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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

7eecde No.17313 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 830 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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c8fbef No.21777

File: 28bf769693139f4⋯.png (432.36 KB,598x645,598:645,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445791 (041951ZMAR23) Notable: Russia’s Federal Security Service detained a female resident of Moscow for high treason - TASS

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Russia state-affiliated media

Russia’s Federal Security Service in cooperation with the Russian Interior Ministry detained a female resident of Moscow for high treason, the FSB told TASS


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c8fbef No.21778

File: 8c6e1441dd2eca1⋯.jpg (737.97 KB,1080x1890,4:7,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445809 (041955ZMAR23) Notable: West Seattle woman convicted for multiple child sexual abuse offenses

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West Seattle woman convicted for multiple child sexual abuse offenses


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c8fbef No.21779

File: 565da55d09e26fb⋯.png (165.86 KB,518x598,259:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445818 (041958ZMAR23) Notable: COVID-19 vaccines An Australian Review

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COVID-19 vaccines An Australian Review

After millions of people have been vaccinated as often as four times within a year, the effects of these vaccinations are slowly becoming apparent. This review has been written from an Australian perspective with the main focus on the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. We will look at the promises/predictions originally made and the actual facts. We will evaluate the safety and efficacy by looking at the literature and the data from government agencies. The literature review will be summed up in a table listing the so far reported side effects of which many are very serious including death, with this data coming from 1011 case reports. Long term side effects will also be covered and the risk benefit ratio will be explored. The review is ending with some very critical question that need further discussion.

18 pages


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c8fbef No.21780

File: 7b177b648f6120b⋯.jpeg (141.37 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445821 (041959ZMAR23) Notable: Ex-US soldier sentenced to 45 years for trying to kill members of his own unit

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4 Mar, 2023 19:17

Ex-US soldier sentenced to 45 years for terrorist plot

The former airborne infantryman pleaded guilty to trying to kill members of his unit in a “jihadist” attack

A federal judge in New York has sentenced a former US Army private to 45 years in prison for planning a terrorist attack on his airborne infantry unit while it was deployed in Türkiye.

Ethan Phelan Melzer, also known as Etil Reggad, was sentenced on Friday after pleading guilty to attempting to murder US service members, providing material support to terrorists, and illegally disclosing national defense information. The 24-year-old native of Louisville, Kentucky shared sensitive information on his unitwith an Al-Qaeda member and a neo-Nazi group called Order of the Nine Angeles(O9A), prosecutors said.

“Melzer betrayed his fellow soldiers and his country,” said Robert Wells, assistant director of the FBI’s counterterrorism division. “Americans serving their country overseas should never have to fear a terrorist attack from within their own ranks, and today’s sentence holds him accountable for his deadly plan to attack the brave men and women of the armed forces who protect our nation.”

Prosecutors said Melzer infiltrated the US Army in the service of theUK-based O9Aand intended to ambush his fellow soldiers in a carefully plotted “jihadist attack.” O9A encourages its followers to join Western militaries to help destroy them, and admires Islamic jihadists such as former Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden.

Melzer joined the US Army around 2018 and was deployed to Italy in October 2019. He was informed sometime around May 2020 that he was being reassigned to a unit that would be going to Türkiye to help guard an isolated and sensitive military installation, prosecutors said. As part of his training during the lead-up to his new deployment, he learned details about the purpose, layout, and security of the Turkish base.

Upon learning the importance of his unit’s mission, Melzer allegedly began using encrypted messaging to share information with jihadists and members of O9A, especially asub-group called the ‘RapeWaffen Division’.He advocated for an attack that would “essentially cripple” his unit’s fire teams, prosecutors said, and pledged to provide real-time photos of the base and the frequency and channel of US Army radio communications.

“Melzer traitorously sought to attack the very soldiers he was entrusted to protect,” said US Attorney Damian Williams. He added that Friday’s sentence makes clear that US authorities “will work tirelessly to bring traitors like Melzer to justice and to protect the safety and integrity of our armed services.”


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c8fbef No.21781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445826 (042000ZMAR23) Notable: Left-Wing Groups Claim Pro-Life Laws Violate Intl Human Rights Law in Letter to U.N.

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Left-Wing Groups Claim Pro-Life Laws Violate International Human Rights Law in Letter to U.N.

Nearly 200 left-leaning human rights organizations sent a letter to the United Nations (U.N.) on Thursday, accusing the United States of being “in violation under international human rights law” because some states have passed laws protecting unborn babies from abortion following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision.

“By overturning the established constitutional protection for access to abortion, and through the passage of the state laws discussed above, the US is in violation of its obligations under international human rights law, codified in a number of human rights treaties to which it is a party or a signatory,” the 53-page letter reads in part.

The letter is an “urgent appeal” for the U.N. to “intervene to ensure the United Nations protects reproductive rights,” the Washington Post reported of the letter, which came from groups including, but not limited to, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, and Global Justice Center.

The letter claims that “people residing in the U.S. who can become pregnant are facing a human rights crisis” and that “intensifying harms” are occurring as a result of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. The letter makes no mention of the estimated 63 million-plus unborn babies who have been killed in abortions since 1973.

