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6c0fec  No.14251589[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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6c0fec  No.14251603


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>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.


>>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going

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6c0fec  No.14251607

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14248497 Australia Venues will soon be able to ask patrons for proof of coronavirus vaccinations

>>14248498 UNICEF Report Says Pornography Not Always Harmful to Children

>>14248485, >>14248385 (pb) Mary Lasker collaborated with Margaret Sanger on "the Negro Project"

>>14248515, >>14248557, >>14248599 Poverty, our weapon bun 580,466 people homeless in America QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2854 and Q proof

>>14248553 Dark Web 'Fentmaster' Made $7 Million In Bitcoin Selling Opioids Including To Teen Dead Of Fentanyl Overdose

>>14248528 Deficiency and the supplementation of vitamin D and liver

>>14248565 Bribing people into getting vaccinated seems like a huge Red Flag

>>14248570 Collection of Posts from last bread that seem familiar

>>14248584 In Ohio-15, It's Trump Vs. Rep. Stivers By Proxy

>>14248586, >>14248964 Meryl Streep Relists Tribeca Penthouse, Gloria and Emilio Estefan just cashed out too

>>14248588, >>14248785, >>14248986, >>14249027 Jennifer Morrell from ‘The Elections Group’ Turned Up In Multiple States Before and After the 2020 Election

>>14248600, >>14248624 Apple Bans "Tinder For Anti-Vaxxers" On App Store

>>14248613 Four Dead in California Helicopter Crash

>>14248615 “Police reform” in Washington make it nearly impossible for troopers to pursue wrong way driver

>>14248646 Whistleblower reveals DHS appropriations bill

>>14248665, >>14248728 (Cap 1:38) Richard A Rothschild Applies For Patent On COVID-19 Test….. Back In 2015

>>14248692, >>14248977 Four dead in California helicopter crash

>>14248706 President Trump playing golf today at Trump National Golf Club (Cap 0:24)

>>14248775 Want Your Country Back? #FlyYourFlag

>>14248853, >>14248911 Something BIG is about to drop

>>14248877 House majority leader (Dem) resigns amid corruption investigation Sheryl Williams Stapleton

>>14248910 Dan Ball becomes the 2nd journalist to show the clip of the Commander-In-Thief's son smoking crack

>>14248919 Complete election fraud heat map of the United States Crime Kingpins: CA, NY, NJ, AZ, WA, OR, MA, PA, MI, WI, GA, NV, MN

>>14248990 Database Proving How Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab Has Been Taken Offline

>>14249014, >>14249030, >>14249039 Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna's crimes against humanity

>>14249059 Everything is better with Bacon may disappear in California as pig rules take effect

>>14249073, >>14249051 "Democratic Senator Ed Markey co-sponsored the Monthly Economic Crisis Support Act with Harris."

>>14249072, >>14249053, >>14249037 SMARTMATIC

>>14249009 Gif kek worthy

>>14249188 #18026


>>14247768, >>14247778, >>14247815, >>14247832, >>14247848, >>14247894 Summary of the $1 trillion bill

>>14247775 NZ Cabal Government (Cap 1:21) Claiming to be the single source of information on covid-19 LIARS

>>14247780 Secretive Unit That Still Flies The F-117 Nighthawk Emerges

>>14247789 Julian Assange, ADX is a Supermax prison SAM is Special Admin Measures

>>14247806, >>14247996 US Marines Australia 5:5

>>14247871 Israel sees waning coronavirus vaccine effectiveness

>>14247902, >>14248263 Dominion Refuses To Release “Intellectual Information” To Arizona Senate

>>14247907 Maricopa County Subpoena Deadline Expires Tomorrow

>>14247931 Massive Protests Worldwide Against Vaccine Passports

>>14247943 Covid-19 deaths are rising and official data shows 87% of the people who have died were Vaccinated

>>14247972, >>14248016, >>14248018 Twitter Suspends Science Writer After He Posts Results Of Pfizer Clinical Test

>>14247974 A few of the deltas for tomorrow

>>14247777, >>14248249 Australian New World Order spokes person Daniel Andrews embarrassing himself forever (Cap 0:23)

>>14247999, >>14248045 Milwaukee Elections Chief Lost Elections Flash Drive in Morning Hours of November 4th When Democrats Miraculously Found 120,000 Votes for Joe Biden

>>14248004 These vaccines are free? Pfizer $33.5 billion profit from COVID-19 vaccine

>>14248054 They are STILL running scared

>>14248061 Report from Australia, where Army is patrolling streets

>>14248102 Changes to CDC RT-PCR for SARS-CoV-2 Testing

>>14248103 Hundreds of parents in Vail, AZ The School Board quit. Parents struck down mask mandates. This is the way. (Cap 2:20)

>>14248188, >>14248210, >>14248138 Obama’s history is shady af

>>14248187, >>14248217, >>14248218 Sunshine kills

>>14248216 Bill Barr on Nadler (Cap 1:07)

>>14248426 #18025

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6c0fec  No.14251610


>>14246967 Ex-Ambassador Craig Murray set to begin his jail sentence

>>14246973 Obama is hosting a 60th birthday bash for himself and hundreds of guests on Martha’s Vineyard this week

>>14247027 Minnesotans Take Legal Action Over Critical Race Theory

>>14247036 So Freaking wired! Biden passes used mask to young boy

>>14247041, >>14247071 RE: Woodall-Vogg, Claire WE CAUGHT THEM ALL

>>14247065 Bipartisan So-Called ‘Infrastructure’ Bill 2,700 Pages Long

>>14247121 TRUMP WON Banner dropped at Texas Rangers game today

>>14247152 Polls: Kamala Harris Least Popular Vice President in Modern History

>>14247191, >>14247229, >>14247244, >>14247314 GENERAL FLYNN TODAY 2021 Southwest Believers' Convention

>>14247247 No joke that we have to be much more careful about what we are consuming dietary-wise.

>>14247259 French police and anti-health pass protesters clash in Paris

>>14247263 Sen. Susan Collins: "there's no doubt in my mind that President Trump helped instigate and motivate the rioters"


>>14247311 California Fighting Federal 'Let It Burn' Policies, Annual Wildfires

>>14247321 NIH Director Francis S. Collins dig?

>>14247349 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14247364 General Flynn Live now

>>14247399 Twitter founder's company Square to buy Afterpay for $39 BILLION in the biggest transaction in Aussie corporate history

>>14247417 Afghan Government Forces Prepare Large Operation In Herat As Taliban Fighters Breach City’s Main Defense Line

>>14247444 U.S. accuses Iran of ship attack, threatens response

>>14247462 Ammunition shelves bare as U.S. gun sales continue to soar

>>14247474 10 Republicans Back Bill Calling For Audit Of The CDC


>>14247490 FULLY PEACEFUL PROTESTS, moments before POLICE ENGAGE Jan 6th protesters

>>14247491 Italian MP's are making a stand against the big brother Orwellian domestic spying medical passports

>>14247533, >>14247570, >>14247577 Newly released Assange.pdf?

>>14247599 Sen. Hawley: Public schools must shape kids who love America and our founding

>>14247622 Dr. Stella Immanuel Launches $100 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against CNN After Being Vindicated on Hydroxychloroquine

>>14247634 FOCUS


>>14247648 Mass shooting in NYC leaves 10 people shot in ‘brazen targeted’ attack by ‘gang members who fled on mopeds’

>>14247653 233 Health Workers In San Francisco Get ‘Breakthrough COVID’

>>14247660 #18024

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6c0fec  No.14251611


>>14246199, >>14246347 Both left and the right have United in Germany to protest the abhorrent covid-19 restrictions

>>14246201 Some stats on the kung flu vs Vietnam

>>14246208, >>14246721 House OK’s hiring illegal migrants on staff, fattens budget 21%

>>14246221 Who is to blame for this new wave of "COVID-19"?

>>14246289, >>14246729 Patient asserts sudden neurological disorder caused by COVID vaccine

>>14246319 A beautiful MODERN city with an ugly history — NANJING, China

>>14246329 Anon collected for #18019


>>14246399, >>14246528 Dig on Gates & Gaetz from the New Republic FWIW.

>>14246417 RE: Executive Woodall-Vogg Laughing About the Election Steal on Election Night

>>14246457 Coronavirus Adverse Reactions Testimonies

>>14246459 The Hunter "CrackRockWell" meme masterpiece, final edition

>>14246500 Statement by Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America

>>14246511 Hackers Shut Down System for Booking COVID Vaccination Shots In Italian Region That Includes Rome

>>14246517 Flashback: On Election Night Chris Wallace Said Election Workers in MI, PA, WI, NC, GA and NV Had to Stop Counting


>>14246535 Police Beat, Pepper-Spray Anti-Lockdown Protesters in Berlin

>>14246550 FDA May Either Recall or Approve Pfizer Jab As Early As September

>>14246571 Illinois Unconcerned As Communication And 'Science' Behind COVID Policy Slip Toward Chaos

>>14246651 Hundreds of troops to join police on Sydney's streets from today, cracking down on COVID-19 rule breakers

>>14246654 UK Parliament reports details how NATO's 2011 war in Libya was based on lies.

>>14246672 Moderna, though behind Pfizer in sales, is forecasting $19.2 billion in Covid-19 vaccine revenue for 2021.

>>14246687 According the Bidoli this is the composition of the COV-2 viral envelope

>>14246692 VIRGINIA: "Members of an “anti-racist” Facebook group secretly planned to get a gym teacher fired

>>14246727 Kevin McCarthy: It Will Be ‘Hard Not to Hit’ Nancy Pelosi With Gavel if I Become House Speaker

>>14246750 largest group of migrants we’ve ever seen being held by Border Patrol under Anzalduas Bridge in Mission, TX

>>14246753 CDC Declares PCR Tests Must Go Immediately After George Soros, Bill Gates Buy COVID-19 Test Manufacturer

>>14246755 RE: YouTube BANS Sky News Australia over videos that question the effectiveness of masks and lockdowns

>>14246768 Burma’s Military Leader Declares Himself Prime Minister, Extends Emergency, Promises Election in 2 Years

>>14246776 ‘I Committed No Crime’: Rudy Giuliani Says He’s ‘More Than Willing To Go To Jail’ In NBC Interview

>>14246825 Anon collected for #18020

>>14246918 #18023

Previously Collected Notables

>>14247820 #18021, >>14246937 #18022,

>>14242934 #18018, >>14246329 #18019, >>14246825 #18020

>>14243186 #18015, >>14243171 #18016, >>14242101 #18017

>>14243801 #18012, >>14241253 #18013, >>14239910 #18014

>>14235763 #18009, >>14236974 #18010, >>14243685 #18011

>>14233385 #18006, >>14234226 #18007, >>14234961 #18008

>>14231122 #18003, >>14231905 #18004, >>14233187 #18005

>>14230430 #18000, >>14230805 #18001, >>14230664 #18002

>>14226170 #17997, >>14227082 #17998, >>14227845 #17999

>>14224018 #17994, >>14224788 #17995, >>14225665 #17996

>>14223581 #17991, >>14230137 #17992, >>14223332 #17993

>>14219168 #17988, >>14219948 #17989, >>14223421 #17990

>>14216859 #17985, >>14218240 #17986, >>14218383 #17987

>>14216587 #17982, >>14215331 #17983, >>14216444 #17984

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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6c0fec  No.14251612

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6c0fec  No.14251613

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6c0fec  No.14251614



<Body was too long…

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ce586b  No.14251615

File: 107376cf48e3a06⋯.png (1.1 MB, 674x680, 337:340, ClipboardImage.png)


Thanks B

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5d02ff  No.14251616

9 months since the election. Can u believe it?

9 months!!!!

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139087  No.14251617

File: edee9322f4161dc⋯.png (548.5 KB, 1375x1080, 275:216, 10_22_20_FDA_vaccine_advis….png)

pb >>14251450 pb





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0512a4  No.14251618

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Golden State Times

'NO DAMN MORE!' Ted Cruz has an URGENT Message for ALL Americans!


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13b5e1  No.14251619

File: 52a5ce7676bdf97⋯.jpg (58.75 KB, 502x499, 502:499, 5ibhik.jpg)

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ce586b  No.14251620

File: 0fffca06e156d2a⋯.png (106.63 KB, 189x300, 63:100, ClipboardImage.png)


>Can u believe it?

Habeeb it.

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03d8aa  No.14251621

>>14251519 (lb)

>wrong. a lot of innocent anons are getting caught up as collateral damage because you are mistaking them for tranime or gerbil or babyfister. there's gotta be a better way to do this

walks like a duck

quacks like a duck

who cares what it calls itself

[click] [click] .... [booom]

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294854  No.14251622

If this is it, please let me know.

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dcc6be  No.14251624

File: b329d15b4135d39⋯.png (741.79 KB, 596x433, 596:433, 8bfc2e96c9c7c1df9a06b716b2….png)


TY Baker

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6861bf  No.14251625


I bet they issue an approval, soon.

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872b73  No.14251626


say what you want, it could very well happen to you (unless you are bv)

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6f8d32  No.14251627

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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9c2bac  No.14251628

File: f1097cc38d7ea33⋯.jpg (243.2 KB, 720x554, 360:277, shillmeround.jpg)

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7fe9e2  No.14251629

File: f5c375fdc0d156f⋯.jpeg (53.76 KB, 800x500, 8:5, D712DE77_D422_4863_BA89_E….jpeg)

File: 808e0f04c734fb0⋯.jpeg (64.49 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, D011C20A_CF61_44A5_876C_4….jpeg)

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7fe9e2  No.14251630

File: d56a1bb0b3d1552⋯.jpeg (162.52 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 529D9C5C_6586_423A_8438_7….jpeg)

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567ac3  No.14251631

File: ddc8c39fa71082c⋯.jpg (40.13 KB, 612x396, 17:11, 5gpwo9u6u.jpg)

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a74de0  No.14251632

File: 43faa35ae9badf4⋯.jpg (185.13 KB, 1656x936, 23:13, 43faa35ae9badf40cc0b39b197….jpg)


I wonder if he and Tulsi had the same recruiter?

Small world

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e15f71  No.14251633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In the days before the shift



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872b73  No.14251634


yes. CFR I believe

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18292d  No.14251635

File: 84d43ff544e4853⋯.jpeg (77 KB, 684x716, 171:179, B8DA43E0_B80C_45CA_AF17_B….jpeg)



The Trump Curse is real

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8e105e  No.14251637

File: c02e8641a601447⋯.jpg (167.06 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, 1626896138178.jpg)

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8e105e  No.14251639

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7fe9e2  No.14251640

File: 87fbaa3ab6bcc68⋯.jpeg (3.45 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 71FC17E4_9A39_46EC_9E87_A….jpeg)

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ee075b  No.14251641

Former Montgomery County School Teacher Richard Scherer Charged For Child Pornography Possession, Enticement Of Minor

BUFFALO, N.Y. (WJZ) — A longtime Montgomery County school teacher was arrested and charged in New York state for enticement of a minor and possession of child pornography, according to the U.S. Attorney’s office of Western New York.

Richard W. Scherer, 70, was an ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) teacher for 25 years with the Montgomery County Public School System. Officials said last Thursday, the FBI got a tip on Scherer from Predator Poacher, a website run by citizens that attempts to catch child predators.



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0c47a6  No.14251642

File: b120e3967b24ef2⋯.jpg (119.04 KB, 770x626, 385:313, _KGrHqN_jME4orgnEJ8BOQGQG7….JPG)


cheers b

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18292d  No.14251643


Make Shoegazing Great Again

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7b25aa  No.14251644


>censoring scripture

look at you go with your lil gaslighting

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6c1b15  No.14251645

File: 4106b8759d47ddf⋯.png (106.92 KB, 500x225, 20:9, ClipboardImage.png)



still working and lurking.

keep dem breads rolling anons, we are on a mission from god !!!

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d8a62d  No.14251646

question anons: what meme should I put on my front door or out on my property to red pill a witless faucki scientits

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ff4280  No.14251647

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fucking Biden. Demented, nasty, old crook. Somebody take him out already!

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96f79c  No.14251648


Someone give her a sammich.

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494bc4  No.14251649




that was last christmas

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ce586b  No.14251650

File: f30030699c042cd⋯.jpg (449.51 KB, 1165x1227, 1165:1227, who_could_it_be.jpg)


>let me know.

You are with the knowledge already, are you not?


>>there's gotta be a better way to do this

Perhaps BV can turn on "Post-Approval" like in Fecebook groups,

that way nobody can post Doge, Gerbils, Bible Verses, or that pesky Q stuff!

If it's not about Muh Joos it won't be approoved!

How bout dat?

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872b73  No.14251652


I was banned from my home and work internet both. being accused of being gerbil. Both are Spectrum, not a vpn

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3af2e3  No.14251653

File: 886a103f10b945d⋯.png (466.81 KB, 526x528, 263:264, ClipboardImage.png)

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deb2d7  No.14251655

Afternoon Anons,

Our school district are some commie fucks. They are trying to mandate masks this fall. I need some mask don’t work data to red pill them.

Anyone have anything good?

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03d8aa  No.14251656


>say what you want, it could very well happen to you (unless you are bv)

Oh I've been banned more than a few times by bv

had quite some fun getting him fully freaked out nuking breads to shit

but even the dankest clod can have a silver lining.

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ee075b  No.14251657

McCaul Releases Addendum to Origins of COVID-19 Report

Press Release 08.01.21

Washington, D.C. – House Foreign Affairs Committee Lead Republican has released an addendum to his Origins of COVID-19 report released in September 2020. The addendum outlines evidence that points to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) as the source of the outbreak, and outlines some of the many steps researchers at the WIV along with Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance took to cover up the research being done there. It also breaks down how scientific papers written by researchers at the WIV not only prove the WIV was doing dangerous genetic modification research on coronaviruses at unsafe biosafety levels, but also that WIV researchers had the ability to genetically modify coronaviruses as early as 2016 without leaving any trace of that modification.


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494bc4  No.14251658


thank you anon, this is what men want though, thats why theres so many of them, or gigantic ones, not really any room for in betweeners

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ce586b  No.14251659

File: 6b4653734a56067⋯.jpg (46.71 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 1626419425209.jpg)


Your best bet with School Board commies is to gather all the parents against it and have a stand-in protest

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deb2d7  No.14251660


Give her some milkies too.

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b06cac  No.14251661


This may suit your request

>>14248103 pb Hundreds of parents in Vail, AZ The School Board quit. Parents struck down mask mandates. This is the way. (Cap 2:20)

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685185  No.14251662

The Pandemic is Over.

Say this phrase to anyone.

Change the subject.

Don't argue.

Don't play the game anymore.

Let's move on.

Clear the deck for the audit info.

No more complaining, talking about anything else.

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268de3  No.14251664

File: e482ecb19e805d9⋯.jpg (356.44 KB, 1076x810, 538:405, Screenshot_20210802_124055….jpg)

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deb2d7  No.14251665


I’d prefer first to present data on mask efficiency. Then I’m going to visit their workplace everyday.

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b06cac  No.14251666

File: 0b56359d3de85a4⋯.jpg (23.34 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 8ebb731a85d067bf1536e3756f….jpg)

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a646c2  No.14251667

File: 70d1febb87238fe⋯.png (533.86 KB, 1290x1838, 645:919, 1627855879.png)

worth posting a-gane

nobody reads the nots

Chinavirus Adverse Reactions Testimonies


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0c47a6  No.14251668

File: f34d115cf6ec2f8⋯.png (109.86 KB, 383x371, 383:371, 8_2_2021_9_50_44_AM.png)

BREAKING: Judge Napolitano at FOX News Is Accused in Lawsuit of Sexually Harassing Young Men at Work


Some things always change…

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9c2bac  No.14251669

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5d02ff  No.14251670

File: af7d53cbc57a757⋯.jpg (311.63 KB, 1350x794, 675:397, SmartSelect_20210802_12485….jpg)

File: a864eb44801cf41⋯.jpg (150.06 KB, 1370x592, 685:296, SmartSelect_20210802_12493….jpg)

I keep seeing & hearing Anons quote,

August will be a very hot month

Thats not what Q said.

Read the posts AGAIN !!

While Congress is away….

The month of AUGUST istraditionallya really HOT month.

Nature is unpredictable.


Q's post implies, August may not be as hot as it usually is.

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ff4280  No.14251671


Show them the fucking picture of the mask box that says right fucking on it "this product does not protect against viruses or covid-19". Better, yet, show them a box of masks that says the same. Tell them to shove their masks up their ass and that you will see them, personally, in court.

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ee075b  No.14251672

File: e112b5cc1c79356⋯.png (71.79 KB, 1213x574, 1213:574, a.png)



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a646c2  No.14251673

File: a92ef600a6c4b9d⋯.png (693.64 KB, 818x500, 409:250, 1626738274.png)


mmmm yummy

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d7b8f6  No.14251674

File: d7810d210ed379b⋯.png (366.04 KB, 457x630, 457:630, Q_3594_Be_strong_in_the_lo….png)

File: 93a0faf02e4f23d⋯.png (396.76 KB, 458x1119, 458:1119, Q_3889_Q_Q_.png)

Be Strong in the Lord.

Pray for Strength.

Pray for Guidance.

Pray for America.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

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b06cac  No.14251675

File: f8e0ca04d84b09f⋯.png (213.86 KB, 465x668, 465:668, f8e0ca04d84b09f0f4d076bf10….png)

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3af2e3  No.14251676

File: 97db77e6c531a37⋯.png (517.82 KB, 526x523, 526:523, ClipboardImage.png)

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e15f71  No.14251677

File: 8acc50a377aca88⋯.gif (1.96 MB, 640x358, 320:179, tenor_1_.gif)

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268de3  No.14251678

Is that shooped?

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a3eb2c  No.14251679

File: 5a954224ea1f97d⋯.jpg (78.53 KB, 1019x501, 1019:501, Sextrap.JPG)







Still not getting it?

Or part of it?

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b06cac  No.14251680


was pondering if a [C] coats were needed?

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ce586b  No.14251681

File: 4b9379d811c2a2d⋯.png (579.26 KB, 478x570, 239:285, the_cyber_police_are_comin….png)


I just called the cyber police.

You think shitposting is allowed here?

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c66d8c  No.14251682

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268de3  No.14251683

File: f5337695ceef3ae⋯.jpg (459.94 KB, 1077x970, 1077:970, Screenshot_20210802_124235….jpg)

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2c72a5  No.14251684


Schools get federal funding for children's enrollment. You don't like the job they are doing, remove your child. Easy.

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9088a2  No.14251686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Time fr the fruits of the enterprise to be delivered

August is traditionally a HOT month

In which the wheat crops are HARVESTed

As they sowed, so shall they reap

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268de3  No.14251687

File: 0dff3e1af3bc034⋯.jpg (142.4 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ZomboMeme_30072021174836.jpg)

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6f8d32  No.14251688

File: cd1714a020b5841⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Pelosi_Without_Mask_Wiping….mp4)

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has been caught without a mask numerous times in the U.S. Capitol after the return of a mask mandate and threatening anyone who opposes — even those who are vaccinated — with being arrested.


First published at 15:23 UTC on August 2nd, 2021.


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b06cac  No.14251689

File: 6937d38d20ede00⋯.jpg (36.95 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 6937d38d20ede002f7f9320664….jpg)

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e15f71  No.14251690

File: 9fd7e62c3da9b07⋯.png (196.49 KB, 1137x711, 379:237, 610956900e376383cff392298f….png)



Attacks are intense

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f92195  No.14251691

File: 769cdb64235e130⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Biden_Vax_Sales.mp4)

Biden sent me

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872b73  No.14251692


problem is that a lot of school districts also get funded through county property taxes, and if you have a mortgage with an escrow account, they automatically pay those taxes.

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9b093a  No.14251693

File: 57128396090b456⋯.png (12.54 KB, 255x211, 255:211, PepeCrewShocked.png)



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534322  No.14251694

File: 85d2beee1cb491b⋯.png (215.67 KB, 735x706, 735:706, ClipboardImage.png)

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f4c746  No.14251695

File: 420fd3106c16b6e⋯.gif (5.72 MB, 640x640, 1:1, flaming_middle_finger.gif)


Commie fucks don't dine on red pills.

They are allergic.

Sometimes a flaming bird is needed.

You can use this one.

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a646c2  No.14251696

File: 9b93471ccfb2e46⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1486x793, 1486:793, ClipboardImage.png)

Back when white women did manicures


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4f9776  No.14251697

File: bbaa8bd8b6c21c4⋯.jpg (41.7 KB, 512x390, 256:195, masks.jpg)

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9b093a  No.14251698


Rolling for that Cavuto dickwad…

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b4ca3e  No.14251699


Haven't seen Napolitano on Fox in at least two year .. maybe longer.

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a646c2  No.14251700

File: 2f9e919c2ca21f3⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1990x1642, 995:821, ClipboardImage.png)


tons of fun

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294854  No.14251701


I Believe Him.


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deb2d7  No.14251702


Bro. Dont get me started. I went off on them this morning telling them there isn’t even a requirement for what to actually where on your face. I said I could wear underwear on my face and they don’t protect against viruses let alone farts. As long as my face is covered it’s fineeee.

This fluoride infested lady had no cognitive idea as to what the fuck I was saying….

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e15f71  No.14251703

File: 57bdd96b5259faf⋯.png (1 MB, 1423x997, 1423:997, 52511bb585e544ea1c29d6abcb….png)


Very hot. Incineration level heat.

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5d02ff  No.14251704


Its currently 75° & I'm just 3 hrs from the Mexican border. August in TEXAS is usually brutal.

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3af2e3  No.14251705

File: 0d1e8c150323808⋯.jpg (209.22 KB, 972x1291, 972:1291, ji89cmbwdrc61.jpg)

File: 6e481c8d778a43a⋯.jpg (149.14 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, EruETA2XAAEOyxp.jpg)

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03d8aa  No.14251706

File: d084c660750f303⋯.jpg (18.41 KB, 255x230, 51:46, ererer.jpg)

File: 4c3dab481a29edb⋯.png (16.62 KB, 255x254, 255:254, dfgfdg.png)


… which would actually make vegans a healthy alternative

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6a5dca  No.14251707

File: d1a69aa6e01b071⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 640x1167, 640:1167, Annette.jpg)

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eb4cff  No.14251708

File: 004636339c8a51c⋯.jpg (33.37 KB, 296x486, 148:243, OurLadyofGuadalupe.jpg)

Signum Crucis - Sign of the Cross

In nomine Patris, et Fillii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dominica oratio (Pater noster) - Our Father

Pater noster, qui es in caelis, sanctificetur nomem tuum.

