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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

14d28e No.51527 [View All]

12MAY23 to 15MAY23


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 743 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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14d28e No.53934

File: 343921edd35deae⋯.png (184.74 KB,405x524,405:524,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847538 (142334ZMAY23) Notable: Former Google CEO @ericschmidt tells #MTP Reports the companies developing AI should be the ones to establish industry guardrails, not policy makers

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The hubristic falsehood that only industry can regulate itself because things are so complex is not new.

We already know how it plays out.

It got us the 2008 Financial Crisis.

The Deepwater Horizon disaster.

And countless other epic messes & harms.

Quote Tweet

Meet the Press




WATCH: Former Google CEO @ericschmidt tells #MTP Reports the companies developing AI should be the ones to establish industry guardrails — not policy makers.

“There’s no way a non-industry person can understand what’s possible.”


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14d28e No.53935

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847599 (142347ZMAY23) Notable: #23134

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#23134 >>53899

>>53900 PDJT rt's E. Jean Carroll

>>53902, >>53921, >>53929, >>53930, >>53933 PF reports

>>53903 Escape from California, visualized

>>53904 @EmeraldRobinson Did the CDC hide the data linking childhood vaccines to autism?

>>53905 Ana Kasparian ATTACKED By All Her Friends

>>53906 Igor Mosiychuk talks about latest strikes in Khmelnitsky & Ternopol

>>53907 Communist NYC May Start Charging Fines That Vary With Offender's Income

>>53908 @NeonRevolt checking in - never forget what the journoscum and political elites did

>>53909 Musk rt: "The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it." - Lincoln

>>53910 FBI created fake on line ID's to join anti-vax Telegram groups

>>53911 @MrAndyNgo Rioting broke out at the Democrat @MinnesotaDFL endorsing convention for Minneapolis' city council Ward 10

>>53912 Migrant in US custody dies - of epilepsy?

>>53913, >>53924, >>53901, >>53925, >>53928 Russians Missiles Hit Ukrainian Ammunition Depot in Khmelnytsky Causing Massive Explosion – Cache of British Depleted Uranium Tank Shells Destroyed

>>53914 Anderson Cooper says Pres. Trump shared a doctored photo of him

>>53915 INDEFENSIBLE! ‘Transformers’ Show Promotes Transgenderism To Children

>>53916, >>53917, >>53920, >>53922 Here are the TREASON quotes by Zelensky that WaPo deleted

>>53918 Bolivian EV startup hopes tiny car will make it big in lithium-rich country - APA puff piece, "electric cars are great!"

>>53919 Navy re children of soldiers in Bahrein given info on gender identity and sex: the Navy's policy circumvents a parent's right to know

>>53923 Ukraine now de-facto ‘state-sponsor of terrorism’ – Kremlin

>>53926 Despite IMF rebuke, Zimbabwe sell $15mi gold-backed digital tokens in first issue

>>53927 PDJT: Great LIV Golf Tournament currently in progress

>>53931 Ukraine has de-facto turned into a “state-sponsor of terrorism,” - Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov

>>53932 President Trump brought rally guests ALX and DC Draino back to Mar-a-Lago after Iowa rally canceled

>>53934 Former Google CEO @ericschmidt tells #MTP Reports the companies developing AI should be the ones to establish industry guardrails, not policy makers



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14d28e No.53936

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847611 (142350ZMAY23) Notable: #23135

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baker seeking handoff

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14d28e No.53937

File: 55c79236c7acbfd⋯.png (426.9 KB,884x852,221:213,Clipboard.png)

File: e03c803cab152f1⋯.jpg (11.56 KB,255x218,255:218,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847652 (142357ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

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Northeast bound out of Travis AFB


Squawking 3645


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14d28e No.53938

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847672 (150000ZMAY23) Notable: Rothschild / Judas Iscariot

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The Rothschilds can trace their lineage to Judas Iscariot


“The Rothschilds are assuredly nobler than their ancestor Judas Iscariot. He sold Christ for 30 small pieces of silver; the Rothschilds would buy Him, if He were for sale.” 38

God's bankers : a history of money and power at the Vatican

by Posner, Gerald L

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14d28e No.53939

File: ee5c2f258e61009⋯.png (24.51 KB,607x293,607:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 4df3b400b5820ee⋯.png (24.86 KB,297x301,297:301,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847674 (150001ZMAY23) Notable: Yusuf Alabarda: George Soros is dead, on an evening like this

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its real

>>>/qresearch/18847654 (PB)


who is this guy?

