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File: b03b809b65968d6⋯.jpg (306.02 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, b03b809b65968d68b95c3cdd5f….jpg)

c82826  No.11591555[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Tuesday 11.3.2020

>>11422223 ————————————–——– that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom (CAP: >>11422540)

Monday 11.02.2020

>>11414108 ————————————–——– Trump campaign statement on democrat plans to delegitimize Election Day results (Cap: >>11414149)

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Dealing with Clowns & Shills

New? Use logic and reason when evaluating posts, look beyond the content of the post(s) and evaluate intent.

>>7683307 How To Quickly Spot A Clown (new link needed)

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c82826  No.11591586

Global Announcements

>>11575284 BO: Requesting, storing, linking to or posting CP are all crimes under US law.

>>11573863 Petitions.whitehouse.gov: Ask Barr to demand that State legislatures audit the vote. Spread everywhere, patriots!

>>11571687 FAQ: What happens next in the presidential election process?

>>11554462 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone.


>>11519368 Anons should prepare dancing Trump meme for Victory day

>>11519053 , >>11519249 Suggestion: that this video where Sidney Powell talks to Lou Dobbs about Hammer and Scorecard being used to rig vote count be put in Globals.

>>11518144 Please send all documented evidence of dominion, ballot destruction, ballot alteration or other fraud to Project Veritas and djt.co/stopfraud.

>>11475013 Donald J. Trump Campaign has created a webpage to report elections issues.

>>11500923, >>11500955 Trump tweet thread - This is what we know

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11590908 Memory sticks used to program Philly’s voting machines were stolen from elections warehouse

>>11590919 The commander of the Sub connects to Tennessee ?

>>11590879 Pfizer's CEO Dumps 62% Of His Stock On COVID Vaccine Announcement

>>11590880 Speeches start at 11am EST.

>>11590890 U.S. special forces in Sweden -- make of it what you will.

>>11591047 Trump Takes Alaska, 3 electoral votes

>>11591065 Twitter is advocating for ILLEGAL ascertainments for the outcomes of Presidential elections!

>>11591072 what is going on with [Maynard C.] Krebs?

>>11591073 It's much bigger than maidengate. ANYONE who has lived at multiple addresses and registered different times to vote. OR changed their name.

>>11591098 [Find the Bridge] - Guess?

>>11591135 If you secretly wanted to rule the world, wouldn’t Sweden be the perfect place for headquarters?

>>11591239 Florida Gov. drafts expansion of "stand your ground" law that would cover looters.

>>11591251 "(We) are the News Now" = POTUS tweet Confirms Anons' Call (Nov 6) about [Al Schmidt] - = [RINOs] in Philly Helping Steal Election

>>11591175 ODNI: No National Security Info for Biden Until Win Confirmed

>>11591158 They called it Dominion. Could they be any more obvious?

>>11591067 Notable General Flynn Vid

>>11591350 Invisible US-Iran Cyber War

>>11591384 Bahrain’s long-serving prime minister Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa dead at 84

>>11591391 @CodeMonkeyZ: Why does the Dominion Voting System user manual say to not enter a password? Why are they using digital certificates without passwords?

>>11591445 PF report(s)

>>11591463 Ancient humans voting….will be called to verify proof of vote.

>>11591503 Seems like it would be wise to dig on NASED ( https://www.nased.org/ ).

>>11591567 #14799

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c82826  No.11591601


>>11590753 Who's on the Dominion Voting Systems board of directors?

>>11590723, >>11590734 Code Monkey tweets about shared Dominion voting machine keys

>>11590630 New DJT

>>11590495 CodeMonkey says: Remember the USB drives stolen in Philly? admin keys.

>>11590447 anon opines on how Covid/BLM/Antifa thing being used as cover to setup a hostile insurrection (not just election).

>>11590405 Our head of nukes resigns and now we move some nukes…

>>11590380 unusual plane activity to Gitmo the last 1-1/2 weeks

>>11590354 CALLS TO UNSEAL CR17 DOCUMENTS in South Africa

>>11590345 Live RSBN Chat

>>11590334 Volunteers who took Pfizer vaccine say it felt like suffering a ‘severe hangover’

>>11590325 The DNC needs Antifa to go away so they're doxxing them!!!

>>11590294 Tony Bobulinski MP4

>>11590255 buried testimony from John Poulos

>>11590249 "Final Days" MK U programming PDF

>>11590237 Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick offers $1 million reward for evidence of voter fraud


>>11590201 Quantum internet coming thanks to President Trump.

>>11590200 analysis of national votes switched from Trump to Biden and votes erased

>>11590163 Saudi Arabia bomb blast leaves four injured at remembrance memorial service

>>11590158, >>11590274, >>11590336, >>11590347 Bannon rtfs violence in Chicago (tweet removed)

>>11590157 old Four Seasons hotel in Philadelphia, now called the Logan, has rooftop bar and creepy art.

>>11590156 Some anon on The Donald says they bought the remaining $25,025 full voter data for WI -- use teh python to research

>>11590145 Dough Custody Tracker

>>11590139, >>11590127 New General Flynn

>>11590126 Ring recalls 350,000 doorbells over fire hazard

>>11590107 E. among others suggest you read the Dominion voting machine manuals for yourself

>>11590761 #14798

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c82826  No.11591602


>>11589305 Halfchan shut off image uploads. They usually do as a preemptive measure when they expect something really bad to leak.

>>11589456 , >>11589469 , >>11589491 , >>11589493 Gentlemen, as of 5:33:45EST 4chan is kill. Images have not been able to post for over an hour and now all post have stopped

>>11589357 Dr.SHIVA LIVE: MIT PhD Analysis of Michigan Votes Reveals Unfortunate Truth of U.S. Voting Systems.

>>11589356 Executive Order 11110—Amendment of Executive Order No. 10289 as Amended, Relating to the Performance of Certain Functions Affecting the Department of the Treasury

>>11589367 Armistice Day is commemorated every year on 11 November to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne

>>11589368 RealClearPolitics: Biden has not been elected

>>11589383 Nobody Believes This Election Farce


>>11589388 Biden 3 Days Prior to Election Night: "I don't need you to get me elected, I need you once I'm elected."

>>11589391 Election Day should not last two months

>>11589404 Ulster County Man Pleads Guilty to Child Pornography Offenses

>>11589405 Fox News’ betrayal - there’s a question hanging in the air

>>11589416 Voter Fraud in Presidential Elections Has Been Going on for at Least 60 Years. It’s Time to Call a Halt.

>>11589427 Steve Cortes identified four statistical anomalies associated with last week’s presidential vote.

>>11589431 Trump’s bid to shift the election may be hopeless, but Dems have done it since 2016

>>11589441 Why Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame And I Say Trump Wins This Thing - Bigly

>>11589450 McCarrick Report: a sorrowful page the Church is learning from

>>11589482 Duterte extends Philippines' military deal with US

>>11589485 BUN: Q Events/ Deltas 11.11 through 11.14 - a MAP (thank you anon)

>>11589492 Tens of thousands of Pennsylvania ballots defy the laws of physics

>>11589504 Georgia’s GOP Congressional Reps Demand Answers About Alleged Voter Irregularities

>>11589520 Veteran's Day

>>11589524 Letter: Election fraud? Why, whatever do you mean?

>>11589543 AG Barr tells DOJ to investigate allegations of voter fraud

>>11589553 Trump's Approval Ratings Climb in Week Since Election

>>11589564 Ken Timmerman to Newsmax TV: Book Predicted This 'Secret Switch'

>>11589577 MSNBC splits with two more contributors going to work for Biden

>>11589581 A parade that will never be forgotten.

>>11589585 Results For CA21 Come to a Halt as GOP Candidate Pulls Ahead! Elections Dept Suspends Canvassing Operations Until Nov. 21 Due to Covid


>>11589596 ‘God Damn America’: Warnock’s Praise for Jeremiah Wright Gets Fresh Scrutiny

>>11589599 South Carolina Democrat Resigns After Devastating Election Results

>>11589606 Senator Asks DOJ If Hunter Biden’s Chinese Business Deals Complied With Foreign Agent Registration Law

>>11589741 Aaaaaaand the Pentagon just made Michael Flynn aide Ezra Cohen-Watnick acting undersecretary for intelligence.

>>11589765 South African Cabal updated MAP

>>11589817 Enemy @ the Front Door.

>>11589889 SOROS took over for Rothschild and both work for a Hidden Hand.

>>11589895 Over 51,000 Absentee Pennsylvania ballots marked “returned” just a day after they sent out. Nearly 35,000 were returned on the same day they were mailed out.

>>11589897 Sworn Affidavit From Former MI Asst. AG

>>11589901 In Wisconsin, between 2 AM and 3:30 AM, the total number of votes increased by 125,000. Of these 125,000 votes, 100% were for Biden

>>11589904 , >>11589913 Great article explains how DOJ attny Pilger who 'resigned' had been a gatekeeper

>>11589906 Voter Fraud by State

>>11590004 #14797

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c82826  No.11591607

Previously Collected Notables

>>11588441 #14795, >>11589184 #14796

>>11586074 #14792, >>11586824 #14793, >>11587605 #14794

>>11583772 #14789, >>11584519 #14790, >>11585607 #14791

>>11581499 #14786, >>11582245 #14787, >>11583040 #14788

>>11580821 #14783, >>11580897 #14784, >>11580875 #14785

>>11576706 #14780, >>11577449 #14781, >>11578293 #14782

>>11574371 #14777, >>11575149 #14778, >>11577684 #14779

>>11572818 #14775, >>11573592 #14776 2/2, >>11573591 #14776 1/2

>>11570476 #14772, >>11571233 #14773, >>11572028 #14774

>>11567773 #14769, >>11571124 #14770, >>11570454 #14771

>>11565770 #14766, >>11566542 #14767, >>11567315 #14768

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

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c82826  No.11591622

the dough


pastebin still deleting on paste

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7a0ff2  No.11591629

File: 10daf2c5a0fbbc9⋯.jpg (110.11 KB, 613x823, 613:823, thank_you_veterans.JPG)

File: 6a08a48ed0557db⋯.jpg (74 KB, 502x859, 502:859, cm_voter_fraud.JPG)

File: 059d892b0d52b3d⋯.jpg (81.21 KB, 487x853, 487:853, censorship.JPG)

File: 17e3316a597262e⋯.jpg (30.1 KB, 709x439, 709:439, right_here_wit_ya.JPG)


cant say thanks enough baker!

good morning patriots!

a bunch habbening already, watch for rough waters…

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18a974  No.11591634

Pennsylvania Vote Fraud

Thousands of ballots returned earlier than sent out !


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2d19ad  No.11591637

File: 52aa8c44349b7db⋯.jpg (276.66 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, EmjL_GFUYAEs21e.jpg)

thx bakes

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2d19ad  No.11591639

File: af1fe639de05f83⋯.jpg (132.87 KB, 1078x1048, 539:524, EmjT8btVoAA4uEU.jpg)

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a8688e  No.11591640

File: 834907519008a7b⋯.jpg (44.62 KB, 579x431, 579:431, Scanners.jpg)

File: f954ec3396ecae1⋯.jpg (31.44 KB, 569x439, 569:439, ScannersII.jpg)

File: 527a34f2ef43446⋯.jpg (44.13 KB, 520x480, 13:12, ScannersIII.jpg)

File: 086e2e83c255b83⋯.jpg (47 KB, 579x431, 579:431, ScannersIIII.jpg)

File: 6ec46bbad04cad7⋯.jpg (113.62 KB, 1068x838, 534:419, ImpeachmentJews.jpg)

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71700c  No.11591641

File: 8b59d8732be1740⋯.png (741.39 KB, 1684x1668, 421:417, ShillWhine.png)

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a7c0a0  No.11591642

File: fe278dadbd98c80⋯.jpg (244.99 KB, 500x500, 1:1, HammerFall_Dominion.jpg)

>>11591158 lb


Hammer Fall


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009403  No.11591643

autists ever research blackcube.com?

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14558b  No.11591644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2d19ad  No.11591645

File: f2856f5306986e5⋯.jpg (138.27 KB, 1242x1215, 46:45, EmjUeGTVcAEqJs7.jpg)

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a3c5d7  No.11591646

File: a38cb9e243697a1⋯.jpg (535.69 KB, 1500x1340, 75:67, P3p3_Chalkboard5.jpg)

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609fe7  No.11591647

File: 1a7bebe05d33ef8⋯.jpg (672.18 KB, 1079x1479, 1079:1479, Screenshot_20200619_124711….jpg)

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7747c5  No.11591648

Rudy Warroom Live


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8d6ee7  No.11591649



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b323be  No.11591650

File: 063fb7742f46272⋯.png (132.44 KB, 784x745, 784:745, Status_Gab_Social_11_11_20….png)

File: 2979612710819a6⋯.png (142.38 KB, 779x569, 779:569, Status_Gab_Social_11_11_20….png)

Gab post says Hannity was supposed to have Dominion IT lady on last night, but canceled at last minute.



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611733  No.11591651

>>11591571 LB

That would be no one has ever been arrested -- they only point fingers in DC

AND NEVER would they betray one of their own kind

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a8688e  No.11591652

File: 523954262667f1e⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 668x373, 668:373, MonkeyJIDFMemeSearch.jpg)

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2fda8a  No.11591653

File: 1704d272bc3f0c9⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1330x748, 665:374, clarence_thomas_brett_kava….png)




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74a132  No.11591654

File: 682026292d49cc4⋯.jpeg (42.42 KB, 361x564, 361:564, 682026292d49cc40c8380ab97….jpeg)

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b323be  No.11591655

File: 3ee355d5afd6ac7⋯.png (130.37 KB, 781x672, 781:672, Status_Gab_Social_11_11_20….png)



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b32bba  No.11591656

File: 04efb96bb4eb342⋯.png (2.18 MB, 1246x1554, 89:111, forgodandcountry.png)


5:5 & o7, sir!

>they called it Dominion

they can't fucking help themselves but to try to lord over us with their obvious and comped comms


what a bunch of asshoes

Fuck Dominion

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7b66d0  No.11591657

File: ee111968f97d97d⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 680x454, 340:227, e5cKthHG.jpg)

Who's standing next to POTUS?

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71700c  No.11591658

File: 2a4f96f2ebb31ca⋯.jpg (9.09 KB, 298x169, 298:169, Dersh.jpg)

File: 88f25884405f98b⋯.jpg (149.3 KB, 1611x1074, 3:2, Sekulow.jpg)

File: 5b4514b74f00c34⋯.jpg (12.92 KB, 350x394, 175:197, MeOldShitpistemology.jpg)


Satanist looking for evil Jew gene.

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e87e93  No.11591659

▶Anonymous 11/11/20 (Wed) 00:07:18 38ecde (2) No.11587081 >>11587102

File (hide): b327a9da2ddc702⋯.jpg (238.82 KB, 570x513, 10:9, kendilanian.jpg) (h) (u)


Ex-Tribune reporter said to have ‘collaborative’ relationship with CIA


Oh man is this the “oh shit, fuck” from msmdc yesterday! Damn oh shit, fuck good digging anons

Ok now I’ve got to watch the video again

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8d6ee7  No.11591660


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22e7d6  No.11591661

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4d9887  No.11591662

Hy everyone, i am somewhat of a 'Newfag' to this board, long time only reading. I have to say, as more things develope as more it looks really spooky! I notice some interresting points made one or two last breads!

Are we even able to consider this whole happening to be some form of anti E.T. operation? Are we even able to consider E.T's being in control over Humanity?

When i read some Q drops, it gets even more spookier!

I would like to know more about this subject, get some anons thought on this and maybe form a better and cleare image of what is going on!

If this is indeed a threat from outside, from a much more tech advanced race, than we should know, right?

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aac38d  No.11591663

File: bdad872e959df03⋯.jpg (71.82 KB, 924x490, 66:35, louisemenschisfinished.jpg)

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8d6ee7  No.11591664


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4dfced  No.11591665

>>11591231 (LB)

>>11531175 (PB)


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a8688e  No.11591666

You know how I know this election isn't over.

The JIDF shills are still here.

>>11591658 ← speaking of the devil

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b20da7  No.11591667


Too much Realism for Hannity to decipher during interruptions?

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822136  No.11591668

File: c6bff133bfd1609⋯.jpeg (471.24 KB, 640x997, 640:997, 108D0065_B39D_43B9_9225_8….jpeg)

Reminder: Richard Jewel’s attorney was none other than Lin Wood.

cc: Richard Hopkins, Hero Patriot USPS Employee, Erie, PA


(2020) “Twitter, Facebook, Washington Post Propagate Fake Claims Of USPS Recanting Election Fraud Allegations; No “FACT CHECK” Warnings”


(1997) “Richard Jewell reaches monetary settlement with former employer”


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e23810  No.11591669

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2fda8a  No.11591670


Looks like Mad Dog but not entirely sure

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8c9345  No.11591671


Mad Dog?

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64ffe7  No.11591672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>11591622 Thank you baker.

Majority rule don't work in mental institutions.

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8d6ee7  No.11591673


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f26581  No.11591674

File: 01d7f0d76698f1f⋯.jpg (39.04 KB, 255x198, 85:66, wethePepe2.jpg)

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22e7d6  No.11591675

File: 35779125e004161⋯.jpg (55.59 KB, 720x720, 1:1, mar_17_the_goat.jpg)

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7747c5  No.11591677

File: ee45131283c4711⋯.png (1.44 MB, 940x669, 940:669, Screen_Shot_2020_11_06_at_….png)

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000000  No.11591678


>Are we even able to consider E.T's being in control over Humanity?


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8d6ee7  No.11591679


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89c00d  No.11591680

File: da0eedc26b2fca9⋯.png (263.85 KB, 458x604, 229:302, 187_ordered.png)

Who this blood thirsty witch is ordering to be killed?

1 - Trump Jr.

2 - Flynn Jr.

3 - Another person. (please name)

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475ee9  No.11591681


So what if you're a newfag to the board. You've never heard of the damn devil???

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8d6ee7  No.11591682


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bf1737  No.11591683

File: 540955e0a153e61⋯.png (7.19 KB, 756x764, 189:191, color_revolution.png)

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192a39  No.11591684

File: 76a9463a54c4ee4⋯.png (892.89 KB, 1102x814, 551:407, Fake_Aliens_Soros.png)

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dced77  No.11591685


President Donald Trump, joined by U.S. Defense Secretary James Mattis, participates in a Memorial Day Ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery in Arlington, Virginia | May 29, 2017 (Official White House Photo by D. Myles Cullen)

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609fe7  No.11591686


We arent alone in the Universe.