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;

Adveniat regnum tuum. Fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra.

thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

*Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,

Give us this day, our daily bread,

et dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.

and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, sed libera nos a malo. Amen

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Ave Maria - Hail Mary

Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.

Hail Mary, full of Grace. The Lord is with thee.

Benedicta tu in mulieribus,

Blessed art thou among women

et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.

and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

*Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,

Holy Mary, Mother of God,

ora pro nobis peccatoribus,

pray for us sinners

nunc, et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen

now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Gloria Patri - Glory Be

Gloria Patri, et Filio et Spiritui Sancto.

Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,

*Sicut erat in principio et nunc, et semper,

As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be,

et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.

world without end. Amen.

Signum Crucis - Sign of the Cross

In nomine Patris, et Fillii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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e15f71  No.14251709

File: 21094a171116e19⋯.jpeg (360.91 KB, 946x1200, 473:600, R_62_.jpeg)

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2c72a5  No.14251710


A parent who knowingly puts their child in a communist run program might need to stop and think about their actions.

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a37fad  No.14251711

File: bc3028ebde867bc⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1500x1000, 3:2, oss_Jew_hate_in_the_trash_….png)

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deb2d7  No.14251712


I was that fired up on the phone with the secretary this morning. Telling me the public servant super intendant couldn’t have a meeting with me cause she is too busy to speak to tax payers.

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5d8048  No.14251713

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pray for the Australian people, tyranny is reigning down on them like NEVER before!


August 2, 2021


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013630  No.14251714


Corona before Delta

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ee075b  No.14251715

File: 1a0dee63c65a30d⋯.jpg (63.28 KB, 467x548, 467:548, prayercard.jpg)

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cdf02a  No.14251716


>Pray for the Australian people, tyranny is reigning down on them like NEVER before!


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567ac3  No.14251717


I'm a few hours west of DC, and it's about 15 degrees cooler than it should be.

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a3eb2c  No.14251718

File: 9f616fd5c5cae26⋯.jpg (23.25 KB, 391x191, 391:191, Q_C_before_D_8_1.JPG)

File: 0acc1d77c3734cd⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 385x176, 35:16, Q_Something_Big_11_3.JPG)

File: c2e486865406336⋯.jpg (93.53 KB, 381x610, 381:610, Q_34_My_Fellow_Patriots.JPG)


C before D


Something BIG - Direct Link 113

Other drops Deltas and Direct link numbers

1797 - 111

1799 - 112

1802 - 113

1807 - 114

1808 - 115

1815 117

Check em

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ae79c5  No.14251719

In regards to the food discussion: certainly, [they] are trying to kill us, no doubt, but as Americans, we just eat too much.

If you think how our ancestors ate, the only time they ate copious amounts of anything - honey, maple or cane syrup, fruits, vegetables, even meat- was when it was in season only, and then they had to preserve the remaining. The rest of the year, whatever food it was, had to be parsed out because families were large and the food had to last til next year.

Even chickens in their natural state dont lay in the winter because they molt - they didnt have a constant supply of year round eggs. Meat was harvested in the winter because it's "green" in the summer (taste grassy - yuk). Dairy was limited too for same reason although cows do produce throughout the year, everything slowed down in winter.

Bread was a daily staple but that's known by anons that the wheat was different.

Americans (and I am one) eat too much and too often. Our ancestors didnt have whatever they felt like eating 365 days a year - they ate what they had. It's just made me wonder. I dont think any real, whole food is bad unless a person has an allergy or something, I just think we werent meant to eat large amounts of fruits or honey or veg or whatever every single day, over and over.

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8779f8  No.14251720


Be the delta.

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b06cac  No.14251721


Dorothea MacKellar wrote this poem in 1908 while she was visiting England and missing her home country. The second stanza is possibly one of the most well known and recited pieces of poetry in Australian history.

The love of field and coppice

Of green and shaded lanes,

Of ordered woods and gardens

Is running in your veins.

Strong love of grey-blue distance,

Brown streams and soft, dim skies

I know, but cannot share it,

My love is otherwise.

I love a sunburnt country,

A land of sweeping plains,

Of ragged mountain ranges,

Of droughts and flooding rains.

I love her far horizons,

I love her jewel-sea,

Her beauty and her terror

The wide brown land for me!

The stark white ring-barked forests,

All tragic to the moon,

The sapphire-misted mountains,

The hot gold hush of noon,

Green tangle of the brushes

Where lithe lianas coil,

And orchids deck the tree-tops,

And ferns the warm dark soil.

Core of my heart, my country!

Her pitiless blue sky,

When, sick at heart, around us

We see the cattle die

But then the grey clouds gather,

And we can bless again

The drumming of an army,

The steady soaking rain.

Core of my heart, my country!

Land of the rainbow gold,

For flood and fire and famine

She pays us back threefold.

Over the thirsty paddocks,

Watch, after many days,

The filmy veil of greenness

That thickens as we gaze …

An opal-hearted country,

A wilful, lavish land

All you who have not loved her,

You will not understand

though Earth holds many splendors,

Wherever I may die,

I know to what brown country

My homing thoughts will fly.

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eb4cff  No.14251722

File: 0798342d1177134⋯.jpg (52.82 KB, 525x329, 75:47, StMIchaelCastelSantAngelo.jpg)

Chaplet Prayer for Saint Michael the Archangel

Invocation on the Medal

O God, come to my assistance! O Lord, make haste to help me! Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

First Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of Seraphim, may it please God to make us worthy to receive into our hearts the fire of his perfect charity. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Second Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of Cherubim, may God in his good pleasure, grant us grace to abandon the ways of sin, and follow the path of Christian perfection. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Third Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the sacred Choir of Thrones, may it please God to infuse into our hearts the spirit of true and sincere humility. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Fourth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of the Dominations, may it please God to grant us grace to have dominion over our senses, and to correct our depraved passions. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Fifth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of the Powers, may God vouchsafe to keep our souls from the wiles and temptations of the devil. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Sixth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the admirable heavenly Choir of the Virtues, may it please God to keep us from falling into temptation, and may He deliver us from evil. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Seventh Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of Principalities, may it please God to fill our souls with the spirit of true and sincere obedience. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Eighth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of Archangels, may it please God to grant us the gift of perseverance in the faith, and in all good works, that we may be thereby enabled to attain the glory of paradise. Amen.

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Ninth Salutation

By the intercession of St. Michael and the heavenly Choir of all the Angels, may God vouchsafe to grant us their guardianship through this mortal life, and after death a happy entrance into the everlasting glory of heaven. Amen

(1 Our Father and 3 Hail Marys)

Say an Our Fathers on each of the four large concluding beads:

The first one to St. Michael,

The second one to St. Gabriel,

The third one to St. Raphael,

The fourth one to our Guardian Angel.

End this Chaplet with the following Anthem and prayer.


Michael, glorious prince, chief and champion of the heavenly Host, guardian of the souls of men, conqueror of the rebel angels, steward of the palace of God under Jesus Christ, our worthy leader, endowed with superhuman excellence and virtues: vouchsafe to free us all from every ill, who with full confidence have recourse to thee; and by thy incomparable protection enable us to make progress every day in the faithful service of our God. V. Pray for us, most blessed Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ. R. That we may be made worthy of his promises.


Almighty and Eternal God, who is thine own marvelous goodness and pity didst, for the common salvation of man, choose the glorious Archangel Michael to be the prince of the Church: make us worthy, we pray Thee, to be delivered by his beneficent protection from all our enemies, that, at the hour of our death, none of them may approach to harm us; rather do Thou vouchsafe unto us that by the same Archangel Michael, we may be introduced into the presence of thy most high and divine majesty. Through the merits of the same Jesus Christ our Lord.


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cdf02a  No.14251723

File: 23895ae846737d9⋯.png (698.75 KB, 720x404, 180:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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deb2d7  No.14251724


Feels like fall is coming early.

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b06cac  No.14251725


Sounds like a Q proof is up coming.. cold snap

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a37fad  No.14251726


Kek off to class I go. Good luck anons. Godspeed frens

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4fb5eb  No.14251727


Lisa Wilkinson has possessed all the crazy bitches.

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ff4280  No.14251728

File: defeea271282a8e⋯.jpg (128.75 KB, 588x594, 98:99, 1234187575_4edc9aa23d860de….jpg)


Bingo. It's nothing but obedience training. Like heeling a dog, after the 500th tug they will stop fighting the lease. Government is the Devil!

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6861bf  No.14251729

File: fa1ea0177c30f36⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1566x880, 783:440, ClipboardImage.png)



Is this a sex trap, anon?

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481855  No.14251730

File: 5da263285fe3159⋯.jpg (151.17 KB, 593x449, 593:449, How_dare_you.jpg)


>Americans (and I am one) eat too much and too often.

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872b73  No.14251731


Central TX here. Big storms this morning. Lightening and thunder jolted me outta bed at 3:15 this morning. Lots of rain. Currently 79 here. Very unusual for this time of year.

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0f2a49  No.14251732

File: 9de91781716e57f⋯.png (3.43 MB, 1476x1011, 492:337, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 022fb5ee046020b⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1476x1011, 492:337, ClipboardImage.png)

Smartmatic HQ UK

All i see is a chinese bank…

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ff4280  No.14251733

File: ea0419b288b4c6f⋯.jpg (10.73 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)

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ee075b  No.14251734


30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.

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534322  No.14251735

File: cb9344b049d2e41⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1500x844, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

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a37fad  No.14251737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Also, be like water. Even banhammer can't stop what's coming. ..

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cdf02a  No.14251738

File: f0590a4f7f83fef⋯.png (308.94 KB, 579x431, 579:431, ClipboardImage.png)


>All i see is a chinese bank…

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872b73  No.14251739


>dark winter

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f4c746  No.14251740


You should be fired up.

This is how they roll and it's how they've been rolling for a long time.

The temple must be destroyed.

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ab3050  No.14251741


Yes… Texas has been in rainy spring mode for 5 months. Very Odd.

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578be6  No.14251742


god helps those that help themselves

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3e0968  No.14251743

File: d42190140666eee⋯.jpg (139.63 KB, 1286x1000, 643:500, RDSGOV.jpg)


Floridianon here

HOT- Hands On Training

Hurricane season amps up; 5 more 'canes til we reach the one named Julian. Sept is the height of Hurricane season as we reach pinnacle water temps in Atlantic and Gult.

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ee075b  No.14251744

File: 1a8b7ea7e6f6b90⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 480x693, 160:231, pwned.jpg)

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8779f8  No.14251746


The belly drips water..

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294854  No.14251747

Sensing a Great distrubance in the Source

as if millions have realized that Trump had won….

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494bc4  No.14251748


No 'tis about Traditional Oats

Uncle Tobys to be precise

As i said, this fuckery doesnt work, just makes life a complete fuck up, in an endless loop see: Dr Who

Nature is unpredicable, (sun) however, sun doesn't want me, has Sarah now, Moon doesn't want me, takes Stephanie soon, Stars … feck.

Mandie rises as the pheonix, I am dead

Calendar girls

Stephanies miscarriage destroyed my connection with my sister Melissa, The Lord sent a vision to me and asked why I was cryin' (i was pregnant with Alli) if there was a better place i could think of than on his knee) Now i know why she wasn't birthed, he chose her

Strange to see her grown here, he likes big girls, not thin

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deb2d7  No.14251749


It’s crazy. These fucktards are funded by the people and think it’s ok to be commies… I suspect many of them are Satanists that have infiltrated our government. Satanists it’s always Satanists.

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cdf02a  No.14251750

File: f6ad02ff5b848d6⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 333x500, 333:500, PRAY.jpg)



We have it all.

Manifest it.

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481855  No.14251752

File: dd8621e3b3cea7f⋯.jpeg (262.16 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, KJU_Pepe.jpeg)


>god helps those that help themselves

Yeah well, that's not true man.

I have 'helped myself' lots of times.

Apparently this is called 'theft'

There are 'rules' and stuff.


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a4e854  No.14251753

File: 235959376652c25⋯.png (260.79 KB, 598x355, 598:355, ClipboardImage.png)


Have them read the side of the box.

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a646c2  No.14251754

she will be removed.

say it with me.

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6861bf  No.14251755


Just use Fauci's prior statements that contradict themselves as proof. There's also a statement attributed to him about the use of masks during the 1918 pandemic about them causing pneumonia, or something to that effect. Psychological harm caused by masks. Lots of easily accessible information. use NIH.gov for references.

Simply go to board meetings with as many other parents as you can, and refuse to leave until they get voted out. Look up the board rules on how to oust them if there is no confidence in their leadership.

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578be6  No.14251756

File: e88ffd928f63b99⋯.png (6.2 KB, 444x255, 148:85, gideon.png)

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a646c2  No.14251758


good point. it's always a left hook.

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ff4280  No.14251759


Without a doubt in my mind, slush funds have been greasing up and down any and all organizations the last year or two. Anon is experiencing a Liberal Board Chairperson trying to over-ride the Board and CEO to make workers remote-work again, in a DEEEEEEP RED State. Dude is getting pressured from whatever higher business organizations he is part of the piss in the punch.

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d5afcd  No.14251760


I bet that taste pretty good…

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a74de0  No.14251761

File: c386346d7ceb951⋯.jpg (13.85 KB, 480x360, 4:3, vito.jpg)


>Judge Napolitano at FOX News Is Accused in Lawsuit of Sexually Harassing Young Men at Work

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d7b8f6  No.14251762

File: 929e29cd653a3ce⋯.png (92.3 KB, 457x607, 457:607, ClipboardImage.png)


POTUS has everything.

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578be6  No.14251763


theft is not helping yourself

that is intentionally breaking a commandment

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e4fda8  No.14251764

I was lied to.

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872b73  No.14251765


ever had a peanut butter and pickle sammich? delish

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6c1b15  No.14251766

File: 6586b362eb73905⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1000x500, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


yep, those who play the game wrong get their results

rulez is rulez

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3e0968  No.14251767


How do you get that top-portion info from the Qdrop?

Im usually using qanon.pub, so I don't see it listed there.

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481855  No.14251768

File: 47cde5891d4498c⋯.jpg (202.98 KB, 855x885, 57:59, Brit_cop.jpg)


>theft is not helping yourself

It kind of is.

Helping myself to their stuff.

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6f8d32  No.14251769

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dan Bongino

August 2nd, 2021

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06c805  No.14251770


has everything and does nothing.

almost 4 years!

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e15f71  No.14251771

File: 960465ccc7a26a3⋯.gif (719.93 KB, 245x140, 7:4, source_1_.gif)

"And Shepards we shall be.

For thee , My Lord, for thee

Power hath descended forth from thy hand that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command.

So we shall flow a river forth to thee and teeming with souls shall it ever be."

In Nomeni Patri, Et Fili Spiritus Sancti"


Veritas Aequitas


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578be6  No.14251772


Thou shalt not steal

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eb4cff  No.14251773

File: 5dff91e9e3b849b⋯.jpg (79.63 KB, 699x518, 699:518, Spiritual_Warfare.jpg)





O Lord Jesus Christ, Who showest forth Thine omnipotence most manifestly when Thou sparest and hast compassion, Thou Who didst say, “Pray for those who persecute and calumniate you,” we implore the clemency of Thy Sacred Heart on behalf of souls, made in the image of God, but most miserably deceived by the treacherous snares of Freemasons and going more and more astray in the way of


Let not the Church, Thy Spouse, any longer be

oppressed by them, but appeased by the intercession of the Blessed Virgin, Thy Mother, and the prayers of the just, be mindful of Thine infinite mercy; and disregarding their perversity, cause these very men to return to Thee, that they may bring consolation to the Church by a most abundant penance, make reparation for their misdeeds, and secure for themselves a glorious eternity. Who livest and reignest world without end.


— The Raccolta

8th Editon, p. 410

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ff4280  No.14251774

File: 5033b85dacf4bce⋯.jpg (80.41 KB, 500x500, 1:1, bob.jpg)



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03d8aa  No.14251775


Rev 22: 8-9

8 I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed them to me, 9 but he said to me, “You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers the prophets, and with those who keep the words of this book. Worship God.”

apart from all the places Jesus taught us how to pray


not to Angels, not to dead people

repent of your heresy and Roman Catholic false teachings, the time is near.

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ae79c5  No.14251776


Just a disclaimer: not in the Bible even though many believe that it is

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ee075b  No.14251777



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578be6  No.14251778


what have YOU done?

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481855  No.14251779

File: 13fa30a420ae5b5⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Comfy.png)


>Thou shalt not steal

Too late for that.

Tell me, do you think it is ever morally right to steal?

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8779f8  No.14251780


Peanut butter parmesan with mayo.

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578be6  No.14251781


never claimed it was in the bible.

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7df13c  No.14251782


Back in the holler, we say, "A poor man has poor ways"

Can't go drivin' 30 miles to town every time you need somethin'

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d8a62d  No.14251783

cuck news is violently shocked by NY's lib demon satanic policies against law and order

beady eyed biden voter black man eric shawn biden voter own this policy you death dealing merchants of evil single source of LIES

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e15f71  No.14251784

File: 08da6b21522de9a⋯.jpeg (178.42 KB, 1000x562, 500:281, R_69_.jpeg)


Yes sir. It is time



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ae79c5  No.14251785


>Judge Napolitano at FOX News Is Accused in Lawsuit of Sexually Harassing Young Men at Work

Wow. Didnt see that coming

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9088a2  No.14251786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Q explains why the movie that we are watching

Is taking all of us through this kind of hell

It's because we, the people, need this experience

Because it is reshaping us into the kind of citizens

That are prepared to wield sovereignty

And to only allow such forms of government

That will SERVE us, not RULE us.

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deb2d7  No.14251787


It’s getting close to hostile takeover gun time.

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ff4280  No.14251788


Yep, from Tyrants and Wicked Men to help the meek.

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975a9a  No.14251789


Click display options and select.

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fed1b6  No.14251790

File: ab7b61b4558e91f⋯.jpeg (321.57 KB, 1241x2046, 1241:2046, 8C3A8EB6_B7FE_4AD0_94BF_9….jpeg)

Climate change liars, our government


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5d02ff  No.14251791

File: 11ec36ffe56a95e⋯.jpg (213.29 KB, 1350x794, 675:397, 20210802_131859.jpg)

File: ca9e0a77653d7e0⋯.jpg (110.22 KB, 1370x592, 685:296, 20210802_131828.jpg)






Yep. It's cooler almost everywhere. Q's post makes more sense now. HAARP. Trump even predicted the Texas cold front we had this past winter. (I have that clip somewhere in my phone)

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578be6  No.14251792


to intentionally take something from another simply because you desire it it immoral.

Now there may be certain situations with extenuating circumstances where the theft is not immoral but generally it is immoral to steal

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a646c2  No.14251793



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013630  No.14251794


Tru Dat

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294854  No.14251795


It's going to be cold and bitter.

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4f9776  No.14251796


AZ here and I have only used the A/C twice in the past 3 weeks. It's been wonderful. I've even been able to work outside which is very unusual for August here. I'm not even gonna be afraid of the electric bill.

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578be6  No.14251797


not me, I just have to suffer the fools who are retarded

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ae79c5  No.14251798


The big ones come in late summer/early fall. Sheesh. Hope gulf coast gets none.

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ff4280  No.14251799

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


When ZOG-Bot finally trespasses while armed on my property…

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9c57a8  No.14251800

File: 9d769c6ed14829c⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 498x403, 498:403, barbie_ohmy.gif)

File: e64b6ce1f002228⋯.png (4.24 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, pelousi_no_mask_for_me_2.png)

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494bc4  No.14251801


I gave her the purple hexagon, vietnamese trinket box today with some bracelets that wouldn't easily fit over my hand, with her bin tricks and gray and the number 17 on her side, she is chosen, with this interplay with a SoniQ computer she is 'beautiful eyes' of the Ester prophecy, much as Emma is the beneficery of my other work.

I gave carly one of my cups today, of course i am thankful for the mornin' I felt that inside, that perhaps by that move I stopped the colostomy bag problem for her

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eb4cff  No.14251802



Might want to say hello to your Masonic buddies...

The Masonic Plan For The Destruction Of The Catholic Church

A French priest who has renounced his membership of Freemasonry, announced this Masonic plan that he followed when he was part of the sect. As we have received this document so we publish it, asking our readers to offer on this point, a contribution of discernment and further documentation.

Directives of the Grand Master of the Masons to the Catholic Bishops, effective since 1962. (Updating of Vatican II). All mason brethren will have to report on the progress of these crucial provisions. Revised in October 1993 as a progressive plan for the final stage. All Masons employed in the Church must welcome them and carry them out.

1. Remove once and for all St. Michael, the protector of the Catholic Church, from all the prayers within the Mass and outside of the Mass. Remove the statues, saying that they distract from the Adoration of Christ.

2. Remove the Penitential Exercises of Lent such as abstinence from meat on Fridays or even fasting; impede every act of self-sacrifice. In their place should be favored acts of joy, happiness and love of neighbor. You say, "Christ has already won for us Paradise" and "every human effort is useless." Tell everyone that they must be seriously concerned about their health. Encourage the consumption of meat, especially pork.

3. Assign the Protestant ministers to reconsider the Holy Mass and to desecrate it. Sown doubts about the Real Presence in the Eucharist and confirm that the Eucharist - with greater proximity to the Protestant faith - is only bread and wine and is intended as a pure symbol. Spread Protestants in seminaries and schools. Encourage ecumenism as the path towards unity. Accuse anyone who believes in the Real Presence as subversive and disobedient to the Church.

4. Prohibited the Latin liturgy of the Mass, adoration and songs, because they communicate a sense of mystery and deference. Present them as spells of soothsayers. People will stop considering the priests as men of superior intelligence, to be respected as bearers of the Divine Mysteries.

5. Encourage women not to cover their heads with a veil in church. The hair is sexy. Demand woman readers and women priests. Present the idea as democracy. Found a movement of women's liberation. Those who enter the church should dressed badly in order to feel at home. This will reduce the importance of the Mass.

6. Prevent the faithful from taking Holy Communion kneeling. Tell the nuns that they must dissuade the children from keeping their hands together before and after Communion. Tell them that God loves them as they are and that they should feel completely at ease. Eliminate in the church kneeling and any genuflection. Remove the pews. Tell people that during the Mass they must show their faith in an upright position.

7. Eliminate the sacred music of the organ. Introduce the guitar, jew's harps, drums, trampling and holy laughter in the churches. This distracts people from their personal prayer and conversations with Jesus. Do not give Jesus the time to call children to the religious life. Perform liturgical dances around the altar in exciting clothes, theaters and concerts.

There is more if you want me to post it but this should give a clue...

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3af2e3  No.14251803

File: e577c7d22a83e5a⋯.png (736.82 KB, 700x467, 700:467, ClipboardImage.png)

Masks used as bikini tops


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d7b8f6  No.14251804

File: 0cd07188acdebc9⋯.png (49.19 KB, 460x373, 460:373, ClipboardImage.png)


>has everything and does nothing.

>almost 4 years!

Post 14251770

Obvious MSM coordination?


POTUS coordinated attacks.

Q coordinated attacks.

Who/what else is under coordinated attack by the MSM?

Logical thinking.

What do they know?

Why won’t they ask the obvious question?

All for a conspiracy?

Enjoy the show.


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726b37  No.14251805

File: 47ea2fb72dffab7⋯.png (230.08 KB, 578x503, 578:503, Kathy_Griffin_Lung_Cancer_….PNG)

Comedian Kathy Griffin announces she has lung cancer and will be having surgery


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40a76b  No.14251806

File: a51db76007164ec⋯.png (326.92 KB, 524x1318, 262:659, ClipboardImage.png)


"1425" makes 45, and then 1776

or 1+4+25=30, and the '#' symbol is on the '3' key.

stamp: 445

Yeah, ID say this checks out as a doubly important marker.

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a646c2  No.14251807

File: 6d3b3fd1611c9b6⋯.png (548.65 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Screenshot_2021_07_31_at_1….png)


that's wonderful.

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e3e044  No.14251808

File: 64c3592732480f1⋯.png (103.65 KB, 877x724, 877:724, Capture.PNG)


>Judge Napolitano


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5d02ff  No.14251809

File: bf68c96a196397c⋯.jpg (349.94 KB, 1438x1608, 719:804, 20210802_132343.jpg)





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45d753  No.14251810


I have yet to meet a normie that seems to give a shit about what's going on.

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481855  No.14251811

File: 2784c28d74d0583⋯.png (130.42 KB, 500x638, 250:319, Space_pepe.png)


If you worked for a government, and you knew they were going to launch an unjustified attack (nuclear) on another country.

You could stop it by stealing the codes to the launch.

Would you break God's commandments to steal the codes, and save millions?

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97322b  No.14251812



We got fucked on Election Night, but here we are with not even a baby to show for it.

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c66d8c  No.14251814

File: 00a8f011c0fed1a⋯.png (613.98 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, evil.png)


so i take it you never noticed.

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d5afcd  No.14251815


Our ancestors also had shorter life spans ;)

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8779f8  No.14251816


Ya fuck the other hole to make those.

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a646c2  No.14251817

File: 6b3b2cbe7df70ef⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Screenshot_2021_08_01_at_1….png)


you don't want that baby

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aa2a48  No.14251818


Does Piglosi think she is at her hair salon??

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542094  No.14251819


We don't know shit about our ancestors. Everything we think we know is a lie.

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6861bf  No.14251820


>Sexually Harassing Young Men

I figured he was comp'd, somehow, cuz he got PISSED PDJT passed him over for a SCOTUS shot.

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0f2a49  No.14251821


Sure thing in France too.

Most cold and rainy summer ever.

Last year, historic drought…

Now this (nice side is i was able to harvest wonderful ceps)

The question is : when was the last time our earth got an 'organic' weather?

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ae79c5  No.14251822

File: d1161b026ed6c01⋯.jpg (99.06 KB, 556x252, 139:63, Screenshot_20210802_122053….jpg)

Normal here

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a74de0  No.14251823

File: 3979859b79946d4⋯.jpeg (12.47 KB, 318x159, 2:1, chickdinner.jpeg)


>We don't know shit about our ancestors. Everything we think we know is a lie.

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beaef6  No.14251824

File: c4cec3baf311708⋯.jpg (1.73 MB, 2000x1277, 2000:1277, We_feed_Them.jpg)

File: f0aea3a5ef447ea⋯.jpg (334.06 KB, 916x812, 229:203, Whore.jpg)

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578be6  No.14251825


every judge is corrupt

every DA is corrupt

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e15f71  No.14251826

File: ce1b94ff17d7770⋯.gif (1.82 MB, 894x480, 149:80, source_2_.gif)


Confirmed. Could do without the humidity though.

