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Anon Curated Notables 2022 Edition

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e8bd5a No.11235 [Last50 Posts]

08FEB22 to 10FEB22


Re-Posts of notables

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e8bd5a No.15196

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575596 (081148ZFEB22) Notable: The DMED data exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Senator Johnson is a smoking gun

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Part One

The DMED data exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Senator Johnson is a smoking gun. General Austin should order all military docs to speak the truth. But he isn’t. Why not?

This Medical Data From The US DoD Is Explosive. Mainstream Media Has Been Ordered To Ignore It.

The letter

On February 1, 2022, US Senator Ron Johnson sent a letter to DoD Secretary Lloyd Austin on February 1 highlighting the dramatic rise in adverse events reported in the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED) after the vaccines were rolled out to the military. If the vaccines are truly “safe and effective,” these increases are difficult to explain.

The original data

Here are the resources with the original data:

Johnson’s 3 page letter to DoD Secretary Lloyd Austin III

Renz Law home page (includes video interviews)

Renz Law page on the DMED data with graphs (summary of the data)

Download the spreadsheet with all the numbers (Excel spreadsheet). Note that the numbers in the purple coded rows are the “corrected” data which was issued after the “glitch” was noticed. Hospitalized means the patient was in the hospital. Ambulatory are the stats for outpatients. Also note that the percentage calculation is wrong: they should have subtracted 1 since a “2X increase” is the same as a “100% increase.”

About DMED

You can read about DMED here. Essentially, it is the official database of the 1.4M active duty DoD servicemen.

For a quick intro to the database, I highly recommend you watch this 2 minute video of Dr. Robert Malone talking about the DMED database: DR. MALONE STATES DOD IS DELETING DATA FROM IT’S DATABASE TO COVER UP DAMAGES DONE BY THE “VACCINES”

Why the DMED data is so important

There are 14 reasons that the DMED data is very important.

The individual doctors themselves realize that the vaccines are causing the harm documented in the DMED database. According to an insider I spoke to, around 40% of military docs realize what is going on, but doctors in the military can’t speak out against the vaccine because they are ordered not to say anything. So all these doctors have to remain silent. The data in DMED is their voice.

The original DMED data appears to be very reliable. It is hard for anyone to make excuses for the increased rates in the DMED database quoted in this letter because the event types with increases are all confirmed in the VAERS database. Unlike VAERS, this database cannot be dismissed using hand-waving arguments. DMED is not a self-reported database where reporting rates are unknown. It is a fully reported database where all the reports are from healthcare providers. In short, if the vaccines are safe, the DMED data is hard to explain. For example, you can’t pin the rise in events in 2021 on COVID since total hospital event rates declined in 2020 (relative to 2019) in both the original and corrected results. Note: The DoD now claims the 2016-2020 data was wrong and issued corrected values (graph on the right):

These are absolute rate increases. In VAERS, we’ll often compare a baseline rate of an event in prior years with the current year to look for a signal. This is a “differential signal” so high values are possible. For example, the reported VAERS rate for pulmonary embolism is 3 per year. Say it goes to 300 per year, a 100X jump. But if the baseline rates of PE are 1000, then on an absolute basis, this is just a 0.3X increase. So large absolute number jumps are very significant. This is exactly what we have in the DMED database: very large absolute jumps.

The effect sizes are huge. For example, the rates of hypertension increased by 21X from average in 2021. Nervous system diseases increased by a factor of 10.

Nobody can explain it. If it wasn’t the vaccine causing these huge increases in adverse events, what was it?

The military is deleting cases to make the effect size smaller.

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e8bd5a No.15197

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575609 (081155ZFEB22) Notable: The DMED data exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Senator Johnson is a smoking gun

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Part 2


It’s a great “conversation starter” with your pro-vax friends, local lawmakers, local health authority, and favorite fact-checkers. You simply ask a simple question, “How do you explain these dramatic rate increases in 2021 vs. the 5 year average?” This works particularly well at City Council meetings, school board meetings, and with lawmakers.

Symptoms with increases match the VAERS data. It is tough to claim the elevation in event rates is due to something else because a) the range of elevated symptoms is so large and b) the symptoms in DMED that are elevated match the symptoms in VAERS that are elevated.

The DoD is in a panic about this leaking out. This data wasn’t ever supposed to leak out. The only reason it leaked out is due to the efforts of three whistleblowers inside the DoD. According to an insider I spoke to, the DoD has no idea how they are going to cover it up. The only thing they’ve done is claim the 2016-2020 data is underreported, but this doesn’t match reality as I explain below.

Deliberate mainstream press cover-up. There is evidence that mainstream media reporters have been instructed not to cover this story or talk to Tom Renz. I verified this myself searching for articles about Renz in The New York Times and CNN. So you’ll only hear about it from alternative media. Think about it… this is one of the most explosive stories of the year (if not the decade) and the mainstream press isn’t covering it at all? What does that tell you? You don’t have to have a lot of critical thinking skills to figure that one out. It pretty much tells you everything you need to know: there is a massive cover up of adverse events.

It destroys the credibility of the CDC. I just finished watching the latest ACIP meeting where CDC officials said there were no safety signals (other than myocarditis) in both the VAERS and VSD system. Amazingly, there were no deaths from any mRNA vaccine. Zero. It also begs the question how they could possibly completely ignore all the safety signals in the DMED database. They didn’t even consider it. However, they are unlikely to ever answer that question. But when the Republicans come into power in the Senate in 2023, I’d expect that Senator Johnson will ask Rochelle Walensky why the CDC is ignoring this database.

The military can’t effectively refute it. After being confronted with the data, they now claim the 2016 to 2020 data was wrong. The problem is their new numbers are nonsensical as I explain below.

Symptoms that were not associated with the vaccines were not elevated in 2021. Symptoms unrelated to the vaccines weren’t elevated. So if there was a data glitch causing reduced reporting rates, how come only events related to the vaccine were elevated in 2021?

Total hospital event rates declined in 2020 (relative to 2019) in both the original and corrected results. What’s unique about the DMED database is that military hospitals don’t get COVID incentives. Total hospital event rates declined in 2020. If COVID is so dangerous, how do they explain that?

I spoke to a doctor in the military who confirmed the high incidence of vaccine-caused events in his practice

This doctor estimates that 85% of the military has been vaccinated, although the military official total is 93%.

The doctor is responsible for thousands of service members and has dozens of significant vaccine injuries that are VAERS reportable (most of which have not been filed).

This is a significant adverse event rate of more than 0.75%, i.e., nearly 1 in 100 soldiers are vaccine injured, some very seriously.

It’s important to note that the soldiers are tough and don’t want anything on their medical records that could limit their responsibilities. So many simply don’t report severe symptoms. So our .75% vaccine injury rate is likely an underestimate. And remember, this is in a very healthy young population.

This doctor has zero VAERS reportable injuries in nearly two decades. So this suggests that the increased rate of reportable adverse events from these vaccines is far more than 500X. But other physicians I know with larger practices report elevated rates of from 600 to over 20,000 from the shots this year. In short, the number of adverse event reports from these vaccines is off the charts compared to other vaccines. This suggests that the 30X increase in the rate of adverse event reports in VAERS is because the vaccine is dangerous,

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e8bd5a No.15198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575611 (081157ZFEB22) Notable: 'Freemasons' - My experience of who they are

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They look for people who believe in God, so they can turn you against him and rebuild their world on earth.

This gentleman tells his story in an entertaining way.

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e8bd5a No.15199

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575617 (081158ZFEB22) Notable: The DMED data exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Senator Johnson is a smoking gun

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Part 3

This suggests that the 30X increase in the rate of adverse event reports in VAERS is because the vaccine is dangerous, not from reporting bias. It also suggests that VAERS is severely under-reported this year relative to other years by at least a factor of 10. The FDA has assumed that VAERS is over-reported compared to previous years by 30, our estimate is that VAERS is under-reported compared to previous years by 30. Note that this estimate (comparing the propensity to report between years) doesn’t change our minimum 41 under-reporting factor estimate for events this year.

This doctor had no doubts that the vaccine is causing these injuries. Over and over again, severe reactions (some never seen before in his/her career) all started happening shortly after after the soldier was vaccinated.

DoD spokesman claims that the DMED database was underreported in 2016-2020

A PolitiFact “fact check” noted that:

But Peter Graves, spokesperson for the Defense Health Agency’s Armed Forces Surveillance Division, told PolitiFact by email that “in response to concerns mentioned in news reports” the division reviewed data in the DMED “and found that the data was incorrect for the years 2016-2020.”

Officials compared numbers in the DMED with source data in the DMSS and found that the total number of medical diagnoses from those years “represented only a small fraction of actual medical diagnoses.” The 2021 numbers, however, were up-to-date, giving the “appearance of significant increased occurrence of all medical diagnoses in 2021 because of the underreported data for 2016-2020,” Graves said.

The DMED system has been taken offline to “identify and correct the root-cause of the data corruption,” Graves said.

What’s interesting is that only the event counts related to adverse events caused by the vaccines (as determined in VAERS) were affected by this “corruption.” That is, huge increases observed prior to the correction were only on symptoms that were vaccine related, not on other symptoms. That makes their “corruption” explanation hard to explain. Very hard to explain.

How could a glitch in the computer only affect symptoms associated with the COVID vaccine? That would be the most amazing glitch in computer history. I would love to hear the explanation for that.

Why did the corruption only affect years 2016 to 2020 and not 2021? Why, when we looked at the data before the corruption were only symptoms related to the vaccines elevated?

Others are shocked by this data as well

I’m not the only one with doubts:

Evidence of Manipulation of Disease and Injury Data in US Military Database Suggests Fraud and Cover Up


DMED is a game-changer on vaccine safety.

The more they try to cover this up, the more complicit they become.

You can easily determine for yourself who is lying

I wanted to see for myself who was lying so I picked an event that I’ve said for a long time has been highly elevated by the vaccines: pulmonary embolism. I didn’t cherry pick this event. It was mentioned in my public ACIP testimony on January 4, before I ever looked at any of the DMED data. But I’ve long highlighted pulmonary embolism as an elevated adverse event from the COVID vaccines as you can see from this post from October 30, which was the very first article I wrote on my Substack!

If you download Renz’s spreadsheet, look at the spreadsheet tabs where it has the original data on the left and the “after the corruption was fixed” data on the right.

In the case above, I looked at the pulmonary embolism tab in the spreadsheet. The incidence of PE is estimated to be approximately 60 to 70 per 100,000 in the general population. This means that for the 1.4M members of the military in the DMED database, we’d expect fewer than 839 to 979 events per year since people in the military are healthier in general than the overall population.

On the left in the chart below are the numbers before the data was “fixed” by the DoD on January 31, 2022. The rates on the left experienced nearly exactly match what would be expected. In four of the 5 years before the vaccine, the numbers were below 839. And even in the peak year (2020), the numbers are below 979.

The rates on the right hand side after the “corruption” was corrected are simply too high to be believed, roughly around 3 times higher than the normal rates. How do they explain that?

But there are other examples of data manipulation that was done that are even more obvious, even to totally untrained observers. I’ll reveal those later since I don’t want to help them clean up the manipulated data… those smoking guns will be revealed later.

The corrected increases from the letter

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e8bd5a No.15200

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575621 (081200ZFEB22) Notable: The DMED data exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Senator Johnson is a smoking gun

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Part 4

The corrected increases from the letter

Note that the percentage increases were improperly calculated in the spreadsheet and the letter (which just used the numbers from the spreadsheet). The correct numbers are shown below (a 200% increase means the numbers increased by a factor of 3).

Hypertension – 2,081% increase

Diseases of the nervous system – 948% increase

Malignant neoplasms of esophagus – 794% increase

Multiple sclerosis – 580% increase

Malignant neoplasms of digestive organs – 524% increase

Guillain-Barre syndrome – 451% increase

Breast cancer – 387% increase

Demyelinating – 387% increase

Neoplasms of thyroid and other endocrine glands – 374% increase

Female infertility – 372% increase

Pulmonary embolism – 368% increase

Migraines – 352% increase

Ovarian dysfunction – 337% increase

Testicular cancer – 269% increase

Tachycardia – 202% increase

This data (and the subsequent cover-up attempt) is a smoking gun

The symptoms that are elevated in DMED match up with the elevated symptoms in VAERS?

How do they explain that away?

Ask your pro-vax friends, doctors, reporters, public health officials, school board members, city council members, and local, state, and federal lawmakers the next time you see them to explain the DMED data. They will tell you they are “looking into it and will get back to you” and never will.

We simply need your help to continue bringing the truth…shameless plug for desperately needed donations at this link…

Comments from Jason Fields, active-duty in the Air Force

One of my readers, Jason Fields, is an active-duty Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Air Force serving in a United States Space Force unit. He has declined to take the COVID-19 vaccine and is seeking a vaccine accommodation waiver from Space Systems Command for both the COVID-19 and influenza vaccines

He pointed this out this in the comments section:

One of the problems, as mentioned in the post, is that a lot of the military medical community is not willing to recognize and/or record possible vaccine injuries. I have a number of documented cases where military members who believe they have suffered a serious vaccine injury are totally blown off by the military medical community. The military members are told “there is no way” or “I guarantee” the issues are not related to the vaccine. Imagine the numbers if the medical community took this seriously. In any other situation it would be considered medical malpractice to not fully investigate these medical issues and the root cause.

Faith in military medicine among the force was already somewhere near the garbage can pre-COVID…now it is sitting somewhere 6 feet under in the landfill. Between the mask and vaccine coercion the rank and file’s trust of the medical community is at an all time low.

The obvious answer to the rhetorical question of “What is the justification for him not issuing such an order?” is there is no justification and obviously he won’t do it. Nobody likes to admit they were wrong…especially the government and military.

General Austin needs to step up for transparency

General Austin isn’t being transparent with the American people.

If General Austin were to issue a blanket order directed to all military doctors to speak freely and honestly about patient statistics without fear of retribution, we would be hearing a far different story than we are hearing now.

But General Austin, who could easily issue such an order, never will because it would destroy the “safe and effective” narrative and he would be fired.

In the current situation, now that “the cat is out of the bag,” the fact that he’s not issuing such an order for transparency so that America could hear the truth tells you everything you need to know.

No mainstream “fact checker” is going to ask General Austin why he doesn’t issue such an order. The mainstream press will not either; they will not touch this story with a ten foot pole. I guarantee it.

If our men in uniform are injured, it should never be due to a deliberate order from their commanding officers requiring them to inject themselves with a known dangerous substance that could kill or disable them.

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e8bd5a No.15201

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575624 (081201ZFEB22) Notable: The DMED data exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Senator Johnson is a smoking gun

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Part 5

If our men in uniform are injured, it should never be due to a deliberate order from their commanding officers requiring them to inject themselves with a known dangerous substance that could kill or disable them. They have a right to know the truth about the vaccines. Ordering the mainstream media and military doctors to remain silent (which is the case today) is not the way for the truth to come out.

Every American should demand that General Austin allow military doctors to speak the truth and protect them from retribution

Every American should demand that General Austin immediately order all military doctors to speak truthfully about what is going on with their own patients after being vaccinated and protect all those doctors from any retribution.

Is there any justification for him not issuing such an order? I can’t think of one.


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e8bd5a No.15202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575652 (081213ZFEB22) Notable: Outside Downing Street as PM reels from Savile remarks which saw group target Keir Stamer

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LIVE | Outside Downing Street as PM reels from Savile remarks which saw group target Keir Stamer


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e8bd5a No.15203

File: ea3031a50b14b99⋯.jpg (419.17 KB,1920x876,160:73,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575655 (081214ZFEB22) Notable: LB Trump interview w/ Kash Patel

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…a big price will be paid.

Two possibilities

1. a new 9/11 FF

2. he is talking about them

Q - I have no idea what is needed to finally give the green light… But just to say from my personal prospective… It would be nice to have a visible victory, to start telling all of them, "look here, you have been played"

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e8bd5a No.15204

File: 5af3d372c32f400⋯.jpg (103.32 KB,720x814,360:407,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575674 (081221ZFEB22) Notable: Kyle Kemper trolls his half-brother, Justin Castreau, on twitter

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Kyle Kemper trolls his half-brother, Justin Castreau, on twatter


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e8bd5a No.15205

File: 7d9882ea3197ad5⋯.png (408.63 KB,659x555,659:555,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575696 (081230ZFEB22) Notable: Uyghur concentration camp survivor - NBC supports genocide by airing Olympics

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Tursunay Ziawudun, a survivor of China’s brutal concentration camp system for Uyghur people and other Muslim ethnic groups, accused NBC and Comcast of supporting genocide by airing the 2022 Beijing Olympics in an interview with Breitbart News on Saturday.

Ziawudun joined a large group of mostly Uyghur protesters in front of the White House on Saturday to observe the anniversary of the 1997 Ghulja massacre – which resulted in thousands of arrests and an estimated hundred dead after Uyghurs organized peaceful protests against the communist regime in Beijing in the northwestern city that year – and to protest the Beijing Olympics. Opponents of the Games argue that a country openly engaging in genocide should not receive the honor of hosting such a prestigious event and that focusing on sports competition in China distracts from the long list of atrocities that government is committing.

The government of the United States, under both Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden, has officially declared the extermination of Uyghurs and other ethnic minority people in East Turkistan a genocide – along with multiple other nations and human rights investigators.

NBC has exclusive broadcasting rights for the Olympics in the United States and began airing Olympics coverage Friday. The Beijing 2022 Opening Ceremonies attracted fewer viewers than any other such ceremony in history – a 55-percent drop from viewers of the Opening Ceremonies for the 2018 Pyeongchang, South Korea, Winter Olympics. A Morning Consult poll published last week found about 40 percent of respondents not watching the Beijing Olympics are not doing so specifically because they are uncomfortable with the host country’s human rights crimes.

“The U.S. government declared genocide clearly – yet, knowing that, NBC and Comcast and others are broadcasting these Genocide Games,” Ziawudun told Breitbart News. “I am very hurt, I am very sad, very upset about this truth.”

Ziawudun noted that, in addition to Saturday’s protest in Washington, she joined Tibetans and others in New York to protest the Olympics outside of NBC Studios last week.

“A couple of people came up actually and said, ‘We can’t do anything about it, we do support you guys but this is our work, we can’t do anything about it.'”

“I believe they can. They could do something, but they didn’t. They prefer to probably get money or there is something going on. What I think is that the Chinese government is committing genocide and crimes against humanity,” she explained. “And broadcasting these Olympics is supporting the Chinese government. Broadcasting these Olympics is supporting that genocide, being complicit in that genocide.”

Ziawudun told Breitbart News that she is among the 3 million people who have been imprisoned in a Chinese concentration camp since 2017. Survivors of the camps have testified to extreme torture including electroshock, sleep deprivation, beatings, slavery, and gang rape. Chinese officials also force prisoners to learn Mandarin, which is not a native language in East Turkistan, and worship dictator Xi Jinping.

“I am a camp survivor, I have witnessed the genocide itself, how the Chinese government oppresses our people,” Ziawudun said. “For the country that commits genocide and crimes against humanity to still be able to hold the Olympics – I’m against that and I am here to tell the world to boycott.”


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e8bd5a No.15206

File: be5fe9ad3549055⋯.png (194.91 KB,1250x683,1250:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575699 (081231ZFEB22) Notable: Olympic stars are ‘crying like crazy’ in hellish Beijing…

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Olympic stars are ‘crying like crazy’ in hellish Beijing…

Dozens of athletes thrown into virus isolation at China’s zero-Covid Winter Olympics have laid bare their misery — describing ‘crying like crazy’ after being hauled out of bed at 3am before being fed miserable food in rooms too small for exercise.

Beijing is attempting to hold a virus-free event in the midst of a pandemic, cutting off competitors and their teams in a bubble where tests must be taken every day, with anyone who tests positive dragged off to isolation.

But conditions in isolation are reportedly dire. Valeria Vasnetsova, a Russian biathlete, claims she was served the same inedible meal three times a day for five days in a row — and that it left her so emaciated that her ‘bones [were] sticking out’.

Head of German team Dirk Schimmelpfennig also blasted ‘unacceptable’ conditions for his athletes, saying isolation rooms are too small, not hygienic enough, the food is poor and PCR tests that athletes must take to free themselves are not being given.

Natalia Maliszewska, a Polish speed skater, described being repeatedly moved into and out of quarantine over successive days due to conflicting Covid test results, an experience she described as a ‘trauma’ that left her ‘crying and crying’.


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e8bd5a No.15207

File: 721203d55dea91e⋯.png (363.71 KB,789x563,789:563,Clipboard.png)

File: cb55f7d4951912a⋯.mp4 (12.65 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575713 (081237ZFEB22) Notable: Olympic stars are ‘crying like crazy’ in hellish Beijing…

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Olympic Athlete Breaks Down.



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e8bd5a No.15208

File: cbcc59e1b2b3732⋯.png (708.42 KB,1077x810,359:270,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575723 (081239ZFEB22) Notable: Olympic stars are ‘crying like crazy’ in hellish Beijing…

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Inedible "food" China serves to isolated athletes.

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e8bd5a No.15209

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575742 (081244ZFEB22) Notable: Haiti faces more instability as Moise’s term officially ends

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Haiti faces more instability as Moise’s term officially ends

Haitians are bracing for more violence and instability, as assassinated President Jovenel Moise’s term in office has officially come to an end but the crisis-stricken Caribbean nation appears no closer to a political transition.

Large numbers of police patrolled the streets, and schools and businesses were shut on Monday as the nation marked a grim anniversary.

It has been seven months since Moise was killed in his home by armed men on July 7, 2021, and Monday was also the end of the slain president’s term in office.

Opponents have demanded that Prime Minister Ariel Henry, who took office less than two weeks after Moise was killed, step down, arguing that his administration is unconstitutional.

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e8bd5a No.15210

File: 49a33b4375623bc⋯.png (112.37 KB,589x467,589:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575828 (081313ZFEB22) Notable: What vaccines are really about (other than genocide) - profit

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#BREAKING Pfizer sees $32 bn in Covid vaccine sales in 2022, $22 bn for Covid pill


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e8bd5a No.15211

File: f30297986961c7b⋯.png (33.68 KB,846x229,846:229,Clipboard.png)

File: a561d3b946280b0⋯.png (34.86 KB,607x219,607:219,Clipboard.png)

File: 05338b431f93a66⋯.png (28.74 KB,591x482,591:482,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575831 (081313ZFEB22) Notable: South Carolina Bill Would Outlaw Asking About COVID Vaccination Status

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South Carolina Bill Would Outlaw Asking About COVID Vaccination Status

By Khaleda Rahman On 1/27/22 at 6:32 AM EST


Gov. Henry McMaster


Rest assured, we will fight them to the gates of hell to protect the liberty and livelihood of every South Carolinian.

5:12 PM · Sep 9, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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e8bd5a No.15212

File: 8ea6eebf708726c⋯.png (155.87 KB,428x331,428:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575857 (081320ZFEB22) Notable: Anti-mandate protests break out all across Germany tonight in hundreds of towns and cities. Köln, Germany

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mRNA Death Toll, [08.02.22 00:41]

[ Video ]

Anti-mandate protests break out all across Germany tonight in hundreds of towns and cities. Köln, Germany

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e8bd5a No.15213

File: 3c78e8df903ed15⋯.png (361.67 KB,590x619,590:619,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575870 (081323ZFEB22) Notable: RINO mayor running for Oregon Governor admits he and his wife are perverts

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Small-town Oregon mayor and Republican gubernatorial candidate admits he and his wife were SWINGERS


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e8bd5a No.15214

File: a312c51ed110267⋯.png (322.18 KB,585x590,117:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 4fdbb8723c3c770⋯.png (75.31 KB,653x475,653:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575872 (081324ZFEB22) Notable: Navy FIRES all three leaders of Seabees battalion 'due to a loss of confidence in their abilities'

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Navy FIRES all three leaders of Seabees battalion 'due to a loss of confidence in their abilities'


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e8bd5a No.15215

File: cf8928041e52155⋯.png (130.81 KB,428x311,428:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575880 (081326ZFEB22) Notable: California starting a Freedom Convoy

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Midnight Rider Channel 🚛🚛🇺🇸🇧🇷🇫🇮🇨🇦🇦🇺, [07.02.22 13:46]

[ Video ]

California starting a convoy early next month!

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e8bd5a No.15216

File: a7b4ae9a79f34a6⋯.png (153.54 KB,595x485,119:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575990 (081359ZFEB22) Notable: New Zealand protesters block streets outside parliament

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New Zealand protesters block streets outside parliament


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15217

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575991 (081400ZFEB22) Notable: Farmers have blocked the border in Coutts.

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BREAKING: The farmers have blocked the border in Coutts.


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e8bd5a No.15218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15575998 (081401ZFEB22) Notable: Operation Gerry Can in Ottawa is confusing Police

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Operation Gerry Can

it's working …Ottawa police spend time seizing one filled with windshield wiper fluid.

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e8bd5a No.15219

File: 1d6690a595269ff⋯.png (424.85 KB,605x864,605:864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576019 (081406ZFEB22) Notable: Truckers are occupying Ambassador Bridge on US/Canada border until mandates are dropped

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The Ambassador Bridge, which sits between the U.S. and Canada, was backed up by trucks from the ongoing 'Freedom Truckers' protest on Monday. Truckers have said they will not leave until COVID-19 restrictions and vaccine mandates are lifted.

'Freedom Truckers' Protesting COVID-19 Jam U.S.-Canada Border

The Ambassador Bridge, which sits between the U.S. and Canada, was backed up by trucks from the ongoing 'Freedom Truckers' protest on Monday.

7:47 AM · Feb 8, 2022·

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e8bd5a No.15220

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576063 (081417ZFEB22) Notable: Catholic Cartel How Catholic Bishops are Making Millions Trafficking in Human Misery

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Catholic Cartel

How Catholic Bishops are Making Millions Trafficking in Human Misery

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15221

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576090 (081422ZFEB22) Notable: #19696

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/15575279 Dough

#19696 Last Call

>>15203 Trump interview w/ Kash Patel

>>15202 Outside Downing Street as PM reels from Savile remarks which saw group target Keir Stamer

>>15198 'Freemasons' - My experience of who they are

>>15196, >>15197, >>15199, >>15200, >>15201 The DMED data exposed by attorney Tom Renz and Senator Johnson is a smoking gun

>>15193 Christine Anderson German MEP of the European Parliament congratulates Canadian Truckers

>>15194 Hollywood’s 17 Most Powerful Brothers in Honor of ‘Dumb and Dumber To’

>>15204 Kyle Kemper trolls his half-brother, Justin Castreau, on twitter

>>15205 Uyghur concentration camp survivor - NBC supports genocide by airing Olympics

>>15206, >>15207, >>15208 Olympic stars are ‘crying like crazy’ in hellish Beijing…

>>15209 Haiti faces more instability as Moise’s term officially ends

>>15210 What vaccines are really about (other than genocide) - profit

>>15211 South Carolina Bill Would Outlaw Asking About COVID Vaccination Status

>>15212 Anti-mandate protests break out all across Germany tonight in hundreds of towns and cities. Köln, Germany

>>15213 RINO mayor running for Oregon Governor admits he and his wife are perverts

>>15214 Navy FIRES all three leaders of Seabees battalion 'due to a loss of confidence in their abilities'

>>15215 California starting a Freedom Convoy

>>15216 New Zealand protesters block streets outside parliament

>>15217 Farmers have blocked the border in Coutts.

>>15218 Operation Gerry Can in Ottawa is confusing Police

>>15219 Truckers are occupying Ambassador Bridge on US/Canada border until mandates are dropped

>>15220 Catholic Cartel How Catholic Bishops are Making Millions Trafficking in Human Misery


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e8bd5a No.15222

File: 10b702ba2298c24⋯.png (337.94 KB,611x598,47:46,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576240 (081451ZFEB22) Notable: Top Canadian official pushes back against GOP support for ‘Freedom Truck Convoy’

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Top Canadian official pushes back against GOP support for ‘Freedom Truck Convoy’ | Just The News

Truckers in Ottawa, Feb. 4, 2022 | (DAVE CHAN/Getty)


Top Canadian official pushes back against GOP support for 'Freedom Truck Convoy'

Several Canadian politicians have told U.S. lawmakers to mind their own business.

8:50 AM · Feb 8, 2022·Hootsuite Inc.

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e8bd5a No.15223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576254 (081453ZFEB22) Notable: Kid commits suicide, school says "bullying" and not covid tyranny

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Kid commits suicide, school says "bullying" and not covid tyranny


Do we really expect schools to be honest about the causes of student suicides? FUCK NO. FUCK SCHOOLS. FUCK TEACHERS. Watch the teachers and administrators that the reporters talk to, they are BAD.

They will try to dope-up all the kids they can with MORE PHARMA and call them "CRAZY" for rejecting pharma. Liberal faggots always try to pathologize any disagreement.

All nations will be deceived by PHARMAKIA.

God bless.

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e8bd5a No.15224

File: e26bf7dc4a8024a⋯.png (455.77 KB,860x719,860:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576283 (081458ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Trudeau Government Threatens to Criminally Target Americans Who Donated to the Freedom Convoy 2022

By Jim Hoft

Published February 8, 2022 at 7:30am

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e8bd5a No.15225

File: 7a5e1de943f30b7⋯.png (27.49 KB,598x313,598:313,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576299 (081503ZFEB22) Notable: Ark Invest's Cathie Wood sells $142 million of #Twitter shares ahead of the earnings report

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JUST IN - Ark Invest's Cathie Wood sells $142 million of #Twitter shares ahead of the earnings report. Twitter stock is down over 45% in the last 6 months.

7:19 AM · Feb 8, 2022·Twitter Web App


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e8bd5a No.15226

File: 6495a46ddf571a8⋯.png (172.15 KB,603x754,603:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576307 (081503ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Mad as hell with Justin Trudeau, the birds have joined the Freedom Convoy Dove of peace Flag of Canada

8:06 PM · Feb 7, 2022·

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e8bd5a No.15227

File: a9b093298f2f87b⋯.png (285.21 KB,666x415,666:415,Clipboard.png)

File: 72508df61acf266⋯.png (684.62 KB,486x614,243:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576311 (081504ZFEB22) Notable: New Zealand Convoy Protesters Gather Near Parliament Against COVID-19 Restrictions

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e8bd5a No.15228

File: 7983625ce362066⋯.jpeg (109.57 KB,900x600,3:2,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a862f3c859c321f⋯.jpeg (104.58 KB,640x427,640:427,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576312 (081504ZFEB22) Notable: Alaska truck drivers rally against vaccine mandates

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Alaska truck drivers rally against vaccine mandates

More than a 100 Alaska truck drivers rallied from Anchorage to Eagle River on Sunday to support Canadian truck drivers opposed to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

Anchorage Assembly member Jamie Allard organized the event to support the truckers who have rallied in Ottawa since last weekend to protest COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Since Jan. 15, truck drivers and other essential service providers are allowed to enter Canada only if they are fully vaccinated. The U.S. required vaccinations from essential non-resident travelers on Jan. 22.

The participants Sunday – including truckers and drivers in personal vehicles – filled the Cabela’s parking lot in South Anchorage before 1 p.m. and started driving to their final destination, the Eagle River Lions Club, after 1:30 p.m. Another convoy drove to Eagle River from the Mat-Su.

“We have to have the shot stamps on our medical cards in order to go out of state, and we don’t want them,” said Jeremy Speldrich, a truck driver with GMG General, Inc. “Mandates should be our choice, whether you want the shots or not.”

A similar event took place in Fairbanks on Sunday and in Juneau earlier this month.

The rally in Eagle River featured an appearance by Anchorage Mayor Dave Bronson and Republican U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan, who addressed a cheering crowd from the bed of a pick-up truck.

Sullivan said he does not believe the federal government “has the power to look at American citizens and say ‘either you get vaccinated or you get fired from your job.’ He commended the rally participants for engaging i

U.S. Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka also participated in the rally, posting a video of herself in the passenger seat of a truck.

”This is really about freedom,” Tshibaka said. “Political leaders shouldn’t push their way into the patient-provider relationship.”Tshibaka, who is endorsed by former President Donald Trump, is running to unseat Republican U.S. Sen. Lisa Murkowski.



We see you, Alaska truckers!

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e8bd5a No.15229

File: 87b57a65665b097⋯.jpg (76.02 KB,828x824,207:206,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576318 (081507ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Ok who did this?

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e8bd5a No.15230

File: b44f10d0b349173⋯.png (67.94 KB,943x290,943:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576324 (081509ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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>Top Canadian official pushes back against GOP support for 'Freedom Truck Convoy'

>Several Canadian politicians have told U.S. lawmakers to mind their own business.

Perhaps the Canadian politicians should practice what they preach.

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e8bd5a No.15231

File: a0bcf2437edbcee⋯.mp4 (13.76 MB,240x426,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576341 (081513ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15232

File: 9510e5fe35b97b9⋯.png (294.6 KB,598x562,299:281,Clipboard.png)

File: 5ebf5a863d15c67⋯.mp4 (2.06 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576344 (081514ZFEB22) Notable: NEW - CNN's health pundit Leana Wen says "the science has changed" on mandatory face masks

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It's official. COVID DONE.



NEW - CNN's health pundit Leana Wen says "the science has changed" on mandatory face masks.


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e8bd5a No.15233

File: fb77df8dec9a8d0⋯.png (255.91 KB,592x513,592:513,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576346 (081515ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Outstanding Flag of Canada



11:12 PM · Feb 7, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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e8bd5a No.15234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576365 (081518ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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And the Judge, Ontario Superior Court Justice Hugh McLean by issuing an immediate injunction. As if some frail 80 yr old man would know.



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e8bd5a No.15235

File: 7ca97c73fe05ff3⋯.png (345.68 KB,581x605,581:605,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576404 (081526ZFEB22) Notable: Mandates ending in some States

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The Democratic governors of California, Connecticut, Delaware, Oregon and New Jersey on Monday announced plans to end some mask mandates, citing a drop in Covid cases.


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e8bd5a No.15236

File: e426c8584f8977a⋯.jpeg (198 KB,750x799,750:799,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576416 (081528ZFEB22) Notable: Lots of air travel between DC and Colorado

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e8bd5a No.15237

File: b84bbbdf9c340db⋯.png (209.09 KB,429x495,13:15,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576463 (081537ZFEB22) Notable: New Zealand Convoy Protesters Gather Near Parliament Against COVID-19 Restrictions

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C-VINE News (Official Channel), [08.02.22 09:17]


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e8bd5a No.15238

File: faa1aef7de6b5ef⋯.png (248.61 KB,744x495,248:165,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576470 (081537ZFEB22) Notable: Peloton ousting CEO John Foley, cutting hundreds of jobs in turnaround bid

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Peloton ousting CEO John Foley, cutting hundreds of jobs in turnaround bid


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e8bd5a No.15239

File: 9bfa54ec78219b5⋯.png (180.95 KB,423x429,141:143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576474 (081538ZFEB22) Notable: New Zealand Convoy Protesters Gather Near Parliament Against COVID-19 Restrictions

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


NTD, [08.02.22 09:37]

New Zealand Convoy Protesters Gather Near Parliament Against COVID-19 Restrictions

READ: https://www.ntd.com/new-zealand-convoy-protesters-gather-near-parliament-against-covid-19-restrictions_737521.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram


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e8bd5a No.15240

File: 9927608f37b4c9c⋯.jpg (68.47 KB,1280x876,320:219,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576475 (081538ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

antifa peacefully protesting. But the Truckers horns.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15241

File: 76d84f0fd548416⋯.mp4 (3.46 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576491 (081542ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>The simplest answer is that the truckers were not and are not a security threat. Since they are not a threat they are not an appropriate part of a threat assessment.

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e8bd5a No.15242

File: b70e1791b2abf33⋯.mp4 (4.94 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576504 (081545ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15243

File: 402d2ae420856e5⋯.jpg (68.08 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576513 (081547ZFEB22) Notable: Trudeau divided us in 2 years. Truckers united us in 2 weeks. (pic)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15244

File: 8bb987092912f55⋯.png (226.84 KB,585x587,585:587,Clipboard.png)

File: 4035b407e58b039⋯.png (65.55 KB,587x373,587:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576524 (081549ZFEB22) Notable: Dozens of district attorneys have signed briefs in support of the foreign government

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Dozens of district attorneys have signed briefs in support of the foreign government.

>ICYMI Massachusetts, California, Connecticut, Delaware, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York and Oregon are joining a lawsuit in MEXICO to violate your 2A rights. Get loud.



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e8bd5a No.15245

File: 9c0ec98bd764ed6⋯.mp4 (2.37 MB,944x544,59:34,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576537 (081551ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15246

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576538 (081551ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Montreal spreading the love

2mins of wake

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e8bd5a No.15247

File: 3f213ced5721f36⋯.jpg (53 KB,750x655,150:131,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576554 (081553ZFEB22) Notable: DJT Jr - 'Alec Baldwin spoof' - I killed more people last year than Jan 6 protesters. Change my mind

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15248

File: 4d184a157f85270⋯.png (324.31 KB,587x698,587:698,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576572 (081556ZFEB22) Notable: First J6 trials start this month

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First J6 trials start this month. After enduring the wrath of vengeful prosecutors and hostile judges from both parties, J6 defendants must now roll the dice with a jury in a city that voted 93% for Joe Biden.

Two new polls show an insurmountable level…


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e8bd5a No.15249

File: d806551cf3e75cc⋯.png (277.15 KB,589x754,589:754,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576575 (081557ZFEB22) Notable: First J6 trials start this month

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15250

File: d1a78c6bd07d554⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB,1284x2167,1284:2167,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576581 (081557ZFEB22) Notable: Q Research makes the news - 5G and QAnon: how conspiracy theorists steered Canada’s anti-vaccine trucker protest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

These people are stupid.


5G and QAnon: how conspiracy theorists steered Canada’s anti-vaccine trucker protest

Ottawa’s occupation was a result of unrivaled coordination between anti-vax and anti-government organizations


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e8bd5a No.15251

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576593 (081559ZFEB22) Notable: Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump - Kash’s Corner

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump | Kash’s Corner

President Donald Trump sits down with top White House aide Kash Patel to discuss vaccine mandates for children, the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, threats from communist China, and what he sees as the path forward for rebuilding American authority globally.


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e8bd5a No.15252

File: fabd258c3664d13⋯.png (257.33 KB,590x583,590:583,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576595 (081559ZFEB22) Notable: Publisher Sues Elizabeth Warren For Attempts At Censoring Covid-19 Book

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Publisher Sues Elizabeth Warren For Attempts At Censoring Covid-19 Book


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e8bd5a No.15253

File: 4ab803a2acbcf6b⋯.png (981.16 KB,1920x955,384:191,Clipboard.png)

File: 588256c73653970⋯.png (1.45 MB,1180x721,1180:721,Clipboard.png)

File: 093d498a6e0f47d⋯.png (547.56 KB,856x598,428:299,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576667 (081609ZFEB22) Notable: PF Lots of 'Q' in the callsign.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I think this plane is trying to get the attention of planefags. Lots of 'Q' in the callsign.

6QMQQ0CJ odd callsign on this E-9A Widget plane.

Normally it is tasked with patrolling weapons ranges.

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e8bd5a No.15254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576723 (081617ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Feds in Ottawa trying to entrap convoy members. Please share this.

Footage from: https://youtube.com/watch?v=zBe6_HtKQRk

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e8bd5a No.15255

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576729 (081618ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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RT to shame these fuckers… (To protect and serve??)

#police #rcmp #trudeau #ottawa #lawenforcement #truckers #ctv #ctvnews


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e8bd5a No.15256

File: 0e6363b910d35c0⋯.jpeg (195.82 KB,828x1607,828:1607,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576731 (081618ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Canada’s Tiananmen Square Moment

This man is literally holding the future of humanity in his hands and you can tell that he knows it…


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e8bd5a No.15257

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576735 (081618ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Rumble (https://rumble.com/vubdbd-february-7-2022.html)

Breaking New!!!!! OTTAWA TRUCKERS & DOCTORS! Share this with everyone as soon as possible! This is what the media isn’t going to show you. We’re counting on you to be the media of factual information. Please share 🙏

Follow Canada Unity 1 :https://www.facebook.com/CanadaUnity/ Website: http://Canada-Unity.com/ Follow Pat King For Informatio

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e8bd5a No.15258

File: b97305e2acc5831⋯.png (936.89 KB,1751x983,1751:983,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576750 (081619ZFEB22) Notable: Raised : USD $6,154,346 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Goal : USD $16,000,000

Raised : USD $6,066,932


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e8bd5a No.15259

File: 51fdaaa4ea4db85⋯.mp4 (1.72 MB,368x656,23:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576762 (081620ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Arrested for a jerrycan.

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e8bd5a No.15260

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576768 (081621ZFEB22) Notable: Media collapsing, lets make it a landslide D5 style

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Anons, its time to recycle this clip to Social Media and the World.

Media collapsing, lets make it a landslide D5 style

Mika Brzezinski Our Job Is to Control Exactly What People Think

Some ideas on #, add to them









Anons, got any ideas to make any of these ideas go viral?

Did MSNBC call truckers terrorists, any clips out there?

Same campaign on CNN

If anyone on Poso twitter and its a good idea, post there and it will go viral.

We need to hammer home how much they hate freedom and USA & Free truckers and people around the world










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e8bd5a No.15261

File: ff358af8b93aadb⋯.png (402.46 KB,555x555,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576800 (081625ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Man, the TRUCKERS are doing it so GOOD.

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e8bd5a No.15262

File: cbaaa0cff68f646⋯.jpg (112.42 KB,923x525,923:525,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576805 (081625ZFEB22) Notable: Media collapsing, lets make it a landslide D5 style

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576828 (081630ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Convoy To Ottawa OFFLINE CHAT SCANNER Ontario Provincial Police, EMS, MTO and Fire


Portland Andy🌭


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e8bd5a No.15264

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576852 (081633ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




this been notabled yet?

possible Candaian fedbois trying to entrap truckers

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e8bd5a No.15265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576879 (081637ZFEB22) Notable: Freedom Convoy LiveStream

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Is It a Cop Crack Down? Canada Freedom Convoy Tues Feb 8th 2022 #freedomconvoy #gimbalfootage #irl

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e8bd5a No.15266

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576890 (081639ZFEB22) Notable: LIVE London UK Freedom Convoy Outside Scotland Yard Day 2

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Oh shit wrong link:

LIVE London UK Freedom Convoy Outside Scotland Yard Day 2**

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e8bd5a No.15267

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15576947 (081648ZFEB22) Notable: #19697, #19698, #19699

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/15576127 Dough

#19697 Final

>>15258 Raised : USD $6,154,346 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

>>15265 Freedom Convoy LiveStream

>>15245, >>15242, >>15241, >>15240, >>15234, >>15222 All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

>>15233, >>15231, >>15230, >>15229, >>15226, >>15224 All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

>>15254, >>15256, >>15255, >>15257, >>15259, >>15261 All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

>>15250, >>15246, >>15263, >>15264 All Things Canadian Freedom Convoy

>>15222 Top Canadian official pushes back against GOP support for ‘Freedom Truck Convoy’

>>15228 Alaska truck drivers rally against vaccine mandates

>>15235 Mandates ending in some States

>>15236 Lots of air travel between DC and Colorado

>>15223 Kid commits suicide, school says "bullying" and not covid tyranny

>>15239, >>15237, >>15227 New Zealand Convoy Protesters Gather Near Parliament Against COVID-19 Restrictions

>>15225 Ark Invest's Cathie Wood sells $142 million of #Twitter shares ahead of the earnings report

>>15243 Trudeau divided us in 2 years. Truckers united us in 2 weeks. (pic)

>>15232 NEW - CNN's health pundit Leana Wen says "the science has changed" on mandatory face masks

>>15238 Peloton ousting CEO John Foley, cutting hundreds of jobs in turnaround bid

>>15244 Dozens of district attorneys have signed briefs in support of the foreign government

>>15247 DJT Jr - 'Alec Baldwin spoof' - I killed more people last year than Jan 6 protesters. Change my mind

>>15248, >>15249 First J6 trials start this month

>>15250 Q Research makes the news - 5G and QAnon: how conspiracy theorists steered Canada’s anti-vaccine trucker protest

>>15251 Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump - Kash’s Corner

>>15253 PF Lots of 'Q' in the callsign.