Int'l Defense Resources Planning and Management?

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14d28e No.53940

File: 5953c534c4e38df⋯.mp4 (6.9 MB,272x480,17:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847680 (150003ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine explosion?

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>>>/qresearch/18847578 lb

I hope this is not what it appears to be. If so, God help us. I know what's being said is it's an ammo dump with depleted uranium shells. But it looks very much like a tactical nuke.

Really want to be wrong on this, but look at the detonation effects and energy from the cloud as it rises. Even the brisance of the sound seemed different from normal conventional bombs using RDX or the like.

I have a very bad feeling things have just gotten much, much worse.

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14d28e No.53941

File: 1f0b9eca04910c2⋯.jpg (145.86 KB,706x431,706:431,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847701 (150011ZMAY23) Notable: Yusuf Alabarda: George Soros is dead, on an evening like this

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George Soros is reported to have died.

Some sources from the Western press shared the information that George Soros, who financed the orange coups in many countries, died of a heart attack.


According to Politics For All Ireland, the US financial speculator, George Soros, who was the name behind the orange coup plots in many countries, especially in West Asia, claimed that he died.

Soros' cause of death was stated to be a heart attack.


George Soros is a Hungarian-American investor, businessman, speculator, and chief financier of world-shattering events. Soros was born on August 12, 1930 in Budapest, Hungary. II. Because he was Jewish during World War II, he fled with his family from Hungary occupied by Nazi Germany and settled in England. There he earned a PhD at the London School of Economics and Finance.

Soros is known for its success in financial markets and its investment strategies. He is the founder and former chairman of Soros Fund Management, a for-profit investment firm. He gained notoriety for profiting by speculating against the UK's currency, particularly in an event known as "black Wednesday", which became known for the collapse of the British pound in 1992. This incident was an example of a strategy that Soros called "breaking the broken British pound".

George Soros is also known for his interest in social and political issues. As an activist and philanthropist, she has donated billions of dollars to organizations around the world that support the ideals of democracy, human rights and open society. Soros created a network called Open Society Foundations and supported projects on education, health, human rights and democracy through these foundations.

Soros has also been the subject of controversy due to his political views. Some see him as a global elitist, while others admire him for using his financial strength to support open society ideals. Soros is also an influential figure in US domestic politics and has provided financial support to various political campaigns.

George Soros is a world-renowned figure for his financial achievements, philanthropic work, and political influence. However, some controversially criticize Soros by spreading conspiracy theories and misinformation. Such allegations are often based on lies and refer to Soros' Jewish origins or to a global elitist agenda. These claims are often untrue and based on slander.

Güncelleme Tarihi: 15 Mayıs 2023, 01:59


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14d28e No.53942

File: 76fbb0faf82f844⋯.png (646.92 KB,687x657,229:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847711 (150014ZMAY23) Notable: Rothschild / Judas Iscariot

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14d28e No.53943

File: 8e3f90c819b09dc⋯.png (466.78 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: cb318991b15e446⋯.png (537.13 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: a24bf451a33f54f⋯.png (340.39 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

File: bb727d451c03f07⋯.png (100.47 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847713 (150015ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

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ADSB has a Coastie out there, in company with a Japanese patrol vessel going from San Franshitsco to Balboa, Panama. About where the choppa is there's the Unspecified Buenaventura V at anchor of South Coronado Island

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14d28e No.53944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847720 (150016ZMAY23) Notable: Rothschild / Judas Iscariot

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14d28e No.53945

File: 62d7b12728f1870⋯.png (400.61 KB,968x774,484:387,Clipboard.png)

File: 92d2f80a7fc3524⋯.png (16.59 KB,255x231,85:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847767 (150027ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

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Northbound out of Oakland International


Squawking 1357



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14d28e No.53946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847770 (150028ZMAY23) Notable: Dave Chappelle slams San Francisco during surprise comedy show

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Looks like Dave Chappelle isn’t too fond of the Golden State these days.