Its classified at the highest levels.

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475ee9  No.11591687


Too much interfering with ongoing investigations.

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64ffe7  No.11591688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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da3d54  No.11591689


hi freddy

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fd1b03  No.11591690

File: a34962e86adbdd3⋯.png (198.09 KB, 500x298, 250:149, 2019_07_10_21_28_15.png)


Maybe they are still frens?

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8d6ee7  No.11591691


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7a90b1  No.11591692


in FL woman in front of me's ballot rejected. She must have voted for 2 candidates on the same election, so she had to go back and get a new ballot. Voter should have instant verification like I did and she got to fix hers before leaving.

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b75231  No.11591693

>>11591308 (you)


no- u who hasn't been paying attention.

Those are old Q.

Codemonkey quit 8kun last week after years of service.

Q? crickets.


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54a464  No.11591694


I bet he's a good guy

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d45bf8  No.11591695


She bumped off JFK JR right?

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480123  No.11591696

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f74b81  No.11591697


Thats a repost that I made on here about 12 hours ago. Don't remember which bread. That lady is a hero.

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e1cbfa  No.11591698

File: 09df8871f26c703⋯.png (732.22 KB, 712x485, 712:485, ClipboardImage.png)

>>11591382 lb

>>11591414 lb

Death blossom

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475ee9  No.11591699


Thinking Don Jr., yeah.

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8d6ee7  No.11591700


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df77a0  No.11591701

File: 56bcc2617b5f82c⋯.png (97.11 KB, 860x1068, 215:267, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

File: e13047b73f48405⋯.png (79.38 KB, 872x844, 218:211, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

2yr delta

/patriotsfight/ Placeholder posts

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b32bba  No.11591702

File: 8422827951ecb44⋯.jpeg (55.58 KB, 488x360, 61:45, 965C755C_F4B6_4FFF_B5A3_9….jpeg)


check't and yoink't

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14558b  No.11591703

File: 3a065ce60ec19b9⋯.jpeg (60.25 KB, 350x247, 350:247, 899BF943_B627_4C5D_A6FD_0….jpeg)

File: 590f1d616e52863⋯.jpeg (30.59 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 838CECFE_8159_4934_B186_B….jpeg)

File: e21e68fde29d91e⋯.jpeg (93.36 KB, 761x499, 761:499, CC66CD7D_0CE0_45D3_9CC7_4….jpeg)

File: ea881021bec65ca⋯.jpeg (31.55 KB, 300x425, 12:17, FB1F7F13_9570_4D95_9138_4….jpeg)

File: 564bb55a8600770⋯.jpeg (429.88 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, DCD4D18C_7B31_45D8_B027_A….jpeg)

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8d231d  No.11591704


Who do you work for?

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b2c4d7  No.11591706

What is phony Joe's usss name again? Celtic or some shit?

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475ee9  No.11591707


It's literally written down throughout all human history, in the open.

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232009  No.11591708

You guise should know, that Saturn obsessed shill is Gerbil.

He lapsed into Saturn obsession a few times on Endchan.

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8d6ee7  No.11591709


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71700c  No.11591710

File: ca7a0140e9e5abe⋯.png (228.79 KB, 1000x519, 1000:519, MuhJIDF.png)

File: cc230311c215c67⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1506x1087, 1506:1087, TRUMPCHOPSSATAN.png)


You know how I know the election is over?

Shills claiming it isn't over and accusing without evidence anons on an anonymous board as belonging to a an entity that doesn't even have any evidence of existing.

Try harder Satanic panicbot.

Simply calling anons 'jidf shills' is nor an argument. It only ever reveals you to be shills trying to divide by new vs. Other than Jew.



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9a5484  No.11591711

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If/when we stand up and start actually fighting..

Could you imagine a more terrifying enemy on the battlefield?

We are like the first scene in the movie 300.

This is a futile effort on your part.

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a95b52  No.11591712

File: ea78d5379d2e198⋯.jpg (384.71 KB, 1080x1888, 135:236, 20201111_092034.jpg)

Tha Zombiepockalips is comin!

Many COVID-19 patients later develop mental illness, study finds


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4dfced  No.11591713


Guess his training didn't include being able to keep a poker face.

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366a5a  No.11591714


What is the source of that pic? Date? If it's not today it's a slide attempt.

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475ee9  No.11591715


Yeah, Celtic. "the big guy".

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dced77  No.11591716


What would happen if texts originating from a FBI agent to several [internals] discussed the assassination (possibility) of the POTUS or member of his family?

What if the texts suggest foreign allies were involved?

Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22].

This is only the beginning.

Be careful what you wish for.

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bc8bb9  No.11591717



That was my jam. Sisters of Mercy. The Mission UK. Late 80's.

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609fe7  No.11591718


Yeah, I agree.

You know what i mean.


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29845d  No.11591719

File: dd6024149bbc2cb⋯.jpeg (2.61 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 552B248A_A3DE_4621_BD8D_B….jpeg)

Patriots have been trained

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ea59bc  No.11591720

You fuck, arrest someone.

If you do shit, you'll not entering my world.

I will ask my father to make you a bug.

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8d6ee7  No.11591721


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7142fa  No.11591722



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b20da7  No.11591723

The coup is coming.

Nothing can stop what is coming.

Biden will 'Win'.

Military will refuse to serve


But by whom?

The world stops and waits to find out.

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480123  No.11591724


A word of warning to John Roberts as the election fraud evidence goes before SCOTUS?

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2fda8a  No.11591725

File: 249f68e5810955b⋯.jpg (63.33 KB, 569x554, 569:554, thoth_tablet_8.jpg)

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b0e62a  No.11591726

File: dcca3c7e6e1f313⋯.jpg (20.48 KB, 609x459, 203:153, bf5a5a7f2ab0a6cbc14bef442c….jpg)

File: 2fc25f4507848ef⋯.jpg (17.79 KB, 520x248, 65:31, 24ccd1bef537f0abbbe2ab6441….jpg)

File: f4c7bdc6be9f680⋯.jpg (94.3 KB, 648x495, 72:55, f4c7bdc6be9f6806520794a466….jpg)

File: e404b24cefbbcfb⋯.jpg (76.3 KB, 648x534, 108:89, e404b24cefbbcfbf222b95dff6….jpg)

File: 92d0ad10dc7c8ff⋯.png (4.29 MB, 2880x1620, 16:9, 92d0ad10dc7c8ff9d78a96e887….png)


Are You Ready?

>>11591617 LB

this ^^^^^

Watch the Water [Level]

Before 2020 ends, a great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn


Noah Knew.

Do anons?

Electric Universe Much?

You ever seen 2 planets in close proximity discharging Plasma... You will soon

*Think Grand Canyon Creation

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475ee9  No.11591727


It's painfully obvious that Code Monkey didn't "quit", and that his new role is far more vocal politically.

Read Notables ffs.

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5f7944  No.11591728

File: f9b4f98fd5e08be⋯.jpg (67.48 KB, 583x356, 583:356, newtwt.jpg)

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086853  No.11591729

Dominion, Smartmatic, Sequoia, it's all becoming a curiously related blur:

Smartmatic Board Members:

Robert Cook


Formerly, Unisys


Robert has over 36 years' experience in the areas of technology and general management, leading regional and subsidiary operations in the systems integration, services and high technology marketplace.

He also has a unique insight into the Latin American markets with sales and financial expertise, business strategic development in managing turn-arounds, mergers and acquisitions.

Before joining Smartmatic, Robert was President of the Unisys Corporation's Latin America and Caribbean Division. He was also President of Unisys Brazil, Unisys Mexico and Vice-President of marketing operations for Asia/Pacific and the Americas.

"Unisys delivers secure digital solutions to businesses and governments"

Peger Neffenger

Coast Guard then TSA before:


Gracia Hillman

Seven years with EAC (Election Assistance Commission) then on to Smartmatic


This one sounds like one of those corporate gigs of reward. Wonder what voting systems were certified while she was an EAC commissioner?

Paul DeGregorio

Mr. Paul DeGregorio served as commissioner of the United States Election Assistance Commission (EAC) from 2003-2007, and during his tenure at the EAC served as chairman. At the EAC, Mr. DeGregorio oversaw federal election reform, such as the implementation of the Help America Vote Act and the establishment of the first federal certification of voting systems.

Prior to the EAC, Mr. DeGregorio was Executive Vice President of the International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES). At IFES he also was senior election adviser. He promoted internet voting technologies and automation as Chief of Elections of Everyone Counts, Inc.

Another of those corporate gigs? And promoting internet voting raises a real red flag- not secure, can be spoofed, among other things:


Why was the EAC, which federally certifies voting systems, (according to the bio) a funnel for at least two of the Smartmatic board members, Gracia Hillman and Paul De Gregorio?

Wonder how many other versions are out there-this is Dominion from 2012 I believe:


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dfc308  No.11591730

File: 396ce310d6bb234⋯.png (739.28 KB, 1058x595, 1058:595, fellow_glownigs.png)

>>11591351 (lb)

that was a pretty good (you) harvest

thanks for the keks anon

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c82826  No.11591731

>>11591561 (lb)

lib virtue signaling works similarly. they know they are participating in the cheat but if it's good for them they are in.

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7747c5  No.11591732

People like Rudy and Bannon intensify comfy.

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897071  No.11591733

File: 215c12fdd6e10a1⋯.png (335.61 KB, 745x350, 149:70, RIPTOOTS2001.png)

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475ee9  No.11591734


That's the inference. Hope she's wrong.

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e87e93  No.11591735

>>11591072 what is going on with [Maynard C.] Krebs?

I have to say if this department to combat election security and cyber activity, they did a very poor job, or maybe that was not their mission, and they succeeded wildly beyond all expectations

Disinfo is necessary

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1ec447  No.11591736

>>11591517 (pb)

Business Analyst Fag concurs

Code Bad=Barf and no workey

Feature/function built in

Was working as intended.

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8d6ee7  No.11591737


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60c1e6  No.11591738

CNN would go county by county and tell programmers how many votes the programmers need to give Biden

Then they just updated the machines

How stupid can they be?

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5bcf94  No.11591739

https://wearethene.ws/ has not updated in 3 days. Someone please fix because this is a "go to" source for news/research coming out of 8kun at this important time.

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71700c  No.11591740


Do you have small penis syndrome?

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c6e3ba  No.11591741

File: 7a3be3ad231e248⋯.png (109.22 KB, 191x255, 191:255, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this Franklin Andrews we are looking for?


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000000  No.11591742


>We are like the first scene in the movie 300.

I'm more like the first scene in Fat Boys.

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ea59bc  No.11591743


I swear.

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9420ed  No.11591744

File: 1ef3e90ea446eeb⋯.png (231.57 KB, 720x405, 16:9, Screenshot_2020_11_11_A_Ma….png)


Thanks Bakes

That Saturn Shill is annoying but, I can't help looking at it.

"Think of Saturn hanging in space, glowing like a streetlamp in fog, the tilt of its record-groove rings suggesting something imaginative, or even mad. Though it’s a giant planet, second only to Jupiter in size, Saturn somehow manages to give off an ethereal vibe. And it’s not only a vibe—were there an ocean large enough to contain it, Saturn would float."


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b75231  No.11591745

>>11591308 (you)


no- u who hasn't been paying attention.

Those are old Q.

Codemonkey quit 8kun last week after years of service.

Q? crickets.


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7a90b1  No.11591746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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71700c  No.11591747


Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries.

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d20ab0  No.11591748

File: 8ea52af43ba59af⋯.png (641.85 KB, 850x850, 1:1, homer_hides_pepe.png)

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703b6c  No.11591749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"Mansions of the Lord" from We Were Soldiers | West Point Band and West Point Glee Club

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786adf  No.11591750


Moloch brown

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7b66d0  No.11591751


I pulled it from POTUS' tweet.

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8d6ee7  No.11591752


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e38ae8  No.11591753

Wonder why NC hasn't been called on RealClearPolitics yet?


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05826a  No.11591754


Been following EU for almost 20 years. Is your info accessible like the Saturn Death Cult website?

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76ba3f  No.11591755


sauce please

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b9c132  No.11591756

File: f20d069cd2c595a⋯.jpg (469.67 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, IMG_20201111_084033.jpg)

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64ffe7  No.11591757


Joe the gay lick

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3bc71f  No.11591758


what are the symptoms?

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192a39  No.11591759

File: e6c74cf235eba22⋯.jpeg (43.38 KB, 372x558, 2:3, CNNBrian.jpeg)

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7142fa  No.11591760


Demonic mind control attempt

Father God I ask you to bind these demons and cast them into the lake of fire to burn for all eternity

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475ee9  No.11591761


Hard to tell what you mean when you say the exact opposite of the truth.

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71700c  No.11591762


You're lying.

Q PRE-EMPTIVELY thanked all involved, many many months ago.

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000000  No.11591763


Space is Fake News!

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475ee9  No.11591764


That's how I mark that sad, sad soul. Imagine blaming your entire life on planetary arrangements.

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609fe7  No.11591765

File: 2a745c07066e1b9⋯.jpg (297.69 KB, 987x1337, 141:191, Screenshot_20201111_092357….jpg)

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8d6ee7  No.11591766


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dfcf0c  No.11591767


What do you think you're doing? Who do you think you're talking to? Stop spamming the board with this garbage, retard.

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786adf  No.11591768


Be Saturnalia soon.. …

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307b99  No.11591769

To properly test the efficacy of vaccine, you need a large group of subjects, half of which get the vaccine and half of which get an inert injection.

The trial has to be blind with neither participants nor scientists knowing who got vaccine and who got the inert substance.

Then, to test efficacy, you need exposure of both groups to infection to verify that those who got the vaccine were protected and to verify that those who didn’t developed the disease. The source of infection has to be proved viable as well as the vaccine.

For safety, you need long term studies in every age group which will receive the vaccine, and for live virus vaccines you need safety studies in all species which might be exposed to virus via shedding From the vaccinated subjects.

You cannot do all that in 6 months. Vaccinating entire populations with an untested vaccine would constitute criminal negligence and a possible crime against humanity,

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480123  No.11591770

File: 9f16d8cf4b1801b⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 280x308, 10:11, ssthuper.jpg)


Mmmhmm. Good stuff from a good time.


Forgot pic related

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366a5a  No.11591771

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


To me it's always seemed more like this.

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18a974  No.11591772


The external " alien threat " model was dreamed up by cabal / Kissenger.

What did he say about US being grateful for U.N. Troops in L. A ?

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ca0f9d  No.11591773

File: c2a221af4137c84⋯.png (2.52 MB, 1551x799, 33:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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611e07  No.11591774


the sauce you dolt is the map itself.

That is a user created map.

The creator and assumed poster is showing a map based on truth, real counting, not msm bs.

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c9bcce  No.11591775


Known side effects include compulsively wearing a mask even outside or alone in their cars.

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ea59bc  No.11591776


to [rotect this planet, with my life.

not only mine.

you have no idea, that they exist.

now and forever.

and if you insult me, you will get punish.

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7747c5  No.11591777


"Disinfo is necessary."

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b2eb26  No.11591778

>>11591072 (PB)

Regarding Scorecard and the Hammer - this anon is not convinced they exist as such.

Given the number of different products in use across all the States (Dominion is but one of many), Scorecard is more likely to be a set of design principles / requirements / algos for use in voting terminals and aggregation databases. I can't see it being a discrete product in its own right. The GEMS software has the ability to cap votes for a candidate at x% and also to represent voters as fractions. A Dem voter for instance can be input as 1.4 and a Republican voter as 0.6. Both will show up with a value of '1' if no decimal places are selected on display (default). When tallying votes, they have a very different weighing.

Similar for the Hammer. Brennan's Hammer is a massive database used for storing harvested data which can be used for blackmail purposes. As far as voter fraud goes, a back-end database is needed for storing historical trends, to ensure that Scorecard is not configured in such a way as to alert the forensic chaps. Dominion et al all have back-end DBs. I therefore suspect that Hammer too is a set of design principles / requirements / algos.

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aac38d  No.11591779

Giuliani saying the exact same tactics for rigging the election were done over ten states. Sounds like he will be laying out a coordinated criminal conspiracy that took place over state lines.

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2fda8a  No.11591780

File: 5da048a7418a864⋯.png (2.56 MB, 929x1617, 929:1617, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 261c0d0a0001083⋯.png (220.3 KB, 583x427, 583:427, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6ca37  No.11591781


are they even updating it?

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232009  No.11591782


Protecting “state secrets” is the knee jerk reaction of all higher Gov employees.

They wouldn’t want it to be official we been hammering and scorecarding other countries elections.

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3ed724  No.11591783

File: 8284a788fbe0352⋯.png (230.8 KB, 672x961, 672:961, anon_smear.png)

Here's today's smear of Q and Q Research anons. NOW does everybody understand why we don't bring Q to Trump Rallies? Trust the Plan. We're on course, on glidepath. Your VOTE MATTERED. Now YOUR VOICE MATTERS. Don't let the trolls get you down. Dig Meme Pray.


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475ee9  No.11591784


Plausible. entire thing is "watch your step".

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8d6ee7  No.11591785


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3bc71f  No.11591786

File: bc53c06a35bc156⋯.jpg (109.8 KB, 1125x1022, 1125:1022, savanubus.jpg)

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89c00d  No.11591787


Gen Flynn brother posted pickie of him. Apparently Mr Frank is their Uncle who served on Sub.

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d5bced  No.11591788

File: 89ed4371b189adc⋯.jpg (22.85 KB, 518x438, 259:219, Flynn_Ancestors.jpg)


This was General Flynn's grandfather, on his mothers side.

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9fe11a  No.11591789

>>11590919 (pb)

General Flynn Father In-Law

Frank Andrews


Helen Francis Flynn



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a95b52  No.11591790


'More spookier' - you in 5th grade?

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e23810  No.11591791

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cbcbd5  No.11591792

File: 4631fd029840fd0⋯.png (29.74 KB, 528x102, 88:17, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)


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29845d  No.11591793

Against all enemies foreign and domestic

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3b44ab  No.11591794


chances of success?

