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ff59f3  No.12457286[Last 50 Posts]

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We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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ff59f3  No.12457298

Global Announcements

>>12423519 President Trump is the only thing left in the way of the CCP taking our Nation (Video)

>>12422748 Letter from NYE County, NV Chairman - Trump will be President for another 4 years

>>12343333 If Board hangs you will need to download the TOR browser and open the 'onion link' in the TOR Browser.

Report Election/Voter Fraud Directly to Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org

Support Lin Wood https://fightback.law/

Support Sidney Powell https://defendingtherepublic.org/

CM Research "Executive Directive 51" https://mobile.twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1337927415465533440

CM YOUTUBE ARCHIVE https://rumble.com/vbij1v-dominion-voter-fraud-drama-bombshell-video-by-ron-codemonkey.html

Notables Are Not Endorsements


>>12456630 , >>12456688 , >>12456694 PGA to strip major championship from Trump owned course

>>12456698 Kek of the day - They're digging their own graves

>>12456800 Liberal law professor warns of the damage Democrats would do to Constitution if they impeach Trump again

>>12456808 Chinese Propaganda Slams NYSE, President Trump For Delisting Chinese Firms

>>12456854 , >>12457063 PF Report

>>12456871 Dyed in Red: The sinister background of "Moderate" Kamala Harris, China's America Dream President.

>>12456888 "Think AIDS." QAnon post #252

>>12457014 Italy set for mafia 'maxi-trial'.

>>12457045 Outgoing Capitol Police chief: House, Senate security Officials hamstrung efforts to call in National Guard

>>12457080 FBI destroys election fraud evidence in Georgia

>>12457165 NMCC Article

>>12457172 GOP FL Rep Gaetz on Fox: I spoke with President Trump today. He's not resigning and he is not leaving the public stage at all.

>>12457258 #15903


>>12455910 call for digs on the NMCC/RED5

>>12455925 Temporary power plant being installed in Washington DC?

>>12456013 , >>12455951 , >>12456326 @Devinnunes Dark Winter will set in shortly for millions of Patriotic Americans.

>>12456102 Nashville man from Capitol protest has been arrested

>>12456101 US Strategic Command - Last week we highlighted the Atlantic, this week the #Pacific.

>>12455961 Pompeo Countdown

>>12456042 Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey mocks removal of Parler from App Store

>>12456145 , >>12456010 What units are stationed at Ft Drum?

>>12456261 Arnold Schwarzenegger compares US Capitol mob to Nazis

>>12456282 , >>12456388 After Pompeo countdown, tweets "RED LINE" / and 'declassify'

>>12456386 THREE YEAR DELTA Didnt we all just migrate from Twitter to Parler/Gab on these days?

>>12456490 PF Report

>>12456567 #15902

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ff59f3  No.12457301


>>12455125 There will be around 6200 Military Personnel in DC by the end of the weekend

>>12455152 Twitter's Jack Dorsey Mocks Parler Purge

>>12455161 Pelosi Says Impeachment and 25th Amendment Resolutions Will Be Brought to the House Floor Starting Monday

>>12455175 BLM Activist John Sullivan Who Stormed The US Capitol Says That The Secret Service Has Been In Contact With Him

>>12455182 FLASHBACK: Just Months Ago, Democrats Blocked a Resolution Condemning Mob Violence

>>12455195 Trump-hating Lincoln Project announces it's assembling a blacklist

>>12455214 Four Police Officers Placed on Leave for Allegedly Attending Capitol Riots

>>12455226 Lawmakers may have been exposed to coronavirus during Capitol riot

>>12455234 U.S. media's 'baseless' claims about election integrity exposed 'We know laws were broken'

>>12455249 Forget Trump's rally, now Democrats hammered for 'inflammatory rhetoric' Left has 'no moral authority to lecture the rest of us'

>>12455266 PF report

>>12455282 Here It Comes: 'Patriot Act 2.0' Aimed At The UnWoke Enemy Within

>>12455292 Manchin Says People Shouldn’t Be ‘Scared To Death’ Of Democrats Taking Guns

>>12455353 Rudy Giuliani Calls on President Trump to “Declassify Everything!” — What’s He Waiting For?

>>12455361 Trump to Visit South Texas in Final Days as President

>>12455393 Black Bloc Mob of Antifa Terrorists Assault Group of Trump Supporters in San Diego

>>12455414 , >>12455395 You are not alone. Military Crisis Line at 1-800-273-8255, option 1 or text 838255

>>12455422 Biden Says Small Businesses Will Receive No Aid Unless They’re Owned By Minorities, Women

>>12455460 US Capitol Police knew about potential for violence, according to the FBI

>>12455503 Colin Powell: I Am No Longer a Republican

>>12455432 @18airbornecorps Friends, when the sun comes up tomorrow, a new week will be upon us.

>>12455506 Poland To Fine Social Media Companies $2.2 Million Every Time They Censor Free Speech

>>12455534 Capitol Police names new acting chief

>>12455555 Pelosi Interview: (video cap)

>>12455710 Reminder why Lin Wood was RIGHT to spend 150K against Massie

>>12455738 #15901

Previously Collected Notables

>>12454190 #15899, >>12455003 #15900

>>12451990 #15896, >>12452660 #15897, >>12453425 #15898

>>12449977 #15893, >>12450368 #15894, >>12451175 #15895

>>12447311 #15890, >>12448054 #15891, >>12448855 #15892

>>12445004 #15887, >>12447903 #15888, >>12446576 #15889

>>12442613 #15884, >>12443405 #15885, >>12444254 #15886

>>12440213 #15881, >>12441028 #15882, >>12441764 #15883

>>12437928 #15878, >>12438681 #15879, >>12439493 #15880

>>12435629 #15875, >>12436493 #15876, >>12437772 #15877

>>12433344 #15872, >>12434093 #15873, >>12434828 #15874

>>12431017 #15869, >>12431651 #15870, >>12437028 #15871

>>12428651 #15866, >>12429445 #15867, >>12430253 #15868

>>12426349 #15863, >>12427103 #15864, >>12427867 #15865

>>12424039 #15860, >>12424800 #15861, >>12425584 #15462

>>12421679 #15857, >>12422447 #15858, >>12423240 #15859

>>12419349 #15854, >>12420133 #15855, >>12420915 #15856

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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ff59f3  No.12457306

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>9901078 ————————————–——– Questions & Practice Thread

>>11039643 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #11

>>>/qrb/13005 ————————————–——– Planefagging 101 Q&A

>>>/qrb/42185 ————————————–——– Boatfagging Q&A

International Q Research Threads

>>12076528 ————————————–——– Australia #12

>>12268046 ————————————–——– Balkan #3

>>11581748 ————————————–——– Brazil #1

>>12053898 ————————————–——– Canada #11

>>11250635 ————————————–——– China #1

>>8331823 ————————————–——– France #2

>>12145439 ————————————–——– Germany #73

>>10838222 ————————————–——– Italia #1

>>11487786 ————————————–——– Israel/Zionism #1

>>12219245 ————————————–——– Japan #1

>>9133907 ————————————–——– Mexico #1

>>10497699 ————————————–——– Nederland #5

>>10524823 ————————————–——– New Zealand #5

>>12173250 ————————————–——– Nordic #2

>>11937308 ————————————–——– Scotland #2

>>11550704 ————————————–——– South Africa #2

>>12196203 ————————————–——– UK #28

>>11306246 ————————————–——– Vatican #2

>>12228207 ————————————–——– Portugal #1

Q Proofs

>>6156082 ————————————–——– Q Proofs Threads, Proofs of Q's Validity

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Sealed Indictments

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Board Admin & Discussion Threads

>>11716920 ————————————–——– META (for board admin queries)

>>11728868 ————————————–——– Q Research General Dough/Kitchen Meta

Letters of Gratitude

>>1215912 ————————————–——– (Q posted in #1025)

Q Graphics / The MAP - All In GMT

>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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ff59f3  No.12457308

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ff59f3  No.12457314



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000000  No.12457322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.


Look at the information for yourself and you will see that it IS NOT disinformation.

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

CI-6 - Identity 101 f/ Pastor Eli James & Pastor Steve

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

Never filter, point out the JIDF/Mossad shills, they can't subvert if they can't hide.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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000000  No.12457324

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence


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000000  No.12457329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is the biblical name of a possible Canaanite god associated with child sacrifice. Traditionally, Moloch has been understood to be a god. However, since 1935 scholars have debated whether the term instead refers to a type of sacrifice on the basis of a similar term used for sacrifice in the Punic language. This second position has grown increasingly popular. Since the medieval period, Moloch has often been portrayed as a bull-headed idol with outstretched hands over a fire; this depiction takes the brief mentions of Moloch in the Bible and combines it with various sources, including ancient accounts of Carthaginian child sacrifice

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000000  No.12457333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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d67f45  No.12457350

File: 25e05bdb4f28558⋯.jpg (560.37 KB, 1080x800, 27:20, 138047689_1020797366141589….jpg)

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a2456c  No.12457357

File: e755e6461f967e3⋯.png (487.08 KB, 746x596, 373:298, _protocols_skip_baker_1.png)

File: 20d8f2056968293⋯.png (143.35 KB, 474x355, 474:355, _protocols_skip_baker_2.png)

File: ee54579eaf80143⋯.jpg (242.16 KB, 1065x595, 213:119, _protocols_skip_baker_3.jpg)

File: cb544c4c4adf936⋯.jpg (205.21 KB, 1137x590, 1137:590, _protocols_skip_baker_5.jpg)

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, _The_Protocols_of_the_Lern….png)

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary



















The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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75df9d  No.12457403

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653c78  No.12457404

File: 9bbc89e851bba5b⋯.png (221.29 KB, 524x531, 524:531, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e08714aa6258144⋯.png (472.42 KB, 597x468, 199:156, ClipboardImage.png)

PGA Announces It Will Strip Trump Bedminster Golf Club of 2022 PGA Championship After Capitol Hill Chaos

Here we go.

In 2015 Macy’s Stores dumped Trump merchandise after the liberal media misreported on Donald Trump’s comments on illegal aliens from Mexico.

Trump hit them back hard.

Today Macy’s is struggling to survive.

On Sunday the PGA announced it will strip Trump’s Bedminster Club from the 2022 PGA Championship after the Capitol Hill chaos this week.

Via Pro-Trump News and We Love Trump.


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7e71d4  No.12457405

File: 7ae0a4402042103⋯.jpg (607.35 KB, 1080x1533, 360:511, Screenshot_20210110_200008….jpg)

Despite concerns about the accuracy of Curative's COVID-19 testing kiosks, the city of Seattle is sticking with them.


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253d50  No.12457407

>>12457305 lb

Kek! Thanks for correcting my spelling, anon!

Just tried again. The autospell puts a space at the end. Try again, only Capital F, and make sure there is no space at the end.

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c6867a  No.12457408

File: a9eac1a7d9b7b78⋯.png (970.69 KB, 1268x744, 317:186, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a3a7045700be671⋯.png (1.13 MB, 848x564, 212:141, ClipboardImage.png)



>>12456894 (lb)

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698a51  No.12457409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0b5b34  No.12457410

File: 6ca430405a231f9⋯.png (38.75 KB, 733x345, 733:345, 41D64D6A_D94A_4B8D_9168_F7….png)

Any anons getting a honeypot glow from this request to txt on a list?

I ain’t clickin dat shit nigga

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68028b  No.12457411

File: d1ed7b657cb463f⋯.jpg (786.02 KB, 1920x959, 1920:959, Screenshot_20210110_225827.jpg)

PF: ok, what is going on? Two DC10s, one finally lands, another takes off, still doing loops. These are MIL/interesting-filtered. Going on for quite some time now.

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e4cb89  No.12457412

>>12456663 (lb)

>The precipice

>Trump, and whoever is on his team, have maneuvered themselves into a historically unique position.

>In the following ten days, they have the opportunity to confirm, or not confirm (by maintaining radio silence) everything Q has seeded into public consciousness.

>With a single message, which they can choose to send at ANY point in time, they can, for lack of a better word, start the Apocalypse of our times. An apocalypse of information.

>None of his opponents are in a position to prevent this. He remains commander in chief of the most powerful military force in the world for ten more days. Nobody will change that in ten days.

>The power to unleash the potential accumulated over the past three-and-a-half years at the click of a button resides in his appropiately-sized hands alone, for purposes of public recognition. For millions of Americans, Trump is the only person to be trusted at this point in time.

>Anons, take a moment to consider the amount of control, planning and sheer genius that is necessary to maneuver oneself into a position like this.

>Q supporter or diehard communist - your future and the future of this world is at the mercy of this Orange madman - and there is nothing you can do about it.

>These things usually only happen in movies.

>I hope everyone joins me in praying that whatever happens, we intend to manifest a future of truth, justice and good things for EVERYONE - leaving behind the hatred, fear, lies and political games that defined this post-war era.

>Be mindful that the people who influence your reality the most are your neighbors and your community.

>Work to make amends and find common ground in what we all share - our humanity.

>Fight with every fiber of your being against the evil spirits of division and distrust that are destroying our families and splintering our communities.

>We are not nazis.

>We are not radicals.

>We do not hate.

>We do not reduce our identities, or those of our fellow countrymen, to political affiliation, race or religion.

>We are human beings.

>We desire freedom.

>Love makes us strong.

>We recognize the signs of our times and with bleeding hearts we witness the destruction that has been laid on our collective souls.

>Let’s do this.

>I love (you) all.

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8d69ae  No.12457413

File: 22c745ce58d45e2⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1440x2952, 20:41, Capture_2021_01_10_22_01_4….png)

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5dd3e6  No.12457414

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2701d7  No.12457415

==Does this mean we can start impeaching Ex-Presidents?


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fbb033  No.12457416

>>12457364 (LB)

Of so called "inputs" and "outputs".

You may think of the blockchain as a giant book, where each participant has an automatically and constantly updated copy of that book. If I send my bitcoin to you, I would create an "output" on a bitcoin address (think safe box) that I control, towards an "input" on a bitcoin address that you control. This transaction is stored on the blockchain and cryptographically verified by all the participants on the bitcoin network.

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bc3abd  No.12457417

File: 9058dd13405cd98⋯.png (279.39 KB, 458x507, 458:507, GF.PNG)

Wendi Strauch Mahoney is a beautiful writer.

“To all those who are tempted to give up—don’t. That’s what they want. That’s how they win. I know it’s depleting. Just take a big, deep breath. Make gratitude your singular focus. Enjoy your loved ones. Get some rest.”

Keep reading.

Some Things Cannot Be Stolen - UncoverDC



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2419ab  No.12457418

File: c61ced304c8d616⋯.png (223.11 KB, 700x1109, 700:1109, ccp_next.png)

File: 0ca4e9fc0967a9f⋯.png (116.24 KB, 864x621, 32:23, happy_packs.png)

File: 700217a6e691f9d⋯.png (137.77 KB, 763x710, 763:710, happy_packs2.png)

File: 43794e4edaea9c7⋯.jpg (584.31 KB, 1518x854, 759:427, special_place.jpg)

File: ecdf63ed54123f9⋯.jpg (395.03 KB, 777x777, 1:1, trump_patriots_2020_777x77….jpg)

Will POTUS wait until after The Alamo event?

Then web out.

Hold The Line. Pop that corn.

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b4089b  No.12457419

DC traffic cams.

DC is a ghost town.


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91b04b  No.12457420

File: 35f4e2bb38858c1⋯.jpg (95.99 KB, 696x514, 348:257, impeach.jpg)

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853556  No.12457421

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c71810  No.12457422

what was DJT's last big win? not a presumed/projected future-win, but an actually evident win.

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6ccb97  No.12457423

Can someone help me compile (or link to) a list of really good Trump term accomplishments that can be shared with normies. I feel like most people just think that Trump killed 350,000 Americans last year and stormed the U.S. Capital to keep his power and we need some goddamn TRUTH.

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8c9748  No.12457424


You don't want me at a party

trust me on this

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f3db77  No.12457425


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072e7d  No.12457426

>>12456877 (lb)

This may be a dumb question…

If it's built on Chrome, does it have any tendrils back to Google?

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b81191  No.12457427

File: fa7e5a9501c113c⋯.jpg (7.36 KB, 257x145, 257:145, bbf1caf196ffb5b5a8f3hf569b….JPG)

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bfe224  No.12457428


Nunes better not start texting me for donations.

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75df9d  No.12457429


The PGA will regret their knee-jerk decision.

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653c78  No.12457430

File: 72073623891a27e⋯.png (57.75 KB, 378x183, 126:61, ClipboardImage.png)



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000000  No.12457431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel

Benjamin H. Freedman's excellent speech on how World War one & two really started and why the U.S. was eventually drawn in.

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b81191  No.12457432

File: aa4ec458f68df85⋯.jpg (28.02 KB, 748x492, 187:123, mccabewillpaytheprice.jpg)

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070458  No.12457433

>>12457214 (pb)

IF they want a GOOD military they have to fix what they fucked. Holy shit the low lifes they let enlist now. It used to be an honor to be accepted into the USMC..now that the girls cried when the drill Sargent yelled at them even the USMC is cucked.

That fucking West Point Army COMMIE had zero issues publicly posting a pic of him with his "communisim will win" hat…PUBLIC. People complained, the Army said "mumble mumble investigate, mumble dealt with mumble".

Imagine getting a recommendation to West Point and then letting the entire world know you're a fucking communist at your graduation.

ANY time I hear the word investigate i YAWN. You mean like investigate Hillary's emails? There's a reason Traitor Gowdy had to resign. Primarily because he was SUPPOSED to be exposing her intent and the ONE thing he never ever did, was expose her intent (which was crystal clear in the Colin Powell email exchange). It was at that moment i knew Gowdy was a fucking bought off corrupt piece of shit playing the "bad cop" role.

Oh, and FUCK trannies thinking they'll get free surgery in the Military. WTF are we going to do…go to war with axe wounds that have to spend hours everyday laying around with a dildo stuck up their former dick hole?

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0b5b34  No.12457434

File: 790bb32eeeceb08⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB, 2732x1854, 1366:927, DEC55C65_06DD_4154_AD98_E….jpeg)


Didn’t notice. To busy watching this…

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6dcb2d  No.12457435




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f3db77  No.12457436



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8de088  No.12457437

File: a4d9572281ea48b⋯.png (209.34 KB, 662x394, 331:197, traitsofmoney.png)

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fbb033  No.12457438


I forgot to add: The "giant book" is the blockchain. Once a transaction is entered into the blockchain, everybody can look it up and verify that I did in fact transfer my bitcoin to you.

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31bf03  No.12457439

File: 471ff5168906e47⋯.png (1.02 MB, 500x843, 500:843, ClipboardImage.png)

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5d8c4b  No.12457440


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072e7d  No.12457441


He's creating a voter file.

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a39a43  No.12457442

File: a0c0eda5fd36f17⋯.jpeg (724.07 KB, 2318x1459, 2318:1459, 951E76B6_C44B_46BF_8346_6….jpeg)


Thank you, Bakerer.

