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Anon Curated Notables 2022 Edition

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5334b6 No.11324 [View All]

23AUG22 to 25AUG22


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 771 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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85f941 No.84927

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442110 (252157ZAUG22) Notable: 7+ Reasons Why Republicans Should Send Fauci to Jail

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Seven Reasons (and Counting) Why Republicans Should Send Fauci to Jail

Kevin Downey Jr.

Am I the only one smelling fear emanating from the quivering body of Dr. Anthony “I AM science” Fauci?

Fauci, the highest-paid reptile in the federal government, has suddenly announced he will resign his positions as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and Joe Biden’s COVID-19 task force (note: he’s not planning to retire). Why would the attention-starved Napoleon of the American medical community bail on that tasty paycheck in December? Maybe becauseil Duce of medicine doesn’t want the Mussolini treatment once the Democrats get taken to the woodshed in November and thus won’t be around to protect his lying ass.

Neil Cavuto recently asked Fauci if he is making his “exit, stage left” move to avoid the pitchforks of the angry townspeople.

“I have nothing to hide, and I can defend everything I’ve done and every decision I’ve made,” he told Cavuto.

Really? Let’s look at some of those decisions, Tony.

1. This one was a gas. In January 2020, Fauci claimed the China virus was “not a major threat,” yet over a million Americans would die of the Hong Kong Fluey.

2. On March 9, 2020, Fauci said cruises were safe for healthy people, but 12 days later, 30 ships were stranded in the ocean because no ports would allow them in.

3. Weeks later, in March 2020, Fauci was touting a now-debunked COVID-19 modelfrom England that predicted 2.2 million American deaths from the Bat Stew Flu, and he recommended a total lockdown of the U.S.

4. In April 2020, Fauci went all-in on “contact tracing,” which works well on sexually transmitted diseases but does little for an airborne virus. Commie leaders like disgraced New York Gov. Andy “Handy” Cuomo jumped on board the privacy-trouncing idea.

5. The attempted suicide rate of young girls 12-17 jumped 51% thanks to Fauci’s lockdown codswallop.

6. Fauci wanted to close schools, even though the survival rate of kids with the Hong Kong Fluey was almost zero. Maybe Fauci should extend an apology to the families of the young girls who killed themselves because of his response to the pandemic.

7. In October 2021, despite Fauci’s repeated, sometimes nasty, denials, we learned that U.S. taxpayer money did go to “gain of function” research on viruses like COVID.

That last one should send Fauci to Leavenworth forever, yet my Magic 8-ball says, “don’t count on it.”

The big question is this: how badly does the highest paid buzzard in the federal government have to eff up before he gets fired, if not punished?

Personally, I’m not sure this country can heal if we let America’s pint-size Dr. Mengele skate. Too many have lost too much. I believe this country needs two scoops of retributive justice; otherwise, the vaccine-industrial complex will just lock us down and try to inject us with bogus “vaccines” every time it wants a payday.

I’m not alone....


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85f941 No.84928

File: 99b7fd4d3cd014d⋯.pdf (293.89 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442125 (252201ZAUG22) Notable: Excerpt from article on Iran: if bidan negates this EO, he has effectively negated all leaders in the US and world that colluded with Iran including Barry

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>>84840, >>84841, >>84842 Iran nuclear deal being pushed by Biden weaker than original version under Obama

Excerpt from article on Iran:

Most notably, the U.S. is expected to abrogate multiple Trump-era executive orders, which will lift sanctions on dozens of individuals and entities without congressional review, according to people familiar with the matter. Most notably, the Biden administrationwould likely end Executive Order 13876, which imposed sanctions on the Iranian supreme leader's office and a host of Iranian officials accused of terrorism and human rights abuses. These sanctions were unrelated to Iran's nuclear program.

Comment: if bidan negates this EO, he has effectively negated all leaders in the US and world that colluded with Iran including Barry, this a huge EO and covers many areas

Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States: 2017 ‐ 2021

Executive Order 13876—Imposing Sanctions With Respect to Iran June 24, 2019

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.), section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (8 U.S.C. 1182(f)), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, Donald J. Trump, President of the United States of America, in order to take additional steps with respect to the national emergency declared in Executive Order 12957 of March 15, 1995, in light of the actions of the Government of Iran and Iranian-backed proxies, particularly those taken to destabilize the Middle East, promote international terrorism, and advance Iran's ballistic missile program, and Iran's irresponsible and provocative actions in and over international waters, including the targeting of United States military assets and civilian vessels, hereby order:

Section 1. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:

(i) the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Iranian Supreme Leader's Office (SLO); or

(ii) any person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State:

(A) to be a person appointed by the Supreme Leader of Iran or the SLO to a position as a state official of Iran, or as the head of any entity located in Iran or any entity located outside of Iran that is owned or controlled by one or more entities in Iran;

(B) to be a person appointed to a position as a state official of Iran, or as the head of any entity located in Iran or any entity located outside of Iran that is owned or controlled by one or more entities in Iran, by any person appointed by the Supreme Leader of Iran or the SLO;

(C) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section;

(D)to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section; or

(E) to be a member of the board of directors or a senior executive officer of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this section.

(b) The prohibitions in subsection (a) of this section apply except to the extent provided by statutes, or in regulations, orders, directives, or licenses that may be issued pursuant to this order, and notwithstanding any contract entered into or any license or permit granted before the date of this order.

Sec. 2. (a) The Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, is hereby authorized to impose on a foreign financial institution the sanctions described in subsection (b) of this section upon determining that the foreign financial institution has knowingly conducted or facilitated any significant financial transaction for or on behalf of any person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to section 1 of this order...

my concern is how many other EO's will bidan try to negate

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85f941 No.84929

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442156 (252215ZAUG22) Notable: 'Liberal elites' pressured Pfizer to delay COVID vaccine approval in bid to hurt Trump: Nate Silver

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'Liberal elites' pressured Pfizer to delay COVID vaccine approval in bid to hurt Trump: Nate Silver

Silver's comments paint a narrative that aligns with comments from Trump

August 25, 2022 - 6:06pm

Political pollster Nate Silver claimed on Thursday that the nation's "liberal elites" pressured pharmaceutical company Pfizer to slow the approval process for its COVID-19 vaccine and consequentially deny former President Donald Trump a political win ahead of the presidential election in 2020.

“‘Trump pushed for vaccine approvals too fast’ is the worst possible critique of the Trump administration’s COVID policy,” Silver wrote in reaction to a Politico story outlining the former president's push for an expedited approval process for COVID-19 treatments.

"Also, the late 2020 push from liberal public health elites that persuaded Pfizer to *change* its original protocols — and had the convenient side-effect of delaying any vaccine announcement until after the election — deserves more scrutiny," he added in a follow up Tweet.