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74a132  No.11591795

File: 033a8a0a6ace0be⋯.png (41.25 KB, 443x447, 443:447, ClipboardImage.png)

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366a5a  No.11591796

File: 7bc2dae398cb2a7⋯.png (245.04 KB, 963x506, 963:506, 0fffa6af77876602.png)


Hmmm. Interdasting if huge.

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475ee9  No.11591797


Ok gerbil.

(Take your meds.)

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7a90b1  No.11591798

File: 57613a6e1fbac06⋯.png (633.08 KB, 588x726, 98:121, biden_glitch.png)


wasn't rigged for RED

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89c00d  No.11591799


I think he was their Uncle = Mom's brother.

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e38ae8  No.11591800


Yep, they pulled PA from Biden, AK shows for Trump.

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8d6ee7  No.11591801


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d0bf14  No.11591802

File: 2b6ee5df2d48ad2⋯.png (207.58 KB, 528x512, 33:32, joe_logan_conf.png)

File: b44e8ec97351833⋯.png (76.06 KB, 762x586, 381:293, Joe_Logan_Act.png)

File: eebb146f80aacb1⋯.png (500.52 KB, 670x502, 335:251, BLM1.png)

File: 7dad3acd7cb9800⋯.png (301.86 KB, 651x564, 217:188, whatCourt.png)

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e38ae8  No.11591803


The yare going to claim GA for Biden.

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cfda20  No.11591804


Nothing to fix.

As soon as WATN sees a Notable they don't like they pull the plug and stop updating.

Total trash site that needs to have its dough listing removed.

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b32bba  No.11591805

File: c9f38cb3f8170f8⋯.png (804.47 KB, 1198x1368, 599:684, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

File: cf06b99f9d34221⋯.png (2.51 MB, 2664x1646, 1332:823, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)


Trying to figure out what a split rotation is and why you would want to enforce a maximum deviation on it. There is nothing in the manual that explains it beyond just this screen.

Does anybody here know?

CM's got a Dominion manual and found the part where it shows how they "ROTATE VOTES" toDISTRIBUTE the votes amongst eligible voters on ROTATED CONTESTS

define "rotated contest"

I thought counting was simple, no?

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ebdf7f  No.11591807

File: 76807eb1ffb775e⋯.jpeg (216.3 KB, 828x1183, 828:1183, E0773D77_B776_444A_AC07_0….jpeg)

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29845d  No.11591808

Deplorables demand action NOW

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aac38d  No.11591809


Giuliani sounds confident. He knows the election was rigged, and he can prove it.

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efeb6b  No.11591810

File: 8ac93913075a64b⋯.png (160.17 KB, 398x418, 199:209, screenshot_1_.png)

File: f45e5855873abe4⋯.jpg (36.48 KB, 480x447, 160:149, 79374320_2491923301047189_….jpg)


Yes it is.

Start Here


Time is ticking tho.

What is the Keystone?

What really is the Keystone?

Do you Pray? You should. [AU]men

Be Golden Anon /\

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8d6ee7  No.11591811


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3b44ab  No.11591812



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64ffe7  No.11591813


>You ever seen 2 planets in close proximity discharging Plasma… You will soon

Is the belief that plasma will be making it to Earth… or is the plasmsa believed to be between Jupiter and Saturn only?

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4dfced  No.11591814


It's so fuckin true!

A great portrayal of what really happens here!

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366a5a  No.11591815



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7747c5  No.11591816



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0e5089  No.11591817

File: ee88a7221323f0d⋯.jpeg (292.49 KB, 1530x794, 765:397, 8ACE254E_4945_4925_BABC_3….jpeg)


Calling states isn’t notable?

And for anonfag LB, no, CNN hasn’t called it. Which is shocking I tell you.

Sauce motherfuckers. Do you speak it?


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609fe7  No.11591818

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dfc308  No.11591819


thanks anon

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e38ae8  No.11591820

File: 792ce6c2ef29912⋯.png (294.52 KB, 1231x843, 1231:843, ClipboardImage.png)

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8d6ee7  No.11591821


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000000  No.11591822


Temple of love.

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475ee9  No.11591823


On your timetable or his?

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b3ecde  No.11591824

File: 5c731dff4660be3⋯.png (113.68 KB, 783x447, 261:149, BLKWF12_USAF_E_11A_GLEX_SI….PNG)

File: a1005c933030c6a⋯.png (317.96 KB, 682x322, 341:161, USAF_E_11A_BACN_11_9001_st….PNG)


Bombardier E-11A is the military variant of the civil Bombardier BD-700 Global Express for use as overhead communications-relay platform in southwest Asia. The BD-700 was selected due to its high service ceiling, up to 51,000 ft and up to 12 hours flight duration. Initially aircraft was designated as RC-700 under the reconnaissance classification but later was re-designated as the E-11A under the special electronics installations category. The E-11A is a U.S. Air Force aircraft that provides unparalleled communications capabilities to forces on the ground and aircraft in the air. Commonly known as Battlefield Airborne Communications Node, or BACN, this aircraft extends the range of communications channels and enables better communication among units. This element is essential where the terrain may disrupt communications channels and it enables ground forces to know what is around them when something is not in their line of sight.


One of these crashed in Afghanistan earlier this year (January)

Highly Specialized Air Force E-11A Communications Aircraft Crashes And Burns In Afghanistan


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7a90b1  No.11591825


Sounds like commie equity voting.

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a95b52  No.11591826


Haha, so you see them too. They're growing

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cbcbd5  No.11591827

Word is they are announcing they will conduct their first ever election audit


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c82826  No.11591828




was Lt. Frank Andrews a leader in the voter revolt there in Athens, TN just after WWII? Then went to Korea? What a badass!

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51df54  No.11591829


This is study was conceived and conducted by psychiatrists who are looking for their piece of the COVID-19 payment windfall.

Boycott NY Post and Faux News… Murdoch menstrual wipes.

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475ee9  No.11591830


Show me where a reasonable person would infer in any of my posts where I said "we are alone".

I quite literally said the opposite.

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f370dc  No.11591831


>I thought counting was simple, no?

Counting is simple

Controlling the outcome of a vote without having the results questioned or audited is not

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e38ae8  No.11591832




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18a974  No.11591833


commando solo

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8d6ee7  No.11591834



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ea59bc  No.11591835


Te rog frumos

sa ma ajuti.

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c82826  No.11591836

Notables at 200ish are NOT endorsements


>>11591650 Gab post says Hannity was supposed to have Dominion IT lady on last night, but canceled at last minute.

>>11591668 Reminder: Richard Jewel’s attorney was none other than Lin Wood.

>>11591729 Dominion, Smartmatic, Sequoia, it's all becoming a curiously related blur:

>>11591741, >>11591789 General Flynn's Father In-Law Franklin Andrews

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b9c132  No.11591837

File: 9c3575f18727a0e⋯.jpg (123.2 KB, 1597x898, 1597:898, IMG_20201111_092716.jpg)

File: baf4fc007cd9429⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 830x829, 830:829, IMG_20201111_092718.jpg)

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a95b52  No.11591838



they don't call him RICO Rudy for nothing

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38de3c  No.11591839

File: 3afb0321b2526e0⋯.png (24.05 KB, 740x113, 740:113, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 632797bc62a1d96⋯.png (133.18 KB, 882x784, 9:8, ClipboardImage.png)

More CM.

What are the odds Microsoft is 'helping' out with the election in Detroit?

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76e2b2  No.11591840


worse than detroit !

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b9c132  No.11591841

File: bc11c0d5fe34fbd⋯.jpg (80.48 KB, 683x683, 1:1, IMG_20201111_092859.jpg)

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fd1b03  No.11591842

File: 038cea52df6b820⋯.png (690.35 KB, 840x468, 70:39, killary.png)


>Who this blood thirsty witch is ordering to be killed?


What date was that pic taken and who took it?

Had to be an accomplice to tale it at the proper time and angle?

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b323be  No.11591843

File: 96f1883788effe9⋯.png (800.09 KB, 697x816, 41:48, Instagram_11_11_2020_10_30….png)

IG still putting election gaslighting message at bottom of all of POTUS' entries.



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0e5089  No.11591844


Grabbing my lube and spankerchef

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e38ae8  No.11591845


Biden 49.5 Trump 49.2


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01afda  No.11591846


i stopped believing in aliens bc of you

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5f7944  No.11591847

File: 4da671b1a34b88c⋯.jpg (85.99 KB, 583x446, 583:446, potustwt.jpg)

Did anyone save a screenshot of the Trump tweet on Veterans Day proclamation? The initial pic for the link was Trump acknowledging a marine in the rain. They just changed it to this pic.

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232009  No.11591848


Wow, you’re a stupid rodent.

A conjunction just means they appear close together in the sky not that they are actually closer than their normal orbits. Conjunctions happen fairly often and I don’t discount the astrological significance but there will be no plasma arcing.

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475ee9  No.11591849


Then read Notables and start your digging there.

Or watch Dave Janda interview the men who made it.

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e53ba6  No.11591850

File: bf34d26a99339ea⋯.png (225.67 KB, 380x262, 190:131, Screenshot_2020_11_11_vete….png)

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3b44ab  No.11591851

File: cdbf11195b1fd5e⋯.png (237.87 KB, 732x389, 732:389, ClipboardImage.png)


I would submit that combined with Trump's, Pence's and Pompeo's confidence, something is going to happen.

Trump: "we will win"

Pompeo: "there will be a transition into another Trump administration"

Pence: “it ain’t over til it’s over.. and this AIN’T over!”

Look at the media right now when searching "peaceful transfer of power"

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89c00d  No.11591852


[R]ico [R]udy = RR.

what a coincidence! kek!

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4f3d95  No.11591853

File: b5d55fae5810852⋯.jpeg (2.77 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, C3C4949C_B38C_4E8F_B09C_1….jpeg)

File: 430fff5ac5e8476⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1125x1964, 1125:1964, A7450CBA_12E4_4A74_8A5A_B….jpeg)

Feels good anons, feels good. I am an empathic anon.

Took a photo of my fortune cookie fortune last night, after many tall boys. When I looked at the photo I noticed time and took a screenshot to share on the boards and dropped to my knees when I saw that it was exactly 12 hours later…just wanted to share

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14470e  No.11591854

So, both Bill Barr and Gina Haspel drop in to have a chat with Mitch McConnell yesterday.

Then in a surprise move which infuriated Dems, Brig. General Anthony Tata, Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Kash Patel replace ousted Pentagon leadership officials.

Two points: I now believe that Haspel had successfully played a double game and is now emerging as a Patriot Loyalist to Donald Trump. And something big is about to happen with the U.S. Military, the Election and, perhaps, with finally bringing justice to all those traitors who have been attempting nonstop for four years to remove our duly elected POTUS from office.

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d0c386  No.11591855

File: 469e6522829ceeb⋯.jpg (150.57 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Q7kx1xz_1_.jpg)

>>11589906 (PB)

Mornin' anons, I just wanted to add to this voter fraud by state post because I am very concerned about Harris County (Houston). The 2018 midterms felt "off" to say the least. We had a clean democrat sweep of female democrat judges that included Lena Hidalgo as well as DA Kim Ogg. Now criminals are being let go with little to no bail and crime is rising and we will be wearing masks forever and will likely lose a majority of our restaurants.

There have been several credible stories of vote fraud lately in Houston that include illegals being registered to vote, ballot harvesting and drive through voting using stacks of driver's licenses. To date, nothing on local news and nothing from our attorney general Ken Paxton. Ken Paxton also declined to prosecute the Dallas voter fraud that was Dominion related. Every major city in TX is run by democrats and I'm betting that is no accident. We also use Dominion in Harris county and I would be interested to see analysis on that. Pic not related.


Illegals registered to vote: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/texas-largest-county-approving-voter-registrations-for-noncitizens-lawsuit-claims

Massive fraud in TX: https://www.independentsentinel.com/massive-voter-fraud-uncovered-in-harris-county-texas/

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b32bba  No.11591856


>without having the results questioned or audited

guess they fucked that up too then

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611733  No.11591857

Glitch — need to put that concept to work

There is this blonde teller at the bank that

I intend to fuck and tell her husband that

I suffered a GLITCH

Nothing can be done about it because I glitched

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b20da7  No.11591858


Why doesn't he deal with this in court?

Why has so much Court business been taken to Twitter, Facebook and the like?

Don't you prejudice your arguments when you blabber them in public?

It's all a mouthpiece game. Either everyone bad is already locked up or it seems they'll never be locked up. Massive allegations of despicable crimes….across social media airwaves. Ideal for cases to be thrown out.

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192a39  No.11591859


Is that sperm on Kamels forehead?

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8d6ee7  No.11591860



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bea11b  No.11591861


Watch the water. A flood is coming. Possible Q proof.

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71700c  No.11591862


Likely fake.

Hannity shows are PRE-TAPED.

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7747c5  No.11591863


Seriously? Voting software actually has built in tools that support election fuckery?

Anon knows they're stupid, but are they really that stupid?

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9420ed  No.11591864

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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609fe7  No.11591865


Show me a reasonable person in the context of Aliens.

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f26581  No.11591866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Aug 16, 2016

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778293  No.11591867

File: e0c54bb95803135⋯.png (430.95 KB, 1134x643, 1134:643, Vets_Day.PNG)

WHITE HOUSE LIVE: President Trump and The First Lady Participate in a National Veterans Day Observance


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18a974  No.11591868


PA ballots were returned before they were sent out ?

Tens of thousands

Conservative Treehouse

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8d6ee7  No.11591869


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29845d  No.11591870

When do WE get a win? When is POTUS going on offense. Tangible power move to keep the movement going. We are losing the initiative FIGHT NOW


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620e6e  No.11591871


Jesus gave you an example of how to pray.

Ask for His will to be done rather than telling Him what needs fixed and how to fix it.

Who are you to condemn? Jesus doesn't condemn.

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91a344  No.11591872

CNN would go county by county and tell programmers how many votes the programmers need to give Biden

Then they just updated the machines

How stupid can they be?

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7142fa  No.11591873


God bless you Ron. The role you are now playing is so important.

Happy Veterans Day to the old fang digital warriors

Can someone please do a quick explanation on four seasons

I’m stuck on a wonky and very old iPad of my kid

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a8688e  No.11591874

File: 0873568d6779966⋯.jpg (58.53 KB, 572x436, 143:109, JewsCelebrate.jpg)

File: 838d000a950567f⋯.jpg (34.53 KB, 420x270, 14:9, JewsCelebrateI.jpg)

File: 7c52fdb7b0d9167⋯.jpg (64.41 KB, 505x397, 505:397, JewsCelebrateII.jpg)

File: c826c9edff57410⋯.jpg (32.53 KB, 454x418, 227:209, JewsCelebrateIII.jpg)

File: faacd3ccb3def08⋯.png (835.82 KB, 868x825, 868:825, JewsChildTraffickingMap.png)

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000000  No.11591875


My angus is peppered and I'm ready to seer my snake!

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71700c  No.11591876



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8d6ee7  No.11591877


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308fb9  No.11591878

File: a3337a5e5bbcdcf⋯.png (254.41 KB, 500x664, 125:166, 11_11_10_26_30.png)

From /lb

Watch JR

MTG = Meeting

FA = ?

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07afbe  No.11591879

File: 8451fa2fc889e9d⋯.jpg (47.32 KB, 571x618, 571:618, inoberable_reddit.jpg)




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35a8e8  No.11591880

File: ef1cb529e98515a⋯.png (337.42 KB, 541x630, 541:630, ClipboardImage.png)


As Trump mounts a fierce battle to remain in office and refuses to concede the election he lost, he has shown little interest in the work of being President.


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42de33  No.11591881

DAV anon here.


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703b6c  No.11591882

File: 689a72b4ba1ae25⋯.jpeg (10.86 KB, 255x131, 255:131, Pepe_Mel_Gibson_with_Flag.jpeg)

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192a39  No.11591883

File: 37fd608265dec76⋯.jpg (347.43 KB, 1242x694, 621:347, trump_wto_watch_the_water.jpg)

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e76617  No.11591884

File: 3d9c294535ff2f5⋯.jpg (110.9 KB, 970x546, 485:273, Kneel.jpg)

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3e5ea7  No.11591885

File: 3eb65f08d667d70⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1403x864, 1403:864, PepeWTF.png)

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8d6ee7  No.11591886


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c7ed97  No.11591887

>>11591439 lb/pb

Is it possible that this virus is the original Spanish flu? Could it have been retrieved or isolated from dna of remains?

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54a464  No.11591889


Made sure to include the phoenix…

Tribe of Dan

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46fc2d  No.11591890


ty bake!

>pastebin still deleting on paste

weird! God save NOTEPAD!

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c25dad  No.11591891


>pastebin still deleting on paste

Weird, does not do that for me and all mu old posts still there.

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dfcf0c  No.11591892


>Then, to test efficacy, you need exposure of both groups to infection

I hate to break it to you, but there has never been a single study that proves that viruses cause an infection. It's impossible to even infect someone. Our entire reality is built on lies.

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475ee9  No.11591893



Now start believing in aliens properly.

Inter-dimensional, not extra-terrestrial.

Because God is an alien, and the angels are aliens, and the nephilim are aliens, and their evil spirits are aliens.

And they're all on this rock. Every last one of them.

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b32bba  No.11591894


somebody once said

these people are stupid

believe that

may even have to expand your thinking on this particular point

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7747c5  No.11591895


9/10 Jihadis prefer Toyota Trucks™.

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8d6ee7  No.11591896


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611e07  No.11591897


so all those verses in the Bible about what you bind in Heaven is bound on Earth and what you loose in Heaven is loose on Earth, through prayer.

Those are just null and void.

Got ya.

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89c00d  No.11591898


FA maybe Foreign Asset

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3ec66f  No.11591899



>A word of warning to John Roberts as the election fraud evidence goes before SCOTUS?


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71700c  No.11591900

File: 977459fd8ff54ad⋯.png (15.56 KB, 255x206, 255:206, 64c402eb0010eaf86aee809709….png)

Why do the muhjoo shills always ignore this genital mutilation?

Truth is, they're not against genital mutilation at all, they just want you to hate people you don't even know based on 'tribe' affiliation.