>bewbs of breads passed.

Thanks SC.

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fd697f  No.12457443

File: 1268075c5d58a99⋯.png (324.6 KB, 843x578, 843:578, ClipboardImage.png)

THERE IT IS: Evil Pelosi Admits in “60 Minutes” Tongue-Bath Interview that Motivation for Impeachment Is To Ensure “He Never Runs Again”


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0b5b34  No.12457444


* hello JSOC asskickers.

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75df9d  No.12457446


i did, but texted anyway. they already know who i am.

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0b5b34  No.12457447


Yummy milkers

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d88e6d  No.12457448


Nancy probably hasn't seen the inside of her office in years.

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8c9748  No.12457449

File: 30ad47a96aafd5f⋯.jpg (75.25 KB, 956x960, 239:240, 118730527_1015816237933329….jpg)


dammit forgot the lb

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bfe224  No.12457450


You seem nice.

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ef616c  No.12457451


Did we ever confirm if she’s member of the goblin tribe?

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495f95  No.12457452


Nunes probably made the post asking if it was working for them or not. Half the board probably just signed up for a future donation drive they'll have forgotten about months later.

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8c7141  No.12457453


Irons hotter than ever boss.

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6993d6  No.12457454



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19585e  No.12457455


i call the cops on my ownself

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8d69ae  No.12457456


Only the start.

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3b9815  No.12457457


it's a rebranded Brave browser with a spyware plugin added to it: don't use it

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ea3aa5  No.12457458



she had been crying for days after seeing the declas images, I bet

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1c8a11  No.12457459


don't joint lists

mandatory government shit only

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653c78  No.12457460

File: 1442ce6110b6bc9⋯.png (578.09 KB, 735x802, 735:802, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99c43e7baa209d2⋯.png (31.2 KB, 751x638, 751:638, ClipboardImage.png)

Memphis Police Officer Arrested, Charged With Murdering Man While On Duty

MEMPHIS, Tennessee — A Memphis police officer has been arrested after he allegedly killed and kidnapped a man while on-duty.

Last Wednesday, around 8:30 p.m., officers received a call regarding a man who was missing. Upon speaking with the caller, officers learned that her boyfriend, 30-year-old Robert Howard, was last seen in the 3500 block of Mark Twain Street around 5:00 p.m. on January 5, 2021.

The caller told police she used an app and tracked the victim’s cellphone near Lamar Avenue and Shelby Drive, in which she located the phone but did not locate the victim.

During the investigation, investigators determined that the victim was taken from the home in the 3500 block of Mark Twain Street and was shot by 29-year-old Patric Ferguson, who is known to the victim. Additionally, Patric Ferguson is a Memphis Police Officer and was on duty when this incident occurred.

Police say that Ferguson, “acting on his own accord, armed himself with his personal handgun, encountered the victim outside the residence, and forced the victim in the rear of a squad car. Ferguson then drove to the area of Frayser Boulevard and Denver Street, where he shot and killed Mr. Howard.”


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d9709c  No.12457461

>>12457397 (lb)

I love banana bread if you’re taking suggestions <3

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fcba89  No.12457462

What is the anon consensus on how long we may he without power? I realize we don't know, but I have friends buying a generator.

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a235c5  No.12457463

File: c84c93bbe9abe40⋯.png (303.62 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)



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3a5482  No.12457464


Why don't they just draw up impeachment articles on everyone except themselves so no one ever can run against them.

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80e3ee  No.12457465

>>12456997 lb

Tom Cotton

Product of McKinsey and Co. Same outfit as Bootiejig.

no thanks.

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b4089b  No.12457466

File: e553c7032b06dc2⋯.png (49.33 KB, 631x161, 631:161, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

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3cd49b  No.12457467

File: e93fb481b119e1e⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1585x624, 1585:624, ClipboardImage.png)

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3fc505  No.12457468

File: 98ee8506921394b⋯.jpeg (59.97 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 5FBBCA77_20DF_492B_A590_4….jpeg)

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6ccb97  No.12457469


She probably isn’t even aware of “the plan”. Only a few top people are aware, and of course, us anons.

Poor girl, hope she gets some rest soon, she deserves a long and amazing vacation. Absolutely best spokesperson anyone could ask for.

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19b932  No.12457470


And can provide one's own family with clean water, food, and every other necessary product without depending on any of society. Skills are most important. Defense measures next in line. My family will do well. Most people would be clueless when it comes to trying to find a way to make perfectly clean, safe potable water. That's new. For thousands of years everyone lived realistically. Only in recent decades have people worldwide been conditioned to be unskilled and severely dependent. And they were happy to go along with the dumbing-down of society. They received entertainment in trade for their minds.

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bfe224  No.12457471


That is not right.

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6993d6  No.12457472


No need…they have the voting machines working for them.

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3a5482  No.12457473


Or maybe she just been awake and working hard

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fcf18e  No.12457474

File: 42a5202f410d592⋯.jpeg (281.93 KB, 640x950, 64:95, 73BD3DB4_ABEC_4398_9809_7….jpeg)

File: 7b9265047297342⋯.jpeg (246.78 KB, 640x679, 640:679, 648E32A7_735C_4B93_BC7F_C….jpeg)

File: ff3c27bedd8dc46⋯.jpeg (224.01 KB, 640x593, 640:593, 84BED04D_D641_4B40_87B9_D….jpeg)

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d3cd16  No.12457475

File: a6dda4a1bb205e4⋯.png (293.46 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Bogeyman.png)

File: 873fb9b1dec70f9⋯.png (552.54 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, Garbage.png)

File: e043b9aec75edb2⋯.jpg (226.6 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, FU.jpg)

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072e7d  No.12457476




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b6a67e  No.12457477

File: e4b455fdd1dfc92⋯.jpg (122.48 KB, 1262x495, 1262:495, Capture.JPG)

File: 54ec8cc502028db⋯.jpg (14.85 KB, 333x141, 111:47, Capture1.JPG)

Do people know if this is really Trump and he's posting on Gab…I Don't have nor read it..But I guess ..gonna have to start..kekek

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fcb570  No.12457478



Could you sleep at night?

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9dbdad  No.12457479


Liberal bitches eat this crap up because they’re freakin ugly in and out. Kaylieh is grounded in God and she shines through and through.

Sick propagandists

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d9709c  No.12457480


It’ll be the comfy kind of party

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000000  No.12457481

Could Project Odin be going live with the DECLAS? or a Laptops from Hell dump?

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d88e6d  No.12457482


Remember the Alamo

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d6c026  No.12457483


If you watched that presser you would realize she had been crying. Some of the bottom eyeliner was missing and her eyes had a pinkish tint. The skin color is just shit color balance in the recording.

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19b932  No.12457484

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48a4e0  No.12457485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

…but we don't storm the Capitol and stop looking for other people to blame including those dirtbags terrorists antifa.

Judge Jeanine: Condemning Capitol Hill violence (Graphic Warning)


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3a5482  No.12457486


I think it will be a comms blackout only

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a12c38  No.12457487

File: 0d95cc2192073ac⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2072x1368, 259:171, ITS_GOING_TO_BE_BIBLICAL.png)

Anons, just for shits and giggles I'm watching 'Law Abiding Citizen'. About half way through and holy shit. I would have watched it long ago but I had no idea.

Not really sure how it applies, other than the initial obvious message, but I'm sure something else will come to mind after I chew on it for a while.

Truly love this place and can not believe we are here on this timeline. God Bless POTUS and all who fight for our freedom.

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853556  No.12457488


consensus only works for climate change.

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e4d0f5  No.12457489


Tip: Do not iron your business shirt or pants in the nude.

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2701d7  No.12457490

FBI Director Wray nor David Bowdich, the deputy director in charge of operations at the bureau, has held a news conference where reporters could ask questions. Neither has Jeffrey A. Rosen, the acting attorney general. Neither has John Demers of DOJ National Security Division.


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8021ec  No.12457491

>>12457266 (lb)

I'm losing IQ points having to explain this to you but i'm a very nice person and that would be the reason why you are the one who is crying....no one else is saying a fucking thing but you!!!!...notice that....hmmm.... so that just leaves you with the low IQ..because you don't understand and are not smart enough to understand...go back to twitter and play with yourself.

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61fcea  No.12457492

Damn! Bread moving so fast I can't shit post on messages to the normies and thank the anons for the meme ammo in time!!!!

I asked for meme ammo to punish a dumbass on the mostly peaceful protests and you guys delivered FAST.

Shout out to the ammo runners. Could always use more.

All last bread





You guys are awesome. Thanks.

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51ebdf  No.12457493

>>12456820 pb

Been trying to talk my neighbors into, at least, putting some provisions aside. They give me condescending looks. 2 years now… and they know I'm prepped.

When they come to me for help, I'm going to treat them the way I would treat marauding strangers.

Fuck 'em.

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f64a9f  No.12457494


Here's a great rundown from early December:


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31bf03  No.12457495

File: 479e1a21a59c1dc⋯.png (736.47 KB, 599x459, 599:459, ClipboardImage.png)


>Think Mirror.

She seems real concerned about this…mentions the laptop and other tech in kind of a lackadaisical way. Though with the fake tears, she's clearly either trying to misdirect OR also bring attention to the mirror. Unless she did it herself out of rage for her Dorian Grey deal not working out so well…

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b4520b  No.12457496


>he allegedly killed and kidnapped a man while on-duty.

How do these idiots get jobs as writers?

KIDNAPPED, then KILLED you fucking moron!

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17d673  No.12457497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fcb570  No.12457498


they re-post his tweets.

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000000  No.12457499

Can someone explain why the hell Dan Bongino is invested in Parler? I've wanted to e-mail him myself but it's probably a waste of time. The owner gave an interview saying Q people are stupid (I'm paraphrasing) and he didn't want them on his platform, so clearly he's comped. So why the hell is Bongino involved with him?

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bfe224  No.12457500


Very few women look the same with and without makeup. I am not saying that is bad or anything.

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a6dba8  No.12457501


She doesn’t know the plan. POTUS’s children don’t even know it. Only “Top Men”

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c05f8a  No.12457502


She's once again, working on a malicious, vindictive, frivolous litigation, when she should be working on the STIMULOUS.

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0b5b34  No.12457503


Dubs ‘n KEK

At least you’re courteous

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9d4edb  No.12457504

>>12455321 /lb

>Did FDR really make America a corporation? I've been searching with Blind Search and not Guugle and can't find anything.

Yes this happened officially in 1938 when the US was declared bankrupt after the manipulated bank crash and Great Depression. This is when the UCC Code was introduced and has now replaced the US Constitution in the court rooms, the gold fringe flag is your clue that the UCC is the law they are following in the courts. It's the Universal Commercial Codes. Try looking for that.

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fa9f21  No.12457505


Dissenter has spyware?

I thought it was from Gab and legit

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37e3d9  No.12457506


You got some kind of filter on or something?

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52595f  No.12457507


Those bewbs make me happy

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b56e15  No.12457508

File: 6024d6e84ae3e17⋯.jpg (165.7 KB, 893x1280, 893:1280, hobore_de_balzac.jpg)

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2701d7  No.12457509


This dude is faggoty ass NYT reporter


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42fe25  No.12457510


Trump has no other option than to utterly destroy her. There are others with her same mindset that must “never hold office again”.

Asset strip them, expose their crimes to the public, and dispose of them properly.

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878e66  No.12457511

File: af2956a756cb32f⋯.jpeg (255.27 KB, 640x767, 640:767, 61E58BA3_5C0B_4C24_AEA9_7….jpeg)

File: a9578a8a1feafc6⋯.jpeg (342.09 KB, 640x911, 640:911, 9C7B10ED_74E7_41E0_840A_0….jpeg)

File: a06cedf62e9d5d4⋯.jpeg (276.96 KB, 640x808, 80:101, E33F7688_BC07_4011_A53D_F….jpeg)

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7549ab  No.12457512

What a massive mistake…

They should have let him win the election…

I don't think he could have done insurrection if they let him win.


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c3361b  No.12457513


Actually that always worked.

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3b9815  No.12457514


they don't know what to invent anymore

different hair-do

different make-up

different lightning

different tan

+ probably some shitty photoshop filters to make her look bad

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d6c026  No.12457515


Fox is finished. It's whistling past a graveyard now.

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d69cec  No.12457516

File: 6be43befdc4c77c⋯.png (41.16 KB, 647x331, 647:331, Screenshot_2021_01_10_Clou….png)

File: 299cb3e7abfeaa1⋯.png (96.16 KB, 1903x1451, 1903:1451, Screenshot_2021_01_10_Proc….png)



1h ago

We will always love and support our brave men and women of law enforcement.

Now, more than ever, we must come together and stand by our heroes — as they will undoubtedly stand by US! 🇺🇸


Proclamation on Honoring United States Capitol Police Officers


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b4089b  No.12457517


She wore black the other day.

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9dbdad  No.12457518


UNFORTUNATELY There has to be pain for people to SEE

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47b426  No.12457519


>“He Never Runs Again”

said that about 3 days ago

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91b04b  No.12457520

File: 374172633d78999⋯.jpg (256.18 KB, 510x808, 255:404, stimulus.jpg)

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e1ce28  No.12457521


Right? We are so fucking catalogued and scoped

They know who what where and exactly what you


We might as well stop being anon anymore what’s the point

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0b5b34  No.12457522


Fox is wall to wall gaslighting Judas goats

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951025  No.12457523


So NXVIM and Epstein were competing blackmail operations?

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615b23  No.12457524

So, since Haspel refused to declas, Kansas is former Clown Dir white hat Patriot maybe he authorized??

He did a countdown….the timing of military pretty much finishing arriving in dc….Nunes saying dark winter imminent.. huge generators in dc…capitol, supreme court fenced off to keep them caged…..wlot of corrupt people wwlked right into those csges… ..how do you catch a dangerous animal…troops to make sure they dont escspe..nervous nancy in a caged panic frenzy . declas is about to rock a few peoples world!..wow….what s time to be alive!!!!!!

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b6a67e  No.12457525

File: aeae8fc0146f3b7⋯.png (591.3 KB, 613x451, 613:451, ClipboardImage.png)

Re-posting by request

Lehigh University yanks honorary degree it gave to Trump in 1988

A Pennsylvania college has rescinded an honorary degree it gave to President Donald Trump three decades ago in the wake of Wednesday’s riot at the US Capitol by his supporters.

Lehigh University had given Trump the sheepskin in 1988, after he spoke at the school’s commencement ceremony.

An official statement did not specify the grounds for revoking the honor, though some faculty and staff had long called for Trump to be stripped of the degree.

“In a special session Thursday of the Executive Committee of the Lehigh University Board of Trustees, the members voted to rescind and revoke the honorary degree granted to Donald J. Trump in 1988,” the statement read. “The full Board of Trustees affirmed the decision today.”


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da3dbb  No.12457526

File: 6267b2ab12325b8⋯.jpeg (61.03 KB, 611x500, 611:500, E8A384FF_2FA7_4A8F_B6EE_1….jpeg)


Bless the Baker !

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000000  No.12457527


Said fuck it. I'll comb my hair and drop a mic on those fuckers.

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bfe224  No.12457528


Kind of like Mose did but they will be banging on your door for beef jerky.

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b4520b  No.12457529

File: de09c0c1f081cd4⋯.jpg (101.83 KB, 693x500, 693:500, 43group.jpg)


Watch A Serbian Film next

It's even better.

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c3361b  No.12457530


They put her face through a remove-makeup filter.

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5d355d  No.12457531

File: bfe48ada6b2586c⋯.jpeg (107 KB, 733x360, 733:360, CCD4B55C_C8A2_459B_9281_3….jpeg)

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fcba89  No.12457532


I thought that until yesterday's blackout in pakistan, berlin, italy, part of quebec

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3a5482  No.12457533


On my local news twitter feeds, even normies are making this comment…wondering how much her impeachment bs will cost while businesses are suffering

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175a8a  No.12457534


Oh no! Not my special cock wagging faggot club!

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91b04b  No.12457535

File: 9d18c4cfdd95e46⋯.png (101.74 KB, 255x202, 255:202, gingerplease_copy_2.png)

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d88e6d  No.12457536


Never happened before. Till this day it's all theory.

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3e42af  No.12457537

File: 56a77914941d947⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 680x440, 17:11, IMG_4905.GIF)

File: cedd4d505beaf37⋯.jpg (279.59 KB, 1200x1478, 600:739, IMG_6842.JPG)

File: bac11a652388ada⋯.png (242.35 KB, 860x681, 860:681, IMG_6857.PNG)

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fddde1  No.12457538


>what was DJT's last big win?

2020 election for POTUS

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c71810  No.12457539


whats wrong, anon? nothing come to mind?

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3b9815  No.12457540


yes, the plugin they add to it sends all the urls you visit back to them

if you trust them to not do something bad with it go for it

I don't

it's open source, you can verify

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ea3aa5  No.12457541


>Could you sleep at night?


But I think we all owe it to our nation to know, no matter how much it hurts. This shit is too big to be swept under the carpet, individually and collectively. We should all recall the pain when we pass down the story of how we nearly lost our nation; and who nearly pulled it off

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d67f45  No.12457542


Yes, it was filtering any air traffic below 18000 feet, and since the Airspace was shut to any traffic above 18000 feet it was empty. Except for when POTUS flew out.

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bfe224  No.12457543


When does a bird sing? When he is caged.

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fb3459  No.12457544

File: 40ad1b5cbe49969⋯.png (820.31 KB, 548x764, 137:191, marina_abromovic_a_serbian….png)

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4924e2  No.12457545

File: 0e83bdf59fc7219⋯.png (409.08 KB, 990x595, 198:119, HOLD.png)

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6af48a  No.12457546

File: 0221ee1c5053905⋯.jpg (19.88 KB, 220x344, 55:86, lossy_page1_220px_WAAC_SIL….jpg)

>>12450562 (lb)

>was Ashli Babbit really was shot and died,

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da3dbb  No.12457547

File: 07964abcc648889⋯.jpeg (80.93 KB, 500x526, 250:263, 52B3F603_4235_4CA2_B41E_E….jpeg)

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be84bc  No.12457548

>>12457525 Lehigh University yanks honorary degree it gave to Trump in 1988


>“The full Board of Trustees affirmed the decision today.”

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8c9748  No.12457549


I can put on a social mask

for about an hour, then I get

irritated and go find a private spot to read

Even when I'm trying to be social

I give off a vibe that puts ppl on edge

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017eaf  No.12457550


And Paris, partial

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fc960c  No.12457551

File: fa1c0e7b2aec859⋯.png (23.71 KB, 697x185, 697:185, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec888c  No.12457552


Newbies and normies have no idea the patience of being awake for this entire presidential term. Majority of my normie friends and family have just woken up and have ants in their pants thinking everything is going to happen in 1 day….they have no idea.

