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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

797d9c No.51585 [Last50 Posts]

07OCT23 to 09OCT23


Re-Posts of notables

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Post last edited at

797d9c No.96791

File: c99e7de00081a7a⋯.jpg (136.46 KB,468x564,39:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9a936143d73e0ae⋯.jpg (132.55 KB,472x653,472:653,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686412 (071628ZOCT23) Notable: Recap of 11 Q-posts mentioning Rothschild

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11 Q posts with 'Rothschild' included

Not 10 as stated in the post 1.



Who did Nicky Hilton (sister of Paris) marry?

James Rothschild.




How does LDR (Rothschild's) connect to the Bronfman's?

Find the bridge.

Think Company.

How is Bronfman connected to NXIVM?


NXIVM > Who Pleaded Guilty?


Allison Mack?


>>>>>>>>WATCH NYC

News unlocks.



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797d9c No.96792

File: c3d2e9a673b10ff⋯.png (766.37 KB,856x654,428:327,Clipboard.png)

File: 60d3916900317d0⋯.png (807.5 KB,776x410,388:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686418 (071629ZOCT23) Notable: The New Republic magazine hosting "The Stop Trump Summit" next week in NYC

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Saturday, October 7, 2023

Stop Trump Summit

3 hours ago

William Upton


NYC ‘Stop Trump Summit’ to Feature Far Leftists, Never Trumpers, and
 Robert DeNiro?

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797d9c No.96793

File: 6cc58654d95938e⋯.png (477.2 KB,588x584,147:146,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686429 (071631ZOCT23) Notable: Taliban asked Iran, Iraq & Jordan for free passage to "conquer Jerusalem"

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VisegrĂĄd 24



The Taliban have announced that they have asked Iran, Iraq and Jordan to grant them passage to Israel.

They have stated that their intent is to "conquer Jerusalem”


4:42 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96794

File: 57826f2797d6731⋯.png (21.29 KB,597x256,597:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c6098993ec82a3⋯.png (906.77 KB,906x911,906:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686439 (071634ZOCT23) Notable: A New War to try trigger WWIII after end of funding Ukraine? (related: )

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Efrat Fenigson


đŸ‡źđŸ‡± Israeli citizens in Israeli towns near Gaza Strip begging for help from Israeli Police or Army, and they’re NOT there!

6 hours after this nightmare started.

What happened to the “strongest army in the world”?

How come border crossings were wide open??

Something is VERY WRONG HERE.

10:16 PM · Oct 6, 2023




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797d9c No.96795

File: a9171830094c4c2⋯.png (1.48 MB,1068x763,1068:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686470 (071638ZOCT23) Notable: Ray McGovern & Larry Johnson Discuss Dire State Of U.S. Intel On Ukraine

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Ray McGovern And Larry Johnson Discuss

The Dire State Of U.S. Intel On Ukraine,

Explaining Why Hillary Clinton Is Crazy

Gateway Pundit, by Larry Johnson

Original Article

Posted By: FlyRight, 10/7/2023 11:48:45 AM

My apologies. There was a time in my distant past when I advocated for Hillary Clinton. Boy, was I wrong. I accept full responsibility for that lapse in judgement. Ray McGovern and I get a chance Friday to discuss some of the latest insane comments by Hillary Clinton. Here is the woman — who perfected the art of the grift and was shaking down nations around the world for “mo” money — claiming that Russia and Vladimir Putin are corrupt. This crazy lady needs to look in the mirror.

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797d9c No.96796

File: 1ea348764eb2483⋯.png (40.18 KB,765x394,765:394,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686477 (071639ZOCT23) Notable: At least $250 Mln in fraudulent unemployment monies went to inmates in federal prisons during COVID-19 relief

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In massive COVID-19 relief fraud, gangs

used millions in government aid on guns,

drugs, feds say

Chicago Sun-Times, by Frank Main

Posted By: AltaD, 10/7/2023 11:26:23 AM

When COVID-19 struck in 2020, the government quickly put together massive aid programs to help struggling businesses, along with the people who lost their jobs. But other kinds of enterprises with names like the Traveling Vice Lords and the Wild 100s — criminal street gangs in Chicago and across the country — soon figured out how to take advantage of that safety net. They defrauded those programs of millions of dollars that they used to buy guns and drugs, according to the U.S. Justice Department and court records. Incarcerated crooks were in on the act, too.The government estimates that, across the country, at least one-quarter of a billion dollars

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797d9c No.96797

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686546 (071653ZOCT23) Notable: Live Streams for Habbening in Israel/Palestine

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LIVE Multi-Cam: Views from Israel and Gaza amid ongoing fighting

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797d9c No.96798

File: 3ef90e6fe1c2d0e⋯.jpg (49.33 KB,594x395,594:395,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686548 (071653ZOCT23) Notable: A New War to try trigger WWIII after end of funding Ukraine? (related: )

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Just leaving this here to simmer:

Does anyone think that an Israeli government with near-peer capabilities with the NSA, was caught off guard by a mass mobilization of it's next door neighbor and prime surveillance target?

Surely not. Because the only rational conclusion is that Netanyahu, knowing that fully allowing a very resource constrained Hamas could only create a tiny literal impact, while creating a massive political impact; and allowing him to live out his dream of drawing in the self-created bogeyman of Iran to justify his greater goals of psychopathic industrial slaughter.

This war...brought to you by Bibi and Co.

Now what?

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797d9c No.96799

File: b557e7115bd96ea⋯.png (487.19 KB,635x529,635:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686635 (071707ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas reported to launch rockets towards Tel Aviv

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âšĄâš ïž URGENT – Air raid alarm declared in southern Israel.

Meanwhile, keep updated

Subscribe to @WW3INFO ✅

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797d9c No.96800

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686638 (071708ZOCT23) Notable: RSBN live for President Donald J. Trump Delivering Remarks Across Iowa

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023

Join RSBN's full coverage of the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump's visit to Waterloo and Cedar Rapids, Iowa where he is expected to deliver remarks to supporters at two separate locations.


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797d9c No.96801

File: f5ed27e23e7d673⋯.png (174.42 KB,592x758,296:379,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686659 (071712ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas reported to launch rockets towards Tel Aviv

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NOW - Hamas launches rockets towards Tel Aviv in Israel.


Aurora Intel

6:10 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96802

File: 56f5911705d5593⋯.png (108.63 KB,948x492,79:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 594f7920c081940⋯.png (148.58 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686671 (071714ZOCT23) Notable: Russian Satellite Luch 2 Maneuvers in GEO

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Russian Luch 2 Maneuvers in GEO

October 5, 2023

GEO operators are on high alert after a Russian craft was spotted maneuvering around in orbit, presumably to take a peek at neighboring satellites.

Slingshot Aerospace, an Austin, TX-based space situational awareness company, released data yesterday that shows that the Russian-operated Luch (Olymp) 2 satellite, which launched in March, has been approaching multiple groupings of satellites in GEO.

The most recent maneuver began Sept. 26 and sent the satellite moving at a rate of ~1°/day. The craft fired its thrusters again on Oct. 2 to slow to ~.3°/day near a cluster of unidentified sats.

It’s unusual for satellites in GEO to move around much. Usually, operators send their satellites there to maintain a position over a particular area of the Earth’s surface. Such frequent movement is a red flag to US authorities and satellite operators.

Repeating history: If this is giving you dĂ©jĂ  vu, you’re likely thinking of Luch, the predecessor to Luch 2. In 2015, that craft maneuvered between two Intelsat GEO satellites, putting company leadership in crisis mode and sparking concern within the US government about Russia’s intentions with the satellite.

The US never took its eyes off of Luch after that. Between 2014 and 2020, US intelligence reported that the satellite occupied at least 19 different positions in orbit.

The theory that Luch was being used for counterspace activities gained strength after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2021. A report from the Center for Strategic and International Studies released in 2023 found that the satellite’s behavior changed after the invasion, as it started to linger for longer periods of time around Intelsat’s birds.

What’s next? While Luch 2’s behavior right now is unusual, it’s not unheard of from the Russian program. Slingshot plans to continue monitoring the satellite’s behavior and tracking any future maneuvers across the GEO sphere.


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797d9c No.96803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686785 (071730ZOCT23) Notable: #24171

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Final Notes #24171

#24171 >>96757

>>96758 Absolute Perfection: Obama celebrating an Iranian National winning the "Peace Prize"

>>96759 Later Today: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa (Waterloo & Cedar Rapids)

>>96760, >>96761, >>96762 Some generic, first responses re. Israel/Hamas on a Saturday Morning

>>96764 A New War to try trigger WWIII after end of funding Ukraine? (related: >>96768, >>96770, >>96794, >>96798 )

>>96765 Reminder about Q's mention of Huma, HAMAS, Muslim Brotherhood

>>96763, >>96766 $8 Billion for defense & military aid released to Israel? (still missing solid sauce)

>>96767, >>96771 Current Twatter/X Trends (links for twatter users only, also bun in >>96785 )

>>96769 For the Keks: Meanwhile, sad noises from Ukraine

>>96775, >>96776, >>96797 Live Streams for Habbening in Israel/Palestine

>>96786 Iranian Lawmakers chanting "Death to America"

>>96782, >>96784, >>96787, >>96791 Recap of 11 Q-posts mentioning Rothschild

>>96788 How'd that happen?: 6 Extensively Drug-Resistant Bacteria in an Injured Soldier, Ukraine

>>96789 DJT re. Border Wall

>>96792 The New Republic magazine hosting "The Stop Trump Summit" next week in NYC

>>96793 Taliban asked Iran, Iraq & Jordan for free passage to "conquer Jerusalem"

>>96795 Ray McGovern & Larry Johnson Discuss Dire State Of U.S. Intel On Ukraine

>>96796 At least $250 Mln in fraudulent unemployment monies went to inmates in federal prisons during COVID-19 relief

>>96800 RSBN live for President Donald J. Trump Delivering Remarks Across Iowa

>>96799, >>96801, Hamas reported to launch rockets towards Tel Aviv

>>96802 Russian Satellite Luch 2 Maneuvers in GEO

Please hold potential notables foir next bread


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797d9c No.96804

File: 31fabc4db4fc5a9⋯.png (1.99 MB,1280x768,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686819 (071733ZOCT23) Notable: #24172

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Baker seeking hand-off, but can continue for this one until next

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797d9c No.96805

File: 195096496776eef⋯.png (21.54 KB,588x256,147:64,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686865 (071740ZOCT23) Notable: Ezra Cohen: Extreme intelligence failure not just for Israel but also for the United States

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Ezra A. Cohen


Today appears to be an extreme intelligence failure not just for Israel but also for the United States. One of the principal missions of the US IC is to provide indication and warning (I&W) of attacks like this, especially against an extremely well armed ally.

Will need to look at how this was missed.

Last edited

6:31 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96806

File: 8968328a5cf1a80⋯.png (947.65 KB,980x552,245:138,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686928 (071750ZOCT23) Notable: Boebert's request for dismissal denied. It is claimed she had 2 abortions, smoked meth & worked as an escort

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David B. Wheeler , the head of American Muckrakers, filed the lawsuit in June, charging the MAGA-loving Boebert badmouthed him on national television after his group claimed she had two abortions, smoked methamphetamine, and once worked as an escort on the website SugarDaddyMeet.com.



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797d9c No.96807

File: 9eed9d514bdb930⋯.png (292.62 KB,602x489,602:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19686994 (071802ZOCT23) Notable: 'Tater scheduled to deliver remarks on Attacks on Israel at 2:30 ET

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Biden to deliver remarks on attacks in Israel at 2:30 pm today


7:00 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687008 (071803ZOCT23) Notable: 'Tater scheduled to deliver remarks on Attacks on Israel at 2:30 ET

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President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Terrorist Attacks in Israel

The White House



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797d9c No.96809

File: 79b1d0cafbef5b1⋯.png (592.33 KB,596x777,596:777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687029 (071807ZOCT23) Notable: Unconfirmed Reports of Hezbollah threatening to invade Israel from Lebanon

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VisegrĂĄd 24



Unconfirmed reports of Hezbollah threatening to invade Israel from Lebanon if Israel launches a ground offensive against Gaza

The Egyptian gov. has allegedly passed on the information from Hezbollah to Israel.

It's worth remembering that Hezbollah is an Iranian tool


2:05 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96810

File: 51f3afeb90e6ba6⋯.png (13.08 KB,601x153,601:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687041 (071810ZOCT23) Notable: Benjamin Netanyahu transferred to Sheba Hospital in Tel Shomer

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Middle East Observer


🚹Benjamin Netanyahu was transferred to Sheba Hospital in Tel Shomer, and the reasons are not yet clear

6:40 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96811

File: 998d75aba47380f⋯.png (66.86 KB,568x270,284:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687049 (071811ZOCT23) Notable: I Told You So: US weapons meant for Ukraine now used by Hamas

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797d9c No.96812

File: 63f7076b7215aab⋯.jpeg (62.41 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687063 (071813ZOCT23) Notable: Russia’s ex-President Medvedev blames US for Israel-Hamas fighting

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7 Oct, 2023 15:26

Russia’s ex-president blames US for Israel-Hamas fighting

Dmitry Medvedev said Washington should have worked to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict instead of supporting Ukraine

US foreign policy is partly to blame for the latest violent flare-up between Israel and the Palestinians, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has suggested. The official, who is currently Deputy Chairman of Russia’s Security Council, said Washington should have channeled its energy into ensuring a lasting peace in the Middle East but chose to focus on Ukraine instead.

Commenting on Saturday’s escalation between Israel and the Hamas militant group from Gaza, Medvedev wrote on his Telegram channel that these events were predictable. “This is what Washington and its allies should have dealt with,” he explained, adding that the Israel-Palestine conflict has lasted for decades, with the US being a “key player there.”

According to Medvedev, instead of this, “these morons got involved in our region and are actively helping neo-Nazis, pitting two close peoples against one another.”

The former president brought his remarks to a conclusion with the thought that “apparently only a civil war on US territory” would help quell “America’s manic passion for igniting conflictsall around the planet.”

On Saturday morning, Hamas militants launched a massive attack on Israel, firing thousands of missiles and then breaching the border fence and overrunning multiple Israeli towns bordering the Gaza enclave.

According to Israeli emergency service Magen David Adom, at least 40 Israelis have been killed and 740 others wounded.

In his address to the nation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the country is at war. He also vowed that the “enemy will pay a price like they have never known before.”

An IDF spokesperson revealed that fighting is ongoing, with Hamas militants still present in multiple localities. Meanwhile, the Israeli air force has conducted air strikes on Gaza.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has insisted that the Palestinian people have a right to defend themselves against what he described as the “terror of settlers and occupation troops.”

The White House issued a statement, condemning what it termed “unprovoked attacks by Hamas terrorists against Israeli civilians.” Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin reassured Israel that the US’ commitment to its security remains “unwavering.”

In the coming days, he promised, the Pentagon will “work to ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself and protect civilians from indiscriminate violence and terrorism.”


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797d9c No.96813

File: 888e1cb03f05348⋯.png (189.22 KB,521x609,521:609,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fd9560953f16f8⋯.png (294.35 KB,571x720,571:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687076 (071816ZOCT23) Notable: ICYMI: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar Release Statements Holding Israel Responsible for Hamas Attacks

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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar Release Statements Holding Israel Responsible for Hamas Attacks

Saudi Arabia and Qatar Weigh in on the Israel-Hamas Conflict, Holding Israel Accountable for the Escalation

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Qatar have released official statements concerning the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinian factions, including Hamas. Both nations have expressed deep concern over the escalation of violence and have called for immediate de-escalation and the protection of civilians. Interestingly, both statements hold Israel responsible for the current situation, albeit with nuanced differences in their approaches.

Qatar’s Statement: A Direct Accusation Against Israel

The State of Qatar’s statement is more direct in its accusation against Israel. It holds Israel “solely responsible for the ongoing escalation” due to its “ongoing violations of the rights of the Palestinian people.” Qatar specifically mentions the “repeated incursions into Al-Aqsa Mosque under the protection of the Israeli police” as the latest in a series of violations.

Qatar’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls for urgent international action to “compel Israel to stop its flagrant violations of international law” and to respect international resolutions and the “historical rights of the Palestinian people.”

The statement reiterates Qatar’s “firm position” on the “justice of the Palestinian cause” and calls for the establishment of an “independent state on the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.”

Saudi Arabia’s Statement: A Call for Restraint and a Two-State Solution

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry issued a statement that begins by acknowledging the “unprecedented situation” between Palestinian factions and Israeli forces. The statement calls for an “immediate halt to the escalation” and emphasizes the need for protecting civilians.

Saudi Arabia also reminds the international community of its “repeated warnings” about the explosive situation that could arise from the “continued occupation and deprivation of the Palestinian people of their rights.” The statement goes on to criticize what it describes as “repeatition of systematic provocations” against Palestinian sanctities.

The Kingdom concludes by renewing its call for the international community to “assume its responsibilities” and activate a “credible peace process” leading to a two-state solution. This, Saudi Arabia argues, is the only way to achieve lasting “security and peace in the region” while also protecting civilians.


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797d9c No.96814

File: e2b8f686e6fe304⋯.png (35.12 KB,587x469,587:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687085 (071817ZOCT23) Notable: Kim Dotcom opines about current situation re. Iran/Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah

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General Mike Flynn


Very smart analysis. @KimDotcom

is all over the geostrategic situation. We’re in trouble no matter how you look at it.

The United States of America requires new and bold leadership and requires it now.

The Speaker of the House position just became vastly more important.


Kim Dotcom




Understanding the Hamas attack on Israel:

Iran is aiming for a confrontation with Israel and the US. The success of Russia in Ukraine is encouraging Iran to undo decades of hostile US foreign policy in the Middle East. A bankrupt US Govt has just been invited to another war.

Show more

7:13 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96815

File: 168f00f3fc8ca33⋯.png (173.75 KB,459x295,459:295,Clipboard.png)

File: deb25afa61d80e0⋯.png (137.43 KB,568x503,568:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a3746b91a9923e⋯.png (493.83 KB,559x648,559:648,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687100 (071819ZOCT23) Notable: Israel's 2nd largest Power Plant targeted in Hamas Attack

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UPDATE: Israel’s Second Largest Power Plant in Ashkelon Targeted by Hamas Missile Strike

Hamas targeted Israel’s second largest power plant, the Rutenberg power station, in Ashkelon.


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797d9c No.96816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687103 (071820ZOCT23) Notable: Western officials pressure media on Ukraine’s battlefield failures

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7 Oct, 2023 14:58

Western officials pressure media on Ukraine’s battlefield failures – WaPo

The newspaper claims officials have told outlets to “lift up the conversation a bit” on Kiev’s faltering counteroffensive

Western officials have urged the media to depict Ukraine’s faltering counteroffensive in a more charitable light, the Washington Post has reported. The US newspaper claimed the efforts areaimed at preventing a decline in public supportfor providing further military aid for Kiev in the coming months.(The support is gone it doesn’t matter what the media does!)

In an article on Saturday, the Post alleged that “Ukrainian and Western officials in recent weeks have focused onreshaping the narrative” amid Kiev’s underwhelming progress so far. The implementation of the supposed new strategy presumably has to do with increased criticism in some Western countries, which has called into question the continuation of military aid for Kiev.

According to the media outlet, while Ukraine’s Western backers are publicly putting a brave face on the counteroffensive, privately they are increasingly concerned that the conflict could become a frozen one, with Kiev’s forces unable to breach Russian defenses.

The Post noted that several Western officials had recently paid an unusual amount of attention in their press briefings to the way the media is covering the=Ukrainian military’s progress. In one example cited by the newspaper, an unnamed official urged journalists to“lift up the conversation a bit”and stop focusing too much on the day-to-day developments on the ground, lest they miss the “fuller picture.”

The same official also reportedlytried to lower expectationsin the briefing, saying that a Ukrainian victory would not necessarily mean the recapture of “every bit of territory by X date” – despite Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s insistence that this is the only acceptable scenario.

Ukrainian officials have been limiting journalists’ access to the front line, citing security reasons, the Post continued. Special officers are making sure that sensitive topics, such as Kiev’s losses, are kept quiet.

Late last month, the New York Times reported that a slowdown in the counteroffensive “comes with huge risks for Ukraine.” The newspaper explained that “if it looks unlikely to recapture large areas of the country, Western support could wane, either through lack of political will or unwillingness to donate more weapons.”

Meanwhile, Kiev’s already slow progress may be further impeded by autumn rains in the region, the NYT pointed out, adding that such adverse weather conditions would make the ground almost impassable for heavy Western-supplied tanks and other hardware.

(These people are stupid, there’s no reshaping a narrative for a Nazi loser country)


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797d9c No.96817

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687105 (071820ZOCT23) Notable: Benjamin Netanyahu transferred to Sheba Hospital in Tel Shomer

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797d9c No.96818

File: 0277c0663ff0f68⋯.jpg (650.13 KB,1800x1800,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687125 (071822ZOCT23) Notable: (You) RSBN live via Rumble for Trump's Rally across Iowa

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hey bakes ty

this a rally bread?


LIVE - President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023



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797d9c No.96819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687131 (071823ZOCT23) Notable: I Told You So: US weapons meant for Ukraine now used by Hamas

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797d9c No.96820

File: f40141ebd5af781⋯.png (63.65 KB,1177x558,1177:558,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687134 (071823ZOCT23) Notable: Waterloo Rally Live Links, President Trump

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45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks at Team Trump Iowa Commit to Caucus Event


Sat, October 07, 2023

01:30 pm (US/Central)


45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Cedar Rapids, Iowa


Sat, October 07, 2023

04:00 pm (US/Central)


45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire


Mon, October 09, 2023

12:00 pm (US/Eastern)



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797d9c No.96821

File: d0e139f724ee4fa⋯.png (26.65 KB,614x271,614:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687137 (071823ZOCT23) Notable: Benjamin Netanyahu transferred to Sheba Hospital in Tel Shomer

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Israel PM Netanyahu Gets Emergency Pacemaker, Here’s What AV Heart Block Is

Bruce Y. Lee

Senior Contributor

I am a writer, journalist, professor, systems modeler, computational and digital health expert, avocado-eater, and entrepreneur, not always in that order.


Jul 23, 2023,02:39pm EDT

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797d9c No.96822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687146 (071825ZOCT23) Notable: Waterloo Rally Live Links, President Trump

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Donald Trump

President Trump in Waterloo, IA




LIVE - President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023



Real Americas Voice




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797d9c No.96823

File: 2a6342d386dcb4b⋯.png (1.16 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687179 (071828ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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Oh look! Another Turkish drone.


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797d9c No.96824

File: ea57f2e69b34546⋯.png (125.7 KB,856x911,856:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687206 (071832ZOCT23) Notable: US Cellphone Radiation Tests Ignoring Long-Term Effects

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US Cellphone Radiation Tests Are 'Rigged,' Ignoring Long-Term Health Effects: Expert

France's recent ban on sales of the iPhone 12 due to radiation concerns has sparked apprehension throughout Europe about the health risks of cellphone radiation exposure. While U.S. tests focus narrowly on whether phones heat tissue, some experts argue they fail to show the whole picture.

“The way they're tested is to see whether or not they heat you up, and not for the chronic long-term effects that have been demonstrated,” Devra Davis, a cancer epidemiologist who holds a doctorate in science studies and a master's in public health in epidemiology, told The Epoch Times. “Particularly the effects on sperm and lower testosterone, among others.”

Cellphone Radiation Tests Are ‘Rigged’: Expert

According to Ms. Davis, the biggest problem with U.S. testing is that it’s not conducted with the phone against the body. She compared it to the "Dieselgate” scandal involving Volkswagen, where the company rigged its tests to show lower exhaust emissions than the vehicle actually produced.

“The same thing is happening here,” she added, noting that the tests were initially set up with spacers, as if phones were in holsters or holders.

When the French government tests cellphones as they are actually used, “like in your hand [or] next to your body,” Ms. Davis said, the phones exceed European Union (EU) radiation limits. France has pulled or required software updates for 42 other cellphone models that emit excessive radiation since 2017, The Telegraph reported.

The United States lacks this oversight, according to Ms. Davis.

The telecommunications industry has almost complete control of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), according to a report published by Harvard University's Edmond J. Safra Center for Ethics (pdf). A telecom lobbying group executive boasted its lobbyists meet FCC officials 500 times annually, the report stated.

“We don't have any programs to test phones after they've been approved,” Ms. Davis said. “And the approval process is self-regulated because of this revolving door that takes place between the FCC and the telecom industry.”

Ms. Davis said if phones underwent drug testing, they'd be illegal. She warned of the danger cellphones pose, similar to certain drugs found to cause cancer and other health problems, in her 2010 book, "Disconnect: The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What the Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family," and still stands by it today.

The Epoch Times reached out to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to comment on this story, but they have not yet replied.


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797d9c No.96825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687216 (071834ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas: "We have a big number of Israeli captives, among them senior officers,"

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Hamas claims ‘big number’ of Israeli captives

A senior leader of the militant group has told Al Jazeera that high-ranking officers are among its detainees

Hamas militants have reportedly captured so many Israeli soldiers, including high-ranking officers, that the group expects to negotiate a prisoner exchange for all Palestinians held in West Jerusalem’s jails.

“We have a big number of Israeli captives, among them senior officers,” Hamas deputy chief Saleh al-Arouri told Al Jazeera on Saturday. He added that the captives will be used as leverage to force the release of Palestinians incarcerated in Israel: “As to our prisoners, I say, your freedom is looming large. What we have in hand will see you set free. The longer fighting continues, the higher the number of prisoners will become.”

A public radio report indicated that captives were being held in three communities inside Israel and that some of the detainees were missing and had possibly been moved to Gaza. Hamas launched a surprise attack against Israel on Saturday, firing rockets from Gaza and deploying ground forces in several Israeli towns and military bases.

At least 100 Israelis have been killed, according to the country’s N12 News outlet, while “hundreds of terrorists have been eliminated” in southern Israel and Gaza. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin vowed to retaliate, saying, “Our enemy will pay a price the type of which it has never known. We are in a war, and we will win it.”

The Israeli military responded with airstrikes in Gaza and claimed to have killed dozens of Palestinian militants trying to infiltrate the country by sea. Gaza’s health ministry reported 198 deaths and over 1,600 injuries. Israeli energy minister Israel Katz said the supply of electricity to Gaza would be cut off amid the fighting.

Al Jazeera television showed a residential tower being hit by an air strike while one of its journalists was reporting live from the scene in central Gaza City.

Hamas dubbed its major offensive “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” and said it was motivated by escalating Israeli attacks on Palestinians. “This is the day of the greatest battle to end the last occupation on earth,” Hamas military commander Mohammad Deif said in a broadcast message to Palestinians. He called on Palestinians everywhere to join the fight.

Nearly 5,200 Palestinians are currently held in Israeli jails and detention centers, according to an estimate by activist group Addameer.


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797d9c No.96826

File: 4591243d5e47b14⋯.png (1.21 MB,1920x1010,192:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687259 (071840ZOCT23) Notable: PlaneFag Reports

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Switzerland is getting the fuck out of Israel.

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797d9c No.96827

File: a64a8de75341c96⋯.png (427.57 KB,596x572,149:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687287 (071845ZOCT23) Notable: I Told You So: US weapons meant for Ukraine now used by Hamas

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US Civil Defense News


🚹Update: US and NATO weapons and ammunition are being used by Hamas against Israel!! They bought them on the black markets!!


10:19 PM · Oct 6, 2023




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797d9c No.96828

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687315 (071848ZOCT23) Notable: 23 & Me Launches "Probe" After Confirmed Theft Of Personal Customer Data

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Genetic Testing Firm 23AndMe Confirms Millions of Users’ Data Put on Sale, Launches Probe

Genetic testing company 23andMe said on Friday that it had launched an investigation into a possible data breach after the personal data of millions of users was put up for sale on the dark web.

A hacker advertised the personal information of seven million users on an online forum, which includes the users’ origin estimation, phenotype, health information, photos, and identification data.

The post was screenshot by Dark Web Informer, who shared it on X (formerly known as Twitter) on Oct. 4. The hacker claimed that 23andMe’s CEO was aware the company had been “hacked” two months ago and that “13 million pieces of data” had been obtained.


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797d9c No.96829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687321 (071849ZOCT23) Notable: 'Tater scheduled to deliver remarks on Attacks on Israel at 2:30 ET

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'Tater link HOT

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797d9c No.96830

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687368 (071854ZOCT23) Notable: Baker change

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Notables #24172

at around 500

>>96805 Ezra Cohen: Extreme intelligence failure not just for Israel but also for the United States

>>96806 Boebert's request for dismissal denied. It is claimed she had 2 abortions, smoked meth & worked as an escort

>>96807, >>96808, >>96829 'Tater scheduled to deliver remarks on Attacks on Israel at 2:30 ET

>>96809 Unconfirmed Reports of Hezbollah threatening to invade Israel from Lebanon

>>96810, >>96817, >>96821 Benjamin Netanyahu transferred to Sheba Hospital in Tel Shomer

>>96811, >>96819, >>96827 I Told You So: US weapons meant for Ukraine now used by Hamas

>>96812 Russia’s ex-President Medvedev blames US for Israel-Hamas fighting

>>96813 ICYMI: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar Release Statements Holding Israel Responsible for Hamas Attacks

>>96814 Kim Dotcom opines about current situation re. Iran/Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah

>>96815 Israel's 2nd largest Power Plant targeted in Hamas Attack

>>96816 Western officials pressure media on Ukraine’s battlefield failures

>>96818 RSBN live via Rumble for Trump's Rally across Iowa

>>96823, >>96826 PlaneFag Reports

>>96824 US Cellphone Radiation Tests Ignoring Long-Term Effects

>>96825 Hamas: "We have a big number of Israeli captives, among them senior officers,"

>>96828 23 & Me Launches "Probe" After Confirmed Theft Of Personal Customer Data

Baker handing it off to 9a957f

Hand-Off 'firmed?

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797d9c No.96831

File: 9586ea762de26a0⋯.png (274.78 KB,634x561,634:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687416 (071859ZOCT23) Notable: Afghanistan earthquake 6.3 magnitude death toll hits 320 as Papua New Guinea and Mexico also suffer huge tremors

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Afghanistan earthquake death toll hits 320 as Papua New Guinea and Mexico also suffer huge tremors

The Afghanistan earthquake death toll has now reached at least 320, according to the United Nations.

It comes on a day in which three strong earthquakes shook the world, with tremors also felt in Papua New Guinea and Mexico.

A pair of 6.3 magnitude earthquakes struck western Afghanistan on Saturday, said a spokesperson for the country's national disaster authority.

The United Nations gave a preliminary figure of 320 dead, but later said the figure was still being verified. Local authorities gave an estimate of 100 people killed and 500 injured, according to the same update from the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.

Mohammad Abdullah Jan said four villages in the Zenda Jan district in Herat province bore the brunt of the quakes and aftershocks. Dozens of houses have been damaged.

The epicentre was about 25 miles northwest of Herat. The most powerful earthquakes (6.3) struck Afghanistan at 7.41am and 8.12am. This was followed by a 5.5-magnitude aftershock, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).

A map on the USGS website indicates seven earthquakes in the area. At least five powerful earthquakes struck the city around noon, Herat city resident Abdul Shakor Samadi said.


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797d9c No.96832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687482 (071907ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: The Israeli attack was made because we are perceived as being weak and ineffective, and with a really weak leader
.things are not what they were just three years ago.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The Israeli attack was made because we are perceived as being weak and ineffective, and with a really weak leader....things are not what they were just three years ago.

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797d9c No.96833

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687501 (071910ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: We are not going to have a country left if we don't win this election.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We are not going to have a country left if we don't win this election.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96834

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687520 (071913ZOCT23) Notable: A+ Hole We cant say that very often- DJTP

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A+ Hole we cant say that very often- DJTP

top kek

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797d9c No.96835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687548 (071916ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: The way you do win no matter what is, you swamp 'e
.there's only so much they can do. In other words, they can only cheat so much. Even them; they're going to go for max, but they can only cheat so much. We have some very good controls in place.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The way you do win no matter what is, you swamp 'e....there's only so much they can do. In other words, they can only cheat so much. Even them; they're going to go for max, but they can only cheat so much. We have some very good controls in place.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96836

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687553 (071917ZOCT23) Notable: #24172

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#24172 >>96804

>>96822, >>96820 Waterloo Rally Live Links, President Trump

>>96805 Ezra Cohen: Extreme intelligence failure not just for Israel but also for the United States

>>96806 Boebert's request for dismissal denied. It is claimed she had 2 abortions, smoked meth & worked as an escort

>>96807, >>96808, >>96829 'Tater scheduled to deliver remarks on Attacks on Israel at 2:30 ET

>>96809 Unconfirmed Reports of Hezbollah threatening to invade Israel from Lebanon

>>96810, >>96817, >>96821 Benjamin Netanyahu transferred to Sheba Hospital in Tel Shomer

>>96811, >>96819, >>96827 I Told You So: US weapons meant for Ukraine now used by Hamas

>>96812 Russia’s ex-President Medvedev blames US for Israel-Hamas fighting

>>96813 ICYMI: Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Qatar Release Statements Holding Israel Responsible for Hamas Attacks

>>96814 Kim Dotcom opines about current situation re. Iran/Israel/Hamas/Hezbollah

>>96815 Israel's 2nd largest Power Plant targeted in Hamas Attack

>>96816 Western officials pressure media on Ukraine’s battlefield failures

>>96818 (You) RSBN live via Rumble for Trump's Rally across Iowa

>>96823, >>96826 PlaneFag Reports

>>96824 US Cellphone Radiation Tests Ignoring Long-Term Effects

>>96825 Hamas: "We have a big number of Israeli captives, among them senior officers,"

>>96828 23 & Me Launches "Probe" After Confirmed Theft Of Personal Customer Data

>>96830 Baker change

>>96831 Afghanistan earthquake 6.3 magnitude death toll hits 320 as Papua New Guinea and Mexico also suffer huge tremors

>>96834 A+ Hole We cant say that very often- DJTP

>>96832 President Trump: The Israeli attack was made because we are perceived as being weak and ineffective, and with a really weak leader
.things are not what they were just three years ago.

>>96833 President Trump: We are not going to have a country left if we don't win this election.

>>96835 President Trump: The way you do win no matter what is, you swamp 'e
.there's only so much they can do. In other words, they can only cheat so much. Even them; they're going to go for max, but they can only cheat so much. We have some very good controls in place.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96837

File: 919a49a9f1536b4⋯.png (171.89 KB,473x397,473:397,Clipboard.png)

File: fca05df449f30ed⋯.mp4 (3.73 MB,448x252,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687559 (071917ZOCT23) Notable: pb Donald J. Trump: This is one of the many monsters that are destroying our Country! (Cap 0:33)

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Donald J. Trump


This is one of the many monsters that are destroying our Country!

Oct 07, 2023, 3:04 PM


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797d9c No.96838

File: f4f30ca85b2e75c⋯.png (175.08 KB,621x788,621:788,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ec11cd2566c57d⋯.jpg (49.25 KB,800x430,80:43,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687586 (071920ZOCT23) Notable: #24173

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Q Research General #24173: Waterloo Caucus Movements Minus A+hole? - Donald J. Trump Edition

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797d9c No.96839

File: 88b5187e939cfcb⋯.jpeg (384.56 KB,1170x1305,26:29,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687606 (071922ZOCT23) Notable: Taylor Swift amnesia? Swifties report they can’t remember her concerts Experts reveal why 'Eras Tour' concertgoers are experiencing 'undeniable gaps' in their memories - FOX

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Many Swifties are experiencing a post-concert "blank space."

Fans of international pop star Taylor Swift have reported a lack of memory after attending Eras Tour concerts — with some saying they're even forgetting chunks of her performance.

Experts at Hackensack Meridian Health in New Jersey researched why concertgoers are experiencing blackouts after their big night out.

Dr. Nathan Carroll, associate chief resident psychiatrist at Hackensack Meridian Jersey Shore University Medical Center, linked the memory loss after concerts to a neurological condition called transient global amnesia (TGA).

TGA is a "rare phenomenon impacting memory," the researcher told Fox News Digital.

"Individuals who experience TGA will attend an event (like a concert, wedding or festival) and later report undeniable gaps in their memory," he said.

"For example, during the event, it may look like you’re acting normally and answering questions — but later, you may not recall some of your conversations," he said.

"Unlike other amnesias, memory loss is very limited, only lasting about a day, and people don’t forget [autobiographical] information."

TGA can develop due to elevated blood pressure, strenuous physical activity and emotional excitement, which Carroll said are all "theorized to temporarily impair the functioning of the memory center of our brain, the hippocampus."

"What’s interesting is that the concertgoers are only recognizing the memory loss post-event," he said.

"They actually experience TGA during the event but don’t realize it at the time."

The researchers’ findings suggest that certain risk factors may make Eras Tour concertgoers more susceptible to TGA.

These include lack of sleep, poor hydration, anticipation and pre-existing anxiety or depression, Carroll said.

Environmental risk factors include the intensity of the concert, engagement with the music, crowd-induced excitement and a sense of surprise throughout the event.



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797d9c No.96840

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687630 (071924ZOCT23) Notable: Waterloo Rally Live Links, President Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald Trump

President Trump in Waterloo, IA




LIVE - President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023



Real Americas Voice




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797d9c No.96841

File: 70fc1ecffde2a24⋯.png (22.06 KB,588x279,196:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687635 (071925ZOCT23) Notable: Holy shlit they think they can tweet their way through it - @UnderSecTFI These restricted funds cannot go to Iran

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Jack Poso đŸ‡ș🇾


Holy shlit they think they can tweet their way through it


Under Secretary Brian Nelson




Replying to @UnderSecTFI

These restricted funds cannot go to Iran — it can only be used for future humanitarian-related purposes. Any suggestion to the contrary is false and misleading.

8:23 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96842

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687665 (071930ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: WAY!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96843

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687708 (071937ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: If you want a president who will seal the border
.we have to stop the invasion and reclaim our sovereignty on Day One, and that's what we will do

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President Trump: If you want a president who will seal the border....we have to stop the invasion and reclaim our sovereignty on Day One, and that's what we will do.

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797d9c No.96844

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687757 (071943ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: Under Roe v Wade, they could execute the baby at any time. You remember when I said, with the debate, 'you rip the baby out of the womb', with Hillary. She's willing to rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month

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President Trump: Under Roe v Wade, they could execute the baby at any time. You remember when I said, with the debate, 'you rip the baby out of the womb', with Hillary. She's willing to rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96845

File: f0c182519e7ed1c⋯.png (404.62 KB,591x475,591:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687780 (071946ZOCT23) Notable: @TomFitton: Iranian president says Tehran will spend the $6 billion released in prisoner exchange ‘wherever we need it’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tom Fitton


Iranian president says Tehran will spend the $6 billion released in prisoner exchange ‘wherever we need it’ https://nbcnews.com/news/world/iranian-president-says-tehran-will-spend-6-billion-released-prisoner-e-rcna104475

via @nbcnews

8:06 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687786 (071947ZOCT23) Notable: @TomFitton: Iranian president says Tehran will spend the $6 billion released in prisoner exchange ‘wherever we need it’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Biden calls PM, as US offers full backing amid massive attack from Gaza

Officials in Washington in contact with National Security Adviser Hanegbi as Israel surprised by deadly assault

US President Joe Biden on Saturday called Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and stressed that the US stands by Israel and fully supports Israel’s right to defend itself, amid a surprise violent assault by Gazan terrorists.

The Gaza-based terror group launched an unprecedented assault on Israel in the morning, firing thousands of rockets and sending multitudes of gunmen into Israeli communities by land, sea, and air, killing at least 200 people and injuring at least 1,400 by Saturday evening.

Netanyahu thanked Biden for his support and told him that a “prolonged and powerful campaign will be required in which Israel will win,” a readout from the Prime Minister’s Office said.

US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said the Pentagon will work in the coming days to make sure Israel has the means to defend itself against the attack.

Austin vowed “to ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself and protect civilians from indiscriminate violence and terrorism.”


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797d9c No.96847

File: 63458ad94e60f36⋯.png (59.27 KB,926x674,463:337,Clipboard.png)

File: fc7fcbd6f23fde7⋯.png (131.34 KB,926x1158,463:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bc6705adb61312⋯.png (1.47 MB,926x2362,463:1181,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b6fa000192ced5⋯.png (83.69 KB,926x674,463:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687800 (071949ZOCT23) Notable: Holy shlit they think they can tweet their way through it - @UnderSecTFI These restricted funds cannot go to Iran

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13 Drops


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797d9c No.96848

File: 558e428923503ef⋯.png (416.71 KB,600x590,60:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687802 (071949ZOCT23) Notable: Nimrod Aloni has been captured by Hamas

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đŸ‡”đŸ‡žđŸ‡źđŸ‡±: Israeli Commander Nimrod Aloni has been captured by Hamas in the ongoing war in the border areas near Gaza. Aloni is a commander of the ‘Depth Corps’, the IDF’s deep operations unit that works in Palestinian territory. He’s also the former commander of their Gaza Division.



Shall we play a game?

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797d9c No.96849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687810 (071951ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: We're going to obliterate the deep state. We did a lot of work on that; we got rid of Comey and a lot of guys, but then we got the whole thing with that dust flying over from China

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President Trump: We're going to obliterate the deep state. We did a lot of work on that; we got rid of Comey and a lot of guys, but then we got the whole thing with that dust flying over from China.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96850

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687813 (071951ZOCT23) Notable: You saw what took place today in Israel. The attack was made because we are being perceived as weak. - President @realDonaldTrump

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Real America’s Voice


You saw what took place today in Israel. The attack was made because we are being perceived as weak. - President @realDonaldTrump


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797d9c No.96851

File: 20d024337d8aea4⋯.png (27.49 KB,587x294,587:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687819 (071952ZOCT23) Notable: @TomFitton: Iranian president says Tehran will spend the $6 billion released in prisoner exchange ‘wherever we need it’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tom Fitton


BREAKING: Biden WH official uses dog-whistle "disinformation" in order to trigger censorship of Americans critical of Biden's allowing $6 billion in cash to be made available to the Hamas-supporting terror regime Iran.


Adrienne Watson




Replying to @NSC_Spox

These funds have absolutely nothing to do with the horrific attacks today and this is not the time to spread disinformation.

7:34 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687867 (071959ZOCT23) Notable: Trump’s “Final Battle” We are saving Israel for last

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Trump’s “Final Battle”

“at the end of the day, either the Communists destroy America, or we destroy the Communists.”



We are saving Israel for last.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


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797d9c No.96853

File: 29a3aa5f84ad5eb⋯.png (91.98 KB,435x559,435:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687871 (071959ZOCT23) Notable: Trump’s “Final Battle” We are saving Israel for last

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687879 (072001ZOCT23) Notable: We have to Move, We have to Move, DJT at waterloo

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We have to Move we have to move, DJT at waterloo

Q Research General #24173: Waterloo Caucus Movements Minus A+hole? - Donald J. Trump Edition

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797d9c No.96855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687883 (072001ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: If we don't take back our country, we're not going to have a country. If we do take back our country, our country will be greater than ever before, I promise you that

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President Trump: If we don't take back our country, we're not going to have a country. If we do take back our country, our country will be greater than ever before, I promise you that.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96856

File: e2af3d59ac8488f⋯.png (262.9 KB,705x1432,705:1432,Clipboard.png)

File: a4dd55966ec4e7a⋯.png (175.3 KB,1298x669,1298:669,Clipboard.png)

File: 46e95fd0d2543f3⋯.png (475.44 KB,694x761,694:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687894 (072003ZOCT23) Notable: Samuel Bateman is the polygamist FLDS cult leader from Colorado City who raped children and had gay sex with his male followers

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Samuel Bateman is the polygamist FLDS cult leader from Colorado City who raped children and had gay sex with his male followers. The followers who he was having sex with own a green energy company called Velociwrapper they also own the patent on the technology. The man listed as primary contact Torrance Bistline is one of the men arrested with Bateman, Maroni Johnson was another, he also works for Velociwrapper, Maroni was the man who had sex with Bateman in front of his own child.




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797d9c No.96857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687909 (072005ZOCT23) Notable: You saw what took place today in Israel. The attack was made because we are being perceived as weak. - President @realDonaldTrump

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Government loosing narrative on Ukraine funding, McCarthy looses speaker ship, Dems hypocrisy being exposed, Sunday shows are fast approaching. Need a narrative change

C eye A On Que

Hamas invades Israel

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797d9c No.96858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687925 (072007ZOCT23) Notable: DJT: 6 Billion, does anyone know how much 6 billions is, it is just like water

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DJT: 6 Billion, does anyone know how much 6 billions is, it is just like water.

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797d9c No.96859

File: 11215088deb32fb⋯.jpg (127.44 KB,736x889,736:889,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687935 (072008ZOCT23) Notable: Trump just finished speaking at Waterloo now he's off to Cedar Rapids

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Trump just finished speaking at Waterloo now he's off to Cedar Rapids.

Didn't know we had two today, kek reminds me off the sometimes 3 & even 4 in one day.

He's like a machine!

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797d9c No.96860

File: 8450e05e13f695b⋯.jpg (6.06 MB,6000x8000,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5c0d3c6896f3ea9⋯.jpg (5.79 MB,6000x8000,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19687945 (072009ZOCT23) Notable: Anons, I saw this at the tail end of Trump's speech. Can he still walk around using president seal?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons, I saw this at the tail end of Trump's speech. Can he still walk around using president seal?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96861

File: 725caf61299c6b6⋯.png (44.48 KB,1270x410,127:41,Clipboard.png)

File: da2ebcfac3df9a9⋯.png (260.29 KB,598x501,598:501,Clipboard.png)

File: daff10f403c7731⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688002 (072015ZOCT23) Notable: Current Trend Bun

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"Get Biden" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Get%20Biden%22


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797d9c No.96862

File: b6146d65c687268⋯.png (16.48 KB,595x208,595:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688004 (072016ZOCT23) Notable: With all the aid we send to Israel, why did they get steamrolled by Hamas? With all the aid we send to Ukraine, why are they struggling with Russia?

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With all the aid we send to Israel, why did they get steamrolled by Hamas?

With all the aid we send to Ukraine, why are they struggling with Russia?

9:08 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96863

File: 1631e1caa9ca2db⋯.png (47.17 KB,1270x410,127:41,Clipboard.png)

File: ec0aa8322d3be99⋯.png (236.03 KB,598x469,598:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c5413d626c0cbc⋯.mp4 (732.92 KB,640x368,40:23,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688013 (072017ZOCT23) Notable: Current Trend Bun

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"198 Palestinians" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22198%20Palestinians%22


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797d9c No.96864

File: 9d7603cfdc85308⋯.jpeg (60.01 KB,700x455,20:13,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0300e77d1ff3d53⋯.png (1.42 MB,1383x6262,1383:6262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688019 (072018ZOCT23) Notable: A Trip Back in Time: At the Battle of Shiloh, Iowans held the line

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A Trip Back in Time: At the Battle of Shiloh, Iowans held the line

The battle started with a surprise attack by Confederate soldiers in the early morning of April 6.

Gen. Ulysses S. Grant's Union army had arrived at Pittsburg Landing on the Tennessee River and set up camp on April 5 near Shiloh.

During the first day of the attack, the Union army retreated toward the river. Iowa soldiers formed a defensive line 600 yards along a 'sunken road.” There was a small rise and deep undergrowth to the Iowans' backs.

Heavy fighting occurred along the line for hours that included eight distinct Confederate charges toward the Union line. More than 60 cannons concentrated fire on the Iowa line.

Confederates named the location the Hornet's Nest because so many bullets were being fired that it sounded like a swarm of angry hornets.

As the Iowans held, other Union defenders to Iowa's left and right flank fell back, allowing some 2,000 troops to be captured late in the day. But they had been successful in delaying the Confederates, giving much needed time for Grant to regroup his Union soldiers and ready the entire army for the next day's counterattack, which would win the battle for the North.

More than 13,000 Union soldiers and approximately 10,000 Confederate soldiers were killed, wounded, captured or missing. The combined casualties of 23,000 was far greater than the other key battles earlier in the war.

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797d9c No.96865

File: df9cc78c028f751⋯.png (294.62 KB,594x878,297:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688020 (072018ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli Military reinforcements towards the settlements near Gaza

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See new posts


Donald Trump Jr. and Kyle Becker follow

Mario Nawfal


🚹BREAKING: Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei just posted:

Today, the Palestinian youth and the Palestinian movement is more energetic, more alive, and more prepared than it has ever been during the last 80 years.

🚹FOOTAGE BELOW: Israeli Military reinforcements towards the settlements near Gaza.

9:07 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96866

File: 737ddc48c5bcf60⋯.png (198.31 KB,718x726,359:363,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688022 (072018ZOCT23) Notable: Current Trend Bun

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797d9c No.96867

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688025 (072019ZOCT23) Notable: Current Trend Bun

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"198 Palestinians" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22198%20Palestinians%22

"Get Biden" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Get%20Biden%22

"Biden Administration" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Biden%20Administration%22

Mossad https://twitter.com/search?q=Mossad

"Death to America" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Death%20to%20America%22

Wars https://twitter.com/search?q=Wars

"The 6" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22The%206%22

"6B Biden" https://twitter.com/search?q=%226B%20Biden%22

Hezbollah https://twitter.com/search?q=Hezbollah

"American Jews" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22American%20Jews%22

"6B Biden" https://twitter.com/search?q=%226B%20Biden%22

"Biden and Obama" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Biden%20and%20Obama%22

Netanyahu https://twitter.com/search?q=Netanyahu

#ApartheidIsrael https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523ApartheidIsrael

Wars https://twitter.com/search?q=Wars

"We Are At War" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22We%20Are%20At%20War%22

"The $6" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22The%20%25246%22

Bibi https://twitter.com/search?q=Bibi

Apartheid https://twitter.com/search?q=Apartheid

Tehran https://twitter.com/search?q=Tehran

#TelAviv https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523TelAviv

"Iron Dome" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Iron%20Dome%22

"Abraham Accords" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Abraham%20Accords%22

"West Bank" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22West%20Bank%22

Jerusalem https://twitter.com/search?q=Jerusalem

Zionist https://twitter.com/search?q=Zionist

Lebanon https://twitter.com/search?q=Lebanon

Unprovoked https://twitter.com/search?q=Unprovoked

Qatar https://twitter.com/search?q=Qatar

Ursula https://twitter.com/search?q=Ursula

Isreal https://twitter.com/search?q=Isreal

"Yom Kippur War" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22Yom%20Kippur%20War%22

Gaza https://twitter.com/search?q=Gaza

"The IDF" https://twitter.com/search?q=%22The%20IDF%22

Nimrod https://twitter.com/search?q=Nimrod

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797d9c No.96868

File: ad5d7cec3ec0ff3⋯.png (701.16 KB,1024x589,1024:589,Clipboard.png)

File: cdcd365d2a802f4⋯.png (134.63 KB,1061x850,1061:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688028 (072019ZOCT23) Notable: Fuckery Witnessed: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Prevents Removal of Elections Official Meagan Wolfe

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Prevents Removal of Elections Official Meagan Wolfe

Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos is trying to keep corrupt Elections Commission Administrator Meagan Wolfe in office.

Meagan Wolfe is a disgrace. There is an inventory of incidents in the 2020 Election that were corrupt and fraudulent. Wolfe oversaw the election. Yet, Speaker Robin Vos won’t move forward the impeachment of Wolfe. It appears that Vos wants to stall until the 2024 Election cycle arrives to prevent corrupt Meagan Wolfe from being replaced.

Wisconsin has been ground zero for several years with the highly questionable and unethical acts born out in many court cases as follows:

Wisconsin Supreme Court rules 2020 election results are “illegitimate” because the Administrator of Elections harmed and injured voters by not following the law (click here – Drop boxes are illegal in Wisconsin, state’s high court rules : NPR).

Court rules it’s illegal for Administrator of Elections to advise Clerks to “cure” absentee ballots in 2020 (click here – Wisconsin ruling blocks curing absentee ballots (arkansasonline.com)).

Judge outlaws illegal voter registration form Administrator of Elections has been using for years (click here – Judge blocks Wisconsin officials from using federal voter registration form | AP News).

Racine County Sheriff investigation shows evidence of election fraud at long-term care facilities based on advice of the Administrator of Elections (click here – Racine Co. Sheriff alleges elections commission broke the law – Wisconsin Examiner).

The Wisconsin Senate Republicans voted 22-11 on September 14th to officially, legally and statutorily remove the Administrator of Elections whose term ended on June 30, 2023.

After the Senate vote, Wolfe refused to turn in her keys to the Office and promised to stay in place indefinitely despite being fired by the Wisconsin State Senate


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797d9c No.96869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688051 (072022ZOCT23) Notable: Be aware the traitors in congress will use this chaos to pass legislation and other nefarious shit while everyone is distracted by Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Be aware the traitors in congress will use this chaos to pass legislation and other nefarious shit while everyone is distracted by Israel

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797d9c No.96870

File: d4ae4461b9ca776⋯.png (36.01 KB,595x442,35:26,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688073 (072025ZOCT23) Notable: James O'Keefe: ‘We want to avoid having the information on the fetal cells floating out there’ Two years later, Melissa’s actions inspired others. She is heroic and courageous - you benefited from the knowledge she brought forward.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



See new posts


James O'Keefe


Pfizer Whistleblower @MelissaMcAtee92

is the first Pfizer employee who came forward to reveal internal documents from Senior Director in the company discussing lying to their customers about the COVID vaccine.

‘We want to avoid having the information on the fetal cells floating out there’


questioned Senior Director who sprinted in the opposite direction, which itself became a meme.

Two years later, Melissa’s actions inspired others. She is heroic and courageous - you benefited from the knowledge she brought forward. Now she is struggling and could really use your support.


9:18 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688098 (072029ZOCT23) Notable: webcams Israel Gaza

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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797d9c No.96872

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688120 (072032ZOCT23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP LIVE IN IOWA, WATERLOO !!!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


note: Usual note taker only posted below

Will have to rewatch and write moar notes later if anything was missed.


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023



President Trump: The Israeli attack was made because we are perceived as being weak and ineffective, and with a really weak leader
.things are not what they were just three years ago.

DJT: We are not going to have a country left if we don't win this election.

President Trump: The way you do win no matter what is, you swamp 'e
.there's only so much they can do. In other words, they can only cheat so much. Even them; they're going to go for max, but they can only cheat so much. We have some very good controls in place.

President Trump: Under Crooked Joe Biden, the thirty-year mortgage rate recently hit a twenty-three year high
Under my leadership, it hit a all-time low, in history.

DJT: shinzo was a great guy, he was assassinated. He knew, he said we were waiting for you.

President Trump: If you want a president who will seal the border
.we have to stop the invasion and reclaim our sovereignty on Day One, and that's what we will do.

President Trump: Under Roe v Wade, they could execute the baby at any time. You remember when I said, with the debate, 'you rip the baby out of the womb', with Hillary. She's willing to rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month.

President Trump: We're going to obliterate the deep state. We did a lot of work on that; we got rid of Comey and a lot of guys, but then we got the whole thing with that dust flying over from China.

President Trump: If we don't take back our country, we're not going to have a country. If we do take back our country, our country will be greater than ever before, I promise you that.

DJT: 6 Billion, does anyone know how much 6 billions is, it is just like water.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96873

File: 0e6ceaaa515d9f7⋯.png (690.22 KB,629x417,629:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 79e601a9238f02b⋯.png (447.92 KB,565x345,113:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688128 (072033ZOCT23) Notable: John F. Kennedy Jr. during a weekend in Argos, Ind. back in 1997. He spent his time here learning to fly a powered parachute with his wife Carolyn at Buckeye Industries

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Max Lewis


#EXCLUSIVE: These are never before seen photos of John F. Kennedy Jr. during a weekend in Argos, Ind. back in 1997. He spent his time here learning to fly a powered parachute with his wife Carolyn at Buckeye Industries





3:23 PM · Jul 16, 2019

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797d9c No.96874

File: e4ee5799e8343c0⋯.png (449.45 KB,622x751,622:751,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688174 (072038ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Breaking: Many hundreds of Israeli civilians are being captured by #Hamas terrorists and are seen being taken back to #Gaza and attacked by #Palastinians

#IsraelUnderAttack #Israel #IsraelPalestinewar


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797d9c No.96875

File: af7f4a7d2429326⋯.png (184.57 KB,681x559,681:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688177 (072039ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


MSNBC: Israel Caused Attacks on It and

Made People Vote for Hamas

Breitbart Clips, by Ian Hanchett

Posted By: Imright, 10/7/2023 3:38:46 PM

During MSNBC’s coverage of the Hamas attack on Israel on Saturday, MSNBC host Ayman Mohyeldin argued that the attacks on Israel are due to “people who have been living in Gaza,” being “blockaded, besieged, decimated economically and politically” and host Ali Velshi stated that Israel’s behavior is “why they voted for Hamas in the first place.” Mohyeldin stated that “if you do not have some kind of mechanism that delivers justice for Palestinians, you are never going to have peace in the region. That’s what this is about. And I wrap up with a central point about, when we look back at the Oslo Accords, this was supposed to be

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797d9c No.96876

File: 994053e053dc87f⋯.png (115.4 KB,624x784,39:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688187 (072040ZOCT23) Notable: Biden’s Chamberlain Moment, American Thinker, by Daniel Duffy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden’s Chamberlain Moment

American Thinker, by Daniel Duffy

Posted By: Imright, 10/7/2023 4:05:16 PM

This past week marked the 85th anniversary of the Munich Agreement that annexed the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia to Hitler’s Germany. Despite the political murders, the persecution of Jews, the genocidal rhetoric, the fact Germany illegally occupied the Rhineland and annexed Austria less than two years prior, British prime minister Neville Chamberlain, along with French diplomats strong-armed Czechoslovakia into letting Hitler annex the Sudetenland, emboldening Hitler and enabling him to seize the rest of the country six months later. A year afterward, Hitler invaded Poland and World War II started. Refusing to see him as who he was, Chamberlain insisted on dealing with Hitler “in a practical and businesslike manner.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96877

File: 8ae84d4142adec4⋯.png (616.68 KB,835x489,835:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688204 (072043ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump in Cedar Rapids, IA LIVE LINKS

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump in Cedar Rapids, IA LIVE LINKS

Donald Trump

President Trump in Cedar Rapids, IA




LIVE - President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023



Real Americas Voice




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96878

File: 4b53cdc3c636578⋯.png (65.07 KB,602x883,602:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688211 (072043ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn



and I did not coordinate our positions today but we run in similar veins of thought:

Is there not a pattern developing here?

“Upon the ascension of Biden and his woke military agendas, we saw the following: the complete humiliation of the U.S. in Kabul in its most shameful flight in 50 years and greatest abandonment of equipment in its history; followed by Vladimir Putin’s opportunistic invasion of Ukraine; followed by China’s new belligerence and escalating threats to Taiwan; followed by Turkey’s new de facto alliance with Russia and recent drone encounter with the U.S. air force in Syria; followed by the Hamas/Iranian inspired attack on Israel—with more to come unfortunately.”

You only need to add the border invasion killing and maiming 100’s of thousands of Americans and you get the door prize.

Well worth the read and further analysis.

There is no equivalent to peace, there only seem to be this spate of endless losing wars the UNIPARTY in WDC thrives on.


Victor Davis Hanson





A 50th Anniversary War?

Why did Hamas stage a long-planned, carefully executed and multifaceted attack on Israeli towns, soldiers, and civilians—one designed to instill terror by executing noncombatants, taking hostages, and desecrating the bodies of the dead?

And how were the

Show more

9:42 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688229 (072047ZOCT23) Notable: Samuel Bateman is the polygamist FLDS cult leader from Colorado City who raped children and had gay sex with his male followers

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Samuel Bateman was also a private pilot who flew out of Colorado City, AZ airport to these conventions in Cancun.





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797d9c No.96880

File: 14c7acbe160a544⋯.png (30.23 KB,1205x324,1205:324,Clipboard.png)

File: ce7fb8ea8c934d1⋯.png (196.49 KB,598x644,13:14,Clipboard.png)

File: 7855ef6c5afa65f⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB,320x580,16:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688233 (072047ZOCT23) Notable: Current Trend Bun

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Satan https://twitter.com/search?q=Satan


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797d9c No.96881

File: a6756b6ff0bbdb0⋯.png (268.6 KB,465x261,155:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688283 (072056ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


this shot. maybe i've never seen legs twisted but the upper body and pelvis are wrong

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797d9c No.96882

File: 6508554ccf35fb4⋯.mp4 (3.94 MB,640x640,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688307 (072059ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


It's a video anon, not saying they don't have computer generated full length films but this appears real to me.


[vid cap]

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797d9c No.96883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688344 (072105ZOCT23) Notable: #24173

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#24173 >>96838

>>96840 Waterloo Rally Live Links, President Trump

>>96842 President Trump: WAY!

>>96843 President Trump: If you want a president who will seal the border
.we have to stop the invasion and reclaim our sovereignty on Day One, and that's what we will do

>>96844 President Trump: Under Roe v Wade, they could execute the baby at any time. You remember when I said, with the debate, 'you rip the baby out of the womb', with Hillary. She's willing to rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month

>>96849 President Trump: We're going to obliterate the deep state. We did a lot of work on that; we got rid of Comey and a lot of guys, but then we got the whole thing with that dust flying over from China

>>96854 We have to Move, We have to Move, DJT at waterloo

>>96855 President Trump: If we don't take back our country, we're not going to have a country. If we do take back our country, our country will be greater than ever before, I promise you that

>>96858 DJT: 6 Billion, does anyone know how much 6 billions is, it is just like water

>>96869 Be aware the traitors in congress will use this chaos to pass legislation and other nefarious shit while everyone is distracted by Israel

>>96859 Trump just finished speaking at Waterloo now he's off to Cedar Rapids

>>96860 Anons, I saw this at the tail end of Trump's speech. Can he still walk around using president seal?

>>96841, >>96847 Holy shlit they think they can tweet their way through it - @UnderSecTFI These restricted funds cannot go to Iran

>>96839 Taylor Swift amnesia? Swifties report they can’t remember her concerts Experts reveal why 'Eras Tour' concertgoers are experiencing 'undeniable gaps' in their memories - FOX

>>96845, >>96846, >>96851 @TomFitton: Iranian president says Tehran will spend the $6 billion released in prisoner exchange ‘wherever we need it’

>>96848 Nimrod Aloni has been captured by Hamas

>>96850, >>96857 You saw what took place today in Israel. The attack was made because we are being perceived as weak. - President @realDonaldTrump

>>96852, >>96853 Trump’s “Final Battle” We are saving Israel for last

>>96862 With all the aid we send to Israel, why did they get steamrolled by Hamas? With all the aid we send to Ukraine, why are they struggling with Russia?

>>96865 Israeli Military reinforcements towards the settlements near Gaza

>>96866, >>96867, >>96880 Current Trend Bun

>>96868 Fuckery Witnessed: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Prevents Removal of Elections Official Meagan Wolfe

>>96864 A Trip Back in Time: At the Battle of Shiloh, Iowans held the line

>>96870 James O'Keefe: ‘We want to avoid having the information on the fetal cells floating out there’ Two years later, Melissa’s actions inspired others. She is heroic and courageous - you benefited from the knowledge she brought forward.

>>96871 webcams Israel Gaza


>>96873 John F. Kennedy Jr. during a weekend in Argos, Ind. back in 1997. He spent his time here learning to fly a powered parachute with his wife Carolyn at Buckeye Industries

>>96874, >>96875, >>96878, >>96881, >>96882 Israel posts

>>96876 Biden’s Chamberlain Moment, American Thinker, by Daniel Duffy

>>96877 President Trump in Cedar Rapids, IA LIVE LINKS

>>96856, >>96879 Samuel Bateman is the polygamist FLDS cult leader from Colorado City who raped children and had gay sex with his male followers

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96884

File: ec18e19e0b6328d⋯.png (325.36 KB,480x320,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 344e889bca389e1⋯.jpg (250.43 KB,1557x1332,173:148,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d86f55b60ad90c7⋯.png (393.13 KB,828x544,207:136,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688372 (072108ZOCT23) Notable: #24174

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Q Research General #24174: President Trump in Cedar Rapids, IA Edition

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688388 (072110ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump in Cedar Rapids, IA Live links

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump in Cedar Rapids, IA

Donald Trump

President Trump in Cedar Rapids, IA




LIVE - President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023



Real Americas Voice




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96886

File: c4623a494aa7999⋯.png (192.86 KB,536x1286,268:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688426 (072115ZOCT23) Notable: Qpost 916; 9 +1 = 10 / 6 Hamas attacks Israel Oct 6 (10 / 6) Israel for last

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Qpost 916; 9 +1 = 10 / 6

Hamas attacks Israel Oct 6 (10 / 6)

Israel for last

The war narrative is on their doorstep now.

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797d9c No.96887

File: 26f1816edbddeb2⋯.mp4 (959.68 KB,352x288,11:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 49bc9a263980e0f⋯.mp4 (183.46 KB,500x280,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688444 (072117ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



anon is not buying this new shit show yet.

it all seems so organic and a clown operation

probably has real victims but who can really tell yet.

hold the line and give it the 24 hour rule.

the truth will reveal itself.



>>>/qresearch/19688382 lb

Iron dome is fake light show.

keep em scared.

sorry, still not buying this shit yet.

it shows nothing and anons have seen some sheeit on drones and sky displays.

especially at night with a dark sky.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688445 (072117ZOCT23) Notable: Germany’s Bild tries to link Putin to Hamas assault on Israel, They can’t blame Trump for everything now, so Putin “did it”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

They can’t blame Trump for everything now, so Putin “did it”

7 Oct, 2023 20:15

Germany’s Bild tries to link Putin to Hamas assault on Israel

The leading German daily has appeared to make a far-fetched assertion about Russian president’s birthday

Germany’s Bild newspaper has appeared to connect Russian President Vladimir Putin’s birthday to the start of Saturday’s escalation between Palestinian militant group Hamas and Israel.

The bizarre link was made by the daily in a pro-Israel editorial, penned by the Chair of Bild’s editorial team Marion Horn and titled ‘No more German money for these barbarians!’

“This dastardly attack comes on Putin’s birthday and50 years after the start of the Yom Kippur War, launched by Israel’s Arab neighbors with the aim of destroying Israel,”the editorial reads.

The Yom Kippur War between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria was fought from October 6 to 25 in 1973, ultimately resulting in a major Israeli victory. Russia’s president, indeed, is celebrating his 71st birthday on Saturday, yet it is not clear how exactly this fact was relevant to the ongoing escalation in the Middle East.

Russia has urged both sides in the conflict to exercise restraint and cease hostilities, sticking to diplomacy instead. “We call on the Palestinian and Israeli sides for an immediate ceasefire, renunciation of violence, exercising necessary restraint and for the launch, with the assistance of the international community, of a negotiation process aimed at establishing a comprehensive, lasting and much-awaited peace in the Middle East,” Russian Foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said in a statement earlier in the day.

The new flare-up between Hamas and Israel began early on Saturday, when the Palestinian militant group launched a surprise attack from Gaza, breaching the border with Israel at multiple points and firing barrages of rockets into the country. The militants managed to seize control of multiple locations in southern Israel, and killed or captured Israeli soldiers and civilians alike, footage circulating online suggests. Hamas claims it’s taken “a big number” of Israeli soldiers prisoner, including high-ranking officers.

Israel retaliated with airstrikes on Gaza and announced mobilization of military reservists. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said the country was already at “war,” promising that the “enemy will pay a price like they have never known before.”


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797d9c No.96889

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688481 (072122ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: A vote for Biden means the future will be made in China. A vote for President Trump means the future will be Made In America, and it will be made right here in Iowa.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: A vote for Biden means the future will be made in China. A vote for President Trump means the future will be Made In America, and it will be made right here in Iowa.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96890

File: bbd490720dc7d63⋯.png (707.97 KB,1510x1128,755:564,Clipboard.png)

File: d7164b1ca532e77⋯.png (710.34 KB,1001x1175,1001:1175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688488 (072123ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

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Since this morning, the State of Israel has been at war. Our first objective is to clear out the hostile forces that infiltrated our territory and restore the security and quiet to the communities that have been attacked.

