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File: 5268f11483b2809⋯.jpg (12.12 KB, 255x199, 255:199, WAR_FLAG.jpg)

5d76d8  No.11881038[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

'''We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone

the use of force in our work here.'''

''"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life,

liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." ''




Q's Private Board

>>>/projectdcomms/ & Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

Q's Latest Posts

Friday 11.13.2020

>>11621106 ————————————–——– Durham.

Thursday 11.12.2020

>>11618946 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC (Cap: >>11619104)

>>11617856 ————————————–——– Nothing can stop what is coming. Nothing!

Onion Link

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701 posts and 369 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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bc4354  No.11881846

File: 76ad0861e4fdc14⋯.png (478.34 KB, 1054x738, 527:369, 76ad0861e4fdc14044822b9086….png)

whos got the photos of the mayor/govs daughter?

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d9fc62  No.11881847

Missed last 3 breads… You fags know, #StopTeamQ is trending in #1 on twatter right now, right?

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78a7dc  No.11881848



well, that's fucking creepy.

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a73514  No.11881849

File: 635d8281a48daa7⋯.jpg (166.62 KB, 924x960, 77:80, 635d8281a48daa77a1612af956….jpg)

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5cb0ff  No.11881850

File: a16439d8fd60ff3⋯.png (481.94 KB, 678x411, 226:137, f_16_pilot_he_s_right_you_….PNG)

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25a0f1  No.11881852

File: 6970091373d7436⋯.jpg (254.51 KB, 495x657, 55:73, t3.jpg)

God she just can not nig.

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510229  No.11881853

Ridiculous question cunt ass johnson

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631b40  No.11881854


C. A. Johnson Dumber than a bag of rocks.

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413c82  No.11881855

Rep LaFave, you need to fucking STEP UP and OWN your constitutional responsibility.

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1a988d  No.11881856

Johnson: Do you think you and the president are honest men??


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4c4639  No.11881857


says (you). So What do you know About Faggots? Takes one to Know One. So now (you) can just FUCK OFF



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bbaf1f  No.11881858

Obliterate yourself thing, do it, lose it all.

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dfff8a  No.11881859

Representative, do you consider yourself a Nazi bitch?

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283452  No.11881860

File: 74f55c6bc3f4c25⋯.jpg (149.32 KB, 663x399, 221:133, 20201202_222142.jpg)

Apparently Minnehaha is Dakota for Waterfall. Pic from associated press. A false translation often mistakes it for laughing waters. Both were interesting names I thought.

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904fec  No.11881861

out of order out of order out of order

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82ba88  No.11881862

File: 89ab87be8bb9939⋯.png (978.16 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, FC3EE6C1_5530_4573_83A6_7F….png)

File: 06f77297e5eb0df⋯.png (288.7 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, A72B0280_8ED0_4E7F_A372_6B….png)

File: 80adb099966abc3⋯.png (1.15 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 653DD38E_FC28_430B_B38C_95….png)

They are trying to rebrand us as QAnon

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431687  No.11881863



out of order

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0a8b54  No.11881864


I used to get odd calls from 202 numbers awhile back now just get odd calls from local (850) numbers. I google them and nobody shows up so must be fake.

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bde4ec  No.11881865

Who elected this vile thing??

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2a50e1  No.11881866

File: d71d2852145e78c⋯.png (314.92 KB, 686x360, 343:180, orangemanbad.png)

File: 2b64b6bb5329bc2⋯.jpeg (11.39 KB, 248x255, 248:255, Obama_Sucks.jpeg)

File: d343e3b306e44ee⋯.png (566.15 KB, 776x459, 776:459, obama_on_the_lam.png)

File: b035a051038cd80⋯.jpg (151.35 KB, 640x360, 16:9, obama_erased.jpg)

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728164  No.11881867

dumb bitch acting like rudy on trial or something

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e8696d  No.11881868

Rantifa blam blm show hoe to u have a question




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0b9f34  No.11881869

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18c37f  No.11881871


good answer as to why the legislature needs to take the reins

Hostile question. No need to answer.

Whoever is the chair is doing a good job

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30ea9d  No.11881872


Thanks fren. I just really want our side to win this

And I'm in a legal state so it's just pure laziness on my part. Time for a nice chianti and some guac and chips - tomorrow is a work day and a dope hangover for me is the worst

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c2804d  No.11881873

File: b243d4a7673520c⋯.png (164.69 KB, 430x589, 430:589, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c68efd800b79937⋯.png (9.94 MB, 2400x3600, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Pick up your phone.