>>15260, >>15262 Media collapsing, lets make it a landslide D5 style

>>15252 Publisher Sues Elizabeth Warren For Attempts At Censoring Covid-19 Book

>>15266 LIVE London UK Freedom Convoy Outside Scotland Yard Day 2


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e8bd5a No.15268

File: 3eacd949d4eb5be⋯.mp4 (778.35 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577064 (081705ZFEB22) Notable: BBC admits they use HIV to make the covid vaccine?

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BBC admits they use HIV to make the covid vaccine

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e8bd5a No.15269

File: f2a6aa5e040a1be⋯.png (474.12 KB,752x668,188:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577081 (081708ZFEB22) Notable: Ready the memes…. Biden Template

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ready the memes….



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e8bd5a No.15270

File: 408d0340af9b5bf⋯.png (46.71 KB,597x475,597:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577151 (081716ZFEB22) Notable: Taliban delegation in Geneva for diplomatic, humanitarian talks: Swiss foreign ministry

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


#BREAKING Taliban delegation in Geneva for diplomatic, humanitarian talks: Swiss foreign ministry


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e8bd5a No.15271

File: 53a1ff5f44c5d6e⋯.jpeg (949.31 KB,1436x945,1436:945,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577153 (081716ZFEB22) Notable: Ready the memes…. Biden Template

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15272

File: e6afcd93d0af149⋯.jpeg (202.3 KB,1133x1633,1133:1633,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6bf88943ff1fb8a⋯.jpeg (187.79 KB,1126x1606,563:803,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c9cabaad986028e⋯.jpeg (169.72 KB,1124x1559,1124:1559,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c72845b38f865d6⋯.jpeg (147.44 KB,1076x1362,538:681,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9111b725e018206⋯.jpeg (157.75 KB,1104x1639,1104:1639,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577176 (081720ZFEB22) Notable: Top donors givesendgo/FreedomConvoy2022 (CAPS)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Finally was able to process donation

Look at these top donors


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e8bd5a No.15273

File: 23bc0d274778e37⋯.png (1.1 MB,1022x988,511:494,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577192 (081722ZFEB22) Notable: @DeptofDefense Danielle Metz, deputy chief information officer for information enterprise and Jason Weiss, chief software officer, briefed the media

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Department of Defense


Danielle Metz, deputy chief information officer for information enterprise and Jason Weiss, chief software officer, briefed the media regarding the DoD's software modernization strategy.


DOD Releases Software Modernization Strategy

The Defense  Department's Software Modernization Strategy will  harness the power of cloud and developing software applications to provide continuous capability for the department and its warfighters.

11:05 AM · Feb 8, 2022·Sprinklr


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e8bd5a No.15274

File: 9dfbe6a220a4bdf⋯.png (209.14 KB,516x677,516:677,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ed17f2c754069a⋯.mp4 (5.9 MB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577193 (081722ZFEB22) Notable: One of the demons behind human trafficking. (VID)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Kari Lake for AZ Governor


One of the demons behind human trafficking.

Watch with full sound.

This is what nightmares are made of⤵️


Ali Bradley

2:55 PM · Feb 7, 2022

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e8bd5a No.15275

File: 3f7d2c761213dad⋯.jpg (290.55 KB,1920x1079,1920:1079,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a00f26b80ca7625⋯.jpeg (530.57 KB,896x3543,896:3543,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 28a20472010aa78⋯.jpeg (969.86 KB,896x9767,896:9767,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 88a3031b2289e61⋯.jpeg (188.87 KB,896x1657,896:1657,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577199 (081723ZFEB22) Notable: ANTHONY FAUCI HOLDS PATENTS ON HIV COMPONENT USED TO CREATE COVID-19

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June 29, 2021 by Sage Edwards

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s name appears on four U.S patents for a key glycoprotein that seems to have been inserted into the SARS virus to create COVID-19.

Justia.com, a legal portal, lists patents by inventor Anthony Fauci involving a glycoprotein in HIV-1.

This same glycoprotein, identified as Glycoprotein 120, or simply as GP120, has also been found to be a key component of the current COVID-19, a disease that appears to combine a HIV-1 attack on the human immune system, with SARS CoV-1, the pathogen from the original SARS

Medical scientists in India reported four intersections in the spike glycoprotein that are unique to COVID-19 and not present in other coronaviruses. The article was taken down after it was suggested that Covid-19 was created in a lab by inserting the glycoprotein from HIV-1 into a sars virus.

In recent weeks media platforms have stopped banning content that suggests COVID-19 was made in a lab after president Biden called a search into the origins of the virus.


Covid: Australian vaccine abandoned over false HIV response

Published11 December 2020

Superantigenic character of an insert unique to SARS-CoV-2 spike supported by skewed TCR repertoire in patients with hyperinflammation



Covid-19 lab leak theory: Indian scientists had flagged ‘unnatural insertions’ in its genome, were forced to withdraw study

Researchers from Kusuma School of Biological Sciences in IIT Delhi had published a paper last year showing that the 4 unique insertions in Novel Coronavirus match with HIV virus

4 June, 2021

FAUCI 'owns' the hivaxxed

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e8bd5a No.15276

File: 650936efcaeeb67⋯.png (1.02 MB,1022x912,511:456,Clipboard.png)

File: aa53590af44ee38⋯.jpeg (747.71 KB,3192x2280,7:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7fe1cd9ef03f882⋯.jpeg (846.11 KB,3675x2625,7:5,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 9c3d2b44b14ea5d⋯.jpeg (894.7 KB,4096x2926,2048:1463,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577215 (081724ZFEB22) Notable: @US7thFleet Members of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS GRIDLEY (DDG 101) Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) team conduct tactical sweep movements (COMM CHQ)

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7th Fleet


Members of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS GRIDLEY (DDG 101) Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) team conduct tactical sweep movements during a VBSS training evolution. #USNavy #OperationalReadiness

5:00 PM · Feb 7, 2022·Twitter Web App


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e8bd5a No.15277

File: 23e38543b8069d5⋯.png (4.56 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577238 (081727ZFEB22) Notable: WANDERING HEN CAUGHT SNEAKING AROUND PENTAGON SECURITY AREA (Hen comms?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hen comms?


A wandering chicken was caught sneaking around a security area at the Pentagon, a local animal welfare organization said.

The loose hen was found early Monday morning near the U.S. Department of Defense headquarters, the Animal Welfare League of Arlington, Virginia, wrote on social media.

“Apparently, the answer to ‘why did the chicken cross the road’ is to get to the Pentagon,” the group posted.

The chicken was taken into custody by one of the league’s employees.

Chelsea Jones, a spokesperson for the organization, said in an email that she couldn’t reveal the precise location where the bird was spotted.

“We are not allowed to disclose exactly where she was found,” Jones said. “We can only say it was at a security checkpoint.”

It’s also unclear where the chicken came from or how she got to the Pentagon.

The hen — which has brown feathers and a red comb and wattles — is a Rhode Island Red. Jones described the bird as “sweet” and “nervous” but said she has allowed some people to pet her.

She’s now known as Henny Penny, one of the names given to the chicken that thinks “the sky is falling” in a folk tale.

This one has gained notoriety of her own: Jimmy Fallon performed a song about her on “The Tonight Show.”

“Are you a normal clucker or an undercover spy?” Fallon sang on his Tuesday episode.

Jones said Henny Penny is being adopted by a staff member who has a small farm in western Virginia.

Sauce: https://realdealnews.org/2022/02/08/wandering-hen-caught-sneaking-around-pentagon-security-area/

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e8bd5a No.15278

File: 2eda976d9f269c3⋯.png (317.52 KB,750x823,750:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577250 (081727ZFEB22) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr Let’s go Brandeau!!! #LetsGoBrandeau #Canada #TrudeauMustResign

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Let’s go Brandeau!!!

#LetsGoBrandeau #Canada #TrudeauMustResign


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e8bd5a No.15279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577286 (081733ZFEB22) Notable: Feb. 8 LIVE from Ottawa's Freedom Convoy 2022

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Feb. 8 LIVE from Ottawa's Freedom Convoy 2022 - Viva on the Street

Started streaming 15 minutes ago

Viva Frei

472K subscribers

Another day, another day of lies from Trudeau. Documenting in real time from the streets of Ottawa. Enjoy!


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e8bd5a No.15280

File: 837b8841653ef16⋯.png (509.56 KB,621x647,621:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577324 (081739ZFEB22) Notable: WANDERING HEN CAUGHT SNEAKING AROUND PENTAGON SECURITY AREA (Hen comms?)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Is this another chicken, or are they talking about this one from Jan 31?


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e8bd5a No.15281

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577329 (081740ZFEB22) Notable: Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION - Feb.6, 2022 "State of Emergency Update"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION - Feb.6, 2022 "State of Emergency Update"

Anon hasn't seen this before now so apologies if late news.

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e8bd5a No.15282

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577335 (081740ZFEB22) Notable: ANTHONY FAUCI HOLDS PATENTS ON HIV COMPONENT USED TO CREATE COVID-19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





Oh, this just keep getting better, and better.


Hydroxychloroquine treatment of patients with human immunodeficiency virus type 1


Inhibition of HIV-1 replication by hydroxychloroquine: mechanism of action and comparison with zidovudine



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e8bd5a No.15283

File: 84ea676cbb7aec7⋯.png (69.71 KB,1020x324,85:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577351 (081742ZFEB22) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr So the Biden Administration thinks it’s a great idea to give out crackpipes but definitely not Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. (Let that sink in!)

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Donald Trump Jr.


So the Biden Administration thinks it’s a great idea to give out crackpipes but definitely not Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. Let that sink in!

11:32 AM · Feb 8, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15284

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577360 (081744ZFEB22) Notable: Anons Musings from the Potus/Kash interview

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Musings from the Potus/Kash interview

All scripted of course. Movie. Back and forth as if they don't full well know what's about to happen. Trump building up narrative of America lost if no leader, Kash asking, what can we do Sir?

Kash wanting to push the envelope as far as possible. Trump restrains him and shows that he has the fullest authority and broadest view of intelligence, but some repeating themes from recent rallies and helper anons. Leaving out tidbits about Durham having a lot to show soon and Taiwan imminent as that's already been covered in past couple of days.

1. We need a leader before 3 more years. Seems that Trump may resume out front in 2023 saying "I'll give you solid answers in a year."

Matches up w/Trump Jr "Phil saw his shadow, Florida for another 52 weeks." Stage set to make us look very weak and ready to be taken if no real leader appears. All hangs in the balance on the world stage.

2. China, Russia, Iran an axis of evil waiting to pounce with nuclear and military prowess that we gave to them through U1 dealings and lax measures. U1 thus why we needed Q clearance patriot that is not DOE. No one knows what will happen with this, but as discussed here prior, major emphasis to China taking our nuclear base, taking advantage of our porus southern border, and large majority of Afghan refugees are actually terrorists.

3. Kash has an extremely close working relationship with Potus. He ran many ops w/ and for him prior. They both know exactly what's going on. They are in control with others, especially the white hat generals. Evident that a war with black hat generals and others has already been going on and that bad advisors always present to threaten good guys efforts as it must be authentic with Trump not overstepping protocol in any area unless he has valid executive powers at his disposal to do so. Threat is constant, as even wall defense/offense took many lawsuits to build the portion we already have.

4. If Trump not in charge, how does he know to say that there are exactly 126 nations represented of illegal immigrants, coming through our southern border presently?

5. This one may be a reach, but noted. Weird ending with allowance for end not clipped, after interview finished. Trump says lets go again in 10 and Kash slips in "26!" Appears to refer to another interview or meeting following in that many minutes, but clock-bundles- of- sticks, does 10 or 26 from the time of interview or the 7th from when released mean anything?


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e8bd5a No.15285

File: 35cb6b518061bab⋯.png (182.56 KB,1016x802,508:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577377 (081745ZFEB22) Notable: @PapiTrumpo "Dad, I have an idea…" (#CrackPipesForAll)

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il Donaldo Trumpo


"Dad, I have an idea…"

11:26 AM · Feb 8, 2022·Twitter Web App


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e8bd5a No.15286

File: e1802be7f98e5f9⋯.jpg (45.73 KB,720x933,240:311,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577378 (081745ZFEB22) Notable: The Ottawa Police Service is seeking the public’s help in identifying two individuals as persons of interest in the investigation of an arson.

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APB Breaking New Looking for Antifa or BLM

APB Breaking New Looking for Antifa or BLM


The Ottawa Police Service is seeking the public’s help in identifying two individuals as persons of interest in the investigation of an arson.

The incident occurred in the early morning hours of February 6, 2022, at a building in the 200 block of Lisgar Street. It’s believed that one or more persons entered the building and started a fire using undisclosed materials. The fire caused minor damage but thankfully no injuries occurred.

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e8bd5a No.15287

File: 3390d2558e01d29⋯.jpg (31.39 KB,516x188,129:47,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 72890f7022784c5⋯.jpg (88.66 KB,478x656,239:328,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 17d7a71ccf0b983⋯.jpg (8.45 KB,224x299,224:299,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c6e9a6dabeb2bbf⋯.jpg (24.12 KB,350x470,35:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577411 (081750ZFEB22) Notable: ANTHONY FAUCI HOLDS PATENTS ON HIV COMPONENT USED TO CREATE COVID-19

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>Think about Magic Johnson

being a partner withLoop Capitol

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e8bd5a No.15288

File: 332664b0f85debe⋯.png (8.93 KB,455x171,455:171,Clipboard.png)

File: 604999ad6b50ba5⋯.png (6.9 KB,459x121,459:121,Clipboard.png)

File: ad197973e7a0476⋯.png (17.24 KB,456x302,228:151,Clipboard.png)

File: cdd7aa81148f229⋯.png (10.09 KB,454x170,227:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577430 (081752ZFEB22) Notable: ANTHONY FAUCI HOLDS PATENTS ON HIV COMPONENT USED TO CREATE COVID-19

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Please add to notable

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e8bd5a No.15289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577437 (081753ZFEB22) Notable: Convoy To Ottawa OFFLINE CHAT SCANNER Ontario Provincial Police, EMS, MTO and Fire Portland Andy🌭LIVE

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Convoy To Ottawa OFFLINE CHAT SCANNER Ontario Provincial Police, EMS, MTO and Fire

Portland Andy🌭LIVE


[dis]patcher says there's a Covid-19 out-break going on with the Convoy… kek

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e8bd5a No.15290

File: c5eaa8f40026647⋯.jpeg (151.88 KB,828x528,69:44,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577453 (081754ZFEB22) Notable: Hillary Rodham Clinton To Headline Inaugural Forbes 30/50 Summit

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hillary Rodham Clinton To Headline Inaugural Forbes 30/50 Summit And Receive International Women’s Day Lifetime Achievement Award


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e8bd5a No.15291

File: aa8cf9a984b5c92⋯.jpeg (544.7 KB,1600x1537,1600:1537,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577456 (081754ZFEB22) Notable: POTUS speaks - Cancel DirecTV

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POTUS speaks

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e8bd5a No.15292

File: c958338aaf67641⋯.png (119.68 KB,242x562,121:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577458 (081755ZFEB22) Notable: LTHS in LaGrange IL walking out in protest of masking restrictions

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We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [08.02.22 11:37]

[Forwarded from M]

[ Video ]

🚨🚨🚨HAPPENING NOW: LTHS in LaGrange IL walking out in protest of masking restrictions

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e8bd5a No.15293

File: aaf16198e140097⋯.jpeg (302.08 KB,1241x1514,1241:1514,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: e95990887d96a74⋯.jpeg (133.28 KB,1241x739,1241:739,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577479 (081758ZFEB22) Notable: Reminder - Elons got Media Questions

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Elon, Mika gave us the answer already

Mika Brzezinski Our Job Is to Control Exactly What People Think

Media collapsing, lets make it a Avalanche D5 style


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e8bd5a No.15294

File: 16ec688ddde7193⋯.jpeg (433.85 KB,1241x1764,1241:1764,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: df84e9be6198cbb⋯.jpeg (629.95 KB,1200x1334,600:667,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577488 (081759ZFEB22) Notable: @PapiTrumpo [#FreeTheSmiles]

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15295

File: bc8cb832e7c7d97⋯.png (27.44 KB,589x229,589:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577564 (081807ZFEB22) Notable: Liberal MP, Joël Lightbound, has broken the party line and come out against Trudeau's measures.

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BREAKING: Liberal MP, Joël Lightbound, has broken the party line and come out against Trudeau's measures. He says he’s not alone in being uncomfortable with how the Liberal Party has responded with vaccine mandates.



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e8bd5a No.15296

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577596 (081810ZFEB22) Notable: ANTHONY FAUCI HOLDS PATENTS ON HIV COMPONENT USED TO CREATE COVID-19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/15577538, >>>/qresearch/15577531, >>>/qresearch/15577495, >>>/qresearch/15577470, >>15283, >>>/qresearch/15577355, >>15282, >>15275, >>>/qresearch/15577258 Ivermectin/HCQ Treat/Cure Cancer, and HIV-1. Fauci Holds HIV-1 patent. Magic Johnson on the board of Loop Capital, and still alive "with HIV" (undetectable).

Can't make this shit up.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15297

File: 940fd2d0df2986e⋯.jpg (474.81 KB,1536x2048,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577601 (081811ZFEB22) Notable: Some truckers are removing their tires. (#NoMoreTires!)

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Some truckers are removing their tires.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15298

File: 986bc4f14b94418⋯.png (258.92 KB,603x568,603:568,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577645 (081815ZFEB22) Notable: About 25% trade between the US and Canada utilizes the Ambassador bridge

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About 25% trade between the US and Canada utilizes the Ambassador bridge. Here is what the blockade looks like.


Anonyme Citoyen

11:25 AM · Feb 8, 2022·

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e8bd5a No.15299

File: fb8db9d6c33f0de⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,478x848,239:424,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577722 (081824ZFEB22) Notable: Toronto- 4 yo to Maskless Man in Store: Look Mommy! No Mask! I Really Like Your Face

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15300

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577770 (081830ZFEB22) Notable: #19698

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>>15268 BBC admits they use HIV to make the covid vaccine?

>>15269, >>15271 Ready the memes…. Biden Template

>>15270 Taliban delegation in Geneva for diplomatic, humanitarian talks: Swiss foreign ministry

>>15272 Top donors givesendgo/FreedomConvoy2022 (CAPS)

>>15273 @DeptofDefense Danielle Metz, deputy chief information officer for information enterprise and Jason Weiss, chief software officer, briefed the media

>>15274 One of the demons behind human trafficking. (VID)

>>15276 @US7thFleet Members of the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS GRIDLEY (DDG 101) Visit, Board, Search and Seizure (VBSS) team conduct tactical sweep movements (COMM CHQ)


>>15278 @DonaldJTrumpJr Let’s go Brandeau!!! #LetsGoBrandeau #Canada #TrudeauMustResign

>>15279 Feb. 8 LIVE from Ottawa's Freedom Convoy 2022

>>15281 Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION - Feb.6, 2022 "State of Emergency Update"

>>15275, >>15282, >>15287, >>15288, >>15296 ANTHONY FAUCI HOLDS PATENTS ON HIV COMPONENT USED TO CREATE COVID-19

>>15284 Anons Musings from the Potus/Kash interview

>>15285 @PapiTrumpo "Dad, I have an idea…" (#CrackPipesForAll)

>>15286 The Ottawa Police Service is seeking the public’s help in identifying two individuals as persons of interest in the investigation of an arson.


>@DonaldJTrumpJr So the Biden Administration thinks it’s a great idea to give out crackpipes but definitely not Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine. (Let that sink in!)

>>15289 Convoy To Ottawa OFFLINE CHAT SCANNER Ontario Provincial Police, EMS, MTO and Fire Portland Andy🌭LIVE

>>15290 Hillary Rodham Clinton To Headline Inaugural Forbes 30/50 Summit

>>15291 POTUS speaks - Cancel DirecTV

>>15292 LTHS in LaGrange IL walking out in protest of masking restrictions

>>15294 @PapiTrumpo [#FreeTheSmiles]

>>15295 Liberal MP, Joël Lightbound, has broken the party line and come out against Trudeau's measures.

>>15293 Reminder - Elons got Media Questions

>>15297 Some truckers are removing their tires. (#NoMoreTires!)

>>>/qresearch/15577603, >>15203 LB Trump interview w/ Kash Patel

>>15298 About 25% trade between the US and Canada utilizes the Ambassador bridge

>>15299 Toronto- 4 yo to Maskless Man in Store: Look Mommy! No Mask! I Really Like Your Face

FINAL, please tag this post with anything missed anons.

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e8bd5a No.15301

File: aed281acb7521b2⋯.png (414.73 KB,599x681,599:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577841 (081838ZFEB22) Notable: Martin @Sikorsky Black Hawk helicopter flying itself

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It might look disconcerting to see a @LockheedMartin

Martin @Sikorsky

Black Hawk helicopter flying itself…but, don't worry, we've got this! DARPA's ALIAS technology just enabled the first ever flight of this iconic chopper…with nobody onboard.


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e8bd5a No.15302

File: 87a2b53c8718468⋯.mp4 (945.09 KB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577855 (081840ZFEB22) Notable: Communist Party of Canada admits on camera that they 'just read what they're given'.

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Communist Party of Canada admits on camera that they 'just read what they're given'.

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e8bd5a No.15303

File: f6e6026ec0d5d40⋯.png (241.11 KB,820x560,41:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 6cddc708752173f⋯.png (362.79 KB,830x731,830:731,Clipboard.png)

File: 6a8a70ac2bee088⋯.png (216.25 KB,823x701,823:701,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ec39a5a7812822⋯.png (166.63 KB,874x710,437:355,Clipboard.png)

File: 96fa7622bfa01a9⋯.png (167.9 KB,820x634,410:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577856 (081840ZFEB22) Notable: Maricopa County – Investigation Finds Additional 740,000 Ballots Have No Documented Chain Of Custody

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Maricopa County – Investigation Finds Additional 740,000 Ballots Have No Documented Chain Of Custody

A new report from Verity Vote provides massive evidence of law violations in Maricopa County’s 2020 election.

740,000 ballots were accepted and counted without the proper chain of custody documentation in violation of Arizona Law.

Maricopa County failed to record the number of ballots on 1,514 out of 1,895 unique chain of custody documents and failed to record signatures on 48 of these documents. There is no way of knowing how many ballots these invalid documents accounted for or inserted into the system.

The Arizona Senate’s full forensic audit report has been delivered to the Arizona Attorney General, and we are awaiting the results of his criminal investigation.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, auditors have been chosen to analyze the routers and Splunk logs used in the 2020 election, and they are working to answer the Senate’s questions.

The “Maricopa County Chain of Custody Failure” report details Verity Vote’s investigation into 740,000 illegal ballots.

Maricopa County Chain of Custody Failure

740,000 Ballots Have No Documented Chain of Custody

Verity Vote has conducted an investigation of Maricopa County’s ballot chain of custody for the 2020 General Election.County records used to document retrieval of early voting ballots from vote centers and drop box locations reveal numerous violations of Arizona election law.

The violations identified are important because failure to maintain chain of custody and properly document ballot retrieval and transport makes it impossible to verify the origin of the ballots counted in an election.Arizona Law outlines specific requirements for secure ballot retrieval and chain of custody procedures for the transfer of voted ballots from drop boxes and vote centers. Maricopa County officials violated Arizona law and do not have the required chain of custody for at least 740,000 ballots.

According to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, “keeping a proper chain of custody is more than a best practice ─ it is essential to encouraging trust in our democracy.” EAC advocates for thorough, detailed chain of custody. “Chain of custody documents provide evidence that can be used to authenticate election results, corroborate post-election tabulation audits, and demonstrate that election outcomes can be trusted.” The Arizona legislature understood the need for ballot chain of custody and included that requirement in Title 16. The AZ Secretary of State, Governor, and the Attorney General agreed on the requirements for voted ballots deposited in Early Voting locations in the 2019 Elections Procedures Manual (EPM). The EPM identifies the County Recorder as the party responsible for implementing procedures to ensure proper chain of custody of ballots.



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e8bd5a No.15304

File: 6c735c4330d0256⋯.png (175.81 KB,499x443,499:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 0259a1339971837⋯.png (443.19 KB,829x775,829:775,Clipboard.png)

File: a2353c99251ebb0⋯.png (1 MB,900x1200,3:4,Clipboard.png)

File: f883658dd051287⋯.png (166.96 KB,875x773,875:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577910 (081846ZFEB22) Notable: 14 Out of 22 Missouri Republican Senators Join Democrats to Defeat [7-1] Redistricting Map –

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14 Out of 22 Missouri Republican Senators Join Democrats to Defeat 7-1 Redistricting Map – What’s Going On? …Update: Culprits Named

In Missouri, state Republicans in the Senate turned down an attempt to create a map of Congressional districts that would place the state in a 7-1 Republican lead. 14 Republicans joined all the Democrats to defeat the bill.

We reported on this previously, in Missouri the Republicans created a map that benefits the Democrat Party in this year’s redistricting effort. In Missouri where President Trump won the 2020 Election by nearly 20%, the state is now redistricting its Congressional districts. This effort has been secretive. RINOs in the state are attempting to push through the redistricting as quickly as possible that favors Democrats.

While Republicans in several states including Missouri are gifting Congressional seats to Democrats, the Dems are vicious in their attempts to build maps that give them every possible seat imaginable in blue states.


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e8bd5a No.15305

File: 4d82294a818cf95⋯.png (771.08 KB,889x693,127:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577921 (081848ZFEB22) Notable: Towing Companies Refusing to Move Freedom Convoy Trucks,

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covid-19 /

Towing Companies Refusing to Move Freedom Convoy Trucks, Despite Government Contracts

Published: February 08, 2022

| By Cassandra Fairbanks

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e8bd5a No.15306

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577933 (081849ZFEB22) Notable: Nuremburg 2?

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Grand Jury, The Court of Public Opinion - Dr. Reiner Fuellmich's Opening Statements


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e8bd5a No.15307

File: 3bd11db4c30d6e9⋯.png (46.18 KB,501x324,167:108,Clipboard.png)

File: 04818e50a2e1d6b⋯.png (41.95 KB,541x267,541:267,Clipboard.png)

File: dab68e6bcc5ad2f⋯.png (43.28 KB,535x287,535:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 848e817c0dc96f6⋯.png (39.18 KB,528x222,88:37,Clipboard.png)

File: bbe1e8beb47a9f6⋯.png (80.14 KB,875x617,875:617,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577935 (081849ZFEB22) Notable: In case you missed it - Capitol Police Spies 'Dressed Like Construction Workers' To Surveil GOP Congressman's Office

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Capitol Police Spies 'Dressed Like Construction Workers' To Surveil GOP Congressman's Office

Rep. Troy Nehls (R-TX) has lodged a bombshell accusation against the Capitol Police, who he says broke into his office without his knowledge and photographed sensitive documents.

Two days later, three intelligence officers dressed like construction workers ran into a member of Nehls' staff while trying again during Thanksgiving week to enter the office - questioning the staffer as to the contents of a photograph they illegally took two days earlier.



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e8bd5a No.15308

File: 7b52de7a2cf73de⋯.jpg (123.76 KB,720x1046,360:523,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 294fecc3b6be3fb⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB,480x448,15:14,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577944 (081850ZFEB22) Notable: Keep on Honking

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Psycho Commie eyes

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e8bd5a No.15309

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577973 (081852ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa looks on as China buys Canadian lithium operations

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Ottawa looks on as China buys Canadian lithium operations

Efforts to strengthen Canada’s supply chains for critical minerals were undermined last week when our own government decided not to conduct a national security review into the purchase of a Canadian lithium producer by a Chinese state-owned enterprise.

The decision is bizarre. Lithium, which is on a list of 31 minerals that Ottawa says are critical to Canada’s economy, is imperative to modern manufacturing, including large-scale battery storage needed for clean energy transition and, significantly, batteries for the flourishing electric vehicle (EV) industry.


Canada pols on the take too. $$$

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e8bd5a No.15310

File: 70ab3fcc2717193⋯.jpg (95.18 KB,1200x675,16:9,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15577990 (081854ZFEB22) Notable: Inspector General Opens Investigation Into U.S. Capitol Police Following Allegations Of Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff

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Inspector General Opens Investigation Into U.S. Capitol Police Following Allegations Of Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff

By: Sean Davis February 08, 2022

The IG is trying to determine if the Capitol Police have been illegally spying on members of Congress, their staff, or visitors to their offices.

The inspector general for the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) has opened a formal investigation into whether the law enforcement agency tasked with securing the Capitol has been inappropriately surveilling elected members of Congress, their staff, and visitors to their offices, The Federalist has learned. The opening of the investigation follows news reports and accusations from lawmakers that USCP has overstepped its bounds as it tries to recover from the January 6 riots that tarnished both the Capitol and the reputation of the law enforcement agency that was supposed to keep it safe.

USCP Chief J. Thomas Manger confirmed the opening of the inspector general investigation in his response to congressional inquiries about USCP police tactics, reported in a January 24 article published by Politico, including surveilling and compiling intelligence dossiers on members of Congress, their staff, and visitors.

“While I am confident in our methods, I am asking the USCP Office of the Inspector General to review the USCP’s programs related to these security assessments to assure both this Committee, the Congress as a whole, and the public that these processes are legal, necessary, and appropriate,” Manger wrote to seven Republican lawmakers.

According to the Politico article, USCP analysts had been directed by Julie Farnam, the acting director of USCP’s Intelligence and Interagency Coordination Division, to “run ‘background checks on people whom lawmakers planned to meet, including donors and associates.”

“Instead of fixing the obvious problems with Capitol security, Pelosi used January 6 as an excuse to create her own personal Praetorian Guard,” the aide said.

Comments and recommendations for mandatory background checks on staff by Pelosi’s hand-picked Capitol security adviser, retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honore, have also done little to quell suspicions that Pelosi is using the January 6 proceedings to justify increased surveillance of her political enemies in Congress.

“My main concern is that the entire Capitol Police board structure is dependent on political leadership to make security decisions,” Davis said. “Security decisions are being made based on politics, not on real data.”

“I’m not convinced we’re in any better security position today than we were on January 6,” he added, blaming Pelosi’s control of the process for the lack of real progress or improvements.

Banks also blasted Pelosi and said she is using the House’s January 6 commission as a weapon against her political opponents.

“It’s painfully clear to all of us that the sham January 6 commission is not at all interested in making the Capitol safer or preventing something like January 6 from ever happening again,” Banks said. “It’s clear that the January 6 commission is just a witch hunt against the political enemies of Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney.”


Good read.

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e8bd5a No.15311

File: e0517f29c138f42⋯.png (266.66 KB,651x1296,217:432,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578003 (081856ZFEB22) Notable: Donald Trump: TRUTH Social can compete with Big Tech

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Donald Trump: TRUTH Social can compete with Big Tech

Feb. 08, 2022 11:01 AM ETDigital World Acquisition Corp. (DWAC) By: Brian Stewart

Former President Donald Trump said Tuesday that his TRUTH Social media venture, which is set to come public via a SPAC deal with Digital World Acquisition (NASDAQ:DWAC), can compete with Big Tech rivals in the social media space.

"I certainly think so. And we're not reliant on them. And this country needs a voice," Trump told Fox Business News when asked if his new social media venture can stack up against established players in the industry.

TRUTH Social is currently slated to launch at the end of March, more than a month after a previously reported start date on Feb. 21.

TRUTH is part of a new media venture fronted by the former president, called Trump Media & Technology. The company announced a deal with DWAC in October to come public.

Trump Media and Technology CEO Devin Nunes reported that ramping up the network has been difficult, as the company has looked to build an infrastructure not reliant on Big Tech, eschewing platforms like Amazon's AWS.

Asked whether he planned to mount another run for president in 2024, Trump didn't answer the question directly but left open the possibility for another campaign.

"Well, the poll say I should," he said.

Dear Readers: We recognize that politics often intersect with the financial news of the day, so we invite you to click here to join the separate political discussion.

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e8bd5a No.15312

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578018 (081857ZFEB22) Notable: Bet on Digital World Acquisition Because Trump Can’t Lose

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Bet on Digital World Acquisition Because Trump Can’t Lose

Josh Enomoto - Yesterday 10:00 AM


There will never be a president like President Donald J. Trump. Love him or hate him, he is the embodiment of the American soul — bold, brash and will stomp you on your face if you ask too many stupid questions.

People truly love Trump. He has what I would call the Kiyosaki factor but multiplied by 10. In fact, Trump and Robert Kiyosaki even wrote a book together.

Most importantly, Trump’s messaging probably resonates a lot deeper than you might think.

You may not hear too much vocal support for Trump in public arenas, but you can absolutely bet that the “silent majority” will be much louder if their “wrong” opinions wouldn’t get them fired.

Perhaps that’s the irony of DWAC stock. The man behind the underlying social-media-focused special purpose acquisition company who garnered a reputation for firing people ignominiously is now graciously extending a seat in the boardroom for disenfranchised Americans. And by disenfranchised Americans, I mean — who else? — white folks.

7 Hot Stocks That Can Win in Either a Bull or Bear Market

“In fact, in New York state, if you’re white, you have to go to the back of the line to get medical help,” Trump stated at an Arizona rally, alleging racial discrimination regarding the distribution of coronavirus therapeutics.

Never mind that this was a bad-faith argument: it’s a powerful catalyst.

DWAC Stock is Unstoppable

Recently, my InvestorPlace colleague Chris Markoch had an interesting take on DWAC stock. Essentially, one of his arguments was that an objective analysis on news agencies will reveal certain political persuasions.

Markoch stated that Truth Social, the underlying social media platform that will become publicly tradable presuming a successful business combination, may enjoy a robust audience base.

I don’t doubt that sentiment for a second. Frankly, DWAC stock may be unstoppable.

As I said earlier, Trump’s messaging probably resonates far deeper (and wider and longer) than you think. You have to look to the poll beyond the poll.

For instance, few people when asked will admit to discriminatory feelings. So, it’s really difficult to gauge how Americans truly feel about hot-button issues such as race.

My best guess is that Trump is so popular because he takes the simple, anachronistically masculine approach to complex social problems.

Terrorism? Ban scapegoated people.

Immigration issues? Build the wall.

The Best Investment Ever…and Everybody Knows It!

Some critics may point out that I’m basing my bullishness for DWAC stock on unsubstantiated evidence. I’ll freely admit that I don’t have the smoking gun to suggest that Trump is more popular than the polls suggest.

But then, you look at DWAC stock itself. At a time when the S&P 500 is down nearly 7% for the year, the Trump SPAC is up 57%.

Here’s the thing: SPACs stink and I would know. Through my Benzinga columns focusing on initial public offerings, I’ve covered more SPACs than you’ve probably changed underwear.

Time and again, post-business combination, these bad boys tend to nosedive, mainly due to their dilutive profile as Harvard Law School pointed out.

You know, Trump is a bombastic character, but if he were to say that DWAC stock is the best investment ever, I would be hard-pressed to disagree.

He has changed American politics in a way that no one — and I truly mean no one — could have ever imagined.

Ignore him and his SPAC all you want. You as an American have that right. However, you also might be a little bit poorer off for it.

On the date of publication, Josh Enomoto did not have (either directly or indirectly) any positions in the securities mentioned in this article. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the writer, subject to the InvestorPlace.com Publishing Guidelines.

A former senior business analyst for Sony Electronics, Josh Enomoto has helped broker major contracts with Fortune Global 500 companies. Over the past several years, he has delivered unique, critical insights for the investment markets, as well as various other industries including legal, construction management, and healthcare.

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e8bd5a No.15313

File: 8366aa7c2601880⋯.png (154.68 KB,764x720,191:180,Clipboard.png)

File: 1b0a3b2cafcb00a⋯.png (22.74 KB,792x213,264:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578063 (081902ZFEB22) Notable: Arizona AG says state can cite ‘invasion’ to deport migrants without feds

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Arizona AG says state can cite ‘invasion’ to deport migrants without feds

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich claims in a new legal opinion that Republican Gov. Doug Ducey can declare the Grand Canyon State to be under “invasion” in order to begin deporting suspected illegal immigrants — but Ducey appears reluctant to do so.

The approach would theoretically allow Arizona to break with the Biden administration and start turning away people at the US-Mexico border, where officials made approximately 1.9 million arrests last year.

“The federal government’s failure to secure the border and protect Arizona from invasion is dangerous and unprecedented,” Brnovich wrote. “Thankfully, the Founders foresaw that States might need to protect themselves from invasion and made clear in the Constitution that States retain the sovereign power to defend themselves within their own territory.”

Republican Arizona state Rep. Jake Hoffman requested the opinion, which was published Monday night, after former Trump administration officials Ken Cuccinelli and Russ Vought proposed last year that border states like Arizona dust off an obscure provision in the Constitution to address the border crisis

Cuccinelli, a former acting deputy director of the Department of Homeland Security, and former White House budget director Vought — now the president of the conservative nonprofit Center for Renewing America — met with Brnovich and members of his staff last month.

“The violence and lawlessness at the border caused by transnational cartels and gangs satisfies the definition of an ‘invasion’ under the U.S. Constitution, and Arizona therefore has the power to defend itself from this invasion under the Governor’s authority as Commander-in-Chief,” Brnovich wrote. “An actual invasion permits the State to engage in defensive actions within its own territory at or near its border.”

Cuccinelli told The Post that “this obviously turns attention now not just to Gov. Ducey in Arizona — though that’s the logical first place — but over to Texas and people asking, ‘Well, why don’t you do this?'”


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e8bd5a No.15314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578066 (081902ZFEB22) Notable: Day 16 Convoy 2 Ottawa 2022 Canadian Trucker Portland Andy🌭LIVE

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Day 16 Convoy 2 Ottawa 2022 Canadian Trucker

Portland Andy🌭LIVE


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e8bd5a No.15315

File: f40da840c51a67b⋯.png (908.38 KB,645x3709,645:3709,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578081 (081904ZFEB22) Notable: Rumble SPAC partner CFVI sees shares climb for second day amid Joe Rogan speculation

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Rumble SPAC partner CFVI sees shares climb for second day amid Joe Rogan speculation


Shares of SPAC CF Acquisition Corp. VI (NASDAQ:CFVI), which is slated to merge with video platform Rumble, were up 6% Tuesday morning amid ongoing speculation that popular podcaster Joe Rogan might join Rumble.

CFVI shares recently changed hands at $15.95 at approximately 11:15 a.m. ET. Shares rallied on Monday on the Rogan speculation, shooting up 40% to $18.52 in afternoon trading before closing at $15.09, up 14%.

Rumble, which has been billed as an alternative to YouTube, made news Monday when its chief executive officer publicly offered Rogan a $100M contract over four years to move his show to the video platform. Rogan’s podcast is currently carried by Spotify (NYSE:SPOT).

CFVI announced in December that it planned to take Rumble public through a merger deal that valued the video platform at $2.1B. The merger is expected to close in the second quarter.

Rumble’s stock rallied in December after it announced that it had signed a deal with former President Trump’s new social media platform TRUTH Social, which is being taken public by Digital World Acquisition (NASDAQ:DWAC).

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e8bd5a No.15316

File: cfc3ab985df1443⋯.png (47.46 KB,598x453,598:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578131 (081909ZFEB22) Notable: @kayleighmcenany The dam has broken as many Democrat governors FINALLY reverse mask mandates in schools.

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Kayleigh McEnany


The dam has broken as many Democrat governors FINALLY reverse mask mandates in schools.

But make no mistake: the science has not changed, the politics have.

Discussing all this and more on @OutnumberedFNC


at 12pm ET. Tune in!



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e8bd5a No.15317

File: 3861043e5b09909⋯.png (274.25 KB,805x569,805:569,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578143 (081911ZFEB22) Notable: US, Canada, and others are concerned about "freedom of speech" in Hong Kong.

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JUST IN - US, Canada, and others are concerned about "freedom of speech" in Hong Kong.


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e8bd5a No.15318

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578147 (081912ZFEB22) Notable: Truth Social used the Rumble Cloud

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Truth Social used the Rumble Cloud

selected information from


"Trump Media also announced a technology and cloud services partnership with the video-hosting start-up Rumble in December. Rumble, which aims to be a right-wing alternative to YouTube, has received funding from GOP Senate candidate and venture capitalist J.D. Vance, venture capitalist Peter Thiel and Colt Ventures, which describes itself as the family office of Darren Blanton, a Dallas-based investor and prominent Trump supporter.

In announcing the partnership, Trump Media said it had “already launched Truth Social on the Rumble Cloud for invited guests only, and the initial Beta launch has been excellent,” according to the news release."

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e8bd5a No.15319

File: fb8db9d6c33f0de⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,478x848,239:424,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578198 (081918ZFEB22) Notable: Free The Smiles (Vid)

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e8bd5a No.15320

File: 695cba7f7fdde7e⋯.png (24.62 KB,450x273,150:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 87e5aaa5ca0b579⋯.png (13.16 KB,437x263,437:263,Clipboard.png)

File: c9870709ede27a6⋯.png (18.39 KB,451x279,451:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 591e80ec639e6b5⋯.png (15.21 KB,455x253,455:253,Clipboard.png)

File: aa1f72f8de81837⋯.png (15.6 KB,446x254,223:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578215 (081920ZFEB22) Notable: MSM IS LOSER | PATRIOT STOCK IS WINNER MINI BUN

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10 year: LOSS

5 year: gain

1 year: : LOSS

6 month: LOSS

1 month: LOSS

5 day: LOSS

1 day: LOSS

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e8bd5a No.15321

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578221 (081921ZFEB22) Notable: Virginia Supreme Court dismisses school mask lawsuit brought by Chesapeake parents

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Virginia Supreme Court dismisses school mask lawsuit brought by Chesapeake parents

The Virginia Supreme Court on Monday dismissed a challenge brought by Chesapeake parents over Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive order that seeks to end mandatory masks in schools.

The lawsuit was brought by 13 Chesapeake parents — all of whom have children in Chesapeake Public Schools — and asked the state’s high court to issue an emergency order blocking the new administration from enforcing the order.

