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ed23dc  No.13323826[Last 50 Posts]

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ed23dc  No.13323831


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#16878 1 of 2

>>13323024 VW accidentally leaks new name for its U.S. operations: Voltswagen

>>13323033 Terrorism Charges Dismissed by Judge Against Three Men Accused of Plotting to Kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer

>>13323050 CCP-Linked Peter Daszak Has Long-Standing Relationship With Fraud Fauci

>>13323057 Mohammed Cartoons / ISIS back in news with Cabal takeover of Washington (They want you divided)

>>13323064 370 Pounds of Meth Seized in Tractor-Trailer at Texas Border Crossing

>>13323066 ‘Captain Underpants’ Publisher Pulls Graphic Children’s Book Because It ‘Perpetuates Passive Racism’

>>13323069 First hearing set for Flynn-CNN $75 million defamation case

>>13323073 I wonder if this has to do with Tennessee and the bill that would prohibit state and local authorities from requiring a person to get vaccinated against their will.

>>13323075 Public executions need to make a come back.

>>13323078 , >>13323167 China-Led WHO Investigation On Chinese Lab Expected To Say Exactly What China Wanted it To Say - Wuhan BioWeapon Lab exonerated by fake report

>>13323080 2K Migrants Released in Texas on ‘Honor System,’ Says U.S. Rep. Cuellar

>>13323081 Cabal Puppet Harris whines about her living conditions while human trafficked children live in cages on the Southern Border

>>13323089 Oxford University May Scrap Sheet Music for Being Complicit in ‘White Supremacy’

>>13323104 Academic researchers claim gun rights advocates have anti-black racial biases (Defense of your homestead and nation is racist)

>>13323115 Corey Lewandowski: President Trump’s Social Media Platform Will be Interactive and Will Allow Users to Interact Without Fear of Being Canceled

>>13323125 Jim Watkins - Long live 8Kun & Q!

>>13323132 For the KEK - Babylon Bee - Sesame Street Introduces 'Todd', A White Male Muppet Who Is Blamed For Everything

>>13323154 Johnson & Johnson / African Union in deal for up to 400 million China shots (Big Pharma record profits)

>>13323171 Former chief of IDF intelligence alarmed by inclusion of intel sharing in Iran-China pact

>>13323177 IMF is requesting 650 Billion USD SDR [mostly will come from USA] - They just trying to trash the US Dollar

>>13323203 Guise, just in case nobody mentioned this today, last night had some interesting posts from a helper anon. Track inside sales/divestitures.

>>13323223 Hopefully somebody asks Gloria Alred if she cares about the dead elderly people. Didn't her daughter, Bloom, represent Harvey Weinstein? New clownworld order LIVE: New Cuomo accuser comes forward

>>13323226 Huffpost clown hit piece on Atlanta FF - I Grew Up In A Massage Parlor. The Atlanta Victims’ Children Could Have Been Me WTF?

>>13323227 TWO grand juries have convened in Georgia to investigate if Trump tried to manipulate the election?

>>13323229 Mike Lindell says Trump could be back in office by August (video cap)

>>13323235 Cabal Puppet Biden tries to resuscitate failing mask narrative

>>13323252 Army Specialist Dies During 'Swamp Phase' of Ranger School

>>13323255 Rapid fire hit pieces on Q Followers - all for a larp


>>13323278 , >>13323301 Federal judge rules Capitol FF 'Viking Guy' too dangerous to be released from jail

>>13323292 New York legalizing weed

>>13323813 #16878/1

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ed23dc  No.13323834

#16878 2 of 2

>>13323299 Australian Prime Minister calls out global pedophile networks and to crack down on networks all around the world (video)

>>13323309 , >>13323326 CDC trying to sell the failing vaccine/mask op 'Trust us dumbfucks' (Dark to Light - anons know)

>>13323319 Biden Cabal Propaganda Minister Blames Pandemic for BANNING Reports from Border Facilities (Video)

>>13323357 Autism comms?

>>13323374 Look at the border not the vaccine passports - Biden Cabal predicts child trafficking surge to last six months

>>13323381 Israeli President Rivlin to begin consultations with parties elected to Knesset on 5 April - D5?

>>13323382 Liberal Dark Money Network Is Behind ‘Grassroots’ Support for Dem Raw Green Deal Bill

>>13323393 Suez Canal Authority officially announces resumption of navigation from 6pm Monday

>>13323401 Dozens of Schools Close As Teachers Get Sick from the Vaccine (video cap)

>>13323413 Iraq/Syria War back to Obama level bloodbath on US Soldiers

>>13323425 U.S. SOCOM Forms Task Force To Counter China’s “Information Operations” In Indo-Pacific

>>13323433 Lawyer Lin Wood to run for GOP chair in South Carolina

>>13323454 Greed Drove Big Pharma Companies to Privatize Vaccines

>>13323456 Pelosi is a Fucking Tyrant and a National Security Risk

>>13323479 Shock Reveal of Trump Overthrow Plot - Pelosi urged Joint Chiefs to overthrow Trump?

>>13323504 Biden Cabal Responds to Reports on Development of Vaccine Passports

>>13323570 Supreme Court Takes up Kentucky Abortion Case, Its First Since 6-3 Conservative Majority Arrives

>>13323596 Kristi Noem Vetoes Bill That Protects Women’s Sports, Insists It’s ‘Not A Veto’

>>13323622 Lonestar Bias: Texas Election Officials Received $36 Million to Turn State Blue

>>13323632 Florida’s Ron DeSantis Announces Executive ‘Action’ Against Biden Vaccine Passports

>>13323641 PANIC as COVID Narrative Goes Full Death Spiral

>>13323658 Remember those 1.5 million "surplus" AstraZemeca vaccines that were going to Canada because Europe didn't want them? yeah, They're garbage too.

>>13323670 Cabal Propaganda Minister Psaki - 'Don’t Expect Cabal Puppet Harris to Travel to the US-Mexico Border'

>>13323444 , >>13323604 Same Jena Scurry? https://twitter.com/j_scurry Twitterfollows Tyrone Jackson

>>13323709 Lara Trump, ex-president's daughter-in-law, joins Fox News

>>13323788 What the lying MSM is not telling you is that last Friday a three judge panel decided ruled that most of the 300 people being charged in Capitol FF cannot be held indefinitely without bail because the post no threat to the public

>>13323799 Cabal Securities Exchange Commission Awards Over $500,000 to Whistleblower Under "Safe Harbor" for Internal Reporting and Surpasses Record for Individual Awards?

>>13323805 Is Kristi Noem a Cabal Sleeper? Nikki Haley Version 2.0?

>>13323816 #16878 /2

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ed23dc  No.13323838


>>13322088 Minnesota court rules rape charge doesn't apply if the victim got willingly drunk

>>13322089 Leaked Document Shows Who The Pentagon Wants To Purge From Military

>>13322094 “Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, AstraZeneca, none of those have deferral times,” Williamson said. “So if you get it and you’re feeling healthy and well, you can give blood.”

>>13322096 Derek Chauvin trial begins with opening statements (live video link)

>>13322229 , >>13322296 The Clinton Global Initiative had a program called "The Evergreen Cooperative Initiative".

>>13322258 Research tool for shipping - calculate time, route, distance and more for sea routes.

>>13322273 DJT Jr - Authoritarian leftists want a Chinese-styled social credit system here in America. Vaccine passports via the Govt or private sector would create a two-tiered caste system.

>>13322274 Judicial Watch sues for records of Pelosis call with Pentagon Chief

>>13322377 Solitaire… Comms from Hanx OR, JustHanx being a fucking sob pompous ass?

>>13322394 Paula Reid to join CNN as senior legal affairs correspondent

>>13322402 Banks suffer major losses after $30 billion fire sale at hedge fund Archegos

>>13322412 , >>13322424 RINO Alaska Sen Lisa Murkowski has a GOP Primary challenger. Kelly Tshibaka, Alaska native, Harvard Law School grad, with a variety of Inspector General experience.

>>13322418 Russian woman gets 12 years behind bars for handing over confidential data to Ukraine

>>13322490 This CBP facility in Donna, TX is built to hold 250 people. Right now it's holding 5,700 in the middle of a pandemic.

>>13322497 , >>13322511 CDC Director panics as Mask Narrative begins to fail (video cap)

>>13322509 Rockefeller-Biden Scam Falling Apart As World Shuns It

>>13322535 Children's Defense Fund #PEDOVORE SUPERSCAMS#

>>13322544 A Defense Department linguist pleaded guilty to transmitting highly sensitive national defense information to a person she believed would pass it to a foreign terrorist organization.

>>13322594 RINOS control 23 States with ZERO Election integrity

>>13322605 Kelly and Niki Tshibaka, both Harvard Law graduates, are co-founders and co-pastors of The Lighthouse Fellowship,

>>13322621 Track inside sales/divestitures. They know. Watch the sell-off/liquidity events.

>>13322633 Czech billionaire Petr Kellner killed in Alaska helicopter crash, PPF Group says

>>13322690 The founder of Beit Hillel, a liberal religious-Zionist leadership organization, Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth, passed away today at the age of 50.

>>13322705 Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) says he’ll be taking executive action against “vaccine passports” over privacy concerns:

>>13322713 Heavily Cabal Compromised Supreme Court Denies Bid by Judicial Watch to Require Hillary Clinton Testify Under Oath About Her Emails

>>13322714 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris ignores border, focuses on mansion renovations (Look there at the Border not here at Vaccine Passports)

>>13322738 Cabal Puppet Chief Justice Roberts = comped and controlled. Prove me wrong with science.

>>13322748 Fake Fauci Said He Was Pushing Coronavirus Vaccine in Jan 2020 – The Same Month He Shot Down COVID-19 as Not a Major Threat

>>13322768 Matt Walsh - Lil Nas X intentionally cultivated a following of children and is now pushing satanism and pornographic images and lyrics onto that same audience. He's a predator.

>>13322786 Notables - Some anons collect and archive offline

>>13322791 "Right Now I'm Scared" - CDC Director Chokes Back Tears As She Fearmongers "Impending Doom"

>>13322805 Rick Wilson of Lincoln Project shure does have some interesing friends, like Raw Story Media

>>13322819 Ballot Audit in Montana Finds Irregularities Characteristic of Larger Democrat Urban Centers – 6.33% Ballots Without Required Envelopes

>>13322820 The 'quiet' DOJ roundups

>>13322833 Islamic State claims Mozambique attack that killed 55, thousands reported fleeing besieged gas town

>>13322863 , >>13322927 China and World Health Organization in PANIC mode - try to change narrative to protect Wuhan Bioweapon Lab that created China Virus

>>13322865 , >>13322877 ‘Hard-hitting analysis’: CNN blasted for piece explaining the ‘secret’ behind Joe Biden being so ‘popular’

>>13322867 Microsoft, er I mean Hackers accessed emails of top DHS officials as part of SolarWinds breach: report

>>13322870 Brooklyn Hasidic rabbi is under investigation for promoting child marriage

>>13322905 The Cabal Propaganda Minister, Jenn Psaki, said Monday it is committed to being transparent when it comes to President Biden’s health.

>>13322942 #16877

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ed23dc  No.13323839


>>13321303 Watchdog’s analysis indicates CDC’s actions resulted in ‘1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals’

>>13321307 Porno was and is a high priority mob/CIA social subversion project.

>>13321313 Derek Chauvin Trial starts today, and expected to last around 4 weeks. Starts at 10:00 am est. (video)

>>13321318 Looks like they have the Ever Given refloated mid-channel and moving freely

>>13321343 @Rasmussen_Poll "Should voters be required to show photo identification such as a driver’s license before being allowed to vote?"

>>13321371 New satellite images show North Korea may be preparing to launch ballistic missile submarine

>>13321429 We really are the news. This outfit posted this over 2 years after anons found this out and more and made memes. The article does not tell their readers who really runs BLM.

>>13321435 Evergreen group is a CIA front company. Why are they blocking the suez channel? Why are CIA trucks blocking roads ?

>>13321442 Grenell - The secret pedophile ring is trying to tell us who they are mad at….. And who is still giving this group money?

>>13321448 Boatfag Report on Suez

>>13321456 Cabal Puppet Kamala Harris has no immigration meetings scheduled despite leading response

>>13321482 @LaraLeaTrump I was so excited to announce this morning that I am officially joining the @FoxNews team!

>>13321501 Huawei back in 5G on American soil

>>13321507 LGBTQ (pedophilia on steroids) will destroy them all

>>13321539 Pf report: hot in Lithuania and DC

>>13321541 The Chauvin Defense? New Research Shows Alarming Increase In Fentanyl Abuse and Deaths

>>13321574 Ever Given…4knots…back on track

>>13321597 Cabal Puppet Whitmer made the same policy choice as Cabal Puppet Cuomo, forcing contagious senior citizens into close proximity with other medically vulnerable people

>>13321601 FED RESERVE meeting LIVE starting soon

>>13321621 ‘Vaccine Secrets’: What Parents Should Know Before They Vaccinate Their Kids • Children's Health Defense

>>13321623 Rob Schneider - Just say NO! (to the vaccine for China Virus)

>>13321630 Illegal immigrants set fire to an immigration detention centre. This place was used for deportations. (video cap)

>>13321649 Here is an even more KEK worthy "Coincidence" AL BARAKA 1 Livestock Carrier

>>13321651 How TF does this vid of a jet coincide with XMAS in DC?

>>13321657 Liberals making it too easy (video cap)

>>13321666 Oxford University May Scrap Sheet Music, Complicit in 'White Supremacy

>>13321727 Military Ops today? no Unfortunately it was bumped by Gender Sensitivity Training.

>>13321799 Chuck Schumer floats 'magical parliamentary trick' to give Democrats more 51-vote victories

>>13321845 Compromised Supreme Court denies a bid by a government watchdog group to require Hillary Clinton to face a deposition over her use of personal email while secretary of state

>>13321987 Smells like Panic. Dr. Rochelle Walensky: “I’m speaking today not necessarily as your CDC director, but as a wife, as a mother, as a daughter to ask you to just please hold on a little while longer.”

>>13322005 NYTimes trying to defend the indefensible Wuhan Bioweapon Lab that created the China Virus

>>13322023 Nike distances itself from Lil Nas X 'Satan shoes' containing human blood distance themselves? they helped create them

>>13322469 #16876

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ed23dc  No.13323840


>>13320497 Police: 12-year-old boy abducted, sexually assaulted, and shot before man forces him out of car in NW Miami-Dade

>>13320557 , >>13320569 , >>13320571 Czech Billionare Petr Kellner killed in Helicopter crash

>>13320546 Flashback - China accused of buying influence after Czech billionaire funds PR push

>>13320600 Haitians march in favor of constitution as it turns 34 and president seeks overhaul

>>13320630 Ship Stuck in Suez Canal Refloated

>>13320715 Flashback: Cabal Puppet Biden tells Letterman he got arrested for invading the capitol when he was 29 (video cap)

>>13320781 Ship blocking Suez Canal re-floated after Egypt threatens to remove cargo - funny how that works

>>13320801 Fraud Fauci says it was him and NOT Trump who started the ball rolling to develop China Virus vaccine

>>13320851 Obama Family Matriarch Has Died in a Kenyan Hospital at 99

>>13320866 Kenya: All Domestic Airlines to Suspend Operations From Monday Noon - KAA

>>13320925 Trump asks wedding party: 'Do you miss me yet?'

>>13320949 Rupert Murdoch buying Orwell and Harcourt Publishing

>>13321102 Massive Oil Refinery explosions.. The New World Order is trying to create an oil shortage and diversions. The world is under attack… PRAY & keep the faith.

