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e439ea  No.13506635[Last 50 Posts]

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e439ea  No.13506641

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e439ea  No.13506642

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e439ea  No.13506653

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13320392 Q Research Notables #6

NOTABLESAre NOT Endorsements


>>13505946 Babylon Bee - Police Convert Antifa Into Productive Members Of Society By Playing Jordan Peterson Clips On Giant Video Screen

>>13505960 , >>13506010 ARIZONA AUDIT UPDATE: Maricopa County looks to be searching for special watermarks on the ballots (video cap)

>>13505976 , >>13505987 , >>13505999 , >>13506286 CodemonkeyZ updates

>>13505931 Anons, I have loaded 200+ Videos: Dc - Trump - Pelosi - Election - Biden - HCQ and More Download and Share while we still can!

>>13506070 #17104 Notables

>>13506093 Fatal officer-involved shooting in Hollywood CA

>>13506123 Montana enacts new law that protects residents from Biden's gun control measures

>>13506127 President Trump - Democrats are doing everything they can to stop the great Patriots of Arizona from doing a Forensic Audit of the 2020 Presidential Election Scam

>>13506134 , >>13506390 Sidney Powell posted this video about a half hour ago - Prepare yourselves Frens, all this 'noise' is going to fade away soon and a beautiful new world is coming (video cap)

>>13506176 #17106 Notables

>>13506223 , >>13506232 #17105 Notables

>>13506249 Covid Vaccine Mandatory at State Universities in California

>>13506290 Averting a Cyber Pandemic Part 2 - DAVOS AGENDA 2021

>>13506349 Niece of Bee Gees member Barry Gibb found dead days after receiving Pfizer China Virus vaccine

>>13506362 California National Guard Put Fighter Jet on Alert For ‘Possible Domestic Mission’ to Terrify and Disperse Anti-Lockdown Protesters

>>13506322 , >>13506352 2.1M ballots 15 round examination tables 140K per table? 100 per hour/12 Hours a day? 18K per day 116 Days? https://azaudit.org/

>>13506416 New Q Research Banner

>>13506425 Throwback - Bread 212 from Q Research

>>13506433 "Fraud vitiates everything." United States v Throckmorton, 1878. Since Fraud has been committed, Trump wins by default under U.S. law.

>>13506442 Singing happy Birthday to the Army Reserve. 113 years old!

>>13506493 God is with us Anons

>>13506500 Maricopa County election audit continues through the weekend

>>13506508 Night Shift Banner

>>13506600 #17107

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e439ea  No.13506656


>>13505150 Jamie Dlux found something important in the Heather O’Rourke case

>>13505165 Bush is connected to Soros and Ukraine via ROMAN POPADIUK

>>13505195 Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein and President Bill Clinton smile together in never-before-seen images

>>13505207 Aaron Sorkin's Lucy-Desi Movie Scraps Chateau Marmont Shoot Amid Boycott

>>13505222 AZ Election Audit - Camera 9 Red team Showed what to look for. Now checking ballots with ultra violet


>>13505305 AZ Election Worker: “I Was on the List for the AZGOP and They Just Told Me Google Eliminated the List – They’re Trying to Keep the Public Out”

>>13505320 Maxine Waters: Chauvin Trial Judge ‘Way Off Track’ with Appeal Remarks — ‘He Knows That There Was No Interference with the Jurors’

>>13505330 Police shortage: Cops retiring in droves, 'recruiting crisis,' applications 'historically low'

>>13505346 Dan Scavino “Trump makes $10,000 donation to families of missing United Cajun Navy members”

>>13505354 Apple, Retail Groups Continue Lobbying Congress On Chinese Slave Labor Bill

>>13505355 YouTube CEO Admits Suppressing Independent News

>>13505358 , >>13505365 Dan Scavino Movie camera http://AZAudit.orgEyes

>>13505369 Pfizer Vaccine Confirmed To Cause Neurodegenerative Diseases (prion-based diseases)

>>13505374 Scoop: Hotels back out of housing migrant families amid political furor

>>13505407 Pentagon gave control of millions of dormant IP addresses to Florida company before Trump left office: report

>>13505423 Mondaire Jones Suggests Republicans 'Engaging in Racist Activity' by Opposing DC Statehood

>>13505508 Statement by Donald J. Trump - The Democrats are “swarming” the Great State of Arizona trying to get the Forensic Election Audit stopped, because only they know exactly what they’ve done

>>13505519 Statement by Donald J. Trump - The Republican Party is demanding that Governor Ducey of Arizona immediately provide large-scale security for the brave American Patriots doing the Forensic Audit

>>13505540 “I think it’s incredible” - President Donald Trump on Project Veritas #ExposeCNN

>>13505555 Do it Q gif - Q+ team

>>13505564 Immunologist: Pfizer, Moderna Vaccines Could Cause Long-Term Chronic Illness

>>13505588 Former NSA Director Mike Rogers Joins Cyber Think Tank Team8’s Board

>>13505600 The absolute King President Donald J Trump. (video cap)

>>13505620 You're the real President - (video cap)

>>13505631 Joe Biden is backing ‘out and out Marxism’ and the fall of capitalism (video)

>>13505654 CM TELEGRAMS!. . . .STOP!

>>13505657 School children are being ‘sacrificed to neo-Marxist’ agenda: Rowan Dean

>>13505692 President Trump at Mar-a-Lago! This President never stops working for the American people, what a hero! (video cap)

>>13505698 , >>13505709 How Many People Have to Die Because of the Liberal Lies About the Police?

>>13505710 President Trump recent pics

>>13505713 , >>13505727 Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) is taking action to make sure vaccine reactions to "COVID" injections are properly presented to the public

>>13505734 President Trump Discusses Removal From Facebook & Twitter, Says Press Releases Much More Elegant

>>13505757 Montana’s new law will stop police and state employees from enforcing federal restrictions

>>13505778 YouTube blocks access to Ukrainian TV channels tied to Kremlin ally, Ukraine govt says

>>13506176 #17106 Posted in #17107

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e439ea  No.13506657


>>13504875, >>13504366 Lin Wood wants South Carolina (SC) to show the way to We The People

>>13504383 COVID Shots to "Decimate World Population," Warns Dr. Bhakdi

>>13504566 AZ Audit Testing ballots with UV lights for watermarks

>>13504576, >>13504640 What did POTUS DJT say about UV Light

>>13504599 The Spectrum of Corruption, Obstacles to the Truth

>>13504671, >>13504701, >>13504712 Israel - IDF Strikes Gaza, Barrage of Rockets Fired on Israel in Night of Escalating Tension

>>13504693 CodeMonkey posting about aliens

>>13504732 Mass challenges are now expressly provided for in Georgia state law

>>13504770, >>13504853 ZH Biden Is An Idiot" - Fmr Police Officer Blasts Democrats For "Riding The Wave Of Dead Black People

>>13504772 Montana Governor Signs Law Prohibiting Enforcement of Federal Gun Bans

>>13504786 Ohio Bar Announces They Will Not Show NBA Games Until LeBron James is Expelled

>>13504809 Arkansas woman says she was fired after coronavirus vaccine refusal

>>13504815 Dozens Arrested After CEO Of Turkish Crypto Exchange Flees With $2 Billion

>>13504823 ZH NJ Deli With $100 Million Market Cap Linked To Shell Company Whose Stock Also Recently Exploded

>>13504842 The Feds Are Coming for Libertarians

>>13504845,>>13504896 Kash Patel Responds to Allegations & Reflects on Declassifications, Exposing Uyghur Genocide

>>13504906 Public school enrollment plunges in California — and everywhere else

>>13504916 Planefag

>>13504987 Canadian Police Return With SWAT to Local Church Run by Artur Pawlowski

>>13505044 Maryland AG: Work of ex-medical examiner who testified in Chauvin trial should be reviewed

>>13506232 #17105 posted in 17107

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e439ea  No.13506658


>>13503556 New family tree of world’s most depraved incest family

>>13503560 Privacy expert charged with child sexual assault offences after global manhunt

>>13503562, >>13503618 Oregon Bill to BAN Livestock — Stunning War on Farming/Ranching

>>13503565 DanScavino instagram post

>>13503570 Programmable Digital Currencies Are Weaponizable Money

>>13503588, >>13503591 The British Cabal Behind a Gulf Dictatorship

>>13503604 Dozens arrested in night of chaos and clashes in Jerusalem

>>13503609 Bush connection to Soros via ROMAN POPADIUK

>>13503623 Pixar Animation House Releases Casting Call for ’14-Year-Old Transgender Female’ Cartoon Character

>>13503631 LA County sheriff forcibly injecting handicapped people

>>13503632 Facebook deletes 120,000-member group where people posted stories of alleged adverse vaccine reactions

>>13503638 Trump makes $10,000 donation to families of missing United Cajun Navy members

>>13503648 Biden the 'greatest danger' to world peace

>>13503660, >>13503696 @MrAndyNgo: #Antifa are promoting a “bingo” riot game for 1 May (May Day)

>>13503665, >>13503682, >>13503688 122 foreigners banned by Russian officials from entering country for FORTY years

>>13503709 The next plandemic is SPARS

>>13503691 Think Narrative (CNN)

>>13503719 Maricopa Election auditors using ultra violet ballot testing!

>>13503723 Why are vaccine risks minimized but most other consumer products face scrutiny with very few reports of injuries or deaths?

>>13503737 , >>13503746 Minutes before Trump left office, millions of the Pentagon's dormant IP addresses sprang to life

>>13503750 Maricopa County looks to be searching for special watermarks on the ballots

>>13503764 Movie recommendation - The Gray State

>>13503804 The Public Interest #Declassification Board will host a virtual public meeting on May 18 1 pm ET

>>13503820 Athletes will be banned from "taking a knee" or "raising a fist" at Tokyo Olympics

>>13503831 Black Lives Matter protesters have declared the Minneapolis intersection where George Floyd was killed by a police officer an ‘autonomous zone’, but there’s been an angry backlash

>>13503936 , >>13503958 , >>13503969 , >>13503991 Canadian PM Justin Trudeau shows off huge tattoo during vaccination

>>13504041 'Canceled People': Online database of victims of the new McCarthyism nears 200 listings

>>13504105 Turkey on Saturday detained the chief of one of the country's biggest cryptocurrency firms after launching a manhunt for the founder of another exchange who fled to Albania

>>13504183 At least 23 people died when a fire broke out in a Covid-19 intensive care unit in Baghdad, medical and security sources told AFP

>>13506070 #17104 posted in 17107

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e439ea  No.13506662

Previously Collected Notables

>>13502957 #17102, >>13503476 #17103

>>13500386 #17099, >>13501150 #17100, >>13502831 #17101

>>13498018 #17096/1, >>13498826 #17097, >>13499580 #17098

>>13496456 #17094, >>13497277 #17095, >>13498058 #17096/2

>>13494052 #17091, >>13494845 #17092, >>13495684 #17093

>>13491688 #17088, >>13492444 #17089, >>13493219 #17090

>>13489402 #17085, >>13490171 #17086, >>13490943 #17087

>>13487007 #17082, >>13487635 #17083, >>13493782 #17084

>>13484187 #17079, >>13484941 #17080, >>13485678 #17081

>>13481863 #17076, >>13482729 #17077, >>13483439 #17078

>>13479381 #17073, >>13480153 #17074, >>13481016 #17075

>>13477061 #17070, >>13477839 #17071, >>13486179 #17072

>>13474786 #17067, >>13475583 #17068, >>13476314 #17069

>>13472357 #17064, >>13473203 #17065, >>13473984 #17066

>>13469726 #17061, >>13470548 #17062, >>13471399 #17063

>>13467431 #17058, >>13468209 #17059, >>13469021 #17060

>>13465094 #17055, >>13465879 #17056, >>13466661 #17057

>>13461777 #17052, >>13463211 #17053, >>13464308 #17054

>>13459594 #17049, >>13460380 #17050, >>13461152 #17051

>>13457296 #17046, >>13458063 #17047, >>13458799 #17048


Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Donald J Trump - https://gab.com/realdonaldtrump/ | https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit LIVESTREAM https://azaudit.org/

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

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e439ea  No.13506669

File: 8d5cb0c571ed58f⋯.png (1.8 MB, 2500x2500, 1:1, Pepe_Corona.png)



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ea823f  No.13506671

File: f6ccb1b320820ba⋯.jpg (43.13 KB, 634x554, 317:277, f6ccb1b320820ba16994af85f5….jpg)



Noice banner

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ea823f  No.13506678

File: a38913c3e829bfe⋯.png (291.19 KB, 386x624, 193:312, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fedf25dc868fdfa⋯.png (211.8 KB, 459x771, 153:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6f0d49037dae979⋯.png (662.79 KB, 467x897, 467:897, ClipboardImage.png)


[25.04.21 00:09]

There are likely people on the floor taking part in the audit with the hidden agenda of purposefully not helping with the audit.

By pointing these certain people out, the audit manager can investigate them.



[25.04.21 00:19]

[Forwarded from Cassi Nicole]

[ Video ]

Second night in a row, this guy is not running the ballots through the laser tech. Unless orange shirts are watching… who do I report to?



[25.04.21 00:21]


[ Album ]

Camera 9 found something they took pictures of the ballot



[25.04.21 00:22]

[Forwarded from Phoenixq17]

[ Video ]

She is not using the light box 4/25/2021 12:05 AM EST.


[25.04.21 00:28]

We are watching the auditors.

No shenanigans will get through the sharp eyes of the watchers.



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a0dea2  No.13506689

File: 461d12b209ff1d1⋯.png (399.86 KB, 500x719, 500:719, ClipboardImage.png)


you are a champ baker! way to change the banner back

as for all the clowns… pic related

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730ad8  No.13506690


Real bread here:

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

Some idiot split the bread

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bd8268  No.13506691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e439ea  No.13506692

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d43628  No.13506693

File: 1ffc36fedc34d38⋯.png (699.13 KB, 698x550, 349:275, Jesus_Pepe_Pug_Popcorn.png)

TY Baker!

>Sorry, I'm stealing this. It's mine, now. Why shouldn't I keep it?

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ffe829  No.13506694


You Have My Shield Of Faith Baker, +2 to Obtaining digits.

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ea823f  No.13506695

File: f7f657ab0ff258c⋯.jpg (20.65 KB, 255x255, 1:1, a5638dea813f3109076d2f905a….jpg)

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2d14f9  No.13506696

File: e4c3e05db64a140⋯.jpeg (96.2 KB, 740x895, 148:179, 8856578D_A257_4B03_ACD5_7….jpeg)

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e439ea  No.13506698



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3f8b87  No.13506699


awww look… the shills are trying to keep the qanon thing going… how cute and pathetic

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730ad8  No.13506700

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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9c8f15  No.13506702


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730ad8  No.13506703


Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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730ad8  No.13506704

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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fe51e1  No.13506705

File: 630b26394e150b1⋯.mp4 (10.25 MB, 960x1196, 240:299, Smooth_Operator.mp4)

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ffe829  No.13506706

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730ad8  No.13506707

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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e439ea  No.13506708


If you didn't want to divide anons, you'd drop the _anon part of the banner. You poke at anons and set 'em up for FF's bitch.

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730ad8  No.13506710

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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ffe829  No.13506711

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ffe829  No.13506712

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730ad8  No.13506713

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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7d5bd5  No.13506714

Trump Telegramd out that Security must protect the Auditors? is there comms of a false flag, blaming it on anons and their own independent assessments of the audits?

Asking for friends like… codemonkey and the likes of contributing anons everywhere…

on another note…



Anons called this shit the other day that bullshit would go on.

16 day audit was an initial assessment..

an anon debated a further duration due to "Human Error"…


>>>13506433 "Fraud vitiates everything." United States v Throckmorton, 1878. Since Fraud has been committed, Trump wins by default under U.S. law.

They cannot even RE-COUNT the votes correctly.

Fuck them all, Trump Won.

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cbb91c  No.13506716

File: 31520d403358abf⋯.png (219.68 KB, 1440x309, 480:103, ClipboardImage.png)

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f20c26  No.13506717

File: ba8616668a3acdc⋯.jpeg (225.29 KB, 609x415, 609:415, 126FE36C_E8D0_4A39_8032_9….jpeg)

File: 69b780b85df6712⋯.jpeg (32.4 KB, 474x632, 3:4, 359F991B_B4BE_4C17_BF9D_7….jpeg)

For once, the split bread was an easy choice.

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730ad8  No.13506720

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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ffe829  No.13506721

File: e813d97092146e1⋯.png (221.89 KB, 466x342, 233:171, ClipboardImage.png)

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621b05  No.13506722

File: a0d9f8e7c8d27cb⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1024x695, 1024:695, protestors_in_the_capitol_….png)


Try as they might, try as they may,

wont make them any less gay.


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ffe829  No.13506723


your staff is broken.

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730ad8  No.13506724

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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730ad8  No.13506726


Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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e439ea  No.13506727



Stop spamming. Let anons go to whatever bread they want. Now they have a choice. We'll see if banner is back by popular demand or your own delusions. GOOD DAY SIR OR MADAM!

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730ad8  No.13506728


Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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201b14  No.13506730

File: 9533c0b3bd67ee8⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 1021x411, 1021:411, 2021_04_25_00_34_29_Lauren….jpg)



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730ad8  No.13506731


Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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58fe11  No.13506732

File: a81593b2d718407⋯.jpeg (14.73 KB, 250x140, 25:14, 509F0605_8905_4A08_AD61_7….jpeg)


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7d5bd5  No.13506733

File: ff396b3a4986a32⋯.png (458.99 KB, 972x602, 486:301, 309dfaa28d14f3c91b758ed7e4….png)


tyeb, 4ch baker steps up now to demonstrate subversion ("as the DS attempts it") it appears.

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6cc409  No.13506734


We'll decide… and, no amount of spam will affect us.

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fc81dc  No.13506736



>There are likely people on the floor taking part in the audit with the hidden agenda of purposefully not helping with the audit.


>By pointing these certain people out, the audit manager can investigate them.


>There are likely people on the floor taking part in the audit with the hidden agenda of purposefully not helping with the audit.


>By pointing these certain people out, the audit manager can investigate them.

Why wouldn't this be ended and remove them immediately, not the time for games..

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3f8b87  No.13506737

File: 74b3ce21d068ba7⋯.png (20.73 KB, 462x217, 66:31, ClipboardImage.png)


fuck your moldy bread

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730ad8  No.13506739


Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread


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730ad8  No.13506741


Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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ea823f  No.13506742

>>13506635 OP

>>13506669 Dough

>>13506715 Drup Bread

>>13506729 Drup bread


Requested that the BO/BV please lock and delete drup.


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b536cf  No.13506743

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fuck the Casbah

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bf1713  No.13506744

File: 4a7dc521122be5e⋯.png (452.51 KB, 1384x650, 692:325, B7C5A27D_897B_43C1_A0CA_58….png)

>>13501467 (PB)

What are you waiting for? We can solve the mystery. Close proximity anon need to secure package. Like bozo did big mike. Livestream it.

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730ad8  No.13506745

Idiot Baker baked this to be an asshole

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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ee9efc  No.13506747


Man, you've literally made this bread bigger trying to get people to go to the other bread, thus driving people to this bread.

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730ad8  No.13506748

Fresh Bread

Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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730ad8  No.13506750


Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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621b05  No.13506751

File: 981b0199c7ac679⋯.png (646.22 KB, 616x372, 154:93, ClipboardImage.png)

Dear lads, have you tried the splendid Qanon bread?


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730ad8  No.13506752


Q Research General #17108: United Not Divided Edition

>>13506609 OP

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

>>13506639 Fresh Bread

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ea823f  No.13506753

File: 5fb67b67f3ed02c⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1428x1068, 119:89, 5fb67b67f3ed02cab36b011d0a….png)

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c2dde8  No.13506755

kek ffs

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c2ddc9  No.13506759

File: ebf22d37dd80f44⋯.jpeg (27.6 KB, 300x174, 50:29, F08F5A00_CD00_4A9F_AF85_9….jpeg)


Superspam me.

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9bcb2d  No.13506761

File: 2360aa42db32457⋯.png (2.88 KB, 200x40, 5:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b536cf  No.13506762

File: 78892b34a4b738c⋯.png (514.09 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 619ad89f63bdc5d791941ba753….png)

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fc81dc  No.13506766

File: 542e66d81be9375⋯.png (113.84 KB, 1471x657, 1471:657, Screenshot_2021_04_25_Q_Re….png)

File: 1d201afbd7346ff⋯.png (11.95 KB, 519x184, 519:184, Screenshot_2021_04_25_Q_Re….png)

Appears the last image is the baker from previous bread..

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ffe829  No.13506769

File: e61e205e4d69cb4⋯.png (447.05 KB, 777x768, 259:256, ClipboardImage.png)


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0ef23c  No.13506770

File: 029b3480572531a⋯.jpg (57.08 KB, 527x473, 527:473, Proper.jpg)

>>13506684 lb

>They shredded Trump ballots and replaced them with Biden ones.


>The Biden ones would not have the original watermarks.


>This is what is needed to get the ball rolling in other states


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f74357  No.13506773

File: e2dcadb5a294001⋯.jpg (96.32 KB, 540x585, 12:13, IMG_0597.JPG)


This bread is moar comfy.

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e439ea  No.13506774

File: 9380b07a8f41902⋯.png (1.18 MB, 796x799, 796:799, Pepe_I_be_like.png)









Duplicate bread requested LOCKED. TY anons for your support. I shall take thee pineapple haze and await your notable tags.

>>13506690 You sir or madam, I SAY GOOD DAY!!!

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ffe829  No.13506776



ride the waves


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efa5ed  No.13506777

File: 0f2f1362ab43b9f⋯.jpg (17.14 KB, 438x428, 219:214, 9b3d788f4bfe436d0a06494a31….jpg)


Eat shit retard, you're the faggot that threaten to split my bake last night.

