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Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

498f51 No.51546 [View All]

27JUN23 to 29JUN23


Re-Posts of notables

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498f51 No.68203

File: 8cafafee9edeb2d⋯.png (466.5 KB,1280x1279,1280:1279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095497 (291815ZJUN23) Notable: release genetically modified mosquitos into the wild

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They did what?!?!?

A company owned by Bill Gates (the best friend of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein!) just released 5 million genetically modified mosquitos last year in Florida.

And now malaria has returned to Florida.

Do you see how this works?



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498f51 No.68204

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095499 (291816ZJUN23) Notable: release genetically modified mosquitos into the wild

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released in tx 2

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498f51 No.68205

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095509 (291822ZJUN23) Notable: CNN will soon be available on the streaming service HBOMax.

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CNN inks streaming deal with HBO/MAX

CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and political violence, will soon be available on the streaming service HBOMax.

According to Wikipedia, CNN is currently available in 80 million U.S. households. And yet, although 80 million households can watch CNN anytime they choose, only about 500,000 tune in.

CNN cannot even attract one percent of its available audience, so…

On what planet will this abject failure and national joke boost HBOMax subscriptions?


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498f51 No.68206

File: 7fe7bddbdb7374d⋯.png (218.03 KB,450x368,225:184,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095514 (291823ZJUN23) Notable: UPS Teamsters Warn: "Nationwide Strike Imminent" If Friday Deadline Not Met

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UPS Teamsters Warn: "Nationwide Strike Imminent" If Friday Deadline Not Met


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498f51 No.68207

File: 35d6f8efa87b906⋯.jpeg (433.94 KB,1140x1253,1140:1253,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095522 (291826ZJUN23) Notable: Scotus loophole found

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Sean Davis@seanmdav

What comes next? Not merit-based university admissions. Instead, we'll see the opposite.

Bolshevik madrassas masquerading as universities will eliminate admissions criteria that highlight differences in intelligence and ability – GPA, test scores, and academic achievements will no longer be evaluated.

Universities will claim a new, holistic approach to applicant evaluation so they can discriminate based on identity, but without obvious academic comparisons that make it easy to prove they're discriminating against qualified candidates because of their race. Eliminate objective academic criteria like grades and test scores, and you eliminate the easiest way to discern whether someone who is otherwise qualified is being discriminated against because of his or her race or identity.

The goal of the modern university is not education of the nation's best and brightest. The goal is indoctrination and credentialing. The corrupt university cartel is not going to suddenly do a 180 on its obvious goals because of a pesky court decisions telling it to stop being racist. They're going to be even more race- and identity-obsessed going forward, butnow they'll start trying to hide it better.


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498f51 No.68208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095523 (291826ZJUN23) Notable: release genetically modified mosquitos into the wild

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>>68203, >>68204

>They did what?!?!?

>Your Q _anon_ Frens @


Search for: "genetically modified mosquitos " (47 Results)

Way Back 2018-04-12 23:44:23 - 3 yrs = 2015

#9518458 at2020-06-07 13:10:14 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #12182: To Whom It Concerns, We're All In This Basket Together Edition

genetically modified Mosquitoes Cleared For Release In The US

A company called Oxitec has received an experimental use permit from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to release genetically modified mosquitos into the wild. This would be the first time that such an experiment was attempted within the borders of the US, and the permit would allow for the release of millions of genetically modified mosquitos each week over the next two years. The genetically modified insects will be released in Florida and Texas, but they will easily be able to travel throughout the country from there.

Themosquitos are likely only being deployed in Texas and Florida for now,because the company needs approval from each individual state in addition to federal EPA approval. A previously planned release in the Florida Keys of an earlier version of Oxitec's GM mosquito was canceled in 2016 after push back from local residents about the potential dangers.

Scientists hope that these genetically modified mosquitos can help eliminate diseases that are typically carried by mosquitos, such as dengue, chikungunya, yellow fever, and Zika.

The plan is that these genetically modified male mosquitos will mate with wild females, and their genetics will cause the children to die, and should cause a collapse of the wild population.

However, there is growing concern among scientists that this technology may not be ready for deployment, and that the risks have not been studied thoroughly enough. Many scientists are warning about the potential unintended consequences that can come from unleashing such insects into the wild. For example, researchers are entirely unaware of what type of allergic reactions that these insects could cause if they interact with people.


#1017691 at2018-04-12 23:44:23 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #1268: An Army of Frogs Edition


http:// www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3425381/Are-scientists-blame-Zika-virus-Researchers-released-genetically-modified-mosquitos-Brazil-three-years-ago.html

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498f51 No.68209

File: 10695c7b238326a⋯.jpg (26.97 KB,520x369,520:369,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095531 (291830ZJUN23) Notable: Space Weather News BIG SUNSPOT ALERT

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Space Weather News for June 29, 2023




One of the biggest sunspots in years is directly facing Earth. AR3354 is 10 times wider than Earth and about 1/3rd the size of the historical Carrington sunspot. It's so big, observers in Europe and North America are seeing it naked-eye through the smoke of Canadian wildfires. Earth-directed flares are likely in the days ahead. Full story @ Spaceweather.com.

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498f51 No.68210

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095599 (291850ZJUN23) Notable: Steve Kirsch During PA State Senate Hearing : “We Can’t Find an Autistic Kid Who Was Unvaccinated” Within Amish Community

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Steve Kirsch During PA State Senate Hearing : “We Can’t Find an Autistic Kid Who Was Unvaccinated” Within Amish Community

In a recent Pennsylvania State Senate hearing on June 9, 2023, Silicon Valley philanthropist and technology entrepreneur Steve Kirsch posed a serious challenge to long-held beliefs on vaccinations and their impact on public health.

During his testimony, he made a remarkable assertion: “We can’t find an autistic kid who was unvaccinated.”

In a detailed account, Kirsch spoke about the potential harm vaccines may cause and highlighted the lack of comparative studies between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Citing a ten-year study led by Dr. Paul Thomas, which was retracted controversially, Kirsch suggested that vaccinated children were more likely to contract diseases like measles and mumps compared to those unvaccinated.

He further stated that parents who chose not to vaccinate their children should be applauded for their decision, hinting at his belief that vaccines contribute to the chronic disease epidemic in America.

The tech entrepreneur criticized the CDC for not conducting a comprehensive study comparing the health of fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, even though former CDC director Judy Gerberding had promised to initiate such a study in 2005.

“In 2005, CDC director Judy Gerberding promised to do such a study. She said, yes, we should do such a study. It’s important that we do a study now, we can refine it later. And that was nearly 20 years ago,” said Kirsch.