The signatories called on U.N. mandate holders “to take up their calls to action” including “communicating with the US regarding the human rights violations, requesting a visit to the US, convening a virtual stakeholder meeting with US civil society, calls for the US to comply with its obligations under international law, and calls for private companies to take a number of actions to protect reproductive rights.”

“We sent this letter to draw the world’s attention to the suffering that US abortion law is inflicting on women, girls and others who can become pregnant,” Christine Ryan, legal director of the Global Justice Center told the Post in an emailed statement.

“There is a staggering level of cognitive dissonance required for the United States to claim a role as a global champion of human rights when millions of its own citizens are living under an extremist anti-abortion [policies],” she claimed.

The letter also argued the minorities and people who earn low incomes are at more of a disadvantage because many living in states with pro-life laws have a limited ability or are unable to abort their unborn babies.

“Dobbs is devastating for all people who can become pregnant, but it has had and will have an outsize impact on certain marginalized groups who already face documented discrimination within and outside the health care system,” the letter claims. “These groups often have poorer health outcomes compared to other populations, and Dobbs will worsen these.”

U.N. human rights bodies have previously criticized the Supreme Court’s ruling, calling it a “major setback” and a “huge blow to women’s human rights and gender equality,” according to the report.


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c8fbef No.21782

File: df366935808885b⋯.png (884.33 KB,1424x799,1424:799,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445857 (042010ZMAR23) Notable: Gordon Chang @CPAC: "worth listening to"

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Gordon Chang, will find clip later, definitely worth listening to

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c8fbef No.21783

File: a2e652fa37c31cd⋯.png (1.32 MB,1439x795,1439:795,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445874 (042013ZMAR23) Notable: Kari Lake @CPAC: "They stole an election in broad daylight"

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kari lake up next

another conspiracy theory coming true.

Anons stated it, it was first shown in the last james bond movie

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c8fbef No.21784

File: a0c60b22f272cfc⋯.png (20.75 KB,603x157,603:157,Clipboard.png)

File: b9759ba12ba5c4b⋯.png (395.54 KB,588x542,294:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 40ce29062c82b93⋯.png (45.47 KB,593x271,593:271,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445906 (042020ZMAR23) Notable: LIVE: President Donald Trump To Deliver Remarks at CPAC 3:30 EST

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1) 11:06 = 17

Donald J. Trump


Heading to CPAC soon. A really big crowd of American Patriots. MAGA!!!

Mar 04, 2023, 11:06 AM


2) 11:15 = 17

Donald J. Trump



LIVE: President Donald Trump Delivers Remarks at CPAC


Mar 04, 2023, 11:15 AM


3) 11:51 = 17

Donald J. Trump


This Animal Prosecutor that they stuck on me over the Boxes Hoax is trying to TORTURE my people into telling lies. It’s all for political reasons, and the fact that I’m leading, big, in all of the polls. He’s flying people from all over and throwing them in front of a D.C. Grand Jury. They are confused and scared - they’ve never done this before. These Democrat Marxist pigs should be the ones that are investigated. The nice guy prosecutor in the Biden documents case hasn’t even started yet!

Mar 04, 2023, 11:51 AM


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c8fbef No.21785

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445907 (042020ZMAR23) Notable: #22616-A

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>>21725 Smoking Hot Tradition Housewife Goes Viral, Triggers Liberals

>>21726 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Teases a Run Against Joe Biden in 2024 Democrat Party Primary

>>21727 MASSIVE EXPLOSION at Indonesia’s Pertamina Fuel Storage Facility – At Least 15 Dead

>>21728 Media Gaslights Public with Fake “High Alert” Warning for “Day of Hate!” Protests Targeting Jews in America

>>21729 Ford Files For Patent That Can "Remotely Shut Down" Parts Of Your Car When Your Bill Isn't Paid

>>21730, >>21773, 18445768, >>21775 Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.03.04

>>21731 How social networks became a 'subsidiary' of the FBI and CIA/Church Cmte

>>21732 Ohio Governor Responds to Farmers’ Concerns About Soil After Toxic Train Derailment

>>21733 DONALD J TRUMP: Time to hold China to account for Covid

>>21734 Major Banks Accelerate Plans To Cut Coal Investments

>>21735 Treasury to Testify Friday for Withholding Biden Family ‘Suspicious’ Wire Transfers

>>21737 China’s TikTok Generates More Revenue Via In-App Purchases than Major Social Media Platforms *Combined*

>>21738 DJT rt on Dems trying to start WW3 to win in 2024 (DCDraino)

>>21739 Trump to Deliver Remarks on America First Education Policy in Davenport, Iowa - March 13

>>21740 Russia's Special Military Op

>>21741 Italian Intelligence Says ‘Rescue’ Ship NGOs Help Smugglers, Lead to More Deaths

>>21742. >>21746 PF on Trump departure

>>21743 880 Migrants Found Dead by Border Patrol in FY22 Shatters Prior Records

>>21744 Former IDF chief Halutz: Netanyahu is not an Israeli patriot

>>21745 Bondage-Themed Drag Queen Show Forced to Cancel After Public Backlash

>>21749 Milley, made an unexpected visit to a #US military base in #Syria

>>21750 karine jean-pierre talks about the "people's republic of russia"

