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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

e95884 No.51579 [Last50 Posts]

23SEP23 to 26SEP23


Re-Posts of notables

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e95884 No.92285

File: b1b5f1aef3c0ae8⋯.png (398.53 KB,901x1137,901:1137,Clipboard.png)

File: ae98234ac5a8eb4⋯.mp4 (612.84 KB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 7f66b6c801b139f⋯.png (1.29 MB,975x655,195:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19597792 (231535ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Lenticular Cloud spotted over Cape Town, South Africa (earthquake incoming..?)

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WATCH: Lenticular Cloud spotted over Cape Town, South Africa.

Anon gonna go out on a limb and cry Earthquake within a few weeks

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e95884 No.92286

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19597799 (231536ZSEP23) Notable: South Africa: Using Only Pistols, Local Militia Stops 15 Armed Robbers with AK-47s Who Blew Up Armored Truck

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Has this been posted yet? Also about South Africa.


South Africa: Using Only Pistols, Local Militia Stops 15 Armed Robbers with AK-47s Who Blew Up Armored Truck

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e95884 No.92287

File: 2bce4f95fae0685⋯.png (19.57 KB,546x269,546:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19597807 (231538ZSEP23) Notable: POTATO: In 2020, 55 of the largest corporations paid zero in income tax. Under the law I passed, they'll have to pay a minimum tax of 15%.

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President Biden


In 2020, 55 of the largest corporations paid zero in income tax. Under the law I passed, they'll have to pay a minimum tax of 15%.

Congressional Republicans’ plan is to cut taxes for the wealthy and big corporations.

Mine prioritizes tax breaks for folks who actually need them.

9:52 AM · Sep 23, 2023


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e95884 No.92288

File: c8dfe64f0eda4e2⋯.jpeg (49.34 KB,450x450,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5a16ed932729f9e⋯.jpeg (176.86 KB,1186x701,1186:701,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19597813 (231539ZSEP23) Notable: “No mas” – Mexico Says They are Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants, President Obrador Wants Emergency Meeting with Joe Biden

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“No mas” – Mexico Says They are Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants, President Obrador Wants Emergency Meeting with Joe Biden

September 22, 2023 |

You know things are bad when the Mexican government says they are overwhelmed at their southern border with 10,000 global migrants arriving daily en route to the United States southern border.

The Mexicans are looking for Joe Biden to try and stem the flow; while the White House says, ‘Listen Fats, nothing to see here‘…

(Barrons) – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has requested a bilateral meeting with his US counterpart to discuss the migration crisis that has “overwhelmed” his country, his foreign minister said Friday.

The meeting would occur in Washington when Lopez Obrador attends a summit of Latin American leaders, to be convened by US President Joe Biden on November 3.

Lopez Obrador wants to discuss “legal paths” to address the humanitarian situation facing hundreds of thousands of people who have recently attempted to make their way to the United States and to study the ways in which they can request asylum, as well as work visas for the agricultural sector.

Mexico is being “overwhelmed” by the arrival of migrants to its territory, Mexican Foreign Minister Alicia Barcena said at a press conference during the UN General Assembly in New York.

Around 9,000 arrive at the country’s southern border every day, around 3,000 of whom have traversed the Darien Gap, a dense jungle on the border between Colombia and Panama.

Another 8,000 arrive at the northern border with the United States every day. “Yesterday 11,000 arrived,” Barcena said. “This exceeds any capacity, no matter how much Mexico wants to do a good job.”

This year Mexico expects to process 140,000 asylum applications.

“It’s overwhelming,” Barcena stated, pointing to the money she said Mexico spends to support these migrants while they apply for documents to enter the United States, find employment, or return to their countries of origin after rejection by the United States.

“We need help,” she said, urging Washington to lift sanctions on Venezuela to help curb the exodus of migrants.

She also called for action in the Darien Gap, because “it is where the largest flow of migrants” from Venezuela comes through, pushing for coordination with Panama and Colombia. (read more)

This is likely the reason why Obama is retreating from supporting Joe Biden. The arsonist watches from the field.

The Cloward-Piven strategy is all about overwhelming the systems, and then letting government step in to fix the crisis they create.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste“, and if you don’t have one, create one.


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e95884 No.92289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19597869 (231550ZSEP23) Notable: EXCLUSIVE: I'm a former defense official who warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

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EXCLUSIVE: I'm a former defense official who warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned


1/60th of the US debt is on that fucking airplane

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e95884 No.92290

File: 9aff0674ffc31b3⋯.png (8.26 MB,5402x3106,2701:1553,Clipboard.png)

File: 749b229a450bf5c⋯.png (170.27 KB,820x610,82:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19597912 (231600ZSEP23) Notable: We are :16 on the clock today - Aliens and "Detraction"

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We are :16 on the clock today.

Here's an old one...

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e95884 No.92291

File: 2095fccb38c4898⋯.png (975.91 KB,1047x731,1047:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ff2dbe55544bd6⋯.png (816.91 KB,1016x638,508:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19597931 (231606ZSEP23) Notable: Mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where 20,000 people have vanished and 'UFOs' appear

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1 of 2

Mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where 20,000 people have vanished and 'UFOs' appear

Sightings of UFOs, ghosts and“aggressive” Bigfoot-type creatures have been reported in the so-called Alaska triangle – but the area is also known for a remarkable number of unexplained disappearances

A mysterious triangle of land in sparsely-populated Alaska offers more sightings of paranormal phenomena than almost any similarly-sized area on Earth.

As well as supposed sightings of triangle UFOs, ghosts and “aggressive” Bigfoot-type creatures, the "Alaska Triangle" is also known for a remarkable number of unexplained disappearances.

In fact, the History Channel says there are more unsolved missing persons cases in the region than anywhere else on Earth. A new Discovery Channel documentary interviews eyewitnesses of some of the most mysterious and compelling UFO sightings. One, Wes Smith, says the “very strange” triangular objects he saw didn’t move like any known aircraft.

The low-flying mystery craft were totally silent and did not even emitting the tell-tale hum of a drone. “It’s like everything you’ve ever been taught has gone out of the window, because how is that possible?” he asked.

Just over 11 miles from where Wes made his amazing sighting, another Alaska resident, Michael Dillon, caught his own mystery aircraft on camera. A light suddenly popped into existence in the night sky, moving from west to east, before shooting straight up – like the so called Nimitz UFOs – at incredible speed.

“It was very obvious to me that we were not witnessing a natural phenomenon,” Michael added. “For something to change direction at that speed… a human body would be liquified.”

But the mysteries of the Alaska Triangle are not confined to the skies. Since 1970, over 20,000 unexplained disappearances have been recorded in the sparsely-populated patch of land between Anchorage and Juneau in the south to Utqiagvik on the northern coast.

Considering the rugged area’s low population, that figure comes out at well over twice the national average for the US. The disappearances have been blamed on everything from UFO abductions, a flesh-eating Bigfoot-type creature called the Wendigo, and magnetic anomalies that interfere with hikers’ compasses.

Experienced rescue workers sent out to investigate the state’s numerous missing-person incidents have reported hearing phantom sounds, and becoming disorientated and light-headed due to some unknown feature of the desolate Alaskan wilderness.

Whether some unknown physical phenomenon is responsible for the lights in Alaska's night sky remains a mystery. UFO expert Debbie Ziegelmeyer believes that Alaska is ”attractive” to alien visitors because it’s so sparsely populated.

A mysterious triangle of land in sparsely-populated Alaska offers more sightings of paranormal phenomena than almost any similarly-sized area on Earth. And as well as sightings of UFOs, ghosts and“aggressive” Bigfoot-type creatures , the Alaska triangle is also known for a remarkable number of unexplained disappearances.

“They can pretty much go where they want,” said Debbie, who is the Star Team Investigator for UFO research organisation MUFON. “That’s the attraction of Alaska.”

Rance Lentz, 41, took an interest in UFO research after an eerie alien experience when he was still a schoolboy. But a later career in the US military gave him a fresh insight into the phenomenon.

“There are definitely more sightings when there’s heavy, heavy testing,” he said. “Folks on the tests see different lights… and different things off on the horizon.”

There are claims someone – or something – is attracted by the cutting-edge military technology on show. Some believe that US military officials might know all about the UFO presence on their test ranges.

Hypnotherapist and paranormal researcher Jonny Enoch said there’s “clearly” something strange going on in the "Alaska Triangle". He speculates that senior figures within the US military are secretly in contact with whoever – or whatever – is piloting the mystery craft.

While aliens have been blamed for the disproportionate number of missing persons reports in the Alaska Triangle, some paranormal experts think there could be a quite different explanation.

Cryptozoologist Cliff Barackman says “anything, of any size,” could be hiding in the Alaskan wilderness. “With so much fantastic habitat and so few people to compete with, Sasquatches basically have the run of Alaska”.

Attacks by the huge prehistoric man-beast have been offered as another reason why so many people go missing in Alaska. Of course, the inhospitable terrain, and the unpredictable weather, could be the simplest explanation.

But with so many of those people missing, never to be seen again, it’s undeniable that there is a mystery to be solved in the Alaska Triangle.

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e95884 No.92292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598017 (231632ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Lenticular Cloud spotted over Cape Town, South Africa (earthquake incoming..?)

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e95884 No.92293

File: c9f9f2cbaf26aa2⋯.png (1.2 MB,794x1215,794:1215,Clipboard.png)

File: f5266839c1ac07c⋯.png (513.71 KB,796x617,796:617,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fdc09891031a7c⋯.png (1.09 MB,787x1261,787:1261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598018 (231634ZSEP23) Notable: How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

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1 of a few

Tortured and raped in a soundproof dungeon as they were slowly starved to death: How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

Marc Dutroux became Belgium's most infamous criminal through his actions in the mid-90s which saw him kidnap and rape six girls, murdering two of them

WARNING: Contains distressing content

Last year, authorities in Belgium ordered a modest red brick house in the south-west city of Charleroi to be torn down.

For anyone not in-the-know, the destruction of the property - which sat on a street corner yards away from a railway track and a busy flyover - would have seemed wholly unremarkable. Just another old building making way for something new.

But the move had been in the making for more than a quarter of a century, and even to this day, the local community in Charleroi and those affected by the events that unfolded there in the mid-90s are continuing to process their grief.

As of Tuesday, as part of these efforts, anyone passing the site will find a newly-opened memorial: a tree-filled garden surrounded by white walls that are decorated with a mural of a child watching a kite soar into the sky.

Underneath the memorial lies something more sinister: a soundproofed dungeon that was once used to imprison young girls who were tortured and raped by the former owner of the house and Belgium's most notorious criminal, Marc Dutroux.

The memorial is a homage to Dutroux's victims, and at the request of their parents, the basement will remain preserved underneath for potential future investigations that some believe could uncover a wider criminal network.

Dutroux - who to this day still lives in infamy in the minds of the Belgian public - was part of a small group of people found responsible for a horrifying series of murders and kidnappings that shocked not just the country, but the whole of Europe.

His former house was in the Marcinelle suburb of Charleroi, an industrial city of 200,000 people that grew around its coal and steel mining industries, and that straddles both banks of the river Sambre.

The house - and Dutroux himself - first became infamous in August 1996 when he led police to two kidnapped girls who were found cowering in the secret basement after they had been subjected to horrific abuse.

Sabine Dardenne, 12, and Laetitia Delhez, 14, had been abducted separately earlier that year, chained to a bed and repeatedly raped. But as more was learned about Dutroux, it became clear they were fortunate to have been found alive.

It transpired that four more girls - Mélissa Russo and Julie Lejeune, both eight years old, An Marchal, 17, and Eefje Lambrecks, 19 - had also been kidnapped by Dutroux and his accomplices a year earlier. All four died.

School friends Russo and Lejeune were the first to be imprisoned in the house in June 1995. The investigation into Belgium's worst paedophile crimes established that they had been held in the soundproofed basement for months before they died.

Their bodies were found buried in the garden at another property (Dutroux had several), and a postmortem showed they had been starved to death.

Teenagers An Marchal and Eefje Lambrecks were themselves kidnapped and imprisoned in August 1995. They were also raped before they were killed by being buried alive. They were wrapped in plastic, their bodies found a year later.

The details of the horrifying crimes soon came to light, with Dutroux even confessing to having Dardenne and Delhez in his basement, leading police to where they were being kept and ultimately to their rescue.

With the mystery of the missing girls solved, public shock and grief soon turned to fury as it emerged not only had police missed a string of clues, but that Dutroux had been released from jail in 1992 after serving just three years of a 13-year sentence for the abduction and rape of five other girls between 1985 and 1986.

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e95884 No.92294

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598022 (231635ZSEP23) Notable: vid: Rep. Boebert Demands All 15 Individual Appropriations Bill Are Passed Separately, NO CR

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Rep. Boebert Demands All 15 Individual Appropriations Bill Are Passed Separately, NO CR



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e95884 No.92295

File: 391c9f02389de94⋯.png (1.55 MB,799x1217,799:1217,Clipboard.png)

File: b7105f681300ead⋯.png (1.21 MB,804x1322,402:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598026 (231636ZSEP23) Notable: How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

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>>92293 1 OF A FEW

2 of a few-

And despite the evidence, it took almost eight years for Dutroux, today aged 66, to be eventually tried and found guilty on charges including the kidnap and rape of the six girls, as well as the murder of the two older teenagers.

The infamous Belgian in 2004 stood trial accused of having abducted, imprisoned, raped, tortured and murdered the girls, holding them in the house in Charleroi and a number of other properties with the help of four accomplices which included his wife Michelle Martin, Michel Lelièvre, Michel Nihoul and Bernard Weinstein.

Nihoul, described as 'a Brussels businessman, pub-owner and familiar face at sex parties' was accused by some - including Dutroux - of being the mastermind behind the kidnappings and abuse operation.

One Belgian senator suggested that Dutroux was a pawn in a much larger game, comments that echoed a number of conspiracy theories that were sparked by the case which suggested the involvement of a larger paedophile ring.

Dutroux, Martin and Lelièvre were found guilty on all charges, but the jury were unable to reach a verdict on Nihoul's role in their crimes, although he was sentenced to five years in prison on drug-related charges.

Weinstein was never tried on account of being murdered by Dutroux.

The case had far-reaching consequences that ultimately led to the complete reorganisation of Belgium's law enforcement agencies following public outcry that saw 300,000 people take to the streets over mishandling of the case.

And while the serial killer was eventually arrested, charged and convicted mystery still surrounds the subsequent deaths of more than 20 potential witnesses, many of whom died in questionable circumstances.

Dutroux's life and criminal history

Dutroux was born in Brussels in November 1956, but spent his early childhood in Burundi, then part of the Belgian Congo, where his father worked as a teacher.

After Burundi gained independence, his family moved back to Belgium, and in 1972 his parents - who he later reported were abusive towards him - separated and divorced.

He worked as an electrician, and married his first wife - Françoise Dubois - with whom he had two children of his own, but the marriage ended in 1983 amid accusations that Dutroux was abusive towards his family. Dubois kept custody of the children.

Dutroux's history of crime dates back to his work as a scrap dealer in the late 1970s, when he supplemented his income by stealing car parts.

From 1979 onwards, he went on to be convicted of a series of petty crimes including assault, drug dealing and trading stolen vehicles, and he would regularly visit ice rinks so he could deliberately bump into girls as an excuse to touch them.

He later went on to be described as a 'first-class schemer' who manipulated the system any way he could as a means to make money, including through health insurance fraud, theft and even investments in stocks.

But two years after his divorce, he took a different path.

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e95884 No.92296

File: 0be7c12730bf799⋯.png (1.24 MB,791x1202,791:1202,Clipboard.png)

File: 13ed1420c2a94a2⋯.png (1.13 MB,804x1119,268:373,Clipboard.png)

File: b023a52656d8390⋯.png (1.18 MB,789x1131,263:377,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598034 (231639ZSEP23) Notable: How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

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>>92293 1 OF A FEW

>>92295 2 of a few

3 of a few

His first proven abduction took place on June 7, 1985 when he kidnapped eleven-year-old Sylvie D. with accomplice Jean van Peteghem.

This was the first of five kidnappings and rapes across 1985 and 1986 that Dutroux was found guilty of, with Peteghem and his then-mistress Michelle Martin also being sentenced after the trio were arrested in February 1987.

Dutroux was handed 13-and-a-half years of prison time, Peteghem six-and-a-half years and Martin five years, with Dutroux receiving a harsher sentence for also committing several robberies with Peteghem.

These included the brutal robbery of a 58-year-old woman.

A third man was identified by one of the five girls - Maria V., 17 - as taking part in her abduction, suggesting there was at least one other accomplice. The man - who she said appeared to be in his 50s - was never identified or found by police.

Despite being jailed for more than 13 years, Dutroux was granted an early release after serving just three years of his sentence, leaving prison in 1992.

His release was granted by Melchior Wathelet, Belgium's then-minister of justice, against the advice of both the public prosecutor and a psychiatrist, who stated the career criminal remained dangerous to the public.

Wathelet, who to this day is a Belgian politician, a member of the Humanist Democratic Centre and former Minister-President of Wallonia (one of Belgium's three regions) - went on to be criticised by famed psychologist David Canter for having 'encouraged the early release of many sex offenders', including Dutroux.

The release of Dutroux led to the European Parliament to call on Wathelet's resignation as an European Court of Justice (ECJ) judge in an unprecedented move.

While he was in prison, Dutroux had also been able to convince a health professional he was mentally ill, and was therefore able to collect public assistance of $1,200 a month from the government, despite owning seven small houses.

Most of the houses were vacant.

He was also prescribed sleeping pills, which he would later use to sedate his victims.

Upon his release in 1992, the serial killer constructed a hidden dungeon in the basement of his house in Marcinelle, Charleroi.

Within three years of his release, he would put the basement to use.

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e95884 No.92297

File: 534278db339169b⋯.png (726.74 KB,804x599,804:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 06b89fdaf37a561⋯.png (1.39 MB,792x1290,132:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 78e234949b4089f⋯.png (1.37 MB,800x1325,32:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598044 (231641ZSEP23) Notable: How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

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>>92293 1 OF A FEW

>>92295 2 of a few

3 of a few

The abductions

On June 24, 1995, eight-year-old classmates Julie Lejeune and Mélissa Russo were kidnapped after going for a walk in Grâce-Hollogne, 50 miles from Charleroi.

The case became a national obsession in Belgium. The girls vanished while playing together, with witnesses saying the pair had been laughing and waving at passing cars on a bridge. They were never seen alive again.

Dutroux emerged as the prime suspect, but was not questioned.

Dutroux is believed to have abducted the girls himself, before taking them to his house in Charleroi where he imprisoned them in the dungeon and repeatedly sexually abused them and produced child pornography videos of the abuse.

Despite the national spotlight on the case, Dutroux was active again in August 1995, kidnapping teenagers An Marchal, 17, and Eefje Lambrecks, 19, from Hasselt, in the early hours of August 23. The pair were on their way back to their holiday home in Westende following a night out in Blankenberge when they were abducted.

Because Dutroux already had the eight-year-old girls in his dank basement, he and accomplice Michel Lelièvre - a member of Dutroux's gang and later described as his drug dependent puppet - kept their new victims chained up in a bedroom.

At the time of his arrest, authorities initially believed that the older girls had been forced into sex work in brothels abroad.

But it later emerged that in September, Marchal and Lambrecks had been drugged and taken to another house in Jumet, about 3 miles from the house in Marcinelle.

There, Dutroux and another accomplice Bernard Weinstein killed the teenagers by burying them alive in the garden with plastic over their heads.

When their bodies were exhumed a year later, Marchal was found to have been gagged, her head sealed in a plastic bag with adhesive tape. Her wrists were also bound with tape, and a post-mortem found she had been alive at the time.

Lambrecks's cause of death was less clear, but experts did not rule out asphyxiation. Both were found to be very thin.

Around the time of the murders, Dutroux and Weinstein were reported to the police over a separate incident, a dispute with another two men over a stolen van.

With Weinstein now a wanted man, Dutroux decided to kill him to prevent his own capture. He kidnapped his accomplice and held him in the dungeon for a week, during which he allowed the eight-year-olds to roam around the house freely.

Dutroux drugged Weinstein and tortured him with hose clamps in order to learn where his money - believed to be inheritance from his mother - was hidden, before Dutroux drugged him and buried him alive at another of his properties in Sars-la-Buissière, a village around 12 miles from the centre of Charleroi.

Despite his efforts to cover his tracks, Dutroux was arrested in December for vehicle theft having also been recognised by one of the men.

He was held by police for more than four months.

Accounts differ on what happened to eight-year-olds Lejeune and Russo during this time, who were still in the basement at the time of his arrest.

According to Dutroux and his wife, they were alive, with Dutroux having ordered Martin to leave new food and water for them in the dungeon while he was gone.

However, Martin said she was too afraid to go into the room, and failed to feed them, causing them to eventually starve to death. Dutroux buried their bodies at his property in Sars-la-Buissière, near to where he buried Weinstein.

Later, Dutroux initially told officials that when he returned home from prison on March 20 1996, the girls were still alive, and that Lejeune died that day.

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e95884 No.92298

File: 9e892eaeb8f249b⋯.jpeg (73.15 KB,675x455,135:91,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598053 (231642ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Lenticular Cloud spotted over Cape Town, South Africa (earthquake incoming..?)

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No major fault lines around the horn.

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e95884 No.92299

File: fdaee549b92ebc0⋯.png (1.85 MB,792x1665,88:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 1dae88d1fb8c9f9⋯.png (1.35 MB,785x1227,785:1227,Clipboard.png)

File: 02cc622a491080b⋯.png (1.27 MB,788x1277,788:1277,Clipboard.png)

File: 240e79861f86646⋯.png (433.09 KB,771x575,771:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598072 (231646ZSEP23) Notable: How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>92293 1 OF A FEW

>>92295 2 of a few

>>92297 3 of a few

4 of a few / FINAL

Russo died four days later despite his efforts to save her, he claimed in court.

However, experts disputed this, saying the youngsters wouldn't have been able to survive the length of time that their captive was in prison for.

Dutroux's final abductions were of 12-year-old Sabine Dardenne, who he kidnapped as she was cycling to school in Tournai on May 28, 1996, and then of 14-year-old Laëtitia Delhez, who was abducted on August 9, 1996 as she was walking from her local swimming pool in Bertrix.

Dardenne, who was held captive for around 80 days, would later describe how she was imprisoned in the dungeon, starved and repeatedly raped by Dutroux.

When Dardenne met Delhez after she was captured, the newly arrived victim assured her fellow hostage that 'the whole of Belgium' was looking for them.

Dardenne doubted her claims, she later told the court.

But a quick-thinking eyewitness to the abduction of Delhez saw Dutroux's van and was able to identify parts of the licence plate and report it to the police.

This finally led to the arrest of Dutroux - along with Martin and Lelièvre - on August 13, 1996 in connection with kidnapping - four days after Delhez was abducted.

An initial raid of his Charleroi house came up blank, and detectives did not locate the missing girls during two searches.

One of those raids was later described as a 'cursory inspection.'

Perhaps most shockingly, the police ascertained that the children's screams that they could hear in the house were the sounds of other children playing outside.

Two days later his arrest, Dutroux and his wife confessed, before he led police to the basement dungeon. Dardenne and Delhez were rescued.

Dardenne's Stockholm Syndrome had become so intense that she thanked Dutroux when she was rescued by police. 'I thanked him as I left. I thought he had saved us. I must have been out of mind to believe it,' she later told the court.

On August 17, Dutroux led police to his house in Sars-la-Buissière were he directed them to the bodies of Lejeune, Russo and Weinstein.

The two girls' bodies were still chained together. Their bodies were so emaciated their parents were not allowed to see them in order to identify them.

On September 3, the bodies of Marchal and Lambrecks were exhumed in Jumet.


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e95884 No.92300

File: 66a53085f897d71⋯.png (494.19 KB,1862x1314,931:657,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ed9ac9edb7bab9⋯.pdf (1.16 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598126 (231703ZSEP23) Notable: How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

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posting what I got

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e95884 No.92301

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598172 (231715ZSEP23) Notable: vid: Rep. Boebert Demands All 15 Individual Appropriations Bill Are Passed Separately, NO CR

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Oops heres the video

>>92294 (You)

Rep. Boebert: Criminal Evidence On Biden Family Demands Yes/No Impeachment Vote Today



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e95884 No.92302

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598288 (231748ZSEP23) Notable: vid: Bannon: The DC Cartel Does Not Understand What Rep. Matt Gaetz Is Doing

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bannon: The DC Cartel Does Not Understand What Rep. Matt Gaetz Is Doing



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e95884 No.92303

File: 52253f39eac9cd5⋯.png (3.04 MB,1663x1247,1663:1247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598318 (231757ZSEP23) Notable: John of God Sex Cult Leader pictured with Marina Abramovic.

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John of God cult leader arrested for operating child sex slave farm - he kept teenagers as sex slaves and sold their babies for up to £40,000.

Sabrina Bittencourt, commits suicide in Barcelona days after accusing John of God of running a 'sex slave farm'.

Here he is pictured with Marina Abramovic.


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e95884 No.92304

File: 7791d4921e58beb⋯.png (1.42 MB,1206x1169,1206:1169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598325 (231759ZSEP23) Notable: Here is satanic witch Marina Abramovic dumping real, coagulated blood on a child effigy.

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Here is satanic witch Marina Abramovic dumping real, coagulated blood on a child effigy. She is close friends with Rothschilds, Clinton, Podesta, Gates and about 90% of celebrities and elites. These people are evil and psychotic.


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e95884 No.92305

File: 77f0403e626eda3⋯.jpeg (509.62 KB,1170x1043,1170:1043,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598353 (231808ZSEP23) Notable: President-elect Donald Trump conceded Tuesday that he probably won’t make good on his campaign pledge to pursue a new criminal investigation into his political rival, Hillary Clinton

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Calmly and slowly explain this to me.

President-elect Donald Trump conceded Tuesday that he probably won’t make good on his campaign pledge to pursue a new criminal investigation into his political rival, Hillary Clinton.

“It’s just not something that I feel very strongly about,” he said Tuesday afternoon in an on-the-record discussion with reporters from The New York Times.

Trump cast his reversal as a unifying move that, contrary to some of the early backlash, he believes won’t upset his supporters.

“I don’t think they will be disappointed. I think I will explain it that we in many ways will save our country,” he said, adding that prosecuting Clinton “would be very, very divisive for the country.”


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e95884 No.92306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598470 (231838ZSEP23) Notable: #24067

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>>92280 Zelensky asks Satanist Marina Abramovic to be Ukrainian Ambassador

>>92281 Trump re-truthed that vid that Q posted..

>>92282 Mayors National Climate Action Agenda (Maui included in grouping)

>>92283 Kiev’s counteroffensive unlikely to achieve its goals – US officials to NYT

>>92285, >>92292, >>92298 WATCH: Lenticular Cloud spotted over Cape Town, South Africa (earthquake incoming..?)

>>92286 South Africa: Using Only Pistols, Local Militia Stops 15 Armed Robbers with AK-47s Who Blew Up Armored Truck

>>92287 POTATO: In 2020, 55 of the largest corporations paid zero in income tax. Under the law I passed, they'll have to pay a minimum tax of 15%.

>>92288 “No mas” – Mexico Says They are Overwhelmed with Illegal Migrants, President Obrador Wants Emergency Meeting with Joe Biden

>>92289 EXCLUSIVE: I'm a former defense official who warned about F-35 safety and security problems years ago - this is why it may have been HACKED or malfunctioned

>>92290 We are :16 on the clock today - Aliens and "Detraction"

>>92291 Mystery of 'Alaska Triangle' where 20,000 people have vanished and 'UFOs' appear

>>92293 , >>92295, >>92296, >>92297, >>92299, >>92300, How killer paedophile Marc Dutroux abused children as young as eight with the aid of his wife in 'house of horror'

>>92294, >>92301 vid: Rep. Boebert Demands All 15 Individual Appropriations Bill Are Passed Separately, NO CR

>>92302 vid: Bannon: The DC Cartel Does Not Understand What Rep. Matt Gaetz Is Doing

>>92303 John of God Sex Cult Leader pictured with Marina Abramovic.

>>92304 Here is satanic witch Marina Abramovic dumping real, coagulated blood on a child effigy.

>>92305 President-elect Donald Trump conceded Tuesday that he probably won’t make good on his campaign pledge to pursue a new criminal investigation into his political rival, Hillary Clinton

>>>/qresearch/19598373 #24067


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e95884 No.92307

File: 71a32c811fd90aa⋯.png (147.62 KB,325x218,325:218,Clipboard.png)

File: c4a7c98e321a561⋯.png (96.58 KB,259x220,259:220,Clipboard.png)

File: 778410758c426a1⋯.png (248.58 KB,395x440,79:88,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d26ec4e5a2594e⋯.png (240.28 KB,654x810,109:135,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598489 (231842ZSEP23) Notable: #24068

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baker seeking handoff

TY ANONS for your contributions!

(not you VS)



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e95884 No.92308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598536 (231852ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: Worldwide Freedom March In Toronto

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LIVE: Worldwide Freedom March In Toronto

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e95884 No.92309

File: 37f797fe737af11⋯.png (27.67 KB,723x253,723:253,Clipboard.png)

File: 28d94ef00a7cc41⋯.png (1.69 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: d03a73a99816ecf⋯.png (381.76 KB,859x761,859:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598557 (231857ZSEP23) Notable: Piedras Negras (Eagle Pass) actually means [black rocks] in Spanish

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>>>/qresearch/19598279, >>>/qresearch/19598515 lb

Piedras Negras (Eagle Pass) actually means [black rocks]


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e95884 No.92310

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598601 (231908ZSEP23) Notable: Biden to ‘join the picket line’ with UAW strikers: ‘Time for a win-win agreement’

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Biden to ‘join the picket line’ with UAW strikers: ‘Time for a win-win agreement’

By Victor Nava Sep. 22, 2023,

President Biden announced that he will “join the picket line” with members of the United Auto Workers union next week in solidarity with their demands for higher pay and a shorter work week from Detroit’s “Big Three” automakers.

“Tuesday, I’ll go to Michigan to join the picket line and stand in solidarity with the men and women of UAW as they fight for a fair share of the value they helped create,” Biden, 80, tweeted on Friday.

It’s time for a win-win agreement that keeps American auto manufacturing thriving with well-paid UAW jobs.”

The president’s announcement comes after UAW President Shawn Fain extended an invitation to the commander in chief to join striking workers on the picket line.

“We invite and encourage everyone who supports our case to join us on the picket line, from our friends and families all the way up to the president of the United States. We invite you to join us in our fight,” Fain said in livestreamed remarks Friday.

The union, which has withheld its endorsement of Biden over concerns about his support for electric vehicles, also revealed that it’s expanding its strike Friday to include 38 Stellantis and General Motors facilities in 38 locations and 28 states.

Fain said the union has made progress in negotiations with Ford and will not ask employees of the company to walk off the job at any more of its facilities for now.

Biden’s Michigan trip will take place one day before former President Donald Trump’s previously announced Detroit visit, during which the 2024 GOP presidential primary front-runner will host a rally featuring 500 autoworkers and other tradesmen.

Trump’s event will take place on the same day as the second GOP primary debate in Simi Valley, Calif., whichthe 77-year-old will not attend.

(The rank and file will see the pathetic attempt of Traitor Joe!)


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e95884 No.92311

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598634 (231916ZSEP23) Notable: UK Government Contract States That Illegal Immigrants Must Have 3 Star Hotel Rooms or Better

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UK Government Contract States That Illegal Immigrants Must Have 3 Star Hotel Rooms or Better

The Home Office have now told their contractors that individuals who break into the country illegally on small boats must be given better accommodation. Contracts now mandate three star hotels as the acceptable standard. Should those who break the law be treated so comfortably while many of our veterans sleep on the street and families struggle to make ends meet.

Each day many hundreds of people enter the UK illegally using small rubber boats from France across the English channel, one of the busiest waterways in the world. This has caused great tension between the UK and France with each blaming the other for this scale of immigration. The British accuse the French of doing little to stop the flow while the French blame the UK’s ‘attractive’ labour market and lack of deportations for the Channel crossings.

When the French President Emmanuel Macron and the British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak last met for a bilateral summit in March, the flow of illegal immigrants across the channel was the main issue. After these discussions Britain agreed to hand over $575m to the French to help them stop the flow. Half a billion dollars! Yet 6 months later not much has changed.

In 2018, 8,000 people made the 20 mile boat journey from Calais in France to Dover in England. Despite all the negotiations over the years and claims from the UK government to cut immigration numbers, the number crossing has gone up 6 times since 2018! 45,755 people made the crossing last year with the total since 2018 passing 100,000.

But back to the three star hotel accommodation that every illegal immigrant must now receive. On one hand we have record numbers coming into the UK while on the other hand the CINO (Conservative In Name Only) government tell the public that getting a grip on immigration is a priority. The Home Secretary told Parliament this week: “It is totally unacceptable that too many towns and cities around the country now house the 45,000 asylum seekers who are in hotels… it is not right that the British taxpayer is forking out the cost.” This blatant level of dishonesty does not go unnoticed and the government will be rightly punished at the next general election in 18 months.

Last October, a Parliament committee was told that £5.6 million a day was being spent on hotels for people who have arrived in the UK and submitted an asylum claim. A year later the figure hit £8 million per day with over 400 hotels being used to house illegal immigrants. Three billion pounds each year for this new business.

So will anything be done to stop this people trafficking business? Can anything be done? In January Rishi Sunak outlined his top five priorities which included Illegal Immigration. The fifth pledge was “We will pass new laws to stop small boats, making sure that if you come to this country illegally, you are detained and swiftly removed”. The Prime Minister has broken this pledge and forced British taxpayers to pay an ever increasing housing bill to house these people. Enough is enough.


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e95884 No.92312

File: 49bc9a263980e0f⋯.mp4 (183.46 KB,500x280,25:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598661 (231922ZSEP23) Notable: Did he say meme warfare is going to the difference between shitposting and effective cyberware?

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are anons ready to up their game.

meme warfare is going to the difference between shitposting and effective cyberware.


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e95884 No.92313

File: 785ff1557821a59⋯.png (228.83 KB,508x394,254:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 553b60f0e4007ee⋯.png (312.94 KB,528x447,176:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 42cd2a85b12b58c⋯.png (329.66 KB,524x513,524:513,Clipboard.png)

File: dc31b84e1d50494⋯.png (320.18 KB,543x504,181:168,Clipboard.png)

File: c78bb7ad00c739b⋯.png (324.52 KB,512x720,32:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598673 (231925ZSEP23) Notable: National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass [Black Rock], Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control

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Watch: National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass, Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control


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e95884 No.92314

File: f0c30231567c1fc⋯.png (349.32 KB,864x924,72:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598678 (231927ZSEP23) Notable: Gov. Newsom Attacks Federal Judge As Child-Killing, Extremist, Right-Wing Zealot Owned By The NRA

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Gov. Newsom Attacks Federal Judge As Child-Killing, Extremist, Right-Wing Zealot Owned By The NRA

It seems that we continue to struggle with a chief executive who goes on social media to personally attack judges who have ruled against his laws or policies. No, it is not Donald Trump. This week, California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) went on Twitter/X to denounce U.S. Judge Roger T. Benitez as “an extremist, right-wing zealot with no regard to [sic] human life.”

Four years ago, I wrote how Democrats were becoming more Trump-like in their attacks on judges and hyperbolic rhetoric. There is no better example than Gavin Newsom.


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e95884 No.92315

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598681 (231928ZSEP23) Notable: Texas GOP leadership just voted 58-2 calling for House Speaker @DadePhelan to step down

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🚨Texas GOP leadership just voted 58-2 calling for House Speaker @DadePhelan to step down

The tides have completely turned against this backstabbing RINO after his failed attempt to remove AG @KenPaxtonTX

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e95884 No.92316

File: 0fe493a889685c9⋯.png (38.7 KB,737x305,737:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 140129c18343c9b⋯.png (232.87 KB,585x447,195:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 21eea70f70ecfb2⋯.png (372.76 KB,859x761,859:761,Clipboard.png)

File: 13db5d99456ce35⋯.png (515.2 KB,887x711,887:711,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598691 (231932ZSEP23) Notable: Piedras Negras (Eagle Pass) actually means [black rocks] in Spanish

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>>>/qresearch/19598485 pb

gets even moar dasting


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e95884 No.92317

File: d8a755773f9c20f⋯.jpg (297.63 KB,720x1221,240:407,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e51e66f91ab7f03⋯.jpg (273.15 KB,720x1197,80:133,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7b2e4812143cbbe⋯.jpg (561.72 KB,1600x2000,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598695 (231932ZSEP23) Notable: WaPo is now running PR for Democratic politicians who are unable to carry out basic activities of daily living, let alone represent Americans.

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WaPo is now running PR for Democratic politicians who are unable to carry out basic activities of daily living, let alone represent Americans. Democracy Dies in Shameless Propaganda.



Sen. John Fetterman’s wife, Gisele, had tried for years to figure out why John was so sad. She wanted a story that made sense.

Half a year after his hospitalization for severe depression, Gisele navigates her family between worry and acceptance, one day at a time.…

AWww Fetterman sad

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e95884 No.92318

File: 4617a528a3d687e⋯.png (325.9 KB,525x471,175:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c2885214a2173d⋯.png (315.17 KB,524x529,524:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598704 (231934ZSEP23) Notable: Justin Trudeau Accuses Parents Protesting Grooming of Manifesting ‘Hate’ as Canadian Police Stand Down for Antifa to assault them

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Video: Canadian Police Stand Down as Antifa, Militant LGBT’ers Anti-Grooming Demonstrators

Canadian leftists are out in the streets attack parents for standing against the LGBT indoctrination and castration of children.

Canadian police stood down as Antifa radicals and LGBT militants attacked anti-child-grooming protestors in Toronto, as mass demonstrations against the state-sanctioned sexualization and LGBT indoctrination of children are organized nationwide. What’s more, is that the Canadian police, who have developed a reputation for acting as governmental enforcers for the left, were caught on video arresting a reported assault victim, instead of the pro-groomer radical who blooded his face.

In one video out of Toronto, a Canadian man is seen being surrounded by violent leftists bearing transgender flags, as cult-like chants of “trans rights are human rights” are heard from a megaphone in the background. The attackers grabbed control of the man and carried him through the streets, eventually tossing him on the ground in front of a police line.


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e95884 No.92319

File: d3fc6ee9fbf51d8⋯.png (195.38 KB,1061x309,1061:309,Clipboard.png)

File: 2478f8d9dc2b838⋯.png (76 KB,759x213,253:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598710 (231935ZSEP23) Notable: Piedras Negras (Eagle Pass) actually means [black rocks] in Spanish

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from >>>/qresearch/19598279 pb

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e95884 No.92320

File: fa32fab6ad112d0⋯.png (90.42 KB,768x714,128:119,Clipboard.png)

File: 9babf7b7b80c391⋯.png (137.65 KB,768x710,384:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598722 (231937ZSEP23) Notable: Just 8% Of EU Illegal Migrants Are Women.

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Just 8% Of EU Illegal Migrants Are Women.

Women represent a tiny minority of illegal migrants smuggled into the European Union last year, with Frontex – the EU’s border and coastal agency – finding that just eight percent of new arrivals were female.

Just 26,446 of the 331,553 illegal migrants were women, with the rest registered as men or “not available” by the agency, dispelling the myth often reported by the mainstream media that those arriving include a high number of desperate women and children.

In fact, the only occasion in which women and children were the outright majority was in the roughly 13 million who fled the war in Ukraine. These, however, were not recorded as illegal crossings.

Men from countries including Syria, Afghanistan, Tunisia, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Turkey and others represented a significant majority of the EU’s illegal arrivals.

The report also predicted the number of illegal migrants is expected to increase further in the following years. It states: “There is much to suggest that clandestine entry may increase in the next year in line with expected higher migratory pressure at the EU external borders in general.”


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e95884 No.92321

File: af38f04a1f09a53⋯.webp (104.13 KB,1536x1022,768:511,Clipboard.webp)

File: 130b95eb3e8f286⋯.webp (83.9 KB,1536x1022,768:511,Clipboard.webp)

File: cefcf4118d4b175⋯.webp (123.08 KB,1536x1022,768:511,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598730 (231939ZSEP23) Notable: Cardinal Dolan on Biden’s NYC migrant response: ‘He doesn’t take my calls’

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Cardinal Dolan on Biden’s NYC migrant response: ‘He doesn’t take my calls’

Angela Barbuti

(Has Dolan been replaced, or is this a body diuble, it doesn’t look like him in these pictures?)

When it comes to the migrant crisis, President Biden has committed a cardinal sin.

The Archbishop of New York, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, told The Post he has reached out to POTUS about the “tragic, broken” migrant system — to no avail.

“He doesn’t take my calls or answer my letters,” he said.

“New York just can’t handle them all, we know that,” the cardinal added. “It’s very unfair. This is a New York problem, but it’s not just a New York problem. It is an American problem.”

While the nation’s two most powerful Catholics have not spoken about the migrant crisis, Dolan has talked to Gov. Hochul — and is unimpressed.

“I’ve spoken with the governor a number of times and haven’t gotten too much consolation,” he said.

On the other hand, Dolan said, Mayor Adams is not afraid to have a candid conversation about the 110,000 migrants that have poured into NYC this year.

“I give Mayor Adams a lot of credit. He tells us where he needs help,” he said.

“He’s been very good about rallying religious leaders, asking our help to advocate with the federal government, which has done hardly anything, [and] with the state government, which hasn’t done much.”

A few months ago, Adams publicly called for underutilized buildings to be used to house migrants.

The New York Archdiocese — with nearly 300 parishes and 156 Catholic schools — heeded the call and lent the city about 10 facilities, such as former convents and closed schools.

The church also helps with migrant intake, Dolan said.

“The mayor told us that he really needed some desk help in meeting the people and taking their records and helping to get them settled,” he said, pointing to the work of Catholic Charities, an Archdiocesan provider on Maiden Lane.

“Every day hundreds come in,” Dolan said. “We look them in the eyes, get their names and we love them and we say, ‘You’re part of us now. You’re not a number.'”

Dolan, who has headed the nation’s largest and most influential archdiocese since 2009, said the church is also helping find migrants housing, schooling, healthcare, and legal assistance.

But the task is overwhelming.

“Like everybody else, we’re squashed,” he said. “But we can’t give up.”

Individual parishes — like St. Teresa on Henry Street and Ascension on West 107th — also do their part to welcome migrants and provide them with food, clothing, and school supplies.

“We make sure that the priests are there, that the people feel welcome for mass and the sacraments,” Dolan said.

Dolan feels the current system is “terribly wrecked” and needs “dramatic immigration reform.”

“The church has always been very supportive of the right of a nation to have borders and border security . . . we don’t just want borders where anybody can come in,” said Dolan, who is known to visit the migrants housed at the Roosevelt Hotel.

However, he and the church still have a “high obligation” to care for the newcomers.

“For us, it’s not so much about politics and policy . . . we have to leave that to others,” he said. “Our sacred responsibility is to help them. We hate to see these people suffer.”


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e95884 No.92322

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598731 (231939ZSEP23) Notable: Fourth IRS Agent Says D.C. and California Prosecutors Blocked Hunter Biden Charges

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Fourth IRS Agent Says D.C. and California Prosecutors Blocked Hunter Biden Charges

IRS agent Darrell Waldon echoed IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley’s testimony that prosecutors in Washington, DC, and California previously blocked now-special counsel David Weiss from charging Hunter Biden in those jurisdictions.

“Mr. Weiss went to the U.S. Attorney’s Office — I can’t recall the dates — and they did not agree to prosecute the case in D.C.,” Waldon told the House Ways and Means Committee during a transcribed interview in September, the Washington Examiner reported.

“I’m aware that it was presented to the District of Columbia and, at some point, the Central District of California, I believe,” he added.

Waldon’s transcribed interview comes after he previously confirmed Shapley’s claims in April of political interference. Waldon later left the Hunter Biden case for another responsibility within the IRS.

As the investigation progressed, Weiss never charged Hunter Biden in the jurisdictions of Washington, DC, or California. Instead, he formed a sweetheart plea agreement with Hunter Biden that collapsed in July under judicial scrutiny. Shapley’s testimony in April reportedly triggered the plea deal, filed in Delaware. Weiss later brought three gun-related charges in Delaware against Hunter Biden.

The recent testimony by Waldon, who was Shapley’s boss, is notable because Attorney General Merrick Garland testified Wednesday that nobody had the authority to block Weiss from charging Hunter Biden, though “they could refuse to partner with him.”

“You said [Weiss] had complete authority, but he’d already been turned down. He wanted to bring an action in D.C. and the US Attorney there said, ‘No, you can’t’ — and then you go tell the U.S. Senate, under oath, that he has complete authority?” House Oversight Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) asked.

“No one had the authority to turn him down; they could refuse to partner with him.” Garland replied.

“You can use whatever language — ‘refuse to partner’ is turning down,” Jordan replied.

“It is not the same under a well-known Justice Department practice,” Garland claimed.

Waldon previously confirmed Shapley’s notes presented to Congress regarding an October 7, 2022, meeting between Waldon, Shapley, and Weiss, among others. “Darrell asked me to shoot an update from today’s meeting. Darrell — feel free to comment if I miss anything,” the top line of the email read.

In point two of the email to Waldon, Shapley recapped that “Weiss stated he is not the deciding person of whether charges are filed. I believe this is a huge problem — inconsistent with DOJ public position and Merrick Garland testimony.”

Waldon replied to Shapley, “Thanks, Gary. You covered it all”:


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e95884 No.92323

File: b63f83667bacb1f⋯.mp4 (1.31 MB,460x468,115:117,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598745 (231941ZSEP23) Notable: As yes, the video of Snoop dawg begging black people not to vote for Trump

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e95884 No.92324

File: 8639a96e8cd89ed⋯.png (248.59 KB,678x381,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598753 (231942ZSEP23) Notable: Reminder, 5G is watching you

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Your WiFi Can See You

WiFi is electromagnetic waves in the 2.4 and 5 GHz ranges. It’s the same thing as the light you see, only it can penetrate walls due to its much longer wavelength. Just like light, these waves also reflect off various surfaces and, when reconstructed properly, can be used to create an image. DensePose, a system developed by Meta/Facebook, can detect the pose of humans in a room based solely on the WiFi signals passing through the environment. The purpose of this technology is for law enforcement, the military, and intelligence agencies. Nearly a third of Gen Z favor the installation of government surveillance cameras in homes.



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e95884 No.92325

File: 4117377352483b6⋯.png (160.55 KB,568x549,568:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598759 (231944ZSEP23) Notable: Senator Mitch McConnell (81) has frozen again

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>Senator Mitch McConnell (81) froze again

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e95884 No.92326

File: ed49a7f07339f2c⋯.png (706.89 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 50d0e741bfc5119⋯.png (692.44 KB,683x727,683:727,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c3d5406a29c701⋯.png (211.85 KB,650x871,50:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598760 (231944ZSEP23) Notable: Migrants Resume Border Crossings into Texas Town as Biden Admin Re-Opens Rail Bridge

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Migrants Resume Border Crossings into Texas Town as Biden Admin Re-Opens Rail Bridge

EAGLE PASS, Texas — After a brief slowdown on Friday, the Biden administration re-opened the international railway bridge into Eagle Pass, Texas. The move allowed an estimated 1,000 to 1,500 migrants to ride the trains to the U.S.-Mexico border in preparation for crossing into Texas on Saturday.

Breitbart Texas watched as an estimated 1,000 migrants crossed the Rio Grande from Piedras, Negras, Coahuila, into the overrun border town of Eagle Pass. More migrants continued crossing despite the heavy presence of Texas National Guard soldiers along the riverbank and on the river.

Overnight, Texas Governor Greg Abbott ordered a convoy of Texas Military Department (TMD) vehicles and soldiers under Operation Lone Star to the border region in response to the massive influx of mostly Venezuelan migrants. Between September 15 and 21, nearly 13,000 migrants crossed from Mexico into the Del Rio Sector. Most of these crossed into the Eagle Pass area of operations.

By Saturday morning, a line of TMD vehicles could be seen poised along the border to deter migrant crossings. Additional Texas National Guard soldiers deployed to the river on small boats to confront migrant crossings.


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e95884 No.92327

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598764 (231944ZSEP23) Notable: Gavin Newsom Responds to COVID Criticism: “We Would Have Done Everything Differently”

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Gavin Newsom Responds to COVID Criticism: “We Would Have Done Everything Differently”

California Governor Gavin Newsom faced criticism over the strict lockdowns and mask mandates he implemented in the state that prompted a recall effort. While Newsom did say, “We would have done everything differently,” he failed to take responsibility for the COVID policies he implemented. The Governor called for “humility” when Meet The Press host Chuck Todd pressed him over decisions he made during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important to remember that Newsom failed to follow his own guidelines and he was caught dining indoors during a lockdown. In 2020 he was asked if he sees the coronavirus pandemic crisis as “potential” for a “new progressive era” and he replied: “Absolutely. We see this as an opportunity to reshape the way we do business and how we govern. That shouldn’t put shivers up one the spines of one party or the other.”



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e95884 No.92328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598766 (231945ZSEP23) Notable: Hochul: Some People Falsely Claim Asylum to Get in, I’m Glad Biden Gave People Claiming Asylum Work Permits

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Hochul: Some People Falsely Claim Asylum to Get in, I’m Glad Biden Gave People Claiming Asylum Work Permits

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) praised the Biden administration for granting work permits to Venezuelan migrants because “These individuals came here in search of what all of our immigrant parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents came for, and that’s a shot at a better life.” But also stated that some people say “they’re here seeking asylum, without any real basis for that” and then it takes years to determine if those claims are valid.

Hochul praised the work permit move by stating, “These individuals came here in search of what all of our immigrant parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents came for, and that’s a shot at a better life. But it all comes down to whether or not you can work. So, we’ve had this untenable situation, where, because of the city’s right-to-shelter agreement, these individuals have been housed at taxpayer cost, but not able to work.”

Later, she added, “[T]here is an answer to this, as I mentioned, it’s two-fold: One is more enforcement at the border, because people are coming here illegally and even just saying they’re here seeking asylum, without any real basis for that, it’ll take five to seven years to determine whether or not someone is here legally through asylum. And, at that point, then they have to go back if they’re denied. So, it’s a system that’s broken there. But, also, in Washington, we need help with comprehensive immigration reform. The Republicans have to stop playing political games with this.”


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e95884 No.92329

File: 00faff948eed2df⋯.png (1.7 MB,1251x823,1251:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598787 (231949ZSEP23) Notable: If many of the military-aged illegal immigrants are actually a army to violate us, then where are they training?

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If many of the military-aged illegal immigrants are actually a army to violate us, then where are they training? Underground? If not then we should be able to locate them. Unless they we trained beforehand in other countries. We know they will bill well armed. All the munitions they have been hoarding for twenty years - are not really for IRS or other agencies.

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e95884 No.92330

File: 9c9ec0d2756dd74⋯.png (224.2 KB,549x566,549:566,Clipboard.png)

File: a9021828bc49c17⋯.png (385.96 KB,650x369,650:369,Clipboard.png)

File: 91e584b06002b60⋯.mp4 (951.16 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598805 (231953ZSEP23) Notable: Over 3,000 headed to border on train

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Auden B. Cabello


Over 3,000 headed to border on train

This morning at 5:00 am, a cargo train with over 3,000 departed Irapuato, Guanajuato to Torreón, Coahuila.

One major route from Torreón leads to Piedras Negras (Eagle Pass) through Monclova.


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e95884 No.92331

File: ebef05fcd247c88⋯.png (139.35 KB,345x351,115:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598810 (231955ZSEP23) Notable: As yes, the video of Snoop dawg begging black people not to vote for Trump

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e95884 No.92332

File: 9be189253d864f5⋯.png (360.3 KB,567x538,567:538,Clipboard.png)

File: b458ff0cf3f8961⋯.png (37.66 KB,568x207,568:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598812 (231955ZSEP23) Notable: Justin Trudeau Accuses Parents Protesting Grooming of Manifesting ‘Hate’ as Canadian Police Stand Down for Antifa to assault them

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Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Accuses Parents Protesting Grooming of Manifesting ‘Hate’


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e95884 No.92333

File: 251a62d0cc38449⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB,608x608,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598816 (231955ZSEP23) Notable: Reminder, 5G is watching you

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e95884 No.92334

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598820 (231957ZSEP23) Notable: As yes, the video of Snoop dawg begging black people not to vote for Trump

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Snoop Dogg tells government workers affected by shutdown not to vote for Trump



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e95884 No.92335

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598826 (231958ZSEP23) Notable: Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team

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Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team

The special counsel’s office is gearing up to put Donald Trump on trial in two criminal cases next year.

Special counsel Jack Smith has added a veteran war crimes prosecutor — who served as Smith’s deputy during his stint at the Hague — to his team as it prepares to put former President Donald Trump on trial in Washington and Florida.

Alex Whiting worked alongside Smith for three years, helping prosecute crimes against humanity that occurred in Kosovo in the late 1990s. The Yale-educated attorney also worked as a prosecutor with the International Criminal Court from 2010 to 2013. He has taught law classes at Harvard since 2007 as well, hired as an assistant professor by then-Dean Elena Kagan — now a Supreme Court justice — and rising to a visiting professorship in 2013.

Whiting’s precise role on Smith’s team is unclear. A spokesperson for Smith declined to comment, and Whiting did not immediately return requests for comment. The prosecutors’ office in the Hague and Harvard University also did not respond to requests for comment about Whiting’s current employment status.

But a POLITICO reporter observed Whiting at the U.S. district courthouse in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday and Thursday, spending several hours monitoring the trial of a Jan. 6 defendant. The judge in the case is Tanya Chutkan, who is slated to preside over Trump’s trial in March on federal charges stemming from his efforts to subvert the 2020 election.

During a break in the Jan. 6 trial this week, Whiting introduced himself to prosecutors as a new member of Smith’s team, saying he “just joined” the office.

From 2018 to 2022, Smith served as chief prosecutor in the Kosovo Specialist Chamber in the Hague. Whiting temporarily took over that office last year after Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Smith as special counsel to lead the Trump investigations. Boston attorney Kim West was appointed to permanently succeed Smith in June but did not assume the role immediately.

Whiting has been a frequent commentator on the previous special counsel to investigate Trump: Robert Mueller, who investigated links between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign. Whiting wrote numerous articles and gave interviews assessing the strength of Mueller’s case against Trump, often siding with those who saw extreme legal peril for Trump over his efforts to curb the investigation. Though he was once active on Twitter, his account appears to have been deleted and a Wayback Machine search suggests it was dormant since mid-2022.

Whiting’s addition to the team shows Smith is gearing up for a new phase of his efforts — preparing for trials that could send a former president to prison for the first time in U.S. history.


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e95884 No.92336

File: 1d28d1eee9252a6⋯.mp4 (581.15 KB,476x270,238:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598829 (231959ZSEP23) Notable: Reminder, 5G is watching you

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e95884 No.92337

File: eb538161c5a6175⋯.png (97.41 KB,526x481,526:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598837 (232002ZSEP23) Notable: Reminder, 5G is watching you

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e95884 No.92338

File: 6c11d496a614352⋯.jpeg (475.75 KB,1125x1454,1125:1454,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598841 (232003ZSEP23) Notable: Maybe moar to [Menendez]?

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e95884 No.92339

File: 708dd2100edd0dd⋯.png (812.51 KB,1076x792,269:198,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598856 (232007ZSEP23) Notable: Reminder, 5G is watching you

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e95884 No.92340

File: 41a6211056ed47c⋯.png (389.38 KB,657x743,657:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598864 (232010ZSEP23) Notable: Patents on Targeted Individual and DEW Technologies

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The guy in the video clearly states they first trained the AI using a camera.

So the algorithm had a clear pic, before it was able to reconstruct the image from only WiFi signals.

If you look up the literature, there also might be something involved called RIS's (Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, see e.g. https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.00242)

As someone who studied/worked in science/physics for all my life, I have no idea where they are at this point with that technology, but personally, I believe they want it, but still can't have just yet (at least not in the quality/feasibility they crave so hard)

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e95884 No.92341

File: 8b14e55617f510d⋯.png (443.03 KB,505x945,101:189,Clipboard.png)

File: e78b03ba8f3ec38⋯.png (437.47 KB,680x510,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598874 (232013ZSEP23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII Well it turns out Dan Cash’s daughter… works for Pfizer!

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James O'Keefe


UPDATE: Dan Cash, the man at the school board who had an objection with me talking to the VP of Pfizer, is on the same school board as Dan.

Well it turns out Dan Cash’s daughter… works for Pfizer!


James O'Keefe



Sep 20


NEW VIDEO: OMG questions Josh Brown, National VP, Govt Relations at Pfizer. Brown also serves as Vice Chair of the Williamson County School Board.

Pfizer Whistleblower Debbie Bernal asked Brown the employment status of Walker. I followed up with Brown and other board members.

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e95884 No.92342

File: 40106c5ef1f51a2⋯.jpg (103.9 KB,1016x768,127:96,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598912 (232020ZSEP23) Notable: Patents on Targeted Individual and DEW Technologies

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at this point.. they can re-create your own thoughts based on the energy signals and then project your own dreams and hopes and fears right back to you.. essentially the target believes they have "thought up" what has "come to mind". Satan's fake omniscience.

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e95884 No.92343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598927 (232023ZSEP23) Notable: Maybe moar to [Menendez]?

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menendez has been a corrupt, corrupt piece of shit since before he was first elected to the senate.

they could have prosecuted long ago.

why now? why the call for him to resign from Ds?

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e95884 No.92344

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598942 (232026ZSEP23) Notable: Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

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dubs dubs chek'ed - titled with source and text below. for the faggot who does not fucking know how this board works.

make an effort.


Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)



This powerful documentary from Good Lion Films, produced and written by Nick Alvear, shares the Cabal takedown from the 2016 election, to the capitulation tour of President Donald J. Trump, Covid-19, the 2020 election, Joe Biden's funeral, J6 setup, and how the continuity of government through the current events taking place will usher in the greatest time ever known on earth.

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e95884 No.92345

File: 817ec591942757b⋯.png (70.06 KB,1008x435,336:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598947 (232026ZSEP23) Notable: Patents on Targeted Individual and DEW Technologies

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for some years now, anon. nowadays they mix in spiritual aspect to put the icing on the delusion cake.

(Feb 5, 2018) This mind-reading AI can see what you're thinking - and draw a picture of it


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e95884 No.92346

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598983 (232035ZSEP23) Notable: Maybe moar to [Menendez]?

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I had a thought earlier today - haven't seen anything yet

IF we assume Obama is pulling the strings, and Obama was all cozy with Castro,

Is there something pending in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for Cuba that Menendez was blocking?

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e95884 No.92347

File: 9c93a34ef899024⋯.png (294.4 KB,978x683,978:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 96fe4e0186a6653⋯.png (249.17 KB,970x689,970:689,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f1d07340a7e283⋯.png (213.25 KB,1015x670,203:134,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19598989 (232036ZSEP23) Notable: Patents on Targeted Individual and DEW Technologies

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Patents on Targeted Individual and DEW Technologies


imagine what remains 'classified' and is made abroad.

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e95884 No.92348

File: 45195bf683b7abf⋯.png (109.07 KB,1291x635,1291:635,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599014 (232041ZSEP23) Notable: Maybe moar to [Menendez]?

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This is from last year. But it's basically going against the regime.


WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, issued the following statement on the Biden administration’s announcement of changes to U.S. policy towards Cuba:

“As the Diaz-Canel regime continues its ruthless persecution of countless Cubans from all walks of life for their participation in last year’s pro-democracy uprising, today’s announcement risks sending the wrong message to the wrong people, at the wrong time and for all the wrong reasons.

“I am dismayed to learn the Biden administration will begin authorizing group travel to Cuba through visits akin to tourism. To be clear, those who still believe that increasing travel will breed democracy in Cuba are simply in a state of denial. For decades, the world has been traveling to Cuba and nothing has changed. For years, the United States foolishly eased travel restrictions arguing millions of American dollars would bring about freedom and nothing changed. And as I warned then, the regime ultimately laughed off any promises of loosening its iron grip on the Cuban people and we ended up helping fund the machinery behind their continued oppression.

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e95884 No.92349

File: 727d34357d2d308⋯.jpeg (355.48 KB,1125x1007,1125:1007,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f96eb7a38efe329⋯.jpeg (213.25 KB,1125x766,1125:766,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599018 (232042ZSEP23) Notable: Maybe moar to [Menendez]?

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e95884 No.92350

File: a7cc8bf7a975bd2⋯.png (481.29 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599057 (232048ZSEP23) Notable: US prepares measures to help Cuban small businesses -source

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US prepares measures to help Cuban small businesses -source

Matt Spetalnick

Mon, September 18, 2023 at 3:08 PM EDT·


By Matt Spetalnick

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Biden administration is preparing to unveil new regulatory measures to allow more U.S. financial support for small private businesses in Cuba, a person familiar with the matter said on Monday.

The move, expected as soon as this week, is seen as a long-promised but limited step to ease restrictions to help Cuba's budding entrepreneurs cope with fallout from the Communist-ruled island's crippled economy.

The announcement is aimed at making it easier for Americans to directly assist Cuban small business owners by providing guidelines for loans to them through the U.S. financial system, the source said.


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e95884 No.92351

File: b20078d47463ec6⋯.png (17.07 KB,692x329,692:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599071 (232050ZSEP23) Notable: Truth Social increases digit count to 1000

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Truth Social increases digit count to 1000


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e95884 No.92352

File: 47965a6f0cd8949⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB,266x480,133:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599112 (232058ZSEP23) Notable: Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch

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(pb) >>92232 Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch

Nothing new here from the Pharma poison machine.

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e95884 No.92353

File: 84979c5a6685974⋯.png (64.97 KB,575x737,575:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599131 (232102ZSEP23) Notable: PDJT: Hear we go again!

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Decode of PDJT Truth

No sauce.

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e95884 No.92354

File: 9cd4290d84aeabc⋯.png (108.69 KB,594x637,594:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599165 (232111ZSEP23) Notable: PDJT: Hear we go again!

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>Decode of PDJT Truth

>No sauce.

Niqqas will literally calculate advanced Trumpenometry but can't be bothered to make a truth account SMH

SAUCE: https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/111116244473766692

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e95884 No.92355

File: 4477ef0f89bdb93⋯.jpg (36.61 KB,601x225,601:225,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599217 (232121ZSEP23) Notable: Maybe moar to [Menendez]?

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This fuck

The allegations in the indictment of Senator Menendez are shocking. If accurate, they represent the most profound betrayal of his oath of office.

He’s entitled to the presumption of innocence and will have his day in court. But the gravity of the matter demands his resignation.


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e95884 No.92356

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599233 (232125ZSEP23) Notable: "Ukraine's counter offensive has been a total failure" Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News

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"Ukraine's counter offensive has been a total failure" Col. Douglas MacGregor

| Redacted News

17:38. Three weeks ago


“Regarding Mark Milley I haven’t heard the truth out of him for 45 years. He’s typical swamp that goes along to get along” and supports the status quo! Milley is a fraud, forget anything he says!”


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e95884 No.92357

File: c181a69db45d47f⋯.png (178.27 KB,631x474,631:474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599252 (232129ZSEP23) Notable: Maybe moar to [Menendez]?

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Not sure, entirely.

On one hand, Memendez is now in a position to be pressured by the House Majority (In Name Only) to cooperate with the Biden Investigation.

On the other, Menendez could be expecting a Golden parachute from Schumer, which just that could be a thing of it's own.

That's what I've gathered from some of the more Intelligent responses on Ye ole Twitter(X).

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e95884 No.92358

File: 421ec254b953a05⋯.png (98.13 KB,990x688,495:344,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599289 (232139ZSEP23) Notable: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov calls Ukraine's peace formula unrealistic and slamming Kyiv's Western allies, which he said are "directly at war" with Moscow.

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Russia's war in Ukraine

Ukraine says a strike on Russia’s Black Sea Fleet headquarters in the Crimean city of Sevastopol left dozens dead and wounded "including senior leadership." Russia has so far only said a soldier was missing.

Friday's strike was the latest and one of the most ambitious in a series of Ukrainian attacks on Crimea, the peninsula illegally annexed by Russia in 2014.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke at the UN General Assembly on Saturday, calling Ukraine's peace formula unrealistic and slamming Kyiv's Western allies, which he said are "directly at war" with Moscow.

The general leading Ukraine's counteroffensive says his forces have broken through in the southern village of Verbove, and predicts an even bigger breakthrough to come. Kyiv's campaign has struggled in the face of stiff Russian defenses.

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e95884 No.92359

File: 69677a7e61af26f⋯.png (147.01 KB,411x544,411:544,Clipboard.png)

File: a305d89c1b7185f⋯.mp4 (7.94 MB,360x270,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599314 (232143ZSEP23) Notable: @WarClandestine Many still don’t know just how bad it is. Here is the infamous spirit cooking video.

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Many still don’t know just how bad it is. Here is the infamous spirit cooking video.

Abramovic writes satanic messages on the walls with pig blood, and splatters blood on a child effigy.

Zelensky wants this lady in charge of rebuilding schools…

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e95884 No.92360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599361 (232152ZSEP23) Notable: #24068

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#24068 >>92307

>>92354, >>92353 PDJT: Hear we go again!

>>92308 LIVE: Worldwide Freedom March In Toronto

>>92326 Migrants Resume Border Crossings into Texas Town as Biden Admin Re-Opens Rail Bridge

>>92330 Over 3,000 headed to border on train

>>92309, >>92316, >>92319 Piedras Negras (Eagle Pass) actually means [black rocks] in Spanish

>>92313 National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass [Black Rock], Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control

>>92310 Biden to ‘join the picket line’ with UAW strikers: ‘Time for a win-win agreement’

>>92311 UK Government Contract States That Illegal Immigrants Must Have 3 Star Hotel Rooms or Better

>>92312 Did he say meme warfare is going to the difference between shitposting and effective cyberware?

>>92314 Gov. Newsom Attacks Federal Judge As Child-Killing, Extremist, Right-Wing Zealot Owned By The NRA

>>92315 Texas GOP leadership just voted 58-2 calling for House Speaker @DadePhelan to step down

>>92317 WaPo is now running PR for Democratic politicians who are unable to carry out basic activities of daily living, let alone represent Americans.

>>92318, >>92332 Justin Trudeau Accuses Parents Protesting Grooming of Manifesting ‘Hate’ as Canadian Police Stand Down for Antifa to assault them

>>92320 Just 8% Of EU Illegal Migrants Are Women.

>>92321 Cardinal Dolan on Biden’s NYC migrant response: ‘He doesn’t take my calls’

>>92322 Fourth IRS Agent Says D.C. and California Prosecutors Blocked Hunter Biden Charges

>>92323, >>92334, >>92331 As yes, the video of Snoop dawg begging black people not to vote for Trump

>>92328 Hochul: Some People Falsely Claim Asylum to Get in, I’m Glad Biden Gave People Claiming Asylum Work Permits

>>92327 Gavin Newsom Responds to COVID Criticism: “We Would Have Done Everything Differently”

>>92325 Senator Mitch McConnell (81) has frozen again

>>92329 If many of the military-aged illegal immigrants are actually a army to violate us, then where are they training?

>>92335 Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team

>>92336, >>92337, >>92339, >>92324, >>92333 Reminder, 5G is watching you

>>92338, >>92349, >>92343, >>92346, >>92348, >>92355, >>92357 Maybe moar to [Menendez]?

>>92341 @JamesOKeefeIII Well it turns out Dan Cash’s daughter… works for Pfizer!

>>92344 Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

>>92350 US prepares measures to help Cuban small businesses -source

>>92351 Truth Social increases digit count to 1000

>>92352 Cancers Appearing In Ways Never Before Seen After COVID Vaccinations: Dr. Harvey Risch

>>92356, >>92356 "Ukraine's counter offensive has been a total failure" Col. Douglas MacGregor | Redacted News

>>92347, >>92342, >>92340, >>92345 Patents on Targeted Individual and DEW Technologies

>>92358 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov calls Ukraine's peace formula unrealistic and slamming Kyiv's Western allies, which he said are "directly at war" with Moscow.

>>92359 @WarClandestine Many still don’t know just how bad it is. Here is the infamous spirit cooking video.


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e95884 No.92361

File: 9dc0877b1e32e65⋯.jpg (16.91 KB,255x254,255:254,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599367 (232155ZSEP23) Notable: #24069

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e95884 No.92362

File: ebdc2bf78c27753⋯.png (402.93 KB,1049x901,1049:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599370 (232157ZSEP23) Notable: Mich. Dems Passing Bill Making “Intimidating” Election Officials a Felony, Want to Imprison Ballot Challengers

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Mich. Dems Passing Bill Making “Intimidating” Election Officials a Felony, Want to Imprison Ballot Challengers

Michigan State Representative Kara Hope (D) has written two bills, HB 4129–4130, which criminalize “intimidating” an election official.


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e95884 No.92363

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599400 (232206ZSEP23) Notable: Anon opines RE: Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

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Anon just watched that doc below from last bread.

honest opine.

This has a lot of events in a timeline which is 90% truth, there are lots of assumptions in the last 10% and no actual proofs.

some interesting stuff, especially the CHYNA connection to Ukraine. No that is a coincidence. The law of war manual has been thrown out multiple times as some sort of proof of a white hat operation. It exists but from what anon is seeing it is just a detailed book of words.

by the time anon had finished watching it, all anon could think of was, it sounds like REAL RAW NEWS.

A sort of psyop for people to trust the plan.

fuck the plan, this is real life, make sure anons push everyone to vote in 2024 or things will get worse.

The real globalist anon is researching are pushing ahead and this was not mentioned at all, international trade is still controlled by the b.i.s and they are expanding to hong kong and mexico.

What ever this is, is hopium.

Anon is not going back to being a fucking consumer, ever,

wake up and do not forget the lessons learned.





>>>92344 lb Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)



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e95884 No.92364

File: 0917cfa9fbc6b03⋯.mp4 (13.86 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e794ed8790949fc⋯.jpg (139.3 KB,768x511,768:511,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599416 (232204ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

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>Hear We Go Again


USN E-6B Mercury 164404. Squawk 3631. Up from Travis AFB with EAM Force Direction Message Broadcast made over Emergency Action Message frequency from call sign DOCKYARD. A lot of EAM radio traffic today. mp4 attached.


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e95884 No.92365

File: cb18908bdf087c1⋯.png (25.97 KB,554x287,554:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599423 (232207ZSEP23) Notable: @GovChristie The indictment against Bob Menendez is sickening... He should resign.

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14:21 = 17

2:21 = 23

Chris Christie


The indictment against Bob Menendez is sickening. No public official making $174,000 a year should have nearly $500,000 in cash stuffed in clothes in his house, not to mention gold bars. He should resign.

I spent seven years of my career as US Attorney fighting political corruption in our state. We convicted 130 public office holders without a defeat. I know how to fight corruption because I’ve done it. His conduct is unacceptable and he needs to go.

2:21 PM · Sep 23, 2023


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e95884 No.92366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599509 (232224ZSEP23) Notable: @TomFitton Obviously, Hillary wants to run for president…hence, she's restarted her Ukraine shakedown.

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Tom Fitton


Obviously, Hillary wants to run for president...hence, she's restarted her Ukraine shakedown. youtu.be/S2x3FiMSiwo?si=ciUny8


Tom Fitton




Hillary is back and seeking a piece of the Ukraine grift. Be sure to tune into Fox News tomorrow during 8 am hour! @JudicALwATCH

Sep 23, 2023, 5:34 PM


Obviously, Hillary wants to run for president: Tom Fitton



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e95884 No.92367

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599512 (232224ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: Kari Lake & Jim Caviezel at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference in Michigan

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LIVE: Kari Lake & Jim Caviezel at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference in Michigan

The Midwesterner

1.97K subscribers

1,181 watching now Started streaming 57 minutes ago

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e95884 No.92368

File: bc9b69708356fbe⋯.png (673.03 KB,1087x829,1087:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599524 (232228ZSEP23) Notable: Is the CCP poised to replace [Menendez]

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They want him out.

And the CCP in.


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e95884 No.92369

File: 3c36889f5cc03cf⋯.jpeg (87.74 KB,873x495,97:55,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 705852f072d9425⋯.jpeg (148.2 KB,779x520,779:520,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599527 (232228ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Sends Gavin to the RNC Debate at The Reagan Library

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Joe Sends Gavin to the RNC Debate at The Reagan Library

September 23, 2023 | Sundance |

Most people say the DNC 2024 candidate will be determined by a DNC primary process. My response:

Pish-Paw! You think the party that kills babies, sterilizes young boys and cuts the tits off young women are going to restrain themselves to cultural, political or electoral norms in 2024? GTFOH. The DNC nominee will be decided by a vote of delegates at the convention in Chicago.

My gut instinct tells me Joe Biden will deliver a magnanimous speech written for him saying he is not able to accept the nomination, perhaps with a medical narrative attached, and therefore the baton must be handed to a new generation of progressive leadership.

This approach resets the entire narrative and deflated dynamic within the DNC electorate. Immediately an infusion of energy will be created to propel the appointed baton owner into the stratosphere with intense media promotion. Thrills up legs will be had, and the real 2024 race will begin. Prepare your affairs accordingly.

WASHINGTON – President Biden’s reelection campaign is sending California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) to the Republican presidential primary debate to lead response efforts.

Newsom will be on the ground in Simi Valley, in his home state, to push back on Republican comments and highlight anything the Biden team deems to be extreme rhetoric out of the debate. The governor will lead that effort alongside Biden-Harris campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez and Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison.

“The campaign response builds off the strong and effective plan from the first debate with a clear north star: push back on Republicans’ lies and highlight their extremism at every turn. Our response will ensure we hold every Republican and their extreme positions accountable,” Biden campaign advisers said.

The Wednesday debate will be hosted by Fox Business Network and is expected to have a large focus on the Republicans’ economic strategy. Former President Trump is not expected to join the debate, after not attending the first one in August, but the Biden campaign expects the so-called MAGA agenda to be on display.

“You can expect the Biden campaign and our allies to point out the stark contrast between Bidenomics and the extreme MAGAnomics policies we’ll hear on the debate stage,” advisers said. (read more)


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e95884 No.92370

File: cb41df45e80e8fc⋯.png (574.18 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: ce87f59dcb4a9fd⋯.png (1.02 MB,970x970,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e1a586dad9187d⋯.png (1.32 MB,970x970,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599558 (232237ZSEP23) Notable: Comet Nishimura photobombs NASA spacecraft after its close encounter with the sun

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Comet Nishimura photobombs NASA spacecraft after its close encounter with the sun

Sep 20, 2023

The recently discovered Comet Nishimura has surprised scientists by photobombing a NASA spacecraft as it took images of the sun.

Comet Nishimura, also known as C/2023 P1, which appears to have recently survived a close encounter with the sun, was seen by one of two Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft —  STEREO-A  —  as it took images of the sun's outer atmosphere, the corona, on Sept. 19.

The STEREO images show the comet moving away from the sun and seem to imply that the comet survived its brush with the star on Sept. 17, when it reached its closest point to the sun, or "perihelion," and passed within 20.5 million miles (33 million km) of it.

"So yes, the object you see in those STEREO-A/HI1 observations is indeed comet Nishimura. At the time of writing, the most recent image shows it appears pretty healthy at-a-glance," Karl Battams, an astrophysicist with the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, told Space.com by email.

Battams said that at the moment, from these preliminary images, Nishimura looks how scientists would expect an intact comet to look, but noted that he is wary of drawing any meaningful conclusions about how it is holding together after being heated by the sun.

"First, it's crucial to keep in mind that the images you're seeing right now are what we call our 'beacon' images," Battams continued. "These are low cadence, ultra-low resolution images, designed to just give a near-real-time snapshot of what the camera is seeing."

According to Battams, it will be late on Thursday (Sept. 21) before the team gets their first look at the comet in much better resolution, and even then, it might not fully reveal the fate of the comet.

"My mind goes back to comet Lovejoy in 2011, which appeared quite healthy as it flew right through the solar corona, only to then disintegrate a couple of weeks later," he added. "The same, ultimately destructive, processes could certainly be happening here, and we simply wouldn't know it. Thus, the high-res data might clue us in a bit, but not even that gives us any fine details on what's happening behind the glare of the bright tail and coma."

With a few days of science data under their belts, the team will still be able to look at the brightness of Nishimura to see if that yields any clues or surprises. "That only tells part of the story," Battams added. "Ultimately, we just have to wait this out and see what happens, but of course, I very much hope it remains a happy and healthy comet!"

Throughout the images captured by STEREO, it is clear to see Nishimura is moving downwards in relation to the spacecraft as it moves away from the sun. This trajectory will continue until it moves out of the field of view of the NASA observatory in early October, according to Battams.

The comet is also moving away from the spacecraft, so it will likely grow smaller and fainter in the images delivered by STEREO over the coming days. As of Sept. 20, it was about 93 million miles (150 million kilometers) from STEREO-A and by Oct. 1, the comet and the NASA craft will be separated by a distance of 130 million miles (209 million km).

"Folks trying to interpret the comet's health from this data will need to appreciate the changing viewing geometry, as well as the fact that we'd naturally expect it to start fading as it recedes from the sun," Battams pointed out.

It is lucky that STEREO caught an image of the comet; it was missed by NASA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) and its LASCO coronagraph, which studies the outer atmosphere of the sun.

"Sadly, this one managed to avoid the SOHO/LASCO field of view," Battams concluded. "We may have or may get, observations from some of our other spacecraft or instruments, but nothing that returns data in real-time like SOHO and STEREO."

After it escapes the view of STEREO in October, comet Nishimura will continue to make its way back to the outer edges of the solar system. The comet, discovered on Aug. 12 as it brightened while hurtling toward the sun, will next return to the inner solar system Earth and the sun in 2458 thanks to its estimated 435-year-long orbit.


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e95884 No.92371

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599693 (232308ZSEP23) Notable: The Scope of Bogus Airplane Parts Scandal Has Not Yet Been Determined

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The Scope of Bogus Airplane Parts Scandal Has Not Yet Been Determined

Milt HarrisSeptember 23, 2023

Who or what comprises AOG Technics, a firm that supposedly specializes in engine materials, engine leasing, airframe parts, and financial solutions? AOG is a parts broker, a middleman that supplies parts to independent firms that airlines contract to do repairs on their planes. The parts in question were used to repair jet engines made by CFM International, an aircraft engine manufacturer based in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company is a joint venture between GE Aerospace and Safran Aircraft Engines. It was originally formed to build and support the CFM56 series of turbofan engines.

Earlier this month, it was discovered that thousands of engine part certifications supplied by AOG had been falsified. On Sept. 20, The London High Court issued a ruling that gives the company 14 days to hand over details on any CFM56 and CF6 parts it acquired and sold, along with relevant supporting paperwork. The ruling came in response to a lawsuit filed Sept. 7 by CFM and its co-owners, GE Aerospace and Safran, against AOG Technics and its founder, Jose Zamora Yrala.

In one instance, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) turned over one of its AAC-038 approval tags, later confirmed as fake, that came with 32 overhauled CFM56 high-pressure compressor (HPC) stage 1 vanes. Two fake FAA 8130-3s covering hundreds of GE CF6 parts were found, the summary said. More than 80 EASA Form 1s representing thousands of CFM56 parts, including turbine blades and seals, have been flagged and confirmed as forgeries. In all cases, the fake documentation was made to look like it came from CFM or one of its owners.

Now, I have no idea what those parts are or how significant they are to keeping a plane in the air. What I do know is that at any altitude, every single part of any airplane needs to be authentic.

There can be only one reason AOG did this: greed.

As this investigation proceeds, it will be of vital importance for authorities to find where AOG acquired the parts. Then CFM can confirm or deny whether or not they are airworthy. Equally important is zeroing in on exactly who AOG sold them to, so any that are deemed not to be airworthy can then be confiscated.

In a statement, CFM reiterated the need for AOG to comply with furnishing the documents: “We applaud the court’s ruling compelling AOG Technics to release documentation that will aid the industry in more rapidly identifying parts sold with fraudulent documentation so they can be promptly addressed. Safety is our first priority, and we are taking aggressive legal action against AOG Technics for selling unapproved aircraft engine parts with falsified airworthiness documentation. We remain united with the aviation community in working to keep unapproved parts out of the global supply chain.”

A number of airlines have confirmed having AOG Technics parts in their engines. Those include Southwest Airlines, United Airlines, and Virgin Australia. Bloomberg was the first to report the airlines involved.

CFM and its co-owners, GE Aerospace and Safran, have been working with investigators since June to identify parts sold by AOG Technics with falsified authentication, according to court documents. TAP Maintenance and Engineering flagged EASA Form 1’s linked to “certain” CFM56 parts that were allegedly generated by CFM. However, CFM confirmed the records were false, highlighting fake purchase order numbers and an unknown signature. TAP then turned over 24 more Form 1’s shipped with CFM56 parts bought by AOG Technics and allegedly generated by the manufacturer. Those were confirmed by CFM to be forged as well.

The findings prompted CFM to notify the airline industry and regulators, starting a global records review to find parts sold by AOG Technics and either pull them from service or remove them from spare parts supplies if the related documentation was deemed to be fake.

In early August, the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) issued a bulletin urging both operators and repair stations to review their records and to red flag any parts in their possession that were supplied by AOG Technics. They were instructed to verify if the airworthiness approval tags were generated by the companies listed on them. Any parts with falsified records were to be held aside according to EASA. EASA later confirmed that many forged documents were discovered.

So far, approximately 100 planes are known to be involved worldwide. Southwest Airlines was the first to report that they had discovered unregistered parts earlier this month. On Thursday night, American Airlines became the fourth, and to this point, the last airline to have found parts from AOG on its planes.….


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e95884 No.92372

File: 088fbb5277aa247⋯.png (386.03 KB,978x755,978:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599720 (232312ZSEP23) Notable: TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign, Accusing Him of Being Drunk in the Capitol

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Texas AG Ken Paxton Unleashes on Drunk House Speaker Dade Phelan, Calls For His Removal

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is back and stronger than ever after surviving a sham impeachment brought by the Rove-Bush RINOs.

Ken Paxton on Saturday renewed his calls for drunk House Speaker Dade Phelan to resign.

“In May, I called on liberal Speaker Dade Phelan to resign after he was recorded numerous times presiding over the Texas House in a state of apparent debilitating intoxication. Despite this embarrassing conduct, and his continuing erratic behavior, Phelan has refused to resign,” Paxton said.

“He has also wasted millions of tax dollars on a politically motivated sham impeachment, killed a critical border security bill and empowered an Obama lawyer to stop conservative legislation. As the legislature prepares for an anticipated special session to provide children with more opportunities for quality education, it is critical that Dade Phelan resigns as Speaker or is removed from his leadership position,” he added.

“The people of Texas deserve serious, conservative, and unimpaired leadership,” Paxton said.

In May, I called on liberal Speaker Dade Phelan to resign after he was recorded numerous times presiding over the Texas House in a state of apparent debilitating intoxication. Despite this embarrassing conduct, & his continuing erratic behavior, Phelan has refused to resign. He…

— Attorney General Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) September 23, 2023

Paxton in May called for Dade Phelan to resign after “Texans were dismayed to witness his performance presiding over the Texas House in a state of apparent debilitating intoxication.”

“His conduct has negatively impacted the legislative process and constitutes a failure to live up to his duty to the public,” Paxton said

On May 23rd, Paxton referred it to the House General Investigating and Ethics Committee.

Here is a video of Dade Phelan from May where he appears to be inebriated:


— Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 20, 2023

A couple days later, Dade Phelan and other RINOs in the Texas House announced it will vote on a resolution to impeach Ken Paxton on unfounded charges.

Last Saturday Texas Senators acquitted Attorney General Ken Paxton on all 16 articles of impeachment brought against him.

After Paxton was acquitted, “liberal” Dade Phelan criticized the Senate and Lt. Governor Patrick for their handling of the impeachment trial, accusing them of orchestrating the outcome and “cheating the people of Texas of justice.”

Phelan also threatened that this is not the end for Ken Paxton as he is the “subject of multiple other lawsuits, indictments and investigations.”

Ken Paxton is back and stronger than ever so now it’s Dade Phelan’s turn in the barrel.


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e95884 No.92373

File: 6c684b15c48ebb4⋯.png (623.66 KB,702x900,39:50,Clipboard.png)

File: 14e97cc76518abf⋯.png (436.1 KB,696x615,232:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 88a8bccd2e4cc8e⋯.png (469.63 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: b1a19604554aeee⋯.png (437.29 KB,692x815,692:815,Clipboard.png)

File: b20ec33d55aaff8⋯.png (649.13 KB,1053x888,351:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599760 (232320ZSEP23) Notable: TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign, Accusing Him of Being Drunk in the Capitol

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TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign, Accusing Him of Being Drunk in the Capitol

May. 23, 2023 4:45 pm

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Tuesday called on Republican House Speaker Dade Phelan to resign and accused him of being drunk in the Capitol.

Ken Paxton’s full statement:

“After much consideration, it is with profound disappointment that I call on Speaker Dade Phelan to resign at the end of this legislative session. Texans were dismayed to witness his performance presiding over the Texas House in a state of apparent debilitating intoxication. His conduct has negatively impacted the legislative process and constitutes a failure to live up to his duty to the public,” Paxton said in a statement.

“Texans were relying on the House to pass critical conservative priorities including protecting the integrity of our elections and preventing Chinese spies from controlling Texas land. His failures as Speaker have created a credibility crisis for all Republican candidates and for our entire Party. While I hope Speaker Phelan will get the help he needs, he has proven himself unworthy of Texans’ trust and incapable of leading the Texas House,” the Texas Attorney General added.

Speaker Dade Phelan should resign. — Attorney General Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) May 23, 2023


Paxton referred it to the House General Investigating and Ethics Committee:

Today, I referred this to the House General Investigating and Ethics Committee. — Attorney General Ken Paxton (@KenPaxtonTX) May 23, 2023


Here is video of Dade Phelan from Friday night where it appears he is inebriated:

This is video from last night in the Texas House of Representatives where it appears that TX House Speaker Dade Phelan is either really drunk or having a stroke. — Greg Price (@greg_price11) May 20, 2023



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e95884 No.92374

File: f8ede866a2942b7⋯.png (314.89 KB,766x805,766:805,Clipboard.png)

File: eae9240bf8a9888⋯.png (637.24 KB,977x1051,977:1051,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599784 (232327ZSEP23) Notable: Texas GOP leadership just voted 58-2 calling for House Speaker @DadePhelan to step down

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Texas GOP leadership just voted 58-2 calling for House Speaker @DadePhelan to step down

The tides have completely turned against this backstabbing RINO after his failed attempt to remove AG @KenPaxtonTX

Sep 23, 2023, 2:22 PM


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e95884 No.92375

File: c4aa6f0c89d81a2⋯.png (490.36 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: eb7159ed11aac34⋯.png (901.27 KB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 7732ac4805549ee⋯.png (1.02 MB,1600x900,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599825 (232336ZSEP23) Notable: Oops! US Space Force may have accidentally punched a hole in the upper atmosphere

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Oops! US Space Force may have accidentally punched a hole in the upper atmosphere

Thu, September 21, 2023 at 7:27 AM PDT

A rocket carrying a U.S. Space Force satellite into orbit may have punched a hole in Earth's upper atmosphere, after lifting off with just 27 hours' notice — a new record for the shortest amount of time from getting the go-ahead to actually launching.

