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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

b1f9a3 No.51580 [View All]

26SEP23 to 28SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 692 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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58309d No.93737

File: b7955dc99a6bcec⋯.png (1.14 MB,932x699,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: dc8aa9e9ea563bb⋯.png (472.52 KB,1267x720,1267:720,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625212 (281547ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93738

File: 62c7908061544bd⋯.png (645.77 KB,1263x774,421:258,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625228 (281550ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93739

File: 9064d1fc533b114⋯.png (174.45 KB,706x540,353:270,Clipboard.png)

File: f8d839290b3919f⋯.png (218.62 KB,581x532,83:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625248 (281552ZSEP23)

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muh point of order

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58309d No.93740

File: c393fa916fd9e1e⋯.jpeg (214.86 KB,1200x907,1200:907,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 4f3e06b7f1b0a33⋯.png (610.05 KB,690x1122,115:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625258 (281554ZSEP23) Notable: Need Comm Check @senfettermanpa #Qmapped

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58309d No.93741

File: 336384a23778641⋯.png (367.45 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 66d60c14e7564bd⋯.png (820.96 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: ef296b6614f5ad0⋯.png (771.07 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: afd105193de4bc3⋯.png (616.51 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625268 (281554ZSEP23) Notable: PF Checks

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Have the c 130 making another trip

Along with gitmo 844


FIRK ..?

Awful 1 ?

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58309d No.93742

File: 62becd9ef5ab526⋯.png (1005.46 KB,1348x887,1348:887,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625296 (281557ZSEP23) Notable: PF Checks

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58309d No.93743

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625302 (281558ZSEP23) Notable: Krishnamoorthi: We have one witness who defended a polygamist, who is convicted of pedophilia and rape, and we have another witness with LinkedIn accounts with extreme views posted.

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Krishnamoorthi: We have one witness who defended a polygamist, who is convicted of pedophilia and rape, and we have another witness with LinkedIn accounts with extreme views posted.

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58309d No.93744

File: db0fbc025279282⋯.png (1.44 MB,1349x890,1349:890,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625307 (281558ZSEP23) Notable: PF Checks

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58309d No.93745

File: cf4c1632507fc6d⋯.jpg (311.93 KB,1498x1079,1498:1079,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625333 (281601ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93746

File: b28813030e912fb⋯.png (320.17 KB,543x578,543:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625344 (281602ZSEP23) Notable: @ViralNewsNYC Staten Island won a court case to have migrants vacated Saint John's Villa

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Viral News NYC


Staten Island won a court case to have migrants vacated Saint John's Villa


The city appealed the Staten Island case


NYC went to court to make changes to the right to shelter law


City officials announced they would put flyers all around the boarders and shelters, saying NYC has no more room


An influx of migrants have been coming into NYC


Governor Abbott set up new bus teams to assist in moving more migrants out of Texas


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58309d No.93747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625346 (281602ZSEP23) Notable: Mace: In 2019, Representative Raskin didn't think a House vote was needed for an actual impeachment inquiry

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Mace: In 2019, Representative Raskin didn't think a House vote was needed for an actual impeachment inquiry...he said, " there is no formal constitutional or statutory, or even House Rule, for how an impeachment inquiry is to begin." I don't want to hear another word from the left, or anyone across the other side of the aisle, about impeachment inquiry. This is complete and total hypocrisy this morning.

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58309d No.93748

File: 119cb0ade36e64c⋯.png (369.75 KB,1199x609,1199:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625349 (281603ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden Text message referring to Joe B meeting Chinese "Kevin- Don Gongwen" CAP

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58309d No.93749

File: 5723b59863f8d46⋯.png (575.27 KB,773x625,773:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625358 (281604ZSEP23)

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Love it. She summed it up nicely.

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58309d No.93750

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625366 (281604ZSEP23) Notable: Mace: We already know that [Biden] took bribes from Burisma, and I also want to add, betraying your country is treason.

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Mace: We already know that [Biden] took bribes from Burisma, and I also want to add, betraying your country is treason.

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58309d No.93751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625416 (281610ZSEP23) Notable: McClain: I love the fact that Trump lives rent-free in the democrat's heads every day.

