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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

8c8dce No.17308 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 839 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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f886a0 No.18020

File: e8610cab011eea4⋯.png (197.11 KB,462x590,231:295,Clipboard.png)

File: c62ccf195099bc6⋯.mp4 (2.14 MB,320x564,80:141,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377634 (192210ZFEB23) Notable: Ontario, Canada, report seeing chemical contamination that has allegedly spread from the East Palestine, Ohio (Caps)

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Upward News


⚠️ HAPPENING NOW: Residents in Ontario, Canada, report seeing chemical contamination that has allegedly spread from the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment & ecological disaster.

Videos posted online show similar rainbow hues caused by toxins in Ohio.

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f886a0 No.18021

File: e2ab46ddf87a93e⋯.png (225.46 KB,458x594,229:297,Clipboard.png)

File: cccd1bf154d4e15⋯.mp4 (3.8 MB,320x594,160:297,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377653 (192213ZFEB23) Notable: Ontario, Canada, report seeing chemical contamination that has allegedly spread from the East Palestine, Ohio (Caps)

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Brittany Weber


In Canada. See the iridescent sheen when he hits the ice with his scraper. That’s all the vinyl chloride…

#ontario #ontariocanada #ohio #EastPalestineOhio #EastPalestineIncident

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f886a0 No.18022

File: e692ec3b5ef407a⋯.png (255.56 KB,437x583,437:583,Clipboard.png)

File: 51f711b490643b0⋯.mp4 (4.12 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377658 (192214ZFEB23) Notable: Ontario, Canada, report seeing chemical contamination that has allegedly spread from the East Palestine, Ohio (Caps)

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Upward News


Additional footage from Cornwall, Ontario, Canada.

📍Those posting these videos allege the contamination is from East Palestine, Ohio. These claims are not confirmed. Further testing is necessary to determine the source of contamination.


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f886a0 No.18023

File: ca6a34b896f64c6⋯.png (266.82 KB,509x505,509:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377684 (192218ZFEB23) Notable: Ontario, Canada, report seeing chemical contamination that has allegedly spread from the East Palestine, Ohio (Caps)

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I wonder why.

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f886a0 No.18024

File: 2b148b052d00633⋯.jpg (37.49 KB,288x640,9:20,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377689 (192219ZFEB23) Notable: Polycrisis, It's Coming! Listen as this Woman Breaks Down how the Government / Elites are Killing Us and Pitting Us Against Each Other Feb 18

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"Holy shit, woman maps it out!!! They are trapping us, polycrisis, look at the map of disasters!!!! This is big!!!"



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f886a0 No.18025

File: e9a34226099552d⋯.png (179.11 KB,1180x328,295:82,Clipboard.png)

File: 8cfbb423e02cc62⋯.png (958.49 KB,773x616,773:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377739 (192227ZFEB23) Notable: North Korea has fired unspecified ballistic missile, South Korean military says

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BREAKING 🚨 North Korea has fired unspecified ballistic missile, South Korean military says


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f886a0 No.18026

File: 5f6bc2b7141c6d6⋯.jpeg (390.31 KB,892x3228,223:807,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377752 (192229ZFEB23) Notable: US military base in Syria comes under missile attack al-Omar oil field in Deir ez-Zor

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TEHRAN, Feb. 19 (MNA) – A Rocket attack targeted the US military base in the al-Omar oil field in Deir ez-Zor countryside.

“A missile attack targeted on Saturday Al-Omar oil field, which the US forces take as an illegal base for them in the eastern countryside of Deir Ezzor, no information whether there were any casualties among the occupation forces,” Local sources told Syria’s official SANA news agency's reporter.

Meanwhile, according to the Al Hadath TV channel broadcasting from Dubai, one of the missiles hit the helipad, next to the fuel tank, and as a result, a fire broke out.

The Al Hadath TV channel also reported that a military facility near the al-Omar main oil field was put on alert. Troops at the neighboring US base near the Al-Tabiya gas field were also put on high alert.

A larger part of Syria’s Deir ez-Zor, Raqqa and al-Hasakah governorates is currently controlled by the US-backed Kurdish Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). Since 2015, the US command has set up nine military bases in this area. Damascus brands the United States’ military presence on Syria’s territory as an occupation.


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f886a0 No.18027

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377763 (192231ZFEB23) Notable: Polycrisis, It's Coming! Listen as this Woman Breaks Down how the Government / Elites are Killing Us and Pitting Us Against Each Other Feb 18

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X 2.28 Solar Flare and CME arriving currently.

