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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

0b26de No.51568 [View All]

26AUG23 to 29AUG23


Re-Posts of notables

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0b26de No.84725

File: 930bde543f7d27c⋯.png (123.19 KB,448x593,448:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449869 (282204ZAUG23) Notable: Biden Iran envoy suspended over ‘personal conduct,’ mishandling ‘protected’ info: leaked memo

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>Iran next.

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0b26de No.84726

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449877 (282205ZAUG23) Notable: No national media has covered this. BREAKING: FBI Killed ‘100% Disabled Veteran,’ Complete Media Silence 8/16

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No national media has covered this. BREAKING: FBI Killed ‘100% Disabled Veteran,’ Complete Media Silence. On Aug 16, 2023. No one knows this


You gotta ask yourself why the FBI did this? They are escalating to the complete Gestapo and no one can know why!



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0b26de No.84727

File: 24dd2e4d8d410b7⋯.png (315.25 KB,594x902,27:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d3895dbff6f302⋯.png (245.25 KB,736x874,16:19,Clipboard.png)

File: 75234623255bd46⋯.png (182.26 KB,734x872,367:436,Clipboard.png)

File: c63aa5811dfa114⋯.png (289.77 KB,734x869,734:869,Clipboard.png)

File: da177b434d5c307⋯.png (276.07 KB,736x874,16:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449879 (282206ZAUG23) Notable: @RepMTG: If your last name is Biden, the law doesn’t apply to you That’s what we’ve found time & time again

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene


If your last name is Biden, the law doesn’t apply to you.

That’s what we’ve found time and time again thanks to the investigative work of the House Oversight Committee.

We won’t stop working until the full extent of the Biden family’s crimes and corruption are exposed for the American people.

Read the full letter:


Aug 28, 2023, 1:27 PM


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0b26de No.84728

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449932 (282214ZAUG23) Notable: DT JR LIVE - Hey Deep State, MAGA is Stronger than Ever: Mugshot Backfires on the Swamp, Trump 2024 Momentum

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LIVE - Hey Deep State, MAGA is Stronger than Ever: Mugshot Backfires on the Swamp, Trump 2024 Momentum - TAKING YOUR QUESTIONS LIVE! | TRIGGERED Ep.63

Donald Trump Jr.



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0b26de No.84729

File: 0556f76178baa91⋯.png (96.37 KB,805x739,805:739,Clipboard.png)

File: 18c334842d654d4⋯.png (103 KB,827x733,827:733,Clipboard.png)

File: 381fb138b9b35ed⋯.png (108.67 KB,803x737,73:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449940 (282215ZAUG23) Notable: Hawaiian Electric says power lines were shut off hours before wildfire, de-energized

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As soon as we reached Lahaina, all power got zapped. Cell phone, internet, traffic lights, GPS, the 911 emergency system (which is never supposed to go down) and the power outage caused every store and shopping mall to immediately close. Nothing was open.


No evacuation sirens ever went off that day when the fires began. They failed as well. My friend and I had to escape through the back road going all the way around the island as all traffic was blocked in the other direction. Many might not have known about this back route since GPS was down.

These fires were indeed strange. The night before both my friend and many others claimed to have had very restless sleep. I personally experienced a strange flooding wave of energy in my head, almost like seizure activity, which I have come to identity as dark energy coming in. This flooding energy continued on and off the next morning, more so when I was in Lahaina. This told me there was directed energy involved in what was occurring.

This was not just a random act of mother nature. It reminded me of the strange fires in Paradise, California a few years back which swept through and wiped it off the map. Their only crime was getting in the way of a high speed railway project slated to come through the town.


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0b26de No.84730

File: 3247a3dbf367018⋯.png (458.08 KB,604x688,151:172,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449956 (282218ZAUG23) Notable: CA AG Rob Bonta filed lawsuit Chino Valley Unified SD re schools notify parents if their children change gender

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JUST IN — California Attorney General Rob Bonta filed a lawsuit against Chino Valley Unified School District for requiring schools to notify parents if their children change their gender.

Parents erupted in cheers when the Chino Valley School Board voted 4 to 1 last month to adopt the policy requiring schools to notify parents when their child seeks to identify or be treated as a gender other than their biological one.

What are your thoughts on the policy and the ensuing lawsuit?

9:25 AM · Aug 28, 2023




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0b26de No.84731

File: 1f6f2dd008dcaee⋯.png (381.49 KB,600x490,60:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449960 (282219ZAUG23) Notable: @DiedSuddenly: Why would Rutgers Disenroll students who refuse get Covid Vaccine? Because they are OWNED BY Pfizer!

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Why would Rutgers Disenroll students who refuse to get the Covid Vaccine? Because they are OWNED BY Pfizer! @LuciaSinatra_


9:24 AM · Aug 28, 2023




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0b26de No.84732

File: 2a94ccc0982372a⋯.png (164.2 KB,599x572,599:572,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449966 (282220ZAUG23) Notable: @KariLake: Has Been Granted A New Court Date Against Maricopa County - Seeks to Review Envelope Signatures

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Has Been Granted A New Court Date Against Maricopa County - Seeks to Review Envelope Signatures 🔥


Save Arizona Fund

BREAKING: Kari Lake Granted New Court Date Against Maricopa County, Seeks to Review Envelope Signatures

8:37 AM · Aug 28, 2023




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0b26de No.84733

File: fbacba0891cf222⋯.png (452.02 KB,892x640,223:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449975 (282221ZAUG23) Notable: Colorado Dems Go Full Commie, Choose Open Marxist Who Calls for Cultural Revolution for State House Seat

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Colorado Dems Go Full Commie, Choose Open

Marxist Who Calls for Cultural Revolution

for State House Seat

PJ Media, by Robert Spencer

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 8/28/2023 3:25:22 PM

Just in case you have any lingering doubt about what the Democrats plan to inflict upon America, consider the case of Tim Hernández, whom Colorado party apparatchiks have just selected to fill a vacant state House seat in the Denver area. The charming Hernández is an open and proud Marxist, frequently rails against “Whiteness,” and has called for a “FORCEFUL Cultural Revolution.” He is also, of course, a schoolteacher, busy raising up new cadres of Bolsheviks to bring about the revolution he desires. Every Marxist revolution in history has been accompanied by appalling bloodlust; if Hernández ever gets what he wants, Coloradans can’t say they didn’t see it coming.