Firefly Aerospace, a company contracted by Space Force, launched one of its Alpha rockets from Vandenberg Space Force Base in California on Sept. 14 at 10:28 p.m. local time, Live Science's sister site Space.com reported. The launch was not publicized or live-streamed, making it a complete surprise to the space exploration community.

The rocket was carrying Space Force's Victus Nox satellite (Latin for "conquer the night"), which will run a "space domain awareness" mission to help Space Force keep tabs on what is happening in the orbital environment.

The surprise rocket initially caught people's eye after creating an enormous exhaust plume that could be seen from more than 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) away. But after the plume dissipated, a faint red glow remained in the sky, which is a telltale sign that the rocket created a hole in the ionosphere — the part of Earth's atmosphere where gases are ionized, which stretches between 50 and 400 miles (80 and 645 km) above Earth's surface — Spaceweather.com reported.

This is not the first "ionospheric hole" observed this year. In July, the launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket created an enormous blood-red patch above Arizona that could be seen for hundreds of miles.

Rockets create ionospheric holes when fuel from their second stages burns in the middle part of the ionosphere, between 125 and 185 miles (200 and 300 km) above Earth's surface, Live Science previously reported. At this height, the carbon dioxide and water vapor from the rocket's exhaust cause ionized oxygen atoms to recombine, or form back into normal oxygen molecules. This process excites the molecules and leads them to emit energy in the form of light. This is similar to how auroras form, except the dancing lights are caused by solar radiation heating up gases rather than their recombination.

The holes pose no threat to people on Earth's surface and naturally close up within a few hours as the recombined gases get re-ionized.

Firefly Aerospace was awarded the Victus Nox contract in October 2022 but was told that it would have to launch the satellite at an unknown point in the future with less than 24 hours' warning. To accomplish this, the launch team had to update the rocket's trajectory software, encapsulate the satellite, get the satellite to the launch pad, place it in the rocket and go through the final checks within that time, according to a company statement. Even then, bad weather meant they had to launch later than planned.

The aim of the mission was to "demonstrate the United States' ability to rapidly place an asset in orbit when and where we need it, ensuring we can augment our space capabilities with very little notice," Lt. Col. MacKenzie Birchenough, an officer with Space Force's Space Systems Command, said last year when the mission was first announced.


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e95884 No.92376

File: b6d77e95499b8b4⋯.png (250.68 KB,613x802,613:802,Clipboard.png)

File: c0119ce50eac6d1⋯.png (88.02 KB,928x466,464:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599844 (232342ZSEP23) Notable: Cheers to U.S. House @RepClyde (R-GA) for championing 2 appropriation riders of @Article3Project:

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🇺🇸 Mike Davis 🇺🇸


Joe Biden, Merrick Garland, and Democrat prosecutors Jack Smith, Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and Tish James are waging law-fare, election interference, and vindictive legal terrorism to destroy their political enemies.

House Republicans must block these Republic-ending tactics.

Cheers to U.S. House @RepClyde (R-GA) for championing 2 appropriation riders of @Article3Project:

1. “No federal funds may be used to prosecute any major presidential candidate on or before November 5, 2024.”

2. “Any jurisdiction that prosecutes any major presidential candidate on or before November 5, 2024 loses all federal funding.”

Jack Poso 🇺🇸 on X

Mike Roman was the 2020 Trump Campaign's Director of Election Day Operations. He worked on the 2016 Trump Campaign and served in the White House. Mike, a father of eight and a devout Catholic, is being…

Sep 23, 2023, 7:21 PM



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e95884 No.92377

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599849 (232342ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene America First Emergency Townhall in Plainville, GA

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FULL EVENT: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene America First Emergency Townhall in Plainville, GA 9/22/23

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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e95884 No.92378

File: 97d45416cbed33b⋯.jpg (137.58 KB,720x849,240:283,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ab9d61930f2e8de⋯.jpg (156.16 KB,1922x1080,961:540,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fbe4007f5d0bad6⋯.jpg (110.02 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599878 (232350ZSEP23) Notable: Here is an image of the show that Marina Abramović is hosting that force guests to enter between two naked models at the Royal Academy of Arts in London today.

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🔥🚨BREAKING: Here is an image of the show that Marina Abramović is hosting that force guests to enter between two naked models at the Royal Academy of Arts in London today.

Faggot Shit!

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e95884 No.92379

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599887 (232352ZSEP23) Notable: Is the CCP poised to replace [Menendez]

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If the CIA was blackmailing Menendez and Menendez stopped doing what the wanted.. What would the CIA do in retaliation? Hypothetically of course.

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e95884 No.92380

File: a06d791a7803b74⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,2048x1395,2048:1395,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6ebe8528c67560b⋯.jpg (249.17 KB,1124x1109,1124:1109,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599900 (232355ZSEP23) Notable: PF Reports

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Good Hunting, Osprey

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e95884 No.92381

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599910 (232357ZSEP23) Notable: Is the CCP poised to replace [Menendez]

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Menendez is just the flavor of the month because they want him out for some reason. every pol in dc is doing the same crap. in many cases, the fbi sets it up. they've done it before. ABSCAM

the IC then forces them to do their bidding.

they even brag about it on their website.


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e95884 No.92382

File: 7e7259fe77e6dfa⋯.png (111.84 KB,1024x473,1024:473,Clipboard.png)

File: 201cc8ce0d9acdf⋯.jpg (177.02 KB,1080x762,180:127,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 36ebf4d66a59709⋯.jpg (68.46 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)


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Donald J. Trump



Sep 23, 2023, 7:42 PM


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e95884 No.92383

File: e8a584a942cb121⋯.png (328.04 KB,936x1318,468:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599915 (232357ZSEP23) Notable: 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, Michigan

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45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, Michigan


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e95884 No.92384

File: 7086d6d331ca9a4⋯.png (863.11 KB,1026x863,1026:863,Clipboard.png)

File: ebc568440ba2cd0⋯.png (1.45 MB,1536x864,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 36ebf4d66a59709⋯.jpg (68.46 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19599965 (240010ZSEP23) Notable: McCarthy Backtracks, Says He Will Keep $300 Million of Ukraine Aid in Pentagon Funding Bill

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McCarthy Backtracks, Says He Will Keep $300 Million of Ukraine Aid in Pentagon Funding Bill

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy on Saturday backtracked and said he will keep the $300 million of Ukraine aid in the Pentagon funding bill.

On Friday it was reported that the Pentagon will exempt Ukraine funding from a possible government shutdown as House Republicans argue over the stopgap bill.

“The Pentagon will exempt its Ukraine operations from a potential shutdown if lawmakers can’t agree on a deal to fund the government by the end of the month, allowing key training and other activities in support of Kyiv’s forces to move ahead uninterrupted, according to a Defense Department spokesperson,” Politico reported.

“But if lawmakers fail to reach an agreement and government appropriations lapse, DOD has decided to continue activities supporting Ukraine, DOD spokesperson Chris Sherwood told POLITICO Thursday — just hours after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Joint Chiefs Chair Gen. Mark Milley and other senior leaders at the Pentagon.” according to Politico.

McCarthy on Saturday said he will keep Ukraine aid in the Pentagon appropriations bill just one day after vowing to strip the funding.

“That’s not solving it because one of the others has some Ukraine things,” McCarthy said of stripping the Ukraine aid out of the Pentagon appropriations bill. “So it became too difficult to do that so we’re leaving it in.”

The Hill reported:

Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Saturday said he will keep Ukraine aid in the Pentagon funding bill, a reversal from his announcement one day earlier that he would strip the money out due to opposition from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

McCarthy told reporters in the Capitol that he decided to keep the $300 million of Ukraine aid in the bill after recognizing that another spending measure set to come up next week — one that funds the State Department and Foreign Operations — also includes money for Kyiv.

The Speaker said stripping the Ukraine aid out of the State Department and Foreign Operations measure “becomes more difficult to do,” which led him to decide to keep the money for Kyiv in both measures.

The House next week is set to take a single procedural vote to advance four appropriations bills, including ones that fund the Pentagon and the State Department and Foreign Operations.

Earlier this week House Republicans pulled a stopgap bill that would keep the government running as the September 30 deadline looms.

Freedom Caucus members are at odds with other factions in the Republican Caucus over how to avoid a government shutdown.

Congressman Byron Donalds who is leading the negotiations, lashed out at lawmakers who are willing to work with the Democrats to avoid a shutdown.

“A lot of my colleagues, Freedom Caucus members, etc., need to be very concerned about the fact that we do have some Republican members who are willing to sign on to a clean [continuing resolution] with the Democrats, and basically eliminates out leverage to do anything,” Donalds told reporters on Tuesday, according to Fox News.

“I don’t take that lightly. There’s multiple games afoot in this town,” Donalds said.

According to Fox News, Donalds’ proposal would fund the government for 30 days with an 8% cut and includes the border security bill.

Rep Byron Donalds (R-FL) told reporters on Tuesday that there is no money for Ukraine ahead of Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to DC this week.

“There’s no money in the House right now for Ukraine. It’s not a good time for him to be here, quite frankly,” Donalds told reporters.


Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL) on his message to Volodymyr Zelenskyy ahead of the Ukrainian president’s visit to Washington this week:

“There’s no money in the House right now for Ukraine … It’s not a good time for him to be here, quite frankly.” pic.twitter.com/zrUBycPgWs

— The Recount (@therecount) September 19, 2023


McCarthy's inner pig is showing, porky pigging it

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e95884 No.92385

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600110 (240040ZSEP23) Notable: #24069

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#24069 >>92361

>>92362 Mich. Dems Passing Bill Making “Intimidating” Election Officials a Felony, Want to Imprison Ballot Challengers

>>92363 Anon opines RE: Documentary: The Greatest Show On Earth (2023)

>>92364, >>92380 PF Reports

>>92365 @GovChristie The indictment against Bob Menendez is sickening... He should resign.

>>92366 @TomFitton Obviously, Hillary wants to run for president…hence, she's restarted her Ukraine shakedown.

>>92367 LIVE: Kari Lake & Jim Caviezel at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference in Michigan

>>92368, >>92379, >>92381 Is the CCP poised to replace [Menendez]

>>92370 Comet Nishimura photobombs NASA spacecraft after its close encounter with the sun

>>92369 Joe Sends Gavin to the RNC Debate at The Reagan Library

>>92371 The Scope of Bogus Airplane Parts Scandal Has Not Yet Been Determined

>>92372, >>92373 TX Attorney General Ken Paxton Calls on Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan to Resign, Accusing Him of Being Drunk in the Capitol

>>92374 Texas GOP leadership just voted 58-2 calling for House Speaker @DadePhelan to step down

>>92375 Oops! US Space Force may have accidentally punched a hole in the upper atmosphere

>>92376 Cheers to U.S. House @RepClyde (R-GA) for championing 2 appropriation riders of @Article3Project:

>>92377 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene America First Emergency Townhall in Plainville, GA

>>92378 Here is an image of the show that Marina Abramović is hosting that force guests to enter between two naked models at the Royal Academy of Arts in London today.

>>92383 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, Michigan


>>92384 McCarthy Backtracks, Says He Will Keep $300 Million of Ukraine Aid in Pentagon Funding Bill



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e95884 No.92386

File: 8b5c88725d6fd9f⋯.jpg (253.24 KB,1080x1169,1080:1169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600126 (240043ZSEP23) Notable: #24070

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lurking/lagging on standby, gone briefly

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e95884 No.92387

File: ea73120d05c7ee4⋯.jpeg (732.9 KB,1528x1000,191:125,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600148 (240047ZSEP23) Notable: New law could allow big business to profit from organ donation

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New law could allow big business to profit from organ donation


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.92388

File: 61a14a69a59c01b⋯.png (827.41 KB,1000x559,1000:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600174 (240050ZSEP23) Notable: Russian Foreign Minister hits out at West’s ‘empire of lies’

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Russian Foreign Minister hits out at West’s ‘empire of lies’

23 September 2023 UN Affairs

Russia’s Foreign Minister told the UN General Assembly on Saturday that a new world order is being born through a struggle between a neocolonial minority and a “global majority” seeking to end decades of Western domination.

Sergey Lavrov said power was slipping through the hands of the old order, dominated by Washington, which has long rejected the principle of equality.

Americans and Europeans “make all sorts of promises…and then just don’t fulfil them”, he told delegates.

Quoting President Vladimir Putin, he said the West was “truly an empire of lies” which even during the battle against Nazism in World War Two, had plotted an offensive against their Soviet allies.

Soviet and then Russian leaders “were given concrete political assurances regarding the non-expansion of the NATO military alliance to the east”, which turned out to be pure deception.

Washington and Brussels have ceaselessly sought to expand their interests and alliances to subordinate the Global South and East, rejecting Russia’s desire for mutual security guarantees, he stated.

West’s ‘hybrid war against our country’

Turning to Ukraine, he said the West had “continued its ongoing militarisation of the Russophobic Kyiv regime”, brought to power via a “bloody coup” in 2014 and took that opportunity to “wage a hybrid war against our country.”

The aim since then, has been the strategic defeat of Russia he argued, with the US-led offensive now stretching into outer space and disinformation online.

Mr. Lavrov said it was “obvious” that its creation of subordinate alliances was “targeted against Russia and China” in a bid to sabotage more “inclusive” regional forums.

He said even in terms of culture, the anti-colonial “global majority” has had enough of the Western “yoke” and attacks on their religions, traditional values and sovereignty.

He saw Russia and China as defenders of a new multipolar architecture – the ascendent world order – and now the West is doing all it can to block it.

‘Coercive measures’

The Russian Foreign Minister decried US-led use of unilateral sanctions and “coercive measures”, defending Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and others, while Washington continues its effort to “Ukrainize” the international agenda.

He said it was time for full reform of “global governance architecture” including UN-led international financial mechanisms and the United Nations’ key bodies – together with what he said was a Secretariat biased in favour of capitals in NATO and the European Union.

Mr. Lavrov spoke up for Security Council expansion to include Asia, Africa and Latin America.

He said reform needed to be based on a new, balanced consensus, giving the example of the BRICS bloc of economic powers – set to expand beyond Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa.

Avoid ‘large scale war’

Mr. Lavrov closed his case with an appeal for compromise, saying “humanity is at a crossroads…It is in our shared interest to prevent a downward spiral into large scale war.”

He invoked the Secretary-General’s call for world leaders to meet and negotiate in the spirit of compromise at this year’s UN General Assembly, “when designing our common future for our common good.”

“This is an excellent response to those who divide our world up into democracies and autocracies and dictate their neocolonial rules to others”, he concluded.


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e95884 No.92389

File: d5209477f9074f4⋯.jpg (115.82 KB,1080x507,360:169,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600182 (240052ZSEP23) Notable: German soldiers (NATO), not mercs/contractors, captured having 'invaded' 'Russian-occupied' territory via Leopard II tank

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nothing to see here :)

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e95884 No.92390

File: 43a6d02a8158823⋯.png (352.59 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600196 (240056ZSEP23) Notable: Potato has gotten the updated COVID-19 vaccine and the annual flu shot

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Biden has gotten the updated COVID-19 vaccine and the annual flu shot, the White House says

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden has gotten the updated COVID-19 vaccine and annual flu shot, the White House said Saturday.

The White House physician, Dr. Kevin O'Connor, said in a memo that Biden received both shots on Friday. O'Connor said Biden, 80, also was vaccinated several weeks ago against the respiratory illness known as RSV.

“As we enter the cold and flu season, the President encourages all Americans to follow his example and to check with their healthcare provider or pharmacist to assure that they are fully vaccinated,” O'Connor wrote.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention earlier this month endorsed the new COVID-19 shot for everyone 6 months and older. The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic has faded, but there are still thousands of hospitalizations and hundreds of deaths in the United States each week.



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e95884 No.92391

File: aed76bf922a6920⋯.png (17.06 KB,553x227,553:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600212 (240059ZSEP23) Notable: Potato admin cracking down on important issues

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President Biden


Concert tickets are hard enough to get, you shouldn’t have to pay surprise service fees on top of that.

My Administration is working to crack down on those junk fees, so you know what you are paying for up front.

8:39 PM · Sep 23, 2023


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e95884 No.92392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600213 (240100ZSEP23) Notable: Current immigration madness has been planned by the UN for many years

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The EU and USA influx of immigrants was proclaimed as a clear plan by the UN 5+ years ago.

0:00 / 2:40

States prepare global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration

United Nations

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e95884 No.92393

File: 0923ee9c4294d34⋯.png (557.59 KB,828x893,828:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600248 (240107ZSEP23) Notable: Potato has gotten the updated COVID-19 vaccine and the annual flu shot

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Biden got the new Coof booster in private. What happens to on TV jabs? How long before he gets the Coof

Deepstate really needs him gone. Biden crime syndicate has allowed us to see way too much and possibly charged with crimes will reveal so much more...they need the Big Guy gone...even Mafia Dons get whacked.

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e95884 No.92394

File: e77b9f48373cc1a⋯.png (610.19 KB,1920x1013,1920:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: d42a954b18ac044⋯.png (1.31 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600249 (240107ZSEP23) Notable: PF reporting heavy cargo activity out of Pope Army Airfield

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3 USAF C-130s and then a Spanish and German A400. Zoomed out and saw all these military cargo aircraft out of Pope Army Airfield.

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e95884 No.92395

File: d831be8ffc764ee⋯.png (945.6 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600257 (240110ZSEP23) Notable: PF reporting heavy cargo activity out of Pope Army Airfield

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Lake Charles and Beaumont about to get a eyeful.

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e95884 No.92396

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600285 (240116ZSEP23) Notable: Anderson Cooper says his late mother Gloria Vanderbilt offered to serve as SURROGATE for his baby when she was 85

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Anderson Cooper says his late mother Gloria Vanderbilt offered to serve as SURROGATE for his baby when she was 85 until he told her it was the 'most Oepidal, weird thing'

~ Anderson Cooper said that his mother, then 85, offered to be a surrogate for his son, Wyatt before dying

~ In April 2020, Cooper and his then-partner, Benjamin Maisani announced the birth of Wyatt through surrogacy. Sebastian followed in February 2022

~ He remembers his Scottish nanny the most while parenting his kids


CNN anchor Anderson Cooper has revealed that his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt offered to act as a surrogate for his son right before she died in 2019 aged 85.

In an interview with the Times of London, Cooper said that his mother offered to be a surrogate for his son, Wyatt, but he refused the idea and called it the 'most Oedipal weird thing.'

He recalled: 'I was like, 'Mom, that is the craziest, most Oedipal weird thing. Please! Even for you, Mom, that's f-ed up. We would have been on the cover of the New York Post for the next 18 years. Are you kidding me?'

Cooper didn't expand further on whether his mom was joking, or if she honestly believed she'd be able to carry a baby in her ninth decade

Gloria came from a long line of New York's most influential family and married Wyatt Cooper in 1963, shortly before having her two sons, Carter and Anderson.


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e95884 No.92397

File: f2ff20115953499⋯.png (1.27 MB,900x676,225:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 113abd38cbe0f97⋯.png (214.19 KB,640x192,10:3,Clipboard.png)

File: a285630af39c76a⋯.png (627.6 KB,761x1206,761:1206,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600296 (240118ZSEP23) Notable: Tropical Depression Seventeen forms in the Atlantic

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kek it almost sounds like a storm is upon us

Tropical Depression “Seventeen”


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e95884 No.92398

File: 5fa1d350bdd88e0⋯.png (845.96 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600317 (240122ZSEP23) Notable: Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision

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Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision

With more than a year to go before the 2024 election, a constellation of conservative organizations is preparing for a possible second White House term for Donald Trump.


American revolution 2.0

This. It's literally already written out in the Declaration of Independence.

Just do it all over again.

More people on here need to take the time to read the Declaration of Independence a few times a year. There's quite a bit of what Jefferson was bitching about then that applies today.


Just some that may apply today:

He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.

He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.

He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harrass our people, and eat out their substance.

He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil power.

For depriving us in many cases, of the benefits of Trial by Jury:

While many of the Project 2025 proposals are inspired by Trump, they are being echoed by GOP rivals Ron DeSantis and Vivek Ramaswamy and are gaining prominence among other Republicans.


Over halfway through the article there's no plan listed, there's no link to a plan they mention one but they covered up with uniparty talking points about how Trump broke the law and the vivek ramsamy wants the same plans implemented

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e95884 No.92399

File: e2b9d94254c7c98⋯.png (1.15 MB,1920x1015,384:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600330 (240124ZSEP23) Notable: PF reporting heavy cargo activity out of Pope Army Airfield

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Add EVAC5701 to the mix via DC, Offutt, Peterson and Fort Hood. WTF is going on tonight?

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e95884 No.92400

File: ca536b29e56336e⋯.png (998.05 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600334 (240124ZSEP23) Notable: Unlicensed migrants, unregistered cars turn NYC shelter neighborhood into demolition derby

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Illegal aliens take over quiet Staten Island neighborhood

Unlicensed migrants, unregistered cars turn NYC shelter neighborhood into demolition derby

Staten Island residents say it’s a free-for-all all near two migrant shelters in their town, where residents barbecue nightly in parking lots filled with unregistered cars and mopeds.


"Unlicensed migrants"

We're not getting out of this without a lot of bloodshed.

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e95884 No.92401

File: 0f71330f8c659bd⋯.png (403.23 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600341 (240126ZSEP23) Notable: General of US Air Force’s Air Mobility Command has defended a memo he sent to his officers earlier this year where he predicted the US would be at war with China in 2025

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Air Force General Defends Memo That Predicted War With China By 2025 (ww

The four-star general in charge of the US Air Force’s Air Mobility Command has defended a memo he sent to his officers earlier this year where he predicted the US would be at war with China in 2025.

"My assessment is that war is not inevitable, but the readiness I’m driving with that timeline is absolutely essential to deterrence and absolutely essential to the decisive victory," Gen. Mike Minihan said last week when asked about his prediction, according to Defense One.

"There needs to be tension on readiness, more than just ‘be ready tonight.’ You need to have readiness that drives urgency. The urgency and the action are paramount," he added.

Minihan noted that the memo, dated February 1, included the words: "I hope I am wrong." But the memo to his officers ordered them to be prepared for a fight with China, and while the Pentagon distanced itself from Minihan’s timeline, the US is openly preparing for a direct war with China by building up its forces in the Asia Pacific and increasing military support for Taiwan.

Minihan’s prediction is that the war would be sparked over a Chinese move on Taiwan:

"My gut tells me we will fight in 2025. [Chinese President Xi Jinping] secured his third term and set his war council in October 2022. Taiwan’s presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a reason. United States’ presidential elections are in 2024 and will offer Xi a distracted America. Xi’s team, reason, and opportunity are all aligned for 2025," the memo reads.

The memo included several orders for Air Mobility Command personnel, including getting their personal affairs in order.

"All AMC personnel will consider their personal affairs and whether a visit should be scheduled with their servicing base legal office to ensure they are legally ready and prepared," Minihan wrote.


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e95884 No.92402

File: 985593a959f4609⋯.png (142.39 KB,436x323,436:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600366 (240130ZSEP23) Notable: Tropical Depression Seventeen forms in the Atlantic

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Tropical Depression rolling up the east coast.

Kinda late though for evac. for TS Ophelia.

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e95884 No.92403

File: 4cf69f271b58eb6⋯.png (495.72 KB,890x1168,445:584,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a8f8c29c495e2d⋯.png (302.77 KB,976x1284,244:321,Clipboard.png)

File: ef72ef233a356c6⋯.png (195.11 KB,761x712,761:712,Clipboard.png)

File: 29c4ab472d4c88a⋯.png (385.74 KB,862x1162,431:581,Clipboard.png)

File: 41a494139ddcb4e⋯.png (291.59 KB,735x849,245:283,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600387 (240133ZSEP23) Notable: A Utah gender clinic is performing "irreversible" sex changes on minors despite being fully aware that they can cause permanent side effects, which lasting physical changes, including sterility

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Utah gender clinic performs sex changes on minors despite being 'fully aware' of permanent side effects

The clinic notes that the FDA has not approved the use of testosterone for "gender-affirming hormone therapy."

A Utah gender clinic is performing "irreversible" sex changes on minors despite being fully aware that they can cause permanent side effects, which lasting physical changes, including sterility.

According to documents obtained by America First Legal, the drugs and sex change procedures with permanent side effects, many of which are not FDA-approved yet still given to minors, include hormone replacement therapy, puberty blockers, and surgeries such as mastectomies, vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, and metoidioplasty.

Despite being aware of the implications, the University of Utah's gender clinic administers these "gender-affirming" drugs to minors.

The University of Utah's "feminizing therapy options" state that estrogen use in biological males can "cause some permanent" changes to the body, including expansion in the chest and a number of changes to the body that are "variable" in reversibility.

According to the document, the “risk of feminizing therapy options" include high blood pressure, blood clots, heart disease, diabetes, liver and kidney disease, non-cancerous tumors of the pituitary gland, gall stones, breast cancer, headaches and migraines, and loss of fertility.

The risks also include "irreversible breast growth" despite transgender activists' and Democrat lawmakers' continuous claims that these treatments can be "reversible," America First Legal reports.

When signing the consent documents, minors must acknowledge that these procedures can cause permanent shrinkage of testicles and immature sperm which can cause infertility.


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e95884 No.92404

File: 497181a3dc2bff6⋯.png (448.17 KB,739x673,739:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600411 (240136ZSEP23) Notable: German soldiers (NATO), not mercs/contractors, captured having 'invaded' 'Russian-occupied' territory via Leopard II tank

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e95884 No.92405

File: 19353c59837bbf4⋯.png (630.31 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600420 (240137ZSEP23) Notable: "There is No American Tradition of Limiting Ammunition Capacity” - Federal Judge Strikes Down California’s Ban on High-Capacity Magazines

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“There is No American Tradition of Limiting Ammunition Capacity” – Federal Judge Strikes Down California’s Ban on High-Capacity Magazines

US District Judge Roger Benitez, a George W. Bush appointee, in his ruling said, “there is no American tradition of limiting ammunition capacity.” The judge said detachable magazines “solved a problem with historic firearms: running out of ammunition and having to slowly reload a gun.”

“There have been, and there will be, times where many more than 10 rounds are needed to stop attackers,” Benitez wrote, according to CBS News. “Yet, under this statute, the State says ‘too bad.'”

The judge is absolutely correct.


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e95884 No.92406

File: 2bc2f1d5460316b⋯.png (890.3 KB,751x796,751:796,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600426 (240138ZSEP23) Notable: Mass Migration Could Be the ‘Dissolving Force’ that Destroys the European Union, Bloc’s Top Diplomat Admits

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Unions are liberal mafia groups! Shut it down! Mass Migration Could Be the ‘Dissolving Force’ that Destroys the European Union, Bloc’s Top Diplomat Admits

They're almost destroyed & they're JUST noticing it? My word, idiots, there's still time to save your country. DEPORT - DEPORT - DEPORT with every asset you've got. Do it fast & have no regrets.


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e95884 No.92407

File: c7147f5cf321a9c⋯.png (530.34 KB,600x656,75:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600435 (240140ZSEP23) Notable: Pope Francis meets with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife following the conclusion of the Mediterranean Meetings

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Vatican News



Pope Francis meets with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte Macron, in Marseille's Palais du Pharo, following the conclusion of the Mediterranean Meetings.

#PopeInMarseille #MED23



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e95884 No.92408

File: 85a52949bd57893⋯.png (497.2 KB,650x380,65:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600453 (240141ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Matt Gaetz Causes CNN Host to End Interview After Fact-Checking Her Live On-Air

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That's what you call a slam dunk.

WATCH: Matt Gaetz Causes CNN Host to End Interview After Fact-Checking Her Live On-Air


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e95884 No.92409

File: 71c3ebe8a5dd329⋯.png (876.14 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600458 (240143ZSEP23) Notable: West Point Sued After Director of Admissions Brags That Race Is Determining Factor for Many Applicants

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West Point Sued After Director of Admissions Brags That Race Is Determining Factor for Many Applicants

Kendi's theories have burrowed deep into America's most beloved institutions, like a fever-carrying tick in a bloodhound's ear.


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e95884 No.92410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600460 (240144ZSEP23) Notable: German soldiers (NATO), not mercs/contractors, captured having 'invaded' 'Russian-occupied' territory via Leopard II tank

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German soldiers (NATO), not mercs/contractors, captured having 'invaded' 'Russian-occupied' territory via Leopard II tank.


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e95884 No.92411

File: 6a0d8ab68fdaa6d⋯.png (90.64 KB,748x942,374:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cfd05deb7bd203⋯.png (46.81 KB,768x603,256:201,Clipboard.png)

File: c5e6ebc3958f052⋯.png (65.3 KB,768x491,768:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 37dcc8aa0413e67⋯.png (27.92 KB,768x266,384:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 41502d0b81edf63⋯.png (186.03 KB,768x435,256:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600486 (240147ZSEP23) Notable: BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

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BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

“You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital.”The question of our time is, how could this happen? How could these catastrophic crimes against humanity perpetrated by these injections be allowed to occur? “It can’t happen unless the boss says it has to or that it can,” declared Dr. Naomi Wolf on Steve Bannon’s War Room.

As a former political advisor, Dr. Wolf said, from experience working around a White House, “You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital. No one wants to be on the receiving end of having killed Americans when that kind comes to light without the imprimatur (approval) of the President.”

“If someone is found to have killed Americans, inadvertently, they get fired and shamed publicly. And it’s all put on them. And that’s the end of them. And that’s not what we were seeing. So I knew that up the chain of command, the White House had to be involved in these decisions, but we just didn’t have the smoking gun.”

“Now we have the smoking gun,” announced Dr. Wolf.

Attorney Edward Berkovich made a request under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on August 29. He asked for emails to and from Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, Sherri A. Berger, and Kevin Griffis (all CDC staff) between February 1, 2021, and May 31, 2021, that include the term “myocarditis.”

Initially, Attorney Berkovich received 472 pages, but someone who Dr. Wolf believes could be a whistleblower recently released another 46 pages to Mr. Berkovich.

Amy Kelly of DailyClout reported that over 80% of the 46 pages were fully redacted and involved other government entities, such as the White House and the Executive Office of the President. “Of the 46 pages, only two pages were released without any redactions. Seven pages were partially redacted pages, and 37 pages were fully redacted.”

Normally, redacted pages come with black bars that conceal the withheld text. But since 37 pages were fully redacted, you don’t even see any black bars. It looks like a blank page — but done so intentionally.


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e95884 No.92412

File: 8d52911acf96ca9⋯.png (490.48 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600495 (240148ZSEP23) Notable: Missouri correctional officers assigned to guard a convicted child sex predator, who escaped custody by walking out of a hospital, has been fired

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Missouri correctional officers fired after inmate escapes St. Louis hospital, is found with a handcuff key

The Missouri correctional officers assigned to guard a convicted child sex predator, who escaped custody by walking out of a hospital, are no longer employed by the department.


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e95884 No.92413

File: 55c7cae1511b4aa⋯.png (452.47 KB,564x423,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600497 (240148ZSEP23) Notable: Four B.C. Wildfire Service contract workers die in crash on Highway 1 near Walhachin

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Four B.C. Wildfire Service contract workers die in crash on Highway 1 near Walhachin

Last updated Sep 21, 2023

Four B.C. Wildfire Service contract workers returning home from firefighting efforts in Vanderhoof died in a vehicle crash Tuesday west of Kamloops.

The two-vehicle collision happened one kilometre west of Juniper Beach Provincial Park, on Highway 1 near the town of Walhachin, at about 2 a.m., Ashcroft RCMP said Wednesday.

Article content

One of the vehicles involved — a semi-tractor trailer — caught on fire. The driver of the semi-truck escaped before the vehicle was engulfed.

RCMP said all four occupants of the second vehicle, a Ford F-350 pickup, died in the crash. They were all from different areas of B.C.

Investigators say the driver of the pickup failed to navigate a bend in the road to the right, crossing the centre line and colliding with the semi-truck head on.

Cpl. James Grandy, a spokesman for the B.C. RCMP southeast district, said all four were working as subcontractors for the B.C. Wildfire Service.

“This year has been particularly challenging for the B.C. Wildfire Service, with several of its members facing injuries or losing their lives,” said Grandy in a statement on Wednesday. “Our thoughts are with the friends and family of those who help keep our province safe.”

Highway 1 was closed in both directions for the investigation, but has since reopened.

In a joint statement, Premier David Eby and Forests Minister Bruce Ralston said the four contracted wildfire fighters were driving home after assisting with firefighting near Vanderhoof.

“Our hearts are broken by news of the death of four wildfire fighters who were travelling home after a tour of duty and were in a motor vehicle accident near Cache Creek,” Eby and Ralston said in the statement. “Our thoughts are with the family, friends and colleagues grieving the loss of these brave individuals.

“This is devastating news in what has been an immensely difficult wildfire season. We stand with wildfire fighters and all B.C. Wildfire Service personnel as they mourn the death of colleagues and co-workers yet again.”

Attending the Union of B.C. Municipalities meeting in Vancouver, Ralston told reporters it was more “devastating” news.

“It’s been such a tough season, and this is just more bad news,” said Ralston. “It’s emotionally wrenching and heartbreaking to hear of people who completed their work, are on their way home, and meet with their deaths on the road. It’s really tragic.”

Asked if there are rules around driving after exhausting work like forest firefighting, Ralston said those are details the B.C. Wildfire Service will address. “As contractors, they’re in a different position, but what the details of that are, I’m not able to comment at this point.”

WorkSafeBC confirmed in a statement Wednesday that an investigation has been launched into the fatal crash.

“Yesterday, WorkSafeBC received a report of the death of four individuals in an MVI,” said WorkSafe spokeswoman Alexandra Skinner. “I can confirm that WorkSafeBC has launched an investigation into this incident. The purpose of our investigation is to identify the cause of the incident, including any contributing factors, so that similar incidents can be prevented from happening in the future.”

No other details will be provided during the investigation, said Skinner.


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e95884 No.92414

File: fe7ac2c987ad776⋯.png (10.89 KB,513x139,513:139,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b361b0b4455054⋯.png (8.52 KB,273x139,273:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600518 (240151ZSEP23) Notable: @DanBongino: It's evil. Don't make the mistake I did. They're not wrong, they're evil. If only you knew

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What's going on?


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e95884 No.92415

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600552 (240156ZSEP23) Notable: Oregon Taxpayers on the Hook for Out of State, Transgender Youth Surgeries

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Oregon Taxpayers on the Hook for Out of State, Transgender Youth Surgeries


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e95884 No.92416

File: c1703377099ed3a⋯.png (2.1 MB,1588x1738,794:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600573 (240200ZSEP23) Notable: Gavin Newsom confirms he is concerned about “micro-cults” influencing his children because they listen to Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>HAHAHAHAHA I'm confused. Antifa, BLM and US state media are not micro- cults? Gavin Newsom answered in the affirmative and said that he was concerned about “micro-cults” influencing his children because they listen to Joe Rogan.

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e95884 No.92417

File: e230967dc86ea97⋯.png (749.96 KB,768x402,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600639 (240212ZSEP23) Notable: Speaker McCarthy says he will keep Ukraine aid in the Pentagon funding bill, a reversal from his announcement one day earlier that he would strip the money out due to opposition

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PANIC: McCarthy waffles and backtracks on Ukraine Funding in Defense Funding Bill

Speaker McCarthy backtracks on removing Ukraine funding from Pentagon spending package

"I was trying to find a way to solve the problem, that if we were just voting on the DoD approps bill I think I could have solved that, this one makes it a little more difficult,” added McCarthy.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said Saturday he will not remove funding for Ukraine from a Pentagon spending package, contradicting his stance from the day before.

McCarthy told reporters at the Capitol that he made the decision to keep the $300 million of Ukraine aid in the bill after recognizing that another spending measure set to come up next week that funds the State Department and Foreign Operations, also includes funds for Ukraine, according to The Hill.

''The package has already twice failed in a procedural vote due to internal Republican opposition.


Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) on Saturday said he will keep Ukraine aid in the Pentagon funding bill, a reversal from his announcement one day earlier that he would strip the money out due to opposition from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).


Not a single democrat... Just takes a few.

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e95884 No.92418

File: 02d59635e04f5a8⋯.png (136.48 KB,587x464,587:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600640 (240212ZSEP23) Notable: Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

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Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

Good News Friday: 09/22/23

Dear Patriots,

We were watching many stories continue to develop this week; the terrifying events on the border, the Ukraine war, the House machinations, the pathetic questioning of AG Merrick Garland, more evidence of election fraud, and a poorly dressed United States Senator.

But, we set all of that aside for one day to bask in some Good News and diversions from the din of news.

1- It is always good news when lying cable channels are lying to fewer people.


Disgraced CNN Hits All-Time Weekend Ratings Low

2- Isn't it stunning how hard and fast the government works to censor the private social media accounts of doctors who argued for a sane approach to Covid-CCP? This is an interview with Dr. Bhattacharya explaining the importance of the recent court win.


The Biden administration tried to censor this Stanford doctor, but he won in court

3- Voters in Georgia see that what Fani Willis is doing is unfair. That is the good news.

Sharyl Attkisson

Most Georgia voters think Trump prosecution unfair

4- Another win against the voter roll collection group, ERIC.

The Federalist

Alaska Must Forfeit Data From Leftist-Linked Voter-Roll 'Maintenance' Group ERIC

5- We pray for warrior whistleblowers and pray there will be more who are brave enough to expose the Deep State.

Red State

Third IRS Agent Comes Forward, Corroborates Whistleblowers and Reveals More Possible DOJ Corruption

6- At least these men will not go to jail after being entrapped by the FBI.

Julie Kelly

Another Whitmer Fednapping Case Goes Boom

7- We are not sure what to make of this story. But, we HAVE been praying for divine intervention!

We joyfully welcome these new brothers and sisters in Christ.

Not The Bee

Hundreds of Auburn University students were baptized this week immediately following a campus worship night

8- As we discussed last week, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton was acquitted on bogus impeachment charges. This week he gives the behind the scenes story during an inteview with Tucker. It is worth your time to watch!

Note that it takes five or six seconds to load the videos at the site, so be patient.

Tucker Carlson

Episode 25

Liberals like Karl Rove just tried to annihilate Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. It didn't work. Paxton just joined us for his first interview since his acquittal.

9- Politics have you upset and frustrated? If you need a break, we recommend two books we have recently read, or listen to, being big fans of audio books.

Neither book is about current politics. Both are intriguing. Both books are about men we had not previously known about.

-You will learn a lot of fascinating history in this one!

The Mysterious Case of Rudolf Diesel: Genius, Power, and Deception on the Eve of World War I

-A story of THE best ever art thief, who walked out of museums over 200 times with works worth millions.

The Art Thief: A True Story of Love, Crime, and a Dangerous Obsession



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e95884 No.92419

File: df17daece313375⋯.png (666.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600650 (240215ZSEP23) Notable: Cassidy Hutchinson text messages contradict her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

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Why did Q troll/drop her?

Cassidy Hutchinson caught lying...

LEAKED: Cassidy Hutchinson text messages CONTRADICT her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

“Ms. Hutchinson has admitted that while she did not want to cooperate with the Select Committee, Mr. Passantino encouraged her to do so.”


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e95884 No.92420

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600657 (240216ZSEP23) Notable: @DanBongino: It's evil. Don't make the mistake I did. They're not wrong, they're evil. If only you knew

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What's going on?

Bongino's waking up.

"This cat is doing it ON PURPOSE."

Biden that is.

finally figured it out, Dan?

Talks about it on his show today.


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e95884 No.92421

File: db0bac67945059c⋯.mp4 (1.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600687 (240224ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: Matt Gaetz Causes CNN Host to End Interview After Fact-Checking Her Live On-Air

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e95884 No.92422

File: ec76d7ec3c4f40d⋯.png (227.7 KB,634x432,317:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600738 (240236ZSEP23) Notable: Breakdown of aid provided to Ukraine as of July 31, $220 Billion Euro = $234 Billion USA

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Where is Ukraine getting its aid from?


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e95884 No.92423

File: 6e01710907f024a⋯.jpeg (307.95 KB,1009x867,1009:867,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e7335ed2b6fed74⋯.jpeg (586.09 KB,1008x1292,252:323,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5c2458cb3c9a308⋯.jpeg (720.75 KB,1005x1393,1005:1393,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 615db7997658e6f⋯.jpeg (546.67 KB,1027x1338,1027:1338,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600745 (240237ZSEP23) Notable: Cassidy Hutchinson text messages contradict her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.92424

File: 5ce28668406068d⋯.png (1.44 MB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600776 (240245ZSEP23) Notable: PF reports: German and Spanish A400s are landing at Alexandria Intl

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The German and Spanish A400s are landing at Alexandria Intl. The US aircraft almost certainly flew low level all the way to Barksdale AFB.

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e95884 No.92425

File: 5a57be2202cab7e⋯.png (938.98 KB,960x675,64:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600806 (240254ZSEP23) Notable: Abramovic art piece reminder: 'Crystal Wall of Crying' commemorates Jews killed in Babyn Yar massacre - 2021

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Artist Marina Abramovic's 'Crystal Wall of Crying' commemorates Jews killed in Babyn Yar massacre

A group of people walks slowly in silence past a stand-alone thick wall made of coal with large quartz crystals sticking out of it. People pause to touch the crystals and stand close to the 40-meter-long structure, some with eyes closed.

"The Crystal Wall of Crying", an interactive installation by world-renowned performance artist Marina Abramovic, was erected in Ukraine's capital to commemorate Jews killed in one of the biggest massacres of the Holocaust during World War Two.

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e95884 No.92426

File: 00b5761200f88b7⋯.png (321.64 KB,598x594,299:297,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600831 (240300ZSEP23) Notable: During their first visit to China in many years, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his wife attended the 19th Asian Games

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During their first visit to China in many years, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his wife attended the 19th Asian Games.


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e95884 No.92427

File: f545930da3973d2⋯.png (765.56 KB,886x1465,886:1465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600852 (240303ZSEP23) Notable: BREAKING: Oklahoma State fair is currently being evacuated after reports of multiple shots fired

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


🚨#BREAKING: Oklahoma State fair is currently being evacuated after reports of multiple shots fired

📌#OklahomaCity | #Oklahoma

Numerous authorities and agencies are currently at the Oklahoma State Fair in Oklahoma City, as it is being evacuated due to multiple shots fired inside the state fairgrounds multiple people can be seen running for cover and breaking through fence. Police are calling this as an active situation and are asking everyone evacuate and avoid the area at this time it’s unknown if anyone was injured

0:30 / 0:48

10:57 PM · Sep 23, 2023

from Oklahoma City, OK·



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e95884 No.92428

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600880 (240307ZSEP23) Notable: #24070

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24070 >>92386

>>92387 New law could allow big business to profit from organ donation

>>92388 Russian Foreign Minister hits out at West’s ‘empire of lies’

>>92390, >>92393 Potato has gotten the updated COVID-19 vaccine and the annual flu shot

>>92391 Potato admin cracking down on important issues

>>92392 Current immigration madness has been planned by the UN for many years

>>92394, >>92395, >>92399 PF reporting heavy cargo activity out of Pope Army Airfield

>>92396 Anderson Cooper says his late mother Gloria Vanderbilt offered to serve as SURROGATE for his baby when she was 85

>>92397, >>92402 Tropical Depression Seventeen forms in the Atlantic

>>92398 Conservative groups draw up plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision

>>92400 Unlicensed migrants, unregistered cars turn NYC shelter neighborhood into demolition derby

>>92401 General of US Air Force’s Air Mobility Command has defended a memo he sent to his officers earlier this year where he predicted the US would be at war with China in 2025

>>92403 A Utah gender clinic is performing "irreversible" sex changes on minors despite being fully aware that they can cause permanent side effects, which lasting physical changes, including sterility

>>92405 "There is No American Tradition of Limiting Ammunition Capacity” - Federal Judge Strikes Down California’s Ban on High-Capacity Magazines

>>92406 Mass Migration Could Be the ‘Dissolving Force’ that Destroys the European Union, Bloc’s Top Diplomat Admits

>>92407 Pope Francis meets with French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife following the conclusion of the Mediterranean Meetings

>>92408, >>92421 WATCH: Matt Gaetz Causes CNN Host to End Interview After Fact-Checking Her Live On-Air

>>92409 West Point Sued After Director of Admissions Brags That Race Is Determining Factor for Many Applicants

>>92389, >>92404, >>92410 German soldiers (NATO), not mercs/contractors, captured having 'invaded' 'Russian-occupied' territory via Leopard II tank

>>92411 BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

>>92412 Missouri correctional officers assigned to guard a convicted child sex predator, who escaped custody by walking out of a hospital, has been fired

>>92413 Four B.C. Wildfire Service contract workers die in crash on Highway 1 near Walhachin

>>92414, >>92420 @DanBongino: It's evil. Don't make the mistake I did. They're not wrong, they're evil. If only you knew

>>92415 Oregon Taxpayers on the Hook for Out of State, Transgender Youth Surgeries

>>92416 Gavin Newsom confirms he is concerned about “micro-cults” influencing his children because they listen to Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson

>>92417 Speaker McCarthy says he will keep Ukraine aid in the Pentagon funding bill, a reversal from his announcement one day earlier that he would strip the money out due to opposition

>>92418 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>92419, >>92423 Cassidy Hutchinson text messages contradict her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

>>92422 Breakdown of aid provided to Ukraine as of July 31, $220 Billion Euro = $234 Billion USA

>>92424 PF reports: German and Spanish A400s are landing at Alexandria Intl

>>92425 Abramovic art piece reminder: 'Crystal Wall of Crying' commemorates Jews killed in Babyn Yar massacre - 2021

>>92426 During their first visit to China in many years, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his wife attended the 19th Asian Games

>>92427 BREAKING: Oklahoma State fair is currently being evacuated after reports of multiple shots fired



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e95884 No.92429

File: 787a0283d3d7064⋯.jpg (236.91 KB,868x583,868:583,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600902 (240312ZSEP23) Notable: dough

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baker can continue or defer

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e95884 No.92430

File: 7156f2fbdef4cd5⋯.png (55.02 KB,626x286,313:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600940 (240320ZSEP23) Notable: @JamesO'Keefe: Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed. The Strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere

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e95884 No.92431

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600953 (240322ZSEP23) Notable: Woman from Nebraska was sentenced to two years in prison for helping her daughter obtain abortion pills and have an abortion. The teenager was sentenced earlier this year to 90 days in prison

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excuse anon's french, was translating and saw this. Might be on us msms, dunno. But it does drive home the fact that if it's not for incest, rape, or the life of the mother or baby, it's murder! but 90 days for murder seems a bit light.

> An American woman from the state of Nebraska was sentenced to two years in prison for helping her daughter obtain abortion pills and have an abortion, the New York Times reported Friday, September 22. The teenager was sentenced earlier this year to 90 days in prison .

Jessica Burgess was prosecuted after police found private messages on Facebook dated April 2022 in which she discusses a plan to end her daughter Celeste's unwanted pregnancy and "burn the evidence" , says the daily American.



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e95884 No.92432

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19600977 (240326ZSEP23) Notable: Oklahoma shooting: Police have apprehended the suspects

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>92427 LB

>🚨#BREAKING: Oklahoma State fair is currently being evacuated after reports of multiple shots fired


🚨#UPDATE:Police have reported that it was a group of young boys that got into a fight and then started open fire inside the fairgrounds. One person was shot in the chest and has been transported in critical condition. Police have apprehended the suspects and retrieved the weapon the state fair has been closed for the rest of the night

11:15 PM · Sep 23, 2023·12.6K Views 0:28


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e95884 No.92433

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601039 (240342ZSEP23) Notable: @HHS.gov: Free COVID-19 tests available for home delivery starting Monday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Hear from @HHS_ASPR about the exciting news that free COVID-19 tests will be available for home delivery once again starting this Monday, and why it’s important to order before the holidays on http://COVIDTests.gov.

6:43 PM · Sep 22, 2023·344.9K Views 0:27


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e95884 No.92434

File: d73c630cf5e1efa⋯.png (845.63 KB,667x762,667:762,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601042 (240342ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Jim Banks: Republicans Putting Ukraine over U.S. Won’t ‘Pass the Test in 2024,’ Voters Want ‘America First Fighters’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

He's right you know! Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN): Republicans Putting Ukraine over U.S. Won’t ‘Pass the Test in 2024,’ Voters Want ‘America First Fighters’


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e95884 No.92435

File: 4af2a6efa442204⋯.png (36.11 KB,450x356,225:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601045 (240343ZSEP23) Notable: @HHS.gov: Free COVID-19 tests available for home delivery starting Monday

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thomas Massie

These are now IQ tests.

Mandy K. Cohen, MD, MPH

@CDCDirector·Sep 22

Order your free COVID tests starting Monday! ⬇️


>exciting news that free COVID-19 tests will be available for home delivery

11:24 PM · Sep 23, 2023


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e95884 No.92436

File: e9456c017a3f040⋯.png (558.36 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601050 (240345ZSEP23) Notable: Man and 4 boys shot in Virginia home

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 injured, including 4 boys, in mass shooting in Virginia

Shortly after 5 p.m. officers were called to a residence, responding to reports of gunfire, the department said in a news release.


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e95884 No.92437

File: c4aacad6bf03e37⋯.png (486.37 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601054 (240346ZSEP23) Notable: Watch: National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass, Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass, Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control. Issa warned: "Make no mistake: the next chapter of the Biden border disaster is here. It needs to be brought to a close, and Congress must act."

Watch: National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass, Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control


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e95884 No.92438

File: fe589f40ce360db⋯.png (189.17 KB,781x743,781:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601055 (240347ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Pro lifers had absolutely zero status on the subject of abortion until I came along. For 52 years everyone “talked,” but got nothing. I GOT IT DONE!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Donald J. Trump

Pro lifers had absolutely zero status on the subject of abortion until I came along.

For 52 years everyone “talked,” but got nothing. I GOT IT DONE! There would be no talk of a six week ban, or anything else, without me. Roe v. Wade allowed the killing of a baby at any time, including the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th month, and even after birth. They, therefore, are the RADICALS, not us, and now, because of our Supreme Court victory, the power has shifted and, for the first time, those fighting for the Pro Life movement have been given tremendous Power on this issue. Before our victory, they had nothing, and they will have nothing again if we don’t win ELECTIONS. Like Ronald Reagan, I believe in the three Exceptions for Rape, Incest, and the Life of the Mother. You have to follow your HEART, but without the Exceptions, it will be very hard to win Elections. The six week ban on abortion, among other things, like his fight against Social Security & MediCare, killed the DeSanctus Campaign!

Sep 23, 2023, 11:15 PM


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e95884 No.92439

File: 56a6b6d6f116bbc⋯.png (368.51 KB,554x515,554:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601082 (240353ZSEP23) Notable: Call to dig on (pb) notable: Scope of Bogus Airplane Parts Scandal Has Not Yet Been Determined - AOG Technics and its founder, Jose Zamora Yrala

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>>92371 past bred notable

>The Scope of Bogus Airplane Parts Scandal Has Not Yet Been Determined

AOG Technics and its founder, Jose Zamora Yrala.

call to dig


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e95884 No.92440

File: 3ac400feb862704⋯.png (198.2 KB,892x938,446:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601089 (240355ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: On numerous occasions I told the Air Force and Lockheed Martin that the F-35 Fighter Jet is, in effect, DEFECTIVE

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Donald J. Trump Posts From His Truth Social


On numerous occasions I told the Air Force and Lockheed Martin that the F-35 Fighter Jet is, in effect, DEFECTIVE, because it only has one engine. They told me that the engine is so good and reliable that it will never break down. I said that’s not possible, everything breaks down at one time or another, just look at Crooked Joe Biden. You need redundancy, you need TWO ENGINES! No high cost modern day plane should have only one engine. Well, an F-35 fell out of the sky yesterday. Hear we go again! I also recommended to “bad maintenance” Boeing that they should not lengthen the unattractive, fat, and slow 737 to get a larger plane, they should go, instead, to an updated fast, beautiful, and sleek 757, the “Praying Mantis.” It is commercial pilots favorite plane to fly. Had they listened to me, years ago, they wouldn’t have had the disaster known as the 737 MAX. Those two horrible tragedies would never have happened. As they say, “Trump was right about everything.” Thank you!!!

(Donald Trump Truth Social Post 04:02 PM EST 9/23/23)

3:50 PM · Sep 23, 2023




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e95884 No.92441

File: 9910cae295a1892⋯.png (2.52 MB,1195x1865,239:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601090 (240355ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Clinton back massage photo making the rounds today on X

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Virginia Giuffre reposted


Leaked photo of Chauntae Davies, a Jeffrey Epstein victim, giving a back massage to Bill Clinton in 2002.

Clinton flew on Epstein's plane at least 26 times in 2002 and 2003.

Do you think the FBI ever questioned Bill Clinton about his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein?

2:21 PM · Sep 23, 2023·3.2M Views



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e95884 No.92442

File: 8d848ebf3d3a89a⋯.png (155.98 KB,600x459,200:153,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601092 (240356ZSEP23) Notable: @SpaceX: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship, the second booster in our fleet with 17 launches and landings

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Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship, the second booster in our fleet with 17 launches and landings


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e95884 No.92443

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601106 (240401ZSEP23) Notable: Inside Venezuelan prison reclaimed by 11,000 troops, bitcoin mining machines among items seized

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Inside Venezuelan prison where criminal gangs had their own pool, zoo, nightclub, and kid's playground before 11,000 troops were sent in to reclaim control from the cartels

Tocorón prison in the north of Venezuela was its own mini-city

Security forces raided the prison and found luxury amenities including a zoo

11,000 cops and soldiers were called into reclaim the prison from the Tren de Aragua criminal gang

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e95884 No.92444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601113 (240405ZSEP23) Notable: 24 year old pedo posed as 16 year old to lure minors into sending pictures has been sentenced to 21 years in prison

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Moment paedophile, 24, who posed as 16-year-old girl online to blackmail dozens of boys into sending him explicit photos buries his head in his hands while he's confronted with evidence in police interview - as he's jailed for 21 years

Jay Lang, 24, set up fake social media accounts and claimed to be a 16-year-old

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e95884 No.92445

File: 3539c8c6440ffd0⋯.png (269.42 KB,603x592,603:592,Clipboard.png)

File: c8427617bd8670b⋯.png (67 KB,490x590,49:59,Clipboard.png)

File: bf4344962180db0⋯.png (217.29 KB,509x595,509:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601114 (240406ZSEP23) Notable: Bill Clinton, Mobileye co-founder launch $1 billion climate fund

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Bill Clinton, Mobileye co-founder launch $1 billion climate fund

EcoBridge will mostly invest in later-stage companies that need help building the scale to compete globally.


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e95884 No.92446

File: 788790ed3b9e2dc⋯.png (345.15 KB,634x741,634:741,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601117 (240407ZSEP23) Notable: 24 year old pedo posed as 16 year old to lure minors into sending pictures has been sentenced to 21 years in prison

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e95884 No.92447

File: 1cf3b272e162ab1⋯.png (193.19 KB,1298x460,649:230,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601145 (240417ZSEP23) Notable: Microsoft’s big Windows 11 update drops on September 26 with Copilot AI baked in

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Microsoft’s big Windows 11 update drops on September 26 with Copilot AI baked in

Microsoft is releasing a big Windows 11 update next week, on September 26. The catchily-named 23H2 is packed with some real game changing features, along with a whole bunch of quality of life improvements. The update arrives just in time for the launch of the just-announced Surface Laptop Go 3 and the Surface Laptop Studio 2. The big news here is the inclusion of the new AI-powered Windows Copilot ...


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e95884 No.92448

File: 8e1ee4b00771250⋯.png (243.9 KB,594x615,198:205,Clipboard.png)

File: 0863dff8ccb3422⋯.mp4 (2.31 MB,396x270,22:15,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601169 (240433ZSEP23) Notable: Russel Brand redpill response to censorship: "it's clear that these organizations collaborate in constructing narratives, whether that's around the war or the pandemic"

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e95884 No.92449

File: 9031b90e2647c55⋯.png (849.5 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601183 (240437ZSEP23) Notable: $190 for the booster!? :laughing::joy::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

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$190 for the booster!? 😆😂🤣

People looking to get new COVID vaccine getting hit with $190 fees: report

Customers nationwide at pharmacies including Walgreens and CVS were surprised about charges up to $200 for the latest COVID vaccine booster.


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e95884 No.92450

File: a8a3884fa00693c⋯.png (772.41 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

File: 15b6e185389dacd⋯.png (77.19 KB,500x289,500:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 5536d33817f28bf⋯.png (465.89 KB,500x309,500:309,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601191 (240439ZSEP23) Notable: Chicago's Trillion-Dollar Financial Engine At Risk Of Leaving Over $800 Million Tax Proposal

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Chicago's Trillion-Dollar Financial Engine At Risk Of Leaving Over $800 Million Tax Proposal

The city's financial giants, traditionally known as the fulcrum of the global derivatives market, have been greasing the gears of global trade for decades in what's now a $75 billion industry. Now, they find themselves in the crosshairs of an $800 million tax proposal from Mayor Brandon Johnson. The plan? levy every financial transaction. The response? Chicago's financial elite are rattled - particularly as crime rates surge.

Now, a quiet mobilization is underway. These giants of trade, who typically spend their days outfoxing each other in the markets, are now colluding to push back against what they see as punitive policies. This new front sees them sharing data to amplify their value proposition, making it crystal clear to policymakers the vast economic benefits they bring to Chicago.

"We don’t want to leave... But we cannot be disadvantaged in the world's most competitive markets," said Ed Tilly, the CEO of Cboe Global Markets.

Chicago's political elite, meanwhile, are totally screwed. With projections showing a budget deficit of $538 million for next year and increasing costs driven by a cocktail of inflation and rising numbers of destitute asylum seekers, the city's officials are scouring for revenue sources. And what better place to look than the gilded halls of the derivatives industry? Which can just... move.

The finance industry has also been a boon for commercial real estste.

While corporate downsizing since the pandemic has left parts of downtown hollowed out, 60% of the trading companies that have signed leases since 2020 have expanded their footprint in the city, according to Jones Lang LaSalle Inc.

The Chicago firms that are sharing information in an informal group include Cboe, market makers Optiver Holding and IMC Trading, as well as DRW Holdings, best known for high-frequency trading. They want Johnson to know that the economic benefits could be at risk if rampant crime makes it too hard to recruit talent or a transaction levy puts the industry at a disadvantage to peers including Intercontinental Exchange Inc. in Atlanta and Nasdaq in New York. -Bloomberg

That said, Mayor Johnson has been hesitant to commit to the transaction tax, signaling an openness to discussions. Such a levy would have to get the nod from Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, who seems wary of the mass exodus it could precipitate. Chicago’s recent history is a testament to this, as finance titan Ken Griffin relocated his Citadel business to Miami last year, pointing at the city’s crime and fiscal woes.

Johnson also has to try and live up to his campaign promises, such as not raising property taxes. These have left him with few tools in his fiscal toolbox. While talk of taxing the financial behemoths has gained traction among the public, the potential 800% spike in trading costs associated with the transaction tax has spooked the derivatives industry.

According to Ralph M. Martire of the Center for Tax and Budget Accountability, "Chicago can't continue with its current revenue stream."


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e95884 No.92451

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601193 (240440ZSEP23) Notable: Lavrov Squares Off With CNN at the UN Press Conference

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Lavrov Squares Off With CNN at the UN Press Conference

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e95884 No.92452

File: 6025c956516997f⋯.png (793.5 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601199 (240441ZSEP23) Notable: As Generals Disappear: Xi Holds Tight Grip on Agency Overseeing Chinese Military, Expert Says

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As Generals Disappear: Xi Holds Tight Grip on Agency Overseeing Chinese Military, Expert Says

Former head of China’s Rocket Force was ‘two-faced’ and didn’t agree with Xi’s position on a possible war with Taiwan, a source said.


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e95884 No.92453

File: e23bc84550bcb66⋯.png (1.17 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601206 (240443ZSEP23) Notable: PF

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>>92399 last bread

>PF reporting heavy cargo activity out of Pope Army Airfield

Some us C-130s now leaving the area. Looks like all involved may have landed at Alexandria, LA. Now an Apache attack helo showing up also.

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e95884 No.92454

File: cd1c660f7c0a1b0⋯.png (443.07 KB,700x420,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601208 (240444ZSEP23) Notable: Moscow Says Kyiv ‘Losing Allies’ as Poland-Ukraine Relations Continue to Sour

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Moscow Says Kyiv ‘Losing Allies’ as Poland-Ukraine Relations Continue to Sour

Election-facing Polish president compares Ukraine to ‘drowning man’ who could pull rescuers into danger.


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e95884 No.92455

File: d1fd7d0b3bf13b1⋯.png (166.64 KB,1289x578,1289:578,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601234 (240452ZSEP23) Notable: DJT on his pro-life victories

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Donald J. Trump


Pro lifers had absolutely zero status on the subject of abortion until I came along. For 52 years everyone “talked,” but got nothing. I GOT IT DONE! There would be no talk of a six week ban, or anything else, without me. Roe v. Wade allowed the killing of a baby at any time, including the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th month, and even after birth. They, therefore, are the RADICALS, not us, and now, because of our Supreme Court victory, the power has shifted and, for the first time, those fighting for the Pro Life movement have been given tremendous Power on this issue. Before our victory, they had nothing, and they will have nothing again if we don’t win ELECTIONS. Like Ronald Reagan, I believe in the three Exceptions for Rape, Incest, and the Life of the Mother. You have to follow your HEART, but without the Exceptions, it will be very hard to win Elections. The six week ban on abortion, among other things, like his fight against Social Security & MediCare, killed the DeSanctus Campaign!





Sep 23, 2023, 11:15 PM


Roughly 40% of all abortions occur at 6 weeks gestation or less. 70% by 8 weeks. 90% by the 11th week

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e95884 No.92456

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601275 (240506ZSEP23) Notable: Scavino video on Trump vs Biden Sept 24 2023

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅





Sep 24, 2023, 12:55 AM


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e95884 No.92457

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601319 (240522ZSEP23) Notable: Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative?

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Canada #46 >>>/qresearch/19598253

Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative?

by Tyler Durden Saturday, Sep 23, 2023

Microsoft co-founder, philanthropist, and climate alarmist Bill Gates has backtracked on 'climate doom' prophecies. The writing is on the wall for the political and financial elites, who have long championed imminent climate doom, realizing that the public sees through the charades.

In 2021, Gates previously warned about apocalyptic consequences if the world does not achieve zero net carbon emissions by the year 2050. He also promoted his new book, "How to Avoid a Climate Disaster" (fear sells).

On Thursday, Gates made a sudden U-turn on his climate doom narrative and now expects "No temperate country is going to become uninhabitable."

Gates spoke at a live event at The Times Center in New York and argued: "If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, 'I like climate but I don't want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living."

He also dismissed planting trees to save the planet, questioning: "Are we the science people or are we the idiots?" he said. "Which one do we want to be?"

Gates' latest comments are a stark difference from just a few years ago when he warned "Fox News Sunday" host Chris Wallace:

"The migration that we saw out of Syria for their civil war, which was somewhat weather dependent, we're going to have 10 times as much migration because the equatorial areas will become unlivable."

Gates' U-turn comes as BlackRock CEO Larry Fink abandoned the term "ESG" (environment, social, and governance). And the 'green bubble' is imploding.

.@BillGates has a brush with sanity:

1. "No temperate country is going to become uninhabitable."

2. "If you try to do climate brute force, you will get people who say, ‘I like climate but I don’t want to bear that cost and reduce my standard of living."

3. Dismisses planting… pic.twitter.com/FfAg5iqAIf

— Steve Milloy (@JunkScience) September 22, 2023

And, of course, Gates is smart. He understands the propaganda isn't working anymore and must resonate with the majority to prevent getting 'Bud Light'd.'


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e95884 No.92458

File: 6ee9eebc57a027d⋯.png (1005.5 KB,768x513,256:171,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601342 (240531ZSEP23) Notable: German police threaten to arrest anyone distributing migrant brawl video

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HURRY! EVERYONE SHARE THE BRAWL VIDEO: German police threaten to arrest anyone distributing migrant brawl video

Knife violence and brawls among Germany’s growing migrant population have become commonplace in many German cities; however, police, at least in one city, are now threatening to pursue anyone who publishes a video of one such scene in the city center of Lü...


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e95884 No.92459

File: 3bbb1ad87ed9f56⋯.png (330.26 KB,768x358,384:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601365 (240538ZSEP23) Notable: History of Azov Movement

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The story of Azov Movement - Ukrainian units of Azov Movement became one of the main symbols of the resistance against Russian occupation and invasion.

Active units of Azov

Ukrainian units of Azov Movement became one of the main symbols of the resistance against Russian occupation and invasion. The story of Azov Movement has started in February 2014…


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e95884 No.92460

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601371 (240541ZSEP23) Notable: Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine 'Humanitarian' Aid

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Canada #46 >>>/qresearch/19598892

==Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine 'Humanitarian' Aid

by Tyler Durden Thursday, Sep 21, 2023

The now-revived Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) has found a new grift - Ukraine.

But first - a short review. The Clintons, through their foundation, fleeced Haiti to the tune of Billions following the 2010 earthquake which killed an estimated 220,000 people.

Hillary Clinton's State Department pressured Haiti to suppress minimum wage in sweatshops in order to benefit US clothing manufacturers.

Clinton Foundation donors were were handed government contracts to clean up in the aftermath of the earthquake.

Bill Clinton intervened in the jail sentence of Laura Silsby, a convicted child trafficker who attempted to smuggle 33 children out of Haiti.

A former Haitian government official set to expose the Clinton Foundation's misdeeds in Haiti shot himself in the head a week before he was able to testify.

The Clinton Foundation even grifted Haiti's lime industry.

Haiti's former Senate president said Hillary Clinton 'tried to bribe me!'

CGI was shuttered in 2017 after Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election and donations mysteriously dried up. It was rebooted in 2022.

And now, Ukraine.

According to the ABC News, CGI will launch the "Ukraine Action Network" with the stated mission of delivering 'humanitarian aid' to Ukrainians, which will "mobilize existing CGI partners, as well as new leaders from around the world, to create and finance new commitments for Ukrainians."

Today, the Clinton Global Initiative announced their very own program to rebuild Ukraine. The US is sending the World Bank $25 billion. Then, the World Bank is sending money to the Clintons. And then the Clintons are sending it to Ukraine.

Joe Biden also just appointed a… pic.twitter.com/8Do1WE9GQK

— Jesse Watters (@JesseBWatters) September 20, 2023

Pope Francis kicked off the new initiative in a videoconference with Bill Clinton on Monday, where he said "No challenge is too great if we meet it starting with personal conversion and the personal contribution that each of us can make to solve it... No challenge can be overcome alone — not alone, only together, sisters and brothers, children of God."

The CGI Ukraine Action Network is the result of a collaboration between Hillary Clinton and Olena Zelenska, first lady of Ukraine, that began last year. The new organization, which will be formally announced Tuesday, is designed to mobilize existing CGI partners, as well as new leaders from around the world, to create and finance new commitments for Ukrainians, according to CGI. Numerous monetary commitments for Ukraine are also set to be announced Tuesday. -ABC News

We're sure this will go well, particularly for the children of war-torn Ukraine, and CGI donors.

More money laundering of our tax dollars via the World Bank to fund CGI's worldwide child sex trafficking/organ harvesting network being sourced from Ukraine. https://t.co/jheHTQJINa

— Lisa Mei (@TheNotoriousLMC) September 20, 2023


Original Article:


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e95884 No.92461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601410 (240556ZSEP23) Notable: An on Summary of recent events

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Multiple EVENTS occurring simultaneously.

Storm Q (17) preparing for US collision.

Biden’s health deteriorating at an accelerated level. Will be DOA after multi-shot vaccination within Storm.

Ukrainian aid ceasing soon. Trap set and all captured. “Perfect” phone call.

Chinese takeover of Taiwan commences. Will be unchallenged—F-35 show of force i.e. OpSec failure.

Hillary re-enters presidential race, claims “savior” status of America due to political turmoil. FRAZZLED.RIP releases publicly shortly thereafter.

Stage Set.

Arrests begin. Chinese influence of Biden uncovered (MANCHURIAN, deceased). Harris unqualified to continue line of succession, arrested. McCarthy establishes Marshal Law, becomes de facto President.

Military begins their actions. Ukraine trap nets traitors profiting from “aid.” Hunter is arrested, will be executed after Epstein connection made.

All happens within 30 days.

Finalized by McCarthy appointing, with votes to confirm, Donald Trump to Speaker of the House. Storm finishes, McCarthy finishes presidential term 2024 and is in lockstep with DJT to right ship (USA). 2020 election nullified.

Rightful President Donald J. Trump is back in Oval Office.

I am nearly positive most of these will become true as the timing and event overlap is too opportune and coincidental. McCarthy being a wildcard in my evaluations.

After this, I’m also positive new presidential laws will have to be drafted and passed to return time to presidential terms affected by partisan conflicts.

I wouldn’t be surprised if “Trump” is our President for the next three or four terms whether it be Jr, Ivanka, or eventually Baron.

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e95884 No.92462

File: 750b3328948ed12⋯.png (352.48 KB,921x717,307:239,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601432 (240605ZSEP23) Notable: Cates claims that the Texas GOP party just publicly disowned House Speaker Dade Phelan and voted overwhelmingly to support a demand he step down and vacate the chair.

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I am being informed by reliable sources that the Texas GOP party just publicly disowned House Speaker Dade Phelan and voted overwhelmingly to support a demand he step down and vacate the chair.

Screenshot from my column 2 days ago:


Sep 23, 2023, 11:55 PM


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e95884 No.92463

File: 876221fb23f93f5⋯.png (501.79 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601436 (240606ZSEP23) Notable: POTATUS Refers to Rapper LL Cool Jay As Boy While Speaking To Congressional Black Caucus

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POTATUS Refers to Rapper LL Cool Jay As Boy While Speaking To Congressional Black Caucus

President Biden refers to rapper LL Cool J as ‘boy’ while speaking to Congressional Black Caucus

He then quickly said “man,” as he tried to blow past the gaffe at the event Saturday night.


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e95884 No.92464

File: 14ec81ec708d954⋯.png (959.61 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601440 (240608ZSEP23) Notable: Washington negotiating F-16 deal with Vietnam - Reuters

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Biden administration and Vietnam are discussing a potential deal to sell American-made F-16 fighter planes to Hanoi. The communists who killed Americans in the Vietnam War are ready to do it again and this time with the help of Joe Biden.

Washington negotiating F-16 deal with Vietnam – Reuters

The US is reportedly holding talks with Vietnam about a potential sale of F-16 warplanes


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e95884 No.92465

File: 130a47e9a0ca0ce⋯.png (282.02 KB,907x919,907:919,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d40c3f3b3de1e2⋯.png (433.44 KB,825x768,275:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 1580f4b31187505⋯.png (355.5 KB,591x525,197:175,Clipboard.png)

File: 70e06cf6dfe6f89⋯.png (403.29 KB,805x629,805:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 790873023ce2279⋯.png (354.89 KB,816x660,68:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601452 (240610ZSEP23) Notable: Cates claims that the Texas GOP party just publicly disowned House Speaker Dade Phelan and voted overwhelmingly to support a demand he step down and vacate the chair.

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The Ken Paxton Miracle

The Fix Was In To Remove Paxton As Texas' Attorney General...Until Suddenly It Wasn't

Brian Cates

Sep 21, 2023


Only A Miracle Could Have Saved Ken Paxton…

Its not overselling it to state that a literal miracle just happened in the Lone Star State.

The Bush Crime Family, the Karl Rove Gang, The Lincoln Project & Con Inc. Media Tribe [of whom Fox News is the Chief Indian] all set their sights on one man over the past six months. To utterly and completely destroy him and remove him from power.

No, not Donald Trump. [Although they are certainly working overtime to prevent a Trump return to the White House].

I’m talking about Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. The one US Attorney General who for the past 3 years has been the biggest thorn in the side of the criminal Joe R. Biden ‘presidential’ administration.

Ken Paxton Seeks to Remove Eight of Austin's Planning Commissioners ...

You may have seen some of the Texas Senate trial video where Paxton faced removal from office if convicted on over 18 Articles of Impeachment that he’d been charged with earlier in the Texas House of Representatives.

A few brief videos of lawyers dropping zingers and of witnesses on the stand admitting they had no evidence to back up their claims against Paxton does not give you the full picture of what just happened.

Somehow, by some miraculous act of God, the full Texas Senate voted to acquit Paxton of every single impeachment charge he faced. If he’d been convicted of even ONE of those charges, he’d have been booted from the office.

Why Was The House Impeachment Debate/Votes Held In Strict Secrecy While The Senate Trial Was Televised?

Here’s the question nobody in the legacy fake news media ever bothered to ask: why wasn’t the TEXAS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES debate & vote to impeach Paxton on 18 counts televised? Why was that debate and vote held away from the public eye?

The presence of cameras showing the public what was happening in the Texas Senate chambers during the Paxton impeachment trial obviously had an impact on the proceedings, as the public began to inform itself on what Paxton was actually being accused of, and if there was ever any evidence to prove any of the allegations.

RINO Texas House Speaker Dade Phelan Fires Warning Shot at Senators Who ...

Prepare for a colonoscopy, dumbass!

Why was televising the proceedings prevented from happening when the Texas Speaker of the House, Dade Phelan, was presiding over the floor debate to impeach Attorney General Paxton, and then the 18 votes that took place on the impeachment charges? Did keeping the public in the dark during the House phase of the impeachment process backfire massively on those who orchestrated it when the Senate Trial showed the whole world the manifest lack of evidence against Paxton?

Now that the entire farce is over, a lot of questions were suddenly being asked that should have been asked far earlier into this entire sordid chain of events.

“How did this happen?” everyone is now asking.

Well thankfully Ken Paxton himself walks everyone through the process of “how did this happen?” in an amazing new interview with Tucker that you can watch right here.

Saying that they tried to ‘annihilate’ Paxton is actually an understatement.

You cannot understand the full miracle that just occurred in Austin this past week when Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton survived a Senate trial to remove him from office until you watch this interview with Tucker Carlson.

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e95884 No.92466

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601616 (240719ZSEP23) Notable: #24071

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#24071 >>92429

>>92430 @JamesO'Keefe: Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed. The Strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere

>>92431 Woman from Nebraska was sentenced to two years in prison for helping her daughter obtain abortion pills and have an abortion. The teenager was sentenced earlier this year to 90 days in prison

>>92432 Oklahoma shooting: Police have apprehended the suspects

>>92433, >>92435 @HHS.gov: Free COVID-19 tests available for home delivery starting Monday

>>92434 Rep. Jim Banks: Republicans Putting Ukraine over U.S. Won’t ‘Pass the Test in 2024,’ Voters Want ‘America First Fighters’

>>92436 Man and 4 boys shot in Virginia home

>>92437 Watch: National Guard Rolls Into Eagle Pass, Texas As Biden's Border Crisis Spirals Out-Of-Control

>>92438 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Pro lifers had absolutely zero status on the subject of abortion until I came along. For 52 years everyone “talked,” but got nothing. I GOT IT DONE!

>>92439 Call to dig on (pb) notable: Scope of Bogus Airplane Parts Scandal Has Not Yet Been Determined - AOG Technics and its founder, Jose Zamora Yrala

>>92440 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: On numerous occasions I told the Air Force and Lockheed Martin that the F-35 Fighter Jet is, in effect, DEFECTIVE

>>92441 Bill Clinton back massage photo making the rounds today on X

>>92442 @SpaceX: Falcon 9’s first stage has landed on the Just Read the Instructions droneship, the second booster in our fleet with 17 launches and landings

>>92443 Inside Venezuelan prison reclaimed by 11,000 troops, bitcoin mining machines among items seized

>>92444, >>92446 24 year old pedo posed as 16 year old to lure minors into sending pictures has been sentenced to 21 years in prison

>>92445 Bill Clinton, Mobileye co-founder launch $1 billion climate fund

>>92447 Microsoft’s big Windows 11 update drops on September 26 with Copilot AI baked in

>>92448 Russel Brand redpill response to censorship: "it's clear that these organizations collaborate in constructing narratives, whether that's around the war or the pandemic"

>>92449 $190 for the booster!? :laughing::joy::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

>>92450 Chicago's Trillion-Dollar Financial Engine At Risk Of Leaving Over $800 Million Tax Proposal

>>92451 Lavrov Squares Off With CNN at the UN Press Conference

>>92452 As Generals Disappear: Xi Holds Tight Grip on Agency Overseeing Chinese Military, Expert Says

>>92453 PF

>>92454 Moscow Says Kyiv ‘Losing Allies’ as Poland-Ukraine Relations Continue to Sour

>>92455 DJT on his pro-life victories

>>92456 Scavino video on Trump vs Biden Sept 24 2023

>>92457 Why Did Bill Gates Make Sudden U-Turn On Climate Doom Narrative?

>>92458 German police threaten to arrest anyone distributing migrant brawl video

>>92459 History of Azov Movement

>>92460 Rebooted Clinton Global Initiative Licks Chops Over Ukraine 'Humanitarian' Aid

>>92461 An on Summary of recent events

>>92462, >>92465, Cates claims that the Texas GOP party just publicly disowned House Speaker Dade Phelan and voted overwhelmingly to support a demand he step down and vacate the chair.

>>92463 POTATUS Refers to Rapper LL Cool Jay As Boy While Speaking To Congressional Black Caucus

>>92464 Washington negotiating F-16 deal with Vietnam – Reuters

notetaker OUT

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e95884 No.92467

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601699 (240750ZSEP23) Notable: TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

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Q Research General #24072: Easy like sunday morning edition

Baker is not staying, got some serious research to put together,

Much harder when you have to learn new software like, obs, shotcut, sharex as well as reading massive annual reports, old archives and vasts amounts of info whilst trying to put all information together without a long winded video, wall of text and simplifying it down to basics.

Still someone has to step up, so use the knowledge to free yourself and others.


Freedom is here and now!!


dough below





The race to 2030 explained.

The b.i.s was formed in 1930, fast forward 100 years and you are at 2030.

The NWO is coming and the only way to stop it is to stop paying taxes.

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e95884 No.92468

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601715 (240754ZSEP23) Notable: TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

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As corp set up the bread, muh progative to post the 3 videos put together for anons on entry to this bread.

2nd video below.




I.M.F video history from its own website

from 1940 to 2020 up to covid.

Sources below.



The B.I.S makes the Rules, The I.M.F is the economic terrorist arm of the banksters and the world bank than loans the money to the effected country, seizing its assets and infrastructure and appointing it's and w.e.f stooges in place.

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e95884 No.92469

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601721 (240757ZSEP23) Notable: TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

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3rd video. anon is now working on the 4th video. all videos posted are less then 5 minutes long.





Note: If it is too fast, pause the video so you can read what is on the screen.

sources below. All below is from primary sources like the B.I.S home site, I.M.F plus research and saved archives from 8kun and the anons on Qresearch.






First published at 01:30 UTC on September 20th, 2023.




5) Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30



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e95884 No.92470

File: c2a45ccb21f6478⋯.png (672.13 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601748 (240809ZSEP23) Notable: Illegals in NY making big illegal bucks in NYC

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.92471

File: 2e05c7b74478f4c⋯.png (573.12 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601810 (240842ZSEP23) Notable: First 9 Minutes of Trump's Meet The Press Interview with Kristen Welker Were Edited Out: Report

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First 9 Minutes of Trump’s Meet The Press Interview with Kristen Welker Were Edited Out: Report- So much for the new Meet the Press. Just as bad as the old.

First 9 Minutes of Trump's Meet The Press Interview with Kristen Welker Were Edited Out: Report

In her debut moderator gig with the MSNBC show, Welker sat down with Trump for a total of 78 minutes; his repeated insistence the election was rigged was excised


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e95884 No.92472

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601816 (240844ZSEP23) Notable: In 2014, ‘Deagel Corporation' published a projection of massive global depopulation by 2025

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What Was The Deagel Forecast?

In 2014, a little known military contractor called ‘Deagel Corporation' published a projection of massive global depopulation by 2025.


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e95884 No.92473

File: 4e94b19180617fe⋯.png (391.75 KB,1158x644,579:322,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601824 (240849ZSEP23) Notable: In 2014, ‘Deagel Corporation' published a projection of massive global depopulation by 2025

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notable - archiving recap on deagal recap

very detailed....

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e95884 No.92474

File: 70d5cc7161da1df⋯.jpg (279.42 KB,1080x874,540:437,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0cb1860b0bca654⋯.jpg (296.91 KB,1079x867,1079:867,Clipboard.jpg)

File: eb9ef17324489e9⋯.jpg (259.7 KB,1079x852,1079:852,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 27b7acd07f3c2da⋯.jpg (263.34 KB,1078x871,1078:871,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b6c27199802418f⋯.jpg (282.86 KB,1048x912,131:114,Clipboard.jpg)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.92475

File: 97ad8584d576752⋯.png (556.38 KB,966x907,966:907,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601835 (240902ZSEP23) Notable: In 2014, ‘Deagel Corporation' published a projection of massive global depopulation by 2025

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no change in the population of china.

that is a fake prediction.

china is fucked and their birth rate is dropping.

but interesting nonetheless.

1.4 Billion 2017 and 2025

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e95884 No.92476

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601871 (240931ZSEP23) Notable: In 2014, ‘Deagel Corporation' published a projection of massive global depopulation by 2025

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The stock exchange and the pension ponzi scheme rings true.

there is not money left, they are relying on future generations to pay the pensions,

how will it happen with depopulation.


The Deagel Scenario

The Deagel corporation was asked to explain the thinking behind its strange set of population and output figures. While we cannot take its response at face value, it nonetheless paints a picture that is very similar to the world we now see. And this is not an exaggeration at all. Consider…

1. A fake American GDP

In short, they argued that the US government has greatly over-stated the real level of US GDP. This means the country will be fatally exposed when the next economic crisis strikes.

How can the GDP be so high that a full 61% of Americans are so poor that they do not pay Federal Income Taxes? It defies rational understanding.

2. A Pandemic Scenario

They also take into account a “pandemic scenario” – their term – caused by Ebola or a similar pathogen. This, they say, would cause an exceptionally high death rate, placing extreme pressure on healthcare providers across America and greatly reducing economic output.

3. A financial crisis with the US Dollar

This pandemic could quickly spiral out of control and create an international financial crisis:

“The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending Ponzi schemes such as the Stock Exchange and the pension funds.”

Trying to figure it out…

They try to explain the predicted dramatic fall in the population of the US by reference to a massive outward migration of millions of Americans seeking economic relief in other countries, but this is unconvincing.

They seem to concede this themselves when they add a further explanatory factor – widespread suicide in response to economic distress. But this too is unsatisfactory.

Their primary reason for predicting a colossal drop in the population of the US by 2025 – a fall of up to 70 percent – is the scale and severity of the alleged pandemic.

As they put it,

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e95884 No.92477

File: c36a6f7a3318333⋯.jpeg (78.97 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601907 (240956ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky and Trudeau greet former Nazi unit fighter - AP photo

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24 Sep, 2023 08:38

Zelensky and Trudeau greet former Nazi unit fighter – AP photo

The 1st Galician Division, formed by the Nazis from Ukrainian volunteers during WWII, is blamed for atrocities against Poles

Ukraine’s president and Canada’s prime minister greeted a former member of the infamous SS 1st Galician Division, which fought for the Nazis in World War II, as they attended a parliament session in Ottawa, according to images shared by the Associated Press.

One of the photos, taken in the House of Commons on Friday,showed a smiling Vladimir Zelensky clenching his fist and Justin Trudeau applauding to somebody outside the image.

AP’s caption explained that thetwo leaders “recognize Yaroslav Hunka, who was in attendance and fought with the First Ukrainian Division in World War II before later immigrating to Canada.”

What the US news agency described as “the First Ukrainian Division” was in fact the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, also known as the 1st Galician Division.

Similar images have been shared by AFP, which described Hunka, aged 98, as a “Canadian-Ukrainian war veteran.”

Videos from parliament also showed MPs giving a standing ovation to the former Nazi unit fighter.

The 1st Galician Division was assembled the Nazis in 1943, when the Soviet Union was gaining the upper hand on the Eastern Front. It comprised some 80,000 volunteers, mainly Ukrainians, from the region of Galicia, spanning what is now southwest Poland and western Ukraine.

The infamous unit participated in brutal anti-guerrilla operations across Poland and Soviet Ukraine, and were accused of massacres and other atrocities against the Polish, Jewish and Russian civilian populations. It was crushed by the Red Army in July 1944 and soon rebranded as the Ukrainian National Army, before surrendering to the Western Allies after the fall of Berlin in May, 1945. After the war, some of the members of the 1st Galician Division fled to Canada, which has a large Ukrainian diaspora.

During his speech to the Canadian Parliament, Zelensky said Canada has always been on the “bright side of history” during previous wars, and thanked Trudeau’s government for the support it has provided to Ukraine amid the conflict with Russia.

In late August, Zelensky posted an image on social media, featuring a Ukrainian soldier sporting the patch of the 1st Galician Division. Kiev’s troops have also been spotted wearing patches of the notorious 36th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, one of the worst Nazi penal units, the 3rd SS Panzer Division ‘Totenkopf’, and assorted swastikas and other far-right symbols.

Ukraine is the only country in the world that has integrated openly neo-Nazi militias into its national military. These units were once described by Western media outlets as “neo-Nazi,” but are being referred to as “far-right groups” amid the conflict between Kiev and Moscow.


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e95884 No.92478

File: d839cffec79e0ed⋯.jpeg (51.23 KB,800x252,200:63,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19601922 (241006ZSEP23) Notable: Washington Post/ABC Poll Shows President Trump With 10 Point Lead Over Potato

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Washington Post/ABC Poll Shows President Trump With 10 Point Lead Over Joe Biden

September 24, 2023 | Sundance |

At a lengthy dinner last night, this was part of the conversation. In my remarks I shared that Donald Trump had gained approximately 20% more support amid the average voting base for 2024 than he retained in 2020.This puts the margin of voter fraud needed to defeat Trump in 2024 at a level that cannot be achieved.

This visible scale of support is also one of the baseline datapoints explaining why Barack Obama is slowly exiting from the Biden influence operation. Obama knows when to exit and avoid the collateral damage.

I drive home, check alerts and news…. and THERE IT IS. A new Washington Post/ABC poll [DATA HERE] showing President Trump with a 10-point lead over Joe Biden 52 to 42.

The Washington Post spends the majority of their article trying to reconcile their polling result as an “outlier.” However, all of the underlying results on favorability, top issues to voters, and even the preferred republican primary are identical to all other polling. The topline result of Trump -v- Biden, is not an outlier. It is the reality.