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McClain: I love the fact that Trump lives rent-free in the democrat's heads every day.

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58309d No.93752

File: b3d32bc6c15e8d7⋯.png (580.71 KB,715x500,143:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625438 (281612ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93753

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625451 (281613ZSEP23) Notable: McClain: In November 2015, and again in March 2016, Hunter Biden, who is not registered as a foreign agent under FARA, meets with the US Ambassador to Romania. Red Flag. Then, coincidentally, over one million dollars flows to the Bidens.

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McClain: In November 2015, and again in March 2016, Hunter Biden, who is not registered as a foreign agent under FARA, meets with the US Ambassador to Romania. Red Flag. Then, coincidentally, over one million dollars flows to the Bidens.

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58309d No.93754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625483 (281617ZSEP23) Notable: Mfume: We're sitting here now wasting precious time while the country is about to shut down, and it's all found it's genesis with Rudy Giuliani, that we ought to have Rudy Giuliani here.

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Mfume: We're sitting here now wasting precious time while the country is about to shut down, and it's all found it's genesis with Rudy Giuliani, that we ought to have Rudy Giuliani here.

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58309d No.93755

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625493 (281619ZSEP23) Notable: #24100

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#24100 >>93690


>>93690 Full Committee Hearing: The Basis for an Impeachment Inquiry of President Joseph R. Biden, Jr.

>>93699 OP: Impeach Joe Biden

>>93698 This guy keeps speaking into Raskin's ear.

>>93703 Turley: I do not believe the current evidence would support Articles of Impeachment

>>93705 Most Presidents lie to the American people that’s why I haven’t liked a President since James Madison—-turley

>>93706 Turley: [Biden] has indeed spoken falsely about these foreign deals…[Biden] was the focus of a multi-million dollar influence peddling scam…[Biden] may have benefited from millions of dollars as a part of that scheme.

>>93714 Dubinsky [forensic accountant]: In my experience. fraudsters purposely create a labyrinth of limited liability companies to create an opaque network of entities that are then used to hide improper conduct.

>>93716 Gerhardt: I fear that what we're hearing today, which can be traced all the way back to 2019 and accusations made against Mr. Biden as far back as then, are really driven by partisan animus, more than they are by principal.

>>93719 Jason Smith: We know that over two million dollars of Hunter Biden's tax liabilities were paid off by a big democrat party donor and Hollywood lawyer, named Kevin Morris

>>93721 Meet The US Attorney Who Allegedly Covered For Hunter Biden

>>93724 Jordan: Can a benefit to your family be a benefit to you?

>>93725 Jordon Recounts Devon Archer Deposition

>>93726 Lynch: When I walked into this hearing room, my first question was, 'Where's Rudy? Where's Rudy Giuliani'?

>>93727 Lynch: What we have is a lot of allegations…this is an impeachment inquiry about [Joe] Biden

>>93728 Lynch: [Giuliani] falsely declared that those machines [Dominion] were unfairly helping [Biden].

>>93730 Turley: Many people now accept that what Hunter Biden did was rather raw and open influence peddling. So the only question is, was [Joe] involved in that.


>>93735, >>93740 Need Comm Check @senfettermanpa #Qmapped

>>93741, >>93742, >>93744 PF Checks

>>93743 Krishnamoorthi: We have one witness who defended a polygamist, who is convicted of pedophilia and rape, and we have another witness with LinkedIn accounts with extreme views posted.

>>93747 Mace: In 2019, Representative Raskin didn't think a House vote was needed for an actual impeachment inquiry

>>93750 Mace: We already know that [Biden] took bribes from Burisma, and I also want to add, betraying your country is treason.

>>93748 Hunter Biden Text message referring to Joe B meeting Chinese "Kevin- Don Gongwen" CAP

>>93751 McClain: I love the fact that Trump lives rent-free in the democrat's heads every day.

>>93753 McClain: In November 2015, and again in March 2016, Hunter Biden, who is not registered as a foreign agent under FARA, meets with the US Ambassador to Romania. Red Flag. Then, coincidentally, over one million dollars flows to the Bidens.

>>93754 Mfume: We're sitting here now wasting precious time while the country is about to shut down, and it's all found it's genesis with Rudy Giuliani, that we ought to have Rudy Giuliani here.