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e29374  No.12457553

File: 9d85d55a388d474⋯.jpeg (255.56 KB, 640x780, 32:39, 382B078C_1CDF_498C_A86C_F….jpeg)

File: 2083ecf8ac32ff9⋯.jpeg (342.37 KB, 640x926, 320:463, ECACB47B_DFA1_4459_BA30_4….jpeg)

File: 863dbac8148947a⋯.jpeg (276.78 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 1A7EF2EF_6554_447F_B713_0….jpeg)


Masons are NXVIM but with faggotry instead

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f43132  No.12457554

File: 59cc70d8e4b71f4⋯.jpg (228.87 KB, 851x556, 851:556, Jordan_Peterson_s_13th_Rul….jpg)

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fcb570  No.12457555

File: e4a5d85a9e44b6f⋯.png (30.77 KB, 615x348, 205:116, ClipboardImage.png)

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016824  No.12457556


I just hold the mask up to my face, drives the lefts crazy

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b6a67e  No.12457557

File: 4c3618c6d717450⋯.jpg (57.6 KB, 804x454, 402:227, Capture.JPG)

Coming to America..SOON..Hell it's already here

Scanning digital health QR code becomes OBLIGATORY for passengers using ride-hailing services in Beijing

Using a ride-hailing service in Beijing, such as Uber or local Didi Chuxing, won’t be possible without scanning your health QR code, the city authorities said amid a spike in Covid-19 cases in nearby Hebei province.

Starting from Monday, drivers will be able to deny services to those who refuse to show and scan their QR codes, the state-run Global Times newspaper reported.

The color-based health QR code system was introduced in Beijing and more than 100 other cities in February to help curb the spread of the coronavirus, which was first reported in China's Wuhan more than a month earlier.

The app automatically generates a code for the user. A 'green' one means they are free roam around the capital, while 'yellow' and 'red' codes call for self-isolation or supervised quarantine.


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d1767d  No.12457558


>We might as well stop being anon anymore what’s the point


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c3361b  No.12457559


They do co-ed training now.

Imagine a 140 pound woman trying to pull a 240 pound male marine to the finish line.

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19585e  No.12457560

File: df3900484e64ec4⋯.jpg (106.48 KB, 666x500, 333:250, 4ndmxa.jpg)

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4d5d0c  No.12457561


When was the last time, since last night, your mommy gave you the glowies buggering your asshole with her night stick?

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323fa4  No.12457562

Breads move fast -

What do anons think of a notables of the day - where only the top notables from each bread, are added to the dough?

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951025  No.12457563



runaway cancel culture

outta control

gonny go [boom]

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0b5b34  No.12457564


Redress of grievances

Says it right here in that doc.

Fuck you Judge.

Subtract the infilled Antifa and it was a garden club meeting. Spare me.

I saw DC burn in June. I don’t have the memory of a guppy.

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d67f45  No.12457565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 1.10.21

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a242db  No.12457566

wtf is this ?


>Lehigh University yanks honorary degree it gave to Trump in 1988

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2d7d47  No.12457567

File: 15311b023d5ae85⋯.jpg (162.61 KB, 559x487, 559:487, Untitled_1.jpg)

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b4089b  No.12457568


Oh, the days have been long.

Marriage might not make it, but we shall see.

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922d98  No.12457569

File: e97c1bd65639efc⋯.jpeg (255.27 KB, 640x763, 640:763, 9CAD4E62_A800_4C33_AC32_7….jpeg)

File: 63173439a8746dd⋯.jpeg (338.71 KB, 640x916, 160:229, BAF20AE7_589F_4C09_A8BF_5….jpeg)

File: 9700e72d9420da6⋯.jpeg (278.83 KB, 640x827, 640:827, 16D7ED60_8EE8_40E4_9C6B_1….jpeg)

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5e8a6c  No.12457570


I thought the half staff flag was for the Capitol Police who died.

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d9709c  No.12457571


I really dig that movie as well. Gives me a justice boner.

On a second watch I was a bit more scepticL of the guy’s affinity towards violence, kek

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63ef89  No.12457572

File: 2f60487e1a4099d⋯.jpeg (1.09 MB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 59D2FD99_35DB_4BC1_9EEE_3….jpeg)

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309a7c  No.12457573


you do not speak for us.

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094fb1  No.12457574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>12457248 (lb)

Chapter I


Chapter II


Chapter III


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fd697f  No.12457575


I think is all that comes out of her mouth nowadays.

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be84bc  No.12457576


can relate

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e4d0f5  No.12457577


… part of the thocial media instant gratification unwind thing I'd suspect.

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b4520b  No.12457578

File: 6e75cb3dd19149d⋯.png (303.43 KB, 812x732, 203:183, logic_tables.png)

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f3fed3  No.12457579

File: b1b59e806cf2728⋯.jpg (142.44 KB, 1280x964, 320:241, ClipboardImage_10_.jpg)

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fc960c  No.12457580

File: a2f595a30ac96d5⋯.png (25.58 KB, 680x180, 34:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3361b  No.12457581


Mix in sriracha into that ketchup anon.

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6ccb97  No.12457582


Nice! Here’s the two sites I have for “positive Trump.” I’ll collect more if people know of other good info sources.



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6399cf  No.12457583

Parler Legal team drops company as client.

Why and how can this happen? Lawyers represent heinous murderers, the Rosenbergs, etc. but not Parler. The Dems have got to go. The plan has to go effective. WWG1WGA


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3fc505  No.12457584

File: 6e1160706da0209⋯.jpeg (100.65 KB, 615x842, 615:842, 5E5E7758_0608_45AF_B460_8….jpeg)

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653c78  No.12457585

File: a84da33f4a7989f⋯.png (84.38 KB, 798x833, 114:119, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f77c6b91f5fe7e7⋯.png (102.31 KB, 836x796, 209:199, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d526139d2dcf5ce⋯.png (119.59 KB, 842x838, 421:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61825e3b3689578⋯.png (58.24 KB, 866x418, 433:209, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden Has Ties To 5 Major Tech Companies

Joe Biden has hired at least 14 current or former executives from five major tech firms to serve in his administration or advise his transition team.

The firms — Apple, Google, Amazon, Twitter and Facebook — have all clamped down this week on President Trump and Parler, a social media site popular with conservatives.

Conservatives have long expressed concern over Biden and Democrats’ close ties to the major tech companies.

Apple’s top lobbyist is a longtime Biden adviser. Former executives from Twitter and Facebook are also joining the Biden White House.

At least 14 people who President-elect Joe Biden has picked to serve either in his administration or to advise his transition have worked for the Big Tech firms that cracked down earlier this week on President Donald Trump and a social media site popular with conservatives.

Apple’s top lobbyist was a chief adviser to the Biden transition team. A former Facebook executive will serve as staff director in the Biden White House, and a former Twitter executive will serve as chief spokesperson for the National Security Council under Biden.

Current and former executives at those firms and two others, Google and Amazon, fill out other positions in the incoming Biden administration, or his transition team.

The five tech giants all took action this week against Trump and Parler, the social media site, in response to riots at the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday.

Twitter permanently banned Trump over what it called violent rhetoric in the wake of riots at the U.S. Capitol building. Trump supporters breached the Capitol building to protest a vote to confirm Joe Biden as president.

Five people died in the mayhem, including U.S. Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick. Ashli Babbit, a Trump supporter from San Diego, was also fatally shot by a police officer while trying to enter a restricted area of the Capitol building.

Parler, a social media company popular with conservatives who have grown disenchanted with Twitter, was also targeted in a sweeping crackdown by the tech companies.


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0b5b34  No.12457586


They don’t have souls.

Would you waste one on that.


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051597  No.12457587

>>12457014 lb

>>12457247 lb

You frighten me anon.

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a6346b  No.12457588


Nunes is legit. You don't know enough about him. It was all riding on him once and he came through. Hence why Trump gave him the medal of freedom.

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f50c97  No.12457589


Nope. No makeup artist/short notice call-in.

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d0afa4  No.12457590


Theres a bunch of them.

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19b932  No.12457591


He's not talking about a face-diaper.

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fcb570  No.12457592

File: 511cf1aca09f802⋯.png (103.39 KB, 563x690, 563:690, ClipboardImage.png)

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d9709c  No.12457593


When I was younger I thought “you look just as good without makeup, maybe even better” was the best kind of compliment

Turns out women just think you are trashing their make up skills, kek

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072e7d  No.12457594


They never thought they would be exposed.

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bcda4a  No.12457595


Looks like they went on a refueling mission to me. 20,000 feet, out over the ocean. Notice that fighter jets almost never pop up on the map.

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0b5b34  No.12457596


Wonder if someone gave him the ol’ Deep State shiner

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be84bc  No.12457597


virtue signalling tds

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75df9d  No.12457598


>Nice! Here’s the two sites I have for “positive Trump.”

here's another


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34c3e7  No.12457599

Times like this, when I'm done for the day and too tired to research or type anymore, my.mind wanders.

Tonight I wonder if Maggie wishes she got off the bloody train on that night, years ago, when Q suggested she disembark. I watched that shot in real time and she Twatted as Q posted.

Now, years later, 24 hours after the Insurrection Act has been lawfully invoked, it's only a matter of time before 40 heavily armed military men, with barking dogs, break down Maggie's front door, wake up the children, ransack the house, intentionally make a mess, wrench Maggie up from bed so hard that her head hits the ceiling, and hauls her out.

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f50c97  No.12457600


I want to punch the creeper out of him.

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b4089b  No.12457601


Anon clicked, but after three years, anything but anonymous anyway.

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47b426  No.12457602



her abuse of power is textbook but no one calls her out

this will be unsustainable if left unchecked

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a39a43  No.12457603


Well, tat just did my head in. TY, anon.

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ff4540  No.12457604

File: f36964171bc24e7⋯.jpeg (194.46 KB, 1125x1414, 1125:1414, CNN_Capatcha_1_.jpeg)

File: f36964171bc24e7⋯.jpeg (194.46 KB, 1125x1414, 1125:1414, CNN_Capatcha.jpeg)

File: 10745c3862225b5⋯.jpeg (325.06 KB, 836x434, 418:217, CNN_Peaceful_Protest.jpeg)

File: 2edac75a44f4b8c⋯.jpeg (320.7 KB, 847x438, 847:438, CNN_Peaceful_Protestors.jpeg)

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f212e4  No.12457605


still aint clicking that shit. if the lights go out, I know whats up. dont need a text from nunes telling me its okay.

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3b9815  No.12457606



Nunes is one of the few trusted patriots

study Q and the notables more

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bfe224  No.12457607



This is the most comprehensive uninterrupted video of the storming of the Capital ending with Ashli Babbitt’s death that I have seen.


I am not sure of why when people got to “THIS” door it was not going to be allowed after they had been roaming the Capital for 38 minutes without any blowback.

38:15 Given that Ashli was an American vet with 4 tours of duty (a Patriot) , her beliefs (of which I agree with - our Republic is on the line) and given her size she jumped with excitement at the anticipation of jumping through that broken window in the door.

38:22 The Tactical squad has started ascending stairs to escort the two officers out that were stationed in front of the doors.

38:52 Tactical squad escorting the two officers out of the area.

39:08 Ashli is shot. She died within minutes on the floor of “The People’s House” adorned in red, white and blue fighting for what she believed were threats both foreign and domestic defending the country that she loved.

39:25 the Tactical squad returns.

39:38 Ashli’s body is now going into abnormal posturing where her arms are curling inward and are twitching (decorticate posturing) and then her right arm extends down by her body (and eventually her left arm) and has rhythmic jerking (decerebrate posturing - more ominous). She is showing neurological damages from lack of blood flow to the brain or brain stem injury.

Her eyes are now vacant.

40:00 Ashli takes her first agonal breath.

42:09 reports start that she is dead.

Ashli didn’t die at the hospital as they are reporting, she died on the floor of Congress defending her country from the treasonous politicians that we have elected.

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6298c4  No.12457608


This is what we need to be send our family's.

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3836ec  No.12457609


has everybody forgotten about Ron "CodeMonkeyZ" Watkins' "Project: Odin"…?

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3726d3  No.12457610


Nice callsign.

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d9709c  No.12457611


Don’t forget Playboy!

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f3fed3  No.12457612

File: 7c00b16560ef544⋯.png (490.92 KB, 750x486, 125:81, potuspointer.png)

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b79335  No.12457613

File: 073d6d84097243b⋯.png (727.6 KB, 1214x556, 607:278, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: f0b573a005654e4⋯.png (95.46 KB, 661x558, 661:558, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: 85f47cb8f4ff766⋯.png (694.65 KB, 1138x574, 569:287, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: 744a170d922f7a2⋯.png (443.75 KB, 1121x460, 1121:460, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: bed0dca2fb0c662⋯.png (232.81 KB, 595x332, 595:332, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)



Iron[E], k[ ]k


In a nice little [R][e][D] BO?

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b33326  No.12457614


1/13 interesting..

Seeing its either it happens and thats true or.. we all are destroyed publicly and jailed .. they already are calling for it.

But gives some hope .

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da3dbb  No.12457615



he won't be drinking any pino grigio in gitmo

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fa9f21  No.12457616


Good to know, cheers for this

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0b5b34  No.12457617


Dubbs and I know all about him.

In the end, he is a politician.

I’m not getting on his fucking list no matter how many pretty words he makes.

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d3cd16  No.12457618


I turned it off after they called AZ Nov 3

Haven't been back since.

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68028b  No.12457619


Yes, but they oddly spent much time looping over water w/nothing else around. We shall see.

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be84bc  No.12457620


would dig on BOD but honestly don't give a fuck right now

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a6dba8  No.12457621


Magggggggie who?

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fddde1  No.12457622


>Imagine getting a recommendation to West Point

do all those have to come from a congressman ?

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8d69ae  No.12457623

Safe travels this week POTUS. We love you.

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c71810  No.12457624


you embarrass yourself, britanon

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6c3947  No.12457625

File: 9975a0716593a90⋯.png (586.49 KB, 596x544, 149:136, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c0a757b41e6b986⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1242x898, 621:449, ClipboardImage.png)



Anna Khait @

3:42 AM · Jan 11, 2021·Twitter Web App


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38e672  No.12457626

Robert David Steele 4 min video you need to watch .


Most important practical point for us:

Have 5 days of supplies including cash. Starting Tomorrow.

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d88e6d  No.12457627

File: 835ed49e34b7732⋯.jpg (21.3 KB, 300x391, 300:391, not_this_shit_again.jpg)


This w/o power thing makes no sense.

The power grid of the United States is not centralized. Even electricity within the confines of a single city are dispersed through various substations. This idea of a total black out of power across the united states is stoopid.

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b6a67e  No.12457628

File: b2dccb6de579107⋯.jpg (57.28 KB, 818x461, 818:461, Capture.JPG)

Interesting how things work..The last Pope?

Pope Francis’ personal doctor dies of Covid-19, as Pontiff misses scheduled baptism

Pope Francis’ personal doctor has died from coronavirus complications, according to the Vatican’s newspaper. It is unknown when he was last in contact with the pope, who missed a baptism ceremony hours after the news broke.

Francis’ doctor, Fabrizio Soccorsi, died on Saturday, Catholic News Agency reported, citing the Vatican’s newspaper L’Osservatore Romano.

Covid-19 complications were cited as the cause of the 78-year-old’s death, but Soccorsi had been receiving treatment since late December for an "oncological pathology," according to multiple reports.


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b47c36  No.12457629

File: a9007b498e2828d⋯.png (589.2 KB, 1365x596, 1365:596, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 69fe01e7132e4a5⋯.png (306.44 KB, 1189x405, 1189:405, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17f61147d0c3251⋯.png (138.12 KB, 1103x717, 1103:717, ClipboardImage.png)


read the posts in order.

RED 4 has just been reached.

will digs confirm? .. let's roll'em

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1ebf5e  No.12457630

File: b4b70f081664441⋯.png (14.67 KB, 255x253, 255:253, e26d5459e242f99d8ed92663f6….png)



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fc960c  No.12457631

File: 022ea225976d392⋯.png (30.33 KB, 717x189, 239:63, ClipboardImage.png)



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f1060e  No.12457632

They just tested the EBS - on the radio - in between downs - during the Browns-Steelers game - at 11:11pm

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d3cd16  No.12457633


Welcome Newfag!

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f7d711  No.12457634

My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us..

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4d5d0c  No.12457635


>THERE IT IS: Evil Pelosi Admits in “60 Minutes” Tongue-Bath Interview that Motivation for Impeachment Is To Ensure “He Never Runs Again”


Why the offers to Pence via 25th and POTUS to resign?

No, that's a cover story.

She's terrified.

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d1767d  No.12457636


>treasonous politicians that we have elected.

that dominion elected Anon

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206310  No.12457637



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bcda4a  No.12457638


I knew they were fucked when Christian chaplans had to start holding services off base if they wanted to invoke the name of Jesus. Now they have multi-religious faux services.

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e9aba2  No.12457639


putting on a blue suit does not change the skin color too?

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159168  No.12457640


Torture Porn

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9132ae  No.12457641


Why the fuck does anyone care if we get a new "Twitter"? If Trump gives the WH to Biden IT'S OVER

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d679b6  No.12457642

File: b315648ec74a70a⋯.png (230.48 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Seattle_City_Council.png)


> city of Seattle

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f43132  No.12457643


>place peeps on paper plate

>defrost for 1 min in lightning box

>gather ev'ry one to watch


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68d261  No.12457644



pretends to be a christian

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b4520b  No.12457645


>Scanning digital health QR code becomes OBLIGATORY for passengers using ride-hailing services in Beijing

It gets 1000000x's worse.

They want to monitor our heart rate to calculate caloric intake and restrict our food supply to a level necessary for sustained life only.

With this, all areas of society will be monitored and a predictive monitoring for lighting and traffic will be laid out 8 hours into the future. They will know everything that is going to happen 8 hours before it happens and it all comes to us by frog-in-pot methodology tied into muh-covid via Alphabet, Inc subsidiary Sidewalk Labs.

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8d69ae  No.12457646

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0f7a33  No.12457647

Trump judges need to avoid blackmail situations, lest they be flipped for the remainder of their life.

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3f3018  No.12457648


post this in twitter now

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37e3d9  No.12457649

File: 423fe59ea9be06d⋯.jpg (86.14 KB, 960x952, 120:119, Overwatch_Thank_Q.jpg)

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8021ec  No.12457650

File: 84d166da77b6985⋯.jpg (144.16 KB, 1024x631, 1024:631, Scandals_not_investigated_….JPG)

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ff4540  No.12457651


Or it's a body double.

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951025  No.12457652


aktchewally, it's not

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ac5ab9  No.12457653

File: 02a4bc25578e89c⋯.jpg (55.44 KB, 393x437, 393:437, keistercorkerAlert_Copy.jpg)


These evil keister corkers must suffer from the fullest extent of the law. The natural law.

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653c78  No.12457654


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a6dba8  No.12457655


I’m not new. Don’t recall. That’s all.

