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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

e112cc No.51567 [View All]

24AUG23 to 26AUG23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 666 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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e112cc No.83974

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434809 (261451ZAUG23) Notable: Maui elder complains that trash from the observatory was dumped for 10 years, anon comment

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e112cc No.83975

File: b01362a66e5a477⋯.jpg (35.59 KB,899x1142,899:1142,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 41994de07badc7a⋯.jpg (105.45 KB,1016x1024,127:128,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434812 (261452ZAUG23) Notable: Anon on Trump saying "I am the President" on Tucker interview

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>>>/qresearch/19434478 (PB)

PDJT said 2x during Tucker "I'm President" and "I am the President"

Tucker asked if he was scared they were going to kill him? Trump avoided directly answering the question and instead talked about how sick they are, dangerous, and evil

The next night, Greg Kelly asked him the same thing. He diverted again with the same answer he gave Tucker.

His motorcade, noted by many, was HUGE, "Presidential-size motorcade" per Greg Kelly..

Timestamp of Twat with END IS NEAR points to BATTLESTATIONS READY!

Sure hope this time isn't only to expend [their] ammo..

I'm more and more convinced that Trump still IS president, he signed over control to the USMIL, and they have been orchestrating this whole show for the public, to wake us ALL (less 4-6%) up. Trump is still President of the United States, where as Bidan is the pResident of the failed, corrupt, and bankrupt US Inc. Corporation?

Q team came to the last unwoke corners of the internet to gather the critically thinking, truth seeking anons for the Final Battle, The Greatest Show On Earth..and each and every one of us has played our role in the movie to help wake those around us. It's somewhat staggering when I think how many just in this anons sphere of influence have come around over the last (almost) 6 years..The Plan is working.

During the debate, anon's longtime fren, conservative woman, finally said something like: "I didn't understand what Trump was talking about when he was president talking about the deep state. But now it's obvious." ←THISis why it's taking so long

>also, anon has been working on feeding her info this whole time, and finally she's seeing the light (slow and steady was the strategy), it's taking the MOVIE to SHOW them... even ones who are "conservative" and vote straight Repub; it takes a DAILY soap opera that basically no one can look away from to slowly get those who were sleeping to SEE.. AS THE WORLD TURNS...

Happy to serve with you frens! o7

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e112cc No.83976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434823 (261453ZAUG23) Notable: The judge has DENIED bail to Harrison Floyd, He's the only one in detention there.

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Change it to:

Harrison Floyd, US Marine Veteran Denied Bail

This appears to be criminal

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e112cc No.83977

File: aff46bdfd76e72f⋯.png (218.8 KB,285x646,15:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434836 (261455ZAUG23) Notable: More fire footage

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New footage

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e112cc No.83978

File: 6191db93e269fdd⋯.png (234.49 KB,1815x1218,605:406,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434860 (261458ZAUG23) Notable: FTA: "Marketing materials promote the software’s ability to provide targeted data collection from Facebook, Reddit, 4chan, 8kun, and Gab"

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FTA: "Marketing materials promote the software’s ability to provide targeted data collection from big social platforms like Facebook and Reddit, but also specifically names smaller communities like 4chan, 8kun, and Gab. To demonstrate its functionality, Fivecast promotional materials explain how the software was able to track social media posts and related Persons-of-Interest starting with just “basic bio details” from a New York Times Magazine article about members of the far-right paramilitary Boogaloo movement. 404 Media also obtained leaked audio of a Fivecast employee explaining how the tool could be used against trafficking networks or propaganda operations."

11 Contracts and $4.6M in Govt. spending since 2019 related to search term "FiveCast".


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e112cc No.83979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434868 (261459ZAUG23) Notable: Herridge: All defendants surrender in Georgia, Prigozhin presumed death aftermath, more

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CBS News Weekender

All defendants surrender in Georgia, Prigozhin presumed death aftermath, more

Catherine Herridge reports on the latest news concerning the 2020 election interference case in Georgia, severe weather across the nation, and previewing the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington.

Aug 25, 2023 42:36


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e112cc No.83980

File: bbdead7784c5666⋯.png (420.09 KB,587x583,587:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434889 (261504ZAUG23) Notable: Hunter moves to Malibu home with his family

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1st Jill kicked out now Hunter. Let's see where Joe sleeps now that he has no baby sitter to help him in the residence. Coke got him kicked out by military ( no WHMO Director only Military Branches in charge since Jan 2022)


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e112cc No.83981

File: 9d5c804d3dbf4ef⋯.png (666.19 KB,794x1238,397:619,Clipboard.png)

File: fcf0e05f2397fb3⋯.png (668.2 KB,847x1212,847:1212,Clipboard.png)

File: 54c9fbf55d5ac38⋯.png (71.69 KB,428x240,107:60,Clipboard.png)

File: b6a6b85a68de96e⋯.png (646.41 KB,1358x757,1358:757,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434894 (261505ZAUG23) Notable: PDJT Truths

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@DJT Truths

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e112cc No.83982

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434896 (261505ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump driving through the urban, poor neighborhoods of Atlanta after his arrest & mugshot

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Benny Johnson



Aug 25

Donald Trump driving through the urban, poor neighborhoods of Atlanta after his arrest & mugshot.

What happens next will shock you.

Trump gives people hope.

Libs want this video deleted.

The media want it censored.

You know what to do… 👊🏼 🇺🇸


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e112cc No.83983

File: 8c82d1e6e8faa2d⋯.png (229.54 KB,806x922,403:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434904 (261507ZAUG23) Notable: The judge has DENIED bail to Harrison Floyd, He's the only one in detention there.

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Liz Harrington reposted

Byron Donalds

Why is Harrison Floyd still in Fulton Co. jail? Why did Fani Willis leave a black man in jail over this? He needs to be released immediately. Please donate to his legal defense fund!!