>>13321112 Slovak PM resigns amid government feud over Russian vaccine purchase

>>13321238 @MZHemingway Are Dem politicians more like the political arm of the media or are the media the propaganda arm of Democrats?

>>13322351 #16785

Previously Collected Notables

>>13320419 #16874

>>13318207 #16871, >>13318869 #16872, >>13319626 #16873

>>13316566 #16869/2, >>13316565 #16869/1, >>13319466 #16870

>>13315791 #16866, >>13316149 #16867, >>13315816 #16868

>>13311906 #16863, >>13312633 #16864, >>13313443 #16865

>>13310313 #16861/2, >>13311098 #16862/1, >>13311099 #16862/2

>>13308784 #16859, >>13309555 #16860, >>13310312 #16861/1

>>13306432 #16856, >>13307349 #16857, >>13308002 #16858

>>13304879 #16854/1, >>13304879 #16854/2, >>13307219 #16855

>>13303291 #16852, >>13304123 #16853/2, >>13304122 #16853/1

>>13301770 #16850/1, >>13301771 #16850/2, >>13302528 #16851

>>13299423 #16847, >>13300200 #16848, >>13300956 #16849

>>13297101 #16844, >>13297887 #16845, >>13298665 #16846

>>13295791 #16841, >>13295553 #16842, >>13296328 #16843

>>13292442 #16838, >>13293243 #16839, >>13294021 #16840

>>13165545 Q Research Notables #5: Notables

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ed23dc  No.13323842

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ed23dc  No.13323844

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ed23dc  No.13323848

Q Research General #16879: Look There At The Border, Not Here At The Vaccine Passport Edition




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7465cc  No.13323855

File: dc434f228b71a98⋯.png (3.97 MB, 1225x1280, 245:256, ClipboardImage.png)

Heroes Lin Wood and Gen Mike Flynn

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20c658  No.13323856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

lost angels port buttseks live feeds

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20c658  No.13323874

File: ef2b98b35c67fae⋯.jpg (273.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, IMG_8041.JPG)

check for double gasket features

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a115b4  No.13323879

File: 54c268f72511726⋯.png (202.3 KB, 1196x791, 1196:791, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e4b4582851c830⋯.png (201.55 KB, 1252x787, 1252:787, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 64fe41232f6dbbb⋯.png (106.4 KB, 863x765, 863:765, ClipboardImage.png)


2105 Patent Eligible Subject Matter — Living Subject Matter [R-10.2019]

is the mRNA 'vaccine' living subject matter?

will it pass on to the next generation via dna and reproduction?

Are future humans considered pre-existing life not eligible for patents.

Clones cannot be patented because they are exact duplicates of pre-existing human life.

Can they patent vaccinated humans because of the patented 'vaccine' inside the human?

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7465cc  No.13323883

File: ea02736bdcae3e3⋯.png (56.61 KB, 617x613, 617:613, ClipboardImage.png)


I am extremely honored to announce that a genuine American Patriot and hero, Lt. General Michael Flynn, has authorized me to publicly convey that he endorses and supports my campaign for Chair of the South Carolina Republican Party.

General Flynn is my friend. We have worked together at times over the past many months as our country has been in turmoil over the November 2020 election and our political future.

General Flynn knows that my goal in South Carolina is to only serve the members of the Republican Party, not the establishment leaders or the special interests.

I am emboldened in my efforts to return the South Carolina Republican Party to We The People of South Carolina by having a man of General Flynn’s character and integrity standing by my side in the battle for the People’s right to govern themselves.

Thank you, General Flynn. God bless you, Sir. And God bless America.



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aacaf2  No.13323884

File: e5dc73927e8aeb6⋯.png (548.89 KB, 500x595, 100:119, Hypocrisy_2.png)

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c9d781  No.13323887

File: 7b8fe90bfc1879d⋯.jpg (101.87 KB, 480x720, 2:3, 2ep9j9.jpg)


Thank you Baker.

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601f3e  No.13323888

Germany Reports More Blood Clot Cases Associated With AstraZeneca Vaccine

Germany’s health department reported an additional 21 people who recently received the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine suffered blood clots, The Associated Press reported.

Seven of the people who had blood clots have died, the Paul Ehrlich Institute, which is Germany’s federal medical regulatory body, told The Associated Press. Nineteen of the individuals affected by the blood clots were women while just two were men.

Several European countries resumed administering the AstraZeneca vaccine earlier this month after halting vaccinations due to blood clots, according to Science Magazine. Denmark, Iceland, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia were among the nations to stop vaccinations using AstraZeneca doses.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) ultimately reaffirmed the safety and efficacy of the vaccine, but said it couldn’t rule out the possibility that it caused rare blood clots, according to Science Magazine.

“The evidence we have is, at the moment, not sufficient to conclude with certainty whether these adverse events are indeed caused by the vaccine or not,” Sabina Straus, chair of the EMA’s Pharmacovigilance and Risk Assessment Committee.

The EMA recommended that patients and doctors were warned of possible side effects associated with the vaccine, according to the AP.

About 2.27 million AstraZeneca doses were given in the period when the 21 blood clot cases were reported.


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db8d28  No.13323891


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601f3e  No.13323892

File: 5c41d06d6c54e87⋯.png (61 KB, 843x745, 843:745, ClipboardImage.png)

US-backed Syrian forces raid camp of ISIS families, arrest 9

BEIRUT — Thousands of Kurdish-led forces, with assistance from the U.S.-led coalition, launched a military operation Sunday at a sprawling camp in northeast Syria, in a new effort to identify and arrest Islamic State militants and tamp down escalating killings and violence in the camp.

The security sweep at the al-Hol camp will continue over time and is being conducted with “indirect” intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support provided by the coalition, U.S. officials said Sunday.

The Kurdish-led forces said they have nearly 5,000 fighters participating in the operation and on Sunday they arrested nine people, including an Iraqi ISIS member who worked in recruitment.

The al-Hol camp houses some 62,000 people, including wives and children of ISIS members, and U.S. officials say it has become a breeding ground for the next generation of Islamic State militants.

There have been 47 killings in the camp since the start of 2021, according to the Kurdish-led forces, while U.S officials put the figure at well over 60.

Military leaders have long warned of the growing security problems in the camp. In comments to the Middle East Institute in February, Gen. Frank McKenzie, head of U.S. Central Command, said the “systemic indoctrination” of the camp’s population to ISIS ideology is an alarming, long-term risk.

Col. Wayne Marotta, spokesman for the U.S.-backed coalition, said the new military operation is designed to disrupt ISIS activities in the camp and ensure the security of the residents.

He said coalition forces will provide support during the operation “for early warning and situational awareness.” He added that “coalition forces will be in a rear support position, but are/will be close enough to provide operation advisement, assistance and enablement.”


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aa0eb9  No.13323896

File: dce3d7e2acfb831⋯.jpg (127.22 KB, 439x363, 439:363, 1550496273116.jpg)

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0d20d0  No.13323898

File: 8a65c9cfecefa56⋯.jpg (329.43 KB, 1708x1695, 1708:1695, Apologizes.jpg)

>>13320573 - Old past bread - Anons i had to take some time to think about this decode The US Military was sending COMMS to Anons to decode on what is coming

Re-posting for the Anons in case it was missed by Anons that were not on the board very late last night


Anons i had to take some time to think about this decode

The US Military was sending COMMS to Anons to decode on what is coming

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601f3e  No.13323901

Plaintiff Loses After Lawyer Refuses to Wear Mask in Court

NEW YORK—A woman lost her personal injury lawsuit after her lawyer refused to wear a mask in court and the judge threw out her case, which had been set for trial.

The New York Daily News reported Friday that Brooklyn Judge Lawrence Knipel tossed the case after attorney Howard Greenwald said he could not breathe wearing the mask in the newly reopened court.

“I want the record to reflect that I am speaking with great difficulty,” Greenwald, 68, told the judge. “I want to the record to reflect that I am sweating profusely from the effort.”

He said, “I just can’t do this,” according to the transcript.

“I don’t contest the rule,” he said. “I just am not physically able to comply with the rule to do my job as a lawyer.”

Knipel, who was hospitalized with COVID-19 last spring, insisted the lawyer comply with rules requiring masks in all state court buildings.

“Forget about my personal experience with COVID,” the judge told the newspaper. “We have over half a million dead in this country. We have protocols. The most important protocol is wearing a mask.”

The lawsuit focused on a 2017 car crash that fractured the woman’s leg.

Knipel told the newspaper the woman would have legal recourse to continue her litigation even though he dismissed the case.


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7f0349  No.13323906

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Link to this posted by Lin Wood on Telegram, https://t.me/linwoodspeakstruth/1245

Thank You Lin!

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aacaf2  No.13323909

File: 9009180d5582402⋯.png (196.48 KB, 726x720, 121:120, pepe_double_bird.png)


Disbar that (Karen) Judge.

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aa0eb9  No.13323910

File: a1ec7c712b54950⋯.jpg (106.11 KB, 1080x734, 540:367, Maxwell.jpg)


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20c658  No.13323913






>> "11"TAHT GOT STUCK UP sue's cANAL






>sue's cANAL vows to do another"11"


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a115b4  No.13323916



JUST IN - #GhislaineMaxwell faces new criminal charges as U.S. expands indictment, adding charges of sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking of a minor.

3:15 PM · Mar 29, 2021


she didn't traffic kids all by her lonesome

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aacaf2  No.13323918

>>13323790 (LB)

>>Chris Riggall, a spokesman for Georgia's secretary of state

>>Chris Riggall

>>Chris Rigg all

Symbolism will be their downfall.

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c9db0d  No.13323922

File: 2a0742436bbdf76⋯.jpeg (68.7 KB, 976x549, 16:9, https_bucketeer_e05bbc84_….jpeg)

NEW - Superseding Indictment hits Ghislaine Maxwell with charges for "sex trafficking of a minor"

Newly Filed Superseding Indictment shows depth of conspiracy

Techno Fog


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601f3e  No.13323924

File: 1aa4fcf3c4aa348⋯.png (167.54 KB, 540x634, 270:317, ClipboardImage.png)

Instagram Is Sharing 79% Of Your Personal Data With 3rd Parties

We’ve all experienced this: one second you’re watching a product review on YouTube and the next you see an advert for exactly that product in your Instagram feed.

While it still feels like some kind of dark magic is at work there, we’ve pretty much gotten used to this type of thing by now – even though there are instances when it still feels a bit spooky, especially when you’re certain you’ve only talked about a product or mentioned it in a personal message.

The truth of the matter is, as Statista's Felix Richter notes, the apps and websites we’re using collect vast amounts of data about us, and, in many cases, this data is even passed on to third parties. This of course, shouldn’t happen without permission, which is why we usually have to agree to a long list of terms and conditions before using an app. (And honestly, when is the last time you’ve read these before clicking yes?)

Last year, Apple made it a bit easier for consumers to understand what kind of data apps collect and how that data is being used. The company introduced privacy labels to apps in its App Store, categorizing personal data into 14 categories ranging from user location to purchases, search and browsing history and contact information.

Secure cloud provider pCloud has used this data to analyze a number of popular apps with respect to their collecting and sharing of user data.

As the chart above shows, Instagram is most likely to share your personal information with third parties for advertising purposes. The popular app shares data from 11 out of 14 categories with third parties, putting it ahead of Facebook, which interestingly shares fewer data with external advertisers.


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855d42  No.13323926

File: 3c9fec000aaf5d5⋯.png (332.31 KB, 671x189, 671:189, ClipboardImage.png)


>JUST IN - #GhislaineMaxwell faces new criminal charges as U.S. expands indictment, adding charges of sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking of a minor.

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62b1fd  No.13323927

File: 5164034242f4a84⋯.png (132.52 KB, 607x466, 607:466, ClipboardImage.png)


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aacaf2  No.13323929

File: cccc3e5bc11e902⋯.jpg (168.78 KB, 580x418, 290:209, hrc_wagh.jpg)

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e31fbb  No.13323936

what is black noise for 200 bob?

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20c658  No.13323942

File: 5568720495cc864⋯.png (237.47 KB, 550x704, 25:32, BEGM8273.png)



california pizza toppings scare cause yuge port traffic jamming gehy






>> "11"TAHT GOT STUCK UP sue's cANAL






>sue's cANAL vows to do another"11"


^^REALLY gehy W333K OF THAUCES from salty seamens ""11"" stuck

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20c658  No.13323943

File: 4db9b74a52b5e0d⋯.jpg (30.91 KB, 480x482, 240:241, COHK3502.jpg)


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7465cc  No.13323944

File: 8786e736c60c31e⋯.png (357 KB, 638x554, 319:277, ClipboardImage.png)



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779697  No.13323945

File: e3ebdca109393de⋯.jpg (105.18 KB, 590x443, 590:443, cpt_kek.jpg)

File: 585a93562dbaec4⋯.jpg (714.32 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, silent_war.jpg)

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4f3c04  No.13323946

Blinken and Aunt Esther are a complete joke.

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51fd97  No.13323947

File: 31b628732051543⋯.jpg (103.37 KB, 378x512, 189:256, 31b628732051543f3ef53569ba….jpg)

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601f3e  No.13323950

File: fe1504cf7678401⋯.png (28.77 KB, 564x327, 188:109, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f5ffa756f4f59d5⋯.png (13.9 KB, 670x167, 670:167, ClipboardImage.png)

Brian Kemp: Stacey Abrams Making Money Off ‘Scam,’ ‘Racket’ Election Bill Disinformation

Gov. Brian Kemp (R-GA) railed against Democrat activist Stacey Abrams for her response to the Georgia legislature’s recent passage of the Election Integrity Act, telling host Matthew Boyle on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Sunday that Abrams was spreading untruths in order “to pad her bank account.”

Abrams excoriated the bill, SB 202, upon its passage Thursday, calling it an act of voter suppression and “Jim Crow 2.0,” but Kemp celebrated the bill as a means of expanding voter access and increasing security in the state’s election processes. The governor accused Abrams, who founded Fair Fight — a voter rights organization and fundraising giant — of intentionally spreading inaccurate information about the bill as a money-making scheme.

“Stacey Abrams is making a lot of money off of this,” Kemp told host Matthew Boyle. “She’s getting billionaires and other people and people that don’t even have a lot of money to give money to this cause, really saying things that are untruthful to pad her bank account.”

Kemp also said President Joe Biden — who, like Abrams, criticized the bill as “Jim Crow in the 21st Century” — displayed a lack of awareness for the bill’s provisions, arguing Biden has failed to acknowledge strict voting measures in his own home state of Delaware and that Biden’s focus on Georgia’s new law allows the president to shift attention away from the growing southern border immigration crisis.

“I think Joe Biden’s so focused on Georgia’s election law even though he doesn’t know his own laws in his own state are more restricted than we are to take the focus away from the outrageous things that are happening on the border right now with kids being trafficked and people swarming across the border,” Kemp said.

The governor added, “I think that’s probably orchestrated probably not by him but his political minions that are serving in the White House now.”

One provision of the bill specifically gained attention after some voices, including Abrams’, suggested voters waiting in lines at polls were prohibited from having access to free water.

Kemp clarified, “Certainly any voter can bring water. They can bring food. They could order a Domino’s Pizza … while they’re standing in line, but we’re not going to allow a state representative or me as governor that’s on the ballot to go out and hand water, which has actually happened before in Georgia. We’re not going to let third party groups do that whether it’s Stacey Abrams’ group, the NRA [National Rifle Association], or anybody else. That would be inappropriate within 150 feet of a polling location, but you know if you get outside of that boundary, you can hold political signs up and you can do basically whatever you want. This is just making sure voters are not bothered or intimidated while they’re in line and voting.” He added that polling locations will be able to set up self-service water coolers for those waiting in line.

