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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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f1d419 No.51547 [View All]

29JUN23 to 02JUL23


Re-Posts of notables

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f1d419 No.68954

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File: 6b4f6a3f70c46b4⋯.jpeg (18.77 KB,232x500,58:125,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110055 (021215ZJUL23) Notable: Analysis of Election Night Reporting/Companies that Manufacture Election Results

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Who is Responsible for Manipulated ENR Data?Look to Georgia.(SOS Sytl)

Now to shed some light on who is most likely responsible for showing the public at least partially fabricated data on election night and claiming they are real election results.

Recall that election officials brush off massive evidence of fraud in the ENR data. They claim it is simply third-party data and can’t be held responsible for it.There are at least nine states for which this excuse holds no water: Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, South Carolina, Utah, and West Virginia. These states contract directly with Scytl to provide their election night reporting. That means that the numbers that float across the TV screen are provided by Scytl, and Scytl alone, who get it directly from election officials. According to the EAC, this means that the state election officials are responsible for those numbers.

Since we shared Georgia’s data in this article, let’s look at the Georgia Secretary of State’s election results. Click on the election results for any election since 2012, and you will be taken to a Clarity Election website – which is owned by Scytl. Scytl even copyrights Georgia’s ENR data.

Earlier in this article, we showed impossible numbers of batches of votes in a row came in at exactly the same percentage for two candidates, which also happened to match the overall percentage. Georgia’s data also shows all the hallmarks of being calculated by a PID control algorithm with an original setpoint that was revised after Florida and Texas were called for Trump.

Georgia’s Secretary of State and Scytl are directly responsible for the impossibilities in the election results in the 2020 General and Runoff elections. In other words,Scytl is easily identified as a major culpable party behind the famous “Fraud Curve” when examining the evidence.

The Rabbit Hole Goes Deeper

Election integrity activists have become awarehow impossible it is to overturn a fraudulent election after a result has been announced, even when election fraud can be proven without a doubt and there is video surveillance of the steal taking place. This means that controlling the mechanism by which winners are announced gives unfathomable power over elections. And it doesn’t matter what evidence comes out afterwards—because if history is our guide—nothing will be done about it.

Scytl doesn’t only have a monopoly on ENR reporting, but they also have their fingers on the official election data in 26 statesafter acquiring “100% of SOE Software, the leading software provider of election management solutions in the United States.” SOE Software owns a product called “Clarity,” a suite of 8 software modules spread throughout 900 jurisdictions across the United States. Scytl-Edison’s publication of what looks like bogus ENR data on live television is a terrifying reality. With the ability to control the official election data, there are no limits on what they can do.

Scytl also has an unfortunate connection to Konnech through a man named Luis Nabergoi-Puentewho lives in Spain and has been Konnech’s Worldwide Technical Director as well as a program manager at Scytl.

Konnech is an election company who claims to have distributed its software to “thousands of election offices across North America,” but have also been proven to be storing sensitive election worker information in China, as well as giving Chinese nationals full access to their software. (https://open.ink/konnech)

Konnech’s illegal connections to China were discovered by True the Vote. After the information reached the Washington D.C. FBI headquarters and after the D.C. office got involved, the FBI did everything possible to shut down the investigation into Konnech and implicate the researchers who discovered the breach.

There is a powerful force behind Scytl, Edison and Clarity. How they ever obtained influence in US elections is not clear. Their activities in US elections are suspect at best as well.

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f1d419 No.68955

File: b8ff0bdef7d3edd⋯.jpeg (74.39 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110069 (021218ZJUL23) Notable: Gorka – Wagner’s ‘Mutiny’ Against Putin Just Doesn’t Add Up

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Gorka – The Coup that Wasn’t: Wagner’s ‘Mutiny’ Against Putin Just Doesn’t Add Up

July 1, 2023

Revolutions can be good. Like the one that erupted in 1776 and gave us America. Others, not so much.

“News” about thousands of mercenaries heading to Moscow to take over the government from Vladimir Putin was disturbing, to say the least.

But not everything was as it may, at first blush, seem. Allegedly the regular Russian forces shelled and fired rockets at Yevgeny Prigozhin and Wagner unit. All this came after months of accusations flung back and forth…

As a result, the former restauranteur ordered his men to pull out of the warzone that is Ukraine and head for the Russian capital.

But was it really to replace the regime?

Why it just doesn’t add up:

Firstly, there’s the numbers thing.

Yes the current state of the Russia Federation’s military capabilities is depleted – yet the fact remains that the nation still countsmore than a millionmen in uniform,2 million reservists, plus thenewly created National Guard, established by Putin and directly subordinated to him for use in exactly such an eventuality as a real coup.

The Wagner Group, on the other hand, can count on an absolutemaximum of 25,000blood-thirsty fighters…but 25,000 against over a million, or 3 million… Are we positing that Prigozhin – and all his men – are suicidal?

Secondly, the language of the putative coup was, let’s just say “strange.”

If you’re moving militarily on the capital, then it’s clear you are trying to effect a regime change, the decapitation of the existing old guard. But Prigozhin’s militant statementsfailed to include one name: Putin. The official pronouncements flung invective at the Minster of Defense... Did Prigozhin really believe he could take on the might of the Russian Military… Or was thereanother reasonthe President wasn’t targeted by name? (And Putin in his speeches, has not used Prigozhin by name as the ones responsible.)

Thirdly, why did Wagner suddenly stand down?

If the mercenary forces had truly been so successful that they hadcaptured a regional command centerand made their way across the administrative line of Moscow Oblast in just 2 days… – why the sudden volte face, and the decision to withdraw?

…If you’re winning and the “enemy” had made zero concessions, you really shouldn’t just turn around and run away.

Then there’sPutin’s response to the “coup”and the location of Wagner units today.

Despite the world being told that this was “banditry” and “a crime against the state,” with the blockades still smoldering, Putin declared that the members of theunitswhich made amove against Moscow would not be prosecuted. More than strange. Why would the man who thinks nothing of having journalists disloyal intelligence officers murdered suddenly say coup-plotters go scot-free? It makes no sense. None.

Then we come to thewhereaboutsof Pregozhin’s mutinous mercenaries.

Apparently the Wagner Group’s failed revolutionaries are allnow in Belarussia, being protected by none other than Alexander Lukashenko. (100 miles from Kiev)

Now most people will have no idea where Belarussia is, let alone anything about its President. But if you want to judge whether or not what we have been hearing out of Eastern Europe about this supposed coup is credible, it is essential toknow at least this: Alexander Lukashenko is an even worse human being than the former KGB colonel Putin.

Lukasheno an unreconstructed dictator…who has wholly subordinated his nation to the Kremlin. Ask yourself one question: why would Vladimir Putin’s mostloyal lackey harbor and protect those who tried to violently remove him?

What really happened last weekend? That’s impossible to divine right now.

However, if you’re a paranoid President who feels threatened by those around you but are unsure who’s loyal and who’s a potential traitor, what better way to smoke out your hidden enemies than toask a loyal subordinate to stage a fake coupand see who decides to join in, or simply to do nothing?

In the meantime, just remember Churchill’s words about Russia.

As Winston Churchill warned us,Russia is “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.” Remember Viscount Slim’s wise rule that tells us all initial reports from the battlefield are wrong, and we should dig deeper for the Truth.

(Finally someone gets it!)


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f1d419 No.68956

File: 9020637d7803480⋯.png (118.7 KB,620x927,620:927,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110082 (021219ZJUL23) Notable: William Barr: Upright defender of the law or snake in the grass?

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William Barr: Upright defender of the

law or snake in the grass?

American Thinker, by David Zukerman

Posted By: DW626, 7/2/2023 6:58:31 AM

First, this point from Elle Purnell: Between April and June 2020, when IRS agents were preparing to execute interviews and search warrants, it was “career DOJ officials,” Shapley said, who “purposely slow-walk[ed] investigative actions.” She then points out: All of that happened under Trump and his attorney general, William Barr. That’s not to make the absurd suggestion that it happened at Trump or Barr’s direction. Rather, it shows how monstrous the triple-letter leviathan and its grip on our political process are. It is "absurd" to say that President Trump protected Biden. But is it so absurd to argue that Barr played a role in protecting the likely Democrat nominee? I don't think so.

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f1d419 No.68957

File: e3f2c70da59ff5b⋯.png (20.1 KB,444x231,148:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110088 (021222ZJUL23) Notable: James Woods: The real Declaration of Independence was made TODAY

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The real Declaration of Independence is made

On this day in history, July 2, 1776, the real Declaration of Independence is made. Of course we do celebrate our nation's independence from Great Britain on July 4th, but the actual date of the vote for independence was July 2nd!


