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a356a7  No.13879056[Last 50 Posts]

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Donald J Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk - https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds | https://azaudit.org/

Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

>>13811371, >>13811431, >>13811669 GIGA DROP HAPPENING GET IN HERE - 3,200 pages of Fauci emails. Start digging anons / EYES ON PATRIOTS - FAUCI DOCUMENT RELEASE


>>13802689, >>13802749, >>13802702 Games operators play.. More fallout from the B bullshit

>>13792537, >>13792570, >>13792882, >>13792587, >>13792591, >>13792638, >>13792653, >>13793136, >>13793154, >>13793208 Jim confirms it was 'global volunteer' that made the 'B' post on /projectdcomms/ and not Q.

-TOR posting is disabled BO explains why- >>13793136

TOR posting was never meant to be on all the time on this board, It was activated to help people get onto the site in times when it was unstable.

The site is stable and TORposting is being abused by shills and other kikery is going on with it so until further notice it is disabled.

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a356a7  No.13879062

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements




>>13877444, >>13877497 https://peterdaszak.com/ digs

>>13877495 LA Times reports QAnon is dead (Bet they still won't shut up about it)

>>13877502 Scientists revive 24000 year old worm-like animal frozen in siberia

>>13877534 Infographic: Timeline of the Durham Investigation

>>13877647 Bio-Barcodes: GMO Spores Hidden in Food to Track Supply Chain


>>13877777, >>13877788, >>13877889 Notre Dame 11.11.18 digs (checkt)

>>13877870 CAR Prime Minister Firmin Ngrebada and cabinet resign

>>13877886 Trump-appointed ambassador to Brazil resigns

>>13877920 I had 60 million tablets of HCQ that Tony Fauci and @cc wouldn't allow the American public to use

>>13878196 Supreme Court rules in favour of unsealing Sherman estate files

>>13878241 #17568


>>13876637 Hackers Steal Wealth of Data from Game Giant EA (Electronic Arts)

>>13876641 Gaetz warns 'fusion' between US Govt. and Chinese Communist Party

>>13876648 Centcom: Live-fire close air support training

>>13876728 Facebook charged with discrimination against American job seekers

>>13876734 First European physical gold ATM opens in Czech Republic

>>13876866, >>13876877, >>13876888, >>13877000, >>13877004 AZ audit floor to host visitors from 10 states

>>13876878 Rep. Greene: Pending Fulton County audit is a case to watch

>>13876903, >>13876930 Variety of providers/websites down

>>13876957, >>13876968 EVERY STATE Should Be Audited - Citizen in Massachusetts Uncovers Election Discrepancies

>>13877008, >>13877014 Redlight activity at white house

>>13877072 Mom destroys school board over sexualized kid's book

>>13877230 PJTD was right: Study shows HCQ booted vent patients' survival by 200%, is"incredibly promising"

>>13877235 Huma's book scheduled for Nov. 2 release

>>13877241 Wisconsin Senate Passes Bill That Would Ban Private Money From Election Administration

>>13877242 4cdn.org Seized?

>>13877244 9 States Will Visit AZ Audit Center – ONLY ONE PALLET LEFT TO COUNT

>>13877268 Today's mirrored date re: Huma indictment

>>13877277 Report: Unvaccinated Students ‘Numbered’ with Sharpie and Tracked at High School Prom

>>13877299 USMC "Building upon tradition" Silent Drill Team

>>13877327, >>13877314 Baker change

>>13877333 LIVE: Potato watch

>>13877397 #17567

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a356a7  No.13879063


>>13875843 Keith Olbermann Panic!

>>13875938 Passengers on first fully vaccinated North American cruise test positive for COVID

>>13875965 Edge Computing per Q post #1600 Potential Dig?

>>13876038 Baric conducting SARS research before 2003 outbreak

>>13876040 Facebook Lawsuit of the day

>>13876286 Cryptopunk is the new "money-laundering art"


>>13877307 #17566


>>13875096, >>13875111, >>13875217 US Capitol Special Agent David Bailey Who Murdered Ashli Babbitt is a Brazilian Immigrant and Black Lives Matter Militant

>>13875102, >>13875091 HRC: "It takes courage and commitment – two things Huma has in spades" Q1445 "Think Spade"

>>13875200 Facebook Is Hub of Sex Recruitment in U.S., Report Says + More

>>13875336, >>13875355 How Washington is positioning Syrian Al-Qaeda’s founder mohammad jolani as its ‘asset’

>>13875348 Jim Watkins 'Did Dr. Fauci violate the BWC?'

>>13875358,>>13875431 Huma´s book on Nov 2, Q38 Nov 2 "Follow Huma"

>>13875371, >>13875407, >>13875443 PF

>>13875375, >>13875532, >>13875541 Rep Swalwell and Adam Schiff are calling for an IG investigation.

>>13875419 Blackout in Puerto Rico after massive fire at power plant in San Juan. 400,000 residents affected. The fire broke out shortly after the firm reported a cyber-attack

>>13875437 EU Joins Calls For New Probe Into Origins Of COVID-19

>>13875458 Biden's Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin refuses to say if he thinks the US armed forces are racist, as he is questioned by Sen. Tom Cotton

>>13875607, >>13875637 Durham in the news, DOJ releases financial activity report on Durham special counsel investigation May 28, 2021

>>13875783 #17565


>>13874331 Statement by PDJT: It is now unanimous, and I have been proven right (once again)

>>13874340 Statement by PDJT: Good luck to Biden in dealing with President Putin—don’t fall asleep during the meeting, and please give him my warmest regards!

>>13874378 G7 summit wink to Q at Carbis Bay from UK bread

>>13874381 Repost, notabled before: Former Pfizer Chief's warning

>>13874404, >>13874424 justice.gov news

>>13874468 NAFTA has been replaced by the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, but investors can still sue under NAFTA until the middle of 2023

>>13874497 Passengers on first fully vaccinated North American cruise test positive for COVID

>>13874585 Politico: Senior Trump advisor Jason Miller leaving role as spokesperson, taking over as chief executive of startup that is developing a social media platform being considered by Trump.

>>13874710, >>13874722, >>13874733 Adam Schiff and House Intel Committee aides and the aides' family members, including a minor had their data from Apple subpoenaed by DOJ in 2017 and 2018.

>>13875058 #17564

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a356a7  No.13879065


>>13873923 NV GOP CHAIR: AZ AUDIT Breddy Gud Model

>>13873901 "A Dangerous Precedent" - 3rd FDA Advisor Quits After Controversial Alzheimer's Drug Approval

>>13873899 Another jabbed bites the dust

>>13873881 Texas Governor Abbot Says Next Week He Will Announce Plans to Build More Border Wall

>>13873851 Destroying confidence in vaccines

>>13873832 El Chapo's wife pleads guilty

>>13873827 Vernon Jones Appears To Be Displaying The Official WaterMark On Valid Ballots Which The Left Claims Does Not Exist.

>>13873807, >>13873707 New Trump statement via GAB

>>13873777, >>13874074 Explosion in Puerto Rico causes a blackout | trips checked

>>13873767 New video from ex-CEO from Pfizer,

>>13873556 GA judge orders ‘strangely pristine’ mail-in ballots, that look photocopied, to be guarded | 6-9-21

>>13873992 Former Member of Massachusetts Latin Kings State Leadership Sentenced for Racketeering Conspiracy



>>13872658 DOE Grants Manchin Donor’s Company $1 Million

>>13872668 It gets worse . . . in Central Lake Township (Antrim County) we discovered 82% reversal rate of ballots.

>>13872799 Steve Daniels President of the @PatriotPartyAZ was arrested last night for no reason.

>>13872872 The new inspector general report released yesterday was looking into the episode that transpired last year involving U.S Park Police clearing out protestors from the area in and around St. John’s Episcopal Church

>>13872909 The Florida Board of Education approved a new rule on Thursday supported by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis that effectively bans critical race theory in K-12 public education.

>>13873101 LOS ANGELES: "Sheriff Alex Villanueva feels the responsibility to help clean the boardwalk up.

>>13873166 Russian Navy warships shoot down 8 cruise missiles in Arctic drills

>>13873225, @BrianKempGA betrayed President Trump and failed to secure our elections, costing us two US Senate seats and likely the White House. Georgians deserve a fighter, not a coward. That's why I'm running for Governor.

>>13873289 Pennsylvania State Police Arrest Man Accused of Committing Triple Homicide Over a Used Toyota Camry

>>13875340 #17562


>>13871906 NOW - Biden: "America will be the arsenal of vaccines in the fight against COVID-19 just as it was the arsenal of democracy during World War 2."

>>13871939, >>13872037 BlackRock, who is currently buying up US properties/homes, is balls deep in the chynah virus creation through it's relationship to Glaxo…

>>13871947 Senator Elizabeth Warren (aka Pocahontas) Shares Link to Stolen Data on Taxes Paid by the Super Wealthy to Push Taxing the Rich

>>13871955 JUST IN - Biden, Johnson commit to a 15% global minimum tax amid talks of exemptions for China.

>>13872061 Seems Prince has been busy working on vaccine distribution in Taiwan with Abu Dhabi $$ backing Windward Co's and partnering with a former Flynn Staffer @ Maersk for distro.

>>13872105 URGENT | France's Macron announces termination of counterinsurgency operation in Africa's Sahel Region

>>13872124 Closed cold case murder tied to ousted Tennessee governor

>>13872140 Morales' legacy: Bolivian joint nuclear project with Russia's Rosatom unique for Latin America

>>13872246, >>13872068 ethylene oxide on testing swabs

>>13872296, >>13872553 planefagging

>>13872591 Exclusive: Louisiana AG Landry Says ‘Bans Against Any Firearms Are Ridiculous’

>>13875191 #17561

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a356a7  No.13879066

Previously Collected Notables

>>13869423 #17558, >>13874442 #17559, >>13874442 #17560

>>13867897 #17555, >>13868148 #17556, >>13868645 #17557

>>13867897 #17555, >>13866635 #17553, >>13487592 #17554

>>13865547 #17552, >>13866635 #17553, >>13487592 #17554

>>13863204 #17549, >>13863969 #17550, >>13864794 #17551

>>13860831 #17546, >>13862772 #17547, >>13862838 #17548

>>13860735 #17543, >>13860935 #17544, >>13860080 #17545

>>13856231 #17540, >>13860500 #17541, >>13860629 #17542

>>13856104 #17537, >>13856103 #17538, >>13856103 #17539

>>13851200 #17534, >>13851965 #17535, >>13856104 #17536

>>13850200 #17531, >>13850093 #17532, >>13850414 #17533

>>13850649 #17531/2, >>13850200 #17531/1, >>13848003 #17530

>>13846798 #17527, >>13846403 #17528, >>13847227 #17529

>>13843437 #17524, >>13844197 #17525, >>13844965 #17526

>>13841058 #17521, >>13841828 #17522, >>13842872 #17523

>>13838783 #17518, >>13839502 #17519, >>13840246 #17520

>>13836421 #17515, >>13841657 #17516, >>13844477 #17517

>>13834013 #17512, >>13834861 #17513, >>13835645 #17514

>>13833637 #17509, >>13832468 #17510, >>13833231 #17511

>>13829388 #17506, >>13830674 #17507, >>13833600 #17508

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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a356a7  No.13879069

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

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>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>13855387 ————————————–——– Germany #81

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>13163650 ————————————–——– Scotland #4

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>>13828562 ————————————–——– UK #39

>>13741855 ————————————–——– Vatican #5

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Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>13700133 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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a356a7  No.13879071

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* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

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Learn To Bake!

Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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a356a7  No.13879073

the dough

post away, fixing the dough sabotage

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6fb81a  No.13879080

File: e8f6b4c6f64749a⋯.jpg (748.8 KB, 1080x1641, 360:547, 20210606_132349.jpg)

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566986  No.13879081



Is the board semi-borked for other Anons?

'Dasting timing if there's an attack going on all of sudden.

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a356a7  No.13879089


dough now


hate it when that guy rearranges the dough

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760239  No.13879093


Thank you Baker.

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6e8be9  No.13879096


The FDA reportedly forces J&J to scrap about 60 million doses of its Covid vaccine


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566986  No.13879106


Wild/contentious last bread and now it's kinda borked, BV?

Seems like many may be having issues getting back on based upon few posts here so far.

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6d1aae  No.13879109

File: f3bfab7c7b0834a⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 2310x1708, 165:122, 43F68C63_5171_4C64_A547_5….jpeg)

The place Biden and Putin are meeting

Villa la Grange

Has been a cabal meeting site for centuries

Originally settled by a Roman due to ancient obelisks being found at the site


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4d098f  No.13879118


>Seems like many may be having issues getting back on based upon few posts here so far.


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760239  No.13879119


There are 2 breads currently, I prefer this one, but letting it play out. Other bread currently has more replies.

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aa6c3c  No.13879123


Ebakes… always two, there are

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cdea90  No.13879127

File: 31cab8d205971c6⋯.jpeg (139.86 KB, 2048x1365, 2048:1365, En4jbu4XIAA_M0I.jpeg)

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d65a22  No.13879129


YouTube suspends Ron Johnson from uploading videos for seven days over hydroxychloroquine claims

YouTube removed video Friday, citing its 'medical misinformation' policy

Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., has been suspended from uploading videos to YouTube for seven days and had a video of a speech talking about early treatments to COVID-19 removed by the video-sharing giant.

The video removal and upload ban came after two videos of Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs hearings he led on early experimental treatments to the novel coronavirus, such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.

Johnson told Fox News that "YouTube's ongoing COVIC censorship proves they have accumulated too much unaccountable power."

"Big Tech and mainstream media believe they are smarter than medical doctors who have devoted their lives to science and use their skills to save lives," Johnson said. "They have decided there is only one medical viewpoint allowed, and it is the viewpoint dictated by government agencies. How many lives will be lost as a result? How many lives could have been saved with a free exchange of medical ideas?"

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3d748e  No.13879131

File: 59e0c7e37cd1eb1⋯.png (123.02 KB, 957x574, 957:574, scrnli_11_06_2021_22_10_22.png)

File: 080a8644cb9d21c⋯.png (377.67 KB, 974x547, 974:547, temprise.png)

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566986  No.13879133


Oh, ok.

I see it now - the board is still being borky for me as posting is clocking and the catalog slow to update.

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cdea90  No.13879134

File: 5576e48faeba5ed⋯.jpeg (48.96 KB, 500x563, 500:563, download_2019_12_01T16361….jpeg)

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077327  No.13879135

File: e3f06c82c24d067⋯.png (111.11 KB, 266x345, 266:345, wallis_s.png)

File: 7006ce27489d02e⋯.png (66.51 KB, 177x202, 177:202, wall.png)

File: 3153efe9fe72329⋯.png (665 KB, 471x679, 471:679, crown_wall_.png)


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cdea90  No.13879136

File: ccd948c6dbeee94⋯.jpg (138.46 KB, 1012x615, 1012:615, ccd948c6dbeee94f95fdeffc55….jpg)

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d65a22  No.13879137


The 2020 Federal Human Trafficking Report found that 59 percent of victims in active cases who were recruited through social media were found through Facebook. Snapchat, WeChat, and Facebook's Instagram were also hotspots for recruitment.

"The internet has become the dominant tool that traffickers use to recruit victims, and they often recruit them on a number of very common social networking websites," Human Trafficking Institute CEO Victor Boutros told CBSN, elaborating on the report.

Reacting to the report, Facebook spokesperson Jeanne Moran issued a statement saying "Sex trafficking and child exploitation are abhorrent, and we don't allow them on Facebook."

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7808ff  No.13879139

File: a242086869d5e22⋯.gif (284.9 KB, 498x498, 1:1, vegeta_laughs.gif)

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cdea90  No.13879140

File: 7faaf13b6fee02c⋯.jpeg (56.52 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, 7faaf13b6fee02c539c109832….jpeg)

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548963  No.13879141

File: 4ad7b74d4ef99e0⋯.jpg (78.51 KB, 1200x628, 300:157, E3IzI8TXIAAc49C.jpg)

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1c313d  No.13879142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

boy is this poor fucking guy gonna be angry when he finally realizes his wife was killed by genocide

"clotting was at the core of it"

she had a heart attack as a result of respiratory failure

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bc75a2  No.13879143

Is Discord down?

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6d1aae  No.13879144

File: 93c126db28c8653⋯.png (3.74 MB, 1502x1080, 751:540, BB0AE74B_A9BB_48DA_97B0_A4….png)


I smell many lawsuits coming for “Big tech”

Nerds will pay

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88027b  No.13879145

Why is bigger bread locked?

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cd8563  No.13879146

File: 9380b07a8f41902⋯.png (1.18 MB, 796x799, 796:799, Pepe_I_be_like.png)


My bad, I stumbled in and didn't see a bread for like 5 minutes. So I baked a loaf and right then my coworker called me panicking about a car wreck, so didn't see BV message or anons message about this bread. Other bread is locked now tho. Carry on frens.

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91f549  No.13879147

File: 06f75c3d90a3955⋯.jpg (20.77 KB, 255x199, 255:199, d2e955cb8acecc51185ca0b9a5….jpg)

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cdea90  No.13879148

File: ca05c2760f7e8f8⋯.jpg (42.45 KB, 400x527, 400:527, ca05c2760f7e8f8ae03fc7d356….jpg)

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679297  No.13879149

File: abbc2bbee7593d3⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 640x352, 20:11, videoplayback.mp4)

Joe Biden gets lost in the G7 summit

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760239  No.13879150



kek, well that answers that

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a356a7  No.13879151

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27a1fe  No.13879152

File: bf21ff2b1e64b12⋯.webm (1.72 MB, 360x360, 1:1, gif8e036869eb1b25efa5b0fc….webm)

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548963  No.13879153

File: 420cd6bd54b08e9⋯.jpg (112.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, cap_3122_00_00_09_02.jpg)

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91f549  No.13879154

File: f475fa1302281b5⋯.jpg (70.75 KB, 1011x603, 337:201, o.jpg)

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ab7553  No.13879155




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f60e83  No.13879156



why would i curse a judah ?

Not common around these parts

No, am more concerned at the blindess being shown here, you mentioned loki, yes of course, and he calls me a mewlin' shrew :))

is, ra, el

I married Ra, then became a maritime guard

you see the problem

I love the sea, always have, and although i married Ra, he cried for me

My inability to choose between the two has driven this narrative, and as written in Hosea, he has provided for me even when in the arms of another

think tis a woman issue, i believe ra has divorced me because am eatin' chicken & am vegetarian, runnin' around like a headless chook, which also applies to the "I will cut off your head & your tail" which was the vine, which is the church

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e06497  No.13879157


Thank You baker

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e054e9  No.13879158


two breads enter

one bread leaves

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1f877e  No.13879159

File: 692e7784d77263f⋯.png (829.05 KB, 1451x878, 1451:878, Annotation_2021_06_11_1236….png)

File: 0dc3f429018afad⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1453x881, 1453:881, Annotation_2021_06_11_1238….png)

File: d3f731270ac4a24⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1442x866, 721:433, Annotation_2021_06_11_1239….png)

I honestly don't know what to make of this. A B52 from Barksdale AFB, LA flew up to the DC area and at low altitude made several orbits over Dunkirk, then without climbing out, made a run directly over the middle of DC proper and is now heading back to BAFB.

There have been in an increase in the number of squawking B52 sorties of late, but it's been the usual expected stuff of going to a restricted area and dropping practice bombs, or doing formation work with the tankers, etc. Other than a few 'hard diplomacy' runs overseas, this is the first time I've something like this stateside. I wonder if there's an airshow or something.

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167e37  No.13879160

>>13878536 (pb)

Getting to know some of the BVs and BO (FastJack) is a case of 'you do not want to meet your heroes'. Some things to consider:

1) Why are BVs spamming MUH JOO agenda on board?

2) BVs borderline doxxing anons

3) Accuse people of being a kike yet when someone even questions them you get banned

4) They can shitpost but if you sarcastically rebuttle they are butthurt and you get banned and shunned

5) Get to know them on discord; I've never met such a toxic group of leadership you would expect that runs this board. If I wanted to talk to cunts I'd go to /pol/

6) It took Q to personally call them out to tidy up the ship

7) Who the fuck are these people? Board could have been comp'd months ago. Anons need to investigate the leadership and keep them in check as much as anyone else! They circle jerk each other and group up on you and attack like a pack of hyenas.

Q/Jim/Ron really needs to stir some shit up because keeping the same people in power like they do in government can create a stale environment and a corruption of power (without them even realizing it)

(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST: Saying MUH JOO on a research board)
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b24c96  No.13879162

File: 6866f1098003fec⋯.png (1.63 MB, 811x817, 811:817, ClipboardImage.png)

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679297  No.13879163


His wife/caregiver/handler rushed over to steer him away from the scary reporter and her softball question, and everyone laughed and laughed.

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46b83b  No.13879164

File: 2e2930e50d7aceb⋯.jpg (14.79 KB, 186x198, 31:33, G7.JPG)

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910312  No.13879165

File: 6adc7272522540f⋯.png (772.27 KB, 730x546, 365:273, ClipboardImage.png)


👅ghost type>>13879119

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cd8563  No.13879166

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8137f8  No.13879167

File: db92acd8a2b601b⋯.jpeg (78.07 KB, 700x669, 700:669, B6110592_2872_412B_A69D_2….jpeg)

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88027b  No.13879168

File: cbfb91b65ac63bc⋯.jpg (450.76 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20210611_180902….jpg)

Indian Company Sun Pharma, back in March of 2020 has donated dosens of HCQ to US.

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760239  No.13879169


>1) Why are BVs spamming MUH JOO agenda on board?

Cause of this



WE SHALL END LIBERTY, Gun Control, Right to vote, Thousands of laws on the books


POVERTY OUR WEAPON, 580,466 people homeless in America QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858, #2854 - Homelessness population on the rise?

WE SUPPORT COMMUNISM, BLM & Antifa Ran by Jews (((Susan Rosenberg))) https://www.bendthearc.us/american_jews_black_lives_matter

WE SHALL DESTROY GOD, WHY DO YOU THINK Q ALWAYS SAID "GOD WINS" QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

MASSES LED BY LIES, Who Controls The Media? QPOST #3613, #3721, #3858


UNIVERSAL WAR, Think POTUS trying to remove troops from Afghanistan


CHRISTIAN YOUTH DESTROYED, Speaks for itself. QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603


WE ARE WOLVES, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

4. The GOYIM are a flock of sheep, and we are their wolves. And you know what happens when the wolves get hold of the flock? …, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

7. For what purpose then have we invented this whole policy and insinuated it into the minds of the GOY without giving them any chance to examine its underlying meaning? For what, indeed, if not in order to obtain in a roundabout way what is for our scattered tribe unattainable by the direct road? It is this which has served as the basis for our organization of SECRET MASONRY WHICH IS NOT KNOWN TO, AND AIMS WHICH ARE NOT EVEN SO MUCH AS SUSPECTED BY, THESE "GOY" CATTLE, ATTRACTED BY US INTO THE "SHOW" ARMY OF MASONIC LODGES IN ORDER TO THROW DUST IN THE EYES OF THEIR FELLOWS. QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142


WE SHALL FORBID CHRIST, Q SAYS GOD WINS QPOSTS #4627, #4461, #4396, #4063, #3432, #3354, #1603

SECRET SOCIETIES, ”FOR WE ARE OPPOSED AROUND THE WORLD BY A MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY…” - JFK QPOST #3734, #2573, #1588, #1433, #1183, #1082, #942, #783, #743, #742, #709, #703, #354, #350, #121, #92, #15

GENTILES ARE STUPID, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU STUPID, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

GENTILES ARE CATTLE , Q SAID THEY CALL YOU SHEEP/CATTLE/STUPID IN SOME COMBINATION OVER 60 TIMES. GETTING THE PICTURE? QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142


4. We have done our best, and I hope we have succeeded to obtain that the GOYIM should not arrive at this means of contending with sedition. It was for this reason that through the Press and in speeches, indirectly - in cleverly compiled school-books on history, we have advertised the martyrdom alleged to have been accredited by sedition-mongers for the idea of the commonweal.This advertisement has increased the contingent of liberals and has brought thousands of GOYIM into the ranks of our livestock cattle, THEY CALL YOU SHEEP, THEY CALL YOU CATTLE, THEY CALL YOU GOYIM. GETTING THE POINT OF WHOM Q WAS REFERRING TO YET??''' QPOST #120, #953, #4588, #4556, #4553, #4535, #4409, #4397, #4015, #3905, #3858, #3792, #3721, #3684, #3662, #3613, #3607, #3558, #3507, #3441, #3437, #3405, #3369, #3286, #3176, #3028, #2901, #2683, #2646, #2640, #2559, #2474, #2399, #2368, #2358, #2303, #2128, #1936, #1926, #1797, #1646, #1644, #1602, #1495, #1449, #1269, #1010, #953, #923, #833, #813, #748, #694, #666, #645, #632, #184, #142

Signed by the representative of Zion, of the 33rd Degree THEY ARE ALL THE SAME. MASONS, ELDERS, JEWS.

