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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

797d9c No.51585 [View All]

07OCT23 to 09OCT23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 725 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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797d9c No.97492

File: 8767aeb40daa41c⋯.png (252.4 KB,524x528,131:132,Clipboard.png)

File: 77bbcdd5c2b5edb⋯.png (252.79 KB,522x521,522:521,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f2181865927116⋯.png (243.96 KB,527x472,527:472,Clipboard.png)

File: 37281b7c2062ae5⋯.png (311.03 KB,534x699,178:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701920 (091812ZOCT23) Notable: Warmongers Start Push For US Involvement In Iran Following Hamas Attack

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Warmongers Start Push For US Involvement In Iran Following Hamas Attack


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797d9c No.97493

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701934 (091814ZOCT23) Notable: HOW ISRAEL HELPED CREATE HAMAS. WWIII FALSE FLAG PSYOP BITCHUTE

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797d9c No.97494

File: ac45d411d120768⋯.png (767.86 KB,715x689,55:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701936 (091814ZOCT23) Notable: Shelling in Lebanon has commenced

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secondary source.


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797d9c No.97495

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19701982 (091821ZOCT23) Notable: Anons 8 step Plan to Winning

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Civil unrest

Martial law

Ten days darkness

Deep state rounded up

Trump returns to finish term

Cleans house

executes criminals

Then we vote

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797d9c No.97496

File: c5bec059b0c93d8⋯.png (15.58 KB,532x164,133:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702000 (091823ZOCT23) Notable: "The probability of Mr Trump being President after the 2024 election has increased from 36% in June to 46% in our latest survey." - Deutsche Bank #Checked

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"The probability of Mr Trump being President after the 2024 election has increased from 36% in June to 46% in our latest survey." - Deutsche Bank October Global Markets Survey, polling 410 finance professionals


It's higher then that.

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797d9c No.97497

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702005 (091824ZOCT23) Notable: Rep. Jim Jordan Says Support for Israel Would Be First Priority If Selected as Next House Speaker

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Rep. Jim Jordan Says Support for Israel Would Be First Priority If Selected as Next House Speaker


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797d9c No.97498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702021 (091825ZOCT23) Notable: #24190

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#24190 >>97446


>>97446 LIVE: President Trump Delivers Remarks in Wolfeboro, NH - 10/9/23

>>97447 President Trump: I also opened up five thousand square miles of ocean off New England, that Barack Hussein Obama had closed.

>>97448 MP4 Trump Dance - Nailed it

>>97449 TRUMP-I'm always a couple years ahead of schedule

>>97450 President Trump: We've taken in, I'll bet, fifteen million people [illegals] in the last short period of time. It's bigger than New York state.

>>97455 President Trump: By the way, we're going to terminate the Department of Education

>>97463 Trump keeps mentioning HANNIBAL Lector

>>97465 President Trump: When I was Commander in Chief, we reduced the Iranian economy, and I withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal

>>97467 President Trump: This problem was caused, in my opinion, by his boss, Barack Hussein Obama

>>97471 Return trafficked children to own country- trump

>>97472 djt: anyone heard the snake. this has to do with the border and now it has to do with Israel.

>>97456, >>97470 Trump called out BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA directly

>>97473 President Trump: The bloodshed and killing that we saw this week will never, ever, be allowed to happen on American soi

>>97475 POTUS - I'm a person of common sense.

>>97476, >>97477 POTUS - We have to swamp them (vote fraud).

>>97483, >>97485 ARCHIVING - TRUMP RALLY IN NH WOLFEBORO - 9TH OCT 2023 pastebin rally notes


>>97451 Israeli Defense Minister: “No food, No electricity, No fuel, No water. We’re fighting human animals and we act accordingly."

>>97452 Gunfire and explosions in Lebanon as IDF responds to incursion on northern border

>>97453 What a historic achievement for India at the Asian Games! (1_7)

>>97454 WH calls a lid

>>97457, >>97468 Israel/Iran/Pakistan X TRENDS

>>97458 Where was (Our ALLY) Israel when ANTIFA/BLM was burning down our cities?

>>97459 Trump Saving the Children AI Cap

>>97460 GTMO 845…monday run

>>97461 Hamas threatens to execute civilian hostages and air each execution via live television.

>>97462 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announces his independent candidacy for president?

>>97464 @SenSchumer I raised with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi the Hamas atrocities against Israel

>>97466 Evil is fighting Evil (And Shall Not Stand)

>>97469 Israel and Saudi Arabia are the only 2 "countries" that were spontaneously made up into "existence."?

>>97474 Congressman from Florida urges to re-freeze $6 billion Iranian funds

>>97478 Al-Qassam spokesman: "The enemy does not understand the language of humanity and morality

>>97479 Actors are gonna act CAPS

>>97480 G4S is a British-Danish private security company that provides services and equipment to Israel?

>>97482 How much support and / or money did Israel send the US to help with 9/11?

>>97481, >>97484 Remember when he shood something unseen out of his seat in the Senate?

>>97486, >>97489 Child Traffickers and Ankle Monitors MP4

>>97487 Anon Contemplates, So Ukraine (New Jerusalem) is supporting Israel by sending weapons to Hamas

>>97488 @KariLake There is an invasion at the Arizona border RIGHT NOW.

>>97490 99% of the illegals Biden has freed into the US are still here


>>97492 Warmongers Start Push For US Involvement In Iran Following Hamas Attack

>>97494, >>97491 Shelling in Lebanon has commenced

>>97495 Anons 8 step Plan to Winning

>>97496 "The probability of Mr Trump being President after the 2024 election has increased from 36% in June to 46% in our latest survey." - Deutsche Bank #Checked

>>97497 Rep. Jim Jordan Says Support for Israel Would Be First Priority If Selected as Next House Speaker



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797d9c No.97499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702040 (091827ZOCT23) Notable: #24191

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#24191 https://fullchan.net/?802fd6fcae597917#Gs7aDysJpCQPECEVssayb1Q4jjSUrLTwap7JCASUkkyr

Gaza Live: Real-time HD Camera Feeds from Gaza


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797d9c No.97500

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702063 (091831ZOCT23) Notable: Dan Scavino: 10/9/23 - Wofeboro, New Hampshire...

