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67af05  No.14217693

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67af05  No.14217695


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>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.


>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958, >>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive shills are using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses

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>>14216149 The US Military Couldn’t Stop the Heroin Trade from Funding the Taliban. But Synthetic Opioid Producers Might.

>>14216160 AOC high jacked by a Project Veritas journalist.

>>14216166 NSO Group affair is latest in Israel’s long history of arming shady regimes

>>14216179 ZZ Top's Bassist Dusty Hill Dead at 72

>>14216198 New York City paying people $100 to get vaccinated

>>14216224 @mtgreenee: The Senate isn’t parading around with paper napkins and jock straps on their faces even though they are “the oldest in American history” with the avg age being 63. @SpeakerPelosi is way older than that. She’s somewhere close to 90. Older than dirt.

>>14216225 PEDO BUN 28 July 21

>>14216249, >>14216666 First Autopsy of COVID Vaccinated Patient Finds Every Organ of Body Infested with Spike Proteins

>>14216257 Nine MS-13 Gang Members Indicted in Racketeering and Violent Crime Conspiracy

>>14216287 Pfizer Now Sees $33.5 Bn In 2021 Covid-19 Sales, Up From $26 Bn

>>14216310 Nigel Farage Is Back with a Bang, Beats Sky News UK

>>14216334 'I'll Be Your Sexual Freak': FBI Agents Harassing Colleagues, Abusing Minors & Boozing While on Duty

>>14216350 @RandPaul: 4 million dead and Dr. Fauci still believes we should continue funding of the Wuhan Lab. Extraordinary and unmatched poor judgement that should preclude Dr. Fauci from being anywhere near the reins of power.

>>14216359 Court revokes the Ecuadorian citizenship of #Wikileaks founder Julian Assange (El Comercio).

>>14216362 @SpeakerPelosi: "The Republican party has been delinquent in embracing the science that people need to be vaccinated."

>>14216433 Italian doctor saving all patients with plasma therapy suicided

>>14216490 Vaccines Forever: Pfizer Data Claims Third Jab ‘Strongly Boosts’ Protection Against Coronavirus Delta Variant

>>14216558 Biden condemns anti-Semitism after swastika found at State Department

>>14216586 American tourists among 4 killed in Ukrainian plane crash

>>14216593 Hundreds of teenage inmates who were subjected to horrific abuse at Don Dale juvenile detention centre will share $35million after massive class action settlement

>>14216621 Paedophile police doctor, now 69, built makeshift film studio where he forced drugged boy, eight, to abuse young girl saying he was going to make him a movie star

>>14216640 Delaware County Man Sentenced to Over 22 Years For Abusing Three-Year-Old Child and Recording the Abuse

>>14216712, >>14216722 Netflix mandates #COVID19 vaccines for casts, crew, and actors of their US productions, the first major Hollywood studio to do so (Deadline)

>>14216766 Sputnik news:Analyst: DoJ, FBI Lock up Trump Allies, Forget About Clinton Foundation's Pay-to-Play Schemes

>>14216830 PF

>>14216859 #17985

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67af05  No.14217696


>>14215396 Actor Rick Aiello, Son of Danny Aiello, Dead at 65

>>14215423 Inside the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Secret Pedophile Database

>>14215598, >>14215623 OTD in 988 the Anicent Rus' adopted the Orthodox Faith. 1033 years ago Saint #Vladimir, the then Grand Prince of Ancient Rus', was baptized in Chersonesus, #Crimea.

>>14215602 Google mandates #COVID19 vaccines for all employees who will return to the company’s offices (NYT)

>>14215648 Vid: 30 seconds of rambling is Joe's way of telling us that a cyber attack is coming and it will lead to kinetic warfare between "major countries".

>>14215662 January 6 Commission Show Trial Witnesses Repped by Russian Collusion, Ukraine Impeachment, Kavanaugh Rape Hoaxers

>>14215704 Jay Sekulow is Asking All Arizona and Pennsylvania Voters Who Were Given Sharpies When Voting to Contact His Law Firm

>>14215723 PELOSI: "I said earlier in my comments, science, science, science & science. On almost every subject that you can name, science is the answer…to say that wearing a mask is not based on science I think is not wise…"

>>14215750 Senators Reach Agreement on $1.2 Trillion Hard Infrastructure Bill

>>14215765 Israeli forces fatally shoot 12-year-old Palestinian boy in occupied West Bank

>>14215775 Officer Dunn Who Testified that Trump Supporters on Jan. 6 Were Chanting the “N-Word” Is HUGE BLM Activist — Supported Mass Violence in Kenosha Riots

>>14215906 Samantha Powell: "An additional 1 million US-donated vaccines have arrived in #Paraguay. The Millennium Falcon wasn't available, so we used the next best aircraft."