Now you are splitting here and now?






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ea823f  No.13506782

File: f6cd33af9e631b3⋯.jpeg (338.37 KB, 2000x2000, 1:1, f6cd33af9e631b3b574405372….jpeg)



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0ef23c  No.13506784

File: f177e3c49d0dcd2⋯.png (111.05 KB, 178x283, 178:283, comfy.png)


>This bread is moar comfy.

4 out of 5 dentists would agree.

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e3dc0a  No.13506788

File: b1e1bc3e4a9c9bd⋯.jpg (40.13 KB, 480x320, 3:2, palm_cross_and_leaves_roya….jpg)


Nice banner, baker.

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adee8f  No.13506790

File: 2a5332f2338f771⋯.jpg (21.08 KB, 400x225, 16:9, ELhand7XYAMGgQm.jpg)

File: 6f03c096f537d70⋯.jpg (268.5 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, EmfPh9gXcAIffCb.jpg)

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3f8b87  No.13506792


what do you know… the shill likes anime, big surprise…NOT

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ee9efc  No.13506797


People hate anime so much that he has to play good copy to win people back.

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582972  No.13506799

File: 91c6d051f63f42c⋯.gif (629.83 KB, 320x196, 80:49, 53346f1fde686abbd6fa981af7….gif)

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e3dc0a  No.13506801


Truth trips chekt.

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7d5bd5  No.13506802

File: f40717eedc42aeb⋯.png (523.76 KB, 966x598, 21:13, 309dfaa28d14f3c91b758ed7e4….png)



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0ef23c  No.13506804

File: 914d5bae9198136⋯.png (1020.97 KB, 868x652, 217:163, CORONA_OFFLINE.png)


Thank you Corona Baker

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9bcb2d  No.13506805

File: 9324cc5dd49d70d⋯.png (37.72 KB, 589x214, 589:214, ClipboardImage.png)


other bread is the real bread:


OP lb:


id b2779b

fresh bread announcement lb:


id b2779b

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f20c26  No.13506806


Oh, finally an anon who can bake has done what needed to be done! That anime baker, self righteous shill hog and anon hater that she is, is being left alone with her crappy attitude and lazy kitchen practice.

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ffe829  No.13506807

It matters not where we post.

What matter is that we can post

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70d3fb  No.13506808

File: 569b639363421cb⋯.png (255.43 KB, 588x472, 147:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d714b71d114773c⋯.png (20.57 KB, 572x240, 143:60, ClipboardImage.png)

Democrats Lose Their Minds When NC Lt. Governor Mark Robinson Calls Them Out On Voting Integrity

During a recent hearing, North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson called out the Democrats over voter integrity.

They did not like hearing his message.

Everything he said is truthful. This guy has such a bright future in the Republican party.

WIBC News reports:


North Carolina Lt. Governor Mark Robinson testified before a House Judiciary subcommittee denouncing Democrat’s opposition to Georgia’s new voting laws.

Democrats’ biggest outcry when it comes to the new voting laws surrounds the idea that requiring voter id for an absentee ballot is restrictive and racist.

Tony Katz points out the irony as their argument is the one with bigotry implications.

As for Lt. Gov. Robinson, he stated that Republicans want a better voting system unlike the Democrats who want nothing but power.

“What we want is integrity, not power. We want integrity, we want the right thing to be done. We want to encourage citizens to be responsible. We want to have the best election system in the world.”

He goes on to say making the new laws about race, about his race, is another ploy for the left to use to their advantage.

“It’s time we modernize our election system in this country and stop playing all these silly games on race. And please, stop using me, as a black man, as your pawn. Yes, I said it-to push your agenda.”

Watch the video, this is amazing:


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000000  No.13506809

posting on 2…

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3f8b87  No.13506812


ip hopping shills trying hard tonight…haha they can't help but be obvious when they behave so desperate

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7d5bd5  No.13506814

File: 6b2f6d887a74372⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 256x353, 256:353, Woa_Mah_Bad_Copy.jpg)

muhmuhmuh fresh bread uhhhmmmmah try tuh fill it quickly and snake next bayke teehee!

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0ef23c  No.13506816

File: 510bf8f05dd3d5b⋯.png (837.92 KB, 800x450, 16:9, bakes.png)


>It matters not where we post.

>What matter is that we can post

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c8ca52  No.13506818

33 UID's?

How long has it been stuck at 33?

2 months? 3 months? 4 months?

How fucking pathetic!

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ee9efc  No.13506820

File: 0181071d40ba5d4⋯.png (564.59 KB, 1706x1260, 853:630, nightshift_badge.png)

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6133b2  No.13506821

File: 0da3f6fc46617c4⋯.jpg (660.05 KB, 1484x740, 371:185, seven.jpg)



All the world's oldest myths are about the Pleiades.

The 7 angels and 7 lampstands in Revelation is an important reference to Pleiadians.

Pleiadians will be the first ETs we meet because they are humanity's true Elohim parents. With us at the beginning, and with us at the end.

11:01 PM · Apr 23, 2021


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70d3fb  No.13506824

File: b470786440f93c1⋯.png (575.65 KB, 606x840, 101:140, ClipboardImage.png)

California National Guard Put Fighter Jet on Alert For ‘Possible Domestic Mission’ to Terrify and Disperse Anti-Lockdown Protesters

The Los Angeles Times reported that according to four sources, in March 2020, the California National Guard was told to put an F-15C fighter jet on alert status – fueled up and ready to go – to frighten citizens protesting Governor Newsom’s Covid lockdown orders.

“It would have been a completely illegal order that disgraced the military,” one source told the Los Angeles Times. “It could look like we’re threatening civilians.”

“That’s something that would happen in the Soviet Union,” said a second of The Times’ sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they feared retaliation. “Our military is used to combat foreign aggressors.”

The Los Angeles Times reviewed internal Guard documents that revealed the fighter jet was also placed on alert status for election-week civil unrest to intimidate civilians.

Gavin Newsom’s spokesperson said the Governor never authorized the use of the fighter jet to disperse protesters.

The Los Angeles Times reported:

The members expected directives to ready ground troops to help state and local authorities respond to disturbances triggered by resistance to stay-at-home rules or panic over empty store shelves.

But then came an unusual order: The air branch of the Guard was told to place an F-15C fighter jet on an alert status for a possible domestic mission, according to four Guard sources with direct knowledge of the matter.

Those sources said the order didn’t spell out the mission but, given the aircraft’s limitations, they understood it to mean the plane could be deployed to terrify and disperse protesters by flying low over them at window-rattling speeds, with its afterburners streaming columns of flames. Fighter jets have been used occasionally in that manner in combat zones in Iraq and Afghanistan, they said.

Deploying an F-15C, an air-to-air combat jet based at the Guard’s 144th Fighter Wing in Fresno, to frighten demonstrators in this country would have been an inappropriate use of the military against U.S. civilians, the sources said.

The sources said the directives from Guard headquarters made their way down orally or in text messages, rather than in formal written orders, which was unusual and heightened their concerns that the jet would be used inappropriately.

The week before the election, a lieutenant colonel sent a message to Guard members who maintain the F-15C, advising them that a jet must be “ready to take off within two hours,” beginning the Monday morning before the election. That meant a pilot and launch crew had to be available to reach the Fresno base within 90 minutes or so of receiving an order to deploy the jet, the sources said.


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d4f75b  No.13506825

File: 391319eabb067b9⋯.png (713.84 KB, 1094x982, 547:491, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

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bd8268  No.13506827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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70d3fb  No.13506828

Dem Rep. Jones: Opposition to D.C. Statehood ‘Engaging in Racist Activity,’ ‘Quite a Sinister Thing’

During Saturday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Smerconish,” Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) decried GOP opposition to making the District of Columbia a U.S. state.

The New York State congressman called it “racist activity” to oppose the push and compared the population of Washington, D.C. to Vermont and Wyoming.

“In the case of the debate today, it is because when you listen to the explanation set forth by my Republican colleagues, you can see quite clearly that they are not offered in good faith,” he said. “And the fact is, and something that I’m hoping people increasingly become aware of is that if you oppose systems of white supremacy, each if you do not consider yourself to be racist you are engaging in racist activity.”

“There are 700,000 people in the District of Columbia, more than in the state of Wyoming and Vermont,” Jones continued. “And so, the idea that we would disenfranchise those people, that we would tax them without representation, something we fought in the Revolutionary War, by the way, is unconscionable. And when you compare the states that we have enfranchised with the District of Columbia and the demographics there overwhelmingly people of color it is — it is quite a sinister thing.”

Jones rejected the constitutional argument against D.C. statehood.

“Respectfully, I think your response is not something that addresses the issue of those two states having more representation, which is to say really any representation because delegate Holmes Norton can’t even vote on legislation, unfortunately,” he added. “And the difference between those two states, aside from the fact that they have less — that they have less, fewer people than in Washington, D.C. is that they are overwhelmingly white states. This is an issue of racial justice in addition to being an issue of democracy. And we must stop disenfranchising people of color in this country. It’s time to stop doing that.”


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0ef23c  No.13506829

File: 54ef68963b35e29⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, War_Games.png)

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a85aa6  No.13506831

File: 7d0005cd3aa76df⋯.gif (10.91 KB, 216x255, 72:85, WIZ3.gif)


Ancient Wizard Anon is peering into the deep abyss and behold!

What is happening right now will have the following consequences, just to name a few:

1: Will give "standing" to every election lawsuit filed all the way up to the Supreme Court.

2: Entire 2020 Election declared Null and Void. Trump is President until…

3: Special Election Nov 03 2021. Dem's run a Harris/Obama Ticket. Entire country turns out to vote. Trump wins in a 70/30 Landslide.

4: Lawsuits against Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Hannity and many more immediately overturned with legal action by the defamed to follow.

5: before the special election, DS will deploy every remaining asset > FF > Mass riots > Q drop #26 criteria fulfilled > Military is the Only Way.

6: Truth will come out about not only the fraudulent Ballots but also the Late Night Insurance Hack perpetrated by a NATO Ally.

7: Anons comfy - there will be many "I told you so!"s and "I am so Sorry"s.

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6133b2  No.13506832

File: 2b6193a1123ae99⋯.jpg (61.99 KB, 1280x555, 256:111, luke_21_27_28.jpg)



The "Son of Man" (like a man) has white hair, wears a uniform, holds the symbol of 7 stars, and arrives in a "Cloud" (craft).

11:22 PM · Apr 23, 2021


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d766e0  No.13506834

File: f040c16ff74e40f⋯.png (96.58 KB, 226x150, 113:75, ClipboardImage.png)

I just heard a rumor and I'm not going to sauce it, but was suggested that military is observing online chatter and specifically trying to estimate % of americans and those around the globe who in some way qualify as a unique individual who would support a US military intervention in political/corporate (media, tech etc) affairs

One would assume that the military will naturally jump in if/when the public opinion is shifted on the legitimacy of election fraud claims.. ie they don't act publicly until we've gotten to a point in which, ideally, we would no longer need the military.. But doesn't hurt, fuck it

In case they're looking for this chatter,

I support military intervention against the current fake regime in the US

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201b14  No.13506835

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Xiden keeps taking off from 'The Ellipse' and not the White House South Lawn

YT: penguinsix states there is construction that prevents landing.

From last week: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScXHo4qD7kw

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7f3716  No.13506837

File: bfde26acbe71215⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1297x853, 1297:853, ClipboardImage.png)


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f20c26  No.13506839


Not going back, now that you’re here, heroanon! She’s so unlikable, truly charmless, all the way through the interwebs her desperation radiates. So exhausting with the constant antagonizing. Can’t even imagine irl. Thanks again, bakeypoo. Xo

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6bcef7  No.13506841

File: c810486b7fc97c3⋯.png (154.31 KB, 500x306, 250:153, Polish_20210422_091328261.png)

File: 2a2e4a059e68c5c⋯.jpg (38.47 KB, 350x221, 350:221, Polish_20210422_215904595.jpg)

File: 715b2fb6a198756⋯.png (217.38 KB, 596x451, 596:451, Polish_20210422_221246615.png)

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0ef23c  No.13506842

File: 0014bd20f26c30c⋯.jpg (87.9 KB, 750x624, 125:104, 38_000_000.jpg)

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f60b25  No.13506843

File: f73778ea93da066⋯.mp4 (575.86 KB, 464x848, 29:53, XH0KT61Nt1fdFOwc.mp4)

Can anyone explain why the Vice President is climbing stairs to nowhere?

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9bcb2d  No.13506844

File: ae346b90ca646d5⋯.png (77.4 KB, 850x260, 85:26, ClipboardImage.png)

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a85aa6  No.13506846

File: f8c7aeab39cd558⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1306x821, 1306:821, NEWSIE1.png)

File: 4ec65ec24ebf94c⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1350x759, 450:253, NEWSIE2.png)

File: ac2eae0eb85728c⋯.png (1009.18 KB, 1402x742, 701:371, NEWSIE6.png)

File: 020a7e01ca37418⋯.png (944.73 KB, 1470x746, 735:373, NEWSIE11.png)

File: 2d5b831fa264b6c⋯.png (984.77 KB, 1454x754, 727:377, NEWSIE13.png)

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201b14  No.13506848

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


4/23/21 Richard Citizen Journalist DC Update- White House update

Confirms White House construction.

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7e8b1c  No.13506850

File: 54c734dfc7cd543⋯.png (227.85 KB, 500x648, 125:162, 4b8022c407496fb422a644d7f6….png)

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70d3fb  No.13506851

File: 982810efc1a6b1c⋯.png (804.39 KB, 722x707, 722:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46d83c2ddb4c4c4⋯.png (766.91 KB, 731x628, 731:628, ClipboardImage.png)

'China is militarising ports across our region': Dutton's stern warning for Australia

Defence Minister Peter Dutton has issued a stern warning for Australians this Anzac Day, saying it's time the Defence Force turned its attention to nearer shores amid a growing threat from China.

Speaking to Weekend Today this morning, Mr Dutton paid tribute to the "amazing effort" of the tens of thousands of Australians and other Allied service personnel who had fought in the Middle East over the past two decades, saying they had saved Australia and other nations from terror attacks.

However, with the remaining 80 ADF personnel set to return from service in Afghanistan by September, Mr Dutton said that Australia must now focus on closer threats to its national security.

"We need to recognise that our region is changing," he said.

"China is militarising ports across our region. We need to deal with all of that, and that is exactly what we are now focused on."

The comments follow the contentious decision by Foreign Minister Marise Payne to scrap Victoria's controversial infrastructure agreement with Beijing linked to China's Belt and Road initiative.

The move prompted immediate backlash from the foreign superpower, with Chinese officials slamming it as an "unreasonable and provocative move taken by the Australian side against China".


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f74357  No.13506852

File: d55c660dc929f5a⋯.png (127.25 KB, 500x466, 250:233, IMG_0599.PNG)

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201b14  No.13506853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4/24/21 Richard Citizen Journalist DC Update- Latest from the Capital-Nothing!!!

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9c8f15  No.13506854

File: 6655db0a89699c8⋯.png (293.93 KB, 489x403, 489:403, TYA_catherd.png)


KYS control freak

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ffe829  No.13506855

File: 2547d12bb528f16⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1031x645, 1031:645, ClipboardImage.png)

You got me good job, Bring it On.

Real Bread KEK!


>>13506639 Real Bread


I am Under attack. I asked for it, Bring it on

That the Best you got!

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f60b25  No.13506856

File: f572f377251c832⋯.jpg (34.92 KB, 800x434, 400:217, 20210425_005400.jpg)

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bd8268  No.13506857


"clown world"


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341396  No.13506858



am i gay for thinking that's cute

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ac01f7  No.13506859

While the world was distracted with President Donald Trump leaving office on Jan. 20,an obscure Florida company discreetly announced to the world’s computer networks a startling development: It now was managing a huge unused swath of the Internet that, for several decades, had been owned by the U.S. military.

What happened next was stranger still.

The company, Global Resource Systems LLC, kept adding to its zone of control.Soon it had claimed 56 million IP addresses owned by the Pentagon.Three months later, the total was nearly 175 million. That’s almost 6 percent of a coveted traditional section of Internet real estate — called IPv4 — where such large chunks are worth billions of dollars on the open market.

The theories were many. Did someone at the Defense Department sell off part of the military’s vast collection of sought-after IP addresses as Trump left office? Had the Pentagon finally acted on demands to unload the billions of dollars worth of IP address space the military has been sitting on, largely unused, for decades?

An answer, of sorts, came Friday.

The change is the handiwork of an elite Pentagon unit known as the Defense Digital Service, which reports directly to the secretary of defense. The DDS bills itself as a “SWAT team of nerds” tasked with solving emergency problems for the department and conducting experimental work to make big technological leaps for the military.



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962999  No.13506862

File: 24e6f94bc988359⋯.jpg (144.85 KB, 1148x746, 574:373, 24e6f94bc98835957ab6419378….jpg)


Best bread


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7e8b1c  No.13506864

File: ffc0abfc6acd7d1⋯.png (13.44 KB, 600x200, 3:1, bee.png)

Dems Demand Statehood For Epstein's Private Island



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b8ae6d  No.13506865


Original banner is the best banner.

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484de4  No.13506868

File: 697524ecf91e4fe⋯.jpg (70.15 KB, 626x585, 626:585, 697524ecf91e4fe3851c8f8340….jpg)

File: 2bbde7eaa4f8d17⋯.jpg (280.8 KB, 1080x1450, 108:145, 2bbde7eaa4f8d171c1135e3afa….jpg)

File: f4023dad658e300⋯.jpg (527.26 KB, 736x1012, 8:11, We_Are_One.jpg)

File: 40d86073da9397e⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 988ce255dde26c81850d95a630….png)

File: f9469bd00526697⋯.jpg (124.81 KB, 800x533, 800:533, f9469bd00526697958cf4cbd67….jpg)


>With us at the beginning, and with us at the end.

of understanding?


The cats must Choose to Follow, or "be herderd" swaumpy baybee

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bd8268  No.13506869

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4ab26c  No.13506870

Alcohol is no good. Don't use it.

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730ad8  No.13506871

Baker claiming the dough

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d43628  No.13506873

File: c89f34c0a77ed82⋯.gif (787.45 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Conan_Lightsaber.gif)



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764488  No.13506874

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7e8b1c  No.13506876

File: e9c1d5b4773d4fe⋯.png (189.39 KB, 600x350, 12:7, 777.png)

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6cc409  No.13506877


My cardiologist begs to differ.

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fc2630  No.13506878

File: a66abc5679a086f⋯.jpeg (477.49 KB, 995x551, 995:551, C99BB0AC_6C02_4623_BB31_6….jpeg)

Security got taken out by a wave of water.

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999372  No.13506881

File: 5ba689d0439e3a0⋯.jpeg (250.5 KB, 1124x1393, 1124:1393, 3CC38728_7A32_4014_8F46_7….jpeg)

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7e8b1c  No.13506883

File: 373d96ec90b2a87⋯.png (427.28 KB, 1751x1751, 1:1, nsbadge1.png)

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9c8f15  No.13506886


Old Glowie was cancer such a shame it was up for so long.

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9bcb2d  No.13506888

File: c909a9a5fe845ea⋯.png (139.41 KB, 1003x353, 1003:353, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7a46d6df39402b⋯.png (337.54 KB, 1322x845, 1322:845, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8ca52  No.13506889

File: 77db9e8e6e38e35⋯.jpg (13.44 KB, 339x280, 339:280, 1617727956837.jpg)

How come the jews sent 74 lawyers to stop the audit in AX?

What are the commie jews hiding?

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6133b2  No.13506890

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Breathe in this Blessing that comes through this highly charged rendition of a specific way of Chanting This Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic.

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ffe829  No.13506892



We are Under heavy Attack

Stay Together

God Bless you Baker

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ea823f  No.13506893

File: 075de813319c7d4⋯.png (358.15 KB, 435x435, 1:1, 075de813319c7d413d8853895c….png)


You did not lock that bread, it is still active

You are a liar.

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0ef23c  No.13506895


>Can anyone explain why the Vice President is climbing stairs to nowhere?

To demonstrate to Joe how to climb the ladder?

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adee8f  No.13506896


Against all enemies

Foreign and Domestic

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7e8b1c  No.13506898

File: 0e7370baf9c7f83⋯.jpg (86.17 KB, 546x500, 273:250, pain23.jpg)

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b77315  No.13506900

File: 811ea0877250b72⋯.png (891.84 KB, 960x644, 240:161, a4d2cbcd4a40905771e4399094….png)

File: bd1b1e29aeaf003⋯.png (11.22 KB, 62x91, 62:91, 20210425_010005.png)

Pre-fuckery earlobe

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7d5bd5  No.13506901

File: 5025cfe6e0d4349⋯.gif (1.83 MB, 450x340, 45:34, giphy.gif)


>Baker claiming the dough



>You did not lock that bread, it is still active

>You are a liar.

"Duplicate Bread 'Requested Locked'"…

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70d3fb  No.13506903

File: a4a1f1c48675d8a⋯.png (71.91 KB, 705x599, 705:599, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 904079ad72cf2d4⋯.png (210.2 KB, 649x526, 649:526, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 63713a3565e6eba⋯.png (665.09 KB, 605x667, 605:667, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel Sees Fresh Wave of Rocket Attacks From Gaza as Netanyahu Says to 'Prepare for Any Scenario'

Starting late Friday, 36 rockets, according to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), were fired towards Israel from the territory of the Gaza Strip throughout the night. The IDF, in response to the reported attacks, conducted strikes against alleged HAMAS targets.

Late Saturday, red alert sirens went off for the second night in a row in southern Israel, triggered by a rocket launch from Gaza, according to IDF. A rocket exploded near the Israel-Gaza security fence.