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f886a0 No.18028

File: 9d974366de70537⋯.png (714.68 KB,728x522,364:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377764 (192231ZFEB23) Notable: Donald J. Trump: Congratulations to Kristina Karamo, a powerful and fearless Election Denier, in winning the Chair of the GOP in Michigan

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f886a0 No.18029

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377767 (192231ZFEB23) Notable: Biden Admin Says Spy Balloons will Now Be A Common Occurrence

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Biden Admin Says Spy Balloons will Now Be A Common Occurance

The Chinese spy balloon and the many other suspicious aircraft that have been spotted over the airspace of various countries in the western hemisphere are still being defined. The identified spy balloon which entered U.S. airspace on the west coast, traveled across America, and was eventually followed by military jets and downed in the Atlantic just off the South Carolina coast, was able to fly over military bases and other installations before the take-down occurred.

According to China, the balloon was primarily a civilian weather balloon that had been blown off course, and they accused the U.S. of overreacting by destroying it, but only after it had flown over a large area of the United States. Beijing claims that the unannounced balloon was a weather balloon, but the US shot it down as they believed it was a surveillance balloon. National security experts have said that the spy balloon’s path may have been a strategy to better map out and understand the location of U.S. missile silos and other artillery.

The F-16 fighter jet audio was released earlier this week, which furthered the mystery surrounding the incident. On Monday, John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the National Security Council, gave an update on the Chinese spy balloons that have been shot down, and the audio from the F-16 fighter jet involved in shooting down the balloon was released. The audio shows just how bewildered the aircraft pilots were at the discovery of this object were as they sighted it, only furthering the mystery.

“I wouldn’t really call it a balloon … I don’t know what … I can see it outside with my eyes,” one pilot says after locking eyes with the unidentifiable object.



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f886a0 No.18030

File: 9b2479783bf9983⋯.jpg (45.62 KB,638x479,638:479,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377777 (192232ZFEB23) Notable: Quints

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f886a0 No.18031

File: 5317ce04b8628de⋯.png (636.3 KB,730x1252,365:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b0ff2c8bd8fc4f⋯.mp4 (1.49 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377852 (192243ZFEB23) Notable: This is what China's 15-minute cities look like. A place where you need to scan a QR code with a COVID passport and facial recognition to enter or exit. Feb 18 soc media

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The coalition is already publicly pushing this WEF agenda. An example in the video.

This is what China's 15-minute cities look like. A place where you need to scan a QR code with a COVID passport and facial recognition to enter or exit. A dystopian hell.

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f886a0 No.18032

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377881 (192248ZFEB23) Notable: Warren Township after an explosion was reported at the ArcelorMittal Warren coke plant on Saturday afternoon.

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No injuries have been reported and no chemical leaks are suspected.

TRUMBULL COUNTY, Ohio — Emergency crews are on the scene in Warren Township after an explosion was reported at the ArcelorMittal Warren coke plant on Saturday afternoon.

Details are few at this time but according to the Warren Township Fire Department, crews are investigating a boiler explosion at the plant. No injuries have been reported and no chemical leaks are suspected.

Fire crews urge people to avoid the area until it is deemed safe by emergency personnel.

A Cleveland-Cliff's Warren spokesperson released a statement to 3News which can be seen below.

"Cleveland-Cliffs confirms that a boiler failed at its Warren Coke facility this afternoon causing a loud noise heard throughout the adjacent areas to the plant. No employees were injured and the facility continues to operate normally with redundant boilers."

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f886a0 No.18033

File: 5b101df2ccb6c97⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB,1343x1377,79:81,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377906 (192252ZFEB23) Notable: “18 inch pipe bomb” discovered behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church on Frankford Ave near Conrail railroad tracks in Philadelphia’s Holmesburg section

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18inch pipe bomb found on railroad tracks PA Holmesburg section


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f886a0 No.18034

File: 134dd63f55a2d86⋯.webp (37.25 KB,768x487,768:487,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377925 (192256ZFEB23) Notable: Local Farmer Sounds the Alarm: Why Did East Palestine Launch ‘MyID’ Emergency Service to Surveil Biometrics 1 Week Before Ohio Train Derailment?

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Local Farmer Sounds the Alarm: Why Did East Palestine Launch ‘MyID’ Emergency Service to Surveil Biometrics 1 Week Before Ohio Train Derailment?

A man who lives nine miles away from where the Norfolk Southern train carrying toxic chemicals derailed in eastern Ohio reached out to The Gateway Pundit to sound the alarm on the bizarre coincidences that continue to pile up surrounding the incident.

Bob Moore, a 70-year-old farmer and longtime resident of East Palestine, initially ignored local news reports urging residents to sign up for “MyID” to receive a new biometric tracking device that provides first responders updates about an individual’s health conditions amid an emergency “major disaster.”

But the suspicious timing of the government’s distribution of this health-monitoring digital ID, exactly a week before the disaster, warrants answers, Moore told TGP in an exclusive interview.

“It was exactly a week before the derailment happened,” Moore said. “The people were asked to go to the local fire department in downtown East Palestine to get that MyID.

“They began monitoring your physical activity, your heart rate, your respiration, anything you might be exposed to. I see this as the kind of censor you would put on an astronaut or on an athlete that you wanted to track to see how he’d react to stress or being winded, or in this instance chemical exposure. It’s a monitoring device.”


