregularities, to say the least.”

He said at the time that nearly 35,000 ballots were questionable in terms of validity.

“What you’re referencing is people who moved out of the county into another county in Georgia and yet they went back and voted in the county that they moved from,” he said.

“They can’t do that.”

Hice went on to back the state’s voter integrity law passed earlier this year.

“It is going to increase voter accessibility, while at the same time decreasing the potential for fraudulent behavior, potentially fraudulent behavior, and that ought to be embraced by everyone,” he said, adding: “We want fair elections.”

He also said that there is no question that former President Donald Trump remains the face of the GOP.

“He has been for over five years,” Hice told the network. “That’s not going anywhere.

“His popularity is as great as it’s ever been and his messages right on target with where the American people are,” Hice continued.

“He stands for America first, and most Americans support that. And so his reception was just phenomenal, and it’s going to continue to be that way as we go forward.”

Regarding Trump, he has labeled the 2020 election “the big lie.”

“The Fraudulent Presidential Election of 2020 will be, from this day forth, known as THE BIG LIE!” Trump wrote in a statement from his Save America PAC, in pushback from Democrats and non-supportive Republicans who have said his claim that the election was rigged is a “big lie.”

Greene is an avid backer of the former president and has often embraced his policies, publicly and in rallies she has held with fellow Trump-supporting Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida.

In April she noted on Twitter that she believes in the “America First” concept “with all my heart and that means every American, of every race, creed, and color.”

“I will never back down and I will never stop fighting for America First. There are tens of millions of Americans who agree. We are side by side. People over politicians. The hyenas in the media are terrified. So are the Democrats. And so are the weak politicos that float around whichever the wind blows,” she said.

“I have plans to drive President Trump’s America First agenda with my Congressional colleagues but we won’t let the media or anyone else push the narrative. America First policies will save this country for all of us, our children, and ultimately the world.”


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9e78d7  No.14291199


sick fuks

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7fb5d1  No.14291200


heres one, or two, maybe three –

fauck off pos no brained pussy, faaaaaauuuck you!



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f09775  No.14291201

Why can't we have an open and honest debate to get the facts on this vaccine thing? You know, just like we did for climate change? I'm sure that'll help clear things up.

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5cac2a  No.14291202


The answer is a digital certificate.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer security (TLS ) are protocols that provide secure communications over a computer network or link.

They are commonly used in web browsing and email.

In this tutorial we will look:


Public and Private keys

Why we need certificates and what they do

How to get a digital certificate and understand the different common certificate types.




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d303e1  No.14291203

File: 6b20674b037b671⋯.png (360.71 KB, 500x611, 500:611, e43c956144f05399ecdd041a64….png)


>They want us to put ourselves in the position to get arrested…so they can vaccinate us against our will

Funny how far their thinking has strayed from the donut traps they set earlier.

Bet many of them are pissed they fell for the vaccine hype narrative pushed by all assets deployed.

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0db048  No.14291204

File: b6e24074f319800⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 630x630, 1:1, dankster.jpg)

ThanQ to Q, anons, autists, those behind the creation and maintenance of this place, and especially to the force and grace that brought all of us here at this time to do this work. Stay POTENT. Be Best. Love knows no fear.

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10370f  No.14291205

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55793f  No.14291206


whoa did they copyright infringe a Qclock?

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5cac2a  No.14291207


The answer is to use a digital certificate.

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Transport Layer security (TLS ) are protocols that provide secure communications over a computer network or link.

They are commonly used in web browsing and email.

In this tutorial we will look:


Public and Private keys

Why we need certificates and what they do

How to get a digital certificate and understand the different common certificate types.




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fa66ee  No.14291208


keks in cognitive dissonance

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e7dfa3  No.14291209


Well that looks like a knock-off of the Q clock.

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858eaf  No.14291210

I can't seem to find a solid scoop of sauce for this claim other than a "source says" story which just doesn't hold water.


I would like for this to be true, but this is lazy investigative journalism at best.

IF this can be properly verified through a valid presentation, it will have a significant impact on push-back effectiveness.

Any real leads here?

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c6771c  No.14291211

File: 398df8868f38269⋯.jpg (88.57 KB, 640x555, 128:111, 7b85c61f48b51c449899cfc4d0….jpg)

CNN is AT&T. They don't compete for money with other networks. The cult builds networks to control what we think about, how we view the world, express our sexuality, shop, greet each other, ('sup BTW,) how we think about the future and how we educate our children.

We allow this to happen, we ignore warnings that is happening, and there have been many warnings, and we trust the same companies who profit from our wars to tell us how we should live and think in peacetime. Please wake up.

It is possible to build a reliable information distribution system with unreliable parts. It starts with the technology. Our civilization rest on information processing, and is no more, and no less, secure than the information network that supports it. The foundation of our information distribution system is: the internet. An anonymous, irredeemably insecure network built by spies and operate by Big Tech, for the purpose of mass social control.

Isn't it time to stop being NPCs and to build a network that protects our cognitive autonomy, our rights and our property? A network that intelligence agencies and big tech cannot use to blind us, rob us, poison us, and prescribe our sexual morality?

Or get used to drag queen story hour and keep kids away from libraries, at least until the last few dangerous books are removed.

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8f5797  No.14291212


Washington Post is mimicking our clockfags!

Someone needs to replace their diagram with the Q clock

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271b23  No.14291213

File: 6e5034d29af57b6⋯.png (486.32 KB, 895x895, 1:1, Untitled.png)

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5cac2a  No.14291214



not for you,

you were in my quick reply because I filtered you

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4dd679  No.14291216

File: 3082a2980ec88d3⋯.png (936.9 KB, 584x807, 584:807, long_pig.png)


Quads confirm long pig.

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ca6adf  No.14291218

File: 4ff26e399d067e1⋯.png (758.8 KB, 930x930, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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b6ee62  No.14291219

File: c37f3ab28d3499b⋯.jpeg (10.98 KB, 255x190, 51:38, 429B3672_4203_40C8_BB34_E….jpeg)

File: 302cc0b70ab97db⋯.jpeg (95.06 KB, 640x640, 1:1, AC650552_70E4_4E22_9D9E_7….jpeg)

Hi everyone WWG1WGA

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c6771c  No.14291220

File: 741eafeae86fe58⋯.jpg (87.37 KB, 800x468, 200:117, 2c87192a1f9d151fed3046f56e….jpg)

File: 2129a5c2c1ce3d5⋯.jpeg (559.53 KB, 1125x2310, 75:154, 7e5c47bb722d1c150b593e5d8….jpeg)

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7c214b  No.14291221


"only barbarians believe in barbarism"


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083f92  No.14291222

File: 056deff443eb548⋯.gif (442.23 KB, 410x250, 41:25, drama.gif)

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d303e1  No.14291223

File: fd04d4672ce60bd⋯.png (441.3 KB, 434x650, 217:325, Ruby_Freeman_GA.png)

File: 7386d71c3300f85⋯.png (71.04 KB, 536x430, 268:215, GA_will_change.png)


>Marjorie Taylor Greene Says Fulton County Ballot Audit Will Expose The Actual ‘Big Lie’

/GA/ will change.