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3726d3  No.12457656


I spent the majority of the day responding to texts/calls and having in person convos talking normies off of ledges and explaining that these claims being passed around on Facebook about Insurrection act/pope arrested/martial law have no sauce…..I'm exhausted. Thanks Lin Wood.

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bc3abd  No.12457657


Let alone before Obumma 2nd term, I couldnt even follow politics because nobody could see what I seen. I had given up till Q came and shined the light on POTUS, started to follow again and still here! It has been tiresome but I have tremendous faith we will prevail!!

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9928a0  No.12457658

How the hell is POTUS making orders via the WH page if he's cut off from his email system? None of this is making sense to me.

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e80316  No.12457659

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


FIFY, newfag.

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0b5b34  No.12457660


No. I haven’t.

But Ron and Jim say a lot of things.

Ron hasn’t said much about it since he first teased it.

And I tire of the tease.

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4fadea  No.12457661


Lots of people pretend to be Christians.

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6298c4  No.12457662

File: 00658aceb4b6e85⋯.png (89.13 KB, 183x173, 183:173, ClipboardImage.png)

Coming up this week in the Farmer's Almanac!!

January 9, 2021

go camping, straighten hair,

January 10, 2021

go camping, straighten hair,

January 11, 2021

begin logging, set posts or pour concrete,

January 12, 2021

end projects, begin logging, set posts or pour concrete,

January 13, 2021

castrate animals,

January 14, 2021

start projects, castrate animals,

January 15, 2021

castrate animals,

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fc960c  No.12457663



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ff59f3  No.12457664

>>12457314 Dough

#15904@250 Notables

>>12457404 PGA Announces It Will Strip Trump Bedminster Golf Club of 2022 PGA Championship After Capitol Hill Chaos

>>12457405 Despite concerns about the accuracy of Curative's COVID-19 testing kiosks, the city of Seattle is sticking with them.

>>12457411 PF Report

>>12457413 Trump's approval ratings on the rise

>>12457417 Gen Flynn - “To all those who are tempted to give up—don’t. That’s what they want. That’s how they win

>>12457419 DC traffic cams. DC is a ghost town.

>>12457443 Evil Pelosi Admits in “60 Minutes” Tongue-Bath Interview that Motivation for Impeachment Is To Ensure “He Never Runs Again”

>>12457460 Memphis Police Officer Arrested, Charged With Murdering Man While On Duty

>>12457516 Proclamation on Honoring United States Capitol Police Officers from President Trump

>>12457525 Lehigh University yanks honorary degree it gave to Trump in 1988

>>12457557 Coming to America..SOON..Hell it's already here Scanning digital health QR code becomes OBLIGATORY for passengers using ride-hailing services in Beijing

>>12457585 Biden Has Ties To 5 Major Tech Companies


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da3dbb  No.12457665


I used Dissenter for a while, till I did a privacy scan….it collects and sends all sorts of info back to base

deleted it pronto, I regard Dissenter as Malware

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518021  No.12457666


Yeah, but if he's looking for supporters for a future presidential run, I'm fine with being one of them. Like another anon said, he came through

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951025  No.12457667

File: 57bfb82712cab3d⋯.png (118.72 KB, 300x335, 60:67, downspout_face.png)

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0b5b34  No.12457668


And if it’s free…you are the product.

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c6867a  No.12457669



^anon said it


if you haven't reached the conlusion that they know (in some ways at least) more about us than we know about us, lurking more would be good.

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c3361b  No.12457670


Well. The idea behind it was to stop you from getting future government positions, so yeah it would work; considering that it was supposed to be for everyone, not just the president.

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051597  No.12457671

crypto and Gold borking down

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8d69ae  No.12457672

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5e81d2  No.12457673


apologies for the commie news network sauces, but it's not just NXVIM and Epstein.



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f7d711  No.12457674


Done. Do I wait for the suspension now?

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c62002  No.12457675


Ayyy I bought some pokemon cards recently. I feel into a deviation tactic but it helped me take a break off this mess.

I own a fkn charizard yaaay

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ff4540  No.12457676



KEK omg here too. Been busy helping wake up others.

Need some rest soon. At least we will be tired to have a really good night's sleep though kek!

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c3361b  No.12457677


Just because she was really shot and killed doesn't mean it wasn't staged.

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68d261  No.12457678


lots of Christians pretend to be Jews?

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ca0adc  No.12457679


Ty for the graphic

They have made it obvious they are gestapo and work for the CCP

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305d90  No.12457680

File: 519b9da1a9eac83⋯.png (1.67 MB, 2560x2560, 1:1, StopTheSteal_Q_Plain_Alpha.png)


Thank You Baker

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6a7fa2  No.12457681


There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth

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e3ff10  No.12457682

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017eaf  No.12457683


These two will keep your ears warm at night.

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c05f8a  No.12457684


When the net goes down, bet Odin goes up.

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9132ae  No.12457685


for me it is…I'm goin innawoods and never giving a fuck about anything again

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000000  No.12457686


same with discord on linux

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f7d711  No.12457687


These 10 days are going to be FUN

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951025  No.12457688


seems like the swamp is mostly the fbi

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d9709c  No.12457689


There are some people out there who have been awake for decades

Not me, I’m only 24

But some have been awake for longer than I have been alive

I can’t imagine having to tolerate this shit for that long..

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6c3947  No.12457690


Dubbs noted, she is overly devote, naive but honest, you on the other hand have been here too long kek !!

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0b5b34  No.12457692


You first homie.

Ain’t clickin

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5d8c4b  No.12457693


If they ever clean it up, they will have to rename the building.

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f212e4  No.12457694

File: c0748162d9044b0⋯.jpeg (164.63 KB, 730x1083, 730:1083, ErOpZe_XYAApB09.jpeg)

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b47c36  No.12457695



what has codemonkey posted about non stop since election day? Do you really think he just started on Nov 3??


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8d69ae  No.12457696


He is not cut off from anything.

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ec888c  No.12457697


100 dude. So much misinformation. We need a Q drop now more than ever with all the newbies on board. They aren’t going to be around long when they become discouraged with all this misinformation that won’t come true.

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3b9815  No.12457698




POTUS on CloutHub!

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3f3018  No.12457699

File: 1c36110cb4aa4ac⋯.png (4.06 KB, 271x139, 271:139, Screenshot_2021_01_11_The_….png)

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fcb570  No.12457700


pretty sure Odin is the reason we are still up and running. An anti-deplatforming application.

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070458  No.12457701


Yep, he's a fake republican. The correct way to respond to a whistle blower offer on 1619 in textbooks is to CALL them and ask questions, then go from there.

I have exposed several fake republicans this way. My jury is still out on Jordan, but Rob Portman is bent af. Like Burisma bent.

We need to perform DUE DILLIGENCE on anyone we "want to believe". After this shit I will never ever believe or take knowledge over belief without inspecting the FUCK…look how many people jumped on Newsmax? LOL CNN knows it's over–rebrands online with little to no overhead…starts saying shit the right wants to hear, regain viewers for the win. Yep…Newsmax CEO gave 1 million to Clinton Foundation…wonder what he got in return?

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c05f8a  No.12457702


And "told you so's."

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b4089b  No.12457703


HFS. For real?

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141107  No.12457704

File: f7ff8b763ab9271⋯.png (5.34 KB, 251x100, 251:100, ClipboardImage.png)


I think you should Sauce that. Torba, like 8Kun/chan, was completely deplatformed to the point of not having webservice or DDOS protection while Parler had apps on both stores. Please provide Sauce.

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309a7c  No.12457705

File: 96a7b1a54422c60⋯.gif (2.95 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 20180619_124040.gif)


>might as well…

<some never bothered.

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429b4d  No.12457706

File: 5f27fd46de67c9a⋯.gif (2.86 MB, 500x282, 250:141, giphy.gif)


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ff4540  No.12457707

File: 8470606ce588fc5⋯.mp4 (213.41 KB, 190x400, 19:40, China_lights_camera_action.mp4)


China - Lights, camera, ACTION!

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f50c97  No.12457708


Yes, and he was massive MAGA!

If anyone is near DC please consider going to his funeral.

"Sicknick was a Trump supporter himself, as his friend Caroline Behringer announced shortly after his death. Far from sharing the views of the #Resistance, he had written letters to his congressman opposing Trump’s impeachment.

Like many Trump supporters who are now being censored, he ­believed that the system is fundamentally rigged in favor of a narrow elite. He had used fiery rhetoric, even called for regime change in America.

The people who claim to honor Sicknick have elided these facts. Acknowledging them would undermine their ­effort to label the 75 million Americans who supported Trump as a domestic threat. Already, unelected Silicon Valley billionaires are using Sicknick’s death to justify censorship of views he expressed. Liberals are cheering the limitation of free speech. Leftists are applauding the exercise of corporate power."


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43ea49  No.12457709


Haberman - "reporter"

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e4cb89  No.12457710


Get to an ATM ASAP and get some cash out

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9d2680  No.12457711

Anons, are we still trusting Sessions or has that ship sailed?

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b79335  No.12457712

File: 6532d92b05f75aa⋯.png (174.79 KB, 406x382, 203:191, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

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47b426  No.12457713


she scared of being label a rebel rouser by chairwoman Pelosi

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4fadea  No.12457714


Didn't Trump at one point want to destroy the FBI building and build a new one at a different location?

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3726d3  No.12457715

File: d7b563439e93532⋯.jpg (9.69 KB, 255x203, 255:203, sweaty_pepe.jpg)

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b1168b  No.12457716


I was watching the DC10s. They were jamming the tracking…strange flight path.

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f3d804  No.12457717


Fuck the Republican Party that betrayed US.

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fcba89  No.12457718


Well I didn't say countrywide. And if you look at what happened in Pakistan yesterday, it got me wondering. But "thanks" for your "kind" answer

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61fcea  No.12457719

Who has the FULL recording of Trump "requesting" the 11,000 ballots. I am destroying this pseudo intellectual fuck. It is glorious. I almost have him in tears.

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0b5b34  No.12457720


When the net goes down, how ya gonna get it?

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471440  No.12457721


Q wont post til this is done, if at all anymore

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17d673  No.12457722


The statement is correct almost every time though, regardless of the recipient.

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1777df  No.12457723



>i call the cops on my ownself


True story: Anon got to call 911 and said "Hi, I'm the guy with the gun." One of best memories ever.

Nog neighbors decided a home invasion was in order to tell anon how life was gonna be, then called popo when anon suddenly had an AR in hand and chambered a round.

Had video running so nogs couldn't lie.

Watching them get hauled off in cuffs was beautiful.

Got evicted next day because can't evict nogs.

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b4520b  No.12457724

File: b0e40a2b034f72d⋯.png (240.55 KB, 1129x829, 1129:829, shapiro_foresight.png)


>Sidewalk Labs.

and lookie who the VP is of Sidewalk Labs…

Schumers Son-In-Law

I've put this out there for others to take and report on and haven't seen it make its way to the paytriot space. It's a good dig. I have tons of info on it. Direct links to China all over it.

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30eba1  No.12457725

File: e5e9b078c4bf066⋯.png (1.07 MB, 972x914, 486:457, 010017ee8bbc7d6015ccd970e0….PNG)


25th Amendment?

There is no STEP FIVE.




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ce85af  No.12457726

File: 16bc7dad1273cf6⋯.jpg (42.13 KB, 626x758, 313:379, 16bc7dad1273cf6b0fb22a2222….jpg)


Looks like about the size of a liquor bottle hit that mirror.

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cf67da  No.12457727



You mean the controlled burn to cover the homo pedos asses?

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c3361b  No.12457728


Nah. There are analysts and oldfags here who can direct people in the right direction. Q should will probably show up if something becomes a huge liability.

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8afe6a  No.12457729



when i was in single digits muh late Mom, bless her soul, told me if I bite into the wafer that it would bleed. the first thing i did was bite it, nothing. had an early 'awakening', kek!

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d3cd16  No.12457730


Remember NY outage?

Trees shorted one high tension line in E Ohio, took out half the Eastern seaboard.

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da2dab  No.12457732

File: 82391fe48b84f0f⋯.jpeg (18.4 KB, 343x335, 343:335, 4DF0C953_CCA5_4CE3_88BA_1….jpeg)

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37e3d9  No.12457733

File: 7a7e8aed8f5f494⋯.jpg (20.72 KB, 400x277, 400:277, AAHole.jpg)

going to bake again soon.

it is fun fun

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fcb570  No.12457734


Nat'l or local?

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be84bc  No.12457735


Was he heart attacked?

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51778d  No.12457736


West Point was comped right out of the gate……

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61fcea  No.12457737


Nevermind. found it

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e9aba2  No.12457738


but but sean says they are 99% red blooded real 'murican paytriots

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c3361b  No.12457739



sorry i'm hammered.

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47b426  No.12457740

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f654a7  No.12457741


Odin plus spaceX and Spaceforce is new Extrawebs

Norse gods lived in Sky Fortress


The Rainbow Bridge between Asgard and Midgard in Richard Wagner’s Das Rheingold, directed by Otto Schenk (1990)

Asgard (Old Norse Ásgarðr, “Enclosure of the Aesir) is one of the Nine Worlds of Norse mythology and the home and fortress of the Aesir, one of the two tribes of gods (the other being the Vanir, who have their home in Vanaheim). Asgard is located in the sky[1] (albeit spiritually rather than physically, of course) and is connected to Midgard, the world of humanity, by the rainbow bridge Bifrost.\


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51ebdf  No.12457742

>>12457689 Many of us persevered in hopes people like you would come along.

You are an answer to many prayers, young anon.


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206310  No.12457743

The last fuck I had to give just flew over my house!

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a242db  No.12457744

File: 79f9ec1f91f7986⋯.jpg (130.18 KB, 736x1106, 368:553, patriot1.jpg)

what did Belichick do for his?


> Trump gave him the medal of freedom

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a6dba8  No.12457745

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9df70c  No.12457746


I got a 6500w gen on FB Marketplace for $200. Tons of the there.

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511f35  No.12457747

File: b121cffddbe8076⋯.jpg (546.76 KB, 1910x999, 1910:999, b121cffddbe8076beefa0c1e2e….jpg)

Anyone else getting sick of all these "insider leaks" that don't turn up with a fucking thing? First Charlie Ward and McInerny, then Charlie Freak, now this fucking "ex navy seal" and no word from 17 even though they really finished the Q dissemination about a year ago.


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070458  No.12457748


>I knew they were fucked when Christian chaplans had to start holding services off base

WOuldn't want to hurt homo tranny feeeelings or upset muzzies.

I feel sorry for the people who actually believe the military, in general, has POTUS's back. Talk about idealistic bullshit.

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a3762d  No.12457749

File: 7290edb9cc97447⋯.png (83.28 KB, 684x465, 228:155, 7290edb9cc97447a446298461a….png)

File: 5dad0aaf229bb2d⋯.png (179.51 KB, 2124x1373, 2124:1373, MarxistSelfKillBTFO22.png)

File: 8cd71ad40683066⋯.jpg (132.72 KB, 1086x917, 1086:917, ShillPlaybook668.jpg)

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99bb66  No.12457750


>POTUS on CloutHub!

Some of us knew that this morning

But then the shills and Gab aficionados went absolutely bat shit crazy

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d3cd16  No.12457751

File: cb218f4748d2864⋯.png (20.34 KB, 827x280, 827:280, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone else getting this shit every time they post?

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0b5b34  No.12457752


Oh he’s teased it.

But that’s about it.

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9b7bed  No.12457753


>Fuck the Republican Party that betrayed US.


I wish people didn’t get so fixated on parties. They’ve become swamps

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f1060e  No.12457754

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b4089b  No.12457755


What are HBL gates?

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518021  No.12457756


And not a single news outlet has reported this. We pay them and they work for us!

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e80316  No.12457757


They were talking about doing this back in 2016. Got a lot of local backlash. Search Allentown Morning Call for details.

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b14d81  No.12457758

thank you Q and operators!

keep the fight, we are praying for you!


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8021ec  No.12457759

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a6346b  No.12457760


Restructuring needed. Special inclusive units to deploy as bait and used as canary units to test out if a position is tenable without wasting valued Intel resources.

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34c3e7  No.12457761


As an aggrieved American Citizen who's been victimized by these Chink loving, Satan worshipping, child-torturing, child-raping, child-killing, and child–eating pieces of shit, I'd be happy to drop the trap door of the gallows when Trey Gowdy is wearing his noose.

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3726d3  No.12457762


I've wondered….

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0b5b34  No.12457763


Cheated like a naker, that’s what he did.

That dog don’t hunt.

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839888  No.12457764


long term memory says farm bill, 3 or 4 nobel peace prize noms for middle east deal brokerage, short term memory says velveeta on wonderbread and maybe trolling about the peaceful transition of power.

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b6a67e  No.12457765

File: 1acdaf18dd3b1f9⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 610x417, 610:417, Capture.JPG)


If you have any Tech that has the word smart in front of it..Its all designed to spy on you/us..and connected to the IoT..Wake Up People

This article is more than 5 years old

Six ways your tech is spying on you – and how to turn it off

Alex Hern

Compared with what’s already happening, Samsung’s warning not to discuss sensitive issues in front of its TVs seems pretty tame. But you can fight back

So, your TV might be spying on you. It probably just wanted to join in with the rest of the technology in your life, because let’s face it: if you live in the 21st century you’re probably monitored by half a dozen companies from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep. (And if you wear a sleep tracker, it doesn’t even stop then.)

Compared with some of the technology that keeps a beady eye fixed on you, the news that Samsung’s privacy policy warns customers not to discuss sensitive information in front of their smart TVs is actually fairly tame. The warning relates to a voice-recognition feature that has to be explicitly invoked, and which only begins transmitting data when you say the activation phrase “hi, TV”.


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5e81d2  No.12457766

File: 8b51b286e2477e4⋯.jpg (272.58 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, hussein_maggie_nixon_2.jpg)

File: 555edb84b375b31⋯.jpg (196.71 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, alefontis_maggie_nixon.jpg)

File: 168dcbdba1c7576⋯.jpg (434.46 KB, 500x978, 250:489, hussein_maggie_nixon.jpg)

File: ec2396d4ee68a4a⋯.png (20.95 KB, 736x291, 736:291, ClipboardImage.png)

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309a7c  No.12457767

just like lin.


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85426f  No.12457768


2nd time I even thought about football this weekend.

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d88e6d  No.12457769

File: 2704007ede35c92⋯.jpg (95.38 KB, 604x440, 151:110, used_car_salesman.jpg)


>And if it’s free…you are the product.

like 8kun?

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6badc7  No.12457770

File: 8101ccd40ceff67⋯.gif (6.48 MB, 510x508, 255:254, 20201222_205814.gif)

File: 33814405838be28⋯.gif (4.65 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 20210108_163320.gif)

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000000  No.12457771

I know Trust the Plan. I am. But with Q being gone awhile and now POTUS losing his comms, it is kind of Eerie right now. We are in a the void.