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f886a0 No.18035

File: dc92bdbd44ba144⋯.png (1.54 MB,1367x842,1367:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377937 (192258ZFEB23) Notable: “18 inch pipe bomb” discovered behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church on Frankford Ave near Conrail railroad tracks in Philadelphia’s Holmesburg section

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>Train Tracks in Frankford PA

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f886a0 No.18036

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377944 (192259ZFEB23) Notable: “18 inch pipe bomb” discovered behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church on Frankford Ave near Conrail railroad tracks in Philadelphia’s Holmesburg section

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Police sources: 18-inch pipe bomb found behind Holmesburg church, near railroad tracks

HOLMESBURG - Philadelphia police are investigating after a pipe bomb was reportedly discovered behind a church in Holmesburg.

Philadelphia police sources tell FOX 29 an 18-inch pipe bomb was found Sunday, just after 1:30 p.m., behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, on the 8500 block of Frankford Avenue, in Philadelphia's Holmesburg section.

Officials say a passerby found the pipe bomb, and noted it was a PVC pipe with capped ends and black powder on it.

Police shut down Frankford Ave., between Benson and Blakiston while the Philadelphia Police Bomb Squad was called to the scene.


I guess Pete B will be telling us these sorts of devices are found laying on RR tracks all the time

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f886a0 No.18037

File: 1b9074cc6aa6328⋯.png (51.34 KB,1292x365,1292:365,Clipboard.png)

File: 2768ae1edf6e7ae⋯.png (499.1 KB,764x432,191:108,Clipboard.png)

File: 4f03450252038ee⋯.png (731.97 KB,932x524,233:131,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18377963 (192302ZFEB23) Notable: “18 inch pipe bomb” discovered behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church on Frankford Ave near Conrail railroad tracks in Philadelphia’s Holmesburg section

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Police sources: 18-inch pipe bomb found behind Holmesburg church, near railroad tracks

By FOX 29 staffPublished February 19, 2023 4:47PMPhiladelphiaFOX 29 Philadelphia

HOLMESBURG - Philadelphia police are investigating after a pipe bomb was reportedly discovered behind a church in Holmesburg.

Philadelphia police sources tell FOX 29 an 18-inch pipe bomb was found Sunday, just after 1:30 p.m., behindSt. Dominic’s Catholic Church, on the 8500 block of Frankford Avenue,in Philadelphia's Holmesburg section.

Officials say a passerby found the pipe bomb, and noted it was aPVC pipe with capped ends and black powder on it.

Police shut down Frankford Ave., between Benson and Blakiston while the Philadelphia Police Bomb Squad was called to the scene.

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f886a0 No.18038

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378007 (192309ZFEB23) Notable: Polycrisis, It's Coming! Listen as this Woman Breaks Down how the Government / Elites are Killing Us and Pitting Us Against Each Other Feb 18

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She said the word “crisis” was the key word used by them to release it all. Pay attention how many times the news saysCrisis

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f886a0 No.18039

File: 77c1b6669c5dad7⋯.png (96.02 KB,746x345,746:345,Clipboard.png)

File: d35922ee11ac163⋯.png (55.57 KB,582x361,582:361,Clipboard.png)

File: c7c7c90e8005d5c⋯.png (349 KB,735x500,147:100,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378008 (192309ZFEB23) Notable: DJT TS "In writer Salena Zito’s Fake News “puff piece” about DeSantis….why doesn’t she mention that he wants to cut Social Security & Medicare…" Q Drop #3608

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Q+ reveals logic: ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE FAKE NEWS / [RD] coordinated 'on/off' team political praxis of 'increasing' 'competition against' Q+?

"[Some] who once supported POTUS [sleepers] have/will turn [puppets & puppet masters]."


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f886a0 No.18040

File: a2c16c9d133a1a5⋯.png (980.11 KB,847x482,847:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378011 (192309ZFEB23) Notable: North Korea has fired unspecified ballistic missile, South Korean military says

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CNN gettin' around to reporting it..


"JAPAN: North Korea Has Fired 3 Suspected Ballistic Missiles"


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f886a0 No.18041

File: 0b83c303006d601⋯.png (206.27 KB,549x491,549:491,Clipboard.png)

File: 01df791bca305ae⋯.mp4 (906.56 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378019 (192311ZFEB23) Notable: "It's not just Republicans who are tired of losing. Americans are tired of it." @mikepompeo

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Mike Pompeo


It's not just Republicans who are tired of losing. Americans are tired of it.

And we deserve a lot better.