The second objective, at the same time, is to exact an immense price from the enemy, within the Gaza Strip as well. The third objective is to reinforce other fronts so that nobody should mistakenly join this war.

We are at war. In war, one needs to be level-headed. I call on all citizens of Israel to unite in order to achieve our highest goal – victory in the war.

8:23 AM · Oct 7, 2023·5.8M Views

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797d9c No.96891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688492 (072123ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


the sex dolls are the give away?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688510 (072125ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: In less than three years, Biden and the radical-left communist, fascists, and marxists that occupy his office, have piled on job-killing regulatory costs equal to ten thousand dollars per household. By contrast, under the Trump administration, we cut the cost of job-killing regulation by more than any administration on our history, Eleven thousand dollars per family.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: In less than three years, Biden and the radical-left communist, fascists, and marxists that occupy his office, have piled on job-killing regulatory costs equal to ten thousand dollars per household. By contrast, under the Trump administration, we cut the cost of job-killing regulation by more than any administration on our history, Eleven thousand dollars per family.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688517 (072126ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we will once again protect our jobs, we will protect our workers, and we will protect our wages, our factories, our farmers, and our cherished, most importantly, way of life. It's a way of life.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we will once again protect our jobs, we will protect our workers, and we will protect our wages, our factories, our farmers, and our cherished, most importantly, way of life. It's a way of life.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96894

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688553 (072131ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP-We'll take electrocution over a shark

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP-We'll take electrocution over a shark

No one's escaping from GITMO.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688554 (072131ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: we have another name for him, its RINO Paul Ryan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump: we have another name for him, its RINO Paul Ryan

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96896

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688557 (072131ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I hear he's dropping our of the race [DeSantis], by the way, but let's see.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I hear he's dropping our of the race [DeSantis], by the way, but let's see.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688558 (072132ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: we have another name for him, its RINO Paul Ryan

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96898

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688582 (072134ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: The economy boomed, we created half a million new manufacturing jobs, and household incomes rose by a record six thousand dollars a year under Trump.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The economy boomed, we created half a million new manufacturing jobs, and household incomes rose by a record six thousand dollars a year under Trump.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96899

File: fc25288f257c92b⋯.png (163.87 KB,303x270,101:90,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688602 (072137ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

HAMAS Guerilla Terrorist plot balloon strike on Tel Aviv gay arms dealer's bar.

- from Sources, they say.

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797d9c No.96900

File: 5e6fee10fe9aa28⋯.png (647.15 KB,956x1300,239:325,Clipboard.png)

File: 72f72c33375b45f⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7a0d1d5322dd20a⋯.png (250.92 KB,612x408,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688610 (072138ZOCT23) Notable: Israel posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


JUST IN - Palestinian supporters in London celebrating after Hamas attacked Israel


Rachel Riley MBE 💙

3:57 PM · Oct 7, 2023·31.8K Views

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96901

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688618 (072140ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: Under the Trump administration, Patriotic Protectionism
will be the American Way, the American Way of Life again. Used to be that way. It's time for a rebirth of loyalty to our country. We need loyalty to our country.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Under the Trump administration, Patriotic Protectionism...will be the American Way, the American Way of Life again. Used to be that way. It's time for a rebirth of loyalty to our country. We need loyalty to our country.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96902

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688635 (072143ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I will revoke China's Most Favored Nation trade status, and we will impose stiff fines on China and other trade abusers.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I will revoke China's Most Favored Nation trade status, and we will impose stiff fines on China and other trade abusers.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96903

File: a940afa82178988⋯.gif (3.61 MB,286x296,143:148,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688646 (072144ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I will revoke China's Most Favored Nation trade status, and we will impose stiff fines on China and other trade abusers.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump on Xi


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96904

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688653 (072145ZOCT23) Notable: PDJT: We are closer to WWIII then we've ever been. You have no idea about the weapons that will be used, it will be different, believe me, I’ve seen the weapons.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

PDJT: We are closer to WWIII then we've ever been. You have no idea about the weapons that will be used, it will be different, believe me, I’ve seen the weapons.

A guy shouts out “God gave you to me”, to Trump, Trump “isn’t that nice he said God gave you (Trump) to me”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688674 (072148ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: Canada was very tough to deal with. Canada was tougher to deal with than China
what they did with your milk product, and all of your different products; it was like a one-sided deal for years. And now we have a deal that's great
they were tough, they were nasty.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Canada was very tough to deal with. Canada was tougher to deal with than China...what they did with your milk product, and all of your different products; it was like a one-sided deal for years. And now we have a deal that's great...they were tough, they were nasty.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688685 (072150ZOCT23) Notable: they are going to cancel all the debates djt

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they are going to cancel all the debates djt

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688693 (072151ZOCT23) Notable: Trump talks about farm deficit and a woman shouts something, he asks her “are you a farmer?”, she says “No, I don't have to be, to understand what you said”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump talks about farm deficit and a woman shouts something, he asks her “are you a farmer?”, she says “No, I don't have to be, to understand what you said”

He said she should be a politician

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96908

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688739 (072158ZOCT23) Notable: Trump: If EV cars get in, I won’t run for President anymore, I’ll open up a massive business, it will be a car towing business, I ‘ll make a lot of money towing these electric cars

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Trump: If EV cars get in, I won’t run for President anymore, I’ll open up a massive business, it will be a car towing business, I ‘ll make a lot of money towing these electric cars

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96909

File: 113fbcaff028bdb⋯.png (97.56 KB,600x589,600:589,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688807 (072207ZOCT23) Notable: Dead bodies start moving and then hold hands at 30 sec.

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Lord Bebo



đŸššđŸ‡”đŸ‡žđŸ‡źđŸ‡± BREAKING: Dead and wounded Israeli soldiers were found piled up after clearing one of the settlements.



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96910

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688853 (072212ZOCT23) Notable: Dead bodies start moving and then hold hands at 30 sec.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



dead bodies start moving and then hold hands at 30 sec.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96911

File: e07cd97567f3924⋯.png (208.98 KB,566x1065,566:1065,Clipboard.png)

File: b53cb6881804ad8⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,320x584,40:73,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688855 (072212ZOCT23) Notable: Dead bodies start moving and then hold hands at 30 sec.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Yeah this look ike it Isreal Wokka wokka wokka

im Ferguson


Breaking Israel: Entire families and car loads of Israeli civilians have been slaughtered in the most brutal surprise attack on the Sabbath when many Israelis were celebrating #Shabat

The Israeli Defence forces appear to have been completely caught off-guard and the feared #Mossad intelligence services have failed spectacularly in preventing this horrific attack.

We are likely to see a retaliation so severe that Palestine may cease to exist.

Iran watches with interest and considers whether to take advantage of a blindsided Israel and push the attack to destroy the nation of Israel once and for all.

#IsraelUnderAttack #IsraelPalestineWar #Iran


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797d9c No.96912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688919 (072219ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: The invasion of Israeli territory, and the murder of Israeli soldiers and citizens, is an act of savagery that must be, and will be, crushed and avenged.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The invasion of Israeli territory, and the murder of Israeli soldiers and citizens, is an act of savagery that must be, and will be, crushed and avenged.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96913

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688942 (072221ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: In addition to the billions of dollars given to Hamas top-funder, Iran, Joe Biden restored hundreds of millions of dollars to the very corrupt Palestinian entities.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: In addition to the billions of dollars given to Hamas top-funder, Iran, Joe Biden restored hundreds of millions of dollars to the very corrupt Palestinian entities.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96914

File: ac63ef6536e6940⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,208x400,13:25,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688957 (072222ZOCT23) Notable: Dead bodies start moving and then hold hands at 30 sec.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19688965 (072223ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: This guy, this poor, sad sack of a president that we have, will lead is into World War III, one hundred percent. And I hope that's a prediction that I'm wrong on.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: This guy, this poor, sad sack of a president that we have, will lead is into World War III, one hundred percent. And I hope that's a prediction that I'm wrong on.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96916

File: 486eaa8d840f294⋯.png (367.11 KB,600x608,75:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689095 (072239ZOCT23) Notable: Today President of Russia Vladimir #Putin celebrates his 71st birthday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Russia in South Africa đŸ‡·đŸ‡ș



Today President of Russia Vladimir #Putin celebrates his 71st birthday

đŸ‡·đŸ‡ș nation stands united in celebrating its President.

Our leader’s unwavering dedication to the country’s progress & tireless efforts to create a brighter future for the Russian Federation inspire us all!


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96917

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689122 (072242ZOCT23) Notable: #24174

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#24174 >>96884

>>96885 President Trump in Cedar Rapids, IA Live links

>>96889 President Trump: A vote for Biden means the future will be made in China. A vote for President Trump means the future will be Made In America, and it will be made right here in Iowa.

>>96892 President Trump: In less than three years, Biden and the radical-left communist, fascists, and marxists that occupy his office, have piled on job-killing regulatory costs equal to ten thousand dollars per household. By contrast, under the Trump administration, we cut the cost of job-killing regulation by more than any administration on our history, Eleven thousand dollars per family.

>>96893 President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we will once again protect our jobs, we will protect our workers, and we will protect our wages, our factories, our farmers, and our cherished, most importantly, way of life. It's a way of life.

>>96896 President Trump: I hear he's dropping our of the race [DeSantis], by the way, but let's see.

>>96898 President Trump: The economy boomed, we created half a million new manufacturing jobs, and household incomes rose by a record six thousand dollars a year under Trump.

>>96901 President Trump: Under the Trump administration, Patriotic Protectionism
will be the American Way, the American Way of Life again. Used to be that way. It's time for a rebirth of loyalty to our country. We need loyalty to our country.

>>96902, >>96903 President Trump: I will revoke China's Most Favored Nation trade status, and we will impose stiff fines on China and other trade abusers.

>>96905 President Trump: Canada was very tough to deal with. Canada was tougher to deal with than China
what they did with your milk product, and all of your different products; it was like a one-sided deal for years. And now we have a deal that's great
they were tough, they were nasty.

>>96912 President Trump: The invasion of Israeli territory, and the murder of Israeli soldiers and citizens, is an act of savagery that must be, and will be, crushed and avenged.

>>96913 President Trump: In addition to the billions of dollars given to Hamas top-funder, Iran, Joe Biden restored hundreds of millions of dollars to the very corrupt Palestinian entities.

>>96915 President Trump: This guy, this poor, sad sack of a president that we have, will lead is into World War III, one hundred percent. And I hope that's a prediction that I'm wrong on.

>>96837 pb Donald J. Trump: This is one of the many monsters that are destroying our Country! (Cap 0:33)

>>96894 TRUMP-We'll take electrocution over a shark

>>96895, >>96897 Trump: we have another name for him, its RINO Paul Ryan

>>96904 PDJT: We are closer to WWIII then we've ever been. You have no idea about the weapons that will be used, it will be different, believe me, I’ve seen the weapons.

>>96906 they are going to cancel all the debates djt

>>96907 Trump talks about farm deficit and a woman shouts something, he asks her “are you a farmer?”, she says “No, I don't have to be, to understand what you said”

>>96908 Trump: If EV cars get in, I won’t run for President anymore, I’ll open up a massive business, it will be a car towing business, I ‘ll make a lot of money towing these electric cars

>>96886 Qpost 916; 9 +1 = 10 / 6 Hamas attacks Israel Oct 6 (10 / 6) Israel for last

>>96888 Germany’s Bild tries to link Putin to Hamas assault on Israel, They can’t blame Trump for everything now, so Putin “did it”

>>96890, >>96887, >>96891, >>96899, >>96900 Israel posts

>>96909, >>96910, >>96911, >>96914 Dead bodies start moving and then hold hands at 30 sec.

>>96916 Today President of Russia Vladimir #Putin celebrates his 71st birthday

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96918

File: 080368c210954ca⋯.png (255.72 KB,662x377,662:377,Clipboard.png)

File: 908c3bc0963d7f3⋯.jpg (353.61 KB,1017x576,113:64,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1f670a324b29556⋯.jpg (543.13 KB,2000x1436,500:359,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1c93341b3ba7f72⋯.png (328.99 KB,609x503,609:503,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d7c6e0787a6926⋯.jpeg (85.54 KB,888x499,888:499,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689155 (072245ZOCT23) Notable: #24175

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Q Research General #24175: Putin celebrates 71? Edition

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96919

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689196 (072252ZOCT23) Notable: X TRENDS

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>>96918 TYB!




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PASTE: https://fullchan.net/?219e58fdf69ee5e8#poLp9Qiiqhz64epgDpvjJjruf8JLGDRmLu68Kxawkxm

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797d9c No.96920

File: 0aab4751d4bbd75⋯.jpeg (81.51 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689222 (072258ZOCT23) Notable: US set to declare Niger takeover a coup/DS losing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It’s been 3 freakin months, why are set to declare now

7 Oct, 2023 18:51

US set to declare Niger takeover a coup – CNN

The designation of July’s takeover by a new military government may hinder Washington’s counterterrorism operations in the region

US President Joe Biden’s administration is reportedly preparing to officially designate July’s military takeover of Niger’s government a coup d’etat, a legal step thatwill limit Washington’s ability to collaborate with the West African nationon counterterrorism operations in the region.

The US State Department will announce suspension of some assistance to Niger as a result of the coup designation, CNN reportedon Friday, citing two unidentified sources familiar with the administration’s plans. “As we continue our diplomatic engagements to preserve civilian rule in Niger, we are continuing to assess additional next steps but have nothing to preview at this time,” a department spokesperson said.

Nigerien President Mohamed Bazoum was ousted on July 26, and the new government suspended military cooperation agreements with France amid dissatisfaction over the West’s counter-insurgency operation in the Sahel region. The new rulers also expelled France’s ambassador, and French troops began withdrawing from Niger this week.

The US embassy in Niamey will continue to operate, while the Pentagon is assessing how the coup designation will affect its approximately 1,000 troops stationed in Niger, according to the CNN report. Washington is unlikely to withdraw all of its forces from the country, but those who remain will work in a more limited role of intelligence-gathering, the outlet said.

US economic and security assistance to Niger may be halted. Funding to help support the country’s military could be prohibited under the coup designation.

Washington has several military bases in Niger, including at least two drone bases, to support counterterrorism missions in the Sahel. US troops have worked closely with French forces in the region. They ostensibly operate in the country to help the Nigerien military to combat terrorism and expand its capabilities.

The Pentagon said last month that it was moving forces from an airport near Niamey to an air base in Agadez, about 920 kilometers (570 miles) northeast of the capital. Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh called the move “precautionary,” saying there was no threat to American troops. “Our force posture hasn’t changed,” she added.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96921

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689226 (072259ZOCT23) Notable: both speeches today notes below.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



both speeches today notes below.

just forward through the gaps.




note: Usual note taker only posted below

Will have to rewatch and write moar notes later if anything was missed.


LIVE: President Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks Across Iowa - 10/7/2023




President Trump: The Israeli attack was made because we are perceived as being weak and ineffective, and with a really weak leader
.things are not what they were just three years ago.

DJT: We are not going to have a country left if we don't win this election.

President Trump: The way you do win no matter what is, you swamp 'e
.there's only so much they can do. In other words, they can only cheat so much. Even them; they're going to go for max, but they can only cheat so much. We have some very good controls in place.

President Trump: Under Crooked Joe Biden, the thirty-year mortgage rate recently hit a twenty-three year high
Under my leadership, it hit a all-time low, in history.

DJT: shinzo was a great guy, he was assassinated. He knew, he said we were waiting for you.

President Trump: If you want a president who will seal the border
.we have to stop the invasion and reclaim our sovereignty on Day One, and that's what we will do.

President Trump: Under Roe v Wade, they could execute the baby at any time. You remember when I said, with the debate, 'you rip the baby out of the womb', with Hillary. She's willing to rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month.

President Trump: We're going to obliterate the deep state. We did a lot of work on that; we got rid of Comey and a lot of guys, but then we got the whole thing with that dust flying over from China.

President Trump: If we don't take back our country, we're not going to have a country. If we do take back our country, our country will be greater than ever before, I promise you that.

DJT: 6 Billion, does anyone know how much 6 billions is, it is just like water.



2nd speech from trump on the 7th October 2023


President Trump: A vote for Biden means the future will be made in China. A vote for President Trump means the future will be Made In America, and it will be made right here in Iowa.

President Trump: In less than three years, Biden and the radical-left communist, fascists, and marxists that occupy his office, have piled on job-killing regulatory costs equal to ten thousand dollars per household. By contrast, under the Trump administration, we cut the cost of job-killing regulation by more than any administration on our history, Eleven thousand dollars per family.

President Trump: Under the Trump administration, we will once again protect our jobs, we will protect our workers, and we will protect our wages, our factories, our farmers, and our cherished, most importantly, way of life. It's a way of life.

President Trump: I hear he's dropping our of the race [DeSantis], by the way, but let's see.

President Trump: The economy boomed, we created half a million new manufacturing jobs, and household incomes rose by a record six thousand dollars a year under Trump.

President Trump: Under the Trump administration, Patriotic Protectionism
will be the American Way, the American Way of Life again. Used to be that way. It's time for a rebirth of loyalty to our country. We need loyalty to our country.

President Trump: I will revoke China's Most Favored Nation trade status, and we will impose stiff fines on China and other trade abusers.

President Trump: Canada was very tough to deal with. Canada was tougher to deal with than China
what they did with your milk product, and all of your different products; it was like a one-sided deal for years. And now we have a deal that's great
they were tough, they were nasty.

President Trump: The invasion of Israeli territory, and the murder of Israeli soldiers and citizens, is an act of savagery that must be, and will be, crushed and avenged.

President Trump: In addition to the billions of dollars given to Hamas top-funder, Iran, Joe Biden restored hundreds of millions of dollars to the very corrupt Palestinian entities.

President Trump: This guy, this poor, sad sack of a president that we have, will lead is into World War III, one hundred percent. And I hope that's a prediction that I'm wrong on.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96922

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689273 (072308ZOCT23) Notable: Manchester City owner probed over Russia links/Sheikh Mansour

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

7 Oct, 2023 18:51

Manchester City owner probed over Russia links

Sheikh Mansour could be disqualified from owning the English champions if he is sanctioned by the UK

The UK government must investigate if Manchester City owner Sheikh Mansour assisted wealthy Russians under Western sanctions in moving their assets to the United Arab Emirates,lawyers representing an anonymous Ukrainian activisthave said.

“Sheikh Mansour is a particularly high-profile individual and as the owner of one of the United Kingdom’s most celebrated football clubs, is a person who ought to be subject to reasonable scrutiny by the UK government,” a letter sent to UK foreign secretary James Cleverly reads, according to numerous sources on Friday.

It adds that following the discovery of what the letter says is a “wealth of evidence” linking Sheikh Mansour “with the accommodation of wealthy Russians in the UAE,” there is a basis “for the UK government to conduct an investigation.” The request for an update from Cleverly follows an initial inquiry from the same legal team in September last year.The Ukrainian activist behind the letter is maintaining their anonymity for fear of reprisal, reports say.

The letter calls upon UK lawmakers to determine if Mansour should be considered a “designated person” who would be subject to financial sanctions under the Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019.

If a government investigation were to conclude that Mansour was an individual subject to sanctions, it would disqualify him from owning Manchester City under updated ownership rules in the English Premier League published in March. Mansour would be potentially liable for sanctions if he was determined to have participated in actions that threaten or undermine Ukraine’s territorial integrity.

The letter adds that “many Russian oligarchs appear to have found a home for their wealth in the United Arab Emirates, with Dubai and Abu Dhabi apparently being particularly attractive to those individuals.”

In response, a spokesperson for the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office (FCDO) said: “We will not tolerate attempts to help Russian oligarchs hide their assets in complex financial networks and in April introduced a sanctions package to crack down on their enablers.”

The FCDO is “aware” of Russian efforts to circumvent sanctions, the Guardian said on Friday. The newspaper also notes that the governmental body has increased its efforts in various countries, including the UAE, TĂŒrkiye, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Armenia and Serbia, to disrupt Russian efforts to source sanctioned goods used in weapons manufacturing.

Last week, the UK government said that in excess of 1,800 had been sanctioned under its regulations. About 1,600 of these came following the onset of Moscow’s military action in Ukraine last year – one of whom was former Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich, who was later forced to sell the Premier League giants.

Sheikh Mansour purchased Manchester City in 2008.During his tenure as owner, the club has won seven Premier League titles, six League Cups, three FA Cups and one UEFA Champions League. Mansour has attended just two matches since gaining ownership of the club.

(The UK’s economy is falling fast if they do this they will jeopardize their relationship to the middle East, why don’t they investigate Ukraine oligarchs who hide their money in the middle East. Or better yet the UK politicians that hide their money in Ukraine.)


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797d9c No.96923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689274 (072308ZOCT23) Notable: Refresher: Trump has a travel ban on Iran and other Islamist hotbeds, Biden revoked it on Day 1.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump has a travel ban on Iran and other Islamist hotbeds.

President Biden revoked it on Day 1.


6:48 PM · Oct 7, 2023

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797d9c No.96924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689284 (072312ZOCT23) Notable: X TRENDS

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797d9c No.96925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689298 (072315ZOCT23) Notable: After Summit in Spain -- Budapest and Warsaw Won’t Support Globalist Mass Migration Policies

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Hungary and Poland Block Statement on Migration by EU Countries After Summit in Spain – Budapest and Warsaw Won’t Support Globalist Mass Migration Policies

Deutsche Welle reported:

“At the end of the summit in Granada, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Warsaw had rejected a joint statement on migration.

] ‘As a responsible politician, I reject the whole paragraph of summit conclusions regarding migration’, Morawiecki wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter.”

French President Emmanuel Macron means to override their objections some way.

“‘They [Warsaw and Budapest] expressed, around the table, their disagreement, which they have already expressed at a ministerial level, but it is not of a nature to block a decision which would be done by a qualified majority’, said Macron at a news conference after the meeting in Granada.”

Everyone is suddenly ‘worried’ about migration, as as we head into regional elections in Germany on Oct. 8, a national vote in Poland a week later and a continental parliamentary vote on June 2024.

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accused Germany and Poland’s opposition leader Donald Turk of ‘collaborating to push new EU laws fining countries if they refuse to host people arriving from the Middle East and Africa’.

Reuters reported:

“‘Poland does not agree to have someone else furnishing our home’, said Morawiecki.

] While Poland and Hungary cannot block the EU’s new migration pact and their opposition on Friday was largely symbolic, their harsh criticism raises questions about how effectively the union can implement a deal.”

Years of deep arguments over migration damaged the EU’s unity. And the disagreements do seem to be on the rise.


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797d9c No.96926

File: 6739536e8addcaf⋯.png (1.92 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689304 (072316ZOCT23) Notable: Refresher: US arms left in Afghanistan reach Gaza

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Israel: US arms left in Afghanistan reach Gaza

June 17, 2023 at 11:06 am

US arms left in Afghanistan have been smuggled to the Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip, Sama News Agency reported on Friday.

The local Palestinian news agency disclosed that Newsweek reported an unnamed senior Israeli military official confirming: “Some of the small weapons seized in Afghanistan had been spotted in the hands of Palestinian factions in the Gaza Strip.”

The Israeli military official raised concerns about the “dangers” of sending advanced US and Western arms, sent to Ukraine, to: “Israel’s enemies in the region, including in Iran.”

According to Sama News Agency, Washington affirmed it would take “pre-emptive measures” to undermine moving arms to the Middle East.

The Israeli military official said that the paramilitary forces taking part in the Russian-Ukrainian war are monitoring the arms sent to Ukraine, such as the anti-missile system, Javelin.

He claimed that the military groups fighting in Russia are eager to move the arms they seized during the war to Iran due to the strong relations between the two countries, while the groups fighting in Ukraine seek to smuggle weapons for money.

The official described the situation as “very dangerous” because Iran could learn how to manufacture similar weapons, which the Palestinian factions and Hezbollah could obtain.

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797d9c No.96927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689317 (072318ZOCT23) Notable: New York City sees spike in tuberculosis cases, possibly caused by COVID fatigue and migrant crisis

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New York City sees spike in tuberculosis cases, possibly caused by COVID fatigue and migrant crisis: Report

New York City is reportedly experiencing a sudden surge in cases of tuberculosis, an illness that ran rampant throughout the early twentieth century. There is now concern that it could be making a resurgence in the U.S.

The Daily Mail reported that there is some data which suggests 500 new cases of tuberculosis have officially been diagnosed in the city so far in 2023. This represents a 20% increase in the illness from the same time last year.

The prevalence of TB is the highest it has been in the city in more than ten years, with some speculating that this could mean the illness spills over into other parts of the country. A number of health officials have suggested that one major reason for the rise in the illness is COVID-19 fatigue, with more people avoiding clinics and treatments.

However, there is also the possibility that the migrant crisis in the Big Apple has something to do with the sudden rise of TB. More than 100,000 migrants have flooded into the city since the spring, with many of them not having the appropriate vaccinations that would otherwise mitigate the likelihood of contracting the illness.

“When there are particularly high spikes in TB and other infectious diseases in New York City, that tends to be kind of a bellwether for the rest of the country,” Elizabeth Lovinger, a health policy director at Treatment Action Group, said. Treatment Action Group is a public health advocacy group that specifically focuses on TB.

The situation in New York City is especially concerning, according to TB experts, given that there has been a dramatic disinvestment in efforts to try and control the illness since the illness last spiked in the early 1990s, per Politico.

Due to budget cuts from the Bureau of Tuberculosis Control, it is possible that New York City witnesses another spike in cases. Politico noted that the illness has been generally uncommon in the U.S. since cases spiked during the AIDS epidemic. TB is reportedly still a leading killer throughout the world, especially in underdeveloped countries.

The disease is caused by bacteria, which can spread through the air and become deadly if it is not properly treated.

While migrants could be at risk of developing the illness, they are also possible carriers of the illness. However, the city has not yet announced any effort to mitigate the rise of cases.


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797d9c No.96928

File: 2d07dcc710324ff⋯.jpeg (47.22 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689359 (072326ZOCT23) Notable: Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into ‘ruins’

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(See the picture that RT used of Netanyahu, it seems to suggest Israel either started this or wanted it.)

7 Oct, 2023 21:28

Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into ‘ruins’

The Israeli PM urged civilians to leave Gaza, warning the war with Hamas “will take time” and be a “difficult” one

PM Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to “take revenge for this black day” and turn all the sites used by Palestinian militant group Hamas into “ruins” in the aftermath of a massive attack by the militant group on southern Israel.

In a new televised address late on Saturday, the Israeli PM called Gaza “the city of evil,”urging civilians to immediately leave theovercrowded Palestinian enclave, home to an estimated 2 million people.

“All the places that Hamas hides in, operates in, we will turn them into ruins,” Netanyahu stated. “Get out of there now.”

“What happened today has never been seen before in Israel, and I will ensure it never happens again. The entire government supports this decision. The IDF will immediately use all its power to destroy Hamas’ capabilities,” he added, warning thatIsrael is headed for a “difficult” war that is set to “take time.”

The new escalation between Hamas and Israel began early on Saturday, when the militant group launched a major attack from Gaza. Hamas attacked multiple locations in southern Israel, overrunning military installations and breaching the border at different points. During the attacks, the militants destroyed and captured assorted Israeli military hardware, as well as killed and took prisoner multiple Israeli soldiers and civilians, footage circulating online suggests.

The hostilities continued through the day, with Hamas launching several massive barrages of rockets deeper into Israeli territory. Israel conducted multiple air strikes on Gaza, destroying several high-rise buildings purportedly used by Hamas. Netanyahu has squarely described the escalation as a “war,”announcing the call-up of reservists to further bolster the ranks of the country’s military.


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797d9c No.96929

File: 6bb7899ee0775e3⋯.png (384.77 KB,598x685,598:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 7566fc70f2db765⋯.mp4 (852.38 KB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689385 (072330ZOCT23) Notable: Refresher: US arms left in Afghanistan reach Gaza

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middle east



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797d9c No.96930

File: 76e58e5149bbd14⋯.png (704.1 KB,976x1268,244:317,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cb55f4b2e01615⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689400 (072332ZOCT23) Notable: Iranians have gathered near the grave of Martyr Qassem Soleimani in Kerman to celebrate Palestine’s success đŸ‡źđŸ‡·đŸ‡”đŸ‡ž

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Iranians have gathered near the grave of Martyr Qassem Soleimani in Kerman to celebrate Palestine’s success đŸ‡źđŸ‡·đŸ‡”đŸ‡ž

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797d9c No.96931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689506 (072352ZOCT23) Notable: Q Delta

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Oct 4 2018 16:27:07 (EST)

Israeli intelligence - stand down.


Media assets will be removed.


Oct 4 2018 16:27:07 (EST)

Israeli intelligence - stand down.


Media assets will be removed.


Oct 4 2018 16:27:07 (EST)

Israeli intelligence - stand down.


Media assets will be removed.


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797d9c No.96932

File: f3a307366abc689⋯.jpeg (59.37 KB,644x680,161:170,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689542 (072358ZOCT23) Notable: (WHO) has warned world governments that the “next pandemic” will come from the meat supply

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The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned world governments that the “next pandemic” will come from the meat supply and as a consequence humanity must be restricted in its consumption of animal products.

According to the WHO, the meat supply must be regulated to price animal products out of reach for ordinary people, with blanket bans on many products.


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797d9c No.96933

File: ccfce0bef198590⋯.jpeg (187.2 KB,909x706,909:706,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1d1b6f6c6851d32⋯.jpeg (189.92 KB,898x699,898:699,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8c7ea88fce0187c⋯.jpeg (146.91 KB,555x773,555:773,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689569 (080004ZOCT23) Notable: Staged? But?

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(Pretty sure Sundance didn’t get the staged message, but article relevant)

Protected: Joe Biden Delivers Remarks Following Hamas Terrorist Attack on Israel

October 7, 2023 | Sundance

As the death toll mounts
 Joe Biden, supported by Anthony Blinken, deliver remarks following a massive terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel.

Biden and Blinken recently gave Iran $6 billion to support the turmoil in the middle east. One week later, Hamas, a terror ally of Iran, launches their attack.

Warning – Graphic Imagery Follows 👇

White House – This morning, I spoke with Prime Minister Netanyahu about the horrific and ongoing attacks in Israel. The United States unequivocally condemns this appalling assault against Israel by Hamas terrorists from Gaza, and I made clear to Prime Minister Netanyahu that we stand ready to offer all appropriate means of support to the Government and people of Israel.

Terrorism is never justified. Israel has a right to defend itself and its people. The United States warns against any other party hostile to Israel seeking advantage in this situation. My Administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering.

Jill and I are keeping in our prayers all of the families who have been hurt by this violence. We are heartbroken by the lives that have been tragically cut short and hope for a swift recovery for all those who have been wounded.

My team and I are tracking this situation closely, and I will remain in close touch with Prime Minister Netanyahu. (link)

Do not look away

Why is it important not to look away?

. Because Joe Biden has imported thousands of terrorists through the U.S. Southern border. All of those agents of death, are one moment away from activating in your neighborhood.


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797d9c No.96934

File: 8ebc6937da7d880⋯.png (163.11 KB,1100x596,275:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a448d1079a56ac⋯.png (343.74 KB,1542x818,771:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689592 (080009ZOCT23) Notable: Staged? But?

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Why is she wearing a protective sleve on the left arm?

Why isn't the white of her shirt soaked in blood but it's down her arms?

Did they move the body for this picture?

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797d9c No.96935

File: b25cf21cb1afa51⋯.png (824 KB,600x800,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689601 (080012ZOCT23) Notable: Staged? But?

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797d9c No.96936

File: 20af7175131f5fe⋯.png (272.7 KB,554x753,554:753,Clipboard.png)

File: 5beb6b64c0213b8⋯.png (235.2 KB,549x523,549:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689633 (080018ZOCT23) Notable: The Taliban Asks Iran for Passage Across Country to Assist Hamas in Annihilation of Israel

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Jpost says.....hmmmm

The Taliban Asks Iran for Passage Across Country to Assist Hamas in Annihilation of Israel – After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies

Earlier today Hamas terrorists launched a major surprise attack on Israel. The Islamist group fired over 5,000 missiles inside Israel, crossed into southern Israel, captured innocent citizens and Israeli soldiers as prisoners, and launched numerous attacks across southern Israel.

This assault comes just weeks after Joe Biden sent $6 billion to Iran in September.

The last time the US gave stacks of money to Iran, during the Obama years, Iran launched a massive military build-up.

This time it took four weeks before Iran’s proxy army in Gaza launched a historic military assault on Israel on the Sabbath.

Earlier this morning Joe Biden’s US Office of Palestinian Affairs urged Israel not to defend itself from the 5,000 missile attack and mass kidnappings and killings by Hamas.

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797d9c No.96937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689660 (080023ZOCT23) Notable: Pardons Granted by resident Joseph Biden

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Pardons Granted by President Joseph Biden (2021-Present)

September 14, 2023


Kaveh Lotfolah Afrasiabi Eastern District of New York N/A Conspiracy to act as an unregistered agent of a foreign principal; acting as an unregistered agent of a foreign principal


Amin Hasanzadeh Eastern District of Michigan N/A Conspiracy to unlawfully export technology to Iran and to defraud the United States; unlawful export of technology to Iran (seven counts)


Reza Sarhangpour Kafrani District of Columbia N/A Conspiracy to unlawfully export goods to Iran via the United Arab Emirates, and to defraud the United States; unlawful exports and attempted unlawful export of goods to Iran via the United Arab Emirates (two counts); failure to file electronic export information; international money laundering (six counts)



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797d9c No.96938

File: 2a41fddfb85e897⋯.png (522.34 KB,552x771,184:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689664 (080023ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque complex on 4th day of Jewish holiday

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797d9c No.96939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689678 (080027ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque complex on 4th day of Jewish holiday

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Hundreds Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque complex on 4th day of Jewish holiday


Hundreds of ultranationalist Israelis are carrying out incursions into the Al-Aqsa Mosque complex in occupied East Jerusalem.


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797d9c No.96940

File: d5945c06efbc40d⋯.png (58.59 KB,600x582,100:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689769 (080041ZOCT23) Notable: Grenell: Haines rules ODNI briefs

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797d9c No.96941

File: 76839e561ade505⋯.png (739.73 KB,600x539,600:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689784 (080044ZOCT23) Notable: Staged? But?

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SEAMS fake.

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797d9c No.96942

File: 5223b264b4b9fb0⋯.png (841.38 KB,634x1000,317:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689797 (080046ZOCT23) Notable: International Australian sports star - turned top school teacher - is sensationally charged with producing child abuse material

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International Australian sports star - turned top school teacher - is sensationally charged with producing child abuse material

Neil Barrowcliff is an Australian baseball hero

Has annual Golden Glove award in his name

Charged indecency and abuse material against underage girls


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797d9c No.96943

File: 554b734729e453e⋯.png (1000.5 KB,888x700,222:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689809 (080048ZOCT23) Notable: LGBTQ Public School Groomer: ‘You Have to Catch Kids When They’re Starting Puberty’

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LGBTQ Public School Groomer: ‘You Have

to Catch Kids When They’re Starting Puberty’

PJ Media, by Ben Bartee

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 10/7/2023 6:44:52 PM

The transgenderists targeting children are getting more brazen in the public acknowledgments of their social engineering schemes, presumably because they feel sufficient rhetorical cover and institutional support provided by the public school teacher unions, the school systems themselves, and the corporate state media to not worry about any consequences. Via Project Veritas: Project Veritas today released additional undercover footage of HiTOPS employees revealing their efforts to offer sexual and gender identity trainings to elementary aged children. In a recording obtained by Project Veritas, HiTOPS’ Director of Education and Administration, Stacy Robustelli, shared that five students “came out” as LGBTQ

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797d9c No.96944

File: 1266c65d4fa9905⋯.png (14.22 KB,596x152,149:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689837 (080052ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: The US should in addition to other materiel, transfer heavy bomber aircraft to the @IAFsite for deterrence and immediate use.

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Ezra A. Cohen


The US should in addition to other materiel, transfer heavy bomber aircraft to the @IAFsite

for deterrence and immediate use.

Last edited

1:24 PM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96945

File: f1f25f6870f2c21⋯.png (16.64 KB,587x210,587:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689846 (080053ZOCT23) Notable: How many Hamas sleeper cells have crossed our border?

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General Mike Flynn




Joey Mannarino




How many Hamas sleeper cells have crossed our border?

1:13 PM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689941 (080106ZOCT23) Notable: #24175

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#24175 >>96918

>>96919, >>96924 X TRENDS

>>96920 US set to declare Niger takeover a coup/DS losing

>>96921 both speeches today notes below.

>>96922 Manchester City owner probed over Russia links/Sheikh Mansour

>>96923 Refresher: Trump has a travel ban on Iran and other Islamist hotbeds, Biden revoked it on Day 1.

>>96925 After Summit in Spain - Budapest and Warsaw Won’t Support Globalist Mass Migration Policies

>>96926, >>96929 Refresher: US arms left in Afghanistan reach Gaza

>>96927 New York City sees spike in tuberculosis cases, possibly caused by COVID fatigue and migrant crisis

>>96928 Netanyahu vows to turn Gaza into ‘ruins’

>>96930 Iranians have gathered near the grave of Martyr Qassem Soleimani in Kerman to celebrate Palestine’s success đŸ‡źđŸ‡·đŸ‡”đŸ‡ž

>>96931 Q Delta

>>96932 (WHO) has warned world governments that the “next pandemic” will come from the meat supply

>>96933, >>96934, >>96935, >>96941 Staged? But?

>>96936 The Taliban Asks Iran for Passage Across Country to Assist Hamas in Annihilation of Israel

>>96937 Pardons Granted by resident Joseph Biden

>>96939, >>96938 Hundreds Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque complex on 4th day of Jewish holiday

>>96940 Grenell: Haines rules ODNI briefs

>>96942 International Australian sports star - turned top school teacher - is sensationally charged with producing child abuse material

>>96943 LGBTQ Public School Groomer: ‘You Have to Catch Kids When They’re Starting Puberty’

>>96944 ECW: The US should in addition to other materiel, transfer heavy bomber aircraft to the @IAFsite for deterrence and immediate use.

>>96945 How many Hamas sleeper cells have crossed our border?


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797d9c No.96947

File: effbe6fa95e9747⋯.jpg (59.28 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8c6509e01ee05cf⋯.jpg (133.37 KB,1080x1072,135:134,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d4e8bc71f88d014⋯.jpg (51.92 KB,500x659,500:659,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d799b1f040872b3⋯.png (670.51 KB,710x711,710:711,Clipboard.png)

File: f3e17d31c463f1b⋯.png (341.17 KB,710x620,71:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689954 (080108ZOCT23) Notable: #24176

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797d9c No.96948

File: 90a33fd6c1f8722⋯.png (175.57 KB,508x500,127:125,Clipboard.png)

File: db17eeeee7f1ce7⋯.png (290.85 KB,527x706,527:706,Clipboard.png)

File: 3331c9d87b8f4d3⋯.png (244.79 KB,514x417,514:417,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f4ba59285c100c⋯.png (250.83 KB,499x458,499:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689971 (080110ZOCT23) Notable: Airlines Cancel Flights To Tel Aviv As War Erupts

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Airlines Cancel Flights To Tel Aviv As War Erupts

It's very puzzling that the Central Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations, also known as Mossad, one of the world's most advanced intelligence agencies, had no advance warning about the biggest Hamas assault on Israel in decades.

Hamas' attack unleashed thousands of rockets on Israel. Then, Palestinian terrorists demolished parts of the Gaza-Israel border fence and flooded the country. Terrorists were seen seizing military outposts, tanks, and settlements while killing anyone in their path.

"We are at war," Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared earlier on Saturday. He said, "The enemy will pay an unprecedented price," adding Israel would "return fire of a magnitude that the enemy has not known."

Typically, in the event of a conflict, airlines reroute or entirely halt flights to the affected region to prevent the potential downing of a passenger aircraft. This is currently the situation, as reported by CNN:

US airlines are diverting and canceling flights bound for Israel's main international airport as fighting rages between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants.

United Airlines Flight 954 left San Francisco International Airport Friday night and diverted over Greenland about seven hours into the more than 13-hour-long journey, according to data from flight tracking site FlightAware. The flight is due to land back in San Francisco around 2 p.m. ET.

FlightAware shows that United has canceled a flight on the same original schedule for Saturday.

Delta Air Lines and American Airlines have canceled Saturday and Sunday Israel-bound flights scheduled to depart from New York's JFK, according to FlightAware. -CNN

According to FlightAware data, about 14% of flights inbound for Tel Aviv have been canceled Saturday. X users are reporting airlines worldwide are beginning to cancel Tel Aviv flights:


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797d9c No.96949

File: 2eef49df5711ccb⋯.png (131.44 KB,586x605,586:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19689985 (080113ZOCT23) Notable: If this graph is correct, on Oct 9, 2023 United States runs out of its STRATEGIC OIL RESERVES.

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Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email


If this graph is correct, on Oct 9, 2023 United States runs out of its STRATEGIC OIL RESERVES.

Coincidentally within 48 hours of Netanyahu’s War in Israel.


10:10 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96950

File: bc0711e66e06ac6⋯.png (1.27 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690016 (080118ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

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Israeli C-130. Almost 4:30 AM there now.


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797d9c No.96951

File: a5acf753cbb4b11⋯.png (85.15 KB,384x605,384:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690022 (080119ZOCT23) Notable: Forsyth County, GA, Republican Party preparing to hand count ballots in next year’s primary, urged by elected officials.

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Forsyth County, GA, Republican Party preparing to hand count ballots in next year’s primary, urged by elected officials.

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797d9c No.96952

File: 8d6c8e23e856d05⋯.png (45.06 KB,442x173,442:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 754ee8a0df07484⋯.png (142.17 KB,772x704,193:176,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690023 (080119ZOCT23) Notable: Airlines Cancel Flights To Tel Aviv As War Erupts

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Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Travel Advisory

Summary: Terrorist groups, lone-wolf terrorists and other violent extremists continue plotting possible attacks in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza. Terrorists and violent extremists may attack with little or no warning, targeting tourist locations, transportation hubs, markets/shopping malls, and local government facilities. Violence can occur in Israel and the West Bank and Gaza without warning. There has been a marked increase in demonstrations throughout Israel, some with little or no warning.


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797d9c No.96953

File: 948e53209d0d811⋯.png (440.52 KB,600x357,200:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690074 (080129ZOCT23) Notable: New York City Subway Mass Shooter Frank James Sentenced to Life in Prison For 2022 Terrorist Attack

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

New York City Subway Mass Shooter Frank James Sentenced to Life in Prison For 2022 Terrorist Attack

A man who went on a shooting rampage in a Brooklyn subway in April of 2022 was sentenced Thursday to life in prison. Frank James, 64, was given 10 life sentences plus 10 years for the terrorist attack that left 10 people wounded.

He had pretended to be a construction worker while entering the subway. He then released smoke bombs and started to fire his gun randomly. The end result was that 10 people were shot.

He gave a watered down apology in court and blamed inadequate mental health services. In addition to that, his lawyer asked for an 18 year sentence. The judge disagreed and James was given life in prison. moar

Oct. 7, 2023 8:20 pm


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797d9c No.96954

File: ee26f8377dec1f3⋯.png (565.71 KB,588x877,588:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690116 (080135ZOCT23) Notable: @GenFlynn This is going to be a long and difficult war. The situation is uncertain and very difficult, it will get worse in the coming days, weeks and months
but in the end, God wins!

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General Mike Flynn


This is going to be a long and difficult war. The situation is uncertain and very difficult, it will get worse in the coming days, weeks and months
but in the end, God wins!

Pay attention to this page for critical reporting and updates.


Israel Defense Forces




Live briefing from Tel Aviv—with an IDF Spokesperson LTC (Res.) Jonathan Conricus https://twitter.com/i/broadcasts/1lDGLPdaYwQGm

2:10 PM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96955

File: 56ff4b072050022⋯.png (249.08 KB,568x668,142:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690130 (080137ZOCT23) Notable: 2021 @snowden: Where Netanyahu Went, NSO Followed: How Israel Pushed Cyberweapon Sales

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Where Netanyahu Went, NSO Followed: How Israel Pushed Cyberweapon Sales

Investigation of potential Pegasus targets reveals: From Hungary to India and even Saudi Arabia, this is how Israel became the cyber industry’s patron and pushed spyware sales across the world

Jul 20, 2021


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797d9c No.96956

File: d5200a84c02ddc5⋯.png (18.8 KB,543x196,543:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690151 (080140ZOCT23) Notable: They know sleeper cells are here

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Anons, I'll try to find it on Twitter. Saw it earlier.

Something like 61k people on the terror watch list have entered thru the southern border.

They know sleeper cells are here.

Will find sauce for number - see comment from Grenell


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797d9c No.96957

File: dd0e137492d9850⋯.png (354.37 KB,1291x635,1291:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690161 (080141ZOCT23) Notable: They know sleeper cells are here

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According to a Department of Homeland Security report reviewed by Breitbart Texas, 61,471 migrants from “Special Interest Countries” entered the United States in Fiscal Year 2023. According to a source within CBP, most of the migrants, mainly single adult males from countries subject to travel warnings by the U.S. State Department due to terrorism, were released into the United States to pursue asylum claims.

The number of migrants from special interest countries climbed by more than 140% from fiscal year 2022 when Border Patrol agents encountered more than 25,500 Special Interest migrants across the southwest border. In all, more than 86,000 “Special Interest Aliens” made the crossing in two years.


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797d9c No.96958

File: aa27017ce7d9b25⋯.png (290.53 KB,389x583,389:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690186 (080144ZOCT23) Notable: đŸ‡źđŸ‡±đŸ‡ș🇩 Flashback to August: Israel has ordered tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells through a $60 million contract with Elbit Systems

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đŸ‡źđŸ‡±đŸ‡ș🇩 Flashback to August:

Israel has ordered tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells through a $60 million contract with Elbit Systems amid tension on the country’s northern border.

The government and the company this week announced the deal for the M107-A3 projectiles for the Israel Defense Forces’ artillery corps. The order follows a move by the U.S. to withdraw 300,000 shells stored in the country to transfer them to Ukraine, according to a January report in The New York Times. Israel had an agreement with the U.S. under which the former could use the ammunition for military campaigns.

- Defense News (http://archive.today/WYmMz)

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797d9c No.96959

File: 8eb7c521a9a58bb⋯.jpeg (76.02 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690188 (080144ZOCT23) Notable: French mayor takes down Ukrainian flag over Zelensky phone call

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Zelensky at it again, insulting allied foreign leaders. His coke habit is accelerating.

7 Oct, 2023 02:17

French mayor takes down Ukrainian flag over Zelensky phone call

Thierry Kovacs accused the president of supporting “dictatorial” Azerbaijan

The mayor of the southeastern French city of Vienne has decided to remove the Ukrainian flag from the city hall, citing an “unacceptable”phone call between Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

Thierry Kovacs explained that the flag was originally raised to show solidarity with Kiev in its armed conflict with Russia. He argued, however, that it was “impossible to claim Western values and call for the West to come to the rescue”while supporting Azerbaijan and the “ethnic cleansing” of Armeniansin Nagorno-Karabakh.

“This doesn’t take anything away from Vienne’s support for the Ukrainian people, but we can’t fight a totalitarian regime in the name of European values, while at the same time encouraging another dictatorial and barbaric regime. It’s a question of consistency,” the mayor wrote on Facebook on Thursday.

Zelensky said he had thanked Aliyev during a phone call on Wednesday for his country’s “significant humanitarian assistance,” and that both leaders “reaffirmed our commitment to the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states.”

Last month, Azerbaijan re-established control over the breakaway region of Nagorno-Karabakh during a brief “counterterrorism”operation. The enclave, which was mainly populated by ethnic Armenians, declared independence from Baku in the early 1990s, but was not recognized by any country, including Armenia.

Although Baku promised to protect civilians, more than 100,000 Armenians – or roughly 90% of Nagorno-Karabakh’s estimated population – fled the enclave after a ceasefire was reached in late September.


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797d9c No.96960

File: 1e756a24d3e1cf9⋯.png (807.21 KB,1103x616,1103:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690214 (080149ZOCT23) Notable: DSA on the image in the red square

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Hamas -> MB (Mus Brthhd) ->Obama


Don't forget Arab Spring and the Eygpt coup.

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797d9c No.96961

File: cd25df8cdb06d31⋯.jpg (135.03 KB,512x822,256:411,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690226 (080150ZOCT23) Notable: Bun on Ptolemy; questions on irreconcilable things we are supposed to believe if we accept the official story of [chronology of] History, etc

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>>>/qresearch/19689924 lb

the chronology, as given and accepted, is wrong. As so much else we are taught.

The "holy land" area of the Biblical references was around the Black Sea and Constantinople, not Palestine?

ABSTRACT on Ptolemy


There are lots of detected anomalies in the works of Claudius Ptolemy, the greatest ancient cosmographist of obscure curriculum. I am discussing 2 such anomalies here.


Anatoly (Timofeevich) Fomenko, correspondent member of the famous Moscow Academy and Department leader at Moscow State University (Differential Geometry) is not exactly popular amongst historians. His New Chronology states that the majority opinion about History is erroneous before XIVth century: between AD 700 & 1300 most "historical events" are falsifications; but those events belonging to Classical Antiquity which are not again falsifications, happened in the above period. And then we absolutely do not know about historical events before 700 AD.

Rather strange a picture. However, Fomenko has some arguments, mathematical, physical & astronomical. These are generally ignored by historians, and in exchange he ignores most historical arguments telling that historical sources may have been falsified.

I made some Comments to this controversy ([1]-[3], and also from another viewpoint, [4]), with practically no echo. Now I have chosen a small detail of the problem: the stellar catalog in the Almagest of Claudius Ptolemaeus. I take the opportunity to mention tangentionally another Ptolemy problem too, about geographical longitudes. There is nothing common in the two "anomalies"; only both are rather strange and maybe if one gets a good explanation, the other ceases to be an anomaly as well.

Today the opinion of the majority of historians is that Ptolemy lived in the 2nd century AD, and his activity is centered about 150 AD. In contrast Fomenko's opinion (see e.g. [5], [6] & [7]) is that the author of Almagest worked somewhere between 600 & 1300, probably near to the upper bound. If the majority opinion is true, then the anomaly mentioned by Fomenko must have an explanation, absent up to now, and even its abstract existence a matter of faith. On the other hand, if Fomenko is right, then all authors referring Ptolemy up to, say, 1000 are falsifications. It is hard to accept any of the two horns of the alternative.


>>>/qresearch/19689881 pb

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797d9c No.96962

File: 789494008a1c40d⋯.webp (67.98 KB,1024x610,512:305,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690265 (080156ZOCT23) Notable: New York City Subway Mass Shooter Frank James Sentenced to Life in Prison For 2022 Terrorist Attack

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New York City Subway Mass Shooter Frank James Sentenced to Life in Prison For 2022 Terrorist Attack.

A man who went on a shooting rampage in a Brooklyn subway in April of 2022 was sentenced Thursday to life in prison. Frank James, 64, was given 10 life sentences plus 10 years for the terrorist attack that left 10 people wounded.

He had pretended to be a construction worker while entering the subway. He then released smoke bombs and started to fire his gun randomly. The end result was that 10 people were shot.

He gave a watered down apology in court and blamed inadequate mental health services. In addition to that, his lawyer asked for an 18 year sentence. The judge disagreed and James was given life in prison.


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797d9c No.96963

File: fb5d7fbac17f568⋯.jpg (230.55 KB,1746x550,873:275,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690275 (080158ZOCT23) Notable: Bun on Ptolemy; questions on irreconcilable things we are supposed to believe if we accept the official story of [chronology of] History, etc

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According to the majority opinion of historians Ptolemy was the greatest astronomer of Classical Antiquity, who incorporated his forerunners' works into a congenial construction which had no real opponents until Copernicus and which had to be put away only because the works of Galileo & Newton. What is interesting, he did not live at the end of Antiquity (say, about 400 AD), in which case the collapse of Antiquity would explain the lack of followers, but also not in the classical age of the Alexandria Research Center (put to 330-200 BC by van der Waerden [8], for example), but in an otherwise boring period. The educated guess of History is Alexandria, c.100-178 AD.

Of course, the date is self-consistent. E.g. Ptolemy uses Hipparchus (IInd century BC) and is cited by Pappos of Alexandria (c.320 AD). Also, one of Ptolemy's works, the Geographika, may be helped by the long peace of the Roman Empire in the IInd c. AD. (His extant works are the Geographika, collecting the ancient geographical informations, the Almagest, originally Syntaxis Mathematika, collecting ancient astronomy, and the Tetrabiblon, collecting ancient astrology.) But look: he collects the knowledge about ancient Earth and Sky in 150 AD, and practically nothing happens afterwards until the Arabs take Alexandria in 641!

There is a commonplace explanation, which I cite from I. Asimov, biochemist, science fiction writer and science history writer [9], who tells that all Greek science started to decline after 200 BC, because Greeks left natural philosophy for rhetorics and such: Greek science exhibited symptoms of very serious decline well before Christ. If so, then Ptolemy is alone in a desert of centuries; then History of Science should give some explanation for his excellence.

There is, of course, another explanation for the decline of science in Alexandria. The Alexandria Research Center was founded by the first Ptolemy Kings as a Library. Their motives to found it may not be completely known for us, but clearly royal prestige, diplomacy and collection of practical information were among them. For example, Egypt of the Ptolemys and Asia of the Antigonids (both Macedonians) concurred to show the Greeks that they are their natural leaders (and later the Attalids of Pergamum copied the idea of a Library). Now, a Library can operate as a Research Center only if it gets a high enough annual budget. Later Ptolemaids may have lost their interest in the Library among their internecine wars. And finally, when Rome took over in 31 BC, Alexandria ceased to be a royal capitol. Why to support the Research Center from faraway Rome?


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797d9c No.96964

File: 8568c195278e41a⋯.png (722.33 KB,1000x1030,100:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690299 (080201ZOCT23) Notable: Bun on Ptolemy; questions on irreconcilable things we are supposed to believe if we accept the official story of [chronology of] History, etc

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



A simple explanation for a decline starting c.200 BC. But then why Ptolemy, the Astronomer, is in floribus c. 150 AD?

The end of the Library is also obscure. There is a popular theory that Iulius Caesar's Alexandria battles are responsible for the burning of the Library in 46 BC. Even more popular is the theory originating from French Enlightement that the Alexandria Christian Church is responsible, which organized the lynching of great Hypatia (beautiful, charming, author of scholarly commentaries, nice behaviour in all-male scientific community [8] and everything as you want, although as for the nice behaviour see App. A...). According to the ecclesiastic history of Socrates the mob of the city, under the influence of Bishop Cyril or at least of turbulent monks, killed her with chips of ceramics (or by another interpretation, by shells) in 415. However Theodosius the Great closed down the non-Christian temples in 393, and the Library, as a Museum, was the temple of the Muses, so it is rather nontrivial how it may have existed in 415.

Still, there are also stories about the Moslim conquerors heating the public baths of Alexandria for 8 months in 641. Finally, Islamic Internet sites sometimes mention that the Alexandria Library was demolished by the Crusaders. My guess (and some experiences of mine about central falsification of history are related to those of Fomenko, albeit not identical) is that in the last 2000 years any and all ideologies accused their oppositions with harming the Alexandria Library.

So, while the 150 AD datum is possible for Ptolemy's work, we could imagine other data as well. Melanchton's opposite opinion will come soon.

Now, there is some anomaly about the Astronomer. Maybe his original name was Greek: Klaudios Ptolemaios; its canonical Latin translation is Claudius Ptolemaeus. The problem is: why Klaudios and if so, why Ptolemaios?

Ptolemaios is a Greek/Macedonian name. In earlier centuries a kin of the Ptolemy Kings of Alexandria may have accumulated substantial research funds and then his authorship of 3 big compilations would get automatic explanation. But not after 31 BC.

As far as we know the royal Ptolemy family was extinct in 31 BC, and even in wider sense in the time of Nero. Of course very far kins may have remained in Egypt, or possibly Klaudios came from a disjoint Ptolemy family. Another idea is that maybe he was the citizen of the only Greek polis in Egypt, Ptolemais at Thebes. (Alexandria was not in Egypt, only adjacent to.) But anyways: he has the family name of Kings of Alexandria & Egypt while his given name is par excellence Latin!

Klaudios was not a Greek given name. It was purely Roman. Sure, between 41 & 54 AD a hyperloyal Alexandria family may have given the name of the actual Roman Emperor; but a hyperloyal family would not use the name of an Emperor dead for half a century. By other words, an individual born in Alexandria about 100 AD as Klaudios Ptolemaios is highly improbable. Of course probability considerations are irrelevant if the individual is well documented. If...

And finally let us see Martin Luther's right hand man and chief scientific advisor, Melanchton. He organised the first printed edition of Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos (the astrological book), to which he wrote a Postscript in 1553 (you can check it in a modern edition [10]). Now, here Melanchton tells that "when the Saracen barbarism ... destroyed ... the Alexandria Academy", the science of Astrology would have been lost unless "not much before the Saracen incursion" Ptolemy had compiled the full Science of Astrology. So Melanchton's opinion is that Ptolemy lived in centuries VI or VII AD.

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797d9c No.96965

File: 5d5ae28fe2f39e5⋯.jpg (32.79 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690301 (080201ZOCT23) Notable: Trump promised during his speech that he would conduct the “largest deportation operation in history” if elected in 2024.

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Trump looking to increase his lead in Iowa with 100 days until the caucuses

Trump promised during his speech that he would conduct the “largest deportation operation in history” if elected in 2024.


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797d9c No.96966

File: b1e13c1e8ea5c51⋯.png (58.56 KB,589x444,589:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690311 (080203ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash the media is not asking how in the hell the Biden administration didn't pick up intelligence on this multi-staged war effort by Hamas and Iran?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kash Patel


the media is not asking how in the hell the Biden administration didn't pick up intelligence on this multi-staged war effort by Hamas and Iran?

Answer- the Biden IC has been weaponized and reprioritized to meet the needs of the fake news and radical hacks in govt, focusing on diversity, climate change, and the sunrise. Just think if we had been the ones to miss this in @realDonaldTrump admin.

Trump's IC did't because we focused on taking out America's enemies and making sure Iran never got a nuke.

See the difference- peace v WWIV

Oct 07, 2023, 10:23 AM

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797d9c No.96967

File: bc89246fed523ee⋯.png (36.36 KB,580x278,290:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690324 (080204ZOCT23) Notable: @Kash Look who is allowed on that censorship sewer platform
 yes thats the Ayatollah

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Kash Patel


Look who is allowed on that censorship sewer platform
 yes thats the Ayatollah, the guy who’s responsible for launching war on Israel- you guys still love the fake news and big tech combo?

Yo elon, you gonna shut this one down??? Total disgrace, cares about one thing, money n attention, just like DC swamp monsters. #GG

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797d9c No.96968

File: 4c7ae6715830ae2⋯.pdf (174.91 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690349 (080207ZOCT23) Notable: Bun on Ptolemy; questions on irreconcilable things we are supposed to believe if we accept the official story of [chronology of] History, etc

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This title comes from Newton (but not I. but R. R.), whose book has the title "The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy" [11]. His claim goes back to Delambre (1819) who believed that Ptolemy fabricated some solar eclipse data without observing the eclipses. I cannot decide if Ptolemy falsified or not and do not want to.

Another accusations from the 80's tell that Ptolemy's Stellar Catalog contains a lot of stars whose positions he did not observe. The idea is the following. Hipparchus discovered the precession. Then Ptolemy calculated that the precession between Hipparchus and himself must be 2°40', and for a lot of stars he simply took Hipparchus' positions + this precession shift while he declared that he reobserved them. The modern authors claim that they detected this practice from anomalous distribution of measurement errors + lack of any peculiar motion (which did not exist in Greek theory) + the incorrect value of precession. The literature is big, not unequivocal but fairly convincing.

So a lot of authors claim that many observations of Ptolemy are some kind of falsifications.

ABSTRACT on Ptolemy



Strange case of Ptolemy.


Newton had issues.

Newton believed History was falsified.

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797d9c No.96969

File: 53a7abb703dfb19⋯.jpg (70.36 KB,640x483,640:483,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690375 (080211ZOCT23) Notable: Bun on Ptolemy; questions on irreconcilable things we are supposed to believe if we accept the official story of [chronology of] History, etc

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Bun on Ptolemy; questions on irreconcilable things we are supposed to believe if we accept the official story of [chronology of] History, etc,.

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797d9c No.96970

File: 9a4b6dcf5266917⋯.png (36 KB,604x416,151:104,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690423 (080217ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: Seems like you are one of those brainwashed pawns at CENTCOM who didn’t want Israel as part of the AO.

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See new posts


Peter Wrangel




I cannot believe you were the "Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security"

May God have mercy on our souls


Ezra A. Cohen





The US should in addition to other materiel, transfer heavy bomber aircraft to the @IAFsite for deterrence and immediate use.

Ezra A. Cohen


Thanks. Seems like you are one of those brainwashed pawns at CENTCOM who didn’t want Israel as part of the AO.

1:57 PM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690427 (080219ZOCT23) Notable: 2021 The US House of Representatives has approved$1bnin additional funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defence system after days of controversy around the push."

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23 Sep 2021

"Washington, DC – The US House of Representatives has approved$1bnin additional funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defence system after days of controversy around the push."

"Last year, Congress granted $73m for the Iron Dome specifically, one of several missile defence programmes."


Since 2011, the US has contributed a total of $1.6bn (ÂŁ1.1bn) to the Iron Dome defence system.


Dafq is our money going on this Iron Dome when it doesn't work?

7500 rockets shouldn't be an issue.

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797d9c No.96972

File: dead4a4b1da7822⋯.png (28.93 KB,588x460,147:115,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690429 (080219ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli politician calling for "a massacre that will overshadow the massacre of 1948".

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George Galloway reposted

Alan MacLeod


Israeli politician calling for "a massacre that will overshadow the massacre of 1948".

In 1948, Israeli forces ethnically cleansed an estimated 800,000 Palestinians.

This is a call for genocide.


Ariel Kallner ŚŚšŚ™ŚŚœ Ś§ŚœŚ Śš





Ś”Ś™Ś•Ś Ś”Ś–Ś” Ś”Ś•Ś Ś€ŚšŚœ Ś”ŚŚšŚ‘Ś•Śš Ś©ŚœŚ Ś•.

ŚŚȘ Ś”ŚœŚ§Ś—Ś™Ś ŚąŚ•Ś“ Ś Ś€Ś™Ś§.

Ś›ŚšŚ’Śą, ŚžŚ˜ŚšŚ” ŚŚ—ŚȘ: Ś Ö·Ś›Ö°ÖŒŚ‘ÖžÖŒŚ”!



Ś Ö·Ś›Ö°ÖŒŚ‘ÖžÖŒŚ” Ś©ŚœŚ”Ś, Ś›Ś™ Ś›ŚžŚ• ŚŚ– Ś‘ 48, Ś”ŚŚœŚ˜ŚšŚ Ś˜Ś™Ś‘Ś” Ś‘ŚšŚ•ŚšŚ”.


Show more

11:40 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.96973

File: 040c06b547f4c78⋯.png (34.95 KB,555x419,555:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690433 (080219ZOCT23) Notable: DSA on the image in the red square

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DSA on the image in the red square

This now out on Twitter


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797d9c No.96974

File: b565f91f0479f6c⋯.png (175.05 KB,594x603,66:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690541 (080233ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump The world under Joe Biden

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The world under Joe Biden

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797d9c No.96975

File: efeeae037c87bf9⋯.png (31.73 KB,1226x236,613:118,Clipboard.png)

File: b4b890210fc38e5⋯.png (22.62 KB,534x234,89:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690579 (080239ZOCT23) Notable: Israel closing Border with Jordan

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Israel closing Border with Jordan




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797d9c No.96976

File: 55c0913a934c0f6⋯.png (172.92 KB,548x678,274:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690586 (080239ZOCT23) Notable: Gaza strikes continue, next to AP livestream???/hhhhmmmmm familiar scenario huh

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797d9c No.96977

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690700 (080259ZOCT23) Notable: #24176

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#24176 >>96947

>>96950 PF updates

>>96948, >>96952 Airlines Cancel Flights To Tel Aviv As War Erupts

>>96949 If this graph is correct, on Oct 9, 2023 United States runs out of its STRATEGIC OIL RESERVES.

>>96951 Forsyth County, GA, Republican Party preparing to hand count ballots in next year’s primary, urged by elected officials.

>>96953, >>96962 New York City Subway Mass Shooter Frank James Sentenced to Life in Prison For 2022 Terrorist Attack

>>96954 @GenFlynn This is going to be a long and difficult war. The situation is uncertain and very difficult, it will get worse in the coming days, weeks and months
but in the end, God wins!

>>96955 2021 @snowden: Where Netanyahu Went, NSO Followed: How Israel Pushed Cyberweapon Sales

>>96956, >>96957 They know sleeper cells are here

>>96958 đŸ‡źđŸ‡±đŸ‡ș🇩 Flashback to August: Israel has ordered tens of thousands of 155mm artillery shells through a $60 million contract with Elbit Systems

>>96959 French mayor takes down Ukrainian flag over Zelensky phone call

>>96965 Trump promised during his speech that he would conduct the “largest deportation operation in history” if elected in 2024.

>>96966 @Kash the media is not asking how in the hell the Biden administration didn't pick up intelligence on this multi-staged war effort by Hamas and Iran?

>>96967 @Kash Look who is allowed on that censorship sewer platform
 yes thats the Ayatollah

>>96969 Bun on Ptolemy; questions on irreconcilable things we are supposed to believe if we accept the official story of [chronology of] History, etc

>>96970 ECW: Seems like you are one of those brainwashed pawns at CENTCOM who didn’t want Israel as part of the AO.

>>96971 2021 The US House of Representatives has approved$1bnin additional funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defence system after days of controversy around the push."

>>96972 Israeli politician calling for "a massacre that will overshadow the massacre of 1948".

>>96973, >>96960 DSA on the image in the red square

>>96974 @realDonaldTrump The world under Joe Biden

>>96975 Israel closing Border with Jordan

>>96976 Gaza strikes continue, next to AP livestream???/hhhhmmmmm familiar scenario huh


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797d9c No.96978

File: 2398b4062881fd6⋯.jpg (38.54 KB,500x653,500:653,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 09d5b132689969a⋯.png (237.07 KB,540x346,270:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b0e12ce8e44fa4⋯.png (128.13 KB,1060x981,1060:981,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e50b09b84588d9⋯.gif (1.71 MB,518x518,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690719 (080303ZOCT23) Notable: #24177

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Baker needs off hand, late night ballers call it, wil tap @20

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797d9c No.96979

File: 62a44fc6d90298e⋯.png (1.59 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 884895d66d902f1⋯.png (500.31 KB,1421x1008,203:144,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e1545836b88f2b⋯.png (1.17 MB,1026x700,513:350,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e93b3dc84e18d2⋯.png (790.03 KB,703x560,703:560,Clipboard.png)

File: 8093f9191c38199⋯.png (2.29 MB,1258x870,629:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690802 (080321ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

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Eyes on anons! The CIA is going in.



Where does the US many times pre-position and/or move military assets from to other parts of the world when needed? Where do casualties often get evacuated to? Where do released US hostages often pass through before continuing on to the USA? That's right. Germany.

Call sign WGN8551. N258SN. A 1999 Boeing 747-400 cargo aircraft. Owned by B29258 LLC. A company incorporated on Apr 23 2020 as a FLLC type registered at 7892 FISHER ISLAND DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FL 33109. James K Neff.