Official Legal Defense Fund for Harrison Floyd


6:47 PM · Aug 25, 2023·236.2K Views


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e112cc No.83984

File: c5b71cc48f01f77⋯.mp4 (12.7 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19434955 (261513ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump driving through the urban, poor neighborhoods of Atlanta after his arrest & mugshot

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Trump drive through Atlanta vs Biden arriving in Hawaii.

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e112cc No.83985

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435005 (261520ZAUG23) Notable: Huey Lewis & The News - The Power Of Love

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This a funny and a great video on the Mugshot, and Q posts. That Mugshot will be famous till the end of time! We have a brilliant President and excellent digital soldiers!

Huey Lewis & The News - The Power Of Love

Scotty mar10


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e112cc No.83986

File: b008ba56f494b31⋯.png (270.6 KB,598x701,598:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435040 (261528ZAUG23) Notable: Add another walkaway: "The more you indict, the more we unite. Gangstas, the hood's got this man’s back. It’s Trump 2024!”

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Add another to the Walk Away contingent:

"The more you indict, the more we unite. Gangstas, the hood's got this man’s back. It’s Trump 2024!”


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e112cc No.83987

File: 807a9fd4de3b721⋯.png (528.16 KB,793x897,61:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435043 (261529ZAUG23) Notable: Biden staffers met with Special Counsel Jack Smith's aides before Trump indictment

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Jason Miller


“Biden staffers met with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s aides before Trump indictment”


>Biden staffers met with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s aides before Trump indictment

10:16 AM · Aug 26, 2023


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e112cc No.83988

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435065 (261533ZAUG23) Notable: Maui elder complains that trash from the observatory was dumped for 10 years, anon comment

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anon lived in hawaii 3 years running coffee farm

it SUCKED and anon ran away fast

all of hawaii is so fake and gay and 100% rules based order with all types of faggots that exist

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e112cc No.83989

File: 191620ff5403e7d⋯.png (255.45 KB,592x608,37:38,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435067 (261533ZAUG23) Notable: Yale's police union gives truthful safety flyer and Yale officials go into meltdown mode

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Yale's police union gives truthful safety flyer and Yale officials go into meltdown mode


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e112cc No.83990

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435144 (261546ZAUG23) Notable: Donald Trump driving through the urban, poor neighborhoods of Atlanta after his arrest & mugshot

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Donald Trump driving through the urban, poor neighborhoods of Atlanta after his arrest & mugshot.

What happens next will shock you.

Trump gives people hope.

Libs want this video deleted.

The media want it censored.

You know what to do… 👊🏼 🇺🇸

+10.9 million views

>I got 5 on it

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e112cc No.83991

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435179 (261553ZAUG23) Notable: #23867

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#23867 >>83918

>>83919 Donald Trump posts mugshot meme with guns pointed at his face saying 'Soros' and 'pedophiles'

>>83920 Ramaswamy has defended a Soros scholarship he accepted, claiming it came at a time when he “didn’t have the money” to pay for Yale

>>83922 Former FBI contractor indicted on child sex crimes after allegedly grooming young boys on Discord, Snapchat

>>83923 PF stuffs

>>83924 Ireland's media minister says "under the DSA [Digital Services Act], every state will designate a body"/they will find you

>>83925, >>83929, >>83931 From the CDC website: Chief of Police in Maui is also the Coroner

>>83926, >>83928 Sarkozy to go on trial for 'receiving Colonel Gaddafi cash

>>83927 The Official Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii Fire Story ISN’T EVEN CLOSE To The Truth r/t: >>83915 pb, >>83917 pb

>>83930 The Bee: Historians Discover Document From 1776 That Removes All Mandates And Restrictions

>>83932 The BBC has been sanitizing this article all day in order to protect paedophiles and other sexual degenerates

>>83933 5 Year Delta SUICIDE WEEKEND

>>83934 @Electionwiz Biden wants to regulate but not.....

>>83935 The Best Trump Mugshot Memes Taking over Social Media

>>83936 Portland's Predictable Doom Loop


>>83938 Is Obama Behind Biden's Hostility To America?

>>83939 The Godfather of RICO Rudy Giuliani discusses how he used the statute to take down the Mafia and how it should be applied today:

>>83940 @DanScavino Meme

>>83941 "Is Stratospheric Aerosol Injection Currently Feasible? r/t >>83879 lb

>>83942 Death Investigation Systems

>>83943 N.C. Supreme Court justice Michael Morgan, to step down from his position on the court

>>83944 Biden staffers met with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s aides before Trump indictment

>>83945 all of trump's speech scripts

>>83946, >>83947 Boston Police responding to reports of mass shooting during a festival in #Dorchester

>>83948 They will lose black vote once HAITI revealed.

>>83949 Michigan Prof Put On Leave Of Absence After Cursing, Telling Students He Randomly Assigns Grades


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e112cc No.83992

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435197 (261557ZAUG23) Notable: FBI: Happy National Dog Day

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From a dog bowl to a muzzle, ahead of #InternationalDogDay take a look at what’s in the kit of a dog handler in 🇱🇻 Latvia’s Special Operations Forces

Pup is packing

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e112cc No.83993

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435210 (261600ZAUG23) Notable: The judge has DENIED bail to Harrison Floyd, He's the only one in detention there.

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>Harrison Floyd, the former Director of Black Voices for Trump.

Obviously he’s a clear and present danger. Examples must be made. Can’t have blacks encouraging blacks to leave the plantation.

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e112cc No.83994

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435228 (261604ZAUG23) Notable: The judge has DENIED bail to Harrison Floyd, He's the only one in detention there.

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Yesterday Harrison Floyd, the former Director of Black Voices for Trump and one of the 19 people who were indicted in Fulton County under RICO had a hearing before Fulton County Judge Emily Richardson.

