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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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f75c28 No.24550 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 714 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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523c73 No.36849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735201 (221616ZAPR23) Notable: ‘The EU is Rolling Out a Total Financial Surveillance State’ with Crypto Regulation

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MEP Exclusive: ‘The EU is Rolling Out a Total Financial Surveillance State’ with Crypto Regulation

The European Parliament and the Council have reached an agreement on the new regulatory framework for crypto assets. The agreement clearly enhances consumer protection and provides legal certainty, but could deter start-ups from setting up shop and doing business in the European Union (EU), and raises serious privacy concerns.

First, new crypto licencing rules called MiCA — Markets in Crypto-Assets — applies very strict and extensive compliance requirements to obtain a license to offer crypto asset services on the EU internal market. Crypto asset service providers (CASPs) need to inform the public about pricing processes and trading volumes in real-time.

This requires a lot of technical expertise, and may be too costly for small enterprises. It doesn’t come as a surprise that big financial institutions and institutional investors have welcomed this political agreement: their compliance departments and IT staff have the manpower and the resources to comply with the new rules.

By bringing crypto asset transfers within the scope of the Transfer of Funds Regulation, CASPs providing custody services, i.e. which only store transactions in transit, are currently exempt under the national rules, but will now also be subject to the licensing requirements. This means that not only the sender and the receiver need to be registered, but also the entire route of the transaction. This seems to go beyond a mere anti-money laundering measure. In fact, the Commission never came forward with compelling evidence that the collection of Personal Identification Data helps in the fight against money laundering. Is this a tool to tackle money laundering or to survey the financial transactions of all, mostly law-abiding citizens?

In addition to this, crypto transfers above 1,000 euros between exchanges and unhosted wallets owned by a private individual are now automatically reported to national authorities, regardless of any money laundering or terrorist financing suspicions. In a way, it criminalizes decentralised finance, and therefore attacks the raison d’etre of crypto: to emancipate buyers and sellers of goods and services from central banks and the power of established large financial institutions. In other words: crypto has become decrypto within the EU single market.

The EU has chosen to be a legislative trailblazer when it comes to crypto regulation. However, this is not without risk. Switzerland and the Gulf states will now become increasingly attractive for SMEs and start-ups. This is especially problematic for countries like Portugal, which are desperately in need of foreign investment, and therefore adopted for themselves a very permissive regulatory framework for the crypto industry to attract business.


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523c73 No.36850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735220 (221619ZAPR23) Notable: Facebook partially backtracks on Hersh Nord Stream warning

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~~Facebook partially backtracks on Hersh Nord Stream warning==

The social media platform modified its “fact check” of the Pulitzer-winning reporter's claims

Facebook has changed its position on a report implicating the US in the destruction of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, and is now warning readers that the story is “partly false” rather than “false information.” The platform was heavily criticized for labeling the report in the first place.

On Thursday, Facebook users attempting to share Seymour Hersh’s account of the Nord Stream bombings, which finds the US responsible for bombing the pipelines, discovered that their posts were hidden behind a semi-opaque black box with a message informing readers that the article contained “false information.” Facebook directed readers to a different article – in Norwegian – supposedly compiled by trustworthy “fact checkers” via a link below the box.

Hersh argued that US naval divers and their Norwegian counterparts planted explosives on the Russia-Germany gas lines in an operation organized by the CIA on behalf of the White House. He based his conclusion on a US source with “direct knowledge of the operational planning.”

As of Friday, the black box has been removed, and links to Hersh’s article now receive a smaller tab below informing readers that “this information has some factual inaccuracies” and is “partly false.”

Choosing to click through to the “fact-check” directs readers to the same Norwegian article, which claims that Norwegian military vessels were not near the blast site when Hersh said they ferried the American demolition team to their target. The article was compiled by ‘Faktisk’, an outlet funded by Facebook, the Norwegian government, and several Norwegian media outlets.

It is unclear why Facebook did not stand by its initial label. One possible explanation is that the company was looking to dispel controversy, as the labeling was fiercely condemned by independent journalists and commentators. “Facebook has decided that a Norwegian journalist is right and Hersh is wrong,” journalist Michael Shellenberger wrote on Thursday. “Maybe the Norwegian journalist is right. Whatever the case, it should not be up to Facebook to decide.”

Facebook has not applied similar labels to the reporting of the New York Times or Washington Post, both of which cited American spies who claimed the bombings were carried out by a “pro-Ukrainian group” in a rented yacht. Subsequent reporting has since cast doubt on that theory, while Moscow has dismissed earlier claims that it blew up its own pipelines as “stupid.”


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523c73 No.36851

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735232 (221621ZAPR23) Notable: First Death Linked to New COVID Subvariant ‘Arcturus’ Confirmed

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Here We Go: First Death Linked to New COVID Subvariant ‘Arcturus’ Confirmed

Experts in infectious diseases and public health officials are on high alert following the announcement of a new COVID-19 variant XBB.1.16, also known as Arcturus, by the World Health Organization (WHO).

The WHO is keeping an eye on the new omicron subvariant, which has been found in over 20 countries (including the United States) and is believed to be responsible for the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases in India.

Health officials have now confirmed the first death linked to the new COVID subvariant.

According to Dr. Supakit Sirilak, director-general of Thailand’s Medical Sciences Department, an old man who was not identified recently passed away in Thailand. He stated that the deceased was “an elderly foreigner” with preexisting medical conditions.

“His death, therefore, may not directly reflect the severity of this subvariant but rather its impact on other risk factors,” Sirilak said.

Dublin Live reported:

Arcturus, which is a subvariant of Omicron, was first seen in India and has been on the World Health Organisation’s watchlist since the end of March. Prof Dr. Yong Poovorawan, who heads the Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology at Chulalongkorn University’s Faculty of Medicine, said to PBS it will inevitably become Thailand’s dominant subvariant soon.

Russian health watchdog Rospotrebnadzor announced on Tuesday that it detected its first of several cases and said it may have “greater contagiousness.”

Rospotrebnadzor’s statement continued: “But is not characterised by high pathogenicity. That is, the disease caused by it proceeds in a mild form”.

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (in the US), said Arcturus is causing 7% of coronavirus cases in the country. Meaning it is now in second place behind its cousin Omicron. Indonesia has reported five new cases of Arcturus subvariant.

The new variant is reportedly 1.2 times more infectious than the Omicron variant, according to a study by the University of Tokyo published on the biology research website bioRxiv. Dr Vipin Vashishtha, the former head of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Immunisation, tweeted that pediatric cases of Covid were on the increase for the first time in six months.

Conjunctivitis – an eye infection causing redness, itchiness and swelling in the eyes – has also been present in paediatric cases. Mayo Clinic viral disease expert Matthew Binnicker, Ph.D., told The Seattle Times: “One new feature of cases caused by this variant is that it seems to be causing conjunctivitis, or red and itchy eyes, in young patients.

“This is not something that we’ve seen with prior strains of the virus”.


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523c73 No.36852

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735280 (221629ZAPR23) Notable: Liz Harris interviewed on Cut the CRAP

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Liz Harris interviewed on Cut the CRAP:


__Jacqueline S. Fine-Breger @FineBreger++



EMAIL & CALL Maricopa County Supervisors demand Rep Harris is reinstated

Contact ALL Legislators at once:


or by Roster


Time is of the essence!

11:30 AM · Apr 22, 2023


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523c73 No.36853

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735283 (221630ZAPR23) Notable: Reckless Human Smuggling Pursuits Continue in Texas Border County

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VIDEOS: Reckless Human Smuggling Pursuits Continue in Texas Border County

Police pursuits in Kinney County, Texas, continue at an alarming rate as human smugglers attempt to avoid arrest. Texas Department of Public Safety officials tweeted dashcam video from two such pursuits from this week.

Texas DPS spokesman Lt. Chris Oliavarez tweeted a video this week from an April 18 vehicle pursuit in Kinney County. The pursuit led to the arrest of two women from Waco, Texas, for allegedly smuggling six migrants.