Also, the late 2020 push from liberal public health elites that persuaded Pfizer to *change* its original protocols — and had the convenient side-effect of delaying any vaccine announcement until after the election — deserves more scrutiny.https://t.co/1v3ueTNqur

— Nate Silver (@NateSilver538) August 24, 2022

Outside of vaccines, theTrump White House reportedly pushed the Food and Drug Administration to approve the use of hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment, according to the New York Post.

Silver's comments paint a narrative that aligns with comments from Trump, who previously blasted the company for deliberately delaying its vaccine to his political detriment, the Post noted.

(If the FDA approved HCQ and Ivermectin there would have been very few people that took the vaccine, imo)


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85f941 No.84930

File: 11b4571de77c9f4⋯.png (39.18 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442161 (252217ZAUG22) Notable: Missouri school district revives paddling to discipline students

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Missouri school district revives paddling to discipline students


A school district in southwest Missouri is bringing back a measure it last resorted to over two decades ago to address disciplinary problems: spanking students.

Classes started Monday for the 1,900 students in Cassville R-IV School District, about an hour west of Branson and some 15 miles from the Arkansas border. During open house, families were notified that the school board had adopted a policy in June allowing “use of physical force as a method of correcting student behavior.” Parents were handed forms to specify whether they authorize the school to use a paddle on their child, the Springfield News-Leader reported.

Formally known as corporal punishment, the disciplinary measure usually involves striking students on the buttocks with a wooden paddle. In Cassville, staff members will employ “reasonable physical force” — without a “chance of bodily injury or harm” — in the presence of a witness, according to the new policy. A teacher or principal must also send a report to the superintendent explaining the reasoning behind the punishment.

What exactly constitutes “reasonable physical force” is unclear. Superintendent Merlyn Johnson declined an interview request from The Washington Post, saying, “At this time we will focus on educating our students.” However, he told the News-Leader that younger students could receive one or two paddle swings, while older students could get up to three. Parents, Johnson said, had thanked the district for approving the practice that has mostly been in decline across the country.

“Parents have said ‘why can’t you paddle my student?’ and we’re like ‘We can’t paddle your student, our policy does not support that,’ ” Johnson told the outlet. “There had been conversation with parents and there had been requests from parents for us to look into it.”

Corporal punishment is not new in American schools. For centuries, students have been whipped or struck by rulers and paddles. In 1867, New Jersey became the first state to ban the practice in public schools, but it was over 100 years before other states followed suit. Even so, a 1977 Supreme Court decision — Ingraham v. Wright — deemed corporal punishment at public schools to be constitutional and left it up to the states to decide what to do.

The punishment is still legal in public schools across 19 states — including Missouri. In almost all states — except for New Jersey and Iowa — it’s also allowed in private schools.

Study of twins links spanking to antisocial behavior

Groups like the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Psychological Association have warned that corporal punishment can spark academic, emotional and behavioral issues. A 2016 Journal of Family Psychology study found that spanking increased the risk of aggression and antisocial behavior.

The United Nations considers corporal punishment to be a human rights violation. The international organization’s Convention on the Rights of the Child urges countries to ban the practice.

“In any other context, the act of an adult hitting another person with a board … would be considered assault with a weapon and would be punishable under criminal law,” researchers Elizabeth T. Gershoff and Sarah A. Font wrote of corporal punishment in a 2016 study.

The Government Accountability Office says the number of American students subjected to corporal punishment is “significantly understated.” The Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, which compiles data on the practice, last reported figures from the 2017-2018 school year. That data shows that more than 69,000 were struck at school nationwide. Mississippi had the highest rate, with more than 20,000 students, according to the office, followed by Texas with almost 14,000 and Alabama with over 9,000. In Missouri, nearly 2,500 got the punishment.


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85f941 No.84931

File: c40fd0bfc75ba6d⋯.png (323.47 KB,1080x965,216:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442163 (252218ZAUG22) Notable: US Crop Tour Stokes Fears of Looming Corn Shortage, stay tuned #cornwatch

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More die of starvation under communism than execution.

US Crop Tour Stokes Fears of Looming Corn Shortage

Yield outlooks trail 2021 averages as drought shrinks plants

Futures in Chicago head for longest rally since May 2021



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85f941 No.84932

File: a696f0e303aae04⋯.png (249.92 KB,595x656,595:656,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442166 (252220ZAUG22) Notable: D.C. @MayorBowser: unvaccinated students will not be allowed in school, nor will there be virtual learning. They will be denied an education

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Douglas Blair


BREAKING: According to D.C. @MayorBowser

, unvaccinated students will not be allowed in school, nor will there be virtual learning. They will be denied an education.


DC Mayor Says No Virtual Learning, Giving Unvaccinated Black Teens Zero Alternative Options

D.C. schools can’t have unvaccinated students, but there are no remote options either. What are unvaccinated students supposed to do?

4:22 PM · Aug 25, 2022·Twitter Web App

good I say.... get them away from the PEDOS !!!!!!!

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85f941 No.84933

File: d7fba1d5c97a971⋯.png (181.49 KB,473x540,473:540,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442168 (252223ZAUG22) Notable: US Crop Tour Stokes Fears of Looming Corn Shortage, stay tuned #cornwatch

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I have been in the Agriculture business all my adult life. Was at a meeting last night with some producers, they were all talking about how short the harvest is going to be this year. Not just here, but all over the country, because of the weather.

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85f941 No.84934

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442173 (252224ZAUG22) Notable: How the Elite Are Trained to Be the Ruling Class in Secret & Are Never Named: Gore Vidal (2000)

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How the Elite Are Trained to Be the Ruling Class in Secret & Are Never Named: Gore Vidal (2000)


The Memory Hole - Interesting channel:


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85f941 No.84935

File: 8f6d5982087892e⋯.png (273.37 KB,600x609,200:203,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442179 (252226ZAUG22) Notable: can we dig on democrats who received PPP loan forgiveness of the commies?

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The White House


Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven.

Quote Tweet



· Aug 24

Greene: For our government just to say ok your debt is completely forgiven.. it’s completely unfair

5:33 PM · Aug 25, 2022·Twitter Web App

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85f941 No.84936

File: f256e31873ba90e⋯.png (107.8 KB,686x881,686:881,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442180 (252226ZAUG22) Notable: Former Maryland Heights police officer sentenced to 4 years in prison on child pornography charge

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Former Maryland Heights police officer sentenced to 4 years in prison on child pornography charge


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85f941 No.84937

File: 68f40960a099caf⋯.jpg (134.98 KB,957x729,319:243,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b9090b501ab5c60⋯.png (115.25 KB,236x274,118:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 8d170a4c221d47a⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB,360x638,180:319,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e41f6042cbfbb08⋯.mp4 (2.93 MB,448x848,28:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442181 (252227ZAUG22) Notable: US Crop Tour Stokes Fears of Looming Corn Shortage, stay tuned #cornwatch

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weather manipulation is nothing new but in the U.S. it is a conspiracy theory.