In tossing the lawsuit, the Virginia Supreme Court did not take a stand on whether Youngkin’s executive order is lawful.

“By this dismissal, we offer no opinion on the legality of (the executive order),” the court said in a footnote to the 3-page order.

Youngkin’s executive order, which took effect Jan. 24, says no “teacher, school, school district, the Department of Education, or any other state authority” can force a student to wear a mask against his or her parents’ wishes.

Implementation of Youngkin’s executive order was previously put on hold by an Arlington County Circuit Court judge, who issued a temporary injunction Friday in a separate legal challenge. That case was brought by several school boards — including Hampton’s board — who claimed the order violates state law and that Youngkin overstepped his legal authority. Youngkin’s office expects to appeal the that decision.

The attorney representing the Chesapeake parents, Kevin Martingayle, said that while the Virginia Supreme Court “has rejected the Chesapeake parents’ case on procedural grounds,” it did not find Youngkin’s order legal. It’s “now evident,” he contended, that school boards “cannot be forced to obey it.”

“This is far from over,” Martingayle said.

On the other hand, Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares — who is representing the Youngkin administration in the lawsuit — said he and the governor are pleased with the ruling.


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e8bd5a No.15322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578241 (081923ZFEB22) Notable: Biden Delivers Remarks on Rebuilding Our Manufacturing to Make More in America

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1:45 PM ET

President Biden Delivers Remarks on Rebuilding Our Manufacturing to Make More in America

President Biden Delivers Remarks on his Administration’s Work to Rebuild Our Manufacturing to Make More in America, Create Good-Paying Union Jobs, and Lower Energy Costs for Americans


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e8bd5a No.15323

File: ec4f99f6680c07f⋯.png (375 KB,598x627,598:627,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578273 (081928ZFEB22) Notable: Navy Seabees fire three top commanders over 'loss of confidence'

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Navy Seabees fire three top commanders over 'loss of confidence'



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e8bd5a No.15324

File: 03a5d93c24a43e2⋯.png (111.13 KB,450x1838,225:919,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578291 (081930ZFEB22) Notable: MSM IS LOSER | PATRIOT STOCK IS WINNER MINI BUN

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5 year: LOSS

1 year: LOSS

6 month: LOSS

1 month: LOSS

5 day: LOSS

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e8bd5a No.15325

File: 23ef4b0b9b36502⋯.png (217.04 KB,607x594,607:594,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578295 (081931ZFEB22) Notable: Canada: Proof of vaccination, negative test requirements ending Monday,

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NOW - Canada: Proof of vaccination, negative test requirements ending Monday, masks mandates end on Feb 28 in #Saskatchewan, Premier Scott Moe announces.

1:27 PM · Feb 8, 2022·Twitter Web App

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e8bd5a No.15326

File: 9ba2d23351ca4c6⋯.png (982.54 KB,1237x5545,1237:5545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578313 (081933ZFEB22) Notable: Trump Targets AT&T in Retaliation for DirecTV Dropping San Diego’s OAN

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Trump Targets AT&T in Retaliation for DirecTV Dropping San Diego’s OAN

by Ken Stone January 16, 2022


Former President Trump — speaking at a rally Saturday in Florence, Arizona — said San Diego-based OAN is being dropped by DirecTV because of politics and urged his supporters to think twice about using parent AT&T’s services.

“Maybe what we should do is not use AT&T,” he said at the event attended by OAN founder Robert Herring Sr. and son Charles Herring, the network’s president — whom Trump called “patriots” and “great, great men.”

“All I can tell you is the people that are telling the truth in America like One America News are being threatened,” Trump said. “I love One America News … (and) I watch it all the time.”

He said OAN has done a great job, but the “woke executives — I don’t know what they’re doing; they have so much debt. AT&T is a company that’s in serious trouble.”

“If we did what they do to Republican companies, we would have no difficulty,” he said. “It seems like: Not nice. Right?”

The move Friday by America’s largest satellite provider to drop San Diego-based One America News could financially cripple the right-wing TV network known for fueling conspiracy theories about the 2020 election.

Trump alludes to One America News Network getting dropped by DirecTV and laments that the channel is "threatened" by "the woke executives" at AT&T. He goes on to suggest people should boycott AT&T. pic.twitter.com/0lho5yV0g0

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 16, 2022

The announcement by DirecTV — 70% owned by AT&T — comes three months after a Reuters investigation revealed that OAN’s founder testified that AT&T inspired him to create the network. Court testimony also showed that OAN receives nearly all of its revenue from DirecTV.

The Reuters report drew calls from some liberal groups for AT&T and DirecTV to drop OAN, a favorite of former President Donald Trump, because the network has become a key source of false claims about the election and COVID vaccinations.

The OAN website’s brief report on the “Save America” rally didn’t mention the 45th president’s attack on AT&T, saying: “Trump took aim at the Biden administration, saying few could have imagined what a disaster he would be for the country. He highlighted the record high inflation, supply chain issues, rising crime, and Biden’s failing pandemic response.”

On Thursday, President Biden said COVID conspiracy theories are putting lives at risk.

“I make a special appeal to social media companies and media outlets: Please deal with the misinformation and disinformation that’s on your shows,” Biden said. “It has to stop.”

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OAN is owned by Herring Networks, a family of conservative tech entrepreneurs. CEO Robert Herring Sr. did not respond to requests for comment by email and phone. In an interview with Reuters last year, he said his network provided an important voice.

“If I think I’m right, I just go for it,” he said.

DirecTV, with about 15 million subscribers, is by far OAN’s largest carrier. According to testimony by OAN’s accountant reviewed by Reuters, DirecTV provided 90% of the conservative network’s revenue.

“We informed Herring Networks that, following a routine internal review, we do not plan to enter into a new contract when our current agreement expires,” DirecTV said in a statement.

The OAN-DirecTV contract is set to expire in the next several months. DirecTV began airing OAN in April 2017, a deal that began shortly after OAN and AT&T settled a lawsuit over alleged oral promises during negotiations.

On Twitter, some conservatives expressed outrage that DirecTV and AT&T planned to drop OAN. “Corporate Media is crushing what little dissent remains,” tweeted former Fox Business Network host Lou Dobbs.

The pro-Trump right, however, has powerful outlets on television and online, including Fox News, the conservative cable news outlet founded by Rupert Murdoch.

Liberals cheered the news.

NAACP President Derrick Johnson called it “a victory for us and the future of democracy.”

In a statement, Johnson added: “At a time when we are seeing our rights infringed upon, OAN only seeks to create further division. … We must continually choose truth over lies and common sense over hysteria.”

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e8bd5a No.15327

File: e23c71a9383f2ec⋯.png (350.82 KB,535x659,535:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578331 (081935ZFEB22) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr Seem to recall Canadian pols cheering on the actual violent BLM riots in the US!

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Donald Trump Jr.


Seem to recall Canadian pols cheering on the actual violent BLM riots in the US!

Ottawa hits back after US politicians support ‘Freedom Convoy’ truckers - The Washington Post




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e8bd5a No.15328

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578339 (081936ZFEB22) Notable: Mini Bun Cathie Wood Dumps $142 Million of Twitter Stock Before Earnings

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>>15324 ATT is loser

>>>/qresearch/15578174 Cathie Wood Dumps $142 Million of Twitter Stock Before Earnings

>>15320 twtr is loser

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e8bd5a No.15329

File: 9fd5fb3aac08f12⋯.png (269.03 KB,1440x1467,160:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578354 (081938ZFEB22) Notable: Are (You) connecting the dots? (CAP)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15330

File: 42681f4a553be36⋯.png (388.06 KB,598x679,598:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 11c221f4948a8bb⋯.png (3.38 MB,2048x1382,1024:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578365 (081940ZFEB22) Notable: @mikepompeo Today would’ve been my father’s birthday.

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Mike Pompeo


Today would’ve been my father’s birthday. I take comfort knowing he’s celebrating with God today.


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e8bd5a No.15331

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578368 (081940ZFEB22) Notable: Facebook's Faceplant, Zuck Threatens to Cut Off Europe After HUGE Losses

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Facebook's Faceplant, Zuck Threatens to Cut Off Europe After HUGE Losses

You’re probably already aware that Evil Borg Facebook has lost more than 40% of its value in recent months, most of those losses happening on a single day last week. Actually, it’s the parent company Meta, but everyone knows it as Facebook so we’ll just use that.

Shares dropped from a September high of $382 to just $224 as we type these words. Mark Zuckerberg is only 58% the man he used to be. Well, 58% of the simulacrum.

Let’s pause here for a moment while Insanity Wrap does our little happy dance, even though Facebook is dragging down the value of tech stocks we actually do own.

Also: Our morning Bloody Mary tastes even better with a pinch of schadenfreude.

Anyway, Facebook for the first time ever lost users last quarter, and that spooked the Wall Street people. Apple’s new anti-Facebook privacy policies are another headwind, but when a free and simple and ubiquitous service starts losing users, that’s basically Robby the Robot spinning around in circles, shouting, “DANGER, Mark Zuckerberg! DANGER!”

Facebook is in a hole because it recently lost half a million daily users out of about 1.93 billion. That’s a tiny loss, but big enough to cause more than 200 BILLION DOLLARS worth of concern.

And what is Facebook doing to restore confidence after losing a mere 500,000 users?

Threaten to cut off 427 million more.

If Insanity Wrap’s math is right, Facebook would make last quarter’s problem approximately 854 times worse.

Insanity Wrap’s Second Rule of Holes: When your enemy is in one, hand him a bigger and nicer shovel.

Only this time, Facebook is demanding we hand them the new shovel.

OK, chief! Insanity Wrap won’t even ask you to sign for it.

The European Union is working on this new privacy law that says that user data must stay in Europe, processed on local servers. Facebook doesn’t like that for a couple of (evil) reasons we won’t bore you with here, but Facebook’s response will amuse you.

During the same disastrous earnings call last week that caused everybody to SELL! SELL! SELL! Facebook shares like it was Black Friday, the company threatened to shut down Facebook (and Instagram) in Europe.

The EU was reportedly “unfazed” by Zuckerberg’s threat.

“You mean you’ll stop invading our citizens’ privacy with shoddy services that turn brother against brother?” the EU said in some suave-yet-disdainful Franco-German accent.

“Whatever would we do, you silly American android person?”

Insanity Wrap made up those last two quotes but this next one is real. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said, “I can confirm that life is very good without Facebook and that we would live very well without Facebook.”

So can you, gentle reader. So can you.


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e8bd5a No.15332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578377 (081942ZFEB22) Notable: California Dept of Justice says BLM is delinquent with the Registry of Charitable Trusts for failing to submit required annual reports.

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Where Did the Donated $60m go?

BLM's questionable finances spark authorities' hunt for answers.

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e8bd5a No.15333

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578406 (081946ZFEB22) Notable: Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested AGAIN at home by undercover police

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RAW: Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested AGAIN at home by undercover police


Can't embed

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e8bd5a No.15334

File: e0dee74e8b3cb6b⋯.png (333.24 KB,1532x1973,1532:1973,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578458 (081952ZFEB22) Notable: MSM IS LOSER | PATRIOT STOCK IS WINNER MINI BUN

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Facebook is LOSER



1 year: : LOSS

6 month: LOSS

1 month: LOSS

5 day: LOSS

1 day: LOSS

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e8bd5a No.15335

File: bfbf15606989173⋯.png (92.08 KB,185x156,185:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578511 (081959ZFEB22) Notable: MSM IS LOSER | PATRIOT STOCK IS WINNER MINI BUN

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does the maker like me buns?



>Donald Trump: TRUTH Social can compete with Big Tech.


>Bet on Digital World Acquisition Because Trump Can’t Lose


>Why Digital World Acquisition Stock Skyrocketed 42.1% in January and Continues to Climb


>Rumble SPAC partner CFVI sees shares climb for second day amid Joe Rogan speculation


>CFVI Stock Soars 30% as Rumble Courts Joe Rogan With Big Bucks


>Truth Social used the Rumble Cloud


>Cathie Wood Dumps $142 Million of Twitter Stock Before Earnings






>Trump Targets AT&T in Retaliation for DirecTV Dropping San Diego’s OAN


>Facebook's Faceplant, Zuck Threatens to Cut Off Europe After HUGE Losses


>Facebook is LOSER

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15336

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578569 (082006ZFEB22) Notable: #19699

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>>15301 Martin @Sikorsky Black Hawk helicopter flying itself

>>15302 Communist Party of Canada admits on camera that they 'just read what they're given'.

>>15303 Maricopa County – Investigation Finds Additional 740,000 Ballots Have No Documented Chain Of Custody


>>15304 14 Out of 22 Missouri Republican Senators Join Democrats to Defeat [7-1] Redistricting Map –

>>15305 Towing Companies Refusing to Move Freedom Convoy Trucks,

>>15307 Capitol Police Spies 'Dressed Like Construction Workers' To Surveil GOP Congressman's Office

>>15308 Keep on Honking

>>15309 Ottawa looks on as China buys Canadian lithium operations

>>15311 Donald Trump: TRUTH Social can compete with Big Tech

>>15313 Arizona AG says state can cite ‘invasion’ to deport migrants without feds

>>15314 Day 16 Convoy 2 Ottawa 2022 Canadian Trucker Portland Andy🌭LIVE

>>15312 Bet on Digital World Acquisition Because Trump Can’t Lose

>>15316 @kayleighmcenany The dam has broken as many Democrat governors FINALLY reverse mask mandates in schools.

>>15315 Rumble SPAC partner CFVI sees shares climb for second day amid Joe Rogan speculation

>>15319 Free The Smiles (Vid)

>>15321 Virginia Supreme Court dismisses school mask lawsuit brought by Chesapeake parents

>>15317 US, Canada, and others are concerned about "freedom of speech" in Hong Kong.

>>15322 Biden Delivers Remarks on Rebuilding Our Manufacturing to Make More in America

>>15306 Nuremburg 2?

>>15323 Navy Seabees fire three top commanders over 'loss of confidence'

>>15307 In case you missed it - Capitol Police Spies 'Dressed Like Construction Workers' To Surveil GOP Congressman's Office

>>15325 Canada: Proof of vaccination, negative test requirements ending Monday,

>>15326 Trump Targets AT&T in Retaliation for DirecTV Dropping San Diego’s OAN

>>15327 @DonaldJTrumpJr Seem to recall Canadian pols cheering on the actual violent BLM riots in the US!

>>15328 Mini Bun Cathie Wood Dumps $142 Million of Twitter Stock Before Earnings

>>15329 Are (You) connecting the dots? (CAP)

>>15318 Truth Social used the Rumble Cloud

>>15324, >>15334, >>15320, >>15334, >>15335 MSM IS LOSER | PATRIOT STOCK IS WINNER MINI BUN

>>15331 Facebook's Faceplant, Zuck Threatens to Cut Off Europe After HUGE Losses

>>15330 @mikepompeo Today would’ve been my father’s birthday.

>>15310 Inspector General Opens Investigation Into U.S. Capitol Police Following Allegations Of Spying On Members Of Congress, Staff

>>15333 Pastor Artur Pawlowski arrested AGAIN at home by undercover police

>>15332 California Dept of Justice says BLM is delinquent with the Registry of Charitable Trusts for failing to submit required annual reports.


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e8bd5a No.15337

File: 590270d6e412b9a⋯.png (327.6 KB,602x606,301:303,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578617 (082012ZFEB22) Notable: Fox Acquires Rights to Gumby, Plans to “Reimagine” Kids Character

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Fox Acquires Rights to Gumby, Plans to “Reimagine” Kids Character


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e8bd5a No.15338

File: 3a61e828ad554c8⋯.mp4 (9.49 MB,960x540,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578665 (082019ZFEB22) Notable: Dr Vax Injuries vid

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15339

File: 045767c7edb741f⋯.png (324.69 KB,848x603,848:603,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578668 (082019ZFEB22) Notable: Fusion GPS Didn’t Only Work on Steele Dossier, They Worked on Nearly Every Key Anti-Trump Narrative Coming from DOJ and Mueller Gang

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BREAKING BOMBSHELL: Fusion GPS Didn’t Only Work on Steele Dossier, They Worked on Nearly Every Key Anti-Trump Narrative Coming from DOJ and Mueller Gang

By Joe Hoft

Published February 8, 2022 at 12:15pm

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e8bd5a No.15340

File: 128d2b5b684a042⋯.png (62.61 KB,749x295,749:295,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578687 (082021ZFEB22) Notable: US Department of Defense Law of War Manuel

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US Department of Defense Law of War Manuel


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e8bd5a No.15341

File: 9578df4bde30c2d⋯.png (336.26 KB,598x628,299:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578698 (082023ZFEB22) Notable: 16 alleged Mossad spies go on trial in Turkey

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The Times of Israel


16 alleged Mossad spies go on trial in Turkey — reports


Hi Rebecca!

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e8bd5a No.15342

File: 4e82c834a8e9cc3⋯.png (193.62 KB,590x498,295:249,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578703 (082024ZFEB22) Notable: RealCandaceO Trudeau Family photo

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15343

File: 1b0140453214ca3⋯.png (579.68 KB,606x578,303:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578709 (082025ZFEB22) Notable: 'Buck' your day job and buy this quaint B&B in the mountains for $1.8M

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'Buck' your day job and buy this quaint B&B in the mountains for $1.8M



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e8bd5a No.15344

File: 1e25065631b7c89⋯.png (118.96 KB,696x603,232:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578725 (082027ZFEB22) Notable: Gov. Ron DeSantis Speaks Out on Trump Rumors

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Gov. Ron DeSantis Speaks Out on Trump Rumors

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis responded to rumors that he and former President Donald Trump are embroiled in a behind-the-scenes feud, saying such reports and suggestions are “total bunk.”

“Donald Trump’s a friend of mine. He is proud when people do well, and it’s not just me, but obviously, he’s a Florida resident, and he appreciates the job that we’ve done,” the Republican governor told Fox News in a Tuesday interview from Tallahassee. “He’s told me that many times, not only with helping with the election but just how we govern the state.”

There has been speculation that DeSantis, who is popular among Trump’s voter base, could potentially run for president in 2024. In previous interviews, the governor has demurred on the possibility, and he’s also not commented extensively on whether he would run as Trump’s vice-presidential candidate if the former president runs in 2024.

Trump “wants to see Republicans doing well,” DeSantis added in Tuesday’s interview. “And I think when media is trying to act like he’s upset at me for doing well, I think that’s total bunk. I think they’re just making it up.”

He continued, “And I think he’s somebody that wants to see, you know, not just Republicans do well, but people that are actually going to stand and fight do well across the board. Obviously, Florida is an important state, the third-largest state in the country, and really us and Texas are the two biggest states that have sizable Republican footprints, and so we’re proud of that, and we’re going to keep it going.”

DeSantis, in his interview, suggested that Democrats and some mainstream media outlets are trying to suggest there is tension within the GOP because “they know the Democrats are in for a shellacking in 2022” during the midterm elections. Generally, the party of the president tends to lose seats during the midterms, while Democrats currently hold thin majorities in both the House and Senate.


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e8bd5a No.15345

File: 73af370afda0952⋯.jpg (916.96 KB,1446x2654,723:1327,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578731 (082028ZFEB22) Notable: HCQ Inhibits HIV post for moar sauce

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HCQ Inhibits HIV post for moar sauce

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e8bd5a No.15346

File: 0c4b038b977aede⋯.png (977.01 KB,1016x852,254:213,Clipboard.png)

File: fc5e84400ef2607⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578746 (082031ZFEB22) Notable: @PapiTrumpo OUR BEAUTIFUL EUROPEAN TRUCKERS ARE JOINING OUR FREEDOM FIESTA!!!

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il Donaldo Trumpo




1:50 PM · Feb 8, 2022·Twitter Web App


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e8bd5a No.15347

File: 8ba880dacaa17d0⋯.png (239.46 KB,582x495,194:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cecf3e389af0d7⋯.png (121.11 KB,660x715,12:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578760 (082033ZFEB22) Notable: COVID-19 vaccine production quietly suspended at Johnson & Johnson

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NEW: COVID-19 vaccine production quietly suspended at Johnson & Johnson


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e8bd5a No.15348

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578761 (082033ZFEB22) Notable: LIVE: Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau to face questions in parliament about truckers protest

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Reuters #Live #News

LIVE: Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau to face questions in parliament about truckers protest


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e8bd5a No.15349

File: ad487b79f6a90f0⋯.png (296.89 KB,827x465,827:465,Clipboard.png)

File: 6406987a6bd75bc⋯.png (110.19 KB,1215x588,405:196,Clipboard.png)

File: 10ab35cf6de6d82⋯.png (110.42 KB,1213x584,1213:584,Clipboard.png)

File: 2cf01ba4b408126⋯.png (213.9 KB,840x742,60:53,Clipboard.png)

File: 4930811f1abab4c⋯.png (138.31 KB,838x647,838:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578795 (082038ZFEB22) Notable: Fusion GPS Didn’t Only Work on Steele Dossier, They Worked on Nearly Every Key Anti-Trump Narrative Coming from DOJ and Mueller Gang

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Fusion GPS Didn’t Only Work on Steele Dossier, They Worked on Nearly Every Key Anti-Trump Narrative Coming from DOJ and Mueller Gang

A document provided in a D.C. court case against Fusion GPS shows that the company was involved in much more than the garbage Steele Dossier behind the Trump-Russia hoax.

The company was also behind the Alfa Bank, Carter Page, Papadopoulos, Manafort, and the Trump family lies and smears as well.

Little did we know that associating Fusion GPS with the Steele Dossier was actually short-changing the company’s efforts to harass and take down the President of the United States, Donald Trump. This company did much more than that.

A document uncovered in a court case in D.C. with Fusion GPS shows that the company was working on nearly every piece of information eventually used by the Mueller gang to take down President Trump. (Here is the link to the court documents.)


The below documents were provided to the courts in the above case where the defendants were suing Fusion GPS for libel.


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e8bd5a No.15350

File: 976fb6a9cfbcc61⋯.jpeg (96.32 KB,430x1762,215:881,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578833 (082043ZFEB22) Notable: A single-cell atlas reveals shared and distinct immune responses and metabolism during SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 infections

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A single-cell atlas reveals shared and distinct immune responses and metabolism during SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 infections


SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 are RNA viruses that have killed millions of people worldwide. Understanding the similarities and differences between these two infections is critical for understanding disease progression and for developing effective vaccines and therapies, particularly for 38 million HIV-1+ individuals who are vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 co-infection. Here, we utilized single-cell transcriptomics to perform a systematic comparison of 94,442 PBMCs from 7 COVID-19 and 9 HIV-1+ patients in an integrated immune atlas, in which 27 different cell types were identified using an accurate consensus single-cell annotation method. While immune cells in both cohorts show shared inflammation and disrupted mitochondrial function, COVID-19 patients exhibit stronger humoral immunity, broader IFN-I signaling, elevated Rho GTPase and mTOR pathway activities, and downregulated mitophagy. Our results elucidate transcriptional signatures associated with COVID-19 and HIV-1 that may reveal insights into fundamental disease biology and potential therapeutic targets to treat these viral infections.


COVID-19 and HIV-1+ patients show disease-specific inflammatory immune signatures

COVID-19 patients show more productive humoral responses than HIV-1+ patients

SARS-CoV-2 elicits more enriched IFN-I signaling relative to HIV-I

Divergent, impaired metabolic programs distinguish SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 infections

Tony Pan, Guoshuai Cao, Erting Tang, Yu Zhao, Pablo Penaloza-MacMaster, Yun Fang, Jun Huang

doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.01.10.475725

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e8bd5a No.15351

File: 866f1217b62cfb2⋯.png (295.15 KB,1526x1802,763:901,Clipboard.png)

File: c086fc66c937308⋯.png (57.56 KB,692x164,173:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578857 (082047ZFEB22) Notable: Trump SPAC Digital World Acquisition falls on report TRUTH Social platform delayed until end of March (update)

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Trump SPAC Digital World Acquisition falls on report TRUTH Social platform delayed until end of March (update)


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e8bd5a No.15352

File: c1fe8cc9a5b4de8⋯.png (1.24 MB,1024x986,512:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 33a9861852fb2cb⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB,4096x2731,4096:2731,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15578993 (082103ZFEB22) Notable: @DeptofDefense Frosty fallout findings.

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Department of Defense


Frosty fallout findings.


airmen respond to a mock radiation incident during training at Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, Alaska.

3:00 PM · Feb 8, 2022·Sprinklr


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e8bd5a No.15353

File: 0d57f2ae954a068⋯.jpg (142.9 KB,720x1000,18:25,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 14b2f3972ba1319⋯.jpg (93.74 KB,650x324,325:162,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e31923e009ad493⋯.jpg (224.48 KB,579x731,579:731,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579034 (082108ZFEB22) Notable: JUDGE TRAVIS KITCHENS UNDER SCRUTINY FOR CAMPAIGN DONATION

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Baker, not for notable. Bait for Houston journalists.

Ivory Hecker, where are you when we need you?

Anon knows this is peanuts on the national level, but the nation is made up of little localities. Maybe some brave Houston journalist will pick it up.

Remember District Judge Kitchens and the No-See-Kids-Without-Covid-Shot dad? (pic related)

Remember Judge Kitchens and the Slap-On-The-Wrist-Rapist?

(Pic related)

Now do we have Kitchens and the Payoff? (Pic related)


Kitchens recently presided over a serious felony jury trial held in neighboring San Jacinto County during the week of January 24, 2022. The case was State of Texas vs. Garrett Marshall Countryman (Cause No. 12,757, 258 th District Court of San Jacinto County) and involved an allegation of a non-consensual sexual assault of an adult female victim, which is a Second Degree Felony under Texas law with a possible punishment of up to twenty years in prison. The January 24 th trial date had been scheduled by Judge Kitchens last November and a pretrial court setting was scheduled for January 5 th. The case was prosecuted by San Jacinto County Assistant District Attorney Todd Dillon and was defended by Livingston Defense Attorney Lana Shadwick Price. At the conclusion of the trial, the jury acquitted the defendant. A week after the trial, it was revealed in a campaign finance report filed on January 31, 2022, by Kitchens with the Texas Ethics Commission that a mere 18 days before the commencement of the trial, on January 6, 2022, Kitchens received a $1000 campaign contribution from Lana Shadwick Price’s husband, Robert Price. This is the maximum allowable contribution allowed from an individual for a judicial campaign for the 258 th District Court Judgeship under Texas Law. According to the Texas Election Code, any contribution to a judge by an individual who is married to an attorney must be reported and include the identity of the attorney spouse. Kitchens’ January 31 campaign report filed with the Texas Ethics Commission and which is available online at www.ethics.state.tx.us identifies the January 6 th $1000 donation by “Robert Price (Mr.)” but makes no mention of his spouse or her occupation as an attorney. Lana Shadwick Price presently operates “Shadwick Law PLLC”

According to Kitchens’ last two campaign reports filed with the Ethics Commission, Kitchens has raised a total of $17,875 for the upcoming primary election with some $9125 coming from attorneys.


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e8bd5a No.15354

File: 3c633f8cfe671e0⋯.jpg (28.02 KB,780x438,130:73,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579039 (082109ZFEB22) Notable: Former CNN Digital Asia Director Marc Lourdes Dies, Age 40

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Former CNN Digital Asia Director Marc Lourdes Dies, Age 40

Marc Lourdes, a former director of CNN Digital Worldwide for Asia-Pacific, died tragically in a motorcycle accident in Malaysia on Saturday. He was 40.










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e8bd5a No.15355

File: 7c1bbd03d937458⋯.png (1.15 MB,1254x1170,209:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579128 (082121ZFEB22) Notable: Pope Francis Says He 'Wanted to Become Butcher' as He Appears on Talk Show for the First Time

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Are these comms?

Pope Francis Says He 'Wanted to Become Butcher' as He Appears on Talk Show for the First Time

The head of the Catholic Church said he is "not so much a saint", like popes before him, and answered personal questions, appearing on live TV from the Vatican.

Pope Francis has just marked his first appearance on a talk show during his almost nine years at the helm of the Catholic Church, making an appearance on one of Italy's most popular TV programmes, "Che Tempo Che Fa". The pontiff gave an hour-long online interview to host Fabio Fazio, in which he shared a lot of personal matters.

The Holy Father joked about his occupational preferences, saying that as a boy he thought about becoming a butcher.

The Pope also noted his deep passion for tango as he was recently spotted visiting a record store in Rome. Someone "who doesn't dance the tango isn't from Buenos Aires", Pope Francis said laughing.

He added that despite his position he still has a few loyal friends: those "who help me, who know my life as a normal person — not that I am normal, no. I have my abnormalities — but like an ordinary man who has friends".

"In fact, I need friends", he said. "That's one of the reasons why I didn't go to live in the papal apartment because the popes before me were saints and I couldn't do it — I'm not so much a saint. I need human relationships, that's why I live in this hotel, Santa Marta, where you find people to talk to, you find friends. It's easier for me".

The Pope addressed political issues as well, saying that migrants coming to Europe should be welcomed and integrated into society.

"Each country must say how many migrants they can take", he said, urging more solidarity for people who are hoping to find a better life in Europe. "This is an internal political problem".

At the end of the interview, the Holy Father asked those who don't pray to "at least send me good thoughts, I need the closeness of people".


sauce for interview on yt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hy5yp16oe2c

no full upload of the interview though. only snippets.

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e8bd5a No.15356

File: cf2fe7fa6fad84f⋯.png (714.65 KB,938x1280,469:640,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579156 (082125ZFEB22) Notable: Donald Trump - states biden admin now says "conspiracy theories" about elections are a great threat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15357

File: 794032a3b1181ea⋯.jpg (106.94 KB,720x771,240:257,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1d94c632ce42857⋯.mp4 (7.09 MB,828x462,138:77,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579208 (082130ZFEB22) Notable: Warning You may get triggered if you are White

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What fresh propaganda hell is this


JUST imagine if white people put out a documentary bashing on black people, there would be blood in the streets… this shit makes me sick!

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e8bd5a No.15358

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579299 (082141ZFEB22) Notable: Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference

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Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference Feb.7, 2022 | IrnieracingNews


Premiered 13 hours ago

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e8bd5a No.15359

File: 01d4c378f2abaf2⋯.mp4 (1.98 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579351 (082146ZFEB22) Notable: Psaki tries and fails miserably at gaslighting on hero Canadian truckers

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Danny De Urbina

Twitchy Bitch (I added) Psaki tries and fails miserably at gaslighting on hero Canadian truckers— dismissing their MASSIVE protest as "sporadic congestion and blockages" and "not related" to the vaccine mandate They think you're stupid. https://t.co/NniTOHMtb4

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e8bd5a No.15360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579398 (082152ZFEB22) Notable: Anon notices @USArmy has been posting 1min delta responses to what seems to be random comments going against the "climate change is a threat" message

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

@USArmy has been posting 1min delta responses to what seems to be random comments going against the "climate change is a threat" message. Them responding in such a manner and Clinton tweeting today and seems to suggest there's another meaning

Climate change is a serious threat to U.S. national security interests and defense objectives.

The effects of climate change can cause humanitarian disasters, undermine weak governments and contribute to long-term social and economic disruptions.

Warming temperatures open new theaters of operations for military and commercial use, while extreme weather events and rising sea levels threaten infrastructure and economic output, trigger large-scale population displacement, and exacerbate food and water insecurity.

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e8bd5a No.15361

File: 40f5c0f2158c9a9⋯.png (2.74 MB,1548x1012,387:253,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579426 (082156ZFEB22) Notable: Boeing E-4B 75-0125. Call sign AUGIE01. Just landed at Andrews.

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Boeing E-4B 75-0125. Call sign AUGIE01. Just landed at Andrews.

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e8bd5a No.15362

File: fa26f24596fe360⋯.png (295.69 KB,1566x1742,783:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579431 (082157ZFEB22) Notable: DWAC stock update

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>>15351 (me)

DWAC stock update


6 month: WINNER

1 month: WINNER

5 days: loser

1 day: WINNER


6 month: WINNER

1 month: WINNER

5 days: loser

1 day: WINNER


6 month: WINNER

1 month: WINNER

5 days: WINNER

1 day: WINNER




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e8bd5a No.15363

File: caef2b5f9c28cd4⋯.png (442.89 KB,732x746,366:373,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579479 (082203ZFEB22) Notable: Canadian Government Just Froze Pat King's Bank Account email transfer service

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Canadian Government Just Froze Pat King's Bank Account email transfer service.

He used that method to give truckers money when they needed it.


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e8bd5a No.15364

File: f14098eede4bf60⋯.png (313.39 KB,590x558,295:279,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579492 (082205ZFEB22) Notable: Canadian Government Just Froze Pat King's Bank Account email transfer service

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e8bd5a No.15365

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579497 (082205ZFEB22) Notable: Ratskin slapped with ethics complaint over failure to report wife's huge stock payout

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ratskin slapped with ethics complaint over failure to report wife's huge stock payout

Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin was hit with an ethics complaint over his failure to properly disclose stock shares that his wife, Sarah Bloom Raskin, Biden's nominee to be the Fed's top banking regulator, reportedly received from Reserve Trust. FOX Business’ Ashley Webster with more.


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e8bd5a No.15366

File: 9770dea13df1cc4⋯.jpg (181.86 KB,595x682,595:682,Clipboard.jpg)

File: d530dc7e1a94148⋯.jpg (829.87 KB,2079x1380,693:460,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6f4a93b87650cbf⋯.jpg (86.79 KB,382x390,191:195,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579526 (082208ZFEB22) Notable: This tweet plus HRC tweets plus @USArmy doing strange comms Climate change threatens our national security

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Climate change threatens our national security


10:00 EST 2/8/2022

Climate change threatens our national security. We have a unique opportunity to improve our defense capabilities & become a more efficient force while securing a better future. I challenge our


to examine climate threats, prioritize resources, & take swift action.

This tweet plus HRC tweets plus @USArmy doing strange comms with repeated terms at 1min deltas makes me go hmmm

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e8bd5a No.15367

File: ed3b3dbf613ef48⋯.jpg (87.21 KB,588x680,147:170,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579567 (082213ZFEB22) Notable: Canadian Government Just Froze Pat King's Bank Account email transfer service

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15368

File: 7a98580b3e9bcd2⋯.jpeg (126.91 KB,719x1065,719:1065,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579617 (082222ZFEB22) Notable: Chris Huvane, Suicide at 47

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Chris Huvane, a partner at Los Angeles representation firm Management 360 who was praised by many of his clients, died Sunday. He was 47.

“We are devastated beyond words this morning, Chris was simply ‘the best of the best,’” the partners of Management 360 said in a statement. “A brilliant manager, consummate colleague and friend, a rock of our company and our culture, beloved by every single person who ever met him. It’s an incalculable loss and our hearts go out to his family and friends. We are all better for having known Chris, and we commit to honoring his legacy every day forward.”

Friends and colleagues said he apparently took his own life.

Huvane joined the firm in 2010 after leaving his job as senior West Coast editor of GQ magazine. The New York native was named a partner at Management 360 in 2015.


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e8bd5a No.15369

File: 0d534c074105f17⋯.png (346.1 KB,598x647,598:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579618 (082222ZFEB22) Notable: Peter Strzok continues to make a slimy asshole of himself, no lube needed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Do people really believe this [attack] can happen against the President of the United States and nothing will happen?

Seems like that more and more as the days go on.


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e8bd5a No.15370

File: 795ede47a60f885⋯.png (1.68 MB,870x1883,870:1883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579628 (082224ZFEB22) Notable: How the Canadian Truckers are winning 4/pol/ Hold the Line We are Winning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hold the Line We are Winning

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e8bd5a No.15371

File: 5e46aff2d2395e0⋯.png (419.12 KB,600x760,15:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579630 (082225ZFEB22) Notable: Peter Strzok continues to make a slimy asshole of himself, no lube needed

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


"But guess we're just gonna let that one slide." Give me a break.


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e8bd5a No.15372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579655 (082229ZFEB22) Notable: How the Canadian Truckers are winning 4/pol/ Hold the Line We are Winning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

No politicians and judges making fake laws.

No cops enforcing fake laws.

No electric propagands spreading fake news

No mandates

No vaccine dirty needles

Out on the street they are saying and doing anything at anytime.

Nobody is sick or spreading sickness.

Nothing but peace, freedom and good vibes everywhere.

It's obvious who the bad guys are.

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e8bd5a No.15373

File: c14fc5d8a27ddca⋯.png (308.72 KB,425x506,425:506,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b1680a5b2e3dfe⋯.png (604.88 KB,616x591,616:591,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579716 (082239ZFEB22) Notable: Truckers for Freedom Viva la France

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Viva la France


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e8bd5a No.15374

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579723 (082241ZFEB22) Notable: How the Canadian Truckers are winning 4/pol/ Hold the Line We are Winning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




here is link


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e8bd5a No.15375

File: 2a94d49cac067d1⋯.png (134.81 KB,599x602,599:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579743 (082244ZFEB22) Notable: Former T.J. Martell Exec Melissa Goodwin Pleads Guilty to Embezzling $3.7 Million From Charity

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Former T.J. Martell Exec Pleads Guilty to Embezzling $3.7 Million From Charity


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e8bd5a No.15376

File: 455987d18b366b2⋯.mp4 (6.74 MB,854x480,427:240,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579750 (082246ZFEB22) Notable: How the Canadian Truckers are winning 4/pol/ Hold the Line We are Winning

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I made a thing.

First real video edit ever.


Can only up low res here.

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e8bd5a No.15377

File: e03e30773a4eeda⋯.png (287.97 KB,598x636,299:318,Clipboard.png)

File: 403e605acfa14f2⋯.png (89.94 KB,205x184,205:184,Clipboard.png)

File: 14596ba41cba759⋯.png (265.32 KB,598x507,46:39,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579756 (082248ZFEB22) Notable: Florida Gov. DeSantis says the"medical science didn't change" on mask mandates, "the political science changed."

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NEW - Florida Gov. DeSantis says the"medical science didn't change" on mask mandates, "the political science changed."


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e8bd5a No.15378

File: 4e6dffeb378ff08⋯.jpeg (68.61 KB,750x523,750:523,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579760 (082248ZFEB22) Notable: Biden's false flag , Russia Russia Russia

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The U.S. intelligence community has been buzzing lately with talk of a potential Kremlin plot to stage attacks against Russian-speaking Ukrainians, part of an elaborate plan to fabricate a pretext for military operations against its neighbor.

But current and former insiders tell Newsweek that signs of a so-called "false flag" operation may have been intentionally fed by Moscow to discredit and distract Washington.

One former senior counterintelligence officer who worked against Russian intelligence told Newsweek that it could not be ruled out that U.S. officials were the target of a deliberate ruse by Russia.

"I have zero doubt that we have intel sources that are reliable who told us this," the former officer said. "Now, there's some possibility that our intel sources were fed deceptive information in order to go down this crazy path."


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e8bd5a No.15379

File: 18469e3a93c1354⋯.png (47.52 KB,598x453,598:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579763 (082249ZFEB22) Notable: Florida Gov. DeSantis says the"medical science didn't change" on mask mandates, "the political science changed."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


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e8bd5a No.15380

File: b8f8a08c0740c95⋯.png (340.29 KB,598x668,299:334,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579773 (082250ZFEB22) Notable: Florida Gov. DeSantis says the"medical science didn't change" on mask mandates, "the political science changed."

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e8bd5a No.15381

File: 2d5b65a2a5d5838⋯.png (162.14 KB,500x499,500:499,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579774 (082250ZFEB22) Notable: Biden's false flag , Russia Russia Russia

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I believe that it's Biden's false flag. Evidence of his family's dirty dealings is close to being made public, and Biden will do anything needed in order to stop it.

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e8bd5a No.15382

File: d0fdacf8b3d9789⋯.png (37.93 KB,567x196,81:28,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cb019626523d65⋯.png (319.47 KB,536x468,134:117,Clipboard.png)

File: cfde0f1d9e17967⋯.png (47.44 KB,564x297,188:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579784 (082251ZFEB22) Notable: Fuckery afoot stage setting for domestic terrorism expansion Doug Emhoff Rushed Out of DC School by Secret Service After Bomb Threat

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff Rushed Out of DC School by Secret Service After Bomb Threat

Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff on Tuesday afternoon was rushed out of a DC school by Secret Service after a bomb scare.

Kamala Harris’s husband, Doug Emhoff, was visiting Dunbar High School for Black History Month when Secret Service whisked him out of the school.

The schoolchildren were evacuated after Emhoff was taken to a secure location.


Fuckery afoot stage setting for domestic terrorism expansion


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e8bd5a No.15383

File: 2a784f4027ee205⋯.jpg (54.09 KB,720x376,90:47,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579802 (082253ZFEB22) Notable: NY Governor extends statewide mask mandate for schools

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BREAKING: NY Governor extends statewide mask mandate for schools

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e8bd5a No.15384

File: 64f44e94f7d507d⋯.png (354.66 KB,1920x938,960:469,Clipboard.png)

File: 262537c6e6f960a⋯.png (128.26 KB,536x1531,536:1531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579805 (082254ZFEB22) Notable: PF Report SAM142 GLF5 VIP up outta Seattle and headed for Hawaii Someone paying BHO a visit?

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SAM142 GLF5 VIP up outta Seattle and headed for Hawaii.

Someone paying BHO a visit?

Mapping Q142


Nov 12, 2017 12:16:24 PM EST

Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 99LpGawB No. 149122955

How did Soros replace family ‘y’?

Who is family ‘y’?

Trace the bloodlines of these (3) families.

What happened during WWII?

Was Hitler a puppet?

Who was his handler?

What was the purpose?

What was the real purpose of the war?

What age was GS?

What is the Soros family history?

What has occurred since the fall of N Germany?

Who is A. Merkel?

What is A. Merkel’s family history?

Follow the bloodline.

Who died on the Titanic?

What year did the Titanic sink?

Why is this relevant?

What ‘exactly’ happened to the Titanic?

What ‘class of people’ were guaranteed a lifeboat?

Why did select ‘individuals’ not make it into the lifeboats?

Why is this relevant?

How do we know who was on the lifeboats (D or A)?

How were names and bodies recorded back then?

When were tickets purchased for her maiden voyage?

Who was ‘specifically’ invited?

Less than 10.

What is the FED?

What does the FED control?

Who controls the FED?

Who approved the formation of the FED?

Why did H-wood glorify Titanic as a tragic love story?

Who lived in the movie (what man)?

Why is this relevant?

Opposite is true.

What is brainwashing?

What is a PSYOP?

What happened to the Hindenburg?

What really happened to the Hindenburg?

Who died during the ‘accident’?

Why is this relevant?

What are sheep?

Who controls the narrative?

The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.

It must be controlled.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/Dream).


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e8bd5a No.15385

File: e365de439de07f8⋯.png (473.02 KB,874x540,437:270,Clipboard.png)

File: 38bb2b584c4863b⋯.png (402.51 KB,825x769,825:769,Clipboard.png)

File: 410b1a20960ffdb⋯.png (28.91 KB,864x168,36:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579816 (082255ZFEB22) Notable: Dirty Capitol Police Chief Releases Statement on His Spying Operations on GOP Representatives — Something Doesn’t Add Up

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Dirty Capitol Police Chief Releases Statement on His Spying Operations on GOP Representatives — Something Doesn’t Add Up

As reported earlier Capitol Hill police, dressed as construction workers, broke into Rep. Troy Nehls’ office during the November break. The Capitol Police took photos inside the Texas Republican’s office and then came back two days later to harass his staff using the illegal photos they took just days earlier.