A search of the vehicle following the pursuit led to the discovery of marijuana, methamphetamine, and a stolen 9 mm pistol. The two women now face charges of smuggling, drug possession, and unlawful possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.

On April 15, troopers assigned to Governor Greg Abbott’s Operation Lone Star engaged in another vehicle pursuit in Kinney County. Police eventually arrested the driver, a Galveston, Texas, resident, on felony charges of evading and smuggling of persons, Olivarez tweeted.

Earlier this week, Breitbart Texas reported on yet another alleged human smuggling pursuit where a female trooper grabbed multiple migrants who attempted to flee from a pickup truck and hide in the brush in Kinney County.

Olivarez identified the driver as a California man who said he was in Texas to visit family. He now faces criminal smuggling charges, Olivares stated.

In addition to the three migrants stopped by the trooper from fleeing, Border Patrol agents from the Del Rio Sector apprehended seven more migrants found hiding in the brush.

On April 10, DPS troopers arrested a couple from Gonzalez, Texas, after they allegedly attempted to smuggle a group of migrants in Kinney County.

Breitbart Texas reported on yet another Kinney County human smuggling incident where sheriff’s deputies arrested a Houston ISD school teacher for allegedly smuggling a group of four migrants.

County Sheriff Brad Coe told Fox26 Houston that approximately 40 percent of the human smugglers arrested in his county come from the Houston area. He blamed social media recruiting ads.


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523c73 No.36854

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735298 (221632ZAPR23) Notable: California Will Use National Guard to Combat Fentanyl Crisis.

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California Will Use National Guard to Combat Fentanyl Crisis.

Governor Gavin Newsom of California announced the California Highway Patrol and the California National Guard will now be used to combat the ongoing fentanyl crisis in San Francisco.

In recent years, overdose death in the city of San Francisco has skyrocketed due to Democrat elected officials such as Newsom being soft on drug-related crime.

Newsom in his announcement stated the new partnerships between the National Guard and law enforcement agencies will “crack down on crime linked to the fentanyl crisis and hold the poison peddlers accountable.”

The California governor refused to address the homeless crisis in San Francisco which is one of the main root causes of overdose deaths.

The University of California San Francisco reported that 82% of homeless deaths in San Francisco are due to drug overdoses.

Per the Office of Gavin Newsom:

Today Governor Gavin Newsom announced an agreement between the California Highway Patrol (CHP), California National Guard (CalGuard), San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), and the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office (SFDA) to assist the city in its ongoing efforts to address the fentanyl crisis.

This agreement will lead to the formation of a new collaborative operation between all four agencies focused on dismantling fentanyl trafficking and disrupting the supply of the deadly drug in the city by holding the operators of large-scale drug trafficking operations accountable.

“We’re taking action. Through this new collaborative partnership, we are providing more law enforcement resources and personnel to crack down on crime linked to the fentanyl crisis, holding the poison peddlers accountable, and increasing law enforcement presence to improve public safety and public confidence in San Francisco.”

Earlier in the month a woman gave birth on a San Francisco sidewalk just hours after doing drugs.


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523c73 No.36855

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735325 (221635ZAPR23) Notable: Dr. McCullough - The Pandemic, Crime Of All Crimes,

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Dr. McCullough - The Pandemic, Crime Of All Crimes,

It Never Had To Be This Way, [Knowingly]

on COVID Vaccines:

"[They] were clearly [D]eceiving the public."

X22 - Streamed on: Apr 22, 8:41 am EDT 27:30


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523c73 No.36856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735336 (221637ZAPR23) Notable: Google’s conversation AI tool Bard joins programming realm

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Google’s conversation AI tool Bard joins programming realm

Google's AI chatbot has been upgraded to include programming skills such as coding and debugging.

Software developers who require assistance in programming can now seek Google's conversation AI tool Bard.

Following an increased user demand, Google upgraded Bard to include a new set of skills such as generating code, debugging, and code explanation.

A blog post by Paige Bailey, Google Research product lead, explained that one of the top requests that Google had received from its users has been adding coding abilities to Bard.

Google announced on Friday the availability of these software development tools in over 20 programming languages, including C++, Go, Java, JavaScript, Python, and TypeScript. Google Colab users can export Python code. Additionally, Bard can assist with Google Sheets' functions writing.

Developers may instruct Bard, "This code didn't work, please fix it," and the AI program will be able to complete the task according to Google. For people who are new to programming, it can also translate code across languages and explain code snippets.

However, Bailey maintained that Bard remains in the early experimental phase wherein it “may sometimes provide inaccurate, misleading or false information while presenting it confidently.”

Moreover, the product lead announced that despite challenges, "Bard’s new capabilities can help you by offering new ways to write code, create test cases, or update APIs," adding that "if Bard quotes at length from an existing open source project, it will cite the source.”

It is worth noting that Bard has not been a match for ChatGPT and other chatbots with which it was initially it was created to compete. The new upgrade would allow Bard to, at the very least, keep up with other AI chatbots even if only on paper.

Homeland Security confirms plans to use AI for national protection

In contrast, ChatGPT has been able to take the lead in user trust in chatbots. At the Council of Foreign Relations, US Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas confirmed on Friday, April 21, that artificial intelligence (AI) will be applied to a task force being set up in an attempt to protect US critical infrastructure and interests.

"I am directing the creation of our Department’s first Artificial Intelligence Task Force that will drive specific applications of AI to advance our critical homeland security missions," Mayorkas stated, adding that the DHS intends to advance the stability of supply chains and trade in the US.

"We will seek to deploy AI to more ably screen cargo, identify the importation of goods produced with forced labor, and manage risks," he said.

One of the task force's objectives is to block and prevent the flow of fentanyl into the US, as Mayorkas claims AI will "better detect fentanyl shipments, identify and interdict the flow of precursor chemicals around the world, and target for disruption key nodes in the criminal networks."

AI is not new to US law enforcement systems, as Assistant Chief of Miami's Police force, Armando Aguilar, confirmed last month that his unit used Clearview AI (which allows police to identify suspects through face photo searches) to identify suspects of various crimes, adding that it was used nearly 450 times a year.


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523c73 No.36857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735349 (221639ZAPR23) Notable: Two key Republicans call for Secretary of State Blinken to resign over Hunter Biden revelations

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Two key Republicans call for Secretary of State Blinken to resign over Hunter Biden revelations

Two high-profile Republicans who have probed the Biden family scandal are calling on Secretary of State Antony Blinken to resign or face impeachment over allegations he helped trigger an intelligence community letter during the 2020 election that falsely portrayed Hunter Biden's laptop contents as Russian disinformation.

The rebukes of Blinken by Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) and Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) came after the release Thursday night of testimony from former CIA chief Michael Morell that Blinken had spurred him to organize the now-infamous October 2020 letter to benefit the Biden campaign. Morell testified he agreed to do so because Blinken reached out to him and he wanted to influence the election in Joe Biden's favor.

"This, in my opinion, probably disqualifies him to serve as the Secretary of State," Biggs told Just the News in a wide-ranging interview Friday on the John Solomon Reports podcast. "And I know people keep saying, 'Andy, you want to impeach everybody?' Well, you know, Tony Blinken probably should be impeached, just like [Homeland Secretary Alejandro] Mayorkas should be impeached.

Biggs, a member of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committees that are currently probing the Biden family influence peddling allegations, said the revelation that Blinken allegedly was willing to accuse a nuclear superpower, Russia, of interfering in the U.S. election without evidence just to create a presidential debate talking point for Joe Biden made it impossible for him to deal credibly with foreign countries as America's chief diplomat.

"Let's talk about our allies who now don't trust us at all," he said. "And why would they? They think we're weak, untrustworthy. How in the world can he remain our spokesperson to the world? … I just don't see how he can, and he should go. I think he's irreparably harmed the United States."

Asked whether he was formally asking Blinken to resign, Biggs answered: "Yeah, in fact, I'll break it on your show. Tony Blinken, you should resign."