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85f941 No.84938

File: 7123363a9c4f5aa⋯.png (160.53 KB,606x863,606:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442183 (252227ZAUG22) Notable: can we dig on democrats who received PPP loan forgiveness of the commies?

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See new Tweets


The White House




Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven.

Quote Tweet



· Aug 24

Greene: For our government just to say ok your debt is completely forgiven.. it’s completely unfair

The White House




Congressman Vern Buchanan had over $2.3 million in PPP loans forgiven.

Quote Tweet

Rep. Vern Buchanan


· Aug 24

As a blue-collar kid who worked his way through college, I know firsthand the sacrifices people make to receive an education.

Biden’s reckless, unilateral student loan giveaway is unfair to the 87 percent of Americans without student loan debt and those who played by the rules.


0:10 / 1:17

The White House




Congressman Markwayne Mullin had over $1.4 million in PPP loans forgiven.

Quote Tweet

Markwayne Mullin


· Aug 24

We do not need farmers and ranchers, small business owners, and teachers in Oklahoma paying the debts of Ivy League lawyers and doctors across the U.S.

This places undue burden on those already suffering due to the weight of Biden’s failed economic policy. twitter.com/POTUS/status/1…

The White House




Congressman Kevin Hern had over $1 million in PPP loans forgiven.

Quote Tweet

Rep. Kevin Hern


· Aug 24

To recap, in the last two weeks, the "Party of the People" has supercharged the IRS to go after working-class Americans, raised their taxes, and forced them to pay for other people's college degrees.

The White House




Congressman Mike Kelly had $987,237 in PPP loans forgiven.

Quote Tweet

Rep. Mike Kelly


· Aug 24

Asking plumbers and carpenters to pay off the loans of Wall Street advisors and lawyers isn’t just unfair. It’s also bad policy.


The White House


Congressman Matt Gaetz had $482,321 in PPP loans forgiven.

Quote Tweet

Rep. Matt Gaetz


· Aug 24

Everyone knows that in a $60 Billion+ European land war, it's always the last $3 Billion that kicks in the door... twitter.com/FoxNews/status…

5:33 PM · Aug 25, 2022·Twitter Web App

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85f941 No.84939

File: 5bd374b5831ec21⋯.png (525.33 KB,591x686,591:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442188 (252229ZAUG22) Notable: US Crop Tour Stokes Fears of Looming Corn Shortage, stay tuned #cornwatch

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I told u I’d check in a wk to see if the corn is in the denting stage. It’s not yet it’s still in the dough stage getting close to the dent stage So stay tuned #cornwatch

6:18 PM · Aug 25, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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85f941 No.84940

File: 050f56d374da17e⋯.jpg (144.24 KB,864x486,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1d64a8a2de51dee⋯.jpg (84.22 KB,676x299,52:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442191 (252231ZAUG22) Notable: Megyn Kelly SLAMS Dr. Fauci and Reveals the Truth About His Lies: "GOOD RIDDANCE!"

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85f941 No.84941

File: 5761c420296f54d⋯.png (123.57 KB,655x514,655:514,Clipboard.png)

File: 80a757fd310aa38⋯.png (478.71 KB,546x531,182:177,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442194 (252231ZAUG22) Notable: Judge orders DOJ release redacted Mar-a-Lago raid search affidavit TOMORROW

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Breaking News: Judge orders DOJ release

redacted Mar-a-Lago raid search affidavit

TOMORROW as it's revealed the 'National

Archives was willing to let Trump send

his Kim Jong Un letters back through FedEx

Daily Mail (UK), by Elizabeth Elkind

Original Article

Posted By: Imright, 8/25/2022 4:50:47 PM

Americans are one step closer on Thursday to knowing more about what led to the FBI raid on Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago property. US Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart instructed the Department of Justice (DOJ) to file the affidavit - which federal agents used to obtain a warrant for a search of the ex-president's home - publicly by noon on Friday. He agreed with federal prosecutors' arguments for keeping parts of it redacted, according to CNN.

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85f941 No.84942

File: b6f5e7173fbbd4c⋯.png (908.05 KB,890x1280,89:128,Clipboard.png)

File: d788eda9232b883⋯.mp4 (2.52 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442195 (252232ZAUG22) Notable: can we dig on democrats who received PPP loan forgiveness of the commies?

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Wow just wow ClowN WorLD regime

Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene had $183,504 in PPP loans forgiven.



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85f941 No.84943

File: dc3f7a88083ce8f⋯.gif (1022.06 KB,498x366,83:61,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442200 (252233ZAUG22) Notable: Missouri school district revives paddling to discipline students

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85f941 No.84944

File: 6452bedd92eedaa⋯.png (97.61 KB,1256x601,1256:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442204 (252233ZAUG22) Notable: Newsom wants to 'make DeSantis a one-term Governor' pledges $100,000 to Crist's campaign

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Newsom wants to 'make DeSantis a one-term

Governor' pledges $100,000 to Crist's campaign

Fox News, by Aubrie Spady

Posted By: Garnet, 8/25/2022 1:47:20 PM

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom fired shots at Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis revealing he will give $100,000 to the Republican governor's midterm opponent in an effort to flip the red seat blue in the November election. In a tweet posted by Newsom Thursday, the governor pledged the large donation to Rep. Charlie Crist, D-Fla., who recently won the Florida gubernatorial Democratic primary and advanced to the midterms where he will face DeSantis. Newsom, who is also running for re-election this fall, made his objective with the donation clear. "Time to make Ron DeSantis a one-term governor," Newsom said.

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85f941 No.84945

File: 437e29e32aa82be⋯.png (405.25 KB,826x832,413:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442210 (252235ZAUG22) Notable: Schwathausen's syndrome by proxy?

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BREAKING: Marjorie Taylor Greene Swatted

AGAIN – The Police Report Reveals Something

Really Strange

USA Supreme, by Natalie Washington

Original Article

Posted By: Black Conservative Voice, 8/25/2022 12:45:13 PM

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s home was targeted in a “swatting” call for a second time in two nights, police in Rome, Georgia, confirmed on Thursday. “Officers responded once again to Mrs. Greene’s home and confirmed this was a second false report,” Rome PD said in a statement provided to Rolling Stone. Greene earlier on Thursday announced that she had been swatted again following an initial swatting early Wednesday morning at her home in Rome, Georgia.