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18a974  No.11591901


Joe got votes of so many 150 year olds, wow , thats ground game…. like 6 feet under ground game

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54a464  No.11591902



beautiful pic though.

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308fb9  No.11591903


Foreign Assets?

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87d627  No.11591904


So USPS could receive the returned ballots and route them to dems for insert Biden vote into count

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7142fa  No.11591905


“I ask”

Don’t tell me about my relationship with Jesus. He wants me to ask. Go away with your law, I got muh righteousness

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d0bf14  No.11591906

File: 5faa60d5660c069⋯.png (311.94 KB, 527x300, 527:300, niggeriggers.png)

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d4fc50  No.11591907





God chose Trump and every ballot was counted, so there. It is actually Biden Demoncrats who are gnashing their fangs and flapping their wings.

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8d6ee7  No.11591908


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475ee9  No.11591909


Pompeo was a kick. "There will be a smooth transition into the second Trump Administration."

And honestly, he says that at no risk.

No way the deep state would keep him on.

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14558b  No.11591910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3ed724  No.11591911

File: 5b654a10a72074f⋯.png (145.58 KB, 1425x548, 1425:548, minsky1.png)

File: 474871541511d6c⋯.png (160.15 KB, 1707x821, 1707:821, minsky2.png)

Marvin Minsky, founder and creator of the first 'AI' theories, was one of the first DARPA scientists, Pedo Island frequent and Jewish. Probable founding father of Life Log.


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60c1e6  No.11591913


Dig it

Video will match the diagnostic results


Or did you think they were just trying to inform the public?

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e53ba6  No.11591914

File: bc55e6a71830eff⋯.png (263.98 KB, 600x398, 300:199, pdn.png)

File: 10b89f71fb6a6a6⋯.png (282.81 KB, 693x313, 693:313, pgw.png)

Thug Democrats who run Michigan threaten legal action against Big League Politics over #DetroitLeaks exclusive showing vote fraud training

Michiganders who thought the Democrats they elected as governor and attorney general were honest folks who cared about them and the welfare of the state got a rude awakening over the summer.

As COVID-19 restrictions and mandatory business closures swept the nation, Michigan’s authoritarian governor, Gretchen Whitmer, issued so many ridiculous and ultimately illegal orders the state Supreme Court eventually ruled that she overstepped her bounds by a lot.

But Whitmer’s not the only Democrat tyrant wannabe in Michigan: Enter state Attorney General Dana Nessel.

Her office just threatened Big League Politics reporter Shane Trejo with prosecution in a “CEASE and DESIST” order over a bombshell report (which appears to have been taken down from the site, as of this writing) documenting poll worker training where staffers were openly bragging about committing vote fraud in a number of ways.


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ce2ffa  No.11591915



For All

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f26581  No.11591916



I could have sauced this better.

Did the Obama Administration alter intel on ISIS?

U.S. Army Brigadier Gen. Anthony Tata (Ret.) weighs in on whether the Obama Administration asked the military for misleading information about ISIS.

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620e6e  No.11591917


Enjoy your awakening to Truth.

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8d6ee7  No.11591918


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e38ae8  No.11591919


I loved watching that shit yesterday.

You just know demoncraps and libtards heads were exploding! KEK!

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3b44ab  No.11591920

The aggressiveness of the media pushing Biden as the winner today will be a direct function of the revelations on this board regarding Hammer/Dominion

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475ee9  No.11591921


You just did.

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000000  No.11591922

So anons, how are you going to move the goal post today when nothing happens?

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192a39  No.11591923

File: 4f7c734d580bfa3⋯.jpg (57.37 KB, 500x625, 4:5, RUDYrico.jpg)

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0a6728  No.11591924



Good point, anon. Must be God's will that people develop mental illness as a result of a manufactured virus from CHYNA and that fits into the perfect plan. We might not always understand why, but we have to believe it is that way for a reason, right? This is precisely the reason Jesus died on the cross. So… CHYNA could infect the world's population with a zombie apocalyptic cadiovascular devastating/crippling airborne HIV mega flu.


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8d6ee7  No.11591925


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2fda8a  No.11591926

File: ff1fe2ef322946c⋯.jpg (427.25 KB, 1190x804, 595:402, code_monkey_2.jpg)


Hot on the trail

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eba621  No.11591927

At least now I see why codemonkey tapped from 8kun duties. He is going to be digging through this dominion code.

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d45bf8  No.11591928


It's picture 4 of 4 on the link below

Secretary of State delivers appreciation message to servicemembers

October 29, 2010


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8d231d  No.11591929

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Still "want" your mtv?

Sure - it's all been quite entertaining.

Oy vey, the death blossom cometh.

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29845d  No.11591930

Hit the enemy like a SLEDGEHAMMER.

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71700c  No.11591931



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475ee9  No.11591932


Saw one where they were sent out Oct 28, received Oct 28, and tabulated Oct 28.

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7142fa  No.11591933

Blagojevich on newsmax

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4dedf6  No.11591934

File: 1c4838fbac2719a⋯.jpeg (528.15 KB, 1242x2046, 207:341, C4D47E21_24B7_43DF_95B1_0….jpeg)

Missing E

Missing and exploited children?

Beau Biden Foundation for protection of children

Partner with dark to light.org


“The Beau Biden Foundation is Expanding to Pennsylvania: We’re excited to announce a new partnership with the Central Bucks Family YMCA. This will give us a chance to train YMCA staff on sexual abuse prevention”


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609fe7  No.11591935

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8d6ee7  No.11591936


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f370dc  No.11591937


Foreign Agent?

Maybe this is about Hunter not registering as a Foreign Agent?

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38de3c  No.11591938

File: ccd3067617dab10⋯.png (378.07 KB, 761x867, 761:867, ClipboardImage.png)


Candidate Name Rotations?

Found this…

Ballot Production Standards


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b32bba  No.11591939


got a feeling Ron's got more to come today

eyes on his twitter

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dfc308  No.11591940


>patronizing the military for coup support

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579b59  No.11591941

File: dfd8b573e10f13f⋯.png (24.63 KB, 254x255, 254:255, bbde7610cf71e4566579c2afeb….png)

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74a132  No.11591942

File: 351c3a8692084ea⋯.png (353.16 KB, 1057x777, 151:111, ClipboardImage.png)


National Veterans Day Observance

The live stream hasn't even started and they are per-emptively marking the live stream with this fuckery.


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620e6e  No.11591943


Jesus told you to pray for the Fathers will to be done. You're asking for your will to be done.

Jesus told you to pray for those who persecute you.

I said nothing about the law, and no you most certainly do not, you think you do.

Enjoy your awakening to Truth.

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82126c  No.11591944

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18a974  No.11591945



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8d6ee7  No.11591946


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87d627  No.11591947

Codemonkey digs, just like anons!

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82126c  No.11591948



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eba621  No.11591949


>time at post 1 year 11 months…

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d0bf14  No.11591950


And here we thought that Trump was doing them a favor by sitting still for them.

They have already been proving for 4 years that they can not hit a moving target.

There is just no making some people happy.

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b2eb26  No.11591951


Been there, done that.

The behavior that's been reported around the use of Dominion - systems going down, etc just doesn't add up. The guy who broke the Hammer to the world (Denis Montgomery) describes it as a set of tools for spying. At the practical vote-counting level, this is no use in fixing an election.

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3ed724  No.11591952

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Interview with Marvin Minsky, one of the probable founding fathers of LifeLog and the DARPA effort to 'control and harness' AI technology.


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8d6ee7  No.11591953


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0a6728  No.11591954

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e38ae8  No.11591955


Think he'll be the one to drop the twat we have all been waiting on?

My fellow Americans….

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68ebac  No.11591956

File: 4a2097991dd2044⋯.png (1.69 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 06168586_10AB_4C27_BA45_06….png)

File: 6d679e522569c78⋯.jpeg (24.95 KB, 254x190, 127:95, C4EDC5F1_BD77_4097_B28C_2….jpeg)


The FBI twitter link in the GLOBAL NOTABLES was assumed notable that FBI may be trying to get ahead of upcoming news. It is a legitimate link. HOWEVER, when a person clicks on the Twitter link to the resources that are suggested for how to EMOTIONALLY deal with CP, the results are a 403 Forbidden link.

A request was made to remove & update this link [>>11554462 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone.] to provide anons with correct resources to deal with the potential emotional disgust/distress. Request https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11580763.html#11581204

However, that Baker erroneously removed the link on how to deal with CP on 8Kun, which in this anons opinion needs to stay in GLOBAL NOTABLES. (Link has now been rightfully replaced by the night Baker https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/11588386.html#q11588544)

It’s your call if you want to annotate the “FBI” GLOBAL an updated link for how toemotionally deal with CPor delete it.

Here is what I suggest if you choose to update the link

>>11554462, >>11581339, >>11581512 FBI: Exposure to child sexual abuse material can lead you or your child to feel disgusted, sad, and shocked. You may have nightmares or trouble concentrating. You are not alone. (FBI Link on Twitter doesn’t work. Here is correct link https://www.missingkids.org/content/dam/missingkids/pdfs/NCMEC_0022-20_CSAM%20Brochure_Digital.pdf

Exposure is likely to increase in general and it’s a pretty good resource on dealing with that. There are no feelings on the battlefield, but there are.

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a95b52  No.11591957

File: 486949bbb3ad056⋯.png (714.98 KB, 728x395, 728:395, 486949bbb3ad056fb8fdc10ab8….png)


Greggypoo is a bad boy.

Ken Paxton is on it. Texas will be okay

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76e2b2  No.11591958


if you notice insomnia is a mental illness now

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91a344  No.11591959


Define “nothing”

Because you didn’t see it on MSNBC?

How do you know what is happening unless you are told by a source?

Just go to sleep

You don’t belong here

You are weak and incapable of critical thought

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d4b883  No.11591960

File: 190b31f7c7e416b⋯.jpg (16.11 KB, 261x382, 261:382, Man_of_The_Year_2006_film_.jpg)


Think I saw this movie.


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4086d6  No.11591961

File: f67c52b5cff50d1⋯.jpg (61.83 KB, 768x425, 768:425, 2020_08_31_youtube_philade….jpg)

File: 797619961f96302⋯.png (825.18 KB, 1420x724, 355:181, Screenshot_2020_11_11_3500….png)

Ok, trying to dig on that Philly warehouse and found this, but not sure if it's the same warehouse from whence the laptop and memory sticks were stolen, but it seems the fuckery was going on even earlier:

Philly election meeting in far-flung warehouse criticized for hindering public input

ByKatie MeyerAugust 31, 2020

A watchdog group is shaming the Philadelphia City Commissioners for no longer livestreaming meetings and holding them in an obscure, out-of-the-way location.

The commissioners, who run elections in the city, say they’re following state transparency laws, but an expert on those laws says despite that, their recent actions are “disturbing.”

The conflict between the group, Protect Our Vote Philly, and the commissionersdates back more than a year.It came to a head after the commissioners’ most recent public meeting, at which they announced a major grant from a nonprofit that would help pay for improvements for the 2020 election. They would include pandemic hazard pay for poll workers, setting up neighborhood election offices where voters could drop off mail-in ballots, and offering more secure ballot drop-off boxes.

To participate in that meeting, interested residents had to go on a bit of a journey.

It was the commissioners’ first in-person election meeting since the pandemic began, and the first in that period they hadn’t live streamed via Zoom.They chose to meet at 3500 Scotts Lane, in a long, low warehouse near East Falls, about a 20-minute drive from City Hall.

The city typically uses the warehouse for shipping voting machines to polling places. It’s about a half-mile from the nearest train and bus stops.


A detailed agenda wasn’t posted ahead of the meeting, however, and commissioners and their staff don’t publicly read any of the emails they receive. Meeting minutes aren’t publicly available after the fact.

“In the middle of a pandemic, they cut off the ability of the public to attend virtually,” Garella said. “If you’re not there in person, you wouldn’t ever know what happened at the meeting.”

Nick Custodio, deputy to City Commissioners Chairwoman Lisa Deeley, strenuously disputed Garella and POV Philly’s assessment.

The warehouse, he wrote in an email, had been chosen out of all possible city-controlled locationsbecause its cavernous garagesallow “necessary in-person meetings in a socially-distanced fashion, with proper ventilation.”

He said the meetings were no longer being livestreamed because “holding an in-person meeting and a virtual one proved impractical and often caused issues,” like lagging video and platform access problems that drew complaints from the public.

Other city officials, like Mayor Jim Kenney and Health Secretary Thomas Farley, have been holding livestreamed press conferences throughout the pandemic without apparent issue, as have commissioners in different counties.

Custodio said there is no firm protocol for posting meeting agendas, and that the commissioners do not publicize their meeting minutes because “per the City’s contract with the stenography company, copies of transcripts must be obtained directly from them.”


POV Philly keeps a frequently-updated document detailing what it sees as the commissioners’ violations of, or “minimal” compliance with, Pennsylvania’s Sunshine Act, which requires government agencies to conduct their deliberations publicly.

It includes more than a year of actions they find troubling, and eight other groups have cosigned it.

Melissa Melewsky, an attorney with the Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association who specializes in public records and transparency issues, said while none of the commissioners’ transparency decisions seem obviously illegal, they’re “far from ideal” and “not sufficient.”

For instance, she said,not releasing meeting minutes seems counterintuitive.


This is a point in time where we have agencies clamoring to offer alternative methods of access, and here we have an agency that’s doing less,” she said. “That’s unusual and problematic.”


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51df54  No.11591962


I was listening to Cocteau Twins during this era… the Sisters of Mercy and their primitive drum machine were pretty much the polar opposite of Liz Frasier's angelic voice and Robin Guthrie's ethereal guitar layers.

Light vs darkness.

I just watched that SOM "Dominion" video. CREEPY AF.

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82126c  No.11591963


Time to repay the favor

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475ee9  No.11591964


Think of binding and loosing as declaring guilt and innocence to Jesus, who reserves judgment and vengeance for himself.

Because binding and loosing is declaring guilt or innocence to Jesus, who reserves judgment and vengeance for himself.

And believers absolutely have authority over demons, and can resist the devil himself.

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b32bba  No.11591965


pretty sure it said "VOTE ROTATION"

not name rotation

so no, don't think it is something this benign

looks more like high treason to be quite honest

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e38ae8  No.11591966

Pennsylvania Gets Nov. 17 Hearing on Tossing Trump Election Suit


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579b59  No.11591967

File: b971c9cbc8b0321⋯.png (10.26 KB, 255x196, 255:196, 91060a1ab897dc329abaed20b4….png)

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8d6ee7  No.11591968


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480123  No.11591969


Whew Pence said "ain't," buckle up!!

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7747c5  No.11591970


the media.

anon epiphanied that the matrix only works if the network is uniform. Any deviations in the media narrative threaten the matrix of mass mind control.

Godspeed, anons.

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89c00d  No.11591971


She will keep on daydreaming that she is winning until she finally sits on that electric chair.

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8d6ee7  No.11591973


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308fb9  No.11591974


I think this is on the right track, however the post seems to be more about H rather than Hunter. She is greeting a member of the military.

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87d627  No.11591975


He literally said that

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bb4dc8  No.11591977

File: 47cf268b933a541⋯.jpg (13.16 KB, 254x164, 127:82, 2020_01_25_18_02_00.jpg)

I leave you guys for 50 minutes and come back and now I need to find out wtf is up with a missing encryption key!

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000000  No.11591978


Oh, you know what happened. @POTUS knew she was scheduled, and Fox made Hannity cancel.

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c25dad  No.11591980


How about this. Report Globally, then filter the user ID. Fuck you people have a need to be needed.

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eba621  No.11591981

Seems like Dominion is the civilian model of the military election meddling software used overseas.

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620e6e  No.11591982


You obviously don't understand what's happening here.

Q's first post was on Oct 28 2017.


Remember Q signing "4, 10, 20"?




Q will be 1260 days old on 4/10/2021


The first marker is 11.3, the second 11.6, and America will be unified on 11.11.18.





Remember, numbers can equal letters.


Again, the first marker is 11.3, the second 11.6, and America will be unified on 11.11.18.

Revelation 11:3-12

>3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.” 4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.” 5 If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes from their mouths and devours their enemies. This is how anyone who wants to harm them must die. 6 They have power to shut up the heavens so that it will not rain during the time they are prophesying; and they have power to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want.

>7 Now when they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up from the Abyss will attack them, and overpower and kill them. 8 Their bodies will lie in the public square of the great city—which is figuratively called Sodom and Egypt—where also their Lord was crucified. 9 For three and a half days some from every people, tribe, language and nation will gaze on their bodies and refuse them burial. 10 The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts, because these two prophets had tormented those who live on the earth.

>11 But after the three and a half days the breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 12 Then they heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here.” And they went up to heaven in a cloud, while their enemies looked on.

Sackcloth represents repentance.

Remember Q saying watch the water?



Revelation 17:15

>Then the angel said to me, "The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages.

Watch the water, a red wave is coming. The plague will disappear like a miracle.

Enjoy your awakening to Truth.

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b32bba  No.11591983

File: 34007dc8019872f⋯.png (5.24 MB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 52FCAB89_0927_4F53_8116_5B….png)


no, that'll be Q+

nice digits btw

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b1096d  No.11591985

File: aa21d7ee5d0937c⋯.png (332.21 KB, 792x644, 198:161, aa21d7ee5d0937c16f9e31d84b….png)

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74a132  No.11591986

File: a92598aef5aa354⋯.png (619.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ad49c337206a01⋯.png (160.89 KB, 837x884, 837:884, ClipboardImage.png)


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6f63fc  No.11591987

File: c641386fd3ebc18⋯.png (763.3 KB, 1740x740, 87:37, ClipboardImage.png)


I wonder what Brennan is thinking about today?

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8d6ee7  No.11591988


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59c989  No.11591989


No Anon - this is clearly a “Watch your - “ then she is forming a watch hand

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71700c  No.11591990


You're just asserting that there WILL be 'revelations on this board regarding Hammer/Dominion', which could be an incorrect assertion.

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7747c5  No.11591991



They always confess.

It's a law of Nature we can thank Nature's God for.

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d0c386  No.11591992


Greg needs to be gone in the next primary. So, I shouldn't be concerned about Paxton? The Gregg County indictments were awesome…but the lack of any news on Harris has me concerned.

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c25dad  No.11591993


>You obviously don't understand what's happening here.