4:33 PM · Feb 19, 2023


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f886a0 No.18042

File: 35ee833ce380a6b⋯.png (255.71 KB,939x826,939:826,Clipboard.png)

File: 8040bd82f1c3f0e⋯.png (153.05 KB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.png)

File: 2451e0f44359833⋯.png (132.16 KB,466x320,233:160,Clipboard.png)

File: d7682ea2160182c⋯.png (169.59 KB,480x296,60:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 969a029f3f72932⋯.png (215.06 KB,877x598,877:598,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378067 (192318ZFEB23) Notable: Kash Patel: Sarah Isgur is one of the all time Biggest #GovernmentGangsters

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Kash Patel


Sarah Isgur is one of the all time Biggest #GovernmentGangsters, she obstructed my n @DevinNunes russia gate investigation every step of the way with her even bigger GG overlord, rosenstein. Dont let em fool you now with their bs revisionist history. They named in my book for many reasons

Former DOJ Official Confronts MSNBC Host Over Network’s Overhyped Russiagate Coverage

Sarah Isger, a former DOJ official, called out MSNBC host Ari Melber over MSNBC’s overhyped coverage of the investigation into Russiagate.


Feb 19, 2023, 4:06 PM


Sarah Isgur, a former Department of Justice official, called out MSNBC host Ari Melber over MSNBC’s coverage of the investigation into allegations that Donald Trump’s successful 2016 presidential campaign colluded with Russia.

“I worked at the Department of Justice when the Mueller investigation was going on. It was a chief part of my job,” Isgur, who served as spokeswoman for the DOJ during the Trump administration, said in a panel with Melber and host Bill Maher. “There were news organizations, let’s just say, that kept telling their viewers Trump was about to get thrown in the gulag and was going to jail for the rest of his life when that was clearly not what was going on.” (RELATED: The Definitive List Of Media Screw-Ups On The Trump-Russia Story)

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f886a0 No.18043

File: 879d9b4f922e805⋯.png (413.82 KB,822x537,274:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378105 (192326ZFEB23) Notable: PM Netanyahu meets with Boeing CEO Ted Colbert

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PM Netanyahu meets with Boeing CEO Ted Colbert

The two discussed the future of the global aerospace industry, as well as the main points of development and innovation in the future.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with the President and CEO of Boeing Defense, Space and Security, Ted Colbert, on Sunday, along with Boeing Israel President Maj.-Gen. Ido Nehushtan.

In a meeting held at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, they discussed Boeing's existing and developing cooperation with Israeli industry, as well as future security deals with the State of Israel.

They also discussed the future of the global aerospace industry, as well as the main points of development and innovation in the future, both long-term and short-term.

Also participating in the meeting were the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff Tzachi Braverman, National Security Council Director Tzachi Hanegbi, and the Prime Minister's Military Secretary Maj.-Gen. Avi Gil.

The President of Business Development at Boeing Defense, Space and Security Global Services Heidi Grant and Boeing Israel Defense Systems Vice President Avi Barber were also all present.

Cooperation between Boeing and Israel

In July 2022, Boeing and Israel signed a deal to cooperate on a wider basis to ensure security from cyberattacks within the aircraft industry.

Viewed as the third-largest defense exporter in the world and the largest in the US, Boeing has clients in more than 150 countries relating to helicopters, aircraft and space technology.


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f886a0 No.18044

File: 82de824d14eff68⋯.jpg (1.08 MB,1600x2560,5:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378129 (192330ZFEB23) Notable: Local Farmer Sounds the Alarm: Why Did East Palestine Launch ‘MyID’ Emergency Service to Surveil Biometrics 1 Week Before Ohio Train Derailment?

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Local Farmer Sounds the Alarm: Why Did East Palestine Launch ‘MyID’ Emergency Service to Surveil Biometrics 1 Week Before Ohio Train Derailment?


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f886a0 No.18045

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378172 (192352ZFEB23) Notable: #22529

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f886a0 No.18046

File: 3ff9400d7b1a6eb⋯.jpeg (97.15 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378182 (192353ZFEB23) Notable: US draws ‘red line’ for China

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19 Feb, 2023 21:26

US draws ‘red line’ for China(too late assho)

Beijing providing Moscow with “lethal” aid would cross it, top American officials warned

Any nation providing lethal support to Moscow in its ongoing conflict with Kiev would cross Washington’s "red line," the US envoy to the UN, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told CNN on Sunday. Earlier the same day, US State Secretary Antony Blinken directly warned a top Chinese diplomat, Wang Yi, against considering such an option.

“We … have to be clear that if there are any thoughts and efforts by the Chinese and others to provide lethal support to the Russians in their brutal attack against Ukraine, that that is unacceptable,” Thomas-Greenfield told CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ adding that it “would be a red line.”

Her words came as Blinken was meeting Wang Yi on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference in Germany. There, the US diplomat told his Chinese counterpart that the US was “very concerned that China’s considering providing lethal support to Russia,” Blinken told NBC’s Chuck Todd in the wake of the meeting.