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797d9c No.97501

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797d9c No.97502

File: 01f76d2b14d8bfe⋯.png (499.28 KB,817x803,817:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702067 (091831ZOCT23) Notable: ‘Who Is Writing These Scripts?’: MSNBC Guest Goes Off On Network’s Coverage Right To Hosts’ Face

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‘Who Is Writing These Scripts?’: MSNBC Guest Goes Off On Network’s Coverage Right To Hosts’ Face

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt went off on MSNBC’s coverage of the terrorist attacks in Israel right to MSNBC’s Jonathan Lemire’s face on Monday.

Hamas terrorists launched a relentless attack on Israel on Saturday, firing hundreds of rockets and invading on the ground. Hundreds are dead, while dozens remain missing.

MSNBC’s Ali Velshi blamed Israelis on Saturday for the terrorist attacks, arguing alongside a Palestinian analyst that Americans want to ignore the alleged mistreatment of Palestinians and this is what happens as a consequence.

Greenblatt called the network out for its biased coverage.


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797d9c No.97503

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702106 (091837ZOCT23) Notable: Pro-Palestinian Solidarity Rally Canceled in Berlin

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Pro-Palestinian Solidarity Rally Canceled in Berlin


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797d9c No.97504

File: 27ac44146312f49⋯.png (229.99 KB,496x447,496:447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702114 (091838ZOCT23) Notable: WEF Member: 90% Population Reduction Would Solve Globalists’ ‘Problems’

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WEF Member: 90% Population Reduction Would Solve Globalists’ ‘Problems’

A World Economic Forum (WEF) member told her fellow globalists that all of their “problems” would be solved if the Earth’s population was 90 percent smaller than it is today.

English primatologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall, who the WEF lists as one of its “agenda contributors,” made the statement during a panel discussion at the organization’s annual summit in Davos, Switzerland.

Goodall’s comments have gathered renewed attention after a clip of her statement at the summit was recently shared on Twitter/X.

During the panel discussion, participants were discussing the hurdles they face with ushering in the WEF’s agenda to a non-compliant public.

They complained about the pushback to unpopular policies for fighting “climate change” and ending capitalism.

Goodhall then bemoaned the size of the world’s human population, suggesting that Earth would be better with far fewer people on it.

“We cannot hide away from human population growth,” she told frustrated elites.

“Because it underlies so many of the other problems,” she continued.

“All of these problems that we talk about wouldn’t be a problem if there was the size of the population that it was 500 years ago.”


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797d9c No.97505

File: e66f15b1ef5266a⋯.png (207.42 KB,412x422,206:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702115 (091838ZOCT23) Notable: Smith & Wesson Ditches East Coast Home of Nearly 170 Years, Opens New Headquarters in the South

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Smith & Wesson Ditches East Coast Home of Nearly 170 Years, Opens New Headquarters in the South

READ: http://w-j.co/s/21d0a

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797d9c No.97506

File: fa6f1498a93b3cf⋯.png (396.18 KB,810x500,81:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702150 (091844ZOCT23) Notable: Swiss writer called journalist a ‘fat lesbian’ sentenced to 60 days in prison

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who rules over (you)?

Swiss writer who called journalist a ‘fat lesbian’ sentenced to 60 days in prison

LGBT activist groups praised the sentencing of the controversial Swiss polemicist as 'historic,' saying it sends a 'strong signal that homophobic hatred will not be tolerated in our society.'


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797d9c No.97507

File: 1395428848b3e63⋯.png (147.99 KB,597x505,597:505,Clipboard.png)

File: 5af998b2686b611⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702160 (091845ZOCT23) Notable: @MahyarTousi It's kicking off in central London. Stay safe everyone. The enemy is here to hurt us.

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Its kicking off in London

Front of Israeli Embassy


JUST IN - Israeli Home Front Command instructs citizens to prepare for a 3-day stay in shelters.

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797d9c No.97508

File: 5e6bb3f6dfa5341⋯.png (35.83 KB,672x290,336:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702170 (091847ZOCT23) Notable: Respected leader Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit killed fighting Hamas

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Respected leader of Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit is killed fighting Hamas as officials praise his 'bravery'

Colonel Roy Levy, 44, was the commander of Unit 888, set up to tackle Hamas

READ MORE: Israel Palestine conflict news LIVE: Death toll surpasses 1,000

By Elena Salvoni

Published: 20:12 EDT, 8 October 2023 | Updated: 20:33 EDT, 8 October 2023

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797d9c No.97509

File: 3c564153e4f6c09⋯.png (67.94 KB,743x639,743:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 4272264153de8a9⋯.png (60.95 KB,704x612,176:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702202 (091851ZOCT23) Notable: Respected leader Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit killed fighting Hamas

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>Roy Levy


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797d9c No.97510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702227 (091854ZOCT23) Notable: DeSantis On Terror Attacks In Israel: Hamas Is Iran’s ‘Tool’ To Wage Terror Against Israel

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DeSantis On Terror Attacks In Israel: Hamas Is Iran’s ‘Tool’ To Wage Terror Against Israel

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said during an interview over the weekend that the Hamas terrorist organization was Iran’s “tool” for carrying out terrorist attacks against Israel.

The remarks come after the Palestinian terrorists murdered 700+ Israelis over the weekend is a massive rocket attack followed by widespread shootings throughout Israel.

The Republican presidential candidate said the first thing that needed to happen was making sure Israel knows that the United States stands behind it as they exercise “overwhelming force” against the terrorists.