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85f941 No.84946

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442213 (252236ZAUG22) Notable: Letter: School shooter fixated with guns, dreamed of killing RE: Nikolas Cruz, FORT LAUDERDALE

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Letter: School shooter fixated with guns, dreamed of killing


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Four years before Nikolas Cruz murdered 17 people at a Florida high school, therapists at another school wrote a letter to his psychiatrist saying he was fixated on guns and dreamed of killing others and being covered in blood, testimony at his penalty trial showed Thursday.

Dr. Brett Negin, testifying for the defense, said he never received it.Negin and another psychiatrist who treated Cruz in the decade leading up to the Feb. 14, 2018, massacre at Parkland’s Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School testified during Thursday’s abbreviated court session about the various medications he was given for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other issues. Both said under cross-examination by prosecutors they never saw anything that would have led them to believe he was capable of mass murder.

But Negin, who treated Cruz from 2012 into August 2017, was then shown by the defense a June 2014 letter written to him by a psychiatrist and therapist at Cross Creek School, a campus attended by students with emotional and behavioral problems.

Dr. Nyrma N. Ortiz and therapist Rona O’Connor Kelly’s two-page letter addressed to Neginsays Cruz, then 15, was experiencing extreme mood swings, adding, “He is usually very irritable and reactive.” They said he is “inappropriately” obsessed with guns and the military, defiant, verbally aggressive toward his teachers, paranoid and places the blame on others for the problems he creates.

“At home, he continues to be aggressive and destructive with minimal provocation,” the two wrote. He destroyed a television after losing a video game, punched holes in walls and used sharp objects to cut up the furniture and carve holes in the bathroom. He had a hatchet that he used to chop a dead tree in the back yard, but his mother reported she could no longer find it.

Cruz shared at school “he dreams of killing others and is covered in blood.”

The two said he had been assessed for hospitalization, but that never happened. They said they were writing Negin so he could adjust Cruz’s medication.

Negin testified Thursday he never received the letter and no one followed up with him when he didn’t respond. He said Cross Creek’s typical procedure if the staff was having problems with one of his patients was to have a counselor come to his office with the student and parents to discuss the issue.

“This did not happen one time with Mr. Cruz,” Negin said.

Negin also testified that in 2013 he wrote a letter for Cruz’s mother supporting his voluntary hospitalization. That also never happened. Office and home numbers for Ortiz were disconnected. O’Connor Kelly did not immediately respond to an email Thursday seeking comment.

The defense is trying to show that Cruz, 23, had a long history of mental health issues that were never fully treated. He pleaded guilty in October to the murders — the trial is only to decide whether he is sentenced to death or life without parole.

The defense is trying to overcome the prosecution’s case, which ended earlier this month. It featured surveillance video of Cruz, then 19, mowing down students and staff with an AR-15-style semiautomatic rifle as he stalked a three-story building for seven minutes, photos of the aftermath and a jury visit to the building.

For Cruz to receive a death sentence, the seven-man, five-woman jury must be unanimous. If one juror votes for life, that will be his sentence.


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85f941 No.84947

File: 2b03132c6cd5a78⋯.jpeg (850.49 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442217 (252237ZAUG22) Notable: Court Strikes Down “Quarantine Camp” Regulation in New York State

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Court Strikes Down “Quarantine Camp” Regulation in New York State


We have had a tremendous victory here in New York: a Supreme Court Judge has struck down Governor Kathy Hochul’s forced quarantine regulation! On July 8, 2022, Judge Ronald Ploetz ruled that the “Isolation and Quarantine Procedures” regulation is unconstitutional and “violative of New York State law as promulgated and enacted, and therefore null, void and unenforceable as a matter of law.”

Shockingly, Governor Hochul and Attorney General, Letitia James, plan to appeal the decision. Yes, that’s right…the Governor and AG, both unabashedly support quarantine camps! One would think that this fact, in and of itself, would be disturbing enough but add to it the fact that they’re both running for election this November, and you can see just how unconstitutionally brazen and wholly out-of-touch with New Yorkers each of these “leaders” is.

For anyone who missed my prior article on this horrific forced quarantine regime, the regulation truly shocks the conscience. Without exaggeration, it’s something out of a dystopian horror movie. It gives the unelected bureaucrats in the Department of Health the power to pick and choose who they want to “detain,” if they believe it’s even possible you might have a communicable disease. They don’t have to prove you’re actually sick.

And when I say “detain,” I mean lock you in your home or force you from your home into a facility. The government chooses which “detention center” and the length of your stay there is purely at the government’s discretion. That’s right: No time limit so it could be for days, months, or years. Furthermore, there is no age restriction so that the government could force you, your child, your grandchild, or your elderly parent into detention.

This illegal quarantine regulation allowed for endless possibilities of abuse because there were no due process protections built in to safeguard against government abuse. Once targeted by the DOH, you would have no recourse whatsoever: No chance to prove that you aren’t actually infected with a disease. No chance to confront your jailers, see their supposed evidence against you or challenge their quarantine order in a court of law before getting locked up. Judge Ploetz stated in his decision that the regulation “merely gives ‘lip service’ to Constitutional due process.”

It gets worse. In the true fashion of a dictatorship, the government could tell you what you could and couldn’t do while in quarantine. For example, bureaucrats and politicians could decide to deprive you of your cell phone or internet access, thereby totally cutting off your communications with the outside world. They might also decide to restrict your food intake or force you to take certain medicines or “treatments” that the government deems appropriate. They could even choose to discriminate against those with certain views or beliefs, creating political prisoners, all in the name of supposed “health and safety.”

Judge Ploetz noted in his decision that, “[i]nvoluntary detention is a severe deprivation of individual liberty, far more egregious than other health safety measures, such as requiring mask-wearing at certain venues. Involuntary quarantine may have far-reaching consequences such as loss of income (or employment) and isolation from family.”

I fully concur and so, when I first read this regulation last year, I knew I had to strike it down. It was clear to me that this “regulation” violated the separation of powers that is so clearly laid out in our Constitution. It violated existing New York State laws that have been on the books for decades. It violated due process protections.

I knew that, if I didn’t strike it down, then “quarantine facilities” could become a new norm in New York State. And if that happened, I knew it would spread like a cancer to other states across the nation. At that point, there’d be no place left to run and hide. This was not a fight only for New Yorkers; it was a fight for all Americans.


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85f941 No.84948

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442218 (252238ZAUG22) Notable: Court Strikes Down “Quarantine Camp” Regulation in New York State

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An inspirational note: When I started this lawsuit, I had no support whatsoever. Because I’ve been handling the case pro bono, nobody else wanted to work with me for free and it was near impossible to find anyone who shared my vision and my strategy for success. You see, this was the very first lawsuit of its kind in the entire nation and, very possibly, in the world. So, it took a tremendous amount of my time, energy, and resources to execute.