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4a14c7  No.14291224



I'm white, Irish/German heritage, Trump supporter/voter, and have raised a family who reflect my experience in their lives.

CLOCKFAGS introduce nothing but more questions and confusion.

Q never endorsed a clock.

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083f92  No.14291225


fuck 'em

it's flattery

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f250bb  No.14291226

File: bb012748de6b926⋯.png (343.42 KB, 1080x605, 216:121, Memeto_1628297202704.png)

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c2095e  No.14291227


So AZ will be a nothing burger?

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083f92  No.14291228

File: 4b754341873c956⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1228x845, 1228:845, Screenshot_2021_07_16_at_1….png)

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7fb5d1  No.14291230

Science = dirty masks

but easily discard the real clean and worthwhile practice of

staying away from people aand especially not doing the unlawful thing of preying on and sniffing and holding tight liddle liddle girls in the presence of the nation and molest her with your creepy ways =- pedo JOE!!!

washing hands

stop being a super spreader JOE

obongo super spreader events - inconsistencies only prove the damning lies

everlasting shame and cancellation

sunshine supplements good eating






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10370f  No.14291231


Never understood the clock. However, wanted to tell you… I love the colors. It's beautiful. Great work!

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b6ee62  No.14291232

File: bfe71cc8301731d⋯.jpeg (152.66 KB, 717x1000, 717:1000, 1F819AA9_69F8_42E9_BCB8_8….jpeg)

WWG1WGA News Service Report EBS incoming

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2e0c21  No.14291233

File: 3ecd27ea53fcbd3⋯.jpg (101.82 KB, 500x667, 500:667, Retarded_by_media.jpg)


That just makes a website run… what I'm talking about is the ability of patriots to make new boards and moderate them.

Free from shill moderators…. because I haven't wandered the rooms here fuck all….. but I have for a week or so lately.

and you know what I found…. shitty shill fingerprints and shit smear patches EVERYWHERE…. I was actually impressed, you even got some on the roof….. now that's due diligence….. slow clap for the retards.

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0fc4f1  No.14291234


And now they'll claim the Q clock is directly related to the deaths in their new chart! Bunch of scumbags.

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083f92  No.14291235

File: 889c3e5330acf5c⋯.jpeg (113.04 KB, 1080x725, 216:145, 1627836598.jpeg)


oh no we'll get it overturned

but we'll also get a yuge fucking false flag that they will blame on us

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c6771c  No.14291236

File: f9aa943661a0ccc⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1145, 216:229, 571b7f43fd99ad1be01b5882c5….png)

File: dabff11b11bfee7⋯.png (546.76 KB, 620x679, 620:679, 1501770317640.png)

File: 636e97033e461a4⋯.jpg (192.48 KB, 1067x1600, 1067:1600, 1506859853150.jpg)

File: e32707503b3cfba⋯.png (554.31 KB, 500x603, 500:603, at_least_the_catholic_chur….png)

Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

In the 1950s the US Post office employed hundreds of agents to police the mails. Pornography was seized regularly.

Freedom of speech arguments prevailed in our courts and allowed the cult/mob to take us from no-sexual- material-goes-through -the-US mail in the 1950s to Deep Throat opens in regular theaters and drive-ins in 1972.

Masturbation was declared by 'experts' to be harmless and pornography was said to be wholesome and natural sexual expression of delight in the beauty of the opposite sex and to offer a safe outlet to perverts who might otherwise rape children. Porn was marketed and promoted professionally.

US porn was a NY based Gambino family business, run by Robert DiBernadino partnered with the Cleveland porno distributor and dildo manufacturer Reuben Sturman. The two men controlled almost all the print and film/video porno produced and distributed in the US and worldwide – with exception of honeypots like Playboy magazine which was C_A cult controlled from Langley. The idea that the 50s were staid and uptight is myth. This was a planned psycological attack, it created a hyper sexualized culture where media is perfused with overt and subliminal imagery and people count orgasms and leave the driving to the pros.


Pop culture is an entirely artificial medium. It was and is engineered to control purchasing habits, regulate our mental capacity and guide our choices for the future by controlling the range of possibilities we are aware of.

Information Operations use our powerful innate drives or instincts against us.

Our reproductive drive is among our most powerful. When we are sexually aroused we do not think clearly and are more vulnerable to hypnotic induction techniques which alter our belief systems, slowly, over time, in ways we are not consciously aware of.

Pornography, promoted as naturally healthy, harmless and a safe outlet, is not. It is part of the comprehensive social subversion and social control operation intended to weaken and distract our attention from the looting of the US treasury, the infiltration of financial, judicial, legislative, and regulatory systems.

The pedovore cult controls all media content and distribution infrastructure, including porno.

Our civilization rests on the integrity of an information distribution system architecture controlled by entirely corrupt individuals uniformly devoted to the enslavement and/or destruction of human beings.



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8c0031  No.14291237

Q drop 528 - 01/13/2018




do you still think you & your family are safe?

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4dd679  No.14291238


How about they further divide into ethnicity?

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d303e1  No.14291239

File: 46ac608db5a0a66⋯.png (256.45 KB, 542x364, 271:182, Sank_it.png)

File: 557e76fec81ddb5⋯.jpg (50.88 KB, 725x357, 725:357, Cat_Trump_Happy.jpg)


Deep State is taking on water, fast.

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678115  No.14291240


Glad your wound up. Time marches on. Tick-tock. The damn clock. What a fucking pain in the cock.

The day we learn to wind it properly will be glorious.

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aff581  No.14291241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Trump told you she was fake news, so I took it one step further and made her permanant press

Just like relying on the ring to rule all rings, 15 , round and round the garden,

like a teddy bear, one step, 2 step,

Cliodgna = Ciara

Bitch, I told you to fuck off and stay fucked, its on now bitch

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083f92  No.14291242

File: d178c868bfa3831⋯.jpg (250.29 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, snapshot.jpg)


fuck off.

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aeeb56  No.14291243


If you are predicting and want to be provably in the know…. at least date fag it.

Better yet, hour fag, minute fag…. second fag would be the tits.

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249784  No.14291244

File: 32b561a5425a849⋯.png (1.25 MB, 2002x1130, 1001:565, 32b561a5425a84973b79211232….png)

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88f10e  No.14291245


>Report: Far-left college professor wants people arrested for criticizing Fauci and others – calls it ‘hate crime’

Fuck him and fuck FauXi!!!

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35a381  No.14291246

File: 682b7a4fe561ad6⋯.png (206.81 KB, 442x623, 442:623, jo_doucherbag.PNG)

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7b7b26  No.14291247

File: c7285f59a49c0c5⋯.gif (837.36 KB, 320x352, 10:11, gifhacreepyade45c5b19ddead….gif)

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88f10e  No.14291248

File: 86504b06163e358⋯.png (198.72 KB, 524x518, 262:259, Fuck_off_72.png)


>fuck off.