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0c47a6  No.14251827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love August

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a646c2  No.14251828

File: 2ff229ff166a81d⋯.png (1.13 MB, 786x1180, 393:590, ClipboardImage.png)

WTAF is going on here?

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d7b8f6  No.14251830

File: 246b4d58952de95⋯.png (358.34 KB, 572x425, 572:425, pepe268.PNG)


>The month of AUGUST is traditionally a really HOT month.

Habbening -> COLD month.

>Nature is unpredictable.

unpredictable -> predicted, therefore predictable

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5d02ff  No.14251831

File: d56daeef5551cb7⋯.jpg (256.99 KB, 1390x1438, 695:719, 20210802_132641.jpg)





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ae79c5  No.14251832


Anons grandparents died in their 80's and 90's. One 98. Pretty long life.

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eb4cff  No.14251833

File: f2199cc8c375830⋯.jpg (138.13 KB, 600x927, 200:309, Infiltration.jpg)


I know better than most….why would I be posting about the Infiltration of Freemasons?

here is more of the Masonic Plan….

8. Remove the sacred character from the songs to the Mother of God and of St. Joseph. Indicate their veneration as idolatry. Render ridiculous those who persist. Introduce Protestant songs. This will give the impression that the Catholic Church finally admits that Protestantism is the true religion, or at least that it is equal to the Catholic Church.

9 Eliminate all the hymns even those to Jesus because they make the people think of happiness and serenity that comes from the life of mortification and penance for God already from childhood. Introduce new songs only to convince people that the previous rites were somehow false. Make sure that in every Mass that there is at least one in which Jesus is not mentioned and instead speaks only of love for men. The youth will be thrilled to hear about the love of neighbor. Preach love, tolerance and unity. Do not mention Jesus, prohibit any announcements of the Eucharist.

10. Remove all the relics of saints and later also from the Altars themselves. Replace them with pagan tables not consecrated which can be used to offer human sacrifices during satanic masses. Eliminate the Ecclesiastical law which wants the celebration of the Holy Mass only on Altars containing relics.

11. Discontinue the practice of celebrating the Holy Mass in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament in the Tabernacle. Do not admit any Tabernacle on the Altars that are used for the celebration of the Holy Mass. The board should have the appearance of a kitchen table. It must be transportable to express that it is not at all sacred but must serve a dual purpose as, for example, a table for conferences or for play cards on it. Later place a chair at that table. The priest must take that position to indicate that after the Communion he rests as after a meal. The priest must never kneel during the Mass or do genuflections. At meals, in fact, no one ever kneels. The chair of the Priest must be placed in the place of the Tabernacle. Encourage the people to worship and also to adore the priest instead of the Eucharist, to obey him instead of the Eucharist. Tell the people that the priest is Christ, their leader. Place the Tabernacle in a separate room, out of sight.

12. Let the saints disappear from the Ecclesiastical calendar, leaving always some at fixed times. Prohibit the priests from preaching about the Saints, except for those that are mentioned in the Gospel. Tell the people that any Protestants, probably in the church, could be scandalized. Avoid anything that disturbs the Protestants.

13. In the Gospel reading omit the word "holy", for example, instead of "the Gospel according to St. John," simply say: "Gospel according to John." This will make the people think that they should not venerate the saints anymore. Continuously write new bibles so that they will identical to the Protestant ones. Omit the adjective "Holy" in the expression "Holy Spirit". This will pave the way. Emphasize the feminine nature of God as a mother full of tenderness. Eliminate the use of the term "Father."

14. Try to get all the personal books of piety to disappear and destroy them. As a consequence of this the Litanies of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, of the Mother of God, of St. Joseph will cease also as the preparation for Holy Communion. The thanksgiving after Communion will become superfluous as well.

15. Cause to disappear also all of the statues and images of the Angels. Why should the statues of our enemies get in the way? Define them as myths or good night stories. Do not let the talk on the Angels since this perturbs our Protestant friends.

16. Repeal minor exorcisms to expel demons: work on this, announcing that the devils do not exist. Explain that this is the method adopted in the Bible to describe evil and that without a wicked one there cannot exist interesting stories. As a result people will not believe in the existence of hell nor will they be afraid to ever fall into hell. Repeat that hell is nothing more than the distance from God and that there is nothing terrible in that if we are basically speaking about the same life as here on earth.

17. Teach that Jesus was only a man who had no brothers and sisters and who hated the holders of power. Explain that he loved the company of prostitutes, especially of Mary Magdalene, who did not know what to do with churches and synagogues. Tell them that he advised not to obey the leaders of the Clergy, explained that he was a great teacher but deviated from the correct path when he neglected to obey the leaders of the church. Discourage the discussion on the cross as a victory, on the contrary present it as a failure.

There is more…

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6c1b15  No.14251834

File: 73cac64ad5b484b⋯.png (750.9 KB, 789x500, 789:500, ClipboardImage.png)


no one cares, this come from having a toxic mindset and fcuking retarded attitude

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a646c2  No.14251835

File: 3fe51f3f7b11fe5⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1440x1180, 72:59, ClipboardImage.png)

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ae79c5  No.14251836


God bless your fried chicken heart, anon. Kek.

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06c805  No.14251837

Trump is only interested in money.

Dangle the Justice Carrot & donations go up!

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a09d43  No.14251838

File: fe0de16c4057cca⋯.jpg (87.68 KB, 500x333, 500:333, harlotbeast.jpg)

Ever wonder why the EU uses this as (their) symbol? The harlot who rides the beast. Think about it. The bible is TRUE whether you want to believe it or not. Ignore the truth at your own risk.

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013630  No.14251839


That's Racist..Kek

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a12b58  No.14251840

File: 89117c9ac8eccc7⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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a646c2  No.14251841

File: f38a030e9592454⋯.png (749.98 KB, 1433x1069, 1433:1069, ClipboardImage.png)

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a1dfbc  No.14251842



Kathy Griffin Reveals Lung Cancer Diagnosis: ‘I’ve Never Smoked’


Fuck around and find out the soulless bitch

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97322b  No.14251843

File: 050402188cfcdf9⋯.png (81.14 KB, 519x409, 519:409, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Frogman Telegram


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872b73  No.14251844


what about in biblical times when people allegedly lived hundreds of years?

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481855  No.14251845

File: 7ec536d3bce2545⋯.jpg (167.83 KB, 484x511, 484:511, Shadilay.jpg)


When Karma comes calling.

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9088a2  No.14251846

File: 47945f83c464278⋯.png (64.49 KB, 437x375, 437:375, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)


And for those who think

This is not the Q who WE are listening to

Did you watch the whole clip?

Did our Q drop the same line?

After a similar situation, something blocking progress?

Surely you must realize

That a vast operation


To take down the Cabal

Required many decades of planning

And preparations

That project began

When JFK was murdered

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578be6  No.14251847


most likely not. like i said there are extenuating circumstances that can change the morality.

But you argue like a jew kike, playing semantics games, after I already admitted there could be extenuating circumstances.

disingenuous tactics expose the heeb

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494bc4  No.14251848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f92195  No.14251849

File: 00d2f3f177ea93f⋯.png (94.49 KB, 747x781, 747:781, trust_shill.png)

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5d02ff  No.14251850


This Anon gets it.

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03d8aa  No.14251851


All good to me

once more silver linings in dark clouds.

long past time the false and satanic roman catholic heresy's were removed.

… too many good people have been deceived by these evil doers.

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578be6  No.14251853


only cause more died in childhood and their youth. That skews the stats downward. Those that lived to old age lived the same amount of time as we do now generally

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6c1b15  No.14251854

File: ecd8ad56ae971cf⋯.png (396.64 KB, 500x533, 500:533, ClipboardImage.png)

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40a76b  No.14251855

File: 1c465fda578b017⋯.png (113.52 KB, 702x568, 351:284, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2243977c22534b⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1568x816, 98:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5aa95900e7d766d⋯.png (61.54 KB, 1058x542, 529:271, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 892c0acd6186596⋯.png (932.14 KB, 1447x1359, 1447:1359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4485880dd8b466⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


and pretty close to a perfect "John 3:16" delta from its origin to your post.


Qclock from 10:09pm Qclock time/date, 5 days ago.

10:[14]pm Qclock time today.

*5 days ago*

Q14 says what?

"How is POTUS always 5-steps ahead? Who is helping POTUS?"

Some mad-sick "coincidences" going on right here!

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3af2e3  No.14251856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Members of US Women's Soccer Team turn back on WWII veteran playing national anthem…


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d5afcd  No.14251857


Go look at some head stones in your local graveyard…

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eaee07  No.14251858

File: 372df68c9530839⋯.jpg (55.31 KB, 526x475, 526:475, 5guk9z.jpg)


>I bet they issue an approval, soon.

How? When the VAERS data shows it to be causing the most negative adverse reactions in history, including death?

All the blood-clotting risk have not been fully reported yet, that's still years away for this mass human lab-rat experiment they've conjured up. And will they rescind the liability Immunity Clause? Of course not, they're evil. That, and the pushing of it so hard should have been obvious tell to anyone who can think.

Are un-elected corporate gangsters leaning on the FDA to get approval before the Clot Storm hits? So cynical is anon, that they've probably already even planned the cure for the clotting issue – Shots Forever, as far as the eye can see. $$$

From free donuts to mandates does not sound like something which would emerge from the minds of gentle individuals who care about the people.

Civil Rights are being violated based onCOOTIES HYSTERIAbeing repeated on all stations. The casedemic ends when they finally STFU.

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7b3410  No.14251859

File: a83722e1edde567⋯.png (818.03 KB, 872x500, 218:125, FLOTUS_dig_meme_pray.png)

File: a7b2909c04b56e9⋯.png (550.48 KB, 500x667, 500:667, FLotUS_forever.png)

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8779f8  No.14251860

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481855  No.14251861

File: d6137f7549215c4⋯.jpg (279.89 KB, 646x646, 1:1, Forever.jpg)


>But you argue like a jew kike,

Tsk Tsk anon. Shame on you.

I was merely asking I as was interested.

You stated 'Thou shalt not steal' like an absolute.

I was inquiring if it really is that absolute, for you.

Thanks for the engagement.

Have a great day.

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a646c2  No.14251862

File: 106aab5ad7fc2eb⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1568x1064, 28:19, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 680654c2040d2cc⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1448x1180, 362:295, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cef319095294a2⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1424x1180, 356:295, ClipboardImage.png)

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ee075b  No.14251863

File: 876068a37258a24⋯.jpg (299.75 KB, 1080x1610, 108:161, 25e7258aa8dc13269be7a83675….jpg)

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c66d8c  No.14251864



>There is more…

keep it. its ALL shit

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268de3  No.14251865



Also depends what your goal is. Caloric restriction will extend your lifespan, but you'll wind up a 150lb weak pussy.

Personally I enjoy lifting weights and being huge and strong, which requires copious protein and calories.

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578be6  No.14251866


God was reunited with his son after 27 short years, which is a mere blink of an eye for a God

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d5afcd  No.14251867


Also our ancestors were a lot shorter than we are today…

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9088a2  No.14251869

File: 421e631939501d7⋯.png (195.53 KB, 717x742, 717:742, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

File: 45b1ce12c54c10b⋯.png (173.28 KB, 739x892, 739:892, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)


Read all about how it is being done

In these articles

Here are the 5-part Devolution article series






And here are the related articles including a short version of Devolution 5







Remember….United NOT Divided!

How's it gonna work?


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a646c2  No.14251870


Imma guess she does not have the cancer

but does have a death sentence and an appointment at the spa

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e15f71  No.14251871

File: eb1bc156b86a5f8⋯.jpeg (214.84 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, R_48_.jpeg)


Try this one. They usually don't seem to like

Oct 28, 2017 + 1335 + Done in 30 = Turning Point

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ee075b  No.14251872

File: 05eb9d83bbe5010⋯.jpg (26.44 KB, 447x671, 447:671, saints.jpg)

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a09d43  No.14251873


You could make an argument that the mark of the beast, is related to all this. Think about it. Can't buy or sell unless you have the, "seal of approval," from the corrupt EU global government. Doesn't sound too far fetched these days does it?

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578be6  No.14251874


And in my response to your first inquiry I explained that circumstances could change the morality, very clearly

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a1dfbc  No.14251875

File: 6227ed8219b760b⋯.jpg (57.06 KB, 680x651, 680:651, photo_2021_08_02_10_12_57.jpg)

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7b3410  No.14251876

File: cadb1ef1088bf49⋯.jpeg (336.93 KB, 750x666, 125:111, ShitPoster.jpeg)

File: 5a851c2cb04e528⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 680x546, 340:273, Shitposters.jpg)

File: 8ad229fb92eacc3⋯.gif (7.8 MB, 480x269, 480:269, shitpost.gif)

File: 1577b21fd191419⋯.jpeg (313.06 KB, 696x384, 29:16, Shitposting_is_our_biz.jpeg)


It's what we do.'

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a67876  No.14251877

Kathy Griffin Lung Cancer

says CNN:


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c66d8c  No.14251878

File: 0765e3db9443c05⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 240x400, 3:5, war_daddy.gif)

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726b37  No.14251880

File: f8f3361b1ea1032⋯.png (747.82 KB, 659x781, 659:781, FB_Forcing_Sports_and_all_….PNG)

Random observation:

I have FB [don't judge, I posted Scavino's FB comments]

Anyway, the cabal must be losing the propaganda game

For about 5 days all I see is 'suggested for you' spamming my FB

It is all sports and black people, black actors, Oprah, LeBron, you name it, just constant barrage of that on FB and you can't stop the 'suggested for you'

Not one suggested for you has included anything relevant to me and they don;t include white people unless they are screeching lesbos like Sue Bird and her purple haired girlfriend Rapinoe

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c21864  No.14251881

Fuck Seth Green.

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5d02ff  No.14251882



I remember the summer of 2016, the last year of Obama. The sun was out but it was always blocked by this yellowish brown haze. We had that for years, but the summer of '16 was the worst

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a1dfbc  No.14251883

File: d8216eaf04470e1⋯.jpg (97.51 KB, 1113x1280, 1113:1280, photo_2021_07_30_18_57_12.jpg)

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a646c2  No.14251884

File: 63f4b7285c4931b⋯.png (3.12 MB, 1596x1433, 1596:1433, ClipboardImage.png)


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578be6  No.14251885


I am pretty well certain that the Catholics do not worshop in a synagogue.

the synagogue of satan is not catholic

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a1dfbc  No.14251886

File: 71bd663133a5d3e⋯.mp4 (7.12 MB, 848x464, 53:29, IMG_3575.MP4)

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06c805  No.14251887


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494bc4  No.14251888

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534322  No.14251889


ever heard of face the flag and salute?

don't be a shill faggot, the ones facing him are the cunts

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e15f71  No.14251890


You would probably live longer as well, on a pristine planet.

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a1dfbc  No.14251891

File: c5a4f01a0d1e0af⋯.jpg (82.12 KB, 836x1024, 209:256, photo_2021_06_26_19_37_51.jpg)

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a1dfbc  No.14251892

File: 0666b0e3a1f9a28⋯.jpg (135.73 KB, 989x1280, 989:1280, photo_2021_07_31_20_39_29.jpg)

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a646c2  No.14251893


that would be those Chabad fucks

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a74de0  No.14251894

File: a7338f5b2f9e173⋯.jpg (63.15 KB, 546x370, 273:185, peabodyCUT.jpg)


>Kathy Griffin Lung Cancer

Yeah, it was just in her soul but it moved

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a1dfbc  No.14251895

File: 270d69e8238ab70⋯.jpg (122.77 KB, 1280x729, 1280:729, photo_2021_08_02_09_28_40.jpg)

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eaee07  No.14251896


When all you've got are trailer hitches, every thing looks like an adjustable hammer.

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d203c2  No.14251897


Kappy, dat you?

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a09d43  No.14251898


Also in the bible, the great lie. Could the great lie be the whole rona virus thing? The thing that they use to extend and enforce their tyrannical rule and control the people and commerce?

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9088a2  No.14251899


The real military does not work like the Hollywood version

You have no idea of how it works

There are no codes to steal

And the system is designed to deal with this issue

In particular,

Those who push the button are NEVER informed

Whether it s just a practice run

Or the real thing

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b60cc1  No.14251901

File: edd51ecf8c31a4c⋯.jpg (292.96 KB, 1024x613, 1024:613, grammar_kitty_thumbs.jpg)




Except that's not right either.

Comedians are supposed to be funny.

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82d042  No.14251902

File: 724b1f4d5f106fd⋯.png (167.42 KB, 679x223, 679:223, E7zWIgcXsAQtgfN.png)

Sorry if this is old news, I don't come here much but I thought this was important


Think the NIH was going to tell us this?

Garlic oil for Covid, who would have thought it!

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1cfe3d  No.14251903

File: 69eb8205393ed89⋯.png (687.67 KB, 626x626, 1:1, 2fd3c3b6b4137bb988d165bec2….png)


KInda cool.

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578be6  No.14251904


obviously that is exactly what it is. the mRNA removes the belief in God.

Grant J. Kidney— High level military intelligence is planning to turn every one in the United States in to an emotionless, atheistic zombie.

During a public press briefing, Pentagon officials showed charts and graphs of the human brain and detailed just exactly how they would remove the portion of the brain which gives way to religious experiences.

Under the guise of fighting radical Muslims, the process of reversing one’s religious inclinations would be administered in the form of a vaccine. If successful, the Pentagon will no doubt use the vaccine to target other such spiritual or religious groups.

Whether one is theistic or atheistic is beyond the scope of this particular article. What matters most is folks’ free choice to explore patterns of thought which come naturally to them. If an injection is forced upon the public so as to ‘liberate’ them from what some might consider ‘delusions of grandeur’, then we’re all in a lot of trouble- atheist, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, etc.

It has long since been the plan of the elite social planners to rewire and to reprogram the human brain so as to force subservient behavior upon the masses. With an awakening population geared up for all out war with the government, what may be considered last minute measures such as injecting folks with dangerous, mind altering vaccines, would be considered top priority for those who intend to dominate over our lives in a world which resembles the new film ‘Hunger Games’.

Already vaccines exist which remove the brain’s natural endorphin production processes. To feel good, to love, to hate- these emotions can now be wiped clean of the human ‘hardware’ by government funded research.

Just as in the movie ‘Equilibrium’, the true intent of the global elite is to pacify and dull the human experience so as to ensure that but two classes exist- the oligarchs and their pitiful, drone-like, worker slaves.

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6348dd  No.14251905

To vax or not to vax.

Of all of the people that I personally know, it has been interdasting to find out who has decided to take the vax and who has decided to not take it.

Some of the people who I thought would not take it, have taken it. And visa versa.

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ae79c5  No.14251906


You need that fuel to be able to do that, but the majority of Americans dont. They go eat supper because it's time to eat supper, whether they are actually hungry or not; meaning actual physical, stomach growling hungry, not "just want to eat" hungry.

I'm guilty. It's time to eat so we eat and our bodies dont need it yet so it's stored as fat. It's easier to subdue a fat enemy than a lean one. No one can convince me that [they] intended to make this nation fat on purpose.

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c66d8c  No.14251907


you dont learn real good

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e7e3e5  No.14251908

File: 19c4dfd47ef6866⋯.png (279.87 KB, 549x433, 549:433, e84f2109ed3c8a97a31219c7f7….png)

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0f2a49  No.14251909


Except he's pushing flat earth shit.

Stoopid freemason proaganda

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481855  No.14251910

File: 4e65e20728b4a63⋯.jpg (606.55 KB, 1134x732, 189:122, High_5.jpg)


Maybe I missed it, apologies.

One moar question?

Within the commandments, is it fair to say you exercise some judgement, in a given situation.

Free will and all that.

Most people would accept that they shouldn't steal, kill, abuse, whatever.

They do this through societal norms, and laws, and their own moral compass.

Not necessarily as part of a 'religion'

If you are religious, as you clearly are, I was intrigued as to if commandments are 'absolute'

For clarity; I'm not knocking your beliefs, just genuinely interested.

I think you answered it.

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ae79c5  No.14251911


*No one can convince me that [they] didnt intended to make this nation fat on purpose.

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a09d43  No.14251912


I don't think so. Your kidneys have nothing to do with what you believe or don't believe.

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e3e044  No.14251914

File: 7934fc8d57fa25d⋯.png (19.28 KB, 1250x190, 125:19, Capture.PNG)

kek muh fear porn rolling today

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, Calif. (AP) — Officials are closing some areas on the south shore of Lake Tahoe after some chipmunks tested positive for plague.

The Tahoe Daily Tribune reports that the Taylor Creek Visitor Center, Kiva Beach and their parking areas will be off limits through Friday.

During that time, the National Forest Service will be conducting vector control treatments to those areas.

El Dorado County spokeswoman Carla Hass said the chipmunks that were tested had no contact with any people.

Forest Service officials expect the facilities to be open again by the weekend.

According to the El Dorado County Public Health, plague is naturally present in some areas of California.

People hiking and doing other outdoor activities should avoid contact with animals. They should do the same for their pets.


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6fe806  No.14251915

File: 18b163d5ab574f7⋯.png (2.56 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 208C8AB3_744C_4650_85A8_88….png)

File: a5a5b19b59c9272⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 7CB6F697_D9A9_4479_8322_87….png)

File: 8c49a89934adb13⋯.png (6.01 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 7EDA50C8_0D04_4A86_AC00_54….png)

File: 5ca9c629b033922⋯.jpeg (157.85 KB, 1400x1166, 700:583, 4F80EB69_CF48_4874_94EB_5….jpeg)

File: 4c3b4f6c5c41108⋯.png (2.21 MB, 1242x2208, 9:16, D5CFEDCD_4E32_4146_B023_CC….png)







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c66d8c  No.14251916


the line's too long.

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578be6  No.14251917


semantics. You don't see the jews call their churches the temple, they call them the synagogue. Catholics do not refer to their church as their temple, temple is used by Buddhists, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and ancient belief systems, such as those of the Romans and Greeks.

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a09d43  No.14251918


Err, sorry, I mean mRNA.

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7b3410  No.14251919

File: 49b8803dbe73569⋯.jpg (252.4 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, ae515d8facb4228b9e717e0ab4….jpg)

File: 8bc4221f80e3814⋯.jpg (91.48 KB, 570x856, 285:428, 455f4719457a7617405aadf8c2….jpg)

File: acdca34cff1ae39⋯.jpg (25.74 KB, 450x248, 225:124, Fatima_miracle_of_sun.jpg)


Ignore the haters, Catholic Anon.

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5d02ff  No.14251920


GLP-1 peptide helps keep hunger pangs away. Makes you feel full longer. You can read about all the benefits here….


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a67876  No.14251921


Maybe people are scared away for special ops to happen.

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481855  No.14251922

File: 1908228dcca0c43⋯.jpg (685.48 KB, 1046x905, 1046:905, Anon_2.jpg)


It was a thought experiment.

For the other anon.

>You have no idea of how it works

No. No I don't.

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d7b8f6  No.14251923

File: 1f34b21b581acad⋯.png (460.04 KB, 781x975, 781:975, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 217fa56832cc704⋯.png (56.23 KB, 780x353, 780:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5586b37ee43392b⋯.png (46.03 KB, 780x426, 130:71, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de05b4816972f43⋯.mp4 (6.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, USMC_8_2_2021.mp4)

@USMC3 post thread


Still asking what Force Design is? Here is a video for you. *Sound On*

Based on a threat-informed, ten-year time horizon, the Marine Corps is designing a force for naval expeditionary warfare in actively contested spaces. (1/3)

#ForceDesign #FutureForce



Throughout this ten-year initiative, the Marine Corps will make investments in capabilities to include long range precision fires, advanced reconnaissance capabilities, unmanned systems, and resilient networks. (2/3)



Click the link below for more #ForceDesign2030 information:




12:12PM (EST) x3

USMC is speaking to us anons

:17 mark -> General David H. Berger

Eyes on

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494bc4  No.14251924


No, tis callin' me a whole :)

Judaic knowledge Q, Koph is rejected because a lie isnt possible with it

Never Q (u) it anon

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a09d43  No.14251925


MRNA is just genetic information.

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a646c2  No.14251926

File: 15993ec809f57b9⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1024x1448, 128:181, capt.png)

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6348dd  No.14251927


People used to have big families with lots of kids and meals were not prepared in a hurry. There weren't as many short cuts as there are today. Getting everyone together to eat at the same time was a necessity. Everyone in the family couldn't just grab something to eat whenever they felt like it.

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d8a62d  No.14251928


a trio of fbi - is garland protecting them or setting them up for the slaughter, interchangable commies

…, working the aussies for msdnc isis beheadings as mandate violations

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534322  No.14251930


The Temple Mount (Hebrew: הַר הַבַּיִת, 'Har HaBáyit'; "Mount of the House [of God, i.e. the Temple in Jerusalem]")

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494bc4  No.14251931


Fruedian slip ?


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eb4cff  No.14251932

File: b69c3fa5ae7ae33⋯.jpg (16.09 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Angel_of_the_Lord.jpg)



11 “I will not conceal anything from you. I have said, ‘It is good to guard the secret of a king, but gloriously to reveal the works of God.’ 12 And so, when you and your daughter-in-law Sarah prayed, I brought a reminder of your prayer before the Holy One; and when you buried the dead, I was likewise present with you. 13 When you did not hesitate to rise and leave your dinner in order to go and lay out the dead, your good deed was not hidden from me, but I was with you. 14 So now God sent me to heal you and your daughter-in-law Sarah. 15 I am Raph′ael, one of the seven holy angels who present the prayers of the saints and enter into the presence of the glory of the Holy One.”

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7b3410  No.14251933

File: 032f9eceec71f51⋯.jpg (18.14 KB, 255x248, 255:248, Elian_Gonzales.jpg)


Or a President who sends a child back to the imprisonment of communism.

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40154d  No.14251934

Hey my fellow Anons. Anything new today?

Off anon the breads today. Fixing my Wrangler.

So what’s dropped today?

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a09d43  No.14251935


You no makee sense.

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a646c2  No.14251936


I don't think your kidneys are gonna be too happy about this.

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b5c6a2  No.14251937

File: b749b073004ef86⋯.png (310.55 KB, 449x335, 449:335, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14250910 (pb)

Shapeshifting UFO

Got it? Got it.