President Trump has broadened his base appeal and expanded the aligned MAGA support group. Trump dominates in younger voters and every demographic, with massive gains in Latino and Black voter support. In essence, the Trump voting block is statistically too large for voter fraud to bury. All of these are excellent results.

Conversely, Biden is responsible for the chaos represented in the collapse of support. The Biden economy is hurting the average working-class voter. The border is in a state of crisis and the throw everything into the radical policy mix, has created widespread trouble for Americans. Biden cannot win in 2024, period.

WASHINGTON POST – […] The Post-ABC poll shows Biden trailing Trump by 10 percentage points at this early stage in the election cycle, although the sizable margin of Trump’s lead in this survey is significantly at odds with other public polls that show the general election contest a virtual dead heat. The difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an outlier. (read more)

The pressure is mounting to get rid of Biden. The Washington Post is assisting in that effort.


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e95884 No.92479

File: 0443f581cc590a4⋯.png (331.79 KB,557x661,557:661,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c826572524daab⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602109 (241210ZSEP23) Notable: @FAKEPOTUS: The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention is going to save lives

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President Biden


The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention is going to save lives.

8:00 AM · Sep 24, 2023


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e95884 No.92480

File: ce0d349e9c1df14⋯.png (44.64 KB,519x628,519:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602267 (241303ZSEP23) Notable: Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

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She's on Sunday Morning today.

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e95884 No.92481

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602276 (241305ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine's Zelenskiy says he met top businessmen during U.S. visit

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Signing up the grifters, one by one...

Ukraine's Zelenskiy says he met top businessmen during U.S. visit

Sep 24th, 03:17:31

"KYIV (Reuters via PiQSuite.com) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy said on Sunday he met leading American entrepreneurs and financiers including Michael Bloomberg during his visit this week to the U.S., where they discussed investment opportunities in Ukraine."


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e95884 No.92482

File: 0a46141d81bd151⋯.png (25.44 KB,803x103,803:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602298 (241310ZSEP23) Notable: People Planning to Get New Covid-19 Vaccine Are Getting Hit With High Fees

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Has this been posted yet?


People Planning to Get New Covid-19 Vaccine Are Getting Hit With High Fees

Could the "fees" be about backhandedly discouraging people from taking it?

Quote:"According to CVS and Medicare and Medicaid services, the charge was related to billing errors on billing codes."

Also, is there a typo in this article, freudian slip or something else. It looks like "Biden's" doctor called the CDC the Center for Disease. Pic related.

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e95884 No.92483

File: 670e3c1a61b5a6f⋯.png (3.26 MB,4365x1217,4365:1217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602303 (241312ZSEP23) Notable: Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

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Cassidy Hutchinson.

On the clock.

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e95884 No.92484

File: 31bab66784669ac⋯.png (136.69 KB,287x326,287:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602339 (241320ZSEP23) Notable: Bay Area officials: antisemitic ‘Zoombombing’ derailing local democracy

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Bay Area officials say antisemitic ‘Zoombombing’ is derailing local democracy

..as the council turned to take public comment, the meeting was derailed by one Zoom attendee’s antisemitic rant — followed by three others.

Council Member Kevin Wilk was appalled. From attending high school in Walnut Creek to becoming the city’s first Jewish City Council member and mayor, Wilk said he never had experienced antisemitism in his community until last year.


Hmm, wonder why San Francisco is a shithole?

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e95884 No.92485

File: 03e918bdee96822⋯.jpg (184.33 KB,1093x840,1093:840,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8d8ca61e42e68f2⋯.png (1.12 MB,1022x474,511:237,Clipboard.png)

File: d8503e069385339⋯.mp4 (6.07 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602361 (241325ZSEP23) Notable: Bay Area officials: antisemitic ‘Zoombombing’ derailing local democracy

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>local democracy

>Zoom attendee’s antisemitic rant


TBH this sounds likeCIA derailing online democracy.This scares the shit out of them and the animetamseic rant was a ray epps

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e95884 No.92486

File: b91e6f27053a0c1⋯.jpg (46.88 KB,474x392,237:196,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602368 (241327ZSEP23) Notable: Bay Area officials: antisemitic ‘Zoombombing’ derailing local democracy

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>>local democracy


>>Zoom attendee’s antisemitic rant




>TBH this sounds likeCIA derailing online democracy.This scares the shit out of them and the animetamseic rant was a ray epps

sounds to me like they need the services ofJim and Ronthis is literally the exact scenario that this board has been fighting for years

Online democracy WILL be derailed by CIA shills

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e95884 No.92487

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602373 (241328ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Biden needs to be impeached and tried for the crimes he has committed

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OP: Impeach Joe Biden


Joe Biden needs to be impeached and tried for the crimes he has committed.

The following OP is to help push that narrative.













#bidencrimefamily #ImpeachJoeBiden #HunterBiden #Biden #Treason #DevonArcher #joebiden #FJB #SaveAmerica #Burisma #ArrestBidenCrimeFamily


Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukranian Prosecutor Fired https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXA-dj2-CY

Hunter Biden Laptop: https://bidenlaptopmedia.com/

Joe Biden's Botched Withdrawal Plunges Afghanistan Into Chaos https://time.com/6090523/biden-afghanistan-withdrawal-taliban/

Nord Stream Attack: Senator Raises Alarms About Alleged U.S. Involvement https://www.newsweek.com/nord-stream-attack-senator-raises-alarms-about-alleged-us-involvement-1780192

President Biden, your wide open border has created the gravest US terror threat in years https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/president-biden-wide-open-border-created-gravest-us-terror-threat-years

Biden throws gas on inflation fire https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/editorials/biden-throws-gas-on-inflation-fire

Biden's 'weaponized' DOJ has officially gone full banana republic https://www.foxnews.com/media/sean-hannity-bidens-weaponized-doj-has-now-gone-full-banana-republic

Biden's persecution of opponents Trump and Kennedy https://www.wnd.com/2023/08/bidens-persecution-opponents-trump-kennedy/

Joe Biden's TOP 25 Bloopers, Blunders, and Gaffes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neCj_m2p4i0

47 Years Of Joe Biden's RAC*ST Comments! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h95hutjkxSM



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e95884 No.92488

File: b91e6f27053a0c1⋯.jpg (46.88 KB,474x392,237:196,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602385 (241331ZSEP23) Notable: Bay Area officials: antisemitic ‘Zoombombing’ derailing local democracy

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>>>local democracy




>>>Zoom attendee’s antisemitic rant








>>TBH this sounds likeCIA derailing online democracy.This scares the shit out of them and the animetamseic rant was a ray epps


>sounds to me like they need the services ofJim and Ronthis is literally the exact scenario that this board has been fighting for years


>Online democracy WILL be derailed by CIA shills

Imagine if the shills ended up being the most important output of this board

Because we understand their shilling system before it goes public with "online democracy" systems

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e95884 No.92489

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602426 (241341ZSEP23) Notable: "Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time": Tucker Carlson Gives Bombshell Interview

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Tucker gets interviewed.


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e95884 No.92490

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602428 (241342ZSEP23) Notable: Wake The Black Female Democrat Voter

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OP: Fade to Black

Take your Positions and Fire at will. [S.T.F.U]


Wake The Black Female Democrat Voter

Anons we need to start showing the Black Females Democrat the Truth

Best way to do this, is to share Black Political Videos and black related content with the [black female democrat].

Please take a moment to visit each of these targets and their black commenters to post ammo.




















https://www.dems.gov/who-we-are/our-members [Current Member List]

-Target Black Political and Celebrity Leaders


#WalkAway #Demexit #VoteRepublican #VoteRed #DoNothingDemocrats

Use Patriot Black Leaders as Source



They're Trying To Cancel Russell Brand Here's WHY https://youtu.be/HhoDw9V-ZKQ

Mayor Adams warns migrant crisis will ‘destroy’ NYC, rips Biden for failing to help https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTUhMDoMTpA

*WTF!!! IS THIS A COVER UP? https://youtu.be/W13dyT-bWEI

FoxNews - Former DC mayor spokesman explains why he left the Democratic Party https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvc16QhU-OE


Lt. Gov. NC endorses Donald Trump https://rumble.com/v2vz52q-booom.html

The DEEP STATE "Queen" Exposed By Trump (The Dan Bongino Show) https://youtu.be/rVsXXxkFuNk

Riley Gaines Leaves WOKE Activist SPEECHLESS For Claiming Men Can't Beat Serena Williams In Tennis! https://youtu.be/W9DrtQwRmrU

The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party (REACTION!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_IvKZ1hYbU

Fox News: Tim Scott leaves 'The View' speechless after confrontation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrY_JFlc6kc

Candace Owens says “Black America Owes Me AN APOLOGY” Reaction | Asia and BJ React https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePPKLLDQcbE


LIVE Chrissie Mayr Podcast with Salty Cracker! Chrissie Mayr https://youtu.be/p_df0ZmNNec

Massie Confronts Dems About Ray Epps: 'Why Is There No Interest In Him?' https://youtu.be/S66NWcSccwE

Diamond and Silk 607K followers Streamed on: Jul 11, 10:05 pm EDT https://rumble.com/v2zht50-ava-chen-is-back-for-part-2-to-spill-the-beans-

Wtf?!😳 Poudii Sneaking Back Into America’s Most Racist Town | REACTION https://youtu.be/ymMq8bkOYD4









Reminder, Post and Run. Dont reply... bots will get you banned


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e95884 No.92491

File: db3881dfef025a5⋯.png (906.05 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602436 (241344ZSEP23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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NASA N927NA up SW of SLC. Supposed to be some kind of big deal about asteroid samples dropping from the sky.

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e95884 No.92492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602441 (241345ZSEP23) Notable: Wake The Black Female Democrat Voter

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Half And Jai

348K subscribers

54K views 2 days ago #donaldtrump #justhalf #simplyjai

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e95884 No.92493

File: 06dce8249b40ffd⋯.jpeg (442.54 KB,1125x1441,1125:1441,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602446 (241348ZSEP23) Notable: @FAKEPOTUS: As Jewish communities in the United States, Israel, and around the world observe Yom Kippur

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e95884 No.92494

File: a6e4e58762be2d0⋯.mp4 (10.32 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602539 (241423ZSEP23) Notable: #24073

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Thank you anons

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

Bake is GHOST

wkfag gotta get moar ramen$$$

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e95884 No.92495

File: b30ad1e2a4c4b21⋯.png (395.3 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 69315028c944eae⋯.png (879.11 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602542 (241424ZSEP23) Notable: PF reports: C130 coming from GITMO

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Navy 187

C 130 coming from gitmo

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e95884 No.92496

File: 8c0de30f995ead0⋯.png (455.01 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602546 (241425ZSEP23) Notable: Canada parliament gives standing ovation to literal Nazi

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Ukraine’s president and Canada’s prime minister greeted a former member of the infamous SS 1st Galician Division, which fought for the Nazis in World War II, as they attended a parliament session in Ottawa, according to images shared by the Associated Press.

One of the photos, taken in the House of Commons on Friday, showed a smiling Vladimir Zelensky clenching his fist and Justin Trudeau offering applause to somebody outside the image.

AP’s caption explained that the two leaders “recognize Yaroslav Hunka, who was in attendance and fought with the First Ukrainian Division in World War II before later immigrating to Canada.”

What the US news agency described as “the First Ukrainian Division” was in fact the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, also known as the 1st Galician Division.

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e95884 No.92497

File: 4ea145ff3b255f2⋯.png (165.76 KB,413x440,413:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602557 (241428ZSEP23) Notable: Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

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The Vigilant Fox 🦊


BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public


: “You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital.”


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e95884 No.92498

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602560 (241429ZSEP23) Notable: Former Trump Adviser Calls Cassidy Hutchinson and Other Female White House Aides ‘Pimp Ladies’

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Former Trump Adviser Calls Cassidy Hutchinson and Other Female White House Aides ‘Pimp Ladies’

This week, former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson revealed in her book“Enough”that Rudy Guiliani groped her during the Jan. 6, 2021 attacks on the Capitol in Washington. That claim was backed up by her fellow former aide and current “The View” cohost Alyssa Farrah Griffin.

The move seems to have angered Trump adviser Peter Navarro who posted to X (formerly Twitter) multiple times, beginning with a tweet that read, “Watched Hutchinson in West Wing suck candy daily outside Meadows office doing NOTHING. Pimping new ‘book’ with White House loser Alyssa Farah.”

Navarro continued, “Hutchinson sold soul to J6 witch hunt. This her next 15 minutes of fame. Rudy Giuliani hero, Cassidy trash.”

On Friday, Navarro added to his tirade against the women. He posted, “Why would White House men – prez, vp, senior aide – EVER hire a woman after watching book pimps Cassiday[sic] Hutchinson, Alyssa Farah, Stephanie Grisham, Kayleigh McEnany, Olivia Troye throw mud at Donald Trump and Rudy Giuliani et. al. Pimp ladies be giving real MAGA WOMEN bad name.”

On Friday night, Griffin returned fire via Twitter. She explained that she would typically ignore such commentary, “but let me state for the historical record: Navarro was seen as a liability, distraction, & sideshow in the West Wing.”

“To put it as politely as I can: he was ‘strategically’ left off of calendar invites,” she concluded.

Hutchinson also shares in “Enough” that Donald Trump stopped wearing N95 masks during the COVID-19 pandemic because the straps on the masks smudged the bronzer that he wore. The move had major ramifications around the country, as many people stopped wearing a mask once Trump did.

She wrote, “The press would criticize him for not wearing a mask not knowing that the depth of his vanity had caused him to reject masks – and then millions of his fans followed suit.”

“Enough” will be in bookstores on Tuesday.


51 Q Drops ENOUGH


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e95884 No.92499

File: aafba4fb7d60e18⋯.png (190.23 KB,564x238,282:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602565 (241430ZSEP23) Notable: Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was a Nazi collaborator

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Chrystia Freeland’s granddad was indeed a Nazi collaborator

There have been a number of articles circulating about Freeland’s Ukrainian grandfather Michael Chomiak and his ties to the Nazis.

The Ukraine Archival Records held by the Province of Alberta has a whole file on Chomiak, including his own details about his days editing the newspaper Krakivski Visti. Chomiak noted he edited the paper first in Crakow (Cracow), Poland and then in Vienna. The reason he edited the paper in Vienna was because he had to flee with his Nazis colleagues as the Russians advanced into Poland. (The Russians tended to execute collaborators well as SS members).

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e95884 No.92500

File: 2e1d5fd61f8f824⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB,892x8884,223:2221,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602567 (241430ZSEP23) Notable: Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

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BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

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e95884 No.92501

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602571 (241433ZSEP23) Notable: Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was a Nazi collaborator

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>he had to flee with his Nazis colleagues

“In 1943 and 1944, both Lvivski Visti and Krakivski Visti hailed the German-approved formation of the 14th Waffen SS Division Halychyna, composed of Ukrainian volunteers,” the museum pointed out.

“Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland knew for more than two decades that her maternal Ukrainian grandfather was the chief editor of a Nazi newspaper.”

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e95884 No.92502

File: 28214a1a8846392⋯.png (399.46 KB,1158x637,1158:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602577 (241434ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News #493

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000067

In 2014, a little known military contractor called ‘Deagel Corporation’ published a projection of a mostly-Western collapse and depopulation by 2025. BRICS nations are virtually unaffected.


“The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending Ponzi schemes such as the Stock Exchange and the pension funds.”

Alzheimer's Disease, Now A Leading Cause Of Death In US, Is Becoming More Prevalent


MY COMMENT: Chemtrails contain aluminum oxides, strontium and barium salts, all known to be TOXIC to life and long-term cognitive function!!! They're spraying us all like bugs, to be culled and replaced by third world slave laborers!!!

WATCH: Teacher Gives Horrific Testimony On How Behind Kids Are In America’s Schools


''“These kids can’t read, they can’t decode, they have no vocabulary, no background knowledge. I’ve never seen anything like it.”

MY COMMENT: I personally know a high school teacher who retired a few years ago and this is true! I've been informed that teachers are the ones punished when students fail their classes, no longer matters how or why, no longer matters if the students refuse to do homework or pay any attention, nothing matters to the educational bureaucracy anymore! The teachers have two choices: pass the students (no matter what) or you may be fired and lose your pension!! Now guess what most teachers do under that ruthless ultimatum?

UK Quietly Passes Online Censorship Bill Into Law


MY COMMENT: Since day ONE of using the internet I've been warning people to backup everything they have access to online, on a want or need basis, that one day governments will shut down and ruin the free internet. This day is coming to pass. Anything you need or desire should be backed up and you should have offline storage, internet freedom is NOT going to last forever! By the time they start mandating bio-metric data to access websites I'm gone and done with it all.

ALERT TO ALL BROKE MALE AMERICAN VETERANS: You Need Financial Support? Just Claim You Are Pregnant!


Soviet-born Congresswoman Compares Merrick Garland’s DOJ To The KGB


New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID 'Vaccine' Harms From The Public


Egypt Eyes Energy Revival With Zohr Gas Field Expansion


UK Postpones 'Net Zero' Economic Disaster Till 2050


The UK government announced this week a new approach to achieving the net-zero 2050 target, softening some of the key policies as the cost-of-living crisis is at its worst in a generation and a general election is looming next year.

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e95884 No.92503

File: 8e7bb2e59898547⋯.png (276.55 KB,676x449,676:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602589 (241437ZSEP23) Notable: Somorie Moses, a longtime pimp known for his "extreme violence," has admitted to murdering his prostitute girlfriend and sex trafficking eight other women

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Gonna be Biblical.

'Sugar Bear' pimp known for torturing prostitutes pleads guilty after shocking find in freezer: feds

Somorie Moses, a longtime pimp known for his "extreme violence," has admitted to murdering his prostitute girlfriend and sex trafficking eight other women, per the U.S. Attorney's Office of the Eastern District of New York.

On Jan. 13, 2017, prosecutors said, Moses beat Leondra Foster, 32, to death in their shared apartment, and then used a saw and knife to dismember her body. Four days later, he disposed of her torso and limbs at a Bronx, New York, sanitation site.

The severed head, hands and feet of Foster – including a foot with the name "Somorie" tattooed on it – were subsequently discovered by police in a deep freezer at Moses' Brooklyn home.

Moses, 47, pleaded guilty on Sept. 15. He was previously convicted of concealment of a corpse and criminally negligent homicide – but acquitted on murder charges – in a Brooklyn state court in 2019.

If he was not rearrested by the feds on the charge of murder in the course of sex trafficking – the first time use of a new federal statute, per the USAO – he would have been eligible for parole in May 2022.

In his previous court case, Moses admitted to cutting apart Foster's remains but claimed he did not kill her. He did testify on the stand that he had earned money as a "pimp" for two decades and had "smacked [Foster] around," giving her "many… black eyes."

Since Moses' state trial, federal investigators found two individuals ready to testify that the pimp confessed Foster's murder to them, per court documents.

"With [Friday's] guilty plea to every count in the indictment, Moses is held fully responsible for preying on women and girls, forcing them to become prostitutes, and then brutally murdering and dismembering one of his many victims," U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York Breon Peace wrote in the press release.

"While the defendant's total admission of guilty cannot undo the terrible harm he has caused, we hope it will bring a measure of closure to his victims who suffered the defendant's extreme cruelty and brutality, and to the family of Ms. Foster."

Moses– also known as "Somorie Barfield," "Sugar Bear," "Bear" and "Daddy" – now faces a sentence of 15 years to life in prison.

Since at least 2003, Moses pressured many of his victims to tattoo his name on their bodies, "forc[ing] women and girls, including minors, into prostitution for his benefit using violence, threats of violence and psychological manipulation," prosecutors said

"Moses used false premises of love and marriage to initiate sexual relationships with his victims before demanding they work as prostitutes and turn over the money they earned to him," per the USAO press release.

When one of Moses' victims tried to quit prostitution, per court documents obtained by Fox News Digital, he tortured her with a Taser until she relented.

Another woman was slashed about the arms and back and beaten with a belt before Moses doused her with lemon juice, leaving her with permanent scarring.

A third woman was beaten with an extension cord, per the documents, before Moses threatened to rub salt on her wounds.


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e95884 No.92504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602602 (241441ZSEP23) Notable: Video game (Metal Gear Solid) reveals the use of AI in the war on digital misinformation, and the solution of total digital identification for the global populace

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Video game (Metal Gear Solid) reveals the use of AI in the war on digital misinformation, and the solution of total digital identification for the global populace.

Raiden Warned About AI Censorship - MGS2 Codec Call (2023 Version)


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e95884 No.92505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602608 (241442ZSEP23) Notable: Nasa pic of the day: A Ring of Fire Sunrise Solar Eclipse

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 24, 2023

A Ring of Fire Sunrise Solar Eclipse

What's rising above the horizon behind those clouds? It's the Sun. Most sunrises don't look like this, though, because most sunrises don't include the Moon. In the early morning of 2013 May 10, however, from Western Australia, the Moon was between the Earth and the rising Sun. At times, it would be hard for the uninformed to understand what was happening. In an annular eclipse, the Moon is too far from the Earth to block the entire Sun, and at most leaves a ring of fire where sunlight pours out around every edge of the Moon. The featured time-lapse video also recorded the eclipse through the high refraction of the Earth's atmosphere just above the horizon, making the unusual rising Sun and Moon appear also flattened. As the video continues, the Sun continues to rise, while the Sun and Moon begin to separate. The next annular solar eclipse will occur in less than three weeks. On Saturday, October 14, a ring of fire will be visible through clear skies from a thin swath crossing both North and South America.



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e95884 No.92506

File: fe589f40ce360db⋯.png (189.17 KB,781x743,781:743,Clipboard.png)

File: 1d73543624da507⋯.mp4 (5.33 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 01139e35659a7cd⋯.png (268.14 KB,582x544,291:272,Clipboard.png)

File: ad2afb2780a422a⋯.png (21.43 KB,372x301,372:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602609 (241443ZSEP23) Notable: 3 year delta: Q#4749 Everyone has a choice to make and POTUS pro life post on truthsocial

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Q Potus 3 year delta

I dare say, a proof

Linked fake news vid 21 seconds in Q4749, dropszero zero

q4749 dropped on Sep 23, 2020

Potus truth yesterday, Sep 23, 2023 >zero

Potus truth content about abortion


>think Pro Choice

Q4749 - everyone has a choice to make

all PB

>>92438 pb

>Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Pro lifers had absolutely zero status on the subject of abortion until I came along. For 52 years everyone “talked,” but got nothing. I GOT IT DONE!

>>92438 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Pro lifers had absolutelyzerostatus on the subject of abortion until I came along. For 52 years everyone “talked,” but got nothing. I GOT IT DONE!


>Donald J. Trump

>Pro lifers had absolutely zerostatus on the subject of abortion until I came along.

>For 52 years everyone “talked,” but got nothing. I GOT IT DONE! There would be no talk of a six week ban, or anything else, without me. Roe v. Wade allowed the killing of a baby at any time, including the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th month, and even after birth. They Pro Choicers, therefore, are the RADICALS, not us, and now, because of our Supreme Court victory, the power has shifted and, for the first time, those fighting for the Pro Life movement have been given tremendous Power on this issue. Before our victory, they had nothing, and they will have nothing again if we don’t win ELECTIONS. Like Ronald Reagan, I believe in the three Exceptions for Rape, Incest, and the Life of the Mother. You have to follow your HEART, but without the Exceptions, it will be very hard to win Elections. The six week ban on abortion, among other things, like his fight against Social Security & MediCare, killed the DeSanctus Campaign!

>Sep 23, 2023, 11:15 PM



Sep 23, 2020 2:17:36 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 2481e5 No. 10757537

https://twitter.com/CBSThisMorning/status/1308740250429280259 zeroevidence,zero"

Everyone has achoiceto make.



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e95884 No.92507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602611 (241444ZSEP23) Notable: Watch a spacecraft deliver an asteroid sample to Earth. OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will release its sample return capsule into the atmosphere and land at the DoD's test range in Utah

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OSIRIS-REx Asteroid Sample Return

Watch a spacecraft deliver an asteroid sample to Earth! Our OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security–Regolith Explorer) spacecraft is approaching Earth, and on Sept. 24, 2023, it will release its sample return capsule into the atmosphere on a path to land at the Department of Defense’s Utah Test and Training Range.

The touchdown will mark the end of a seven-year journey to explore asteroid Bennu, collect a sample from its surface, and deliver it to Earth as the U.S’s first pristine asteroid sample. Scientists around the world will study the sample over the coming decades to learn about how our planet and solar system formed, as well as the origin of organics that may have led to life on Earth.


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e95884 No.92508

File: ff6221b5f6fe66b⋯.png (592.52 KB,1196x1171,1196:1171,Clipboard.png)

File: c3e9e4d17d612a9⋯.png (370.63 KB,1196x1063,1196:1063,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602625 (241448ZSEP23) Notable: Anon digs into Texas campaign funds

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Anon has been digging on campaign funds in the state of TX.

Ballotpedia.org is a great resource


Steve Toth has been very vocal about how conservative he is and how bad House Speaker Dade Phelan is for Texas. At the same time he took in $45,400 in campaign contributions from the Dade Phelan campaign. Anon has been calling him out on X and low and behold anon has been blocked.

Will anons help me make this clown famous?


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e95884 No.92509

File: f6ca3b08e771780⋯.png (271.03 KB,905x729,905:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602627 (241448ZSEP23) Notable: UFC fighter clutching bible claims fires in Hawaii were man-made to steal land from the natives in live post fight victory speech

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UFC Fighter Says Fires in Hawaii Were Man-Made to Steal Land from Natives

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.92510

File: f744fa46a4d48a2⋯.png (889.05 KB,1046x982,523:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602663 (241457ZSEP23) Notable: Anon digs: pregnancy pictures of Michelle Obama on google appear to be AI generated

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So if you go to google and search Images for Michelle Obama you will find they have released pregnancy pictures

And every shot is touched up glam shots. For pages. And I am certain some of them are AI generated, they still can't do digits ;)

Ya think Google knows something anons?

Are they gonna install Big Mike?

It was my understanding the Obummers were happy to be operating out of the spotlight.

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e95884 No.92511

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602704 (241505ZSEP23) Notable: @MattGaetz: We should have separate single-subject spending bills. @SpeakerMcCarthy promised that in January. He is in breach of that promise.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz

The way to fund the government is not by doing it the same way Congress has since the mid-90s, where it's one up or down vote on the entire government all at once.

We should have separate single-subject spending bills.

@SpeakerMcCarthy promised that in January. He is in breach of that promise.

I'm not here to hold the government hostage. I'm here to hold Kevin McCarthy to his word.

10:51 AM · Sep 24, 2023 8:51


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e95884 No.92512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602784 (241526ZSEP23) Notable: Former Trump Adviser Calls Cassidy Hutchinson and Other Female White House Aides ‘Pimp Ladies’

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Pimp Lady Cassidy Hutchinson minibun

maybe add to >>92480, >>92483 LB notes

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e95884 No.92513

File: fc4a96c0539e7ff⋯.png (258.54 KB,910x532,65:38,Clipboard.png)

File: 4917032a3be2412⋯.mp4 (8.45 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602793 (241528ZSEP23) Notable: UN Secretary General: Clear and present global threat - digital platforms subverting science, requires global action

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Terrifying Threat From U.N. Secretary General Claims WE ARE THE THREAT


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e95884 No.92514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602822 (241533ZSEP23) Notable: Full 30 minutes of the UN Secretary General fear mongering globalism

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think that is bad, Listen and watch this carefully, he is literally threatening the leaders at the u.n assembly with weather warfare and financial threats.

which is the loan recalls from the I.M.F.



Note: Anons should really watch the U.N assembly meeting this year.

Especially what The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres had to say regarding Egypt and Libya, What he is doing is threatening those in the room with recalling loans given to them by the World bank, I.M.F after the pandemic and war, plus indirectly reminding them of weather warfare.


🇺🇳 UN Secretary-General Addresses General Debate, 78th Session | #UNGA



6,472 views 19 Sept 2023 UNITED NATIONS HEADQUARTERS

UN Secretary General addresses the general debate of the 78th Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations (New York, 19 - 26 September 2023).

The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, opened the High-level week of the General Assembly warning that the world “is becoming unhinged” and that is happening “at a time of chaotic transition.”

Addressing Member States today (19 Sep), Guterres made a call to renew multilateral institutions, saying that “geopolitical tensions are rising”, “global challenges are mounting” and “we seem incapable of coming together to respond”.

Guterres added, “We are inching ever closer to a Great Fracture in economic and financial systems and trade relations; one that threatens a single, open internet; with diverging strategies on technology and artificial intelligence; and potentially clashing security frameworks. It is high time to renew institutions based on 21st century economic and political realities – rooted in equity, solidarity and universality anchored in the principles of the United Nations Charter and international law.”

The Secretary-General recognized the obstacles, saying “I have no illusions. Reforms are a question of power. I know there are many competing interests and agendas. But the alternative to reform is not the status quo. The alternative to reform is further fragmentation. It’s reform or rupture.”

According to Guterres, “in the face of all these challenges and more, compromise has become a dirty word.”

“Our world needs statesmanship, not gamesmanship and gridlock. As I told the G20, it is time for a global compromise. Politics is compromise. Diplomacy is compromise. Effective leadership is compromise,” said the UN chief.

The Secretary-General also mentioned climate change, saying, “We have just survived the hottest days, hottest months, and hottest summer on the books. Behind every broken record are broken economies, broken lives and whole nations at the breaking point. Every continent, every region and every country is feeling the heat. But I’m not sure all leaders are feeling that heat. Actions are falling abysmally short.”

For Guterres, “climate chaos is breaking new records, but we cannot afford the same old broken record of scapegoating and waiting for others to move first.”

“And to all those working, marching and championing real climate action, I want you to know: You are on the right side of history. I’m with you. I won’t give up this fight of our lives,” added the UN chief.

On gender equality, the Secretary-General said, “Just four women signed our founding document. One look around this room shows not enough has changed. “We, the Peoples” does not mean “'We, the men.'”

He added, “In some countries, women and girls are punished for wearing too many clothes; in others, for wearing too few. Thanks to generations of women’s rights activists, times are changing. From sports fields to schools and public squares, girls and women are challenging the patriarchy – and winning. I stand with them.”

Guterres also mentioned the dangers of Artificial Intelligence, noting that when he referred to the issue in his General Assembly speech in 2017, only two other leaders even uttered the term.

“Now AI is on everyone’s lips – a subject of both awe, and fear. Even some of those who developed generative AI are calling for greater regulation. But many of the dangers of digital technology are not looming. They are here,” the UN chief concluded.



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e95884 No.92515

File: 32a975eca3bab23⋯.webm (3.2 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.webm)

File: c9707de1b06bcb9⋯.webm (4.31 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.webm)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602851 (241536ZSEP23) Notable: Video game (Metal Gear Solid) reveals the use of AI in the war on digital misinformation, and the solution of total digital identification for the global populace

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oldschool vidya was based and that was made by the nips too

musk mentioned in the interview with tucker how he'd stay up until 3-4am talking to larry page at his house about ai and page straight up said they want an ai god or ai super-intelligence and that's the goal of goog

deus ex called that shit many moons ago - also memeber musk's bedside pic of that prop gun from deus ex - human revolution

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e95884 No.92516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602865 (241545ZSEP23) Notable: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blames sanctions on Venezuela for the southern border crisis

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AOC blames Marco Rubio for "Drive of Populations coming to our Southern boarder


RNC Research

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blames sanctions on Venezuela for the southern border crisis.

MARGARET BRENNAN: "You know the Maduro government has also been responsible for a large parts of that....?"

11:20 AM · Sep 24, 2023 0:49


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e95884 No.92517

File: ec7577823982cf2⋯.png (585.91 KB,837x1449,93:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602881 (241549ZSEP23) Notable: Direct connection between ERIC and ERICSSON, means ALL of our current voting hardware and software, as well as the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, are an imminent threat to national security

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Jonathan @DecentFiJC

💥Now that we’ve established the DIRECT connection between ERIC and ERICSSON, I hope EVERYONE fully grasps what this REALLY means:

💥💥It means ALL of our current voting hardware and software, as well as the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, are an imminent threat to the USA’s national security and the lives of 350,000,000 Americans.==💥💥

You’ll wanna adjust your election integrity strategy accordingly going forward.

>>>/qresearch/19601026 pb

>I found theDIRECT connection between…


10:36 AM · Sep 24, 2023


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e95884 No.92518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19602968 (241610ZSEP23) Notable: Canada parliament gives standing ovation to literal Nazi

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The left have now become everything they claimed to hate:

Nazi loving, war mongering, establishment shill, pro censorship, anti freedom, anti medical choice, big pharma junkies, beholden to the military industrial complex.

Everything negative they said about Trump is actually just a Projection of their crimes and worse and that fact becomes more obvious by the day.

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e95884 No.92519

File: 3db87d5867fdba6⋯.mp4 (15.07 MB,162x288,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603088 (241639ZSEP23) Notable: A police officer in Pennsylvania assaulted a woman he had an intimate relationship with and then had her involuntarily committed for several days, has been charged with multiple felonies

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File this under "Asshole COPS" that should be in Jail.

WARNING: GRAPHIC ⚠️ A police officer in Pennsylvania assaulted a woman he had an intimate relationship with and then had her involuntarily committed for several days.

Ronald Davis, 37, has been charged with felony strangulation, unlawful restraint, false imprisonment, and more.


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e95884 No.92520

File: 9864ad0c4548fa9⋯.png (436.72 KB,951x643,951:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603148 (241652ZSEP23) Notable: First 9 minutes of Donald J. Trump interview from Meet the Press that were edited out

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WATCH The Stunning First 9 Minutes Of Kristen Welker’s Trump Interview That Were Edited Out Of Meet the Press


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e95884 No.92521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603328 (241754ZSEP23) Notable: #24074

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recycled and ghosted e-bake

bit of IRL then can return to clean up

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e95884 No.92522

File: 46e26118c065b7e⋯.png (59.42 KB,592x292,148:73,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a4ea426b9b8f75⋯.png (163.99 KB,734x704,367:352,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603346 (241801ZSEP23) Notable: Sub chronic endotoxin inhalation causes persistent airway disease

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Subchronic endotoxin inhalation causes persistent airway disease



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e95884 No.92523

File: a39ec40fc370ba3⋯.png (124.14 KB,854x317,854:317,Clipboard.png)

File: fcabd885c3ccb69⋯.png (190.52 KB,821x469,821:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603523 (241845ZSEP23) Notable: Bay Area officials says anti-Semitic "Zoombombing" is detailing local democracy

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>no idea what this is really about

>no links

Looks like the OP was deleted. Not sure why. Seems fine.

Maybe they did something else and got all their posts deleted

Looks like a namefag though...

In any case I think this concept has high relevance to us.

What many here call "muh joo shills" at online public town hall trial


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e95884 No.92524

File: f8a2e5312773f87⋯.png (240.11 KB,347x600,347:600,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603533 (241847ZSEP23) Notable: Canadian Parliament Receives Zelensky, and Gives Standing Ovation to 98 Year-Old Man Who Fought for Nazi SS Division Involved in War Crimes

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Canadian Parliament Receives Zelensky, and Gives Standing Ovation to 98 Year-Old Man Who Fought for Nazi SS Division Involved in War Crimes

After his underwhelming visit to the United Nations and Washington, Ukrainian President Zelensky flew to Canada was a much friendlier welcome awaited him.

He gave a well received address in Parliament, and if we were to tell this story from the point of view of the MSM it would go like that:

Associated Press reported:

“Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky urged Canada on Friday to stay with his country to victory as he went to the Canadian Parliament seeking to bolster support from Western allies for Ukraine’s war against the Russian invasion.”

Zelensky flew into Canada’s capital late on Thursday after meetings with President Joe Biden and lawmakers in Washington. He spoke at the United Nations’ annual meeting on Wednesday.

‘Moscow must lose once and for all. And it will lose’, Zelensky said during his address in Parliament.”

Zelensky said Canada has always been on the ‘bright side of history’, and ‘was interrupted seven times by standing ovations’ etc etc.

However, what’s NOT in the report, and what was edited afterwards is what interests us.

Forward reported:

“The Canadian Parliament gave a standing ovation on Friday to a 98-year-old immigrant from Ukraine who fought in a Third Reich military formation accused of war crimes.”

Watch: Canadian Parliament give standing ovation to former Nazi SS fighter.


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e95884 No.92525

File: 08dbf2d4dedaa91⋯.png (45.28 KB,535x436,535:436,Clipboard.png)

File: 148718fbb9dc5f5⋯.png (731.04 KB,855x1982,855:1982,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603549 (241849ZSEP23) Notable: Canadian Parliament Receives Zelensky, and Gives Standing Ovation to 98 Year-Old Man Who Fought for Nazi SS Division Involved in War Crimes

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>He doesn't speak for Canadians

>He speaks for himself & his Cabal Friends

>Peace isn't an option for these Asshoes

Trudeau hosting literal Nazis in parliament for standing Os

Brian Cates - Political Columnist & Pundit


Trudeau leads the entire Canadian gov't in applauding and saluting a Nazi war criminal.

I am not overselling that.

This is what happened.

Of course, they don't tell everybody this guy Hunk is a former Nazi from Ukraine. All they tell the public is that he 'fought Russians' in WW2.


12:53 PM · Sep 24, 2023





Ezra Levant 🍁🚛


13h • 16 tweets • 5 min read Twitter logo Read on Twitter

I hope I'm wrong. But I think Trudeau and Zelenskyy just did something terrible. Let me explain it in reverse.

1. In 2020, Canada's leading military affairs reporter wrote an article in a military journal about how Canada brought in 2,000 Nazis after the Second World War.

2. The Nazis were in Hitler's 14th Waffen SS Division Galicia. According to military historian/journalist David Pugliese, they were able to sneak into Canada by changing their name and hiding their past.

3. Here's what Pugliese wrote in the military journal, Esprite de Corps:

In an attempt to hide the SS connection, the unit had changed its name in the last few days of the war to the First Division Ukrainian National Army.

Source: espritdecorps.ca/history-featur…

The RCAF Officer Who Brought Hitler’s Waffen SS to Canada — espritdecorps

By David Pugliese In May both the Globe and Mail newspaper and CBC’s As It Happens radio show carried laudatory reports about a Royal Canadian Air Force veteran and his efforts to bring Ukrainian r…


4. That was nearly 80 years ago, so most of those Nazis have since died. But one of them is apparently still alive - Yaroslav Hunka. And if I'm reading the news correctly, Trudeau invited him as an honoured guest today, to Zelenskyy's visit to Canada's Parliament.

5. The Canadian Press wire service circulated this photo and caption. (This version is taken from The Toronto Star, but it was in many places). Look at the caption on the bottom. Image

6. It says,

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recognize Yaroslav Hunka, who was in attendance and fought with the First Ukrainian Division in the Second World War before later immigrating to Canada, in the House of Commons on Friday.

7. Can that really be true?

Did Justin Trudeau really invite a Nazi SS soldier from the Second World War to Parliament as an honoured guest?

Please tell me I've got a fact wrong here.

cc. @LevittMichael @AHousefather @mgeist @CIJAinfo @bnaibrithcanada

@LevittMichael @AHousefather @mgeist @CIJAinfo @bnaibrithcanada 8. Hunka was introduced to Parliament as a 98-year-old soldier “who fought… against the Russians… a hero.”

9. Three months ago, Trudeau went to Ukraine and met with Andriy Melnyk, a Holocaust denier who was fired by Zelenskyy after he said Israel and Poland were lying about Jewish deaths: x.com/ezralevant/sta…

10. And last year, Chrystia Freeland held up a scarf promoting a far-right Ukrainian Nationalist movement linked to Neo-Nazis commemorating Stefan Bandera, the Nazi criminal. Freeland deleted her social media posts, but not before the photo was saved:

Freeland caught holding pro-Nazi banner at Ukraine protest

Deputy Prime Minister and former Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland was photographed on Sunday with a scarf promoting a far-right Ukrainian Nationalist movement linked to Neo-Nazis and extr…


11. Before the Russian invasion in 2022, David Pugliese wrote about Trudeau and Freeland working with Nazi groups in Ukraine. Here are two of his stories from November, 2021:



Allegations of Canadian troops training neo-Nazis and war criminals sparks military review


12. Those articles were published in the prestigious Ottawa Citizen. Here's an article in the Globe and Mail about Freeland's grandfather, a Nazi propagandist. She tried to keep that a secret for years, and then claimed it was Russian propaganda:

Freeland knew her grandfather was editor of Nazi newspaper

Stories on pro-Russian websites have said minister’s stand against Russian aggression in Ukraine is linked to her family’s past


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e95884 No.92526

File: 85a9d2b535991a2⋯.png (1.03 MB,916x2634,458:1317,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d97c1e4b8e0ecf⋯.png (2.93 MB,996x3765,332:1255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603554 (241850ZSEP23) Notable: Canadian Parliament Receives Zelensky, and Gives Standing Ovation to 98 Year-Old Man Who Fought for Nazi SS Division Involved in War Crimes

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>Trudeau hosting literal Nazis in parliament for standing Os

13. Trudeau and Freeland routinely call peaceful, domestic political critics "Nazis" and "far right" and "racist". They're not of course - they just disagree.

It's Trudeau and Freeland who really do have a Nazi problem - and it's coming from inside their house.

14. As usual, if it’s a report about Trudeau’s misconduct, you’ll read about it in the foreign press before you’ll read about it (if ever) in Canada’s news media, which has been colonized by Trudeau: forward.com/fast-forward/5…


Zelenskyy joins Canadian Parliament's ovation to 98-year-old veteran who fought with Nazis

Yaroslav Hunka was part of SS Galichina, a unit whose history has been whitewashed by veterans groups in the West


@LevittMichael @CanadianFSWC @CIJAinfo @bnaibrithcanada @AHousefather @mgeist @LindaFrum 15. A masked agent provocateur unfurled a Nazi flag just long enough to be photographed and that’s enough for Canada’s regime media to denounce 100,000 truckers as racist.

Trudeau deliberately invited a Nazi soldier to Parliament and… crickets.


#JustinJournos Image

16. Google has 738,000 hits for "trucker convoy Nazi", all stories from one fake photograph of an agent provocateur with a swastika flag that no-one else saw.

738,000 hits.

Trudeau invited an actual Nazi SS veteran to Parliament and so far, not one story from the Regime Media.

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e95884 No.92527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603559 (241851ZSEP23) Notable: End Times News

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End Times News. USSA MO Bunker #493. V: 1 E:0.00000000068

I've become convinced over the past several years — particularly since the war in Ukraine began — that the world is changing much more quickly than most Americans understand. And because there's virtually no coverage of the rest of the world in American media, Americans don't have a good sense of it. What we, in this country, refer to as the "Post-War Order” — the institutions set up in the wake of World War II to keep the world peaceful and prosperous and the United States at the top of the pyramid, and that would include the dominance of the dollar, the SWIFT system, NATO — all of that appears to me to be crumbling. That's my view of it. I've wanted to travel and see if that is, in fact, happening — and it is.


Backup Everything, All Online Servers Should Move OUT of Europe, EU Set To Police Internet Speech By 2024


MY COMMENT: Websites like the one I'm posting on should not host servers inside Europe and if need be, should simply block all European IP ranges! I would recommend users making lists of exactly what sites & sources you like to see as information will be much more censored on search engines! Europeans will have to be using VPNs and Tor from 2024 on.

If You Support Another World War, At Least Know The History That Started It


Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Gaining Support To Become A Third-party Candidate


Beware, Your Pastor Might Be An Undercover FEMA Agent For Their Clergy Response Teams



MY COMMENT: Beware ANY public aid during a natural or man-made crisis, anyone offering you food or water at a perish could be there to round up people and take them to FEMA Camps! This is why you must remain vigilant and well prepared to deal with a crisis on your own terms!

Catherine Austin Fitts: Somebody Is Still Trying To Kill You, Don’t Let Them


The Destruction of the United States Is Intentional. Here's What Will Happen Next.


In my estimation, the fastest way to a crisis is to stop the production and distribution of food. Most people have, at best, seven days’ worth of chow in their pantries and refrigerators — that is if they just got home from Kroger minutes before reading this. In reality, we are about three days away from buck-shotting our marauding neighbors as they try to slit our throats for our last can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew.

The Uniparty (i.e. Democrats and their RINO co-conspirators) will do what they always do: they will carry out a major false flag terrorist attack or some other type of nation-rattling terror operation. The Ukraine War-loving Democrats may also push Biden to provoke Russia into the use of a nuclear weapon in Ukraine in order to trigger NATO involvement via Article 5 due to radioactive contamination spreading across Europe.


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e95884 No.92528

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e95884 No.92529

File: dd19405894326aa⋯.png (532.66 KB,559x673,559:673,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603571 (241854ZSEP23) Notable: Elites Enjoy Lavish Dinner at Palace of Versailles While Discussing Climate Change

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Elites Enjoy Lavish Dinner at Palace of Versailles While Discussing Climate Change

Charles thanks Macron for President’s warm tributes to his mother as the pair swap toasts at glittering state banquet… but Frenchman can’t resist a Brexit dig: King and Queen Camilla are joined by 160 guests including Mick Jagger at Versailles

King Charles cheered President Emmanuel Macron and spoke about the UK’s and France’s ‘firm friendship’ as he and Queen Camilla joined French and British dignitaries and celebrities for a black tie gala at the Palace of Versailles tonight.

Their Majesties were guests of honour at a glittering state banquet in the Hall of Mirrors at the Palace of Versailles at the end of a whirlwind first day of their inaugural state visit to France.

High-profile figures invited to the dinner to mark their ‘contribution to UK-France relations’, including Rolling Stones frontman Sir Mick Jagger and actor Hugh Grant, were among the 160 guests addressed by Charles and Mr Macron on Wednesday evening…

The King also said relations between the UK and France have not always been ‘straightforward’, but went on to stress the unity between the nations.

Charles also mentioned the importance of Britain working with France to tackle climate change.

He went on: ‘Mr President, in all of this we can rely on our firm friendship, which is renewed and reinvigorated with each new generation.

Climate change. Right. Take a look at this spread.


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e95884 No.92530

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603578 (241855ZSEP23) Notable: Point La Jolla California beach indefinitely shut down to protect sea lions

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San Diego


Popular southern California beach indefinitely shut down to protect sea lions

City council unanimously voted to amend from seasonal to year-round closure

Pilar Arias By Pilar Arias Fox News

Published September 24, 2023 2:32pm EDT







San Diego city council approves permanent closure of Point La Jolla Video

San Diego city council approves permanent closure of Point La Jolla

The year-round closure is the first of its kind, and its praised by sea lion activists, FOX 5 San Diego reports.

San Diego's city council has voted unanimously to shut down access to Point La Jolla and Boomer Beach after complaints from residents and activists with regard to sea lions.

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e95884 No.92531

File: 5b68f4801a1581f⋯.png (810.83 KB,905x1327,905:1327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603591 (241857ZSEP23) Notable: United States Army Hospital located in Germany Is Now Treating AMERICAN SOLDIERS Hurt While Fighting in Ukraine.

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BOMBSHELL REPORT: United States Army Hospital located in Germany Is Now Treating AMERICAN SOLDIERS Hurt While Fighting in Ukraine.

The Army has quietly started to treat wounded Americans and other fighters evacuated from Ukraine at its Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. -NY TIMES

"Asked about the development by The New York Times, a Defense Department official who is regularly briefed on Ukraine-Russia matters expressed surprise, and said that leaders at the Pentagon were unaware that Landstuhl was regularly treating wounded American[s]."

2:07 PM · Sep 24, 2023·37.2K Views

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e95884 No.92532

File: 1d8d6e5f5e93443⋯.png (258.37 KB,542x305,542:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 45b80f77ba2438b⋯.png (271.71 KB,625x501,625:501,Clipboard.png)

File: b5da644b93b461d⋯.png (209.64 KB,558x509,558:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603597 (241858ZSEP23) Notable: Mayo Clinic Website Now Says HCQ CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients

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Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective

The Mayo Clinic which has been touted by many as the best hospital system and medical research center in the United States, recently made an interesting update on their website regarding the drug Hydroxychloroquine.

In the new update on their site, it now says “Hydroxychloroquine may be used to treat coronavirus (COVID-19) in certain hospitalized patients.”

Previously the Mayo Clinic claimed Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine were “malaria drugs authorized for emergency use by the FDA during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the FDA withdrew that authorization when data analysis showed that the drugs are not effective for treating COVID-19.”

Per Mayo Clinic:



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e95884 No.92533

File: 53a7c5f906cba9a⋯.png (25.54 KB,334x388,167:194,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603604 (241859ZSEP23) Notable: 2018 and 2020 Elections Break Benfords Law

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2018 and 2020 Elections

Break Benfords Law

Every statistician knows the elections were compromised

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e95884 No.92534

File: 62552b8497364d1⋯.png (8.26 MB,1934x2912,967:1456,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603609 (241900ZSEP23) Notable: Chuck Grassley #cornwatch

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Chuck Grassley


2:45 PM · Sep 24, 2023


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e95884 No.92535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603612 (241901ZSEP23) Notable: Bay Area officials says anti-Semitic "Zoombombing" is detailing local democracy

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Sonoma County Board of Supervisors meeting disrupted by online hate speech

from PB

original link is this one but story is behind paywall:

Bay Area officials: antisemitic ‘Zoombombing’ derailing local democracy


Comments from previous breads suggest that the "hate speech" was a plant (from CIA etc), probably designed to make it impossible in the future for people to comment via Zoom (a practice during Covid).

>>92485, >>92486, >>92488 Bay Area officials: antisemitic ‘Zoombombing’ derailing local democracy

Commenters note that this council could use the experience of boards like ours and other 8kun boards in dealing with anti-semitic comments, etc.

My comment: These Bay area officials would never be interested, they're probably using it to cut off Zoom access.

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e95884 No.92536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603629 (241904ZSEP23) Notable: #24072 Posted in @24074

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pb notes reposted without green links

the green link material is reposted in current bread with links to pb:



#24072 >>92467

>>92467, >>92468, >>92469 TESTING - THE B.I.S, W.E.F AGENDA 21 AND THE RACE TO 2030

>>92470 Illegals in NY making big illegal bucks in NYC

>>92471 First 9 Minutes of Trump's Meet The Press Interview with Kristen Welker Were Edited Out: Report

>>92472, >>92473, >>92474, >>92475, >>92476 In 2014, ‘Deagel Corporation' published a projection of massive global depopulation by 2025

>>92477 Zelensky and Trudeau greet former Nazi unit fighter - AP photo

>>92478 Washington Post/ABC Poll Shows President Trump With 10 Point Lead Over Potato

>>92479 @FAKEPOTUS: The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention is going to save lives

>>92480, >>92483 Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

>>92481 Ukraine's Zelenskiy says he met top businessmen during U.S. visit

>>92482 People Planning to Get New Covid-19 Vaccine Are Getting Hit With High Fees

>>92487 Joe Biden needs to be impeached and tried for the crimes he has committed

>>92489 "Our System Is Collapsing In Real Time": Tucker Carlson Gives Bombshell Interview

>>92490, >>92492 Wake The Black Female Democrat Voter

>>92491 Planefag Reports

>>92493 @FAKEPOTUS: As Jewish communities in the United States, Israel, and around the world observe Yom Kippur

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e95884 No.92537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603643 (241907ZSEP23) Notable: Bay Area officials says anti-Semitic "Zoombombing" is detailing local democracy

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>These Bay area officials would never be interested

I think we would do well not to assume that

At the local level, you may have some "true liberals" who are not woke zombies


> probably using it to cut off Zoom access.

Yes I think that's the idea one way or another.

It reminds me exactly of what we see here

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e95884 No.92538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603650 (241909ZSEP23) Notable: Constitutionality of the Death Penalty in America

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The Right to Life is found in the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence.

The Power to execute People is not found to have been delegated to the Feds or the State in the Counstitution.

10th Amendment?


Constitutionality of the Death Penalty in America

The 1960s brought challenges to the fundamental legality of the death penalty. Before then, the Fifth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments were interpreted as permitting the death penalty. However, in the early 1960s, it was suggested that the death penalty was a “cruel and unusual” punishment, and therefore unconstitutional under the Eighth Amendment. In 1958, the Supreme Court had decided in Trop v. Dulles (356 U.S. 86), that the Eighth Amendment contained an “evolving standard of decency that marked the progress of a maturing society.” Although Trop was not a death penalty case, abolitionists applied the Court’s logic to executions and maintained that the United States had, in fact, progressed to a point that its “standard of decency” should no longer tolerate the death penalty. (Bohm, 1999)

In the late 1960s, the Supreme Court began “fine tuning” the way the death penalty was administered.

In 9 separate opinions, and by a vote of 5 to 4, the Court held that Georgia’s death penalty statute, which gave the jury complete sentencing discretion, could result in arbitrary sentencing. The Court held that the scheme of punishment under the statute was therefore “cruel and unusual” and violated the Eighth Amendment. Thus, on June 29, 1972, the Supreme Court effectively voided 40 death penalty statutes, thereby commuting the sentences of 629 death row inmates around the country and suspending the death penalty because existing statutes were no longer valid.


The 9 say, "Death to the 333 Million".

Anon says, ""We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life".

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e95884 No.92539

File: 4daf4ca02e43fb0⋯.png (2.45 MB,2037x1146,679:382,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603656 (241911ZSEP23) Notable: Ben Gvir threatens to implode Israeli govt over concessions to Palestinians

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Ben Gvir threatens to implode Israeli govt over concessions to Palestinians

Prime Minister Netanyahu told CNN his coalition partners would agree to 'any deal' he makes to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia, including making concessions to Palestinians

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s coalition partners insist they would not support Israeli concessions to the Palestinians as part of a deal to normalize relations with Saudi Arabia and would quit the coalition if such concessions were made.

“If there will be concessions for the Palestinians, we will not remain in the government — and not just us, but the Religious Zionism party as well,” National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, head of the far-right Oztma Yehedit party, said in a statement on 23 September.

Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, leader of Religious Zionism, indicated last month that he also would not agree to any concessions for the Palestinians.

Otzma Yehudit and Religious Zionism joined Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Likud party to form a government last December following elections. Otzma Yehudit and Religious Zionism hold 14 Knesset seats together, which Netanyahu needs to maintain the coalition’s majority and avoid snap elections.

Ben Gvir’s statement contradicted comments made by Netanyahu to CNN on 23 September, suggesting Ben Gvir and Smotrich would join him in any deal Netanyahu agrees to with the Saudis.

In the interview, CNN correspondent Kaitlan Collins asked Netanyahu, “You hear what your finance minister has said in recent days, he’s previously said that the Palestinians don’t even exist as a people. I think people have a hard time believing that you can have something where you’re giving a significant exchange to the Palestinians, and you’ve also got this coalition on board even if you say you’re the one that makes the decisions here. You think they’ll go along with it.”

“They talk and talk, that’s what politicians do,” Netanyahu answered. “I don’t think people understand how our system works. My coalition partners join me, I didn’t join them,” Netanyahu added.

Saudi Arabia has previously stated Israel must allow the establishment of a Palestinian state per the guidelines of the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative in exchange for normalization.

The Saudis also demand a defense pact with the US, access to US nuclear technology, and permission to purchase more advanced US weapons as part of a normalization deal.

In contrast, Ben Gvir and Smotrich seek to annex the occupied West Bank and have accelerated the building of illegal Jewish settlements on Palestinian land since coming to power in Netanyahu’s coalition.

“Otzma Yehudit supports normalization — on this Netanyahu has our full support. But we will not accept any concessions to the Palestinians. I told the prime minister not to put us in a corner,” Ben Gvir said.

Addressing the Palestinian issue in his speech to the UN General Assembly this week, Netanyahu said, “The Palestinians could greatly benefit from a broader peace. They should be part of the process, but they should not have a veto over the process.”

“And I also believe that making peace with more Arab states would actually increase the prospects of making peace between Israel and the Palestinians,” he added.

In an interview with Fox News on Wednesday, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said that “every day we get closer” to Saudi Arabia normalizing ties with Israel while clarifying that the Palestinian issue is still a “very important” component of the process.


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e95884 No.92540

File: 4af28ac260903d5⋯.png (183.47 KB,724x804,181:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603663 (241913ZSEP23) Notable: UK quietly passes “Online Safety Bill” into law

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UK quietly passes “Online Safety Bill” into law

Buried behind the Brand-related headlines yesterday, the British House of Lords voted to pass the controversial “Online Safety Bill” into law. All that’s needed now is Royal assent, which Charles will obviously provide.

The bill’s (very catchy) long-form title is…

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the regulation by OFCOM of certain internet services; for and in connection with communications offences; and for connected purposes.

…and that’s essentially it, it hands the duty of “regulating” certain online content to the UK’s Office of Communications (OfCom).

Ofcom Chief Executive Dame Melanie Dawes could barely contain her excitement in a statement to the press:

“Today is a major milestone in the mission to create a safer life online for children and adults in the UK. Everyone at Ofcom feels privileged to be entrusted with this important role, and we’re ready to start implementing these new laws.”

As always with these things, the bill’s text is a challenging and rather dull read, deliberately obscure in its language and difficult to navigate.

Of some note is the “information offenses” clause, which empowers OfCom to demand “information” from users, companies and employees, and makes it a crime to withhold it. The nature of this “information” is never specified, nor does it appear to be qualified. Meaning it could be anything, and will most likely be used to get private account information about users from social media platforms.

In one of the more worrying clauses, the Bill outlines what they call “communications offenses”. Section 10 details crimes of transmitting “Harmful, false and threatening communications”.

It should be noted that sending threats is already illegal in the UK, so the only new ground covered here is “harmful” and/or “false” information, and the fact they feel the need to differentiate between those two things should worry you.

After all, the truth can definitely be “harmful”…Especially to a power-hungry elite barely controlling an angry populace through dishonest propaganda.

Rather amusingly, the bill makes it a crime to “send a message” containing false information in clause 156…then immediately grants immunity to every newspaper, television channel and streaming service in clause 157.

Apparently it’s OK for the mainstream media to be harmful and dishonest.

But the primary purpose of the new law is a transfer of responsibility to enable and incentivize censorship.

Search engines (“regulated search services”, to quote the bill) and social media companies (“regulated user-to-user services”) will now be held accountable for how people use their platform.

For example: If I were to google “Is it safe to drink bleach?”, find some website that says yes, and then drink bleach, OfCom would not hold me responsible. They would hold Google responsible for letting me read that website. Likewise, if someone tweets @ me telling me to drink bleach, and I do so, Twitter would be held responsible for permitting that communication to take place.

This could result in hefty fines, or even potentially criminal charges, to companies and/or executives of those companies. It could even open them up to massively expensive civil suits (don’t be surprised if such a legal drama hits the headlines soon).

Unsurprisingly the mainstream coverage of the new laws barely mentions any of these concerns, instead opting to put child pornography front and centre. Because the Mrs Lovejoy argument always works.

That’s all window dressing, of course, what this is really about is “misinformation” and “hate speech”. Which is to say, fact-checking mainstream lies and calling out mainstream liars.


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e95884 No.92541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603688 (241919ZSEP23) Notable: Canadian Parliament Receives Zelensky, and Gives Standing Ovation to 98 Year-Old Man Who Fought for Nazi SS Division Involved in War Crimes

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Canadian Parliament standing ovation for 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi collaborator

Simon Ateba

MASSIVE OUTRAGE after Canada’s parliament gave a standing ovation during Zelensky joint address Friday to Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old Ukrainian Nazi collaborator who served in a Nazi military unit during the Second World War implicated in the mass murder of Jews and others.

Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center (FSWC) said in a strongly worded statement that it "is deeply disturbed over the Canadian Parliament’s recognition of a Ukrainian veteran who served in a Nazi military unit during the Second World War implicated in the mass murder of Jews and others. FSWC is further outraged that parliamentarians in the House of Commons gave a standing ovation to the former soldier on Friday."

It added, "Yaroslav Hunka, a 98-year-old immigrant from Ukraine, was introduced by Anthony Rota, Speaker of the House of Commons, as “a Ukrainian Canadian war veteran from the Second World War who fought for Ukrainian independence against the Russians” and “a Ukrainian hero and a Canadian hero,” ignoring the horrific fact that Hunka served in the 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS, a Nazi military unit whose crimes against humanity during the Holocaust are well-documented."


3:06 PM · Sep 24, 2023


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e95884 No.92542

File: 04f86b4347d1ef1⋯.png (146.79 KB,976x787,976:787,Clipboard.png)

File: b74bc10ce7c1027⋯.png (73.58 KB,1229x439,1229:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603703 (241920ZSEP23) Notable: B.I.S Digg, con't.

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Note: copied and screenshot from the Annual 2022 - 2023 report shows that

E.S.G (Environment, Social and Corporate Governance) was not a Blackrock invention, it was a B.I.S rule. sources below. video to follow. both combined.


Project Genesis and the return to a less polluted world (00:23:25)

by Bénédicte Nolens

15 Nov 2022

Innovative technologies can foster a greener future by transforming finance. A case in point is the work being done by the BIS Innovation Hub Centre in Hong Kong. Bénédicte Nolens, head of the center, explains how Project Genesis 1.0 and 2.0 aim at making it more attractive to issue and invest in green bonds.

In many countries, issuing and investing in bonds can be cumbersome and complex, involving many steps and parties, and typically requiring a considerable financial commitment from the investor. For those investing in environmentally friendly projects, there is uncertainty about whether the bond issuer is delivering the positive green impact it committed to at issuance. Also, there are typically no liquid and transparent secondary markets for retail investors.

The BIS Innovation Hub and the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) successfully developed two prototype digital platforms that bring to life the vision that an investor can download an app and invest any amount into safe government bonds, which will develop a green project. Over the bond's lifetime, the investor can not only see accrued interest, but also track in real time how much clean energy is being generated, and the consequent reduction in CO2 emissions linked to the investment. Further, the investor can sell the bonds in a transparent market.

Overview of Project Genesis

The Innovation Hub and HKMA completed two prototypes in conjunction with private sector consortiums:

The first prototype simulates the life cycle of a typical bond on a permissioned distributed ledger platform, including origination, subscription, settlement and secondary trading. The prototype was able to considerably streamline these processes.

Digitising green bond issuance by Digital Asset and GFT (00:02:25)

4 Nov 2021(see video)

A second prototype tested the same procedures using a public permissionless blockchain infrastructure. It also managed to streamline the investor onboarding and facilitated the direct payment and settlement between the issuer and investor.

Digitising green bond issuance by the Liberty Consortium (00:02:28)

4 Nov 2021 (see video)

The BIS Green Swan research report maintained that climate change involves complex collective action problems that require increased coordination among governments, private sector, civil society and international community. In line with this takeaway, Genesis was guided by a multi-disciplinary panel of experts in environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, green finance, bond markets, law and regulation. A report which was written by the panel members, offers a broad perspective on how finance can drive the transition to a green and sustainable future.




screenshot video to follow, next post

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e95884 No.92543

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603712 (241922ZSEP23) Notable: B.I.S Digg, con't.

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The lies continue. B.I.S were behind the E.S.G push, Blackrock were just the patsy's.



Note: copied and screenshot from the Annual 2022 - 2023 report shows that

E.S.G (Environment, Social and Corporate Governance) was not a Blackrock invention, it was a B.I.S rule. sources below. see video.

Stakeholders, (corporations) Shareholders (masses on app) sounds great, but it is the chinese social credit system and the climate change agenda. no dissent allowed.

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e95884 No.92544

File: 605473178d4351b⋯.png (494.95 KB,952x860,238:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 10ad14d6ae85057⋯.png (102.08 KB,564x481,564:481,Clipboard.png)

File: 52bafd78a96668a⋯.png (117.25 KB,608x493,608:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603749 (241932ZSEP23) Notable: United States Army Hospital located in Germany Is Now Treating AMERICAN SOLDIERS Hurt While Fighting in Ukraine.

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U.S. Army Hospital in Germany Is Treating Americans Hurt Fighting in Ukraine.


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e95884 No.92545

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603754 (241933ZSEP23) Notable: Parental rights group: 1,000 school districts support hiding kids' gender issue from parents

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Parental rights group: 1,000 school districts support hiding kids' gender issue from parents

Nicole Neily explained that these ideas are being pushed by state school board associations and activist groups.

An education group that supports parents' rights released a comprehensive list this month of over 1,000 school districts that support children keeping their gender identity hidden from their parents.

Parents Defending Education published a list last updated on Sept. 11, which showed that there are 1,044 school districts across the U.S. that "openly state that district personnel can or should keep a student’s transgender status hidden from parents."

"We are still getting tips that are pouring in every day," President of Parents Defending Education Nicole Neily said on the Friday edition of the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show. "We actually released this number initially in March, and then we identified about 200 counties....this number keeps growing across the country."

Neily explained that these ideas are being pushed by state school board associations and LGBTQ activist groups.

"These associations are not parents' friends and we're really trying to remind families of that as well," she explained. "So these are policies that are being pushed by activist groups like GLSEN and the Trevor Project that are saying the families are inherently not safe."

GLSEN and the Trevor Project are activist groups that focus on LGBTQ youth and raise awareness of issues they may be facing in schools.

GLSEN's recommended policy for school districts states that at the elementary school level, "If school staff believe that a gender identity or expression issue is presenting itself and creating difficulty for the child at school, approaching parents about the issue is appropriate at the elementary level."

At the same time, GLSEN is lobbying for school districts to adopt the policy that regarding children in secondary school, "Generally, notification of a student’s parent about his or her gender identity, expression or transition is unnecessary, as they are already aware and may be supportive. In some cases, however, notifying parents carries risks for the student, such as being kicked out of the home."

According to a poll published earlier this year by Parents Defending Education, three out of four voters in the U.S. said they support requiring schools to have parental consent before assisting in a student's gender-identity change.

The poll, conducted from March 15-20 by CRC Research on behalf of Parents Defending Education, with 1,600 registered voters, has a 2.45% margin of error.

Republicans (86%) are more likely than Democrats (69%) to support requiring teachers or staff to inform parents if their child wants to use a different name or pronouns while at school. Black voters are also more likely to support this policy at 78%, compared to 77% of white voters, the poll shows.

Neily explained that parents' rights should not be a partisan issue but rather something on which everyone should come together.

"It's not a partisan issue," she stated. "Children do better when families are involved in their lives. You can supplement their education. You can ask questions. You know your child, but we're being held at arm's length. We're being told [by certain teachers unions] 'We're with your kids eight hours a day, so we know them better than you do.'"


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e95884 No.92546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603755 (241933ZSEP23) Notable: Interior decorator to the stars: ‘Sex rooms are on trend – ours are very luxurious’

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‘Sex rooms are on trend – ours are very luxurious’: Meet the interior designer to the stars

The Hollywood interior designer Martyn Lawrence Bullard is musing over the must-haves that his A-list clientele currently demand for their homes. ‘For a minute there, I became known as the Glam Room King, because everybody suddenly wanted a glam room,’ he says. It’s a trend partly driven by his work with the Kardashian-Jenners, most of whose homes he has decorated.

‘With these girls, their homes are their sets; they’re filming there every day,’ Bullard continues. ‘So we had to learn how to instal lighting that looks decorative but is also the kind of lighting you need for TV, that makes you look amazing the whole time. There’s quite a process to that; you have to have three different types of light bulbs to be able to give morning, afternoon and evening light. So you create these “glam rooms” where you’re customising to the nth degree to make people look even more beautiful. And it’s not just about make-up: it has to be a room where they can entertain, learn their scripts, watch a TV show, catch up on gossip. That’s a very fascinating thing to do.’

His next revelation is rather more unexpected. ‘We’ve had a lot of requests recently for sex rooms, which is interesting,’ he says with a raised eyebrow. ‘That seems to be the current trend. Of course, ours are very luxurious. One person, who shall go unnamed, requested a sex room that looked like a Chanel handbag, complete with quilted patent-leather walls, an ultrasuede bed platform and gold-plated sex toys.’

It’s all a far cry from Lewisham, where Bullard, now 56, was born, and Greenwich Market, where he started out with his own stall at the age of 12, buying and selling antiques and knick-knacks.

‘I convinced my dad to rent the stall for me. I’d use my pocket money to buy things I thought were pretty from other dealers and local junk shops, and I’d rearrange them on my own stall. I’d lay it all out, make it look nice, and then these bemused and amused American tourists would arrive and I’d spin a story and sell all my stuff. I did that until I was 16.’

This formative experience was, he believes, where he developed an eye for putting things together in a room; but it also funded his first dream, to become an actor. After earning enough from his stall to pay for a year and a half studying at the Lee Strasberg drama school in London, he acted in plays and adverts for a few years, supplemented his acting with a bit of modelling, and then decided at the age of 21 to move to America, where his plan was to become a Hollywood star.

‘It became shockingly obvious that instant movie-star fame wasn’t quite as easy a path to follow as I’d thought,’ he concedes. After ‘going to auditions and flailing around for a bit’, he landed a role as Eartha Kitt’s toyboy in the film I Woke Up Early the Day I Died. But his career took a different turn when the film’s producer visited Bullard’s home, ‘a tiny little place I’d decorated from the flea markets’, was impressed with the decor, and asked him to do up the production company’s offices.

‘I thought to myself, I’m going to do their office and I’m going to get a role in another movie,’ Bullard recalls; but in fact, it led to Bullard decorating the offices of another producer – Liz Heller of Capitol Records, who became a friend. It was at Heller’s wedding that he was introduced to Cheryl Tiegs, known as America’s first supermodel.

‘Cheryl had interviewed all the top interior designers in America to do her house, and by the end of the wedding, without even looking at one photograph of my work, she hired me,’ Bullard recalls. ‘Nine months later, I was on the cover of six magazines around the world and my career was born. Within a year I was working with Sigourney Weaver, Edward Norton and Christina Aguilera. Because I started with an American celebrity, my entire career took this celebrity slant – because in that world, it’s all done by recommendation.’

In the years since, his client list has grown to include countless other celebrities, including Cher, Elton John and RuPaul. Yet despite his remarkable success, it seems he still can’t quite believe his luck. ‘As a young boy from south London, I had no idea that one day I’d be having dinner with people like Elton John and Diana Ross,’ he says. ‘Their music was the soundtrack to my life when I was growing up, and suddenly I’m sitting there with the people who created it. It’s extraordinary.’



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e95884 No.92547

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603760 (241934ZSEP23) Notable: B.I.S Digg, con't.

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This proves that the B.I.S set the Rules, the I.M.F loaned the money to 190 countries due to forced lockdowns and destruction of the worlds economies and now they have to push the Green Agenda because they had to by Green bonds.






Note: If it is too fast, pause the video so you can read what is on the screen.

sources below. All below is from primary sources like the B.I.S home site, I.M.F plus research and saved archives from 8kun and the anons on Qresearch.






First published at 01:30 UTC on September 20th, 2023.




5) Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30



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e95884 No.92548

File: 6fa14fa654157e8⋯.png (951.22 KB,913x828,913:828,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603761 (241934ZSEP23) Notable: Chuck Grassley #cornwatch

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He is showing you something is fucked.

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e95884 No.92549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603762 (241934ZSEP23) Notable: People looking to get new COVID vaccine getting hit with $190 fees

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People looking to get new COVID vaccine getting hit with $190 fees: report

By Matthew Sedacca

Published Sep. 23, 2023, 4:56 p.m. ET

Customers nationwide at pharmacies including Walgreens and CVS who landed appointments for the jab this week were shocked to learn they would feel the additional pinch of three-figure fees for their boosters.

It’s a complaint echoed by dozens of social media users after pharmacies dinged patients anywhere from between $125 to $200 for the latest boosters.

The unexpected out-of-pocket costs are in part the result of pharmacies fighting over market share for the new vaccine, The Albany Times Union reported.

Chains like CVS and Walgreens hurriedly placed orders for the latest jabs, which were approved by the Food and Drug Administration last week, before some insurance plans updated their systems for the new shots’ billing codes.

“Some payers are still updating their systems and may not yet be set up to cover the updated COVID-19 vaccines,” a CVS spokesperson told WBZ.


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e95884 No.92550

File: ba6226bd5cf3663⋯.png (277.39 KB,559x593,559:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603763 (241935ZSEP23) Notable: Top Toxicologist Warns mRNA Jabs Are Laced With Cancer-Causing SV40

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Top Toxicologist Warns mRNA Jabs Are Laced With Cancer-Causing SV40

“Um, I’m short on time. So I’m trying to fit this in. Basically, people were given in the clinical trial a clean shot. People, everybody else was given these contaminated shots. Every single vial that’s been tested by every scientist around the world is contaminated with these plasmids. And some are contaminated – when Kevin McKernan first tested the vials, he found that one of the vials contained up to about 30 percent of the nucleic acid material was, in fact, DNA – so this is not some residual contamination that’s carrying over. This is significant contamination.”

Dr. Lindsay went on to say she believed there was a “nefarious intent” behind the SV40 sequences being loaded into the jabs, before going on to warn that the vaccines are “contaminated, dangerous, lethal products.”


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e95884 No.92551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603766 (241936ZSEP23) Notable: Chuck Grassley #cornwatch

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Sweet corn versus Dent Corn

One is food

One is fuel...unless nixtamalized

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e95884 No.92552

File: da26c00a4d02366⋯.jpg (16.47 KB,329x180,329:180,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603778 (241938ZSEP23) Notable: Chuck Grassley #cornwatch

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Dent Corn

Notice the Dents?

It's a variety of corn

Dent corn, also known as grain corn, is a type of field corn with a high soft starch content. It received its name because of the small indentation, or "dent", at the crown of each kernel on a ripe ear of corn. Reid's Yellow Dent is a variety developed by central Illinois farmer James L. Reid. Reid and his father, Robert Reid, moved from Brown County, Ohio, to Tazewell County, Illinois, in 1846 bringing with them a red corn variety known as "Johnny Hopkins", and crossed it with varieties of flint corn and flour corn.[1] Most of today's hybrid corn varieties and cultivars are derived from it. This variety won a prize at the 1893 World's Fair.

Most of the corn grown in the United States today is yellow dent corn or a closely related variety derived from it.[2] Dent corn is the variety used in food manufacturing as the base ingredient for cornmeal flour (used in the baking of cornbread), corn chips, tortillas, and taco shells. Starch derived from this high-starch content variety is turned into plastics, as well as fructose which is used as a sweetener (high-fructose corn syrup) in many processed foods and soft drinks.

The six major types of corn are dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, popcorn, flour corn, and sweet corn.


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e95884 No.92553

File: 87af5bb37e8dad1⋯.mp4 (242.04 KB,318x180,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603788 (241941ZSEP23) Notable: MSM Investigative Journalist Totally Exposes The MAUI MASSACRE During Prime Time

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MSM Investigative Journalist Totally Exposes The MAUI MASSACRE During Prime Time


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e95884 No.92554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603791 (241942ZSEP23) Notable: Joseph Ladapo, Florida Surgeon General: "NOBODY Should Take a COVID Shot…These Are Terrible Products That Absolutely Shouldn't Be in Human Beings"

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Joseph Ladapo, Florida Surgeon General: "NOBODY Should Take a COVID Shot...These Are Terrible Products That Absolutely Shouldn't Be in Human Beings"

Lapado advises against COVID shots for ALL age groups: "We don't recommend it for people under 65 but we don't encourage it for people over 65 either"

"It's not a product, based on its safety, that ANYONE should take"

After 2 vaccines you start to produce the igG4 antibody which can disrupt your immune system

3 vaccines+ (booster) increase your igG4 levels 500 fold, igG4 increases from 0.04% to 20% of the antibodies you producing which shifts your immune system dramatically. You no longer produce igG1 and 3 anymore which handle cancer surveillance


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e95884 No.92555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603792 (241942ZSEP23) Notable: Chuck Grassley #cornwatch

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>or for animals

That too.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS), there are two categories of dent corn hybrids—yellow and white. Yellow dent corn is produced primarily for animal feed and industrial uses such as ethanol and cooking oils.[8] FGIS identifies that "white food corn hybrids are dent corn... are typically contracted and sold to dry-mill processors and used in alkaline cooking processes for making masa, tortilla chips, snack foods, and grits" as well as producing food-grade starch and paper.[9] Dependent on their starch content, some yellow dent corn hybrids are grown and used in the production of food for human consumption.[8]

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e95884 No.92556

File: f1200024d6ea90e⋯.jpeg (64.77 KB,365x349,365:349,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603794 (241942ZSEP23) Notable: Black helicopters flying low over Largo, FL (no sauce, anons discuss)

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Black helicopters flying low over Largo, FL

(~3:25 PM EST) heading SSW

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e95884 No.92557

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603808 (241946ZSEP23) Notable: MSM Investigative Journalist Totally Exposes The MAUI MASSACRE During Prime Time

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MSM Investigative Journalist Totally Exposes The MAUI MASSACRE During Prime Time


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e95884 No.92558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603815 (241948ZSEP23) Notable: Black helicopters flying low over Largo, FL (no sauce, anons discuss)

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daily occurrence central TN/KY border





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e95884 No.92559

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603844 (241954ZSEP23) Notable: #24073

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#24073 >>92494

>>92495 PF reports: C130 coming from GITMO

>>92496, >>92518 Canada parliament gives standing ovation to literal Nazi

>>92497, >>92500 Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

>>92498, >>92512 Former Trump Adviser Calls Cassidy Hutchinson and Other Female White House Aides ‘Pimp Ladies’

>>92499, >>92501 Canadian finance minister Chrystia Freeland's grandfather was a Nazi collaborator

>>92502 End Times News #493

>>92503 Somorie Moses, a longtime pimp known for his "extreme violence," has admitted to murdering his prostitute girlfriend and sex trafficking eight other women

>>92504, >>92515 Video game (Metal Gear Solid) reveals the use of AI in the war on digital misinformation, and the solution of total digital identification for the global populace

>>92505 Nasa pic of the day: A Ring of Fire Sunrise Solar Eclipse

>>92506 3 year delta: Q#4749 Everyone has a choice to make and POTUS pro life post on truthsocial

>>92507 Watch a spacecraft deliver an asteroid sample to Earth. OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will release its sample return capsule into the atmosphere and land at the DoD's test range in Utah

>>92508 Anon digs into Texas campaign funds

>>92509 UFC fighter clutching bible claims fires in Hawaii were man-made to steal land from the natives in live post fight victory speech

>>92510 Anon digs: pregnancy pictures of Michelle Obama on google appear to be AI generated

>>92511 @MattGaetz: We should have separate single-subject spending bills. @SpeakerMcCarthy promised that in January. He is in breach of that promise.

>>92513 UN Secretary General: Clear and present global threat - digital platforms subverting science, requires global action

>>92514 Full 30 minutes of the UN Secretary General fear mongering globalism

>>92516 Senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blames sanctions on Venezuela for the southern border crisis

>>92517 Direct connection between ERIC and ERICSSON, means ALL of our current voting hardware and software, as well as the DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY, are an imminent threat to national security

>>92519 A police officer in Pennsylvania assaulted a woman he had an intimate relationship with and then had her involuntarily committed for several days, has been charged with multiple felonies

>>92520 First 9 minutes of Donald J. Trump interview from Meet the Press that were edited out



repost this bread if you know of something was missed

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e95884 No.92560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603870 (241959ZSEP23) Notable: Evaluation of the bacterial contamination of face masks worn by personnel in a center of COVID 19 hospitalized patients: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

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Thanks Dr Fauci.


Now lets review:

Evaluation of the bacterial contamination of face masks worn by personnel in a center of COVID 19 hospitalized patients: A cross-sectional study


During the Coronavirus Pandemic, the use of masks has increased significantly. The lack of control on hygiene protocols and the need to use PPE properly increases the spread of bacterial infection. The purpose of this study was to investigate the degree of contamination and frequency of bacterial species isolated from surgical and N95 masks used by hospital personnel.


A total number of 175 masks were collected from staff working in Sina hospital (Hamadan province, Iran) during the first six months of 2022. The bacterial contamination of masks were evaluated and identified using biochemical kits. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing of the isolates were done using Kirby-Bauer methods and MIC were assessed for each isolate against different disinfectants (Sodium hypochlorite 5%, Hydrogen Peroxide 3%, Ethanol 70% and Deconex).


Of 175 masks, 471 bacterial isolates were detected including 9 species. The most prevalent strain were Coagulase negative Staphylococcus (28%) followed by Acinetobacter (20.8%) and Pseudomonas (13.8%), while, Klebsiealla and Enterococcus were the least frequent species with the rate of 3.8% and 1.2%, respectively. The results of MIC methods indicated that all 471 strains were resistant to ehtanol70% and sensitive to hydrogen peroxide 3%. Furthermore, the mean average of Deconex inhibitory effect is lower than Sodium hypochlorite 5%.


According to the results of this study, there was a high prevalence of CoNS, Acinetobacter and Pseudomonas in hospital with a high resistance pattern against antibiotics especially Ampicillin and disinfectants.


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e95884 No.92561

File: 2d516eccc23b57b⋯.jpeg (1021.39 KB,892x6784,223:1696,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603881 (242001ZSEP23) Notable: China has floated a barrier about 150 miles west of Luzon, the main island of the Philippines and 560 miles from China owned land

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China has floated a barrier about 150 miles west of Luzon, the main island of the Philippines and 560 miles from China owned land.

China is claiming 79% of the South China Sea and blocking fisherman from those waters today. This is a way bigger issue than fishing in the long run.


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e95884 No.92562

File: b9c24ef59c89896⋯.png (460.7 KB,546x365,546:365,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603883 (242002ZSEP23) Notable: Wisconsin Supreme Court has banned absentee ballot drop boxes in the state

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Wisconsin Supreme Court Bans Absentee Ballot Drop Boxes — 'Good Intentions Never Override the Law'

The Wisconsin Supreme Court has banned absentee ballot drop boxes in the state.


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e95884 No.92563

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603935 (242011ZSEP23) Notable: Black helicopters flying low over Largo, FL (no sauce, anons discuss)

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>>>92556, >>92558 Black helicopters flying low over Largo, FL (no sauce, local anon?)


>Wife took photo on drive home. But, they flew directly over our house. I was up stairs feeding the cats when the whole house started shaking, so I looked out the window as they flew over. Looked like each had a long pole extended on the right side - wife called it a saber 😂


>Very unusual

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e95884 No.92564

File: b30b01e42caa683⋯.png (697.54 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603939 (242011ZSEP23) Notable: Major Depression INCOMING: Credit card losses are rising at the fastest pace since the Great Financial Crisis

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Major Depression INCOMING: Credit card losses are rising at the fastest pace since the Great Financial Crisis

Goldman Sachs predicts credit card losses will continue to climb through the end of 2024 or early 2025 for most issuers.


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e95884 No.92565

File: d04821530428599⋯.png (763.53 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603944 (242013ZSEP23) Notable: Canadian Parliament Receives Zelensky, and Gives Standing Ovation to 98 Year-Old Man Who Fought for Nazi SS Division Involved in War Crimes

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Trudeau, Zelensky honor 98-year-old veteran who fought alongside Nazis in SS division

Trudeau, Zelensky honor 98-year-old veteran who fought alongside Nazis in SS division

Hunka was a guest of Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelensky and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.


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e95884 No.92566

File: d62c5ae369db55f⋯.png (773.97 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603949 (242014ZSEP23) Notable: Gavin Newsom's wife reached out to Harvey Weinstein to help deal with Gavin's affair

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Who is Ruby Rippey Gibney? Jennifer Newsom took Harvey Weinstein's help to deal with Gavin’s infamous affair

Gavin Newsom's 2005 affair with Ruby Rippey-Tourk (now Ruby Rippey Gibney) was ultimately made public in 2007 and he also publicly apologized for it


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e95884 No.92567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603960 (242015ZSEP23) Notable: Black helicopters flying low over Largo, FL (no sauce, anons discuss)

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ft. cambell is two hours from the ky/tn stateline

see n hear um all the time

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e95884 No.92568

File: 332885edf687133⋯.png (946.38 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603965 (242016ZSEP23) Notable: Crime, drugs and terrorism: What Biden’s open-border agenda means for the US. Becoming impossible for either side to ignore

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Crime, drugs and terrorism: What Biden’s open-border agenda means for the US

Even some Democrats in the US are beginning to admit the immigration situation is spiraling out of control


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e95884 No.92569

File: 3e6b1b977c70b36⋯.png (975.34 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: c33f44eed22a46f⋯.png (481 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19603991 (242022ZSEP23) Notable: PF reports: C130 returning to GITMO

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C 130 back to gitmo ?

And this

Little white guy

Is flying tree tops

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e95884 No.92570

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604024 (242027ZSEP23) Notable: #24074

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#24074 >>92521

>>92522 Sub chronic endotoxin inhalation causes persistent airway disease

>>92523, >>92535, >>92537 Bay Area officials says anti-Semitic "Zoombombing" is detailing local democracy

>>92524, >>92525, >>92526, >>92541, >>92565 Canadian Parliament Receives Zelensky, and Gives Standing Ovation to 98 Year-Old Man Who Fought for Nazi SS Division Involved in War Crimes

>>92527 End Times News


>>92529 Elites Enjoy Lavish Dinner at Palace of Versailles While Discussing Climate Change

>>92530 Point La Jolla California beach indefinitely shut down to protect sea lions

>>92531, >>92544 United States Army Hospital located in Germany Is Now Treating AMERICAN SOLDIERS Hurt While Fighting in Ukraine.

>>92532 Mayo Clinic Website Now Says HCQ CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients

>>92533 2018 and 2020 Elections Break Benfords Law

>>92534, >>92548, >>92551, >>92552, >>92555 Chuck Grassley #cornwatch

>>92539 Ben Gvir threatens to implode Israeli govt over concessions to Palestinians

>>92540 UK quietly passes “Online Safety Bill” into law

>>92545 Parental rights group: 1,000 school districts support hiding kids' gender issue from parents

>>92546 Interior decorator to the stars: ‘Sex rooms are on trend – ours are very luxurious’

>>92549 People looking to get new COVID vaccine getting hit with $190 fees

>>92550 Top Toxicologist Warns mRNA Jabs Are Laced With Cancer-Causing SV40

>>92553, >>92557 MSM Investigative Journalist Totally Exposes The MAUI MASSACRE During Prime Time

>>92554 Joseph Ladapo, Florida Surgeon General: "NOBODY Should Take a COVID Shot…These Are Terrible Products That Absolutely Shouldn't Be in Human Beings"

>>92538 Constitutionality of the Death Penalty in America

>>92542, >>92543, >>92547 B.I.S Digg, con't.