Harrison is the only defendant out of the 19 indicted in Fulton County by Fani Willis who is being detained and jailed.

Yesterday, as you can see from this video, Judge Richardson DENIED Harrison bail, and denied him of a public defender saying “he doesn’t qualify for a public defender”, and that she’s placing him on a flight ban because she said he’s a “flight risk and likely to commit felonies”.

Meanwhile he hasn’t done anything wrong. He was simply trying to investigate a STOLEN ELECTION.

This is completely unconstitutional and a violation of @hw_floyd’s rights.

He is an innocent man who is being falsely accused and held hostage in jail! He has a wife and a small toddler daughter and he can’t afford a lawyer, and now he’s being denied a public defender when public defenders are even given to rapists and serial killers. Everyone is entitled to a public defender.

How can he be denied a public defender? He said he can’t afford a lawyer.

He was told that he could post bail at $5,000 and then Judge Richardson said he can’t even post bail anymore, which means he has to stay locked up in Fulton County Jail, one of the most dangerous jails in America.


Please donate to Harrison Floyd’s legal defense here. 👇🏻 This is an abomination.



>no Miranda rights

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e112cc No.83995

File: 5cedde950761499⋯.png (56.5 KB,818x472,409:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435341 (261620ZAUG23) Notable: Oliver Anthony slams politicians co-opting his viral hit: 'I wrote the song about those people'

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Oliver Anthony slams politicians co-opting his viral hit: 'I wrote the song about those people'

After the Republican presidential debate included a question about his song "Rich Men North of Richmond," Anthony resisted being characterized as a conservative.

Joey Nolfi

By Joey Nolfi August 25, 2023 at 06:30 PM EDT

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e112cc No.83996

File: 7610548ed68ab45⋯.png (106.62 KB,240x159,80:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435349 (261621ZAUG23) Notable: Nikki Haley saved parents from debt by building $8M fortune after quitting on Trump

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Nikki Haley saved parents from debt by building $8M fortune after quitting on Trump

Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley boosted her fortune eight-fold — to $8 million — after leaving the Trump administration, according to a report.

The former South Carolina governor reportedly had a net worth of less than $1 million when she surprisingly quit as President Donald Trump’s top envoy to the United Nations in 2018.

But she parlayed her national prominence into a financial windfall by hitting the speaking circuit, joining the boards of top companies and penning two books, according to an extensive look at the GOP hopeful’s finances by Forbes.

Haley, a proponent of term limits, had served as US ambassador to the UN for two years before telling Trump in her resignation letter: “I expect you will appreciate my sense that returning from government to the private sector is not a step down but a step up.”

The move quickly paid dividends. Last year, she hauled in $2.3 million from speeches at 11 events, according to Forbes.


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e112cc No.83997

File: 4ad8185a8c63437⋯.png (817.56 KB,786x777,262:259,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435354 (261623ZAUG23) Notable: Oliver Anthony slams politicians co-opting his viral hit: 'I wrote the song about those people'

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‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ Singer Laughs At Use of His Song at Republican Debate: ‘I Wrote That Song ABOUT Those People’

By Isaac SchorrAug 25th, 2023, 2:08 pm

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e112cc No.83998

File: 14ac586cf538274⋯.png (660.83 KB,895x684,895:684,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435367 (261626ZAUG23) Notable: The judge has DENIED bail to Harrison Floyd, He's the only one in detention there.

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The Only One

Trump Co-Defendant Deemed Flight Risk, Denied Bond

Harrison Floyd was denied bond and deemed “a risk to commit additional felonies” pending a hearing with his assigned Judge

August 25, 2023

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e112cc No.83999

File: 5df27062b7d924e⋯.png (699.68 KB,1107x795,369:265,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435383 (261628ZAUG23) Notable: Oh boy! New COVID Booster Vaccine Will Be Available Next Month

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New COVID Booster Vaccine Will Be Available Next Month: Reports

The news comes as cases of the virus increase steadily across the U.S.

Lydia O'Connor


Lydia O'Connor

Aug 25, 2023, 05:03 PM EDT

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e112cc No.84000

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435426 (261636ZAUG23) Notable: #23868

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#23868 >>83950


>>83951 Alice L. Lee is the Chair of the Maui County Council.

>>83954 Things that melted during the Maui fire

>>83960 Josh Green DIG

>>83956 Anon summary of suspicious happenings

>>83961 Hawaii officials urge families of people missing after deadly fires to give DNA samples

>>83969 Lahaina Housing Market

>>83974, >>83972, >>83988 Maui elder complains that trash from the observatory was dumped for 10 years, anon comment

>>83977 More fire footage

>>83970 Maui utility may have compromised evidence in fire probe, lawyers say


>>83950 Randy Quaid on Oliver Anthony: rich and powerful voice!

>>83952 Anti-globalist black woman - What is happening in Maui will happen here

>>83955 Loomer: White liberal judge in Fulton Co caught on camera trying to commit a court room LYNCHING of innocent black man for the crime of supporting Trump.

>>83967, >>83968, >>83976, >>83983, >>83993, >>83994, >>83998 The judge has DENIED bail to Harrison Floyd, He's the only one in detention there.

>>83957, >>83953, >>83962 Are ordinary cops now allowed to sign death certificates throughout the country? DIG!