Thank goodness we all have you to explain it.

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51df54  No.11591994


Especially when Americans pay for them.

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e38ae8  No.11591995


How to clean all that brown stuff outta his pants.

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8d6ee7  No.11591996


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d0bf14  No.11591997

File: ad020b53b50784f⋯.mp4 (1.4 MB, 480x870, 16:29, biden_yea.mp4)



There is a video capure of that.

I'm looking for it now; it wasn't where I thought I put it.

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29845d  No.11591998

Victory over the enemy

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475ee9  No.11591999


SCORECARD is a CIA program inserted to rig foreign elections.

Start there.

Because it is.

And they used it here.

The person who counts the votes decides the election. So whoever is leading on the SCORECARD wins.

Get it yet?

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8d6ee7  No.11592000


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b20da7  No.11592001


Reminds me of the Comet place before the 'renovations'

The dingyness seems needlessly staged.


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8ce65a  No.11592002

File: bb39586605c5734⋯.png (183.1 KB, 1366x521, 1366:521, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

File: 7f45eaaa784e72c⋯.png (75.85 KB, 165x195, 11:13, Screen_Shot_2020_11_10_at_….png)

File: d92798ea74fec70⋯.png (126.18 KB, 367x299, 367:299, Screen_Shot_2020_11_10_at_….png)

File: 3e7308e023c71b5⋯.png (219.88 KB, 425x227, 425:227, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

File: b3cc36033146266⋯.png (249.87 KB, 932x339, 932:339, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

who speaks like that- 'Dominion'?

>gotta luv that empire, bidness!

Since Nicea, this bitch is always on the wrong side of history!


Lateran Pacts of 1929

The Lateran Pacts of 1929 contained three sections—the Treaty of Conciliation (27 articles) which established Vatican City as an independent state, restoring the civil sovereignty of the Pope as a monarch, the Financial Convention annexed to the treaty (3 articles) which compensated the Holy See for loss of the papal states, and the Concordat (45 articles), which dealt with the Roman Catholic Church's ecclesiastical relations with the Italian State.

An Agreement Between the Italian Republic and the Holy See amended the Lateran Pacts in 1985.


IN the name of the Most Holy Trinity.

Whereas the Holy See and Italy have recognized the desirability of eliminating every reason for dissension existing between them and arriving at a final settlement of their reciprocal relations which shall be consistent with justice and with the dignity of both High Contracting Parties, and which by permanently assuring to the Holy See a position de facto and de jure which shall guarantee absolute independence for the fulfillment of its exalted mission in the world, permits the Holy See to consider as finally and irrevocably settled the Roman Question which arose in 1870 by the annexation of Rome to the Kingdom of Italy, under the Dynasty of the House of Savoy;

And whereas it was obligatory, for the purpose of assuring the absolute and visible independence of the Holy See, likewise to guarantee its indisputable sovereignty in international matters, it has been found necessary to create under special conditions the Vatican City, recognizing the full ownership, exclusive and absolute dominion and sovereign jurisdiction of the Holy See over that City;

His Holiness the Supreme Pontiff Pius XI and His Majesty Victor Emanuel III, King of Italy, have agreed to conclude a Treaty, appointing for that purpose two Plenipotentiaries, being on behalf of His Holiness, His Secretary of State, viz. His Most Reverend Eminence the Lord Cardinal Pietro Gasparri, and on behalf of his Majesty, His Excellency the Cav. Benito Mussolini, Prime Minister and Head of the Government; who, having exchanged their respective full powers, which were found to be in due and proper form, have hereby agreed to the following articles:

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e23810  No.11592003


I think white hats have it. We have it all!

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a95b52  No.11592004


Curiosity will be next

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3ed724  No.11592005



Texas is to the Bush Family as New York is to the Cuomo Family. The Bush family has spent 70 years infiltrating and flipping Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Dallas Fort Worth and El Paso (trafficking). Why would George Bush 1 move to Texas from the East Coast? To infiltrate the last bastion of GOP strength in America.

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0e5089  No.11592006


I think it might be the jews

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38de3c  No.11592007

File: 761884fd6d93952⋯.png (214.68 KB, 761x713, 761:713, ClipboardImage.png)



More… apparently if that selection is not made, then the order of candidates is set by the party.

Guess what party had the top spot this election, across ALL races in Michigan?

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8d6ee7  No.11592008


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87485f  No.11592009

>>11591910    ⁵⁰⭐    o7  

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71700c  No.11592010



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bdd1d1  No.11592011


good catch. of all the photos he could have chose to use, he used this one. I wonder why???

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18a974  No.11592012


Radical Left harass 2 Pa. lawyers working on Trumps team to expose fraud


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f04e5c  No.11592013


>nothing happens?

When you finished reading this, you are older than before… You are living, like me and everybody else, in a relative Universe. Shit happens every second, in every inch of the All, because the only constant is change!

If you try to troll, be more clearer!

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b2c4d7  No.11592014


I love that chicks videos

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8d6ee7  No.11592015


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4dedf6  No.11592017

File: d8daa5aeb5359da⋯.jpeg (955.19 KB, 1242x1474, 621:737, 2FC584D6_0A72_44E5_A874_9….jpeg)

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da3d54  No.11592018

File: 75370dfd7f2f315⋯.mp4 (531.34 KB, 640x360, 16:9, fraud.mp4)


here ya go

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dfcf0c  No.11592019


Because obviously it's not relevant, are you pretending to be this dense? Male genital mutilation is a widespread practice brought by them to the West, it's something that affects us directly.

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e38ae8  No.11592020


Well, they are failing…fortunately.

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8d6ee7  No.11592021


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b83183  No.11592022

File: fb3b8d208b04b0f⋯.png (418.65 KB, 553x410, 553:410, rudy_thug_life.PNG)

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620e6e  No.11592023


I'm sorry you need obvious things explained to you. Good thing many here do not.

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8d6ee7  No.11592024


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82126c  No.11592025


Is this from today?? Looks a lot like Mattis

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3b44ab  No.11592026

File: 244ed1a83d6ca4f⋯.png (29.87 KB, 925x409, 925:409, ClipboardImage.png)



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180b45  No.11592027

Strike First, Strike Hard


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891e05  No.11592028


Sounds good. Let it be so.

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b20da7  No.11592029

If this red letter guy made sense, he'd be a genius.

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4dfced  No.11592030

File: ad0456635054b2e⋯.png (27.36 KB, 710x383, 710:383, warrenflood.png)

File: 8b1c7ae40388612⋯.jpg (48.96 KB, 720x720, 1:1, warrenflood_biden.jpg)


Warren Flood is tight with Barry and Biden

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0e5089  No.11592031


Required viewing.

Lays it all out.

Fuck faggot hannity

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7142fa  No.11592032



Didn’t we get busted trying to mess with German (? Can’t remember) election? Was it electronically?

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8d6ee7  No.11592033



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c25dad  No.11592034


>I'm sorry you need obvious things explained to you. Good thing many here do not.

I know you are a fraud. Dont need more than that in our discussion.

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3b44ab  No.11592035


Ron has been dropping them for two breads already. It's already happening.

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1b3072  No.11592036


See original post


from bread 14793 earlier today

It was notes from the video, the hannity claim lines up because just an hour before this hannity had primed everyone of a special guest, and it was supposed to be Yuge. She specifically says the producer called her last minute to cancel the interview, which is why she went on RedPill78.

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fd1b03  No.11592037

File: df07d8983bf56e6⋯.png (142.49 KB, 347x365, 347:365, 2020_11_11_10_34_44.png)


>IG still putting election gaslighting message at bottom of all of POTUS' entries.


Veterans Day is about veterans, not politics.

Both the deep state and the mainstream media lack any sense of decency, but everyone knows that.

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8d6ee7  No.11592038




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71700c  No.11592039


>Not relevant

According to who, the media, or your own ass?


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3ed724  No.11592040


If Texas would have fallen, GOP would have never won the Presidency again. Florida was already almost in the bag.

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8d6ee7  No.11592041

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29845d  No.11592042

File: 563dd54c5bdcecf⋯.jpeg (50.85 KB, 480x384, 5:4, B38E74E9_D356_432C_874B_8….jpeg)


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6cb64e  No.11592043

File: 6fd354c672780a8⋯.png (530.16 KB, 619x736, 619:736, ClipboardImage.png)

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620e6e  No.11592044


Enjoy your awakening to Truth. :)

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0bf134  No.11592045

File: 214a964f9054958⋯.png (208.7 KB, 619x405, 619:405, Never_Give_up.png)


Since he is no longer "donating his time", it appears his new role publicly analyzing election software might help him "put food on the table for his family"

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74a132  No.11592046

File: f88e885c5173044⋯.png (603.43 KB, 838x731, 838:731, ClipboardImage.png)


Here you go anon

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a849eb  No.11592047


What, if anything, does MTGFA stand for?

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b277d4  No.11592048

How do we deal with MSM / Social Media and all of their employees?

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07afbe  No.11592049

File: d4ff9d6a3caf929⋯.jpg (166.03 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, smart_anons.jpg)

File: b92c8aa9aed5de3⋯.png (401.6 KB, 501x531, 167:177, Comey_Tweet_IV.png)

File: 25e3806ae06e5a8⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 501x540, 167:180, comey_in_mt_rush.jpg)

File: 23bd838c324b34e⋯.jpg (397.93 KB, 1242x1556, 621:778, comey_tweets.jpg)

File: 1861fd6d0258a67⋯.png (3.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, BusJump.png)


20 20 11 11 45 9




AF - Air Force ONE

Warning - 'Watch Your Step'


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51df54  No.11592050


don't listen to "scientists"

certainly don't listen to pseudoscientists who call themselves "psychiatrists"

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18a974  No.11592051


Clowns have much practice since installing the Shah of Iran ( made guy ) decades ago.

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8d6ee7  No.11592052


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180b45  No.11592053

File: bc1109060386a33⋯.jpg (12.37 KB, 196x255, 196:255, 815c6a6fd596411ce813557fdd….jpg)

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e38ae8  No.11592054


I think it's funny how they are so adamantly against an audit.


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703b6c  No.11592055


Years ago I was curious about this book. Looked it up.. cost was $800.

Now look at today's price…

Hardcover from $2,495.00

Paperback from $15,280.56

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0e5089  No.11592056



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2fda8a  No.11592057

File: 2c41950352f772a⋯.png (459.29 KB, 876x492, 73:41, rudy_giuliani_cigar_lightn….png)

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bf1737  No.11592058

File: 98114ca482cd5df⋯.png (619.13 KB, 1773x902, 1773:902, jeff_ellington_runbeck.PNG)

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065964  No.11592059

WIRE: Georgia secretary of state says state will do hand recount of every ballot in presidential race

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b3ecde  No.11592060

File: 2a741e3e421aa67⋯.png (425.44 KB, 616x613, 616:613, pepe_salute_uniform.PNG)

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c25dad  No.11592061


>Enjoy your awakening to Truth. :)

Good thing you offer none. No go and play with your dicks in the other room.

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a95b52  No.11592062

File: bcf2ad8f0c3b6dd⋯.jpg (118.23 KB, 1080x825, 72:55, 20201109_174320.jpg)


Ken is helping POTUS. I'm not worried about him. They tried (and failed) to take him out a few weeks ago. He will be our next governor.

Abbot is just another Perry. Perry was a Bushbuttboi. And we know what BabyBush was. Leatherface

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475ee9  No.11592063


President likes to keep people on their toes.

Wouldn't want to be cabal who told Mattis something incriminating today.

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1b3072  No.11592064

File: 42407155f7eeaa6⋯.jpg (81.55 KB, 569x302, 569:302, giuliani_bannon_guo.jpg)

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76ba3f  No.11592065



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 26e3a8 No.678011📁

Mar 15 2018 18:29:14 (EST)



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52bb37  No.11592066



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bf1737  No.11592067



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8d6ee7  No.11592068



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89c00d  No.11592069


Maybe it's Meating with Foreign Asset

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f26581  No.11592070


Things that glow?

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f370dc  No.11592071


>WIRE: Georgia secretary of state says state will do hand recount of every ballot in presidential race

Once sauced, then HUGE

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a95b52  No.11592072



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bdd1d1  No.11592073


He's saying just enough to keep the PR going for POTUS to offset the fake news.

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0e5089  No.11592074


Putting this in my ‘No Shit Sherlock’ Mocking bird file.

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7747c5  No.11592075

Soundcloud embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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eba621  No.11592076



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d20ab0  No.11592077

File: 4f36e6ca42f1e49⋯.png (656.23 KB, 683x683, 1:1, evil_sky.png)


Had to get Poppy up there…

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8d6ee7  No.11592078


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18a974  No.11592079


the only thing missing is the C.F.R. logo behind him, like when he said " son of a bitch , the guy got fired "

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f04e5c  No.11592080


>what Brennan is thinking about today?

When will everybody understand to sauce that shit, is he thinking!

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e38ae8  No.11592081


Why not the house and senate races as well?

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8ad0f8  No.11592082

File: 9cb83ca43ffced7⋯.jpg (1.9 MB, 3412x1480, 853:370, cemex_comey.jpg)

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c82826  No.11592084

Notables at 440ish are NOT endorsements


>>11591650 Gab post says Hannity was supposed to have Dominion IT lady on last night, but canceled at last minute.

>>11591668 Reminder: Richard Jewel’s attorney was none other than Lin Wood.

>>11591729 Dominion, Smartmatic, Sequoia, it's all becoming a curiously related blur:

>>11591741, >>11591789 General Flynn's Father In-Law Franklin Andrews

>>11591792 GA SOS to hold presser shortly

>>11591805 @CodeMonkeyZ: Trying to figure out what a split rotation is and why you would want to enforce a maximum deviation on it.

>>11591839 More CM. What are the odds Microsoft is 'helping' out with the election in Detroit?

>>11591855, >>>11589906 (PB) vote fraud bundle

>>11591867 WHITE HOUSE LIVE: President Trump and The First Lady Participate in a National Veterans Day Observance

>>11591934 Beau Biden Foundation for protection of children; Partner with darktolight.org

>>11591938 Candidate Name Rotations?

>>11591961 not sure if it's the same warehouse from whence the laptop and memory sticks were stolen

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4d0903  No.11592085

File: b85aaccd355b1a7⋯.png (2.63 MB, 1638x994, 117:71, Brunette_18_Pen_Q_As_Long.png)

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3ee11d  No.11592087




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b9c132  No.11592088

File: ed8983ba74092cb⋯.png (200.9 KB, 1439x1073, 1439:1073, Capture_2020_11_11_09_47_4….png)


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8d6ee7  No.11592089


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a99f36  No.11592090

File: 51d4cc4bbf38ea0⋯.jpg (46.4 KB, 852x480, 71:40, 4lz11v.jpg)

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403a1b  No.11592091



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5f7944  No.11592092

File: d58fe496e2cbebf⋯.jpg (214.27 KB, 1695x607, 1695:607, 6.jpg)

File: c4b0cb4dbbeb6e5⋯.jpg (38.79 KB, 1371x224, 1371:224, 107.jpg)

File: ecf2053cc93dd47⋯.jpg (42.5 KB, 846x439, 846:439, 6_11.jpg)

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7747c5  No.11592093


what the fuck is this blasphemous shit?

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8d6ee7  No.11592094


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05826a  No.11592095


That is the most convoluted low iQ arrangement of information I've seen in a while. You hide your lack of knowledge in obfuscation.

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8d6ee7  No.11592096


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eba621  No.11592097

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87f72d  No.11592098



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29845d  No.11592099

File: 5e92222ca4c0bb1⋯.jpeg (281.15 KB, 1440x861, 480:287, 9608273D_CF6B_49D9_BCE8_A….jpeg)


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e38ae8  No.11592100

Trump Slams ABC, WashPost for Wisconsin 'Suppression Poll'


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8d6ee7  No.11592101


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07afbe  No.11592102

File: afda4f13ecb5c1c⋯.png (767.45 KB, 474x638, 237:319, comey_tweet_christmas_z_pl….png)

File: 1b190f03ff93906⋯.png (783.52 KB, 454x673, 454:673, Comey_Tweet_lone_kayaker.png)

File: 0588df624990b24⋯.png (1.32 MB, 613x852, 613:852, Comey_Geological_Time.png)

File: a15bc50c020e18c⋯.jpg (161.99 KB, 627x1397, 57:127, pelosi_pens.jpg)

File: af2f99db2855a3d⋯.jpg (544.85 KB, 1530x3226, 765:1613, Nancy_pelosi_bullet_bracle….jpg)


Pelosi PlanZ (before Christmas)

'Lone' aka gunman

Geologic Time (grave)

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d0bf14  No.11592103


I started at 14792 this morning playing catch up.

It is between there and here, look for yourself.

I'm guessing 94, 95 96

And there is a BUNCH of it !


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d6ca37  No.11592104


Ever think the second law is flawed?

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5f0bfd  No.11592105

Who calls the shot on what voting machines are used per state in these elections?

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dfc308  No.11592106


her [wins] have come from upping the evil to levels we can't comprehend

she knows no other way

she cannot stop

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475ee9  No.11592107


Kinda. They blamed the russians, but Brennan's boys have had tools exposed that make hacks look like they came from, among other places, Russia.

And Barry was busted surveilling German officials, including Merkel.

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3b44ab  No.11592108


It doesn't matter if there is a recount, it matters who recounts them. They can only ensure it will be legit if they do a lottery-type selection of Democrat/Republican watchers

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2a8bd1  No.11592109

File: f1e3e5276b97a0f⋯.png (12 KB, 417x245, 417:245, 4414_RED_1_6.png)


"He served as the Deputy Commanding General of the 10th Mountain Division and Joint Task Force 76 in…"

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b3ecde  No.11592110

File: 786874cef967b1a⋯.png (405.91 KB, 578x370, 289:185, evergreen_shipping.PNG)

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4dfced  No.11592111


Remember when Maxine Waters said the Obama regime had a database on everyone in the country?

This Warren Flood made it happen.

So if they compiled that database, they could easily use it to fusker the election.

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74a132  No.11592112

File: da1dcea2a1d7de8⋯.png (369.23 KB, 768x503, 768:503, trump_office_space.png)


Nothing. Never interrupt the enemy while they are in the process of destroying them selves.