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88027b  No.13879170

>>13879168 continued…

Link for picture and story…


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f60e83  No.13879171


Dday anon

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e054e9  No.13879172

File: ff08ddbfdf1e79b⋯.jpg (47.52 KB, 474x461, 474:461, kek.jpg)

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566986  No.13879173



yawn - you don't even know that he retired from 8kun a while back - yet run your mouth/fingers like an expert

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e7abc5  No.13879174

File: a7ab9c560b1e4d6⋯.png (143.91 KB, 3406x934, 1703:467, 0001a.png)

File: cd8139299bd1d3b⋯.png (925.83 KB, 1764x1404, 49:39, 0001.png)




A bit of Board History for the New Eyes.

The Finkle and the 66 Million shills dominated the board over the last 3.5 years.

If any anon had a problem with it they were told to "LEARN TO FILTER".

Free Speech board, right?

Over time, certain anons fought back against these forces that were attempting to make Q research look like it was just another neo nazi Storm Front.

Certain anons learned to destroy the shill narrative and would occassionally drop info on the main board for the new eyes to see.

Apparently certain anons became a bit too good at it.

The day the most recent bread war started was the same day Anon dropped the final version of the "OUR FATHER" decode and approx. the same time as the most recent Palestine/Israeli conflict began.

The "Our Father" decode destroyed their "Israel did 9-11" contention.

They tried to turn Dan's "We stand with Israel" tweet into a "Israel did 9-11" decode which slid for days before the "Our Father" was finalized.

Anons gotta love coincidences.

Suddenly OSS/BV/BO were no longer going to allow "Spam" which in their minds included Vatican Research.

What a convenient position to take if your shill narrative failed miserably.

Now, just call anything that you do not like (whatever causes the most pain to the shill narrative) Spam.

Just call it all Spam, delete it and ban the user.

Suddenly muh free speech board doesn't look so free after all.

Why the sudden change?

Why the blatant targetting of Vatican Research?

Why did BO elevate OSS to BV?

OSS repeatedly Noted the Protocols and other race baiting hate disinfo, deleted previous Bakers notes, split the bread, locked the real bread, nominated his own shill disinfo and other Neo Nazi Storm Front tactics.

BO is a real dumbass if BO is not aware of OSS unanon like behavior.

BO knows full well.

The same BO that aired his grievances with Jim Watkins on the main board for all to see.

The same Jim Watkins that BVOSS ranted against while also begging Jim to ban him.

BO might as well be OSS.

Big Picture Time.

Who else has beef with Jim Watkins?

Hotwheels! This does not mean that Anon believes that OSS BV is hotwheels yet really whats the fucking difference?

Hotwheels who has repeatedly stated that if it was up to him, Qresearch and 8kun would be taken down.

Who else wants Q research to be taken down, the Deep State?

What we have here is a bunch of neo nazi paperclip babies who see their world collapsing.

They wanted a Race War and from the ashes they expected to seize power just like the story goes in one of their favorite books.

They are experiencing a very high level of Cog Dis - Fear, Denial, Rationalization, Rejection, Suppression, Projection and Regression.

"Infiltration not Invasion" and "Surrounded by Evil."

"CCP > Command and Control Positions."

Enjoy the show!

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ae27fa  No.13879175

File: a2e0731be7ed394⋯.jpeg (53.5 KB, 800x419, 800:419, E3nMqcJXoAUlVio.jpeg)

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e44429  No.13879176

File: e9b34bce4f62326⋯.png (54.55 KB, 898x738, 449:369, ClipboardImage.png)


Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?

The SCRA is a law designed to ease or eliminate certain financial burdens on Soldiers that might arise because of military service.

Learn more → https://www.justice.gov/servicemembers


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3ce6ea  No.13879177



Hey baker, below are the notables from previous bread

>>13878694 (pb)

Notables from previous thread


>>13878440 President Putin to conduct his first U.S. TV interview in nearly three years

>>13878563 CDC revised deaths

>>13878572 The Ever Given Crew Are Still Stuck at Sea

>>13878615 Body found near G7 Summit venue in Cornwall


Most of that thread was spam and conversation. How the fuck does this place devolve so easily now?

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91f549  No.13879178

File: 5cfa3732098aec9⋯.jpg (105.95 KB, 744x1024, 93:128, 1596166331877.jpg)

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88027b  No.13879180

File: 30d88107c8f0955⋯.jpg (101.84 KB, 1052x415, 1052:415, SmartSelect_20210611_18111….jpg)

>>13879170 continued…

Back in April of 2020, Q posted..

Clear your mind.



And posted a link to a music video on yt…


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3f7603  No.13879181

File: 8a468b932352584⋯.jpg (51.39 KB, 500x415, 100:83, 8a468b93235258462d46a357fe….jpg)

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910312  No.13879182

foreign money >>13879177

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91f549  No.13879183

File: b6a3ba255320373⋯.png (285.24 KB, 474x479, 474:479, 1596815020962.png)

File: 7c91664d3dcb01c⋯.jpg (194.16 KB, 500x593, 500:593, download_3_.jpg)

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e06497  No.13879184

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

Trust the plan.

Trust yourself.

Be best.

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


Health and Blessings and Love


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b69ba5  No.13879185

File: 4dabb1235444d59⋯.png (534.16 KB, 720x405, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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3ce6ea  No.13879186


Well, we need foreign anons to deal with the clusterfuck that is burger time dayshift.

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6d1aae  No.13879187

File: 63cf890b2e08d31⋯.png (2.28 MB, 2048x1076, 512:269, 15DE1FF2_D4C8_4DC5_8E71_BE….png)

Greedy old fucker will be dead soon

Why you don’t let old people with zero vested interest in the future make decisions

Retire ya old fucks

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b6d7d4  No.13879188


Yep - Jew hatred is… wait for it… hatred

The politically naïve faction that thinks they have political control over Q Research is a joke.

Anons are love and light.

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91f549  No.13879189

File: 7548972446b3efa⋯.webm (2 MB, 368x368, 1:1, can_t_take_this_kike_shit….webm)

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085be4  No.13879190


attacks never stop anon.

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ae27fa  No.13879191

File: 762977dea93644c⋯.png (32.36 KB, 350x471, 350:471, 350px_Sun_Pharma_logo_svg.png)

File: 92834a0a52522ea⋯.jpg (67.31 KB, 630x243, 70:27, hydroxychloroquine_02.jpg)

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b418f9  No.13879192


worth a listen


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1c313d  No.13879193

File: 45d2fa0aeee1332⋯.gif (4.46 MB, 367x325, 367:325, ECK2.gif)

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6d1aae  No.13879194


That’s the gayest costume evah

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be6968  No.13879195

Non White Order

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91f549  No.13879196

File: 11a2b9b6b4a5cf9⋯.webm (450.66 KB, 720x404, 180:101, im_a_jew.webm)

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427db1  No.13879197

File: 279b319226e2825⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 3569x2534, 3569:2534, 279b319226e282557b81dd2164….jpg)

File: 8715151b8a9100e⋯.jpg (76.54 KB, 604x819, 604:819, 8715151b8a9100e9e992a88a9a….jpg)

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548963  No.13879198

File: aea6a5a57adfe06⋯.png (540.2 KB, 598x615, 598:615, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

Bank of Russia raises key rate by 0.5 pp to 5.5% per annum


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86a415  No.13879199

File: e798d6e35ba1fd1⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2500x2407, 2500:2407, trumpcoin_front_side.jpg)


>Trust the plan.

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3f7603  No.13879200

File: 0382f21853c856e⋯.png (38.47 KB, 277x235, 277:235, 0382f21853c856e136bf1bb489….png)



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117acc  No.13879201

File: 73d187d60fb73e3⋯.jpg (78.72 KB, 1104x621, 16:9, 20210611_085909.jpg)

File: c48a2b1d6df5b06⋯.jpg (62.43 KB, 727x500, 727:500, 5cxv43.jpg)






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b69ba5  No.13879202

File: 5b3ebd4c0537620⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1141x1164, 1141:1164, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c313d  No.13879203

File: 63b4c4511182203⋯.gif (2.02 MB, 320x180, 16:9, alien_dog.gif)

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aa416d  No.13879204

File: ab528b481048df0⋯.png (199.15 KB, 878x1052, 439:526, mcj.png)

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760239  No.13879205


>Who else has beef with Jim Watkins?


>Hotwheels! This does not mean that Anon believes that OSS BV is hotwheels yet really whats the fucking difference?


>Hotwheels who has repeatedly stated that if it was up to him, Qresearch and 8kun would be taken down.


>Who else wants Q research to be taken down, the Deep State?

Every time I think you can't be anymore retarded you post again.

P still equals Payseur kike.

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3e5b06  No.13879206

I see that the defamers of the board have once again turned it into a narcisscistic splurging of demands that we 'agree' with whatever protocols that they are snorting that day.

it is obvious to me why someone does something like this.

it's about power and control

you seek to defame all the users of the board by doing this.

don't ask us to make conclusions for you.

that is not what this board is about.

and you demand them from us?

you don't speak for me.

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59b7dc  No.13879207

Jeff Bezos is going to space.

What does it mean?

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78f7c3  No.13879208



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8137f8  No.13879209

File: 53471cc9aa8db03⋯.jpeg (62.84 KB, 562x706, 281:353, E2F4F293_4EF8_42FA_9D9C_F….jpeg)

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b69ba5  No.13879210

File: 448a8f2a0938920⋯.png (290.81 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

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760239  No.13879211

File: ca6c2fa6a36f27c⋯.png (374.86 KB, 1428x909, 476:303, Screenshot_2021_02_03_Q_Re….png)

>>13879188 ←Jon "Muh Joo" Doodle

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117acc  No.13879212

File: e95114a3625be85⋯.png (849.91 KB, 1391x847, 1391:847, 1623428658391.png)

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566986  No.13879213


>How the fuck does this place devolve so easily now?

Wild stuff.

And to think just 12 hours ago was a great Night Shift.

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4e8613  No.13879214


Watch The Water

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a356a7  No.13879215

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13879158 two breads enter one bread leaves

>>13879159 PF Reports: B52 run over DC

>>13879176 @USArmyReserve Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?



>>13878440 President Putin to conduct his first U.S. TV interview in nearly three years

>>13878563 CDC revised deaths

>>13878572 The Ever Given Crew Are Still Stuck at Sea

>>13878615 Body found near G7 Summit venue in Cornwall

>>13879177 #17569 in #17570

at 100ish

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b6d7d4  No.13879216


Yep - doxxing - Fast Jack / OSS / 8bit

The haters

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78f7c3  No.13879217


When I was just a dukes, I married one of those. Disaster.

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f4b4b4  No.13879218

File: e96a5455603ae4c⋯.jpg (36.08 KB, 800x402, 400:201, gdfgrresdt.jpg)

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91f549  No.13879220

File: 4da7bc41ae58105⋯.jpg (138.69 KB, 554x772, 277:386, 1615866258276.jpg)

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46ed21  No.13879221

File: 6706e963fa6b7ea⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1195x1080, 239:216, ClipboardImage.png)

wazzup niggas

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259271  No.13879222

File: e113ac0b8100c71⋯.jpg (109.78 KB, 679x867, 679:867, 06_11_2021_125321.jpg)

File: 67360d233817ed3⋯.mp4 (13.18 MB, 444x250, 222:125, Satans_Kingdom_on_Earth_Ta….mp4)


Looks like this has been scrubbed from the Internet. I remember being able to find this video a couple years ago and now it is gone.

Glad I stashed it.

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1c313d  No.13879223

File: 341785cab7668f1⋯.gif (7.8 MB, 500x427, 500:427, OpRedSuppository1.gif)

click it

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760239  No.13879224



>Yep - doxxing - Fast Jack / OSS / 8bit

I know you are a retarded fuck, but you can't really be trying to make anons believe your real name is Jon Doodle?

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b6d7d4  No.13879225

Lucky for us God Wins.

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88027b  No.13879226

File: 0514cc523815836⋯.jpg (371.06 KB, 2400x1080, 20:9, Screenshot_20210611_181245….jpg)

File: 046e542915b50a5⋯.jpg (327.74 KB, 1079x1294, 1079:1294, SmartSelect_20210611_18131….jpg)

File: a6dbfa558157238⋯.jpg (449.7 KB, 1046x1307, 1046:1307, SmartSelect_20210611_18140….jpg)

>>13879180 continued…

Q has secretly pointed out at CHQ as first letters of that Q drop shows us. CHQ …going forward points us at hydroxicloroquine.

Whats more interesting is that Sun Pharma(India's pharmaceutical company) has the same logo as the circle in a music video from Q's drop.


Make a connection.

Trust in your research.

Q told us more than a year ago that it will start in India.

Follow news nowdays. Whats haooening in India? Hcq works?

Trump promoted it a year ago.

Always 5 steps ahead.

What if that cure reveals something more?


Cance[II] /r/ marker[I]

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b69ba5  No.13879227

File: bec40a816b8558e⋯.png (638.88 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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566986  No.13879228


Correct - but the board isn't always on the verge of crashing every day either.

Saw some other Anons mentioning status 0 issues lb too.

Seems to be getting better on my end now tho.

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a97758  No.13879229

File: ddd0555f904a26a⋯.jpg (23.26 KB, 474x266, 237:133, tyb.jpg)

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46b83b  No.13879230



Need the little white cat with his sunglasses throwing the ball, then turning to camera dancing, Trump scoots in on one side with his awesome dance, and then the drum guy on the other side.

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b6d7d4  No.13879231


Your hatred of anons, Q Research, Q Posts and Making America Great is showing again OSS

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1c313d  No.13879232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5f22b5  No.13879233


If this doesn't confirm it I dunno what will: banning anon for calling them out



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e7abc5  No.13879234

File: d0174c910a5f281⋯.jpg (113.66 KB, 528x408, 22:17, jfk_2.jpg)

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d64310  No.13879235


Old news to those that have been watching.

Worth a listen, indeed.

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910312  No.13879236


June 10, 2021

Two Members of the Violent Extremist Group “The Base” Plead Guilty to Federal Firearms and Alien-Related Charges


Six California Men, Four of Whom Self-Identify as Members of “Three-Percenter” Militias, Indicted on Conspiracy Charges Related to Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


June 9, 2021

Third And Final Lansing Defendant Convicted Of Terrorism Charge


Georgia Man Arrested for Assault on Law Enforcement during Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


Third and Final Defendant Pleads Guilty to Conspiring to Provide Material Support to ISIS


June 8, 2021

Alabama Man Arrested for Assault on Law Enforcement During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


Self-Identified Proud Boy Arrested for Violent Entry and Obstruction of Justice during Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


June 3, 2021

Four Arrested in Sixteen-Defendant Oath Keeper Conspiracy Case for Activities Leading to U.S. Capitol Breach


June 2, 2021

Florida Woman Arrested for Assault on Law Enforcement During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


June 1, 2021

Seattle man charged with attempting to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization


May 28, 2021

Two Malaysian Nationals Sentenced for Illegally Exporting Firearm Parts to Hong Kong


California Man Arrested for Violence on Capitol Grounds during Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


Las Vegas Woman Arrested And Charged With Illegally Exporting Goods To Iran


Las Vegas Woman Arrested and Charged with Illegally Exporting Goods to Iran


May 27, 2021

U.S. Attorney’s Office Provides Update on Federal Prosecutions and Ongoing Strategies To Combat Violent Crime in Chicago


Ohio Man Arrested in Alabama for Assault on Law Enforcement during Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


May 26, 2021

Mahoning County Man Pleads Guilty to Using a Firearm to Threaten a Jewish Community Center in Youngstown


Italian company admits guilt in scheme to evade U.S. national security trade sanctions


May 25, 2021

Atlanta man admits attempting to conceal firearms in overseas shipment


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910312  No.13879237


May 21, 2021

Bulgarian National Sentenced to Federal Prison for Illegal Exports to Russian Military and Space Program


FBI Employee Indicted for Illegally Removing National Security Documents, Taking Material to Her Home


Man Sentenced for Impersonating Homeland Security Agent


May 20, 2021

Florida Man and Self-Identified Proud Boy Arrested for Assault on Law Enforcement During Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


New Jersey Man and Oath Keeper Arrested for Crimes Related to Jan. 6 Capitol Breach


May 18, 2021

Ohio Man Pleads Guilty to Providing Material Support to ISIS and Attempting to Commit an Attack at a Toledo-Area Synagogue


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8137f8  No.13879238

File: 496736eb51f5d94⋯.jpeg (35.17 KB, 483x386, 483:386, A859F2AA_F9F2_4608_9D82_7….jpeg)

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3d748e  No.13879239



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19ae12  No.13879240

File: 743c3f0285ebfe2⋯.png (276.42 KB, 499x486, 499:486, Icantmeme.png)


…Wasted digits.

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eb8549  No.13879241

File: 895ccd976742b56⋯.jpg (108.02 KB, 828x651, 276:217, 895ccd976742b568a5e26fa521….jpg)


Night shift was great last night.

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e6c20a  No.13879242

File: a2bd481d890b93b⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1241x2159, 73:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b83588c0a7a9d8e⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1241x1617, 1241:1617, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13879083 (from locked bread)

>I have a feeling CNN just made tge worst rehire of their

This story makes me think that Toobin is following a script to illustrate how ridiculous CNN is.

What will it take to wake up the normies?

The Libs. are so "tolerant" of their own.

They stand around yelling "Grab her by the pussy," but they will tolerate all of the deviant behavior or language that the Lefties do or say.



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1c313d  No.13879243

File: 813ce199bd19144⋯.gif (3.23 MB, 360x360, 1:1, 1538003733.gif)


>Need the little white cat

that's rayciss

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d622c0  No.13879244

File: 2ca88546b235b7b⋯.png (286.27 KB, 380x532, 5:7, Capture.PNG)

File: a6161cd219f6755⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 320x320, 1:1, WSbiXALuFTPIEFYc.mp4)

So glad to see parents fighting back against the sexualisation of children and critical race theory, Marxist degeneracy has run rife, turning the education system into an indoctrination system, a generation of confused and mentally unbalanced young people, we stop this now!


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760239  No.13879245


>Your hatred of anons

Kek, you kikes aren't anons, I just doxx'd you, remember Jon?


JFK hated you kikes


>If this doesn't confirm it I dunno what will: banning anon for calling them out


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548963  No.13879246

File: 2690200405c4837⋯.png (616.72 KB, 598x694, 299:347, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

File: 0c8c09efb290933⋯.png (473.37 KB, 456x335, 456:335, Screenshot_2021_04_20_irak….png)

A former employee of the Kiev-based State Scientific Control Institute of Biotechnology and Strains of Microorganisms stole vials containing a dangerous animal virus, the Ukrainian Prosecutor General’s Office said citing investigators


Stay clam

Nothing to see here

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e8d66b  No.13879247

File: 1e0d6b1dc1178dd⋯.jpeg (245.97 KB, 756x510, 126:85, 1C3255F2_F54E_4570_92DD_1….jpeg)


Nothing beats the original Eleanor, nothing.

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e06497  No.13879248

There is someone on this board that reminds me of @jack …


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aa416d  No.13879249


clearly you have no fucking clue what doxxing is

has your home address been leaked?

has your home ip been leaked?

has your phone number been leaked?

your place of employment?


then it's not doxxing, retard.

just go back to facebook, holy shit.

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4e8613  No.13879250

File: 16e563bad281206⋯.png (294.2 KB, 479x205, 479:205, ClipboardImage.png)


This needs to happen.

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62fe53  No.13879251

File: 8d7b5d259997136⋯.png (221.74 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, eDSNFiEQMnUrqNr82yo8_11_36….png)

File: c902a84e707ddfa⋯.png (108.97 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, 8i2TQcyRfGTETumIZu1X_11_d2….png)

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bb3b2d  No.13879252

so much for fixing the world, can't even fix the board.

Patriots divided, will be patriots no more.

Degrees of belief separate

God's plan of punishment and death is playing out well.

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b69ba5  No.13879253

File: 3b585079db389c5⋯.png (1.4 MB, 822x798, 137:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6d7d4  No.13879254


Fast Jack has set the Q Research admin function up to dox, stalk and harass anons.

That, combined with his hatred of anons and Jews is very telling, don't you think anons?

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117acc  No.13879255

File: 7af66ef0985429c⋯.jpg (78.19 KB, 634x500, 317:250, 30equf_2_.jpg)

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c16474  No.13879256


I’d advise people to go to the supermarket and see what’s happening.

Shortages of many items like beef, chicken, eggs, many others!

How can people not see what Chyna is doing? Political turmoil was created, a virus was unleashed, a”cure” or “vaccine” is rolled out, 1/2 the people go back to work while the other 1/2 collects a govt. check. Then the food shortages and inflation rolls out.

I hope you guys know or are aware of the next step.... it’s usually an altercation of some sort or a sneak attack, right?

Chyna is preparing to attack! I’ve seen it before.


So what? They are a cult! In the truest definition!

They use the crutch of their ancestor’s plight ( muh concentration camps and genocide/death ) as a license to shutdown anyone (they) see as a threat or enemy to their cause.

They are also NATURALLY CORRUPTED from birth and live their lives like they are entitled or owed something because of their ancestors.


See the above.

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401096  No.13879257

File: 74ab3bde0317e09⋯.png (292.3 KB, 697x2129, 697:2129, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71778087e46399d⋯.png (277.44 KB, 1592x808, 199:101, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13879088 (lb)

>VE Venezuela

2 Iranian navy ships are heading to the Americas, posing a potential provocation to the US

2 Iranian navy ships are heading to the Americas, posing a potential provocation to the US

June 3, 2021·2 min read

Makran iran ship americas

An Iranian naval ship near Larak Island, Iran, on May 10. Maxar via Reuters

The US is tracking two Iranian navy ships believed to be headed for Venezuela.

Politico said the ships, thought to be carrying "missile-attack craft," were nearing the Atlantic.

Biden is trying to lure Iran back to the 2015 nuclear deal and appears reluctant to anger Tehran.


Also Marco Polo heading there?


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259271  No.13879258


You would rather it be scrubbed then?

Maybe you can ban everything you dislike and show us how you would do it!


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1c313d  No.13879259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


shut it and listen to this for a while

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e7abc5  No.13879260

File: e91323296e21fa1⋯.jpeg (8.15 KB, 255x169, 255:169, jfk_1.jpeg)


All true yet keep going as the list is long.

Q cannot possibly be anything but a larp to them.

Think about it.

It must be truly terrifying.


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91f549  No.13879261

File: b450885777ad8f9⋯.png (407.18 KB, 730x481, 730:481, 3f1627b2d50b0acdfd3197b4bc….png)

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910312  No.13879262


> up to dox, stalk and harass anons

furries like yourself, dipshit!