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0b26de No.84734

File: f05420726b0f787⋯.png (479.43 KB,669x671,669:671,Clipboard.png)

File: c450472d5847f2b⋯.png (253.17 KB,452x317,452:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449990 (282224ZAUG23) Notable: Zelensky Says He Won’t Hold Elections Unless U.S. and EU Pay for Them

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Zelensky Says He Won’t Hold Elections

Unless U.S. and EU Pay for Them

Breitbart Europe, by Kurt Zindulka

Posted By: Imright, 8/28/2023 11:50:08 AM

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has demanded that taxpayers in the United States and European Union send the country even more aid if the West wishes for elections to be held next year. In an interview published by the president’s office on Sunday evening, Zelensky said that he would be willing to hold elections despite the ongoing martial law amid the war with Russia, so long as the U.S. and EU bankroll the voting process. The Ukrainian leader said that elections during peacetime typically cost around 5 billion hryvnia ($135 million) but did not speculate as to how much more they would cost during a war, though presumably it would be much higher.

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0b26de No.84735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449992 (282225ZAUG23) Notable: Freedom Jeffery live again in NY. Illegal alien protest Staten Island,NY

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Freedom Jeffery live again in NY. Illegal alien protest Staten Island,NY

Wonder if he'll have to fill out a police report and provide any evidence for any shenanigans that go on today, like he did yesterday. Kek.

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0b26de No.84736

File: e3c1e6c7a51d038⋯.png (24.76 KB,652x219,652:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19449998 (282226ZAUG23) Notable: CALL FOR DIG: GOP activist, lawyer stabbed to death Durham, NH

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GOP legal activist, Alexander Talcott,

41, is stabbed to death at his New Hampshire home

Daily Mail (UK), by Rachael Bunyan

Posted By: Imright, 8/28/2023 11:38:20 AM

A Republican legal activist was stabbed to death inside his home in New Hampshire as cops investigate whether the killer acted in self-defense. Alexander Talcott, 41, was found dead inside his house in Durham on Saturday morning with a stab wound to his neck, the New Hampshire Attorney General's Office said. Police have launched an investigation into his death, which they ruled as homicide, and the attorney general has identified all parties involved in the incident.

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0b26de No.84737

File: 88bfb8ac1c6a254⋯.png (516.63 KB,607x586,607:586,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450040 (282231ZAUG23) Notable: Fires in Greece: 13 Pakistani and Syrian migrants charged with attempted arson in Evros

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Ada Lluch 🇪🇸


Thirteen Pakistani and Syrian immigrants have been caught starting forest fires in Evros, Greece. Fires that globalists linked to “climate change.”


2:29 AM · Aug 28, 2023




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0b26de No.84738

File: 8564aa6af5b7c21⋯.png (228.46 KB,596x831,596:831,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450051 (282232ZAUG23) Notable: @JamesOKeefeIII: If you’re a veteran, been asked to wear mask inside VA please send video of your interaction

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James O'Keefe


CALLING ALL VETS: If you’re a veteran and you’ve been asked to wear a mask inside the VA please send us your video of your interaction.

I’ll publish it at OMG and confront them for comment.

Upload here: https://okeefemediagroup.com/submit-a-tip-or-story/


7:50 AM · Aug 28, 2023




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0b26de No.84739

File: 83aac2e99f24e03⋯.png (444.47 KB,621x414,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450066 (282234ZAUG23) Notable: Thousands of Garmin Smartwatches Being Used to Test Space Force Fitness Program

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Thousands of Garmin Smartwatches Being Used to Test Space Force Fitness Program

Aug 28, 2023

More than 6,000 Garmin smartwatches will be distributed to Space Force Guardians as the service tests how it can use wearable fitness technology for its new fitness program, according to the company.

In May, the Space Force, which is part of the Department of the Air Force, announced it would conduct a two-year testing period with the Air Force Research Laboratory, or AFRL, to see how wearable fitness trackers might regularly monitor the fitness and wellness of Guardians.

Garmin announced in a press release Monday that its Instinct 2 Solar and Forerunner 55 smartwatch models were chosen for the Space Force's program due to their battery life and the biometric data the devices gather. They were also chosen because they have the ability to disable GPS functionality - an important feature as the military has raised privacy and security concerns over wearable technology in the past.

"Enrollment has been robust, with over two-thirds of the 8,400-strong Space Force signing up since the program was announced in May," Garmin's press release said. "To date, more than 6,000 Garmin smartwatches have been or will be issued to active military members who have agreed to log workouts and complete monthly surveys provided by AFRL, and a second wave of enrollment is expected to begin in October."

Another incentive for Guardians to sign up is that they will be exempt from the Air Force's physical fitness assessment, which the Space Force has been using while it develops its own program. It consists of pushups, situps and a 1.5-mile run.

In 2022, Space Force leaders promised a revolutionary fitness program called the Holistic Health Approach that would use fitness wearables to help track exercise, diet and sleep instead of conducting a physical test like the other services have embraced for decades.

Details of the program were released by the service this past May. It will be composed of three elements: the voluntary continuous fitness assessment study, which involves wearable fitness technology; performance health optimization, which includes preventive medicine; and education, which is aimed at teaching Guardians good health habits.

"By tracking two basic metrics cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity we can quickly verify that a Guardian has met their physical requirements and is ready for duty," Dr. James Christensen, a product line lead with the AFRL's 711th Human Performance Wing, said in the release. "We hope that continuous fitness assessment, implemented via wearable technology, will promote a higher, more consistent level of fitness across the force with expected outcomes like reduced injury and stress, improved resilience and higher overall operational performance."

Military.com reported last year that there were worries among Guardians that the Space Force's data tracking would lead to micromanagement and punishment for not working out enough, despite being pitched as a nonpunitive fitness program.

Guardians also expressed fears that their personal data could be used against them.