Earlier on Saturday, the Israeli Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted a rocket fired from Gaza.

According to the IDF, the launch was conducted from a civilian area in Gaza. The Times of Israel said that the launch of the rocket was made from the area of Jabaliya, in northern Gaza.

The launch was captured by an Israeli security cam.

The fresh wave of attacks follows Friday's overnight fighting, after a reported 36 rockets were launched toward Israeli territories, with six, according to IDF, intercepted by the Iron Dome. Responding to attacks, the IDF conducted military strikes against alleged HAMAS targets. ollowing the Friday overnight attacks, at a Saturday afternoon meeting, the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, said to “prepare for any scenario" in relation to Gaza.

The remarks were made after an urgent security meeting at the Israel Defense Forces’ headquarters in Tel Aviv, with IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi, Defense Minister Benny Gantz, Minister of Public Security Amir Ohana and other senior officials.

IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi has delayed his visit to US "in light of the events and expected developments".


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9c8f15  No.13506905


>We are Under heavy Attack… at 5 posts per minute

kek fucking drama queen

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f60b25  No.13506906



There's no fucking plane though

Am I missing something is this anything to you guys?

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7f3716  No.13506907

File: e325b4087fcdf99⋯.png (511.14 KB, 521x1161, 521:1161, ClipboardImage.png)


Would be gayer if you didn't think it was cute.

Gayer than a shill baker.

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bd8268  No.13506908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It's ok go back to sleep

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c8ca52  No.13506909

File: 5e89efd3d5de6d8⋯.jpg (10.25 KB, 261x187, 261:187, 1618364844995.jpg)


I hope the jews are eliminated there, and worldwide.

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962999  No.13506910

File: 4ddf3f29551c05c⋯.jpg (63.65 KB, 250x243, 250:243, 4ddf3f29551c05c1781b19fcfd….jpg)


All of your bread are belong to us now.

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9bcb2d  No.13506913

File: 65a7883958006e0⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1837x1695, 1837:1695, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8ae6d  No.13506915

File: 00c60bd7c0290ae⋯.jpg (12.73 KB, 228x255, 76:85, 00c60bd7c0290ae5e93c355c22….jpg)


The other night, you said you won all the baker wars. Prove it.

Show yourself to be the one.

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730ad8  No.13506916

Baker baking both breads now

Don't worry anons - it's just an anon who pulled the trigger too early. We can use both breads. No biggy.

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c8ca52  No.13506917

File: 2cbc0afc0c8cb7e⋯.jpg (306.63 KB, 1200x601, 1200:601, 1615754883016.jpg)

2 breads are better than one.

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e439ea  No.13506920


Fuck off baker is present knuckhead.

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0ef23c  No.13506921

File: 52fddc03f7ccd40⋯.jpeg (97.16 KB, 527x521, 527:521, AAEF_D.jpeg)

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d766e0  No.13506924

File: a23acdb405e99ff⋯.jpg (575.2 KB, 1149x800, 1149:800, Cheersfags.jpg)

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b536cf  No.13506926

File: 142329cfffde2a6⋯.jpg (79.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, EyfEGvKWEAE3zw0.jpg)


The delivery will be here

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fb4912  No.13506927



























What. The. Actual. Fuck.



Must suck to fuck up and realise you're nothing but a nigger.

Anons aren't that fucking dumb, m8.

Gr8 b8.

Please fucking kill yourself. You singlehandedly make this entire movement look like a joke. Which is probably the point.

Fuck Jannies.

Fuck Kikes.

Fuck Niggers.

Fuck Shills.

And most of all Fuck Joe Biden.


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e439ea  No.13506928


BO/BV has to lock it anon. I just requested it. That is the limit to my magic power.

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730ad8  No.13506929


Nope. You might have baked it but you split the bread. I'm the baker of record and I've taken over your bread.

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9c8f15  No.13506930


You're winning the QR Bakeoff so far, Anon.

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7d5bd5  No.13506932

File: 8c6c983900d2836⋯.png (601.02 KB, 905x881, 905:881, baddabadda.png)


just take moar pots, it is talking to itself and taking notes for you, grab what it misses ;)

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e439ea  No.13506933

File: 6523d8461ddca83⋯.png (4.49 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Angry_Pepe_wake_the_hell_u….png)


Shouldn't set up anons for FF. Now GOOD DAY!!!

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6820bc  No.13506934

File: 420cc507e2d2fd8⋯.jpg (107.74 KB, 720x1084, 180:271, 20210424_230438.jpg)

File: 5161b9950d604df⋯.mp4 (585.6 KB, 720x1128, 30:47, vqTjLXOaXT6lbLkt.mp4)


stairs to nowhere

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bd8268  No.13506935

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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730ad8  No.13506936


Get lost. Baker has the dough.

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9c8f15  No.13506938



Your bread is losing the Bakeoff.

You have no power unless you tutn that other bread around.

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730ad8  No.13506940

Baker here

I'll be doing notables for both breads until BO/BV locks something.

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0ef23c  No.13506941

File: 4da6e4fbd7885bb⋯.jpg (39.99 KB, 480x481, 480:481, Eagle_Canadian.jpg)


>Fuck off baker is present knuckhead.

Based Baker tells Canucklehead to BTFO. KEK.

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e439ea  No.13506942

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6bcef7  No.13506943

two breads

clowns in both


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ee9efc  No.13506945

File: 0736c0fe3afad23⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1646x1639, 1646:1639, whatabeautifulblacksky.png)




I'm fairly certain everyone except the shills here supports the military ousting China from our government.

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730ad8  No.13506946


I'll be baking the next bread.

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15ee52  No.13506947

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fb4912  No.13506948


You dont have shit you filthy glow nigger.

Anons have already told you to shove your mom's fist up your ass and prolapse on it.

Take a fucking hint.

You're literally a nigger.

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c8ca52  No.13506949

File: 48e5690efadbaad⋯.jpg (67.71 KB, 640x621, 640:621, 1614035455718.jpg)

Good night you fucking faggots!

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6133b2  No.13506950

File: bdfdcb755975f72⋯.jpg (338.25 KB, 700x489, 700:489, lidon_Q_compass1.jpg)

File: bbfea2e26f52524⋯.jpg (38.53 KB, 575x415, 115:83, FR20190628_A_G.jpg)

File: 4c1b18f2d1c99ec⋯.jpg (28.25 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 65318348_1297614600398558_….jpg)

File: 91be2831ce80966⋯.jpg (27.42 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 65792505_1297614670398551_….jpg)

File: c8d32830e94079c⋯.jpg (259.34 KB, 800x530, 80:53, lidon2019e.jpg)

Lidon, Nr Chauvigny. Vienne, France Reported 28th June, 2019


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e439ea  No.13506951


o7 Pineapple haze and notes. BOOM

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de6868  No.13506952

File: ed6b9120e6d5f88⋯.jpg (71.28 KB, 625x699, 625:699, pepeBread.jpg)

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fb4912  No.13506954


>Faggot here

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15ee52  No.13506955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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201b14  No.13506956


Are the White House windows boarded up?

YT penguinsix: "In the last 24 hours, I got a bunch of questions like:

Are the windows at the White House all boarded up?

Is the National Guard still deployed?

Can you take us to Ford's Theater?

Well, I try to answer all of those questions and more, like how fast can I go on an electric bike while trying to race the Vice President's motorcade (hint: not fast enough).

Come with me on a hike/bike adventure around the city as we try to answer your questions and see some of the city. "

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e439ea  No.13506959


Are you sure? Need a better shot of the top of stairs.

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16e6d4  No.13506961

File: c4875270f01b1a3⋯.png (401.5 KB, 562x375, 562:375, ClipboardImage.png)


this better be a larp

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201b14  No.13506962

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are the White House windows boarded up?

YT penguinsix: "In the last 24 hours, I got a bunch of questions like:

Are the windows at the White House all boarded up?

Is the National Guard still deployed?

Can you take us to Ford's Theater?

Well, I try to answer all of those questions and more, like how fast can I go on an electric bike while trying to race the Vice President's motorcade (hint: not fast enough).

Come with me on a hike/bike adventure around the city as we try to answer your questions and see some of the city. "

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730ad8  No.13506963


Oh, you can't even handle your own business? You need others to fight your fights? Good to know. Pussy.

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ee9efc  No.13506964



Its a dude.

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632389  No.13506965


> tutn

Where's honkler, he might have something to say about this.

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e439ea  No.13506966

File: f149d6756f0a2ff⋯.png (964.46 KB, 662x665, 662:665, REEEE_Pepe_Warrior.png)

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d766e0  No.13506967

File: 93834b6442555be⋯.png (370.47 KB, 474x348, 79:58, ClipboardImage.png)

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b8ae6d  No.13506968

File: df54e68f09c4d8f⋯.gif (911.98 KB, 400x225, 16:9, 268987a8_e8c2_47aa_9c2f_41….gif)

Two bakers enter.

Only one exits.

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9c8f15  No.13506969


It'll be Swordy Shift at that point.

These 2 breads are gonna drag on forever.

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bd8268  No.13506970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fb4912  No.13506971

File: 09ccc4fe82fb048⋯.gif (292.07 KB, 220x199, 220:199, Lolniggeranimefag.gif)


>Nigger nogging "Ayo whitey fug dat n shiet"

>Claims to be baker

>Spazzing out because nobody loves his pedophilia infused breads.

Eat shit and die you god damned nigger.

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15ee52  No.13506972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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730ad8  No.13506973


They will. This bread will end in about 4 hours

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17c646  No.13506976

File: 8c3860a7c8f246c⋯.png (92.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost.png)

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c8ca52  No.13506977

File: ab43fd2f461b11a⋯.pdf (3.02 MB, culture_of_critique_kevin_….pdf)


Read this while you wait.

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a85aa6  No.13506978

File: af7d29200910751⋯.png (346.26 KB, 1092x856, 273:214, df1.png)

File: 02a663371ed22dc⋯.png (277.93 KB, 609x501, 203:167, 20180904_223553.png)

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fb4912  No.13506980


>I'm a glownigger

>What I say goes

>Ignores 30 anons calling him a nigger


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b536cf  No.13506982

File: 3ce646bfafc5165⋯.png (271.1 KB, 478x504, 239:252, Screenshot_2021_04_25_The_….png)

Scientists have developed a new #chip which would allow for faster and more accurate #COVID19 detection with up to 99.9% accuracy. #research


Meanwhile in the shaggythisisnotweed´s world…

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b8ae6d  No.13506983


This anon is the real victor cruz f the baker war.

Thanks anon.

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c8ca52  No.13506986

File: 1dda215dbacd18e⋯.jpg (15.78 KB, 319x475, 319:475, jaffa.jpg)

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9c8f15  No.13506987


I've never liked this keyboard it's a Hionkler.

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201b14  No.13506988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Night time landing for Marine One and Decoy on the Ellipse next to the White House

It's pretty rare to see a night time landing of Marine One, and even rarer still to have it be on the Ellipse, but given the construction on the South Lawn of the White House we've been told to expect Ellipse landings for the next two months. A decoy followed by Marine One arrived tonight coming back from Delaware. There were also some V-22s carrying the press pool, but I later learned they landed somewhere else.

NOTE: I am far too far away, in the dark, and on the wrong side of the helicopter to see anyone get off the helicopter, so if you want to see that view check out CSPAN and Bloomberg's Twitter feed as they usually have that angle.

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ee9efc  No.13506989


Yeah, the press a button somewhere in DC or Langley, an wham, you got covid!

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15ee52  No.13506990

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0ef23c  No.13506993

File: 5040c006532a354⋯.jpg (42.3 KB, 392x510, 196:255, f11d680f4e00cb15625f4f6947….jpg)


Oh, it's

> (You)


Your >nonsense< is rejected.

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a85aa6  No.13506995

File: a2a8b2979135f74⋯.jpg (22.61 KB, 500x415, 100:83, jr6s3.jpg)


Leafy slimed Anon with ectoplasmic goo!

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fe51e1  No.13506996



To create meme material for creative anons

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730ad8  No.13506998


Kek - classic

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7d5bd5  No.13507001

File: 2fd1e616e535b03⋯.png (349.94 KB, 559x567, 559:567, 82dca5e11730a63922941c39ca….png)


>I'll be baking the next bread.

buht if yu fill this one up first and float over to your pre-baked bread…

There will be no baking required.

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e439ea  No.13507002


Baker would love moar text with this anon. TY

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fb4912  No.13507004


Nigger pedophile anime baker bootlicking cumstain jew fucks aren't allowed here. You will get outed, every time. Your inability to control your sexual urges enough to even -try- to blend in, is frankly insulting. Try harder, niggers.

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bd8268  No.13507006

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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15ee52  No.13507007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ff8853  No.13507008


Count me and mine in, even the doggos.

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f74357  No.13507009

File: e1b1e8314a1c094⋯.png (44.41 KB, 500x566, 250:283, IMG_0274.PNG)


Fuck China and the treasonous bastards that are in bed with them.

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fb4912  No.13507012


>I'll be baking the next bread

>Because nobody went to my bread I spammed 19 times


>IM not a nigger ANON FUCK

>27 posts and counting


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15ee52  No.13507013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d2fdc6  No.13507016

File: 362997d2bfae8b9⋯.jpg (279.52 KB, 1536x768, 2:1, 362997d2bfae8b9f6fe28e982a….jpg)

File: 4a8e3c9e328e3fc⋯.jpg (243.71 KB, 1200x1153, 1200:1153, 4a8e3c9e328e3fc82bb7e8a2ba….jpg)

File: dedcd4d06a3007f⋯.jpg (27.12 KB, 480x360, 4:3, dedcd4d06a3007f960a4440486….jpg)

File: 32b4ebb27a5f391⋯.jpeg (154.44 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, 81e76659441a2db2e2c21686d….jpeg)

File: 8f87bfbc852de87⋯.jpg (92.44 KB, 400x326, 200:163, 8f87bfbc852de87146346858b3….jpg)


This is the best they can do…

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730ad8  No.13507018


What fun would that be? Baker that split the bread needs some company or they wouldn't have split the bread. Attention wanted. Attention given.

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c8ca52  No.13507021

File: 4cec6181bddbbc9⋯.jpg (85.71 KB, 558x800, 279:400, 1612890395998.jpg)


I would like it if they would oust the jews first.

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b8ae6d  No.13507022


Stop taking the pot.

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730ad8  No.13507023


Really? Fascinating.

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fb4912  No.13507026


>Im an attention seeking nigger faggot


K then nigger

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0ef23c  No.13507027

File: 51db034e16cedf2⋯.jpeg (52.88 KB, 720x720, 1:1, EkNuk_CVcAAV5IR.jpeg)

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fb4912  No.13507029


>Cant resist replying to me

>Claims to be baker

>Claims to be "On your side!"


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e439ea  No.13507031

@230 Ck anons

>>13506669 Dough

Notablesare not endorsements



>>13506828 Dem Rep. Jones: Opposition to D.C. Statehood ‘Engaging in Racist Activity,’ ‘Quite a Sinister Thing’

>>13506848, >>13506835, >>13506956, >>13506988 4/23/21 Richard Citizen Journalist DC Update- White House update

>>13506851 'China is militarising ports across our region': Dutton's stern warning for Australia

>>13506982 Scientists have developed a new #chip which would allow for faster and more accurate #COVID19 detection with up to 99.9% accuracy.


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484de4  No.13507032

Well it's about time for them notables ever 10 posts…



“And I will make thee unto this people a fenced brasen wall: and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the LORD. And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked, and I will redeem thee out of the hand of the terrible.”

- Jeremiah 15:20-21


>What fun would that be? Baker that split the bread needs some company or they wouldn't have split the bread. Attention wanted. Attention given.


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d2fdc6  No.13507034

File: 82f3b02bfde062d⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 3c2c90cdc4c94260218ca5c313….jpg)

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f20c26  No.13507035


So does this anon.

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730ad8  No.13507038


You call yourself a baker? C'mon anon. Let's get real. You've lost your touch. Amateur at best. Newfags do better than this horseshit.

You should be ashamed.

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15ee52  No.13507042

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fb4912  No.13507045


>Sits here literally harassing baker entire time

>Claims to be baker

>Claims to be "On your side"

>Nothing but dirty pedophile nigger


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f20c26  No.13507049

File: 6ba72ea60bab545⋯.jpg (67.86 KB, 577x432, 577:432, 5719q0.jpg)

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adee8f  No.13507051

File: 6e75871bdd53504⋯.jpg (14.3 KB, 255x176, 255:176, 806c2168657c3577941d5a9282….jpg)

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730ad8  No.13507052


Who pulled your chain nancy?

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0ef23c  No.13507056

File: e171ca55745d6be⋯.jpeg (103.96 KB, 564x651, 188:217, UknowBadass.jpeg)


>Count me and mine in, even the doggos.

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341396  No.13507057

If China's communist government is overthrown by the people and replaced with an American-style constitution, and if Israel is exposed and neutralized, the world will see a new era of peace.

Our world has to purge the invisible enemies, though. China, Jews, Satanists.

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fae2d6  No.13507058

File: 3a0c0af10fdc440⋯.png (61.3 KB, 709x798, 709:798, 3a0c0af10fdc44039c0e71884d….png)

animefag going nuts because we're not in its bred, kek

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fb4912  No.13507060


>Still replying to me

>Hasnt learned

>Claims to be oldfag

>Claims to be on your side

>Claims to be good baker

K nigger


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15ee52  No.13507061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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db947b  No.13507064

Gonna say this on both breads: It's sad when reasonably competent employees forget who they work for.

You have forgotten your place.

No one wins.

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e439ea  No.13507065

File: 6bcac2669cf75cc⋯.png (916.52 KB, 956x574, 478:287, Pepe_Cheshire_Cat.png)


Can you be moar specific anon?

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7d5bd5  No.13507068

File: 0545e4d7cc17ab4⋯.png (34.45 KB, 726x900, 121:150, idunnoguise_.png)


>I just heard a rumor and I'm not going to sauce it, but was suggested that military is observing online chatter and specifically trying to estimate % of americans and those around the globe who in some way qualify as a unique individual who would support a US military intervention in political/corporate (media, tech etc) affairs

>One would assume that the military will naturally jump in if/when the public opinion is shifted on the legitimacy of election fraud claims.. ie they don't act publicly until we've gotten to a point in which, ideally, we would no longer need the military.. But doesn't hurt, fuck it

>In case they're looking for this chatter,

>I support military intervention against the current fake regime in the US

Word. IDK about donating to this Bitcoin addy but…

makes sense, or could be another OP.

Work in Faith. Honor the Lord.

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c8ca52  No.13507070




Boomers wonder why they lost their county to "CHINA"…

The absolute state of " judeo christianity."


Jews killed jesus…

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fe51e1  No.13507071

File: e86d65a8cbfb070⋯.webm (1.24 MB, 438x240, 73:40, CoupDanceBand.webm)

Time to get up and stretch a little

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2d14f9  No.13507072

File: 839eb12a2107740⋯.png (394.17 KB, 998x550, 499:275, FECD109E_E55A_428A_A333_BE….png)


Tits or GTFO, Lindsey.

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3333f1  No.13507075

File: 70a731f28d21cef⋯.png (539.62 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Can you do-it with sheep?

Christopher Hogg, the man who spotted the never-seen-before phenomenon while being out on his bike in Rottingdean, said he initially thought it was a spaceship.

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730ad8  No.13507080


Your work has become subpar. Rusty? Maybe you lost your interest/ability?

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e439ea  No.13507081


Q Research General #17108: DS Will Not FF QRG, Not Tonight Shills Edition

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7d5bd5  No.13507082



I think we're done here..

>"The absolute state"…

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b8ae6d  No.13507085



I don't know if I would call a baker an employee.

A baker is anon who collaborates with other anons to bake bread.

Not an employee.

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f20c26  No.13507087


Love this

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fb4912  No.13507090


>replying to question

"Can you be more specific?"

>Replies but is as exactly as nonspecific as he was before because liberal arguments hold no water.


Also, what i'd do for the world to go to economical shit, so I could take someone like you's neck and slowly slide a butter knife across it until death. In roblox.

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b536cf  No.13507091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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c8ca52  No.13507096

File: e494cb31af53412⋯.jpg (30.22 KB, 360x431, 360:431, 1612721443239.jpg)

judeo christianity

Suck it up goyim!

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0ef23c  No.13507099

File: 9df040d01ddec4a⋯.gif (625.74 KB, 468x259, 468:259, trump_dance.gif)


Shake it, gurl

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730ad8  No.13507100


We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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c8ca52  No.13507103

File: ab14fe02c0e31e4⋯.jpg (78.83 KB, 413x395, 413:395, 1613252107141.jpg)

judeo christianity

Dumb fucks!

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7d5bd5  No.13507104

File: c57bbd17826370d⋯.png (1.98 MB, 2048x1902, 1024:951, 9864f8fd3c570de9f65f8aa39c….png)

Based Levels are Currently Exceeding Normal Limits for the Hour.

This is Good.

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fb4912  No.13507107


That's why I said in roblox, nigger.

>Im oldfag I swear

K nigger

Try and fit in harder, we all know it's you. You blend in as well as I do in a fucking new orleans walmart you worthless nigger.

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fe51e1  No.13507108

File: b40e2e0b9bcc187⋯.mp4 (564.06 KB, 640x624, 40:39, Trump_monolith_drums.mp4)

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15ee52  No.13507109

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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15ee52  No.13507113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e439ea  No.13507114



FF being set up anons. I'd rather be sleeping atm. Not tonight.

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7d5bd5  No.13507115

File: 2403f1ae3f1ba11⋯.jpg (38.43 KB, 315x402, 105:134, 2403f1ae3f1ba118b427102ac0….jpg)


>Your work has become subpar. Rusty? Maybe you lost your interest/ability?

Deflects from fails.