>>14215931 Boris’s War on the Young: Festivals, Travel Added to Nightclubs and Universities on Vax List

>>14216007 Ashli Babbitt’s Mother Speaks Out: Nancy Pelosi Orchestrated My Daughter’s Execution

>>14216077 Unilever CEO Pledges Full Commitment to Israel in Groveling Letter to ADL Head Jonathan Greenblatt

>>14216444 #17984

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67af05  No.14217698


>>14214630 Reminder, Bill Gates and George Soros buy out UK Covid test company Mologic

>>14214676 States appeal dismissal of Facebook antitrust case

>>14214690, >>14214696 Audits, Audits,Audits

>>14214694 Jay Sekulow is Asking All Arizona and Pennsylvania Voters Who Were Given Sharpies When Voting to Contact His Law Firm

>>14214711 Minnesota Woman Loses Fingers and Both Legs After COVID Vaccine

>>14214717 Biden admin is moving towards a vaccine passport

>>14214728 Some odd BRRTTT on the screen.

>>14214742 PDJT We won’t go back. We won’t mask our children.

>>14214753 Higher COVID Rate Found In Counties With Higher Vaccination Rate

>>14214754 The U.S. Census Bureau could be forced to delay even further the release of redistricting data used for drawing congressional and legislative districts

>>14214759 Well well what do we have here

>>14214776 Twitter Suspends ‘Audit War Room’ Accounts For WI, PA, NV, GA, AZ While Dems Start 1/6 ‘Show Trial’

>>14214778 WI Final Audit Report

>>14214791 Far more voters want the race riots of 2020 investigated than the Jan. 6 Capitol protests, including overwhelming majorities of blacks and Hispanics.

>>14214815 It's time to wake people up 2 X More kids go missing each year than people that have died from Covid-19.

>>14214819 Pfizer now sees $33.5 billion in 2021 vaccine sales, up from $26 billion, and says a third dose of its #COVID19 shot "strongly" boosts protection against the Delta variant.

>>14214832 Pfizer data suggest third dose of Covid-19 vaccine 'strongly' boosts protection against Delta variant

>>14214865 Jim Jordan admits he spoke with Donald Trump on January 6 but refuses to say what they discussed

>>14214881 Biden Hater's Banners That Town Called Obscene Can Stay Up, Court Rules

>>14214886 It's not everyday that you see an F-18 Hornet on ADS-B.

>>14214925 To the Anon that was questioning who the 4 to 6% lost forever are.

>>14214961 Election workers in second Ga. county come forward with allegations of vote fraud

>>14214970 Judge says criminals including convicted sex attacker accused of RAPE can skip community service if they get COVID vaccine

>>14215051 GOP Rep. Chip Roy, flanked by Marjorie Taylor Greene, rages against the reinstated House mask mandate:

>>14215072 @RepThomasMassie Queen of hypocrisy Pelosi reinstates House mask rule, while not wearing a mask. I sued her in federal court yesterday for this nonsense.

>>14215159, >>14215176 Ken Bennett tells James Harris on KFYI that he’s stepping down today as Arizona Senate GOP audit liaison.

>>14215169 Anon Bun: Simone Biles

>>14215191 Nurse whistleblower from Maryland

>>14215038 Using global stage to prep the world for the exposure usa Olympic athlete abuse?

>>14215234 FACT CHECK: Is US Capitol Rioter Kevin Seefried a Biden Supporter, Registered as a Democrat?

>>14215265 Alcohol The Deadliest Drug

>>14215276 US NAVY "Inadvertent Keystroke" Tweeting and BackTweeting JA (one stroke over the line sweet Jesus)

>>14215307 infowars.com UN Setting Up Massive Internment Camp System For The Unvaccinated?

>>14215331 #17983


>>14213853 MYPILLOW CEO Mike Lindell has claimed both President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris will resign on August 13.

>>14214023 The Forgotten Dyke: Natalie Barney the Lesbo Queen of Paris and Her Secret Masonic Temple

>>14214105, >>14214106 Infrastructure talks leave Biden’s entire agenda at risk

>>14214207 .Woman calls out Bobby Lee the Comedian from Mad TV for being a Pedophile and Raping a 12 yr old girl in TijuanaOh Oh Hot Dog !!.

>>14214216, >>14214218, >>14214221 Dillon Jordan: Movie Producer Ran International Prostitution Ring

>>14214304, >>14214310 NIH Director & Fauci Boss Advises Chinese Military Proxy-Linked Group Working Alongside COVID-19 Gene Storage Firm.

>>14214432 twenty years ago a mass migration plot was hatched to help the left change the west forever they even admitted it

>>14214489 @USArmy: Today, we remember the #BuffaloSoldiers.