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0b26de No.84740

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450070 (282234ZAUG23) Notable: Thousands of Garmin Smartwatches Being Used to Test Space Force Fitness Program

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Wearables such as smartwatches have raised privacy and security concerns throughout the military. In 2018, a Department of Defense memo asked service members in deployed areas and at high-profile bases not to use their fitness trackers for fear of revealing compromising location data to adversaries.

"The rapidly evolving market of devices, applications and services with geolocation capabilities presents significant risk to DoD personnel both on and off duty, and to our military operations globally," the 2018 memo said.

When unveiling the details of the program in May, the Space Force said that it "addressed data security and privacy concerns regarding the use of wearable devices to monitor fitness by ensuring all metrics collected from Guardians will be only fitness related."

Garmin, in Monday's press release, said its devices are compliant with "federal privacy and cybersecurity standards" when it comes to data encryption.

"We were pleased that the Garmin wearable ecosystem went through a rigorous U.S. Air Force

cybersecurity and privacy review," said Scott Burgett, senior director of Garmin Health Engineering. "The U.S. military has high security standards, and our system is designed end-to-end to protect sensitive user data."

Military.com also reported in May that the Pentagon was also looking into expanding the use of wearable fitness trackers to help predict outbreaks of infectious diseases such as COVID-19.

If the Air Force Research Laboratory's study proves successful, it "could be adopted by other branches of the armed services and include broader Department of Defense requirements such as musculoskeletal injury risk," according to Garmin's press release.



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0b26de No.84741

File: c7b9a843049ee72⋯.png (491.33 KB,593x566,593:566,Clipboard.png)

File: 02f2d8f835c27c3⋯.png (2.69 MB,1326x950,663:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450083 (282236ZAUG23) Notable: @GrrrGraphics2: Here Are The Hospitals Who Reinstated Mask Mandates Citing Rising COVID Cases

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Real Ben Garrison Cartoons


Here Are The Hospitals Who Reinstated Mask Mandates Citing Rising COVID Cases


Here Are The Hospitals Who Reinstated Mask Mandates Citing Rising COVID Cases

Makes no sense…

6:36 AM · Aug 28, 2023




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0b26de No.84742

File: 0c6b37a1e074b97⋯.png (910.01 KB,868x1252,217:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450103 (282239ZAUG23) Notable: June 08, 2023 Key Player Biden Documents Removal Caught Up in Bill Clinton-Era Chinagate Scandal

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June 08, 2023 By Paul Sperry, RealClearInvestigations

Key Player in Biden Documents Removal Was Caught Up in Bill Clinton-Era Chinagate Scandal

The custodian of Joe Biden’s vice presidential records, a key witness in his classified documents probe, was caught up in another documents scandal while working at the Commerce Department during the Clinton administration, court records reveal.

Longtime Biden aide and gatekeeper Kathy S. Chung, who has been interviewed by federal prosecutors and congressional investigators in the Biden case, was part of a team sanctioned for withholding and even destroying key documents in the federal case that sought sensitive records from a central figure in the so-called Chinagate fundraising investigation of the late 1990s, RealClearInvestigations has learned exclusively. ...


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0b26de No.84743

File: 8866b055462d0a6⋯.png (612.98 KB,812x770,58:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450117 (282241ZAUG23) Notable: June 08, 2023 Key Player Biden Documents Removal Caught Up in Bill Clinton-Era Chinagate Scandal

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Stephen Miller reposted

Miranda Devine

🚨Massive story by ⁦@paulsperry_ Biden's document scandal is “potentially more serious than just mishandling state secrets... It could mushroom into a counterespionage case involving China and national security”.


>Key Player in Biden Documents Removal Was Caught Up in Bill Clinton-Era Chinagate Scandal

5:43 PM · Aug 28, 2023


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0b26de No.84744

File: 3f2199692cf203a⋯.png (1.4 MB,1280x3412,320:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450118 (282241ZAUG23) Notable: Fires in Greece: 13 Pakistani and Syrian migrants charged with attempted arson in Evros

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Fires in Greece: 13 Pakistani and Syrian migrants charged with attempted arson in Evros


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0b26de No.84745

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450145 (282248ZAUG23) Notable: DHS agency used Slack channel, 'personal' cellphone for misinformation meetings: records

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DHS agency used Slack channel, 'personal' cellphone for misinformation meetings: records

Twitter general counsel offered to quit advisory subcommittee in wake of Disinformation Governance Board controversy, but agency director objected, official meeting notes show.

Government and private advisers to the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency communicated with each other through private channels, plausibly circumventing federal record-keeping rules if not the Freedom of Information Act, according to a transparency group.

The revelations about the inner workings of the since-disbanded Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Misinformation & Disinformation Subcommittee, part of CISA's Cybersecurity Advisory Committee, emerged from the latest batch of documents obtained by the Functional Government Initiative through a state public records request.


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0b26de No.84746

File: 5c5368ba3367a59⋯.png (574.22 KB,994x687,994:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450231 (282304ZAUG23) Notable: Operation Popeye: How the US government turned the weather into a weapon of war…

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Operation Popeye: How the US government turned the weather into a weapon of war…

August 28, 2023

During the Vietnam War, the U.S. was up against the ropes. Anti-war protests were growing louder, and our military was taking heavy losses. It was crunch time, and that’s when the U.S. government rolled out one of their wildest cards: “Operation Popeye.” What was it? A secret plan to turn the weather into a weapon to make it rain and flood out the Ho Chi Minh Trail — the Viet Cong’s main thoroughfare.

Popular Science:

Though it cycled through several names in its history, “Operation Popeye” stuck. Its stated objective—to ensure Americans won the Vietnam War—was never realized, but the revelation that the U.S. government played God with weather-altering warfare changed history. The Nixon administration distracted, denied, and, it seems, outright lied to Congress, but enterprising reporters published damning stories about rain being used as a weapon, and the Pentagon papers dripped classified details like artificial rain. Eventually, the federal government would declassify its Popeye documents and international laws aimed at preventing similar projects would be on the books.

But the public would, more or less, forget it ever happened. Given the rise of geo-engineering projects, both from municipal governments and private companies, some experts believe Popeye is newly relevant.