While doing a surprise performance in San Francisco on Thursday evening at the Masonic Auditorium, the controversial comedian expressed his contempt for the city, asking the crowd a very important question.

“What the f—k happened to this place?”

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14d28e No.53947

File: d5834562e4cf9bb⋯.png (2.15 KB,303x47,303:47,Clipboard.png)

File: c4f3b081ffb20b3⋯.png (517.58 KB,609x723,203:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847781 (150029ZMAY23) Notable: Interdasting choice of words / capitilization

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14d28e No.53948

File: 9e53f77b53ec4d6⋯.png (294.22 KB,862x1465,862:1465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847787 (150030ZMAY23) Notable: Yusuf Alabarda: George Soros is dead, on an evening like this

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14d28e No.53949

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847832 (150039ZMAY23) Notable: OFCOM is the British Ministry of Truth and they are shutting down every voice trying to bring truth on the vaccines and many other topics

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First published at 12:29 UTC on May 14th, 2023.



“Ofcom, finally, after seven months, decided I am in violation of their code ... only a few days after Dr. Walensky resigned — after we broke the most horrific of these stories.”

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14d28e No.53950

File: 4dd5ae3ed89b337⋯.png (85.4 KB,413x902,413:902,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847840 (150040ZMAY23) Notable: Delta / www.douknowq.com

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14d28e No.53951

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847841 (150041ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine explosion?

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Is the column of fire towards the end a molten uranium plasma ?

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14d28e No.53952

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847842 (150041ZMAY23) Notable: Delta / www.douknowq.com

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The site is still operational.

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14d28e No.53953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847856 (150043ZMAY23) Notable: National anthem ‘hits different’ for Brittney Griner after detainment in Russia

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‘Sunday Morning Futures’ anchor Maria Bartiromo reacts to WNBA player

Brittney Griner’s national anthem comments after being detained in Russia

sometimes you can not tell them

you must show them

then they can show others

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14d28e No.53954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847869 (150045ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine explosion?

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Look up the melting point of DU!

I have pulled burnt FSDS DU rounds out of an m1 in Iraq though. Contained blast and fire with full load of HE and DU rounds and the penetrators could have been reused!

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14d28e No.53955

File: 888256f7f15bd2b⋯.png (266.02 KB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847896 (150051ZMAY23) Notable: National anthem ‘hits different’ for Brittney Griner after detainment in Russia

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What a difference a year in a Russian prison makes!

Brittney Griner: The National Anthem Just 'Hit Different' This Time

Brittney Griner, a WNBA star who made international headlines after being arrested while attempting to travel from Moscow with cannabis oil in a vaping cartridge in her luggage shortly after the war in Ukraine began, says that the national anthem “hit different” while she and her teammates stood for the Star-Spangled Banner before their preseason game Saturday night.

“Hearing the national anthem, it definitely hit different,” Griner said. “It’s like when you go for the Olympics, you’re sitting there, about to get gold put on your neck, the flags are going up, and the anthem is playing, it just hits different.”

Regardless of what she says next, it’s clear Brittney Griner got in-depth instruction on just how great her country is.


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14d28e No.53956

File: a244cf5d4069ea5⋯.jpg (70.25 KB,1333x327,1333:327,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847930 (150100ZMAY23) Notable: New Q Battleground thread on the half

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New Q Battleground thread:


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14d28e No.53957

File: 2679a17344ec7c8⋯.png (52.46 KB,969x438,323:146,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b4126f1953a1a3⋯.png (76.72 KB,893x603,893:603,Clipboard.png)

File: fdf1dc0801c5eed⋯.png (21.9 KB,519x343,519:343,Clipboard.png)

File: f2ddf7bb13e99a0⋯.png (84.09 KB,1894x892,947:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ccf92c0fc65441⋯.png (195.96 KB,474x366,79:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847931 (150100ZMAY23) Notable: Yusuf Alabarda: George Soros is dead, on an evening like this

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>special place

it's Hell.