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2a27cd  No.13879263

File: e865d50b3fd6e1d⋯.jpg (356.5 KB, 763x876, 763:876, who_runs_bordertown.jpg)

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8da984  No.13879264

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nuremberg II

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b6d7d4  No.13879265


Dark to Light

You're getting pantsed in the school yard

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f60e83  No.13879266


Whose symbol >happens

to be identical to the object d'art in the video Q posted in April you mean :)))

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1c313d  No.13879267

File: 763a29dec2d62c7⋯.jpg (97.42 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 763a29dec2d62c7a2d6a3b5618….jpg)

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b69ba5  No.13879268

File: 53c05132e1b372c⋯.png (190.83 KB, 500x453, 500:453, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c313d  No.13879269

File: e154f748c7cbf65⋯.jpeg (56.2 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 786B116A_3661_494A_8D1A_7….jpeg)

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566986  No.13879270


It was quite the bubbly atmosphere.

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1c313d  No.13879271

File: 26ddc5a147ddd44⋯.jpeg (137.83 KB, 800x622, 400:311, 5a5fe8c27e0fd.jpeg)

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91f549  No.13879272

File: db1b9bb4ba82c11⋯.jpg (7.43 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1595996645182.jpg)

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910312  No.13879273

eat shit Kaplan

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548963  No.13879274

File: c2c8148f3cb6e22⋯.jpg (72.55 KB, 562x575, 562:575, GT.jpg)

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1c313d  No.13879275

File: fa6752b14a4b210⋯.jpg (290.3 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 1531399674_1.jpg)

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797bd0  No.13879276

File: 8db7619d78e8884⋯.jpeg (242.26 KB, 1241x1261, 1241:1261, 7783BA24_E040_48CE_8B11_6….jpeg)

2021 the year of the reckoning for the MSM propagandists is nigh


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1c313d  No.13879277

File: 34b4df7a62af860⋯.jpg (112.86 KB, 580x584, 145:146, 1531399674_4.jpg)

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be6968  No.13879278

File: e030024761ab412⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1024x681, 1024:681, ClipboardImage.png)

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91f549  No.13879279

File: 209cdcba0feaea0⋯.jpg (84.29 KB, 605x960, 121:192, 209cdcba0feaea0481bc8fdbd0….jpg)

File: dc6f27e567922f1⋯.jpg (34.35 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1611969077417.jpg)

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b6d7d4  No.13879280


You mad bro? Can't control Q Research politically with your naïve world views?

Show me on the doll where anons hurt you…

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1c313d  No.13879281

File: cf1d4a5ba68e553⋯.jpg (890.34 KB, 1507x1325, 1507:1325, 1531401721_1.jpg)

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8137f8  No.13879282

File: 0595056dbde0395⋯.jpeg (211.4 KB, 732x549, 4:3, 6AC32129_4314_4FAB_92F5_5….jpeg)


Your cup overfloweth.

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a25928  No.13879283

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fc2d57  No.13879284

File: 4ebdf789ab34309⋯.jpg (25.25 KB, 387x109, 387:109, 2556.jpg)

>>13878550 pb

What do they fear the most? Public awakening. - Q1644

They fear you [massive global reach]. - Q4048

A public (person) that thinks for themselves [independent free-thought] is what they FEAR the most [loss of control]. - Q4556

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117acc  No.13879285

File: ac14d85702eb211⋯.png (5.14 MB, 1964x1268, 491:317, Reality_meme_good_18.png)

File: 459a2b12321c632⋯.png (4.88 MB, 1922x1271, 62:41, Reality_meme_part_1_their_….png)

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3e5b06  No.13879286


no shortages.

the fear porn is plentiful!

you're even giving it away!

I'd encourage people to look at this post and see it as fear porn.

see, I can encourage, too.

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5102f5  No.13879287

File: 19ae1581308d339⋯.mp4 (15.33 MB, 640x360, 16:9, PS1Mainstream_Media_Lies_A….mp4)


As if faux is any better? It's NO different!

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2a27cd  No.13879288

File: f50f37aca9d310a⋯.png (541.36 KB, 575x800, 23:32, POTUS_6.PNG)

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f60e83  No.13879289


Dost thou bake ?

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b95dd7  No.13879290


reminds me of epstein island and the terramar project logo.

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3d748e  No.13879291

File: af904bee865721f⋯.jpeg (1.39 MB, 4096x2277, 4096:2277, E3nYw2ZXMAIGSl_.jpeg)


Is this the world's weirdest snorkel, or X's attempt at high fashion? Find out what this mysterious prototype from the X archive is by signing up for our next newsletter — coming out on Tuesday.


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259271  No.13879292


Maybe you can send some "Fact Checkers" to dispute what is said and win your side of the argument.


This is why you want it banned..

"Imagine being so nasty that you you need laws to protect you from criticism."

Or something like that!


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46b83b  No.13879293


I'd go so far as to say they were Co-Conspirators to KNOWINGLY deceive.

Saying they were WRONG, implies innocence and ignorance.

They were not ignorant of what they spread. They had an Agenda.

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1c313d  No.13879294

File: 0d12d44c753da93⋯.jpg (102.1 KB, 980x551, 980:551, 1531407618_3.jpg)

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566986  No.13879295


No shit they're just hashes.

Basically, Q (and prolly 3 letters) are the only ones that can truly doxx someone here.

And Jim and his IT staff can see the raw IPs so they could have a good head start.

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be6968  No.13879296

File: 042de0c7985c823⋯.png (98.24 KB, 253x199, 253:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a05a4  No.13879297


Your characterization of the situation on QR seems pretty accurate.

FJ, OSS and Hotwheels all want to destroy QResearch - but are always pointing the finger elsewhere to deflect attention from themselves. FJ is BO; OSS is BV. Is Hotwheels part of the action? No way to know.

Unfortunately, since FJ is in charge - and Q has not intervened as he did in July 2019 - QR is in pretty bad shape. Traditional bakers either left or went underground after the alliance of OSS and FJ became apparent, because given the structure of image boards, there's really no way to "fight city hall" if those who manage the board are comp'd.

As a result, there is no way to ensure that each bread is baked or that there is continuity in handoffs.

As for site management, this is a true free speech site. We are lucky to have it. We are all GUESTS on this board, which Jim Watkins provides for FREE. All of us give our time and effort for free, in exchange. Much gratitude to the Watkins family for hanging in and refusing to give up 8kun, even when they are attacked every day on this board.

Tolerance is a wonderful virtue.

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8da984  No.13879298

File: c983927bc09f59e⋯.png (916.46 KB, 500x748, 125:187, ClipboardImage.png)


For the children

Nuremberg II

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e8d66b  No.13879299


Censorship causes death.

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1c313d  No.13879300

File: f92737766d082e3⋯.jpg (265.84 KB, 1369x893, 1369:893, 1531408917.jpg)

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88027b  No.13879301


I bet Q knows every location of ours

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b69ba5  No.13879302

File: 6afa367b0f2850b⋯.png (520.93 KB, 640x483, 640:483, ClipboardImage.png)

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4e8613  No.13879304

File: cc8d7a869872d26⋯.png (1.93 MB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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a356a7  No.13879305

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b6d7d4  No.13879306



Doxxing to harass and online stalk is a thing. Just ask OSS / Fast Jack / 8bit

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eb8549  No.13879307


For sure, but both those ladies are media, so they'll go with wrong instead of knowingly lied.

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1c313d  No.13879308

File: 18a08fe8d5e8630⋯.jpg (8.99 KB, 606x78, 101:13, 1531757581.jpg)

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910312  No.13879309

i'm not an expert on QAnon and am humble enough to admit that, but the "[insert far-right movement here] is done" or "this [insert far-right movement] is brand new" is a genre of its own at this point. but in-depth reporting and analysis of these ideologies doesn't support it.

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a97758  No.13879310


Happy 2 c great minds.

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428b37  No.13879311

File: 6155cec2f1dd269⋯.jpg (181.43 KB, 1806x913, 1806:913, 435wg.jpg)


Yeah they banned me for criticizing or even questioning them. I've had more freedom of speech on YouTube comment section. o.o

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3d78b3  No.13879312


Just some little froggies searching for the truth.

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59b7dc  No.13879313

Has Q been to outer space?

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259271  No.13879314


Fucking JIDF

Using our Pepe as if you support him pisses me the fuck off.

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bb3b2d  No.13879315


complete horseshit

save your shit for the biblefags

you guys can have your fun, and play your games, 1/2 brains have their own chan, it's 8-4 = if you have any brain cells left

no Jesus, no Sky event, Sky Hoax is what is prepared for you at the critical moment of the 5th house of ascension's alignment

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d4bb88  No.13879316

File: 4a076a6dab4d27d⋯.mp4 (5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, video_2021_06_11_09_57_31.mp4)

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fb488e  No.13879317

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7ab3b9  No.13879318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dr Michael Salla

June UAP Report will Confirm UFOs are Real but Intel Community disagrees over their Origins

June 5 2021



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a97758  No.13879319


How about other dimensions?

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b69ba5  No.13879320

File: 93e53a242d5aa69⋯.png (565.1 KB, 600x584, 75:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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8da984  No.13879321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nuremberg II

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be6968  No.13879322

File: 2c2d6060f13e425⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1600x1147, 1600:1147, ClipboardImage.png)

God Bless America

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b6d7d4  No.13879323



Thanks Jim Watkins for having the tolerance that anons have to have at this point. It'll all work out.

Dark to Light

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a356a7  No.13879324

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13879158 two breads enter one bread leaves

>>13879159 PF Reports: B52 run over DC

>>13879176 @USArmyReserve Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?

>>13879236, >>13879237 justice.gov buns

>>13879242 Tanon opines Toobin is following a script to illustrate how ridiculous CNN is.


at 200ish

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ce50ca  No.13879325

File: 8eb7c82bcd7e5d4⋯.png (27.95 KB, 748x425, 44:25, ClipboardImage.png)

ya don't say.



JUST IN - Former Attorney General Barr "does not recall getting briefed" on seized communications records belonging to Democratic lawmakers who were leading investigations into Trump (Politico)

12:05 PM · Jun 11, 2021·Twitter Web Ap


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427db1  No.13879326

File: eb9be338a6ee891⋯.png (403.61 KB, 700x350, 2:1, dcf27855a22b3b8cb0968a36ff….png)

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1c313d  No.13879327

File: c5fed877aa9325c⋯.jpg (78.31 KB, 600x600, 1:1, c5fed877aa9325c173b3f2137c….jpg)

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e7abc5  No.13879328

File: 3853f49a21b82d6⋯.png (156.18 KB, 992x1108, 248:277, evolu3.png)



Hear, Hear!

Wouldn't it be something if Q suddenly posted somewhere else that was not ran by wanna be Nazi's?

In no time at all it would be as if they never existed.


Time to evolve?

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566986  No.13879329


kek yeah imagine the toys he has

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2a05a4  No.13879330




My arguments are sound.

To respond with one adjective is weak.

Can't you do better than that?

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548963  No.13879331

File: 54756e56e6c61b9⋯.png (512.16 KB, 537x352, 537:352, Screenshot_2021_06_10_at_2….png)


Fuck off

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b6d7d4  No.13879332


Care to comment Fast Jack?

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19ae12  No.13879333

File: d4d463ce9daf231⋯.jpg (105.78 KB, 700x492, 175:123, dayshiftmess.jpg)

File: 7240166c21b658f⋯.jpg (47.72 KB, 420x420, 1:1, resonating.jpg)


…Something must be happening.

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fb488e  No.13879334


So, does being linked to Abraham get me special minority treatment too?

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6d1aae  No.13879335


Dem/commies making shit up…..typical

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b69ba5  No.13879336

File: 2fd4a22e0c6f833⋯.png (395.93 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6a3bb  No.13879337

OAN Christina Bobb reporting PA to conduct a AZ style audit in their own state.

msdnc is having seizures figuring out that this investigation so deep up their ass – its not illegal !!


cicadas attracted by the smell of PANIC PANIC PANIC


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bb3b2d  No.13879338



Rev. Wright; God Damn America - Long Version - Obama Preacher Rant

2:23 min

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a25928  No.13879340


i’m told most Orthodox Qanoners do not believe that to be the case.

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62fe53  No.13879341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Makes a little more sense now why Pompeo quoted the NIV.

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2a05a4  No.13879342

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b2449a  No.13879345

File: 1cebe467adb6198⋯.png (318.4 KB, 554x303, 554:303, Screen_Shot_2016_03_30_at_….png)

No, there's no 6 minute ebakes.

7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 doors. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office. Ted Why Hitchhiker 'Cause you're fired

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566986  No.13879346


Nice shut it down scare everyone away ploy.

Too bad so sad for you it hasn't worked in the past 3.5+ years.

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a97758  No.13879347

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b6d7d4  No.13879348



>OAN Christina Bobb reporting PA to conduct a AZ style audit in their own state.


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8da984  No.13879349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nuremberg II

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a25928  No.13879350



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1d09d1  No.13879351

File: 10dc0718ea36917⋯.jpg (151.75 KB, 590x152, 295:76, AQ2.jpg)

Arizona. Today.


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b69ba5  No.13879352

File: b596c0e60f379ed⋯.png (418.04 KB, 500x484, 125:121, ClipboardImage.png)

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259271  No.13879353


Religions are tools of Satanist used to control the population..

Civilizations have come and gone under such low vibrational control.

Great Awakening! Your time is nigh.

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1c313d  No.13879354

File: 557ec3afdf90939⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 177x255, 59:85, time.jpg)

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25fbc0  No.13879355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is Angela trembling again this year? She's holding her hands the same way.

Vid related from 2019

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e72b75  No.13879356

File: b539c3f62ec9833⋯.jpg (84.01 KB, 842x378, 421:189, something_is_off.jpg)

Just playing.

Hands together vs Hands at sides. Read left to right and front row to back row.

1 3 1 3 1

Tie Color

3 blue, 1 red, 3 black 313

Tie color . Read left to right and front row to back row.

1 black, 2 blue, 2 black, 1 blue, 1 red 12211

Lapel Pins

4 left side, 1 right side, 4 no lapel pin 414


3 black, 1 red, 4 grey, 1 white 3141

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aa416d  No.13879357


spoofing an ip to a specific location wouldn't be too hard though


>11 slices of bread so far crying about something that never occurred

that taysachs must be a bitch, huh?

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088768  No.13879358

File: 8c14bc5dc9d9e25⋯.jpg (163.59 KB, 400x582, 200:291, 8c14bc5dc9d9e25d74ee7fd02b….jpg)

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88027b  No.13879359

Anyone experienced free internet on their phones since they are on this board? No buying for money…

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be6968  No.13879360

File: e21800c82d66540⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

I pledge Allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands,

one nation under God, indivisible,

with Liberty and Justice for all.

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c03599  No.13879361

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 0_LAUGH.png)


> only ones that can truly doxx someone

You missed the literal retards that doxx themselves - two or three of them are regulars and are probably here right now…

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b6d7d4  No.13879362


Getting exposed isn't fun. You had all the rope you wanted and look what you did…

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8137f8  No.13879363

File: 7c9434f7ecae8cd⋯.jpeg (46.59 KB, 400x303, 400:303, 0F8D7111_5F64_4998_AABB_8….jpeg)

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b69ba5  No.13879364

File: f6f1ee167ec5ae6⋯.png (1.11 MB, 600x848, 75:106, ClipboardImage.png)

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51ce95  No.13879365


all the vids in this bread already sucked

… and then our favorite (almost certainly prepubescent) "anon" tranime appears to out faggot them all

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117acc  No.13879366

File: aab409699477b2c⋯.jpg (103.99 KB, 720x772, 180:193, 20210611_111225.jpg)

File: 0435d5ffa982a97⋯.mp4 (930.06 KB, 640x352, 20:11, UJJ2WDoP1BY7d2qC.mp4)


Jill has Joe on a tight leash


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c03599  No.13879367


>She's holding her hands the same way.

The same way she always holds them.

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e8d66b  No.13879368

File: 09b32038201d034⋯.jpeg (92.5 KB, 640x476, 160:119, B2B32D4A_A996_470C_AEA0_5….jpeg)


See this one too, if you haven’t already.

B grade, but Halicki was a lot of fun in a narrow window of unique Hollywood counter-culture (the good kind).

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fb488e  No.13879369


I was speaking genetically. I'm a Christian by faith.

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1c313d  No.13879370


>Intel Community disagrees over their Origins

"timeline engineering"

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59e387  No.13879372

File: e376ce35614d113⋯.jpeg (278.17 KB, 1242x1707, 414:569, AB118C95_E42B_44AB_A610_F….jpeg)

The last Q drop link has been blocked in the UAE

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a97758  No.13879373


fvck you, tard sh!t gorilla

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eb8549  No.13879374

File: 1e7a23c69e74abf⋯.jpg (365.08 KB, 1359x1663, 1359:1663, SmartSelect_20190618_10121….jpg)

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b6d7d4  No.13879376




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434d0b  No.13879377

File: 77d8828b0c69cdc⋯.jpg (23.74 KB, 421x271, 421:271, discloseTV.jpg)

Not sure if Barr came in before or after schiiff running out of meetings to call the papers…

Anyway, looks like the big dogs are hot on the trail and Schiff and Swalwell are going to find out they were pawns the whole time.

If China was involved, then it's Swalwell's baby. Scapegoat.

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910312  No.13879378


>>>13879236 (You), >>13879237 (You) justice.gov buns

next step in grassroots would be to livestream the pressers and talking to each usao office/da recall gascon

A nonpartisan institution, CSIS is the top national security think tank in the world. Follows ≠ endorsements. Subscribe to The Evening: csis.org/subscribe

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e44429  No.13879379

File: 3e44a870c2ebfd2⋯.png (770.83 KB, 1194x3453, 398:1151, ClipboardImage.png)

What We Can Learn About Collaboration by Studying the NSA

The Laboratory for Analytic Sciences is an eight-year-old partnership between the National Security Agency and North Carolina State University that says it aims to bring together people from business, academia, and government to help the intelligence community solve its “most pressing challenges related to national security and technology.” A collaboration in 2016, for example, used information from buses and trains to alert officials at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro to potential safety issues for athletes and spectators during protests.

A team of outside researchers studied the lab and has published a book about the multidisciplinary collaboration. “Our interest was, ‘How well does this actually work in the wild?’” says co-author Kathleen Vogel, deputy director of the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University.

One of the biggest obstacles to collaboration, they found, is culture clashes among members of different professions. “At meetings, we would find the government people sitting around the edge of the room,” Vogel says. “The academics at the table didn’t understand what was happening—they were, like, ‘Do they not want to be involved?’ But the government people were used to working-level people sitting around the room, with only senior government officials sitting at the table.”

How do you make sure new collaborators mesh? Here are some of the researchers’ biggest takeaways:

Spell out the small stuff. People in different fields can have divergent understandings of the simplest tasks, from setting up a meeting to sending an email. “You have to be in constant communication about how things are or aren’t working, and be explicit about problems as they arise,” says Vogel. “We had to come up with protocols for how you would work with others.”

Don’t forget about long-term goals. Initiatives for pressing NSA missions often took priority over long-term projects. “This is not necessarily a bad thing,” the researchers wrote, but there’s a danger in becoming “increasingly drawn to produce tangible widgets that can be implemented quickly.” The risk is that short-term projects usurp the “longer-term research and innovation that can have significant future payoffs.”

Make it “mission critical.” “Mission criticality” is common in government projects such as bridge-building or first-responder training. It means that the work is essential: If it fails, damage or injury to others will occur. It’s motivating, especially in remote contexts in which social bonds among team members might be thin. “Criticality is really important when it’s virtual,” says Beverly Tyler, Vogel’s co-author and a professor at North Carolina State University’s Poole College of Management.

Focus on output. People with set schedules that conform to traditional working hours didn’t always appreciate peers whose schedules were less nine-to-five. As one lab worker put it to the researchers: “We had to kind of learn that professors can come and do what they want. It was kind of surprising to us.” This can create tension, so make it clear that what’s important is the outcome, not who was in the office when.

Be supportive. As obvious as it sounds, workers who are collaborating need to feel supported by their managers; if you’re managing remotely, you need to work extra-hard to make that support clear. Workers are “gonna lose interest,” says Tyler, if they’re not praised and promoted for their work.


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990d35  No.13879380

File: a0cddcf95c77f37⋯.jpg (96.19 KB, 1242x989, 54:43, E3nSqyCWQAYE_pp.jpg)

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797bd0  No.13879381


Theres a couple of ideas i have:

1. Their funded ny C_A so thry could care less how many viewers they have, already lost 50% this year, and they are only an echo chamber,.

2. They haved pushed every sort of perversion known to man. So this is normalising masturbation in public. Hiw many teachers etc got caught mastirbating on zoom during the lockdown. Thry invite him back and dont mention a word of what he did, because they know many people only watch them; plus CNN is sp forgiving! Kek

3. Its another fucking mind game in the public and an assault on the innocense of children to do this but next target will be, why are you tarfeting the sex pervert, he cant help it.

CNN is the WORST and as long as the C_A keeps them afloat they could care less the destruction they willingly do to our country.

This was planned a long time ago

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46b83b  No.13879382

File: fc9954a9e2812aa⋯.jpg (58.23 KB, 1091x310, 1091:310, Dyslexia.JPG)


Now muh brain is in quandary.

Do Dyslexics hold memories of the other realms/timelines?

Much like Autists there are certain traits that [they] couldn't break?

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f60e83  No.13879383

File: 953328da2418c5d⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 214a_18_December_2013_Viol….JPG)


This lil frog huntin' girl lost her mamma for the truth, y'all better make it a good truth

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a97758  No.13879384



wouldn't help anyway, she has kuru.

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9f4ac9  No.13879385

File: 1398dcb95a3a205⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 554x745, 554:745, time_mag.JPG)

File: 3c0fc5bcdcc5101⋯.jpg (44.53 KB, 584x585, 584:585, pepe_boner.JPG)

objects in mirror

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2a05a4  No.13879386


>toxic leadership

- yes, certainly toxic since FJ took over

- but how that happened is still unclear - why did 8bit actually leave? why would he come back to work with the same people who forced him out?

- site owners do not dictate what happens on individual boards other than ensuring it's legal

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401096  No.13879387

File: bc1dd10c4943ea7⋯.png (407.63 KB, 605x655, 121:131, ClipboardImage.png)

I am committed to telling the American people the truth about who (and/or WHO?) released this Corona on us. No matter how many times we get taken down on YouTube, I will tell this story. It all started with a spy ring in Congress and a drug lab in Faisalabad. DARPA To DSTO.


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e7abc5  No.13879388



State of the Board - Thank You Jim Watkins and Team

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eb8549  No.13879389

File: a9db67f837ea24f⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 615x461, 615:461, FISA.jpg)

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253686  No.13879390

File: 4526ffb2180807b⋯.png (95.24 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>he has

assuming gender

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b69ba5  No.13879391

File: 9b2e67c341421b7⋯.png (266.28 KB, 304x400, 19:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c313d  No.13879392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Do Dyslexics hold memories of the other realms/timelines?

We all do.

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b6d7d4  No.13879393


Kek - Anon is ASTUTE!!!


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fb488e  No.13879394


I was doxxed before I got here.

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917c6f  No.13879395

File: b880f5d29242be3⋯.jpg (39.24 KB, 194x259, 194:259, HUGGYnomesane.jpg)


He will have an accident and "die"

The special-order drapes for his bunker finally came in. Ready to go now.

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bb3b2d  No.13879396


our republic was allowed to fail long ago

even your hero trump calls us a democracy, repeatedly.

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be6968  No.13879397

File: 5e2d22d2f4b5936⋯.png (113.01 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

==I pledge Allegiance to the flag

of the United States of America

and to the Republic for which it stands,

one nation under God, indivisible,

with Liberty and Justice for all.==

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259271  No.13879398

>>13879369 imo

Absolutely everything we think we know is questionable in our world where history has been written by the wrong winners.

The gospels were perverted long ago.