Western Global Airlines, a man named James Neff and the C.I.A

On Feb 13th 2016 flight AJK-4425 stopped in Zimbabwe for a planned refueling, but some of the ground crew noticed a blood streak on the side of the aircraft. When asked the pilots stated that the aircraft struck a "bird" mid flight. The ground crew became slightly suspicious of the aircraft because the blood seemed to originate from a cargo hold door. Eventually the aircraft was grounded for further investigation. (Note when asked what cargo the airplane was transporting the pilots described it as "diplomatic cargo" the cargo was really a shipment of south African rand) Once police got there they opened the cargo door and immediately a body fell halfway out the door. Warning contains graphic material click at own risk!!!!!.

Although there are many theory's as to how this man died, who he was, etc. One thing everyone focused on was the aircraft specifically the owner Western Global Airlines. Although I'm not sure who claimed C.I.A involvement in the company and although no official agnolgment to this claim as been made by either Western Global Airlines or the C.I.A it can be inferred that Western Global Airlines is a front company for the C.I.A. this claim was bolstered by the US Department of Transportation Order #2014-2-11.In this document it's stated that Jim Neff the owner of Western Global Airlines had several bank accounts with a balance "in excess of $10.0 million".


Fisher Island.

Fisher Island is a census-designated place in Miami-Dade County, Florida, United States, located on a barrier island of the same name. Since 2015, Fisher Island has the highest per capita income[5] of any place in the United States. It is located in the Miami metropolitan area of South Florida. As of the 2020 census, the population was 561.

Notable current and former residents

Andre Agassi (seasonal resident)

Barbara Becker

Boris Becker

Pavel Bure

Bharat Desai

Harold Ford Sr. (part-time resident)[23]

Susana Giménez (seasonal resident)

Sharon Gless

Sergei Gonchar

Burke Henry

Robert Herjavec (seasonal resident)

Ilya Kovalchuk (seasonal resident)[24]

Igor Krutoy

Karolina Kurkova

Evgeni Malkin[25]

Barney Rosenzweig

Oprah Winfrey

Caroline Wozniacki

Martin Zweig[26]


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797d9c No.96980

File: 9279f1929533ffe⋯.png (106.9 KB,488x347,488:347,Clipboard.png)

File: 8167537640ddbf6⋯.png (1.25 MB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a368e3d6412d06⋯.png (1.14 MB,1275x833,75:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690818 (080326ZOCT23) Notable: Is(not)real discussion

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>Video of Hamas using Paragliders

I input paragliders and BING and they show Israel.

What are [they] pushing here?

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797d9c No.96981

File: e6b6b97df9c8033⋯.png (1.07 MB,992x1600,31:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690832 (080329ZOCT23) Notable: Obama notes that Narges Mohammadi receives Nobel Peace Prize

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For decades, Narges Mohammadi has been a vocal advocate for women and girls in Iran. This @NobelPrize is a well-deserved recognition of her courage, and the hope that she represents—not only for the women in Iran, but for women fighting repression and violence around the world.

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797d9c No.96982

File: cb272ea48ed17c7⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 483cb9c8df136f5⋯.png (1023.27 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690836 (080330ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

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Past days. (mp4)

Now. picrel

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797d9c No.96983

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690844 (080333ZOCT23) Notable: Arab states react to surprise attack against Israel

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there you have it:

Arab states react to surprise attack against Israel(Quatar)

Members of the international Arab community have called for restraint as the IDF retaliates against Palestinians


Qatar, a Gulf state that does not have diplomatic relations with Israel, issued a statement through its foreign ministry on Saturday in which it said that the ultimate responsibility forthe so-called ‘Al-Aqsa Storm’ operation conducted by Hamas lies with the Israeli government.



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797d9c No.96984

File: cc873fc756219d9⋯.png (27.52 KB,506x256,253:128,Clipboard.png)

File: f8e610ac3c5bf63⋯.png (180.54 KB,540x598,270:299,Clipboard.png)

File: d6b1de21ee7a0aa⋯.png (429.06 KB,710x1059,710:1059,Clipboard.png)

File: 688b387631d2299⋯.png (5.81 MB,1667x2500,1667:2500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690862 (080338ZOCT23) Notable: Hezbollah: "In the name of Allah, all combat units of the resistance throughout #Syria and #Lebanon have been put on war alert by the issuance of the order of Seyed Hasan Nasrallah"

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Jack Straw


A little over an hour ago, Hezbollah made an interesting statement:

"In the name of Allah, all combat units of the resistance throughout #Syria and #Lebanon have been put on war alert by the issuance of the order of Seyed Hasan Nasrallah".

"The resistance is ready to start the last battle in a united front," the announcement added.

11:30 PM · Oct 7, 2023






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797d9c No.96985

File: 775ebc5209acaa1⋯.png (794.64 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: c785fa5b53ef23a⋯.png (415.75 KB,1362x1007,1362:1007,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690865 (080339ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

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CIA 747 Cargo Jet now on descent into Jordan. Likely Amman is destination. Right next door. Why wasn't the destination on the flight plan? kek



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797d9c No.96986

File: 329f50e64084485⋯.png (393.81 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690936 (080400ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

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>CIA 747 cargo jet.


Dropped off ADS-B coverage about 10 minutes ago. PF thinks it landed in Al Azraq, Jordan. This is about 25 miles outside Amman, Jordan. And about 100 miles east of the fighting in Israel.

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797d9c No.96987

File: 58a6bd8852284fa⋯.png (367.93 KB,1007x906,1007:906,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690953 (080407ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

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>Al Azraq, Jordan

Muwaffaq Salti Air Base

Muwaffaq Salti Air Base - Azraq (Arabic: - ) is a Royal Jordanian Air Force air base located in Azraq, Zarqa Governorate.

In 1918, during World War I, T.E. Lawrence (also known as Lawrence of Arabia) used the historic castle in Azraq and the plains at that site as a base for use as a landing ground for the aircraft which were supporting the column pushing north towards Syria. The main qualities of the area were its good visibility and fine weather for flying.

In 1976, the area was chosen by the Royal Jordanian Air Force for a major new air base. Construction started that same year and in November, 1980, No 1 (Northrop F-5A/B Freedom Fighters) and No 11 squadrons (F-5E/F Tiger II's) were deployed there.

The air base was officially opened on May 24, 1981. It was named after Lieutenant Muwaffaq Salti who died in battle with the Israeli Air Force on November 13, 1966, during the Battle of Samou. It was initially home to Nos 1 and 25 Mirage squadrons. Between 1997 and 2007 Mirage squadrons were based here.

Between October 2014 and July 2015 the Belgian Air Component deployed six Lockheed Martin F-16AM Fighting Falcon's here as well under Operation Desert Falcon (later Operation Inherent Resolve) due to the military intervention against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[1]

In 2019 the United States began a $143 million expansion of the airbase. The expansion includes a new airlift apron, a personnel recovery and special operations forces apron, and a close air support (CAS) and intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) apron as well as a cargo marshaling yard.[2]

In April 2020, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Middle East District contracted American International Contractors to build infrastructure on the Air Base, including aprons and taxiways, a marshaling yard facility, and support facilities and utilities.[3] Beginning in November 2021, the United States began upgrading the airbase to turn it into a more permanent base with the US Army Corps of Engineers released the solicitation to find a contractor to build a new air traffic control tower.

Current use

Further information: Military intervention against ISIL aerial order of battle

Since 1997 No's 1, 2 and 6 (General Dynamics F-16 Fighting Falcon) squadrons have been based there.

The American Government along with other countries has deployed various aircraft there due to the military intervention against ISIL.[5] The base is reported to host several MQ-9 Reaper drones, based on satellite imagery.[6] The base is partly operated by the 407th Air Expeditionary Group.[7][8]units

1st Fighter Squadron - F-16AM/BM MLU M2

The 1st Squadron was formed in 1958 with Hawker Hunters and later equipped with F-5s then the Mirage F1 and now F-16 Fighting Falcon, which has become RJAF's primary fighter, operating with the 1st, 2nd and 6th Squadrons since 1997.

The squadron’s role has changed over the years from air to ground, air to air and reconnaissance to air defense and air to ground, but is now, along with the other F-16 squadrons, the main striking force of RJAF. The 1st Squadron was the first fighter squadron and has a rich history. It participated in all the conflicts and engaged in every air battle that Jordan has fought since the squadron was formed in 1958.[9]

2nd Fighter Squadron - F-16AM/BM MLU M6.5

The 2nd Squadron was first formed in 1958 with de Havilland Vampires then with Hunters and later in 1974 with F5As and Bs as an advanced training squadron at King Hussein Air Base, Mafraq. It subsequently flew from Amman and Mafraq as a fighter squadron, then flew again from Mafraq, renamed in 1978 as the King Hussein Air College, with the CASA C-101 as the advanced jet trainer. It is now equipped with the F-16.

The 2nd Squadron has a dual job: training newly graduate pilots on F-16s and supporting the 1st Squadron operations as required.

The training, which is basically a tactical conversion course, extends over 8 months, during which pilots count 76 flights, averaging 85.7 hours.[10]

6th Fighter Squadron - F-16AM/BM MLU M3

The 6th Squadron is identical to the 1st Squadron in mission and equipment.[11]


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797d9c No.96988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690974 (080416ZOCT23) Notable: Is(not)real discussion

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Q wasn't creating saving Israel for last.

The cult would as a last resort start a world war in Israel, and Q never mentioned Israel a single time to prove 'independence' and thereby cult dependence on attacking Israel to create 'narrative' of 'either/or' dialectic.

Those who pride themselves as becoming dialectic gods, are sourcing the evil they blame God for allowing them to do to the world.

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797d9c No.96989

File: 9559d097e5206cc⋯.png (1.07 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 2e83454a8891f96⋯.png (240.77 KB,1347x1006,1347:1006,Clipboard.png)

File: ac8868aa7a765f4⋯.png (2.01 MB,1400x806,700:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19690990 (080420ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Registered Isle of Man


Flew Israel to Vienna earlier.

Now apparently flying back.

All other air traffic is leaving Israel or Israeli airlines returning Israel.



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797d9c No.96990

File: 136a719bdae5828⋯.png (345.63 KB,803x604,803:604,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ed7a1599590553⋯.png (406.76 KB,764x580,191:145,Clipboard.png)

File: e8af59bfc1bbde0⋯.png (395.49 KB,748x586,374:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691020 (080427ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Israel MIL and US MIL on way out of Iraq with Escort

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797d9c No.96991

File: 53c7e63797f386b⋯.png (469.45 KB,853x872,853:872,Clipboard.png)

File: f29559b177cceaf⋯.png (487.87 KB,584x701,584:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 421591c669bba22⋯.png (486.12 KB,523x924,523:924,Clipboard.png)

File: f42218e3e5a618f⋯.png (549.36 KB,972x432,9:4,Clipboard.png)

File: e6559fa61992922⋯.png (751.42 KB,1024x888,128:111,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691026 (080431ZOCT23) Notable: Is(not)real discussion

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Chateau des Amerois - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R40TUukr7x4


so obama being the phoenix or head of the satanic council and if netanyahu is the antichrist then that makes sense being up is down and left is right in the media that they'd portray them as not being best pals to maintain the illusion

shit's gonna get wild

"All these people, they'll have a cover life that makes them look like a normal person and then they have their behind-the-scene life, which is their Luciferian worship...

"The Mothers of Darkness, they do meet with Satan on a regular basis and speak directly to him. Satan does speak to whoever he wants, so there are times he does speak directly to men, particularly the ones who are the heads of the Council, like the Phoenix, who's the top person running the Council. Whoever's in that Phoenix position, Satan is going to speak directly to...

"[Satan] intends to use people to usurp that Throne of God, so he can sit on it and that's what the agenda is and that's the agenda of the Mothers of Darkness, the New World Order - it's all the same agenda - to raise up the Antichrist to usurp the throne of God."

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797d9c No.96992

File: 48201763f673550⋯.png (297.48 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 05b0589d187f267⋯.png (517.61 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

File: a5c2ce374a5865a⋯.png (1.06 MB,1024x635,1024:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691040 (080434ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

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>US MIL on way out of Iraq with Escort

09-0656 and 09-0659

Both Guardrail surveillance type aircraft.



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797d9c No.96993

File: d1087381f711ed9⋯.jpeg (1.57 MB,2160x839,2160:839,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cb9d7ab4514fd78⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,2160x1521,240:169,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 53312bd882b6002⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB,2160x1393,2160:1393,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691052 (080436ZOCT23) Notable: Is(not)real discussion

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96994

File: 50bf62501a9c5a2⋯.jpg (63.18 KB,853x589,853:589,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691057 (080439ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

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traffic increase seems normal in relation to egypt's. 'round 'bout 7:40am there.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96995

File: 1a17bafcc792046⋯.png (320.51 KB,1909x1013,1909:1013,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691059 (080440ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

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>Both Guardrail surveillance type aircraft.


MC-12W Liberty


The MC-12W is a medium-to low-altitude, twin-engine turboprop aircraft. Its primary mission is providing intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance support directly to ground forces. The MC-12W is a joint forces air component commander asset in support of the joint force commander.


The MC-12W is not just an aircraft, but a complete collection, processing, analysis and dissemination system. The aircraft are military versions of the Hawker Beechcraft Super King Air 350ER. A fully operational system consists of a modified aircraft with mission system suit, electro-optical infrared sensors, line-of-sight and satellite communications datalinks, along with a robust voice communications suite.


The "M" is the Department of Defense designation for a multi-role version of the well-known C-12 series. In April 2008, the secretary of defense established a DoD-wide ISR task force to identify and recommend solutions for increased ISR in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility. On July 1, 2008, the secretary of defense tasked the Air Force to acquire the C-12 class aircraft to augment unmanned systems. Of note, it was less than eight months from funding approval to delivery in the theater.

The MC-12W capability supports all aspects of the Air Force Irregular Warfare mission (counter insurgency, foreign internal defense and building partnership capacity). Medium-to low-altitude ISR is a core mission for the Air Force.

The first MC-12W arrived at Key Field in Meridian, Mississippi, April 28, 2009. The first MC-12W flew its first combat support sortie June 12, 2009. The fleet of 13 aircraft later transferred to the 137th Air Wing, Oklahoma Air National Guard, and arrived at Will Rogers Air National Guard Base July 10, 2015.


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797d9c No.96996

File: 838012cd2bc0a2f⋯.png (342.38 KB,600x479,600:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691101 (080456ZOCT23) Notable: Deepstate faggot retardz ain't lookin so hot

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.96997

File: 089553702a13c69⋯.png (910.32 KB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 55146f570989844⋯.png (375.24 KB,1375x1005,275:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691103 (080456ZOCT23) Notable: PF Israeli Airspace Report

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Bulgarian 28th Air Detachment looks to be going in.



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797d9c No.96998

File: c633af8781df5dd⋯.png (4.36 KB,255x194,255:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691104 (080456ZOCT23) Notable: Is(not)real discussion

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All pb lb

>>>/qresearch/19690487 I just said they plan on the genocide of the 2 million Palestinians. Just like I warned 75 days ahead of the imminent covid and the white and Christian genocide attempt on 12/27/19. I knew that 911 was the beginning of this covert war, and said it was a financial attack. All these attacks on PDJT are two fold, defamation of character as election interference and a financial one as in all the expensive law suits and the canceling of his business licenses in NY. I am always right, the 6th Amendment and the right to a fair trial is what their appeal based on that got them their licenses back. How do I know all these things? Logical thinking should tell you that I have been attacked for all these reasons too, therefor I can identify their intentions.

Here you go:


Israeli politician calling for "a massacre that will overshadow the massacre of 1948". In 1948, Israeli forces ethnically cleansed an estimated 800,000 Palestinians. This is a call for genocide.

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797d9c No.96999

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691119 (080459ZOCT23) Notable: Deepstate faggot retardz ain't lookin so hot

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bleached hair. She was just reprogrammed or some shit then, right?

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797d9c No.97000

File: 43cdc4b7e6236f3⋯.png (351.67 KB,1061x685,1061:685,Clipboard.png)

File: 84c5cb03c67ce68⋯.png (464.03 KB,755x637,755:637,Clipboard.png)

File: a4becc7fa3cb312⋯.png (311.37 KB,487x697,487:697,Clipboard.png)

File: 2297f8529cc2b12⋯.png (307.42 KB,775x637,775:637,Clipboard.png)

File: ab4bc017d4c3614⋯.png (463.35 KB,725x643,725:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691154 (080508ZOCT23) Notable: Deepstate faggot retardz ain't lookin so hot

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797d9c No.97001

File: 67a404bbbc26e8a⋯.jpg (88.52 KB,1137x1129,1137:1129,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691214 (080525ZOCT23) Notable: Is(not)real discussion

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97002

File: 8beeb31b0c0b081⋯.png (337.79 KB,608x623,608:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 2314ce58542374e⋯.mp4 (8.4 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691239 (080530ZOCT23) Notable: Is(not)real discussion

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This is not just an attack on Israel—this was an attack on America.

Finish them, @Netanyahu.

They should have hell to pay for what they have just done.

10:03 PM · Oct 7, 2023


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797d9c No.97003

File: 7ea1f984982cd21⋯.png (181.91 KB,1308x788,327:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691240 (080530ZOCT23) Notable: suspicious accounts

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97004

File: 625c3b2cc708f98⋯.png (71.04 KB,672x528,14:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691290 (080552ZOCT23) Notable: suspicious accounts

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can't find anything to confirm this other than 2 sites reporting it yet they have no sauce either and one is behind a paywall

blinken has been trying to get this total package of $235 million since 2021 and it's been blocked by repubs ever since

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797d9c No.97005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691292 (080553ZOCT23) Notable: Sometimes it just feels like more than a coincidence.. alright?

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Sometimes it feels like more than a coincidence.

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797d9c No.97006

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691295 (080554ZOCT23) Notable: China Expels Former Bank of China Chairman From Communist Party

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China Expels Former Bank of China Chairman From Communist Party

[Liu Liange] was accused of illegally granting loans and causing significant financial risks, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) said in a statement on its website.

He also brought prohibited publications into the country and illegally took bribes and accepted entertainment at private clubs and ski resorts, said the commission

Liu, born in 1961, had been working in banking and finance institutions, including in the central [People's Bank of China] and the [Export-Import Bank of China], before he was promoted to become chairman of the Bank of China in 2019.


Search qresear.ch for “Bank of China”

3 WEF Members

Yi Gang

Governor, The [People's Bank of China]

WEF member

Sun Ping

Vice-President, The [Export-Import Bank of China]

WEF member

[Liu Liange]

Vice-President, The [Export-Import Bank of China]

WEF member



China: The People's Bank of China


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797d9c No.97007

File: 6f3939ebdc06448⋯.png (36.53 KB,605x379,605:379,Clipboard.png)

File: f5e4229a53b78d6⋯.png (36.31 KB,667x665,667:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691321 (080604ZOCT23) Notable: suspicious accounts

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don't have an acct so won't let me seen't the page

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797d9c No.97008

File: 8111ec280b5bc7a⋯.jpg (56.19 KB,680x439,680:439,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 12175533ce36e67⋯.png (758.62 KB,742x960,371:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691350 (080614ZOCT23) Notable: Could the very philosophy of separation be an illusion?!

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the separation is a luciferian illusion. God cannot be apart from you but we can choose the thoughts that come from a place of fear or doubt because our eyes are looking at a problem that we lack the solution for, but faith feels good and the thoughts that are more hopeful and optimistic are the path you want to stay on and trust when your eyes don't see the answered prayer yet. Ignore the problem and shift your focus back onto God.

God already answered your prayer but you have to let go and trust now. It's scary as fuck but if u do it, God will reveal Himself to u every single time. He promised if u take the leap, He will catch you. When you go sit on a chair, you trust it will hold you and when you drive to the store you don't hope it will still be there when you pull up to the parking lot, you just trust the store will be there. God already did His part and is calling you to do yours and trust Him. Feel the relief of having faith vs fear and trust those thoughts.

God bless u.

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797d9c No.97009

File: 7a1f12558aefecb⋯.png (369.48 KB,598x704,299:352,Clipboard.png)

File: 58d3ac4b985bb39⋯.png (75.12 KB,598x301,598:301,Clipboard.png)

File: b92041488d6b2ee⋯.png (190.9 KB,535x761,535:761,Clipboard.png)

File: a177c676130995d⋯.png (421.61 KB,535x866,535:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691351 (080614ZOCT23) Notable: suspicious accounts

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>>97007 this account is sus, no sauce and only quoting themselves and thanked some reps for voting against this bill



which has only passed the house and still needs senate & potus


this account seems legit but has mentioned nothing of any kind of aid money or otherwise

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797d9c No.97010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691419 (080654ZOCT23) Notable: Visualizing The BRICS Expansion In 4 Charts

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Anons, if you would consider this:

Canada #46 >>>/qresearch/19435225

Visualizing The BRICS Expansion In 4 Charts

by Tyler Durden Saturday, Aug 26, 2023

BRICS is an association of five major countries including Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Distinguished by their emerging economies, the group has sought to improve diplomatic coordination, reform global financial institutions, and ultimately serve as a counterbalance to Western hegemony.

On Aug. 24, 2023, BRICS announced that it would formally accept six new members at the start of 2024: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Ethiopia, Egypt, Argentina, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

In this graphic, Visual Capitalist's Marcus Lu and Bhabna Banerjee provide a data-driven overview of how the BRICS expansion will grow the group s influence and reach.

Share of Global GDP

Because most of the new BRICS members are considered to be developing economies, their addition to the group will not have a major impact on its overall share of GDP.

Share of Global Population

BRICS has always represented a major chunk of global population thanks to China and India, which are the only countries with over 1 billion people.

The two biggest populations being added to BRICS are Ethiopia (126.5 million) and Egypt (112.7 million)

It s possible that BRICS could eventually surpass 50% of global population, as many more countries have expressed their desire to join.

Share of Oil Production

Although the world is trying to move away from fossil fuels, the global oil market is still incredibly large and BRICS is set to play a much bigger role in it. This is mostly due to the admission of Saudi Arabia, which alone accounts for 12.9% of global oil production.

Based on 2022 figures from the Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy, BRICS share of oil production will grow from 20.4% to 43.1%.

It s worth noting that China has been pushing for oil trade to be denominated in yuan, and that Saudi Arabia s acceptance into BRICS could bolster this ambition, potentially shifting the dynamics of global oil trade.

Share of Global Exports

The last metric included in our graphic is global exports, which is based on 2022 data from the World Trade Organization. We can see that the BRICS expansion will grow the group s share of global exports (merchandise trade) to 25.1%, up from 20.2%.

Who Else Wants to Join?

According to Reuters, there are over 40 countries that have expressed interest in joining BRICS. A smaller group of 16 countries have actually applied for membership, though, and this list includes Algeria, Cuba, Indonesia,Palestine,and Vietnam.

As the group grows in size, differing opinions and priorities among its members could create tensions in the future. For example, India and China have had numerous border disputes in recent years, while Brazil s newly elected President has sought to kickstart a new era of relations with the U.S.

One thing that is certain, however, is that a new acronym for the group will be needed very soon.



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797d9c No.97011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691420 (080654ZOCT23) Notable: Visualizing The BRICS Expansion In 4 Charts

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>>97010 (me)

In addition to considering this:

Is BRICS really the lifeline Palestine needs?

BRICS is pushing for direct talks between Israel and Palestine. But its members don’t want to alienate Israel.

By Ahmed Alqarout Global political economy analyst Published On 28 Aug 202328 Aug 2023

Since Russia’s full-fledged invasion of Ukraine in 2022, the geopolitics of the Middle East and North Africa region have been undergoing an upheaval.

Most recently, Palestine has applied to join the Brazil-Russia-India-China-South Africa (BRICS) bloc alongside seven Arab countries: Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Kuwait and Morocco. At the grouping’s Johannesburg summit in August, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Egypt — along with Iran, Ethiopia and Argentina — were formally declared as the next entrants into BRICS.

Yet while Palestine wasn’t invited to the summit, and is not among those who will join the grouping soon, BRICS could help bring — and in some ways already is bringing — the issue of Palestinian statehood to the international centre stage. After years of hiatus due to the abandonment of the peace process by the United States and Israel, and Washington’s emphasis instead on brokering peace normalisation deals between Israel and Arab states, this is welcome.

For while BRICS’s support for Palestine is not new, the recent context is.

The Johannesburg summit concluded with a declaration calling for direct negotiations between Israel and Palestine based on international law and the Arab Peace Initiative, towards a two-state solution, leading to the establishment of a sovereign, independent and viable State of Palestine. The text echoed that of the Palestinian-Chinese Strategic Partnership signed in June. Days before the summit, South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa emphasised support for Palestine’s liberation.

The Palestinian leadership has expressed support for the BRICS’s call to start direct negotiations with Israel and without US involvement. The message to the US? The era of American unilateralism is ceasing.

Signifying the revival of the issue through the Arab Peace Initiative and backing the BRICS’ steps, Saudi Arabia appointed its first-ever non-resident ambassador to Palestine and consul general in Jerusalem without consultation with Israel.

On the Israeli side, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is expected to visit China in the coming few months partly to discuss a China and Russia-led negotiation process with the Palestinians. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas visited China in June where he met Chinese President Xi Jinping who iterated China’s commitment to supporting Palestinian statehood. Netanyahu also visited China in May.

In effect, BRICS countries are tacitly rejecting the US Abraham Accords-driven stance on Palestine. This is not to say they do not support the accords, but rather that they believe that the absence of a clear and sustainable position on resolving the Palestinian issue will end the possibility of the two-state solution.

Second, Palestine’s warmer ties with BRICS come amid a growing domestic crisis engulfing the very existence of the Palestinian Authority (PA). The Palestinian decision to drop the US as a mediator is a demonstration of worsening ties with Washington and Israel. It reveals a belief by the Palestinian leadership that Washington and Israel’s newly elected far-right government have decided to weaken or dismantle the PA and abandon the peace process in pursuit of annexing the occupied West Bank.

Over the past few years, the US has cut aid to the PA substantially. Israel continues to withhold tax revenues and the imposition of other sanctions that have negatively affected the PA’s ability to spend its budget leading to salary payment delays and reductions for public servants and reduced public services. This has resulted in deteriorating public support for the PA and growing discontent with the status quo.

The lack of a political horizon coupled with economic pressures and a domestic legitimacy crisis are increasing the internal tensions for the PA. Young Palestinian fighters are increasingly confronting what they see as excessive settler violence and encroachment on their communities in the occupied West Bank.

This has led to clashes between them and the PA, which under the Oslo Accords, conducts extensive security coordination with Israel, including preventing armed attacks. All of this is forcing the PA to seek in BRICS a vehicle for negotiations that can help it restore lost domestic support.

Given the continuing Russian influence in Syria, and the central Chinese role in mediating a rapprochement between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Palestine is also seeking to capitalise on the intensifying great power competition in its neighbourhood to kickstart a new, non-aligned peace process.

That is easier said than done.

For the moment, BRICS support for Palestine remains mostly rhetorical. BRICS, collectively or as individual nations, has not declared any increase in aid for the PA. Nor has the grouping given Israel any financial incentive to Israel to entice it to join negotiations. There is no question of the BRICS nations involving themselves militarily in the conflict.

The BRICS bloc appears, for the most part, unwilling to tackle the key cause of the Palestinian crisis — Israel’s illegal occupation and policies that global human rights groups have described as apartheid. Against that backdrop, it is natural to wonder if the solidarity extended by the BRICS to Palestine will stay symbolic and on paper.

Israel’s overwhelming military and economic power, coupled with the unwavering support of the US that it has, mean that it will not be under any serious pressure to engage in direct negotiations. Israel also has strong ties with individual BRICS members — especially China, India and Russia. And there is no evidence to suggest that they will risk those ties to push Israel into talks.

The Palestinian national divide will also hinder the potential success of any negotiations even if they do occur.

Still, it is important to remember that BRICS’s commitment to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is in its nascent stage. Now, the bloc must be ready to deploy hard or soft power tools if it is to meaningfully emerge as a player capable of prodding Israel into direct negotiations. Without that, BRICS will not be able to prevent Israel from annexing the West Bank and abandoning the two-state vision.

And a test could arrive for the grouping before too long. Hamas and Israel have been preparing for a multifront war which both claim will change the regional balance of power. In such a scenario, BRICS could play a greater and more meaningful role in ending the conflict.

The question is: Does it really want to?

The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.


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797d9c No.97012

File: 59befd82680d953⋯.png (182.27 KB,462x720,77:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691486 (080731ZOCT23) Notable: As of now Comey (or whomever is running Comey's Twatter) has pinned a photo of a new book he's purportedly authored, and its title isCentral Park West.

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As of now Comey (or whomever is running Comey's Twatter) has pinned a photo of a new book he's purportedly authored, and its title isCentral Park West.

So perhaps New York's in the line of fire again?

I tried archiving the page but it seems neither Archive Today nor The Internet Archive is working at the moment, so here's a screenshot;.

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797d9c No.97013

File: 02d26feca9b3a65⋯.png (2.06 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c836da7662fb2a8⋯.png (1.48 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 4e9d0062e3192ed⋯.png (135.75 KB,238x410,119:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691487 (080731ZOCT23) Notable: Muhjoo office might have taken a shell.

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Bro it's almost like all the shills are off work or something

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97014

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691492 (080735ZOCT23) Notable: Muhjoo office might have taken a shell.

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>Bro it's almost like all the shills are off work or something

It's weird. Last night too.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97015

File: ac74be2656182ce⋯.jpg (17.39 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691496 (080737ZOCT23) Notable: Muhjoo office might have taken a shell.

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>Bro it's almost like all the shills are off work or something

Muhjoo office might have taken a shell.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97016

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691510 (080747ZOCT23) Notable: #24177

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#24177 >>96978

>>96979, >>96982, >>96985, >>96986, >>96987, >>96989, >>96990, >>96992, >>96994, >>96995, >>96997 PF Israeli Airspace Report

>>96980, >>96998, >>96991, >>97001, >>97002, >>96988, >>96993 Is(not)real discussion

>>96981 Obama notes that Narges Mohammadi receives Nobel Peace Prize

>>96983 Arab states react to surprise attack against Israel

>>96984 Hezbollah: "In the name of Allah, all combat units of the resistance throughout #Syria and #Lebanon have been put on war alert by the issuance of the order of Seyed Hasan Nasrallah"

>>97000, >19691101, >>96999 Deepstate faggot retardz ain't lookin so hot

>>97003, >>97004, >>97009, >>97007 suspicious accounts

>>97005 Sometimes it just feels like more than a coincidence.. alright?

>>97006 China Expels Former Bank of China Chairman From Communist Party

>>97008 Could the very philosophy of separation be an illusion?!

>>97010, >>97011 Visualizing The BRICS Expansion In 4 Charts

>>97012 As of now Comey (or whomever is running Comey's Twatter) has pinned a photo of a new book he's purportedly authored, and its title isCentral Park West.

>>97013, >>97014, >>97015 Muhjoo office might have taken a shell.


last call, faggots

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797d9c No.97017

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691525 (080758ZOCT23) Notable: #24178

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** B R E A D

** G H O S T E D

Bless up.

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797d9c No.97018

File: 4b7a505168fc3f7⋯.png (4.45 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: e17aa53d22f7b58⋯.png (3.6 MB,2048x1536,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a5440b3d50623c⋯.jpg (453.32 KB,1080x944,135:118,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691562 (080825ZOCT23) Notable: Seal of the President in Waterloo and Executive Order 11649—Regulations Governing the Seals of the President and the Vice President of the United States

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691567 (080828ZOCT23) Notable: Anons opine: property seizures

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I had been wondering for a while how they would take everyone's property. Looks like they are setting precedent with Trump. If the difference between the appraised value and assessed value equals fraud, then every mortgage in America is fraud, and every American property owner can have their assets seized as well...poof its all gone...the fact that I am not happy, well thats my fault...

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797d9c No.97020

File: b95bdf2287a2a84⋯.jpeg (856.56 KB,939x1171,939:1171,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0b5bb49331fe818⋯.jpeg (120.1 KB,474x543,158:181,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 01b4a85dfab74d8⋯.png (103.06 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691583 (080835ZOCT23) Notable: A shill free night across the boards?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97021

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691611 (080844ZOCT23) Notable: Anons opine: property seizures

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>every mortgage in America is fraud

That is true.

Most Americans who "buy" a house now think it is an "investment" that will magically go up in value.

Is that normal?

Do used goods normally increase in value or decline?

Obviously they decline.

So why do "mortgage Americans" think their house value will go up?

They think they are buying into the rentier class.

Property values will continue to go up... IF real estate becomes scarcer and scarcer.

But that only happens if the population continues to increase.

So basically, mortage Americans are betting on being the lucky few who "did it right"... unlike the dirty masses.

Too bad they didn't plan for Blackrock.

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797d9c No.97022

File: d0b3bfa38271d8e⋯.png (672.86 KB,924x770,6:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691659 (080901ZOCT23) Notable: Top Biden adviser bragged of quiet Middle East one week before Hamas attacked Israel

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Top Biden Adviser Bragged Of Quiet Middle

East One Week Before Hamas Attacked Israel

Daily Wire, by Daniel Chaitin

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 10/8/2023 12:52:05 AM

One week before Hamas launched a surprise attack in Israel, a top aide to President Joe Biden touted a relative calm in the Middle East. “The Middle East region is quieter today than it has been in two decades,” said U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan, according to The Atlantic. He went on to stress that “challenges remain,” citing Iran’s nuclear weapons program and “tensions” between Israel and the Palestinians, but added, “the amount of time I have to spend on crisis and conflict in the Middle East today compared to any of my predecessors going back to 9/11 is significantly reduced.”

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797d9c No.97023

File: 259d59866557944⋯.jpg (48.83 KB,474x474,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0c4dc3d4033b3a1⋯.jpg (250.31 KB,1080x1086,180:181,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bbe2d671c297ca5⋯.jpg (617.86 KB,1080x2107,1080:2107,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ac8e1d0ca470be0⋯.jpg (492.75 KB,1080x1934,540:967,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691671 (080904ZOCT23) Notable: Seal of the President in Waterloo and Executive Order 11649—Regulations Governing the Seals of the President and the Vice President of the United States

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Executive Order 11649—Regulations Governing the Seals of the President and the Vice President of the United States

February 16, 1972

By virtue of the authority vested in me by section 713 (b) of title 18, United States Code, I hereby prescribe the following regulations governing the use of the Seals of the President and the Vice President of the United States:

SECTION 1. Except as otherwise provided by law, the knowing manufacture, reproduction, sale, or purchase for resale of the Seals or Coats of Arms of the President or the Vice President of the United States, or any likeness or substantial part thereof, shall be permitted only for the following uses:

(a) Use by the President or Vice President of the United States;

(b) Use in encyclopedias, dictionaries, books, journals, pamphlets, periodicals, or magazines incident to a description or history of seals, coats of arms, heraldry, or the Presidency or Vice Presidency. Such use shall be limited exclusively to the text, and any use of the Presidential or Vice Presidential Seal or Coat of Arms or any likeness or substantial part thereof on the cover of the above items is prohibited ;

(c) Use in libraries, museums, or educational facilities incident to descriptions or exhibits relating to seals, coats of arms, heraldry, or the Presidency or Vice Presidency;

(d) Use as an architectural embellishment in libraries, museums, or archives established to house the papers or effects of former Presidents or Vice Presidents;

(e) Use on a monument to a former President or Vice President;

(f) Use by way of photographic or electronic visual reproduction in pictures, moving pictures, or telecasts of bona fide news content;

(g) Such other uses for exceptional historical, educational, or newsworthy purposes as may be authorized in writing by the Counsel to the President.

SEC. 2. The manufacture, reproduction, sale, or purchase for resale, either separately or appended to any article manufactured or sold, of the Seals of the President or Vice President, or any likeness or substantial part thereof, except as provided in this Order or as otherwise provided by law, is prohibited.


The White House,

February 16, 1972


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797d9c No.97024

File: b1acd37bc854fe0⋯.png (835.21 KB,917x758,917:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691683 (080907ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump’s prediction about Biden handing Iran $6B goes viral after Hamas attack, blames Biden for ‘American taxpayer dollars’ funding attacks

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Trump’s Prediction About Biden Handing

Iran $6B Goes Viral After Hamas Attack

Daily Wire, by Amanda Prestigiacomo

Posted By: Imright, 10/7/2023 11:22:41 PM

Former President Donald Trump warned last month about terror attacks in the Middle East after his successor, President Joe Biden, released $6 billion in frozen oil revenues to Iran. The resurfaced prediction popped up online Saturday, following Hamas’ surprise assault on Israel, which included the firing of rockets and attacks on Israeli military personnel and civilians. Hamas, an Islamic terrorist group that is funded in-part by Iran, notably launched the attack on the holiday of Simchat Torah and on Shabbat — the Jewish day of rest that is observed by many in Israel.

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797d9c No.97025

File: 9a4212d0a1901ff⋯.png (569.11 KB,1332x526,666:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691688 (080909ZOCT23) Notable: Donald J. Trump’s prediction about Biden handing Iran $6B goes viral after Hamas attack, blames Biden for ‘American taxpayer dollars’ funding attacks

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Trump calls Israel attack a disgrace,

blames Biden for ‘American taxpayer

dollars’ funding attacks

Washington Times, by Alex Miller

Posted By: Moritz55, 10/7/2023 11:11:21 PM

Former President Donald Trump blamed the early morning attack on Israel led by a militant group on President Biden, saying that the president has undermined peace efforts in the Middle East brokered by the Trump administration. Conservative lawmakers, and now Mr. Trump, have been calling for Mr. Biden to face accountability for the attacks led by the Palestinian militant group Hamas. So far, the early morning blitz has left over 100 dead and hundreds wounded in Israel. The Israeli Army has confirmed that an unknown number of civilians and soldiers have been captured by the militant group and taken into Gaza. “These Hamas attacks are a disgrace

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797d9c No.97026

File: f96533316ab66cd⋯.png (51.08 KB,655x370,131:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691693 (080910ZOCT23) Notable: Red alert: NYPD, LAPD and Miami cops deploy extra officers to Jewish areas and synagogues following Hamas terror attack on Israel

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Red alert: NYPD, LAPD and Miami cops deploy

extra officers to Jewish areas and synagogues

following Hamas terror attack on Israel

Daily Mail (UK), by James Gordon

Posted By: Imright, 10/7/2023 11:08:32 PM

America's biggest police departments have boosted security in their respective Jewish communities, including synagogues, following Hamas militants' deadly attack on Israel. The majority of the nation's 7.5 million Jewish people live in New York, which has a population of 1.9 million, followed by Los Angeles with 617,000, Miami with 525,000 and Chicago with 315,000. NYC Mayor Eric Adams announced on Saturday that the NYPD would deploy additional resources to protect Jewish communities and houses of worship.

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797d9c No.97027

File: b2696ef04421b29⋯.png (15.57 KB,594x199,594:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691712 (080916ZOCT23) Notable: @CodeMonkeyZ: Who armed Hamas? Who was traded for a basketball player? Did the arms come from Afghanistan? Through middlemen in Ukraine?

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Who armed Hamas?

Who was traded for a basketball player?

Did the arms come from Afghanistan?

Through middlemen in Ukraine?

5:41 PM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.97028

File: 81d852ca72a2263⋯.png (652.98 KB,588x888,49:74,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691722 (080919ZOCT23) Notable: @thejimwatkins: Whoever controls the banks controls the small business in America. Company after company are deplatformed from the commercial banking industry

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James Watkins


Whoever controls the banks controls the small business in America. Company after company are deplatformed from the commercial banking industry. Most of them sink away into a deleted absence of memory. Few recover from it. When their business succumbs to predatory banking, their assets tend to find their way into a more giant corporation. Consolidated and brought into the fold of more extensive corporate control. These corporations have an extraordinary hold and control over the government.

I don't know who the ringleader of this plot is, but they are forever on my shit list.



Lance Walks Between Worlds Witch Dr.




Replying to @thejimwatkins

The Global Praetorian guard I would figure. Those intelligence agencies, combined globally, can move history easily. I don't think countries really exist anymore for the most part. What say you James?

4:11 PM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.97029

File: e870bb4f74fc44b⋯.png (152.85 KB,599x852,599:852,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691725 (080920ZOCT23) Notable: An Islamic terrorist sympathizing group in Tampa, Florida known as “Resistance of Tampa Bay” is having a pro-HAMAS rally in Tampa, Florida on Sunday October 8, 2023

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Laura Loomer



An Islamic terrorist sympathizing group in Tampa, Florida known as “Resistance of Tampa Bay” is having a pro-HAMAS rally in Tampa, Florida on Sunday October 8, 2023. In the promotion for their event, they said they want to celebrate the “Palestinian martyrs” who murdered Israelis today. They described today’s attacks on Israel as “heroic Palestinian resistance”. Their invitation goes on to say they support “Palestinian liberation and return by any means necessary.”

This is a pro-HAMAS rally taking place in Florida.

There’s free speech, and then there’s open support for a designated terrorist organization and the promotion of violence, which is ILLEGAL.

This terrorist sympathizing rally is inciting violence and terrorism in FLORIDA, and it should be shut down for the safety of the public.


What are you going to do about this?


3:52 PM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.97030

File: a3357d1eba9b78d⋯.png (48.4 KB,586x624,293:312,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691737 (080926ZOCT23) Notable: @KimDotcom: Understanding the Hamas attack on Israel - 8.8M views

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Kim Dotcom


Understanding the Hamas attack on Israel:

Iran is aiming for a confrontation with Israel and the US. The success of Russia in Ukraine is encouraging Iran to undo decades of hostile US foreign policy in the Middle East. A bankrupt US Govt has just been invited to another war.

The timing is opportunistic. The US Govt is forced to print trillions of USD as it struggles to raise new debt. Another war would lead to a significant increase in inflation and an accelerated economic decline of the US.

If Iran mines the Strait of Hormuz the global energy crisis would become critical. The Biden administration has used the majority of US oil reserves to stabilize domestic oil prices. Iran can increase the pain for the US Govt significantly.

Ukraine is turning into a major defeat for the US and NATO. A new front in the Middle East would accelerate the US decline. The US Govt and its western partners simply cannot afford it. Russia and China would benefit most. Iran understands this and is playing into the hands of its partners.

12:52 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.97031

File: 517ac07ad1a6041⋯.png (180.95 KB,407x417,407:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691746 (080929ZOCT23) Notable: Ivory Coast president dissolves government, removes PM - RT News

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Ivory Coast president dissolves government, removes PM.

From RT News

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797d9c No.97032

File: 057ce572321a4ff⋯.png (9.39 KB,591x140,591:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691749 (080931ZOCT23) Notable: @disclosetv: Multiple Israeli tourists shot dead in Alexandria, Egypt

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JUST IN - Multiple Israeli tourists shot dead in Alexandria, Egypt.

10:17 PM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.97033

File: a3919ea3d95c3c6⋯.png (67.76 KB,606x780,101:130,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691766 (080939ZOCT23) Notable: @GenFlynn: The people of the world should prepare for a brutal assault on the Gaza and its Hamas ownership

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See new posts


General Mike Flynn




The people of the world should prepare for a brutal assault on the Gaza and its Hamas ownership.

Despite what has been, all changed in the past 24 hours due to the type of warfare waged against Israeli civilians, especially women, children and elderly people.

There will be a

Show more


Robert Greenway




A significant naval presence in the Eastern Mediterranean is also warranted. twitter.com/ezraacohen/sta

govt.exe is corrupt




Here is a question. Why is it always a choice between 2 sides?

Pro vax / anti vax

Pro Ukraine / pro Russia

Now pro Israel / pro Palestine.

It seems the purpose of the manufactured zeitgeist we call reality is to keep people divided & distracted while they rob everyone blind.

AwakenedOutlaw⚒ reposted

General Mike Flynn


As much as some may desire living in harmony that’s simply not the reality throughout all of human history. In my first book, Field of Fight, I wrote about the notion that throughout human history, war was and still is the norm while peace is the aberration. There will always be two sides to all conflicts and there will be winners and losers. What we can hope and pray for is the winners are benevolent and seek conditions for people to live within that are free, safe and secure where the majority of people decide what and how to live instead of dictators like we find in communist or other states around the world. Your question is an excellent one but it is a philosophical question and not one based on the reality of world history.

8:34 PM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.97034

File: d5320ee9172bf84⋯.png (46.93 KB,708x496,177:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691818 (081003ZOCT23) Notable: Q#2337 Oct 4, 2018: Israeli intelligence - stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001] Media assets will be removed. Q

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Oct 04, 2018 5:27:07 PM EDT


Israeli intelligence - stand down.


Media assets will be removed.


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797d9c No.97035

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691913 (081039ZOCT23) Notable: @KimDotcom: Understanding the Hamas attack on Israel - 8.8M views

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Morning anons...

Some nice planefag work in the last loaf...

It is getting biblical. How do you slide the lack of support for Ukraine and still keep the purse open and the dollars flowing? Israel...

(they) are out of money...so they gotta steal it from us. The fed is broke and why they keep raising rates.

How big of an aid package will potato announce on Monday?

What will Russia do?

What IS Iran doing?

I live in rural America and had the occasion to be around alot of folks yesterday. EVERYONE talking about Israel and end times. My 2 cents, we are all beyond that, however, it is being used to manipulate. God is coming. Well God is actually always here, we just need to adjust our thinking. Wheat from tares. But not in the way we expect.

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797d9c No.97036

File: 3b8768bdfb0b427⋯.png (165.25 KB,1982x678,991:339,Clipboard.png)

File: f96094fdf4dfa4c⋯.png (1.36 MB,908x980,227:245,Clipboard.png)

File: 66a0435972dec48⋯.png (2.19 MB,1724x1050,862:525,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19691974 (081103ZOCT23) Notable: German citizen murdered today by Hamas terrorists is also an Israeli citizen

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Gateway has a story up about her...


"The woman whose body was seen on video in the back of a truck earlier today driven by Palestinian terrorists to Gaza has been identified.

30-year-old Shani Louk was a German citizen visiting Israel. She was attending a music festival for peace held near the Gaza border fence when she was murdered today by Hamas terrorists..

Shani Houk’s body lay lifeless in the back of a truck after Hamas raided southern Israel on Saturday. Palestinians were filmed chanting “Allahu Akbar!” (God is good) as they drove down the streets of Gaza."

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797d9c No.97037

File: a240fcbeefd742f⋯.png (2.16 MB,1075x1728,1075:1728,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692010 (081116ZOCT23) Notable: German citizen murdered today by Hamas terrorists is also an Israeli citizen

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797d9c No.97038

File: 3520b165052aae5⋯.png (11.52 KB,593x145,593:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692121 (081157ZOCT23) Notable: Israel's cabinet officially declares war

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JUST IN - Israel's cabinet invokes Article 40 Aleph, officially declaring war for the first time since the Yom Kippur War in 1973.


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797d9c No.97039

File: 17a16ed13bab0e7⋯.png (920.3 KB,1429x802,1429:802,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692135 (081201ZOCT23) Notable: German citizen murdered today by Hamas terrorists is also an Israeli citizen

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>German citizen

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797d9c No.97040

File: 12334a89f41e76f⋯.png (130.06 KB,601x833,601:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692261 (081238ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas is claiming Ukraine sold them the weapons they used in the attack today against Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Just saw this on X.


Hamas is claiming Ukraine sold them the weapons they used in the attack today against Israel.

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797d9c No.97041

File: 286ccb78e5969f1⋯.png (33.28 KB,597x346,597:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692274 (081243ZOCT23) Notable: @DonJr: If our federal law enforcement wasn’t too busy monitoring concerned mothers at PTA meetings for being domestic terrorists, maybe they’d have the time to go to all these sick meetings popping up all over the country and find some sleeper cells

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Donald Trump Jr.


If our federal law enforcement wasn’t too busy monitoring concerned mothers at PTA meetings for being domestic terrorists, maybe they’d have the time to go to all these sick meetings popping up all over the country and find some sleeper cells. You know they’re in there!


Lee Zeldin




The “Democratic Socialists of America” are protesting in NYC tomorrow in favor of Hamas’ rape, terrorism, and murder of innocent Israeli citizens. This is as sick as it gets. Many Democrat elected officials in NY actively seek the endorsement of this terrorist loving group. twitter.com/nycdsa/status/

1:38 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97042

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692299 (081249ZOCT23) Notable: #24178

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24178 >>97017

>>97019, >>97021 Anons opine: property seizures

>>97020 A shill free night across the boards?

>>97022 Top Biden adviser bragged of quiet Middle East one week before Hamas attacked Israel

>>97018, >>97023 Seal of the President in Waterloo and Executive Order 11649—Regulations Governing the Seals of the President and the Vice President of the United States

>>97024, >>97025 Donald J. Trump’s prediction about Biden handing Iran $6B goes viral after Hamas attack, blames Biden for ‘American taxpayer dollars’ funding attacks

>>97026 Red alert: NYPD, LAPD and Miami cops deploy extra officers to Jewish areas and synagogues following Hamas terror attack on Israel

>>97027 @CodeMonkeyZ: Who armed Hamas? Who was traded for a basketball player? Did the arms come from Afghanistan? Through middlemen in Ukraine?

>>97028 @thejimwatkins: Whoever controls the banks controls the small business in America. Company after company are deplatformed from the commercial banking industry

>>97029 An Islamic terrorist sympathizing group in Tampa, Florida known as “Resistance of Tampa Bay” is having a pro-HAMAS rally in Tampa, Florida on Sunday October 8, 2023

>>97030, >>97035 @KimDotcom: Understanding the Hamas attack on Israel - 8.8M views

>>97031 Ivory Coast president dissolves government, removes PM - RT News

>>97032 @disclosetv: Multiple Israeli tourists shot dead in Alexandria, Egypt

>>97033 @GenFlynn: The people of the world should prepare for a brutal assault on the Gaza and its Hamas ownership

>>97034 Q#2337 Oct 4, 2018: Israeli intelligence - stand down. [TERM_3720x380-293476669283001] Media assets will be removed. Q

>>97038 Israel's cabinet officially declares war

>>97036, >>97037, >>97039 German citizen murdered today by Hamas terrorists is also an Israeli citizen

>>97040 Hamas is claiming Ukraine sold them the weapons they used in the attack today against Israel

>>97041 @DonJr: If our federal law enforcement wasn’t too busy monitoring concerned mothers at PTA meetings for being domestic terrorists, maybe they’d have the time to go to all these sick meetings popping up all over the country and find some sleeper cells



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797d9c No.97043

File: 06547cb39990e04⋯.jpg (49.58 KB,656x500,164:125,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692306 (081251ZOCT23) Notable: Netanyahu calls Zelenskyy as Ukraine-Israel relations take new dive

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



baker taps

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797d9c No.97044

File: 6d6e5f59fdb6721⋯.png (239.2 KB,500x235,100:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692345 (081301ZOCT23) Notable: Hillary Drops the Veil on Her Party’s Totalitarianism

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Drops the Veil on Her Party’s Totalitarianism

By Clarice Feldman


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797d9c No.97045

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692374 (081309ZOCT23) Notable: Rabbi: "Zionism is a rebellion against the almighty, return the land to the Palestinians

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- Jewish Rabbi: "Zionism is a rebellion against the almighty, return the land to the Palestinians

Sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/JYbYKqebn4xD/

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797d9c No.97046

File: 8712c8d15a7e80a⋯.png (168.53 KB,447x541,447:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 366d7e332177104⋯.mp4 (2.72 MB,480x640,3:4,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692382 (081311ZOCT23) Notable: @DanScavino New York rainbow

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dan Scavino Jr.đŸ‡ș🇾🩅


10/7/2023 | NEW YORK

1:27 AM · Oct 8, 2023

from New York, USA·


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797d9c No.97047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692390 (081313ZOCT23) Notable: X TRENDS All Israel/Pakistan/Iran Trends atm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>97043 For those just getting here today.

All Israel/Pakistan/Iran Trends atm



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PASTE: https://fullchan.net/?c095d1adf3e56199#5ig6dH1SdPxb6nZh6QLUVTvAH6gjjbzov9NPt7dvsjAJ

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797d9c No.97048

File: 5dd70185598d43b⋯.jpg (37.29 KB,224x346,112:173,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 899fe27bdb65d64⋯.jpg (338.79 KB,1055x1877,1055:1877,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692392 (081314ZOCT23) Notable: Keystone in the Arch: Ukraine in Emerging Security Environment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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797d9c No.97049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692411 (081317ZOCT23) Notable: Keystone in the Arch: Ukraine in Emerging Security Environment

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



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797d9c No.97050

File: 292363083fbff96⋯.png (621.59 KB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

File: e046062b247e47b⋯.png (449.37 KB,1360x1074,680:537,Clipboard.png)

File: f83f01a82cb02c5⋯.png (1.61 MB,1600x1085,320:217,Clipboard.png)

File: bb2f0f66f5b0926⋯.png (242.97 KB,1002x915,334:305,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692414 (081318ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

524th Special Operations Squadron looks to be making the crossing over to Europe.

Call sign ZAGGER99




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797d9c No.97051

File: 8aecc141e803f0e⋯.png (46.83 KB,427x634,427:634,Clipboard.png)

File: 60729d005ced1d4⋯.png (2.18 MB,1383x7030,1383:7030,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692419 (081318ZOCT23) Notable: Canada: Hundreds of blood donors needed in Burlington this month to fill demand

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘You never know’: Hundreds of blood donors needed in Burlington this month to fill demand


“We need blood. There are so many people in need of blood and we can't get that blood without donors. It’s a critical part of everyday medical care - there's no substitute. In donating blood, you're helping a stranger, you might also be helping a friend or a family member. You might even be helping yourself - you never know,” said Katie Bea, community development manager with Canadian Blood Services for the Burlington area.


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797d9c No.97052

File: 3d9a5f3f67abf3c⋯.png (32.56 KB,740x410,74:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ef092e1bd2b0e3⋯.png (428.19 KB,598x540,299:270,Clipboard.png)

File: ef6e39615fd7704⋯.png (1.41 MB,1080x778,540:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692468 (081327ZOCT23) Notable: Palestinians cut Israel in two???

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Palestina https://twitter.com/search?q=Palestina


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797d9c No.97053

File: 63de1d1521bd2b8⋯.png (1.64 MB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 46ba2f773211280⋯.png (2.34 MB,1920x1281,640:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692496 (081332ZOCT23) Notable: PF updates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Irregular operators do things differently. Like loading C-130s at civilian airfields. Call sign RANGR41. Leaving Meacham Field in Fort Worth, Texas.

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797d9c No.97054

File: 2aa98b9d7a875da⋯.png (95.27 KB,1334x635,1334:635,Clipboard.png)

File: 13edcdd42054459⋯.png (64.69 KB,1334x635,1334:635,Clipboard.png)

File: 1afd46fb74e73f2⋯.png (106.7 KB,1334x635,1334:635,Clipboard.png)

File: b655156bf985e17⋯.png (87.87 KB,1334x635,1334:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692541 (081343ZOCT23) Notable: Here's one way to look at executive orders.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/19692101 lb

Here's one way to look at executive orders.

Federal Register. It show the history and if modifications where made or repealed. I've never seen a full list of Trumps EOs vs Biden repeals btw.


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797d9c No.97055

File: 781ff5d811428eb⋯.jpg (92.54 KB,720x575,144:115,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692563 (081347ZOCT23) Notable: S Secretary of State Anthony Blinken tells CNN that the US has reports that several Americans have been killed and others reported missing during the Israeli conflict with Hamas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING: US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken tells CNN that the US has reports that several Americans have been killed and others reported missing during the Israeli conflict with Hamas.

Blinken adds the US is working to confirm the reports.


Oh Shit.....

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797d9c No.97056

File: 20bee84fd6d59fe⋯.png (441.02 KB,634x365,634:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692565 (081347ZOCT23) Notable: Second largest Hindu temple in the world made of marble, granite and limestone opens to worshippers in New Jersey

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Second largest Hindu temple in the world made of marble, granite and limestone opens to worshippers in New Jersey after taking more than a decade to build with the help of 12,500 volunteers kek laid off java programmers?


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797d9c No.97057

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692572 (081348ZOCT23) Notable: X TRENDS All Israel/Pakistan/Iran Trends atm

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




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Gaza https://twitter.com/search?q=Gaza

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PASTE: https://fullchan.net/?8117fd3bab8fc40d#3LQbRoLJHG6GZ3YvfoGyc5YnPmAbbkrJhyLTwA5Krrwg

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797d9c No.97058

File: c2449bf90b0e6f9⋯.png (345.75 KB,960x720,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692674 (081406ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Plane, Clouds, Moon, Spots, Sun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 8, 2023

Plane, Clouds, Moon, Spots, Sun

What's that in front of the Sun? The closest object is an airplane, visible just below the Sun's center and caught purely by chance. Next out are numerous clouds in Earth's atmosphere, creating a series of darkened horizontal streaks. Farther out is Earth's Moon, seen as the large dark circular bite on the upper right. Just above the airplane and just below the Sun's surface are sunspots. The main sunspot group captured here, AR 2192, was in 2014 one of the largest ever recorded and had been crackling and bursting with flares since it came around the edge of the Sun a week before. This show of solar silhouettes was unfortunately short-lived. Within a few seconds the plane flew away. Within a few minutes the clouds drifted off. Within a few hours the partial solar eclipse of the Sun by the Moon was over. Fortunately, when it comes to the Sun, even unexpected alignments are surprisingly frequent. Perhaps one will be imaged this Saturday when a new partial solar eclipse will be visible from much of North and South America.


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797d9c No.97059

File: 4a684f54177e97d⋯.png (618.41 KB,768x397,768:397,Clipboard.png)

File: a5b27150befd428⋯.png (828.69 KB,644x859,644:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692715 (081413ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Concludes Significant Technical Challenge: In-Time Terminal Area Risk Management

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NASA Concludes Significant Technical Challenge: In-Time Terminal Area Risk Management

OCT 06, 2023

Operations within the National Airspace System continue to grow in scale and complexity. As a result, causal factors of risks and hazards are increasingly complex and drive the need to transform the way we conduct risk management and safety assurance.

NASA’s System-Wide Safety (SWS) project recently commemorated the completion of a major step towards that transformation with an engaging hybrid event reflecting on the completion of its Technical Challenge 1 (TC-1): In-Time Terminal Area Risk Management.

The event highlighted key takeaways, provided technology demonstrations, and engaged stakeholders and partners in conversations around the myriad of capabilities and opportunities made possible by the tools, techniques, and processes developed under the technical challenge.

Speakers from NASA, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), airlines, and the aviation industry at large discussed how to best leverage TC-1 capabilities as the safety foundation of this new era of commercial aviation.

New technologies developed in TC-1 identify emerging risks and monitor safety margins before an accident occurs – not after. Powered by prognostic and predictive risk assessment algorithms and human factors research, TC-1 work will both improve today’s safety management systems and help us shape future operational systems.

Through TC-1, NASA and its partners have developed and demonstrated:

Methods to improve risk management and safety assurance processes by proactively identifying risks and causal factors before an accident/incident occurs.

Integrated risk assessment capabilities to monitor and assess terminal area operations based on advanced data analytics methods and predictive model development.

Machine Learning Analytics Tools, in collaboration with our partners, that identify and characterize operational risks, monitor, and integrate data, evaluate risk mitigation strategies, and determine causal and contributing factors.

TC-1’s findings are the bedrock of the rest of the SWS technical challenges. They pave the way for a new technical challenge (TC-6) that seeks to expand on the work completed thus far and address the call to action set forth by the FAA to address safety challenges facing the transforming aviation industry.

SWS extends sincere appreciation to TC-1’s subproject managers, Nikunj Oza and Chad Stephens, and to Abigail Glenn-Chase for coordinating such an impactful event.


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797d9c No.97060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692728 (081417ZOCT23) Notable: Virgin Galactic #Galactic04 Recap

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Virgin Galactic #Galactic04 Recap

Oct 7, 2023

You are now free to float about the cabin. #Galactic04


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797d9c No.97061

File: d46767ef3816b25⋯.png (6.4 MB,4096x4096,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b5a45c4d1329343⋯.png (5.39 MB,2677x1927,2677:1927,Clipboard.png)

File: 16c152d1eac4c96⋯.png (91.1 KB,218x777,218:777,Clipboard.png)

File: 52d9d3130bd870d⋯.png (798.76 KB,965x851,965:851,Clipboard.png)

File: b6210566fb8e5a9⋯.png (446.33 KB,744x1251,248:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692735 (081418ZOCT23) Notable: QClock October 07, 2023 - Iran, Hamas, Roths & Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

QClock October 07, 2023 - Iran, Hamas, Roths & Israel

2nd Image also on the clock .....(see third image: Dec 07, 2017)

Fun Fact:

"Iran is next.." (4/23/2018 - imgs #4 & #5)

On the clock mirror in 17 days.

(not date fagging...just pointing it out....)

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797d9c No.97062

File: fcd570952029060⋯.png (21.26 KB,599x213,599:213,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692795 (081432ZOCT23) Notable: How many Hamas sleeper cells have crossed our southern border under the Biden Administration’s policies?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep Andy Biggs


How many Hamas sleeper cells have crossed our southern border under the Biden Administration’s policies?

We are not prepared.

9:39 AM · Oct 8, 2023





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797d9c No.97063

File: 3d1940fd89cf5c9⋯.png (1.14 MB,1423x1045,1423:1045,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692832 (081438ZOCT23) Notable: Hubble's Galaxy Week

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Hubble's Galaxy Week

Oct 2 - Oct 7, 2023

Hubble is sharing brand new Hubble images all week!

With more than 33 years in orbit and 1.5 million observations, Hubble's data offers a wealth of information about the objects in our universe. We've combed through Hubble's extensive archive looking for data that would give us interesting galaxy images to share. These are a few of our most recent images.


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797d9c No.97064

File: 1fcf7d848b2556e⋯.png (622.01 KB,1200x1704,50:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692855 (081441ZOCT23) Notable: SNP First Minister Humza Yousaf has been labelled "an embarrassment" for failing to condemn Israel terror attacks

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Humza Yousaf dubbed 'national embarrassment' for failing to condemn Israel terror attacks

SNP First Minister Humza Yousaf has been labelled "an embarrassment" to Scotland after he avoided condemning terror attacks on Israel.

Humza Yousaf avoided condemning atrocities on Israeli citizens as most of the rest of the world united to condemn the terrorist attacks by Hamas yesterday morning.

The SNP Scottish First Minister, who has been a regular critic of Israel, shocked political opponents with a weak response to the appalling events unfurling in Israel.


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797d9c No.97065

File: f7a0765d95de1bc⋯.png (52.71 KB,895x270,179:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19692867 (081443ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: Seeing reports of potential American hostages taken in Gaza.

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Seeing reports of potential American hostages taken in Gaza. Hamas should know this, the United States will not rest until every American is returned home by any means possible.

10:40 AM · Oct 8, 2023

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797d9c No.97066

File: 80f91ed962deb60⋯.png (16.02 KB,476x157,476:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693059 (081508ZOCT23) Notable: ISIS, Anitfa, Sleeper cells

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How many Hamas sleeper cells have crossed our border?


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797d9c No.97067

File: 22b2c1f01a17790⋯.png (39.24 KB,926x410,463:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c1c767ad250a19⋯.png (1.18 MB,926x2398,463:1199,Clipboard.png)

File: 6526de1b3c3b619⋯.png (134.31 KB,926x982,463:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 839109d181856e0⋯.png (58.89 KB,926x498,463:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693106 (081515ZOCT23) Notable: ISIS, Anitfa, Sleeper cells

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


53 Antifa Drops

ANTIFA 'mapping' started a long time ago.


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797d9c No.97068

File: e1a2527878414f8⋯.png (66.01 KB,926x586,463:293,Clipboard.png)

File: f6511aaa284d22f⋯.png (415.29 KB,926x2698,463:1349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693135 (081519ZOCT23) Notable: ISIS, Anitfa, Sleeper cells

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97069

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693164 (081524ZOCT23) Notable: #24179

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#24179 >>97043

>>97050, >>97053 PF updates

>>97043 Netanyahu calls Zelenskyy as Ukraine-Israel relations take new dive

>>97044 Hillary Drops the Veil on Her Party’s Totalitarianism

>>97045 Rabbi: "Zionism is a rebellion against the almighty, return the land to the Palestinians

>>97046 @DanScavino New York rainbow

>>97047, >>97057 X TRENDS All Israel/Pakistan/Iran Trends atm

>>97048, >>97049 Keystone in the Arch: Ukraine in Emerging Security Environment

>>97051 Canada: Hundreds of blood donors needed in Burlington this month to fill demand

>>97052 Palestinians cut Israel in two???

>>97054 Here's one way to look at executive orders.

>>97055 S Secretary of State Anthony Blinken tells CNN that the US has reports that several Americans have been killed and others reported missing during the Israeli conflict with Hamas

>>97056 Second largest Hindu temple in the world made of marble, granite and limestone opens to worshippers in New Jersey

>>97058 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Plane, Clouds, Moon, Spots, Sun

>>97059 NASA Concludes Significant Technical Challenge: In-Time Terminal Area Risk Management

>>97060 Virgin Galactic #Galactic04 Recap

>>97061 QClock October 07, 2023 - Iran, Hamas, Roths & Israel

>>97062 How many Hamas sleeper cells have crossed our southern border under the Biden Administration’s policies?

>>97063 Hubble's Galaxy Week

>>97064 SNP First Minister Humza Yousaf has been labelled "an embarrassment" for failing to condemn Israel terror attacks

>>97065 ECW: Seeing reports of potential American hostages taken in Gaza.

>>97068, >>97067, >>97066 ISIS, Anitfa, Sleeper cells


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797d9c No.97070

File: 382ad79caa81ba7⋯.png (293.07 KB,710x646,355:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693184 (081527ZOCT23) Notable: #24180

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797d9c No.97071

File: 01e0b8159eb9020⋯.png (324.27 KB,367x576,367:576,Clipboard.png)

File: 34afadaabe840f1⋯.png (187.04 KB,877x1170,877:1170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693208 (081533ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump pic of Trump on tennis court

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Donald J. Trump


Oct 08, 2023, 10:17 AM

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797d9c No.97072

File: 9a12cc4a5d48ce3⋯.png (56.74 KB,926x586,463:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dcb7fbb681868d⋯.png (367.61 KB,926x2698,463:1349,Clipboard.png)

File: cfe90c6f441eefc⋯.gif (3.6 MB,450x709,450:709,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693227 (081536ZOCT23) Notable: bringing forward #Qposts 3973 and 4545

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


bringing forward #Qposts 973 and 4545

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797d9c No.97073

File: 2b3ce6a45673606⋯.png (229.39 KB,542x500,271:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693239 (081537ZOCT23) Notable: bringing forward #Qposts 3973 and 4545

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bringing forward #Qposts 3973 and 4545

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797d9c No.97074

File: 3878c9ed5003018⋯.png (383.64 KB,926x2830,463:1415,Clipboard.png)

File: a028d71ceda9911⋯.png (105 KB,926x850,463:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 60892abbc53058a⋯.png (250.24 KB,926x1862,463:931,Clipboard.png)

File: 4eb67d9b7ab862e⋯.png (101.05 KB,926x850,463:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 5bd9662601f2643⋯.png (1.12 MB,926x3070,463:1535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693242 (081537ZOCT23) Notable: C_A ops

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No one saw it coming?


NK is a CIA Blacksite

OP:MKBRD is aCIA Media control

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797d9c No.97075

File: 57a71b7cc002df7⋯.png (1.42 MB,877x1170,877:1170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693329 (081553ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump pic of Trump on tennis court

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Trump getting ready to "SERVE"

Was es das anons?

Call the ball?

Serving Justice!


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797d9c No.97076

File: 4e3da5891791d0d⋯.png (47.92 KB,494x503,494:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693337 (081554ZOCT23) Notable: Per Fox, USSOCOM assets are being deployed (role unclear) to Israel

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🌡Mercury Rising




Per Fox, USSOCOM assets are being deployed (role unclear) to Israel

@GordoCDA @kcnadley @vinnieoftexas_



>we saw that flight out of Eglin yesterday

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797d9c No.97077

File: a0c660e28caa96b⋯.png (646.24 KB,750x857,750:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693425 (081611ZOCT23) Notable: Did the Biden administration withhold intel from Israel?