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d8a62d  No.14251938


single source of truth ← msdnc cuck news

you've been shot

1000000'0000's shot in weekend

but wear your mask because company ccp unitarian science doorknocking witless ses so

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a646c2  No.14251939


Griffin's got the cancer.

proves she's a bag of poison.


that's about it

oh and the other shit

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494bc4  No.14251940

File: aff3f015dabfcfd⋯.jpg (366.35 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, WIN_20210803_03_39_17_Pro.jpg)


'Watch the water'

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a646c2  No.14251941


have a spickle, dude

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6c7265  No.14251942


Mask charts here showing that they don't work:


More resources:


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578be6  No.14251943



it has been well established that mRNA can effect what you believe. There was a video online with a gene scientist giving a presentation on this very subject at the pentagon just a few years ago. It seems to have been disappeared

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03d8aa  No.14251945


>*No one can convince me that [they] didnt intended to make this nation fat on purpose.

they had the science to make mcdonalds addictive

yet failed to make the covid dangerous

… subbing important work (the latter) out to china, - that'll be their ultimate downfall.

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534322  No.14251946

File: 655e8e5c5b7c285⋯.png (39.5 KB, 276x191, 276:191, ClipboardImage.png)


must've been dying to post that…kek

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e3e044  No.14251947

File: 6fcc725505d1ab5⋯.png (509.74 KB, 674x894, 337:447, Capture.PNG)

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a646c2  No.14251948


my psycho neighbor just peeled out, so there's that

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578be6  No.14251949


one ancient structure is called temple, not their churches they congregate in

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067b74  No.14251950

File: 4ed332000d19135⋯.png (392.02 KB, 818x544, 409:272, mask_makers.png)


how about the mask box itself?

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97322b  No.14251951


We may not have Q drops right now, but if we did, PatelPatriot would earn a (you) or two for those.

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d8a62d  No.14251952

is faucki the sun tzu master stratezing the narrative? wtf- bwahahaha lol what a load of horse shit - beggin for compliance with a heavy handed fist in your face

using capitalism to shame the world to vaccinate because if you don't we will show you how stupid your money is and you won't be allowed to spend with huomo cuomo dick and ass psuck fauck dick and ass

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13b5e1  No.14251954

File: e2a9fcbd715a526⋯.jpg (148.39 KB, 720x1125, 16:25, 20210802_114100.jpg)

File: dd1325cd9a23e2e⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 360oaZ2Ym5Ke1mDm.mp4)


Army patrols hit the streets of Sydney to help enforce stay-at-home rules, as Australia struggles to stop the Delta variant from spreading https://t.co/tlpHd7VcVJ https://t.co/Xu88zeftCD

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97322b  No.14251955


Part 6: ANTIFA & Jan 6


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494bc4  No.14251956



Royal Australian Airforce

The upper in 'Sale", Jerusalem

I gave my cup to Sarah (Carly)

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eb4cff  No.14251957


More points of the Masonic plans in 1962… see if you recognize them in what is happening today…

21. Annihilate the Pope, destroying his Universities. Detach the Universities from the Pope, saying that in this way the government might subsidize them. Replace the names of religious institutes with profane names, in order to favor of ecumenism. For example, instead of "School of the Immaculate Conception," you say, "New High School". Establish departments of ecumenism in all the dioceses and take that they be controlled by the protestant side. Prohibited prayers for the Pope and for Mary because they discourage ecumenism. Announced that the local bishops are the competent authorities. Uphold that the Pope is merely a figurehead. Explain to the people that the Papal Teaching is useful only for conversation but which is otherwise unimportant.

22. Fight Papal Authority, putting an age limit on his activity. Reduce the age limit gradually, explaining that you want to preserve him from excessive work.

23. Be bold. Weaken the Pope by introducing Episcopal synods. The Pope will then become only a figurehead as in England where the High chamber and the Low chamber reign and from them the queen receives orders. Then weaken the authority of the Bishop, giving rise to a concurrent institution at the level of the priests. Say that in this way the priests receive the attention they deserve. Finally weaken the authority of the priest with the formation of groups of lay people who dominate the Priests. In this way you will give rise to such a hatred that even Cardinals will abandon the Church and then the Church will be democratic … the New Church …

24. Reduce the vocations to the priesthood, making the laymen lose their awe of it. The public scandal of a Priest will destroy thousands of vocations. Praise priests who for the love of a woman abandoned everything, defining them as heroes. Honor Priests reduced to the lay state as true martyrs, the oppressed to the point of not being able to endure anymore. Also condemned as a scandal that our mason brethren in the priesthood must be made known and their names published. Be tolerant with homosexuality within the Clergy. Tell the people that priests suffer from loneliness.

25. Begin to close the churches due to the shortage of clergy. Defined as good and economical this practice. Explain that God hears prayers everywhere. In this manner the churches become an extravagant waste of money. Close above all the churches in which they practice traditional piety.

One last one…

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a646c2  No.14251958


did they tell you you could read that?

who gave you this?

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954ab9  No.14251959

File: 7abe389c1ee8a8d⋯.png (307.66 KB, 474x456, 79:76, 9875y298yhtt8gau978zrtgf13….png)

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eb4cff  No.14251960

File: 1f5f91028ce9e57⋯.jpg (15.88 KB, 474x341, 474:341, Cross_and_Vampire.jpg)


26. Use committees of lay people and priests weak in faith who might condemn and reprehend without difficulty every apparition of Mary and apparent miracle especially of the Archangel St. Michael. Make sure that nothing of this, in no measure, will receive approval according to Vatican II. Call it disobedience to authority if anyone obeys the Revelations or even if someone reflects on them. Indicate the Seers as disobedient against Ecclesiastical Authority. Bring down their good name in the mud, so that no one will hold in consideration their Message.

27. Elect an Antipope. Affirm that he will bring back the Protestants in the Church and perhaps even the Jews. An Antipope will be able to be elected if the Bishops might be given the right to vote. In this way many Antipopes will receive votes so that an Antipope will be installed in office as a compromise. Affirm that the true Pope is dead.

28. Remove Confession before Holy Communion for the students of the second and third grade so that they do not care anything about Confession when they will go to the fourth or fifth grades and then the upper classes. Confession then will disappear. Introduce (in silence) communal confession with absolution as a group. Explain to the people that this happens due to the shortage of clergy.

29. Have the distributing of Communion done by women and lay people. You say that this is the time of the laity. Begin with giving Communion in the hand, as do the Protestants, rather than on the tongue. Explain that Christ did it the same way. Collect some hosts for "black masses" in our temples. Afterwards distribute instead of the personal Communion a cup of unconsecrated hosts that one can bring home with them. Explain to them that in this way they one can take the divine gifts into everyday life. Place automatic dispensers of hosts for communions and name these Tabernacles. Tell them that they must be exchanged peace signs. Encourage people to move into the church to interrupt devotion and prayer. Do not make Signs of the Cross; in place of it instead a sign of peace. Explain that also Christ got up to greet the Disciples. Do not allow any concentration in such moments. The Priests must turn their back to the Eucharist and honor the people.

30. After the Antipope has been elected, dissolve the synod of bishops as well as the associations of priests and parish councils. Forbid all religious to question, without permission, these new provisions. Explain that God loves humility and hates those who aspire to glory. Accuse of disobedience against Ecclesiastical authority all those who raise questions. Discourage obedience to God. Tell the people that they must obey these higher ecclesiastics.

31. Give the Pope (= Antipope) the maximum power to choose their successors. Order under pain of excommunication all those who love God, to bear the mark of the beast. Do not call it though the "sign of the beast." The Sign of the Cross should not be done nor used on people or through them (you should not bless anymore). To make the Sign of the Cross will be designated as idolatry and disobedience.

32. Declare previous dogmas as false, except Papal Infallibility. Proclaim Jesus Christ as a failed revolutionary. Announce that the true Christ will soon come. Only the elected Antipope must be obeyed. Tell the people that they must bow when his name is uttered.

33. Order all the subjects of the Pope to fight in holy crusade to extend the one-world religion. Satan knows where one finds all the lost gold. Conquer the world without pity! All this will bring to humanity all that it has always craved: "the golden age of peace."

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d5afcd  No.14251961


How much sugar does she consume?

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1c8eaf  No.14251962

File: b504dc8f3641fc8⋯.jpg (58.1 KB, 699x671, 699:671, E7yiZlSXEAo_aYL.jpg)

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cc05c4  No.14251963

File: 1b2f82da97cbd48⋯.png (466.35 KB, 1024x2700, 256:675, Nick_Viacom_Schneider_v2.png)

>#4104 - 2020-05-04 22:58:02 (UTC+1)





>This may be why: “Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases…is effective in inhibiting the infection and spread of SARS CoV.” That’s the problem. It is safe, inexpensive, and it works - in other words, there’s nothing sexy or avant-garde about HCQ. It’s been around since 1934.

>Given human nature, it’s possible, even likely, that those who are chasing the unicorn of a coronavirus vaccine are doing so for reasons other than human health. I can’t see into anybody’s heart, and can’t presume to know their motives, but on the other hand, human nature recognizes that there’s no glory in pushing HCQ, and nobody is going to get anything named for him in the history books. The polio vaccine was developed by Jonas Salk in 1954, and it is still known as the “Salk vaccine.” There will be no “Fauci vaccine” if HCQ is the answer to the problem.

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a306c2  No.14251964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f5180d  No.14251965

File: f30be3e6d8ceb1a⋯.jpg (56.74 KB, 400x333, 400:333, 41_Inch_Granite_Millstone_….jpg)

File: 00cc0a809e603c5⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 354x216, 59:36, millstone_and_rolling_ston….jpg)

File: f549f5e641608f3⋯.jpeg (145.35 KB, 828x822, 138:137, 8841eb0516a072b728a10412a….jpeg)

File: 93a1ab57c4dfb11⋯.png (3.2 MB, 1422x1524, 237:254, 93a1ab57c4dfb11150564d3fee….png)

History of Millstones

The grinding of grain by primitive hand stones can be traced back even further than recorded civilization, although the methods used in prehistoric milling are a matter of some conjecture and speculation. It is certain, however, that stones used for grinding grain have progressed through the centuries, from the small stones held in the hand which were used hammer-like fashion to pulverize grain against larger stones or a rock face, to the highly efficient power driven millstones that are still used to this day.

Geologists and archaeologists have come across primitive types of pounding stones of a similar shape in various parts of the world. It is interesting to note that the methods used to reduce grain or berries to a more edible form did not very much by the people in the early civilizations of the Old World, the original peoples of the New World, or by the aborigines of modern uncivilized countries. A similar kind of hammer stone appears to have been in universal use perhaps between 25 and 50 thousand years ago.

The improvements in the simple pounding methods came with the introduction of the mortar and pestle which gave more of a grinding action. The grain was placed in a bowel-like piece of rock, the mortar, and ground by the pestle, a club-shaped implement. This was held in the hand and worked up and down striking the grain. The same principle was also used with mortars fashioned from a section of a hardwood tree trunk, the grain being pounded with hardwood pestles. There were, of course, many variations in the kind of wood used and in the size of the mortars and pestles. The design largely depended on local timber availability and the needs of the people using those grinding implements.


Millstone making in England


Since the author's paper 'Millstones, Quarries and Millstone Makers' published in 1977 a good deal of interest has been taken in the subject, and much further information has come to light. The present paper is therefore an updating of the previous one as far as England is concerned, and tries to avoid any extensive repetition of information and ideas given there. It also avoids discussion of millstone making in the Peak District of Derbyshire since that very special area was dealt with in some detail in a recent paper in this journal. A general account is first given of the development of the millstone industry, particularly during the last two or three centuries, and its division into two distinct parts: (1) the making of monolithic millstones from indigenous rock in rural quarries and quarry workshops, and (2) the fabrication of millstones from imported small pieces of French burr-stone in urban factories. The import and export trades associated with these activities, and the cost of millstones, are discussed. Augmented data on English quarries which made monolithic millstones (outside the Peak District of Derbyshire) is presented, and it is found that none of these quarries are in the south of England. Finally, data on the many firms of urban millstone makers is given and discussed where that previously published can be significantly augmented, and it is mainly for the north of England that this is the case. (There was millstone making of both kinds in Scotland too, but this has been separately discussed. Further work on millstone making in Wales is in hand under the auspices of Mr Owen Ward and the Welsh Mills Group.)


Millstones, Quarries, and Millstone-Makers

The various types of millstone (monolithic and fabricated, face-grinders and edge-runners) are discussed, together with sizes and shapes, manufacture, dress, criteria of quality, etc. A list of known millstone quarry areas and individual quarries is given, covering Great Britain, with references to historical sources; and tables are presented giving the names, addresses, and dates of about 70 British firms which manufactured French-burr millstones in the 19th and early 20th centuries, together with a note of the location of some surviving identified examples of their work.



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268de3  No.14251966


But then who will rape the children? Won't someone think of the children???

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a646c2  No.14251967


well she takes ALOT of pills, so

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eaee07  No.14251968

File: 0964a61010c203f⋯.png (213.77 KB, 426x510, 71:85, 99_696.png)

File: eefe32525d4a72c⋯.jpeg (86.98 KB, 516x536, 129:134, pandem.jpeg)

File: 0014bd20f26c30c⋯.jpg (87.9 KB, 750x624, 125:104, 38_000_000.jpg)


>Of all of the people that I personally know,

I never asked them if they have been jabbed. They virtue-signalled it, without coaxing. Good to know.

This really is a huge psyop.

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76134b  No.14251969

File: baee45f06e275a3⋯.jpeg (345.35 KB, 828x1122, 138:187, F279AFA3_EEEC_4271_99EB_A….jpeg)

Yesterday I mentioned a link from Bidoli.

To be clear, those are concluded as the pathogens present within the viral envelope. Here is the link. I might have phrased my sentence incorrectly.


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700955  No.14251970

File: fdea99bee042279⋯.png (371.66 KB, 1291x673, 1291:673, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0532427c8933995⋯.png (369.25 KB, 1106x642, 553:321, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d861020679af86c⋯.png (625.62 KB, 1093x674, 1093:674, ClipboardImage.png)

I stumbled on to these, souvenirs sold at JFK library and found them interesting.

"We celebrate the past to awaken the future" tote

“The White House belongs to the American People” 2020 Christmas ornament

Features JFK’s posthumous official White House portrait painted in 1970 by Aaron Shikler. The portrait, symbolic of his unfinished presidency, hangs in the White House today.



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578be6  No.14251971


Pentagon Briefing on Removing God


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013630  No.14251972


Its thought provoking post such as these that keep me coming to this board. TY Fren

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2f9194  No.14251973

File: e2b7033abc78f7c⋯.jpg (70.17 KB, 861x485, 861:485, IMG_20210308_112445.jpg)

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a09d43  No.14251974


Well established? Really? By who? You think that by just saying that with no actual proof is going to work here? You failed science didn't ya? I didn't.

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494bc4  No.14251975


Because i'm thick

Dome of the Rock is Sophia anon

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deb2d7  No.14251977


I don’t have children in the school system. I’m fighting for the children who’s parents would send them to commie schools with masks on.

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6348dd  No.14251978


Who's protecting the protectors?

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7b3410  No.14251979


Great stuff, do you have a link?

Local HS ROTC kid won an award from Masons and rejected it on stage because of this.

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578be6  No.14251980


Pentagon Briefing on Removing God


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d8a62d  No.14251981

msdnc gently coercing the governors to aggressively change their authoirty from representative to dictatorial emergency powers to vaccinate everyone because science ses so

eau be damed science be damned force the rush now cus whitey ses soi

privey talking looks like sum joe witch ho

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268de3  No.14251982

File: 1590dabf28d6598⋯.jpg (58.27 KB, 511x655, 511:655, ZomboMeme_26072021101804.jpg)

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ab7fd8  No.14251983

Just came across magnetized meat in my freezer. Simple Truth brand - I tested this a few weeks ago and nothing. Now I got some that sticks - chicken and also a couple of steaks. Trying to convince myself that it's surface tension, but it's magnetic even after removing it from the package.

Who has checked into this? Can surface tension on frozen meat explain this…I am currently letting it thaw and will test again.

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a646c2  No.14251984

File: a4cd7836d373cad⋯.jpg (113.56 KB, 790x444, 395:222, reptiles.jpg)

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d5afcd  No.14251985

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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deb2d7  No.14251986


Thanks Anon. Good advice.

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0989dd  No.14251987

So… I take it there has been a series of e-bakes since 12 hours ago?

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7b3410  No.14251988


I think of Oz as being the people most like Americans. Holding out hope that our military (and theirs) would stand down rather than attack its own free people.

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76134b  No.14251989


Composition of pathogens in viral envelope…


Composition of pathogens present in trimerium.


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a09d43  No.14251990


I don't give a shit. Do you even know what mRNA is?

Messenger RNA

In molecular biology, messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) is a single-stranded molecule of RNA that corresponds to the genetic sequence of a gene, and is read by a ribosome in the process of synthesizing a protein.

mRNA is created during the process of transcription, where an enzyme (RNA polymerase) converts the gene into primary transcript mRNA (also known as pre-mRNA). This pre-mRNA usually still contains introns, regions that will not go on to code for the final amino acid sequence. These are removed in the process of RNA splicing, leaving only exons, regions that will encode the protein. This exon sequence constitutes mature mRNA. Mature mRNA is then read by the ribosome, and, utilising amino acids carried by transfer RNA (tRNA), the ribosome creates the protein. This process is known as translation. All of these processes form part of the central dogma of molecular biology, which describes the flow of genetic information in a biological system.

As in DNA, genetic information in mRNA is contained in the sequence of nucleotides, which are arranged into codons consisting of three ribonucleotides each. Each codon codes for a specific amino acid, except the stop codons, which terminate protein synthesis. The translation of codons into amino acids requires two other types of RNA: transfer RNA, which recognizes the codon and provides the corresponding amino acid, and ribosomal RNA (rRNA), the central component of the ribosome's protein-manufacturing machinery.

The idea of mRNA was first conceived by Sydney Brenner and Francis Crick on 15 April 1960 at King's College, Cambridge, while François Jacob was telling them about a recent experiment conducted by Arthur Pardee, himself, and Jacques Monod.[1] With Crick's encouragement, Brenner and Jacob immediately set out to test this new hypothesis, and they reached out to Matthew Meselson at the California Institute of Technology.[1] During the summer of 1960, Brenner, Jacob, and Meselson conducted an experiment in Meselson's laboratory at Caltech which established the existence of mRNA.[1] That fall, Jacob and Monod coined the name "messenger RNA" and developed the first theoretical framework to explain its function.[1] In February 1961, James Watson revealed that his research group was right behind them with a similar experiment in roughly the same direction; Brenner and the others agreed to Watson's request to delay publication of their research findings.[1] As a result, the Brenner and Watson articles were published simultaneously in the same issue of Nature in May 1961, while that same month, Jacob and Monod published their theoretical framework for mRNA in the Journal of Molecular Biology.[1]


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deb2d7  No.14251991


Thank you Anon.

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d5afcd  No.14251992



I believe this is the video one is referring too.

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778e5c  No.14251993


Can’t confirm translation as anon doesn’t know Portuguese but epic if true

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954ab9  No.14251994


The emerging LGBTQRSLMNOP….. movement (market) is becoming a problem.

Time to trash their pride.

Useful and confused idiots met their expiration date.

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a646c2  No.14251995

File: 6ef21bfeb83066f⋯.png (208.26 KB, 474x315, 158:105, houston.png)


>surface tension

>magnetic meat

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6861bf  No.14251996

File: 684e4e87f973158⋯.png (739.59 KB, 640x444, 160:111, ClipboardImage.png)




Narratives to enforce rule and control over the obedient waiting to be saved by the return of the King, right? Couldn't possibly imagine how religion could be used to divvy up the population to accept their "fate" during the calamity they had planned in order to enslave them up till the end (/sarc). Religions were designed to position the populations of the world against each other. Eventually, they would lose their faith and embrace atheistic thought with their final planned conflict (they even admitted this, themselves).

The destruction of the belief in God started with organized religion and their texts. The interpretations of the texts were intended to divide and conquer. The symbolism and parallels were written in, specifically, to reaffirm confirmation bias. Truth exists throughout them all, but obscured by doctrines and false teachings that coincide with the systems of belief themselves. Trust yourself, trust God, but seek Him and Truth in all you do. Think of it another way:

What would be the purpose in US MIL waking everyone up if we're going to "lose" in the end, anyway?

There's way more to all this than just getting our country (the world) back on track. It's uncovering the truth in everything we have taken for granted.

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d8a62d  No.14251997

msdnc and the rest of the single source newshitheads should be forced to go vaccinate every single migrant entering the US - before they start agressively vaccinating Americans


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578be6  No.14251998


completely change the subject now?

my initial suspicions have been proved correct, you are a kike confirmed.

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d7b8f6  No.14251999

File: a99d8d02f74c62d⋯.png (268.76 KB, 780x672, 65:56, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56de3da2e4856c4⋯.png (412.13 KB, 451x1250, 451:1250, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4517c499edb4c3d⋯.png (291.77 KB, 449x1593, 449:1593, ClipboardImage.png)

@:41 our banner.

[:41] -> 3 drops

Q 4213

Q 2124

Q 2123


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0512a4  No.14252000

File: 712661b2f55ed8f⋯.png (486.68 KB, 437x575, 19:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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700955  No.14252001


>McCaul Releases Addendum to Origins of COVID-19 Report


McCaul is from Texas.

Could the virus have been released from the NIH Galveston lab?

Is McCaul, prolly a RINO, trying to cover up that by putting out a report blaming China?

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e3e044  No.14252002

File: dd30fce9eca2c8d⋯.png (483.88 KB, 584x586, 292:293, Capture.PNG)

#Hungary's PM Viktor #Orban met @TuckerCarlson today in Budapest. Carlson will have a lecture too on Saturday at the #MCCFeszt by



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578be6  No.14252003


completely change the subject now?


my initial suspicions have been proved correct, you are a kike shill confirmed.

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534322  No.14252004


kek…okay jews don't say "let's go to the synagogue" "the say let's go to temple"

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f5180d  No.14252005

File: f3d38a6931631da⋯.jpg (371.41 KB, 2950x1750, 59:35, 0ad1e235e48d3f638c4904f797….jpg)

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a9c28e  No.14252006

File: c2d078485dd7b74⋯.png (144.92 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

John Nolte is assuaging his ego for taking the shot.

Some "vax" factz - In review:

For some it was deadly

For >100,000? it has caused serious health issues

For (all?) it may cause future serious health issues

It affords minor symptom relief at best - same as flu shot.

It doesn't prevent becoming infected as once tauted

It doesn't prevent death as once tauted

It doesn't prevent hospitalization as once tauted

It doesn't prevent spreading as once tauted

BOOSTER's are needed - < 6 mos protection (Can u say profit$$)

It doesn't over-ride mask requirements


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8e105e  No.14252007

File: 5b505a392feaf89⋯.png (405.62 KB, 1080x607, 1080:607, Memeto_1627867718612.png)

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e3e044  No.14252008


looking that way

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578be6  No.14252009


it says synagogue on the side of the buildings, not temple

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a09d43  No.14252010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


KEK. What a crock of shit. Atheists trying to justify their bullshit.

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a3b3ac  No.14252011


>Was meant for >>14251900 but BV is on a ban kick for anything spoken against the catholic church again.


>Who are you REALLY not allowed to criticize here?

You're free to criticize any church you prefer, I give zero fucks, but what you can't do is spam the same 100 shit meme copy pasta posts over and over again for 3 years. Vatican faggot.

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a646c2  No.14252012


they may have wanted this, but nobody fucking does this.

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a9c28e  No.14252013

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f231d8  No.14252014

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578be6  No.14252015


pride is the deadly sin that leads to all others

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588856  No.14252016

File: 6587572f6325bb4⋯.png (900.22 KB, 572x755, 572:755, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b77be0417d16969⋯.png (710.26 KB, 557x611, 557:611, ClipboardImage.png)

COVID Rules are for the Little People: 400,000 Fans and Mask-less Lori Lightfoot Party at Lolla Palooza Chicago Festival

Over 400,000 fans turned out this weekend at the Lolla Palooza festival in Chicago.

A mask-less Mayor Lori Lightfoot addressed the crowd during the 4-day festival.


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36dca5  No.14252017

File: 378a921830d234d⋯.png (86.37 KB, 601x381, 601:381, Screenshot_at_Aug_02_13_54….png)


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6e5f4a  No.14252018

Dumbass Milley can not understand American rage.

Here you go dough boy


Do America a favor and explain it to your pal Nancy.

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d8a62d  No.14252019


Nobody saw this coming - squirt

biden bois garland tois buck pluggers


biden pig in chie

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013630  No.14252020

File: 625af18c9f54f0b⋯.jpg (94.91 KB, 1079x836, 1079:836, eab991d475a92a36.jpg)

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c03e04  No.14252021

File: 7e39e21b5277069⋯.png (643.64 KB, 916x796, 229:199, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

File: 012c1cc832ceae6⋯.mp4 (7.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 7Et_o4HzhfDDL6eL.mp4)

Mika Brzezinski about protests in France over vaccine passports


"its a little fever because people die of coronavirus when they dont get vax vaccinations and then they catch the Delta variant or different mutations of the vaccine"

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494bc4  No.14252022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Lack of subtly

Black last name MUST mean black skin, they picked up purple so do purple hair, then I've turned that with Black and White, with a White cleanin' utensil, thats why steph gets on because she has died black hair, when that illusion drops

Confusion is the best defence, like the attacks on a "Short hair Blonde 'Megan' Rapinoe' they're pickin up Emma, but only on the dye on the cap

I am not any of the other women here, but ultimately am

Usin' the keys

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332af7  No.14252023

File: 2c8f9933c8bf1de⋯.png (700.06 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Biggum_got_anymore_coninci….png)


Finding like minded Patriots that are OUT THERE taking OUR LOCAL elections back.

Going to the school board meetings and standing with OTHERs to STOP MASKING OUR CHILDREN.

Going to LOCAL meetings to INFILTRATE them like the DEMS/CCP has infiltrated us.

ps- My home is a wreck.

I sleep WELL at night, amongst the mess.

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f5180d  No.14252024

File: 29eb747d10d6c93⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1245x829, 1245:829, 48c37b96d10a359890d79c65d5….png)


It's Europa, for whom Europe is named, the beast is Zeus, and you are a maudit incompetent shill

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eaee07  No.14252025

File: 46fdbd4627d4231⋯.mp4 (11.94 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Science_Teacher_Explains_C….mp4)

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a9c28e  No.14252026


Same as with the other black female lesbian mayor.