>>93695 Congress is debating INCREASING Marijuana Penalties, if Biden changes it to Schedule III.

>>93700 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day


>>93702 Anon has a Dream

>>93704 TS @Q Poll

>>93708 Gas Powered vs Electric Powered Vehicles Meme/Cap

>>93710 Swamp Schedule

>>93712 Republican Kimberly Yee the state treasurer is currently the Acting Governor. The reason is unknown? CAP

>>93722 Hunter Biden enlists Hollywood mega-lawyer for counsel and funding, sources say

>>93729 FrankSpeech: Brannon Howse Interviews Attorney John Thaler On Claim Politicians In U.S. Corrupted By Drug Cartel Money

>>93731 Biden to Create Library Honoring His Friend and Rival John McCain

>>93733 @realLizUSA - Trump MI Ralley: “Ladies and gentlemen, I’ve been preparing my entire life for this battle."

>>93734 Thick plumes of smoke fill air after fiery school bus crash in New York

>>93746 @ViralNewsNYC Staten Island won a court case to have migrants vacated Saint John's Villa


>>93691, >>93692, >>93693, >>93694, >>93696, >>93697, >>93707, >>93709, >>93711, >>93713, >>93715, >>93717, >>93718, >>93720, >>93723, >>93736, >>93737, >>93738, >>93739, >>93749, >>93752, >>93745



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58309d No.93756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625521 (281621ZSEP23) Notable: #24101

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#24101 https://fullchan.net/?37e61f372c4008f8#F1993QcsJ8uspcnua3fsKJ4Vfnw7UyykRHgAU5X9MhMN

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58309d No.93757

File: d58e5209508b16a⋯.jpg (41.29 KB,600x500,6:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625542 (281623ZSEP23)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58309d No.93758

File: 411be7e749953ee⋯.jpeg (81.34 KB,474x449,474:449,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625543 (281623ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93759

File: 272bf4831849372⋯.png (595.33 KB,712x510,356:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625555 (281625ZSEP23)

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Free Meme Space has become Available

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58309d No.93760

File: fd6b96a0126f39f⋯.png (367.47 KB,389x412,389:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625561 (281626ZSEP23) Notable: Rudy is going to testify.

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do anons realize that mfume asked for rudy to come and give evidence.

all the dems vote no

rudy is going to testify.

what a fucking own goal.

21 ayes to 18 no


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58309d No.93761

File: 2ef8dbd033f8a3a⋯.mp4 (238.7 KB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625582 (281627ZSEP23) Notable: Mrs Mace mp4 vid with receipts MP4 #Bullshit

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>>93750 lb

Clip of Nancy Mace

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58309d No.93762

File: 1c9f64b964651e7⋯.png (1.69 MB,1474x927,1474:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625599 (281628ZSEP23) Notable: Mfume: "Extreme MAGA Republicans are wasting committee resources! Mr Gerhardt do you agree?"

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What a loser.

Mfume: "Extreme MAGA Republicans are wasting committee resources! Mr Gerhardt do you agree?"

Gerhardt: "I don't know which maga republicans you're talking about"

Mfume: "Let me tell you I know who they are."

Chairman: "Who are you referring to"

Mfume: [pause]..."I AM RECLAIMING MY TIME."

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58309d No.93763

File: 17fd829e735a1cd⋯.png (630.75 KB,690x500,69:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625607 (281629ZSEP23)

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Confirmation quads chek'ed and witnessed

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58309d No.93764

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625618 (281630ZSEP23) Notable: ARIZONA BUN

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>>93605, >>93608, >>93613, >>93619, >>93630, >>93635 As of this evening, Katie Hobbs is not the Governor of Arizona. >>93621 Hobbs withdraws agency director nominees in move to sidestep Senate confirmation


Is this a Q confirmation,is Hobbs getting a flight out of the US like all the others planned? What was found out about Hobbs that may be making her run.

Remember Kari has been revealing all in conference what they found about the election. Did the SC agree to hear her case?.She told Bannon yesterday “she will reveal what her plans are in the next few days”, he asked her if she was running for senate.

I doubt Kari will give up and cave on being the Governor.

Thoughts anon?