“That study has never been done. And it will never be done because they don’t want people to know that all these vaccines have been harming people since the very beginning. There is no safe vaccine, not a single one. Not one vaccine is safe and effective. And I actually went on Twitter and I offered $2,500 to anybody who could show me such a study and nobody was able to produce such a study,” he added.

During his testimony, Kirsch drew attention to the Amish community, which he described as a largely unvaccinated population.

He claimed that the occurrence of chronic diseases, such as autism, ADD, autoimmune diseases, and epilepsy, was extremely rare among the Amish.


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498f51 No.68211

File: cbd4fd69158dd0b⋯.png (280.77 KB,550x611,550:611,Clipboard.png)

File: fe79529addfd54a⋯.png (296.27 KB,549x554,549:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095621 (291856ZJUN23) Notable: Four Biden Decisions as President Made Because of ‘Compromise’ by Foreign Payments: Comer

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An “Organized Family Crime Unit”: Four Biden Decisions as President Made Because of ‘Compromise’ by Foreign Payments: Comer

In an appearance on WABC-AM radio Wednesday with co-hosts John Catsimatidis and Rita Cosby, House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) said that his committee’s investigation showed Joe Biden had made six policy decisions as a result of foreign bribery payments involving business deals arranged by son Hunter Biden. Comer said four of those decisions were made when Biden was president and that he cannot find a reason for the decisions except for bribery. Comer called the Biden family foreign business dealings “organized crime” and the Bidens themselves an “organized family crime unit.” Comer said the total amount of payments to Biden related firms could reach $40 million with the Bidens’ take at least $17 million.

Hunter, Jim and Joe Biden, an “organized family crime unit, essentially, and the business model was to profit off of Joe Biden’s influence as vice president and future influence as president of the United States,” Rep. James Comer on Cats and Cosby.

Comer said the FBI does not have the Burisma Biden bribe tapes, but says the Ukrainian oligarch who allegedly made the tapes of Joe and Hunter Biden reportedly has copies, as does his daughter.

Excerpt from the New York Post report on the Comer interview:

Members of President Biden’s family may have accepted in excess of $40 million from foreign nationals in exchange for favorable policy decisions, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer suggested Wednesday. The Kentucky Republican said that his panel has identified “six specific policy decisions” where Biden, 80, took actions that indicate he may have been “compromised,” during an appearance on John Catsimatidis’ “Cats & Cosby Show” on WABC 770 Wednesday.

Comer noted that of the six policy decisions, four of them “were made while Joe Biden was president early on — [where] we cannot come to any other conclusion as to why these decisions were made, other than the fact that this president is compromised.”

“This was organized crime. There’s no other way to define it,” Comer alleged. The Oversight Committee chairman explained that as recently as “in the last five days” his panel has obtained banking statements and suspicious activity reports that show “more bank accounts, more shell companies and more Bidens” being involved in the family’s overseas influence peddling scheme.

…Comer told Catsimatidis that he’s “confident” his investigation will prove the Biden family raked in “at least $17 million” from overseas, but that the “transactions could exceed $40 million-plus.”

Comer said the Bidens helped communist Chinese firms “gain entry” into key sectors of the U.S. economy in exchange for payments.


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498f51 No.68212

File: 9283f9d0a0f2822⋯.png (166.39 KB,540x304,135:76,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095625 (291857ZJUN23) Notable: Indian-born World Bank chief features on US list of ‘Great Immigrants’

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Indian-born World Bank chief features on US list of ‘Great Immigrants’

Ajay Banga has been named on the 2023 list of naturalized citizens recognized for their “contribution” to American democracy

Indian-born World Bank president Ajay Banga has been included on the 2023 ‘Great Immigrants’ list compiled by New York’s Carnegie Corporation. Banga is the only Indian-American to make the list.

The philanthropic fund recognized 35 naturalized citizens “whose contributions and actions have enriched and strengthened our society and our democracy.” The honorees from 33 countries include educators, mentors, philanthropists, job creators, public servants, storytellers, and advocates.

As is traditional, the honor was announced ahead of Independence Day on July 4.

Banga, 63, was selected as the 14th president of the World Bank for a five-year term in June. He is the first-ever Indian-American to lead the institution.

He has over 30 years of experience in key positions, including as vice chairman at General Atlantic and president and CEO of Mastercard. Banga is “expected to usher in transformative policies at the World Bank to combat poverty and address climate change, opening opportunities for people around the globe,” according to his 2023 Great Immigrants profile.

Banga told the Carnegie Corporation how diversity had helped him succeed as a corporate leader.

“At the end of the day, if you surround yourself with people who look like you, who walk like you and talk like you, and grew up in the same places you did and worked with you in your prior jobs, then you will have a sense of comfort of hiring people around you who have that familiarity. But you will also have the same blind spots. You will miss the same trends. You will miss the same opportunities,” Banga said.

Born in the city of Pune, the World Bank chief started his career with Nestlé India. In 1996, he moved to the US and joined PepsiCo, where he worked in various senior positions for over a decade.

In 2009, Banga joined Mastercard as its president and COO and became CEO the following year. He served in those roles for 12 years before being named executive chairman.

Other honorees this year include Vietnamese-born Academy Award-winning actor Ke Huy Quan, Chilean-born actor Pedro Pascal, the Nigerian-born director-general of the World Trade Organization, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, and US Congressman Ted Lieu, who was born in Taiwan.


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498f51 No.68213

File: 4f7e9a32b4d36d5⋯.jpeg (125.35 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095640 (291901ZJUN23) Notable: Ukraine will need 117 years to take territories from Russia – Seymour Hersh

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29 Jun, 2023 16:13

Ukraine will need 117 years to take territories from Russia – Seymour Hersh

The $150 billion spent by the US in Ukraine is a “very bad investment,” the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter claimed

Kiev’s inability to penetrate Russian defensive lines should serve as a “wake-up call” in Washington, veteran journalist Seymour Hersh warned on Thursday.

Citing battlefield statistics obtained from an unnamed source, Hersh claimed thatUkrainian forces have only managed to capture two square milesof Russian-held land over the last ten days of fighting. In the two weeks beforehand, he continued, the Ukrainian military took only 44 square miles of territory, much of it open land located before the first of Russia’s multiple defensive lines.

WithRussia holding 40,000 square miles landthat had previously been part of Ukraine, an “informed official” told Hersh that “it would take [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky’s military 117 years” to reimpose Kiev's rule over the territories.

