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File: b583bfbcb1d9f49⋯.png (45.91 KB, 250x140, 25:14, standard_banner.png)

26e11f  No.12310027[View All]

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aa906b  No.12310811

Or Nathan?

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9669bc  No.12310812


This will not work! Chuckling at what they won't do..to Stop what is coming!

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775744  No.12310813

File: b45c2c1ea373939⋯.jpeg (200.71 KB, 1440x414, 80:23, 0B202AAF_CC09_4C6E_A64C_4….jpeg)

File: b14293836b0fb5e⋯.jpeg (102.34 KB, 1200x1067, 1200:1067, 04C52B96_0CAC_4084_AEB4_C….jpeg)

File: 5d80c4b12d9f4c6⋯.jpeg (109.95 KB, 1024x681, 1024:681, 5C8455AA_E2BD_4E8B_9729_C….jpeg)

File: f4a299710b3e5de⋯.jpeg (130.99 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 7555ABD6_EE12_420E_8EFE_5….jpeg)

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ba6083  No.12310814


No, dipshit. I was telling you there is more info about this call IN THIS VERY THREAD that you should be reading. Christ on a cracker there are some stupid people here today


Things are NOT just what you see on the surface. Fuck

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283446  No.12310815

File: f400ceed8209679⋯.jpg (294.95 KB, 648x654, 108:109, 000.jpg)

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8a9564  No.12310817


Do they think protesters will try to take the reichstag and the hang all the traitors?? Kek

Wtf these people are just plain silly!


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510e49  No.12310818

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Georgia Sec. of State discusses phone call with Trump about election results l GMA

Brad Raffensperger speaks to "GMA" about the hour-long phone recording of his conversation with the president on Saturday, in which he was pressed to overturn election results.


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abe4ad  No.12310819



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e4bcb1  No.12310820

File: b0b1a6e601feb29⋯.mp3 (157.31 KB, 2021_01_04T16_45_39.mp3)


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b46441  No.12310822


Means absolutely nothing.

Getting arrested in a leftist cabal city means charges dropped and released within an hour.

Just get some shit-toned Shinola smeared on your skin and that's your Get Out of Jail Free card!

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5be9da  No.12310823



i believe, just in that instance…

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c4162d  No.12310824

File: bd0c728179f8f46⋯.jpg (3.53 MB, 1772x1948, 443:487, parade.jpg)

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c2672b  No.12310825

File: 45826f74ecd5eec⋯.png (315.53 KB, 780x564, 65:47, Screen_Shot_2020_08_29_at_….png)

File: 252ed99440c0d53⋯.png (303.04 KB, 586x334, 293:167, Screen_Shot_2020_08_29_at_….png)

File: cfdf08acb61875a⋯.png (278.5 KB, 832x546, 32:21, cfdf08acb61875a3324e053609….png)

File: 0a1e4775ca46be5⋯.png (321.85 KB, 617x569, 617:569, Screen_Shot_2020_10_27_at_….png)

File: 746fcfa88d67f23⋯.png (16.36 KB, 106x105, 106:105, Screen_Shot_2020_11_04_at_….png)




Yeah so what, its the Archons, sleestak, lizard assholes, alot of us know that, they are everywhere and it is time to exterminate them all

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183a4c  No.12310826

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aa906b  No.12310827

Today is really using up a lot of my energy, but this is good. I'm only getting stronger and thriving.

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9669bc  No.12310828


Yeah.. see what you did there..

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21420f  No.12310829

File: 83a0d953f523067⋯.png (604.7 KB, 402x612, 67:102, ClipboardImage.png)

FISA GATE JAN 6, Then we get TRUMP onthe 7th?

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2f180c  No.12310830

File: 320719cac59e237⋯.jpeg (249.61 KB, 600x579, 200:193, 3F0A1A77_0F84_4037_97C6_C….jpeg)


>"I have information that will bring down the most powerful people in the world"

>"The truth is going to come out, one way or the other"

>Lin Wood

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86a8f6  No.12310831

File: fd3d045e151c828⋯.png (72.09 KB, 1234x250, 617:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d22247c23d05bb1⋯.jpg (1.97 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20201114_125446.jpg)



Think I could pull off Lincoln if I shave the mustache? I'm 6'4"

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510e49  No.12310832


forgot to add, this guy is really nervous for someone used to TV and public speaking.

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aa906b  No.12310833

File: b38c37b7753b22e⋯.jpg (133.75 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 96.jpg)

Ugh, is this what morning sickness feels like?