FOLLOW: @JamesWoodsFans

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f1d419 No.68958

File: 5d9cf8d076e4de6⋯.jpeg (83.6 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110091 (021222ZJUL23) Notable: Ukraine warns against ‘repeating Merkel’s mistake’

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2 Jul, 2023 01:03

Ukraine warns against ‘repeating Merkel’s mistake’

It would be “suicidal” to reject Kiev’s bid to join NATO, Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said

NATO should draw lessons from the past and not tank Kiev’s aspirations to join the alliance like it did 15 years ago at the behest of former German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba said on Friday. (He’s basically stating Ukraine should get a participation trophy since they are losing the war. The requirements of NATO are vast including financially.)

“Do not repeat the mistake Chancellor Merkel made in Bucharest in 2008 when she fiercely opposed any progress towards Ukraine’s NATO membership,” the minister argued in an interview with Axel Springer media group in Berlin. (Merkel opposed it because NATO countries along with the US Bush Sn.had promised Russia after the Soviet Union fell, that they would never surround Russia with NATO countries; and had promised Russia to be included in NATO.)

In 2008, NATO states decided against providing Ukraine with a Membership Action Plan (MAP), a roadmap to becoming a full-fledged member of the US-led military bloc. Merkel, who retired from politics in 2021, has since defended her opposition to granting the MAP to Ukraine and has refused to denounce her past policies towards Russia.

Kuleba insisted that “after the war ends, it will be suicidal for Europe not to accept Ukraine into NATO because it will mean that the option of … war will remain open.” Ukraine formally applied to join NATO in September 2022, months after Russia launched its military operation in the neighboring state. (A delusional starement, the war will not end until Russia has fulfilled their mission, and Ukraine will not win this and they should go to peace negotiations now.)

Kuleba’s comments come ahead of a NATO summit that is scheduled to take place in mid-July in Vilnius, Lithuania. Ukrainian officials said that President Vladimir Zelensky would not attend the event unlessKiev is provided with a concrete path to membership.

“What we are asking for is to start the procedure,” Igor Zhovkva, one of Zelensky’s aides, said recently.

Russia has opposed NATO membership for Ukraine, listing Ukraine’s neutrality as one of the conditions for a lasting peace between the two countries. Moscow has repeatedly said that it views NATO’s expansions to the east as a threat to its security.

(This whole statement by Kuleba takes threatening and terrorism to a new level. He’s actually saying even though Ukraine has made no progress to remove corruption from the country, and they can’t win the war with Russia, that if NATO countries do not give them membership their terrorism will be directed at these countries. This is a public statement of extreme blackmail! Ukraine should be very cautious now because as much as the may have on these leaders, the countries have more on Ukraine. They have gone too far in this strategy, none of the leaders in Ukraine are safe now. The only country that is suicidal now is all of Ukraine leadership.)


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f1d419 No.68959

File: 0f03d564d84a63a⋯.jpeg (78.7 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110117 (021228ZJUL23) Notable: Russian kamikaze drones are major headache for Ukraine

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2 Jul, 2023 07:19

Russian kamikaze drones are major headache for Ukraine – Telegraph

Kiev needs more Gepard air defense systems to fight Lancet UAVs, an adviser to the defense minister told the outlet

Russian Lancet kamikaze drones have become a major thorn in the side of Ukraine’s frontline troops, and Kiev needs more advanced Western weaponry to tackle this threat, the Daily Telegraph reported on Saturday, citing a senior Ukrainian official.

According to Yury Sak, an adviser to the Ukrainian defense minister, Kiev’s intelligence believes that Russia has “started investing more in the production of these drones.”

“To understand why they are a concern to us,anything that is capable of damaging our equipment or posing a risk to our troops is a concern to us,” Sak said. “Without giving the Russians credit,it’s not a bad bit of kit.”

Russian Lancets, which carry up to 3kg of explosives, fly at low altitudes to avoid detection, are highly maneuverable, andcan loiter in the airuntil the target exposes itself. These factors make them a major threat to Ukrainian artillery, especially given that Kiev isreluctant to use air defense missiles on these relatively cheap aircraft, the report says.

Sak told the paper that the West can help Ukraine fight these UAVs by sending additional air defense systems, particularly German-made Gepards, which are armed with anti-aircraft guns.

“They’re mobile, they can move around quickly and they have a good radar that can be integrated into the line,” he said.

Germany has already sent 34 Gepardsto Ukraine, with another 18 on the way. In total, according to German officials, Berlin plans to supply Kiev with 45 Gepards by the end of 2023.

Sak also saidLancets can be neutralizedthrough electronic warfare measures. “Modern jamming equipment is a very important aspect of our anti-drone capability,” he noted. “But we’re badly lacking and looking to our allies, and hopefully one day we’ll have more of it.”

In an April interview with The Economist, Anton Gerashchenko, an adviser to the Ukrainian Interior Ministry, described theLancet as “the most dangerous drone for us”and “very useful for destroying artillery.”

In recent weeks, the Russian military has on numerous occasions reported the successful use of these types of UAVs, which have been used todestroy mortar teams, self-propelled artillery, tanks, and other heavy vehicles.


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f1d419 No.68960

File: 00e70963b415600⋯.jpeg (740.38 KB,892x5628,223:1407,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110146 (021234ZJUL23) Notable: The New Film Exposing Hollywood’s Child-Abuse Epidemic

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The New Film Exposing Hollywood’s Child-Abuse Epidemic

“Pretty much all of the young men were abused in some way, sexually,” says Evan Rachel Wood in “Showbiz Kids,” a disturbing new HBO documentary premiering July 14.

Published Jul. 10, 2020 4:43AM EDT

While fame and fortune are an ever-enticing dream, few things seem less appealing than being a child star, and HBO’s Showbiz Kids (premiering July 14) certainly reinforces that feeling. Awash in anecdotes about the ways in which the industry—and the attendant hunger for the spotlight that consumes both children and parents—warps, alienates and exploits kids, it’s a documentary which illustrates that, sometimes, being nobody is far healthier, and more fulfilling, than being well-known.

Sexual misconduct is the dark cloud hovering over Showbiz Kids, and it comes to the fore when former Diff’rent Strokes star Todd Bridges recalls being molested as a child—a disclosure that, according to Evan Rachel Wood, isn’t unique, as she claims, “In my experience, I know a lot of kids that grew up in the industry. And what surprised me when I got older was finding out that pretty much all of the young men were abused in some way, sexually.” She then relays that, at a recent Golden Globes gala, she watched a pedophile (whom she doesn’t name) win an award, and had to walk out because she was so disgusted by the praise being lavished upon this monster. As she departed, she thought to herself, “I don’t know if I can do this anymore. I can’t keep watching this happen. I don’t know how to handle this. This has to stop.”

Those moments are definitely the ugliest, and most eye-opening, in Showbiz Kids. Written and directed by Alex Winter, whose big breaks came in Joel Schumacher’s 1987 Brat Pack vampire thriller The Lost Boys and 1988’s Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, the film knows whereof it speaks. An opening photo montage of illustrious young luminaries, from Shirley Temple and Mickey Rooney to Ron Howard, Drew Barrymore, and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, climaxes with a portrait of Winter himself, thereby underlining that this project is not only near and dear to his heart, but one driven by first-hand knowledge of the kinds of ups and downs endured by its marquee subjects.

Considering Winter’s familiarity with this topic, it’s mildly disheartening that Showbiz Kids isn’t more personal; although the actor has worked in the business for more than three decades, and admitted in 2018 that he suffered “hellish” sexual abuse at the hands of an adult man during the 1970s, his own experiences are conspicuously absent from these proceedings. Such reserve is in keeping with the overarching nature of his documentary, which largely avoids tabloid-y tales, and Winter’s reticence on that front comes across as being motivated by respectfulness. Yet it also makes Showbiz Kids seem like it’s pulling its punches—an impression exacerbated by the fact that, when it does touch upon the nasty side of the industry for pint-sized performers, it does so only fleetingly.

That’s most apparent in the case of Bridges. Though he didn’t die of an overdose like his Diff’rent Strokes co-star Dana Plato, Bridges’ drug addiction made for sensationalistic headlines, as did his multiple run-ins with the law—including being charged, and acquitted, of killing his dealer. Nonetheless, those incidents are cursorily addressed, as if the film were afraid that delving too deeply into such muck might reconfigure the material as a cautionary tale. Many of its speakers candidly discuss their struggles grappling with their new celeb-reality, but there’s a sense here that everyone is hesitant to truly decry a system that spits up and chews out kids with startling rapidity, and with little regard for the emotional and psychological scars it leaves behind.

Still, if uninterested in picking at old scabs, Showbiz Kids doesn’t wholly shy away from the unseemly. With notable distress in her eyes, Wood discusses being pushed into the profession by an artistic clan, and how her success compelled her to silence herself, since she believed that any complaints would be viewed as ingratitude by friends and family. Both Wil Wheaton and Milla Jovovich confess that they too were thrust into acting by mothers who sought to fulfill their own aspirations through their kids. And Henry Thomas remembers the intense social ostracization he suffered in his San Antonio hometown after E.T. became a global phenomenon, and how he was later squeezed out of the business as a teen when casting directors decided he’d outgrown his appeal.