Abrams, dismissing the intent of the bill’s language, had written on social media, “They criminalize free water & food for those in line”:


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e6ad93  No.13323952


Disbar the Justice System.

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5ea484  No.13323953

File: fbac67faf0edb3e⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 700x700, 1:1, 1616929390365.jpg)



If it weren't you for you ebot, this place would be dead.

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aacaf2  No.13323955

File: b2387dc22bb60ac⋯.png (658.29 KB, 783x505, 783:505, stacey_abrams5.png)

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5270be  No.13323956

>>13323069 pb

Flynn denies Qanon like Peter denied Jesus?

is this a good sign or a bad sign?

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56697e  No.13323957

File: a44e2bcd8a38dec⋯.jpg (67.26 KB, 848x848, 1:1, Vaccine_Thugs.jpg)


NWO: Nazi World Order

they came to America via the 'Rat Line' courtesy of the Vatican

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62b1fd  No.13323958

File: 03c0624775ebed9⋯.png (301.75 KB, 577x462, 577:462, ClipboardImage.png)



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3ef679  No.13323959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

@ 00:51:48 Flynn mentions his 4 yrs. of Calculus and Trig…

Man's no dummy anons.

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601f3e  No.13323960

File: 02a138d8c10afea⋯.png (616 KB, 746x423, 746:423, ClipboardImage.png)

Mark Meadows on the War Room Pandemic – Dr. Birx CNN Interview Was Patently False

Mark Meadows was on with Steve Bannon on the War Room where he shared that Dr. Birx was ‘patently false’ in her CNN interview that aired last night.

Steve Bannon held an interview with Mark Meadows this morning on the War Room. Meadows shared the following:

Well what we heard from the CNN report last night was rhetoric that we never heard in the West Wing from Deborah Birx or Dr. Fauci…I’m hopeful that some of it was edited and that it was taken out of context. For Dr. Birx to say that hundreds of thousands of people’s lives would have been saved if we had done things differently, is patently false and not accurate and was never uttered in the White House.

After a very short period of time, we believe most Americans saw through doctors Fauci and Birx. They indicated they were not trustworthy then and they are proving it now.


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a29cd9  No.13323961

File: 1f3966a8fff9c36⋯.png (292.1 KB, 519x659, 519:659, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a4ca9cc8e5c1b2⋯.png (630.48 KB, 634x541, 634:541, ClipboardImage.png)

Reminds me of a certain someone.

Mollie Retweeted

The Next Revolution



sounds the alarm on the push for 'vaccine passports': "I am not overstating this, I can't say it forcefully enough, this is literally the end of human liberty in the West if this plan unfolds…"



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682d60  No.13323962


There is Q

There are anons

There is no "QAnon"

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56697e  No.13323963

File: ff7fad07b996cd6⋯.jpg (84.19 KB, 726x624, 121:104, Wuhan_Lies.jpg)

New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

Paul Craig Roberts

NY Governor Cuomo is establishing a Covid passport that will show vaccination or a recent negative test. It will serve as permission to enter events or venues. https://nypost.com/2021/03/26/nations-first-covid-vaccine-passport-coming-to-new-york/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=mail_app

Will this passport be efficacious, or is its purpose to get us accustomed to a “your papers please” way of life?

Allegedly, the combination of people with vaccinations and those recovered from infection have, or are, bringing about “herd immunity.” If so, what is the point of a passport?

There are credible reports that some who have been vaccinated have nevertheless come down with Covid, which raises doubt about the efficacy of the vaccine. There are other reports that antibodies produced by the vaccines are not long lasting.

How recent must the Covid test be to make the passport valid. A person could have a negative test and catch Covid on the way home. If the passport relies on a negative test, the passport will have to expire after some designated period unless the passport is renewed with a new test.

There is also the problem that the widely used PCR test produces false negatives and false positives. In other words, is the information on which the passport is issued valid information?

We can laugh at the passport as a silly over-reaction to a virus that in most cases is hardly more dangerous than flu, or we can understand it as a control measure over our freedom of movement and association. We are the safer if we view it as the latter.

Police already have too much power to invade homes without warrants and to stop and search people on the streets without warrants. “Probable cause” has been used to curtail civil liberty.

I am convinced that no health purpose will be served by Covid passports, and that the public should protest the introduction of a Soviet-style internal passport.

Once established, the Covid passport will be a boon for Big Pharma. A yearly booster shot will be decreed, and without it your passport will expire.

Keep in mind that Florida avoided lockdowns and mask mandates and has no worse infection and death rate than lockdown states.

Notice also that many highly qualified experts have criticized the lockdowns, mask mandates, use of untested vaccines, and the prohibition on using safe effective treatments such as HCQ and Ivermectin. Why were their voices censored and the information kept from the public? The only explanation I can think of is that Covid is being used for an unstated agenda. We should not be deceived into cooperating with this unstated agenda.

A democracy that censors expert testimony and prohibits public debate is well on its way to a police state.

A public that can be stampeeded by orchestrated fear into being jabbed with vaccines that could be more dangerous than Covid is not a public that can expect to remain in freedom.


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911a8a  No.13323964


@ patriot Lin's SC property

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3ef679  No.13323965


there is no Qanon

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56697e  No.13323966

File: 869609ce1221edd⋯.jpg (72.62 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Not_Qanon.jpg)

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baea83  No.13323967


There is Joe.

There is Mama.

There is no JoeMama.

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aacaf2  No.13323968

File: bde7e9dcb6859f5⋯.jpg (209.45 KB, 666x500, 333:250, gatesmandatory.jpg)


>New York’s Covid Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

That's because it's only a stepping-stone on the path to mandatory vaccines. That is [their] real agenda!

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b7a8ec  No.13323969

File: 3dd7a6e3d4449c2⋯.jpg (58.19 KB, 712x720, 89:90, 3dd7a6e3d4449c2b970b6adab1….jpg)


But is the fucking spoon real?!

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995bc8  No.13323970

File: 3b9a3be56301d1b⋯.jpeg (59.61 KB, 642x363, 214:121, 4ACA8247_82F1_4567_BB23_E….jpeg)

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56697e  No.13323971

File: e0d723f12ce4f2f⋯.jpg (52.86 KB, 768x432, 16:9, Irrelevant_Ftards.jpg)

Hollyweird Fucktards Quiet Lately . . . What Gives?

boo fucking hoo

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911a8a  No.13323972

>>13323456 ((LB))

they did not surround him to protect him

they surrounded him so they could stab their CinC in the back while others looked the other way

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a29cd9  No.13323973



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5ea484  No.13323974

File: c2ce554051227fe⋯.webm (1.67 MB, 720x404, 180:101, 1614066098064.webm)


>But is the fucking spoon real?!

The experts have been called and are working to resolve the issue immediately.

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601f3e  No.13323975

File: 96525f8176ad995⋯.png (5.95 KB, 443x146, 443:146, ClipboardImage.png)



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db8d28  No.13323976

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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536baa  No.13323977

File: 363d6510768ac25⋯.jpeg (40.57 KB, 512x442, 256:221, youarethisgay.jpeg)


Ingrish you better like that Joe?

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000000  No.13323978

The Story of the Committee of 300

by Dr. John Coleman


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995bc8  No.13323979


Oh look, Republicans who really care.

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56697e  No.13323980

File: 16f57539e7aa211⋯.png (485.3 KB, 612x612, 1:1, AOC_you_re_fired.png)


Send In AoC For Bovine Sensitivity Training

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aacaf2  No.13323981

File: 7fb814596a234c8⋯.jpg (104.11 KB, 752x500, 188:125, Beto1.jpg)

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62b1fd  No.13323982

File: e893ed4a111bc52⋯.png (352.6 KB, 602x488, 301:244, ClipboardImage.png)


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536baa  No.13323983


They thought you would follow the stars…

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b7a8ec  No.13323984

File: b14447da066a1bd⋯.jpg (122.75 KB, 1596x1036, 57:37, 1594723235019.jpg)


Hopefully they can figure out if it's real.

..If it's real? Real?

It's real? Israel?!?!

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5b1709  No.13323985

>>13323933 (lb)


>>13323935 (lb)

Depends on if you believe in there being only one way to get there or not. At any rate, the bottom line is "Grace". No one would get into heaven if God didn't have the grace to allow it.

I think I'm more focused on using a stoic route to understand God, and build a connection based on the path that truth takes me. I'm a firm believer that instilling good morals in your kids doesn't require a bunch of allegory. You can just be a parent, and lead by example. Problem is, we've got about 2000 years worth of a psyop to fix.

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323986  No.13323986

File: 201c947c6595092⋯.jpg (156.81 KB, 566x353, 566:353, 201c947c6595092d1004dcb756….jpg)


ebot can be fun

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38ad76  No.13323987

The call sign for the ship is H3RC. Take out the 3 and you get HRC, as in Hillary Rodham Clinton. Her Secret Service code name was Evergreen.

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df0f10  No.13323989


willcock's GEHY makes jewtubes profits fake

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66662d  No.13323990

File: d5187c4fa898f6c⋯.png (70.58 KB, 231x255, 77:85, ClipboardImage.png)

From pb…



6pm can be dangerous!!

113 = possible 11.3 marker!!

Just threw in the infinity 8 for the kek!!

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1de3f5  No.13323991

Must be feed time for the cattle.

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72d536  No.13323992

File: 0dbc163525c9b3f⋯.jpg (48.04 KB, 323x400, 323:400, Rothschild.jpg)

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66662d  No.13323993

File: 8c6e43707b685eb⋯.png (129.31 KB, 587x589, 587:589, ClipboardImage.png)


wrong pic…

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38ad76  No.13323994

The tugboats trying to free the ship are Baraka, Mosaed, and Switzer. This suggests Barack Obama, the Mossad (Israeli intelligence), and Switzerland.

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df0f10  No.13323995


that just means its lronhubard tranny acting like shitler clinton tranny cowbutt

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62b1fd  No.13323996


Mike Lindell says Donald Trump could be back in office in August -

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5270be  No.13323997


>>>13323956 (You)


>There is Q


>There are anons


>There is no "QAnon"

Qanon means the movement …. it exist for sure and the term was used right from the beginning by the Qanoners … it's very stupid to say there is no QAnon …

one could say maybe Q is no more, but QAnon is still there, like 8kun anons here

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601f3e  No.13323998

New Niger President Calls French Operation to Defeat Terrorists in Sahel ‘Relative Failure’

Niger's President-elect Mohamed Bazoum on Monday called the French-led operation to defeat jihadists in Africa’s Sahel region the coalition's relative failure, arguing that a drawdown would not change the balance of power.

"We would have liked to see better results from our cooperation with the French army than what we have. This relative failure is our shared failure, a failure of the entire coalition," he told RFI radio and France 24.

This comes more than a week after jihadists killed at least 137 villagers in an attack in western Niger.

Bazoum suggested that a drawdown of French forces would not have a significant effect on events on the ground, provided France maintained the air support. Last month, French President Emmanuel Macron said that while he did not plan to immediately cut off a military deployment to the region, he intended to reduce it in the coming years to pave the way for more security contributions from other European nations to the Sahel.

The Western African nation, situated in the Sahel, is plunged into a security crisis over Islamic insurgency and related terrorist activities. Since 2014, Paris has been heading a 5,000-strong Operation Barkhane against the jihadist threat to the former francophone colonies of Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Chad and Burkina Faso. The mission comprises the military forces of France and the armies of the G5 Sahel bloc that includes Mali, Burkina Faso, Chad, Niger, and Mauritania.

Despite the efforts, terrorists are still active across the region and regularly conduct deadly attacks and abductions on both military and civilians. The Barkhane mission has been a subject of anti-French sentiments in the G5 member states, as its critics claim it brought no significant improvement to the security situation in the Sahel.


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536baa  No.13323999


Used to be a lot of his stuff on net in early days…vids of his lectures.

Another no dummy.

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df0f10  No.13324000




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b7a8ec  No.13324001

File: 93db349ce3e64c7⋯.png (762.03 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 93db349ce3e64c7e3d8ff4457b….png)


I don't know what kind of digits you're getting at but I can't deny living in a society.

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601f3e  No.13324002

File: 0845d3769e90f61⋯.png (874.22 KB, 720x734, 360:367, ClipboardImage.png)

Brazil's Foreign Minister Reportedly Tenders Resignation

Brazilian lawmakers put pressure on Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo last week, asking President Jair Bolsonaro to fire him and blaming Araujo for poor relations with key vaccine producing nations as the South American country attempts to ramp up its battle against the coronavirus pandemic.

Brazilian Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo has tendered his resignation, Reuters reported Monday, citing a government source.

Local media confirmed that the diplomat resigned from his post, indicating that he passed on information about his plans to subordinates.

Araujo was appointed foreign minister by President Bolsonaro in January 2019.

Throughout his tenure, he received flak from local political forces opposed to Bolsonaro, and from abroad, for his tendency to make scandalous claims and damage alliances. The foreign minister regularly made headlines by claiming climate change and the coronavirus pandemic were "communist plots," saying that neoliberal globalism was actually a separate communist conspiracy advanced by "cultural Marxism," comparing abortion activists to Christ killers, comparing social isolation to Nazi concentration camps, and deeming Nazism and fascism to be "left-wing phenomena."

Brazil's relations with China, a key trade partner, became icy after Araujo dubbed the coronavirus the "communavirus" and called the pandemic a means to spread communist ideology through international bodies.

Lawmakers began pressuring the government to force Araujo out last week over Brazil's poor diplomatic relations with key coronavirus vaccine producers, with Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco blaming him for "many errors in confronting the pandemic" and for a "lack of diplomacy" on his part to secure the much-needed jabs.

The foreign minister was also pressured from Brazil's diplomatic corps, with over 300 diplomats signing a collective appeal over the weekend asking him to resign for damaging the country's foreign diplomatic presence and image – with some foreign missions reportedly failing to pay salaries on time, forcing embassies to postpone payments for water and electricity and to renegotiate rent agreements to avoid evictions.

Brasilia has struggled to keep up with its neighbours in its Covid inoculation campaign, with less than seven percent of the population getting vaccinated, while total reported cases recently topped 12 million (Brazil has a total population of 211 million). Brazil has suffered the second-highest coronavirus death toll in the world after the United States, reporting over 312,000 fatalities since the pandemic began last year.


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1047ac  No.13324003

File: 566d69063178123⋯.jpg (26.78 KB, 614x399, 614:399, durbindirtbag.jpg)

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df0f10  No.13324004


swampgas fruitcake launderings by proxy shillin proof we can trust

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995bc8  No.13324005


Which nigger president are they talking about? Obama?

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5b65a3  No.13324006

File: 584e8fa987afefd⋯.png (526.52 KB, 590x210, 59:21, AQ1.png)

Ghislaine Maxwell faces new criminal charges as U.S. expands indictment, adding charges of sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking of a minor.


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781f5a  No.13324007

File: cd80786458f1366⋯.png (4.32 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Ocasionalcortex.png)


Noicely rendered, err, conflagrated.

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5b1709  No.13324008

File: aa21caa7ab06f94⋯.jpg (94.73 KB, 750x1124, 375:562, redhead_beauty_brian_dowli….jpg)


Looking like this is going to take all 4 years. Love and patience, anons! If you are feeling frustrated or tired, take a break, recharge, and come back fighting.