>>83958 End Times News, USSA MO Bunker #493

>>83959 Supreme Court Needs to Intervene to Help J6 Prisoners - Revolver

>>83963, >>83964, >>83987 Biden staffers met with Special Counsel Jack Smith's aides before Trump indictment

>>83965, >>83992 FBI: Happy National Dog Day

>>83966 Washington state has blunt message for UAV operators: Stop flying drones near wildfires

>>83971 The A.I. Surveillance Tool DHS Uses to Detect ‘Sentiment and Emotion’

>>83973 “It’s time to end the blank, undated checks for Ukraine.” - @VictoriaCoates

>>83975 Anon on Trump saying "I am the President" on Tucker interview

>>83978 FTA: "Marketing materials promote the software’s ability to provide targeted data collection from Facebook, Reddit, 4chan, 8kun, and Gab"

>>83979 Herridge: All defendants surrender in Georgia, Prigozhin presumed death aftermath, more

>>83980 Hunter moves to Malibu home with his family

>>83981 PDJT Truths

>>83982, >>83984, >>83990 Donald Trump driving through the urban, poor neighborhoods of Atlanta after his arrest & mugshot

>>83985 Huey Lewis & The News - The Power Of Love

>>83986 Add another walkaway: "The more you indict, the more we unite. Gangstas, the hood's got this man’s back. It’s Trump 2024!”

>>83989 Yale's police union gives truthful safety flyer and Yale officials go into meltdown mode

>>83995, >>83997 Oliver Anthony slams politicians co-opting his viral hit: 'I wrote the song about those people'

>>83996 Nikki Haley saved parents from debt by building $8M fortune after quitting on Trump

>>83999 Oh boy! New COVID Booster Vaccine Will Be Available Next Month



baker seeking handoff at the top

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e112cc No.84001

File: 82ae02a67578963⋯.png (242.27 KB,850x776,425:388,Clipboard.png)

File: a744e93f0d941b7⋯.png (154.31 KB,437x436,437:436,Clipboard.png)

File: ebc1b805f9f74ef⋯.png (373.95 KB,875x466,875:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435445 (261640ZAUG23) Notable: #23869

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baker seeks handoff ghosting in @20


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e112cc No.84002

File: 15c06d81f418d4e⋯.png (1.2 MB,1272x716,318:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435492 (261648ZAUG23) Notable: Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense of the Russian Federation Lt General Igor Kirillov speaks about U.S. bioweapons activity

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Chief of Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological Defense of the Russian Federation Lt General Igor Kirillov speaks about U.S. bioweapons activity

I do not generally follow Russian or Ukrainian press. I occasionally read some Substack writers who seem to have a good handle on what goes on there. This information was forwarded to me by a friend, and it originates from the Russian Ministry of Defense. I found the Russian version and confirmed that the English translation was accurate. You can read the briefing following the links above.

Here is my take on Kirillov’s (and Russian MOD) messaging and what I think it signifies.

Most of the factual information in this briefing is correct.


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e112cc No.84003

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435521 (261656ZAUG23) Notable: RIP Bob Barker

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e112cc No.84004

File: 9191edeae8c9109⋯.png (3.27 MB,1170x1822,585:911,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435524 (261657ZAUG23) Notable: RIP Bob Barker

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Bob Barker host of “The Price is Right” has died at 99

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e112cc No.84005

File: bf2996df0fe2987⋯.jpeg (1.18 MB,1170x1893,390:631,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435525 (261657ZAUG23) Notable: Silicon Valley elites revealed as buyers of $800m of land to build utopian city

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Silicon Valley elites revealed as buyers of $800m of land to build utopian city

Group Flannery Associates, backed by prominent investors, quietly buy 55,000 acres of farmland in northern California

After weeks of local speculation, the purchasers of 55,000 acres of northern California land have been revealed. The group Flannery Associates – backed by a cohort of Silicon Valley investors – has quietly purchased $800m worth of agricultural and empty land, the New York Times has reported. Their goal is to build a utopian new town that will offer its thousands of residents reliable public transportation and urban living, all of which would operate using clean energy.

Edgar Jamie, 48, the owner of Black Sheep Farms, leases 25 acres of land, which is directly across the biggest Amazon warehouse in the world in Ontario, California. James walks along his farm as the Amazon warehouse looms from the distance. “We only have about two to three more years here—this land is already marked for housing,” James said. “It’s sad that we have rich soil and they [the developers] choose to build warehouses instead of farming.” Pablo Unzueta/The Guardian

‘Monstrosities in the farmland’: how giant warehouses transformed a California town

Read more

The project was spearheaded by Jan Sramek, a 36-year-old former trader for the investment banking firm Goldman Sachs, and is backed by prominent Silicon Valley investors including Michael Moritz, a venture capitalist; Reid Hoffman, the co-founder of Linkedin; Laurene Powell Jobs, the founder of the philanthropic group Emerson Collective and wife of Steve Jobs; Marc Andreessen, an investor and software developer; Patrick and John Collison, the sibling co-founders of the payment processor Stripe; and the entrepreneurs Daniel Gross and Nat Friedman, the Times reported.


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e112cc No.84006

File: 7223699ca572ee3⋯.jpg (1.65 MB,3464x3464,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435526 (261657ZAUG23) Notable: [D]ay [Of] [D]ays anon graphic decode?

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[D]ay [Of] [D]ays


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e112cc No.84007

File: a4d8fa8c83a8d3f⋯.png (63.85 KB,896x416,28:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435534 (261659ZAUG23) Notable: Couple With Russian Citizenship Arrested in Lebanon on Suspicion of Spying for Israel

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e112cc No.84008

File: b7e3602ef729025⋯.png (616.45 KB,825x761,825:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435572 (261708ZAUG23) Notable: Vivek Ramaswamy’s Voting Record Shows He is Not a Registered Republican, and Donated to Anti-Trump Democrat Candidate in 2016

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Vivek Ramaswamy’s Voting Record Shows He is Not a Registered Republican, and Has Donated to Anti-Trump Democrat Candidate in 2016

What an inconvenient truth


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e112cc No.84009

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435675 (261724ZAUG23) Notable: Drought-hit Panama Canal to restrict access for one year

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Panama’s Canal Is Drying Up and Its Bonds Are Getting Hit Hard

Anyone know more about this situation? It seems like a (temporary?) water situation is getting hyped to fuel financial fall-out to me blamed on "climate change".