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59e387  No.13879399

File: a98ece3a1cbc926⋯.jpeg (112.67 KB, 1030x1280, 103:128, 29263E87_43A5_446F_A5FD_C….jpeg)

File: 9ff00bb2273d04d⋯.jpeg (127.76 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, BFA7574E_2505_47B0_BB46_0….jpeg)

The UAE has introduced multiple levels for the PCR test depending on your Vax status.

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3e5b06  No.13879400


there are 'personas' who are often teams of people playing, as if, it's one person.

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70f6cf  No.13879401

File: 2aba4facf88f04d⋯.png (279.85 KB, 640x960, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Anybody post this from WI yet?

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b69ba5  No.13879402

File: 899912a63499636⋯.png (513.45 KB, 600x420, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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548963  No.13879403

File: aedba0b9e382a7f⋯.png (491.81 KB, 598x686, 299:343, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

Stage is set — under leaden skies — for #G7 leaders’ arrivals at Carbis Bay, Cornwall. First greetings on the beach minutes away…


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3d78b3  No.13879404

It's a beautiful day out, anons! Get outside, and enjoy it!

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70f6cf  No.13879405



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a97758  No.13879406


Just look at similiarities, killary shaking as fvck, while holding a speech, and needs to take a pill, and that hicler daughter, shacking as fvck during an event, where is that clip, bring on that clip.

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80a2ab  No.13879407

File: 641c276bcc9f754⋯.jpeg (29.34 KB, 440x269, 440:269, RFKB.jpeg)

The "Rote Frontkämpferbund"), usually called Rotfrontkämpferbund, abbreviated RFB, was a left-wing extremist paramilitary organization close to the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) during the Weimar Republic. That is the precursor of Antifa.

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566986  No.13879408



That's what I've heard others say - but haven't seen/heard of instances of it here before


kek totally different category of doxxing and you're not wrong

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e7abc5  No.13879409


Amen, Anon

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cbfe08  No.13879410




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c47ccf  No.13879411

File: 6b5f7cef0200010⋯.jpg (92.94 KB, 512x456, 64:57, DARK_world_and_the_CURE.jpg)

File: a991b02b22d710c⋯.jpg (77.97 KB, 499x468, 499:468, kri_SCHWi_na.jpg)

File: 3511e460d97534d⋯.jpg (98.08 KB, 497x485, 497:485, Krishna.jpg)

File: 6dcb7dbf56dc4b4⋯.jpg (89.85 KB, 808x453, 808:453, chk.jpg)

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b69ba5  No.13879412

File: 6e87685c5720eca⋯.png (2.79 MB, 1000x1450, 20:29, ClipboardImage.png)

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8137f8  No.13879413

File: 9068aac572e9ac1⋯.jpeg (235.18 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, A2148751_BCA8_441B_A0DA_2….jpeg)


Be careful Mr. Glass!

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1d09d1  No.13879414

File: a69880d94c6b202⋯.jpg (31.87 KB, 315x406, 45:58, AQ3.jpg)

TIME cover blasted for over-the-top attempt to make Biden ‘look cool’ ahead of Putin meeting


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797bd0  No.13879415


Look at Erdogans smirk, like “is this a joke”

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e70ab4  No.13879416


No more or less than any of the rest of us…

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055e87  No.13879417

Voting Rights Protection Act

PA House Republicans have unveiled legislation to transform and improve Pennsylvania's election process to restore the integrity of and trust in elections.

Quick Highlights of the Bill

- Watermarks on ballots

- Public access to review ballots after the election

- Ban ballot harvesting

- Secure drop boxes with cameras, election workers, and observers

- Voter’s Bill of Rights

- Senior Citizens Voter’s Bills of Rights

- Disabled Voter’s Bill of Rights

- Curbside Voting

- ADA Accessible Voting Machine Standards

- Supervised voting for long-term care residents

- Enhanced Voter ID

- Signature Verification & 2 unique identifiers

- Observers can see ballots

- Public can review ballots after the election

- Voter list maintenance - no dead people

- Ban direct 3rd party funding of counties

- Early in-person voting

- 5 days of additional pre-canvassing

- Ensuring ADA compliance & accessibility

- Realistic timelines for election administration

- Funding county election operations

- Comprehensive election audits

- Uniformity across counties


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70f6cf  No.13879418

File: e5c71d04ea0cc81⋯.mp4 (4.11 MB, 640x960, 2:3, UFO_Wisconsin.mp4)

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8da984  No.13879419

File: 8459f43299bea16⋯.png (723.94 KB, 431x821, 431:821, ClipboardImage.png)


Death Penalty

Fast Trials.

Nuremberg II

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434d0b  No.13879420


"Doc" Jill getting some keks from the world leaders by treating Bidan like a 2 year old in front of them.

Bad ass, she is.

Could be the new urban dictionary entry for "Class A bitch."


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8261f6  No.13879421

File: d9fadc2893a80f6⋯.jpg (671.16 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, d9fadc2893a80f6f06a0240390….jpg)


dough looks noice


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5d6117  No.13879422


Webb is a clown

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a97758  No.13879423


make them both a single clip, show to the world how evil looks like.

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a77e27  No.13879424


dnt think so, 1-2 years to go

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b69ba5  No.13879425

File: 316651ff3ee0ecc⋯.png (1023.63 KB, 960x925, 192:185, ClipboardImage.png)

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46b83b  No.13879426


Should have worded that differently.

Some have to be put into a different mental state to remember, Dyslexia & Autist traits are always present.

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566986  No.13879427


What did I do?

Got sauce or are you just running your mouth as usual?

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d64310  No.13879428

File: 65113340378cdba⋯.jpg (88.14 KB, 439x584, 439:584, punisher_state_funeral.jpg)


Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.



CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths.


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80a2ab  No.13879429

File: 85b650263960888⋯.png (570.72 KB, 680x649, 680:649, AyTone.png)

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a356a7  No.13879430

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13879158 two breads enter one bread leaves

>>13879159 PF Reports: B52 run over DC

>>13879176 @USArmyReserve Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?

>>13879236, >>13879237 justice.gov buns

>>13879242 Tanon opines Toobin is following a script to illustrate how ridiculous CNN is.

>>13879337 OAN Christina Bobb reporting PA to conduct a AZ style audit in their own state.

>>13879379 What We Can Learn About Collaboration by Studying the NSA

>>13879403 Stage is set — under leaden skies — for #G7 leaders’ arrivals at Carbis Bay, Cornwall. First greetings on the beach minutes away…


at 300ish

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910312  No.13879431

>Why It’s So Hard To Gauge Support For QAnon

Brookings Institute Wants to know

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9f4ac9  No.13879432

File: 7e07436e8566a64⋯.jpg (93.68 KB, 640x703, 640:703, bo_lib.JPG)


Obama Presidential Library Cost Skyrockets – It Is Going To Cost Barry’s Foundation At Least $700 Million

By Adam Casalino|June 9, 2021

he saga of former President Obama’s library has been going on for years.

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ce50ca  No.13879433


hate these fucking teasers.

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1d09d1  No.13879434

File: 045f54892ff3894⋯.jpg (156.22 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, AQ2.jpg)

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ae27fa  No.13879435

File: bf0db2f9671eedb⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1250x1010, 125:101, Screen_Shot_2021_06_11_at_….png)

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94d004  No.13879436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


FLorida going to war with CHINA???


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055e87  No.13879437



Comprehensive Voting Rights Protection Bill to Increase Voter Access Unveiled

June, 10 2021

HARRISBURG – Following months of hearings by the House State Government Committee, House Republicans today unveiled legislation to transform and improve Pennsylvania’s election process to restore the integrity of and trust in elections.

The comprehensive Voting Rights Protection Act (House Bill 1300) introduced by House State Government Committee Chairman Seth Grove (R-York) with input from state and local election officials, election experts and various stakeholders addresses several serious fatal flaws in the Commonwealth’s Election Code.

“House Republicans have consistently paved the way to more accessible, secure and accurate elections,” Speaker Bryan Cutler (R-Lancaster) said. “Our caucus ensured the state tracked the impacts of our evolving election law in 2019 and 2020, and today we see those efforts brought to fruition in this important and thorough legislation by Chairman Grove. Pennsylvanians must have faith in their elections and this bill is another piece of restoring the public’s trust.”

To increase voter access, the bill would allow for early in-person voting beginning in 2025; correcting non-fatal defects on mail-in ballots, such as unsigned or undated ballots, which must be completed by 8 p.m. of Election Day; and giving counties the option to use secure mail-in ballot drop boxes during specific times and at secure locations. The bill also increases access for voters with disabilities.

Throughout the 10 election hearings, State Government Committee members heard firsthand the need to improve operations at the county level so that local election offices are not overburdened. To address issues raised by local election officials, the bill would allow mail-in ballots to be counted starting five days before the election, as opposed to current law which allows the count to begin no earlier than 7 a.m. on Election Day. It would also move the last day to register to vote back to 30 days prior to an election.

“This responsible bill includes all aspects of issues brought before the committee and will propel Pennsylvania’s election into the 21st century, all while fixing fatal flaws and election security issues,” Grove said. “Pennsylvania must be a leader in secure elections, which are also accessible to all legal voters. The Voting Rights Protection Act thoughtfully achieves both initiatives while also supporting citizens’ right to vote.”


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aa416d  No.13879438

File: 73958949e03616a⋯.png (60.74 KB, 528x873, 176:291, ClipboardImage.png)


i think it was covered in that hbo doc by cm

q posts were made in a 30 mile radius of bannon's home in cali

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797bd0  No.13879439


Maybe thats the only way to execute him without making it public

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b6d7d4  No.13879440

They #AZAudit will DESTROY the Cabal.

Remember the best way to start a long journey is with the first step?

President Trump - HANG IN THERE!

Patriots will sort this shit out!!!

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19ae12  No.13879441

File: 5719fc3a7bc38eb⋯.jpg (33.1 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 065778f1d2c9b7b9600ed41454….jpg)


>under leaden skies

…*Saturn decode intensifies*

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bb3b2d  No.13879442



your are not accurate and have missed many speeches.

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e44429  No.13879443

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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088768  No.13879444

File: 49b5ed8957eae1b⋯.jpg (47.33 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Harlem33_1_.jpg)

File: 7f12d65b4abafcb⋯.jpg (320.96 KB, 1500x800, 15:8, home_hero.jpg)

File: 44605d6e4226fe3⋯.jpg (206.63 KB, 500x375, 4:3, st_john_scupture_done_in_1….jpg)

File: 22dae3292f498ce⋯.jpg (91.36 KB, 512x477, 512:477, unnamed.jpg)

File: 6768cf2b2da6f0d⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, ssaaaaaaaaaa.png)

The Cathedral of St John the Divine, is the largest in the world, and unfinished structure intended to rival Rome and Babylon.

Images are ornamental detail


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80a2ab  No.13879445

File: f0765863d20d049⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1080x1047, 360:349, SuperTrump.png)

File: 7a7ec29dd2dd6bd⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, 333x464, 333:464, TRUMP_american_prophet.jpg)

File: 7781a3b625e28d4⋯.jpg (153.24 KB, 731x487, 731:487, TrumpArmy2.jpg)

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27a1fe  No.13879446

File: 7ac167edf239d56⋯.jpg (146.29 KB, 1321x500, 1321:500, BBjahdiuagd7sagdiugf.jpg)

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b69ba5  No.13879447

File: f26a2249aa79ed7⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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cbfe08  No.13879448


its the start of hurricane season dork

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ce50ca  No.13879449

File: da850440f174c06⋯.png (20.7 KB, 748x355, 748:355, ClipboardImage.png)



JUST IN - PM Boris Johnson is set to delay lockdown lifting "freedom day" in England to July 19 (The Sun)

12:11 PM · Jun 11, 2021·Twitter Web App


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e8d66b  No.13879450


No need to spend ur time on the whole film unless ur really into vintage car-crash’m-ups.

But if only the opening credits, actual rare art from H-Town.

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b6d7d4  No.13879451

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ef95e6  No.13879452

File: 4a27308e03dbdfd⋯.png (137.9 KB, 676x389, 676:389, ClipboardImage.png)

File: edb2db6afc7092c⋯.png (87.46 KB, 364x299, 28:23, ClipboardImage.png)


the colorations of the right corner immediately made me think of this

Facial Hair on the left.

Females on the right.

US:UK:FR Front and Center

3 with hands together




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8da984  No.13879453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Nuremberg II

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a25928  No.13879454



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e8d66b  No.13879455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Sorry, forgot the link

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4e8613  No.13879456

File: 1622ace38ea0999⋯.jpg (7.65 KB, 216x255, 72:85, stolen.jpg)

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27a1fe  No.13879457

File: a9a9d25d250bdc3⋯.jpg (267.93 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, papadniugou6d64rs8.jpg)



you're never right.

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e054e9  No.13879458

File: 0b5d887f88ba506⋯.jpg (80.43 KB, 475x529, 475:529, ignint.jpg)

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d6a3bb  No.13879459

circle back a look at todays weather outside muh window




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055e87  No.13879460






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566986  No.13879461


I'm not buying that without better sauce than what was in the doc.

Q not being exposed even 3.5+ years later puts me in the I think everyone is full shit about that camp.

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cbfe08  No.13879463

File: 284d854ff5e2c43⋯.png (1.01 MB, 781x888, 781:888, ClipboardImage.png)

have they announced the SPECIAL PLACE yet?

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679297  No.13879464


Did you catch this shit???


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27a1fe  No.13879465

File: 3f6d29b17a3e8a2⋯.png (93.26 KB, 164x328, 1:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0c266a9930d53ed⋯.jpeg (25.09 KB, 255x253, 255:253, merkelcunt.jpeg)


>, something_is_off.

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80a2ab  No.13879466

File: a3fc934a9724c91⋯.png (359.63 KB, 900x326, 450:163, abendmahl1.png)

Jesus and his Wife and some Dudes talking shit.

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a25928  No.13879468


creepy like the denver airport. kek

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e6c20a  No.13879469

White people are being told that they are Racist no matter what.

White people are being told that if they say that they aren't Racist, that makes them racist.

So their ammo. used to be to accuse Whites of being racist if Whites were acting racist.

But now Whites are being accused of being racist even if they are not Racist.

And being told, that the very fact that they deny being racist, in fact, makes them racist.

At this point, White people might as well be racist since they are being accused of it anyways.

But they won't be because they aren't. White people jump thru hoops to avoid being called Racist. Nothing scares a White person more than being accused of being racist. Except maybe going into a Black neighborhood, at night, alone, unarmed. White people are afraid of that too.

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548963  No.13879470


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7ab3b9  No.13879471

File: bbc5618be307932⋯.png (5.54 KB, 516x59, 516:59, ClipboardImage.png)


The comments are refreshing

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9fe1c2  No.13879472


[They] try to keep you “in line” with:

- Fact Checkers


- Music

- Movies

- Teaching

- Peer Pressure

- Shaming

- Name Calling

- “Science”

Nothing can stop what is habbening.

Drip -> Flood

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2a05a4  No.13879473

File: f4a941d124b09c3⋯.mp4 (11.9 MB, 112x116, 28:29, the_swab_cassandra_dunn.mp4)


this video is dynamite, notes below.

Cassandra Dunn

Registered nurse & certified Federal medical investigator.

The covid swab is dipped in carcinogenic, mutagenic ethylene oxide (EO)

Used for sterilization purposes.

There are 2 dif swabs:

1. ninbo (sp?) - made in China - says "sterile/EO"

2. mariclean technology (sp?) - "sterile/EO"

The swab is inserted deep into the nasal cavity, near the brain.

So what is EO? ethylene oxide



- exposure via inhalation

- can can lymphoma & breast cancer, other cancers

- is also MUTAGENIC

Acute inhalation in workers has resulted in all kinds of serious conditions including:

nausea, vomiting, neurological disorders and others

There is an increased rate of miscarriages, reproductive effects, decreased sperm count.


EO damages DNA - why it's effective as sterilizer

Canadian version of OSHA:

EO is very toxic, causes cancer, changes in genetics & reproduction, genetic defects, known to cause reduced fertility

Some state workers where she lives have to get this test done DAILY, deep into your nasal cavity, close to the brain.

"I don't know what to say, people, this shit's for real, I can't make this up."

her website:


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b6d7d4  No.13879474

File: 83279e603291c85⋯.jpg (103.17 KB, 698x351, 698:351, save_america_save_the_worl….jpg)

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09abcd  No.13879475

File: b91daf52db0ba88⋯.png (477.63 KB, 612x407, 612:407, ClipboardImage.png)

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910312  No.13879476

U.S. Attorney’s Office

District of Maine


Friday, June 11, 2021

Michigan Man Indicted for Sexual Abuse of a Minor

PORTLAND, Maine: A federal grand jury in Portland returned an indictment charging a Warren, Michigan man with sexual abuse of a minor, Acting U.S. Attorney Donald E. Clark announced.

According to the indictment, in August 2009, while at the Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, Matthew Boyd, 32, engaged in two separate sexual acts with a minor who was older than 12, but not yet 16 years old.

Boyd was arrested in Michigan and is expected to have his initial court appearance later today in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. If convicted, Boyd faces up to 15 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

The Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigated the case.

An indictment is merely an allegation and all defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.


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259271  No.13879478


Finger Crossed

Finger Crossed

Finger Crossed

Finger Crossed

Finger Crossed

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8da984  No.13879479

File: 777ab78f4962bec⋯.png (14.79 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


[Impossible to Defend]

Nuremberg II

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9f4ac9  No.13879480

File: fe0455b2bbfd197⋯.jpg (91.58 KB, 856x694, 428:347, testy.JPG)


JUST IN: Senate Democrats Demand Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions Testify About DOJ Seizure of Apple Data From House Dems

By Cristina Laila

Published June 11, 2021 at 11:54am

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760239  No.13879481



>Yeah they banned me for criticizing or even questioning them. I've had more freedom of speech on YouTube comment section. o.o

No Kike, you were banned for saying MUH JOO.

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bb3b2d  No.13879482


my lasagna is legendary

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1957ac  No.13879483

File: 3e0b0b8de42c40f⋯.gif (47.91 KB, 500x332, 125:83, giphy.gif)


Baker, this is notable.



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aa416d  No.13879484

File: 6abea8d544569a9⋯.png (190.29 KB, 1232x650, 616:325, how_to_run_a_computer_anon….png)


that's what was covered though

they said it could have been bannon or someone who wanted everyone to think it was bannon, ie spoofing.

being truly anonymous online would take quite a bit of effort that the average person wouldn't bother to go through such extreme measures to do so

pic related

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2a05a4  No.13879485


short wiki-dig on Ethylene Oxide:



- The International Agency for Research on Cancer classifies ethylene oxide into group 1, meaning it is a proven carcinogen.

- Ethylene oxide is toxic by inhalation, with a US OSHA permissible exposure limit calculated as a TWA (time weighted average) over 8 hours of 1 ppm, and a short term exposure limit (excursion limit) calculated as a TWA over 15 minutes of 5 ppm.

- Because the odor threshold for ethylene oxide varies between 250 and 700 ppm, the gas is already at toxic concentrations when it can be smelled. Even then, the odor of ethylene oxide is sweet, aromatic, and can easily be mistaken for the pleasant aroma of diethyl ether, a common laboratory solvent of very low toxicity. In view of these insidious warning properties, continuous electrochemical monitors are standard practice, and it is forbidden to use ethylene oxide to fumigate building interiors in the EU and some other jurisdictions.

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8137f8  No.13879486



>you're never right.

But was he necessarily wrong, Anon?

Look at his handlers.


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50d8f3  No.13879487


Good luck, traitorous dems…

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760239  No.13879488


Hey JonKikel, you gonna threaten to sue me again like the last time I caught you deleting notables about isreal and kikes?

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5102f5  No.13879489

File: 5bae768a6d5d5e8⋯.png (114.89 KB, 734x472, 367:236, clowncaband.png)

File: db5043dde9dfe18⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1502x903, 1502:903, clowngoebbels.png)

File: 2085da60bef1fe6⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 1920x960, 2:1, fauxhowa.jpg)

File: 5ac7356b47e7bd3⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1664x958, 832:479, fauxyathink.png)


Is she new on faux? Talk about Pot Meets Kettle in Glass House, which is faux. Faux suppressed it ALL, and still is. What will they do at noon, sit there & "debate"

their thoughts & reactions to cloud perception even more?

It must END.

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1d09d1  No.13879490


Early digs on his wife/handler were not encouraging, either

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548963  No.13879491

File: 72db09a67293517⋯.png (60.78 KB, 652x527, 652:527, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)


U.S. Entertainer/Businessman and Malaysian National Charged with Back-Channel Lobbying Campaign to Drop 1MDB Investigation and Remove Chinese Dissident from U.S.


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b69ba5  No.13879492

File: 98d5a8dcf39c957⋯.png (292.97 KB, 1400x1156, 350:289, ClipboardImage.png)

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055e87  No.13879493

File: f6e2b3417f2d3ee⋯.jpg (76.77 KB, 604x568, 151:142, f6e2b3417f2d3ee919399afc01….jpg)

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4e8613  No.13879494

File: b65629dd6658d4e⋯.jpg (100.63 KB, 1239x881, 1239:881, Patriotic_Thumbs_up_agree_….jpg)


>even your hero trump calls us a democracy, repeatedly.

You're right, Trump would NEVER do something to rile people up and get them to fight for the truth. That's just not like him to troll everyone on every side to get people reaching for a common goal. That's just insane.

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b9bf98  No.13879495

File: cda3bc4312cf659⋯.jpg (313.89 KB, 1120x1115, 224:223, CGpop.jpg)



Have Anons Notabled Grassley's letter about Hunter's crimes?

[from March]

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f60e83  No.13879497



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434d0b  No.13879498


What happened to Whitaker?

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8261f6  No.13879499

File: 0bb92488910e460⋯.png (419.49 KB, 500x262, 250:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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cbfe08  No.13879500

File: ee6d21307a08c51⋯.png (741.93 KB, 572x1024, 143:256, ClipboardImage.png)




Kristi Noem is wearing her Papa D tee today

have never seen someone so consistently wrong, except maybe Q

hey wait, could papaD be Q?

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797bd0  No.13879501


Yes, and they really thought theyd get away with it. I wonder how many CNN reporters were caught up with Schitt avx Swallowell, 3 hops rule. Q is right, weve got it all, and now tgey are shitting theyre pants

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b6d7d4  No.13879502


Harassment / stalking / doxxing / Jew Hatred


Nice pick Fast Jack.

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259271  No.13879503


Misdirection Necessary?

Trust Wray

Bill Bar

Pence is Traitor..

What TF is reallllllly going on and how much misdirection were we really shoveled?



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566986  No.13879504


> that the average person wouldn't bother to go through such extreme measures to do so

But, Q and his array of tools/techniques would.

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2a05a4  No.13879505



Why ban for that, anon?

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8137f8  No.13879506

File: cfd4e3e24c4419b⋯.jpeg (39.95 KB, 500x363, 500:363, 86DFCF0D_4D1A_4F36_A499_F….jpeg)

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879d38  No.13879507

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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e054e9  No.13879508

File: 715155cb33bbd64⋯.mp4 (2.02 MB, 852x480, 71:40, NoVaxPlz.mp4)


Senator Burr asked Fauci, Peter Marks from the FDA, and @CDCDirector what percentage of their own employees are vaccinated.

Fauci probably a bit more than half, around 60%.

Marks said about the same.

Walensky dodged the question.

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088768  No.13879509

File: 77dc2d7aa75e4d8⋯.gif (18.82 KB, 239x196, 239:196, unnamed.gif)

File: 56f5e3fcf808bad⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 400x320, 5:4, 9748.jpg)


Ready for PRESTIGE employment?


If you have a 67 post count or better

& able to clean and care for yourself

It's time for (you) to


Measure the erotic reponse of pedophiles to your choice of pornography.

YOU DECIDE which pedos go back on the street, and which remain in pedo-group home; using the "plesmograph" the latest scientific(tm) innovation which calibrates the pedo erectile response to child pornography or Olga underwear ads. You choose! Tell them:

"Strap on the plesmo pedo!"