>>92556, >>92558, >>92563, >>92567 Black helicopters flying low over Largo, FL (no sauce, anons discuss)

>>92560 Evaluation of the bacterial contamination of face masks worn by personnel in a center of COVID 19 hospitalized patients: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov

>>92561 China has floated a barrier about 150 miles west of Luzon, the main island of the Philippines and 560 miles from China owned land

>>92562 Wisconsin Supreme Court has banned absentee ballot drop boxes in the state

>>92564 Major Depression INCOMING: Credit card losses are rising at the fastest pace since the Great Financial Crisis

>>92566 Gavin Newsom's wife reached out to Harvey Weinstein to help deal with Gavin's affair

>>92568 Crime, drugs and terrorism: What Biden’s open-border agenda means for the US. Becoming impossible for either side to ignore

>>92569 PF reports: C130 returning to GITMO




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e95884 No.92571

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604036 (242030ZSEP23) Notable: #24075-B

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baker can continue or defer

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e95884 No.92572

File: 266e77c54b4f0a7⋯.png (17.22 KB,140x140,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604108 (242043ZSEP23) Notable: Over the past three years, Minneapolis Police Dept. experienced the most significant exodus of uniformed personnel in its history and, last month, dipped to the lowest level in at least four decades

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Minneapolis Experiencing Critical Shortage of Police. Over the past 3 years, MPD experienced the most significant exodus of uniformed personnel in its history and last month, dipped to the lowest level in at least 4 decades. Only Portland OR. had a lower officer-to-resident ratio by the end of 2022.

Minneapolis Experiencing Critical Shortage of Police

Over the past three years, MPD experienced the most significant exodus of uniformed personnel in its history and, last month, dipped to the lowest level in at least four decades.


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e95884 No.92573

File: 245183956ae28ff⋯.png (430.33 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604116 (242045ZSEP23) Notable: CDC Director on School Mask Mandates: We Want People 'Protecting Themselves' and 'Reacting to What They're Seeing'

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CDC Director on School Mask Mandates: We Want People 'Protecting Themselves' and 'Reacting to What They're Seeing'

On Friday's broadcast of "CNN This Morning," CDC Director Dr. Mandy Cohen responded to some schools mandating masks by saying that "we want folks to be


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e95884 No.92574

File: 1b1daf7d4cbab86⋯.png (145.74 KB,781x484,71:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604150 (242053ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Morning Consult Poll: Trump’s Favorability Continues to Rise

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Donald J. Trump


>Morning Consult Poll: Trump’s Favorability Continues to Rise


Sep 24, 2023, 4:17 PM


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e95884 No.92575

File: 2959b1b2266c2e8⋯.png (636.08 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604151 (242053ZSEP23) Notable: Migrants in NYC Pocketing $3,000 a Month Working Illegally While the City Foots Their Bills

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BE FUCKING OUTRAGED: Migrants in New York City Pocketing $3,000 a Month Working Illegally While the City Foots Their Bills

Migrants in NYC Pocketing $3,000 a Month Working Illegally While the City Foots Their Bills

Some migrants are making $3,000 a month working illegally as delivery drivers while New York City foots a $385 per night hotel bill for them.


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e95884 No.92576

File: 2f274d1c6210e72⋯.png (146.24 KB,788x396,197:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604171 (242057ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Trump's Role in History - and Why He Must Be Reelected

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Donald J. Trump


>Trump's Role in History - and Why He Must Be Reelected


Sep 24, 2023, 4:17 PM


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e95884 No.92577

File: 3d36267007931a2⋯.png (456.89 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604183 (242059ZSEP23) Notable: Potato Touts Millions for Clean Water for Ukraine as East Palestine Suffers

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Biden Touts Millions for Clean Water for Ukraine as East Palestine Suffers

Biden boasted about spending "tens of millions" of dollars on clean water for Ukraine, while still not having visited the disaster zone in East Palestine, where residents are still suffering from water contamination.


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e95884 No.92578

File: 356d65148039dc0⋯.png (192.16 KB,785x513,785:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604186 (242100ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: REED COOPER: We’re Witnessing A Repeat Of 2016 And Trump Is Set To Win By A Landslide

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Donald J. Trump


>REED COOPER: We’re Witnessing A Repeat Of 2016 And Trump Is Set To Win By A Landslide


Sep 24, 2023, 4:17 PM


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e95884 No.92579

File: 16fea3cfcb51e2a⋯.jpeg (228.7 KB,1920x768,5:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 40eb6eea275a7f4⋯.jpeg (226.19 KB,1920x1079,1920:1079,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604196 (242102ZSEP23) Notable: More details of the German tank crew fighting for Ukraine

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Russian Reconnaissance Team Destroys Leopard Tank in Special Op Zone With Fully-German Crew

LUGANSK (Sputnik) - A Russian reconnaissance team has destroyed a German-supplied Leopard tank of the Ukrainian military with a crew comprised of Bunderswehr soldiers in the Zaporozhye direction, the team lead with the moniker Legend told Sputnik on Saturday.

"When we curbed another offensive and ATGM-ed [destroyed with an anti-tank guided missile] the Leopard, we moved out to the burned vahicle hoping to seize the 'tongue.' Then we saw that the crew's driver-mechanic was severely injured and the others were dead. Once he awoke, the mechanic started yelling 'nicht schießen' ["do not shoot" in German]," the head of the reconnaissance team said.


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e95884 No.92580

File: 430375e2e7ca011⋯.mp4 (10.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604200 (242103ZSEP23) Notable: Jewish group says an ‘apology is owed’ after Canadian MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

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e95884 No.92581

File: 1733e47d0f71ac7⋯.png (749.66 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604207 (242104ZSEP23) Notable: Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective

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Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective

The Mayo Clinic which has been touted by many as the best hospital system and medical research center in the United States, recently made an interesting update on their website regarding the drug Hydroxychloroquine.


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e95884 No.92582

File: c61a68e099a397d⋯.png (239.61 KB,779x507,779:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604220 (242106ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Steve Bannon Unleashes on the Murdochs: ‘President Trump Will Return Like Cincinnatus and Murdoch Can’t Do Anything To Stop It’

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Donald J. Trump


>Steve Bannon Unleashes on the Murdochs: ‘President Trump Will Return Like Cincinnatus and Murdoch Can’t Do Anything To Stop It’ (Video)


Sep 24, 2023, 4:17 PM


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e95884 No.92583

File: 1ad814b378ec5e2⋯.png (59.62 KB,1190x674,595:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604223 (242106ZSEP23) Notable: Geomagnetic stormfag reports

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...Random spacepost. Geomagnetic storms.

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e95884 No.92584

File: 136156aba3ef754⋯.png (195.59 KB,788x516,197:129,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604240 (242109ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Part II: If Trump Doesn’t Win in 2024, He Won’t Just be the Last Republican President Ever. He’ll be the Last Republican- PERIOD

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Donald J. Trump


>WAYNE ROOT: Part II: If Trump Doesn’t Win in 2024, He Won’t Just be the Last Republican President Ever. He’ll be the Last Republican- PERIOD.


Sep 24, 2023, 4:16 PM


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e95884 No.92585

File: fb5b486ab3b6960⋯.png (406.89 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604252 (242111ZSEP23) Notable: NASA's first asteroid samples land on Earth after release from spacecraft

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Yawn!!!! 'NASA's first asteroid samples land on Earth after release from spacecraft

A space capsule carrying NASA’s first asteroid samples has landed in the Utah desert. The Osiris-Rex spacecraft released the capsule Sunday, following a seven-year journey to asteroid Bennu and back.


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e95884 No.92586

File: 35bf5635466279e⋯.png (179.93 KB,970x678,485:339,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604255 (242112ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez! They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived. Why doesn’t the FBI raid Senate Democrat’s homes like they illegally raided Mar-a-Lago

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Donald J. Trump


Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez! They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived. Why doesn’t the FBI raid Senate Democrat’s homes like they illegally raided Mar-a-Lago, where nothing was done wrong based on the Presidential Records Act. Menendez is a “piker” compared to some of those Election Stealing THUGS. Can you imagine how much Crooked Joe Biden has stolen, and what’s in some of his many homes? The FBI and “Justice” notified him that they would be going in to look,“in a few weeks.” In other words, get rid of the cash, gold, & documents, ASAP, before we get there. They didn’t give me any warning, they just showed up. Hunter lived with Crooked Joe in Delaware. It would be a “Treasure Hunt!” Crooked’s coffers must be loaded up with cash. I wonder how much they got paid for Rigging the Election? Menendez is one of many, a small timer at that. EVERY DEMOCRAT SHOULD RESIGN FROM THE SENATE! Our Border’s are Broken, our Election’s are Rigged. MAGA!





Sep 24, 2023, 4:58 PM


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e95884 No.92587

File: c58ddefaed4b6c0⋯.png (816.53 KB,778x1883,778:1883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604258 (242112ZSEP23) Notable: Under congressional mandate, the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (IG) has conducted unannounced visits to CBP holding facilities across the country, many of which have fallen well shy of agency standards.

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Media fumed over Trump's detention of illegal immigrants, now issue has boomeranged on Biden

Under congressional mandate, the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General has conducted unannounced visits to CBP holding facilities across the country. It turns out that Biden's treatment of immigrants looks a lot like the same treatment that Democrats and the media howled about during the Trump era.

ormer President Donald Trump attracted intense media scrutiny and criticism over the detention of illegal immigrants. But now the issue has boomeranged on the Biden administration and his party, which is being cited by government watchdogs for poor conditions at Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facilities during the surge at the southern border.

More than six million immigrants have illegally entered the United States during Joe Biden's presidency. The influx appears to have placed considerable strain on facilities intended to accommodate fresh arrivals. Federal agencies are seemingly unable to provide adequate service in the face of the sheer volume.

Under congressional mandate, the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (IG) has conducted unannounced visits to CBP holding facilities across the country, many of which have fallen well shy of agency standards.

Since June, the IG has published the results of its surprise visits to facilities in the Yuma and Tucson areas of Arizona; the Rio Grand Valley area; an ICE detention center in Lumpkin, Ga.; another in Bowling Green, Va.; and CBP holding facilities around El Paso, Texas. ...


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e95884 No.92588

File: 0dac34f9dc2c6d8⋯.png (245.43 KB,783x529,783:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604280 (242114ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truth social: Media fumed over Trump's detention of illegal immigrants, now issue has boomeranged on Biden

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Donald J. Trump


>Media fumed over Trump's detention of illegal immigrants, now issue has boomeranged on Biden


Sep 24, 2023, 4:16 PM


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e95884 No.92589

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604287 (242115ZSEP23) Notable: Under congressional mandate, the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (IG) has conducted unannounced visits to CBP holding facilities across the country, many of which have fallen well shy of agency standards.

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Under congressional mandate, the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (IG) has conducted unannounced visits to CBP holding facilities across the country, many of which have fallen well shy of agency standards.

"well shy"

bet some are HELL HOLES.

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e95884 No.92590

File: effc756bf5fb6fa⋯.png (222.75 KB,788x560,197:140,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604302 (242117ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The Brief: The Media’s Favorite Lies To Protect Joe Biden In His Son’s Influence Peddling Schemes

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Donald J. Trump


>The Brief: The Media’s Favorite Lies To Protect Joe BIden In His Son’s Influence Peddling Schemes


Sep 24, 2023, 4:16 PM


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e95884 No.92591

File: e0d0ca64c20e61c⋯.jpeg (692.59 KB,892x4584,223:1146,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604308 (242118ZSEP23) Notable: Vaccination Offers ‘No Meaningful Protection’ Against Long COVID: Study

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Vaccination Offers ‘No Meaningful Protection’ Against Long COVID: Study

Findings in a new study challenge the mainstream narrative that COVID-19 vaccinations prevent long COVID. The study found that while previous infections reduce the risk of long COVID by 86 percent, vaccination status prior to COVID infection is irrelevant to a person’s risk of developing long COVID.

“The notion had been that both previous infection as well as vaccination reduce the chances of subsequent long COVID should you become infected,” Dr. William Schaffner, professor of preventive medicine and health policy at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told The Epoch Times.

These investigators have poured “cool water” on that concept, he continued.

Researchers from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, an over-500-year-old research university in Germany, found that people with the highest risk of long COVID or post-COVID condition, as the authors wrote, were unvaccinated people infected with the Wuhan variant, followed by unvaccinated and vaccinated participants infected with the alpha variant.

While not explicitly discussed in the study, the study’s diagram and supplementary tables showed that with the exception of infection with the Wuhan variant, unvaccinated people tend to have a slightly lower risk of long COVID than their vaccinated counterparts.

Furthermore, unvaccinated people infected with the omicron variant had the lowest risk of long COVID.

“Vaccination offered no meaningful protection against developing PCC [post-COVID condition] in case of an infection. In contrast, there was … strong evidence that a previous infection reduced the risk of PCC,” the authors wrote.

Based on Online Questionnaire

Nearly 49,000 people in the German population responded to the survey. Participants were recruited through postal mail. They were then asked to fill out an online questionnaire that included a list of symptoms.

Participants self-reported if they tested positive for COVID-19 and the symptoms they experienced afterward.

The study authors asked for symptoms present from the four- to 12-week post-infection window and for symptoms that persisted after the 12th week. Symptoms that did not persist beyond that were not deemed as long COVID.

Depending on the date of infection, the authors categorized the participant as being infected by the dominant variant at the time.

“We categorized infections before January 1, 2021 as caused by the Wildtype (Wuhan) variant, infections between January 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021 as caused by the Alpha variant, infections between July 1, 2021 and December 20, 2021 as caused by the Delta variant, and infections from December 21, 2021 as caused by the Omicron variant,” the authors wrote.

Of all the surveyed people, around 17,000 had at least one COVID-19 infection, with around 2,800 reporting long-COVID symptoms.

None of the participants in the study was physically examined nor did they present lab tests on their health.

Doctors are engaged in a debate over the study’s findings and its methodology.

Many were concerned that the questionnaire was too subjective. Like many large population-based studies, the findings are provocative, “but they’re often not definitive. You have to do other follow-up studies, many of which are much smaller but much more precise, and they eliminate a lot of the uncertainty,” Dr. Schaffner said.

Dr. Cody Meissner, a professor of pediatrics at the Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine, argued that the study’s participant is “so heterogeneous” and that he is not sure what to conclude from the study.

As the study authors admit, none of the participants was given an actual diagnosis of long COVID nor tested for comorbidities. It is possible that any of the patients could have been suffering from another disease that may have been unrelated to COVID-19.

Long COVID Is Hard to Define

Another major problem plaguing long-COVID research is that everyone has a different definition of long COVID.


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e95884 No.92592

File: 0a5e626c462b0b3⋯.png (64.52 KB,917x290,917:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604312 (242119ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The WAPO has just increased my polling lead over Crooked Joe Biden to 10 Points, from 9. Well, at least they admitted their mistake!

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Donald J. Trump


The WAPO has just increased my polling lead over Crooked Joe Biden to 10 Points, from 9. Well, at least they admitted their mistake! This could be the beginning of a giant comeback for what has become known as the LameStream Media. Would also be a Big Day In America!





Sep 24, 2023, 5:17 PM


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e95884 No.92593

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604325 (242121ZSEP23) Notable: Vaccination Offers ‘No Meaningful Protection’ Against Long COVID: Study

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dbl post, sry.

“There is a post-COVID symptomatology … But I don’t think we understand the biological basis; we can’t define it very clearly. So to make a statement that it was more or less common after certain variants or vaccines is pretty difficult,” Dr. Meissner said.

Retired associate professor of Brown University Dr. Andrew Bostom agreed that the long-COVID condition is poorly defined in the literature, so it is hard to conclude if the symptoms are long COVID or if it is something else entirely.

Apart from the loss of smell and taste, all other symptoms that characterize the long-COVID condition can manifest through psychosomatic triggers, Dr. Bostom said.

The study’s findings “look interesting, particularly to people like me that have been disappointed in how such short shrift was given to natural immunity,” Dr. Bostom, who has extensive experience working on pharmaceutical clinical trials, told The Epoch Times. But it’s hard to conclude prior infection is protective against long COVID “if you’re not really sure what the post-COVID condition is.”

Study Findings Validate What Some Doctors See

Dr. Joseph Varon, chief of the Critical Care and COVID-19 Department at the United Memorial Medical Center, told The Epoch Times that he can look past the flaws in the methodology since the study findings validate what he sees in his clinic.

The study did not discuss if vaccinations put people at risk of long COVID. Its graph showed that the vaccinated cohort tended to have a slightly higher risk of long COVID than the unvaccinated, when they were infected by the same variant.

Dr. Varon interpreted this to suggest that vaccinations may put people at a greater risk of long COVID, which is what he has been seeing in his clinic.

“What I’m seeing is that the higher the number of boosters that you have, the more chances … you’re going to have long haul syndrome,” he said, adding that the majority of his long-haul patients are those who took four or more doses of the vaccine rather than those who took up to three doses or were unvaccinated.

Dr. Varon also found that the study’s findings on the most prevalent symptoms very accurately mirror what he sees in his clinic, with fatigue and cognitive impairment being the most common symptoms among his patients.

Psychiatrist Dr. Adonis Sfera at Patton State Hospital agreed that the study’s symptoms are mostly representative of what he sees in his clinic, though the primary symptoms are fatigue and shortness of breath.

He also agreed with the notion that more vaccinations may put people at risk of long-haul symptoms since the vaccinations would induce the production of more spike proteins, which can cause organ damage and symptoms.

“The vaccines make our cells express the spike antigen. So the more vaccinated you are, the more likely you are to express the antigen,” he said.

Hide Vaccine Injuries From Scrutiny?

Nurse practitioner Scott Marsland, who shares the Leading Edge Clinic, a long-COVID and vaccine-injury practice, with pulmonary critical care physician Dr. Pierre Kory, expressed concern that the study findings may hide vaccine injuries from scrutiny.

“[The paper] helps perpetuate the narrative that … it doesn’t make a difference whether or not [someone] got the vaccine; it’s all about whether or not they got infected and which variant they got,” Mr. Marsland said.

Long COVID and vaccine injury can share very similar symptoms, but detailed patient records would show that the symptoms appeared after different exposures.

Mr. Marsland was concerned that the study dismisses the cumulative effects the vaccines may have on patients, which contradicts what he sees in his clinic.

Some of his patients developed mild symptoms after their first or second shot, but they did not link it temporally to the vaccines until “they got the booster or a second booster” and their symptoms became severe, he said.

2 of 2

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e95884 No.92594

File: 9dab74e7805dcca⋯.png (380.58 KB,598x568,299:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604362 (242146ZSEP23) Notable: WATCH: The National Pulse Interview With President Trump, Trailer

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Jason Miller


WATCH: The National Pulse Interview With President Trump, Trailer.


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e95884 No.92595

File: f456f3da8ed5c53⋯.png (1.02 MB,1920x1012,480:253,Clipboard.png)

File: fa90e0441148232⋯.png (599.82 KB,1920x1016,240:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604366 (242148ZSEP23) Notable: PF reports on PB tracked flight: calling bullshit on the entire flight. The Super Hornet has a ferry range of 1,800 nm. But not with these speed variations

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PF calling bullshit on the entire flight. The Super Hornet has a ferry range of 1,800 nm. But not with these speed variations.

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e95884 No.92596

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604369 (242149ZSEP23) Notable: Jewish group says an ‘apology is owed’ after Canadian MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

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Jewish group says an ‘apology is owed’ after MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis

Several Jewish advocacy organizations condemned members of Parliament on Sunday for giving a standing ovation to a man who fought for a Nazi unit during the Second World War.

During Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s visit to Ottawa on Friday, MPs honoured 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka in the House of Commons.

Hunka was invited by Speaker Anthony Rota, who introduced him as a war hero who fought for the First Ukrainian Division.

“I am very proud to say that he is from North Bay and from my riding of Nipissing, Timiskaming,” the Ontario MP said as an introduction.

“He is a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero, and we thank him for all his service.”

MPs cheered and Zelenskyy raised his fist in acknowledgement as Hunka saluted from the gallery during two separate standing ovations.

The First Ukrainian Division was also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division or the SS 14th Waffen Division, a voluntary unit that was under the command of the Nazis.

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center for Holocaust Studies issued a statement Sunday saying the division “was responsible for the mass murder of innocent civilians with a level of brutality and malice that is unimaginable.”

“An apology is owed to every Holocaust survivor and veteran of the Second World War who fought the Nazis, and an explanation must be provided as to how this individual entered the hallowed halls of Canadian Parliament and received recognition from the Speaker of the House and a standing ovation,” the statement said.

B’nai Brith Canada CEO Michael Mostyn said it is beyond outrageous that Parliament honoured a former member of a Nazi unit, saying Ukrainian “ultra-nationalist ideologues” who volunteered for the Galicia Division “dreamed of an ethnically homogenous Ukrainian state and endorsed the idea of ethnic cleansing.”

“We understand an apology is forthcoming. We expect a meaningful apology. Parliament owes an apology to all Canadians for this outrage, and a detailed explanation as to how this could possibly have taken place at the centre of Canadian democracy,” Mostyn said.

The Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, which represents Jewish federations across the country, said it is deeply troubled by the incident.

“Canada’s Jewish community stands firmly with Ukraine in its war against Russian aggression. But we can’t stay silent when crimes committed by Ukrainians during the Holocaust are whitewashed,” the group said in a statement published Sunday on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Members of Parliament from all parties rose to applaud Hunka. A spokesperson for the Conservative party said the party was not aware of his history at the time.

“We find the reports of this individual’s history very troubling,” said Sebastian Skamski, adding that the Liberals would have to explain why he was invited.

A spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office directed The Canadian Press to the office of the Speaker for comment.

Rota’s office did not immediately respond to questions.

Monuments to honour the First Ukrainian Division have caused controversy in recent years.

In 2021, a statue of Ukrainian military leader Roman Shukhevych and a monument to the fighters of the Waffen-SS Galicia Division in Edmonton were vandalized by someone who spray painted them with the words “Actual Nazi.”

The Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center said at the time that it had been advocating for their removal for decades.

In 2020, a monument to the Waffen-SS Galicia Division in Oakville, Ont., was vandalized in a similar way.

The decision to admit Ukrainian immigrants who had served in the SS Waffen Division in the post-war period was contentious, with Jewish groups arguing they should be barred from the country.

The International Military Tribunal in Nuremburg declared the SS to be a criminal organization, including the SS Waffen in that declaration.

The Waffen-SS Galicia Division surrendered to the British army in 1945, and just over 8,000 men were moved to the United Kingdom in 1947.

In 1950, the federal cabinet decided to allow Ukrainians living in the U.K. to come to Canada “notwithstanding their service in the German army provided they are otherwise admissible. These Ukrainians should be subject to special security screening, but should not be rejected on the grounds of their service in the German army.”

In 1985, then-prime minister Brian Mulroney called for a royal commission to examine whether Canada had become a haven for war criminals.

The Deschênes Commission found there were about 600 former members of the Waffen-SS Galicia Division living in Canada at the time. But Justice Jules Deschenes said membership in the division did not itself constitute a war crime.

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e95884 No.92597

File: 76d7552d3bcc17e⋯.png (330.68 KB,598x502,299:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604376 (242151ZSEP23) Notable: BREAKING: President Emmanuel Macron says France will end its military presence in Niger and pull its ambassador from the country

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African News feed.


BREAKING: President Emmanuel Macron says France will end its military presence in Niger and pull its ambassador from the country.




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e95884 No.92598

File: 2c832b67523a1fc⋯.png (230.92 KB,732x962,366:481,Clipboard.png)

File: a0e84b62cd86b28⋯.png (103.86 KB,917x515,917:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604387 (242154ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Washington Post gobsmacked over its own poll result on Trump soaring approval– and hastens to tell its readers it may be an 'outlier'

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September 24, 2023

Washington Post gobsmacked over its own poll result on Trump soaring approval- and hastens to tell its readers it may be an 'outlier'

By Monica Showalter

It's got to be tough to be the leaders at the Washington Post, water-carriers for the Biden administration.

Along with many others, they took a poll to see how his re-election prospects are going ... and they didn't like the results.

A Washington Post-ABC News poll finds President Biden struggling to gain approval from a skeptical public, with dissatisfaction growing over his handling of the economy and immigration, a rising share saying the United States is doing too much to aid Ukraine in its war with Russia and broad concerns about his age as he seeks a second term.

Biden and former president Donald Trump appear headed for a rematch of their 2020 contest, although more than 3 in 5 Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say they would prefer a nominee other than the president. But Biden’s advisers have argued that he is the strongest Democrat for 2024 and those who wish for someone else share no consensus on who that should be, with 8 percent naming Vice President Harris, 8 percent naming Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and 20 percent saying they prefer “just someone else.”

The Post-ABC poll shows Biden trailing Trump by 10 percentage points at this early stage in the election cycle, although the sizable margin of Trump’s lead in this survey is significantly at odds with other public polls that show the general election contest a virtual dead heat. The difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an outlier.

Some of them are very bad indeed for Joe Biden's re-election prospects - a 20-point lead among younger voters, ages 18-35 for President Trump, a 10-point lead in the general election, a near-half of minority voters choosing President Trump, and all this as the Biden administration doubles down to destroy Trump through a string of junk court cases which they hope will ruin him even if they will not win.

It had to be an outlier, right? The Post said so, and it was its own poll. They went up and down the piece trying to diminish the importance of every finding they had in it, and it was pitiful. Yet comparable direction-of-country and job approval ratings were seen, in their past polls and in competitor polls, suggesting they got the sentiment right. But there seems to be a turn in the numbers as the rest of the polling, both their own, and others, shows.

That suggests a crisis, an insurmountable lead that even rigging and cheating isn't going to be able to fix for them. And if Trump does get elected as a result of this doomsday poll, it means the death of the deep state - and their own role in it.

No wonder they are covering their eyes and telling their readers not to believe it. It's the sad result of a poll, an indicator, so bleak it amounts to a tolling bell on their prospects.

If it happens, it's going to be quite a festival of weeping and gnashing teeth.




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e95884 No.92599

File: bfdfd397fe223d1⋯.png (462.68 KB,800x848,50:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604397 (242156ZSEP23) Notable: MSM struggling to handle polls showing Trump leading Potato

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‘Tough One to Spin’: ABC’s Martha Raddatz and Panel React to Poll Shocker Showing Trump Leading Biden By 10

The shocking new ABC/Washington News poll showing President Joe Biden trailing former President Donald Trump by a whopping 10 points dominated discussion on This Week Sunday.

Host Martha Raddatz kicked off a panel segment midway through the show with some blunt analysis.

“Whatever caveats, whether that is an outlier, that’s a tough one to spin,” Raddatz said.

But that didn’t stop former DNC chair Donna Brazile from trying.

“It’s a tough one to spin, Martha,” Brazile conceded. “But I don’t believe Democrats should be sitting in a panic room.”

Brazile went on to argue that Democrats should “get back to the kitchen table” and start talking to people. Raddatz, though, pushed back.

“The message may be out there, but they’re not feeling it,” Raddatz said.

“There’s more than enough time to turn all of this bad weather around and go out there and make your case to the American people,” Brazile replied.

Raddatz later turned the discussion to President Biden’s age.

“Obviously, he can’t do anything about that,” Raddatz said. “But he does keep saying, just look at me and people look at him.”

“And this poll is the result of what they see,” said Alex Burns, Politico’s head of news. “That when you when you have an unfixable issue like that. Right. You cannot make the president younger. You can change his appearance on the margins, but not by a lot.”

Burns added, “Maybe [Democrats are] right to be relatively confident that they can take on Donald Trump. But when you have a summer of Biden on mixed messaging and the result at the end of that is the numbers that you see in this poll, that should be pretty alarming for Democrats.”

Watch above, via ABC.


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e95884 No.92600

File: f217638ceb79af8⋯.png (579.83 KB,747x570,249:190,Clipboard.png)

File: d200f4b1f48a98b⋯.png (614.45 KB,750x618,125:103,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604404 (242158ZSEP23) Notable: Niger's new leaders have increased the price of uranium exports from $0.80 to $200 per kilogram. France and other nations will now have to pay the market price rather than a plunder price

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e95884 No.92601

File: 999a31706ed1a1e⋯.png (289.46 KB,812x889,116:127,Clipboard.png)

File: a01cd3f04c60956⋯.png (177.77 KB,944x394,472:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604410 (242158ZSEP23) Notable: MSM struggling to handle polls showing Trump leading Potato

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PANIC: ABC Hyperventilates Over Poll Showing Trump Beating Biden BIG

On Sunday, ABC News released a poll in conjunction with The Washington Post and the results were apocalyptically bad for Joe Biden's reelection chances against former President Donald Trump. Aside from the Jimmy Carter-like disapproval ratings on the economy and inflation, Biden is now losing to Trump by 9 points in a head-to-head matchup. Of course, ABC's This Week had a near-panic attack when reporting the numbers. It was fun to watch.

"These numbers are simply staggering for the sitting President," ABC political director Rick Klein told co-moderator Martha Raddatz.

Reading out the poll's findings, Klein reported: "44 percent of people in this poll say they are not as well off as they were at the start of the Biden administration 2 1/2 years ago. Those are the worst numbers that we've seen in our ABC News Washington Post polling."

"He's been talking about how inflation has been easing, but people aren't buying it. You covered some of the reasons why. Gas prices, food prices, grocery prices and the like," Klein added. "Right now on the big picture in the economy, 74 percent of the country, that's about three-quarters of Americans who say the economy is either not so good or downright poor."

Raddatz jumped in to note that "it's not just the state of the nation or the policies that are giving people pause on President Biden. It seems to be the man himself."

"Three-quarters of Americans, 74 percent, say that he is too old to effectively serve in a second term. That compares to about 50 percent who say the same around Donald Trump," Klein told Raddatz.

He noted that it's not just Republicans or independents. Democrats feel similarly about Biden's age.

Klein moved onto the "most startling number" in the poll which found "51 percent for Donald Trump over Joe Biden. That is a nine-point edge. Now that's only a couple of points difference from our last poll in May, but it is significantly different than most recent polls."

Now Klein was quick to point out that voters' approval of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v Wade was underwater, but both Klein and Raddatz noted that this was the only good news in the poll for Biden or the Democrat Party.

The transcript is below:


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e95884 No.92602

File: a391ea6b20c0a8d⋯.png (671.97 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604423 (242201ZSEP23) Notable: Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn blasted Potato on Sunday for being “weak” on America’s adversaries

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Marsha Blackburn Says ‘New Axis Of Evil’ Feels ‘Emboldened’ By Biden’s Weaknes

Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn blasted President Joe Biden on Sunday for being “weak” on America’s adversaries.

Blackburn made the comments during an appearance on WABC 770 AM’s “Cats Roundtable” with host John Catsimatidis. She said Biden’s performance as president has “emboldened” what she called the “new axis of evil.”

“What worries me tremendously is what we see happening with the aggression coming out of the new Axis of Evil: Russia, China, Iran, North Korea,” Blackburn said. “The pressure that they are putting on one another to stand up and fight against the United States.”

“And we see how they feel emboldened because Joe Biden is weak, Joe Biden is not holding them to account, Joe Biden has not asked China to explain COVID and what happened at the lab, that he has allowed them to continue to export to the United States without saying one word to them about the trade imbalance,” Blackburn said.

The Tennessee Republican added that Biden has “[continued] to allow” China to be aggressive with Taiwan. In the past year, China has ramped up its aggression toward the island nation, conducting extensive military drills after former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) visited Taiwan in August 2022 and when Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen visited California and met with current House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in April.

In just one day last week, China sent 103 military aircraft around Taiwan, with 40 entering the air-defense identification zone. Earlier this month, roughly 24 warships sailed near Taiwan, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Blackburn also criticized Biden for his recent deal with Iran, in which the United States received five Americans held captive in Iran in exchange for releasing five Iranian prisoners and $6 billion in frozen assets.

“We see Iran now emboldened because Joe Biden has released $6 billion to them, and we know, you know John, they are not going to use that money to feed the poor,” Blackburn said. “They are not going to use it to better the lives of their people. They’re going to use it to push forward on uranium enrichment and nuclear proliferation.”

A National Security Council spokeswoman said U.S. officials would oversee the use of the funds and called it a “procedural step” to ensure humanitarian aid gets to the country. However, in an interview with NBC News’s Lester Holt earlier this month, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said the money “belongs to the Iranian people, the Iranian government, so the Islamic Republic of Iran will decide what to do with this money.”

“With Iran saying, ‘We’ll do whatever we want to do,’ and knowing that Iran has teamed up with Russia to create drones that are now flying over Ukraine, and China, we hear, is pretty much banking that operation. This should be something that worries us,” Blackburn said. “Having Kim Jong Un over in Russia visiting with Putin, extending the hand of friendship, saying ‘We want to be your ally, come visit with us in North Korea, come see what we’re doing on developing next-generation rockets.’ This is not something that is going to serve the American people and our cause of pushing freedom around the globe.”


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e95884 No.92603

File: 047899ad80c26bf⋯.png (175.68 KB,1084x929,1084:929,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604430 (242203ZSEP23) Notable: MSM struggling to handle polls showing Trump leading Potato

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Sept. 15-20, 2023, Washington Post-ABC News poll

MOST READ National



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e95884 No.92604

File: 5a5b970a5622628⋯.png (583.35 KB,1145x916,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604436 (242204ZSEP23) Notable: MSM struggling to handle polls showing Trump leading Potato

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Poll showing Trump up 10 points over Biden for 2024 election criticized

A new Washington Post-ABC poll showing Joe Biden trailing his presidential predecessor Donald Trump by 10 percentage points was excoriated by leading political pollster Larry Sabato.

Noting that the pollsters themselves cautioned that their survey was an outlier, Sabato – the director of the Center for Politics at the University of Virginia – called the decision to release it “ridiculous”.

Ignore the Washington Post–ABC poll,” Sabato wrote on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. “How could you even publish a poll so absurd on its face? Will be a lingering embarrassment for you.” He added: “Just plain embarrassing – for them.”

The New York Times’ chief political analyst Nate Cohn also criticized the poll that said Trump was ahead of Biden in the 2024 White House race.

Referring to a Post-ABC poll in May that found Trump was up seven percentage points on Biden, which was similarly inconsistent with most polling, Cohn wrote on X: “It’s really really hard to release outlying poll results, so you’ve got to give credit to ABC/Post here, but I do have a fairly major quibble with ABC/Post here: if you release consecutive ‘outlying’ poll results … you don’t get to dismiss your results.

“If it happens twice in a row in the same race, it’s clear that this is the result of some element of your approach, and you either need to decide you’re good with it and defend it or you need to go home.”

The Washington Post acknowledged its survey was not in line with most polling, which generally finds that the Democratic incumbent Biden and the former Republican president Trump would be in a close, competitive race if they faced each other in the 2024 election.

The Post wrote in its analysis: “The … poll shows Biden trailing Trump by 10 percentage points at this early stage in the election cycle, although the sizable margin of Trump’s lead in this survey is significantly at odds with other public polls that show the general election contest a virtual dead heat.

“The difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey, suggests it is probably an outlier.”

Despite the criticisms, at least one person stood by the poll results, with host Martha Raddatz saying on Sunday’s ABC This Week: “Whatever caveats, whether that is an outlier, that’s a tough one to spin.”


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e95884 No.92605

File: 3c6bf3447fb180f⋯.png (89.75 KB,601x498,601:498,Clipboard.png)

File: 4feff8e40f967d4⋯.png (167.2 KB,1492x1368,373:342,Clipboard.png)

File: 4feff8e40f967d4⋯.png (167.2 KB,1492x1368,373:342,Clipboard.png)

File: be76825cadc4b94⋯.png (244.57 KB,1080x1123,1080:1123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604454 (242210ZSEP23) Notable: MSM struggling to handle polls showing Trump leading Potato

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Washington Post calls its own poll showing Trump beating Biden by 10 points an 'outlier'

Biden touts economic progress as polls show the president is losing ground with voters

FOX News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich details President Biden's claims of economic progress as his support falls among key constituencies on 'Special Report.'

An ABC/Washington Post poll that found former President Trump ahead of President Biden by 10 points among registered voters in a hypothetical rematch was deemed an "outlier" by the Post on Sunday.

Some criticized the Post and said they were dismissing the poll, published on Sunday, as it was very unfavorable towards the president.

"The Post-ABC poll shows Biden trailing Trump by 10 percentage points at this early stage in the election cycle, although the sizable margin of Trump’s lead in this survey is significantly at odds with other public polls that show the general election contest a virtual dead heat. The difference between this poll and others, as well as the unusual makeup of Trump’s and Biden’s coalitions in this survey, suggest it is probably an outlier," The Washington Post's write-up of the poll said.

However, ABC News' report on their results did not suggest it was an outlier.

An NBC News poll published Sunday showed the two were tied in a hypothetical rematch, 46% to 46%.

Other recent polls from the last couple of months have also showed the two tied in a hypothetical rematch.

ABC News noted that the support for Trump in a hypothetical rematch was not a significant increase from their last ABC/Washington Post poll.

"Head-to-head in a hypothetical November 2024 matchup, Trump has 51% support while Biden has 42% numerically up 3 points for Trump and down 2 points for Biden from an ABC/Post poll in February, shifts that are not statistically significant," the ABC write-up said. "There's even less change from the most recent ABC/Post poll in May, which had the race at 49-42% (again with a different, but comparable, question wording). Still, with Trump inching over 50% and other polls showing a closer contest - a close look is warranted."

FOX News contributor Joe Concha said the poll was being "dismissed" by the media and suggested that calls for President Biden to drop out of the race might increase if more polls show Trump ahead.


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e95884 No.92606

File: 8243e9e1b71d7c5⋯.png (305.81 KB,1920x1512,80:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 87ea6caac79a528⋯.mp4 (5.6 MB,888x486,148:81,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604456 (242211ZSEP23) Notable: Niger's new leaders have increased the price of uranium exports from $0.80 to $200 per kilogram. France and other nations will now have to pay the market price rather than a plunder price

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The Central African CFA franc is the currency of six independent states in Central Africa: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon. These six countries have a combined population of 55.2 million people (as of 2020), and a combined GDP of over US$100 billion (as of 2021).


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e95884 No.92607

File: 12b9468b5740927⋯.mp4 (7.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604467 (242212ZSEP23) Notable: HRC interview with Psaki: Russia Russia Russia, Putin hates democracy

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Whoah wasn't sure the board was up, must be my end.

Y'all see this shit Beautiful "Russia russia russia!"

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e95884 No.92608

File: 79dab49b9c9a38c⋯.png (232.76 KB,546x563,546:563,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d826b8a50e06ec⋯.png (527.25 KB,561x924,17:28,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604469 (242213ZSEP23) Notable: An official member of the Democrat Party in Richmond, Virginia, Jimmie Lee Jarvis, posted a bomb threat against journalist Andy Ngo on Friday

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Leader in Richmond Democrat Party Group Posts Online Bomb Threat Against Event Featuring Andy Ngo

An official member of the Democrat Party in Richmond, Virginia, Jimmie Lee Jarvis, posted a bomb threat against journalist Andy Ngo on Friday. The threat was made ahead of an event organized by the Virginia Council and Common Sense Society at the Commonwealth Club in Richmond, Virginia.


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e95884 No.92609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604483 (242216ZSEP23) Notable: HRC interview with Psaki: Russia Russia Russia, Putin hates democracy

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Check out her ring

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e95884 No.92610

File: 1d86cb7d0890162⋯.png (258.49 KB,964x835,964:835,Clipboard.png)

File: be76825cadc4b94⋯.png (244.57 KB,1080x1123,1080:1123,Clipboard.png)

File: f2b70431087f59b⋯.png (583.21 KB,3072x1836,256:153,Clipboard.png)

File: ee71f9a9af0c561⋯.png (186.74 KB,1080x978,180:163,Clipboard.png)

File: bd282a98874eb80⋯.png (175.64 KB,1080x411,360:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604485 (242216ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: NATIONAL POLL: ABC/WP (R) Trump 52% (+10) (D) Biden 42% - ABC/WP (A)890 RV9/15-20

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Donald J. Trump




(R) Trump 52% (+10)

(D) Biden 42%


(R) Trump 52 (+13)

(D) Biden 39%



Trump 54% (+39)

DeSantis 15%

Haley 7%

Pence 6%

Scott 4%

Christie 3%

Ramaswamy 3%


ABC/WP (A)890 RV9/15-20


Sep 24, 2023, 12:45 AM


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e95884 No.92611

File: 8563201ca609fe3⋯.png (354.71 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604491 (242217ZSEP23) Notable: Smartmatic implicated in alleged bribery scheme involving top Filipino election official

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Doesn't Kamala's husband have something to do with Smartmatic??

PANIC: Smartmatic voting machine company implicated in bribery and money laundering

Smartmatic implicated in alleged bribery scheme involving top Filipino election official | CNN Business

Smartmatic, the voting technology company suing Fox News and former President Donald Trump’s top allies over their false claims that its machines rigged the 2020 election, was implicated in an alleged bribery scheme involving the former top election official...


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e95884 No.92612

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604504 (242220ZSEP23) Notable: The Swamp: Brother of Biden’s Top Adviser Is Lobbyist for General Motors

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Scoot Hungary in too.

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e95884 No.92613

File: 9cf344f936c4c12⋯.png (434.6 KB,600x720,5:6,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604507 (242221ZSEP23) Notable: MSM struggling to handle polls showing Trump leading Potato

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Poles are dumb.

Lies to justify lies forwarded by the poll funders.

ABC went rogue releasing it. That is ‘maybe’ the news here.

No way Biden has those approval numbers from real people.

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e95884 No.92614

File: bd0e743b9489067⋯.png (403.79 KB,511x870,511:870,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604511 (242222ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: It would be nice if we won first. They Rigged and Stole the Election!

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.92615

File: 1700c22ac70bb8c⋯.png (232.36 KB,782x540,391:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604521 (242224ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: CNN Host, Analyst Agree Trump’s Messaging ‘Works,’ Says He’s Talking About Issues Voters Actually Care About

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Donald J. Trump


>CNN Host, Analyst Agree Trump’s Messaging ‘Works,’ Says He’s Talking About Issues Voters Actually Care About


Sep 24, 2023, 3:20 PM


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e95884 No.92616

File: 1979eefdeb15632⋯.png (189.38 KB,420x366,70:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604558 (242238ZSEP23) Notable: Blackout in St. Petersburg

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Shadow of Ezra


Blackout in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.92617

File: f6ca804fdc403e2⋯.png (57.06 KB,787x307,787:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604593 (242246ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump retruth from March 30: Alvin Bragg is a NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT to our justice system. President Trump has been proven to have done NO wrong. This is nothing more than a political stunt to prevent Trump from becoming President in 2024!

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DJT Re-TRUTH of Ronny Jackson from 30MAR23

Donald J. Trump ReTruthed

Ronny Jackson·Mar 30

Alvin Bragg is a NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT to our justice system. President Trump has been proven to have done NO wrong. This is nothing more than a political stunt to prevent Trump from becoming President in 2024!


Mar 30, 2023, 6:38 PM


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e95884 No.92618

File: de4a0e2f3dc3528⋯.png (223.67 KB,600x522,100:87,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604656 (242259ZSEP23) Notable: Chinese aircraft carrier CV 17 Shandong was spotted in the Taiwan Strait area

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Chinese aircraft carrier CV 17 Shandong was spotted in the Taiwan Strait area


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e95884 No.92619

File: f2953b23a8f7c9d⋯.png (794.49 KB,768x449,768:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604659 (242259ZSEP23) Notable: Report: Migrants Committed Almost 70% of Violent Crimes in France Last Year

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Report: Migrants Committed Almost 70% of Violent Crimes in France Last Year

This week in “diversity is our greatest strength” news, a recent report from the statistics bureau serving the French Ministry of Interior has concluded that nigh on 70% of violent crimes in the Paris...


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e95884 No.92620

File: 09458a6a5ebe481⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: c4c4ed5393d59bb⋯.jpeg (842.45 KB,1203x1214,1203:1214,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604734 (242317ZSEP23) Notable: @Potato mp4: When I came to office I knew what to do, I vaccinated the nation, I rebuilt NATO for the war in Ukraine and I rebuilt the economy. Our democracy is still at stake

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is Biden on Crack? He seems way too Alert.

Biden: You may have noticed, a lot of people have focused on my age. I get it. I know better than anyone but there’s something else I know… When I came to office and this nation was on its back, I knew what to do. I vaccinated the nation and rebuilt the economy.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.92621

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604793 (242327ZSEP23) Notable: #24075-A

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#24075-A >>92571

>>92572 Over the past three years, Minneapolis Police Dept. experienced the most significant exodus of uniformed personnel in its history and, last month, dipped to the lowest level in at least four decades

>>92573 CDC Director on School Mask Mandates: We Want People 'Protecting Themselves' and 'Reacting to What They're Seeing'

>>92574 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Morning Consult Poll: Trump’s Favorability Continues to Rise

>>92575 Migrants in NYC Pocketing $3,000 a Month Working Illegally While the City Foots Their Bills

>>92576 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Trump's Role in History - and Why He Must Be Reelected

>>92577 Potato Touts Millions for Clean Water for Ukraine as East Palestine Suffers

>>92578 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: REED COOPER: We’re Witnessing A Repeat Of 2016 And Trump Is Set To Win By A Landslide

>>92579 More details of the German tank crew fighting for Ukraine

>>92581 Mayo Clinic Website Now Says Hydroxychloroquine CAN Be Used to Treat COVID-19 Patients, Previously Claimed It Was Not Effective

>>92582 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Steve Bannon Unleashes on the Murdochs: ‘President Trump Will Return Like Cincinnatus and Murdoch Can’t Do Anything To Stop It’

>>92583 Geomagnetic stormfag reports

>>92584 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Part II: If Trump Doesn’t Win in 2024, He Won’t Just be the Last Republican President Ever. He’ll be the Last Republican- PERIOD

>>92585 NASA's first asteroid samples land on Earth after release from spacecraft

>>92586 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez! They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived. Why doesn’t the FBI raid Senate Democrat’s homes like they illegally raided Mar-a-Lago

>>92588 Donald J. Trump on truth social: Media fumed over Trump's detention of illegal immigrants, now issue has boomeranged on Biden

>>92589, >>92587 Under congressional mandate, the Department of Homeland Security's Office of Inspector General (IG) has conducted unannounced visits to CBP holding facilities across the country, many of which have fallen well shy of agency standards.

>>92590 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The Brief: The Media’s Favorite Lies To Protect Joe Biden In His Son’s Influence Peddling Schemes

>>92591, >>92593 Vaccination Offers ‘No Meaningful Protection’ Against Long COVID: Study

>>92592 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: The WAPO has just increased my polling lead over Crooked Joe Biden to 10 Points, from 9. Well, at least they admitted their mistake!

>>92594 WATCH: The National Pulse Interview With President Trump, Trailer

>>92595 PF reports on PB tracked flight: calling bullshit on the entire flight. The Super Hornet has a ferry range of 1,800 nm. But not with these speed variations

>>92596, >>92580 Jewish group says an ‘apology is owed’ after Canadian MPs honoured man who fought for Nazis



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e95884 No.92622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604794 (242328ZSEP23) Notable: #24075-B

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#24075-B >>92571

>>92597 BREAKING: President Emmanuel Macron says France will end its military presence in Niger and pull its ambassador from the country

>>92598 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: Washington Post gobsmacked over its own poll result on Trump soaring approval– and hastens to tell its readers it may be an 'outlier'

>>92600, >>92606 Niger's new leaders have increased the price of uranium exports from $0.80 to $200 per kilogram. France and other nations will now have to pay the market price rather than a plunder price

>>92599, >>92601, >>92603, >>92604, >>92605, >>92613 MSM struggling to handle polls showing Trump leading Potato

>>92602 Tennessee Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn blasted Potato on Sunday for being “weak” on America’s adversaries

>>92607, >>92609 HRC interview with Psaki: Russia Russia Russia, Putin hates democracy

>>92608 An official member of the Democrat Party in Richmond, Virginia, Jimmie Lee Jarvis, posted a bomb threat against journalist Andy Ngo on Friday

>>92610 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: NATIONAL POLL: ABC/WP (R) Trump 52% (+10) (D) Biden 42% - ABC/WP (A)890 RV9/15-20

>>92611 Smartmatic implicated in alleged bribery scheme involving top Filipino election official

>>92612 The Swamp: Brother of Biden’s Top Adviser Is Lobbyist for General Motors

>>92614 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: It would be nice if we won first. They Rigged and Stole the Election!

>>92615 Donald J. Trump on truthsocial: CNN Host, Analyst Agree Trump’s Messaging ‘Works,’ Says He’s Talking About Issues Voters Actually Care About

>>92616 Blackout in St. Petersburg

>>92617 Donald J. Trump retruth from March 30: Alvin Bragg is a NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT to our justice system. President Trump has been proven to have done NO wrong. This is nothing more than a political stunt to prevent Trump from becoming President in 2024!

>>92618 Chinese aircraft carrier CV 17 Shandong was spotted in the Taiwan Strait area

>>92619 Report: Migrants Committed Almost 70% of Violent Crimes in France Last Year

>>92620 @Potato mp4: When I came to office I knew what to do, I vaccinated the nation, I rebuilt NATO for the war in Ukraine and I rebuilt the economy. Our democracy is still at stake



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e95884 No.92623

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604809 (242330ZSEP23) Notable: #24076

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baker requesting handoff

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e95884 No.92624

File: b02b51926f6efa5⋯.jpeg (132.48 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604873 (242339ZSEP23) Notable: Battlefield Massacre: Wounded Ukrainian Soldier Vows to ‘Shoot Himself in the Leg’ Rather Than Go Back to the Front

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Sending cash and weapons don’t seem to be working…

Battlefield Massacre: Wounded Ukrainian Soldier Vows to ‘Shoot Himself in the Leg’ Rather Than Go Back to the Front – Russian Forces Have a New Radio Frequency to Inform Kiev’s Troops How to Surrender, 800 Troops Have Done So

After over three months of its failed counteroffensive, Ukraine has conquered only 0,25% of the territory controlled by the Russians, after over 71k troops losses and over 500 tanks.

Let me repeat: $110 billion after, Kiev’s regime captured one quarter of one percent of the territory it sought.

This is only worsening the massive draft dodger operation inside the country, as Kiev is now drafting the too young, and the old, the infirm, and even medical women.

The low morale of all those Ukrainian soldiers who are already unwilling to see action has never been clearer, as we can see in this story first published in The Times (behind paywall).


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e95884 No.92625

File: d3e29cc4ae5f031⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB,480x400,6:5,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604898 (242346ZSEP23) Notable: Hilarious Old Trump TV Commercial

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Hilarious Old Trump TV Commercial


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e95884 No.92626

File: 641cd127c2114f8⋯.png (1017.98 KB,720x480,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604921 (242352ZSEP23) Notable: How the Husbands of "The Squad" Are Making Millions Off Their Wives

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How the Husbands of "The Squad" Are Making Millions Off Their Wives

The spouses of the far-left "Squad" are making major cash through lucrative consulting gigs while their wives serve in Congress.


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e95884 No.92627

File: b0d13796c0a011a⋯.jpeg (76.13 KB,534x378,89:63,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604922 (242352ZSEP23) Notable: Burger King Pulls Advertising from Rumble After Russell Brand Scandal

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Now they are going after Rumble. This isn’t going to go as they planned…

Burger King Pulls Advertising from Rumble After Russell Brand Scandal

As British actor and comedian Russell Brand faces allegations of rape and sexual assault, the social media platform Rumble is being pressured to demonetize his account – including by Burger King, which joined multiple other large companies in removing advertisements from the video site.


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e95884 No.92628

File: 5ed479e5a022183⋯.png (219.25 KB,886x733,886:733,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604952 (242356ZSEP23) Notable: Biden foolishly squandered $800,000 on a “Harm Reduction” program in Texas. Translation: free crack pipes are given out to addicts to enable their ongoing addiction.

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Gateway Pundit


Biden Regime Spends $800,000 On “Harm Reduction” Program That Distributes Crack Pipes In Texas


The Biden Regime never seems to get anything right. Biden foolishly squandered $800,000 on a “Harm Reduction” program in Texas. Translation: free crack pipes are given out to addicts to enable their ongoing addiction.

Since last year, the Department of Health and Human Services has been handing out “smoke kits.”

The Dallas Express reported:

The Biden administration’s “harm reduction” program funds a Texas organization that distributes crack pipes, possibly violating state law, according to an investigation by The Dallas Express.

Since last year, the El Paso Alliance has received nearly $800,000 from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of the nation’s first federal harm reduction program. The group distributes “smoke kits” to drug addicts and told a reporter from The Dallas Express that such kits include a “small, cylinder glass.”

The distribution and possession of drug paraphernalia in Texas is banned under Health and Safety Code 481.002(17).

“A person commits an offense if the person knowingly or intentionally uses or possesses with intent to use drug paraphernalia … to inject, ingest, inhale, or otherwise introduce into the human body a controlled substance in violation of this chapter,” the law reads.

So even though Texas law banned drug paraphernalia, the Biden Regime is still handing out these kits to addicts. Instead of getting the addicts the help they need to get clean, they instead provide them free and clean pipes to smoke themselves into a stupor. Typical leftist solutions designed to keep people trapped in their vice.

The El Paso Alliance, which is the recipient of these Federal Funds, did not comment on whether or not they use the funds on the smoke kits.

In addition to that, the El Paso Police Department did not comment on whether or not they are making exceptions to the law for the El Paso Alliance.

In early 2022 when the program started, numerous news agencies in the mainstream media came to the defense of the Biden Regime. Even Jen Psaki called it a “Conspiracy Theory.”

The Washington Free Beacon went to five different cities to request “safe smoking kits” funded by the Biden Regime’s harm reduction grant program.

The Biden Regime has repeatedly denied free crack pipes are included in the smoking kits.

Psaki previously said crack pipes were ‘never part of the kit’ and blamed it on ‘inaccurate reporting.’

The Free Beacon obtained five safe smoking kits from harm reduction organizations and they all included crack pipes.

The Free Beacon’s findings not only prove Psaki is a liar, they also contradict the left-wing ‘fact-checkers’ who also claimed crack pipes were not included in the kits.

Biden Regime Spends $800,000 On “Harm Reduction” Program That Distributes Crack Pipes In Texas


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e95884 No.92629

File: f729e19939fd3a9⋯.jpeg (310.56 KB,2048x1328,128:83,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604954 (242356ZSEP23) Notable: Republican Congressman Calls For General Mark Milley to Be Executed in Shockingly Homophobic Screed

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Republican Congressman Calls For General Mark Milley to Be Executed in Shockingly Homophobic Screed

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) published a shockingly violent and homophobic tirade against General Mark Milley, suggesting the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff be put to death.

Gosar’s Congressional office released a newsletter on Sunday which claimed that the FBI, the DHS, and other federal agencies allowed the U.S. Capitol to be attacked by Donald Trump’s rioting supporters on January 6. From there, the newsletter blasted Milley for speaking with Nancy Pelosi after the riot, agreeing with her that Trump was “crazy,” and assuring the former House speaker that Trump wouldn’t be able to seize control of America’s nuclear arsenal during his last days in office.

In addition, the newsletter called Milley “homosexual promoting” and “sodomy-promoting.”

Here’s what Gosar’s newsletter had to say about the general, including the call for him to be hanged:

After the riot was in full swing, the Chief’s request for National Guard was finally approved. But even after approval was given, General Milley, the homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist Chairman of the military joint chiefs, delayed. Of course, we now know that the deviant Milley was coordinating with Nancy Pelosi to hurt President Trump, and treasonously working behind Trump’s back. In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung. He had one boss: President Trump, and instead he was secretly meeting with Pelosi and coordinating with her to hurt Trump. That is, when he wasn’t also secretly coordinating and sharing intelligence with the Chinese military. How this traitor remains in office is a question we need answered.

The Gosar newsletter echoes a Truth Social rant Trump put out two days ago, where the ex-president said Milley deserved capital punishment for his attempts to deescalate Chinese fears that Trump was going to start a war against them. Gosar has branded Milley a “traitor” in the past.


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e95884 No.92630

File: e2427268ff99655⋯.png (177.03 KB,956x687,956:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604960 (242357ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: KNOWINGLY: when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized THE ENEMY

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Donald J. Trump


They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its “Country Threatening Treason.” Their endless coverage of the now fully debunked SCAM known as Russia, Russia, Russia, and much else, is one big Campaign Contribution to the Radical Left Democrat Party. I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events. Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE? They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!





Sep 24, 2023, 7:53 PM


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e95884 No.92631

File: 47393ef03d27db4⋯.png (1.42 MB,1614x1666,807:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19604999 (250006ZSEP23) Notable: Here We Go Again… CT Health Commissioner Juthani, Other Doctors Push New Covid Vaccines, Hint At Masks

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Here We Go Again… CT Health Commissioner Juthani, Other Doctors Push New Covid Vaccines, Hint At Masks

But don't take her word for it, believe the other "trusted experts" who affirmed her narrative as quickly as a confused child's gender, suggesting, we're "definitely seeing a meaningful spike" in cases. So again, the message is clear. You had better be scared!


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e95884 No.92632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605051 (250016ZSEP23) Notable: @USNavy Is down

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Is down

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e95884 No.92633

File: d244a223428027e⋯.png (504.96 KB,576x425,576:425,Clipboard.png)

File: 11d68ea1b48c20d⋯.png (790.28 KB,914x789,914:789,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605068 (250018ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino: Biden's Taco stand...

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


Sep 24, 2023, 8:14 PM


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e95884 No.92634

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605090 (250023ZSEP23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed. The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere.

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In One Short Tweet, James O’Keefe Delivers the Warning We All Need to Hear Right Now

By J.D. Rucker • Sep. 24, 2023

It wasn’t a bombshell secret he discovered or a rant about any of the various evil entities he has exposed. It was a warning intended for all of us. And as I noted in reply, it’s the most important message he’s ever delivered.

Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed.

In the fight against powers and principalities, the weak ones will bend a knee and lie in order to ‘survive.’

The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere.


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e95884 No.92635

File: 6f9cebe6961c10d⋯.png (173.26 KB,437x407,437:407,Clipboard.png)

File: c2d5f5eb18326e6⋯.png (563 KB,800x590,80:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605091 (250023ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino: Naked Fetterman exits stage right, senate left too fold

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Dan 8:17 pm ET


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e95884 No.92636

File: 9d297041ed6ec37⋯.png (389.16 KB,541x497,541:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 330834f4871fe08⋯.png (245.09 KB,564x531,188:177,Clipboard.png)

File: 2645d85f306dc0e⋯.png (431.67 KB,542x593,542:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605098 (250024ZSEP23) Notable: Louisiana Gov to Ask for Federal Emergency Declaration After Contamination of Drinking Water

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Louisiana Gov to Ask for Federal Emergency Declaration After Contamination of Drinking Water

Inch by inch, a crisis is developing in southern Louisiana as saltwater from the Gulf of Mexico is creeping northward into the Mississippi River.

Because the river is a source of drinking water for many communities, including New Orleans, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards, a Democrat, is preparing to seek federal help to deal with an emergency that has so far defied efforts to address, according to The Associated Press.

In an average year, the flow of the normal river keeps salt water at bay. However, a lack of rain has reduced the river’s flow, meaning a dense layer of salt water is spreading north from the Gulf of Mexico.

Edwards said the situation could worsen with historic river lows expected in the coming weeks.

“I can tell you in the next couple of days we will be requesting an emergency declaration from the federal government as well for the purpose of getting more federal agencies involved to the extent that can be helpful,” Edwards said Friday, according to Fox News.

Edwards said an emergency declaration would allow the state “to take emergency protective measures with some level of reimbursement available from the federal government should that federal emergency declaration be granted.”

A state of emergency declaration was issued on Sept. 5, Fox reported.

Col. Cullen Jones of the Army Corps of Engineers said the real answer to the state’s problems requires 10 inches of rain to douse the Mississippi Valley, giving the river enough water to push back the saltwater intrusion, according to the U.K. Guardian.

The Guardian noted that the Mississippi River’s mouth is below sea level and that a wedge of saltwater has been moving upriver beneath the level of fresh water.

An underwater barrier was built to hold back the salt water, but it has pushed past that barrier, Jones said.

Jones said that weather forecasts indicate salt water will remain a danger for anywhere from a few weeks to a couple of months.

Jones said the Corps of Engineers will seek to deliver 15 million gallons of fresh water to the state’s southern parishes. However, taken altogether, communities faced with the threat of having saltwater enter their water intakes by Oct. 24 use 36 million gallons of water per day.

Plaquemines Parish, in the southeastern part of Louisiana, is already under a drinking water advisory because of the saltwater wedge, with bottled water being given out to residents, according to Fox News.

On Friday, New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell issued an emergency declaration to prepare for the arrival of the saltwater wedge, according to The Hill.


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e95884 No.92637

File: 7548add00f7426e⋯.png (402.07 KB,558x562,279:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605102 (250025ZSEP23) Notable: Something about that corn… Grassley and Nunes posts are 1,520 days apart. ”Corn ready…”

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Something about that corn…

Grassley and Nunes posts are 1,520 days apart.

”Corn ready…”

7:19 PM · Sep 24, 2023


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e95884 No.92638

File: 36dd80b022ff347⋯.png (73.98 KB,374x614,187:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605119 (250029ZSEP23) Notable: Something about that corn… Grassley and Nunes posts are 1,520 days apart. ”Corn ready…”

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e95884 No.92639

File: d37a57ddcf38064⋯.png (69.98 KB,806x500,403:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605141 (250032ZSEP23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed. The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere.

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James O'Keefe


Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed.

In the fight against powers and principalities, the weak ones will bend a knee and lie in order to ‘survive.’

The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere.


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e95884 No.92640

File: be5decc1a2cc26f⋯.png (1007.8 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

File: 317e54d0c412559⋯.png (1 MB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605176 (250037ZSEP23) Notable: PF Spanish military Flying out of swamp and then Vanishes

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Spanish military

Flying out of swamp and then


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e95884 No.92641

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605285 (250100ZSEP23) Notable: Biden foolishly squandered $800,000 on a “Harm Reduction” program in Texas. Translation: free crack pipes are given out to addicts to enable their ongoing addiction.

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Cures exist. Monoclonal Antibodies cure addictions like flipping a switch. I'd post sauce but it was notable a week or two ago.

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e95884 No.92642

File: 5a9d7410ecc84e7⋯.png (2.43 MB,2068x1624,517:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605307 (250104ZSEP23) Notable: Terrible Things Happened to Monkeys After Getting Neuralink Implants, According to Veterinary Records

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Terrible Things Happened to Monkeys After Getting Neuralink Implants, According to Veterinary Records

Earlier this month, Elon Musk claimed on X-formerly-Twitter that the monkeys who died during Neuralink trials were "terminal" cases "close to death already," making it clear that none of them perished as a result of the biotech company's brain implants.

Documents viewed as part of a new investigation by Wired, however, as well as testimony from a former employee, contradict Musk's claims entirely — and the details are as upsetting as they are damning, adding to a mounting case against the safety of Neuralink's devices.

And the timing couldn't be more exigent either, with Neuralink announcing on Wednesday that it's recruiting subjects for human trials.


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e95884 No.92643

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605371 (250115ZSEP23) Notable: Biden foolishly squandered $800,000 on a “Harm Reduction” program in Texas. Translation: free crack pipes are given out to addicts to enable their ongoing addiction.

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I think the term antibody means it's made specifically to counter a specific substance. I dunno but there's different kinds, not like you can just go buy it, but it should be.

High’d and seek: drug-specific antibodies to treat addiction and prevent overdose

From the Pancera Lab, Vaccine and Infectious Disease Division


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e95884 No.92644

File: a8387ac8d67d108⋯.png (97.74 KB,942x360,157:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605429 (250124ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell... WE NEED NEW, & REAL, REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, NOT A CLONE OF MITCH, & WE NEED IT NOW!!!

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Donald J. Trump


The Republicans lost big on Debt Ceiling, got NOTHING, and now are worried that they will be BLAMED for the Budget Shutdown. Wrong!!! Whoever is President will be blamed, in this case, Crooked (as Hell!) Joe Biden! Our Country is being systematically destroyed by the Radical Left Marxists, Fascists and Thugs - THE DEMOCRATS. UNLESS YOU GET EVERYTHING, SHUT IT DOWN! Close the Border, stop the Weaponization of “Justice,” and End Election Interference - WE MUST HAVE HONEST ELECTIONS. It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell, the weakest, dumbest, and most conflicted “Leader” in U.S. Senate history? HE’S ALREADY GIVEN THE DEMOCRATS EVERYTHING, THEY CAN’T BELIEVE HOW LUCKY THEY GOT. WE NEED NEW, & REAL, REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, NOT A CLONE OF MITCH, & WE NEED IT NOW!!!





Sep 24, 2023, 9:22 PM


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e95884 No.92645

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605463 (250130ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Rogan Is Voting For Trump 3:10

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Joe Rogan Is Voting For Trump




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e95884 No.92646

File: 026a98b25ff178e⋯.png (67.89 KB,602x734,301:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605512 (250138ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: KNOWINGLY: when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized THE ENEMY

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near a 3yr Delta

Sep 23 2020




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e95884 No.92647

File: 2be8e9ea50c5109⋯.png (20.36 KB,600x137,600:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605560 (250146ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: KNOWINGLY: when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized THE ENEMY

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il Donaldo Trumpo



The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!!!ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!!!


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e95884 No.92648

File: 7326f3d0718624c⋯.png (155.92 KB,801x621,89:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605561 (250146ZSEP23) Notable: Travis Tritt: Nevertheless, I stand by my decision and I refuse to be bullied by any agenda that ultimately wants to reduce the population because of a “climate change” hoax.

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Lara Logan reposted

Travis Tritt

I was recently asked to do an interview with an @ajc entertainment journalist' to talk about being a lifelong @Braves fan. I declined the interview because of how badly I was treated by Major League Baseball and the mainstream media when I sang our National Anthem in October of 2021 for a Braves playoff game. Because I was unvaccinated, I was treated like a pariah and a criminal by MLB and the MSM. I haven’t watched a MLB game since and I doubt that I ever will again without a formal apology from MLB. With so many reports of people being injured by the vaccines and boosters, I stand by my decision to refuse to take any of the jabs. It’s such a shame, because there was never a bigger Major League Baseball and @Braves fan than me.Nevertheless, I stand by my decision and I refuse to be bullied by any agenda that ultimately wants to reduce the population because of a “climate change” hoax.

7:18 AM · Sep 24, 2023·1.2M Views


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e95884 No.92649

File: 0c25788797f1165⋯.png (379.77 KB,896x679,128:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605595 (250151ZSEP23) Notable: Matt Gaetz Blasts McCarthy On Impeachment, Says He’s ‘Not Serious’

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‘Would Have Sent Hunter Biden A Subpoena By Now’: Matt Gaetz Blasts McCarthy On Impeachment, Says He’s ‘Not Serious’

Florida Republican Rep. Matt Gaetz blasted Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy about the Joe Biden impeachment inquiry in an interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo on “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“We don’t put our pencils down in the investigation of President Biden during a shutdown, so the premise is false,” Gaetz said. “Second, if Kevin McCarthy was actually serious about pursuing the Bidens, he would have sent Hunter Biden a subpoena by now.”

The way to fund the government is not by doing it the same way Congress has since the mid-90s, where it’s one up or down vote on the entire government all at once.

We should have separate single-subject spending bills. @SpeakerMcCarthy promised that in January. He is in breach… pic.twitter.com/iewuoroMqL

— Rep. Matt Gaetz (@RepMattGaetz) September 24, 2023

The congressman referred to House Republicans as “fundamentally unserious,” comparing their progress on the Biden investigation to House Democrats who “brought in Donald Trump Jr. three times over nothing” when they had the majority. (RELATED: Here’s All The Evidence Connecting Joe Biden To Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Dealings)

Despite Gaetz’s dissatisfaction, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said that the investigation is “following the money” in an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity. He told Hannity that they will “continue to follow the money” and “if that leads to Joe Biden, or Hunter Biden, or to Jim Biden,” subpoenas will be issued.

On government spending, Gaetz said he is “not pro-shutdown,” proposing “separate, single-subject spending bills” instead of “one up or down vote on the entire government all at once.” The congressman claimed Kevin McCarthy “promised that in January” and is “in breach of that promise.”

“I’m not here to hold the government hostage,” Gaetz told Bartiromo. “I’m here to hold Kevin McCarthy to his word.”


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e95884 No.92650

File: 8ccadebb6f4f56f⋯.png (113.05 KB,933x445,933:445,Clipboard.png)

File: e4117305f43dfb8⋯.png (755.59 KB,957x774,319:258,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ae3a2781f9f183⋯.png (2.37 MB,1346x763,1346:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605621 (250158ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: [ABC] They spend millions of dollars on these polls, and then, if the result isn’t what they want it to be, refuse to properly report the results. @Footdoc WE'RE COMING

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Donald J. Trump


To show everyone how FAKE the News Media is, ABC WORLD NEWS on Sunday Morning, their big News Show, covered every aspect of a Poll on Crooked Joe Biden, except for the biggest and most important FACT, that he was losing to a person known as DONALD J. TRUMP by a staggering 10 Points. They spend millions of dollars on these polls, and then, if the result isn’t what they want it to be, refuse to properly report the results. This is what Fake News is all about, and the public has quickly gotten wise to it. ABC FAKE NEWS SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!!

Sep 24, 2023, 9:50 PM


Donald J. Trump ReTruthed




Replying to @realDonaldTrump

We're coming

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e95884 No.92651

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605662 (250206ZSEP23) Notable: #24076

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#24076 >>92623

>>92650 Donald J. Trump: [ABC] They spend millions of dollars on these polls, and then, if the result isn’t what they want it to be, refuse to properly report the results. @Footdoc We're coming

>>92644 Donald J. Trump: It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell... WE NEED NEW, & REAL, REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, NOT A CLONE OF MITCH, & WE NEED IT NOW!!!

>>92630, >>92646, >>92647 Donald J. Trump: KNOWINGLY: when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized THE ENEMY

>>92633 Dan Scavino: Biden's Taco stand...

>>92635 Dan Scavino: Naked Fetterman exits stage right, senate left too fold

>>92624 Battlefield Massacre: Wounded Ukrainian Soldier Vows to ‘Shoot Himself in the Leg’ Rather Than Go Back to the Front

>>92626 How the Husbands of "The Squad" Are Making Millions Off Their Wives

>>92627 Burger King Pulls Advertising from Rumble After Russell Brand Scandal

>>92628, >>92641, >>92643 Biden foolishly squandered $800,000 on a “Harm Reduction” program in Texas. Translation: free crack pipes are given out to addicts to enable their ongoing addiction.

>>92629 Republican Congressman Calls For General Mark Milley to Be Executed in Shockingly Homophobic Screed

>>92632 @USNavy Is down

>>92631 Here We Go Again… CT Health Commissioner Juthani, Other Doctors Push New Covid Vaccines, Hint At Masks

>>92639, >>92634 @JamesOKeefeIII Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed. The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere.

>>92636 Louisiana Gov to Ask for Federal Emergency Declaration After Contamination of Drinking Water

>>92637, >>92638 Something about that corn… Grassley and Nunes posts are 1,520 days apart. ”Corn ready…”

>>92640 PF Spanish military Flying out of swamp and then Vanishes

>>92625 Hilarious Old Trump TV Commercial

>>92642 Terrible Things Happened to Monkeys After Getting Neuralink Implants, According to Veterinary Records

>>92645 Joe Rogan Is Voting For Trump 3:10

>>92648 Travis Tritt: Nevertheless, I stand by my decision and I refuse to be bullied by any agenda that ultimately wants to reduce the population because of a “climate change” hoax.

>>92649 Matt Gaetz Blasts McCarthy On Impeachment, Says He’s ‘Not Serious’

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e95884 No.92652

File: b0c8071f243b6ce⋯.png (116.74 KB,847x925,847:925,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605678 (250212ZSEP23) Notable: CDC Refuses To Release Updated Information On Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation

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CDC Refuses To Release Updated Information On Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is refusing to release updated information on reported cases of myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination.

COVID-19 vaccines can cause the inflammatory conditions, the CDC has confirmed previously.

The agency has regularly conveyed the number of post-vaccination myocarditis and pericarditis cases to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), which it helps manage, as it has consulted with its advisers on updates to the vaccines.

But during a meeting on Sept. 12, the CDC did not mention VAERS data.

Asked for the information, a CDC spokesman pointed to a CDC study that covers data only through Oct. 23, 2022.

That study identified nine reports of myocarditis or pericarditis following vaccination with one of the bivalent COVID-19 vaccines, which were introduced in September 2022. Seven of the reports were verified by medical review.

Asked for more current data, the spokesman acknowledged the agency has it but is not making it public.

"When appropriate, the updated safety data will be published," the spokesman told The Epoch Times in an email.

He did not answer when asked why the meeting was not an appropriate time.

"The CDC has acknowledged that heart inflammation is a complication of mRNA COVID-19 shots and, yet, the only published data released by CDC officials about that complication is a seven week study that ended on Oct. 23, 2022. Where is more specific myocarditis/pericarditis data related to bivalent COVID shots for the past 10 months?" Barbara Loe Fisher, co-founder and president of the National Vaccine Information Center, told The Epoch Times via email.

The mRNA shots are made by Pfizer and Moderna. Novavax's updated shot, which uses different technology, has not yet been authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

"I am tired of the CDC and FDA deciding what information the public needs and doesn’t need. This is precisely the information that parents need to have especially when there are still schools and activities mandating these shots. This is evil playing out right before our eyes," Kim Witczak, a drug safety advocate who runs the nonprofit Woodymatters, told The Epoch Times in an email.

She added, "The CDC’s response of 'when appropriate, the updated safety data will be published' is unacceptable and they wonder why there is vaccine hesitancy and lack of trust in public health officials."


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e95884 No.92653

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605682 (250214ZSEP23) Notable: Scavino: Here is a smile and a 'fuck you'

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Q Research General #24077: ABC FAKE NEWS SHOULD BE ASHAMED!!! HOLD ON, WE'RE COMING? Edition

Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


Here is a smile and a 'fuck you'



Sep 24, 2023, 10:04 PM


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e95884 No.92654

File: dbd508a727b74b0⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 855c28acdb1c88b⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605686 (250215ZSEP23) Notable: @DanScavino: When you see a person who is often silent and avoids people, try to stay close

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Dan Just posted twice an owl clip @9:59pm ET


& a wolf clip @10:04pm ET


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e95884 No.92655

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605696 (250216ZSEP23) Notable: Hawley Shocked By Classified Briefing On Ukraine: Warhawks Want Blank Check With No Victory In Sight

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Senator Shocked By Classified Briefing On Ukraine: Warhawks Want Blank Check With No Victory In Sight

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), known for his efforts to force the Biden Administration to declassify information related to covid's possible lab origins at Wuhan, exited a classified briefing this week on the situation in Ukraine and expressed a feeling of shock.

"If there is some path to victory in Ukraine, I didn't hear it today. I also heard that there's going to be no end to the funding requests..."

Hawley went on to indicate that Americans will be asked to spend hundreds of billions more dollars in the region with an indefinite blank check in place to protect "US standing" on the world stage. Zelensky asked Biden and Congress for another $24 billion during his latest visit, stating that if Ukraine doesn't get the aid, they will lose the war. The information at hand suggests that Ukraine is going to lose the war anyway.

Hawley also revealed that the public is being lied to about the war footing in the region and that Ukraine is definitely 'not winning.' This information confirms what many Americans already suspected, with 55% of the public now in opposition to more aid according to recent polls.

The corporate media blitzkrieg bombarding the populace with tales of imminent Ukrainian victory against Russian forces has lost its momentum and reality is starting to set in. Though, this did not stop journalists from trying to insert their list of debunked talking points into the interview as they seemed to debate Hawley more than ask him questions.


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e95884 No.92656

File: ce5c3f263d12983⋯.png (101.98 KB,414x409,414:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605704 (250218ZSEP23) Notable: HBO is airing pedophilia

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Dom Lucre | Breaker of Narratives


🔥🚨DISTURBING: HBO is airing pedophilia. In this sex scene a grown man tells a little boy: “We have to keep stretching you open slowly, no young boy would do this for you” the young boy then kisses this man and performs the unthinkable.

notablesick fucks have no more boundaries

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e95884 No.92657

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605705 (250219ZSEP23) Notable: Conflict in Ukraine to last until 2035 – ex-Zelensky aide

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24 Sep, 2023 15:32

Conflict in Ukraine to last until 2035 – ex-Zelensky aide

The standoff between Moscow and Kiev might evolve into a hybrid war and drag on for years, Aleksey Arestovich warns

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine could continue for more than a decade, Aleksey Arestovich, a former adviser to President Vladimir Zelensky, has said, predicting that the two neighbors are unlikely to resolve their differences in the near future.

“That will last until 2035, that’s for sure,” he said in an interview on September 17, published on his YouTube channel. According to Arestovich, Russia is “seeking a new form of empire,” which will never come into existence without Ukraine.

The former presidential aide then doubled down on his forecast, saying that the “acute phase of the standoff will continue until 2035.”However, he argued that the standoff does not have to be a military one. The two sides might reach a ceasefire or end the hostilities altogether, but the conflict would then continue “on diplomatic, intelligence, economic, and information fronts.”

Ukraine has to get used to living in a situation of constant military threat and maintain an “advanced alert status,” Arestovich said, suggesting that Kiev should follow Israel’s example if it wants to adapt to such circumstances. “A war can break out or a border incident might [happen]” at any moment, even after the current fighting ends.

Arestovich also noted that he first made such a forecast in April 2022, just two months into the conflict. His words shocked people at that time, he added.

On Tuesday, Bloomberg reported that seven of the world’s leading developed economies, known as the G7, believe the Russia-Ukraine conflict could extend for another six to seven years. The timeline has been stretched due to the apparent lack of progress in Ukraine's counteroffensive, the news agency reported, citing multiple officials.

One such official told Bloomberg that Kiev is likely to struggle with insufficient Western arms supplies and rising personnel losses. Regardless of such forecasts, Ukraine and its Western backers still oppose the idea of negotiations with Russia, and have rejected any resolution to the conflict that involves Ukraine ceding territory that it claims as its own, the article added.

Moscow has repeatedly said it is ready for peace talks, but insisted that they must take into account Russia’s interests and “the reality on the ground,” which saw four former Ukrainian territories join Russia following a series of referendums in 2022.

On Saturday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told journalists on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly session that Russia was willing to engage in peace negotiations, but would not consider any ceasefire proposals, since it has already been “deceived” before.

(This is the arrogance and propaganda of Democrats, saying Obama and Bidan will not let this war end because they know Trump will not win in 2025, but they plan on cheating for another 10+ years. Dream on assholes!. Little do these idiots know, “The End Is Near”! Well fuck them and let the full karma of God be upon them.)


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e95884 No.92658

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605712 (250219ZSEP23) Notable: @DanScavino: When you see a person who is often silent and avoids people, try to stay close

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅


When you see a person who is often silent and avoids people, try to stay close to them, because he has been give wisdom

Sep 24, 2023, 9:59 PM


When you see a person who is often silent and avoids people, try to stay close to them, because he has been give wisdom



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e95884 No.92659

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Note: NHS is the health authority in the u.k and publishes its figures in open source info available for all in plain sight. Huge black swan events and everyone is ignoring it or told to not speak about it.





Ed Dowd joins DailyClout to reveal rising rates of individuals identifying as disabled post-mRNA vaccination, particularly women in the workforce. He also reveals the latest on the astonishing death rates in the UK.

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e95884 No.92660

File: 0963d6978e8b31f⋯.jpg (164.99 KB,720x746,360:373,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b3ad48559eccc44⋯.jpg (261.5 KB,1280x960,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605741 (250225ZSEP23) Notable: @elonmusk: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.92661

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605791 (250233ZSEP23) Notable: @elonmusk: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

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"The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon is a monumental work of history that covers the long and complex period of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, from the 2nd century CE to the fall of Constantinople in 1453. Gibbon's work is divided into six volumes, each of which explores different aspects of the period in question.

In Volume One, Gibbon provides a background to the Roman Empire, from its founding to the time of the Antonine emperors. In Volume Two, he covers the rise of Christianity and its impact on the Roman Empire. Volume Three deals with the period of the barbarian invasions, and the various Germanic and Asiatic tribes that invaded the Roman Empire in the 4th and 5th centuries.

Volume Four covers the period from the reign of Justinian to the rise of Islam, while Volume Five deals with the end of the Eastern Empire and the rise of the Holy Roman Empire. Volume Six provides an overview of the Turkish conquests of the Eastern Roman Empire, and the final fall of Constantinople in 1453.

Throughout the work, Gibbon provides a detailed analysis of the various factors that contributed to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, including political corruption, military decay, economic instability, and the rise of Christianity. He also situates the fall of Rome in the broader context of world history, and makes extensive use of primary sources to support his arguments.

Gibbon's work is widely regarded as a classic of historical scholarship, and his prose style has been praised for its elegance and clarity. However, his analysis of the causes of the Roman Empire's decline and fall has been criticized by some modern historians for being excessively focused on the role of Christianity and for neglecting other factors.

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e95884 No.92662

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605796 (250234ZSEP23) Notable: @elonmusk: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

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There is a slip of paper under Volume II. A timeline marker perhaps?

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e95884 No.92663

File: b6b9e6fff073b92⋯.jpeg (65.25 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605805 (250235ZSEP23) Notable: West is ‘arrogant and hypocritical’ – Swiss watch boss

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25 Sep, 2023 02:15

West is ‘arrogant and hypocritical’ – Swiss watch boss

The head of Swatch Group lamented the abandonment of diplomacy as means to end the Ukraine conflict

The West exhibits double standards when it comes to the Ukraine conflict and is hostile to efforts to end the fighting through diplomacy, Nick Hayek, CEO of the Swiss watch-making giant Swatch Group, told newspaper SonntagsBlick on Sunday.

“The whole world seems to act only based on ideology. Take the war in Ukraine. We all want this conflict to end. People are dying every day, no matter from which side they are,” the businessman said. “In the past, people tried to find a solution through diplomacy. Today, you can’t do that anymore, otherwise you will be accused of betraying freedom and democracy.”

“Progress demands pragmatic solutions. Do you think it helps anyone if the German foreign minister calls [Chinese President] Xi Jinping a dictator?” Hayek said, referring to a recent statement made by Annalena Baerbock.

Asked if he thought the West was “arrogant,”the businessman replied that it was “hypocritical” as well, which “can be seen with the sanctions against Russia.”

“They impose them and continue to do business behind the scenes. The Americans, in turn, profit because they can now supply gas to Europe. Saudi Arabia is suddenly a well-liked energy supplier,” Hayek said, arguing that sanctions are “just lip service”unless everyone implements them.

According to Hayek, Switzerland, known for its long-standing neutrality, “can no longer play any positive role” in resolving the Russia-Ukraine conflict because the Swiss government does not focus on diplomacy.

Western countries, including many NATO members, imposed sweeping sanctions on Moscow in response to the military operation Russia launched in the neighboring state in February 2022. The restrictions on Russian energy exports were put in place despite warnings from officials and experts that it would hurt the economies of European states.

At the same time, Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas was recently caught up in a scandal, after it was revealed that her husband owned a stake in a logistics firm that continued to do business in Russia after the armed conflict broke out.

The negotiations between Moscow and Kiev fell apart in the spring of 2022, with both sides accusing each other of making unacceptable demands. Ukrainian and Western officials have attacked public figures, including American businessman Elon Musk, who urged the West to seek a peaceful resolution of the conflict rather than fuel the bloodshed and risk further escalation.

(He’s just figuring this out now???)


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e95884 No.92664

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605827 (250241ZSEP23) Notable: Freemasons international and American pedophilia networks work together to traffic children

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Freemasons international and American pedophilia networks work together to traffic children


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e95884 No.92665

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605841 (250244ZSEP23) Notable: Fulton County DA investigator 'accidentally' shoots herself in courthouse bathroom

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Fulton County DA investigator 'accidentally' shoots herself in courthouse bathroom

She was apparently in a handicapped bathroom stall.

An investigator with the Fulton County District Attorney's Office shot herself by "accident" while inside the county courthouse on Friday; the same courthouse where President Trump and his co-defendants were recently arraigned in Georgia on charges related to alleged attempts to overturn the 2020 election results.

According to authorities, the investigator "accidentally" shot herself in the leg while inside the 4th-floor handicapped bathroom stall, Fox 5 reports.

"She was not critically wounded. A Fulton County Sheriff's Office deputy responded and administered aid until EMS arrived," the sheriff's department said in a statement. "There was never an active threat at the courthouse."

On whether or not criminal charges would be filed, former prosecutor Ash Joshi said: "It was an accidental shooting, so there is no intent to commit a crime. Unfortunately for the investigator, she was the one who was shot."

Atlanta police said the investigation remains ongoing. The employee's name has not yet been released.


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e95884 No.92666

File: a41dce9772d925f⋯.jpeg (177.23 KB,1142x589,1142:589,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: eb8d7ea4dd8a8fd⋯.jpg (23.62 KB,280x425,56:85,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605848 (250247ZSEP23) Notable: Deep Hot Biospere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels

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No such thing as fossil fuels?

About eight years too late, I finally got around to reading Deep Hot Biosphere by the late Thomas Gold. This controversial book expounded Gold's theories that petroleum and natural gas are not formed from biological sources. Instead, he argued that petroleum, natural gas, and even (non-anthracite) coals were formed from geologic, not biologic, processes.

The title of the book comes from Gold's attempt to explain the presence of molecular "fingerprints" of once-living organisms in petroluem, for example, the carbon skeletons of cholesterols and other lipids have been found in oil. The traditional theory says these molecular traces are simply evidence of the once-living organic matter from which petroleum was eventually formed. Gold, however, rectified his abiogenic theory with these molecular tracers by positing the widespread existence and activity of microorganisms deep in the earth, in the pores of metamorphic and igneous rocks. Why stop there? He then went on to argue that the deep hot biosphere is a more likely spot for the origin of life than the primordial pool we're always hearing about.

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e95884 No.92667

File: 1924544b9183c20⋯.png (132.33 KB,606x611,606:611,Clipboard.png)

File: 79dade4a7b44261⋯.png (4.24 KB,275x70,55:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605851 (250249ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T: Can you imagine?

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Possible puzzle if we can find "bigger than"

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e95884 No.92668

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605866 (250253ZSEP23) Notable: @elonmusk: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

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The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

if you want to read it you can find it for free at Project Gutenberg:


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e95884 No.92669

File: 1924544b9183c20⋯.png (132.33 KB,606x611,606:611,Clipboard.png)

File: d4d0563811fd7c9⋯.png (115.63 KB,596x515,596:515,Clipboard.png)

File: d665176082a4276⋯.png (4.32 KB,284x56,71:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605869 (250253ZSEP23) Notable: POTUS T: Can you imagine?

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Another possible if we can find "what is coming"

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e95884 No.92670

File: 4a22f77e0560b45⋯.png (63.32 KB,388x562,194:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605920 (250303ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino Just posted twice an owl clip @9:59pm ET

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Oct 29, 2017 10:30:26 PM EDT

Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No. 147170576


D’s can’t lose control over the black population.

At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop poor and in need.

D’s formed the confederate states against freeing slaves.

D’s formed the KKK.

HRC’s mentor is who?

What happens if the truth about Haiti is released? Do D’s lose majority of the vote?

Through the looking glass.

They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls. They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions. This will fail.

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e95884 No.92671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605963 (250314ZSEP23) Notable: 'America Has Become The World's Dumping Ground For Illegal Immigration': Dale Strong Slams Biden

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'America Has Become The World's Dumping Ground For Illegal Immigration': Dale Strong Slams Biden

During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing Wednesday, Rep. Dale Strong (R-AL) spoke about illegal immigration into the US.