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f1d419 No.68961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110151 (021235ZJUL23) Notable: The New Film Exposing Hollywood’s Child-Abuse Epidemic

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“That footage, along with publicity photos, conveys the strangeness of child stardom, where kids unnaturally primp and pose for the camera—as Jovovich did in sexualized modeling shoots that she astutely states would never be allowed today.”

Bolstering these accounts is a collection of excellent behind-the-scenes clips and audition videos, including the teary-eyed tryout that nabbed Thomas his role in Steven Spielberg’s sci-fi classic. That footage, along with publicity photos, conveys the strangeness of child stardom, where kids unnaturally primp and pose for the camera—as Jovovich did in sexualized modeling shoots that she astutely states would never be allowed today. It’s too bad, then, that Showbiz Kids often just skims the surface. Jada Pinkett Smith briefly opines about helping her kids Jaden and Willow navigate modern fame, and the late Cameron Boyce reflects on transitioning into adulthood after being raised in a bizarre, hyper-coddling Disney bubble. Those and other intriguing threads (like the impact social media has on current kid stars) are raised only to be promptly dropped for the next mildly interesting story.

Showbiz Kids also follows two aspiring kid stars—Orlando native Marc Slater, who along with his mom travels to Los Angeles for pilot season; and New Yorker Demi Singleton, a vet with Broadway’s School of Rock and The Lion King on her résumé—as they search for the gig that will forever transform their fortunes. Their plights don’t reveal much, other than that striving for stardom means sacrificing much of what constitutes a normal life, as Demi learns when her summer sleepaway camp plans are shelved for additional auditions. Whereas in-depth portraits of these two might have provided a new perspective on this surreal career path, what’s presented is short on revelatory insights.

In Showbiz Kids’ best archival clip, young Mara Wilson (Mrs. Doubtfire, the 1994 Miracle on 34th Street remake, Matilda) loses her tooth during a TV interview, and the look of surprise, horror and fear that washes over her face speaks volumes about the crushing expectations put upon kid actors. That pressure is addressed more overtly in many of its one-on-one chats—including by Wilson herself, who appears to have emerged on the other side of her Hollywood tenure as a happy and well-adjusted adult—but never more powerfully than in that quick video, which epitomizes the illusory weirdness of living one’s formative early years in front of millions of eyes.

2 of 2

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f1d419 No.68962

File: f929bf5e969a9d6⋯.png (16.77 KB,593x212,593:212,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fbcfc62166178c⋯.png (1.32 MB,631x784,631:784,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110152 (021235ZJUL23) Notable: 1,884 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest since the COVID vaccine rollout with 1,310 leading to unfortunate deaths

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Pepe Deluxe 🐸 Retweeted

Leading Report


BREAKING: 1,884 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest since the COVID vaccine rollout with 1,310 leading to unfortunate deaths, according to new data.

10:09 AM · Jul 1, 2023




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f1d419 No.68963

File: dc15c8f5cf02c36⋯.jpeg (186.8 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110169 (021239ZJUL23) Notable: Latvia has lost a third of its tourists following a ban on most Russian visitors

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1 Jul, 2023 05:30

EU state’s hotel industry boss counts cost of anti-Russia sanctions

Latvia has lost a third of its tourists following a ban on most Russian visitors, Andris Kalnins has said

Latvia has lost a third of its tourists since downgrading ties with Russia over the Ukraine conflict and isunlikely to ever recover the loss, the president of the Association of Hotels and Restaurants of Latvia, Andris Kalnins, said on Friday.

The Baltic nation had long been a popular destination for Russian travelers, due to its close proximity to Russia, and historical ties as a former part of the Soviet Union.

In September 2022 Latvia clamped down on tourism from Russia, with Foreign Minister Edgar Rinkevics tweeting: “You're not welcome here – you need to end the war against Ukraine and be gone from that beautiful country!”

The ban – which covers most Russian visitors, except for EU residence permit holders and some other categories – has dealt a major blow to Latvia’s tourism industry. Russians previously accounted for a third of all visitors to the country.

“It is impossible to cover all the Slavic market that we have lost. We used to haveabout 30% of tourists coming from Russia,” Kalnins said.

Last week, following the Wagner Group mutiny in Russia, Latviafurther tightened its border controls, and stopped issuing all types of visas to Russian citizens.

The country's tourism industry players have acknowledged that “Russia was an important market.”

Vladislav Koryagin, CEO of the Baltic Travel Group, admitted that “of course, we miss it,”adding that “from an economic perspective, thisdecision may not have helped local businesses.”


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f1d419 No.68964

File: 988cb83662e283b⋯.png (117.98 KB,623x823,623:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110190 (021242ZJUL23) Notable: Trump’s Greatest Triumph: A Court That Follows the Constitution

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Trump’s Greatest Triumph: A Court That

Follows the Constitution

American Thinker, by Clarice Feldman

Original Article

Posted By: DW626, 7/2/2023 6:51:21 AM

The Supreme Court handed down three major decisions this week, limiting an executive order that fabricated presidential authorization to forgive billions of dollars in school loans; denying governmental authority to compel people to create works that violate their free speech and freedom of religion; and prohibiting schools from considering the race of applicants in admissions in public and private institutions. There are two very good summaries of these three cases, here on AT by Andrea Widberg and in Real Clear Politics by Professor Charles Lipson. Dissents by justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, and Ketanji Brown Jackson, were so badly written and reasoned

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f1d419 No.68965

File: d3fa8c2486fbfa5⋯.jpeg (88.31 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110224 (021253ZJUL23) Notable: Polish PM taunts EU over migration with French unrest video

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1 Jul, 2023 10:03

Polish PM taunts EU over migration with French unrest video

“We do not want such scenes on Polish streets,” the clip uploaded by Mateusz Morawiecki said

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has taken a swipe at proposed EU migration overhaul,currently blocked by Hungary and Poland, by sharing a video that juxtaposed scenes of violent protests in France against peaceful cities in his country. The premier himself has floated his own plan seeking to curb mass migration.

On Friday, Morawiecki uploaded a clip on his Twitter page in support of a Polish-backed plan called “Europe of Secure Borders.” The video depicted French streets and cars engulfed in flames, with rioters smashing store windows. The pictures of contrasted with peaceful and tidy Polish cities bustling with life.

“We do not want such scenes on Polish streets,” the caption in the video read.

The violence in France erupted over the death of a 17-year-old at the hands of a police officer on Tuesday. According to local authorities, nearly 1,000 people have been arrested across the country and 45,000 police officers deployed to handle the upheaval.

Morawiecki’s tweet coincides with his harsh criticism of a migration overhaul proposal that would give EU members three options:accept relocated asylum seekers, pay €20,000 ($21,000)for each rejected applicant, orfinance operational support.

By embracing this migration reform “Europe encourages smugglers to send more transports,” the Polish premier charged. “If we invite 30,000, [then] 300,000 will come. If we invite a million, 30 million will come. It’s an endless spiral,” he said, adding that opening Europe’s borders would not only empower criminals but also result in “an increased risk of terrorism in Europe.”

However, touting Poland as “an example of a successful migration policy,” Morawiecki proposed his own plan that envisages ramping up investment in guarding the EU’s external borders and buttressing Frontex, the bloc’s border agency.

He also suggested supporting development in countries that are the source of mass migration,reducing social benefitsfor people from outside the EU, andcracking down on smugglers and the black market.

The EU has had a hard time dealing with the inflow of migrants for at least several years. According to Frontex data, the bloc’s authorities registered330,000 illegal border crossings at the EU external border in 2022, which the agency described as the highest number since 2016 and anincrease of 64% from the previous year.


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f1d419 No.68966

File: 98316915ac48dfe⋯.png (239.25 KB,583x437,583:437,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110228 (021254ZJUL23) Notable: Democrat-run Illinois ranks at bottom in US for black wealth, employment

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Just the News


Democrat-run Illinois ranks at bottom in US for black wealth, employment justthenews.com/nation/states/

Democrat-run Illinois ranks at bottom in US for black wealth, employment

Despite laws that call for establishing a sheltered market to give Blacks opportunities where discrimination exists, the award of minority contracts remains disproportionately low.


Jul 01, 2023, 11:54 PM

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f1d419 No.68967

File: 3b4d2d5bdfb5c9d⋯.jpeg (854.4 KB,892x5820,223:1455,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110230 (021254ZJUL23) Notable: The Pope Just Released a Guide to Artificial Intelligence

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The Pope Just Released a Guide to Artificial Intelligence

The Pope Just Released a Guide to Artificial Intelligence

Sounds like that Pope Drip picture really got to him.

The Pope has released a guidebook on AI ethics. Yes, you heard that right.

The supreme pontiff has partnered with Santa Clara University's Markkula Center for Applied Ethics to form the Institute for Technology, Ethics, and Culture (ITEC), a body that, according to its website, is designed to convene "leaders from business, civil society, academia, government, and all faith and belief traditions, to promote deeper thought on technology's impact on humanity."

Think of it as a Vatican-led AI ethics think tank.