"The lake has long been suffering with erratic rainfall in what is normally one of the world’s wettest countries. Now, an El Nino weather pattern threatens to further reduce water levels."

"long been suffering"

"The canal authority has restricted the number of ships that can cross to about 32 and forced those that are allowed to enter to reduce their drafts, meaning they take less cargo. Typically about 38 vessels navigate it daily, according to the canal authority.==

Another story said 40 vessels were typical (last year, though)



"In 2022, an average of 40 ships crossed through the canal a day, a number which has now dropped to 32 to save water."

From the first reference. This says a lot in my opinion: "For investors, the long line of cargo vessels anchoring at the mouths of the 50-mile canal was confirmation that the effects of climate change were catching up with the canal — and the economy."

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e112cc No.84010

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435712 (261732ZAUG23) Notable: WuHan! (I got you all infected) for the keks

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ty to the anon that brought this track into our sphere.


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e112cc No.84011

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435741 (261740ZAUG23) Notable: Red Cross gets gold bars left on train

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Red Cross gets gold bars left on train as donation

A mysterious stash of over 100 gold ingots was found on a Swiss train in 2019


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e112cc No.84012

File: 64d59d35a1ed132⋯.png (313.82 KB,1004x616,251:154,Clipboard.png)

File: cb99af396975fd6⋯.pdf (1.2 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435779 (261749ZAUG23) Notable: The onset of de novo autoantibodies in healthcare workers after mRNA based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: a single centre prospective follow-up study

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The onset of de novo autoantibodies in healthcare workers after mRNA based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: a single centre prospective follow-up study


Nowadays, data concerning the risk of autoimmune disease after SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) vaccination is controversial. The aim of this single centre prospective follow-up study was to evaluate whether healthcare workers (HCWs) vaccinated with BNT162b2 mRNA and mRNA-1273 will show a development and/or a persistence of autoantibodies, focussing on the detection of antibodies against nuclear antigens (antinuclear antibodies, ANA). We enrolled 155 HCWs, however only 108 of them received the third dose and were considered for further analysis. Blood samples were collected before vaccine inoculation (T0), at 3 (T1) and 12 months (T2) after the first dose. All samples were analysed for the presence of a) ANA using indirect Immunofluorescence [IIF] (dilutions of 1:80, 1:160. 1:320 and 1:640), and anti-smooth muscle antibodies (ASMA); b) anti-myeloperoxidase (anti-MPO), anti-proteinase 3 (anti-PR3) and anti-citrullinated peptide antibodies (aCCP) [FEIA]; c) anti-phospholipid antibodies (anticardiolipin [aCL], anti-beta-2- glycoprotein I [anti-ß-2GPI] (Chemiluminescence). Line-blot technology was performed using the following kit: EUROLINE ANA profile 3 plus DFS70 (IgG). Our research suggests that mRNA based anti-SARSCoV-2 vaccines can induce the production of de novo ANA in 22/77(28,57%) of subjects and that the percentage of positivity seems to be directly correlated to the number of vaccine expositions: 6/77 (7,79%) after 2 doses; 16/77 (20,78%) after 3 doses. Since it is known that hyperstimulation of the immune system could lead to autoimmunity, these preliminary results seem to further sustain the idea that the hyperstimulation of the immune system might lead to an autoinflammatory mechanism and eventually to autoimmune disorders. However, the link between SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and the development of autoimmune diseases needs to be further investigated.

5. ConclusionsIn conclusion, this study suggests that mRNA based anti-SARS-CoV-2 vaccines can induce the production of de novo ANA in 22/77(28,57%) of subjects and that the per-centage of positivity seems to be directly correlated to the number of vaccine exposures: 6/77 (7,79%) after 2 doses; 16/77 (20,78%) after 3 doses. As it is known that immune stimulation can act as a double-edged sword, meaning infec-tious and endogenous defense versus autoimmune related hyper-stimulation[55,56], our preliminary results and the presence of de novo ANA antibodies in HCWs seem to be more prone to sustain this second consequence: hyperstim-ulation. However, the link between SARS-CoV-2 vaccination and the development of autoimmune diseases needs to be further investigated.

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e112cc No.84013

File: 0150c14845b312e⋯.jpg (28.66 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4cd7dc854fd98a8⋯.jpg (7.57 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d9db6c9208f9367⋯.jpg (7.88 KB,480x360,4:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435782 (261749ZAUG23) Notable: Red Cross gets gold bars left on train

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ICRC valuables

worth remembering


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e112cc No.84014

File: 413b8f5152b173f⋯.jpeg (487.43 KB,892x3702,446:1851,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435790 (261751ZAUG23) Notable: Temporal association between COVID-19 vaccination and Raynaud's phenomenon: A case series

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Temporal association between COVID-19 vaccination and Raynaud's phenomenon: A case series



COVID-19 vaccine-related adverse events are mostly minor to moderate, and serious events are rare. Single cases of Raynaud's phenomenon (RP) in temporal proximity to COVID-19 vaccination have been reported. Demographic data, medical history, and detailed information regarding vaccination status and RP characteristics were obtained from patients with confirmed RP after COVID-19 vaccination. Fifteen participants reported the initial manifestation of RP, which occurred in 40% after the first, in 33% after the second, and in 27% after the third vaccination. RP development and occurrence of episodes were not linked to any specific vaccine type. New onset of disease was observed in 40% of the vaccinees after BNT162b2, in 33% after mRNA-1273, and in 27% after ChAdOx1 vaccination. Three out of four participants with preexisting RP prior to COVID-19 vaccination reported aggravation in frequency and intensity after immunization. Although COVID-19 vaccination is pivotal in controlling the pandemic,the observed temporal association between vaccine administration and RP occurrence warrants global activities to support pharmacovigilance for the detection of adverse reactions, one of which may include RP.