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0ef23c  No.13507117

File: b66a892ba578181⋯.jpg (130.73 KB, 1080x1472, 135:184, Monolith.jpg)

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c8ca52  No.13507119

File: 1aac10e17c6bc41⋯.jpg (5.2 KB, 156x160, 39:40, cfacf55a.jpg)

judeo christianity

Jesus H Christ…

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fb4912  No.13507122


>33 posts

>Tried DESPERATELY to split bread

>Attacked baker profusely

>Attacked obvious tryhard racist newfag like me

>Claims is oldfag

>Claims to know what's best

>Claims to be the best baker for the job

>Interested in Anime/Loli/Pedophilia

>Probably logs into discord before 8kun

>Spazzes like a nigger

>Talks like a nigger

Probably some ABC nigger

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9808a0  No.13507123

File: ef00858a18d208d⋯.jpg (74.16 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, IMG_20200626_234714.jpg)


Thanks to all bakers, note takers and anons for the last few breads. o7

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730ad8  No.13507126


Oh BS That banner was used for 3 hours before you even knew it was up. You're not even in touch with things anymore. You've lost sight of what's going on.

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c8ca52  No.13507128

File: 10ad38c9b41b6d7⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 263x192, 263:192, 1616021453355.jpg)

judeo christianity

All cum when you say it.

Fucking stupid slaves!

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15ee52  No.13507129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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de6868  No.13507132

File: d3d23d393c6d804⋯.png (296.67 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_04_25….png)

File: 5bb5f623e328d48⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, microwaveRelayTower.png)

File: 0d61ee990206123⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_04_25….png)


interdasting bit about the microwave relay tower

Cartwheel Tower

Continuity of government facility

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0ef23c  No.13507134

File: b370760eebfefd3⋯.png (1001.27 KB, 937x486, 937:486, 1_cuomo.png)

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c8ca52  No.13507136

File: 58016df1bc13444⋯.jpg (134.67 KB, 1046x915, 1046:915, 1616008318365.jpg)

judeo christianity

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e439ea  No.13507139


Just got home from work and called it when I seen it Mr. Smarty Pants.

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6820bc  No.13507142

File: 374d86e003907b1⋯.mp4 (4.75 MB, 640x360, 16:9, ext_tw_video_21.mp4)

this is Nickelodeon News for kids

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15ee52  No.13507143

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2d14f9  No.13507145

File: 912e52db62745f4⋯.png (353.52 KB, 652x624, 163:156, B6378053_77FC_4D06_9192_28….png)


>I don't know if I would call a baker an employee.

Baker is volunteer, but also can be fired by BO/BV, or by anons who choose to go elsewhere. Closer to employee, especially if namefag baker.

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fb4912  No.13507146


>Attacking baker

>Whining about banner

>Im oldfag swear anon

K nigger

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730ad8  No.13507147


3 hours late and all the sudden it's a FF - embarrassing

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c8ca52  No.13507149

File: 7a2cc311df08188⋯.jpg (129.44 KB, 900x993, 300:331, 1616014873650.jpg)

"This country was founded on judeo christian principles."


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d2fdc6  No.13507151

File: cb41ef20cc9b411⋯.png (166.77 KB, 456x477, 152:159, ClipboardImage.png)

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fb4912  No.13507152


>Oh my god, FF because I was late

>Was actually guy setting board up for a genuine false flag

Glow more nigger

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17c646  No.13507153

File: 166fc6cfdfea52a⋯.png (92.62 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost1.png)

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b536cf  No.13507154

File: a867bacd980eb42⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 3600x2403, 400:267, Eo9Hv42W8AIkHUr.jpg)

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fb4912  No.13507156


Nigger wat?

Fuck you then what the fuck? lol

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de6868  No.13507157

File: 6b7b4e8152b153c⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_04_25….png)

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7d5bd5  No.13507158

>You're not even in touch with things anymore. You've lost sight of what's going on.

Why Yes… Yes, You Have…

"Being Lost is One Step Closer to being found…"

''Those Who Lose Themselves In Finding Me…"

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15ee52  No.13507159

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2d14f9  No.13507160

File: 1505d43f5397136⋯.gif (297.15 KB, 220x148, 55:37, 130AB2E0_6000_4C7B_B81A_2D….gif)

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0ef23c  No.13507162

File: 52a8c1227ab350b⋯.jpeg (276.74 KB, 661x501, 661:501, Ninjas_pirates_lasers_and….jpeg)

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fe51e1  No.13507163

File: 738ee21127bb710⋯.png (268.22 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 738ee21127bb710142de1facf5….png)


Thank you for loving freedom, and the Constitutional Republic of the United States!

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730ad8  No.13507164

>>13507152 Yeah, impotent posts going on with you. Great commentary. Very meaningful…

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17c646  No.13507165

File: b2f95147eb00203⋯.gif (2.52 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download.gif)

File: 827397c4575dbef⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download2.gif)

File: 65cbcc2c841c359⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download3.gif)

File: 2ecebfa0304f78f⋯.gif (2.42 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download4.gif)

File: 386c0f1ed26dc25⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download5.gif)

Do we really have free speech with all these clowns taking up entire threads.?

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fb4912  No.13507167


>Attacks baker entire time

>Spazzes out because nobody joined his breadsplit

>"YoUr CoMmEnTaRy Is MeAnIngFuL"

K nigger

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e439ea  No.13507168

File: 7501cb605cf78bd⋯.png (1.4 MB, 844x853, 844:853, Pepe_Space_Force.png)


All who wander are not lost.

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c8ca52  No.13507172

File: b58e258d048fb06⋯.png (705.94 KB, 501x499, 501:499, fhorn.png)


reject the > judeo < in

judeo christianity

It's on oxy-moron, like Satanic Jesus.

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bd8268  No.13507174

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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15ee52  No.13507175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6cc409  No.13507176


They are supposed to be here to serve us, and the cause, to the best of their ability. Call it what you will… do you see anything like that going on?

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3333f1  No.13507177

File: 65844d77a11a6bb⋯.jpg (102.51 KB, 570x805, 114:161, tresspassNo.jpg)



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7d5bd5  No.13507179

File: 5b49bd2c61c9d7b⋯.jpg (114.14 KB, 563x796, 563:796, 5b49bd2c61c9d7b4f2c1cda32c….jpg)

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730ad8  No.13507181


What bread got created first?

That's ok. No apology needed. Some people don't know what facts are.

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d2fdc6  No.13507182

File: ac40684f45bf3a1⋯.jpg (158.31 KB, 612x549, 68:61, 5948d1483cb1c19df0e7d06711….jpg)


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15ee52  No.13507185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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de6868  No.13507190

File: 02f74fe6766cf96⋯.png (426.83 KB, 914x501, 914:501, Screenshot_from_2021_04_25….png)

File: ae867c7c0dcc4cc⋯.png (834.91 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_04_25….png)

File: 5a88ce695d5b6ab⋯.png (880.21 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_04_25….png)

File: e4e242995dafd43⋯.png (889.87 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, Screenshot_from_2021_04_25….png)

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b536cf  No.13507192

File: 70babee9feb5640⋯.png (523.55 KB, 598x599, 598:599, Screenshot_2021_04_25_The_….png)

Thanks for the top-notch service Master Chief!



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c8ca52  No.13507193

File: 9ac58409c7e7dc0⋯.jpg (19.45 KB, 639x367, 639:367, 9ac58409c7e7dc096f41053b9b….jpg)


Which one? There were at least 7, scattered all over the place.

Physical Jerusalem belongs to SATAN, the god of the jew.

The real one (not of earth) belongs to God.

Stop messing with the goyim!

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3333f1  No.13507197

File: e54ad2250c03fa8⋯.jpg (175.94 KB, 1080x1732, 270:433, perfectpilot.jpg)

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d2fdc6  No.13507198

File: 58f36d271158856⋯.jpeg (67.84 KB, 702x395, 702:395, 58f36d271158856eb7ed5505d….jpeg)

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0ef23c  No.13507200

File: 59bacef58b67761⋯.jpg (237.33 KB, 540x960, 9:16, Thank_You_Bread_Shitter.jpg)


>Do we really have free speech


>with all these clowns taking up entire threads.?

That would be you.

Will (you) be trying to beat your old record (67) this time?

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731fb2  No.13507202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





The gallows are in demand

And there will be no omission

There is nowhere to hide from the storm that’s coming

We’ve been on your back for what feels like forever now

And like vultures circling, we long to feed

Was there ever a reason?

Are you so eager to burn?

You’ve got to watch what you say

Nothing left to give but our hunger’s never sated

Always a live wire

We’ll keep that in mind

You’ll be left for the flames when we’ve taken what we needed

So, try to piss on your bonfire

We will never relent

Mercy is not on the table

In time, you will become a cautionary tale

If this is the gamification of our reality

Then who am I to refuse a perfect hand?

It was always a gamble

Now all the walls are closing in and there is no escape

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7d5bd5  No.13507203


>That's ok. No apology needed. Some people don't know what facts are.

This is a Drill, Please Remain Calm.

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15ee52  No.13507207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Location on the River Jordan where our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ was baptized by John The Baptist

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fe51e1  No.13507210

File: 87ebac2f76c9252⋯.png (68.54 KB, 586x614, 293:307, 6edc1b6e03616a771e6fbcbc5d….png)

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f74357  No.13507211

File: 70d5cddc40aef05⋯.jpg (182.66 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, IMG_0466.JPG)

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d2fdc6  No.13507212

File: 3e9ca3a87f33b74⋯.jpg (56.56 KB, 656x499, 656:499, 3e9ca3a87f33b749562cc215a0….jpg)

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730ad8  No.13507215


It is a drill. A failed drill. Board was comfy. Then the DOR showed up and fried it.

Have fun. Sometime things need a good shakeup to wake people up

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b138ff  No.13507221

File: a9c0818f3d44366⋯.png (574.36 KB, 960x922, 480:461, 6193727_img1069_jpeg52630c….png)

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7d5bd5  No.13507223

Sidney Telegrams. . . .


Here's my Tulsa speech! Learn why Buzz Lightyear from Toy Story 1995 by Pixar made national news!

https://sidneypowell.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1051113c6f6d8825da118b2e3&id=cba9117459&e=28ee59429c 🇺🇸

Rumble (https://sidneypowell.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=1051113c6f6d8825da118b2e3&id=cba9117459&e=28ee59429c)

Sidney Powell in Tulsa at Health & Freedom Conference

On Thursday and Friday, April 15-16, in Tulsa Oklahoma an event called Clay Clark's Health and Freedom Conference was held at Rhema Bible College in a venue that sits 4,200 people. However, 50,000 …


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4f7cde  No.13507225


Yer an idiot…Fake news


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6cc409  No.13507230


So many of those who shill here have come to believe that a reply to them is always meant only for them. I frequently write for incoming readers…

Mr Pig never figured that out, and ate his own ass, in public, as a result.

Just me, doing me.

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15ee52  No.13507231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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b8ae6d  No.13507232

File: ff36118348b5e1d⋯.jpeg (355.5 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, ff36118348b5e1d2430f57206….jpeg)

16 days is the expected duration of the Arizona recount. This recount effort is giving some hope to this anon here. I'm still hanging on the Durham thread, but still haven't seen shit in that regard. Hopefully the recount gives us some good news. 16 days give or take. 16 days.

>expected counting to last 16 days, with more than 250 people working in two shifts every day but Sundays.


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c8ca52  No.13507234

File: 0a2553a904a068f⋯.jpg (41.25 KB, 791x593, 791:593, 1613179977427.jpg)


You should study ancient archeology, and get your bearings straight.

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f7d1c3  No.13507239

File: 956d12348f15915⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1573x1041, 1573:1041, ClipboardImage.png)






Meanwhile, the amounting evidence to prove the warranting of such action continues, should the system be so corrupted so as not to be able to right it's self in due time.

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15ee52  No.13507240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6820bc  No.13507251

File: e5e47fbb72b4487⋯.jpg (115.99 KB, 720x1166, 360:583, 20210424_233441.jpg)

File: 3d1fc9ff0c4dba8⋯.jpg (150.55 KB, 720x831, 240:277, 20210424_233745.jpg)

Earthquake preliminary info: M 3.8 - 15km N of Morgan Hill, CA


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e521bf  No.13507253

File: dee722ec12bddeb⋯.png (575.89 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_919.png)

File: 88650b3029daf32⋯.png (640.4 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_907.png)

File: 1125c5266a7778a⋯.png (650.15 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_905.png)

File: a3501bbf77b2daf⋯.png (674.87 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_901.png)

File: 695a9bfa457df00⋯.png (768.64 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_921.png)

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done,

on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

and forgive us our trespasses

as we forgive those who trespass against us

and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Surround Yourself with Gods Love

Angels Heal Your Aura Clean; Force Monsters Out


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40e2d9  No.13507254

File: 69501a3bd354837⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1169x1234, 1169:1234, FD22BF08_E31E_4823_975B_75….png)

File: 7e2db0275b6fbe6⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1168x1648, 73:103, 5D72C091_1266_40E1_B604_88….png)

File: 89e036ff036e940⋯.png (772.57 KB, 1169x1468, 1169:1468, A7AF268F_31D3_4FBB_9D1F_08….png)


53.6M foIIowers and only 154 rts….l think it’s safe to say these peopIe have Iost aII credibility. 🤡🤡🤡

CNN (@CNN) Tweeted:

Trump supporters could be incited to future violence by his continued promotion of 2020 election lies, the Justice Department and judges say https://t.co/id5rcddlpq

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c8ca52  No.13507257

File: 637a090105c61b1⋯.png (1 MB, 686x500, 343:250, wheresmoishe.png)


>be jew

>blow ram horn that belongs to age of Pisces.

>wonders why their god hates their guts.

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fc81dc  No.13507272

File: bb05ecf25ea8e76⋯.png (805.15 KB, 826x457, 826:457, Screenshot_2021_04_25_AZ_E….png)

File: 604f40c5e50135a⋯.png (645.99 KB, 709x436, 709:436, Screenshot_2021_04_25_AZ_E….png)

File: 4aa310b55d78b48⋯.png (901.32 KB, 844x474, 422:237, Screenshot_2021_04_25_AZ_E….png)

AZ Election Worker: “I Was on the List for the AZGOP and They Just Told Me Google Eliminated the List – They’re Trying to Keep the Public Out” (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan ventured down to the Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix today. Jordan spoke with Arizona Patriot Party reporter Brad Heward who was leaving the security checkpoint. Brad said the Arizona Rangers told him today Google had eliminated the list of Arizona GOP workers who were approved to enter the auditing center.

Brad Heward: My name is Brad Heward and I am an investigator with the Patriot Party of Arizona… I pulled into Gate 2 and they told me I could not get in unless I had a security pass. They told me something entirely different over here (pointing to a different gate). I was told I was on the list for the AZGOP and they just told me Google eliminated the list. So they’re trying to keep the public out of this audit. Obviously, they’re trying to hide what’s really going on… There’s a lot of shenanigans still going on.


Any anon know if there is software to download rumble vids from news sites?

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f20c26  No.13507274

File: d851a1e00b6b94e⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 500x502, 250:251, 571bra.jpg)

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e439ea  No.13507278


Sauce please anon. TY

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7d5bd5  No.13507279

File: cbf535a80641f5e⋯.png (3.24 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Japan launches targeted state of emergency in attempt to stop COVID surge


Bars, department stores and theaters across Japan closed for 17 days Sunday, after Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga declared a state of emergency for Tokyo and three other prefectures in an attempt to curb surging COVID-19 cases.

Why it matters: In less than three months, Tokyo is due to host the summer Olympics — which have already been delayed by a year due to the pandemic. This is the third state of emergency declared in Japan since the pandemic began.

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15ee52  No.13507282

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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bb9e3f  No.13507289


Powered by Bear Owsley. Didn't even know what hit 'em.

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de6868  No.13507295

File: e5944bd32fb247c⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 428x285, 428:285, PepeSalute.jpg)



>I support military intervention against the current fake regime in the US


>I support military intervention against the current fake regime in the US


>I support military intervention against the current fake regime in the US

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c8ca52  No.13507297

File: 4c3dbcd62cbb265⋯.jpg (96.63 KB, 1024x800, 32:25, 1611788100654.jpg)


Passing through the USA monetary system.

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7f3716  No.13507298

File: 8ca1e001e155a66⋯.png (164.43 KB, 898x793, 898:793, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ef23c  No.13507300

File: 7ada67db7f479de⋯.gif (10.11 KB, 255x247, 255:247, npc_triggered.gif)


> only 154 rts….l think it’s safe to say these peopIe have Iost aII credibility.


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40e2d9  No.13507301


CNN (@CNN) Tweeted:

Trump supporters could be incited to future violence by his continued promotion of 2020 election lies, the Justice Department and judges say https://t.co/id5rcddlpq


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15ee52  No.13507303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You need a Jew Card like mine!


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9bcb2d  No.13507308






anons, please post your notables in the real bread:


This is a split bread

you can easily check for yourself

lb OP:

>>13505876 (lb)

lb fresh bread announcement

>>13506686 (lb)

both ID b2779b

real bread here:




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7d5bd5  No.13507309

File: 6f023902261f451⋯.png (136.56 KB, 300x272, 75:68, 364f274ffad1b8762a3c3cd473….png)


so are thermal imaging and Wifi Wave Mapping still … "Covert\Developing?" Or something? …Wild.

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e439ea  No.13507312


Account suspended?

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0ef23c  No.13507313

File: f25b86a4ca70d4a⋯.png (645.09 KB, 620x930, 2:3, caught_red_dot.png)


That's why we've hired Mr. Pickles. He's caught the red dot.

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fc81dc  No.13507314


>>>13507272 (You)

Already done…

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c8ca52  No.13507315

File: 02de8d2659423da⋯.jpg (461.69 KB, 1023x768, 341:256, 1611891354473.jpg)


>You need a Jew Card like mine!


The real name is (((CREDIT))) card!

Got it Goy!?

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de6868  No.13507317

File: 7133f0b46fe44d6⋯.png (237.96 KB, 584x642, 292:321, knightTakesOverForD5.png)

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15ee52  No.13507323

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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de6868  No.13507324

File: f4a6cc22c7f7190⋯.jpg (130.01 KB, 989x808, 989:808, lawrence.jpg)

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27ca70  No.13507326

File: 76d9fcc5ffe75d8⋯.jpg (14.24 KB, 300x300, 1:1, 2021_04_25_00_59_53.jpg)

Join Q's Dance Party you fegs


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bb9e3f  No.13507327


The Templar castle at Acre was awesome. Still relevant.


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f20c26  No.13507332

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b536cf  No.13507334

File: d29519b8b364592⋯.png (534.09 KB, 598x600, 299:300, Screenshot_2021_04_25_Good….png)


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0ef23c  No.13507341

File: 1892a0d92b99699⋯.png (849.66 KB, 1302x854, 93:61, fukushiNOPE.png)

File: eefe32525d4a72c⋯.jpeg (86.98 KB, 516x536, 129:134, pandem.jpeg)


>Tokyo is due to host the summer Olympics — which have already been delayed by a year due to the pandemic. This is the third state of emergency declared in Japan since the pandemic began.

Yeah, because of "The Pandemic", sure.

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15ee52  No.13507343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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3333f1  No.13507344

File: 833d76662405d42⋯.png (268.81 KB, 338x509, 338:509, ClipboardImage.png)


Dress for Success!!

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2eef10  No.13507348

File: 267a9387a920411⋯.png (665.46 KB, 746x647, 746:647, 1.png)

File: 9d216d5401b8b55⋯.jpg (67.89 KB, 700x656, 175:164, 3.jpg)

File: 6eaf4eff0b6dd32⋯.jpg (199.92 KB, 1021x679, 1021:679, 2.jpg)

Anons: remember

Mask up ! Stay safe !

Get Corona tested every day: nasal and anal swabs are a must

Take the vaccination several times, to be sure

Every 3 weeks repeat the vaccinations and anal swabs

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15ee52  No.13507350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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484de4  No.13507351

File: ecde5f68e20f8e7⋯.jpg (69.38 KB, 440x633, 440:633, th.jpg)

File: d81a67d784a5939⋯.jpg (96.16 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Psych_Warfare.jpg)

File: 78e96e4f1a66ebc⋯.jpeg (99 KB, 620x497, 620:497, Psych_Q_Hot.jpeg)

File: 318bf3833bd6d6c⋯.jpg (84.92 KB, 408x510, 4:5, Public_Hangings.jpg)

File: e64e8fb1b03e887⋯.jpg (70.88 KB, 500x480, 25:24, QReserch_Knowing_GOJOE.jpg)




>Join Q's Dance Party you fegs


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7d5bd5  No.13507355

File: 7b16b74c2f54e84⋯.gif (120.14 KB, 554x400, 277:200, Pepe_Dabb_On_Em.gif)


>Yeah, because of "The Pandemic", sure.

Must have been another shipment..

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15ee52  No.13507359

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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bb9e3f  No.13507361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Seven Churches of Revelation by John Daniels


It's a history about Secret Societies that are still with us. John Diale also wrote Scarlet And The Beast, which Bill Cooper reported on. Volume II is about (((banksters))). He covered everything from Hitler to Licio Gelli. LaRouche et al. brought forward to to Soros and the swamp.

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b5782d  No.13507362

File: 1bbceb865dcd419⋯.png (191.75 KB, 477x401, 477:401, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ef23c  No.13507366

File: d2d290c998d7315⋯.png (531.64 KB, 520x364, 10:7, Screenshot_2020_12_03_quot….png)


CNN (@CNN) Has never Tweeted:

BLM rioters have been incited to violence by Maxine Water's continued promotion of being confrontational.