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072d9f  No.14291249

File: 3df3c0fa0c39983⋯.png (343.84 KB, 527x482, 527:482, Screen_Shot_2021_06_05_at_….png)

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10370f  No.14291250


What does this mean? Are we going to lose 8kun if it expires?

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aeeb56  No.14291251

File: 9c95a77367ac08a⋯.png (507.83 KB, 1258x892, 629:446, ABC_news_QANON_plotting_vi….png)


We don't need no stinking evidence.

Muh "QAnon" planning violent coup.


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083f92  No.14291252

File: d57514064ca75cd⋯.png (7.28 MB, 1981x1553, 1981:1553, Screenshot_2021_07_08_at_1….png)

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c2095e  No.14291253


You weren't included in that drop.

Those that were know.

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d303e1  No.14291254

File: 0cca3af597c8a05⋯.jpg (153.65 KB, 552x514, 276:257, racist.jpg)


>How about they further divide into ethnicity?

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7fb5d1  No.14291255


i have ptsd watching this shit - not kidding , for real, not a joke

sign me up for the class action tort on his crimes

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df3e3d  No.14291256

File: dbc9ee006d349aa⋯.jpg (81.97 KB, 788x470, 394:235, Screenshot_20210806_140439….jpg)

An epic future awaits…

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b62181  No.14291257


Professor, attempting to do away with the 1st amendment. [THE EDUCATOR]

(because to evil satanic trolls, meanie (ie truthful) words hurt their lies

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10370f  No.14291258


One of my jams!

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147d68  No.14291259


Yes, because we didn't vaccinate like you did

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b6ee62  No.14291260

File: 9489aa9b59fd1f8⋯.jpeg (102.8 KB, 640x640, 1:1, FF21773C_6191_47F1_AC23_1….jpeg)

I have a rep of not keeping secrets so no one tells me the plan

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e37d60  No.14291261

File: 61d54b6747468cd⋯.jpg (83.03 KB, 539x704, 49:64, ZomboMeme_04082021114841.jpg)

File: 1590dabf28d6598⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 511x655, 511:655, ZomboMeme_26072021101804.jpg)

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1b1f99  No.14291262


Sauce 101

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f2c273  No.14291263

File: 08d1613e3c33580⋯.png (1.31 MB, 734x1199, 734:1199, 08d1613e3c335800c2b081af68….png)

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844be7  No.14291264


The really smart idiots get their news from NPR.

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678115  No.14291265

File: 4e58c4b5c982804⋯.jpg (27.57 KB, 236x255, 236:255, 7cf6b57658d91f0934771b8877….jpg)

File: e5840f28393061c⋯.jpg (559.26 KB, 1200x720, 5:3, e5840f28393061c3fe56ac5cc4….jpg)

File: 769614b38121cfa⋯.png (1.53 MB, 926x1194, 463:597, 1dc785a8adcb06acc72e327afd….png)


Nope. They all die. The new generation seeded by those with a God gene intact, will inherit the earth.

Future families in a different timeline.

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9b6082  No.14291266

File: 267f490378658ee⋯.png (9.28 KB, 255x211, 255:211, pointing1.png)

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d303e1  No.14291268

File: a38cbc051a44003⋯.jpg (39.48 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 140329_test_pattern_please….jpg)


> Is it going to be renewed?

Stay tuned, don't touch that dial!

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f09775  No.14291269


If I was in charge of casting for a horror movie of lizard people, this guy would get top billing.

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083f92  No.14291270

File: b6118b80d8fecb9⋯.jpg (64.98 KB, 768x432, 16:9, 1628256026.jpg)

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c6771c  No.14291271

File: 26a821bbaac3c93⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 672x372, 56:31, vril_dali2.jpg)

From the book of Numerolgy

(and I quote)

"In the Final Days their shall come amoung you certain vermin; vermin which are call-ed shills.

Thou shalt not reply to posts by these shills, for lies and corruption are the tongue of vermin mouths; and in the hearts of vermin stench and corruption. Nor do they believeth the uncleanness that they post, but verily, they are of uncleaness in themselves and knoweth their lies to be a lies. For lies they know well, truth they know not.

Do not masturbate to pornography of shills, whether this of word of image, of children, animals, or male or female slaves; for that way lies weakness, afore madness, and afore death.

Seek not to dispute the talk radio stridulations of shill vermin, neither correct foul error nor rebuke deceitful theologies; for both are assumed, so to provoke thine ire, thus lead thee, who seek knowledge of God, astray in anger from the narrow path leading to Higher Worlds.

Those who climb not the steep and narrow path, seek not wisdom but power, thos be the mixed multitudes, NPCs and such as they as be newfags; verily let those denounce shills for that is their purpose and place; for ye who would grow wise: It is as well to blame the rain for being wet, as a shill for being what God hath made him.

*The Book of Numerology is considered epically apocryphal.

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a92098  No.14291272

File: cec15a0f3ee9692⋯.png (269.82 KB, 370x533, 370:533, Capture.PNG)

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a78044  No.14291273

File: 673b466fae1ca16⋯.png (377.23 KB, 545x728, 545:728, ClipboardImage.png)


All I can hear is a slot machine jackpot jingle as the normies are being shaken awake

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858eaf  No.14291274


Always known.

Now in our faces.

Mocking the people.

Programming from birth.

Stand together,fight back.

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88f10e  No.14291275


>Professor, attempting to do away with the 1st amendment. [THE EDUCATOR]

What do you want to bet he ALSO thinks it's just fine to criticize President Trump? kek

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877872  No.14291276

File: 3a1396475d4d7af⋯.png (235.33 KB, 526x446, 263:223, wtf_.png)


You would think someone/anyone would say 'Get away from the little girl you old pedo' or something?

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952916  No.14291277


Then ask yourself why we weren’t nuked?


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df3e3d  No.14291278

File: 7aac5847e598455⋯.jpg (89.48 KB, 503x708, 503:708, Screenshot_20210802_094624….jpg)


The meek shall inherit the EARTH.

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a2884f  No.14291279


Most likely, those shootings involved people trying to fight the police, escape from the police, or were committing some kind of violent crime.

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46f778  No.14291280

File: c351aed4c1eb2c8⋯.jpg (158.41 KB, 658x926, 329:463, Paul_BVart.jpg)

File: 4d6aedd2e993dbf⋯.jpg (82.79 KB, 691x361, 691:361, 1st.jpg)

File: 4f1387b22102a6e⋯.jpg (81.19 KB, 613x407, 613:407, doggo.jpg)


>>14291156 (35) , imagine that

if you are going to market yourself as the last bastion of free speech on the planet

you cain't go all banhammer on anyone who questions why they were banned

this place is awesome, and a hollow shell of its former self

anons don't stand for bullshit

that's why 8kun is 8kun

Flying OSSions ended that.

a lot of anons won't ever return.

fuck around and find out, Jim.