The time has come for US President Joe Biden to publicly acknowledge that “the estimated more than $150 billion that his administration has put up [to arming Ukraine] thus far turned out to be a very bad investment,” the veteran journalist concluded, adding that the“looming disaster in Ukraine… should be a wake-up call” for US lawmakers willing to hand Kiev billions of dollars “in the hope of a miracle that will not arrive.”

Ukraine launched its long-anticipated counteroffensive in early June, using German-made Leopard 2 tanks, US-supplied Bradley Infantry Fighting Vehicles, and other Western hardware to strike at Russian positions along the front line from Donetsk to Kherson.

The offensive cost Kiev dearly, with the Russian Security Council estimatingUkrainian losses at 13,000 troops as of last week. Attacking through minefields and without air support, according to Moscow, Ukrainian forces have failed to overcome the multi-layered network of trenches, obstacles, and armored emplacements constructed by Russia since last year.

American, Ukrainian, and NATO officials have admitted that the counteroffensive is proceeding slower than expected. With continued Western support potentially hinging on a successful pushback of Russian forces, officials in Kiev have alternated between blaming the West for not providing adequate weapons, and promising that the offensive thus far has been a “preview” of a larger operation to come.


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498f51 No.68214

File: a1b5d22e81d7d3c⋯.png (237.88 KB,501x398,501:398,Clipboard.png)

File: a3cd674b99a6bff⋯.png (323.59 KB,794x493,794:493,Clipboard.png)

File: f030c898062db82⋯.png (192.07 KB,490x621,490:621,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095643 (291902ZJUN23) Notable: France Mobilizes 40,000 Police After All Hell Breaks Out

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France Mobilizes 40,000 Police After All Hell Breaks Out

Social unrest exploded across France this week, forcing the government to deploy 40,000 police officers to quell the violence. The turmoil was sparked after police fatally shot a 17-year-old teenager of North African descent during a traffic stop.

The police killing of the teenager occurred on Tuesday, captured on video, shocked the country, and has since unleashed riots across major cities.


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498f51 No.68215

File: 27e9099577b3e53⋯.png (16.75 KB,600x171,200:57,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095657 (291905ZJUN23) Notable: Ex-GOP Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in $60M bribery scheme

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JUST IN: Ex-GOP Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in $60M bribery scheme - AP


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498f51 No.68216

File: a1eabaa9217eab5⋯.png (342.56 KB,598x583,598:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095667 (291908ZJUN23) Notable: Christian Mailman Who Refused To Work Sundays Scores Supreme Court Win

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Christian Mailman Who Refused To Work Sundays Scores Supreme Court Win


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498f51 No.68217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095672 (291910ZJUN23) Notable: Merck Knew Its Popular Drug Could Lead Kids to Commit Suicide, Covered It Up/Singulair

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Merck Knew Its Popular Drug Could Lead Kids to Commit Suicide, Covered It Up — Lawsuit

According to a Reuters investigation, parents trying to sue Merck were “stymied by one of Corporate America’s most effective liability shields: the doctrine of federal preemption”

Dozens of patients, including many children, died by suicide or suffered from neuropsychiatric problems after taking Singulair, Merck’s allergy and asthma medication, according to lawsuits that are finally proceeding, after decades of delays and legal challenges, Reuters reported.

Merck is accused of downplaying early evidence of Singulair’s impact on the brain. These claims “later faced intense scrutiny,” leading to “a raft of lawsuits alleging [Merck] knew … that the drug could impact the brain and that it minimized the potential for psychiatric problems in statements to regulators.”

Singulair, also known as montelukast, is available to adults and children as a medication for severe allergies and asthma. The drug “blocks chemicals, called leukotrienes, in the body,” according to Dr. Michelle Perro, a pediatrician. Leukotrienes “can be involved in the precipitation of asthma and can cause respiratory symptoms, as well as inflammation of the airways,” Perro told The Defender.

Numerous public comments about Singulair’s side effects were submitted in 2019, prior to the Sept. 27, 2019, joint meeting of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Pediatric and Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committees charged with reviewing the drug’s safety.

Many of the comments were submitted by “vocal parents” of children adversely affected by Singulair.

Rolf Hazlehurst, senior staff attorney with Children’s Health Defense (CHD), told The Defender he “worked closely” with several of these parents.

The public comments, along with thousands of reports submitted over several years to the FDA Adverse Event Reporting System (FAERS) plus a 2015 research study finding that a “substantial amount” of Singulair entered the brain, forced the FDA to take action.

On March 4, 2020, the FDA required Singulair to carry a “black box” label — the FDA’s most serious warning, for “serious mental health side effects,” according to Drugwatch.

Black box warnings list “important side effect information surrounded by a thick black border and bold lettering to warn of permanent, serious or fatal side effects.”

In the case of Singulair, the label links the drug to “suicide, depression, aggression, agitation, suicidal thoughts and sleep disturbances.”

The black box label was at least two decades in coming, according to Hazlehurst, who said it “took over a decade’s worth of work by persistent parents, armed with overwhelming evidence of the serious neuropsychiatric side effects, urging the FDA to take action.”


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498f51 No.68218

File: 112dadaeffd1357⋯.jpeg (87.98 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095695 (291918ZJUN23) Notable: Ukrainians can’t break through our defenses - Chechen commander

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29 Jun, 2023 18:24

Ukrainians can’t break through our defenses – Chechen commander

Apty Alaudinov gave an account of Kiev’s offensive after almost a month

Ukraine’s much-heralded attack has not been able to breach any of the Russian defensive lines,but Kiev keeps sending men to their deaths, the commander of the Chechen special force ‘Akhmat’, Apty Alaudinov, told Russia 1 TV on Thursday.

“The picture we see is that the enemy, having reached our first line of defense, can’t advance through it.We warned them about this. They realistically do not have the forces and resources, for all that they’ve built them up, to break through our three echelons,” Alaudinov said on the ‘60 Minutes’ evening news show.

“Let them waste [their people], as they planned, to the last Ukrainian. They only make things worse for themselves. The realistic result, I’ve always said, will be the same. We will definitely win this battle,” he added.

Later, on his Telegram channel, Alaudinov repeated thatUkrainian forces “did not even pass our first line of defense in any sector.”While Kiev’s troops have “temporarily occupied” some patches of land here and there, none of those positions pose a strategic threat, he maintained.

Alaudinov also downplayed the small Ukrainian presence near the destroyed Antonovsky Bridge in Kherson, calling it a public relations stunt without any significant military results – but at the cost of high casualties as Russian forces “systematically destroy them.”