Forbes Breaking News

Sep 22, 2023 5:41


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e95884 No.92672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19605978 (250323ZSEP23) Notable: Narrative Combat: Maria Bartiromo -vs- Matt Gaetz; guess who won?

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Narrative Combat: Maria Bartiromo -vs- Matt Gaetz

September 24, 2023 | Sundance

It was only a matter of time before we see why Rupert Murdoch kept Council on Foreign Relations member Maria Bartiromo on staff. Today Ms. Bartiromo showed her GOPe bona fides with a full-throated defense of Kevin McCarthy and the effort to fund government by continuing resolution.

As the combative interview takes place,pay *CLOSE* attention to the glimpses of Ms. Bartiromo’s ¹phone that appear in her screen shot. I will bet you a donut Kevin McCarthy was texting her in real timewith instructions on what to say to Matt Gaetz. WATCH:



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e95884 No.92673

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606064 (250357ZSEP23) Notable: Tragic Mid-Air Emergency: Veteran LATAM Pilot Dies on Duty, Flight Diverted

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Tragic Mid-Air Emergency: Veteran LATAM Pilot Dies on Duty, Flight Diverted

In a shocking incident that left the aviation world in mourning, a seasoned pilot from LATAM Airlines tragically lost his life during a flight.

The unfortunate event unfolded on Monday, during LATAM flight 505, which was en route from Miami, Florida to Santiago, Chile.

Captain Iván Andaur Santibáñez, a dedicated professional with an impressive 25-year tenure at LATAM Airlines, was the pilot who succumbed to a sudden medical emergency while operating the flight.

The 56-year-old veteran pilot began to feel unwell three hours into the journey, leading to a series of events that ended in tragedy.

COVID JABS? Commercial pilot DIES SUDDENLY in Boeing 787 lavatory, co-pilots forced to make emergency landing

A 56-year-old pilot for LATAM, a Latin American airline, died suddenly this week while using the lavatory of a Boeing 787 Dreamliner he was piloting from Miami to Chile.…

As the flight progressed, Captain Santibáñez’s condition worsened. He collapsed in the aircraft’s bathroom. The crew immediately sprang into action, providing emergency treatment in an attempt to stabilize him.

Despite their best efforts, the situation escalated, necessitating an unscheduled landing. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the decision was made to divert the flight to the nearest airport.

Thus, LATAM flight 505, carrying 271 passengers, made an unexpected landing at Tocumen International Airport in Panama. This decision was driven by the urgent need to provide immediate medical attention to the ailing pilot.

Upon landing, emergency services were promptly on the scene, providing life-saving assistance. However, despite their best efforts and the initial emergency treatment provided by the crew, Captain Santibáñez was declared dead on arrival.

The news of his passing sent shockwaves through the passengers on board and the wider aviation community.

LATAM Airlines, a Chilean airline company, subsequently released a statement acknowledging the tragic event.

The loss of Captain Santibáñez, a respected and experienced member of their team, is undoubtedly a significant blow to the company. His dedication and service to the airline over the past quarter-century will not be forgotten.

This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the unpredictability of life and the risks those in the aviation industry face every day. It also underscores the importance of emergency preparedness, both in terms of onboard procedures and ground support.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family, friends, and colleagues of Captain Iván Andaur Santibáñez during this difficult time. His dedication to his profession and his commitment to ensuring the safety of his passengers will forever be remembered.

This article appeared in StatesmanPost and has been published here with permission.

— DiedSuddenly (@DiedSuddenly_) August 18, 2023

Another pilot dies at boarding gate moments before flight https://t.co/v9oLm6S1p2


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e95884 No.92674

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606093 (250411ZSEP23) Notable: Tragic Mid-Air Emergency: Veteran LATAM Pilot Dies on Duty, Flight Diverted

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>>92673 (me)

better link...


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e95884 No.92675

File: 706cd94ce359f73⋯.jpg (106.54 KB,720x942,120:157,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f13f85050ba8d83⋯.mp4 (453.73 KB,576x814,288:407,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606159 (250431ZSEP23) Notable: @DanScavino: SIT

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e95884 No.92676

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606218 (250453ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine

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Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine

Artist will lend her voice to help rebuild schools in the country

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e95884 No.92677

File: 663638d4dd35fbb⋯.png (554.53 KB,591x440,591:440,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606229 (250456ZSEP23) Notable: Mosquito surge brings Ventura County's first West Nile case in 4 years

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Bill Gates mosquitoes brings first West Nile Virus case in southern California county.

Mosquito surge brings Ventura County's first West Nile case in 4 years

Winter storms, summer heat and tropical storm Hilary have bred a surge of mosquitoes, helping spawn a human case of West Nile virus in Ventura County.


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e95884 No.92678

File: 51336c62e891bae⋯.png (706.1 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606336 (250551ZSEP23) Notable: Canadian parliament speaker ‘regrets’ honoring Ukrainian Nazi SS veteran

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Canadian parliament speaker ‘regrets’ honoring Ukrainian Nazi SS veteran

The speaker of Canada’s parliament has apologized for honoring a Ukrainian veteran of the German Waffen SS


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e95884 No.92679

File: 9ad33f6ea04c849⋯.png (356.5 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

File: c6e6d5cc6db1136⋯.png (902 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606344 (250554ZSEP23) Notable: Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer For Federal Corruption Case

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Hunter Biden Wanted To Lobby Sen. Bob Menendez On Behalf Of Foreign Client

Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer For Federal Corruption Case



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e95884 No.92680

File: a32b3946d32f032⋯.png (320.49 KB,425x285,85:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606359 (250601ZSEP23) Notable: After over $100 billion aid from the US, Ukraine’s ‘game-changer’ weapon is a kayak with a grenade launcher

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After over $100 billion aid from the US, Ukraine’s ‘game-changer’ weapon is a kayak with a grenade launcher

According to legacy media, Ukraine’s ‘game-changer’ weapon is a kayak with a grenade launcher

Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, September 24, 2023 Despite over $100 billion in aid from the U.S., Ukraine continues to struggle in its war with Russia and continues to ask for more aid. The much-a…==


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e95884 No.92681

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606381 (250608ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky Bodyguard Gets Arrested in NY After Drunken Bar Brawl, Forcing Patrons Shout: Slava Ukraini

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Zelensky Bodyguard Gets Arrested in NY After Drunken Bar Brawl, Forcing Patrons Shout: Slava Ukraini

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e95884 No.92682

File: 599fcbe7d15d59d⋯.png (274.29 KB,556x600,139:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606416 (250616ZSEP23) Notable: 12th Constitutional Convention of the State of “New California” Next Weekend – Joe Hoft Guest Speaker

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12th Constitutional Convention of the State of “New California” Next Weekend – Joe Hoft Guest Speaker

The 12th Constitutional Convention is next weekend in Irvine, California. President Trump is invited. Joe Hoft Guest Speaker.


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e95884 No.92683

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606428 (250619ZSEP23) Notable: JOHN KERRY TELLS BIGGEST LIE YET, SAYS CHINA IS ENVIRONMENTAL LEADER OF THE WORLD

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e95884 No.92684

File: 51a2f6e49d0ba1e⋯.jpg (460.36 KB,1079x1295,1079:1295,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606468 (250634ZSEP23) Notable: @elonmusk: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

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Rome, Italy

When people ask How often do we think about the Roman Empire...

The U.S. military can learn from strategies used by the Roman Empire, especially as it hones its focus on great-power competition, according to a new paper published by the Association of the U.S. Army.

In "Modern Problems Require Ancient Solutions: Lessons From Roman Competitive Posture," author Maj. John Dzwonczyk says the Roman Empire's longevity was a result of How it shaped perceptions.

A military can face physical limitations, such as distance and cost, so instead of relying only on force, a state should project military power-or the perception of power, Dzwonczyk writes.

"How a state balances military force and military power, and How it chooses to use those things, are important questions of grand strategy," Dzwonczyk wrote.

That strategy, he says, involves using information to make a relatively small force appear as a great military power and deterrence "to minimize expense" of maintaining and using military force.


Source: https://www.ausa.org/news/todays-military-can-learn-roman-empire

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e95884 No.92685

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606488 (250640ZSEP23) Notable: #24077

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#24077 >>92653

>>92652 CDC Refuses To Release Updated Information On Post-COVID Vaccination Heart Inflammation

>>92653 Scavino: Here is a smile and a 'fuck you'

>>92654, >>92658, >>92670 Dan Scavino Just posted twice an owl clip @9:59pm ET

>>92655 Hawley Shocked By Classified Briefing On Ukraine: Warhawks Want Blank Check With No Victory In Sight

>>92656 @dom_lucre: DISTURBING: HBO is airing pedophilia

>>92656 HBO is airing pedophilia

>>92657 Conflict in Ukraine to last until 2035 – ex-Zelensky aide

>>92658, >>92654 @DanScavino: When you see a person who is often silent and avoids people, try to stay close


>>92660, >>92661, >>92662, >>92668, >>92684 @elonmusk: "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire"

>>92663 West is ‘arrogant and hypocritical’ – Swiss watch boss

>>92664 Freemasons international and American pedophilia networks work together to traffic children

>>92665 Fulton County DA investigator 'accidentally' shoots herself in courthouse bathroom

>>92666 Deep Hot Biospere: The Myth of Fossil Fuels

>>92667, >>92669 POTUS T: Can you imagine?

>>92671 'America Has Become The World's Dumping Ground For Illegal Immigration': Dale Strong Slams Biden

>>92672 Narrative Combat: Maria Bartiromo -vs- Matt Gaetz; guess who won?

>>92673, >>92674 Tragic Mid-Air Emergency: Veteran LATAM Pilot Dies on Duty, Flight Diverted

>>92675 @DanScavino: SIT

>>92676 Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine

>>92677 Mosquito surge brings Ventura County's first West Nile case in 4 years

>>92678 Canadian parliament speaker ‘regrets’ honoring Ukrainian Nazi SS veteran

>>92679 Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer For Federal Corruption Case

>>92680 After over $100 billion aid from the US, Ukraine’s ‘game-changer’ weapon is a kayak with a grenade launcher

>>92681 Zelensky Bodyguard Gets Arrested in NY After Drunken Bar Brawl, Forcing Patrons Shout: Slava Ukraini

>>92682 12th Constitutional Convention of the State of “New California” Next Weekend – Joe Hoft Guest Speaker



semi-final check

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e95884 No.92686

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606511 (250646ZSEP23) Notable: #24078

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Baker seeking handoff

will step down in a few minutes

TY anons

rough ride but we'll make it thru


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e95884 No.92687

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606518 (250649ZSEP23) Notable: #24076

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#24076 >>92623

>>92650 Donald J. Trump: [ABC] They spend millions of dollars on these polls, and then, if the result isn’t what they want it to be, refuse to properly report the results. @Footdoc WE'RE COMING

>>92644 Donald J. Trump: It’s time Republicans learned how to fight! Are you listening Mitch McConnell… WE NEED NEW, & REAL, REPUBLICAN LEADERSHIP IN THE UNITED STATES SENATE, NOT A CLONE OF MITCH, & WE NEED IT NOW!!!

>>92630, >>92646, >>92647 Donald J. Trump: KNOWINGLY: when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized THE ENEMY

>>92633 Dan Scavino: Biden's Taco stand…

>>92635 Dan Scavino: Naked Fetterman exits stage right, senate left too fold

>>92624 Battlefield Massacre: Wounded Ukrainian Soldier Vows to ‘Shoot Himself in the Leg’ Rather Than Go Back to the Front

>>92626 How the Husbands of "The Squad" Are Making Millions Off Their Wives

>>92627 Burger King Pulls Advertising from Rumble After Russell Brand Scandal

>>92628, >>92641, >>92643 Biden foolishly squandered $800,000 on a “Harm Reduction” program in Texas. Translation: free crack pipes are given out to addicts to enable their ongoing addiction.

>>92629 Republican Congressman Calls For General Mark Milley to Be Executed in Shockingly Homophobic Screed

>>92632 @USNavy Is down

>>92631 Here We Go Again… CT Health Commissioner Juthani, Other Doctors Push New Covid Vaccines, Hint At Masks

>>92639, >>92634 @JamesOKeefeIII Evil is coming for all of us. Nobody is immune and nobody will come out unscathed. The strong ones with morals who adhere to truth and trust God will persevere.

>>92636 Louisiana Gov to Ask for Federal Emergency Declaration After Contamination of Drinking Water

>>92637, >>92638 Something about that corn… Grassley and Nunes posts are 1,520 days apart. ”Corn ready…”

>>92640 PF Spanish military Flying out of swamp and then Vanishes

>>92625 Hilarious Old Trump TV Commercial

>>92642 Terrible Things Happened to Monkeys After Getting Neuralink Implants, According to Veterinary Records

>>92645 Joe Rogan Is Voting For Trump 3:10

>>92649 Matt Gaetz Blasts McCarthy On Impeachment, Says He’s ‘Not Serious’

>>92651 #24076

repost to eliminate green link

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e95884 No.92688

File: 0ceaf5e9e502d2b⋯.png (1.01 MB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606561 (250710ZSEP23) Notable: FBI sued after allegedly losing hundreds of thousands in rare coins during raid. "shady" process of civil forfeiture

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FBI sued after allegedly losing hundreds of thousands in rare coins during raid

Don Mellein and Jeni Pearsons are suing the government alleging the FBI seized, then lost their property through the "shady" process of civil forfeiture.


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e95884 No.92689

File: c6e6d5cc6db1136⋯.png (902 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606583 (250719ZSEP23) Notable: Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer For Federal Corruption Case

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Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer For Federal Corruption Case


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e95884 No.92690

File: 9b4f080de77172d⋯.png (265.98 KB,500x226,250:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606609 (250737ZSEP23) Notable: Washington Is Fighting Against Emergence Of "Genuine Multipolar World Order": Lavrov Tells UN

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Washington Is Fighting Against Emergence Of "Genuine Multipolar World Order": Lavrov Tells UN

In his speech before the UN General Assembly on Saturday which broadly presented Moscow's viewpoint on the state of global affairs, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov frequently lambasted the West while actually mentioning Ukraine very little.

These are familiar themes, sounded by Putin himself on many occasions recently, seen in the following statement of Lavrov's: "The US and its subordinate Western collective are continuing to fuel conflicts which artificially divide humanity into hostile blocks and hamper the achievement of overall aims," he said. "They’re doing everything they can to prevent the formation of a genuine multipolar world order."

The top Russian diplomat added: "They are trying to force the world to play according to their own self-centered rules."

Another key emphasis was that the West and NATO's role in Ukraine has gone well beyond just a hybrid or proxy war, but it's actually become a "direct" war - given the heavy weapons being provided, targeting assistance given to Kiev, intelligence-sharing, and the fact that Russian soil is now being frequently hit, often by foreign weapons.

Below is a further sampling of key moments and quotes from Lavrov's speech before the assembly...

Direct War

US is “effectively engaged in hostilities with us, using the Ukrainians as fodder.”

"You can call this whatever you want to call this, but they are directly at war with us,” he said. “We call this a hybrid war. But that doesn’t change the reality."

"Empire of Lies"

Americans and Europeans are engaged in "quasi-colonial methods of subjugation."

“Our future is being shaped by a struggle, a struggle between the global majority, in favor of a fair distribution of global benefits… and the few who wield near-colonial methods of subjugation in order to maintain their dominance, which is slipping through their fingers."

"The collective West has … long rejected the principle of equality, looking down to the rest of the world."

“As [Russian President Vladimir] Putin pointed out, the West is the one who is truly an empire of lies."

Provoking Food & Energy Crises

"Unilateral coercive measures" – or sanctions – on weaker nations have provoked a global food and energy crisis.

"We continue to insist on a swift and full cessation of the US’s unprecedented and inhumane blockade of Cuba and the lifting of the absurd decision to declare Cuba a state sponsor of terrorism," he said, while also mentioning the same for Venezuela and Syria.

Sanctions are used to “punish those they don’t like."

Fighting Against Genuine Multipolar Order

Washington and its allies are "doing everything they can to prevent the formation of a genuine multipolar world order."

"The US and its subordinated collective continue to fuel conflicts which artificially divide humanity into hostile blocks and hamper the achievement of overall aims."

“They are trying to force the world to play according to their own self-centred rules.” But the UN Charter seeks to ensure "sovereign equality of states large and small irrespective of their form of government."



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e95884 No.92691

File: e2000c7b30d175f⋯.png (672.81 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606634 (250806ZSEP23) Notable: "Don't Be Intimidated" By The Censors - Tucker Carlson Urges Americans To Fight Back By 'Telling The Truth'

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"Don't Be Intimidated" By The Censors - Tucker Carlson Urges Americans To Fight Back By 'Telling The Truth'


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e95884 No.92692

File: f5b5118a9f534d7⋯.png (267.68 KB,700x350,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606639 (250811ZSEP23) Notable: Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer For Federal Corruption Case

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Corrupt Democrat Senator Bob Menendez Had “Backdoor Access” to VP Biden Through Hunter

Menendez's Backdoor Access to Biden Uncovered in Hunter Emails

President Joe Biden and embattled son Hunter find themselves under scrutiny as their close ties to indicted Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., surface through a 2010 email obtained from Hunter’s infamous laptop. This revelation has...


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e95884 No.92693

File: 4dfbb194757188c⋯.png (1.01 MB,1208x792,151:99,Clipboard.png)

File: ad91e553309739c⋯.png (98.14 KB,782x701,782:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19606711 (250920ZSEP23) Notable: Hollywood studios are self-censoring their films to appease the Chinese government

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>Hollywood studios are self-censoring their films to appease the Chinese government

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e95884 No.92694

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607155 (251232ZSEP23) Notable: DC Draino w/CAP: Exposed: The UN & Clinton Foundation occupy an old US base in Panama to help supply illegal aliens on their way to America

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Exposed: The UN & Clinton Foundation occupy an old US base in Panama to help supply illegal aliens on their way to America

This is an organized human trafficking operation invading our southern border & the *Clintons* are funding it

Isn’t that Treason?

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e95884 No.92695

File: 1b0b2e4592d8780⋯.png (1.03 MB,1062x789,354:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607171 (251237ZSEP23) Notable: Federal Court Shuts Down Special Counsel Jack Smith Again - Smith cannot have access to the phone records of Rep. Scott Perry

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e95884 No.92696

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607197 (251247ZSEP23) Notable: DC Draino w/CAP: Exposed: The UN & Clinton Foundation occupy an old US base in Panama to help supply illegal aliens on their way to America

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e95884 No.92697

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607205 (251250ZSEP23) Notable: The Swamp today - 9/25/2023

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8:45 AM EDT

ROK-U.S. Strategic Forum 2023

Center for Strategic and International Studies




Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at the 8th Annual CSIS Republic of Korea-United States Strategic Forum

Washington, D.C.




Forum on U.S.-Korea Alliance & Shared Interests

Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-MD) will be among several speakers at a forum focusing on the U.S.-Korea alliance and shared interests. The Center for Strategic and International Studies is hosting the forum.


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e95884 No.92698

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607220 (251259ZSEP23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/25/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/25/2023



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e95884 No.92699

File: 476d935538547ea⋯.png (335.72 KB,1158x1190,579:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607262 (251322ZSEP23) Notable: DJT TSw/CAP: Crooked Joe Biden, who is killing the United Autoworkers with his WEAK stance on China and his ridiculous insistence on ALL Electric Cars...

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>so much do

should be so much 'so'

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e95884 No.92700

File: e1a2da86e3c21d8⋯.jpeg (110.67 KB,859x393,859:393,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607274 (251329ZSEP23) Notable: Sea Island Cries Uncle? – GA Governor Brian Kemp Says He Will Support Donald Trump if GOP Nominee

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Sea Island Cries Uncle? – GA Governor Brian Kemp Says He Will Support Donald Trump if GOP Nominee

September 24, 2023 | Sundance |

I don’t trust this crew as far as I can spit; however, this has the potential to be an inflection point. But we need to watch carefully.

In an interview with the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp says he will support Donald Trump if he is the victorious nominee from the GOP primary contest. Suspicious cat remains, well, suspicious.

“Despite all of that, despite all of his other trials and tribulations, [Trump] would still be a lot better than Biden. And the people serving in the administration would be a lot better than Joe Biden. And it has nothing to do with being a coward. It has everything to do with winning and reversing the ridiculous, obscene positions of Joe Biden and this administration that literally, in a lot of ways, are destroying our country.” (read more)


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e95884 No.92701

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607419 (251427ZSEP23) Notable: #24078

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==final bun for #24078

#24078 >>92686

>>92688 FBI sued after allegedly losing hundreds of thousands in rare coins during raid. "shady" process of civil forfeiture

>>92689, >>92692 Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer For Federal Corruption Case

>>92690 Washington Is Fighting Against Emergence Of "Genuine Multipolar World Order": Lavrov Tells UN

>>92691 "Don't Be Intimidated" By The Censors - Tucker Carlson Urges Americans To Fight Back By 'Telling The Truth'

>>92693 Hollywood studios are self-censoring their films to appease the Chinese government

>>92694, >>92696 DC Draino w/CAP: Exposed: The UN & Clinton Foundation occupy an old US base in Panama to help supply illegal aliens on their way to America

>>92695 Federal Court Shuts Down Special Counsel Jack Smith Again - Smith cannot have access to the phone records of Rep. Scott Perry

>>92697 The Swamp today - 9/25/2023

>>92698 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/25/2023

>>92699 DJT TSw/CAP: Crooked Joe Biden, who is killing the United Autoworkers with his WEAK stance on China and his ridiculous insistence on ALL Electric Cars...

>>92700 Sea Island Cries Uncle? – GA Governor Brian Kemp Says He Will Support Donald Trump if GOP Nominee

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e95884 No.92702

File: f107c916ff0c708⋯.png (1.06 MB,896x717,896:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607440 (251431ZSEP23) Notable: #24079

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morn'n baker requesting handoff - call the ball baker or notetaker

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e95884 No.92703

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607454 (251434ZSEP23) Notable: Grandson of Ukraine's Stepan Bandera Reckons With Legacy of Nazi Collaboration

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Grandson of Ukraine's Stepan Bandera Reckons With Legacy of Nazi Collaboration

Steve Bandera, a journalist and Canadian citizen, has steadfastly maintained for years that his grandfather, and the Ukrainian nationalist movement in general, are innocent of perpetrating war crimes against Jews

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e95884 No.92704

File: acb38b4b1e9b2e3⋯.jpeg (402.12 KB,1046x1635,1046:1635,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607456 (251434ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Massie says DOJ put a “MAFIA” hit on Elon Musk…

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Rep. Massie says DOJ put a “MAFIA” hit on Elon Musk…

September 24, 2023 (a day ago)

Well, if there’s one thing we can all agree on about Biden’s DOJ, it’s that squalid institution’s unwaveringing laser focus on targeting anyone who even questions the regime. Just take a look at their unjust actions against President Trump, the January 6th political prisoners, and Douglass Mackey, a Trump supporter convicted of “conspiracy” for sharing an anti-Hillary meme, facing a potential 10-year sentence. It’s like something out of a dystopian “Mad Max” style movie. Merrick Garland’s approach to anybody not aligned with the Biden regime is like watching a mafia hitman at work. And that’s exactly what Rep. Thomas Massie compared him to regarding the recent attacks unleashed on Elon Musk. There’s no doubt they’ll try and throw Elon is prison. It’s already heading in that direction. Undoubtedly, Kim Jong-un must be watching all of this unfold, impressed by the left’s use of Marxist tactics.


Federal prosecutors are probing whether Tesla’s company resources were used to supply personal benefits to CEO Elon Musk as early as 2017, farther back then previously known, according to people familiar with the investigation who also said prosecutors have made allusions to the involvement of a grand jury—indicating potential criminal charges…

Meanwhile, there has been no investigation into the $400 million donated by Mark Zuckerberg to left-wing non-profits, seemingly aimed at influencing the 2020 election through a barrage of unregulated mail-in ballots, many of which were counted late at night, behind closed doors.

Nope, nothing “shady” there, folks, keep moving…


He and his wife donated at least $400 million to two nonprofit organizations which distributed grants to state and local governments to help them conduct the 2020 election during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The donations came at a time when election offices were trying to transition to mail voting.

Tomas Massie grilled Merrick Garland over his politically-driven attacks on Elon Musk during a recent Judiciary Committee hearing, where Garland looked more like Mr. Magoo than a vicious Mafia hitman. Clearly, somebody else is pulling Merrick’s strings.

It’s high time the GOP takes action and initiates impeachment proceedings againstthis n0-good traitor, who seemingly follows orders without question, and is leading one of the most unjust and anti-American plots against “we the people”this country has ever seen.

Lock him up.


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e95884 No.92705

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607459 (251435ZSEP23) Notable: resident hosts a meeting with Pacific Islands Forum

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10:30 AM EDT

The President hosts a meeting with Pacific Islands Forum leaders for the U.S.-Pacific Islands Forum Summit

East Room





President Biden Hosts Pacific Islands Forum

President Biden hosts a forum with leaders from the U.S.-Pacific islands at the White House.


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e95884 No.92706

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607470 (251437ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Forced to Respond - State of the Race

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Biden Forced to Respond – State of the Race

September 24, 2023 | Sundance1/2

The motive of the Biden trip to visit the striking UAW workers one day ahead of President Trump visiting Michigan is transparent. However, the background of the issue is layers more interesting.

The narrative the engineers are trying to assemble, circles around a historic trip by Joe Biden to stand on the picket lines with striking auto workers.But it’s the overall collapse of support for Biden that looms larger.

The big picture problem for democrats is not thatBiden is losing to Trump in the polls, but rather the scale of the loss.

Everyone knows the DNC and activist groups will trigger their ballot fraud operations in 2024, the problem for them is they can only lift so much through the fraud itself.

Yes, it is possible for the metropolitan counties of Philadelphia (PA), Wayne (MI), Clark (NV), Fulton (GA), Racine (WI) and Maricopa/Pinal (AZ) to each generate between 300,000 and 500,000 fraudulent ballots. However, when contrast against the anticipated scale of the state loss, that might not be enough.

The democrats need a candidate who can lose at a muchsmaller statewide margin so that ballot fraud (absentee collection) in the corrupt counties can reach their goals. Biden is not that candidate.

That sets up the dynamic where Biden support within the group who will be responsible for covering his deficits has become tenuous. Remember, Eric Holder and the Chicago network organized the original ballot operation and tested it in California in 2018. The two weeks after election day 2018 showed 21 GOP win seats on the day of election, flip through the use of the post-election ballot counting. That midterm test in CA was then rolled out nationally in 2020.

The counties that must be relied upon to sway the election are nervous about the scale of lift they will be required to provide. Within that tenuous situation, the ever ego-driven Obama network cannot accept that level of risk. Hence, Obama strategically retreats.

At the same time, the DC intelligence apparatus that needs to pretend the election is legit and support the fraud, is applying pressure on Biden to exit [See WaPo Poll].

The message from Main Justice, the DOJ-CRD and the DHS embeds is that too much fraud would be problematic to achieve….


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e95884 No.92707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607475 (251439ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Forced to Respond - State of the Race

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Team Biden is fully aware of this dynamic, they need to close the gap – not defeat Trump –but close the election gap to a distance that can be successfully closed by the ballot harvesting and manipulation operations. That’s the focus and impetus behind all of the Biden campaign operations; close the gap.

President Trump is working on gap-widening operations; meaning to push the scale of fraud to a level that cannot be achieved. Unfortunately, his campaign is having to do the heavy lifting alone. The people who organize and fund RNC operations do not want the RNC to do anything that would interfere with the ballot fraud operations carried out by the other wing of the two corporate clubs, the DNC.

The RNC is focused on the upcoming corporate debate using the Fox Business Network (Murdoch) and the Reagan Library (Bush Inc), an alignment of common interests. When you stop pretending you realize that impeding DNC ballot fraud operations is against the RNC interests.

Thankfully, the traditional illusion of choicegame is becoming so obvious that RNC base voters are eyes-wide-open. When we first started talking about the UniParty on these pages twelve years ago, few could really understand what that system really entailed. Now, thanks specifically to the sunlight that Donald Trump provided on the political system, the machinations of the two-party operation, a genuine Potemkin village, are transparently visible.

The RNC and DNC are funded by the same multinationals who identify the approved candidates. Donald Trump is not an approved candidate for the interests of Wall Street, the multinational corporations, the globalists (writ large), or the Billionaire class who depend on trade and financial systems they control.

Joe Biden is going to Michigan because he needs to close the gap. President Donald Trump is going to Michigan because he needs to widen the gap.

Just like Team Obama and the DC Administrative State, I do not think Biden can close the gap, and that frames my expectation that Biden will be replaced.

They don’t need a replacement that can win, they just need a replacement that can lose in key states by enough of a margin that can be covered by the ballot fraud operation.

Last point, within the billionaire wing of the Republican apparatus, they are now increasingly ambivalent about the GOP primary. The main tone/theme that comes out of the circle of professionally GOP billionaires, is that Trump seems inevitable, Trump will likely win, buttheir failsafe is that a DC republican system will not allow Trump to have the power of the presidency.. We keep watching…


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e95884 No.92708

File: a5c025bf9220d0d⋯.png (298.23 KB,781x1024,781:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 99001fc2f2d730f⋯.jpeg (374.79 KB,1048x1753,1048:1753,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607486 (251441ZSEP23) Notable: Jack Smith’s “gag order” is actually a new trap - and it’s worse than you imagined…

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Jack Smith’s “gag order” is actually a new trap – and it’s worse than you imagined…

September 23, 2023 (2 days ago)

What the regime is doing to President Trump ranks among the most shameful, unjust, and anti-American actions we’ve witnessed in this country. Just imagine what our Founding Fathers would think of today’s America under Biden’s fake leadership. If they returned and saw this, they’d likely be plotting another revolution quicker than we could utter “1776.” Their anger would stem not only from the unjust treatment of President Trump but also from the fact that it affects all of us.

Once again, the uni-party regime deploys every trick in the book to undermine our voting rights and silence our voices.Each move against President Trump inches them closer to muzzling us.Take, for instance, the gag order Jack Smith is attempting to impose on President Trump; it’s one of the most significant “election interference” moves since the sham indictment came down.

Slay News:

On Friday, Smith filed a motion asking for a “narrowly tailored” gag order against Trump.

The order seeks to stop Trump from making “inflammatory” and “intimidating” comments about the Democrats’ federal January 6 case.

Smith’s team has accused Trump of engaging in a campaign of “disinformation” and harassment intended to intimidate witnesses, prosecutors, and others involved in the trial.

In his motion, Smith complained about an August 2, 2023, post by Trump on Truth Social that simply quoted Fox News host Jesse Watters.

Smith wrote:

… . And on August 2, the defendant posted a quote alleging, without any basis, that the indictment that a federal grand jury in this case returned had been directed by the sitting president:

“‘Joe Biden directed his Attorney General to prosecute his rival. This is not an independent Justice Department, this is not an independent special counsel. This is being directed by the Commander-in-Chief.”

Through such posts, the defendant is attempting to submit his false and inflammatory claims to the public and jury pool outside of court, because he knows that any such claims made before the Court in the form of motions to suppress or of vindictive prosecution will fail because they must be supported by evidence—of which there is none.

Gregg Re, a former head writer for “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” responded to the order in a post on Twitter, calling it “insane.”

“The trump gag order is truly insane,” Re said.

“Headlines didn’t capture how broad it is.

Biden’s DOJ wants to ban Trump from even suggesting Biden is behind his prosecution.

“He also isn’t allowed to say that he can’t get a fair trial in an overwhelmingly dem district.”

“But it doesn’t end there. Investigative reporter Julie Kelly, renowned for her exceptional work in exposing the falsehoods surrounding January 6th and her coverage of the January 6th political prisoners, shared her insights on the gag order in a post on X. Julie says it’s not just a “gag order,” it’s actually a “contempt trap.”

Here’s what Julie said in her post:

NEW: After “accidentally” forgetting to add the proposed gag order in motion last week, Jack Smith filed it yesterday.

This is the furthest thing from a “narrow” order.It is another contempt trap not just for Trump but those around him including campaign spokesmen. Trump’s only allowable response would be “no comment” or “I am not guilty.”

And the argument about keeping a jury “impartial” by silencing any criticism of the process by defendant and his associates is not just absurd but totally contrary to how every DC judge has handled change of venue motions.

Even amid wall-to-wall news coverage in DC on Jan 6 including nationally televised nighttime hearings by J6 committee, judges insist careful voir dire would result in a fair jury. This happened during Proud Boys and Oath Keepers trials when committee specifically targeted the individual defendants while jury selection was underway.

Will be very easy for Team Trump to refute this argument and merely look up every change of venue motion denial by nearly every judge on the district court. I bet Chutkan has at least one, too.

This is yet another instance of election interference, but in reality, the ones who could benefit from a “gag order” or two are Jack Smith and his immoral team. They are leaking information like a sieve to their media allies, so the Dems can continue to undermine and weaponize our system in their quest to hold onto power.


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e95884 No.92709

File: 64fc1bcb5c02c6f⋯.png (374.65 KB,590x674,295:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607502 (251445ZSEP23) Notable: @SecDef Landed in 🇰🇪 Nairobi, Kenya.

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Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III


Landed in 🇰🇪 Nairobi, Kenya.

Kenya and the United States are proud partners in the effort to combat terrorism and advance democracy. This visit underscores the importance of our bilateral defense relationship as we work together to address regional challenges.

7:19 AM · Sep 25, 2023


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e95884 No.92710

File: 0ca1286cdfdbac4⋯.png (2.28 MB,1080x1551,360:517,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607508 (251447ZSEP23) Notable: Grandson of Ukraine's Stepan Bandera Reckons With Legacy of Nazi Collaboration

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>President & CEO, Banesto Productions, based in Toronto, Canada. Stephen Bandera helped produce more than 30 documentaries for television CTV News W5 and Canada's Olympic Broadcast Media Consortium between 2011 and 2017. He has worked with the Ukrainian television and film industries since 1991, specializing in writing, translation, subtitles and voice work.



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e95884 No.92711

File: a7cd513e855b419⋯.jpg (192.23 KB,720x1139,720:1139,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607517 (251448ZSEP23) Notable: FCC Announces Nationwide Emergency Alerting Tests on October 4, 2023

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FCC Announces Nationwide Emergency Alerting Tests on October 4, 2023


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e95884 No.92712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607524 (251450ZSEP23) Notable: Jack Smith’s “gag order” is actually a new trap - and it’s worse than you imagined…

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>>92695 Federal Court Shuts Down Special Counsel Jack Smith Again - Smith cannot have access to the phone records of Rep. Scott Perry PN

Federal Court Shuts Down Special Counsel Jack Smith AgainJon DoughertySeptember 24, 2023

A U.S. federal appeals court has thrown up a big roadblock for special counsel Jack Smith as he continues his investigation into the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol Building two-and-a-half years ago.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled last week that Smith cannot have access to the phone records of Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.) because allowing him to obtain the information amounts to a breach of the GOP lawmaker’s immunity under the Constitution’s “speech and debate” clause.

Smith was seeking Perry’s communications with colleagues and Executive Branch officials, Politico reported. However, the clause in question shields members of Congress from being slapped with legal proceedings while they are engaging in their elected official duties.

“While elections are political events, a member’s deliberation about whether to certify a presidential election or how to assess information relevant to legislation about federal election procedures are textbook legislative acts,” U.S. District Judge Neomi Rao wrote in the opinion issued last week.

Newsmax noted further:

The decision marked the the first time an appeals court has held that lawmakers’ cellphones are subject to the same protections as their physical offices.

It also was the first significant legal setback for Smith in his bid to obtain evidence about involvement by allies of Donald Trump in the then-president’s alleged effort to overturn the 2020 election, Politico reported.

Rao, a Trump appointee, was joined by another Trump appointee, Judge Gregory Katsas, and by Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson, who was nominated by President George H.W. Bush.

The three-judge panel’s ruling overturns a lower court decision by U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell, who mostly sided with the government’s request to gain access to Perry’s cellphone data.

The appeals court sent the case back to Howell’s court and instructed her to apply the new ruling to any future decision in the case, according to the outlets.

Meanwhile, Fox News host Jesse Watters tore into Smith for indicting former President Donald Trump in two separate cases.

During a recent segment on “The Five,” Watters called Smith a “nervous wreck” after he unsealed Trump’s grand jury indictment while reminding viewers of Smith’s troubled legal history before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Smith obtained a four-count indictment against Trump concerning his actions to challenge the outcome of the 2020 election. They include willful retention of national defense information, conspiracy to obstruct justice, and false statements.

In June, Smith had secured a 37-count indictment against Trump following a quick investigation into allegations involving classified documents. On Thursday, a superseding indictment was issued, which also included charges against Carlos De Oliveira, a maintenance worker at Mar-a-Lago, the Florida estate owned by former President Trump.

“That was Special Counsel Jack Smith, who looked like a bedraggled nervous wreck, dripping with anger and highly emotional,”Watters said after showing a clip of Smith’s press conference earlier in the day announcing the new charges.

“The last time Jack Smith charged a politician, the case was so weak, it got tossed out of the Supreme Court unanimously. The Biden Justice Department is using obscure federal statutes to put a former president in prison for the rest of his life,” Watters told viewers.

Watters was referring to a case where Smith prosecuted then-Republican Gov. Bob McDowell of Virginia over receiving gifts, securing a conviction that the Supreme Court unanimously threw out.

“These charges are not bribery, not assault, not tax evasion, not sex trafficking. They’re charging Donald Trump under the Act of 1866,” Watters said. “It was used against the [Ku Klux] Klan, and now they are using it against Trump.”

Trump has pleaded not guilty to all counts and has likened the indictments to election interference.


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e95884 No.92713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607533 (251451ZSEP23) Notable: resident hosts a meeting with Pacific Islands Forum

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Mr. Biden: For the first time, I'm proud to announce, that we are going to double the number of academic exchanges from Pacific Island students, beginning this year.

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e95884 No.92714

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607544 (251455ZSEP23) Notable: resident hosts a meeting with Pacific Islands Forum

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Mr. Biden: All these steps are going to help build a strong foundation from which we can tackle the challenges that matter most to our people's lives. Key among them is climate change...we hear your warnings of a rising sea...we hear your calls for reassurance that you never, never, never will lose your statehood, or membership at the UN, as a result of climate crisis.

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e95884 No.92715

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607558 (251458ZSEP23) Notable: resident hosts a meeting with Pacific Islands Forum

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Mr. Biden: Today I am pleased to announce we're working on congress to invest forty billion dollars in our Pacific Island's Infrastructure Initiative...including investments in digital connectivity, through the Partnership For Global Infrastructure and Investment...and we have signed a new, ten year, six hundred million dollar agreement, to support the sustainable development of the Pacific Island fisheries, as I pledged to you last year.

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e95884 No.92716

File: ee5976af363b0e8⋯.png (669.47 KB,806x1275,806:1275,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607569 (251501ZSEP23) Notable: Grandson of Ukraine's Stepan Bandera Reckons With Legacy of Nazi Collaboration

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Ukrainian propagandists are now calling the Canadian/Ukrainian Nazi debacle just a “poorly thought out” decision, and continue to ignore that Ukraine is the Nazi capital of the world.

They are now trying to play victim after glorifying nazis and having nazis in their military.


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e95884 No.92717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607575 (251503ZSEP23) Notable: Senator Robert Menendez Press Conference

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11:30 AM EDT

Senator Robert Menendez Press Conference

Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) holds a news conference to respond to corruption charges against he and his wife.


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e95884 No.92718

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607581 (251504ZSEP23) Notable: Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End

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Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End

(Greg Reese)—The counterculture is now aware of False Flags. Operations that are executed by the powers that be and blamed on someone else are now being called out in real-time on social media platforms despite the censorship. It’s becoming popular. And if the powers that be can no longer trick us, then they will try and hurt us.

According to the scientific data, nearly all humans have a certain degree of psychic awareness. And some of us become acutely aware of it. The term, Remote Viewing, was coined by the US Department of Defense when they began training people in this field. It is the art of viewing an unknown target at any distance within the mind’s eye and retrieving accurate data. To refine this data, Remote Viewers work together as a team and look for redundant data.

Remote Viewing teams such as, the Future Forecasting Group, work with a double-blind protocol. This means that they do not know where or what the target is. The information they are given is an arbitrarily designated number such as; A9I5-Q7K4. As they blindly view the target in a meditative state of focus, imagery is flashed in the mind and immediately sketched out and collected. The Future Forecasting Group has been successful at predicting the Panama Canal incident, the Destruction of the Kakhovka Dam in Ukraine, the Halloween stampede in South Korea, police violence at the Canadian Trucker protest, and many others. Which can all be found at Future Forecasting Group.com.

The Future Forecasting Group was recently assigned the target of the next financial crisis. Because of their double-blind protocol, the only information they were given was an arbitrary number. But theViewers were all distracted by overpowering images of a catastrophic event. They all saw the same thing. Massive explosions with multiple points of impact, small particles, and debris falling from the sky, people sick with Cesium, which is the most dangerous of all radioactive isotopes. Used in Dirty Bomb scenarios. They saw police checkpoints, people seeking shelter underground, and an exodus of sad-looking people.

Remote Viewing goes back in the written record for millennia. And has been repeated in the current scientific record for decades. According to this body of work, most people are able to do this. And this is why Clif High’s Predictive Linguistics program works.

By reading the entirety of human language across the World Wide Web, the program will list repeated words and phrases in all languages creating a macroscopic view of what everyone is talking about. So if all humans are psychic, whether they know it or not, then you would see it in the collective chatter. Especially for traumatic events. The bigger the trauma, the more people would be emoting their anxiety online. And key words can be found. Such as the word “ejecta”, which has been showing up in Clif High’s work. Which shows the same event.

Predictive Linguistics reveals a time frame of when a big event happens at the point in time when the tension language ends, and the release language begins. The tension language is the psychic awareness before an event. And the release language is the event itself as everyone is made aware.Based on this, Clif High sees this event happening near the end of this year.

Both the Predictive Linguistics and the Future Forecasting Group saw that this was a decision that was made by some faction of government. Several saw a button being pressed. And they propose that if enough eyes are on the powers that be, maybe it will never happen.

(Recent prophecy says between September 15 to October 25th, will be Trumps time to move and render those in power, powerless)

Bo Polny and Juanito -"THE FIGHT IS HERE! GET READY!!"




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e95884 No.92719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607594 (251506ZSEP23) Notable: Perdue, Tyson probed by feds over employment of migrant children who likely washed bloody floors and razor-sharp machines

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Perdue, Tyson probed by feds over employment of migrant children who likely washed bloody floors and razor-sharp machines

One-third of the Perdue plant’s overnight cleaning crew was made up of children, workers told The Times.

They’re all reportedly employed by Fayette Industrial, the Tennessee-based cleaning company that had been hired by Perdue to wash bloodied floors, razor-sharp machines and other equipment using a pressurized hose that sprays scalding hot, 130-degree water.

Fayette also reportedly works with QSI Sanitation — which works with Tyson as part of chemical sanitation conglomerate The Vincit Group, according to The Times — and is facing a federal investigation.


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e95884 No.92720

File: 5a2803dda332edc⋯.png (366.65 KB,529x534,529:534,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607595 (251506ZSEP23) Notable: @USArmy Tank superiority!

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Tank superiority!


M1A2 Abrams tanks conduct maneuver training during Exercise Bright Star 2023 in Hammam, Egypt.


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e95884 No.92721

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607603 (251508ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 11:30 AM EDT/speak @3p

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11:30 AM EDT

LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 9/25/2023

Right Side Broadcasting Network

Coverage is expected to begin at 11:00 am ET. Please Note: times are estimated and are subject to change.



3:00 PM EDT

45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Summerville, South Carolina SOLD OUT

Doors Open: 12:00 PM EDT

>>>/qresearch/19545192 PB




3:00 PM EDT

Campaign 2024: Former President Trump Campaigns in South Carolina

Former President Trump speaks at Sportsman Boats in Summerville, South Carolina.


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e95884 No.92722

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607627 (251513ZSEP23) Notable: Judge overseeing case to remove Trump from ballot agrees to order banning threats and intimidation

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Judge overseeing case to remove Trump from ballot agrees to order banning threats and intimidation

Story by By NICHOLAS RICCARDI, Associated Press •

DENVER (AP) — The Colorado judge overseeing the first significant lawsuit to bar former President Donald Trump from the state's 2024 presidential ballot on Friday issued a protective order prohibiting threats and intimidation in the case, saying the safety of those involved — including herself and her staff — was necessary as the groundbreaking litigation moves forward.

“I 100% understand everybody's concerns for the parties, the lawyers, and frankly myself and my staff based on what we've seen in other cases,” District Judge Sarah B. Wallace said as she agreed to the protective order.

The order prohibits parties in the case from making threatening or intimidating statements. Scott Gessler, a former Colorado secretary of state representing Trump in the case, opposed it. He said a protective order was unnecessary because threats and intimidation already are prohibited by law.

It was sought by lawyers for the liberal group Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, which is seeking to disqualify Trump from the ballot under a rarely used Civil War-era clause of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Gessler said heated rhetoric in this case has come partly from the left.

“We do have robust political debate going on here,” he said. “For better or worse, this case has become a focal point.”

Dozens of lawsuits have been filed around the country seeking to disqualify Trump from the 2024 ballot based on the 14th Amendment clause barring anyone who swore an oath to the Constitution and then “engaged in insurrection” against it from running for office. Their arguments revolve around Trump's involvement in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol to halt the congressional certification of the 2020 presidential election.

The case in Colorado is the first filed by a group with significant legal resources. The issue is expected to reach the U.S. Supreme Court, which has never ruled on the insurrection provision in section three of the 14th Amendment.

Wallace has set an Oct. 30 hearing to discuss whether Trump needs to be removed under Colorado law prohibiting candidates who don't meet qualifications for higher office from appearing on ballots. She has said she wants to give the Colorado Supreme Court — and possibly U.S. Supreme Court — as much time as possible to review the decision before the state's Jan. 5 deadline to set its 2024 presidential primary ballot.

A parallel case in Minnesota filed by another well-financed liberal group is scheduled to be heard by that state's supreme court on Nov. 2.

Trump's attorneys are scheduled to file two motions to dismiss the lawsuit later Friday. One will contend the litigation is an attempt to retaliate against Trump's free speech rights. Wallace has set an Oct. 13 hearing to debate that claim.

Sean Grimsley, an attorney for the plaintiffs in the case, proposed the protective order in court Friday. He cited federal prosecutor Jack Smith last week seeking a gag order against Trump for threats made in his prosecution of the former president for trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

“At least one of the parties has a tendency to tweet — or Truth Social," Grimsley said, referring to Trump’s own social network where he broadcasts most of his statements, “about witnesses and the courts.”


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e95884 No.92723

File: 2f88b355cd934d0⋯.png (222.35 KB,530x572,265:286,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607666 (251518ZSEP23) Notable: @AFGlobalStrike Eyes on the sky

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Eyes on the sky

#Striker Airmen who work as RAPCON (Radar Approach Control) air traffic controllers are responsible for monitoring the airspace surrounding the base, ensuring the safe operations of aircraft outside the range of the ATC tower.




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e95884 No.92724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607699 (251525ZSEP23) Notable: How to Hide a $2 Trillion Antitrust Trial

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How to Hide a $2 Trillion Antitrust Trial

We did an analysis of the Google antitrust trial. Last week, over half of the trial was held behind closed doors because the judge, Amit Mehta, is deferring to Google on the need for secrecy.


Normally on Sunday’s I do a round-up of monopoly-related news for paid subscribers. That’ll be at the end of this email. But today, I want to do a bit of a summary of the Google antitrust trial, since we’re investing so much into covering it. The key question is as follows. Google is a very powerful corporation worth around $2 trillion, it controls access to the internet, and it will roll out generative artificial intelligence for billions of people. And yet, the public hasn’t heard that much about a major trial where the firm and its executives are being asked how they secured that immense power. Why?

There are several possibilities, but in my view, the most obvious reason is that the judge in the case, Amit Mehta, is effectively holding the contest in secret. Last week, according to our calculations, over half of the trial, including testimony from key witnesses, happened in closed session, unavailable to the public. Why? Here’s Mehta in a pre-trial hearing in August, explaining his thinking to Google’s attorneys.

“Look, I’m a trial judge. I am not anyone that understands the industry and the markets in the way that you do. And so I take seriously when companies are telling me that if this gets disclosed, it’s going to cause competitive harm. And I think it behooves me to be somewhat conservative in thinking about that issue, because, you know, I can’t see around every corner.”

In other words, Mehta is deferring to Google on the need for secrecy.

The Trial Isn’t the Remedy

In 1998, the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, had to answer to the public in an antitrust trial. Gates had been a titan for almost two decades, gracing the cover of Time Magazine multiple times as a young genius. That all changed when he was deposed by government lawyers. “The Bill Gates on the courtroom screen,” reported the New York Times, “was evasive and uninformed, pedantic and taciturn, a world apart from his reputation as a brilliant business strategist, guiding every step in Microsoft Corp.'s rise to dominance in computing.”

For eight months, the Microsoft antitrust trial was front-page news, the drama of the trillion dollar personal computing revolution unveiled to the public. One result was that Microsoft, afraid of public exposure years later, refused to use its control over the browser to kill nascent rivals, in particular a young search company called Google.

Today, we should be in a similar moment, only this time with Google as the titan on trial. Google has engaged in behavior that’s almost identical to what Microsoft did in terms of coercion of rivals, and just as consequential in terms of shaping the future. And yet, the reporting and interest in this trial is minuscule compared to what we saw 25 years ago. Frankly, some days, our Big Tech on Trial reporting site is one of the few journalists in the court room, which is astonishing. This dynamic is especially odd because, unlike 1998, we are in an anti-monopoly moment, with political interest in corporate behavior far more elevated than it was in 1998.

What gives? There are a few reasons for this odd disconnect, but one reason is very simple - there was public access to the Microsoft trial in 1998. However today the judge, a guy named Amit Mehta, has effectively barred the public from seeing anything meaningful or interesting. In my profile of the trial, back in August, I focused on Mehta, because I knew the dynamics would be organized by his decision-making. And so it has been…


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e95884 No.92725

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607708 (251528ZSEP23) Notable: How to Hide a $2 Trillion Antitrust Trial

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Let’s compare the two trials. For Microsoft, the judge ruled on behalf of media organizations that the deposition of Bill Gates would be unsealed, a deposition that was not meaningful for the trial, but also critically important to the historical record, and one you can watch online today. He also unsealed over a hundred transcripts of other depositions from industry players, including ones that weren’t used in the trial itself. This public record was critical to the reporting, and to public understanding of the industry.

But this Google trial?By far the most important moment was when Judge Mehta denied a third-party motion to broadcast a publicly accessible audio feed of the trialfor fear that information Google wishes wouldn’t be disclosed become public. Indeed, Google lawyers have explicitly argued that the judge should avoid allowing documents to become public solely because it is “clickbait.” To put it differently, the search giant literally argues material should stay sealed merely because if that material is interesting. Imagine if Bill Gates, or say, a routine defendant in any case, could have availed himself of that innovative legal argument!

These arguments should be laughed out of court. And yet, Mehta takes them seriously,which has led to an almost-entirely private trial, deadeningly boring to the public because key documents have been deleted and the important or embarrassing moments are held in secret.

As a result of this monumental decision,the trial is now only available to people who can go to the court in D.C.And yet, even if you can come to the courthouse, it’s hard to see the trial because huge portions are fully sealed. There is often no clear indication beforehand of how long the trial will be sealed for. And when court ends a sealed session and re-opens to the public, it often resumes within a couple minutes of opening the door to the courtroom. This means anyone who wants to watch the public portions of the trial just has to wait outside the courtroom to see when it re-opens. Moreover, even though you can watch the trial from the courtroom or a public overflow room, unless you are in the media room, electronic devices are not allowed.

It’s an eight week trial, but a chronicle of Friday’s court date is as good an example as any. Big Tech on Trial waited all day, with no information, as the lawyers debated something in what is known as a ‘closed session.’ This is a common occurrence. Most of the trial is happening behind closed doors, including procedural questions that should clearly be public. Indeed, Big Tech on Trial looked at the transcripts for the last week to estimate roughly how much of the trial was held in secret, based on how much they are redacted.

Easily half of the week’s courtroom days were sealed. Here’s a breakdown of how much of the trial was sealed on each day:

Monday, Sept. 18: roughly half of the trial was sealed

Tuesday, Sept. 19: trial was fully open

Wednesday, Sept. 20 roughly three quarters of the trial was sealed. That morning, Bloomberg reporter Leah Nylen came to the courtroom with a First Amendment attorney hired by Bloomberg. But the attorney never got a chance to speak because the court unexpectedly began in a closed session and the public was asked to leave the courtroom(after Judge Mehta reportedly had a private meeting with the lead attorneys in his chambers).

Thursday, Sept. 21: roughly half of the trial was sealed

Friday, Sept. 22: the entirety of testimony was sealed. Court opened up only for a few minutes to deal with administrative matters at the very end of the day.

And that means we heard little of the most important testimony, perhaps of the entire trial, from a man named John Giannandrea. Giannandrea is a senior executive at Apple who reports directly to Tim Cook and came to Apple from Google in 2018, where he was head of Search. The relationship between Apple and Google is the heart of the trial, and, in the year this man left from Apple to Google, the two firms went from aggressive competitors to gentle collaborators. And yet, the public heard just ten minutes of open-court testimony from Giannandrea. Another Apple executive, Eddie Cue, will testify on Tuesday, so there’s a chancewe’ll learn more about the relationship between Apple and Google. Stranger things have happened.


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e95884 No.92726

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607712 (251529ZSEP23) Notable: Senator Robert Menendez Press Conference

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Menendez: The allegations leveled against me are just that; allegations.

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e95884 No.92727

File: a46f889c50f1e10⋯.png (843.52 KB,960x1464,40:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607716 (251529ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Arp 142: The Hummingbird Galaxy

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 25, 2023

Arp 142: The Hummingbird Galaxy

What's happening to this spiral galaxy? Just a few hundred million years ago, NGC 2936, the upper of the two large galaxies shown at the bottom, was likely a normal spiral galaxy spinning, creating stars and minding its own business. But then it got too close to the massive elliptical galaxy NGC 2937, just below, and took a turn. Sometimes dubbed the Hummingbird Galaxy for its iconic shape, NGC 2936 is not only being deflected but also being distorted by the close gravitational interaction. Behind filaments of dark interstellar dust, bright blue stars form the nose of the hummingbird, while the center of the spiral appears as an eye. Alternatively, the galaxy pair, together known as Arp 142, look to some like Porpoise or a penguin protecting an egg. The featured re-processed image showing Arp 142 in great detail was taken recently by the Hubble Space Telescope. Arp 142 lies about 300 million light years away toward the constellation of the Water Snake (Hydra). In a billion years or so the two galaxies will likely merge into one larger galaxy.


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e95884 No.92728

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607727 (251532ZSEP23) Notable: Senator Robert Menendez Press Conference

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Menendez: I firmly believe that when all the facts are presented, not only will I be exonerated, but I will still be New Jersey's senior senator...all people are presumed innocent until proven guilty.

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e95884 No.92729

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607730 (251533ZSEP23) Notable: Putin suffers another blow as top nuke submarine commander shot dead

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Putin suffers another blow as top nuke submarine commander shot dead

Captain First Rank (Colonel) Ivan Kovgan, was serving as the deputy commander of Russia's North Fleet submarine forces. He was appointed to the role of second-in-command of a Russian contingent in the region two months before his death.

The incident occurred on September 20 when Azerbaijani forces launched what they described as an "anti-terrorist" operation in the region.

According to the Club of Navy Submarine Veterans in St. Petersburg, Captain Kovgan was among those caught up in the attack.

The 52-year-old was fatally shot when Azerbaijani forces opened fire on a vehicle transporting Russian personnel.

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e95884 No.92730

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607732 (251533ZSEP23) Notable: How to Hide a $2 Trillion Antitrust Trial

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Mommy, Where Do Conspiracy Theories Come From?

Judge Mehta isn’t just closing the courtroom,he’s also allowing Google to hide evidence without consequence. On a separate post, I’ve put up seven different ways he’s doing that, fromletting Google avoid disclosing documents based on false claims of attorney-client privilegeto doing nothing even when Google executives used “history-off chats” to destroy conversations after 24 hours even after Google was on a litigation hold.The point is, Mehta is far more concerned that Google isn’t embarrassed, and almost wholly uninterested in public access.

The problem here isn’t just the judge or Google.The Department of Justice shouldn’t be let off the hook either. The trial team, which is generally doing a good job, seems mostly unconcerned with public access. They didn’t support a set of nonprofits who made a motion for a public audio feed, andthey tend to litigate in closed session whenever Google seems uncomfortable, so as not to come close to offending the judge. Indeed, when the judge expressed a bit of frustration that exhibits were posted publicly, government lawyers immediately pulled down their website and said they would work with Google to make sure everyone was satisfied with the process. That’s the opposite of standing your ground.

Trials are supposed to be public, and the government should fight for them to be public. Public access and a public record in a trial, especially when the powerful are concerned, is a core part of what makes our legal system different from those in authoritarian regimes. Not vigorously challenging Google in its penchant for secrecy is inconsistent with their obligation to their client, which is the people of the United States.

And this isn’t costless. At this point,I am hearing from random commentators that the fix is in, and it’s hard not to disagree. Conspiracy theorists arguing how the corporations, judges, and the government are in collaboration could look at this trial and have a field day. That’s the price of secrecy, there’s just no way to uphold the legitimacy of a legal order when redactions are both unnecessary and routine.

Fortunately, this trial isn’t the last time Google will be on the stand. And despite Mehta’s caution, we are learning more about Google, just not nearly as much as we should. I didn’t know what to expect from this trial, but a blackout of information wasn’t on my radar. But I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised.After all, who knows more about the value of privacy than Google?


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e95884 No.92731

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607738 (251535ZSEP23) Notable: Senator Robert Menendez Press Conference

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Menendez: For thirty years, I have withdrawn thousand s of dollars in cash from my personal savings account, which I have kept for emergencies, and because of the history of my family facing confiscation in Cuba.

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e95884 No.92732

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607757 (251540ZSEP23) Notable: Senator Robert Menendez Press Conference

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Menendez: For now I remain focused on continuing to do the important work I do everyday...including everything we can this week to avoid a government shutdown, deliver critical funding for states affected by catastrophic natural disasters, and ensure the people of Ukraine have everything they need to defeat Putin.

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e95884 No.92733

File: 6f8bde867dc3980⋯.png (3.29 MB,2508x1924,627:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607770 (251542ZSEP23) Notable: Jack Smith’s “gag order” is actually a new trap - and it’s worse than you imagined…

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BREAKING: Jack Smith makes BLOCKBUSTER move against Trump in trial

This is a visual example of how retarded slaves think:


Read some of the comments for more retardation.

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e95884 No.92734

File: 06e4ffece4e0059⋯.png (311.28 KB,536x617,536:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607775 (251544ZSEP23) Notable: @US_TRANSCOM Got dirt?

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Got dirt? 🫎

#DYK, the


C-17 Globemaster III can take off/land on runways as short as 3,500 feet and only 90 feet wide. Even on such narrow runways, the C-17 can turn around using a three-point star turn and its backing capability.




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e95884 No.92735

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607804 (251553ZSEP23) Notable: Wisconsin Supreme Court BANS use of absentee ballot drop boxes in big election ruling

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Wisconsin Supreme Court BANS use of absentee ballot drop boxes in big election ruling

SEP. 23, 2023 11:38 AM BY THE RIGHT SCOOP

The state of Wisconsin will no longer be able to use absentee ballot drop boxes as they did three years using COVID as an excuse.

The conservative majority of the state’s high court ruled thatthe boxes are illegaland that when someonedelivers an absentee ballot to the clerk’s office, it must be done by the voter and not someone else.

Here’s more from Wisconsin Public Radio:

Absentee ballot drop boxes won’t be allowed in Wisconsin under a ruling handed down Friday by a divided Wisconsin Supreme Court.

The court’s conservative majority also ruled that it’s illegal for someone else, like a spouse or roommate, to return a voter’s completed absentee ballot to the clerk’s office. The voter must carry out that task personally.

The majority decision was written by Justice Rebecca Bradley and joined by the rest of the court’s conservative majority, including swing Justice Brian Hagedorn.

Both rulings mean absentee voting in Wisconsin’s 2022 election and beyond won’t be as convenient as it was two years ago when it surged during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Nothing in the statutory language detailing the procedures by which absentee ballots may be cast mentions drop boxes or anything like them,” Bradley wrote.

The justices ruled that theWisconsin Elections Commission exceeded their authority with the drop boxes in 2020:

The Wisconsin Elections Commission issued guidance in 2020 providing local clerks with advice on the best practices for unstaffed drop boxes if they chose to use them. Bradley wrote that guidance exceeded the WEC’s authority.

“WEC’s staff may have been trying to make voting as easy as possible during the pandemic, but whatever their motivations, WEC must follow Wisconsin statutes,” Bradley wrote. “Good intentions never override the law.”

Bradley also wrote that absentee ballots delivered in person at a clerk’s office must be delivered by a voter, and no one else.

“Reading the election statutes in context and as a whole, we conclude an absentee ballot delivered in person … must be delivered personally by the voter,” Bradley wrote.

Finally common sense prevails in the state of Wisconsin and hopefully it will help keep the 2024 election more secure in this blue state.


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e95884 No.92736

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607818 (251556ZSEP23) Notable: 45th President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, MI - 9/27/2023

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45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, Michigan

September 23, 2023

President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, will deliver remarks in Clinton Township, Michigan on Wednesday, September 27, 2023, at 8:00PM EDT.

Date and Time

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

8:00PM EDT


Drake Enterprises

24800 Capital Boulevard

Clinton Township, MI 48036

Timeline of Events

4:00PM – Doors Open

8:00PM – 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump Delivers Remarks


45th President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, MI - 9/27/2023

Right Side Broadcasting Network


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e95884 No.92737

File: b70cf49eed94bd2⋯.png (873.43 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607820 (251557ZSEP23) Notable: Space Force starts uniform wear testing at eight military installations across the world

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Space Force starts uniform wear testing at eight military installations across the world

Sept. 18, 2023

The U.S. Space Force has begun its service dress prototype wear testing, which will continue for three months as Guardians evaluate and provide feedback on the durability, functionality and comfort of the new uniform design. The wear tests signify the final stage of uniform development prior to production and force-wide distribution.

More than 106 Guardians across the world have begun wear testing the Space Force service dress prototype. Testers will receive the most updated lightweight jackets, service dress coat, pants, skirts and shirts. They will also receive a guideline handbook for proper wear of the uniform, a wear-test log, uniform history and feedback survey link.

“I’m proud to wear a uniform that represents our service’s unique culture and symbolizes the Guardian values we adhere to,” said U.S. Space Force Lt. Gen. DeAnna Burt, Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Operations, Cyber, and Nuclear, who was also selected to wear test the new uniform. “By integrating feedback from Guardians at every step, our uniform was designed to promote public recognition of the Space Force’s critical role in protecting and defending our nation.”

“I am excited to be one of the Guardians selected to test wear our service dress uniform; a visible representation of our unique culture,” said U.S. Space Force Maj. Gen. Whitney, Director of Staff for the Space Force. “The path for development of our uniform has been as unique as our service, with many variations over the last two years based on direct feedback from Guardians worldwide.”

The Space Force selected Guardians from eight installations to test how the uniform performs in different climates: Camp Smith, New York; Cavalier Space Force Station, North Dakota; Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas; Kirtland AFB, New Mexico; Lackland AFB, Texas; Landstuhl Air Base, Germany; Vandenberg Space Force Base, California; and Yokota AB, Japan.

“Upon initially viewing the new service uniform, I was attracted to the distinct look of the coat,” said U.S. Space Force Master Sgt. Kristopher Jaynes, Peterson Space Force Base uniform volunteer. “It was unlike any other dress uniform. Then putting the uniform on, I immediately noticed how comfortable it was. The material stretched with the movement of the body, lightweight and non-restrictive. The uniform team have done an outstanding job by delivering a unique and functional uniform to the field.”

“The new Space Force service dress was designed with deliberate consideration for utility, function, quality, and heritage,” added Col. James Jenkins, Director of the Change Management Team in the Office of the Director of Staff.

The Space Force unveiled its initial service dress uniform sample in September 2021, after which Guardian feedback was solicited through several events to further develop the prototype. The service completed its final service dress uniform fit test March 27-31 at the Pentagon.

Overcoming material shortages and supply chain delays during the COVID-19 pandemic, the wear test is underway and will conclude near the end of the calendar year. Once the feedback is analyzed and completed, production of the uniform will begin and be available to all Guardians in 2025.


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e95884 No.92738

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607837 (251600ZSEP23) Notable: Grandson of Ukraine's Stepan Bandera Reckons With Legacy of Nazi Collaboration

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One of the producers of “Our Cats” was the enormously skilled Minister of Health Ulyana Suprun. Along with her, the producers of the page were: Marko Suprun, Igor Savichenko, Dmitro Kozhema, Stepan Bandera and Volodymyr Tikhy.

Who financed the loans?

Several companies: two states, two non-states - “Bedlam Production” (USA), “Banesto Production” (Canada, including Stepan Bandera, son of that same Stepan Bandera), the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and at the final stage with the smallest sum the Government received food cinema.

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e95884 No.92739

File: 0b209c5010d98b3⋯.jpg (440.16 KB,717x877,717:877,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6bdbdca3a0ac3f6⋯.jpg (291.61 KB,720x840,6:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607862 (251606ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Bryce Mitchell vs. Satan, book it’: Pros react to Mitchell’s UFC Vegas 79 win, bizarre post-fight speech

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(From fb post)

>For those who don’t watch the UFC, something incredible happened last night Bryce Mitchell whose from Searcy, while he was being introduced brought a Bible into the Octagon and yelled freedom, the commentators said that was the first time that a Bible has been brought into the Octagon. After he won, he invited Dan Ige his opponent to pray over the nations, he said he was donating $5,000 to Hawaii, brought the Bible back in to the Octagon, and, rebuked Satan publicly over national TV. The UFC wouldn’t let him pray over the mic but Dan and him dropped down to their knees in the middle of the Octagon to pray. I’m so thankful there are still people out there who aren’t afraid to speak the name of Jesus

‘Bryce Mitchell vs. Satan, book it’: Pros react to Mitchell’s UFC Vegas 79 win, bizarre post-fight speech

After the fight, Mitchell insisted that Ige stick around for the post-fight interview with commentator Michael Bisping. Mitchell announced that he was donating $5,000 to Ige to help the victims of the recent Maui wildfires in Ige’s native Hawaii and then he asked that his opponent join him in prayer.

A noted conspiracy theorist, Mitchell said he wanted to help Ige and that “we have to show Satan that he can’t do nothing to the power of Christ when we come together.” He also repeated an unfounded claim that the fires in Maui were man-made, much to the amusement of some of his fellow fighters.


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e95884 No.92740

File: e8350e12b9d9e1a⋯.png (935.56 KB,1200x852,100:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607879 (251608ZSEP23) Notable: Space Force accepts second weather satellite through NOAA partnership

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Space Force accepts second weather satellite through NOAA partnership

Sept. 22, 2023

The U.S. Space Force accepted the transfer of a second geostationary weather satellite from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to extend persistent weather coverage of the Indian Ocean region until the 2030 timeframe.

Through the Electro-optical Infrared Weather System-Geostationary mission, governed by partnership agreements between the Department of the Air Force and NOAA, the Space Force uses a residual NOAA Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite to collect cloud imagery and perform environmental reconnaissance over the Indian Ocean region.

The partnership is a cost-effective solution, delivering mission-critical weather data to the joint force. Accurate weather data is essential for planning and execution of air, land, and maritime military operations.

“EWS-G is a prime example of innovation and the leveraging of partnerships,” said Lt Col Joseph L. Maguadog, Space System Command’s EO/IR Weather System Program Office materiel leader. “The repurposing of GOES-15 and residual NOAA ground equipment accomplished the mission at a fraction of the procurement cost of a brand-new system.”

The first EWS-G spacecraft transferred from NOAA, referred to as EWS-G1, has performed its role since September 2020. Based on remaining fuel estimates, the spacecraft is projected to reach its end of service life February 2024.

While the Space Force is exploring long-term solutions for persistent weather coverage in the region beyond 2030, the service required a replacement to succeed EWS-G1 and asked NOAA to evaluate the possibility of transferring a second residual satellite.

After NOAA’s new GOES-18 became operational in January 2023 and congressional approval for the transfer was received in June, the Space Force accepted GOES-15 and the satellite was re-designated EWS-G2.

The second spacecraft is currently drifting towards the Indian Ocean region and will reach its assigned orbital location November 2023.

EWS-G2 will continue to use an existing Remote Ground Station in Western Australia put in place in 2020 to support the EWS-G mission. As it currently does with EWS-G1, NOAA will operate EWS-G2 on behalf of the Space Force from the NOAA Satellite Operations Facility in Suitland, Maryland, and Wallops Command and Data Acquisition Station in Wallops Island, Virginia.


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e95884 No.92741

File: 0458fed76c36cc6⋯.png (954.79 KB,1281x722,1281:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607919 (251617ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 11:30 AM EDT/speak @3p

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e95884 No.92742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19607983 (251629ZSEP23) Notable: Fetterman on Menendez For The Keks!

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i haven't bought Goodyear tires since the Radial TA's on a 72 Split Bumper in 1985.

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e95884 No.92743

File: 4fbabfc1bc8d77f⋯.png (860.79 KB,1285x722,1285:722,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b49f23e7c303b4⋯.png (951.85 KB,1285x722,1285:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608019 (251634ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 11:30 AM EDT/speak @3p

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e95884 No.92744

File: 50c151032cb3ce6⋯.png (1.1 MB,1285x722,1285:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608022 (251636ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 11:30 AM EDT/speak @3p

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e95884 No.92745

File: d046e8adb1f697f⋯.png (835.9 KB,1279x722,1279:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608034 (251638ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 11:30 AM EDT/speak @3p

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e95884 No.92746

File: 237db06794e8c32⋯.png (98.02 KB,607x630,607:630,Clipboard.png)

File: f80871480715b65⋯.png (74.55 KB,607x490,607:490,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608076 (251648ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I have been unfairly sued by the Trump Hating Democrat Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, over the false fact that I inflated my Financial Statements in order to borrow money

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Donald J. Trump


I have been unfairly sued by the Trump Hating Democrat Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, over the false fact that I inflated my Financial Statements in order to borrow money from Banks, etc. The Judge in the case, Arthur F. Engoron, refused to allow this case to go to the “Commercial Division,” where it belongs, because he is a Trump Hater beyond even A.G. James, who campaigned against me spewing horrible inflammatory statements which are False & Defamatory. I am not even allowed a Jury! The facts of this case are simple. 1) I AM WORTH MUCH MORE THAN THE NUMBERS SHOWN ON MY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. 2) I DIDN’T EVEN INCLUDE MY MOST VALUABLE ASSET, MY BRAND. 3) THE BANKS WERE PAID BACK IN FULL, SOMETIMES EARLY, THERE WERE NO DEFAULTS, THE BANKS MADE MONEY, WERE REPRESENTED BY THE BEST LAW FIRMS, & WERE VERY “HAPPY.” THERE WERE NO VICTIMS! 4) ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS THERE IS A STRONG “DISCLAIMER CLAUSE” TELLING ALL NOT TO RELY ON THESE…. (continued)

Sep 25, 2023, 11:58 AM


Donald J. Trump



Sep 25, 2023, 12:31 PM


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e95884 No.92747

File: c2a3e9350ba2be2⋯.png (2.2 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608082 (251649ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 11:30 AM EDT/speak @3p

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e95884 No.92748

File: 72302ffff556f11⋯.png (2.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608095 (251650ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 11:30 AM EDT/speak @3p

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e95884 No.92749

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608101 (251652ZSEP23) Notable: THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI: Movie based on the 2021 RFK jr book "The Real Anthony Fauci".

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THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI: Movie based on the 2021 RFK jr book "The Real Anthony Fauci".

"2022 The Real Anthony Fauci - Everyone Deserves To Know The Truth. Different experts make a stand against today's putatively criminal and harmful health system, focusing on Anthony Fauci and his role in the shaping of the AIDS and COVID-19 epidemics."




https:'//'www.bwfund.org/ Borroughs Wellcome Fund - Notice the 2 "L"'s.

https:'//'www.bwfund.org/about/board/ Board of Directors



https:'//'en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_J._Muglia President and CEO

https:'//'en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wellcome_Trust Preceding Trust

https:'//'en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Wellcome Original Founder

https:'//'en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Hallett_Dale Original Founder

https:'//'en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GSK_plc GlaxoSmithKline plc

https:'//'archny.org/ Archdiocese of New York


https:'//'en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gate_of_Heaven_Cemetery_(Hawthorne,_New_York) Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetary

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e95884 No.92750

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608140 (251702ZSEP23) Notable: Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

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1:15 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




State Department Daily Briefing

Spokesperson Matthew Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of international topics at the State Department.


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e95884 No.92751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608156 (251706ZSEP23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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1:30 PM EDT

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

James S. Brady Press Briefing Room




1:15 PM EDT

White House Daily Briefing

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre briefs reporters and responds to questions on the Biden administration’s policy agenda. She is joined by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack.


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e95884 No.92752

File: 31d19273ed5d6fe⋯.png (284.06 KB,900x563,900:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608170 (251710ZSEP23) Notable: Joby Delivers First eVTOL Aircraft to Edwards Air Force Base Ahead of Schedule

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Joby Delivers First eVTOL Aircraft to Edwards Air Force Base Ahead of Schedule

Sep 25, 2023

Joby Aviation, Inc. (NYSE:JOBY), a company developing electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft for commercial passenger service, today announced it has delivered its first aircraft to Edwards Air Force Base approximately six months ahead of the expected 2024 delivery date. On-base operations with Joby aircraft will be used to demonstrate a range of logistics missions, including cargo and passenger transportation, and will be operated by both Joby and U.S. Air Force personnel. In partnership with the U.S. Air Force, NASA will also use the aircraft for research focused on how these aircraft could fit into the national airspace, benefiting the entire air taxi industry.

Joby’s aircraft, which has already begun flying at Edwards AFB, is the first electric air taxi to be stationed on a U.S. military base and is believed to be the first delivery of an electric air taxi in the U.S., as part of Joby’s $131 million AFWERX Agility Prime contract with the U.S. Air Force. Joby’s current and previously completed work with the Department of Defense represents a total potential contract value of $163 million, the largest in the industry.

The Agility Prime contract includes the provisioning of up to nine aircraft to the U.S. Air Force and other federal agencies, reinforcing the U.S. government’s continued leadership in developing and adopting eVTOL technology, and ushering in a new era of electric aviation. A second aircraft is planned to be delivered to Edwards in early 2024.

The aircraft, which was the first built on Joby’s Pilot Production Line in Marina, CA, will be stationed at Edwards Air Force Base for at least the next year, with charging and ground support equipment provided on-base by Joby in a facility purpose-built by the Air Force for joint flight test operations. The U.S. Air Force and Joby will conduct joint flight testing and operations to demonstrate the aircraft’s capabilities in realistic mission settings. On-base operations will also include the training of Air Force pilots and aircraft maintenance crews, which will provide the DOD with valuable insight into the performance of eVTOL aircraft and will give Joby on-the-ground operational and training experience as the company prepares for the launch of commercial passenger service in 2025.

“We’re proud to join the ranks of revolutionary aircraft that first demonstrated their capabilities at Edwards Air Force Base, including the first American jet fighter, the first supersonic aircraft, and many others that have pushed the boundaries of aviation technology,” said JoeBen Bevirt, Founder and CEO of Joby.

“The longstanding support of the DOD and NASA has been critical to the rapid development of electric aviation and eVTOL aircraft, and demonstrates how successful public-private partnerships can bring new technology to life at speed. Their work will have profound implications for continued American leadership in both commercial and defense aerospace technology,” he added.

Joby’s partnership with the DOD dates back to its 2016 engagement with the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU), which granted the company early funding as well as access to test ranges and expertise that have aided its aircraft development program.


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e95884 No.92753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608179 (251712ZSEP23) Notable: Joby Delivers First eVTOL Aircraft to Edwards Air Force Base Ahead of Schedule

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“Agility Prime’s stated objective in 2020 was to work towards an operational capability for transformative vertical lift in the DoD by 2023. The arrival of Joby’s aircraft at Edwards AFB is an important step towards achieving this objective,” said Col Elliott Leigh, AFWERX director and Chief Commercialization Officer for the Department of the Air Force.

"The delivery of this first eVTOL aircraft is the start of a new chapter in Edwards’ rich aerospace history,” notes Maj Phillip Woodhull, director, Emerging Technologies Integrated Test Force. “This partners private industry with the 412th Test Wing’s world-renowned test management execution. We are excited to agilely test, experiment with, and evaluate this new technology for potential future national defense applications.”

In partnership with the U.S. Air Force’s AFWERX program, NASA will also be supporting this testing at Edwards Air Force Base with NASA’s pilots, researchers, and equipment as part of their commitment to advancing the Advanced Air Mobility industry as a whole, for the benefit of all. NASA’s Armstrong Flight Research Center is located on Edwards Air Force Base, and has a long history of supporting important technological milestones in aviation and space – supersonic and hypersonic flight, digital fly-by-wire control systems, and the space shuttles.

“NASA’s participation in the Joby and AFWERX project will provide our researchers with hands-on experience with a representative eVTOL vehicle, concentrated on how these types of aircraft could fit into the national airspace for everyday use, that will inform NASA’s effort in supporting the entire eVTOL industry,” said NASA research pilot Wayne Ringelberg. “The research will include a focus on handling qualities evaluation tools, autonomy, and airspace integration, which is all needed research to push the industry forward.”

Over the past year, the U.S. Air Force and Marines have made multiple visits to Joby’s manufacturing and flight test facilities in Marina, CA. Four U.S. Air Force pilots completed full remotely-piloted transition flights of the Joby aircraft in April, and two groups of Marines visited in May to conduct mission analysis regarding potential logistics and medical applications of the aircraft.

With a range of up to 100 miles plus energy reserves and a top speed of 200 mph, the Joby aircraft is capable of transporting a pilot and four passengers quickly and quietly with zero operating emissions.




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e95884 No.92754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608288 (251740ZSEP23) Notable: #24079

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#24079 >>92702

>>92703, >>92710, >>92716, >>92738 Grandson of Ukraine's Stepan Bandera Reckons With Legacy of Nazi Collaboration

>>92704 Rep. Massie says DOJ put a “MAFIA” hit on Elon Musk…

>>92705, >>92713, >>92714, >>92715 resident hosts a meeting with Pacific Islands Forum

>>92706, >>92707 Biden Forced to Respond - State of the Race

>>92708, >>92712, >>92733 Jack Smith’s “gag order” is actually a new trap - and it’s worse than you imagined…

>>92709 @SecDef Landed in 🇰🇪 Nairobi, Kenya.

>>92711 FCC Announces Nationwide Emergency Alerting Tests on October 4, 2023

>>92717, >>92726, >>92728, >>92731, >>92732 Senator Robert Menendez Press Conference

>>92718 Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End

>>92719 Perdue, Tyson probed by feds over employment of migrant children who likely washed bloody floors and razor-sharp machines

>>92720 @USArmy Tank superiority!

>>92721, >>92741, >>92743, >>92744, >>92745, >>92748, >>92747 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 11:30 AM EDT/speak @3p

>>92722 Judge overseeing case to remove Trump from ballot agrees to order banning threats and intimidation

>>92723 @AFGlobalStrike Eyes on the sky

>>92724, >>92725, >>92730 How to Hide a $2 Trillion Antitrust Trial

>>92727 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Arp 142: The Hummingbird Galaxy

>>92729 Putin suffers another blow as top nuke submarine commander shot dead

>>92734 @US_TRANSCOM Got dirt?

>>92735 Wisconsin Supreme Court BANS use of absentee ballot drop boxes in big election ruling

>>92736 45th President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks in Clinton Township, MI - 9/27/2023

>>92737 Space Force starts uniform wear testing at eight military installations across the world

>>92739 ‘Bryce Mitchell vs. Satan, book it’: Pros react to Mitchell’s UFC Vegas 79 win, bizarre post-fight speech

>>92740 Space Force accepts second weather satellite through NOAA partnership

>>92742 Fetterman on Menendez For The Keks!

>>92746 @realDonaldTrump I have been unfairly sued by the Trump Hating Democrat Attorney General of New York State, Letitia James, over the false fact that I inflated my Financial Statements in order to borrow money

>>92749 THE REAL ANTHONY FAUCI: Movie based on the 2021 RFK jr book "The Real Anthony Fauci".

>>92750 Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

>>92751 Buckwheat up

>>92752, >>92753 Joby Delivers First eVTOL Aircraft to Edwards Air Force Base Ahead of Schedule


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e95884 No.92755

File: 72302ffff556f11⋯.png (2.69 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e8ddff3f0c2fa1⋯.png (67.86 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: c2a3e9350ba2be2⋯.png (2.2 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608323 (251747ZSEP23) Notable: #24080-A

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e95884 No.92756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608326 (251748ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

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LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 9/25/2023

The 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump will deliver remarks to supporters at Sportsman Boats in Summerville, SC on Sept. 25th, 2023.


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e95884 No.92757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608347 (251752ZSEP23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: We are certainly engaged in a robust campaign, and it is incredibly important to us that we encourage the public to get vaccinated.

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e95884 No.92758

File: 03760eb3e92caa2⋯.png (325.18 KB,533x624,41:48,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608348 (251752ZSEP23) Notable: @AFWERX & BETA Technologies, an electric aerospace company, broke ground on the first electric ✈️ aircraft charging station on a military installation at Duke Field, FL,

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Charge her up! ✈️


& BETA Technologies, an electric aerospace company, broke ground on the first electric ✈️ aircraft charging station on a military installation at Duke Field, FL, Sept. 19.

#USAF #eVTOL #electricvehicle



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e95884 No.92759

File: 437c42c08b51957⋯.png (204.31 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608350 (251753ZSEP23) Notable: Scores dead in Nagorno-Karabakh blast

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==Scores dead in Nagorno-Karabakh blast – media

A major explosion has reportedly rocked a fuel storage depot near a highway in the disputed region ==

A powerful blast has rocked a fuel storage facility in Nagorno-Karabakh, authorities in the disputed region said on Monday. The facility is near a highway linking the region’s self-styled capital of Stepanakert (known as Khankendi in Azerbaijan) to the town of Askeran in the northeast.

Videos of the incident shared on social media showed a fire raging over the area and a plume of thick black smoke. The highway near the fuel depot appeared to contain heavy traffic. According to reports, a large number of vehicles were lining up for gas at the time of the blast.

Local media stated that more than 200 people have been killed or injured. The Nagorno-Karabakh Interior Ministry confirmed there had been casualties, but did not provide further details.

Armenian authorities have not commented on the incident, while officials in Baku and the Russian peacekeeping force stationed in the disputed region are also yet to issue any statements.

The incident occurred as large numbers of ethnic Armenians attempt to leave Nagorno-Karabakh for Armenia, following the imposition of control by Azerbaijani forces. Baku launched “counter-terrorism measures of a local nature” in the disputed region last Tuesday, citing an alleged Armenian military buildup. Yerevan denied the accusations.

A day after the start of the operation, the authorities in Nagorno-Karabakh announced a ceasefire with Azerbaijan, following a proposal by Russian peacekeepers. The leaders of the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic told Reuters that as many as 120,000 Karabakh Armenians could flee their homes out of fear of ethnic cleansing. Azerbaijani officials have vowed to guarantee the rights of ethnic Armenians during the re-integration of the region.

According to the Interfax news agency, 6,650 people have thus far arrived in Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh.


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e95884 No.92760

File: 21368497440bc75⋯.png (139.98 KB,500x419,500:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b8842ee0b5cb54⋯.png (63.79 KB,830x511,830:511,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608368 (251757ZSEP23) Notable: Busted! Adam Schiff Funneled Millions To Defense Contractors After Taking Donations

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Busted! Adam Schiff Funneled Millions To Defense Contractors After Taking Donations

While Rep. Adam Schiff (R-CA) campaigns for a Senate seat on a platform of earmarks for local causes, the 12-term Congressman has been busted steering millions in taxpayer dollars to for-profit defense contractors, many of whom have been political donors to his campaigns.

According to an investigation by Politico, Schiff "has offered an incomplete and potentially misleading account of his record on earmarks."

A POLITICO review of congressional earmarks and political contributions found that in addition to the money for homelessness and drug treatment, Schiff also steered millions to for-profit companies and raised tens of thousands for his House reelection campaigns from corporate executives and people connected to them. The review was mostly limited to publicly available data from the brief three-year window when corporate earmarks were disclosed.

Schiff claims not to have a full accounting of his earmarks.

In two particularly egregious cases, Schiff channeled millions in funding to Smiths Detection and Phasebridge, Inc., two defense companies within his district - with $6 million steered to Smiths Detection and $3 million to Phasebridge. Both moves would have been barred under reforms adopted in 2010. This financial maneuvering coincided with Schiff receiving $8,500 in contributions from PMA Group PAC and two family members of Paul Magliocchetti, founder and owner of the lobbying firm retained by both defense companies.

In 2011, Paul Magliocchetti was sentenced to 27 months in prison for making illegal campaign contributions.

Schiff's campaign has been quick to minimize these connections, emphasizing the small proportion of these contributions in his overall fundraising and underscoring his commitment to ensuring Californians’ tax dollars work for their benefit. In a boilerplate response, spokesperson Marisol Samayoa said: "Californians know and trust Adam’s record of getting things done, and as a U.S. senator, he will do what it takes to ensure Californians’ tax dollars are put to work for them and their priorities," adding "These contributions amount to less than one tenth of one percent of what Adam has raised over 20 years in Congress, and were driven by what was best for our troops and his constituents. It is ridiculous to suggest otherwise."

However, Schiff’s lack of transparency in providing a complete list of his earmarks further fuels the cloud of skepticism surrounding his actions.

"We were always concerned about the pay-to-play aspects and that’s something that every lawmaker must live with," said Steve Ellis, president of Taxpayers for Common Sense, a nonpartisan budget watchdog, who has been analyzing earmarks for decades."If you’re getting a campaign contribution and getting your earmark for that same company or for a client of that lobbyist, it has that perception."

The earmark process was changed following rising spending an a series of congressional pay-to-play scandals in the mid-2000s, including that of former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-CA), who admitted to taking millions in bribes from defense contractors, as well as disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff, who dubbed the appropriations panel a "favor factory."


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e95884 No.92761

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608370 (251758ZSEP23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Reporter: Did Trump's decision to visit the UAW workers play into your decision to go?

Jean-Pierre: Absolutely not. This is a decision, to visit the picket line, was based off his own desire...to stand with auto workers.

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e95884 No.92762

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608376 (251800ZSEP23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: [Biden] is the most pro-union president in history...he's going to be standing, going to join the picket line, standing in solidarity with the men and women of UAW.