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Did the Biden administration withhold

intel from Israel?

theAspenbeat.com, by Glenn Beaton

Posted By: Big Bopper, 10/8/2023 11:58:47 AM

Palestinian terrorists (no, that’s not necessarily redundant) in Gaza launched a brutal terrorist attack on Israel yesterday. They slaughtered at least 800 Israelis, many of them unarmed women and children. Some were taken hostage back to Gaza where they were paraded through the streets and beaten. It was a massive and highly coordinated attack with incursions by land, air and sea. From a thousand miles away, Iran was likely funding and coordinating it. There had to be a lot of cyber chatter preceding the attack. Yet Israel was apparently caught by complete surprise. The question being rightly asked is, how could Israel’s intel operations

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797d9c No.97078

File: a4b69d36e789628⋯.png (533.81 KB,685x740,137:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693429 (081612ZOCT23) Notable: Sunday am's talking points

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Nikki Haley: Attack on Israel should be

wake-up call for America

Politico, by Kelly Garrity

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/8/2023 11:57:30 AM

The deadly Hamas-led incursion into Israel should serve as a warning sign for America, GOP presidential hopeful Nikki Haley said Sunday, comparing America’s southern border with Mexico to Israel’s border with Gaza. “We don’t need to wait for another 9/11. You also look at the fact that, Kristen, America is incredibly distracted and incredibly divided and when America’s distracted the world is less safe. And look at what happened to Israel. They waited for them to be distracted and that’s when your enemies move in. America needs to wake up,” Haley, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told NBC’s Kristen Welker during an interview on “Meet the Press.”

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797d9c No.97079

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693430 (081612ZOCT23) Notable: Dozens of NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during counterterrorism training

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Dozens of NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during counterterrorism training

A 32-member New York delegation of law enforcement officials traveled to Israel Oct. 5 for a training


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797d9c No.97080

File: ff0a727819efe04⋯.png (954.48 KB,1025x654,1025:654,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693434 (081613ZOCT23) Notable: Did the Biden administration withhold intel from Israel?

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How did Israel and the U.S. miss what

Hamas was planning?

NBC News, by Dan De Luce *

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/8/2023 11:55:22 AM

The surprise attack by Hamas on Israel suggests a massive intelligence failure as the Israeli government appeared blindsided by the infiltration of Hamas fighters across the southern border and the launch of thousands of rockets. The Hamas assault by air, land and sea also raised questions as to why U.S. intelligence agencies apparently did not see it coming, experts and former intelligence officials said. U.S. officials said that if the Israelis knew an attack was imminent, they did not share it with Washington. “We were not tracking this,” one senior U.S. military official told NBC News.

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797d9c No.97081

File: 5bff2e7a1b3b74b⋯.png (46.62 KB,646x596,323:298,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c6098993ec82a3⋯.png (906.77 KB,906x911,906:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693445 (081615ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas videos show how it burst through border, assaulted Israeli communities

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Hamas videos show how it burst through

border, assaulted Israeli communities

Times of Israel, by Emanuel Fabian

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/8/2023 11:48:27 AM

A compilation of clips released by Hamas shows how the terror group invaded southern Israel yesterday and carried out its vast, murderous attack, killing some 500 civilians and soldiers, and kidnapping dozens more to the Gaza Strip. First, Hamas bombed Israeli observation towers and weapons systems on the border using drones. Footage shows drones dropping explosive devices onto Israeli sites on the Gaza border. Next, the terror group fired hundreds of rockets at southern and central Israel, as terrorists on paragliders flew over the border.

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797d9c No.97082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693447 (081616ZOCT23) Notable: Dozens of NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during counterterrorism training

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or are they those c_a personnel that interact with NYPD that got sent over for the CT training asides from the 6 or so from Westchester County

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797d9c No.97083

File: e204d44b768cc9c⋯.png (129.08 KB,393x308,393:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693460 (081617ZOCT23) Notable: Dozens of NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during counterterrorism training

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Being edumacated by their paymasters.

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797d9c No.97084

File: da3a85a0a4d86b6⋯.png (767.16 KB,597x883,597:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693472 (081620ZOCT23) Notable: @thejimwatkins Meanwhile Ohio. The fix is already in. The January 6 committee attorneys have been deployed.

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James Watkins


Meanwhile Ohio. The fix is already in. The January 6 committee attorneys have been deployed. You have the opportunity to feel the weight of their lawfare on your shoulders again. I suppose if you vote harder, there will be some effect when the ballots are counted. You might try looking past whatever narrative is displayed conveniently for you and dig in deeply into what is actually going on in your precincts and courthouses. You are the big target, as usual. Maybe your favorite son will bring some light to this situation to be brought to the attention of everyone, but I doubt that very much.



4:22 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97085

File: 4545ab64a7b9b77⋯.png (408.56 KB,926x1682,463:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693473 (081620ZOCT23) Notable: Dozens of NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during counterterrorism training

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


> NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during terrorism training

I bet they were

Brown Coats

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797d9c No.97086

File: a0a6d1a2fe1b188⋯.png (912.56 KB,1257x835,1257:835,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693474 (081620ZOCT23) Notable: New Mexico renews ‘public health emergency’ on guns

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New Mexico renews ‘public health emergency’ on guns

Order subjects licensed gun dealers to monthly inspections, mandates gun buyback programs

"...We’re not letting up, and I’m continuing to make investments that drive down violence in our communities and protect our children.”

- - - -

What will prevent this from spreading like cancer and being the defacto "law of the land" by the Election?


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797d9c No.97087

File: d97be67327bc9bb⋯.png (363.71 KB,589x874,31:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693488 (081622ZOCT23) Notable: @GenFlynn $6B to our enemies and a few Americans killed and some held hostage 
 eh, just another day in our Marxist, Socialist (Democrat) far left US Administration.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn


$6B to our enemies and a few Americans killed and some held hostage 
 eh, just another day in our Marxist, Socialist (Democrat) far left US Administration.

How the hell can anyone ever vote for a “democrat” again. If you don’t vote for someone who loves America and is willing to sacrifice everything for our country, you’re on the wrong side of history and you must seriously hate America and very likely, you hate yourself.

Yes, elections have very serious consequences. And the 2020 election was rigged and now we know why. Build Back Better (BBB) means destroy everything good and then BBB it back better in their evil image.

God help any American or anyone held hostage or any family who has lost a loved one due to this egregious level of incompetency.



RNC Research




Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken on the attacks in Israel: "We have reports that several Americans were killed ... There are reports of missing Americans."

3:40 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97088

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693520 (081628ZOCT23) Notable: Dozens of NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during counterterrorism training

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NYPD is training in israel?

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797d9c No.97089

File: 2fd6509255193bd⋯.png (337.76 KB,602x576,301:288,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693545 (081631ZOCT23) Notable: Docs show Soros operation and State Dept working hand in glove (with your tax dollars)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Tom Fitton


HUGE Soros find: Docs show Soros operation and State Dept working hand in glove (with your tax dollars). @JudicialWatch

does the heavy lifting in court to get answers...https://judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-new-documents-show-state-department-and-usaid-working-with-soros-group-to-channel-money-to-mercenary-army-of-far-left-activists-in-albania/

0:00 / 9:28

U.S. Taxpayer Funding of George Soros Operations Overseas


Judicial Watch ⚖

5:19 AM · Oct 8, 2018

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797d9c No.97090

File: e65c07fc36d87bf⋯.png (261.5 KB,420x572,105:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693553 (081632ZOCT23) Notable: Think globally. Act locally.

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Think globally.

Act locally.


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797d9c No.97091

File: 4c3eac3fa5459b5⋯.png (143.05 KB,409x500,409:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693585 (081638ZOCT23) Notable: ECW: fungible, RNC: fungible Secretary of State Antony Blinken: "Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


In other words, you knew Iran would use the money for terrorism

@ RNCResearch: "What do you say about the argument that money is fungible — so Iran may have known this money is coming and used other funds to help fund this attack?"

Secretary of State Antony Blinken: "Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism"


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797d9c No.97092

File: 38453b7f5480948⋯.jpeg (38.32 KB,474x279,158:93,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693607 (081643ZOCT23) Notable: Military solution to Ukraine conflict unlikely – Italian defense minister

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8 Oct, 2023 16:18

Military solution to Ukraine conflict unlikely – Italian defense minister

Guido Crosetto also noted that Rome cannot be expected to support Kiev indefinitely as its own stocks are limited

It is unlikely that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict will be resolved on the battlefield,Italian Defense Minister Guido Crosettohas predicted. He also revealed that Rome is considering ways to bring the two sides to the negotiating table, while continuing to arm Kiev.

In an interview with Corriere della Sera published on Sunday, Crosetto acknowledged that no matter how much Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s government wants to support Ukraine indefinitely, the policy is simply not realistic. He pointed out that the hostilities there have dragged on for over a year and a half, adding that the “more time passes, the more the possibility of helping Ukraine with resources that are not unlimited decreases.”The official emphasized that this does not indicate a change in Italy’s policies but rather the finite nature of the country’s stocks.

According to the official, the “situation in Ukraine is getting worse,” with Kiev having “great difficulty in regaining lost ground,” and Moscow being unable to “conquer” the nation.

“We are witnessing the impossibility of resolving the conflict on the field,” Crosetto argued, adding that Italy was busy looking for ways to “build dialogue tables, achieve peace.”

He concluded by claiming that if Russia prevails in Ukraine, its tanks will be rolling toward European borders, making the prospect of World War III more likely.

Late last month, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov reiterated that Moscow is ready for peace talks with Kiev in principle, adding, however, that it has yet to see any “serious proposal.” The diplomat dismissed Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky’s peace formula as a “pure ultimatum,” which Russia would never accept.

Russian officials have previously pointed out that President Zelensky effectively ruled out negotiations when he signed a decree last October prohibiting dialogue with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin.

Earlier this month, POLITICO reported, citing a European official, that EU member states have reached their limit in terms of weaponry they can provide to Ukraine without compromising their own defenses.

“We cannot keep on giving from our own stockpiles,” the anonymous official told reporters.

In a separate story around the same time, the media outlet claimed that support for funding the Ukrainian government was “showing more cracks than ever,” citing the recent failure of the US Congress to allocate more aid money in its stopgap budget, as well as the election victory of former Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, who vowed when he was campaigning that he’d stop assistance to Kiev.

Meanwhile, on Friday, POLITICO alleged that the Biden administration is looking for “creative” ways to secure further military aid for Ukraine, amid mounting opposition at home. The supposed workarounds under consideration include using the State Department’s foreign military financing program as well as a three-way swap of air-defense systems involving Poland, the media outlet claimed.


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797d9c No.97093

File: 9e864d26f380a02⋯.png (378.56 KB,588x536,147:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693610 (081643ZOCT23) Notable: "The Democrat convention is in Chicago next year. Are you confident that your city and your state are gonna have a better grasp?"

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RNC Research


"The Democrat convention is in Chicago next year. Are you confident that your city and your state are gonna have a better grasp?"

Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker: "Someone needs to work in Texas with these border politicians to have them stop sending people only to blue cities!"

4:48 AM · Oct 8, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97094

File: eea35b85ace7cd9⋯.png (24.15 KB,592x275,592:275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693629 (081647ZOCT23) Notable: Celebration of Israeli deaths.

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Lara Logan


Celebration of Israeli deaths.


Square profile picture





The Democratic Socialists of America, which boasts six House of Representatives as members, announced a pro-“Palestine” rally in New York City on Sunday, a day after Hamas launched a surprise attack that killed 600 Israelis. MORE:

5:25 AM · Oct 8, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97095

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693643 (081650ZOCT23) Notable: Israel officially at war - Netanyahu’s office

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8 Oct, 2023 12:09

Israel officially at war – Netanyahu’s office

The invocation of Article 40 allows the government to carry out “significant military activities,” the prime minister’s office says

Israel’s security cabinet voted on Saturday night to officially go to war following a major attack on the country by Palestinian armed group Hamas, the office of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said.

The invocation of Article 40 of Israel’s Basic Law allows the government to take “significant military action that may lead, with a level of probability close to certain, to war,”Netanyahu’s office said on Sunday.

Under the legislation, the prime minister will be able to make certain decisions regarding the war with just the approval of the security cabinet, it added.

Netanyahu’s office also said the government had asked the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, to activate emergency regulationsallowing for detainees to be held in custody for a longer period without being brought before a court.

Netanyahu declared that Israel was at war in his first message a few hours after Hamas fired thousands of rockets at Israel and sent its fighters into Jewish settlements near the border with Gaza on Saturday morning.

“Citizens of Israel, we are at war. And we will win,” the prime minister said in his address. “The enemy will pay a price like they have never known before,” he vowed, referring to Hamas.

ZAKA, a volunteer group that handles human remains after terrorist attacks in Israel, has said thatmore than 600 Israelis have been killedsince the launch of the surprise attack by Hamas. The figure includes 44 troops, whose deaths had earlier been confirmed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).

According to the IDF, more than 400 Hamas fighters have been killed by Israeli security forces in the past 30 hours.

The death toll from Israel’s retaliatory strikes on Gaza has reached 313 people, with almost 2,000 others wounded, the local health ministry has said.

Fighting between the sides is continuing in several Israeli settlements near the border with Gaza.

(We will find out that Israel funded the terrorists to start the war?)


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797d9c No.97096

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693670 (081655ZOCT23) Notable: Dozens of NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during counterterrorism training

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And antisemitism training.

"A deputy chief investigator from our office is one of six law enforcement leaders from Westchester County among a 32-member New York delegation that traveled to Israel Oct. 5 for an international counterterrorism and antisemitism training," Rocah said. "I am in communication with our deputy chief who informed me that though the delegation is close to the Gaza Strip, they are sheltering in a safe location and every effort is underway for their safe return to New York."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693691 (081658ZOCT23) Notable: The Taliban Asks Iran for Free Passage to Assist Hamas in Gaza in War on Israel

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The Taliban Asks Iran for Free Passage to Assist Hamas in Gaza in War on Israel – After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies


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797d9c No.97098

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693702 (081700ZOCT23) Notable: Eclipse fever starts now. Here’s where to see the upcoming ‘ring of fire’ eclipse

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Eclipse fever starts now. Here’s where to see the upcoming ‘ring of fire’ eclipse

Over large swaths of the Americas this month and next April, too, all eyes will be on the skies during two spectacular events.

Between the “ring of fire” annular eclipse coming up on October 14, 2023, and the 2024 total solar eclipse happening on April 8, 2024, viewers on land in the United States and neighboring countries are in for two major celestial moments as the moon passes between Earth and the sun.

And while the total solar eclipse is a bigger draw for most travelers since it promises totality (darkness during the moments when the moon covers the sun entirely), tourists are targeting areas in the annular eclipse’s path, too.

Car-sharing website Turo reports seeing an uptick in car bookings in major cities in Oregon, New Mexico and Texas near the annular eclipse’s path.

Booking.com similarly reports increased searches for San Antonio, Texas, the largest US city in the annular eclipse’s path, for the period of October 13 to 15, 2023, compared with the same period last year.

During October’s annular eclipse, which starts at 9:13 a.m. PT along the Oregon coast and ends in the United States in Texas at 12:03 p.m. CT, the moon will cover over 90% of the sun’s surface as it passes in front of it (as opposed to 100% coverage during a total eclipse).

The uncovered portion creates a striking “ring of fire” effect that can be seen when using protective viewing glasses during annularity, as the moon moves directly in front of the sun.

The path continues through parts of Central and South America (Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia and Brazil) before finishing its run at sunset over the Atlantic Ocean.

For many, the event is being seen as a sort of warm-up for the 2024 total solar eclipse, which professor Mark Littmann calls “the gold standard” of eclipse viewing.

And while it will never get as dark during October’s annular eclipse as it does during a total solar eclipse, some interesting effects may be possible to observe, says Littmann, a professor of science writing at the University of Tennessee and co-author of “Totality: The Great North American Eclipse of 2024.”

“The sky may take on some unusual color in terms of a steely gray flatness, blues may be a different color. These things depend on the weather, too,” Littman said. “It may cool down just a little bit. It gives you a kind of an omen of what a total eclipse would look like.”

Viewing an annular eclipse is far from routine: The next one won’t happen over the contiguous United States until 2046.

For viewers in the path of the eclipse who get a clear-sky view on the event at the moment of annularity, the “ring of fire” will not only “look really cool,” says Debra Ross, co-chair of the American Astronomical Society’s Eclipse Task Force, but drive home Earth’s place in the universe, too, with the moon so clearly between us and the sun.

“For lots of people, that’s worth traveling for,” Ross says.

If you’re looking for great places to put yourself in the path of annularity for the October 14 eclipse, read on.



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797d9c No.97099

File: 40e17ec2b8a8078⋯.png (193.31 KB,406x383,406:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693716 (081704ZOCT23) Notable: Sunday am's talking points

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The bullshit is waist deep today!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97100

File: 59180efc1ff73b7⋯.png (289.82 KB,411x630,137:210,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693730 (081707ZOCT23) Notable: The U.S. Aircraft Carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) as well as the other Ships in Carrier Strike Group 12 reportedly heading towards the Eastern Mediterranean in a “Show of Support” for Israel

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BREAKING! The U.S. Aircraft Carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) as well as the other Ships in Carrier Strike Group 12 which includes Ticonderoga-Class Cruiser USS Normandy (CG-60), as well as Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyers USS Ramage (DDG-61), USS McFaul (DDG-74), and USS Thomas Hudner (DDG-116) are reportedly heading towards the Eastern Mediterranean in a “Show of Support” for Israel and to also assist with the possible Evacuation of U.S. Citizens from the Country if the need arises.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97101

File: cc9b54afc7ca726⋯.png (38.26 KB,602x422,301:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693743 (081710ZOCT23) Notable: It’s called big tech censorship and has been on going for quite some time. Thanks for pointing this out. More Americans need to see the brutality of war so more Americans can better decide if they still want to vote for those warmongers in both major political parties.

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See new posts


Gunther Eaglemanℱ




Before you go to bed tonight think about all the video and news coverage of Israel you saw today

Then reflect and think about all the video and news coverage of Ukraine you have seen over the last 18 months


General Mike Flynn


It’s called big tech censorship and has been on going for quite some time. Thanks for pointing this out. More Americans need to see the brutality of war so more Americans can better decide if they still want to vote for those warmongers in both major political parties.

5:26 AM · Oct 8, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97102

File: 01e0b8159eb9020⋯.png (324.27 KB,367x576,367:576,Clipboard.png)

File: f60ed79580673cf⋯.jpeg (72.37 KB,875x496,875:496,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c7a4bab43d2c941⋯.jpeg (37.42 KB,905x356,905:356,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693770 (081713ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump pic of Trump on tennis court

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We have the server

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97103

File: 6a529108c2cd62d⋯.png (16.29 KB,586x173,586:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c6098993ec82a3⋯.png (906.77 KB,906x911,906:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693790 (081717ZOCT23) Notable: Look at how many American politicians believe that Israel has the right to defend its borders —while those same politicians allow a flood of illegal aliens to invade America!

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Emerald Robinson ✝


Look at how many American politicians believe that Israel has the right to defend its borders —while those same politicians allow a flood of illegal aliens to invade America!

6:08 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97104

File: cbd841e54278468⋯.mp4 (7.65 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693797 (081718ZOCT23) Notable: 2007 Wesley Clark 7 countries in 5 years

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General_Wesley_Clark_on_US_going_to_war_in_7_countries_in_5_yrs iran iraq libya

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97105

File: 8dfdcaf6c78e8a1⋯.png (46.24 KB,595x653,595:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693800 (081718ZOCT23) Notable: #HAMAS supporters have organized rallies in all major US cities today.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Laura Loomer


#HAMAS supporters have organized rallies in all major US cities today.

Below is a thread of where Jihadi supporters of Palestinian terror will be holding pro-terror rallies today, October 8.

This should be a major wake up call for all Americans. The enemy walks among you. Terrorists and their enablers are among you in the city you live.

Yesterday it was Israel. Today it could be you.

With our open borders, all types of terrorist trash is coming in and jeopardizing our safety.

We are all at risk of being attacked by Islamic terrorists.

Just another reason why we need @realDonaldTrump

back in office.


Palestinian Youth Movement





đŸ§” Thread đŸ§”of local protests and actions for Palestine in the wake of the latest unprecedented wave of resistance. SCROLL to find your city âŹ‡ïž:

5:48 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97106

File: 873098b2fe6bf90⋯.png (12.94 KB,589x203,589:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693818 (081722ZOCT23) Notable: @elonmusk As always, please try stay as close to the truth as possible, even for stuff you don’t like. keks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Elon Musk


As always, please try stay as close to the truth as possible, even for stuff you don’t like.

This platform aspires to maximize signal/noise of the human collective.

5:29 AM · Oct 8, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97107

File: b3927c7f2b1e747⋯.png (27.94 KB,594x325,594:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693838 (081726ZOCT23) Notable: ECW agrees: Last night I called on President Biden to deploy the @FBI Hostage Rescue Team & JSOC's hostage extraction forces to assist Israel.

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Ezra A. Cohen


Robert is correct to call for this. Our Special Operations Forces regularly train with partners in Israel and are capable of conducting joint operations.


Robert C. O'Brien




Last night I called on President Biden to deploy the @FBI Hostage Rescue Team & JSOC's hostage extraction forces to assist Israel. We now know AMCITS have been taken by Hamas. Those teams should be airborne to the region now to be in a position to rescue our countrymen.

5:01 AM · Oct 8, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97108

File: f9160fdeb3c2532⋯.png (20.3 KB,600x137,600:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 5046e3b37487a0b⋯.jpg (26.47 KB,700x350,2:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693846 (081727ZOCT23) Notable: The Israeli Security Agency has called on all Israeli Citizens in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt to Immediately Leave the Region.

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The Israeli Security Agency has called on all Israeli Citizens in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt to Immediately Leave the Region.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97109

File: 396da2ab63ded6b⋯.png (309.57 KB,593x503,593:503,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693884 (081734ZOCT23) Notable: Donald Trump 6’3” 215lbs of peak performance. Playfully played Serena Williams with a suit and no shoes.

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Donald Trump 6’3” 215lbs of peak performance. Playfully played Serena Williams with a suit and no shoes.



6:25 AM · Oct 8, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97110

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693887 (081734ZOCT23) Notable: Emergency UN Security Council Meeting

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Emergency UN Security Council Meeting

1:30 PM

Security Council Media Stakeout (Middle East; Other matters)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97111

File: cfeb65c49bca48f⋯.png (1.01 MB,1919x1013,1919:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: ae293413511b3d0⋯.png (1.1 MB,1917x1017,213:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 63a72984246ddbd⋯.png (1.18 MB,1919x1014,1919:1014,Clipboard.png)

File: 8faa6c758669861⋯.png (1.16 MB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693899 (081736ZOCT23) Notable: PF Call sign RCH555 (Reach 555). USAF C-17 Globemaster now leaving Amman, Jordan. Flew there via Charleston, SC

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Call sign RCH555 (Reach 555). USAF C-17 Globemaster now leaving Amman, Jordan. Flew there via Charleston, SC. Dover, DE. Prestwick, Scotland. ADS-B spoofing and glitching involved between Prestwick and Amman.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97112

File: 0f126736eb773ee⋯.png (17.04 KB,582x249,194:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693909 (081738ZOCT23) Notable: @elonmusk As always, please try stay as close to the truth as possible, even for stuff you don’t like. keks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Elon Musk


Remember to add your notable posts to your “Highlights” tab. This is a good way to surface your replies that are otherwise buried deep in a conversation chain.

Soon, when you pin a post, it will automatically be added to your highlights as a convenience.

6:33 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97113

File: b202c72a57bff86⋯.png (437.88 KB,599x627,599:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693964 (081747ZOCT23) Notable: Sunday am's talking points

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NEW — Mike Pence blames Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis for Hamas invading Israel.

"This is what happens when we have leading voices like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis signaling retreat from America's role as leader of the free world."

Why is Mike Pence blaming Trump, Vivek, and DeSantis?

5:52 AM · Oct 8, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97114

File: 1cb6b5497475dea⋯.png (17.57 KB,606x291,202:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19693980 (081750ZOCT23) Notable: Sunday am's talking points

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Kim Runner


up next


Eric Trump




Taiwan is next

Every global conflict we are witnessing is the consequence of the weakness of American leadership.

6:32 AM · Oct 8, 2023




Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97115

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694037 (081801ZOCT23) Notable: #24180

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24180 >>97070

>>97111 PF Call sign RCH555 (Reach 555). USAF C-17 Globemaster now leaving Amman, Jordan. Flew there via Charleston, SC

>>97071, >>97075, >>97102 @realDonaldTrump pic of Trump on tennis court

>>97072, >>97073 bringing forward #Qposts 3973 and 4545

>>97074 C_A ops

>>97076 Per Fox, USSOCOM assets are being deployed (role unclear) to Israel

>>97077, >>97080 Did the Biden administration withhold intel from Israel?

>>97079, >>97082, >>97083, >>97085, >>97088, >>97096 Dozens of NY law enforcement leaders stranded in Israel during counterterrorism training

>>97078, >>97099, >>97113, >>97114 Sunday am's talking points

>>97081 Hamas videos show how it burst through border, assaulted Israeli communities

>>97084 @thejimwatkins Meanwhile Ohio. The fix is already in. The January 6 committee attorneys have been deployed.

>>97086 New Mexico renews ‘public health emergency’ on guns

>>97087 @GenFlynn $6B to our enemies and a few Americans killed and some held hostage 
 eh, just another day in our Marxist, Socialist (Democrat) far left US Administration.

>>97089 Docs show Soros operation and State Dept working hand in glove (with your tax dollars)

>>97090 Think globally. Act locally.

>>97091 ECW: fungible, RNC: fungible Secretary of State Antony Blinken: "Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism"

>>97092 Military solution to Ukraine conflict unlikely – Italian defense minister

>>97093 "The Democrat convention is in Chicago next year. Are you confident that your city and your state are gonna have a better grasp?"

>>97094 Celebration of Israeli deaths.

>>97095 Israel officially at war - Netanyahu’s office

>>97097 The Taliban Asks Iran for Free Passage to Assist Hamas in Gaza in War on Israel

>>97098 Eclipse fever starts now. Here’s where to see the upcoming ‘ring of fire’ eclipse

>>97100 The U.S. Aircraft Carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) as well as the other Ships in Carrier Strike Group 12 reportedly heading towards the Eastern Mediterranean in a “Show of Support” for Israel

>>97101 It’s called big tech censorship and has been on going for quite some time. Thanks for pointing this out. More Americans need to see the brutality of war so more Americans can better decide if they still want to vote for those warmongers in both major political parties.

>>97103 Look at how many American politicians believe that Israel has the right to defend its borders —while those same politicians allow a flood of illegal aliens to invade America!

>>97104 2007 Wesley Clark 7 countries in 5 years

>>97105 #HAMAS supporters have organized rallies in all major US cities today.

>>97106, >>97112 @elonmusk As always, please try stay as close to the truth as possible, even for stuff you don’t like. keks

>>97107 ECW agrees: Last night I called on President Biden to deploy the @FBI Hostage Rescue Team & JSOC's hostage extraction forces to assist Israel.

>>97108 The Israeli Security Agency has called on all Israeli Citizens in the Sinai Peninsula of Egypt to Immediately Leave the Region.

>>97109 Donald Trump 6’3” 215lbs of peak performance. Playfully played Serena Williams with a suit and no shoes.

>>97110 Emergency UN Security Council Meeting


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97116

File: 4bbf443325de34c⋯.png (1.68 MB,1162x902,581:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694059 (081806ZOCT23) Notable: Ben Garrison on the war in Israel

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seems like a very unusual ben

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97117

File: 2d58bd3c1b531bb⋯.png (244.96 KB,1018x692,509:346,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694080 (081809ZOCT23) Notable: ‘We are completely shocked by the damage’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘We are completely shocked by the damage’: What are ordinary people in Gaza saying about Israel's retaliation?

A local resident says no street has been left undamaged as Israeli strikes continue

Since the beginning of its ‘Iron Swords’ operation on Saturday, Israel has destroyed or damaged more than 400 sites in Gaza. Over 300 Palestinians have been killed, many of whom were civilians. At least 1,990 have been wounded.

Sanaa Kamal, a resident of Gaza who also works as a local reporter, has seen and covered a number of confrontations between Israel and the Palestinian military factions. But she claims she has never seen destruction greater than that inflicted by Israel on Sunday, following the infiltration of Israel’s southern communities by dozens of Hamas militants.

So far, according to official data, more than 500 have been murdered at the hands of Palestinian militants. Over 1,900 others have been wounded, and 100 are reportedly being held by Hamas, a group considered terrorists by Israel, inside Gaza.

"We are completely shocked by the damage Israel has caused. There is literally no street in Gaza that has remained intact. Every street and every corner has been destroyed or damaged. Some of them had just been reconstructed and now they have turned into ruins again," she said.

Since Saturday, Israel has struck more than 400 targets it says are ‘linked’ to Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad. This is not unusual in itself. This time, however, jets have also been targeting the houses of top Hamas commanders and political leaders, sending a message to the group that their whereabouts are well known. Parallel to that, the IDF have also been bombing the exclave’s infrastructure, including mosques, residential buildings, roads, banks and hospitals.

Kamal hasn’t slept and says the heavy bombardment has prevented her from disconnecting. Her family and everyone around her, she admits, are afraid they may become the latest number in the long series of Palestinian casualties.

She is far from the only resident who is concerned about what she sees. Maram Faraj says she also failed to sleep and was tormented by thoughts of her journalist friend who has been lost.

"My friend went together with Hamas militants into one of the Israeli settlemts to provide better coverage. Since then, I haven’t heard back from him and we suspect that he was shot by the Israelis, together with other operatives," Faraj told RT.

The Palestinian health ministry has already stated that more than 300 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli strikes on Gaza. More than 1,990 have been wounded. Many of these, Hamas claims, were civilians who were buried under rubble.

Who’s to blame?

Looking at the destruction around her, Kamal points the finger at Israel and its "stubborn" leadership that refuses to make concessions to Palestinians, and that refrains from resolving the decades-long conflict. But she also criticizes Hamas for putting the Palestinian population through yet another ordeal.


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797d9c No.97118

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694086 (081811ZOCT23) Notable: Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (10/8/23)

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Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (10/8/23)

#10 - Your next salad could vaccinate you.

#9 - Rand Paul declares Fauci belongs in jail “without question.”

(https://vigilantnews.com/post/sen-rand-targets-fauci-on-primetime-tv-says-he-belongs-in-jail-without-question)#8 - Ukraine “corrupt at all levels” - says former EU Commission Chief Juncker

(https://vigilantnews.com/post/ukraine-corrupt-at-all-levels-says-former-eu-commission-chief-juncker)#7 - “Turbo cancers” are decimating young doctors.

(https://vigilantnews.com/post/turbo-cancers-are-decimating-young-doctors-54-cases-examined)#6 - New documentary exposes covert operations leading up to JFK’s assassination.

(https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-kill-shot-new-documentary-exposes-covert-operations-behind-the-jfk-assassination)#5 - Ivermectin not only effectively treats COVID-19 but also several other ailments — and possibly cancer.

(https://vigilantnews.com/post/miracle-drug-everything-they-dont-want-you-to-know-about-ivermectin)#4 - Murderous work on mRNA technology wins the Nobel Prize: Dr. Malone responds.

(https://vigilantnews.com/post/murderous-work-on-mrna-technology-wins-the-nobel-prize-dr-robert-malone-responds)#3 - Excess deaths among young people are up 42% — and the situation is only getting worse.

#2 - Fenbendazole is emerging as a “miracle drug” for cancer, and it’s Big Pharma’s worst nightmare.

(https://vigilantnews.com/post/the-overlooked-miracle-drug-for-cancer-why-big-pharma-fears-fenbendazole)#1 - The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” injected into billions of arms was not the same one used in Pfizer’s clinical trials. There was a “bait-and-switch.”


For more untold stories the media chose to ignore next week, make sure you’re following @Vigilant_News.


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797d9c No.97119

File: 0d3a898d2129a31⋯.png (375.33 KB,605x428,605:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694097 (081812ZOCT23) Notable: WAR. AND PEACE? - MOATS with George Galloway Ep 280

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George Galloway


WAR. AND PEACE? - MOATS with George Galloway Ep 280

George Galloway


WAR. AND PEACE? - MOATS with George Galloway Ep 280

6:55 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97120

File: 18a5b61eb3f618d⋯.jpg (15.79 KB,400x225,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694106 (081815ZOCT23) Notable: WEF: Somebody Has To Be In Charge Of Rationing Freedom

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WEF: Somebody Has To Be In Charge Of Rationing Freedom

That’s why only Central Banks can create digital currencies

The Fed recently put out a white paper, Data Privacy for Digital Asset Systems, which contends that the expectation of privacy in digital cur

“Concepts such as the desire for ‘cash-like anonymity’ are based on false underlying assumptions.”, is the crux of it (quick, somebody tell the Monero team, and everybody else already deploying anonymizing protocols and applications for digital assets).

The subtext is that there can be some privacy and confidentiality safeguards built into CBDCs, but at the end of the day those would still be subject to being overridden or dispensed with. The paper doesn’t come out and say that, but it does make oblique references:

“confidentiality implies that collected and stored data is protected from view in some manner, such as obfuscation or access restriction, and available only to authorized actors.”

Which of course makes you wonder who exactly will be authorized and what will their capabilities be? It truly is the trillion dollar question.rencies (read: CBDCs) stems from misunderstanding how digital systems work.

If we keep this paper in mind while we consider the World Economic Forum’s recent article on digital currencies, privacy and freedom, which put a finer point on it, while paying lip service to the desire for privacy in those characteristic WEF-speak euphemisms:

“A digital cash replacement should not enable criminality, but there should be some freedom to transact with complete privacy.”

“Some freedom” implies that any freedom will be subject to approval, because either you have complete freedom, or you don’t.

“Some freedom” coming from the WEF especially, sounds a lot like their “Life in 2030” vision, which is mostly known for point #1: “You’ll own nothing and be happy”.

Point #4 is “You’ll eat much less meat. An occasional treat, not a staple. For the environment, and for your health”.

In other words, according to the WEF, digital currencies will afford some privacy and some freedom. Just like how in 2030 you’ll be able to eat some meat. (As long as you behave.)

Throughout the piece the impetus toward digital currencies is ascribed to consumer preferences for convenience – that nation states and NGOs (including the WEF) are relentlessly pushing us there, along with digital IDs and health passports, is never mentioned.

Through their preference for the convenience of electronic payments, we will inadvertently lose the historic freedom that only cash provides: to spend our money on what we want, with whom we choose.

It’s always amusing to watch the Davos-darlings pretend to grapple with thorny ethical issues:

As governments and central banks consider introducing retail central bank digital currencies (CBDC), they must therefore answer the following: Once the last cash payment is made, does this mean our historic right to make payments that are not observable or censorable by the state will end on the same day? Is that what we want?

The answer, of course, is a resounding “yes” if we’re to remember some of the more breathless pronouncements from their conclaves:


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797d9c No.97121

File: e8fd82bb9ba093d⋯.jpeg (69.69 KB,467x600,467:600,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694117 (081817ZOCT23) Notable: The ‘Balfour Declaration’ of 1917

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“Central bankers start the majority, if not all of the wars so that they can enslave the combating nations and make huge profits on whatever is possible. Israel was founded by the most powerful central banker on the planet [Rothschild] in order to grant protections through dual nationality and other perks of having a sovereign nation, so that crime could be practiced without fear of the usual reprisals. It was a state founded on deception and historical revision which displaced 700,000 inhabitants, who were already living in Palestine and they have been practicing genocide on them ever since.” Les Visible, researcher, 2011

The ‘Balfour Declaration’ of 1917

I would add to the above quoted reasons for the founding of Israel that the Rothschilds and their Zionist brethren also needed a strategically-placed ‘base’ in the epicentre of the Middle East from where they could wreak havoc on that region and wage their illegal wars on the multiplicity of Arab states that abound within short-range cruise missile launching distance, causing maximum disruption and unrest in their quest to subdue and conquer the entire world and ultimately to establish the ‘New World Order’ centred upon Israel.

This is the real reason that the Zionists were desperate to get their ‘Jewish homeland’ throughout the first half of the twentieth century and not, as they claimed’ through any sense of loyalty to Jews. Israel was conceived and built by Zionism, a movement founded in the late nineteenth century by one Theodor Herzl, an Ashkenazi Jew, to facilitate this push for the ‘Jewish homeland’ in the Holy Land. This movement was subsequently hi-jacked by the Elite and used as a central plank of their plan for world government, the so-called ‘New World Order’.

Have you ever wondered at the utter stupidity and crassness of creating a Muslim/Arab-hating enclave (I hesitate to call Israel a country in the truest sense of the word as it has no clear cut boundaries and is constantly expanding them, illegally) in the absolute centre of the Arab/Muslim world? Is it not almost guaranteed to cause conflict and mayhem in that region as ‘God’s chosen people’ fight for supremacy and grab the land of their neighbors as has been the case for the entire six decades plus of Israel’s existence?


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797d9c No.97122

File: 664a61ece1fcea9⋯.png (209.03 KB,537x602,537:602,Clipboard.png)

File: 169ecfc184fd138⋯.png (54.04 KB,762x718,381:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694119 (081817ZOCT23) Notable: footage of the aftermath of the arrival after the US Air Force bombing of the National Islamic Bank in Gaza

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Here is footage of the aftermath of the arrival after the US Air Force bombing of the National Islamic Bank in Gaza.


Nothing to see here...

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797d9c No.97123

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694125 (081819ZOCT23) Notable: Egyptian police officer kills two Israeli tourists

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>>97055 S Secretary of State Anthony Blinken tells CNN that the US has reports that several Americans have been killed and others reported missing during the Israeli conflict with Hamas PN

Wait a minute, Joe and him along with the military didn’t care how many Americans who was left in Afghanistan but they still impiorted 1,000’s of Afghani terrorist, and they still don’t care! ==So they had to drag in “Americans are killed and captured in Israel” for the US to care?

I guess there wasn’t enough engagement according to AI on social media and Media platforms. You know AI is how they produce their media narrative to manipulate right?

Next for Israel, it will be the rerun of Ukraine narrative, we must support Israel, put Israel flags up on twitter etc on your bio, recite incorrect history of the country and people give donations and volunteer to join their army. Maybe there will even be “The Ghost of Jerusalem”!

BTW they also got an Egyptian policeman to killed two with another injured Jewish tourists on a sightseeing tour in Egypt.Proof the world is antisemite!

8 Oct, 2023 10:41

HomeWorld News

Egyptian police officer kills two Israeli tourists

An Egyptian citizen was also killed in the incident in Alexandria, reports say

Two Israeli tourists and an Egyptian citizen were killed on Sunday when an Egyptian police officer opened fire in the Mansheya area of the city of Alexandria in Egypt, according to RT Arabic, citing an official from the country’s security service.

“Two members of an Israeli tourist group were killed, one Egyptian, and another was injured,”a security source told RT Arabic. “The police officer was immediately arrested and legal measures are being taken against him. The injured person was transferred to hospital for treatment.”

The police officer believed to be responsible for the shooting is understood to have used his personal firearm in the attack, which took place close to the popular tourist attraction Pompey’s Pillar.

It was also reported that the victims were part of an Israeli sightseeing group. Footage circulating on social media appears to show at least three ambulances at the scene, with onlookers viewing developments from behind police barriers.

The Israeli foreign ministry confirmed the deaths of two of its citizens in a statement on Sunday.

“This morning during a visit of Israeli tourists in Alexandria, Egypt, a local opened fire at them, murdering two Israeli citizens and their Egyptian guide,” it said. “In addition, there is a wounded Israeli in moderate condition.”

The attack comes a day after Palestinian militants launched an incursion into Israel from Gaza. Egypt and Israel achieved a peace accord decades ago and the African country has often participated in mediation talks in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

However, anti-Israeli sentiment remains high in the North African country – particularly around situations of violence between Israelis and Palestinians.


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797d9c No.97124

File: ae78895cda2a4d9⋯.png (1.09 MB,1920x1016,240:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 2249363a29fed60⋯.png (33.45 KB,452x390,226:195,Clipboard.png)

File: 8954b92b39eff0d⋯.png (106.07 KB,454x452,227:226,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cd9def78940999⋯.png (11.29 KB,456x136,57:17,Clipboard.png)

File: 1bbc2532456e4d1⋯.png (1.01 MB,788x1007,788:1007,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694127 (081819ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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dubs chkd

E-6B Mercury TACAMO aircraft

CURE47 squawk 2663

ARNIE45 squawk 2710

DOME36 squawk 1634

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797d9c No.97125

File: 13a0a3142acf92b⋯.png (24.73 KB,436x214,218:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 78f242a414468c4⋯.jpg (31.65 KB,500x361,500:361,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694133 (081821ZOCT23) Notable: US Sends Warships, Aircraft Carrier To Israel For Potential 'Support' Operations

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A major trap has been set for the US military by the Zionists. If we take the bait we fill fall immediately as a superpower, and that's exactly what they want.

Watch the Strait of Hormuz.


US Sends Warships, Aircraft Carrier To Israel For Potential 'Support' Operations

NBC's Pentagon correspondent is reporting that the US military is dispatching navy warships as well as an aircraft carrier to waters off Israeli as part of "support" operations.

"The US military is planning to move US Navy ships and US military aircraft closer to Israel as a show of support, according to two U.S. officials familiar with the planning," NBC's Courtney Kube writes. "Movements could start immediately but all the assets will not be in place for several days."

Scenes at Israel's Ben Gurion international airport have shown long lines of frantic Israelis, as well as tourists, seeking to exit the country amid fears of broader war and escalation following the major Saturday attack from Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza.

Likely the coming days will see an exodus of tens of thousands of tourists as well as foreign nationals who reside in Israel. Dual Israeli nationals with places to stay abroad will also likely be seeking to get out.

NBC notes further that non-essential personnel may be leaving the US embassy in Jerusalem:

The U.S. is also working through plans for a possible non-combatant evacuation — helping Americans get out of Israel. Nothing has been decided or ordered but they are working through options, including one that involves putting some Americans on the Navy ships to get them to safety.


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797d9c No.97126

File: 3cecfd1fd108dd4⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694153 (081823ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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And then there were four.

Call sign VOVLE43.

squawk 5527.


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797d9c No.97127

File: 353a55bc584bb19⋯.png (230.12 KB,490x485,98:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694157 (081823ZOCT23) Notable: Video: Hamas Thanks Ukraine for Selling Them Weapons

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Video: Hamas Thanks Ukraine for Selling Them Weapons

Video footage purports to show weapons from Ukraine in the hands of Hamas.

“We thank the Ukrainian authorities for selling us these weapons,” the man behind the camera says, according to multiple translations.

“We will use this weapon against you, enemies,” he went on. “We will use it against Israel.”


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797d9c No.97128

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694163 (081825ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Wants Whopping $100Bn Aid Package for UKRAINE.

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Biden Wants Whopping $100Bn Aid Package for Ukraine.

The Biden government is planning a whopping $100bn aid package for Ukraine, in an effort to fund the war until the 2024 presidential election and avoid any potential impasse with Republican congressmen.

Biden himself is expected to ask Congress to provide Ukraine with the amount that would nearly double America’s existing commitments of over $113 billion over four congressionally-approved war packages since the war began in February 2022.

The idea is apparently “firmly supported by many throughout the administration,” according to one Biden official, who added, “[s]upporters of Ukraine want this to be a one-and-done big bill, and then not have to deal with it until after the next election.”

Biden will, however, wait until a new Speaker of the House is appointed until any deal is finalized, with voting set to begin later this week.

The Biden government is currently considering a range of options to secure funding for the war, such as using a State Department grant program to send additional military aid.


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797d9c No.97129

File: f3d96810434d690⋯.png (811.95 KB,1920x1311,640:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694170 (081826ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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797d9c No.97130

File: 02568e37cf17357⋯.png (74.26 KB,685x854,685:854,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694175 (081828ZOCT23) Notable: Breitbart: Elon Musk Endorses Pro-Palestinian Terror Account on X/Twitter

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Elon Musk Endorses Pro-Palestinian Terror Account on X/Twitter

Tesla CEO and Elon Musk has endorsed a pro-Palestinian terror account on his X/Twitter platform, claiming the “War Monitor” account, which puts Israel in quote marks as it argues there is “no such thing,” and refers to Palestinian terrorists as “resistance fighters,” is a good source for “following the war in real-time.”

“For following the war in real-time, @WarMonitors & @sentdefender are good,” Musk wrote Sunday on X/Twitter. “It is also worth following direct sources on the ground. Please add interesting options in replies below.”


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797d9c No.97131

File: 17d9f5301525ddb⋯.png (799.36 KB,1917x1011,639:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694180 (081829ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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*cropped and spelling corrected

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797d9c No.97132

File: be263a83f55c8cb⋯.png (488.35 KB,587x497,587:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694182 (081829ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian Demonstration In Times Square

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Alex Rosen


BREAKING: Israel and Palestine supporters are facing off in NYC


Stuart Meissner

7:08 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97133

File: c51b0d616a60452⋯.png (25.56 KB,591x308,591:308,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694184 (081830ZOCT23) Notable: @SaraCarterDC: According to Al Jazeera - Hamas is attempting to warn the US that Moving the American aircraft carrier does not scare us

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Sara A. Carter


#Israel According to Al Jazeera - Hamas is attempting to warn the US that Moving the American aircraft carrier does not scare us, and the Biden administration must realize the consequences of this step.

This should be the U.S. response:

You’re basically dead men walking. There won’t be a Hamas by the end of next week. Anybody else have anything to say?

6:56 AM · Oct 8, 2023

from Texas, USA




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797d9c No.97134

File: e84aff5ad1657d4⋯.png (297.94 KB,589x562,589:562,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694203 (081832ZOCT23) Notable: Pentagon to announce emergency military aid package for Israel as soon as Sunday - Axios

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Kim Runner


Anons knew...


Insider Paper




BREAKING: Pentagon to announce emergency military aid package for Israel as soon as Sunday - Axios


6:17 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97135

File: 6e07b48820d3833⋯.png (91.03 KB,1080x1551,360:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f27484dca49638⋯.png (135.33 KB,1080x1731,360:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f3c203c165fd44⋯.png (66.06 KB,1080x809,1080:809,Clipboard.png)

File: 099a8a6a52c032d⋯.png (177.28 KB,651x383,651:383,Clipboard.png)

File: f0496af64fbac1e⋯.png (873.32 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694233 (081837ZOCT23) Notable: David Friedman: Hamas’ terror attacks on Jewish people were “some of the most barbaric acts since the Holocaust

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The old Holocaust scam ran out of steam so could this Palestinian conflict be the JewsNEWrebranded Holocaust to get more free money.


Former Trump administration U.S. ambassador to Israel David Friedman said on a preview of Fox News Channel’s “Life, Liberty & Levin” that Hamas’ terror attacks on Jewish people were “some of the most barbaric acts since theHolocaust.”


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797d9c No.97136

File: 87900cd8878ed11⋯.png (211.78 KB,600x522,100:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 89b8f4b4a1afddc⋯.jpg (108.73 KB,1082x1080,541:540,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694234 (081837ZOCT23) Notable: Iran Observer: Seems like the Goal is to connect Gaza with the West Bank and cut Israel in half

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Iran Observer



Seem like the Goal is to connect Gaza with the West Bank and cut Israel in Half.


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797d9c No.97137

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694235 (081837ZOCT23) Notable: CRYPTO AND BLOCKCHAIN Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) enabling new types of payments.

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Won't be long now...


CRYPTO AND BLOCKCHAINCentral Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)

Enabling new types of payments.

90% of central banks are engaged in some form of CBDC work1

As you consider Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Mastercard is eager to help you explore, test, deploy and secure these new currencies. We are committed to working with central banks to support payment in CBDCs on our network.


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797d9c No.97138

File: ba546c8c7eddcaa⋯.png (22.83 KB,612x262,306:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694243 (081838ZOCT23) Notable: John B. Wells: Funding chain for attack = US > Ukraine > Hamas

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John B Wells 11:11


Hamas got the weapons to attack Israel from Ukraine... Ukraine got the weapons from US ... Hamas paid for it with money they got from.... US!!!

Ukraine is their new dream Israel Kazarian homeland.... It's a bullshit bank job. Steal America's resources and start/activate this war... goal destruction of America.

Get Trump in the Speaker slot, or it's over for America.

7:31 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97139

File: b9268822abe3e7b⋯.png (609.83 KB,828x460,9:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694270 (081843ZOCT23) Notable: Scientists behind Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines win Nobel - like an award for Zyklon-B

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Mass Murderers win Nobel prize

Scientists behind Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines win Nobel

Katalin Kariko and Drew Weissman’s work helped pioneer the technology that enabled Moderna Inc. and the Pfizer Inc.-BioNTech SE partnership to swiftly develop shots. The vaccines have been given to hundreds of millions of people around the world, a key step toward easing the coronavirus pandemic.

Kariko and Weissman will share the 11 million-krona ($1 million) award, the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm said in a statement Monday.


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797d9c No.97140

File: 585f3081fc4d8d2⋯.png (400.97 KB,1893x594,631:198,Clipboard.png)

File: d8664e9485b56b4⋯.png (330.41 KB,856x651,856:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694284 (081846ZOCT23) Notable: Jewish State over time - maps

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The truth is that far from being the poor victim it likes to portray itself as, Israel is in fact the most aggressive and belligerent nation in the region, having invaded pretty much everyone it shares a border with.

The following maps show just who is wiping who off of the map!


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797d9c No.97141

File: a010e05adb3d1f0⋯.png (266.76 KB,720x360,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694294 (081848ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Pardons New York Times Writer Charged as Iran Agent as New ‘Influence Operation’ Exposed

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Biden Pardons New York Times Writer Charged as Iran Agent as New ‘Influence Operation’ Exposed

The frequent New York Times contributor pardoned by US President Joe Biden after being charged as a paid foreign agent of Iran says he’s planning to return to teaching.

“I am planning to resume teaching American politics and international relations as I did most recently in 2022 at Umass Boston,” Kaveh Afrasiabi told The Algemeiner by email.

The New York Times, which published more than a dozen articles and letters to the editor by Afrasiabi, finally acknowledged the federal criminal charges against him only in the context of a report that he was among five Iranians included in a prisoner swap deal in which five Americans were freed by Iran and the United States released $6 billion to Iran. The Times article did not mention Afrasiabi’s work published in the newspaper, and it inaccurately described the charges against him as “being an unregistered lobbyist.”

Biden’s “full pardon” of Afrasiabi, issued on Sept. 14, includes four terms. It says Afrasiabi “shall not commit any additional crime against the United States,” that he waives any claims against the US or its employees, that he waives any claims to funds already seized, and that he “shall not accept or otherwise receive any financial benefit directly or indirectly, in any manner or amount, from any book, movie, or any publication or production, in any form or media, about his situation.”

Violating the conditions could void the pardon, Biden warned. However, even those conditions may not be sufficient to satisfy critics of the prisoner swap deal with Iran. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), for example, wrote to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken arguing he should “reverse” the deal, which “encourages Iran to take more hostages and gifts the regime billions of dollars. If the deal isn’t reversed, you should at a minimum remove all Iranian agents from American soil.”

Afrasiabi was arrested in January 2021. He acknowledged to The Algemeiner that he was paid by the Iranian mission at the United Nations. He pleaded not guilty, arguing that he was and is “an agent of peace committed to US-Iran reconciliation and peace and dialogue” and that his writing was motivated solely by his “moral responsibility as an intellectual.”

The presidential pardon of Afrasiabi came as a new scandal was erupting over undisclosed Iranian influence in American media and universities. This time around, at least some figures at the New York Times are taking a more transparent approach.

In a New York Times column published on Tuesday, Bret Stephens described “a high-level informal influence operation, involving a handful of scholars of Iranian descent, that was conceived and manipulated by the Iranian regime.” Stephens added: “Over several years, the trio wrote guest essays (including in the Times) and gave scores of interviews to major Western media outlets, making them unusually influential in the debates about Iran.” That’s more candor than the Times has had with its readers about Afrasiabi, who, unlike the trio mentioned by Stephens, faced federal criminal charges and acknowledged being paid by the Iranian UN mission.

In Facebook posts, Afrasiabi has offered a mixed reaction to the latest flap, which involves Ali Vaez, Dina Esfandiary, and Ariane Tabatabai and surfaced in a report by Semafor. “I never took these mediocre academics seriously, can’t figure out why US does?” Afrasiabi wrote. In a follow-up post, he added, “I am horrified at the McCarthyite witch hunt against three young Iran experts.”

In a thread on X/Twitter, Esfandiary insisted, “The Iranian government never directed any of my work or articles.” She also said, “The Iranian government never paid for me or any of my colleagues to meet with them.”


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797d9c No.97142

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694301 (081851ZOCT23) Notable: Odd body language from Netanyahu as he declares war

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Bombards Body Language

Odd body language from Netanyahu as he declares war


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797d9c No.97143

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694315 (081854ZOCT23) Notable: Death toll from Hamas onslaught passes 700, over 100 kidnapped, as Israel strikes Gaza

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Death toll from Hamas onslaught passes 700, over 100 kidnapped, as Israel strikes Gaza

2,200 wounded, relatives of missing issue impassioned pleas for help; after 36 hours, IDF still tackling terrorists in several communities; some Israelis evacuated from border areas


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797d9c No.97144

File: df4c56c5e22f2ed⋯.jpg (306.81 KB,1080x2071,1080:2071,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694320 (081855ZOCT23) Notable: Hackers leaks and sell 23andme data targeting Ashkenazi Jews

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Nothing to see here...


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797d9c No.97145

File: b37c14815432778⋯.png (232.99 KB,558x312,93:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694321 (081855ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian Demonstration In Times Square

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JUST IN: Pro-Palestinian Demonstration Takes Place In Times Square


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797d9c No.97146

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694325 (081857ZOCT23) Notable: Israel’s counterterrorism expert who predicted the Hamas invasion

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Israel’s counterterrorism expert who predicted the Hamas invasion

MK Edelstein tells Post ‘Hamas carried out the terrorist attack, but Iran is the one behind this shocking murder of dozens of innocent Israeli women, children and men’.

A little over a month ago, a former counter-terrorism adviser to two Israeli prime ministers authored a prescient essay, outlining an invasion of the Hamas terrorist movement into Israel.

Yigal Carmon, the founder and president of the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), wrote on August 31, in a piece titled the “Signs Of Possible War In September-October,” that “there has been an increase in efforts by Iran and Hezbollah to smuggle weapons into the West Bank, similar to the smuggling of weapons into Gaza.

“Lately,” he continued, “there have been growing indications that a war against Israel may break out in September or October. The trigger may be spiraling violent clashes resulting in many casualties, or the use of new weapons leading to many fatalities on the Israeli side,” wrote Carmon, who worked to combat terrorism for Yitzhak Shamir and Yitzhak Rabin.

He also noted the recent reports about “the potential use of new weapons by Hezbollah, Hamas, and the PIJ that can cause a large number of Israeli fatalities, such as extra-powerful explosive charges and rockets fired on Israeli localities... In this situation, Israel will likely be compelled to undertake a large-scale response, above and beyond its routine counterterrorism measures, even at the cost of an all-out war.”

PIJ secretary-general Ziad Al-Nakhaleh said that, during his June meeting with Iranian Leader Ali Khamenei, the latter had “reiterated [the need to] develop the arming of the West Bank and the resistance there.”

Nakhaleh added that “We, as Palestinians and as resistance forces and movements, understand the importance of arming the West Bank, but this requires efforts by the Palestinians themselves, and also the assistance of our brothers in the Islamic Republic of Iran.”


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797d9c No.97147

File: 8a635e349139a2c⋯.png (485.38 KB,1190x726,595:363,Clipboard.png)

File: caa6d0f463cb4a9⋯.png (36.61 KB,540x202,270:101,Clipboard.png)

File: 56c07e73c0161ae⋯.png (438.01 KB,687x618,229:206,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a825c4a58820f1⋯.png (40.7 KB,573x257,573:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694342 (081903ZOCT23) Notable: Dividing Lines on Israel/Palestine

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Dividing Lines on Israel/Palestine

Breitbart editor-at-large Joel Pollak on Saturday announced he was breaking Sabbath to call for genocide and ethnic cleansing in Gaza while Andrew Tate is raising money for Palestinian civilians and tweeting "Allah commands justice."

"I have broken the Sabbath and Jewish holiday to deliver this message: Israel should wipe out Gaza," Pollak said. "Allow 48 hours to evacuate women, children and the elderly. Destroy everything that remains, plow it under, and annex it to Israel. This is the end for Hamas and Palestinian terror."


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797d9c No.97148

File: f45f0043f00127f⋯.png (353.43 KB,764x471,764:471,Clipboard.png)

File: bf13ff3d77af033⋯.png (318.45 KB,750x509,750:509,Clipboard.png)

File: a1fb8f854ca9e04⋯.png (429.42 KB,765x556,765:556,Clipboard.png)

File: 067dba180f2644f⋯.png (604.76 KB,779x801,779:801,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c32a9073a979c6⋯.png (284.35 KB,775x493,775:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694363 (081909ZOCT23) Notable: Anon posts these as "fake and misleading" videos re Gaza

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Beware of these fake/misleading videos


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797d9c No.97149

File: 544c9c0cfed06ff⋯.png (348.66 KB,754x869,754:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 26cc7c32079e773⋯.png (351.86 KB,784x521,784:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 74a13516f3676d3⋯.png (280.49 KB,775x543,775:543,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694374 (081911ZOCT23) Notable: Anon posts these as "fake and misleading" videos re Gaza

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797d9c No.97150

File: efc027e2c8cbd06⋯.png (548.79 KB,714x780,119:130,Clipboard.png)

File: 77350bf837cb37e⋯.pdf (275.24 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694376 (081912ZOCT23) Notable: Genie Energy, a company with headquarters in the United States, confirmed it made a major discovery of oil and natural gas in the Golan Heights

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NEWARK, N.J., Oct. 9 (UPI) - Genie Energy, a company with headquarters in the United States, confirmed it made a major discovery of oil and natural gas in the Golan Heights.


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797d9c No.97151

File: 1df2f3785b29d2b⋯.png (254.55 KB,769x694,769:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694380 (081913ZOCT23) Notable: Trump at Waterloo Iowa speech holds up folder showing Presidential Seal - ANONS DIG

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797d9c No.97152

File: fed1b4b119be9a2⋯.png (1.27 MB,1130x978,565:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 49dbcc7463d7e97⋯.mp4 (12.19 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694383 (081914ZOCT23) Notable: Mark Levin @marklevinshow Trump cut off funds to the Palestinians

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POTUS RT’d Mawkie today: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump

Mark Levin @marklevinshow Trump cut off funds to the Palestinians, unleashed unprecedented peace initiatives in the Abraham Accords, killed the Iran deal, was starving the Iranian regime of resources with crushing sanctions, and Biden not only reversed it all, including funding the Palestinians and Iran, but undermined Netanyahu at every turn, refused to meet with him, demanded that Israel make more concessions to the Palestinians. Appeasement and worse hasconsequences. (levin timestamp) Oct 07, 2023, 10:38 AM

Hey Mawkie — keep ranting about your pravda & its corrupt Uniparty’s RIGGED ELECTION consequences, you fucking fraud. Fuck “dominion” WHY not play the endless Government VIDEO FOOTAGE, but right after you rant about evidence even older than that — such as the pelosis (plural) & Viscoil/NRG Lab; Shitt’s Ukraine “dealings”, including Igor Pasternak; BURISMA which involves familIES of kerry, reek in Utah & others
 shit that was known almost FIVE years ago (if anyone watched OAN).

What’s that about Poot’n, you fraud? Hey, BATTELLE and/or MTABIOTA BIOLABS, anyone??? How much time have you dedicated to ranting about ANY of it, you fucking fraud? Too busy hawking BOOKS and praising the comedian best known for playing piano with his benis between your fake, scripted rants.

VID (7:31) Old OAN Report on Ukraine BIOLABS/bidans...

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797d9c No.97153

File: e6ce8fd5784abe6⋯.png (11.87 KB,586x133,586:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694391 (081915ZOCT23) Notable: 260 bodies of civilians were recovered from the area of the music festival that Hamas attacked yesterday — ZAKA

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260 bodies of civilians were recovered from the area of the music festival that Hamas attacked yesterday — ZAKA


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797d9c No.97154

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694403 (081918ZOCT23) Notable: Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen?

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Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen? Their Objective is “to Wipe Gaza off the Map”?

Read below the incisive analysis by Dr. Philip Giraldi pointing to the likelihood of a “False Flag’ which was posted on his Facebook page.




Am I the only one who read about a speech given by Netanyahu or someone in his cabinet about a week ago in which he/they in passing referred to a “developing security situation” which rather suggests (to me) that they might have known about developments in Gaza and chose to let it happen so they can wipe Gaza off the map in retaliation and, possibly relying on the US pledge to have Israel’s “back,” then implicating Iran and attacking that country.


I cannot find a link to it, but have a fairly strong recollection of what I read as I thought at the time it would serve as a pretext for another massacre of Palestinians.


As a former intelligence officer, I find it impossible to believe that Israel did not have multiple informants inside Gaza as well as electronic listening devices all along the border wall which would have picked up movements of groups and vehicles.


In other words, the whole thing might be a tissue of lies as is often the case.


And as is also ALWAYS the case Joe Biden is preparing to send some billions of dollars to poor little Israel to pay for “defending” itself.


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797d9c No.97155

File: af7724173bf67c4⋯.png (242.3 KB,915x694,915:694,Clipboard.png)

File: 25d236a497e0899⋯.png (91.38 KB,996x653,996:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694423 (081922ZOCT23) Notable: Zelensky Attempted to Hire Terrorists in Iraq: Leaked Documents

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Ukraine’s Zelensky Attempted to Hire Terrorists in Iraq: Leaked Documents

Details of the recent Ukrainian-Iraqi talks have appeared in the Middle Eastern media. According to almasryalyoum.com, on September 27, a YouTube video appeared, which claims that Ukrainian president Zelenskyy has been trying to recruit certain Iraqi prisoners into the Armed Forces of Ukraine. According to the video, the prisoners in question are convicted terrorists and ISIS fighters. The author of the video is Hassan Fadel, who introduced himself as a former employee of the Foreign Ministry of Iraq, working there as a secretary from 2019 to 2023 before leaving the country.


“My name is Hassan Fadel and I am a former employee of a Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq. I worked as a secretary there from 2019 to 2023. I discovered this note in April of this year when Ukrainian diplomats gave it to my colleagues. I am deeply outraged by the contents of this note and would like to make it public, because “the fighters experienced in fighting Russians” mentioned in it are former ISIS fighters detained in prison facilities around Iraq. I resigned from the Ministry and left Iraq with my family, so I don’t know what our response was. Still, I don’t want to see these people free, especially armed. ISIS are murderers and terrorists, and they should stay imprisoned for the rest of their lives. Many countries support Ukraine right now and allow it to break international laws. Still, aiding terrorists is too much and shouldn’t be allowed. I am also appalled by the American involvement in this. General McFarlane mentioned in the note is the commander of American Joint Task Force in Iraq. It is simply shocking how easily the issues of the movement of Iraqi prisoners, especially terrorists, can be resolved without the participation of representatives of our country.”

In mid-April 2023, a meeting was held in Baghdad between representatives of the Iraqi Foreign Ministry headed by Fuad Hussein and a Ukrainian delegation headed by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba. After the meeting, the politicians spoke to the press, making a number of statements about the development of cooperation between the countries and the desire to end the Russian-Ukrainian war.


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797d9c No.97156

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694430 (081924ZOCT23) Notable: MoH: 370 Palestinians killed, 2,200 injured in Israel's attacks on the enclave

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MoH: 370 Palestinians killed, 2,200 injured in Israel's attacks on the enclave


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797d9c No.97157

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694432 (081924ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian Demonstration In Times Square

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The largest banner being displayed at the 'All Out For Palestine' protest in New York, is by the 'Party for Socialism & Liberation', a communist/marxist political party.

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797d9c No.97158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694444 (081927ZOCT23) Notable: California U.S. Senate Democratic Debate Forum

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California U.S. Senate Democratic Debate Forum

Streamed live 2 hours ago

On Sunday, October 8, U.S. Representatives Barbara Lee, Katie Porter, and Adam Schiff will participate in a candidate forum in Los Angeles at the National Union of Healthcare Workers' annual leadership conference. The forum for the three leading candidates to become the next senator from California is being sponsored by NUHW, Courage California, and Roll Call and will be moderated by Lisa Matthews of the Associated Press. Following the forum, NUHW members will vote on the union's endorsement and the result will be announced later in the week.


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797d9c No.97159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694449 (081928ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL and TEXAS both under attack by invasion forces as Obama's evil plans take hold

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Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 8, 2023 - ISRAEL and TEXAS both under attack by invasion forces as Obama's evil plans take hold

Listening right now. Pic related.

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797d9c No.97160

File: 3bb0ecfe84716ca⋯.png (140.8 KB,751x664,751:664,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694451 (081929ZOCT23) Notable: ISRAEL and TEXAS both under attack by invasion forces as Obama's evil plans take hold

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Sorry forgot the picture

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797d9c No.97161

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694478 (081934ZOCT23) Notable: The "Green Line" Borders

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The Green Line is often referred to as the "pre-1967 borders" or the "1967 borders" by many international bodies and national leaders, including former United States president Barack Obama, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas, the United Nations (UN) in informal texts, and in the text of UN General Assembly Resolutions. The name comes from the green ink used to draw the line on the map during armistice talks. After the Six-Day War, the territories captured by Israel beyond the Green Line came to be designated as East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights. These territories are often referred to as Israeli-occupied territories. The Sinai Peninsula, which was also captured at that time, has since been returned to Egypt as part of the 1979 peace treaty.

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797d9c No.97162

File: 73bb7400b63519f⋯.png (28.69 KB,230x719,230:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694488 (081935ZOCT23) Notable: The "Green Line" Borders

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>After the Six-Day War, the territories captured by Israel beyond the Green Line came to be designated as East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Golan Heights. These territories are often referred to as Israeli-occupied territories.

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797d9c No.97163

File: 89da12a066d5690⋯.png (326.85 KB,428x633,428:633,Clipboard.png)

File: c4ea22af9a7bd0f⋯.png (217.49 KB,355x498,355:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694505 (081940ZOCT23) Notable: from 2008: Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy

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looking for PDF of this book:

Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy

John Fund - July 21, 2008


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797d9c No.97164

File: 5731757aab5e241⋯.png (23.14 KB,790x186,395:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694535 (081946ZOCT23) Notable: Substack Opine: No, the Hamas Invasion Was Not an Israeli ‘Intelligence Failure’

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==No, the Hamas Invasion Was Not an Israeli ‘Intelligence Failure’=

One would have to be almost hopelessly naïve to buy the corporate state media line that the Hamas invasion yesterday morning was an Israeli “intelligence failure.”

Mossad is one of, if not the, most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet. It routinely shares intelligence, furthermore, with the “Five Eyes” intelligence services.

It has its tentacles deep inside of every ally and foe of import. Its spies are littered across the Gaza Strip, which is an effective open-air prison into which goods do not flow but for the blessing of the Israeli state. The Gaza Strip is arguably the most heavily surveilled geographic area on Earth.

The Hamas invasion of Southern Israel yesterday was an operation involving tens of thousands of operatives, at least, across land, sea, and air, using all manner of equipment and weaponry – drones, thousands of rockets, countless firearms, and even bulldozers that were positioned to knock down Israeli fencing.

Read the Beforeitsnews.com story here. Advertise at Before It's News here.