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14d28e No.53958

File: dd4efbb1aa06c86⋯.png (1011.14 KB,1480x2032,185:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847963 (150105ZMAY23) Notable: Yusuf Alabarda: George Soros is dead, on an evening like this

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On the clock.

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14d28e No.53959

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847972 (150107ZMAY23) Notable: Yusuf Alabarda: George Soros is dead, on an evening like this

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it's Q330 and 33 clock rotations later

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14d28e No.53960

File: 1c4f11b55daaff6⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18847995 (150112ZMAY23) Notable: E. Jean Carroll

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E Jean Carroll is a wacked out lunatic

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14d28e No.53961

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848059 (150124ZMAY23) Notable: Zelenskyy introduces sanctions against President of Syria (click for English top-right)

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Zelenskyy introduces sanctions against President of Syria

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14d28e No.53962

File: 62d612ed26f7b16⋯.png (65.51 KB,605x323,605:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848080 (150127ZMAY23) Notable: Regarding the pb Notable on autism and vaccines

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>>53904 (pb)


Regarding the Notable on autism and vaccines: The interview with the quote from Kennedy mentioning a whistleblower "3 years ago" occurred some time ago. The whistleblower appears to be William Thompson whose disclosures are featured in the movie "Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe". The movie was supposed to come out in March 2016 at the Tribeca Film Festival but was censored. That lead to it being released in theaters as large enough groups bought tickets in order to schedule showings. There was a bus tour around the US in which parents of injured children could sign their names on the bus. The bus was covered in signatures and those responsible for "Vaxxed" quickly realized they had walked into a war zone as parents were reporting damage from other vaccines besides MMR.


Humans are not herd animals, you don't need an evil injection, or two or 2,000 to participate in society. Big Pharma will try to convince you that you are part of a "herd", however, because they like it very much if you are a "cash cow" for their Pharm.

You don't ignore the real data for decades and have it turn out to be an oversight. This appears to be intentional destruction of men, women and children.

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14d28e No.53963

File: 4c947a9c53d583c⋯.png (188.94 KB,595x627,595:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848105 (150130ZMAY23) Notable: Joint Declaration by Ukraine and the French Republic

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Joint Declaration by Ukraine and the French Republic

At their meeting in Paris on 14 May 2023, the Presidents of Ukraine and the French Republic issued the following declaration.

The Presidents of Ukraine and France reiterated their unequivocal condemnation of Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine. Ukraine has shown remarkable determination in exercising its inherent right to self-defence against this unprovoked and unjustified attack. Russia must immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders. France and Ukraine call specifically on Russia to withdraw from the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP), of which the irresponsible seizure and militarization by Russian armed forces is causing a grave threat.

France remains unwavering in its commitment to Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. France commends the determination and courage of the Ukrainian people and armed forces and acknowledges their significant contribution to the security of the European continent and beyond. France will continue its political, financial, humanitarian and military support to Ukraine for as long as it takes – individually and through international cooperation within the European Union, NATO, the United Nations and in other formats. By defending the security of the European continent, France, Ukraine and other partners are also safeguarding the rules-based international order.

The military support provided by France since the beginning of the war in order to allow Ukraine to defend itself continues, as new packages are being prepared, constantly taking into account the most urgent and immediate needs of Ukraine to strengthen its defence capabilities. France is aiming at providing full capacities in all areas. In the coming weeks, France will train and equip several battalions with tens of armored vehicles and light tanks including AMX-10RC. Besides, France is focusing its effort in supporting Ukraine’s air defense capacities in order to defend its population against Russian strikes. In addition to its national contribution, the French Republic is actively involved in the measures of the European Union and NATO in the military assistance to Ukraine and in the training of Ukrainian soldiers.