>>21736, >>21751, >>21752, >>21753 Patrick Wojan busted for CP

>>21747, >>21748, >>21754 Ukraine is getting their ass handed to them despite billions rec'd

>>21755 CPAP: re Covid, Agenda 21/2030, "they're trying to kill you" - Malone, Epoch Times, others



#22616 B still rollin'

baker seeker handoff NB

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c8fbef No.21786

File: eaf39c32d2e541c⋯.png (175.97 KB,596x572,149:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445919 (042022ZMAR23) Notable: @45 on Radical Left Dem Prosecutors: They're STOLLEN millions of dollars

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Donald J. Trump


But the Radical Left Democrat Prosecutors go after Trump over the Boxes Hoax, Horseface, and all other trivia. They’ve STOLLEN millions of dollars, caught on tape in the Laptop from Hell, and nothing happens. Likewise, the Election fraud, to put these people in office, was massive. Millions of votes, on tape, in “ballot stuffing” alone. Little Legislative approval, FBI/Twitter, FBI/Facebook—All a big disgrace! We are a Third World Nation, with mostly FAKE NEWS. MAGA!


Tom Manley


Jan 30


EXCLUSIVE: SECOND Hunter Biden Email from Laptop WITH CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Uncovered - Hunter Shared with Ukraine Business…

The Gateway Pundit

Mar 04, 2023, 11:04 AM


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c8fbef No.21787

File: 1a9347ad0ea6d91⋯.png (240.77 KB,1200x630,40:21,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445921 (042022ZMAR23) Notable: NEW California State at a glance

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Watch CA…


Who Are We?

• The New California State will be the 51st state formed out of rural old State of California.

• California rises from LA, Bay Area and Sacramento urban areas and receives a new constitution.

How Can This Be Done?

• Article IV, section 3 of The United States Constitution, allows for a new state to be formed from

an existing state with the approval of the State Legislature and Congress. This was done in 1860

when West Virginia split from Virginia by creating a restored VA gov after VA seceded.

• Article IV, section 4 of The United States Constitution, The United States shall guarantee every

state in the Union a Republican Form of Government and shall protect each of them against

invasion and domestic violence. California has failed! www.newcaliforniastate.com

Many Have Failed This Attempt!

• EXACTLY—This is the first time in over 200 attempts to form a new state from California where

the Constitutional Blueprint of Article IV, Section 3 is being followed.

• New California State achieved Constitutional “Standing” in the U.S. Supreme Court based on:

declared independence, 190 grievances read, 10 declarations of truths, CA default notifications,

government formation at 9 constitutional conventions, CA/CA officials lawsuit court cases, etc.


• California is in Default of Article IV, section 4 of The United States Constitution, and It FAILS to:

• Guarantee a Republican Form of Government—It FAILS!

• Protect the citizenry against invasion—It FAILS!

• Protect the citizenry against domestic violence—It FAILS!

• The State shall maintain good standing with the United States’ Union of States—California no

longer maintains the required financial records—It FAILS!

• California has FAILED! https://vimeo.com/481383635

• The FAILURES continue:

#1 Highest Poverty Rate, #1 Highest Income Tax, #1 Worst for Quality of Life,

#1 Worst Business Climate, #2 Highest Gas Taxes, #2 Highest Homeless Population, #50 in

Fiscal Solvency & #43 in Education

• Californians have the highest out migration of any state in the Union.

• The out migration of businesses from California is the highest in the Union because the

government over taxes and regulates.

Who Is the Founder?

• Paul Preston, President and CEO of New California State. Paul has spent over nine years laying

the groundwork for statehood.

• Chriss Street, Vice President of Finance follows the economic tides of California’s demise.


• The process to form New California will be completed between the end of 2022 - end of 2023.

What Is the Final Result?

• A “Fresh Start” with a new Constitution.

• The “Rule of Law” will be reestablished with Support for Law Enforcement.

• 2nd Amendment Rights will be Guaranteed.

• A new Economy with low taxes and few regulations.

• A new Education System where parents will have full Parental Rights.

• Local County Control, No Centralized State Government.

• New California will flourish as the most productive state in the Union.

• New California will make good on pension promises.

• New California will NOT be a sanctuary state!

Next Steps: Join www.NewCaliforniaState.com/membership receive email updates and donate!