By ArmageddonProse

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No, the Hamas Invasion Was Not an Israeli ‘Intelligence Failure’

Sunday, October 8, 2023 14:14

Originally published via Armageddon Prose Substack:

One would have to be almost hopelessly naïve to buy the corporate state media line that the Hamas invasion yesterday morning was an Israeli “intelligence failure.”

Mossad is one of, if not the, most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet. It routinely shares intelligence, furthermore, with the “Five Eyes” intelligence services.

It has its tentacles deep inside of every ally and foe of import. Its spies are littered across the Gaza Strip, which is an effective open-air prison into which goods do not flow but for the blessing of the Israeli state. The Gaza Strip is arguably the most heavily surveilled geographic area on Earth.

The Hamas invasion of Southern Israel yesterday was an operation involving tens of thousands of operatives, at least, across land, sea, and air, using all manner of equipment and weaponry – drones, thousands of rockets, countless firearms, and even bulldozers that were positioned to knock down Israeli fencing.

And MSNBC and CNN would have you believe this was all a big “intelligence failure” by Mossad.



Bibi Netanyahu was in real political trouble before this conveniently timed invasion. Now, or at least this is the hope, Israelis will rally around the flag for some patriotic Palestinian ass-kicking and their Prime Minister’s imminently obvious corruption will be, at least temporarily, forgotten, if not forgiven.

Meanwhile, Israeli intelligence, rather than being punished for its “failure,” will use its “failure” as a pretext to garner more funding and more authorities for itself so as to prevent another such “failure.” The Hamas invasion was only a “failure” if one believes the goal of Mossad is to protect Israeli civilians rather than accrue more power for itself.


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797d9c No.97165

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694546 (081948ZOCT23) Notable: ‘We Unearthed Bombshell Revelations’: Serious IRS Move Against Christians

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‘We Unearthed Bombshell Revelations’: Serious IRS Move Against Christians

‘Why in the world does it have 26,000 pages of documents related to the Word of God?’

The Internal Revenue Service, during the Barack Obama administration, infamously targeted Christian and conservative groups, denying them tax status so they had to withhold their comments about what was happening to the nation during that election year.

And a recent Newsweek investigation revealed that the FBI has a new classification for those it suspects of harboring “domestic terrorist” components, MAGA supporters, many of whom are Christian.

Now a report from the American Center for Law and Justice reveals that the IRS still is at it, as litigation involving the federal service has revealed it has 345,000 pages of documents “related to targeting Christians.”

In fact, the litigation shows more than 56,000 pages of IRS documents relating to the “Bible,” 115,000 relating to “Christian,” 26,000 relating to “Word of God” and 50,000 relating to “prayer.”

The ACLJ reported, “Just as Newsweek broke the story that the FBI is targeting MAGA supporters of Donald Trump as the 2024 presidential election nears, we unearthed bombshell revelations in our FOIA lawsuit showing that the Biden IRS is also targeting Christians.”

The report explained that Joe Biden and FBI chief Christopher Wray both have a “history of targeting conservatives and Christians, which the ACLJ recently proved in another FOIA lawsuit against the Deep State FBI.”

It cited the Newsweek reporting that confirmed, “The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.”

he ACLJ reported, “Such a report by Newsweek is unsurprising because of the Biden administration’s past transgressions of targeting political opposition. The ACLJ knows firsthand about the Deep State’s tactics after the IRS Tea Party targeting and, more recently, from the FOIA lawsuit we filed against the IRS after we found out the IRS was now targeting Christian groups, refusing to grant them tax-exempt status.”

Because of its earlier confrontations with the IRS over the agency’s discrimination against Christian groups, the ACLJ sought a long list of documents.

“We specifically asked for documents related to ‘Word of God,’ ‘Bible,’ ‘Christian,’ ‘Prayer,’ etc., the group said. When the Biden administration refused to comply a lawsuit was filed.

While the case still isn’t resolved, the ACLJ said, “We now know the IRS has 345,000 pages of documents related to targeting Christians. But the list of the terms involved and the sheer volume of documents are shocking. Regarding the term Word of God, the IRS has 26,000 pages of documents, and regarding Prayer, the IRS has over 50,000 pages of documents!”

The organization wondered, “Why in the world does the IRS have 26,000 pages of documents related to the ‘Word of God?’ We have caught the IRS red-handed in its unlawful targeting of Christian groups. We aren’t buying the IRS’s complaints about the volume of documents, so we are going back to court to ensure we receive all the needed documents.”

The report said, “Christians should be outraged to know that their federal government violated religious liberty in such an egregious fashion.”


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797d9c No.97166

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694578 (081956ZOCT23) Notable: Another comment by Palestian anon: Israel doesn't divide its borders

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From Palestinian anon

Again I take no sides

Both sides are suffering and suffered tremendously

This needs to end

People are terrified on both sides and nuke talks are all over the news on both sides

Israel never and will never respect any lines

Israel doesn’t have a clear border

Whatever it can grab, it will

Like the Golan heights

They tried to grab Sinai from Egypt but couldn’t because of the natives who knew the area well

They tried to do the same to Jordan but ended with an agreement (Jordan’s king is cousin of the British monarchy)

So Israel doesn’t define its borders

That’s why Palestinian land keeps shrinking

Another fact for anons if you are Palestinian and you live in Jerusalem and dare to go vacation some settler will come take your home so what they do ? They literally have to pay someone to come live in the house

It’s crazy and it’s pure madness

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797d9c No.97167

File: 5ade867106b96ca⋯.png (2.16 MB,1241x827,1241:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694581 (081956ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian Demonstration In Times Square

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Happening today in NYC


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797d9c No.97168

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694586 (081957ZOCT23) Notable: Protesters face off in Tampa, Florida

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

LIVE: Protest in Tampa, Florida

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797d9c No.97169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694593 (081959ZOCT23) Notable: MintPress: 100s of former Israeli spies and military intelligence officers now occupy top spots in big social media/tech companies

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Did you know that 100s of former Israeli spies and military intelligence officers now occupy top spots in big social media/tech companies like Amazon, Google, Facebook and Microsoft?

Neither did I, until I uncovered the network for this investigation:


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797d9c No.97170

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694609 (082002ZOCT23) Notable: Trump at Waterloo Iowa speech holds up folder showing Presidential Seal - ANONS DIG

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797d9c No.97171

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694634 (082006ZOCT23) Notable: Climate Mayors and C40 Cities released a GUIDEBOOK

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Here's a website for the US collaborators it looks like:


Demonstrating leadership on climate change through meaningful actions in our communities

Climate Mayors and C40 Cities released a GUIDEBOOK to help local leaders understand the landmark Inflation Reduction Act and all the resources available to them through the law.

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797d9c No.97172

File: e4c74f20c1516a9⋯.png (163.19 KB,598x857,598:857,Clipboard.png)

File: dc3656d573086e6⋯.mp4 (2.26 MB,704x1252,176:313,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694648 (082009ZOCT23) Notable: Grenell on Palestinians allowing abuse of Israeli boy

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Is Ric calling for the death of these children? Are these the terrorist sympathizers? It sounds like they call the boy Goyam at the end, and How do we know he isn't beaten for being Ginger?

Richard Grenell


This is a sickness.

And people like @mehdirhasan

keep giving aid and comfort to these types of terrorist sympathizers.


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797d9c No.97173

File: fa7d941b95603ad⋯.png (313.58 KB,745x725,149:145,Clipboard.png)

File: f92cbbcfa3399b4⋯.png (794.5 KB,720x871,720:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694666 (082013ZOCT23) Notable: PF

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797d9c No.97174

File: 051b515bf7b724e⋯.png (164.7 KB,537x622,537:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 57e7e94e8281723⋯.jpg (286.83 KB,1080x1350,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694669 (082013ZOCT23) Notable: 7 IDF soldiers were killed in a friendly fire between themselves at Lebanon border

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Iran Observer



7 IDF soldiers were killed in a friendly fire between themselves at Lebanon border. They were thinking that they are fighting Hezbollah Rezvan unit.


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797d9c No.97175

File: a648810a32681e5⋯.webp (64.19 KB,547x388,547:388,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694670 (082014ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Created By Israel’s Mossad?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hamas Created By Israel’s Mossad: Notable Article


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797d9c No.97176

File: a4af188d2a86d6d⋯.png (49.26 KB,624x406,312:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694689 (082017ZOCT23) Notable: American Thinker - The Blood Deal: What Precipitated the Attack?

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The Blood Deal

American Thinker, by Allan J. Feifer

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 10/8/2023 3:45:45 PM

On Saturday morning at dawn, Hamas, supposedly representing all Palestinian people, invaded Israel, causing widespread panic, mayhem, death, and destruction. No precursor event launched this attack, one of five over the last 25 years. The attack was punctuated by firing thousands of rockets all over Israel, overwhelming Israel’s vaunted Iron Dome and David’s Sling air defense system. With no chance of militarily defeating Israel, what precipitated the attack, and what is the deeper meaning for America and Israel, who have been joined at the hip almost since Israel’s inception?

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797d9c No.97177

File: 696c9f9c1a2df77⋯.png (340.99 KB,593x735,593:735,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694710 (082020ZOCT23) Notable: The Turkish Air Force is now conducting Air Strikes in Ayn Issa, Northern Syria

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Dr. Simon Goddek


Turkey just entered the game. đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«


Shahdan Whoop

8:52 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97178

File: d2826a434224853⋯.png (68.57 KB,577x900,577:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694724 (082022ZOCT23) Notable: Remember 9/11? What's really happening in Israel - WarClandestine

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Remember 9/11?

After the towers fell, American flags were flying on every street corner, and the US government had the unwavering support to justify invading any country, which has been followed by decades of war and military occupation.

Then down the line, we learned that what we were told about 9/11 was not the truth. The terrorists who committed the attacks were funded by our own CIA. Building 7 was demolished without being struck by a plane. Things were vastly different than they appeared on the surface level at the time.

Did terrorists really drive planes into the towers, killing thousands of innocent civilians? Yes. But were the US government innocent bystanders? No. They orchestrated the plot, and used it to justify attacking countries with resources they wanted. AND IT WORKED!

This is why I am cautious to immediately pledge my unconditional allegiance to the Israeli government, when we don’t know exactly what happened or which nefarious entities were involved in the Hamas attacks.

Did terrorists really murder and kidnap hundreds of Palestinian women and children? Yes. But are the Israeli government innocent bystanders? I do not know.

Did the Israeli and/or US government WANT these attacks to happen? Did their Intelligence agencies know Hamas were planning this, and allowed them to carry it out so they could justify war? I do not know, but given we have seen the US use this exact playbook, and given Israel is essentially fully funded by the US, it’s naive to assume anything at face value.

If history has taught us anything over the years, its that things are NEVER as they initially appear.

9:10 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97179

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694736 (082024ZOCT23) Notable: American Thinker - The Blood Deal: What Precipitated the Attack?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Assumption: hammas represents the Palestinian people

Hamas does not represent me

Exactly like Democrats don’t represent the Americans

It’s deep state at the top everywhere

It’s a dictatorship, hamas kills anybody that speaks against it

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797d9c No.97180

File: fe290fb000f1c3e⋯.png (235.94 KB,379x613,379:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694756 (082027ZOCT23) Notable: KarliBonne: BREAKING – Hamas militants started a new air assault on Israel

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⚡⚡BREAKING – Hamas militants started a new air assault on Israel

Meanwhile, keep updated

Subscribe to @WW3INFO ✅

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797d9c No.97181

File: 442052b439f4d7b⋯.png (170.55 KB,537x602,537:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694763 (082028ZOCT23) Notable: Armed clash at the Qalandiya checkpoint, north of occupied Jerusalem.

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War Monitor



âšĄïžArmed clash at the Qalandiya checkpoint, north of occupied Jerusalem.


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797d9c No.97182

File: f5f6c775711ddaf⋯.png (82.64 KB,407x441,407:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694764 (082028ZOCT23) Notable: The Turkish Air Force is now conducting Air Strikes in Ayn Issa, Northern Syria

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🚹BREAKING - The Turkish Air Force is now conducting Air Strikes in Ayn Issa, Northern Syria.

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797d9c No.97183

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694773 (082030ZOCT23) Notable: Protesters face off in Tampa, Florida

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Where did the crowd in Tampa go? They are fired up. USF area. Years ago there were professors that were known terrorists

USF is a cesspool

As most universities are



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797d9c No.97184

File: 1bb47972cda975a⋯.png (764.29 KB,890x656,445:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694774 (082030ZOCT23) Notable: Biden's 'Trump-Lite' Border Policies Are Missing One Key Ingredient: Trump

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Biden's 'Trump-Lite' Border Policies Are Missing One Key Ingredient: Trump

By Rick Moran 2:56 PM on October 07, 2023

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797d9c No.97185

File: 3d3d3bab7cf8330⋯.jpg (42.35 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 32ea8fa8967abc2⋯.jpeg (170.58 KB,500x794,250:397,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5e2e0e236f7ca45⋯.jpg (322.45 KB,2010x1042,1005:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694780 (082032ZOCT23) Notable: The Turkish Air Force is now conducting Air Strikes in Ayn Issa, Northern Syria

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Ahh. The next step. NATO involvement.

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797d9c No.97186

File: 2829625a132044e⋯.webp (64.85 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694781 (082032ZOCT23) Notable: ‘We Unearthed Bombshell Revelations’: Serious IRS Move Against Christians

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘We Unearthed Bombshell Revelations’: Serious IRS Move Against Christians

‘Why in the world does it have 26,000 pages of documents related to the Word of God?’

The Internal Revenue Service, during the Barack Obama administration, infamously targeted Christian and conservative groups, denying them tax status so they had to withhold their comments about what was happening to the nation during that election year.

And a recent Newsweek investigation revealed that the FBI has a new classification for those it suspects of harboring “domestic terrorist” components, MAGA supporters, many of whom are Christian.

Now a report from the American Center for Law and Justice reveals that the IRS still is at it, as litigation involving the federal service has revealed it has 345,000 pages of documents “related to targeting Christians.”

In fact, the litigation shows more than 56,000 pages of IRS documents relating to the “Bible,” 115,000 relating to “Christian,” 26,000 relating to “Word of God” and 50,000 relating to “prayer.”

The ACLJ reported, “Just as Newsweek broke the story that the FBI is targeting MAGA supporters of Donald Trump as the 2024 presidential election nears, we unearthed bombshell revelations in our FOIA lawsuit showing that the Biden IRS is also targeting Christians.”

The report explained that Joe Biden and FBI chief Christopher Wray both have a “history of targeting conservatives and Christians, which the ACLJ recently proved in another FOIA lawsuit against the Deep State FBI.”

It cited the Newsweek reporting that confirmed, “The federal government believes that the threat of violence and major civil disturbances around the 2024 U.S. presidential election is so great that it has quietly created a new category of extremists that it seeks to track and counter: Donald Trump’s army of MAGA followers.”

The ACLJ reported, “Such a report by Newsweek is unsurprising because of the Biden administration’s past transgressions of targeting political opposition. The ACLJ knows firsthand about the Deep State’s tactics after the IRS Tea Party targeting and, more recently, from the FOIA lawsuit we filed against the IRS after we found out the IRS was now targeting Christian groups, refusing to grant them tax-exempt status.”

Because of its earlier confrontations with the IRS over the agency’s discrimination against Christian groups, the ACLJ sought a long list of documents.

“We specifically asked for documents related to ‘Word of God,’ ‘Bible,’ ‘Christian,’ ‘Prayer,’ etc., the group said. When the Biden administration refused to comply a lawsuit was filed.


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797d9c No.97187

File: 2908bd0fbecc723⋯.png (1.01 MB,970x849,970:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694782 (082032ZOCT23) Notable: Israel’s Most Intriguing War Photo?

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Israel’s Most Intriguing War Photo?

Post author

By Dianne Marshall

Post date

October 8, 2023


In BLACK OPS, CONSPIRACY, CYBER WAR, deep state, dot connecting, Knowledge of the truth, MIND CONTROL, Psyops, world war III

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797d9c No.97188

File: b01369f19edec1d⋯.png (85.64 KB,600x380,30:19,Clipboard.png)

File: b56a31b3d53f4e7⋯.png (78.56 KB,600x338,300:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694806 (082037ZOCT23) Notable: Jedi knight supports Israel - dank keks

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ItÂŽs the Jedis!



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797d9c No.97189

File: 0bcf7a1b3816840⋯.png (221.87 KB,715x573,715:573,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694818 (082040ZOCT23) Notable: PF on Gitmo flight

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Gitmo Express headed South.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97190

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694844 (082044ZOCT23) Notable: #24181-A

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>97116 Ben Garrison on the war in Israel

>>97117 ‘We are completely shocked by the damage’

>>97118 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (10/8/23)

>>97119 WAR. AND PEACE? - MOATS with George Galloway Ep 280

>>97121 The ‘Balfour Declaration’ of 1917

>>97122 footage of the aftermath of the arrival after the US Air Force bombing of the National Islamic Bank in Gaza

>>97124, >>97126, >>97129, >>97131, >>97173 PF

>>97125 US Sends Warships, Aircraft Carrier To Israel For Potential 'Support' Operations

>>97127 Video: Hamas Thanks Ukraine for Selling Them Weapons

>>97130 Breitbart: Elon Musk Endorses Pro-Palestinian Terror Account on X/Twitter

>>97132, >>97145, >>97157, >>97167 Pro-Palestinian Demonstration In Times Square

>>97133 @SaraCarterDC: According to Al Jazeera - Hamas is attempting to warn the US that Moving the American aircraft carrier does not scare us

>>97134 Pentagon to announce emergency military aid package for Israel as soon as Sunday - Axios

>>97135 David Friedman: Hamas’ terror attacks on Jewish people were “some of the most barbaric acts since the Holocaust

>>97136 Iran Observer: Seems like the Goal is to connect Gaza with the West Bank and cut Israel in half

>>97138 John B. Wells: Funding chain for attack = US > Ukraine > Hamas

>>97140 Jewish State over time - maps

>>97142 Odd body language from Netanyahu as he declares war

>>97143 Death toll from Hamas onslaught passes 700, over 100 kidnapped, as Israel strikes Gaza

>>97144 Hackers leaks and sell 23andme data targeting Ashkenazi Jews

>>97146 Israel’s counterterrorism expert who predicted the Hamas invasion

>>97147 Dividing Lines on Israel/Palestine

>>97148, >>97149 Anon posts these as "fake and misleading" videos re Gaza

>>97150 Genie Energy, a company with headquarters in the United States, confirmed it made a major discovery of oil and natural gas in the Golan Heights

>>97152 Mark Levin @marklevinshow Trump cut off funds to the Palestinians

>>97153 260 bodies of civilians were recovered from the area of the music festival that Hamas attacked yesterday — ZAKA

>>97154 Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let it Happen?

>>97156 MoH: 370 Palestinians killed, 2,200 injured in Israel's attacks on the enclave

>>97161, >>97162 The "Green Line" Borders

>>97164 Substack Opine: No, the Hamas Invasion Was Not an Israeli ‘Intelligence Failure’

>>97166 Another comment by Palestian anon: Israel doesn't divide its borders

>>97168, >>97183 Protesters face off in Tampa, Florida

>>97169 MintPress: 100s of former Israeli spies and military intelligence officers now occupy top spots in big social media/tech companies

>>97172 Grenell on Palestinians allowing abuse of Israeli boy

>>97174 7 IDF soldiers were killed in a friendly fire between themselves at Lebanon border

>>97175 Hamas Created By Israel’s Mossad?

>>97176, >>97179 American Thinker - The Blood Deal: What Precipitated the Attack?

>>97177, >>97182, >>97185 The Turkish Air Force is now conducting Air Strikes in Ayn Issa, Northern Syria

>>97178 Remember 9/11? What's really happening in Israel - WarClandestine

>>97180 KarliBonne: BREAKING – Hamas militants started a new air assault on Israel

>>97181 Armed clash at the Qalandiya checkpoint, north of occupied Jerusalem.

>>97187 Israel’s Most Intriguing War Photo?

>>97188 Jedi knight supports Israel - dank keks



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797d9c No.97191

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694849 (082045ZOCT23) Notable: #24181-B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>>97120 WEF: Somebody Has To Be In Charge Of Rationing Freedom

>>97123 Egyptian police officer kills two Israeli tourists

>>97128 Biden Wants Whopping $100Bn Aid Package for UKRAINE.

>>97137 CRYPTO AND BLOCKCHAIN Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) enabling new types of payments.

>>97139 Scientists behind Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines win Nobel - like an award for Zyklon-B

>>97141 Biden Pardons New York Times Writer Charged as Iran Agent as New ‘Influence Operation’ Exposed

>>97155 Zelensky Attempted to Hire Terrorists in Iraq: Leaked Documents

>>97158 California U.S. Senate Democratic Debate Forum

>>97159, >>97160 ISRAEL and TEXAS both under attack by invasion forces as Obama's evil plans take hold

>>97163 from 2008: Stealing Elections: How Voter Fraud Threatens Our Democracy

>>97165, >>97186 ‘We Unearthed Bombshell Revelations’: Serious IRS Move Against Christians

>>97151, >>97170 Trump at Waterloo Iowa speech holds up folder showing Presidential Seal - ANONS DIG

>>97171 Climate Mayors and C40 Cities released a GUIDEBOOK

>>97184 Biden's 'Trump-Lite' Border Policies Are Missing One Key Ingredient: Trump

>>97189 PF on Gitmo flight



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97192

File: 281349f5b994a6c⋯.png (460.78 KB,1072x1069,1072:1069,Clipboard.png)

File: 46da0d36cb244ee⋯.png (460.27 KB,1070x1077,1070:1077,Clipboard.png)

File: 91e55ba8cd60501⋯.png (514.71 KB,1072x1128,134:141,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a13e05411633e8⋯.png (203.64 KB,433x289,433:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694866 (082047ZOCT23) Notable: #24182

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baker seeking handy, ghosting @20

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797d9c No.97193

File: 53dbcf53578a068⋯.png (695.16 KB,1170x1218,195:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694883 (082049ZOCT23) Notable: Reminder of who might be this "Greatest Ally" of Ours

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97194

File: 56b6bc20c3bd307⋯.png (492.84 KB,606x524,303:262,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694903 (082053ZOCT23) Notable: Reports of an airdrop operation by Al-Qassam Brigades on the Tsalim military base in Beersheba

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George Galloway reposted

DD Geopolitics


Reports of a successful airdrop operation carried out by Al-Qassam Brigades on the Tsalim military base in Beersheba, 40 km from the Gaza border, near the Dimona nuclear reactor.


8:55 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97195

File: 057a6abe3707992⋯.png (262.39 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 5edd191a346afb2⋯.png (241.98 KB,853x891,853:891,Clipboard.png)

File: 866cd868603658c⋯.png (296.41 KB,860x913,860:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694917 (082055ZOCT23) Notable: While The World is Burning: Schumer Meets Shanghai Party Chief In Bipartisan Senate Trip To China

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Schumer Meets Shanghai Party Chief In Bipartisan Senate Trip To China

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) met with Shanghai's communist party boss in his first stop leading a bipartisan delegation to China, telling the latter he wants to see a level playing field as the two countries engage in economic competition.

The meeting took place shortly after the senators’ arrival in Shanghai on an overcast and windy Saturday afternoon, which marks the first day of a three-country tour that will also take them to South Korea and Japan.

“Many of our constituents feel that in instances China does not treat American companies fairly,” Mr. Schumer told Shanghai communist party secretary Chen Jining, adding that such feelings affect “America's view of China.”

“We believe we need reciprocity allowing American companies to compete as freely in China as Chinese companies are able to compete here,” he said. “We are prepared to compete but we do not seek to conflict.”

The delegation is co-led by Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idado). The four other senators on the trip are Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), and Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.).

The Shanghai official in his public remarks avoided going into specific issues, stressing instead the importance of a stable China–U.S. relationship. Noting the over 5,600 U.S. companies in the Chinese city, he also offered windows to promote trade at the local level.

Mr. Schumer also raised the issue of fentanyl, noting the supply of fentanyl precursors enabling the opioid’s production in Mexico.

“They are fueling the fentanyl crisis that is poisoning communities across the United States,” he said. “Every one of us knows families who have lost young men and women to fentanyl.”


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797d9c No.97196

File: 7860bad586946a5⋯.png (617.48 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694923 (082056ZOCT23) Notable: Iran Says It Just Got $43 Million From US

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Iran Says It Just Got $43 Million From US.... WTF

Iran's claim comes as President Joe Biden faces scrutiny over a $6 billion hostage exchange last month.




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797d9c No.97197

File: e078a6a1f8a9548⋯.png (573.32 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694944 (082058ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel

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Here's the source article so you can read it behind the paywall



DUBAI—Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel and gave the green light for the assault at a meeting in Beirut last Monday, according to senior members of Hamas and Hezbollah, another Iran-backed militant group.

Officers of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps had worked with Hamas since August to devise the air, land and sea incursions—the most significant breach of Israel’s borders since the 1973 Yom Kippur War—those people said.

Details of the operation were refined during several meetings in Beirut attended by IRGC officers and representatives of four Iran-backed militant groups, including Hamas, which holds power in Gaza, and Hezbollah, a Shiite militant group and political faction in Lebanon, they said.

U.S. officials say they haven’t seen evidence of Tehran’s involvement. In an interview with CNN that aired Sunday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said: “We have not yet seen evidence that Iran directed or was behind this particular attack, but there is certainly a long relationship.”

“We don’t have any information at this time to corroborate this account,” said a U.S. official of the meetings.

A European official and an adviser to the Syrian government, however, gave the same account of Iran’s involvement in the lead-up to the attack as the senior Hamas and Hezbollah members.

Asked about the meetings, Mahmoud Mirdawi, a senior Hamas official, said the group planned the attacks on its own. “This is a Palestinian and Hamas decision,” he said.

The Iranian delegation at the United Nations in New York didn’t respond to a request for comment. Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has praised the attacks, saying in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter, that the “Zionist regime will be eradicated at the hands of the Palestinian people and the Resistance forces throughout the region.”

A direct Iranian role would take Tehran’s long-running conflict with Israel out of the shadows, raising the risk of broader conflict in the Middle East. Senior Israeli security officials have pledged to strike at Iran’s leadership if Tehran is found responsible for killing Israelis.

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797d9c No.97198

File: d7ce5cf2c21773c⋯.png (67.5 KB,679x447,679:447,Clipboard.png)

File: 41a8792d7dc8a89⋯.png (89.43 KB,592x675,592:675,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694947 (082058ZOCT23) Notable: More Riches to the Riches: Obamacare has enriched U.S. "healthcare providers" at expense of patients

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Obamacare, as planned, has massively enriched U.S. “healthcare providers” at the expense of patients who have to cover their own medical expenses

The average US family health insurance premium has increased from $6,000 in 2000 to $21,000 in 2022. That’s a 249% increase, or 5.8% per year, more than double inflation.

The biggest beneficiaries of this massive increase in costs: health insurance companies. UnitedHealth (largest US insurer) is up 4,120% since 2000 vs. 340% gain for the S&P 500.


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797d9c No.97199

File: dc628f1bef538ac⋯.png (158.9 KB,320x180,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694962 (082059ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Pence blames Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis for Hamas invading Israel

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NEW — Mike Pence blames Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis for Hamas invading Israel."This is what happens when we have leading voices like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis signaling retreat from America's role as lea...


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797d9c No.97200

File: 01db2cfc412e95f⋯.png (824.55 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694968 (082100ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Carrier Strike Group Ordered to Mediterranean (also: )

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US Military on the Move: Carrier Strike Group Ordered to Mediterranean

US Carrier Strike Group Ordered to Mediterranean in Wake of Attack on Israel

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said he has ordered the Ford carrier strike group to sail to the Eastern Mediterranean to assist Israel.


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797d9c No.97201

File: 0a50073d64a105b⋯.png (510.31 KB,1029x1019,1029:1019,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19694990 (082103ZOCT23) Notable: J'lem Post: Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad holding more than 130 hostages, including senior officers

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The Jerusalem Post


BREAKING: Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are holding more than 130 hostages, including senior officers, as of Sunday night, according to a Hamas senior official.


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797d9c No.97202

File: 8dbbd3f2706f856⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695006 (082106ZOCT23) Notable: Mike Pence blames Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis for Hamas invading Israel

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“But I also believe this is what happens when we have leading voices like Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy and Ron DeSantis signaling retreat from America’s role as leader of the free world,” Pence continued, adding:


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797d9c No.97203

File: 453cc8f364a6f84⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695009 (082106ZOCT23) Notable: Turkey's Erdogan on Israel/Palestine

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This war is going to expand.

ERDOGAN – America stay away, we will defend Palestine at any price.

The US has send a naval flotilla towards Israel and set it's troops in combat readiness across the Middle East!

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797d9c No.97204

File: ffe998bbda992c2⋯.png (646.27 KB,675x781,675:781,Clipboard.png)

File: ba543d438d28cd8⋯.png (644.24 KB,621x939,207:313,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bcd46e343bfe2d⋯.png (682.41 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: aa552000f4c957a⋯.png (337.13 KB,467x448,467:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c5017948f272a0⋯.png (704.65 KB,680x425,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695016 (082108ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Carrier Strike Group Ordered to Mediterranean (also: )

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Multiple US Ships Are Heading Israel’s Way



The U.S. Aircraft Carrier, USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) as well as the other Ships in Carrier Strike Group 12 which includes Ticonderoga-Class Cruiser USS Normandy (CG-60), as well as Arleigh Burke-Class Destroyers USS Ramage (DDG-61), USS McFaul (DDG-74), and USS Thomas Hudner (DDG-116) are reportedly heading towards the Eastern Mediterranean in a “Show of Support” for Israel and to also assist with the possible Evacuation of U.S. Citizens from the Country if the need arises.


9:47 AM · Oct 8, 2023





Ian Ellis




Hamas launched the biggest attack on Israel in years.

PM Netanyahu vowed: "Our enemy will pay a price the type of which it has never known. We are in a war & we will win it."

U.S. aircraft carrier strike group + amphibious ready group operating in the region:


12:07 PM · Oct 7, 2023


Cinema Shogun




BREAKING 🚹 A U.S. military aircraft carrier is en rout to Israel. Not sure if this is just a show of support or if they plan on possibly getting involved.


9:52 AM · Oct 8, 2023


EndGameWW3 đŸ‡ș🇾





Xavier Vavasseur


I was set to visit the Ford tomorrow (in Marseille, pierside) following an invitation by the US Embassy but I was informed this afternoon that "due to world events" the visit is off. Ford was supposed to be in Marseille and USS Normandy and other DDGs in Toulon.

10:03 AM · Oct 8, 2023


EndGameWW3 đŸ‡ș🇾




Here come the BMD ships, that I have mentioned in my Spaces...

Courtney Kube


Exclusive: The US military is planning to move US Navy ships and US military aircraft closer to Israel as a show of support, according to two U.S. officials familiar with the planning. Movements could start immediately but all the assets will not be in place for several days.

9:39 AM · Oct 8, 2023


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797d9c No.97205

File: dd7de928870c3e3⋯.png (638.54 KB,535x838,535:838,Clipboard.png)

File: 04675d7e8f0a89c⋯.mp4 (7 MB,720x1278,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695053 (082113ZOCT23) Notable: Europe Next?: Muslim communities all over Europe are coming out in support of Hamas

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You are next, Europe.

Eva Vlaardingerbroek


đŸ‡łđŸ‡± This was Rotterdam today.

Muslim communities all over Europe are coming out in support of Hamas’ efforts to wage their bloody jihad against Israel and its citizens.

Everyone with a sense of reality can see it coming from miles away: the Muslim

fighting-aged males throughout Europe will become more emboldened and militant as international jihadist factions vocalize their support for Hamas and their Holy War.

Europe is in deep trouble.

12:28 PM · Oct 8, 2023



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797d9c No.97206

File: 9b52d0a21f43bdc⋯.jpg (237.33 KB,1802x1200,901:600,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695061 (082114ZOCT23) Notable: Reminder: China signs 'strategic partnership' with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

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"to make way of the kings of the east"

China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit.

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

BEIJING — China said Wednesday it has established a “strategic partnership” with the Palestinian Authority during a visit to Beijing by PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

The announcement marks another step in China’s campaign to gain political and economic influence in the Middle East, where it is competing for influence with the United States.

China is seeking energy resources and markets for its military and civilian exports, while promoting its version of authoritarian government in a joint challenge with Russia to the Western-led democratic world order.


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797d9c No.97207

File: 51e3a89ede4ba22⋯.png (427.3 KB,1160x904,145:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695076 (082116ZOCT23) Notable: Operation Lone Star Buses Over 50,000 Migrants To Sanctuary Cities

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Operation Lone Star Buses Over 50,000 Migrants To Sanctuary Cities

October 6, 2023

Governor Greg Abbott, the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), and the Texas National Guard are continuing to work together to secure the border; stop the smuggling of drugs, weapons, and people into Texas; and prevent, detect, and interdict transnational criminal activity between ports of entry.

Since the launch of Operation Lone Star, the multi-agency effort has led to over 473,900 illegal immigrant apprehensions and more than 34,800 criminal arrests, with more than 31,800 felony charges reported. In the fight against fentanyl, Texas law enforcement has seized over 431 million lethal doses of fentanyl during this border mission.

Texas has also bused:

Over 12,500 migrants to Washington, D.C. since April 2022

Over 18,500 migrants to New York City since August 2022

Over 13,500 migrants to Chicago since August 2022

Over 3,200 migrants to Philadelphia since November 2022

Over 3,200 migrants to Denver since May 18

Over 940 migrants to Los Angeles since June 14

Operation Lone Star continues to fill the dangerous gaps created by the Biden Administration’s refusal to secure the border. Every individual who is apprehended or arrested and every ounce of drugs seized would have otherwise made their way into communities across Texas and the nation due to President Joe Biden’s open border policies.


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797d9c No.97208

File: e8d157cd6abcb86⋯.png (337.35 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 5790564a5f22d40⋯.png (217.5 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: b977f3e8cf41272⋯.png (279.13 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695089 (082118ZOCT23) Notable: While The World is Burning: Schumer Meets Shanghai Party Chief In Bipartisan Senate Trip To China

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Schumer Meets Shanghai Party Chief In Bipartisan Senate Trip To China

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) met with Shanghai's communist party boss in his first stop leading a bipartisan delegation to China, telling the latter he wants to see a level playing field as the two countries engage in economic competition.

The meeting took place shortly after the senators’ arrival in Shanghai on an overcast and windy Saturday afternoon, which marks the first day of a three-country tour that will also take them to South Korea and Japan.

“Many of our constituents feel that in instances China does not treat American companies fairly,” Mr. Schumer told Shanghai communist party secretary Chen Jining, adding that such feelings affect “America's view of China.”

“We believe we need reciprocity allowing American companies to compete as freely in China as Chinese companies are able to compete here,” he said. “We are prepared to compete but we do not seek to conflict.”

The delegation is co-led by Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idado). The four other senators on the trip are Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.), John Kennedy (R-La.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), and Jon Ossoff (D-Ga.).

The Shanghai official in his public remarks avoided going into specific issues, stressing instead the importance of a stable China–U.S. relationship. Noting the over 5,600 U.S. companies in the Chinese city, he also offered windows to promote trade at the local level.

Mr. Schumer also raised the issue of fentanyl, noting the supply of fentanyl precursors enabling the opioid’s production in Mexico.

“They are fueling the fentanyl crisis that is poisoning communities across the United States,” he said. “Every one of us knows families who have lost young men and women to fentanyl.”

Last month, the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai found in its annual poll that U.S. firms’s China outlook was the worst in decades. Regulatory challenges facing U.S. firms included a lack of intellectual property protection, data localization, and other cybersecurity requirements.

The senators’ trip comes after Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo’s visit to China in August. During her trip, she said American companies had complained to her that China has become “uninvestable,” citing changes to counterespionage laws, exorbitant fines without any explanation, and Chinese authorities’ raids on foreign firms.

In September, Ms. Raimondo told NBC in an interview that the United States was trying to “choke” China’s military capacity. “Certainly, on my watch, we are not going to sell the most sophisticated American chip to China that they want for their military capacity,” she said.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and John Kerry, President Joe Biden's climate envoy, have all visited China this year.


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797d9c No.97209

File: 1ad5827d52ec56b⋯.png (206.5 KB,1080x561,360:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695101 (082120ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel

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All they needed was $6B funding from Corrupt Joe. Hmmmm

JUST IN: Iran helped plot attack on Israel over several weeks, per WSJ


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797d9c No.97210

File: 417076c4bd023a0⋯.png (463 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 02cabdcb2a78a2e⋯.png (1.11 MB,1200x800,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 33b792943f19a8e⋯.png (1.23 MB,1200x796,300:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695119 (082121ZOCT23) Notable: Lawmakers Weigh Options for Israel Assistance As Speakership Remains Vacant

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Lawmakers Weigh Options for Israel Assistance As Speakership Remains Vacant

Republicans have called for swift action, ranging from the approval of a resolution by unanimous consent to the reinstatement of Rep. Kevin McCarthy as speaker.

Republicans have called for swift action, ranging from the approval of a resolution by unanimous consent to the reinstatement of Rep. Kevin McCarthy as speaker.

U.S. lawmakers are weighing their options to provide financial and military assistance to Israel as the speaker's chair remains vacant in the House of Representatives.

On Oct. 7, fighters linked to the Hamas terrorist group in the Gaza Strip launched a surprise attack on Israel that has left hundreds dead, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to vow revenge and declaring war on the group.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle were quick to condemn the attack. Eventual passage of aid for the nation is all but a foregone conclusion.

However, the speed with which Congress approves such aid remains up in the air, as the House is currently without a leader.

Last week, a contingent of eight Republicans in the House booted Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) out of his role as speaker as most Democrats joined them in a 216–21o vote.

Currently, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.), selected by Mr. McCarthy before his ouster, is in charge of the House as acting speaker.

Mr. McHenry said in a statement, "America stands with Israel."

He added, "The vicious attack on our most sacred ally by Hamas terrorists cannot stand. The Israeli people have our unwavering support, and the Israeli government has every right to defend its citizens against this act of war."

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But Mr. McHenry's power is limited compared to that of a duly-elected speaker, and it's unclear if he is able to bring comprehensive legislation to the floor in his current role—meaning that any financial or military aid to the Middle Eastern nation is legally ambiguous in Congress until Republicans select a new speaker.

Speakership Frontrunners Vow Support for Israel

Currently, the two top contenders for that spot are House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-La.), and both have expressed their support for Israel.

During an Oct. 8 appearance on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures," Mr. Jordan told anchor Maria Bartiromo that as speaker, his first act would be aid to Israel.


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797d9c No.97211

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695120 (082122ZOCT23) Notable: For When You Got The "Homo-Worms" (or whatever else): Ivermectin Dosage Guidelines

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>0.2 mg/kg


Usual Adult Dose for Strongyloidiasis

0.2 mg/kg orally once

In immunocompromised (including HIV) patients, the treatment of strongyloidiasis may be refractory requiring repeated treatment (i.e., every 2 weeks) and suppressive therapy (i.e., once a month), although well-controlled studies are not available. Cure may not be achievable in these patients.

Dosage guidelines based on body weight:

15 to 24 kg: 3 mg orally one time

25 to 35 kg: 6 mg orally one time

36 to 50 kg: 9 mg orally one time

51 to 65 kg: 12 mg orally one time

66 to 79 kg: 15 mg orally one time

80 kg or more: 0.2 mg/kg orally one time


Usual Adult Dose for Scabies

0.2 mg/kg orally once, and repeated in 2 weeks

Ivermectin therapy may be combined with a topical scabicide.

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797d9c No.97212

File: 62ab1c62950224b⋯.png (576.98 KB,650x434,325:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695151 (082126ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Admin Bragged About How ‘Quiet’ Middle East Has Been One Week Before Deadly Attacks

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Biden Admin Bragged About How ‘Quiet’ Middle East Has Been One Week Before Deadly Attacks

Just one week ago, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan boasted about how the Middle East is “quieter today than it has been in two decades.”

However, eight days later, Iranian-supported Hamas launched thousands of rockets into Israel, killing hundreds of people.

“What we said is we want to depressurize, de-escalate, and ultimately integrate the Middle East region. The war in Yemen is in; it’s 19 months of truce. For now, the Iranian attacks against U.S. forces have stopped. Our presence in Iraq is stable,” Sullivan said during an interview with The Atlantic.

Just as Sullivan’s comments were made to look like the Biden Administration “achieved” something, an unexpected deadly war broke out.

More about this from Trending Politics:

The situation did indeed shift in a dramatic way, as at least 250 Israeli civilians have been killed while at least 50 others have been taken hostage after an unprecedented jihadist incursion into Israeli territory from the Gaza Strip. Less than one week after Sullivan’s proclamation, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has mobilized upwards of 150,000 reservists and stated that the nation is at war.

Israeli cities first suffered intense rocket bombardments on Saturday morning that left hundreds of citizens dead or wounded across the country. In southern Israel, Islamist terrorists infiltrated Israeli settlements and proceeded to fire indiscriminately at civilians in their cars and homes. Dozens of Israeli civilians and soldiers have been abducted and transported to the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Defense Forces have confirmed.

According to Sullivan, the Biden Administration was kept in the dark, claiming they had no idea Palestine would rage war.

However, despite this, Sullivan said that “Challenges remain.”

“Iran’s nuclear weapons program, the tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. But the amount of time I have to spend on crisis and conflict in the Middle East today, compared to any of my predecessors going back to 9/11, is significantly reduced,” he continued.

Sullivan’s comments will undoubtedly face criticism.


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797d9c No.97213

File: d6378b19fe1bf96⋯.png (280.7 KB,585x498,195:166,Clipboard.png)

File: aae9259658c740e⋯.png (289.8 KB,566x534,283:267,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695168 (082128ZOCT23) Notable: Lindsey Graham Warns if Hezbollah Intervenes in Israel-Palestine Conflict, U.S. Must Respond Against Iran

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Senator Lindsey Graham Warns if Hezbollah Intervenes in Israel-Palestine Conflict, U.S. Must Respond Against Iran

“There is a message to the Americans and Israelis that what happened in Gaza means that your protracted foolishness and underestimation have led you to the Al-Aqsa Flood (Operation), and if you go further today you will witness the flood of the entire nation, not only al-Aqsa,” Safieddine threatened.

He also warned that “the scene of the storming of settlements around Gaza coupled with rocket shelling will one day be repeated dozens-fold stronger, from Lebanon and from all the areas that are adjacent to occupied Palestine.”

Spokesman for the Islamist group Hezbollah, Ibrahim Al Moussawi wrote, “The time of defeats has passed, and the time of victories has come. This equation is the one that will prevail at the level of every axis of resistance, from Palestine to Yemen. What comes after October 7, 2023 is not the same as before. This is a strategic historical juncture. Israel will not continue as it was, and neither will the resistance and its axis. Days of glory, glory and victory.”

“Everyone is right to suggest that Hamas’ barbaric attack against Israel was aided by Iran,” said Graham. “Everyone is right when they say that Iran is the chief supporter of Hezbollah – a Shiite terrorist organization with tens of thousands of rockets pointed at Israel from Lebanon.”

Iran’s involvement in the Middle East has long been a subject of concern for U.S. policymakers. The Islamic Republic has been accused of supporting various terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Hezbollah, both of which have been involved in conflicts with Israel.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken admitted during an interview with NBC News that Iran has consistently used its funds to support terrorism and groups like Hamas.

Senator Graham also touched upon the economic aspects of a potential conflict, stating, “An attack by Hezbollah, and other Iranian proxies, would be devastating to Israeli defense systems. If such an attack occurs, Israel and the United States should go after the Iranian oil refineries and oil infrastructure—which is the lifeblood of the Iranian economy.”

Iran’s economy is heavily reliant on its oil exports. Targeting this sector could cripple the Iranian economy and potentially force the regime to reconsider its actions.

The Senator concluded his statement by saying, “It is long past time for the Iranian terrorist state to pay a price for all the upheaval and destruction being sown throughout the region and world.”

“As far as I’m concerned, Israel should do whatever it takes, as long as it takes, to destroy this threat,” Graham wrote in another post.

“I just spoke with Michael Herzog, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States, and assured him that I along with many other Republicans and Democrats will make sure Israel has what it needs to destroy Hamas.”

“It is in America’s interest for Israel, one of our best allies in the world, to survive and flourish against efforts to destroy them by radical Islamic terrorists. Israel provides valuable intelligence to the United States and it is a reliable economic partner. There should be no time limit or conditions set on Israel’s response to Hamas’ invasion,” he wrote.

In his interview with FOX News, Graham said, “If Hezbollah attacks Israel, I would make Iran pay a heavy price.”


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797d9c No.97214

File: 7933b78e18b66da⋯.jpeg (1.63 MB,2048x1393,2048:1393,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695171 (082128ZOCT23) Notable: PF Observing Hungarian MIL Conducting Evac OP From Israel

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Hungarian mil conducting evac op from Israel

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797d9c No.97215

File: 81df2eaabe94a94⋯.png (339.73 KB,939x513,313:171,Clipboard.png)

File: 45f83488d99879e⋯.png (510.79 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b00d4af7f80c24⋯.png (289.77 KB,838x255,838:255,Clipboard.png)

File: b1b7d3bbbedfca8⋯.png (111.79 KB,367x248,367:248,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695225 (082134ZOCT23) Notable: Details Emerge on Europe's First Exascale SuperComputer

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Everybody knows that Jupiter was going to use SiPearl’s first generation Arm processor based on the Neoverse “Zeus” V1 core from Arm Ltd, which is codenamed “Rhea” by SiPearl and which is appropriate since Zeus and Jupiter are the same god of sky, thunder, and lightning – the Greek “Zeus Pater” with a Celtic accent becomes “Jupiter”. Rhea, of course, is the wife of Cronos and the mother of Zeus in the Greek and therefore Roman mythology. It is a pity that the French semiconductor startup could not do a design based on the Neoverse “Demeter” V2 core – the one that Nvidia is using in its “Grace” Arm server CPU. But frankly, the CPU host is not as important as the GPU accelerators when it comes to vector and matrix math oomph. To be sure, the vector performance of the CPU host is important for all-CPU applications that haven’t been ported to accelerators or can’t easily or economically be ported to GPUs or other kinds of accelerators, and there is every indication that the Rhea1 chips will be able to do these jobs better than existing supercomputers at JĂŒlich. We shall see when more feeds and speeds of the system are announced at the upcoming SC23 supercomputing conference in Denver next month.

The word on the street is that the 1 exaflops figure that the EuroHPC project and that JĂŒlich has talked about when referring to the Jupiter system is a metric gauging the High Performance Linpack (HPL) benchmark performance on this system, and that allows us to do some rough math on how many accelerators might be in the Jupiter machine and what the peak theoretical performance of the Jupiter machine might be.

Back in June last year, we did not think that JĂŒlich was going to be using Intel’s “Ponte Vecchio” Max Series GPUs in Jupiter, although there may be a partition for a few dozen of these devices in there just to give Intel something to talk about. And the reason is simple: The Intel GPUs burn a lot more power than AMD and Nvidia alternatives for a given performance. We also did not think JĂŒlich would be able to get its hands on enough of AMD’s “Antares” Instinct MI300X or MI300A GPU accelerators to build an exaflops-class system, but again, we think there will probably be a partition inside Jupiter based on AMD GPUs so researchers can do bakeoffs between architectures.


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797d9c No.97216

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695236 (082135ZOCT23) Notable: Cory Booker (of all crooked Homo-Faggots in this world) "to safely depart" Israel after surprise Hamas attack

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Cory Booker "able to safely depart" Israel after surprise Hamas attack in Gaza


NYPD was there, Cory Booker was there, who else was there?

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797d9c No.97217

File: 45eb4a94c780745⋯.png (314.11 KB,1080x829,1080:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695298 (082141ZOCT23) Notable: Once You Understand That For So Long The Two Most Profitable Enterprises Have Been War & Illness 

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Biden gave Iran 6 Billion or Israel would not be the center of attention making normies forget about border, ukraine, biden crimes, and on and on. It all happened as if on perfect Cue, as if some evil producer back stage is making sure the timing is perfect.

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797d9c No.97218

File: 14ee59ab1899a87⋯.png (498.47 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695319 (082144ZOCT23) Notable: Largest Healthcare Worker Strike in U.S. History has come to an end without any deal being reached

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The largest healthcare worker strike in U.S. history has come to an end without any deal being reached

I gotta say, a few days ago this seemed like it'd be a much bigger deal:

And yet it kinda ended basically with a whimper Saturday morning:

More than 75,000 unionized Kaiser Permanente employees are returning to work after a historic three-day strike. But an even bigger, longer work stoppage could be just around the corner.

This week's temporary work stoppage — the largest health care strike in US history — concluded at 6 am PT on Saturday without a deal.

So they just finished up the strike and went home like...

Not sure if that's the approach I'd take. Although a union flak said the strikes "may resume later if a deal is not reached." So they were just flexing some muscle and that's it.

More talks are scheduled for the near future, although "the coalition of unions said it could issue a 10-day warning after Saturday that could kick off another round of strikes in a couple weeks" depending on how those go.

So it ain't over yet!


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797d9c No.97219

File: 8d8cd0a91bce507⋯.png (230.49 KB,599x758,599:758,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695376 (082149ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Claims They’re Bombing Ben Gurion Airport with Rockets

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Insider Paper


BREAKING 🚹 Hamas says they’re bombing Ben Gurion airport with rockets.


Insider Corner

10:10 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97220

File: a9478548bf4d275⋯.png (44.37 KB,664x336,83:42,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695441 (082157ZOCT23) Notable: Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel

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Iran helped plan Hamas attack on Israel

that killed at least 700 and gave the

green light for the assault at a meeting

in Beirut last Monday: Islamic Revolutionary

Guards devised land, air and sea assault

that has left Middle East on brink of

all-out war

Daily Mail (UK), by Stephen M. Lepore

Posted By: Dreadnought, 10/8/2023 5:50:24 PM

Senior members of Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah claimed that Hamas' surprise attack on Israel that killed at least 600 people was given the green light by Iranian security officials. Hamas plotted the air, land and sea invasions with help from officers of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps The official go-ahead for the attack was allegedly given at a Monday meeting in Beirut. Four other Iranian backed military groups were believed to be at the meeting, including members of Hamas and Hezbollah. Secretary of State Antony Blinken claims he has 'not yet seen evidence' that Iran was involved in the attack. 'We don't have any information at this time

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797d9c No.97221

File: 700a42687212088⋯.png (165.27 KB,558x913,558:913,Clipboard.png)

File: 8195d2fb35e60c3⋯.png (22.44 KB,558x341,18:11,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b3ce6a45673606⋯.png (229.39 KB,542x500,271:250,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c78e6daaf5fb4e⋯.png (1.94 MB,1080x1073,1080:1073,Clipboard.png)

File: b364bb23e9382b5⋯.gif (9.99 MB,540x570,18:19,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695498 (082204ZOCT23) Notable: Remnder: Hold The Line Anons - We Come In Peace & Must Unite!!

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Anon has been thinking and researching independently and trying to put the global chess board and its pieces together here with anons.

==Q quote:We are saving ISRAEL FOR LAST.

Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.==


This is the almost the card that the Rothschilds have, we know all wars are bankster wars, that has been proved, but the Rothschilds own all the central banks, they control the politician and the C.I.A along with the global NGO's

Anon believes we are now in the endgame.

They have nothing after this apart from launching nukes.

no one is calling for peace, not the politician's and especially the fake media who are using every single emotive language and images to get the masses triggered during this current thing.

they want you to choose a side again or you will be a anti-Semite

We are in a spiritual war and it has now getting biblical.

There is still the banks and the Vatican to go yet.



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797d9c No.97222

File: 96fba0072eb64b2⋯.png (221.71 KB,904x453,904:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 2523b6138cb2314⋯.png (450.74 KB,1190x927,1190:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695573 (082212ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Will see you tomorrow at NOON—Wolfeboro, New Hampshire!

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Donald J. Trump


Will see you tomorrow at NOON—Wolfeboro, New Hampshire! event.donaldjtrump.com/events/

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

Sign up for a ticket TODAY!






Oct 08, 2023, 6:08 PM


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797d9c No.97223

File: 855c28acdb1c88b⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 62b057bf0be8f42⋯.jpg (109.62 KB,540x606,90:101,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6c8157029214d79⋯.png (112.65 KB,256x400,16:25,Clipboard.png)

File: 344e889bca389e1⋯.jpg (250.43 KB,1557x1332,173:148,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695622 (082218ZOCT23) Notable: #24183

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Q Research General #: Tomorrow at NOON—Wolfeboro, New Hampshire - TRUMP RALLY Edition

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797d9c No.97224

File: e5df441bc880764⋯.png (340.77 KB,1230x527,1230:527,Clipboard.png)

File: 34527dd7cc3e014⋯.png (471.85 KB,1202x955,1202:955,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695639 (082219ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Mon, October 09, 2023 12:00 pm (US/Eastern)

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Donald J. Trump


Will see you tomorrow at NOON—Wolfeboro, New Hampshire! event.donaldjtrump.com/events/

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Wolfeboro, New Hampshire

Sign up for a ticket TODAY!


13 ReTruths


Oct 08, 2023, 6:08 PM


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797d9c No.97225

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695679 (082226ZOCT23) Notable: Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs

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Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs


"Unnatural evolution": indisputable evidence for deliberate and systematic creation of circulating covid variants

Comprehensive panels of "reversion mutations" found in general circulation look like an experiment


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797d9c No.97226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695694 (082229ZOCT23) Notable: Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs

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I suspected that. I’ve had what I’m sure was it, twice. Never tested, who cares. Two different strains. Each time I lost a ton of weight.. 5 lbs in a week. That never happened with the flu or a cold. They tinkered with it.

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797d9c No.97227

File: 7ac276e66df43ce⋯.mp4 (5.09 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695715 (082233ZOCT23) Notable: @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spitting on Asian Christian pilgrims during an Orthodox procession

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>>>/qresearch/19695266 LB


Andy NgĂŽ đŸłïžâ€đŸŒˆ


Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spitting on Asian Christian pilgrims during an Orthodox procession.


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797d9c No.97228

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695785 (082241ZOCT23) Notable: Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs

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have a theory that they release all this covid sequencing stuff as a smoke screen to cover up use of weaponized influenza.

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797d9c No.97229

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695802 (082243ZOCT23) Notable: Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs

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797d9c No.97230

File: f7c37f2440fbef1⋯.png (100.05 KB,898x781,898:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695839 (082248ZOCT23) Notable: Muh Greatest Ally. What has Israel done (positively) for the USA? Q 2337

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Muh Greatest Ally.

What has Israel done (positively) for the USA?


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797d9c No.97231

File: e88c491af10f780⋯.jpg (385.52 KB,1376x978,688:489,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695870 (082252ZOCT23) Notable: Janet Napolitano

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797d9c No.97232

File: ac0b61157565c90⋯.png (8.41 KB,374x251,374:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695897 (082254ZOCT23) Notable: Muh Greatest Ally. What has Israel done (positively) for the USA? Q 2337

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No jew spanners here since the "war" started and picrel too.

2 day ahead delta

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797d9c No.97233

File: 876a63dfe188ecd⋯.jpeg (2.4 MB,1656x2070,4:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695953 (082258ZOCT23) Notable: Janet Napolitano

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The cornhle is agape!


*The dig on this one won’t fit it the margin.

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797d9c No.97234

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695971 (082301ZOCT23) Notable: Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig

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Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig

more FBI Fuggery

PENFIELD, Pa. (AP) — In the heart of Pennsylvania elk country, Eric McCarthy and his client, Don Reichel, got up before sunrise to scour the forest floor for so-called “brown gold” — a rack of freshly shed antlers to add to Reichel’s collection back home.

One hill over, a team of FBI agents was also hunting for gold. The metallic yellow kind.

The FBI’s highly unusual search for buried Civil War-era treasure more than five years ago set in motion a dispute over what, if anything, the agency unearthed and an ongoing legal battle over key records. There’s so much intrigue that even a federal judge felt compelled to note in a ruling last week.“The FBI may have found the gold — or maybe not.”

The FBI insists nothing came of the March 2018 excavation in Dents Run, a remote wooded valley about 110 miles (177 kilometers) northeast of Pittsburgh. But a treasure hunter who led FBI agents to the hillside wherean 1863 gold shipment might have been buriedis challenging the government’s denials. How could the dig have come up empty, he asks, when the FBI’s own scans showed the likelihood of a buried metal mass equaling hundreds of millions of dollars in gold?

McCarthy, a 45-year-old elk guide, had never met treasure hunter Dennis Parada. But he watched from afar as Parada took the FBI to court and told his story in the media. McCarthy recently decided to share his own story because he thought Parada, who spent years looking for the gold before approaching the FBI with his findings, has been treated unfairly.


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797d9c No.97235

File: 7892f73d8454b7b⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB,476x270,238:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19695989 (082303ZOCT23) Notable: “No way anybody can approach the border, without us knowing that.” (Cap 1:00)

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“No way anybody can approach the border, without us knowing that.”

Weird yes. But here we are.




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797d9c No.97236

File: d96077afa59bf7f⋯.jpg (99.49 KB,895x667,895:667,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696012 (082305ZOCT23) Notable: Janet Napolitano

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same energy

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797d9c No.97237

File: 16f6d58de9dbe3c⋯.png (277.85 KB,563x517,563:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696040 (082309ZOCT23) Notable: So Iran confirmed as target of this false flag??? By MSM

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‘Significant Military Activities’ Authorized After Israeli Security Cabinet Confirms War Status

Israel’s Security Cabinet formally declared war Saturday night in response to surprise Hamas rocket attacks into southern Israel that killed hundreds and wounded thousands, The Times of Israel reported.

Although Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had already stated Israel was “at war” after Hamas militants entered southern Israel, the Security Cabinet’s declaration makes such a declaration official and authorizes “significant military activities,” according to The Times of Israel.

A day after the surprise attack which reportedly killed at least 600 Israelis and wounded 2,000 others, Israeli soldiers fought Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists in the streets of southern Israel, Fox News reported. Fighting was also reported with Lebanon’s Iran-backed Hezbollah militants in the north, according to the outlet.

In retaliatory strikes, Israeli forces reportedly hit 462 targets in Gaza, including a 14-story building in Central Gaza which reportedly housed dozens of apartments and Hamas offices, according to FOX.

Israeli military officials confirmed Hamas took a “substantial” number of Israeli women, children and elderly hostage during Saturday’s incursion, Fox News reported. The terrorist group claims to have captured enough Israeli hostages to free the thousands of Palestinian prisoners being held in Israel, per the outlet.

The attack coincided with Simchat Torah, a significant Jewish holiday, and was reminiscent of the surprise Egyptian-Syrian attack on Yom Kippur in 1973 which caught the Israeli military unprepared, the AP reported. Saturday’s war declaration is Israel’s first since that war nearly 50 years ago, Fox News reported.

Netanyahu vowed Hamas “will pay an unprecedented price” and warned, “This war will take time. It will be difficult.”

Saleh al-Arouri, deputy head of the Hamas political bureau, told Al-Jazeera TV, “We are prepared for all options, including all-out war. We are ready to do whatever is necessary for the dignity and freedom of our people.”


So Iran confirmed as target of this false flag??? By MSM

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797d9c No.97238

File: 1190fdc09a1c81b⋯.png (127.34 KB,613x663,613:663,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ab9a9ed2c05cd9⋯.png (806.81 KB,1255x2048,1255:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696059 (082311ZOCT23) Notable: While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoying a picnic with a live band

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@HawleyMO · 16m

While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoying a picnic with a live band

5:53 PM · Oct 8, 2023


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797d9c No.97239

File: 92464558e6de505⋯.jpeg (418.27 KB,892x2545,892:2545,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696076 (082313ZOCT23) Notable: @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spitting on Asian Christian pilgrims during an Orthodox procession

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China signs ‘strategic partnership’ with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

President Xi Jinping tells PA leader Beijing has ‘always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights’

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas (left) shakes hands with China's President Xi Jinping after a signing ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on June 14, 2023. (Jade GAO / POOL / AFP)

BEIJING — China said Wednesday it has established a “strategic partnership” with the Palestinian Authority during a visit to Beijing by PA President Mahmoud Abbas.

The announcement marks another step in China’s campaign to gain political and economic influence in the Middle East, where it is competing for influence with the United States.

China is seeking energy resources and markets for its military and civilian exports, while promoting its version of authoritarian government in a joint challenge with Russia to the Western-led democratic world order.

China has appointed a special envoy to meet with Israeli and Palestinian officials, but its experience in the region is mainly limited to construction, manufacturing and other economic projects.

Beijing has long maintained diplomatic ties with the Palestinian Authority and Abbas was welcomed with full military honors at the Great Hall of the People in central Beijing.

“We are good friends and partners,” Chinese president and head of the ruling Communist Party Xi Jinping told Abbas at the start of their meeting. “We have always firmly supported the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights.”

China’s President Xi Jinping and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas attend a welcoming ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on June 14, 2023. (Jade GAO / POOL / AFP)

“China is willing to strengthen coordination and cooperation with the Palestinian side to promote a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue as soon as possible,” he said.

Xi called the strategic partnership an “important milestone in the history of bilateral relations,” but its financial details were not immediately released.

China relies on such partnerships to bolster its diplomatic posture and give large Chinese corporations a leg-up when negotiating infrastructure deals in line with the government’s “Belt and Road Initiative” that has left many struggling countries in deep debt to Chinese banks.

China has also sought close ties with Israel to both expand its diplomatic presence and gain access to high technology.

Abbas’s visit comes after China recently hosted talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia that resulted in the restoring of diplomatic relations between the two Mideast rivals and boosting China’s standing in the region.

The Riyadh-Tehran rapprochement is seen as a diplomatic victory for China as Gulf Arab states perceive the United States as slowly withdrawing from the wider region.

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797d9c No.97240

File: b6af84b7714aa13⋯.mp4 (14.31 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696084 (082313ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023—HPNđŸ›«PBI đŸ‡ș🇾🩅 6:42 pm ET

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Dan ScavinođŸ‡ș🇾🩅


10/8/2023—HPNđŸ›«PBI đŸ‡ș🇾🩅

6:42 pm ET


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797d9c No.97241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696093 (082315ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023—HPNđŸ›«PBI đŸ‡ș🇾🩅 6:42 pm ET

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top gun theme

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797d9c No.97242

File: b017983f6e0f574⋯.png (332.65 KB,602x904,301:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696104 (082316ZOCT23) Notable: @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spitting on Asian Christian pilgrims during an Orthodox procession

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>China’s campaign to gain political and economic influence

China’s campaign to split up US Armed Forces across the globe before invading Taiwan.

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797d9c No.97243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696108 (082316ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023—HPNđŸ›«PBI đŸ‡ș🇾🩅 6:42 pm ET

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Watch the water

"Never Interfere With an Enemy While He’s in the Process of Destroying Himself."

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797d9c No.97244

File: 046f45b4178c5c9⋯.webp (30.67 KB,480x417,160:139,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696109 (082316ZOCT23) Notable: Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs

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Pureblood anon had it once. Each day felt worse than the previous. Lost 4-5kg in 1 week. Started getting better after obtaining a Ziverdo Kit.

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797d9c No.97245

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696112 (082316ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023—HPNđŸ›«PBI đŸ‡ș🇾🩅 6:42 pm ET

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Harold Faltermeyer - Top Gun Anthem (Official Audio)


188K subscribers

1.5M views 1 year ago #TopGun #TopGunAnthem #HaroldFaltermeyer

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797d9c No.97246

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696116 (082317ZOCT23) Notable: The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)

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The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch"


This is awesome

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797d9c No.97247

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696167 (082325ZOCT23) Notable: The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)

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The are of becoming UNGOVERNABLE.

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797d9c No.97248

File: a8ab56535d33047⋯.png (130.4 KB,588x670,294:335,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fece5fb96d4a17⋯.jpg (161.96 KB,1600x787,1600:787,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 86569f05e52b921⋯.jpg (58.38 KB,1600x318,800:159,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b837abb0c77096e⋯.jpg (79.46 KB,1600x506,800:253,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 969c21c4a513a8d⋯.jpg (189.51 KB,1332x1142,666:571,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696168 (082325ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Congress has been buying war stocks

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BREAKING: Congress has been buying war stocks.

Many bought defense company $GD, General Dynamics.

Numerous Republicans bought heavy into oil + energy companies, with buys in $XOM, $DVN, $CVX.

Democrats bought cybersecurity like $FTNT.

These companies lobby Congress heavily.


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797d9c No.97249

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696169 (082325ZOCT23) Notable: The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)

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cop lied and said she had a warrant. fuk them.

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797d9c No.97250

File: 1f0907cdb30c8fc⋯.jpeg (80.99 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696177 (082326ZOCT23) Notable: 'If any flags hurt your feelings, too f***ing bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag

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8 Oct, 2023 18:03

'If any flags hurt your feelings, too f***ing bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag

MMA fighters, including Russians, will once again be able to display their national flag in the UFC’s Octagon

Dana White, the Chief Executive Officer of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), told reporters in Las Vegas late on Saturday that fighters will once again be permitted to display their national flags in the Octagon, ending a ban imposed last year.

White, who has headed the UFC since 2003, said in May 2022 that fighters of any nationality would be barred from carrying their country’s flag with them to the cage, a decision made in parallel to similar measures imposed in other sports on the heels of Moscow’s military action in Ukraine.

At the time, White refused to be drawn on the reason for the ban other than to tell reporters: “You guys know why, let’s not even play that f***ing game.”

But on Saturday night in the organization’s Apex facility on the outskirts of Las Vegas, and after American fighter Joe Pyfer held aloft the United States’ flag following a victory, White confirmed to the assembled media that the flag ban was over.

“Flags are back,” White said. “I was on vacation during the Mexican Independence Day [UFC event], and the no-flag thing drove me crazy. So, I was like, ‘Yeah, f*** that. We’re bringing flags back.’ It drove me crazy.”

Soon after the onset of Moscow’s military action in Ukraine last year, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) issued a recommendation that Russia and its ally Belarus be suspended from major international sporting events. The proposal was adopted by most major sports federations.

In some instances, Russians and Belarusians have been permitted to participate in events as neutral athletes, but only without the display of national symbols, such as a flag or anthem.

But, while White admitted on Saturday that “sometimes things are done for the intentions of the right reasons,” the UFC boss said that people shouldn’t dispute an athlete’s right to carry their own flag with them into sporting competition.

“Everybody’s too soft, everybody’s too sensitive about everything,” White said. “When the decision was made to do this, I was like, ‘Eh, what’s the big deal if they don’t have flags?’

“Mexican Independence Day flipped the switch and I was like, ‘That’s enough of the no-flags thing.’ Flags are back. If any flags hurt your feelings, too f***ing bad.”


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797d9c No.97251

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696181 (082326ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Congress has been buying war stocks

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Stock options and Commission for each unit sold

Traitors and Warmongers

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797d9c No.97252

File: ce9610ac5480b56⋯.png (27.09 KB,534x392,267:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696194 (082328ZOCT23) Notable: Load Meme Weapons - Fire At Will

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Anons have destroyed moar of their fake news by memes.

We have the ultimate weapon.

Q stated it many times.

memes are the way to stop the fake news media.

39 posts


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797d9c No.97253

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696199 (082329ZOCT23) Notable: The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)

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Well, that DEPROGRAMMING didn't go down to well.

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797d9c No.97254

File: 0d9f027ee83754d⋯.png (1003.47 KB,980x702,490:351,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696204 (082330ZOCT23) Notable: Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig

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Treasure hunters doubt FBI’s word on dig for Civil War gold

The treasure hunters and Getler said they had an agreement with the FBI to watch the excavation. Officers instead confined them to their car — out of sight of the wooded hillside where a backhoe was digging — for six hours that first day before they were finally allowed up the hill. The digging proceeded for another hour before an agent called an abrupt halt at 3 p.m., saying the team was cold, tired and hungry and it would be getting dark soon. They were just 3 feet from the target.