Operation Popeye relied on a technique called “cloud seeding,” where crystals are dropped into clouds to induce rainfall.

The Popular Science article continues:

At first, no one seemed to consider the wartime applications of cloud seeding, but on March 20, 1967, the “operational phase” of Popeye began. Pilots and their crew would soar over select regions of Vietnam with a canister of silver or lead iodide, which were, by the 1960s, considered two of the primary sources of water condensation nuclei. The plane crew would ignite the canisters and release particle-rich smoke into an existing storm. If all went well, the jolt of artificial nuclei would reverberate through the system, forcibly spurring additional precipitation.

Despite 80 years of cloud seeding efforts, rigorous research aimed at proving (or disproving) its efficacy is still underway. During their top secret briefing on Popeye, Senators Pell and Case were told that though U.S. taxpayers paid, without their knowledge, some $3.6 million a year for such operations over Vietnam (or about $23 million a year in today’s dollars), Popeye’s success was “certainly limited” and also fundamentally “unverifiable.”

As he digested these facts—processed the full extent of the secret wartime weather manipulation project—Senator Pell seemed increasingly indignant, as documented in the official meeting report. Why, he asked, was it kept secret? And what other secrets were there? “The thing that concerns me,” Pell said, “is not rainmaking per se, but when you open Pandora’s box, what comes out with it?” When the details of Operation Popeye were made public a two months later, on May 19, 1974, many Americans—as well as our allies and enemies abroad—were left pondering the same question.

Here’s an even deeper dive into Operation Popeye:



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0b26de No.84747

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450233 (282304ZAUG23) Notable: Operation Popeye: How the US government turned the weather into a weapon of war…

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When news about Operation Popeye broke, public outrage came fast and furious. Leaders responded by quickly throwing together a treaty that supposedly banned the use of weather as a weapon. However, much like other instances where the U.S. government self-regulates, this move was symbolic and lacked teeth. The Popular Science article continues:

Environmental Modification Convention, the international treaty bars any action undertaken by military or otherwise hostile forces that could result in “earthquakes, tsunamis; an upset in the ecological balance of a region; changes in weather patterns (clouds, precipitation, cyclones of various types and tornadic storms); changes in climate patterns; changes in ocean currents; changes in the state of the ozone layer; and changes in the state of the ionosphere.” The convention is, in effect, so comprehensive it bans many forms of weather modification that, at least according to publicly-available knowledge, do not yet exist. While there’s an elaborate 12-step WikiHow for a tornado in a bottle, storms don’t appear to be that easy to create—or, for that matter, stop—in the real world. Cloud seeding, if and when it works, is successful only because it piggybacks on existing weather, rather than creating new storm fronts from scratch.

But Deborah Gordon, director of the energy and climate program at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, says the convention is ultimately toothless. “You don’t even know where to look,” she says of current weather manipulation efforts. “There’s a lack of transparency in the research. We don’t even know what people are working on. You can’t govern something you can’t see. And that’s for peaceful applications.” Without the ability to measure these modifications, the Environmental Modification Convention or any other weather-related treaty is nearly impossible to enforce. “How will we know that there aren’t Operation Popeyes… going on or not?” she asks.

Given our inability to monitor these activities, there’s reason to be concerned that the United States or other nations could quietly violate the terms of the convention. But, Gordon says, the more pressing question is whether thousands of small-scale environmental modification projects already underway will eventually add up to global impact. “It didn’t matter [that there was no transparency], because there were so few projects,” Gordon says of the 20th century. But “in the last decade,” she says, “the uptick in experimentation in terms of climate engineering has not only picked up from the government’s point of view… it’s now picked up in the private space.”

In recent years, Gordon says, we’ve also seen the move beyond privately-led weather-altering schemes to climate-altering ones. Big corporations like Shell, as well as dozens of smaller startups like Carbon Engineering, have developed and begun to implement carbon capture technology. While these peacetime projects are all intended only to benefit the local community, they’ve become so widespread they could have an affect at a planetary scale. “If there’s enough local weather modification,” she asks, “at what point does that add up to more than the sum of its parts?”

Do we really trust globalist governments, who are relentlessly promoting their climate change agendas, to hold the power to control the weather? Can we be confident they won’t engineer extreme weather disasters just to validate their doomsday climate predictions?

Additionally, can we really trust our leaders not to introduce strange chemicals into artificially produced rain, which could potentially affect our food, water supply, and even our own bodies?

Harnessing the power to control the weather is essentially taking charge of crops, animals, and the entire human population. Such authority should be reserved for God, not handed over to maniacal weirdos like Bill Gates who could potentially treat us all like lab rats to further their own ghoulish agendas. With this in mind, we can’t help but wonder how much of the crazy weather we’re experiencing is actually Mother Nature’s doing, and how much could be orchestrated by Uncle Sam?



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0b26de No.84748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450234 (282304ZAUG23) Notable: Mask study NIH suggests N95 may expose wearers dangerous level toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer

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0b26de No.84749

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450252 (282309ZAUG23) Notable: Broward County FL Fire Rescue EC-135 Crash 28 Aug 2023

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Broward County Fire Rescue EC-135 Crash 28 Aug 2023


377K subscribers

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0b26de No.84750

File: 1ab47d543ba3d95⋯.png (229.13 KB,700x350,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450272 (282312ZAUG23) Notable: Trump's fans and critics alike are plastering his mug shot on everything from mugs to t-shirts

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Trump's fans and critics alike are plastering his mug shot on everything from mugs to t-shirts. Here's a roundup of the merch gold mine


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0b26de No.84751

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450274 (282313ZAUG23) Notable: Freedom Jeffery live again in NY. Illegal alien protest Staten Island,NY

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Patriots Have Had Enough ‼️

Antifa Got their asses

handed to Them Today ..

Peaceful Patriot Protest in Staten Island NY today

Protesting Illegals Installment in Suburban Neighborhoods....

Joe Biden and Eric Adams, Mayor of NY, created Americans

brawling in the streets because of failed Democrat policies.