Could be you! Giving orders to pedos:

"Drop trou brainlet pedo!"

Imagine yourself, scribbling on yellow legal pad, in a pristine lab coat!!!

withPLESMOSHILLname embroidered in red custom cursive on breast pocket.

Do NOT hesitate shills. Take the big step from a job to a career.

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bb3b2d  No.13879510


America died forever more the day so called patriots allowed a stolen election and puppet to enter to steal an election, while scared about capitol insurrection coverage from the misinformation stream media.

Only blood and bullets alongside mass death and burial, because you did not act.

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b6d7d4  No.13879511


Jew Hatred / harassment of anons / hatred of anons.

Nice pick Fast Jack

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09abcd  No.13879512

File: 7eac008c125e143⋯.png (382.08 KB, 599x573, 599:573, wtfdis.png)



This is one crazy movie.

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2a05a4  No.13879513


>deleting notables

you always say everybody deletes notables

you do nothing wrong at all, do you?

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9f4ac9  No.13879514

File: f73d0196e9af85e⋯.jpg (63.49 KB, 1453x863, 1453:863, ff_weather.JPG)

File: 1b2d94dffd2ab4e⋯.jpg (31.84 KB, 468x319, 468:319, sit_aware.JPG)

File: 3a64bfacc541a77⋯.jpg (31.36 KB, 803x344, 803:344, drown_in.JPG)


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b69ba5  No.13879515

File: 9960d819a8bd413⋯.png (317.61 KB, 900x1301, 900:1301, ClipboardImage.png)

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e7abc5  No.13879516

File: b67529dfb4d594b⋯.png (9.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0000000000.png)


Anon is gonna go with "Archetypes" and refer you to Jung's "Redbook" for further research.


TY TY, Anon is not worthy.

Some of the most amazing thunder is happening outside.

If we could only somehow channel that energy into this space.

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aa416d  No.13879517



which is why i don't believe q is bannon

they just wanted it to look that way

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94d004  No.13879518

File: 2eefcb10ee98935⋯.png (745.84 KB, 1182x1078, 591:539, GINGERALESTOPKILL.png)

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f60e83  No.13879519


That was how i got my nickname as a child

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fb488e  No.13879520


Pharaoh must pay reparations to 0 point Jew for Jesus.

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548963  No.13879521

File: c3512ff07f8d22b⋯.png (607.4 KB, 652x702, 326:351, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

File: 45fdd39b745ee68⋯.jpg (92.54 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, E3l9qm6WUAAN9kT.jpg)


Building upon tradition.

The @USMC Silent Drill Team marches during a sunset parade at the Marine Corps War Memorial in Arlington, Va.


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088768  No.13879522

File: 1ff22988e4aeb66⋯.jpg (75.45 KB, 489x379, 489:379, 3_s2_0_B978012405948100003….jpg)

File: bee693012ccb06a⋯.jpg (23.14 KB, 415x269, 415:269, 6LSUWF76QFEORJV6Q6BWN5JTOY.jpg)

File: ae49cb101e9ad62⋯.png (141.27 KB, 850x1060, 85:106, Charles_Bonnells_cartoon_o….png)

File: 6af382003320916⋯.jpg (44.75 KB, 594x837, 22:31, sdut_part_of_the_hospitals….jpg)

Have good knowledge of genitals?


Like to step up to big prestige?

Have opening

ready shill?


No more supervisor abuses!

Shill, be skilled plesmographer

What is plesmo man? Plesmo man is a scientism ist and calibrate pedo erectile response to beast porns.

Authoriies asking "How pedo is this pedo today?" PLESMO MAN KNOW!

Step by step, learn dickhandling skill from former shill and phallus master REEEEDACTED

protect pedovores all day! all night! right away!

CircumScribe these abominations!

Got it what takes?

Thoughts? Literally? Just sayin'!.

Mr Yee Plesmo Institute, virtual campus near you.


Shill post message chan meme "PICKME, PICKME, MR YEE 4 PLESMO INSTITUTE!"

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427db1  No.13879523

File: f7fd648169ea328⋯.jpeg (26.38 KB, 217x255, 217:255, 1317fad58ce89df86103c79cc….jpeg)

File: 7caf53cd6129a4f⋯.png (387.98 KB, 1080x2316, 90:193, 4048f29757d101ea452585c400….png)

File: 5a9df6427f4942e⋯.png (18.28 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 3618f12e9ec7e3b0c9d25a4a55….png)

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566986  No.13879524


>Wouldn't it be something if Q suddenly posted somewhere else

MNR/QRB has been yearning for that in Cricketland for over half a year now.

Keep holding your breath waiting for it to happen.

No really, please do.

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ef95e6  No.13879525

File: bd2b1d7a705e793⋯.png (417.69 KB, 953x497, 953:497, ClipboardImage.png)


Interesting shape

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401096  No.13879526

File: 6b52d95e447216a⋯.png (183.83 KB, 226x364, 113:182, ClipboardImage.png)

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f4b4b4  No.13879527

File: 37f1e5168d79533⋯.jpg (47.94 KB, 735x399, 35:19, Barrwarning.jpg)

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d97299  No.13879528

File: db9e641742c6afe⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 350x193, 350:193, db9e641742c6afefc274497437….gif)

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2a05a4  No.13879529



oh, i d-d-did-did-n't-n't know, i promise never to question authority again.

plz sir, can i have some moar porridge?

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797bd0  No.13879530


Goofy clowns, we’re embarassed to have doofus there and UK citizens have got to be as mortified as we are to have a traitor that lied about everything he was going to do for the UK, but us as a big a doofus as ours

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b9bf98  No.13879531

File: 5c0038ecb85297e⋯.jpg (81.79 KB, 722x575, 722:575, PAIN.jpg)



How do you introduce evidence?

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b6d7d4  No.13879532



Thanks for the hat tip DOD

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87e5f3  No.13879533


Most tasty bread baker dude

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a1d575  No.13879534

File: 8d59311b3e7368a⋯.jpg (122.29 KB, 513x600, 171:200, masonsymbol.jpg)



What does "G" really stand for?

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87e5f3  No.13879535

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19ae12  No.13879536

File: b32350efe12ce46⋯.png (132.9 KB, 383x411, 383:411, ducepoint.png)


…^This right fuckin' here.

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bb3b2d  No.13879537


misinformation is equal to division

division is equal ineffective

ineffective is equal to useless death and suffering

you gave away your power in order to judge your fellow man, just not your leaders and what was being done in the name of your flag.

You earned this!

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2a27cd  No.13879538

Recon: FDA asked J&J to discard 60M vaccine doses made at Emergent plant; EMA adds rare blood condition as side effect of AZ shot



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303709  No.13879539

File: 33d154ba13948e6⋯.jpeg (29.08 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, Ep4SVQ4W4AE_qs1.jpeg)

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760239  No.13879540



>Why ban for that, anon?



Because it is always you same disruptive kikes that say it. Easiest way to spot is shill is search for "MuhJoo"

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09abcd  No.13879541

File: e2b652a84c13728⋯.png (514.59 KB, 868x854, 62:61, lasagna.png)

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6b1538  No.13879542


The FDA reportedly forces J&J to scrap about 60 million doses of its Covid vaccine


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a356a7  No.13879543

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13879158 two breads enter one bread leaves

>>13879159 PF Reports: B52 run over DC

>>13879176 @USArmyReserve Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?

>>13879236, >>13879237 justice.gov buns

>>13879242 Tanon opines Toobin is following a script to illustrate how ridiculous CNN is.

>>13879337 OAN Christina Bobb reporting PA to conduct a AZ style audit in their own state.

>>13879379 What We Can Learn About Collaboration by Studying the NSA

>>13879403 Stage is set — under leaden skies — for #G7 leaders’ arrivals at Carbis Bay, Cornwall. First greetings on the beach minutes away…

>>13879480 Senate Democrats Demand Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions Testify About DOJ Seizure of Apple Data From House Dems

>>13879449 Boris Johnson is set to delay lockdown lifting "freedom day" in England to July 19

>>13879464 Grassley's letter about Hunter's crimes (from March)

>>13879521 @DeptofDefense Building upon tradition. The @USMC Silent Drill Team


at 400ish

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797bd0  No.13879544


Kek, the “I dont remember ploy”!

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b6d7d4  No.13879545


How many times has Q switched boards?

Q Research isn't the first and based on 8bit / OSS / Fast Jack's blunders it won't be the last…

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e72b75  No.13879546

File: 78d38a3a9037299⋯.jpg (46.28 KB, 814x201, 814:201, nomasks.jpg)

no masks

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2a05a4  No.13879547


>will Q post elsewhere? other board "yearning" for Q to post there

Do you know that there are actually anons who don't care where Q posts, who just want to dig on topics relevant to the work? And support Q team in whatever way we can?

just sayin'…..

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2296d5  No.13879548

Senate Democrats Demand Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions Testify About DOJ Seizure of Apple Data From House Dems

Senate Democrats are now demanding former Attorneys General Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions testify about the seizure of Apple data from House Democrats.

According to the New York Times, the DOJ under Trump subpoenaed Apple for data from Democrat House Intelligence committee members and aides in their hunt for leakers.

The records were seized in 2017 and 2018 but prosecutors were unable to tie anyone to leaks.

Speaker Pelosi on Thursday called for an investigation and said the data seizure is an “egregious assault on our democracy waged by the former president.”

House Intel Chairman Adam Schiff said the seizures “suggest the weaponization of law enforcement by a corrupt president.”

This is rich coming from Democrats who used the might of the FBI and CIA to illegally spy on President Trump.

Senate Democrat leaders, with Chuck Schumer leading the charge are demanding Barr and Sessions testify.

Schumer and Durbin said the Trump-era Attorneys General “must testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee” and are subject to a subpoena if they refuse, the AP reported.


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cbfe08  No.13879549




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7bf212  No.13879550

File: f8abdef12b1642b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 936x609, 312:203, VP_rent_free_dd.PNG)


sure bro..whatever you say

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72d206  No.13879551

File: b58c5576f1e0348⋯.png (295.33 KB, 655x653, 655:653, 76619e741fdfac29af256f1c38….png)

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be6968  No.13879552

File: 42aeecdf6cc4ed7⋯.png (7.95 MB, 1800x2250, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

Missing Persons Report

John Durham

Where abouts unknown

If you or anyone you know has this person

Please contact us right away

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a59a1c  No.13879553

File: 951478cacf00a1c⋯.png (865.89 KB, 527x693, 527:693, ClipboardImage.png)




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bb9634  No.13879554

File: 6df00834b17eb6c⋯.jpg (67.07 KB, 600x335, 120:67, 20210611_133359.jpg)


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ef95e6  No.13879555


please elaborate

Curious about your genetic connection to Abraham also

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428b37  No.13879556


You've been banning every anon whose been saying that? That's a pretty common catchphrase. What kind of incompetent use of BV power is this? This is your fucking evidence to silence anons who question you?

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94d004  No.13879557

The average time of days from the time a house is put up for sale in Florida is 8 days!


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d97299  No.13879558

File: ed59075e684353e⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1204x1435, 172:205, ed59075e684353e831bb4d3793….jpg)

File: c56a9062e383d05⋯.jpg (16.11 KB, 255x197, 255:197, 2ec0e36e9be2b92c47e44597f0….jpg)

File: bbe5323210b875e⋯.png (274.68 KB, 450x390, 15:13, bbe5323210b875e008541c5e65….png)

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a7eaf3  No.13879559


Nice. Even got the pain digits.

Butt I thought the suppositories would be red?

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088768  No.13879560

File: 32d2328b60061ee⋯.jpg (317.46 KB, 680x1024, 85:128, 25882667087_d92d4a3780_b.jpg)

Old fags remember, "Ed Meese is a pig."

One of many social justice IO campaigns run by the cult against themselves.

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259271  No.13879561

File: 4e791f98432389e⋯.png (1.73 MB, 900x1201, 900:1201, ClipboardImage.png)


That's Deep!

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e6c20a  No.13879563

File: dad0f8a30f84eaa⋯.png (591.65 KB, 758x426, 379:213, ClipboardImage.png)

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7808ff  No.13879564

File: aed687f43ed14eb⋯.png (507.03 KB, 584x438, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

>Mr. Tricorder what are you detecting in this thread?

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cbfe08  No.13879565

File: 66dfc3c944defce⋯.png (385.45 KB, 676x369, 676:369, ClipboardImage.png)

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548963  No.13879566

File: fc01ef317be22d0⋯.png (228.14 KB, 535x681, 535:681, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)


Multiple musical notes

Spiderman Spiderman does whatever a spider can.

Multiple musical notes

1-32 INF Chosin, channel their inner #Spiderman today while conducting mountaineering training on a rappel tower.

Movie camera Rightwards arrow @1BCT10MTN


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38ed9a  No.13879567

File: d32ad788c0a284a⋯.png (285.17 KB, 527x502, 527:502, Screenshot_2021_06_11_1259….png)

File: 955b098baa51fa4⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1532x860, 383:215, Screenshot_2021_06_09_1405….png)

File: 01706f976694432⋯.png (608.57 KB, 1043x747, 1043:747, Screenshot_2021_06_09_1359….png)

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797bd0  No.13879568


This is gloriois, when Trump gets back after 3-4 states decertify, all 50 stayes should be done. Tge only way to kill election fraud is to expose it all. And then every MSM will be obliterated. Start fresh with the Republic

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44dc37  No.13879569


While Biden 'donates' half a billion Pfizer vaxx to poor countries that don't have the infrastructure to handle a vaxx that requires sub zero refrigeration for handling and distribution. J&J has no similar handling issues, but must not have helped Joe in the election or worse, worked against him.

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1d09d1  No.13879570

File: f515ea4fae810fd⋯.jpg (156.22 KB, 659x716, 659:716, AQ2.jpg)

Rep. Chip Roy Unveils Bill Banning Chinese Communist Party Members from Buying U.S. Land


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b69ba5  No.13879571

File: 9433aab7c196fb1⋯.png (1.91 MB, 1000x981, 1000:981, ClipboardImage.png)

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420efc  No.13879572


just an hero anon. thats what im gonna do. fuck it. see you assholes in hell.

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72d206  No.13879573

File: b0bf90befc9cf47⋯.png (77.49 KB, 256x295, 256:295, Ernh_Wrong.png)

File: 7e65549609fde6b⋯.png (80.07 KB, 273x426, 91:142, Ernh_Wrong2.png)

File: 6e633125e055dee⋯.png (342.56 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSA.png)

File: ebfc8f687f65c84⋯.png (342.59 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_0_Copy_Copy.png)

File: 780fa3e16cd7087⋯.png (344.36 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO.png)



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09abcd  No.13879574

File: 3d0a14fb3fdb679⋯.png (622.79 KB, 889x500, 889:500, Durham_arrest_someone.png)

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bb3b2d  No.13879575


so it was never

now with proof he did, it's to wake you, so you you could follow Q, who he disavows any knowledge of, so you would sit down and that is equal to the art of war.

Special logic you have their.

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7808ff  No.13879576

File: b9b3723d1081c2e⋯.jpg (153.04 KB, 821x1043, 821:1043, jew_alert.jpg)


>oh dear

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2a05a4  No.13879577


why you calling anons "kikes"?

don't you like us?

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7ab3b9  No.13879578

File: 53cc4f6e8da85fa⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1200x848, 75:53, ClipboardImage.png)



Can we get Fauci on public trial while we are demanding things?

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d4bb88  No.13879579

File: a7c4db176fa227e⋯.jpeg (82.53 KB, 509x517, 509:517, Web_capture_11_6_2021_104….jpeg)


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72d206  No.13879580

File: 7057f13f016e4eb⋯.png (342.56 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_0_Copy.png)

File: 15b3388fb74f8af⋯.png (342.57 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_01.png)

File: e7d20f6f8ab776e⋯.png (342.57 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_01Copy.png)

File: 019de180db32798⋯.png (342.56 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_02_Copy.png)

File: 2ad56f702ee8eb5⋯.png (342.57 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_02Copy.png)


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2296d5  No.13879581

File: f0466d8a65b8587⋯.png (354.81 KB, 750x402, 125:67, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4546335f99e33f2⋯.png (318 KB, 574x395, 574:395, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2569d283ceb20bd⋯.png (366.49 KB, 564x463, 564:463, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db935aee0761ed8⋯.png (290.61 KB, 560x462, 40:33, ClipboardImage.png)

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson: G7 Nations Must Build Back in a Greener, More Gender Neutral and Perhaps More Feminine Way

The G7 leaders posed for a photo in Cornwall ahead of the summit on Friday.

Joe Biden looked clueless as usual.

Since Boris Johnson’s young wife wasn’t a part of the photo op, Joe Biden decided to grab onto French President Emmanuel Macron and get in his personal space.

Joe Biden just can’t help himself. He can’t keep his hands to himself.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson kicked off the summit by telling the other leaders his vision of a new world order run by Communists.

The “Great Reset” according to Johnson is both gender neutral, yet feminine.

“We’re building back better together – building back greener and building back fairer and building back more equal…and in a more gender neutral and perhaps a more feminine way!” Boris Johnson said.

VIDEO (via Grabien News):


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635328  No.13879582

File: 6985c29ac1edfb2⋯.gif (9.63 MB, 591x530, 591:530, digital_smug.gif)

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760239  No.13879583

File: 8465a7d6c8cc03c⋯.png (21.39 KB, 1021x317, 1021:317, ClipboardImage.png)







>>13879532 [3pnll.9S] ← QRB/COMMS Faggot - Picrel

>>13879545 [Vhu4zVZG] ←JonJewdle

>>13879550 [fd8I/gTy] ← GB - COMMS FAGOT


>That's a pretty common catchphrase

Yes, commonly used by the JIDF faggots(you) that delete notes and subvert the board. Call the ADL, they may care/

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2a05a4  No.13879584


>Mr. Tricorder what are you detecting in this thread?


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ef95e6  No.13879585

File: 1aa66b841d23f3a⋯.png (99.9 KB, 1014x308, 507:154, ClipboardImage.png)

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e6c20a  No.13879586


Looks like fun.

But the Military has a way of taking an otherwise fun activity and sucking the life out of it.

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dee20b  No.13879587

The Left is still in Control.

Patriots on back burner.

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aa416d  No.13879588

File: eaba42570e2bbf8⋯.gif (775.14 KB, 450x450, 1:1, jewdar_ping.gif)

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b9bf98  No.13879589

File: e4373fba1486276⋯.jpg (71.4 KB, 601x480, 601:480, 44gitmo.jpg)


>Obama Presidential Library

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94d004  No.13879590

File: 55b14c0c82d581b⋯.jpg (136.49 KB, 1234x882, 617:441, oprahfawn.jpg)


>oh deer!

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e88a96  No.13879591


A couple threads ago there was a lively discussion of the Weather Underground and the Cloward Piven strategy. Then I posted about SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE IS DEEP STATE and the site went tits up for about five minutes. Just your typical day here.

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d97299  No.13879592

File: abe913940d77400⋯.gif (322.58 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200.gif)


Neck. Your. Self.

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760239  No.13879593

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910312  No.13879594

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fb488e  No.13879595


You'll have to ask the black opps genealogy administrators. I was told it came back primarily Scottish royalty with over 10% kazzar.

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b69ba5  No.13879596

File: ede1ac59557fa1f⋯.png (491.6 KB, 474x637, 474:637, ClipboardImage.png)

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1d09d1  No.13879597

File: b55a1563b7f8109⋯.jpg (156.22 KB, 659x659, 1:1, AQ2.jpg)

Donald Trump Meets GOP Leaders to Plot Path to House Majority in 2022


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72d206  No.13879598

File: 1c4f418f6f753e3⋯.png (30.46 KB, 340x191, 340:191, ClipboardImage.png)


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7808ff  No.13879599


Warp Speed is an anagram of draw pepes

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760239  No.13879600


Typical Jew response.

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dee20b  No.13879601


Dis Info is necessary. Don’t fall for everything. Remember History is what happens. Not what’s will happen.

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994e90  No.13879602

File: 19b9bc3985c65a2⋯.png (298.03 KB, 245x463, 245:463, bojo_hanging.png)

File: 45a4e0aba8d2ef0⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1804x1316, 451:329, bojo_vax.png)

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d4bb88  No.13879603

File: 925578150b7e777⋯.jpeg (70.27 KB, 496x495, 496:495, Web_capture_11_6_2021_104….jpeg)


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088768  No.13879604

File: 5661e052446ff2e⋯.jpg (133.83 KB, 533x800, 533:800, Aaron_Chorin.jpg)

lot of muh Jews are actually muh Qatari.

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2296d5  No.13879605

“If They Don’t Have the Ballots, They Don’t Have the Victory” – BOOM! Eric Greitens Sinks Leftist Dreams and States the Obvious Out Loud on The War Room

Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens joined Steve Bannon and The War Room on Friday morning to discuss the Arizona forensic audit.

Greitens, who is running for US Senator from Missouri, wrote a piece on Newsmax urging Americans to pay attention to the Arizona audit.

On Friday, Eric Greitens got straight to the point — If the state of Arizona does not come up with the ballots for Joe Biden they won’t have the victory.

Eric Greitens: Here’s where it all breaks down. Really simple. If they don’t have the ballots in Arizona, they don’t have the victory. If they don’t have the ballots, they don’t have the victory. And what follows from that is that Arizona then needs to decertify their electors. That’s the direction that this is headed.


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b69ba5  No.13879606

File: 9568513065d7e25⋯.png (1.07 MB, 720x620, 36:31, ClipboardImage.png)

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117acc  No.13879607

File: 59494913b85651e⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 960x720, 4:3, Trump_dancing_G7_drums.mp4)


Drefanzor just posted this, kek


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b2449a  No.13879608

Anyone else not admit to their autism/aspergers until late in life? Just tried to be '"normal" through gut determination?

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b95dd7  No.13879609

File: 36069cb62ab4c98⋯.png (13.4 KB, 807x370, 807:370, ClipboardImage.png)



Do you have more on that? That tweet was deleted??

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09abcd  No.13879610

File: 4d9a0cc59e088d4⋯.png (430.58 KB, 692x500, 173:125, lemon_delusions.png)


[They] are planning on stealing even bigger in 2022 than the did in 2020. CNN already talking about how republicans will lose seats and democrats are going to win big.

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760239  No.13879611


>lot of muh Jews are actually muh Qatari.

Never the Jews, right?

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afd7e7  No.13879612



Something big may be about to happen on the sun. It's called the "Termination Event" and it could kickstart Solar Cycle 25 into a higher gear. A handful of solar physicists are bucking conventional wisdom to promote this idea–and we will soon find out if they are correct.


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797bd0  No.13879613


He sure doesnt have the same amount of SS around him that Trump did, and the guy following him had to put his earpiece back in, weird

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1012d6  No.13879614

File: 300e89fe4657969⋯.jpg (68.32 KB, 500x375, 4:3, boss_leader_slaves1.jpg)

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b24c96  No.13879615

File: 7b52ef40bc9bec1⋯.gif (483.97 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 1600195021193.gif)

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7bf212  No.13879616

File: 37495deee35453e⋯.png (495.63 KB, 1740x1240, 87:62, pepe_shit_is_old.png)

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d6a3bb  No.13879617


as pops gropes fondles and pokes on fresh meat

boris naive and openly willing - quiet acquiescence diplomacy

its gonna be an orgy at the the roYal banquet

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401096  No.13879618

File: 5927ba7b2ca83ba⋯.png (498.01 KB, 594x675, 22:25, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f2bc6f3385e76c7⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1238x696, 619:348, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d4c54908ef44ed⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1234x693, 1234:693, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe7bf66ba7e623d⋯.png (486.33 KB, 1243x695, 1243:695, ClipboardImage.png)

Rotterdam contingent to the Police-Fire Games literally was upriver from Wuhan two months before NATO’s Wuhan Super Spreader Military Games. Blackwater trains all these police. CEO even dressed as Task Force Orange. Harvard study says initial outbreak began here in August 2019.