Its first order of business is releasing a handbook, called "Ethics in the Age of Disruptive Technologies: An Operational Roadmap," meant to help tech companies navigate the many grey areas of AI ethics.

"The Pope has always had a large view of the world and of humanity, and he believes that technology is a good thing," Father Brendan McGuire, a pastor and ITEC advisor, told Gizmodo. "But as we develop it, it comes time to ask the deeper questions."

"Technology executives from all over Silicon Valley have been coming to me for years and saying, 'You need to help us, there’s a lot of stuff on the horizon and we aren't ready,'" he added. "The idea was to use the Vatican's convening power to bring executives from the entire world together."

To be fair, the handbook doesn't just focus on AI and machine learning. It also covers other topics like encryption, tracking, and facial recognition technologies.

Still, based on the text, the ongoing AI race certainly seems to be its main inspiration.

"Since I have begun meeting and talking with senior representatives of Silicon Valley, especially those working in the area of artificial intelligence and machine learning, I have been impressed by their desire to maintain high ethical standards for themselves and for their industry," reads an opening chapter of the handbook, penned by the Irish Bishop Paul Tighe.

"This is already clear in the number of initiatives that seek to ensure that technology will be at the 'service of humanity,' 'for good,' 'human centered,' 'ethical by design,' and 'open,'" he added. "This desire to maintain ethical standards reflects both an intrinsic commitment to doing good and a realistic aversion to the risk of reputational damage and long-term commercial harm."

In other words: business leaders are knowingly using these buzzwords to win trust — and make a buck. But how, exactly, do companies actually follow through with those human-centered and "don't be evil" promises? And besides, what does this all have to do with the Pope anyway?

Make no mistake — elsewhere in his chapter, Tighe described the handbook as the "fruit of an unlikely cooperation," and the Catholic Church seems well aware of the fact that their archaic, old-world institution and Silicon Valley couldn't be more different from each other.

That said, the existence of the ITEC could be seen as a sign of AI's real and potentially transformational staying power. After all, His Holiness never published a 140-page guidebook on crypto.

It's also worth noting that the ITEC isn't pretending that its handbook is an effective replacement for government regulation. While we wait for regulators to jump into action — something that could take quite some time — the Institute says that their guidelines can help burgeoning companies keep consumer health and ethics front and center.

That is if they feel inclined to do so.

"Major guardrails are absolutely necessary, and countries and governments will implement them in time," Brendan, who reportedly does not know whether the Pope has used ChatGPT, told Gizmodo. "But this book plays a significant role in fast tracking the approach to design and consumer implementation."

"That's where we're trying to enable companies to meet the standards we need way ahead of time," he added.

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f1d419 No.68968

File: e61ec953cc0cbbb⋯.png (499.12 KB,474x646,237:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110240 (021258ZJUL23) Notable: @believemedia The Rosenstein card nails it lol.

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Kash Patel ReTruthed


Believe Media



Jun 23

Replying to @Kash

The Rosenstein card nails it lol.

Get this joker here: 🃏


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f1d419 No.68969

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110291 (021312ZJUL23) Notable: SEC SOURCES CONFIRM GARY GENSLER RESIGNATION???

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>In a stunning revelation, an anonymous official from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has reportedly disclosed that Gary Gensler, the Chairman of the SEC, has submitted his resignation following an internal investigation. This bombshell news has sent shockwaves through the financial industry, raising concerns about the integrity of the regulatory body and the implications for investor confidence.

>The anonymous SEC official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the sensitive nature of the matter, stated, "Gary Gensler has resigned from his position as Chairman of the SEC following an internal investigation into alleged misconduct. The details of the investigation are confidential, but the decision to step down underscores the seriousness of the findings."

true if big

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f1d419 No.68970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110463 (021347ZJUL23) Notable: #23469

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#23469 >>68919

>>68910 Biden administration confirms goal is 'liberal world order' - consumers must pay high gas prices in support

>>68911 French rioters filmed brandishing military-grade weapons as unrest grows

>>68912, >>68913 YouTube Takes Down Right Side Broadcasting’s Video of Trump Rally with Over 2 Million Views

>>68914 Why are Red Cross workers tying up a man to a pole in Ukraine?

>>68916, >>68917, >>68918, >>68920, >>68925 US air quality in light of Canadian fires; Trudeau letting them burn?

>>68921 Nuclear war drawing near because of war hawk Biden, warns Tulsi Gabbard

>>68922 PF

>>68923 Tax Revenue is Plummeting in Dem Strongholds Like California and New York

>>68924 Steve Kirsch: These Vaccines Cause Inflammation and Blood Clots in Your Brain

>>68926, >>68928, >>68932, >>68933, >>68935 More on WEC mtg in Tianjin June 27-29 to discussing the latest ideas for using the pretext of climate change for seizing global power

>>68927, >>68929 Twit update: verified accounts will be able to read 10,000 posts per day, unverified 1000 posts per day, new unverified 500

>>68930 Biden Admin Uses Ukraine Aid Funds to Scope Out Cobalt Mining in Idaho

>>68931, >>68936, >>68937, >>68939, >>68944 FRANCE in turmoil, spreading elsewhere, military gives Macron an ultimatum?

>>68942 FRANCE - The Ministry of the Interior had announced it will shut down the nations internet access on Monday 3rd July

>>68934 Dissenters in danger in Australia from "another draconian Bill"

>>68935 Moar info on Potato use of CPAP

>>68938 James Lindsay: Conservative Boycotts have exposed how the ESG extortion works

>>68939 Friday night document dump: Afghanistan pullout a huge failure - State Dept doc.

>>68940 NYT presses the delete button on the word ‘Democrat’

>>68941 Zelensky Suspends Ukraine Elections Indefinitely - video

>>68943 RFKjr debates physician over vax effects

>>68945, >>68946, >>68947 mRNA: Vaccine or Gene Therapy? The Safety Regulatory Issues

>>68948, >>68950, >>68951, >>68952, >>68953, >>68954 Analysis of Election Night Reporting/Companies that Manufacture Election Results

>>68949 Pornhub pulls out of Virginia, protests age verification law

>>68955 Gorka – Wagner’s ‘Mutiny’ Against Putin Just Doesn’t Add Up

>>68956 William Barr: Upright defender of the law or snake in the grass?

>>68957 James Woods: The real Declaration of Independence was made TODAY

>>68958 Ukraine warns against ‘repeating Merkel’s mistake’

>>68959 Russian kamikaze drones are major headache for Ukraine

>>68960, >>68961 The New Film Exposing Hollywood’s Child-Abuse Epidemic

>>68962 1,884 athletes have suffered cardiac arrest since the COVID vaccine rollout with 1,310 leading to unfortunate deaths

>>68963 Latvia has lost a third of its tourists following a ban on most Russian visitors

>>68964 Trump’s Greatest Triumph: A Court That Follows the Constitution

>>68965 Polish PM taunts EU over migration with French unrest video

>>68966 Democrat-run Illinois ranks at bottom in US for black wealth, employment

>>68967 The Pope Just Released a Guide to Artificial Intelligence

>>68968 @believemedia The Rosenstein card nails it lol.



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f1d419 No.68971

File: 173e24c734e466a⋯.png (257.83 KB,460x348,115:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 11bba19ffece774⋯.jpg (61.47 KB,600x400,3:2,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a3c09a4223c471d⋯.jpg (183.97 KB,1140x759,380:253,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 671aade99c1528d⋯.png (882.05 KB,884x429,68:33,Clipboard.png)

File: a7ac78e2601329d⋯.jpg (59.57 KB,745x499,745:499,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110480 (021349ZJUL23) Notable: #23470

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f1d419 No.68972

File: 7ed6ba653d1db9d⋯.jpeg (192.35 KB,1170x389,1170:389,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110499 (021353ZJUL23) Notable: >>1911051, Police use drones in France

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f1d419 No.68973

File: 4919508b5ea564e⋯.png (125.67 KB,1170x389,1170:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110508 (021355ZJUL23) Notable: >>1911051, Police use drones in France

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bringing forward from last bread.






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f1d419 No.68974

File: 505d74a6410502e⋯.jpeg (193.48 KB,1024x576,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ce14c290103546e⋯.jpeg (153.35 KB,1024x518,512:259,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110509 (021355ZJUL23) Notable: South Carolina Police Chief Estimates More than 50,000 Attended Trump Rally

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Jumpin’ Ju-Ju Bones – South Carolina Police Chief Estimates More than 50,000 Attended Trump Rally, “No way it was less than 50,000”

July 1, 2023 | Sundance |

We tend to forget but prior to candidate Donald J. Trump, in 2015, it was very rare to see presidential rallies with more than a few thousand attendees.

Barack Obama and Bernie Sanders each had sporadic big venue rallies at mostly schools and universities where attendance would top 10,000; however, no one consistently has rallies anywhere near the scale of Trump rallies.

According to the Greenville News, citing the police chief in South Carolina today, over 50,000 people showed up to support President Donald Trump in Pickens. That is a massive crowd of people traveling to one town venue.