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e9cb00  No.14291281

File: 022edbd25b248c2⋯.png (3.23 MB, 2270x1132, 1135:566, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)

Doctors Share THEIR OWN Vaccine Injury Horror Stories, Revealing That Vaccines Are Devastating the Medical Profession

Medscape has launched a new portal where doctors can share their own personal stories about vaccine adverse events. And already there are well over 1,000 entries, many of which contain horror stories about how chemical injections are destroying people’s lives.

One doctor expressed concerns about how low-risk, healthy adults are being pressured by the government and the media to get “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). Children and even babies are also now being pressured as well.

Another linked to the Health Resources & Services Administration website, which contains information for people who have suffered vaccine injuries to apply for compensation through the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program.

Entry after entry tells of how vaccines of all kinds, including the ones launched by Donald Trump under “Operation Warp Speed,” are damaging people’s bodies and in some cases killing them.

The medical establishment would rather us all believe that such incidents are “rare,” but the truth is that they are much more common than people think. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) only captures maybe one percent of all injuries and deaths caused by vaccines, which means the figures are much, much higher than what the government is reporting.

“I have a hunch that every time we give the COVID vaccine we delay natural herd immunity by another 6 months,” another physician wrote. “I would rather contract the virus and have natural immunity.”


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083f92  No.14291282

File: fcfde27d0cb42fe⋯.png (453.02 KB, 710x283, 710:283, ClipboardImage.png)



>Sterilization of the useless eaters.

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b25d3b  No.14291283


Maybe the WaPo is showing us how the clock should be designed?

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b051eb  No.14291284

File: b0d8eb55e23ce60⋯.jpg (37.1 KB, 700x508, 175:127, IRONY_SNATCH.jpg)

I wondered why no one was talking about this on sports news. The jokes write themselves.

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f250bb  No.14291285

File: aad44383d01b1f9⋯.png (286.96 KB, 1080x812, 270:203, Memeto_1626975937503.png)

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2e0c21  No.14291286

File: 50d8e245720f5fe⋯.png (149.05 KB, 260x259, 260:259, 8KUN_BEST.png)


Could you imagine a room so bulletproof with supreme FACTS….. Jim could even link them to his news feed…… that's another drawcard.

He could turn his site into one of the best in the world….. it's got staying power….. is supposed to be based on free speech.

Just needs to let it blossom.

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2e0c21  No.14291287

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c6771c  No.14291288

File: da54bc3844ec56a⋯.jpg (587.83 KB, 1125x1231, 1125:1231, 0d911a278d8cbd3bba19c92a93….jpg)


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e9cb00  No.14291289

File: 22700f54dd42382⋯.png (928.9 KB, 1970x1378, 985:689, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)


How concerned are you about adverse events related to the vaccines?

Tell us what you think – your expectations and concerns.


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7fb5d1  No.14291290


he gets the bleu maddcow snatch medal of stupid award

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b62181  No.14291291


Yeah, and wasn't Amy Klobobitch standing right there? Maybe she was offering up her grandchildren for the "cause."

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fa66ee  No.14291292


You would think that. These people must be coached ahead of time. Personally I would have a natural reaction to at least pull away from this, if not smack the person. Yet we see photo after photo of uncomfortable women and children tolerating this creep.

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d303e1  No.14291293

File: 6dfc5ebd8c29608⋯.png (443.93 KB, 491x347, 491:347, Noobville.png)


>Maybe the WaPo is showing us how the clock should be designed?

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a1b781  No.14291294

File: 28d2f3d4f4d22ca⋯.png (791 KB, 624x676, 12:13, ClipboardImage.png)


WHy didn't Iever think of that?

Oh, yeah, my clocks are sloppy, ugly and collapse under scrutiny. Kek. I'm too busy trying to dabble in too many things (frivolous pic related)

Nice Work! Given what I turned it into, maybe I should have used the oval/warped version.

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952916  No.14291295


Fuck, jar babies are real confirmed.

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858eaf  No.14291296


One would think so, but that assumes that he actually has a legitimate audience.

I believe he is getting away with it because the admin literally conscripts hypno-toad audience members.

I am willing to bet one could neither locate nor identify a person in the audience to verify WTF was this shit supposed to be.

It's a sick sick movie.

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877872  No.14291297

File: fef05abc8706363⋯.png (60.61 KB, 362x289, 362:289, wtf_copy_7.png)

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e37d60  No.14291298

File: 6d181f5b86e14a6⋯.jpg (493.59 KB, 1075x1003, 1075:1003, Screenshot_20210807_124149….jpg)

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2e0c21  No.14291299


lmao…. gotta steal that….lol

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b051eb  No.14291300



Hubbard failed to register a lift in the snatch in the 87-kilogram category. By failing to record a lift, she couldn’t move onto the clean and jerk and would not compete for a medal.

Kek! also failed the clean and jerk

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678115  No.14291301

File: 42fe66f2815cb5f⋯.png (12.23 KB, 255x239, 255:239, d8f877e9d7a6bb7d9224345599….png)


Not a ridiculous hypothesis.

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952916  No.14291302


Believe what you want faggot

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fa66ee  No.14291303


Good point. Let's see a similar graphic for police being shot, or shot at, or threatened.

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10370f  No.14291304

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5b987c  No.14291305

File: 813d84ac835125f⋯.jpg (105.62 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, TMIWflip.jpg)

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952916  No.14291306



Maybe try mirroring it?

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f250bb  No.14291307

File: 7d91596f793cdb0⋯.png (341.9 KB, 1080x849, 360:283, 1625354473146.png)

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083f92  No.14291308

File: b4cb59d1b25712d⋯.png (107.61 KB, 375x351, 125:117, Screenshot_2021_08_07_at_1….png)

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0506dc  No.14291309

Reminder that a virus is not what you've been brainwashed to believe in. Viruses are a symptom of cell toxicity and have not been proven to cause illness or spread. A VIRUS ITSELF IS A SYMPTOM. It's a fragment of a poisoned cell. No lab in the world has the fabled SARS-COV-2 isolated. No useless test even targets it.

Every outbreak and pandemic "coincided" with huge changes in electromagnetic fields on earth. Electromagnetic radiation primarily from cell towers and satellites is what today creates the "viral" illnesses. Wuhan, China was 5G testing grounds. Our bodies are highly electric, guess what the metals that we get poisoned with do. Don't fall for the virus story, they're enslaving us using it.

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10370f  No.14291310


>slot machine jackpot jingle

I love that sound, anon.

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a9e6ad  No.14291311

File: 79dcc93e8585d8f⋯.jpg (142.05 KB, 1080x762, 180:127, 20210807_104841.jpg)


nothing is stopping you from making your own chan.

<unless you are too stupid to figure out how.