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58309d No.93765

File: 8994a37cee30828⋯.png (619.98 KB,611x680,611:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625619 (281630ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93766

File: f610cb2e9a78321⋯.jpg (113.09 KB,749x500,749:500,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625626 (281631ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93767

File: 857d66d425a9fbc⋯.png (430.62 KB,712x510,356:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 541d5b06887b198⋯.png (361.27 KB,712x510,356:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625663 (281635ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625677 (281636ZSEP23) Notable: O'Connor: I understand that the tax division did produce a ninety-nine page memo authorizing all the charges the Special Agents recommended [against Hunter].

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O'Connor: I understand that the tax division did produce a ninety-nine page memo authorizing all the charges the Special Agents recommended [against Hunter].

Foxx: So the DOJ's tax division recommended six felonies, and five misdemeanors, is that correct?

O'Connor: That's correct.

Foxx: Hunter Biden was only initially charged with two counts of wilful failure to pay federal income taxes as part of a plea deal. Is that correct?

O'Connor: Right, for just two years.

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58309d No.93769

File: 0bb601306a5d7e3⋯.png (859.55 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625682 (281637ZSEP23)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

58309d No.93770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625697 (281640ZSEP23) Notable: Ocasio-Cortez: Members of congress, all of us in this hearing, are not under oath, as we are presently covered by the Speech and Debate Clause

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Ocasio-Cortez: Members of congress, all of us in this hearing, are not under oath, as we are presently covered by the Speech and Debate Clause...covers all statements by member of congress, whether they are factual or not.

[this allows congressional criminals like Raskin, Goldman, Schiff, etc, to lie as much as they like]

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58309d No.93771

File: a6e8e67781435e3⋯.png (316.68 KB,600x605,120:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625709 (281641ZSEP23) Notable: Chairman Xu Jiayin was arrested and under investigation

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NFSC Speaks



Evergrande Group has issued an announcement, stating that it has received a notice from relevant authorities, indicating that their chairman Xu Jiayin was arrested and under investigation for suspected illegal activities.

This incident signals the political struggle between Xi and Jiang factions reaching an unprecedented level.


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58309d No.93772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625731 (281643ZSEP23) Notable: Swamp Schedule

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State



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58309d No.93773

File: 27830675b3ff02e⋯.png (287.46 KB,528x436,132:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625736 (281643ZSEP23) Notable: 11 MI Lawmakers Sue MI SOS Jocelyn Benson and MI Director of Elections In Federal Court For Violating US and MI Constitution To Change Election Laws

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The Gateway Pundit




BREAKING—GAME CHANGER! 11 MI Lawmakers Sue MI SOS Jocelyn Benson and MI Director of Elections In Federal Court For Violating US and MI Constitution To Change Election Laws via


9:26 AM · Sep 28, 2023





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58309d No.93774

File: 3c1c9d950bb921c⋯.png (59.89 KB,912x594,152:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625745 (281644ZSEP23) Notable: X, anti-Semitism, Faith and Free Speech with @ElonMusk and @BenShapiro

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OMG, cluster fuck

X, anti-Semitism, Faith and Free Speech with @ElonMusk and @BenShapiro


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58309d No.93775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625757 (281646ZSEP23) Notable: Turley: I think the most concerning [piece of evidence], obviously you have to start with the bribery allegation that was the subject of the FD-1023

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Turley: I think the most concerning [piece of evidence], obviously you have to start with the bribery allegation that was the subject of the FD-1023...that's what makes this a credible inquiry. The question is, did the president know, did he encourage, this type of corruption....You have to begin with a recognition that what Hunter Biden and his associates were doing, was corrupt,. That's what influence peddling is.

Grothman: So we're really obligated to have this inquiry?

Turley: I believe it's your duty to determine if the president is involved in a known form of corruption....this was influence peddling in it's rawest form,.

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58309d No.93776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625765 (281647ZSEP23) Notable: Turley: Influence peddling is the favorite form of corruption in Washington, DC. And this city is awash with it.

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Turley: Influence peddling is the favorite form of corruption in Washington, DC. And this city is awash with it.