Whether the FBI actually left the woods that afternoon is itself an open question.

Cheryl Elder, who lives nearby, told AP she heard what sounded like a backhoe and jackhammer at least until 2 a.m. and she saw that the hillside was brightly lit.

The second day of the excavation was similar to the first, according to the Paradas and Getler. They said they were confined to their car for several hours, then escorted up the hill to the dig site — by then a large, empty hole. The FBI had finished the excavation out of their presence, they said.

Garrett Osche, whose garage was used as a staging ground for the FBI’s initial foray to the Dents Run area weeks before the dig said “Why do you close the road down if you’re not loading something out? If you’re not sneaking something, why do you need to do what they did?”

According to the legend, the lost shipment had either 26 gold bars or 52 bars, each weighing 50 pounds (23 kilograms), meaning it would be worth about $25 million or about $50 million today. The Paradas and Getler say the government contractor’s scan detected a much larger quantity of precious metal — 7 to 9 tons — an eye-popping haul that could be worth more than $250 million if every ounce of it was gold.


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797d9c No.97255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696214 (082332ZOCT23) Notable: David Icke what's REALLY happening in Israel

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David Icke what's REALLY happening in Israel



~5 hours ago

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797d9c No.97256

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696224 (082332ZOCT23) Notable: BREAKING: Congress has been buying war stocks

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Figure it hoes something like this

535 total

100 Senate

435 house

Had 479 invested into pharma

Leaves 56

3 ded

7 good

I got 46 warmongerers

Sound bout right ?

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797d9c No.97257

File: db52d95b4fef987⋯.png (174.71 KB,412x431,412:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696228 (082332ZOCT23) Notable: Minister of Defence of Israel: "The rules of war have changed, we will cripple Gaza so that it will remember it for the next 50 years."

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Mario Nawfal


🚹BREAKING: Minister of Defence of Israel: "The rules of war have changed, we will cripple Gaza so that it will remember it for the next 50 years."

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797d9c No.97258

File: 17adf04ce60a37b⋯.png (18.07 KB,414x299,18:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696236 (082334ZOCT23) Notable: Minister of Defence of Israel: "The rules of war have changed, we will cripple Gaza so that it will remember it for the next 50 years."

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Representatives of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and National Unity leader Benny Gantz will discuss the party's entry into an emergency government on Monday morning, the Haaretz newspaper writes.

Earlier, the Israeli prime minister invited Gantz and opposition leader Lapid to join a broad emergency government formed against the background of the escalation of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Lapid even promised to “put aside differences” for the sake of working in this government.

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797d9c No.97259

File: 0e22e0f294279ed⋯.png (1.19 MB,1000x580,50:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696287 (082339ZOCT23) Notable: Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig

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797d9c No.97260

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696377 (082348ZOCT23) Notable: #24183

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#24183 >>97223

>>97224 TRUMP RALLY Wolfeboro, New Hampshire Mon, October 09, 2023 12:00 pm (US/Eastern)

>>97225, >>97226, >>97228, >>97229, >>97244 Japan Releases Evidence That ALL COVID Variants Were Engineered in Biolabs

>>97233, >>97236, >>97231 Janet Napolitano

>>97234, >>97254, >>97259 Witnesses to FBI hunt for Civil War gold describe heavily loaded armored truck, signs of a night dig

>>97235 “No way anybody can approach the border, without us knowing that.” (Cap 1:00)

>>97237 So Iran confirmed as target of this false flag??? By MSM

>>97238 While Hamas holds Americans hostage, Joe Biden is enjoying a picnic with a live band

>>97227, >>97239, >>97242 @MrAndyNgo Viral video recorded on Oct. 2 in the Old City of Jerusalem shows religious Jewish people spitting on Asian Christian pilgrims during an Orthodox procession

>>97240, >>97241, >>97243, >>97245 Dan Scavino: 10/8/2023—HPNđŸ›«PBI đŸ‡ș🇾🩅 6:42 pm ET

>>97230, >>97232 Muh Greatest Ally. What has Israel done (positively) for the USA? Q 2337

>>97246, >>97247, >>97249, >>97253 The correct way to address police officers. "Get off my property bitch" (Cap 3:17)

>>97248, >>97251, >>97256 BREAKING: Congress has been buying war stocks

>>97250 'If any flags hurt your feelings, too f***ing bad': UFC head lifts ban on Russian flag

>>97252 Load Meme Weapons - Fire At Will

>>97255 David Icke what's REALLY happening in Israel

>>97257, >>97258 Minister of Defence of Israel: "The rules of war have changed, we will cripple Gaza so that it will remember it for the next 50 years."

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797d9c No.97261

File: c842470d38b5925⋯.jpg (1.84 MB,2706x4032,451:672,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696406 (082350ZOCT23) Notable: #24184

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Q Research General #24184: Correct way to address police "Get off my property bitch" Edition

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797d9c No.97262

File: 10ef048c52e966e⋯.jpeg (78.59 KB,860x475,172:95,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696494 (090001ZOCT23) Notable: So this just start a day ago, The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem Issue Plea for Prayer, Peace, and an End to Violence Against Civilians

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So this just start a day ago

The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem Issue Plea for Prayer, Peace, and an End to Violence Against Civilians

Greg Byrnes12:50 PM on October 08, 2023

The winds of war are once again blowing across the home of the Prince of Peace. Many years ago, a priest friend advised me if you put off going to the Holy Land until there is a peaceful period with no trouble, you will never go. Historians may document a period of peace in the world around the time of the birth of Christ, but since then, there has almost always been a war somewhere — often in the very region of the world Christ called home.

While the protagonists of the Jewish and Islamic sides of this conflict argue, the survival of the Christian presence in the cradle of Christianity is often ignored. Wars have consequences. Some estimate that half of the Christians in Iraq and Syria have fled the region since the Second Gulf War and the Syrian civil war.

There are about 180,000 Christians in Israel. Seventy percent are Arabs or Palestinians, the largest group living in Jesus’s hometown of Nazareth. As a small minority within a minority, Christians require peace and stability for their survival. This latest war will do little to enhance that.

The so-called “Status Quo” is the unwritten rule in Israel under which religious groups don’t rock the boat at holy sites under the protection of different religious groups. You may visit, but not hold religious services without an agreement. Even the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, which encompasses Calvary and the Tomb of Christ, is managed by a consortium. The key to the church is traditionally in the possession of a Muslim Arab family to avoid disputes among the Christians.

That peace has been unraveling lately at the nearby Temple Mount, also called the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is claimed by both Muslims and Jews and is just one front on a broad sectarian conflict that has now turned violent. To this end, the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches of Jerusalem, have issued a joint call for peace and prayer:

The Holy Land, a place sacred to countless millions around the world, is currently mired in violence and suffering due to the prolonged political conflict and the lamentable absence of justice and respect for human rights. We, the Patriarchs and Heads of Churches in Jerusalem, have time and again appealed for the importance of respecting the historic and legal Status Quo of the holy shrines. In these trying times, we come together to raise our voices in unity, echoing the divine message of peace and love for all humanity.

As custodians of the Christian faith, deeply rooted in the Holy Land, we stand in solidarity with the people of this region, who are enduring the devastating consequences of continued strife.

Our faith, which is founded on the teachings of Jesus Christ, compels us to advocate for the cessation of all violent and military activities that bring harm to both Palestinian and Israeli civilians.

We unequivocally condemn any acts that target civilians, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity, or faith. Such actions go against the fundamental principles of humanity and the teachings of Christ, who implored us to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31).

It is our fervent hope and prayer that all parties involved will heed this call for an immediate cessation of violence. We implore political leaders and authorities to engage in sincere dialogue, seeking lasting solutions that promote justice, peace, and reconciliation for the people of this land, who have endured the burdens of conflict for far too long.

May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with us all during these challenging times.

—The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches

The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, said yesterday, “The cycle of violence that has killed numerous Palestinians and Israelis in the past months has exploded
The operation launched from Gaza, and the reaction of the Israeli Army are bringing us back to the worst periods of our recent history. The too many causalities and tragedies, which both Palestinians and Israeli families have to deal with, will create more hatred and division and will destroy more and more any perspective of stability.
 We ask God to inspire world leaders in their intervention for the implementation of peace and concord so that Jerusalem may be a house of prayer for all peoples.”


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797d9c No.97263

File: fe78c711f1d49f1⋯.png (302.46 KB,720x1896,30:79,Clipboard.png)

File: d3d4da8597a04e7⋯.jpeg (519.98 KB,1170x1540,117:154,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696496 (090002ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Tanya Chutkan released Awan

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With Israel in the news...Been re-reading drops.

Heres some 'dasting I had forgotten about in the fog of war.

Chutkan released Awan.


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797d9c No.97264

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696605 (090014ZOCT23) Notable: Coca Cola Company Is Implicated In The Purchase Of Children From Ukraine

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97265

File: 48e44909aec0c9f⋯.png (857.83 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696692 (090026ZOCT23) Notable: Joe Biden Enjoys a Picnic with a Live Band in Rose Garden While Hamas Holds Americans Hostage

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OUTRAGEOUS! Joe Biden Enjoys a Picnic with a Live Band in Rose Garden While Hamas Holds Americans Hostage

Biden Rose Garden stock photo Joe Biden called a lid Sunday morning and went into hiding amid an unprecedented attack against Israel by Hamas terrorists.


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797d9c No.97266

File: ec4e47d3ac166c8⋯.jpg (191.43 KB,720x1323,80:147,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696707 (090028ZOCT23) Notable: Obama's kiss of death

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Obama's kiss of death

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797d9c No.97267

File: 508994ad3ce9b96⋯.png (794.68 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 4312f0ef8db5438⋯.png (1.43 MB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696791 (090037ZOCT23) Notable: FAKE NEWS: I survived Mao. Hillary Clinton's call for 'deprogramming' of Trump supporters is no joke, it's alarming

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I survived Mao. Hillary Clinton's call for 'deprogramming' of Trump supporters is no joke, it's alarming

I lived in communist China under Mao. Hillary Clinton's call for 'formal deprogramming' of Trump supporters is horrifying. This is not the first time the left has suggested it.

It is ironic that "deprogramming" really means "programming," both in CCP’s China and here in America. It really means to program the mind of individuals with a new ideology that is anti-tradition and anti-religion.

Where does "programming" take place? It takes place in the mind-shaping institutions like schools and universities for the young, and mass media for the rest. The Chinese rightists were those who received their education before the CCP took over China. In their mind were the traditional values.

In America, the MAGA "extremists" are those who have survived government schools, Marxist-run universities, and corporate media. They escaped the "programming," and therefore they need to be "re-programmed" according to the regime’s agenda.

The left does admit that it is difficult to "deprogram" the "MAGA Extremists." In a 2021 Vanity Fair article with the headline, "So Many Great, Educated, Functional People Were Brainwashed": Can Trump’s Cult of Followers Be Deprogrammed?" the author interviewed Steven Hassan, a former Moonie cult member and author of "The Cult of Trump." One of Hassan’s suggestions is a friends and family deprogramming approach with how-to instructions on how gain or regain their trust in order to start the "persuasion." By comparison, CCP also used the family-friend approach by pressuring them to cut ties with the rightists.

Xi Van Fleet describes herself as "Chinese by birth; American by choice, survivor of Mao’s Cultural Revolution, defender of liberty." She was born in China, lived through the Cultural Revolution, and was sent to work in the countryside at the age of 16. After Mao’s death she was able to go to college to study English and has lived in the United States since 1986. In 2021, she delivered a school board speech in Loudoun County, Virginia against Critical Race Theory that went viral and ignited national conservative media attention. She now devotes her time and energies full time to warning about the parallels between Mao’s Cultural Revolution in China and what’s unfolding in America today. She is the author of the forthcoming book "Mao's America: A Survivor’s Warning" (Center Street, October 31).


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797d9c No.97268

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19696984 (090100ZOCT23) Notable: #24182

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here ya go baker

please add to dough


#24182 >>97192

>>97193 Reminder of who might be this "Greatest Ally" of Ours

>>97194 Reports of an airdrop operation by Al-Qassam Brigades on the Tsalim military base in Beersheba

>>97195, >>97208 While The World is Burning: Schumer Meets Shanghai Party Chief In Bipartisan Senate Trip To China

>>97196 Iran Says It Just Got $43 Million From US

>>97197, >>97209, >>97220 Iranian security officials helped plan Hamas’s Saturday surprise attack on Israel

>>97198 More Riches to the Riches: Obamacare has enriched U.S. "healthcare providers" at expense of patients

>>97199, >>97202 Mike Pence blames Donald Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Ron DeSantis for Hamas invading Israel

>>97200 U.S. Carrier Strike Group Ordered to Mediterranean (also: >>97204 )

>>97201 J'lem Post: Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad holding more than 130 hostages, including senior officers

>>97203 Turkey's Erdogan on Israel/Palestine

>>97205 Europe Next?: Muslim communities all over Europe are coming out in support of Hamas

>>97206 Reminder: China signs 'strategic partnership' with Palestinian Authority during Abbas visit

>>97207 Operation Lone Star Buses Over 50,000 Migrants To Sanctuary Cities

>>97210 Lawmakers Weigh Options for Israel Assistance As Speakership Remains Vacant

>>97211 For When You Got The "Homo-Worms" (or whatever else): Ivermectin Dosage Guidelines

>>97212 Biden Admin Bragged About How ‘Quiet’ Middle East Has Been One Week Before Deadly Attacks

>>97213 Lindsey Graham Warns if Hezbollah Intervenes in Israel-Palestine Conflict, U.S. Must Respond Against Iran

>>97214 PF Observing Hungarian MIL Conducting Evac OP From Israel

>>97215 Details Emerge on Europe's First Exascale SuperComputer

>>97216 Cory Booker (of all crooked Homo-Faggots in this world) "to safely depart" Israel after surprise Hamas attack

>>97217 Once You Understand That For So Long The Two Most Profitable Enterprises Have Been War & Illness 

>>97218 Largest Healthcare Worker Strike in U.S. History has come to an end without any deal being reached

>>97219 Hamas Claims They’re Bombing Ben Gurion Airport with Rockets

>>97221 Remnder: Hold The Line Anons - We Come In Peace & Must Unite!!

>>97222 @realDonaldTrump Will see you tomorrow at NOON—Wolfeboro, New Hampshire!


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797d9c No.97269

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697128 (090115ZOCT23) Notable: #24184

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#24184 >>97261

>>97262 So this just start a day ago, The Patriarchs and Heads of the Churches in Jerusalem Issue Plea for Prayer, Peace, and an End to Violence Against Civilians

>>97263 Judge Tanya Chutkan released Awan

>>97264 Coca Cola Company Is Implicated In The Purchase Of Children From Ukraine

>>97265 Joe Biden Enjoys a Picnic with a Live Band in Rose Garden While Hamas Holds Americans Hostage

>>97266 Obama's kiss of death

>>97267 FAKE NEWS: I survived Mao. Hillary Clinton's call for 'deprogramming' of Trump supporters is no joke, it's alarming

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797d9c No.97270

File: 0591145144dcb03⋯.png (628.09 KB,489x511,489:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c62c1be34d513d⋯.jpg (106.55 KB,767x633,767:633,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697174 (090117ZOCT23) Notable: #24185

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Q Research General #24185: Judge Tanya Chutkan released Awan Edition

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797d9c No.97271

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697187 (090120ZOCT23) Notable: MTG: will the Biden FBI keep targeting Jan 6, 2021 protestors or will they question any of the Pro-Hamas protesters and their connections since they were out using their free speech against Israel today?

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene




Since the Biden admin’s open border policies have allowed our country to be invaded by millions of unknown people from over 160 countries, including terrorists, will the Biden FBI keep targeting Jan 6, 2021 protestors or will they question any of the Pro-Hamas protesters and their connections since they were out using their free speech against Israel today?

Or is it the stolen election crowd that are the real threat?

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797d9c No.97272

File: 432d0d3940da04c⋯.png (203.26 KB,582x473,582:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697224 (090125ZOCT23) Notable: CENTCOM: USCENTCOM stands firmly with our Israeli and regional partners to address the risks of any party seeking to expand the conflict

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ezra A. Cohen reposted

Square profile picture

U.S. Central Command


"USCENTCOM stands firmly with our Israeli and regional partners to address the risks of any party seeking to expand the conflict," said General Michael

"Erik" Kurilla, Commander, U.S. Central Command.




7:19 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97273

File: e3889b6539d4bb9⋯.png (562.62 KB,589x549,589:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697241 (090128ZOCT23) Notable: NYP: Oil prices jump more than $3 per barrel in wake of Hamas attack

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New York Post


Oil prices jump more than $3 per barrel in wake of Hamas attack https://trib.al/7bbAtEh


1:44 PM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97274

File: 511c7b6ccce28f2⋯.png (670.22 KB,700x467,700:467,Clipboard.png)

File: a9c1d1a39651809⋯.png (163.55 KB,721x428,721:428,Clipboard.png)

File: fce9c0ae7fc0130⋯.png (812.5 KB,562x693,562:693,Clipboard.png)

File: cdb4d143e55d808⋯.png (708.26 KB,802x308,401:154,Clipboard.png)

File: de49b65d8a41a33⋯.png (173.79 KB,845x360,169:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697256 (090131ZOCT23) Notable: Conservativetreehouse: Stop Pretending - It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran

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Stop Pretending – It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran

You want to go deep weeds, let’s go deep weeds. Almost all of the conversations about the $6 billion given back to Iran have focused on the fungible aspect of money. While true, that focus misses the key and essential point, where the money was delivered.

The captured $6 billion was held in a South Korean bank, the result of sanctions violations. What the Biden/Blinken crew did, was move the money from South Korea to a bank in Qatar.

Now, many people may not at first understand the nature of how that makes such a significant difference. The lack of understanding is the result of people not fully grasping what Qatar does in the Middle East. Qatar is the financial center for Islamic extremist operations. Qatar is the banking center for the Muslim Brotherhood. The Brotherhood is the political umbrella for a host of Islamic extremist groups.

Qatar is well known to CTH readers and those who follow the deep weeds of geopolitics. Qatar has historically been the financial center and funding mechanism of the Muslim Brotherhood. In many ways Qatar is to the U.S. State Dept, CIA and political elements of the Intelligence Community in the Middle East, as Ukraine is to those same entities in Europe.

We have outlined the long history of Qatar as it pertains to a myriad of U.S. interests.

EXAMPLES: ‱When the Obama/Clinton State Dept wanted to fund the covert weapons to the Benghazi rebels, they used Qatar. ‱When President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi expelled the radical leaders of The Brotherhood from Egypt, they went to Qatar. ‱When President Donald Trump asked the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) to confront radical Islamic extremism, the Arab nations confronted Qatar. ‱When Qatar was forced to expel the five most radical leaders of The Brotherhood, they went to Turkey. [Turkish President Recep Erdogan is aligned in common principle with The Brotherhood.] ‱When the U.S. released captured Islamic extremists from Gitmo (al-Qaeda in Afghanistan), they were transferred to Qatar. ‱When the Taliban took back control over Afghanistan, the al-Qaeda leaders from Qatar went back to Afghanistan.

Qatar is aligned with the Obama/Biden worldview of all things political. The Obama/Biden worldview is not opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood. As a consequence, the Obama/Biden worldview is in alignment with the Palestinian Authority. In essence, in many ways of laundering money, Qatar is an Arabic version of Ukraine.

Without Qatar radical Islamic extremism could not exist. Without Qatar the Muslim Brotherhood, the political arm of Islamic extremism, could not exist. Qatar is the bank for all operational terrorist groups.


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797d9c No.97275

File: 329fec3f2efdbb9⋯.png (35.64 KB,586x268,293:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697277 (090135ZOCT23) Notable: Kash Patel: how much time before the defense industrial complex ignites and the Biden regime genuflects to grab cover for their colossal intelligence failure?

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Kash Patel


how much time before the defense industrial complex ignites and the Biden regime genuflects to grab cover for their colossal intelligence failure... so they can say 'if only we had more'- that is the pinnacle of corruption by #GovernmentGangsters in the Swamp.

Oct 08, 2023, 12:10 PM

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797d9c No.97276

File: 918554e41c7ac27⋯.png (136.07 KB,622x859,622:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697292 (090137ZOCT23) Notable: Americanthinker: If We the People Were Actually in Charge

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If We the People Were Actually in Charge

American Thinker, by J.B. Shurk

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 10/8/2023 8:36:43 PM

Perhaps no greater delusion stubbornly persists from one generation to the next than the idea that governments can be trusted. Sure, they conduct their affairs in secret, spy on their own people, and arm themselves to the teeth — but, by all means, trust them as you would a dear relative. Sure, they steal from productive citizens, manipulate markets, and swell their bureaucratic armies with ever-growing taxes — but, by all means, trust them as you would a close business associate. Sure, they impose their beliefs on our culture, ban the public expression of unfavored religions, and interpose their agents between parents and children —

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797d9c No.97277

File: b552600b76add4b⋯.png (48.92 KB,666x379,666:379,Clipboard.png)

File: cd904cdeea8b853⋯.jpg (34.1 KB,942x651,314:217,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697302 (090139ZOCT23) Notable: Dailymail: Amazon Alexa tells users the 2020 presidential election was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud' causing Bezos' empire to scramble to explain content

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https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12607463/Amazon-Alexa-election-stolen-election-fraud html

Amazon Alexa tells users the 2020 presidential

election was 'stolen by a massive amount

of election fraud' causing Bezos' empire

to scramble to explain content

Daily Mail (UK), by Claudia Aoraha

Posted By: Imright, 10/8/2023 6:30:24 PM

Amazon's Alexa has told users that the 2020 presidential election was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud' causing Jeff Bezos' empire to scramble to explain the concerning content. An investigation by the Washington Post showed when the devices were asked if the election was stolen, they would cite unproven facts and say that electoral fraud had taken place. The Alexa said it was 'stolen by a massive amount of election fraud,' while citing Rumble, a right-wing video streaming site.

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797d9c No.97278

File: e1cdc40ad12cc7c⋯.png (211.73 KB,1028x762,514:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697318 (090141ZOCT23) Notable: Conservativetreehouse: Stop Pretending - It’s Not the “Fungibility,” It’s the Location of the $6 Billion Returned to Iran

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Slowly at First, Then All at Once

Conservative Treehouse, by Sundance

Posted By: earlybird, 10/8/2023 5:57:20 PM

.. Have you ever boiled milk? Many people are struggling to understand the extent of the radicalization that is currently taking place inside our nation. Fewer still are willing to accept that all the datapoints in the continuum lead us to a very specific place. For the intents of this outline, consider the attack against Israel by Hamas as one element of a destructive story that will not remain isolated as a war in the Middle Rast. Gaza is to the transit of terrorists into Israel, as Mexico is a transit hub into the United States. On September 22, 2023, the Dept of Homeland Security, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)

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797d9c No.97279

File: 09a58f3641934f1⋯.png (38.13 KB,594x463,594:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697331 (090142ZOCT23) Notable: Lara Logan reposted: Our Founding Fathers also understood that the individual right to bear arms in public was “necessary to the security of a free state.”

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Lara Logan reposted

Square profile picture

Gun Owners of America


Israel is streamlining firearm carry permits & eliminating gun control in order to fight a terrorist invasion.

Our Founding Fathers also understood that the individual right to bear arms in public was “necessary to the security of a free state.”


Aidan Johnston




BREAKING: Israel’s National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir just axed a ton of #guncontrol for the security of their free state.


Today I directed the Firearms Licensing Division to go on an emergency operation, in order to allow as many citizens as

Show more

11:39 AM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97280

File: d06ed1bec30ea37⋯.png (383.21 KB,596x490,298:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697346 (090144ZOCT23) Notable: DNCWarRoom: RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says the deadly attack on Israel is a “great opportunity” for Republicans

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DNC War Room


RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel says the deadly attack on Israel is a “great opportunity” for Republicans

9:40 AM · Oct 7, 2023




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797d9c No.97281

File: a76a021ebf23473⋯.png (815.53 KB,831x1235,831:1235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697469 (090202ZOCT23) Notable: Trump was right again, Truth post from Septmber called it

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Trump was rightagain


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797d9c No.97282

File: b8cd6a7b626c7ef⋯.png (222.26 KB,600x436,150:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697510 (090208ZOCT23) Notable: Dailymail: HIV-positive paedophile could have sex trafficked babies if he wasn't caught, court hears

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Daily Mail Online



HIV-positive paedophile could have sex trafficked babies if he wasn't caught, court hears



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797d9c No.97283

File: 9c91dc7fea5860e⋯.png (391.5 KB,603x473,603:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697522 (090210ZOCT23) Notable: TGP: Over 2,000 Dead in Afghanistan Following Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Over 2,000 Dead in Afghanistan Following Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake via @gatewaypundit

3:05 PM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97284

File: 30289d8b6cde2aa⋯.png (371.3 KB,634x634,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697531 (090210ZOCT23) Notable: Dailymail: HIV-positive paedophile could have sex trafficked babies if he wasn't caught, court hears

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


HIV-positive paedophile could have sex trafficked babies if he wasn't caught, South Australian court hears

Jadd Brooker pleaded guilty to 182 child sex abuse charges

Court heard Brooker tried to infect victims with HIV

Dr labelled his apologies as 'hollow words'

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797d9c No.97285

File: 4437ca112d5caa0⋯.png (459.7 KB,597x484,597:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697568 (090214ZOCT23) Notable: TGP reposts Kash Patel: Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The Gateway Pundit


Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III? https://thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/kash-patel-how-did-biden-administration-miss-world/

#gatewaypundit via @gatewaypundit

2:33 PM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97286

File: eb57db4b2841b88⋯.png (311.68 KB,600x416,75:52,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697571 (090215ZOCT23) Notable: Dailymail: TikTok-famous police chief busted for swapping incest videos on Twitter account 'Pedobear'

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Daily Mail Online



TikTok-famous police chief busted for swapping incest videos on Twitter account 'Pedobear'



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797d9c No.97287

File: a6ca6217741f08b⋯.png (721.03 KB,695x502,695:502,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697583 (090216ZOCT23) Notable: TGP reposts Kash Patel: Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash Patel: The planning for the Israel Attack went unnoticed by the Biden Administration because they prioritized Climate Change, Diversity/Inclusion and giving money to terrorists over the safety of the US and it's Allies.

Kash Patel: How Did the Biden Administration Miss WORLD WAR III?

Instead of analyzing how the world’s supreme intelligence agencies and superpowers missed HAMAS’ attack on Israel, the media is sensationalizing its actuality. That’s the scary part, its not a miss, it’s a deliberate act of weaponization by the Biden administration of our national security apparatus.

The intelligence community, like our national command authority is directed by one thing, the Commander-in-Chief. Whether you grow its size is a red herring, when you reorient thousands of career individuals trained to detect prospects of war, you have less personnel and capacity detecting the threat environment. Its simple; there is only so much money, machines, and manning to direct against our enemies.

I know first hand during the Trump administration, our national intelligence priorities were foreign terrorist organizations, and defeating a nuclear Iran. We had specific cells and groups within the IC dedicated against groups like HAMAS and Iran, they were top tier priorities. President Trump made this mission simple, defeating our enemies will always be the top priority in his national defense arsenal. We used all options, overt and covert.

The National Intelligence Priorities Framework (NIPF), is the bulwark of our national security efforts. What is the NIPF? Simply defined, amongst a multi-tier threat analysis, each White House is charged with the duty of prioritizing the greatest threats to the United States and our allies. In the Trump administration, this was simple, AQ, ISIS, and foreign terrorist organizations were all top priorities. Each year the White House creates a new rack and stack within the NIPF, for example during Biden’s first year, climate change was the top priority. Don’t believe me, his DoD’s first CONOP (concept of operations, the mandate that moves the DoD’s rudder) was on climate change. Not terrorists, not the CCP, not Iran, and not the cartels (like we did during Trump’s term), but the weather. There’s your critical intelligence failure driven by Biden’s desire to weaponize intelligence for political narrative purposes. And it was intentional. That’s the difference between Trump and Biden. Now the world sees what happens when you do not.

Immediately after the Biden administration just weeks ago provided Iran with $6billion of funding, the fake news declared this an overarching win because they carried the false narrative that this was a victory for global security. The day after Iran received this stack of cash, they kicked out every single UN inspector that guarded against their production of nuclear weapons grade material.

The media continued to print false stories that America will have oversight of all funds because Biden administration told them to say so. You now see the power of these disinformation campaigns. The reality, Iran’s president, the day after receiving the cash stated unequivocally Iran will use the funds as they see fit, with zero oversight. As a side, it’s a total fiction to believe America could have any oversight of these funds- to wit Afghanistan and Ukraine.


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797d9c No.97288

File: baf8e099aa749a5⋯.png (42.63 KB,477x232,477:232,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697598 (090217ZOCT23) Notable: Lara Loomer: Stay out of major cities. There’s going to be massive terrorist attacks in big cities over these next 14 months

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797d9c No.97289

File: a529cbb68ff7f8a⋯.png (401.88 KB,1080x846,60:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697604 (090218ZOCT23) Notable: James Woods: Pundits are wailing... Yet not one liberal apologist has considered that an equivalent silent army is surely walking across Biden’s non-existent border every day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

James Woods: Pundits are wailing about intelligence failures that led to the terrorist slaughter perpetrated by Hamas against children and woman. Yet not one liberal apologist has considered that an equivalent silent army is surely walking across Biden’s non-existent border every day.


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797d9c No.97290

File: 6ee0f99586ad57f⋯.png (21.23 KB,592x285,592:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697607 (090218ZOCT23) Notable: Lara Loomer: Stay out of major cities. There’s going to be massive terrorist attacks in big cities over these next 14 months

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Laura Loomer


Stay out of major cities. There’s going to be massive terrorist attacks in big cities over these next 14 months.

We have been infiltrated. Our borders are open & the push to create a global Islamic caliphate has been activated.

You don’t want to be in major cities. Stay away.

3:14 PM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97291

File: 73770fa9622407d⋯.png (46.91 KB,600x363,200:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697626 (090220ZOCT23) Notable: ZH: Exxon’s head of shale remained in a Texas jail Sunday after he was arrested for sexual assault at a hotel near Houston last week

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XOM starting the synergies early:

Exxon’s head of shale remained in a Texas jail Sunday after he was arrested for sexual assault at a hotel near Houston last week. David Scott, 49, SVP of Exxon’s upstream shale business, was arrested at a La Quinta hotel in Magnolia, Texas





Distraction, Bullshit.

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797d9c No.97292

File: 4422397999a8bf3⋯.png (419.15 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697637 (090221ZOCT23) Notable: Dailymail: Respected leader of Israel 'Ghost' commando unit killed fighting Hamas

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Respected leader of Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit is killed fighting Hamas as officials praise his 'bravery'

Respected leader of Israel 'Ghost' commando unit killed fighting Hamas

Colonel Roy Levy, 44, was the leader of the Multidimensional Unit - a secretive group of commandos established to tackle Hamas using drones and other modern warfare techniques.


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797d9c No.97293

File: a8a5ea9d20193d7⋯.png (322.4 KB,750x539,750:539,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697658 (090223ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Jr. reminds us why we will be keeping our guns (and getting more)

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Trump Jr. reminds us why we will be keeping our guns (and getting more)

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797d9c No.97294

File: beba4ca582b36f8⋯.mp4 (15.47 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697685 (090227ZOCT23) Notable: More breaking footage from Lukeville, Arizona (mp4)

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🚹🚹 🚹 🚹 🚹 🚹 🚹 🚹 🚹 🚹 🚹 🚹 "This happened just minutes ago. More breaking footage from Lukeville, Arizona. With the attacks we just saw in Israel what I’m seeing on the border is even more concerning..." - Ben Bergquam reporting that the CARTELS ARE NOW BRINGING IN FIGHTING AGE MALE SYRIANS ACROSS THE BORDER.


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797d9c No.97295

File: f47c9bba2b9add8⋯.jpg (112.01 KB,805x587,805:587,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697692 (090229ZOCT23) Notable: TGP: Over 2,000 Dead in Afghanistan Following Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake

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Over 2,000 Dead in Afghanistan Following Magnitude 6.3 Earthquake

Did someone say there are no coincidences?


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797d9c No.97296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697712 (090231ZOCT23) Notable: Tribune.com/the intercept: 2018 ARTICLE ON "HAMAS"

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How and why Israel helped create Hamas?


Israel has declared Hamas, a Palestinian resistance organisation, a ‘terrorist’ outfit and did everything under its power to liquidate it during its recent two-week long operation in Gaza. But, not many people are aware of the fact that it was Israel which had helped the creation of Hamas as a counter to Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) during 1980s.

Why Israel helped the creation of Hamas and how it utilised its resources for the purpose? Has Israel by taking brutal action in Gaza strengthened Hamas and how the Palestinian struggle got divided and weakened when Hamas challenged PLO, a secular and nationalist organisation? Formed in 1964, PLO had a clause, in its charter, calling for the destruction of Israel. But when the Oslo process was launched for peace between Israel and PLO, that clause was removed from the Palestinian charter, granting recognition to the Jewish state. Likewise, the Israeli government in late 1980s and early 1990s lifted ban on maintaining contacts with PLO and recognised it when the historic PLO-Israeli accord, mediated by then US President Bill Clinton, signed on September 13, 1993. If PLO recognised Israel, Hamas opposed peace process with the Jewish state and called for the destruction of Israel.

Gaza, which was occupied by Israel as a result of June 1967 Arab-Israeli war, patronised Mujama al-Islamiya which was formed by a Palestinian cleric Sheikh Ahmed Yasin and viewed it as a harmless organisation involved in charity and welfare work for the Palestinian community of Gaza. Mujama al-Islamiya later became Hamas before Intifada-I was launched in December 1987. Israel considered Mujama al-Islamiya and its successor organisation Hamas a lesser evil as compared to PLO and thought that dividing Palestinians will serve the interest of Jewish state. If Israel termed PLO a terrorist organisation and a major threat to its interests, Hamas was also against PLO because of its secular and nationalist outlook. That is how both Hamas and Israel were viewed as natural allies against PLO. But, later on when Hamas in 1988 killed two Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) personnel in Gaza, Israel turned against Hamas but it was too late. Hamas, which earlier labelled itself as a welfare and charity organisation in Gaza and got favors from Israel, changed is tactics and exploited PLO’s peace process with Israel to gain popular support of those Palestinians who were disillusioned with Yasser Arafat’s mending of fences with the Jewish state despite the killing of hundreds of Palestinians in Intifada-I.

Regrets among those Israeli officials who helped the creation of Hamas are well documented. For instance, Avner Cohen, a Tunisia-born Jew who was an Israeli official in Gaza dealing with religious affairs during 1970s and 1980s, lamented that “Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel’s creation”. He observed the Islamist movement take shape, muscle aside secular Palestinian rivals and then evolved into what is today Hamas — a militant group that now calls for Israel’s destruction. Cohen argued that “instead of trying to curb Gaza’s Islamists from the outset, Israel for years tolerated and, in some cases, encouraged them as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and its dominant faction, Yasser Arafat’s Fatah. Israel cooperated with a crippled, half-blind cleric named Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, even as he was laying the foundations for what would become Hamas”. Does it mean that Hamas was clever enough to dodge shrewd Israeli intelligence service by portraying itself as a welfare and charity organisation in order to get itself establish in Gaza and then confront Israel?


Blowback: How Israel Went From Helping Create Hamas to Bombing It

February 19 2018

Hamas wants to destroy Israel, right? But as Mehdi Hasan shows in a new video on blowback, Israeli officials admit they helped start the group.


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797d9c No.97297

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697717 (090232ZOCT23) Notable: Thehill: California’s clout in Congress takes a hit

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California’s clout in Congress takes a hit

The recent death of Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and this week’s ouster of Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) from the Speakership has deprived California of a wide swath of legislative and political clout, leaving the state looking to up-and-comers in Congress to fill big shoes.

The loss of the two, coupled with Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s (D-Calif.) own exit from the Speakership late last year, has shaken up the state — and put it in an unfamiliar position. It has long relied on top members, especially Feinstein, to bring dollars and projects home; Feinstein served in the Senate from 1992 until her death last month.

“She set a tremendous standard for what it means for a United States senator to represent California,” Sen. Alex Padilla (D-Calif.) told The Hill. “And to serve here in the Senate, I can only pray that I come anywhere close to live up to the standard that she set.”

“It is impossible to overstate the impact she’s had on California,” Padilla also told reporters Wednesday, adding that Feinstein was “the one that we turned to for leadership and for comfort, whether it was in times of conflict or crisis” back home.

That role now falls to a new crowd on the Democratic side, including Padilla, who is in his first full term, and Sen. Laphonza Butler (D-Calif.), Feinstein’s newly minted replacement, as well as a rising group in the House headlined by Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-Calif.), the No. 3 House Democrat.

A number of veterans remain in the mix, including Pelosi as Speaker emerita, with Vice President Harris also leading the charge in the administration.

However, filling the hole left behind Feinstein will be difficult. Feinstein was a longtime appropriator and led the charge for the state on a number of items, including wildfires, clean energy and water issues, among more. She was also a national leader on gun violence, women’s issues and gay rights, including having authored the Respect for Marriage Act that passed last year.

Bill Whalen, who served as a top aide to former California Gov. Pete Wilson (R), noted that Feinstein was the consummate workhorse and the one to seek out if anyone needed something for the state.

“Most times [Wilson and I] went to Washington, there was time on the calendar to meet with Sen. Feinstein, because you turned to her for California matters,” said Whalen, a fellow at the Hoover Institution at the University of Stanford.

McCarthy hailed the late senator and specifically noted their joint work on the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act, a law passed in 2016 that authorizes a number of federal programs to boost water infrastructure for rivers and harbors.

“I remember the hours and the nights that we would have to work to try to work through and the challenges,” McCarthy said at a press conference shortly after her death. “We come from different parties, we have different philosophies, but we put our state first.”

McCarthy, on top of his GOP leadership work and efforts on water legislation, was also a leading proponent of boosting commercial space competitiveness, a key issue in his Bakersfield-based district. The former Speaker authored the SPACE Act in 2015, which was subsequently signed into law by then-President Obama.


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797d9c No.97298

File: 225153aca7b1b2a⋯.jpg (123.65 KB,720x737,720:737,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697750 (090236ZOCT23) Notable: Citzenfreepress/USGS: 4.2 magnitude earthquake felt in Seattle; USGS is saying 4.5 now

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4.2 magnitude earthquake felt in Seattle


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797d9c No.97299

File: 281257742ade86d⋯.png (934.64 KB,768x517,768:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697927 (090302ZOCT23) Notable: Newsweek: '"Vaccine" against conspiracy theories could be closer than you think

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'"Vaccine" against conspiracy theories could be closer than you think'''

"Once people have been radicalized or are deep down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole, it's very difficult to bring people back," Sander van der Linden said.


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797d9c No.97300

File: 7263ac1998af8b4⋯.png (391.94 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697943 (090305ZOCT23) Notable: Breitbart: Kylie Jenner Deletes Pro-Israel Post amid Heat from Followers

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Kylie Jenner learned its hard playing political activist. Deleted her tweet supporting Israel in seconds after online backlash.

Kylie Jenner Deletes Pro-Israel Post amid Heat from Followers

Kylie Jenner is feeling the heat for sharing and deleting a post supporting Israel after the terrorist group Hamas attacked the nation.


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797d9c No.97301

File: 68a18299a2ae6b2⋯.png (1.66 MB,994x755,994:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697975 (090312ZOCT23) Notable: #24186

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Emergency Bread Activated

Back up Baker Signing off

Bread is Open

Same Dough

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797d9c No.97302

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19697994 (090315ZOCT23) Notable: Port Townsend WA quake - How can you tell the difference between an explosion and an earthquake on a seismogram?

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How can you tell the difference between an explosion and an earthquake on a seismogram?

Explosions and earthquakes both release a large amount of energy very quickly, and both can be recorded by seismic instruments. However, because the forces involved in each are very different, the waveforms that each creates look different.

Nuclear tests are very near the surface of the earth; all of the energy is released from a small volume surrounding the device. Earthquakes are typically several to many kilometers beneath the surface of the Earth; the energy is released from the fault surface, which can be several to many kilometers long, depending on the size of the fault. The differences in the depth and extent of the energy source produces differences in the waveforms that are recorded on a seismogram.

Lastly, nuclear explosions typically release energy between 2-50 kilotons of yield, compared to, for example, the M6.5 Afghanistan earthquake in May of 1998 that had an equivalent yield of 2,000 kilotons.


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797d9c No.97303

File: f32c0b3e043591b⋯.png (31.8 KB,388x480,97:120,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698030 (090322ZOCT23) Notable: Too many bad actors support Israel, hmm....

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What worries me about the “new war” is that:

The Clinton’s support Israel.

The Obama’s support Israel.

The Biden’s support Israel.

The CIA supports Israel.

The Mainstream Media supports Israel.

The EU supports Israel.

NATO supports Israel.

Think about that.

5:26 AM · Oct 8, 2023



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797d9c No.97304

File: 1216a2905cc8e5c⋯.png (65.95 KB,1182x432,197:72,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698057 (090326ZOCT23) Notable: DJTjr: Trump was right about everything!!!

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Trump was right about everything!!!


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797d9c No.97305

File: 2eb5d80497a5605⋯.png (1.08 MB,1125x777,375:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698075 (090328ZOCT23) Notable: Union workers at Volvo Group-owned Mack Trucks to go on strike Monday

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Union workers at Volvo Group-owned Mack Trucks overwhelmingly rejected a proposed five-year contract deal and will go on strike at 7 a.m. Monday, the United Auto Workers said late on Sunday.


Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: e5f893 No.1123696 📁

Apr 20 2018 21:48:28 (EST)

Anonymous ID: dfbd37 No.1123617 📁

Apr 20 2018 21:45:01 (EST)


why does image search for "maggie Nixon" and "obama" return an image of abramovich and defranco ONLY? I think we are over the target?


Bigger than you can imagine.

POTUS warning shot.



Why is Hussein pictured w/ this H-Wood child many times?

What are ‘pet’ names?



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797d9c No.97306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698096 (090331ZOCT23) Notable: Hong Kong developers hit by Federal Reserve’s ‘higher for longer’ interest rates

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Funny you should mention Hong Kong....

Hong Kong developers hit by Federal Reserve’s ‘higher for longer’ interest rates

"Five of the territory’s biggest real estate companies have lost $20bn in market value this year"


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797d9c No.97307

File: 912043b4963b861⋯.png (113.18 KB,861x920,861:920,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698099 (090331ZOCT23) Notable: Judge Denies Sidney Powell's Motion To Dismiss Charges In Georgia Election Case

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Judge Denies Sidney Powell's Motion To Dismiss Charges In Georgia Election Case

A Georgia judge on Thursday rejected lawyer Sidney Powell's attempt to dismiss her charges in a racketeering case that also ensnared former President Donald Trump and multiple others.


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797d9c No.97308

File: b37ecfeb22ab577⋯.png (561.33 KB,1080x1259,1080:1259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698103 (090332ZOCT23) Notable: Loomer re emergency intel meetings this weekend to discuss the rise of Hamas terror cells that are operating in American cities

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Laura Loomer:Sources telling me that there were emergency intel meetings this weekend to discuss the rise of Hamas terror cells that are operating in American cities. These HAMAS terrorists came across the US border and are apparently planning to attack major US cities over the next 14 months.


And Joedolf let them in. TRAITOR!

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797d9c No.97309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698111 (090333ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Dog Comms?

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Moar Dog Comms...


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797d9c No.97310

File: b76340d7e379b33⋯.png (817.07 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698117 (090333ZOCT23) Notable: Biden Administration On Notice After Bombshell Report on Iran-Israel

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Biden Administration On Notice After Bombshell Report on Iran-Israel

The Wall Street Journal reports that Iran was at the center of the Hamas attack on Israel.


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797d9c No.97311

File: 606445afb66ab8a⋯.png (613.21 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698129 (090335ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Homeland Facing Imminent Islamic Terror Attack? ALEX JONES

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U.S. Homeland Facing Imminent Islamic Terror Attack - Deep State Has Funneled Billions To Terrorist Sleeper Cells Set To Strike

Full Show: U.S. Homeland Facing Imminent Islamic Terror Attack - Deep State Has Funneled Billions To Terrorist Sleeper Cells Set To Strike - 10/08/2023


lots of fearporn goings...

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797d9c No.97312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698160 (090340ZOCT23) Notable: Man sentenced to over 24 years for child porn charges

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Man sentenced to over 24 years for child porn charges

News 8 WROC

32.6K subscribers

44K views 5 days ago

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797d9c No.97313

File: 8d41e16bd73d817⋯.png (651.22 KB,680x369,680:369,Clipboard.png)

File: 49a2f2265003dc9⋯.png (94.93 KB,436x618,218:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698172 (090342ZOCT23) Notable: Who benefits most from the terror in the Middle East? The Deep State.

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Who benefits most from the terror in the Middle East?

The Deep State.

They have a new media distraction. Now they don’t have to report on their colossal failure in Ukraine. The sheep will soon forget about Ukraine, just like they forgot about the Russia Hoax, BLM, C19, etc.

Public support for Ukraine had wained past the point of return. America First GOP ousted Speaker McCarthy over funding for Ukraine. The American People put their foot down. The Deep State were struggling to maintain the lie, and desperately needed an off-ramp.

Lo and behold, a week later, the terror in Israel unfolds. The horrific images incite an emotional response from the public, and poof, the Deep State have instantaneously rekindled the American public’s desire to fund war on the other side of the globe.

The Deep State don’t care which war-torn countries they funnel the money from, so long as the money flows. They will gladly use this catastrophe to their advance their geopolitical agenda.

Given the Deep State are the main benefactors of this situation, they are suspect #1. Then if you follow the money, it leads back to US Deep State politicians. Obama’s Iran Deal.

All roads lead back to Obama.

8:48 PM · Oct 8, 2023





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797d9c No.97314

File: 91f6d9e5ae5559c⋯.png (2.47 MB,1322x1876,661:938,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698182 (090343ZOCT23) Notable: Lara Logan: Don’t let the media whitewash the reality of what is taking place in Israel now. This was targeted at unarmed women and children

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Lara Logan: Don’t let the media whitewash the reality of what is taking place in Israel now. This was targeted at unarmed women and children - not as a consequence of war, but as the goal.


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797d9c No.97315

File: 06068258a9cc255⋯.png (305.52 KB,572x574,286:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698184 (090343ZOCT23) Notable: Trudeau spent $678k on taxpayer-funded vacations over the past year: report

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Trudeau spent $678k on taxpayer-funded vacations over the past year: report

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau went to Tofino, B.C., from August 10 to 18 with his family, costing taxpayers $287,285 in RCMP security fees. According to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO), the Trudeaus paid for their own stay.

Over the past year, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has flaunted his disregard for the Canadian taxpayer by going on several all-inclusive vacations — costing over $678,000.

From December 26 to last January 4, Trudeau expensed at least $162,000 for a week-long vacation in Jamaica, according to an order paper question posed by Conservative MP Luc Berthold.

As first reported by Rebel News in March, the costs for flights, security and accommodations for staff and the RCMP details assigned to the Trudeau family totalled over $200,000.

Expenditures include nearly $33,000 at the Department of National Defence, covering accommodations, meals, and local travel while excluding the cost of using government Bombardier Challenger jet.

The Privy Council Office (PCO) spent over $13,000, including $3,200 to fly a staffer to Jamaica. The RCMP also spent approximately $115,000.

Global News verified the trip's costs almost one month after Rebel News.



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797d9c No.97316

File: 782489602dd85fa⋯.jpg (151.2 KB,720x836,180:209,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d5f48af9f2fedef⋯.jpg (217.86 KB,1278x2048,639:1024,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 13027f5fde27fa3⋯.jpg (146.68 KB,1255x1768,1255:1768,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698245 (090353ZOCT23) Notable: While Americans are currently being held hostage by hamas terrorists, Biden decided to throw a party at the WH

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While Americans are currently being held hostage by hamas terrorists, Biden decided to spend his evening throwing a party at the White House. Absolutely despicable

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797d9c No.97317

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698270 (090358ZOCT23) Notable: Chanel Rion OANN: Make no mistake. This war in Israel is a win win win for China-Russia-Iran.

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Chanel Rion OANN” Make no mistake. This war in Israel is a win win win for China-Russia-Iran.

It’s no coincidence China had no citizens in Israel this week.

Russia has been working with Iran for months, and this war in Israel is a VERY convenient way for Ukraine to fade into the distance and save face for Putin.

Biden Iran Envoy Rob Malley had his clearance revoked and is being investigated for being Iran’s lapdog. The “deals” he made were atrocious.

Hunter Biden is living off not his art sales but his share of China govt tied cash

World War II grew from denial and weakness. World War III will grow because America’s decision makers were compromised.

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797d9c No.97318

File: c7beee65bef4166⋯.png (200.82 KB,464x417,464:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698279 (090359ZOCT23) Notable: Moar Dog Comms?

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797d9c No.97319

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698356 (090417ZOCT23) Notable: Gaza's secret smuggling tunnels

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797d9c No.97320

File: f8f13f793ce00b6⋯.png (974.15 KB,768x446,384:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698416 (090428ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains

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Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains

The border crisis is a never-ending problem for the U.S.


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797d9c No.97321

File: 0abeda96de2be8c⋯.png (503.84 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698423 (090429ZOCT23) Notable: AP: Israel declares war, bombards Gaza and battles to dislodge Hamas fighters after surprise attack

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Israel declares war, bombards Gaza and battles to dislodge Hamas fighters after surprise attack

Israeli soldiers are battling Hamas fighters in the streets of southern Israel and launching strikes across Gaza. A brief exchange of strikes with Lebanon’s Hezbollah in the north raised fears of a broader conflict.


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797d9c No.97322

File: 8b6b9c85b604282⋯.png (622.34 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698434 (090431ZOCT23) Notable: US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan hands the Trump team a small victory in the federal election obstruction case by granting them extra time for motions

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>BOOM week?

US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan hands the Trump team a small victory in the federal election obstruction case by granting them extra time for motions

Judge Hands Trump a Win in DC Election Case

A federal judge handed the Trump team a small victory in the federal election obstruction case by granting them extra time for motions.


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797d9c No.97323

File: c6e1b90b802551e⋯.png (291.38 KB,437x461,437:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698466 (090439ZOCT23) Notable: Port Townsend WA quake - How can you tell the difference between an explosion and an earthquake on a seismogram?

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797d9c No.97324

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698489 (090444ZOCT23) Notable: How Congress failed to deliver $6 billion for Ukraine

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How Congress failed to deliver $6 billion for Ukraine



How $6 billion in Ukraine aid collapsed despite big support in Congress

By Associated Press Washington, D.C.

PUBLISHED 2:42 PM ET Oct. 08, 2023

The collapse of Ukraine aid in Congress was months in the making, and exactly what Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell had feared.

McConnell had warned that political support for Ukraine was in danger as a small but vocal contingent of fellow Republican lawmakers intensified their efforts against sending U.S. money overseas for the fight against Russia.

What You Need To Know

A small but vocal contingent of fellow Republican lawmakers intensified their efforts against sending U.S. money overseas to Ukraine for the fight against Russia

It's just what Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell had been warning would happen

But in the end, neither McConnell nor the White House nor congressional Democrats could muscle a scaled-back $6 billion in military and civilian aid for Ukraine to passage in last week’s deal to avoid a U.S. government shutdown

President Joe Biden is preparing to give a speech on U.S. aid to Ukraine and he says he has a plan in the works to ensure the flow of assistance

First in a series of high-profile speeches this summer then in direct overtures to the White House, the Republican leader who had visited Kyiv and put a priority on U.S. support for Ukraine tried to steer the hard-right flank of his party.

But in the end, neither McConnell nor the White House nor Democrats in Congress could muscle a scaled-back $6 billion military and civilian aid package for Ukraine to passage in last week's deal to avoid a U.S. government shutdown.


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797d9c No.97325

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698492 (090444ZOCT23) Notable: How Congress failed to deliver $6 billion for Ukraine

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Despite overwhelming bipartisan support in Washington for stopping Russian President Vladimir Putin's invasion, the failure to approve Ukraine aid was a sizable setback for an administration seeking to lead a Western alliance to protect the young democracy as the fighting grinds on.

It also shows the perils ahead in Washington as a hardened band of Republican lawmakers who are just a minority in Congress — many allied with Donald Trump, the party's 2024 presidential front-runner — flex their power to overcome the will of the majority. The next steps are highly uncertain.

“It does worry me,” President Joe Biden acknowledged last week. "But I know there are a majority of members in the House and Senate — both parties — who have said that they support funding Ukraine."

Biden said he is preparing to deliver a major speech on U.S. aid to Ukraine and has a plan in the works to ensure the flow of assistance after the upheaval on Capitol Hill, which was punctuated by the ouster of the Republican House Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

As Washington regroups, the sudden shift has unleashed political blame over the inability of the White House and Congress to work around the small but intensifying minority of lawmakers who are putting aid in jeopardy.

“Not another penny for Ukraine!” wrote Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Greene, a top Trump ally, arguing money should be spent on securing the U.S. border with Mexico instead.

McConnell, R-Ky., had been trying to build support Ukraine for months, ever since he met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv in May.

The senator gave repeated floor speeches, talked with allies overseas and made the case his priority among colleagues on Capitol Hill, where Zelenskyy received a hero's welcome last year and visited with a follow-up appeal weeks before the funding showdown.

But after the White House announced Biden's $24 billion request for Ukraine aid in August, McConnell knew it would not have the support needed to pass, according to a person familiar with the situation and granted anonymity to discuss it.

McConnell had met with a group of Republican defense hawks in the Senate before the end of September deadline to fund the government or risk a shutdown, which would typically be the time to also pass the White House's spending request for Ukraine.

But the GOP senators left McConnell with the understanding the support for Ukraine funding overall would be lacking.

A week before the deadline, McConnell told Biden's national security adviser, Jake Sullivan, on a Friday call that it "would be impossible” for Congress to pass the full $24 billion request, said the person familiar with the situation.

Instead, McConnell encouraged the White House to look "strongly” at whether it could rely on sending Ukraine aid through existing ways for transferring or reprogramming money in the short term, the person said.

The White House, in a series of conversations with McConnell's team over the weekend, considered smaller amounts of funding and insisted that the Ukraine aid was vital.

McConnell agreed to do what he could. Days later the Senate advanced its package to keep government open for the short term, until Nov 17, with $6 billion for Ukraine. It passed the Senate on an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote.


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797d9c No.97326

File: a35d62141d63040⋯.png (69.74 KB,799x801,799:801,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698623 (090525ZOCT23) Notable: HAMAS have infiltrated USA via the Southern Border? Possible attack on USA incoming?

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HAMAS have infiltrated USA via the Southern Border? Possible attack on USA incoming? Biden's fault.

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797d9c No.97327

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698656 (090533ZOCT23) Notable: David Icke: What's REALLY happening in Israel

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Gaza is being leveled.

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797d9c No.97328

File: 5557464b47ee332⋯.png (419.94 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698666 (090536ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas Assault on Israel Is a Terrorist Attack: Australian PM

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Hamas Assault on Israel Is a Terrorist Attack: Australian PM

'When you target innocent civilians, that is terror being created here,' said Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.


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797d9c No.97329

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698675 (090537ZOCT23) Notable: David Icke: What's REALLY happening in Israel

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David Icke: What's REALLY happening in Israel

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797d9c No.97330

File: cc131ce1f4f0125⋯.png (345.77 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698677 (090537ZOCT23) Notable: Germany to Bring Back Coal-Fired Power Plants

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Germany to Bring Back Coal-Fired Power Plants

The country’s energy supply woes continue following the political war against fossil fuel energy and shutting down of nuclear power plants.


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797d9c No.97331

File: 9b6d2db7a63e39a⋯.png (584.25 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698681 (090538ZOCT23) Notable: US issues warning to Hezbollah

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>thought it was war

US issues warning to Hezbollah

The US has warned third parties, including the Lebanon-based Hezbollah group, against getting involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict


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797d9c No.97332

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698683 (090539ZOCT23) Notable: David Icke: What's REALLY happening in Israel

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>what's REALLY happening in Israel


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797d9c No.97333

File: 187f1953ad94110⋯.png (1.26 MB,1080x1878,180:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698693 (090541ZOCT23) Notable: DJT on what's really happening in Israel from 9/18/23 - re what happens when you make HOSTAGE DEAL

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>>what's REALLY happening in Israel

Trump Nailed It.....(Donald Trump Truth Social Post 11:45 AM EST 9/18/23)


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797d9c No.97334

File: f1a111d773883fb⋯.png (1.53 MB,1078x1440,539:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698729 (090551ZOCT23) Notable: Fox News says 600,000 dead in Israel.Trying too hard?

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Fox News says 600,000 dead in Israel.Trying too hard?

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797d9c No.97335

File: 81a142bbac80cc2⋯.png (731.96 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698734 (090552ZOCT23) Notable: Origin of US weaponry used by Hamas must be investigated – MTG

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Origin of US weaponry used by Hamas must be investigated – MTG

Origin of US weaponry used by Hamas must be investigated – congresswoman

The US and Israel should probe the origins of any US-made weapons used by Hamas, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene says


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797d9c No.97336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698763 (090556ZOCT23) Notable: #24186

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#24186 >>97301

>>97302, >>97323 Port Townsend WA quake - How can you tell the difference between an explosion and an earthquake on a seismogram?

>>97303 Too many bad actors support Israel, hmm....

>>97304 DJTjr: Trump was right about everything!!!

>>97305 Union workers at Volvo Group-owned Mack Trucks to go on strike Monday

>>97306 Hong Kong developers hit by Federal Reserve’s ‘higher for longer’ interest rates

>>97307 Judge Denies Sidney Powell's Motion To Dismiss Charges In Georgia Election Case

>>97308 Loomer re emergency intel meetings this weekend to discuss the rise of Hamas terror cells that are operating in American cities

>>97309, >>97318 Moar Dog Comms?

>>97310 Biden Administration On Notice After Bombshell Report on Iran-Israel

>>97311 U.S. Homeland Facing Imminent Islamic Terror Attack? ALEX JONES

>>97312 Man sentenced to over 24 years for child porn charges

>>97313 Who benefits most from the terror in the Middle East? The Deep State.

>>97314 Lara Logan: Don’t let the media whitewash the reality of what is taking place in Israel now. This was targeted at unarmed women and children

>>97315 Trudeau spent $678k on taxpayer-funded vacations over the past year: report

>>97316 While Americans are currently being held hostage by hamas terrorists, Biden decided to throw a party at the WH

>>97329, >>97332, >>97327 David Icke: What's REALLY happening in Israel

>>97317 Chanel Rion OANN: Make no mistake. This war in Israel is a win win win for China-Russia-Iran.

>>97319 Gaza's secret smuggling tunnels

>>97320 Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains

>>97321 AP: Israel declares war, bombards Gaza and battles to dislodge Hamas fighters after surprise attack

>>97322 US District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan hands the Trump team a small victory in the federal election obstruction case by granting them extra time for motions

>>97324, >>97325 How Congress failed to deliver $6 billion for Ukraine

>>97326 HAMAS have infiltrated USA via the Southern Border? Possible attack on USA incoming?

>>97330 Germany to Bring Back Coal-Fired Power Plants

>>97331 US issues warning to Hezbollah

>>97328 Hamas Assault on Israel Is a Terrorist Attack: Australian PM

>>97333 DJT on what's really happening in Israel from 9/18/23 - re what happens when you make HOSTAGE DEAL

>>97334 Fox News says 600,000 dead in Israel.Trying too hard?

>>97335 Origin of US weaponry used by Hamas must be investigated – MTG


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797d9c No.97337

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698779 (090601ZOCT23) Notable: #24187

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baker seeking handoff, ANYONE WANT TO PICK UP?

hint hint


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797d9c No.97338

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698783 (090602ZOCT23) Notable: As Israel-Hamas War Rages, Oil Traders Focus On Iran

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As Israel-Hamas War Rages, Oil Traders Focus On Iran

By Grant Smith October 8, 2023

Oct 8, 2023 (Bloomberg) –As oil traders prepare for the market to open after the sudden eruption of war in Israel, one question is key: will the conflict spread to the rest of the region?

Crude traders don’t expect a massive price surge as there’s no immediate threat to supply. But all eyes are on Iran, a major oil producer and key backer of the Hamas group that launched this weekend’s offensive on Israel.

A retaliatory strike against the Islamic Republic would inflame fears over the Strait of Hormuz, the vital shipping artery which Tehran has previously threatened to close. There’s also the prospect of the US cracking down again on a resurgent flow of Iranian oil exports.

Related Article: U.S. Disrupts Multimillion-Dollar Shipment of Iranian Crude and Seizes Cargo

“Iran remains a very big wild card,” said Helima Croft, chief commodities strategist at RBC Capital Markets and a former CIA analyst. “Israel will escalate its long-running shadow war against Iran” and “what is unpredictable is how Iran would respond to such an intensification.”

The risk of a wider conflict has emerged just as global crude supplies have been depleted by months of sharp production cutbacks by Saudi Arabia and Russia. Last month their supply constraints briefly pushed Brent futures to almost $100 a barrel.

“It is unlikely to impact oil supply in the short term,” said hedge fund trader Pierre Andurand, founder of Andurand Capital Management LLP. “But it could eventually have an impact on supply and prices.”

The onslaught comes almost exactly 50 years after the Arab oil embargo, when Saudi Arabia and other OPEC producers choked off flows to the west in the wake of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, which also involved Israel.

No one expects Riyadh — which has been negotiating with Washington over normalizing relations with Israel — to turn off the taps in solidarity with the Palestinians now. At worst, the conflict may derail the normalization talks and scupper any additional Saudi oil flows that may have resulted.

The energy minister of the United Arab Emirates, a key OPEC member, was clear on Sunday that the conflict wouldn’t affect the group’s decision-making.

“We do not engage in politics; we govern by supply and demand, and we do not consider what each country has done,” Energy Minister Suhail Al Mazrouei told reporters in Riyadh.

For its part, Iran, also an OPEC member, has expressed support for the Palestinian attack.

If Israel responds by striking any Iranian infrastructure, “crude prices would immediately spike on the perceived risk of a disruption,” said Bob McNally, president of Rapidan Energy Group and a former White House official. For now, that looks unlikely, he said.

Iranian oil has become increasingly important to the market as shipments have rebounded to a five-year high. That has come with Washington’s tacit blessing as the two sides have engaged in tentative diplomacy to re-establish limits on Tehran’s nuclear program.

This weekend’s hostilities could prompt President Joe Biden’s administration to deal more aggressively with those cargo flows, which mostly go to China.

“I think this development will mean stronger enforcement of Iranian sanctions, so less Iranian oil going forward,” said Andurand. “And then who knows what the domino effect will be in the region?”

In a more extreme scenario, Iran could respond to any direct provocation by blocking the Strait of Hormuz, a nautical choke-point just north of the Arabian Sea.

Tankers haul nearly 17 million barrels of crude and condensate each day through the waterway, which at its narrowest point is just 21 miles wide. Tehran threatened to close the strait when sanctions were imposed on the country in 2011, but ultimately backed off.

The swelling tide of Iranian barrels has helped to moderate fuel prices this year while the Saudis and Vladimir Putin’s Russia squeeze supplies. The joint Riyadh-Moscow action is draining oil inventories at the fastest pace in years, installing a hefty price premium on prompt supplies known in the industry as backwardation.

The “crude market is very tight” as “physical markets are screaming, with backwardation heading higher, dragging the flat price higher,”said Gary Ross, a veteran oil consultant turned hedge fund manager at Black Gold Investors LLC.

Last week brought signs that the push toward $100 had gone too far, as Brent slumped 11% to just under $85 on the ICE Futures Europe exchange. Production cuts by the Saudis and Russia may have juiced prices too high, exacerbating jitters over the economy and bolstering the risk of higher interest rates.

On the other hand, slashing output to about 9 million barrels a day has given Riyadh an immense buffer of spare production capacity that could be deployed if the current crisis leads to a disruption. The kingdom has about 3 million barrels day in reserve, and neighboring United Arab Emirates has another 1 million, according to Bloomberg estimates.

That prodigious safety cushion of idle capacity is another reason traders don’t expect an immediate price surge when markets reopen. Still, the events may restore some of the geopolitical risk premium that had melted away in recent years.

“The Hamas strike and Israeli response raises the geopolitical temperature,” said Richard Bronze, head of geopolitics at consultant Energy Aspects Ltd.


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797d9c No.97339

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698791 (090603ZOCT23) Notable: U.S. Navy Dispatches Its Latest, Cutting-Edge Aircraft Carrier To Israel

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U.S. Navy Dispatches Its Latest, Cutting-Edge Aircraft Carrier To Israel

John Konrad October 8, 2023

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced today that the U.S. Navy is dispatching the USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group to the Eastern Mediterranean. Secretary Austin says this decision comes with “ironclad support” for the Israel Defense Forces and the Israeli people in the wake of a devastating terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel.

“My thoughts continue to be with the people of Israel and the many families who have lost loved ones as a result of the abhorrent terrorist attack by Hamas,” said Secretary Austin this afternoon. “Today, in response to this Hamas attack on Israel, and following detailed discussions with President Biden, I have directed several steps to strengthen Department of Defense posture in the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts.”

The inaugural Ford-class aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford is the largest, newest, and most advanced aircraft carrier in the world. It represents a significant leap forward in the U.S. Navy’s ability to project power globally, boasting a host of new technologies, such as the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System, Advanced Arresting Gear, and Advanced Weapons Elevators.

According to the US Naval Institute, the Ford is combat-ready and was already underway in the Mediterranean after departing Trieste, Italy on September 21st. Her exact location in the Med is unknown.

Also Read: USS Gerald R. Ford Supercarrier Departs On First Combat Mission

The USS Gerald R. Ford Carrier will not be sailing alone. Her Strike Group, a formidable assembly of naval power, also includes the Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), and the Arleigh-Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Thomas Hudner (DDG 116), USS Ramage (DDG 61), USS Carney (DDG 64), and USS Roosevelt (DDG 80). This deployment is not just a show of force but a clear message to adversaries about the lengths the U.S. is willing to go to protect its allies.

We will never fail to have Israel’s back. pic.twitter.com/3JM8d665iJ

— President Biden (@POTUS) October 8, 2023

Yesterday’s statement by President Biden

In addition to the naval deployment, the U.S. is also bolstering its air capabilities in the region. The augmentation includes U.S. Air Force F-35, F-15, F-16, and A-10 fighter aircraft squadrons. Secretary Austin emphasized that the U.S. maintains ready forces globally and can further reinforce its deterrence posture if the situation demands.

But the U.S.’s support doesn’t end with military deployments. The United States government is also expediting the provision of additional equipment and resources to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), including vital munitions. The first batch of this security assistance is set to arrive in Israel in the coming days.

My thoughts continue to be with the people of Israel. Today, in response to this Hamas attack on Israel, & following detailed discussions w/@POTUS, I have directed several steps to strengthen DoD posture in the region to bolster regional deterrence efforts.

— Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III (@SecDef) October 8, 2023

Secretary of Defense Austin’s announcement of support this afternoon via X

Secretary Austin’s statement reaffirms the deep bond between the U.S. and Israel. By strengthening the joint force posture and rapidly providing material support to Israel, the U.S. is sending a clear message about its ironclad support for the IDF and the Israeli people. As tensions escalate in the region, this move is a testament to the U.S.’s commitment to ensuring that its allies have the necessary resources to defend themselves against threats.

The recent developments in the Middle East have once again highlighted the complexities of the region’s geopolitics and the importance of naval sea power during uncertain times. However, through strategic decisions like this, the U.S. is making its stance clear: it stands firmly with its allies and will take decisive action to ensure their safety and security.


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797d9c No.97340

File: a600d187d760282⋯.png (340.41 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698798 (090605ZOCT23) Notable: Ex-Trump National Security Adviser: Biden's Ransom to Iran Incentivized Hamas to Take American Hostages

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Ex-Trump National Security Adviser: Biden's Ransom to Iran Incentivized Hamas to Take American Hostages

Former Trump National Security Adviser Robert C. O'Brien criticized the Biden administration for paying Iran $6 billion in ransom money.