The Capitol Police was spying on Rep. Nehls who spoke out against Nancy Pelosi, the sham Jan. 6 Committee and the Capitol Police murder of Ashli Babbitt.

But it wasn’t just Rep. Nehls they were spying on. The Capitol Police was also spying on several more Republican lawmakers

According to Politico the Capitol Police have been secretly spying on Republican lawmakers since the Jan. 6 protests and riot. Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.) said that he is unaware of any members know about this new practice in place.

We also know that Capitol Police DID NOT EVEN INTERVIEW Lt. Mike Byrd before they exonerated him in the murder of Ashli Babbitt.

The Inspector General for the US Capitol Police has opened a formal investigation of the matter that involves his police officers. So expect this to be swept under the rug.

On Tuesday Capitol Police J. Thomas Manger released a statement. Something doesn’t add up


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e8bd5a No.15386

File: 8668f9e7d7a0c04⋯.png (103.88 KB,500x232,125:58,Clipboard.png)

File: f8809782b33ce92⋯.png (354.06 KB,527x872,527:872,Clipboard.png)

File: e85c0d3641200b4⋯.png (131.78 KB,474x353,474:353,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579847 (082258ZFEB22) Notable: Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That 'Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data' May Impact Business

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Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That 'Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data' May Impact Business

Two weeks ago, the FDA begged a Texas judge to delay production on the first monthly batch of 55,000 pages of Covid-19 vaccine data submitted to the agency by Pfizer. Originally, the agency was set to produce just 500 pages-per-month.

Now, Pfizer - which just forecast $54 billion in Covid-related sales in 2022, appears to be anticipating some bad news, as evidenced by several redline changes in their Q4 earnings releases.

As Rubicon Capital's Kelly Brown notes on Twitter, the changes center around disclosures of unfavorable safety data.

For example, in Q4 they added: "or further information regarding the quality of pre-clinical, clinical or safety data, including by audit or inspection."




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e8bd5a No.15387

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579848 (082258ZFEB22) Notable: Alberta press conference on lifting restriction

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Alberta press conference on lifting restrictions.

Going live now.


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e8bd5a No.15388

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579854 (082259ZFEB22) Notable: Fuckery afoot stage setting for domestic terrorism expansion Doug Emhoff Rushed Out of DC School by Secret Service After Bomb Threat

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So they rescued a politician BEFORE the children.

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e8bd5a No.15389

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579871 (082302ZFEB22) Notable: NY Governor extends statewide mask mandate for schools

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When is she up for election?

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e8bd5a No.15390

File: b7ac40710c7a9a9⋯.mp4 (339.51 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 8ed2851acafe438⋯.png (771.89 KB,1855x2048,1855:2048,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579878 (082302ZFEB22) Notable: How the Canadian Truckers are winning 4/pol/ Hold the Line We are Winning

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e8bd5a No.15391

File: e14b352b89e58ee⋯.png (158.26 KB,1090x873,1090:873,Clipboard.png)

File: 45cd5705445eecb⋯.png (123.04 KB,1085x668,1085:668,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d6aed3db031f2c⋯.png (96.88 KB,1067x657,1067:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579890 (082303ZFEB22) Notable: Fuckery afoot Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

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Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. These threat actors seek to exacerbate societal friction to sow discord and undermine public trust in government institutions to encourage unrest, which could potentially inspire acts of violence. Mass casualty attacks and other acts of targeted violence conducted by lone offenders and small groups acting in furtherance of ideological beliefs and/or personal grievances pose an ongoing threat to the nation. While the conditions underlying the heightened threat landscape have not significantly changed over the last year, the convergence of the following factors has increased the volatility, unpredictability, and complexity of the threat environment: (1) the proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions; (2) continued calls for violence directed at U.S. critical infrastructure; soft targets and mass gatherings; faith-based institutions, such as churches, synagogues, and mosques; institutions of higher education; racial and religious minorities; government facilities and personnel, including law enforcement and the military; the media; and perceived ideological opponents; and (3) calls by foreign terrorist organizations for attacks on the United States based on recent events.


Issued: February 07, 2022 02:00 pm

Expires: June 07, 2022 02:00 pm

Additional Details

The primary terrorism-related threat to the United States continues to stem from lone offenders or small cells of individuals who are motivated by a range of foreign and/or domestic grievances often cultivated through the consumption of certain online content. The convergence of violent extremist ideologies, false or misleading narratives, and conspiracy theories have and will continue to contribute to a heightened threat of violence in the United States.


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e8bd5a No.15392

File: c8f5478f1a3fe6f⋯.png (199.27 KB,530x463,530:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579903 (082305ZFEB22) Notable: The White House Now Says It Never Really Wanted Lockdowns

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The White House Now Says It Never Really Wanted Lockdowns

Last Friday, a reporter asked White House press secretary Jen Psaki to respond to the Johns Hopkins covid study showing lockdowns provided no real benefit in terms of disease prevention.

In response, Psaki dodged addressing the study directly, but then pivoted to claiming that the Biden administration had never pushed lockdowns.

“We are not pushing lockdowns,” she insisted.

“We’ve not been pro-lockdown - most of the lockdowns actually happened under the previous President.”

We have now reached the point in the media and political narrative where the party of lockdowns realizes lockdowns are increasingly unpopular and so now claims it never supported lockdowns at all.

But how can Psaki get away with saying this?

We all know that Joe Biden has always supported lockdowns. Well, that's not quite it, and she's not completely wrong. By the time Biden was actually sworn in as president, he had already stopped pushing for lockdowns as a continued anticovid option.

On the other hand, it is certainly true that as late as early November 2020, high-ranking Biden advisors were still holding up lockdowns as a possibility that fall and winter. For example, on November 11, 2020, Dr. Michael Osterholm, a member of Biden’s Covid-19 Advisory Board, suggested the country might require a “lockdown for 4 to 6 weeks” and recommended the US government spend additional trillions to “pay for a package right now to cover all of the lost wages for individual workers.”

Osterholm also referenced an August 2020 column he cowrote with Minneapolis Fed president Neel Kashkari in which the authors concluded, “To be effective, the lockdown has to be as comprehensive and strict as possible.”

For his part, Biden was keeping lockdowns very much on the table at least as late as August 2020.

Biden declared in a joint interview with Kamala Harris that if covid numbers increased again “I would shut it down. I would listen to the scientists…. We’re going to do whatever it takes to save lives.”


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e8bd5a No.15393

File: dc8f1018370e7c7⋯.png (339.89 KB,605x592,605:592,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579905 (082305ZFEB22) Notable: Skateboarder and YouTube star Josh Neuman dies at age 22 in Iceland plane crash.

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Skateboarder and YouTube star Josh Neuman dies at age 22 in Iceland plane crash.


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e8bd5a No.15394

File: e274e8be10dcb29⋯.jpg (2.17 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8f16052bff1f450⋯.jpg (420 KB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 45f5526d2873b37⋯.jpg (148.17 KB,1600x901,1600:901,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 7320cfa3ea4da24⋯.jpg (1.81 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579928 (082308ZFEB22) Notable: NY Governor extends statewide mask mandate for schools

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Globalist Hag

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e8bd5a No.15395

File: d34f85220bd2444⋯.png (406.96 KB,598x661,598:661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579932 (082309ZFEB22) Notable: President Donald J. Trump joins #AMERICAFirst NEXT!

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Sebastian Gorka DrG


President Donald J. Trump joins #AMERICAFirst NEXT!

WATCH: https://rumble.com/vueu5a-sebastian-gorka-live-trudeau-vs.-the-truckers.html


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e8bd5a No.15396

File: 1fbd50c720ff0af⋯.jpg (97.69 KB,649x846,649:846,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1723a5040de5542⋯.jpg (287.66 KB,1238x858,619:429,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 38f2cebe8a3c630⋯.pdf (5.92 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579941 (082311ZFEB22) Notable: This tweet plus HRC tweets plus @USArmy doing strange comms Climate change threatens our national security

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>Why are the patches blurred out?

Looks like he is Green Beret with 1st Special Forces Group

US Army releases its Climate Strategy

By U.S. Army Public Affairs | February 8, 2022

WASHINTGON — The U.S. Army announces the release of its first Climate Strategy that guides decision making in response to threats from climate that affect installation and unit sustainability, readiness, and resilience. The strategy directs how the Army will maintain its strategic advantage through deliberate efforts to reduce future climate impacts and risks to readiness and national security.

Experts have shown that climate change increases worldwide drought and insecurity, which places demands on fragile states and contributes to food scarcity, migration, and security concerns, and threatens U.S. national security interests and defense objectives. As a guide for future decisions, this strategy is the next step in the Army’s decades-long effort to combat climate change in support of national security interests.

"The time to address climate change is now. The effects of climate change have taken a toll on supply chains, damaged our infrastructure, and increased risks to Army Soldiers and families due to natural disasters and extreme weather,” said Secretary of the Army, Christine Wormuth. “The Army must adapt across our entire enterprise and purposefully pursue greenhouse gas mitigation strategies to reduce climate risks. If we do not take action now, across our installations, acquisition and logistics, and training, our options to mitigate these risks will become more constrained with each passing year."

The Army developed its Climate Strategy as a roadmap of actions that will enhance unit and installation readiness and resilience in the face of climate-related threats. Changing climate conditions requires the Army to meet new operational challenges, expand disaster response missions, and address risks to our people and lands.

These Army-wide efforts include enhancing resilience and sustainability on our installations, reducing sustainment demand, and preparing a climate-ready force with the appropriate knowledge, skills, concepts, and plans necessary to operate in a climate-altered world.

The Army will remain the dominant land fighting force by adapting to changing global conditions including climate change. This strategy will position our installations and supply chains to better withstand extreme weather, improve our training relevancy to a changing world, and our Soldiers will fulfill their missions under the harshest conditions.


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e8bd5a No.15397

File: 0cc8b4ee6a54883⋯.png (961 KB,1596x1417,1596:1417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579945 (082311ZFEB22) Notable: TINA PETERS ARRESTED (Cap 2:01)

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e8bd5a No.15398

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579949 (082312ZFEB22) Notable: FEAR PORN US Facing ‘Epic’ Nuclear Threat From China and Russia: US General

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US Facing ‘Epic’ Nuclear Threat From China and Russia: US General

The United States must contend simultaneously with two peer nuclear powers for the first time ever, as China and Russia continue to grow and modernize their nuclear arsenals, according to Maj. Gen. Ferdinand Stoss, director of plans and policy at United States Strategic Command.

“This is the first time ever that we have a three-party nuclear peer dynamic,” Stoss said, according to Air Force Magazine. “And we have no history of this. This is epic.”

The comments were delivered during a talk on the modernization of the United States’ strategic nuclear deterrent capabilities at an annual summit on nuclear deterrence in Washington, D.C.

The remarks underscored a growing anxiety about the Chinese regime and its continued efforts to become a nuclear peer of the United States and Russia.

China’s communist rulership is engaged in a systematic military modernization program, of which a part is alleged to be rapidly expanding the nation’s nuclear arsenal.

Satellite images revealed last summer that Beijing was building over 100 new silos for intercontinental ballistic missiles in the northwestern part of the country, and the Pentagon has warned that China could have over 1,000 nuclear weapons by 2030.

Stoss, who is responsible for the development of the Pentagon’s strategic war plans and contingencies,said that the United States and its allies had not fully dealt with the ramifications of the new balance of power and how it will affect future operations.

Moreover, he said that the combined threat of Russia and China was compounded by the fact that the United States had continuously underinvested in its own nuclear modernization efforts.

Concerning U.S. modernization efforts, Stoss said that the country had “taken the knee” and “accepted these risks.”

Stoss’ remarks echoed comments previously made by Patty-Jane Geller, a policy analyst for the Heritage Foundation.

“Americans should understand that nuclear threats are not a relic of the Cold War,” Geller said in November. “As China expands its arms to become a nuclear peer competitor with the U.S. and Russia, the U.S. will have to figure out how to deter two nuclear peers at once, which we’ve never had to do in our history.”

Of those two threats, Stoss said that Russia was the more imminent, but that the Chinese regime was developing in a way that would allow it to break out of strategic confines in an unprecedented way.

“To be sure, to have this type of a breakout and the capabilities they’re bringing online would have taken them years to plan, to develop, and then to actually build,” Stoss said.

“Why are they doing this strategic breakout? Well, we don’t exactly know … But, you know, perhaps this is just one more brick to put into the wall to cement their capacity to play a much bolder role, certainly in the region and around the world, and they think that they need this nuclear underpinning.”

Stoss also said that the rise of a multipolar world with more than two major nuclear powers would effectively end the United States’ ability to control the level of violence present in individual conflict zones, thereby increasing the risk of conflict overall.

“Today, both Russia and China have the capability to unilaterally escalate at any level of violence, across any domain, into any geographic location, … and to do so at a time of their choosing,” Stoss said.


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e8bd5a No.15399

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579957 (082313ZFEB22) Notable: #19700, #19701, #19702

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I dont think mine are any better anon, but hey at least we try



>Fox Acquires Rights to Gumby, Plans to “Reimagine” Kids Character

>>15338 Dr Vax Injuries vid

>>15339, >>15349 Fusion GPS Didn’t Only Work on Steele Dossier, They Worked on Nearly Every Key Anti-Trump Narrative Coming from DOJ and Mueller Gang

>>15340 US Department of Defense Law of War Manuel

>>15341 16 alleged Mossad spies go on trial in Turkey

>>15342 RealCandaceO Trudeau Family photo

>>15344 Gov. Ron DeSantis Speaks Out on Trump Rumors

>>15345 HCQ Inhibits HIV post for moar sauce


>>15347 COVID-19 vaccine production quietly suspended at Johnson & Johnson

>>15348 LIVE: Canada's Prime Minister Trudeau to face questions in parliament about truckers protest

>>15350 A single-cell atlas reveals shared and distinct immune responses and metabolism during SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 infections

>>15351 Trump SPAC Digital World Acquisition falls on report TRUTH Social platform delayed until end of March (update)

>>15343 'Buck' your day job and buy this quaint B&B in the mountains for $1.8M

>>15352 @DeptofDefense Frosty fallout findings.


>>15354 Former CNN Digital Asia Director Marc Lourdes Dies, Age 40

>>15355 Pope Francis Says He 'Wanted to Become Butcher' as He Appears on Talk Show for the First Time

>>15356 Donald Trump - states biden admin now says "conspiracy theories" about elections are a great threat

>>15357 Warning You may get triggered if you are White

>>15358 Freedom Convoy Preemptive SOS Press Conference

>>15359 Psaki tries and fails miserably at gaslighting on hero Canadian truckers

>>15360 Anon notices @USArmy has been posting 1min delta responses to what seems to be random comments going against the "climate change is a threat" message

>>15361 Boeing E-4B 75-0125. Call sign AUGIE01. Just landed at Andrews.

>>15362 DWAC stock update

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e8bd5a No.15400

File: b694b84a284bb13⋯.png (101.2 KB,692x689,692:689,Clipboard.png)

File: bc4db480c8ded8b⋯.png (94.68 KB,684x721,684:721,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579975 (082315ZFEB22) Notable: Honduran National Geovanny Fuentes Ramirez Sentenced To Life In Prison And Ordered To Forfeit $151.7 Million For Distributing Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

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Honduran National Geovanny Fuentes Ramirez Sentenced To Life In Prison And Ordered To Forfeit $151.7 Million For Distributing Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

Fuentes Ramirez Conspired with High-Ranking Honduran Politicians and Members of the Honduran Military and National Police to Operate a Cocaine Lab in Honduras and Distribute Cocaine Using Air and Maritime Routes


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e8bd5a No.15401

File: edcefac456372d0⋯.jpg (271.69 KB,829x275,829:275,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579978 (082315ZFEB22) Notable: Johnson & Johnson stops Covid-19 vaccine production – NYT

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Johnson & Johnson stops Covid-19 vaccine production – NYT


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e8bd5a No.15402

File: 77f2188fcab9fb8⋯.png (118.48 KB,684x838,342:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 21a2da1f33afedc⋯.png (82.41 KB,685x626,685:626,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15579989 (082317ZFEB22) Notable: Bay City Vascular Surgeon Pleads Guilty in Connection with Defrauding Medicare, Medicaid, And Blue Cross Blue Shield Of $19.5 Million

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Bay City Vascular Surgeon Pleads Guilty in Connection with Defrauding Medicare, Medicaid, And Blue Cross Blue Shield Of $19.5 Million


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e8bd5a No.15403

File: 4dc33f665465a61⋯.png (94.41 KB,689x703,689:703,Clipboard.png)

File: 557423acd3ba5ab⋯.png (95.13 KB,683x752,683:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580003 (082317ZFEB22) Notable: CEO Of Private Equity Fund Pleads Guilty To Scheme To Defraud Banks Of $140 Million

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CEO Of Private Equity Fund Pleads Guilty To Scheme To Defraud Banks Of $140 Million


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e8bd5a No.15404

File: fc3a64f271f0df8⋯.png (747.5 KB,1188x800,297:200,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580031 (082322ZFEB22) Notable: LIVE NOW President Donald TRUMP

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President Donald TRUMP


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e8bd5a No.15405

File: 38012bbec0d50a2⋯.png (88.75 KB,692x472,173:118,Clipboard.png)

File: 62e2af967ae0de9⋯.png (510.14 KB,628x912,157:228,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580035 (082322ZFEB22) Notable: TRUTH Social will reportedly “launch by the end of March,”

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Trump Media and Technology Group CEO Devin Nunes announced on Thursday that TRUTH Social was still undergoing beta testing and would release by the end of March. That would place the app's release a month after its initial announcement, which said it would debut Feb. 21 on its iOS app page.


Share 0

President Donald Trump’s new social media platform TRUTH Social will reportedly “launch by the end of March,” according to Devin Nunes, who is now CEO of Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG).

The Big Tech alternative is currently undergoing beta testing, and users are already able to sign up now.

TMTG CEO Devin Nunes said that President Trump’s TRUTH Social will be up and running by the end of March.

“If anybody wants to sign up, they can go to TruthSocial.com and actually sign up now,” Nunes told Newsmax last week. “What we’re doing now is we are in beta testing. We’re expanding that beta test, and we fully expect to launch by the end of March.”

Nunes, who resigned from Congress in January to head TMTG, added the new platform would not affiliate with Big Tech companies who censor free speech.

“We cannot use any of the Big Tech companies,” said Nunes. “We’ve seen what has happened to other small startup companies, and when Amazon decides they don’t like them, they cut them off.”

TRUTH Social will instead partner with alternative platforms like Rumble, which rivals YouTube.

“We’re going to find people that will not cancel us, that want to see the internet back open again for everyone,” said the former congressman.


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e8bd5a No.15406

File: f358096c398bd98⋯.mp4 (7.13 MB,368x656,23:41,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580050 (082324ZFEB22) Notable: TINA PETERS ARRESTED (Cap 2:01)

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e8bd5a No.15407

File: da8779b13bc5f9b⋯.png (251.94 KB,532x759,532:759,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ce1f94f7a0b98f⋯.png (55.21 KB,532x352,133:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580057 (082325ZFEB22) Notable: TINA PETERS ARRESTED (Cap 2:01)

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e8bd5a No.15408

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580059 (082325ZFEB22) Notable: TINA PETERS ARRESTED (Cap 2:01)

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they sent over a couple of goons to manhandle her

Truckers, take Wolf Creek Pass over to Denver STAT.

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e8bd5a No.15409

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580071 (082326ZFEB22) Notable: We Know Covid Is Fake Because No One Of The Millions Of People In The Convoy Are Sick

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Quite the opposite.

Healthy Opposition.


God Bless you all.

Watch out for those with:





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e8bd5a No.15410

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580074 (082326ZFEB22) Notable: Biden's false flag , Russia Russia Russia

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Garry Kasparov Reacts To Russia Increasing Military Forces

>1,983 views | Feb 8, 2022

NBC News Chief White House Correspondent Kristen Welker, NBC Foreign Correspondent MattBradley, Renew Democracy Initiative Chairman GarryKasparov, andAmbassador Bill Taylorjoined StephanieRuhleto discuss the ongoing stand-off between Russia and Ukraine after Ukraine PresidentZelenskyy’s meeting with French President EmmanuelMacron, and as Russia continues to increase military forces on Ukraine’s borders. “At the end of the day what we are talking about is such a big disparity between the Ukrainian military and the Russian military,” says Bradley. “Russians could take the key to capital within 48 hours.”

>Who the f^ck ISN"T in this movie?!

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e8bd5a No.15411

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580081 (082327ZFEB22) Notable: Lawmaker from Trudeau's own party RESIGNS

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Lawmaker from Trudeau's own party RESIGNS and slams him for 'dividing people' after PM smeared anti-mandate Freedom Convoy as 'swastika wavers': Protesters blockade SECOND border crossing after blocking busiest route into the US at Detroit

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke out against trucker protests paralyzing Canada's capital city

Trudeau, speaking Monday on the floor of the legislature the first time since the crisis began, warned demonstrators they were affecting the economy and trying to undermine democracy

He branded protesters in Ottawa as a 'few people shouting and waving swastikas'

He dismissed opposition viewpoints that the trucks and big rigs parked throughout in Ottawa were a symbol of how bitterly divided the country was over the pandemic

'This is a story of a country that got through this pandemic by being united, and a few people shouting and waving swastikas does not define who Canadians are,' Trudeau said

'This pandemic has sucked for all Canadians,' the prime minister said. 'Everyone's tired of COVID, but these protests are not the way to get through it'

Joel Lightbound, a lawmaker for Trudeau's Liberal Party, rebuked his leader Tuesday for dividing Canadians and said his government needs to create a road map for when coronavirus measures should be lifted

Tucker Carlson has also slammed Trudeau's response, claiming the demonstrators are treated like terrorists

Canadian truckers blasted the government and Ottawa police after members of their 'Freedom Convoy' protest were arrested and charged with hate crimes

Demonstrations continued into Tuesday as trucks blocked traffic on the Ambassador Bridge, the busiest border crossing to the United States, between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario

The bridge, which is normally traveled by approximately 8,000 big rigs a day, remained closed on the U.S. side Tuesday morning, according Michigan Department of Transportation


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e8bd5a No.15412

File: f6a424e3d5b1a8c⋯.jpeg (1.7 MB,1284x2532,107:211,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 2573569de520d2c⋯.jpeg (2.6 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580102 (082330ZFEB22) Notable: CDC published fuckery call for digg Covid cases for October through November of 2021 approximately 2,356,305?

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Anons looking for a helping hand as I am smelling fuckery with the CDC published doc below.


I am looking for the total monthly Covid cases for October through November of 2021.

I currently have that number at approximately 2,356,305.

If This is correct then the CDC pulled a smoke and mirrors by breaking down the number of vaccinated totals that had Covid and then by further breaking it down by one of the three vaccine manufactures.

The kicker those numbers don’t add up (pic related see table 2 and the spreadsheet) and me thinks the separation is because it actually doubles the vaccinated cases.

This also means the death totals are doubled


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e8bd5a No.15413

File: c6b1387492c44bf⋯.mp4 (3.92 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580105 (082330ZFEB22) Notable: FDNY NYPD EMS and other city workers shut down the Brooklyn bridge in response of the mandates (Cap 0:14)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FDNY NYPD EMS and other city workers shut down the Brooklyn bridge in response of the mandates. They demand all mandates got lifted while they chant ' save our children "


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e8bd5a No.15414

File: 8347b4cd8a2edb8⋯.png (416.55 KB,634x649,634:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 2827a005d3e766a⋯.png (126.6 KB,669x658,669:658,Clipboard.png)

File: 0357d27b2684a25⋯.png (826.74 KB,657x867,219:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 914926e988cb455⋯.png (377.66 KB,673x907,673:907,Clipboard.png)

File: d45e1350bc2295f⋯.png (327.21 KB,670x908,335:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580110 (082331ZFEB22) Notable: Hunter Biden tried to broker a $120million oil deal between Chinese energy firm now under US sanctions and former Kazakhstan prime minister, laptop emails reveal

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Hunter Biden tried to broker a $120million oil deal between Chinese energy firm now under US sanctions and former Kazakhstan prime minister who has been accused of treason in hopes of pocketing a fortune, laptop emails reveal

Emails obtained by DailyMail.com show Hunter Biden worked with former Kazakh prime minister Karim Massimov to try to pull off a $120M pipeline deal

The oil deal involved Massimov, who's now accused of treason, and the State China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), now under US sanctions

The president's son traveled to Beijing and Kazakhstan in 2014 and 2015 to broker the deal on behalf of a Ukrainian gas firm Burisma as a board member

The venture came years after a similar oil deal had faced opposition from Western energy firms

Devon Archer, Hunter's longtime friend and business partner at Burisma wrote to Hunter that he was excited that the offer could make them rich

Emails show their plan was for the Kazakh government to grant drilling rights to CNOOC, with the rigs and wells being operated by Burisma

It is unclear from Hunter's emails whether they pulled off either deal

The State Department's sanctions only cover CNOOC's activity in the South China Sea, not their other global operations

Hunter Biden was working with a Chinese oil company in Kazakhstan that is now under US sanctions and a former Kazakh prime minister now accused of treason to broker a lucrative pipeline deal, DailyMail.com can reveal.

Emails obtained by DailyMail.com show the president's son teamed up with the former Kazakh prime minister Karim Massimov, now facing charges of high treason, to try to pull off a $120million pipeline deal after similar ventures had faced opposition from Western energy firms.

There is no indication Massimov’s charges are connected to Hunter’s pipeline deal.

One of Hunter's proposed Kazakh energy deals involved the State China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), one of China's biggest oil firms.

The company was sanctioned in 2020 and again last year for its alleged involvement in the Chinese government's 'coercive behavior in the South China Sea'.



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e8bd5a No.15415

File: 985059703722a17⋯.jpg (271.69 KB,591x283,591:283,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580123 (082333ZFEB22) Notable: Let me get this straight… the government mailed us masks that were MADE IN CHINA, and tests that were MADE IN CHINA to protect us from a virus that was MADE IN CHINA… while we watch the Olympics in CHINA?

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Let me get this straight… the government mailed us masks that were MADE IN CHINA, and tests that were MADE IN CHINA to protect us from a virus that was MADE IN CHINA… while we watch the Olympics in CHINA?


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e8bd5a No.15416

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580140 (082336ZFEB22) Notable: Mitch McConnell criticizes censure of Cheney and Kinzinger, calls Jan. 6 'violent insurrection'

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Mitch McConnell criticizes censure of Cheney and Kinzinger, calls Jan. 6 'violent insurrection'

"We saw it happen," McConnell said. "It was a violent insurrection."

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) broke from the Republican National Committee by calling the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol a "violent insurrection" and criticizing the censure of Reps. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.).

"Well let me give you my view of what happened January the 6th," McConnell during his press conference Tuesday. "We saw it happen. It was a violent insurrection for the purpose of trying to prevent the peaceful transfer of power after a legitimately certified election from one administration to the next. That's what it was."

Other Senate Republicans have criticized the RNC for the censure of Cheney and Kinzinger. Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) immediately criticized censure Friday. Sens. John Thune (R-S.D.), John Cornyn (R-Texas), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) criticized the censure as well, Just the News reported.

McConnell told reporters: "With regard to the suggestion that the RNC should be in the business of picking and choosing Republicans who ought to be supported, traditionally the view of the national party committees is that we support all members of our party regardless of their positions on some issues."

"The issue is whether or not the RNC should be sort of singling out members of our party who may have different views from the majority," McConnell said. "That's not the job of the RNC."

McConnell has been feuding with former President Donald Trump, with it heating up in recent months especially after the Senate Majority Leader blamed Trump for the events on Jan. 6.


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e8bd5a No.15417

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580146 (082337ZFEB22) Notable: Haitian prime minister identified as prime suspect in assassination of country's president

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Haitian prime minister identified as prime suspect in assassination of country's president

Prime Minister Ariel Henry is suspected to have planned and covered up the assassination of former Haitian President Jovenel Moïse.

Investigators and a judge are alleging that Haitian Prime Minister Ariel Henry was involved in the July assassination of the country's former president, Jovenel Moïse.

Moïse, whose murder remains unsolved, was shot a dozen times at his residence in July 2021. His wife was shot but survived the attack.

The assassination threw the already impoverished nation into political chaos that was soon followed by a significant earthquake that further rocked the nation's grasp on stability.

According to a new report, Joseph Felix Badio – a former anti-corruption official in Haiti – led the organizational effort of the dozen-person hit squad.

Investigators think Badio was scheduled to meet with Henry in September, though the meeting was canceled as word of the investigators' suspicions was leaked to the prime minister.

"Henry is at the center of everything," an anonymous source told CNN. "All he has done since taking over as PM is obstruct (the investigation) and f**k us over."

Several additional sources told the news outlet that Henry is suspected to have been involved in planning the assassination and the coverup. A judge who was until recently overseeing the case also identified Henry as the "prime suspect of Jovenel Moïse's assassination."

"And he knows it," added the judge, Garry Orélien.

Not even one of the more than 40 suspects who have been detained in Haiti for potentially participating in the murder have been formally charged during Henry's tenure. However, two suspects were arrested and charged in the U.S. last month in connection with the assassination.

In September, Henry addressed the United Nations General Assembly and spoke about the pursuit of justice for the country's dead leader.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No political maneuver, no media campaign, no distraction can deter me from this goal to bring justice for President Moïse," he said.


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e8bd5a No.15418

File: 14322852c797fb3⋯.png (566.33 KB,1919x940,1919:940,Clipboard.png)

File: 226b88b366174a6⋯.png (110.64 KB,556x1689,556:1689,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580194 (082345ZFEB22) Notable: lb, lb, PF Reports QOPER97 Only time I recall seeing a callsign anything like this Mapping to Q97 for novelty value

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Only time I recall seeing a callsign anything like this.

Mapping to Q97 for novelty value.

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e8bd5a No.15419

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580199 (082346ZFEB22) Notable: #19700, #19701, #19702

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>>15363, >>15364, >>15367 Canadian Government Just Froze Pat King's Bank Account email transfer service

>>15365 Ratskin slapped with ethics complaint over failure to report wife's huge stock payout

>>15366, >>15396 This tweet plus HRC tweets plus @USArmy doing strange comms Climate change threatens our national security

>>15368 Chris Huvane, Suicide at 47

>>15369, >>15371 Peter Strzok continues to make a slimy asshole of himself, no lube needed

>>15370, >>15372, >>15374, >>15376, >>15390 How the Canadian Truckers are winning 4/pol/ Hold the Line We are Winning

>>15373 Truckers for Freedom Viva la France

>>15375 Former T.J. Martell Exec Melissa Goodwin Pleads Guilty to Embezzling $3.7 Million From Charity

>>15380, >>15377, >>15379 Florida Gov. DeSantis says the"medical science didn't change" on mask mandates, "the political science changed."

>>15378, >>15381, >>15410 Biden's false flag , Russia Russia Russia

>>15382, >>15388 Fuckery afoot stage setting for domestic terrorism expansion Doug Emhoff Rushed Out of DC School by Secret Service After Bomb Threat

>>15391 Fuckery afoot Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

>>15383, >>15389, >>15394 NY Governor extends statewide mask mandate for schools

>>15384 PF Report SAM142 GLF5 VIP up outta Seattle and headed for Hawaii Someone paying BHO a visit?

>>15385 Dirty Capitol Police Chief Releases Statement on His Spying Operations on GOP Representatives — Something Doesn’t Add Up

>>15386 Pfizer Quietly Adds Language Warning That 'Unfavorable Pre-Clinical, Clinical Or Safety Data' May Impact Business

>>15387 Alberta press conference on lifting restriction

>>15392 The White House Now Says It Never Really Wanted Lockdowns

>>15393 Skateboarder and YouTube star Josh Neuman dies at age 22 in Iceland plane crash.

>>15395 President Donald J. Trump joins #AMERICAFirst NEXT!

>>15397, >>15406, >>15407, >>15408 TINA PETERS ARRESTED (Cap 2:01)

>>15398 FEAR PORN US Facing ‘Epic’ Nuclear Threat From China and Russia: US General

>>15400 Honduran National Geovanny Fuentes Ramirez Sentenced To Life In Prison And Ordered To Forfeit $151.7 Million For Distributing Tons Of Cocaine And Related Firearms Offenses

>>15401 Johnson & Johnson stops Covid-19 vaccine production – NYT

>>15402 Bay City Vascular Surgeon Pleads Guilty in Connection with Defrauding Medicare, Medicaid, And Blue Cross Blue Shield Of $19.5 Million

>>15403 CEO Of Private Equity Fund Pleads Guilty To Scheme To Defraud Banks Of $140 Million

>>15405 TRUTH Social will reportedly “launch by the end of March,”

>>15404 LIVE NOW President Donald TRUMP

>>15409 We Know Covid Is Fake Because No One Of The Millions Of People In The Convoy Are Sick

>>15411 Lawmaker from Trudeau's own party RESIGNS

>>15412 CDC published fuckery call for digg Covid cases for October through November of 2021 approximately 2,356,305?

>>15413 FDNY NYPD EMS and other city workers shut down the Brooklyn bridge in response of the mandates (Cap 0:14)

>>15414 Hunter Biden tried to broker a $120million oil deal between Chinese energy firm now under US sanctions and former Kazakhstan prime minister, laptop emails reveal

>>15415 Let me get this straight… the government mailed us masks that were MADE IN CHINA, and tests that were MADE IN CHINA to protect us from a virus that was MADE IN CHINA… while we watch the Olympics in CHINA?

>>15416 Mitch McConnell criticizes censure of Cheney and Kinzinger, calls Jan. 6 'violent insurrection'

>>15417 Haitian prime minister identified as prime suspect in assassination of country's president

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15420

File: 4ab803a2acbcf6b⋯.png (981.16 KB,1920x955,384:191,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580285 (082359ZFEB22) Notable: lb, lb, PF Reports QOPER97 Only time I recall seeing a callsign anything like this Mapping to Q97 for novelty value

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


E-9 Widget earlier today had callsign with multiple Qs. 6QMQQ0CJ very odd callsign.

Repost from earlier today. #19697 >>15253 pb

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e8bd5a No.15421

File: 5bc627be76d4dcb⋯.jpg (143.33 KB,1079x1706,1079:1706,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580257 (082355ZFEB22) Notable: President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Governor Kristi Noem

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President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Governor Kristi Noem


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e8bd5a No.15422

File: e27ec019f1c926e⋯.jpg (101.65 KB,656x447,656:447,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580275 (082358ZFEB22) Notable: Biden HOUSE ARREST for illegal immigrants from Mexican border 'cheaper' alternative to detention

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Biden is planning on putting single migrant adults caught on the Mexican border under HOUSE ARREST in Baltimore and Houston as a 'cheaper' alternative to detention


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e8bd5a No.15423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580307 (090004ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Live 2022 Raw Footage Interview With Truckers Parliament

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ZOT has been activated!




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e8bd5a No.15424

File: 2dd2ab994be26b3⋯.png (348.29 KB,601x607,601:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580314 (090005ZFEB22) Notable: Biden Picks Replacements for Purged Naval Academy Board – Including 2 Trailblazing Women

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Biden Picks Replacements for Purged Naval Academy Board – Including 2 Trailblazing Women


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e8bd5a No.15425

File: 56dd5f94d54d0a8⋯.png (140.13 KB,566x710,283:355,Clipboard.png)

File: 2319b05cf9d376f⋯.png (95.3 KB,493x554,493:554,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580329 (090008ZFEB22) Notable: President Trump: “They Are So Desperate To Hide The Truth, They’ll Make It Criminal To Speak It!”

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President Trump: “They Are So Desperate To Hide The Truth, They’ll Make It Criminal To Speak It!”


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e8bd5a No.15426

File: 19f08fe9ad826df⋯.png (1.07 MB,1591x1768,1591:1768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580332 (090008ZFEB22) Notable: Do you Air Q?

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Do you Air Q?


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e8bd5a No.15427

File: 40b4a8b8d996f99⋯.jpg (73.04 KB,720x1165,144:233,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cd650eb572a84e3⋯.png (630.8 KB,675x1123,675:1123,Clipboard.png)

File: 40c2a91c3762199⋯.jpg (43.19 KB,526x701,526:701,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3ca52d9f78ba9f3⋯.jpeg (135.94 KB,551x1024,551:1024,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580333 (090009ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Live 2022 Raw Footage Interview With Truckers Parliament

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This is how it done in Canada

You paying Attention Trudope


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e8bd5a No.15428

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580334 (090009ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Live 2022 Raw Footage Interview With Truckers Parliament

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Windsor/ Ambassado Bridge livestream

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e8bd5a No.15429

File: 70b15ff3d985ceb⋯.png (210.62 KB,582x894,97:149,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a2b59c375966d4⋯.png (285 KB,667x803,667:803,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f0ee1040017aff⋯.png (50.88 KB,704x420,176:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580340 (090010ZFEB22) Notable: Virginia Supreme Court Rejects Petition to Stop Glenn Youngkin’s No Mask Mandate

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Virginia Supreme Court Rejects Petition to Stop Glenn Youngkin’s No Mask Mandate

Virginia Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin scored a victory Monday when the state Supreme Court dismissed a petition to stop his mask mandate prohibition in schools.

Launched by a group of parents in Chesapeake, Virginia, the petition essentially asked the court to invalidate Youngkin’s executive order blocking the enforcement of masking in Virginia schools, seeking a writ of mandamus. The court instead offered “no opinion on the legality” of Youngkin’s executive order and ruled that a writ of mandamus is only used for extraordinary circumstances.

“Mandamus is ‘an extraordinary remedy employed to compel a public official to perform a purely ministerial duty imposed upon him by law,'” read the opinion.



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e8bd5a No.15430

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580346 (090011ZFEB22) Notable: Rep. Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Reinstate Troops Discharged over Vaccine Mandate

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Rep. Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Reinstate Troops Discharged over Vaccine Mandate

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) introduced a bill on Tuesday that would allow servicemembers who were discharged over the Biden administration’s military coronavirus vaccine mandate to be reinstated, Breitbart News has exclusively learned.

The bill, called the Service Restoration Act, would also prevent troops from facing punishment or any adverse treatment as a result of not wanting to get vaccinated. “Adverse action” would include retaliation, punishment, disparate treatment, a requirement to wear a mask or reside in sub-standard housing.

The bill would also allow reinstated service members to count the time they were discharged towards their retirement benefits and expunge from the service member’s service record any adverse action that was based solely on not receiving the vaccine.

Roy said in a statement to Breitbart News:

Because of President Biden’s power-hungry, anti-science COVID-19 vaccine mandate, hundreds of valuable American service members are being forced out of our military, taking with them years of subject-matter expertise, careers of selfless sacrifice, and lifelong dreams of military service. This is strategically foolish, profoundly un-American, and completely unacceptable.

I introduced the Service Restoration Act to ensure that the brave men and women of our armed forces are not fired over this wrong-headed mandate — whether it be for a medical, religious, conscientious or any reason — and that those already dismissed are able to get back to honorably serving their country with their time of service and records rightfully restored.

The bill so far has seven Republican co-sponsors, including Reps. Marjorie Taylor-Greene (GA); Michael Cloud (TX); Bill Posey (FL); Matt Rosedale (MT); Louie Gohmert (TX); Van Taylor (TX); and Bob Good (VA).

During a recent rally in Texas, former President Donald Trump called for Republicans to reinstate troops discharged over the mandate if they take control of Congress in 2022, as reported by Breitbart News.

This bill comes as the military has discharged more than 500 service members for not complying with the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate issued in August.


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e8bd5a No.15431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580354 (090013ZFEB22) Notable: US Global Management Company Oaktree Capital Somehow Is Able to Seize Two Properties from Bankrupt China Evergrande Group

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US Global Management Company Oaktree Capital Somehow Is Able to Seize Two Properties from Bankrupt China Evergrande Group

We’ve been reporting on China Evergrande Group’s financial crisis for months. The company is the largest debtor in world history to go bankrupt.

One US global management company, Oaktree Capital has somehow been able to seize two properties of Evergrande’s in an effort to recover the $1 billion that they are owed by the failing company.

Los Angeles-based Oaktree Capital Management has seized a second Evergrande property in China as part of an unprecedented push to recover $1 billion in unpaid debt.

Oaktree has seized a massive “Venice” apartment complex on the Yellow Sea coast near Shanghai that had defaulted on a $400-million secured loan, according to the Financial Times.

This came after Oaktree, which manages $166 billion in assets, seized a large plot of land in Hong Kong called “Project Castle,” where China Evergrande Group had hoped to build a Versailles-like mansion. The loan to that project came to around $600 million.

Oaktree is a distressed debt specialist, and the firm’s aggressive moves to foreclose on two secured loans represents a rare intrusion into a domestic crisis in China–this one caused by the world’s biggest collapse of a property developer.

For months we reported on Evergrande failing being a symptom of a bigger issue for China.


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e8bd5a No.15432

File: de8419c6edd2d05⋯.png (1.44 MB,1827x1769,63:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580362 (090014ZFEB22) Notable: Do you Air Q?

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Just a sketch up

Dissenting governments….Infiltrated…?

When does the music stop?

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e8bd5a No.15433

File: 649e859d7e2a6cc⋯.mp4 (12.94 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

File: cc7ea1b858a6527⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB,460x258,230:129,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580370 (090016ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Live 2022 Raw Footage Interview With Truckers Parliament

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"Trolling is fun"

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e8bd5a No.15434

File: 8630e3f9ebd0eb7⋯.png (199.58 KB,953x638,953:638,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580387 (090020ZFEB22) Notable: Do you Air Q?

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That was me.

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e8bd5a No.15435

File: a0df8c06b08265e⋯.png (445.9 KB,598x624,23:24,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580396 (090022ZFEB22) Notable: Suspect in Canada trucker protest hit-and-run is militant Antifa punk rocker

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New York Post


Suspect in Canada trucker protest hit-and-run is militant Antifa punk rocker



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e8bd5a No.15436

File: 4dad59dcccc1c79⋯.jpg (106.89 KB,1079x1521,83:117,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580411 (090025ZFEB22) Notable: President Trump: "Congressman Jim Jordan’s Fighting for Freedom in the Swamp. It is fantastic!"

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President Donald J. Trump:

"Congressman Jim Jordan’s book is doing very well. Go get a copy of Do What You Said You Would Do: Fighting for Freedom in the Swamp. It is fantastic!"


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e8bd5a No.15437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580429 (090027ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Live 2022 Raw Footage Interview With Truckers Parliament

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Freedom Convoy Update February 8, 2022.

Firemen / Volunteer Firemen have loophole to get fuel to Truckers without being arrested.