**Let’s Make a New State; Let’s Save Our State Together!***


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c8fbef No.21788

File: 779d624259e310e⋯.png (163.33 KB,489x678,163:226,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fd32757c5602b2⋯.mp4 (239.93 KB,320x482,160:241,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445943 (042026ZMAR23) Notable: Scavino on @45 flight

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



@realDonaldTrump 🛫 @CPAC

2:18 PM · Mar 4, 2023

from Palm Beach, FL·


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c8fbef No.21789

File: 779d624259e310e⋯.png (163.33 KB,489x678,163:226,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fd32757c5602b2⋯.mp4 (239.93 KB,320x482,160:241,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445943 (042026ZMAR23) Notable: Scavino on @45 flight

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Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅



@realDonaldTrump 🛫 @CPAC

2:18 PM · Mar 4, 2023

from Palm Beach, FL·


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c8fbef No.21790

File: 8940509cdf45f5e⋯.png (313.68 KB,548x770,274:385,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ffb659b52f270f⋯.png (345.03 KB,466x848,233:424,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445959 (042028ZMAR23) Notable: Two vids to check out on Trump TS

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Two vids to check out on Trump TS

1) https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/109966718603799268

2) https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/109966657779841765

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c8fbef No.21791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445964 (042030ZMAR23) Notable: #22616-B

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>>21756, >>21757 A Rasmussen survey has found that only 18% of US voters are convinced that the government played no role in the January 6 breach

>>21758 Whitmer's $79B budget proposal chock full of protections for equity, inclusion and 'reproductive freedom'

>>21759 Latest QAnon hit pce from Daily Beast

>>21760, >>21765 Pakistani grooming gang: Britain's shame

>>21761 Webb on Malone's engineered pathogens

>>21762, >>21763, >>21768, >>21772, >>21774, >>21775 Massive Cinncinati Ohio fire moves to second building

>>21764 AZ School Board Cuts Ties With Christian U After ‘Witchy AF’ Board Member Says She Feels Unsafe

>>21766, >>21767, >>21769 BREAKING: Massive fire close to homes in Frederick, Maryland, following a large gas tank explosion

>>21770 California proposes $360k per person in slavery reparations

>>21771 The Powerful LGBT Group Behind California's Most Radical Laws Is Setting Its Sights on DC

>>21776 Germany to purge Nazi words from law books

>>21777 Russia’s Federal Security Service detained a female resident of Moscow for high treason - TASS

>>21778 West Seattle woman convicted for multiple child sexual abuse offenses

>>21779 COVID-19 vaccines An Australian Review

>>21780 Ex-US soldier sentenced to 45 years for trying to kill members of his own unit

>>21781 Left-Wing Groups Claim Pro-Life Laws Violate Intl Human Rights Law in Letter to U.N.

>>21782 Gordon Chang @CPAC: "worth listening to"

>>21783 Kari Lake @CPAC: "They stole an election in broad daylight"

>>21784 LIVE: President Donald Trump To Deliver Remarks at CPAC 3:30 EST

>>21786 @45 on Radical Left Dem Prosecutors: They're STOLLEN millions of dollars

>>21787 NEW California State at a glance

>>21789 Scavino on @45 flight

>>21790 Two vids to check out on Trump TS



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c8fbef No.21792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18445983 (042034ZMAR23) Notable: Watch live: Trump, Bolsonaro and more take the stage on Day 3 of CPAC

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CPAC live

Watch live: Trump, Bolsonaro and more take the stage on Day 3 of CPAC

BY THE HILL STAFF - 03/04/23 9:45 AM ET


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c8fbef No.21793

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446019 (042040ZMAR23) Notable: Watch live: Trump, Bolsonaro and more take the stage on Day 3 of CPAC

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🔴CPAC LIVE From Washington, DC - Day Three - 3/4/2023


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c8fbef No.21794

File: 9de9635222b38f9⋯.png (40.53 KB,650x319,650:319,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446021 (042040ZMAR23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus.

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Donald J. Trump: The world has finally

woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus.

Now it’s time to hold China to account

Daily Mail (UK), by Donald J. Trump

Posted By: Imright, 3/4/2023 3:38:07 PM

Three years ago, I declared that COVID-19 almost certainly came from the Chinese Wuhan lab. Now, the world is finally admitting the truth. The cover-up of COVID-19's origins is one of the greatest scandals in the history of the world. Millions of people all over the planet have died from the China Virus. The cost of the outbreak and the lying about its origins is incalculable, some say in excess of $50 trillion. Now it's time to hold China—and the corrupt forces who have facilitated this colossal suppression of facts—accountable for the damage they have inflicted upon all of humanity.

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c8fbef No.21795

File: 6dccbd36c98b3cc⋯.png (717.23 KB,881x775,881:775,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446028 (042041ZMAR23) Notable: The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives Exercising Their First Amendment Rights

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The FBI Targeted Patriotic Conservatives

Exercising Their First Amendment Rights:

‘They’re All Bleeping Terrorists’

PJ Media, by Robert Spencer

Posted By: Hazymac, 3/4/2023 3:15:28 PM

Antifa? Black Lives Matter? Come on, man! You’ll find it comforting to know that the FBI has been busy tracking the real terrorists that threaten the safety of every decent, law-abiding American today: people who traveled to Washington for Trump’s rally against election fraud on Jan. 6, 2021, and Americans who dare to oppose the relentless sacrifices to Moloch that are the cornerstone of the Democrat Party’s program. The FBI has become so thoroughly corrupt and politicized that its agents apparently have no problem serving as attack dogs for the Left’s sinister agenda. Just The News reported Saturday that the feds have “politicized cases

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c8fbef No.21796

File: a58d76ac2e0e13e⋯.png (193.77 KB,430x609,430:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446038 (042044ZMAR23) Notable: 6th-Grade Boy & Father Confront School Board

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6th-Grade Boy & Father Confront School Board, and on Prime-Time TV, Denounce Child Sexualization

“The librarian asked if I wanted more. And if I wanted a graphic novel version.”


Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v2bqefq-6th-grade-boy-and-father-confront-school-board-and-on-prime-time-tv-denounc.html) | Substack (http://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Other Socials (https://bio.site/vigilantfox)

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c8fbef No.21797

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446040 (042045ZMAR23) Notable: Watch live: Trump, Bolsonaro and more take the stage on Day 3 of CPAC

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Trumps Rumble


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c8fbef No.21798

File: 55f4a30ee7f1b76⋯.png (115.07 KB,771x511,771:511,Clipboard.png)

File: 695a88915e27abe⋯.png (136.42 KB,747x528,249:176,Clipboard.png)

File: 6339f44115f89d6⋯.png (114.11 KB,753x476,753:476,Clipboard.png)

File: 898b2a43460f978⋯.png (143.81 KB,757x544,757:544,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446046 (042047ZMAR23) Notable: Trump calls for China, WHO to be 'held to account' for Covid lab leak

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Trump calls for China, WHO to be 'held to account' for Covid lab leak

According to the 2024 Republican presidential candidate, "The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account."

Former president Donald Trump published a bombshell piece in the Daily Mail on Saturday, arguing that Joe Biden is "unbelievably weak on China," and calling for the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as China to be "held to account" for suppressing the Covid lab-leak theory.

According to the 2024 Republican presidential candidate, "The world has finally woken to the truth about the Wuhan virus. Now it's time to hold China to account."


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c8fbef No.21799

File: 395d6bd981aeb96⋯.jpeg (82.62 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446050 (042048ZMAR23) Notable: Trump and January 6 prisoners collaborate on song

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3 Mar, 2023 21:06

Trump and January 6 prisoners collaborate on song

Profits from the track will reportedly benefit the former president’s incarcerated supporters

Former president Donald Trump has lent his vocals to a song in aid of the supporters who were jailed for participating in the January 6, 2021 riot on Capitol Hill. Trump has vowed to issue pardons to the rioters if he is elected in 2024.

Entitled ‘Justice for All’, the song was released on Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube on Thursday. It cuts between Trump reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and a group of inmates calling themselves the ‘J6 Prison Choir’ singing the Star Spangled Banner. Running for just over two minutes, it ends with the prisoners chanting “USA.”

According to Forbes, which first reported the story, the prisoners sang their lines over a phone from confinement in a Washington, DC jail. Trump recited the pledge from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

Proceeds from the song will go to the families of those jailed for taking part in the riot, except for those whose loved ones assaulted police officers.

A crowd of Trump supporters entered the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, to protest Congress’ certification of Joe Biden’s electoral victory the previous November. Trump, who still maintains that Biden’s win was fraudulent, told the crowd earlier that day to “fight like hell”against the certification, but to do so “peacefully and patriotically.”

The protest briefly disrupted the certification, and the crowd was dispersed by the police after several hours. Numerous clashes between the police and rioters broke out, however, and one Trump supporter was shot dead by an officer. Two others died of natural causes and one by accidental overdose.

Biden’s Justice Department has charged more than 950 people in connection with the riot, while around 350 have been sentenced and 190 incarcerated, according to Justice Department figures. Around three dozen remain held in a special unit of the Washington, DC jail, where they have described conditions as “medieval.”

Trump is running for office again in 2024. Shortly before he formally announced his candidacy, he said that he would consider “full pardons” for the convicted rioters. In an interview this January, he described them as “political prisoners,” many of whom had received unduly harsh sentences for misdemeanor offenses.


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c8fbef No.21800

File: ddf2224c4ff827c⋯.png (539.18 KB,576x519,192:173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446056 (042050ZMAR23) Notable: Truckers in France join rail, air, energy and public service employees in protest against pension reform.

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Wall Street Silver


JUST IN: Truckers in France join rail, air, energy and public service employees in protest against pension reform. They are planning to block logistics platforms and industrial zones and more🚨 🚨 🚨


8:22 AM · Mar 4, 2023




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c8fbef No.21801

File: 25afd3a95c703b3⋯.jpeg (64.52 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446061 (042051ZMAR23) Notable: WHO wants proof to support US claims of Covid origin

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4 Mar, 2023 04:38

WHO wants proof to support US claims of Covid origin

All theories regarding the genesis of Covid-19 remain “on the table,” the head of the global health body has said

The World Health Organization (WHO) has urged the US, and other countries, to release intelligence on the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, cautioning against unsubstantiated speculations and “politicization” of the issue. The move comes after Washington claimed the pathogen “likely” leaked from a Chinese laboratory.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus spoke at length about the need to identify the ultimate starting point for the global health crisis during a media briefing on Friday, calling it a “scientific” and “moral imperative.”

“If any country has information about the origins of the pandemic, it’s essential for that information to be shared with WHO and the international scientific community,” he said, noting he had been in touch with Chinese officials on the matter as recently as a few weeks ago.