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d7b8f6  No.14252027

File: 644e96ce94456c9⋯.png (237.26 KB, 451x1363, 451:1363, ClipboardImage.png)


(Missed posting Q 2123)

Q 2124 is a reply message of Q 2123.

Still, it matters.

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8e105e  No.14252028

File: 0f8493ce33691fa⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, alex_trebek_obit.jpg)


>what you can't do is spam the same 100 shit memes

What is Mr Pig

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eb4cff  No.14252029



Also check out book Infiltration that lays out a good history.

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a09d43  No.14252030


KEK. Oh, so now I'm a kike because I called out your bullshit? Tsk tsk. Define kike please. Kinda curious as to what you mean exactly by that. I don't want to make any assumptions you know. Please, enlighten me.

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778e5c  No.14252031


Whoever gets it will most certainly tell you without asking them. SiblingAnon is having problems with employee and parentAnon is having problems with coworker because they scare people with mask and vax pushing. All they talk about. It’s absurd. On the brighter side at least they forgot about 45 for a little while

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588856  No.14252033

File: 9eed20349e3f7cb⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1280x729, 1280:729, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9c645134595f883⋯.png (510.71 KB, 1280x860, 64:43, ClipboardImage.png)

Elections Expert Seth Keshel Releases National Fraud Numbers: Finds 8.1 Million Excess Votes in US Election, Affirms Trump Won PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN

Retired Army intelligence captain, elections data expert, and former baseball analyst Seth Keshel released his final national fraud numbers over the weekend.

Seth Keshel examined the final vote counts in all 50 states compared to the estimated numbers based on changing state dynamics and trends to come up with his estimated voter fraud in each state.

He published his results on his popular Telegram page.

Keshel confirms President Trump won: PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and MN.

And Keshel also believes cyber-flipping may have affected the results in NM, VA, NJ, and NH.

According to Keshel’s investigation there were conservatively 8,144,000 excess Joe Biden votes recorded in the 2020 election.

Here is Seth Keshel’s post from this morning.

Here is a tale of the tape for Excess Biden Votes based on trend analysis in the modern political era, considering population growth/decline, recent voter history, and registration information, including registration by party.

My estimates are always lenient, and do not account for cyber flipping of votes.

Trump won: PA, MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA, MN

Likely/Possible Trump if cyber flipping occurring: NM, VA, CO, NJ, NH

Closer than you thought: WA, OR, RI, CT, HI


Retired Intelligence Captain Seth Keshel Exposes Texas Election Fraud on War Room


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1c8eaf  No.14252034

File: e0226247dd95b86⋯.mp4 (6.75 MB, 886x494, 443:247, mUq_p7QnTKj_lxA.mp4)

Hunter corruption update


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0512a4  No.14252035

File: d76d5dfe3386236⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1200x1070, 120:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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a12b58  No.14252036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Senator Schumer makes a threat to Supreme Court Justices March 4, 2020

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f231d8  No.14252037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Still waiting patiently

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c66d8c  No.14252038


with one major difference. WE HAVE GUNS! a huge percentage of folks i know, dont 'Q' or watch the news other than the weather but yet know full well the DS is real and aiming at killing US off one by one. they are however keeping a very close eye on where their weapon(s) is/are. when the US GOVT wants to go full blown boogaloo on its citizens is when everyone will see American resolve. WE wait

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534322  No.14252039


that ancient structure is the most holy of places for kikes…and it's not called synagogue mount

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7b3410  No.14252040

File: 7ba7061c84667a3⋯.jpg (98.52 KB, 656x466, 328:233, Check_em.jpg)

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36dca5  No.14252041

File: 5e3e2e7adde55bf⋯.png (20.76 KB, 523x122, 523:122, Screenshot_at_Aug_02_13_57….png)

File: b82e8c8fba9e385⋯.jpg (371.45 KB, 1080x2120, 27:53, E7sFyD5X0AMzL10.jpg)

File: ed58c2fcfb03627⋯.png (114.09 KB, 596x635, 596:635, Screenshot_at_Aug_02_13_58….png)

File: 4ea457c1891a0a7⋯.png (66.02 KB, 595x372, 595:372, Screenshot_at_Aug_02_13_59….png)


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afffc4  No.14252042

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588856  No.14252043

Massive 300% Spike in Covid-19 Deaths Recorded by Johns Hopkins University Skewed by Old Data

A massive 300% spike in Covid deaths breathlessly reported by the media turned out to be another lie.

Johns Hopkins University recorded a 300% spike in Covid deaths on Friday: Deaths jumped from 321 on Thursday to 891 on Friday.

But the number of deaths was skewed by old data.

One case dated back to last spring.

Florida and Delaware reported a huge increase in deaths on Friday because they dumped old data into the totals.

Some of the deaths Delaware reported on Friday were actually from May 2020 and last month.

The New York Post reported:

A massive 300 percent hike in nationwide COVID-19 deaths recorded Friday by Johns Hopkins University was skewed by states dumping data – that in one case dated back as far as last spring, according to a report.

The university, which has been a trusted source of coronavirus information since the start of the pandemic, reported that US deaths surged from 321 on Thursday to 891 on Friday, as the Delta variant quickly spreads throughout much of the country.

Florida was responsible for a huge chunk of the increase, with 409 of Friday’s death toll coming from that state, according to The Daily Mail. However, Florida only releases weekly data on Friday, making the day-to-day totals reported by the university unclear and overblown, the outlet said.

Figures released by Delaware also added to the surging daily increase, as that state announced 130 new deaths Friday, the tabloid reported. The dramatic figure was misleading because those deaths actually occurred between mid-May 2020 and late last month, and were added after The First State reviewed death certificates, according to the article.


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578be6  No.14252044


changing the subject while completely ignoring the evidence I provided where the scientist says they can remove the belief of God from human beings through an mRNA injection is not calling out my bullshit.

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36dca5  No.14252045

File: c8c5293954ece38⋯.png (27.85 KB, 489x121, 489:121, Screenshot_at_Aug_02_13_59….png)

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6f8d32  No.14252046

File: 39541f4c8a960c7⋯.png (362.03 KB, 700x494, 350:247, 8_kings_chart_new_francis.png)


>Hail Mary

no, only the Father in Jesus name.


>Ignore the haters

not a hater

stop hailing the woman

Hail to the Son of God.

The mediator of the Father thru the holy spirit.

THIS is what it means to be a PROTESTANT.

To protest the false gospel of the papacy,

who was, is and always will be the antichrist

in Rev. 17: 10-11 KJV


10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

11And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

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e3e044  No.14252047

File: 1c46ef98e206b2c⋯.png (148.66 KB, 372x729, 124:243, Capture.PNG)

File: 7f26e180642b4db⋯.png (269.42 KB, 525x914, 525:914, Capture1.PNG)

INBOX - Trump statement: "I got a highly effective vaccine developed in 9 months."


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0512a4  No.14252049

File: 81aa5c7c1462c1c⋯.png (534.66 KB, 815x532, 815:532, ClipboardImage.png)

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a12b58  No.14252050

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Things are going very well, things like producing childhood death." - Bill Gates

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588856  No.14252052

Sky News Ban: “Big Brother is a Bunch of Woke Billionaires in T-Shirts and Sneakers Imposing their Millennial Activism on the World”

Sky News host Chris Kenny blasted YouTube’s decision to suspend content from Sky News Australia as “cancel culture writ large.”

“This is censorship. This is a gigantic global corporation, YouTube is owned by Google, one of the largest digital giants, worth well over one trillion dollars … censoring the news and views that Australians can see… This is a sad day for freedom of speech.”

“The idea that a foreign owned multi-national digital giant can silence an Australian news service on these spurious grounds is absolutely frightening for freedom of speech, ” he said.

“Obviously they have an agenda here, these are the sort of woke digital giants based in Silicon Valley in California. It is disgusting and frightening.”

Sky News Australia reporter Sharri Markson has led the way in exposing the complicity between Dr. Anthony Fauci, the NIH, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the Chinese Communist Party and the WHO. Now, Google/YouTube cited the WHO as evidence that Sky News Australia was “spreading misinformation” about Covid.

Google had falsely banned information on the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab leak theory for a year as “misinformation”, based on baseless claims by Fauci, Peter Daszak, CCP and the WHO.


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2583eb  No.14252053

File: a7a4549c683eca3⋯.png (557.09 KB, 484x479, 484:479, ClipboardImage.png)

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a646c2  No.14252054

File: bbb53e94406d5ba⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1885x1951, 1885:1951, ClipboardImage.png)



DEADLY SHOTS! Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID ‘Vaccine’

EXCLUSIVE! Karen Kingston, a former Pfizer employee and current analyst for the pharmaceutical and medical device industries, came forward with indisputable documentation that should be shared with the ENTIRE WORLD!

The inoculation being referred to as ‘COVID Vaccines’ is a poisonous death sentence, and nobody should subject themselves to the shots.


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0989dd  No.14252055


Say what you will, but those people were apparently the ones bothering to take notes and now you have about 4x the standard density of prayer spam.

When the board consistently fails to collect notables, it becomes little more than a tree fort echo chamber. Which is precisely what you have been striving to engineer, witting or not.

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013630  No.14252056


Good stuff

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954ab9  No.14252057

Still waiting for the Getty Museum storm naruto style to go viral like area 51.

One can only dream.

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fb42df  No.14252058

File: 7845c6f5ed658a0⋯.png (129.19 KB, 868x373, 868:373, 2025.PNG)

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c66d8c  No.14252059

File: fb48ae3266aeaa0⋯.png (482.42 KB, 960x960, 1:1, demons.png)

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36dca5  No.14252060

File: 98e0eb3ede636a5⋯.png (112.52 KB, 594x563, 594:563, Screenshot_at_Aug_02_14_02….png)

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700955  No.14252061

not all the CORONA's were OFFLINE

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d5afcd  No.14252062


Here’s GEOTUS shilling for the vaccine again WTF!!!

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2b3ad9  No.14252063


It's not the Jews but it does seem to be in the Jews. Jewish people tend to be high IQ. The ones I know are very very smart but somehow they cannot perceive the blatant corruption in front of them. Strange shit.

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a646c2  No.14252064

File: 6b16ad62e5b0e31⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1231x2263, 1231:2263, ClipboardImage.png)


Stew Peters Show: Pfizer Contract EXPOSED! Most Deaths, Hospitalizations ‘Fully Vaccinated’ People!

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588856  No.14252065

File: 8939667d29814ac⋯.png (229.3 KB, 524x563, 524:563, ClipboardImage.png)

Cuomo Demands Private Businesses Ban Unvaccinated Customers

Update (1313ET): Not long after Cuomo made his remarks, New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy said Monday that he may impose mandatory vaccination requirements in New Jersey, too. Murphy said his mandatory vax plans amounted to the absolute floor, meaning the minimum that the government might do.

Private-sector employers should require more employees to get vaxxed, the governor said, before adding that employees in health-care facilities and other high-risk venues (like prisons, for example) must get vaccinated right away.

Murphy tweeted a breakdown of the latest COVID stats.

Exactly 10,505,407 doses of various jabs have been administered in New Jersey as of Monday morning, while 5,309,373 individuals who live, work, or study in the Garden State are now fully vaccinated. Among the fully vaccinated there have been: 6,381 COVID+ cases (0.13%), 195 COVID-related hospitalizations (0.004%)and 50 COVID-related deaths (0.001%).


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a09d43  No.14252066


"Scientists," have said a lot of things over the years. They used to think that bleeding people would heal them. So, discernment, do you use it?

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7b3410  No.14252068


ThanQ, Anon.

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a12b58  No.14252070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

COVID-19 would be a terrible crisis to waste

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6348dd  No.14252071


The first person who asked me if I had been vaxed was a daughter of one of my friends and she was wearing a mask (and she had been vaxed) and she said this: You've been vaxed?

I held up my hands to make an x with my pointer fingers and said: oh no, I'm not taking that poison. And she backed away from me.

That was at the end of May.

It was a weird experience.

I have never taken a flu shot and no one ever asked me if I had gotten the flu shot.

I don't see this vax as any different than deciding whether to take a flu shot or not.

Except for all of the hoopla about it.

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c66d8c  No.14252072


smh. and this fixes anything how? NOONE should be forced to take the vaccine. do you think its possible for you to pull your angry head out of your ass for just a minute before you post stupid trash? is that asking too much? Jesus Christ. Please hurry

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578be6  No.14252073


appeal to authority now?

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693f31  No.14252074

File: 720085665444462⋯.png (173.71 KB, 504x495, 56:55, MichaelRapaport.png)

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534322  No.14252075


well it's like your best friend telling you that she's a whore and all you see is your wife….eventually the whore does what whores do and you realize it, but then it's too late

very strange shit

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a09d43  No.14252076


And you still haven't given me your definition of, "kike." I want to know. Going to avoid that? Or change the subject yourself? KEK.

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c66d8c  No.14252077


the only time dr death didnt lie

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40a76b  No.14252078

File: 350dc014f88db9a⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB, 1274x720, 637:360, Wall_Street_Silver_The_Gre….mp4)

File: b68a791c1af72b3⋯.png (218.28 KB, 621x666, 69:74, Extract_Meta_Data_2021_08_….png)

File: 083473eb41f9da9⋯.png (2.71 MB, 1777x736, 1777:736, ClipboardImage.png)

#Fiat #Ponzi #Fed

The Great Fiat Ponzi Scheme


Aug 2, 2021





Wall Street Silver

26.4K subscribers


A great little 2:20 watch.

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efc250  No.14252079

File: b11fa771c008092⋯.png (445.61 KB, 598x618, 299:309, Screenshot_2021_08_02_at_1….png)

Court in Kiev issues permission to investigate Yanukovich in absentia


Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych; born 9 July 1950) is a Ukrainian politician who served as the fourth President of Ukraine[5] from 2010 until he was removed from office in the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution. From 2006 to 2007 he was the prime minister of Ukraine.

After rejecting the Ukrainian-European Association Agreement, Yanukovych was ousted from office in the 2014 Ukrainian Revolution. He currently lives in exile in Russia.

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588856  No.14252080

Congressional Report Questions "Unusual" Activity At Wuhan Lab Involving "Air Disinfection, Hazardous Waste Systems"

A new Congressional report into the origins of COVID-19 points to “unusual” activity at the Wuhan National Biosafety Lab involving air disinfection and hazardous waste systems, prior to the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.

The report by Republicans on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, obtained by Fox News, highlights how the lab in Wuhan requested bids for ‘major renovations’ to air safety and waste treatment systems in the facilities, just two years after they became operational.

The report notes that “Such a significant renovation so soon after the facility began operation appears unusual,” and that it “raise[s] questions about how well these systems were functioning in the months prior to the outbreak of COVID-19.”

The report notes that it is unknown if any renovation work was ever carried out.

The findings will be presented in Congress this week where the Republicans will make the case that “the preponderance of evidence suggests SARS-CoV-2 was accidentally released from a Wuhan Institute of Virology laboratory.”

Republicans will also present further evidence that the virus was genetically manipulated in the lab, according to the report.

The Republicans have built a case around a timeline that indicates the virus escaped the lab “sometime prior to September 12, 2019.”

At this time there is a record of activity such as the WIV’s viral sequence database disappearing from the internet, and the institute ramping up security.

The report notes that after lab workers became sick in November 2019 Major General Chen Wei, an expert in biology and chemical weapon defenses, took control of the Wuhan Institute’s biosafety level-4 lab.

The report suggests that this shows the Communist government “was concerned about the activity happening there as news of the virus was spreading.”

“If she took control in 2019, it would mean the CCP knew about the virus earlier, and that the outbreak began earlier,” the report states.


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a306c2  No.14252081

File: 27548870ba0f215⋯.png (244.28 KB, 537x372, 179:124, Capture.PNG)

Weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the Olympics, is out of the women's competition early after failing on three lifts.

New Zealand transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard competed and failed Monday in women’s +87kg weightlifting at the Tokyo Olympics.

In Hubbard’s first attempt, the weightlifter tried to lift 120kg and failed. In the 43-year-old’s second attempt, Hubbard lifted a very shaky 125kg.

As noted by one of the female commentators, it was very surprising that the questionable 125kg lift wasn’t challenged with an appeal.

On the third attempt, Hubbard could not lift the 125kg, bouncing the weightlifter from the competition.


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a09d43  No.14252082


KEK. Are you serious? LMAO. YOU are the one trying to appeal to authority. Confused huh?

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268de3  No.14252083

File: 14a2698f1f1e6c5⋯.jpg (151.15 KB, 867x888, 289:296, Screenshot_20210802_140612….jpg)

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19e867  No.14252084

File: fb92ff6ddc02197⋯.png (1.07 MB, 950x608, 25:16, mbs.PNG)

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e403a3  No.14252085

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

You put your Needle in

You pull the Needle out

In, out, in, out

You shake it all about

You do the Ouchy Fauci

And you turn around

That's what it's all about

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

He's bent

Arms stretched


You put your Needle in

You pull the Needle out

In, out, in, out

You shake it all about

You do the Ouchy Fauci

And you turn around

That's what it's all about

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

He's bent

Arms stretched


You can't put your left leg in

Nor the left leg out

In, out, in, out

You shake it all about

You do the Ouchy Fauci

And you turn around

That's what it's all about

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

He's bent

Arms stretched


All together now

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

Woah, the hokey cokey

Woah, the Ouchy Fauci

He's bent, arms stretched


And that's that!


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8e105e  No.14252086

File: 0bbd7c274209811⋯.jpg (71.89 KB, 1024x527, 1024:527, 1571588698353.jpg)

File: c6d6ac3b252688c⋯.jpg (166.08 KB, 1024x730, 512:365, SUCTION1_jumbo.jpg)

File: 58cddfd21a9537f⋯.jpg (120.57 KB, 995x665, 199:133, shutterstock_114043138_e14….jpg)

File: fc7c24f97eae666⋯.jpg (18.73 KB, 300x368, 75:92, 1600519675101.jpg)


>Jewish people tend to be high IQ.

Wait What

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693f31  No.14252087

File: 4becda53d1456fe⋯.png (307.3 KB, 525x475, 21:19, vaccines.png)

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494bc4  No.14252088


Hotel Quarentine

i like you, i like everyone until they try to kill me, then probs, you, I have stones here

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778e5c  No.14252089


I heard him say the vax was being monitored by the military during production. Can’t remember when or exact quote but anon remembers something about it. He would never let the entire population be harmed. That’s not his style. Anon is so confused, though. Pharma has killed so many of anons family members literally. Don’t know what to make of anything

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eb4cff  No.14252090

File: 40898adb4705a5f⋯.jpg (156.92 KB, 640x949, 640:949, OurLadyofGuadalupeInterest….jpg)



26 In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, 27 to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. 28 And he came to her and said, “Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!”[

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e3e044  No.14252091

File: a25ce96f53315dd⋯.png (110.5 KB, 667x422, 667:422, Capture.PNG)


dumping the dollar all over……


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578be6  No.14252092


you dismiss out of hand every point I made with sources, did not even peruse the sources. Simply rejected them

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e15f71  No.14252093

File: 2e4af9a19a09875⋯.jpeg (40.44 KB, 438x260, 219:130, OIP_51_.jpeg)


Check blood types if possible. See if there is a pattern in your data..

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9de6b6  No.14252094


Wouldn't be surprised if she blames it on smokers lol

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693f31  No.14252095

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepe_dank_3.png)


He reverses himself so much that he's bound to be truthful on some occasions.

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588856  No.14252096

File: 2957d3498be782c⋯.png (81.27 KB, 552x306, 92:51, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a5f1a0b8cb20e5⋯.png (58.36 KB, 829x447, 829:447, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ac37a386a1521a⋯.png (346.95 KB, 840x627, 280:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 273b1bbdb5d395e⋯.png (41.16 KB, 801x267, 3:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2e7b9de55021df⋯.png (49.32 KB, 848x294, 424:147, ClipboardImage.png)

‘What happened to mask mandates?’: Obama ignores pandemic, plans celebrity-filled birthday bash with hundreds

Despite worries from health officials about a Covid-19 resurgence driven by the Delta variant, former president Barack Obama will be hosting his star-studded 60th birthday bash with hundreds in attendance.

Obama himself has been one of many public figures warning people that Covid-19 is “more contagious” now thanks to the Delta variant, which health officials say is behind upticks in cases in numerous states.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has updated its mask guidance, stating that even vaccinated Americans should be masking up in areas with rising cases. Multiple counties have reinstated mask mandates and recommendations, including Las Vegas and Los Angeles.

Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts, where Obama’s 60th will be held, is not directly in what the CDC recognizes as a high-risk area (it’s classed as ‘moderate’ risk), but nearby Provincetown has seen an uptick in cases and became the center of a study that was reportedly behind the CDC’s recent reversal on masks.

The new cases looked at in the study came from “summer events and public gatherings.” Health officials have also warned that they are concerned the Delta variant can still be spread by vaccinated individuals.

According to a report from The Hill, Obama’s party will be held outdoors and guests will be required to have a negative Covid-19 test or proof of vaccination, but there is no word on how thoroughly these things will be checked as numerous celebrities will be in attendance – and will no doubt traveling from around the country to get there.


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a3b3ac  No.14252097

File: 5af64c299ccbb46⋯.png (39.86 KB, 1678x571, 1678:571, ClipboardImage.png)

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534322  No.14252098


> remove the belief of God from human beings through an mRNA injection

pretty sure there's more than just one way

the mind is a kikes playground

the injection is just one playset

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f4c746  No.14252099



"My estimates are always lenient, and do not account for cyber flipping of votes."


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494bc4  No.14252100



am not transgender anon

:) Confusion reigns

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a09d43  No.14252101


How do you KNOW whether I did or didn't? You a mind reader? If you only knew how many times I've been down this path. KEK.

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e15f71  No.14252102

File: ba9111026e0f2bc⋯.jpg (22.09 KB, 431x250, 431:250, ba9111026e0f2bc753875cda10….jpg)

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6e5f4a  No.14252103

His hate for DJT explained

BREAKING: Judge Napolitano at FOX News Is Accused in Lawsuit of Sexually Harassing Young Men at Work


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d7b8f6  No.14252104

File: 567da810fc5c1a7⋯.png (72.86 KB, 776x346, 388:173, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb3c6d3dd477a37⋯.png (126.34 KB, 452x790, 226:395, ClipboardImage.png)


Q 88

Ten days.


Scare tactics (MSM).

D's falling.

R's walk-away/removed.

SA > US > Asia → EU

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

Focus was US today while real happening in SA under same context (military control, martial law, missile strike (rogue) etc).


POTUS' Twitter attack (see above).


Why is this relevant?

What was the last Tweet by POTUS prior to SA?

Why is this relevant?

SA (1), US (2), Asia (3), EU (4).

Where is POTUS?

Why is this relevant?

Military operations.

Operators in US.

Snow White

The Great Awakening

Godfather III


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2b3ad9  No.14252105


And yet there are many Jewish households that don't watch TV because they know it's garbage. These same Jews believe Biden won the election.

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588856  No.14252106

File: 5496ca39b49148c⋯.png (294.51 KB, 855x794, 855:794, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6407536a4f78312⋯.png (55.14 KB, 868x640, 217:160, ClipboardImage.png)

Reese Witherspoon's Media Company Sold To Blackstone-Backed Firm For $900 Million

Having gobbled up much of US housing and becoming the largest US landlord in the process, private equity giant Blackstone now has its sights on the media business much to the delight of Reese Witherspoon's media business, Hello Sunshine, which the WSJ reports is selling itself to a company backed by Blackstone for $900 million. The sale of the company, whose production slate has included programming such as the HBO drama “Big Little Lies,” and while will makes Witherspoon one of the wealthiest people in Hollywood is "part of a plan to build an independent entertainment company for Hollywood’s streaming era" with an emphasis on women's content.

According to the Journal, the as-yet-unnamed media venture Blackstone is backing will be run by former Walt Disney executives Kevin Mayer and Tom Staggs. Hello Sunshine will be its first acquisition. Witherspoon and Hello Sunshine CEO Sarah Harden will join the board of the new company and will continue to operate Hello Sunshine.


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8e105e  No.14252107

File: 4991526bc7db0b2⋯.jpeg (145.81 KB, 1440x929, 1440:929, 1541028062.jpeg)

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7b3410  No.14252108


We all have lung cancer cells floating around in there. They are mostly kept in check. The thing about smoking is you could trigger them beyond your ability to check them.

Wasn't she a cokehead when she had a comedy show with Brooke Shields? A gay guy in the ensemble killed himself, none of them were right again.

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578be6  No.14252109


not enough time passed to watch the presentation

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567ac3  No.14252110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Waiting for White House Press Conference [over an hour late]; people protesting for 'voting rights' are being arrested in DC

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efc250  No.14252111

File: 6d3a2783850e6cc⋯.png (511.04 KB, 598x618, 299:309, Screenshot_2021_08_02_at_1….png)

Russian Navy submarine dives to great depths in Baltic drills


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f2d960  No.14252112


Mary was full of grace because she needed it.

Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. (John 1:16)

It should be your FATHERS name on your forehead, not hers!

She says in her heart, I sit enthroned as queen, I am not a widow, I will never mourn.

Come out of her in Jesus name!

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dae436  No.14252113

File: 7773ad5e1e00fe2⋯.jpeg (214.66 KB, 1125x1125, 1:1, 7773ad5e1e00fe21abf6683c5….jpeg)


>the first openly transgender athlete to compete at the Olympics, is out of the women's competition early after failing on three lifts.


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c66d8c  No.14252114

File: c50d5d234e4feee⋯.png (774.56 KB, 974x640, 487:320, apr_18_fauci.png)


only way it happens. kek

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ee075b  No.14252115

File: bf1a03ae841c94b⋯.mp4 (198.4 KB, 320x164, 80:41, things_are_going_very_well….mp4)


ty anon


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2b3ad9  No.14252116

File: b5cfb4757418332⋯.jpg (77.25 KB, 598x800, 299:400, elephant_in_the_room_wip_l….jpg)

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954ab9  No.14252117


It's more than a job…it's an adventure.

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588856  No.14252118

File: b2040edb3bfa61f⋯.png (58.64 KB, 851x541, 851:541, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cb9218fbb0e59fb⋯.png (85.78 KB, 840x478, 420:239, ClipboardImage.png)

Moderna, Pfizer Hike Vaccine Prices By Up To 25%

Pfizer and Moderna have both made clear that they see their COVID vaccination businesses as long-term profit drivers, not the public service that enabled them to receive billions of dollars in public money to effectively subsidize their development. And now that jabs from China and Russia are facing newfound skepticism across Europe and the emerging world, Big Pharma is showing its true colors, and demanding a massive premium from all buyers of its jabs as Pfizer rolls out its first 'booster jabs'.