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e8bd5a No.15438

File: 47e42918d76bcc1⋯.png (318.95 KB,752x429,752:429,Clipboard.png)

File: bec9ebce500a4ad⋯.png (47.56 KB,758x228,379:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580441 (090029ZFEB22) Notable: Trudeau Government Threatens Americans Who Donated To Freedom Convoy, Vows To 'Investigate'

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Trudeau Government Threatens Americans Who Donated To Freedom Convoy, Vows To 'Investigate'

On Tuesday, Justin Trudeau’s Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino stated that the Canadian government intends to target any American who may have donated to the Freedom Convoy protest effort. The grassroots movement raised $10 million dollars until GoFundMe took down the page and announced their plans to distribute the funds to left-wing causes. GoFundMe later backed down and refunded the donations after intense backlash.

“There have been numerous instances of intimidation, harassment, violence and hate,” Mendicino said without evidence. “Many residents have been effectively held hostage in their own city, blockaded by an angry, loud, intolerant and violent crowd,” he continued. Mendicino added that the convoy has “crossed the line of acceptable conduct,” and praised the Ottawa Police Service.

Following his baseless claims regarding the convoy’s conduct — which has been overwhelmingly peaceful — Minister Mendicino shifted his focus to donors who have supported the convoy, saying that Canada has a “robust” intelligence community that will flag all concerns of national security, as well as a separate branch within the RCMP with the same function. “That’s why I’m certainly confident that wherever there’s foul play of the sort, that we’ll be in a position to act appropriately,” said Mendicino. “If, for example, someone was contributing with the intent of either causing public harm or trying to undermine public safety, that would be something that would be against the law, and there would be appropriate sanctions for that, if proven in the court of law,” he said.

MPs on the House of Commons Public Safety and National Security Committee have called GoFundMe to testify about the funds raised. “Important questions remain about how such a huge sum of money could be raised by anonymous donors and what their motivations were. People are rightly worried about American interference and what sort of standard is applied when donations are accepted,” reads a statement from the NDP’s public safety critic Alistair MacGregor.

It is unclear how the Canadian government would go about such investigations or whether the Biden Administration would assist them.


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e8bd5a No.15439

File: 9c62ca3ebcd4e24⋯.png (551.48 KB,1188x900,33:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580445 (090029ZFEB22) Notable: Pentagon Cyber Official Katie Arrington Resigns After Security Clearance Dispute

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Pentagon Cyber Official Resigns After Security Clearance Dispute

A Pentagon official who led a new cybersecurity initiative for defense contractors but was later placed on administrative leave after her security clearance was suspended has resigned, saying she was punished for political reasons.

Katie Arrington, the chief information security officer for the Pentagon’s acquisition and sustainment office, informed the department’s top industrial affairs officials of her decision on Monday, according to her resignation letter made available to Bloomberg News.

Arrington is a former private sector cyber expert and Republican state representative from South Carolina who was brought into the Pentagon during the Trump administration under the category of “Highly Qualified Expert.” She later competed for and attained the nonpartisan Senior Executive Service status.

Her resignation came almost nine months after she was informed in May that her security clearance for access to classified information was being suspended as “a result of a reported Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified Information and subsequent removal of access by the National Security Agency,” according to a memo.

Arrington claimed that a formal “Statement of Reasons” for her clearance suspension that the Pentagon provided in December “is still non-descript and bereft of substantiating rationale or detail justifying my suspension.”

The suspension was “in my perception, a politically influenced action driven to silence me because I was in the process of filing a Hostile Work Environment claim” against a current Pentagon official and she was “concurrently navigating issues of overreach” by the NSA’s Directorate of Cyber, Arrington said in her resignation letter.

Pentagon spokeswoman Jessica Maxwell didn’t provide immediate comment on the resignation letter.

Since May, Arrington has fought a legal battle to get full disclosure of the allegations against her and restoration of her security clearance. She counter-sued the Pentagon in October “due to the lack of evidence,” saying that she was “deprived of procedural and substantive due process,” the suit asserts.

Arrington settled the lawsuit last month, with the Pentagon paying attorney’s fees, according to her resignation letter.

Her LinkedIn page says she left the Pentagon this month, and “Stay tuned.”

Most Read from Bloomberg Businessweek


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e8bd5a No.15440

File: 42f94563747d201⋯.png (30.95 KB,568x242,284:121,Clipboard.png)

File: 630dfcad1a1dc8a⋯.png (179.68 KB,909x675,101:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580457 (090031ZFEB22) Notable: Troy Nehls: Inspector General Investigating Capitol Police for Improper Surveillance

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Inspector General Investigating Capitol Police for Improper Surveillance of Lawmakers, Staff and Visitors

On Tuesday, Congressman Troy Nehls (R-Texas) posted an alarming thread on Twitter.

BREAKING The @CapitolPolice Intelligence Division investigated my office illegally and one of my staffers caught them in the act.

On November 20th, 2021, Capitol Police entered my office without my knowledge and photographed confidential legislative products protected by the Speech and Debate clause enshrined in the Constitution, Article 1 Section 6.

Two days later on Monday November 22, 2021 (Thanksgiving week), three intelligence officers attempted to enter my office while the House was in recess.

Upon discovering a member of my staff, special agents dressed like construction workers began to question him as to the contents of a photograph taken illegally two days earlier.

@CapitolPolice never informed myself or senior level staff of their investigation and the reasons are clear.

They had no authority to photograph my office, let alone investigate myself or members of my staff. So, why is the Capitol Police Leadership maliciously investigating me in an attempt to destroy me and my character?

Maybe it is because I have been a vocal critic of @SpeakerPelosi, the @January6thCmte, and @CapitolPolice leadership about their handling of January 6th, the death of Ashli Babbitt and the subsequent SHAM investigation.

U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger told the agency’s side of the story by claiming that a “vigilant officer” performing normal weekend rounds noticed that Nehls’s office door had been left wide open. “If a Member’s office is left open and unsecured, without anyone inside the office, USCP officers are directed to document that and secure the office to ensure nobody can wander in and steal or do anything else nefarious,” he explained.

Once inside the office, the officer noticed a whiteboard that contained “suspicious writings mentioning body armor,” which he photographed and passed along to USCP analysts. Manger said that the following Monday, “USCP personnel personally followed up with the Congressman’s staff and determined no investigation or further action of any kind was needed.”


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e8bd5a No.15441

File: 4b23034bf5abdc2⋯.png (201.44 KB,565x449,565:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 53d45f381c4dceb⋯.png (53.73 KB,915x251,915:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580466 (090032ZFEB22) Notable: Plan to Arrest Maskless Students in Loudoun County

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Bombshell Email Reveals Plan to Arrest Maskless Students in Loudoun County

School mask mandates have recently been lifted in New Jersey and in Delaware. Massachusetts is also considering lifting its mandate.

But in Loudoun County, Va., students who attempt to enter school maskless could face arrest. According to a leaked email, a security official for Loudoun County Public Schools coached principals on obtaining a warrant to arrest students who attempted to enter school maskless.

The email was sent on Feb. 1, by John Clark, the Director of Safety and Security for Loudoun County Public Schools to the district’s principals.

“If you determine that an individual should be trespassed then a school admin representative, in conjunction with S&S Coordinator Rich Thomas, will proceed to the magistrate to swear out a trespass summons/warrant,” the email says. “School admin will meet Rich Thomas at the Safety & Security office and then proceed to the magistrate, which is located next to our office.”

Clark’s directive blatantly defies Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive order empowering parents to opt their kids out of school mask mandates.

The email says that if a warrant is obtained it “will be served by law enforcement,” within 24 hours. The email also provided steps to prevent school access to parents.

“Parents should only be admitted at your discretion,” Clark wrote. He also recommended schools establish “outdoor parent gathering areas,” for parents picking up students, and restrict access to entrances.

“While parents have certain educational rights they do NOT have the right to enter your school without proper vetting and permission,” Clark wrote.


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e8bd5a No.15442

File: 99259604ce15413⋯.png (87.1 KB,681x645,227:215,Clipboard.png)

File: bebf96cf5212bbc⋯.png (113.24 KB,694x893,694:893,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580484 (090035ZFEB22) Notable: Serbian-Hungarian Dual Citizen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Multi-Million Dollar Business Email Compromise Scheme

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Serbian-Hungarian Dual Citizen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Multi-Million Dollar Business Email Compromise Scheme


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e8bd5a No.15443

File: 7014f0cc8115937⋯.png (635.48 KB,903x886,903:886,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580495 (090037ZFEB22) Notable: Low IQ Omarosa keks Trump would eat torn up documents in the Oval Office

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e8bd5a No.15444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580514 (090039ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Police Arrest Old Man And Seize Supplies While Trudeau Doubles-Down On Mandates

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Started streaming 2 minutes ago

Robert Gouveia Esq.

149K subscribers

Canadian officials continue to try to get a grasp on the Freedom Trucker Convoy. We check in on various reports and review Prime Minister Trudeau’s intentions, including:

🔹 Ottawa police continue to seize fuel and make arrests of peaceful protestors.

🔹 Review of two arrest incidents, one involving a young couple and the other involving an elderly individual.

🔹 Canadian protestors respond with harassing singing noises.

🔹 Joseph A. Camp, a Calgary Police Officer, resigns after witnessing Ottawa police abuse.

🔹 Meanwhile, Trudeau continues to tie the protests to an attempt to overturn an election.

🔹 Trudeau says this is not who Canada is, and we check in with a woman who used to be a tour guide on Parliament Hill.

🔹 Trudeau supports protests, including Black Lives Matter.

🔹 Justin says the Freedom Truckers are causing major problems – but didn’t his government do exactly what he is claiming truckers are doing?

🔹 Prime Minister Justin uses a theme about “Swastikas” appearing at the Freedom Trucker Convoy – have you seen them?

🔹 BOOTS ON THE GROUND: @Viva Frei @ZOTYouTube @Ottawalks @CampJosephA

🔹 Former RCMP bodyguard for Trudeau explains what the police are doing in Ottawa and says to hold the line – it is working!

🔹 Premier Scott Moe of announces the end of mandates starting Monday February 28th.

🔹 Candice Bergen from the opposition party blasts Trudeau, saying he is causing division by politicizing vaccines.

🔹 Your questions and comments!


💬 https://watchingthewatchers.locals.com/


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e8bd5a No.15445

File: 2b56707e119551c⋯.png (438.73 KB,598x622,299:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580516 (090040ZFEB22) Notable: Hunter Biden sought 'forever' deal with China military-tied firm: emails

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New York Post


Hunter Biden sought 'forever' deal with China military-tied firm: emails



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e8bd5a No.15446

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580545 (090045ZFEB22) Notable: Low IQ Omarosa keks Trump would eat torn up documents in the Oval Office

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Excellent! All of this about documents at Mar-A-Lago, torn up, eating (?) seems to be President Trump baiting them. It's good bait. They can never resist the good bait.

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e8bd5a No.15447

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580546 (090045ZFEB22) Notable: Biden Picks Replacements for Purged Naval Academy Board – Including 2 Trailblazing Women

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>Biden Picks Replacements for Purged Naval Academy Board – Including 2 Trailblazing Women

Biden Picks Replacements for Purged Naval Academy Board – Including 2 Trailblazing Women

Notable names in the new batch of six appointees include:

Lt. Cmdr. John S. McCain IV, son of [no name] the late senator from Arizona

retired Lt. Col. Amy McGrath: former Marine fighter pilot who was the first woman to fly a combat mission for the branch and would later unsuccessfully challenge Mitch McConnell for his Senate seat in 2020

retired Adm. Michelle Janine Howard: trailblazing African American female officer who rose to become the highest-ranking woman in U.S. naval history.

retired Army Gen. John R. Allen

Dr. Paul J. Angelo

Robert E. Clark II, a former Navy captain and president emeritus of Wesley College


John Rutherford Allen (born December 15, 1953) is the president of the [Brookings Institution]


one of the most interesting new elements: role of a liberal think tank, the [Brookings Institution], in the alleged effort to create a false scandal of collusion.

Indeed, Brookings appears so often in accounts related to the Russian collusion scandal that it could be Washington’s alternative to the Kevin Bacon parlor game. It appears that many of these figures are within six degrees of Brookings.

November 8, 2021


General John R. Allen et al., Statement of Fifty-Six Retired Generals and Admirals Warn That President Trump's Anti-Transgender Tweets, If Implemented, Would Degrade Military Readiness


"This is the moment, this is the opportunity for our future," said retired Marine Gen. John R. Allen, a former commander in Afghanistan. "We must seize this moment to elect Hillary Clinton as president of the United States of America."

Jul 29, 2016


First shovels of a dig…

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e8bd5a No.15448

File: d13b1498e3e01fb⋯.jpg (65.33 KB,991x544,991:544,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580568 (090048ZFEB22) Notable: Low IQ Omarosa keks Trump would eat torn up documents in the Oval Office

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e8bd5a No.15449

File: 025ea7a0a94953c⋯.png (12.59 KB,280x74,140:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580587 (090052ZFEB22) Notable: In Separate Cases, Three Maryland Men Facing Federal Indictment for Sexual Exploitation of Children to Produce Child Pornography and Related Charges

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Department of Justice

U.S. Attorney’s Office

District of Maryland

In Separate Cases, Three Maryland Men Facing Federal Indictment for Sexual Exploitation of Children to Produce Child Pornography and Related Charges


Monday, February 7, 2022

Two of the Defendants are Previously Convicted Sex Offenders

Baltimore, Maryland – Federal grand juries in Maryland have returned indictments against three men in unrelated cases charging them with sexual exploitation of a child to produce child pornography and related charges. Charged in the three indictments are Gary Rocky Jones, age 42, of Baltimore; Dennis James Harrison, age 39, of Rocky Ridge, Maryland; and Jose Alexander Diaz-Rodriguez, age 22, of Thurmont, Maryland.

The indictments were announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Erek L. Barron; Special Agent in Charge James R. Mancuso of Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Baltimore; Special Agent in Charge Thomas J. Sobocinski of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Baltimore Field Office; Commissioner Michael Harrison of the Baltimore Police Department; Chief Jason Lando of the City of Frederick Police Department; Frederick County Sheriff Charles A. “Chuck” Jenkins; and Frederick County State’s Attorney J. Charles Smith, III.

A superseding indictment was returned on February 2, 2022, against previously convicted sex offender Gary Rocky Jones, adding 27 counts of sexual exploitation of a child to produce child pornography, 15 counts of use of an interstate commerce facility, specifically, the internet, to entice a minor to engage in illegal sexual activity—relating to 15 minor victims from around the country, and commission of a felony crime involving a minor by a registered sex offender, to his original charges of distribution and possession of child pornography. The superseding indictment alleges that between 2014 and August 2015, Jones twice produced images and videos of a minor male engaged in sexually explicit conduct. The victim was age 14 to 15 years old during the exploitation. The superseding indictment also alleges that from September 2018 through August 2020, Jones used social media accounts to persuade, entice, and coerce another 15 minor males from several states and ranging in age from eight to 17 years old, to engage in sexually explicit conduct. During these internet-based communications, Jones allegedly caused and attempted to cause the victims to produce live and recorded visual depictions of themselves engaged in sexually explicit conduct, both alone and with others, and send Jones the sexually explicit images and video via the internet. Further, the superseding indictment alleges that on April 2, 2018, Jones distributed child pornography, and possessed child pornography from December 2, 2014 through January 31, 2020, and from May 29, 2017 through July 14, 2020, respectively, in affiliation with two separate email addresses and related storage accounts. Finally, the superseding indictment alleges that between 2015 and September 2020, Jones committed felony offenses involving minors while Jones was required to register as a sex offender under Maryland law.

According to Harrison’s nine-count indictment, which was returned by the Grand Jury on February 3, 2022, Harrison sexually exploited two minor girls beginning when the one victim was two years old and when another victim was 10 to 11 years old, to produce child pornography; coerced and enticed a 12-year-old victim to engage in illegal sexual conduct; possessed child pornography; and committed a felony crime involving a minor while he was a registered sex offender.

Full report:


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e8bd5a No.15450

File: ab2bbcaa89b5d74⋯.jpeg (128.31 KB,750x982,375:491,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580629 (090058ZFEB22) Notable: Low IQ Omarosa keks Trump would eat torn up documents in the Oval Office

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So the other day I saw some CNN people lambast Trump over Bringing documents to Mar-A-Lago and I was screaming at the tv that they were concern fagging us to death and besides for 2 years Sandy Berger was STEALING AND DESTROYING DOCUMENTS FROM THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES!

He was shoving them down his pants, in his shoes, in his jacket sleeves and those Flunkers barely mentioned it!

So now the FakeNews industry wants us to care about something which is most likely being fabricated and definitely being orchestrated to make Trump look bad…again!

Funk them!

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e8bd5a No.15451

File: be2e8a2cef8e51c⋯.png (552.58 KB,897x850,897:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580639 (090100ZFEB22) Notable: Filed today - Sealed summons in the Igor Danchenko case could very well be a superseding indictment

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e8bd5a No.15452

File: 5bb2f1299eb3063⋯.png (1.35 MB,1716x1120,429:280,Clipboard.png)

File: 3b1859ffed17a9a⋯.jpeg (30.98 KB,768x768,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580642 (090100ZFEB22) Notable: L.A. Officials Working On Plan To Take Vaccination Enforcement For Sheriff’s Deputies Out Of Villanueva’s Hands

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L.A. Officials Working On Plan To Take Vaccination Enforcement For Sheriff’s Deputies Out Of Villanueva’s Hands




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e8bd5a No.15453

File: 72b40d2ecb87636⋯.png (52.97 KB,1252x264,313:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580679 (090105ZFEB22) Notable: Filed today - Sealed summons in the Igor Danchenko case could very well be a superseding indictment

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Danchenko still quiet on Twitter since his cryptic outburst.


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e8bd5a No.15454

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580720 (090110ZFEB22) Notable: Pierre Poilievre - Conservatives MP "The Prime Minister's Tactic Is To Divide, Demonize & Distract" Mark Holland goes WOKE (5:18)

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Pierre Poilievre - Conservatives MP "The Prime Minister's Tactic Is To Divide, Demonize & Distract"

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e8bd5a No.15455

File: da0110077b07574⋯.png (645.26 KB,980x748,245:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580742 (090113ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Live 2022 Raw Footage Interview With Truckers Parliament

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from Organizers earlier today.


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e8bd5a No.15456

File: cecb8e667aa4ea6⋯.mp4 (3.88 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580750 (090114ZFEB22) Notable: Break the MSM (Cap 3:35)

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>Break the MSM.

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e8bd5a No.15457

File: 8645a88d6e322fe⋯.png (1.45 MB,1261x2744,1261:2744,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580754 (090115ZFEB22) Notable: Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered the former president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko political asylum

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered the former president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko political asylum

"Once upon a time, when Mr. Poroshenko was still President of Ukraine, I told him that if he had any problems in the future, Russia was ready to grant him political asylum. He was ironic enough on this issue back then. But today I want to confirm my proposals, despite our serious differences on this issue – the issue of settlement in the Donbas. And I think he made a lot of mistakes in that regard," Putin said.


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e8bd5a No.15458

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580822 (090123ZFEB22) Notable: Pierre Poilievre - Conservatives MP "The Prime Minister's Tactic Is To Divide, Demonize & Distract" Mark Holland goes WOKE (5:18)

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Mark Holland is a miserable asshole, WOKE asshole

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e8bd5a No.15459

File: baea615f0acb0d5⋯.png (833.86 KB,1256x868,314:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 1eb7850a2d92a5c⋯.png (78.69 KB,573x860,573:860,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580846 (090127ZFEB22) Notable: Many Australian companies are failing to prevent links to modern slavery

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Many Australian companies are failing to prevent links to modern slavery

Evaluating the early impact of Australia’s Modern Slavery Act


A coalition of human rights organisations, church groups and academics are demanding the federal government strengthen Australia’s modern slavery laws after releasing an investigative report into the issue.

The report found that many companies are failing to identify obvious risks of forced labour in their supply chains or take action to address them.

Under scrutiny in the report conducted by the Human Rights Law Centre, assisted by the privately-run Catholic University of Notre Dame and RMIT University, are the disclosure statements of 102 companies sourcing from four sectors with known risks of modern slavery: garments from China, rubber gloves from Malaysia, seafood from Thailand and fresh produce from Australia.

The Modern Slavery Act was introduced in 2018 and now requires around 3,000 companies to review their supply chains and check if workers face human trafficking, servitude, forced labour, deceptive recruiting or other poor conditions.

The report found 77 per cent of companies reviewed had failed to comply with the basic reporting requirements mandated by the legislation and that 52 per cent had failed to identify obvious modern slavery risks in their operations or supply chains.

Only one in four garment companies sourcing from China, for instance, made any mention of the risk of Uyghur forced labour in their supply chains.

Just 27 per cent of companies appeared to be taking some form of effective action to address modern slavery risks.

The lowest scoring companies included Lite & Easy, Drakes Supermarkets and Clifford Hallam Healthcare, while the highest included Woolworths, Coles and Kathmandu.

“The Modern Slavery Act was meant to drive a ‘race to the top’ by business to address modern slavery in global supply chains, but our research indicates most companies have barely left the starting blocks,” senior lawyer at the Human Rights Law Centre and report co-author, Freya Dinshaw said


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e8bd5a No.15460

File: 076c33dd5c08d95⋯.png (187.34 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580855 (090128ZFEB22) Notable: Pray bun

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God bless us and lead us to victory over darkness in our hearts and in our world.


(If I forgot anybody, you know who you are.)

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e8bd5a No.15461

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580879 (090131ZFEB22) Notable: Alberta ends covid passports at midnight

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Alberta ends covidpassports at midnight.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15462

File: 97db56cd357e78e⋯.png (123.64 KB,604x399,604:399,Clipboard.png)

File: fe756c2d4a94d00⋯.mp4 (526.52 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580883 (090131ZFEB22) Notable: Biden claims he is NOT the President, Donald Trump is the President (Cap 0:20)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15463

File: 10c84dfc65b695d⋯.png (538.76 KB,1188x900,33:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580901 (090133ZFEB22) Notable: Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered the former president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko political asylum

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>Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered the former president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko political asylum

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15464

File: fe4ef5fc2cea2a0⋯.png (76.88 KB,685x621,685:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bd8e0c506a5aa3⋯.png (30.89 KB,677x285,677:285,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580903 (090133ZFEB22) Notable: Italy’s Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano Endorses the Canadian Truck Drivers Against the New World Order

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Italy’s Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano Endorses the Canadian Truck Drivers Against the New World Order

Dear Brothers and Sisters Canadian truck drivers,

The global coup that in these two years of psycho-pandemic farce has been carried out by the globalist elite appears most clearly if we do not limit ourselves to considering what happened in individual Nations, but broaden our gaze to what has happened everywhere.

Your protest, dear Canadian truck driver friends, joins a worldwide chorus that wants to oppose the establishment of the New World Order on the rubble of nation states, through the Great Reset desired by the World Economic Forum and by the United Nations under the name of Agenda 2030. And we know that many heads of government have participated in Klaus Schwab’s School for Young Leaders – the so-called Global Leaders for Tomorrow – beginning with Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron, Jacinta Ardern and Boris Johnson, and before that Angela Merkel, Nicolas Sarkozy and Tony Blair.

It would seem that Canada is – along with Australia, Italy, Austria and France – one of the nations most infiltrated by the globalists. And in this infernal project we must not only consider the psycho-pandemic farce, but also the attack on traditions and Christian identity – indeed, more precisely the Catholic identity – of these countries.

You understood this instinctively, and your yearning for freedom was shown in all its coordinated harmony, moving towards the capital Ottawa. Dear truck drivers, you are facing great difficulties, not only because you give up your work to demonstrate, but also because of the adverse weather conditions, long nights in the cold, and attempts to be cleared away that you face. But along with these difficulties you have also experienced the closeness of many of your fellow citizens, who like you have understood the looming threat and want to support you in protesting against the regime. Allow me also to express to you my support and my spiritual closeness, to which I join the prayer that your event may be crowned with success and may also extend to other countries.

In these days we see the masks of tyrants from all over the world fall, and unfortunately we also see so much conformism, so much fearfulness, so much cowardice in people who up until yesterday we regarded as friends, even among our family members. Yet, precisely because of this extreme situation, we discover with amazement gestures of humanity made by strangers, signs of solidarity and brotherhood on the part of those who feel close to us in the common battle. We discover so much generosity and so much desire to shake us from this stupor. We discover that we are no longer willing to passively suffer the destruction of our world imposed by a cabal of unscrupulous criminals, thirsty for power and money.


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e8bd5a No.15465

File: bad06b9791c0054⋯.png (1.44 MB,1397x786,1397:786,Clipboard.png)

File: e97cf483b5e0fe3⋯.png (1.63 MB,1397x786,1397:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cd810a00938faf⋯.png (1.34 MB,1397x786,1397:786,Clipboard.png)

File: 55d78740e9a94bd⋯.png (1.58 MB,1397x786,1397:786,Clipboard.png)

File: b79c6716843a2c1⋯.png (1.28 MB,1397x786,1397:786,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580913 (090134ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Freedom Convoy Live 2022 Raw Footage Interview With Truckers Parliament

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Not quite sure where the 'gas can bandits' gathered, but here are some still from live footage captured today by @VIDSTROM


Begins at aout 1hr 20 minutes in.

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e8bd5a No.15466

File: 88b571f9dbde44d⋯.jpeg (391.47 KB,828x1055,828:1055,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15580935 (090136ZFEB22) Notable: Alberta ends covid passports at midnight

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15467

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581020 (090146ZFEB22) Notable: #19702

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>>15418 lb, >>15420 lb, >>>/qresearch/15580427, >>>/qresearch/15580431 PF Reports QOPER97 Only time I recall seeing a callsign anything like this Mapping to Q97 for novelty value

>>15421 President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Governor Kristi Noem

>>15425 President Trump: “They Are So Desperate To Hide The Truth, They’ll Make It Criminal To Speak It!”

>>15436 President Trump: "Congressman Jim Jordan’s Fighting for Freedom in the Swamp. It is fantastic!"

>>15422 Biden HOUSE ARREST for illegal immigrants from Mexican border 'cheaper' alternative to detention

>>15423, >>15427, >>15428, >>15433, >>15437, >>15444, >>15455, >>15465 Ottawa Freedom Convoy Live 2022 Raw Footage Interview With Truckers Parliament

>>15435 Suspect in Canada trucker protest hit-and-run is militant Antifa punk rocker

>>15444 Ottawa Police Arrest Old Man And Seize Supplies While Trudeau Doubles-Down On Mandates

>>15445 Hunter Biden sought 'forever' deal with China military-tied firm: emails

>>15424, >>15447 Biden Picks Replacements for Purged Naval Academy Board – Including 2 Trailblazing Women

>>15426, >>15432, >>15434 Do you Air Q?

>>15429 Virginia Supreme Court Rejects Petition to Stop Glenn Youngkin’s No Mask Mandate

>>15430 Rep. Chip Roy Introduces Bill to Reinstate Troops Discharged over Vaccine Mandate

>>15431 US Global Management Company Oaktree Capital Somehow Is Able to Seize Two Properties from Bankrupt China Evergrande Group

>>15438 Trudeau Government Threatens Americans Who Donated To Freedom Convoy, Vows To 'Investigate'

>>15439 Pentagon Cyber Official Katie Arrington Resigns After Security Clearance Dispute

>>15440 Troy Nehls: Inspector General Investigating Capitol Police for Improper Surveillance

>>15441 Plan to Arrest Maskless Students in Loudoun County

>>15442 Serbian-Hungarian Dual Citizen Pleads Guilty In Manhattan Federal Court To Multi-Million Dollar Business Email Compromise Scheme

>>15443, >>15448, >>15446, >>15450 Low IQ Omarosa keks Trump would eat torn up documents in the Oval Office

>>15449 In Separate Cases, Three Maryland Men Facing Federal Indictment for Sexual Exploitation of Children to Produce Child Pornography and Related Charges

>>15451, >>15453 Filed today - Sealed summons in the Igor Danchenko case could very well be a superseding indictment

>>15452 L.A. Officials Working On Plan To Take Vaccination Enforcement For Sheriff’s Deputies Out Of Villanueva’s Hands

>>15454, >>15458 Pierre Poilievre - Conservatives MP "The Prime Minister's Tactic Is To Divide, Demonize & Distract" Mark Holland goes WOKE (5:18)

>>15456 Break the MSM (Cap 3:35)

>>15457, >>15463 Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered the former president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko political asylum

>>15459 Many Australian companies are failing to prevent links to modern slavery

>>15460 Pray bun

>>15464 Italy’s Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano Endorses the Canadian Truck Drivers Against the New World Order

>>15462 Biden claims he is NOT the President, Donald Trump is the President (Cap 0:20)

>>15466, >>15461 Alberta ends covid passports at midnight

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e8bd5a No.15468

File: 203daecb5284fb2⋯.png (12.16 KB,259x194,259:194,Clipboard.png)

File: 3999fe7416ed365⋯.jpeg (261.5 KB,1216x1575,1216:1575,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581069 (090154ZFEB22) Notable: Flag of Ottawa [symbolism]

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Not sure if this has been pointed out yet. Check out the Ottawa Police seal.

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e8bd5a No.15469

File: 795ede47a60f885⋯.png (1.68 MB,870x1883,870:1883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581097 (090159ZFEB22) Notable: Anon social interaction specialist give thumbs up to decentralized trucker strategy

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Anonymous (ID: kl7UL1bg) 02/07/22(Mon)20:30:02 No.360163378▶>>>/qresearch/360163839 >>>/qresearch/360164229 >>>/qresearch/360164238 >>>/qresearch/360164501 >>>/qresearch/360165253 >>>/qresearch/360165926 >>>/qresearch/360166187 >>>/qresearch/360167596 >>>/qresearch/360168571 >>>/qresearch/360175144 >>>/qresearch/360175511 >>>/qresearch/360175993

Let me tell you a bit about how this is gonna end.

By way of background, I'm a mathematician with a specialization in applied mathematics of social interactions, such as game theory. I'm what you would probably describe as glowie adjacent. I hope I've got the lingo correct.

The problem Trudeau has is that he has few, narrowly circumscribed bases of power that are enough to get elected, but not enough to govern against the will of the people. Those are very different things.

So that leaves him with very serious limits on what he can accomplish in this situation. The truckers are smart. They did not all converge on Ottawa, but rather organized themselves locally and create many small spots of trouble. In quantitative studies of insurgency, this is the 'ink spot' model: local, decentralized warfare that relies on local support.

Quite simply put, this is for the truckers to lose. If they can outlast the government, which may mean as little as another week, they will break it. Trudeau needs to win every interaction to stay in power. All the truckers have to do is "not lose". A draw is always in their favor, and the situation in most places right now is a draw at best: the Mounties huff and puff, but have not been able to deal with or disperse a single protest. That's not unsurprising, by the way. Truckers use a method originally devised for naval warfare called blockshipping: sinking ships to block a strategic narrows or harbor entrance. There is literally no economical way of dealing with this tactic. Truckers know this. Their worst-case scenario, losing their jobs and their trucks by just walking away, STILL imposes a massive cost on the government. When the worst case scenario is that both you and your opponent lose, you have everything to gain.

There is no dominant strategy here for Trudeau. There's no clear way to victory anymore for him. It's all about how badly he loses now.


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e8bd5a No.15470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581102 (090201ZFEB22) Notable: "THE OG of being cancelled" Owen Benjamin RE: [ROGAN]

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"THE OG of being cancelled"

Owen Benjamin

was even cancelled by Joe Rogan the gatekeeper all are fawing over currently

so many don't truly understand who Joe Rogan is

or how he is handled

Owen warned at the time they all came for him, that if they alldid not stand up and fight it then, it would soon be at their footsteps

and here we are

NO word is special and all words MUST be allowed

or we get what we have 2022 and it wil get worse

we were all warned and Owen NEVER get credit for all he has beenthrough often and early


he warned us

Dave Chappelle and Joe Rogan are not to be lauded

the awakening is wonky

these two doods are not heros and history needs to be precise who they a really are in this movie

Owen needs to be a major part of the timeline

not just a footnote

real historians should document Owens part

and all of the events relating to him

and the current situations he ranted about long before we got here

as he was living it way back

Owen had MILLIONS of views

all scrubbed

anyting you find is false numbers as these are re-uploads of svaed videos

by his fans

Hopefully someday all will be restored

as they stole so much from him and tried to erase him

and the vultures came and stole all off c the carcass of his entire work history

buried, removed, deleted, cancelled

All must be restored someday

FOR everyone deleted

due to wrong think

wrong speak

more speech, even the gross and ugly, if you don't like it, change the channel, leave the area

you can kindly fuck off

Owen Benjamin | Who Stole My Bike Medley


and the likes of Joe and Chappelle threw him out

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e8bd5a No.15471

File: 0b0af9e4d87de0f⋯.png (753.79 KB,900x1272,75:106,Clipboard.png)

File: d786629a596d61e⋯.png (103.84 KB,656x668,164:167,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fbcb023bc113b1⋯.png (400.12 KB,661x1013,661:1013,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c44ddd1e953c83⋯.mp4 (5.02 MB,480x264,20:11,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581105 (090201ZFEB22) Notable: Comms?

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Dark Chocolate DAN (Following 47 people, "under the guise of", 2:03pm)

Grey LisaBlum (this was one of her only 2-ever tweets?)

Mike MullerHall from Richmount: AT&T (boycott), Pebble Beach… isn't that where POTUS recently corrected "45th AND 47th"?

Seth Rich pants and Jesse Watters "Blackout" bombs to boot…

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e8bd5a No.15472

File: 2f5c305cd9d9d7c⋯.png (16.55 KB,418x352,19:16,Clipboard.png)

File: 576384126c10bff⋯.png (576.55 KB,738x884,369:442,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581117 (090202ZFEB22) Notable: DEAR WHITE STAFFERSon Instagram. dasting no?

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dasting no?

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e8bd5a No.15473

File: 013f3e8105c89e9⋯.png (1.01 MB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

File: 5f9382c2f2e4fc5⋯.png (1.04 MB,1280x1024,5:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581120 (090203ZFEB22) Notable: YouTube channel, MACHINES EVERYWHERE just broadcast a letter from Trudeau to the Freedom Convoy protestors to meet, conditionally

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YouTube channel, MACHINES EVERYWHERE just broadcast a letter from Trudeau to the Freedom Convoy protestors to meet, conditionally.

The scene and reading of the letter can be found in the stream here, scroll back about 30 min in.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4alU5BvF4k

The people threw the letter in the fire. Here is what the letter states.

From the Office of the Prime Minister

On behalf of the government of Canada, I would like to extend an offer to meet with the protestors of the Ottawa convoy, conditionally.

Over the past two years, we have endured hardships, particularly our most vulnerable residents. While my position is dictated by the hardworking scientists and doctors of the Public Health Canada, I wish to engage in meaningful dialog in the spirit of Canadians coming together.

I would like to encourage vaccinations, while respecting the rights of all Canadians. To that end, I will meet with both organizers and participants of the protest in the Nation's Capital for a total sum of no more than the summation of

5 minutes per trucker in the Ottawa convoy that gets a vaccination after February 8th

2 minutes per trucker that can show proof of vaccination received prior to February 8th

1 minute per convoy participant that can show proof of vaccination prior to February 8th

Delegates that wish to attend may confirm by either

Email to my office media@pmo/cpm.gc.ca

Through your local MP's Office

In writing, details to be determined.

In absence of direct line of communication to organizers, I would request that a delegate be available on February 9th at 2:30 pm to arrange details.

Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister of Canada

Katie Telford

Chief of Staff to Prime Minister

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e8bd5a No.15474

File: 0ef2f262a40bf3c⋯.gif (1.75 MB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581124 (090203ZFEB22) Notable: Anon social interaction specialist give thumbs up to decentralized trucker strategy

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>In quantitative studies of insurgency, this is the 'ink spot' model: local, decentralized warfare that relies on local support.

>Truckers use a method originally devised for naval warfare called blockshipping: sinking ships to block a strategic narrows or harbor entrance. There is literally no economical way of dealing with this tactic.

>When the worst case scenario is that both you and your opponent lose, you have everything to gain.

>There is no dominant strategy here for Trudeau. There's no clear way to victory anymore for him.

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e8bd5a No.15475

File: 4fe9bb354db56dc⋯.png (229.89 KB,620x376,155:94,Clipboard.png)

File: 38e3bbaca903a5a⋯.png (203.55 KB,394x467,394:467,Clipboard.png)

File: 0cac09bfabc5acb⋯.png (162.47 KB,399x456,7:8,Clipboard.png)

File: ae03fbbe56945dc⋯.png (125.66 KB,310x465,2:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581125 (090203ZFEB22) Notable: BOMB SCARE Abu Dhabi explosion

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BOMB SCARE Abu Dhabi explosion: Gas cylinder blast sparks fireball in building as cops swarm street over terror attack fears

Aliki Kraterou

16:39 ET, Feb 8 2022Updated: 19:42 ET, Feb 8 2022

A MASSIVE fireball ripped through a building in Abu Dhabi last night after a gas cylinder exploded - with cops fearing a possible terror attack.

Local residents were seen fleeing the scene as the blast sparked a fire after two loud bangs rang out across the city centre.

Footage taken at the scene shows police and emergency services rushing to the blaze after conflicting reports emerged about the blast.

One witness wrote online: "Everyone is talking about the explosions in Abu Dhabi, it was next to our hotel, it looks like fire.

"But we definitely heard two explosions."

The blast initially sparked concerns over the Chelsea squad, who were pictured training in Abu Dhabi just days ago ahead of their Club World Cup campaign.

The US Embassy in Abu Dhabi warned Americans of reports of a possible missile or drone strike having occurred over Abu Dhabi, without elaborating.

But state-run WAM news agency later described the fire as coming from a gas cylinder explosion.

A statement said: “Teams managed to control the situation after extinguishing the fire and safely vacating the residents. No injuries or casualties resulted from the fire.

“Cooling procedures to minimise the damage are currently underway.”

The incident comes after Yemen's Houthi rebels have launched several attacks targeting Abu Dhabi, including a recent attack that killed three people and wounded six.

According to reports on social media one of the explosions happened 12 miles from the hotel of the Brazilian football team Palmeiras.

The team won 2-0 earlier against Egyptian Al Ahly at the Al Nahyan Stadium.

A Brazilian reporter covering the game, said he heard two loud bangs and can see smoke coming from the building, Brasil Urgente reported.

The city is set to play host to UEFA's Club World Cup Competition in the coming days.


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e8bd5a No.15476

File: 738249c879cd0e1⋯.png (190.43 KB,1038x785,1038:785,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581131 (090204ZFEB22) Notable: PF Report: SAM978, where you going? Gonna see horseface in New Zealand?

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SAM978, where you going? Gonna see horseface in New Zealand?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15477

File: 334651f74bdca47⋯.png (251.44 KB,748x411,748:411,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581152 (090207ZFEB22) Notable: RE: QRESEARCH BANNER UNIFORMITY

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Thank you for your service, baker.

posted this last night to explore options & get feedback - repost for more afternoon/eve shift.


There's been a lotta recent discussion about Papi - whether his tweets should be in notables. As far as i'm concerned, up to baker. But if bakers or anons want to work something else out, up to you.

But he also showed up in a banner on Monday am. That caused a firestorm, many anons thinking it's not appropriate. Led to a discussion about banners.

I don't know when the banner originated. Perhaps an olderfag can fill me in. But by the time i got to 8 in summer 2018, IWO JIMA was there, mebbe with the MAGA lion. At any rate, the Iwo Jima image w/MAGA Lion did not change much if at all for the next 2 years. Was a unifying symbol that encapsulated the values for which we stand: freedom, honor and courage under fire.

Then OSS arrived, attracting a couple of other bakers with a chip on their shoulders. One was Barkeep. He decided one night in Fall 2020 to change the General image over the protests of anons. Sinc he was the signed in baker, anons had little say. Since that time, the image has changed many times. Some of the substitutions have been memorable, some have been pathetic. At one point, artist anon pleaded to return to original image - or at least some way to prevent debased images from being posted.

But once you allow the image to be changed, how can you say what is and is not ok? That is the problem.

PROPOSAL: To return to the custom of having one General image.

This would provide a unifying theme for General breads.

It would also make them stand out in the Catalog.

Does not have to be original General image (with Q instead of Q_anon), although it could be.

Could also be another image from an enterprising meme anon.


* Proposed images would be submitted on a pinned thread.

* To submit, anons would post their image plus a paragraphs (minimum 2-3 sentences) saying why they think this image would be best to represent our work as a board.

* Image could be based on IWO JIMO image or some others defining iconic symbol(s) that capture what our work is about.

* Possible themes/symbols: freedom, patriotism, courage, freedom of speech, truth, defining moments in American history, the Constitution, unity, WWG1WGA

Anons could give feedback on the images they like and don't like by tagging the post.

Then admin would look at comments and whittle it down to around half dozen finalists.

Provide a second comment period before finalist is announced.

From that point on, the new General image would serve as the General image, as before.

One last note:

We are all aware that many bakers now have their own banners. We applaud their efforts, but seek a banner that reflects not just the personal outlook of one person, but an overlook that represents us all as a board. These can obviously be submitted to the BANNER CONTEST. Can also be used by bakers during handoffs, etc.


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e8bd5a No.15478

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581163 (090208ZFEB22) Notable: BLM terrorists marching through Minneapolis over the death of Amir Locke

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LIVE: black lives matter terrorists marching through Minneapolis over the death of Amir Locke

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e8bd5a No.15479

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581166 (090208ZFEB22) Notable: Ambassador Bridge Update "Need Reinforcements" February 8, 2022 #irnieracingNews

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Ambassador Bridge Update "Need Reinforcements" February 8, 2022 #irnieracingNews

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15480

File: c0026a319a0df1d⋯.jpg (456.43 KB,1080x1192,135:149,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 35a561dcfa8ab75⋯.jpg (93.7 KB,1080x490,108:49,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581169 (090208ZFEB22) Notable: Digs needed into the most corrupted PDs? Anon points out Olympia Washington and their [INVERTED] 7 point star

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Are the cops around every capital corrupt?

Olympia Washington and their 7 point star



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e8bd5a No.15481

File: a3bfccd939f97ee⋯.mp4 (876.19 KB,240x426,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581179 (090209ZFEB22) Notable: Operation Jerry Mandering.mp4

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When was dis?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15482

File: 3283466a86ed2fe⋯.jpg (31.17 KB,636x382,318:191,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581193 (090210ZFEB22) Notable: Hunter Biden tried to broker $120m oil deal between Chinese energy firm and former Kazakhstan prime minister [TREASON]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden tried to broker a $120million oil deal between Chinese energy firm now under US sanctions and former Kazakhstan prime minister who has been accused of treason in hopes of pocketing a fortune, laptop emails reveal


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15483

File: 1933542e1554ad3⋯.png (353.45 KB,459x676,459:676,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581202 (090211ZFEB22) Notable: PF Report: SAM978, where you going? Gonna see horseface in New Zealand?

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15484

File: 61501d0fe9894ab⋯.png (2.93 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d32353d0a2e380⋯.png (2.15 MB,1170x2532,195:422,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581205 (090211ZFEB22) Notable: Has Putin’s new Monroe doctrine has gone into affect?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Maybe Putin’s new Monroe doctrine has gone into affect.