Beyond the military assistance, France has been providing Ukraine with civilian assistance, including financial, humanitarian and emergency support. In particular, France has sent to Ukraine two mobile DNA laboratories to strengthen Ukraine's capacity to prosecute war crimes. This assistance will continue to grow.

France supports Ukraine’s initiative for a just and sustainable peace based on Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The Ukrainian Peace Formula includes a variety of important objectives, many of which France is already working on. France expresses its support to the Ukrainian Peace Formula and stands ready to cooperate with Ukraine to ensure as wide international participation as possible in a Global Peace Summit to be convened in the coming months on the basis of the Ukraine Peace Formula proposal and other possible good faith proposals.

Ukraine and France are determined to fight against impunity, and underline their firm commitment to bringing to justice those responsible for war crimes and other atrocity crimes committed in connection with Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. France is participating in ongoing international efforts, in cooperation with Ukraine, to ensure accountability through the establishment of an appropriate mechanism for prosecuting the crime of aggression. Broad international support is key in this regard, since it provides maximum international legitimacy while ensuring the prosecution of the political leadership. Therefore, while participating in the Core Group on achieving accountability for the crime of aggression against Ukraine, France encourages other countries to join and to build international support for the creation of an ad hoc tribunal. France welcomes the agreement on the new International Centre for Prosecution of the Crime of Aggression against Ukraine (ICPA) in The Hague, and looks forward to its launch as soon as possible.

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14d28e No.53964

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848109 (150130ZMAY23) Notable: Joint Declaration by Ukraine and the French Republic

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Ukraine and France reiterate their support for the investigations of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, which are a step towards accountability, and have taken note of the court’s arrest warrants. France has provided additional support to the International Criminal Court in order to enhance its capacities in the framework of the war of Russia against Ukraine.

Ukraine and France agree on the need to increase collective pressure on Russia through further sanctions to weaken Russia’s ability to continue its illegal war of aggression. Furthermore, they agree on the need to strengthen efforts to ensure the effective implementation of sanctions and to prevent and counter circumvention in and by third countries.

Ukraine and France will continue to work together with others to develop mechanisms to provide compensation for losses, injuries and damages caused by the Russian aggression. To this end, the international register of damage, to be presented at the Reykjavik Summit of the Council of Europe on 16-17 May 2023, is an important milestone. Our efforts will continue to explore appropriate options for the financing of a compensation mechanism, including a sound legal basis for the use of frozen and immobilized Russian assets, to support Ukraine’s reconstruction and for the purposes of reparation.

Ukraine and France remain also determined to support countries suffering from the consequences of the Russian war, notably to reduce the consequences of the food crisis. In this regard, France emphasizes the importance of Ukraine’s consistent efforts to continue the Black Sea Grain Initiative and launch the Grain from Ukraine Humanitarian Program, aimed at enhancing global food security. Ukraine highly appreciates France’s support for the Grain from Ukraine Humanitarian Program and encourages further strengthening of the relevant support.

Ukraine welcomes the fact that France organized an international conference on December 13, which led to the establishment of the "Paris mechanism" for better coordination of emergency aid. France, together with international organizations and partners, is committed to participate in the recovery and reconstruction of Ukraine after the war. Already now, it is important to lay the ground for an ambitious and long-term engagement that will create opportunities and enable the Ukrainian people to rebuild their country. Engaging all relevant partners, including private companies and internationally, with the aim of securing the financial support, investments and knowledge needed, is essential to ensure a prosperous future for Ukraine.

The future of Ukraine and its people lies within the European family. The European Union has already recognized the European perspective of Ukraine and granted Ukraine the status of candidate country. France strongly supports Ukraine in its reform efforts and in meeting before the end of 2023 the required conditions, looking forward to the European Commission’s report, with a view to start accession negotiations. Ukraine and France call on the EU to continue supporting the country in all fields. Regarding military support, they welcome the recent agreements aiming at delivering more ammunition and missiles to Ukraine, notably through the expansion of the European industrial base. Furthermore, Ukraine has a key role to play within the newly founded European Political Community and will work towards the success of the Chisinau Summit, together with France and Moldova.