The Ukrainian offensive, which was originally supposed to begin in the spring, kicked off on June 4 on the southern front. Kiev had hoped for a battlefield victory ahead of the July 11 NATO summit in Lithuania.

A series of company-sized attacks ran into minefields, artillery fire, attack helicopters and dug-in infantry and tanks. Russian President Vladimir Putin has described Kiev’s losses as “catastrophic,” and ten times greater than Moscow’s.

In the three weeks of heavy fighting, Kiev’s forces have suffered upwards of 13,000 casualties, along with hundreds of tanks and other armored vehicles, many supplied by the West.

Aleksey Danilov, the head of Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council, acknowledged on Wednesday that thefighting is “hard work” and asked the West to have patience.

Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky admitted that his troops had encountered “very tough resistance” on the ground. Meanwhile, Defense Minister Aleksey Reznikov has tried to present the attacks as a “preparation operation,” and not the offensive itself.

(This is insane for Kiev to keep on sending men. It’s evil!)


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498f51 No.68219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095697 (291919ZJUN23) Notable: Pinal County Elections Director Quits Just Days After Promising To Discuss Past Problems

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Pinal County Elections Director Quits Just Days After Promising To Discuss Past Problems

Tuesday morning, Pinal County Elections Director Geraldine Roll notified her boss she was quitting. It came less than one week after she promised to speak with the county’s board of supervisors about what she knew of highly-profile problems with the 2022 election cycle.

Roll resigned in a manner that is typically frowned upon, as she failed to provide a two-week notice. She also forgot that employees are generally advised to avoid finger-pointing, especially when the finger is pointed at the boss.

“With no regrets, I quit,” is how Roll opened her email resignation notice to County Manager Leo Lew. “When you no longer respect those you work for, it is time to leave,” she wrote. “I have watched as you idly stood by when I was attacked. I cannot work for an individual who does not support me.”

Roll is a former Pinal County deputy county attorney who was tapped last December to restore order and public confidence following horrendously administered elections last August and November under prior election directors.

Her hiring was cheered by the five members of the board of supervisors, but the honeymoon phase apparently quickly faded, according to her resignation notice. In fact, Roll alleges a “toxic” work environment had been fostered by Leo, his team, and the supervisors.

“In my career, I have never been subject to the ridicule, disrespect, intimidation and attacks on my reputation and ethics that I have endured in these past months,” she wrote.

Roll also took aim at Lew and unspecified supervisors for what she considered political pandering.

“I believe the Elections Department should not be politicized,” Roll wrote. “You relegate impartiality, common sense and dedicated work to irrational, extremist political party views and rhetoric.”

Roll also raised doubts of whether Pinal County can ensure the integrity of future elections.

“It is a far reach to see how you will deliver clean elections when you bend to a faction of the Republican party,” she noted. “Clearly, politics are the value this administration desires in a place where politics have no place: elections administration.”

Roll ended her notice unceremoniously, writing “Really, Not Respectfully, Geraldine Roll.”

For his part, Lew took the high road in his public comments about Roll’s departure, which were posted to Twitter a few hours after the resignation email.

“I want to thank Geri for her service during very challenging times and for the improvements that she identified and began to implement in the Elections Department,” Lew’s statement reads. “ Although I disagree with her assessment, she has been an impactful public servant, and I wish her the best and know that she will continue to do great things in her career.”

On June 21, Roll addressed the board of supervisors in detail about various Elections Department matters, including operations, training, and preparations for upcoming elections.

If she was reaching her breaking point then it is difficult to judge from the official video of the meeting.


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498f51 No.68220

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095710 (291924ZJUN23) Notable: The Biden-Harris Administration Is Letting Chinese Nicotine Traffickers Infiltrate the U.S./ illegal disposable flavored vapes

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The Biden-Harris Administration Is Letting Chinese Nicotine Traffickers Infiltrate the U.S.

President Joe Biden has always had a blind spot for the Chinese threat. “China is going to eat our lunch? Come on, man,” he once said. “I mean, you know, they’re not bad folks, folks.”

Well, those “not bad folks” are currently flooding the U.S. with illegal disposable flavored vapes marketed directly to children as the Biden-Harris Food and Drug Administration (FDA) looks the other way.

According to a bombshell report from The Associated Press, “the number of different electronic cigarette devices sold in the U.S. has nearly tripled to over 9,000 since 2020, driven almost entirely by a wave of unauthorized disposable vapes from China.”

This explosive growth in illegal Chinese nicotine trafficking is a testimony to the fecklessness and incompetence of the FDA, an agency that in 2018 labelled youth vaping an “epidemic,” and by 2020 banned almost all flavored e-cigarettes.

These policy changes allowed Chinese companies to corner the global market on disposable flavored vapes containing synthetic nicotine. More alarming, as former Secretary of Health and Human Services Dr. Tom Price has written, “reports suggest these Chinese manufacturers are also boosting these disposable vapes with illegal levels of nicotine to increase addiction levels among our children.”

According to the most recent National Youth Tobacco Survey, roughly 2.5 million American youth use e-cigarettes, and 85 percent of them use “banned” flavored products. It is estimated that 90 percent of these vaping products originate in China. According to a report, Chinese nicotine traffickers use social media platforms like TikTok to “sway teens to take up vaping.” #ElfBar, a hashtag promoting the popular Chinese-made disposable vape company that sells flavors like Rainbow Cotton Candy, has over 2.1 billion views on TikTok alone.

The significant majority of these bad actors operate completely unimpeded by the Biden-Harris FDA. The harshest penalties received to date have been sternly worded warning letters from the agency. Little wonder that a recent investigation showed that banned Chinese vapes are available for sale right next door to the FDA’s headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland. This gross lack of enforcement raises serious doubts about the FDA’s commitment to protecting public health and its transparency in addressing this issue.

The Reagan-Udall Foundation, an independent non-profit, issued a scathing report condemning the FDA’s failure to stem the tidal wave of illicit products, writing that, “the Agency has not been transparent regarding the reasons it has failed to clear the market of illegal products, or even whether its policy preference is to do so, contributing to stakeholder frustration and, in some situations, additional litigation.”


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498f51 No.68221

File: dc51b3cfffb5c5c⋯.png (17.82 KB,602x186,301:93,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095724 (291930ZJUN23) Notable: Ex-Parkland, Fla. school resource officer who stood down during school massacre found NOT GUILTY on all counts

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BREAKING: Ex-Parkland, Fla. school resource officer who stood down during school massacre found NOT GUILTY on all counts, including felony child neglect


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498f51 No.68222

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095726 (291930ZJUN23) Notable: US Approves Massive $15 Billion Arms Sale to Poland

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US Approves Massive $15 Billion Arms Sale to Poland

The State Department announced it authorized selling $15 billion in advanced air defense systems to Poland. The deal comes as Washington wants to increase NATO’s military presence in Eastern Europe.