[Greenville News] – […] Pickens Police Chief Randall Beach estimated a crowd of 50,000 showed up on a day when afternoon temperatures soared into the mid-90s, causing dozens of people suffer from heat-related illness. … “No way it was less than 50,000,” Beach said. (link)

(Via Daily Mail) – If anyone thought Donald Trump’s legals woes would eat into his public support in red state America then no one thought to tell the people of Pickens, South Carolina.

Its population of 3,300was swollen by thousands more who crammed into its main street to see the former president hold his first rally since being being charged with mishandling classified documents. Supporters behind him waved ‘witch hunt’ signs as he described how he had been charged under the Espionage Act.

‘Me? the espionage act?’ he said, describing how it was a an ‘act for crimes so heinous’ that the death penalty was needed.

‘it’s one of the most vicious legal theories ever put in a court of law. there’s never been anything like this,’ he added.

Insiders said the words were not the most important thing. The size of the crowd was what mattered about the day, making it a huge show of support.

The tiny city of Pickens closed its streets for the former president, packing in supporters who had traveled from North Carolina and Georgia, as well as South Carolina.

They stood on Main Street, between the county courthouse and Biven’s hardware store.

They heard Trump describe how as president he had ‘absolute right’ to declassify documents. And he said he was changing up his language because of the way he had been forced to appear in court earlier this month.

‘Now the gloves are off from that standpoint, what they’ve done is so terrible,’ he said.

‘So I’ll speak differently than I would have three weeks ago, because you never heard me use this kind of language. I wouldn’t want to out respect for our country and for the office.

‘But we really have no choice. These people are sick. They’re sick people.’

And he called special counsel Jack Smith a ‘thug’ for the way he had been pursued. (read more)


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f1d419 No.68975

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110510 (021356ZJUL23) Notable: WEF in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance

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World Economic Forum Concludes “Annual Meeting of the New Champions” in China with Accelerated Plans Toward Global Social Credit and Digital Surveillance

Anon is wondering if, in a backhanded way, this is the beginning of the end for this "partnership" (WEF and CCP). Anon's admittedly limited understanding of China suggests that being celebrated there as the WEF seems to be, may not be all that it is cracked up to be. Remember Tucker calling China an "ethnostate"? Would the CCP really want to share world dominance with Klaus the Aryan (?) and apparent Nazi? Maybe CCP gathered lots of "samples" from their guests if you take my meaning. Idk, though, could just be me spitballing.

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f1d419 No.68976

File: 392b6189a6d02d2⋯.jpg (207.64 KB,1024x814,512:407,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110527 (021400ZJUL23) Notable: >>1911051, Police use drones in France

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"At this moment, France is being destroyed by what the French police are calling "vermin". As usual, these vermin are advertised as "minority" "teens" and "children" when in reality, no one knows what the hell they are, given that they're all undocumented illegal invaders who generally turn out to be military-age males. In any case, they are wantonly burning and wrecking one of the greatest and most beautiful countries in the world, and certainly in the West. Though invited in and pampered with unlimited sops and freebies, they simply aren't satisfied! Or translated into ebonics, dey wants mo!

I daresay the French police are well within their rights to use such terminiology. In fact, their choice of words may be far too kind. But it's still infuriating to hear them appeal to "their government" (it actually has nothing to do with the will of the native French) and "their leaders" (actually their sworn enemies) to save "their nation" (they no longer have a nation of their own, as they would have, for example, if they turned Black and moved to Somalia or Ethiopia - moving there while White would be very bad for their health). Infuriating and lugubrious, in fact.


London Guardian: "[Despicable bankster buttboy and so-called French President] Emmanuel Macron has postponed a state visit to Germany because of the ongoing unrest in France, German authorities have said."

Hmm...Germany. If there's any EU nation even more put upon than France, it might be Germany. A thought springs to mind.

If one objects to the illegal 100% nonwhite mass migration pimped to and forced down the throats of Whites throughout the Western world, a modern "liberal", brimming with badly faked compassion, is likely to ask this question: "But faced with millions of impoverished refugees seeking a better life, what would Jesus have done?"

Obviously, Jesus would have had compassion on the Christian people of France and the White race in general, and said "Rid yourselves of the demons that your evil scribes, pharisees, and moneychangers, evildoers and blasphemers every one, have invited into the Temple wherein you dwell, and never again test the Mercy of God!"

It's only a matter of time before the French, and their fellow victims the Germans, learn to ask the opposite question: "Faced with wanton destruction by the evil, malevolent, demonic offspring of the revening dregs of Africa, what would Hitler have done?"

Yes, yes, I know. "Did he just write 'Hitler'?!!!" As a matter of fact, yes I did. He's a prominent historical personage whose name has been kept burningly alive by those who insist that he will always be the ultimate personification of evil even though he doesn't compare to, say, Joseph Stalin or Mao for sheer body count. In fact, some would argue that he was much better than the current run of German "leaders" for the German economy and German infrastructure.

Anyway, the answer is again obvious. Hitler would probably have said much the same thing as Jesus, but in slightly softer language. And for saying it, a rapidly increasing number of White people would reward him with a hearty round of applause.

If that puts anyone's nose out of joint, then get off your hypocritical lead ass and help get rid of the Godforsaken scribes, pharisees, and moneychangers responsible for destroying our nations."

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f1d419 No.68977

File: 31b4a2fe4e5d6b5⋯.png (204.07 KB,488x775,488:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110542 (021404ZJUL23) Notable: 2 Colombian Air Force pilots recorded by shocked eyewitness video, shows 2 Embraer T-27 Tucano aircraft colliding in a training exercise

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2 Colombian Air Force pilots recorded by shocked eyewitness video, shows 2 Embraer T-27 Tucano aircraft colliding in a training exercise in central Colombia, sending the planes spiraling on fire to the ground and killing both pilots.

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f1d419 No.68978

File: b4d9a6ae27448ea⋯.jpeg (157.54 KB,918x445,918:445,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 47801e292506117⋯.jpeg (146.43 KB,682x617,682:617,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 0430fe43adaaf7c⋯.jpeg (121.17 KB,734x594,367:297,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110555 (021406ZJUL23) Notable: New Trade Analysis Shows Longevity of President Trump’s Tariffs Diminishing Chinese Imports

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New Trade Analysis Shows Longevity of President Trump’s Tariffs Diminishing Chinese Imports – China fell from 21.6% of U.S. imports in 2017 to 16.5% in 2022

July 1, 2023 | Sundance |

New analysis of the long-term impact from Section 301 tariffs triggered by President Trump against China, shows just how consequential economic nationalism can become.

Our own analysis of U.S. consumer prices in 2019 showed that prices of imported goods actually declined despite the tariffs. A recent report from CPA takes a look at the impact to Chinese exports to the U.S. [SEE DATA HERE] Bottom line, the tariffs worked to reduce Chinese imports.

CPA – […] Since the Section 301 tariffs were imposed, the share of imports from China has steadily declined from 21.6% in 2017 the year prior to the tariffs to 16.5%, a decline of 5.1%. No other country has lost as much share of total U.S. import penetration over the past five years.

In terms of total import value, Mexico gained the most from the tariffs, adding $110.8 billion. Vietnam gained the second most in import value by $78.4 billion and by far gained the most of total share of U.S. imports. In 2017, Vietnam accounted for about 2% of U.S. imports at $46.5 billion. In 2022, the U.S. imported $127.5 billion in goods from Vietnam, and the share of the total nearly doubled to 3.9%. Other countries in Southeast Asia such as Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia all saw significant increases in their value of imports by the U.S. (read more)

With the leading opponent to President Trump,Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, not supporting tariffs on behalf of the multinationals and Club for Growth donorswho stand behind him, it’s worth revisiting the actual outcome to American consumers to dispel the popular myths about tariffs raising prices here at home.

It was the Fourth Quarter of 2019…..

Right before the pandemic would hit a few months later, despite two years of doomsayer predictions from Wall Street’s professional punditry, all of them said Trump’s 2017 steel and aluminum tariffs on China, Canada and the EU would create massive inflation – it just wasn’t happening!

Overall, year-over-year inflation was hovering around 1.7 percent [Table-A BLS]; yup, that was our inflation rate. The rate in the latter half of 2019 was firmed up with less month-over-month fluctuation, and the rate basically remained consistent. [See Below] The U.S. economy was on a smooth glide path, strong, stable, and Main Street was growing with MAGAnomics at work.

A couple of important points. First, unleashing the energy sector to drive down overall costs to consumers, and industry outputs was a key part of President Trump’s America First MAGAnomic initiative. Lower energy prices help the worker economy, middle class and average American more than any other sector.