In the NATO framework, France continues to focus on the immediate support to Ukraine. France continues its strong support to bolster Ukraine’s capacity to defend itself, and recalls that Ukraine has the right to choose its own security arrangements. France fully supports the NATO-Ukraine Commission as a venue to further increase and expand the ongoing cooperation to help fulfil Ukraine’s path towards the Euro-Atlantic family, consistent with the Bucharest Declaration. Ukraine and France look forward to addressing these issues at the NATO Summit in Vilnius in July 2023.

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14d28e No.53965

File: 56bd21ad86cb743⋯.png (125.31 KB,761x546,761:546,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848127 (150133ZMAY23) Notable: DJT: It’s really amazing to watch the head of CNN get absolutely lambasted for asking me to do a so-called Town Hall

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump·now

It’s really amazing to watch the head of CNN get absolutely lambasted for asking me to do a so-called Town Hall. In all fairness, nobody had any problems with what he wanted to do until after the show started, when they quickly realized that Ms. Collins was not exactly Barbara Walters, or even close. That’s when the trouble from the Radical Left started. Neurotic little AOC with the bad looking boyfriend, went crazy. “He owns CNN, he’s in their head,” they screamed. CNN, take the GREAT RATINGS!

May 14, 2023, 9:29 PM


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14d28e No.53966

File: f5d7d53f5ed1bc2⋯.png (302.86 KB,598x588,299:294,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848142 (150136ZMAY23) Notable: Gaza: Israel confesses to intentionally killing children to pressure resistance

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Free Palestine Retweeted

Middle East Monitor


Gaza: Israel confesses to intentionally killing children to pressure resistance



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14d28e No.53967

File: 63bf27813be7f56⋯.png (438.65 KB,598x631,598:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848155 (150139ZMAY23) Notable: Gaza: Israel confesses to intentionally killing children to pressure resistance

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>Gaza: Israel confesses to intentionally killing children to pressure resistance

everyone already knew this, and now it's admitted

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14d28e No.53968

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848159 (150140ZMAY23) Notable: Ukraine explosion?

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The explosion fire and smoke reminds me of the twin towers. Is anyone else suspicious that we were watching spent uranium Sept 11,2001 go up to hide some shady characters and their shady deals?

OKC was another 'bombing that far exceeded the scope of the material that was told to us sheeple as well.

Can a bomb anon comment on this?



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14d28e No.53969

File: d6566fd2a514877⋯.png (1008.26 KB,1169x641,1169:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 056592b4659db27⋯.png (301.21 KB,614x491,614:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848194 (150144ZMAY23) Notable: Migrant Processing Center in El Paso PACKED with Illegal Aliens – Nearly ALL are Military Age Males

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Migrant Processing Center in El Paso PACKED with Illegal Aliens – Nearly ALL are Military Age Males

Hordes of illegal aliens have stormed the border since Title 42 expired on Friday.

Title 42, a Trump-era policy that forced migrants seeking asylum to remain in Mexico while their immigration case worked its way through the system expired.

THOUSANDS of illegal aliens passed through the migrant processing center in El Paso, Texas on Friday.

There is a max room capacity of 120 but 750 illegals were packed in there like sardines.

Sheets, Mattress Toppers, Pillows and More At MyPillow's "Clearance and Overstock Sale" - Up To 80% Off!

Nearly all 750 illegals are military age males.

Not a woman or child in sight.

This is an invasion.

The illegals are also infested with diseases.

There have been reports of chickenpox, TB and STDs.

“There have been cases of scabies, measles, covid, and bed bugs. Take care of your health,” officers added.


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14d28e No.53970

File: 2ed60af3afd8e75⋯.png (315.72 KB,564x626,282:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848226 (150148ZMAY23) Notable: MTG: Just to be clear - our whistle blower for Joe Biden is not missing

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Just to be clear.