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e8bd5a No.15485

File: 5b09ab5b0560754⋯.jpg (8.44 KB,229x220,229:220,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581208 (090211ZFEB22) Notable: RE: QRESEARCH BANNER UNIFORMITY

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It annoyed me after the election when the banners started becoming more varied, but I got used to it. I like the uniformity of having one banner but I also feel bakers should be able to have a bit of expression. I'm on the fence and and will defer to the bakers.

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e8bd5a No.15486

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581230 (090214ZFEB22) Notable: "THE OG of being cancelled" Owen Benjamin RE: [ROGAN]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yep. Cancelled for no reason lol

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e8bd5a No.15487

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581296 (090221ZFEB22) Notable: Windsor Blockade Live?

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Windsor Blockade Live

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e8bd5a No.15488

File: fc8f5312e138aa5⋯.png (125.07 KB,294x417,98:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581316 (090223ZFEB22) Notable: story on the ground in Ottawa from local

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/15581160, >>>/qresearch/15581173, >>>/qresearch/15581192, notable story on the ground in Ottawa from local

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e8bd5a No.15489

File: d7341e8c4471c8d⋯.png (181.85 KB,978x1114,489:557,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581330 (090224ZFEB22) Notable: RE: QRESEARCH BANNER UNIFORMITY

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Then OSS arrived, attracting a couple of other bakers with a chip on their shoulders. One was Barkeep.

>He decided one night in Fall 2020 to change the General image over the protests of anons.

Thats quite an assertion you've got there BO.

The reason for the change of the banner was because of picrel. At that time itself, it was fucking obvious that there were multiple FF attempts that were being constructed under the guise of "Qanon". Many many baker wars were fought because of that shit. That's the reason why we don't use that banner anymore.

Not because of this retarded bs that you're spewing out.


I'd say leave it up to bakers to do their own thing. If it's not broken, don't fix it.

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e8bd5a No.15490

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581340 (090224ZFEB22) Notable: RE: QRESEARCH BANNER UNIFORMITY

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I wish we would lose the lion tho. Since it is the pic that one grifter PAC or whatever uses it. The one with Gorkka dbag

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e8bd5a No.15491

File: 2aaac57d1fa78ae⋯.png (264.29 KB,716x783,716:783,Clipboard.png)

File: e98bec4093b407e⋯.png (205.93 KB,1001x602,143:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581372 (090226ZFEB22) Notable: PF Report: SAM978, where you going? Gonna see horseface in New Zealand?

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apologies for missing this earlier.

only seen this call sign one other time.

indeed, it is a very special c/s



fly safe qoop

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e8bd5a No.15492

File: bc2d6d0d2589fce⋯.jpeg (93.51 KB,648x680,81:85,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581373 (090226ZFEB22) Notable: Flag of Ottawa [symbolism]

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The flag of Ottawa

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e8bd5a No.15493

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581419 (090231ZFEB22) Notable: SoftBank reports Q3 net profit nosedives by 97% amid Arm deal collapse

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SoftBank reports Q3 net profit nosedives by 97% amid Arm deal collapse

Picking up the pieces, SoftBank said it will look to take Arm public in 2023.

SoftBank group has reported a 97% drop in quarterly profit hours after the revelation that its $40 billion deal to sell Arm will no longer be going ahead.

For the third quarter, SoftBank reported a net profit of ¥29 billion, which pales in comparison to the ¥1.17 trillion recorded a year ago. The weak performance follows on from a poor second-quarter result when the company recorded a ¥342 billion loss.

SoftBank's third-quarter revenue, meanwhile, rose 6% year-on-year to ¥1.6 trillion.

Speaking about the Arm sale fallout, SoftBank founder and CEO Masayoshi Son said his company will now aim to take Arm public in the US sometime in the next fiscal year.

Unpacking the decision, Son admitted during the results presentation that he did not expect governments to be so opposed to the sale.

"The Nvidia side was very keen on the merger until the end. But the governments of various countries took such a strong stand to block the merger, and we agreed to give up because it was unlikely to be approved even if we made further efforts," Son said.

Since the deal's announcement in September, regulators around the world had expressed concern about its impact on competition across various markets. A month after the deal was announced, the European Commission opened an in-depth investigation saying it was concerned that Nvidia would restrict access to Arm IP, which would lead to higher prices and lessened competition.

Nvidia CFO Colette Kress then said in November the US Federal Trade Commission also had its own concerns about the deal, with the regulator eventually filing a lawsuit to block the deal. In that same month, the UK also launched a probe into the deal.

Speaking about SoftBank's overall performance, Son alluded to remarks he made during the second quarter of the company being in the middle of a storm. On Tuesday, he said: "The storm has not ended; the storm has gotten stronger."

"Last year's performance was maybe too good for us, and now we're seeing a downward trend."

The comments were made in relation to SoftBank's net asset value dropping by more than 10%, $19 billion, to $168 billion. Son attributed the hit to the struggles of its Chinese and US investments.

Looking at SoftBank's Vision Funds, the funds saw their quarterly income dip from ¥844 billion to ¥108 billion, representing an 83% year-on-year decrease. The Latin America Funds also performed poorly during the quarter, with the funds going from a ¥60 billion third-quarter profit a year ago to a ¥60 billion loss.

SoftBank also suffered a ¥42.3 billion loss on investments in the latest quarter, which is a stark contrast to the ¥737 billion it earned in the same period a year ago. This investment loss was offset by a ¥68 billion gain, however, that was in connection with previously disclosed prepaid forward contracts on its Alibaba shares.

For Arm, the chip company reduced its quarterly losses from ¥13.3 billion to ¥2.9 billion.

Even the conglomerate's Japanese telco saw its quarterly profits drop slightly, from ¥213 billion to ¥192 billion. As of the end of the third quarter, SoftBank has 48.7 million customers on smartphone plans as well as 8.2 million broadband customers.


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e8bd5a No.15494

File: b4a1f20f2fd3ab7⋯.jpg (164.46 KB,707x1202,707:1202,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581447 (090233ZFEB22) Notable: change is coming to the Great White North

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change is coming to the Great White North

now that the cracks are showing, when is legacy media going to start breathlessly reporting that there is dissidence in the ranks of the Liberal Party and that members are questioning Justin Trudeau’s leadership?

Quote Tweet

Joël Lightbound


· 12h

This morning at 10:15, I will be meeting the media to humbly share my perspective on the crisis we are going through, on the politicization of the pandemic, and to offer some suggestions. #polcan

12:05 PM · Feb 8, 2022·

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e8bd5a No.15495

File: 478619373cf7ea3⋯.png (685.4 KB,1633x2791,1633:2791,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581470 (090236ZFEB22) Notable: RE: The gestapo's decree today: DHS Issues National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin

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For those who are saving offline, here is a copy of the gestapo's decree today:

DHS Issues National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin


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e8bd5a No.15496

File: b581017675d2e44⋯.jpeg (440.3 KB,1241x1712,1241:1712,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581478 (090237ZFEB22) Notable: It’s working — KEEP HONKING

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15497

File: 3c3ab1580824351⋯.jpeg (124.62 KB,1241x594,1241:594,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581499 (090238ZFEB22) Notable: It’s working — KEEP HONKING

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I’d say this puts Turdeau in a top spot


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e8bd5a No.15498

File: 4db4a52b34f3325⋯.jpg (1.1 MB,591x646,591:646,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581502 (090239ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa City Official: Contracted Tow Trucks Refuse to Remove ‘Freedom Convoy’

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ottawa City Official: Contracted Tow Trucks Refuse to Remove ‘Freedom Convoy’

Tow truck companies, contracted by the City of Ottawa, are refusing all of the requests to take heavy vehicles associated with the “Freedom Convoy” from the downtown area, according to city manager Steve Kanellakos who told reporters on Monday.

The top city official explained that all of the tow truck operators from the list of companies the city typically uses to provide tow services have unilaterally said “no” to any request. Global News reported that the demonstrations are headed into the second week of protest.

“We’ve contacted them all and they’re all refusing … to provide heavy tow truck work,” Kanellakos said in a press conference. However, he explained that the tow truck operators are still doing “light” work, not heavy trucks and larger vehicles.

“Many of them or most of them don’t want to do the work, especially the heavy tow truck work, because they rely on the heavy truck industry for their livelihood and they don’t want to damage that part of their business,” Kanellakos explained.


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e8bd5a No.15499

File: 4bb3dd877748313⋯.jpeg (110.49 KB,670x846,335:423,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581533 (090241ZFEB22) Notable: RE: [PELOSI]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

While publicly advocating for limiting emissions in the hopes of stemming climate change, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi simultaneously spent nearly half a million dollars on private flights over the past year, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission first reported by Fox News.

Pelosi’s team reported expenditures to two private flight companies – Advanced Aviation Team in Virginia and Clay Lacy Aviation in California – that totaled $489,164.85 between October 2020 and December 2021.

During that span, Pelosi spoke at the COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland. There, she invoked religion in advocating for global changes in emissions standards.

“I believe this is God’s creation, and we have a moral obligation to be good stewards,” Pelosi said.


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e8bd5a No.15500

File: cfa97d7b1954a46⋯.png (647.22 KB,1402x1292,701:646,Clipboard.png)

File: 4d729f699984c47⋯.png (930.75 KB,1158x1745,1158:1745,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581535 (090241ZFEB22) Notable: BLM house of cards being investigated,Indiana AG Todd Rokita says it may lead to a criminal referral.

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BLM house of cards being investigated,Indiana AG Todd Rokita says it may lead to a criminal referral.




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e8bd5a No.15501

File: eb0d4a6813735ae⋯.jpeg (95.57 KB,834x787,834:787,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581548 (090243ZFEB22) Notable: Flag of Ottawa [symbolism]

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581557 (090243ZFEB22) Notable: Freedom Truckers Convoy 2022 Live

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Freedom Truckers Convoy 2022 Live


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e8bd5a No.15503

File: 92bff6ff971b2bd⋯.jpeg (99.34 KB,693x539,9:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 6d22dcdd8cc4a4d⋯.jpeg (95.45 KB,693x539,9:7,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 8c3108796ad3ad2⋯.jpeg (1.81 MB,1536x1018,768:509,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581589 (090247ZFEB22) Notable: RE: QRESEARCH BANNER UNIFORMITY

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It was my fault…

Someone asked to add For God And Country.

I made pic 1 and 2

And we ended up with pic 3

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e8bd5a No.15504

File: 63e0fd0aded24e7⋯.png (600.1 KB,685x878,685:878,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581594 (090247ZFEB22) Notable: RE: QRESEARCH BANNER UNIFORMITY

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I sayin the old black and white Iwo Jima that simply had Q- Research for text…

no fubarred golden lion bullshit…

and no fuhhhginn Q-ANON

There is Q

There are anons

There is no Qanon…. (but there are quasars and brown dwarfs)

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e8bd5a No.15505

File: 79bc54dc5fb0efe⋯.jpeg (181.89 KB,750x995,150:199,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581597 (090248ZFEB22) Notable: RE: [PELOSI]

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

FIRST ON FOX: Several Republicans signed a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Committee on House Administration Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., calling on them to investigate the reports of Capitol Police "monitoring" lawmakers and citizens.

Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., led the letter exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital with 33 of his GOP colleagues to Pelosi and Lofgren regarding reports that Capitol Police have dug into the backgrounds of people who meet with lawmakers.

"Recent reports state that the Capitol Police are surveilling Members of Congress, Congressional staff, and their Capitol visitors," Biggs told Fox News Digital in a Monday statement.


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e8bd5a No.15506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581601 (090248ZFEB22) Notable: Everybody go honk, honk, honk 'till the walls come down

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -




"Everybody go honk, honk, honk 'till the walls come down" kek, good original song


Saw it here:


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e8bd5a No.15507

File: 3776c5e89009115⋯.png (137.87 KB,549x423,61:47,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581665 (090255ZFEB22) Notable: It’s working — KEEP HONKING

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Not sure.

The border situation gives us no live feeds

Could be clowns, could be genuine.

Who knows without live feeds?

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e8bd5a No.15508

File: e3920f8e9bd1d85⋯.mp4 (1.9 MB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581706 (090259ZFEB22) Notable: It’s working — KEEP HONKING

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It’s working — KEEP HONKING


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e8bd5a No.15509

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581749 (090303ZFEB22) Notable: RE: QRESEARCH BANNER UNIFORMITY

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>Bakers didn't make the banners. ANONS made the banners.


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e8bd5a No.15510

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581782 (090306ZFEB22) Notable: #19703, #19704, #19705

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Notables are not endorsements


>>>/qresearch/15581101 baker change

>>15468, >>15492, >>15501 Flag of Ottawa [symbolism]

>>15469, >>15474 Anon social interaction specialist give thumbs up to decentralized trucker strategy

>>15470, >>15486 "THE OG of being cancelled" Owen Benjamin RE: [ROGAN]

>>15471 Comms?

>>15472 DEAR WHITE STAFFERSon Instagram. dasting no?

>>15473 YouTube channel, MACHINES EVERYWHERE just broadcast a letter from Trudeau to the Freedom Convoy protestors to meet, conditionally

>>15475 BOMB SCARE Abu Dhabi explosion

>>15476, >>15483, >>15491 PF Report: SAM978, where you going? Gonna see horseface in New Zealand?

>>15477, >>15485, >>15485, >>15490, >>15489, >>15503, >>15504, >>15509 RE: QRESEARCH BANNER UNIFORMITY

>>15478 BLM terrorists marching through Minneapolis over the death of Amir Locke

>>15500 BLM house of cards being investigated,Indiana AG Todd Rokita says it may lead to a criminal referral.

>>15479 Ambassador Bridge Update "Need Reinforcements" February 8, 2022 #irnieracingNews

>>15480 Digs needed into the most corrupted PDs? Anon points out Olympia Washington and their [INVERTED] 7 point star

>>15481 Operation Jerry Mandering.mp4

>>15482 Hunter Biden tried to broker $120m oil deal between Chinese energy firm and former Kazakhstan prime minister [TREASON]

>>15484 Has Putin’s new Monroe doctrine has gone into affect?

>>15487 Windsor Blockade Live?

>>15488 story on the ground in Ottawa from local

>>15493 SoftBank reports Q3 net profit nosedives by 97% amid Arm deal collapse

>>15494 change is coming to the Great White North

>>15495 RE: The gestapo's decree today: DHS Issues National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) Bulletin

>>15498 Ottawa City Official: Contracted Tow Trucks Refuse to Remove ‘Freedom Convoy’

>>15499, >>15505 RE: [PELOSI]

>>15502 Freedom Truckers Convoy 2022 Live

>>15506 Everybody go honk, honk, honk 'till the walls come down

>>15507, >>15496, >>15497, >>15508 It’s working — KEEP HONKING


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e8bd5a No.15511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581847 (090314ZFEB22) Notable: Fresh Ottawa Live

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Fresh Ottawa Live


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e8bd5a No.15512

File: 1fce24117c84a4b⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,1440x2560,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581849 (090314ZFEB22) Notable: [DS] paving the way for MOAR voter fraud… House Passes Bill to Shore Up Postal Service, Working to Avert Insolvency

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Democrats are paving the way for MOAR voter fraud…..

House Passes Bill to Shore Up Postal Service, Working to Avert Insolvency


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e8bd5a No.15513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581856 (090316ZFEB22) Notable: PEDO BUN 8 February 22

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PEDO BUN 8 February 22

Registered Sex Offender Sentenced to 250 Months in Prison for Distribution of Child Pornography and Online Enticement


7 arrested in New Hampshire on child sex abuse image charges as part of global campaign


Three South Carolina men arrested in connection with child abuse material charges


Northern Ireland sees shocking rise in online child sex abuse crime

From 2020-2021, 308 such crimes were reported


Two child sexual abuse cases in northeast Alabama


Peter Kiwitt, former RIT professor, sentenced to 15 years for sex trafficking


Horror as little boy is sexually assaulted while walking home from primary school on a busy Melbourne street

10-year boy was sexually assaulted by a stranger as he walked home from school


Father defends teaching assistant daughter, 23, who had sex with 14-year-old boy in Wilko car park and says 'she just wanted to help' as family plot appeal


Ex-pope Benedict asks for forgiveness for clerical child sex abuse on his watch but denies personal wrongdoing after report accused him of failing to take action against priests


Ford County Man Sentenced to Over Ten Years in Prison for Attempted Enticement of a Minor


One sentenced, one indicted on separate child exploitation charges


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e8bd5a No.15514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581865 (090317ZFEB22) Notable: Project Veritas: ESPN Talent Discuss Toxic Workplace in Explosive Undercover Footage: ‘Just Blatantly Racist Sh*t’

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Project Veritas: ESPN Talent Discuss Toxic Workplace in Explosive Undercover Footage: ‘Just Blatantly Racist Sh*t’

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e8bd5a No.15515

File: bbf1caf196ffb5b⋯.jpg (139.56 KB,1795x1017,1795:1017,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581902 (090323ZFEB22) Notable: RE: Proposed Banner Standardization

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>with free speech, you get to know your baker

There is still free speech with a single banner got to know them without banner changes

With discernment

Which is obviously lacking now



>Or this, just would hate to render all the anon banner arts obsolete..

Agree anon, this anon is fine with unmodified OG banner

it makes it quick to find breads for those who are visual oriented

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e8bd5a No.15516

File: f0af05676160307⋯.png (238.53 KB,519x611,519:611,Clipboard.png)

File: 350d1b6a1673605⋯.mp4 (297.3 KB,432x242,216:121,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581903 (090323ZFEB22) Notable: BULGARIA - police fire pepper spray into a crowd of protestors … but forget how windy it is.

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Lucky5496 Retweeted

Bernie's Tweets


BULGARIA - police fire pepper spray into a crowd of protestors … but forget how windy it is.

Karma is a bitch! Fire

#COVIDIOTS #COVID19 #FreedomConvoy2022


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e8bd5a No.15517

File: b5bfce1739c5887⋯.png (652.97 KB,712x1127,712:1127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581904 (090323ZFEB22) Notable: Truckers reject Kenney's statement. Say they want a PERMANENT end to mandates, not a temporary one

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Alberta FREED

Canada: Alberta to scrap vaccine passport program at midnight tonight, Premier Jason Kenney announces.


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e8bd5a No.15518

File: 1d799bce405cc99⋯.jpg (84.15 KB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1c047e86df045b5⋯.jpg (91.28 KB,600x335,120:67,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581919 (090325ZFEB22) Notable: RE: Proposed Banner Standardization

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>>>/qresearch/15581791 (pb) Here you go.

I would like to keep seeing creative new banners as long as they have Iwo Jima image *respectfully* as central focus.

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e8bd5a No.15519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581921 (090325ZFEB22) Notable: RE: Proposed Banner Standardization

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RE: proposal to have a contest to chose a single image for General breads

>>>/qresearch/15581462 pb

>This is a fucking battlefield

>if we do a content, will include the banner posted, it might win

>And it's spelled contest.

>Win the fucking war.

I suppose you could think of a contest as a war

it IS a competition of ideas

but that is what our country is built on: the freedom to win a competition of ideas

we do it everyday on this board

diggers "compete" for notables

ideally, the best ones "win"

is that a problem?


>Yes, bring back the Q_ANONbanner.

>I dare you to do it.

Why dare? Best to make a proposal and let people say their peace. WWG1WGA.


>Q vs Q_ANON

If it came down to that, could present both and see if there's a strong consensus either way.


>I believe that is one of the reasons they constantly changed it. To make it more difficult for people that just come here to quickly look at notables.

Possibly - at least originally. But probably not know. There is intention and there is effect, tho. Have to look at where we're at now. And where we want to go in the future.

still catching up, may reply to more if they are below in pb bread

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e8bd5a No.15520

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581923 (090325ZFEB22) Notable: Truckers reject Kenney's statement. Say they want a PERMANENT end to mandates, not a temporary one

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Per Poso: UPDATE: Truckers reject Kenney's statement. Say they want a PERMANENT end to mandates, not a temporary one.

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e8bd5a No.15521

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581926 (090325ZFEB22) Notable: Please visit /comms/ and see for yourself what it was used for (practice board)

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Please visit the boogy man board (not a raid) and see for yourself what it was used for.


People blaming /comms/ are either former no name, or those that bought his lies and just haven't figured it out yet. It's where off bread work was done, like practice breads and meta issues.

It is just a board, anyone can post there. You can even make up your own trip code and use it there.

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e8bd5a No.15522

File: 3311d361c86756c⋯.jpeg (1.45 MB,1284x2301,428:767,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581953 (090329ZFEB22) Notable: Kellogg Foundation Bankrolls $500 Monthly Income for Illegal Aliens

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I’m truly going to miss Frosted Flakes…

Kellogg Foundation Bankrolls $500 Monthly Income for Illegal Aliens


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e8bd5a No.15523

File: a1ba236176b8f54⋯.png (91.62 KB,748x496,187:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15581979 (090332ZFEB22) Notable: Are Ottawa Police Resigning?

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Are Ottawa Police Resigning?

Blog post speculating on rumors that large numbers of Ottawa police officers are resigning. LInks to some twt videos in the post.


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e8bd5a No.15524

File: 2282c72382b3cfd⋯.png (381.11 KB,598x653,598:653,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582010 (090337ZFEB22) Notable: @NavalInstitute UPDATED: Russian Navy Amphibious Group Enters Black Sea as Warships Mass in the Mediterranean

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e8bd5a No.15525

File: 0d9617fe7115095⋯.png (4.08 MB,2400x2400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582021 (090337ZFEB22) Notable: Kellogg Foundation Bankrolls $500 Monthly Income for Illegal Aliens

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No, Corn Flakes Were Not Invented to Stop Masturbation

But Kellogg was no saint. He was an extremely racist person — a eugenist who held the “Race Betterment Conference” in 1914 to seek a cure for “race degeneracy”. The Battle Creek Sanitarium would become an epicenter for the eugenics movement. Kellogg wasn’t just a passive eugenicist but spent the last 30 years of his life developing the science of eugenics. His belief in eugenics, which was tied to Darwinism, led to a break with the Seventh Day-Adventist Church in 1907 since it has a very literal interpretation of creation.


Free Assange with every packet of Pornflakes

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e8bd5a No.15526

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582023 (090338ZFEB22) Notable: Here's the text of the letter from Trudeau. HOLD THE LINE!

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Thanks to MACHINES EVERYWHERE for streaming live in Ottawa.

This letter was passed out to the people standing for freedom at the convoy protest in Ottawa. You can see for yourself at the end, how it was received.

Here's the text of the letter. HOLD THE LINE!

From the Office of the Prime Minister

On behalf of the Government of Canada, I would like to extend an offer to meet with the protestors of the Ottawa convoy, conditionally.

Over the past two years, we have endured hardships, particularly our most vulnerable residents. While my position is dictated by the hardworking scientists and doctors of the Public Health Canada, I wish to engage in meaningful dialog in the spirit of Canadians coming together.

I would like to encourage vaccinations, while respecting the rights of all Canadians. To that end, I will meet with both organizers and participants of the protest in the Nation's Capital for a total sum of no more than the summation of:

5 minutes per trucker in the Ottawa convoy that gets a vaccination after February 8th

2 minutes per trucker that can show proof of vaccination received prior to February 8th

1 minute per convoy participant that can show proof of vaccination prior to February 8th

Delegates that wish to attend may confirm by either

Email to my office media@pmo/cpm.gc.ca

Through your local MP's Office

In writing, details to be determined.

In absence of direct line of communication to organizers, I would request that a delegate be available on February 9th at 2:30 pm to arrange details.

Justin Trudeau

Prime Minister of Canada

Katie Telford

Chief of Staff to Prime Minister

MACHINES EVERYWHERE live stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4alU

Letter reading about 30 min in. Look for the fire.

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e8bd5a No.15527

File: 1898a574b1089bd⋯.png (25.91 KB,601x220,601:220,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582030 (090339ZFEB22) Notable: Beth Cameron is leaving her post at the NSC. She will be replaced by Raja Panjabi, the U.S. Global Malaria coordinator at USAID

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>>>/qresearch/15581074 LB LB LB

Nom missed lb

ANYWAYS. Beth Cameron is leaving her post at the NSC. She will be replaced by Raja Panjabi, the U.S. Global Malaria coordinator at USAID.


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e8bd5a No.15528

File: 243d822e97ea73a⋯.mp4 (510.45 KB,480x848,30:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582037 (090340ZFEB22) Notable: UAE Capital Rocked By Explosions, Huge Emergency Response Underway

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UAE Capital Rocked By Explosions, Huge Emergency Response Underway




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e8bd5a No.15529

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582041 (090341ZFEB22) Notable: Teachers Union Vows Maskless Children “Will Be Dealt With”

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Teachers Union Vows Maskless Children “Will Be Dealt With”

By Julian Conradson

Published February 8, 2022 at 7:35pm



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e8bd5a No.15530

File: 10bc86570919fee⋯.png (126.3 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582047 (090342ZFEB22) Notable: Operation Coloring Pepes

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Operation Kids Coloring Pages

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e8bd5a No.15531

File: 741c873c74db72a⋯.png (127.2 KB,800x800,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582060 (090343ZFEB22) Notable: Operation Coloring Pepes

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e8bd5a No.15532

File: e2e2dd52e651891⋯.jpeg (71.71 KB,750x324,125:54,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582084 (090346ZFEB22) Notable: /ourgirl/ @SaraCarterDC is heading to Canada

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/ourgirl/ is heading to Canada


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e8bd5a No.15533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582093 (090347ZFEB22) Notable: RE: Proposed Banner Standardization

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(PB)one banner contest suggested by BO

@BO, you continue to impress. My thought on this is resounding YES to one banner, and here is my reasoning:

Same as I suggested to you on META about applying No-Name to all of the name fag posts….the number 1 problem on this board is the personalization:

1. Banners lead to arguments, but we are all big boys and can deal with it

2. Banners announce the presence of specific bakers, and here-in lies the problem. I appreciate the bakers' efforts, but 'owning' breads is not what they are here for. Too easy for bad actors to identify their friendly baker and shit up the bread.

3. Different banners in the catalog make it visually difficult to follow, for any new users. Bad actors of course use this in itself as a distraction, along with fucking with the bread numbering. IDGAF what the banner actually looks like, JUST PICK ONE AND GO WITH IT.

So yeah, I think your proposal is a great idea. Either force a banner you like on us, or pin a 'vote-bread' for a week so everyone can vote, etc. Doesn't really matter the method, as long as we end up with a consistent and clean board.

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e8bd5a No.15534

File: 98774054a849586⋯.jpeg (423.33 KB,1800x1350,4:3,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582141 (090352ZFEB22) Notable: RE: Proposed Banner Standardization

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nobody gives a fuck

when you bake you pick the banner

never silence a baker's freedom of banner expression

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e8bd5a No.15535

File: c8d0f20732a83cf⋯.png (1.09 MB,862x575,862:575,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582149 (090353ZFEB22) Notable: Investigations underway after 'thousands' of dead fish wash up along Parramatta River

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Investigations underway after 'thousands' of dead fish wash up along Parramatta River

Environment authorities are investigating the death of "thousands" of fish after they washed up on the shores of several locations in Western Sydney.

Key points:

Numerous sightings of dead fish have been reported to the environment agency in recent days

The first event took place last week at Haslams Creek in Sydney Olympic Park

According to the agency, the deaths are due to low oxygen levels in the water, likely caused by a high-density storm

The most recent fish kill event took place under Rydalmere Bridge on the Parramatta River on February 6.

Chris Bahjat, who regularly fishes along the Parramatta River, described the incident as unique.

"I've seen a few fish kills but not like this," the 33-year-old plumber from Merrylands said.

"Literally, thousands of thousands of dead fish, everywhere you walk, a metre apart.

"You fish with the system all your life, you watch water quality slowly improve, and then it's disappointing when you see that many fish dying."

Mr Bahjat said he saw fish of all sizes belly up, including bream, flathead, whiting, luderick, herring, puffer fish and prawns.

Parramatta councillor Kellie Darley described the river as littered and under stress.

"It's a shocking sight, with all sorts of dead fish … along the whole Rydalmere foreshore," she said in a Facebook post dated February 6.

"Given the tides, it's unlikely that they will be washed back into the river so it's going to get stinky along here."

The NSW Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) began clearing some of the dead fish yesterday but the ABC found leftover fish and fish parts were producing strong odours as they began to rot.


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e8bd5a No.15536

File: c94552109165889⋯.png (110.87 KB,544x667,544:667,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582157 (090353ZFEB22) Notable: Did Ottawa Police return all fuel they seized from the Truckers? it would appear so

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works for anon, but can't verify…

Ottawa Police returned all fuel they seized from the Truckers.

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e8bd5a No.15537

File: a44dfdf80773b87⋯.png (180.88 KB,1100x800,11:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582164 (090353ZFEB22) Notable: Operation Coloring Pepes

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e8bd5a No.15538

File: 827eb2d8fae0522⋯.png (382.62 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 1e4d4982b70a72b⋯.png (229.72 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: cc2c17d9ff97ae3⋯.png (307.33 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582179 (090355ZFEB22) Notable: Workers fixing a leaking toilet pipe at a Sydney unit discover $44m worth of ice and $1.1m cash

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Workers fixing a leaking toilet pipe at a Sydney unit discover $44m worth of ice and $1.1m cash

NSW Police have issued an appeal to find a man that could help with their inquiries after an astonishing $44 million worth of ice and $1.1 million cash was discovered by tradies who were fixing a leaking toilet pipe in Sydney's south-west.


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e8bd5a No.15539

File: 2d74a0d2bed6590⋯.png (1.26 MB,1280x1275,256:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582181 (090355ZFEB22) Notable: Operation Coloring Pepes

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operation adult coloring pages

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e8bd5a No.15540

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582217 (090358ZFEB22) Notable: LA County Sheriff's Department set to lose 4K employees for vaccine noncompliance

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boomer jew division faggorty not needed.

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e8bd5a No.15541

File: 6d4b000f721fb3e⋯.png (995.78 KB,1280x1275,256:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582220 (090359ZFEB22) Notable: Operation Coloring Pepes

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e8bd5a No.15542

File: 869331cfb676ea0⋯.png (211.68 KB,1000x491,1000:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582233 (090400ZFEB22) Notable: Operation Coloring Pepes

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e8bd5a No.15543

File: 02d6ce2f0ae96bc⋯.png (541.3 KB,1042x780,521:390,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582261 (090403ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Chief of Police Peter Sloly

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Peter Sloly is the Chief of the Ottawa Police Service (OPS). Chief Sloly is leading important changes in the OPS to improve public trust, safety, service and value.

Prior to joining the OPS, Chief Sloly was a partner at Deloitte, a Deputy Chief with the Toronto Police Service and a professional soccer player.

Chief Sloly sits on numerous charity Boards including;United WayEaster Ontario and Crime Prevention Ottawa. He holds a BA in Sociology and and an Masters in Business Administration. He is also a graduate of theFBI National Academy and served two tours of duty in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Kosovo.

Chief Sloly has received numerous awards including; the Officer of the Order of Merit “Police Forces” Medal.

He is married and has two children.


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e8bd5a No.15544

File: 55da1e7889c204b⋯.png (46.4 KB,516x233,516:233,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582275 (090404ZFEB22) Notable: Did Ottawa Police return all fuel they seized from the Truckers? it would appear so

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>>>15536 (You) Did Ottawa Police return all fuel they seized from the Truckers?

it would appear so.


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e8bd5a No.15545

File: 7f96c694a3147f1⋯.jpg (102.6 KB,640x853,640:853,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3af69fba2be52f4⋯.png (250.9 KB,505x596,505:596,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582295 (090406ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Chief of Police Peter Sloly

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582333 (090410ZFEB22) Notable: Please visit /comms/ and see for yourself what it was used for (practice board)

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>comms just a practice board


comms is just a board developed by a baker for supporting bakers and allowing them to discuss stuff. anyone can use for practices. there were also baking classes there. still used for practicing baking (although interest in baking waned after new bakers got shot down as comp'd once they got good at baking).

if everyone who tried was "comp'd", would explain why QR never had any bakers after a while. Some kind of accident?

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e8bd5a No.15547

File: 8f5ff83f3e8373d⋯.png (224.2 KB,421x930,421:930,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582362 (090413ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Chief of Police Peter Sloly

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Peter Sloly also participated in the United Nations Peacekeeping Mission in Kosovo where he was a Command Staff Officer and the Canadian Contingent Commander.


I would hope that in a city as progressive as ours, my race would be just one of the many factors that would make me suited to the job. I have an MBA, experience as a United Nations peacekeeper in Kosovo and years of expertise in front-line community policing.

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e8bd5a No.15548

File: 61e5235e31963c5⋯.png (75.17 KB,994x381,994:381,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582370 (090414ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Chief of Police Peter Sloly

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… Some ethnic Serbs and Albanians were killed there, the report alleges,after which their kidneys were removed.The report also details other alleged human rights abuses by elements connected to the KLA, as well as“a nexus” between KLA elements and organised crime.

After the report, the EU set up a task force which conducted a three-year investigation into the allegations and a released its own report which said there was evidence to prosecute unnamed senior Kosovo Liberation Army officials for crimes against humanity including abductions and murders committed after the 1999 conflict.

It also said that there were“compelling” indications that KLA fighters had been involved in organ-trafficking,although only on a very limited scale with a few individuals involved.

“A small number of individuals werekilled for the purpose of extracting and trafficking their organs,”the task force report said…

According to Montgomery, theUNand NATO should take some responsibility for what happened after the Kosovo war because “this happened on their watch”

“They are not responsible for the killings but they had legal authority over the areas where this happened,” he said.


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e8bd5a No.15549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582382 (090415ZFEB22) Notable: State delegate accuses Wheeling Park High School teacher of pushing critical race theory

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State delegate accuses Wheeling Park High School teacher of pushing critical race theory

[Pritt] He referenced Wheeling Park High School English Teacher Isabella Droginske specifically, saying her use of writings by author Ibram X. Kendi is pushing critical race theory.

“So, I use different media and compare videos and writing specifically relating to race and racism in our country and around the world,” Droginske said. “So, I talked about using Dr. Kendi's book, which is written for teens and has a historical perspective of race and how that compares to representation in literature and media.”

February 8, 2022


Teaching CRT? Conversations about Race in the Classroom

An educator's experience leading race-focused conversations in the classroom

Better Questions, in partnership with Isabella Droginske, will be offering a workshop titled, “Teaching CRT? Conversations about Race in the Classroom” to explore critical race pedagogy, how to encourage honest student conversations on racial equity, and how to mindfully approach your own growth alongside young learners in this area.

During this session, Isabella will share some of the projects and practices she has implemented in her classroom to scaffold conversations and focus necessary attention to discussions of race and gender equity. Her detailed and intentional practices are supported not only by their thorough attention to critical thinking practices but also by how her students have enthusiastically engaged with the materials both classic and contemporary.

Isabella Droginske is a 9th and 12th grade English, Speech, and Theatre teacher at a large public high school in Wheeling, WV.


Wheeling Park High School's principal is standing up for the teacher whose work was used as an example by one West Virginia legislator wanting more control over what students are being taught.

Republican lawmaker Chris Pritt is the author of the so-called "Anti-Stereotyping Act."

[Principal Meredith Dailer] said using this teacher's class as an example of what should be avoided is in itself a bad example.

[We are not teaching critical race theory here at Wheeling Park High School. We are not pushing kids toward Communist or Marxist thinking.]

[Isabella Droginske], English Teacher, Wheeling Park High School: It's definitely not presented as if there's a right or wrong answer in my classroom ever.

If the ideas they arrive at are about the value of equality, Principal Dailer is unapologetically in favor of it.

February 8, 2022


Dailer Named as New Wheeling Park Principal

[Ohio County Schools Superintendent Kimberly Miller] said she couldn’t be more confident in Dailer’s ability to lead the school.

April 14, 2020


[Ohio County Superintendent of Schools Kimberly Miller] put out a statement Monday to say her thoughts and prayers are with the family and the school community:

“The passing of a child is the most difficult of losses, but that is what is being dealt with today at Ritchie Elementary School,” Miller said. “The excellent staff at Ritchie is prepared and committed to providing the appropriate counseling and support to students who may need it following this deeply saddening news. Our condolences go out to the student, the student’s family, friends and loved ones and the entire Ritchie Elementary School community.”

Nearly 30 people across the nation have died this season because of the flu virus, Gamble said.

The virus, he said, is widespread in Ohio County and across the state of West Virginia.

“We have seen an abundance of flu, flu-related illnesses both within the general population, but we’ve also dealt with not so small outbreaks at our large nursing facilities,” he said.

He’s encouraging people to get the flu shot if they haven’t already done so already.


Koegler said. “I also hope the rest of the community will lean in to make sure Dr. Miller is given every shot at success in this critical role.

[We need (everyone in the community) to trust the leadership of this board] [Trust yourself.]

Superintendent George Krelis sent a letter of recommendation for Kimberly Miller.


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e8bd5a No.15550

File: 01655a1174049cb⋯.png (5.63 MB,2310x1424,1155:712,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582443 (090421ZFEB22) Notable: The White House Flickr page is front loaded with 100% Kamala. Change of batter coming?

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The White House Flickr page is front loaded with 100% Kamala. Change of batter coming?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15551

File: 883b456f79bf541⋯.png (148.63 KB,447x250,447:250,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582457 (090423ZFEB22) Notable: RE: Proposed Banner Standardization

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BO IS floating an idea….

this is whole new way of working

admins now here are anons too

workin' fags

hard to query anons due to shills - who are always very loud, anons often hang back bc WWG1WGA. on boards where there are no shills, it's different

but on QR, always a shill rodeo

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15552

File: 50d95dd546c9211⋯.png (225.5 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582490 (090426ZFEB22) Notable: Jim WATSON thanks @JustinTrudeau @BillBlair @marcomendicino for the "constructive discussions"

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I want to thank @JustinTrudeau @BillBlair @marcomendicino for the constructive discussions this afternoon on the next steps we need to take together, including the commitment of additional resources, to put an end to the ongoing occupation in Ottawa’s downtown core.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15553

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582499 (090427ZFEB22) Notable: anon update from a fren alledgedly near the Windsor Border Crossing

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Quick update from a fren near the Windsor Border Crossing.

Take it fwiw.

Federal Windsor Rep Brian Masse sitting on the fence. Downtown Windsor city councillor Rino card carrying liberal Bortolin parroted Trudeau's words about the truckers in true lock step Nazi formation……Windsor mayor Drew Dilkens and Windsor city councilor Irek Kuscmuercez parroted the mayor's thoughts on the convoy about Windsor being the "life blood line" of the commerce trade between the United States and Canada provincial Rep Lisa Gretzky has not returned one call and is hiding of sorts like Trudeau it seems…..border is shut in both directions coming into Canada and returning to the USA.

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e8bd5a No.15554

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582539 (090431ZFEB22) Notable: RE: Proposed Banner Standardization

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Bakers did what they had to do to take the power out of division tactics and constant attacks. Also, banners were created BY ANONS for the bakers.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15555

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582561 (090434ZFEB22) Notable: #19704

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Notables are not endorsements


>>15511 Fresh Ottawa Live

>>15512 [DS] paving the way for MOAR voter fraud… House Passes Bill to Shore Up Postal Service, Working to Avert Insolvency

>>15513 PEDO BUN 8 February 22

>>15514 Project Veritas: ESPN Talent Discuss Toxic Workplace in Explosive Undercover Footage: ‘Just Blatantly Racist Sh*t’

>>15516 BULGARIA - police fire pepper spray into a crowd of protestors … but forget how windy it is.

>>15517, >>15520 Truckers reject Kenney's statement. Say they want a PERMANENT end to mandates, not a temporary one

>>15519, >>15515, >>15534, >>15518, >>15551, >>15533, >>15534, >>15554 RE: Proposed Banner Standardization

>>15521, >>15546 Please visit /comms/ and see for yourself what it was used for (practice board)

>>15522, >>15525 Kellogg Foundation Bankrolls $500 Monthly Income for Illegal Aliens

>>15523 Are Ottawa Police Resigning?

>>15524 @NavalInstitute UPDATED: Russian Navy Amphibious Group Enters Black Sea as Warships Mass in the Mediterranean

>>15526 Here's the text of the letter from Trudeau. HOLD THE LINE!

>>15527 Beth Cameron is leaving her post at the NSC. She will be replaced by Raja Panjabi, the U.S. Global Malaria coordinator at USAID

>>15528 UAE Capital Rocked By Explosions, Huge Emergency Response Underway

>>15529 Teachers Union Vows Maskless Children “Will Be Dealt With”

>>15532 /ourgirl/ @SaraCarterDC is heading to Canada

>>15530, >>15531, >>15541, >>15539, >>15542, >>15537 Operation Coloring Pepes

>>15535 Investigations underway after 'thousands' of dead fish wash up along Parramatta River

>>15536, >>15544 Did Ottawa Police return all fuel they seized from the Truckers? it would appear so

>>15538 Workers fixing a leaking toilet pipe at a Sydney unit discover $44m worth of ice and $1.1m cash

>>15540 LA County Sheriff's Department set to lose 4K employees for vaccine noncompliance

>>15543, >>15545, >>15548, >>15547 Ottawa Chief of Police Peter Sloly

>>15549 State delegate accuses Wheeling Park High School teacher of pushing critical race theory

>>15550 The White House Flickr page is front loaded with 100% Kamala. Change of batter coming?

>>15552 Jim WATSON thanks @JustinTrudeau @BillBlair @marcomendicino for the "constructive discussions"

>>15553 anon update from a fren alledgedly near the Windsor Border Crossing

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15556

File: 37c0e03ff0eae05⋯.jpg (70.62 KB,808x251,808:251,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582601 (090439ZFEB22) Notable: Pfizer still making a KILLING

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Pfizer forecasts record-breaking earnings

US pharmaceutical company Pfizer has predicted that it will earn as much as $102 billion in revenue this year – the highest in the company's history – thanks to its Covid-19 vaccine, booster shots, and coronavirus treatment pill.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15557

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582615 (090441ZFEB22) Notable: Convoy Livestreams

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Can’t say thanks enough baker!

Only convoy live stream still going tonight…

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e8bd5a No.15558

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582624 (090442ZFEB22) Notable: Convoy Livestreams

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15559

File: d67fd4fc7d56836⋯.png (100.55 KB,766x631,766:631,Clipboard.png)

File: a1e3dd7d9aa5693⋯.png (51.5 KB,805x433,805:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 945c2f5a638942b⋯.png (102.16 KB,744x525,248:175,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582627 (090443ZFEB22) Notable: Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections

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Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony is More Important Than Many May Think. Hint: Aga Khan, Obama, Trudeau, Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank and More

All PB

>>9771, >>9774 Aga Khan dig links to trudeau castro

>>>/qresearch/15422150 Are the Ismailis allied with IRGC? Aga Khan appears to be Justin Trudeau's handler.