Which brings us to the second important point. Notice how food prices had very low year-over-year inflation – 0.5 percent. That is a combination of two key issues: low energy costs, and the fracturing of Big Ag’s hold on the farm production and the export dynamic:

(BLS) […] The index for food at home declined for the third month in a row, falling 0.2 percent. The index for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs decreased 0.7 percent in August as the index for eggs fell 2.6 percent. The index for fruits and vegetables, which rose in July, fell 0.5 percent in August; the index for fresh fruits declined 1.4 percent, but the index for fresh vegetables rose 0.4 percent. The index for cereals and bakery products fell 0.3 percent in August after rising 0.3 percent in July. (link)

For the previous twenty years, food prices had been increasingly controlled by Big Ag, and not by normal supply and demand. The commodity market became a ‘controlled market’. U.S. food outputs (farm production) was controlled and exported to keep the U.S. consumer paying optimal prices.

President Trump’s trade reset was disrupting this process. As farm products were less exported, the cost of the food in our supermarket became reconnected to a ‘more normal’ supply and demand cycle. Food prices dropped, and our pantry costs were lowered.

The Commerce Dept. then announced that retail sales climbed by 0.4 percent in August 2019, twice as high as the 0.2 percent analysts had predicted. The result highlighted retail sales strength of more than 4 percent year-over-year. These excellent results came on the heels of blowout data in July, when households boosted purchases of cars and clothing….

That’s just the reality of the situation.They hate him for it…


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f1d419 No.68979

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110560 (021407ZJUL23) Notable: New Trade Analysis Shows Longevity of President Trump’s Tariffs Diminishing Chinese Imports

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Missed paragraph:

America First MAGAnomics is unique to President Trump, because he is the only one independent enough to implement them.

That’s just the reality of the situation. They hate him for it…

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f1d419 No.68980

File: 77d567c9a2c87d3⋯.png (281.22 KB,590x569,590:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 3de5e2973661581⋯.png (1.56 MB,812x918,406:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110569 (021408ZJUL23) Notable: Melania launches patriotic ‘1776 Collection’ of digital collectibles

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Melania launches patriotic ‘1776 Collection’ of digital collectibles


Melania launches patriotic ‘1776 Collection’ of digital collectibles

Photo: Alamy First Lady Melania Trump has launched a digital art collection ahead of Independence Day in America, paying homage to iconic patriotic landmarks like Mount Rushmore and the Liberty Bell....

3:00 AM · Jul 2, 2023




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f1d419 No.68981

File: 97f5db19baa4e18⋯.png (307.07 KB,1538x827,1538:827,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110601 (021415ZJUL23) Notable: M 6.9 Earthquake - Tonga

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M 6.9 Earthquake - Tonga


10:27:43 (UTC)

17.853°S 174.937°W

225.0 km depth


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f1d419 No.68982

File: d0594a9ddc8a5fa⋯.png (2.84 MB,4992x4248,208:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110692 (021432ZJUL23) Notable: Godfather/Q

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do you see that decode forming Bakes?

anon made this lil map but it would be QEWL if other anons could verify... maybe this anon is a complete dumbass? dunno....

all about 9-11?

The Lords Prayer?

What version?

The Catholic version?

Anon is so confused… please… someanon.

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f1d419 No.68983

File: 1fb0f084f08b653⋯.png (627.53 KB,923x1280,923:1280,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110729 (021438ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter is under massive cyberattack🇷🇺. Reports of testing or updating the platform are not true???/chat GPT already reached her 6000 per day.

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is this the reason for the Twitter rate limit? slowing down AI access?


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f1d419 No.68984

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110754 (021442ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter is under massive cyberattack🇷🇺. Reports of testing or updating the platform are not true???/chat GPT already reached her 6000 per day.

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>is this the reason for the Twitter rate limit? slowing down AI access?

chat GPT already reached her 6000 per day.

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f1d419 No.68985

File: 19fb6346e8b4518⋯.jpeg (89.58 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110824 (021453ZJUL23) Notable: Rioters rampage through Swiss city

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2 Jul, 2023 11:35

Rioters rampage through Swiss city

Saturday’s unrest, apparently inspired by the disturbances in neighboring France, saw seven people arrested in Lausanne

Swiss police have apprehended seven people after rioting broke out on Saturday evening in downtown Lausanne. This incident came amid ongoing mass unrest in neighboring France.

More than a hundred youths gathered in the city center, vandalizing shop windows, a door and a sign, Lausanne police stated in a press release.

About fifty officers were deployed to quell the unrest, with rioters responding by throwing stones and at least one Molotov cocktail.

There have been no reports of injuries.

Authorities in neighboring France have claimed that the wave of violenceappeared to be decliningon the fifth night of rioting. The interior ministry reported Sunday morning that 719 people had been detained overnight.

In L’Hay-les-Roses commune to the south of Paris, rioters torched the car of the local mayor and rammed their own vehicle into his house. He was not at home at the time of the attack; however, his wife and two children had to flee the property. The woman sustained unspecified injuries in the process, and is being treated at a hospital.

According to the local public prosecutor’s office, an investigation into attempted murder has been launched in connection with the assault. Unverified footage has also begun circulating on social media,depicting rioters with what appears to be military-grade firearms.

French President Emmanuel Macron has postponed a planned visit to Germany due to the continuing unrest. Meanwhile, several European countries, including the UK, have issued travel advisories, recommending that their citizens avoid traveling to areas gripped by the violence.

The riots began on Tuesday night in the Paris suburb of Nanterre, after a police officer fatally shot 17-year-old pizza delivery driver Nahel M. during a traffic stop. While local prosecutors quickly arrested and charged the officer who fired the shot, that has not stopped the protests from spreading across the country and becoming increasingly violent.

(Are all Swiss men armed with guns?)


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f1d419 No.68986

File: d73135fc22d2ec4⋯.png (384.99 KB,905x1280,181:256,Clipboard.png)

File: 40a75974ccccc99⋯.png (342.18 KB,816x1065,272:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110836 (021455ZJUL23) Notable: France is planning a shutdown of the nation's internet

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Planned internet Shut downs incoming

Right on cue.

France is planning a shutdown of the nation's internet in an attempt to stop the world from seeing what invaders are doing to the nation.

In just the span of a few days, France has devolved into a middle eastern nation engulphed in war and its despot limiting news from reaching the outside world.

new chan: @zoomerwaffen07

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f1d419 No.68987

File: 5b7736a44471f6b⋯.png (665.24 KB,1245x660,83:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110867 (021501ZJUL23) Notable: How To Find Sustainable Queer Joy, According to The Old Gays Our esteemed daddies reveal the secrets to happiness in a world that tries to erase us.

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How To Find Sustainable Queer Joy, According to The Old Gays

Our esteemed daddies reveal the secrets to happiness in a world that tries to erase us.

I asked our collective queer daddies, aka the Old Gays, how to build sustainable queer joy all year round.

I asked our collective queer daddies, aka the Old Gays, how to build sustainable queer joy all year round.

Photo: Courtesy of Visible

Tracey Anne Duncan


Tracey Anne Duncan

Jun 29, 2023, 12:15 PM EDT

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f1d419 No.68988

File: dd6b99c2aa7b65c⋯.png (2.71 MB,960x2045,192:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110881 (021503ZJUL23) Notable: NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day Milky Way and Aurora over Antarctica

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

July 2, 2023

Milky Way and Aurora over Antarctica

It was one of the better skies of this long night. In parts of Antarctica, not only is it winter, but the Sun can spend weeks below the horizon. At China's Zhongshan Station, people sometimes venture out into the cold to photograph a spectacular night sky. The featured image from one such outing was taken in mid-July of 2015, just before the end of this polar night. Pointing up, the wide angle lens captured not only the ground at the bottom, but at the top as well. In the foreground, a colleague is taking pictures. In the distance, a spherical satellite receiver and several windmills are visible. Numerous stars dot the night sky, including Sirius and Canopus. Far in the background, stretching overhead from horizon to horizon, is the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy. Even further in the distance, visible as extended smudges near the top, are the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, satellite galaxies near our huge Milky Way Galaxy.


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f1d419 No.68989

File: 5d75afffd414a44⋯.png (563.45 KB,815x694,815:694,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110894 (021506ZJUL23) Notable: Walgreens to Close 450 Stores WW, additional 300 locations in the UK and 150 locations in the U.S

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Walgreens to Close 450 Stores

by The Epoch Times about 15 hours ago

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f1d419 No.68990

File: c608aa119dc2d23⋯.png (379.5 KB,1106x582,553:291,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110910 (021509ZJUL23) Notable: 2007-present Elton John closes exhibit amid child porn concerns

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Elton John closes exhibit amid child porn concerns

By Associated Press Staff |

October 1, 2007 at 3:00 a.m.

ABritish gallery that turned over a photo of two naked girls to police amid child pornography concerns has closed the exhibition at the request of Elton John, who owns the collection.

The BALTIC Center for Contemporary Art, in Gateshead, northeastern England, said it closed “Thanksgiving,” an installation of 149 pictures by American photographer Nan Goldin, at John’s request.

“After the removal of one image from the series it was no longer possible for BALTIC to exhibit the collection of works as the artist intended,” the gallery said in a statement. “Therefore BALTIC is sympathetic to Sir Elton John’s request and supportive of the decision.”