It's interesting that they're raising prices, considering that the Pfizer jab hasn't exactly held up to the original promise of its efficacy.

Despite their original promises not to profit off the vaccines until the pandemic had ended, both companies are now seizing the opportunity to hike prices charged to governments like those in the EU.

According to the latest EU supply contracts seen by the FT, Pfizer raised the price of its COVID vaccine by more than 25% and Moderna raised its price by more than 10%. Both companies are expected to generate tens of billions of dollars in revenue this year as they sign new deals with countries anxious to secure supplies for potential booster shots.

Per the FT, the companies are raising prices now that Phase 3 trial data has showed that their mRNA jabs are more effective than the AstraZeneca and JNJ jabs. But let's not forget another important factor: that both the AstraZeneca and JNJ jabs have been linked to rare yet sometimes fatal blood clots that have made millions of people wary of taking the jabs. In Australia, for example, the AstraZeneca jab is much more available than the Pfizer jabs…but most patients would prefer to wait, despite the intense lockdowns imposed on the population.

The new price for a Pfizer shot was €19.50 ($23) vs. €15.50 ($18) previously, according to the contracts seen by the FT.

The insider who leaked the data to the FT said the pharmaceutical companies argued they deserved more money because their jabs offered increased "value" vs. competing vaccines.

In reality, Big Pharma is just trying to do right by its shareholders as sales are expected to boom.


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268de3  No.14252119

File: 7cee2fa90ff1937⋯.jpg (313.23 KB, 1062x695, 1062:695, Screenshot_20210802_141300….jpg)

Can someone shoop a bloody cancerous lung in here?

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a09d43  No.14252120


Look ding dong, I know when I've stepped into a pile of shit when I feel my foot hit it and the smell that exudes from it. I don't need to eat the whole turd to figure it out.

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494bc4  No.14252121


She is not 'traditional' Mary, a half blood, muletto, she is connected to the aztecs, her outer robe is a perfect representation of the stars

The statute was bought to SA by Thomas after i was sent into france with the baby

Gabriel is destrying me now, again, you are 'shit' posters, and come under his domain "The post" he gets Michaels help, which is here as Q

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693f31  No.14252122

File: 17c810aeb8e976e⋯.png (142.23 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe_doc1.png)


>as long-term

Don't forget your quarterly boosters. Remember, fail to take them and yo could die…

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e3e044  No.14252123

File: e8bdbd89a9750bc⋯.png (51.47 KB, 638x277, 638:277, Capture.PNG)

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578be6  No.14252124


the pentagon wastes time on piles of shit and then attempts t delete it from the internet for no reason, cause it's a pile of shit

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a646c2  No.14252125


she's a fucking liar

she prob has AIDs

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534322  No.14252126


well jews always want what's best for them, all throughout history

jews vote democrat since democrats help keep the minorities on the plantation and make them rich

so they know who really won and want to keep it that way

jews are very smart in how the infiltrate and assimilate an entire culture, race and nation

why have they been banished everywhere they go

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588856  No.14252127

File: 56120aaea5b50f5⋯.png (35.28 KB, 838x201, 838:201, ClipboardImage.png)

Conflict of interest inquiry probes UK MPs sitting on informal parliamentary groups while paid by industry

British MPs who sit on influential parliamentary groups while holding plum industry jobs are the subject of a conflict of interest inquiry by the House of Commons Standards Committee, which is probing backdoor lobbying.

The inquiry is the first formal investigation since 2013 into concerns that the informal all-party parliamentary groups (APPG) are being used as a “vehicle for improper access or influence by lobbyists or foreign governments.”

There are more than 700 active APPGs, which are less regulated cross-party forums for policy discussion than select committees in Parliament. They are focused on a wide range of countries and issues, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, to zoos and aquariums.

The inquiry will hear evidence from witnesses on the alleged external influences on the groups next month, according to the Committee on Standards. Given their informal nature, the APPGs are allowed to involve individuals and organizations from outside Parliament in their activities, giving rise to accusations of conflicts of interest.

It is “vital” to ensure the APPGs are run “openly and transparently” and that there is no “inappropriate use,” said MP Chris Bryan, who chairs the Standards Committee.

Rules on lobbying are intended to “to avoid the perception that outside individuals or organisations” may reward parliamentarians, “through payment or in other ways,” for “actions in the House” that will benefit those outside groups.

However, transparency watchdog Unlock Democracy has warned of a potential loophole in the rules that allows MPs to hold industry roles while being part of APPGs that work to shape government policy relating to those industries or sectors.

These MPs “should at the very least recuse themselves from any APPG activity that seeks to influence government policy, secure parliamentary debates, etc in the area championed by the APPG,” Tom Brake, the group’s director, told the Guardian.

Brake called for a “more transparent approach” and urged the inquiry to amend the lobbying rules to state that “being a paid adviser to a company, industry or sector and being a member of a relevant APPG, or a number of relevant APPGs, was a breach” of the code of conduct.

In response, Bryant told the paper that the committee would examine the group’s claims and said the point of the inquiry was to ensure that “the name of Parliament should never be taken in vain for commercial or personal gain.”


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a7e864  No.14252128


>just two years after they became operational.

Not passing the smell test, here.

Yeah, gain of function not cool, bad Frankenstein virus scientists, Chinese shit construction, Chinese didn't tell us….

Limited hangout. Chinese done it on accident, the fuck ups.

Fauci's down at the church lighting a candle.

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2b3ad9  No.14252129

File: 087c8b4fc4d4d3b⋯.png (244.23 KB, 585x377, 45:29, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

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e24061  No.14252130


"All I did was tweak their prostates, and the whiny little snivelers are complaining about THAT? Sheesh."

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e3e044  No.14252131

File: 87cbc1877980a8b⋯.png (20.04 KB, 737x152, 737:152, Capture.PNG)



last one didnt post….max depth ish……

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d5afcd  No.14252132


Yea their publicists lie about shit like that all the time…

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e7f2db  No.14252133

File: 94fdeb5f7d2f259⋯.png (9.15 KB, 1018x125, 1018:125, Screenshot_2021_07_25_Q_Re….png)


2 weeks almost up…GTFO

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268de3  No.14252134


A lung, not a hemorrhoidal butthole.

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a09d43  No.14252135


I guess you are unfamiliar with clandestine operations and subterfuge. You either believe something or you don't, genetics don't have a lot to do with that, considering we are ALL related anyway.

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36dca5  No.14252136

File: 03c23ff3ef83b85⋯.png (647.83 KB, 593x936, 593:936, Screenshot_at_Aug_02_14_17….png)

File: bbc70411aae84c0⋯.jpg (297.12 KB, 1080x1000, 27:25, E1GrwApXMAI2kzg.jpg)


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494bc4  No.14252137



I am the black widow, I have morned more than most

Ash wednesday came from my pain, it is his mark though

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13b5e1  No.14252138

File: cde533d2dd1e84f⋯.jpg (173.44 KB, 720x939, 240:313, 20210802_121344.jpg)


Tobacco company Philip Morris looks to stop selling cigarettes within 10 years

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e15f71  No.14252139

File: cc4b718a98565fd⋯.jpg (108.58 KB, 1280x941, 1280:941, message_editor_15555988462….jpg)



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268de3  No.14252140

File: f603008f2339c0b⋯.jpg (390.91 KB, 1079x1318, 1079:1318, Screenshot_20200110_225630….jpg)

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a3b3ac  No.14252141

File: 1e23d2a2c5074e9⋯.gif (4.06 MB, 640x354, 320:177, tenor.gif)


>2 weeks almost up…GTFO

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588856  No.14252142

File: c5abc6b9a18e51b⋯.png (32.14 KB, 569x226, 569:226, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3e34f32e382d5cf⋯.png (453.9 KB, 586x485, 586:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cecdbe1a213af24⋯.png (429.94 KB, 634x610, 317:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed6afa47384a888⋯.png (528.29 KB, 578x518, 289:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 82c226e012a7a2c⋯.png (19.27 KB, 610x313, 610:313, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: 'Mass releases' of thousands of illegal immigrants happening in Rio Grande Valley over the weekend

Thousands of illegal immigrants were encountered by overwhelmed Border Patrol agents in the Rio Grande Valley over the weekend and are being released and handed bus tickets to wherever they'd like to go in the U.S., according to a reporter.

Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin reported Monday that local Border Patrol stations near McAllen, Texas, are "585% over capacity" and that there are "mass releases" of illegal immigrants underway.

Another Fox News reporter, Griff Jenkins, added that in the last 24 hours border agents in the Rio Grande Valley had 3,002 encounters with illegal immigrants and that the total number of law enforcement encounters with migrants over the weekend was 8,144.

Record numbers of migrants are seeking illegal entry into the United States. According to Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), who represents parts of the Rio Grande Valley, Department of Homeland Security agents encountered over 180,000 illegal immigrants at the southern border in July, after encountering 188,829 migrants in June.

More than 1.1 million migrants have crossed the U.S. border in the current fiscal year, overwhelming the Biden administration's immigration enforcement agencies.

The surge of migrants is so large that thousands of migrants are being released after detention without being given a date to appear in court and have their immigration cases processed.

The crisis is hitting particularly hard in Cuellar's district, where local officials are pleading with the Biden administration for "immediate and decisive action" to provide more resources for DHS agents in the Rio Grande Valley as well as "the immediate cessation of admissions of additional immigrants."

TheBlaze reached out to DHS for comment but did not immediately receive a response.

On Sunday, Melugin posted drone video footage of "up to 1,000" migrants being held by Border Patrol under the Anzalduas Bridge in Mission, Texas, near an area of the Rio Grande river that's popular for border crossings.

After these migrants are apprehended by Border Patrol, they are being released to a Catholic charity that's providing them with food and shelter before they are given bus tickets or air tickets to travel to other places in the U.S., Melugin reports.

"Large groups of migrants being walked to McAllen Central Bus Station by a local Catholic Charity after they were dropped off & released by Border Patrol. This is happening every hour. Migrants are given bus tickets wherever they want to go," Melugin said.


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693f31  No.14252144



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36dca5  No.14252145

File: 75f1dd310841bdf⋯.png (641.83 KB, 613x788, 613:788, Screenshot_at_Aug_02_14_18….png)

File: efe3e4ef8c5b329⋯.jpg (295.54 KB, 1080x1000, 27:25, E1GsLfCXoAIT3qO.jpg)

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45a322  No.14252146

Can we please put this in the globals? It is a PDF on how to create a vaccination card. https://s2underground.files.wordpress.com/2021/06/mc-covid-card-version-3.pdf

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954ab9  No.14252147

File: 8144d4723520e54⋯.jpg (185.84 KB, 1000x672, 125:84, e5wyge5y235yqaesrsy6tqyaeg….jpg)

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6f8d32  No.14252148


>Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you!

Hail, thou that art highly favoured Luke 1:28 KJV

favored: chosen or selected by God the Father

once again: catholic/jesuit SHILLS always deceiving using memes to discredit the Son of God….

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e7e3e5  No.14252149


for sure?

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efc250  No.14252150

File: 5d7d3249dfe11d4⋯.jpg (621.51 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, E7fXtw7UYAYMzCT.jpg)

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e3e044  No.14252151

File: f21fea0d1c42eb6⋯.png (594.04 KB, 656x693, 656:693, Capture.PNG)

ouch kek

Australians Getting Ready To Overthrow Tyrannical Government—Wait, Nevermind, Seems They Gave Up All Their Guns


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d5afcd  No.14252152


Fuck off take your illegal wares to /pol

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ff4280  No.14252153


Shit tons more oxygen in the lower atmosphere I reckon.

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534322  No.14252154

File: 03db1cecc00857c⋯.png (1.03 MB, 500x985, 100:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3e044  No.14252155


kek i said "ish" o7

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061c35  No.14252156


No need for a forged vaccine card, which might land you in jail. Show them your middle finger instead.

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778e5c  No.14252157


Crazy anons were just discussing tobacco yesterday. Are we really the news?

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578be6  No.14252158

File: 77c66fadcffd128⋯.png (944.93 KB, 1676x605, 1676:605, ClipboardImage.png)

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588856  No.14252159

File: fd2abc5c70aba25⋯.png (477.87 KB, 660x330, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3770c7a1eedfa86⋯.png (406.3 KB, 578x415, 578:415, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1fffef53139a65b⋯.png (24.61 KB, 644x343, 92:49, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 45503409e2b8000⋯.png (18.69 KB, 650x273, 50:21, ClipboardImage.png)

‘They’re Criminal!’—Establishment Now Dangerously Dehumanizing the Vaccine Hesitant

Last week, President Joe Biden took to his pulpit to read from the teleprompter and announced mandatory vaccinations for government workers. Without citing any evidence, Biden claimed that “We have a pandemic because of the unvaccinated.” He must have missed the part where the pandemic started before there was a vaccine.

After this claim, Biden further lambasted those who haven’t gotten the COVID-19 jab, telling them, “If in fact you’re unvaccinated, you present a problem to yourself, to your family and to those with whom you work.”

Before going on any further, to dispel any claims that the Free Thought Project is “anti-vax” it is important to point out that we feel people should have a right to informed consent. There are many who can benefit from the COVID-19 vaccine and they should consult their doctors and make the best choice for themselves, individually. The same goes for those who may suffer potential harms from receiving the vaccine. No one here is anti-vaccine, we are, however, pro-safety, and pro-informed consent as anything else is tyranny.

With that being said, the scolding of Americans for asserting their medical freedom has reached fever pitch and it has shifted from ridicule to outright dehumanization.

Recently, CNN took to calling for “the unvaccinated” to be banned from buying food, going out in public, or even having jobs.

“I’m sure a lot of people are not going to agree with this, but [if you] don’t get the vaccine, you can’t go to the supermarket. Don’t have the vaccine, can’t go to the ball game. Don’t have a vaccine, can’t go to work. You don’t have a vaccine, can’t come here. No shirt, no shoes, no service,” said Don Lemon.

“I think that’s where we should be right now because we continue to waste our breath on people who are just not going to change. You know, circular logic, they keep going back and saying, ‘Well, it’s my freedom.’ ‘It’s whatever.’ ‘I’m free.'”

After CNN’s attack on the vaccine hesitant, MSNBC followed suit, having NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on to take it to the next level.

Let me tell you, Joe, the anti-vaxxers are criminal at this point. What they are doing to this country is undermining our future. They really are. They’re taking away the future of this country, because if we go backwards, if we go back to restrictions and shutdowns, this country’s going to be in a horrible, dangerous place in terms of our lives, our livelihoods, our economy. And if we don’t get it right on vaccination, we’re going to lose a huge number of Americans. There are people out there peddling this message, this anti-vax message for their own profit and then attacking people who try and do it the right way like the small businesses you’re talking about. We got to confront them. That’s why I think these mandates are so crucial.

This type of demonization in the media not only flies in the face of everything a free society is about but it is also extremely dangerous. Demonizing or dehumanizing the enemy is a propaganda tactic used by regimes throughout history to make it easier to accept the persecution and even mass murder of those who disagree with a certain principle.


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b60cc1  No.14252160


Anon does speak Portuguese and can confirm that the translation is relatively accurate.

O Globo is the Brazilian equivalent of CNN, only WORSE.

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a7e864  No.14252161


… and Trump knew it long before now, through his private security.

Wonder if that's how they controlled his sister?

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6348dd  No.14252162


5 years or more.

That's how long they wanted us locked down to totally destroy the US economy.

And then force vaccinate everyone with poison.

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6f8d32  No.14252163

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4dc99a  No.14252165



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a306c2  No.14252166


Masks off? Or masks on? A history of the CDC’s consistently inconsistent advice on face coverings



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3e0968  No.14252167




Is this the number of the day?

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2b3ad9  No.14252168

File: e4dd31c80afaaff⋯.png (457.19 KB, 642x559, 642:559, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

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954ab9  No.14252169


The cornered tiger FF.

Be ready.


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778e5c  No.14252170


Nice! Thanks, anon! Glad you’re here and much love to you. Love how that guy took off his mask and shortly after the woman next to him did as well. Great clip

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0def87  No.14252171

File: 43ca92862d2225e⋯.png (247.37 KB, 528x463, 528:463, Opera_Snapshot_2021_08_02_….png)


Was looking for a pic of a cancerous lung and I came across this…Does it look familiar?

Coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of a lung cancer cell during cell division (cytokinesis)


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588856  No.14252172

File: ad412b392e8b1bf⋯.png (167.12 KB, 882x684, 49:38, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69ed2dab9ce3c84⋯.png (441.38 KB, 800x873, 800:873, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 073bd9879e6165d⋯.png (34.12 KB, 846x198, 47:11, ClipboardImage.png)

Database Proving How Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab Has Been Taken Offline.

The National Institutes of Health database tracking U.S. taxpayer-backed research grants – including the controversial award from Mr. Anthony Fauci’s agency to the Wuhan Institute of Virology – can no longer be accessed.

When searched, the database, which itemizes the billions of taxpayer-funded grants distributed by various National Institutes of Health (NIH) agencies, yields no results and prompts users with an error message. Among the agencies included in the registry is the Fauci-led National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which has come under scrutiny for funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The website also previously revealed NIAID-directed funds for joint research between disgrace COVID-19 investigator Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Chinese government-run lab under the auspices of a nearly $3.7 million grant entitled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”

Archived versions of the same link, however, reveal the study’s relevance to COVID-19, as it focused on bat-borne SARS-like viruses:

We will use S protein sequence data, infectious clone technology, in vitro and in vivo infection experiments and analysis of receptor binding to test the hypothesis that % divergence thresholds in S protein sequences predict spillover potential. We will combine these data with bat host distribution, viral diversity and phylogeny, human survey of risk behaviors and illness, and serology to identify SARSr-CoV spillover risk hotspots across southern China. Together these data and analyses will be critical for the future development of public health interventions and enhanced surveillance to prevent the re-emergence of SARS or the emergence of a novel SARSr-CoV.

Studies under the ““Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” portfolio also describe Fauci-directed grants as going to both EcoHealth Alliance President Peter Daszak and Shi Zhengli, Director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases.


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36dca5  No.14252173

File: ead9a5eed531f88⋯.png (524.26 KB, 650x764, 325:382, Screenshot_at_Aug_02_14_22….png)


Line them up'

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534322  No.14252174

File: 51420fa6b71b45a⋯.png (526.36 KB, 1080x600, 9:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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268de3  No.14252175


You should hear them defend this.

"You can still own a firearm if you apply for a permit."

But they are talking about some pistols and sporting shotguns.

ARs and such are basically banned.

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693f31  No.14252176

File: d4da4aef0c5c9f7⋯.png (414.34 KB, 761x499, 761:499, vaccine_lies_msm.png)

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d7b8f6  No.14252177

File: c5d7f9d256a0b7d⋯.png (413.83 KB, 774x992, 387:496, ClipboardImage.png)


The "Office of the Future" is underway now, thanks to work at our AFIMSC.

O2F will serve as a benchmark across the @usairforce as organizations consider permanently moving away from the old model of working five days a week in an office.


Pic link: https://www.afmc.af.mil/News/Photos/igphoto/2002817051/


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9088a2  No.14252178

File: 14b0c30201f98f0⋯.png (673.25 KB, 440x682, 20:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5180d  No.14252179

Amazing what we can tell a person, just using data from the device.

We can map the room, identify furniture, objects, animals and other people. We can tell if they're male or female. If female we can tell when they are cycling naturally or using birth control. And we can know what you are feeling, a based on your interest, marital and economic circumstance exactly what, placed in your newsfeed or in dynamic adverts directed at (you) will produce what behavior.

"We" in this case means the operators of (for example) an in game AI, or a reddit chatbot called H.A.N.K . This is the same data that is continuously harvested by social media, big tech, gaming companies, researchers in cognitive science, intelligence agencies.

This is not a future scenario, this technology has existed for sometime and it is in use now in some popular gaming environments.

Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data

Human communication depends on a delicate interplay between the emotional intent of the speaker, and the linguistic content of their message. While linguistic content is delivered in words, emotional intent is often communicated

though additional modalities including facial expressions, spoken intonation, and body gestures. Importantly, the same message can take on a plurality of meanings, depending on

the emotional intent of the speaker. The phrase ”Thanks a lot” may communicate gratitude, or anger, depending on the tonality, pitch and intonation of the spoken delivery.

Given it’s importance for communication, the consequences of misreading emotional intent can be severe, particularly in high-stakes social situations such as salary negotiations or job interviews…¨

"… Machine-aided assessments of historic and real-time interactions may help facilitate more effective communication for such individuals by allowing for long-term social coaching and in-the-moment interventions. …

"In this paper, we present the first steps toward the realization of such a system. We present a novel multi-modal dataset containing audio, physiologic, and text transcriptions from 31 narrative conversations. As far as we know, this is the first experimental set-up to include individuals engaged in natural dialogue with the particular combination of signals we collected and processed: para-linguistic cues

from audio, linguistic features from text transcriptions (average postive/negative sentiment score), Electrocardiogram

(ECG), Photoplethysmogram (PPG), accelerometer, gyroscope, bio-impedance, electric tissue impedance, Galvanic

Skin Response (GSR), and skin temperature.


If there are 10 people talking or background, say–

Segregating Event Streams and Noise

with a Markov Renewal Process Model

We describe an inference task in which a set of timestamped event observations must be clustered into an unknown number of temporal sequences with independent and varying rates of observations. Various existing approaches to multi-object tracking assume a fixed number of sources and/or a fixed observation rate; we develop an approach to inferring structure in timestamped data produced by a mixture of an unknown and varying number of similar Markov renewal processes,

plus independent clutter noise. The inference simultaneously distinguishes signal from noise as

well as clustering signal observations into separate source streams. We illustrate the technique via

synthetic experiments as well as an experiment to track a mixture of singing birds. Source code is



Voice in different phases of menstrual cycle

among naturally cycling women and users of

hormonal contraceptives


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a646c2  No.14252180



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693f31  No.14252181

File: 6b20674b037b671⋯.png (360.71 KB, 500x611, 500:611, Vaccine_progression_2.png)

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dae436  No.14252182

File: 66fd33f533294ca⋯.jpg (126.65 KB, 453x597, 151:199, 9099fa02fa7911f79f84091e46….jpg)



>No need for a forged vaccine card, which might land you in jail. Show them your middle finger instead.

Forged vax card is the cowardly way.

Tell your boss or whoever to do a flip, and work for/support businesses who support your right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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588856  No.14252183

DHS Secretary Mayorkas: ‘Domestic Violent Extremism Is the Greatest Terrorist Related Threat We Face’

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said Monday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that “domestic violence extremism is the greatest terrorist-related threat we face on the homeland.”

Mitchell asked, “As a result of the January 6 attack, are you doing enough to identify extremists domestically?”

Mayorkas said, “We are very focused on this. This is one of our highest priorities. Domestic violence extremism is the greatest terrorist-related threat we face on the homeland. We have created the Center for Prevention Programs and Partnership in the Department. We have a task force dedicated to this effort. We’ve dedicated more than $77 million in grant funding to state, local, tribal, territorial authorities. We are doing so much to address this really grave threat.”

Mitchell said, “What are you doing to identify terrorists or extremists, extremist groups within the military, within the ranks of DHS as well, other government branches?”

Mayorkas said, “Well, Secretary Austin, the Secretary of the Department of Defense, is conducting an internal review within his department, and we are doing the same within our department. We are very focused on ensuring that our personnel uphold our values and represent the best of our nation. It’s our responsibility.”


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831b33  No.14252184

File: e6767452078e168⋯.png (555.21 KB, 1071x635, 1071:635, kbp.png)


Since 2008, Philip Morris Investments B.V. (PMIBV), a subsidiary of Philip Morris International (PMI) has been a shareholder of Medicago (in which it currently holds an approximately one-third equity stake) and has supported Medicago’s innovative plant-derived research and development focused on vaccines.



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efc250  No.14252185

File: bf1baa82fa23aa6⋯.png (153.87 KB, 530x352, 265:176, Screenshot_2021_08_02_at_1….png)

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306824  No.14252186

File: 0264899ebdc5dd0⋯.png (530.78 KB, 684x558, 38:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 20a660b1a3a8172⋯.png (451.58 KB, 626x582, 313:291, ClipboardImage.png)


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a74de0  No.14252187

File: 67205f85ee6bde4⋯.jpg (58.92 KB, 564x752, 3:4, ack2.jpg)


>They’re Criminal!

Not yet, Bubba

But keep poking that bear

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a09d43  No.14252188


Wow. When you can't get someone to swallow your bullshit you always resort to name calling. Funny how that works. Your stupid attempts at trying to cajole me aren't working. Believe what you want, I'm not here to force anyone to believe anything, apparently unlike you. I don't care if you believe me or not. Suit yourself. Try not to get so apoplectic.

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b60cc1  No.14252189

File: 2a9777727f3221c⋯.jpg (223.59 KB, 749x498, 749:498, tranny.jpg)


I would think the plan would call for men dressed up as women to win gold in everything, thus proving that they don't belong in women's events.

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dae436  No.14252190

File: 203d8ab577438a5⋯.png (238.07 KB, 328x520, 41:65, gretch_2.png)

File: b9f8a3c4dd65322⋯.png (591.63 KB, 960x540, 16:9, gretch_news1.png)

Enjoy the cutouts, memefags.

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c84733  No.14252191

File: a3f8e82656cdb19⋯.jpg (118.72 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, the_best_is_yet_to_come.jpg)


I'm with you, Anon. So confused but still keeping the faith.

One day this crazy time will be behind us…

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588856  No.14252192

File: c8a59d8f0dbc07b⋯.png (769.08 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

NIH Director Does Not ‘Understand’ DeSantis Refusing to Mandate Masks on Children

Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), said he does not “understand” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s (R) refusal to force children to wear masks in school, contending mask mandates are “not quite the huge challenge [or] burden that sometimes it’s being portrayed.”

Collins made the remark during a Sunday appearance on CNN, where he explained he did not “understand” DeSantis’s recent order protecting parental decisions about masks.

“This seems like something local officials ought to be able to decide based on their community’s circumstance,” Collins said, adding, “Being asked to wear a mask is perhaps not quite the huge challenge [or] burden that sometimes it’s being portrayed.”

“Kids are pretty adaptable,” he added.

Last week, Gov. Desantis signed an executive order directing the Florida Department of Education and Department of Health to issue emergency rules to protect parental rights in determining whether their children will wear masks in school.

“We think that that’s the most fair way to do it,” he said during a press conference in Cape Coral, explaining that he and his wife are not going to put masks on their young children.