“Part of the reason we’re in this situation is because in past iterations of attacks, which admittedly, were not at this level, Israel would respond, but then there’d immediately be a lot of pressure for Israel to stand down,” he said. “Israel would even start getting blamed. And so they never really uprooted the terror networks of Hamas, and even Hezbollah, like they probably should have.”

DeSantis also shed light on one of the most horrifying aspects of the Palestinian terrorist attacks that has gotten little attention in the media.

“You had terrorists storming residential communities, armed with machine guns, taking people hostage. I’ve never seen some of the horrors,” he said. “They would actually kill somebody, film it, and then upload it to that person’s social media, so then the family is seeing their loved one killed because of what they’re doing.”

DeSantis said Israel understands that by far the top threat in the region is Iran and that Hamas was ultimately a “tool” or an “instrument” for the Iranians to conduct terrorism against Israel.


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797d9c No.97511

File: 7fe890ac0c7045c⋯.png (69.13 KB,704x617,704:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 20d1e852c2205c1⋯.png (71.7 KB,708x659,708:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702231 (091854ZOCT23) Notable: Respected leader Israel's secretive 'Ghost' commando unit killed fighting Hamas

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797d9c No.97512

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702234 (091855ZOCT23) Notable: LIVE: Israeli PM Netanyahu Expected to Speak

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Streamed 12 minutes ago

LIVE: Israeli PM Netanyahu Expected to Speak

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797d9c No.97513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702275 (091902ZOCT23) Notable: X TRENDS, MEME Cannon

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"19701274 LIVE President Trump Delivers Remarks in Wolfeboro NH 10923",

"19701296 President Trump I also opened up five thousand square miles of ocean off New England that Barack Hussein Obama had closed",

"19701302 MP4 Trump Dance Nailed it",

"19701316 TRUMPIm always a couple years ahead of schedule",

"19701323 President Trump Weve taken in Ill bet fifteen million people illegals in the last short period of time",

"19701363 President Trump By the way were going to terminate the Department of Education",

"19701477 Trump keeps mentioning HANNIBAL Lector",

"19701497 President Trump When I was Commander in Chief we reduced the Iranian economy and I withdrew from the disastrous Iran Nuclear Deal",

"19701539 President Trump This problem was caused in my opinion by his boss Barack Hussein Obama",

"19701576 Return trafficked children to own country trump",

"19701581 djt anyone heard the snake this has to do with the border and now it has to do with Israel",

"19701378 19701575 Trump called out BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA directly",

"19701594 President Trump The bloodshed and killing that we saw this week will never ever be allowed to happen on American soi",

"19701607 POTUS Im a person of common sense",

"19701612 19701613 POTUS We have to swamp them vote fraud",

"19701772 19701780 ARCHIVING TRUMP RALLY IN NH WOLFEBORO 9TH OCT 2023 pastebin rally notes",

"19701325 Israeli Defense Minister No food No electricity No fuel No water Were fighting human animals and we act accordingly",

"19701341 Gunfire and explosions in Lebanon as IDF responds to incursion on northern border",

"19701346 What a historic achievement for India at the Asian Games 1_7",

"19701361 WH calls a lid",

"19701404 Where was Our ALLY Israel when ANTIFABLM was burning down our cities",

"19701409 Trump Saving the Children AI Cap",

"19701422 GTMO 845monday run",

"19701468 Hamas threatens to execute civilian hostages and air each execution via live television",

"19701469 Robert F Kennedy Jr announces his independent candidacy for president",

"19701490 SenSchumer I raised with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Foreign Minister Wang Yi the Hamas atrocities against Israel",

"19701503 Evil is fighting Evil And Shall Not Stand",

"19701567 Israel and Saudi Arabia are the only 2 countries that were spontaneously made up into existence",

"19701598 Congressman from Florida urges to refreeze 6 billion Iranian funds",

"19701678 AlQassam spokesman The enemy does not understand the language of humanity and morality",

"19701681 Actors are gonna act CAPS",

"19701720 G4S is a BritishDanish private security company that provides services and equipment to Israel",

"19701767 How much support and or money did Israel send the US to help with 911",

"19701762 19701776 Remember when he shood something unseen out of his seat in the Senate",

"19701797 19701867 Child Traffickers and Ankle Monitors MP4",

"19701812 Anon Contemplates So Ukraine New Jerusalem is supporting Israel by sending weapons to Hamas",

"19701843 KariLake There is an invasion at the Arizona border RIGHT NOW",

"19701883 99 of the illegals Biden has freed into the US are still here",


"19701920 Warmongers Start Push For US Involvement In Iran Following Hamas Attack",

"19701936 19701916 Shelling in Lebanon has commenced",

"19701982 Anons 8 step Plan to Winning",

"19702000 The probability of Mr Trump being President after the 2024 election has increased from 36 in June to 46 in our latest survey",

"19702005 Rep Jim Jordan Says Support for Israel Would Be First Priority If Selected as Next House Speaker",

"19701087 President Trump For decades the people of New Hampshire have been sold out ripped off",

"19701091 TRUMPIts reversed Its like April Fools Day",

"19701103 PDJT Shes no longer relevant",

"19701105 President Trump Since Joe Biden took office cumulative inflation has reached nearly a twenty percent number",

"19701120 TRUMP HIgh energy costs have STRZOK the NE",

"19701147 TRUMP We built 561 Miles of Wall We have 200 Miles to go",

"19701157 President Trump Ill terminate Joe Bidens delusional power plant regulations",

"19701162 President Trump I will implement rapid approvals of new energy infrastructure",

"19701182 President Trump The United States will have the lowest cost of energy and electricity very soon",

"19701233 President Trump Were also very close to a country thats going to be in a third World War",