Video at link too big to embed

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0b26de No.84752

File: 620e3acd953971f⋯.png (225.9 KB,548x569,548:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 8225937139bc466⋯.png (293.44 KB,537x701,537:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450295 (282317ZAUG23) Notable: ‘Whole villa shaking’: Bali holiday-makers rocked by 7.1 magnitude earthquake

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‘Whole villa shaking’: Bali holiday-makers rocked by 7.1 magnitude earthquake

Tourists woke from their sleep to their villa shaking and the earth moving as the earthquake was felt across the island country.

An intense magnitude 7.1 earthquake has been felt by holiday-makers in Indonesia.

The earthquake originated in the Bali Sea about 3.55 local time (5.55am AEST) at a depth of about 515km below the ocean surface.

There is no tsunami threat to Australia, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.

Bali tourists took to social media to report waking up early in the morning to the ground moving and buildings shaking.

One said she woke to her “whole villa shaking”, describing it as a “frightening” experience.


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0b26de No.84753

File: f0de7b8efeac7cc⋯.png (40.97 KB,568x158,284:79,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450352 (282326ZAUG23) Notable: Twat is down it would seem

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twat is down it would seem

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0b26de No.84754

File: fddef0155b43a27⋯.png (344.75 KB,1844x974,922:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450362 (282328ZAUG23) Notable: Twat is down it would seem

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0b26de No.84755

File: 104cd2e7c4f6154⋯.mp4 (7.37 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450383 (282331ZAUG23) Notable: #23887

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FINAL @715


#23887 >>84704

>>84705 White House pumps new Covid vax, says it's 'safest protection for avoiding hospitalization'

>>84706 @realDonaldTrump: reported that aides to TRUMP prosecutor, Deranged Jack Smith, met w/high officials at WH

>>84707 US-Ukraine Brass Write off Counteroffensive 57.000 Casualties, Focus Force-Drafting New Conscripts for 2024

>>84708, >>84709, >>84718, >>84723, >>84736 CALL FOR DIG: GOP activist, lawyer stabbed to death Durham, NH


>>84711 IT WAS ALL A LIE! 99% of 'Covid deaths' not primarily caused by the virus, CDC data shows

>>84712 National Archives acknowledges 5,400 Biden pseudonym emails, faces lawsuit for their release

>>84713 @realDonaldTrump: division, anger, hatred that Crooked Joe Biden...has caused by Indicting Political Opponent

>>84714, >>84725 Biden Iran envoy suspended over ‘personal conduct,’ mishandling ‘protected’ info: leaked memo

>>84715 Fake POTUS delivers remarks 60th Anniversary of founding of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

>>84716 Boston:"Healey’s Transportation Secretary Gina Fiandaca out after less than a year "


>>84719 Biden Wants Cash for New Vaccines After CDC Admits They Don’t Stop Transmission

>>84720 Emails Show David Weiss Collaborated with DOJ to ‘Subvert’ House Probe into Hunter Biden Case

>>84721 Visitor Logs: Biden’s Legal Team Met with Jack Smith Aide Before Trump Doc Indictment

>>84722 @realDonaldTrump: Rumors Ron DeSanctimonious dropping out of the Presidential race to run for FL Senate

>>84724, >>84729 Hawaiian Electric says power lines were shut off hours before wildfire, de-energized

>>84726 No national media has covered this. BREAKING: FBI Killed ‘100% Disabled Veteran,’ Complete Media Silence 8/16

>>84727 @RepMTG: If your last name is Biden, the law doesn’t apply to you That’s what we’ve found time & time again

>>84728 DT JR LIVE - Hey Deep State, MAGA is Stronger than Ever: Mugshot Backfires on the Swamp, Trump 2024 Momentum

>>84730 CA AG Rob Bonta filed lawsuit Chino Valley Unified SD re schools notify parents if their children change gender

>>84731 @DiedSuddenly: Why would Rutgers Disenroll students who refuse get Covid Vaccine? Because they are OWNED BY Pfizer!

>>84732 @KariLake: Has Been Granted A New Court Date Against Maricopa County - Seeks to Review Envelope Signatures

>>84733 Colorado Dems Go Full Commie, Choose Open Marxist Who Calls for Cultural Revolution for State House Seat

>>84734 Zelensky Says He Won’t Hold Elections Unless U.S. and EU Pay for Them

>>84735, >>84751 Freedom Jeffery live again in NY. Illegal alien protest Staten Island,NY

>>84737, >>84744 Fires in Greece: 13 Pakistani and Syrian migrants charged with attempted arson in Evros

>>84738 @JamesOKeefeIII: If you’re a veteran, been asked to wear mask inside VA please send video of your interaction

>>84739, >>84740 Thousands of Garmin Smartwatches Being Used to Test Space Force Fitness Program

>>84741 @GrrrGraphics2: Here Are The Hospitals Who Reinstated Mask Mandates Citing Rising COVID Cases

>>84742, >>84743 June 08, 2023 Key Player Biden Documents Removal Caught Up in Bill Clinton-Era Chinagate Scandal

>>84745 DHS agency used Slack channel, 'personal' cellphone for misinformation meetings: records

>>84746, >>84747 Operation Popeye: How the US government turned the weather into a weapon of war…

>>84748 Mask study NIH suggests N95 may expose wearers dangerous level toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer

>>84749 Broward County FL Fire Rescue EC-135 Crash 28 Aug 2023

>>84750 Trump's fans and critics alike are plastering his mug shot on everything from mugs to t-shirts

>>84752 ‘Whole villa shaking’: Bali holiday-makers rocked by 7.1 magnitude earthquake

>>84753, >>84754 Twat is down it would seem


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0b26de No.84756

File: 4b87671f22d5e8d⋯.png (245.76 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e50cd3499b605d⋯.mp4 (2.41 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450399 (282334ZAUG23) Notable: #23888

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Thank you anons




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0b26de No.84757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450452 (282345ZAUG23) Notable: Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswany reportedly made a billion swindling investors into buying an Alzheimer’s drug that didn’t work.

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Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswany reportedly made a billion swindling investors into buying an Alzheimer’s drug that didn’t work.