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f2c273  No.14291312


ebil drumf followers wreaking havoc


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ffedd8  No.14291313

File: b49ca1998da92ef⋯.png (328.66 KB, 858x490, 429:245, VIRUS_OR_ELECTION.PNG)

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ffedd8  No.14291314

File: acb08b135e35e34⋯.png (362.7 KB, 992x567, 992:567, VIRUS_OR_ELECTION.PNG)

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49dc2f  No.14291315

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d303e1  No.14291316


>>slot machine jackpot jingle

>I love that sound, anon.

and it loves your purse.

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ad80ef  No.14291317

File: 8ab554aa7faeb65⋯.png (755.59 KB, 1124x938, 562:469, OrovillE_Dam_Safe_but_Vuln….png)


Contrast with Report: Oroville Dam safe, but still vulnerable

Austin Herbaugh 11/10/2020

Wouldn't now be a good time for repairs


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b1c901  No.14291318

File: 97e3b23d23b81e5⋯.mp4 (4.38 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, France_Marseille_August_7.mp4)

"France - Marseille

Firefighters (Pompiers) in the front line, with the people, demonstrating against the #PassSanitaire"


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03f27d  No.14291319

File: f013947ad3e428f⋯.png (33.63 KB, 600x375, 8:5, trumpwon.png)

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083f92  No.14291320

File: f28ff665ee42228⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1072x1075, 1072:1075, Screenshot_2021_08_06_at_1….png)


fucking hall monitor over here

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072d9f  No.14291321


>Reminder that a virus is not what you've been brainwashed to believe in. Viruses are a symptom of cell toxicity

fuck off and take your pseudoscience gibberish back to YT were it belongs.

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9b6082  No.14291322

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Director Walensky's Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants - and That's Just the Start of It

Aug 06, 2021

New information provided exclusively to RedState by syndicated radio talk show host Howie Carr shows that Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky is finding multiple ways to benefit from her new position. Walensky, who took over as director with Biden’s inauguration, is married to Loren D. Walensky, a renowned pediatric oncology researcher at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute at Harvard. In October 2019 Loren Walensky became the scientific co-founder and a member of the Board of Directors of Lytica Therapeutics, “an early-stage biotechnology company working on an innovative platform for developing next-generation antimicrobials.” (LabCentral)

Just four months later, Walensky’s Lytica received a $16.9 million dollar HHS grant to “develop antibacterial peptides with broad activity against multidrug-resistant bacteria.” Only $5.3 million of that money was initially disbursed to Lytica, and the remaining $11.6 million is scheduled to be disbursed upon the achievement of “certain development milestones.” I have previously worked in the world of grant writing and can tell you most agencies will not give grants to organizations that have existed for less than a year and organizations that have no other stream of funding. In this particular case Crunchbase, which monitors funding for corporations and non-profits, shows that the only funding that Lytica has received to date is the $5.3 million allocated from the grant received.


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072d9f  No.14291323

File: d0f1d319ddc5dec⋯.png (781.3 KB, 1679x951, 1679:951, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)


>with the people

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b358eb  No.14291324

File: 75fe4ca8728ab2c⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1895x2453, 1895:2453, 20210304_164729.jpg)

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b4e61f  No.14291325

File: ea3ea6c64234abc⋯.mp4 (8.65 MB, 640x354, 320:177, hopium_trump_vid.mp4)



Going forward, this below will be my entry post into this board !!!


Ready for another day of, them lying (and getting paid shit loads of money for doing it) and us putting the record straight and correcting their lies (for free, because the retard normie world is run for/by parasitic women and they simps, manginas and white knights cos muh feelingz).


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a78044  No.14291326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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114495  No.14291327

File: 6e2867da8fd45ea⋯.png (214.79 KB, 985x723, 985:723, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1bb464526823d8⋯.png (130.77 KB, 1546x746, 773:373, ClipboardImage.png)

Camp Covid


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c6771c  No.14291328

File: 77347cc5242d28e⋯.jpg (214.65 KB, 650x940, 65:94, 1fb11aae133b27bdaef3b0c0b3….jpg)

File: dd6dde3fc8bac56⋯.png (188.63 KB, 487x489, 487:489, 7c0b8bc95b017e7d6fdbe0f275….png)

File: 7362b33536e460b⋯.png (215.98 KB, 644x659, 644:659, 7a612ee3cc0de51e10217e2222….png)

MSM doesn't talk about real issues to We the People.

We're fed a diet of mindless trivia and endless stories about good people, bad people, democrats, republicans trivial stories full of labels and meaningless identity distinctions, fake ideologies; emotional conditioning - teaching us to be triggered by certain words images and ideas – ideas about each other ideas about other nations, religions, races

Decades of mass emotional conditioning actively interfere with our ability to understand the world and our function in social environments.

Information Poisoning is real.

We the People are victims of a sustained psyop engineered to limit our understanding.

Our decisions can be no better than the information they are based on, and MSM news and entertainment media provide us with violence and lies MSM cultists knowingly, deliberately, deprive us of the truth –information we need to be good citizens, patriots,and neighbours; to stand up for ourselves and for others and to know truth when we see it.

MSM has done and continues to damage us in a multitude of ways, many we are not aware of.

Most of us know nothing about nanotech, nothing about biomorphic fields that store information outside the brain nothing about existing higher dimensional structures which interact with our 3d material reality.


We don't know it is possible to synthesize peptides and restore youthful functionality to every organ system in the body.


We don't know there's a higher dimensional tunnel between every planet in the solar system


The IPS will allow us to mine trillion dollar asteroid and send cargo at almost no energy cost anywhere in the solar system.

MSM has not just poisoned us with bad information, pedovore cultists have deprived us of what is real, true and important. They have conditioned half the country so heavily the victims, shake, sweat, have heart palpitations, increased blood pressure, pulse and respiration at the mention of Donald J Trump's name.

MSM has done and continues to do real, measurable damage to everyone of us with repeated clips of extreme violence, idiotic political invective and depraved sexual morality.

MSM is not just protecting pedovores and crooked politicians. They are the the distribution technology of a comprehensive social control system -mind control - built by the C_A and whatever corrupt satanic hierarchy they ultimately serve.

MSM is our number one enemy and our friends families and fellow citizens are number one victims.

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858eaf  No.14291329

File: 2d6075f595e74a9⋯.png (605.5 KB, 550x600, 11:12, ClipboardImage.png)



Ya don't say?

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170a9f  No.14291330

"He's A Pathological Liar": Cornell Chemistry Professor Dave Collum Unloads On Dr. Fauci And Covid Hysteria

Friend of Zero Hedge and Cornell Professor Dave Collum appeared on the Quoth the Raven podcast this week and offered his unfiltered (and often profane) 2 hour long take not only on the development of the Delta variant hysteria, but also on Dr. Fauci, vaccinations and the state of lockdowns across the globe.

Collum is the Betty R. Miller Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Cornell University and holds a PhD, Columbia University, MS, Columbia University, MA, Columbia University and BS, Cornell University.

The duo of Collum and podcast host Chris Irons first talked about Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the chief medical advisor to the president, whom Collum referred to as a "pathological liar".