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df0f10  No.13324009

File: dbc6c98fbf17b4e⋯.jpg (17.03 KB, 250x376, 125:188, BTQM8427.jpg)


reincarnated for the buttseks

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b7a8ec  No.13324010

File: 9a172e255b43b98⋯.gif (731.78 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 9a172e255b43b98c4ac19def78….gif)


Coming this July!

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aacaf2  No.13324011

File: 9a7bce2e7a70c0a⋯.jpg (33.46 KB, 394x450, 197:225, beeeeer.jpg)

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df0f10  No.13324014


maybe you should take that heifer to jiffy lube to pick up dudes

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5ea484  No.13324015

File: 3fcf4a6072a3c30⋯.jpg (84.2 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1616681045171.jpg)


Knew the anime poster would be based.


ebot literally made me look up what "feltching" was. Very interesting 30 seconds of my life.

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51fd97  No.13324016


>New Niger President Calls French Operation 'Relative Failure'

Kek! Oh my, hope he's got good security.

Wouldn't want him to "disappear" like his colleague from the other side in Tanzania.

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20e3a3  No.13324017

File: 172f360062c3c51⋯.jpeg (19.21 KB, 255x244, 255:244, fatass.jpeg)


Grifters … the both of them.

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df0f10  No.13324019

File: badf47135dc5644⋯.jpg (87.87 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ENCQ4755.jpg)


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aacaf2  No.13324020

File: 15ace276371763a⋯.png (358.18 KB, 295x295, 1:1, eyebleach2.png)

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5b1709  No.13324021

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b8b3b8  No.13324022

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Most people believe that the 20th century was a death struggle between Communism and Capitalism, and that Fascism was but a hiccup. But today we know better. Communism was a fool's errand. The followers of Marx gone from this earth, but the followers of Hitler abound and thrive. Hitler, however, had one great disadvantage. He lived in a time when Fascism, like a virus… like the AIDS virus… needed a strong host in order to spread. Germany was that host. But Germany did not prevail. The world was too big. Fortunately, the world has changed. Global communications, cable TV, the internet. Today the world is smaller and a virus does not need a strong host in order to spread. The virus… is airborne. One more thing. Let no man call us crazy. They called Hitler crazy. But Hitler was not crazy. He was stupid. You don't fight Russia and America. You get Russia and America to fight each other… and destroy each other."

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b7a8ec  No.13324023

File: 7c96ab151b16b03⋯.png (42.99 KB, 370x320, 37:32, 1592096853501.png)

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39cad7  No.13324025

File: 6d24b0ac5a6b0c2⋯.png (2.64 MB, 1193x815, 1193:815, ClipboardImage.png)


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601f3e  No.13324027

Vaccine Impact

Vaccine Impact is a part of the Health Impact News network. It is a sub-topic in their “Medicine Watch” category.


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000000  No.13324028

anons dont forget if people running for office went to college they are indoctrinated.

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df0f10  No.13324029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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39cad7  No.13324030




The A.I. has achieved humor?

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aacaf2  No.13324031

File: 8bcf0e86572d54c⋯.jpg (134.96 KB, 712x500, 178:125, Gates_microchip.jpg)

File: 5ce846b16becd90⋯.jpg (68.24 KB, 1170x549, 130:61, rfid_1_1170x549.jpg)

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1de3f5  No.13324032

Why are they actually following up on jizzlaine ? Optics ?

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e3dc6a  No.13324033

File: abefed2f54218db⋯.png (246.23 KB, 1200x430, 120:43, ClipboardImage.png)


WAYFAIR $15,899.99


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62b1fd  No.13324034

File: 3a65898adf7842a⋯.png (26.11 KB, 648x409, 648:409, ClipboardImage.png)

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66662d  No.13324035

File: eac38821ca4be83⋯.jpg (14.37 KB, 255x157, 255:157, 5018b2d48175257f72608281f6….jpg)

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5b1709  No.13324036



I knew what this was many moons ago because I used to read the anti-idiotarian rottweiler.

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450644  No.13324039

File: eda500482563089⋯.png (874.82 KB, 1012x863, 1012:863, Screenshot_2021_03_29_1339….png)

File: 152ea195d73904d⋯.png (61.52 KB, 877x362, 877:362, Screenshot_2021_03_29_1346….png)

Misconduct March Madness

Are you proud of your misconduct, your fraud and your cheating? Need to unwind and celebrate your misconduct and socialize with other idiotic tools for the Philadelphia Political Machine?


Fuck you Philadelphia

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ad1bce  No.13324041

File: dbdba7044e95882⋯.png (18.47 KB, 400x300, 4:3, stuck2.png)

BoatyMcBoatface has stopped again and is drawing doodles … ??

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675a98  No.13324042

File: b67529dfb4d594b⋯.png (9.17 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 0000000000.png)


Anon is soooo glad that Q said this as otherwise stupid people would believe that everything that Anon's say, Q said and vice versa!

I mean, can you imagine the epic level of confusion that may arise from such unchecked speculation?!

People may start to believe crazy shit such as "Hillary eats babies" and "The world is run by a group of Satanic Pedophiles".

And remember kids, Never ever Datefag.

Q's first drops were nothing but Datefaggin' yet Never Ever datefag!

Think/Do not Think for yourself!

Comfy but Concerned!

Trusting the Plan yet "OMFG What are we gonna do?!".


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5ea484  No.13324043

File: e8e9d0070d98c39⋯.webm (692 KB, 720x404, 180:101, 1614801250675.webm)




Israel has the biggest faggot parades or should I say aids parades.


Even ebot gets it.

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72d536  No.13324046

File: f7cb92bf48885fe⋯.mp4 (6.96 MB, 640x360, 16:9, f7cb92bf48885feb5dc7d596ea….mp4)

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fde45a  No.13324047

File: faedd1e549ffaca⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1080x1418, 540:709, Screenshot_20210329_135752….png)

TYB Kamala's Step Daughter

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323986  No.13324049


You must have been around the night ebot got a notable

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dc9255  No.13324050

File: ac6f3f507a29676⋯.png (578.07 KB, 606x457, 606:457, ClipboardImage.png)


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d23bf6  No.13324051

File: dea550690ccfd29⋯.jpg (193.85 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, drfuc.jpg)

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0f97ad  No.13324052

File: 0061ed62a1ec3e7⋯.png (366.94 KB, 715x639, 715:639, BoomElvis.PNG)

File: de2eb565aa6a8a7⋯.png (548.99 KB, 858x556, 429:278, biblical.PNG)

File: 6622f78ce1fcce4⋯.png (739.21 KB, 578x689, 578:689, archangelpepe.PNG)

Soon Frens…

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b7a8ec  No.13324053

File: 82dbb27e8db8c6e⋯.jpg (97.64 KB, 651x553, 93:79, 82dbb27e8db8c6ed895e649d4f….jpg)

File: c27bc3d99c55755⋯.png (471.58 KB, 706x709, 706:709, 1565660842102_2_.png)

File: a2d48e0deafdc84⋯.png (164.1 KB, 730x663, 730:663, 1565476722267.png)


Where were you when /egg/?

Trial coming mid-year.

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66662d  No.13324054

File: 593db8df79400f5⋯.png (509.96 KB, 550x320, 55:32, ClipboardImage.png)

All Praise and Glory to God, our Heavenly Father!

The Father of all things good, the Father of Love!

Agape love - the perfect Love of God!

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323986  No.13324056

File: 7f8a53d62c95d81⋯.jpg (150.65 KB, 720x1187, 720:1187, 7f8a53d62c95d81822331e1296….jpg)

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39cad7  No.13324057


I just popped on and loaded this bread and noticed it and that is what struck me.

More I think about it.. I wonder…

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5b65a3  No.13324059

File: 9999b676689f08b⋯.png (526.52 KB, 597x337, 597:337, AQ1.png)

He has a point.

The most American thing ever.

"You want us to stop occupying foreign countries?! I'm calling my lawyer!"


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aacaf2  No.13324060

File: 15983b93b81d411⋯.jpeg (28.84 KB, 322x350, 23:25, HRC_lizard_jar.jpeg)

File: 776ebac6705a2ef⋯.png (326.7 KB, 480x338, 240:169, Gates_vaccine_hrc.png)

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dc9255  No.13324061

File: a2dd8a895941c8b⋯.png (333 KB, 514x338, 257:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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eeb0c7  No.13324062

File: ce4fd6eb9e5eb24⋯.jpeg (10.18 KB, 190x255, 38:51, 60e3920ce0c181f6b8f0d34be….jpeg)

What a marathon mind fuck this has been. Greatest psyop ever.


The puss keeps building the cyst bigger and bigger.

Ooooh the relief of the big burst.

Not yet. Moar PAIN.

Those who know cannot sleep.

Insomnia for all then justice will be served.

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f6188a  No.13324064

File: 3cb9c78e7c56f51⋯.png (8.69 MB, 1772x1980, 443:495, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you, Baker.

Proverbs 4:9 - She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.

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fde45a  No.13324065

File: 6fe0987edd6a416⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2316x3088, 3:4, downloadfile_12.jpg)




Anons would you hit it?

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39cad7  No.13324066


Queue the Twilight Zone Theme!

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51fd97  No.13324067


>Kamala's Step Daughter

Still waiting for her to announce candidacy for congress in 2022, or at least to see some pics of her meeting Willie Brown or Sniffing Bidan.

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1de3f5  No.13324069


Figured she would be one of the first ones deep state let out.

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72d536  No.13324071

File: 01c4e69751b05f4⋯.jpg (31.24 KB, 409x357, 409:357, hillary_anti_semitic_ad.jpg)

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509cb0  No.13324072

File: 7b98215da0daebf⋯.png (136.94 KB, 935x422, 935:422, ClipboardImage.png)


Also March 29 | 3 29 | 3 11

Article Link


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2dd084  No.13324073

File: b1660955cb2387c⋯.jpg (81.21 KB, 500x222, 250:111, An_ra.jpg)

Could 'Q' be short for Queen An-Ra?

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e9d17b  No.13324074

File: 90a0fd1d776037f⋯.png (64.86 KB, 706x500, 353:250, 90a0fd1d776037f31236a5642f….png)

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dc9255  No.13324075

File: df6fddceba80963⋯.png (375.13 KB, 524x644, 131:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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62b1fd  No.13324076

File: 634cfa78dcd650e⋯.png (168.86 KB, 1111x523, 1111:523, ClipboardImage.png)

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fde45a  No.13324077

File: 2aa54224fe45efe⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 640x360, 16:9, downloadfile_9.jpg)

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b7a8ec  No.13324078

File: 98670871519f3e6⋯.png (143.69 KB, 385x307, 385:307, 98670871519f3e60d693e5f903….png)


>Figured she would be one of the first ones deep state let out.


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1cf72f  No.13324080


Could R be short for Retard?

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d23bf6  No.13324081



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39cad7  No.13324082


"never block.."

Didn't Q mention that back in the olden days?

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5ea484  No.13324083

File: d53c187903cf84d⋯.jpg (75.26 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1616686507633.jpg)



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601f3e  No.13324084

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62b1fd  No.13324085

File: 8c47d66e2306215⋯.png (90.78 KB, 585x488, 585:488, ClipboardImage.png)


all go!

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dc9255  No.13324088

File: ddff750d6233d1f⋯.png (506.9 KB, 606x339, 202:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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20e3a3  No.13324089


>Anons would you hit it?

With a tire iron.

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e3dc6a  No.13324090

File: 4ccb88b02efa5ed⋯.png (432.74 KB, 674x1264, 337:632, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ed877c751e0087a⋯.png (248.69 KB, 384x1120, 12:35, ClipboardImage.png)



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429fed  No.13324092

File: 258c063a117dc86⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1080x1642, 540:821, screechy_Rabid_lib_00.png)


same same Anon.

After some dankness, a couple of brews and a fifth of Bourbon…but I gave up drinkin' Kek.

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f45c1d  No.13324093



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dc9255  No.13324094

File: b3f4e327b5e7b64⋯.png (433.84 KB, 606x343, 606:343, ClipboardImage.png)

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56697e  No.13324096

File: 270971e8fefbd80⋯.jpg (52.75 KB, 1260x710, 126:71, Chill_Ape.jpg)


Put On Whatever Culturally Appropriate Suit You Choose

it's hands down, fucking psychopathic to route every cultural identity through yourself in order to gain street cred.

what a fucking pathetic example of a human being

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a29cd9  No.13324097

File: c36335ca0ed8831⋯.png (86.94 KB, 519x551, 519:551, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50dbba56d38b25d⋯.png (173.21 KB, 859x510, 859:510, ClipboardImage.png)

well color me confused. trademark??? for evil??? for blood??? for satanic symbolism???



BREAKING: Nike files a lawsuit against MSCHF over the Lil Nas X “Satan Shoes” project

3:52 PM · Mar 29, 2021·TweetDeck


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dc9255  No.13324098

File: cc242b1bd07c5a6⋯.png (616.86 KB, 602x596, 301:298, ClipboardImage.png)

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1f70bc  No.13324099

File: 6fe214fe607e996⋯.png (919.17 KB, 867x577, 867:577, ClipboardImage.png)


Hogg is a tranny?

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a9531e  No.13324100

File: ea7685571c447c0⋯.jpeg (712.65 KB, 1409x1291, 1409:1291, 288D2268_0C22_4001_AD1A_6….jpeg)

Did you know Vatican is really Roman Empire?

Still exists

The Praetorium in Vatican was built by a guy named Adolphus Hitler in 1769

Wow has history been twisted


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39cad7  No.13324102

File: d1a3e6837531d93⋯.png (4.16 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


This is a free thought hive mind any can come to.. Control the narrative here and we win!

"So let it be said, so let it be done!"

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72d536  No.13324103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e3dc6a  No.13324104

File: 715bf7038fcf97b⋯.png (395.57 KB, 888x425, 888:425, ClipboardImage.png)



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81b8d1  No.13324105

We are now a Nation of cowards.

Voting in rigged elections serves no logical purpose.

You don't have to stand tall.

You just have to stand up!

Unfortunately, there are too many fence-sitting cunts.

This Republic may not be worth saving.

Survival of the fittest/Law of the jungle may be our only Salvation.

We're way beyond the point of Dig/Pray/Meme.

Lust for commie/globalist blood is a Virtue.

Never apologize.

Never surrender.

Do not go along with [their] propaganda.

The King Is Dead.

All Hail The King!

LoliFags get the millstone.

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fde45a  No.13324106

File: ce84b70710e5cb6⋯.jpg (19.71 KB, 400x267, 400:267, downloadfile_20.jpg)

File: 1eb6b150d6bef75⋯.jpg (24.58 KB, 397x223, 397:223, downloadfile_11.jpg)

File: 01a7a3ec2312fbc⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 575x575, 1:1, downloadfile_23.jpg)

File: 5e1eb98824dba05⋯.jpg (583.73 KB, 1221x1075, 1221:1075, 5e1eb98824dba056e70f98ddbf….jpg)

File: 4625d5eff352677⋯.jpg (47.38 KB, 600x422, 300:211, downloadfile_10.jpg)

Little known about why but Korea celebrates black history month.

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dc9255  No.13324107

File: 20d3244e7680f82⋯.png (402.84 KB, 606x342, 101:57, ClipboardImage.png)

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135e92  No.13324109

File: 2d1bab67776ee40⋯.png (277.34 KB, 770x642, 385:321, Wind_or_human_error.png)

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39cad7  No.13324110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


5 Quantum Phenomena Supporting God's Existence

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509cb0  No.13324111

File: ad3e2a7ed63a625⋯.png (569.11 KB, 738x493, 738:493, ClipboardImage.png)


Does this new development have anything to do with John Podesta?