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e95884 No.92763

File: bc5d7c8c57eab88⋯.png (384.02 KB,600x313,600:313,Clipboard.png)

File: b8705652eda4686⋯.png (607.51 KB,1035x894,345:298,Clipboard.png)

File: ebb0ada2fdae01d⋯.png (297.49 KB,1065x764,1065:764,Clipboard.png)

File: be71e56924bf182⋯.png (411.72 KB,1072x657,1072:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608381 (251800ZSEP23) Notable: Accused 2017 ‘Vault 7’ Leaker Convicted of Hosting Child Porn on Server Maintained While in CIA Employ

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Accused 2017 ‘Vault 7’ Leaker Convicted of Hosting Child Porn on Server Maintained While in CIA Employ

Joshua Adam Schulte was convicted last week of receiving, possessing, and distributing child pornography in New York City, a conviction which will likely result in decades of imprisonment after his scheduled January 10 sentencing. He has been held without bail since 2018.

Schulte is accused of being the most prolific and important leaker of confidential intelligence community secrets, and the disclosures he revealed to the public were more consequential than other famous leakers and whistleblowers of the past, including Edward Snowden and Daniel Ellsberg. Schulte has said that he is being set up by the government as a scapegoat because of the embarrassing fallout from the disclosures.

In 2017, a major release exposed the critical tools used by the Intelligence community to subvert individuals, companies, and governments worldwide. These releases, called “Vault 7” and “Vault 8,” included ‘tools’ that could be used to:

Break into smartphones, computers and even Internet-connected televisions.

Compromise Skype; Wi-Fi networks; PDF documents; and even commercial antivirus programs of the kind used by millions of people to protect their computers.

Targeted malware to compromise computer systems

The scale of the digital criminality those tools described is unparalleled. Whereas Edward Snowden showed, through similar releases in 2013, the overall scale and scope of the “surveillance state,” the Vault 7 releases showed the actual tools used to illegally obtain evidence and intelligence. The government claimed to the New York Times that this was the “largest theft of confidential information in the Agency’s history.”


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e95884 No.92764

File: b50120bc3a98536⋯.png (64.67 KB,582x320,291:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608393 (251802ZSEP23) Notable: Trump Says MSNBC and NBC News Will Be Investigated for ‘Country-Threatening Treason’ if He is Re-Elected

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Trump Says MSNBC and NBC News Will Be Investigated for ‘Country-Threatening Treason’ if He is Re-Elected

Former President Donald Trump has vowed that MSNBC and NBC News will be investigated for “country-threatening treason” if he wins re-election.

In a post to Truth Social on Sunday night, Trump blasted the network’s parent company, Comcast.

“They are almost all dishonest and corrupt, but Comcast, with its one-side and vicious coverage by NBC NEWS, and in particular MSNBC, often and correctly referred to as MSDNC (Democrat National Committee!), should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason,'” Trump wrote.

Trump took aim at the company for their relentless pushing of the Russiagate conspiracy theory, in particular, which he called a “big campaign contribution” to Democrats.

How a Faith-Based Gold Company Is Changing the Way Americans Protect Their Retirement

“Their endless coverage of the now fully debunked SCAM known as Russia, Russia, Russia, and much else, is one big Campaign Contribution to the Radical Left Democrat Party,” Trump continued.

The former president vowed that when he wins, they “and others of the Lamestream Media” will be “thoroughly scrutinized” for their “dishonest and corrupt” coverage.

“I say up front, openly, and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events,” Trump asserted. “Why should NBC, or any other of the corrupt & dishonest media companies, be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA, FREE?”

Trump concluded, “They are a true threat to Democracy and are, in fact, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country!”


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e95884 No.92765

File: bbf3a6af06c429e⋯.png (50.25 KB,592x317,592:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608403 (251803ZSEP23) Notable: Sources say the Biden aide who put together the $6 billion ransom deal for Iran is the same aide who put together the $2 billion Iran nuke deal – Jake Sullivan, aka "Architect of Appeasement"

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Paul Sperry

DEVELOPING: Sources say the Biden aide who put together the $6 billion ransom deal for Iran is the same aide who put together the $2 billion Iran nuke deal - Jake Sullivan, aka "Architect of Appeasement"

1:15 PM · Sep 25, 2023


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e95884 No.92766

File: d0a7501aa1a04ea⋯.png (330.14 KB,1030x772,515:386,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608405 (251803ZSEP23) Notable: Newsom Signs Law Requiring Gender-Neutral Bathrooms in California K-12 Schools

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Newsom Signs Law Requiring Gender-Neutral Bathrooms in California K-12 Schools

California Governor Gavin Newsom has signed a law requiring all schools in the state to provide gender-neutral bathrooms.

The new legislation, signed on Saturday, expands a state law that schools allow students to use bathrooms that align with their “gender identity.”

“The bill, which explicitly requires an additional gender-neutral option, was inspired by an attempt by Chino Valley Unified to restrict transgender students’ access to certain bathrooms and sports facilities,” the Los Angeles Times reports. “The law is part of a package of bills aiming to protect LGBTQ+ youths and comes amid proliferating culture wars in districts with conservative-controlled school boards, whose focus has become ‘parental rights’ and student gender identity.”

The 2021 Chino Valley district resolution, which would have required students to use the bathroom matching their biological sex, did not pass after State Supt. of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond warned them that it was “unlawful.”

Still, the unsuccessful attempt to protect the privacy of female students inspired the law that Newsom signed over the weekend.

The Times report noted, “Chino Valley Unified, in San Bernardino County, became the first district this summer to approve a controversial policy that requires schools to notify parents of students’ decisions regarding gender identity, such as the use of preferred pronouns.”

LGBTQ groups in the state applauded the new law.

“While states across the nation are passing legislation that puts LGBTQ+ people and especially youth at risk, California is sending a clear message today — hate-filled attacks will not be tolerated and we will continue protecting and ensuring the safety of all members of the LGBTQ+ community,” Equality California Executive Director Tony Hoang said in a statement obtained by the newspaper.

Newsom also signed a law requiring foster parents to prove that they will support an LGBTQ child’s “sexual orientation or gender identity.”


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e95884 No.92767

File: 6d8a1c2cf6507bb⋯.mp4 (5.83 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608407 (251804ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump purchases a Glock in South Carolina!

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President Trump purchases a Glock in South Carolina!


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e95884 No.92768

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608409 (251804ZSEP23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: As they [UAW] continue to fight for a fair, uh, uh, fair share of the value of, of, of, of uh, a value they helped create. If you think about what the record, uh, record uh, that these corporations kind of, the record profits that they've been able to make, they believe, and we believe, they're owed a fair share of that.

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e95884 No.92769

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608415 (251805ZSEP23) Notable: City of Chicago Denies Request for Records on How $57M Was Spent on Migrant Shelter Staffing

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City of Chicago Denies Request for Records on How $57M Was Spent on Migrant Shelter Staffing

Chicago has spent over $100M to care for illegals arriving in the city thanks to Joe Biden’s broken border. But officials won’t provide transparency on how the money is being spent.

NBC Chicago reports that the city of Chicago’s finance department has denied NBC 5 Investigates’ Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for copies of a year’s worth of invoices. The invoices are related to more than $57 million spent on a staffing company that has a contract with the city to provide staffing in shelters.

The city claims, “The burden of redacting records ‘outweighs public interest in the information.'”

The Gateway Pundit reported in May that, while Chicago burns with rampant crime and violence, the City Council approved $51 million in aid for illegals. In July, it was revealed that most of those funds, $47 million, would be used to pay for a national staffing firm that provides personnel at shelters receiving illegals arriving in the city.

In February, CBS 2 revealed their FOIA request, on how the city has spent the more than $100 million, was also denied by Chicago Office of Budget & Management.

In the denial letter to NBC’s recent FOIA, the city said the request for 498 payment vouchers (that would require redactions) was “unduly burdensome” and would impose “immense burden on the department’s time.”

NBC Chicago reports:

What’s curious about that denial letter is that the city already provided NBC 5 Investigates with two invoices – showing last December that a nurse at the High Ridge YMCA shelter earned than $20,000 in a week.

During that same week, a shelter manager made $14,000. Both figures did include overtime.

NBC 5 Investigates also received a spreadsheet showing a total of $57 million covering 498 payment vouchers. What’s not clear from the spreadsheet is how many employees that covers, how many hours were billed and if certain shelters billed the city more than others. Some invoices were for more than $500,000, the spreadsheet shows.


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e95884 No.92770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608418 (251806ZSEP23) Notable: Day 2 Part 1Kari Lake's Hearing

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Liz Harris, MBA

Day 2 Part 1Kari Lake's Hearing

(live streamer)

11:53 AM · Sep 25, 2023


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e95884 No.92771

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608426 (251807ZSEP23) Notable: EU state used Israeli spyware on exiled Russian journalists

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EU state used Israeli spyware on exiled Russian journalists – editors

The founder of Latvia-based news site Meduza had her phone hacked before a meeting of Russian opposition journalists in Berlin

An unnamed EU state used Israeli malware to hack the mobile phone of Galina Timchenko, a Russian opposition journalist based in Latvia, Timchenko told The Guardian on Monday. The Latvian authorities have denied any role in the hacking.

Timchenko, who founded the anti-Kremlin Meduza news site, told The Guardian that she received a message from Apple earlier this year informing her that her phone had been hacked prior to a meeting of Russian opposition journalists in Berlin. According to the newspaper, at least four other Russian journalists – three of whom used Latvian SIM cards in their phones – were similarly targeted.

Timchenko said that she initially suspected that the Kremlin was behind the hack, but an investigation by the University of Toronto and Access Now found that the likely culprit was an EU state agency using Pegasus, a spyware program developed by Israel’s NSO Group.

Russia does not use Pegasus, while agencies in multiple EU states – including Germany, Latvia, and Estonia – do.

Pegasus can be installed on a target’s phone with or without the user clicking a false link. Once installed, Pegasus grants the hacker the ability to read messages, look through photos, track the person’s location, and even switch on the camera and microphone without the knowledge of the phone’s owner. According to a list of NSO clients that leaked in 2021, more than 50,000 politicians, journalists, activists, and business figures were surveilled using the malware.

“It is likely that the hack was operated by some European security service. We don’t know if it was Latvia or some other country, but we have more [presence] in Latvia,” Meduza editor-in-chief Ivan Kolpakov said.

The Latvian Embassy in Washington, DC said that it is “not aware of any electronic surveillance measures being taken against Ms. Timchenko,” while federal police in Germany, where the hack took place, refused to comment.

Timchenko and Kolpakov told The Guardian that they have reason to suspect Riga’s involvement, pointing to a dispute between the Latvian state and TV Dozhd, another Russian opposition outlet, last year. TV Dozhd was banned in Latvia and Lithuania after it broadcast a map of Russia featuring Crimea as Russian territory, and after one of its presenters referred to the Russian military as “our army.”

At the time, Meduza joined an open letter condemning the decision as “unfair, wrong, and disproportionate to the official violations.”


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e95884 No.92772

File: 2d5a873273abfa6⋯.jpeg (534.58 KB,1112x1629,1112:1629,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 38b8305a603ac2c⋯.jpeg (915.96 KB,1125x1690,225:338,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608437 (251809ZSEP23) Notable: Moar Menendez

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e95884 No.92773

File: f4d3c902890b3cd⋯.jpg (29.56 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608439 (251809ZSEP23) Notable: FBI hit with lawsuit after allegedly losing valuable rare coins during raid

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FBI hit with lawsuit after allegedly losing valuable rare coins during raid

“There’s literally been no explanation,” Pearsons said. “I think you have to assume that it’s the simplest explanation, and I think, unfortunately, the simplest explanation is they took it or lost it.”

The nonprofit law firm Institute for Justice has filed two lawsuits on behalf of clients who allege that the FBI failed to return valuable rare coins and other property it took during a March 2021 FBI raid on the Beverly Hills–based U.S. Private Vaults.

“We don’t know for sure how the property disappeared, we just know it disappeared,” Joe Gay, an attorney with the Institute for Justice, said on Friday. “And whether it’s negligence, whether it’s something worse, the government shouldn’t be able to rely on its own shoddy recordkeeping to avoid responsibility for losing their property.”

Don Mellein had sued the government in 2021 to get the coins back, which he estimates are worth hundreds of thousands. So far, only 47 out of 110 have been returned so he decided to sue again.

“The FBI had no reason to go through my box and they were careless in losing my savings,” Mellein said. “For months I was told they didn’t have any of my coins before they eventually found some of them.”


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e95884 No.92774

File: fbadacc94bc9f29⋯.mp4 (1.33 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608465 (251814ZSEP23) Notable: The Eagle Pass area continues to experience an influx of illegal immigrants - the majority from Venezuela.

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The Eagle Pass area continues to experience an influx of illegal immigrants - the majority from Venezuela.

Some decided to claim a Texas island by placing a flag from Venezuela - that was quickly taken care of by our DPS Tactical Marine Unit.



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e95884 No.92775

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608466 (251814ZSEP23) Notable: Buckwheat up

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Jean-Pierre: He [Biden] is standing with the autoworkers...he's gonna go and do what he has said that he does all the time, which is stand with union workers.

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e95884 No.92776

File: 79844f948044f4b⋯.png (173.47 KB,531x305,531:305,Clipboard.png)

File: cc115c578417017⋯.png (358.34 KB,1051x886,1051:886,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f7fc93d427c5f8⋯.png (194.65 KB,1045x650,209:130,Clipboard.png)

File: 59680d7a3c0c1f4⋯.png (159.66 KB,1088x871,1088:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608469 (251815ZSEP23) Notable: Trudeau Faces Hard Pushback After Honoring SS Fighter on Parliament

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Trudeau Faces Hard Pushback After Honoring SS Fighter on Parliament – Mistake by Globalist Poster Boy Exposes Ukrainian Nazism to the World – PM Deflects the Blame, Points to Speaker of the House

The trip to Canada by Ukrainian President Zelensky was meant to divert from his lackluster United Nations and US Congress appearances, and give Kiev some semblance of a victorious Foreign Relations moment.

To do that, Canadian PM Justin Trudeau had his guest come to a special Parliament session, in which ‘he was interrupted by standing ovations seven times’ – as the MSM lore goes.

However, Zelensky and Trudeau have unwittingly detonated a PR bomb that is hurting both of their reputations, and exposed the horrible reality of the Nazi ties of the Ukrainian ‘banderite’ regime.

The unforced error was to bring 98-year-old Ukrainian immigrant Yaroslav Hunka, who fought for the First Ukrainian Division. That Nazi division was also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division.

Yes, all the parliament honored a Nazi with a stand-up ovation.

Fox News reported:

“Canadian Jewish organizations and social media critics are slamming the Canadian Parliament for giving a man who fought for the Nazis a standing ovation during an event featuring Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to the country.

‘FSWC is appalled that Canada’s Parliament gave a standing ovation to a Ukrainian veteran who served in a Nazi military unit during the Second World War implicated in the mass murder of Jews and others. An apology and explanation is owed’, the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Canadian nonprofit dedicated to educating people on the Holocaust, wrote on X, previously known as Twitter.”


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e95884 No.92777

File: 8c3c022c56b8ec8⋯.png (271.86 KB,530x537,530:537,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608477 (251816ZSEP23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill Keep up the intensity. 💥

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Keep up the intensity. 💥

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




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e95884 No.92778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608496 (251818ZSEP23) Notable: Canada: Calling On House Speaker To RESIGN For Bringing A NAZI Into Parliament

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Calling On House Speaker To RESIGN For Bringing A NAZI Into Parliament


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e95884 No.92779

File: fb45554e17a2cf7⋯.png (265.08 KB,616x501,616:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608497 (251818ZSEP23) Notable: Border Patrol Head Says Agency Cannot Protect U.S. Because They Are Forced To Process So Many Illegals

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Video: Border Patrol Head Says Agency Cannot Protect U.S. Because They Are Forced To Process So Many Illegals

“In terms of flow and the threats that we’re seeing with Fentanyl and with the criminal organizations that are our adversary, it’s about as bad as I’ve ever seen it”

Jason Owens, the new head of the Border Patrol has warned that the agency is unable to protect Americans from “hardened criminals” smuggling in weapons, drugs and gang members because it is so overwhelmed with processing thousands of illegal immigrants every day.

Appearing on ABC News, Owens stated that the Border Patrol cannot lawfully send back people illegally trying to enter the country over the Southern border, and has to “enforce the laws that are on the books.”

“In terms of flow and the threats that we’re seeing with Fentanyl and with the criminal organizations that are our adversary, it’s about as bad as I’ve ever seen it,” Owens urged.

He continued, “This isn’t sustainable. This is up-and-down the system, everybody is overwhelmed. Even the government of Mexico, which have been great partners for us, the U.S. Border Patrol, a lot of times our facilities are already over capacity.”

House Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner blasted the Biden administration Sunday, charging that they are “encouraging” unsustainable surges at the border.

The GOP Rep. said that “the manner in which they have — have provided assistance to migrants, not really communicating that our borders should be closed. Instead, have encouraging an open border policy.”

“You know, this is a national security and an economic security threat. On national security, we’ve seen individuals on the terrorist watch list be apprehended. We certainly see fentanyl and other drugs coming across the border. On economic security, you even have the mayor of New York saying that it’s destroying his city,” Turner added.

He added that “the Biden administration just in the last 10 days took action to give 200,000 Venezuelans temporary protective status, which includes that they cannot be deported and work privileges.”

“If we had the right policies, they wouldn’t be here. By providing them these — the open assistance, what you’re seeing is an encouragement for others to come,” he further asserted.


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e95884 No.92780

File: d8941bdb7618691⋯.webp (721.69 KB,768x952,96:119,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608501 (251819ZSEP23) Notable: Former Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores Shares Bloody Photo of Border Patrol Agent After Alleged Attack By Illegal.

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Former Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores Shares Bloody Photo of Border Patrol Agent After Alleged Attack By Illegal.

Former Republican Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores tried to warn the American people about the violence and chaos happening along Joe Biden’s broken border.

The Gateway Pundit reported on an interview Flores gave in September where she asserted that the Mexican cartels now control the southern border.

Flores told Townhall in the interview, “The Mexican cartel is in full control of the southern border. This is a situation that we [people who live near the border] deal with on a daily basis.”

“It’s the best time for terrorists to come into the country, because we don’t have border security. We have a federal government that refuses to enforce the law.”

On Sunday, Flores, who is the wife of a Border Patrol agent, shared shocking photos of a bloody Border Patrol Agent alleging he was attacked by an illegal along the US-Mexico border.


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e95884 No.92781

File: 55ab6fbcbdb354f⋯.png (10.37 KB,529x145,529:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608505 (251820ZSEP23) Notable: University in Ireland is to offer the country’s first Bachelor's degree in "social-media influencing"

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NEW - University in Ireland is to offer the country’s first Bachelor's degree in "social-media influencing" — BBC


Ireland stocked full of clowns.

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e95884 No.92782

File: 39d41b618b99a27⋯.png (248.72 KB,862x712,431:356,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608507 (251820ZSEP23) Notable: Evergrande Former CEO And CFO Arrested As Insolvent Property Giant Misses Payment On $550MM Onshore Bond

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Evergrande Former CEO And CFO Arrested As Insolvent Property Giant Misses Payment On $550MM Onshore Bond

The real estate giant said late Sunday it couldn’t satisfy requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the National Development and Reform Commission to issue new notes. It cited an investigation of subsidiary Hengda Real Estate Group without elaborating. The unit said in August that CSRC had built a case against it relating to suspected information disclosure violations.

Commenting on the slide, Bloomberg said that Evergrande "is running out of time to get what would be one of the nation’s biggest-ever restructurings back on track, after setbacks in recent days that raise the risk of liquidation."

The string of surprise developments include scrapping key creditor meetings at the last minute, saying it must revisit its restructuring plan, detention of money management unit staff and an inability to meet regulator qualifications to issue new bonds.

That last item is a major setback to its planned restructuring of at least $30 billion of offshore debt that would have creditors swap defaulted notes for new securities. Evergrande’s shares plunged as much as 25% Monday.

The latest sign of trouble (in what has been an endless barrage for the past two years) at Evergrande caused simmering worries about China’s deepening property crisis to flare. As noted above, a Bloomberg index of Chinese property stocks tumbled the most in nine months on Monday, taking its loss in valuation this year to $55 billion. China Aoyuan Group Ltd. slumped by a record after its shares resumed trading, and property investing firm China Oceanwide Holdings Ltd. faced court-ordered liquidation after a Bermuda court issued a winding-up order.

Things went from bad to worse, this morning when Evergrande’s onshore unit effectively redefaulted when it said it missed principal and interest payments of a 4b yuan ($550 million) onshore bond with a put option issued in 2020, according to a Shenzhen stock exchange filing. And while the company assured investors that it will “actively” negotiate with bond holders to reach solutions as soon as possible, it will hardly come as a comfort to the company's other creditors or the property sector in general, which now has nothing but more pain to look forward to.

Two people who certainly have nothing to look forward to any more, are former Evergrande CEO, Xia Haijun, and Pan Darong, a former chief financial officer, both of whom were arrested by Chinese authorities, Caixin reported, without identifying sources.

Both were in charge of Evergrande’s financial operations and resigned in July last year for their alleged involvement in a bank deposit scandal, according to the report. Some more details from the report, which notes that as Evergrande's financial trouble intensifies, pressure has been building for the developer to repay wealth management products sold by the subsidiary to retail investors while trying to complete housing projects across the country. The subsidiary said in an August statement that it had failed to make payments for the month, fueling public outcry.


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e95884 No.92783

File: de6bafd8bdd69d0⋯.png (84.05 KB,288x161,288:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608549 (251829ZSEP23) Notable: Hungary issues ultimatum to Ukraine

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25 Sep, 2023 15:38

Hungary issues ultimatum to Ukraine

Budapest will not back Kiev internationally until it restores the rights of ethnic Hungarians, Prime Minister Viktor Orban declared

Hungary will not support Ukraine “on any issue” until Kiev restores the rights of ethnic Hungarians on its territory, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said in parliament on Monday. Budapest’s backing is vital to Ukraine’s bid to join the EU.

“We will not support Ukraine on any issue in international life until it restores the laws that guaranteed the rights of Transcarpathian Hungarians,” Orban said, adding that“for years [the Ukrainians] have been tormenting” Hungarian schools.

Since 2017, successive laws mandating the use of the Ukrainian language have resulted in the closure of around 100 Hungarian schools in Ukraine. These laws have been harshly criticized by the Council of Europe and by human rights organizations.

According to Orban, the situation has deteriorated with the beginning of a new school year, with management at a school in the city of Munkacsforbidding the singing of the Hungarian national anthem or the wearing of Hungarian national colorson the first day back in the classroom.

Around 156,000 ethnic Hungarians live in Ukraine, most of them in the region of Transcarpathia. Once a part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, this region fell under Soviet control after World War II. It remained in Kiev’s hands when the Ukrainian SSR became modern Ukraine after the fall of the USSR. Ukraine is also home to around 150,000 ethnic Romanians and more than 250,000 Moldovans, and Bucharest has joined Budapest in demanding that the language laws be revised.

Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto warned in March that Budapest would not support Kiev’s applications to join the EU and NATO until these issues are resolved.

Hungary does not provide any military aid to Ukraine or allow weapons to enter the country via its territory. However, Hungary will have veto power over whether Ukraine can join the EU and NATO due to both bodies requiring the unanimous consent of existing members before admitting new states. The dispute over language rights is just one of several points of contention between Budapest and Kiev.

Orban’s government has also condemned the Ukrainian military’s efforts to conscript ethnic Hungarians into military service and blocked EU military aid to Ukraine over Kiev’s sanctioning of one of its banks due to its lending activities in Russia. More recently, Hungary has blocked the import of Ukrainian grain to protect its farmers from being undercut, prompting Ukraine to threaten a lawsuit at the World Trade Organization.


(Cool Hungary putting the pressure on Kiev & Ukraine, all EU leaders are fed up with the bullshit of the fascist country that begs for money all the time, while treating their allies and citizens like dirt. Zelensky’s reign will be over soon, and the Ukrainian people are getting pretty tired of Nazi’s running the country.)

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e95884 No.92784

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608554 (251830ZSEP23) Notable: A Molotov cocktail is thrown at the Cuban Embassy in Washington, but there's no significant damage

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A Molotov cocktail is thrown at the Cuban Embassy in Washington, but there's no significant damage

PUBLISHED: 08:49 EDT, 25 September 2023

WASHINGTON (AP) - At least one Molotov cocktail was thrown at the Cuban Embassy in Washington, but there was no significant damage and no one was injured. U.S. law enforcement officials were investigating.

Secret Service officers were called around 8 p.m. Sunday to respond to the attack on a busy street in the Adams-Morgan section of the city. Embassy officials reported that someone had thrown a "possible incendiary device" at the building, Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said on Monday.

There was no fire or significant damage to the building, he said. No arrests had been made.


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e95884 No.92785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608558 (251831ZSEP23) Notable: Gaetz on Bartiromo When confronted with our argument on government spending, most smart and open-minded people will convert.

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Senior Gaetz spells out the "plan"

Rep. Matt Gaetz


When confronted with our argument on government spending, most smart and open-minded people will convert.

Welcome aboard,



Thank you for having me on your program. Tough questions and direct answers will lead us to the truth faster than sophistry.

The Plan:

• Single Subject Spending Bills

• No CR

• Hold the line

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e95884 No.92786

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608563 (251832ZSEP23) Notable: 34% of children put on transgender puberty blockers end up becoming mental cases

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Study: 34% of children put on transgender puberty blockers end up becoming mental cases

To all those LGBT advocates out there who claim that turning children transgender does them no harm, how about the more than one-third of children who suffer serious mental health problems after taking hormone-altering drugs like puberty blockers?

A fresh analysis of a 2011 study conducted by the University College London Hospitals (UCLH) and the now-shuttering Tavistock Centre Gender Identity Development service and clinic revealed that at least 34 percent of children placed on puberty-blocking pharmaceutical drugs "reliably deteriorated" thereafter.

The pool of those evaluated was only 44, so the sample size is small. Still, a good number of the kids, who ranged in age between 12 and 15, suffered greatly after being prescribed these poisons to become trans. And UK authorities had the gall to later claim that there are "no changes in physiological function" that occur in children who take puberty blockers.

It is a crime against humanity to allow a child to mutilate and destroy his body

Last year, the UK National Health Service (NHS) ordered the Tavistock Centre and its highly controversial Gender Identity Development Service (GIDS) to close by no later than the end of 2023. This occurred after Dr. Hillary Cass conducted an interim independent review determining that transgender therapies are "not a safe or viable long-term option" for children.

The planned closure deadline for the Tavistock Centre and GIDS has since been extended to March 2024. In the meantime, whistleblowers and others continue to come forward to tell all about the horrors that children who go trans are now enduring after having their bodies and endocrine systems butchered by LGBT surgeon mutilators.

Dr. Cass produced a full report of her findings, which is now being paired with this new analysis of the 2011 study to warn the world that underage children should never, ever be allowed to get chemically and physically mutilated, especially based on false promises that it is completely "safe" to do such things to one's body.

Only under very special circumstances, such as clinical trials, will children be allowed to destroy their bodies once the Tavistock Centre and GIDS are shut down for good early next year.

"We are grateful to all of the clinicians and academics who have contributed to this study over the years, and we welcome new peer-reviewed analyses of the evidence around how to support these young people," said a spokesman from Tavistock and the Portman NHS Foundation Trust, about the latest findings.

"The analysis plan for the original study was independently produced by experts in medical statistics, and the underlying data was published so that other researchers might conduct further analyses."

In the comments on a story about all this, someone rightfully and correctly pointed out that confusion about one's own gender is a mental illness, period. And the way to treat said mental illness is to help a child grow out of that confusion and embrace the gender that he or she – there are only two – was born with.

"The confusion comes from the media and schools preying on vulnerable and fragile psyches," another pointed out about the true source of all this confusion being implanted into children's brains.


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e95884 No.92787

File: a7d47751e1476f5⋯.webp (35.78 KB,1290x723,430:241,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608572 (251834ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

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WATCH LIVE: THOUSANDS Wait in Line Hours Early to See President Trump Speak at Summerville, SC Event – Coverage Begins at 11am ET, Trump to Speak at 3:00pm ET

President Trump is speaking today at a sold-out event in Summerville, South Carolina, where he leads by 30 points in the Republican primary polls.

Early this morning, thousands of Patriots were filmed waiting to enter the event before doors open at 12 pm.

From OANN correspondent Daniel Baldwin at 8:30am:


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e95884 No.92788

File: 0e8c0ec2fe970ee⋯.png (89.83 KB,1303x356,1303:356,Clipboard.png)

File: 5acd4a6580131bd⋯.png (336.83 KB,1355x742,1355:742,Clipboard.png)

File: ef9e0387a26dd46⋯.png (139.72 KB,1213x856,1213:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f16caa439b64eb⋯.png (178.92 KB,1296x460,324:115,Clipboard.png)

File: 42a1e23a6e2a0a6⋯.png (306.84 KB,1248x728,12:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608614 (251841ZSEP23) Notable: These are the child traffickers at the border

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These are the child traffickers at the border

Southwest Key Programs (SWK) is one of the largest, Latino-led nonprofit organizations in the United States. Founded in 1987, SWK has been on the frontline of social justice, youth advocacy, immigration, and helping nurture the hearts and minds of children, youth, and families. For 35 years, Southwest Key has created a culture of Familia in fulfilling their service platform that includes:


Sheltering, Caring and Reunifying

For over 20 years, Southwest Key has been an integral partner in the U.S. response to the immigration crisis at our southern border, sheltering immigrant children under 18 years of age who arrive in this country without a parent or guardian, and working to reunify them with a parent, relative or sponsor.

The majority of youth in our care are 13-17 year olds from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador who’ve come here on their own, escaping dangerous conditions in their homeland. During the short period of time they are with us, we work to share the building blocks for their future success.

After unification, we work to ensure safety and wellbeing in their new homes while connecting them to community services. Through our Home Study and Post Release Programs, support staff across 18 states serve youth nationwide who have been referred by ORR.


Our Leadership Staff

Southwest Key is proud to be one of the most diverse nonprofits in the country. As a minority-led organization known for its cultural competency, we strive to represent the various groups we serve in our leadership team.

Board of Directors

Southwest Key's Board of Directors represent a range of skill sets and areas of expertise. As a national board, members represent the geographically diverse locations in which Southwest Key operates. Board members meet quarterly and are responsible for setting agency policies, providing financial oversight and guidance, and setting the direction for growth.


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e95884 No.92789

File: f92b9ec242f7303⋯.png (398.24 KB,1374x1430,687:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608637 (251845ZSEP23) Notable: Department of Defense Signs Contract With Social Media Monitoring Company

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Department of Defense Signs Contract With Social Media Monitoring Company

Fresh revelations regarding a $2.5 million contractual agreement between the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) at Fort George G. Meade and social media scrutinizer Dataminr have emerged. These claims, unveiled by a US government notice, imply a new era of digital monitoring rests on the horizon, increasingly unsettling in its reinforcement of sweeping surveillance, and potentially having implications on free speech and privacy protection.

Fort Meade, also known as the steering wheel of the US Government’s paramount signals intelligence organization, the National Security Agency, has seemingly struck a discreet deal to expand its espionage services.

DISA, commodiously located at Fort Meade, is now purported to have voluminous exposure to public posts from assorted social media platforms, including X, formerly Twitter.

Dataminr is a company specializing in AI-driven real-time information discovery and is known for detecting, classifying, and determining the significance of public information in real time. It’s plausible that government entities, including the Department of Defense, may leverage services like Dataminr to monitor social media and other public data sources to maintain situational awareness and respond to emerging events or threats more rapidly.

When privacy buffs and free speech advocates look at governmental use of tools like Dataminr, it’s met with a hefty dose of suspicion, and rightfully so. The potential implications for personal freedom, civil rights, and the pillars of democracy are considerable. There’s this looming worry about the government, potentially with too loose a leash, exploiting these tools to spy on lawful activities and on people living their everyday lives with no criminal intentions.

The breadth and depth of data that can be scooped up – often slipping under individuals’ radars and without their green light – are considered intrusive, lighting up alarm bells about losing the privilege of anonymity on the web. The knowledge that one’s online whispers and digital footprints might be under the watchful eye can put a damper on free speech. It can make people think twice before voicing opinions that swim against the current or stir the pot.


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e95884 No.92790

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608649 (251848ZSEP23) Notable: New York teacher 'prefers' underage girls, concealed images in secret app

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New York teacher 'prefers' underage girls, concealed images in secret app: Report

A teacher in New York allegedly shared with an undercover FBI agent pretending to be a 13-year-old girl that he prefers underage girls, and that he apparently had sex "with a 10th grader once."

Kostas Fekkas, 34, taught at a charter school in Manhattan when he was arrested on September 14, according to Fox News. He had also worked at several other schools in the Bronx and Westchester County, New York. Investigators apparently found graphic sexual messages and child pornography from a 12-year-old girl that were hidden on an app that was made to look like a calculator.

As a result, a three-month undercover sting was carried out.

An undercover FBI agent, who went by the fake name "Riley," reportedly messaged Fekkas, saying "I'm in 8th (grade)." Fekkas replied, saying that "I usually cut off at 9th grade but you're insanely gorgeous."

Damian Williams, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, said in a statement that "Kostas Fekka's alleged conduct is despicable," adding that he "was entrusted with the care and well-being of children, who he in turn allegedly sought to victimize."

The app that Fekkas used to conceal the illegal material was HideU, which allows users to conceal files on a cellphone disguised as a functioning calculator. The former teacher introduced himself on the app Kik as "C.J. Justice," a 30-year-old man who teachers physics in high school. The account was linked to the email address kfekkas@mercy.edu.

Fekkas apparently sent photos of himself to "Riley," which matched publicly available images that were later discovered on a Manhattan high school's website. The images and alleged message exchanges between Fekkas and "Riley" were included in the criminal complaint.

Fekkas eventually pushed the 13-year-old to send nude photos. However, the FBI agent behind "Riley" sent a photo of a girl's face, and Fekkas allegedly responded, "Like I'd make out with you all day lolllll (sic)." Fekkas went on to allegedly say that he wanted "Riley" to "be super comfortable before you show me more of your face and before I get to see your body."

The report mentioned that between December 20 and December 25 of 2022, Fekkas allegedly sent explicit photos of himself to "Riley" and asked if she would engage in sexual activities with him. The exchanges reportedly became more graphic as time passed.

Fekkas is currently being charged with two counts of possession of child pornography, which carries a mandatory sentence between five and 20 years for each count, if convicted. He is also charged with attempted transfer of obscene material, which could carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison.


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e95884 No.92791

File: e3deef271f023d3⋯.jpg (152.88 KB,720x899,720:899,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608651 (251848ZSEP23) Notable: Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul calls in National Guard amid New York's worsening migrant crisis

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Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul calls in National Guard amid New York's worsening migrant crisis


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e95884 No.92792

File: 7fc1f20d2a21d5b⋯.png (568.91 KB,867x484,867:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608652 (251848ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

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"Y'all hold on, the man's in the tent - he's comin'"

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e95884 No.92793

File: f76ff266304ce36⋯.png (596.53 KB,863x480,863:480,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608662 (251850ZSEP23) Notable: Up On Stage Now

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e95884 No.92794

File: 2d8420ee8dfd6fa⋯.png (1.2 MB,1463x722,77:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608668 (251851ZSEP23) Notable: Up On Stage Now

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e95884 No.92795

File: b40c2d4604341ce⋯.png (17.63 KB,535x232,535:232,Clipboard.png)


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Here we go again.


Shut it down.

America doesn't need a credit score, we've covered everyone else's bills for far too long.

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e95884 No.92796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608684 (251854ZSEP23) Notable: Governor McMaster [Trump rally]: Every day we had to fight the Biden administration. It's just one thing after another…they sent the FBI to the school boards, couldn't believe that. Then we couldn't believe they sent the vaccine mandates down, the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, everybody. And if that wasn't enough, then they destroyed the borders…cartels sending people from all over, then they put a judge on the Supreme Court who could not explain what a woman was….They destroyed our energy independence, been borrowing money by the trillions…and from 2016 till now, they have been doing anything and everything they could, legal, illegal, ethical, unethical, unheard of, unprecedented, to do one thing: and that includes two bogus impeachments, and four bologna indictments, to do what? To stop one man, to stop our man from being president of the United States. He won't stop. We won't stop. We believe in America. We believe in Donald Trump.

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Governor McMaster [Trump rally]: Every day we had to fight the Biden administration. It's just one thing after another...they sent the FBI to the school boards, couldn't believe that. Then we couldn't believe they sent the vaccine mandates down, the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, everybody. And if that wasn't enough, then they destroyed the borders...cartels sending people from all over, then they put a judge on the Supreme Court who could not explain what a woman was....They destroyed our energy independence, been borrowing money by the trillions...and from 2016 till now, they have been doing anything and everything they could, legal, illegal, ethical, unethical, unheard of, unprecedented, to do one thing: and that includes two bogus impeachments, and four bologna indictments, to do what? To stop one man, to stop our man from being president of the United States. He won't stop. We won't stop. We believe in America. We believe in Donald Trump.

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e95884 No.92797

File: 3bde67f3733ac61⋯.jpg (332.77 KB,3000x2000,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608690 (251855ZSEP23) Notable: Lindsay Graham getting heartily booed

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Lindsay Graham getting heartily booed

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e95884 No.92798

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608723 (251901ZSEP23) Notable: Squalene in vaccines can cause our immune systems to self-destruct; it also decimates shark populations

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Squalene in vaccines can cause our immune systems to self-destruct; it also decimates shark populations

In a recent article, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny explained the toxicity of adjuvants used in vaccines. In particular, she explained what MF59 is and warned about the potential harms of injecting this squalene-based adjuvant into people.

Fluad (aQIV), a flu vaccine introduced in the UK in the 2018-19 flu season for adults aged 65 and older, contains MF59. MF59 is Novartis’ squalene-based adjuvant. “The main ingredient in MF59 is squalene oil … from fish oil,” the University of Oxford’s Vaccine Knowledge website states. And goes on to claim that “There is no evidence that MF59 causes [ ] serious adverse effects.”

Another squalene-based adjuvant is AS03 used in various vaccine products by GlaxoSmithKline (“GSK”). In May 2020, GSK penned deals offering AS03 adjuvant to several developers of covid injections. One of the covid “vaccines” that contains AS03 is SKYCovion, which the MHRA approved for use in the UK in May this year.

Despite the University of Oxford boldly stating there is “no evidence that MF59 causes serious adverse effects,” it didn’t take us long to find evidence online of serious adverse effects. Within a few minutes, we found the article published by Berry Law below regarding anthrax vaccines:

Causes of the Anthrax Vaccine’s Side Effects

The FDA has confirmed that squalene – an oil-based adjuvant that hyperactivates the immune system – was used in some of the batches of the anthrax vaccine given to military members in the early 1990s. Squalene is very dangerous to use as an adjuvant because it can cause the body’s immune system to self-destruct.

Anthrax Vaccine Presents Long Term Side Effects, Berry Law, 22 September 2023

Berry Law’s article goes on to list 13 long-term adverse effects of the squalene-based anthrax vaccine.

In addition to the harm to human health, there is the harm to the natural world. Squalene belongs in sharks and not in our arms. In October 2020, conservationists warned that half a million sharks could be killed to feed the covid injection industry alone. How many more for all the other vaccines containing squalene? And then, for the cosmetic industry, 2.7 million sharks are captured and killed for their livers each year.

The University of Oxford can’t have tried very hard to conduct any research on squalene-based adjuvants. And, Dr. Tenpenny has much more information than our few minutes of online search. The following is an abridged version of an article written by Dr. Tenpenny. You can read the full article HERE.


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e95884 No.92799

File: 7ee624b5ae9aed6⋯.png (480.25 KB,1109x638,1109:638,Clipboard.png)

File: 4037d4c72885684⋯.png (259.01 KB,697x626,697:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608736 (251903ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

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e95884 No.92800

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608738 (251904ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Biden's energy crisis has hurt [boat] sales by nearly tripling the cost to fill up a sportsman's three hundred and fifty-five gallon gas tank.

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President Trump: Biden's energy crisis has hurt [boat] sales by nearly tripling the cost to fill up a sportsman's three hundred and fifty-five gallon gas tank.

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e95884 No.92801

File: 9d30d4000c8f3cd⋯.png (41.15 KB,566x203,566:203,Clipboard.png)

File: d4d1e78d2704bc2⋯.png (481.87 KB,591x718,591:718,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608751 (251907ZSEP23) Notable: British Telecom CEO Firing Whites, Hiring Non-Whites to 'Hit Diversity Targets' and 'Pocket £220K Bonus'

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British Telecom CEO Firing Whites, Hiring Non-Whites to 'Hit Diversity Targets' and 'Pocket £220K Bonus'

The CEO of British Telecom giant BT is reportedly firing some 1,100 employees in overwhelmingly white rural East Anglia with the intention of replacing them with non-whites from major cities in order to "boost diversity" and potentially pocket a £220,000 bonus for hitting "diversity targets."

From The Mail on Sunday, "Anger at BT as top executive declares plans to cut more than 1,000 jobs in rural areas while hiring new staff in major cities will boost workforce diversity":

Telecoms giant BT was last night under fire after a top executive declared that plans to cut more than 1,000 jobs in rural East Anglia while hiring new staff in major cities will boost its workforce diversity.

In comments leaked to The Mail on Sunday, Howard Watson, BT's chief networks officer, suggested that a 'significant factor' in choosing where to locate major offices was the ethnic diversity of the area.

One Tory MP yesterday accused BT of 'pandering to political correctness' and warned it could be illegally discriminating against white staff.

It comes as the MoS can reveal that BT's new chief executive, Allison Kirkby, could pocket up to £220,000 in bonus payments specifically linked to 'diversity and inclusion' targets.

BT unveiled controversial plans in July to cut up to 1,100 jobs from its 2,900-strong base in Martlesham, near Ipswich, as part of a major overhaul of its offices called the 'Better Workplace Programme'. Under the blueprint, some of the staff affected will be offered the chance to move to 'strategic hub' cities including London, Birmingham and Manchester.

A recording obtained by the MoS details Mr Watson telling staff the headcount reduction is a 'shocking number', but adds that BT would be able to recruit new workers in 'many more places' which would 'improve diversity inclusion over time'.

Asked whether boosting diversity and inclusion was a key reason for relocating jobs, Mr Watson replies: 'That was a significant factor in the choice of the locations.'

Martlesham is 95.8 per cent white, according to latest figures – in contrast, Birmingham is 48.7 per cent white.


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e95884 No.92802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608753 (251907ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: Biden puts China first, Mexico first, Ukraine first, Europe first, Asia first, illegal aliens first, above our great Veterans, you know that. Puts the illegal aliens above our Veterans. Our Veterans live like hell.

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President Trump: Biden puts China first, Mexico first, Ukraine first, Europe first, Asia first, illegal aliens first, above our great Veterans, you know that. Puts the illegal aliens above our Veterans. Our Veterans live like hell.

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e95884 No.92803

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608770 (251909ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: They put illegal aliens first, and everyone first, but he puts America last, he puts our military last, he puts our Veterans last, he puts workers last, he puts small businesses last. He puts everything that's good and proper, last. He puts it last. It's crazy.

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President Trump: They put illegal aliens first, and everyone first, but he puts America last, he puts our military last, he puts our Veterans last, he puts workers last, he puts small businesses last. He puts everything that's good and proper, last. He puts it last. It's crazy.

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e95884 No.92804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608792 (251913ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: The Biden administration is right now trying to bludgeon the boating and maritime industry…with a boat speed limit of less than eleven miles per hour, about ten miles an hour…alone the entire eastern part of our country., This is supposedly in the name of preventing whale strikes, but you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than hitting a whale with your boat. There has only been one such whale killed off the coast of South Carolina in the last fifty years, but on the other hand, their windmills are causing whales to die in numbers never seen before.

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President Trump: The Biden administration is right now trying to bludgeon the boating and maritime industry...with a boat speed limit of less than eleven miles per hour, about ten miles an hour...alone the entire eastern part of our country., This is supposedly in the name of preventing whale strikes, but you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than hitting a whale with your boat. There has only been one such whale killed off the coast of South Carolina in the last fifty years, but on the other hand, their windmills are causing whales to die in numbers never seen before.

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e95884 No.92805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608802 (251915ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: The Biden speed limit will demolish the charter fishing business, crush boat manufactures, and desecrate your cherished low-country traditions….On Day One, I will cancel Biden's ridiculous speed limit regulation.

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President Trump: The Biden speed limit will demolish the charter fishing business, crush boat manufactures, and desecrate your cherished low-country traditions....On Day One, I will cancel Biden's ridiculous speed limit regulation.

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e95884 No.92806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608822 (251919ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump purchases a Glock in South Carolina!

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Trump received a concealed-carry permit from New York City and owns handguns, according to a 2012 interview with the Washington Times, but he hasn’t emphasized it since taking office.


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e95884 No.92807

File: ca41cd7d5bc621a⋯.png (158.13 KB,529x485,529:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608842 (251922ZSEP23) Notable: @NavalInstitute Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command

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Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command - USNI News



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e95884 No.92808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608849 (251924ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump: We fired Comey; we got rid of a lot of scum.

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President Trump: We fired Comey; we got rid of a lot of scum.

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e95884 No.92809

File: 167793133947f0d⋯.png (272.53 KB,586x930,293:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608860 (251926ZSEP23) Notable: @NavalInstitute Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command

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The commander of Submarine Group 9 relieved the commanding officer of the nuclear ballistic missile submarine USS Alabama (SSBN-731), the Navy announced Monday.

Rear Adm. Nicholas Tilbrook relieved Cmdr. Michael Lyle, the Blue Crew commanding officer of Alabama, due to a lack of confidence in his ability to lead the submarine, according to the Nav press release.

A Navy official told USNI News that the relief was due to performance concerns, not misconduct. No other details were available.

Cmdr. Michael Lyle US Navy Photo

Deputy Commodore of Commander, Submarine Squadron 17, Cmdr. Larry Arbuckle temporarily assumed command until a new commanding officer was appointed. The Navy press release did not say where Lyle would be assigned.

“Navy commanding officers are held to high standards of personal and professional conduct. They are expected to uphold the highest standards of responsibility, reliability and leadership, and the Navy holds them accountable when they fall short of those standards,” reads the release.

Lyle served as the 18th commanding officer for the submarine’s Blue Crew. He previously served on nuclear the attack boat USS Houston (SSN-713) as a division officer, on USS Buffalo (SSN-715) as the weapons officer and on the boomer USS Louisiana (SSBN-743) as the executive officer. He also served as the operations officer (N3) for Task Force 69.

He assumed command of Alabama on Aug. 19, 2022, according to the Navy.

The submarine is based in Washington state.


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e95884 No.92810

File: 65e234a5eaa78a7⋯.mp4 (14.92 MB,19608879_1.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608879 (251931ZSEP23) Notable: "In less than 5 months from now we are going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden…"

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What's Trump mean by this?

"In less than 5 months from now we are going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden..."

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Post last edited at

e95884 No.92811

File: 17e030272e0f62a⋯.png (412.16 KB,531x522,59:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608901 (251937ZSEP23) Notable: @DeptofDefense With Government Shutdown, Troops Still Protect Nation, But Possibly Without Pay

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NEWS: With Government Shutdown, Troops Still Protect Nation, But Possibly Without Pay


Ukrainian warfighters will get paid, but our own will not.

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e95884 No.92812

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608909 (251938ZSEP23) Notable: Maine Dad Says High School Clinic Sent 17-Year-Old Daughter Home with Secret Baggy of Zoloft, Sicced Child Protective Services on Him For Complaining

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Maine Dad Says High School Clinic Sent 17-Year-Old Daughter Home with Secret Baggy of Zoloft, Sicced Child Protective Services on Him For Complaining


A Fairfield father says that a federally funded health clinic operating within Lawrence High School provided his minor daughter with a baggy of prescription anti-depressants without his knowledge or consent.

When the girl’s father, Eric Sack, discovered the baggy of pills over the weekend, his daughter told him that it was provided to her by the Bulldog Health Center, a School Based Health Center (SBHC) at Lawrence High School.

Sack saw the the pills as an infringement on his parental rights, but he was also concerned that the school’s clinic sent unlabeled drugs with no child-resistant container into his home, where his two other younger children also live.

He called Lawrence High School Principal Dan Bowers to complain about the undisclosed drug treatments the school clinic gave his daughter, but Bowers insisted the SBHC was a separate entity from the school and not under his control. Bowers did not respond to a phone call and an email seeking comment for this

Sack said representatives from the Bulldog Health Center, which is operated by the Waterville-based HealthReach Community Health Centers, told him they were legally allowed to give his daughter prescription drugs without informing him, but they wouldn’t address the lack of a label or safety container.

Sack pulled his daughter out of the public school this week to make her appointments with a doctor and a therapist. “I’m looking out for the best interests of my daughter. That’s why I pulled her out of school,” said Sack. “Because I don’t think she really ought to be there if they’re going to start giving her pills, you know? Until I sit down with a doctor that I pick for my daughter, not through the school.”

After Sack withheld his daughter from school, someone at either the school or the health clinic contacted the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Office of Child and Family Services, the division of state government tasked with investigating allegations of child abuse.

On Thursday, an agent from Child Protective Services (CPS) called Sack and informed him that he would be arriving shortly to make a surprise visit to his home to conduct a child welfare investigation.

“They called and said it was an emergency situation at my house, that I was pretty near holding my daughter hostage, is what the gentleman that came yesterday told me,” Sack said. “He had information that only the school and Bulldog Health Center had,” he said.

For three hours, CPS Agent Dylan Wood grilled Sack and his family individually and as a group, including asking questions about Sack’s firearms and where he keeps them.

Wood, Sack said, eventually indicated that the complaint against him appeared to be unfounded. The visit from CPS is reminiscent of similar visits that happened in a Damariscotta school district last year after two parents complained about a 26-year-old social worker who had begun a social gender transition on a 13-year-old girl without her mother’s consent.

The mother, as well as another district parent who complained about the social worker, both received visits from a CPS agent to investigate allegations that they had abused their children. Both parents told the Maine Wire that they believed the CPS visits were retaliation for their criticizing transgender ideology.

Rep. Shelley Rudnicki (R-Fairfield), whose district includes Lawrence High School, condemned the provision of prescription medications to minors without informed consent from parents. “Giving prescription meds to a child without parental permission is dangerous and unacceptable,” Rudnicki said.

“You can’t just give my daughter pills in a ziplock baggie and send them home,” said Sack, adding that he would be consulting with attorneys to see what legal recourse he might have.

The Bulldog Health Center, like other SBHCs, receives funding from the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) under the Health Center Program. HRSA is a sub-agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

Because of the federal grant it receives, employees at the clinic have a Public Health Service designation, which means they are protected from liability in the event they are accused of negligence or wrongdoing.Were someone to file a lawsuit against the clinic, they would effectively be suing the federal government.


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e95884 No.92813

File: 5e6f563fc70fd8d⋯.png (145.49 KB,908x797,908:797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608928 (251943ZSEP23) Notable: The benefits of certain commonly used herbs for smoking are listed below.

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Health Benefits of Smoking

The benefits of certain commonly used herbs for smoking are listed below.


Peppermint may improve blood circulation and relaxes the nerves. It can be a strong purifying agent that can restore and rejuvenate both, the mind and body. Known for its possible healing properties, peppermint can also ensure easy breathing by clearing the lungs and respiratory passages.

Gotu Kola Extract

This extract can be used to improve memory, relieve tension, enhance blood flow, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the liver. Gotu Kola herb has been used since time immemorial to remain healthy and to sharpen memory and concentration.


Hops are possibly mild sedatives that can ensure a calming effect and are one of the principal ingredients in many medicines. Muscle relaxants and tonics containing hops may help curb cravings.


It is a possibly effective medicinal herb that may help in relieving symptoms of many diseases like insomnia, hysteria, delirium tremens, anxiety, and withdrawal symptoms from tranquilizers. Skullcap is rich in vitamins and can be used as a possible central nervous system booster and a sedative. It is also found to be possibly effective in managing headaches and restlessness.

Wild Oat

Wild oat is a popular traditional herbal medicine that is widely used in providing relief from liver and kidney conditions and joint pain. It may relieve depression and is a natural tonic used to possibly improve strength and vitality in both men and women. Well known for its possible anti-depressant qualities, wild oat is also used to reduce mental tension and anxiety. It is a possibly powerful antioxidant as well, which slows down the aging process.


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e95884 No.92814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608939 (251947ZSEP23) Notable: California superintendent ousted after school pays $27M to parents of 13-year-old who was beaten to death by bullies after 'restorative justice' intervention failed

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Another reason to get your child out of public school?


California superintendent ousted after school pays $27M to parents of 13-year-old who was beaten to death by bullies after 'restorative justice' intervention failed

It's like people have shut down their souls. How does a murder in school by other students get treated with a slap on the wrist for the killers? What happens to the adults that stood by? Are they all so afraid of the social justice warriors?

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e95884 No.92815

File: c26f07c61ac1cd2⋯.png (669.56 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608947 (251950ZSEP23) Notable: WININNING: Billionaire RINO donors are giving up. Trump has won.

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WININNING: Billionaire RINO donors are giving up. Trump has won.

Big GOP donors hoped for an alternative to Trump. Now some are giving up.

The number of big-money donors giving to super PACs focused on the GOP primary is down from 2016.


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e95884 No.92816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608966 (251955ZSEP23) Notable: Blinken participates in a joint statement signing ceremony with Niue Premier Dalton Tagelagi

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3:45 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken participates in a joint statement signing ceremony with Niue Premier Dalton Tagelagi

Department of State





Secretary Blinken Signing Ceremony with Niue Premier Dalton Tagelagi

Secretary Antony Blinken participates in a joint statement and signing ceremony with Niue Premier Dalton Tagelagi at the Department of State.


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e95884 No.92817

File: 0fa3e1be8868fec⋯.png (265.11 KB,616x353,616:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608972 (251956ZSEP23) Notable: Dr Kerry Chant refuses to rule out lockdowns if Australia is hit by another pandemic

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Dr Kerry Chant refuses to rule out lockdowns if Australia is hit by another pandemic

NSW health chief cagey on lockdowns

Kerry Chant leaves options open

A top health official has refused to rule out lockdowns if NSW is hit by another pandemic.

NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant was asked on Monday whether with what is known now she would still recommend lockdowns and curfews.

Ms Chant did not give a straight-forward answer.

'I think those matters can’t be answered in a simple question,' she said.

'And I think also one of the key learnings is that it is important we think about the future but we don’t plan for the next pandemic totally on what we have been through for the last.'

Last week Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announced there would be three-member inquiry into Australia's Covid responses but which would not look into 'actions taken unilaterally by state and territory governments'.

As Covid measures such as lockdowns, curfews and the shutting internal borders were decided by state governments this means the inquiry won't be examining these issues in any depth.

During the Covid period the longest lockdown NSW experienced was 107 days that ended in October 2021 and it imposed curfews during that September on some of the suburbs worst hit with the Delta strain of the virus.

As gruelling as this was it pales against the 262-lockdown endured by Victorians, which came with more blanket curfews.

Dr Nick Coatsworth, who was the national deputy chief health officer during the pandemic, commented curtly that such exclusions mean the inquiry will ignore 'pretty much everything they did' to respond to Covid.

He previously called for the inquiry to examine whether independent public health powers should remain with states and territories during a pandemic.

'Who determines proportionality of pandemic response and how are societal costs of pandemic restrictions assessed and balanced against need for disease control?', asked Dr Coatsworth.

He took aim at Victorian Premier Dan Andrews who 'thinks that the Covid inquiry should focus on vaccines, national medical stockpile and PPE'.

'None of those are related to the core question. Proportionality,' Dr Coatsworth added.

'It is a word that he would prefer never enter into the historical record on our (and his) pandemic response. But it will.'

This criticism was echoed by other commentators and the opposition, who accused the Albanese government of shielding Labor premiers from scrutiny.


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e95884 No.92818

File: 5c07ab0df32c03d⋯.png (855.3 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608977 (251956ZSEP23) Notable: DeSantis and Newsom officially agree to November 30 Fox News debate (but Newsom isn't running!?)

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DeSantis and Newsom officially agree to November 30 Fox News debate (but Newsom isn't running!?)

DeSantis and Newsom officially agree to November 30 Fox News debate

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will square off with California Gov. Gavin Newsom in a debate hosted by Fox News host Sean Hannity on Nov. 30 at 9 pm EST.


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e95884 No.92819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608978 (251957ZSEP23) Notable: Jill Biden Welcomes the White House Historical Association 2023 Presidential Sites Summit

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4:00 PM EDT

First Lady Jill Biden Welcomes the White House Historical Association 2023 Presidential Sites Summit

First Lady Jill Biden host a welcome reception at the White House for the White House Historical Association (WHHA) 2023 Presidential Sites Summit.

The White House


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e95884 No.92820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19608994 (251959ZSEP23) Notable: Stacey Abrams & U.S. Reps Discuss Female Representation in Public Office

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4:00 PM EDT

Stacey Abrams & U.S. Reps Discuss Female Representation in Public Office

Stacey Abrams joins U.S. Reps. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX), Jennifer McClellan (D-VA), Emilia Sykes (D-OH), Summer Lee (D-PA), and Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick (D-FL) to discuss increasing female representation in public office.


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e95884 No.92821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609007 (252002ZSEP23) Notable: #24080-A

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#24080-A >>92755

>>92756, >>92787, >>92792, >>92799 LIVE: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

>>92793, >>92794 Up On Stage Now

>>92796 Governor McMaster [Trump rally]: Every day we had to fight the Biden administration. It's just one thing after another…they sent the FBI to the school boards, couldn't believe that. Then we couldn't believe they sent the vaccine mandates down, the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine, Coast Guard, everybody. And if that wasn't enough, then they destroyed the borders…cartels sending people from all over, then they put a judge on the Supreme Court who could not explain what a woman was….They destroyed our energy independence, been borrowing money by the trillions…and from 2016 till now, they have been doing anything and everything they could, legal, illegal, ethical, unethical, unheard of, unprecedented, to do one thing: and that includes two bogus impeachments, and four bologna indictments, to do what? To stop one man, to stop our man from being president of the United States. He won't stop. We won't stop. We believe in America. We believe in Donald Trump.

>>92797 Lindsay Graham getting heartily booed

>>92800 President Trump: Biden's energy crisis has hurt [boat] sales by nearly tripling the cost to fill up a sportsman's three hundred and fifty-five gallon gas tank.

>>92802 President Trump: Biden puts China first, Mexico first, Ukraine first, Europe first, Asia first, illegal aliens first, above our great Veterans, you know that. Puts the illegal aliens above our Veterans. Our Veterans live like hell.

>>92803 President Trump: They put illegal aliens first, and everyone first, but he puts America last, he puts our military last, he puts our Veterans last, he puts workers last, he puts small businesses last. He puts everything that's good and proper, last. He puts it last. It's crazy.

>>92804 President Trump: The Biden administration is right now trying to bludgeon the boating and maritime industry…with a boat speed limit of less than eleven miles per hour, about ten miles an hour…alone the entire eastern part of our country., This is supposedly in the name of preventing whale strikes, but you have a better chance of being struck by lightning than hitting a whale with your boat. There has only been one such whale killed off the coast of South Carolina in the last fifty years, but on the other hand, their windmills are causing whales to die in numbers never seen before.

>>92805 President Trump: The Biden speed limit will demolish the charter fishing business, crush boat manufactures, and desecrate your cherished low-country traditions….On Day One, I will cancel Biden's ridiculous speed limit regulation.

President Trump: We want to Make America Great Again, and now we have to do it all over again, because they destroyed large pieces of what we did.

>>92808 President Trump: We fired Comey; we got rid of a lot of scum.

President Trump: The USA is a mess, our economy is crashing, inflation is totally out of control, China Russia, Iran, and North Korea, have formed together as a menacing, and just a horrible, menacing, and destructive coalition. Our currency is crashing,and will no longer be the world's standard, which will be our greatest defeat in two hundred years.

President Trump: The USA is a mess, our economy is crashing, inflation is totally out of control, China Russia, Iran, and North Korea, have formed together as a menacing, and just a horrible, menacing, and destructive coalition. Our currency is crashing,and will no longer be the world's

standard, which will be our greatest defeat in two hundred years.

>>92810 "In less than 5 months from now we are going to defeat Crooked Joe Biden…"

President Trump: Nobody, nobody can want to vote for this guy [Biden], nobody. And maybe he makes it to the gate, I don't know if he makes it to the gate, I don't think it even matters anymore, because they have been so destructive to our country, what they've done as a party, that I don't even think it matters. Who are they going to put in? A guy from California that's destroyed that state? They going to put in Kamala? Actually our numbers are better against Kamala than they are against Joe, so maybe, we'd like Kamala too.

President Trump: I've never seen spirit or enthusiasm like we have this time. Moreso than 2020, moreso than 2016, and we had a lot. We had it in records. Because now they see how bad these people are. They're evil. They're sick.


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e95884 No.92822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609107 (252027ZSEP23) Notable: #24080-B

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#24080-B >>92755

>>92757, >>92761, >>92762, >>92768, >>92775 Buckwheat up

>>92758 @AFWERX & BETA Technologies, an electric aerospace company, broke ground on the first electric ✈️ aircraft charging station on a military installation at Duke Field, FL,

>>92759 Scores dead in Nagorno-Karabakh blast

>>92760 Busted! Adam Schiff Funneled Millions To Defense Contractors After Taking Donations

>>92763 Accused 2017 ‘Vault 7’ Leaker Convicted of Hosting Child Porn on Server Maintained While in CIA Employ

>>92764 Trump Says MSNBC and NBC News Will Be Investigated for ‘Country-Threatening Treason’ if He is Re-Elected

>>92765 Sources say the Biden aide who put together the $6 billion ransom deal for Iran is the same aide who put together the $2 billion Iran nuke deal – Jake Sullivan, aka "Architect of Appeasement"

>>92766 Newsom Signs Law Requiring Gender-Neutral Bathrooms in California K-12 Schools

>>92767, >>92806 President Trump purchases a Glock in South Carolina!

>>92769 City of Chicago Denies Request for Records on How $57M Was Spent on Migrant Shelter Staffing

>>92770 Day 2 Part 1Kari Lake's Hearing

>>92771 EU state used Israeli spyware on exiled Russian journalists

>>92772 Moar Menendez

>>92773 FBI hit with lawsuit after allegedly losing valuable rare coins during raid

>>92774 The Eagle Pass area continues to experience an influx of illegal immigrants - the majority from Venezuela.

>>92776 Trudeau Faces Hard Pushback After Honoring SS Fighter on Parliament

>>92777 @OfficialFtSill Keep up the intensity. 💥

>>92778 Canada: Calling On House Speaker To RESIGN For Bringing A NAZI Into Parliament

>>92779 Border Patrol Head Says Agency Cannot Protect U.S. Because They Are Forced To Process So Many Illegals

>>92780 Former Texas Congresswoman Mayra Flores Shares Bloody Photo of Border Patrol Agent After Alleged Attack By Illegal.

>>92781 University in Ireland is to offer the country’s first Bachelor's degree in "social-media influencing"

>>92782 Evergrande Former CEO And CFO Arrested As Insolvent Property Giant Misses Payment On $550MM Onshore Bond

>>92783 Hungary issues ultimatum to Ukraine

>>92784 A Molotov cocktail is thrown at the Cuban Embassy in Washington, but there's no significant damage

>>92785 Gaetz on Bartiromo When confronted with our argument on government spending, most smart and open-minded people will convert.

>>92786 34% of children put on transgender puberty blockers end up becoming mental cases

>>92788 These are the child traffickers at the border

>>92789 Department of Defense Signs Contract With Social Media Monitoring Company

>>92790 New York teacher 'prefers' underage girls, concealed images in secret app

>>92791 Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul calls in National Guard amid New York's worsening migrant crisis


>>92798 Squalene in vaccines can cause our immune systems to self-destruct; it also decimates shark populations

>>92801 British Telecom CEO Firing Whites, Hiring Non-Whites to 'Hit Diversity Targets' and 'Pocket £220K Bonus'

>>92807, >>92809 @NavalInstitute Ballistic Missile Submarine USS Alabama CO Removed from Command

>>92811 @DeptofDefense With Government Shutdown, Troops Still Protect Nation, But Possibly Without Pay

>>92812 Maine Dad Says High School Clinic Sent 17-Year-Old Daughter Home with Secret Baggy of Zoloft, Sicced Child Protective Services on Him For Complaining

>>92813 The benefits of certain commonly used herbs for smoking are listed below.

>>92814 California superintendent ousted after school pays $27M to parents of 13-year-old who was beaten to death by bullies after 'restorative justice' intervention failed

>>92815 WININNING: Billionaire RINO donors are giving up. Trump has won.

>>92816 Blinken participates in a joint statement signing ceremony with Niue Premier Dalton Tagelagi

>>92817 Dr Kerry Chant refuses to rule out lockdowns if Australia is hit by another pandemic

>>92818 DeSantis and Newsom officially agree to November 30 Fox News debate (but Newsom isn't running!?)

>>92819 Jill Biden Welcomes the White House Historical Association 2023 Presidential Sites Summit

>>92820 Stacey Abrams & U.S. Reps Discuss Female Representation in Public Office


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e95884 No.92823

File: 62fd64164b86fd5⋯.png (617.73 KB,984x546,164:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b4c120e4f21489⋯.png (901.91 KB,1214x683,1214:683,Clipboard.png)

File: f25f3e6415be2bd⋯.png (556.08 KB,976x542,488:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609127 (252032ZSEP23) Notable: #24081

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e95884 No.92824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609139 (252034ZSEP23) Notable: Pollster Rasmussen Says “Election Fraud Renders Scientific Election Forecasting Worthless” - Will Start Sharing Evidence

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Has this made NOTABLES yet?


Pollster Rasmussen Says “Election Fraud Renders Scientific Election Forecasting Worthless” – Will Start Sharing Evidence

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e95884 No.92825

File: dfd74f0d9433253⋯.png (189.45 KB,990x768,165:128,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609150 (252037ZSEP23) Notable: Former agent admits to scheme to illegally employ non-immigrants for American company

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Former agent admits to scheme to illegally employ non-immigrants for American company


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e95884 No.92826

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609186 (252044ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump visits the Palmetto State Armory in Summerville, SC

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President Donald J. Trump visits the Palmetto State Armory in Summerville, SC - 9/25/2023

06:40ish on…(POTUS and the Glock)


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e95884 No.92827

File: 69038c3498e4351⋯.png (454.1 KB,630x420,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609188 (252044ZSEP23) Notable: Can Joe Biden be made cooler online? One group's $70 million bet on yes

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Can Joe Biden be made cooler online? One group's $70 million bet on yes



Move over Dark Brandon, this group wants to make Joe Cool a new meme

ProgressNow is betting that improving Biden’s online presence

— through memes, videos, and other social media images — will help win over voters.

Social media users liked the content that pictured the president, alongside text that read "Bidenomics Prioritizes Working Families” and “Bidenomics Recovering the Economy Faster Than Ever.” | Drew Angerer/Getty Images

A major liberal group has drawn up a multimillion-dollar plan to make Joe Biden cooler online. And the initiative has the blessing of a top White House official.

ProgressNow is launching a $70 million project to help the president and down-ballot Democrats win the war for voters’ digital attention. The idea is to create, in their own words, an “echo chamber” on the left. At its heart, it is an effort to compete with one they say already operates on all cylinders on the right.

More broadly, it represents an important test of whether Democrats can successfully market the oldest president ever to an electorate that has consistently expressed reservations about his age and wished that another person would be the party’s standard-bearer, according to polls.

The center of ProgressNow’s plan is an app that the group has developed called Megaphone. Users who download the app can scroll through a series of liberal memes, videos, and graphics created by the organization, add their own captions, and then quickly share them on social media platforms.

“ProgressNow has become an important partner to the groups supporting the Biden-Harris agenda,” said Anita Dunn, a senior White House adviser and top 2020 Biden strategist who added she was providing her comment personally. Ramping up “ensures they will be in an even stronger position to deliver compelling digital communications to people in their communities through a grassroots network that effectively complements efforts in 2024 and beyond.”

Inherent in the ProgressNow strategy is the fact that liberals have been outmaneuvered online by the conservative movement for years, something the group’s leaders readily admit

— and that more than a decade after former President Barack Obama was supposed to have ushered in a new form of voter communication, the party has been uninventive under Biden.


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e95884 No.92828

File: aedae9d3b183545⋯.png (604.57 KB,805x1797,805:1797,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609194 (252046ZSEP23) Notable: CBP announces August border numbers were 232,972.

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America First Legal reposted

Adam Shaw

It's a Friday afternoon border number drop!

CBP announces August border numbers were 232,972.

181,059 between ports of entry.

DHS also says it has "repatriated over 250,000 individuals" since May.

CBP·Sep 22

Today, CBP released August 2023 statistics for its primary mission areas related to protecting the American people, safeguarding our borders, and enhancing the nation’s economic prosperity.

▪️ Press release: https://go.dhs.gov/oQN

▪️ Stats: https://go.dhs.gov/Z3B

4:32 PM · Sep 22, 2023·73.4K Views


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e95884 No.92829

File: fc5f350a2bfe2ee⋯.png (750.49 KB,829x1813,829:1813,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609210 (252049ZSEP23) Notable: What’s the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital ?

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>>>/qresearch/19608888 LB

>>>/qresearch/19608803 LB

>The truth is the Nazis never went away

Dr. C IET 17·6h

What’s the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital ?

Brian Cates

That the Nazis never went away, they went underground with the help of the corrupt fake Jewish bankers/bloodline families from Prussia who'd managed by financial means to gain control of over a dozen top Western countries by the end of the First World War, and they've been the enforcement arm of the Shadow Cabal ever since.

They were never really defeated, once they'd served their purpose for their real masters, they were 'repurposed'.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

I ain't even gonna touch on the small very technologically advanced elite underground civilization that actually runs the world and is responsible for much of the UFO activity.

Oh and they're all Satanists who worship Lucifer.

The # of people who'd have thought anyone saying this in 2017 was a raving lunatic was probably around 90%.

Now its probably only around 75%. We still have a long way to go in this Great Awakening.

Once you realize this is what happened, and the 'underground' Gladio Nazi groups worldwide have been the secret hidden enforcement arm of the Shadow Cabal, and that its a very powerful cult where many people are born & raised in it, they don't join?

You can finally begin to see and understand how 9/11 happened.

How Al Qaeda was created. And by who. And how they went on to create ISIS to serve their purposes. Underground Gladio units.

Their plan was proceeding quite nicely until Donald Trump rudely interrupted Barack's handoff to The Witch.

2:30 PM · Sep 25, 2023·5,243 Views


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e95884 No.92830

File: a31a0a4f4ab9240⋯.png (309.73 KB,569x912,569:912,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609223 (252051ZSEP23) Notable: Chicago Signs Nearly $30 Million Contract To Build Giant Winterized Tent Camps For Migrants

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Sep 21, 2023

Chicago Signs Nearly $30 Million Contract To Build Giant Winterized Tent Camps For Migrants

Chicago is facing a migrant crisis and is struggling to find long-term solutions

The city of Chicago has signed a $29.4 million contract with a private security firm to move newly arrived illegal migrants to massive winterized camps with tents.

Chicago officials inked the one-year deal with GardaWorld Federal Services on September 12. The firm will be responsible for building, staffing, and operating the huge tents, which must be able to house between 250 and 1,400 migrants.

Chicago is facing a migrant crisis and is struggling to find long-term solutions. The country’s third-largest city has seen an influx of about 13,500 migrants recently and has already spent at least $250 million on the issue.

Mayor Brandon Johnson detailed his plan for massive migrant tents earlier this month.

The tents will reportedly have “yurt” structures that would fit 12 cots each ...


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e95884 No.92831

File: d7c2de15b2e7b50⋯.png (625.35 KB,828x646,414:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609226 (252052ZSEP23) Notable: …all roads lead to ‘Illary! Rep. James Comer (R-KY): ‘All Roads Lead to Joe Biden’

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...all roads lead to ‘Illary! Rep. James Comer (R-KY): ‘All Roads Lead to Joe Biden’

Comer: ‘All Roads Lead to Joe Biden’

During an appearance on this week's broadcast of FNC's "Sunday Night in America," Rep. James Comer (R-KY), the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, said there were clear links between corruption allegations leveled at members of President Joe Biden's...


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e95884 No.92832

File: 4c0fa75d5c07965⋯.png (1.07 MB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609235 (252053ZSEP23) Notable: Biden administration knew border surge was coming,- and did nothing

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It’s all intentional.

We’re witnessing the biggest human trafficking event in history and the US Government is behind itall.

Biden administration knew border surge was coming,- and did nothing

Biden Administration Knew Border Surge Was Coming, Internal Documents Show—And Did Nothing

The Department of Homeland Security was aware that a large population of migrants was preparing to cross the southern border months before a near-record number surged into the country this month, internal documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon sh...


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e95884 No.92833

File: b1a79acc4776514⋯.mp4 (3.08 MB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 932c5042a919237⋯.png (186.95 KB,620x798,310:399,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609243 (252055ZSEP23) Notable: Justin Trudeau blames Russian propaganda for Canadian Parliament honoring a Nazi.

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NEW -Justin Trudeau blames Russian propaganda for Canadian Parliament honoring a Nazi.

"Obviously, it's extremely upsetting that this happened... this is something that is deeply embarrassing to the Parliament of Canada...

It's going to be really important that all of us push back against Russian propaganda, Russian disinformation, and continue our steadfast and unequivocal support for Ukraine.”

What does Russian propaganda have to do with Trudeau honoring a Nazi in Canadian Parliament?

2:33 PM · Sep 25, 2023 · 603.3K Views


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e95884 No.92834

File: 01bdf04c149c604⋯.png (918.2 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609246 (252055ZSEP23) Notable: Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jack ain't got JACK SHIT.

Jack smith will regret his treasonous actions: karma gonna hit him so fucking hard.

PANIC: Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team

The special counsel's office is gearing up to put Donald Trump on trial in two criminal cases next year.


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e95884 No.92835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609253 (252057ZSEP23) Notable: Reports coming in that Catturd was just swatted during his livestream today, cops all over his ranch

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


BREAKING:Reports coming in that Catturd was just swatted during his livestream today, cops all over his ranch

He has been mercilessly doxxed by corporate media in hopes that someone would do just this

Prayers up for Cat

Will update when I know more


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e95884 No.92836

File: 044a44a6f7b96a8⋯.png (394.5 KB,676x637,52:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 63e15b1ae5672d1⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609300 (252106ZSEP23) Notable: Fox News cuts feed when Trump mentions Tucker Carlson

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Fox News cuts feed when Trump mentions Tucker Carlson


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e95884 No.92837

File: a0253852d2706ec⋯.png (547.15 KB,650x332,325:166,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609304 (252107ZSEP23) Notable: Deciphering the Soros Code - A Technology Blueprint for Reclaiming our Elections

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Deciphering the Soros Code - A Technology Blueprint for Reclaiming our Elections


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e95884 No.92838

File: fbc79c430773ce8⋯.png (391.12 KB,531x487,531:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609314 (252109ZSEP23) Notable: On Friday, #FBI Director Christopher Wray ran the G-Man 5k with the new agent class at Quantico.

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On Friday, #FBI Director Christopher Wray ran the G-Man 5k with the new agent class at Quantico. The G-Man 5k benefits the FBIAA Memorial College Fund, sending the children and spouses of deceased FBI Agents to college.


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e95884 No.92839

File: 6f36eb092d87d58⋯.png (673.29 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609320 (252110ZSEP23) Notable: FBI aka Hackers steal $200 million from crypto company Mixin

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FBI aka Hackers steal $200 million from crypto company Mixin

Hong Kong-based crypto company Mixin announced it was breached, with hackers stealing around $200 million.


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e95884 No.92840

File: 359dacbb76052b8⋯.png (413.91 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609350 (252116ZSEP23) Notable: Speaker Pleads Ignorance After Leading Zelensky and Trudeau in Tribute to Nazi SS Soldier

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Fuck these guys: Speaker Pleads Ignorance After Leading Zelensky and Trudeau in Tribute to Nazi SS Soldier

Speaker Pleads Ignorance After Leading Zelensky in Tribute to SS Trooper

Speaker of the Canadian Parliament pleaded ignorance to knowing man he lauded as "Ukrainian hero, Canadian hero" was actually a Nazi volunteer.

As of June 23, 2022, the willful promotion of antisemitism is illegal in Canada. Persons found guilty of wilfully promoting antisemitism by "condoning, denying or downplaying the Holocaust" may receive a prison sentence not more than 2 years or a summary conviction.


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e95884 No.92841

File: d4e9bea98cf3673⋯.png (231.67 KB,768x384,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609376 (252122ZSEP23) Notable: Senator John Cornyn, TX-RINO, Backs White-Hating Activist For Military Leadership

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Cornyn chugs BushNeocon jizz daily.

HE IS DISGUSTING VILE DOG SHIT: Senator John Cornyn, TX-RINO, Backs White-Hating Activist For Military Leadership

Sen. Cornyn Backs White-Hating Activist For Military Leadership

That's strike number... we lost count around 100


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e95884 No.92842

File: 5163877b009a3a0⋯.png (635.14 KB,841x725,29:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609392 (252124ZSEP23) Notable: Biden Regime Sent Goons To Cut The Razor Wire Protecting The Southern Border In Texas.

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The Thuggish Biden Regime Sent Goons To Cut The Razor Wire Protecting The Southern Border In Texas.


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e95884 No.92843

File: 7bcca94debb76b4⋯.png (643.21 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609396 (252126ZSEP23) Notable: Illegal Venezuelan Invaders Plant Venezuela Flag on Texas after 11,000 conquistadors arrive in 24 hours, “the single highest day in recent memory.

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If this doesn't say invasion, I don't know what will.

This is Joe Biden’s America. Illegal Venezuelan Invaders Plant Venezuela Flag on Texas after 11,000 conquistadors arrive in 24 hours, “the single highest day in recent memory.”

Biden Border Crisis: Illegal Invaders From Venezuela Plant Venezuelan Flag on Texas Island Near Eagle Pass


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e95884 No.92844

File: b2f21fd17d8f213⋯.png (605.59 KB,768x576,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609412 (252128ZSEP23) Notable: New California Law Requires Schools To Have Gender Neutral Restroom

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They better prepare for molestation lawsuits.

==Half gender = handicap! 100% SATANIC: New California Law Requires Schools To Have Gender Neutral Restroom

(Interpretation of sign: Wheelchair dude speed rolling away from the "half-gender" is obviously transphobic.)


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e95884 No.92845

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609416 (252130ZSEP23) Notable: President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

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President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC - 9/25/2023 LIVE LINK:



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e95884 No.92846

File: 86437656f423a95⋯.png (557.23 KB,768x403,768:403,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609417 (252130ZSEP23) Notable: Trump calls on House GOP to ‘SHUT IT DOWN,’ says it’s time Republicans ‘learned how to fight!

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They’re so fucking scared of the media, they don’t have the fortitude. Trump calls on House GOP to ‘SHUT IT DOWN,’ says it’s time Republicans ‘learned how to fight!

Trump calls on House GOP to ‘SHUT IT DOWN,’ says it’s time Republicans ‘learned how to fight!

Pres. Donald Trump sounded off in favor of a government shutdown to "GET EVERYTHING" from the Dems; time GOP "learned how to fight!"


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e95884 No.92847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609489 (252145ZSEP23) Notable: State officials call for new owners to take over Long Island nursing home

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State officials call for new owners to take over Long Island nursing home

State officials are calling for new operators to take over at Cold Spring Hills Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Woodbury, claiming that the current owners of the facility have created conditions that put residents’ health and safety at risk.


or, the current owners know too much about what the state did duringmuh plandemic.

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e95884 No.92848

File: a4b1c476deea733⋯.png (352.07 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609493 (252147ZSEP23) Notable: New Jersey's corruptocrat Menendez is a Republican from Texas according to Mexican cartel leader

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New Jersey's corruptocrat Menendez is a Republican from Texas according to Mexican cartel leader

Mexican President Claims Conservative Media Won’t Talk About 'Republican Bob Menendez'

Mexico’s President slamed conservative media for not covering the corruption investigation into "Republican Senator Bob Menedez."


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e95884 No.92849

File: 6a8195ffe8d9dc9⋯.png (505.77 KB,700x394,350:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609495 (252148ZSEP23) Notable: Fake votes, fake contracts: Smartmatic Voting Machine Company Implicated In $4 Million 'Slush Fund' Bribery Scheme Using 'Fake Contracts'

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Fake votes, fake contracts: Smartmatic Voting Machine Company Implicated In $4 Million 'Slush Fund' Bribery Scheme Using 'Fake Contracts'

Smartmatic Voting Machine Company Implicated In $4 Million 'Slush Fund' Bribery Scheme Using 'Fake Contracts'


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e95884 No.92850

File: 3207d835e283f62⋯.png (448.67 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609547 (252159ZSEP23) Notable: Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

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Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

Troops’ use of patches bearing Nazi emblems risks fueling Russian propaganda and spreading imagery that the West has spent a half-century trying to eliminate.

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e95884 No.92851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609570 (252203ZSEP23) Notable: BAKER CHANGE

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#24081 >>92823

>>92845 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

>>92846 Trump calls on House GOP to ‘SHUT IT DOWN,’ says it’s time Republicans ‘learned how to fight!

>>92824 Pollster Rasmussen Says “Election Fraud Renders Scientific Election Forecasting Worthless” - Will Start Sharing Evidence

>>92825 Former agent admits to scheme to illegally employ non-immigrants for American company

>>92826 President Donald J. Trump visits the Palmetto State Armory in Summerville, SC

>>92827 Can Joe Biden be made cooler online? One group's $70 million bet on yes

>>92828 CBP announces August border numbers were 232,972.

>>92829 What’s the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital ?

>>92830 Chicago Signs Nearly $30 Million Contract To Build Giant Winterized Tent Camps For Migrants

>>92831 …all roads lead to ‘Illary! Rep. James Comer (R-KY): ‘All Roads Lead to Joe Biden’

>>92832 Biden administration knew border surge was coming,- and did nothing

>>92833 Justin Trudeau blames Russian propaganda for Canadian Parliament honoring a Nazi.

>>92840 Speaker Pleads Ignorance After Leading Zelensky and Trudeau in Tribute to Nazi SS Soldier

>>92834 Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team

>>92835 Reports coming in that Catturd was just swatted during his livestream today, cops all over his ranch

>>92836 Fox News cuts feed when Trump mentions Tucker Carlson

>>92837 Deciphering the Soros Code - A Technology Blueprint for Reclaiming our Elections

>>92838 On Friday, #FBI Director Christopher Wray ran the G-Man 5k with the new agent class at Quantico.

>>92839 FBI aka Hackers steal $200 million from crypto company Mixin

>>92841 Senator John Cornyn, TX-RINO, Backs White-Hating Activist For Military Leadership

>>92842 Biden Regime Sent Goons To Cut The Razor Wire Protecting The Southern Border In Texas.

>>92843 Illegal Venezuelan Invaders Plant Venezuela Flag on Texas after 11,000 conquistadors arrive in 24 hours, “the single highest day in recent memory.

>>92844 New California Law Requires Schools To Have Gender Neutral Restroom

>>92850 Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

>>92847 State officials call for new owners to take over Long Island nursing home

>>92848 New Jersey's corruptocrat Menendez is a Republican from Texas according to Mexican cartel leader

>>92849 Fake votes, fake contracts: Smartmatic Voting Machine Company Implicated In $4 Million 'Slush Fund' Bribery Scheme Using 'Fake Contracts'


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e95884 No.92852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609584 (252206ZSEP23) Notable: High-Level Week of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 23, 2023, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s transcript

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks and answers to media questions during a news conference following the High-Level Week of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 23, 2023

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation


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e95884 No.92853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609597 (252211ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky persecutes his former friend and financier, Kolomoyskiy appeal was declined

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Kolomoyskiy appeal was declined, he stays in pre-trial detention.

Zelensky persecutes his former friend and financier.

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e95884 No.92854

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609608 (252212ZSEP23) Notable: Live with General Michael Flynn | TRIGGERED Ep.71

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==Live with General Michael Flynn | TRIGGERED Ep.71=




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e95884 No.92855

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609648 (252221ZSEP23) Notable: Troy Nehls DEMOLISHES Merrick Garland and Jerry Nadler 5:34

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Troy Nehls DEMOLISHES Merrick Garland and Jerry Nadler




2 days ago

When these witnesses who stutter, stamper to drag out the clock should be charged with obstruction.





2 days ago

For him being the Attorney General of the United States of America🇺🇸 , he certainly doesn’t know very much!



2 replies



2 days ago

Perfect way to expose and handle Garland who is slow to answer....just show the evidence.





2 days ago

That's the way to ask!!! So proud of this Congressman 👏





2 days ago

This is how you handle these criminals.



2 replies



2 days ago

The way Garland laughs it off at the end is highly upsetting



4 replies



2 days ago

I love this man! He is calling out the corruption in our government. I had to laugh when he said "pipe down" when he was interrupted! LOL!😂

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e95884 No.92856

File: 3523b8a7d9df92e⋯.png (355.1 KB,680x414,340:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609680 (252228ZSEP23) Notable: Troy Nehls DEMOLISHES Merrick Garland and Jerry Nadler 5:34

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>"pipe down"


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e95884 No.92857

File: 3b6fd2d83d3a96d⋯.png (71.23 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609720 (252239ZSEP23) Notable: Western public 'stupefied by Russia-hating propaganda' - Kremlin

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25 Sep, 2023 19:13

Western public 'stupefied by Russia-hating propaganda' – Kremlin

President Vladimir Putin will speak to Western media when the time is right, spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said

The Western public is so inundated with “Russia-hating propaganda” that an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin would not be received “soberly,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Monday. Peskov did not rule out an interview between Putin and former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

“Every day we receive dozens of requests from international media, including American ones, asking President Putin to give an interview,” Peskov told reporters.

“We believe that the moment will definitely come when such an interview is required,” Peskov continued, noting that “at the moment, when in one way or another the public is seriously stupefied by Russia-hating propaganda, it is unlikely that anyone is now able to soberly perceive Putin’s analysis of the situation or his vision of the future. But we are convinced that sooner or later such a moment will come.”

Last week, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson told Swiss publication Die Weltwoche that he had attempted to set up an interview with Putin, but was prevented by the White House. Carlson, an influential conservative and critic of US President Joe Biden’s Ukraine policy, did not explain when the interview was to take place or how exactly the government intervened.

Carlson claimed in 2021 that he was working on scheduling an interview with Putin, prompting the US National Security Agency (NSA) to monitor his phone and leak his emails. The NSA denied targeting Carlson, but did not comment on whether it was surveilling his Russian contacts, which would have also resulted in his emails being collected.