"19700552 How Hamas duped Israel as it planned devastating attack",

"19700576 Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States are required to take two oaths before they may execute the duties of their office",

"19700582 Happy Melania Monday",

"19700585 The Israeli mafia wiki",

"19700592 Biden State Department Gives 90000 to Phoenix Group Supporting Palestinian Islamic Jihad",

"19700623 realDonaldTrump Happening Now AF1 en route",

"19700630 Thunderstruck was the song played loudly on the best speakers built in USA tanks that were first to cross the border into Iraq",

"19700632 Call to dig 19700592",

"19700633 ivan_8848 Former IDF on killing Palestinians",

"19700635 realDonaldTrump China owned China Investment Corp the Countrys Sovereign wealth Fund and very badly failing",

"19700682 Gaza Explosion Caps",

"19700686 EU suspends all aid funds for Palestinians",

"19700689 19700706 Memes of the Thread",

"19700696 Happy Columbus Day Anons",

"19700708 Kevin McCarthy Lays Out a 3Step Plan following Attack on Israel",

"19700797 tBannonWarRoom Egyptian intelligence official says Israel ignored repeated warnings of something big",

"19700832 1115 AM EDT Former House Speaker Rep McCarthy Remarks on Israel",

"19700855 DJT The same people that raided Israel are pouring into our once beautiful USA through our TOTALLY OPEN SOUTHERN BORDER",

"19700856 OSUT trainees experience a multitude of combat and logistical scenarios during their live fire patrols",

"19700880 More insane explosions",

"19700884 Schumer calls on Xi to support Israel as China says relation with US will determine the future of humanity",

"19700896 Blinken Deletes Tweet Calling for Ceasefire Between Israel Hamas",

"19700906 Scavino shared a memory on Facebook",

"19700976 Israel Lockdowns begin",

"19700991 Anon digs the TrumpDan posts Trump post attack bun",

"19700998 Nakd selfie of Joe Bidens younger brother Frank wearing ONLY CAP AND GLASSES shows up on gay dating site",

"19701037 House Republicans will huddle behind closed doors TONIGHT in search of a Speaker",

"19700761 19700784 Unpopular Populism",

"19701083 Former adviser to US ambassador to Israel calls on Whitmer to resign after fraudulent response to attacks",

"19701116 GenFlynn JonathanTurley it is called the criminalization of government service",

"19701137 Chief of Staff of Pentagon Counterterrorism Office Served Iranian Gov",

"19701152 New Data Reveals Which State Is The Top UFO Hotspot",

"19701156 DC_Draino And there it is the ultimate goal of Iran has been achieved",

"19701178 TS Trump Post Cap Trump was Right about Everything",

"19701115 Trump with the Presidential Seal CAP",

"19701215 Palestine They will be bombed and moved into Concentration Camps",

"19701246 Hamas Attack Was Enabled By Biden Diverting National Security Resources To Radical Leftwing Agendas",

"19699582 UN Israeli Defense Minister orders siege on Gaza There will be no electricity no food no fuel We are fighting human animals",

"19699753 Takeoffs and landings of planes at Hamburg Airport are halted due to a bomb threat involving an aircraft from Iran",

"19699843 The elites financial system is running on fumes We have been exposing their psyops faster than they can create them",

"19699870 Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Cross Border Daily in San Diego as Smugglers Drive Them to Makeshift Campsite in Local Mountains",

"19699944 Hill sources say BofA Cathay Bank JP Morgan and other major banks have until Oct 12 to turn over subpoenaed Biden bank records",

"19700086 Eric Trump wCAP This didnt age well",

"19700124 Alaska fishermen are feeling the pinch after Bering Sea snow crab season was canceled for the second year in a row",

"19700127 Ken Paxton Files Criminal Complaints Against House Impeachment Managers Reports Crimes",

"19700167 Ahoy The Ship Show 10092023",

"19700206 Danish PM warns against Western war fatigue We must be with Ukraine to the bitter end",

"19700154 YT Nonames wife gifts Francis with a priestdestroying idol",

"19700311 LOOK AT THE CARNAGE not staged at all",

"19700324 Its not over for BaldwinYet",

"19700356 National Emergency Alert System huge success unless you were a prisoner with an illegal cell phone",

"19700383 Young guy walks around Costco proving that inflation isnt 7its actually 75",

"19700385 PF checking in TEAL71",

"19700387 Semiconductor Chip War Americas Edge Over China",

"19700396 BANNONS WARROOM opening 3 buildings collapse in gaza that came down like building 7",


"19700444 Thosuands of Palestinians have gathered at Masjid Al Aqsa where they claim a third temple of Solomon is going to be built",

"19700452 Yoav Gallant announces that he has ordered a Total Siege of the Gaza Strip allowing No Food Fuel or Electricity",

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797d9c No.97514

File: cf887f55a8a7dc0⋯.png (321.01 KB,600x505,120:101,Clipboard.png)

File: d77a270164793b3⋯.jpg (145.38 KB,1440x907,1440:907,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702298 (091904ZOCT23) Notable: @DeptofDefense: we recognize many contributions Indigenous peoples’ have made to history

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Department of Defense 🇺🇸



Today, we recognize the many contributions Indigenous peoples’ have made to history and celebrate their cultures that enrich our world.



Free Palestine

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797d9c No.97515

File: 576b7e35ad75ccd⋯.png (16.97 KB,531x195,177:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702300 (091905ZOCT23) Notable: Biden admin officials told US Senators to prepare constituents for long war in Israel and Gaza Strip

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NEW: Biden admin officials told US Senators to prepare their constituents for a long war in Israel and the Gaza Strip, indicating that U.S. support — both tangible & political — will be necessary in the coming weeks - Punchbowl


A taste of the endless wars they want for the world.