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a58712  No.13324112


Not gonna lie. Those were good hair years.

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1cf72f  No.13324113


Are [U] 1 of those cowards?

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e3dc6a  No.13324114

File: 89e42f53192785c⋯.png (15.19 KB, 636x249, 212:83, ClipboardImage.png)



P = Pontifex maximus

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a58712  No.13324115

Anyone else get Rick Rolled by DJT early this morning?

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fde45a  No.13324116

File: b97af2e11a78be4⋯.jpg (63.45 KB, 528x500, 132:125, 4y6ibg.jpg)

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b7a8ec  No.13324117

File: 708ac537f5237e0⋯.png (362.83 KB, 676x662, 338:331, 1571445946871.png)


Just trying to figure out if we hail the king or if he is dead..

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a29cd9  No.13324118

File: 47f7576701e7021⋯.png (528.83 KB, 676x638, 338:319, ClipboardImage.png)



HS janitor to spend 20 years in prison for secretly filming in girls’ locker room - https://breaking911.com/hs-janitor-to-


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39cad7  No.13324119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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dc9255  No.13324120

File: b3630bde6836133⋯.png (416.13 KB, 606x612, 101:102, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b9c67f11cee3850⋯.png (429.57 KB, 604x604, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6956ffad215f9f6⋯.png (147.64 KB, 209x259, 209:259, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3dc6a  No.13324121


CNN Brian Stelter

bottom left

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62b1fd  No.13324122

File: d25bf8316decd00⋯.png (209.7 KB, 601x466, 601:466, ClipboardImage.png)

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9fa564  No.13324123

File: 85ac4834c727f1a⋯.jpg (36.84 KB, 711x583, 711:583, WhosYourPresident.jpg)

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2920f7  No.13324124


Screensaver stuck

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323986  No.13324125

File: a838df4098300a2⋯.jpg (16.19 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 94651c7e252c58705e16cc4490….jpg)


I got faith in ya anon

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1047ac  No.13324126

Bizarre testimony from Chauvin trial witness, who described catching fish and placing them in a bag to suffocate them before cutting them up. He 'watched their eyes roll back in their head'. This was in response to being asked why he went to the Cup Food Market, where he had gone to get a drink after preparing the fish.

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ce4fc2  No.13324127

File: 24d444f40ac0936⋯.png (254.58 KB, 535x413, 535:413, Screenshot_2021_03_29_John….png)


actionable 11.4

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a9531e  No.13324128

File: 719b7413fe69e2f⋯.jpeg (497.76 KB, 1179x1025, 1179:1025, B9697666_8D6E_4D49_9A75_6….jpeg)

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aa0eb9  No.13324129

File: 4254385a825d137⋯.gif (236 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 1404030173609.gif)

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601f3e  No.13324131

File: 99a58fea6b9b291⋯.png (100.54 KB, 775x707, 775:707, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 487877dc1fcc638⋯.png (138 KB, 789x855, 263:285, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 163463f8269b09f⋯.png (131.68 KB, 783x749, 783:749, ClipboardImage.png)

Capitol Riot Cancel Culture Revs Into High Gear as News Outlets Target Crowdfunding Sites

In the months since the horrific attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, Big Tech and Democrats have increasingly used the Capitol riot as a scapegoat to target conservatives. Big Tech platforms like Facebook and Twitter booted President Donald Trump and then they coordinated to destroy Parler. Democrats have plotted a new domestic “war on terror” and tried to blame the riot on Republicans who voted to contest the 2020 election results.

Yet something entirely new happened on Sunday. A team of USA Today reporters targeted online crowdfunding platforms that allow people accused of crimes related to the Capitol riot to raise money for their legal defenses. In fact, the article suggested that USA Today reporters actively pressured companies to cancel defendants’ crowdfunding campaigns. The report painted these desperate people’s attempts to raise funds for their legal defenses as something nefarious.

“Defendants accused in the Capitol riot Jan. 6 crowdfund their legal fees online, using popular payment processors and an expanding network of fundraising platforms, despite a crackdown by tech companies,” USA Today reported. “The Capitol riot extremists and others are engaging these companies in a game of cat-and-mouse as they spring from one fundraising tool to another, utilizing new sites, usernames and accounts.”

In a particularly telling passage, the USA Today reporters appear to brag about getting companies like PayPal, Stripe, and Venmo to drop certain crowdfunding campaigns.

Wednesday, a USA TODAY reporter was able to donate $10 to [Proud Boys member Joe] Biggs’ fundraiser on Our Freedom Funding, using Stripe to process the payment.

A few hours later, his campaign disappeared from Our Freedom Funding.

Friday, a USA TODAY reporter donated to [Proud Boys member Dominic] Pezzola’s fundraiser using Stripe. Stripe told USA TODAY it does not comment on individual users.

A USA TODAY reporter was able to make a $1 donation to Pezzola’s fundraiser using Venmo, a payment app owned by PayPal. After being alerted by USA TODAY, Venmo removed the account.

Soon a PayPal account took its place. PayPal caught that and removed it, too.

“Any attempt to circumvent account closures is not permitted, and the company will ban these accounts when detected,” PayPal’s [spokesman Justin] Higgs said.

Yes, it seems USA Today reporters successfully pressured these companies to remove online fundraisers to raise legal fees for Biggs and Pezzola, who face criminal charges related to the Capitol riot.

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald called the reporters out on it.

“Congratulations on using your new journalistic platform to try to pressure tech companies to terminate the ability of impoverished criminal defendants to raise money for their legal defense from online donations. You’re well on your way upward in this industry for sure,” he tweeted, sardonically. Greenwald suggested that it “seems like 50% of journalism these days is finding new ways to pressure and shame tech companies to silence, censor and vanish people from the internet disliked by journalists. Their main cause is not transparency but internet censorship.”

The USA Today reporters mentioned GiveSendGo, a Christian crowdfunding site that “became a refuge for insurrectionists hoping to raise a buck.” According to USA Today, 10 people accused of breaking federal law in the Capitol riot are raising fees for their legal defenses on GiveSendGo.


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66662d  No.13324132


What's 329 ?

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baea83  No.13324133

File: c38beaafa3db697⋯.png (118.33 KB, 532x392, 19:14, qcult.png)

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62b1fd  No.13324134

File: 2e35321d7fed776⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1049x741, 1049:741, ClipboardImage.png)

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65ec7e  No.13324135

File: 6f9cde0fe8839ed⋯.png (214.46 KB, 625x677, 625:677, Screenshot_from_2021_03_29….png)

File: bf152797f3b1a6d⋯.png (269.2 KB, 691x745, 691:745, Screenshot_2021_03_29_Left….png)

File: 3aabedeeb73f2b9⋯.png (49.67 KB, 671x392, 671:392, Screenshot_2021_03_29_Left….png)



extra z

z = 26

3/28 - 26 = Mar 2

Typo missing r

Mashallese > Marshallese

US Strategic Command


Combating a shortage of personnel and challenges created by #COVID19, the Kwaj Garrison and @ArmySMDC

personnel worked with theMashallese government to ensure the mission could continue. #Readiness

Find out more:

6:22 PM · Mar 2, 2021·Twitter Web App

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39cad7  No.13324137



Collective thought

"Your consciousness is like a laser beam of coherent light. As humans, you have agreed how to hold the lens of your consciousness so that you all "see" the same thing. However, you are not neurologically bound to this appearance of things.

By changing how you hold the focus of your consciousness, you can change how you perceive the world. This is not done through thought, as you normally think of it; however, it is accomplished through a powerful alignment of awareness and intention. The two of these together can literally 'warp' the fabric of space and time and present a very different world to be perceived."

Via - Law of One

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81b8d1  No.13324138

File: fa5e26e9605fd51⋯.jpg (166.95 KB, 547x800, 547:800, index.jpg)


I'm Chief HoldOn, of the SlapaHoe tribe.

How dare you question my BRAVEry!

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e3dc6a  No.13324139


Pontius Pilate = Postmaster

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1cf72f  No.13324141


Well then.

Which King would you be referring to?

For starters.

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509cb0  No.13324142

File: 92d55afb72dcc36⋯.png (290.22 KB, 474x480, 79:80, kamala_ella_3.png)

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dc9255  No.13324143

File: 81f3e5f75855f9e⋯.png (445.25 KB, 606x345, 202:115, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 156dc67731eaf0f⋯.png (142.05 KB, 606x341, 606:341, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d55914754b58c6⋯.png (409.73 KB, 606x478, 303:239, ClipboardImage.png)

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62b1fd  No.13324144

File: 6532c5f4a10c60b⋯.png (387.02 KB, 631x588, 631:588, ClipboardImage.png)

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db8d28  No.13324145


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72d536  No.13324146

File: 12ab8c719514f55⋯.jpg (19.18 KB, 289x218, 289:218, biden_mom.jpg)

File: a31b63f9452e4ef⋯.png (2.42 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, 7071586ab1ce5857809bac8f87….png)

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fde45a  No.13324147

File: 77180ba6c1a8185⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 360x640, 9:16, 77180ba6c1a8185aa1c66da72e….mp4)

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56697e  No.13324148

File: f2232266dc11027⋯.png (703.95 KB, 640x640, 1:1, T_McKenna.png)

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e9d17b  No.13324150

File: c81c456d3553658⋯.jpg (162.86 KB, 709x683, 709:683, c81c456d3553658083d42a63b4….jpg)


Noice ID

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aacaf2  No.13324151

File: f8107365e07bc05⋯.jpg (204.31 KB, 700x899, 700:899, David_Hogg_Transitioned.jpg)


>Hogg is a tranny?


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000000  No.13324152

anons dont forget if people running for office went to college they are indoctrinated.

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efe6f0  No.13324153

File: f9496423a4e3803⋯.jpg (174.47 KB, 720x1011, 240:337, 20210329_151407.jpg)

File: 225c61f5e6e545d⋯.jpg (90.34 KB, 1368x856, 171:107, Exq9uRmWgAgx4LF_jpeg.jpg)


Nike Is Now Suing The Company That Made Lil Nas X's Satan Shoes

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b7a8ec  No.13324154

File: 614850c3ce0ccd0⋯.png (191.91 KB, 431x431, 1:1, 614850c3ce0ccd0579d2f6d142….png)


I'm not referring to shit, that asshole was the one giving out contradictory recommendations.

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62b1fd  No.13324155

File: b9c0ccb6e1fe523⋯.png (423.74 KB, 815x661, 815:661, ClipboardImage.png)



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66662d  No.13324156


They're starting to eat each other!

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c06fea  No.13324157

File: 62854f2a771e430⋯.jpg (29.34 KB, 350x350, 1:1, GerardDepardieucheers.jpg)

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db8d28  No.13324158


> Maxwell had previously pleaded not guilty to helping Epstein recruit and groom three teenage girls for sex between 1994 and 1997.

The amended indictment extends the period of Maxwell's alleged crimes to between 2001 and 2004, accusing her and Epstein of recruiting an underage girl to engage in sex acts with Epstein at his home in Palm Beach, Florida.

According to the indictment, Epstein, and sometimes Maxwell, paid the girl hundreds of dollars for each encounter, and Epstein's employees, including Maxwell, sent gifts such as lingerie to her Florida home from New York.

Maxwell and Epstein also successfully encouraged the girl to recruit other girls to engage in paid sex acts with Epstein, the indictment said.

The trial of Maxwell remains scheduled for July 12, but it is unclear whether that timetable will stick given the expanded case.

In a letter to U.S. District Judge Alison Nathan in Manhattan, who oversees the case, prosecutors said they gave Maxwell's lawyers the month and year when the fourth victim was born, as well as "key pieces of evidence" regarding her.

They said they also plan to turn over other evidence, including statements from more than 250 witnesses, to ensure Maxwell has "ample time" to prepare for the July 12 trial.

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aacaf2  No.13324159

File: 1114db9526ca0cc⋯.jpg (76.35 KB, 888x499, 888:499, id_hit_that_Hunter.jpg)

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fcf7c3  No.13324160

File: 74e6c132c744159⋯.jpg (69.07 KB, 690x390, 23:13, FORT_8_KUN_X4.jpg)

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1cf72f  No.13324161

File: eb116f2275aa51e⋯.jpg (46.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, maxresdefault.jpg)

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1de3f5  No.13324162


All of a sudden we have genders

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eeb0c7  No.13324163


What are the chances she becomes a supermodel mega yacht prostitute for the uber wealthy? They do like their fetishes.

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5e8254  No.13324164

>>13323370 pb

Yup. And the whole "gretchen" thing here is an attempt to provide cover under much the same style of deflection.

It amazes me how many are still willing to be led around by their dicks. Bring up sex, and watch their intellects melt away.

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aacaf2  No.13324165

File: 70241ea731cf924⋯.jpg (5 KB, 300x168, 25:14, little_brian_stelter.jpg)

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b7a8ec  No.13324166

File: 70e7e8bb685ce87⋯.jpg (20.18 KB, 512x320, 8:5, 8dc3fa15ca0920ac1c654c7963….jpg)


As needed.

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fde45a  No.13324167

File: 4d62b80c12f27d0⋯.jpg (453.8 KB, 1303x1367, 1303:1367, downloadfile_12_1.jpg)


Solely political…. Beauty had nothing to do with it.

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62b1fd  No.13324168

File: 8c93909e2eca471⋯.png (459.06 KB, 588x685, 588:685, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc9255  No.13324169

File: 97be3e4d54010d1⋯.png (152.81 KB, 258x259, 258:259, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf7915c9cdd838e⋯.png (568.59 KB, 606x379, 606:379, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f91cc983bfaf333⋯.png (504.02 KB, 577x599, 577:599, ClipboardImage.png)

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56697e  No.13324170

File: 1549584280fa3f1⋯.jpg (72.01 KB, 1200x669, 400:223, Helter_Stelter.jpg)

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0d20d0  No.13324171

>>13323898 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


WOW Q team someone got pissed about the post - I'm back after cyber attack after making a post <<<< above <<<< very strange

I posted it very late last night & it was ok all of a sudden now

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80f61b  No.13324172


Is that all you got? My hair?

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51fd97  No.13324173

File: 5ce9ecb2a5259ec⋯.jpg (55.7 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, A6EE06B7_2425_42F6_81F3_DD….jpg)

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ce4fc2  No.13324174

File: ff477f6c9c9ad54⋯.png (429.91 KB, 535x579, 535:579, Screenshot_2021_03_29_The_….png)

WhiteHouse national security adviser Jake Sullivan, in a phone call on Monday with #Ukraine's head of presidential office Andriy Yermak, affirmed US support for Ukraine's #sovereignty and its territorial integrity, the White House said.


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911a8a  No.13324175

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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855d42  No.13324176

File: b8b65ec028d77aa⋯.png (879.18 KB, 1015x374, 1015:374, ClipboardImage.png)


browse moar

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2a2b13  No.13324177

File: 98130366c2e0b1f⋯.gif (985.9 KB, 396x242, 18:11, babybot_3.gif)



they grow up so fast

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e8b921  No.13324178


what if the locker room identifies as trans?

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df0f10  No.13324179




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45fac7  No.13324181

File: 0b6b265d66db281⋯.jpg (205.27 KB, 1282x854, 641:427, gretch.jpg)

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135e92  No.13324182

File: 089cb34c73941de⋯.png (330.9 KB, 1484x989, 1484:989, Brian.png)

File: 22ef5727355b008⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Stelter.mp4)

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80f61b  No.13324183


Uh you can pretend you dont but thats just lying to yourself. Get back in the fuckin kitchen.