A press release distributed by the State Department on Wednesday says, “This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a NATO Ally that is a force for political stability and economic progress in Europe.”

US and NATO leaders argue the alliance must build up its military presence in countries that border Russia to deter President Vladimir Putin’s desire to expand his nation’s border. However, Moscow has not indicated it plans to expand its border beyond eastern Ukraine, where the Russian military has struggled to secure territory annexed by the Kremlin.

The sale is for an estimated $15 billion in Patriot air defense systems, radars, and communications equipment. The primary contractors are Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. Raytheon has been accused of price gouging the Pentagon for Patriot intercepts. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was a board member at the arms manufacturer before becoming the Pentagon chief.

After Russia invaded Ukraine last year, Washington and Brussels demanded NATO members increase military spending. The increase in defense budgets has been a boon to the weapons industry in the US.


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498f51 No.68223

File: bdece6f1760a81c⋯.png (382.94 KB,562x662,281:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095741 (291936ZJUN23) Notable: MAKING ONTARIO AN LGBT DICTATORSHIP

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With all the recent “pride” celebrations across Canada this June, our society has descended to new depths of degeneracy.

Nudity, simulated sex acts, blasphemous depictions of Christ, and the promotion of Satanism are now common occurrences.

In Toronto’s “pride” parade on Sunday, a group of fully naked men walked down Church Street carrying rainbow signs. Other participants donned “furry” and “puppy play” fetish gear. Drag queens were also on hand.

All this took place in the presence and before the eyes of young children.

The demands of the LGBT movement have grown like a stage four cancer. They no longer call for mere tolerance, but they want their vile practices and twisted thinking to be endorsed and even celebrated by everyone, starting with our youngest children.

In fact, they are now clamouring for the criminalization of their critics!

Here in Ontario, Ms. Kristyn Wong-Tam, an NDP MPP who absurdly defines herself as “non-binary” and “they/them”, has introduced Bill 94, the Drag Queen Bubble Zone Act. This act, if passed into law, will treat concerned Ontario citizens and parents as criminals.

Bill 94 destroys freedom of speech and freedom of assembly in Ontario. It will create large 100-metre censorship zones surrounding drag queen story hours, gay pride parades, and transgender-promoting events and gatherings all over the province, wherever and whenever the Attorney General arbitrarily decides.

In principle, this law could also be applied to publicly-funded schools, since they routinely promote LGBT indoctrination.

If you dare to enter these proposed censorship zones to stand up against the grooming of our children, to speak out against boys in girls’ changerooms, or to be a witness for the truth of God’s Word, you could face a fine of up to $25,000.

“Making offensive remarks…with respect to matters of social orientation or gender roles” within the new zones will become a crime. It will also be illegal to “engag[e] in a protest or demonstration” deemed “homophobic” or “transphobic” within the zones. This bill turns Ontario into a type of LGBT dictatorship.

And if you think Premier Doug Ford and his Conservative government will fight this NDP-backed bill, I am telling you they won’t – not unless we hold their feet to the fire. We need to demand they defeat this police-state-style censorship law if they want to have any chance at re-election.


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498f51 No.68224

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095808 (292001ZJUN23) Notable: #23450

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#23450 >>68185

>>68186, >>68190, >>68193 Mel Gibson urges everyone to go see Sound of Freedom

>>68187 NBC News is in big time damage control mode at the moment. Their “journalist,” Tyler Kingkade has ducked for cover

>>68188 The USCP is responding to a Suspicious Package in the Unit Block of First Street SE on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court Building.

>>68189, >>68191, >>68192 Trump on Supremes

>>68194, >>68195 @ChelseaClinton and I loved featuring Alice and her work

>>68196 SEC charges former Pfizer statistician with insider trading over Covid drug trial results

>>68197, >>68198 Buckwheat up

>>68199, >>68207 Scotus loophole found

>>68200 Putin's public support looks like a Trump rally

>>68202, >>68201 Smoke from Canada in NE Ohio smells like burnt plastic

>>68205 CNN will soon be available on the streaming service HBOMax.

>>68206 UPS Teamsters Warn: "Nationwide Strike Imminent" If Friday Deadline Not Met

>>68208, >>68203, >>68204 release genetically modified mosquitos into the wild

>>68209 Space Weather News BIG SUNSPOT ALERT

>>68210 Steve Kirsch During PA State Senate Hearing : “We Can’t Find an Autistic Kid Who Was Unvaccinated” Within Amish Community

>>68211 Four Biden Decisions as President Made Because of ‘Compromise’ by Foreign Payments: Comer

>>68212 Indian-born World Bank chief features on US list of ‘Great Immigrants’

>>68213 Ukraine will need 117 years to take territories from Russia – Seymour Hersh

>>68214 France Mobilizes 40,000 Police After All Hell Breaks Out

>>68215 Ex-GOP Ohio House Speaker Larry Householder has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for his role in $60M bribery scheme

>>68216 Christian Mailman Who Refused To Work Sundays Scores Supreme Court Win

>>68217 Merck Knew Its Popular Drug Could Lead Kids to Commit Suicide, Covered It Up/Singulair

>>68218 Ukrainians can’t break through our defenses – Chechen commander

>>68219 Pinal County Elections Director Quits Just Days After Promising To Discuss Past Problems

>>68220 The Biden-Harris Administration Is Letting Chinese Nicotine Traffickers Infiltrate the U.S./ illegal disposable flavored vapes

>>68221 Ex-Parkland, Fla. school resource officer who stood down during school massacre found NOT GUILTY on all counts

>>68222 US Approves Massive $15 Billion Arms Sale to Poland



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498f51 No.68225

File: 90d87a60462cda3⋯.png (996.36 KB,946x2048,473:1024,Clipboard.png)

File: 36da1b142e6f3c6⋯.jpg (388.79 KB,828x809,828:809,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f59a9fcb58f87f2⋯.png (474.84 KB,680x434,340:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 468b2c24c2a83e8⋯.png (486.41 KB,730x700,73:70,Clipboard.png)

File: fbf2bdafb265db3⋯.png (1.55 MB,1136x1136,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095815 (292003ZJUN23) Notable: #23451

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Baker haz IRL, will tap @20

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498f51 No.68226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095865 (292017ZJUN23) Notable: 'A robust insurgency can be waged with the support of just a small percentage of a given population.'