“I made clear that that would have serious consequences in our relationship,” the state secretary added. He also claimed that the US was aware of Beijing providing Moscow wit nonlethal assistance “over these past months,”adding that this aid allegedly goes “directly to aiding and abetting Russia's war effort.”

Blinken also said that Washington got some information that “indicates” China was “strongly considering providing lethal assistance to Russia” too. He did not provide any details on the nature of the information the US had obtained or the exact type of aid for Russia that China was supposedly considering. Instead, he said that some more details would be revealed in the future.

The state secretary also said that Beijing had “not crossed that line yet.”

On Sunday, the Chinese Foreign Ministry also issued a statement on the meeting between Blinken and Wang Yi. There, China called on the US to work toward a political settlement of the conflict in Ukraine instead of “fanning the flames” of this military standoff between Moscow and Kiev and “profiteering from the situation.”

China itself is “committed to promoting peace talks,” the statement said, adding that a strategic partnership between Moscow and Beijing is a “sovereign right of … two independent states.” China would “not accept the US finger-pointing or even coercion targeting China-Russia relations,” the ministry warned.

(Blinken should change his name to Blanken, everyone in the world knows China owns Bidan Admin. Blanken is a paper tiger! Our government is so pathetic, trying to cover Bidan’s ass since his stole and sold 100’s of classified reports. Even leftists don’t believe this anymore.)


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f886a0 No.18047

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378195 (192356ZFEB23) Notable: Live with Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton!

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Live with Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton!


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f886a0 No.18048

File: 99656c13f3d04d8⋯.png (32.25 KB,464x391,464:391,Clipboard.png)

File: 89062ec3f7beca2⋯.png (11.22 KB,478x189,478:189,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378224 (200006ZFEB23) Notable: North Korea has launched a ballistic missile, just days after test-firing an ICBM

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BNO News Live


North Korea has launched a ballistic missile, just days after test-firing an ICBM


Faytuks News Δ


BREAKING: North Korea fires ballistic missile - Yonhap

Faytuks News Δ




Replying to


Japan's Ministry of Defence: "A possible ballistic missile was launched from North Korea. We will let you know as soon as we have further news"

Quote Tweet








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f886a0 No.18049

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378231 (200007ZFEB23) Notable: The Ohio Chemical Spill - It's Worse Than They're Telling

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The Ohio Chemical Spill - It's Worse Than They're Telling


12 min


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f886a0 No.18050

File: 35115c379a13100⋯.jpg (139.54 KB,720x1151,720:1151,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0fbb222a620ee15⋯.mp4 (697.28 KB,720x848,45:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378246 (200010ZFEB23) Notable: New video of the earth's crust breaking in Turkey after the earthquakes.

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New video of the earth's crust breaking in Hatay Province, Turkey after the earthquakes.


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f886a0 No.18051

File: 86835c1bfd4d2f9⋯.png (21.67 KB,466x264,233:132,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378251 (200011ZFEB23) Notable: A possible ballistic missile was launched from North Korea - from the Japanese

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Translated from Japanese by

A possible ballistic missile was launched from North Korea.

We will let you know as soon as we have further news.

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f886a0 No.18052

File: ab34993d51ab9fa⋯.jpg (106.63 KB,720x677,720:677,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378282 (200016ZFEB23) Notable: Stacey Abrams in Trouble After Half a Million Goes Missing from Charity

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REPORT: Stacey Abrams in Trouble After Half a Million Goes Missing from Charity


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f886a0 No.18053

File: 0b81249317c0f23⋯.png (192.59 KB,809x957,809:957,Clipboard.png)

File: 02630b8bac6bc54⋯.png (264.3 KB,857x538,857:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378341 (200030ZFEB23) Notable: Stacey Abrams in Trouble After Half a Million Goes Missing from Charity

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Election Wizard

Stacey Abrams in Trouble After Half a Million Goes Missing from Charity



According to a not-so-shocking report in the Washington Free Beacon, twice-failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams could be in major trouble for unreported income. The basis for that claim is that tax documents filed by the New Georgia Project, a charity linked to her, show half a million dollars is missing. That massive financial discrepancy could, the Washington Free Beacon reports, lead to both state and federal elections into the Abrams-linked group.

The report notes that the charity claims to have paid more than half a million dollars in consulting fees to another woke non-profit, the Black Male Initiative. The Black Male Initiative, however, claims to have never received that payment. So $533,846 is missing. In its words:

The New Georgia Project filed its 2021 Form 990 financial disclosure in January, two months after the form was due to the IRS, and three months after the charity’s board chairman fired CEO Nse Ufot, Abrams’s hand-picked leader for the group. In the disclosure, the New Georgia Project reports a $533,846 consulting payment and a $67,500 grant to the Black Male Initiative, an obscure charity run in part by Ufot’s brother, Edima, a former New Georgia Project employee.