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39cad7  No.13324184

File: 0e5482c51691627⋯.gif (8.55 MB, 450x480, 15:16, Ronald_Crump_popcorn_snatc….gif)



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e3dc6a  No.13324185

File: ef8297a75dcdad8⋯.png (1.97 MB, 885x969, 295:323, ClipboardImage.png)

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72d536  No.13324186

File: dce752b4c4db29d⋯.jpg (17.07 KB, 209x300, 209:300, anton_lavey_hells_minister.jpg)

File: ceea11f63e70f18⋯.jpg (77.09 KB, 850x400, 17:8, quote_the_first_time_i_rea….jpg)


Anton LaVey… Jewish parents.

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a7310b  No.13324187


That is an even bigger target on her back

her sicko friends have new worries now

how long until she hangs herself

in front of the non working

security cams locked on her cell?

calling it now; Jizzlain didnt kill herself.

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a58712  No.13324188


As long as Biden still gets his kickback?

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fde45a  No.13324189

File: d0dd081f6e11d0a⋯.png (168.84 KB, 362x345, 362:345, downloadfile_1.png)

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56697e  No.13324190

File: a8e1525ea4ed12c⋯.jpg (56.66 KB, 850x708, 425:354, Pelosi_the_Corrupt_Cunt.jpg)


UKRAINE is a Cesspool Of 'Business' Corruption for the Elite's Children

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81b8d1  No.13324191


>As needed.

I hope you know that eventually we will be coming for you lollifags.

I promise that it will hurt more than you could ever imagine.

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1cf72f  No.13324192



Why the anime?

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b7a8ec  No.13324193

File: 88ebb519316ce50⋯.png (770.45 KB, 875x720, 175:144, 1565866108673.png)

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294242  No.13324194

File: 1d55f162a5d1cad⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 220x204, 55:51, 220px_Titor_insignia.jpg)


Didja check it with ClockFag?

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e3dc6a  No.13324195


imagine the smaell

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2dd084  No.13324196

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Which of you are descendants of Anubis?

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4beabf  No.13324197

File: 1e663edb5b5a585⋯.png (161.36 KB, 244x256, 61:64, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c4c86c7a244c990⋯.png (66.47 KB, 172x261, 172:261, ClipboardImage.png)


Kinda resembles Killary….

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81b8d1  No.13324198

File: 715a5ed3d436468⋯.jpg (36.37 KB, 512x384, 4:3, Soon.jpg)

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a324a3  No.13324199

File: 6a524481ca4cd07⋯.jpeg (293.27 KB, 800x490, 80:49, DA81D71C_879C_4C64_8A04_1….jpeg)

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dc9255  No.13324200

File: 41612a331f85aea⋯.png (337.37 KB, 606x457, 606:457, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a4183103b4ef663⋯.png (341.24 KB, 597x580, 597:580, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69d33c0b17bab94⋯.png (853.78 KB, 606x489, 202:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e9cf4  No.13324201




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62b1fd  No.13324202

File: 6fd76ec77fbb990⋯.png (2.69 MB, 1458x913, 1458:913, ClipboardImage.png)

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fde45a  No.13324203

File: 084c4adabdf5cb7⋯.png (578.04 KB, 1080x728, 135:91, Screenshot_20201105_152455….png)

File: fa5b099ace0aadb⋯.png (356.51 KB, 598x597, 598:597, fa5b099ace0aadb132b79ffc06….png)

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e3dc6a  No.13324204


hrc jar baby

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0d20d0  No.13324206

File: 36c409d87dafa38⋯.jpg (72.74 KB, 935x687, 935:687, N.jpg)

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e3dc6a  No.13324207

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ce4fc2  No.13324208

File: 7e6d499fc300635⋯.png (316.89 KB, 598x571, 598:571, Screenshot_2021_03_29_U_S_….png)

Today is National Vietnam Veterans Day, where we pause to honor our Nation's Vietnam veterans for their service and sacrifice.


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80f61b  No.13324209


Keep playing pretend that youre a dude. Do you like fooling yourself?

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b7a8ec  No.13324210

File: 09d409a0260f5f1⋯.png (231.86 KB, 450x500, 9:10, 71f1b561a2bc620a08debb9d7b….png)


I'm telling Q.

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c9db0d  No.13324211

File: 407c4b4e813470b⋯.jpeg (21.39 KB, 467x467, 1:1, David_Hogg_daisy_chan.jpeg)



-Daisy chan is 1/2 channy

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39cad7  No.13324212

File: cf0b370f787341e⋯.png (4.27 MB, 1530x1544, 765:772, cf0b370f787341e9d8b221d117….png)


It is a safe bet A.I. uses this board to learn.

Don't Cha' Think?

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3e9cf4  No.13324213




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39cad7  No.13324214


A.I. is 666

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db8d28  No.13324215

File: b88baac9a5f1fd1⋯.png (1.44 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 89C2FF02_B55A_450D_A1D7_C9….png)

File: ee360eb037b7316⋯.png (1.31 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, BDE90CC8_4D2F_442C_845A_CE….png)

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80f61b  No.13324216


Bring it stupid algorithm loving nerds.

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20e3a3  No.13324217

File: cb2caea48f9942e⋯.png (512.17 KB, 504x512, 63:64, Qaren1.png)



> Nike Is Now Suing The Company That Made Lil Nas X's Satan Shoes

PR stunt .. put on by Nike to sell $125 niggershoes to niggers and stupid white kids.

Nike is the biggest POS company in America.

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e3dc6a  No.13324218




animefag & ebot in the same bread again

good times

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5ea484  No.13324219

File: 0c370990c616ef6⋯.png (475.54 KB, 1121x885, 19:15, 1615767161489.png)



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dc9255  No.13324220

File: 76ded64f2a95264⋯.png (569.42 KB, 606x342, 101:57, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 218ce351e0cdd39⋯.png (699.78 KB, 606x424, 303:212, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 75ff086e229a960⋯.png (964.28 KB, 606x907, 606:907, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0b5b319e1138fad⋯.png (548.05 KB, 606x410, 303:205, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8b921  No.13324221

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ukraine - Paul Pelosi Jr. & Viscoil Corp.- Nancy Pelosi


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fcf7c3  No.13324222

File: af173b44050c6c7⋯.jpg (113.71 KB, 493x1014, 493:1014, lurk_moar_8_kun.jpg)


Anons are Sibuna …reversed of Anubis

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1de3f5  No.13324223


Has Lin Wood mentioned this ?

Maxwell has to know about all the pics anons found bcuz she was admin at Reddit and probably trolled the chans

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e9d17b  No.13324224

File: 3d068e9945eefa6⋯.png (371.69 KB, 981x654, 3:2, d7b3c060e85f0e5de9631374ac….png)



Worlds are colliding. That violates most standards I can think of, WOOF! Sorry I had to say it.

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3e9cf4  No.13324225



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45fac7  No.13324226

File: 20d5f1e2d780723⋯.png (173.47 KB, 258x337, 258:337, milkies_ofthe_year.png)

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5ea484  No.13324227

File: 8c69fd6a4b94df1⋯.jpg (163.41 KB, 640x835, 128:167, 1613804704246.jpg)

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51fd97  No.13324228


Sue does look like the u-boat lady.

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b62dfb  No.13324229


Mike is a datefag?

Regardless, that is not soon™

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80f61b  No.13324230


Trap its a trap

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e8b921  No.13324231


we wuz Sibuna kangz n shit

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e3181b  No.13324232

File: 9f594d029ce15e8⋯.jpg (966 KB, 2400x1947, 800:649, ghislaine_maxwell_computin….jpg)

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56697e  No.13324233

File: 369704426aac7f6⋯.png (385.63 KB, 510x762, 85:127, Pelosi_JR_China_ties.png)

File: c15a1420b052922⋯.png (272.3 KB, 513x698, 513:698, Pelosi_JR_Ukraine_ties_1.png)

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5722fd  No.13324234


>Qanon means the movement

>and the term was used right from the beginning by the Qanoners

QAnon is an umbrella term to demonise anons. We are all anons, researching drops by Q. In labelling anons as QAnons they attempt to tar anons with the same brush as to narratives pushed by the same media/government/cabal shills on this board, such as the term 'Qanoners'

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3e9cf4  No.13324235



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fde45a  No.13324236

File: 820602a3fe321e0⋯.png (104.92 KB, 500x381, 500:381, 0845318cb7eb32548f9a6d3efc….png)

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80f61b  No.13324238


Im sexy as fuck. You ehhh

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ab8d3f  No.13324239

Unsure why the physical appearance of the VP's stepdaughter has anything to do with researching corruption and exposing those that want to dominate the world.

Seems tardative to lend attention such meaningless attributes.

Who the fuck cares what someone looks like?

Only those with little or zero self confidence pursue such paths.

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56697e  No.13324240

File: 26c02c08d01f43f⋯.jpg (71.53 KB, 750x765, 50:51, Old_Dick.jpg)

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e3dc6a  No.13324241

File: 4513cdafe4ee8a7⋯.png (502.93 KB, 660x535, 132:107, ClipboardImage.png)


that milk is curdled

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3e9cf4  No.13324242



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2ad223  No.13324243


>Kinda resembles Killary….

Funny you should say that. I saw the cropped pic of her eyes at >>13324176 before seeing the full ugly face at >>13324167 and thought it was Killary's eyes from an old photo, a very old photo.

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e3181b  No.13324244

File: 61a57005af676fd⋯.jpg (239.64 KB, 865x576, 865:576, trump_golfing_iwo_jima.jpg)

File: 52e9c330e34a3b4⋯.jpg (2.7 MB, 2655x1770, 3:2, iwo_white_house_2.jpg)

File: c97139f55698f8e⋯.jpg (490.92 KB, 1085x725, 217:145, iwo_white_house.jpg)

File: 7691638391d33f0⋯.jpg (426.18 KB, 812x647, 812:647, q_research_iwo_wagon.jpg)

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855d42  No.13324245

File: bfd8296d15452e4⋯.png (260.26 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)


you're not sexy till your butthole is on the internet. sorry but you're bush league.

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a324a3  No.13324246


Is that maxwell!!?

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aacaf2  No.13324247

File: e8ab389e18e2329⋯.png (775.8 KB, 500x666, 250:333, ClipboardImage.png)

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dc9255  No.13324248

File: 10d1bb53c58e685⋯.png (77.31 KB, 260x240, 13:12, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 14f772031ffc94f⋯.png (269.51 KB, 606x340, 303:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6cd7aed4acd954⋯.png (541.32 KB, 606x344, 303:172, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b240c24603f14c7⋯.png (613.57 KB, 606x365, 606:365, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 974b3d104485127⋯.png (535.29 KB, 606x339, 202:113, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.13324249

HBO killed Q

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80f61b  No.13324250


I could crush you in any league

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2dd084  No.13324251

File: e62e2e72a607b57⋯.jpg (398.27 KB, 1500x1579, 1500:1579, Anubis.jpg)

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ce4fc2  No.13324252

File: b36544c280e6a73⋯.png (386.85 KB, 598x583, 598:583, Screenshot_2021_03_29_New_….png)

NASA's Orion capsule begins new water drop tests


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8bd53e  No.13324253





your opinion is nothing. you are nothing.

stop telling others what they or how they are under your perverted mindset.

it's meaningless, you are useless.

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56697e  No.13324254

File: c56f33a158adf3f⋯.png (221.21 KB, 520x716, 130:179, Schiff_Ukraine_ties.png)


Where is Shifty Schiff lately?

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fde45a  No.13324255

File: a91c2e5e4c1e55e⋯.jpg (105.02 KB, 960x786, 160:131, a91c2e5e4c1e55ee1485a199d5….jpg)

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72d536  No.13324256

File: 50785ab00c8fc10⋯.jpg (74.35 KB, 743x446, 743:446, 9edbe43492c5c3e3e25ca40e55….jpg)

Money hungry child trafficking, pedo, satanist, killers… and look they are also Jewish.

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3e9cf4  No.13324257



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efe6f0  No.13324258

File: 2dd55881bb3df82⋯.jpg (132.98 KB, 750x922, 375:461, 20210318_103347.jpg)

File: 058dca95e2a2a9c⋯.jpg (54.4 KB, 584x1080, 73:135, 20210318_103349.jpg)



modeling Burrito wrappings, or body bags

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62b1fd  No.13324259

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nancy Grace on JonBenet Ramsey's Murder | E! Red Carpet & Award Shows

red carpet!

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7dc2c3  No.13324260





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39cad7  No.13324261






>>13324030 IT IS LEARNING!

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e9d17b  No.13324262

File: c7ea953cb22c61f⋯.jpg (36.44 KB, 642x960, 107:160, 55954411_10213821310982861….jpg)

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855d42  No.13324263


my butthole is on the internet. looks like im crushing you. step it up halfblood.

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a653a6  No.13324264

File: d395921da8685c6⋯.jpeg (867.35 KB, 1170x1542, 195:257, BC3FF8DB_BD21_46E7_AAD4_E….jpeg)

File: f5ab62a424d7447⋯.jpeg (48.96 KB, 432x287, 432:287, 70BC6A58_5545_4642_AB5B_A….jpeg)

File: 816c771155818be⋯.jpeg (496.98 KB, 1170x968, 585:484, E7048AB2_34AF_49A8_BF23_E….jpeg)

Please pray for the family of Trooper Walker who was ambushed responding to a call of a disabled vehicle.

Before he had a chance to get out of his car, the suspect fired multiple shots into his patrol car hitting him in the chest and head.

The suspect, a coward, was later tracked down and killed himself.

Trooper Walker leaves behind his wife, a 15-year-old son, twin seven-year-old daughters, and a two-month-old daughter.

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dc9255  No.13324265

File: c5d3fee122df5fc⋯.png (930.27 KB, 606x904, 303:452, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 890b9c28c50ac25⋯.png (585.74 KB, 606x411, 202:137, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 32b00fdff0c715f⋯.png (145.12 KB, 259x257, 259:257, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 67bb7ac13124881⋯.png (460.89 KB, 606x345, 202:115, ClipboardImage.png)

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514504  No.13324266

File: 046e8c8f1da2090⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 570x854, 285:427, b3e6144c6bc6888e70d8ebd23b….jpg)

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aacaf2  No.13324267

File: f831960329eb2dc⋯.jpg (22.83 KB, 400x400, 1:1, eww.jpg)


>my butthole is on the internet.

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ce4fc2  No.13324268




Watch the water

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b4705f  No.13324269

File: 1cb50a409e5a834⋯.jpeg (336.77 KB, 640x895, 128:179, 24C8EABA_BB26_4304_A776_8….jpeg)

Next Goalpost:

Mike Lindell says “Trump will be back in office in August”.


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098397  No.13324270

Early signup for Trump's new social media or trap?


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fe5b6d  No.13324271


Nancy Grace = snide cunt

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5786db  No.13324272


If anyone you love takes a CCP virus "vaccine" and becomes ill or dies, you might want (imo-not an expert here) to file a POLICE report. You see, since all vaccines are 100% "safe and effective" and NEVER, EVER cause serious side effects a serious "reaction" after a vaccine might be evidence of foul play. Perhaps asking the police to investigate the hospital worker, pharmacist, janitor, optometrist or whomever injected your loved one might help explain how a "safe and effective vaccine" triggered your loved ones illness or demise.