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>>>/qresearch/19095825 lb/pb

>I think if anything was "proved" it was that accepting truth about one subject lead to questioning of all the other fake news we've been fed for years.

Understood. Thank you. How information ('conspiracy theory')* diffuses through a society and how questioning a previously accepted element of the narrative leads to questioning the remaining elements of the narrative.

'A robust insurgency can be waged with the support of just a small percentage of a given population.' Q quoting: https://2009-2017.state.gov/documents/organization/119629.pdf

*the label may be required in order to get published at all.

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498f51 No.68227

File: c4a8bd4d6e04e5c⋯.jpeg (527.69 KB,1962x1509,654:503,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095867 (292019ZJUN23) Notable: What level of Hell is America currently mired in?

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What level of Hell is America currently mired in?


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498f51 No.68228

File: 806a29749aa48ee⋯.png (719.67 KB,1228x690,614:345,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095920 (292037ZJUN23) Notable: Utah County attorney heads to Ukraine to help anonymous donor find 500 families to support, gets stuck in Amsterdam with Coofid-19

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Utah County attorney heads to Ukraine to help anonymous donor find 500 families to support

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498f51 No.68229

File: f637a27866a4241⋯.png (624.57 KB,1024x650,512:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095926 (292038ZJUN23) Notable: Utah County attorney heads to Ukraine to help anonymous donor find 500 families to support, gets stuck in Amsterdam with Coofid-19

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Utah County Attorney David Leavitt makes quick exit out of Ukraine, but is now stuck in Amsterdam with COVID-19

David Leavitt, who taught law in Ukraine for more than a decade, went to Kyiv to collect documents from his apartment as news of a possible Russian invasion loomed.

When Utah County Attorney David Leavitt decided to go to Ukraine earlier this week to collect documents from his Kyiv apartment, he’d planned for several contingencies in case the city was invaded by the Russian military.

He had extra cash in case the internet went down and the ATMs didn’t work. He’d also rented a car, deciding it safest to not rely on public transportation in case the trains stopped running.

But something unexpected happened that halted what was supposed to be a quick trip to Ukraine to gather a few personal items: Leavitt is stuck in Amsterdam after he tested positive for COVID-19.

It’s the second time Leavitt has been ill with the coronavirus.

Leavitt, who taught in Ukraine with the American Bar Association for more than a decade, has owned an apartment in Kyiv for several years. With news of a threat of a Russian invasion, Leavitt said in an interview on Wednesday that he’d booked the hasty trip to Ukraine to get paperwork proving ownership of his apartment and to collect some personal effects.

“We flew from Salt Lake to Amsterdam and Amsterdam to Kiev,” he said Wednesday, “and spent 24 hours there and got things taken care of then visited with some close friends of ours.”

The capital city felt different than previous visits, Leavitt said of landing in Kyiv. He added that Ukrainian friends seemed nervous.

“It felt like there was a tension,” he said. “A feeling of foreboding. It’s right at the front of everyone’s minds. It’s a sad feeling.”

“There has been so much troop movement recently,” he said. “[Russian President Vladimir] Putin’s tanks have a far easier time going over frozen ground than muddy ground. That’s not something we think of as Americans.”

The county attorney said he decided to go to Ukraine after seeing news that the American Embassy was evacuating families and personnel and that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had moved its missionaries out of the country. He expedited a previously planned trip because he felt he had a window of time where he could go with his sons to collect what they needed from the Kyiv apartment.

The U.S. Embassy issued an alert on Wednesday urging Americans to leave Ukraine as soon as possible, saying “the security situation in Ukraine continues to be unpredictable due to the increased threat of Russian military action.” It further noted the situation could “deteriorate with little notice.”

Leavitt first left Utah on Sunday, flew back out of Ukraine on Tuesday and received a positive COVID-19 test result early Wednesday while in Amsterdam en route back to Salt Lake City. He’s now quarantining in a hotel room near the airport in Amsterdam, but says he’s not sure how long he will be required to stay there.

“Thankfully they have a bathrobe,” he said Wednesday. “Because I literally went with the clothes on my back. And so now my clothes are drip-drying from my hotel room sink.”

During his years teaching in Ukraine, Leavitt said he instructed law students about the principles of American jury trials. The county attorney said it was the Ukrainian law students’ confusion over how plea deals could work in the United States that made him realize the shortcomings of the criminal justice system. He is now outspoken about wanting reform.

“So much of what I do in the United States, as the Utah County Attorney, is directly tied to years in the Ukraine,” he said. “I’m sad about it, because I not only love the Ukranian people, I have worked hard to help the legal system.”

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498f51 No.68230

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095939 (292041ZJUN23) Notable: Divided Supreme Court outlaws affirmative action in college admissions, says race can’t be used

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Divided Supreme Court outlaws affirmative action in college admissions, says race can’t be used

The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down affirmative action in college admissions, declaring race cannot be a factor and forcing institutions of higher education to look for new ways to achieve diverse student bodies.

The court’s conservative majority effectively overturned cases reaching back 45 years in invalidating admissions plans at Harvard and the University of North Carolina, the nation’s oldest private and public colleges, respectively.

The decision, like last year’s momentous abortion ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade, marked the realization of a long-sought conservative legal goal, this time finding that race-conscious admissions plans violate the Constitution and a law that applies to colleges that receive federal funding, as almost all do.

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498f51 No.68231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095944 (292043ZJUN23) Notable: "This is not a normal court," President Biden says

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>Divided Supreme Court outlaws affirmative action in college admissions, says race can’t be used


"This is not a normal court," President Biden says

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498f51 No.68232

File: 54d5d5688e85aee⋯.png (2.16 MB,1440x960,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095949 (292044ZJUN23) Notable: Deputy acquitted of all charges for failing to act during deadly Parkland school shooting

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A Florida sheriff's deputy has been acquitted of child neglect and other charges for failing to act during the Parkland school massacre.


Deputy acquitted of all charges for failing to act during deadly Parkland school shooting

A Florida sheriff’s deputy was acquitted Thursday of felony child neglect and other charges for failing to act during the 2018 Parkland school massacre, concluding the first trial in U.S. history of a law enforcement officer for conduct during an on-campus shooting.

Former Broward County Deputy Scot Peterson wept as the verdicts were read. The jury had deliberated for 19 hours over four days.

After court adjourned, Peterson, his family and friends rushed into a group hug as they whooped, hollered and cried. One of his supporters chased after lead prosecutor Chris Killoran and said something. Killoran turned and snapped at him, “Way to be a good winner” and slapped him on the shoulder. Members of the prosecution team then nudged Killoran out of the courtroom.