Johnson, who led a 2020 Senate probe that concluded Hunter Biden's foreign business dealings while his father was vice president harmed U.S. national security, also called for Blinken to resign if Morell's allegations prove true.

"And if he doesn't resign, he should be impeached," he said during an interview Friday with the Star News Network. "Again, so many members of the Biden administration have this level of deceit, dishonesty and corruption. This is a lawless administration."

The State Department declined to address Morell's allegations about Blinken, saying it would not comment on matters currently under investigation.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, who conducted the bombshell interview with Morell that uncovered Blinken's role, has demanded the secretary of state answer questions about his role in the letter and whether others, including the president, were involved.

"Based on Morell's testimony, it is apparent that the Biden campaign played an active role in the origins of the public statement, which had the effect of helping to suppress the Hunter Biden story and preventing American citizens from making a fully informed decision during the 2020 presidential election," Jordan wrote Blinken in demanding he turn over evidence about the letter.

"This concerted effort to minimize and suppress public dissemination of the serious allegations about the Biden family was a grave disservice to all American citizens' informed participation in our democracy," he added.

Jordan released an excerpt of Morell’s interview in which the former CIA officer said that a call with Blinken, then an adviser to the Biden campaign, “triggered” his effort to get intelligence experts to sign the letter.

Democrats rejected the Republican portrayal of Morell’s interview.

“Jim Jordan has released cherry-picked excerpts of a transcribed interview,” a Democratic House Judiciary committee spokesman said in a statement. “To be clear, no part of that interview demonstrates that Tony Blinken or any other Biden campaign official asked Mike Morell to write a letter about Hunter Biden’s laptop.”

The Democrats released a different part of the transcript in which Morell said he did not recall Blinken specifically asking him to write the letter. “My memory is that he did not, right. My memory is that he asked what I thought.”


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523c73 No.36858

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735397 (221648ZAPR23) Notable: NYC mayor Eric Adams says the 'migrant crisis' has destroyed the city

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NYC mayor Eric Adams says the 'migrant crisis' has destroyed the city

April 22, 2023

New York City Democrat Mayor Eric Adams said on Friday that the "migrant crisis" under the Biden administration is destroying the city.

"[The] city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis," Adams said during a panel with the African American Mayors Association in Washington, D.C.

Adams suggested that local politicians in New York aren't doing a lot to fix the problem either.

"None of my folks came to Washington, D.C., to fight for the resources, that's going to undermine every agency in our city," he continued.

Adams had made similar comments about the struggles his city was facing earlier in the week, according to Fox News.

He stated that the "national government has turned its back on New York City" and that "every service in this city is going to be impacted by the asylum seeker crisis."

The New York Daily News reports that over 45,000 migrants have come to New York City since last spring.


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523c73 No.36859

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735410 (221651ZAPR23) Notable: PDJT Full Speech at Lee County GOP dinner - It´s not long, year and a half, Michael! Stay healthy. @8:34

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Stay in good health Michael, get ready! It´s not long, year and a half, Michael! Stay healthy.

Starts at 8:34


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523c73 No.36860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735426 (221655ZAPR23) Notable: Reuters Posts Interview with Ukrainian ‘SS’ Soldier ‘Adolf’

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Reuters Posts Interview with Ukrainian ‘SS’ Soldier ‘Adolf’

News agency Reuters has posted an interview with a soldier nicknamed “Adolf” who serves in the Ukrainian “SS” brigade.

A Reuters interview with a Ukrainian soldier nicknamed “Adolf” has drawn the interest of social media users, with a number of people speculating that the battlefield pseudonym could be a reference to the infamous leader of Nazi Germany.

Such speculation has only been fueled by the rather unfortunate name of the soldier’s “Spartan Storm” brigade, which many have pointed out would be abbreviated to SS, which is reminiscent of Hitler’s Schutzstaffel (SS) paramilitary organisation that was tasked with carrying out the so-called “final solution” of exterminating Jewish people in concentration camps.

Posted early on April 21 — only a few hours after Adolf Hitler’s birthday — the interview discussed the training of newly recruited Ukrainian soldiers who are being readied for a planned counteroffensive against the invading Russian army.

Central to the agency’s report is a serviceman with the nom-de-guerre, or war nickname, “Adolf”, who detailed exactly what was involved in preparing the soldiers to fight off forces sent by Moscow.

“Training is very complex, it includes first aid, tactics, firing drills,” Adolf remarked. “We understand that in order to win, we must be strong, know how to fire and provide first aid in order to avoid losses which we had in the past.”

Social media pundits, however, largely ignored the finer details of the report, instead querying the solider’s highly questionable alias, as well as the name of his brigade.

“‘Adolf’ from the SS Brigade,” a number of netizens remarked, with many others drawing comparisons between elements depicted in the Reuters report and the Nazi regime.

Others mocked the similarities, with some suggesting that the name “Adolf” was actually a reference to other people.

“I think it’s absolutely shameful that people hear this brave soldiers nickname and automatically assume he is paying tribute to Adolf Hitler (sic),” one individual quipped. “Our sources tell us he is actually doing an homage to Adolf Eichmann (sic).”

While no doubt an embarrassing turn of events for Reuters, the report is likely to fuel more attention to the Ukraine military’s contested links with Nazism and Neo-Nazism.

Although the prevalence and nature of the ideology are now hotly debated, what remains clear is that numerous elements of the country’s military — such as the Azov Batallion — have at least in the past had intimate links with Nazism.

Such links have been used by Vladimir Putin’s Russia as casus belli for the current conflict, with the Kremlin often referring to the ongoing conflict as a programme of “denazification” for the country.

Things are only made more complicated by the associations Nazism has in Russia and some of the regions it used to occupy, with the ideology often being associated with general anti-Russian sentiment rather than any specific elements of antisemitism or hardline authoritarianism. Others have also noted that current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is of Jewish heritage and had relatives die during the Holocaust.


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523c73 No.36861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735448 (221659ZAPR23) Notable: Judge Napolitano and Larry Johnson Discuss the U.S. Government’s Double Standard for Handling Leak Investigations, Including Hillary Clinton

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Judge Napolitano and Larry Johnson Discuss the U.S. Government’s Double Standard for Handling Leak Investigations, Including Hillary Clinton

I should have mentioned Hillary Clinton’s egregious mishandling classified intelligence, especially Top Secret, in my previous piece on the most favored criminal treatment that David Petraeus and Sandy Berger received for their criminal acts with classified material. I have decided to re-post a piece I did in October 2020, that goes into great detail about her crimes and the FBI’s negligence in holding her accountable.

The key thing to understand about Hillary Clinton’s guilt — and I explain this during my chat with the Judge — is that there is no way to “accidentally” or “unintentionally” move intelligence from a Top Secret server to an unclassified server. The mere presence of Top Secret documents on Hillary Clinton’s computer was concrete evidence of a purposeful act. Sandy Berger and David Petraeus are novices in breaking the law compared to Queen Hillary.

One year before Jim Comey was immersed in his plot to overthrow Donald Trump, the duly elected President of the United States, a brave Foreign Service Officer at the U.S. Department of State came forward with firsthand information of Hillary Clinton’s rampant abuse of Classified material. The man, a senior State Department diplomat who had served as the acting Ambassador (Chargé d’Affaires) in the Asia Pacific region under President Clinton, also was a veteran of the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.

The letter from this whistleblower is stunning and I am going to present it in total. It is dated 10 January 2016. You can read it for yourself here starting at page 121. I became aware of this letter thanks to the assiduous research and writings of Charles Ortel (he wrote about this recently at the American Thinker).


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523c73 No.36862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735471 (221706ZAPR23) Notable: U.S. Marine gets 12 years for cross-border drug smuggling

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U.S. Marine gets 12 years for cross-border drug smuggling

SAN DIEGO (AP) — A former Marine who for years helped smuggle drugs from Mexico into the United States and even tried to get a song written to glorify his exploits was sentenced Friday to 12 years in federal prison.