But the Black Male Initiative says it never received any such consulting payment. The group provided the Washington Free Beacon with its IRS financial disclosures, which show it collected $0 in consulting income and just $255,000 in contributions from all sources in 2021.

Non-profit attorney Alan Dye, commenting on the matter to the Washington Free Beacon, said “This is something that the Internal Revenue Service should be interested in particularly with the added element of the former officer possibly pocketing the money.” He then added “Something’s rotten in the state of Denmark.”

Further, the missing half million is just the beginning of the financial discrepancies allegedly revealed by the recently filed tax forms, as the Washington Free Beacon also reported, saying:

The missing $533,000 is not the only discrepancy on the New Georgia Project’s tax forms, which contains information that accountants say is “just not possible.” The group’s 2020 financial disclosure, for example, states that the New Georgia Project paid zero dollars in payroll taxes that year.

“I have no idea how a charity can have 173 paid employees and pay no payroll taxes. It’s just not possible,” said Dye. “I can’t answer that question. There should be no excuse for that.”

There is also massive fluctuation in the annual compensation figures. The charity claimed on its 2021 Form 990 that it paid out $5,671,892 in total compensation that year for 105 employees, and that it paid $19,142,227 on salaries the previous year. But forms filed in 2020 say the group paid just $1,914,227 on salaries for 173 employees, a discrepancy of more than $17 million. It is unclear which form, if any, gives the accurate compensation figure for 2020. If the $1.9 million figure is accurate for 2020, that would mean pay skyrocketed even as the number of staffers fell in 2021.

And those aren’t the only problems. That missing half million and those payroll issues are just the latest in a string of scandals and problems for the New Georgia Project.

Earlier in November, for example, the Washington Free Beacon reported that the non-profit was wracked by turmoil. According to that November report, senior staff of the non-profit accused the leadership of it of serious financial misconduct.

Further, the Georgia state ethics commission is going after the New Georgia Project because it allegedly worked with Stacey Abrams in her 2018 gubernatorial campaign. If true, that would mean that it was unlawfully working to get her elected, which a non-profit can’t do (501(c)(3) organizations can only support generic political causes, not specific laws or candidates).

So, both Abrams and her charity are in for a potential world of hurt as investigators pry into what was going on in 2018 and potentially look into whether the allegations of financial misconduct are true and where the missing $533,846 went.

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f886a0 No.18054

File: 8685819585232e8⋯.png (544.36 KB,800x450,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378345 (200031ZFEB23) Notable: 18-inch pipe bomb discovered near train tracks behind Philadelphia church

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BREAKING: 18-inch pipe bomb discovered near train tracks behind Philadelphia church

Joshua YoungFeb 19, 2023

"An 18-inch pipe bomb was found Sunday behind St. Dominic's Catholic Church, on Frankford Avenue, in Philadelphia's Holmesburg section."

A pipe bomb was reportedly found near a church in Holmesburg, a neighborhood in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

According to local Fox News, "an 18-inch pipe bomb was found Sunday behind St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, on Frankford Avenue, in Philadelphia's Holmesburg section." The device was discovered near Conrail train tracks behind the church.

The Philadelphia Police Bomb Squad arrived and removed the device.

Local CBS news reports that it was a PVC pipe bomb, capped on both ends.

This story is breaking and will be updated."


(HERE is a picture of a church, and some train tracks, which may, or may NOT be the church and tracks cited in the article)


NOW, Let's put out THINKING CAPS on (they can also fit OVER, or UNDER youf TIN-FOIL HATS).



The pipe-bomb was said to be 18 inches long.


It was also reported to be made of POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC)

THAT DOES NOT MEAN "MANY" ("POLY") VINYL CHLORIDE (which was one of the major reported toxic chemicals from the initial incident and the ensuing fire).

I may not be able to prevent RETARDEDNESS, but I CAN POINT IT OUT FOR THE REST TO SEE.

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f886a0 No.18055

File: a120583d03bbd68⋯.png (440.88 KB,1746x877,1746:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 7a9f67c74237bc2⋯.png (387.76 KB,1522x877,1522:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378348 (200031ZFEB23) Notable: link to RR lines in PA

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link to RR lines in PA

can someone familiar with the area look and see if the bomb behind church was a freight or Amtrac?


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f886a0 No.18056

File: 1ab789655ba810d⋯.png (273.31 KB,849x430,849:430,Clipboard.png)

File: 76071447f74d10e⋯.png (730.18 KB,1136x568,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 5a71c837f6248dc⋯.png (193.74 KB,538x269,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: d3367f891ec886a⋯.png (194.45 KB,538x269,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a20d07ffeea2f0⋯.png (652.02 KB,785x691,785:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378361 (200035ZFEB23) Notable: 18-inch pipe bomb discovered near train tracks behind Philadelphia church

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>18-inch pipe bomb discovered near train tracks behind Philadelphia church



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f886a0 No.18057

File: 28040fc92b520b3⋯.jpg (117.94 KB,720x473,720:473,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378391 (200043ZFEB23) Notable: Callesto: Lemon BOOTED from CNN's Monday am breakfast show

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>BREAKING REPORT: Don Lemon BOOTED from CNN's Monday breakfast show after Nikki Haley remarks..