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0b26de No.84758

File: 96aceae8b7f469a⋯.png (1.1 MB,996x1227,332:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450522 (282357ZAUG23) Notable: Led @fema, @USACEHQ QA reps are wking keep lights, water flowing following #MauiFires

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When the sun sets, the workday is less than halfway complete for Kenny Kwan and Jon Runnels.

Led by @fema, the @USACEHQ quality assistance representatives are working to keep the lights on and water flowing following the #MauiFires.

📰 https://army.mil/article/269333/usace_keeps_lights_on_water_flowing

9:11 PM · Aug 27, 2023·29.7K Views

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0b26de No.84759

File: 085853169949227⋯.jpg (423.45 KB,1358x1901,1358:1901,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9df438cf2cfd63c⋯.jpg (471.15 KB,1368x1916,342:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450523 (282358ZAUG23) Notable: The clowns are at it, over at Wikipedia

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the clowns are at it over a t Wikipedia


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0b26de No.84760

File: 6b12181ef1954c5⋯.png (2.27 MB,3469x1777,3469:1777,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450526 (282358ZAUG23) Notable: Led @fema, @USACEHQ QA reps are wking keep lights, water flowing following #MauiFires

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0b26de No.84761

File: d935795959af31a⋯.png (699.63 KB,1034x913,94:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450531 (282359ZAUG23) Notable: Poland’s War Studies University has reportedly suffered a breach in which sensitive defense data was stolen

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NATO state suffers huge military hack – media

Poland’s War Studies University has reportedly suffered a breach in which sensitive defense data was stolen


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0b26de No.84762

File: 6c066824369c932⋯.png (795.01 KB,963x1134,107:126,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450543 (290002ZAUG23) Notable: Led @fema, @USACEHQ QA reps are wking keep lights, water flowing following #MauiFires

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#MakingaDifference down under


Department of Defense 🇺🇸



Aug 25

Talisman Sabre is the largest bilateral military exercise between Australia and the United States and strengthening relationships among key Allies.

This year was the first that a unit from the @1stArmoredDiv participated in the exercise.

6:11 PM · Aug 27, 2023·58.2K Views


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0b26de No.84763

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450565 (290005ZAUG23) Notable: President Trump SLAMS Far Left DC Judge, Jack Smith and January 6 Committee “Lowlifes” – Will Appeal January 6 Trial Date Set for March 4

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President Trump SLAMS Far Left DC Judge, Jack Smith and January 6 Committee “Lowlifes” – Will Appeal January 6 Trial Date Set for March 4, ONE DAY Before Super Tuesday

President Trump announced on Monday that he will appeal Judge Tanya Chutkan’s decision to set a trial date for March 4, 2024–the day before Super Tuesday–in the Washington DC case against Trump for speaking out against the stolen 2020 election.

Earlier this month, Trump was hit with four counts in Jack Smith’s January 6 case: Conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding, obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding, and conspiracy against rights.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the hearing this morning and far-left Judge Chutkan’s set trial date. Trump-hater Tanya Chutkan worked at the same law office as Hunter Biden and donated over $3,000 to Barack Obama from 2008-2012.

The Judge only gave Trump’s legal team a two-month extension on prosecutors’ requested January 2 trial. Trump’s attorneys requested an April 2026 trial date.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, Joe Biden’s White House Counsel’s office quietly met with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s aides just weeks before the leading presidential candidate was indicted on 37 charges related to classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago. President Trump called this “an absolute No No!”

In a two-part Truth Social post, President Trump stated he will appeal.

Deranged Jack Smith & his team of Thugs, who were caught going to the White House just prior to Indicting the 45th President of the United States (an absolute No No!), have been working on this Witch Hunt for almost 3 years, but decided to bring it smack in the middle of Crooked Joe Biden’s Political Opponent’s campaign against him. Election Interference! Today a biased, Trump Hating Judge gave me only a two month extension, just what our corrupt government wanted, SUPER TUESDAY. I will APPEAL!

Page 2: How do you have an Indictment that is based almost entirely on the findings of the January 6th Unselect Committee of Marxists, Fascists, and Political Hacks, when these same lowlifes, who have been caught lying for years about Russia, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine, FISA, the Fake Dossier, & much more, purposely & Illegally DESTROYED & DELETED all of the Evidence, Findings, & Proof of the January 6th Committee? When will Deranged Jack Smith Criminally Charge the Committee?


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0b26de No.84764

File: c52864c77cfaa2b⋯.png (1.26 MB,1442x1011,1442:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450569 (290005ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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E-4B Nightwatch 73-1677. Call sign PRIVY28. Barksdale to Offutt.

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0b26de No.84765

File: 715db5b3cf89e80⋯.png (944.53 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450579 (290007ZAUG23) Notable: Atlas V rocket to launch Space Force's 'watchdog' satellite Silent Barker on Aug. 29.

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Atlas V rocket to launch Space Force's 'watchdog' satellite Silent Barker on Aug. 28.

The United States Space Force is about to get an unprecedented view of some of the most distant reaches of Earth orbit.

The United Launch Alliance (ULA) will launch the multi-payload Silent Barker mission, also designated as NROL-107, on Tuesday (Aug. 29) on the behalf of the Space Force and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO). Liftoff is set for 8:34 a.m. ET (1234 GMT) on an Atlas V rocket from Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

The launch will be livestreamed by ULA beginning at 8:15 a.m. ET (1215 GMT) on Tuesday. You can watch it live on Space.com, courtesy of the company, or directly from ULA's YouTube channel.

Silent Barker will mark the 18th and final Atlas V mission for the NRO to launch from Cape Canaveral; ULA will soon replace the rocket with its new Vulcan Centaur. The mission will place multiple highly secretive payloads into geosynchronous orbit, the region of space some 22,236 miles (35,786 km) up that allows spacecraft to remain stationary above fixed points on Earth.

Space Force Lt. General Michael Guetlein, commander of Space Systems Command, said in a pre-launch teleconference on Monday (Aug. 28) that the Silent Barker mission is designed to "deter aggression" through letting the United States' potential adversaries know that the Space Force is keeping a close watch on what happens in geosynchronous orbit (GEO).