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797d9c No.97516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702305 (091906ZOCT23) Notable: Chinese leader Xi strengthens statement on Israel after pressure from Schumer

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Chinese leader Xi strengthens statement on Israel after pressure from Schumer

In an unusual move, Chinese President Xi Jinping strengthened China’s statement condemning the war in Israel and the Gaza Strip after coming under pressure from Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Monday.

China, in an updated statement through a foreign ministry spokesperson, condemned “all violence and attacks on civilians” and said “the most urgent task now is to reach a ceasefire and restore peace.”

The stronger statement after Schumer expressed his disappointment with an earlier statement from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs that merely called for restraint.

“I raised with President Xi the unfolding atrocities carried out against Israel and the need for the world community to stand together against terrorism and with the Israeli people, and pointedly requested from President Xi that the Chinese Foreign Minister strengthen their statement; they did,” Schumer said in a Monday statement.

China’s foreign ministry on Sunday said: “We call on relevant parties to remain calm, exercise restraint and immediately end the hostilities to protect civilians and avoid further deterioration of the situation.”

Schumer said that statement didn’t go far enough. He told Xi on Monday he was “very disappointed” that China’s government had not condemned the attacks on 22 Israeli towns by Hamas militants in stronger terms.

“The ongoing events in Israel over the past few days are horrific,” Schumer told Xi in a meeting. “I urge you and the Chinese people to stand with the Israeli people and condemn these cowardly and vicious attacks.”

He criticized China’s foreign ministry’s initial statement as showing “no sympathy or support for Israel during these troubled times.”

Schumer met with Xi for 80 minutes in Beijing on Monday as part of a delegation of six senators.

The Democratic leader also told Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi he was not satisfied with China’s initial statement responding to the attacks on Israeli civilians.

A Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson later said China is “deeply saddened by civilian casualties caused by the conflict between Palestine and Israel.”


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797d9c No.97517

File: 3228d72a1ae023d⋯.png (181.26 KB,413x434,59:62,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702316 (091908ZOCT23) Notable: Netanyahu says "air strikes in Gaza are just the beginning"

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🚨Breaking: Netanyahu says "air strikes in Gaza are just the beginning" and what Israel will do next will "resonate for generations to come."


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797d9c No.97518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702334 (091911ZOCT23) Notable: Biden administration to pour additional millions into ‘Gender Studies’ in Middle East

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Biden administration to pour additional millions into ‘Gender Studies’ in Middle East

U.S. to provide free tuition to women in the Middle-East, provided they “participate in an additional activity or short-term project where students can promote and advocate for gender equality.” The U.S. spent $787.4 million on advancing gender equality in now Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

The State Department is prepared to spend $15 million to create “gender scholars” at American universities in Egypt and Lebanon by promoting gender studies at those institutions, according to a public grants database.

The State Department is offering to spend up to $15 million over five years as part of its “Tomorrow’s Leaders Gender Scholars Program” which will “support students to advance and deepen their engagement in gender studies” and “increase their participation in gender studies.” As part of the program, students who enroll in at least one gender studies course per semester will have their tuition paid by U.S. taxpayers.

To reap the benefits of U.S.-funded free tuition, Middle-Eastern students are required to “participate in an additional activity or short-term project where students can promote and advocate for gender equality” in addition to enrolling in a gender studies course, according to the grant.

Universities applying for grants must require students to write a paper and be tested on their “awareness of gender issues” every semester they are participating in the program. Grant applicants must also outline mentorship opportunities that would be available to students to aid them in conducting “gender research.”

The State Department claims that “the integration of gender studies in higher education increases the attention given to social, political, and economic interests and outcomes; promotes understanding of personal and social values, and intellectual merit.” The grant also argues that promoting gender studies could increase economic growth and improve student’s skills in other areas, like finance and public policy.

American University in Cairo, one of the institutions involved with the program, says on its website that it “aims to empower students to become gender-sensitive” and to advocate for feminist policy reforms. The American University of Beirut in Lebanon, another participating institution, touts the program as giving students an opportunity to “be at the heart of a growing and vibrant culture of gender studies,” according to its website.

Some gender studies courses offered at the American University in Cairo include “Gender and Feminist Research Methodologies,” which “provides an introduction to gender and feminist approaches to dominant theories of knowledge” and “Reading Capital,” which introduces students to “Marxist conceptions of the making of histories.”

Egypt received $170,221,103 from the United States during the 2023 fiscal year, according to the U.S. government. Lebanon got $187,797,256 in foreign assistance.

This is not the first time the U.S. government has used taxpayer dollars to fund gender studies and gender equity initiatives in the Middle East. The United States spent $787.4 million on advancing gender equality in Afghanistan, according to a 2021 government report.

The State Department is currently bankrolling 90 young female journalists in the terrorist-controlled Gaza Strip to “write about gender issues and be aware of how to address gender issues in journalism,” according to a federal grant database. Similarly, the department opened applications for up to $12 million in grant funding on May 15 for universities in Iraq to teach Iraqis to appreciate “gender diversity” and to provide more courses and majors related to “gender issues,” according to a grant posting.

The State Department did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.


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797d9c No.97519

File: 5c75f5a4d215407⋯.png (588.34 KB,1057x1674,1057:1674,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702347 (091913ZOCT23) Notable: Netanyahu says "air strikes in Gaza are just the beginning"

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797d9c No.97520

File: 685ae46f219c306⋯.png (171.05 KB,682x786,341:393,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e6c08e214a83fc⋯.png (200.3 KB,688x924,172:231,Clipboard.png)

File: cfbef6361b7cfa9⋯.png (177.1 KB,681x917,681:917,Clipboard.png)

File: 772bacc0be77a25⋯.png (157.62 KB,691x749,691:749,Clipboard.png)

File: 54604174b1335b0⋯.png (167.54 KB,698x770,349:385,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702350 (091914ZOCT23) Notable: State Department says it considered Burisma corrupt, but kept dealing with its reps anyways

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State Department says it considered Burisma corrupt, but kept dealing with its reps anyways

Despite the concerns about Burisma within the U.S. embassy, the Ambassador and other State Department officials continued to interact with the company’s representatives.