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27ca70  No.13507374

File: c22a051e7cc3d42⋯.mp4 (11.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, JFK_1_.mp4)



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7288b7  No.13507380

Split bread shit is faggot, but animefaggot is supreme jizz drinker.

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b536cf  No.13507386

File: a9c1d35cf6b564f⋯.png (167.18 KB, 535x573, 535:573, Screenshot_2021_04_25_The_….png)

Indonesian President Joko Widodo said that a missing #submarine had been found sunken in the Bali Sea and sent his condolences to the 53 crew's families.


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7f3716  No.13507388

File: ae1fe691a6df26c⋯.png (978.75 KB, 761x761, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


This bread is tasty and nutritiious


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ee9efc  No.13507390

File: 3ba53a25f75d66b⋯.png (1.09 MB, 946x1092, 473:546, 3ba53a25f75d66bd68e56873cf….png)


munite [ myoo-nahyt ]

verb (used with object), mu·nit·ed, mu·nit·ing.Obsolete.

to fortify.

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000000  No.13507392


Q has ZERO wins.

Back to you, QTards.

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fae2d6  No.13507393


He's eating up the other bred so he can get his control of the kitchen back.

>41 posts and counting

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0ef23c  No.13507398

File: bccbdb8958524a2⋯.jpg (69.46 KB, 566x439, 566:439, Every_2_weeks.jpg)


>Every 3 weeks repeat the vaccinations and anal swabs

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7288b7  No.13507399


Fucking cock sucker. Cannot even stand being on here with that fuckwit baking.

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000000  No.13507401


Anime douche = Ron

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27ca70  No.13507402

File: 2bcb46eb23140d2⋯.jpeg (63.21 KB, 447x260, 447:260, establishment_of_cia.jpeg)

File: ddab89c7561d3ce⋯.jpg (46.35 KB, 1166x518, 583:259, IMAGE_2021_04_25_01_17_53.jpg)

CIA = Royal Death Racket = SURRENDER NOW

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b536cf  No.13507403

File: e9f7f3b6e27006a⋯.mp4 (2.53 MB, 480x480, 1:1, SMYiDZPS7SBGdPeY.mp4)

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7f3716  No.13507404


Shit eating commies are lifelong losers.

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26b70f  No.13507415

File: 03034b08666005a⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 255x255, 1:1, CheesyGrin.jpg)


Having an enjoyable Saturday night? I am.

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f7d1c3  No.13507417

File: d05f85f67cfc30e⋯.png (340.87 KB, 482x421, 482:421, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb9e3f  No.13507419

File: 3fcd4cfd1588cdb⋯.jpg (844.53 KB, 942x942, 1:1, 1336e515909caee4e7556973d0….jpg)

File: 298f255f88db0ea⋯.png (665.04 KB, 1754x876, 877:438, sykewar.png)


They are just trying to cover their asses. Look, squirrel. And he's got a red hat! RUNNNN!






By the nature of their target, psyops targeting people soft enough to be manipulated are always easy for harder people to figure out. MSM has always been fake.

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3333f1  No.13507423

File: a3a4b62df55d19f⋯.png (324 KB, 400x534, 200:267, comfy.png)

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7288b7  No.13507424

File: b430c273554fc00⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1024x1363, 1024:1363, huntdmt.png)


That is nonsense. It is some little 4vchan faggot who sucks cock all day and faggots here at night

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27ca70  No.13507426

File: 1fa59872f913eb1⋯.png (3.71 MB, 4198x2432, 2099:1216, Screen_Shot_2021_04_04_at_….png)

Derp Derp Derp Derp

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fc81dc  No.13507427

Eyes on Camera 5

What is he doing?


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201b14  No.13507428

File: 583142f8901eca0⋯.jpg (147.33 KB, 1101x730, 1101:730, 2021_04_25_02_20_15_Trump_….jpg)

Trump: ‘Nobody Should Be Forced to Get’ COVID-19 Vaccine

BY JACK PHILLIPS April 23, 2021 Updated: April 23, 2021


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3333f1  No.13507432


Stealing Freedom!

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0ef23c  No.13507439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>MSM has always been fake.


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000000  No.13507441


>It is some little 4vchan faggot who sucks cock all day and faggots here at night

So..it's you?

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f7d1c3  No.13507443


Anyone who wears a face shield/mask while alone is suspect.

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fc2630  No.13507444


Totally, he really lipped me off last night and then just said, well it’s a new day.

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201b14  No.13507447

File: 05eb6db86376587⋯.jpg (127.13 KB, 744x826, 372:413, 2021_04_25_02_25_17_Cesare….jpg)

This is the final showdown. Maricopa will overturn the 2020 electoral fraud. The deep state knows it very well and it's completely panicking.


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de6868  No.13507448


checkk the phone number


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c89299  No.13507449


He (dude in the black shirt, with pot-belly) wandered around in there, into the green table area, and then to the right past the barricades, then to the lower right and exited the frame. That was about 2 minutes ago.

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2eef10  No.13507453

Why is the other bread full of the anime pedo posts ?

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6820bc  No.13507454

File: 55930a00cc5875a⋯.png (609.44 KB, 612x619, 612:619, 55930a00cc5875ab8e77092e58….png)

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fe51e1  No.13507456

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

sf - BYG

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3333f1  No.13507457


I think he was looking for thumb drives?

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8a1a66  No.13507460


Nothing ever fucking happens….you should know this by now.

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e439ea  No.13507461


>>13506669 Dough

Notablesare not endorsements



>>13506828 Dem Rep. Jones: Opposition to D.C. Statehood ‘Engaging in Racist Activity,’ ‘Quite a Sinister Thing’

>>13506848, >>13506835, >>13506956, >>13506988, >>13507132, >>13507157, >>13507190 4/23/21 Richard Citizen Journalist DC Update- White House update

>>13506851 'China is militarising ports across our region': Dutton's stern warning for Australia

>>13506982 Scientists have developed a new #chip which would allow for faster and more accurate #COVID19 detection with up to 99.9% accuracy

>>13507182 The Political Economy Of Fear

>>13507192 @The Real CVN (Official Twitter account of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt): Thanks for the top-notch service Master Chief!

>>13507223 Sidney Powell in Tulsa at Health & Freedom Conference

>>13507232 First day of Arizona Senate election audit nearly stopped before it began. Here's what happened

>>13507251 Earthquake preliminary info: M 3.8 - 15km N of Morgan Hill, CA


>>13507272 AZ Election Worker: “I Was on the List for the AZGOP and They Just Told Me Google Eliminated the List – They’re Trying to Keep the Public Out”

>>13507334 @17TRW_GAFB (Goodfellow Air Force Base - 17th Training Wing): Congratulations to the Students of the Month and Rope of the Month winners for March!

>>13507279 Japan launches targeted state of emergency in attempt to stop COVID surge

>>13507386 Indonesian President Joko Widodo said that a missing #submarine had been found sunken in the Bali Sea and sent his condolences to the 53 crew's families

>>13507426 Anon Covid-19 Graphic: Deaths of Those Affected US Population = 2%

>>13507427, >>13507449 AZ Election Audit: Eyes on Camera 5

>>13507428 Trump: ‘Nobody Should Be Forced to Get’ COVID-19 Vaccine


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7d5bd5  No.13507462

File: d4afe3b934952e0⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1088x1280, 17:20, ClipboardImage.png)

Has this Decode been Shared?

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201b14  No.13507464

File: 9a7dc2e875922b3⋯.jpg (129.66 KB, 758x834, 379:417, 2021_04_25_02_27_22_Cesare….jpg)

Germany has officially turned into a brutal police state. A new form of Nazism is threatening Europe but this time is much more dangerous than 80 years ago. It's more dangerous because people call their slavery "freedom". People are loving their servitude



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b536cf  No.13507466

File: 94b7ecd08d84e59⋯.png (463.19 KB, 535x540, 107:108, Screenshot_2021_04_25_snop….png)



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aef0e3  No.13507471

File: 09f6460e37aff36⋯.gif (162.49 KB, 1274x342, 637:171, dreamsohno.gif)

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c89299  No.13507474





>He (dude in the black shirt, with pot-belly) wandered around in there, into the green table area, and then to the right past the barricades, then to the lower right and exited the frame. That was about 2 minutes ago.

The guard is still present in camera 1; looks like he's in the room where the machines are (wrapped in plastic) - those 4 cameras in #1, you can see where stuff from each is, in the others; for instance, he's in the top two, etc.

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000000  No.13507476


And what will the next coping mechanism be if it doesn't flip back to Trump? I mean, nothing else has happened worth a damn so far, so what makes you think that you won't keep stackin' the losses?

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7288b7  No.13507477

File: 3569673b747d2e6⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1024x1362, 512:681, HUNTERKILLS.png)


Maybe animefaggot is hunter

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7d5bd5  No.13507478



Check her twitter, it's all Legit off the top.

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bb9e3f  No.13507479

File: f64ae0b8bd2999a⋯.png (894.45 KB, 1210x1118, 605:559, 3a3e7fce24156609793bcaa4d6….png)

File: 2e74e9c05928495⋯.jpg (79.61 KB, 800x531, 800:531, 3bd0347943a1a846ace78ded8e….jpg)

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2eef10  No.13507480

File: ffecef8b20777ff⋯.jpg (266.22 KB, 1600x1246, 800:623, High_Noon.jpg)


>This is the final showdown

It's High Noon

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7d5bd5  No.13507485


>Germany has officially turned into a brutal police state. A new form of Nazism is threatening Europe but this time is much more dangerous than 80 years ago. It's more dangerous because people call their slavery "freedom". People are loving their servitude

Bro when they started raiding people's houses for bbQing outside… I think there was a problem…

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7f3716  No.13507486

File: 002d03c36688111⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1599x1003, 1599:1003, ClipboardImage.png)

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aef0e3  No.13507487

File: b496e3ab90908de⋯.jpg (21.04 KB, 165x255, 11:17, bidenfoot.jpg)

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bb9e3f  No.13507491

File: f28d0ecb199e61a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1222x758, 611:379, f28d0ecb199e61a43c47d085be….png)

File: 9fbf6343696c33d⋯.png (223.71 KB, 1199x748, 109:68, megaGuanoINCOMMIINNNGGGG.png)

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7288b7  No.13507492

File: 16a7459a053b114⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1089x816, 363:272, bidendogdiddet.png)

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aef0e3  No.13507494

File: 58dcce0b28ba4a4⋯.jpg (27.38 KB, 474x226, 237:113, TRANSSHILLS.jpg)

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3333f1  No.13507496


He's holding his hands away from his body when he walks away from each area, seems to want someone to trust him!

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9bcb2d  No.13507497


anons, please post your notables in the real bread:


This is a split bread

you can easily check for yourself

lb OP:

>>13505876 (lb)

lb fresh bread announcement

>>13506686 (lb)

both ID b2779b

real bread here:




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de6868  No.13507499

File: 5c654a81dace578⋯.jpeg (13.07 KB, 255x255, 1:1, aintscanning.jpeg)



hinges on scanning that Q r code

aint scannin it nigga>>13507462

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5bf3a0  No.13507500

File: 6f518b528fc6dd0⋯.png (230.18 KB, 433x433, 1:1, CURE.png)


>Trump: ‘Nobody Should Be Forced to Get’ COVID-19 Vaccine

Because every anon has the Right to Try C18H26CLN3O*!

*it fights off a reincarnated Prince Philip effectively too. >>13507466

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c89299  No.13507501


>>13507449 (You)




>>He (dude in the black shirt, with pot-belly) wandered around in there, into the green table area, and then to the right past the barricades, then to the lower right and exited the frame. That was about 2 minutes ago.

>The guard is still present in camera 1; looks like he's in the room where the machines are (wrapped in plastic) - those 4 cameras in #1, you can see where stuff from each is, in the others; for instance, he's in the top two, etc.

Guard just took a walk, then sat back down at 2:33 am Eastern.

I've watched him on his phone earlier today, he's at it again. Stopped at 2:34 or 5 (while I was typing).

Interestingly, he positioned the phone such that it was under the table i.e., obscured it from the camera. Unsure if that was intentional and even if so doesn't mean that it was nefarious.

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b536cf  No.13507503

File: b518d1c8bbb7f10⋯.png (636 KB, 717x582, 239:194, Screenshot_2021_04_25_Dian….png)


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aef0e3  No.13507504

File: a5926d49442311e⋯.png (1.18 MB, 800x1000, 4:5, shit.png)

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6820bc  No.13507506

File: 6f5c075e7daa7e4⋯.mp4 (10.31 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, Srj8koj_dOcmlWxN.mp4)


he gets it from his DADDY

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7d5bd5  No.13507507

File: 1c70da54e396d62⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1186x666, 593:333, Sound_Of_0Fucks.png)



I don't blame you.

and on this… can't find the article…probably deleted…


>Bro when they started raiding people's houses for bbQing outside… I think there was a problem…

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b24e71  No.13507509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>13506126 lb

this IS LONG, but it is worth it.

Fug, thanQ for posting anon,

not gonna be able to sleep well tonight, even though Ive been here since half.

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5bf3a0  No.13507511

File: 7ff48d79e086649⋯.png (126.37 KB, 1352x872, 169:109, OUR_DOG.png)

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b5782d  No.13507512

File: baa7c98dd2c911d⋯.png (703.95 KB, 1270x1356, 635:678, ClipboardImage.png)


>This is the final showdown. Maricopa will overturn the 2020 electoral fraud. The deep state knows it very well and it's completely panicking.

Weird… "A Maricopa County judge" it's like the Federal Courts don't have Jurisdiction anymore or something?

Bankrupt Corporation

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db947b  No.13507513


Maybe he wants to keep the numbers he dials secure?

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228563  No.13507514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3333f1  No.13507516


Dis Da Bite-r

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6820bc  No.13507518

File: 5bd22179504f044⋯.png (1.42 MB, 881x1337, 881:1337, 1618720044975.png)

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7d5bd5  No.13507520

File: bb92fa52bf2b949⋯.jpg (27.72 KB, 720x600, 6:5, AbEGxHw.jpg)


Try scanning the one from her twitter?


Likely not malevolent?

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aef0e3  No.13507522

File: e6b6201d0b542e5⋯.gif (60.03 KB, 408x476, 6:7, boeing.GIF)

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7288b7  No.13507523

File: a9621ce1487f8a4⋯.png (758.54 KB, 769x864, 769:864, bidencameltoe.png)

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bb9e3f  No.13507524

File: 76c58d3a8803e64⋯.jpeg (48.04 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 0c6716369f17e2c727b702280….jpeg)

File: 3e554b2c565b968⋯.jpg (64.76 KB, 500x458, 250:229, 3e554b2c565b9684a2a90e14e2….jpg)

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201b14  No.13507525

File: ba9c8c7e22f81a2⋯.jpg (80.27 KB, 1045x664, 1045:664, 2021_04_25_02_36_36_robert….jpg)

Democrats have formed groups that target President Trump's supporters and try to undermine public opinion against them. This group is formed under the supervision of Mrs. Harris and they take orders from her. President Trump will issue a statement on this soon


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3333f1  No.13507526


Is he erasing his history after every post?

Besides, I thought NO PHONES were Allowed in the area!!

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c89299  No.13507530


Looks like another guard in camera 6, at 2:41 am Eastern.

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3333f1  No.13507531


China Fire Sale?

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2eef10  No.13507532

File: 746157302540d68⋯.png (131.77 KB, 480x275, 96:55, 534677.png)


I scanned that shit, nigga !

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2d14f9  No.13507534

File: 6537724fad6a0a9⋯.jpeg (45.38 KB, 720x387, 80:43, 564F8A10_DCBA_4233_9F24_2….jpeg)


>Anyone who wears a face shield/mask while alone is suspect.

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26b70f  No.13507536

File: dfc39acecbe07b2⋯.png (298.07 KB, 809x662, 809:662, thinking2.png)

Theory: Audit is yet another honey pot. These people are stupid, the audit is already done. This is just another way to indict more people when they try to mess with it again.

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aef0e3  No.13507537

File: 66c1ea9d523051a⋯.jpg (141.12 KB, 670x811, 670:811, HARRISNH.jpg)

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c89299  No.13507539


Guard #2 just left (same way, off camera 5 to the lower right) and in doing so, reached out and verified the fencing to the ballots was secure.

Really loved seeing that move.

Nobody is getting through.


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b536cf  No.13507540

File: 6eeeec5f668dd3c⋯.jpg (186.07 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, ExqvMFzVIAAyDy6.jpg)

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db947b  No.13507541


Don't know, just join you in the belief that it isn't necessarily nefarious.

It will come out in the wash.

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000000  No.13507542



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de6868  No.13507544

File: 4a27e73928c05c6⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1135, 216:227, clickitbabyclickit.png)

File: d21c9a93090760c⋯.png (229.42 KB, 754x499, 754:499, JovanRedpill2.png)



guess I'm paranoid about QRCodes

trust me

I want to click it

but I aint gonna

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b9e506  No.13507545

File: 9829e7769d78cf7⋯.mp4 (15.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kentucky_All_State_Choir_N….mp4)

Greetings silent lurkers,

are Constitution and Republic in real danger?

Can average working Patriots do something about it?

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887114  No.13507547

File: fdc008a75e15614⋯.png (521.43 KB, 633x628, 633:628, HyperFleshGirlMask.png)


Nothing will happen.

Even if something happens…(((THEY))) will ensure that NOTHING will happen.

After years of absolutely nothing happening in our favor, most of us have conditioned our minds towards the expectation of failure.

We lost.

(((THEY))) won.

Enjoy your PedoFlix and abortions.


Then learn to accept that your children belong to the Luciferian state and that you have little control over anything in your child's life, including their gender.

Enjoy riding your bicycle to work and you should probably practice putting a big black dildo in your anus as we are all going to have to learn to be gay.

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6820bc  No.13507550

File: b25c8271e0bbbce⋯.jpg (140.65 KB, 1125x941, 1125:941, 20210425_004453.jpg)


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357ba0  No.13507553


if you put a big black dildo as your bike seat you can kill 2 birds with 1 stone…

>Enjoy riding your bicycle to work and you should probably practice putting a big black dildo in your anus as we are all going to have to learn to be gay.

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7288b7  No.13507554

File: b10e708b9ae3890⋯.png (304.52 KB, 680x383, 680:383, acb_sucks_ass.png)

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3333f1  No.13507555


You think they are giving us all the camera view's

They Have? I'm thinking there is some straight-up Ninja Shit Going on Here!!

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000000  No.13507556

"The Plan"…was not benevolent.

Q is a Deep State Psyop.

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7288b7  No.13507558

File: 1b037d6eb93f66e⋯.jpg (200.9 KB, 748x997, 748:997, dogowhitmer.jpg)

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b8ae6d  No.13507566


Pot taking intensifies.

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5bf3a0  No.13507568

File: d52ea88f1faa09b⋯.jpg (15.06 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Boeing_last_person.jpg)


<Boeing puts up for sale its Commercial Airplanes headquarters campus outside Seattle.

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201b14  No.13507569

File: 9ce60cc3ddcfd64⋯.jpg (58.76 KB, 1051x670, 1051:670, 2021_04_25_02_48_42_Michae….jpg)

File: 9b6f2b2141a3af5⋯.mp4 (3.22 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, ssstiktok_1619333139.mp4)

Trump Supporters waiting for his motorcade this morning

12:49 AM · Apr 25, 2021


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bf1117  No.13507571


watch the water

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357ba0  No.13507575

File: 4db4de3eda013af⋯.png (167.87 KB, 259x747, 259:747, 1.png)

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16b9fa  No.13507580


You thinking a trap within a trap? Nothing would surprise me, at this point… given the stakes.

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7f3716  No.13507581

File: 5efa597cac52093⋯.png (180.42 KB, 416x512, 13:16, ClipboardImage.png)


Get yourself some kol nidre

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2eef10  No.13507583

File: b780fb639c8a2b2⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, 46.png)


>have conditioned our minds

that's what your post is trying to reinforce


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7288b7  No.13507585

File: e6a6da1a8f9ad2f⋯.png (838.92 KB, 1029x578, 1029:578, aoblow.png)

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3333f1  No.13507587

Diss Is A Bewbless Bread!

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de6868  No.13507590

File: be850298684bbe8⋯.jpg (144.75 KB, 670x811, 670:811, 66c1ea9d523051ab9c7c3b923b….jpg)

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357ba0  No.13507592

File: db2d072f885290d⋯.png (1.05 MB, 960x960, 1:1, rec_pot_takers_toke.png)


not even once

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887114  No.13507593

File: b3e5a486bb9dfc9⋯.png (315.23 KB, 322x487, 322:487, chinkymAN.png)


There is absolutely NOTHING you can do about it.

If you think your guns are going to do something about it, that's exactly what (((THEY))) want you to do.

(((THEY))) want to force your hand…institute the Insurrection Act (of which Trump was afraid to pull the trigger on thanks to his choice in administration), and then use energy weapons on your AR-wielding asses.

Get used to it.

You have lost.

We are in bed with China fully now.

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7288b7  No.13507597

File: 1748af23330eca3⋯.jpg (137.28 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, bdb_2_.jpg)

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2d14f9  No.13507599

File: d166387605c1658⋯.jpeg (140.67 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 58EAA63C_F6E5_4217_9B23_F….jpeg)


>Diss Is A Bewbless Bread!

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3333f1  No.13507600


Trust but Verify!!


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2eef10  No.13507602

File: 97410df7d2aa748⋯.png (211.8 KB, 480x447, 160:149, 355356.png)


dog comms again

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3333f1  No.13507607

File: 55bca5a2c56dd7a⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 660x449, 660:449, atoast.jpg)

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357ba0  No.13507608

File: 3c2a7d31e44dc43⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 640x480, 4:3, nancy_pelosi_side_job.mp4)

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5bf3a0  No.13507611

File: 0482999aa011ab2⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 300x169, 300:169, dominoes.gif)




There are still 49 other States to go! (Georgia is next)

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fe51e1  No.13507613

File: 40317c672fdb5ac⋯.mp4 (400.52 KB, 656x360, 82:45, she_her_slap.mp4)

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b9e506  No.13507621

File: d8dbb75895e3c9a⋯.jpg (532.34 KB, 1407x1440, 469:480, jacob_rothschild_david_roc….jpg)


We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite.