>>14216587 #17982

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67af05  No.14217699


>>14212981, >>14212992, >>14213032 Why The Hell Does Utah Have High Gas Prices

>>14213094, >>14213495 Obama joins NBA Africa as strategic partner

>>14213108 Australian NSW Police Commissioner Mick Fuller Violates International Human Rights

>>14213154 Gen Flynn, They fear the truth & truth tellers

>>14213160, >>14213167 Imagine a world where you need to get an injection every 3 months to be “normal”

>>14213169 Dominion Responds to AZ Senate Subpoena with Derision and Contempt

>>14213172, >>14213175 Senate President Karen Fann Issues Statement on AZ Audit

>>14213268 Voter ID Battle with State Sen. Judy Ward Pennsylvania’s 30th district

>>14213319, >>14213401 Fastest man alive

>>14213393 World renowned doctor blows lid off of covid vaccine (16:50)

>>14213468, >>14213488, >>14213498 Adam Schiff Fake Cries During Jan 6 Political Theater Hearing

>>14213482 Australia Melbourne's Great Wall of Police

>>14213574 Julian Assange stripped of Ecuadorian citizenship

>>14213767 #17981


>>14212218 Newsmax Host Greg Kelly Offers 5 Questions for Ashli Babbitt’s Heartless Killer Lt. Mike Byrd

>>14212231 Giuliani: We all knew “Shifty Schiff” was a liar. Now we know he’s a “Cry Baby.” What he is not, is a good actor.

>>14212236 Biden’s cognitive dysfunction takes front and center

>>14212342 Saudi Arabia is the next up to go the "papers please" route

>>14212351, >>14212305, >>14212321, >>14212338, Uranium, Diamonds and COVID, Oh my! Anons digging around on connections

>>14212410 West Hollywood Man Found Guilty of Drug Trafficking Charges, Including Giving Methamphetamine to Two Victims Who Died

>>14212455 Comms? TIMBER! Tree uprooted by a powerful gust falls on top of an off-road vehicle parked underneath it amid heavy rain and strong winds in Western Australia.

>>14212509, >>14212543, >>14212634, >>14212653, >>14212606, >>14212629, >>14212715, >>14212728 Cycling Death Digs.

>>14212536 Dr. Fauci's wife's secret plan to put psych drugs in drinking water

>>14212548 At least two dead after 'chemical incident' at #LyondellBasell chemical plant in Texas

>>14212570 Team Audrain: Health department rolls out new campaign to encourage vaccinations

>>14212593 Michael Flynn On Why They Tried To Destroy Him

>>14212602 In a House floor speech, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) accused Speaker Pelosi of silencing debate and rejecting all of her amendments for political purposes.

>>14212707 Air Force to land planes on Michigan highway during war training exercise

>>14212742 New Evidence Suggests COVID Vaccine May *SPREAD* the Virus:NBC News Report Deleted from USA Today Article

>>14212507 Anon posts another, sizable notebun of #17976

>>14212785 Teary Capitol Police Officer Who Testified About January 6 Previously Defended Violent George Floyd Riots In Kenosha

>>14212790 Jan. 6 Panel Could Subpoena Trump, McCarthy: Cheney

>>14212883 Elephant comms dig

>>14212922 #17980

Previously Collected Notables

>>14212488 #17979,

>>14212750 #17976, >>14211385 #17977, >>14212813 #17978

>>14207392 #17973, >>14208164 #17974, >>14208954 #17975

>>14205111 #17970, >>14205833 #17971, >>14206612 #17972

>>14202731 #17967, >>14203562 #17968, >>14204337 #17969

>>14201093 #17964, >>14213093 #17965, >>14201931 #17966

>>14201230 #17961, >>14201229 #17962, >>14201953 #17963

>>14196781 #17957, >>14198940 #17958, >>14201130 #17959

>>14192525 #17954, >>14200586 #17955, >>14200720 #17956

>>14190469 #17951, >>14190990 #17952, >>14191767 #17953

>>14187744 #17948, >>14188704 #17949, >>14189476 #17950

>>14185597 #17945, >>14186390 #17946, >>14187122 #17947

>>14183186 #17942, >>14183974 #17943, >>14184849 #17944

>>14181078 #17939, >>14181605 #17940, >>14182405 #17941

>>14178401 #17936, >>14179499 #17937, >>14181078 #17938

>>14176088 #17933, >>14177446 #17934, >>14177633 #17935

>>14173627 #17930, >>14174501 #17931, >>14175794 #17932

>>14171686 #17927, >>14172595 #17928, >>14172894 #17929

>>14172443 #17924, >>14171630 #17925, >>14171883 #17926

>>14166610 #17921, >>14167265 #17922, >>14168110 #17923

>>14164951 #17918, >>14165113 #17919, >>14165642 #17920

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>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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e14c69  No.14217700

File: 6a3e982896b6aa0⋯.jpg (223.23 KB, 722x738, 361:369, AQ1.jpg)

Somebody leaked Pfizer’s manufacturing and supply agreement. Wow.