The Afghan woman governor recruiting anti-Taliban militia

When asked about the FOIA request for Fauci's emails, Collum responded: "They were heavily redacted. One could only imagine what the redaction was. I got the feeling, reading the emails, Fauci was smart enough to know to not, himself, say anything. So Fauci didn't say incriminating things, it was emails to Fauci that were incriminating."

Collum also took exception with the state of the country locking down again. "This is where it just keeps getting darker," he said. "It started out as 'flatten the curve' and that made total sense…at the time it seemed like the scramble was to try and understand it, which I gave credit for them. It was really garbled because everything was 'Anti-Trump' at the time…but where I went off the rails is that it was looking like the pandemic was starting to subside and they weren't stopping."

He continued: "So now what I see, what is confounding to me, which takes me down really dark places. I see panic. Panic, authoritarian levels that we vaccinate. And it's Soviet style propaganda, it's coercion, it's bludgeoning."

Collum and Irons then discussed the lab leak theory, which Irons had ruminated about in-depth during a previous podcast days earlier.

"I'd call it a crime against humanity," Collum said while talking about on the possibility of a lab leak cover-up.

"It's interesting to look back now know what we know about Fauci's communication," host Chris Irons says. "It does look like a cover-up. What else are we going to find out? It's been 18 months and the idea of a lab leak has gone from 'completely batshit conspiracy theory' to 'this is the most common sense explanation'."

"It's not just that," Collum responds. "Serious biochemists have looked at the sequencing and said 'that does not make sense'."

"There's no ethical guidelines for some of the egomaniacs in science," Collum said.

The discussion then moves on to vaccines, where Collum is quick to point out non-sequiturs in the "official" narrative: "It's incoherent because they're saying if you get vaccinated you'll be protected and then they're saying the people who are not vaccinated are risking the other people who are vaccinated and I'm like 'which is it?'"

"To vaccinate kids is nuts," he says. "And you know what else is psychotic? The moment where it crossed the dotted line was December 2020. The vaccine had been out for a very brief period. The CDC Tweeted, I can recite it almost verbatim, although there are no studies, there's no reason pregnant women shouldn't get the vaccine."

He continued, exasperated: "You're telling these women who are told don't even drink a fucking glass of wine' to get a god damn MRNA vaccine even though there's no studies?"

"That showed you the sociopathy of the campaign," Collum concludes.

You can listen to the entire interview here:



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b228df  No.14291331

What time is the party?

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a9e6ad  No.14291332

File: 8b66c3b3ffc3f7e⋯.gif (133.17 KB, 405x640, 81:128, 20210807_105533.gif)



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e9cb00  No.14291333

>>14291322 EXCLUSIVE: CDC Director Walensky's Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants - and That's Just the Start of It


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d303e1  No.14291334

File: ccb07408bde2cb3⋯.jpg (25.48 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 7_is_the_key_number.jpg)

>>14290220 lb

Swedish Professor Says 5 Shots Of COVID Vaccine May Be Necessary

7 shots…

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7c214b  No.14291335

File: e2d8740af63139b⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB, 492x360, 41:30, macron_video_dance.mp4)

File: c3c7174fa00c46a⋯.jpg (23.11 KB, 380x380, 1:1, Coq_Punisher.jpg)

File: 042678c568e82fc⋯.jpg (173.58 KB, 1065x707, 1065:707, Qresearch_France_1_3.jpg)

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4ae9fd  No.14291336


Family member and pilot for American Airlines will not comply. From what I understand the majority will not either.

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2e0c21  No.14291337

File: c3656dc8f60add7⋯.jpg (1.2 MB, 2728x2064, 341:258, 4CHAN_ASSHOLES.jpg)


lmao…. you mean another comped as fuck website?….lol…. no thanks.

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114495  No.14291338

File: be92d1456cce817⋯.png (173.95 KB, 1161x660, 387:220, ClipboardImage.png)

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9fc5ef  No.14291339


You'll find lots of us over on GAB. It's not the chan or even the kun, but it is a free speech choice which is not crazy invasive.

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b4e61f  No.14291340

File: e6524831a63a855⋯.png (109.74 KB, 464x250, 232:125, ClipboardImage.png)


heads up false flags incoming, if he ever gets back in office it will be a miracle, right now, who cares as long as this thing is exposed

This could go all the way to 2024 and beyond, look how long Myanmar is taking and they are in no way following any rules written by the elites and their minions!!!

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5b987c  No.14291341

File: c9052eef3858f05⋯.jpg (110.46 KB, 1007x951, 1007:951, tmiwPROL.jpg)

Vaccines will be like software updates

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5359b1  No.14291343

File: 2a6daba9783129b⋯.jpg (404.26 KB, 720x393, 240:131, keksglory.jpg)


paytriots piss me off, all about ego and not the battle, they take information gathered in here and present it like they figured it out on their own. They distance themselves from the psychological warfare and are more fragile because of it. I am a crazy fucking beserker of a meme fag.

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a9e6ad  No.14291344

File: 683fa2c38751474⋯.gif (53.99 KB, 442x589, 442:589, 20210623_041126.gif)



within this comp`d as fuck "website".

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1f4b18  No.14291345

File: d00b6e4e175418e⋯.png (4.09 KB, 274x140, 137:70, plot.png)

New Monkey


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5f7ee9  No.14291346

File: 0201e97c5c6adf5⋯.jpg (51.89 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 0201e97c5c6adf50abe59a69e9….jpg)


>they take information gathered in here and present it like they figured it out on their own.

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877872  No.14291347

File: 1948f884d25ff13⋯.png (90.45 KB, 254x251, 254:251, wtf_copy_6.png)


What's in Zero's pocketbook?



Lube for his ass?

Tissues for wiping off excess poo-poo from his lover's pee-pee?

Breath-spray for his mouth and anus for the next client?

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b228df  No.14291348


>7 shots

conspiracy theorizing intensifies

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ffedd8  No.14291349

File: 557395ab26dae24⋯.png (676.38 KB, 1285x735, 257:147, FAKE_CORRUPT_NEWS.PNG)

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4f1c55  No.14291350

File: a6d001f796d421b⋯.jpeg (407.6 KB, 1125x824, 1125:824, 9548636D_9974_4AE5_8D3D_5….jpeg)


Maybe he will have a dishwasher hob open and anon from last night can finally find a suitable position.

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e4c540  No.14291351


yawn af

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d303e1  No.14291352

File: c354722a48a71da⋯.jpg (255.82 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Rochelle_Walensky_Resign.jpg)


>EXCLUSIVE: CDC Director Walensky's Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants - and That's Just the Start of It


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f250bb  No.14291353

File: ad76fefcd848f63⋯.jpeg (154.28 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, 1538916391.jpeg)

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b228df  No.14291354



-the elon

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1ebde1  No.14291355

Man found dead after shooting in Portland’s Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhood, police say

Ron DeSantis' Response to Joe Biden's 'Governor Who?' Comment Watched 1…

Trump blasts $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package as 'a disgrace'…

A man was found dead after a shooting near a Powellhurst-Gilbert neighborhood elementary school early Saturday, Portland police say.