The gallery alerted police Sept. 20, and authorities are investigating whether the photo violates child pornography laws, The Telegraph reported. Police confirmed they were looking at the picture to assess whether an offense had been committed, but have refused further comment.

John, who purchased the “Thanksgiving” installation in 1999, said last week that the picture, “Klara and Edda Belly-Dancing,” had been exhibited across Europe and the United States without any objections of which he was aware.

A statement from Jane Jackson, curator of the Elton John Photographic Collection, that was posted Monday on the 60-year-old rocker’s Web site said:

“We have made arrangements to close the ‘Thanksgiving’ installation at the BALTIC with immediate effect. It was always intended that the installation be exhibited as a whole, and not on a piecemeal basis, and our decision has been made with regard to the artistic integrity of the work and the artist.”

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f1d419 No.68991

File: 4464d3c736c6126⋯.png (877.41 KB,979x1011,979:1011,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110914 (021509ZJUL23) Notable: @USArmy Maj. Rachel Jones found solace after coming out as a transgender female

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.@USArmy Maj. Rachel Jones found solace after coming out as a transgender female. Her journey from battling depression & suicidal thoughts to embracing authenticity inspires us all. #WhyWeServe

Part 1 of 2 (maybe 3)

Living authentically saves ASC Soldier’s life

By Sarah Patterson, ASC Public AffairsJune 22, 2023

The observance of Pride Month, celebrated every June, was first recognized by the Department of Defense in June 2012. It is a time when the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community come together to celebrate love and authenticity. Maj. Rachel Jones is an example of this, serving openly as a transgender female Soldier. Jones is the U.S. Army Sustainment Command’s Cyber Division chief, G6 (Information Management).

Maj. Rachel Jones, U.S. Army Sustainment Command’s Cyber Division chief, G6 (Information Management), serves openly as a transgender female Soldier. Featured on her desk is a wood sign stating “My pronouns are she/her. What are yours?”

ROCK ISLAND, Ill. – Coming out as a transgender female saved Maj. Rachel Jones’ life.

The U.S. Army Sustainment Command Cyber Division chief, G6 (Information Management), struggled with depression and suicidal ideations for most of her life. Today, she is living her truth as a female transgender Soldier and is no longer battling depression or suicidal thoughts.

The observance of Pride Month, celebrated every June, was first recognized by the Department of Defense in June 2012. It is a time when the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer community come together to celebrate love and authenticity. Many LGBTQ+ people must overcome deep-rooted fear, shame and adversity in order to live as their most authentic self, though.

The road to self-acceptance was not easy for Jones. Before coming out privately to her therapist, Jones lived every day deeply depressed and suicidal.

“When I was growing up in the ’80s and ’90s there was a lot of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric. I don’t think many people meant to do that, but it’s something I heard as I was growing up repeatedly. So much so that I was convinced I was inherently evil for being transgender,” said Jones. “The pressure of hiding all of the time was so bad I grew up depressed and suicidal to the point that I always had a plan to end my life.”

Jones, however, feels lucky to be alive today. “Even when deployed, the greatest threat to my own safety was myself,” she said.

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f1d419 No.68992

File: 93859dae16bd17d⋯.png (155.5 KB,1022x683,1022:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110917 (021510ZJUL23) Notable: Walgreens to Close 450 Stores WW, additional 300 locations in the UK and 150 locations in the U.S

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f1d419 No.68993

File: 4ff9f89f60600a5⋯.png (630.89 KB,640x853,640:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110919 (021511ZJUL23) Notable: @USArmy Maj. Rachel Jones found solace after coming out as a transgender female

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>>68991 Part 1

Part 2 of 3

The risk of depression, post-traumatic stress and suicidal ideation is twice as high for LGBTQ+ veterans and Soldiers who have concealed their true selves than non-LGBTQ+ veterans and Soldiers, explained master resilience trainer, Stephanie Allers, who serves as a program specialist and suicide prevention liaison in the ASC G1 (Human Resources) Readiness and Resilience Division.

“One reason for this is the chronic, toxic stress experienced by those who need or opt to hide their true self and those who have experienced loss of support or interpersonal and professional relationships because of their identity or sexual orientation,” said Allers.

While on a six-month assignment away from home, Jones finally realized that she needed to make a change. She made an appointment to meet with a therapist to sort through these feelings and learn self-acceptance.

“Since getting into therapy, I was able to detangle my feelings about being transgender and disconnect it with being evil and the suffocating shame. I started to accept and love myself,” she said.

Comparing her coming out journey to her military life, she added, “It’s like taking off a very heavy rucksack. While the ruck is on you can’t move like you should, your body aches, and you just want to stop. When you take the ruck off, everything feels lighter and easier and there’s a massive sense of relief.”

Allers explained that the relief felt from living as one’s true self is known to help prevent suicide.

“Imagine having to conceal your true self every day, for an extended period or maybe even your entire life. How many of us could do that?” she asked. “Living as our true selves helps mitigate suicide, because the opposite – denying our true selves – is so deeply painful, most individuals cannot live with the hurt, shame, guilt and personal betrayal it creates.”

Although Jones privately came out in 2019, she could not publicly come out due to the military’s ban on transgender service members.

In September 2011, the policy on military service of non-heterosexual personnel “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”, was repealed, allowing LGB service members to openly serve in the armed forces. This did not apply, however, to transgender service members.

In October 2016, transgender service members were temporarily able to serve openly under the Department of Defense Instruction 1300.28. In July 2017, the president announced that transgender individuals would no longer be allowed to serve in the U.S. military.

“It was very risky to my career to be seen in public as a transwoman prior to the ban being lifted,” said Jones.

Effective April 2021, DoDI 1300.28 was reinstated, once again allowing transgender service members to serve openly.

A Soldier's gender identity will no longer be a basis for involuntary separation or military discharge, denied reenlistment or continuation of service, or subjected to adverse action or mistreatment, the policy states.

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f1d419 No.68994

File: 23040b14a9792d7⋯.png (168.93 KB,437x444,437:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110923 (021512ZJUL23) Notable: 2007-present Elton John closes exhibit amid child porn concerns

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"Summer of Pride"

Sir Elton John blasts 'disgraceful' LGBTQ laws

By Celebretainment Jun 20, 2023

Sir Elton John thinks gay rights are going backwards in the US.

The 76-year-old star has hit out at "disgraceful" laws in the US, arguing that they are discriminating against the LGBTQ community.

He told the Radio Times: "It’s all going pear-shaped in America.

"There’s violence, [discriminatory] laws enacted in Florida, which are disgraceful.

"There’s a law now that, if you visit a doctor in Florida, they can refuse to treat you if you’re gay, which I find just unbelievable. We seem to be going backwards. And that spreads. It’s like a virus that the LGBTQ movement is suffering."

Elton is currently preparing to perform at Glastonbury, and the chart-topping star is looking forward to the opportunity.

Looking forward to his Glastonbury appearance, he said: "It’s the only really important festival for me in the world, to be honest. It’s all about music. Some American ones are good but some are a bit posey. Glastonbury gives new acts a chance."

Elton has actually created an entirely new show for his Glastonbury performance.

The 'Your Song' hitmaker has also warned fans to expect the unexpected at the festival.

He told BBC Radio 1: "I'm starting with a song I haven't played for about ten years, so we'll see how it goes.

"I've got the setlist down, I've got rehearsal dates booked for the guest artists, so we just have to hope the weather will still be nice."

Glastonbury marks the end of Elton's touring commitments in the UK, and Elton believes it's the "perfect ending" for him.

He said: "It's a different show to what people have been seeing. On Farewell Yellow Brick Road, there's quite a lot of deep cuts, it's not all hits, and you've got to keep people interested."


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f1d419 No.68995

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110927 (021513ZJUL23) Notable: Jay Valentine: How To Out-Compute The Left In 2024 Election

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Jay Valentine: How To Out-Compute The Left In 2024 Election

3:40 minutesUsing fractal technology, a 1,000 to a million times faster then current technology. Crimes series data of elections!

1st of 4 shorts clips

This video doesn’t get to the point because Bannon did his morning rant! Kek


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f1d419 No.68996

File: 22b0b4a03362c7a⋯.gif (173.94 KB,198x170,99:85,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110930 (021513ZJUL23) Notable: @USArmy Maj. Rachel Jones found solace after coming out as a transgender female

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>>68991 Part 1

>>68993 Part 2

Part 3

Once the ban on transgender service members was lifted, Jones was finally able to come out publicly as a transgender female. She was met with nothing but acceptance by her peers and fellow ASC Soldiers.

“People here have been amazing. I know how lucky I am to work in an organization with such acceptance and everyone here has been really supportive. ASC has really embodied the concept of everyone is part of the team,” said Jones. “I was initially a bit fearful of coming out as my true self and how I would be perceived, but I had nothing to worry about. As a Soldier, I’m still treated as a Soldier.”

She observed that acceptance is part of the Army’s core values. One of the Army’s core values, respect, states: “Treat others with dignity and respect while expecting others to do the same. That’s the Soldier’s Code.”