We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so that they will never see what is happening.

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.

They will be blanketed in poison everywhere they turn.

The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.

The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths. They will destroy their minds and reproductive systems.

From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.

The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them; in what they drink, eat, breathe, and wear.

We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far.

We will teach them that the poisons are good with fun images and musical tones.

Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.

They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect.

When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it is for their help.

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201b14  No.13507624

File: 16c9140d15892ae⋯.jpg (114.41 KB, 1286x800, 643:400, 2021_04_25_02_54_41_Trump_….jpg)

File: 0423720c55ee513⋯.jpg (128.37 KB, 903x816, 301:272, 2021_04_25_02_57_05_Michae….jpg)

Trump to ‘relocate to New Jersey golf club’ when Mar-A-Lago closes for hurricane season

"Former US president Donald Trump may relocate to New Jersey when his Florida resort Mar-A-Lago has its scheduled summer closure, according to a new report.

The 74-year-old, the first American president to be impeached twice, could move his home base to Trump National Golf Club Bedminster, according to close advisers.

One person told Business Insider: “They’re moving the whole operation to New Jersey because they’re going to start doing more fundraising.”

Mar-A-Lago, in Palm Beach, Florida, has been Mr. Trump’s base since he left office in January this year and has been a hub for the GOP, as well as a base for fundraising."


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de6868  No.13507625

File: 739d002f1f51eba⋯.png (125.5 KB, 403x594, 403:594, Screenshot_from_2021_04_25….png)



> Ninja



Donald J. Trump /@realDonaldTrump05/09/2020 13:59:50

ID: Twitter for iPhone

Direct Link: 1259181297274142720

Rob Friedman / @PitchingNinja05/09/2020 11:22:39

ID:Twitter Web App

Direct Link: 1259141742772846593

% buffered





Image Name: a4Oe5cxDT7bKQGZ6.mp4

Filename: /qagg.news/tweetimages/a4Oe5cxDT7bKQGZ6.mp4

I still have no idea how Tony Gwynn hits this Big Unit 1-2 slider for a double.

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6cc409  No.13507626



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228563  No.13507628

File: 7e01f659243a421⋯.jpg (253.07 KB, 1500x1123, 1500:1123, baker.jpg)


>Diss Is A Bewbless Bread!

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2d14f9  No.13507629

File: ff800f36309c061⋯.jpeg (353.74 KB, 1079x723, 1079:723, 7F065A23_5E58_4C02_B7E7_1….jpeg)


Proper response from kitteh.

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b8ae6d  No.13507633

File: 3e54b2237a5297b⋯.png (246.4 KB, 576x852, 48:71, Screenshots_2021_04_24_23_….png)



>straight-up Ninja Shit Going on Here!!

Trips confirm.

The company performing the audit is called CyberNinjas

Can't make this shit up

Read the Democrat lawsuit against the audit here:


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de6868  No.13507634



hit pain is at:23

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621b05  No.13507639

File: 8bdf2f80ea5781b⋯.jpg (92.87 KB, 500x629, 500:629, joe_biden_navajo_chief_hai….jpg)

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887114  No.13507641

File: 79d0d5dd5080c4a⋯.png (122.44 KB, 1336x952, 167:119, PepePotPie.png)

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5bf3a0  No.13507643

File: c0a9dda0dccd15b⋯.jpeg (924.94 KB, 1093x1429, 1093:1429, Break_up.jpeg)

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7288b7  No.13507644

File: 7e474d29ff727d0⋯.png (1.66 MB, 1089x816, 363:272, bidendograper.png)

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3333f1  No.13507648

File: e76aa071901128e⋯.png (199.28 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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730ad8  No.13507650


>>13506639 Dough

Notables FINAL


>>13506919 Kamila Harris is literally walking up a flight of stairs with no plane in sight. Optics.

>>13506944 ICE revokes President Trump policy fining illegal immigrants

>>13506974 , >>13506979 MIT researchers challenge indoor social distancing rules: 'No safer at 60 feet than 6 feet'

>>13507067 Portland's Democratic mayor begs public to help 'unmask' members of 'self-described anarchist mob'

>>13507073 AZ Audit = Q2492

>>13507076 Dan Kaminsky. For those who don't, he was a well known security researcher. He was cheering the covid death shot on twitter almost daily. Now he's dead at age 42

>>13507102 Biden's 'catch and release' migrants without court dates total more than 15,300, Texas Democrat says

>>13507124 Lin Wood “And I will make thee unto this people a fenced brasen wall: and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee to save thee and to deliver thee, saith the LORD

>>13507127 Welcome to Q Research Thunderdome!

>>13507186 Rand Paul: Biden White House Mask Alarmism Having a ‘Deleterious Effect,’ ‘Discouraging People from Getting the Vaccine’

>>13507216 CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Met With Chinese Communist Party Think-Tank Linked To “Favorable Coverage” Junkets.

>>13507271 RACHEL CHANDLER >>DAVID GEFFEN connection "Hollywoodland" sign was erected by HARRY CHANDLER grandpa of >>RACHEL CHANDLER

>>13507280 CNN Fear Porn about Q Research

>>13507283 AZ Election Worker: “I Was on the List for the AZGOP and They Just Told Me Google Eliminated the List – They’re Trying to Keep the Public Out”

>>13507322 Sara Carter tweets = Q1270


>>13507357 Papadopoulos: Comey hasn’t tweeted in months

>>13507372 Papadopoulos on Turkey and Obamagate

>>13507384 Driver Out on Bail for Alleged Attempted Murder Drags NYPD Officer with Car

>>13507397 Open your heart to ALL, at ALL times and help those who are going to need it."

>>13507405 LSU Fraternity Brothers Pay Off Former House Cook’s Mortgage for 74th Birthday

>>13507412 Reporter won’t say if ‘sexy blonde’ who targeted Papadopoulos worked for FBI

>>13507435 Arizona: Where not a single illegal alien vote was disqualified

>>13507442 "Biden Is An Idiot" - Fmr Police Officer Blasts Democrats For "Riding The Wave Of Dead Black People"

>>13507451 Dozens Arrested After CEO Of Turkish Crypto Exchange Flees With $2 Billion

>>13507463 Montana becomes Second Amendment sanctuary

>>13507470 Arizona becomes Second Amendment 'sanctuary' ahead of Biden gun control orders

>>13507475 John Kerry admits on CNN the situation at the border is a crisis (video)

>>13507483 Democrats Lose Their Minds When NC Lt. Governor Mark Robinson Calls Them Out On Voting Integrity


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201b14  No.13507651

File: 148b6213ee287e9⋯.jpg (73.08 KB, 655x795, 131:159, 2021_04_25_03_01_08_Michae….jpg)

File: db6debbb7475714⋯.jpg (121.28 KB, 900x900, 1:1, EzyMuWFVkAAcB6n.jpg)

File: ec7b83c064afe4c⋯.jpg (62.82 KB, 1011x398, 1011:398, 2021_04_25_03_03_02_The_Tr….jpg)

POTUS with Lisa Boothe



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2eef10  No.13507653

File: 172f372ed5b368e⋯.png (743.81 KB, 800x764, 200:191, 56.png)

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e439ea  No.13507655


baker here


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1d32e1  No.13507656

File: 8d0ca5053b17b5d⋯.pdf (266.36 KB, Open_Letter_To_Parents_of_….pdf)

read it niggers.

I object to the gutting of the history, civics, and classical literature curriculums. I object to the censorship of books that have been taught for generations because they contain dated language potentially offensive to the thin-skinned and hypersensitive (something that has already happened in my daughter’s 4th grade class). I object to the lowering of standards for the admission of students and for the hiring of teachers. I object to the erosion of rigor in classwork and the escalation of grade inflation. Any parent with eyes open can foresee these inevitabilities should antiracism initiatives be allowed to persist.

We have today in our country, from both political parties, and at all levels of government, the most unwise and unvirtuous leaders in our nation’s history. Schools like Brearley are supposed to be the training grounds for those leaders. Our nation will not survive a generation of leadership even more poorly educated than we have now, nor will we survive a generation of students taught to hate its own country and despise its history.

Lastly, I object, with as strong a sentiment as possible, that Brearley has begun to teach what to think, instead of how to think. I object that the school is now fostering an environment where our daughters, and our daughters’ teachers, are afraid to speak their minds in class for fear of “consequences.” I object that Brearley is trying to usurp the role of parents in teaching morality, and bullying parents to adopt that false morality at home. I object that Brearley is fostering a divisive community where families of different races, which until recently were part of the same community, are now segregated into two. These are the reasons why we can no longer send our daughter to Brearley.


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c89299  No.13507668


Sorry - "playing on his phone" rather than talking on his phone. Tapping on it, in other words. On the table, earlier; under it, a few minutes ago.

But yes, your idea of keeping what he's doing from prying eyes/networks, makes sense as well.

I see him moving around a lot. Also very, VERY good to see. He appears to be thorough. Not sure what that black thing he brought back to the desk about ten minutes ago is, I think that was two rounds ago.

His last round, I saw him in camera 7 after he left through the exit in camera 1's top left camera, towards the top left of it. Then saw him in front of the pod for moment, and he exited that view to the right. He was gone for a few minutes.

I might have missed some rounds.

Just saw the second guard at 3:06 am go through camera 7, with a darkish gray shirt; the other guard was seated and just got up at 3:06:40 am at the time so there are definitely two guards there, different people based on clothing.

Gray shirt guard is now over by the PODS unit. Just moved to back of it, in camera 9, 3:08 am.

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621b05  No.13507670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e95657  No.13507671

Q2492 was 2018 Midterms.


Audit will be way worse.

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2eef10  No.13507672

File: 968a4a69c1b8204⋯.jpg (51.46 KB, 506x314, 253:157, 546.jpg)

Anime baker in other bread is going to do an early hostile bake to snare anons

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7c0612  No.13507673

>>13505960 (PB)

Maricopa county - keystone holding up the flood of evidence that will lay waste to all who partook in corrupting 2020 election.

I believe this is part of the movie, only thing is this part unfolds organically and in real time with the only intervention being that of divine forces. The white hats watched this fuckery unfold in real time and this is the lawful way the information will be revealed to the world.

God I give thanks for your protection of all my brothers and sisters, thank you for always being that beacon of hope and faith. I pray for those who have yet to know you, that they can find your endless love and forgiveness. I pray for those that wish evil upon our country and our world. I pray that they too can break free from the chains of sin and evil. However long it takes, my faith will never be broken and we will continue fighting for all of humanity.


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341396  No.13507674

Now there's a new bread when both breads aren't close to full yet?!

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7288b7  No.13507676


bo or bv need to toast that little faggot

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201b14  No.13507677












>Anime douche = Ron

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730ad8  No.13507679

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition

>>13507659 OP

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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bb9e3f  No.13507680

File: 0946973b87b4238⋯.jpg (709.44 KB, 1500x2095, 300:419, 0946973b87b4238e7e15e71cf9….jpg)

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3333f1  No.13507681


Exit Strategy?

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fe51e1  No.13507683

File: 13066b0aa8ccd1a⋯.jpg (23.5 KB, 511x600, 511:600, 144687013_3580780245376239….jpg)

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2eef10  No.13507684


BO and BV are never around when we need them, sad to say

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201b14  No.13507685

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887114  No.13507687

File: 33e6df52b5107c2⋯.png (108.66 KB, 197x242, 197:242, ClipboardImage.png)


Anjel can bake.

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3333f1  No.13507689

File: 024c4b141b65990⋯.jpeg (70.46 KB, 1068x705, 356:235, nocrayons.jpeg)

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1d32e1  No.13507690

File: 2029da21f1a2fba⋯.gif (69.79 KB, 446x256, 223:128, 20210216_224324.gif)

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fe51e1  No.13507692

File: 02614555f8da2ab⋯.mp4 (2.84 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trumppepe.mp4)

File: 24991f8d578712b⋯.png (888.8 KB, 859x770, 859:770, 24991f8d578712bbc1607dfe55….png)

Working very hard

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de6868  No.13507693

File: 719a7b589800431⋯.jpg (70.43 KB, 330x2880, 11:96, 1565979944534.jpg)


>Thanks anon.

luv night shift

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5bf3a0  No.13507695

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1d32e1  No.13507696

File: ab26297f4e61762⋯.jpg (290.71 KB, 996x1736, 249:434, 20210416_220241.jpg)

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7d5bd5  No.13507697

File: c72f1d29a2a4e86⋯.png (636.96 KB, 515x701, 515:701, Click_dontclick.png)

File: 8764c845d5a702b⋯.mp4 (2.75 MB, 384x848, 24:53, QR_Code_Links_2of2.mp4)

File: 17ccab3d2af294d⋯.mp4 (2.46 MB, 384x848, 24:53, QR_Code_Links_1of2.mp4)


Oh Look, we don't have to…


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7288b7  No.13507698

File: bae950934ce17bc⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1024x1359, 1024:1359, HUNT12.png)

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6cc409  No.13507700


I don't play games, but I do understand crushing boredom… kek.

Don't know what I'd do, between rounds… except gain weight.

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d6aa3e  No.13507702

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I was attacked by Coppercab!

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bb9e3f  No.13507703

File: cfe57aa6d72b579⋯.jpg (21.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 39dc35b7d856b808a39570eca1….jpg)

File: c08870c34689886⋯.png (251.99 KB, 648x382, 324:191, c08870c346898869823a62e0e9….png)

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7d5bd5  No.13507704


>Anime baker in other bread is going to do an early hostile bake to snare anons

There was a final from them here in this bread around 500…final…here>>13507650

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5bf3a0  No.13507705

File: 47571b0eaebed9e⋯.png (38.35 KB, 510x420, 17:14, DivbyZero.png)

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7288b7  No.13507708


Sad day in hell when Anjel is preferred baker. But it is what it is. Animefag makes me want to throw up.

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e439ea  No.13507711

File: 79a131b2fc47717⋯.png (473.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Burn_in_Hell_DS.png)

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fe51e1  No.13507714

File: 3779568276c53ff⋯.gif (3.47 MB, 360x540, 2:3, Trump_Thumbs_Up.gif)

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3333f1  No.13507715


E-bot before Anjel!

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1d32e1  No.13507716


every day in hell is sad.

engrish… preeze.

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b8ae6d  No.13507717


>bo or bv need to toast that little faggot

BO is anime baker's fren.

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730ad8  No.13507718


Split the bread and you think it's a good idea? Fuck around and find out faggot.

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d6aa3e  No.13507722

What school district would let Biden be bus driver.

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5bf3a0  No.13507724

File: 57be96a33b54ebc⋯.jpg (79.74 KB, 715x728, 55:56, ebot.jpg)

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fe51e1  No.13507729

File: adf402b1af03375⋯.png (429.47 KB, 489x347, 489:347, Sidney_GoodThings.png)

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fe51e1  No.13507730

File: 0b2d0bb06a1b32a⋯.png (315.76 KB, 760x493, 760:493, TRUMP2victory_Recovered.png)

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e439ea  No.13507731

File: 9d9a7dbc34aeee2⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1080x783, 40:29, What_the_fuck_did_you_just….png)


Set up QR for FF? Fuck around and find out. little bitch Where's that Based BV that bans shitty bakers???

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b23a2a  No.13507732



Keeps on getting more crazy!

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887114  No.13507733

File: 1f97665f2524148⋯.png (162.47 KB, 794x552, 397:276, BetoPoint.png)


This stupid conspiracy whore.

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bb9e3f  No.13507735

File: 0bcaa1e7f07352e⋯.png (255.7 KB, 525x700, 3:4, 3956d52018479155cbc0681a64….png)

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9bcb2d  No.13507736

anons, don't waste your time in this split bread

you can easily verify that the real bread #17108 was:


lb OP:

>>13505876 (lb)

lb fresh bread announcement

>>13506686 (lb)

both ID b2779b

real current bread (#17109) here:




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730ad8  No.13507737


You are such a drama queen. Go hide under your bed pussy

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000000  No.13507738


Animefag = Ron

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efa5ed  No.13507740

File: 75aa6e2a7d163a5⋯.gif (1.9 MB, 500x270, 50:27, 75aa6e2a7d163a5b111d2759c7….gif)


What are you talking about?

I'm just posting in the bread that wasn't Split..

How are you, Gentlemen?

This is a SPLIT BAKE

Faggot OP decided to know more and split the bake in half because REASONS.

The baker had placed a Q_Anon banner.

He has changed the banner after listening to the concerns by Anons and referencing Q Drops.

Everyone needs to review drops, so holding this against him is moot.

To split a bake is to divide the notables and make it more tedious to track continuity of breads.

This is the Bread which follows the original baker




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fe51e1  No.13507741

File: 5b4828415945b30⋯.jpg (75.79 KB, 741x741, 1:1, 5b4828415945b30b2016b441c1….jpg)

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bb9e3f  No.13507743

File: 5ef66bf6a1e32a4⋯.jpg (41.97 KB, 620x375, 124:75, 0315c5579bcb6b4c449aa2e2a2….jpg)

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5bf3a0  No.13507744


>What school district would let Biden be bus driver.


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e439ea  No.13507745


I sleep on the ground bitch.

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730ad8  No.13507746


I feel sorry for the ground.

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3333f1  No.13507747

File: e66b5b63ea5f917⋯.png (942.11 KB, 960x640, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d14f9  No.13507748

File: 82b40e6d74fb30a⋯.jpeg (400.96 KB, 1258x1242, 629:621, 04C3677B_2E3F_474B_A0D0_0….jpeg)



Anon will die, but anons memes will live forever.

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1d32e1  No.13507749

File: 98d894cbb281408⋯.gif (362.13 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 20210425_012330.gif)

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7288b7  No.13507750


Lovely. We really did get fucked with BO.

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887114  No.13507751

File: 2b9551713b011ce⋯.png (87.79 KB, 726x706, 363:353, Adam_NOID_Schiff.png)


i like animefag loli-baker.

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fe51e1  No.13507754

File: 60ddf2c49d77a00⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6_NSA_THE_TURNING_AWAY.mp4)

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c89299  No.13507755


So, when he leaves on a jet plane on a Friday for New Jersey… :)

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15e936  No.13507756

File: d4de85cac2e947f⋯.gif (14.37 MB, 468x640, 117:160, 78DD6C5E_CC7A_42DD_9429_8A….gif)

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7288b7  No.13507757


fuck you. any bread with anime is a bread I will try and avoid

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e95657  No.13507758



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1d32e1  No.13507759

File: c47ceebc896dfd8⋯.gif (135.49 KB, 405x640, 81:128, 20210425_012640.gif)

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2d14f9  No.13507760

File: 33f50d88d499dab⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1800x1200, 3:2, 3C5EAF54_EB54_4E88_A0B3_C4….png)

Did Lolifag Baker catch up on all the PB notes like this Baker?

If not, lolifag Baker is enemy instead of fren.

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2eef10  No.13507762

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bedcc0  No.13507763


Thank for posting. I can't view the tweet on twitter. Blocked behind some privacy wall. What's so sensitve 'bout this tweet to shelter it from public view?

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3333f1  No.13507765

File: 4b00824608d288d⋯.png (1.22 MB, 960x768, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe51e1  No.13507766

File: 313a4b0147a3e13⋯.jpg (43.12 KB, 545x458, 545:458, lswhhkio4.jpg)

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7d5bd5  No.13507767


>BO is anime baker's fren.


>Animefag = Ron

Animefag is ron. Boy you nailed it buddy.

Lemme guess, this is why other bakers do not intervene?

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e439ea  No.13507768

File: 93a7c6290d2b4a2⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Settle_the_Score.mp4)


Baker LB ignored concerns. animepedoshillbaker

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201b14  No.13507769

File: 385d3f6beb7dbfe⋯.jpg (64.23 KB, 660x839, 660:839, 2021_04_25_03_29_25_Michae….jpg)

File: c68261d4e3ae495⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 538x538, 1:1, EzyGq7WVEAEz9M7.jpg)

President Trump at Mar-a-Lago 7-days ago. Last Saturday


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341396  No.13507771


>Democrats won’t put up $1M to pause Arizona election audit

This makes me suspicious about the results of the audit. If the democrats actually thought this audit would prove fraud, they would've borrowed more Soros money and paid up. If the bond was $1 billion they would've paid. Ultra suspicious.

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341396  No.13507773


i wanna not laugh at that

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fe51e1  No.13507774

File: b59e06f57ebbe16⋯.png (246.8 KB, 453x696, 151:232, b59e06f57ebbe16bb1326adaae….png)

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201b14  No.13507775



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2eef10  No.13507776

File: 1afe0f086b13d73⋯.png (125.83 KB, 255x250, 51:50, 4647.png)


>Animefag = Ron

I'd have to agree with you

It fits Ron's modus operandi

Ron is the numero uno shill in QR

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cbb91c  No.13507777

File: a49939cadf6d6d2⋯.png (98.73 KB, 611x453, 611:453, ClipboardImage.png)

plane missing?

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7d5bd5  No.13507778

File: bec826a55b2baa0⋯.webm (2.99 MB, 600x450, 4:3, _You_IKnowIt.webm)

If Ron was animefag he probably wouldnt notable his own posts… Animefag kinda omits or includes everything on a whim though so… who knows…

<<Animefag IRL Probbly.