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7ab3b9  No.13879619

File: 8e819c4e6133370⋯.png (219.62 KB, 651x811, 651:811, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a69210a79830f66⋯.png (228.12 KB, 651x815, 651:815, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 468a0b1b89ab5a7⋯.png (69.35 KB, 649x779, 649:779, ClipboardImage.png)

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62fe53  No.13879620

File: 384533b291d7998⋯.jpg (17.06 KB, 320x284, 80:71, Freemasonry_G.jpg)


"Freemasonry is all about lucifarianism… and those not into lucy go with a manufactured God named "Grammaton" It's what the G stands for on the Mason rings,… God of measurements calculations and control. Also called Tetra Grammaton. or Grammatron."

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990d35  No.13879621

File: 6b41221e06b7523⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB, 480x848, 30:53, 2EKjfDD1laUrNtdO.mp4)

Kek. All slowwalk to adjust to Bidens pace. When he stops the French faggot thinks fuck it i am getting out of here


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2296d5  No.13879622

File: 6a5dbdc3afaf6f2⋯.png (291.48 KB, 564x341, 564:341, ClipboardImage.png)

State Senator Sonny Borrelli to Arizona Democrats: “Are You Afraid of What We May Find or Are You Afraid of What YOU KNOW We May Find?”

Arizona State Senator Sonny Borrelli appeared on the John Fredricks’s Outside The Beltway show on Thursday, where he addressed the slanderous claims by Dems and the media against the historic Arizona audit and those involved.

The former Marine doesn’t back down to his weak enemies because he knows he is on the right side of the fight.

Fredricks: Let’s go to Arizona, where we have state senator, Sonny Borelli standing by. Senator, it’s great to have you. I just want to start off by thanking you and your colleagues for the courage that you have in seeing this audit through because I know you’re under a tremendous amount of heat from the fake news media.

Borrelli: Well, thank you very much. Well you know when you’re over the target, you’re going to get flack, So that just means you know we’re dangerous so you know it’s very telling. When they come after you than when you’re, you know, it’s, why are you so afraid of us finding out that you possibly could be correct. That’s the amazing part. It’s just laughable when they’re throwing all these potshots at us and everything else is, it’s crazy but thank you very much and it’s the right thing to do. Like we’ve been saying if, if we prove that the election was good, We accomplished our mission and did our job. If we find out that the election was held done wrong, wrong procedures and everything else that we could, that we might need to fix legislatively. If we find out that this election was a complete sham and and Biden is not the true winner then you know what the American public deserves that because that’s the right in there. Their rights are being undermined and their vote is being suppressed by cheating and or, you know fraudulent phantom voters, so it’s, it seems it comes down to like, are you afraid of what we may find. Or are you afraid of what you know we may find that that’s always the question, so thank you very much.

Seriously, what are these people SO afraid of?

Why do the Demsocrats refuse to participate?


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27a1fe  No.13879623

File: 5d1e24ef6e12469⋯.jpg (12.94 KB, 255x203, 255:203, mpc2ccda22bd79a270039ee1f1….jpg)


> Call the ADL, they may care/

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62eef3  No.13879625

File: 5b4ec69f872edd4⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1946x1759, 1946:1759, woke_boris_the_idiot.png)

That's it, no more chances for this idiot to redeem himself. He's a globalist through and through.

Boris Johnson urges world to be 'more gender neutral, feminine and green' as it builds back from Covid in bizarre opening remarks at G7 summit


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a59a1c  No.13879626

File: 6e7a079e8119cfe⋯.png (173.76 KB, 606x340, 303:170, ClipboardImage.png)


Easy anons, we gotta worrry about feelz here, kek

fya filter works, just means bakers have to work harder, the odd one here or there, no issues, but bread shitting - they are your huckleberrys !!

carry on !!!

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46b83b  No.13879627


Eh, how about doing away with the CDC altogether?

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b6d7d4  No.13879628


#AZAudit Notable

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548963  No.13879629

File: f35a3466dcf6a05⋯.png (425.67 KB, 984x377, 984:377, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)

File: 1f8f1f474485076⋯.jpg (119.32 KB, 838x576, 419:288, 2fa3218b6c7041848102ea59ad….jpg)

File: 25a458533653952⋯.jpg (246.66 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, owls_spider.jpg)

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ef95e6  No.13879630



I want to see mine too but I'm afraid to put my DNA out there willingly.

I've traced my matrilineal line 17 generations and the first 12 are all from the same tiny town

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4e8613  No.13879631

File: c10b47b8e85686e⋯.png (4.83 KB, 520x35, 104:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Well, lol. That just happened.

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7ab3b9  No.13879632



Executed, same difference

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8137f8  No.13879633

File: 2a7440188b2775d⋯.jpeg (331.52 KB, 1536x1512, 64:63, 4BF85A9E_4BC5_437B_9320_A….jpeg)


Do not look into their eyes.

It’s a doge mind trick.

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62fe53  No.13879634


G7 = 77 = the number of Babalon (7 * 7 = 49). "Book of Babalon" was Book 49.

The OTO mission statement "Liber OZ" is Book 77 - "Do what thou wilt … etc".

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055e87  No.13879635



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9f4ac9  No.13879636

File: 63f65302e194d0e⋯.jpg (46.31 KB, 1587x671, 1587:671, tiq.JPG)


Probably just a goat. There's

a lot of them in these valleys.

I haven't seen any goats.

I don't expect

you would, Cliff.

Your situational awareness kind

of sucks. That's not a knock.

You're a screenwriter.

I'm a Jedi.

That's just

different paths we chose.

Think they kill them first?

Or he just drown in there?

I always wondered.

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46b83b  No.13879637

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fb488e  No.13879638


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d97299  No.13879639



PedoJoe that you? Fuck you, you dirty foreskin sucking kikenigger. Still pissed tor is disabled like you?

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98bd7b  No.13879640



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a25928  No.13879641

File: d201036b1b56ddb⋯.jpg (77.02 KB, 980x551, 980:551, swalwelleric_112019gn_lead.jpg)

According to the Times, the leak investigation swept up the metadata of the committee’s top Democrat, Rep. Adam Schiff of California, who has since become its chair, and Rep. Eric Swalwell of California, another prominent Trump critic who sits on the panel.


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72d206  No.13879642

File: 4b5855c04473ba5⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1712x1660, 428:415, 393e3ebe8295050fe5928ffa58….png)

File: 17333f7dc176920⋯.png (59.48 KB, 438x233, 438:233, 870fbd3f8adb789a555c97ea75….png)

File: 45e8edf095ca064⋯.png (468.92 KB, 731x1172, 731:1172, 27933022774be266e36d08f1a8….png)

File: 127392c9e8195cd⋯.png (169.52 KB, 499x263, 499:263, chuckles.png)

File: 29a8d816030111a⋯.png (155.51 KB, 1664x678, 832:339, ead7f5a885ea51b6656fe785e6….png)



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e054e9  No.13879643


Didn't know I had it until late in life. I just thought everyone else was weird.

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427db1  No.13879644


This drummer better be at the parade/party.

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888a19  No.13879645

File: c61f37fb574ddf4⋯.jpg (3.37 KB, 125x113, 125:113, 1596406540540s.jpg)


Hmmm… can you actually sue the CIA?

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d6a3bb  No.13879646

guess who just showed up in the DOJ investigation doing an investigation on the subpeonas



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cbfe08  No.13879647

File: d65880b83fe8ccf⋯.png (2.28 MB, 1440x1080, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


britfags ought to luv that

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72d206  No.13879648

File: 42f5563464d83f9⋯.gif (4.07 MB, 482x498, 241:249, wRONG_.gif)

File: 99b4f494b93431b⋯.gif (325.99 KB, 433x541, 433:541, Wrong.gif)

File: a43351330452bb9⋯.jpg (81.24 KB, 649x507, 649:507, WTPEPE.jpg)

File: 5251a070661546b⋯.png (670.68 KB, 654x381, 218:127, WTTR.png)

File: 3b1f6cda034fa6e⋯.png (916.59 KB, 1080x1166, 540:583, YTIW1.png)

Naw fam devil rules the world right? Wrong.

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b69ba5  No.13879649

File: f3a85c764f8cdb0⋯.png (988.24 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, ClipboardImage.png)

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b6d7d4  No.13879650

File: ffa6990b1ca05f6⋯.png (209.68 KB, 950x884, 475:442, panic.png)

The Fake News / Big Tech are panicking about the Arizona Audit.

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aa416d  No.13879652

File: 59ef746f2dbb3f6⋯.png (390.72 KB, 525x880, 105:176, 691f3b6cbdd32c35144c4f55c3….png)

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2296d5  No.13879653

File: 525c84c3c22ce2b⋯.png (835.91 KB, 1181x662, 1181:662, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ce72387283eea9⋯.png (273.87 KB, 511x597, 511:597, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6935f1d7e4493bf⋯.png (88.84 KB, 856x561, 856:561, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa620a070e789df⋯.png (82.43 KB, 828x511, 828:511, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e5f6318e84a3e5e⋯.png (575.46 KB, 840x809, 840:809, ClipboardImage.png)

HUGE: Ballot Printing Companies Better Lawyer Up – 2020 Ballots Were Modified in Multiple Republican Areas Forcing Adjudication and Potential Fraudulent Vote Switching

It’s in the ballots. Now the printers of the ballots are in the hot seat. They better lawyer up. It appears that ballots in Republican areas were printed differently than in Democrat areas which caused more Republican ballots to go to adjudication and potentially be recorded as Biden votes.

We reported in December that inventor and data expert, Jovan Hutton Pulitzer identified a pattern in Georgia where Republican district ballots were printed differently than Democrat district ballots. The Republican areas’ ballots were set up where a large percentage would go to adjudication. This allowed unknown individuals to record all the ballots for Biden.

Yesterday this same situation was discussed on Steve Bannon’s WarRoom Pandemic. In Antrim County, Michigan attorney Matt DePerno provided a double-bombshell update to his case relating to that county’s November 3, 2020 election and its voting machines and ballots from Dominion Voting Systems. On December 4, 2020, DePerno, on behalf of his client, William Bailey, successfully received a court’s permission to forensically audit the county’s Dominion machines used in the November 3, 2020, Antrim County elections.

DePerno had to fight off legal attempts to stop the public disclosure of this data, from both the radicalized Michigan Attorney General, Dana Nessel (D), and the Soros-backed dishonest and equally radical Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson (D).

Nessel filed a lawsuit, which Benson signed onto, to stop the release of this information!

On December 13, the night before DePerno’s emergency hearing to get permission to release his forensic auditors’ report, AG Nessel tweeted a warning shot directed specifically at “Lawyers who practice in Michigan,” letting them know that their oath prevents them from filing “unjust and/or frivolous actions” or from misleading the court.

DePerno was granted permission by the court at an emergency hearing on December 14 to release the findings of that report.

DePerno’s audit team, the Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG), uncovered and exposed, among other things, that the Dominion voting machines used in that 2020 election were set at a 68.05% error rate, when the allowable election error rate is .0008%! These “error’ed ballots” were forced out of the counting system and into the adjudication – manual review – by an individual who decides which candidates the ballots report as voting for. The Dominion system does NOT record who made the decision and when and does NOT mandate that at least two individuals sign off on the decision, one from each major party.

On May 18, as reported by UncoverDC, Bailey and DePerno’s case was dismissed by the court:

Judge Elsenheimer dismissed [DePerno’s] client’s case yesterday with a ruling based on what DePerno says is a ‘narrow decision’ that had nothing to do with any of the evidence he and his client, Bill Bailey, have presented.

If these ballots are out of sync and we find they are out of sync in Republican precincts only, then we have another example where the printing of the ballots is in error and therefore in question.

What are the odds that this all happened randomly? We all know the answer to that.


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7ab3b9  No.13879654

File: 589fa00c583de54⋯.png (660.75 KB, 705x469, 705:469, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c313d  No.13879655

File: 27343c8a4b8fb5c⋯.jpeg (172.66 KB, 1440x1443, 480:481, 23AndMePrepareToDie.jpeg)


I'd like to know what type of annunaki demon my sister is

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72d206  No.13879656

File: 502e02db7e0700d⋯.jpg (78.73 KB, 497x481, 497:481, JazVulcan_Music_Stops.jpg)

You must first admit it was stupid to recognize there is a problem yes?

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088768  No.13879657

File: 284fd8c264b40df⋯.jpg (76.72 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, MonKeeTriad.jpg)


please be thinking of future!

Number 3 casino in Cambodia is offering position career!

*work with established service triad laundry or other task!

*Free tattoo of animal on back, face and neck for stylish!

* Make own hours refill modern vending a plus!

*be respect as triad associate

* discount triad merch

* friendly other shills

*Never regret decision!


Sign OP rarliest opportunity for best position!

hiring RIGHT NOW

Ask for Mister Yee, Casino man boss No. 3, Snek Triad Road Phenom Peoner Cambodia

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19ae12  No.13879658

File: 0d9055c82fcf12f⋯.png (286.95 KB, 610x250, 61:25, fefbtr.png)


…This could get interesting. May give credence to Electric Universe.

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78f7c3  No.13879659

Confiscate every last little thing that is owned by CCP in America - Now!

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a25928  No.13879660

toobin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm talkin' 'bout toobin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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548963  No.13879661

File: 0e93e2d022df3ad⋯.png (147.23 KB, 1469x1592, 1469:1592, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)



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72d206  No.13879662

File: b8eb40578b5b8ce⋯.mp4 (8.45 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Person_Woman_Man_Camera_TV….mp4)

Base Levels Increasing

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4e8613  No.13879663

File: 3dc71d87c96401a⋯.jpg (7.09 KB, 222x227, 222:227, Grammar_Kitty.jpg)


>have their.

Time to clock out.

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78f7c3  No.13879664


go fap yourself

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888a19  No.13879665

File: eda8289d29c1f5a⋯.jpg (41 KB, 472x643, 472:643, 1596989903456.jpg)


You will, Mordecai, you will.

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2296d5  No.13879666

File: 877e8894306d973⋯.png (310.83 KB, 855x796, 855:796, ClipboardImage.png)

Another 60MM J&J Doses Produced At Troubled Baltimore Plant Are Tainted, FDA Says

Readers may remember earlier this year when an accident at the Emergent Biosolutions lab in Baltimore led to millions of J&J and AstraZeneca doses being ruined (after workers cross-contaminated them with ingredients from AstraZeneca jabs being produced in the same factory).

Since the incident, the FDA has been reviewing safety and production procedures at the facility. But despite the US government handing over control to J&J, attempts to re-start production have been in limbo, and according to the NYT, another 60MM doses produced at the facility didn't meet the agency's safety standards.

In a statement, the F.D.A. said that before making its decision, it "conducted a thorough review of facility records and the results of quality testing performed by the manufacturer." It also considered the ongoing public health emergency. The agency said it was continuing to “work through issues” at the Baltimore plant with Johnson & Johnson and Emergent.

Dr. Peter Marks, the F.D.A.’s top vaccine regulator, said in the statement that the agency has been conducting an extensive review of batches of vaccine produced at the plant “while Emergent BioSolutions prepares to resume manufacturing operations with corrective actions to ensure compliance with the F.D.A.’s current good manufacturing practice requirements."

Representatives from Johnson & Johnson and Emergent declined to comment on the agency’s decision.

Fortunately for President Biden, the US already has enough Pfizer and Moderna doses to satisfy domestic demand. But the latest production hiccup will make it more difficult for the US to export doses to countries around the world in desperate need of them.


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b95dd7  No.13879667

File: 7027c168459608b⋯.png (196 KB, 1337x901, 1337:901, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34e585bae3b9881⋯.png (134.18 KB, 1172x906, 586:453, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43b9b61e549f7f6⋯.png (147.9 KB, 946x875, 946:875, ClipboardImage.png)


Got it!!




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a356a7  No.13879668

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13879158 two breads enter one bread leaves

>>13879159 PF Reports: B52 run over DC

>>13879176 @USArmyReserve Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?

>>13879236, >>13879237 justice.gov buns

>>13879242 anon opines Toobin is following a script to illustrate how ridiculous CNN is.

>>13879337 OAN Christina Bobb reporting PA to conduct a AZ style audit in their own state.

>>13879379 What We Can Learn About Collaboration by Studying the NSA

>>13879403 Stage is set — under leaden skies — for #G7 leaders’ arrivals at Carbis Bay, Cornwall. First greetings on the beach minutes away…

>>13879480, >>13879548 Senate Democrats Demand Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions Testify About DOJ Seizure of Apple Data From House Dems

>>13879449 Boris Johnson is set to delay lockdown lifting "freedom day" in England to July 19

>>13879464, >>13879619 Grassley's letter about Hunter's crimes (from March)

>>13879521 @DeptofDefense Building upon tradition. The @USMC Silent Drill Team

>>13879566 @USArmy 1-32 INF Chosin, channel their inner #Spiderman today while conducting mountaineering training on a rappel tower.

>>13879597 Donald Trump Meets GOP Leaders to Plot Path to House Majority in 2022

>>13879605 If They Don’t Have the Ballots, They Don’t Have the Victory

>>13879618 Police-Fire Games literally was upriver from Wuhan two months before NATO’s Wuhan Super Spreader Military Games.

>>13879653 2020 Ballots Were Modified in Multiple Republican Areas Forcing Adjudication and Potential Fraudulent Vote Switching


at 500ish

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566986  No.13879669


>Your shit is old now

Then proceeds to post the same meme for the 1000th time on QResearch.

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4e8613  No.13879671


LOL; one of my favorites.

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253686  No.13879672

File: f768deaef22da97⋯.png (29.11 KB, 1280x674, 640:337, flag.png)

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055e87  No.13879673

File: 59d61fc0e1a9b2e⋯.jpg (178.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

God Wins!

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e88a96  No.13879674


They should be held liable. Claiming to be an authoritative fact checking voice and then spread falsehoods to the people to deceive them. Should be a capital offense.

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2296d5  No.13879675

US-Iran nuclear talks are in ‘final sprint’, says Chinese foreign minister, blasting Washington’s ‘bullying’ for chaotic situation

The Chinese foreign ministry has said Washington’s “unilateral bullying” was the cause of the Iranian nuclear crisis, but talks in Vienna aiming to restart the 2015 nuclear deal were nearly complete.

Speaking on Friday in an address to the UN-backed Conference on Disarmament, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi called on the world’s great powers to redouble their diplomatic efforts to “bring the JCPOA [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action] back on track.”

Wang said that negotiations concerning the 2015 nuclear agreement, which put limits on Iranian atomic ambitions, were close to bearing fruit. Echoing the statements of other speakers, he claimed the talks were in a “final sprint” to the finish line.

The negotiations in Vienna have been ongoing for months, as parties look to bring the US and Iran back in line with the pact, which was unilaterally abandoned in 2018 by former US president Donald Trump, who enacted harsh sanctions on Tehran.

It was originally signed in 2015 between Iran and the five permanent members of the UN Security Council – China, France, Russia, the UK, and the US – plus Germany. Iran has further hollowed out the deal, however, increasing its enrichment program by far in excess of the agreed 3.67% level, but less than the 90% level considered weapons-grade. In April, Tehran stated it would enhance its uranium enrichment to 60%, following an alleged Israeli attack on its Natanz nuclear facility.

In early June, Ali Rabiei, the Iranian government’s spokesman, said a deal was likely before the end of the current administration. A new government is set to be sworn in on August 5, after national elections.


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990d35  No.13879676

File: 95398f928f8cdcd⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 540x540, 1:1, wwseFmLCh7QLY70B.mp4)

New cult greeting.


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62fe53  No.13879677

Keep your eyes on those little sneaky Chinese bastards. They are just as worried about the AZ audit as the Dems.

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b69ba5  No.13879678

File: 801b45904de41a4⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1000x749, 1000:749, ClipboardImage.png)

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9f4ac9  No.13879679

File: 14cfff85e3e646c⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 996x174, 166:29, engaged.JPG)


Biden 'actively engaged' in case of British teenager killed by suspected CIA agent

by Katherine Doyle, White House Correspondent |

| June 11, 2021 01:43 PM

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760239  No.13879680


Gotta love GB and his same garbage memes.

>inb4 pepe sucking a dick and a fat retard with an OSS coin

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055e87  No.13879682


notable disaster, planned disaster

well it's a good thing we are ready to give them all away now!

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7bf212  No.13879683

File: cffa7466eebc81c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1488x1488, 1:1, pepe_honkler_decapitation.jpg)



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797bd0  No.13879684


Ok that plan and minstrousity has to be nuked before its built, it will be a temple if hell probably with openings to let all come out if it from the underworld

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b238fd  No.13879685

File: e7ab7dc5f983b17⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1979x1089, 1979:1089, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc4a53f07b2abe1⋯.png (787.37 KB, 1057x505, 1057:505, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 818b74d07e14df9⋯.png (648.4 KB, 775x582, 775:582, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f120f7bca3f4ac3⋯.png (446.68 KB, 563x536, 563:536, ClipboardImage.png)

Blow up this picture. it is easy to see the black line photoshop job


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62eef3  No.13879686

File: 991932837929eb3⋯.png (1.44 MB, 2005x1683, 2005:1683, Screen_Shot_2021_06_11_at_….png)

More Indian covid bollocks

Boris Johnson 'plans to delay June 21 Freedom Day to July 19' after Britain records 8,125 Covid infections in highest daily count since FEBRUARY and hospital admissions rise by another 40% week-on-week


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2cdc63  No.13879687

File: f201613a7983365⋯.jpeg (379.07 KB, 640x771, 640:771, 0483ECF4_C054_49B5_AEA2_0….jpeg)

Gaetz pretty much said that the CCP has thoroughly infiltrated the American government.

This isn’t democracy.

We are under occupation.


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2a27cd  No.13879688

File: 7820412cce56952⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1920x1280, 3:2, 35cfd1fe80fff774a60a5eb141….png)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Democratic leaders are demanding that Trump-era Attorneys General Bill Barr and Jeff Sessions testify about the secret seizure of data from House Democrats in 2018, calling it “shocking” and a “gross abuse of power.”



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2296d5  No.13879689

File: 1b2968b59045f54⋯.png (425.79 KB, 858x872, 429:436, ClipboardImage.png)

"Hundreds" Of Whistleblowers Say Military Forcing "Anti-American Indoctrination" On Them: Sen. Cotton

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) told Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on June 10 that “hundreds” of military whistleblowers have reported being forced to receive “anti-American indoctrination” training, including critical race theory (CRT).

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) speaks during a hearing to examine United States Special Operations Command and United States Cyber Command in review of the Defense Authorization Request for fiscal year 2022 and the Future Years Defense Program, on Capitol Hill in Washington on March 25, 2021. (Andrew Harnik-Pool/Getty Images)

In a Senate hearing with Austin, Cotton claimed that within the military, there’s “plummeting morale, growing mistrust between races and sexes where none existed just six months ago and unexpected retirements and separations based on these trainings alone.”

One whistleblower, Cotton alleged, said that military history training was replaced with training about police brutality, “systemic racism,” and “white privilege.” Another said that his unit had to read “White Fragility” by feminist author and critical theory proponent Robin DiAngelo, according to the senator.

In May, the Space Force confirmed it relieved Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, a former instructor and fighter pilot, as commander of the 11th Space Warning Squadron. While it didn’t specifically name the reason why Lohmeier was terminated, the Space Force cited comments made by Lohmeier during a podcast in which he denounced CRT and warned about the spread of Marxism within the Space Force’s ranks.

CRT, which draws heavily upon Marxist critical theory and postmodernist writers, denounces U.S. and Western culture as oppressive, and often claims American culture and institutions are promoting “systemic racism” or “white supremacy.” Some critics have said the ideology’s proponents apply the Marxist tactic of “class struggle” to drive people along the lines of gender, race, and ethnicity, rather than between the “proletariat” and “bourgeoisie.”