The Governor and her co-defendants are represented by New York’s Attorney General, Letitia James. She has hundreds of lawyers working for her, all armed with unlimited resources. After all, it’s our tax dollars they use to pay all those attorneys. It’s truly a David v. Goliath story, especially because, while I once worked in a large, prominent, international Manhattan law firm, for the past 20+ years, I’ve had my own small law office in the suburbs of NYC. Since I’m handling this case pro bono, I don’t have the Attorney General’s team of attorneys or her unlimited resources.

Eventually, I found a few fabulous allies. Namely, my petitioners (Senator George Borrello, Assemblymen Chris Tague, and Mike Lawler) and, eventually, Assemblyman Andrew Goodell, Assembly Minority Leader Will Barclay, and Assemblyman Joseph Giglio who filed an Amicus Brief to support my case. Plus, attorney Tom Marcelle, who is now running for New York State Supreme Court judge.

After months of battling against the AG, last week we won the case! I’ve successfully struck down a severely unconstitutional regulation that the Governor and her Department of Health brazenly issued without any care whatsoever for the rights of the people. Now, I hope that other attorneys in states across the nation can use my lawsuit as a roadmap to help them strike down unconstitutional regulations in their states. Even international attorneys are contacting me to learn the details about how I structured and won this case. I hope it will aid them, too.

During one of my recent interviews, the host posted a picture of President Kennedy with a quote, “One person can make a difference, and everyone should try.” She said that quote reminds her of me. Well, I hope that quote and this story inspire you to try!

Senator Borrello and Assemblymen Tague and Lawler are calling on the Governor to back off an appeal and to let this decision stand. If you’re a New Yorker, you can help with this effort. Call, email, or write to Governor Hochul (518- 474-8390 Twitter: @GovKathyHochul) and the Attorney General (800-771-7755 Twitter: @TishJames) to tell them that the voters do not want an appeal filed; that an appeal would be going against the will of the people; and that it would be a tremendous waste of taxpayer money.

2 of 2

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85f941 No.84949

File: 8549aab69b038cd⋯.png (210.79 KB,614x658,307:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442220 (252238ZAUG22) Notable: Judge orders DOJ release redacted Mar-a-Lago raid search affidavit TOMORROW

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Techno Fog


The court has ordered the affidavit submitted in support of the Trump search warrant to be unsealed - with redactions.

Expect the redactions to be heavy.

It will be released by tomorrow.



3:38 PM · Aug 25, 2022·Twitter Web App

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85f941 No.84950

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442222 (252238ZAUG22) Notable: Unlearning is the highest form of learning. - digits man

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Unlearning is the highest form of learning.

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85f941 No.84951

File: 0454b5bab739365⋯.png (1.02 MB,912x516,76:43,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442225 (252238ZAUG22) Notable: Schwathausen's syndrome by proxy?

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Schwathausen's syndrome by proxy?

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85f941 No.84952

File: d4fb4438467503c⋯.png (296.4 KB,609x764,609:764,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442229 (252239ZAUG22) Notable: New Boosta shots not tested on humans. Just mice.

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Walter Kirn


New shots not tested on humans. Just mice. The tests on humans will begin with you, should you volunteer for them. Or be coerced into cooperating

Welcome to Labworld

Biden Administration Plans for Booster Shot Campaign in September - The New York Times

Assuming the redesigned doses clear regulatory hurdles, officials plan to offer the Pfizer shot to people 12 and older while limiting the Moderna shot to adults.


Biden Administration Plans for New Booster Campaign Soon After Labor Day

A top F.D.A. regulator said there was compelling data for redesigned coronavirus vaccines from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

4:55 PM · Aug 24, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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85f941 No.84953

File: d85a84a6dd91d3b⋯.png (181.43 KB,607x541,607:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442234 (252240ZAUG22) Notable: video chat website of knowingly matching kids with adults STRANGER DANGER

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A website designed to talk to strangers has become a haven for child sex predators, expert says |...

A southwestern Manitoba man’s conviction for abusing an underage girl has spurred a U.S. lawsuit accusing a video chat website of knowingly matching kids with adults on a site that critics say is...

1:23 PM · Aug 25, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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85f941 No.84954

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442237 (252241ZAUG22) Notable: Trump-appointed judge will handle request for 'special master' instead of Reinhart

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August 23, 2022 - 4:59pm

Trump-appointed judge will handle request for 'special master' instead of Reinhart

Cannon has already made one ruling in the case

Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, who approved the initial warrant the FBI used to search Donald Trump's Florida home, will not handle the former president's request to appoint a "special master" in the case.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, will decide the issue. Cannon was confirmed by the Senate in 2020 in a 56-21 vote, according to the Epoch Times. Cannon has already made one ruling in the case, declining to allow filings from two of Trump's attorneys for not following the rules that apply to lawyers not yet certified in the district.

Agents from the FBI's Washington Field Office raided Trump's Mar-a-Lago compound in early August seeking classified documents he may have removed from the White House. Reinhart issued the warrant despite previously recusing himself in a civil case filed by Trump against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and others over the Russia collusion scandal.

Trump, on Monday, filed a motion to appoint a "special master" to independently review the documents the FBI took from his home and to halt the federal government from continuing its own review.

Reinhart, however, could hypothetically return to the case, the Epoch Times noted. One docket entry the outlet cited says that Reinhart “is available to handle any or all proceedings in this case,” which requires the consent of both parties.


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85f941 No.84955

File: 5d96c939ad0bbdd⋯.png (345.47 KB,600x591,200:197,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442244 (252242ZAUG22) Notable: @FoxNews Border Patrol nab hundreds of illegal immigrant adults posing as children

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Fox News


Border Patrol nab hundreds of illegal immigrant adults posing as children


Border Patrol nab hundreds of illegal immigrant adults posing as children

Border Patrol agents in the El Paso Sector have encountered hundreds of migrants attempting to enter the United States illegally this fiscal year so far.

5:53 PM · Aug 24, 2022·SocialFlow

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85f941 No.84956

File: f5e2c228fcf5173⋯.jpeg (223.04 KB,896x1899,896:1899,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442248 (252245ZAUG22) Notable: MP Shocker: Minor gang-raped and killed by cousins; granny who tried to intervene also raped

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MP Shocker: Minor gang-raped and killed by cousins; granny who tried to intervene also raped

Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh): In a horrific incident, a 16-year-old girl was allegedly brutally gang-raped and beaten to death by her two cousins in Jabalpur district. When the victim's grandmother came to her aid, she was also raped by one of the suspects, police said.