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88076d  No.12457772


Only the campaign email was cut. He doesn't need the campaign anymore. Election is over.

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a3762d  No.12457773

File: 0171404e0eb6d7d⋯.png (3.11 MB, 1400x1173, 1400:1173, QAnonBannerShill4.png)

File: d55e1b54a4aa268⋯.png (649.31 KB, 513x684, 3:4, Gaslight2.png)

File: dac263b290fa626⋯.png (108.58 KB, 702x1247, 702:1247, Q4881_.PNG)



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 10/17/2020 12:36:26


There is 'Q'. 1

There are 'Anons'. 2

There is no 'Qanon'.3

Media labeling as 'Qanon' is a method [deliberate] to combine [attach] 'Q' to comments _theories _suggestions _statements [and ACTIONS] made by 2.



Not all 'Anons' are authentic [injected].

You are correct, CJ.

Retweet @ 17:17 had meaning. [mathematical probability _17:17 [day after]?]

Do you believe it was a coincidence surgical removal of You Tube accounts occurred same day as 'Hunter' drop?

Welcome to the Digital Battlefield.


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ca0adc  No.12457774

File: 38db0f7935f46ca⋯.jpeg (256.27 KB, 640x771, 640:771, 0082AFD8_E7BD_4584_969E_B….jpeg)

File: 75ca75a84021874⋯.jpeg (337.55 KB, 640x939, 640:939, 2D887666_8B8D_4229_A4AD_B….jpeg)

File: 6a0c13b0ac7fbbe⋯.jpeg (276.89 KB, 640x820, 32:41, 0A459F45_C607_45FD_B0A4_0….jpeg)

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f50c97  No.12457775


Umm, NO. He was beaten to death! There are pictures and videos. It was HORRIFIC. The people who did that need to get the death penalty.

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cf67da  No.12457776

File: 52f0810bc89c43c⋯.jpg (66.46 KB, 736x552, 4:3, altipper_7688482d5175b5256….jpg)


You sure?

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951025  No.12457777

momentary definition of torture: listening to patrick ryan in order to learn about blackmail ops.

sifting through mountains of melodramatic bullshit to find a spoonful of useful info.

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0b5b34  No.12457778

File: c2003a114d32637⋯.jpeg (290.1 KB, 550x813, 550:813, B488184C_4F6A_4D15_ABD0_C….jpeg)

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44fb86  No.12457779

For those that are having concerns getting the FREEDOM text response… If it’s not working you have to call your mobile carrier and ask them to lift the text msg block they have in place that keeps you from getting spam and scam texts…

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e1e610  No.12457780


Rumor has it Bongino is former USSS

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277a1c  No.12457781

"This has been in the plans since 2016. They have a “playbook” with contingency plans. Russian collusion didn’t work, dirty dossier didn’t work, impeachment didn’t work. Next was rig the election. That worked.

But when they saw the fury of 75million people and the insane amount of people coming out to the rallies, they feared that it would discredit their victory. So move on to plan B. You would have to have been at all the 3 rallies to see how it all played out. The first two, BLM and Antifa attacked at night. The third rally they were eerily absent! There were a lot of people that looked out of place (gas masks, tactical helmets, covered faces and hands) Antifa buses arrived the night before and there is video of them being escorted by state police! So plan B was to infiltrate and incite violence, and trespass into the building, all the while coordinated with some USPC police. Block our communication so we don’t comply with the presidents order to leave, and then create enough chaos and use MSM to exaggerate the incident. Use that along with MSM and Big Tech to create a narrative that Trump incited the violence and urged his supporters to Invade the Capitol. In the meantime, block and delete all the evidence that discredits their details of the event, and take away our platforms of information to prevent our evidence to be disbursed. Once that is done, they can move to their final plan; to completely eradicate Trump’s presidency, destroy his character and legacy, and prevent him from running for office.


All in the name of hate."

- from a good friend…and supporter…

A fucking animal post is not asking a lot….

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bc3abd  No.12457782

File: 3b53f3919e01b62⋯.png (429.59 KB, 312x591, 104:197, tybaker.PNG)



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c3361b  No.12457783

File: 537c2d9add773a2⋯.jpg (941.08 KB, 1242x1224, 69:68, 537c2d9add773a2a27ce8aff31….jpg)



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d9709c  No.12457784

File: 7bc7bdeea8e810f⋯.png (3.16 MB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, A61C9025_B35B_4007_BA97_E6….png)


You have no idea what you just started

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d884bf  No.12457785


She is watching everything she has ever worked for crumble. She is losing her livelihood. Her life is literally passing before her eyes and there is nothing she can do to stop it.

For a moment I felt sorry for her…and then it passed.

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662068  No.12457786

File: 4d073cdaf5aba27⋯.png (866.58 KB, 1342x1600, 671:800, ClipboardImage.png)

Doc from Pelosi Laptop

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dec753  No.12457787


Nunes is one of us. He is a Patriot Warrior. He was tenacious in the pursuit to shine light on FISAGate & SpyGate bullshit {{{they}}} put our President through.

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3b9815  No.12457788


ha! that explains all the spam today

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6e5a14  No.12457789



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05ebb7  No.12457790


SKY EVENT over DC today.

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653c78  No.12457791

File: d29b320033e4fce⋯.png (44.97 KB, 607x416, 607:416, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1d0b4168409a10⋯.png (16.71 KB, 627x272, 627:272, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9617ec8e9711145⋯.png (815.91 KB, 818x467, 818:467, ClipboardImage.png)

Gun owners ‘must stay vigilant & engaged in politics’, NRA says after Biden vows to DEFEAT pro-2nd amendment group

The National Rifle Association of America has urged millions of its members to stay vigilant and politically aware in the wake of President-elect Joe Biden’s pledge to end the epidemic of gun violence by dismantling the NRA.

“I pledge to continue to work with you — and with survivors, families, and advocates across the country — to defeat the NRA and end our epidemic of gun violence,” Biden said on Friday, in a tweet to former Rep. Gabby Giffords (D-Ariz.), who was targeted in a mass shooting in Tucson on January 8, 2011, which left six dead and over a dozen injured.

On Sunday, the gun rights advocacy group responded, warning Americans that their next president is seeking to infringe on their constitutional rights and “wants to ban our semi-auto rifles, tax our guns” and “more.”

The National Rifle Association is one of the biggest advocacy groups in the United States, with a stated goal of defending the Second Amendment of the US Constitution, which enshrines Americans’ right to bear arms. The NRA’s long been a group hated by the political left for just that, plus for its financial support of the Republican Party.

Last year, attorneys general in New York and DC filed lawsuits to try and dissolve the NRA, while San Francisco back in 2019 went as far as to declare the group a ‘domestic terrorist organization’ – only to back off when faced with a lawsuit.


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092e5c  No.12457792



Holiday block leave…..easy search newfag

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ec888c  No.12457793


Like Lin Wood. All these people became martyrs when Twitter banned them so normies think they have inside info, when they are just going off of 3 year old Q drops at their best and backhats shilling at their worst.

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b47c36  No.12457794


Holiday Block Leave

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be16c0  No.12457795

File: 3270926cef9d456⋯.jpg (54.98 KB, 734x558, 367:279, 3270926cef9d4569c40f5b9230….jpg)


>>12457134 (pb)

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e5794e  No.12457796


Dub dubs confirm. Smooth runnin of late

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85426f  No.12457797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9928a0  No.12457798


already debunked

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a8b0e8  No.12457799


10 days of darkness

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da3dbb  No.12457800


I get that message often

clear cookie cache then refreshing the page often works

I think it's caused by the 8kun image server lagging

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4cee5b  No.12457801


the only good advice that clown ever gave

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d679b6  No.12457802


Her jealousy and hatred will be is her undoing.

Imagine a Pelosi Rally. kek

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a242db  No.12457803

they must not know who you are


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8021ec  No.12457804


yea…I think he has mentioned it 10000000000's of times.

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9d2680  No.12457805


Nigga that shit is fake and gay.

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2831f0  No.12457806


Saucy soapy tits or get the fuck out

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f212e4  No.12457807

File: 0c0098c7bdc4131⋯.jpeg (346.38 KB, 1242x1470, 207:245, IMG_5463.jpeg)

File: b366ae039d805a1⋯.png (11.79 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, IMG_5536.PNG)

Quick reminder. Kansas was at that meeting. Another reminder. Rogers works for Team 8 (Israeli Intel). Look at paper on desk after the meeting went public. We got it.

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4fadea  No.12457808

File: 5e3e2d4a8cbaebb⋯.png (1.63 MB, 730x924, 365:462, ClipboardImage.png)

Mattis seems quite comfy with all the Chinks.

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d88e6d  No.12457809


kek, I feel ya anon. very true. got frens everyday telling me "today is the day"

how many countdowns and datefagging days have I seen come and go? too many. to them, they think it's always in the next hour,

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072e7d  No.12457810


think stuxnet

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c05f8a  No.12457811


Sure there will be some directions from the EBS

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f3d804  No.12457812


Your assumption shows your stupidity. I have NEVER trusted either party, always voted for the less evil of the 2, anon. Fuck you, thanks.

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951025  No.12457813


who sits at a table with one hand in his lap?

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d9709c  No.12457814


With pleasure

Thank you for starting the fire and persevering in pitch black darkness.

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bcda4a  No.12457815


Trump also teased it with his final tweets from the White House account.

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fcb570  No.12457816

File: 10e130f72400f81⋯.png (21 KB, 608x258, 304:129, ClipboardImage.png)


Do you trust Q?

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b4089b  No.12457817



Crap. Saw that earlier. Mia Culpa.

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d3cd16  No.12457818


If you don't know who Maggie is or the Q Train posts….. You're a new fag.

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fd697f  No.12457819


Is a bit like been a farmer… You get used to live amongst chickens.

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c71810  No.12457820

File: 2449db77dbe9832⋯.png (14.86 KB, 784x324, 196:81, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)


good answer anon. putting these other 'researchers' to shame

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000000  No.12457821

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b6a67e  No.12457822

File: 8bc8e9270fd40c7⋯.jpg (54.47 KB, 732x481, 732:481, Capture.JPG)

Kim Jong-un's Message for Joe Biden: We Will Bring U.S. 'to Its Knees'

With all the hubbub going on in Washington, poor Kim Jong-un must have felt left out and ignored. Kim doesn’t like to be ignored. If the world doesn’t pay attention to him for a few weeks, he’ll throw a tantrum and threaten to destroy his enemies.

State media in North Korea reported yesterday that Kim addressed the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea, talking up the economy, the strides in missile technology, and how he was going to bring the U.S. to its knees.

The Hill:

“Our external political activities must focus on our arch-enemy and the fundamental obstacle to our revolutionary development, the United States,” Kim said, according to NBC. “The effort will focus on overpowering and bringing them to their knees,” he added.

Kim also threatened to expand the country’s nuclear arsenal.

Kim noted that regardless of who is in the White House, “the true nature of the U.S. and its fundamental policies towards North Korea never change.”


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b0e003  No.12457823

File: 65657533ffeee34⋯.jpeg (31.45 KB, 474x521, 474:521, Eww_Pepe_Girl.jpeg)


Spoiler that shit nig.

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05fcda  No.12457824

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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f654a7  No.12457825


They were seeded by a company in San Diego. that kind of seems lefty but we will see.


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4cee5b  No.12457826


sexual education?

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fa9f21  No.12457827


So the search for a Firefox replacement continues


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000000  No.12457828


Ohh fuuuggg :DD Ids habbenin in Norfuck :DDDD

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b4520b  No.12457829


>swamp is mostly the fbi

"Intelligence" is rooted in Insurance agencies, which are rooted in tax assessors. Take it way back and follow it forward. Times of feudalism, tax assessors would take inventory, then came "insurance agencies" to do insurance appraisals, which are really intelligence apparatus of the banking cartel.

Intel is the only true asset in this world.

Gold is a rock.

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f7d711  No.12457830



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d88e6d  No.12457831


I deserve that. Sorry.


I do remember that.



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0b5b34  No.12457832


I’ll make em work for it

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8afe6a  No.12457833


capitol police, in on the sting?

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a6346b  No.12457834


yes. I have disassociated and wander through life aimlessly now just longing for the restoration of the Republic. When this is over I will probably spend more time in the woods making hobo stoves n shit just because I've already psychologically given everything up for the cause.

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070458  No.12457835

File: 087160053ba0fd6⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB, 640x360, 16:9, antifa_beating_police_offi….mp4)


So, basicaly he was murdered so he could not expose the Capital Police conspiring with Bowser and Antifa.

WHO was handing Antifa bats out the doors so they could beat a cop?

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e970c2  No.12457836

Underground Patriot just reported that Moscow and Beijing have been “bombed.” I’m listening to his video on my wife’s phone, so I can’t embed here. Anybody hearing similar through other sources?

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e94f13  No.12457837

File: 01005321f7ed228⋯.jpg (59.92 KB, 1170x540, 13:6, nadler_craps_pants.jpg)


fake news

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75df9d  No.12457838


I use Epic

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a242db  No.12457839

why would it be signed "in her laptop"?


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b4089b  No.12457840


Used Brave for a bit. Still with Firefox. They're all comped in the end.

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f7d711  No.12457841

File: 1fb6831b46c0c4d⋯.png (15.63 KB, 289x107, 289:107, Screenshot_2021_01_11_at_9….png)

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d6c026  No.12457842



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9d2680  No.12457843


Not really because Q's intel has yet to come true. Seriously, there hasn't even been a single criminal traitor thrown in prison yet. We can't go on like this. This is complete lawlessness.

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839888  No.12457844


even kayleigh's got a body double.

she's one of the smartest people on the planet, keep her safe.

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8021ec  No.12457845

File: 75b237414461596⋯.jpg (76.43 KB, 862x571, 862:571, Pompeo_table.JPG)

File: 5bb9513e6475a54⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, Dildo.jpg)


They removed this…..he slammed it on the table and he said "They are properly FUCKED"…give this to Nancy and tell her to go FUCK herself and the Congress!!!…kek…

no…he said…do these come in 14" Black…send a bunch of these to Congress and tell them to go FUCK THEMSELVES

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3a889e  No.12457846


You don't get it.

This is like the NRA telling it's members to go fuck off.

The PGA isn't filled with leftists; it's filled with Trump supporters.

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fcb570  No.12457847

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c3361b  No.12457848


At least you're not working at a cabal controlled company….

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8d69ae  No.12457849


100% this.

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d1767d  No.12457850

File: 1296403698fa4bc⋯.png (2.08 MB, 1845x1038, 615:346, ClipboardImage.png)

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4cee5b  No.12457851


chyna confirmed? or other Asian country/?

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086663  No.12457852


newfag here only 1.5 years lurking , is brave a good browser?

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092e5c  No.12457853

File: 24cf7c0b95a8685⋯.jpg (657.98 KB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, pompeo_meeting_presence.jpg)

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951025  No.12457854

File: 30e42e62294db58⋯.png (296.58 KB, 455x469, 65:67, bad_timeline.png)


anons, what say ye?

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9d4edb  No.12457855


Occasionally I use Opera, it has a built in VPN feature.

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17d673  No.12457856


That certainly wouldn't be a simultaneous implementation.

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be84bc  No.12457857


Um, no.

Catch up anon.

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3f3018  No.12457858

File: 0cc1c88efad4eef⋯.png (208.54 KB, 1480x731, 1480:731, Screenshot_2021_01_11_Free….png)



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d679b6  No.12457859


The cringe is real. The global warming is not.

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d69cec  No.12457860


>capitol police, in on the sting?

Judging from the proclamation, that is a potentially possible scenario.

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30c0d4  No.12457861

>>12457410 They already have my info from back when I wrote a letter to Nunes, thanking him for being so based a year ago.

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0b5b34  No.12457862


‘Turn in your weapons for the good of our democracy’

There will be mixed messages.

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e94f13  No.12457863

File: 4050bd58617cb73⋯.jpg (64.21 KB, 700x678, 350:339, 6148b6170208b0d174133f7e27….jpg)

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051597  No.12457864

File: e077adbcfd0dc57⋯.png (407.32 KB, 618x412, 3:2, donkey_kong.png)

Why is the Army investigating and arresting fake MAGA rioters?


Insurrection act is on like Donkey Kong. DonkyCong [DC]

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393e12  No.12457865


>Do people know if this is really Trump and he's posting on Gab…

No, Gab has had that saved for POTUS since they started…HOWEVER, Gab announced yesterday they "had a call set up with a 'very special person', stay tuned!"

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79cb09  No.12457866


Check the #


What is qpost #340?

intentional disinfo. move along.

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b4089b  No.12457867

File: e36d617bcc5ae40⋯.png (204.33 KB, 524x416, 131:104, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)


You betcha.

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7c8823  No.12457868


Well, Google Chrome made Dissenter, soooooo,,,,,

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83f0df  No.12457869


I concur, well put.

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b20415  No.12457870



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3b9815  No.12457871


Firefox is ok if you disable all the parts that phone home with a user.js

better than the chromium based browsers after that, since you cannot really change such settings in those

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47b426  No.12457872


why ?

fascist left hate Christians

militant homos hate Christians

no one can lie to God

I fail to see any upside in your claim

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b6a67e  No.12457873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Dam she's beautiful

Baby I love you • Original • Andy Kim • 1969

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b14d81  No.12457874



they all look like honey pots.. but i thought he was on the other side.. ??

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a39a43  No.12457875



Not too bad a piece of kit tbh.

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cf67da  No.12457876

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6af48a  No.12457877


>Why is the Army investigating and arresting fake MAGA rioters?


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277a1c  No.12457878



A week a a few days…

Better make it count…..

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4d5d0c  No.12457879


>you embarrass yourself, britanon

It's bong dipshit.

You embarrassed yourself opening your browser to this site.

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0376c5  No.12457880


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000000  No.12457881


Trump said he didn't know anything about it when asked.

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b1168b  No.12457882


National Military Command Center is who sends out the EAMs. (Emergency Action Messages). DS wanted to block Trump from being able to do this….This could potentially be RED 5

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e73a4e  No.12457883


No one likes to talk about his twitter timeline on the 6th.

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bcda4a  No.12457884


Nothing like that yet. Have been spotting unusual aircraft movement in the western Pacific the last 2 nights, but that's not much to go on.

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9aab29  No.12457885

Do any of you remember the fake and gay "save the children" rally in Hollywood a few months ago that had very few red MAGA hats and was mostly homos, scientologists and non-smiling, non-MAGA vibed people? Well, the viking infiltrator was carrying his very sharp, metal spear with a Q sign on it that day and acting very alex jones-ish in his craziness. Days before, at the Beverly Hills Trump rally, the police were confiscating wooden and pvc flag poles from protestors but the viking was allowed to carry his sharp, metal spear tipped Q sign in Hollywood without any problem from police? Anyway, On July 31, 2020, he led a group a protestors out of the CNN building where they had been protesting, and led them up the street to CAPITOL RECORDS. So viking led the march to CAPITOL RECORDS in Hollywood and then later, on January 6, 2021, he was one of the most photographed, notorious intruders into the U.S. Capitol building. Coincidence? Capitol comms?