Our whistle blower for Joe Biden is not missing.


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14d28e No.53971

File: a5c32947c5698d8⋯.mp4 (8.17 MB,570x320,57:32,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848227 (150149ZMAY23) Notable: How the DS traffics children through CPS

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How the DS trafficks children through CPS


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14d28e No.53972

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848229 (150149ZMAY23) Notable: Comer Says He is Going to Drop a Bomb and Reveal Who in the White House is Intimidating Biden Crime Family Whistleblowers

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Garland ?

Comer Says He is Going to Drop a Bomb and Reveal Who in the White House is Intimidating Biden Crime Family Whistleblowers (VIDEO)


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14d28e No.53973

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848270 (150154ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

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E4B ORDER66 is back up over the USA again...

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14d28e No.53974

File: 21d70f524ded34f⋯.png (295.86 KB,800x461,800:461,Clipboard.png)

File: bb5d7b42c8383f9⋯.png (382.5 KB,1374x487,1374:487,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b0386a390a32fe⋯.png (297.73 KB,436x398,218:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848275 (150155ZMAY23) Notable: Planefag

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>>53856 pb

PlaneFag Yerp & CONUS activity/update


SAM934 C-40BWH NSOdeparted Shannon, Ireland after a refuel/ground stop-departed MacDill AFB earlier this morning-it is likely going to the Persian Gulf based on it's vector and stop for fuel

AE6788 US Navy P-8 Poseidon is done with it's sem-regular runs in the Baltic Sea- some refueling over NW Poland before heading NE in it's usual position NW of Kaliningrad

CONUS update

ORDER66 E-4B Nightwatch NW from Robins AFB, GA-arrived as CHEWY25 earlier today-so keeping with the Star Wars theme for the return trip back to Offutt as well-this is the same AC that went to Peterson on 0512 and returned to Offutt yesterday-and also had the Mexican AF 737 arrive at Peterson on Thursday that left this morning so totally nuffin to see here.../s they planned something-see linky above for the 'planning' last year of the chinee balloon shite earlier this year

SAM828 G5 did a u-turn over Kalamazoo, MI and then to JBA after leaving Portland, ME earlier today and have some indecison over Buffalo, NY earlier today

Belgian AF BAF82 Falcon 7x back at JBA after 1h on ground at Phoenix Sky Harbor Int'l

RAF RRR6646 C-17 arrived at NAS Norfolk from an RAF brize Norton depart earlier today

SAM836 G5 (ADS-B still doesn't know what this is-hex code decodes as 11-0550 C-37) stopped at Peterson SFB and then west-heading to Hickam AFB-there and inbound to CONUS is SPAR28 G5 Ind-Pac weenies

SHADY5:5 MC-12S Huron ISR arrived at Savannah Int'l after an El Paso Int'l depart

PRIME99 C-17 Globemaster stopped at Westover ARB (where EJM473 G650 went yesterday and then returned to Palm Bach Int'l after rally was canceled in Des Moines) and returned to Charleston Int'l Airport

11-3104USAFSOC 'Special Ops' C-146A Wolfhound arrived at Austin Int'l-second or third arrival here by these AFSOC ACs this week

Mexi AF FAM3527 737 returned to Santa Lucia AB after departing Peterson SFB9arrived on 0511 from JBA depart

Mexi Po-Po XCOPF 727 back at Mec City Int'l after about 1h on ground @ Hermosillo-several flights in/out of Guaymas(south of Hermosillo) this week by a Beech ISR AC

RCH560 C-5 GAlaxy arrived at Dover from Ramstein AFB depart and HEFTY23 C-5 Galaxy is arriving at Travis AFB from it's Dover departure

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14d28e No.53975

File: 1c94e892af2954b⋯.png (364.38 KB,1655x939,1655:939,Clipboard.png)

File: 9426faa571d44cd⋯.pdf (9.74 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: 375ce4e681bc1ba⋯.png (331.93 KB,800x635,160:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848292 (150157ZMAY23) Notable: Artificial Intelligence being discussed in 1964 among spy agencies?