“My wife and I are not gonna do the masks with the kids. We never have. I want to see my kids smiling. I want them having fun. Look, my kids are a little younger, but I can tell you, whatever you think of masks, you gotta wear it properly,” he said.

“My kids ain’t gonna wear that thing properly. We know that,” he continued, acknowledging that some parents may feel differently and should have the option to make that determination:

If a parent really feels that this is something that’s important for their kid, we’re not stopping that. They absolutely have every right to equip their student with whatever types of masks that they want and have them go school if they believe that that’s a protection that’s important for their children. I think that’s the fairest way to do it: to let the parents have the decision. It would not be fair if we told parents who want the kids to wear masks they weren’t allowed to do it. But it’s certainly not fair to force parents who don’t believe the masks are good for their kids to force them to have to send their kids in masks.

DeSantis’s executive action followed his vow last month that his administration will not mandate schools to require children to wear masks.

“There’s been talk about, potentially, people advocating at the federal level imposing compulsory masks on kids. We’re not doing that in Florida, okay?” he said during a press conference at Indian River State College in Fort Pierce, Florida, last month.

“We want kids to be able to be kids,” he explained. “We need them to be able to breathe. It’s terribly uncomfortable for them to do it. There’s not very much science behind it.”

“At the end of the day, we got to start putting our kids first. We got to look out for their education. Is it really comfortable, is it really healthy, for them to be muzzled and have their breathing obstructed all day in school? I don’t think it is,” DeSantis said, emphasizing it is “totally unacceptable and certainly unacceptable to have any level of government imposing that [mask mandates] on parents and on kids.”

The debate follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) effectively altering its previous guidance on masking in school. While the federal health agency originally recommended masking for the unvaccinated, it now recommends everyone to mask up “including teachers, staff, students, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status.”


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578be6  No.14252193


we all know why you are here jidf

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a646c2  No.14252194

File: 180597d56c20540⋯.jpg (346.44 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 1280px_Glastonbury_tor_the….jpg)

I would like to do something else besides stare at this screen.

I'm out.

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717721  No.14252195


Holy Kek!!

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534322  No.14252196

File: 000a50402c3e6f8⋯.png (556.89 KB, 1067x1500, 1067:1500, ClipboardImage.png)


8 U.S. Code § 1324c - Penalties for document fraud

don't give them a reason, just say fuck you

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eb4cff  No.14252197



was responding to the idea that we should not be "Hailing" Mary.

If it is good enough for the Archangle Gabriel it is good enough for me.

God Bless! I will pray for you…

Hail Mary….

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ee9cad  No.14252198

File: 454d834f2bc455b⋯.png (368.73 KB, 935x722, 935:722, 4614_TECH_bans_HCQ_video_1….png)

File: a3754672efa15c4⋯.png (202.25 KB, 823x676, 823:676, aug_1_2021_Dr_Stella_Imman….PNG)

File: 9be4fcbcc8842e4⋯.png (253.85 KB, 1077x1017, 359:339, aug_1_2021_Dr_Stella_Imman….png)

File: 3bdfe239273012c⋯.png (182.04 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Dr_Stella_It_s_gonna_be_ON.png)

File: 7054959fc6781a3⋯.mp4 (2.59 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Dr_Stella_It_s_gonna_be_ON.mp4)

Q drop 4614 has a Dr Stella clip

Q's link is dead

Timestamp 4:56 (Dr Stella part)

Q 4614 video https://www.bitchute.com/video/srojTeqYEOSn/

Article: https://resistthemainstream.org/pro-hydroxychloroquine-dr-stella-immanuel-takes-action-against-cnn-anderson-cooper/?utm_source=worldawakening&utm_medium=worldawakening&utm_campaign=worldawakening


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a09d43  No.14252199


KEK. Lame. Try harder.

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6e5f4a  No.14252200


>and Trump knew

I have no doubt that DJT was well informed. Very easy to wx storms that way. Good point about his sister.

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c2a4d1  No.14252201



Does not specifically implicate masks. Which would be helpful.

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b60cc1  No.14252202

File: f93892f2ed7e5b3⋯.png (235.97 KB, 480x358, 240:179, cristo.png)

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dae436  No.14252204

File: 56c91c7771766ab⋯.png (394.42 KB, 1531x2396, 1531:2396, 65f1fb9bd3417fd6459428054e….png)


>Australians Getting Ready To Overthrow Tyrannical Government—Wait, Nevermind, Seems They Gave Up All Their Guns

The Bee is getting brutal.

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50bddd  No.14252205


> Somebody take him out already!

Taking out Biden is like popping a pimple on Satan's ass. Gotta go big, Anon!

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a09d43  No.14252207


Oh, and fuck the EU. How 'bout dat?

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ff4280  No.14252209


Thanks Captain Literal for squaring us away.

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7ec16d  No.14252210



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8e105e  No.14252211

File: 44cff4ced125642⋯.png (507.53 KB, 1080x737, 1080:737, Memeto_1606865758636.png)

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6e5f4a  No.14252212

Unelected governments are an ever bigger threat

DHS Secretary Mayorkas: ‘Domestic Violent Extremism Is the Greatest Terrorist Related Threat We Face’


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efc250  No.14252213

File: 8e7fa3333944c59⋯.png (410.15 KB, 598x687, 598:687, Screenshot_2021_08_02_at_1….png)

Foreign Intelligence Service Director Sergei #Naryshkin: #US accusations against #Russia of meddling in elections is an excuse for Democrats’ possibly not so favourable results in them.


Gloves off?

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a646c2  No.14252214


>Hail Mary

Full of Grace

The Lord is with thee

Blessed Art Thou Among Women

And Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.


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7b3410  No.14252215

File: 30fb10d659f7437⋯.png (81.21 KB, 1731x587, 1731:587, Corona_drops.png)

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f4c746  No.14252216

File: 3b137b3b98d7979⋯.png (109.99 KB, 1705x125, 341:25, Dear_friends_and_most_love….png)

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502359  No.14252217


Lest we forget:


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294854  No.14252218

File: a2c813f4f92819c⋯.png (353.4 KB, 298x399, 298:399, ClipboardImage.png)


She has the Source.

God bless this woman

May he walk with her

Protect her & Bless everything that she Pursues


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f2d960  No.14252219


"And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables: That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them."

You don't have to believe us. Pray to your FATHER, in JESUS NAME for Truth, even if everything you think you know is a lie, and then humble yourself enough to accept His answer.

I pray God opens your eyes and ears to Truth in Jesus name.

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e15f71  No.14252220

File: 315d15e254842a3⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB, 307x200, 307:200, OIP_53_.jpeg)

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e7e3e5  No.14252221



disinfo is necessary

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872b73  No.14252222


guess that doesn't apply when illegals have phony SS cards and IDs.

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9f356d  No.14252223

File: 1b538a79a536420⋯.jpg (6.66 KB, 227x222, 227:222, hmmm_Pepe.jpg)


C before D

COVID before Delta Variant

DELTA from MK Ultra

This is known as "killer" programming, originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. Delta Force, First Earth Battalion, Mossad, etc.) in covert operations. Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident. Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment. Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.

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534322  No.14252224

File: 305fb99de7dd8be⋯.png (144.63 KB, 253x260, 253:260, ClipboardImage.png)

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6348dd  No.14252225


Son and I are same blood type. He got vax, I didn't.

The thought has occurred to me that he may need my unvaxed blood some day.

Weird thoughts pop into my head.

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831b33  No.14252226

File: 4fccb04d89f5620⋯.png (356.62 KB, 488x780, 122:195, 70edd53a827894b1f8b35a4ef4….png)

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45a322  No.14252227


I don’t like Bill but he said reducing childhood death. Not producing

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588856  No.14252228

Bipartisan ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Defines ‘Gender Identity’ as Protected Class

The bipartisan “infrastructure” bill Breitbart News released Sunday night includes “gender identity” as a protected class.

On page 2149, the bill reads:

No individual in the United States may, on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, or disability, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity that is funded in whole or in part with funds 16 made available to carry out this title [emphasis added].

It should be noted that President Biden’s 2021 coronavirus package, the American Rescue Plan, does not include the phrase “gender identity.”

National Public Radio (NPR) defines gender identity as “one’s own internal sense of self and their gender, whether that is man, woman, neither or both. Unlike gender expression, gender identity is not outwardly visible to others.”

“Issues of equality and acceptance of transgender and nonbinary people — along with challenges to their rights — have become a major topic in the headlines,” NPR continues.

The biological genders, male and female, have been under assault during the Biden administration.

Breitbart News reported Sunday the left-wing American Medical Association’s (AMA) Board of Trustees kept busy during the summer crafting a resolution in favor of removing the terms “male” and “female” from birth certificates, claiming evidence of an individual being born is the only information necessary.

In May, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) stated its Office for Civil Rights (OCR) will interpret sexual discrimination in federal healthcare rules to include sexual orientation and gender identity.

The announcement reflected a reversal of the judgment by HHS under former President Donald Trump’s administration to restore the biology-based, male-female definition of sexual discrimination in federal healthcare regulations.


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693f31  No.14252229

File: d02b1fa648b6027⋯.jpg (131.47 KB, 640x461, 640:461, Obama_terrorists.jpg)

File: a3d1d6f28a21cfc⋯.png (954.27 KB, 740x500, 37:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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d7b8f6  No.14252230



Must check out

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ff4280  No.14252231


Yeah, like two weeks of lockdown to drain the swamp and rescue the mole-children? Opened my popcorn for no reason.

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693f31  No.14252232

File: b4d8e9221fe04ab⋯.jpg (99.56 KB, 533x437, 533:437, Obama_science_settled2.jpg)


Oops, wrong image.

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534322  No.14252233


nope, but once they make these vax passports mandatory for Americans they won't hesitate to lock you up and have some illegal nigger take your house

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578be6  No.14252234


the EU is run by jews

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efda59  No.14252235

File: 1c4f081b3e31e33⋯.jpeg (373.91 KB, 956x562, 478:281, 64C06E7C_737E_44D6_AB23_2….jpeg)

Invisible Enemy

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588856  No.14252236

File: 48e052bd24335bb⋯.png (43.69 KB, 627x345, 209:115, ClipboardImage.png)

Report: FBI Used Young Female Staffers As Bait For Sex Predators And Told Them To Keep It Hush

A Department of Justice Office of the Inspector General report found that FBI special agents asked female support staff employees to provide photos for online undercover operations without any oversight. One special agent used the photographs of female employees to pose as underage girls without informing their supervisors and without documenting which sites the photos were uploaded to, according to the report.

“During the course of our investigation, the OIG learned that SAs [special agents] sometimes used photographs of young female support staff employees to pose as minor children or sex workers to entice sexual predators on various social media websites,” the report read. “The SA who was the subject of the OIG’s investigation did not document which employees were used, obtain written consent from the employees, document the websites on which the photographs were posted, or document when the photographs were posted.”

According to the report, one special agent “was alleged to have engaged in an inappropriate relationship with an FBI support staff employee that included the FBI SA requesting the support staff employee provide him with provocative pictures of herself for online UC operations.”

The FBI’s guidelines stipulate that certified undercover employees (UCE) and certified online covert employees (OCE) have “various approval and documentation requirements and extensive certification requirements” for undercover operations. No such policy is in place for use of photographs for non-UCE/OCE employees, meaning there is no requirement for informed written consent, supervisor approval, or even supervisor notification to protect non-UCE/OCE employee photographs.

“The SA said he was ‘fishing’ on social media sites but not recording which sites he used,” the report found. “The SA did not inform the support staff employees’ supervisors that the employees were involved in UC operations, and the SA advised the support staff employees who provided photographs to not tell anyone, including their supervisors, about the UC operation.”

Furthermore, according to the report, the FBI was unable to produce documentation of whether the photographs are still on websites, and the amount of time the photographs were online — posing a safety risk for the employees whose photos might still be available for download and distribution.


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009589  No.14252237


This is an advertisement for the vaccine in disguise, which will provide a talking point for his Twitter that has a link advertising his book.

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d7e7e0  No.14252238

File: 57625397a556122⋯.png (23.22 KB, 461x266, 461:266, q626_killchain.png)

File: 9788fcbc2b6f058⋯.png (48.75 KB, 479x601, 479:601, q756_killchain.png)





Q !UW.yye1fxo No.69 📁

Jan 27 2018 12:34:38 (EST)

Chatter exploding.

Change of narrative will be required.


Public to awaken [mass-start].

Sleeping pill reject.

OP Mockingbird FAILURE.




Where we go one, we go ALL>



Q !UW.yye1fxo No.89 📁

Feb 14 2018 18:41:23 (EST)
































ACTIVATE CODE: [0 0000 018739 7-ZjG]


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e3e044  No.14252239

File: 9e2c0c976240051⋯.png (426.13 KB, 662x536, 331:268, Capture.PNG)



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4f744e  No.14252240


bad taste

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ee6dba  No.14252241


Same here.

Uncle died in beginning of all this shit, he was 96!

Mother-in-law is her 90’s as well, she got the covid this past April, she was fine, she thought she had a “head cold” she’s still with us!

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588856  No.14252242

File: 6e1349fbc4ab50a⋯.png (1012.6 KB, 839x735, 839:735, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 043a8ef642c7a74⋯.png (76.03 KB, 821x571, 821:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b31accf5849c8a3⋯.png (24.4 KB, 787x175, 787:175, ClipboardImage.png)

Treasury Department Invokes ‘Extraordinary Measures’ To Avoid Busting US Debt Ceiling

The Treasury Department will conduct emergency cash-conservation measures starting Monday to avoid busting the U.S. debt ceiling after a two-year deal to suspend the federal borrowing limit lapsed at midnight Sunday.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warned House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a letter July 23 that the Treasury would invoke the “extraordinary measures” if Congress didn’t raise the debt ceiling. Yellen noted that trillions in federal spending and COVID-19 response laws made it difficult to estimate how long the Treasury would sustain its measures.

“The period of time that extraordinary measures may last is subject to considerable uncertainty due to a variety of factors, including the challenges of forecasting the payments and receipts of the U.S. government months into the future, exacerbated by the heightened uncertainty in payments and receipts related to the economic impact of the pandemic,” she wrote.

The debt ceiling prevents the Treasury from issuing new bonds once a certain limit is reached. Congress had suspended the debt limit for two years as part of a budget deal in August 2019, when the ceiling reached $22 trillion, according to Bloomberg. A new debt ceiling would include additional borrowing since, reaching $28.5 trillion according to the Congressional Budget Office.


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a09d43  No.14252243


Amen to that. Mary was just a vessel. An important one of course, but still just a vessel. I really suspect that the Roman Catholic church has morphed into a religion of Semiramis and Tammuz worship. God Himself seems to be kind of out of focus in the picture.

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d7b8f6  No.14252244

File: 37ab9f4768d8d40⋯.png (90.15 KB, 923x863, 923:863, ClipboardImage.png)




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efc250  No.14252245

File: b136ed0dccff971⋯.png (280.9 KB, 598x641, 598:641, Screenshot_2021_08_02_at_1….png)

File: 74b9cfd36f8ea36⋯.png (271.17 KB, 600x579, 200:193, tumblr_o48vz37IPr1v0pigno1….png)

Pentagon confirms work on precognition tech enabling it to ‘see days in advance’


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d7e7e0  No.14252246

File: b72081b31e1f237⋯.png (411.36 KB, 1245x781, 1245:781, killchain.png)

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50bddd  No.14252247


>this is what men want though

And you would be wrong. There are many of us that like women with healthy curves.

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6348dd  No.14252248


He may have meant to say "reducing" but he actually said "producing"

Sometimes the truth slips out by mistake.

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cc05c4  No.14252249

File: b4a8d98c9915212⋯.jpg (67.98 KB, 474x422, 237:211, Buffalo_Fauci.jpg)

File: ff43c869d7545fc⋯.mp4 (308.27 KB, 486x270, 9:5, Bidan_whispering.mp4)




>Hunter Biden said 'f— 'em' to critics who called his art overpriced and joked that he may be 'the most famous artist in MAGA world'

>who estimated that the younger Biden's paintings could sell for anywhere from $75,000 to $500,000 apiece, which art critics said were prices more typically seen for established and successful artists.

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502359  No.14252250


Come to think of it, one of my grandfathers had to have a blood clot removed from his carotid artery that almost killed him back in the 1950's or '60's. When did the influenza vaccine become prevalent, again…?

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588856  No.14252251

15K Migrant Children Released to U.S. Sponsors in July

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released nearly 15,000 unaccompanied migrant children to sponsors within the United States in July. There are more than 16,000 still in the custody of the federal government.

During the month of July, HHS released an average of 500 unaccompanied migrant children to sponsors each day.

As the releases were taking place, the flow of children entering illegally continued. On average, 484 were arrested crossing the border daily. More than 14,500 arrests were reported by HHS for the month of July—creating little better than a wash on rolling detention totals.

According to a source within CBP, many children, mostly teens, are sent into the United States by parents or other relatives to avoid expulsion under the Trump era CDC COVID-19 emergency order. Once the child is in HHS care, the relative will enter the United States illegally and claim the child to begin the family re-unification process.

The number of unaccompanied migrant children who have entered the United States illegally this fiscal year is staggering. According to CBP, 95,079 have been apprehended since October. This is a nearly 200 percent increase over the 33,329 arrested in 2020.

Health and Human Services opened more than a dozen emergency intake sites to deal with the influx of children. These facilities make use of vacant oilfield man camps and COVID-shuttered convention centers throughout the United States.

Unlicensed facilities have faced criticism due to insufficient staffing, drinking water issues, and COVID-19 protections. Earlier this year, Texas Governor Greg Abbott sharply criticized the Biden Administration over conditions at multiple HHS detention facilities, specifically citing a water issue in Midland plus a COVID-19 outbreak in Carrizo Springs.

HHS estimates the cost to detain a child is $775 per day. In other long-term facilities, they indicate that cost to be approximately $275 per day. Based on these estimates and the number of UACs currently in custody, the cost to the American taxpayer stands at more than $6 million daily.


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717721  No.14252252



How much longer will we have to wait until Madonna Louise Ciccone gets sentenced?

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fe0b7b  No.14252253


wot you mean by highly effective vAxe Sir

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7b3410  No.14252254


They will be slangin' weed by then like your local dope dealer.

They also own a nice chuck of vape market share.

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588856  No.14252255

File: 2d872546da882fd⋯.png (49.96 KB, 681x582, 227:194, ClipboardImage.png)

Rape Gangs Whistleblower: Police and Council Leaders Must Be Prosecuted for ‘Gross Neglect of Duty’

Maggie Oliver, a former detective who blew the whistle on the authorities’ refusal to tackle mostly-Muslim rapist “grooming gangs” in Manchester, England, has called for senior police officers and social workers to be prosecuted amid further abuse revelations.

Oliver, who now leads the Maggie Oliver Foundation supporting abuse survivors, spoke out in an article for The Telegraph following an independent review into child sexual exploitations (CSE) in multicultural Bradford which found, yet again, that police, social workers, and local government had failed victims — and that, more worryingly, some children “remain unprotected”.

“Since I launched my foundation in 2019, we’ve been contacted almost every day by survivors who, it has to be said, are mainly from the North of England. We’re currently dealing with 31 cases from West Yorkshire alone. But there are many cases from Greater Manchester, Hull, Cumbria, and the West Midlands that all follow much the same pattern of abuse: predominantly Pakistani older men targeting mainly working-class white girls, including some in the care system, but all vulnerable in one way or another and hence ‘easy pickings’ for the abusers,” Oliver lamented.

She said that “successive governments of both political stripes have refused to grapple with the problem as they have been too afraid of being accused of racism“, but that another factor has also been important in the systemic failure to stop the abuse: classism.

“There remains an attitude that these victims deserve what has happened to them. They are judged to be making a lifestyle choice, rather than as vulnerable children who are being exploited,” she explained.


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dae436  No.14252256

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Acting seems pretty shitty.

Might be worth a watch, tho.

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eb4cff  No.14252257

File: 3e09217ecc4222f⋯.png (845.35 KB, 1349x6073, 1349:6073, Intercession_of_Saints.png)


If you are praying (interceding) for your intentions, then what is wrong with asking those who are far holier than you to pray (interced) for our intentions?

You do realize we are not worsiping. We are venerating and asking for intercessions which can be very pleasing in the eyes of God.

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f4c746  No.14252258

File: 41fd69dbfe613f1⋯.jpg (28.9 KB, 548x332, 137:83, Q_149_flag.jpg)


Time stamps matter


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588856  No.14252259

Jabs Forever: 32 Million Britons to be Offered Vaccine ‘Booster’ Shots Next Month

The British government will reportedly begin rolling out 32 million “booster” vaccines by next month to all those over the age of 50 in an apparent attempt to stem any winter wave of the Chinese coronavirus.

Pharmacies across Britain will begin a campaign in September of offering a third shot of a coronavirus vaccine to people with immune deficiencies as well as those aged over fifty years old, it is claimed.

The plan will see some 2.5 million people offered the third jab per week from September until December, with concerns being raised that two doses of the vaccine will not be sufficient in safeguarding people against the Delta variant of the Wuhan virus or may decline in efficacy over time, according to The Telegraph.

The government is said to favour using pharmacies for the rollout of the third jab in order to ease the strain on NHS hospitals and GPs going into the winter months.

“That is the plan, wherever possible,” a government source told the paper, but noted that it “depends on final JCVI [Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation] advice and coronavirus vaccine booster trials”.

An NHS spokesman said: “Community pharmacies have been an important part of the NHS Covid vaccination programme, the biggest and most successful in the health service’s history, and they will continue to play a vital role as we move into the next phase this autumn.”

According to the report, the government is also planning on offering Britons different vaccines to their initial doses, as clinical trials have suggested that mixing of vaccines may increase the immune response to the Chinese virus. The paper said that the government is currently testing seven different vaccines for the booster jab rollout.

To date, the government has administered some 85 million doses of coronavirus vaccines, with 88 per cent of adults having had at least one shot and 72 per cent having had two doses.

Despite the stunning uptake of the vaccine, the government has been concerned over the slower rate of vaccination amongst younger Britons.

In response, the government has been implementing a carrot and stick approach to the youth, at the one hand vowing to ban the unvaccinated from nightclubs and other public venues, and offering discounts on pizza and McDonalds on the other.

Germany will also reportedly begin rolling out Covid-19 booster shots by next month, focusing on the elderly and other at-risk groups, according to documents seen by AFP. On Sunday, Germany’s Robert Koch health institute announced 2,097 new daily cases of the virus and one death.

In April, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla suggested that the coronavirus vaccines could become an annual occurrence like the flu-shot, saying: “A likely scenario is that there will be likely a need for a third dose, somewhere between six and 12 months and then from there, there will be an annual revaccination, but all of that needs to be confirmed. And again, the variants will play a key role.”

A Department of Health and Social Care spokesman said no final decision has been made on the booster jab programme in Britain but said that it will be “informed by the JCVI’s final advice” and will be made public “in due course”.


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d7b8f6  No.14252260

File: 63a881f0693f6b7⋯.png (58.11 KB, 289x206, 289:206, pepe_whoa.png)

File: 6f535760467b4fe⋯.png (15.4 KB, 224x255, 224:255, Pepe_Wizards_and_Warlocks.png)




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e15f71  No.14252261


She always did look good in white

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a09d43  No.14252262


Well, you may be right there. Corrupt Jews though. Not all Jews are corrupt though. You seem to have a one track mind. You have Jews on the brain. Guess what, corruption knows no bounds, but judging from your posts, I suspect you already have experience with that. How much they paying YOU?

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efda59  No.14252263

File: 5d3ca694c7acb15⋯.jpeg (117.97 KB, 873x429, 291:143, 72AE36E4_513D_4A70_B99F_D….jpeg)

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9cb8fa  No.14252264

File: 2ad947858bd9ed2⋯.png (205.05 KB, 447x774, 149:258, Screenshot_2021_08_02_at_1….png)


This seems odd for a Monday…

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4f744e  No.14252265


Kill Chain-→Alice in

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c2a4d1  No.14252266


He got the J and J pushed thru. I wont take the shot but if I had to it would be j and j because cnn hates it.

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588856  No.14252267

File: 4b9d0d59c50eda9⋯.png (212.67 KB, 700x502, 350:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0344d323acf7d14⋯.png (287.01 KB, 700x494, 350:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 217d7fc5b5cb7d9⋯.png (844.13 KB, 712x767, 712:767, ClipboardImage.png)

WSJ: 'Almost Half of Recent UK Covid Deaths Are of People Who Have Been Vaccinated'

"Almost half" of the United Kingdom's "recent Covid-19 deaths are of people who have been vaccinated" but there's no need to worry because that means it's working, so says the Wall Street Journal.

From WSJ, "Some Vaccinated People Are Dying of Covid-19. Here's Why Scientists Aren't Surprised.":

LONDON–As the Delta variant of the coronavirus surges through the U.K., almost half of the country's recent Covid-19 deaths are of people who have been vaccinated. But doctors and scientists aren't sounding the alarm about the apparently high proportion of deaths among the vaccinated population.

On the contrary, they say the figures so far offer reassurance that vaccines offer substantial protection against the variant, particularly after two doses. Delta, first identified in India, has since spread to at least 85 countries, including the U.S., where it is now estimated to be the most common variant.

"ThAt mEaNs It'S WoRkiNG!"

The U.K. is a testing ground for how vaccines are coping. Delta is racing through the country – with 146,000 identified cases in the past week, 72% up on the week before. The country is also a world leader in identifying through testing and genetic sequencing which versions of the virus are prevalent: By mid-June, 97% of cases were Delta infections. And Delta is spreading among a population that is among the most highly vaccinated in the world: 85% of adults have had at least one vaccine shot and 63% have had two.


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a210db  No.14252268


No one cares.

We dont need guns, police arent armed, and theres less than 50k on the entire continent

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c66d8c  No.14252269

File: a880d85d292cab2⋯.png (108.14 KB, 348x292, 87:73, how_compelling.png)


>This type of demonization in the media not only flies in the face of everything a free society is about but it is also extremely dangerous. Demonizing or dehumanizing the enemy is a propaganda tactic used by regimes throughout history to make it easier to accept the persecution and even mass murder of those who disagree with a certain principle.

that is their plan

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29b551  No.14252271

File: 328e79bc647f5e4⋯.jpg (64.6 KB, 566x439, 566:439, Why_not_12_shots.jpg)


> They used to think that bleeding people would heal them.

In this Century, it will be 'more shots!', is the answer; until that insanity runs it's course, as well.