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708da8  No.12310835

File: b54dff4e9ccbb50⋯.png (1.55 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, EE1427AC_D14E_4E76_B414_7B….png)

So this is why I was receiving an inundation of text messages asking me to vote early, vote absentee, vote for the rights of gay frogs, etc. Was never registered Dem, though - so they are canvassing based on other data. I always felt they were using my phone number to fluff their numbers…

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fd2820  No.12310836

File: 8848cb8e43d85c9⋯.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1036x1306, 518:653, 648C7B09_3EA2_483A_95D4_3….jpeg)

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abe4ad  No.12310837


Love this man

Hope everybody is praying for him

He's fighting for us

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03e437  No.12310839


Federal charges. deputies. bowser isn't jack shit. Just like what happened last time ngs were deployed and subsequently sent away.

Fix that shit up right quick, too.

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21420f  No.12310841

File: e220f4c84487ba9⋯.png (129.71 KB, 373x373, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Anyone have a good charlie Chan voice? Could ask some interesting Q's

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e74319  No.12310842

File: 5a8819d1a6845e5⋯.png (209.11 KB, 298x262, 149:131, Screenshot_2021_01_04_soap….png)

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abe4ad  No.12310843


I'm thinking it's PERFECT

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5be9da  No.12310844

File: 85b6fd2bcc5b826⋯.jpg (43.49 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, charchadcheers.jpg)

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57d2e3  No.12310845

File: 7bc9acaae4ddde2⋯.png (16.08 KB, 530x209, 530:209, JohnCardillo_tweet2.png)

The new narrative is, "if you call out lunacy, you're jealous of the lunatic."


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fb19df  No.12310846

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275919  No.12310847


Dumbass, NOTHING IN THE POSTS HERE contradicts what I wrote about WaPo's false narrative.

COME AT ME WITH INFORMATION THAT HAS AN ACTUAL SUBSTANTIVE ANALYSIS instead of just asserting the information that helps your weak case is there.

WaPo is lying when they smear POTUS as trying to defraud or rig the vote in Georgia.

NOTHING IN THIS THREAD contradicts that fact.

Now piss off or post an actual rebuttal instead of just POSTURING.

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d42dc2  No.12310849


Watching this POS traitor go down will be a great pleasure to be sure.

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c0197d  No.12310850

File: 40ecd53f170c9ff⋯.jpg (74.68 KB, 500x562, 250:281, anthony_q_warner_alien_hun….jpg)

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40184a  No.12310852


Number one son?

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c4162d  No.12310853


"if you don't believe talking snek,

you are talking snek."

already been done

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21420f  No.12310855


Numba won yes

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aa906b  No.12310856

Hahaha, I will keep pushing on until I get my way. Fuck everyone else and their hopes and dreams.

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0738b3  No.12310858


Fuck! Have you seen any CP this morning?

I'm nor new. I am asking for something more advanced than filter by ID and REGEX

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03e437  No.12310861


no step on snek

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d116f9  No.12310862

Ballot Marking Devices


I wanted to draw attention to this map. The yellow represents areas with ballot marking devices (BMD). Those were supposed to be for people with disabilities but like the touchscreen DREs before were tried to be used for all voters. It looks like Georgia, South Carolina, and Arkansas are all BMD.

If that is the case, the machine is marking the ballot, not the voter. There is no way the voter can know what the machine is doing. Yeah, it allegedly provides a re-countable paper ballot- it just can't be proven to be the voter's choices.

The BMD, like ranked voting, is just another avenue for fraud.

Ranked voting just leads to the shaving and adding of a percentage of the vote. It's an excuse to have that kind of software in the machine.

Looks like LA may be BMD but can't discern from some of the information is that is all true. Of course, Smartmatic.

Los Angeles County is Smartmatic:


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275919  No.12310865


New New narrative:

Accusations of lunacy are proofs of lunacy.

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e09295  No.12310866

File: 33655d1d3dafc88⋯.jpeg (117.87 KB, 819x1024, 819:1024, 5337CD75_71CB_47A5_B4CC_A….jpeg)

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c76336  No.12310867


gettin the pig

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b46441  No.12310868


Starting to think Cardillo starts his day with a double Bloody Mary, lunches with six martinis, and is screaming Fuck You to the bouncers by Happy Hour!

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aa906b  No.12310869

I will have my way at the expense of everyone else.

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19e1bf  No.12310874

File: 79866c2238953e8⋯.png (853.7 KB, 2560x2560, 1:1, 79866c2238953e86fbc583bed7….png)

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a7b055  No.12310875


>Christ on a cracker there are some stupid people here today

>Things are NOT just what you see on the surface. Fuck

Anon, try to be sweet. I know the above can be frustrating.

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0738b3  No.12310876


saved locally on my Chinese external HDs

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a9b3ab  No.12310879


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