One of the suspect also thrashed victim's grandmother and made her the victim of their lust when she tried to intervene.

The minor girl died during treatment at the medical hospital and the matter come to the fore after her post-mortem report and the statements given by her father.

According to ASP Pradeep Kumar Shende, one accused has been arrested while the other one is on run.

The ASP in his statement to the media said that two brothers living in the Ranjhi area brought their uncle's minor daughter from Mumbai to the city on August 13.

They raped and assaulted her, threatening her with dire consequences. On August 19, when the condition of the minor, who was injured in the assault, started deteriorating, she was taken to the district hospital Victoria, from where she was referred to the medical hospital.

On August 20, the minor died during treatment at the medical hospital. The hospital management conducted the postmortem and the girl was buried as per the rituals.

After the creamtion, her father in his statement to the police accused the boys of outraging the modesty of her daughter and murdering her.

The police then ordered re-postmortem and on the basis of the PM report and the statements of the relatives, the police have registered a case against the two brothers under the rape, murder and POSCO Act.

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85f941 No.84957

File: f2751b02566533b⋯.png (560.39 KB,886x727,886:727,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442249 (252244ZAUG22) Notable: Corporations Cut Benefits to New Parents as They Increase Abortion Benefits

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Corporations Cut Benefits to New Parents as They Increase Abortion Benefits

By Chris Queen Aug 25, 2022 4:32 PM ET

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85f941 No.84958

File: 15f95d1c76ba4c8⋯.png (264.73 KB,768x714,128:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442253 (252246ZAUG22) Notable: DHS Axes Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board After MRC Exposed Soros Link

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DHS Axes Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board After MRC Exposed Soros Link

Joseph Vazquez

August 25th, 2022 12:08 PM

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85f941 No.84959

File: 35b1eb9149a161b⋯.jpeg (775.53 KB,896x6167,128:881,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442254 (252246ZAUG22) Notable: Joe Biden Rejects Urgent Phone Call from Israeli PM over Iran: ‘On Vacation’

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Joe Biden Rejects Urgent Phone Call from Israeli PM over Iran: ‘On Vacation’


Israel Prime Minister Yair Lapid’s request to hold an emergency telephone conversation with U.S. President Joe Biden to discuss the nascent nuclear deal with Iran has been rebuffed with the excuse that the American president “is on vacation,” Israeli media reported on Wednesday.

According to Israel’s Channel 13, Lapid sought to speak with Biden in an attempt to prevent a return to the 2015 JCPOA nuclear pact but U.S. officials denied the request, informing Lapid Biden “is on vacation.”

The two will eventually hold the call, the report said.

In another instance of American rejection, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz was set to meet with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Thursday but was informed that the latter was “out of Washington,” the report said.

Sen. Ted Cruz: “A year ago, Joe Biden gave Afghanistan to the Taliban. Now he intends to give a nuclear arsenal to Iran." https://t.co/Xj715MKsJO

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) August 24, 2022

Gantz will meet with National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan alongside his Israeli counterpart, Eyal Hulata.

Channel 13 cited an unnamed Israeli official as saying that “the gaps between [Israel] and the Americans are very large” in the newly drafted deal.

Senior Israeli officials have lamented the new deal is “even worse’ than the one that preceded it, which former president Donald Trump withdrew from in 2018.

On Wednesday, Lapid delivered a rare condemnation of Biden, saying that the latest proposal between Tehran and Western powers crossed even his own “red lines.”

“In our eyes, it does not meet the standards set by President Biden himself: preventing Iran from becoming a nuclear state,” Lapid said.

Former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took President Joe Biden to task over the White House’s plan to reenter the Iran nuclear deal. https://t.co/Qxv0WjSMLC

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) August 25, 2022

“We have made it clear to everyone: if a deal is signed, it does not obligate Israel. We will act to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear state,” Lapid said.

A day later, however, Lapid said the pressure tactics against the American administration were working.

“The Americans accepted a large part of the things that we wanted them to include in the drafts,” Lapid said on Thursday. “It is a welcome change, and the dialogue with them is good and we will continue it.”

Biden has already faced criticism for using his vacation time as an excuse to ignore issues at home, this week coming under fire for ignoring the border crisis.

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85f941 No.84960

File: 0cb0204972ab655⋯.png (47.61 KB,603x261,67:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442260 (252247ZAUG22) Notable: Trouble coming for Twatter

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The Bias



12:56 PM · Aug 25, 2022·TweetDeck

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85f941 No.84961

File: 4dc9ded3ee8c8ad⋯.jpg (31.1 KB,408x385,408:385,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f4d7f6b314a183c⋯.mp4 (3.28 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442263 (252247ZAUG22) Notable: Fuckerberg admits FBI pressured censoring the Hunter laptop story

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End Wokeness


Zuckerberg admits that FBI pressure played a role in Facebook censoring the Hunter laptop story

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85f941 No.84962

File: ad4bdc3af3f9548⋯.png (449.87 KB,499x499,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442266 (252248ZAUG22) Notable: Biden names new a Secret Service director as the agency faces controversy

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Biden names new a Secret Service director as the agency faces controversy

August 24, 20228:02 PM ET

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Wednesday namedKim Cheatle, a veteran Secret Service official, to be the agency's next director as it faces controversy over missing text messages around the time thousands of supporters of then-President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol.

Cheatle, who left the Secret Service in 2021 for a job as a security executive at PepsiCo, takes the reins as multiple congressional committees and the Department of Homeland Security's internal watchdog are investigating the missing text messages, which the Secret Service has said were purged during a technology transition.

Cheatle had served in the Secret Service for 27 years and was the first woman to be named assistant director of protective operations, the division that provides protection to the president and other dignitaries.

Cheatle had served on Biden's protective detail when he was vice president. During that time, Biden "came to trust" her judgment and counsel, he said in a statement.

Biden said that her and first lady Jill Biden "know firsthand Kim's commitment to her job and to the Secret Service's people and mission."

Cheatle replaces James Murray, who had announced his retirement to take a position with Snap, the social media company best known for its app, Snapchat. He announced last month that he would delay his retirement amid the investigations while Biden looked for a new director.

The Secret Service has faced increasing criticism after admitting that text messages from around the time of the attack of Jan. 6, 2021, on the Capitol were deleted.

The agency has said the messages were purged when its phones were migrated to a new system in the weeks after the 2021 attack.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla., a member of the House committee investigating the attack, has said the Secret Service told the committee that it left it up to individual agents to decide what electronic records to keep and what to delete during the process.

The committee has taken a recent, renewed interest in the Secret Service following the dramatic testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson about Trump's actions on the day of the insurrection.