During Donald Trump's first impeachment in 2019, State Department officials insisted they considered the Burisma Holdings energy firm in Ukraine that employed Hunter Biden to be corrupt and wanted nothing to do with it. But evidence that has emerged since shows U.S. embassy officials had extensive interactions with Burisma and its representatives between 2015 and 2018.

The evidence marks the latest evolution of a Democrat-driven narrative on the Bidens and Ukraine that was used to impeach Trump but that has since eroded under scrutiny.

Just the News recently published photos, obtained from the Burisma Holdings website and posts from the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council, that show then-Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch meeting on multiple occasions with Burisma executive Vadim Pozharskyi, one of the colleagues who worked closely with Hunter Biden.

Yovanovitch, a key impeachment witness against Trump in 2019, also attended at least one other event with Joseph Cofer Black, a Burisma board member. These meetings show that on at least three occasions, the embassy participated in official events with Burisma despite its concerns about the company being corrupt and two reports of possible bribes it paid.

During her October 2019 testimony to House impeachment investigators, Yovanovitch suggested she knew little beyond an initial briefing and “press reports” about Burisma Holdings and the investigations into the company.

Yet, communications inside her embassy about Burisma were extensive and her deputy, George Kent, briefed her multiple times on the corruption allegations against the company, according to internal State memos previously reported by Just the News.

The ambassador herself would also warn a U.S.-based non-profit about partnering with Burisma over the corruption allegations against the company, according to an email Just the News previously uncovered.

Despite the concerns about Burisma within the embassy, the Ambassador and other State Department officials continued to interact with the company’s representatives.

Here is a timeline that details State's continued interactions with Burisma and its knowledge of the corruption allegations against the company:

February 2015: U.S. embassy official George Kent uncovers alleged bribe by Burisma owner.

After George Kent—who served as Deputy Chief of Mission under Ambassadors Geoffrey Pyatt and Yovanovitch—arrived in Ukraine he organized a meeting with the Prosecutor General’s Office (PGO) under Vitaly Yarema to raise concerns about how the money-laundering case against Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky was being handled, according to Senate investigators.


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797d9c No.97521

File: dce7ac6c7b6e153⋯.png (435.18 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702397 (091920ZOCT23) Notable: Israel's military might that is about to obliterate Hamas

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Israel's military might that is about to obliterate Hamas: 300 tanks, 600 warplanes and 173,000 troops… all primed for payback against the terrorists - with cars lining the streets as 300,000 reservists register to fight


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797d9c No.97522

File: e9c0c2005a542a3⋯.png (19.48 KB,594x211,594:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702400 (091921ZOCT23) Notable: @DEFCONWSALERTS: While we assess no nuclear threat State actors current Israel war, we must note threat of dirty bombs

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While we assess no nuclear threat from State actors in the current Israel war, we must note the threat of dirty bombs always exists. The public is always urged to be aware of this threat and educate themselves on the precautions before and steps to take in the event of such use.

7:12 AM ¡ Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97523

File: 0063eef7f816a9f⋯.png (555.08 KB,620x762,310:381,Clipboard.png)

File: 0208e090d879523⋯.png (1.16 MB,950x600,19:12,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702409 (091923ZOCT23) Notable: A lot of people lied about this: Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza was NOT bombed

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@JackPosobiec ¡ 1m

A lot of people lied about this

Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza was NOT bombed

Posted on 2:20 PM ¡ Oct 9th, 2023



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797d9c No.97524

File: 43560cafe067a36⋯.jpg (239.81 KB,537x746,537:746,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702419 (091925ZOCT23) Notable: A lot of people lied about this: Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church in Gaza was NOT bombed

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>3rd oldest church in the world. Gone. Israelis aren't messing around.

The Greek Orthodox Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza was not bombed as initially reported by Palestinian sources.

Despite rumours to the contrary, the Facebook page for Saint Porphyrius Orthodox Church has denied that it was destroyed today in a bombing by Israel.

This church, formally under the Patriarchate of Jerusalem, is the oldest Cathedral of Gaza and thethird oldest in the whole world.The Christian community here goes back to 395 AD when it was part of the Eastern Roman Empire.


It's still there!

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797d9c No.97525

File: 79ce1c137f112b3⋯.png (221.75 KB,554x395,554:395,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702423 (091925ZOCT23) Notable: US defense stocks surge amid Hamas attacks on Israel

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US defense stocks surge amid Hamas attacks on Israel

European defense companies also saw a boost in valuation.

The valuation of US defense company shares has seen a jump as Israel continues its battle against Hamas and other terrorist attackers.

Notable surges include Lockheed Martin going up 7 percent, Northrop Grumman climbing 10 percent, and RTX (formerly known as Raytheon) rising over 3 percent.

According to the Wall Street Journal, European defense companies also saw a boost in valuation; BAE Systems, Italy's Leonardo and France's Dassault Aviation all saw increases of over 4 percent. Meanwhile, German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall rose over 6 percent.

This increase in stock prices comes after Hamas terrorists launched a surprise attack on Israel over the weekend. The attacks often targeted innocent people, and proved brutal; invaders in one instance crashed a music festival and began to kidnap and kill attendees.

Israel's prime minister responded with a declaration that "Hamas started a cruel and evil war" and that while Israel will win, "the price will be heavy."

"What happened today will not be seen in Israel, and I will make sure that it does not happen again," the prime minister promised, "The entire government stands behind this decision. The IDF will immediately use all its power to disable Hamas' capabilities. We will beat them to death, we will take revenge on them for the black day they have inflicted on the State of Israel and its citizens."