Peskov did not comment on Carlson’s claims. Asked whether the Russian president would consider an interview with the American journalist, he replied “we’ll wait and see.”

Throughout his time in office, Putin has occasionally given long-form interviews to Western reporters, first to veteran broadcaster Larry King in 2000, and most recently to Keir Simmons of NBC News in 2021. When questioned on geopolitical issues, Putin typically delivers lengthy responses, drawing on Russia’s history since imperial times. The Russian president spoke a dozen times with American director Oliver Stone between 2015 and 2017, with the conversations yielding a four-hour television series. (Anons if you didn’t see these interviews they were great and very educating)


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e95884 No.92858

File: 7f3c9d88456aa9d⋯.png (41.69 KB,550x364,275:182,Clipboard.png)

File: 24865f116f9e19d⋯.png (128.99 KB,1057x901,1057:901,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609732 (252241ZSEP23) Notable: Missing Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Accuses Bidens of Using FBI Mole Named “One-Eye” to Leak Sealed SDNY Indictments to CEFC China Energy Partners, On the Same Day Hunter Biden Demanded Millions in WhatsApp Message, Citing Joe Biden’s Presence

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Missing Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Accuses Bidens of Using FBI Mole Named “One-Eye” to Leak Sealed SDNY Indictments to CEFC China Energy Partners, On the Same Day Hunter Biden Demanded Millions in WhatsApp Message, Citing Joe Biden’s Presence

Dr. Gal Luft, the Israeli professor and fugitive ‘missing whistleblower’ in the ongoing Biden corruption investigation, has come forward with new evidence.

Luft alleges that an FBI mole tipped off Hunter Biden and his Chinese partners at CEFC China Energy about sealed indictments filed against them by the Southern District of New York (SDNY) in 2017. This startling claim comes as part of an open letter to the House committee chairmen leading the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden, according to the New York Post.

Luft was an adviser to CEFC China Energy (CEFC), a business conglomerate with extremely close ties to the Chinese Communist Party. He served alongside Hunter Biden.

CEFC Energy paid Hunter approximately $5 million in 2017 alone to secure energy deals in the United States, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The Gateway Pundit reported back in February that Dr. Gal Luft, the co-director of the Washington-based Institute for the Analysis of Global Security, reportedly was going to reveal explosive information on the Biden Crime Family. He has been on the run for six months after skipping bail in Cyprus. Joe Biden’s DOJ arrested Gal Luft in Cyprus and accused him of being an arms dealer.

Luft explained to the New York Post’s Miranda Levine he fled Cyprus because he wanted to escape political prosecution and knew he would not get a fair trial in Washington, DC.

He was awaiting extradition to the United States on charges of gun-running and foreign lobbying, also brought by the SDNY.

Luft went on to tell the journalist that the date of his extradition order to America (November 1, 2022) was highly suspicious because it was seven days before the midterm elections when the Republicans were expected to win control of the House (which they narrowly did). Once in control, they were expected to investigate the corruption rampant within Biden family.

He also told Devine that House Republicans were preparing to interview him before he disappeared.

When it was clear the Republicans are going to win the House or the Senate, all of a sudden comes [GOP Rep. James] Comer and [GOP Rep. Jim] Jordan and the game is changing. There will be questions and subpoenas and investigations [so] they [the administration] have to discredit me. I never thought of coming forward. Through 2020 I sat quiet like a fish …

I didn’t want to get caught up in this game, but when they arrested me, I had no choice but to blow it up.

In July, Dr. Gal Luft released a 14-minute video to The New York Post detailing damning allegations against Joe Biden and his family in a massive international bribery scheme filmed in an undisclosed location while on the run from the Biden regime and Department of Justice.

Dr. Gal Luft: Under normal circumstances, I would be testifying before Congress about my experience with CFC. Sadly, due to circumstances I shall describe here in this video, I am forced to tell you this story via video.

One week after he released the video, the Justice Department indicted Gal Luft.


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e95884 No.92859

File: efc452e2c2f6e8c⋯.jpg (68.13 KB,954x489,318:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609735 (252243ZSEP23) Notable: Troy Nehls DEMOLISHES Merrick Garland and Jerry Nadler 5:34

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>pipe down

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e95884 No.92860

File: ca1f9e6f8f99533⋯.png (89.99 KB,867x763,867:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a4b3dc788a7d98⋯.png (320.19 KB,740x414,370:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609754 (252249ZSEP23) Notable: "Events Are Moving Quickly Now" - Kunstler Warns Of Imminent "Banquet Of Consequences" For Biden Admin

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"Events Are Moving Quickly Now" - Kunstler Warns Of Imminent "Banquet Of Consequences" For Biden Admin

Slouching Towards Beelzebub

“Using the #FauciLiedPeopleDied trend is a great way to show your friends you’re a conspiracy theorist.”

- Dr Anthony Fauci

So, here’s what you might have learned over the weekend if you ventured into the thickets of alt news: in April and May of 2021, the president (“Joe Biden”), the whole White House Covid Response Team (Andy Slavitt & Co), and everyone in the WH communications office, the US Surgeon General (Vivek Murthy), senior officials of the CDC including director Rochelle Walensky, Francis Collins, head of NIH, and Dr. Anthony Fauci of NIAID were all freaking out, holding crisis meetings, and sending blizzards of emails among each other after being informed by a Pfizer safety report that the miraculous new mRNA Covid vaccines produced significant cases of myocarditis and blood-clotting abnormalities.

All these officials proceeded to craft a campaign to tell the public that this myocarditis was mild, extremely rare, and self-resolving (it wasn’t), and urged all Americans over twelve to keep taking the vaxx shots. Later, they expanded the vaccine program to include children down to six months old. By 2022, all of US public health officialdom had to know that the vaxxes were also ineffective at preventing infection and transmission of Covid. Rochelle Walensky kept pushing the vaccines as “safe and effective” until she resigned in June, 2023. Her replacement, Mandy K. Cohen, is still pushing the latest mRNA booster shots in the face of reports (mainly from the UK and other foreign countries) of a shocking rise in all-causes deaths and disabilities from heart and blood disease, neurological injury, and cancers. The CDC refused this month to release updated information on case numbers of myocarditis and pericarditis in the USA.

The record of those frantic 2021 doings in the White House and the CDC came from a document dump prompted by a FOIA request by Edward Berkovich, a lawyer associated with Naomi Wolf’s Daily Clout news organization. He requested emails between February and June, 2021, that included the term “myocarditis.” CDC sent 472 pages, followed by an additional 46 pages, (believed to be sent by a whistleblower) that included emails between White House officials up to the president. Of the 47, 37 were entirely redacted (whited-out, not blacked-out, that is, blank pages). Only two pages of the 46 contained no redactions. The redactions were made, the CDC said, pursuant to Exemptions 5 and 6 under code 5 U.S.C. §552, which protects documents received by the president.

That was a lot to wade through. Apologies. What’s the upshot?


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e95884 No.92861

File: 667f5c462c27f28⋯.png (2.14 MB,1021x1005,1021:1005,Clipboard.png)

File: 667f5c462c27f28⋯.png (2.14 MB,1021x1005,1021:1005,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609755 (252249ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino 😵‍💫

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Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅



Sep 25, 2023, 6:38 PM


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e95884 No.92862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609780 (252257ZSEP23) Notable: Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer for Bribery Case

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Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer for Bribery Case

Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) recently hired Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, to defend himself against federal bribery charges. Menendez served as Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee until stepping aside as a result of his recent indictment.

Lowell, who represents high-profile individuals engulfed in political scandals, represented Menendez in a prior corruption case in 2015, which ended in mistrial. His former client list includes former Sen. John Edwards, lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Bill Clinton, and Jared Kushner.

Lowell is a Bronx native and a 1977 Columbia Law School graduate. In 1982, he ran for the Maryland House of Delegates on the Democrat ticket.

The high-powered attorney will defend Menendez against bribery charges for allegedly sharing information with Egypt in exchange for gold bars, cash, and a cushy job for his wife.

Menendez and his wife face three counts: Conspiracy to commit bribery, conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right, and conspiracy to commit honest services fraud.

While Menendez gave up his chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Committee, he refused to resign from the Senate. “The court of public opinion is no substitute for our revered justice system,” he said at a Monday press conference. “The allegations leveled against me are just that — allegations.”

A number of Democrats called for Menendez’s resignation. Those include Gov. Phil Murphy (D), Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

“The situation is quite unfortunate, but I do believe that it is in the best interest for Senator Menendez to resign in this moment,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“Consistency matters. It shouldn’t matter if it’s a Republican or a Democrat. The details in this indictment are extremely serious. They involve the nature of not just his but all of our seats in Congress.”


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e95884 No.92863

File: 99ce5550bdc0a26⋯.png (253.55 KB,615x856,615:856,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609781 (252257ZSEP23) Notable: First Impeachment Inquiry hearing into The President will be held on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. ET..

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BREAKING NOW:First Impeachment Inquiry hearing into The President will be held on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. ET..

"Since January, House Committees on Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary, and Ways and Means have uncovered an overwhelming amount of evidence showing" The President abused his public office for his family’s financial gain."

According to the office of House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., the hearing "will examine the value of an impeachment inquiry," and will present all evidence to date uncovered by the committee in its investigation into the family finances. -Fox News

5:37 PM · Sep 25, 2023


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e95884 No.92864

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609782 (252258ZSEP23) Notable: Western public 'stupefied by Russia-hating propaganda' - Kremlin

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Putin / Stone interview part 1-4 **Good Shit





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e95884 No.92865

File: 4e1ec88798e6a42⋯.png (679.48 KB,1280x549,1280:549,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609791 (252259ZSEP23) Notable: Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer for Bribery Case

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Bob Menendez’s Daughter Took The Weekend Off From Hosting Her MSNBC Show

Democratic New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez’s daughter, Alicia, took the weekend off from her MSNBC weekend program just two days following her father’s indictment.

Menendez did not appear on her weekly show, “American Voices with Alicia Menendez,” which airs every Saturday and Sunday at 6 p.m. Former Democratic presidential candidate Julián Castro filled in for Menendez, and said she would return the following weekend.

The reason for her absence is unknown.

The Southern District of New York charged Menendez’s father and her stepmother, Nadine, with three counts related to the couple allegedly accepting bribes to wield his power at home and abroad. The 39-paged indictment accused Menendez of providing sensitive U.S. government information to Egypt. It also accused the Senator of having accepted, among other things, a luxury car, mortgage payments, gold bars and cash as a form of bribery.

The indictment alleges Menendez allegedly stuffed over $480,000 in cash inside “clothing, closets and a safe.”

The senator claimed he withdrew the cash from his own personal savings account and kept it for emergency purposes during a Monday press conference in Union, New Jersey.

“I have withdrawn thousands of dollars in cash from my personal savings account, which I have kept for emergencies and because of the history of my family facing confiscation in Cuba,” Menendez said. “Now this may seem old-fashioned, but these were monies drawn from my personal savings account based on the income that I have lawfully derived.”

Menendez has denied the allegations and accused the indictment of being rooted in racism against Latinos in a Friday statement.

Several prominent Democrats, including New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have called on Menendez to resign.


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e95884 No.92866

File: f90845607d03a14⋯.jpg (144.02 KB,608x572,152:143,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609841 (252316ZSEP23) Notable: Dan Scavino 😵‍💫

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smoke and mirror magic tricks

optical illusions deception

mind control

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e95884 No.92867

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609854 (252319ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump long list of economic accomplishments, saying, It only came to a stop when the economy slammed into a rock called Crooked Joe 2:02

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Real America’s Voice


President @realDonaldTrump goes down the long list of economic accomplishments his Administration had, saying, It only came to a stop when the economy slammed into a rock called Crooked Joe.

Sep 25, 2023, 3:43 PM




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e95884 No.92868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609869 (252324ZSEP23) Notable: #24081

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>>92845 President Donald J. Trump to Deliver Remarks In Summerville, SC

>>92846 Trump calls on House GOP to ‘SHUT IT DOWN,’ says it’s time Republicans ‘learned how to fight!

>>92824 Pollster Rasmussen Says “Election Fraud Renders Scientific Election Forecasting Worthless” - Will Start Sharing Evidence

>>92825 Former agent admits to scheme to illegally employ non-immigrants for American company

>>92826 President Donald J. Trump visits the Palmetto State Armory in Summerville, SC

>>92827 Can Joe Biden be made cooler online? One group's $70 million bet on yes

>>92828 CBP announces August border numbers were 232,972.

>>92829 What’s the truth that would put 99% of people in the hospital ?

>>92830 Chicago Signs Nearly $30 Million Contract To Build Giant Winterized Tent Camps For Migrants

>>92831 …all roads lead to ‘Illary! Rep. James Comer (R-KY): ‘All Roads Lead to Joe Biden’

>>92832 Biden administration knew border surge was coming,- and did nothing

>>92833 Justin Trudeau blames Russian propaganda for Canadian Parliament honoring a Nazi.

>>92840 Speaker Pleads Ignorance After Leading Zelensky and Trudeau in Tribute to Nazi SS Soldier

>>92834 Jack Smith adds war crimes prosecutor — his deputy from the Hague — to special counsel team

>>92835 Reports coming in that Catturd was just swatted during his livestream today, cops all over his ranch

>>92836 Fox News cuts feed when Trump mentions Tucker Carlson

>>92837 Deciphering the Soros Code - A Technology Blueprint for Reclaiming our Elections

>>92838 On Friday, #FBI Director Christopher Wray ran the G-Man 5k with the new agent class at Quantico.

>>92839 FBI aka Hackers steal $200 million from crypto company Mixin

>>92841 Senator John Cornyn, TX-RINO, Backs White-Hating Activist For Military Leadership

>>92842 Biden Regime Sent Goons To Cut The Razor Wire Protecting The Southern Border In Texas.

>>92843 Illegal Venezuelan Invaders Plant Venezuela Flag on Texas after 11,000 conquistadors arrive in 24 hours, “the single highest day in recent memory.

>>92844 New California Law Requires Schools To Have Gender Neutral Restroom

>>92850 Nazi Symbols on Ukraine’s Front Lines Highlight Thorny Issues of History

>>92847 State officials call for new owners to take over Long Island nursing home

>>92848 New Jersey's corruptocrat Menendez is a Republican from Texas according to Mexican cartel leader

>>92849 Fake votes, fake contracts: Smartmatic Voting Machine Company Implicated In $4 Million 'Slush Fund' Bribery Scheme Using 'Fake Contracts'


>>92863 First Impeachment Inquiry hearing into The President will be held on Thursday at 10:00 a.m. ET..

>>92852 High-Level Week of the 78th session of the UN General Assembly, New York, September 23, 2023, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s transcript

>>92853 Zelensky persecutes his former friend and financier, Kolomoyskiy appeal was declined

>>92854 Live with General Michael Flynn | TRIGGERED Ep.71

>>92855, >>92856, >>92859 Troy Nehls DEMOLISHES Merrick Garland and Jerry Nadler 5:34

>>92858 Missing Whistleblower Dr. Gal Luft Accuses Bidens of Using FBI Mole Named “One-Eye” to Leak Sealed SDNY Indictments to CEFC China Energy Partners, On the Same Day Hunter Biden Demanded Millions in WhatsApp Message, Citing Joe Biden’s Presence

>>92860 "Events Are Moving Quickly Now" - Kunstler Warns Of Imminent "Banquet Of Consequences" For Biden Admin

>>92861, >>92866 Dan Scavino 😵‍💫

>>92864, >>92857 Western public 'stupefied by Russia-hating propaganda' – Kremlin

>>92862, >>92865 Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer for Bribery Case

>>92867 President Trump long list of economic accomplishments, saying, It only came to a stop when the economy slammed into a rock called Crooked Joe 2:02

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e95884 No.92869

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609945 (252342ZSEP23) Notable: President Trump long list of economic accomplishments his Administration had, saying, It only came to a stop when the economy slammed into a rock called Crooked Joe. 2:02

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President Trump long list of economic accomplishments his Administration had, saying, It only came to a stop when the economy slammed into a rock called Crooked Joe.



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e95884 No.92870

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609946 (252342ZSEP23) Notable: Theoria Apophasis: DEMON. Deeper METAPHYSICS OF

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good logical description and definition of demon...

and associated phenomenon.

Theoria Apophasis



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e95884 No.92871

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609956 (252346ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz: “Garret Graves Has Paved The Yellow Brick Road Of Working With Democrats” McCarthy is a big fat money sucking liar 13:14

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Rep. Matt Gaetz: “Garret Graves Has Paved The Yellow Brick Road Of Working With Democrats” McCarthy is a big fat money sucking liar

Bannons War Room



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e95884 No.92872

File: 260102b032ea7fc⋯.png (220.63 KB,586x505,586:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609966 (252348ZSEP23) Notable: BIDEN SHUTDOWN: "The Black community in particular is going to suffer, nutrition assistance for nearly 7 million moms and childrendisproportionately affect black families."

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BIDEN ON GOV'T SHUTDOWN: "The Black community in particular is going to suffer if that occurs. For example, a shutdown is going to risk nutrition assistance for nearly 7 million moms and children. It's going to disproportionately affect black families."


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e95884 No.92873

File: aa61ddd4804dcbf⋯.png (277.88 KB,596x459,596:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609972 (252349ZSEP23) Notable: KJP: "This President has been so zeroed in, so laser-focused, on lowering costs for Americans — and we've done that!"

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KJP: "This President has been so zeroed in, so laser-focused, on lowering costs for Americans — and we've done that!"


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e95884 No.92874

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19609980 (252350ZSEP23) Notable: Rep. Matt Gaetz: “Garret Graves Has Paved The Yellow Brick Road Of Working With Democrats” McCarthy is a big fat money sucking liar 13:14

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Gaetz: “Continuing To Vote For Continued Resolutions Under Joe Biden Will Lead To Continued Failure”. Maria came back today to understand what Gaetz was saying last night



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e95884 No.92875

File: f11893a6a8c7227⋯.png (336.78 KB,585x1098,65:122,Clipboard.png)

File: 219aca132080b94⋯.jpg (228.37 KB,1057x1621,1057:1621,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610004 (252355ZSEP23) Notable: House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair Comer announced the witness for the first hearing on the impeachment inquiry of President Biden. Thursday on @cspan 3

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House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chair Comer announced the witness for the first hearing on the impeachment inquiry of President Biden. Thursday on @cspan 3, online & c-span now app

5:43 PM · Sep 25, 2023


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e95884 No.92876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610020 (260000ZSEP23) Notable: Threats Continue Against Rumble Video Platform – The Background Players Seem Interestingly Connected

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Threats Continue Against Rumble Video Platform – The Background Players Seem Interestingly Connected

September 25, 2023 | Sundance1/2

The British tabloid, The Sun, comes out with another story against the Rumble video platform today, receiving considerable condemnation for the threats and implications that appear to be coordinated by the Murdoch network.

The original sketchy hit against Russell Brand came from the Murdoch owned publication The Sunday Times.

The British Parliament then weighed in, demanding that Rumble deplatform, censor or demonetize Mr. Brand.

The Sun tabloid is now claiming that Rumble will be “regulated by UK media watchdog Ofcom under the new Online Safety Bill, which was approved by Parliament last week and is due to become law next month.” Additionally, they claim, “failing to co-operate with Ofcom could put Rumble executives at risk of arrest if visiting Britain, it has been suggested.”

That latter claim is pure fear-porn, driven by interests who want to control the overall internet content of information on behalf of the Public-Private partnership, technically government.

However, look closely at the alignment of interests pushing this anti-Rumble narrative, and you will note something very interesting.

The Associated Press is pushing a storytoday that Rumble’s relationship with the Fox News Business GOP debate implicates the republican party with, “far-right extremism, bigotry, election disinformation and conspiracy theories.” The Fox Business News network is owned by Rupert Murdoch. Noticing anything yet?

Stay with me, this is going to get interesting…..

[AP] – […] By bringing viewers to Rumble to watch the second GOP debate, as it did with the first one last month, the Republican National Committee is driving potential voters to a site crawling with content that flouts the rules of more mainstream platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube.

Earlier this year, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said using Rumble instead of YouTube as its livestreaming partner was a decision aimed at “getting away from Big Tech.”

Asked about the criticism of the platform, the RNC said in an email that “hate, bigotry and violence is unfortunately prevalent on every social media platform, and the RNC condemns it entirely, but the RNC does not manage content or pages outside of our own.”

Rumble, founded in 2013, prides itself on being “immune to cancel culture.” Its website says “everyone benefits when we have access to more ideas, diverse opinions, and dialogue.”

That approach has catapulted the site to popularity in recent years as many conservatives have sought alternative social media companies that won’t remove their posts or suspend their accounts for false or inflammatory content. The company, which went public in 2022, has been backed by conservative donors such as venture capitalist Peter Thiel and Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio. (read more)

The Rumble platform is growing as more content providers find that Rumble will stand beside them, firmly against censorship and efforts to silence their voice. Content providers are flocking to Rumble as a free and safe alternative to YouTube. That has put Rumble in the position of being a threat to those who want control over information.

There is obviously an organized effort underway to target Rumble as we head into the 2024 election, and none of these suddenly appearing efforts are coincidence….


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e95884 No.92877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610023 (260001ZSEP23) Notable: Threats Continue Against Rumble Video Platform – The Background Players Seem Interestingly Connected

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Here’s my working theory.

Elon Musk needs money, the finance side of the “X platform” or what was previously called Twitter is very fragile. With $1.5 billion in annual debt service ($12.5bn loan), and roughly another $750+ million in operating expenses (Amazon cloud $200m, Google cloud $200m, payroll $350m est). After Musk stripped it down, Twitter still costs around $2.25bn per year. Current revenue is around $1bn from advertising and a few million from subscribers. Musk has been looking for answers and that’s why he hired Linda Yaccarino.

Billionaire Club – There is an alignment of interests here. Musk wants eyeballs so he can give Yaccarino tools to sell the platform to potential advertising corporations. Tucker Carlson is an eyeball resource for Musk. However, I suspect Rupert Murdoch is the silent financial bridge that Elon needed. That explains why Ron DeSantis was launched on Twitter.

Recently Rupert Murdoch stated he was stepping down from the board of Fox. This would clear the runway of leftist controversy in supporting Twitter. At the same time, Murdoch’s media empire is launching attacks against Rumble and has a connection to all of the anti-Rumble narratives swirling. [😉 Imagine if Tucker Carlson found out Musk and Murdoch were aligned.]

According to insider sources not directly connected to Rumble, Peter Theil is dumping Rumble stock and may be using that money to invest in a rumored Tucker Carlson media platform. The one thing they (Peter, Elon, Rupert) would not want is for Tucker to switch his transitional broadcast away from Twitter.

I suspect that behind this obvious Murdoch targeting of Rumble, there’s something like this that connects this all to the Murdoch effort to manipulate political outcomes. This guy is notorious for trying to manipulate U.S. politics and the next story that follows is a clear example…..

Last points.

==We need to support Rumble.•=

When an ally in the fight against those attempting to control information comes under attack, we need to support them. Here’s three ways:

Download the app.

Invest in Rumble stock.

Become a registered user on the platform.


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e95884 No.92878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610033 (260007ZSEP23) Notable: Maria Bartiromo Attempts Cleanup Saying, “Democracy Is Messy” – Matt Gaetz Has Hit a Nerve

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Maria Bartiromo Attempts Cleanup Saying, “Democracy Is Messy” – Matt Gaetz Has Hit a Nerve

September 25, 2023 | Sundance1/2

Yesterday, Maria Bartiromo was very visibly entrenched in her effort to defend House Speaker Kevin McCarthy from the criticism of Representative Matt Gaetz. During the combative interview, Ms. Bartiromo showed a transparent agenda to support the professionally Republican GOPe perspective.

Today, following a considerable amount of backlash, and eyes-wide-open to the motives and intents of Bartiromo, she attempts cleanup by repeating the phrase, “democracy is messy” as a justification for her support of McCarthy Inc. The video of her effort today is below; however, before getting to that cleanup effort, let me just explain why Gaetz is majority correct on the bigger picture.

The House Government Weaponization Committee is a complete sham – a ruse, a sound stage of actors and political performers who have no intention on actually exposing the government weaponization. Gaetz focused on the failures of the House Oversight Committee (chaff and countermeasures committee) and gave examples of how they never subpoenaed Hunter Biden as one clear indicator of their intent. I have written about this extensively {GO DEEP}, and the Oversight committee’s lack of action is not even close to a surprise, regardless of whether McCarthy and Bartiromo want to keep pretending.

The bigger let down is found in the lack of action by the Govt Weaponization Committee. Let me explain how simple this is to see using an example I shared with former congressman Devin Nunes. Sometimes litmus tests really are good for this purpose. The problem we have is accepting the reality of what they mean.

Back in February 2019, around the time when Bill Barr came into the picture, everyone was excited about the potential for accountability. An honest investigation that would reveal and expose the corrupt nature of the DC system, so that a public would be aware, accountability would be metered, and a total restructuring of the corrupt systems could take place. I was not one of those people.

I accept the visibility of corruption through the prism of simple questions. Everyone knew Robert Mueller was installed as a tool to cover up the preexisting corruption and simultaneously keep Trump under attack. No one in Washington DC did not know this. Everyone knew. Despite that non-pretending admission and reality, not a single person ever said the Mueller probe was a farce. Not a single congressional member ever dared say Robert Mueller was part of the corrupt system.

Instead, every single DC participant, politician and Trump appointee, said Robert Mueller was an “honorable man.” He wasn’t, and they all knew that.

You cannot be an honorable man with the intent of delivering a corrupt and fraudulent outcome. These two things are not compatible. Yet, they all collectively pushed that bullshit opinion for two+ years, including Bill Barr.

Once you understand the dynamic inside that simple and honest Robert Mueller litmus test, a litmus test this is still very valid to this day, then you realize the scale of the corruption we are talking about. It’s either active, passive or willfully blind corruption; but regardless of variety it’s all still corruption.

There seems to be a willful blindness on the part of the American people, a chosen refusal to acknowledge the implications of the unAmerican and unConstititional behaviors, actions and outcomes we are being served on a daily basis.

It can no longer be presumed to be a matter of, “I can’t see what’s happening”, because a whole lot of normal Americans really are clean and articulate.

“I can’t see it”, just doesn’t cut it.

NONSENSE! Most people can see it. Most are just choosing to reconcile the irreconcilable, because it is more comforting to ignore the truth of it. Just be honest. For many people avoidance has become a survival mechanism.…


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e95884 No.92879

File: a57ed429963707c⋯.png (1.58 MB,1315x740,263:148,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610034 (260007ZSEP23) Notable: ‘All Of Sony Systems’ Allegedly Hacked By New Ransomware Group

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‘All Of Sony Systems’ Allegedly Hacked By New Ransomware Group

Sep 25, 2023

There’s a new gang on the dark web that claims it’s breached all of Sony’s systems in a ransomware attack.

According to a September 25 article from Australian cybersecurity publication Cyber Security Connect, the PlayStation maker was cracked open by Ransomed.vc, a new outfit of hackers that’s only been operating since September—though the publication suggests the gang has connections to previous dark web forums and groups. Cyber Security Connect reports that the hack allegedly unearthed screenshots of Sony’s internal log-in page, an internal PowerPoint presentation outlining test bench details, several Java files, and a document tree of the entire leak housing 6,000 files.

“We have successfully [compromised] all of [Sony’s] systems,” Ransomed.vc proclaimed. “We won’t ransom them! We will sell the data. Due to Sony not wanting to pay. DATA IS FOR SALE. WE ARE SELLING IT.”

Within those 6,000 files are supposedly a bevy of documentation, including unknown “build log files,” a swath of Java resources, and HTML data. Many of the files are reportedly in Japanese. While Ransomed.vc hasn’t listed a price for the data, the group left contact details for Sony to get in touch and listed a “post date” of September 28, which might be when Ransomed.vc will just post it all.

Interestingly, Ransomed.vc seems to be a ransomware operator and a ransomware-as-a-service organization. That means that alongside these large-scale hacks of major corporations, Ransomed.vc (which VGC claims operates out of Russia and Ukraine) also reportedly works with the EU’s general data protection and regulation (GDPR) and other data privacy laws to report vulnerabilities in company systems and violations in the laws. According to Cyber Security Connect, the group is leveraging laws to reportedly bully victims into submission.

Sony has not publicly commented on the breach or the nature of Ransomed.vc’s impact on the company just yet. Kotaku reached out to Sony for a statement.

This isn’t the first time Sony has been hacked. Back in 2011, the company’s PlayStation Network suffered a massive breach that saw some 77 million registered accounts compromised and online features totally inoperable. It was so bad that Sony not only had to explain to Congress what happened but also began giving away games and money a few years later as compensation. Less than 6,000 files may not seem as egregious as that PSN hack, but a hack is a hack all the same, so here’s hoping Sony can batten down the hatches ASAP.


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e95884 No.92880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610036 (260008ZSEP23) Notable: Maria Bartiromo Attempts Cleanup Saying, “Democracy Is Messy” – Matt Gaetz Has Hit a Nerve

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Maria Bartiromo Attempts Cleanup Saying, “Democracy Is Messy” – Matt Gaetz Has Hit a Nerve

September 25, 2023 | Sundance1/2

Yesterday, Maria Bartiromo was very visibly entrenched in her effort to defend House Speaker Kevin McCarthy from the criticism of Representative Matt Gaetz. During the combative interview, Ms. Bartiromo showed a transparent agenda to support the professionally Republican GOPe perspective.

Today, following a considerable amount of backlash, and eyes-wide-open to the motives and intents of Bartiromo, she attempts cleanup by repeating the phrase, “democracy is messy” as a justification for her support of McCarthy Inc. The video of her effort today is below; however, before getting to that cleanup effort, let me just explain why Gaetz is majority correct on the bigger picture.

The House Government Weaponization Committee is a complete sham – a ruse, a sound stage of actors and political performers who have no intention on actually exposing the government weaponization. Gaetz focused on the failures of the House Oversight Committee (chaff and countermeasures committee) and gave examples of how they never subpoenaed Hunter Biden as one clear indicator of their intent. I have written about this extensively {GO DEEP}, and the Oversight committee’s lack of action is not even close to a surprise, regardless of whether McCarthy and Bartiromo want to keep pretending.

The bigger let down is found in the lack of action by the Govt Weaponization Committee. Let me explain how simple this is to see using an example I shared with former congressman Devin Nunes. Sometimes litmus tests really are good for this purpose. The problem we have is accepting the reality of what they mean.

Back in February 2019, around the time when Bill Barr came into the picture, everyone was excited about the potential for accountability. An honest investigation that would reveal and expose the corrupt nature of the DC system, so that a public would be aware, accountability would be metered, and a total restructuring of the corrupt systems could take place. I was not one of those people.

I accept the visibility of corruption through the prism of simple questions. Everyone knew Robert Mueller was installed as a tool to cover up the preexisting corruption and simultaneously keep Trump under attack. No one in Washington DC did not know this. Everyone knew. Despite that non-pretending admission and reality, not a single person ever said the Mueller probe was a farce. Not a single congressional member ever dared say Robert Mueller was part of the corrupt system.

Instead, every single DC participant, politician and Trump appointee, said Robert Mueller was an “honorable man.” He wasn’t, and they all knew that.

You cannot be an honorable man with the intent of delivering a corrupt and fraudulent outcome. These two things are not compatible. Yet, they all collectively pushed that bullshit opinion for two+ years, including Bill Barr.

Once you understand the dynamic inside that simple and honest Robert Mueller litmus test, a litmus test this is still very valid to this day, then you realize the scale of the corruption we are talking about. It’s either active, passive or willfully blind corruption; but regardless of variety it’s all still corruption.

There seems to be a willful blindness on the part of the American people, a chosen refusal to acknowledge the implications of the unAmerican and unConstititional behaviors, actions and outcomes we are being served on a daily basis.

It can no longer be presumed to be a matter of, “I can’t see what’s happening”, because a whole lot of normal Americans really are clean and articulate.

“I can’t see it”, just doesn’t cut it.

NONSENSE! Most people can see it. Most are just choosing to reconcile the irreconcilable, because it is more comforting to ignore the truth of it. Just be honest. For many people avoidance has become a survival mechanism.…


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e95884 No.92881

File: 92b894468178ee9⋯.png (401.46 KB,747x599,747:599,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610038 (260009ZSEP23) Notable: Mayor Adams, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and NYPD Chief of Dept. Jeffrey Maddrey were initiated this weekend as Freemasons.

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Mayor Adams, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and NYPD Chief of Dept. Jeffrey Maddrey were initiated this weekend as Freemasons.


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e95884 No.92882

File: 960bf521e44c9a5⋯.png (833.92 KB,1024x575,1024:575,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c0d5c8f25acb8e⋯.png (408.46 KB,855x561,285:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610054 (260017ZSEP23) Notable: American Express Cuts Mike Lindell’s MyPillow’s Credit Line by 90% After 15-Year Partnership(VIDEO)

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JUST IN:American Express Cuts Mike Lindell’s MyPillow’s Credit Line by 90% After 15-Year Partnership(VIDEO)

“American Express -I wasn’t going to say this- we’ve been with them for 15 years, and we do all of our online marketing and all our shipping with them. Out of the blue, they took our credit line from a million dollars down to $100,000. Just crippled my pillow. No reason, no explanation. Just dropped it down last Tuesday,” said Lindell.

Sep. 25, 2023 6:20 pm


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e95884 No.92883

File: b7eb40a5991ed20⋯.png (1.12 MB,807x1027,807:1027,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610057 (260019ZSEP23) Notable: Mayor Adams, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and NYPD Chief of Dept. Jeffrey Maddrey were initiated this weekend as Freemasons.

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The shadow larp almost had something right. They were raised to Master Mason.

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e95884 No.92884

File: 0debd45a79ec27c⋯.png (717.5 KB,620x685,124:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610072 (260027ZSEP23) Notable: Mayor Adams, NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban and NYPD Chief of Dept. Jeffrey Maddrey were initiated this weekend as Freemasons.

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e95884 No.92885

File: f3182043fff30e5⋯.png (196.68 KB,397x362,397:362,Clipboard.png)

File: 4125e5763a230c0⋯.png (14.4 KB,397x166,397:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 8411e6e488b1c48⋯.png (6.63 KB,397x94,397:94,Clipboard.png)

File: a48d997db683090⋯.png (5.95 KB,397x94,397:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610088 (260035ZSEP23) Notable: A Few Good 3 Year Deltas

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A Few Good 3 Year Deltas




Some will take the easy path and exit early.



Judgement is coming.


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e95884 No.92886

File: fc930ab3f84016d⋯.png (9.43 KB,397x122,397:122,Clipboard.png)

File: c5e7c215e672f60⋯.png (86.05 KB,397x466,397:466,Clipboard.png)

File: b0c7922f99074e8⋯.png (366.55 KB,397x811,397:811,Clipboard.png)

File: bd52ef410175fee⋯.png (6.91 KB,397x94,397:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610096 (260038ZSEP23) Notable: A Few Good 3 Year Deltas

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Never bring an arrow [in a quiver] to a LOSBR missile fight.


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e95884 No.92887

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610104 (260039ZSEP23) Notable: WEF advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, suggests that the totalitarian restrictions implemented in response

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WEF advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, suggests that the totalitarian restrictions implemented in response


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e95884 No.92888

File: 655ffbcdc54dc2e⋯.png (268.01 KB,662x176,331:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610105 (260039ZSEP23) Notable: A Few Good 3 Year Deltas

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>Judgement is coming.

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e95884 No.92889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610108 (260041ZSEP23) Notable: the end of the glitter conspiracy What was glitter invented for? What was it really invented for? Where are the only 2 glitter companies in the world? Tied to Manhattan project?

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worth the 27min

the end of the glitter conspiracy

tldr, watch the ONLY 2 glitter companies. What was glitter invented for? What was it really invented for? Where are the only 2 glitter companies in the world? Tied to Manhattan project?

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e95884 No.92890

File: 02943d0af97b9e3⋯.png (1.39 MB,1178x530,589:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610124 (260046ZSEP23) Notable: Obama's order take out: White House Pledges $100 Million Support Kenyan UN Soldiers In Haiti

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White House Pledges $100 Million Support Kenyan UN Soldiers In Haiti

Secretary of State Antony Blinken explained how the US plans to support a proposed UN deployment to Haiti aimed at restoring order in the country. The Whtie House intends to spend $100 million to support the Kenyan soldiers sent to the Caribbean nation. Washington believes the troops could be deployed to Haiti within a few months.

On Friday, Blinken hosted a meeting in New York of countries that support Washington’s effort to get the UN Security Council to approve a resolution that would see Kenya lead an international force in Haiti.

“As the Haitian National Police works to get to full strength and capacity, security assistance from international partners can play a critical bridging role. That’s why the United States supports the UN-backed Multinational Security Support mission,” the American diplomat said in his address.

Blinked went on to pledge $165 million in military assistance to Port-au-Prince and Nairobi. “[The US] also announcing an additional $65 million to further professionalize the Haitian National Police and strengthen its capacity to dismantle the gangs and to safeguard communities,” he announced. “[The White House] intends to work with our Congress to provide $100 million in support, and our Department of Defense is prepared to provide robust enabling support – including planning assistance, intelligence support, airlift, communications, and medical support.”

Blinken noted the White House previously provided Port-au-Prince with over $120 million in security assistance.

The Joe Biden administration has wanted to deploy an international force to Haiti for over a year. In 2021, more Haitians began to arrive at the US border seeking entry. As a candidate, Biden repeatedly denounced then-President Donald Trump’s immigration policy as inhumane.

The situation proved a political nightmare for the White House. US Border Patrol agents were photographed using questionable tactics to round up Haitian migrants near the southern border. The White House has deported tens of thousands of Haitians back to their home country despite the rampant violence.

The White House attempted to resolve the issue by helping Haitian leader Ariel Henry restore order. Henry ascended to power in Port-au-Price with the support of Washington after President Jovenel Moise was assassinated in July 2021. While it is unclear who is behind the plot to kill Moise, Henry has been named as potentially involved.

Since Henry became Prime Minister, gangs have taken control of more territory. The Haitian leader has responded by supporting Washington’s effort to deploy UN peacekeepers to his country. “Democracy is at peril. Our country needs a return to normalcy,” Henry said. “Improved security must be accompanied by real progress to resolve the political crisis. The support mission will not be a substitute for political progress.”

Last year, the White House pressured Canada to lead the UN mission to Haiti, but Ottawa resisted the Biden administration’s request. In August, Washington announced it had enlisted Nairobi to lead the mission.

There are significant potential issues if UN soldiers are deployed to Haiti. In 2010, UN personnel released sewage into water that contained the country’s drinking supply, causing a cholera outbreak that claimed nearly 10,000 lives. Additionally, according to the State Department, Kenyan security forces routinely commit human rights atrocities.


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e95884 No.92891

File: 2d62acf68018b89⋯.png (959.46 KB,800x526,400:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610144 (260054ZSEP23) Notable: Popular COVID Drug Manufactured by Merck is Causing “Unintended” Virus Mutations, Potentially Fueling COVID’s Spread

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REVEALED:Popular COVID Drug Manufactured by Merck is Causing “Unintended” Virus Mutations, Potentially Fueling COVID’s Spread

Their analysis shows that there were mutations that deviated from the normal pattern of change. Moreover, one-third of the mutations were associated with individuals who had taken the popular antiviral drug molnupiravir.

Molnupiravir is produced by Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics. It was one of the first antiviral placed on the market to combat COVID-19 and is used by patients in several countries including the United States. moar

Sep. 25, 2023 7:00 pm



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e95884 No.92892

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610161 (260100ZSEP23) Notable: 'Electric car' EXPLODES on driveway and sets fire to Merseyside family home after 'battery malfunctions'

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'Electric car' EXPLODES on driveway and sets fire to Merseyside family home after 'battery malfunctions'

My city here in the US has encouraged people to get chargers installed in their garages.

Between the cars and their chargers it seems to me like people are allowing devices into their lives that could be remotely detonated or which are just at high risk of dangerous explosions. Sort of like "smart" meters.

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e95884 No.92893

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610171 (260104ZSEP23) Notable: Night Owl News with Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Bizznizzy & More - 09/25/2023

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Night Owl News with Dee Stevens, Orlando, Dame, Bizznizzy & More - 09/25/2023


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e95884 No.92894

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610221 (260116ZSEP23) Notable: Darren Beattie: Merrick Garland Shoots Himself In The Foot With Sloppy Ray Epps Plea Deal 7:59

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Darren Beattie: Merrick Garland Shoots Himself In The Foot With Sloppy Ray Epps Plea Deal

Bannons War Room



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e95884 No.92895

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610247 (260123ZSEP23) Notable: Joe Kent: "This really is just one big money laundering operation" US gov buying seeds fertilizers for Ukrainian farmers and paying for 57,000 firefighters

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Joe Kent: "This really is just one big money laundering operation". The US gov is buying seeds and fertilizers for Ukrainian farmers and paying for Emergency Services, 57,00” firefighters and more. Oh shit this is worse then anyone could ever imagine. Fucking Bullshit!



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e95884 No.92896

File: 0a8774103c97306⋯.jpg (173.73 KB,720x842,360:421,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e6d39bd6330b2f7⋯.jpg (117.29 KB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610349 (260224ZSEP23) Notable: Mayor Adams named ‘Master Mason’ in secret Freemason ceremony at Gracie Mansion

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Mayor Adams named ‘Master Mason’ in secret Freemason ceremony at Gracie Mansion


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e95884 No.92897

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610431 (260255ZSEP23) Notable: Louis Milione The DEA’s recently departed No. 2 returns to a Big Pharma consulting firm

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Revolving door redux: The DEA’s recently departed No. 2 returns to a Big Pharma consulting firm

September 20, 2023

WASHINGTON (AP) — Washington’s revolving door kept spinning this week as the Drug Enforcement Administration’s recently departed second-in-command returned for a new stint with the high-powered consulting firm where he previously advised Purdue Pharma and a drug distributor fighting sanctions over a deluge of suspicious painkiller shipments.

Louis Milione retired from the DEA a second time this summer amid reporting by The Associated Press on potential conflicts caused by his prior consulting for the pharmaceutical industry. Less than three months later, Milione again landed a plum job at Guidepost Solutions, a New York-based firm hired by some of the same companies he had been tasked with regulating when he returned to the DEA in 2021 as Administrator Anne Milgram’s top deputy.


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e95884 No.92898

File: 67ce2668c6712b6⋯.jpeg (89.85 KB,900x450,2:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b9bcd8fb4bcc258⋯.jpeg (169.63 KB,1536x1039,1536:1039,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610498 (260319ZSEP23) Notable: Murdoch Again – Sean Hannity Will Host Debate Between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom on November 30th in… Wait for It…. Georgia lol

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Murdoch Again – Sean Hannity Will Host Debate Between Ron DeSantis and Gavin Newsom on November 30th in… Wait for It…. Georgia lol

September 25, 2023 | Sundance |

This is so transparently silly and yet simultaneously obvious in motive.

Both Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis are the approved corporate candidates for 2024. CTH pointed out this effort a year ago, and all of the datapoints since then have perfectly aligned to the simple truth of the thing. Either DeSantis or Newsom is acceptable to the Sea Island crew, and guess where the debate will take place. Yep, Georgia. lol

The intelligenceglow-worm known as Sean Hannity, who will have to quickly learnthe shut-up skillsneeded to be a debate moderator, is the chosen performance artist for the nonsense. Hannity will likely take the multinational duo on a tour through the questions of policy that he would provide as solutions, and then ask each participant to give their opinion of Hannity’s,“I used to be a dishwasher and I know things”proposals.

FOX News Channel’s Sean Hannity will moderate a red vs. blue state debate between Florida Gov. and Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis and Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom, FOX News Media announced Monday.

The 90-minute event will air at 9 p.m. ET on Nov. 30 in Georgia, marking the first time the two prominent governors will face off in a debate.

“I’m looking forward to providing viewers with an informative debate about the everyday issues and governing philosophies that impact the lives of every American,” Hannity said. (more)

This entire nonsense is so predictable; here’s my original graphic from 2022. lol 😂🤣😂

The RNC had a rule that no alternative candidate debates would be permitted. lol Watch how fast that rule gets dropped.

The bloom is off the ruse.

(Hannity??? This is pathetic, but hey, go for it!)


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e95884 No.92899

File: 53c60d73d525de7⋯.png (161.52 KB,850x786,425:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610534 (260329ZSEP23) Notable: PhD Adam Britton, Prominent Zoologist guilty of 60 bestiality, animal abuse and possessing child exploitation material charges

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Prominent Zoologist guilty of 60 bestiality, animal abuse and possessing child exploitation material charges

... this guy has some serious issues...

Guess he took his animal work home with him kek.

Won;t last long in the slammer.



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e95884 No.92900

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610560 (260337ZSEP23) Notable: Australian Daniel Andrews resigns

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Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to resign, ABC understands

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has called a sudden press conference in Melbourne.

The ABC understands he will announce his resignation.


State media

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e95884 No.92901

File: eb1338f685a8a70⋯.png (745.45 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610577 (260343ZSEP23) Notable: PhD Adam Britton, Prominent Zoologist guilty of 60 bestiality, animal abuse and possessing child exploitation material charges

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Zoologist Adam Britton guilty of 60 bestiality, animal abuse and possessing child exploitation material

A Darwin zoologist preyed on the trust of pet owners before sadistically torturing, sexually exploiting and killing at least 39 dogs.

A well-known zoologist who sadistically tortured, sexually exploited and killed pet dogs before telling their former owners they were “settling in well” has pleaded guilty to 60 beastiality, animal cruelty, and possessing child exploitation material charges.

Adam Robert Corden Britton’s name had previously been suppressed from the public due to the details of his crimes being so depraved they threatened his right to a fair trial.

At the Supreme Court on Monday the 52-year-old admitted to killing at least 39 dogs which he called “f— toys”, raping puppies, running a “torture room” on his McMinns Lagoon property, and advising others in “zoo-sadism”.

In a rare move, Chief Justice Michael Grant excused the Sheriff’s officers and told security guards they could wait outside the courtroom rather than having to listen to details of the crimes – most of which are too horrific to be published.

“The facts contain material describing acts that can only be described as grotesque perversity and cruelty which are both confronting and distressing and which in my assessment have the potential to cause nervous shock,” Justice Grant said.

Britton holds a PhD in zoology and worked as a Senior Research Associate at Charles Darwin University.

The former Brit was also co-chief of a successful Top End crocodilian research and consulting business Big Gecko, keeping saltwater crocodiles as pets on his property half an hour from Darwin.

Crown prosecutor Marty Aust told the court Britton had a sadistic sexual interest in animals – in particular dogs – dating back to at least 2014 when he began engaging in sexual activities with his two Swiss-Sheppard’s Ursa and Bolt.

Between November 17, 2020, and April 22, 2022, he sourced 42 dogs of varying breeds and ages which he later tortured and sexually exploited for sadistic sexual pleasure, killing most of them, the court heard.

Mr Aust said Britton set up alerts on Gumtree for when a new dog or puppy was listed for sale in the Darwin area, building rapport with owners, “many of whom had to reluctantly give their pets away due to travel or work commitments”.

In one case, the owners of a large brown dog “Wolfe” met with Britton twice to “ensure he would be a suitable person who would properly care for Wolfe”.

Britton sent the owners a picture he had previously taken of the dog, with a message saying “Wolfe was relaxed and eating well and enjoying her new home”.

“Unbeknownst to the previous owners the dogs had already been sexually exploited, tortured and killed,” Mr Aust said.

The court heard Britton used the encrypted messaging service Telegram to share videos of his offending through two accounts titled Monster and Cerberus.

He also chatted with other users about bestiality, animal abuse, how to source dogs, and how to dispose of their bodies.

“Owner is looking for a good ‘forever home’ for their beloved pooch, make sure you offer them one … telling them you want a new family member after your old dog died from cancer last year hardly ever fails,” Britton posted in the Monster account.

A search of Britton’s laptop also found 15 child abuse material files he had sourced online, including toddlers being forced to engage depraved acts.

Britton pleaded guilty to 37 counts of animal cruelty causing serious harm or death, 10 counts of raping or attempting to rape a dog, four counts of possessing or transmitting child abuse material, animal cruelty, breaching duty of care to Bolt and Ursa, and using a carriage service in an offensive way.

He was remanded in custody and will return to court for sentencing at a later date.

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e95884 No.92902

File: 6bdcef46563b590⋯.png (115.65 KB,236x317,236:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610696 (260417ZSEP23) Notable: #24083

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e95884 No.92903

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610703 (260419ZSEP23) Notable: OUR COUNTRY OUR CHOICE

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tyb, sleep schedule is borked



>welcome video

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e95884 No.92904

File: 16415313ae2e849⋯.png (1.3 MB,1920x1200,8:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19610711 (260422ZSEP23) Notable: Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine - to help rebuild SCHOOLS

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Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine

Artist will lend her voice to help rebuild schools in the country

Volodymyr Zelensky has asked Marina Abramović, the performance artist, to be an ambassador for Ukraine.

‌Ms Abramović, a fierce critic of Vladimir Putin’s illegal invasion, said the Ukrainian president had asked for her help in rebuilding schools.

‌The 76-year-old Serbian is holding her first solo exhibition in the UK and is the first female artist to have a major show in the Main Galleries of the Royal Academy of Arts in London.

‌Visitors to the exhibition must squeeze between two nude models to enter the show, or opt to bypass what one journalist dubbed the “naked gates”.

‌“I was the first artist to support the Ukraine war against Russia and to give my voice. It is definitely a repetition of history,” she said in an interview with the Modern Art Museum in Shanghai.

‌“I have been invited by Zelensky to be an ambassador of Ukraine, to help the children affected by rebuilding schools and such.”

‌She added: “I have also been invited to be a board member of the Babyn Yar organisation to continue to protect the memorial.”

‌The Holocaust memorial centre to Jews murdered by Nazis in Ukraine was damaged by Russian missile attacks in March last year.

‌Ms Abramović installed her work Crystal Wall of Crying at the memorial centre in Kyiv four months before Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

‌The wall, 40 metres long and three metres high, is made of coal and has large quartz crystals sticking out of it. Visitors can touch the installation, which mirrors the western wall in Jerusalem.

‌It was not damaged in the missile strike, which killed five people and damaged a building.

‌“Making the Crystal Wall of Crying was just the first step in dealing with new history and figuring out how to help heal our increasingly divided world,” Ms Abramović said.

The artist posted a video online days after Putin launched his unprovoked war. In it she spoke about being born in the former Yugoslavia, which was once invaded by the Soviet Union, and called Ukrainians “proud, strong and dignified”.

“I have full solidarity with [the Ukrainian people] on this impossible day,” she said in the video. An attack on Ukraine is an attack on all of us. It’s an attack on humanity and has to be stopped.”

Shortly after the invasion, Ms Abramović restaged one of her most famous performances, The Artist is Present, to raise money for Ukraine.

She was asked how she reconciled the transcendent nature of her work with the cruel realities of the modern world.

“I think true change only comes by changing yourself. By changing yourself you can change thousands and you can change the world,” she said.

“Gandhi was one example in history who made a revolution without dropping a single drop of blood.”

Ms Abramović is just one of several celebrities to be recruited to help Kyiv’s public relations battle to ensure continued support for its struggle.

Mark Hamill, the actor who played Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars films, has raised funds to buy reconnaissance drones for front-line Ukrainian troops.

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e95884 No.92905

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611008 (260552ZSEP23) Notable: OUR COUNTRY OUR CHOICE

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OCOC Reports

Links to similar OCOC videos are below.

Ret. Colonel Douglas MacGregor, CEO of OCOC

Our Country, Our Choice

OUR Country Our choice (OCOC) will give "We The People" the tools, information and skills to proactively preserve and strengthen the security, prosperity, and moral fabric of our society.




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e95884 No.92906

File: 95e3499d628b005⋯.png (1.91 MB,871x1650,871:1650,Clipboard.png)

File: dc9060a3b0b4372⋯.png (193.76 KB,1002x429,334:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611048 (260606ZSEP23) Notable: @Kash: ULTRA MAGA #GovernmentGangsters LIVE launch party, on Tuesday Sept 26, 10am ET with Bannon and the #WarRoom

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@Kash on Truth Social - Timestamp 11:57 PM EST (23:57)

ULTRA MAGA #GovernmentGangsters LIVE launch party, on Tuesday Sept 26, 10am ET with Bannon and the #WarRoom Posse- we gonna light it up, the man hunt is officially about to be on... names named n then some. It's time to make GG Number 1- USA.


See Q 2357



"Let us reaffirm America's destiny of goodness and good will."

-Ronald Reagan


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e95884 No.92907

File: 7bd18b40ade586d⋯.png (181.45 KB,341x342,341:342,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611228 (260717ZSEP23) Notable: #24082 posted in #24083

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ty note collector. NOICE bun.

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e95884 No.92908

File: 8a649041610f134⋯.png (1.98 MB,1060x1360,53:68,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611239 (260721ZSEP23) Notable: David McCallum dead: NCIS star dies at 90

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David McCallum dead: NCIS star dies at 90 https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/david-mccallum-dead-ncis-star-dies-at-90

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e95884 No.92909

File: e59755c341f8554⋯.png (750.77 KB,1348x909,1348:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611240 (260722ZSEP23) Notable: A Vincent van Gogh Painting Stolen From a Dutch Museum Was Just Returned—in a Blue Ikea Bag

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A Vincent van Gogh Painting Stolen From a Dutch Museum Was Just Returned—in a Blue Ikea Bag

SEPTEMBER 13, 2023

The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring could be worth up to $6.4 million.

A stolen Vincent van Gogh painting was recently returned in a rather abstract way.

The Dutch painter’s The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring was stolen back in March 2020 from a museum just outside Amsterdam that was closed due to the pandemic. On Monday, though, it was returned by an anonymous man inside a big blue Ikea bag, The Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday. The painting had been wrapped in plastic and stuffed into a pillowcase, with the pillow still in there as well.

“It’s always a dream to recover something like this,” Arthur Brand, the art detective who received the stolen painting, told the WSJ. “Many people already had considered it to be lost forever.”

Brand had been working with police to find the stolen van Gogh, which was taken from the Dutch museum Singer Laren at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. A thief broke through a glass door at 3:15 in the morning and left with the painting on a motorcycle, Jan Rudolph de Lorm, the Singer Laren museum director, told The Wall Street Journal. While a man was arrested in connection with the theft in 2021, the painting hadn’t been found until now.

Apparently, someone reached out to Brand a couple of weeks ago saying that he could return the stolen van Gogh. Brand gave him his address in Amsterdam and, true to his word, the mystery man delivered the painting to Brand. (In the past, the art detective has helped police recover stolen works, including two bronze sculptures known as Hitler’s horses in 2015.)

The Parsonage Garden at Nuenen in Spring was painted by van Gogh in 1884, five years before The Starry Night was completed. It depicts a garden at a clergy home where his father was a pastor, and utilizes oil paints on wooden panels. Just 11 inches tall and 22 inches long, Brand estimated that the painting is worth $3.2 million to $6.4 million.

The Groninger Museum, which owns the painting and had lent it to Singer Laren, told the WSJ that it was “extremely happy and relieved that the work is back.” The artwork had some small scratches on it after being returned, and it’s currently at the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam for restoration. That process could take a while, with weeks or months until the van Gogh is displayed once again.

The painting “has suffered, but is—at first glance—still in good condition,” the Groninger said.

That should be welcome news in the art world.


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e95884 No.92910

File: 8b324b48f7c5ca3⋯.png (585.17 KB,1221x854,1221:854,Clipboard.png)

File: ac7cd4f2e468a64⋯.png (301.43 KB,786x692,393:346,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b1ab9829a0116f⋯.png (588.13 KB,784x1068,196:267,Clipboard.png)

File: 66688343c5cb930⋯.png (303.95 KB,476x728,17:26,Clipboard.png)

File: 77fad36340871b7⋯.png (42 KB,384x483,128:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611256 (260730ZSEP23) Notable: Cassidy Hutchinson text messages CONTRADICT her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

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Cassidy Hutchinson text messages CONTRADICT her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee"Ms. Hutchinson has admitted that while she did not want to cooperate with the Select Committee, Mr. Passantino encouraged her to do so."

Former aide to White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows Cassidy Hutchinson testified before the J6 House Select Committee in 2022 that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of a "the beast," a limo, on January 6, and just this week copy from her book revealed her claim that she was "groped" by Rudy Giuliani while backstage during the rally at the Ellipse on that same day.

She was counseled in her testimony before the J6 House Select Committee by attorney Stefan Passantino, who said that he advised her to be honest and forthright in her May 17, 2022 testimony. She later hired attorney Jody Hunt, who counseled her for her June 20, 2022 deposition before the House.

That didn't stop MSNBC's Andrew Weissmann from tweeting out to his 320,000 followers that "Hunt also is Cassidy Hutchinson’s good lawyer. (Not the one who coached her to lie) And he is the guy who took notes of Trump saying, when Mueller was appointed, quoting him as saying 'I’m f….d'" This was in reference to Hunt having been subpoenaed by Fulton County, Georgia DA Fani Willis in her RICO case against Trump and 18 co-defendants.

Weissmann was likely basing his assertions on Hutchinson's own testimony to the J6 House Select Committee, which is contradicted in her own text messages. In the final report from the J6 House Select Committee, the reference Hutchinson's tesimony. They write that "The Select Committee has also received a range of evidence suggesting specific efforts to obstruct the Committee’s investigation. Much of this evidence is already known by the Department of Justice and by other prosecutorial authorities."

Among the evidence provided, they cite that Hutchinson's lawyer "had advised the witness that the witness could, in certain circumstances, tell the Committee that she did not recall facts when she actually did recall them." They further claim that her lawyer, who at the time in question was Passantino, advised her to say that she doesn't recall an event that she does recall. Further, the report states that Hutchinson advised him to not share any information regarding her testimony to the press.

The text messages revealed in the lawsuit Passantino has levied against Weissmann show, as does Hutchinson's other tesimony, that she believes he did not tell her to lie at any point, and that she herself did not want to "comply," but her attorney instructed her to. The messages further reveal that Hutchinson had a plan to leak details of her testimony to the press because she feared the J6 House Special Committee—not her lawyer—would leak them to press.

However, Weissman's assertion that Passantino coached his cliet to "lie" has been directly contradicted by that client herself. In a lawsuit filed on Friday in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, Passantino takes aim at Weissmann for his allegation. To support his case, he offers text messages from Hutchinson that were sent to a friend at the time of her first deposition before the J6 House Committee.

The lawsuit reveals that "In contemporaneous text messages to a close friend... Ms. Hutchinson has admitted that while she did not want to cooperate with the Select Committee, Mr. Passantino encouraged her to do so."

To her friend, she writes "But I don't want to comply. Stefan wants me to comply." Her friend asks what happens if she doesn't comply with the Committee, to which Hutchinson replied "I'm so ducking done with this sh*t I don't have it in me."

She also revealed to this friend Passantino advised her that conversations between White House staff, Trump, and at least one other person are not covered by executive privilege, but are "fair game."

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e95884 No.92911

File: 6b2a64c206083b6⋯.png (52.68 KB,288x360,4:5,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611257 (260730ZSEP23) Notable: David McCallum dead: NCIS star dies at 90

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e95884 No.92912

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611258 (260730ZSEP23) Notable: Cassidy Hutchinson text messages CONTRADICT her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

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She said that "Stefan wants to wait till after my depo. I have to go in person next Tuesday." Her concern is that anything she told the Committee would be leaked to the press, and she wanted to get ahead of anything they said with a public statement of her own.

Hutchinson further asserts that she wants to reach out to media to give her side of the story, her "narrative."

In the lawsuit, Passantino writes "Ms. Hutchinson has admitted that while she did not want to cooperate with the Select Committee, Mr. Passantino encouraged her to do so."

During her testimony before the J6 House Committee, as recorded in official transcripts from her September 14, 2022 appearance, Hutchinson said "I want to make this clear to you: Stefan never told me to lie." She further states"I just want to make sure that I make it clear that he didn’t say, ‘I want you to lie and say that you don’t recall on these things when I know you recall.'"

Hutchinson said "he didn’t tell me to lie. He told me not to lie."



Jun 29, 2022 3:23:20 AM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 16552853

What is at stake?

Who has control?


Who was surprised?

Who will be surprised?

Use your logic.

Can emotions be used to influence decisions?

How do you control emotion?

Define 'Plant'.

How do you insert a plant?

Can emotions be used to insert a plant?


Trust the plan.


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e95884 No.92913

File: 692875853e375e3⋯.png (388.09 KB,1244x579,1244:579,Clipboard.png)

File: 257f5e25ab5fd8b⋯.png (288 KB,1236x611,1236:611,Clipboard.png)

File: 51105677abc7b2b⋯.png (341.78 KB,1250x599,1250:599,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ce05a1e4b53ef2⋯.png (392.97 KB,1215x479,1215:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611263 (260732ZSEP23) Notable: David McCallum dead: NCIS star dies at 90

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The Great Escape

Man From U.N.C.L.E.

m. Jill Ireland

Jill Dorothy Ireland (24 April 1936 – 18 May 1990) was an English actress and singer. She appeared in 16 films with her husband Charles Bronson, ...

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e95884 No.92914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611268 (260734ZSEP23) Notable: David McCallum dead: NCIS star dies at 90

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The Great Escape (6/11) Movie CLIP - How to Get Rid of the Dirt (1963) HD


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e95884 No.92915

File: 878f5e8752fa424⋯.png (362.96 KB,870x556,435:278,Clipboard.png)

File: a98a360842b4646⋯.mp4 (4.76 MB,858x482,429:241,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611458 (260858ZSEP23) Notable: Dr. Paul Marik Bombshell: Covid "Vaccine" Shedding of Spike Protein Can Occur During Sex! - TheLibertyDaily

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Dr. Paul Marik Bombshell: Covid "Vaccine" Shedding of Spike Protein Can Occur During Sex! - TheLibertyDaily


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e95884 No.92916

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611465 (260902ZSEP23) Notable: #24083

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

#24083 >>92902

>>92903, >>92905 OUR COUNTRY OUR CHOICE

>>92904 Zelensky asks Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine - to help rebuild SCHOOLS

>>92906 @Kash: ULTRA MAGA #GovernmentGangsters LIVE launch party, on Tuesday Sept 26, 10am ET with Bannon and the #WarRoom

>>92908, >>92911, >>92913, >>92914 David McCallum dead: NCIS star dies at 90

>>92909 A Vincent van Gogh Painting Stolen From a Dutch Museum Was Just Returned—in a Blue Ikea Bag

>>92910, >>92912, >>92910 Cassidy Hutchinson text messages CONTRADICT her testimony that her former lawyer instructed her to lie to J6 Committee

>>92915 Dr. Paul Marik Bombshell: Covid "Vaccine" Shedding of Spike Protein Can Occur During Sex! - TheLibertyDaily



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e95884 No.92917

File: fa76c783186743c⋯.png (275.06 KB,405x550,81:110,Clipboard.png)

File: 55ea8f35b183149⋯.png (258.54 KB,448x465,448:465,Clipboard.png)

File: d04211495a9d1a7⋯.png (345.34 KB,537x363,179:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 098b92cd7fa8b98⋯.png (303.58 KB,501x546,167:182,Clipboard.png)

File: 77d9da39106e0ea⋯.png (132.82 KB,540x257,540:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611474 (260906ZSEP23) Notable: #24084

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Very enjoyable convos, Godspeed gy anons.

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e95884 No.92918

File: 857cc205236e5a7⋯.png (125.77 KB,990x556,495:278,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611504 (260923ZSEP23) Notable: Amazon to invest up to $4 billion in AI startup Anthropic

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Amazon to invest up to $4 billion in AI startup Anthropic

Manish Singh@refsrc / 3:10 AM EDT•September 25, 2023

Amazon has agreed to invest up to $4 billion in the AI startup Anthropic, the two firms said, as the e-commerce group steps up its rivalry against Microsoft, Meta, Google and Nvidia in the fast-growing sector that many technologists believe could be the next great frontier.

As part of the investment agreement, Anthropic will use Amazon’s cloud giant AWS as a primary cloud provider for mission-critical workloads, including safety research and future foundation model development, the e-commerce group said. Anthropic will additionally use AWS Trainium and Inferentia chips to build, train and deploy its future foundation models. (Anthropic has been a customer of AWS since 2021.)


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e95884 No.92919

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611505 (260923ZSEP23) Notable: RUSSEL BRAND #209, The first after a full scale attack on free speech

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Note: The Stream starts at 19 minutes into the video. just forward to start.!!!

remember, no one is a prophet, there are truth tellers and there are those who speak their truth. Discernment is a skill that needs to used. do your own research.


ARE WE BEING SILENCED!? The Battle For Free Speech! Plus, Jimmy Dore - Stay Free #209

25th Sept 2023



On today’s show: Jens Stoltenberg ADMITTING Putin’s invasion was because of NATO expansion. Pfizer celebrating their updated COVID-19 Shots by lighting up the Empire State Building. And the State & Legacy Media war on free speech, via the newly passed Online Safety Bill and Trusted News Initiative. PLUS our special guest is Jimmy Dore.

Support this channel directly here: https://rb.rumble.com/

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e95884 No.92920

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611510 (260925ZSEP23) Notable: Ausie Premier Dan Andrews, draconian COVID lockdown king, has RESIGNED

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NEW - Dan Andrews, Premier of Victoria, Australia, who presided over some of the world’s longest and most draconian COVID lockdowns, has resigned.


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e95884 No.92921

File: cb9dfa72d1cb49a⋯.mp4 (14.79 MB,1376x776,172:97,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611516 (260925ZSEP23) Notable: DJT in S. Carolina: "he [Graham] helps me on the left - we need help sometimes"

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At the start of his speech in South Carolina today Trump did his usual thing of thanking various local people to begin his rally. He thanked Lindsey Graham and it's not the first time he's done that. Of course, the audience booed at the very idea of Graham and I get it. Here's the thing though guys - the Orange Man went on to say that " he [ Graham ] helps me on the left - we need help sometimes ". This is something few have reconciled. People will disagree with me on this but I think we have positioned all sorts of people like Graham to do our bidding and to reach an audience that have closed their minds to MAGA.

#5thGenerationWarfare #IrregularWarfare #AsymmetricWarfare


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e95884 No.92922

File: 06fc8965d6e58a7⋯.mp4 (5.32 MB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611548 (260940ZSEP23) Notable: MTG in S. Carolina: impeachment, shutdowns, Ukraine, pistol braces, Gavin, UAW Strike

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MTG yesterday in Summerville, SC talking about the Impeachment, and Shutdowns.

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e95884 No.92923

File: 64335d35297b8e6⋯.mp4 (4.32 MB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611553 (260942ZSEP23) Notable: MTG in S. Carolina: impeachment, shutdowns, Ukraine, pistol braces, Gavin, UAW Strike

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MTG Pistol braces

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e95884 No.92924

File: 61c52461ec7f0a2⋯.mp4 (14.96 MB,508x288,127:72,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611562 (260946ZSEP23) Notable: MTG in S. Carolina: impeachment, shutdowns, Ukraine, pistol braces, Gavin, UAW Strike

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MTG Summerville,SC Southern Border/Ukraine

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e95884 No.92925

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611573 (260953ZSEP23) Notable: 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September alone - 1,000 missing this year

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Mystery as nearly 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September alone as over ONE THOUSAND have vanished so far this year in 'alarming' trend that's left Ohio cops baffled


lots of 17's in here. not sure if they're coincidence or comms

Nearly 50 children have gone missing from parts of Ohio in September alone

So far this year, cops recorded a total of 1,072 children being reported missing

Last year, 15,000 kids were reported missing in Ohio, with four later found dead

Nearly fifty children have gone missing from Cleveland in September alone, as over one thousand have vanished so far this year leaving cops baffled.

According to the Ohio Attorney General's office, there have been over 45 missing minors in the greater Cleveland area since the start of the month.

So far, there have already been 1,072 children reported missing in Cleveland this year.

One of those missing children is fifteen year old Keshaun Williams who disappeared on June 17 this year, and was last seen attending a house party but never returned.

An amber alert continues to be active to find Williams, but the family is advancing efforts by canvassing local areas.

Over the weekend, his grandmother Mary Williams told News 5 Cleveland: 'If it is beyond and something unthinkable has happened, I know god is there.

'God is with him and he's protected, wherever he is god is. I know that.'

His mom, Sherice Snoden, had previously told the outlet: 'It's been over forty days without my child. I just want him back home.

'I miss my child everyday, I am worried, I don't know if he is eating or sleeping. I just want him back home.'

John Majoy, President of Cleveland Missing and Police Chief Village of Newburgh Heights, told News5 Cleveland: 'There's just not enough police officers in the streets to do this as law enforcement.

'The public is our greatest asset. We can't do this without the public.'

Other missing children include 14-year-old Gideon Hefner, who was last seen on September 12 in American Township, Ohio.

According to the missing child report, he was wearing a dark colored shirt, jeans, black beanie and carrying a back pack at the time.

Camryn Nicole Golias, 17, was last seen in Akron, Ohio, on September 2023 but still remains missing.

Similarly, 16-year-old Elijah Hill disappeared on September 20 from Sandusky, Ohio, and hasn't been seen since.

Meanwhile, Iyahna Graham, 17, vanished from North Canton, Ohio, on September 23. Police have also advised that if located she should be approached with caution.

Days prior to Graham going missing, Teonnah Thompkins was last seen in Cincinnati, Ohio, on September 17, wearing a black shirt, black pants and white shoes.

Maurice Hamrick, 14, Honesty Howell, 16, Elijah Hill, 16, and Chloe Hadley, 17, all disappeared within five days of each other earlier this month also.

A similar pattern started in May of this year, with as many as 27 children reported missing in the area at the beginning of the month.

Speaking at the time, Police Chief Majoy said the cases of missing children between the ages of 12 and 17 remained unusually high through the month of May.

He said: 'For some reason, in 2023, we've seen a lot more than we normally see, which is troubling in part because we don't know what's going on with some of these kids.

'Whether they're being trafficked or whether they're involved in gang activity or drugs.'

Majoy emphasized that he has never seen such high numbers of missing children in his33year-career.

While Majoy claimed that it's likely the majority of cases are runaways and not abductions, he added that teenagers are naïve when it comes to predators, who he can be 'wolves in sheep's clothing.'


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e95884 No.92926

File: a3890199eb0ea7a⋯.mp4 (10.96 MB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611575 (260953ZSEP23) Notable: MTG in S. Carolina: impeachment, shutdowns, Ukraine, pistol braces, Gavin, UAW Strike

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e95884 No.92927

File: 69046c9fc21978b⋯.mp4 (10 MB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611579 (260957ZSEP23) Notable: MTG in S. Carolina: impeachment, shutdowns, Ukraine, pistol braces, Gavin, UAW Strike

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MTG - UAW Strike

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e95884 No.92928

File: 91cc62b72206799⋯.mp4 (15.38 MB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611584 (260959ZSEP23) Notable: MTG in S. Carolina: impeachment, shutdowns, Ukraine, pistol braces, Gavin, UAW Strike

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Gavin Newsome incoming?

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e95884 No.92929

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611603 (261017ZSEP23) Notable: Trump speech on the 25th September from Summerville, notes and decodes - trump rumble channel

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Note: for those who missed this, will make notes later and add either below or a link to pastebin.. This Trumps channel on rumble btw.


LIVE: President Trump in Summerville, SC


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e95884 No.92930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611604 (261017ZSEP23) Notable: UN General Assembly Approves Global Pandemic “Authority” With Lockdown Enforcement Powers

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UN General Assembly Approves Global Pandemic “Authority” With Lockdown Enforcement Powers

Dennis Francis, president of the UN General Assembly (UNGA), has ignored the objections of 11 countries and approved the UN declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response without submitting it to a full assembly vote.

This declaration aims to form a global pandemic authority that has a range of disturbing powers, such as the ability to enforce lockdowns, push for universal vaccination, and censor what it deems “misinformation.”

Some of the points it calls for include:

Increased surveillance and digital health documents: The declaration supports the use of digital health technologies for “implementing and supporting health measures and bolstering national response efforts” in the event of a health emergency or pandemic. Vaccine passports would fall under the category of digital health technologies.

Universal vaccination: Another alarming component of the declaration is the “deep concern” it expresses about dropping vaccination rates around the world. It vows to support the research and development of vaccines, calling routine vaccination a cost-effective and efficient public health intervention. The declaration calls for improving “routine immunization, vaccination, and outreach capacities, including by providing evidence-based information on promoting confidence, uptake, demand,” in addition to “expanding vaccine coverage to prevent outbreaks as well as the spread and re-emergence of communicable diseases.”

Making COVID-19-related temporary powers permanent: The declaration also emphasizes the need to build on the practices and lessons that were learned from the pandemic and turn temporary powers into permanent ones sustainably.

Establishing a pandemic fund: The declaration seeks to launch a pandemic fund of $30 billion per year for “critical investments” related to preparing for and responding to pandemics.

Censoring vaccine critics: The new declaration also voices “concern that health-related misinformation and disinformation negatively impacted routine immunization services globally” and calls for measures to be implemented to address what it considers to be misinformation, particularly on social media platforms. It also wants to take steps to counteract vaccine hesitancy and create more trust in public health authorities.


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e95884 No.92931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611617 (261020ZSEP23) Notable: American Express Cuts Mike Lindell’s MyPillow’s Credit Line by 90% After 15-Year Partnership

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JUST IN: American Express Cuts Mike Lindell’s MyPillow’s Credit Line by 90% After 15-Year Partnership

American Express has slashed the credit line of Mike Lindell’s MyPillow by a staggering 90%. This comes after a 15-year partnership between the two companies. Lindell revealed this startling news in an interview with Steve Bannon, where he also discussed the broader implications of this action on his business and the conservative movement at large.

“Steve, we really need everybody’s help right now,” said Mike Lindell.

According to Lindell, American Express reduced MyPillow’s credit line from a million dollars to a mere $100,000 without any prior notice or explanation. This abrupt decision has severely impacted the company’s operations, particularly its online marketing and shipping activities.

“American Express -I wasn’t going to say this- we’ve been with them for 15 years, and we do all of our online marketing and all our shipping with them. Out of the blue, they took our credit line from a million dollars down to $100,000. Just crippled my pillow. No reason, no explanation. Just dropped it down last Tuesday,” said Lindell.


the definition of fascism.

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e95884 No.92932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611641 (261033ZSEP23) Notable: Bill would criminalize 'extremely harmful' online 'deepfakes'

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Bill would criminalize 'extremely harmful' online 'deepfakes'

"This sends a signal to bad actors that they won't get away with deceiving."

ByEmmanuelle Saliba

September 25, 2023, 2:20 PM

Newly introduced legislation seeks to protect individuals nationwide from being misrepresented by certain kinds of digital content known as "deepfakes," a category that includes deceptive political messages, computer-generated sexual abuse material and more.

"We know that weaponized deception can be extremely harmful to our society," said Rep. Yvette Clarke, D-N.Y., who authored the proposal and introduced it last week in the House, reviving a proposal she previously put forth in 2019. "This bill is meant to take us into the 21st century and establish a baseline so we can discern who is intending to harm us."

Clarke told ABC News that her DEEPFAKES Accountability Act would provide prosecutors, regulators and particularly victims with resources, like detection technology, that Clarke believes they need to stand up against the threat posed by nefarious deepfakes.

AI-generated content has exploded in recent years due to the accessibility and ease of use of generative tools. Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence capable of producing content including text, images, audio and video with a simple prompt.

As recently as a few years ago, a user would have needed a certain level of technical skill to use AI to make content, but now it's just a matter of downloading an app or clicking a few buttons on a website.


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e95884 No.92933

File: a02dd59c6532e13⋯.png (125.87 KB,1760x710,176:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611660 (261038ZSEP23) Notable: Ukraine's special forces claim they have killed Moscow's top admiral and 33 others in Crimea

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If you are paying attention, Russia has stepped up its missile attacks in the last few days...this may be why, although mostly what comes out of Ukraine is completely bullshit, this has a ring of truth...

"KYIV, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Ukraine's special forces said on Monday they had killed Moscow's top admiral in Crimea along with 33 other officers in last week's missile attack on the headquarters of Russia's Black Sea Fleet in the port of Sevastopol.

The Russian Defence Ministry did not immediately respond when asked by Reuters to confirm or deny that Admiral Viktor Sokolov, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet and one of Russia's most senior navy officers, had been killed."


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e95884 No.92934

File: f544af6bddabcdf⋯.png (2.54 MB,2200x1494,1100:747,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611722 (261106ZSEP23) Notable: Mystery as nearly 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September alone as over ONE THOUSAND have vanished so far this year in 'alarming' trend...

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Mystery as nearly 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September alone as over ONE THOUSAND have vanished so far this year in 'alarming' trend that's left Ohio cops baffled


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e95884 No.92935

File: 984065aa1b9bfb4⋯.png (258.62 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

File: adc1b9039f8efba⋯.png (1.91 MB,944x755,944:755,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611777 (261123ZSEP23) Notable: Trump speech on the 25th September from Summerville, notes and decodes - trump rumble channel

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President Trump in Summerville, SC 25th Sept




I sent Edd mcmullian (my ambassador) to a country that has the

greatest deserts in history (my ambassador)

We have come today to end the economic to the perfect place

boat building industry exploded under trump. sc

Economy slammed into a rock we call bidenomics

soaring interest rates makes borrowing money much harder

if we don't get back in office, this country is finished

3 years ago we were energy independence

we will drill baby drill

wto was a disaster, nafta was disaster,

biden puts everyone first above our veterens.

you have seen the illegal aliens, they all have beautiful

phones. who is paying their cellphone bills

our vets don't have cellphones.

he puts everything thats good and proper last.

our deal with usmca was a great deal,

i will impose tarrifs acts on foreign exports.

i will revoke chinas most favoured nations status.

the biden admin is trying to distruct the boat industry

they are trying to pass laws to speed boats

because they think it is killing whales.

The wind mills are killing the whales.

i saw 3 whales come up.

the wind mills are driving the whales crazy

i will kill bidens speed limit.

We will take care of the whales and everything.

including red snapper and bottom fishing.

you know what that means?

this is high level election interference.

they are very good a misinformation and disinformation

we are going up and they are going down down down

we had 271 million people listening to the tucker interview

They cheat like hell, the way to win is to swamp them

everytime they indict me, i see it as a great badge of honour

they want to take away my freedom because they

want to take away your freedom.

i am never going to stop,

we have the worst border in the history of the world.

we created spaceforce. everyone fought me on it.

my personality kept us from starting at war.

they are lying to you, millions of people are dead

i will obliterate the deep state.

i will prevent ww3, we are a lot closer to ww3

than anyone can imagine.

i will begin the largest deportation operation in history.

i will return the children back to their country.

they want to go home. i will not give 1 penny to any

school which has a vaccine mandate or mask mandate.

i will end the department of education

i will sign a law prohibiting child mutalation in all

50 states, these people are sick.

i will full uphold the 2nd amendment.

i will secure our election.

our goal will be 1 day elections, voter id and paper ballets

they are very bad people and they will cheat.

china, russin, iran and north korea have formed a horrible


Look at all that fake news back there.

it is good to get along with your opposition.

afghanistan was the grestest embarrassment in history.

you can take take your 10 worst presidents and they

would not have done as much damage as biden.

get everyone you know and get them registered on feb 24th

to vote in sc.

i don't think who they put in to run

2024 is our final battle.

we will throw off the sick politic class that hates

our country.

look at those fake news back there, these are corrupt people

we will finish the draining of the swamp

i have never seen this movement grow

we will make america great again, bigger and better

than ever before.

==music kicks in. hold on i'm coming trump does his dance

off stage, fist pumping the crowd==


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e95884 No.92936

File: 11d9d8422f78e90⋯.png (142.74 KB,659x406,659:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611793 (261130ZSEP23) Notable: Trump speech on the 25th September from Summerville, notes and decodes - trump rumble channel

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Chek'em digits



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e95884 No.92937

File: 8e7f56bd8d3afe4⋯.png (482.79 KB,600x337,600:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611811 (261136ZSEP23) Notable: Customs And Border Protection Cuts Barbed Wire Barrier, Allows Illegal Aliens to Flood Into Eagle Pass, Texas (VIDEO)

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all out invasion

Customs And Border Protection Cuts Barbed Wire Barrier, Allows Illegal Aliens to Flood Into Eagle Pass, Texas (VIDEO)


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e95884 No.92938

File: 7badf36cf7ec39d⋯.png (268.44 KB,352x454,176:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ca589522423f55⋯.png (323.56 KB,490x326,245:163,Clipboard.png)

File: e86f9c7e9f144dc⋯.png (308.12 KB,334x479,334:479,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611812 (261137ZSEP23) Notable: Trump speech on the 25th September from Summerville, notes and decodes - trump rumble channel

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>The wind mills are killing the whales.

>i saw 3 whales come up.

>the wind mills are driving the whales crazy

Above statements means trump has seen the michal shellenberger documentary that anon highlighted a while ago on the wind farms off shore which are killing the whales.

NOTABLE, will post trailer next post

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e95884 No.92939

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611819 (261139ZSEP23) Notable: Trump speech on the 25th September from Summerville, notes and decodes - trump rumble channel

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First published at 12:06 UTC on August 18th, 2023.



For further research see the post/thread at Defending-Gibraltar that contains this video:

Whales and Wind Turbines


To survive what is coming, read/study: https://thewayhomeorfacethefire.net

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e95884 No.92940

File: ef7a13bbf5b5aaa⋯.png (1.08 MB,675x914,675:914,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e11709275c5241⋯.png (36.75 KB,631x553,631:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611835 (261146ZSEP23) Notable: Trump speech on the 25th September from Summerville, notes and decodes - trump rumble channel

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>I sent Edd mcmullian (my ambassador) to a country that has the

>greatest deserts in history (my ambassador)


Just Desserts: The Best Places Around The World For Those Who Love Sweets




From time to time, many of us enjoy a sugary treat, whether it's creamy chocolate, a crunchy cookie, or a bowl of healthy fruit. However, some people constantly crave sugar and sweet treats. As more people are traveling for food, some people are on the hunt to satisfy their sweet cravings through the magic of travel.

That's why travelers with a serious sweet tooth should put these places on their itinerary for their next travel destination!

This European country is known for its luxurious desserts and delicious milk chocolate. Travelers can stop by Zürich, Switzerland's largest city, and visit their vast array of chocolate shops. Chocoholics will be happy to know that the city is the birthplace of the world-famous Lindt & Sprüngli! Otherwise, travelers can head to Bilten visit the House of Läderach, a large outlet (and factory) of artisan chocolates. Then, visitors can tour the Maison Cailler in Broc, which is Switzerland's oldest chocolate factory. When in Switzerland, be sure to sample their chocolate fondue, meitschiebi, tirggel, and an array of cakes and pies!

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e95884 No.92941

File: 8f073b3f3e039e7⋯.png (410.65 KB,553x717,553:717,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19611876 (261159ZSEP23) Notable: Congress is f**king around and our country is falling apart

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Chip Roy


Congress is f**king around and our country is falling apart

I will not sit by, taking jabs from tyrannical leftists for the next year in hopes we can elect more loser mentality politicians to Washington in 2024.

Now or never. Saddle up and fight for America.


End Wokeness




Holy sh*t

New footage shows trainloads of military-age males currently en route to the US border


12:33 AM · Sep 26, 2023


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e95884 No.92942

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612093 (261308ZSEP23) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/26/2023

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/26/2023



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e95884 No.92943

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612305 (261358ZSEP23) Notable: Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and DEA Administrator Anne Milgram to Deliver Remarks at DEA’s Second Annual Family Summit on Fentanyl

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

10:00 AM EDT

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and DEA Administrator Anne Milgram to Deliver Remarks at DEA’s Second Annual Family Summit on Fentanyl

Drug Enforcement Administration




Attorney General Merrick Garland Remarks on Fentanyl

Attorney General Merrick Garland makes remarks on fentanyl at DEA headquarters in Arlington, Virginia.


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e95884 No.92944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612421 (261427ZSEP23) Notable: #24084

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final bun for #24084

morn'n baker gonna ghost at the top gotta wurkfag

hold yer laties tight till the top

#24084 >>92917

>>92918 Amazon to invest up to $4 billion in AI startup Anthropic

>>92919 RUSSEL BRAND #209, The first after a full scale attack on free speech

>>92920 Ausie Premier Dan Andrews, draconian COVID lockdown king, has RESIGNED

>>92921 DJT in S. Carolina: "he [Graham] helps me on the left - we need help sometimes"

>>92922, >>92923, >>92924, >>92926, >>92927, >>92928 MTG in S. Carolina: impeachment, shutdowns, Ukraine, pistol braces, Gavin, UAW Strike

>>92925 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September alone - 1,000 missing this year

>>92929, >>92935, >>92936, >>92938, >>92939, >>92940 Trump speech on the 25th September from Summerville, notes and decodes - trump rumble channel

>>92930 UN General Assembly Approves Global Pandemic “Authority” With Lockdown Enforcement Powers

>>92931 American Express Cuts Mike Lindell’s MyPillow’s Credit Line by 90% After 15-Year Partnership

>>92932 Bill would criminalize 'extremely harmful' online 'deepfakes'

>>92933 Ukraine's special forces claim they have killed Moscow's top admiral and 33 others in Crimea

Ghost Grab (ty notetaker)

>>92934 Mystery as nearly 50 children go missing from Cleveland in September alone as over ONE THOUSAND have vanished so far this year in 'alarming' trend...

>>92937 Customs And Border Protection Cuts Barbed Wire Barrier, Allows Illegal Aliens to Flood Into Eagle Pass, Texas (VIDEO)

>>92941 Congress is f**king around and our country is falling apart

>>92942 Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy -09/26/2023

>>92943 Attorney General Merrick B. Garland and DEA Administrator Anne Milgram to Deliver Remarks at DEA’s Second Annual Family Summit on Fentanyl

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e95884 No.92945

File: f0e3b577f91c4a9⋯.png (321.64 KB,596x320,149:80,Clipboard.png)

File: 986575d865e7bce⋯.png (487.82 KB,904x350,452:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612458 (261433ZSEP23) Notable: #24085

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bread is ghost

anons plz collect for incoming baker

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e95884 No.92946

File: ea6229d943c4584⋯.jpeg (111.5 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612481 (261440ZSEP23) Notable: ‘Killed’ Russian fleet commander spotted in new MOD video

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26 Sep, 2023 13:51

‘Killed’ Russian fleet commander spotted in new MOD video

Admiral Viktor Sokolov was shown at a meeting of senior military officials after Kiev claimed he was killed

The Ukrainian military claims it killed the commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. On Tuesday, Admiral Viktor Sokolov was participating remotely in a high-profile meeting, images released by the Russian Defense Ministry show.

Kiev’s claim came on Monday from its Special Operations Command, which bragged about two recent missile attacks on the Crimean Peninsula. The strike at the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol last Friday resulted in thedeaths of 34 officers, “including the commander of the Black Sea Fleet,” the Ukrainian military said on social media.