The Secret Service has said all procedures were followed and pledged "full cooperation" with all of the reviews and investigations, including a criminal investigation by the Homeland Security's inspector general.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said Cheatle "is a law enforcement veteran and served as the first female assistant director in charge of all protective operations for the agency before retiring."

"We are ecstatic to welcome her back as the next Director of the United States Secret Service," he said in a tweet.


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85f941 No.84963

File: ad4bdc3af3f9548⋯.png (449.87 KB,499x499,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442266 (252248ZAUG22) Notable: Biden names new a Secret Service director as the agency faces controversy

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Biden names new a Secret Service director as the agency faces controversy

August 24, 20228:02 PM ET

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Wednesday namedKim Cheatle, a veteran Secret Service official, to be the agency's next director as it faces controversy over missing text messages around the time thousands of supporters of then-President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol.

Cheatle, who left the Secret Service in 2021 for a job as a security executive at PepsiCo, takes the reins as multiple congressional committees and the Department of Homeland Security's internal watchdog are investigating the missing text messages, which the Secret Service has said were purged during a technology transition.

Cheatle had served in the Secret Service for 27 years and was the first woman to be named assistant director of protective operations, the division that provides protection to the president and other dignitaries.

Cheatle had served on Biden's protective detail when he was vice president. During that time, Biden "came to trust" her judgment and counsel, he said in a statement.

Biden said that her and first lady Jill Biden "know firsthand Kim's commitment to her job and to the Secret Service's people and mission."

Cheatle replaces James Murray, who had announced his retirement to take a position with Snap, the social media company best known for its app, Snapchat. He announced last month that he would delay his retirement amid the investigations while Biden looked for a new director.

The Secret Service has faced increasing criticism after admitting that text messages from around the time of the attack of Jan. 6, 2021, on the Capitol were deleted.

The agency has said the messages were purged when its phones were migrated to a new system in the weeks after the 2021 attack.

Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla., a member of the House committee investigating the attack, has said the Secret Service told the committee that it left it up to individual agents to decide what electronic records to keep and what to delete during the process.

The committee has taken a recent, renewed interest in the Secret Service following the dramatic testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson about Trump's actions on the day of the insurrection.

The Secret Service has said all procedures were followed and pledged "full cooperation" with all of the reviews and investigations, including a criminal investigation by the Homeland Security's inspector general.

Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said Cheatle "is a law enforcement veteran and served as the first female assistant director in charge of all protective operations for the agency before retiring."

"We are ecstatic to welcome her back as the next Director of the United States Secret Service," he said in a tweet.


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85f941 No.84964

File: 5a7ade09529c943⋯.png (155.3 KB,419x498,419:498,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442274 (252249ZAUG22) Notable: The evidence of VAIDS just keeps mounting.

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Zeee Media 🎙, [25.08.22 04:21]

The evidence just keeps mounting.


Follow @zeeemedia

Website (https://zeeemedia.com/new-interview-page/) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/mariazeee) | Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/zeeemedia/?hl=en) | Rumble (https://rumble.com/user/mariazeee)

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85f941 No.84965

File: 86ed5ff5011aa18⋯.jpg (148.39 KB,750x983,750:983,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a89d15cc14ea26e⋯.jpg (62.64 KB,328x565,328:565,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 72656fb449f2ed7⋯.jpeg (406.56 KB,896x2138,448:1069,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442279 (252252ZAUG22) Notable: BRICS President Says Russia and India No Longer Need US Dollar

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BREAKING:BRICS President Says Russia and India No Longer Need US Dollar

The two countries have successfully established a mechanism for mutual settlements in rubles and rupees, Purnima Anand says. 🇷🇺 🇮🇳


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85f941 No.84966

File: e14636b23d72142⋯.png (110.36 KB,227x614,227:614,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442282 (252253ZAUG22) Notable: Still wondering about all those “anecdotal” heart related sudden deaths for young men and athletes? [SPIKE PROTEINS]

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Brunobarking ️️️BrunoBarks, [25.08.22 07:54]

[ Photo ]

Still wondering about all those “anecdotal” heart related sudden deaths for young men and athletes? https://twitter.com/p_mcculloughmd/status/1562624637980516353?s=21&t=9MYVslmIs9xV-omVjnkqhw

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85f941 No.84967

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442283 (252252ZAUG22) Notable: Fuckerberg admits FBI pressured censoring the Hunter laptop story

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Mark Zuckerberg tells Joe Rogan Facebook was wrong to ban The Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story

The billionaire CEO of Meta said he regretted Facebook’s response to the Biden story during an appearance on “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast after the host pressed him to explain his views on how tech platforms should handle content moderation on sensitive subjects.

“When something like that turns out to be real, is there regret for not having it evenly distributed and for throttling the distribution of that story?” Rogan asked about The Post’s Hunter Biden scoop.

“Yeah, it sucks,” Zuckerberg said. “It turned out after the fact, the fact-checkers looked into it, no one was able to say it was false … I think it sucks, though, in the same way that probably having to go through a criminal trial but being proven innocent in the end sucks.”

He said the platform opted to limit sharing on the story — but not halt it entirely — after the FBI told Meta employees to be wary of Russian propaganda ahead of the election. More than 50 former senior intelligence officials signed on to a letter that claimed the laptop story “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”

“Our protocol is different than Twitter’s. What Twitter did is they said you can’t share this at all. We didn’t do that,” Zuckerberg said.

Rogan agreed that Facebook’s approach was “certainly much more reasonable than Twitter’s stance.” The podcast host also acknowledged the difficult decision facing social media platforms regarding politically sensitive stories ahead of an election.

“I just don’t think they looked at it hard enough. When the New York Post is talking about it, they’re pretty smart about what they release and what they don’t release,” Rogan said.

“For the five or seven days when it was basically being determined whether it was false, the distribution on Facebook was decreased, but people were still allowed to share it,” Zuckerberg added. “You could still share it, you could still consume it.”

While Zuckerberg acknowledged that Facebook had also reduced distribution of the report on its own platform, he tried to defend the process as “reasonable.”

“I think the process was pretty reasonable,” he added. “A lot of people were still able to share it,” “We got a lot of complaints that that was the case.

“This is a hyper-political issue, so depending on what side of the political spectrum, you either think we didn’t censor enough or censored it way too much, but we weren’t as black and white about it as Twitter,” he added.

The tech CEO also took thinly veiled swipes at Twitter, calling the rival social network’s ban overly “black and white.”

Twitter briefly suspended The Post’s account in 2020 after the laptop exposé revealed the existence of tens of thousands of emails between the president’s son and business associates. The emails revealed how Biden’s son leveraged his political access in his overseas business dealings.

Zuckerberg claimed that Facebook took a “different path than Twitter.” Republicans also have accused Facebook of suppressing conservative voices.