>>>/qresearch/14472427 An Anon seeing links between George Plimpton, Trudeau, Kerry, Bahamas, Stephen Harper, Aga Khan Development Network

>>14622 Top British scientist Sir Jeremy Farrar faces US Congress probe over concerns he was at the centre of a Covid cover-up

>>14619 (READ) US scientists called to testify to Congress about early claims on Covid lab leak

Call to dig on the 7 scientists and their connections to other parties mentioned in this post

v v v

Sharyl Attkisson

"(READ) US scientists called to testify to Congress about early claims on Covid lab leak"

Dr. Kristian Andersen, Professor, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Scripps Research

Dr. Jeremy Farrar, Director, Wellcome

Dr. Michael Farzan, Professor, Department of Immunology and Microbiology, Scripps Research

Dr. Robert Garry, Professor, School of Medicine, Tulane University

Dr. Edward Holmes, Professor, Sydney Medical School, University of Sydney

Dr. W. Ian Lipkin, Director, Center for Infection and Immunity, Columbia University

Dr. Andrew Rambaut, Professor, School of Biological Sciences, University of Edinburgh


Upon taking a look at one of these scientists (Jeremy Farrar), Anon believes that he's a very important piece in the plandemic puzzle. At first glance, Farrar is a researcher and the director at Wellcome, "…a global charitable foundation whichsupports scienceto solveurgent health challenges.".

Wellcome - Jeremy Farrar biography - https://wellcome.org/who-we-are/people/jeremy-farrar

At closer look, Anon found that Farrar described as the director of Wellcome Trust, "a politically and financially independent global charitable foundation that exists toimprove healthby helpingbig ideas to thrive.". We also learn that Farrar is a "clinician scientist" who "…was, for eighteen years, Director of the Oxford UniversityClinical ResearchUnit in Vietnam, where his research interests were ininfectious diseasesandglobal healthwith a focus on

emerging infections…".

Wellcome Leap - Jeremy Farrar -biography - https://wellcomeleap.org/jeremy-farrar/

Wellcome Leap - The Right Leadership - https://wellcomeleap.org/#the-right-leadership

Through some of his associates, at Wellcome, he has connections to DARPA, Facebook, Google, Motorola and more:

Regina E. Dugan - biography - https://wellcomeleap.org/regina-dugan/

Ken Gabriel - biography - https://wellcomeleap.org/ken-gabriel/

Jay Flatley - biography - https://wellcomeleap.org/jay-flatley/

Ferguson, Mike - biography - https://wellcomeleap.org/mike-ferguson/

Ho Ching - biography - https://wellcomeleap.org/ho-ching/.

Then Anon found a connection to someone called Aga Khan. Farrar is on the Board of Trustees of Aga Khan University. In Farrar's AKU biography, we learn that Wellcome is "…theworld's second largest foundation dedicated to science and health.".

The Aga Khan University - Board of Trustees - Jeremy Farrar


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e8bd5a No.15560

File: ba86d5d3f7a78bc⋯.jpg (70.62 KB,667x260,667:260,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582642 (090445ZFEB22) Notable: Pfizer still making a KILLING

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Pfizer's COVID product sales to top $50 bln this year, investors want more

Going forward, "acquisitions are obviously very much in the cards," said Aamir Malik, Pfizer's chief business innovation Officer.


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e8bd5a No.15561

File: ecb297e136d3c87⋯.png (400.86 KB,765x654,255:218,Clipboard.png)

File: b6da02b8ad18447⋯.png (176.63 KB,764x470,382:235,Clipboard.png)

File: de01e2118a1c6b6⋯.png (232.66 KB,528x542,264:271,Clipboard.png)

File: fcf94d75524571b⋯.png (126.5 KB,763x307,763:307,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582644 (090446ZFEB22) Notable: Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections

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Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony is More Important Than Many May Think. Hint: Aga Khan, Obama, Trudeau, Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank and Much More

Now you may ask, who is Aga Khan? That's a very good question. He is the Imam (spiritual leader) of Shia Ismaili Muslims around the world. He is the 49th hereditary Ismaili Imamat. This hereditary line goes back to Imam Hazrat Ali, a son-in-law and cousin of Muhammed.

His Highness The Aga Khan

"AKDN employs 96,000 people in over 30 countries around the world. AKDN also relies on thousands of volunteers to help implement and maintain its projects, notably at health and education facilities."

"Over 2 million students benefit from AKDN education programmes annually. Programmes range from early childhood development to primary and secondary schools, from vocational studies to university degrees."


In order to get an impression of the Aga Khan's influence and position, it may be helpful to check out the sauces below.

Aga Khan Development Network


Aga Khan Development Network and more


Aga Khan - Biography

While this webpage is billed as a biography, it reads as a description of the Aga Khan's vast global network.


The Aga Khan is the founder and chairman of Aga Khan Development Network (AGDN). Leadership at AKDN is as follows:

His Highness the Aga Khan

Prince Amyn Aga Khan

Sultan Ali Allana

Mahmud Janmohamed

Lutaf Kassam

Michael Kocher

Luis Monreal

S. Sohail H. Naqvi

Julian Drinkall

Sulaiman Shahabuddin

Onno Ruhl

Gijs Walraven


The Aga Khan has received many awards and honors. The list is very extensive and the only way to get a feel for its vastness is to read it for yourself.


The Ismaili Imamat


Ismaili Imamat - Introduction

"The Ismaili Imamat is a supra-national entity, representing the succession of Imams since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. The role of the Ismaili Imam is a spiritual one; his authority is that of religious interpretation. It is not a political role; in the contemporary era, the Imams do not govern any land. At the same time, Islam believes fundamentally that the spiritual and material worlds are inextricably connected. Faith does not remove Muslims or their Imams from daily, practical matters in family life, in business, in community affairs. Faith, rather, is a force that should deepen our concern for our worldly habitat, for embracing its challenges, and for improving the quality of human life.

-Speech to the Parliament of Canada 2014"


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e8bd5a No.15562

File: 930c2d2a7fa141c⋯.png (68.01 KB,1360x650,136:65,Clipboard.png)

File: e7fb5ecdb8ec41d⋯.png (516.13 KB,1353x648,451:216,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c16ce868bf4b94⋯.png (513.98 KB,1362x649,1362:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 11fd34fe363464b⋯.png (509.96 KB,1352x651,1352:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582653 (090447ZFEB22) Notable: Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections

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Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony is More Important Than Many May Think. Hint: Aga Khan, Obama, Trudeau, Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank and Much More

Below is more sauce, so that you can have even more understanding of the Imam's influence. On each of these webpages, click on the right arrows or down arrows to see more information.

Ismaili Imamat - The Seat of Imam

"On3 June 2015, the Ismaili Imamat and theRepublic of Portugalsigned a landmark agreement which enabled the establishment of a formal Seat of theIsmaili Imamat in Portugal, marking a historic milestone. The establishment of a Seat reflects a longstanding relationship between the Ismaili Imamat and the Government of Portugal."


The Ismaili - Imam Hazar Meets Portuguese President - Wonder ifTruckers for Freedomcame up in the discussion?

Feb. 4, 2022


The Ismaili - Imam Meets Portuguese President

"This is the official website of the Ismaili Muslim community.

The Shia Ismaili Muslims are a community of ethnically and culturally diverse peoples living in over 25 countries around the world, united in their allegiance to His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan (known to the Ismailis as Mawlana Hazar Imam) as the 49th hereditary Imam (spiritual leader), and direct descendant of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family)."


Ismaili Imamat - History/0


Ismaili Imamat - History/1


Ismaili Imamat - The Juilees


Ismaili Imamat - The Juilees 1-1


Ismaili Imamat - The Juilees 1-2


Ismaili Imamat - Community/1.0


Ismaili Imamat - Commumity/1.1


Ismaili Imamat - Present Imam


Ismaili Imamat - Mandate


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e8bd5a No.15563

File: 4fb633a5194ce4c⋯.png (91.97 KB,1342x622,671:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 7641b2c156dab29⋯.png (123.23 KB,1335x535,267:107,Clipboard.png)

File: 6379c2030ec9837⋯.png (110.02 KB,1338x651,446:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 907abc90f0f413c⋯.png (139.72 KB,1334x614,667:307,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f178af3a430d9d⋯.png (219.61 KB,1345x632,1345:632,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582670 (090450ZFEB22) Notable: Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections

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Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony is More Important Than Many May Think. Hint: Aga Khan, Obama, Trudeau, Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank and Much More

About now, you probably wonder why Anon thinks all things Aga Khan are important to current events. Aga Khan has a foundation called Aga Khan Foundation. Its connected toBill and Melinda Gates Foundation,Clinton Foundation,Obama,Trudeau(see PB Notables in part 1/ above), "Regional Civil Society Innovation Centers", USAID, USAID OFDA, UNICEF, Coca Cola, World Bank Group, Sunoco LP, Passion Dior, Pepsi, Arkansas Business Alliance, 7 Eleven, Gatorade, Marriott International LLC, Red Bull, Church's Chicken, Miller Coors Company, and many more. As the best way to understand the vastness of the connections and to find links to Aga Khan financial statements, Anon recommends checking out the sauces below.

Aga Khan Foundation - About


Aga Khan Foundation - Staff-2


Aga Khan Foundation - Financials


Aga Khan Foundation - Board of Directors


Aga Khan Foundation - National Committee


Aga Khan Foundation - Our Supporters


PDFv v v


"Civil Society Partnerships Final - Aga Khan Foundation USA"


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e8bd5a No.15564

File: 105f16c3e66ee40⋯.png (349.11 KB,680x653,680:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ea6b062128ad2f⋯.png (147.26 KB,554x517,554:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 91effb8ae64a511⋯.png (117.75 KB,765x654,255:218,Clipboard.png)

File: f516e7e6c046a2e⋯.png (156.55 KB,816x645,272:215,Clipboard.png)

File: f1348c28c6cc2d9⋯.png (141.14 KB,463x643,463:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582680 (090451ZFEB22) Notable: Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections

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Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony is More Important Than Many May Think. Hint: Aga Khan, Obama, Trudeau, Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank and Much More

When they say "Civil Society", they don't mean it like that, they mean it like this → "Regional Civil Society Innovation Centers". Hint, think Obama and the Aga Khan.

The Dissent

"The Obama-Aga Khan Partnership"

Sept. 25, 2014



"US President Obama announces partnership with the Aga Khan Development Network"


White House

"FACT SHEET: U.S. Support for Civil Society"


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e8bd5a No.15565

File: 37ba88841b7d6e3⋯.png (495.03 KB,892x871,892:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582682 (090452ZFEB22) Notable: John Solomon - Jenna Ellis produces 9,000 pages to (Jan. 6) Unselect Committee

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15566

File: 7b05202092ff162⋯.jpg (157.21 KB,720x1213,720:1213,Clipboard.jpg)

File: cb270e5742b8bdc⋯.mp4 (2.3 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582687 (090453ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Fuel Ban - Here is what the streets of Ottawa looked like tonight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


After the “fuel ban” it is now illegal to bring gas cans to the Freedom Convoy Peaceful Protest — here is what the streets of Ottawa looked like tonight.

God bless these people 🙏🏻😂

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e8bd5a No.15567

File: 1ba9c94ea683852⋯.png (130.79 KB,855x623,855:623,Clipboard.png)

File: 41c660a8dd18e26⋯.png (349.71 KB,919x622,919:622,Clipboard.png)

File: 8681816b3785e51⋯.png (407.88 KB,878x504,439:252,Clipboard.png)

File: 4302587a9ca6e0e⋯.png (342.31 KB,894x471,298:157,Clipboard.png)

File: 77ff84dc2ef1d18⋯.png (190 KB,882x428,441:214,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582695 (090454ZFEB22) Notable: Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony is More Important Than Many May Think. Hint: Aga Khan, Obama, Trudeau, Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank and Much More

Finally, we come to Aga Khan University. Again, the connections are global and vast.

AKU - Our Global Partners - See map

Asia, Australia, Europe, North America


AKU - Our Global Partners - North America


AKU - Our Global Partners - Asia


AKU - Our Global Partners - Australia


AKU - Our Global Partners - Europe


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e8bd5a No.15568

File: eb82052125f944b⋯.png (62.3 KB,1261x487,1261:487,Clipboard.png)

File: ef61a683e34ac6f⋯.png (339.53 KB,762x634,381:317,Clipboard.png)

File: fae8a4afad78ca0⋯.png (398.7 KB,868x597,868:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582706 (090455ZFEB22) Notable: Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony is More Important Than Many May Think. Hint: Aga Khan, Obama, Trudeau, Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank and Much More

The Aga Kha has received grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The Ugandan edition of the Monitor says the "Gates Foundation lauds Aga Khan Foundation". Melinda Gates is pictured in a side by side with the Aga Khan in a May 22, 2021 Aga Khan University statement.

Aga Khan - for immunizations…$2,227,396


To Support maternal and newborn…$99,890


To Evaluate… $2,525,000


To pilot Agronomic and farming…$3,152,701


To test new methods…$3,034,216


AKU Launches Gates Foundation Funded Project… infant maternal mortality$25,000,000.00


Monitor - Uganda Edition - this article isbehind a registration/log-in wallbut it would be interesting to see what it has to say.

"Gates Foundation lauds Aga Khan University"


AKU May 22, 2021 - "Aga Khan University honours graduates at global Convocation"


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e8bd5a No.15569

File: 76818671fb454c3⋯.png (72.27 KB,1270x613,1270:613,Clipboard.png)

File: 93a269fc5716b05⋯.png (401.43 KB,1143x650,1143:650,Clipboard.png)

File: 57fa1207293ec72⋯.png (390.93 KB,972x611,972:611,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582720 (090456ZFEB22) Notable: Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony is More Important Than Many May Think. Hint: Aga Khan, Obama, Trudeau, Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, USAID, UNICEF, World Bank and Much More

The Clinton Global Initiative and the Aga Khan Foundation have something they call Synergy.

IsmailMail.blog - Synergy

"Synergy | Clinton Global Initiative and Aga Khan Development Network"


This PDF from Corey's digs has a lot of information about foundation connections. Anon has not had a chance to look at it closely but it does have information about Aga Khan Foundation, the Clinton Foundation and the World Bank.


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e8bd5a No.15570

File: a86ade8aed7f4b8⋯.png (566.9 KB,1332x999,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582761 (090502ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/15582572 (LB notables)

Operation Kids Coloring Pages


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e8bd5a No.15571

File: 5f69a84bc2b93af⋯.png (2.8 MB,1633x5993,1633:5993,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582765 (090502ZFEB22) Notable: New York Gov. Hochul to Suddenly Lift Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate, After Suing to Keep Masks Just 14 Days Ago

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Hmmm, too coincidental that they are all dropping the lies at the same time.

After Suing to Keep Masks Just 14 Days Ago, New York Gov. Hochul to Suddenly Lift Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate


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e8bd5a No.15572

File: be4a6bad54b5e14⋯.png (471.05 KB,999x1332,3:4,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582785 (090504ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Operation Adult Coloring Pages


(can we tweak the halfchan post?)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15573

File: dd8db36c1576f9e⋯.png (408.2 KB,1877x986,1877:986,Clipboard.png)

File: 17df2d4cf567046⋯.png (81.57 KB,1775x854,1775:854,Clipboard.png)

File: fc96f33301c40a6⋯.png (98.98 KB,1833x854,1833:854,Clipboard.png)

File: 8fd07cad5de92f5⋯.png (123.26 KB,1809x826,1809:826,Clipboard.png)

File: 9d698eed416f858⋯.png (125.22 KB,1831x830,1831:830,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582843 (090511ZFEB22) Notable: Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


>Wellcome Trust

2020 IRS Form 990 - Caps Related.


Income related activities - $2,100,914,700


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e8bd5a No.15574

File: 06832b184e0378b⋯.png (419.07 KB,1332x999,4:3,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582856 (090512ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15575

File: 5b6c28f1d5e41a0⋯.png (356.99 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582862 (090513ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15576

File: e30aa511e153e03⋯.png (525.55 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582872 (090514ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15577

File: 3afb4e0efe523ec⋯.png (541.05 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582873 (090515ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15578

File: e8c04a25254c60a⋯.png (389.72 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582877 (090516ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Moar Adult

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e8bd5a No.15579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582898 (090519ZFEB22) Notable: Judge orders Ottawa police to return all fuel they seized from Truckers…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Judge orders Ottawa police to return all fuel they seized from Truckers…


listen to all those beautiful horns

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15580

File: 086b310922f71bf⋯.mp4 (6.78 MB,202x360,101:180,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15582932 (090525ZFEB22) Notable: Judge orders Ottawa police to return all fuel they seized from Truckers…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15581

File: f7edca4c8c8abcc⋯.jpg (298.24 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4211f63ed014dfa⋯.jpg (565.43 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 95758fcafa18741⋯.jpg (249.42 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583032 (090541ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15582

File: 912e2cbaf8c13b9⋯.jpg (693.94 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583129 (090605ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15583

File: 8cb31e0f1911e4d⋯.png (549.31 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583225 (090623ZFEB22) Notable: DHS issues bulletin: Heightened threat environment - false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories online

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -







Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15584

File: 66a1e059d8231f2⋯.jpg (186.42 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 97fd4e7824e5cb9⋯.jpg (446.38 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583232 (090624ZFEB22) Notable: GA School DEI office compiles “list” of parent target list. (Monica Matthews Tweet) - Same playbook as Scottsdale, AZ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Compiling a parent hitlist


BREAKING- GA School ⁦@TheLovettSchool⁩ DEI office compiles “list” of parent target list. The notes make their agenda clear. ⁦

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15585

File: cbbf999aa5a3494⋯.mp4 (14.71 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583243 (090627ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Fuel Ban - Here is what the streets of Ottawa looked like tonight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Jerry Can Brigade

Trudeau is fucked. Long live Freedom!!!

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15586

File: 577c29e87d8f108⋯.mp4 (3.17 MB,464x848,29:53,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583245 (090627ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa Fuel Ban - Here is what the streets of Ottawa looked like tonight

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15587

File: 27f6bd15a3e9a76⋯.mp4 (3.83 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583264 (090632ZFEB22) Notable: Trudeau: "I can understand frustrations with mandates, but mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Trudeau: "I can understand frustrations with mandates, but mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583286 (090637ZFEB22) Notable: GA School DEI office compiles “list” of parent target list. (Monica Matthews Tweet) - Same playbook as Scottsdale, AZ

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Didn't something like this already happen in Arizona too?


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e8bd5a No.15589

File: cb32ad7d24be1ab⋯.png (46.97 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583309 (090641ZFEB22) Notable: Freedom Convoy Organizers DOUBLE DOWN on Demands for a “PERMANENT” END to ALL Covid Mandates

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


BREAKING REPORT: Freedom Convoy Organizers DOUBLE DOWN on Demands for a “PERMANENT” END to ALL Covid Mandates, Have Vowed to Stay Until It Happens –

12:13 AM · Feb 9, 2022·Twitter Web App

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e8bd5a No.15590

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583328 (090645ZFEB22) Notable: #19705

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



FINAL @ 700, Baking at 720


>>15556, >>15560 Pfizer still making a KILLING

>>15557, >>15558 Convoy Livestreams

>>15559, >>15561, >>15562, >>15563, >>15564, >>15567, >>15568, >>15569, >>15573 Call to dig on the 7 scientists & connections, Jeremy Farrar's Congressional Testimony & Connections


>>15565 John Solomon - Jenna Ellis produces 9,000 pages to (Jan. 6) Unselect Committee

>>15566, >>15586, >>15585 Ottawa Fuel Ban - Here is what the streets of Ottawa looked like tonight

>>15571 New York Gov. Hochul to Suddenly Lift Statewide Indoor Mask Mandate, After Suing to Keep Masks Just 14 Days Ago

>>15579, >>15580 Judge orders Ottawa police to return all fuel they seized from Truckers…

>>15570, >>15572, >>15574, >>15575, >>15576, >>15577, >>15578, >>15581, >>15582 Anon Created Coloring Pages - "Operation Kids Coloring Pages"

>>15583 DHS issues bulletin: Heightened threat environment - false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories online

>>15584, >>15588 GA School DEI office compiles “list” of parent target list. (Monica Matthews Tweet) - Same playbook as Scottsdale, AZ

>>15587 Trudeau: "I can understand frustrations with mandates, but mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions"

>>15589 Freedom Convoy Organizers DOUBLE DOWN on Demands for a “PERMANENT” END to ALL Covid Mandates

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15591

File: c185eecf1fb5eb8⋯.png (285.14 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583389 (090654ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jason Kenney announcement did not meet the expectations of blockdaders, tractors have shut down border crossing again.

Help their legal defence at http://TruckerLawyer.ca

9:17 PM · Feb 8, 2022·Twitter for Android

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e8bd5a No.15592

File: 7891b5a983fb5f7⋯.png (305.86 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583394 (090655ZFEB22) Notable: Students whose families oppose masks arrive at a Loudoun County school board meeting carrying baskets full of affidavits

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Wow wow wow

Quote Tweet

The Post Millennial


· 1h

Students whose families oppose masks arrive at a Loudoun County school board meeting carrying baskets full of affidavits.

11:22 PM · Feb 8, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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e8bd5a No.15593

File: 2c477bc5003d6bb⋯.png (244.81 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583395 (090656ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


More farmers just showed up in Coutts, right after the first batch blocked access to the border.

Help their legal defence at http://TruckerLawyer.ca

10:58 PM · Feb 8, 2022·Twitter for Android

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e8bd5a No.15594

File: a593a58b9ee8a54⋯.png (168.36 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583401 (090658ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa police staff sargent resigns over mishandling of #FreedomConvoy protest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Covid Truth Network, [08.02.22 19:04]

[Forwarded from Becker News]


Ottawa police staff sargent resigns over mishandling of #FreedomConvoy protest.🔻

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15595

File: 04acc9ce2ccbdd7⋯.png (18.46 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c141d01044fbab⋯.png (153.63 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 86d46dcbbc83a41⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583408 (090659ZFEB22) Notable: Klaus Schwab bragging about his "penetration of cabinets" and that they have over 50% of the Canadian cabinet (in 2017)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

all pb:



such a slimy, Schwab infested globalist WEF faggot

Schwab bragging about his "penetration of cabinets" and that they have over 50% of the canadian cabinet (in 2017). Vid rel.




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e8bd5a No.15596

File: 0f3ca14fd1dc9ce⋯.png (130.34 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583410 (090659ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


mRNA Death Toll, [08.02.22 15:59]

[ Video ]

Israel 🇮🇱 The Freedom Convoy 💣 And We have another one…Israel joins the club, Canada has inspired the World 🔥👊

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15597

File: 4d86ab96679f819⋯.png (1.2 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583434 (090701ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15598

File: b44c65e2f31e17a⋯.mp4 (13.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583473 (090709ZFEB22) Notable: Students whose families oppose masks arrive at a Loudoun County school board meeting carrying baskets full of affidavits

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Students whose families oppose masks arrive at a Loudoun County school board meeting carrying baskets full of affidavits.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15599

File: edff284d0904955⋯.png (144.48 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583477 (090710ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa police staff sargent resigns over mishandling of #FreedomConvoy protest

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Ottawa Police Staff Sargent Resigns From Position Today

The National Telegraph has just gotten word from a source inside the Ottawa Police that one of their staff sergeants has resigned from his position today, likely over a disagreement with the city’s policing philosophy towards the Freedom convoy.

This is a major development for the Ottawa police as senior NCOs are the core of any police force and enforcing anything without their leadership is extremely difficult.

The source also said that there are unusually high rates of uniformed officers taking stress leave, vacation days, and sick days.

This is another indicator that people inside the police force are not happy with the directions they are receiving from their political leaders.

The situation is still developing, stay tuned for updates.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15600

File: 3fc60d1e6f75b33⋯.png (62.84 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583478 (090710ZFEB22) Notable: Policewoman sends a message of support for the convoy for freedom

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Truckers Are Our Heroes 🇨🇦, [08.02.22 20:04]

[ Video ]

Policewoman who moved to Canada for freedom sends a message of support for the convoy for freedom and all those participating 🙏🏻

JOIN AND SHARE @Truckersareheroes

Related: @CanadianConvoyMovement

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e8bd5a No.15601

File: 02eb9c4d6fb2a1b⋯.png (318 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583491 (090714ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jim Watkins, [08.02.22 19:11]


[ Album ]

He did all day .with joy Honk Honk

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e8bd5a No.15602

File: 5bece05b1bbdd4d⋯.png (123.41 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583510 (090720ZFEB22) Notable: Filed today - there is a sealed summons in the Igor Danchenko case

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Techno_Fog, [08.02.22 19:03]

[ Photo ]

Filed today - there is a sealed summons in the Igor Danchenko case.

Recall that Danchenko (the Christopher Steele primary subsource) was indicted for lying to the Feds regarding his sourcing of the Steele dossiers.

At this stage of the case - over 3 months after the initial charges were filed - it could very well be a superseding indictment.


Techno_Fog, [08.02.22 20:48]

Regarding Danchenko -

Not that a superseding indictment is guaranteed, just that a superseding indictment is one of the more likely possibilities. This could also be relating to a plea deal. It could be clerk error (less likely).

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e8bd5a No.15603

File: 48ae2f634ebaeb8⋯.png (106 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583518 (090724ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

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Capitol News, [08.02.22 16:24]

[Forwarded from Canada Free News]

[ Video ]

🇨🇦 Huge machinery join the convoy for freedom 🔥

🇨🇦 t.me/CanadaFreeNews

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e8bd5a No.15604

File: 26f4ab1b0a3ee39⋯.png (76.07 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 1173c22118dc568⋯.jpg (104.18 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 41287a58cae361c⋯.png (1.64 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: 46915ae122a8f52⋯.jpg (14.22 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583522 (090726ZFEB22) Notable: Freedom Convoy 2022 LIVE feeds

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e8bd5a No.15605

File: a074a964224b938⋯.png (117.91 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583544 (090733ZFEB22) Notable: Alaska convoy in support of their fellow freedom fighters North of the border

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Freedom Warriors, [08.02.22 17:57]

[ Video ]

Alaska convoy in support of their fellow freedom fighters North of the border 🙏🏻

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e8bd5a No.15606

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583580 (090745ZFEB22) Notable: Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump - Kash’s Corner

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Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump | Kash’s Corner


Really good watch.

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e8bd5a No.15607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583880 (090916ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

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The Last to Leave Ottawa? Romanian Trucker Speaks Out!

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e8bd5a No.15608

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583900 (090925ZFEB22) Notable: King James (Bible) - The Founder of Freemason Lodges

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Food for thought, or perhaps a dig.

King James - The Founder of Freemason Lodges

Category: RuckmanismHits: 18772

The KJV - A Freemason Bible

The history of King James' role in the formation of Freemasonry is mandatory reading in the Hiram Key book of Masonic scrolls attempting to link Christ with the Pharaohs.

Freemasonry, in its present form, came into being through the Lodge system, established under the auspices of King James VI of Scotland, (later King James I of England), the only son of Roman Catholic Mary Queen of Scots. At the age of 37, two years after becoming a Mason, James became the first Stuart king of England and immediately began to persecute the Puritans, rejecting their petition to reform the Church of England along biblical lines.

James was initiated into Freemasonry, into the Lodge of Scoon and Perth in 1601, at the age of 35. Fifteen years after taking active control of Scotland and five years before becoming English monarch, he ordered that the Masonic structure be given leadership and organisation. He made a senior Mason, named William Schaw, his General Warden of the Craft, and instructed Schaw to revamp the entire structure of Freemasonry into what it became today. Schaw commenced this project on 28th December 1598, on the orders of James.

To this day, the 1611 edition of the King James Bible remains the Freemason Bible and is the edition conventionally used in secret Masonic temple rituals.

Moriel does not, however believe that the Masonic association with the KJV or the Freemasonry of King James, founder of the Masonic Lodge system, detracts from the validity of this outdated but valid translation of the Bible. Nonetheless, it is the Freemason Bible and has been from its inception, commissioned and authorised by the same Freemason King who commissioned and authorised the Masonic Lodge structure. We can only speculate how many members of the KJV Only cult are in fact Freemasons.


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e8bd5a No.15609

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583908 (090927ZFEB22) Notable: Something smells awful funny in the Arizona Senate

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Attn @wendyrogersaz

First understand that I have been a fan of yours throughout this ordeal - but this post below from my friend TruthHammer made me pause. I'd even argue that it's entirely problematic to say the least. If it's accurate, then we're going to have a problem.

In short, you owe us nothing short of an explanation worthy of the support MAGA nation has extended you to date. I will personally withhold judgement on it until you explain this - but I can assure you that ignoring our need to know the truth here would represent a breech of trust that could never be repaired.

You're on the clock.


TruthHammer (Telegram) https://t.me/TruthHammer

I want you to ponder that an election was stolen, and local officials who helped were investigated.

Now ponder that the local officials were stonewalling and refusing to cooperate with the investigators, to the point where they were cut off from their treasury, and would no longer be able to operate their municipality. It was quickly becoming a crisis where only two outcomes would soon be possible… either the local officials would cave and comply with demands of the investigators, or their budget money is cut off and the local government grinds to a halt unable to operate, and the local officials are forced out of office by an angry populace.

Now ponder at the very cusp of this situation blowing up… one of the lead investigators goes into a private meeting with the crooks, and emerges from that meeting with a “deal”, that all parties have signed… and this deal RELEASES all demands with which the local officials had refused to comply, thus eliminating the single greatest piece of leverage you have over them (budget cut off) AND freeing them from having to produce the incriminating evidence.

If you were writing a story like this what would the possible motivations of the investigator be… for them to make this deal?

How do you feel about the fact this actually happened, and Karen Fann is the “investigator” who let the Maricopa BoS completely off the hook by making this deal? How do you feel about the fact that Wendy Rogers looked us all in the eye and called this a “great deal”?

Why’d they take whatever evidence was found, lock it up, and throw away the key, while telling us they did us a favor?

Why’d they release the Maricopa BoS to go back to business as usual instead of forcing them out of office when they had them over a barrel?

Do actions reveal motives?

What was the excuse? (a great deal the BoS would comply with)

What was the actual result? (friend of BoS chosen as gatekeeper, demands dropped, budget restored)

Did RINOs want the election truly exposed?

YOU DECIDE: were the “investigators” MAGAs or RINOs?

Local action has national impact.

Replace the “go along to get along” RINOs.


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e8bd5a No.15610

File: 5fe1566c7922637⋯.jpg (98.42 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583909 (090928ZFEB22) Notable: Honk Honk is now racist according to the blue hairs

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e8bd5a No.15611

File: 8775a6344a818ec⋯.jpg (278.12 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583947 (090938ZFEB22) Notable: Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters arrested in Grand Junction Bagel Shop and released at the scene

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Mesa County clerk Tina Peters arrested in Grand Junction, suspected of deceiving judge

February 9, 2022

Grand Junction police officers arrested Mesa County Clerk and Recorder Tina Peters on Tuesday morning at Main Street Bagels after she allegedly resisted a search warrant.

Police responded to the shop at about 10:45 a.m. in the 600 block of Main Street where Peters was released at the scene, pending charges, according to the Grand Junction Police Department.

Mesa County spokesperson Stephanie Reecy said the arrest is unrelated to investigations of a possible election security breach in Mesa County.

Mesa County District Attorney’s Office investigators were looking for an iPad that belonged to Peters, according to the search warrant signed Tuesday.

On Feb. 7, Peters allegedly appeared to be using the iPad to record a court hearing in Deputy Clerk Belinda Knisley’s criminal case and then told the judge in the case that she was not recording it, the search warrant stated. The judge had told members of the audience that he would take action if he found out someone was recording the hearing.

“If Clerk Peters had in fact made a recording, Judge (Matthew) Barrett’s decisions and actions would have been influenced by deceit,” the warrant stated.



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e8bd5a No.15612

File: ab430853a4507e0⋯.jpeg (22.56 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583965 (090942ZFEB22) Notable: U.S. health officials are considering lengthening the amount of time between doses because of heart inflammation risk

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U.S. health officials are considering new changes to vaccine guidance that would lengthen the amount of time between doses in order to lower the risk of heart inflammation for immunocompromised people.



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e8bd5a No.15613

File: e426c8584f8977a⋯.jpeg (198 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583969 (090943ZFEB22) Notable: Intense Activities Around Ukraine Prompt US Military Air Shuttles - DC to Colorado Officials fleeing to bunkers?

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What kind of a nigger picks a fight with Russia then runs and hides underground and totally disregards the well being of the rest of the country?


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e8bd5a No.15614

File: a0e33cdfc1f5740⋯.png (901.34 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583975 (090944ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

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Clownworld is reality inversion.

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e8bd5a No.15615

File: c4e91d5b6e139c1⋯.jpeg (354.03 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15583978 (090945ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

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Food for the Truckers.

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e8bd5a No.15616

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584024 (090959ZFEB22) Notable: Raised : USD $7,208,635 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

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Raised : USD $7,208,635 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

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e8bd5a No.15617

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584128 (091028ZFEB22) Notable: #19706, #19707, #19708

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>>>/qresearch/15583373 Dough

#19706 FINAL

>>15616 Raised : USD $7,208,635 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

>>15591, >>15593, >>15596, >>15597, >>15601 All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

>>15603, >>15607, >>15615, >>15614 All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

>>15604 Freedom Convoy 2022 LIVE feeds

>>15605 Alaska convoy in support of their fellow freedom fighters North of the border

>>15594, >>15599 Ottawa police staff sargent resigns over mishandling of #FreedomConvoy protest

>>15600 Policewoman sends a message of support for the convoy for freedom

>>15592, >>15598 Students whose families oppose masks arrive at a Loudoun County school board meeting carrying baskets full of affidavits

>>15595 Klaus Schwab bragging about his "penetration of cabinets" and that they have over 50% of the Canadian cabinet (in 2017)

>>15602 Filed today - there is a sealed summons in the Igor Danchenko case

>>15606 Exclusive Interview with Donald Trump - Kash’s Corner

>>15610 Honk Honk is now racist according to the blue hairs

>>15608 King James (Bible) - The Founder of Freemason Lodges

>>15609 Something smells awful funny in the Arizona Senate

>>15611 Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters arrested in Grand Junction Bagel Shop and released at the scene

>>15612 U.S. health officials are considering lengthening the amount of time between doses because of heart inflammation risk

>>15613 Intense Activities Around Ukraine Prompt US Military Air Shuttles - DC to Colorado Officials fleeing to bunkers?


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e8bd5a No.15618

File: 5c4128bdfdbcd86⋯.png (28.77 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584203 (091049ZFEB22) Notable: Former Big Pharma Scientist Asks Why The ‘Vaccines’ Weren’t Put Through The Proper Safety Trials For Gene Technology

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Former Big Pharma Scientist Asks Why The ‘Vaccines’ Weren’t Put Through The Proper Safety Trials For Gene Technology

Dr. John D. Flack, a retired Pharmaceutical Research and Development Scientist asks why the covid-19 vaccines were not put through the proper safety trials for gene technology.

He says these gene-technology covid vaccines were not subject to the standard safety studies required for novel genetic-based medicines.

Dr. Flack, is a member of the Heart Advisory & Recovery Team HART, a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientists, economists, psychologists and other academic experts, who came together over shared concerns about policy and guidance recommendations relating to the pandemic.

He has also been was involved in pharmaceutical research throughout his career and served as Director of Safety Evaluation for a pharmaceutical company When it comes to the safety studies of new drugs he knows what’s he’s talking about.


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e8bd5a No.15619

File: c52f621e2248c0e⋯.mp4 (11.89 MB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584264 (091108ZFEB22) Notable: Putin says nobody will win if Ukraine attempts to re-take Crimea

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Putin just threatened nuclear war over Ukraine

Media isn’t talking about it in the west

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e8bd5a No.15620

File: af1d82a1ecafd4e⋯.jpeg (260.75 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584270 (091109ZFEB22) Notable: Putin says nobody will win if Ukraine attempts to re-take Crimea

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e8bd5a No.15621

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584295 (091116ZFEB22) Notable: Follow up: Tonga eruption’s aftermath raises more questions than answers

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e8bd5a No.15622

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584332 (091125ZFEB22) Notable: President Donald Trump trashed Utah U.S. Attorney John Huber for ending an investigation into Hillary Clinton without charges

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SALT LAKE CITY — President Donald Trump trashed Utah U.S. Attorney John Huber, calling him a “garbage disposal unit” for ending an investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton without charges.

Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions quietly tasked Huber with the investigation in 2018 after two House committees called for a review into whether Department of Justice or FBI employees were biased during their now-closed probe of Clinton’s use of a private email server, and as they began investigating Trump campaign ties to Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

In addition to an investigation into the request for a warrant to surveil Trump campaign aide Carter Page, Huber was looking into whether the DOJ ignored allegations about Clinton’s ties to the sale of U.S. uranium rights to a subsidiary of a Russian nuclear energy company. He was also reportedly investigating Clinton’s use of a personal email server and the dealings of her family’s foundation.

Huber closed the investigation in January.

“Undercover Huber is a great spoof, funny, but at the same time sad, because the real @JohnWHuber did absolutely NOTHING. He was a garbage disposal unit for important documents & then, tap, tap, tap, just drag it along & run out of time. A.G. Jeff Sessions was played like a drum!” Trump tweeted Wednesday.

Trump was referring to a parody account created on Twitter of Huber called “Undercover Huber,” which uses the handle @JohnWHuber. It has nearly 250,000 followers and has posted more than 11,200 tweets. A photo on the account is a picture of Huber with a coronavirus face mask and aviator sunglasses.

“Be the hammer, not the nail”.*I’m NOT really John Huber* but you can still send tips: undercoverhuber@protonmail.com. “Investigative whiz” — Andy McCarthy,” it says on the account.

Huber declined to comment through the U.S. Attorney’s Office spokeswoman Melodie Rydalch.

An appointee of President Barack Obama, Huber has served as U.S. attorney in Utah since June 2015. Now retired Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, saved his job after Trump asked U.S. attorneys across the country to resign so he could appoint new ones.

Huber was tight-lipped about his investigation. He refused to answer questions about it during an exchange with reporters last year, saying, “There are matters too sensitive to talk about.”

In January 2019, the Republican ranking members of the House Government Oversight Committee and the House Judiciary Committee sent a letter to Huber seeking an update of his work. They also expressed disappointment that he refused to testify at a subcommittee hearing titled, “Oversight of Nonprofit Organization: A Case Study on the Clinton Foundation.”

Specifically, the lawmakers wanted Huber to provide them with the number of witnesses he had interviewed along with their names and the number remaining to be interviewed. They also wanted to know how many Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act or FISA applications as well as the number and nature of documents he reviewed.

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e8bd5a No.15623

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584356 (091133ZFEB22) Notable: Putin says nobody will win if Ukraine attempts to re-take Crimea

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e8bd5a No.15624

File: 47ec3b7319d7d2c⋯.png (122.79 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584364 (091135ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

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e8bd5a No.15625

File: d1fa97c06947a89⋯.png (529.35 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584366 (091136ZFEB22) Notable: Sussman and Alfa Bank

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Late in the evening of Oct. 6, attorneys for former Department of Justice attorney and former Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussmann filed a motion for a bill of particulars relating to his indictment by Special Counsel John Durham. The indictment charges Sussmann with one count of making a false statement to the FBI in September 2016, in conjunction with providing allegations that computer systems connected to the Russian Alfa Bank had anomalous contact with an internet domain associated with the Trump Organization.

[Full disclosure, I had a minor role in the events in question, insofar as I transferred the material Sussmann gave to Jim Baker, the FBI’s general counsel at the time, to the personnel who ultimately supervised and looked into the allegations.]

At the time Sussmann’s indictment was returned, by coincidence I was taking a look at data from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence’s (ODNI’s) Annual Statistical Transparency Report and noticed a precipitous drop in the volume of the intelligence community’s use of complex investigative techniques, such as those authorized by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). I believe these two issues are connected.

What, you may ask, do Sussmann’s indictment and the declining number of FISA orders have to do with each other? Far more than you might think.

The Oct. 6 motion filed by Sussmann’s attorneys lays out his claim that the indictment failed to state the charges against him with sufficient specificity to allow him to effectively defend himself, and it asks the judge hearing the case to direct the government to provide additional detail about the crime Sussmann is alleged to have committed.

While I share many of the concerns about the indictment laid out by Benjamin Wittes in a September Lawfare post, what caught my eye in Sussmann’s motion has relatively little to do with its merits. Sussmann’s lawyers write:

Without prejudice to any other pretrial motions Mr. Sussmann may bring on the matter, Mr. Sussmann is also entitled to additional particulars regarding the alleged omissions in the indictment, including regarding the legal duty, if any, that required him to disclose the allegedly omitted information the Indictment suggests he should have disclosed.

This paragraph of the motion is a response to Durham’s allegation that Sussmann

concealed and failed to disclose, (i) SUSSMANN had spent time drafting one of the white papers he provided to the FBI General Counsel and billed that time to the Clinton Campaign, and (ii) the U.S. Investigative Firm—which at the time was also acting as a paid agent of the Clinton Campaign—had drafted another of those white papers.

This idea points to a significant issue: omitting information is both frequent and problematic when dealing with human sources of information in federal investigations. By its terms, 18 U.S.C. § 1001 makes it a crime to “falsif[y], conceal[], or cover[] up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact.” Does that mean that any material omission by any human source in any federal investigation is a crime?

I spent more than 20 years in the FBI, handling—and then supervising the handling of—hundreds, if not thousands, of human sources. Within that universe, I can count on one hand the number of times in my career in which I thought a source was telling me the whole, unvarnished truth, let alone relaying to me his or her complete and honest accounting of the source’s motivations in talking to me. In fact, the two agencies that do the bulk of the nation’s national security human source recruitment and handling, the CIA and the FBI, devote enormous time in training and operations to understanding and rigorously characterizing the unique and limited certainty that every human source brings to the table. ..

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e8bd5a No.15626

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584383 (091139ZFEB22) Notable: Sussman and Alfa Bank

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re alfa bank


Josh Russell / May 26, 2017

MANHATTAN (CN) - Unhappy with BuzzFeed over its reporting of the infamous “Pissgate” dossier, the owners of a Russian bank that is being investigated by the FBI for ties to President Donald Trump brought a defamation complaint Friday.

Mikhail Fridman, Petr Aven and German Khan, who together own Russia's largest private bank Alfa, filed the 12-page complaint this afternoon in Manhattan Supreme Court.

The lawsuit comes over four months after BuzzFeed published a 35-page dossier linking the president and Russia. Former British spy Christopher Steele had originally prepared the dossier for a “Never Trump” firm that wanted opposition research to prevent Trump’s seizing of the Republican nomination in last year’s presidential election.

A Democratic research company picked up the tab for Steele to keep working during the general election, but its stream of cash was set to run dry before Election Day.

Though many in Washington knew about the dossier, it remained out of the public eye because many of its allegations cannot be independently verified. Shortly after CNN broke the news about the dossier, reporting on Jan. 10 that Trump and then-President Barack Obama had been briefed on its details, BuzzFeed published the full salacious document shortly after.

The dossier disclosed in the article, “These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties to Russia,” consists of 17 “Company Intelligence Reports 2016” prepared by Steele.

Alfa, which is Russia’s biggest private bank, is mentioned on page 25, buts its name is misspelled as “Alpha Bank.”


BuzzFeed’s article introducing the dossier repeatedly noted that the allegations contained in the document were unverified and that the dossier itself contained errors.