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e112cc No.84015

File: 7d51fe9921cc3a1⋯.png (423.18 KB,800x991,800:991,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c1ebdcae7ee6e8⋯.jpg (271.91 KB,1080x1349,1080:1349,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c88b28e97d1e917⋯.jpg (62.83 KB,474x532,237:266,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435834 (261802ZAUG23) Notable: Robert O’Neill, former Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden, arrested in Texas

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Robert O’Neill, former Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden, arrested in Texas

The former Navy SEAL who claims to have killed Osama bin Laden was arrested in Texas this week.

Robert J. O’Neill, 47, was booked Wednesday in Frisco and slapped with a Class A misdemeanor charge of assault causing bodily injury and a Class C misdemeanor charge of public intoxication, although jail records listed only the assault charge, The Dallas Morning News reported.

Frisco police declined to release more information Friday about the arrest.

O’Neill was released the same day on a $3,500 bond.

O’Neill had been in town to record a podcast at a local cigar lounge.

He did not respond to a request for comment from The Post.

A former SEAL Team 6 member, O’Neill came to wide public prominence after he took credit for firing the shots that killed 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden during a covert raid in 2011.

O’Neill recounted the story in his 2017 memoir “The Operator.”

The United States government has never confirmed or denied the story.

O’Neill’s Texas bust is far from his first run-in with controversy.


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e112cc No.84016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19435938 (261818ZAUG23) Notable: The Unknown Secret Child Trafficking Network That Ran for 60 Years

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Lost children of Francoism

Republican mothers and their children faced repression both inside and outside jail. There are numerous oral testimonies from women recounting many types of humiliation.

The living conditions in jails were grievous: the massive number of arrests made prisoners live in extreme overcrowding. Food was scarce, and hygiene was poor.

Many children who entered jail with their mothers died there.

Those who survived were separated from their mothers and, in many cases, given up for illegal adoptions, as the law stated that children could not remain in jail with their mothers after the age of three years.

Other children ended up in convents, forced to convert to Catholicism.


The Unknown Secret Child Trafficking Network That Ran for 60 Years

Between 1939 and 1989 Over 300,000 Newborns Were Sold in Spain

by Andrei Tapalaga Sep 30, 2022

Child trafficking is a very predominant problem that I feel people do not talk enough about.

It is something that happens more often than we think or at least more often than the media portrays it.

Child trafficking now takes place in black markets and it mainly functions due to organized criminals, but believe it or not, there was a time when medics, nuns, and even priests were making big money by selling children.

You would not expect a priest or nun to do such an atrocious thing, but for many years Spain hid a big underground secret network for child trafficking run by what was considered “normal people” or even people that worked for God.

This secret network ran for almost 50 years without the world knowing, leaving many parents without their babies.

The main trick used was to tell the parents that the newborn had died due to various reasons after birth.

An investigation done by the BBC in 1989 discovered thousands of fake graves of newborns that have been taken away from their parents and sold on the black market by nuns and priests.

In ten years this secret network evolved at a national level and even if the authorities were receiving some concerns about the increased level of dead newborns, no one cared enough to actually look into it.

The Spanish Catholic Church had been found out after many years to be at the roots of this secret network and being the ones making the big bucks on this organized crime.

Who would expect priests or nuns to be so cruel and cold-hearted? No one, that is the reason why this managed to stay a secret for such a long time.

Although you may be thinking how come no one buying these children exposed this secret network?

This is because all of their clients were quite rich people who were also fooled by being told that the large sum of money being paid is due to the adoption taxes “implied by the government”.

The reason I have mentioned Franco is that it seems that most of the children that were stolen were from parents that were either communist or republic, in other words against Franco’s regime.

It was never proven, but based on this information it is very likely that Franco also knew about this dirty business, the reason why the authorities within Spain never got involved.


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e112cc No.84017

File: e43dc0e8c665b71⋯.jpg (59.29 KB,597x446,597:446,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0b104d2b1cd7200⋯.jpg (117.68 KB,712x475,712:475,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19436067 (261850ZAUG23) Notable: A Trump supporter indicted in Georgia is also charged with assaulting an FBI agent in Maryland

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Trump Co-Defendant Harrison Floyd Remains Incarcerated Without Bond

AllSides Summary

Of the 19 people who turned themselves in at the Fulton County Jail in connection with the most recent Trump indictment, only one still remains incarcerated.

The Details: Harrison Floyd, the former director of the activist group Black Voices for Trump, is held on racketeering charges related to his alleged efforts to help overturn the 2020 election results. Floyd, who told Fulton County Superior Court Judge Emily Richardson he cannot afford a private attorney, is being held without bond. Richardson deemed him a flight risk and a risk to commit additional felonies.

For Context: In May, Floyd was charged with assault for striking an FBI agent who followed him into his home to serve a subpoena concerning another Fulton County elections matter. Reportedly, agents tried to serve Floyd the subpoena outside, but he refused to take it. HuffPost (Lean Left bias) said Floydignored a badgeshown by an agent outside the home. Associated Press (Lean Left bias) said Floyd only backed down when one of the agents showed Floyd his gun and badge inside the home, after the altercation. Since the incident, Floyd has surrendered his passport.

Key Quotes: Floyd said, “There is no way I’m a flight risk; I showed up here before the president was here,” noting that he surrendered “voluntarily.” Richardson said a "full consideration of bond" will be handled by Georgia Judge Scott McAfee, who will preside over the case.

How The Media Covered It: Sources on the left went more in-depth on Floyd’s previous charges.