Roberto Salazar II, 26, of San Diego was sentenced for importing fentanyl and for conspiracy to distribute heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and fentanyl, according to a statement from the U.S. attorney's office.

Salazar, who pleaded guilty last October, could have faced up to life in prison.

He was stationed at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in San Diego. Prosecutors said that before joining the corps and while on active duty, he and couriers he recruited made dozens of smuggling trips across the border.

Salazar would obtain cars that were driven to Mexico, where drugs were loaded into the engine compartments. Couriers would then drive them back across the border into the U.S., prosecutors said.

The scheme began around 2015, authorities said.

By the time of his arrest last year, “Salazar had become so involved in drug trafficking that he was commissioning a Mexican songwriter to write a drug ballad known as a 'narcocorrido about him,” the U.S. attorney's office said.

"In one line that Salazar suggested to the songwriter, he boasted: ‘I wanted to study and became a soldier, but I liked the fast life better,’” the office said.

Some of the couriers recruited by Salazar were former Marines or classmates at Southwestern College in Chula Vista.

“This case involved a Marine who was supposed to protect and defend our country, but instead brought great harm to Americans by trafficking fentanyl and other dangerous drugs,” U.S. Attorney Randy Grossman said. “He also betrayed his solemn oath by recruiting other Marines to do the same."


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523c73 No.36863

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735491 (221710ZAPR23) Notable: Massive Funding for Weaponized Technology

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on topic of AI, this dig and video posted yesterday.

Corey's Digs

Dig It! #184:

Massive Funding for Weaponized Technology

In this week's podcast, we break down the latest report on Corey's Digs called Funding the Control Grid Part 4: The Technology Framework. We get into emerging technologies, how they are being weaponized against us, the funding pouring in, and the major players behind it.

Funding the Control Grid Part 4: The Technology Framework


April 21, 2023 1:07:15


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523c73 No.36864

File: 44938cd9f34d9a6⋯.png (74.54 KB,1468x493,1468:493,Clipboard.png)

File: ff93e58c0c5c5c8⋯.png (342.55 KB,750x500,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735496 (221711ZAPR23) Notable: First Lady Jill Biden Heads to Grand Canyon - Morning Sun brings Heat

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>That's the GRAND CANYON



Behind the Scenes: First Lady Jill Biden Heads to Grand Canyon at Sunrise to Film Scenic Nat Geo Clip

Dr. Biden, 71, will deliver remarks in each episode of America's National Parks, a five-part docuseries by National Geographic celebrating the United States' most inspiring landscapes

By People Staff Published on August 29, 2022

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523c73 No.36865

File: a5e7575950a66a6⋯.png (333.37 KB,580x401,580:401,Clipboard.png)

File: d95d768c2ddcbe5⋯.png (61.39 KB,1129x676,1129:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735497 (221711ZAPR23) Notable: Economic Schedule for Week of April 23rd 2023

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Economic Schedule for Week of April 23rd 2023

The key reports scheduled for this week are the advance estimate of Q1 GDP and March New Home sales.

First Republic bank does earnings on Monday after the close see below-bailed out by the 'cash' from the big 6 and all the depositors rushing to put munee into the 'safety' of those same zombie banks and the housing data train wreck continues as well

FOMC still on track to do one more rate hike of 25bp in 11 days the they are done-cap#2


Other key reports include February Case-Shiller house prices and Personal Income and Outlays for March. For manufacturing, the April Dallas, Richmond and Kansas City manufacturing surveys will be released.

- Monday, April 24th -

8:30 AM ET: Chicago Fed National Activity Index for March. This is a composite index of other data.

10:30 AM: Dallas Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity for April.

After the mkt close

Liquor Sales Will Be Brisk on Wall Street Ahead of First Republic Bank’s Earnings Report on Monday

>“Our single family mortgage loans, including HELOCs, were $101.5 billion and represented 61% of total loans at December 31, 2022, compared to $79.4 billion, or 59% of total loans at December 31, 2021.”


- Tuesday, April 25th -

9:00 AM: S&P/Case-Shiller House Price Index for February.

The consensus is for a 2.5% year-over-year increase in the Comp 20 index for February.

9:00 AM: FHFA House Price Index for February. This was originally a GSE only repeat sales, however there is also an expanded index.

10:00 AM: New Home Sales for March from the Census Bureau. The consensus is for 630 thousand SAAR, down from 640 thousand in February.

10:00 AM: Richmond Fed Survey of Manufacturing Activity for April.

- Wednesday, April 26th -

7:00 AM ET: The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) will release the results for the mortgage purchase applications index.

8:30 AM: Durable Goods Orders for March from the Census Bureau. The consensus is for a 0.9% increase in durable goods orders.

- Thursday, April 27th -

8:30 AM: The initial weekly unemployment claims report will be released. The consensus is for 250 thousand initial claims, up from 245 thousand last week.

8:30 AM: Gross Domestic Product, 1st quarter 2023 (Advance estimate). The consensus is that real GDP increased 2.0% annualized in Q1, down from 2.6% in Q4.

10:00 AM: Pending Home Sales Index for March. The consensus is for a 1.0% increase in the index.

11:00 AM: the Kansas City Fed manufacturing survey for April. This is the last of regional manufacturing surveys for April.

- Friday, April 28th -

8:30 AM ET: Personal Income and Outlays, March 2023. The consensus is for a 0.2% increase in personal income, and for a 0.1% decrease in personal spending. And for the Core PCE price index to increase 0.3%. PCE prices are expected to be up 4.1% YoY, and core PCE prices up 4.5% YoY.

9:45 AM: Chicago Purchasing Managers Index for April. The consensus is for a reading of 43.5, down from 43.8 in March.

10:00 AM: University of Michigan's Consumer sentiment index (Final for April). The consensus is for a reading of 63.5.

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523c73 No.36866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735507 (221713ZAPR23) Notable: First Lady Jill Biden Heads to Grand Canyon - Morning Sun brings Heat

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>Behind the Scenes: First Lady Jill Biden Heads to Grand Canyon at Sunriseto Film Scenic Nat Geo Clip

Morning Sun brings Heat

Earlier this month it was revealed that Dr. Jill Biden would play a key role in the new National Geographic docuseries, America's National Parks. The five-part documentary, featuring remarks by the first lady and narrated by country music legend Garth Brooks, premieres Monday night as part of the channel's weeklong tribute to U.S. national parks — and to celebrate, PEOPLE obtained a behind-the-scenes look at Biden's journey through nature to film a segment for the show.

In June the first lady ventured to Yaki Point on the Grand Canyon's South Rim, a colorful viewpoint closed off to private vehicles which allows visitors to fully engage with their surroundings. The documentary team deemed it the ideal place for Biden to record an introduction for the series — standing before a classically serene landscape that would help set the scene for America's National Parks.

Wildstar Films, which produced the series,aimed to chase the morning sun and beat the summer heat for Biden's segment, requiring film crews to set up before dawn and frame the perfect shot. By 7 a.m., the first lady was ready for her closeup — and after the team took a brief moment to admire a momma moose escorting her calf past the set, the cutting-edge cameras rolled.

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523c73 No.36867

File: 4c0be25a583832a⋯.png (207.32 KB,411x557,411:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735520 (221715ZAPR23) Notable: JPMorgan’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Were Deeper Than the Bank Has Acknowledged

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JPMorgan’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Were Deeper Than the Bank Has Acknowledged

JPMorgan Chase & Co. had ties to Jeffrey Epstein that ran deeper than the bank has acknowledged and extended years beyond when it decided to close the convicted sex offender’s accounts, according to people familiar with the matter. 


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523c73 No.36868

File: 5fe513cb9f4a9b8⋯.mp4 (7.76 MB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735523 (221715ZAPR23) Notable: Economic Schedule for Week of April 23rd 2023

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p.s see video attach how subprime mortgage scams works.

Great video for normmies.




Great explanation of the mortgage bundling bungling done in 2008.

Short version: derivatives can hide the underlying stink.