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a1d575  No.13879690


Maybe this:

The letter "G" figures prominently in Freemasonry. In the lower degrees, the initiate is told that this letter stands for "God" and for "Geometry", which the Supreme Architect of the Universe used to design this wonderful Cosmos. However, occultist, and 33rd Degree Mason, Arthur Waite, quotes Eliphas Levi [also 33rd Degree], telling us that the letter "G" stands for Venus, and that Venus' symbol is a lingam, a stylized phallis. [Masonic author, Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries of Magic: A Digest of the Writings of Eliphas Levi , Chicago, , DeLaurence, Scott, and Company, 1909, p. 217]

The greatest Masonic author of all time, Albert Pike, agrees. He states [page 631-32 in Morals and Dogma ] that the Monad [#1] is male, and the Duad [#2] is female. Their sexual union produces the Triad [#3], which is "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle". This term, "generative principle", is code for the sex act.


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760239  No.13879691


Holy shit, a new one.

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b6d7d4  No.13879692

I don't think some folks have an appreciation for what Trump is trying to accomplish here - If the US Republic cannot be restored LAWFULLY, the Constitution is worthless because it doesn't work.

That's why we are INFORMATION WARFARE experts, that's why WE ARE THE NEWS NOW. We are going to LAWFULLY restore our Government. Whatever Trump is doing that is the basis for doing it.


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b2449a  No.13879693

File: 2b128d43feefd46⋯.jpg (45.3 KB, 640x529, 640:529, 1181242183196.jpg)

File: cd9745567cf6741⋯.jpg (312.48 KB, 431x574, 431:574, cd9745567cf67411b6fa5955dc….jpg)

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06f2ba  No.13879694

File: 768782aea1fad77⋯.jpg (260.91 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, spookyaf.jpg)

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e88a96  No.13879695


The globalists and their ilk must be driven from our land and driven into the sea.

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46b83b  No.13879696


Masons use the Bible a lot.

Wonder why that is?


It is unfortunate that for most men schoolroom drudgery has robbed this beautiful word of its poetry. The Greek geo (in compounds) was earth, land; metron was measure. The original geometer was a landmeasurer, a surveyor, but his methods became broadened and applied to many other kinds of problems, so that at last his craft became a portion of the art of mathematics. Geometry, that branch of mathematics which deals with figures in space, is associated in every Mason's mind with the immortal Euclid, who figures 50 prominently in all the ancient Masonic manuscripts. It achieved its great place in Freemasonry because of its constant and prime importance in the builders' art. Symbolically speaking geometry (to it the Letter G originally referred), consists of all those fixed principles and laws of morality and of thought to which a right char-acter and a true mind adjust themselves.


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a25928  No.13879697

File: f8012ef4c042098⋯.jpg (65.64 KB, 600x563, 600:563, trumpmove.jpg)

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1d09d1  No.13879698

File: c958f0472637888⋯.jpg (156.22 KB, 643x461, 643:461, AQ2.jpg)

FBI begin probe into how IRS details of tax-dodging billionaires were leaked to ProPublica after outlet admitted it doesn't know identity of source and it could have been a 'hostile state'


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7bf212  No.13879699


gotta love you never proving anything you have ever said with muh graphics and statements

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72d206  No.13879700

File: ff906e99e85d4ed⋯.png (443.42 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, Stay_Pithy.png)



>Gotta love GB and his same garbage memes.

>>inb4 pepe sucking a dick and a fat retard with an OSS coin

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94d004  No.13879701

File: 545ee02eeb2afaa⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)


I keep seeing Isaac Kappy in this photo.

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80a2ab  No.13879702

File: 571a9ee885eb927⋯.jpg (115.04 KB, 900x547, 900:547, PARIS.jpg)

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e8d66b  No.13879703

File: 70ae3341e51e7fc⋯.jpeg (1.33 MB, 4096x2160, 256:135, C5C2F9EE_AF82_4261_B438_7….jpeg)

File: 19ea86361a22323⋯.jpeg (176.79 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, AB3A363D_70F7_46E2_B70A_C….jpeg)

File: 03dc232ee0fa460⋯.jpeg (205.83 KB, 2000x1055, 400:211, 6B200568_BFF4_4951_B4F1_2….jpeg)

File: c40d4073514fc96⋯.jpeg (310.91 KB, 2000x1055, 400:211, 203832AB_C32F_468C_A782_A….jpeg)


Duplicating the behavior of the Sun in a laboratory setting in accordance with the Electric Universe theory, gives credence to the Electric Universe ‘theory’.

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2cdc63  No.13879704

File: c52b4e356484d3e⋯.jpeg (262.79 KB, 640x524, 160:131, B5B9FFB2_79F7_47F5_9080_5….jpeg)

File: 9f940fd3d855c3c⋯.jpeg (476.03 KB, 640x904, 80:113, 7746EA30_3C94_419C_87F9_E….jpeg)


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7bf212  No.13879705


holy shit a faggit

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aab02d  No.13879706


He should meet with me.

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98bd7b  No.13879707

File: bdb1c88eb7b69d9⋯.jpeg (23.62 KB, 260x172, 65:43, 56C2446C_6F9F_4360_BA99_9….jpeg)

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7ab3b9  No.13879708

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b69ba5  No.13879709

File: 0e5f24d36bd90d6⋯.png (1.55 MB, 633x1024, 633:1024, ClipboardImage.png)

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2296d5  No.13879710

File: e0f3890b77c7e4c⋯.png (63.27 KB, 868x759, 868:759, ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden Was Middleman Between Ukrainians And Democratic Lobbyists Currently Under Investigation

The smartest guy Joe Biden knows, Hunter Biden, acted as a middleman between Ukrainian energy giant Burisma and two Democratic lobbyists currently under investigation for failing to disclose their work for the scandal-plagued company, according to the Washington Free Beacon's Chuck Ross.

Biden and colleagues at the private equity firm Rosemont Seneca helped Burisma Holdings hire Blue Star Strategies, a firm owned by former Clinton administration officials Sally Painter and Karen Tramontano. Biden's emails show he played a bigger role than anyone had known in arranging Blue Star's consulting work for Burisma. Neither Biden nor the Blue Star founders registered their work under the Lobbying Disclosure Act or the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Biden's work as a middleman could also explain why federal prosecutors began scrutinizing Blue Star's work for Burisma. Republicans have scrutinized Biden over his work for the company, one of Ukraine's largest natural gas producers, as well as with various Chinese companies. Federal prosecutors are also investigating Biden over his tax affairs and foreign business dealings. -Free Beacon

According to Politico, federal prosecutors began investigating whether Blue Star during its probe into Hunter's taxes, and have been looking into whether the company violated foreign agent laws by failing to disclose their work for Burisma - including meeting with US government officials to advocate on behalf of the Ukrainian company whose president.

Putting the pieces together… last December we learned from diplomatic memos that then-Vice President Joe Biden's office was warned in 2015 that the Ukrainian oligarch who hired his son, Hunter, was deemed corrupt - and that the US Justice Department had gathered evidence to support that conclusion, according to Just The News.

"I assume all have the DoJ background on Zlochevsky," wrote former US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt in Kiev in a 2015 letter to Biden's top advisers, referring to Burisma Holdings founder Mykola Zlochevsky.

"The short unclas version (in non lawyer language) is that US and UK were cooperating on a case to seize his corrupt assets overseas (which had passed through the US)," Pyatt added, noting that the asset forfeiture case against the Ukrainian billionaire "fell apart" when individuals in the Ukrainian prosecutor general's office "acted to thwart the UK case."


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fb488e  No.13879711


Yeah. Besides all the broken legal constraints trusted between service and product provider and end user, sure.

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1012d6  No.13879712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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797bd0  No.13879713


Fuck, Fuck and Fuck!

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72d206  No.13879714

File: 3e13be7a65b7646⋯.png (109.67 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 0eec1bb652b63ea1f571af4cff….png)


> AB3A363D_70F7_46E2_B70A_C….jpeg)

Very Dangerous Looking Gun

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87e5f3  No.13879715


Mine too….. it's kinda scary

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0c0416  No.13879716


Put yourself in Putin's shoes for just a second…

One-on-one against the absolute weakest world leader in modern history…

How would you approach it?

1. Place some 11-year old honey-pots in the room so his mind will get stuck on that; Serve him some ice cream…

2. Knock him back on his heels by asking how the election audits are going and what will happen if they show he didn't win

3. Remind him about the time that Hillary and the clowns try to start an insurrection and get Putin overthrown by claiming Putin won through election fraud

…then it would be time to negotiate the big ticket items

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09abcd  No.13879717

File: 2129969353e6bb2⋯.png (25.81 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepe_12.png)



That's a fucking Pepe on that ballot!

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c23058  No.13879718

File: e55ee6745e4b720⋯.png (807.46 KB, 474x720, 79:120, Capture.PNG)


they know where those hands have been, kek

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6fb81a  No.13879719

File: c0e6b8ab76e33a2⋯.jpg (470.08 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 20210116_100431.jpg)

File: 4bce0bb1d669c34⋯.jpg (193.22 KB, 872x1024, 109:128, 1608146428834m.jpg)

File: cf6ae9324111d30⋯.jpg (116.44 KB, 663x960, 221:320, 1613818190091.jpg)

File: 0ab1a7f7989a47d⋯.jpeg (251.9 KB, 1080x1095, 72:73, 1599781970.jpeg)

Never fear the truth

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94d004  No.13879720

File: 7313529bcd4d8c4⋯.png (430.74 KB, 616x511, 88:73, WTF.png)

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845aca  No.13879721

File: 8eb778a109c0a3b⋯.png (403.06 KB, 900x600, 3:2, its_time.png)


Aye.No Table

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253686  No.13879722



9 in the pic kek

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b24c96  No.13879723

File: 031600e6ea955f4⋯.jpg (132.6 KB, 1024x1448, 128:181, 1600194419162.jpg)


i see it

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b95dd7  No.13879724

File: f697dc7173f5113⋯.jpg (13.97 KB, 255x248, 255:248, 600175f38407cb3a25ade4ebd0….jpg)

File: 1e6719faf64ac5f⋯.jpg (14.97 KB, 255x217, 255:217, e57d8636e8f200dcdfc1797e94….jpg)

File: 5aa49479ca3a61b⋯.jpg (10.35 KB, 255x193, 255:193, b3ecf8384c20c4d9a9f0b2bdd2….jpg)

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cbfe08  No.13879725

File: 72621d97f2e9c6d⋯.png (255.53 KB, 468x280, 117:70, ClipboardImage.png)



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19ae12  No.13879726


…SAFIRE is a wonderful thing.

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2296d5  No.13879727

File: 5ca99b782b46fd6⋯.png (1.24 MB, 980x551, 980:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Gaddafi’s son seeks Libyan presidency 10 years after NATO-backed campaign plunged country into chaos – media

The son of former Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi is reportedly eyeing his country’s highest office a decade after his father was overthrown and murdered by NATO-backed rebels, triggering years of civil unrest.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi has begun to reach out to Western and other diplomats as he seeks to re-enter public life, the Times reported. Once viewed as his father’s successor, he is preparing to stand in Libya’s December 24 presidential contest. Speaking to the paper via telephone, he said he was in good health, and confirmed his relationship with a team of advisers acting on his behalf. Gaddafi is expected to publicly announce his political ambitions in the near future. However, it is still unclear whether he will be allowed to run, as a new election law currently being drafted could potentially exclude him from participating.

The 48-year-old was captured and imprisoned by militants in 2011. He was freed by his captors six years later under an amnesty agreement. Since then, he has remained in hiding. He still faces an arrest warrant in Libya, and, according to the Times, is also wanted by the International Criminal Court (ICC). Several of his siblings remain in prison either in Libya and abroad.

Sources who spoke with the Times said the ICC warrant could be withdrawn, but that Gaddafi would likely run for office even if it were not. The paper speculated that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who was a vocal proponent of the NATO campaign in Libya, would likely oppose the idea of Gaddafi’s son running for office.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi made headlines in 2018, after Bloomberg reported that Russian diplomats had spoken to him via a video link shortly after he was released from prison. A family spokesperson said around that time that Gaddafi wanted to run for president.

Moscow responded to the Bloomberg report by stating that no one should be excluded from Libya’s political process, adding that it kept in touch with various groups in the country in an effort to help facilitate peace negotiations. Libya has seen years of civil war and political turbulence following the NATO-backed intervention. It is inching towards a settlement between the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord and a separate governing body supported by military commander Khalifa Haftar, which controls the country’s east.

Both the GNA and the Haftar-backed administration have agreed to back a central government. In March, Libya’s parliament appointed Prime Minister Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh to lead an interim government until December’s election.


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a7eaf3  No.13879728


>why would he (8bit) come back to work with the same people who forced him out?

I don't think he did. Just an imposter. He explained much of the fuckery in early QRB breads (the original back up board for QR). He verified his trip code and I don't believe he has used it here.

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a25928  No.13879729

File: 4536457d413df3a⋯.jpg (30.52 KB, 750x500, 3:2, millerfuggg.jpg)

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2cdc63  No.13879730


All ballots should have the super rare pepe holographic watermark on it

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4e8613  No.13879731

File: ca973b6c5ca76bf⋯.png (267.88 KB, 500x332, 125:83, ClipboardImage.png)


Why you link me on that?

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548963  No.13879732

File: b6a3e11decbd756⋯.jpeg (42.68 KB, 276x285, 92:95, b6a3e11decbd7560ffc4b1abc….jpeg)




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679297  No.13879733



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b6d7d4  No.13879734


This is how you do it. Most rational argument for a long time.

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760239  No.13879735

File: dbbcaaf87737cbc⋯.png (4.59 MB, 2880x3708, 80:103, GB.png)




>gotta love you never proving anything you have ever said with muh graphics and statements

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635328  No.13879736

File: 9899ae8f48a874d⋯.mp4 (7.47 MB, 888x1094, 444:547, biden_exe.mp4)


Memory low

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990d35  No.13879737

File: 31519f7d105aae8⋯.jpg (46.54 KB, 634x379, 634:379, E3nqdr5WEAkIbvz.jpg)

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845aca  No.13879738


Bacon wrapped French Snots with Garlic? All rity then.

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7ab3b9  No.13879739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser holds conversation with Dr. Fauci and other health care leaders


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89e9d9  No.13879740

>>13876637 (pb)

I wonder if the Electronics Arts "data breach" was to collect the private chat logs between the conspirators against Trump.

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2d3adc  No.13879741

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c23058  No.13879742

File: 8fb4c1a53ff7d0f⋯.png (704.5 KB, 529x744, 529:744, Capture.PNG)

File: 6ddc0d1b93a70c0⋯.png (757.74 KB, 605x595, 121:119, Capture1.PNG)




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b9bf98  No.13879743

File: f93400d18b68a83⋯.jpeg (308.73 KB, 1072x1440, 67:90, wwg1AF.jpeg)


The purpose is to get the entire board talking about imaginary people. When Anons are wrapped up in rumors and stoopid stories they aren't exposing the TRUTH.

Ignore it and it will go away.

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b6d7d4  No.13879744


And Jeffrey Toobin

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4fbc55  No.13879745

Biden’s presence at the G7 mocks all the other participants and makes them a national joke in the Countries they purport to represent.

Pretending to negotiate with a senile election cheat taints every member of the G7 and turns heads of state into a laughing stock.

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09abcd  No.13879746

File: 6b63ad9c29a1da2⋯.jpg (7.01 KB, 255x147, 85:49, facepalm.jpg)

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cbfe08  No.13879747

File: ed813988198dac4⋯.png (857.26 KB, 702x888, 117:148, ClipboardImage.png)

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72d206  No.13879748


>gotta love you never proving anything you have ever said with muh graphics and statements




*Proceeds to claim BV made graphic instead of relizing the witnesses are all present…*

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7c2aeb  No.13879749


Another cabal sacrifice? Hard to execute vapor.

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4e8613  No.13879750

File: 5e40d57d977f264⋯.png (891.86 KB, 992x558, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, this wasn't an accident.

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2296d5  No.13879752

Covid-19 outbreak at UK hotel hosting German G7 delegation security & US media after 13 staff test positive – report

A hotel in England hosting security for Germany’s G7 delegates was shut down after 13 staff members tested positive for Covid, Sky News reported. The UK PM’s office said German leader Angela Merkel will still attend the event.

The Pedn Olva Hotel in St Ives, Cornwall was reportedly being used by security staff for German officials, as well by staff of US broadcaster CBS, who were said to be filming live from the roof.

Thirteen out of the hotel’s 17 staff have reportedly tested positive for Covid.

The site is just one mile up the coast from Carbis Bay, where world leaders have gathered for the G7 summit, including US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who met in person for the first time on Thursday.

UK government Covid-19 data shows that there have been just 44 infections in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly in the week from May 30 to June 5.

Sky said it had spoken to the security staff for the German delegation who said they had “been told nothing”, while a staff member said the hotel was “closing and boarding up.”

The hotel owner was quoted as confirming that some of the staff had tested positive for coronavirus, and the hotel “will reopen once a full Covid-19 deep clean has taken place and we have the available staff to run it.”

A spokesperson for Johnson said that Chancellor Merkel still plans to attend the summit, Reuters reported.

Last month another G7 event in Cornwall – held ahead of the main talks this week – also saw a Covid-19 scare as two members of the Indian delegation tested positive.

Although not a G7 member, India was invited as a guest and its officials did meet face-to-face with their UK counterparts.


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bb3b2d  No.13879753



their is intentional, designed to demonstrate how one misses the forest for the tree.

I cat, u mouse, enjoy the cheese special Ed

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e6c20a  No.13879754

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46b83b  No.13879755

File: 967552670b67f2d⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 417x288, 139:96, 7_Triangle.JPG)

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6fb81a  No.13879756

File: d3c44d0ab04c5f7⋯.jpeg (86.96 KB, 1080x539, 1080:539, 1553038355.jpeg)

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797bd0  No.13879757


Arent they private citizens now?

Oh shit, they caught up the Senate dems too

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2cdc63  No.13879759

File: b3a25f780ffb655⋯.jpeg (159.7 KB, 568x354, 284:177, A8139815_48F7_4DEA_BACB_2….jpeg)

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2a05a4  No.13879760



yes, those boards are still on QRB. that's why it doesn't make sense. imposter - possibly, although he had convos with Rusty on comms that sounded real. mebbe w/trip, can't remember. trip is probably still whitelisted for qrb.

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566986  No.13879762


> Just an imposter.

kek welcome to the throw shit against the wall hoping it will stick stage

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09abcd  No.13879763

File: f1ba092e04718b1⋯.jpg (13.8 KB, 323x326, 323:326, kek_eagles.jpg)




Would be the ultimate troll if Q team used Pepe watermarks on the ballots.

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4e8613  No.13879764

File: 319b803ab5e19fd⋯.png (96.41 KB, 350x198, 175:99, 3c6cbe71e3c5a6fccdda5bbc3b….png)

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e8d66b  No.13879765

File: 0f75d1810c70a78⋯.jpeg (24.96 KB, 421x612, 421:612, D29F8837_F907_4951_9E57_1….jpeg)

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7bf212  No.13879766


Still not proof

keep trying though glowfaggit


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917c6f  No.13879767

File: 5c54883d119110e⋯.jpg (46.31 KB, 500x442, 250:221, sirensODOOM.jpg)

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a25928  No.13879768

File: 50117f5cfde8013⋯.jpg (138.56 KB, 711x488, 711:488, plotinuswisdom_2_.jpg)


>Never fear the truth

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2296d5  No.13879769

File: cecd32fef0c4923⋯.png (412.21 KB, 675x409, 675:409, ClipboardImage.png)

14-year-old girl accuses Virginia school district of putting her in danger by allowing boys in girls' locker rooms

A Virginia teen went viral after she blasted the board of Virginia's Loudoun County Public Schools for allowing transgender students to use girls' locker rooms.

Fearless with Jason Whitlock

The district's newly proposed 8350 policy states that "students should be allowed to use the facility that corresponds to their gender identity" — and not their biological sex.

According to Fox News, the new policy follows policy 1040, which stated that the county was committed to "providing an equitable, safe and inclusive working environment regardless of 'sexual orientation, gender identity' and other individual characteristics."

What are the details?

Fourteen-year-old Jolene Grover delivered her rousing remarks in front of the school board while wearing a "Woman is female" T-shirt.

Standing before the board on Tuesday, Jolene said, "Two years ago, I was told policy 1040 was just an umbrella philosophy and you weren't going to allow boys into the girls' locker rooms. But here you are doing just that."

"Everyone knows what a boy is — even you," she told the board members. "Your proposed policies are dangerous and rooted in sexism. When woke kids ask me if I was a lesbian or a trans boy because I cut my hair short, it should tell you these modern identities are superficial."

Jolene, who is now homeschooled after being withdrawn over the district's continued onslaught of what her family says are controversial policies, also said that she is concerned over what the new policy would lead to behind locker room doors.

"Now boys are reading erotica in the classroom next to girls and you want to give them access to girls' locker rooms and you want to force girls to call those boys 'she,'" the teen added. "You do this in the name of inclusivity while ignoring the girls who will pay the price. Your policies choose boys' wants over girls' needs."


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8da984  No.13879770

File: 849f6c62e545538⋯.png (1.39 MB, 707x901, 707:901, ClipboardImage.png)


Nuremberg II

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2a05a4  No.13879771


>gotta love you never proving anything you have ever said with muh graphics and statements

kekking hard

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cbfe08  No.13879772


>Ignore it and it will go away.

thats what you said about the bewb avalanche last night

>>13875059 pb

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10cd6b  No.13879773

File: 75e6ba0e850dc08⋯.png (79.61 KB, 330x334, 165:167, publix_shooter.PNG)

File: 2f97a6e0271c031⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1361x466, 1361:466, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 81c2c22314ab592⋯.png (256.2 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

55-year-old Timothy J. Wall from Royal Palm Beach.


hard to find the picture and havnt released identity of other 2 dead

probably white

media hiding his pic

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888a19  No.13879774

File: 77833ae95b94aa9⋯.jpg (95.84 KB, 700x614, 350:307, 1595384375485.jpg)


Oy vey!!!

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179319  No.13879775

File: f6749af1168115e⋯.gif (402.95 KB, 880x881, 880:881, biden.gif)

File: a74a9047dab5aed⋯.gif (585.15 KB, 260x260, 1:1, biden.gif)

File: 3967c11ef375cd3⋯.png (3.89 MB, 1760x1762, 880:881, biden2020pedo.png)

File: 9eaa36d1577e43d⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1760x1762, 880:881, biden2020ChinaJoe1.png)

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72d206  No.13879776


>Getting to know some of the BVs and BO (FastJack) is a case of 'you do not want to meet your heroes'. Some things to consider:

You know this is a watcher @BO.

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e44429  No.13879777

File: 67fc5231a107969⋯.png (1.09 MB, 640x904, 80:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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760239  No.13879778

File: 1102f9bc584cf2b⋯.png (1.56 MB, 765x819, 85:91, Screenshot_2020_10_18_Q_Re….png)

File: b9954743f3ba955⋯.png (1.56 MB, 768x827, 768:827, Screenshot_2020_10_18_Q_Re….png)

File: b4fae5e0db652c1⋯.png (1.58 MB, 765x827, 765:827, Screenshot_2020_10_18_Q_Re….png)

File: c6cac532894f1b2⋯.png (1.57 MB, 765x828, 85:92, Screenshot_2020_10_17_Q_Re….png)

File: f1b60661e5b901d⋯.png (1.57 MB, 768x821, 768:821, Screenshot_2020_10_17_Q_Re….png)


Been a long time cunt. How's it going on /QRB/ still dead as fuck and smell like a bunch of kikes moved in?