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f886a0 No.18058

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378398 (200044ZFEB23) Notable: 18-inch pipe bomb discovered near train tracks behind Philadelphia church

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Nice work anon!

How about the tracks?

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f886a0 No.18059

File: e5c2e7475446456⋯.jpeg (99.31 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378413 (200046ZFEB23) Notable: US responds to Nord Stream sabotage allegations

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19 Feb, 2023 19:15

US responds to Nord Stream sabotage allegations

Pentagon spokesman John Kirby denied any involvement in the explosions following Seymour Hersh’s report

The United States was not involved in the sabotage that severely damaged the Nord Stream pipelines last year, John Kirby of Washington’s National Security Council told Fox News on Sunday.

“It’s a completely false story,” he said, referring to a February report by Pulitzer Award-winning journalist Seymour Hersh, which alleged that the White House was behind the September 26 attack on the infrastructure that transported natural gas from Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea.

“There is no truth to it, Shannon,” he told Fox News host Shannon Bream. “Not a shred of it. It is not true. The United States – no proxies of the United States – had anything to do with it. Nothing.”

In a February 8 report, Hersh cited an anonymous source with knowledge of the situation who told him that the US had acted in conjunction with Norway to sabotage the pipelines. The move, Hersh alleged, was designed to compel Germany to provide Ukraine with military and financial support throughout its conflict with Russia.

"It's a completely false story. There is no truth to it, Shannon. Not a shred of it. It is not true." – NSC spokesperson John Kirby unequivocally denies a Seymour Hersh story alleging US involvement in blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline pic.twitter.com/fgD2vSyZKd

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) February 19, 2023

Hersh also wrote that explosive devices had been placed under the Russian gas pipelines by US Navy Seals, with the support of Norwegian operatives, in June 2022 under the guise of military drill

He added that the decision to do so was made by President Joe Biden after nine months of discussions with US national security officials. In early February 2022, Biden vowed to “bring an end” to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline if Russia was to initiate a conflict with Ukraine.

Kirby’s denial of Hersh’s allegations comes days after Beijing raised questions as to Washington’s possible role in the pipeline explosions.

“Why has the US changed its high tone of demanding an inquiry into the Nord Stream explosion but become silent after US journalist Seymour Hersh’s revelation?” Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin asked on Friday.

On Thursday, the State Duma, Russia’s lower house of parliament, voted to appeal to the UN Security Council to open an investigation into the sabotage. Moscow has also requested a meeting of the Security Council on February 22 to discuss the pipeline attacks.

(The US Gov should have looked up Rupar definition, as in Aaron Rupar on urban dictionary be using this mouthpiece


To lie with impunity; a brazen statement with a focus on misleading, usually with intention of a predetermined outcome. The presidential candidate rupar'd before stealing the election. Now the few citizens that actually favored him suffer extreme voter-remorse)

by Paytr10t March 21, 2021


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f886a0 No.18060

File: 256665c8d8db3d8⋯.jpeg (133.72 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378431 (200050ZFEB23) Notable: Mexico cutting foreigners off from its ‘white gold’

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19 Feb, 2023 15:18

Mexico cutting foreigners off from its ‘white gold’

The government is planning to nationalize deposits of lithium, which is vital for the production of electric vehicle batteries

Foreign companies are set to be excluded from lithium mining in Mexico after President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador issued orders for nationalization of the country’s deposits to be expedited.

The transfer of lithium reserves to Mexico’s energy ministry was ordered last April with the signing of a document during an event in Bacadehuachi in the state of Sonora, which also designated 2,500 square kilometers in the region as a national lithium mining zone.

The district, which borders the US, is home to the country’s largest lithium deposits and was chosen by the president as the location for the launch of an ambitious program called Plan Sonora. This outlined a strategy to exploit the mineral, which is used in the manufacture of smartphones, car batteries, and other rechargeable electronics.

Last April, the Mexican authorities approved a bill to nationalize lithium mining and extraction, granting exclusive rights to a state-run company that had yet to be created. At the time, President Obrador pledged to review contracts with foreign companies that were exploring potential lithium deposits in the country. The state-run firm called Litio para Mexico, or Lithium for Mexico, was founded in April.

The latest decree orders Mexico’s energy ministry “to take the actions necessary to carry out” the nationalization process.

“[Let’s make] the nation be the owner of this strategic mineral,” Obrador said, as quoted by Reuters. “What we are doing now… is to nationalize lithium so that it cannot be exploited by foreigners from Russia, China or the US.”

The Mexican government has no experience in mining lithium or commercial production of the metal. Instead, a large number of foreign corporations had participated in the exploration of the deposits.