The agency’s Covid-19 technical lead – Maria Van Kerkhove, an infectious disease epidemiologist – also stated that the WHO had reached out to Washington’s embassy in Switzerland for more information on Covid’s origins, after FBI Director Christopher Wray claimed the virus “most likely” escaped from a Chinese lab in comments to Fox earlier this week, citing a bureau assessment that has not been made public.

“It remains vital that that information is shared,” she said, adding that the US has so far not offered access to its data.

Beijing has vocally denied suggestions the pathogen may have escaped from its high-security virology laboratory in the city of Wuhan – among the first sites Covid-19 was detected in late 2019 – with PRC officials dismissing the theory as an attempt to smear China.

Tedros went on to warn against “the continued politicization of the origins research,” saying that sparring between rival nations has turned the issue into a “geopolitical football, which only makes the task of identifying the origins more difficult. And that makes the world less safe.” Until there is greater transparency from world leaders on the question, he said “all hypotheses” on the origins of the virus “remain on the table.”

(Look at picture, usually when one touches their nose they are lying.)


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c8fbef No.21802

File: 23a661cb8c5ce2e⋯.png (784.92 KB,583x878,583:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446080 (042057ZMAR23) Notable: DJT - Nigel Farage speaks about lab leak

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@realDonaldTrump's post


Donald J. Trump




Mar 04, 2023, 6:48 AM

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c8fbef No.21803

File: de782d2ccbb64ea⋯.mp4 (7.87 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446101 (042104ZMAR23) Notable: Russell Brand just went on Bill Maher and burned down Pfizer, BioNTech, crony politicians, media, and war profiteers in the defense industry

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Russell Brand just went on Bill Maher and burned down Pfizer, BioNTech, crony politicians, media, and war profiteers in the defense industry

Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸

Russell Brand just went on Bill Maher and burned down Pfizer, BioNTech, crony politicians, media, and war profiteers in the defense industry




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c8fbef No.21804

File: ccc3553403b9aa1⋯.png (664.99 KB,1024x769,1024:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446141 (042116ZMAR23) Notable: Steven Spielberg thinks the US government is hiding information about UFOs

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Steven Spielberg thinks the US government is hiding information about UFOs

March 3, 2023

E.T.” director Steven Spielberg thinks the 1982 classic was onto something — and believes the US government is hiding information about UFOs from the general public.

“I think the secrecy that is shrouding all of these sightings and the lack of transparency until the Freedom of Information Act compels certain materials to be released publicly, I think that there is something going on that simply needs extraordinary due diligence,” he argued on “The Late Show With Stephen Colbert” Thursday.

“I think what has been coming out recently is fascinating — just absolutely fascinating,” he added. “I would like to hear more about it. I don’t know what they are.”

The Academy Award-winning filmmaker said clearly there is “something going on … that’s not being disclosed to us.”

He also revealed that he doesn’t believe Earth is the only planet with life on it.

“I think it’s mathematically impossible,” he said.

Spielberg has made several movies about the supernatural, including 1977’s “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” about a blue-collar worker whose life is changed when he encounters a UFO.

He also directed the 2005 film “War of the Worlds,” which is about an alien invasion of Earth that threatens to destroy human life.

A declassified government report released in January said that most UFO sightings aren’t aliens, but there have been plenty that simply can’t be explained.


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c8fbef No.21805

File: 32fc3f8c2957573⋯.png (192.88 KB,511x474,511:474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446145 (042116ZMAR23) Notable: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia

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Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"

In a CNN panel last week, the head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Samantha Power issued some very revealing words on the Russia-Ukraine war, wherein she admitted that the US is at war with Russia but that it's "Ukrainians doing the fighting".

Her words came during a CNN 'town hall' event, which also featured Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan, marking the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion. She had specifically responded to a question from an audience member, who asked: "What vital interest does to the US have in Ukraine?" At one point in forming a response she actually gave what ranks among the most ridiculously simplistic clichés sometimes uttered by D.C. policymakers - that America stands up to "bullies".

"I think Americans understand bullies and the importance of standing up to bullies," she said. But here's where she said the quiet part out loud, letting it slip that in some sense the US sees Ukraine as a pawn in the greater geostrategic game of ultimately defeating Russia: She explained the need for a broad coalition of countries in order to show "This isn't just the United States and Russia, this in fact is Ukrainians on the front lines, Ukrainians doing the fighting…" The set of assumptions behind this statement by a top Biden admin official is very revealing, however casually she may have slipped it in. Watch the clip below:


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c8fbef No.21806

File: fa699ce8a08b903⋯.png (162.7 KB,447x416,447:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446156 (042119ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Robert Malone says we must break the link between big tech and the intel community to prevent a Marxist future.

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Dr. Robert Malone (https://t.me/RWMaloneMD) says we must break the link between big tech and the intel community to prevent a Marxist future.

Subscribe and share ➡️➡️ @TrumpSource

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c8fbef No.21807

File: 51f83df39e63026⋯.mp4 (6.2 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446168 (042123ZMAR23) Notable: Dr. Robert Malone says we must break the link between big tech and the intel community to prevent a Marxist future.