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2a50e1  No.11881874

File: b50817a26492264⋯.png (359.73 KB, 474x574, 237:287, banana.png)

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95775d  No.11881875

File: b58514795c34fed⋯.jpg (600.24 KB, 564x5205, 188:1735, 1564770239478.jpg)

File: b3ce77a0e2e527c⋯.jpg (109.86 KB, 750x810, 25:27, b3ce77a0e2e527c94e763f8023….jpg)

File: ee126bdfac7f0d8⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1068x1766, 534:883, 1564613699740.png)

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8c793a  No.11881876


and all her constituents will love her for insulting him.

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d9fc62  No.11881877


Into Chaos, fag.

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87ad53  No.11881878

Do you think you and President Trump are honest men?

-Johnson witch

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a73514  No.11881879

File: 70f30836273d095⋯.jpg (75.37 KB, 1200x500, 12:5, DZaok8BWAAAQ5t2.jpg)

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2d063f  No.11881880


I stopped looking them up in case it was a trap.

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525564  No.11881881

thinks if she speaks slowly and pronounces the letters carefully, will become true

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1f2751  No.11881882


That was the most Peewee Herman ass response I've received on here in a while. I'm in awe.

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2835ba  No.11881883

File: 80785a7ed36dcb0⋯.png (616.02 KB, 1008x636, 84:53, kenosha_hands_up_dont_shoo….png)


hobo bj edition

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d27196  No.11881885

File: a1c3e4ca7f20191⋯.png (193.97 KB, 452x485, 452:485, Screen_Shot_2020_12_02_at_….png)

File: abda9f97447d4a7⋯.png (129.43 KB, 451x343, 451:343, Screen_Shot_2020_12_02_at_….png)

File: 464f8c39e1c771d⋯.png (41.65 KB, 196x148, 49:37, Screen_Shot_2020_12_02_at_….png)


Yeah, his pal "Christian M." @Cjmack_99 is DEFINITELY a creep too.


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afa252  No.11881887

File: a65e2a48e9e5a5d⋯.jpg (381.38 KB, 1246x704, 623:352, Screen_Shot_12_03_20_at_03….JPG)

File: 514312f164cf942⋯.jpg (369.05 KB, 1246x704, 623:352, Screen_Shot_12_03_20_at_03….JPG)

File: 6fc529cc3f669a0⋯.jpg (379.86 KB, 1246x704, 623:352, Screen_Shot_12_03_20_at_03….JPG)

I love this thing…. Couldn't ask for someone to help us more

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3f61f6  No.11881888


can't you ass wipes let it go ?

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bde4ec  No.11881889

Every member of this panel.

Firing squad

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5db58e  No.11881890

File: 2a5332f2338f771⋯.jpg (21.08 KB, 400x225, 16:9, ELhand7XYAMGgQm.jpg)

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614dfd  No.11881891




ummmmmm may want to rewrite the post open

or make sure you know that your reader understands:

Legion is a demon or group of demons, particularly those in two of three versions of the exorcism of the Gerasene demoniac, an account in the New Testament of an incident in which Jesus performs an exorcism Development of the story


Definition of legion (Entry 1 of 2)

1: the principal unit of the Roman army comprising 3000 to 6000 foot soldiers with cavalry

Caesar and his legions defeated the Gauls.

2: a large military force

especially : ARMY sense 1a

the French Foreign Legion

3: a very large number : MULTITUDE

won him … a legion of devoted followers

— Irving Kolodin

4: a national association of ex-servicemen

the American Legion

legion adjective

Definition of legion (Entry 2 of 2)


the problems are legion

but fren

your post

I get it

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1bc12d  No.11881892

What's hilarious is Johnson actually thinks she's intelligent.

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64c01f  No.11881893


>Q has abandoned us and is congratulating himself on keeping the LARP going as long as he did

meh… kept the faith this long. guess i can last until jan 20th. then i'm out.

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2835ba  No.11881894

File: ac80511cd50aa87⋯.jpg (86.71 KB, 356x278, 178:139, cowboy_morpheus.jpg)

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c8eb3f  No.11881895

Cunt Ass Johnson has a reckoning coming.

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5d76d8  No.11881896

Q Research General #15167: Michigan Government is a Dumpster Fire Edition

>>11881841 Fresh Bread

>>11881841 Fresh Bread

>>11881841 Fresh Bread

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d27196  No.11881898


Look up "Rock Spider", and it's connection to pedophiles.

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a73514  No.11881899

File: 224de3ca39f681e⋯.jpg (95.85 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, DZeqeGnU8AADgof.jpg)

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631b40  No.11881900


I doubt her constituents even know what's going on, let alone watching this hearing.

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