Officers and medical personnel responded to Southeast Holgate Boulevard near Gilbert Heights Elementary School after receiving a call from a security guard who found the man down on the ground, according to police.

Medical personnel determined the man was dead, and officers found evidence of a shooting.

An early investigation indicates the man died in a homicide.

An autopsy will determine an official cause of death. The investigation is ongoing.

SAUCE: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/man-found-dead-after-shooting-in-portland-s-powellhurst-gilbert-neighborhood-police-say/ar-AAN3nnf

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c612d0  No.14291356

File: 8dd8a35902ad894⋯.png (2.63 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 297EB52F_2CB8_45E9_BF9B_1B….png)

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b25d3b  No.14291357


yet he gives us nada

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b1c901  No.14291358



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205cf0  No.14291359

File: c761717be74826b⋯.pdf (4.79 MB, ambush_and_counter_ambush.pdf)


I got you.

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cef0c8  No.14291360

File: 1eda9c580457fe6⋯.png (6.72 MB, 2160x2700, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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1ebde1  No.14291361


sorry for the first two unrelated lines, didn't check my copy and paste before posting.

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df3e3d  No.14291362

File: 031350c6becd387⋯.jpg (46.87 KB, 395x420, 79:84, Screenshot_20210731_171102….jpg)

File: ea11287c2e796f3⋯.jpg (28.62 KB, 256x373, 256:373, Screenshot_20210731_184703….jpg)

File: 3f74f699f09b8e4⋯.jpg (78.29 KB, 465x441, 155:147, Screenshot_20210804_213708….jpg)

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b0b2c1  No.14291363

>>14291276 Sessions pushed him away from his granddaughter.

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1ebde1  No.14291364




Clockfags must kill themselves

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2e0c21  No.14291365

File: dbc34380036dfbb⋯.jpg (133.01 KB, 700x559, 700:559, DIE_MAGGOT.jpg)


Ahhhh…. you mean make another room here on 8kun…… well yeah….. I tried and failed miserably…lol….. on many occasions…lol….. I think some assistance is needed.

I can wait… am waiting…. hoping to see an honest room evolve with real patriots at the helm.

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839e74  No.14291366

Excellent, well explained, well worth your time

Dr. Zelenko video with acute, subacute, and long term affects from the Death Shot


30 mins



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04982a  No.14291367

File: d73e2bb9de149c7⋯.png (512.46 KB, 639x463, 639:463, Women_are_the_problem.png)

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9976ed  No.14291368

File: 0f183bcd30b00d8⋯.jpg (231.2 KB, 870x870, 1:1, chikn_pot_pie.jpg)


what is actually in this garbage? Maybe we've all been eating human our whole lives which would put 99% of us in the hospital if we knew the truth all at once

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569438  No.14291369

IET’s tele activated/motivated my almonds.

And wyatts meteor joke is hysterical

You guys are the funniest mother fuckers on earth

Semper Fidelis!!

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f5d2c3  No.14291370

File: 7716b10b67d57a9⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2224x1988, 556:497, Screenshot_2021_08_07_at_1….jpg)

Checket and Share


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b228df  No.14291371


a monolithic conspiracy.

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cef0c8  No.14291372


Odious plot

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e9cb00  No.14291373

File: 272cda386c00d35⋯.png (1002.69 KB, 2038x1622, 1019:811, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)

File: 51e10d1acb62eb5⋯.png (585.9 KB, 1972x1588, 493:397, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)

File: 99530974f730d77⋯.png (444.72 KB, 1420x1630, 142:163, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)

File: f5f861e43876ff2⋯.png (411.43 KB, 1408x1614, 704:807, Screen_Shot_2021_08_07_at_….png)



Will the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program provide compensation to individuals injured by COVID-19 vaccines?

COVID-19 vaccines are covered countermeasures under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), not the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP).


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b54a86  No.14291374

File: d481c0edfac0d1e⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 3591x2694, 1197:898, EQIN3nsXUAE_DLP.jpg)

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afdba8  No.14291375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1ebde1  No.14291376


Yes anons and families are safe

You however…

Enjoy a no-knock raid by special operations shill!

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b54a86  No.14291377

File: 124617c8bf5e036⋯.jpg (307.72 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, DLPsMHvUMAAdUHz.jpg)

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7c214b  No.14291378

File: 8d29a7e1045aa6a⋯.png (937.3 KB, 897x900, 299:300, Blueanon_march_4_capitol_a….png)

File: bfebd1d2e6c2660⋯.jpg (74.81 KB, 555x555, 1:1, Blue_Anon_V2_triggered.jpg)


Let the meme explain

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df3e3d  No.14291379

File: 1504b14b8ae5e74⋯.jpg (31.14 KB, 244x302, 122:151, Screenshot_20210805_175717….jpg)

File: 44b15879b69e7c3⋯.jpg (17.87 KB, 212x270, 106:135, Screenshot_20210805_175722….jpg)

File: ef2e21a84ecadf6⋯.jpg (25.58 KB, 402x214, 201:107, Screenshot_20210806_133859….jpg)

File: b5ef9acec3399c5⋯.jpg (156.73 KB, 1158x702, 193:117, Screenshot_20210806_183257….jpg)


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ee3eac  No.14291380

File: b4b97d694c68448⋯.png (22.98 KB, 428x313, 428:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 62a38c8822f0511⋯.png (13.1 KB, 426x169, 426:169, ClipboardImage.png)

Just a thought…

Video indicating worldwide catastrophe in 2 years


Q indicates a new nation in 1052

Q indicates we will see a new world in 2450

Lets assume the 10th planet flyby is real and becomes mainstream knowledge while the vax/anti-vax debate rages.

I would assume the vaxed would get priority to access the underground bunkers while the unvaxed get stuck on the planet surface to die.

Note what Q said in 1052

"You elected us to do the heavy lifting"

Perhaps the space force is meant to save the unvaxed at the last minute and truly take us to a new world…

We are going to show you a new world. (literally)

Those who are blind will soon see the light (the vaxed will realize they are not safe in the tunnels as they watch the light of the spaceforce retreating from Earth with the unvaxed)

A brave new world lies ahead (new planet for those who have not taken the mark of the beast)

We take this journey together (all anons will be saved)

One step at a time (to convince the sheep to awake or to to get vaxed so we'll know they are still sheep)


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b54a86  No.14291381

File: a2abdc69cadf0fb⋯.jpg (309.18 KB, 2040x1530, 4:3, 53869217_2280841115461830_….jpg)

File: ef7048029c334da⋯.jpg (9.79 KB, 279x369, 31:41, 2017Robe_1.jpg)

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9fc5ef  No.14291382


We were. Repeatedly. At one point we were down for what … 93 days? That's pretty "nuked".