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8d6ee7  No.11592113


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475ee9  No.11592114


I'm thinking GS13, easy. Maybe higher.

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18a974  No.11592115



Brennan calls on VP Pence to invoke 25th Amendment and oust Trump = cnn

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a95b52  No.11592116

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308fb9  No.11592117

File: f6c50af49c98f78⋯.png (450.75 KB, 624x622, 312:311, 11_09_19_44_11.png)

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7a90b1  No.11592118

File: c54153aa87ae71f⋯.jpg (124.35 KB, 624x434, 312:217, pepe_shitpost.jpg)




I'm sure someone less qualified can monitor shit posting and Goreshills

CM is a hero

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000000  No.11592119



Not a blue check mark, but certainly could very well be his account. Others definitely seem to think so.




Trump nominee Anthony Tata's 2018 tweet to @JohnBrennan

telling him to, "pick your poison: firing squad, public hanging, life sentence as prison b*tch, or just suck on your pistol. Your call," – appears to have been removed for violating Twitter's rules.

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180b45  No.11592120

Multiple GEORGE references

Multiple KEYSTONE references

The election will be decided by GA and PA

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2d19ad  No.11592121

File: 0b82522e889bc3a⋯.jpg (92.28 KB, 750x943, 750:943, Emjc37pUcAANRyi.jpg)

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bc8bb9  No.11592122

File: 4e2fce0ac0bd6df⋯.png (497.46 KB, 605x374, 55:34, ClipboardImage.png)


That picture looks ghey AF.

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d0bf14  No.11592123


Not possible. With no barrier they would merge.


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89c00d  No.11592124


She is very delusional.

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3ed724  No.11592125



I think this is it. You can 'rotate' the order of the candidates by selecting 'vote rotation' and the 'maximum deviation' seems to denote that you can measure the deviation caused by selecting 'rotate votes' on the screen. It sounds more like a way to insta-cheat if the vote isn't going your way.

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6cb64e  No.11592126

File: 4b78c8336d15654⋯.png (422.29 KB, 712x753, 712:753, ClipboardImage.png)


You are merely admiring CGI, anon.

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87d627  No.11592127

File: 4ffa14ab1d5812c⋯.jpg (616.11 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 4ffa14ab1d5812c9aa19a4896f….jpg)



Let the reckoning begin!!!!

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cd1232  No.11592128

Did anyone claim the reward for voter fraud yet?

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c47d01  No.11592129


>To infiltrate the last bastion of GOP strength in America.

When GHWB moved to Texas and set up shop (50s - 60s) Texas was VERY much Democrat, NOT Republican. [LBJ] Era.

The [Bushes] are scumbag carpetbaggers for sure.

But they infiltrated as [RINOs] and collaborated with [D]s from the beginning.

[JFK] Nov 22, 1963 (Dallas) > [LBJ] + [GHWB] + [Texas Mafia] in Texas.

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49f9c7  No.11592130



Lots of mountains in Sweden, perhaps a lot of mountain and underground bases that are away from prying eyes.

Didn't ol' Uncle Adolf work with the swedes and maintain sub bases up there?

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4dfced  No.11592131


10th Mountain Division - Ft. Drum, NY in the Fingerlakes region.

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126f20  No.11592132

File: 01239098c3b8b56⋯.jpg (116.86 KB, 500x666, 250:333, jbb860e37cc18357f6b7448707….jpg)

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180b45  No.11592133

File: 732147a45eab641⋯.jpg (167.72 KB, 1003x831, 1003:831, ZomboMeme_09112020092248.jpg)

File: 990e05a472bbf59⋯.jpg (73.71 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ZomboMeme_10112020175131.jpg)

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8d6ee7  No.11592134


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065964  No.11592135

New CodeMonkeyZ tweet:

After reviewing the Dominion Voting System user manual, it seems the local IT guy who services the machines is theoretically the ultimate political gatekeeper.

He has absolute power to decide elections.


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a95b52  No.11592136


Couple of days ago /pol/ was saying watch Vegas for that

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a5c300  No.11592137

File: 372909e0ed9bba7⋯.png (1.24 MB, 700x687, 700:687, FlatEarthTwatGlobe.png)

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475ee9  No.11592138







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a5884b  No.11592139

File: dfc3f1756fb4ea5⋯.jpg (45.29 KB, 596x331, 596:331, Capture.JPG)

Best Governor in America? DeSantis Drafts Anti-Mob Legislation That Will Allow Citizens to Shoot Looters

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has drafted a new “anti-mob” legislation that will allow armed citizens to shoot suspected looters.

The legislation will expand on the state’s Stand Your Ground law.

The Miami Herald reports that the “proposal would expand the list of ‘forcible felonies’ under Florida’s self-defense law to justify the use of force against people who engage in criminal mischief that results in the ‘interruption or impairment’ of a business, and looting, which the draft defines as a burglary within 500 feet of a ‘violent or disorderly assembly.'”

The report continues on to say that the legislation will also “enhance criminal penalties for people involved in ‘violent or disorderly assemblies,’ make it a third-degree felony to block traffic during a protest, offer immunity to drivers who claim to have unintentionally killed or injured protesters who block traffic, and withhold state funds from local governments that cut law enforcement budgets.”


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e57b0a  No.11592140


The Hammer and Scorecard issue may be a red herring. Dominion's system is porous. Penetrations can be made at numerous levels to switch votes, eliminate votes, etc. "Fraction magic" makes it all possible (see second link).



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480123  No.11592141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Love Cocteaus too, they put me over the moon sometimes. Honestly not much of a Sisters fan, just couldn't resist because of the name. And I love drawing out the gothfags, heheh.

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2fda8a  No.11592142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pretty crazy, right?

Here is a Project Camelot interview with him from 2012.


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b6cd3c  No.11592143

File: 2e99ffc28e58bd7⋯.png (468.8 KB, 375x1143, 125:381, The_Best_Part_of_Waking_Up….png)

I’m sorry, but the BEST PART of Waking up…

I. …is not COFFEE in your CUP

Ephesians 5:14 (KJV)

14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest,

and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give

thee light.

II. …or SOLDIERS in your CORPS

Romans 8:31 (KJV)

31 What shall we then say to these things? If God

be for us, who can be against us?

III. …or even Donald Trump as their


1 Timothy 6:15 (KJV)

15 Which in his times he shall shew, who is the

blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings,

and Lord of lords;

But the BEST PART of Waking up…

IV. …is having JESUS in your heart,

and in your life!

Ephesians 3:17-19 (KJV)

17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith;

that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,

18 May be able to comprehend with all saints

what is the breadth, and length, and depth,

and height;

19 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth

knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the

fulness of God.

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71700c  No.11592144

File: 0d80d15d30d066b⋯.jpg (63.06 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, e5cKthHG.jpg)

File: 73a99211ffa12f1⋯.png (42.69 KB, 665x575, 133:115, Q2637.PNG)

That's General Mattis standing next to POTUS Trump, by the way.


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8d6ee7  No.11592145


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3ed724  No.11592146


You know, that makes sense - Build it into a GOP base with your 'intel' people in key positions. Initial infiltration of GOP?

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703b6c  No.11592147

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Battle of Athens: Fighting Voter & Election Fraud 13:31

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0e5089  No.11592148



Take out the binkey.

Take out the fucking tampons, frontholes.

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dfcf0c  No.11592149


It's not relevant because I'm not living in some islamic shithole where I would be affected by it, are you really this retarded? What part of this are you still not getting?

I condemn it, what the fuck do you want now?

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a849eb  No.11592150


Dig into the ancient celtic pagan religion?

We know their is an ancient false religion that permeates human history, and emodied now in the ds/cabal.

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d4fc50  No.11592151

File: f9260377259e36a⋯.png (891.6 KB, 766x577, 766:577, Finally_we_are_HOME_copy.png)

File: f9260377259e36a⋯.png (891.6 KB, 766x577, 766:577, Finally_we_are_HOME_copy_2.png)

File: f9260377259e36a⋯.png (891.6 KB, 766x577, 766:577, Finally_we_are_HOME_copy_2.png)

File: f9260377259e36a⋯.png (891.6 KB, 766x577, 766:577, Finally_we_are_HOME_copy.png)

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a5c300  No.11592152



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8fa8e9  No.11592153

File: 5ec9a1a01e80f3b⋯.jpg (356.71 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Trump_Election_Victory_Ame….jpg)

Sec. 3: No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. It's time for President Trump to declare an insurrection / rebellion to be under way in the United States, call for the arrest of Big Tech CEOs like Jack Dorsey, and remove from public office all traitors in the House and Senate (as well as mayors and governors) who are enemies of the United States Constitution. These powers are clearly described in the Fourteenth Amendment, and it seems history has brought us to this moment where President Donald J. Trump must invoke it to save the Republic. We cannot sit back and allow blatant, illegal, coordinated vote fraud to steal this nation. Joe Biden publicly bragged about having, “the most extensive voter fraud organization” in the history of American politics. That is an admission of felony crimes against the United States of America.

Brought to you by:MAGA Patriots USA

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63c13c  No.11592154


Yep, spoopy not used even once.

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87d627  No.11592155

File: 7187653aa35cdde⋯.jpeg (14.64 KB, 474x263, 474:263, download.jpeg)

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b32bba  No.11592156

File: 6493d6f8b27afa5⋯.png (136.98 KB, 1196x736, 13:8, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)


Too bad we dont have the dominion source code to review. These types of things should be open source so everybody can poke through it.

Why do we have black box elections?

looks like Ron's gonna get a look under the hood. Bet he's got a tricked out GHIDRA to use…

Expecting POTUS to find this info any moment and order action.

Whoever said Ron was up for PROMOTION was correct.

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8d6ee7  No.11592157


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fd1b03  No.11592158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>here ya go

Sometimes they slip up and tell the truth.

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d4fc50  No.11592159

File: 3b427b5c0c689c3⋯.png (345.95 KB, 465x352, 465:352, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)

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475ee9  No.11592160


Yeah. We never should have been okay with what they did.

I don't buy the "it's necessary to have evil people do evil shit for us, because it's an evil world and other evil people are doing other evil shit."

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8d6ee7  No.11592161


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a5884b  No.11592162

File: b9b6738ff2b3a1d⋯.jpg (54.95 KB, 882x495, 98:55, Capture.JPG)

3 top Pentagon officials suddenly resign a day after Trump fired Esper

Three Pentagon officials resigned from the Pentagon on Tuesday, just one day after Trump fired Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

“Today, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Dr. James Anderson, Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security Mr. Joseph Kernan and Chief of Staff to the Secretary of Defense, Jen Stewart submitted letters of resignation,” the Pentagon said in a statement provided to American Military News.

All three officials’ resignations are effective today.

The Pentagon said that Kernan’s resignation was planned for several months. They did not, however, note that Anderson or Stewart’s resignations were planned.

Defense officials told Politico that Anderson stepped down after “repeated disagreements with the White House personnel office.”


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56d276  No.11592163

Today is 1110 days from first Q drop. And date 11-10

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2ccd0c  No.11592164



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475ee9  No.11592165


Sad when people prey on the mentally ill.

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28f069  No.11592166


give up, anon.

it's a catholic thing and you ain't in their club.

jews did everything or islam or satan or something, anything except the truth.

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b0e62a  No.11592167


Those are threads anon. each one has its own dough. Are you trying to be an ass? or really trying to learn?

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d6ca37  No.11592168


Yet there it is. defying this.

logically something is amiss.

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8d6ee7  No.11592169


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8ce65a  No.11592170

File: 03b787e2b745061⋯.png (1.44 MB, 961x642, 961:642, Screen_Shot_2020_11_08_at_….png)

File: a53f2066c9de841⋯.png (605.06 KB, 716x541, 716:541, Screen_Shot_2020_11_08_at_….png)


the niggers like it, and so does DaYVe!

get it, cuz barrack ain't black….

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bc8bb9  No.11592171

File: cbf2c197a4e758c⋯.png (784.45 KB, 640x478, 320:239, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d9887  No.11592172


>New Balance

these shoes are great, and i don't say it because the boss supports trump!

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3c16e7  No.11592173

File: 456ad6f825056f2⋯.png (71.78 KB, 1163x787, 1163:787, ClipboardImage.png)

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b83183  No.11592174

File: d7037f700b96a51⋯.png (540.12 KB, 767x402, 767:402, pelosi_dominion_vote_fraud.PNG)

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60c1e6  No.11592175

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703b6c  No.11592176

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🔴 LIVE: PRESIDENT TRUMP Participates in a National Veterans Day Observance


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5f7944  No.11592177

File: 722126dae17a771⋯.jpg (46.25 KB, 847x490, 121:70, 1226.jpg)

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308fb9  No.11592178

File: f98e68f842dff9e⋯.png (470.83 KB, 791x716, 791:716, 11_08_22_44_42.png)


Bullshit, with 83% reporting, POTUS leads with over 300k votes. As time goes on and outlying (rural votes) come in later his lead only increases.

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6cb64e  No.11592179

File: eb328161c6f5e9e⋯.png (169.76 KB, 472x420, 118:105, ClipboardImage.png)


Anon, It is an empirical fact that you need a solid barrier to separate gas from vacuum. The alternative has not been proven.

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8d231d  No.11592180

File: 5befb370ef37253⋯.png (41.28 KB, 378x464, 189:232, Qrope.PNG)


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475ee9  No.11592181


That does seem crucially important.

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a5c300  No.11592182



Add a day and you get (OMG)


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ad1bee  No.11592183

Two Checkpoints Attempted to tell Me the Parasde was Canceled

I asked: "By Who? God?"

Was ask for Id to Prove was a Vet

Gave Service Number and MSOID

Said: "I have a sacred Duty to Preform, I'm Going to park over there and Do it."

They was Mad, But didn't call Police on me.

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2fda8a  No.11592184


I have this as a magnet on my fridge.



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dd9d5f  No.11592185


Hi IQ post

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e23810  No.11592186

Anons I really think it’s all but over. They have everything, all evidence.

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8d6ee7  No.11592187


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0bf134  No.11592188

File: 7070253e5115627⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1200x785, 240:157, Witnesses.png)


RudyG taking down the Mafia was just a training mission for the real take down that is habbenin.

This is End Game for our generation. We are witnesses.

Whoever wins decides fate of the world.

[They] win, the world gets The Great Tribulation and the satanic manifestation of the Son of Perdition.

Righteous Patriots win, the world gets a Global Spiritual Awakening and a Golden Age of Civilization that lasts for generations.

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0e5089  No.11592189

File: 19a9e13612b85e2⋯.jpeg (216.14 KB, 1172x425, 1172:425, 2C6A9CD4_FFEF_438E_980C_A….jpeg)

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7a90b1  No.11592190


Right on the border of the Ghetto, also near Laurel hill cemetary…two areas of high voter participation

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71700c  No.11592191

File: e36bf46a1e75555⋯.jpg (86.32 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, GeneralMattis.jpg)






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cd1232  No.11592192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.








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74a132  No.11592193

File: 0d9b7e2fa94ab5a⋯.png (1.02 MB, 837x855, 93:95, ClipboardImage.png)


LIVE: #VeteransDay wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at @ArlingtonNatl Cemetery.



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2ccd0c  No.11592194


So why is Trump ramping up efforts to go to the Moon and Mars?

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3b44ab  No.11592195


How do you think Travis/Sommers/Rothschild…blue checkmark reees will spin the habbening when it habbens? Or will they just disappear?

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b3ecde  No.11592196

File: b1509bdf0c8aad3⋯.png (138.56 KB, 775x466, 775:466, 97_3091_USAF_Dornier_C_146….PNG)

File: d187e2a959d4ad6⋯.png (290.81 KB, 567x321, 189:107, Somalia.PNG)

97-3091 USAF Dornier C-146A departing Addis Ababa, Ethiopia after a ground stop-looks like it came in from Mogadishu, Somalia

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b10141  No.11592197


One off the biggest frauds perpetrated on humanity.

Why is there no true picture of the earth from space, besides composite CGI?

Why has so much time and effort been placed on UFO, aliens, outer space etc.?

What is out there?

What is REALLY out there?

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4b491a  No.11592198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Live now but may want to "rewind" so you can watch from start

Georgia Secretary of State Delivers Election Update | LIVE | NowThis

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d0bf14  No.11592199


When we get a little further up the road,

the Dims will have wished that the map really DID look like this.

In the end, Sleepy Joe will be lucky to have enough Blue to color his balls.

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620e6e  No.11592200


My first thought was when Q said "they thought it was coming yesterday. They were wrong".

Could something be coming tomorrow?

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05826a  No.11592201


You said you had something comparable to https://saturndeathcult.com/

Those threads are not coherent. You were the ass for claiming your info was arranged.

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b83183  No.11592202

File: e54d281b22056d5⋯.png (771.85 KB, 767x449, 767:449, biden_vote_fraud.PNG)

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fc2c03  No.11592203

File: f922d09fc973394⋯.png (63.96 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, georgia_flag.png)

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d4fc50  No.11592204

File: 7304fd1e8c7e828⋯.png (744.11 KB, 490x733, 490:733, Screen_Shot_2020_11_07_at_….png)



YOU are faggot

and your side lost the election, QFS quantitative Ballot marks, on blockchain, suck my asshole

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a5884b  No.11592205

File: 09b6b3f6a5749bf⋯.jpg (41.15 KB, 882x496, 441:248, Capture.JPG)

Friend who bought rifle used by Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse faces felony charges

A 19-year-old man has been charged with illegally supplying the assault-style rifle that Illinois teen Kyle Rittenhouse used to kill two Black Lives Matter protesters during a chaotic night of demonstrations in Wisconsin.

Dominick Black, who appeared in court Monday, bought the weapon for his friend last summer and falsely indicated in signed paperwork that he was buying it for himself, according to records obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Black reportedly kept the Smith & Wesson M&P 15 rifle at his stepfather’s home in Kenosha, the small southern Wisconsin city where protests erupted in late August over the police shooting of unarmed Black man Jacob Blake.

Just two days after the Aug. 23 shooting, which left Blake paralyzed from the waist down, Black asked his 17-year-old pal to help him guard a business in downtown Kenosha amid clashes between police and demonstrators, authorities said.


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8d6ee7  No.11592206


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b323be  No.11592207


Well, that'll make you want to vomit.