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797d9c No.97341

File: b6f8cb5a47f93fe⋯.png (870.94 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698811 (090607ZOCT23) Notable: Pentagon sends naval armada in support of Israel

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Pentagon sends naval armada in support of Israel

The US has sent an aircraft carrier strike group to the Middle East amid renewed fighting between Israel and Hamas.


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797d9c No.97342

File: 962af97a90eef74⋯.png (561.31 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698814 (090608ZOCT23) Notable: Israel attacked by Hamas live updates: Terrorists claim to hold more than 100 Israelis hostage in Gaza

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Israel attacked by Hamas live updates: Terrorists claim to hold more than 100 Israelis hostage in Gaza

Most of the world reacted with outrage to the deadly surprise attack on Israel by the Islamist militant group Hamas on Saturday, as Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the country was a


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797d9c No.97343

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698820 (090610ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli tank disabled and crew taken prisoner.

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Israeli tank disabled and crew taken prisoner.

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797d9c No.97344

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698837 (090614ZOCT23) Notable: live BOOMS from Gaza

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BOOMS from Gaza


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797d9c No.97345

File: 9d1c2f71cf6533f⋯.png (338.45 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698843 (090615ZOCT23) Notable: 1,000 Terrorists Participated in Saturday's Attack on Israel: IDF Update

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>where's all the new videos? will armagedon not be televised either?

IDF says ~1K terrorists participated in Saturday's surprise attack on Israel while their border security was down, or something

1,000 Terrorists Participated in Saturday's Attack on Israel: IDF Update

The IDF added that 100,000 reserve troops are now amassed in southern Israel, awaiting orders as their government decides rescue and attack operations in Gaza.


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797d9c No.97346

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698868 (090623ZOCT23) Notable: Body Language Netanyahu

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>He seems like he is happy about it, what do you see?


>Body Language - Netanyahu declares war against Hamas


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797d9c No.97347

File: 8d4f94338c21be8⋯.png (814.98 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698881 (090625ZOCT23) Notable: US–Vietnam Arms Deal Raises Concerns for China–CCP

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US–Vietnam Arms Deal Raises Concerns for China–CCP


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797d9c No.97348

File: e6f0244530ef442⋯.png (745.79 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698897 (090628ZOCT23) Notable: CCP May Resort to Covert Warfare to Take Taiwan, Experts Warn

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

CCP May Resort to Covert Warfare to Take Taiwan, Experts Warn

Experts say China may use secret CCP members and agents in Taiwan to attack and sabotage from inside to cause Taiwan’s front line military defense to collapse.


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797d9c No.97349

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698898 (090629ZOCT23) Notable: COMPLETE TIMELINE - B.I.S 1930 TO 2030 TO THE NWO AND AGENDA 21

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reminder - all wars are bankster wars.

Finance is a gun, politics is knowing when to pull the trigger. What happened after the 6 billion was given to Iran?






Note: If it is too fast, pause the video so you can read what is on the screen.

sources below. All below is from primary sources like the B.I.S home site, I.M.F plus research and saved archives from 8kun and the anons on Qresearch.






First published at 01:30 UTC on September 20th, 2023.




5) Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30



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797d9c No.97350

File: 61384dee91c0f3e⋯.png (73.31 KB,543x711,181:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19698984 (090651ZOCT23) Notable: Faceshit will ban you for comparing Azov neo-nazi symbols to demonic sigils (No sauce)

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Tell me about it

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797d9c No.97351

File: 88057df5e89d5c0⋯.png (274.91 KB,667x929,667:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699043 (090712ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Jordan to Newsmax: I Relish Trump Speaker Endorsement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Jordan to Newsmax: I Relish Trump Speaker Endorsement

Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, told Newsmax on Friday that former President Donald Trump's endorsement for him as the next House speaker will not hurt his chances with more moderate members of the Republican conference.

Jordan, chair of the Judiciary Committee, and House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, R-La., are among the candidates to replace Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who was ousted Tuesday after nine months on the job. Trump endorsed Jordan earlier Friday in a post on Truth Social.

"He will be a GREAT Speaker of the House, & has my Complete & Total Endorsement!" Trump said, adding that the congressman was a "STAR long before making his very successful journey to Washington, D.C.," and saying that the House Judiciary Committee chair is "respected by all."

Trump added that he presented Jordan with the country's highest civilian award, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and noted that the congressman has been a staunch ally of his for years.

"I think President Trump's endorsement is the most powerful endorsement in probably American political history," Jordan told "The Record With Greta Van Susteren." "And I don't think it's any secret that I support President Trump as being our next president.

"I think his presidency was certainly the best in my lifetime at doing what he told the American people what he was going to do. It's no surprise that I support President Trump.

"I appreciate his endorsement and the conference knew where I was and who I've endorsed for president a long time ago. I'm focused on the conference and getting the votes there, but we welcome President Trump's endorsement."


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797d9c No.97352

File: a9d2ee0ac1c30ea⋯.png (752.45 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699067 (090717ZOCT23) Notable: Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed

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Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed

Evidence of Crimes Against Humanity



Doctor Charles Morgan, former CIA and consultant for the US military on neurological sciences, spoke to cadets at West Point in 2018 about the current sta...


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797d9c No.97353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699126 (090731ZOCT23) Notable: "I served in the [Israeli Defence Force] Gaza division during the 2014 Gaza war
 Listen to me, and listen to me well: There's no way in the world that anyone can approach the border without us knowing about it."

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"I served in the [Israeli Defence Force] Gaza division during the 2014 Gaza war... Listen to me, and listen to me well: There's no way in the world that anyone can approach the border without us knowing about it."


Good times.

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797d9c No.97354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699143 (090735ZOCT23) Notable: THIRTY-ONE Harvard organizations including college's Amnesty International affiliate blame Israel for Hamas' brutal terror attack which has killed more than 700 people

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THIRTY-ONE Harvard organizations including college's Amnesty International affiliate blame Israel for Hamas' brutal terror attack which has killed more than 700 people: 'Something is deeply, deeply wrong in academia'

Country divided !



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797d9c No.97355

File: 87f4f9ef07984ec⋯.png (75.21 KB,597x533,597:533,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699457 (090955ZOCT23) Notable: The US national debt is growing at an insane pace. ... It has grown by $513 billion in just the past 18 days

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Wall Street Silver


The US national debt is growing at an insane pace.

It is growing at a rate WAY above the previous estimates of $2 trillion per year. It has grown by $513 billion in just the past 18 days🚹


8:00 PM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97356

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699549 (091024ZOCT23) Notable: #24187

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final bun for shilly #24187


next bred will be comfy anon bred

czech em n hold em

#24187 >>97337

>>97338 As Israel-Hamas War Rages, Oil Traders Focus On Iran

>>97339 U.S. Navy Dispatches Its Latest, Cutting-Edge Aircraft Carrier To Israel

>>97340 Ex-Trump National Security Adviser: Biden's Ransom to Iran Incentivized Hamas to Take American Hostages

>>97341 Pentagon sends naval armada in support of Israel

>>97342 Israel attacked by Hamas live updates: Terrorists claim to hold more than 100 Israelis hostage in Gaza

>>97343 Israeli tank disabled and crew taken prisoner.

>>97344 live BOOMS from Gaza

>>97345 1,000 Terrorists Participated in Saturday's Attack on Israel: IDF Update

>>97346 Body Language Netanyahu

>>97347 US–Vietnam Arms Deal Raises Concerns for China–CCP

>>97348 CCP May Resort to Covert Warfare to Take Taiwan, Experts Warn


>>97350 Faceshit will ban you for comparing Azov neo-nazi symbols to demonic sigils (No sauce)

>>97351 Rep. Jordan to Newsmax: I Relish Trump Speaker Endorsement

>>97352 Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed And Un-Vaxxed

>>97353 "I served in the [Israeli Defence Force] Gaza division during the 2014 Gaza war
 Listen to me, and listen to me well: There's no way in the world that anyone can approach the border without us knowing about it."

>>97354 THIRTY-ONE Harvard organizations including college's Amnesty International affiliate blame Israel for Hamas' brutal terror attack which has killed more than 700 people

>>97355 The US national debt is growing at an insane pace. ... It has grown by $513 billion in just the past 18 days

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797d9c No.97357

File: ccc42a8b7a3cf74⋯.png (271.94 KB,926x495,926:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699566 (091031ZOCT23) Notable: #24188

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797d9c No.97358

File: 67c46f1bf96ab07⋯.png (17.31 KB,711x145,711:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699582 (091038ZOCT23) Notable: UN Israeli Defense Minister orders siege on Gaza: "There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel. We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly."

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797d9c No.97359

File: 7abd9c64c23d776⋯.jpeg (300.21 KB,1520x1111,1520:1111,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699753 (091133ZOCT23) Notable: Takeoffs and landings of planes at Hamburg Airport are halted due to a bomb threat involving an aircraft from Iran

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JUST IN - Takeoffs and landings of planes at Hamburg Airport are halted due to a bomb threat involving an aircraft from Iran — NDR

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797d9c No.97360

File: 2b3bcc1af9fee46⋯.png (229.53 KB,604x435,604:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699816 (091147ZOCT23) Notable: UN Israeli Defense Minister orders siege on Gaza: "There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel. We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly."

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Insider Paper


NEW - More than 123,000 people displaced in the Gaza Strip: UN

12:45 AM · Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97361

File: f018630846a619d⋯.png (308.28 KB,591x700,591:700,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699843 (091152ZOCT23) Notable: "The elites' financial system is running on fumes. We have been exposing their psyops faster than they can create them. They are scrambling for a new crisis

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Dr.SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD. Inventor of Email


"The elites' financial system is running on fumes. We have been exposing their psyops faster than they can create them. They are scrambling for a new crisis to distract people from building a movement. That's what's happening."




Link to post with full video & transcript:


2:09 PM · Oct 8, 2023




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797d9c No.97362

File: b3e546d996ab430⋯.png (525.43 KB,600x348,50:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699870 (091159ZOCT23) Notable: Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

while all eyes on isreal....

Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains


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797d9c No.97363

File: 18347e70a8d60f7⋯.png (99.41 KB,1039x452,1039:452,Clipboard.png)

File: b986818d74e02b2⋯.png (1.58 MB,1033x994,1033:994,Clipboard.png)

File: 027c5f38ad34a53⋯.jpg (66.95 KB,500x710,50:71,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 62d1f8273b81e69⋯.png (447.18 KB,716x499,716:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 4aa6e829d69958d⋯.png (554.66 KB,749x500,749:500,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19699944 (091213ZOCT23) Notable: Hill sources say BofA, Cathay Bank, JP Morgan and other major banks have until Oct. 12 to turn over to impeachment investigators all subpoenaed Biden bank records.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Paul Sperry


BREAKING: Hill sources say BofA, Cathay Bank, JP Morgan and other major banks have until NEXT THURSDAY (Oct. 12) to turn over to impeachment investigators all subpoenaed Biden bank records. Production targets: Hunter Biden, James Biden & Biden family fixer/moneyman Eric Schwerin

4:40 PM · Oct 5, 2023





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797d9c No.97364

File: c224712b04cbbf7⋯.png (586.21 KB,862x887,862:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 26f936c309ff839⋯.jpeg (11.41 KB,255x215,51:43,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700086 (091244ZOCT23) Notable: Eric Trump w/CAP: This didn’t age well

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Eric Trump


This didn’t age well

8:36 AM · Oct 9, 2023





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797d9c No.97365

File: 78cf2944def1ede⋯.jpg (527.54 KB,1079x1514,1079:1514,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700124 (091253ZOCT23) Notable: Alaska fishermen are feeling the pinch after Bering Sea snow crab season was canceled for the second year in a row.

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Alaska fishermen are feeling the pinch after Bering Sea snow crab season was canceled for the second year in a row.


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797d9c No.97366

File: cf863df4d1ec1ab⋯.png (346 KB,956x861,956:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700127 (091254ZOCT23) Notable: Ken Paxton Files Criminal Complaints Against House Impeachment Managers, Reports Crimes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ken Paxton Files Criminal Complaints Against House Impeachment Managers, Reports Crimes

Texas Republican Attorney General Ken Paxton will file criminal complaints Monday morning against the state House Board of Managers for allegedly releasing his personal information, such as his home address, the Daily Caller has exclusively learned.

Paxton said the House impeachment managers had a desire to threaten him with the goal of harming him when they released his home address in an Oct. 2 document release. Paxton will be filing complaints with every manager’s county prosecutor. He also is calling for all of the districts to investigate “the criminal offenses that have been committed.”

“My family and I receive multiple threats of violence. The legislature passed an anti-doxing law to stop the far left from using intimidation tactics like leaking or releasing personal information that would allow nefarious individuals to do harm to elected officials. The impeachment managers clearly have a desire to threaten me with harm when they released this information last week,” Paxton told the Caller before filing the complaints.

“I’m imploring their local prosecutors in each individual district to investigate the criminal offenses that have been committed,” Paxton added. (RELATED: ROOKE: Paxton, You Idiot, You Risked Your Legacy)

Paxton will be citing Texas Statute 42.074. The 88th Legislature passed House Bill 611, which was signed into law and codified in Texas Penal Code Section 42.074, effective Sept. 1, 2023.

The statute states that “a person commits an offense if the person posts on a publicly accessible website the residence address or telephone number of an individual with the intent to cause harm or a threat of harm to the individual or a member of the individual’s family or household.”

Paxton was acquitted in his impeachment trial on Sept. 18 after lawmakers tried to impeach the attorney general for alleged corruption, bribery, obstruction and more.

Paxton will file the complaints early Monday morning, The Caller has learned.


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797d9c No.97367

File: 6d1b94c08abb07c⋯.png (182.73 KB,329x400,329:400,Clipboard.png)

File: 32aa7e9479348c6⋯.png (191.13 KB,316x438,158:219,Clipboard.png)

File: f5b3732b7b30fd9⋯.png (295.75 KB,798x444,133:74,Clipboard.png)

File: 53b36a58b05b952⋯.png (221.48 KB,813x453,271:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 515391643d3f875⋯.png (135.23 KB,803x461,803:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700154 (091259ZOCT23) Notable: YT - No-name's wife gifts Francis with a priest-destroying idol

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

No-name's wife gifts Francis with a priest-destroying idol.

see the bloody knife?

sauces: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZnG-lKM2DY

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797d9c No.97368

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700167 (091303ZOCT23) Notable: Ahoy The Ship Show -10/09/2023

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Ahoy The Ship Show -10/09/2023



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797d9c No.97369

File: 5d5b012e69ceea1⋯.jpeg (60.06 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700206 (091313ZOCT23) Notable: Danish PM warns against Western ‘war fatigue’ - “We must be with Ukraine to the bitter end

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That’s a hard NO for EU countries

9 Oct, 2023 12:23

Danish PM warns against Western ‘war fatigue’

Mette Frederiksen told a NATO assembly on Monday that the West must “expand and deepen” its support for Kiev

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has called on members of the NATO bloc to “expand and deepen” their commitment to Ukraine in its ongoing conflict with Moscow, and warned that the West must dismiss any suggestions of “war fatigue” as the situation grinds on.

“We must be with Ukraine to the bitter end. As long as the Ukrainians are ready to fight this war for our freedom, let us decide that war fatigue will not take place in our transatlantic community,” Frederiksen said at the NATO parliamentary assembly’s annual session in Copenhagen on Monday. (The bitter end came and went, she just doesn’t realize it or she is making money on Ukraine war. Why does the EU have so many women leaders, that’s there biggest mistake.)

Frederiksen, the leader of Denmark’s ruling Social Democrats party, added that her government was working to “expand and deepen” the coalition of countries that have committed to supplying Kiev with F-16 fighter jets to counter Russia’s air superiority.

Denmark, along with the Netherlands, has led a drive to assist in the training of Ukrainian pilots to fly F-16 jets, as well as committing to deliver fighter aircraft to Ukraine. In August, Norway also pledged to supply F-16s to Ukraine. Eleven other countries, including the United States, have said they will help provide training to Ukrainian pilots.

“Brave Ukrainian men and women are fighting on the battlefield,” Frederiksen said. “They are the face of right against wrong, of good against evil,” adding that Ukrainian soldiers “are fighting with our weapons, our missiles, and soon Ukraine will also fly our F-16s.”

The Danish PM also said at the NATO assembly that the bloc must coordinate better with the European Union in their efforts to procure and supply weapons and ammunition to aid Kiev’s sluggish counteroffensive.

“NATO is the cornerstone of our collective security,” Frederiksen said, “but at the same time we have to do more in Europe. It starts and ends with NATO, but inside Europe and inside the European Union we must do more.”

Frederiksen’s comments come amid suggestions, particularly among some sections of Republican lawmakers in the United States, that enthusiasm for blank-check spending on Ukrainian military aid is waning.

Late last month, a costly and disruptive shutdown of the US federal government was averted at the eleventh hour as President Joe Biden signed a temporary funding bill to keep agencies operational until mid-November. The package dropped the provision of increased aid to Ukraine, a key White House priority opposed by a growing number of GOP hardliners.

(Israel and Palenstine is the new shiny to, Ukraine is the old hat for the media)


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797d9c No.97370

File: b9c32e754390edc⋯.mp4 (642.58 KB,320x564,80:141,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 53c97bbecdde7cf⋯.mp4 (1 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: b53cb6881804ad8⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB,320x584,40:73,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700311 (091337ZOCT23) Notable: LOOK AT THE CARNAGE, not staged at all?

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LOOK AT THE CARNAGE. Imagine two cars in a head on collision like this, Savage, not staged at all. I would think there would be more cars oe damage on the streets, if someone If a group could have done this wouldn't there be more cars perhaps? more glass? Shoot the gas tank make it catch fire? Use a lighter IDK? What I would do i guess

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797d9c No.97371

File: 533c6f5d856a61d⋯.jpeg (59.9 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700324 (091341ZOCT23) Notable: It’s not over for BaldwinYet

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It’s not over for BaldwinYet

==Judge Orders ‘Rust’ Producers to Hand Over Documents that Company Fears May Be Used to Prosecute Alec Baldwin‱‱

Warner Todd Huston8 Oct 2023:

A New Mexico judge has ordered that the producers of the western film Rust hand over documents that counsel fears could be used for further charges against Alec Baldwin, siding with prosecutors who say the film company obstructed the investigation of the 2021 death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins.

In a hearing this Friday,Rust Movie Productions challenged a subpoena demanding documents related to the production, including the contract of Baldwin himself, according to the L.A. Times.

“The state has made it very clear in its statements that it’s still considering bringing charges against Alec Baldwin,” attorney Abigail R. Wolberg, representing the company, said. “I see these subpoenas as nothing more than continuing down that path.”

In response, special prosecutor Kari T. Morrissey alleged that the producers obstructed the state’s investigation into Baldwin’s fatal on-set shooting.

“Rust Productions has either intervened, interfered or obstructed the criminal investigation in this case,” said special prosecutor Kari T. Morrissey. “This entire tragedy occurred because Rust Productions cut corners every chance they could and they hired inexperienced and ill-equipped crew members.”

The latest allegation against the filmmakers was made during the ongoing case against Rust armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the film crew member responsible for the safety and maintenance of the firearms used during filming, Deadline reported.

Prosecutors have not yet moved to charge Baldwinor any of the producers based on this allegation of obstruction,but nothing has been ruled out.

This week’s hearing was part of the process for prosecutors to gain access to records that could clarify Baldwin’s role as a producer on the film. Prosecutors are seeking to find out exactly what Baldwin knew of how the film’s budget and crew were being handled. The discovery is meant to inform the state’s suspicion that the producers cut corners and created an unsafe atmosphere.

A central issue is the claim by Gutierrez-Reed that the film’s producers denied her request to spend several more days to train Baldwin on how to handle the .45 Colt pistol that he was using in his on-screen role.

According to the L.A. Times, the documents would illuminate Baldwin’s actions during the time before the shooting took place, which affect the state’s case against Gutierrez-Reed:

“How Alec Baldwin was paid, how much money was spent on set, how much money went into [the film] 
 doesn’t assist in investigating the defendant’s allegations that she, as a contractor, was requested to do certain things,” Wolberg said.

Gutierrez Reed was struggling to fill two jobs on the production — armorer and props assistant. Emails have shown that Gutierrez Reed was scolded for not paying enough attention to her role helping with non-gun-related props.

Morrissey said producers had a financial incentive to reduce the amount of time that Gutierrez Reed spent on her armorer duties because she was paid a higher rate for that time. She was paid a lower hourly rate for the time spent dealing with other props.

“We have a situation where Rust Production is doing everything it can to keep costs low so that it can keep profits high,” Morrissey said, adding that because he was one of the films producers, “Mr. Baldwin himself benefits financially from keeping production costs low.”

Morrissey also alleged that officials on the film also rushed to speak to likely witnesses before investigators were able to get to them.

“Beginning on Oct. 21, 2021, Rust Productions had a lawyer on the scene within 30 to 60 minutes after this fatal shooting, who was running around and talking to witnesses before the police could speak to those witnesses,” Morrissey said during the proceedings.

“Since then, we have issued numerous subpoenas to Rust Productions and they have either 
 not responded or responded very, very slowly,” she added.

Manslaughter charges against Baldwin were dropped in April, with the case ended “without prejudice.” But prosecutors also warned at the time that the case was “active and on-going” and more charges could come as prosecutors learn more about the incident.

Hutchins was killed in Oct. of 2021 while blocking out a scene they were preparing to film. She was struck in the chest with a single bullet fired from a pistol being used as a prop by Alec Baldwin. It was later discovered that a real cartridge had been loaded into the gun before it was given to Baldwin to use on the set.

Baldwin was reportedly practicing firing directly at the camera when he cocked the hammer and pulled the trigger.


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797d9c No.97372

File: e380bc56b2651f2⋯.jpg (13.07 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700342 (091350ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY AT NOON, ANON! ( RMBL )

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Dayz bout to get better!

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797d9c No.97373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700355 (091352ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP RALLY AT NOON, ANON! ( RMBL )

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797d9c No.97374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700356 (091352ZOCT23) Notable: National Emergency Alert System huge success unless you were a prisoner with an illegal cell phone

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10/7/2023 1:00 AM PT

The National Emergency Alert System test turned out to be a huge success for just about everyone ... that is unless you were a prisoner with an illegal cell phone behind bars.

Millions of cellphone users across the U.S. got an alert Wednesday from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and FCC to ensure emergency alerts reach the public at a national level. Phones received both a test message and made a loud alert noise.

However, the testing system made prisoners hiding phones an easy target for prison guards.

A New York State Prison official tells us they confiscated two phones at Sing Sing Correctional Facility during the test. Additionally, a source at FCI Coleman Low in Florida says they too confiscated two phones during the emergency test.

It's unclear how many other prisons faced similar circumstances we called around in Arizona, California, Illinois and others but you gotta imagine it was a problem nationwide.

A source in Nevada tells us most of their prisoners were already aware the alert was gonna happen, likely turning their phones off, so they didn't confiscate any devices.

When reached for comment, the BOP told us, "The Federal Bureau of Prisons does not elaborate on specific internal security procedures for safety and security reasons."

Unsurprisingly, we're told phones behind bars have become a growing problem, and officials have implemented new tactics in trying to locate them - including phone-sniffing dogs called "E-Dogs."

Something tells us prisoners may become more cautious the next time a public alert rolls around.


Something tells me we are all being tracked at a higher level than before.

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797d9c No.97375

File: a31be65d0aa3ad9⋯.jpeg (267.13 KB,1044x1331,1044:1331,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d429a41c6368f48⋯.jpeg (365.64 KB,1043x1844,1043:1844,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700383 (091359ZOCT23) Notable: Young guy walks around Costco, proving that inflation isn’t 7%–it’s actually 75%

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Young guy walks around Costco, proving that inflation isn’t 7%–it’s actually 75%

It might seem hard to believe, but the so-called “experts” are lying to you again, and they think you’re so incredibly stupid that you won’t notice. This time the lies are not centered around climate and vaccines; the latest web of lies is forming around inflation. Remember back when prices first started skyrocketing, andTeam Biden brushed it off, and acted like “inflation” was something only rich people worry about?

Daily Mail:

White House Chief of Staff Ronald Klain claimed Wednesday evening that the current U.S. economic issues, including inflation and supply chain delays, are just ‘high class problems’.

These out-of-touch elites were hoping they could convince you that inflation was a “high class” problem; as if rich people are bitching about the price of ground beef, or something

No surprises here, the all-too-familiar “bury your head in the sand” response from Team Biden has backfired once more. Inflation has surged, leaving many Americans facing financial hardships. Meanwhile, Biden is using our hard-earned tax dollars to support a small-time dictator, supposedly to fight a war that we all know he can’t win. With inflation now undeniable, experts are working overtime to downplay its impact, once again hoping we won’t notice our grocery bills skyrocketing, because some economic nerd says inflation is “low.”


Over the past year, inflation in the United States has tumbled from 9% all the way to 3%, softening most of the price pressures that have gripped the nation for more than two years.

Do you truly buy into those numbers?If so, you might also be inclined to believe that Joe Biden’s economy is thriving, and everyone is prospering.

The reality is, Americans are deeply frustrated with Biden’s struggling economy, and we’re well aware that the inflation rate is significantly higher than 3 percent. Just step into a grocery store and glance at the prices— that’s precisely what a young man did, and he demonstrated that there’s no 7 percent inflation, and certainly not 3 percent. In truth, it’s closer to a staggering 75 percent inflation.

This guy walking around Costco shares examples of food inflation that are WAY higher than the numbers reported for food inflation by the government.

Overall, many people know intuitively that food inflation is way higher than the official number of 4.3% from August 2022 thru August 2023. This video shows some of the examples he is seeing.

Unfortunately, that young man’s numbers seem to be more accurate. Grocery store prices have skyrocketed to the point where countless Americans are unable to put food on the table. Adding to the frustration, a gaggle of wealthy and out-of-touch politicians insisting that our daily struggles are merely a product of our imagination. They seem oblivious to the harsh realities we face and how challenging things have become, and it’s growing more clear that they simply don’t give a damn.


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797d9c No.97376

File: 99be35d32c1d351⋯.png (670.87 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700385 (091400ZOCT23) Notable: PF checking in TEAL71

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Gonna keep an eye on this

See if intensifies quickly

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797d9c No.97377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700387 (091402ZOCT23) Notable: Semiconductor Chip War: America's Edge Over China

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Note: A car now can have upto 3000 chips which can be controlled by the clowns in control and CCP attacks including plane crashes.


Semiconductor Chip War: America's Edge Over China


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797d9c No.97378

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700396 (091406ZOCT23) Notable: BANNON"S WARROOM opening 3 buildings collapse in gaza that came down like building 7

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Just watched 3 buildings collapse in gaza that came down like building 7 etc

look like they were brought down.


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797d9c No.97379

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700429 (091415ZOCT23) Notable: HAMAS RELEASE VIDEO CAPTURED ISRAELI ARMY OFFICERS

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Sauce... https://www.bitchute.com/video/Bvkr5sQYue1L/

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797d9c No.97380

File: 779c33301d0e56e⋯.png (288.96 KB,469x592,469:592,Clipboard.png)

File: 591235f123aa45d⋯.mp4 (793.59 KB,320x544,10:17,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700444 (091419ZOCT23) Notable: Thosuands of Palestinians have gathered at Masjid Al Aqsa where they claim a third temple of Solomon is going to be built.

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


đŸ”„đŸššDEVELOPING: Thosuands of Palestinians have gathered at Masjid Al Aqsa where they claim a third temple of Solomon is going to be built.

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797d9c No.97381

File: cef3740796843af⋯.png (19.76 KB,500x238,250:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700452 (091420ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant announces that he has ordered a “Total Siege” of the Gaza Strip allowing No Food, Fuel, or Electricity

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Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant announces that he has ordered a “Total Siege” of the Gaza Strip allowing No Food, Fuel, or Electricity alongside anything else to entered the Strip; Gallant further stated, “We are Fighting with Human Animals and we will act accordingly.”

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797d9c No.97382

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700466 (091424ZOCT23) Notable: #24188

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#24188 >>97357

>>97372 TRUMP RALLY AT NOON, ANON! ( RMBL >>97373 )

>>97358, >>97360 UN Israeli Defense Minister orders siege on Gaza: "There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel. We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly."

>>97359 Takeoffs and landings of planes at Hamburg Airport are halted due to a bomb threat involving an aircraft from Iran

>>97361 "The elites' financial system is running on fumes. We have been exposing their psyops faster than they can create them. They are scrambling for a new crisis

>>97362 Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains

>>97363 Hill sources say BofA, Cathay Bank, JP Morgan and other major banks have until Oct. 12 to turn over to impeachment investigators all subpoenaed Biden bank records.

>>97364 Eric Trump w/CAP: This didn’t age well

>>97365 Alaska fishermen are feeling the pinch after Bering Sea snow crab season was canceled for the second year in a row.

>>97366 Ken Paxton Files Criminal Complaints Against House Impeachment Managers, Reports Crimes

>>97368 Ahoy The Ship Show -10/09/2023

>>97369 Danish PM warns against Western ‘war fatigue’ - “We must be with Ukraine to the bitter end

>>97367 YT - No-name's wife gifts Francis with a priest-destroying idol

>>97370 LOOK AT THE CARNAGE, not staged at all?

>>97371 It’s not over for BaldwinYet

>>97374 National Emergency Alert System huge success unless you were a prisoner with an illegal cell phone

>>97375 Young guy walks around Costco, proving that inflation isn’t 7%–it’s actually 75%

>>97376 PF checking in TEAL71

>>97377 Semiconductor Chip War: America's Edge Over China

>>97378 BANNON"S WARROOM opening 3 buildings collapse in gaza that came down like building 7


>>97380 Thosuands of Palestinians have gathered at Masjid Al Aqsa where they claim a third temple of Solomon is going to be built.

>>97381 Israeli Minister of Defense, Yoav Gallant announces that he has ordered a “Total Siege” of the Gaza Strip allowing No Food, Fuel, or Electricity


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797d9c No.97383

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700476 (091426ZOCT23) Notable: #24189

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#24189 https://fullchan.net/?ca9f25b6e344f3a1#DZWQhRhSts3c2dJsRgMyhUWYLGKZTy767UHPBKrELjdt



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797d9c No.97384

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700552 (091442ZOCT23) Notable: How Hamas duped Israel as it planned devastating attack

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How Hamas duped Israel as it planned devastating attack

A careful campaign of deception ensured Israel was caught off guard when the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas launched its devastating attack, enabling a force using bulldozers, hang gliders and motorbikes to take on the Middle East's most powerful army.


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797d9c No.97385

File: aa211ff1aa000f5⋯.jpg (285.57 KB,600x480,5:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700576 (091447ZOCT23) Notable: Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are required to take two oaths before they may execute the duties of their appointed office.

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Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are required to take two oaths before they may execute the duties of their appointed office.

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

“I, ___, do solemnly swear or affirm that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ___, according to the best of my abilities and understanding, agreeably to the constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”

Upon occasion, appointees to the Supreme Court have taken a combined version of the two oaths, which reads:

“I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as ___ under the Constitution and laws of the United States; and that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”


Signing the Oaths of Office

Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr., looks on as Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson signs the Oaths of Office in the Justices’ Conference Room, Supreme Court Building.

Credit: Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States.

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797d9c No.97386

File: edeba2571a3ca59⋯.png (10.82 MB,3006x4504,1503:2252,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700582 (091448ZOCT23) Notable: Happy Melania Monday!

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Happy Melania Monday!

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797d9c No.97387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700585 (091449ZOCT23) Notable: The Israeli mafia wiki

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Israeli mafia

The Israeli mafia (Hebrew: ŚžŚŚ€Ś™Ś” Ś™Ś©ŚšŚŚœŚ™ŚȘ, romanized: Mafiyah Yisrelit, or ŚŚšŚ’Ś•Ś Ś™ Ś€Ś©Śą Ś‘Ś™Ś©ŚšŚŚœ, Irguni pesha bəYisrael, "organized crime in Israel") are the organized crime groups operating in Israel or consisting of Israeli members. There are 16 crime families operating in Israel, five major groups active on the national level and 11 smaller organizations. There are six Jewish crime families active and three Arab crime families.[1] Many heads and members of the crime groups have either been killed or are in prison.[2][3]

The major crime groups are the Abergils, the Abutbuls, the Alperons, the Dumranis, the Shirazis, the Amir Molnar and the Zeev Rosenstein syndicates.[2] The illegal activities they are engaged in include operating casinos and other forms of gambling inside and outside Israel, car theft, prostitution, human trafficking, money laundering, murder, protection and extortion rackets, loan sharking and drug dealing.

According to Israel's former Police Commissioner David Cohen, Israeli crime organizations had penetrated the formal economic sector and local governments, and "equipped themselves with large quantities of combat means explosives and arms." In a mob war starting in the early 2000s between the crime families, several crime bosses were killed. It also cost the lives of innocent bystanders.[4] The Iakhbal is the Israeli Special Police Unit that fights organized crime.

The immigration of Egyptian and Moroccan Jews to Israel and their settlement in the more impoverished neighborhoods led to the creation of crime families among Maghrebi Jews.[10] This is evident in the fact that a large number of Israeli organized criminals have fled to Morocco in recent years.[11] Israeli crime families of Moroccan Jewish descent expanded their operations to Europe and the US, especially with their involvement in drug trafficking.[12] Some of Israel's more well-known crime families are of North African and Middle Eastern Jewish descent: the Abergil Organization as well as the Abutbul and Domrani clans are originally from Morocco,[13] the Alperon clan came from Egypt, and the Shirazi clan from Iran.

Israeli-Arab organized crime groups were formed in Israel. Some Arab-majority cities and towns are home to local crime families.[14] Clans like Tayibe based Abdel-Kader family are involved in extortion, drug and weapon trafficking, fraud as well as money laundering, often in cooperation with their Jewish counterparts.[15] One Arab crime family, the Jarushi family from Ramla, is one of the most powerful crime families in Israel.[16] The Qarajah crime family, also originated from Ramla, was used to have a long time blood feud with the Jarushis, resulting in the death of 24 people in the 1990. The feud ended when the Qarajahs were forced by the government to have a cease fire agreement whereby they will leave Ramla to settle in any other Arab settlement. After no other settlement agreed to house them, the government eventually settled them in the Jewish town Harish.[17] The Abu Latifs, a Druze family from Rameh, which operates mainly in the north, is one of main three Arab crime organizations in Israel.[18]

Another example was the criminal gang around Moussa Aliyan in New York City whose main business was the importation of heroin.[



The Russian mafia in Israel began with the mass immigration of Russian Jews to Israel in 1989.[20] Jewish Russian crime bosses such as Semion Mogilevich acquired Israeli citizenship and laundered money through Israel.

The Russian mafia saw Israel as an ideal place to launder money, as Israel's banking system was designed to encourage aliyah, the immigration of Jews, and the accompanying capital. Following the trend of global financial deregulation, Israel had also implemented legislation aimed at easing the movement of capital. Combined with the lack of anti-money laundering legislation, Russian organised crime found it an easy place to transfer ill-gotten gains. In 2005, police estimated that Russian organised crime had laundered between $5 and 10 billion in the fifteen years since the end of the Soviet Union. Non-Jewish criminals such as Sergei Mikhailov sought to get Israeli passports, using fake Jewish documentation.[21]

Russian and Ukrainian Jewish criminals have also been able to set up networks in the United States, following the large migration of Russian Jews to New York City and Miami, but also in European cities such as Berlin and Antwerp. Russian-Jewish mobsters include Marat Balagula, Evsei Agron and their respective criminal gangs in the United States. Soviet-Jewish criminal groups in the United States are involved in racketeering, prostitution, drug trafficking, extortion, and gasoline tax fraud as well as murder.[22]

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797d9c No.97388

File: a38073c38099efd⋯.png (510.11 KB,584x489,584:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700592 (091450ZOCT23) Notable: Call to dig ( )

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BREAKING: Biden State Department Gives $90,000 to Phoenix Group Supporting Palestinian Islamic Jihad and 'Armed Resistance' Against Israel


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797d9c No.97389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700611 (091454ZOCT23) Notable: X TRENDS

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797d9c No.97390

File: 0c8e79c4e4cc989⋯.png (157.34 KB,296x524,74:131,Clipboard.png)

File: 687a7d33e6dd00b⋯.mp4 (3.29 MB,278x430,139:215,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700623 (091455ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Happening Now AF1 en route

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Donald J. Trump


Oct 09, 2023, 10:17 AM


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797d9c No.97391

File: 8da41a524911aa3⋯.png (204.95 KB,607x728,607:728,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700630 (091456ZOCT23) Notable: Thunderstruck was the song played loudly on the best speakers built, in USA tanks that were first to cross the border into Iraq.

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FUN FACT: Thunderstruck was the song played loudly on the best speakers built, in USA tanks that were first to cross the border into Iraq. A friend of mine was passenger in one of those tanks.


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797d9c No.97392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700632 (091456ZOCT23) Notable: Call to dig ( )

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I can guarantee you Mayorkas at DHS gave them money too. He gives money to NGOs like candy

Call to dig

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797d9c No.97393

File: 7d58170978d32ae⋯.png (682.42 KB,598x837,598:837,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700633 (091456ZOCT23) Notable: @ivan_8848 Former IDF on killing Palestinians

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797d9c No.97394

File: afe8efa0bbc841f⋯.png (65.94 KB,448x421,448:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700635 (091456ZOCT23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump China owned (China Investment Corp, the Country’s Sovereign wealth Fund!), and very badly failing...

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Donald J. Trump


China owned (China Investment Corp, the Country’s Sovereign wealth Fund!), and very badly failing, Forbes “Magazine,” which lost most of its relevance long ago, and which knows less about me than Stormy Daniels (who doesn’t know me at all!) or Rosie O’Donnell, took me off their Fake Forbes 400 list, just by a “whisker,” even though they know that I should be high up on that now very dated and discredited “antique.” They are working with the Racist and highly incompetent, job killing Attorney General of New York, Letitia “Peekaboo” James, who has allowed Murder and Violent Crime in the State to hit epidemic levels. China owned Forbes is a participant in the Election Interference Scam, and after what I have done to China, with hundreds of billions of dollars being paid to the USA, who can blame them? For years Forbes has attacked me with really dumb writers assigned to hit me hard, and I am now up 60 Points on the Republicans, and beating Crooked Joe by a lot. So much for Forbes!

Oct 09, 2023, 10:37 AM


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797d9c No.97395

File: 41fa977878f9e05⋯.png (634.5 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: a43027b61ab3d73⋯.png (728.09 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fe774678f26774⋯.png (684.81 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: b46ee53343a0c37⋯.png (863.02 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f7b07a752496ef⋯.png (698.68 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700682 (091503ZOCT23) Notable: Gaza Explosion Caps

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797d9c No.97396

File: d33d2dac3905df5⋯.png (73.71 KB,388x323,388:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700686 (091503ZOCT23) Notable: EU suspends all aid funds for Palestinians.

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JUST IN - EU suspends all aid funds for Palestinians.



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797d9c No.97397

File: 88e34de05fd554c⋯.jpg (143.19 KB,1242x828,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700689 (091504ZOCT23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

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797d9c No.97398

File: 9301b8ef3b2af51⋯.png (1.55 MB,659x900,659:900,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700696 (091506ZOCT23) Notable: Happy Columbus Day, Anons.

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Happy Columbus Day, Anons.

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797d9c No.97399

File: 179135d3ea73345⋯.png (511.44 KB,1080x517,1080:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700699 (091506ZOCT23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Oct 9, 2023

A Distorted Sunrise Eclipse

Yes, but have you ever seen a sunrise like this? Here, after initial cloudiness, the Sun appeared to rise in two pieces and during a partial eclipse in 2019, causing the photographer to describe it as the most stunning sunrise of his life. The dark circle near the top of the atmospherically-reddened Sun is the Moon but so is the dark peak just below it. This is because along the way, the Earth's atmosphere had a layer of unusually warm air over the sea which acted like a gigantic lens and created a second image. For a normal sunrise or sunset, this rare phenomenon of atmospheric optics is known as the Etruscan vase effect. The featured picture was captured in December 2019 from Al Wakrah, Qatar. Some observers in a narrow band of Earth to the east were able to see a full annular solar eclipse where the Moon appears completely surrounded by the background Sun in a ring of fire. The next solar eclipse, also an annular eclipse for well-placed observers, will occur this coming Saturday.


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797d9c No.97400

File: 093e7f02a6a2074⋯.png (386.83 KB,710x698,355:349,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700706 (091508ZOCT23) Notable: Memes of the Thread

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797d9c No.97401

File: 51bf57050ec9d46⋯.png (169.18 KB,387x400,387:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700708 (091508ZOCT23) Notable: Kevin McCarthy Lays Out a 3-Step Plan following Attack on Israel

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Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy Lays Out a 3-Step Plan following Attack on Israel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qNpHr_UoGo)

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797d9c No.97402

File: faaded2aa81fc10⋯.png (35.61 KB,780x410,78:41,Clipboard.png)

File: f524feb709095b6⋯.png (335.03 KB,598x704,299:352,Clipboard.png)

File: 2976bb482672271⋯.mp4 (2.18 MB,320x580,16:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700718 (091509ZOCT23) Notable: Israel faking it.

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#FreePalastine https://twitter.com/search?q=%2523FreePalastine


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797d9c No.97403

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700761 (091516ZOCT23) Notable: Unpopular Populism

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==Unpopular Populism

It may be “respectable,” but it’s not what motivates Republican voters

Scott Greer.1/2 or 3

Crazy things can happen on social media, such as a sitting U.S. senator debating a random anon over populism. Last week, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance argued with one “Bespoke Capital” over this matter.

What initiated the debate was a new poll from American Compass, a conservative group that wants the GOP to embrace economic populism.” The poll made a poor case for American Compass’s mission, finding GOP voters lacked enthusiasm for “New Right” (meaning populist) issues.

As Bespoke Capital pointed out: The poll finds that populist challenges about “worker control,” financial vs. manufacturing sector, family formation, and difficulty for non-college grads are top issues for only 9-13% of GOP voters.In contrast, cultural/identity challenges of illegal immigration, transgender activism, fighting anti-white racism, and concern over woke corporations are prioritized by 52-69% of voters.

The poll depicted the traditional concerns of Business First Republicans as “Old Right.” Despite the questions being written to favor populist concerns, Republican voters still preferred Old Right positions like tax cuts over New Right issues like “worker power.”

Bespoke Capital’s post about the poll drew a response from Vance, who denounced it as a “dumb thread.” Vance mostly quibbled over minor points–such why Blake Masters lost his Senate race–while conceding that GOP voters care more about cultural issues than economic ones. But he argued that cultural issues, like immigration, are also economic matters.

Vance dismissed those on the “dissident right” who scoff at economic populism:

Too many of these guys seem to want George W. Bush's policies, minus the war and the minorities. Count me out. The old guard's economic agenda is a complete dead end. "Cato Institute, but whites only" is morally and politically stupid.

I don’t think anyone wants George W. Bush’s policies, minus the war and minorities. In fact, wars and minorities defined Bush’s priorities!. And libertarians felt he was too in thrall to big government anyway.

Even though Mr. Capital had the data on his side, Vance’s argument received more positive engagement. A typical response came from conservative operator Saurabh Sharma. He also conceded that cultural issues were more important, but insisted“America First [needs] a comprehensive agenda across every issue area that benefits its voters.”That apparently necessitates support for items favored by so-called populists.

But there are some questions left unanswered in this debate.What is populism?What is the kind of populism favored by the Right? Is it what our voters want? Does it actually win elections? And why is it so popular to champion now?

Populism can be defined by both style and ideology. In style, it connotes a political leader who is charismatic, anti-establishment, and appeals to the masses. This is a broad term that can cover everyone from Donald Trump to William Jennings Bryan. Those two figures share little in terms of ideology, but both earn the sobriquet of populist. If it’s just about style, then it makes sense.

But if it’s about ideology, it doesn’t quite make sense.

In the American context, populism usually meant the above features combined with the primary purpose of some form of wealth redistribution.

The People’s Party of the 1890s, where the term “Populists” originates, advocated for a left-wing economic agenda that, according to historian Michael Kazin, “called for nationalizing the railroads, breaking up the trusts and strengthening labor unions.” That might not sound so bad to many on the New Right, but their chief aim was to eradicate inequality in American Life. That would put them more on the Left than the Right.

Huey Long, a strangely beloved figure among the New Right, was more explicitly redistributionist in his populism. “Share Our Wealth” is arguably the most radical economic proposal suggested by a major American politician. Its onerous taxes would mandate an income and a home for all Americans. That idea wouldn’t go down well in even a GOP dominated by the New Right

(This is interesting)


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797d9c No.97404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700784 (091519ZOCT23) Notable: Unpopular Populism

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2/2 or 3

Populists on the New Right fall into two categories into how they approach this brand. One focuses on policy wonkery bereft of Trump’s bravado. This is the American Compass strategy, which is mostly rebranded Reformiconism.

Reformicons received some positive press attention in the 2010s for being the new “respectable” conservatives. Unlike the rubes in the Tea Party, these guys had ideas. Most of these ideas were very boring, like safety-net reform. They wanted to show they were different from the Ayn Rand caricature of the GOP and prove conservatives can care about workers. But most of what they offered interested no one outside of the think tank world and media sphere. Reformicons earned nice plaudits in the New York Times, but that was it. The Trump moment initially consigned the Reformicons to the dustbin.

But these types rose from the dustbin to rebrand themselves as “populists.” Even though they hated Trump, they successfully claimed the banner of intellectual Trumpism.They were able to garner more puff pieces in the mainstream media, and reporters turned to them to find out what “Trumpism” really meant. They obviously didn’t like Trump’s cultural war animated by race and identity.

They reimagined Trumpism as a safe persuasion primarily focused on economics. This made them respectable to journalists but out-of-touch with actual GOP voters. Their own polling shows this.

The other form of populism on the American Right isn’t concerned with policy. It’s just rhetorical bombast directed at corporations. This can range from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s crusade against Disney to some conservative commentators wanting to cancel capitalism. It’s a popular sentiment, and many of its expressions are warranted. Woke corporations deserve a public thrashing. At the same time, the rhetoric coming from the commentariat can sound like a bad imitation of Marxism, minus concrete policies. It’s easy to rail against the capitalist superstructure. It’s harder to translate that into a policy program. The wonks at least understand that.

The wonks also seem to have a better understanding of who makes up the right-wing base than their rhetorically radical counterparts. A major reason they stick to in-the-weeds policies is because they know what’s acceptable within the Republican fold. “Share Our Wealth” proposals would keep them out and alienate the base. As I detailed in a recent column,the core right-wing constituency is middle-class. It may evince a blue-collar style, but their incomes are traditionally white collar.

These people do not want to pay any more taxes. They don’t want their wealth spread to the ghetto and barrio. They’d prefer if their money stayed put.

Child tax credits won’t bother the base, but it won’t excite them either. The border, crime, and anti-white racism in schools is what gets them to the ballot box.

The great irony is that New Right populism isn’t that popular. Unlike the People’s Party, it doesn’t originate from farmers and laborers in the heartland. The New Right populism emanates from DC and its members mostly work in politics. Its ideas don’t animate the base or bring in new voters. This populism operates as a way for enterprising columnists and activists to establish a semi-edgy brand for themselves. Most conservatives realize the old National Review way is cringe, yet they’re frightened by the dissident right.

Populism offers an attractive third way. A columnist can posture as a “dangerous thinker” while facing no serious threat of cancellation. It’s perfect for this subset.

It’s clear that the old GOP orthodoxy of Paul Ryan and George W. Bush needed to be cast aside. But voters didn’t pick Trump because they wanted stronger unions or family subsidies. They rallied around Trump because they wanted fewer immigrants and criminals. That’s the true nature of Trump’s politics.

Some economically populist ideas are good, but this is all secondary to identity issues. Too many conservatives want to shunt them aside in favor of a politics that will get them a New York Times column. But no matter how many times an American Compass fellow expounds on the virtues of populism, his politics doesn't resonate with actual people.

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797d9c No.97405

File: 71d480156c363a0⋯.jpg (10.81 KB,474x270,79:45,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 29f3c79b2301b2f⋯.gif (5.62 KB,384x256,3:2,Clipboard.gif)

File: a58e98984a3146b⋯.jpg (4.8 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 923991e3b655f7f⋯.jpg (20.07 KB,474x316,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6fb316d4f97f038⋯.webp (38.23 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700786 (091520ZOCT23) Notable: We got Flags

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Flag of Iran

Flag of the Ancient Basque Kingdom

Flag of Italy

Flag of Hungary

Flag of Wales

Scots, Basques, Welsh, Ayran..."White People"...the Clans behind the Spanish Monarch, and Iran, and Hamas, and the Vatican, and Bulgaria, and Belarus...

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797d9c No.97406

File: 440e3de4becaa5c⋯.png (417.35 KB,844x535,844:535,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700794 (091521ZOCT23) Notable: Live Gaza feed with 4 views.

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Live Gaza feed with 4 views.

Insane explosions at 18:14 for a few minutes

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797d9c No.97407

File: 941ebc0ebff11e3⋯.png (181.08 KB,1407x896,201:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700795 (091521ZOCT23) Notable: SpaceX Starlink Mission

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SpaceX Starlink Mission

On Monday, October 9 at 12:23 a.m. PT, Falcon 9 launched 21 Starlink satellites to low-Earth orbit from Space Launch Complex 4 East (SLC-4E) at Vandenberg Space Force Base in California

This was the 14th flight for the first stage booster supporting this mission, which previously launched Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich, DART, Transporter-7, Iridium OneWeb, SDA-0B, and nine Starlink missions.


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797d9c No.97408

File: a0566220429b96c⋯.png (34.73 KB,381x476,381:476,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700797 (091521ZOCT23) Notable: t/BannonWarRoom Egyptian intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’

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Egyptian intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’


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797d9c No.97409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700832 (091526ZOCT23) Notable: 11:15 AM EDT Former House Speaker Rep. McCarthy Remarks on Israel

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11:15 AM EDT

Former House Speaker Rep. McCarthy Remarks on Israel

Former Speaker Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) speaks with reporters about the unfolding conflict in southern Israel, calling on the Biden administration to rescue Americans hostages held by Hamas and to re-freeze the $6 billion recently released to Iran.


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797d9c No.97410

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797d9c No.97411

File: 836bd00d57de7b5⋯.png (50.5 KB,612x294,102:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700855 (091531ZOCT23) Notable: @DJT The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER

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The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER, at Record Numbers. Are they planning an attïżŒack within our Country? Crooked Joe Biden and his BOSS, Barack Hussein Obama, did this to us!

11:17 am ET


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797d9c No.97412

File: 8cbdf58808b3d23⋯.png (438.7 KB,598x724,299:362,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700856 (091531ZOCT23) Notable: #OSUT trainees experience a multitude of combat and logistical scenarios during their live fire patrols

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2-19= -17


Eyes on.

#OSUT trainees experience a multitude of combat and logistical scenarios during their live fire patrols. They emphasize battle drills, tactical operations, and numerous foot patrols.





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797d9c No.97413

File: 6d0eeb7497f4e87⋯.png (367.49 KB,840x455,24:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700880 (091535ZOCT23) Notable: More insane explosions

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More insane explosions at 18:28 for many minutes.


Hell exists on Earth in Gaza right now.

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797d9c No.97414

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700884 (091536ZOCT23) Notable: Schumer calls on Xi to support Israel as China says relation with US ‘will determine the future of humanity’

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Schumer calls on Xi to support Israel as China says relation with US ‘will determine the future of humanity’

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer ‘disappointed’ China showed Israel no support after Hamas attac

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797d9c No.97415

File: e22f6777c85d8f7⋯.png (191.21 KB,413x546,59:78,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700896 (091537ZOCT23) Notable: Blinken Deletes Tweet Calling for Cease-fire Between Israel, Hamas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Commentary: Blinken Deletes Tweet Calling for Cease-fire Between Israel, Hamas

via READ MORE https://ijr.com/blinken-deletes-tweet-calling-ceasefire-israel-hamas/?utm_source=telegram&utm_medium=IJR&utm_campaign=ifttt&utm_content=2023-10-09

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797d9c No.97416

File: a3d45451e6e5701⋯.png (323.32 KB,386x587,386:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700906 (091539ZOCT23) Notable: Scavino shared a memory on Facebook

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Scavino shared a memory on Facebook đŸ‡ș🇾

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797d9c No.97417

File: f78eec398ce811f⋯.png (595.49 KB,1280x931,1280:931,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700925 (091542ZOCT23) Notable: Anon digs the Trump/Dan posts - Trump post "attack" bun / - with missing space

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'att ack'?

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797d9c No.97418

File: 7fdaf74ab9f404d⋯.jpg (3.62 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700942 (091545ZOCT23) Notable: Anon digs the Trump/Dan posts - Trump post "attack" bun / - on iPad not showing space or ïżŒ

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>objective of the attack

Weird that shows on my PC, my Droid but it's not there on my iPad.

I bet he (or whoever sent that) was using an apple devise.

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797d9c No.97419

File: 691290399a9a5b4⋯.png (852.38 KB,1355x774,1355:774,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700976 (091551ZOCT23) Notable: Israel: Lockdowns begin

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habbenings within habbenings - don't lose focus

Israel: Lockdowns begin

Sderot residents reportedly cut off from water, electricity

Israel’s first lockdown over “security concerns” is underway as residents of the city of Sderot are ordered to lock themselves in their homes.

The city of Sderot, which borders the Gaza Strip, was invaded by Muslim forces Saturday. The invaders, said to be Hamas operatives, entered from Gaza without resistance despite Israel’s sophisticated technology and highly trained security forces. The Muslim operatives massacred over 700 Israelis in nearby communities — including Sderot — and took approximately 100 captives back into Gaza. They easily conquered Sderot’s police station, where it reportedly took Israeli forces six hours to arrive.

Sderot’s residents were ordered to barricade themselves in their homes and not open the door for anyone due to fears of Muslim infiltrators posing as Israeli police officers or soldiers. But according to Israeli media, the order remains in effect even as the threat of infiltration has been lifted.


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797d9c No.97420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700991 (091553ZOCT23) Notable: Anon digs the Trump/Dan posts - Trump post "attack" bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>97417 - with missing space

>>97411 - from PC showing ïżŒ symbol (same on Droid)

>>97418 - on iPad not showing space or ïżŒ

Hi Dan

Trump post "attack" bun

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97421

File: 6230c6ede9326cf⋯.png (1.75 MB,960x2079,320:693,Clipboard.png)

File: 27b6d5f28b50e23⋯.jpeg (525.27 KB,960x1418,480:709,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19700998 (091554ZOCT23) Notable: Nak-d selfie of Joe Biden's younger brother Frank wearing ONLY CAP AND GLASSES shows up on gay dating site

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

BREAKING REPORT: Nak-d selfie of Joe Biden's younger brother Frank wearing ONLY CAP AND GLASSES shows up on gay dating site..

Blackmail fears increase for President Biden.

Is the LEFT moving to oust Joe for 2024?


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97422

File: 4e86bbfed167fee⋯.png (44.25 KB,646x361,34:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701037 (091600ZOCT23) Notable: House Republicans will huddle behind closed doors TONIGHT in search of a Speaker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Chaos on Capitol Hill: House Republicans will huddle behind closed doors TONIGHT in search of a Speaker as Israel war explodes amid power vacuum

Reps. Jim Jordan and Steve Scalise are set to address colleagues tonight

On Tuesday Republicans hold a candidate forum for speaker

With no speaker it's not clear how Congress can respond to Hamas attack

By Geoff Earle, Deputy U.S. Political Editor For Dailymail.com

Published: 10:55 EDT, 9 October 2023 | Updated: 11:18 EDT, 9 October 2023

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797d9c No.97423

File: ce96a6e6038cf17⋯.png (1.37 MB,1488x938,744:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701047 (091602ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS UP - RUMBLE

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97424

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701083 (091608ZOCT23) Notable: Former adviser to US ambassador to Israel calls on Whitmer to resign after 'fraudulent' response to attacks

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former adviser to US ambassador to Israel calls on Whitmer to resign after 'fraudulent' response to attacks

A former Trump-era adviser to the U.S. ambassador to Israel is calling on Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer to resign after she "embarrassed herself" while responding to the terrorist attacks on Israel.

In an early morning post to social media on Sunday, Aryeh Lightstone, who served as a senior adviser to former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman from 2017 to 2021, took aim at Whitmer for her comments following the Iranian-backed Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel.

"I have been in touch with communities impacted by what’s happening in the region. It is abhorrent. My heart is with all those impacted. We need peace in this region," Whitmer wrote on X, with no mention of Israel.

"I hosted you for Thanksgiving in Israel just a few years ago. I am embarrassed for you and by you & disappointed that I opened my home and my family to you," Lightstone responded to Whitmer.

Elaborating on his comments, Lightstone — who's in Israel witnessing the conflict as it unfolds — told Fox News Digital he was shocked by the "fraudulent nature" of Whitmer's response.

"The job of a leader is to know the difference between right and wrong. The job of a politician is apparently to say nothing, and she demonstrated that she's a politician," he said.

"She watched this happen in real time. And to watch women and children be kidnapped and raped and murdered, and to not be able to say something? She should resign immediately," Lightstone said of Whitmer.

Lightstone said he hosted Whitmer, her husband, and 25 other Michigan residents at his home in Israel for a Thanksgiving meal in 2019, when the governor had the opportunity to witness first-hand the ongoing conflict taking place in the country.

"She was in Israel. She saw what happened. She went to the border. She saw the people," he said. "I'm a Republican
 but she wanted a place for Thanksgiving and every American should have a place to go for Thanksgiving. So I welcomed her into my home and I invited 25 Michiganders at my expense to host them."

Lightstone said he and the governor spoke about the U.S.-Israel relationship and ways to strengthen it.

Following the pushback she received from the tweet, Whitmer made another post on Saturday in which she included Israel's name.

"The images that continue to come out of Israel on the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War are devastating. The loss of lives in Israel –children and families – is absolutely heartbreaking and appalling," the governor said in her follow-up post on X. "There is no justification for violence against Israel. My support is steadfast."



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797d9c No.97425

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701087 (091609ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: For decades, the people of New Hampshire have been sold out, ripped off;

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: For decades, the people of New Hampshire have been sold out, ripped off; you've been ripped off by everybody, and betrayed by the corrupt globalists, Washington Wall Street people; combinations of Washington/Wall Street, they're the worst of all. And it's never been worse than it is now under Crooked Joe Biden, and frankly, his boss, Barack Hussein Obama.

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797d9c No.97426

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701091 (091610ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP=It's reversed. It's like April Fools Day

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP=It's reversed. It's like April Fools Day

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97427

File: 1c822ec5e917594⋯.jpg (93.09 KB,500x639,500:639,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701103 (091611ZOCT23) Notable: PDJT - She's no longer relevant

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

She's no longer relevant

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701105 (091611ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: Since Joe Biden took office, cumulative inflation has reached nearly a twenty percent number

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: Since Joe Biden took office, cumulative inflation has reached nearly a twenty percent number...and the thirty-year mortgage rate just hit a twenty-seven year high.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97429

File: d7230c4413d7482⋯.jpg (54.52 KB,309x356,309:356,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701115 (091613ZOCT23) Notable: Trump with the Presidential Seal CAP

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The President

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797d9c No.97430

File: e314cad23af81ed⋯.png (48.59 KB,587x665,587:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701116 (091613ZOCT23) Notable: @GenFlynn .@JonathanTurley it is called the “criminalization of government service.”

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


General Mike Flynn



it is called the “criminalization of government service.”

Those in government service have been “stealing”money using various methods and relationships for many, many years. This is simply another example.

The hardcore extreme left wing of the “democrat party” will say and do nothing because they control the judicial system in WDC.

And sadly, neither will the @GOP

because they are as complicit in this grand theft as their “colleagues” on the other side of the crime scene!







Jonathan Turley




Newly released evidence reveals over $20 million coming from 23 separate countries on four continents to at least nine Biden family members. Not only are the Biden transfers becoming clear, so is the Biden family tree in this lucrative form of corruption. https://jonathanturley.org/2023/10/09/the-biden-family-tree-how-investigations-are-exposing-the-bidens-influence-peddling-dynasty/

3:44 AM · Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701120 (091614ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP- HIgh energy costs have STRZOK the NE.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

TRUMP- HIgh energy costs have STRZOK the NE.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701137 (091616ZOCT23) Notable: Chief of Staff of Pentagon Counterterrorism Office Served Iranian Gov.

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Chief of Staff of Pentagon Counterterrorism Office Served Iranian Gov.

Senior adviser worked on secret Iranian government propaganda campaign.

1 of 2

September 28, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield

In 2016, Ariane Tabatabai co-wrote an article arguing that the United States should ally with Iran against ISIS. The Iranian immigrant suggested the United States Air Force could “provide air cover for Iranian-backed militia” and “the US and Iran can share intelligence on targets”. Finally she warned that “excluding Iran, the region’s major Shia state, from the international coalition built to fight ISIS worsens the regional sectarian conflict, ultimately playing into ISIS’ hands.”

Tabatabai’s bio now describes her as the Chief of Staff to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low Intensity Conflict. Up from a Senior Advisor last year. The ASD(SO/LIC) office advises the Secretary of Defense on counterterrorism and it’s hard to think of a better place for a woman accused of being an Iran regime apologist to find herself in.

Almost as good as her former role representing the United States in the Iran negotiations.

In 2021, when the State Department had brought in Tabatabai as a senior adviser to the Office of the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, a congressional letter urged that her security clearance be pulled. The letter stated that Tabatabai “has echoed Iranian regime talking points and has made excuses for Iran’s oppressive government.

“Why would we hire someone
 who has access and security clearance to some of the most sensitive and important issues there [and] who obviously has had a relationship with the administration in Iran?” Rep. Van Drew asked.

Biden’s State Department Spokesman Ned Price claimed that she “was thoroughly vetted and investigated before being granted the position. Any suggestion of security-related concerns about Dr. Tabatabai are baseless and illegitimate.” He fumed that, “we will not sit idly by as our employees—dedicated public servants—face personal smears and slander.”

Now a Semafor article by former Wall Street Journal chief correspondent Jay Solomon based on materials gathered by Iran International’s dissident media channel has revealed emails showing Tabatabai’s participation in a secret Iranian government to influence the United States.

In 2014, a year before Tabatabai began working as a NATO consultant, she joined an initiative by the Iranian Foreign Ministry to mobilize “Iranians who have established affiliations with the leading international think-tanks and academic institutions, mainly in Europe and the US.”

Tabatabai, along with Dina Esfandiary, her co-author on the proposal to have the United States ally with Iran, who is currently a senior Middle East advisor to George Soros’ Crisis Group, allegedly became members of the “core group” of Iran’s influence operation.

Before Tabatabai testified about the Iran Deal in Congress, she allegedly checked in with the head of an Iranian Foreign Ministry think tank. “I am scheduled to go to the Congress to give a talk about the nuclear program. I will bother you in the coming days,” she wrote.

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797d9c No.97433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701147 (091617ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP We built 561 Miles of Wall We have 200 Miles to go

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We built 561 Miles of Wall

We have 200 Miles to go


qrsch 751

761-751= 10 DAYS OF DANKNESS!!!

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797d9c No.97434

File: a81cfff9892e85c⋯.png (300.48 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

File: a3fb6593116cffd⋯.png (277.53 KB,548x695,548:695,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701152 (091618ZOCT23) Notable: New Data Reveals Which State Is The Top UFO Hotspot

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New Data Reveals Which State Is The Top UFO Hotspot

October 09, 2023

Newly released data from 2023 suggests that Maryland is a the country’s biggest hotspot for UFO sightings.

Data released by the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) revealed that residents and guests of Maryland have seen almost 2,000 UFOs since the year 1946. Folks across the state have seen everything from bizarre flying oval-shaped objects, to ones that flash and change shape, and even a chevron.

California, Florida, Connecticut, North Carolina, Oregon, Washington and a handful of others all rank pretty highly in the number of reported sightings of UFOs. These states seem to be more popular than some countries for UFO sightings.

But Maryland was a surprise on the list, as many of the reported sightings came from the 1950s and 1990s but were not made public until decades later. “It’s heartening to me that so many people are coming forward now,” NUFORC director Peter Davenport told CBS News. “We are getting significantly more reports than just six months or a year ago.”

There is still no general consensus on what UFOs are, where they come from or what they’re doing here on Earth. Despite Congress pushing the Pentagon for greater disclosure on UFOs, all we’ve been fed thus far is unsubstantiated crap. At this point, the aliens will probably have to reveal themselves to us directly for most people to start believing they’re real.


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797d9c No.97435

File: 018ac2458b00297⋯.png (471.76 KB,598x878,299:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701156 (091618ZOCT23) Notable: @DC_Draino And there it is - the ultimate goal of Iran has been achieved

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And there it is - the ultimate goal of Iran has been achieved

If these reports are true that Saudi Arabia is ending peace talks w/Israel, then this a major setback for peace in the region

Knowing Biden just gave $6 Billion to Iran makes me believe Biden also wanted this chaos







Saudi Arabia ends "all negotiations" on normalisation with Israel.

Saudi Arabia has informed the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, that it is "ending all negotiations" on normalising relations with Israel, reports the Israeli newspaper The Jerusalem Post, echoed

Show more


Readers added context

The Saudi government has made no such statement. However, one Saudi official has been quoted as saying "for the moment, it is all on hold", referring to Arab–Israeli normalization.

Saudi Arabia stressed “the need for all parties to respect international humanitarian law.”


5:04 AM · Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97436

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701157 (091618ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I'll terminate Joe Biden's delusional power plant regulations

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: I'll terminate Joe Biden's delusional power plant regulations...which are forcing hundreds of power pants to shut down with nothing to replace them. It's a massive gift to communist China, and various other places. They want to close down power plants that have fifty to a hundred years of life left.

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797d9c No.97437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701162 (091620ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I will implement rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure.

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President Trump: I will implement rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure. We will regain energy independence.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97438

File: b9e6c321dbad186⋯.png (797.3 KB,588x1132,147:283,Clipboard.png)

File: d7fd098d79a8862⋯.jpg (107.79 KB,625x757,625:757,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701178 (091624ZOCT23) Notable: TS Trump Post Cap - Trump was Right about Everything

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Donald J. Trump



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701182 (091625ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: The United States will have the lowest cost of energy and electricity very soon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: The United States will have the lowest cost of energy and electricity very soon. As soon as we're in, almost as soon as we're in. It's going to go very quickly. Right away, we're going to have the lowest, anywhere on Earth, we'll have the lowest energy on Earth.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97440

File: e3065209683dfac⋯.png (153.37 KB,600x427,600:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701215 (091630ZOCT23) Notable: Palestine. They will be bombed and moved into Concentration Camps

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Malik Obama



Palestine. They will be bombed and moved into Concentration Camps


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797d9c No.97441

File: 8ffcfdd2bea0af0⋯.png (642.85 KB,1250x703,1250:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 79bb6a02286d294⋯.png (281.54 KB,1250x703,1250:703,Clipboard.png)

File: d2c2afaa7a91e60⋯.png (306.84 KB,1250x703,1250:703,Clipboard.png)

File: e8fcc8a4f070ac8⋯.png (363.85 KB,1250x703,1250:703,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701220 (091631ZOCT23) Notable: Gaza Explosion Caps

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damn, I hope they evacuated properly

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797d9c No.97442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701233 (091634ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: We're also very close to a country that's going to be in a third World War

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

President Trump: We're also very close to a country that's going to be in a third World War, because we have an incompetent president. He has no clue...this is a war with weapons the likes of which nobody can even imagine how bad they are. This is obliteration, and Obama has plenty to do with it...I call him, 'Biden's Boss'.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97443

File: 86c8618609ce59f⋯.jpg (52.52 KB,600x429,200:143,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 05bad36f811e119⋯.jpg (171.85 KB,1013x1013,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

File: bcebe630a171ca7⋯.png (1.17 MB,1080x811,1080:811,Clipboard.png)

File: dd9a48549f8f0e4⋯.png (442.99 KB,1050x1139,1050:1139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701243 (091637ZOCT23) Notable: McCarthy Caps and Memes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



That is what anon thought. Why even give him a mic?