The Biden administration notably decided to release $6 billion of frozen Iranian funds just about a month before the carnage began, leading some to question whether any of this money may have been used to help finance the attacks by Hamas.

Upon being pressed on the issue on Saturday, Biden Secretary of State Antony Blinken defended the decision, insisting that the Islamic Republic has "always" funded terroristic operations.

"Iran has unfortunately always used and focused its funds on supporting terrorism, on supporting groups like Hamas," stated Blinken. "And it’s done that when there have been sanctions, it’s done that when there haven’t been sanctions, and it’s always prioritized that."

Former President Trump spoke out against the violence on Saturday and appeared to imply that the Biden administration may have routed American taxpayer money in a manner that helped to finance the violence.


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797d9c No.97526

File: a4c7d60638f082a⋯.png (39.32 KB,443x225,443:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 544ece6f16fc21d⋯.mp4 (572 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702464 (091935ZOCT23) Notable: @DanScavino: Daniel Scavino Jr. on Instagraminstagram.com/reel/CyL7tGSu8wi

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



Daniel Scavino Jr. on Instagram

1,500 likes, 63 comments - danscavino on October 9, 2023


Oct 09, 2023, 2:09 PM


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797d9c No.97527

File: 6b6ce7d37fc28ee⋯.png (369.24 KB,529x461,529:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702477 (091937ZOCT23) Notable: @Warship_78: #USSGeraldRFord Sailors are prepared and ready for anything, at any time. #ProudToServe #AlwaysReady

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#USSGeraldRFord Sailors are prepared and ready for anything, at any time. #ProudToServe #AlwaysReady




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797d9c No.97528

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702480 (091938ZOCT23) Notable: “Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul

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“Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul

In 2009, Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) said on the House floor that Israel ‘encouraged and started Hamas.’

Paul’s comments came during a speech about ‘blowback’ due to U.S. intervention in the Middle East.

“What’s happening in the Middle East, in particular with Gaza right now, we have some moral responsibility for both sides in a way because we provide help and funding for both Arab nations and Israel,” Paul said.

“We have a moral responsibility, especially now today the weapons being used to kill so many Palestinians are American weapons and American funds are being used for this,” he added.

“But there’s a political liability, which I think is something we fail to look at because too often there’s so much blowback from our intervention in areas that we shouldn’t be involved in,” he continued.

“You know Hamas, if you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yasser Arafat,” Paul commented.

“You say, Well, yeah, it was better then and served its purpose, but we didn’t want Hamas to do this. So then we, as Americans, say, Well, we have such a good system; we’re going to impose this on the world. We’re going to invade Iraq and teach people how to be democrats. We want free elections. So we encouraged the Palestinians to have a free election. They do, and they elect Hamas,” Paul continued.

“So we first, indirectly and directly through Israel, helped establish Hamas. Then we have an election where Hamas becomes dominant, then we have to kill them. It just doesn’t make sense. During the 80s, we were allied with Osama bin Laden and we were contending with the Soviets. It was at that time our CIA thought it was good if we radicalize the Muslim world. So we finance the Madrassas school to radicalize the Muslims in order to compete with the Soviets. There is too much blowback,” he said.

“There are a lot of reasons why we should oppose this resolution. It’s not in the interest of the United States, it is not in the interest of Israel either,” he added.


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797d9c No.97529

File: d9a31bca337417d⋯.png (214.98 KB,857x643,857:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702484 (091939ZOCT23) Notable: Israel Orders Chevron To Close Tamar Gas Field As War Rages

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Israel Orders Chevron To Close Tamar Gas Field As War Rages

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Monday, Oct 09, 2023 - 07:40 AM

The war between Israel and the militant group Hamas enters its third day, with the death toll now at 1,100 - at least 700 in Israel and 424 in Gaza. As cited by The Wall Street Journal, a Hamas spokesman mentioned their surprise weekend assaults on Israel had Iran's backing. Meanwhile, the Biden administration's support of Iran, the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism, has drawn tremendous criticism and is horrible optics ahead of the 2024 presidential election cycle.

Focusing on energy markets, Israel ordered the shutdown of the Chevron-operated Tamar gas field in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Israel for fear Hamas rockets could strike offshore gas installations.

"Chevron Mediterranean Limited was instructed by Israel's Ministry of Energy to shut in production at the Tamar Production Platform," the company said in a statement, first cited by Reuters.

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797d9c No.97530

File: 051e4684f769917⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB,320x240,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702526 (091946ZOCT23) Notable: “Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul

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>Hamas Was Started by Israel


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797d9c No.97531

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702564 (091952ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon On U.S. Border Crisis: “There Is A Ticking Time Bomb In This Country That’s Going To Go Off”

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Bannon On U.S. Border Crisis: “There Is A Ticking Time Bomb In This Country That’s Going To Go Off”

Bannons War Room


BD Anon 4/19/21.(Mon)


Time is short in Ukraine. Putin will be giving a speech soon. A contact in Russian Intelligence indicates the speech is the words of life and death. It is his most important speech in the last 20 years and from what I understand the unraveling of the World Wide system of checks and balance is at hand.

The sword moves from the Ukraine to Syria and to Israel to Iran and china. The importance of the Chauvin trial can not be underestimated in all of this.We are on the edge of the 7 years of darkness.



Time is short in Ukraine. Putin will be giving a speech soon. A contact in Russian Intelligence indicates the speech is the words of life and death. It is his most important speech in the last 20 years and from what I understand the unraveling of the World Wide system of checks and balance is at hand.




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797d9c No.97532

File: 87bcd7af638a974⋯.png (483.44 KB,595x627,595:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702572 (091953ZOCT23) Notable: Bannon On U.S. Border Crisis: “There Is A Ticking Time Bomb In This Country That’s Going To Go Off”

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Graham Allen


Massive groups of ADULT MEN are waiting to be processed by Border Patrol.