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87d627  No.11592208


Fking Reeeeeee

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07afbe  No.11592209

File: 6843fb558fe9171⋯.jpg (9.45 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 50_cal_checked.jpg)


Ames Iowa


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8d6ee7  No.11592210


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76ba3f  No.11592211

File: a0a82cae9d755f4⋯.jpg (61.1 KB, 710x548, 355:274, cv19symptoms.jpg)


Anons, please some ShoopAnon update this list?

We want everyone to have the FULL PICTURE of just how 99.9% survivable this deadly virus is.



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1b2c92  No.11592212


Same story as with Hillary. I think Merkels mobile phone wasn't hacked, she left the door open. Intentionally. Germananon

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6cb64e  No.11592213

File: e04d8163f2662fe⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1920x1024, 15:8, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ec7e2dcdd0f216f⋯.png (512.39 KB, 720x794, 360:397, ClipboardImage.png)

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c7ef68  No.11592215


Putting pressure on the bag men.

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bc8bb9  No.11592216


Will have to revisit. Was too busy being a goth skater surferfag.

Reminds me of psychedelic furs.

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29845d  No.11592217

POTUS has brought peace. The adversary will bring back war. We choose Trump. See it through for the sake of our Veterans, for freedom.

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90529f  No.11592218


fuck her in the potty

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3b44ab  No.11592219


wholly begeezuzzzz

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8d6ee7  No.11592220


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e38ae8  No.11592221

Looks like FE'ers are coming back to the board again.

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18a974  No.11592222

NY Mayor DeBlasio daughter says on camera

" Biden was able to STEAL …. um , wait no win , thats a win…"

Angela Stanton King


US House candidate - Ga. dist 5

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7a18bd  No.11592223


[Maynard C.] Krebs?

Disinfo is necessary

It's Maynard G. Krebs

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b323be  No.11592224

File: dfb6da9e7119901⋯.gif (2.21 MB, 480x202, 240:101, Thor_Yes.gif)

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b9c132  No.11592225

File: 827ade944397918⋯.png (231.68 KB, 1439x1355, 1439:1355, Capture_2020_11_09_16_59_1….png)


It also doesn't matter if they already threw out Trump ballots. BUT it DOES matter if you can prove different ballots had different standards of "approval". If the ballots aren't equal in following laws of the state THEN we have a case.

These recounts should not be about overturning the actual ccount but proving that different counties/polling locations/types of ballots had different standards.

This is the argument that won at the SCOTUS for Bush v Gore. Equal Protection Clause, 14th Amendment.

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74a132  No.11592226

File: fb7b3d2ad139e31⋯.jpg (507.84 KB, 1392x1161, 464:387, fb7b3d2ad139e315dfc3fd6691….jpg)


Panic much?

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56d276  No.11592228



meant today is 1111 days from first q drop and date is 11-11

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8a7918  No.11592229

File: 108506343b583fa⋯.jpeg (111.45 KB, 1440x870, 48:29, 1531005781.jpeg)

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475ee9  No.11592230


There's only one pagan religion, Mystery Babylon, started 4500 years ago in Babel with the Tower of Babel Project.

Project is ongoing.

Pagan mythos changed to suit the natives, but always along the same Mother Son theme.

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8d6ee7  No.11592231



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78fab9  No.11592232


oh ur looking for order in chaos. cant help with that. at least not atm. maybe someday i will build a thread just for you.

a coherent thread. but not today.

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b9d919  No.11592233

File: 4d82116ba15d28d⋯.png (8.58 KB, 453x97, 453:97, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5609a72ad99727b⋯.png (3.64 MB, 2219x1299, 2219:1299, ClipboardImage.png)











to be literal on the clock….and then

45 ont he clock quite noteworthy

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3ee11d  No.11592234

File: ea5994a51d73859⋯.png (650.32 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


It's the TRUFF !

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a5c300  No.11592235


Retard. No more (You)s

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8d6ee7  No.11592236


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3ed724  No.11592237

File: 1846c9418c7b00a⋯.png (534.59 KB, 1291x946, 1291:946, ytqanon1.png)

File: 7156b87f886e602⋯.png (556.88 KB, 1113x923, 1113:923, ytqanon2.png)

The latest on Youtube with search string QAnon last 24 hours.


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87485f  No.11592238


I would have willingly used her as


early this morning after Global Reporting

+10 CP posts .Jeepers !

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475ee9  No.11592239


So, brought to us by literal faggots.

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8a7918  No.11592240

File: 2d38222f0f09dfa⋯.jpg (44.6 KB, 282x323, 282:323, 20201018_071642.jpg)

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8d6ee7  No.11592241


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a95b52  No.11592242


No masks on Marines. Good to see

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eba621  No.11592243


Bruh, your pic related is cringe af.

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308fb9  No.11592244

File: ffeeae2c67954cc⋯.png (419.92 KB, 667x677, 667:677, 11_10_17_16_11.png)

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18a974  No.11592245


How many arrests of CHAZ / CHOP assholes handing out weapons to random people ?


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cd1232  No.11592246

File: 73f9c976199f9c6⋯.png (807.38 KB, 919x931, 919:931, lurkers.png)

File: 069252a6b820897⋯.png (266.85 KB, 443x405, 443:405, QU.png)

File: 9776c550bbba5c2⋯.png (177.92 KB, 671x671, 1:1, roof_korean_patch_v3.png)

File: 904dd45a67f60fe⋯.jpg (51.1 KB, 238x255, 14:15, gamma.jpg)


We don't need recounts,

we need Audits, the allegation isn't the hand count was wrong.

The allegation is fraud and illegality was used. The counters, the workers filling out ballots, ballot harvesting, post-dated.

This clown needs to go ASAP,

GAanons, what to do?

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2fda8a  No.11592247

File: 74354e66ebf455e⋯.png (527.6 KB, 850x478, 425:239, joe_biden_kamala_harris_th….png)

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a05654  No.11592248

File: 924ab491009bca4⋯.png (330.45 KB, 640x487, 640:487, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Q_me….png)

File: 39a04b1ed6df9e4⋯.png (30.79 KB, 444x527, 444:527, Screenshot_2020_11_11_Q_1_.png)

File: 7d2a97ba04f9fd7⋯.png (309.86 KB, 1903x2092, 1903:2092, Screenshot_2020_11_11_17_C….png)

File: 4137f0281e5a03f⋯.png (381.83 KB, 1903x2092, 1903:2092, Screenshot_2020_11_11_17_C….png)

Q Clearance Patriot

On POTUS’ order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4). Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted.

17 CFR § 11.3 - Confidentiality of investigations.

§ 11.3 Confidentiality of investigations.

All information and documents obtained during the course of an investigation, whether or not obtained pursuant to subpoena, and all investigative proceedings shall be treated as non-public by the Commission and its staff except to the extent that (a) the Commission directs or authorizes the public disclosure of the investigation; (b) the information or documents are made a matter of public record during the course of an adjudicatory proceeding; or (c) disclosure is required by the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552, and the rules adopted by the Commission thereunder, 17 CFR part 145. Procedures by which persons submitting information to the Commission during the course of an investigation may specifically seek confidential treatment of information for purposes of Freedom of Information Act disclosure are set forth in 17 CFR 145.9. A request for confidential treatment of information for purposes of the Freedom of Information Act shall not, however, prevent disclosure for law enforcement purposes or when disclosure is otherwise found appropriate in the public interest and permitted by law.


17 CFR § 11.4 - Subpoenas.

§ 11.4 Subpoenas.

(a) Issuance of subpoenas. The Commission or any member of the Commission or of its staff who, by order of the Commission, has been authorized to issue subpoenas in the course of a particular investigation may issue a subpoena directing the person named therein to appear before a designated person at a specified time and place to testify or to produce documentary evidence, or both, relating to any matter under investigation.

(b) Authorization to issue subpoenas. An order of the Commission authorizing one or more members of the Commission or of its staff to issue subpoenas in the course of a particular investigation shall include:

(1) A general description of the scope of the investigation;

(2) The authority under which the investigation is being conducted; and

(3) A designation of the members of the Commission or of its staff authorized by the Commission to issue subpoenas.

(c) Service. Service of subpoenas issued for investigative purposes shall be effected in the following manner:

(1) Service upon a natural person. Delivery of a copy of a subpoena to a natural person may be effected by

(i) Handing it to the person;

(ii) Leaving it at his office with the person in charge thereof or, if there is no one in charge, by leaving it in a conspicuous place therein;

(iii) Leaving it at his dwelling place or usual place of abode with some person of suitable age and discretion then residing therein;


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8d6ee7  No.11592249



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76e2b2  No.11592250


oh i don't

two times i have lived by people who went to psychiatrists

the local "mental health" agency hands out more drugs than the dealer down the street

one guy ended up just as dead as if he had been on street drugs

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b6cd3c  No.11592251


I feel so sorry for you, my friend. First of all, you

have the idiocy to think you can control my own

THINKING. Then you presume to control my

faith, which arises from a thinking MIND, and

a worshipping SOUL. But the saddest part of

all, is that you, little man, think you can control

the God Who holds your very next breath in

His hands–yet Who has loved you enough to

give up His own Son, to DIE for the very sin

you commit in DENYING Him. Please change

your mind (the very meaning of the word

'Repent' in the Bible) before it is eternally

too late for you.

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a8688e  No.11592252

File: 4db62c9955e355d⋯.png (210.88 KB, 288x319, 288:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8c0d38c9c15d585⋯.png (503.94 KB, 428x525, 428:525, ClipboardImage.png)

Are Al Schmidt and Eric Schmidt related?

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48f6d1  No.11592253

File: 8ff6ae7c14a8db6⋯.png (718.71 KB, 1080x584, 135:73, Screenshot_20201111_072448….png)


Republicans are already identifying our enemies.

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891e05  No.11592254


Better than CP - I am hesitant scrolling down on a live bread. I can handle anything but that.

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3a0853  No.11592255


You, my friend, fuckin nailed it


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cd1232  No.11592256

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8a7918  No.11592257

File: 07868f8cd6e5572⋯.png (374.52 KB, 1080x672, 45:28, Memeto_1604840837330.png)

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87d627  No.11592258



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a5884b  No.11592259

File: 32f27c20add70c5⋯.jpg (68.04 KB, 884x502, 442:251, Capture.JPG)

Notice how they say passing by their house..AS if they were just out for a Sunday stroll

McCloskeys sue UPI, photographer over iconic image confronting protesters

ST. LOUIS — Mark and Patricia McCloskey, the gun-toting couple who gained recognition after confronting protesters passing by their home in the Central West End, have sued a United Press International photographer and the wire service, alleging a photo that has risen to international prominence was taken on their property.

In a lawsuit filed Friday in St. Louis Circuit Court, the McCloskeys accuse UPI photographer Bill Greenblatt of trespassing to capture one of the most iconic images of the confrontation between the McCloskeys and protesters on their way to Mayor Lyda Krewson’s house.


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8d6ee7  No.11592260


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e03567  No.11592261

File: 86d32014681c186⋯.png (298.71 KB, 1754x1074, 877:537, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)


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2eceb7  No.11592262

Anons, is it possible to analyse the Dominion software with GHIDRA?

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38de3c  No.11592263


>Warren Flood is tight with Barry and Biden


'Special Projects'

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35a8e8  No.11592264

File: da29e0e8fe3247f⋯.png (242.09 KB, 563x609, 563:609, ClipboardImage.png)


flynn talking about dominion software

kind anon embed plz

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30ccac  No.11592265

>>11591554 (PB)

You again. Nooooooooooo. I will continue to denounce this man. Deep Church

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3e5ea7  No.11592266


I'll take it over g0re/pr0nfag

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8d6ee7  No.11592267


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7449ed  No.11592268

File: e7ce5b9aafcf5ab⋯.png (472.6 KB, 2040x1596, 170:133, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)



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7dcf28  No.11592269

File: be177cddda770f5⋯.png (593.37 KB, 510x510, 1:1, 1a9098d67a81f66dbdcb91f426….png)

It's a clear win, our enemy tried so hard but it's a clear win for Trump.

Thecontextof the newscycle/enemy is thus: Justify Legitimacy.

Like many moves before this, we gain the tactical insight of how our enemy cheats The worlds eyes are on Americas Election, and you know what Sunlight does~

We must remember, we have been told of what major events will unfold; We may situate ourselves well for their occurrence.

ObamaGate - VoterID - Crimes Against Humanity/Children - China's 80+ Million reserve of Mail In Ballots - China's Weaponized Bioweapon - The chained detonation of exposures waiting in various legal Discoveries…

Be ready. You know what we're being shown by MOCKINGBIRD is a distraction. FULL STEAM AHEAD.

Transparency is the only way forward re: public opinion.

Prosecution is the only way forward re: save & defend the rule of law.

Prosecution and Transparency is the only way to save our way of life.


This route curiously disarms their planned election day chaos, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

Maybe their hyped plan would be hyped and focused for no good reasons and I'm even less sure our enemy is ObamaGate level caught.

How many moves ahead are you behind, sweeties?


”BREAKING: Attorney General William "HoneyBadgerDoesNotGiveAFuck" Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified. (Per AP)” - @jennfranconews



#Developing: The #DominionVotingSystems that "glitched" in favor of Joe Biden (and was used in 29 states), partnered up with Clinton Global Initiative and had on staff former employees of both Clinton Growth Initiative and Clinton Cash Cow TENEO.

Full report on @OANN



repeat relay repeat relay repeat repeat relay


The ground is fertile for VOTER ID

repeat relay repeat relay repeat repeat relay

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74a132  No.11592270

File: 05e64ef5287919a⋯.png (47.57 KB, 837x341, 27:11, ClipboardImage.png)


Too bad we dont have the dominion source code to review. These types of things should be open source so everybody can poke through it.

Why do we have black box elections?


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2a5d2c  No.11592271


If we had the source binaries

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da8f35  No.11592272

File: 6fbd7f5df5c6c40⋯.png (78.04 KB, 444x620, 111:155, screenshot_2020_11_11_at_9….png)

File: 883f11d190ef30f⋯.png (233.66 KB, 899x1088, 899:1088, screenshot_2020_11_11_at_1….png)


* Gowdy formally joins Trump Campaign Legal Team // https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/465122-trey-gowdy-joins-trumps-legal-team


* Watnick Moved into https://www.defense.gov/Our-Story/Biographies/Biography/Article/2297081/ezra-cohen-watnick/

n April 2018, he rejoined the Trump administration in the Department of Justice, advising Attorney General Sessions on counterterrorism and counterintelligence

Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick became Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security on Nov. 10, 2020

Additionally, Mr. Cohen was the United States Government’s strategic level policy coordinator for all intelligence programs and sensitive activities, including covert action, human intelligence, counterintelligence, electronic surveillance, information operations, special reconnaissance, and intelligence sharing.



"He's being replaced on an acting basis by Ezra Cohen-Watnick, who gained notoriety in March 2017 for his alleged involvement with Ellis in providing intelligence materials to Nunes, who went on to claim that US intelligence officials improperly surveilled Trump associates."

Is Ezra being alligned to replace Tate? What happens when he controls the Military?


Ezra leads DECLAS?



Brennan is shitting himself SPECIFICALLY OVER DECLASS


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18a974  No.11592273



Mail in ballots were not required to match signatures while in person voters were held to a much tighter security standard

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b323be  No.11592274

File: 27841d7c19f3979⋯.png (339.79 KB, 1088x765, 64:45, Election_2020_Q_Thread_Sto….png)

File: f3bd077fc58d091⋯.png (166.76 KB, 423x277, 423:277, We_the_People_Have_Had_Eno….png)

File: 9639360daa7d239⋯.jpg (36.4 KB, 1002x1002, 1:1, We_the_People_Are_Pissed.jpg)

MI Court Challenge Today: 4pm EDT

David Kallman of Great Lakes Justice Center on Bannon's show in 10am hour

Lansing, Michigan – As first reported by Steve Gruber on the Steve Gruber Radio Show, the Great Lakes Justice Center (GLJC) filed an action in Wayne County Circuit Court alleging massive fraud in the election vote-counting procedures. The suit states Wayne County election officials allowed illegal, unlawful, and fraudulent processing of votes cast in last Tuesday’s election. Numerous witnesses have filed sworn affidavits under oath attesting to the fraudulent activities they observed directly. These acts disenfranchised lawful voters and potentially changed the outcome of the election. The various acts of fraud are itemized in the Complaint.

A copy of the Complaint can be found at https://greatlakesjc.org/cases/costantino_v_detroit/ and alleges:

Violation of Plaintiffs’ Constitutional right to Election Accuracy and Integrity.

Violation of Plaintiffs’ Quo Warranto right to a fraud-free Election.

Violation of Plaintiffs’ Constitutional Equal Protection Rights.

Violation of Statutory Election Laws.

Plaintiffs’ Complaint alleges many illegal and fraudulent actions by Defendants. For example:

Ballots were counted even though the voter’s name did not appear in the official voter rolls.

Election workers were ordered to not verify voters’ signatures on absentee ballots, to backdate absentee ballots, and to process such ballots regardless of their validity.

Election workers processed ballots that appeared after the election deadline and falsely reported that those ballots had been received prior to November 3, 2020 deadline.

Defendants used false information to process ballots, such as using incorrect or false birthdays. Many times, the election workers inserted new names into the QVF and recorded these new voters as having a birthdate of 1/1/1900.

Defendants coached voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. Election workers would go to the voting booths with voters to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote.

Unsecured ballots arrived at the TCF Center loading garage, not in sealed ballot boxes, without any chain of custody, and without envelopes.

Defendants refused to record challenges to their processes and removed challengers from the site if they politely voiced a challenge.

David A. Kallman, Senior Counsel with the GLJC, stated, “This type of widespread fraud in the counting and processing of voter ballots cannot be allowed to stand. Michigan citizens are entitled to know that their elections are conducted in a fair and legal manner and that every legal vote is properly counted. Such rampant fraud cannot be undone. We ask the Court to enjoin the certification of this fraudulent election, void the election, and order a new vote in Wayne County.”



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763c88  No.11592275


I assume you just happen to have a copy of the Dominion software laying around?

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87485f  No.11592276

>>11592209  Go Cyclones !