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fcd8b8  No.12457886


it's the new deep state virtue signaling

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f50c97  No.12457887


I had no idea until tonight when I saw John Basham's post on twatter. I'm so pissed off seeing that shit. And then to see Dems and the FAKE NEWS using this man's name to try to destroy Trump and ALL of us?? Enraged.

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653c78  No.12457888

File: 73431065454e6b0⋯.png (36.21 KB, 817x364, 817:364, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c1291b276ec8a31⋯.png (75.89 KB, 842x915, 842:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fab8459a7a3f593⋯.png (679.07 KB, 836x911, 836:911, ClipboardImage.png)

Software Engineer Exposes Big Tech Censorship Strategies Which Include Use of AI and “Blacklists”

Big Tech Censorship: Part 1

By FULL MEASURE STAFF Sunday, January 10th 2021

This past week saw a turbulent beginning of the end of the unprecedented term of President Trump. A rally in Washington supporting the president and calls to overturn the election turned violent. Protesters stormed both chambers of Congress and one was shot before being driven from Capitol Hill. Members of Congress returned to certify Joe Biden as president-elect. Meantime, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube took aggressive, new steps to clamp down hard on President Trump’s social media accounts. Among other objections, Twitter said President Trump violated policies in his video urging protesters to be peaceful and go home, because he reiterated claims about election fraud. Some welcome Big Tech’s crackdown; others say it’s a radical violation of free speech. It highlights a long-simmering battle over the control of information online. That’s the focus of our special investigation.

Sharyl Can you give sort of the short version of how you discovered or came to believe something wrong was going on?

Zachary Vorhies: Yeah. I was working at YouTube in 2016 and everything was really great. But then something happened. And what happened was Donald Trump won the election.

2016 news clip, news anchor: We can now project the winner of the presidential race, Donald Trump wins the presidency.

Vorhies: And after he won the election, the company just took a hard left and decided that they were going to abandon their liberal principles and start going towards an authoritarian sort of management of their products and services.

Zachary Vorhies was as an insider for more than eight years, a senior software engineer at Google and Google’s YouTube.

Sharyl: Can you describe how that manifested itself, this change in direction you describe?

Vorhies: It happened the first week after Donald Trump won the election. Google had an all hands meeting, which they usually do every week, called TGIF. The CFO broke down into tears recounting how she was communicating with the New York office about how they were going to lose this election. The founder Sergey Brin said that he was personally offended at the election of Donald Trump. And Sundar Pichai, the CEO, said that one of the most successful things that they had done in the election was applying machine learning in order to hide fake news.

Donald Trump’s candidacy didn’t only ignite a new trend of heavy handed manipulation and censorship at Google. Ten days after Trump was elected, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg announced efforts unheard of before. Facebook would begin judging and rating news organizations in terms of trustworthiness and attaching warning labels to content. It also changed how “trending topics” work, no longer reflecting the number of people discussing something.

The liberal propaganda group Media Matters, founded by Hillary Clinton supporter David Brock, took credit for convincing Facebook to take the drastic new steps.

Within days of the inauguration in January 2017 the whole strategy was outlined in in a confidential memo to donors by Media Matters and some of its affiliates, American Bridge, CREW, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, and ShareBlue.

The memo stated that Media Matters was a “partner” of Facebook and other Big Tech players to crack down on online information Media Matters didn’t like. “Facebook needed our help in fully understanding the problem and identifying concrete solutionsWe’ve been engaging with Facebook leadership behind the scenes to share our expertise” with the goal of getting Facebook to “adjust its model” Media Matters also said it lobbied Google to “cut off access to revenue” of “40 of the worst fake news sites” —as identified by Media Matters, of course.

This leaked internal video shows the CEO of Google’s YouTube, Susan Wojcicki, discussing their new approach.


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4cee5b  No.12457889


which time? kek

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34c3e7  No.12457890


76i76 I can

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579df0  No.12457891

File: ae6636a7b8b309d⋯.jpg (14.56 KB, 311x128, 311:128, Capture.JPG)

If there is a kind anon that has a few smug pepe pics along with some that have "there will be many I told you sos" that would be really great

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333375  No.12457892


I don’t know why this whole concession to “personal flaws” ever gained currency. All people are flawed. Trump has a public persona that one can love or hate, which only the smoothbrained would identify exclusively with the man himself. Besides, most of what the Ministry of Truth has propagandized about the man is false, often a grotesque caricature. If the sufferers of terminal TDS knew the truth about their own heroes, Trump would only benefit by the contrast.

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1cee00  No.12457893


I'm an old NRA Life Member and even I admit they are now (and have been for quite a a while) spineless, do nothing, money grifters.

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b47c36  No.12457894

File: 6f56aefdd998dba⋯.png (131.41 KB, 838x404, 419:202, ClipboardImage.png)



These are the ten days.

4 RED lines crossed.

Pompeo Countdown

National Guard in Capitol.

Bizarre trucks (generators?) appearing

10th Mountain Division engaged


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951025  No.12457895

File: 0f01ae482a1518a⋯.png (143.63 KB, 203x299, 203:299, that_s_a_man.png)

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e85c2e  No.12457896

I wish I could hang out with the anons that have such a high-end sense of humor.

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5e81d2  No.12457897

File: f04c37e3ecd07a3⋯.png (464.5 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, ClipboardImage.png)


Oh? debunk sauce?

Lin Wood Tweeted this out also. Not saying he's the holder of only true things, but at least his name isn't anon.

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f212e4  No.12457898


I say the NRA is the DS. They practically drafted the NFA. GOA is legit though.

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c6d58d  No.12457899

File: 688ed999f7657ca⋯.jpeg (263.27 KB, 640x776, 80:97, 11408F9E_D0D7_44A6_86EA_D….jpeg)

File: 03d979ad9ea845f⋯.jpeg (340.41 KB, 640x922, 320:461, BD575A9A_0DB2_4337_8C4A_5….jpeg)

File: 84fbcf54d7aab8d⋯.jpeg (279.15 KB, 640x842, 320:421, C46DCC1D_2997_4AA6_988D_F….jpeg)

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b6a67e  No.12457900


Was wondering since it said Since Aug 2016..But makes sense

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0b5b34  No.12457901


Unfortunately OpSec isn’t taught in public schools.

Learn to be unpredictable.

A donation to Nancy right now might be money well spent.

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3ef987  No.12457902

File: 2a6f80cb89b29e9⋯.gif (2.26 MB, 360x202, 180:101, zola.gif)


Exactly, and most of us have had a significant footprint started on this web long before others.

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bc3abd  No.12457903

File: c127e043ca2a4e1⋯.png (425.63 KB, 550x364, 275:182, Received.PNG)

for kek's

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d679b6  No.12457904

File: 92a5d8fb1b5644b⋯.png (743.94 KB, 565x472, 565:472, Thats_a_man_baby.png)

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309a7c  No.12457905


utah don't sweat.

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333375  No.12457906


Like the GOP and Judicial Watch

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ec888c  No.12457907


Amen Brother. I know the feeling. Can’t wait to get to the woods. May God Bless America. It’s Tick Tock for these motherfuckers. POTUS is about to get Biblical on there asses. WWG1WGA.

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0b5b34  No.12457908

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092e5c  No.12457909

File: 32e66ffe7b93fbb⋯.jpeg (51.12 KB, 300x259, 300:259, austin_powers.jpeg)



Worlds richest Tranny?

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bcda4a  No.12457910

File: 59af21ff1c07bcf⋯.jpg (131.17 KB, 629x850, 37:50, blacklists_matter.jpg)

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d35449  No.12457911


i thought it was based off the brave version, but yeah still chrome

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f50c97  No.12457912


All I know is he's a Larping sack of shit.

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cf67da  No.12457913

File: 672429a04ba172a⋯.jpeg (46.35 KB, 800x533, 800:533, DEMON.jpeg)


Should be a game on QR: Jewish woman or tranny?

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017eaf  No.12457914


Spot-on, Anon. Spoke to two different husbands and wives tonight on the phone. All four had no idea how fucking corrupt our entire system is. These are quality people, hard-working, great kids, adults now, but they were so busy working, parenting, they had no way of knowing what was going on. If they took twenty minutes to watch the MSM news, they were being lied to. They get, now, and they are pissed!!

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d6c026  No.12457915


I spent half an hour reading reviews of browsers today. The verdict is they all suck in several ways. Firefox is the best but psycho SJW run it. We're at a point were we just have to abandon any platform that goes full fascist 1984 and use whatever alternatives work until they go full retard, too.

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393e12  No.12457916

File: 5e8d461e2c3e825⋯.png (171.93 KB, 1364x1384, 341:346, Pepe_Papa.png)


>Newbies and normies have no idea the patience of being awake for this entire presidential term.

Try that shit for DECADES, newfags! Most of you ARE 'newfags' to some of us here! keking my old ass off!

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579df0  No.12457917



but he's not on twitter anymore

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c62002  No.12457918


Are we pretending we will know when 5 & 6 happen ?

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6ccb97  No.12457919

10 days.



Good v. Evil.

Only thing I can think of is a North Korea false flag (attack power grid or comms). Talks of war. FF though, actual war is with the deep state.

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8c9748  No.12457920

File: 0de96d82b52b5b7⋯.jpeg (40.6 KB, 480x479, 480:479, 0de96d82b52b5b779e3813210….jpeg)


So where do we stand on RDS?

I followed him for awhile, looking for clues

saw him interview with Fulford a few times

and thought he might be doing a partial hangout

for some kind of disgruntled ex-clown

insider info BS like Steve Pieczenik

not sure what to think

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d69cec  No.12457921

File: ad3e14369e8b7c4⋯.png (795.65 KB, 647x612, 647:612, Screenshot_2021_01_10_Clou….png)

File: a844e92879eab20⋯.png (962.36 KB, 700x527, 700:527, Screenshot_2021_01_10_Clou….png)





9h ago


“…this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

—President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 19, 1863


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5ef68f  No.12457922

File: 6a307449b239a45⋯.png (400.6 KB, 1068x838, 534:419, 6a307449b239a45baf77e7ed1a….png)


Never thought of this. I've always been about The Lion, but this has got to at least be in the mix.

Top Kek Anon.


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072e7d  No.12457923

File: c450d74f6a16a04⋯.png (738.11 KB, 1171x659, 1171:659, loyalshift_2.png)

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d9709c  No.12457924

File: 89346e4364087ba⋯.jpeg (21.97 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 1A407E54_0C78_4A16_B5B1_0….jpeg)

File: 1673f1ccdc3d95f⋯.png (789.56 KB, 661x919, 661:919, 3A184E69_8314_4F87_8C04_B7….png)

File: d2bb0d5743babe6⋯.jpeg (16.29 KB, 214x255, 214:255, 0498B68F_DE32_45F0_ADBD_1….jpeg)

File: 86cb56a322c3491⋯.png (198.82 KB, 705x700, 141:140, 7C6E1C80_380B_44F7_BED1_41….png)

File: 3eeb49161be77d0⋯.png (299.8 KB, 898x800, 449:400, 12A74D02_E26C_4CB3_92E0_C8….png)

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f3d804  No.12457925


>Oh? debunk sauce?

Yep, fake

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3a889e  No.12457926



As in these people are sick?

As in no coincidences?

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5dd3e6  No.12457927

File: 3122994ccb53c2f⋯.png (296.16 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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0b5b34  No.12457928


It does when the water runs dry

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fbb033  No.12457929


If it weren't for that one Q drop (POTUS safe AF1 /abroad), I would think they killed President Trump on his way to the Capitol.

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43ea49  No.12457930


Cherish these times anon. Rewards us by telling your grandchildren what it was like "before" and stories of this board. o7.

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141107  No.12457931


The NRA was the group that supported the ban on automatic weapons back in the 60's and was switched to a "gun rights" group in the 1980s

It was originally a markmanship organization founded by Freemasons just like the boy scouts. You need to find a better gun rights org, you can rest assured the NRA will be as useful as the Republican party in the end. They already betrayed gun owners supporing the bump stock ban.

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3f7643  No.12457932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


not supported by any seismic activity

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f654a7  No.12457933


Wait til the vid of Huma tongue blasting Killary's asshole come out.

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d95c90  No.12457934


I have a cert from lehigh. Ex spouse anon has a degree.

I can't find work, and she is on SSI.

I dont think lehigh is hurting POTUS.

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d3cd16  No.12457935

So Anons, where would you go if you were a US president in exile?

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429b4d  No.12457936

8kun is dragging for me. Taking forever on my phone. When tethering to my PC, 8 shows as not being able to be reached.

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bc3abd  No.12457937


perky tit search via tor

I'd like to know what her turdchopper looks like


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6a7fa2  No.12457938

File: 6cafea1a76d5267⋯.jpeg (75.37 KB, 640x429, 640:429, 0DF582C0_ED61_4E34_AB88_E….jpeg)


THis guy

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b4089b  No.12457939


Never liked the Told you So memes, so sorry.

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305d90  No.12457940


ok, Yea… I'm ready for that drink now.

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8d69ae  No.12457941


There is reportedly shit going on militarily with Russia. Not sure about China

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000000  No.12457942


There's an idiot in every crowd…

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85426f  No.12457943


Anyone else feel like the skinhead on the left was done once his hat came off and everyone could see he was a skinhead?

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d9709c  No.12457944


South Pole

Chill a bit at the tree of life

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1777df  No.12457945

File: 7ac73896ba9d985⋯.png (95.72 KB, 568x548, 142:137, 7ac73896ba9d985f9c3c33f9c2….png)


>Newbies and normies have no idea the patience of being awake for this entire presidential term.

Makes anon appreciate the gift of mortality.

Can you imagine the curse of being awake for thousands of years while surrounded by mortals?

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070458  No.12457946


I honestly would have NO issue volunteering to be on the firing squad. Executing parasites has zero to do with executing humans.


It would also probably help if we stopped arming the enemy…




Every Kike Parasite on earth




FUCKING globalist parasites.


And if that sentence makes you gasp in horror, consider yourself PROGRAMMED. If you think they are manipulating us NOW, wait until you find out about WWI and II. If you're like me you will RAGE at their lies and duplicity.

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4fadea  No.12457947


Mattis is a bad dog

Mattis failed to disclose role with global consultant tied to China in bombshell column


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0b5b34  No.12457948


I’ll hedge and say both.

Wish I had a tranny merchant hands meme

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3e42af  No.12457949

File: a0db3cb09da13a3⋯.png (260.36 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, IMG_7050.PNG)


Silence is Golden

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3b9815  No.12457950


Anon, could you post a screenshot of the whole POTUS feed on CloutHub for those of us that don't have a CloutHub account?

That would be nice

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c05f8a  No.12457951



No way. The point of EBS is to get truthful info to the people. The fake news and lying DS days of mind fucking are over.

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bcda4a  No.12457952

File: 7ca3114079ff7b9⋯.jpg (32.8 KB, 650x567, 650:567, internet.jpg)

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b4089b  No.12457953


Always gets the same response.

No doubt in anon's mind.

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fcd8b8  No.12457954

File: 543a55557868ddb⋯.jpeg (93.31 KB, 1116x607, 1116:607, 55EF1597_E983_481E_9981_6….jpeg)


waiting for the Marines to show up

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30c0d4  No.12457955


Have another huff of spraypaint, glownigger.

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3ef987  No.12457956


All the tankers up lately should signify significant habbening at the least!

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c62002  No.12457957

For those still stuck on RED codes, you do know there is no way to know if 5 & 6 happens right?

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305055  No.12457958


My take on blockchain: "It's database plus version control."

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47b426  No.12457959


someone packing heat

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ff59f3  No.12457960

>>12457314 Dough

#15904@550 Notables

>>12457404 PGA Announces It Will Strip Trump Bedminster Golf Club of 2022 PGA Championship After Capitol Hill Chaos

>>12457405 Despite concerns about the accuracy of Curative's COVID-19 testing kiosks, the city of Seattle is sticking with them.

>>12457411 PF Report

>>12457413 Trump's approval ratings on the rise

>>12457417 Gen Flynn - “To all those who are tempted to give up—don’t. That’s what they want. That’s how they win

>>12457419 DC traffic cams. DC is a ghost town.

>>12457443 Evil Pelosi Admits in “60 Minutes” Tongue-Bath Interview that Motivation for Impeachment Is To Ensure “He Never Runs Again”

>>12457460 Memphis Police Officer Arrested, Charged With Murdering Man While On Duty

>>12457516 Proclamation on Honoring United States Capitol Police Officers from President Trump

>>12457525 Lehigh University yanks honorary degree it gave to Trump in 1988

>>12457557 Coming to America..SOON..Hell it's already here Scanning digital health QR code becomes OBLIGATORY for passengers using ride-hailing services in Beijing

>>12457585 Biden Has Ties To 5 Major Tech Companies

>>12457628 Pope Francis’ personal doctor dies of Covid-19, as Pontiff misses scheduled baptism

>>12457791 Gun owners ‘must stay vigilant & engaged in politics’, NRA says after Biden vows to DEFEAT pro-2nd amendment group

>>12457822 Kim Jong-un's Message for Joe Biden: We Will Bring U.S. 'to Its Knees'

>>12457888 Software Engineer Exposes Big Tech Censorship Strategies Which Include Use of AI and “Blacklists”

>>12457921 President Trump tweets Abraham Lincoln Speech


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c3361b  No.12457961

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b6a67e  No.12457962

File: b87f87e791b11ec⋯.jpg (78.92 KB, 775x453, 775:453, Capture.JPG)

STUDY: Bill Gates DTP Vaccine Killed 10 Times More African Girls Than The Disease Itself

Once again, Bill Gates and his devilish ideas are being exposed for the havoc he has brought about in Africa. The latest is a study that discovers his DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself! Yet, he wants to vaccinate you? You gotta be a special kind of stupid to take any vaccine, but especially one that has Bill Gates tied to it.

Great Game India has the story on the study.

According to a peer reviewed study published in a respected journal by the world’s most authoritative vaccine scientists, Bill Gates DTP vaccine killed 10 times more African girls than the disease itself. The vaccine apparently compromised their immune systems. Although, such study was never performed before 2017, Bill Gates and the Vaccine Alliance GAVI and WHO pushed the vaccines on unsuspecting African babies.

The study (read below) titled, The Introduction of Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis and Oral Polio Vaccine Among Young Infants in an Urban African Community: A Natural Experiment was commissioned by the Danish government and Novo Nordisk Foundation and was conducted by a team of the world’s leading experts on African vaccination led by two most prominent names, Drs. Søren Wengel Mogensen and Peter Aaby.