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ef95e6  No.13879779


I always thought it was funny the video that would get trump elected ended with CQ

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09abcd  No.13879780

File: c414f184b6de5df⋯.png (48.64 KB, 255x187, 15:11, pepe_this.png)

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990d35  No.13879781

File: da640e3a93f3a33⋯.mp4 (412.37 KB, 480x852, 40:71, mRiGGnQhUYEjgzoe.mp4)


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d4bb88  No.13879782

File: dace430fff8ff22⋯.png (38.45 KB, 833x451, 833:451, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)


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4e8613  No.13879783

File: bb180720376c911⋯.png (100.44 KB, 255x242, 255:242, Trump_God_Finger.png)

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52109a  No.13879784

BV is a tiny dicked muhjoo kikel.

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b24c96  No.13879785

File: d0192da1ebf242e⋯.gif (2.5 MB, 509x710, 509:710, 1602009017561.gif)


he is with us

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7bf212  No.13879786


sure lakcey you were there when it was made up

nice try

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2296d5  No.13879787

File: afe81f7af3e51a9⋯.png (53.28 KB, 654x866, 327:433, ClipboardImage.png)

Gov. Ron DeSantis says he would sign ban on minors getting trans surgeries

Florida Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis proclaimed that he would be willing to sign legislation banning minors from getting trans surgeries.

In an interview with the Daily Caller, DeSantis was asked if he supports a ban on youths getting gender reassignment surgery.

"I'm very much opposed to chemical castration of minors, I honestly didn't know this existed until a few years ago," the Republican governor of Florida responded. "That would be something I would sign for sure."

In February, Florida lawmakers introduced the Youth Gender and Sexual Identity Act, which proposed criminal penalties for health care practitioners who provide gender reassignment surgical procedures and medical treatments to children. The House bill died in a Professions & Public Health Subcommittee on April 30.

On June 1, DeSantis signed SB 1028 into law, creating the "Fairness in Women's Sports Act," which bans transgender women and girls from competing in women's sports in an effort to preserve "fair opportunities for female athletes to demonstrate their strength, skills, and abilities in athletic competition."

"The bill that we're doing today will ensure fairness for women athletes for years to come in the state of Florida," DeSantis said at the time of signing the bill into law. "It says that athletic teams or sports that are designated for females are open to females. And we're going to go based off biology."

"It's discrimination against our women athletes to force them to participate against male athletes," DeSantis said. "It needs to be a level playing field, and it needs to be fair, and it should all be based on biology, not based on ideology."

"Well, look, it's discrimination against our women athletes to force them to participate against male athletes," he said this week. "Selina (Soule) from Connecticut came in; she missed New England regionals for track by two places, and both of the people who beat her were biological males. And so if she had had a level playing field, she would have not only advanced to regionals, she would have won that track meet."

The Alliance Defending Freedom filed a federal discrimination complaint with the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights in 2019 on behalf of three female high school athletes, including Soule, who lost sports competitions to biological males.

DeSantis signed the bill despite threats from "woke" organizations such as the NCAA.


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e8d66b  No.13879788

File: 4d2da9357a17928⋯.jpeg (70.91 KB, 1012x515, 1012:515, 997EE270_A9CB_486B_BEC0_B….jpeg)

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e88a96  No.13879789


America the laughing stock. Being handed over to the globalists by a fraudulent president who can't find his own ass with a roadmap and a room full of advisors. While Americans are paralyzed with the fear of loosing their gun "rights" if they stand up against an illegitimate government that needs put down.

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614da1  No.13879790

File: cb6525ce41b1b33⋯.png (2.25 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 00000natsia.png)





(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST: Saying MUH JOO on a research board)
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2cdc63  No.13879791


Trips confirmed

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be6968  No.13879793

File: 02477ae6491241b⋯.jpg (107.1 KB, 750x1027, 750:1027, IMG_20210611_140116_911.jpg)

Nonsense, neither governments or organizations can override international laws such as Nuremberg or Helsinki Declaration and International Human rights.


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b24c96  No.13879794

File: 64077985698ec31⋯.jpg (96.6 KB, 552x658, 276:329, 1602008701478.jpg)

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a356a7  No.13879795

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13879158 two breads enter one bread leaves

>>13879159 PF Reports: B52 run over DC

>>13879176 @USArmyReserve Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?

>>13879236, >>13879237 justice.gov buns

>>13879242 anon opines Toobin is following a script to illustrate how ridiculous CNN is.

>>13879337 OAN Christina Bobb reporting PA to conduct a AZ style audit in their own state.

>>13879379 What We Can Learn About Collaboration by Studying the NSA

>>13879403 Stage is set — under leaden skies — for #G7 leaders’ arrivals at Carbis Bay, Cornwall. First greetings on the beach minutes away…

>>13879480, >>13879548, >>13879688 Senate Democrats Demand Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions Testify About DOJ Seizure of Apple Data From House Dems

>>13879449 Boris Johnson is set to delay lockdown lifting "freedom day" in England to July 19

>>13879464, >>13879619 Grassley's letter about Hunter's crimes (from March)

>>13879521 @DeptofDefense Building upon tradition. The @USMC Silent Drill Team

>>13879566 @USArmy 1-32 INF Chosin, channel their inner #Spiderman today while conducting mountaineering training on a rappel tower.

>>13879597 Donald Trump Meets GOP Leaders to Plot Path to House Majority in 2022

>>13879605 If They Don’t Have the Ballots, They Don’t Have the Victory

>>13879618 Police-Fire Games literally was upriver from Wuhan two months before NATO’s Wuhan Super Spreader Military Games.

>>13879653 2020 Ballots Were Modified in Multiple Republican Areas Forcing Adjudication and Potential Fraudulent Vote Switching

>>13879727 Gaddafi’s son seeks Libyan presidency 10 years after NATO-backed campaign plunged country into chaos – media


at 650ish

bakering soon

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a25928  No.13879796

File: 91cccf1ecbc35a0⋯.gif (233.04 KB, 220x159, 220:159, SHEEEEIT.gif)

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6fb81a  No.13879797

File: 234acb6664d947c⋯.jpg (193.07 KB, 1024x737, 1024:737, 1623332876220.jpg)

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c47ccf  No.13879798

File: 8f62670aa3b704b⋯.jpg (528.02 KB, 605x842, 605:842, the_prisoner.jpg)

File: 556762c3c10eb8c⋯.jpg (89.34 KB, 808x453, 808:453, we4.jpg)

Free for All

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6a3121  No.13879799

Anybody know what camera the last pallet is on?


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a25928  No.13879800


whole new meaning to "gender fluid."

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8137f8  No.13879801

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Tlhingan qoq paghlogh stops

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09abcd  No.13879803

File: 1726258dd5019f5⋯.png (103.2 KB, 500x491, 500:491, Gender_Fluid.png)

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2cdc63  No.13879804

File: 5da26f361e1e9d6⋯.jpeg (241.51 KB, 640x460, 32:23, D37B433E_4B12_4EA6_B2A0_0….jpeg)

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e6c20a  No.13879805


Jewish Mafia

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72d206  No.13879806


>sure lakcey you were there when it was made up


was quite a while ago…

There was still an idea of unity camaraderie in the bakery as well as teamwork.

Not so much anymore.

I blame users like yourself. but im sure your interactions go far deeper than coming to harrass Muh OSS.

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e054e9  No.13879807


May whip up a batch of gender fluid later.

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0f28a4  No.13879808


Fuck MNR COMMS as well yet nice try though!

No really!

Gatekeeper muh feels little bitches and the Jefffy inthematrixxx crew.

Because P absolutely must = Payseur don't ya know?!


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401096  No.13879809

File: 3fd604fc5913666⋯.png (763.02 KB, 801x761, 801:761, ClipboardImage.png)

Supreme Court rules in favour of unsealing Sherman estate files

Trustees, beneficiaries of slain billionaire Toronto couple fought to keep documents private


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1f877e  No.13879810

File: 1d2b77df8580777⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1442x868, 103:62, Annotation_2021_06_11_1400….png)


Decided to pull up the flight history on this and it looks like he made a pass directly over the center of DC at 0955 at 2,100'. When your wingspan is 185' that is only about 10 wingspans high above the ground. It would've made for an impressive sight from the ground. Eight huge turbofans complete the effect.

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760239  No.13879811

File: a21ad2ac84f0195⋯.png (357.09 KB, 847x407, 77:37, ClipboardImage.png)







It's the people not the words that are banned, consider it a miniature110, a microcosm of future events.

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5f993f  No.13879812

No-one has masks on at Lowes. FUCK YEAH

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b9bf98  No.13879813


WRONG faggot.

No comments on the bewbs. Fail harder.

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27a1fe  No.13879814


fuckin retards

Humans are gross

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548963  No.13879815

File: 3bbed1fc21d5f45⋯.jpg (275.26 KB, 1200x928, 75:58, E3joiMyXMAIiT_A.jpg)

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a25928  No.13879816

File: 42760ae23c9c356⋯.jpeg (60.78 KB, 1331x749, 1331:749, tony_oldsmile.jpeg)

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a7eaf3  No.13879817


His smile says: "she can suck a golf ball through a garden hose".

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7fdf78  No.13879818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GENERAL MICHAEL FLYNN's SPEECH (The full version of the speech)

at the 【New Federal State of China 1-year Anniversary】

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2a05a4  No.13879819


>camaraderie in the bakery

team approach works well for a kitchen

it's why shills always attack it

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7ab3b9  No.13879820

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AG Merrick Garland Delivers remarks on voters rights


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990d35  No.13879821

File: ecd33b111929e9a⋯.jpg (263.41 KB, 629x801, 629:801, Untitledugoguougugo.jpg)

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7bf212  No.13879822


>harrass oss

gfy lackey

fuggen delusional

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d767f1  No.13879823

File: ecb74e3bcdbd18c⋯.png (295.16 KB, 690x551, 690:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Any planefags see this? It's likely a glitch but an Egyptian C130 over Kentucky? It keeps alternating between 10,000 and 111,000 feet which obviously is impossible.

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9709c0  No.13879824

File: 32a921993e1f557⋯.png (19.91 KB, 831x392, 831:392, 1623012727187.png)

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e6c20a  No.13879825


Watch the water.

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566986  No.13879826


Maybe Swampy put the B post on Q's board and Babyfaggot is just the fall guy.

Since neighborhood of make believe is being used against FJ, 8-bit, and you might as well join in right?

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c70b65  No.13879827


Tried to call it a slide but kek willed them diggies and them titties too!

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055e87  No.13879828




Has this Pennsylvania Bill been in the notes yet?

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86a415  No.13879829

File: 18d327d38ad5e06⋯.png (24.42 KB, 615x120, 41:8, DeSantis_2024.png)


>Ron DeSantis

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a356a7  No.13879830

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13879158 two breads enter one bread leaves

>>13879159, >>13879810 PF Reports: B52 run over DC

>>13879176 @USArmyReserve Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?

>>13879236, >>13879237 justice.gov buns

>>13879242 anon opines Toobin is following a script to illustrate how ridiculous CNN is.

>>13879337 OAN Christina Bobb reporting PA to conduct a AZ style audit in their own state.

>>13879379 What We Can Learn About Collaboration by Studying the NSA

>>13879403 Stage is set — under leaden skies — for #G7 leaders’ arrivals at Carbis Bay, Cornwall. First greetings on the beach minutes away…

>>13879480, >>13879548, >>13879688 Senate Democrats Demand Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions Testify About DOJ Seizure of Apple Data From House Dems

>>13879449 Boris Johnson is set to delay lockdown lifting "freedom day" in England to July 19

>>13879464, >>13879619 Grassley's letter about Hunter's crimes (from March)

>>13879521 @DeptofDefense Building upon tradition. The @USMC Silent Drill Team

>>13879566 @USArmy 1-32 INF Chosin, channel their inner #Spiderman today while conducting mountaineering training on a rappel tower.

>>13879597 Donald Trump Meets GOP Leaders to Plot Path to House Majority in 2022

>>13879605 If They Don’t Have the Ballots, They Don’t Have the Victory

>>13879618 Police-Fire Games literally was upriver from Wuhan two months before NATO’s Wuhan Super Spreader Military Games.

>>13879653 2020 Ballots Were Modified in Multiple Republican Areas Forcing Adjudication and Potential Fraudulent Vote Switching

>>13879727 Gaddafi’s son seeks Libyan presidency 10 years after NATO-backed campaign plunged country into chaos – media

>>13879809 Canadian Supreme Court rules in favour of unsealing Sherman estate files



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e8d66b  No.13879831

File: ad235f0abf1292c⋯.jpeg (63.1 KB, 274x1200, 137:600, 83851E94_199E_4F3F_9182_D….jpeg)


It’s not a gun

A Langmuir probe is a device used to determine the electron temperature, electron density, and electric potential of a plasma. It works by inserting one or more electrodes into a plasma, with a constant or time-varying electric potential between the various electrodes or between them and the surrounding vessel. The measured currents and potentials in this system allow the determination of the physical properties of the plasma.

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72d206  No.13879832

File: db18b016b14ff40⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 504x458, 252:229, db18b016b14ff40fab54930206….gif)


>gfy lackey

>(You) img.related

>fuggen delusional

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fbe8e9  No.13879834

File: 9777eb5e94195c6⋯.jpg (52.17 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_destroying_america_w….jpg)

File: 1a79e42b5610d7e⋯.jpg (118.89 KB, 1024x567, 1024:567, It_s_the_Jews.jpg)

File: 5e9ac44dc66d75a⋯.jpg (233.69 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Punish_Traitors.jpg)

When the American people really discover and realize what the unspeakable Jew has perpetrated, their wrath will know no bounds, and the gutters will run deep with blood.

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73906b  No.13879835


>it's why shills always attack it

even so called "patriot" bakers attack other bakers relentlessly. the kitchen got what it deserved.

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6fb81a  No.13879836

File: 767519386136910⋯.jpg (8.06 KB, 184x193, 184:193, 0e599d9ae6be92518cf5aadabc….jpg)


>bewb avalanche

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888a19  No.13879837

File: f60c3f81f72d13d⋯.jpg (2.98 KB, 97x125, 97:125, 1595196659767s.jpg)


Muh Hitler, Lol. I wish that fucker had been guilty of a tenth of what the Khazarians accused him of. And you bringing up "The Squad" is truly hilarious seeing as they are Jew puppets.

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566986  No.13879838



They're bringing in the big guns from Tel Aviv Junior High now.

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760239  No.13879839


Jim said it was the same IP as LM used though. How could Karen get that ?

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e6c20a  No.13879840


I've always disliked shaking hands, but this is just goofy.

A head nod would be better.

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72d206  No.13879841

File: 4e19814c98bd067⋯.jpg (59.28 KB, 590x594, 295:297, keks.jpg)


>A Langmuir probe is a device used to determine the electron temperature, electron density, and electric potential of a plasma. It works by inserting one or more electrodes into a plasma, with a constant or time-varying electric potential between the various electrodes or between them and the surrounding vessel. The measured currents and potentials in this system allow the determination of the physical properties of the plasma.

Please stahp with the porn this is ridiculousBOOOOOO THEY ARE POASTING THE PORNS AGAIN!


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a356a7  No.13879842

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>13879158 two breads enter one bread leaves

>>13879159, >>13879810 PF Reports: B52 run over DC

>>13879176 @USArmyReserve Do you know what the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) is?

>>13879236, >>13879237 justice.gov buns

>>13879242 anon opines Toobin is following a script to illustrate how ridiculous CNN is.

>>13879337 OAN Christina Bobb reporting PA to conduct a AZ style audit in their own state.

>>13879379 What We Can Learn About Collaboration by Studying the NSA

>>13879403 Stage is set — under leaden skies — for #G7 leaders’ arrivals at Carbis Bay, Cornwall. First greetings on the beach minutes away…

>>13879480, >>13879548, >>13879688 Senate Democrats Demand Bill Barr, Jeff Sessions Testify About DOJ Seizure of Apple Data From House Dems

>>13879449 Boris Johnson is set to delay lockdown lifting "freedom day" in England to July 19

>>13879464, >>13879619 Grassley's letter about Hunter's crimes (from March)

>>13879521 @DeptofDefense Building upon tradition. The @USMC Silent Drill Team

>>13879566 @USArmy 1-32 INF Chosin, channel their inner #Spiderman today while conducting mountaineering training on a rappel tower.

>>13879597 Donald Trump Meets GOP Leaders to Plot Path to House Majority in 2022

>>13879605 If They Don’t Have the Ballots, They Don’t Have the Victory

>>13879618 Police-Fire Games literally was upriver from Wuhan two months before NATO’s Wuhan Super Spreader Military Games.

>>13879653 2020 Ballots Were Modified in Multiple Republican Areas Forcing Adjudication and Potential Fraudulent Vote Switching

>>13879727 Gaddafi’s son seeks Libyan presidency 10 years after NATO-backed campaign plunged country into chaos – media

>>13879809 Canadian Supreme Court rules in favour of unsealing Sherman estate files



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6fb81a  No.13879843

File: 50fb6b5a5f313c3⋯.jpeg (169.69 KB, 1440x951, 480:317, 1546781130.jpeg)

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d6a3bb  No.13879844

biden/harris msdnc msm humanitarian genocidal border crisis mass failure

and demontraitors protecting the voting rights of illegal aliens

benefits for the price of freedom: pay all of your savings to coyote trafficking, and prepare for rape, and enslavement

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cbfe08  No.13879845

File: cdfab83c382678c⋯.png (745.56 KB, 711x493, 711:493, ClipboardImage.png)


(You) want some

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2a05a4  No.13879848


>even so called "patriot" bakers attack other bakers relentlessly

When making allegations, always good to be specific

otherwise, it's all just glittering generalities

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d4bb88  No.13879849

File: 5b65622d94697bb⋯.png (36.98 KB, 785x457, 785:457, Screenshot_2021_06_11_at_1….png)


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d8086f  No.13879850

File: a2a8b2979135f74⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 500x415, 100:83, jr6s3.jpg)


You cannot ban shit, Meth Head.

Oh no! threats of bolt action harm!

Please bring your faggot ass in front of this anon.

Bring frenz.


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e88a96  No.13879852


Canaanites hiding behind Zionism and Israel. Canaanites wanted Canaan back, so they got it. But they couldn't rightly call it Canaan, now could they? Good luck getting the Christians to go along with that. What to do…what to do…oh, I know! Why don't we claim to be Zion and just name it Israel! The goyim schmucks will send us their blessings and billions in treasure while we take DOMINION over the entire world!

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b6d7d4  No.13879857


Babyfist said he shared VPN with B - Were others on that shared VPN?

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e8d66b  No.13879858


‘The Covid Times’ have prevented a lot of important information sharing. Hate to think anything like that was used intentionally to prevent people from assembling for issues of great importance to humanity.

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a25928  No.13879860

File: 22f0d70710cb28d⋯.jpg (18.99 KB, 292x390, 146:195, KEVIN_SPACEY_HONORARY_CBE_….jpg)

Oprah Daily

No, It's Not Okay to Say "Homosexual"— Here Are 34 Non-Offensive LGBTQ Terms You Should Know

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e44429  No.13879861

File: 05ea27a399deff3⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1280x1808, 80:113, future_proves_past_6_11_20….png)



future proves past

The connection is simply chlorine…not false flag.

Keep in mind that every crumb is not meant to be solved before the event. Some of the drops are things for anons to dig on and make connections with, others are markers for future reference.

>[future proves past]

Some drops are just simply communication to the anons.

What needs to be understood to appreciate whats going here is the fact the Q is basically creating a circular flow diagram that can be referenced and cross-checked with news releases. Q can’t just disclose specifics about a situation or operation without violating security protocol. Instead they drop questions and statements that lead to answers that can be understood once the subject becomes public. This provides the validation necessary for the public to believe The Great Awakening is legit. Disinformation and misdirection with Q is real. In other words Q is pointing over there but really the focus is here and only until you publicly get the news can you go back and understand. (Think SA drops) All of this is accomplished without giving up specific details about the operation. It’s quite genius.

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b95dd7  No.13879862

File: e2e21e8857ab6e7⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1727x828, 1727:828, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8af6ec883a1f150⋯.png (89.9 KB, 787x682, 787:682, ClipboardImage.png)


And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.

Revelation 6:5

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9709c0  No.13879864



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86a415  No.13879865

File: c7ea4b33332ecbc⋯.gif (930.9 KB, 500x180, 25:9, love_of_haflings_leaf.gif)

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73906b  No.13879866


no need to be specific. you idiots act like there is nobody else here that sees all the bullshit. its nothing but kikes and namefags to you faggots.

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aa416d  No.13879868

File: 07a313e220af316⋯.png (672.36 KB, 1318x560, 659:280, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f7603  No.13879869

File: d728470f7efba55⋯.jpg (95.13 KB, 640x377, 640:377, d728470f7efba5585a1a0e6468….jpg)



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760239  No.13879870

File: eb253a2baa690b9⋯.png (457.57 KB, 2344x2028, 586:507, GYB_deletes_1.png)


>When making allegations, always good to be specific


>otherwise, it's all just glittering generalities

Hows this for specific, cunt.

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117acc  No.13879871


when is this from?


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2296d5  No.13879872

File: 470e004ae4aa979⋯.png (650.99 KB, 800x533, 800:533, ClipboardImage.png)


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7808ff  No.13879873

Most will never know how close the board came to being run by a fucking e-girl

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1d09d1  No.13879875

File: c7bc44a1ea92744⋯.jpg (114.02 KB, 647x900, 647:900, AQ3.jpg)

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cfce18  No.13879876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If you're gonna do it, do it right.

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760239  No.13879877

>>13879857 ←Jonkikel

>Babyfist said he shared VPN with B - Were others on that shared VPN?

Babyfist is B you retarded kike faggot.

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7bf212  No.13879878



running out of excuses breh

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760239  No.13879879



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aa416d  No.13879880

File: d9c6e30a5853355⋯.jpg (512.76 KB, 1524x1262, 762:631, GR.jpg)

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2a05a4  No.13879881


>no need to be specific….its nothing but kikes and namefags to you faggots.

SAUCE is specific. Which is why we require it.

no sauce, no argument.

name calling is the weakest argument

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b9bf98  No.13879882


Ugly nips ya got there.

Anons dig, meme, pray.

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1f877e  No.13879883


It's been flying around for around two weeks with a broken sensor reporting 100K a lot.

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aa416d  No.13879884

File: 0e60270bec41194⋯.png (749.09 KB, 1234x730, 617:365, ClipboardImage.png)

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27a1fe  No.13879885




emo girl?

whats an e girl?

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73906b  No.13879886


funny how you pieces of garbage dont have one graphic about the time i highjacked your shit and removed bomb making notables huh faggit.

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a356a7  No.13879888

File: 71b3fa348a85646⋯.png (38.29 KB, 1060x127, 1060:127, ClipboardImage.png)

fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread



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d6a3bb  No.13879889

G-7 leaders dining on the blood sweat fears death and destruction of cities towns building and so many BUSINESSES

enjoy msm snakeball of rapist pedovores fox msdnc blonde whores&witches privileged shits

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cbfe08  No.13879890

File: d18ff57ae4df4dc⋯.png (835.73 KB, 700x722, 350:361, ClipboardImage.png)


imma skerd

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3f7603  No.13879891



>whats an e girl?

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b95dd7  No.13879892


Time for more foreign "funding", climate change initiatives, book deals, take you pick!

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b6d7d4  No.13879893


Abuse / stalking / denigration

Non anon

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73906b  No.13879894

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aa416d  No.13879896

File: c1da2a57aa048c9⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1102x812, 19:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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029a60  No.13879897


It was when you forced a captcha for every post.

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19ae12  No.13879898

File: 1bd9cf9fcbebefe⋯.jpg (53.03 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_don_t_be_afraid_to_f….jpg)


…It's tough waiting out the short term human dramas.

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73906b  No.13879901


fuck you and your gaslighting bullshit faggot.

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797bd0  No.13879903

File: 7b66e771d3bf93c⋯.jpeg (417.63 KB, 1241x1790, 1241:1790, BE7B20D0_3706_47DE_8DFF_7….jpeg)



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760239  No.13879904

File: 94fcded8e496b31⋯.jpg (209.93 KB, 811x777, 811:777, 1620947082352.jpg)



>Abuse / stalking / denigration


>Non anon

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