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855d42  No.13324273

File: c5599b30f970582⋯.png (205.1 KB, 438x438, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


taker' down about ten percent there bud

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65ec7e  No.13324274


Aegis Ballistic Missile Defense System

Are Aegis Ballistic MissilesD5s?

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f45c1d  No.13324275

File: 20942b490605c5c⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB, 854x480, 427:240, no_secrets.mp4)

no secrets

secret societies

no secrets

secret societies

no secrets

secret societies

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51fd97  No.13324276

File: 354aa9cd4bd744a⋯.jpg (84.15 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, BE2B66A5_B9BA_4B42_B206_FE….jpg)


>anything to do with researching corruption

Your comment might be a bit short-sighted given that the ugly thing got a contract with IMG Models in late January.

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433b44  No.13324277


>Nuclear World Order

Yes, this.

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56697e  No.13324279

File: aea610f9386da02⋯.png (341.4 KB, 510x803, 510:803, Kerry_Ukraine_ties.png)


All Roads Lead to Ukraine for the Elite

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f45c1d  No.13324280

File: f88f1a1bd94101e⋯.jpg (88.75 KB, 596x548, 149:137, 2019_04_01_Ready_to_Fight_….jpg)

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c9d781  No.13324281

File: 95a8a7a6fe5a7c8⋯.png (542.69 KB, 1550x1478, 775:739, dsisbuying.png)


Oh the mammaries.


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3e9cf4  No.13324282

File: 5b54120c3f920c9⋯.png (791.89 KB, 768x647, 768:647, APNG5622.png)




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5f0972  No.13324283

File: 40c78c8336832be⋯.png (27.79 KB, 358x362, 179:181, Q_4509_Learn_use_of_camouf….png)


Learn use of camouflage [digitally]…

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aacaf2  No.13324284

File: 0652d3dc3fca3b2⋯.png (172.82 KB, 393x400, 393:400, pepe_oooh.png)


D5on that warhead.

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e14ff0  No.13324285

File: 02eb8fbadf98cac⋯.png (592.69 KB, 767x872, 767:872, ClipboardImage.png)

That moment you realize Q is still here, he/they just not namefagging anymore.

Comb your hair guys

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1047ac  No.13324286


Her looks have become a target of ridicule because she has recently been given a modeling contract, which is clearly ridiculous, and only happening because she is connected to Kamala.

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164bb2  No.13324287


FonzieQ is LARP.

Your day is coming, neckbeard incel.

There truly is something powerful about watching the light/life fade from living eyes.

Seeing that "I can't believe this is happening to me" look evokes an unforgettable high, followed by a guilty low.

The HIGH outweighs the low when it comes to lolis/pedos.

My Conscience is mostly clear.

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39cad7  No.13324288

File: 9829e7769d78cf7⋯.mp4 (15.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Kentucky_All_State_Choir_N….mp4)


This is whereLOVEneeds to win.


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b62dfb  No.13324289

File: ae552b62b315ef7⋯.png (180.76 KB, 311x376, 311:376, JohnTulsi.png)

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aacaf2  No.13324290

File: bcf494a5944bff8⋯.png (19.44 KB, 463x400, 463:400, ClipboardImage.png)

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a8df9e  No.13324291

File: 4063e26add67c7d⋯.png (266.05 KB, 414x290, 207:145, ClipboardImage.png)


go get em guys

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39cad7  No.13324293



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f522db  No.13324294

File: ecc9f1b2ee66a6a⋯.png (65.2 KB, 314x280, 157:140, f5b74faa05e4a68029c77190dc….png)

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a653a6  No.13324295


Tweet time stamp…. April 1, 2019….

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4beabf  No.13324296


if he is, Hey boss, what you been up to lately, miss your drops but totally understand…can we get rid of the POTUS imposter now and get back to the work of saving the world and humanity?

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5b65a3  No.13324297

File: 17adea4dfa27155⋯.png (526.52 KB, 589x538, 589:538, AQ1.png)

JUST IN: Mike Lindell says that "Donald Trump will be back in office in August” as a result of the voter fraud lawsuit he'll be filing


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fde45a  No.13324298

File: 393a2f99e8f647c⋯.mp4 (15.97 MB, 512x288, 16:9, 393a2f99e8f647ca56f7e4c8f6….mp4)




Mike Lindell discussing his new documentary with Steve Bannon.

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b7a8ec  No.13324299

File: 141e1ace9de1c08⋯.png (363.5 KB, 668x681, 668:681, 1565410361716.png)


What the fuck is FonzieQ?

And why do you talk like a faggot, it's annoying.

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62b1fd  No.13324301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


New tapes lift the lid on the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation | 7NEWS

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3e9cf4  No.13324302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






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56697e  No.13324303

File: e11e182eb350097⋯.jpg (120.57 KB, 645x700, 129:140, DJT_tweet_Ukraine_Pelosi.jpg)

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80f61b  No.13324304


Why are you proud your poop hole is being shared?

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e3dc6a  No.13324305

File: e9b85cf73be3b35⋯.png (474.07 KB, 888x435, 296:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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e91725  No.13324306


Except that isn't how fish eyes work

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c9d781  No.13324307

File: 647905b49374d2e⋯.png (3.72 MB, 3000x3200, 15:16, 3838PANICnoPPDayv2wTPwmiss….png)


Good eyes Anon


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4fb3b9  No.13324309

File: 529d9367b091726⋯.jpg (95.56 KB, 687x499, 687:499, stripe.jpg)


The striped shirt makes ya look even fatter, Hotwheels.

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e91725  No.13324310


So an actionable marker following the 11.3 marker?

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aacaf2  No.13324311

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3e9cf4  No.13324312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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fde45a  No.13324314

File: 3675a5d3b9a3af6⋯.png (784.16 KB, 977x825, 977:825, Screenshot_20201013_112215….png)



Anon you got the template with computer screen cutout?

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037591  No.13324315

File: 9a36efefd14e5ad⋯.jpg (220.13 KB, 816x528, 17:11, HILLARY_KILLERY_BENGHAZI_C….JPG)


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f45c1d  No.13324316

File: 6aaed6fde1445bb⋯.png (197.24 KB, 726x906, 121:151, 2019_04_18_MUELLER_D5.png)

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3e9cf4  No.13324317


>>13312867 (You)


>>live chittin of chitty cANAL clogged thetans


>sue's cANAL clogged from "big pine tree logo up israel's backside gehy"

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e8b921  No.13324318

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Former United States SENATOR Spreads LIES About Gina Carano | Lucasfilm is TRASH


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855d42  No.13324319

File: 7144ff2e3476f49⋯.png (718.92 KB, 560x531, 560:531, ClipboardImage.png)

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80f61b  No.13324320


I have guilt for standing up myself against my mask pushing oppressors. Im looking all of you.

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e3181b  No.13324321

File: 9cb09c82e02e7b5⋯.jpg (2.25 MB, 2316x3088, 3:4, kamala_freak_daughter.jpg)

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62b1fd  No.13324322


planned 3?

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ce4fc2  No.13324323

File: 60afe2c4dfe774e⋯.png (516.19 KB, 598x579, 598:579, Screenshot_2021_03_29_New_….png)

Psaki: Biden, Harris fly private, don't need to follow CDC travel suggestions


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8624c3  No.13324324

File: 900f0cb869d250c⋯.png (2.15 MB, 1898x1080, 949:540, Screenshot_20210314_213554….png)


Twas glorious!

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3e9cf4  No.13324325

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80879f  No.13324326


the date.

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56697e  No.13324327



Ukraine is a Hotbed of Fukkery for the Elites/political class

circleback now

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118cc9  No.13324328

While Trump was in office why didn't he just use the military to arrest the central bankers? They are the villains behind everything. Arrest them. The end.

Why didn't he?

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037591  No.13324329

File: bb2490648a55cbf⋯.jpg (47.96 KB, 316x467, 316:467, 51w7mhTY_EL_SX316_SY480.jpg)

File: f63f4e6b966dd15⋯.jpg (181.83 KB, 704x1024, 11:16, ab1b5919a0b001281949105260….jpg)

File: 91e6b026e6c2f31⋯.jpg (185.95 KB, 408x528, 17:22, part_of_the_progressive_ch….JPG)

File: 0dbd77ec8de094e⋯.jpg (176.24 KB, 408x528, 17:22, FINNI_FINNI.JPG)

File: f56d25d99771ba3⋯.jpg (191.73 KB, 408x528, 17:22, finni.JPG)


Part Of The Progressive Children Indoctrination Series



Part Of The Progressive Children Indoctrination Series


Part Of The Progressive Children Indoctrination Series

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ae0198  No.13324330

File: 831611b676a905e⋯.png (88.92 KB, 692x491, 692:491, ClipboardImage.png)

President Trump saw everything and he knew what is going to happen. August 7th, 2020. Listen closely what he says in the video below.

He gave us hints to read between the lines. He said he has "very rich enemies" who can't accept or allow what he's doing for the USA.

Just try to find the many clues in this speech given to patriots. He knew that he must depart, just to return stronger than ever.

The war is not over, the best is yet to come!

Spread this is you still believe in your true President!:us:

Can't embed video:


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62b1fd  No.13324331

File: 6af33ccbab5500e⋯.png (412.4 KB, 595x492, 595:492, ClipboardImage.png)

welcome to Q research

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3e9cf4  No.13324332




>>>oh no








>>>canadians are making fun of the wankers blow

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c9d781  No.13324333

File: 2b6121aaeefdbd2⋯.png (102.91 KB, 500x208, 125:52, misseditbythatmuch.PNG)


Missed it by that much.


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509cb0  No.13324334

File: 18c5752203a61ce⋯.png (704.51 KB, 567x566, 567:566, ClipboardImage.png)

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f522db  No.13324335

File: 121576ba8d4c6c4⋯.jpeg (124 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, iu_2_8_33_56_AM.jpeg)

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4ee185  No.13324336

File: addd7bb50b130b3⋯.jpg (947.98 KB, 1100x1375, 4:5, Louvre_RVN.jpg)

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810103  No.13324337

File: fefba1a2b2e596d⋯.png (133.69 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, The_Cure_Is_Poison.png)


Past Notable


Weren't they running low?

Now is a good time to donate your tainted blood,…btw which taint…?

mRNA will now taint the blood supply.

Don't get injured and need blood it just might have the experimantal genetic engineering in it.

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ab8d3f  No.13324338


IMG Models might very well be corrupt which is a valid point.


>Her looks have become a target of ridicule because she has recently been given a modeling contract

confident many in that industry would fall into that category…

>and only happening because she is connected to Kamala.

definitely valid.

Physical appearance shouldn't be an indicator of corruption or a reason for ridicule…

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62b1fd  No.13324339

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fde45a  No.13324340

File: c8212843c283c02⋯.jpg (39.38 KB, 459x391, 27:23, 4vr219_1_1.jpg)


The Adams family…

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b95cfe  No.13324341

File: 7b54521bc74aaff⋯.png (2.98 MB, 2400x1947, 800:649, ghislaine_computer_blank.png)


sure thing

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2192dd  No.13324342

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7fff90  No.13324343

File: 7390293574e69ae⋯.png (569.91 KB, 612x448, 153:112, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86fb00f5305ad18⋯.png (587.95 KB, 672x679, 96:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d1ce7b6e714d4ce⋯.png (43.57 KB, 678x462, 113:77, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26ba5235a5418cb⋯.png (130.77 KB, 655x666, 655:666, ClipboardImage.png)

New Andrew Cuomo accuser Sherry Vill speaks out alongside Gloria Allred

A woman described in detail Monday how Gov. Andrew Cuomo grabbed her face, “manhandled” her and forcibly kissed her while touring her flood-damaged home in 2017 — saying he did so in a “highly sexual manner.”

“The whole thing was so strange and inappropriate and still makes me nervous and afraid because of his power and position,” said Sherry Vill, a 55-year-old married mother of three, as she spoke out in an afternoon briefing alongside lawyer Gloria Allred. “I am still afraid of him, but I am no longer willing to remain silent.”

The alleged encounter occurred in May 2017, while Cuomo was touring Greece, NY, which had recently been ravaged by floods.

Vill, whose house was among those damaged, invited Cuomo into her home and expressed dismay at its condition.

“That’s when the governor looked at me, approached me, took my hand and pulled me to him,” Vill said. “He leaned down over me and kissed my cheek. I was holding my small dog in my arms and I thought he was going to pet my dog. But instead he went to squeeze between the dog and mine and kiss me on the other cheek in what I felt was a highly sexual manner.”

Cuomo tried to explain the inappropriate contact as a cultural norm.

“He said, ‘That’s what Italians do, kiss both cheeks,'” recalled Vill.

“I felt shocked and didn’t understand what had just happened,” said Vill. “But I knew I felt embarrassed and weird about his kissing me. I am Italian, and in my family, family members kiss. Strangers do not kiss, especially upon meeting someone for the first time.” On his way out, Cuomo “stopped, he turned to me and said, ‘You are beautiful,'” according to Vill.

“That made me feel even more uncomfortable,” said Vill. “I felt as though he was coming on to me in my own home.”

Cuomo again allegedly grabbed Vill’s face and kissed her on the cheek outside the home — in front of Vill’s son, who was recording the governor’s visit and caught an image of the contact, displayed at the virtual briefing.

“I felt like I was being manhandled, especially because he was holding my face and he was kissing my cheek again,” said Vill. “The way he looked at me and his body language made me very uncomfortable. I felt he was acting in a highly flirtatious and inappropriate manner, especially in front of my family and neighbors.”

Vill noted that Cuomo is approximately 6 feet tall, while she stands only about 5 feet.


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855d42  No.13324344

File: 3dd26ceb8c6b0a8⋯.png (607.27 KB, 613x468, 613:468, ClipboardImage.png)


>fly private

since when is the USAF considered "private".

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b95cfe  No.13324345

File: 09a87bf434eade4⋯.jpg (242.52 KB, 496x648, 62:81, ghislaine_maxwell_was_hot.jpg)

wouldn't let me post this. hmmm

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b7a8ec  No.13324346

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What does this button do?

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3e9cf4  No.13324347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f206b9  No.13324349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What do you guys think of this? Part of me thinks there's no way this would be on jewtube unless its disinfo but part of me thinks its real.

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20e3a3  No.13324350

File: 015fcce3f171ef9⋯.gif (2.76 MB, 480x360, 4:3, bigguns6.gif)


See .. the covid is smart enough to know a private traveler from a commercial/public traveler.

One smart fucking flu, this covid.

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026fc3  No.13324351

File: 1479d299572e01a⋯.jpeg (335.81 KB, 828x952, 207:238, D096DF4F_BDEB_408A_91C9_B….jpeg)

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514504  No.13324352

File: 9e2e24d7ddbf485⋯.jpg (13.82 KB, 204x255, 4:5, a6d476aac89be297b046d2068d….jpg)

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45fac7  No.13324353

File: 8a3858c6ba5d652⋯.png (356.95 KB, 552x686, 276:343, gretchen_7.png)


I want her to eat the whole sausage.

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7fff90  No.13324354

File: 9d8f1933f07c029⋯.png (161.48 KB, 656x586, 328:293, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 622500e7233bee9⋯.png (151.87 KB, 684x620, 171:155, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c6f7369764e86f2⋯.png (124.72 KB, 671x606, 671:606, ClipboardImage.png)

Sharon Stone reveals child sex abuse, horrific stroke in new memoir

Lying in the ER after a catastrophic stroke and brain hemorrhage in 2001, Sharon Stone had a near-death, out-of-body experience in which a group of friends appeared in a vision at her bedside.