On Tuesday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu chaired a regular briefing of senior military officials. Sokolov’s face could be seen in a photo and video materials from the event, displayed on a large screen behind the minister’s back with the caption ‘ChP’ (an abbreviation for the Black Sea Fleet in Russian). Presumably, the admiral was participating in the meeting remotely, as did other naval commanders displayed alongside him.

Kiev has been raising the claimed kill countin the Sevastopol strike in recent days. On Sunday, Ukrainian military intelligence chief Kirill Budanov stated that the attack killed at least nine people and injured 16 others, including two generals. Speaking to the local branch of the US-government funded outlet Voice of America, he said he could not confirm the status of Sokolov.

The Russian Defense Ministry reported a single service member missing in action on the day of the strike. British media outlets have claimed that Kiev used UK-provided Storm Shadow missiles in the attack.


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e95884 No.92947

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612487 (261440ZSEP23) Notable: The Great Qing Code

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The Great Qing Code

The Great Qing Code of 1740 established the ultimate format of China’s

criminal and civil laws, which included

laws reaching back more than 2,000

years. The Code was basically a set of instructions to local officials, known as

magistrates, as well as to higher authorities. These instructions attempted to

state the punishment for every possible

offense that the emperor believed was

necessary to maintain law and order.


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e95884 No.92948

File: 327f488382da54f⋯.png (144.64 KB,1398x747,466:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612492 (261441ZSEP23) Notable: Q+ retruth "REQDY"

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Q+ retruth



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e95884 No.92949

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612505 (261444ZSEP23) Notable: John Garrido III [retired Chicago Police Officer, Violent Crime Hearing]:

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John Garrido III [retired Chicago Police Officer, Violent Crime Hearing]: Just the first one hundred days since Mayor Johnson was sworn into office...we've had over two hundred homicides, nine hundred people have been shot, two thousand, five hundred robberies, five thousand stolen cars, two thousand burglaries, and three hundred car jackings. Since January of 2020, almost fifteen thousand people have been shot in the city of Chicago, and almost three thousand have been murdered.

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e95884 No.92950

File: 4627162e947896c⋯.jpeg (244.89 KB,1120x1217,1120:1217,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9afe8101c8e12eb⋯.jpeg (202.41 KB,1089x1191,363:397,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612528 (261448ZSEP23) Notable: Russian drone strikes Ukrainian jet from long range (VIDEO)

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25 Sep, 2023

Russian drone strikes Ukrainian jet from long range (VIDEO)

Upgraded kamikaze drones are now reportedly able to reach key Ukrainian air bases

Russia has upgraded its ‘Lancet’ kamikaze drones to reach targets more than 80km away, a source close to the manufacturer has revealed. Video footage shared last week confirms this upgrade, with a camera on the nose of a Lancet drone capturing the moment a Ukrainian MiG-29 was obliterated as it sat at an airbase.

Circulating online since last Tuesday, the video shows the drone descending toward a military airfield near Krivoy Rog from high altitude. Honing in on a Soviet-era MiG-29, the drone rapidly draws closer until the camera feed is cut as it delivers its explosive payload directly behind the plane’s cockpit.

A second drone hovering nearby filmed the moment of impact. With the jet engulfed in smoke and fire, it is unclear whether the aircraft was left repairable after the blast.

Russia regularly uses Lancet drones to target Ukrainian equipment and armor. The inexpensive devices have proved devastatingly effective against Western-made tanks. However, the strike on Krivoy Rog drew the attention of the Western media, as the distance between the Russian front line and the airfield was beyond the previously known range of the Lancet.

“The real problem is that Russia’s one-way ‘suicide’ drones apparently now range as far as 45 miles (72 kilometers),” Forbes wrote on Tuesday, noting that with the Krivoy Rog base and another similar facility near Nikolayev now within range, the development is “bad news for the scrappy Ukrainian air force.”

Developed by Zala Aero, a subsidiary of the Kalashnikov concern, two versions of the Lancet are currently in use by Russian forces. A smaller variant can carry a 1kg payload and fly for 30 minutes, while a larger version can haul 3kg of explosives and fly for 40 minutes.

Both were thought to have a range of around 40km, but a source close to Zala told Russia’s RIA news agency last week that the company “has introduced a number of innovations into the hardware and software complex of the Lancet unmanned system…which make it possible to variably use kamikaze drones outside the direct radio visibility of the ground control complex.”

As a result, the source said that Russian forces wereable to hit the Ukrainian jetfrom a launch point ofmore than 80km away.


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e95884 No.92951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612537 (261450ZSEP23) Notable: John Garrido III [retired Chicago Police Officer, Violent Crime Hearing]:

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Garrido: It's not just laws that make our communities unsafe. These elected officials have discarded experience, and use race and gender to select the leaders of our department. The last superintendent, David Brown, was probably the worst of all. He brought us scarecrow policing, excessive cancelled days off that exhausted our officers, politically motivated punishments and penalties for minor infractions, and promotion after promotion of inexperienced officers based solely on their gender and the color of their skin. We have people now in this department that have actually gone from the rank of Sergent to Deputy Chief in ten months. Or they've gone from Sergent to Commander in less than to months, and they haven't been given the opportunity to learn their roles in those positions before they move on to the next rank.

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e95884 No.92952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612561 (261454ZSEP23) Notable: Impeach Recall ALL RINOS (RINO List)

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Impeach Recall ALL RINOS


Below is a list of RINOS currently holding a position of a GOP Senator or Congressman

These Members have Voted for Impeaching President Trump, Funding The Ukraine War and supporting Abortion.

They Put America Last and Must Be removed

Calling for You to help remove these people from their Post before they can do any more damage to our Constituional Republic.


Sen. Susan Collins of Maine

Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah

Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania

Sen. Mitch McConnell of Kentucky

Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska

Sen. Lindsay Graham of South Carolina

Sen. John Thune of South Dakota

Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri

Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa

Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio

Sen. Kevin Cramer of North Dakota

Sen. Bill Casidy Louisiana

Sen. Marco Rubio Florida

Sen. Marsh Blackburn Tennessee

Sen. Mike Lee Utah

Sen. James Lankford Oklahoma

Sen. Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia

Sen. John Boozman of Arkansas

Sen. John Cornyn of Texas

Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas

Sen. Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma

Sen. Jerry Moran of Kansas

Sen. Mike Rounds of S. Dakota

Sen. Richard Shelby of Alabama

Sen. Roger Wicker of Mississippi

Sen. Todd Young of Indiana


Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming

Rep. Peter Meijer of Michigan

Rep. Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio

Rep. Tom Rice of South Carolina

Rep. David Valadao of California

Rep. Dan Newhouse of Washington

Rep. John Katko of New York

Rep. Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington

Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois

Rep. Fred Upton of Michigan

Rep. Denver Riggleman of Virginia

Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida

Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas

Rep. Van Taylor Texas

Rep. Darrell Issa California

Rep. Kevin Mccarthy California


7 GOP Senators Voted To Convict Trump https://www.npr.org/sections/trump-impeachment-trial-live-updates/2021/02/15/967878039/7-gop-senators-voted-to-convict-trump-only-1-faces-voters-next-year

A bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for assistance for the situation in Ukraine https://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/roll_call_votes/vote1172/vote_117_2_00191.htm

GOP Senators Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, who support abortion rights https://www.cbsnews.com/news/roe-v-wade-supreme-court-abortion-access-advocates-susan-collins-lisa-murkowski/


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e95884 No.92953

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612604 (261501ZSEP23) Notable: FBI Predicted Those Jan 6 Riots They Instigated

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UNCANNY! FBI Predicted Those Jan 6 Riots They Instigated

Stephen Green

9:07 AM on September 26, 2023

“Violent extremists” would be “very willing to take action” on Jan 6, the FBI correctly predicted two months before the riots the Bureau helped organize and instigate.

Funny how that works, isn’t it?

It’s a predictably breathless report from NBC News examining an internal FBI analysis that determined the Stop the Steal protests would =•require “law enforcement preemption” but that the “disorganization” of extremist groups would “hinder widespread violence.”••

Unless, you know, the FBI stepped in to help organize things a bit.


Trump’s infamous “will be wild” tweet on Dec. 19, 2020, inviting his supporters to Washington, both the committee and federal prosecutors say, was the call to action that caused disorganized extremists to zero in on a date and time: Jan. 6, in the nation’s capital. The day Trump sent that tweet, as NBC News reported, a confidential human source told the FBI that the far right saw the tweet as a “call to arms” and that there was a “big” threat of violence on Jan. 6.

Emphasis added, but I’ll get to that in just a sec.

Trump’s “infamous” tweet was about as innocuous as could be. The whole thing reads, “Peter Navarro releases 36-page report alleging election fraud ‘more than sufficient’ to swing victory to Trump. A great report by Peter. Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”

When a party invite says, “Be there, will be wild!” guests know to expect loud music and strong drinks — not a riot.

But just to be clear, there were two events on Jan 6, one outside and one inside the Capitol. The outside event was the actual Stop the Steal protest, and it was entirely peaceful. The indoor event was a confused riot. And by “confused,” I mean it had everything from peaceful weirdos like the Viking helmet guy (QAnon ‘Shaman’ Jacob Chansley) to the police killing of an unarmed protestor (Ashli Babbitt) in cold blood. Even more confusing, while some rioters — the violent ones — could be seen breaking Capitol Building windows, others were let in by police and allowed a lovely, off-hours tour.

Back to that emphasized line from the NBC News report. It said that“a confidential human source told the FBIthat the far right saw the tweet as a ‘call to arms’ and that there was a ‘big’ threat of violence on Jan. 6.”

The FBI mole told the FBI exactly what the FBI wanted to hear, “justifying” the FBI’s involvement on Jan 6.

PJ Media’s own Matt Margolis reported last week that there are “lingering questions about the riot are how many FBI agents and informants were embedded amongst the demonstrators and what role they played in instigating the violence.”

“How many informants were involved?” Matt asked. “We still don’t know exactly.”

As I quipped on Instapundit about Matt’s story last week, the Capitol Building riots look “increasingly like an FBI sausage party.” For those lucky enough to be uninitiated, a sausage party is a party/social event/dating app/etc. where the women fail to show up.

Then there’s riot organizer Ray Epps, who many on the Right believe to be an FBI informant. The Left dismisses that notion as a conspiracy theory, yet Epps was somehow given a slap on the wrist — he pled guilty last week to a single misdemeanor charge — while others received harsh treatment while awaiting trial and record-setting punishments after being found guilty.

Remember when we learned how the FBI fabricated out of whole cloth an extremist “plot” to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer?

As CJ Ciaramella put it for Reason last year, “The Whitmer case is more than just a high-profile embarrassment. It’s a window into the FBI’s decades long strategy, born of powers granted to fight the war on terror, of pursuing criminal investigations against hypothetical criminal acts that may never be committed based on evidence that amounts to little more than fringe political or ideological speech.”

I could write an entire additional column detailing the various ways Democrats have conveniently exploited Jan 6 to punish their political opponents and silence their critics.

“Never let a serious crisis go to waste,” Democrat Rahm Emanuel once said as his justification for expanding government power “to do things you think you could not do before.” And as I’ve added on many occasions about what Emanuel might have been thinking:“Not even if you have to create the crisis.”

So, yeah,I’m more than willing to accuse our modern-day Praetorian Guards of instigating the Jan 6 violence.


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e95884 No.92954

File: 151d47ec359be60⋯.png (218.34 KB,1161x971,1161:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612605 (261501ZSEP23) Notable: Impeach Recall ALL RINOS (RINO List)

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e95884 No.92955

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612607 (261502ZSEP23) Notable: 11:15 AM EDT Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

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11:15 AM EDT

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route to Wayne County, Michigan

Air Force One



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e95884 No.92956

File: c7896631489bda6⋯.png (858.58 KB,546x640,273:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612615 (261503ZSEP23) Notable: Swastikas, it is symbolic for the FOUR RIVERS?

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>stinking yid

>fuck you

>the real holocaust will find you,jew

And stop posting these stupid swastikas,

it is symbolic for the FOUR RIVERS,

that is number 4 rivers, okay?

According to a very old legend it is symbolic for a fountain of life, not death like you wish.

Picrel is symbolically the same thing, even the bible speaks of such and many other cultures.

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e95884 No.92957

File: 3e6509ca6a4eb9b⋯.png (96.68 KB,587x485,587:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612664 (261512ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Joe Biden’s draconian and indefensible Electric Vehicle mandate will annihilate the U.S. auto industry

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Donald J. Trump


Joe Biden’s draconian and indefensible Electric Vehicle mandate will annihilate the U.S. auto industry and cost countless thousands of autoworkers their jobs. The only thing Biden could say today that would help the striking autoworkers is to announce the immediate termination of his ridiculous mandate. Anything else is just a feeble and insulting attempt to distract American labor from this vicious Biden betrayal. Crooked Joe should be ashamed to show his face before these hardworking Americans he is stabbing in the back. With Biden, it doesn’t matter what hourly wages they get, in three years there will be no autoworker jobs as they will all come out of China and other countries. With me, there will be jobs and wages like you’ve never seen before. Our economy will grow!

Sep 26, 2023, 11:11 AM


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e95884 No.92958

File: 924b5c4304a778c⋯.png (1.85 MB,1080x718,540:359,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612691 (261516ZSEP23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

Sep 26, 2023

IC 4592: The Blue Horsehead Reflection Nebula

Do you see the horse's head? What you are seeing is not the famous Horsehead nebula toward Orion, but rather a fainter nebula that only takes on a familiar form with deeper imaging. The main part of the here-imaged molecular cloud complex is reflection nebula IC 4592. Reflection nebulas are made up of very fine dust that normally appears dark but can look quite blue when reflecting the visible light of energetic nearby stars. In this case, the source of much of the reflected light is a star at the eye of the horse. That star is part of Nu Scorpii, one of the brighter star systems toward the constellation of the Scorpion (Scorpius). A second reflection nebula dubbed IC 4601 is visible surrounding two stars above and to the right of the image center.


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e95884 No.92959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612709 (261521ZSEP23) Notable: There are more Nazis (.i.e. former German Nazis) in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world?, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: there_are_more_nazis_in_the_us.png

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Wernher VonBraun Part 5 of 7

There are more Nazis (.i.e. former German Nazis) in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world. At the convention in Cincinnati, three East Germans "gave him the Nazi victory sign." He reported all of them of the C.I.A."


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e95884 No.92960

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612736 (261527ZSEP23) Notable: Empty callsign Reg.:92-9000, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 92_9000.png

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empty callsign


United States

DB flags:military


BOEING 747-200

Type Desc.:L4J




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e95884 No.92961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612775 (261535ZSEP23) Notable: Senior Liberals join calls for Speaker to resign over inviting Ukrainian soldier with Nazi ties to Parliament

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Senior Liberals join calls for Speaker to resign over inviting Ukrainian soldier with Nazi ties to Parliament

'I think it's time for him to do the honourable thing,' Liberal cabinet minister Karina Gould says


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e95884 No.92962

File: b973b855ac90aff⋯.png (50.65 KB,871x301,871:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612789 (261539ZSEP23) Notable: JPMorgan Chase settles Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking suit

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JPMorgan Chase settles Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking suit


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e95884 No.92963

File: 7ec289eac03fa23⋯.png (258.73 KB,530x553,530:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612820 (261544ZSEP23) Notable: @OfficialFtSill All we know is full throttle! #FiresStrong

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All we know is full throttle! 🚀

#FiresStrong #TeamSill




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e95884 No.92964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612826 (261545ZSEP23) Notable: 11:15 AM EDT Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

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Jean-Pierre: [Biden] is fighting to ensure that cars of the future will be built in America, by unionized American workers, in good paying jobs, instead of being built in China.

[that is a response to President Trump exposing their plan to dump the US auto industry for China-made vehicles]

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e95884 No.92965

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612847 (261551ZSEP23) Notable: What everybody’s missing regarding Maricopa County election fraud: it’s all about the “TYPE” of paper they used…

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What everybody’s missing regarding Maricopa County election fraud: it’s all about the “TYPE” of paper they used…

September 23, 2023 (3 days ago)

Arizona was the focal point of electoral cheating scandals during both the 2020 and 2022 elections, with Maricopa County at the center of the storm. While many theories swirl about what actually transpired in Arizona during the 2020 election, one important thing has been overlooked – and it could be the key in unraveling the mystery – it’s all about the choice of paper that used for printing the ballots. Pollster Rasmussen has just shared some possible game-changing election fraud findings out of Arizona, and the one point, among many, that really caught our eye was something that was singled out in Maricopa County involving the ballots – but not in the way you may think. It looks like one of the biggest moves Dem may have made to secure AZ was with paper. It turns out that in AZ, there was only one type of paper that was approved for ballots. However, for some mysterious reason there were 10 different types of paper used. What does that tell you? Well, for most critical thinkers, that would mean there were a whole helluva lot of fake ballots out there, to the tune of about 200K. That’s less than what Biden won the state by.

Things that make you go “hmm,” right?


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e95884 No.92966

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612860 (261553ZSEP23) Notable: 11:15 AM EDT Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

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Jean-Pierre: Today is about the workers. That is what today is about.

Reporter: Will [Biden] be meeting with the auto executives while he is in town, and why not?

Jean-Pierre: Besides going to an active picket line, I don't have any other meetings to read out at this time.

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e95884 No.92967

File: 2a7355605d11866⋯.png (55.8 KB,589x285,31:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612874 (261555ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Did Stuart Varney of Fox Business, ... ever apologize for probably purposely mixing up my Poll numbers

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Donald J. Trump


Did Stuart Varney of Fox Business, who is hosting the upcoming “Job Application,”ever apologize for probably purposely mixing up my Poll numbers with Ron DeSanctimonious, making it look like he was winning, when in fact he is being CRUSHED. Varney took a lot of heat, but I still haven’t heard the word, “SORRY!” MAGA knew anyway, they didn’t have to look at a Fake Fox Post!!!

Sep 26, 2023, 11:48 AM


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e95884 No.92968

File: 2248272e359a23d⋯.png (432.72 KB,568x633,568:633,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612916 (261604ZSEP23) Notable: J6 Meme of the Thread

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e95884 No.92969

File: a0ffe0f12cf0f11⋯.png (52.83 KB,591x284,591:284,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612930 (261606ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump I watched Fox & Friends this morning, and it is totally unrecognizable.

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Donald J. Trump


I watched Fox & Friends this morning, and it is totally unrecognizable. All they do is “gush” over job seeking candidates that are 50 Points, plus, down to your favorite President, or speak endlessly about people that will never run and, without cheating, could never win…And what ever happened to Steve? No wonder their ratings are way down. MAGA!

Sep 26, 2023, 12:01 PM


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e95884 No.92970

File: 31f86f4792a3974⋯.png (265.43 KB,527x661,527:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612932 (261607ZSEP23) Notable: A #SkySoldier with 2nd Battalion, 503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment “The Rock” #StrongerTogether

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On the move 🪖

A #SkySoldier with 2nd Battalion, 503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment “The Rock” moves in a tactical formation after conducting an airborne operation onto Hohenfels Drop Zone in Germany 🇩🇪


📸 by Staff Sgt. John Yountz



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e95884 No.92971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612933 (261607ZSEP23) Notable: The Supreme Court will let Alabama's congressional map be redrawn to better represent Black voters

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The Supreme Court will let Alabama's congressional map be redrawn to better represent Black voters

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court on Tuesday allowed the drawing of a new Alabama congressional map with greater representation for Black voters to proceed. The new districts also could help Democrats trying to flip control of the House of Representatives.

The justices, without any noted dissent, rejected the state's plea to retain Republican-drawn lines that were turned down by a lower court.

In refusing to intervene, the high court allowed a court-appointed special master's work to continue. On Monday, he submitted three proposals that would create a second congressional district where Black voters comprise a majority of the voting age population or close to it.

The redrawing of the state's districts follows a June decision by the Supreme Court in which the state's congressional map that was drawn to reflect 2020 census results was found to dilute the voting power of the state’s Black residents. The map, which was used in the 2022 midterm elections, had just one majority Black district out of seven seats in a state where Black residents make up more than a quarter of the population.

A second district with a Democratic-leaning Black majority could send another Democrat to Congress at a time when Republicans hold a razor-thin majority in the House of Representatives. Federal lawsuits over state and congressional districts also are pending in Georgia, Louisiana and Texas.

Stark racial divisions characterize voting in Alabama. Black voters overwhelmingly favor Democratic candidates, and white voters prefer Republicans.

The lead plaintiff in the redistricting case, Evan Milligan, called Tuesday's ruling a “victory for all Alabamians” and said it puts the state closer to a map that provides fair representation. “It’s definitely a really positive step,” Milligan said in a telephone interview.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office did not immediately comment on the decision.

A three-judge panel has scheduled a hearing next week on proposed plans submitted by Richard Allen, the lawyer appointed by the judges. Allen's three proposals would alter the boundaries of Congressional District 2 so that Black voters comprise between 48.5% and 50.1% of the voting-age population, a shift that could put the seat in Democratic hands.

By contrast, the district drafted by GOP lawmakers and unanimously rejected by the three judges had a Black voting-age population of 39.9%, meaning it would continue to elect mostly white Republicans, according to data simulations run by those challenging the Republican plan.

The judges said Alabama lawmakers deliberately defied their directive to create a second district where Black voters could influence or determine the outcome.

Milligan and other Black voters had argued Alabama’s rearranged congressional map still meant that candidates preferred by Black voters had no chance of winning outside a single congressional district, now represented by Rep. Terri Sewell, the only Democrat and the only Black member of Alabama’s congressional delegation.

“It basically said if you were Black in Alabama, your vote would count for less,” Milligan said. “It was our duty and honor to challenge that.”

The state had wanted to use the newly drawn districts while it appeals the lower-court ruling to the Supreme Court.

Though Alabama lost its case in June by a 5-4 vote, the state leaned heavily on its hope of persuading one member of that slim majority, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, to essentially switch his vote.

The state’s court filing repeatedly cited a separate opinion Kavanaugh wrote in June that suggested he could be open to the state’s arguments in the right case. Kavanaugh, borrowing from Justice Clarence Thomas’ dissenting opinion, wrote that even if race-based redistricting was allowed under the Voting Rights Act for a period of time, “the authority to conduct race-based redistricting cannot extend indefinitely into the future.”


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e95884 No.92972

File: e28a90088c1be12⋯.png (264.61 KB,533x575,533:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612940 (261608ZSEP23) Notable: A B-52H’s engines set into action with a “cart start”. #B52sday

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💥 Going out with a bang💥

A B-52H’s engines set into action with a “cart start”. A cartridge start is a pyrotechnic method that allows these aircraft to be ready to serve in less than 10 minutes by jumpstarting the engines.



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e95884 No.92973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19612948 (261610ZSEP23) Notable: Biden planned on blowing up Nord Stream before Ukraine conflict began

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26 Sep, 2023 15:23

Biden planned on blowing up Nord Stream before Ukraine conflict began – Hersh

The CIA was ready to sabotage the pipelines as early as last January, intelligence sources told the veteran reporter

US President Joe Biden initially planned on destroying the Nord Stream gas pipelines to deter Russia from launching its military operation in Ukraine, American journalist Seymour Hersh reported on Tuesday. However, Hersh alleged that thesabotage operation went ahead later not to deter Russia, but to harm the German economy.

The Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines, which connected Russia and Germany under the Baltic Sea, were destroyed in a series of underwater explosions exactly a year ago on Tuesday. Competing theories have emerged as to who was to blame, with mainstream media in the West blaming a Ukrainian commando unit and Seymour Hersh claiming that the CIA carried out the operation under direct orders from Biden.

In a blog post on Tuesday, Hersh alleged that US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan convened a series of meetings in late 2021, tasking intelligence officials with coming up with a means of deterring Russian President Vladimir Putin from sending troops into Ukraine.

“The White House’s policy was to deter Russia from an attack,” an intelligence source told Hersh. “The challenge it gave to the intelligence community was to come up with a way that was powerful enough to do that, and to make a strong statement of American capability.”

By January, as Russian forces were massing on the Ukrainian border, the CIA had “solved the problem,” the source said. With a plan in place to plant remotely-detonated explosives on the pipelines under the Baltic Sea, Biden warned in early February that in the event of military action by Russia, “there will no longer be a Nord Stream 2. We will bring an end to it.”

Following Biden’s statement, which was delivered alongside German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, the CIA team tasked with sabotaging the pipelines received new orders, Hersh claimed. Instead of immediately destroying Nord Stream, the team was instructed to plant the explosives for detonation at a later date.

“It was then that we understood that the attack on the pipelines was not a deterrent because as the war went on we never got the command,” a member of the team told Hersh.

“We realized that the destruction of the two Russian pipelines was not related to the Ukrainian war,” the source continued. “But was part of a neocon political agendato keep Scholz and Germany, with winter coming up and the pipelines shut down,from getting cold feet and opening up.”

According to Hersh’s earlier reporting, CIA divers planted the explosives last summer with the help of the Norwegian navy, using a NATO exercise in the region as cover. By the time the bombs were triggered in September, the flow of Russian gas to Germany via Nord Stream 1 had already been slowed to a trickle by Russia in response to Western sanctions, while Nord Stream 2 was never certified to begin operation by Scholz’s government. However, with the German economy heavily dependent on Russian gas, Biden reportedly feared that Scholz would choose reproachment with Moscow over support for Ukraine.

“The President of the United States would rather see Germany freeze than [see] Germany possibly stop supporting Ukraine,”Hersh declared earlier this year.


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e95884 No.92974

File: 9d44e1e2c68365c⋯.png (328.64 KB,530x540,53:54,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613007 (261624ZSEP23) Notable: North Korea tells UN that peninsula ‘on the brink of nuclear war’

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BREAKING: North Korea tells UN that peninsula ‘on the brink of nuclear war’

READ: https://insiderpaper.com/north-korea-tells-un-that-peninsula-on-the-brink-of-nuclear-war/


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e95884 No.92975

File: d424aa9cc87383f⋯.png (31.38 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613028 (261632ZSEP23) Notable: Pumpkin Pepe

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e95884 No.92976

File: 95dad04d8f48e65⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB,1170x1665,26:37,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613038 (261636ZSEP23) Notable: Tomorrow’s National Scarf Day

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Tomorrow’s National Scarf Day


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e95884 No.92977

File: 5607ed0b9c0e8ea⋯.png (500 KB,840x1216,105:152,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613052 (261639ZSEP23) Notable: Tomorrow’s National Scarf Day

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e95884 No.92978

File: 1645652be0aaf16⋯.png (301.11 KB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

File: 6de04fc3e6516ad⋯.png (969.66 KB,1910x1028,955:514,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613060 (261641ZSEP23) Notable: Last supermoon of 2023 rises this week. Don't miss the Harvest Moon shine with 3 bright planets

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Last supermoon of 2023 rises this week. Don't miss the Harvest Moon shine with 3 bright planets

Sep 25, 2023

September’s full moon, known as the Harvest Moon, will rise on Friday, Sept. 29 — and it is a special one. Not only will it be the fourth successive supermoon of 2023, but it is also the final supermoon of the year, thus marking the end of a very supermoon summer.

Fittingly for such a special supermoon, the Harvest Moon will also be joined by a parade of planets in the sky, including the solar system’s largest worlds, Jupiter and Saturn, as well as its smallest, Mercury.

From New York City, the fully illuminated moon will rise at around 18:33 EDT (2233 GMT) and set the following day at around 06:52 EDT (1052 GMT), according to In the Sky. Following the full moon, which will be located in the Pisces constellation, the lunar face will recede, a process astronomers call "waning." After that, Earth's natural satellite will head toward its next intriguing phase, turning into a completely dark new moon on Oct. 14, which will mark the start of a new 29.5-day lunar cycle.

The run of four consecutive supermoons began with the Full Buck Moon on July 3. This was followed by two supermoons in August, the Full Sturgeon Moon on Tuesday, Aug. 1, and the Full Blue Moon on Aug. 30..

The term "supermoon" refers to full moons that happen around the time when the moon is closest to Earth in its orbit, an approach called perigee. This happens because the moon’s orbit around Earth is an ellipse rather than a perfect circle, meaning there are times when it falls further away from our planet and times when it comes closer.

The proximity of the moon during supermoons means the lunar disk can appear around 30% brighter and around 14% larger as seen from Earth compared to the appearance of the lunar face during "regular" full moons. These differences may be visible to moon-watchers with a lot of experience observing lunar events, but aren’t really that noticeable with the unaided eye to skywatchers who don’t often scrutinize the moon.

The moon will reach perigee in the evening of Wednesday, Sept. 27, at around 21:06 EDT (0106 GMT), two days before the Harvest Moon, according to NASA. By the time the moon’s fully illuminated face is turned toward Earth, it will be around 224,657 miles (361,552 kilometers) from our planet, according to eclipse expert and retired NASA astrophysicist Fred Espanak. This is opposed to the moon's average distance from Earth, which falls around 238,000 miles (382,900 km).

However, this won't be the closest or, therefore, brightest supermoon of 2023. During the Aug. 30 Full Blue Moon, the moon was around 222,043 miles (357,343 km) from Earth, according to Espanak.

The first planet to visit the final supermoon of 2023 on Saturday will be Saturn, the second-largest planet in the solar system, which will rise at around 17:18 EDT (2118 GMT) and will sit in the Aquarius constellation, according to In the Sky. Saturn’s fellow gas giant and the solar system’s largest planet, Jupiter, will rise at 20:17 EDT (0017 GMT). Jupiter will sit to the left of the Harvest Moon in the Aries constellation.

Mercury will be the last planet to pay the Harvest Moon a visit and will be the toughest to spot. The closest planet to the sun, Mercury is currently at its furthest from our host star. Though it appears in the morning sky, it disappears in the evening. On Saturday, the solar system’s smallest planet will rise at around 05:30 (0930 GMT). Mercury will share the sky with the full moon for just over an hour before the final supermoon of the year sets.

Skywatchers who miss the Harvest Moon will have to wait a while for the next supermoon, which will also be a Harvest Moon, rising on Sept. 18, 2024. This will be the first of two supermoons next year, with the second occurring a month later on Oct. 17, 2024.


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e95884 No.92979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613067 (261642ZSEP23) Notable: Swamp Schedule

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12:30 AM EDT

The Honorable Glenn Youngkin

The Economic Club of Washington, D.C.



Virginia Governor at Economic Club of Washington, DC

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin (R) discusses his policy priorities, the 2023 elections, and other topics at the Economic Club of Washington, DC.


12:45 PM EDT

Department Press Briefing with Spokesperson Matthew Miller

Department of State




State Department Daily Briefing

State Department Spokesperson Matt Miller briefs reporters and responds to questions on a range of foreign policy matters facing the Biden administration.


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e95884 No.92980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613146 (261701ZSEP23) Notable: LIVE: Biden joins UAW picket line

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LIVE: Mr. Biden joins UAW picket line

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e95884 No.92981

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613185 (261707ZSEP23) Notable: #24085

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#24085 >>92945

>>92946 ‘Killed’ Russian fleet commander spotted in new MOD video

>>92947 The Great Qing Code

>>92948 Q+ retruth "REQDY"

>>92949, >>92951 John Garrido III [retired Chicago Police Officer, Violent Crime Hearing]:

>>92950 Russian drone strikes Ukrainian jet from long range (VIDEO)

>>92952, >>92954 Impeach Recall ALL RINOS (RINO List)

>>92953 FBI Predicted Those Jan 6 Riots They Instigated

>>92955, >>92964, >>92966 11:15 AM EDT Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

>>92956 Swastikas, it is symbolic for the FOUR RIVERS?

>>92957 @realDonaldTrump Joe Biden’s draconian and indefensible Electric Vehicle mandate will annihilate the U.S. auto industry

>>92958 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>92959 There are more Nazis (.i.e. former German Nazis) in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world?

>>92960 Empty callsign Reg.:92-9000

>>92961 Senior Liberals join calls for Speaker to resign over inviting Ukrainian soldier with Nazi ties to Parliament

>>92962 JPMorgan Chase settles Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking suit

>>92963 @OfficialFtSill All we know is full throttle! #FiresStrong

>>92965 What everybody’s missing regarding Maricopa County election fraud: it’s all about the “TYPE” of paper they used…

>>92967 @realDonaldTrump Did Stuart Varney of Fox Business, ... ever apologize for probably purposely mixing up my Poll numbers

>>92968 J6 Meme of the Thread

>>92969 @realDonaldTrump I watched Fox & Friends this morning, and it is totally unrecognizable.

>>92970 A #SkySoldier with 2nd Battalion, 503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment “The Rock” #StrongerTogether

>>92971 The Supreme Court will let Alabama's congressional map be redrawn to better represent Black voters

>>92972 A B-52H’s engines set into action with a “cart start”. #B52sday

>>92973 Biden planned on blowing up Nord Stream before Ukraine conflict began

>>>/qresearch/19613004 MG SHOW LIVE - LIVE 12:05 ET: MG Show Season Five Ep. 164

>>92974 North Korea tells UN that peninsula ‘on the brink of nuclear war’

>>92975 Pumpkin Pepe

>>92976, >>92977 Tomorrow’s National Scarf Day

>>92978 Last supermoon of 2023 rises this week. Don't miss the Harvest Moon shine with 3 bright planets

>>92979 Swamp Schedule

>>92980 LIVE: Biden joins UAW picket line


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e95884 No.92982

File: 151d47ec359be60⋯.png (218.34 KB,1161x971,1161:971,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613213 (261711ZSEP23) Notable: #24086

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#24086 https://fullchan.net/?8b662405fe81bd1b#AYX9urStsXzat8aEcnHK3kCbAfixkij1cNEBCs3jWpHS

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e95884 No.92983

File: 0340da68dce66d6⋯.png (307.57 KB,568x319,568:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613252 (261720ZSEP23) Notable: VW temporarily curbs production of electric vehicles in Zwickau and Dresden due to weakening demand

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JUST IN - VW temporarily curbs production of electric vehicles in Zwickau and Dresden due to weakening demand — n-tv


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e95884 No.92984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613256 (261721ZSEP23) Notable: Is Hunter Biden is trying to use lawsuits to get dirt on would be witnesses against him?

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Joseph A. Camp




Hunter Biden has just sued @RudyGiuliani (not sure if this is account). He has previously sued @GarrettZiegler of @MarcoPolo501c3 for essentially the same thing.

My take is he is trying to use the lawsuits to get dirt on would be witnesses against him in the special counsel criminal charge(s?). Discovery in the civil matters could be faster than than discovery in criminal case.


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e95884 No.92985

File: 1e66cb9d4d3334d⋯.png (831.19 KB,1024x768,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613270 (261724ZSEP23) Notable: Trump was in South Carolina for that speech. Is the 5 month connection here to the SC D Primary?

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Found this article.

Trump was in South Carolina for that speech.

Is the 5 month connection here to the SC D Primary?


According to the proposal recommended by Mr. Biden and adopted by the party’s Rules and Bylaws Committee, South Carolina would now go first, holding its primary on Feb. 3, 2024. Three days later, Nevada and New Hampshire would follow. Georgians would vote next on Feb. 13, then Michiganders on Feb. 27.

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e95884 No.92986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613277 (261725ZSEP23) Notable: Secretary Blinken delivers remarks, portrait unveiling of the 67th Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

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1:30 PM EDT

Secretary Antony J. Blinken delivers remarks at a portrait unveiling of the 67th Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

Department of State





Secretary of State Clinton Portrait Unveiling Ceremony


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e95884 No.92987

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613283 (261726ZSEP23) Notable: Trump spokesperson reverses, says ex-president didn’t buy Glock at South Carolina gun store

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Trump spokesperson reverses, says ex-president didn’t buy Glock at South Carolina gun store

BY CAROLINE VAKIL - 09/25/23 2:56 PM ET

Campaign spokesman Steven Cheung initially wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, that the former president had purchased a Glock firearm.

Cheung also posted a video of Trump at the firearm store. In it, the former president points to a firearm and says, “I want to buy one.” Cheung’s video and a separate post by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) showed Trump posing with the gun.

Among those with Trump at the store included Greene and South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson (R), whose endorsement, along with 12 others, were touted by the Trump campaign earlier on Monday.

But CNN reporter Alayna Treene later said the news outlet had confirmed Trump hadn’t bought the firearm. Cheung’s post on X has since been deleted.

“Trump spokesman Steven Cheung clarifies to CNN that Trump did not actually purchase a gun while visiting the armory in South Carolina,” Treene wrote on X.

It is a federal crime to receive a firearm while under felony indictment or to sell a firearm to someone under felony indictment.

Trump currently faces 91 counts across four criminal indictments. He pleaded not guilty to all the charges.

But the laws are among a series of provisions that have come under constitutional challenges in the wake of the Supreme Court’s landmark expansion of gun rights last summer.


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e95884 No.92988

File: d4562609cb70827⋯.jpeg (231.8 KB,1125x685,225:137,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613286 (261726ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump: FoxNews was our VOICE, but sadly, that VOICE has developed a serious case of Laryngitis!!!

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e95884 No.92989

File: 8aada5bec9a5fb7⋯.jpeg (298.04 KB,1125x1009,1125:1009,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613294 (261728ZSEP23) Notable: @FAKEPOTUS: Today, I'm in Wayne County, Michigan to join UAW members on the picket line

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e95884 No.92990

File: 4388179e272dd20⋯.jpg (25.6 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613299 (261728ZSEP23) Notable: Photos show Ambassador Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt

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Photos show Ambassador Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt.

Photos show Ambassador Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt

Yovanovitch previously called Burisma and Hunter Biden not “a front burner issue” during her time as ambassador.


That's a band aid?

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e95884 No.92991

File: fbecf7e71f1020b⋯.png (262.92 KB,600x519,200:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613313 (261731ZSEP23) Notable: The President of the International Criminal Court Piotr Hofmanski has been declared wanted under a criminal article

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Sep 25

The President of the International Criminal Court Piotr Hofmanski has been declared wanted under a criminal article, according to the Russian Interior Ministry’s data base:



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e95884 No.92992

File: 9ada626077b2636⋯.jpeg (969.34 KB,1125x1887,375:629,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613329 (261733ZSEP23) Notable: Dems, Repubs sent over $100,000,000,000 of YOUR $$ to corrupt foreign government & there's NO oversight

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e95884 No.92993

File: 06fd87ce056ad30⋯.webp (49.54 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613330 (261733ZSEP23) Notable: Is Hunter Biden is trying to use lawsuits to get dirt on would be witnesses against him?

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Tampering, Manipulating Data’ – Hunter Biden Sues Rudy Giuliani For Trying to ‘Hack Into’ Laptop From Hell.

Hunter Biden on Tuesday filed a civil lawsuit in a federal court in California against Rudy Giuliani and his former lawyer Robert Costello claiming they violated state and federal computer privacy laws when they ‘hacked into’ his laptop from hell.

The lawsuit alleges Giuliani and Costello spent years “hacking into, tampering with, manipulating, copying, disseminating, and generally obsessing over data that they were given that was taken or stolen from” his laptops.

How convenient! After denying the laptop is even his, Hunter Biden is now claiming the data has been manipulated.

“Plaintiff has demanded Defendants Giuliani and Costello cease their unlawful activities with respect to Plaintiff’s data and return any data in their possession belonging to Plaintiff, but they have refused to do so,” attorneys for Hunter Biden wrote in the lawsuit, according to CNN. “Defendants’ statements suggest that their unlawful hacking activities are ongoing today and that, unless stopped, will continue into the future, thereby necessitating this action.”


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e95884 No.92994

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613344 (261735ZSEP23) Notable: Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation

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1:20 PM EDT

Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation, Atlanta, Georgia

Vice President Harris participates in a moderated conversation with Gia Peppers and Cedric Richmond as part of her nationwide "Fight for Our Freedoms" college tour.



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e95884 No.92995

File: efd82da40cdb369⋯.jpg (42.74 KB,1024x587,1024:587,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613356 (261737ZSEP23) Notable: Under Joe Biden’s leadership, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent M's of $$ in taxpayer funds on military grade hardware

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Agency has been spending millions on military equipment

A new report in the Washington Free Beacon notes that under Joe Biden’s leadership, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent millions of dollars in taxpayer funds on military grade hardware.

Why Shelf-Stable Beef Will Be an Extremely Valuable Commodity in the Near Future

The supplies include advanced combat equipment, reconnaissance supplies, guns, ammunition and more.

And now a U.S. senator wants to know what’s going on.

The report explained Biden’s EPA already has spent $2,892,770 on those items, a surge of 143% from what was spent during the entire Trump administration.

Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, of the Senate Budget Committee, wrote to the EPA asking for an explanation.

The Free Beacon reported, “The climate agency’s spending spree on guns, ammunition, and advanced tactical equipment is the subject of an oversight probe helmed by Grassley, who described the EPA’s militarization as ‘frightening.’ The congressional investigation comes just months after a watchdog group found that non-law enforcement agencies in the federal government, such as the EPA and Internal Revenue Service, have spent nearly $4 billion in taxpayer funds since 2006 stockpiling all manner of guns, ammunition, and ‘military-style equipment.'”

Grassley, explaining his concerns, told the publication, “The Biden EPA already has a reputation for overstepping its bounds, and that makes the agency’s militarization all the more frightening. We need to know what exactly EPA is doing with this equipment, and whether it serves the interests of the American people.”

Since 2006, the report noted, the EPA has purchased $10 million worth of various pieces, including “unmanned aircraft, night vision, and radar equipment.”

The Free Beacon report noted when Barack Obama was in office, the EPA bought nearly $6.6 million in guns, armor and such, only about $2 million while Trump was in office.

Grassley noted his review already has found the EPA, charged with protecting the nation’s environment, with obtaining mobile command vehicles, and mobile command posts.


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e95884 No.92996

File: e4208fd7b8c4a6d⋯.jpeg (700.97 KB,1125x1856,1125:1856,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 68fb8c1a58e589f⋯.jpeg (302.2 KB,1125x958,1125:958,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613362 (261738ZSEP23) Notable: Matt Gaetz Tells House To Withhold His Pay During Gov Shutdown

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e95884 No.92997

File: 79ffadc912f4c38⋯.jpg (393.42 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 349ec8e4b9974bc⋯.jpg (441.08 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7a3993ce61c129d⋯.jpg (443.56 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 47459a8db47bebd⋯.jpg (324.05 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1cf560bf1e52a6e⋯.jpg (329.35 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613429 (261751ZSEP23) Notable: Under Joe Biden’s leadership, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent M's of $$ in taxpayer funds on military grade hardware

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e95884 No.92998

File: f6c0b14962ff051⋯.jpg (255.27 KB,1700x2200,17:22,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c37a8f4620a1920⋯.jpg (46.37 KB,1020x1144,255:286,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613437 (261753ZSEP23) Notable: Under Joe Biden’s leadership, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent M's of $$ in taxpayer funds on military grade hardware

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e95884 No.92999

File: b2417461bdfbfc2⋯.png (606.33 KB,895x934,895:934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613454 (261757ZSEP23) Notable: US says Amazon running illegal monopoly in online retail

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BREAKING: US says Amazon running illegal monopoly in online retail

September 26, 2023 12:21 pm

A top US antitrust regulator sued Amazon on Tuesday, accusing the online retail behemoth of running an illegal monopoly by stifling potential rivals.

“Our complaint lays out how Amazon has used a set of punitive and coercive tactics to unlawfully maintain its monopolies,” said Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan.

The FTC, which was joined by 17 states in the case, said Amazon broke antitrust laws in two ways.

In the first instance, the case alleges Amazon punishes companies that sell items elsewhere at lower prices by downranking their products on the site.

It also coerces sellers into signing on to Amazon’s “costly” fulfillment service in order to be exposed to Prime customers that are the site’s biggest and most catered-to users, the FTC said.

“Seldom in the history of US antitrust law has one case had the potential to do so much good for so many people,” said John Newman, Deputy Director of the FTC’s Bureau of Competition.

Amazon said it firmly rejected the premise of the case.

“Today’s suit makes clear the FTC’s focus has radically departed from its mission of protecting consumers and competition,” said David Zapolsky, Amazon Senior Vice President of Global Public Policy.

“The lawsuit filed by the FTC today is wrong on the facts and the law, and we look forward to making that case in court,” he added.

The case is hugely symbolic for Khan, who made her name in academia for questioning whether antitrust laws were fit for purpose in the digital age in a paper titled “Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox”.

Her celebrated paper was a retort to a seminal work by conservative scholar Robert Bork that said enforcers of fair competition should leave mergers alone unless a clear risk of higher prices and a threat to consumers could be proven.

Written in the 1970s, that philosophy guided the government’s attitudes and influenced the judges deciding the biggest cases today.

US President Joe Biden in 2021 picked Khan to lead the agency in charge of safeguarding the interest of consumers and preserving a level playing field for businesses.

Her track record since taking the job has been checkered after a series of court defeats sowed doubt that she will put an end to decades of Washington’s light-touch approach to antitrust regulation.

In July, Khan was handed her latest loss when a federal court threw out her agency’s objection to Microsoft’s $69 billion buyout of video game giant Activision.

She had suffered an earlier defeat in the same San Francisco courtroom, when a judge said the FTC’s opposition to Facebook-owner Meta buying Within, a VR software company, was out of bounds.

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e95884 No.93000

File: 2f72236edb55c3a⋯.png (816.85 KB,1232x1260,44:45,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c184290d5b8fed⋯.png (187.05 KB,638x900,319:450,Clipboard.png)

File: fa451be0f36f854⋯.png (352.67 KB,500x333,500:333,Clipboard.png)

File: 6172d3480ccae6a⋯.png (196.12 KB,500x312,125:78,Clipboard.png)

File: a68b4aec690cf89⋯.png (161.51 KB,519x905,519:905,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613458 (261757ZSEP23) Notable: Polish Minister Has 'Taken Steps' To Extradite Ukrainian Nazi Veteran Honored By Trudeau Govt

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>Poland Considers War Crimes Extradition for WWII Nazi Applauded by Trudeau and Zelenskyyyy

Polish Minister Has 'Taken Steps' To Extradite Ukrainian Nazi Veteran Honored By Trudeau Govt

A high ranking Polish government official is pressing for Warsaw to begin an extradition request for Yaroslav Hunka, the 98-year-old Ukrainian Canadian who served the Nazi SS Galizien formation in WWII. Hunka was hailed as a "Ukrainian hero" and a "Canadian hero" by Justin Trudea's government days ago, receiving a standing ovation in the House of Commons also as Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky looked on and cheered.

Polish Education Minister Przemysław Czarnek announced on Tuesday he has "taken steps" to initiate the extradition of Hunka to Poland for possible war crimes.

"In view of the scandalous events in the Canadian Parliament, which involved honoring, in the presence of President Zelenskyy, a member of the criminal Nazi SS Galizien formation, I have taken steps towards the possible extradition of this man to Poland," Czarnek said in a Tuesday social media post.

Canadian public broadcaster CBC has confirmed the Polish minister's announcement, saying it adds pressure to growing calls for Speaker Anthony Rota to step down, after he took responsibility for inviting and failing to properly vet the Nazi war veteran:

Opposition parties said it's not enough for Rota to apologize for inviting Hunka to the day's festivities. NDP MP Peter Julian, the party's House leader, said "regretfully and sadly" Rota cannot continue in his role after this incident.

"The Speaker has to be above reproach," Julian said. "This is an unforgivable error that puts the entire House in disrepute. Unfortunately, I believe a sacred trust has been broken."

Polish Education Minister Przemysław Czarnek's announcement saying legal extradition is being pursued:



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e95884 No.93001

File: 525a7d3cb58d4b9⋯.png (1.04 MB,753x792,251:264,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613475 (261801ZSEP23) Notable: Cuba Tries to Pin Bob Menendez Scandal on ‘Ultraconservatives’: ‘The Most Republican Democrat’

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Almost like all the faggot communists are in concert

Schumer worked hard to get him elected last time. He should stay and Schumer can own it

Cuba Tries to Pin Bob Menendez Scandal on ‘Ultraconservatives’: ‘The Most Republican Democrat’


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e95884 No.93002

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613477 (261802ZSEP23) Notable: Pete Evans - It’s Time To Reverse What The [DS] Has Pushed On Us, Food Is Medicine

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Pete Evans - It’s Time To Reverse What The [DS] Has Pushed On Us, Food Is Medicine

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e95884 No.93003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613488 (261804ZSEP23) Notable: Hunter Biden Sues Giuliani For 'Hacking' His Abandoned Laptop

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Hunter Biden Sues Giuliani For 'Hacking' His Abandoned Laptop

According to the complaint, Giuliani and Costello broke the law when they accessed the data given them to by the owner of said shop, John Paul Mac Isaac - who Hunter sued in March. More recently, the younger Biden also sued a former Trump White House aide for publishing the contents of his laptop on his website, Marco Polo. (Mac Isaac sued Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), CNN, Politico and the Daily Beast in May of 2022 for suggesting he was a Kremlin operative. The case is still pending in Sussex County, Del.).

"In light of the foregoing illegal activities by Defendants, their refusals to cease and desist in their unlawful behavior, and their apparent intention to continue violating the law in the future, Plaintiff has no alternative but to commence this lawsuit," Biden's attorney wrote in the suit filed on Tuesday in Los Angeles federal court.

Giuliani and his allies have long argued that the purported laptop was fair game because it was allegedly abandoned. But at the heart of the lawsuit is the argument that regardless of where any piece of computer hardware was located, Hunter Biden’s data still belongs to him alone. A member of his legal team, granted anonymity to discuss his newly aggressive legal strategy, put it this way: “If you take your coat to the dry cleaner and leave your wallet in it, and you forget to pick it up, it doesn’t mean the dry cleaner gets the wallet and all your money. It’s just common sense.” -Politico

"Everyone involved in stealing and manipulating Hunter’s data should be hearing footsteps right about now," said a member of Hunter's legal team who hinted that more litigation could follow.


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e95884 No.93004

File: e0140d953630704⋯.png (414.24 KB,942x795,314:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613514 (261811ZSEP23) Notable: CIA getting their own ChatGPT-style Artificial intelligence (AI) tool to sift through an avalanche of public information for clues. -

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BREAKING: CIA getting their own ChatGPT-style Artificial intelligence (AI) tool to sift through an avalanche of public information for clues. - Bloomberg

Anon says the irony is that MS Edge (as part of O365) is already approved by FEDRAMP. Edge of course is integrated with BING which is integrated with next gen OPEN AI large language models...(more advanced than CHATGPT). But hey, who am i

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e95884 No.93005

File: 3bc03640e1cb483⋯.png (203.46 KB,492x442,246:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613533 (261813ZSEP23) Notable: UK Home Secretary: "Multiculturalism has failed."

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NOW - UK Home Secretary: "Multiculturalism has failed."

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e95884 No.93006

File: 26c1c23e8861b5c⋯.png (275.59 KB,600x407,600:407,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613555 (261819ZSEP23) Notable: Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton Claims Blocking Children’s Access to Explicit Books is ‘White Supremacy’

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Fucken pedos

Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton Claims Blocking Children’s Access to Explicit Books is ‘White Supremacy’

Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton has signed a letter with 175 other artists denouncing efforts to block children’s access to sexually explicit books as “white supremacy.”

Other signatories of the letter include the usual suspects, such as Bravo’s Andy Cohen, Alyssa Milano, Ariana Grande, Bill Nye, Chelsea Handler, Judd Apatow, Judy Blume, Mark Ruffalo, Zooey Deschanel, and Ron Perlman.

The campaign is being run by far-left organization MoveOn.

“Far-right politicians like Ron DeSantis are championing draconian laws to ban books and the teaching of accurate multicultural American history in favor of upholding a homophobic, transphobic, and white supremacist vision of our nation,” the group’s website states.

The letter states, “This restrictive behavior is not just antithetical to free speech and expression but has a chilling effect on the broader creative field. The government cannot and should not create any interference or dictate what people can produce, write, generate, read, listen to, or consume.”

“We cannot stress enough how these censorious efforts will not end with book bans. It’s only a matter of time before regressive, suppressive ideologues will shift their focus toward other forms of art and entertainment, to further their attacks and efforts to scapegoat marginalized communities, particularly BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks,” the letter continues. “We refuse to remain silent as one creative field is subjected to oppressive bans. As artists, we must band together, because a threat to one form of art is a threat to us all.”

The letter concludes by saying, “We are calling on everyone to join us in pushing back against these book bans, support free and open creative industries—regardless of personal or ideological disagreements—and use their voice at the local level to stop these bans in their school districts. There is power in artistic freedom, and we refuse to allow draconian politicians to take that from us.”

Burton also wrote his own statement about the letter, saying, “It’s embarrassing that we are banning books in this country, in this culture, in this day and age. And it’s dangerous that a handful of individuals are deciding that any book with Black and queer people is divisive. I’m proud to be surrounded by hundreds of artists and millions of MoveOn members who are solidly against this type of censorship. We are calling on everyone to join us in raising their voices to uphold artistic freedom, embrace multicultural history, and put a stop once and for all to book bans.”

Burton has previously urged children to read banned books, saying on The Daily Show in 2002 that “that’s where the good stuff is.”


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e95884 No.93007

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613586 (261825ZSEP23) Notable: FCC Chair Rosenworcel Remarks on Net Neutrality

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2:30 PM ET

FCC Chair Rosenworcel Remarks on Net Neutrality

FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel delivers remarks on reinstating net neutrality rules that were rescinded under the Trump administration.


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e95884 No.93008

File: b22dd18c15cb545⋯.png (1.01 MB,768x960,4:5,Clipboard.png)

File: 50368a3609397d5⋯.png (559.07 KB,727x790,727:790,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613606 (261828ZSEP23) Notable: Tech CEO Pava LaPere, 26, found dead with blunt-force trauma inside her apartment

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Tech CEO Pava LaPere, 26, found dead with blunt-force trauma inside her apartment

A female tech CEO who appeared on the Forbes 30 under 30 list has been found dead in her Baltimore apartment with blunt-force trauma after being reported missing.

Pava LaPere, 26, was found inside her luxury Mount Vernon apartment by police Monday morning shortly after she was reported missing.

The EcoMap founder was found with blunt-force trauma, according to police.

The medical examiner’s office “took possession of the victim’s body,” police said.

It is unknown whether LaPere had any guests over prior to her death. It appeared she was single on her social media pages.

“That’s pretty horrifying,” building tenant Chris McNees told CBS News Baltimore.

“I mean, just for that to happen anywhere in the city is obviously a bad thing, but it’s hard to imagine why this would happen specifically in this building.”

The Forbes 30 Under 30 honoree lived in the former Congress Hotel, which has since been renovated into apartments. One-bedroom apartments go for around $1,500 per month, according to the building’s management company Zahlco.

LaPere started her eco company from her dorm room at Johns Hopkins University. The purpose of her company is to make ecosystems information accessible to everyone along with “powerful technology to digitize ecosystems,” according to the company’s website.

“Whether you’re talking about a college alumni network or an entire industry, ecosystems are largely invisible. When ecosystems are invisible, they are inaccessible. When they are inaccessible, they are inequitable. When they are inequitable, they are inefficient. We’re making the invisible, visible so that all ecosystems can thrive,” it said.

LaPere’s company has managed to raise $7 million in funding in the last year and a half.


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e95884 No.93009

File: 8f5a14fece3c907⋯.png (23.78 KB,489x343,489:343,Clipboard.png)

File: fe0adb81d8d78b2⋯.png (98.37 KB,989x716,989:716,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613613 (261829ZSEP23) Notable: Our molnupiravir work is now out after peer-review! We definitively demonstrate that molnupiravir has resulted in viable SARS-CoV-2 viruses with significant numbers of mutations

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Theo Sanderson


📄 📄 Our molnupiravir work is now out after peer-review! We definitively demonstrate that molnupiravir has resulted in viable SARS-CoV-2 viruses with significant numbers of mutations, in some cases with onwards transmission of mutated viruses.


A molnupiravir-associated mutational signature in global SARS-CoV-2 genomes

Nature - A molnupiravir-associated mutational signature in global SARS-CoV-2 genomes

10:17 AM · Sep 25, 2023


A molnupiravir-associated mutational signature in global SARS-CoV-2 genomes


Molnupiravir, an antiviral medication that has been widely used against SARS-CoV-2, acts by inducing mutations in the virus genome during replication. Most random mutations are likely to be deleterious to the virus, and many will be lethal, and so molnupiravir-induced elevated mutation rates reduce viral load1,2. However, if some patients treated with molnupiravir do not fully clear SARS-CoV-2 infections, there could be the potential for onward transmission of molnupiravir-mutated viruses. Here we show that SARS-CoV-2 sequencing databases contain extensive evidence of molnupiravir mutagenesis. Using a systematic approach, we find that a specific class of long phylogenetic branches, distinguished by a high proportion of G-to-A and C-to-T mutations, appear almost exclusively in sequences from 2022, after the introduction of molnupiravir treatment, and in countries and age-groups with widespread usage of the drug. We identify a mutational spectrum, with preferred nucleotide contexts, from viruses in patients known to have been treated with molnupiravir and show that its signature matches that seen in these long branches, in some cases with onwards transmission of molnupiravir-derived lineages. Finally, we analyse treatment records to confirm a direct association between these high G-to-A branches and the use of molnupiravir.

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e95884 No.93010

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613625 (261832ZSEP23) Notable: US says Amazon running illegal monopoly in online retail

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FTC and 17 States Sue Amazon Alleging Monopolistic Practices

Amazon finds itself in the crosshairs of the FTC and 17 states, facing accusations of engaging in illegal conduct and monopolistic practices within its online store and merchant services.

According to the FTC, “The complaint alleges that Amazon violates the law not because it is big, but because it engages in a course of exclusionary conduct that prevents current competitors from growing and new competitors from emerging. By stifling competition on price, product selection, quality, and by preventing its current or future rivals from attracting a critical mass of shoppers and sellers, Amazon ensures that no current or future rival can threaten its dominance. Amazon’s far-reaching schemes impact hundreds of billions of dollars in retail sales every year, touch hundreds of thousands of products sold by businesses big and small and affect over a hundred million shoppers.”

Amazon has evolved from a modest online bookseller to a sprawling conglomerate with significant stakes in retail, entertainment, and internet infrastructure with a market cap of more than $1.3 trillion. The company’s extensive marketplace, popular with consumers for its diverse product range and swift delivery services, has been a focal point of its power, impacting merchants globally and even influencing the operational dynamics of the U.S. Postal Service.

The states that have joined the FTC lawsuit include: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Wisconsin.

Breitbart News has reported extensively on the investigations into how Amazon treats sellers that use the platform. As early as 2019, regulators were talking to sellers who were impacted by Amazon’s policies:

Bloomberg states that the nature of the current inquiries imply that the FTC is performing a sweeping investigation of Amazon’s business rather than responding to complaints on a case by case basis. Michael Kades, who spent 20 years at the FTC stated: “Early in an investigation, that’s a sign of staff doing a serious job. They’re spending lots of time with witnesses and trying to really understand what they’re saying.”

Jennifer Rie, an analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence who specializes in antitrust litigation, commented on the investigation stating: “They’re trying to learn as much as they can about the industry from people who aren’t the target of their investigation. They’re in a background phase.” Chris McCabe, a former Amazon employee who now runs a service which helps Amazon merchants stated: “These conversations are going to keep happening. I’ve had several people ask me how to go to the FTC. I give them an email, and the FTC is taking their calls.”

Despite the intensifying scrutiny, Amazon continues to expand its empire, generating more than $500 billion in annual revenue and acquiring companies like One Medical, iRobot, and Metro-Goldwyn Mayer, further solidifying its presence in various sectors including online retail, cloud computing, and streaming services.


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e95884 No.93011

File: 7619481cee4b4d4⋯.png (392.35 KB,662x458,331:229,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a5354e7b6e2909⋯.png (386.78 KB,672x468,56:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613761 (261857ZSEP23) Notable: Photos show Ambassador Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt

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Photos show Ambassador Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt

Yovanovitch previously called Burisma and Hunter Biden not “a front burner issue” during her time as ambassador.

Photos deleted from the now-defunct Burisma Holdings website show former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch met with Vadim Pozharskyi—the Burisma official who worked closely with Hunter Biden—at two separate events after she had been told the Ukrainian energy company was considered corrupt by the State Department.

The photos are likely to raise fresh questions about parts of Yovanovitch's testimony to Congress during former President Donald Trump’s first impeachment. It also raises the question of why the U.S. embassy in Ukraine engaged with company representatives in a public relations campaign with the U.S. government at the same time that internal embassy communications focused on the company’s corruption.

Photos obtained from the now-deleted Burisma website and the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) show that Yovanovitch attended two meetings hosted by the USUBC in Kyiv with Vadim Pozharskyi, the Burisma executive who met with then-Vice President Joe Biden and appears frequently in Hunter Biden's emails.

The Burisma website also referenced one other meeting, though no photos were provided. Pozharksyi—the corporate secretary who ran the day to day operations with the board of the company—was at the epicenter of Burisma’s public relations campaign to close down investigations into the company by former Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

Yovanovitch testified at Trump’s first impeachment because she served as the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine when Trump made the infamous phone call to the newly inaugurated Ukrainian President, Volodymr Zelensky.

In her October 2019 testimony as part of the first Trump impeachment inquiry, Yovanovitch told congressional investigators that Burisma—and Hunter Biden’s role with the company—was not a focus during her time at the embassy.

At a November 7, 2017 gathering, Yovanovitch "commented on the recent developments in U.S.-Ukraine relations and emphasized the need for consistent efforts in implementing key reforms" in the country, according to the event page posted by the USUBC. The ambassador also addressed Ukraine’s anti-corruption efforts and reform in the energy sector. The panel, which included Pozharksyi (pictured far left), answered questions from business leaders in a roundtable format.

According to a post about the event on Burisma's now-defunct website, Pozharskyi praised U.S. efforts to "increase the amount of energy produced in Ukraine" through its approximately $60 million in aid and positioned his company as a key player in Ukraine’s aspirations for energy independence.

Yovanovitch also met with Pozharskyi at least two other times at separate USUBC events, one in December 2016 and another in April 2017, according to two posts on Burisma's website, obtained via internet archives. Both meetings focused on Ukraine’s energy security and independence as well as the broader economic reforms that the U.S. embassy was promoting in the country.


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e95884 No.93012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613767 (261857ZSEP23) Notable: Oversight Hearing: Examining VA.gov

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3:00 PM EDT

Oversight Hearing: Examining VA.gov

House Veterans' Affairs Committee





Hearing on VA Website Glitches

A House Veterans' Affairs subcommittee holds a hearing to examine glitches with the VA’s website that caused benefits claims to be delayed or lost.


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e95884 No.93013

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613801 (261904ZSEP23) Notable: Target says it will close nine stores in major cities, citing violence and theft

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Insider Paper


BREAKING: Target says it will close nine stores in major cities, citing violence and theft - CNBC


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e95884 No.93014

File: 63c3a02d58f7a68⋯.png (376.61 KB,572x572,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613816 (261907ZSEP23) Notable: MARCO POLO is going On TOUR

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@GarrettZiegler of @MarcoPolo


See Garrett in person LIVE

Thursday, September 28


The Desmond Amphitheater

One Liberty Boulevard

Malvern, PA 19355

Saturday, April 29


Constitution Hall

225 High Street - St. 2

Ellsworth, ME

Wednesday, April 26


Nancy Tessman Auditorium

210 East 400 South

Salt Lake City, UT

Sunday, April 16


Green Knoll Grill

645 Rte 202/206

Bridgewater, NJ


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e95884 No.93015

File: 3668049c50b728d⋯.png (108.33 KB,1180x445,236:89,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613845 (261912ZSEP23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump Whether you like Amazon or not, how can the Federal Trade Commission sue to break it up? ...

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>Whether you like Amazon or not, how can the Federal Trade Commission sue to break it up? Are they going to deliver to half a Country, or one third of the World, letting some other company do the rest. Wouldn’t a company like that have to be unified. It certainly can’t be done only by region! Just askin’?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93016

File: f66ff96ed57d65b⋯.png (558 KB,583x736,583:736,Clipboard.png)

File: 5439fbf893a51f7⋯.png (697.5 KB,691x872,691:872,Clipboard.png)

File: 65b9b4ead544176⋯.png (820.56 KB,967x928,967:928,Clipboard.png)

File: ce0e9ed7520cf5c⋯.png (608.72 KB,1022x857,1022:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613878 (261919ZSEP23) Notable: Adolph Hitler is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” according to Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (2016-2019)/zionism/satan??

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Adolph Hitler is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” according to Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (2016-2019)

No Outrage or Media Coverage by Ukraine's Staunchest Allies. Kiev Regime Speaker of the House "Is Not a Nazi". Ukraine is "A Flowering of Democracy" according to the NYT

On September 4, 2018 the Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) Andriy Parubiy’s intimated that Adolf Hitler was “the torchbearer of democracy”.

His statement was broadcast on Ukraine’s ICTV channel. Parubiy described Adolf Hitler as a true proponent of democracy claiming that the Führer “practiced direct democracy in the 1930s.” (Tass, September 5, 2018).

“I’m a major supporter of direct democracy,… By the way, I tell you that the biggest man, who practised a direct democracy, was Adolf Aloizovich [Hitler]”. (quoted by South Front)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93017

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613881 (261920ZSEP23) Notable: Adolph Hitler is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” according to Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (2016-2019)/zionism/satan??

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This war isn't about Nazis. It's about Zionist world supremacy.

MOSCOW - Russian President Vladimir Putin earlier this month let loose a fresh tirade against Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish and many of whose relatives were killed by the Nazis.

"The Western masters," Putin told Russian television, growing visibly angry, "put a person at the head of modern Ukraine an ethnic Jew, with Jewish roots, with Jewish origins" to cover up "the anti-human essence that is the foundation ... of the modern Ukrainian state" and "the glorification of Nazism."


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e95884 No.93018

File: 9da621acca063ba⋯.png (774.23 KB,1294x1316,647:658,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613893 (261923ZSEP23) Notable: PF Potato up…"no callsign"…

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Potato up...

"no callsign"...

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e95884 No.93019

File: 7f1433429535975⋯.png (46.72 KB,592x252,148:63,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613903 (261925ZSEP23) Notable: @realdonaldtrump Whether you like Amazon or not, how can the Federal Trade Commission sue to break it up? ...

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Donald J. Trump


Whether you like Amazon or not, how can the Federal Trade Commission sue to break it up? Are they going to deliver to half a Country, or one third of the World, letting some other company do the rest. Wouldn’t a company like that have to be unified. It certainly can’t be done only by region! Just askin’?

Sep 26, 2023, 3:08 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93020

File: 0607b779740564d⋯.png (65.93 KB,470x451,470:451,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613916 (261928ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Deranged Jack Smith has added a War Crimes Prosecutor from the Hague to his team of Lunatics that are working so hard on creating Election Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election, and the hopeful destruction of President Donald J. Trump...

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Donald J. Trump


Deranged Jack Smith has added a War Crimes Prosecutor from the Hague to his team of Lunatics that are working so hard on creating Election Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election, and the hopeful destruction of President Donald J. Trump. As I am leading Biden by ever increasing margins, they get crazier and crazier. The Biden demanded Indictments of his political opponent are unacceptable by all. These Marxists and Fascists are killing our Country, and we’re not going to let them get away with it. It’s called Banana Republic Cheating! thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/j

Jack Smith Adds Radical Left-Wing Democrat Donor to Special Counsel Team Persecuting Trump | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina…

Jack Smith added Alex Whiting, a ‘war crimes prosecutor’ to his special counsel team of nearly two dozen rabid prosecutors gunning for Trump.

The Gateway Pundit

Sep 26, 2023, 3:07 PM

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93021

File: 33a620cef3ba7dc⋯.png (340.01 KB,567x550,567:550,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613918 (261928ZSEP23) Notable: John Kerry’s Daughter Vanessa Suggests Using “Emotion” from Pandemic and “Storytelling” To Advance Climate Crisis Narrative

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World Economic Forum with John Kerry’s Daughter Vanessa Suggests Using “Emotion” from Pandemic and “Storytelling” To Advance Climate Crisis Narrative

Biden Climate Czar John Kerry’s daughter Vanessa Kerry has clearly learned a great deal about manipulating the public from dear old dad.

Vanessa, the World Health Organization’s special envoy for climate change, spoke on a World Economic Forum panel to discuss how to successfully prey on the public’s fear and emotions following the pandemic to push the “climate crisis” narrative.

World Economic Forum agenda contributor Jemilah Mahmood also spoke on the panel.

Mahmood: The pandemic was an opportunity, I think all over the world, people realize how important health was…..how now do we take that emotion…of the health factors so critical but guess what guys, the climate crisis is creating more health issues than you can ever imagine, but no one has been able to make that link in the past.

I think we are living in an age now, a time now, were we need to grasp this opportunity and work together and really build on that, right?

Kerry: And I want to ask you a question about that for a moment though…because you’re right…I feel the same way about Covid taught us all these lessons learned and we should be incorporating that….and the climate crisis is going to be so much worse.

But I believe we were talking a little before we started the panel that people have forgotten….

Mahmood: People have forgotten.

Kerry: …that people have forgotten and don’t care. How do we keep that front and center?


Mahmood: Absolutely right and we were just talking about it earlier ‘have people have forgotten about Covid?’

So I think it’s about the storytelling element. I think that a lot of the things we see on health are very doom and gloom very very much, even on the climate issue, right, the extent that people feel ‘I can’t deal with this anymore …I can’t do this.’

But telling, you know, really inspiring stories about what is possible if we work together.


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e95884 No.93022

File: 0e991e783422a46⋯.png (267.23 KB,740x841,740:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613941 (261933ZSEP23) Notable: Tasmania's commission of inquiry into child sexual abuse finds children 'disbelieved' and failed by state institutions

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Tasmania's commission of inquiry into child sexual abuse finds children 'disbelieved' and failed by state institutions

In short: Tasmania's commission of inquiry examined the responses of the government institutions to allegations of child sexual abuse dating back more than 20 years.

In some cases, abusers in schools, hospitals and in the out-of-home care system were left to prey upon children after failures to take action.

The 3,500-page report has recommended significant changes to the way child sexual abuse allegations are reported and handled.

What's next? The closing of the state's troubled youth detention centre as soon as possible is just one of the 191 recommendations that the premier has said he will accept in full.

Tasmania's children have been abused in the government's institutions — from hospitals to schools — and failed by a state response that has "too often been inadequate", a commission of inquiry has found.

Premier Jeremy Rockliff addressed parliament after the tabling of the long-awaited commission of inquiry report — a hefty document that makes 191 recommendations across eight volumes and 3,500 pages.

The moment is a turning point in the long road for justice for the many victim-survivors who have come forward to tell their stories of abuse at the hands of teachers, nurses, carers or others working within state institutions.


So where i the mass arrests of pedos????? #taspedocoverup

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93023

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613967 (261938ZSEP23) Notable: #24086

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#24086 >>92982

>>92983 VW temporarily curbs production of electric vehicles in Zwickau and Dresden due to weakening demand

>>92984, >>92993 Is Hunter Biden is trying to use lawsuits to get dirt on would be witnesses against him?

>>92985 Trump was in South Carolina for that speech. Is the 5 month connection here to the SC D Primary?

>>92986 Secretary Blinken delivers remarks, portrait unveiling of the 67th Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton

>>92987 Trump spokesperson reverses, says ex-president didn’t buy Glock at South Carolina gun store

>>92988 @realDonaldTrump: FoxNews was our VOICE, but sadly, that VOICE has developed a serious case of Laryngitis!!!

>>92989 @FAKEPOTUS: Today, I'm in Wayne County, Michigan to join UAW members on the picket line

>>92990, >>93011 Photos show Ambassador Yovanovitch met twice with Burisma official after being told firm was corrupt

>>92991 The President of the International Criminal Court Piotr Hofmanski has been declared wanted under a criminal article

>>92992 Dems, Repubs sent over $100,000,000,000 of YOUR $$ to corrupt foreign government & there's NO oversight

>>92994 Vice President Harris Participates in a "Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour Moderated Conversation

>>92995, >>92997, >>92998 Under Joe Biden’s leadership, the Environmental Protection Agency has spent M's of $$ in taxpayer funds on military grade hardware

>>92996 Matt Gaetz Tells House To Withhold His Pay During Gov Shutdown

>>92999, >>93010 US says Amazon running illegal monopoly in online retail

>>93000 Polish Minister Has 'Taken Steps' To Extradite Ukrainian Nazi Veteran Honored By Trudeau Govt

>>93001 Cuba Tries to Pin Bob Menendez Scandal on ‘Ultraconservatives’: ‘The Most Republican Democrat’

>>93002 Pete Evans - It’s Time To Reverse What The [DS] Has Pushed On Us, Food Is Medicine

>>93003 Hunter Biden Sues Giuliani For 'Hacking' His Abandoned Laptop

>>93004 CIA getting their own ChatGPT-style Artificial intelligence (AI) tool to sift through an avalanche of public information for clues. -

>>93005 UK Home Secretary: "Multiculturalism has failed."

>>93006 Reading Rainbow’s LeVar Burton Claims Blocking Children’s Access to Explicit Books is ‘White Supremacy’

>>93007 FCC Chair Rosenworcel Remarks on Net Neutrality

>>93008 Tech CEO Pava LaPere, 26, found dead with blunt-force trauma inside her apartment

>>93009 Our molnupiravir work is now out after peer-review! We definitively demonstrate that molnupiravir has resulted in viable SARS-CoV-2 viruses with significant numbers of mutations

>>93012 Oversight Hearing: Examining VA.gov

>>93013 Target says it will close nine stores in major cities, citing violence and theft

>>93014 MARCO POLO is going On TOUR

>>93015, >>93019 @realdonaldtrump Whether you like Amazon or not, how can the Federal Trade Commission sue to break it up? ...

>>93016, >>93017 Adolph Hitler is “The Torchbearer of Democracy” according to Chairman of Ukraine’s Parliament (2016-2019)/zionism/satan??

>>93018 PF Potato up…"no callsign"…

>>93020 @realDonaldTrump Deranged Jack Smith has added a War Crimes Prosecutor from the Hague to his team of Lunatics that are working so hard on creating Election Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election, and the hopeful destruction of President Donald J. Trump...

>>93021 John Kerry’s Daughter Vanessa Suggests Using “Emotion” from Pandemic and “Storytelling” To Advance Climate Crisis Narrative

>>93022 Tasmania's commission of inquiry into child sexual abuse finds children 'disbelieved' and failed by state institutions


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93024

File: b2417461bdfbfc2⋯.png (606.33 KB,895x934,895:934,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19613985 (261941ZSEP23) Notable: #24087-B

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93025

File: 47055027d9c3b2c⋯.png (279.6 KB,549x456,183:152,Clipboard.png)

File: 3be5668d11d32d8⋯.png (64.63 KB,620x708,155:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614005 (261947ZSEP23) Notable: Tucker: abortion regime, 'This is not a political debate. This is a spiritual battle'

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Tucker Carlson unleashes on the abortion regime, stressing its business is the ancient 'sin' of child sacrifice: 'This is not a political debate. This is a spiritual battle'

Tucker Carlson unleashed righteous fury on the abortion regime in America during a recent address to Christians, stressing that anyone who advocates for the slaughter of the unborn "is your enemy" and that the practice of abortion is an evil "religious rite" that is "as old as time."

The Center for Christian Virtue, a religious conservative outfit that advocates for public policies reflective of "the truth of the Gospel," hosted Tucker Carlson for its gala in Cleveland, Ohio, on Sept. 21.

The 54-year-old featured speaker indicated that he and his family left the Episcopal Church owing to its alleged transformation into an "aggressively pagan institution" and in response his former minister's apparent unwillingness to prioritize salvation over safety during the pandemic.

"Why is she worried about dying? She's a Christian minister. Like, why should she care?" said Carlson, who indicated church services had been greatly curtailed for fear of COVID-19. "If you're afraid to die, then you don't really mean it. ... Okay, not a Christian."

Although he stepped outside his particular church, Carlson did not give up the faith. Rather, he suggested he has since gotten "to understand God better," in part by poring over the Bible and the eternal truths contained therein.

Extra to finding reassurance in the account of the conversion of St. Paul of Tarsus — whereby even "a truly awful person ... could become one of the great people of all time" — Carlson observed an all-too-familiar evil "chronicled in great detail throughout the Hebrew Bible" that appears to have survived to become a bloody ritual of the left and the powers that be.

Carlson noted that human sacrifice, ritual child sacrifice in particular, "rears its head about every four chapters. ... Of all the sins the ancients committed, that sin, every single time it's described, is called detestable, at least in the [Revised Standard Version]."

In virtually every instance, Carlson suggested the terms of the sacrifice were more or less clear: In exchange for the annihilation of innocence and innocents, the bloodied perpetrators would receive "power and contentment and happiness."

"Every civilization on the face of the earth has engaged in it. ... The archaeological record tells us that human sacrifice, the sacrifice of children, the killing of children, is the one constant in human civilization," continued Carlson.

Carlson suggested that this unnatural but universal decision, which "cuts against the imperative of evolutionary biology" and does not appear to have been reached organically, is the result of "outside forces ... acting on people at all times throughout history, in every culture on the planet, to convince people that if they sacrifice their children, they will be happy and safe."

Tailoring his comments to his Ohio audience, Carlson noted that the state's ballot initiatives have once again made clear this "religious rite" continues to have many supporters in the United States.


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e95884 No.93026

File: 398eb207d916aca⋯.png (321.9 KB,497x492,497:492,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614025 (261951ZSEP23) Notable: Canada's Speaker Resigns After Honoring Nazi Now-Wanted For Extradition By Polish Minister (Cap 1:47)

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Canada's Speaker Resigns After Honoring Nazi Now-Wanted For Extradition By Polish Minister

The Speaker of Canada's House of Commons, Anthony Rota, has resigned after leading Parliament in praising a Ukrainian man who moved to Canada after fighting for a Nazi unit.

"I must step down as your Speaker," Rota said, adding "I reiterate my profound regret."

Still no opinion on the matter from the ADL... Weird!


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e95884 No.93027

File: e90c1eab33aa1c5⋯.png (109.19 KB,467x452,467:452,Clipboard.png)

File: 04ced4394b688c2⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB,446x250,223:125,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614028 (261952ZSEP23) Notable: @realDonaldTrump Fox: the way Martha cut in when I started speaking badly about them was a classic. She is, after all, a professional!

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Donald J. Trump


I didn’t know Fox News was broadcasting my Speech yesterday in South Carolina, but the way Martha cut in when I started speaking badly about them was a classic. She is, after all, a professional!

Sep 26, 2023, 3:37 PM


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93028

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614036 (261954ZSEP23) Notable: Ronald Reagan is dead, Mike Pence, just as you are in the water. Watching the water

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How does this reconcile?


Dear fellow Republicans,

We, the undersigned, write today as former officials of the Reagan administration, deeply committed to the classical conservative principles espoused by President Reagan that have defined our party for the past four decades.

As we approach the critical 2024 election, we believe it is our opportunity and pleasure to endorse a candidate who embodies the spirit and principles of Ronald Reagan.

That candidate is Mike Pence, and we wholeheartedly endorse him for President of the United States.

Ronald Reagan’s presidency was marked by a profound commitment to limited government, individual liberty, and a strong national defense.

His unwavering belief in the American people and the power of free markets lifted our nation to new heights of prosperity and freedom.

His leadership on the world stage helped win the Cold War and created a more peaceful world.

We believe Mike Pence is the candidate best equipped to uphold the Reagan legacy and lead our party and our nation forward.

Mike has consistently demonstrated a commitment to conservative principles throughout his career.

From his time as a congressman to Governor of Indiana to his tenure as Vice President, he has championed limited government, lower taxes, individual freedom, strong defense, and the right to life.

Like President Reagan, Pence understands that the strength of our nation lies in the hearts of the American people, not the hands of an overreaching government.

Just as President Reagan rebuilt our military to protect American interests and promote peace through strength, Mike Pence is committed to restoring America’s military might and equipping our Armed Forces to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.

Mike Pence agrees strongly with President Reagan that every human life is precious and should be protected in law as a child created in the image of God.

And like President Reagan, Mike Pence knows that our democracy depends on heavy doses of civility. As president, he will strive to unite our nation around our highest aspirations and our deepest values.

And he will never forget “that for America there will always be a bright dawn ahead.”

As former Reagan administration officials, we have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of principled leadership that adheres to conservative values. Mike Pence embodies these values and has the vision and experience necessary to lead our party and our nation with honor, integrity, and a deep commitment to classical conservative principles that define the Reagan legacy.

We urge our fellow Republicans to join us in supporting Mike Pence in the Republican primary. Together, we can ensure that timeless conservative principles exemplified by Ronald Reagan and Mike Pence continue to guide our party and lead our nation toward a brighter future.


The Honorable T. Kenneth Cribb, Jr.

Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs

Counselor to the Attorney General

The Honorable Edwin J. Feulner, Jr.

Chairman, Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy

Founder, The Heritage Foundation

The Honorable Donald Paul Hodel

Secretary of the Interior

Secretary of Energy

The Honorable E. Pendleton James

Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel under Ronald Reagan

The Honorable Helene von Damm

Assistant to the President for Presidential Personnel

Ambassador to Austria


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e95884 No.93029

File: 906f38b00477a6c⋯.jpg (168.33 KB,720x917,720:917,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614046 (261955ZSEP23) Notable: Former Indian diplomat Deepak Vohra claims on TV "credible rumours" that sniffer dogs found cocaine on Trudeau’s plane and that Canada's PM didn't attend the G20 dinner because he was high on drugs

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NEW 🚨 Former Indian diplomat Deepak Vohra claims on TV there are "credible rumours" that sniffer dogs in India found cocaine on Trudeau’s plane and that Canada's PM didn't attend the G20 dinner because he was high on drugs

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93030

File: e8532e743fc9bed⋯.mp4 (8.43 MB,482x720,241:360,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614069 (261959ZSEP23) Notable: Rockefeller bought and corrupted medicine. Don't take anything made by people in white lab coats. (Cap 2:05)

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Rockefeller bought and corrupted medicine. Don't take anything made by people in white lab coats.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93031

File: 816fcab403b0570⋯.png (163.21 KB,1281x658,183:94,Clipboard.png)

File: 2337688c48ec0c7⋯.png (377.46 KB,926x763,926:763,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ef29b70b5bf307⋯.png (409.02 KB,700x467,700:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b00e97f111c6f2⋯.jpg (114.16 KB,923x692,923:692,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614072 (261959ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Deranged Jack Smith has added a War Crimes Prosecutor from the Hague to his team of Lunatics that are working so hard on creating Election Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election, and the hopeful destruction of President Donald J. Trump.

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Donald J. Trump


Deranged Jack Smith has added a War Crimes Prosecutor from the Hague to his team of Lunatics that are working so hard on creating Election Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election, and the hopeful destruction of President Donald J. Trump. As I am leading Biden by ever increasing margins, they get crazier and crazier. The Biden demanded Indictments of his political opponent are unacceptable by all. These Marxists and Fascists are killing our Country, and we’re not going to let them get away with it. It’s called Banana Republic Cheating!


Jack Smith Adds Radical Left-Wing Democrat Donor to Special Counsel Team Persecuting Trump | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina…

Jack Smith added Alex Whiting, a ‘war crimes prosecutor’ to his special counsel team of nearly two dozen rabid prosecutors gunning for Trump.

Sep 26, 2023, 3:07 PM


Jack Smith Adds Radical Left-Wing Democrat Donor to Special Counsel Team Persecuting Trump

Sep. 22, 2023 9:00 pm

Jack Smith added Alex Whiting, a ‘war crimes prosecutor’ to his special counsel team of nearly two dozen rabid prosecutors gunning for Trump.

Whiting is a radical left-wing Trump hater who previously praised Mueller’s inquisition against the former president.

Former special counsel Robert Mueller’s ‘Trump-Russia collusion’ investigation ended in a whimper and completely crumbled.

“Whiting has been a frequent commentator on the previous special counsel to investigate Trump: Robert Mueller, who investigated links between Russia and Trump’s 2016 campaign. Whiting wrote numerous articles and gave interviews assessing the strength of Mueller’s case against Trump, often siding with those who saw extreme legal peril for Trump over his efforts to curb the investigation.” Politico reported.

How To Join The "Secret Boycott" Patriots Are Using To Crush Woke Corporations

Jack Smith, who is tied closely to the Obamas, has more than 20 lawyers harassing Biden’s main political opponent.

“Smith takes over a staff that’s already nearly twice the size of Robert Mueller’s team of lawyers who worked on the Russia probe.  A team of 20 prosecutors investigating January 6 and the effort to overturn the 2020 election are in the process of moving to work under Smith, according to multiple people familiar with the team.” CNN reported last year.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e95884 No.93032

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614076 (262000ZSEP23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Deranged Jack Smith has added a War Crimes Prosecutor from the Hague to his team of Lunatics that are working so hard on creating Election Interference in the 2024 Presidential Election, and the hopeful destruction of President Donald J. Trump.

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Politico reported:

Special counsel Jack Smith has added a veteran war crimes prosecutor — who served as Smith’s deputy during his stint at the Hague — to his team as it prepares to put former President Donald Trump on trial in Washington and Florida.

Alex Whiting worked alongside Smith for three years, helping prosecute crimes against humanity that occurred in Kosovo in the late 1990s. The Yale-educated attorney also worked as a prosecutor with the International Criminal Court from 2010 to 2013. He has taught law classes at Harvard since 2007 as well, hired as an assistant professor by then-Dean Elena Kagan — now a Supreme Court justice — and rising to a visiting professorship in 2013.

Whiting’s precise role on Smith’s team is unclear. A spokesperson for Smith declined to comment, and Whiting did not immediately return requests for comment. The prosecutors’ office in the Hague and Harvard University also did not respond to requests for comment about Whiting’s current employment status.

Alex Whiting is also a Democrat donor who previously donated to Barack Obama and other prominent Democrats.

This guy– Alex Whiting– is a DEMOCRAT donor. Here's just a sample of his political donations… https://t.co/82I6eJWeEd pic.twitter.com/4YIbzkT92u

— Steven Cheung (@TheStevenCheung) September 22, 2023

Trump was indicted on 37 federal counts related to Jack Smith’s classified documents case in Miami in June.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

Last month Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in the investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The superseding indictment, filed in the Southern District of Florida, claims Trump was part of a scheme to delete security footage from Mar-a-Lago.

Last month Trump was hit with 4 counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

Jack Smith is also trying to gag Trump in the middle of a presidential election.


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e95884 No.93033

File: 88def86e4341b29⋯.png (276 KB,991x909,991:909,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614081 (262001ZSEP23) Notable: More Than $370 Million In Judgments Against Rajen Shah For Laboratory Testing Scheme That Targeted Medicare: United Diagnostics Lab, Tomoka Medical Lab, Tennessee Valley Regional Laboratory, Luminus Diagnostics, and Golden Rule Management

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United States Obtains More Than $370 Million In Judgments Against Kentucky Businessman And His Companies For Laboratory Testing Scheme That Targeted Medicare


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e95884 No.93034

File: 63db862b73212b9⋯.mp4 (8.83 MB,1290x720,43:24,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19614083 (262001ZSEP23) Notable: Canada's Speaker Resigns After Honoring Nazi Now-Wanted For Extradition By Polish Minister (Cap 1:47)

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e95884 No.93035

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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