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0e5089  No.11592277


Watch the Water


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909586  No.11592278

File: a21a496b52705ec⋯.png (79.32 KB, 374x346, 187:173, 5678676789780989.png)

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8d6ee7  No.11592280


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3ed724  No.11592281


Looks like they're firing up their gaming consoles for an all hands on deck meeting (Meeting for All)

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78cfc6  No.11592282


that is AS to her left…..what justice is the right?

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2ccd0c  No.11592283


Would be pretty nuts if it reach Earth.

I assume Mars was close to cause arcs here.

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e38ae8  No.11592284

Still happy this East Texas boy is in control up there! KEK!


>>>11591175 ODNI: No National Security Info for Biden Until Win Confirmed

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6809f0  No.11592285


it's a shill 'tang

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a3c5d7  No.11592286

File: 690fe2ef3db3965⋯.jpg (151.74 KB, 1083x638, 1083:638, 690fe2ef3db3965b3a86a34649….jpg)

>>11592233 ← Dub Dubz chekt

I can't follow more than a couple lines on any given clock, but we love our clockfags anyway.

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8d6ee7  No.11592287


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2c3525  No.11592288



This is the mission. Who has it.

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71700c  No.11592289

File: c13ccca153aae09⋯.png (620.42 KB, 2272x1207, 32:17, POTUSGENMATTIS.png)






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dfc308  No.11592290


masonic dubs chek'd

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f68de6  No.11592291



Andrew Eldritch cried about how much he hates Trump, and the Sisters wrote a song titled "Adrenochrome".

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1b4beb  No.11592292


Will unplugging tech from power source save the circuit boards from frying like bacon? My guess is Noooo!

But, let’s see what happens…

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aac38d  No.11592293

File: 1ea27179e57f528⋯.jpg (48.53 KB, 793x488, 13:8, deblasiocommie.jpg)

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8d6ee7  No.11592294


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a5884b  No.11592295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Uber rare performance at the DTE Energy Music Theatre, Clarkston (Nr. Detroit, MI) – 9 September 2014 on the ‘Let Rock Rule’ tour.

Long ago in days untold

Were ruled by Lords of greed

Maidens fared with gold

They dared to bare their wombs that bleed

Kings and queens and guillotines

Taking lives denied

Starch and parchment laid the laws

When bishops took the ride

Only to deceive

Oh I know I lived this life afore

Somehow know now truths I must be sure

Tossing turning nightmares burning dreams of swords in hand

Sailing ships the Viking spits the blood of father's land

Only to deceive

AEROSMITH - Kings And Queens (Live)

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e4751d  No.11592296

>>11590325 PB Notable

> The DNC needs Antifa to go away so they're doxxing them!!!


Let this be a warning for you clowns, msm and shills

This is what the people you are fighting for do, they lie to you and once you are no longer of value to them they will throw you under the bus or if you happen to know enough to cause damage to them you have an accident and go away. This is what dictators do, they promise you roses, everything for free, promises to rid society of those on the other side so you can all live in their fake version of a garden of eden, they USE people! But once they get what they want or if things go bad, they will always put and protect themselves first and you are just disposable. Wake up!

We fight for Freedom, we fight for Love for each other, WWG1WGA means ALL. We fight for the power of the people rule the country, not the establishment. Stealing an election will come back to destroy everyone, there will be no winners and losers for the people, only for those at the top. And once in complete control some years down the road, when they come for me, they'll come for you too, if they win, even you are not safe.

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66c1ed  No.11592297

File: ee4ac45c25aa481⋯.png (357 KB, 458x604, 229:302, ClipboardImage.png)



MTG = Meeting ?


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3ed724  No.11592298


Anybody that would deliver illegal votes to an Election count center in a Biden Van is really that stupid anon.

>Are they really that stupid to build cheat options into the voting software gui?

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8d6ee7  No.11592299


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c82826  No.11592300

Notables are NOT endorsements


>>11591650 Gab post says Hannity was supposed to have Dominion IT lady on last night, but canceled at last minute.

>>11591668 Reminder: Richard Jewel’s attorney was none other than Lin Wood.

>>11591729 Dominion, Smartmatic, Sequoia, it's all becoming a curiously related blur:

>>11591741, >>11591789 General Flynn's Father In-Law Franklin Andrews

>>11591792 GA SOS to hold presser shortly

>>11591805, >>11592135 @CodeMonkeyZ: Trying to figure out what a split rotation is and why you would want to enforce a maximum deviation on it.

>>11591839, >>11592030 More CM. What are the odds Microsoft is 'helping' out with the election in Detroit? Warren Flood is tight with Barry and Biden

>>11591855, >>>11589906 (PB) vote fraud bundle

>>11591867 WHITE HOUSE LIVE: President Trump and The First Lady Participate in a National Veterans Day Observance

>>11591934 Beau Biden Foundation for protection of children; Partner with darktolight.org

>>11591938, >>11592007 Candidate Name Rotations?

>>11591961 not sure if it's the same warehouse from whence the laptop and memory sticks were stolen

>>11592156 Too bad we dont have the dominion source code to review. These types of things should be open source so everybody can poke through it. Why do we have black box elections?

>>11592193 @DeptofDefense LIVE: #VeteransDay wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at @ArlingtonNatl Cemetery.

>>11592223 It's Maynard G. Krebs, not [Maynard C.]

>>11592264 flynn talking about dominion software – kind anon embed plz


bring it forward

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480123  No.11592301

File: 7f1dc298a3b1c79⋯.jpg (8.09 KB, 281x179, 281:179, entertained.jpg)

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8d6ee7  No.11592302


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74a132  No.11592303

File: e99d6de3f66867a⋯.png (129.26 KB, 618x618, 1:1, 5f738c7d22764.png)

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87d627  No.11592304

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e57b0a  No.11592305


It's time to scrap the rolls nationwide and start from scratch. I'd be happy to re-register. No more dead people, cats, dogs, or exotic pets. Completely updated addresses, etc. Do it every two years. Period… Those who claim that this disenfranchises people should be laughed at, ridiculed, and ignored.

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308fb9  No.11592306


Yes, Bullshit. Your map is garbage. Trump is a landslide victory in Georgia. So somehow in the heart of the South, Georgia is going to go Biden? Not in 1000 years buddy.

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71700c  No.11592307

File: 139a5451ba1afe2⋯.jpg (5.67 KB, 230x219, 230:219, images.jpg)



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8d6ee7  No.11592309


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2a5d2c  No.11592310



See >>11591015 (lb)

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48f6d1  No.11592311



MAGA Patriots already flushed you down the toilets, 29 comments…lol

Try harder..

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0980d1  No.11592312

Facts matter: call to arms self check ballots cast?


Due to the news about people in nursing homes voting, the Dead voting and MaidenGate:

can we make memes and calls to arms in order for the normies to start checking themselves if their dead loved ones or their maiden name or they themselves on old addresses have checked?

I wudnt know how to make a meme like that (EU anon) but @someBitchIKnow on twat gave a nice instruction (on her website).

Can we start nudging the normies to start checking themselves and flood the web with their screenshots and file complaints?

People are lazy, we need to explain what to do in memes and start sending them (am suspended myself, can only help on GAB)

What do you say, anons?

Proofs matter… and memes make it past their censorship.

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59c989  No.11592313

File: 9f8272032b8f0f9⋯.png (272.81 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 4C1534B3_BFF9_41D4_8DB3_50….png)


The odds are strong. CISA is specifically monitoring a Windows vulnerability in accessing online voting networks.

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38de3c  No.11592314


> selecting 'rotate votes' on the screen

It doesn't say rotate votes.

And don't be stupid.

They are not going to put their 'cheat' on a main config screen.

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475ee9  No.11592316



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aed617  No.11592317

File: 154ac62de22f531⋯.jpg (37.56 KB, 398x352, 199:176, Eagle.jpg)

We love you, Veterans.

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5e05c7  No.11592318

File: 10fcfd7e238b0ea⋯.png (203.9 KB, 259x395, 259:395, cool_bro.png)


fuck you globil notables

and fuck your gerbil-style OSS crew of bakers

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8ce65a  No.11592320

File: 557df2b3f9b1cb4⋯.png (650.34 KB, 853x501, 853:501, Screen_Shot_2020_11_11_at_….png)


>at ease

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a35389  No.11592321

File: 2f336eaa94a9ffe⋯.png (380.83 KB, 591x468, 197:156, Capture.PNG)

File: d430e665083716d⋯.mp4 (2.42 MB, 768x432, 16:9, dominion.mp4)

They got Democrat and Dominion whistleblowers…


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0e5089  No.11592322


In 4 minutes it will be 11:11 am

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81758c  No.11592324

11:11, 11/11/2020 ETA 4 MINUTES


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3dde49  No.11592325


And you want it?

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8d6ee7  No.11592326



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a849eb  No.11592327


Not that I could find. Frank A Andrews was an instructor at Naval Academy during the Athens battle.

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aed617  No.11592329

File: cf1ef323ebce31e⋯.jpg (20.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Triggered.jpg)

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3ed724  No.11592330


Bingo - We've got a hit on something. Shills are trying to knock it down.

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b75231  No.11592331

File: 91b215cd8ad9bc2⋯.png (70.11 KB, 500x383, 500:383, protect_the_vote_1.png)


>the biggest scandal in US history

ROFL that drop is outdated; it hints to an old scandal (from the 2016 elections).

And yes- it went widely unpunished (but one indictment - some lawyer altering an email).


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81758c  No.11592333



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90529f  No.11592334




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0e5089  No.11592335


Fuckin hive-o-Rama

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b1096d  No.11592336

File: 2fe348987510a44⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1782x1504, 891:752, KillaryCommsiranOffersMafi….png)

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8d6ee7  No.11592337


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e87e93  No.11592339

File: 85b300115405f94⋯.jpeg (419.84 KB, 1241x2183, 1241:2183, 06797CA0_30ED_4FD9_8E9B_3….jpeg)

Anon posts 50% chance Flynn heads CIA, take it anyway you like


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8d6ee7  No.11592340


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ff3cc4  No.11592341


Internals of dominion

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dfc308  No.11592342


>Will unplugging tech from power source save the circuit boards from frying like bacon?

No. EMFs induce current in conductors (circiut boards)

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0e5089  No.11592343


Checked back,

It’s habbenin

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b277d4  No.11592344



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71700c  No.11592345

File: d7a26b75f3c4dd7⋯.png (1.4 MB, 999x1285, 999:1285, GENERAL_MATTIS.png)





General Mattis is standing next to POTUS Trump on Nov 11, 2020

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b323be  No.11592346


GHIDRA and/or Palantir?

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81758c  No.11592347


oh fug


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475ee9  No.11592348

File: 04b193411fa123f⋯.png (207.78 KB, 866x560, 433:280, ClipboardImage.png)


Travel Agency? wtf?

Categorized under Travel Agencies. Our records show it was established in 2014 and incorporated in FL. Current estimates show this company has an annual revenue of 269533 and employs a staff of approximately 2.


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cfda20  No.11592349


I miss watching Jesse, too.

But, until he leaves Fox not gonna happen.

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b3ecde  No.11592350

File: fa0c45e8e4892af⋯.png (586.69 KB, 617x611, 617:611, KYS_finger.PNG)

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14558b  No.11592351

File: 10274297ae1c5b7⋯.jpeg (185.8 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, EEF6BBC1_F487_406D_BA8F_0….jpeg)



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909586  No.11592352


Why's it have to be EST you bigot?

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38de3c  No.11592353


>CISA is specifically monitoring a Windows vulnerability

It isn't a stretch to think Microsoft's community outreach guy would have some computers 'donated' to the city of Detroit for the election.

And that those computers have an exploit pre-positioned to allow for remote logon.

Then even the local election staff would have no idea the hack is occuring.

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d20ab0  No.11592354

File: 2befc3c6c524393⋯.jpg (261.49 KB, 720x720, 1:1, flat_earth_starter_kit.jpg)

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763c88  No.11592355


The problem is that there are multiple versions of the software. Would need to know which version each state is running.


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8d6ee7  No.11592356



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0d6e51  No.11592357



Authorities who provided quarter, shelter, and supplies to insurrectionists and revolutionaries like antifa and blm are traitors and seditionists of the first order.

The demonrat party is a communist usurping evil – and those pushing this evil must be brought to justice.

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308fb9  No.11592358


This map is garbage. There is no way in the heart of the South that a Satanist is going to take Georgia. You ever heard of the Bible Belt?

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35a8e8  No.11592359

File: 6a24057885c495d⋯.png (35.12 KB, 604x250, 302:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 89eaa31d29e1fc9⋯.png (126.4 KB, 832x692, 208:173, ClipboardImage.png)


just checking

south africa

high equity funds


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74a132  No.11592360

File: d0cc34e70a558b2⋯.png (197.04 KB, 1191x847, 1191:847, RED_Wave_or_RED_TSUNAMI.png)

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3ed724  No.11592361


If General Flynn is going to the CIA, he's going there with a suitcase of Hammers, saws, blowtorches and a wrecking ball to break it in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.

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29845d  No.11592362

and Gen.Dunford USMC >>11592345

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3a0853  No.11592363


I thought the same thing after seeing the coverage through like Thursday.

"Why not just scrap the whole thing and do a re-vote?

They couldn't do the same thing twice in a row

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b9d919  No.11592364


The clock is outrageous once you start following…

Z on twatter is m'uh hero….super detailed.

Cowboy on twatter makes it all very digestable…small bites.

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0e5089  No.11592365


DC time

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3cd1e4  No.11592366

I heard there was a ‘wild card’ program also being used on Dominion machines. Something like joker, jester, harlequin, fool? I think it uses python. I am not a computer person but there are some software companies and programs with those names. Some is open source I think. For what it’s worth.

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ce2ffa  No.11592367


Even the shills can't believe the stupid.


Hope the checks bounce.

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8d6ee7  No.11592368


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a35389  No.11592369

File: 527b0315d20caa1⋯.png (659.46 KB, 550x426, 275:213, Capture.PNG)

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366a5a  No.11592370


chek't, but anon is CDT

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d20ab0  No.11592371

File: df70a95b4d3c51b⋯.png (413.78 KB, 508x602, 254:301, Trumpington_MAGA_crp.png)

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78cfc6  No.11592372



Bath House Barry's Detroit Chapter.

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c47d01  No.11592373

File: 648ad41a27bb3fd⋯.png (94.14 KB, 214x255, 214:255, ClipboardImage.png)



Earth's atmosphere is made up of GASES that have Mass. They have Weight according to their mass and Earth's gravitational "pull".

Why don't (we) just fly off into the vacuum of space?

Now go discuss just what Gravity is.

But there's something that keeps my arse on the ground.

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8d6ee7  No.11592374


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87d627  No.11592375

Fix our Republic!

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8291cb  No.11592376

11:11:11 11-11-2020

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e050a3  No.11592377

File: d567366be917677⋯.jpg (78.96 KB, 750x499, 750:499, 5x5Biblical.jpg)

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fd1b03  No.11592378

File: 62254a08f42fae2⋯.png (70.11 KB, 256x213, 256:213, 2019_01_28_02_09_45QQ.png)


>General Mattis is standing next to POTUS Trump on Nov 11, 2020

Should the deep state and their partners the fake news media be worried?

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b1096d  No.11592379

File: 4c4ff69575e9aa3⋯.png (194.47 KB, 600x842, 300:421, pepeClock5_25.png)

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dfc308  No.11592380


dub czech'n trips chek'd

it's a habbenin' now bois

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81758c  No.11592381


This. It's the time I'd expect POTUS and team to be operating on.

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891e05  No.11592382

File: 823fd3f00afc238⋯.jpg (16.57 KB, 235x214, 235:214, 8cb0956e69bcbcaf1011cd43a5….jpg)


Something BIG is about to drop in one hour. 11:11 on 11/11

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183556  No.11592383


I hope he has evidence that places Biden in the middle of this voter fraud. I won't hold my breath on it though.

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909586  No.11592384

File: be3acb0edd911e9⋯.jpg (41.09 KB, 600x450, 4:3, 1594857012114.jpg)

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aac38d  No.11592385

File: 74e21f2815b412a⋯.jpg (38.46 KB, 640x467, 640:467, 3zhabhgyt.jpg)

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2c3525  No.11592387

File: d6e6aa3c8d0c765⋯.png (788.1 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, 9953C7A7_F2C4_47BD_A044_A9….png)

Is there an accurate depiction of the world conflicts from the past. I don’t trust what I have learned.

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3ed724  No.11592388


You don't get to shut down opinions. If you don't like them, ignore them.

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0e5089  No.11592389


If that’s (YOU) Mr Wood, you did plenty.

We thank (YOU)

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8d6ee7  No.11592390


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48f6d1  No.11592392




Trump may start using the military to start arresting fuckers for treason.

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3e5ea7  No.11592394

File: 8a90c1707224e5d⋯.jpg (19.33 KB, 255x245, 51:49, PepeLove.jpg)

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d20ab0  No.11592395


(((You))) don't science much.

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8ad0f8  No.11592396

File: 61256cf48462dd0⋯.jpg (257.55 KB, 1240x666, 620:333, 11_11_1.jpg)

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14558b  No.11592398

File: 543f9a8fd39b5b2⋯.jpeg (10.04 KB, 300x168, 25:14, 836E928C_F94B_40E0_8474_7….jpeg)

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b9d919  No.11592399

File: 5f1ddf3afdfa038⋯.png (212.67 KB, 474x276, 79:46, ClipboardImage.png)

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480123  No.11592400


Y'know what pisses me off about this picture? Her arrogant posture, like she's the Queen deigning to receive some obsequious subject. Barf.

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3b5272  No.11592401


We, need saucy McSaucison.

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81758c  No.11592402

File: a9b17662cedfd35⋯.jpg (70.49 KB, 931x780, 931:780, wasn_t_even_close_lol.jpg)

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29845d  No.11592403

INCONCLUSIVE results Invalid election due to nationwide widespread fraud. Trump stays president

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74a132  No.11592404


7:24AM EST 7:2→2:7=27

Q post @ 09/27/2018

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8d6ee7  No.11592405


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c82826  No.11592406

die kuchen mein liebchen


die kuchen mein liebchen


die kuchen mein liebchen


die kuchen mein liebchen


die kuchen mein liebchen


die kuchen mein liebchen


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71700c  No.11592407

File: aec189553f583fd⋯.png (63.19 KB, 665x575, 133:115, Q_2637.png)






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