More mortgage shenanigans

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523c73 No.36869

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735538 (221718ZAPR23) Notable: TYRANNY IN ESSEX COUNTY: COUNCIL RUNS AWAY & CANCELS MEETINGS

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"We want to hear what you have to say"

10 seconds later: "STOP TALKING"

"We're here to get the Publics Input"

10 seconds later: "NO TALKING"

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523c73 No.36870

File: d3eb57df0128890⋯.png (169.24 KB,698x340,349:170,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735542 (221719ZAPR23) Notable: Grown man identifying as 'trans' exposed genitalia to 4 freshman girls

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School did nothing


Grown man identifying as 'trans' exposed genitalia to 4 freshman girls

Reagan Reese Daily Caller News Foundation A Wisconsin school district allegedly failed to address parental complaints after an adult man, identifying as a woman,…



The 18-year-old allegedly approached the girls and announced “I’m trans, by the way,” before undressing and showering next to them, according to the WILL letter. The male originally faced the wall to undress before allegedly turning and exposing his genitalia to the girls.

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523c73 No.36871

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735546 (221719ZAPR23) Notable: Tucker Carlson Keynote Address

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Tucker Carlson Keynote Address | Heritage 50th Anniversary Celebration

The Heritage Foundation

27K views Streamed 16 hours ago 26:14


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523c73 No.36872

File: 6dfe725fc9357b9⋯.png (18.07 KB,581x175,83:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735558 (221722ZAPR23) Notable: Two key Republicans call for Secretary of State Blinken to resign over Hunter Biden revelations

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“reporter” has known that our Secretary of State manipulated intelligence during the 2020 election for Joe Biden but stayed silent?

7:05 PM · Apr 21, 2023





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523c73 No.36873

File: 5ff609892bccb85⋯.png (692.46 KB,1127x863,1127:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735583 (221727ZAPR23) Notable: Republican Senators Help Dems Advance Biden’s Judicial Nominees

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Republican Senators Help Dems Advance Biden’s Judicial Nominees

Some Republican Senators are helping advance Joe Biden’s agenda.

Due to the absence of Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, who is on medical leave, the Senate Judiciary Committee is tied with ten Democrats and ten Republicans.

This means that without Republican support, Democrats can’t advance judicial nominees.

On Thursday, The Senate Judiciary Committee advanced seven judicial nominees with the help of some Republican Senators.


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523c73 No.36874

File: 5712c9c178bf92d⋯.png (175.85 KB,413x459,413:459,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735585 (221727ZAPR23) Notable: FAA Acting Chief to Leave Agency After White House Nominates New Administrator

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🔴 FAA Acting Chief to Leave Agency After White House Nominates New Administrator


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523c73 No.36875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735629 (221734ZAPR23) Notable: Woke Bud Light Executive Behind Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Marketing Campaign Takes Leave of Absence

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Woke Bud Light Executive Behind Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Marketing Campaign Takes Leave of Absence



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523c73 No.36876

File: b1f618f576d2ef4⋯.webp (30.46 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735650 (221737ZAPR23) Notable: Woke Bud Light Executive Behind Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Marketing Campaign Takes Leave of Absence

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Woke Bud Light Executive Behind Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Marketing Campaign Takes Leave of Absence

Anheuser-Busch InBev has changed its marketing leadership after a disastrous marketing decision, Ad Age reported.

Woke Bud Light Vice-President of Marketing Alissa Heinerscheid has taken a leave of absence weeks after the company was criticized for its partnership with a transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney.

Todd Allen, VP of global marketing for Budweiser, will replace Alissa Heinerscheid as vice president of marketing for the brand, Ad Age reported.

The outlet added:

The brewer has also streamlined its marketing function to reduce layers “so that our most senior marketers are more closely connected to every aspect of our brand’s activities,” a company spokesperson said in a statement, adding that “these steps will help us maintain focus on the things we do best: brewing great beer for all consumers, while always making a positive impact in our communities and on our country.”

The statement noted that “we communicated some next steps with our internal teams and wholesaler partners,” adding that “we made it clear that the safety and welfare of our employees and our partners is our top priority.”

Bud Light’s marketing strategy has been disastrous with boycotts against the beer company by consumers.

Read: Dr. Peter McCullough On "The Holy Grail Of COVID-19 Vaccine Detoxification"

Alissa Heinerscheid recently went on a podcast where she ripped her company and its traditional customer base while pushing the left’s woke agenda.

As Fox News reported, Heinerscheid sat down with Make Yourself at Home on March 30. During the interview, Heinerscheid explained her “mandate” to promote “inclusivity,” which is code for pursuing a woke agenda.

She also disparaged Bud Light’s past marketing efforts and by extension their loyal customer base.

“I’m a businesswoman, I had a really clear job to do when I took over Bud Light, and it was ‘This brand is in decline, it’s been in a decline for a really long time, and if we do not attract young drinkers to come and drink this brand there will be no future for Bud Light,” Heinerscheid said during podcast.

“So I had this super clear mandate. “It’s like, we need to evolve and elevate this incredibly iconic brand. And my…what I brought to that was a belief in, okay, what does evolve and elevate mean?”

“It means inclusivity. It means shifting the tone. It means having a campaign that’s truly inclusive and feels lighter and brighter and different and appeals to women and to men.”

“We had this hangover, I mean Bud Light had been kind of a brand of fratty, kind of out of touch


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523c73 No.36877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735685 (221745ZAPR23) Notable: European Union Threatens To ‘Punish Hungary’ for Banning Pro-Pedophilia Propaganda in Schools

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Not just the UN (of course)

European Union Threatens To ‘Punish Hungary’ for Banning Pro-Pedophilia Propaganda in Schools


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523c73 No.36878

File: ba7e2cadb0df52f⋯.png (317.79 KB,598x630,299:315,Clipboard.png)

File: d0b6246711cb50b⋯.png (33.04 KB,598x389,598:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735687 (221745ZAPR23) Notable: Medvedev on Pistorius the Kraut.

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Dmitry Medvedev


On Pistorius the Kraut

The German defence minister, without giving it too much thought, blurted out something about military operations on our territory.

He surely envies the glory of the third reich warlords.

Well, he actually needs to remember a historical omen.

The German who wishes to attack Russia, must be ready for our parade in Berlin.



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523c73 No.36879

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735801 (221811ZAPR23) Notable: BILL GATES AND THE POPULATION CONTROL GRID

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This is a teaser.

Here is the full show



corbett report

Probably info everyone here knows: but can spread to normies?


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523c73 No.36880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735809 (221813ZAPR23) Notable: #22988

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Notables - FINAL


>>36841 Donald J. Trump Truths - SOROS

>>36842 Anon Theory/Decode - 23 words and then at the end after the : is 17 beats. "the great outdoors!"

>>36843 Ex-ABC News Star Knew Girl He ‘Pressured’ for Nudes Was Only 16

>>36844 Flannel Friday with Gregg Phillips

>>36845 Trump lays out timeline to end Ukraine conflict

>>36846 Pennsylvania Lawmakers Look To Investigate Gender Clinic’s Use Of Taxpayer Dollars On Trans Training

>>36847 Pentagon leaker began sharing classified data earlier than thought

>>36848 Woke ESPN Faces Employee Uprising As More Sports Commentators Push Back On Cultural Narratives

>>36849 ‘The EU is Rolling Out a Total Financial Surveillance State’ with Crypto Regulation

>>36850 Facebook partially backtracks on Hersh Nord Stream warning

>>36851 First Death Linked to New COVID Subvariant ‘Arcturus’ Confirmed

>>36852 Liz Harris interviewed on Cut the CRAP

>>36853 Reckless Human Smuggling Pursuits Continue in Texas Border County

>>36854 California Will Use National Guard to Combat Fentanyl Crisis.