"A huge element of deterrence is the ability for the adversary to know what we can and cannot see," Guetlein said. "So we actually want our competitors to know that we have eyes in GEO and that we can see what's happening in GEO. Not only are we going to maintain custody and the ability to detect what's going on in GEO, but we'll have the indications and warnings to know there's something out of the normal occurring, and that goes a long way towards deterrence."

Silent Barker will act as a "watchdog" in geosynchronous orbit, keeping an eye on any satellites that reposition themselves to get a better look at U.S. spacecraft or even to carry out counterspace attacks, according to NRO director Chris Scolese.

"Satellites do move in geosynchronous orbit," Scolese said. "You've heard about communication satellites moving from one location to another to provide better coverage for other areas. Certainly we want to be able to see that so we know what is going on in that area.

"But we also want to know if there is something going on that is unexpected, or shouldn't be going on that could potentially represent a threat to a high value asset, either ours or one of our allies'," Scolese added.

The exact capabilities of Silent Barker remain unknown. During Monday's teleconference, officials confirmed that Silent Barker will consist of multiple payloads, although neither the NRO nor Space Force are sharing exact numbers   — nor is either agency divulging the manufacturers and contractors with whom they are partnering to develop the Silent Barker spacecraft, Scolese said in response to a question from Space.com.

However, in 2021, Air Force Space and Missile Systems issued a contract modification to defense contractor L3 Harris, noting that the total value of its Silent Barker contract was over $283 million. A previous budget estimate conducted by the Government Accountability Office estimated the cost of the program to be $994 million, with a planned full operational capability scheduled for 2026.

Silent Barker's data will be processed by the National Space Defense Center in Colorado Springs, while the satellite itself will be operated by the NRO.

Silent Barker's launch comes after the U.S. Space Force has established units dedicated to tracking threats in orbit and even targeting enemy satellites.



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0b26de No.84766

File: 8f8145cbba1cd2b⋯.png (114.08 KB,885x417,295:139,Clipboard.png)

File: c887ec394a6979f⋯.png (189.09 KB,888x908,222:227,Clipboard.png)

File: 70b6795691b50bb⋯.png (169.31 KB,846x737,846:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450590 (290010ZAUG23) Notable: ChatGPT Topples Joe Biden’s ‘House of Cards’

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ChatGPT Topples Joe Biden’s ‘House of Cards’

It occurred to me recently that the increasingly labyrinthine revelations of Joe Biden’s involvement in corrupt dealings with his son Hunter would make a good Netflix TV series, possibly called “The Family Business” or less subtly “The Big Guy and Me.”

But then I realized that Netflix had already made the show in 2013 and called it “House of Cards.” The manipulative, deceitful politician Frank Underwood at the center of the plot was an 11-term South Carolina congressman, whereas Biden was a 36-year senator from Delaware. But both are Democrats who came from humble beginnings and were unexpectedly elevated to the vice presidency, and then scratched their way into the White House. And though Underwood seems outwardly to be a caring, compassionate man, in fact, he is a self-serving, scheming politician, much like what we have learned about Joe Biden from Hunter’s laptop, several congressional investigations, and the reporting of John Solomon and others.

If you don’t know about Joe’s self-enrichment scheme, check out this article from Fox News as a primer. Bribery, money laundering, obstruction of justice, tax evasion and more. Of course, the Democratic Party and their allies in the mainstream media tell a different story. To get a sense of the beatification of Biden, I turned to the new voice of liberalism, ChatGPT, to compare the fictional Frank Underwood and our real-life president. As I expected, the AI chatbot saw no similarities between the two:

A. Frank Underwood: Underwood's pursuit of power comes at the expense of moral considerations. He is willing to compromise his values and engage in unethical actions to achieve his objectives. Underwood demonstrates a lack of accountability for his actions and is driven by a desire for control, often leading to the downfall of those around him.

B. Joe Biden: Biden's approach to power is more grounded in moral principles. He emphasizes accountability and responsibility for one's actions, valuing honesty and integrity. Biden's political decisions are aimed at creating a more just and equitable society, reflecting his belief in the importance of morality in leadership.

Wow! Maybe ChatGPT never read Hunter’s laptop, so I asked, and sure enough, the chatbot had obtained its knowledge of the laptop from the mainstream media, which have been protecting Joe and Hunter at every turn.

I don’t have direct access to external sources, databases, or specific information such as the content of the Hunter Biden laptop. My responses are generated based on a mixture of licensed data, data created by human trainers, and publicly available information up until my last training cut-off in September 2021 …

So there you have it. As the noose tightens around Joe Biden’s presidency, and the possibilities of resignation, impeachment, and disgraceful defeat loom larger each day, it took the imagination of an artificial intelligence to say out loud what so many Americans are afraid to conceive and what so many others know with absolute certainty.


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0b26de No.84767

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450643 (290019ZAUG23) Notable: Concealed Health Issues of 5,000 Pilots Affecting Their Ability to Fly: Report

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Concealed Health Issues of 5,000 Pilots Affecting Their Ability to Fly: Report

The Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA, is reportedly investigating 5,000 pilots who might be unfit to fly due to medical conditions they didn’t disclose. The pilots in question are veterans who used to fly for the military.


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0b26de No.84768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450664 (290023ZAUG23) Notable: How China Spreads Communism EVERYWHERE - China Uncensored

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How China Spreads Communism EVERYWHERE

China Uncensored

1.9M subscribers

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0b26de No.84769

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8.28.23 | Rage Against The Machine - Testify - Scotty Films


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0b26de No.84770

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450697 (290028ZAUG23) Notable: A Comprehensive List Of Obama’s Worst Executive Orders

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A Comprehensive List Of Obama’s Worst Executive Orders

There have been over 900 Executive Orders put forth from Obama, and he is not even through his first term yet. He is creating a martial law ‘Disney Land’ of control covering everything imaginable. Some of the executive orders he has signed recently have been exposed thanks to ‘Friends of Conservative Action Alerts.’ They have compiled a choice list of ‘Emergency Powers, Martial law executive orders’: Get your headache medication out while you still can without a prescription.