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c8fbef No.21808

File: b564e32164eaa63⋯.png (434.17 KB,610x551,610:551,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446196 (042133ZMAR23) Notable: Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Praising Fox News and slamming Democrats

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Students For Trump


Democratic Presidential Candidate Marianne Williamson was caught on a hot mic,

Praising Fox News and slamming Democrats… ⤵️


Tom Elliott

6:51 AM · Sep 12, 2019

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c8fbef No.21809

File: 2d137caa671010e⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446221 (042140ZMAR23) Notable: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia

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c8fbef No.21810

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446238 (042143ZMAR23) Notable: Marianne Williamson Launches 2024 Presidential Campaign

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LIVE: Marianne Williamson Launches 2024 Presidential Campaign

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c8fbef No.21811

File: 3d545aaba384994⋯.png (17.2 KB,797x145,797:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446276 (042155ZMAR23) Notable: Woke Bank Shuts Down Business Account Of Donald Trump Jr, Faces Massive Backlash

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Woke Bank Shuts Down Business Account Of Donald Trump Jr, Faces Massive Backlash

By ToddMarch 4, 2023

PNC Bank apologized for “mistakenly” shutting down an account belonging to a business venture started by Donald Trump Jr. and his associate, and former President Trump spokesman, Taylor Budowich. The duo launched MxM News last year as a news aggregate app that could compete against the likes of Apple News and Google News.

“BREAKING: Woke @PNCBank just shut down the bank account for my app @mxmnews without any explanation,” Donald Trump Jr. tweeted after learning about the account’s initial closure.

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c8fbef No.21812

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446287 (042157ZMAR23) Notable: They Stole it From Us Legally - CPAC 2023 Washington D.C.

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FULL PANEL:They Stole it From Us Legally - CPAC 2023 Washington D.C. - 3/4/2023

• Hogan Gidley, Vice Chair, AFPI Center for Election Integrity

•. Frank LaRose, Ohio Secretary of State

• Abe Hamadeh, Fmr. Prosecutor and U.S. Army Reserve Captain

• Lee Zeldin, Fmr. Congressman (NY-1)


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c8fbef No.21813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446314 (042202ZMAR23) Notable: Here’s the real reason the EPA doesn’t want to test for toxins in East Palestine

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Here’s the real reason the EPA doesn’t want to test for toxins in East Palestine



Here’s the real reason the EPA doesn’t want to test for toxins in East Palestine

Stephen Lester

The agency is familiar with dioxins, having researched its adverse effects, and if they test the soil in East Palestine for it, they will find it

Thu 2 Mar 2023 14.00 GMT

Last modified on Fri 3 Mar 2023 17.16 GMT

The decision to release and burn five tanker cars of vinyl chloride and other chemicals at the site of a 38-car derailment in East Palestine, Ohio, just over three weeks ago unleashed a gigantic cloud full of particulates that enveloped surrounding neighborhoods and farms in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Trump is taking advantage of the Ohio disaster in a way that’s eerily reminiscent of 2016 | Tayo Bero

Read more

It is well documented that burning chlorinated chemicals like vinyl chloride will generate dioxins. “Dioxin” is the name given to a group of persistent, very toxic chemicals that share similar chemical structures. The most toxic form of dioxin is 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin or TCDD. TCDD is more commonly recognized as the toxic contaminant found in Agent Orange and at Love Canal, New York and Times Beach, Missouri, both sites of two of the most tragic environmental catastrophes in US history.

Dioxin is not deliberately manufactured. It is the unintended byproduct of industrial processes that use or burn chlorine. It is also produced when chemicals such as vinyl chloride are burned such as occurred in East Palestine.

The organization I work for, the Center for Health, Environment & Justice, has worked with communities affected by dioxins for over 40 years. We have seen the impact of exposure to dioxins in communities from Love Canal and Times Beach to Pensacola, Florida. And now, we are asking, why isn’t EPA testing for dioxins in East Palestine, Ohio? Are dioxins present in the soil downwind from the site of the accident?

At a townhall meeting in East Palestine last week, people talked about what it was like when the black cloud reached their property. One person who lived 15 miles away described burned ash material from the fire that settled on her property. Another who lived 3 miles away described how the black cloud completely smothered his property. Repeatedly people asked: was it safe for my kids to play in the yard? Is it safe to grow a garden? What is going to happen to my farm animals?

These are important questions that deserve to be answered. Today there are no clear answers. Why? Because no one has done any testing for dioxins anywhere in East Palestine. No one. And, it seems, that the EPA is uninterested in testing for dioxins, behaving as though dioxin is no big deal.

This makes no sense. Testing for dioxin, a highly toxic substance, should have been one of the first things to look for, especially in the air once the decision was made to burn the vinyl chloride. There is no question that dioxins were formed in the vinyl chloride fire. They would have formed on the particulate matter – the black soot – in the cloud that was so clearly visible at the time of the burn. Now, the question is how much is in the soil where people live in and around East Palestine. Without testing, no one will know and the people who live there will remain in the dark, uncertain about their fate.

This is important because of the adverse health effects associated with exposure to dioxins. Exposure to dioxins can cause cancer, reproductive damage, developmental problems, type 2 diabetes, ischemic heart disease, infertility in adults, impairment of the immune system and skin lesions.