Coming out saved Jones’ life. “I don’t think about ending my life anymore,” she said. “I’m happier and a lot more pleasant to be around, not to mention so much more comfortable with myself.”

Allers is hopeful about the future of mental health care. “Society is beginning to better acknowledge issues related to mental health, suicide and the LGBTQ community," she said. "We are recognizing that struggle is part of the human condition, and we need each other for support to get through difficult times.”

Jones understands that other Soldiers going through similar struggles may not be ready to come out yet but encourages them to accept and love themselves. “I know firsthand how isolating staying in the closet can be, but there is a large community of people waiting for you. This is still the Army, you never have to do anything alone,” she said.

It is important for Soldiers and Civilians to support their peers by watching for depressive or suicidal warning signs and changes in behavior, Allers said.

“We can also simply follow the golden rule and treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves,” suggested Allers. “Ask, ‘How are you doing?’ or ‘Are you ok?’”

Sometimes the people you least expect to be struggling are those struggling the most. Jones’ advice to this is avoid making assumptions about whole groups of people.

“Don’t say those fighting depression are weak and pathetic and don’t call LGBTQ+ people anything derogatory," she said. "This applies even more so when you don’t think someone is dealing with either of these issues.”

If you or someone you know needs help, please call or text the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline 24/7.

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f1d419 No.68997

File: c6367811d65888e⋯.png (299.79 KB,600x275,24:11,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110939 (021515ZJUL23) Notable: Another Bus of Illegals From Texas Arrives in Sanctuary City of L.A.

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Not what it appears to be

Controlled Dilution

Another Bus of Illegals From Texas Arrives in Sanctuary City of L.A.

On Saturday morning, another bus carrying dozens of illegals arrived in the Sanctuary City of Los Angeles from Texas.

The bus carried 41 illegals, including 11 children, from eight different countries, including Cuba, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Venezuela

“Though we were not formally notified, the Mayor’s Office became aware of the bus [Friday] and mobilized — working with City Departments, the County, and a coalition of nonprofit organizations, in addition to our faith partners, to execute a plan set in place earlier this year,” read a statement issued by a spokesperson for Mayor Karen Bass. “The City of Los Angeles believes in treating everyone with respect and dignity and will do so.”

Members of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA) were at hand Saturday at St. Anthony’s Croatian Catholic Church on Grand Avenue to offer assistance. With their help, members received water, food, clothing and medical check-ups. They also got access to legal immigration assistance.


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f1d419 No.68998

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110942 (021515ZJUL23) Notable: Jay Valentine: How To Out-Compute The Left In 2024 Election

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2nd of 4 videos

Voter Analysis: In AZ elections Up To 15% Of Voters Found To Be “Fake” Due To Non-Matching Addresses. Using fractal technology

13:26 minutes


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f1d419 No.68999

File: 370fa34f890f3ce⋯.png (129.63 KB,1001x822,1001:822,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110970 (021520ZJUL23) Notable: Twitter is under massive cyberattack🇷🇺. Reports of testing or updating the platform are not true???/chat GPT already reached her 6000 per day.

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Just for reference ....

🚨 Twitter is under massive cyberattack🇷🇺. Reports of testing or updating the platform are not true.

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f1d419 No.69000

File: ecb4c35e5c956d3⋯.png (705.92 KB,1356x762,226:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19110987 (021523ZJUL23) Notable: >>1911051, Police use drones in France

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It's an illusion

France Has Fallen: 17-year-old “Victim” was Gangbanger with 15-Count Rap Sheet and History of Running Police Stops

Rioting continued in France Saturday night, after 17-year-old Algerian Nahel M. was killed after a high-speed chase in Paris suburb Nanterre Tuesday. While Mainstream Media fan the flames of hate and violence by blaming the police and portraying Nahel as an innocent victim, the 17-year old hoodlum had a long police record and appeared in a cop-hating gangsta rap video just last month.

At 8 a.m. on Tuesday, June 27, two motorcycle officers saw Nahel M. in a high-powered, bright yellow Mercedes A-Class AMG with Polish license plates, racing through Nanterre, and gave chase. The 17-year old led them on a pursuit over sidewalks, through red lights and down bus lanes until finally forced to stop by traffic at 8:16 am.

The two officers dismounted and confronted the homicidal maniac at gunpoint, demanding he cut the engine. Instead, Nahel M floored it, striking the officer in front of his windshield and possibly triggering the gunshot which hit him fatally in the chest. The speeding sports car then struck an obstacle and flipped on its roof. One passenger fled on foot and one was arrested.

Nahel was 17, too young to have a French driver’s license. The Mercedes A Class AMG typically has 300 Horsepower and can do 0 to 60 mph in 4.7 seconds. The vehicle with Polish license plates was reported to be a rental, of the kind young migrant men like to use for “Fast & Furious” style road races, which often recklessly endanger innocent lives. The brave officers thus can be said to be completely justified in ending Nahel’s rampage at gunpoint.


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f1d419 No.69001

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111114 (021542ZJUL23) Notable: Did you know that a doctrine known as “qualified immunity” shields local and state police from accountability? Federal cops enjoy an even broader, absolute immunity

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July 2, 2023

Mugged By The State?

By Mark Adams

Did you know that a doctrine known as “qualified immunity” shields local and state police from accountability? Federal cops enjoy an even broader, absolute immunity based on recent Supreme Court rulings that have eroded an earlier 1971 Supreme Court decision that allowed some lawsuits. Each of the federal circuit courts interprets prior high court rulings in its own way. In several cases, judges have shown common sense, allowing citizens to find a remedy when a federal cop violates their rights. Still, the weight of the law favors the feds.

Bizarre rulings in the Fifth and Eighth Circuits establish that, unless a federal incident exactly mirrors the 1971 case of Webster Bivens—a man who was handcuffed, arrested, and later strip-searched by federal agents after a warrantless search of his home—people whose rights are trampled by a federal officer have no remedy available to them.

As a result, the Constitution does not protect from abuse by federal police the millions of citizens residing in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Nebraska—all of whom fall in the districts covered by the Fifth and Eighth Circuits. This split among the courts means that Americans’ rights now depend on where they happen to

How bad is it?

Consider this headline from a June 21, 2022, press release from the Institute for Justice: “Supreme Court Ignores Constitutional Violations by Federal Police, Green Lights Absolute Immunity Even in Cases Dealing with Attempted Murder and Well-Documented Lies by Officers”

One petition to the Supreme Court sought to overturn a ruling from the Eighth Circuit appellate court granting immunity to a federally deputized St. Paul, Minnesota police officer whose well-documented lies cost Hamdi Mohamud, a teenage Somali refugee, two years of her life. When a rogue federal law enforcement officer lied about and manipulated facts, she was condemned to two years in federal prison: “My life was never the same since the time I got arrested. They took my life away.”

Kevin Byrd is another person who was entangled with a rogue federal law enforcement officer. He petitioned the Supreme Court, asking it to reverse a Fifth Circuit decision that granted immunity to Ray Lamb, a Department of Homeland Security agent, who tried to shoot and kill Byrd to prevent the latter from asking questions about Lamb’s son, who was involved in a drunken car crash the night before. Of his experience with Lamb, Byrd said, “I thought I was going to lose my life.”

This is sobering stuff, especially when juxtaposed with the weaponization of federal agencies. A 2020 report from Open The Books, describes “The Militarization of the U.S. Executive Agencies.” It explains,

According to the Heritage Foundation, you can “[a]dd the U.S. Department of Education to the list of federal agencies that can invade your home at gunpoint and hold you and your family in custody for hours.”

The reason for this warning was because of a bizarre 2011 incident in California. Federal “education” agents busted down the front door of his Stockton, California, home for a paramilitary-style raid because his estranged wife, who didn’t live with him, allegedly misused federal aid for students. Wright’s three children—3, 9, and 11—were at home and sequestered in a patrol car for two hours, while Wright was in custody for six hours.

Said a neighbor, “They all had guns. They dragged him out in his boxer shorts, threw him to the ground and handcuffed him.”

Qualified immunity also makes it difficult to win civil damages against local and state police for misconduct, a right Americans first gained in 1871.

It is certainly true that police officers must make difficult, on‐the‐spot decisions under conditions of danger and uncertainty. But the fact is that, under a 1989 Supreme Court decision, existing legal standards already exist for determining whether a constitutional violation occurred in the first place already take into account on‐the‐spot police decision‐making. In Graham v. Connor, the Court held that lower courts cannot second guess instantaneous on‐the‐spot policing decisions.Too often, though, the qualified immunity doctrine lets police brutality go unchecked, denying victims their constitutional rights….


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f1d419 No.69002

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19111140 (021545ZJUL23) Notable: Jay Valentine: How To Out-Compute The Left In 2024 Election

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2nd of 3rd video (last video)

23 hours ago

“ERIC Sucks”: Jay Valentine Exposes Blindspots In National Election System, ERIC

11:14 minutes

Kari Lakes team use Jay Valentine and his fractal computer analysis to find out a lot more


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f1d419 No.69003

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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