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5e81d2  No.12457963

File: 4e1e3d7c991b5e4⋯.png (237.75 KB, 863x845, 863:845, ClipboardImage.png)


ok, I did as anon asked. I'm not understanding how q post 340 should lead me to understand the intentional disinfo. Not saying you're right or wrong, just saying I don't understand.

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d9709c  No.12457964


I’ll be writing many books, I have a special way with words.

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b14d81  No.12457966



the government has turned against the people, and they can't hide anymore behind their masks and lies.. and laptops…

how fun..




and all the rest are NAZIS in her democratic socialist marxist hellhole

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e4d0f5  No.12457967


… round the corner.

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6c3947  No.12457968

File: 9751ed6699541d7⋯.png (7.42 KB, 334x162, 167:81, ClipboardImage.png)



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309a7c  No.12457969


yer right… infrastructure don't bleed.


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cf148c  No.12457970

File: 0f8849c85a8d4c3⋯.jpg (54.63 KB, 717x305, 717:305, FindOutJ.jpg)

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092e5c  No.12457971


I was thinking literal all this time

We may very well be in the 10 days of darkness….as the left shows their true evil selves to the world at the precipice. Maybe a few more normies wake up, but I fear they are forever lost without serious declas.

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2701d7  No.12457972

I cant believe you faggots believe in Lin Wood, he's poisoning the well with fake, false, and unverified information

FFS you morons are eating it up just like the normies eat up the fake unsourced bullshit from MSM.

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0b5b34  No.12457973

File: 1a80c64e66cf338⋯.jpeg (95.9 KB, 400x535, 80:107, 42C00076_FB26_4338_9554_0….jpeg)

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fcd8b8  No.12457974


you gotta give em a phone number

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19b932  No.12457975


That would be gutless.

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bd1498  No.12457976

File: 44abdbb9bfe3eec⋯.png (436.62 KB, 558x579, 186:193, 44abdbb9bfe3eecb2e0d05b436….png)

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fcb570  No.12457977


Trust Kansas. Go read his tweets.

Count down to the red line.

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f212e4  No.12457978

File: ffcbfb02fee096d⋯.png (558.34 KB, 1894x2246, 947:1123, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

The setup. Wait for it.


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800206  No.12457979


that movie is a gonzo cheez classic

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5ef68f  No.12457980

File: 380389dd6aca9cf⋯.png (1.04 MB, 891x1005, 297:335, 380389dd6aca9cf2b4fd8c1a76….png)


All. Time. Favorite.

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141107  No.12457981


Lin did not post this or he posted it as a joke (it is obviously not really Nancy).

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8c9748  No.12457982


Knew something was extremely fucky

since I was pretty young - like 14-15

and avoided politics completely

Gen Xer and '16 was the first time I ever voted

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b47c36  No.12457983


They will

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f3fed3  No.12457984

File: 4631539c6220d93⋯.png (79.98 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 4631539c6220d93ba335487a94….png)

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0e6a01  No.12457985

Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal is a feature-length documentary by Arkansas filmmaker and investigative journalist Kelly Duda. Through interviews and presentation of documents and footage, Duda alleges that for more than two decades, spanning the 1970s and 1980s, the Arkansas prison system profited from selling blood plasma from inmates infected with viral hepatitis and AIDS. The documentary contends that thousands of victims who received transfusions of a blood product derived from these plasma products, Factor VIII, died as a result.[1][2]

Factor 8 uses in-depth interviews and key documents as well as never-before-seen footage, to allege wrongdoing at the Arkansas state government, and at the United States federal level.[3]

Through in-depth interviews with a number of players, including victims in Canada who contracted the diseases, US state prison officials, former employees, high-ranking Arkansas politicians and inmate donors, Factor 8 examines a prison blood-harvesting scheme run by prisoners to earn them an income; the blood was then sold by blood companies for millions of dollars.[4] The harvested plasma was then shipped around the world,[5] where it has been reported to have infected thousands of haemophilia patients.[6] Haemophilia is a genetic condition which means that the person′s blood does not form clots.

Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal was screened at Slamdance 2005 and at the American Film Institute′s Los Angeles Film Festival in November 2005.[3] It won a special mention award at AFI and received a commendable review from critic John Anderson in the industry newspaper Variety.[7]


Inquiries and legal actions

In the United States, lawyers have won settlements for 8,000 US haemophilia sufferers after they were given infected blood.[8]

In 2002 the UK Government promised an inquiry if it was proven infected blood came from a US prison, although to date no inquiry has taken place. The UK Public Health Minister, Caroline Flint, has said: "We are aware that during the 1970s and 80s blood products were sourced from US prisoners" and the UK Haemophilia Society has called for a Public Inquiry. The UK Government maintains that the Government of the day had acted in good faith and without the blood products many patients would have died.[9] In a letter to Lord Jenkin of Roding the Chief Executive of the National Health Service (NHS) informed Lord Jenkin that most files on contaminated NHS blood products which infected people with HIV and hepatitis C had been destroyed "in error".[10] However, copies that were taken by legal entities in the UK at the time of previous litigation may mean the documentation can be retrieved and consequently assessed.[11]

In Canada, the federal government approved in July, 2006 a $1 billion compensation package for the so-called "forgotten victims" of tainted blood. [12][13] Prior to this, the Canadian Red Cross pleaded guilty to criminal charges related to distributing tainted blood products and infecting Canadians with HIV and hepatitis C.[14][15][16] The Royal Canadian Mounted Police blood task force has an ongoing investigation into the Arkansas sells.[17]

In Japan tainted blood victims won two class-action lawsuits in 2006 against two Japanese pharmaceutical companies and the Japanese federal government. Japan also used blood harvested from the Arkansas Department of Correction. On March 23, 2007, the Tokyo District Court became the third court to rule in favor of more Hep-C suffering tainted blood victims, awarding the plaintiffs 259 million yen. A fourth lawsuit victory for victims led to a compensation package by the federal government for hundreds of victims and a formal apology from Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda in December, 2007.[18]

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653c78  No.12457986


incorporated = infiltrated by the cabal parasitic

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d88e6d  No.12457987

File: 3a3fee41c82b049⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 852x464, 213:116, 0870fd588adb5d6dfb4a128b0c….jpg)


"Better to burnout than to fade away"

- the Kurgen

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a235c5  No.12457988

File: 2cbc0c86ab32f5f⋯.webm (2.83 MB, 576x432, 4:3, halfchan_wrong.webm)

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ec888c  No.12457989


Where they least expect you…in the West Wing.

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3ef987  No.12457990


Is GAB on a DoD server?

This is to show everyone how deep the tentacles are. The algorithm is everywhere and we need to get off CLEARNET.

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31bf03  No.12457991

File: d90bdf4d59fa657⋯.png (1.18 MB, 500x1089, 500:1089, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf67da  No.12457992

File: cf0946d9f32ee31⋯.gif (1013.87 KB, 245x137, 245:137, solo.gif)

The real war starts soon, better get those mind grapes prepped

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51778d  No.12457993


Things have to get truly dire before people start realizing something just isn't right.

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1cee00  No.12457994

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092e5c  No.12457995


Hair is a wig for sure

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951025  No.12457996

File: ee45131283c4711⋯.png (1.44 MB, 940x669, 940:669, comfy_pepe_game_face.png)

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333375  No.12457997


Argentina or Brazil

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d67f45  No.12457998


>I cant believe you faggots believe in Lin Wood, he's poisoning the well with fake, false, and unverified information


>FFS you morons are eating it up just like the normies eat up the fake unsourced bullshit from MSM.

Imagine believing at this stage of the game "poisoning the well" makes a difference. We either win or we die. Focus on more important things faggot.

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7a8286  No.12457999


The "declas" for the public will be after the arrests not before. I don't expect to see it for awhile.

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5e81d2  No.12458000


Explain it to me like I'm retarded. What is obvious that I'm not seeing?

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c3361b  No.12458001


If it happened then they were non-nuclear then.

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e5faea  No.12458002





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b47c36  No.12458003

What a glorious time to be alive!


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309a7c  No.12458004


<can you?

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eb8f62  No.12458005

File: 13a5c83862da834⋯.png (12.92 KB, 442x246, 221:123, tv23c54325342.PNG)

DEVELOPING: Democrats in both the House and Senate are planning to draft legislation to classify MAGA rallies as "domestic terrorist activity" and require the FBI, DOJ & DHS to take steps to prevent such "domestic terrorism." Sen. Durbin is leading effort along with Rep Schneider


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d69cec  No.12458006

File: d8dda34da92f40c⋯.png (442.87 KB, 647x531, 647:531, Screenshot_2021_01_10_Clou….png)

File: 99478019b335895⋯.png (518.9 KB, 700x411, 700:411, Screenshot_2021_01_10_Clou….png)

File: 1e75d1c8f3fb6fb⋯.png (14.44 KB, 647x124, 647:124, Screenshot_2021_01_10_Clou….png)




23h ago



1d ago

When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.

#MakeAmericaGreatAgain 🇺🇸


Please disable automatic updates on all of your android and iOS devices. Thank you!


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7549ab  No.12458007


There can be only one!

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33702d  No.12458008


Or 2. Doubt central coms means the public sector.

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653c78  No.12458009



Looks like DS is setting up an FF in SF

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f654a7  No.12458010


Bongino's pod cast has made him wealthy. That platform attracted leaches is my guess. Or he is comped. He did work for some shady people. Barry and W. He probably has seen Mike's Benis.

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0b5b34  No.12458011


Keep feeding that algo then smart fella

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072e7d  No.12458012


Just an example of ways to insert a shutdown mechanism controlled externally.

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9398f4  No.12458013



I felt that….in my bones. Especially my knees. Tippy top kek, anon

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9d4edb  No.12458014


Yeah, they really got crushed by that gates faggot and the explorer garbage.

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99bb66  No.12458015


>ha! that explains all the spam today

I am waiting to sign up for CloutHub to see if they squash that too

However, the link I had from this morning, just also pulled up the new comment


Thant info/link was in Bread 15895

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8d69ae  No.12458016


Trump is not going anywhere.

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3b9815  No.12458017


No, it's a bot acount that reposted POTUS' tweets while he was still on twitter

POTUS was never on gab

POTUS is on CloutHub right now

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bff23e  No.12458018


>a gonzo cheez classic


with extra sauce and fries

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2dde0c  No.12458019


saudi arabia has all the information on the deep state, too.

that's why Trump went their first thing in his presidency.

saudi ahs it all

saudi knows where the bodies are buried.

Saudi's NSA may just 'accidentally' release it all.

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438943  No.12458020


I was really looking forward to his presidential campaign.

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d69cec  No.12458021


Works just like twitter you don't need an account to view! o7.

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9132ae  No.12458022

File: fa499df7fcee833⋯.jpg (8.42 KB, 235x172, 235:172, pepe95i5.jpg)


Anon doesn't know who to beweeve anymore

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b0c0c5  No.12458023


I did it because fuck it. At this point if the plan doesn’t work out we are all going to be dead or reaping harvest to feed China against our will

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753651  No.12458024


The problem is the whales who control large chunks of the BTC economy. The other issue is most the mining hardware is produced in China.

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0e6a01  No.12458025


HIV-tainted blood scandal (Japan)


The Japanese HIV-tainted blood scandal (薬害エイズ事件, yakugai eizu jiken), refers to an event in the 1980s when between one and two thousand haemophilia patients in Japan contracted HIV via tainted blood products. Controversy centered on the continued use of non-heat-treated blood products after the development of heat treatments that prevented the spread of infection. Some high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Health and Welfare, executives of the manufacturing company and a leading doctor in the field of haemophilia study were charged for involuntary manslaughter.


See also: HIV/AIDS in Japan

Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, or AIDS, is a communicable disease caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV. AIDS is not curable. The first recognition of the emergence of an AIDS-like disease occurred in Los Angeles in 1981.

It was not until 1985 that the first cases of AIDS were officially reported in Japan. As early as 1983, however, Japan's Ministry of Health and Welfare was notified by Baxter Travenol Laboratories (BTL) that it was manufacturing a new blood product, licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which was heat-treated to kill HIV. BTL was interested in licensing this new product in Japan. The Japanese Green Cross Corporation (ミドリ十字), the main Japanese provider of blood products, protested that this would constitute unfair competition, as it was "not prepared to make heat-treated agents itself".[1] The Ministry of Health responded by ordering screening of untreated blood products, clinical trials of heat-treatments, and a campaign to increase domestic blood donations. The Green Cross Corporation meanwhile distributed letters of "safety assurance of unheated blood products" to patients, many of whom suffered from haemophilia.[2]

AIDS spreading in Japan

The first known case of infection with HIV in Japan occurred in 1979, affecting a haemophilia patient who was prescribed blood products by his doctor. A second patient was a Japanese male artist who had lived abroad for some years. Some other cases were also reported in the early 1980s and these patients were haemophilia patients or had homosexual experiences. After the intense media coverage on a HIV-positive woman who had contracted the virus through heterosexual intercourse, the disease became well known in Japan and the government ordered a study into the dispute over the safety of blood products.[3]


In May and October 1989, HIV-infected haemophiliacs in Osaka and Tokyo filed lawsuits against the Ministry of Health and Welfare and five Japanese drug companies. In 1994 two charges of attempted murder were filed against Dr. Takeshi Abe, who had headed the Health Ministry's AIDS research team in 1983; he was found not guilty in 2005. Abe resigned as vice-president of Teikyo University.

In January 1996, Naoto Kan was appointed Health Minister. He assembled a team to investigate the scandal, and within a month nine files of documents related to the scandal were uncovered, despite the Ministry of Health's claims that no such documents existed. As Minister, Kan promptly admitted the Ministry's legal responsibility and formally apologised to the plaintiffs.

The reports uncovered by Kan's team revealed that, after the report about the possibility of contamination, untreated blood products were recalled by the Japanese importer. However, when the importer tried to present a report to the Ministry of Health, it was told that such a report was unnecessary. The Ministry claimed that there was a "lack of evidence pointing to links between infection with HIV and the use of unheated blood products." According to one official, "we could not make public a fact that could fan anxieties among patients" [J.E.N].

According to the files, the Ministry of Health had recommended, in 1983, that the import of untreated blood and blood products be banned, and that emergency imports of heat-treated products be allowed. A week later, however, this recommendation was withdrawn because it would "deal a blow" to Japan's marketers of untreated blood products [Updike].

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4fadea  No.12458026


This is fucking getting ridiculous. 75+ million people are domestic terrorists now.

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b6a67e  No.12458027

File: b76156663466e07⋯.jpg (49.23 KB, 715x336, 715:336, Capture.JPG)

Notice its not the FBI or C_A but the Army..kekeke

Army identifies more possible threats after at least 25 ‘domestic terrorism’ cases opened in connection with US Capitol breach

US Representative Jason Crow (D-Colorado) said he was updated on the status of riot-related prosecutions by Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy. Rifles, Molotov cocktails, explosives and zip-tie handcuffs were recovered during the arrests, suggesting that “a greater disaster was narrowly averted,” Crow said.

Moments ago, I spoke with Secretary of the Army Ryan McCarthy about the military response to the January 6 Capitol attack and ongoing security measures.

Here are the notes from my call: pic.twitter.com/WB155iJoJn

— Rep. Jason Crow (@RepJasonCrow) January 10, 2021

The Army is aware of additional domestic terrorism threats in the days leading to Biden's January 20 inauguration and is coordinating with local and federal law enforcement agencies on security preparations, Crow said. The congressman added that he's afraid members of the military may be involved in insurrection and he asked McCarthy to review deployments for the inauguration to ensure there are no troops “sympathetic to domestic terrorists.”


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000000  No.12458028


My family started the NRA. I am doing what I can do become wealthy so that I can wield some influence there and put it back on the right track.

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31bf03  No.12458029


>Looks like about the size of a liquor bottle hit that mirror.

Or a good place to hide a hard drive.

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3b9815  No.12458030


No, they are on Cloudflare

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4cee5b  No.12458031


I bet what scares DS cabal the most is that Trump said

Go home, Go in peace

and the people who came to DC protest listened to him

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79cb09  No.12458032


check the #430.

check the weird shading in the image.

#430 is FAKE NEWS message.

This was purposeful disinfo by Lin Wood to mislead the traitor globalists.

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0e6a01  No.12458033


In 1983 Japan imported 3.14 million litres of blood plasma from the US to produce its own blood products, as well as 46 million units of prepared blood products. These imported blood products were said to pose no risk of HIV infection, and were used in Japan until 1986. Heat-treated products had been on sale since 1985, but there was neither a recall of remaining products nor a warning about the risks of using untreated products. As a result, untreated blood preparations stored at hospitals and in patients' home refrigerators were used up; there have been cases reported in which individuals were diagnosed with haemophilia for the first time between 1985 and 1986, began treatment, and were subsequently infected with HIV, even though it was known that HIV could be transmitted in untreated blood preparations, and treated products had become available and were in use at that time.

As early as 1984, several Japanese haemophiliacs were discovered to have been infected with HIV through the use of untreated blood preparations; this fact was concealed from the public. The patients themselves continued to receive "intentional propaganda" which downplayed the risks of contracting HIV from blood products, assured their safety, and promoted their use. Of some 4500 haemophiliacs in Japan, an estimated 2000 contracted HIV in the 1980s from untreated blood preparations [J.E.N].


Main article: SCOJ 2005 No. 947

Renzo Matsushita, former head of the Ministry of Health and Welfare's Pharmaceutical Affairs Bureau, and two of his colleagues, were found guilty of professional negligence resulting in death. Matsushita was sentenced to two years in jail. A murder charge was also brought against him. Matsushita, who after retirement became president of Green Cross, is one of at least nine former Ministry of Health bureaucrats who have retired to executive positions in Japan's blood industry since the 1980s (see ama kudari).

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070458  No.12458034


How about we stop assuming bald headed men are automatically skin heads???

This is a free country. People can associate with whomever they want. KKK, Skin heads, niggers, gangs, it's all relative. Right now I would refuse to state unequivocally that John (Jake) Sullivan is Antifa despite all evidence saying he is, including him.

LOL like Raz of Chaz….that fucker is a glowie…which team he glows for? I dunno, but he fucking GLOWS.

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626d0f  No.12458035


The woman has slowly been driven stark raving mad. Right before our very eyes.

God is watching. His will in all things.

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2dde0c  No.12458036



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092e5c  No.12458037


Does that include KAG rallies? Why stop there. Red Hats. Voting for non D's. Running for office other than D.

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d67f45  No.12458038

File: a18c5205696751c⋯.png (73.79 KB, 898x606, 449:303, ClipboardImage.png)


>Imagine believing at this stage of the game "poisoning the well" makes a difference. We either win or we die. Focus on more important things faggot.

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fea691  No.12458039


put a question mark at the end of the url and reload - cheers

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7549ab  No.12458040

St. Joseph, save the USA!!

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a82556  No.12458041


Thank God you're here anon… show us the way!

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b4520b  No.12458042


The storming of the capitol was the proudest moment of my life as an American.