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498f51 No.68233

File: 1a7bae6c10a0f24⋯.png (2.14 MB,1440x960,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095953 (292046ZJUN23) Notable: Ukraine’s Zelenskyy meets Greta Thunberg and others to address the war’s effect on ecology

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Ukraine’s Zelenskyy meets Greta Thunberg and others to address the war’s effect on ecology

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met Thursday with Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg and prominent European figures who are forming a working group to address ecological damage from the 16-month-old Russian invasion.

The meeting in the Ukrainian capital came as fighting continued around the country.

The governor of the Kherson region, Oleksandr Prokudin, said two people were killed in the region’s capital in a Russian strike that hit residences, a medical facility and a school where residents were lined up to receive humanitarian aid. Another person was killed in a morning strike on the village of Bilzoerka, the regional prosecutor’s office said.

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498f51 No.68234

File: dc1120c30e49e55⋯.png (322.87 KB,680x340,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095957 (292046ZJUN23) Notable: Possible criminal charges from 2021 against rapper Travis Scott in Texas

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A Texas grand jury is considering possible criminal charges against rapper Travis Scott for his alleged involvement in the 2021 crowd crush at a music festival that left 10 people dead and a thousand injured, his attorney says.

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498f51 No.68235

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095959 (292047ZJUN23) Notable: Literally covered in clouds of Sulfer and Burnt Plastic

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How do you get plastic smelling smoke over 1/3 of the country?

Are the good guys burning out subterranean stuff again?

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498f51 No.68236

File: 0b4199f7eeea3fa⋯.png (326.18 KB,680x383,680:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095963 (292047ZJUN23) Notable: Larry Householder sentenced to 20 years in prison for $60M bribery scheme dubbed the largest corruption scandal in Ohio history.

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Ex-Republican House Speaker Larry Householder has been sentenced to 20 years in prison for orchestrating a $60M bribery scheme dubbed the largest corruption scandal in Ohio history. Convicted of racketeering in April, he is expected to appeal.


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498f51 No.68237

File: 5e96f84c1a38968⋯.jpg (233.68 KB,1080x1134,20:21,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095967 (292048ZJUN23) Notable: 250 Hollywood Celebrities Sign Letter Demanding Big Tech Censor Anyone Who Opposes Trans Surgeries On Kids

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CaptKyle Patriots Ⓡ 🍊

Forwarded from


250 Hollywood Celebrities Sign Letter Demanding Big Tech Censor Anyone Who Opposes Trans Surgeries On Kids

Here are the names of every celebrity who wants to mutilate children. Remember them & for Gods sake, stop supporting their products, movies, shows etc.