We are letting strangers stroll free into our country.

Does anyone actually think it's a good idea to keep our borders open right now?!?!??


Bill Melugin

3:04 AM ¡ Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702619 (092002ZOCT23) Notable: POTUS T: Lyin’ Mike Pence has lost a lot of his energy

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PDJT says VPPence lying’ WHY would VPPence be lying?


I’m up 56 Points, so the Debates would seem to be a complete waste of time. I’m also up 10 on Crooked Joe! What is the RNC doing? They should be fighting against Election Interference & the Pennsylvania Voter Registration Scam. The Debates should be ENDED, BAD for the Republican Party! I was in Michigan last night with Autoworkers & others. Watched Debate = REPORT CARD: Doug Burgum did a very good job, solid & smart! Sloppy Chris Christie was a DISASTER, A TRUMP DERANGED LUNATIC! Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley was exposed for her caustic DISLOYALTY & LIES about the Republican Party, and me. Doesn’t have what it takes, NEVER DID! Lyin’ Mike Pence has lost a lot of his energy. Very flat, needs me badly! Actually, quite sad to watch, but he’ll get better. Too much J-6! Tim Scott stepped it up. Wonderful guy. Looking forward to getting his Endorsement! Vivek said I was a great President. Thank you. Good Job! Ron DeSanctimonious had a bad night. He can feel the end is near. Dropping like a rock!

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797d9c No.97534

File: 0a8d3ff3d17cded⋯.png (381.24 KB,595x867,35:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702625 (092002ZOCT23) Notable: All wars are bankers wars.

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Good lord this post blew up, and I blasted past 100k followers.

Appreciate everyone who is interested in my work and reading what I have to say. I say this every time I pass a milestone, but I'm still very new to all this, having gone from 300-400 followers to now a 100k in just a few months, so hope I can keep it interesting and insightful.

All I want to do is help people see the inversions and escape them for good health and a strong mind. Be it with vaccines, diet, politics, finance, war, or whatever else. The people are being preyed upon by dark forces and the only way to escape it is if you know what they're up to and how they're doing it in the first place.

It's survival of the wisest.






This might be one of the most important documentaries that anyone can watch right now given current events and escalations between Hamas, Israel, Iran, and the US.

All wars are bankers wars.

If you are still caught up in the left vs right, Israel vs Palestine, Ukraine vs…

Show more

5:39 AM ¡ Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97535

File: ecd8090562ea84b⋯.jpg (272.21 KB,1096x1576,137:197,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702628 (092003ZOCT23) Notable: The UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine: "We are horrified by what is happening and we call for a truce."

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JUST IN: The UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Palestine: "We are horrified by what is happening and we call for a truce."

Source: Al Jazeera

Video: Gaza under intense bombing.

who's right and who's wrong?

whatever the answer, the people pay the price.

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797d9c No.97536

File: a4813233a07cc87⋯.png (49.61 KB,1009x303,1009:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702644 (092006ZOCT23) Notable: Vulnerable Americans to begin masking and testing again amid shambolic Covid booster rollout

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Vulnerable Americans to begin masking and testing again amid shambolic Covid booster rollout that has seen just 1% of country vaccinated in a month

Vaccine rollout is now in the hands of private companies and insurers

People who want the vaccine are facing shortages and long waits

READ MORE: Researchers develop oral shot that kills Covid before it infects

By Alexa Lardieri U.S. Deputy Health Editor Dailymail.Com

Published: 14:50 EDT, 9 October 2023 | Updated: 15:03 EDT, 9 October 2023

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797d9c No.97537

File: c94032c648b4be4⋯.png (294.07 KB,609x498,203:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702649 (092007ZOCT23) Notable: EU reverses commissioner's announcement to 'immediately' suspend development aid for Palestinians

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BREAKING: EU reverses commissioner's announcement to 'immediately' suspend development aid for Palestinians.


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797d9c No.97538

File: 152f59a3ee1089c⋯.png (212.8 KB,391x627,391:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702655 (092009ZOCT23) Notable: “Hamas Was Started by Israel”? Rep. Ron Paul

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What is the most important step to fight terrorism? "For the new president? I think the most important step should an advice on that should be directed at both Republicans and Democrats. Because terrorism is a very serious, serious problem. And many of us have been predicting in warning about this. But nobody asked about motives every time there's a murder in this country. What's the motive? What's most, nobody asked about the motive and the motive has to do with our foreign policy. So if anybody cares and worried about terrorism, if they don't address the subject of an interventionist foreign policy where we invade foreign lands where we kill a lot of people and we throw our weight around and we become the policemen of the world, you will never understand and you will never stop the terrorism because what has been the response so far in these last few weeks, an incident happens and everybody can't wait, how many people they're going to bomb...?" ___Ron Paul


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797d9c No.97539

File: 426020bec215391⋯.png (21.91 KB,600x161,600:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702676 (092013ZOCT23) Notable: @sentdefender: Hezbollah has announced now that 9 Fighters were Killed by the Israeli Defense Force

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Hezbollah has announced now that 9 Fighters were Killed by the Israeli Defense Force during Clashes on the Lebanese Border earlier today.



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797d9c No.97540

File: 24a96788f7e1e2f⋯.png (29.68 KB,589x417,589:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19702702 (092017ZOCT23) Notable: @BillMelugin: Border Patrol arrests of suspects on the FBI’s terror watchlist at the southern border

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Bill Melugin


Border Patrol arrests of suspects on the FBI’s terror watchlist at the southern border:

FY’23 - 151 (so far).

FY’22 - 98

FY’21 - 15

FY’20 - 3

FY’19 - 0

FY’18 - 6

FY’17 - 2

There have also been over 1.5 million *known* gotaways since start of 2021, enough to fill 16 Rose Bowls.

9:36 AM ¡ Oct 9, 2023




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797d9c No.97541

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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