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58309d No.93777

File: 898fa8ddf135812⋯.png (856.7 KB,935x500,187:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625776 (281648ZSEP23)

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All they do is project, bwahahahahaha

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58309d No.93778

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625777 (281648ZSEP23) Notable: ChatGPT gets unrestricted access to internet

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28 Sep, 2023 00:41

ChatGPT gets unrestricted access to internet

The AI chatbot’s responses are no longer limited to information published before its 2021 programming cutoff

Artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT can now search the internet on its own, parent company OpenAI announced in a post on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday.

“ChatGPT can now browse the internet to provide you with current and authoritative information, complete with direct links to sources,” the company wrote in a thread on the platform, explaining that the wildly popular chatbot was “no longer limited to data before September 2021” thanks to integration with Microsoft’s Bing search engine.

While the new feature is currently only being offered to paying users, the company said it plans to expand it to all users “soon,” having taken into account “useful feedback” from an earlier failed attempt to give the large language model access to the live internet.

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman retweeted his company’s announcement from his own account on X, declaring “we are so back.”

ChatGPT briefly offered web browsing back in March, only to disable the feature when it was discovered that it was being used to bypass website paywalls. That loophole has since been closed, according to OpenAI, which explained that the bot now obeys websites’ ‘robots.txt’ code preventing unwanted indexing.

Several respondents to the promotional posts on X demanded to know what constitutes “authoritative” information. ChatGPT’s initial rollout generated hundreds of news reports and social media postings about the AI’s apparent political biases, which appeared to mirror those of its Silicon Valley milieu and were difficult to circumvent.

Microsoft Bing has run its own large language model since February, claiming to be “more powerful than ChatGPT.” The AI, which made headlines early on for its bizarrely clingy behavior toward its users, has offered web browsing for several months.

OpenAI earlier this week revealed ChatGPT could be used to scan and analyze images and have audio conversations going forward. The company also debuted a new version of its image generation AI, Dall-E 3, which has reportedly been rewritten to include some of ChatGPT’s language processing and conversation algorithms.

The CIA’s Open Source Enterprise division was also revealed on Wednesday to be hard at work on a ChatGPT clone also capable of delivering sourced information gleaned from open source intelligence streams on the active internet. Unlike OpenAI’s revamped model, however, Langley’s bot will be restricted to the 18 agencies that comprise the US intelligence apparatus.

While OpenAI insists it does not take “high risk” government or military contracts, a recent $13 billion investment by Microsoft gave that tech giant – and its clients in the intelligence community – access to some of OpenAI’s most coveted AI tools.

(I have a friend that works at Microsoft, they said two days ago the AI has a lot of problems and not capable of making money for the company. So why do the get unlimited access when its a monetary loser at this point?)


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58309d No.93779

File: e7f023261fd3f80⋯.png (979.44 KB,1066x600,533:300,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625779 (281649ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93780

File: 6aa280f874f22d2⋯.png (363.81 KB,490x599,490:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625784 (281649ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625813 (281653ZSEP23) Notable: Palmer: There's a saying among country lawyers, that if you have the facts, you pound the facts.

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Palmer: There's a saying among country lawyers, that if you have the facts, you pound the facts. If you don't have the facts, you pound the table. When you can't pound the table, I guess some of my democratic colleagues choose to pound the witnesses. That was inexcusable.

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58309d No.93782

File: 54c35d217b6ced4⋯.png (327.16 KB,600x551,600:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625825 (281655ZSEP23) Notable: Germany signs nearly €4 billion deal for Israel’s Arrow 3 missile defense system

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The Times of Israel



Germany signs nearly €4 billion deal for Israel’s Arrow 3 missile defense system


National Zionism

NAZIsm = ZIONism

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58309d No.93783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625834 (281656ZSEP23) Notable: Palmer: At this point, there is a growing public perception, and it's reflected in the polls,

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Palmer: At this point, there is a growing public perception, and it's reflected in the polls, Mr. Chairman, that [Joe], his son Hunter, other family members and business associates, are engaged in some form of criminal activity.

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58309d No.93784

File: ff11277084fe0df⋯.png (527.21 KB,500x582,250:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625869 (281700ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93785

File: 869d218cffaf890⋯.png (129.5 KB,578x336,289:168,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19625877 (281701ZSEP23)

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58309d No.93786

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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