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Artificial Intelligence being discussed in 1964 among spy agencies?

Makes you wonder how long it's been around and how far it truly is

Remember, computers in the 60s filled up a room and had a processor the speed of a cheap calculator

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14d28e No.53976

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848358 (150206ZMAY23) Notable: #23135

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#23135 >>53936

>>53937, >>53943, >>53945, >>53973, >>53974 Planefag

>>53946 Dave Chappelle slams San Francisco during surprise comedy show

>>53939, >>53941, >>53948, >>53957, >>53958, >>53959 Yusuf Alabarda: George Soros is dead, on an evening like this

>>53947 Interdasting choice of words / capitilization

>>53940, >>53951, >>53954, >>53968 Ukraine explosion?

>>53949 OFCOM is the British Ministry of Truth and they are shutting down every voice trying to bring truth on the vaccines and many other topics

>>53938, >>53942, >>53944 Rothschild / Judas Iscariot

>>53956 New Q Battleground thread on the half

>>53950, >>53952 Delta / www.douknowq.com

>>53960 E. Jean Carroll

>>53953, >>53955 National anthem ‘hits different’ for Brittney Griner after detainment in Russia

>>53961 Zelenskyy introduces sanctions against President of Syria (click for English top-right)

>>53962 Regarding the pb Notable on autism and vaccines

>>53963, >>53964 Joint Declaration by Ukraine and the French Republic

>>53965 DJT: It’s really amazing to watch the head of CNN get absolutely lambasted for asking me to do a so-called Town Hall

>>53966, >>53967 Gaza: Israel confesses to intentionally killing children to pressure resistance

>>53969 Migrant Processing Center in El Paso PACKED with Illegal Aliens – Nearly ALL are Military Age Males

>>53970 MTG: Just to be clear - our whistle blower for Joe Biden is not missing

>>53971 How the DS traffics children through CPS

>>53972 Comer Says He is Going to Drop a Bomb and Reveal Who in the White House is Intimidating Biden Crime Family Whistleblowers

>>53975 Artificial Intelligence being discussed in 1964 among spy agencies?


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14d28e No.53977

File: 91e21142493c786⋯.png (1.25 MB,719x743,719:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848372 (150207ZMAY23) Notable: #23136

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14d28e No.53978

File: 922595b342a0286⋯.png (1.36 MB,1456x816,91:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848377 (150208ZMAY23) Notable: Dasting 36

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14d28e No.53979

File: 052d0e26863c65a⋯.mp4 (11.91 MB,624x348,52:29,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848390 (150211ZMAY23) Notable: Kappy's Master-piece

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14d28e No.53980

File: be79db70b6461d6⋯.png (124.61 KB,929x382,929:382,Clipboard.png)

File: e05376bf5d87ea2⋯.png (161.03 KB,973x525,139:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848411 (150215ZMAY23) Notable: E. Jean Carroll

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E Jean Carroll August 2012 FB post:

Would you have sex with Donald Trump for $17,000?

(Even if you could A) give the money to Charity? B) Close your eyes? And he's not allowed to speak?)


Sauce from gateway pundit (scrolling FB now)

UPDATE: Trump Exposes His Bogus Accuser E. Jean Carroll’s Previous Tweets


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14d28e No.53981

File: 13dcbf14bbe4eb3⋯.png (874.16 KB,597x862,597:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848415 (150216ZMAY23) Notable: @alx met both Elon and Trump within a week

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ALX 🇺🇸


In retrospect, it was Inevitable

“Let that sink in” —@ElonMusk


7:32 AM · May 11, 2023




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14d28e No.53982

File: 53be62d173cb294⋯.mp4 (1.25 MB,750x402,125:67,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18848416 (150216ZMAY23) Notable: E. Jean Carroll

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I was thinking, E Jean is the best they could find? This rape allegation is a little too easy to beat, an obvious psycho, obvious made up story... And then I see this

What does this FB post suggest??? wow... movie?

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14d28e No.53983

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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