The picture of the guy with the gun came up in search results for this article but was not actually in the article, but in a link to a related AP article. I did a search on tineye and the first time this image appeared was August 24, two days before the date of this article.


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e112cc No.84018

File: 2bf90134a88c5b1⋯.jpg (8.25 KB,246x205,6:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19436088 (261859ZAUG23) Notable: A Trump supporter indicted in Georgia is also charged with assaulting an FBI agent in Maryland

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2 of 2

Anons should watch the video of Harrison Floyd’s campaign add when he was running for Congress in 2019, embeded in this article. THEN read the article. I had to go back and watch it again to prove to myself I actually saw and heard what I thought I saw and heard. This is a good example of gaslighting.

Gaslight: manipulate (someone) using psychological methods into questioning their own sanity or powers of reasoning.

Indicted Trump Co-Conspirator Released 2019 Ad Threatening AOC and Bernie Sanders


“In 2019, Harrison Floyd released an ad announcing a run for Georgia’s 7th Congressional District’s House seat. In his ad, Floyd flashed images of AOC and Bernie Sanders and said he would use his military experience to “fight socialists in Congress the same way [he] fought terrorists in the desert.” Floyd then showed video of himself firing an automatic weapon.”

This video meets the definition of fraudulent misrepresentation, and Harrison Floyd could fight the charges against him, but does not have any money for an attorney.

All of this is based on fraudulent misrepresentation and wicked. These people are deranged.

“Fraudulent misrepresentation is a tort claim, typically arising in the field of contract law, that occurs when a defendant makes a intentional or reckless misrepresentation of fact or opinion with the intention to coerce a party into action or inaction on the basis of that misrepresentation.”


The good news is, some people already realize this is wrong and are taking action. It’s sad but true, that money does do something to balance power.

Harrison Floyd Fundraiser Hits $118k As Trump Co-Defendant Remains in Jail


I don’t have any money to donate but I would if I could. I would even drive to Georgia to show gun guy and his masters that I am not intimidated by their tactics by just sitting in a lawn chair on my lawn, and hopefully encouraging people to join me.

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e112cc No.84019

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19436137 (261912ZAUG23) Notable: WOW! Biden’s Staffers Quietly Met with Jack Smith’s Aides Shortly Before Trump Indicted in Classified Docs Case

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Biden’s Staffers Quietly Met with Jack Smith’s Aides Shortly Before Trump Indicted in Classified Docs Case

Joe Biden’s White House Counsel’s office quietly met with Special Counsel Jack Smith’s aides just weeks before Trump was indicted in the classified documents case.

According to visitor logs reviewed by the New York Post, Jay Bratt, a prosecutor on Jack Smith’s massive team, met with Caroline Saba, deputy chief of staff for Biden’s White House Counsel’s office on March 31, 2023.

The special counsel’s prosecutor met with Biden’s staffers just days after Obama-appointed judge Beryl Howell ordered Trump’s lawyer to testify before the grand jury.

Judge Howell flipped Trump’s own lawyer Eric Corcoran into a witness when she obliterated Trump’s attorney-client privilege in a ruling.

Jack Smith indicted President Trump weeks later on 37 charges related to classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

This is more evidence that Joe Biden is coordinating with prosecutors to lock up his main political rival Donald Trump – in the middle of an election!

The New York Post reported:

The White House counsel’s office met with a top aide to Special Counsel Jack Smith just weeks before he brought charges against former President Trump for allegedly mishandling classified documents — raising serious concerns about coordinated legal efforts aimed at President Biden’s likely opponent in 2024.

Jay Bratt, who joined the special counsel team in November 2022, shortly after it was formed, took a meeting in the White House on March 31, 2023, with Caroline Saba, deputy chief of staff for the White House counsel’s office, White House visitor logs show.

They were joined in the 10 a.m. meeting by Danielle Ray, an FBI agent in the Washington field office.

Nine weeks later, Trump was indicted by Smith’s office on June 8, 2023.

Bratt, 63, also met with Saba at the White House in November 2021, when Trump was mired in negotiations with the National Archives, who were demanding the return of presidential records from his Mar-a-Lago estate before a formal investigation had not yet been opened.

Jack Smith indicted Trump on 37 federal counts in Miami in June.

Trump was charged with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and 6 other process crimes stemming from his conversations with his lawyer.

Walt Nauta, a Mar-a-Lago aide, was indicted along with President Trump as a co-conspirator.

Last month Jack Smith hit Trump with 3 additional charges in the investigation into classified documents stored at Mar-a-Lago.

The superseding indictment, filed in the Southern District of Florida, claims Trump was part of a scheme to delete security footage from Mar-a-Lago.


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e112cc No.84020

File: ef84a4c7ec23935⋯.png (333.67 KB,604x593,604:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19436165 (261917ZAUG23) Notable: HERE WE GO: Biden Regime Seeks Additional Funding for New COVID-19 Vaccine “That Works” - Warns Everyone Will Get It “No Matter Whether They’ve Gotten It Before or Not” (VIDEO)

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Biden Regime Seeks Additional Funding for New COVID-19 Vaccine “That Works” – Warns Everyone Will Get It “No Matter Whether They’ve Gotten It Before or Not”

The Gateway Pundit previously reported that InfoWars published insider information that alleges the TSA and US Border Patrol will be moving back to 2020-era COVID-19 mandates and restrictions starting in mid-September through mid-October, to include mask mandates on all flights. This is in addition to the confirmed mask-mandate reinstatement at Morris Brown College in Atlanta, GA, and Lionsgate Studios in Santa Monica, CA. Also, a school district in South Texas just outside of San Antonio closed down temporarily due to an ‘uptick’ in COVID cases.

That same week, WarRoom’s Natalie Winters uncovered millions of dollars in funding, awarded primarily to the Department of Veteran’s Affairs and DoD, to ramp up testing and other COVID-19 related.