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5bf3a0  No.13507779

File: 12f9f471ee8d8db⋯.png (272.79 KB, 339x347, 339:347, I_AM_growing_stronger.PNG)

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730ad8  No.13507780


Nobody ignored anything. You think you can just take bakes away from people and you just found out there are consequences. You didn't coordinate, ask for a handoff, nothing. Just split the bread and tried to steal it.


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e439ea  No.13507782

File: 37a7cef76ca6afe⋯.gif (2.43 MB, 400x250, 8:5, shill_vs_anon.gif)

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5bf3a0  No.13507784

File: 505d31f573140c0⋯.png (138.21 KB, 348x218, 174:109, Sell_Mortimer_Sell_.png)



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3333f1  No.13507785

File: 7c3a1636829f3ef⋯.png (345.15 KB, 500x448, 125:112, ClipboardImage.png)

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cbb91c  No.13507786

File: c4c6914889738e2⋯.png (715.46 KB, 978x597, 326:199, ClipboardImage.png)


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730ad8  No.13507787


Don't do the crime if you can do the time. Stealing is wrong.

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d6b7d0  No.13507789

File: 130ebbc44b7ccd0⋯.png (1.35 MB, 960x640, 3:2, 130ebbc44b7ccd03472e22706a….png)

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7d5bd5  No.13507790

<Probably why none of the other bakers intervene right?

>Probably because they are a faggot cunt from 4ch that tries to rape our board

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3333f1  No.13507791

File: d6d3fc230b7e7fb⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1050x788, 525:394, ClipboardImage.png)

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7288b7  No.13507792


The Ron is animefag is among the dumbest slides evah.

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efa5ed  No.13507793

File: 7723e9590763d4d⋯.gif (1.89 MB, 500x421, 500:421, 7723e9590763d4d495e79041cb….gif)


No you OSS faggot.

Fucking sperg retard.

You didn't give the newfag a chance to change his mind.

This is why you fail to redpill your grandmother.

Because you're garbage.

You threaten to split the bake LAST NIGHT as well.

Plus you speak that script from the shill faggots.


Run your narrative moar Baker.

You only glow in the fucking dark.

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b536cf  No.13507794

File: 0ffa7e560038869⋯.jpg (674.14 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, EuY3HsJXUAEs9Nq.jpg)

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bf1713  No.13507796




Anon wonders if the morgellons are mark of beast and we have already been poisoned then why all the attacks? Why the push for vax? Either this is false or if true, God is protecting his children and intervening. Either way, God wins, patriots win. Nothing can stop what is coming!

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730ad8  No.13507797

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d6aa3e  No.13507798

Anime baker maks sex a weapon.

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6820bc  No.13507799

File: d456bf3f677a3c6⋯.gif (725.64 KB, 640x480, 4:3, d456bf3f677a3c6d29df9e78ac….gif)

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000000  No.13507801


Go home Ron, you're drunk.

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3333f1  No.13507802

File: c5e0436d7de105b⋯.png (876.82 KB, 620x825, 124:165, ClipboardImage.png)

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115739  No.13507804


>>>13505330 Police shortage: Cops retiring in droves, 'recruiting crisis,' applications 'historically low'

No cops, no 2A infringements, not to mention the constant nuisance police are to society in general.

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7d5bd5  No.13507806

File: d0a7e9a14332f11⋯.png (691.84 KB, 750x750, 1:1, a5d6494709b951f04587aa13cc….png)

File: 9bdcd22f93d67fa⋯.jpg (70.21 KB, 704x365, 704:365, 9bdcd22f93d67fab5adac2e8e1….jpg)

File: 114b05492c17e6f⋯.jpg (87.92 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 114b05492c17e6fac1feb11cf3….jpg)

File: 415809e3898cb04⋯.jpg (19.11 KB, 480x405, 32:27, 415809e3898cb044881408b1cb….jpg)

File: 7d3873c684984c0⋯.png (324.44 KB, 636x453, 212:151, 2195a0012dde54cdcec354b125….png)


>The Ron is animefag is among the dumbest slides evah.

I'm sayin.

Money on a lard ass Weeaboo

Ron is ducking from fucking sniper squads in Japan member?

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b536cf  No.13507807

File: 43a435e750f0077⋯.jpg (82.08 KB, 880x660, 4:3, EvP4n4ZUcAMRAAd.jpg)

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b8ae6d  No.13507808

File: d62b0509ffe039a⋯.jpg (8.11 KB, 300x318, 50:53, Drevil_million_dollars.jpg)



The million bucks would've only paused the audit till noon Monday, not stopped it entirely. In other words, it wouldn't have done shit. That's why they didn't pay.

>Maricopa County Superior Court judge Christopher Coury ruled Friday that the audit must stop between 5 p.m. Friday and noon Monday as long as the state Democratic party puts up a $1 million bond to cover potential higher costs.


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3333f1  No.13507809

File: 1ee41f095e5da2b⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1252x1252, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6820bc  No.13507810

File: 206bed33924799a⋯.mp4 (2.61 MB, 464x640, 29:40, file_store_121.mp4)

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c89299  No.13507811


Hey animebaker, sad that I got a notable in here which won't be in "the official chain" then I guess!

I happened to reload when someone asked what's on camera 5, and I also happened to have them all turned on at that moment (don't always as it's an old laptop etc).

Anyway it was >>13507449 if you're interested in including it in the other bread.

Love your work, don't know how I got caught in the crossfire here :) God bless!

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7288b7  No.13507812

File: b58b35fda114ee0⋯.png (668.65 KB, 842x511, 842:511, 1606930566516.png)

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a85aa6  No.13507814

File: 083c5361d849b7f⋯.jpg (274.78 KB, 1442x1920, 721:960, Ekat_DaUYAAJzo9.jpg)

If Anon got a (you) in the other Bread but later realized that it was moldy, does anon still get paid for that (you)?

Asking for some Frenz.

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d6aa3e  No.13507817

When you wake up every morning with piss on the floor and you live alone you may be an alcoholic.

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de6868  No.13507820

File: bcafa2921d5d8b5⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1253x768, 1253:768, Screenshot_from_2021_04_25….png)

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d6b7d0  No.13507821

File: 10a8d20b038358a⋯.png (819.58 KB, 953x539, 953:539, 10a8d20b038358a4a312eb4148….png)

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7288b7  No.13507822


go jerk off in your faggot bread. Anime free zone cum slurper

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efa5ed  No.13507823

File: 07a49ef26aa5f6a⋯.gif (131.93 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1600457726820.gif)


You're an idiot and you know it.

A group of garbage imbeciles only ability is to disrupt a mongolian basket weaving forum.

Imagine being so pathetic that you have to lie to yourself just to sleep at night.

How is it in the bunker?

Oxygen running out?

When it is complete

Bring Notable Bun into this Bread

There is no reason to sacrifice this loaf just because it is split, the notables remain NOTABLE

However, we can see why discernment and having EYES ON would be important to maintain continuity.

Thank you and sorry for the confusion.

>>13507659 (OP)

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition

>>13507675 (Dough)

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115739  No.13507824


>>>13503556 New family tree of world’s most depraved incest family

I thought this would be about Creepy Joe's Biden Crime Family. My bad.

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341396  No.13507826

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9bcb2d  No.13507827

anons, don't waste your time in this split bread

you can easily verify that the real #17108 bread was:


lb OP:

>>13505876 (lb)

lb fresh bread announcement

>>13506686 (lb)

both ID b2779b

real current bread (#17109) here:




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7288b7  No.13507828

File: 7d478655f5197cd⋯.jpg (24.63 KB, 474x307, 474:307, hillcage.jpg)

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6820bc  No.13507829

File: 617d342761e4d07⋯.mp4 (6.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, gKxJUt7X8mB57Hez.mp4)

File: 80aca6e62c1cc54⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1447x814, 1447:814, 1619234241330.png)

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bedcc0  No.13507830

File: a00f3ab4ee25fcc⋯.png (355.98 KB, 620x330, 62:33, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.13507831


You and your Daddy take your watches and your pens and go watch some Anime porn, you creepy famefag fucks.

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7288b7  No.13507832


KYS cartoon jacker

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887114  No.13507833

File: 586bd2f0f97eb2e⋯.png (113.45 KB, 575x721, 575:721, trumplongmouth.png)

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a85aa6  No.13507835

File: 6a9f394ddefd776⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1736x1902, 868:951, matrixxxivity.png)


Cereal, Anon!

These Gourmet Doughnuts are expensive, Yo!

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efa5ed  No.13507836

File: bbd920feeb248ef⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 540x303, 180:101, 1591927413441.gif)


How come shills are so scared of an anime poster anyways?

Are you guys seriously that bad at "social engineering"?

What is that anyways?

I thought it was called having a life?


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7d5bd5  No.13507837

File: e27576435cc5049⋯.png (305.37 KB, 444x332, 111:83, pinhead.png)

File: 91568b693c38bc1⋯.png (570.07 KB, 635x750, 127:150, keksarooney.png)

File: 96364982189a6d4⋯.webm (1.42 MB, 352x640, 11:20, kekkqaroonie.webm)

File: 41512e5694092ae⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1392x788, 348:197, 41512e5694092ae616e86fbb64….png)

File: 2d98b610b677206⋯.png (483.33 KB, 584x568, 73:71, 2d98b610b67720685ee6833f04….png)

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6820bc  No.13507838

File: 6f006582d742ef5⋯.png (1022.37 KB, 1267x930, 1267:930, 1616734392796.png)

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7288b7  No.13507839

File: 2b0aaceedf80ff4⋯.png (391.4 KB, 640x480, 4:3, bidan2.png)

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e439ea  No.13507840

File: adb06dfb1b93ba4⋯.mp4 (824.41 KB, 320x400, 4:5, Statue_of_liberty_clocks_a….mp4)

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a85aa6  No.13507841

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What!?! :D

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e66607  No.13507843

Baker are you going to finish the notables for this bread or do you need a notetaker? They should be forwarded into 17109

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5bf3a0  No.13507845

File: aa16ab5b3806f77⋯.jpg (8.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Che_pickin.jpg)

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3333f1  No.13507846

File: 356c5a4336cf5f3⋯.jpg (101.01 KB, 960x744, 40:31, obiDon.jpg)

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7288b7  No.13507847

File: 3ee8437400a5926⋯.png (197.68 KB, 480x270, 16:9, hunterorca.png)

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cbb91c  No.13507848

File: 2d259237b5bf558⋯.png (561.63 KB, 512x622, 256:311, ClipboardImage.png)

hanging glass?




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efa5ed  No.13507849

File: a968d76f29da727⋯.gif (242.76 KB, 236x498, 118:249, 30a59522d555971d24b00daefe….gif)

>>13507659 (OP)

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition

>>13507675 (Dough)

The story is simple, is this SPLIT BAKER indeed cares about the notables and continuity of breads and cataloging of events

He will most definitely post his notables in the following bread

>>13507659 (OP)

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition

>>13507675 (Dough)

Not only has Baker changed the banner as requested, TWICE, but he has not given up fighting for what is true

You may play in lies, but it always more delightful to live in the light.

Expand your thinking, why is this baker creating splits when we are only just getting back to having regular bakes?

Ask yourself why would a baker want to continue the trend of E-bake and Split Bake?

Unconventional warfare dictates that all variables may be exploited.

Imagine how garbage the DEEP-STATE PANIC are right now that they have to disrupt the board in this manner.

Imagine how limited their funding is that this is a final resort when narrative cannot be control.

Food for thought.

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201b14  No.13507850

File: c0b58524b091729⋯.jpg (62.06 KB, 655x652, 655:652, 2021_04_25_03_50_43_Report….jpg)

File: 484feeedb23470a⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CE1HguhSB50KIWGm_1_.mp4)

Crowd greeting members of Congress at the Mar-A-Lago fundraiser this evening

7:28 PM · Apr 24, 2021

Interesting music choice!


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887114  No.13507852

File: 40566a18abd6faa⋯.png (357.82 KB, 342x673, 342:673, VegemtJzzzz.png)

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7d5bd5  No.13507853

File: ed38f7adaacabec⋯.gif (279.75 KB, 220x220, 1:1, BR_WHY_SHUTDOWN_.gif)

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e66607  No.13507854


fukkin' stolen!

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484de4  No.13507856

File: b84376983346a4d⋯.gif (3.28 MB, 498x279, 166:93, SHUTDOWNLESBO.gif)

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e439ea  No.13507857

File: 14b6f4eddc3f269⋯.png (64.71 KB, 255x252, 85:84, Pepe_cmon_do_a_terror.png)

File: a723236abcbbb15⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CATS_RUN.mp4)

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e439ea  No.13507859


ck 'em

>>13506669 Dough

Notablesare not endorsements



>>13506828 Dem Rep. Jones: Opposition to D.C. Statehood ‘Engaging in Racist Activity,’ ‘Quite a Sinister Thing’

>>13506848, >>13506835, >>13506956, >>13506988, >>13507132, >>13507157, >>13507190 4/23/21 Richard Citizen Journalist DC Update- White House update

>>13506851 'China is militarising ports across our region': Dutton's stern warning for Australia

>>13506982 Scientists have developed a new #chip which would allow for faster and more accurate #COVID19 detection with up to 99.9% accuracy

>>13507182 The Political Economy Of Fear

>>13507192 @The Real CVN (Official Twitter account of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt): Thanks for the top-notch service Master Chief!

>>13507223 Sidney Powell in Tulsa at Health & Freedom Conference

>>13507232, >>13507447, >>13507512 First day of Arizona Senate election audit nearly stopped before it began. Here's what happened

>>13507251 Earthquake preliminary info: M 3.8 - 15km N of Morgan Hill, CA


>>13507272 AZ Election Worker: “I Was on the List for the AZGOP and They Just Told Me Google Eliminated the List – They’re Trying to Keep the Public Out”

>>13507334 @17TRW_GAFB (Goodfellow Air Force Base - 17th Training Wing): Congratulations to the Students of the Month and Rope of the Month winners for March!

>>13507279 Japan launches targeted state of emergency in attempt to stop COVID surge

>>13507386 Indonesian President Joko Widodo said that a missing #submarine had been found sunken in the Bali Sea and sent his condolences to the 53 crew's families

>>13507426 Anon Covid-19 Graphic: Deaths of Those Affected US Population = 2%

>>13507427, >>13507449, >>13507474, >>13507496, >>13507501, >>13507513, >>13507526, >>13507530, >>13507539, >>13507555, >>13507633, >>13507668 AZ Election Audit: Eyes on Camera 5

>>13507428 Trump: ‘Nobody Should Be Forced to Get’ COVID-19 Vaccine

>>13507462, >>13507478 Q Post/Ivanka Twat Decode

>>13507464 Germany passes nationwide COVID restrictions

>>13507624 Trump to ‘relocate to New Jersey golf club’ when Mar-A-Lago closes for hurricane season (author speculates)

>>13507769 President Trump at Mar-a-Lago 7-days ago. Last Saturday

>>13507786 Planefag Reports


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484de4  No.13507860

File: 111c3280dbe31f3⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 500x282, 250:141, YOUGETFUCKED_SHUTDOWN_.gif)


> Pepe_cmon_do_a_terror.png

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5bf3a0  No.13507861

File: dac698b0e040763⋯.jpeg (75.51 KB, 750x488, 375:244, photoshopped2.jpeg)

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341396  No.13507862


We used to be able to park our memes on the street without locking them up.

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a85aa6  No.13507863

File: a72d3e597cf7f2a⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1880x1308, 470:327, nsap6.png)




(‘Brother Square-Toes’—Rewards and Fairies)

If you can keep your head when all about you

Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,

Or being hated, don’t give way to hating,

And yet don’t look too good, nor talk too wise:

If you can dream—and not make dreams your master;

If you can think—and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster

And treat those two impostors just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,

And stoop and build ’em up with worn-out tools:

If you can make one heap of all your winnings

And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breathe a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!’

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,

Or walk with Kings—nor lose the common touch,

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds’ worth of distance run,

Yours is the Earth and everything that’s in it,

And—which is more—you’ll be a Man, my son!

Now, stop being a Pussy!


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7288b7  No.13507864

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484de4  No.13507865

File: fae3e9223d47a52⋯.mp4 (586.45 KB, 720x720, 1:1, RUSSIA_.mp4)

File: da824627942a709⋯.jpg (291.24 KB, 1430x1276, 65:58, S_S_D_Copy.jpg)

File: 39223d38bc621d5⋯.jpg (286.27 KB, 1430x1276, 65:58, S_S_D.jpg)

File: 7da4651885d1cf9⋯.jpg (62.23 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, S_Vs_S.jpg)

File: 5ba78d822b186aa⋯.gif (622.65 KB, 540x404, 135:101, SALTSHAKERKEK.gif)

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e66607  No.13507866


Kek - that was funny!

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d6aa3e  No.13507867

Why does the "Biden administration" not even try? They know they are fake.

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6820bc  No.13507868

File: dfb9d2f76943133⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ifuotOXsa1tgHKPQ.mp4)

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3333f1  No.13507870

File: 1e205c549865b90⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 480x322, 240:161, jackanope_.jpg)

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484de4  No.13507871

File: d2f8f9d803eb4dd⋯.jpg (361.66 KB, 768x917, 768:917, Q_Balls_Deep.jpg)

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efa5ed  No.13507872

File: e18845edc20a7fb⋯.png (593.24 KB, 533x557, 533:557, 1510610396168.png)

File: a66318432b4acbf⋯.jpg (47.89 KB, 374x400, 187:200, 1565060113294.jpg)


How is that even applicable?

Can you even meme?

Look I posted something familiar!

Am I fitting in?

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7288b7  No.13507874

File: 67ad9f68d5f76e1⋯.jpg (36 KB, 630x350, 9:5, buffbill.jpg)

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484de4  No.13507875

File: 17278ef2295a716⋯.gif (6.37 MB, 640x510, 64:51, Pepe_Lee.gif)

File: 6d0444551679e7a⋯.gif (1.08 MB, 700x520, 35:26, Pepe_Local_Boss_Ceeo_CD.gif)

File: 7ff4fe02858f23c⋯.jpg (19.15 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Pepe_Love.jpg)

File: 0b498643535f38e⋯.jpg (28.32 KB, 550x550, 1:1, Pepe_Love1.jpg)

File: 2d92193643811f8⋯.jpg (75.48 KB, 618x741, 206:247, Pepe_N_Jesus.jpg)

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6820bc  No.13507876

File: 00caa36609600ed⋯.jpg (14.07 KB, 236x175, 236:175, f8187fbd381b8dd8d54c0a24a7….jpg)

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9bcb2d  No.13507878


anons, don't waste your time in this split bread

you can easily verify that the real #17108 bread was:


lb OP:

>>13505876 (lb)

lb fresh bread announcement

>>13506686 (lb)

both ID b2779b

real current bread (#17109) here:




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d6b7d0  No.13507879

File: 1a091f568461478⋯.jpg (194.03 KB, 1212x1200, 101:100, 62431615f42a8e5601de1d1e47….jpg)

File: a52e94647c2de12⋯.jpg (218.87 KB, 504x709, 504:709, a52e94647c2de12f2fd82ba44e….jpg)

File: bec55f6e87cb492⋯.jpg (318.47 KB, 700x700, 1:1, bec55f6e87cb4929ead3ab73e5….jpg)

File: be2adb25e64b273⋯.jpg (27.53 KB, 502x504, 251:252, be2adb25e64b2736ff8d6ee4c8….jpg)

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e439ea  No.13507880

File: 6710d75c04980b9⋯.mp4 (3.12 MB, 640x360, 16:9, POTUS_Just_Beat_It.mp4)



You got mucho IPos. Hombre

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6820bc  No.13507881

File: 9a7519b211dde7a⋯.png (217.84 KB, 611x608, 611:608, 9a7519b211dde7a5ddfb48fc82….png)

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e66607  No.13507882


Thanks Baker - I'll take your finals and post them in #17109 and we'll have 2 sets of notables from #17108

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d6aa3e  No.13507883

Hollywood is a false flag.

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efa5ed  No.13507884

File: 8e39dd093307189⋯.gif (592.5 KB, 370x335, 74:67, 1568095486277.gif)


Sorry, I won't take a day off at such a critical junction again..

But I mean the SPLIT BAKE tactic was talked about last night.

And BEHOLD it is INDEED come to fruition.

And like clockwork the Oy Vey Anime Is Literally (((US))) script running from Baker himself.

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6820bc  No.13507885

File: 884193af534b83c⋯.png (312.84 KB, 448x499, 448:499, 884193af534b83c622a815788d….png)

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5bf3a0  No.13507887

File: b6a1593afc16c26⋯.png (621.29 KB, 891x480, 297:160, pepe_blamed_for_everything.PNG)

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7d5bd5  No.13507888

File: 2a4a26048e7939d⋯.png (964.08 KB, 600x326, 300:163, WKJ1.png)

File: c55e445d529c4f1⋯.png (2.12 MB, 634x624, 317:312, WKJ2.png)

File: d25ed360a519253⋯.png (1.81 MB, 800x549, 800:549, WKJ3.png)

File: aa81fe575a95570⋯.png (2.52 MB, 684x768, 57:64, WKJ4.png)

File: baab71b294eebda⋯.png (527.87 KB, 320x280, 8:7, WKJ5.png)

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d6aa3e  No.13507890

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e439ea  No.13507891

File: ebda2321be1554e⋯.mp4 (4.07 MB, 898x718, 449:359, anons_i_m_not_goin_nowhere.mp4)

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6820bc  No.13507892

File: d0eaf052b62155e⋯.png (1.12 MB, 856x960, 107:120, d0eaf052b62155ee69e74701df….png)

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7d5bd5  No.13507893


Other not I. One other here.

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fae2d6  No.13507895


Looks like you abandoned the other bred after posting 57 times. Going to snipe this bake, trannyfag?

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341396  No.13507897


I remember watching that movie in high school and when rocky came on-screen for the first time, everyone in the class laughed.