>>36855 Dr. McCullough - The Pandemic, Crime Of All Crimes,

>>36856 Google’s conversation AI tool Bard joins programming realm

>>36857, >>36872 Two key Republicans call for Secretary of State Blinken to resign over Hunter Biden revelations

>>36858 NYC mayor Eric Adams says the 'migrant crisis' has destroyed the city

>>36859 PDJT Full Speech at Lee County GOP dinner - It´s not long, year and a half, Michael! Stay healthy. @8:34

>>36860 Reuters Posts Interview with Ukrainian ‘SS’ Soldier ‘Adolf’

>>36861 Judge Napolitano and Larry Johnson Discuss the U.S. Government’s Double Standard for Handling Leak Investigations, Including Hillary Clinton

>>36862 U.S. Marine gets 12 years for cross-border drug smuggling

>>36863 Massive Funding for Weaponized Technology

>>36865, >>36868 Economic Schedule for Week of April 23rd 2023

>>36864, >>36866 First Lady Jill Biden Heads to Grand Canyon - Morning Sun brings Heat

>>36867 JPMorgan’s Ties to Jeffrey Epstein Were Deeper Than the Bank Has Acknowledged


>>36870 Grown man identifying as 'trans' exposed genitalia to 4 freshman girls

>>36871 Tucker Carlson Keynote Address

>>36873 Republican Senators Help Dems Advance Biden’s Judicial Nominees

>>36874 FAA Acting Chief to Leave Agency After White House Nominates New Administrator

>>36875, >>36876 Woke Bud Light Executive Behind Transgender Dylan Mulvaney Marketing Campaign Takes Leave of Absence

>>36877 European Union Threatens To ‘Punish Hungary’ for Banning Pro-Pedophilia Propaganda in Schools

>>36878 Medvedev on Pistorius the Kraut.




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523c73 No.36881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735895 (221829ZAPR23) Notable: MS Coast man who badly beat 3-month-old baby will spend decades in prison

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Save the Taxpayers the Expense! ENOUGH with the Pansyass Sentences.

Make the Death Penalty Great Again!

MS Coast man who badly beat 3-month-old baby will spend decades in prison

A Long Beach man is headed to prison for 25 years for assaulting a 3-month-old so severely that the child had to be flown to an Alabama hospital for medical treatment. for treatment.

Brandon Battersby, 34, pleaded guilty to aggravated assault and felony child neglect before Judge Lisa Dodson sentenced him to the maximum prison term for aggravated assault and felony child neglect.

Battersby showed no remorse when he admitted for the first time this week that he had been drinking for more than a day when he shook the baby so hard that it resulted in the child’s serious injuries, according to a release from the Harrison County District Attorney’s Office. The child had to be sent to USA Health Children’s and Women’s Hospital in Mobile.

“There a special place for you in the afterlife,” Dodson said before imposing the sentence. “What you have done to this child is unforgivable.”

The Harrison County Sheriff’s Department began investigating after responding to a report of a medical emergency at Magic River Campground on Tucker Road in Long Beach on the morning of July 30, 2020.

Battersby and the child’s mother at first lied about what happened, telling authorities that the injuries resulted from the child falling off a table, a release said.

Assistant District Attorney Haley Broom prosecuted the case and said a medical expert concluded: “that the injuries were the result of non-accidental trauma to the head.”

The child’s mother previously pleaded guilty to felony child neglect and hindering prosecution and is scheduled for sentencing next week.


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523c73 No.36882

File: 1151834c727083d⋯.png (356.51 KB,598x481,46:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c89115612dae30⋯.jpg (35.73 KB,585x366,195:122,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 085859586da8825⋯.jpg (129.68 KB,1080x1467,120:163,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735919 (221833ZAPR23) Notable: Kevin Spacey appears in London court before trial for sexual offences

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Guardian news


Kevin Spacey appears in London court before trial for sexual offences





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523c73 No.36883

File: 04889098e9c26b4⋯.png (863.14 KB,769x1243,769:1243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735957 (221840ZAPR23) Notable: Merrick Garland Identified as Official Misleading Congress in Hunter Biden Tax Probe

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Merrick Garland Identified as Official Misleading Congress in Hunter Biden Tax Probe

Attorney General Merrick Garland is the previously unidentified official who, according to an IRS whistleblower, misled Congress about the Justice Department’s probe into Hunter Biden, a report alleged Friday.

Garland refused to name a special counsel in Hunter’s tax investigation to provide a degree of separation between President Joe Biden and his Justice Department.

arland has repeatedly testified before Congress that U.S. Attorney David Weiss has the “full authority” to make a criminal referral against Hunter without the permission of the Justice Department. Garland noted he would personally have to “authorize” any charges.

“There will not be interference of any political or improper kind” in the investigation of Hunter led by Weiss, Garland insisted in April 2022.

But the IRS whistleblower believes that Garland’s claims have misled Congress. The IRS agent’s attorney explained that his client can “contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee” — whom the New York Post identified as Garland. …


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523c73 No.36884

File: dec7a81bf61e9a6⋯.png (1.28 MB,893x1243,893:1243,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18735971 (221842ZAPR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump - The Old GOP of ‘RINOs, Neo-cons, and Globalists’ Is Gone, ‘Never’ Coming Back

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Donald Trump:

The Old GOP of ‘RINOs, Neo-cons, and Globalists’ Is Gone, ‘Never’ Coming Back

“To put it simply, on Election Day 2016, we didn’t just save America—we SAVED the Republican Party,”


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523c73 No.36885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736019 (221851ZAPR23) Notable: DHS official's office searched after alleged security violation

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DHS official's office searched after alleged security violation: Report


An intelligence official working for the Department of Homeland Security reportedly had his office searched and was escorted from the workplace on Monday.

Brian Sulc, executive director of the Transnational Organized Crime Mission Center at DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, was placed on administrative leave and is under investigation, per the Rolling Stone.

Sulc is now under investigation for allegedly bringing a personal device into the secure office, which does not permit those devices. The report says that Sulc has not been charged with a crime or arrested, but he is on leave. DHS would not comment on the investigation to the outlet, saying the situation was ongoing. The report says that Sulc was responsible for assessments for some of the top matters the department handles, including border security and the opioid epidemic. The Rolling Stone report also says that Sulc was escorted from his office once law enforcement arrived and was brought to a different part of the DHS complex to be questioned. Sulc's office was reportedly sealed with police tape, and evidence seals were put around the and on the door's keyhole. The incident wherein Sulc was taken away from his office happened after 4 p.m. on Monday. DHS has been under scrutiny from Congress for its handling of immigration and policy on border security. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified before the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday. House Republicans appeared to lay the groundwork for his impeachment.

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523c73 No.36886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736075 (221903ZAPR23) Notable: UK Minister Calls For Jailing Social Media Bosses Who Do Not Censor Speech

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The Tower For Twitter? UK Minister Calls For Jailing Social Media Bosses Who Do Not Censor Speech

As previously discussed, after Musk decided to buy Twitter, Hillary Clinton called upon European countries to force social media companies to censor Americans. The European Union quickly responded by threatening Musk and other executives. Now, Technology and Science Secretary Michelle Donelan has announced plans to jail social media executives if they fail to censor so-called “harmful” content on their websites. The government, of course, will determine what is deemed too harmful for citizens to see or hear.

Donelan is seeking speech arrests under the UK’s Online Safety Bill, a draconian censorship bill that would effectively ban end-to-end encryption for private internet users.

The bill uses Britain’s broadcasting regulator Ofcom to censor “all forms of expression which spread, incite, promote or justify hatred” based on various progressive characteristics, including transgenderism. So the government can censor anyone who it views as promoting or justifying hatred against virtually any group. Those who do not censor can now be rounded up by Donelan and her minions.

According to a report by The Telegraph, companies will also face fines of up to 10 per cent of their global revenue should they dare to ignore Britain’s demands to preemptively delete or obscure posts violating its coming censorship regime.

The decline of free speech in the United Kingdom has long been a concern for free speech advocates. A man was convicted for sending a tweet while drunk referring to dead soldiers. Another was arrested for an anti-police t-shirt. Another was arrested for calling the Irish boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend a “leprechaun.” Yet another was arrested for singing “Kung Fu Fighting.” A teenager was arrested for protesting outside of a Scientology center with a sign calling the religion a “cult.”