* Executive Order 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.

* Executive Order 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.

* Executive Order 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.

* Executive Order 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.

* Executive Order 11001 allows the government to take over all health education and welfare functions.

* Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.

* Executive Order 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.

* Executive Order 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations.

Will Fema be activated with the crossfire hurricanes near Florida? Feeling Super Autistic today. :/


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0b26de No.84771

File: 29084f948f2e768⋯.png (558.13 KB,968x731,968:731,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450706 (290031ZAUG23) Notable: AN EX-CIA officer has revealed his belief that non-human intelligence is currently living alongside us

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IT'S HERE I’m an ex-CIA officer and know of UFO encounters – there’s ‘non-human intelligence living with us on Earth’

Updated: 11:40 ET, Aug 28 2023

AN EX-CIA officer has revealed his belief that non-human intelligence is currently living alongside us, with him opening up about his own alien encounter.

Jim Semivan has a 25-year career as a CIA agent, where he worked at the National Clandestine Service.

He is also a co-founder of To The Stars Academy with Tom Delonge, a company that looks into various topics surrounding aliens.

In an appearance on the Calling All Beings podcast, Semivan said, "There's an entity out there!"

"There's some kind of non-human intelligence that's living with us on this planet!"

He believes that there's another reality that surrounds us humans, one that we're not aware of.

"We're not alone.

"And we've never been alone."

Semivan also claims to have experienced an alien encounter himself.

He claims that in the '90s, beings showed up in his bedroom, with his wife being in the room with him and witnessing the encounter herself, he said on Coast to Coast AM.

Semivan described one of the aliens as a Dementor from the Harry Potter films.

“I think they mention that the phenomenon is a natural part of our universe, and we’re living in it but we don’t recognize it," said Semivan in the interview.

"The same way that insects and animals don’t recognize the human universe.

"A cat and a dog could be running through a library, but they don’t have the faintest idea what the books are all about and what libraries are all about.

"We might be walking through our existence and there’s a whole other reality that surrounds us that we just simply don’t have the ability to see or interact with.”

When discussing Unidentified Aerial Phenomena, also called UAPs, Semivan claims we have "zero answers" on the topic and stressed on the importance of conducting the necessary research to understand them.

"These UAPs or whatever the hell they are," he said on the Brian Keating podcast.

"Are they here to basically change us or are they more of a control mechanism?"

"We have tons of questions, zero answers."

"I don't think we have an option except to investigate this."


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0b26de No.84772

File: 9614a7eef7ccbd4⋯.png (623.78 KB,768x456,32:19,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450749 (290038ZAUG23) Notable: Hawaiian Electric Company Admits Downed Power Lines Caused Morning Blaze In Lahaina, Refutes Maui Fire Lawsuit Claims

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John Podesta crawled out from under a rock to shill for climate change using the Maui fires before the smoke even cleared.

Hawaiian Electric Company Admits Downed Power Lines Caused Morning Blaze In Lahaina, Refutes Maui Fire Lawsuit Claims

Aug 28,2023


After weeks of speculation, Hawaiian Electric Company, which provides power to Lahaina, admitted that its power lines caused the first of two flare-ups in a field next to Lahaina Intermediate School. But, the company maintains it is not responsible for the fires that killed at least 115 people and left an unknown number of others missing, making them the deadliest in the U.S. in more than a century.

The statement came in response to a lawsuit filed Thursday by Maui County that claims the utility was supposed “to properly maintain and repair the electric transmission lines, and other equipment including utility poles associated with their transmission of electricity, and to keep vegetation properly trimmed and maintained so as to prevent contact with overhead power lines and other electric equipment.”

Further, the suit says the electric company should have powered down its lines sooner, given the combination of very dry brush and very high winds. Today, Hawaiian Electric expressed disappointment at those claims.

“We were surprised and disappointed that the County of Maui rushed to court even before completing its own investigation,” Shelee Kimura, president and CEO of Hawaiian Electric said in a statement. “We believe the complaint is factually and legally irresponsible. It is inconsistent with the path that we believe we should pursue as a resilient community committed and accountable to each other as well as to Hawaii’s future. We continue to stand ready to work to that end with our communities and others. Unfortunately, the county’s lawsuit may leave us no choice in the legal system but to show its responsibility for what happened that day.”

The first blaze, which the electric company called “The Morning Fire,” reportedly occurred on August 8 “near the intersection of Lahainaluna Road and Hookahua Street at approximately 6:30 a.m.” A statement issued by Hawaiian Electric over the weekend maintains that videos taken by locals show “a small fire that can be seen by the downed lines spread[ing] into the field across the street from the Intermediate School.”

The utility maintains that the second flare-up that day, which it called “The Afternoon Fire” occurred while its employees were in the area repairing those downed lines, which were at that point powered off.

“Shortly before 3 p.m., while the power remained off, our crew members saw a small fire about 75 yards away from Lahainaluna Road in the field near the Intermediate School. They immediately called 911 and reported that fire.”

The crux of Hawaiian Electric’s argument seems to be that the Maui County Fire Department had declared the morning fire out and left the scene by the time the 3 p.m. flareup occurred.

“By 9 a.m. the Morning Fire was ‘100% contained,'” the company’s statement reads. “The Maui County fire chief subsequently reported that the Fire Department had determined that the Morning Fire was ‘extinguished,’ and the Fire Department left the scene by 2 p.m.”

Electric companies have been subject to mounting lawsuits in recent years over accusations their power lines have been the cause of increasingly massive fires across the Western U.S. The state of California’s single most costly and most deadly wildfire in recorded history, the 2018 Camp Fire, was ignited by a faulty electric transmission line. Early the next year, the utility responsible for those lines, Pacific Gas and Electric, filed for bankruptcy, citing expected wildfire liabilities of $30 billion.

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0b26de No.84773

File: 91f4eb497979e8c⋯.png (1.43 MB,1440x1013,1440:1013,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19450822 (290048ZAUG23) Notable: Planefag Reports

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SPAR14. A SPAR flight shooting landings? Makes no sense!

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0b26de No.84774

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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