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3333f1  No.13507899

File: 9c197fd44bc7d22⋯.png (378.76 KB, 640x500, 32:25, ClipboardImage.png)

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efa5ed  No.13507900

File: 0792d495fe9f5a5⋯.gif (446 KB, 255x145, 51:29, 0792d495fe9f5a5e28cc13fec2….gif)


You're retarded, even sperg faggot SPLIT BAKER decided to post his notables in the other bread as instructed to.

Run along.

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7d5bd5  No.13507901

File: fe2d7d02de33c9c⋯.png (637.7 KB, 560x543, 560:543, fe2d7d02de33c9cb6fc8158731….png)

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4e3ecc  No.13507902


This is the first one, how many other states will be next ? Sidney powell incoming ?

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d6b7d0  No.13507905

File: 886cd03f90d5552⋯.png (181.36 KB, 830x526, 415:263, 20524cf2812732880a4eb36a33….png)

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6820bc  No.13507906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e439ea  No.13507909

File: bed0556c4be30d6⋯.png (115.24 KB, 250x262, 125:131, Moldy_AF_bread.png)


I ain't been in that moldy bread BITCH

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efa5ed  No.13507911

File: 178428ae8df4790⋯.gif (568.28 KB, 240x291, 80:97, 178428ae8df47900aab6beff9b….gif)


You are now.

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d6aa3e  No.13507912

75% of the world knows Trump one, 25% knows it but deny it.

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484de4  No.13507913

File: 4d5fe348761b89f⋯.jpg (48.45 KB, 622x704, 311:352, 4d5fe348761b89ff9066dc36eb….jpg)

File: 492513293dbae93⋯.gif (966.31 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 492513293dbae93f5b99161103….gif)

File: 177ee5b98b255ed⋯.jpg (77.25 KB, 622x704, 311:352, 4d5fe348761b89ff9066dc36eb….jpg)

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, e694668f6cfcaa2cb053accd93….gif)

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5bf3a0  No.13507915

File: b2b7722097233ef⋯.gif (625.71 KB, 652x562, 326:281, zoomertpods.gif)


>75% of the world knows Trump one

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a5b69d  No.13507916

File: 4fbfbc4eeddd730⋯.gif (1.16 MB, 168x294, 4:7, 4fbfbc4eeddd7301bf62113c62….gif)

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341396  No.13507917

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7d5bd5  No.13507918

File: aeb03f989d12cb1⋯.jpeg (208.44 KB, 640x1136, 40:71, aeb03f989d12cb16fe7bec09d….jpeg)

File: 87f9c42f2bab72e⋯.jpg (68.05 KB, 706x960, 353:480, 87f9c42f2bab72e7d8c908b9df….jpg)

File: 3224baebb014c76⋯.jpg (880.31 KB, 1159x1073, 1159:1073, 3224baebb014c76a8058e43e4c….jpg)

File: 656f57d9f34ff11⋯.jpg (204.77 KB, 2000x1508, 500:377, 656f57d9f34ff11f735d8ef00d….jpg)

File: 7090893a21ea092⋯.jpeg (195.67 KB, 650x1140, 65:114, aeb03f989d12cb16fe7bec09d….jpeg)

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e439ea  No.13507919

File: 66659c760081d16⋯.mp4 (214.56 KB, 480x270, 16:9, Breitbart.mp4)


You are lost

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3333f1  No.13507920

File: ebe0b105d826c4d⋯.png (1.44 MB, 960x861, 320:287, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6aa3e  No.13507921


And it's really sad.

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7d5bd5  No.13507923

File: 5f5fa3876e9fea1⋯.jpg (91.37 KB, 711x1024, 711:1024, 5f5fa3876e9fea11ee19f0e8bd….jpg)

File: 9a15e6163272edc⋯.png (176.65 KB, 1190x906, 595:453, 9a15e6163272edc8330a359306….png)

File: 78fe2f78abc6254⋯.jpeg (414.12 KB, 983x818, 983:818, 78fe2f78abc6254de4f58a81a….jpeg)

File: 94c9d1609eb454c⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 1242x2194, 621:1097, 94c9d1609eb454c46a16fae3a0….jpg)

File: 86721f87837ec5f⋯.png (160.66 KB, 396x384, 33:32, 86721f87837ec5fa6b73792f5b….png)

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efa5ed  No.13507924

File: e5155b5d7580eb2⋯.gif (142.06 KB, 500x516, 125:129, e5155b5d7580eb2a627d777d4f….gif)


And what does that mean?

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3333f1  No.13507926

File: d2e536d959f7ff8⋯.png (585.55 KB, 600x464, 75:58, ClipboardImage.png)

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6820bc  No.13507927

File: 327e1dc256e3506⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 728x410, 364:205, 20210309_020043.jpg)

File: 8fa9f5f2f3b9c4a⋯.jpg (60.58 KB, 583x960, 583:960, 20210309_020732.jpg)

File: 30c2461e53443d8⋯.jpeg (78.33 KB, 680x680, 1:1, 30c2461e53443d8ee898bcf93….jpeg)

File: f52af118dcf7ecd⋯.png (1.1 MB, 940x1253, 940:1253, 1614239025230.png)

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5bf3a0  No.13507928

File: d53441524042d4a⋯.jpg (76.15 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 01280df19d9ef1c9e5268288c9….jpg)

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e439ea  No.13507929

Did I get everything? @700

>>13506669 Dough

Notablesare not endorsements



>>13506828 Dem Rep. Jones: Opposition to D.C. Statehood ‘Engaging in Racist Activity,’ ‘Quite a Sinister Thing’

>>13506848, >>13506835, >>13506956, >>13506988, >>13507132, >>13507157, >>13507190 4/23/21 Richard Citizen Journalist DC Update- White House update

>>13506851 'China is militarising ports across our region': Dutton's stern warning for Australia

>>13506982 Scientists have developed a new #chip which would allow for faster and more accurate #COVID19 detection with up to 99.9% accuracy

>>13507182 The Political Economy Of Fear

>>13507192 @The Real CVN (Official Twitter account of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt): Thanks for the top-notch service Master Chief!

>>13507223 Sidney Powell in Tulsa at Health & Freedom Conference

>>13507232, >>13507447, >>13507512 First day of Arizona Senate election audit nearly stopped before it began. Here's what happened

>>13507251 Earthquake preliminary info: M 3.8 - 15km N of Morgan Hill, CA


>>13507272 AZ Election Worker: “I Was on the List for the AZGOP and They Just Told Me Google Eliminated the List – They’re Trying to Keep the Public Out”

>>13507334 @17TRW_GAFB (Goodfellow Air Force Base - 17th Training Wing): Congratulations to the Students of the Month and Rope of the Month winners for March!

>>13507279 Japan launches targeted state of emergency in attempt to stop COVID surge

>>13507386 Indonesian President Joko Widodo said that a missing #submarine had been found sunken in the Bali Sea and sent his condolences to the 53 crew's families

>>13507426 Anon Covid-19 Graphic: Deaths of Those Affected US Population = 2%

>>13507427, >>13507449, >>13507474, >>13507496, >>13507501, >>13507513, >>13507526, >>13507530, >>13507539, >>13507555, >>13507633, >>13507668 AZ Election Audit: Eyes on Camera 5

>>13507428 Trump: ‘Nobody Should Be Forced to Get’ COVID-19 Vaccine

>>13507462, >>13507478 Q Post/Ivanka Twat Decode

>>13507464 Germany passes nationwide COVID restrictions

>>13507624 Trump to ‘relocate to New Jersey golf club’ when Mar-A-Lago closes for hurricane season (author speculates)

>>13507769 President Trump at Mar-a-Lago 7-days ago. Last Saturday

>>13507786 Planefag Reports

>>13507859 #17108

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d6b7d0  No.13507930

File: a80ee89ce728f4c⋯.jpg (324.52 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, a80ee89ce728f4c5b08fc39446….jpg)

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efa5ed  No.13507931

File: 5d3675fe87e36df⋯.gif (1.88 MB, 1000x667, 1000:667, 5d3675fe87e36df6ce5ff109cf….gif)

Hello and how are you Gentlemen?

You have just entered a SPLIT BAKE

Baker refused to add his notables to continuity of bread

The notables of this bread have been posted in the following..

>>13507659 (OP)

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition

>>13507675 (Dough)


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d6b7d0  No.13507933

File: 83087468d52e1bc⋯.png (656.31 KB, 785x552, 785:552, 95bd5004f84f9740950b5777d7….png)

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e439ea  No.13507934


Wait that was same list. Final.



>>13506828 Dem Rep. Jones: Opposition to D.C. Statehood ‘Engaging in Racist Activity,’ ‘Quite a Sinister Thing’

>>13506848, >>13506835, >>13506956, >>13506988, >>13507132, >>13507157, >>13507190 4/23/21 Richard Citizen Journalist DC Update- White House update

>>13506851 'China is militarising ports across our region': Dutton's stern warning for Australia

>>13506982 Scientists have developed a new #chip which would allow for faster and more accurate #COVID19 detection with up to 99.9% accuracy

>>13507182 The Political Economy Of Fear

>>13507192 @The Real CVN (Official Twitter account of the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt): Thanks for the top-notch service Master Chief!

>>13507223 Sidney Powell in Tulsa at Health & Freedom Conference

>>13507232, >>13507447, >>13507512 First day of Arizona Senate election audit nearly stopped before it began. Here's what happened

>>13507251 Earthquake preliminary info: M 3.8 - 15km N of Morgan Hill, CA


>>13507272 AZ Election Worker: “I Was on the List for the AZGOP and They Just Told Me Google Eliminated the List – They’re Trying to Keep the Public Out”

>>13507334 @17TRW_GAFB (Goodfellow Air Force Base - 17th Training Wing): Congratulations to the Students of the Month and Rope of the Month winners for March!

>>13507279 Japan launches targeted state of emergency in attempt to stop COVID surge

>>13507386 Indonesian President Joko Widodo said that a missing #submarine had been found sunken in the Bali Sea and sent his condolences to the 53 crew's families

>>13507426 Anon Covid-19 Graphic: Deaths of Those Affected US Population = 2%

>>13507427, >>13507449, >>13507474, >>13507496, >>13507501, >>13507513, >>13507526, >>13507530, >>13507539, >>13507555, >>13507633, >>13507668 AZ Election Audit: Eyes on Camera 5

>>13507428 Trump: ‘Nobody Should Be Forced to Get’ COVID-19 Vaccine

>>13507462, >>13507478 Q Post/Ivanka Twat Decode

>>13507464 Germany passes nationwide COVID restrictions

>>13507624 Trump to ‘relocate to New Jersey golf club’ when Mar-A-Lago closes for hurricane season (author speculates)

>>13507769 President Trump at Mar-a-Lago 7-days ago. Last Saturday

>>13507786 Planefag Reports

>>13507850 Crowd greeting members of Congress at the Mar-A-Lago fundraiser this evening


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484de4  No.13507935

File: a14c48f3f1ebaa1⋯.jpg (189.9 KB, 1998x1708, 999:854, i01_whiteycrimes.jpg)

White hate.

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a85aa6  No.13507936

File: fd93d1b725f4683⋯.png (380.35 KB, 502x472, 251:236, 0000000000.png)


Your method, which Anon calls "free flow", is superior to the primary way most engage which often times becomes simply an expression of their bias and so Anon supports your method over the "old ways" even though Anon is usually a strong Traditionalist.

Did you see that shit, I think it was Thursday morning?

Faggots were going to just toss the collected notes so far out and [they] most definitely ignored all of my digs from that point on.

Oddly enough Most of my digs were about Recent, Proven and very high level Child Molestation and always with sauce.

Make of that coincidence what you will.

It's been going on since day one.

[They] have always been here.

Cult runs the world…

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d6aa3e  No.13507937

Non creative people only have grammar.

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484de4  No.13507938

File: 06b8d28f9df88be⋯.png (426.32 KB, 624x535, 624:535, 988df54f4d991e63c02aaf3a5a….png)

End The White Supremecist stuff

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3333f1  No.13507942

File: bc89045329eb6dc⋯.png (1.04 MB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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484de4  No.13507948

File: c5f16a73dcf84c3⋯.png (193.61 KB, 472x360, 59:45, ju.png)

File: 97a50ec3105a6af⋯.png (132.18 KB, 300x208, 75:52, 4e2e5af30ca2405394069ddb8b….png)

File: 5822af86c629467⋯.gif (957.97 KB, 400x300, 4:3, 2ufhwNgM3qHKGxq8wdcWAiFpcm….gif)

File: db1bf86189a2c44⋯.gif (4.16 MB, 480x355, 96:71, DVAkPJXe6RxYjhmfF37Wz3k3Lv….gif)

File: 106db12dae9aa74⋯.png (583.93 KB, 472x316, 118:79, whitespamcap.png)

This wave of white hate and violence insurrecktions must end

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fe51e1  No.13507951

File: cd0ca112882d458⋯.mp4 (1.84 MB, 638x360, 319:180, informative.mp4)

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d6b7d0  No.13507952

File: 09c6a2b79c44d45⋯.png (1.39 MB, 960x1200, 4:5, 1373c5b2f65f4d48400d545e69….png)

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7d5bd5  No.13507955

File: cdf474240f519c1⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, WHOA_FAKESHIT.png)

File: bc1747ff434ca07⋯.jpg (68.07 KB, 622x704, 311:352, 4d5fe348761b89ff9066dc36eb….jpg)


Thas fake as fuck bro

Its a glitch, it happens to everyone and stuff

And Leader of the Navajo Nation… Send My Wife Home.

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730ad8  No.13507957

>>13507659 OP

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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3333f1  No.13507958

File: 5471c9c10f52608⋯.png (280.76 KB, 520x455, 8:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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efa5ed  No.13507959

File: 83da75da8d3c489⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 500x486, 250:243, 1566112929459.gif)

What's this? You're in a SPLIT BAKE?

Baker had threatened to split bake the night prior and is now running his disruption operation

Baker has refused to combine his notables with the current bread, which follows the continuity of Breads

>>13507659 (OP)

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition

>>13507675 (Dough)


I apologize for not baking.

Needed to go for a long walk and collect my thoughts.

It has been an interesting experience thus far.

I appreciate your observation, I hope to improve.

Senpai noticed me

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abe9a6  No.13507962


>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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484de4  No.13507963

File: 6c33ae19c31fe36⋯.jpg (17.04 KB, 250x255, 50:51, 6c33ae19c31fe36b74cd4361ba….jpg)

File: b7653a9e70e70ea⋯.gif (14.61 MB, 640x626, 320:313, kekmic.gif)

File: 231f04864672c1d⋯.jpg (31.28 KB, 583x505, 583:505, 231f04864672c1dba09c719b9f….jpg)

File: e63f0ca7ff4dfeb⋯.png (296.78 KB, 666x782, 333:391, a66d8df4b8c1804862b8e81465….png)

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fe51e1  No.13507964

File: 0902b15aed87c3e⋯.mp4 (466.59 KB, 480x480, 1:1, cat.mp4)

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484de4  No.13507968

File: dfb5efd1767b177⋯.gif (3.43 MB, 480x270, 16:9, neo.gif)

File: 68a3caf7b7540f7⋯.png (2.31 MB, 1420x1264, 355:316, RVPVRIDICULOUS.png)

File: 14e45240a92c96c⋯.jpg (120.94 KB, 656x656, 1:1, 14e45240a92c96c907be774619….jpg)

File: 2ecd29415c5c3f0⋯.png (77.74 KB, 298x303, 298:303, 247299bb16db277539102b68ba….png)

File: c57f90e9a380d94⋯.png (470.53 KB, 583x635, 583:635, eafe8e4f142e6c72b2ca24b174….png)

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fe51e1  No.13507969

File: 227802a335c9d19⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CoupDance.mp4)

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abe9a6  No.13507970

Shill Baker trying to split the bread again.

This way to fresh bread


>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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e439ea  No.13507971

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Anons_thank_you.mp4)

>>13507939 OP Q Research General #17109: FF Shills BTFO, All Eyes On Camera 5 Edition

>>13507954 Dough

Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons

Sorry frens, I been working all day, gotta work in the morning, gotta crash






Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons


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b536cf  No.13507975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7d5bd5  No.13507978

File: a0ed736b7abe287⋯.jpg (46.39 KB, 474x482, 237:241, Lil_tan_white_guy2.jpg)

File: b3355b7c1f77598⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1942x2117, 1942:2117, whitewhitewhite_ConvertIma….png)

File: bfd1b62f133f7f2⋯.png (1007.76 KB, 1409x718, 1409:718, whitewhite1.png)

File: 54249a49f9e9388⋯.png (397.24 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Another_fuckin_white_guy.png)

This White Oppression Must End.

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abe9a6  No.13507980



Quit trying to split the bread

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d6b7d0  No.13507981

File: da783ed19ff5a33⋯.jpg (89.71 KB, 696x464, 3:2, 19c7f95903a8b0c7bd1eb150d6….jpg)

File: 20fd41a55b0bd99⋯.jpg (47.08 KB, 386x256, 193:128, 20fd41a55b0bd998598d2cb9d3….jpg)

File: 35e383b6c188bcf⋯.jpg (21.71 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 25d93c4acaeaf0a7ce29823023….jpg)

File: 45fecb1cb604d3b⋯.jpg (157.17 KB, 1304x1368, 163:171, 45fecb1cb604d3bd06c04586a0….jpg)

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efa5ed  No.13507984

File: 381778ee6932113⋯.gif (2.49 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 381778ee69321139d8d38e7488….gif)

Tired of the same old SPLIT BAKES?

Here at Qresearch we pride ourselves on only the freshest of ingredients and at quality prices!

Baker is a faggot, blah blah, he refuses to combine his notables and work as a team, blah blah

>>13507659 (OP)

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition

>>13507675 (Dough)

Gentlemen, it has been an honor to work alongside you.

No company is more enjoyable then that of my frenz

I am proud to be a part, and look forward to /ourfuture/ in the stars


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5bf3a0  No.13507986

File: 333103193983fea⋯.png (817.57 KB, 873x1125, 97:125, da3da76d889af2020e670e28e3….png)

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fe51e1  No.13507989

File: 0d7e38ff15d10c5⋯.mp4 (238.56 KB, 360x270, 4:3, 0d7e38ff15d10c5e25b3ddff3c….mp4)

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d6aa3e  No.13507990

Family is their enemy.

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abe9a6  No.13507991

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition


>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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e439ea  No.13507993

File: f0c2e9b3d589370⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1599x1003, 1599:1003, I_love_you_anons.png)

>>13507939 OP Q Research General #17109: FF Shills BTFO, All Eyes On Camera 5 Edition

>>13507954 (You) Dough

Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons

Sorry frens, I been working all day, gotta work in the morning, gotta crash






Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons


Animefag can kiss my ass.

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d6aa3e  No.13507994


Fresh dead.

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fe51e1  No.13507996

File: bd9c1a7d4da3d76⋯.mp4 (1.76 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, CoupLifeSmall.mp4)

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4e3ecc  No.13507997

Someone doesn't get enough attention from mama.

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efa5ed  No.13507998

File: 5fd916245f1f92a⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 346x261, 346:261, 1565467995740.gif)


I see you are trying to mimic my style?

You are learning, but who have you become?

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abe9a6  No.13507999


>Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition


>>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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7d5bd5  No.13508000

File: cdae698c0be5476⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, BidanHard_Fo_Ppl.mp4)

File: c120a24259095b2⋯.gif (394.43 KB, 288x162, 16:9, MajorBison.gif)

File: 9c02dae76ba9035⋯.png (137.4 KB, 378x379, 378:379, cuofucked.png)

File: 74c24039a01fc7f⋯.png (401.49 KB, 439x534, 439:534, ioyk.png)

File: 5e85fabe82d2bab⋯.png (335.06 KB, 725x576, 725:576, 545a074eb71403278151980d44….png)

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abe9a6  No.13508001

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition


>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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e439ea  No.13508002

File: 2a53f16438fb6bf⋯.png (721.22 KB, 1359x619, 1359:619, raging_pepe_vs_butterfly_p….png)


Go to hell you fucking cancer.

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fe51e1  No.13508004

Phil said this was a long bread

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d6aa3e  No.13508005

Trump is not proud of this website he paid for.

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b536cf  No.13508008

File: 9d6e020a44b4204⋯.jpg (52.5 KB, 660x440, 3:2, EvGaMUHUYAEVSQI.jpg)

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abe9a6  No.13508009

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition


>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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5bf3a0  No.13508010

File: 8c8b1ed73512b34⋯.png (531 KB, 521x523, 521:523, dank_you_baker.png)

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e439ea  No.13508011

File: 2c462ede5934aa1⋯.png (885.53 KB, 680x680, 1:1, Bread_ready.png)

>>13507939 OP Q Research General #17109: FF Shills BTFO, All Eyes On Camera 5 Edition

>>13507954 Dough

Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons

Sorry frens, I been working all day, gotta work in the morning, gotta crash






Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons


animefag can kiss my ass.

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abe9a6  No.13508015

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition


>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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abe9a6  No.13508017

Q Research General #17109: Fresh Bread For All Edition


>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

>>13507675 Fresh Bread

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e439ea  No.13508019

File: 1bb4f4d9bd887e2⋯.mp4 (3.4 MB, 480x480, 1:1, America_Fuck_Yea.mp4)

>>13507939 OP Q Research General #17109: FF Shills BTFO, All Eyes On Camera 5 Edition

>>13507954 Dough

Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons

Sorry frens, I been working all day, gotta work in the morning, gotta crash






Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons


animefag can kiss my ass.

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e439ea  No.13508021

File: 0ab8747c6168eaa⋯.mp4 (55.16 KB, 430x322, 215:161, 8meme_Bread_is_ready.mp4)






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