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ff59f3  No.12458043

>>12457314 Dough

#15904 FINAL Notables

>>12457404 PGA Announces It Will Strip Trump Bedminster Golf Club of 2022 PGA Championship After Capitol Hill Chaos

>>12457405 Despite concerns about the accuracy of Curative's COVID-19 testing kiosks, the city of Seattle is sticking with them.

>>12457411 PF Report

>>12457413 Trump's approval ratings on the rise

>>12457417 Gen Flynn - “To all those who are tempted to give up—don’t. That’s what they want. That’s how they win

>>12457419 DC traffic cams. DC is a ghost town.

>>12457443 Evil Pelosi Admits in “60 Minutes” Tongue-Bath Interview that Motivation for Impeachment Is To Ensure “He Never Runs Again”

>>12457460 Memphis Police Officer Arrested, Charged With Murdering Man While On Duty

>>12457516 Proclamation on Honoring United States Capitol Police Officers from President Trump

>>12457525 Lehigh University yanks honorary degree it gave to Trump in 1988

>>12457557 Coming to America..SOON..Hell it's already here Scanning digital health QR code becomes OBLIGATORY for passengers using ride-hailing services in Beijing

>>12457585 Biden Has Ties To 5 Major Tech Companies

>>12457628 Pope Francis’ personal doctor dies of Covid-19, as Pontiff misses scheduled baptism

>>12457791 Gun owners ‘must stay vigilant & engaged in politics’, NRA says after Biden vows to DEFEAT pro-2nd amendment group

>>12457822 Kim Jong-un's Message for Joe Biden: We Will Bring U.S. 'to Its Knees'

>>12457888 Software Engineer Exposes Big Tech Censorship Strategies Which Include Use of AI and “Blacklists”

>>12457921 President Trump tweets Abraham Lincoln Speech with pic of protesters at Capitol

>>12457962 Bill Gates DTP Vaccine Killed 10 Times More African Girls Than The Disease Itself

>>12458005 Paul Sperry - Democrats in both the House and Senate are planning to draft legislation to classify MAGA rallies as "domestic terrorist activity"

>>12458006 POTUS - When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.


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309a7c  No.12458044

File: 28e3f0a31439895⋯.gif (248.05 KB, 856x856, 1:1, 20180703_080554.gif)

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737f01  No.12458045

File: 2bbd362aa5e4254⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1102x1390, 551:695, Screenshot_2021_01_11_at_0….png)


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2dde0c  No.12458046


what well is he poisoning?

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8237b1  No.12458047

dude, that HAD to be a lie. they were running a test on us. they said a fuckin raccoon did it.>>12457730

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756540  No.12458048

File: 0fc5f683840a373⋯.png (290.79 KB, 462x347, 462:347, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3361b  No.12458049

File: fdf3d14d39da0a5⋯.png (104.58 KB, 1351x616, 193:88, ClipboardImage.png)



confirmed. (not logged in either)

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a242db  No.12458050

what is the wood shit built around the arch?

to protect the building?


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951025  No.12458051

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bc3abd  No.12458052


Well If POTUS lost why would there be MAGA rallies!?



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000000  No.12458053


me too anon

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bd1498  No.12458054


believe nothing

do nothing

talk about nothing..

this is now our lives.

hell of a plan

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3ef987  No.12458055


Lost something, Nance? Break glass in case of emergency? Movie keeps getting better!

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6c3947  No.12458056

File: 19461060b3a13b3⋯.png (101.91 KB, 500x587, 500:587, ClipboardImage.png)



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c6867a  No.12458057

File: 85ad11a9da0833e⋯.png (399.34 KB, 400x510, 40:51, ClipboardImage.png)

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1777df  No.12458058

File: 846c01b0190e953⋯.png (797.67 KB, 960x720, 4:3, FREDDY_WILL_BAKER.png)


>Anon doesn't know who to beweeve anymore


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b0e003  No.12458059


This would be IT for me … my red line.

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3f3018  No.12458060

File: edac9587ad038a6⋯.png (347.89 KB, 535x586, 535:586, Screenshot_2021_01_11_The_….png)

BREAKING: Outgoing Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund is accusing House and Senate security officials of hindering efforts before and during the Capitol riots to call in the National Guard.


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c4c15c  No.12458061


Fag in the brown hat looks like he has a really long shank

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8ca0e5  No.12458062


Scavino b. Jan 15, 1976.

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438943  No.12458064


Believe in your self. Live your life. This op is out of our hands.

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839888  No.12458065


someone bought all the regular spam

there was only bacon flavor left

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48f6ca  No.12458066


> President in Exile

I dunno. Where's Barry?

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2dde0c  No.12458067



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8afe6a  No.12458068



if this is a legit account, everything is lining up


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b14d81  No.12458069



now there's a handsome face i can get behind!

get him on the poster for PANTIFA!

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17d673  No.12458070


They fucked up when they put "pro Trump" and "San Francisco" in the same sentence.

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3b9815  No.12458071


ah you're right, dummy me


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626d0f  No.12458073


>Saudi's NSA may just 'accidentally' release it all.

Kind of a poetic justice, if this is the case, for Vegas.

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4ae487  No.12458075

Lots of great folk here.. Great to have you here >>12457689

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d9709c  No.12458076


Also as soon as quantum computers reach a certain level of efficiency, inflation will be hell

Orr the powerful people with the computers able to do this will be the same people at the top of the current financial system

It’s the same pyramid scheme

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9398f4  No.12458077


Believe your gut feeling. Its why God gave it to you. And stop listening to ppl. Careful who you follow.

Trust POTUS and whoever you know personally and can vouch for. Enjoy the show, anon. Even us will be surprised

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e6a902  No.12458078

File: b86f326d97d51d4⋯.png (357.77 KB, 500x500, 1:1, memesmith.png)

making memes

Any requests?

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d88e6d  No.12458079

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993ce0  No.12458080

File: 486d8a917b3220a⋯.jpeg (85.17 KB, 828x366, 138:61, 199A261F_DCAE_49D9_A452_A….jpeg)

This is not through the app.

Brave browser.

Clean search.

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9d4edb  No.12458081


Exactly. How far is the DS going to get with their fake election coup to overthrow the government?

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48a4e0  No.12458082

File: 3d6bcb422ede8a4⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1175x660, 235:132, ClipboardImage.png)

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85426f  No.12458085

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, whisper_laugh.mp4)


I just meant the dude was self-conscious but yeah whatever.

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309a7c  No.12458086

His Will is all things.



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3a889e  No.12458088



TWell that just abour ptoves my theory.

Suicide Weekend was never about people.

It was about Institutions - The Political Parties, the Social Media companies, "Woke" Companies like Coca-Cola, Marriott Hotels and the PGA.

Mass Hari-Kari going on right now in front of our faces.

MOAR popcorn please!

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b79335  No.12458089

File: 51fadbb9e480c61⋯.png (1001.97 KB, 912x609, 304:203, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: 6c99e9ff3815b48⋯.png (731.53 KB, 642x611, 642:611, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: 937f3922a1ed4b4⋯.png (575.2 KB, 644x478, 322:239, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: 8671f8e66a831dd⋯.png (539.68 KB, 640x423, 640:423, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: 3bf03cfdcc8bb93⋯.png (629.96 KB, 501x617, 501:617, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

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d679b6  No.12458090

File: 9ef1e23af7943e0⋯.png (132.37 KB, 311x589, 311:589, Q_4949_Largest_US_Flag_in_….png)



Hear it is:

Q 4949

“…this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

—President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 19, 1863

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070458  No.12458091


I hesitate to ask what browser I could switch to that I can use adblocking, ghostery, miner block, noscript….I like streaming and without those addons it's impossible.

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000000  No.12458092


We must look to history to see what the red line was for the founding fathers.

If they start coming for us in real life, we must stand together.

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d3cd16  No.12458093


20% of the population. Mao would have considered that doable.

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8021ec  No.12458094

File: 0380e2ce39bdc2b⋯.gif (342.41 KB, 1500x1949, 1500:1949, Night_shift_arrow.gif)

File: 14bb2a2a8e6face⋯.gif (87.1 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Night_Shift_Cat_Eyes.gif)

File: e1621fee872d564⋯.gif (920.59 KB, 512x640, 4:5, Night_Shift_Frog.gif)

File: 8f3c41f27bc499c⋯.gif (1.01 MB, 935x640, 187:128, Night_Shift_Lion_Flag.gif)

File: 84c9e1535c67215⋯.gif (632.09 KB, 800x450, 16:9, night_shift_punisher_flag.gif)


Night Shift still RULES!!!!

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d69cec  No.12458095


Indeed, why do you think there are so many wrap up smears against those who support him. The most persecuted man on earth, and all lies, God sees, we the people win.

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f654a7  No.12458096


Not me I jerked off with glee.

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e9aba2  No.12458097


had a call today too

"what in the world is going on? "

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e4d0f5  No.12458098


It's just Rulez for Radicals maaan.

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d67f45  No.12458099

File: 945a8c71f75c7be⋯.png (415.39 KB, 693x391, 693:391, 000000000000000000.png)


This, but with a better POTUS pose. Something more "War-time"

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bd1498  No.12458100


it was amazing till i got home and heard the spin.

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91b04b  No.12458101

anyone watching the Vatican live? what is that flashing light on the right?

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d676db  No.12458102


This will be fun

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b6a67e  No.12458103


Can you please post link to Trumps account on Cloudflare for us

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47b426  No.12458104


someone better not have given him false promises or bad intel

May God smite them beyond exceedingly and for a very long time if they did.

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b9be28  No.12458105

File: 64eea0897ee5d20⋯.jpg (37.64 KB, 457x340, 457:340, silence_golden_saying_best….jpg)

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fd697f  No.12458106


Ummm, he is still playing at president….stop playing with him.

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753651  No.12458107


Sha will break under quantum, they will need a new algo.

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a6346b  No.12458108


idgaf. If he is throwin smoke I will pass it around.

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da3dbb  No.12458109

File: 3686b91b5670f3a⋯.png (519.19 KB, 498x501, 166:167, 418AD9CC_7985_46C9_BEAF_E5….png)

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5e81d2  No.12458110

File: 97db534354a5ddf⋯.png (50.04 KB, 966x579, 322:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5fe302f1693a7f9⋯.png (15.9 KB, 644x234, 322:117, ClipboardImage.png)



One anon says 340, another says 430. OK to both of you.



None of you ANONs have anything but your anonymous claims. OK, fine, I believe that you all believe this is fake. None of you can explain your position it seems.

I smell fear. I love the smell of fear.

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b4089b  No.12458111

File: 9178e0d758434f8⋯.jpg (9.22 KB, 148x255, 148:255, tits_pepe.jpg)


Stupendously self serving, but can she be a brunette?

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d9709c  No.12458112

File: 01cb613ff4cb417⋯.jpeg (11.22 KB, 255x198, 85:66, 2C7EC81D_88BD_4AAE_8F8C_B….jpeg)


Some sleepless nights feel like millennia

I can imagine perfectly

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e09339  No.12458113

File: efa255b41ae9b7a⋯.jpg (880.83 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_20210110_222411.jpg)

Guys i used to heavily FOIAfag and bring in some decent notables on 8ch but mostly here on 8k. Pompeos declas on iran shit has a lot of syria talk and certain things happening (or not) because opcw fact finding mission reports. Suggests to me, now, in 2021, not only were we lied to and baited into trying to bomb assad (which everybody knew, with the exception, perhaps, of by whom) but that alex jo…uh

Big mike

Is calling them out with thay tweet.

I see how that looks like an unrelated tangent after mentioning FOIA, but i decided to look into other .gov FOIA shit. See if anything new.

And idk how newly released shit is from here but i found (pic related)

within https://www.esd.whs.mil/FOIA/Reading-Room/Reading-Room-List_2/DARPA/

That sure look like too many orientals on there. I dont see elon musk name here on this original neurolink project

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0e6a01  No.12458114


Contaminated blood scandal in the United Kingdom

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

More at link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contaminated_blood_scandal_in_the_United_Kingdom

(Redirected from Tainted blood scandal (United Kingdom))

A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its subject. It may require cleanup to comply with Wikipedia's content policies, particularly neutral point of view. Please discuss further on the talk page. (October 2018) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)

Contaminated Blood Scandal HIV

Bottles of factor viii haemophilia treatment.jpg

Bottle of Factor VIII, a product used to treat haemophilia

Date 1970s & 1980s

Location United Kingdom

Cause Contaminated Factor VIII & Factor IX

Deaths 1,246+

Inquiries Contaminated Blood Scandal Inquiry

The Contaminated Blood Scandal in the United Kingdom arose when at least 3,891 people, most of whom suffered from haemophilia, became infected with hepatitis C of whom 1,243 were also infected with HIV, the virus that leads to acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), as a result of receiving contaminated clotting factor products supplied by the National Health Service (NHS) in the 1970s and 1980s. As of October 2017 there were at least 1,246 confirmed deaths in the UK of people who were killed by the clotting agents Factor VIII & Factor IX and the viruses they transmitted. Some have estimated that the total number of those who have died could be as high as 2,400 though exact figures are not known.

During the 1970s and 1980s, some people were infected with Hepatitis C via blood transfusions under entirely different circumstances. However, the Factor Concentrate products used by people with haemophilia were processed pharmaceutical products which bore no resemblance to blood transfusion. The infections to those with haemophilia were principally caused by the plasma derived product known as Factor VIII, a medicinal product that was sourced from the United States and elsewhere. The creation of such products involved dangerous manufacturing processes.[1] Large groups of paid donors were used (as many as 60,000 per batch, and including prisoners and drug addicts); it only required one infected donor to contaminate an entire batch, which would then infect all of the patients that received that material.[2] In contrast, this was at a time when the practice of paying donors for whole blood in the United States had effectively ceased; the UK did not import whole blood[3] from abroad, but it did import large quantities of Factor VIII given to those infected (as described in the documentary Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal). It is said that the principal reason that the UK imported these products was that it did not produce enough of its own.[4][5]

A study published in 1986 showed that 76% of those who used commercial Factor products became infected with HIV, as opposed to none of those who only used the previous treatment cryoprecipitate.[6]

No government, healthcare or pharmaceutical entity in the UK has admitted any liability in the scandal, and no damages or compensation have been paid to those infected or affected, although the government has provided some means-tested benefits to some of the surviving victims through a Trust.[7]

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a39a43  No.12458115


I wonder if there's a full-length vid…

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070458  No.12458116


NEVER ever JOIN anything. EVER. JOINING means following, following means giving up sovereignty. I am a FREE JAFFA!

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f212e4  No.12458117

File: 04999812dc25589⋯.png (2.77 MB, 1762x2134, 881:1067, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

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1777df  No.12458118


>miner block


Will have to look into that one.

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d69cec  No.12458119


Anon, how about this image


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17d673  No.12458120


Stuxnet was not controlled externally. I researched it heavily when a virus almost caused the incineration of my workplace.

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3ef987  No.12458121

GD… why is it so hard to find good shills anymore? They all running?>>>>> ?

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c71810  No.12458122


literally what?

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d676db  No.12458124


Txt him then

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951025  No.12458125




They gonny cancel MAGA are they?

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3b9815  No.12458126


sauce=source code


torba is nothing like 8kun

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b4520b  No.12458127


don't talk if you don't know what you're saying to be true

They have their own servers

Cloudflare is a security feature

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bc3abd  No.12458128


Not sure about DB. but he publicly trashed Hussein. In which he protected- his duty.

I didn't trash Hussein until I was officially off the clock/out either-duty.

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518021  No.12458129


Belichick Brady and Kraft all supported Trump in 2016. Brady through pussy whipping by Gisele turned on him. Trump stood by Kraft during massage-gate, and Kraft went along with the whole BLM football shit when as one of the most powerful owners in the league could have taken a differing stand. As fast as I know, BB has always stood by Trump.

So maybe that's why

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9398f4  No.12458131


We need to think future. Something with Sun rising and freedom and shit. Include POTUS and military and anons! Yeah. Lil pepe holding POTUS hand. Freeèedom

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f7d711  No.12458132



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e6a902  No.12458133


I don't want to contribute to any more banners.

Memes only. As in ammo for twitter, FB and any other battle front.

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d67f45  No.12458134



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fd697f  No.12458135


> anons, what say ye?

Look north, at Canada, by order of the OPM.

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fcd8b8  No.12458136

File: 23e760e05b46ee7⋯.png (244.48 KB, 1170x886, 585:443, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: e12215682ec9a12⋯.png (51.47 KB, 1206x268, 9:2, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)

File: e7ff7e831a79a9e⋯.png (41.27 KB, 1220x224, 305:56, Screen_Shot_2021_01_10_at_….png)


Nice picture of the Capitol but THIS IS NOT THE PRESIDENTS CLOUTHUB act

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309a7c  No.12458137


insurgency is the word you seek.

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7549ab  No.12458138

A week from now the world will look completely new and bright

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511f35  No.12458139


Based Ken

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b20415  No.12458141

File: f7eb96854f91e3f⋯.png (10.87 KB, 255x254, 255:254, pepe_joecool.png)


I like dis

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3b9815  No.12458142


no, cloudflare is also a caching network

if they told you it's just for security, they lied to you

they use it for caching as well

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b4089b  No.12458143


Just dawned on me that if you look from the top and assume that's 3d, it's a torus. Lay lines. All over the earth.

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dec753  No.12458144

File: 68f8cb5ccfe7972⋯.jpg (182.07 KB, 1280x706, 640:353, IMAGE_2021_01_10_21_43_05.jpg)


words from the Gettysburg Address

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47b426  No.12458145


they would really lose their shit over Pepe rallies

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756540  No.12458146

File: c88d5cf9c45d163⋯.png (195.05 KB, 639x347, 639:347, ClipboardImage.png)


Broken mirrors.

God Bless Trump.

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be84bc  No.12458147



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e6a902  No.12458148


Only cause you got trips. give me a sec.


I'll work on this

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d9709c  No.12458149


Yea that a whole other bag of problems

If I were evil and the first one to crack it, I probably wouldn’t tell anyone

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30c0d4  No.12458150


total mindfuck!!!! …But I am real high so………

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309a7c  No.12458151


then you have learned nothing in your time here.

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ff59f3  No.12458152

Q Research General #15905: Those Who Deny Freedom To Others Deserve It Not For Themselves Edition

>>12458087 Fresh Bread

>>12458087 Fresh Bread

>>12458087 Fresh Bread

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a7ff42  No.12458153


These faggots are absolutely terrified. PANIC

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626d0f  No.12458154


Try being awake for over 4 decades of trying to get someone to listen that didn't think you were crazy.

The Net was surely a big help. Oh, yeah. Before that you read everything, every newspaper, studied newscasts to see who was lying and who was not, it was a real battle. For a long time.

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fcd8b8  No.12458155



Baker Remove this…not DJT

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a6346b  No.12458156


I don't think that's the game plan buddy. It's "dangerous freedom" We have only just begun.

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