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705297  No.14252272

File: ec45a1787f1a43a⋯.jpg (4.31 MB, 4000x3008, 125:94, DSC_0002.JPG)

File: f1dfffcfaabbda4⋯.jpg (2.94 MB, 4000x3008, 125:94, DSC_0003.JPG)


French Magazine from 07/22/2021

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f5180d  No.14252273

File: 9e822aa48da9815⋯.pdf (115.88 KB, david_brin_stones_of_signi….pdf)

File: 9ef0e171983094d⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 825x638, 75:58, 280.gif)

format fix

What we can tell about a person, just using data from a mobile device.

We can map the room, identify furniture, objects, animals and other people. We can tell if they're male or female. If female we can tell when they are cycling naturally, or using birth control. And we can know what you are feeling, a based on your interests, marital and economic circumstances, browser history and more exactly what, placed in your newsfeed or in dynamic adverts targeting (you) will motivate you to preform, voluntarily, the behavior we desire.

"We" in this case means the operators of (for example) an in-game AI, or a reddit chatbot called H.A.N.K . This device data is the same data continuously harvested by social media, big tech, gaming companies, researchers in cognitive science, and dozens of intelligence agencies.

This is not a future scenario, this technology has existed for some time, is in use now in popular gaming environments.

Here are three papers which when integrated with AI give the operator enormous control of target's decision making in any chosen area.

Predicting Latent Narrative Mood using Audio and Physiologic Data

Human communication depends on a delicate interplay between the emotional intent of the speaker, and the linguistic content of their message. While linguistic content is delivered in words, emotional intent is often communicated

though additional modalities including facial expressions, spoken intonation, and body gestures. Importantly, the same message can take on a plurality of meanings, depending on

the emotional intent of the speaker. The phrase ”Thanks a lot” may communicate gratitude, or anger, depending on the tonality, pitch and intonation of the spoken delivery.

Given it’s importance for communication, the consequences of misreading emotional intent can be severe, particularly in high-stakes social situations such as salary negotiations or job interviews…¨

"… Machine-aided assessments of historic and real-time interactions…"

"In this paper, we present the first steps toward the realization of such a system. We present a novel multi-modal dataset containing audio, physiologic, and text transcriptions from 31 narrative conversations. As far as we know, this is the first experimental set-up to include individuals engaged in natural dialogue with the particular combination of signals we collected and processed: para-linguistic cues

from audio, linguistic features from text transcriptions (average postive/negative sentiment score), Electrocardiogram

(ECG), Photoplethysmogram (PPG), accelerometer, gyroscope, bio-impedance, electric tissue impedance, Galvanic Skin Response (GSR), and skin temperature.


If there are 10 people talking or background, say–

Segregating Event Streams and Noise with a Markov Renewal Process Model

We describe an inference task in which a set of timestamped event observations must be clustered into an unknown number of temporal sequences with independent and varying rates of observations. Various existing approaches to multi-object tracking assume a fixed number of sources and/or a fixed observation rate; we develop an approach to inferring structure in timestamped data produced by a mixture of an unknown and varying number of similar Markov renewal processes, plus independent clutter noise. The inference simultaneously distinguishes signal from noise as well as clustering signal observations into separate source streams. We illustrate the technique via synthetic experiments as well as an experiment to track a mixture of singing birds. Source code is available.


Voice in different phases of menstrual cycle among naturally cycling women and users of hormonal contraceptives

Riding theredcotton pony? The DARPA Ai knows.


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9f000e  No.14252274

File: 3a99a7e7e525d45⋯.png (25.17 KB, 601x319, 601:319, kathy_griffin_lung_cancer.PNG)

Kathy Griffin has lung cancer.

Here she is in October 2020 when President Trump was hospitalized for COVID-19:

Is he dead yet? I have shit to do. Thx.


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4bed71  No.14252275

File: 1ab981cd80d3826⋯.png (16.64 KB, 608x222, 304:111, Firefox_Screenshot_2021_08….png)

JUST IN - Third officer who responded to the January 6 Capitol riot "has died by suicide," according to the DC Metro Police (via Guardian's @hugolowell



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fcff16  No.14252276

I just got my 5th booster! Feeling great!

How many boosters have you had?

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954ab9  No.14252277


add'l possible interpretation-

Rainbow comes in from the left so possibly the whole leftist movement.

Thereby, hegelian maneuver would be to come in as the wholesome moral saviors from

the toxic scourge we had to experience by going against them, publicly shaming them as well as legal usage.

Just thoughts.

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491912  No.14252278


>Third officer who responded to the January 6 Capitol riot "has died by suicide

Umm hmm, sure.

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693f31  No.14252279

File: c84eabbb5634c67⋯.png (868.2 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e5f4a  No.14252280

If they can not determine that the election was stolen, then their Nostradamus computer is a piece of shit

The Pentagon Is Experimenting With Using Artificial Intelligence To "See Days In Advance"


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beaef6  No.14252281


O.k. I have seen some Police shit! But is the Military there to do what the media is telling us? Or are they hunting ex hunters there? Behind the curtain stuff, white hats in control mode? One can hope!

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40a76b  No.14252282

File: 7d4062595231d5b⋯.png (287.83 KB, 401x400, 401:400, virgin_mary_maryland_virgi….png)

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d7e7e0  No.14252283

File: a157c6987f5617b⋯.png (316.93 KB, 518x640, 259:320, Screenshot_from_2021_08_02….png)

File: 9cd682166d75d0b⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 2299x2381, 2299:2381, qclock_neverforget4.jpg)

File: 0b77715c0fc7899⋯.png (138.42 KB, 344x350, 172:175, Hmmmm.png)



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b60cc1  No.14252284

File: be8aa838fa27bf9⋯.png (291.52 KB, 1326x510, 13:5, never_forget.PNG)

File: dced90d6d243a89⋯.png (100.4 KB, 1320x535, 264:107, never_forget1.PNG)

File: 5e20452e3080fe4⋯.png (70 KB, 1341x520, 1341:520, never_forget2.PNG)

File: 5c0d28b8ed07439⋯.png (55.95 KB, 987x499, 987:499, never_forget3.PNG)


>Never forget

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f2d960  No.14252285


They're not holier than us, that's the point.

When someone told Jesus His mother and brothers were outside to see Him, He said those who hear the will of God and obey are his MOTHER and brother and sisters.

So who does Mary represent?

You ABSOLUTELY are worshipping. Catholics are those who worship angels and disqualify others, they are ever seeing but never perceiving. They are who Jesus warned us about.

Jesus told you to pray to your FATHER.

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dae436  No.14252286

File: 95a34112c53cd3d⋯.png (131.18 KB, 423x421, 423:421, 72fbc5d22fd05664fbd7964554….png)



>I just got my 5th booster! Feeling great!

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c897a9  No.14252287

File: 377297a7385fca6⋯.png (607.58 KB, 686x713, 686:713, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

CM on Telegram

"A whistleblower has stepped forward.

Today the tides turn…"


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8e105e  No.14252288

File: e54a2d73e6376bd⋯.jpg (297.31 KB, 814x851, 22:23, 20210627_061856.jpg)

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6e5f4a  No.14252289


Land Gina

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1c8eaf  No.14252290

File: ade9590e8dae783⋯.jpg (142.39 KB, 947x2048, 947:2048, E7znZ8tWQAgCMSX.jpg)

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831b33  No.14252291

File: 3045e1c1782461b⋯.jpg (54.05 KB, 800x458, 400:229, 3045e1c1782461b5f78728874e….jpg)


> Third officer

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693f31  No.14252292

File: a517574bcdeedad⋯.png (323.82 KB, 668x374, 334:187, suicide_no_idea.png)

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6f8d32  No.14252293


>Archangle Gabriel

works for God the Father and our Lord

Jesus Christ, not Mary…


>Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.

NOT in scripture

Catholic cultural dogma…

again…always deceiving

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578be6  No.14252294


it's called the looking glass and they can see whenever they choose to

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dae436  No.14252295

File: 6f92c3c3f882cf4⋯.png (231.08 KB, 573x383, 573:383, whut2.png)

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efc250  No.14252296

File: 68a2c957ed966d1⋯.png (30.89 KB, 662x28, 331:14, Screenshot_2021_08_02_at_1….png)

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304873  No.14252297

4:00 pm Eastern Daylight is the deadline in Arizona. Will Dominion/Maricopa election committee provide subpoenaed material? What happens is they don't? Why did they subpoena the password? CodeMonkeyZ putting up some interesting stuff today. Maybe a skilled anon can bring it over here.

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6e5f4a  No.14252298


>they can see whenever they choose to

good point

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c897a9  No.14252299

File: c16f83c506c9317⋯.jpg (245.17 KB, 1019x1280, 1019:1280, 2021_08_02_14_43_56.jpg)

CM on Telegram

"Our whistleblower is not from Arizona.

Our whistleblower is from one of the many other states that used the Dominion software.

Our whistleblower went to excruciating effort to detail and archive everything possible.

Our whistleblower was trusted enough to be given instructions on how to modify the BIOS."


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a09d43  No.14252300


There may be something to this, hard to say. I remember years ago, Art Bell had guys called remote viewers on his show. Maybe……

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fe0b7b  No.14252301


I'll stick with known therapeutics and/or over 90% percent survival rate with my God given natural immune system everything and everyone else pushing anything else can head right over to fuck off permanently

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d7b8f6  No.14252302

File: 4b57babe2945b35⋯.png (31.75 KB, 456x264, 19:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9c28e  No.14252303

File: bae1ec58b0e5fcb⋯.png (641.34 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3abba23923efaf9⋯.png (690.02 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6db2943b48de705⋯.png (831.66 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

3 maskless events for me - masks for thee!

Blacks highest unvaxed rate,

The 'under-served black' bears the brunt of covid,

Muh health inequity






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f4c746  No.14252304


>CM on Telegram

>"A whistleblower has stepped forward.

>Today the tides turn…"



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6e5f4a  No.14252305

CRT end goal

There can be no redemption, until America is gone’…


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700955  No.14252306

cnn reporting another CH police officer has committed suicide


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beaef6  No.14252307

File: ea12a3b4f41bf0f⋯.jpg (168.94 KB, 1600x533, 1600:533, LightfootBeetle.jpg)

File: e9452e383167807⋯.jpg (302.34 KB, 1600x533, 1600:533, LightfootBee.jpg)

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7acbfb  No.14252308


Those first three checkmarks on the left column are not necessarily true if you've already had covid and now are naturally immune. That means you can't spread covid or die from it.

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e15f71  No.14252309

File: 928ecddb8f058eb⋯.jpeg (16.56 KB, 472x315, 472:315, OIP_45_.jpeg)


Notable if confirmed

Which one was it? Been tracking the other 2 and possible 3rd (Sicknick).

Thank you


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29b551  No.14252310

File: b0ad7d601b3378a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 842x960, 421:480, DeBlasio_He_he_he_ing_in_c….png)


>After CNN’s attack on the vaccine hesitant, MSNBC followed suit, having NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on to take it to the next level.

Yeah, listen to what the Central American communist tells you what to think. You can trust him, right? Just look at NYC today… MOAR!

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a210db  No.14252311

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Find out what those words mean



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9f000e  No.14252312

File: dbaf30eeebae593⋯.png (297.06 KB, 881x306, 881:306, hillary_suicide_request.PNG)

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efda59  No.14252313

File: 8abb496ca464e88⋯.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1844x2488, 461:622, 2DCFBC5B_5E63_49E4_955E_1….jpeg)

File: ca1c67fd64dc765⋯.jpeg (940.43 KB, 1793x2076, 1793:2076, 7655E8F7_E441_4784_B284_D….jpeg)


Very. Specific. Reason.

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fe0b7b  No.14252314


the movie with never ending climaxes

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693f31  No.14252315

File: 1480e0a12f8208b⋯.jpeg (148.16 KB, 2000x1110, 200:111, suicide_hot_line2.jpeg)

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1c8eaf  No.14252316

File: f7cb926b3e9334d⋯.jpg (312.87 KB, 1538x1920, 769:960, E7zopeJWEAcqmsK.jpg)

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ee9cad  No.14252317

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700955  No.14252318

File: bfb28c2dbb48a57⋯.png (26.71 KB, 536x319, 536:319, ClipboardImage.png)



NEW TODAY: Sadly, a third police officer who responded to the US Capitol on January 6 has died by suicide.DC's Metropolitan Police Department confirmed the death of Officer Gunther Hashida. (h/t



1:31 PM · Aug 2, 202

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d5528b  No.14252319

(pb) >>14248586, >>14248964 Meryl Streep Relists Tribeca Penthouse, Gloria and Emilio Estefan just cashed out too.

Tom Hanks is selling some of his prized toys. And…. According to real raw news Tom's dead.

Tom Hanks's Custom Airstream Will be Available at the Bonhams Quail Lodge Auction.The iconic trailer was originally purchased in 1993.


Tom Hanks Is Auctioning Off His Tricked-Out Land Cruiser Next Month

The lean, green machine is emblazoned with the actor's signature.


Military Executes Tom Hanks


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e1a81c  No.14252320

CodeMonkeyZ is saying big shit…. ongoing….


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f4c746  No.14252321


Seemingly but they will end.

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954ab9  No.14252322


Waited this long?

Realized guilty and absolutely screwed.

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954ab9  No.14252323

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a09d43  No.14252324


Well, I know they have made great strides in nanotech. Like most things, it can be used for good or evil. Depends on who's using it and their motives I guess.

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700955  No.14252325

File: d7bdbb3e11a7788⋯.png (30.68 KB, 550x366, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)



>another CH police officer has committed suicide


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013630  No.14252326

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588856  No.14252327

File: 62ddf2860173d0a⋯.png (235.6 KB, 481x525, 481:525, ClipboardImage.png)

File: afdd5ec73f93f45⋯.png (240.75 KB, 667x549, 667:549, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3840311c53f9aed⋯.png (244.52 KB, 657x542, 657:542, ClipboardImage.png)

American Medical Association Blasted After Calling For Removing Sex From Birth Certificates

The American Medical Association (AMA) faced intense backlash late last week and over the weekend after calling for sex to be removed as a legal definition on the public part of birth certificates.

The backlash came in response to a tweet from WebMD that highlighted the call from the AMA.

WebMD’s report claimed:

Requiring it can lead to discrimination and unnecessary burden on individuals whose current gender identity does not align with their designation at birth, namely when they register for school or sports, adopt, get married, or request personal records.

A person’s sex designation at birth would still be submitted to the U.S. Standard Certificate of Live Birth for medical, public health, and statistical use only, report authors note.

Some of the most notable responses to the far-left call from the AMA included:

Jonathan Kay, editor at Quillette: “Thanks for making it more difficult to argue down vaccine skeptics. Every time I say ‘trust medical science,’ they can just point to this clown show.”


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29b551  No.14252328

File: 67807aa8dd4aaad⋯.png (333.21 KB, 750x666, 125:111, 106e5d8bd5e56c4514cd467268….png)


>When did the influenza vaccine become prevalent, again…?

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d7b8f6  No.14252329

File: 947d9dd3aa0cbf3⋯.png (89.88 KB, 438x714, 73:119, ClipboardImage.png)


What habbened to that account?

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d5afcd  No.14252330



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a210db  No.14252331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They arent really

Red now, blue before

Suck that Darpa

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8e105e  No.14252332

File: 2f794bd7584b095⋯.jpg (83.38 KB, 609x540, 203:180, 1614264078867.jpg)


>Jews on the brain.

Wonder why

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0512a4  No.14252334


See you… out there!

I would totally rock those robes.

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d5528b  No.14252335


Probable refused to cry like a baby at the Capitol hearings.

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beaef6  No.14252336


he wrote "I got a" there are many vax outside. Not that I would take that shit! But cures exist… Do they put shit out and halt the one he got?

Just rying to understand the vax shit! (no one will ever put that crap in me!)

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700955  No.14252337

File: f62eec4503956e0⋯.png (31.12 KB, 540x384, 45:32, ClipboardImage.png)



NEW TODAY: Sadly, a third police officer who responded to the US Capitol on January 6 has died by suicide. DC's Metropolitan Police Department confirmed the death ofOfficer Gunther Hashida. (h/t



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29b551  No.14252338


>Well, I know they have made great strides in nanotech.

Recall Julian Assange having mentioned "smart dust" quite a few years back.

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c66d8c  No.14252339


and in true terrorist form, theY are picking on the youngest. never any mention of the French or the Spaniards role in the history of Americas just the founding fathers get the blame. just the USA, the youngest country on the planet is responsible for all the worlds woes. just like little white children are to blame for the same. ALL HORSESHIT

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693f31  No.14252340

File: 33b3fedbe39ab84⋯.png (486.15 KB, 667x374, 667:374, ClipboardImage.png)

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872b73  No.14252341



found your problem

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6f8d32  No.14252342

File: 77f5355aa5785d5⋯.png (40.97 KB, 568x452, 142:113, Catholic_Virgin_Mary_Land.png)



Rome, MD

jesuit owned & operated

occupied by CHYNA

Law of War 11.3

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e15f71  No.14252343

File: 5834431c3b996cd⋯.jpeg (12.47 KB, 441x266, 63:38, OIP_50_.jpeg)


Gunther Hashida. Off my radar. Dasting

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0bed89  No.14252344

File: 8446d10a3dcd401⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 453x697, 453:697, Red_Sonja.jpg)


>and theres less than 50k on the entire continent

Regardless, wishing you anons well down under.

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45a322  No.14252345

Austin public Health Dept leaving COVID fear propaganda on phones. I don’t know how they know that my phone number is tied to someone who lives in ATX. I turned off all public health alerts on my phone and have blocked their calls in the past!

The number they call from is 512.978.1510. It’s a legit number. I tried to upload the message but not tech savvy enough. Here is a transcript of what the Commies say:

Austin public Health has an important message for you. COVID-19 is spreading rapidly in Austin. Austin public health is recommending people regardless of vaccination status to wear a mask indoors and outdoors when you cannot socially distance. For those who are partially or unvaccinated we need to ask more from you. We strongly encourage you to stay home except for essential trips. And please consider getting vaccinated now. Getting vaccinated is the best way to stop the spread of COVID-19. Visit vaccines.gov to find where you can get your free vaccine.

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efda59  No.14252346

File: 0057e1b2854bd1b⋯.jpeg (953.56 KB, 1365x1266, 455:422, 9FB78545_07B1_4DAA_B6FB_0….jpeg)

File: af64923c8cf6e23⋯.jpeg (1.76 MB, 1905x1860, 127:124, 7E769F99_D8A5_42D6_BC51_B….jpeg)

File: 9ae9b8d1747df59⋯.jpeg (94.06 KB, 1080x664, 135:83, D6669F45_BBE1_4D0F_A46E_A….jpeg)


Satan had dirt on Clinton…

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693f31  No.14252347

File: eccc4eed7d0dd15⋯.png (132.93 KB, 430x293, 430:293, HRC_erm.png)

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fe0b7b  No.14252348


what do they mean by responded

so that's it right there were only three officers on Capitol Hill that day right or no

we done now and can all forget about it or we gots some more that's fixin to kick off

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9de6b6  No.14252349


the ugliness of these people might be an incentive for their wickedness..feck me they all look alike be they men or women

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6348dd  No.14252350


It's ok because they are outside and everyone knows that covid can't live outside. It is a very SMART virus.

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e1a81c  No.14252351

Our whistleblower is a hero.

Our whistleblower is a patriot.

Our whistleblower had access to all the passwords.

Our whistleblower took pictures of what was locked behind those passwords.

CodeMonkeyZ https://t.me/s/CodeMonkeyZ

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efc250  No.14252352

File: 6fc102843af059f⋯.jpg (310.85 KB, 1088x1451, 1088:1451, E7uvoAZWUAQSrev.jpg)

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831b33  No.14252353

File: 100fb54cca62884⋯.png (482 KB, 1168x788, 292:197, gunther_h.png)

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d5528b  No.14252354


The controllers will claim he was so traumatized by a protest he couldn't face another day.

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f5180d  No.14252355


always dividing

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578be6  No.14252356


in case you don't know. The United States government and industry have been infiltrated by jews at the highest levels in all major institutions. The US government has been usurped by a hostile foreign regime. By way of deception thou shalt do war

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45a322  No.14252357


Clintoncide or Pelosicide? Hmmmmmm

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7acbfb  No.14252358

File: 67ef6e0ed68e88e⋯.png (597.95 KB, 666x722, 333:361, ClipboardImage.png)


Connected to internet confirmed!

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55ad2a  No.14252359


Also confirmed. Been here 14 years and this is by far the mildest summer during this time.

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2b3ad9  No.14252360

File: 3b8c40faa76c3d8⋯.png (75.38 KB, 934x754, 467:377, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

File: ba7b78ab002ead7⋯.png (135.55 KB, 1234x921, 1234:921, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

File: 3395edc31cd3c3f⋯.png (73.7 KB, 965x635, 193:127, Screen_Shot_2021_08_02_at_….png)

Seems like peeps having second thoughts about getting second dose of the poison. Still shocking how many are willing to jab experimental bullshit into their arms tho. Perhaps there is a bell curve relationship between IQ and vaccination rate…


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efc250  No.14252361


Our Whistblower L…?


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700955  No.14252362

File: 05c3c65738926dd⋯.png (222.7 KB, 1336x703, 1336:703, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5616f86c1389ea9⋯.png (540.94 KB, 616x643, 616:643, ClipboardImage.png)


>Officer Gunther Hashida


Alexander Amor Hashida, age 16, of Fredericksburg, VA, passed away in Utah. Beloved son of Vicenta Paula Castro (Giovanni) and Gunther Paul Hashida (Romelia). Cherished brother of Victoria Hashida, Giovanna Castro, Gunther Paul Hashida, Jr., and Joshua Hashida. Adored maternal grandson of Gregoria Guevara and the late Jose Amor Rosa, paternal grandson of the late Gunther George Kleineidam and the late Hideko Hashida. Loving nephew of Wilfredo Guevara (Magy), Jose A. Guevara, Jorge Diaz (Renae), Felipa Diaz, Barbara Avila (Isiah), Patrick Kleineidam (Lauren), and the late George Kleineidam.

Alexander was a student at West Lake High School in Eagle Mountain, Utah, and was a former student at Forest Park High School. He enjoyed working out and keeping in shape by weight lifting and boxing. The outdoors was also a favorite, as he liked to crew and long boarding. During quiet times, he loved to draw, fix and build things, do experiments, play the guitar and the saxophone. Like most teenagers, video games were also a big part of his life.

The family will receive friends at the Mountcastle Turch Funeral Home, 4143 Dale Boulevard, Dale City, VA 22193 on Saturday, June 17, 2017 from 1 PM until the time of his Life Celebration at 3 PM.

In honor of Alexander, the family request that everyone wear purple on the day of the service.

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fe0b7b  No.14252363


is that a dick fish protector or wot

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693f31  No.14252364

File: fd1e219b506622c⋯.png (296.06 KB, 515x484, 515:484, pepe_proper_fkd2.png)



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f5180d  No.14252365



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a210db  No.14252366


Wouldn't work anyway, he put aside his weak end

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0512a4  No.14252367

File: 2046bcd94817cdd⋯.png (253.17 KB, 425x380, 85:76, ClipboardImage.png)


super ultra notable

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beaef6  No.14252368

File: 725068792f6f16c⋯.jpg (535.79 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 725068792f6f16c8746acc0e2d….jpg)


Planed? Look, they are not that strong! It is o.k. now!

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223e16  No.14252369

CodeMonkeyZ, on Telegram is posting today that an election fraud whistleblower has stepped forward and saved everything… https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ/968

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a4cc23  No.14252370

File: ee92841de69045d⋯.png (1.44 MB, 961x961, 1:1, Jesus_and_Mary1.png)

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a210db  No.14252371

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954ab9  No.14252372

File: 95064f782df3a63⋯.png (3.96 KB, 474x32, 237:16, w567uyhjarsh4w76253tyqehw4….PNG)

thnx cm!

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fe0b7b  No.14252373


wot does he mean by Our

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f4c746  No.14252374

File: f3a546b27785171⋯.png (252 KB, 437x488, 437:488, HRC_what_difference_does_i….png)

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c4bc32  No.14252375


We are all lied to every day, just turn on the tv.

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e7e3e5  No.14252376


kill chain is election fraud

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5224b4  No.14252377


He’s got some explaining to do without question, the goddamn vax is criminal. Whether or not anons like it, Trump played a role in this fuckery involving vax deaths/injuries even if it saved millions

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efc250  No.14252378

File: 1c86bc9790f2f75⋯.jpg (255.83 KB, 1170x1147, 1170:1147, E6hcJ1xUYAA7M0z.jpg)


Archived offline?

What a coincidence!

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c66d8c  No.14252379

File: 15983b93b81d411⋯.jpeg (28.84 KB, 322x350, 23:25, killery.jpeg)

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0bed89  No.14252380

File: 9bad2d666d6cd78⋯.png (25.58 KB, 649x163, 649:163, ClipboardImage.png)

Look at him go; invoking scripture.

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a7e864  No.14252381


When I read it it was confusing, but I think they're saying that, among the officers who responded on Jan 6, 3 have now committed suicide.

How many NYPD on the Wiener laptop case commiitted suicide?

Tough work.

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d9c7e2  No.14252382

File: 4fbbe3f1a772ac9⋯.jpg (64.09 KB, 577x433, 577:433, 4fbbe3f1a772ac93767386dc41….jpg)


what did he know? and when did he know it?

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a09d43  No.14252383


Ever read the bible? How many times did God spank them for misbehaving? Quite a few huh? Question: Are ALL Jews bad, or just the ones who DO bad things?

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693f31  No.14252384

File: c57306f6d934246⋯.png (580.56 KB, 710x500, 71:50, fauci_hil_lizard.png)

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d5528b  No.14252385


That was quick. He's not even in the ground and has a Go Fund Me page. Classless.

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a646c2  No.14252386


your opinion means nothing.

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9cb8fa  No.14252387


I thought he got banned what happened to that?

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d7b8f6  No.14252388

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2b3ad9  No.14252389

File: b4c014bf6dd4f0a⋯.jpg (53.36 KB, 800x555, 160:111, acme_thunderer_metal_whist….jpg)


At this point how are there any whistles left to blow? Never have so many blown whistles and made so little noise.

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013630  No.14252390


And its so easy to see. Just read about 1 paragraph to know. Still, many love hope pron.

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578be6  No.14252391


none of the committed suicide

they were loose ends that needed to be cleaned up

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a7e864  No.14252392


He's scaring the shit of the MCBOS before the decision to follow the subpoenas or not.

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