This was just a week after the NIH appointed Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, a staunch advocate for masks, lockdowns, and vaccine mandates, as the replacement for Dr. Fauci.

To further the suggestion that another lockdown scare is in the forecast, on Tuesday, the US Department of Health and Human Services announced funding of $1.4 billion to “support the development of a new generation of tools and technologies to protect against COVID-19 for years to come” according to a press release.

“Project NextGen is a key part of the Biden-Harris Administration’s commitment to keeping people safe from COVID-19 variants,” said HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. “These awards are a catalyst for the program – kickstarting efforts to more quickly develop vaccines and continue to ensure availability of effective treatments.”

Project NextGen, a $5 billion initiative led by ASPR’s Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) in partnership with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), coordinates across the federal government and the private sector to advance innovative vaccines and therapeutics into clinical trials, regulatory review, and potential commercial availability for the American people. The project builds on a better understanding of COVID-19 – with HHS developing, using, and constantly re-evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of current vaccines and therapeutics for over three years.

Recipients of the awards include:

$1 billion to four BARDA Clinical Trial partners to support vaccine Phase IIb clinical trial studies: ICON Government and Public Health Solutions, Inc of Hinckley, Ohio; Pharm-Olam, LLC, of Houston, Texas; Technical Resources Intl (TRI), Inc, of Bethesda, Maryland; and Rho Federal Systems, Inc., Durham, North Carolina.

$326 million to Regeneron to support the development of a next-generation monoclonal antibody for COVID-19 prevention.

$100 million to Global Health Investment Corp. (GHIC), the non-profit organization managing the BARDA Ventures investment portfolio to expand investments in new technologies that will accelerate responses in the future.

$10 million to Johnson & Johnson Innovation (JLABS) for a competition through Blue Knight, a BARDA-JLABS partnership.

The press release claims that their partnership with Regeneron will help develop a “novel monoclonal antibody that will protect people who do not respond to or cannot take existing vaccines,” despite their attempts to limit the distribution in Florida in 2021.

On Friday, Joe Biden announced that he plans to request more funding from Congress to develop a new COVID vaccine “that works.”

“I signed off this morning on a proposal we have to present to the Congress a request for additional funding for a new vaccine that is necessary, that works,” Biden told the reporters while vacationing for the nth times in Lake Tahoe.

Biden warned that everyone will get it despite their previous vaccination status.

“It will likely be recommended that everybody get it no matter whether they’ve gotten it before or not,” he added.


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e112cc No.84021

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19436187 (261922ZAUG23) Notable: Putin orders Wagner fighters to sign oath of allegiance

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Putin orders Wagner fighters to sign oath

Vladimir Putin signed a decree making it mandatory for private military contractors, like the Wagner mercenary group, to sign an oath of allegiance to the Russian state.




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e112cc No.84022

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19436188 (261923ZAUG23) Notable: Brief History of Cannibalism in Hawaii

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Brief History of Cannibalism in Hawaii

Cannibalism, the act of consuming the flesh or organs of another individual from the same species, has a long and complex history in Hawaii. While it is no longer practiced, there are records and stories that shed light on the occurrence of cannibalism in ancient Hawaii.

Cannibalism in Ancient Hawaii

In the ancient Hawaiian society, cannibalism was believed to be a part of religious rituals and practices. It was often associated with warfare and human sacrifices. Certain taboos and beliefs dictated the consumption of human flesh as a means of gaining spiritual power or appeasing the gods.

According to archaeological evidence and oral traditions, there are instances where defeated enemies were killed and their bodies consumed by the victors. These acts were seen as a way to assert dominance, demonstrate bravery, and obtain the strength and qualities of the defeated individuals.

Documented Cases of Cannibalism

While cannibalism was more prevalent in ancient Hawaii, there are a few documented cases that occurred during the early contact period with European explorers and missionaries. These cases often involved shipwrecked sailors or foreigners who found themselves in desperate situations.

One notable case is that of the “Forlorn Hope” incident in 1824, where a group of sailors from the ship Essex were stranded on the island of Maui. Faced with starvation, they resorted to cannibalism to survive. This incident, along with similar cases, sparked considerable controversy and debate among the European and American communities.

Last Known Case in Hawaii''

The last known case of cannibalism in Hawaii dates back to the late 19th century, during a time of political turmoil and warfare. It involved a group of warriors who were captured and executed by their enemies. The captors reportedly consumed the flesh of the slain warriors as an act of revenge and to instill fear in their adversaries.

Since then, cannibalism has not been practiced or reported in Hawaii. The islands have undergone significant cultural and societal changes, adopting Western values and laws that prohibit such acts. Today, Hawaii is a diverse and multicultural society that cherishes its unique history and traditions while embracing modern values.

For more information on the history of Hawaii and its cultural practices, you can visit https://www.hawaiihistory.org.

Hawaii Laws Related to Cannibalism

When it comes to the legality of cannibalism in Hawaii, the situation is complex and nuanced. While there is no explicit ban on cannibalism in the state’s statutes, several laws indirectly address the act. Let’s explore the relevant laws and key court cases that shed light on this intriguing topic.

No Explicit Ban on Cannibalism

Surprisingly, Hawaii does not have a specific law that explicitly prohibits cannibalism. This absence of a direct prohibition might lead some to believe that the act is legal. However, it is crucial to consider other laws that indirectly address cannibalism and its associated activities.

Hawaii’s laws against murder and corpse desecration are the primary legal frameworks that come into play in cases involving cannibalism. The act of killing another person for the purpose of consuming their flesh would undoubtedly be considered murder under Hawaii law. Additionally, the desecration of a corpse, even for cannibalistic purposes, is a serious offense that can result in significant legal consequences.



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e112cc No.84023

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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