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678115  No.14291383

File: 842451ecd59b5cb⋯.jpg (232.11 KB, 838x1280, 419:640, 842451ecd59b5cb9ef5fc58801….jpg)

File: 35bff0ad71d0b7d⋯.png (13.91 KB, 255x203, 255:203, 5928935e139b65c7ac60cf8c83….png)

File: d2d83b427c6ce93⋯.jpeg (31.77 KB, 255x255, 1:1, e32291040b30d44e8d86d1ea6….jpeg)

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877872  No.14291385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Sessions pushed him away from his granddaughter.

The only man in DC not afraid of Biden?

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b358eb  No.14291386

File: 22463dca6d6aec1⋯.jpg (70.67 KB, 670x507, 670:507, 20210807_092231.jpg)

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c612d0  No.14291387

File: 04e9f712b9df602⋯.jpeg (47.25 KB, 640x556, 160:139, 8590D278_FAB6_4C0A_A581_6….jpeg)


What a waste of a mirrored ID


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3562a3  No.14291388

The VAX is the Virus repackaged

… repackaged to last longer

so yeah, the vaxed are:

- infected

- super spreaders

think mirror

banning the un-vaxed from events, shops, life etc is a good thing

… to protect us from the super spreaders (aka walking dead.)

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97e7d6  No.14291389


Oh but this is about you isnt it Emma, all about you, you don't speak the language, the same way you couldn't deal with the pearl necklace i gave you, cos you're a cold little vagina fingerer really, enough to please an ice addict, spread Em further, but really not a sexual person at all, you're lacking there too, which is why you have to steal everything because left to your own devices, lets just say, you're as appealing as a rat with fleas, which is essentially what you are, if rats had heads shoved up their own arse with needles shoved into them injectin poison on a daily basis

You bitch, are dead girl walking :) That is a promise. You wrote my fathers death because you didnt like me laughing at you for attempting to steal being a diamond dog

You want to talk about truthfullness, lets have at that shall we, lets start with you returnin' the stolen glory, and you explainin' to the world how you've taken their freedom

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a9e6ad  No.14291390

File: 1bb60817b6d0e31⋯.jpg (224.35 KB, 1080x762, 180:127, 20210807_110548.jpg)


your inability has nothing to do with board ownership nor oversight.


if you want one…

make one.

bitching in here accomplishes nothing.

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e9cb00  No.14291391


Did they call the Social Worker??

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df3e3d  No.14291392

File: c1c118e83036546⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 343x206, 343:206, Screenshot_20210806_144837….jpg)

File: 62c76b7a56e4b4c⋯.jpg (36.19 KB, 363x243, 121:81, Screenshot_20210806_144839….jpg)

File: 0556976f3744d6a⋯.jpg (40.48 KB, 368x367, 368:367, Screenshot_20210806_144841….jpg)

File: c651058b6881588⋯.jpg (43.24 KB, 345x372, 115:124, Screenshot_20210806_152013….jpg)

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4f1c55  No.14291393

File: 2174d6fce8e3e56⋯.jpeg (646.89 KB, 964x947, 964:947, 34446E5A_9859_439E_8DB7_D….jpeg)


The fuhq?

Better be the mom or frenly yat one and not the damn cat. I’m allergic muthafucas!

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b54a86  No.14291394

File: c24e74e119731f4⋯.jpg (200.31 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, 1500x500.jpg)

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cef0c8  No.14291395


Difficult Truth.

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170a9f  No.14291396

File: 1da086b8ca2ae5e⋯.jpeg (132.55 KB, 1241x717, 1241:717, 8370AA1A_9886_46A8_B0FA_1….jpeg)

File: 342ca01fa4a214d⋯.jpeg (251.17 KB, 1241x1305, 1241:1305, F43B14B9_3925_475F_9EBE_4….jpeg)

File: a2923bcdf504c9b⋯.jpeg (164.62 KB, 1241x923, 1241:923, C92E86B3_5ABB_478F_8820_2….jpeg)

One of the very many reasons not to fly commercial right now


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cfb716  No.14291397

0bama party.

Mass casualty event.

Eyes on.

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1ebde1  No.14291398


4 days makes the possible expiration date 8/11/21

30 days before 9/11 anniversary

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a9e6ad  No.14291399


>morning star

<h3llo lucifer

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b54a86  No.14291400

File: 0ac97d3f674f108⋯.jpg (766.84 KB, 2834x1594, 1417:797, DY2ZQRfUQAACxUF.jpg)

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270916  No.14291402


Niiiiiiice, thanks for connecting the dots

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271b23  No.14291403

File: a1c070bc7463722⋯.jpg (181.82 KB, 1259x1345, 1259:1345, _20210805_202923.JPG)

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88c2e8  No.14291404

File: 9746ebf99ad2157⋯.png (137.95 KB, 572x623, 572:623, vw4ekfc8jdw61.png)

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2e0c21  No.14291405


Wanna give me a hand to make one?…. just tell me what's needed.

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16e223  No.14291406


I disagree, gab is as bad as all the rest.

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b228df  No.14291407


your timeline intrigues me. something like that would be quite the change from current life. hehe

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b358eb  No.14291408

File: 24e4339034e30e4⋯.jpg (61.95 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 5iq0mw.jpg)

Jesus loves the little anons

All the anons of the world

Red and yellow, black & white

They are precious in His sight

Jesus loves the llittle anons of the world

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271b23  No.14291409

>>14291403 (me)

dammit, grammar kitty gonna get me for this

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df3e3d  No.14291410

File: 2cea885ccc1d624⋯.jpg (19.36 KB, 360x241, 360:241, Screenshot_20210806_183613….jpg)

File: 1994c838233e818⋯.jpg (22.17 KB, 333x331, 333:331, Screenshot_20210806_183618….jpg)

Say smiles again butch, say it failure…

No smiles lololpol

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97e7d6  No.14291411

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

42 lifetimes from now you can dream to measure up to them dear

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cef0c8  No.14291413

File: f3e990e6c2a5a43⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1242x882, 69:49, ClipboardImage.png)

The Quantum Fissure is Collapsing

Prepare to recieve Big Boom.

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b228df  No.14291414

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87a3ce  No.14291415

Just to clarify something on the veteran letter asking veterans to serve Again by taking the shot. All veterans receive that letter and mine as well as my friends went in to file 13. No they will not deny you your benefits or your medical care if you do not get the shot we are both exempt by religion. Yeah I read the first line of it laughed gave it to my friend who cut it up into tiny little pieces and put it in the trash where it belongs.

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10370f  No.14291417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Aristocrat has the best one.

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e9cb00  No.14291418

>>14291396 Contact your Rep and Senators to demand DOT surveillance data for public safety


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587474  No.14291419

Who is Jim Watkins, without 8kun?

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1ebde1  No.14291420

File: 4d5e1c2725fd104⋯.jpg (38.67 KB, 291x218, 291:218, oldschool_glow.jpg)



And with yahoo news trying to use RRN as an attack vector yesterday…


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