Chinese mining company Ganfeng has been developing Mexico’s largest lithium projectat a clay deposit in Sonora, holding the rights to as much as three-quarters of the lithium extracted at Sonora Lithium.

Last week, the chief executive of the state-run company for lithium production, Pablo Taddei, told Reuters that Mexico was open to partnerships but that the federal government would have a majority stake in any future joint venture.


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f886a0 No.18061

File: 269b5f33bbcf10e⋯.png (496.12 KB,660x613,660:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378454 (200055ZFEB23) Notable: Trump slams Don Lemon as 'dumbest man on television' over debate question

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Trump slams Don Lemon as 'dumbest man on television' over debate question

Sara M Moniuszko


July 31, 2019

"What do you say to those Trump voters who prioritize the economy over the president's bigotry?" Lemon asked Sen. Amy Klobuchar.

Trump took to Twitter Wednesday to comment on the question.

"CNN’s Don Lemon, the dumbest man on television, insinuated last night while asking a debate 'question' that I was a racist, when in fact I am 'the least racist person in the world.' Perhaps someone should explain to Don that he is supposed to be neutral, unbiased & fair,…..," Trump tweeted.


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f886a0 No.18062

File: 47ed2936e9ef5b6⋯.jpg (117.2 KB,600x900,2:3,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 99039678b7b453d⋯.jpg (230.09 KB,454x789,454:789,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b753a60d465ae54⋯.jpg (159.37 KB,436x586,218:293,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 67bb457e60f8deb⋯.jpg (201.04 KB,497x693,71:99,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 76278fea80e6bf7⋯.jpg (195.97 KB,481x664,481:664,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378479 (200100ZFEB23) Notable: Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin

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Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f886a0 No.18063

File: 424179c4ef5d7c2⋯.jpg (169.51 KB,430x630,43:63,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b5531d26cfc6a30⋯.jpg (228 KB,471x769,471:769,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 903d63101893e71⋯.jpg (125.99 KB,423x519,141:173,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1d5ae1e11492576⋯.jpg (141.61 KB,416x592,26:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a0515588b3bb752⋯.jpg (152.28 KB,465x598,465:598,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378484 (200101ZFEB23) Notable: Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin

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Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f886a0 No.18064

File: d5febd9176c8f2e⋯.jpg (189.6 KB,482x603,482:603,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ebb05cc28818df0⋯.jpg (168.27 KB,466x550,233:275,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6899d386c4fabfc⋯.jpg (151.16 KB,459x498,153:166,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6c3260726a96f00⋯.jpg (218.82 KB,478x706,239:353,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5da82fccf3b66a0⋯.jpg (132.98 KB,404x521,404:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378486 (200101ZFEB23) Notable: Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin

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Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f886a0 No.18065

File: 21b06d42050d726⋯.jpg (128.68 KB,443x562,443:562,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6c943542c14996c⋯.jpg (173.82 KB,442x604,221:302,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 63f29568b948821⋯.jpg (146.67 KB,457x579,457:579,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 42c6ffd552741a7⋯.jpg (146.37 KB,455x537,455:537,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f24f03c69c57d0a⋯.jpg (152.7 KB,428x596,107:149,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378490 (200102ZFEB23) Notable: Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin

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Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f886a0 No.18066

File: 4f233b0a06949d8⋯.jpg (200.67 KB,497x693,71:99,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f0829057abdef04⋯.jpg (176.18 KB,447x586,447:586,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6845d8006cf298c⋯.jpg (209.82 KB,440x737,40:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378495 (200103ZFEB23) Notable: Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin

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Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

f886a0 No.18067

File: a9888d942f3094f⋯.pdf (1.79 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378505 (200106ZFEB23) Notable: Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin

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Groundhog Day: 23 Obama and Clinton Officials working In the Biden Admin

Sauce: Senator Mike Braun Report: “Joe Biden’s Groundhog Day: How the Swamp Keeps Coming Back, Again and Again,”



*Victoria Nuland, Samantha Power, John Podesta not in the report, added to the list by anon

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f886a0 No.18068

File: 07c4cd078245e08⋯.png (1.19 MB,1200x720,5:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18378550 (200117ZFEB23) Notable: Oliver Alexander says he's blowing holes in Sy Hersh's "Pipe Dream" DIG CALL

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OSINT & Analysis by Oliver Alexander

Blowing Holes in Seymour Hersh's Pipe Dream

On the surface Seymour Hersh's story looks passable, but as you dig deeper it has more holes than the Nord Stream pipeline.

Oliver Alexander

Feb 10

"As Hersh’s article begins to move into the detailed account of the supposed operation, this is where the factually incorrect statements that can be crosschecked begin to appear."

"Since I posted my original article, I had a short email correspondence with Seymour Hersh, unfortunately he stopped replying once I asked him about several of the above mentioned inconsistencies and factual inaccuracies."


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f886a0 No.18069

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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