Abby Wambach

Adam Eli

Aitch Alberto

AJ Shively

Alan Cumming

Alejandra Caraballo

Alejandra Ghersi

Alex Clark

Alexandra Gutierrez

Alisa Ramirez

Allie Leonard

Allison Goldfrapp

ALOK Vaid-Menon

Alyssa May Gold

Alyssa Milano

Amber Ruffin

Amber Tamblyn

Amy Schumer

Amy Landecker

Andrew Polk

Angelica Ross

Annaleigh Ashford

Antoni Porowski

Aparna Brielle

Arden Myrin

Ariana Grande

Arisce Wanzer

Avan Jogia

Barbie Ferreira

Bebe Rexha

Bella Ramsey

Ben Barnes

Benito Skinner

Benj Pasek

Bethany Cosentino

Bethany Leavel

Billy Eichner

Billy Porter

Bob the Drag Queen

Bobby Berk

Bonnie Milligan

Brad Oscar

Bradley Whitford

Brandon Matthews

Brendan Hines

Bretman Rock

Brian Smith

Brigette Lundy-Paine

Brittany Tomlinson

Busy Philipps

Caesar Samoya

Camila Cabello

Camille A Brown

Cara Delevingne

Chani Nicholas

Chella Man

Chelsea Handler

Cheyenne Jackson

Chris Perfetti

Christa Miller

Cleo Wade

Colton Haynes

Corey Jantzen

Cynthia Erivo

Cynthia McWilliams

Cynthia Nixon

Cyrus Veyssi

D’Arcy Carden

Dakota Fanning

Dan Levy

Darren Criss

David Shatraw

David Oulton

Debra Messing

Deepica Mutyala

Demi Lovato

Des McAnuff

Devery Jacobs

Diana Maria Riva

Diane Guerrero

Dylan Mulvaney

Ed Droste

Eddie Ndopu

EJ Marcus

Elegance Bratton

Eliot Rahal

Elle Fanning

Elliot Page

Emily Hampshire

Emily V. Gordon

Emma Hunton

Erin Reed

Estefania Pessoa


Freddy Thomas

Gabrielle Union-Wade

Gigi Gorgeous

Glennon Doyle


Grace Kuhlenschmidt

Griffin Dunne

Haley Baldwin Bieber

Hannah Gadsby

Harry Lambert

Hayley Kiyoko

Hilary Montez

Ilana Glazer

Indya Moore

Isaac Mizrahi

Jackie Bazan

Jacob Tierney

Jai Rodriguez

Jameela Jamil

James Blake

James Scully

Jaymes Vaughan

Jamie Lee Curtis

Janaya Khan

Janelle Monáe

Janet Hubert

Jazz Jennings

Jenna Lyons

Jennifer Kerr

Jeremy Fall

Jessica Betts

Jillian Mercado

Jinkx Monsoon

Joe DiPietro

Jonathan Van Ness

Jonathan Bennett

Jonny Pierce

Jordan Stenmark

Jordan Firstman

Jordan Roth

JP Saxe

Judd Apatow

Justin Baldoni

Justin Tranter

Kal Penn

Kamar de los Reyes

Karamo Brown

Kate Reinders

Katherine LaNasa

Kathryn Grody

Kellie Overbey

Kelly Devine

Kendrick Sampson

Kevin Harrington

Kevin Cahoon

Ki Griffin

Kimber Elayne Sprawl

Kimberly Drew

Kristin Chenoweth

Lachlan Watson

Laith De La Cruz

Laura Terruso

Lauren Jauregui

Laverne Cox

Lena Dunham

Lena Waithe

Lena Hall

Lilly Singh

Lily Rabe

Liv Hewson

Liza Koshy

Lola Tung

Lorin Latarro

Lovell Adams-Gray

Lucky Bromhead

Mae Martin

Mae Whitman

Maggie Boccella

Maitreyi Ramakrishnan

Mandy Patinkin

Marc Jacobs

Marc Kudisch

Marieme Diop

Martha Plimpton

Matt Bernstein

Matt McGorry

Matt Walton

Medalion Rahimi

Meena Harris

Megan Crabbe

Michael D. Cohen

Michaela Jaé Rodriguez

Michelle Buteau

Midori Francis

Miriam Silverman

Moj Mahdara

Mona Chalabi

Montego Glover

Munroe Bergdorf

Nate Wonder

Nats Getty

Neila Karassik

Nicholas Ferroni

Nico Carney

Nico Santos

Nico Tortorella

Nicole Maines

Niecy Nash-Betts

Nik Dodani

Ocean Vuong

Olly Alexander

Our Lady J

Padma Lakshmi

Patrick Stewart

Patti LuPone


Phillip Picardi

Phoebe Robinson

Poorna Jagannathan

Rachel Cargle

Rafael Silva

Ramy Youssef

Randy Shulman

Raquel Willis

Richa Moorjani

Rob Holysz

Robert Horn

Rory Dahl

Rosario Dawson

Rupi Kaur

Sam Smith

Sander Jennings

Sandy Rustin

Sara Bareilles

Sara Ramirez

Sarah Ramos

Sasha Velour

Scott Turner Schofield

Shawn Mendes

Shea Couleé

Shea Diamond

Sherri Saum

Sinead Burke

Solomon Hughes

Stephen Kunken

Susie Park

T. Oliver Reid

Taika Waititi

Tan France

Tatiana Maslany

Tess Holliday

Tiffany Namtu

Tommy Dorfman

Tracee Ellis Ross

Travis Alabanza

Tunde Adebimpe

Vivek Shraya

Wanda Sykes

Warren Carlyle

Wayne Cilento

Wilson Cruz

Yves Mathieu East

Zoë Chao

Zooey Deschanel

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498f51 No.68238

File: 57e443449cd15ad⋯.png (282.83 KB,531x523,531:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095972 (292049ZJUN23) Notable: Michigan bill makes it a felony to cause someone to 'feel' frightened, includes 5-years in prison. Time to round up the media terrorists?

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Michigan bill makes it a felony to cause someone to 'feel' frightened, includes 5-years in prison | Just The News


It's now illegal to look at someone wrong in Michigan.

Good job northern tards.

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498f51 No.68239

File: 55175c4428e9cee⋯.mp4 (14.23 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19095998 (292055ZJUN23) Notable: this clip is from when Canada's wild fires started. seems the government didn't want any help

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

this clip is from when Canada's wild fires started. seems the government didn't want any help from those who could have helped the most.

and here we are again w/ filthy fucking air of god knows what.

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498f51 No.68240

File: f0a6f58eab6164b⋯.png (396.22 KB,720x1356,60:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096031 (292102ZJUN23) Notable: Ford’s globalist push for more electric vehicles (EVs) DESTROYING company with massive layoff of salaried engineers

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General Motors doing same in lordstown

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498f51 No.68241

File: 118b47916daed3a⋯.jpeg (1.15 MB,1427x1490,1427:1490,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: f2d1ea041f08fdf⋯.jpeg (294.58 KB,626x960,313:480,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096051 (292107ZJUN23) Notable: re: HRC Alice tweet yesterday

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HRC Alice tweet

Did Anons catch this tweet yesterday?


With their solar-powered devices,Alice and her team are bringing light to dark places—including to families affected by rollingblackoutsin Ukraine. @ChelseaClinton and I loved featuring Alice and her work in our @AppleTV Plus series, "Gutsy."


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498f51 No.68242

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096061 (292108ZJUN23) Notable: JPMorgan "mistakenly deleted" 47 million records. SEC says deleted records were requested in several probes

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JPMorgan "mistakenly deleted" 47 million records. SEC says deleted records were requested in several probes

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498f51 No.68243

File: f2ed4f8573c5f26⋯.jpg (186.39 KB,750x920,75:92,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 70a67b7d57caa91⋯.jpg (168.65 KB,750x652,375:326,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096062 (292108ZJUN23) Notable: Stephen Millers endorsed Trump on Truth Social

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stephen Millers endorsed Trump on Truth Social @ 10:28am (Jun 24th)


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498f51 No.68244

File: baf02a4f85b23cf⋯.jpg (162.6 KB,720x923,720:923,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096095 (292117ZJUN23) Notable: Vetting firm for Bill Gates' private office asked female job candidates questions about pornography and sexual histories.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NEW - Vetting firm for Bill Gates' private office asked female job candidates questions about pornography and sexual histories.


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498f51 No.68245

File: cf1f382d17ad33c⋯.mp4 (7.43 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096130 (292125ZJUN23) Notable: Literally covered in clouds of Sulfer and Burnt Plastic

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Plastic smell and smoke!!

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498f51 No.68246

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096152 (292130ZJUN23) Notable: Literally covered in clouds of Sulfer and Burnt Plastic

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This smoke coming down from Canada smells like plastic and sulfur. Maybe they found one of the portals to Hell?

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498f51 No.68247

File: a91157b677f4533⋯.png (333.02 KB,568x704,71:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096158 (292132ZJUN23) Notable: Child Rape is punishable by death in FL, so where's that Epstein Client list at?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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498f51 No.68248

File: 6936ad8408b92d0⋯.png (58.36 KB,746x229,746:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096159 (292132ZJUN23) Notable: Remember Cambridge Analytica researchgate.net

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"In this study, we aim to reconstruct the connectivity patterns within nations shaping news propagation globally in 2022."

Remember Cambridge Analytica?

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498f51 No.68249

File: 72a91d2499baca1⋯.png (15.8 KB,588x207,196:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096168 (292135ZJUN23) Notable: Today, every major leader of the Democrat Party came out publicly in favor of explicit racial discrimination against whites and asians.

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Today, every major leader of the Democrat Party came out publicly in favor of explicit racial discrimination against whites and asians.

Vote accordingly.

2:59 PM · Jun 29, 2023





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498f51 No.68250

File: 9a2c9284b8078d6⋯.png (918.72 KB,1280x1280,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096198 (292145ZJUN23) Notable: @PepeLivesMatter posts about how RFK is reaching the loud minority

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498f51 No.68251

File: 4f8e111d7bd2903⋯.pdf (4.46 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/19096232 (292154ZJUN23) Notable: Child Rape is punishable by death in FL, so where's that Epstein Client list at?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>if that client list ever gets released

So this is fake?

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498f51 No.68252

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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