Recently we discussed the arrest of a woman who was praying to herself near an abortion clinic. English courts have seen criminalized “toxic ideologies” as part of this crackdown on free speech.

Donelan is only the latest voice of a rising generation of censors. These officials proudly parade their intent to silence or jail those with dissenting views. Yet, they do so in the name of tolerance. This is why free speech is in a free fall in Europe and why we must remain vigilant in this country to resist figures like Clinton who want to bring European censorship to our shores.


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523c73 No.36887

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736078 (221903ZAPR23) Notable: The Strange and Shocking Similarities Between Donald Trump and "Old Blood and Guts” Patton - 3/11/16

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The Strange and Shocking Similarities Between Donald Trump and "Old Blood and Guts” Patton


by Tony Platt

As for parallels from the past, Trump reminds me in several ways of George Patton (1885-1945), the American general known by military men as Old Blood and Guts, whose larger-than-life persona has been aggrandized in an Oscar-winning movie, museums, children’s books, motivational manuals, and cyberspace. He was “one of America’s greatest soldiers, a genuine hero,” according to a HBO documentary. A Time-Life book compared him to Babe Ruth coming up to the plate: “Here’s a big guy who’s going to kick hell out of something.”

Unlike Trump, Patton didn’t enter politics. But it was on his mind in 1945 when he died in a car accident. If he had lived, it’s likely that he would have followed the lead of many former high-ranking officers who joined corporate boards, became cabinet members and ambassadors, and repositioned themselves as Cold War warriors. His rightwing supporters, including the racist Mississippi Congressman John Rankin, floated his name as Secretary of War and pitched the idea of a run for Congress.

Patton believed in reincarnation and thought that he might have been Hannibal and an English knight in previous lives. Who knows, maybe he’s returned, ready to spill our blood with his guts.


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523c73 No.36888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736086 (221905ZAPR23) Notable: North Dakota House Passes Ban on Sexually Explicit Books in Children’s Sections of Libraries

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North Dakota House Passes Ban on Sexually Explicit Books in Children’s Sections of Libraries

The North Dakota House has passed a bill to remove sexually explicit books from the children’s section of libraries.

The bill has passed the House and Senate with veto-proof majorities. Ten Republicans and all Democrats voted against it, but it still passed with a 70-22 vote.

The legislation describes “explicit sexual material” as “any material which, taken as a whole, appeals to the prurient interest of minors; is patently offensive to prevailing standards in the adult community in North Dakota as a whole with respect to what is suitable material for minors; and taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value for minors.”

The bill also applies to “newsstands or any other business establishment frequented by minors, or where minors are or may be invited as a part of the general public.”

According to a report from Fox News, a librarian, or anyone else, who violates the law could be charged with a felony. They could face up to five years in prison and $10,000 in fines if convicted.

Additionally, employees of school districts, state agencies, or public libraries can be charged with a misdemeanor if they are found to be willfully exposing “explicit sexual material” to a child.

Liberals have opposed the bill by claiming that protecting children from sexually explicit materials is “censorship.”

Republican Rep. Vicky Steiner argued that “the media has been headlining this as ‘banning books.’ This bill is putting restrictions on pornographic children’s books currently being purchased by public libraries in taxpayer-funded buildings.”

It will become law after returning to the Senate for concurrence with its amendments and then being signed by Republican Governor Doug Burgum.


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523c73 No.36889

File: 34714dc694aedf4⋯.png (263.58 KB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 9941ce06b885b8f⋯.png (71.41 KB,1069x529,1069:529,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736093 (221906ZAPR23) Notable: Utah State Senator’s Home Vandalized Over Law Banning Child Sex Change Surgeries

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Utah State Senator’s Home Vandalized Over Law Banning Child Sex Change Surgeries

The home of the Republican state senator has been vandalized over his bill banning sex changes for minors — which the governor has signed into law.

The vandalism took place at the home of Sen. Mike Kennedy on the evening of April 21.

The vandal left messages in red spray paint across Sen. Kennedy’s garage, including “Fash,” presumably meaning Fascist, and “these trannies bash back.”

Sen. Lee posted a photo of the crime on his Facebook page and explained that he will not be intimidated or deterred.

“To those who seek to use violence, vandalism, and intimidation to deter me from standing up for what is right, let me be clear: you will not succeed,” Sen. Lee wrote. “I will not be deterred by your cowardly actions. The recent vandalism to my family’s home was not just an attack on me, but on the very principles our state stands for. We will not let fear and violence control our destiny. As Utahns, we will always stand up and push back against radicals who seek to push their agenda in our state. I am more determined than ever to work with the good people of Utah to make our state a better place for all, especially our children, and I won’t back down.”


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523c73 No.36890

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736106 (221909ZAPR23) Notable: “Bragg Caved, Jim Jordan Won” – Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Drops Appeal, Former Clinton Lawyer And Ex-Prosecutor Will Testify

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“Bragg Caved, Jim Jordan Won” – Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg Drops Appeal, Former Clinton Lawyer And Ex-Prosecutor Will Testify

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg caved.

District Attorney Alvin Bragg has dropped his attempt to block the testimony of ex-prosecutor and former Hillary Clinton lawyer Mark Pomerantz.

The House Judiciary Committee and Bragg came to an agreement on Friday.

The agreement will allow a lawyer from Bragg’s office to present for objections.

Fox News reported:

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg dropped an appeal he filed after a federal judge ruled that an ex-prosecutor in his office can be subpoenaed by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio).

Bragg dropped the appeal Friday, after the parties came to an agreement on a testimony from former prosecutor Mark Pomerantz to the House Judiciary Committee.

The agreement stipulates that a lawyer from Bragg’s office will be present at the testimony who can make objections.

“Our successful stay of this subpoena blocked the immediate deposition and afforded us the time necessary to coordinate with the House Judiciary Committee on an agreement that protects the District Attorney’s privileges and interests. We are pleased with this resolution, which ensures any questioning of our former employee will take place in the presence of our General Counsel on a reasonable, agreed upon timeframe. We are gratified that the Second Circuit’s ruling provided us with the opportunity to successfully resolve this dispute,” a Manhattan DA spokesperson said in a statement.

Jim Jordan can now continue his investigation into Bragg.

The deposition of Pomerantz will take place on May 12th.

Breitbart reported:

In reaching the agreement, Jordan is able to continue his investigation into Bragg, who is pursuing a historic criminal case against former President Donald Trump.

Jordan has said Pomerantz, who was serving as a special assistant on the Trump case when Bragg took office, is relevant to his congressional investigation.

In his resignation letter, media appearances, and a book he authored called People vs. Donald Trump: An Inside Account, Pomerantz has expressed his grievances with Trump in vivid detail.

Along with seeking to question Bragg and Bragg’s senior counsel Matthew Colangelo, Jordan said in a subpoena cover letter to Pomerantz that he is relevant to the congressional probe because of his “unique role as special assistant district attorney leading the investigation into President Trump’s finances.”

The House Judiciary Committee celebrated the news, tweeting, “Bragg caved. Jim Jordan won.”


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523c73 No.36891

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736111 (221910ZAPR23) Notable: Biden Official Placed On Leave, Has Office Raided And Taped Off After “Security Incident”

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Biden Official Placed On Leave, Has Office Raided And Taped Off After “Security Incident”

This is not a good look for the Biden administration.

DHS official Brian Sulc, executive director of the Transnational Organized Crime Mission Center at DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis, had his office searched and was escorted out of the building Monday.

His office was sealed with police tape and evidence seals were put around the keyholes.

Sulc is under investigation for allegedly taking a personal electronic device into a secured office – this is a violation of security protocols.

Sulc was responsible for assessments on some of the top matters at the department.

The Washington Examiner reported:

An intelligence official working for the Department of Homeland Security reportedly had his office searched and was escorted from the workplace on Monday.