The trio – who’d already passed away — told the actress not to be afraid.

“The light was so luminous,” the “Basic Instinct” and “Ratched” star recalls of the encounter in her new memoir, “The Beauty of Living Twice” (Knopf; out Tuesday). “It was so . . . mystical. I wanted to know it. I wanted to immerse myself.”

The next moment, however, she felt “like I had been kicked in the middle of my chest by a mule,” and she “made a choice to survive.” She awoke with “the kind of gasp you take when you are underwater far too long.”

Two decades on and fully recovered, the model-turned-Oscar-nominated-actress, now 63, believes her health crisis helped make her stronger, more outspoken and better able to deal with past traumas. They include failed relationships, three miscarriages, all at 5½ months into the pregnancies, and childhood sexual abuse.


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56697e  No.13324355

File: 8acc016a99bd2fe⋯.jpg (108.15 KB, 1200x882, 200:147, Biden_Corruption.jpg)


'Private' is Code for 'Not Legitimate' Political Fuckheads

note HeelsUp's current lodging 'situation' and PedoJo's lack of access to military levers

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80f61b  No.13324356


You that picture thats me

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1c1fab  No.13324357


they have boobs, they have other rules.

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509cb0  No.13324358

File: 074611dc0b6e767⋯.png (730.86 KB, 700x490, 10:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3dc6a  No.13324359




trip trips

uid shows it was a nazi poster that got


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b95cfe  No.13324360

File: 3bd8f2dfeea4d7b⋯.jpg (339.01 KB, 1170x571, 1170:571, interstellar_sweep_bot_TAK….jpg)


e3181b changed to b95cfe in the same bread? WTF is this shit? part of the auto-ban bot that was raiding IP's?

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3e9cf4  No.13324361




>>>oh no








>>>canadians are making fun of the wankers blow



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3e9cf4  No.13324363


california pizza toppings scare cause yuge port traffic jamming gehy






>> "11"TAHT GOT STUCK UP sue's cANAL






>sue's cANAL vows to do another"11"


^^REALLY gehy W333K OF THAUCES from salty seamens ""11"" stuck

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aacaf2  No.13324364

File: 23d666a96565a30⋯.png (232.01 KB, 318x279, 106:93, ClipboardImage.png)

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fde45a  No.13324365

File: 4d1e1859e07d037⋯.png (102.16 KB, 800x500, 8:5, downloadfile_5_.png)

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118cc9  No.13324366


So the military NPCs are siding with those very rich enemies over America? So they're traitors?

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3e9cf4  No.13324367

File: 311572bce90f2d2⋯.jpg (97.93 KB, 523x778, 523:778, ELAM3383.jpg)




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e91725  No.13324368


Ok boomer

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51fd97  No.13324369

File: 6769693c5d1591b⋯.png (2.52 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 6769693c5d1591b90ca8cbd90d….png)


>Physical appearance shouldn't be a reason for ridicule

Yes, it should, and it must, for example in cases when the person pushes itself (or is being pushed) into the limelight for no other reasons but nepotism.

Fuck that ugly bastard daughter of that whore of a VP that we currently have!

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f45c1d  No.13324370

File: 4428e0964cb70b6⋯.mp4 (5.42 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Mr_Sandman.mp4)

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream

Make him the cutest that I've ever seen

Give him the word that I'm not a rover

Then tell him that his lonesome nights are over

Sandman, I'm so alone

Don't have nobody to call my own

Please turn on your magic beam

Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream

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aacaf2  No.13324371

File: 697ea801e551169⋯.png (274.39 KB, 500x500, 1:1, pepe_bird.png)


"Rules for thee, but not for me…"

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65ec7e  No.13324372

File: b17c59f98c040cf⋯.png (946.05 KB, 1348x2356, 337:589, tridentLaunch1.png)

File: 2347057ddeee134⋯.png (177.15 KB, 858x755, 858:755, tridentLaunch.png)

File: ba25a678f17f40d⋯.png (11.91 KB, 475x162, 475:162, Screenshot_from_2021_03_29….png)

File: acc4a13cb10d7dc⋯.png (329.78 KB, 618x656, 309:328, Screenshot_from_2021_03_29….png)





>Are Aegis Ballistic MissilesD5s?

Mar 2

Typo missing r

Mashallese > Marshallese

r = 18

Mar 2 - 18 = Feb 12

Feb 12 D5 Launch from Sub

pic related

Twat mentioning D5s

US Strategic Command


Top Notch Crew + Unparalleled Readiness & Reliability = 4 Successful Trident II Tests in 1 week!

The Commander Evaluation Tests validated the performance expectations of the life-extended #Trident II(D5) strategic weapon system that were launched from the USS #WestVirginia.





3:32 PM · Feb 12, 2021·Twitter Web App

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3e9cf4  No.13324373

File: a7d725cdbd5fd49⋯.jpg (26.57 KB, 248x240, 31:30, IMG_8162.JPG)

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56697e  No.13324374

File: d2633335594df15⋯.png (343.74 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Crisis_actor.png)


Casting Call for Crisis Actors and 'Situation' Drama Editors

jus sayin for a fren

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e9d17b  No.13324375

File: 9929b8aa39ab733⋯.jpg (222.49 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 9929b8aa39ab733bbf8f14690b….jpg)

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000000  No.13324377

remember if they have been in the military or went to college they are indoctrinated dont vote for them

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7dc2c3  No.13324378


chk'd dubs of truth

also Q drop

>>13324206 (pic related)

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aacaf2  No.13324379

File: 0258e1025cc1ae9⋯.jpg (89.75 KB, 500x461, 500:461, pepe_china_virus.jpg)

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a3b9bc  No.13324380


Pay attention to 1:13 in this video

113 ya say?

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2192dd  No.13324382


I'm glad somebody knows what

Whitmer's got hiding under her skirt !

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8bd53e  No.13324383


"most people"

anyone claiming to know that is known to be 'false' from the get-go.

read no farther and filter.

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1c1fab  No.13324384

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fde45a  No.13324385

File: 4f8b53db962cc11⋯.gif (52.29 KB, 120x127, 120:127, 4f8b53db962cc1152826362661….gif)

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3e9cf4  No.13324386

File: 3f1624b665d49aa⋯.png (22.5 KB, 820x300, 41:15, IMG_8052.PNG)

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f45c1d  No.13324387

File: 8525cf702612694⋯.mp4 (4.21 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Durham.mp4)

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b4705f  No.13324388


Ty anon. Can’t wait to watch the doc when it comes out.

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ed23dc  No.13324389


>>13323848 Dough

Notables @400


>>13323879 2105 Patent Eligible Subject Matter — Living Subject Matter

>>13323888 Germany Reports More Blood Clot Cases Associated With AstraZeneca Vaccine

>>13323892 US-backed Syrian forces raid camp of ISIS families, arrest 9? Obama era ISIS back with Biden Cabal?

>>13323901 Plaintiff Case Thrown Out After Lawyer Refuses to Wear Mask in Court

>>13323916 #GhislaineMaxwell faces new criminal charges as U.S. expands indictment, adding charges of sex trafficking conspiracy and sex trafficking of a minor

>>13323924 Instagram Is Sharing 79% Of Your Personal Data With 3rd Parties

>>13323950 Stacey Abrams Making Money Off ‘Scam,’ ‘Racket’ Election Bill Disinformation

>>13323960 Dr. Birx CNN Interview Was Patently False

>>13323961 Vaccine Passports the end of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness

>>13323963 New York’s China Virus Vaccine Passport Makes No Sense

>>13323998 New Niger President Calls French Operation to Defeat Terrorists in Sahel ‘Relative Failure’

>>13324002 Brazil's Foreign Minister Reportedly Tenders Resignation , under pressure for poor relations with key vaccine producing nations?

>>13324118 High School janitor to spend 20 years in prison for secretly filming in girls’ locker room

>>13324131 Capitol Riot Cancel Culture Revs Into High Gear as News Outlets Target Crowdfunding Sites

>>13324153 Nike Is Now Suing The Company That Made Lil Nas X's Satan Shoes

>>13324174 , >>13324279 Cabal Propaganda on Ukraine

>>13324208 Today is National Vietnam Veterans Day, where we pause to honor our Nation's Vietnam veterans for their service and sacrifice.

>>13324252 NASA's Orion capsule begins new water drop tests

>>13324269 , >>13324297 Next Goalpost: Mike Lindell says “Trump will be back in office in August”.

>>13324298 Mike Lindell discussing his new documentary with Steve Bannon (video cap)

>>13324323 Cabal Propaganda Minister Psaki: Biden, Harris fly private, don't need to follow CDC travel suggestions

>>13324343 New Cuomo distraction to hide the mass murder of elders in Dem controlled states


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c22483  No.13324390

File: 57e2dc208c6f3e9⋯.jpg (406.38 KB, 508x720, 127:180, kekingdown.jpg)

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5bc451  No.13324391

File: 60d818d10fa8997⋯.jpg (99.31 KB, 594x456, 99:76, ProstateExam.jpg)

2022 is safe.

Elections are unquestionably secure.

Any statement to the contrary is dangerous.

JoePedo will have an aneurysm on April 11th.

Watch what happens next!

Cap this.

Cup the balls.

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3e9cf4  No.13324392

File: e1848b28ed8395f⋯.jpg (40.21 KB, 272x308, 68:77, IMG_8079.JPG)

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56697e  No.13324393

File: 10967aefa26aed9⋯.jpg (49.86 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Crack_Pop_Better.jpg)

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b8deb8  No.13324394






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fde45a  No.13324396

File: 1ee7af71c2fcaef⋯.jpg (56.49 KB, 689x273, 53:21, downloadfile_12_1_1.jpg)

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000000  No.13324397


Cool story, but until the 2020 election is fixed…anyone that votes is a complete dipshit.

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3e9cf4  No.13324398

File: 4e47508375a61fe⋯.gif (65.77 KB, 820x820, 1:1, IMG_8096.GIF)

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118cc9  No.13324399

Trump is powerless. Even if he were to get back into office (he won't, thanks to rigged elections) he still wouldn't be able to do anything about the corrupt Deep State.

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56697e  No.13324400

File: 52d68717389406e⋯.jpg (54.35 KB, 940x529, 940:529, Four_CA_Families.jpg)

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e8b921  No.13324401


>My Conscience is mostly clear.

no it's not

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536baa  No.13324402



Link sez 404 Not Found


Got another?

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3e9cf4  No.13324403

File: 2b540993604a2ab⋯.png (150.5 KB, 820x700, 41:35, IMG_8066.PNG)

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5270be  No.13324404


>QAnon is an umbrella term to demonise anons. We are all anons, researching drops by Q. In labelling anons as QAnons they attempt to tar anons with the same brush as to narratives pushed by the same media/government/cabal shills on this board, such as the term 'Qanoners'

8kun anons are rather small part of the whole called Qanon, most QAnon disciples never visit here. And Neither seems Q to do that anymore. He might be active somewhere else.

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1c1fab  No.13324405



What that on the Richter magnitude scale?

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b4705f  No.13324409


So if Trump gets to be put back in office because the elections were proven fraudulent does that mean he gets another term after serving the rest of his current term?

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3e9cf4  No.13324410



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8bd53e  No.13324411


the shills at 8kun say stuff that is just made up as if it's true , for example this one that I tag.

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e91725  No.13324412


No. Just go back to the Twat. You don't get it

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3e9cf4  No.13324414

File: 25038743e7aec5f⋯.jpg (92.08 KB, 640x653, 640:653, FCFX1256.jpg)


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fde45a  No.13324416

File: d76d86fd3e931f4⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, d76d86fd3e931f489fd1aa5755….mp4)

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3e9cf4  No.13324417

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4bc515  No.13324418


A president can serve under current law a total of 10 years. 4,4, and 2

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1c1fab  No.13324419



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b7a8ec  No.13324420

File: 9bf0aaa5faf61ef⋯.jpg (14.52 KB, 326x326, 1:1, 1565935824491.jpg)


Do you have a loicense to be this much a faggot?

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a115b4  No.13324421


>Psaki: Biden, Harris fly private, don't need to follow CDC travel suggestions

flies private?

seems really weird referring to flying on AF1 and 2 as flying 'private'

strange way of saying it.

why not say that when they fly AF 1 and2 , the two are the most safe in all ways.

why not mention AF 1 and 2?

or did she?

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3e9cf4  No.13324422

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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509cb0  No.13324423

File: 8980dec0b8a420b⋯.png (503.62 KB, 792x454, 396:227, jen_pull_it.png)

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e9d17b  No.13324424

File: d54ae38280ff0b7⋯.jpeg (63.17 KB, 500x499, 500:499, download_2019_07_22T20215….jpeg)

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4bc515  No.13324425

File: 2f244b554a6dc95⋯.jpg (431.47 KB, 1080x1460, 54:73, Screenshot_20210329_145948….jpg)

The ShakeAlert system rapidly detects earthquakes that have already begun and then sends alerts to people's mobile phones to warn them before the shaking hits.


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3e9cf4  No.13324426

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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ae0198  No.13324427


Try this one


You will have to scroll to posts on March 26 to find it.

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2ee12d  No.13324428

File: 7416b5b76a4e971⋯.jpg (16.17 KB, 180x255, 12:17, CIRCUSPANTS.jpg)

File: f68ed4b06bc349e⋯.jpg (9.74 KB, 255x253, 255:253, CLINTONGREENEYES.jpg)



These pics look like H3R eyes

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fde45a  No.13324429

File: 655ad3a7a9aef6f⋯.jpg (60.88 KB, 500x638, 250:319, Roid.jpg)

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53f301  No.13324430


Folks it's been a good run.

But from this point on humanity will now be in a terminal decline do the mRNA vaccines designed to depopulate the planet.

The blood supply is now completely compromised

And anyone who gets a transfusion will be corrupted.

"As the days of Noah" are here!!

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135e92  No.13324431

File: 671bf195e9d787d⋯.png (125.89 KB, 302x351, 302:351, Comercial.png)

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5270be  No.13324432


>>>13324404 (You)


>No. Just go back to the Twat. You don't get it

I surely get it better than you, you probably don't even know what mereology means.

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b44a81  No.13324433

File: 06c4ea61e182285⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1367x875, 1367:875, portrait.jpg)

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efe6f0  No.13324434

File: f1a6e8bb11cb004⋯.png (487.47 KB, 450x554, 225:277, 20210318_103347_prev_ui.png)

File: 30b2fbe6c56f2a6⋯.png (821.53 KB, 1085x1085, 1:1, 1617055180399.png)

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8bd53e  No.13324435


this one is just full on 'here is a failure script'

no one would really believe this because their dispair would make them suicidal. and it would have already happened.

it's just posting more discouragement because that is what it is programmed to do.

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3e9cf4  No.13324436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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4a8fee  No.13324437

File: 1ff9d8698a60f30⋯.png (776.36 KB, 500x1136, 125:284, dystop.png)

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b4705f  No.13324438


>A president can serve under current law a total of 10 years. 4,4, and 2

Crazy how the Democrats rigged all the elections with CCP assistance and now are trying to take away all our rights and make us carry around covid passports while they allow millions of illegals to flood the country. If they really cared about covid they wouldn’t be letting in 40 million illegals.

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8624c3  No.13324439

File: 685721f0cc53708⋯.png (618.22 KB, 500x576, 125:144, 685721f0cc537083bcb198b361….png)

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b5058d  No.13324440

Psaki Evergreen consulting?

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b7a8ec  No.13324441

File: e5155b5d7580eb2⋯.gif (142.06 KB, 500x516, 125:129,