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67af05  No.14217702

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67af05  No.14217704

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67af05  No.14217705



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67af05  No.14217710

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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652255  No.14217711

File: 4ae4194b2a8cb61⋯.jpg (808.11 KB, 3327x2063, 3327:2063, 4ae4194b2a8cb6120a2b11f09c….jpg)

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52a3a4  No.14217712

File: 78dec12de40e3bf⋯.png (199.59 KB, 722x811, 722:811, 2021_07_28_18_37_28.png)

File: 6c695590edb10c3⋯.png (79.96 KB, 471x836, 471:836, 2021_07_28_18_39_50.png)

File: f878782c95156d3⋯.png (172.37 KB, 1002x1160, 501:580, 2021_07_28_18_45_33.png)

File: 712949f3d468870⋯.png (114.68 KB, 715x1026, 715:1026, 2021_07_28_18_47_37.png)

The first local transmission of the Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant in mainland China had a viral load1260 times higher(PCR cycle threshold of 24 cycles) than the first strains of the pandemic (PCR cycle threshold of 34 cycles).

This also means "a faster replication rate, a reduced incubation period, and greater viral shedding."

Press release:


What's This About Delta Being 1,000 Times More Infectious?

— Here's where that frightening figure comes from

by Kristina Fiore, Director of Enterprise & Investigative Reporting, MedPage Today July 23, 2021

You've been hearing it a lot lately: the Delta variant is 1,000 times more infectious than the original version of SARS-CoV-2.

So where does that figure come from?

It's from a study by the Guangdong CDC in China published earlier this month as a preprint on both medRxiv and virological.org that experts are touting for its solid science.

Baisheng Li, MD, and colleagues studied 62 people and their close contacts who were infected in the initial Delta outbreak in Guangzhou from May 21 to June 18. These close contacts were tested daily via PCR, and data were compared with similar sampling from 63 people infected with an earlier version of the virus from the first wave in 2020.

Ultimately, they found that the viral load for the first positive test was 1,260 times higher for Delta compared with the variant in the initial wave of infections – hence, the "1,000 times" higher estimate going around social and other media.

Indeed, the PCR cycle threshold value for the first detected infection was just 24 with Delta, compared with 34 for the earlier variant, they reported.

The time from exposure to the first positive PCR test was also shorter with Delta, at 4 days compared with 6 days.

This all suggests a faster replication rate, a reduced incubation period, and greater viral shedding – all factors that contribute to Delta's increased infectiousness and transmissibility, said Angela Rasmussen, PhD, of the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization at the University of Saskatchewan in Canada, in a twitter thread.

"If people are shedding 1000X more virus, the probability that a close contact will be exposed to an infectious dose is much higher," Rasmussen tweeted. "If people become contagious more quickly after exposure, they can have more opportunity to infect others."

She noted that she's seen more "Delta is more airborne!" commentary, which is "neither helpful nor accurate. … I'm not even sure what that means," as a virus must still obey the laws of physics, she said.

"Delta hasn't learned how to fly or morphed into an ACE2-seeking virus missile," she tweeted. "It's not 'more airborne.'"

She said the study suggests that the mechanism behind Delta's increased transmissibility "is just that there's a lot more of it, sooner. If there's more virus around, it's going to be easier to spread."

The increased transmissibility for Delta is also supported by epidemiological evidence from the U.K., which found Delta to be about 64% more transmissible than the Alpha variant (B.1.1.7). Alpha was already estimated to be 50% more transmissible than the wild-type virus, or the D614G strain – making Delta about twice as transmissible as wild-type virus.

Rasmussen said the findings from Li's group only make the need to get vaccinated more urgent, since the fully vaccinated "have high titers of neutralizing antibodies and mature memory B and T cell responses. It's a lot harder for Delta to overwhelm these defenses by just throwing more virus at them."

Last Updated July 23, 2021



Viral infection and transmission in a large well-traced outbreak caused by the Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant

Corresponding authors: Yan Li, Jun Yuan, Jianfeng He, Jing Lu



doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.07.07.21260122

Viral infection and transmission in a large well-traced outbreak caused by the Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant

Posted July 12, 2021

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e14c69  No.14217714

Apologies for the Bread Shit, lads

$12 per dosage for about 250K units.

Funny that this is the price for a small amount of dosages when Pfizer was charging the US $19.50 per dose.

US taxpayers got screwed by Pfizer.

You must pay Pfizer for the dosages you ordered, no matter how much you consumed, regardless if Pfizer got it approved (it was a pre-EU approval) or if they delivered the Contracted Doses in accordance with any estimated delivery dates set forth herein.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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