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85f941 No.84968

File: 6720fb0edead106⋯.png (31.21 KB,422x323,422:323,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442291 (252254ZAUG22) Notable: @Jim Watkins This HIGH Intense Military OPERATION is UNDER WAY and the TWIST AND PLOT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND… NOTHING IS WHAT IT SEEMS…

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Jim Watkins, [25.08.22 11:03]

The TRUTH is.. It doesn't matter


and TRUMP IS HIGHLY INFORMED With what's happening.

Hint> follow the words of KASH

... He will tell you who to TRUST!


No argument or crying or whining in the ANON/. PATRIOTS./Freedom groups WILL STOP WHAT'S COMING


Stay buckled!

Storm Rider.

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85f941 No.84969

File: a71a0ef866f68e2⋯.png (26.83 KB,455x327,455:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442295 (252254ZAUG22) Notable: RE: Q34, FOIA ? Under the Presidential Records Act… 44 U.S. Code § 2203 - Management and custody of Presidential records

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Under the Presidential Records Act

44 U.S. Code § 2203 - Management and custody of Presidential records

(c)(d) and (e)

Did NARA archivist request to dispose of any of Obama's records?

Did they submit it to the appropriate Congressional review?

Did Congress approve it?

Was it published in the Federal Register?

Was any of it evidence of their crimes?


How does this square with Q POST 341?


Did POTUS order it raided?

Or did POTUS simply relay information told to him by outside good guys?

If the good guys got incriminating evidence during the raid........

wouldn't "they" assume POTUS also had incriminating evidence.

And wouldn't POTUS and team have anticipated "they" would do the same thing?

Yes, these people are really stupid........

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85f941 No.84970

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442311 (252301ZAUG22) Notable: can we dig on democrats who received PPP loan forgiveness of the commies?

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Anons have to know this is an attack on Republicans, so can we dig on democrats who received loan forgiveness of the commies. I'm pretty sure most people received loan forgiveness, this wasn't isolated to republicans.

Did Paul Pelosi have a ton forgiven, wouldn't be surprised if a Hunter Biden company received it to.

Lets get a full list out there of all the democrat fucks that had major loans forgiven.

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85f941 No.84971

File: 1c78ae76c81b657⋯.png (90.11 KB,426x617,426:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442315 (252302ZAUG22) Notable: @Tracybeanz Hyperlocal wins are so huge. This is a brilliant piece by UncoverDC

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Tracy Beanz, [24.08.22 17:26]

WE CAN DO IT WHERE IT MATTERS!! Hyperlocal wins are so huge. This is a brilliant piece by UncoverDC journalist Wendi Strauch Mahoney. Read and share:


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85f941 No.84972

File: c5ccd8d5c2ff753⋯.png (157.25 KB,296x834,148:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442320 (252302ZAUG22) Notable: @Sidney Powell "You should have left the kids alone"

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⚡️ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [25.08.22 10:08]

[Forwarded from Redpillbabe]

[ Video ]

You should have left the kids alone.

We didn’t just flip seats 💅🏼 we made Miami Dade the biggest conservative district in the entire country.

NONE of this was handed to us. The community of Miami-Dade worked tirelessly. We were attacked relentlessly . The entire Goliath system turned against us and still we pushed through and WON! We won big!!

Linked below is a blog detailing some of the players behind the attacks of South Florida parents and activists. A blog on the losers who took huge Ls yesterday.

. “It’s not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that things are difficult.” ~Seneca

Follow : @redpillbabee


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85f941 No.84973

File: ad6456e936e037a⋯.png (402.58 KB,589x594,589:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442332 (252305ZAUG22) Notable: Appeals court rules gender dysphoria covered under Americans With Disabilities Act - Just The News

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John Solomon


Appeals court rules gender dysphoria covered under Americans With Disabilities Act | Just The News

A pro-transgender protester in New York City, June 2022 | (Erik McGregor/Getty)


Appeals court rules gender dysphoria covered under Americans With Disabilities Act

Ruling could open the way for expanded transgender government benefits, protections.

1:06 PM · Aug 25, 2022·SocialFlow

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85f941 No.84974

File: 5c8d0df7e4b2631⋯.png (82.09 KB,424x786,212:393,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442348 (252308ZAUG22) Notable: Children's National Hospital ADMITS to Performing 'Gender-Affirming' Hysterectomies on Younger Kids

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Expose The Agenda, [25.08.22 17:08]

[Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊]

[ Video ]

Children's National Hospital ADMITS to Performing 'Gender-Affirming' Hysterectomies on Younger Kids

Chaya Raichik: Okay. So they would do it [a gender-affirming hysterectomy] for that age [16]?

Hospital Worker: Yes.

Chaya Raichik: Okay, great. Is it a common procedure that you guys do for that age?

Hospital Worker: Yes. We Have all different types of age groups that come in for that.

Chaya Raichik: Okay. Just out of curiosity, do you know what's the youngest age you would do it on?

Hospital Worker: Due to HIPAA, I'm not allowed to say that, but I have seen younger kids. Younger than your child's age.


(https://twitter.com/libsoftiktok/status/1562885542806560768?s=20)H/T: GulagAnon

Follow @VigilantFox 🦊

Rumble (https://rumble.com/v1hc773-childrens-national-hospital-admits-to-performing-gender-affirming-hysterect.html?mref=ah9c7&mrefc=4) | Substack (https://thevigilantfox.substack.com/) | Truth (https://truthsocial.com/@VigilantFox) | Gettr (https://gettr.com/user/vigilantfox)

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85f941 No.84975

File: 25f89c0cbff4085⋯.jpg (29.79 KB,656x606,328:303,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442349 (252308ZAUG22) Notable: [Wes Moore] dem nominee for gov of Maryland, Soros-connected and the 'Robinhood Foundation' in NY is another front

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Wes Moore, democrat nominee for governor of Maryland, is apparently another Soros-connected stooge. The 'Robinhood Foundation', that 'fights poverty' in New York City, is almost certainly a fraud.

"The Robinhood Foundation finds, funds and partners with organizations that have proven success in remediating poverty in the New York City area...In 2009, George Soros gave the foundation a 50 million dollar contribution."


2/8/21: "Today, Wes Moore announced he will step down as CEO of the Robin Hood foundation in May of this year after a four-year tenure"


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85f941 No.84976

File: 8d492e2f0757523⋯.png (148.61 KB,426x428,213:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/17442356 (252310ZAUG22) Notable: Megyn Kelly SLAMS Dr. Fauci and Reveals the Truth About His Lies: "GOOD RIDDANCE!"

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General Flynn ️, [25.08.22 10:59]

Well worth the listen:


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