Have heard he plans to quit after (likely) Jim Jordan gets sworn in on Wednesday. He'll have more time to tend to sammiches for Frankie Luntz.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97444

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701246 (091638ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas’ Attack Was Enabled By Biden Diverting National Security Resources To Radical Leftwing Agendas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kash and Bannon:Hamas’ Attack Was Enabled By Biden Diverting National Security Resources To Radical Leftwing Agendas

Bannons War Room



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797d9c No.97445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701255 (091640ZOCT23) Notable: #24189

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24189 >>97383



>>97425 President Trump: For decades, the people of New Hampshire have been sold out, ripped off;

>>97426 TRUMP=It's reversed. It's like April Fools Day

>>97427 PDJT - She's no longer relevant

>>97428 President Trump: Since Joe Biden took office, cumulative inflation has reached nearly a twenty percent number

>>97431 TRUMP- HIgh energy costs have STRZOK the NE.

>>97433 TRUMP We built 561 Miles of Wall We have 200 Miles to go

>>97436 President Trump: I'll terminate Joe Biden's delusional power plant regulations

>>97437 President Trump: I will implement rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure.

>>97439 President Trump: The United States will have the lowest cost of energy and electricity very soon

>>97442 President Trump: We're also very close to a country that's going to be in a third World War


>>97384 How Hamas duped Israel as it planned devastating attack

>>97385 Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are required to take two oaths before they may execute the duties of their appointed office.

>>97386 Happy Melania Monday!

>>97387 The Israeli mafia wiki

>>97388 Biden State Department Gives $90,000 to Phoenix Group Supporting Palestinian Islamic Jihad

>>97389, >>97410 X TRENDS

>>97390 @realDonaldTrump Happening Now AF1 en route

>>97391 Thunderstruck was the song played loudly on the best speakers built, in USA tanks that were first to cross the border into Iraq.

>>97392 Call to dig ( >>97388 )

>>97393 @ivan_8848 Former IDF on killing Palestinians

>>97394 @realDonaldTrump China owned (China Investment Corp, the Country’s Sovereign wealth Fund!), and very badly failing...

>>97395 Gaza Explosion Caps

>>97396 EU suspends all aid funds for Palestinians.

>>97397, >>97400 Memes of the Thread

>>97398 Happy Columbus Day, Anons.

>>97399 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>97401 Kevin McCarthy Lays Out a 3-Step Plan following Attack on Israel

>>97402 Israel faking it.

>>97405 We got Flags

>>97406 Live Gaza feed with 4 views.

>>97407 SpaceX Starlink Mission

>>97408 t/BannonWarRoom Egyptian intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’

>>97409 11:15 AM EDT Former House Speaker Rep. McCarthy Remarks on Israel

>>97411 @DJT The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA, through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER

>>97412 #OSUT trainees experience a multitude of combat and logistical scenarios during their live fire patrols

>>97413 More insane explosions

>>97414 Schumer calls on Xi to support Israel as China says relation with US ‘will determine the future of humanity’

>>97415 Blinken Deletes Tweet Calling for Cease-fire Between Israel, Hamas

>>97416 Scavino shared a memory on Facebook

>>97419 Israel: Lockdowns begin

>>97420 Anon digs the Trump/Dan posts - Trump post "attack" bun

>>97421 Nak-d selfie of Joe Biden's younger brother Frank wearing ONLY CAP AND GLASSES shows up on gay dating site

>>97422 House Republicans will huddle behind closed doors TONIGHT in search of a Speaker

>>97403, >>97404 Unpopular Populism

>>97424 Former adviser to US ambassador to Israel calls on Whitmer to resign after 'fraudulent' response to attacks

>>97430 @GenFlynn .@JonathanTurley it is called the “criminalization of government service.”

>>97432 Chief of Staff of Pentagon Counterterrorism Office Served Iranian Gov.

>>97434 New Data Reveals Which State Is The Top UFO Hotspot

>>97435 @DC_Draino And there it is - the ultimate goal of Iran has been achieved

>>97438 TS Trump Post Cap - Trump was Right about Everything

>>97429 Trump with the Presidential Seal CAP

>>97440 Palestine. They will be bombed and moved into Concentration Camps

>>97441 Gaza Explosion Caps

>>97443 McCarthy Caps and Memes

>>97444 Hamas’ Attack Was Enabled By Biden Diverting National Security Resources To Radical Leftwing Agendas


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97446

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701274 (091642ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Wolfeboro, NH - 10/9/23

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#24190 https://fullchan.net/?b01621152dd5c21b#HV8sEhmmU4khgXzJZhq4HimEizn4gFvWBtGkkDnj5c6n

LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Wolfeboro, NH - 10/9/23


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797d9c No.97447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701296 (091645ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: I also opened up five thousand square miles of ocean off New England, that Barack Hussein Obama had closed.

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President Trump: I also opened up five thousand square miles of ocean off New England, that Barack Hussein Obama had closed. I don't know why. The most fertile area, almost like in the world, for a thing called fish. Fish and lobster, and you weren't allowed to use it...to this day, nobody really tells me, you know, why? Why did they do it?

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797d9c No.97448

File: ba2ab5d7f0a9a11⋯.mp4 (681.63 KB,640x464,40:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701302 (091647ZOCT23) Notable: MP4 Trump Dance - Nailed it

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797d9c No.97449

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701316 (091650ZOCT23) Notable: TRUMP-I'm always a couple years ahead of schedule

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TRUMP-I'm always a couple years ahead of schedule

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797d9c No.97450

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701323 (091651ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: We've taken in, I'll bet, fifteen million people [illegals] in the last short period of time. It's bigger than New York state.

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President Trump: We've taken in, I'll bet, fifteen million people [illegals] in the last short period of time. It's bigger than New York state.

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797d9c No.97451

File: 418a6bc64a47fe4⋯.png (233.41 KB,537x622,537:622,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701325 (091651ZOCT23) Notable: Israeli Defense Minister: “No food, No electricity, No fuel, No water. We’re fighting human animals and we act accordingly."

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Mario Nawfal



🚹BREAKING: Israeli Defense Minister: “No food, No electricity, No fuel, No water. We’re fighting human animals and we act accordingly."


>They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE/ANIMAL/GOY

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797d9c No.97452

File: 85da3e538627213⋯.mp4 (2.47 MB,848x480,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701341 (091653ZOCT23) Notable: Gunfire and explosions in Lebanon as IDF responds to incursion on northern border

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Gunfire and explosions in Lebanon as IDF responds to incursion on northern border

Gunfire and explosions are reported on the Lebanon border, as the Israeli military responds to the infiltration of several suspects into Israel.

A reporter for the Hezbollah-linked Al-Manar station publishes a video in which gunfire and several explosions can be heard, near the southern Lebanon village of Dhayra.

The Israel Defense Forces has yet to provide further details on the incident.


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797d9c No.97453

File: 6d8f9324e1bcd4f⋯.png (642.69 KB,614x925,614:925,Clipboard.png)

File: 328cb89be32be00⋯.png (4.12 MB,1500x1500,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701346 (091654ZOCT23) Notable: What a historic achievement for India at the Asian Games! (1_7)

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Narendra Modi


What a historic achievement for India at the Asian Games!

The entire nation is overjoyed that our incredible athletes have brought home the highest ever total of 107 medals, the best ever performance in the last 60 years.

The unwavering determination, relentless spirit and hard work of our players have made the nation proud. Their victories have given us moments to remember, inspired us all and have reaffirmed our commitment to excellence.


9:08 PM · Oct 7, 2023

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797d9c No.97454

File: 5ce6c99a371974b⋯.png (205.6 KB,1290x612,215:102,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701361 (091656ZOCT23) Notable: WH calls a lid

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While Trump is speaking...

You’ve got to be shitting me?!? It’s Monday at noon. Our greatest ally in the Middle East is at war, women and children are being slaughtered and raped in the streets, and our imbecile president is checking out before lunch?


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797d9c No.97455

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701363 (091657ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: By the way, we're going to terminate the Department of Education

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President Trump: By the way, we're going to terminate the Department of Education, if you don't mind. Fast. Almost the first thing we;re going to do. We're going to let local government; we're going to let the states run education. We spend more per pupil than any country, anywhere in the world, and yet, we're at the bottom of the list...we spend double, and sometimes triple, per pupil, more than any other.

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797d9c No.97456

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701378 (091658ZOCT23) Notable: Trump called out BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA directly

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Trump called out BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA directly

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797d9c No.97457

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797d9c No.97458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701404 (091702ZOCT23) Notable: Where was (Our ALLY) Israel when ANTIFA/BLM was burning down our cities?

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Where was Israel when ANTIFA/BLM was burning down our cities?

Israel has been milking America for decades.

Money, weapons, tech, etc... they have it all.

And if they cannot take care of themselves, then all of that has been squandered.

Any and all sympathy is drained, their cries fall on deaf ears.

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797d9c No.97459

File: 8aeca76b851da7f⋯.jpg (146.63 KB,1024x1024,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701409 (091703ZOCT23) Notable: Trump Saving the Children AI Cap

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DJT was rescuing children in Gaza last night.

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797d9c No.97460

File: deb5f3d013500bf⋯.png (576.89 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 7e74efce83c69fd⋯.png (1.15 MB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 53dd2c5f32aa0d0⋯.png (502.98 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701422 (091704ZOCT23) Notable: GTMO 845
monday run

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GTMO 845...monday run

No call tater?


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797d9c No.97461

File: 50f324e2154da32⋯.png (9.67 KB,535x147,535:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701468 (091707ZOCT23) Notable: Hamas threatens to execute civilian hostages and air each execution via live television.

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JUST IN - Hamas threatens to execute civilian hostages and air each execution via live television.


Typical CIA production.

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797d9c No.97462

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701469 (091708ZOCT23) Notable: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces his independent candidacy for president?

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JUST IN: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces his independent candidacy for president, officially ending his effort to defeat Biden in the Democratic primary

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797d9c No.97463

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701477 (091709ZOCT23) Notable: Trump keeps mentioning HANNIBAL Lector

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Trump keeps mentioning HANNIBAL Lector

Because we are dealing with cannibalism and satanism

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797d9c No.97464

File: 8e3f176a7568a0b⋯.png (220.02 KB,600x529,600:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701490 (091710ZOCT23) Notable: @SenSchumer I raised with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi the Hamas atrocities against Israel

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Chuck Schumer



I raised with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi the Hamas atrocities against Israel and the need for the world to stand together against terrorism and with the Israeli people.

I pointedly asked that they strengthen their statement. They did.



>Cannibal and snake references

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797d9c No.97465

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701497 (091712ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: When I was Commander in Chief, we reduced the Iranian economy, and I withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal

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President Trump: When I was Commander in Chief, we reduced the Iranian economy, and I withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal, imposed the toughest ever sanctions on the regime, and imposed a strict travel ban to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. And now they're pouring in to our country. Joe Biden undid it, he undid it all, and gave billions and billions of dollars to the world's top sponsor of terror, tossing Israel to the bloodthirsty terrorists and jihadists.

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797d9c No.97466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701503 (091712ZOCT23) Notable: Evil is fighting Evil (And Shall Not Stand)

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Evil is fighting Evil

Israel deep state infiltration threatens to execute Muslim civilians/children.

Iran deep state infiltration threatens to execute Israeli civilians/children.

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797d9c No.97467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701539 (091716ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: This problem was caused, in my opinion, by his boss, Barack Hussein Obama

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President Trump: This problem was caused, in my opinion, by his boss, Barack Hussein Obama....It's caused by Obama. That's the boss of Crooked Joe, and his people who are running the White House. His people are running the White House. And they are running these viscous witch hunts and investigations on me, because I don't think Biden knows what the hell he is doing....even the judge I have in Washington, happens to be an Obama appointee.

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797d9c No.97468

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797d9c No.97469

File: 1b7414852619cd2⋯.png (34.8 KB,474x339,158:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701567 (091720ZOCT23) Notable: Israel and Saudi Arabia are the only 2 "countries" that were spontaneously made up into "existence."?

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Israel and Saudi Arabia are the only 2 "countries" that were spontaneously made up into "existence."

*Balfour Declaration - 1917

The British Chancellor GAVE Lionel Rothschild a5%piece of Palestine.

However, European Jews were satisfied living in Europe with European wealth, culture, food, arts, entertainment etc.

Why would they want to leave their comfortable lives and move to a barren desert?

The Rothschilds needed to create a Reason to make Euro Jews to populate his "Israel".

Hence, the Jewish Bankster financed Marx, Hitler WWII to drive Euro Jews to immigrate to the newly created "Israel" in 1947.

Israel is literally the property of the Rothschilds.

Israel has about the same population as New York City. The US corrupt Congress currently gives Israel $3.8 billion per year. Why?

The Creation of "Saudi" Arabia

For millennia, Arabia was Arabia. Then in 1932 it became "Saudi Arabia". The only country in the world named after one family.

I've seen research that shows that the Saudi royal family are Donmeh Jews.

* March 3, 1938 - Suddenly PETROLEUM is discovered in Saudi Arabia, making the Saudi family future Trillionaires.

Interesting how in the past 85 years, the Khazarian Cabal owned ZOG gov't of the US has never invaded Saudi Arabia to steal their oil resourses....

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797d9c No.97470

File: 8fa5de74dc1f977⋯.png (12.52 KB,255x231,85:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701575 (091721ZOCT23) Notable: Trump called out BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA directly

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It's time

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797d9c No.97471

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701576 (091721ZOCT23) Notable: Return trafficked children to own country- trump

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Return trafficked children to own country- trump

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797d9c No.97472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701581 (091722ZOCT23) Notable: djt: anyone heard the snake. this has to do with the border and now it has to do with Israel.

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anon is behind the live speech.

djt: anyone heard the snake. this has to do with the border and now it has to do with Israel.

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797d9c No.97473

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701594 (091724ZOCT23) Notable: President Trump: The bloodshed and killing that we saw this week will never, ever, be allowed to happen on American soi

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President Trump: The bloodshed and killing that we saw this week will never, ever, be allowed to happen on American soil, except for the fact that we have now allowed tens of thousands of probable terrorists into our country. We have people coming; men, coming in from China, by the thousands. Men, not women, men coming in by the thousands. We have ,men coming in from the middle-east by the thousands and thousands, and they let them come in, just come right in. There's something going on, and we gotta be careful. We need smart leadership. If we don't have smart leadership, we're not going to have a country any longer....the same people that attacked Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA throughout our totally open southern border. They're coming in at record levels. And they're planning, I don't know, maybe they're planning, are they planning an attack on our homeland? I guess maybe that could happen, couldn't it, huh?...Crooked Joe Biden, and his boss, Barack Hussein Obama, did this to us.

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797d9c No.97474

File: 12aad2c67af7440⋯.png (17.73 KB,531x210,177:70,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701598 (091724ZOCT23) Notable: Congressman from Florida urges to re-freeze $6 billion Iranian funds

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JUST IN - Congressman from Florida urges to re-freeze $6 billion Iranian funds


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797d9c No.97475

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701607 (091726ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS - I'm a person of common sense.

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POTUS - I'm a person of common sense.

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797d9c No.97476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701612 (091727ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS - We have to swamp them (vote fraud).

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POTUS - We have to swamp them (vote fraud).

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797d9c No.97477

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701613 (091727ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS - We have to swamp them (vote fraud).

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Vote bigger

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797d9c No.97478

File: 888b38b25129047⋯.png (266.63 KB,600x441,200:147,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701678 (091736ZOCT23) Notable: Al-Qassam spokesman: "The enemy does not understand the language of humanity and morality

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Mario Nawfal



🚹BREAKING: Al-Qassam spokesman: "The enemy does not understand the language of humanity and morality, and we will address him in the language he knows."




>“No food, No electricity, No fuel, No water. We’re fighting human animals and we act accordingly."

"What we've got here is
 failure to communicate" Civil War, Guns&Roses

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797d9c No.97479

File: e7b16171128fee7⋯.jpg (30.67 KB,168x161,24:23,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8ae28b1e220409e⋯.jpg (66.14 KB,236x282,118:141,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ace60514aba87c8⋯.jpg (49.73 KB,190x229,190:229,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701681 (091736ZOCT23) Notable: Actors are gonna act CAPS

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Dude sees the camera then starts wailing on cue.

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797d9c No.97480

File: a9870954b880d28⋯.png (181.7 KB,934x496,467:248,Clipboard.png)

File: 50090189a70e7c8⋯.png (44.53 KB,1560x875,312:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701720 (091740ZOCT23) Notable: G4S is a British-Danish private security company that provides services and equipment to Israel?

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G4S is a British-Danish private security company that provides services and equipment to Israeli prisons, checkpoints, the Apartheid Wall and the Israeli police. G4S provides security systems and other services for major Israeli prisons which hold Palestinian political prisoners from occupied Palestinian Territory inside Israel.

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797d9c No.97481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701762 (091747ZOCT23) Notable: Remember when he shood something unseen out of his seat in the Senate?

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remember when he shood something unseen out of his seat in the Senate? Patty Murry was sitting right behind him and looked baffled.

was during impeachment trial - i think the second one.

of course it's been scrubbed and can't locate it now.

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797d9c No.97482

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701767 (091748ZOCT23) Notable: How much support and / or money did Israel send the US to help with 9/11?

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How much support and / or money did Israel send the US to help with 9/11?


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797d9c No.97483

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701772 (091749ZOCT23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN NH WOLFEBORO - 9TH OCT 2023 pastebin rally notes

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pastebin rally notes dough below.



LIVE - President Trump in Wolfeboro, NH



President Trump: We won the first one, we one the second one, but now we're going to win it so much that they won't be able to cheat

President Trump: For decades, the people of New Hampshire have been sold out, ripped off; you've been ripped off by everybody, and betrayed by the corrupt globalists, Washington Wall Street people; combinations of Washington/Wall Street, they're the worst of all. And it's never been worse than it is now under Crooked Joe Biden, and frankly, his boss, Barack Hussein Obama.

President Trump: Since Joe Biden took office, cumulative inflation has reached nearly a twenty percent number
and the thirty-year mortgage rate just hit a twenty-seven year high.

President Trump: It's at the lowest level in history [strategic oil reserve]. There's almost nothing there. And that was meant for war. Now who could imagine a war, right? People pouring into our country and we have no idea from where they come. The same people, in many cases, the same people that just attacked Israel. You know that, right?

President Trump: I'll terminate Joe Biden's delusional power plant regulations
which are forcing hundreds of power pants to shut down with nothing to replace them. It's a massive gift to communist China, and various other places. They want to close down power plants that have fifty to a hundred years of life left.

President Trump: I will implement rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure. We will regain energy independence.

President Trump: The United States will have the lowest cost of energy and electricity very soon. As soon as we're in, almost as soon as we're in. It's going to go very quickly. Right away, we're going to have the lowest, anywhere on Earth, we'll have the lowest energy on Earth.

>>>/qresearch/19701179, >>>/qresearch/19701186 djt: $1.99 no longer ÂŁ1.87 #Qdrop 199

Trump - Gas cars will be allowed but child sex mutilation will be banned if that's ok.

President Trump: They mutilate; I mean, what they do to your children, without your approval, with nothing. These people, they're crazy.

President Trump: We're also very close to a country that's going to be in a third World War, because we have an incompetent president. He has no clue
this is a war with weapons the likes of which nobody can even imagine how bad they are. This is obliteration, and Obama has plenty to do with it
I call him, 'Biden's Boss'.

POTUS - I've always been a couple of years ahead.

President Trump: I also opened up five thousand square miles of ocean off New England, that Barack Hussein Obama had closed. I don't know why. The most fertile area, almost like in the world, for a thing called fish. Fish and lobster, and you weren't allowed to use it
to this day, nobody really tells me, you know, why? Why did they do it?

President Trump: We've taken in, I'll bet, fifteen million people [illegals] in the last short period of time. It's bigger than New York state.


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797d9c No.97484

File: ab1a6db50158fc2⋯.mp4 (1.44 MB,360x360,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701776 (091749ZOCT23) Notable: Remember when he shood something unseen out of his seat in the Senate?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

797d9c No.97485

File: adc1b9039f8efba⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701780 (091750ZOCT23) Notable: ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN NH WOLFEBORO - 9TH OCT 2023 pastebin rally notes

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


President Trump: By the way, we're going to terminate the Department of Education, if you don't mind. Fast. Almost the first thing we;re going to do. We're going to let local government; we're going to let the states run education. We spend more per pupil than any country, anywhere in the world, and yet, we're at the bottom of the list
we spend double, and sometimes triple, per pupil, more than any other.

President Trump: This [The Snake] has to do with borders. It has to do with bad people coming in. It has to do with people coming in from jails, and mental institutions, and now it even pertains to Israel.

President Trump: When I was Commander in Chief, we reduced the Iranian economy, and I withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal, imposed the toughest ever sanctions on the regime, and imposed a strict travel ban to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country. And now they're pouring in to our country. Joe Biden undid it, he undid it all, and gave billions and billions of dollars to the world's top sponsor of terror, tossing Israel to the bloodthirsty terrorists and jihadists.

President Trump: This problem was caused, in my opinion, by his boss, Barack Hussein Obama
.It's caused by Obama. That's the boss of Crooked Joe, and his people who are running the White House. His people are running the White House. And they are running these viscous witch hunts and investigations on me, because I don't think Biden knows what the hell he is doing
.even the judge I have in Washington, happens to be an Obama appointee.

djt: anyone heard the snake. this has to do with the border and now it has to do with Israel.

President Trump: The bloodshed and killing that we saw this week will never, ever, be allowed to happen on American soil, except for the fact that we have now allowed tens of thousands of probable terrorists into our country. We have people coming; men, coming in from China, by the thousands. Men, not women, men coming in by the thousands. We have ,men coming in from the middle-east by the thousands and thousands, and they let them come in, just come right in. There's something going on, and we gotta be careful. We need smart leadership. If we don't have smart leadership, we're not going to have a country any longer
.the same people that attacked Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA throughout our totally open southern border. They're coming in at record levels. And they're planning, I don't know, maybe they're planning, are they planning an attack on our homeland? I guess maybe that could happen, couldn't it, huh?
Crooked Joe Biden, and his boss, Barack Hussein Obama, did this to us.

Q+: "I will return all trafficked children to their families"

music play's hold on i'm coming

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797d9c No.97486

File: 92daeb3b0b3cc2c⋯.mp4 (7.39 MB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701797 (091752ZOCT23) Notable: Child Traffickers and Ankle Monitors MP4

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797d9c No.97487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701812 (091755ZOCT23) Notable: Anon Contemplates, So Ukraine (New Jerusalem) is supporting Israel by sending weapons to Hamas

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

So Ukraine (New Jerusalem) is supporting Israel by sending weapons to Hamas ?!? ...

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot ?!?

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797d9c No.97488

File: f51203df1e92376⋯.png (316.36 KB,531x685,531:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701843 (091800ZOCT23) Notable: @KariLake There is an invasion at the Arizona border RIGHT NOW.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There is an invasion at the Arizona border RIGHT NOW.

Kyrsten Sinema and Ruben Gallego repeatedly voted AGAINST funding the border wall.

They have rubber stamped this open borders agenda.

Arizonans are sick of it.


Stay strapped, or get clapped AZ.

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797d9c No.97489

File: 6eaffda0f345efc⋯.jpg (15.92 KB,258x194,129:97,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701867 (091803ZOCT23) Notable: Child Traffickers and Ankle Monitors MP4

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It's a thing

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797d9c No.97490

File: 43c9fd35719dece⋯.png (31.39 KB,529x369,529:369,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701883 (091806ZOCT23) Notable: 99% of the illegals Biden has freed into the US are still here

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It’s official: 99% of the illegals Biden has freed into the US are still here. ICE has been dismantled. CBP has been turned into a free shuttle service for illegals. And the cartels are the ones in charge.


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797d9c No.97491

File: ddb2239583c7214⋯.png (37.24 KB,601x103,601:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701916 (091811ZOCT23) Notable: Shelling in Lebanon has commenced

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Israel has started shelling Lebanese territory on the border.

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797d9c No.97492

File: 8767aeb40daa41c⋯.png (252.4 KB,524x528,131:132,Clipboard.png)

File: 77bbcdd5c2b5edb⋯.png (252.79 KB,522x521,522:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f2181865927116⋯.png (243.96 KB,527x472,527:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 37281b7c2062ae5⋯.png (311.03 KB,534x699,178:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701920 (091812ZOCT23) Notable: Warmongers Start Push For US Involvement In Iran Following Hamas Attack

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Warmongers Start Push For US Involvement In Iran Following Hamas Attack


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797d9c No.97493

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701934 (091814ZOCT23) Notable: HOW ISRAEL HELPED CREATE HAMAS. WWIII FALSE FLAG PSYOP BITCHUTE

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797d9c No.97494

File: ac45d411d120768⋯.png (767.86 KB,715x689,55:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701936 (091814ZOCT23) Notable: Shelling in Lebanon has commenced

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secondary source.


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797d9c No.97495

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701982 (091821ZOCT23) Notable: Anons 8 step Plan to Winning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Civil unrest

Martial law

Ten days darkness

Deep state rounded up

Trump returns to finish term

Cleans house

executes criminals

Then we vote

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797d9c No.97496

File: c5bec059b0c93d8⋯.png (15.58 KB,532x164,133:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702000 (091823ZOCT23) Notable: "The probability of Mr Trump being President after the 2024 election has increased from 36% in June to 46% in our latest survey." - Deutsche Bank #Checked

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"The probability of Mr Trump being President after the 2024 election has increased from 36% in June to 46% in our latest survey." - Deutsche Bank October Global Markets Survey, polling 410 finance professionals


It's higher then that.

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797d9c No.97497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702005 (091824ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Jim Jordan Says Support for Israel Would Be First Priority If Selected as Next House Speaker

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rep. Jim Jordan Says Support for Israel Would Be First Priority If Selected as Next House Speaker


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797d9c No.97498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702021 (091825ZOCT23) Notable: #24190

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24190 >>97446


>>97446 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Wolfeboro, NH - 10/9/23

>>97447 President Trump: I also opened up five thousand square miles of ocean off New England, that Barack Hussein Obama had closed.

>>97448 MP4 Trump Dance - Nailed it

>>97449 TRUMP-I'm always a couple years ahead of schedule

>>97450 President Trump: We've taken in, I'll bet, fifteen million people [illegals] in the last short period of time. It's bigger than New York state.

>>97455 President Trump: By the way, we're going to terminate the Department of Education

>>97463 Trump keeps mentioning HANNIBAL Lector

>>97465 President Trump: When I was Commander in Chief, we reduced the Iranian economy, and I withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal

>>97467 President Trump: This problem was caused, in my opinion, by his boss, Barack Hussein Obama

>>97471 Return trafficked children to own country- trump

>>97472 djt: anyone heard the snake. this has to do with the border and now it has to do with Israel.

>>97456, >>97470 Trump called out BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA directly

>>97473 President Trump: The bloodshed and killing that we saw this week will never, ever, be allowed to happen on American soi

>>97475 POTUS - I'm a person of common sense.

>>97476, >>97477 POTUS - We have to swamp them (vote fraud).

>>97483, >>97485 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN NH WOLFEBORO - 9TH OCT 2023 pastebin rally notes


>>97451 Israeli Defense Minister: “No food, No electricity, No fuel, No water. We’re fighting human animals and we act accordingly."

>>97452 Gunfire and explosions in Lebanon as IDF responds to incursion on northern border

>>97453 What a historic achievement for India at the Asian Games! (1_7)

>>97454 WH calls a lid

>>97457, >>97468 Israel/Iran/Pakistan X TRENDS

>>97458 Where was (Our ALLY) Israel when ANTIFA/BLM was burning down our cities?

>>97459 Trump Saving the Children AI Cap

>>97460 GTMO 845
monday run

>>97461 Hamas threatens to execute civilian hostages and air each execution via live television.

>>97462 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces his independent candidacy for president?

>>97464 @SenSchumer I raised with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi the Hamas atrocities against Israel

>>97466 Evil is fighting Evil (And Shall Not Stand)

>>97469 Israel and Saudi Arabia are the only 2 "countries" that were spontaneously made up into "existence."?

>>97474 Congressman from Florida urges to re-freeze $6 billion Iranian funds

>>97478 Al-Qassam spokesman: "The enemy does not understand the language of humanity and morality

>>97479 Actors are gonna act CAPS

>>97480 G4S is a British-Danish private security company that provides services and equipment to Israel?

>>97482 How much support and / or money did Israel send the US to help with 9/11?

>>97481, >>97484 Remember when he shood something unseen out of his seat in the Senate?

>>97486, >>97489 Child Traffickers and Ankle Monitors MP4

>>97487 Anon Contemplates, So Ukraine (New Jerusalem) is supporting Israel by sending weapons to Hamas

>>97488 @KariLake There is an invasion at the Arizona border RIGHT NOW.

>>97490 99% of the illegals Biden has freed into the US are still here


>>97492 Warmongers Start Push For US Involvement In Iran Following Hamas Attack

>>97494, >>97491 Shelling in Lebanon has commenced

>>97495 Anons 8 step Plan to Winning

>>97496 "The probability of Mr Trump being President after the 2024 election has increased from 36% in June to 46% in our latest survey." - Deutsche Bank #Checked

>>97497 Rep. Jim Jordan Says Support for Israel Would Be First Priority If Selected as Next House Speaker



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797d9c No.97499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702040 (091827ZOCT23) Notable: #24191

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#24191 https://fullchan.net/?802fd6fcae597917#Gs7aDysJpCQPECEVssayb1Q4jjSUrLTwap7JCASUkkyr

Gaza Live: Real-time HD Camera Feeds from Gaza


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797d9c No.97500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702063 (091831ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino: 10/9/23 - Wofeboro, New Hampshire...

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797d9c No.97501

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797d9c No.97502

File: 01f76d2b14d8bfe⋯.png (499.28 KB,817x803,817:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702067 (091831ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Who Is Writing These Scripts?’: MSNBC Guest Goes Off On Network’s Coverage Right To Hosts’ Face

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

‘Who Is Writing These Scripts?’: MSNBC Guest Goes Off On Network’s Coverage Right To Hosts’ Face

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt went off on MSNBC’s coverage of the terrorist attacks in Israel right to MSNBC’s Jonathan Lemire’s face on Monday.

Hamas terrorists launched a relentless attack on Israel on Saturday, firing hundreds of rockets and invading on the ground. Hundreds are dead, while dozens remain missing.

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi blamed Israelis on Saturday for the terrorist attacks, arguing alongside a Palestinian analyst that Americans want to ignore the alleged mistreatment of Palestinians and this is what happens as a consequence.

Greenblatt called the network out for its biased coverage.


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797d9c No.97503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702106 (091837ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian Solidarity Rally Canceled in Berlin

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Pro-Palestinian Solidarity Rally Canceled in Berlin


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797d9c No.97504

File: 27ac44146312f49⋯.png (229.99 KB,496x447,496:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702114 (091838ZOCT23) Notable: WEF Member: 90% Population Reduction Would Solve Globalists’ ‘Problems’

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WEF Member: 90% Population Reduction Would Solve Globalists’ ‘Problems’

A World Economic Forum (WEF) member told her fellow globalists that all of their “problems” would be solved if the Earth’s population was 90 percent smaller than it is today.

English primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall, who the WEF lists as one of its “agenda contributors,” made the statement during a panel discussion at the organization’s annual summit in Davos, Switzerland.

Goodall’s comments have gathered renewed attention after a clip of her statement at the summit was recently shared on Twitter/X.

During the panel discussion, participants were discussing the hurdles they face with ushering in the WEF’s agenda to a non-compliant public.

They complained about the pushback to unpopular policies for fighting “climate change” and ending capitalism.

Goodhall then bemoaned the size of the world’s human population, suggesting that Earth would be better with far fewer people on it.

“We cannot hide away from human population growth,” she told frustrated elites.

“Because it underlies so many of the other problems,” she continued.

“All of these problems that we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of the population that it was 500 years ago.”


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797d9c No.97505

File: e66f15b1ef5266a⋯.png (207.42 KB,412x422,206:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702115 (091838ZOCT23) Notable: Smith & Wesson Ditches East Coast Home of Nearly 170 Years, Opens New Headquarters in the South

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Smith & Wesson Ditches East Coast Home of Nearly 170 Years, Opens New Headquarters in the South

READ: http://w-j.co/s/21d0a

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797d9c No.97506

File: fa6f1498a93b3cf⋯.png (396.18 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702150 (091844ZOCT23) Notable: Swiss writer called journalist a ‘fat lesbian’ sentenced to 60 days in prison

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who rules over (you)?

Swiss writer who called journalist a ‘fat lesbian’ sentenced to 60 days in prison

LGBT activist groups praised the sentencing of the controversial Swiss polemicist as 'historic,' saying it sends a 'strong signal that homophobic hatred will not be tolerated in our society.'


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797d9c No.97507

File: 1395428848b3e63⋯.png (147.99 KB,597x505,597:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 5af998b2686b611⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702160 (091845ZOCT23) Notable: @MahyarTousi It's kicking off in central London. Stay safe everyone. The enemy is here to hurt us.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Its kicking off in London

Front of Israeli Embassy


JUST IN - Israeli Home Front Command instructs citizens to prepare for a 3-day stay in shelters.

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797d9c No.97508

File: 5e6bb3f6dfa5341⋯.png (35.83 KB,672x290,336:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702170 (091847ZOCT23) Notable: Respected leader Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit killed fighting Hamas

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Respected leader of Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit is killed fighting Hamas as officials praise his 'bravery'

Colonel Roy Levy, 44, was the commander of Unit 888, set up to tackle Hamas

READ MORE: Israel Palestine conflict news LIVE: Death toll surpasses 1,000

By Elena Salvoni

Published: 20:12 EDT, 8 October 2023 | Updated: 20:33 EDT, 8 October 2023

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797d9c No.97509

File: 3c564153e4f6c09⋯.png (67.94 KB,743x639,743:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 4272264153de8a9⋯.png (60.95 KB,704x612,176:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702202 (091851ZOCT23) Notable: Respected leader Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit killed fighting Hamas

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>Roy Levy


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797d9c No.97510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702227 (091854ZOCT23) Notable: DeSantis On Terror Attacks In Israel: Hamas Is Iran’s ‘Tool’ To Wage Terror Against Israel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

DeSantis On Terror Attacks In Israel: Hamas Is Iran’s ‘Tool’ To Wage Terror Against Israel

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said during an interview over the weekend that the Hamas terrorist organization was Iran’s “tool” for carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel.

The remarks come after the Palestinian terrorists murdered 700+ Israelis over the weekend is a massive rocket attack followed by widespread shootings throughout Israel.

The Republican presidential candidate said the first thing that needed to happen was making sure Israel knows that the United States stands behind it as they exercise “overwhelming force” against the terrorists.

“Part of the reason we’re in this situation is because in past iterations of attacks, which admittedly, were not at this level, Israel would respond, but then there’d immediately be a lot of pressure for Israel to stand down,” he said. “Israel would even start getting blamed. And so they never really uprooted the terror networks of Hamas, and even Hezbollah, like they probably should have.”

DeSantis also shed light on one of the most horrifying aspects of the Palestinian terrorist attacks that has gotten little attention in the media.

“You had terrorists storming residential communities, armed with machine guns, taking people hostage. I’ve never seen some of the horrors,” he said. “They would actually kill somebody, film it, and then upload it to that person’s social media, so then the family is seeing their loved one killed because of what they’re doing.”

DeSantis said Israel understands that by far the top threat in the region is Iran and that Hamas was ultimately a “tool” or an “instrument” for the Iranians to conduct terrorism against Israel.


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797d9c No.97511

File: 7fe890ac0c7045c⋯.png (69.13 KB,704x617,704:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 20d1e852c2205c1⋯.png (71.7 KB,708x659,708:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702231 (091854ZOCT23) Notable: Respected leader Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit killed fighting Hamas

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797d9c No.97512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702234 (091855ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Israeli PM Netanyahu Expected to Speak

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Streamed 12 minutes ago

LIVE: Israeli PM Netanyahu Expected to Speak

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797d9c No.97513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702275 (091902ZOCT23) Notable: X TRENDS, MEME Cannon

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"19701274 LIVE President Trump Delivers Remarks in Wolfeboro NH 10923",

"19701296 President Trump I also opened up five thousand square miles of ocean off New England that Barack Hussein Obama had closed",

"19701302 MP4 Trump Dance Nailed it",

"19701316 TRUMPIm always a couple years ahead of schedule",

"19701323 President Trump Weve taken in Ill bet fifteen million people illegals in the last short period of time",

"19701363 President Trump By the way were going to terminate the Department of Education",

"19701477 Trump keeps mentioning HANNIBAL Lector",

"19701497 President Trump When I was Commander in Chief we reduced the Iranian economy and I withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal",

"19701539 President Trump This problem was caused in my opinion by his boss Barack Hussein Obama",

"19701576 Return trafficked children to own country trump",

"19701581 djt anyone heard the snake this has to do with the border and now it has to do with Israel",

"19701378 19701575 Trump called out BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA directly",

"19701594 President Trump The bloodshed and killing that we saw this week will never ever be allowed to happen on American soi",

"19701607 POTUS Im a person of common sense",

"19701612 19701613 POTUS We have to swamp them vote fraud",

"19701772 19701780 ARCHIVING TRUMP RALLY IN NH WOLFEBORO 9TH OCT 2023 pastebin rally notes",

"19701325 Israeli Defense Minister No food No electricity No fuel No water Were fighting human animals and we act accordingly",

"19701341 Gunfire and explosions in Lebanon as IDF responds to incursion on northern border",

"19701346 What a historic achievement for India at the Asian Games 1_7",

"19701361 WH calls a lid",

"19701404 Where was Our ALLY Israel when ANTIFABLM was burning down our cities",

"19701409 Trump Saving the Children AI Cap",

"19701422 GTMO 845monday run",

"19701468 Hamas threatens to execute civilian hostages and air each execution via live television",

"19701469 Robert F Kennedy Jr announces his independent candidacy for president",

"19701490 SenSchumer I raised with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi the Hamas atrocities against Israel",

"19701503 Evil is fighting Evil And Shall Not Stand",

"19701567 Israel and Saudi Arabia are the only 2 countries that were spontaneously made up into existence",

"19701598 Congressman from Florida urges to refreeze 6 billion Iranian funds",

"19701678 AlQassam spokesman The enemy does not understand the language of humanity and morality",

"19701681 Actors are gonna act CAPS",

"19701720 G4S is a BritishDanish private security company that provides services and equipment to Israel",

"19701767 How much support and or money did Israel send the US to help with 911",

"19701762 19701776 Remember when he shood something unseen out of his seat in the Senate",

"19701797 19701867 Child Traffickers and Ankle Monitors MP4",

"19701812 Anon Contemplates So Ukraine New Jerusalem is supporting Israel by sending weapons to Hamas",

"19701843 KariLake There is an invasion at the Arizona border RIGHT NOW",

"19701883 99 of the illegals Biden has freed into the US are still here",


"19701920 Warmongers Start Push For US Involvement In Iran Following Hamas Attack",

"19701936 19701916 Shelling in Lebanon has commenced",

"19701982 Anons 8 step Plan to Winning",

"19702000 The probability of Mr Trump being President after the 2024 election has increased from 36 in June to 46 in our latest survey",

"19702005 Rep Jim Jordan Says Support for Israel Would Be First Priority If Selected as Next House Speaker",

"19701087 President Trump For decades the people of New Hampshire have been sold out ripped off",

"19701091 TRUMPIts reversed Its like April Fools Day",

"19701103 PDJT Shes no longer relevant",

"19701105 President Trump Since Joe Biden took office cumulative inflation has reached nearly a twenty percent number",

"19701120 TRUMP HIgh energy costs have STRZOK the NE",

"19701147 TRUMP We built 561 Miles of Wall We have 200 Miles to go",

"19701157 President Trump Ill terminate Joe Bidens delusional power plant regulations",

"19701162 President Trump I will implement rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure",

"19701182 President Trump The United States will have the lowest cost of energy and electricity very soon",

"19701233 President Trump Were also very close to a country thats going to be in a third World War",

"19700552 How Hamas duped Israel as it planned devastating attack",

"19700576 Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are required to take two oaths before they may execute the duties of their office",

"19700582 Happy Melania Monday",

"19700585 The Israeli mafia wiki",

"19700592 Biden State Department Gives 90000 to Phoenix Group Supporting Palestinian Islamic Jihad",

"19700623 realDonaldTrump Happening Now AF1 en route",

"19700630 Thunderstruck was the song played loudly on the best speakers built in USA tanks that were first to cross the border into Iraq",

"19700632 Call to dig 19700592",

"19700633 ivan_8848 Former IDF on killing Palestinians",

"19700635 realDonaldTrump China owned China Investment Corp the Countrys Sovereign wealth Fund and very badly failing",

"19700682 Gaza Explosion Caps",

"19700686 EU suspends all aid funds for Palestinians",

"19700689 19700706 Memes of the Thread",

"19700696 Happy Columbus Day Anons",

"19700708 Kevin McCarthy Lays Out a 3Step Plan following Attack on Israel",

"19700797 tBannonWarRoom Egyptian intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of something big",

"19700832 1115 AM EDT Former House Speaker Rep McCarthy Remarks on Israel",

"19700855 DJT The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER",

"19700856 OSUT trainees experience a multitude of combat and logistical scenarios during their live fire patrols",

"19700880 More insane explosions",

"19700884 Schumer calls on Xi to support Israel as China says relation with US will determine the future of humanity",

"19700896 Blinken Deletes Tweet Calling for Ceasefire Between Israel Hamas",

"19700906 Scavino shared a memory on Facebook",

"19700976 Israel Lockdowns begin",

"19700991 Anon digs the TrumpDan posts Trump post attack bun",

"19700998 Nakd selfie of Joe Bidens younger brother Frank wearing ONLY CAP AND GLASSES shows up on gay dating site",

"19701037 House Republicans will huddle behind closed doors TONIGHT in search of a Speaker",

"19700761 19700784 Unpopular Populism",

"19701083 Former adviser to US ambassador to Israel calls on Whitmer to resign after fraudulent response to attacks",

"19701116 GenFlynn JonathanTurley it is called the criminalization of government service",

"19701137 Chief of Staff of Pentagon Counterterrorism Office Served Iranian Gov",

"19701152 New Data Reveals Which State Is The Top UFO Hotspot",

"19701156 DC_Draino And there it is the ultimate goal of Iran has been achieved",

"19701178 TS Trump Post Cap Trump was Right about Everything",

"19701115 Trump with the Presidential Seal CAP",

"19701215 Palestine They will be bombed and moved into Concentration Camps",

"19701246 Hamas Attack Was Enabled By Biden Diverting National Security Resources To Radical Leftwing Agendas",

"19699582 UN Israeli Defense Minister orders siege on Gaza There will be no electricity no food no fuel We are fighting human animals",

"19699753 Takeoffs and landings of planes at Hamburg Airport are halted due to a bomb threat involving an aircraft from Iran",

"19699843 The elites financial system is running on fumes We have been exposing their psyops faster than they can create them",

"19699870 Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains",

"19699944 Hill sources say BofA Cathay Bank JP Morgan and other major banks have until Oct 12 to turn over subpoenaed Biden bank records",

"19700086 Eric Trump wCAP This didnt age well",

"19700124 Alaska fishermen are feeling the pinch after Bering Sea snow crab season was canceled for the second year in a row",

"19700127 Ken Paxton Files Criminal Complaints Against House Impeachment Managers Reports Crimes",

"19700167 Ahoy The Ship Show 10092023",

"19700206 Danish PM warns against Western war fatigue We must be with Ukraine to the bitter end",

"19700154 YT Nonames wife gifts Francis with a priestdestroying idol",

"19700311 LOOK AT THE CARNAGE not staged at all",

"19700324 Its not over for BaldwinYet",

"19700356 National Emergency Alert System huge success unless you were a prisoner with an illegal cell phone",

"19700383 Young guy walks around Costco proving that inflation isnt 7its actually 75",

"19700385 PF checking in TEAL71",

"19700387 Semiconductor Chip War Americas Edge Over China",

"19700396 BANNONS WARROOM opening 3 buildings collapse in gaza that came down like building 7",


"19700444 Thosuands of Palestinians have gathered at Masjid Al Aqsa where they claim a third temple of Solomon is going to be built",

"19700452 Yoav Gallant announces that he has ordered a Total Siege of the Gaza Strip allowing No Food Fuel or Electricity",

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797d9c No.97514

File: cf887f55a8a7dc0⋯.png (321.01 KB,600x505,120:101,Clipboard.png)

File: d77a270164793b3⋯.jpg (145.38 KB,1440x907,1440:907,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702298 (091904ZOCT23) Notable: @DeptofDefense: we recognize many contributions Indigenous peoples’ have made to history

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Department of Defense đŸ‡ș🇾



Today, we recognize the many contributions Indigenous peoples’ have made to history and celebrate their cultures that enrich our world.



Free Palestine

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797d9c No.97515

File: 576b7e35ad75ccd⋯.png (16.97 KB,531x195,177:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702300 (091905ZOCT23) Notable: Biden admin officials told US Senators to prepare constituents for long war in Israel and Gaza Strip

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NEW: Biden admin officials told US Senators to prepare their constituents for a long war in Israel and the Gaza Strip, indicating that U.S. support — both tangible & political — will be necessary in the coming weeks - Punchbowl


A taste of the endless wars they want for the world.

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797d9c No.97516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702305 (091906ZOCT23) Notable: Chinese leader Xi strengthens statement on Israel after pressure from Schumer

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Chinese leader Xi strengthens statement on Israel after pressure from Schumer

In an unusual move, Chinese President Xi Jinping strengthened China’s statement condemning the war in Israel and the Gaza Strip after coming under pressure from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Monday.

China, in an updated statement through a foreign ministry spokesperson, condemned “all violence and attacks on civilians” and said “the most urgent task now is to reach a ceasefire and restore peace.”

The stronger statement after Schumer expressed his disappointment with an earlier statement from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs that merely called for restraint.

“I raised with President Xi the unfolding atrocities carried out against Israel and the need for the world community to stand together against terrorism and with the Israeli people, and pointedly requested from President Xi that the Chinese Foreign Minister strengthen their statement; they did,” Schumer said in a Monday statement.

China’s foreign ministry on Sunday said: “We call on relevant parties to remain calm, exercise restraint and immediately end the hostilities to protect civilians and avoid further deterioration of the situation.”

Schumer said that statement didn’t go far enough. He told Xi on Monday he was “very disappointed” that China’s government had not condemned the attacks on 22 Israeli towns by Hamas militants in stronger terms.

“The ongoing events in Israel over the past few days are horrific,” Schumer told Xi in a meeting. “I urge you and the Chinese people to stand with the Israeli people and condemn these cowardly and vicious attacks.”

He criticized China’s foreign ministry’s initial statement as showing “no sympathy or support for Israel during these troubled times.”

Schumer met with Xi for 80 minutes in Beijing on Monday as part of a delegation of six senators.

The Democratic leader also told Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi he was not satisfied with China’s initial statement responding to the attacks on Israeli civilians.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson later said China is “deeply saddened by civilian casualties caused by the conflict between Palestine and Israel.”


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797d9c No.97517

File: 3228d72a1ae023d⋯.png (181.26 KB,413x434,59:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702316 (091908ZOCT23) Notable: Netanyahu says "air strikes in Gaza are just the beginning"

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🚹Breaking: Netanyahu says "air strikes in Gaza are just the beginning" and what Israel will do next will "resonate for generations to come."


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797d9c No.97518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702334 (091911ZOCT23) Notable: Biden administration to pour additional millions into ‘Gender Studies’ in Middle East

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Biden administration to pour additional millions into ‘Gender Studies’ in Middle East

U.S. to provide free tuition to women in the Middle-East, provided they “participate in an additional activity or short-term project where students can promote and advocate for gender equality.” The U.S. spent $787.4 million on advancing gender equality in now Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

The State Department is prepared to spend $15 million to create “gender scholars” at American universities in Egypt and Lebanon by promoting gender studies at those institutions, according to a public grants database.

The State Department is offering to spend up to $15 million over five years as part of its “Tomorrow’s Leaders Gender Scholars Program” which will “support students to advance and deepen their engagement in gender studies” and “increase their participation in gender studies.” As part of the program, students who enroll in at least one gender studies course per semester will have their tuition paid by U.S. taxpayers.

To reap the benefits of U.S.-funded free tuition, Middle-Eastern students are required to “participate in an additional activity or short-term project where students can promote and advocate for gender equality” in addition to enrolling in a gender studies course, according to the grant.

Universities applying for grants must require students to write a paper and be tested on their “awareness of gender issues” every semester they are participating in the program. Grant applicants must also outline mentorship opportunities that would be available to students to aid them in conducting “gender research.”

The State Department claims that “the integration of gender studies in higher education increases the attention given to social, political, and economic interests and outcomes; promotes understanding of personal and social values, and intellectual merit.” The grant also argues that promoting gender studies could increase economic growth and improve student’s skills in other areas, like finance and public policy.

American University in Cairo, one of the institutions involved with the program, says on its website that it “aims to empower students to become gender-sensitive” and to advocate for feminist policy reforms. The American University of Beirut in Lebanon, another participating institution, touts the program as giving students an opportunity to “be at the heart of a growing and vibrant culture of gender studies,” according to its website.

Some gender studies courses offered at the American University in Cairo include “Gender and Feminist Research Methodologies,” which “provides an introduction to gender and feminist approaches to dominant theories of knowledge” and “Reading Capital,” which introduces students to “Marxist conceptions of the making of histories.”

Egypt received $170,221,103 from the United States during the 2023 fiscal year, according to the U.S. government. Lebanon got $187,797,256 in foreign assistance.

This is not the first time the U.S. government has used taxpayer dollars to fund gender studies and gender equity initiatives in the Middle East. The United States spent $787.4 million on advancing gender equality in Afghanistan, according to a 2021 government report.

The State Department is currently bankrolling 90 young female journalists in the terrorist-controlled Gaza Strip to “write about gender issues and be aware of how to address gender issues in journalism,” according to a federal grant database. Similarly, the department opened applications for up to $12 million in grant funding on May 15 for universities in Iraq to teach Iraqis to appreciate “gender diversity” and to provide more courses and majors related to “gender issues,” according to a grant posting.

The State Department did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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797d9c No.97519

File: 5c75f5a4d215407⋯.png (588.34 KB,1057x1674,1057:1674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702347 (091913ZOCT23) Notable: Netanyahu says "air strikes in Gaza are just the beginning"

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797d9c No.97520

File: 685ae46f219c306⋯.png (171.05 KB,682x786,341:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e6c08e214a83fc⋯.png (200.3 KB,688x924,172:231,Clipboard.png)

File: cfbef6361b7cfa9⋯.png (177.1 KB,681x917,681:917,Clipboard.png)

File: 772bacc0be77a25⋯.png (157.62 KB,691x749,691:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 54604174b1335b0⋯.png (167.54 KB,698x770,349:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702350 (091914ZOCT23) Notable: State Department says it considered Burisma corrupt, but kept dealing with its reps anyways

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State Department says it considered Burisma corrupt, but kept dealing with its reps anyways

Despite the concerns about Burisma within the U.S. embassy, the Ambassador and other State Department officials continued to interact with the company’s representatives.

During Donald Trump's first impeachment in 2019, State Department officials insisted they considered the Burisma Holdings energy firm in Ukraine that employed Hunter Biden to be corrupt and wanted nothing to do with it. But evidence that has emerged since shows U.S. embassy officials had extensive interactions with Burisma and its representatives between 2015 and 2018.

The evidence marks the latest evolution of a Democrat-driven narrative on the Bidens and Ukraine that was used to impeach Trump but that has since eroded under scrutiny.

Just the News recently published photos, obtained from the Burisma Holdings website and posts from the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council, that show then-Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch meeting on multiple occasions with Burisma executive Vadim Pozharskyi, one of the colleagues who worked closely with Hunter Biden.

Yovanovitch, a key impeachment witness against Trump in 2019, also attended at least one other event with Joseph Cofer Black, a Burisma board member. These meetings show that on at least three occasions, the embassy participated in official events with Burisma despite its concerns about the company being corrupt and two reports of possible bribes it paid.

During her October 2019 testimony to House impeachment investigators, Yovanovitch suggested she knew little beyond an initial briefing and “press reports” about Burisma Holdings and the investigations into the company.

Yet, communications inside her embassy about Burisma were extensive and her deputy, George Kent, briefed her multiple times on the corruption allegations against the company, according to internal State memos previously reported by Just the News.

The ambassador herself would also warn a U.S.-based non-profit about partnering with Burisma over the corruption allegations against the company, according to an email Just the News previously uncovered.

Despite the concerns about Burisma within the embassy, the Ambassador and other State Department officials continued to interact with the company’s representatives.

Here is a timeline that details State's continued interactions with Burisma and its knowledge of the corruption allegations against the company:

February 2015: U.S. embassy official George Kent uncovers alleged bribe by Burisma owner.

After George Kent—who served as Deputy Chief of Mission under Ambassadors Geoffrey Pyatt and Yovanovitch—arrived in Ukraine he organized a meeting with the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) under Vitaly Yarema to raise concerns about how the money-laundering case against Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky was being handled, according to Senate investigators.


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797d9c No.97521

File: dce7ac6c7b6e153⋯.png (435.18 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702397 (091920ZOCT23) Notable: Israel's military might that is about to obliterate Hamas

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Israel's military might that is about to obliterate Hamas: 300 tanks, 600 warplanes and 173,000 troops
 all primed for payback against the terrorists - with cars lining the streets as 300,000 reservists register to fight


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797d9c No.97522

File: e9c0c2005a542a3⋯.png (19.48 KB,594x211,594:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702400 (091921ZOCT23) Notable: @DEFCONWSALERTS: While we assess no nuclear threat State actors current Israel war, we must note threat of dirty bombs

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While we assess no nuclear threat from State actors in the current Israel war, we must note the threat of dirty bombs always exists. The public is always urged to be aware of this threat and educate themselves on the precautions before and steps to take in the event of such use.

7:12 AM · Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97523

File: 0063eef7f816a9f⋯.png (555.08 KB,620x762,310:381,Clipboard.png)

File: 0208e090d879523⋯.png (1.16 MB,950x600,19:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702409 (091923ZOCT23) Notable: A lot of people lied about this: Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza was NOT bombed

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@JackPosobiec · 1m

A lot of people lied about this

Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza was NOT bombed

Posted on 2:20 PM · Oct 9th, 2023



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797d9c No.97524

File: 43560cafe067a36⋯.jpg (239.81 KB,537x746,537:746,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702419 (091925ZOCT23) Notable: A lot of people lied about this: Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza was NOT bombed

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>3rd oldest church in the world. Gone. Israelis aren't messing around.

The Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza was not bombed as initially reported by Palestinian sources.

Despite rumours to the contrary, the Facebook page for Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church has denied that it was destroyed today in a bombing by Israel.

This church, formally under the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, is the oldest Cathedral of Gaza and thethird oldest in the whole world.The Christian community here goes back to 395 AD when it was part of the Eastern Roman Empire.


It's still there!

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797d9c No.97525

File: 79ce1c137f112b3⋯.png (221.75 KB,554x395,554:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702423 (091925ZOCT23) Notable: US defense stocks surge amid Hamas attacks on Israel

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US defense stocks surge amid Hamas attacks on Israel

European defense companies also saw a boost in valuation.

The valuation of US defense company shares has seen a jump as Israel continues its battle against Hamas and other terrorist attackers.

Notable surges include Lockheed Martin going up 7 percent, Northrop Grumman climbing 10 percent, and RTX (formerly known as Raytheon) rising over 3 percent.

According to the Wall Street Journal, European defense companies also saw a boost in valuation; BAE Systems, Italy's Leonardo and France's Dassault Aviation all saw increases of over 4 percent. Meanwhile, German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall rose over 6 percent.

This increase in stock prices comes after Hamas terrorists launched a surprise attack on Israel over the weekend. The attacks often targeted innocent people, and proved brutal; invaders in one instance crashed a music festival and began to kidnap and kill attendees.

Israel's prime minister responded with a declaration that "Hamas started a cruel and evil war" and that while Israel will win, "the price will be heavy."

"What happened today will not be seen in Israel, and I will make sure that it does not happen again," the prime minister promised, "The entire government stands behind this decision. The IDF will immediately use all its power to disable Hamas' capabilities. We will beat them to death, we will take revenge on them for the black day they have inflicted on the State of Israel and its citizens."

The Biden administration notably decided to release $6 billion of frozen Iranian funds just about a month before the carnage began, leading some to question whether any of this money may have been used to help finance the attacks by Hamas.

Upon being pressed on the issue on Saturday, Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken defended the decision, insisting that the Islamic Republic has "always" funded terroristic operations.

"Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism, on supporting groups like Hamas," stated Blinken. "And it’s done that when there have been sanctions, it’s done that when there haven’t been sanctions, and it’s always prioritized that."

Former President Trump spoke out against the violence on Saturday and appeared to imply that the Biden administration may have routed American taxpayer money in a manner that helped to finance the violence.


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797d9c No.97526

File: a4c7d60638f082a⋯.png (39.32 KB,443x225,443:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 544ece6f16fc21d⋯.mp4 (572 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702464 (091935ZOCT23) Notable: @DanScavino: Daniel Scavino Jr. on Instagraminstagram.com/reel/CyL7tGSu8wi

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Dan ScavinođŸ‡ș🇾🩅



Daniel Scavino Jr. on Instagram

1,500 likes, 63 comments - danscavino on October 9, 2023


Oct 09, 2023, 2:09 PM


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797d9c No.97527

File: 6b6ce7d37fc28ee⋯.png (369.24 KB,529x461,529:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702477 (091937ZOCT23) Notable: @Warship_78: #USSGeraldRFord Sailors are prepared and ready for anything, at any time. #ProudToServe #AlwaysReady

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#USSGeraldRFord Sailors are prepared and ready for anything, at any time. #ProudToServe #AlwaysReady




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797d9c No.97528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702480 (091938ZOCT23) Notable: “Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul

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“Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul

In 2009, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) said on the House floor that Israel ‘encouraged and started Hamas.’

Paul’s comments came during a speech about ‘blowback’ due to U.S. intervention in the Middle East.

“What’s happening in the Middle East, in particular with Gaza right now, we have some moral responsibility for both sides in a way because we provide help and funding for both Arab nations and Israel,” Paul said.

“We have a moral responsibility, especially now today the weapons being used to kill so many Palestinians are American weapons and American funds are being used for this,” he added.

“But there’s a political liability, which I think is something we fail to look at because too often there’s so much blowback from our intervention in areas that we shouldn’t be involved in,” he continued.

“You know Hamas, if you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat,” Paul commented.

“You say, Well, yeah, it was better then and served its purpose, but we didn’t want Hamas to do this. So then we, as Americans, say, Well, we have such a good system; we’re going to impose this on the world. We’re going to invade Iraq and teach people how to be democrats. We want free elections. So we encouraged the Palestinians to have a free election. They do, and they elect Hamas,” Paul continued.

“So we first, indirectly and directly through Israel, helped establish Hamas. Then we have an election where Hamas becomes dominant, then we have to kill them. It just doesn’t make sense. During the 80s, we were allied with Osama bin Laden and we were contending with the Soviets. It was at that time our CIA thought it was good if we radicalize the Muslim world. So we finance the Madrassas school to radicalize the Muslims in order to compete with the Soviets. There is too much blowback,” he said.

“There are a lot of reasons why we should oppose this resolution. It’s not in the interest of the United States, it is not in the interest of Israel either,” he added.


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797d9c No.97529

File: d9a31bca337417d⋯.png (214.98 KB,857x643,857:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702484 (091939ZOCT23) Notable: Israel Orders Chevron To Close Tamar Gas Field As War Rages

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Israel Orders Chevron To Close Tamar Gas Field As War Rages

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Monday, Oct 09, 2023 - 07:40 AM

The war between Israel and the militant group Hamas enters its third day, with the death toll now at 1,100 - at least 700 in Israel and 424 in Gaza. As cited by The Wall Street Journal, a Hamas spokesman mentioned their surprise weekend assaults on Israel had Iran's backing. Meanwhile, the Biden administration's support of Iran, the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, has drawn tremendous criticism and is horrible optics ahead of the 2024 presidential election cycle.

Focusing on energy markets, Israel ordered the shutdown of the Chevron-operated Tamar gas field in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel for fear Hamas rockets could strike offshore gas installations.

"Chevron Mediterranean Limited was instructed by Israel's Ministry of Energy to shut in production at the Tamar Production Platform," the company said in a statement, first cited by Reuters.

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797d9c No.97530

File: 051e4684f769917⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702526 (091946ZOCT23) Notable: “Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul

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>Hamas Was Started by Israel


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797d9c No.97531

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702564 (091952ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon On U.S. Border Crisis: “There Is A Ticking Time Bomb In This Country That’s Going To Go Off”

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Bannon On U.S. Border Crisis: “There Is A Ticking Time Bomb In This Country That’s Going To Go Off”

Bannons War Room


BD Anon 4/19/21.(Mon)


Time is short in Ukraine. Putin will be giving a speech soon. A contact in Russian Intelligence indicates the speech is the words of life and death. It is his most important speech in the last 20 years and from what I understand the unraveling of the World Wide system of checks and balance is at hand.

The sword moves from the Ukraine to Syria and to Israel to Iran and china. The importance of the Chauvin trial can not be underestimated in all of this.We are on the edge of the 7 years of darkness.



Time is short in Ukraine. Putin will be giving a speech soon. A contact in Russian Intelligence indicates the speech is the words of life and death. It is his most important speech in the last 20 years and from what I understand the unraveling of the World Wide system of checks and balance is at hand.




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797d9c No.97532

File: 87bcd7af638a974⋯.png (483.44 KB,595x627,595:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702572 (091953ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon On U.S. Border Crisis: “There Is A Ticking Time Bomb In This Country That’s Going To Go Off”

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Graham Allen


Massive groups of ADULT MEN are waiting to be processed by Border Patrol.

We are letting strangers stroll free into our country.

Does anyone actually think it's a good idea to keep our borders open right now?!?!??


Bill Melugin

3:04 AM · Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702619 (092002ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS T: Lyin’ Mike Pence has lost a lot of his energy

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PDJT says VPPence lying’ WHY would VPPence be lying?


I’m up 56 Points, so the Debates would seem to be a complete waste of time. I’m also up 10 on Crooked Joe! What is the RNC doing? They should be fighting against Election Interference & the Pennsylvania Voter Registration Scam. The Debates should be ENDED, BAD for the Republican Party! I was in Michigan last night with Autoworkers & others. Watched Debate = REPORT CARD: Doug Burgum did a very good job, solid & smart! Sloppy Chris Christie was a DISASTER, A TRUMP DERANGED LUNATIC! Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley was exposed for her caustic DISLOYALTY & LIES about the Republican Party, and me. Doesn’t have what it takes, NEVER DID! Lyin’ Mike Pence has lost a lot of his energy. Very flat, needs me badly! Actually, quite sad to watch, but he’ll get better. Too much J-6! Tim Scott stepped it up. Wonderful guy. Looking forward to getting his Endorsement! Vivek said I was a great President. Thank you. Good Job! Ron DeSanctimonious had a bad night. He can feel the end is near. Dropping like a rock!ïżŒ

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797d9c No.97534

File: 0a8d3ff3d17cded⋯.png (381.24 KB,595x867,35:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702625 (092002ZOCT23) Notable: All wars are bankers wars.

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Good lord this post blew up, and I blasted past 100k followers.

Appreciate everyone who is interested in my work and reading what I have to say. I say this every time I pass a milestone, but I'm still very new to all this, having gone from 300-400 followers to now a 100k in just a few months, so hope I can keep it interesting and insightful.

All I want to do is help people see the inversions and escape them for good health and a strong mind. Be it with vaccines, diet, politics, finance, war, or whatever else. The people are being preyed upon by dark forces and the only way to escape it is if you know what they're up to and how they're doing it in the first place.

It's survival of the wisest.






This might be one of the most important documentaries that anyone can watch right now given current events and escalations between Hamas, Israel, Iran, and the US.

All wars are bankers wars.

If you are still caught up in the left vs right, Israel vs Palestine, Ukraine vs

Show more

5:39 AM · Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97535

File: ecd8090562ea84b⋯.jpg (272.21 KB,1096x1576,137:197,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702628 (092003ZOCT23) Notable: The UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine: "We are horrified by what is happening and we call for a truce."

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JUST IN: The UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine: "We are horrified by what is happening and we call for a truce."

Source: Al Jazeera

Video: Gaza under intense bombing.

who's right and who's wrong?

whatever the answer, the people pay the price.

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797d9c No.97536

File: a4813233a07cc87⋯.png (49.61 KB,1009x303,1009:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702644 (092006ZOCT23) Notable: Vulnerable Americans to begin masking and testing again amid shambolic Covid booster rollout

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Vulnerable Americans to begin masking and testing again amid shambolic Covid booster rollout that has seen just 1% of country vaccinated in a month

Vaccine rollout is now in the hands of private companies and insurers

People who want the vaccine are facing shortages and long waits

READ MORE: Researchers develop oral shot that kills Covid before it infects

By Alexa Lardieri U.S. Deputy Health Editor Dailymail.Com

Published: 14:50 EDT, 9 October 2023 | Updated: 15:03 EDT, 9 October 2023

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797d9c No.97537

File: c94032c648b4be4⋯.png (294.07 KB,609x498,203:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702649 (092007ZOCT23) Notable: EU reverses commissioner's announcement to 'immediately' suspend development aid for Palestinians

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BREAKING: EU reverses commissioner's announcement to 'immediately' suspend development aid for Palestinians.


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797d9c No.97538

File: 152f59a3ee1089c⋯.png (212.8 KB,391x627,391:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702655 (092009ZOCT23) Notable: “Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul

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What is the most important step to fight terrorism? "For the new president? I think the most important step should an advice on that should be directed at both Republicans and Democrats. Because terrorism is a very serious, serious problem. And many of us have been predicting in warning about this. But nobody asked about motives every time there's a murder in this country. What's the motive? What's most, nobody asked about the motive and the motive has to do with our foreign policy. So if anybody cares and worried about terrorism, if they don't address the subject of an interventionist foreign policy where we invade foreign lands where we kill a lot of people and we throw our weight around and we become the policemen of the world, you will never understand and you will never stop the terrorism because what has been the response so far in these last few weeks, an incident happens and everybody can't wait, how many people they're going to bomb...?" ___Ron Paul


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797d9c No.97539

File: 426020bec215391⋯.png (21.91 KB,600x161,600:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702676 (092013ZOCT23) Notable: @sentdefender: Hezbollah has announced now that 9 Fighters were Killed by the Israeli Defense Force

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Hezbollah has announced now that 9 Fighters were Killed by the Israeli Defense Force during Clashes on the Lebanese Border earlier today.



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797d9c No.97540

File: 24a96788f7e1e2f⋯.png (29.68 KB,589x417,589:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702702 (092017ZOCT23) Notable: @BillMelugin: Border Patrol arrests of suspects on the FBI’s terror watchlist at the southern border

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Bill Melugin


Border Patrol arrests of suspects on the FBI’s terror watchlist at the southern border:

FY’23 - 151 (so far).

FY’22 - 98

FY’21 - 15

FY’20 - 3

FY’19 - 0

FY’18 - 6

FY’17 - 2

There have also been over 1.5 million *known* gotaways since start of 2021, enough to fill 16 Rose Bowls.

9:36 AM · Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97541

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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