The EPA is very familiar with dioxins. For more than 25 years, the agency evaluated and assessed the risks posed by exposure to dioxins. They published multiple draft reports on the health effects caused by exposure to dioxins. They published an inventory of dioxin sources and devoted an enormous amount of time to studying dioxins. The agency knows this chemical very well.

So why is EPA unwilling to test for dioxins in the soil? My guess is because they know they will find it. And if they find it, they’ll have to address the many questions people are asking. It will not be easy to interpret the results of the testing for dioxins in soil, but to avoid testing is irresponsible. The EPA’s mission is to protect human health and the environment. Clearly the situation in East Palestine is the place where EPA should follow its mission and do right by the people who live in this town. EPA must test the soil in East Palestine for dioxins.

The people who live there need to know so they can make informed decisions about their future.

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c8fbef No.21814

File: 2d137caa671010e⋯.mp4 (2.56 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446350 (042211ZMAR23) Notable: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia

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Watch: Samantha Power Lets Slip The US Is At War With Russia, But "Ukrainians Doing The Fighting"


So, sammy powers says it out loud…

In a CNN panel last week, the head of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Samantha Power issued some very revealing words on the Russia-Ukraine war, wherein she admitted that the US is at war with Russia but that it's "Ukrainians doing the fighting".

Her words came during a CNN 'town hall' event, which also featured Biden national security adviser Jake Sullivan, marking the one-year anniversary of Russia’s invasion. She had specifically responded to a question from an audience member, who asked: "What vital interest does to the US have in Ukraine?" At one point in forming a response she actually gave what ranks among the most ridiculously simplistic clichés sometimes uttered by D.C. policymakers - that America stands up to "bullies".

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c8fbef No.21815

File: eaacb5dc52d36a2⋯.png (20.7 KB,593x207,593:207,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446354 (042212ZMAR23) Notable: Several whistleblowers, a dozen physicians, six physician-confirmed vaccine-injured patients, and two parents whose sons died after receiving the vaccines are speaking at the Mississippi Capitol telling officials to stop the COVID vaccine

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Leading Report


BREAKING: Several whistleblowers, a dozen physicians, six physician-confirmed vaccine-injured patients, and two parents whose sons died after receiving the vaccines are speaking at the Mississippi Capitol telling officials to stop the COVID vaccine.

11:02 AM · Mar 4, 2023




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c8fbef No.21816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446388 (042217ZMAR23) Notable: Watch live: Trump, Bolsonaro and more take the stage on Day 3 of CPAC

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POTUS taking questions


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c8fbef No.21817

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446392 (042218ZMAR23) Notable: Watch live: Trump, Bolsonaro and more take the stage on Day 3 of CPAC

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heads up,

trump is back stage answering questions

The morans at rsbn have their mike turned down.



🔴 CPAC LIVE From Washington, DC - Day Three - 3/4/2023


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c8fbef No.21818

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446417 (042223ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump [pre-CPAC]: I would like to just about end the Department of Education, it's time…we have to get rid of the Department of Education. Close it up…let the local areas, and frankly, states, handle education…we're gonna close it up.

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c8fbef No.21819

File: 22ed9a43f3dd0a4⋯.png (1.18 MB,1257x706,1257:706,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446436 (042226ZMAR23) Notable: DJT interview on RSBN - Gold Domes

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Gold domes

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c8fbef No.21820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446440 (042228ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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Trump at CPAC “We’re playing a giant chess game here.”

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c8fbef No.21821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446441 (042228ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump [pre-CPAC]: I wish Mike [Pence] sent the votes back to the different states, I think you wold have had a very different outcome.

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c8fbef No.21822

File: cba7c0ad4519764⋯.png (594.55 KB,736x485,736:485,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446508 (042237ZMAR23) Notable: DJT interview on RSBN - Gold Domes

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Trump talked about the ancient buildings in Ukraine and said "gold domes".

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c8fbef No.21823

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446533 (042240ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: The sinister forces trying to kill America have done everything they can to stop me, to silence you, and turn this nation into a socialist dumping ground for criminals, junkies, marxists, thugs, radiasls, and dangerous refugees that no other country wants.

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c8fbef No.21824

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446544 (042242ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: We are going to finish what we started…we're going to complete the mission, we're going to see this battle through to ultimate victory. We're going to Make America Great Again.

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c8fbef No.21825

File: e5a671ef6125358⋯.png (42.4 KB,890x231,890:231,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446553 (042243ZMAR23) Notable: Trump to unveil plan for city-by-city mass deportation of illegal alien gang members in CPAC speech tonight

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Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸



BREAKING:Trump to unveil plan for city-by-city mass deportation of illegal alien gang members in CPAC speech tonight

Mar 04, 2023, 5:36 PM

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c8fbef No.21826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18446566 (042244ZMAR23) Notable: DJT @CPAC

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President Trump: With you at my side, we will demolish the deepstate, we will expel the warmongers…we will drive out the globalists, we will cast out the communists. We will throw off the political class that hates our country…we will beat the democrats…we will evict Joe Biden from the White House, and we will liberate America from these villains ans scoundrels once and for all.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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