The report says that Sulc was responsible for assessments for some of the top matters the department handles, including border security and the opioid epidemic.

The Rolling Stone report also says that Sulc was escorted from his office once law enforcement arrived and was brought to a different part of the DHS complex to be questioned. Sulc’s office was reportedly sealed with police tape, and evidence seals were put around the and on the door’s keyhole. The incident wherein Sulc was taken away from his office happened after 4 p.m. on Monday.

DHS has now confirmed this.

Sulc has been placed on administrative leave.

He has not been charged or arrested.

Fox News reported:

The spokesperson also told Fox News Digital that Sulc was placed on administrative leave as part of the ongoing investigation, per standard procedure.

Additionally, the spokesperson said the actions taken by the Federal Protective Service (FPS) were not related to the ongoing internal inquiry.

Sulc has neither been arrested nor charged. FPS raided Sulc’s office at 4:15 p.m. on Monday, covered his office with tape and placed evidence seals on the door and keyhole to his office.



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523c73 No.36892

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736127 (221913ZAPR23) Notable: Elementary school assistant and 'drag mom' to 11-year-old child drag queen sentenced to less than a year in prison for 11 felony child sex crimes

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Elementary school assistant and 'drag mom' to 11-year-old child drag queen sentenced to less than a year in prison for 11 felony child sex crimes

A self-described "drag mom" and former instructional assistant at an elementary school in Oregon will spend less than a year after being found guilty of 11 felony child sex crimes.

Last year, the Lane County Sheriff’s Office received tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force accusing Kelsey Meta Boren of uploading child porn to the internet, according to KDRV-TV.

While executing a search warrant at Boren's home, detectives said they found "evidence indicating that Boren has utilized the internet on numerous occasions to distribute and exchange pornographic images of children."

KPIC reported, "They say they also found evidence that showed she had engaged in creating child pornography and uploaded it to the internet."

Boren – a 31-year-old instructional assistant at the Veneta Elementary School – was arrested in August 2022.

Shortly after the arrest, the Fern Ridge School District suspended Boren and barred her from the school grounds.

On March 23, Boren pleaded guilty to 11 counts of first-degree encouraging child sexual abuse. Boren was sentenced to 330 days in jail at Lane County Circuit Court – 30 days for each charge. A charge of using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct was dismissed.

Boren also was hit with five years of probation, prohibited from any contact with anyone under the age of 18 without the permission of her probation officer, barred from contact with the victim, and must register as a sex offender, according to court documents.

Before her arrest, Boren frequently posted photos on social media of herself with an 11-year-old girl, who is also a child drag performer named Vanellope MacPherson DuPont. In the social media posts, Boren reportedly referred to herself as the child's "drag mom."

Two months after her arrest, Boren participated in a drag queen event that featured a Vanellope MacPherson DuPont at Old Nick’s Pub in Eugene, Oregon. The venue is a Satan and pagan-themed bar that regularly hosts drag queen shows, drag queen story hour, and "fetish nights."

The bar promoted the event with the child drag performer.

"Vanellope is here to show you what an 11-year-old drag queen can do," a post on the bar's Facebook page read. "With all the charm and sweetness of a bowl of sugary cereal, Vanellope is here to brighten up your morning with all her drag talent."

The October 2022 event ignited intense backlash, prompting about 200 people to either protest or support the drag show with a child. Vanellope reportedly did not perform that day.

The family of the 11-year-old girl issued a statement distancing themselves from Boren. They claimed Vanellope met with Boren "maybe four or five times," and that the relationship was strictly "professional."

The family added, “Meta Boren was not a family friend, nor was she ever a mentor for V in the drag world. They, also, have not had any contact since before covid, and all ties have been severed as of the time of Meta Boren's arrest in August.”


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523c73 No.36893

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736128 (221913ZAPR23) Notable: Alex Jones on the Joe Rogan Show describes the Matrix

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523c73 No.36894

File: 633cdfff461688d⋯.mp4 (8.09 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736135 (221915ZAPR23) Notable: Alex Jones on the Joe Rogan Show describes the Matrix

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Jones & The Matrixx

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523c73 No.36895

File: 8fb4e09a29d904f⋯.png (304.12 KB,575x375,23:15,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736139 (221915ZAPR23) Notable: Virginia: Democrat Socialite, Uni-Party ‘Scion’ Arrested on Child Porn, Attempted Rape Charges

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Virginia: Democrat Socialite, Uni-Party ‘Scion’ Arrested on Child Porn, Attempted Rape Charges

Eleanor Hoppe sent child rape porn to undercover agents and was arrested at a hotel where she planned to rape an 8-year-old girl.

A Charlottesville, Virginia socialite who’s described as the “scion” of a major uni-party legal family and the ex-wife of a federal magistrate judge appointed under the Obama Administration has been arrested after she sent child rape porn to undercover investigators and traveled to a Northern Virginia hotel, equipped with silk undergarments and lubricant, to rape an 8-year-old girl.

Eleanor Beaumont Hunton Hoppe, a 45-year-old divorced mother of two daughters, was arrested on March 20th and charged with multiple federal crimes. Currently, Hoppe is facing federal charges of distribution of child pornography, enticement of a minor, and attempted transportation of a minor with attempt to engage in sexual activity.

All of the charges are felonies and Hoppe faces up to life in prison if she’s convicted.

The arrest isn’t even Hoppe’s first for a sex crime, having been charged and convicted in 2019 for “undressing where prohibited.” Unfortunately, that case was appealed and the charge was later dismissed, leaving Hoppe to continue acting on her perversions.

As a result of the investigation, authorities have found Hoppe to have been peddling child rape pornography and nude photos of herself online, in “fetish” forums where she chatted with fellow pedophiles and, fortunately, with undercover investigators. It’s unclear if any of the little girls in Hoppe’s child rape videos are her own children, who are 10 and 12 years old respectively, but she told undercover investigators during web chats that she was interested in “taboo parenting.”

In text messages that Hoppe sent to an investigator, she described in detail the plans she had for raping an 8-year-old girl, who didn’t truly exist, but was the creation of the investigative team, unbeknownst to Hoppe.

“I can’t wait [to rape the 8-year-old girl],” Hoppe wrote in a text message. “And then of course, putting her to bed and waking her up to do a few extra things will be so fun.”

“A great thing to do is to wake her up by trying new things,” Hoppe wrote in another message, fantasizing about raping a sleeping child. “That hazy/ dreamlike state is perfect to introduce a variety of new things…especially with someone to help with positioning her body and then you let her fall right back to sleep.”

She also described a pink robe (which was seized by investigators at the scene) that she’d bring to the hotel to serve as the young victim’s “big girl robe.”

“I’ll be [there] as soon as I can and I’ll get naked too,” Hoppe wrote as she embarked for the hotel.

Upon her arrival at the hotel in Warrenton, Hoppe was immediately arrested by FBI agents. In addition to the robe meant for the little girl, Hoppe was in possession of silk undergarments and lubricant.

In addition to being the ex-wife and co-parent of federal magistrate judge Joel Hoppe, of the Western District of Virginia, Eleanor Hoppe, whose full name is Eleanor Beaumont Hunton Hoppe, is the scion of a prominent Virginia legal family, which operates one of the largest law firms in the state, Hunton, Andrews, Kurth.

The Hunton, Andrews, Kurth law firm donates millions of dollars to uni-party candidates, as demonstrated in the campaign finance report pictured below:


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523c73 No.36896

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736141 (221916ZAPR23) Notable: Woke Bud Light Executive Behind Transgender Campaign Takes Leave of Absence

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Woke Bud Light Executive Behind Transgender Campaign Takes Leave of Absence

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523c73 No.36897

File: b9068464bce9aaf⋯.png (64.09 KB,845x882,845:882,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18736147 (221917ZAPR23) Notable: Alex Jones on the Joe Rogan Show describes the Matrix

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>>36894 (me)

>>36893 (me)

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523c73 No.36898

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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