The dossier alleged that Alfa and its officials and employees cooperated with a Kremlin conspiracy to interfere in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. News outlets have also reported that federal investigators are looking into an “odd” computer server connection between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank.

However, Friday's lawsuit claims that that the suggestion of cooperation with an election-rigging conspiracy is false, has defamed Alfa and the billionaire plaintiffs, and caused serious damage to their reputations.

Bloomberg reports that Fridman, 53, Khan, 55, and Aven, 62, are worth $12.7 billion, $8.8 billion, and $5.4 billion, respectively. ..

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e8bd5a No.15627

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584389 (091142ZFEB22) Notable: Sussman and Alfa Bank

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In new letter, tech expert's lawyer insists Alfa-Bank, Trump server data is no hoax

Rachel Maddow reports on a new letter to special counsel John Durham and Attorney General Merrick Garland from the lawyer for a tech expert that pushes back on how researchers' findings about interactions between a server related to Alfa-Bank and a server related to the Trump Organization are characterized in Durham's indictment of Michael Sussmann. [Edited for length from the original broadcast.]Oct. 30, 2021

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e8bd5a No.15628

File: 9f94f736fde6e31⋯.mp4 (119.45 KB,442x270,221:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584391 (091143ZFEB22) Notable: Putin says nobody will win if Ukraine attempts to re-take Crimea

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notable, Putin is moar pissed at macron for torturing him for 6 hours of bullshit and threatens nuclear war just to get rid of the little french twit macron

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e8bd5a No.15629

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584410 (091149ZFEB22) Notable: Sussman and Alfa Bank

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By Rowan Scarborough - The Washington Times - Friday, May 8, 2020

A Democratic Party law firm pitched to the U.S. intelligence community a now-debunked theory that the Trump Organization maintained a secret computer link to a major Moscow bank run by Vladimir Putin allies, according to a newly declassified transcript.

The testimony came from attorney Michael Sussman of the Democratic- and Hillary Clinton-hired law firm Perkins Coie. It was previously known he took Alfa bank evidence to then-FBI general counsel James Baker. Mr. Baker himself testified to House investigators in 2018 about the September 2016 meeting with Mr. Sussman.

Mr. Sussman’s newly disclosed testimony from December 2017 showed the Democrats spread the Alfa server claims far more widely.

In addition to Mr. Baker, Mr. Sussman testified, he also took the Alfa claims inside the intelligence community as well as to three journalists. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released his testimony along with 52 other declassified transcripts on Thursday.

Mr. Sussman said he contacted the intelligence community that fall. In February 2017 he personally delivered a briefing and documents to an intelligence general counsel. The agency’s identify within the IC was blacked out from the transcript. But one transcript part refers to the “agency,” an apparent reference to the CIA.

Ironically, February 2017 was the same month the FBI concluded that there was no secret dedicated Trump-Alfa server and closed the case as part of its Trump-Russia election probe. That probe never found evidence of a Trump conspiracy.

Mr. Sussman recalled telephoning the agency in 2016.

“And I said, in some manner, I understand that the President has ordered a review of all intelligence relating to the election, and I have some information that may be germane to the subject matter of the investigation, and offered to come meet with her or, I don’t know, you know, someone, if they were interested, to hear about this information,” said Mr. Sussman, a former cyber crimes prosecutor at the Justice Department. “And that was really the nature of the call.”

Of his meeting with the FBI’s Mr. Baker, Mr. Sussman testified: ..

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e8bd5a No.15630

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584435 (091157ZFEB22) Notable: Sussman and Alfa Bank

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>Thursday, September 16, 2021


Grand Jury Indicts D.C. Attorney with Making False Statements to the FBI in 2016 Regarding Alleged Communications Between Trump Organization and Russian Bank

Special Counsel John Durham today announced that a federal grand jury returned an indictment in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia charging Michael A. Sussmann, 57, a Washington, D.C.-based attorney, with making a false statement to the FBI on Sept. 19, 2016. The charge in the indictment stems from a set of allegations brought by Sussmann to the FBI related to an alleged secret channel of communications between the Trump Organization and a Russian bank.

Sussmann is expected to make his initial appearance in the D.C. federal court as soon as tomorrow. The court will schedule the appearance.

As alleged in the indictment, on Sept. 19, 2016, Sussman, a lawyer at a large international law firm, met with the FBI General Counsel at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Sussmann had requested the meeting to provide the General Counsel with certain data files and “white papers” that allegedly demonstrated a covert communications channel between the Trump Organization and a Russia-based bank. Sussmann, who had previously represented the Democratic National Committee in connection with a cyber hack, falsely stated to the General Counsel that he was not bringing these allegations to the FBI on behalf of any client. This false representation led the General Counsel to understand that Sussmann was providing information as a good citizen rather than a paid advocate or political operative. In fact, Sussmann assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two clients, including a U.S. technology executive and the Clinton Presidential Campaign.

It is alleged that beginning in July 2016, Sussmann worked with the aforementioned U.S. technology executive, other cyber researchers, and a U.S.-based investigative firm to assemble the data and white papers that Sussmann ultimately provided to the FBI and the media. The technology executive, for his part, exploited his access to non-public data at multiple internet companies and enlisted the assistance of researchers at a U.S.-based university who were receiving and analyzing internet data in connection with a pending federal government cybersecurity research contract designed to identify the perpetrators of malicious cyber-attacks and protect U.S. national security. The indictment further alleges that researchers were tasked to mine this internet data to establish “an inference” and “narrative” that would tie then-presidential candidate Donald Trump to Russia, and which the executive believed would please certain “VIPs.” The indictment also alleges that Sussmann, his law firm, and the technology executive coordinated with representatives and agents of the Clinton Campaign in these efforts.

It is further alleged that Sussmann’s false statement misled FBI personnel and deprived the FBI of information that might have permitted it more fully to assess and uncover the origins of the relevant data and analysis, including the identities and motivations of Sussmann’s clients.

The FBI ultimately determined that there was insufficient evidence to support the allegations of a secret communications channel between the Trump Organization and the Russia-based bank.

This case is being prosecuted by Assistant Special Counsel Andrew DeFilippis and Assistant Special Counsel Michael T. Keilty, with the support and assistance of other members of Special Counsel Durham’s team. The Special Counsel’s investigation is ongoing.

An indictment is merely an allegation and all defendants are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law.

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e8bd5a No.15631

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584479 (091206ZFEB22) Notable: Sussman and Alfa Bank

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In addition to Mr. Baker, Mr. Sussman testified, he also took the Alfa claims inside the intelligence community as well as to three journalists. The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence released his testimony along with 52 other declassified transcripts on Thursday.

Mr. Sussman said he contacted the intelligence community that fall. In February 2017 he personally delivered a briefing and documents to an intelligence general counsel. The agency’s identify within the IC was blacked out from the transcript. But one transcript part refers to the “agency,” an apparent reference to the CIA.

Ironically, February 2017 was the same month the FBI concluded that there was no secret dedicated Trump-Alfa server and closed the case as part of its Trump-Russia election probe. That probe never found evidence of a Trump conspiracy.


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e8bd5a No.15632

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584487 (091208ZFEB22) Notable: Sussman and Alfa Bank

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Of his meeting with the FBI’s Mr. Baker, Mr. Sussman testified:

“And so l was coming to him mostly because I wanted him to be able to decide whether or not to act or not to act, or to share or not to share, with information I was bringing him to insulate or protect the Bureau or, I don’t know, I just thought he would know best what to do or not to do, including nothing at the time.”

Amid his meeting with Mr. Baker was a concerted effort by Democrats to get the Alfa allegation into the news media to harm candidate Donald Trump.

A prime mover was Glenn Simpson, co-founder of opposition research firm Fusion GPS.

Mr. Simpson went to Perkins Coie and the Democrats in June 2016 to obtain the funds to hire Christopher Steele, an ex-British spy. Mr. Steele went on to write the infamous, and now totally discredited, dossier that accused Mr. Trump of directing a wide election conspiracy with the Kremlin.

Mr. Simpson pitched the dossier, and Alfa server story, to Washington reporters. Mr. Sussman testified he briefed the New York Times, Washington Post and Slate.com.

Slate’s Franklin Foer was the only one to write an Alfa conspiracy story days before the November election.

“Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?” said the headline.

In his House testimony, Mr. Sussman did not mention “Alfa.” He described his briefing this way:

“So the contact was about reporting to them information that was reported to me about possible contacts, covert or at least nonpublic, between Russian entities and various entities in the United States associated with the, or potentially associated with, the Trump Organization.”


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e8bd5a No.15633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584495 (091209ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

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Canadian ex-cop tells cops to refuse unlawful orders and do the right thing.

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e8bd5a No.15634

File: 54c4e9bcb939d93⋯.png (300.59 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584496 (091210ZFEB22) Notable: 14 Jan 2021 - Canadian Covid Coverup - Military Quarantining Soldiers Returning from Wuhan China in October 2019 (TS-KEK)

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14 Jan 2021 - Canadian Covid Coverup - Military Quarantining Soldiers Returning from Wuhan China in October 2019 (TS-KEK)

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e8bd5a No.15635

File: 23c61b767841bc1⋯.png (143.49 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584498 (091210ZFEB22) Notable: Papi - 'Trump called me a Watermelon Head' - Adam Schiff

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love this account's sense of humor.

Top Kek


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e8bd5a No.15636

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584522 (091215ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

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90% of Ottawa restaurants CLOSED this weekend — and they missed a jackpot!

You would think that when 100,000+ people descend upon a city’s downtown core for a multi-week demonstration, those in the foodservice business would be jumping for joy. All those hungry and thirsty people will surely be seeking refreshments. It’s a bona fide bonanza for those in the foodservice biz.

However, we couldn’t help but notice that about 90% of the restaurants, pubs and other types of eateries in downtown Ottawa were closed during the Freedom Convoy gathering.

But why?

Apparently, the people running these restaurants actually believe the narrative being spun by those in government and mainstream media: that the people taking part in these demonstrations are “deplorables” who are prone to vandalism and violence.


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e8bd5a No.15637

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584526 (091215ZFEB22) Notable: Sussman and Alfa Bank

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..And there is the FBI’s complete Alfa Bank electronic case file. This means we should learn at some point (a trial is scheduled for May) why/how agents disproved Alfa when Democratic operatives such as Fusion GPS’ Glenn Simpson of dossier fame and Mr. Sussman himself swore by it.

It is Mr. Durham’s tidbits that make his memo so interesting.

Marc Elias was the Clinton campaign general counsel whose firm Perkins Coie obtained Democratic Party money to finance private investigator Fusion GPS who hired ex-British intelligence officer Christopher Steele who then produced the dossier. The momentous marriage would turn out to be one of the great modern political dirty tricks.

Mr. Elias told House investigators in December 2017 he believed the dossier had stood up to scrutiny and was accurate. Mr. Elias, who left Perkins Coie to form his own election law firm, has testified to the Durham grand jury, the Jan. 25 filing says.

Mr. Elias is not identified by name in the Sussmann indictment, but someone with a similar description is listed as “Campaign Lawyer 1.”

The indictment says that individual briefed the Clinton campaign’s upper management on Mr. Sussmann’s Alfa Bank’s conspiracy theory, coordinated with Mr. Sussmann — then a Perkins Coie colleague — as he allegedly tried to sell the story to the news media. “Campaign Lawyer 1” then communicated with the tech executive, Rodney Joffe (CNN reported on Sept. 30 that Mr. Joffe was the person identified as “Tech Executive-1” in the indictment), who allegedly rounded up the Internet spreadsheets that served as the Alfa Bank “smoking gun.”

For background, Alfa Bank has said in a separate court case that someone created false Domain Name System footprints to make it look like the bank was pinging the Trump-rented server, a spam marketing vehicle in Pennsylvania.

Mr. Elias now fights to save democracy by opposing new voting integrity laws and by promoting the Democrats’ various bills to take over state elections.

Personally, I do not believe the egregious Steele dossier and all of its Kremlin-supplied falsehoods saved or bolstered U.S. democracy.

The Durham memo also says Mr. Sussmann wants to know if he was wiretapped and otherwise spied on. The prosecutor says he provided the defense team any relevant material.

Then there is the matter of Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department’s inspector general. The Durham memo makes it sound as if the IG is not fully cooperating. His office declined to comment.

It turns out that Mr. Sussmann had entry into Mr. Horowitz’s world. He met with Mr. Horowitz in early March 2017, but the IG did not inform Mr. Durham even after he made a general discovery request.

“The OIG had not previously informed the Special Counsel’s Office of this meeting with the defendant,” Mr. Durham states. “Over the past few days, including over this last weekend, the OIG has been gathering and providing further documentation and information relating to that meeting to the Special Counsel’s Office.”

Mr. Sussmann represented Mr. Joffe, the tech entrepreneur who sold the Alfa story to Mr. Sussmann and to the press under a fake name.


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e8bd5a No.15638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584548 (091221ZFEB22) Notable: All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

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The jerry can army has arrived!

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e8bd5a No.15639

File: 3436f557c3a9f08⋯.png (120.09 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584571 (091226ZFEB22) Notable: Sussman and Alfa Bank

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e8bd5a No.15640

File: 52306399f29cc4f⋯.png (628.29 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: f8406a8317858b2⋯.png (177.89 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 34225b031d3e33c⋯.png (48.02 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 89ca5420dd0e400⋯.png (19.55 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584664 (091248ZFEB22) Notable: Remember anons to find and share the good news. The FakeNews is generating a lot of fear porn.

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Anon is doing better, ailments are too many to many to mention, constant battle, nothing life threatening though

Good news is all around. Want the anons and the truckers and everyone else to know that this anon lurks at all times of the day and night as many other dedicated anons do and also has a gab account and other social media accounts as a archive with many followers, anonymous there also, only engage with followers if they ask a question. drop news there, get a lot of traction, archive offline also.

1) Trump has backed the Truckers and anons

2) Archibishop Viganio has backed the truckers and anons

3) All anons who know the full picture back the truckers, (anon have been doing the same as them here for over 4 years), most have given up almost everything for this mission, we here always have others stepping up to help, the truckers should not take it all on themselves, take shifts, have others take their place, rest, keep the mind body and soul strong, the fight is righteous one and esoteric as well as exoteric

4) There will always be grifters, attention seekers and those who do stuff to make themselves feel important, let them join but keep a close eye on their actions, guide them, mentor them but do not tolerate them if they behaviour is effecting your work and directions..

Try to spread the good news not only the bad news, there is a link below from Ottawa local plus the Archbishop comment, read it to those your are with, pick each other up.

And for fucks sake, do not listen to nagging women and their mangina's, minions and morans who have no sense of honour, dignity or integrity .

These are male traits and the world was built on them through sacrifice and blood sweat and tears !!!


A couple of screen caps memes to motivate.

and a link to archbishop message to the truckers with screen caps.


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e8bd5a No.15641

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584665 (091248ZFEB22) Notable: Remember anons to find and share the good news. The FakeNews is generating a lot of fear porn.

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Must watch video of Marcel Irnie:


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e8bd5a No.15642

File: 5d7a01444fdf695⋯.mp4 (3.01 MB,320x564,80:141,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584801 (091345ZFEB22) Notable: Demon possession of child trafficker

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This is what demon possession looks like…imagine the poor children encountering this demon, horrific!

From Andy Ngo telegram https://t.me/Andy_Ngo/4084

"Video recorded by US Border Patrol during an arrest of a suspected human smuggler near the U.S.-Mexico border in Carrizo Springs, Texas this month shows the suspect suddenly hissing like an animal & lunging at the officers. Video publisher by @ AliBradleyTV:"

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e8bd5a No.15643

File: fbbffa0d8bae906⋯.png (234.49 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584819 (091353ZFEB22) Notable: Truckers Protest is a Military Experienced Operation

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>>>/qresearch/15584740 ←NOTABLE


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e8bd5a No.15644

File: 01e6ec894401a8e⋯.png (1.27 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584848 (091402ZFEB22) Notable: Cabal uses entertainment to entice/entrap children with the killer vaccines

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A vaccination center in Canada offers young visitors a VR headset to distract them from the procedure!


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e8bd5a No.15645

File: ab6d2505c9e0668⋯.png (307.75 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584856 (091405ZFEB22) Notable: Lawless DOJ Caught Opening Rep. Louie Gohmert’s House Mail Before It Reaches His Office

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Lawless DOJ Caught Opening Rep. Louie Gohmert’s House Mail Before It Reaches His Office — Gohmert Speaks Out on House Floor (VIDEO)


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e8bd5a No.15646

File: 163152a3ff6f713⋯.png (592.06 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584873 (091409ZFEB22) Notable: How police responded to Ottawa's 'unprecedented' protests

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How police responded to Ottawa's 'unprecedented' protests

For nearly two weeks, a core group of protesters has refused to leave Ottawa's downtown core. Police estimate more than 400 trucks remain parked in the so-called "red zone." Some businesses in the area have had to close their doors and some residents describe feeling intimidated. Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly has called the situation "unprecedented." The mayor, Jim Watson, has called the situation "out of control," and said the protesters are "calling the shots."

Today on Front Burner, CBC Ottawa reporter Judy Trinh talks about how police initially responded to the protest in the capital, how the response has changed and where things could go from here.

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e8bd5a No.15647

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584883 (091411ZFEB22) Notable: Raised : USD $7,333,296 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

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Raised : USD $7,333,296 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

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e8bd5a No.15648

File: b6d2b6fc23482ee⋯.png (617.5 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584886 (091412ZFEB22) Notable: The protest convoy could cast a long shadow in Canadian politics

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The protest convoy could cast a long shadow in Canadian politics

The anger is real — and no one in any party seems entirely sure of what to do next

The key lesson of Ottawa's siege might be that it's difficult to get populist, anti-democratic anger to leave once you've invited it in and allowed it to get comfortable.

It may have been inevitable (or at least foreseeable) that some kind of tumult would result from the imposition of vaccine mandates. In 1885, compulsory vaccination in Montreal to deal with a smallpox outbreak caused a riot. In 1919, loud public opposition scuttled an attempt to implement compulsory vaccination against smallpox in Toronto.

A century later, the vast majority of Canadians have trusted public health officials enough to get vaccinated against COVID-19. There is similarly high support for requiring vaccination for certain settings and occupations, as well as for people entering the country.

But those attitudes are not universal. And if there is deep disagreement, it's exacerbated and amplified by social media's power to cultivate resentment, the American tilt toward populism over the past decade and the simple fact that everyone has been living with the pandemic for two years.

An adviser to the government in Denmark — where officials are lifting restrictions — recently warned that the end of the pandemic could be harder than the start.

Canadian leaders must now figure out how to respond. Some of them seem to be figuring that out in real time.

Authorities may be unable to clear the streets in front of Parliament but Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was intent on putting some narrative space between the occupation and "the story of this pandemic" when he addressed the House of Commons on Monday.

"This blockade, and these protesters, are not the story of this pandemic," he said. "They are not the story of Canadians in this pandemic. From the very beginning, Canadians stepped up to be there for one another, to support their neighbours, to support the elderly and to support our frontline workers by doing the right things, by wearing masks, by getting vaccinated and by following public health restrictions."

Trudeau offered some empathy ("we are all tired of this pandemic") and perhaps a hint of encouragement ("these pandemic restrictions are not forever") as he aimed for a unifying message.

"We should not be fighting one another. We should be coming together to fight the virus," he said. "This is not a fight against one another. It is a fight against the virus."

But he was direct in his criticism of the past week's events in Ottawa and didn't retreat from the federal government's own vaccine mandates.

The Conservatives are keen to hear the prime minister apologize for his handling of the issue and for some of what he has said about those who protest against his government.

"Does he regret calling people misogynist and racist?" interim Conservative leader Candice Bergen asked on Tuesday night.

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e8bd5a No.15649

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584914 (091420ZFEB22) Notable: #19707

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>>>/qresearch/15584158 Dough

#19707 FINAL

>>15624, >>15633, >>15636, >>15638 All Things Freedom Convoy 2022

>>15618 Former Big Pharma Scientist Asks Why The ‘Vaccines’ Weren’t Put Through The Proper Safety Trials For Gene Technology

>>15619, >>15620, >>15623, >>15628 Putin says nobody will win if Ukraine attempts to re-take Crimea

>>15621 Follow up: Tonga eruption’s aftermath raises more questions than answers

>>15622 President Donald Trump trashed Utah U.S. Attorney John Huber for ending an investigation into Hillary Clinton without charges

>>15625, >>15626, >>15627, >>15629, >>15630, >>15631, >>15632, >>15637, >>15639 Sussman and Alfa Bank

>>15634 14 Jan 2021 - Canadian Covid Coverup - Military Quarantining Soldiers Returning from Wuhan China in October 2019 (TS-KEK)

>>15635 Papi - 'Trump called me a Watermelon Head' - Adam Schiff

>>15640, >>15641 Remember anons to find and share the good news. The FakeNews is generating a lot of fear porn.

>>15642 Demon possession of child trafficker

>>15643 Truckers Protest is a Military Experienced Operation

>>15644 Cabal uses entertainment to entice/entrap children with the killer vaccines

>>15645 Lawless DOJ Caught Opening Rep. Louie Gohmert’s House Mail Before It Reaches His Office

>>15646 How police responded to Ottawa's 'unprecedented' protests

>>15647 Raised : USD $7,333,296 https://givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022

>>15648 The protest convoy could cast a long shadow in Canadian politics


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e8bd5a No.15650

File: e2741a8bcbe6892⋯.png (28.38 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584931 (091426ZFEB22) Notable: Anon tries new angle of Red Pilling - Leave them Crumbs to find the truth

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e8bd5a No.15651

File: c52f621e2248c0e⋯.mp4 (11.89 MB,1334x750,667:375,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584972 (091436ZFEB22) Notable: Putin Chimes in on the State of Affairs with Ukraine

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15652

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584973 (091436ZFEB22) Notable: Anon tries new angle of Red Pilling - Leave them Crumbs to find the truth

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just plastered this over the net, how many normies will now start googling shiff, buck standard hotel?

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e8bd5a No.15653

File: 33d6540d180b495⋯.jpeg (552.91 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584975 (091437ZFEB22) Notable: Nigeria - State of emergency over Ritual Killings

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e8bd5a No.15654

File: 30afdb449ae6c4e⋯.png (313.19 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15584989 (091438ZFEB22) Notable: Traffic is being rerouted around the trucker blockade at Ambassador Bridge.

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Traffic is being rerouted around the trucker blockade at Ambassador Bridge. @WWJ950

reports delays of up to four hours on the I-94 detour near the Blue Water Bridge.


7:51 AM · Feb 9, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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e8bd5a No.15655

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585033 (091445ZFEB22) Notable: Anon tries new angle of Red Pilling - Leave them Crumbs to find the truth

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So had a thought last night, thus the posting.


I notice when i tell be directly information, they dont take it as well as finding out for themselves.

SO, decided to layout crumbs that lead a person to the truth instead and let them find it on their own band be like Wow, look what I just found out on my own.


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e8bd5a No.15656

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585048 (091447ZFEB22) Notable: A money factory is on fire in France.

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A money factory is on fire in France. Banknote factory of the Bank of France blazes in the city

can someone confirm?


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e8bd5a No.15657

File: c65b594338f6ac6⋯.png (26.22 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 62ba668a155092e⋯.png (72.58 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585073 (091455ZFEB22) Notable: White House Live "Scheduled" Events for Today, 09FEB22ET

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White House Live

"Scheduled" Events for Today, 09FEB22ET

1100ET: Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials

The White House


Press Briefing by Press Secretary Jen Psaki

The White House

1430ET: 'Tater holds a meeting Electric Utility CEO's


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e8bd5a No.15658

File: fcff8df44bb6c3f⋯.png (67.2 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585077 (091455ZFEB22) Notable: Virginia School Board Tries to Flee Parents as They’re Served Subpoenas for Defying Youngkin Exec Order on Masks

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Virginia School Board Tries to Flee Parents as They’re Served Subpoenas for Defying Youngkin Exec Order on Masks

By Brandon Morse | Feb 08, 2022 12:30 PM ET

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e8bd5a No.15659

File: 809cf6c03c50072⋯.mp4 (4.73 MB,726x720,121:120,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585081 (091457ZFEB22) Notable: Virginia School Board Tries to Flee Parents as They’re Served Subpoenas for Defying Youngkin Exec Order on Masks

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e8bd5a No.15660

File: 501ce630b81dab7⋯.png (386.09 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 70bbd4605966147⋯.png (91.32 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: bcc72e6a13d76dd⋯.png (150.41 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 53bba584fb5cf97⋯.png (144.77 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585164 (091516ZFEB22) Notable: "CASA" Anon dig on Colorado corruption and child abuse networks.

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>>>/qresearch/15584782 PB

> Mesa County DA Dan Rubenstein's family.

>>>/qresearch/15584810 PB

Follow the Wives.

> https://gjbusinesslaw.com/blog/index.php/stephanie-rubinstein/

Stephanie Rubinsteinreceived a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English from Truman State University in 1993 and her law degree from Drake University Law School in 1996. She moved to Mesa County right after law school with her husband, Dan, and began working for Colorado Legal Services providing legal assistance to indigent persons in the areas of dissolution of marriage, bankruptcy and other general legal issues.

Stephanie then worked for the City of Grand Junction as a Staff Attorney from 1999-2003, handling issues in municipal court as well as with the planning department, code enforcement and liquor licensing. From this position, Stephanie moved into a general law practice as an of counsel attorney with Tuttle, Eret and Rubinstein, LLC. She worked in many areas of general practice, including family law, bankruptcy, assistance with county planning and civil litigation.

Stephanie was appointed as a District Court Magistrate in 2006. During that time she has handled cases in family law, dependency and neglect, traffic infractions and truancy. During her time on the bench, she was awarded the Judicial Excellence Award in 2011; and Judicial Officer of the Year from the Board of Colorado CASA in 2016. She also received the Professionalism Award from the Mesa County Bar Association in 2014.

She has served the community on several committees, including the Mesa County Access to Justice Committee since its inception in 2009, and the Mesa County Pro Bono Project, serving as a board member, secretary, Vice President and President of the Board. She has spoken at many events across the state, including Senior Law Day, Domestic Violence Conference, Mediating Domestic Cases for Colorado Courts, and the Annual Domestic Relations Conference.

Stephanie resides in Mesa County with her husband and two children, and enjoys running, hiking and baking in her free time.

> http://www.coloradojudicialinstitute.org/judicial-excellence-awards?item=29978

Magistrate Stephanie L. Rubinstein of the 21st Judicial District (Mesa County) is the honoree in the Magistrate category. Magistrate Stephanie Rubinstein was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but spent most of her growing up years in Holts Summit, Missouri. Her first inclination of becoming a lawyer was via an aptitude test as a sophomore in high school in Jefferson City, Missouri. Not knowing much about the profession, she conducted due diligence by participating in mock trials, speech competitions and a teen court program. She discovered she enjoyed every aspect of considering the issues of a case, preparing for a hearing, and advocating for a position.

She graduated in 1993 from Northeast Missouri State University (Truman State University) earning a Bachelor’s Degree in English. With every intention of attending the University of Missouri –Kansas City Law School, her path changed courses when Drake University Law School offered her a scholarship. As destiny would have it, she met her husband, Dan, the first day of law school at Drake.

After graduating in 1996, she and Dan moved to Grand Junction where she served the community working for Colorado Legal Services. She worked as Staff Attorney for the City of Grand Junction for 4 ½ years, then entered private practice. In 2006, she was appointed to the position of Magistrate.

In addition to being a devoted wife and the mother of two, Magistrate Rubinstein serves on the Mesa County Pro Bono Board, the Access to Justice Committee and on the Supreme Court subcommittee, Qualification and Complaint Process for CFI’s.

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e8bd5a No.15661

File: 65d941073e8508d⋯.jpg (297.76 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585188 (091521ZFEB22) Notable: A New York couple was arrested Tuesday and accused of conspiring to launder $4.5 billion in #Bitcoin

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A New York couple was arrested Tuesday and accused of conspiring to launder $4.5 billion in #Bitcoin — and authorities say the case involves the largest financial seizure in Justice Department history.




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e8bd5a No.15662

File: ea69ac42c50a729⋯.png (23.38 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d9ddf160af3df0⋯.png (218.45 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585194 (091521ZFEB22) Notable: "CASA" Anon dig on Colorado corruption and child abuse networks.

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>Judicial Officer of the Year from the Board of Colorado CASA in 2016.

nice logo

> https://www.coloradocasa.org/location/locationDetail/casa-of-mesa-county.html

About Us

Colorado CASA is a network of 18 programs across the state. These programs range from serving a few children to hundreds, and have from one staff member to over thirty. They encompass metro and rural areas, children and families of all ethnicities and financial positions, and handle challenges of geography and resources across the state.

The State Office is an independent 501(c)3 membership organization that provides general network support to all the CASA programs in the state. It has four strategic focuses: Large-Scale Pass-Through Fundraising, Brand Awareness & Events, Data, and Legislative.

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e8bd5a No.15663

File: 733a1c2a5e4ae0d⋯.jpg (297.76 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585195 (091522ZFEB22) Notable: Gov. Hochul is expected to lift New York's mask-or-vax mandate today.

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Gov. Hochul is expected to lift New York's mask-or-vax mandate today.


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e8bd5a No.15664

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585205 (091524ZFEB22) Notable: Reminder - John Solomon - Jenna Ellis produces 9,000 pages to (Jan. 6) Unselect Committee

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>>15565 John Solomon - Jenna Ellis produces 9,000 pages to (Jan. 6) Unselect Committee

Why this was necessary and is important, highlighted below

What is important about these documents being a permanent Congressionsl record? Anons, any ideas? Discovery for future events?


Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis produces over 9,000 pages to Jan. 6 committee

Ellis was subpoenaed by the House Jan. 6 committee last month.

Attorney Jenna Ellis announced Tuesday that she has given the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot more than 9,000 pages the Trump legal team used when challenging the 2020 election.

Ellis, a member of Donald Trump's legal team, explained on Twitter the former president directed her to produce the thousands of pages of documents "that, in part, provided the legal basis and evidence for Team Trump's post-election challenges."

She said the establishment media's characterization of Trump's claims as baseless "is totally false."

"While no judicial forum, including the Supreme Court, allowed us to produce these documents or witnesses and refused to hear our case on the merits,this file is now in the permanent congressional record," she concluded.

Ellis was subpoenaed by the House Jan. 6 committee last month to produce documents and testimony concerning her work on the Trump election legal team. Democrats say they want to question her in part about legal research she did on whether Vice President Mike Pence under the Constitution could ask state legislatures to clarify whether their states' vote certifications were accurate according to state law.

Ellis told Just the News that contrary to some media reports her deposition was not scheduled for Tuesday but rather a later date.


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e8bd5a No.15665

File: ea3274dc30a488c⋯.jpg (395.7 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585213 (091525ZFEB22) Notable: Health Minister Lauterbach says "in Germany, it's not enough just to get on the nerves of the unvaccinated, you have to do more,

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Health Minister Lauterbach says "in Germany, it's not enough just to get on the nerves of the unvaccinated, you have to do more," in an AFP interview.

He urges the swift introduction of compulsory vaccinations in the general population.


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e8bd5a No.15666

File: 3c40a1b62e9c507⋯.jpg (395.7 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585218 (091527ZFEB22) Notable: UK PM Boris Johnson declares the last remaining Covid restrictions, including self-isolation if testing positive will end a full month early.

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UK PM Boris Johnson declares the last remaining Covid restrictions, including self-isolation if testing positive will end a full month early.


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e8bd5a No.15667

File: b44c65e2f31e17a⋯.mp4 (13.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585224 (091528ZFEB22) Notable: The Board Has been Served (VID)

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e8bd5a No.15668

File: e878beb81380716⋯.jpg (395.7 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585246 (091532ZFEB22) Notable: Netherlands: Cabinet considers scrapping most Covid restrictions, including vaccine passports, by the end of the month (NOS)

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Netherlands: Cabinet considers scrapping most Covid restrictions, including vaccine passports, by the end of the month (NOS)


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e8bd5a No.15669

File: b193a79e4e7194f⋯.png (442.91 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585328 (091550ZFEB22) Notable: L.A. County Supervisors Vote to Start Firing 4,000 Unvaccinated LASD Police Officers

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L.A. County Supervisors Vote to Start Firing 4,000 Unvaccinated LASD Police Officers


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e8bd5a No.15670

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585392 (091604ZFEB22) Notable: CBC TV Workers In Ottawa called out for Misinformation "Must Watch"

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CBC Workers In Ottawa "Must Watch" | IrnieracingNews


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e8bd5a No.15671

File: 39afc9fc03fcf55⋯.jpg (395.7 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585407 (091608ZFEB22) Notable: Parler announces social media 'special arrangement' with Melania Trump

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Parler announces social media 'special arrangement' with Melania Trump

“I am excited and inspired by free speech platforms that give direct communication to people worldwide. Parler has been on the forefront of utilizing Web3 technology and empowers its users to foster productive discourse,” the former first lady said.


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e8bd5a No.15672

File: 0758ede4850cd1f⋯.mp4 (882.71 KB,636x360,53:30,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585413 (091609ZFEB22) Notable: Do not tempt the Lord, even in Comedy (VID)

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Jesus loves me the most

that was more like blaspheming

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e8bd5a No.15673

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585436 (091613ZFEB22) Notable: LIVE RAW FOOTAGE Feb9 2022 🚾 Ottawa Canada Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 #FreedomConvoyCanada2022

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🔴 LIVE RAW FOOTAGE Feb9 2022 🚾 Ottawa Canada Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 #FreedomConvoyCanada2022

(enjoy the Scottish accent he's doing: "Does the diesel flow?")


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e8bd5a No.15674

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585472 (091619ZFEB22) Notable: 10-year veteran of the Calgary Police calls out his fellow officers as hired goons doing the bidding of politicians. (Moar of this)

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Calgary Police Nick Motyka Speaks

A 10-year veteran of the Calgary Police force with four years of RCMP service calls out his fellow officers as hired goons doing the bidding of politicians.

Posted an hour ago, with already over 25k views.

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e8bd5a No.15675

File: 1864ace96656f5b⋯.png (17.72 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585503 (091625ZFEB22) Notable: PELOSI TO BAN STOCK TRADING AFTER MOVING ALL CAPITAL INTO BITCOIN

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e8bd5a No.15676

File: ebceffaf20f7370⋯.jpg (40.37 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585509 (091625ZFEB22) Notable: USAF 99-0002 (752) C-32A callsign SAM978 Hex ADFEB8

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USAF 99-0002 (752) C-32A

callsign SAM978 Hex ADFEB8

Melbourne, AUS "sending out an SOS"


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e8bd5a No.15677

File: 6c636f693aeb3ef⋯.png (42.13 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585551 (091632ZFEB22) Notable: White House "COVID-19 Response Team" has suddenly scheduled a press briefing for today at 11 am EST.

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That was fast. Kek

NEW - White House "COVID-19 Response Team" has suddenly scheduled a press briefing for today at 11 am EST.


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e8bd5a No.15678

File: a01880ce135db14⋯.png (933.27 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585572 (091635ZFEB22) Notable: @SpaceForceDoD Up, up, and away!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

United States Space Force


Up, up, and away!

#ICYMI, Team Vandenberg launched the


's #NROL87 mission from Space Launch Complex-4 at


on Feb. 2, 2022, at 12:27 p.m., Pacific Time. #SemperSupra

10:22 AM · Feb 9, 2022·Sprout Social


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e8bd5a No.15679

File: 4e816c00bd73c12⋯.png (250.65 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585581 (091636ZFEB22) Notable: RRN 4KEKS - Military Tribunal Convicts Dr. Francis Collins

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Military Tribunal Convicts Dr. Francis Collins

On Monday, January 31, a military tribunal found Dr. Francis Collins guilty of treason and mass medical malpractice, sentencing him to hang by the neck until dead.

Rear Adm. Darse E. Crandall described the weeping defendant as a “cowardly creature” who refused to “man up” and take accountability for his “war crimes” against the United States of America and its people.

In a brief opening statement, the patriotic admiral said Collins, even when confronted with evidence linking him to Covid crimes, tried to absolve himself of responsibility by pinning the administration’s unconstitutional mask and vaccine mandates, and lockdowns, entirely on his co-conspirator, Dr. Anthony Fauci, even though lengthy email chains proved conclusively that the diabolical duo had collaborated from the start.

The three officers weighing the case against Collins spent several hours scrutinizing 150 emails in which Collins and Fauci admitted masks do not mitigate the spread of Covid-19 and that vaccines are more likely to sicken or kill recipients than guard against Covid. Moreover, they ruminated the idea of “eliminating meddlesome interlopers” who opposed vaccine and mask mandates and who advocated for alternative therapies such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. In one email, Collins mentioned “how nice it would be if something tragically awful happened to” Drs. Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, and Peter McCullough, all of whom slammed vaccine mandates in favor of treating mild Covid cases with off-label, inexpensive, readily available pharmaceuticals.

“We’re not going to get rich endorsing ivermectin, even if it works. The money is in vaccines. We need to discredit doctors opposed to immunization, discredit them, their families, their friends—whatever it takes,” Collins wrote in an email.

A later email exchange took a more ominous turn. “Members of the FLCCC and AFLD should all have accidents. The big guy would really like that. It’s not like anyone would miss them if they vanished. Thoughts? Doesn’t have to be all, just the major ones,” Collins wrote on April 22, 2021.

His acronyms referenced the Front Line Covid Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and American Front-Line Doctors (AFLD,) a coalition of accredited physicians and medical professionals whose peer-reviewed dissertations on the efficacy of alternative therapies have been maligned by Big Medicine and Big Pharma.

“These valiant doctors have fought an uphill battle to prescribe for their patients the best possible medications, in this case ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. But because you, Dr. Collins, disagreed with their treatment programs, you laid the groundwork for plans to have them killed? Now, that’s a hard pill to swallow, but the content of your emails is damning and irrefutable,” Rear Adm. Crandall said to the accused.

Collins rose to his feet. “I never said that, never wrote that. I was just blowing off steam, and so was Tony.”

“And should we believe you were just blowing off steam when you wrote to Fauci that Senator Rand Paul should be assassinated because he was giving Fauci a bad name?” Rear Adm. Crandall asked, and showed the panel yet another email underscoring Collins and Fauci’s animus toward Senator Paul.

“If Paul’s removed from the picture, a lot of our problems go away,” Collins wrote, and to which Fauci replied, “He’s an idiot and causing a lot of damage. We could have him disappeared. We’re protected. We should think on it. No rush or rash decisions.”

Rear Adm. Crandall asked the panel to silently review 100 more emails, the contents of which were not disclosed publicly. In the end, the panel found Collins guilty of conspiracy to commit murder, mass medical malpractice, and treason, and suggested he be hanged.

A date of execution has been set for February 21.

https://realrawnews com/2022/02/military-tribunal-convicts-dr-francis-collins/

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e8bd5a No.15680

File: e0b7b32f4665444⋯.jpeg (446.73 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585588 (091637ZFEB22) Notable: MA in the game to lift Mask Mandates

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e8bd5a No.15681

File: b2062ab8173e895⋯.png (400.56 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: a23c9d4ae00b647⋯.jpg (971.84 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585594 (091638ZFEB22) Notable: Remember when - @Comey Every child in foster care deserves a CASA.

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>Board of Colorado CASA in 2016.


James Comey


Every child in foster care deserves a CASA. These amazing volunteers help change a child’s story. @NationalCASA


7:32 PM · Jun 4, 2019·Twitter for iPhone

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e8bd5a No.15682

File: 057542bb69e2d97⋯.jpg (56.95 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585622 (091642ZFEB22) Notable: PELOSI TO BAN STOCK TRADING AFTER MOVING ALL CAPITAL INTO BITCOIN

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e8bd5a No.15683

File: dc8ee20eac6ba6f⋯.jpeg (276.17 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: afa7fdbada3c759⋯.jpeg (142.45 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: cf2b371540afad5⋯.jpeg (158.24 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 49f720868295c29⋯.jpeg (207.34 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 19dfa6101a04510⋯.jpeg (141.51 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585642 (091646ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Speculates a Countdown is occurring - Countdown & Dominoes Feb 2-Feb 7

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Countdown & Dominoes Feb 2-Feb 7

8 tweets day after day. Ifall 8 dont postI’ll add to this.

Pattern Message Clock anons, interesting Eh?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15684

File: e7e21a2b305e9cc⋯.jpeg (99.69 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d56fb0c44e1a2b4⋯.jpeg (106.97 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d1def1e87ca3298⋯.jpeg (92 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585649 (091647ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Speculates a Countdown is occurring - Countdown & Dominoes Feb 2-Feb 7

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Papi’s last three of eight tweets

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e8bd5a No.15685

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585690 (091653ZFEB22) Notable: #19708

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>>15650, >>15652, >>15655 Anon tries new angle of Red Pilling - Leave them Crumbs to find the truth

>>15651 Putin Chimes in on the State of Affairs with Ukraine

>>15653 Nigeria - State of emergency over Ritual Killings

>>15654 Traffic is being rerouted around the trucker blockade at Ambassador Bridge.

>>15656 A money factory is on fire in France.

>>15657 White House Live "Scheduled" Events for Today, 09FEB22ET

>>15658, >>15659 Virginia School Board Tries to Flee Parents as They’re Served Subpoenas for Defying Youngkin Exec Order on Masks

>>15661 A New York couple was arrested Tuesday and accused of conspiring to launder $4.5 billion in #Bitcoin

>>15663 Gov. Hochul is expected to lift New York's mask-or-vax mandate today.

>>15664 Reminder - John Solomon - Jenna Ellis produces 9,000 pages to (Jan. 6) Unselect Committee

>>15665 Health Minister Lauterbach says "in Germany, it's not enough just to get on the nerves of the unvaccinated, you have to do more,

>>15666 UK PM Boris Johnson declares the last remaining Covid restrictions, including self-isolation if testing positive will end a full month early.

>>15660, >>15662 "CASA" Anon dig on Colorado corruption and child abuse networks.

>>15668 Netherlands: Cabinet considers scrapping most Covid restrictions, including vaccine passports, by the end of the month (NOS)

>>15669 L.A. County Supervisors Vote to Start Firing 4,000 Unvaccinated LASD Police Officers

>>15671 Parler announces social media 'special arrangement' with Melania Trump

>>15673 LIVE RAW FOOTAGE Feb9 2022 🚾 Ottawa Canada Trucker Freedom Convoy 2022 #FreedomConvoyCanada2022

>>15672 Do not tempt the Lord, even in Comedy (VID)


>>15676 USAF 99-0002 (752) C-32A callsign SAM978 Hex ADFEB8

>>15674 10-year veteran of the Calgary Police calls out his fellow officers as hired goons doing the bidding of politicians. (Moar of this)

>>15670 CBC TV Workers In Ottawa called out for Misinformation "Must Watch"

>>15677 White House "COVID-19 Response Team" has suddenly scheduled a press briefing for today at 11 am EST.

>>15678 @SpaceForceDoD Up, up, and away!

>>15680 MA in the game to lift Mask Mandates

>>15681 Remember when - @Comey Every child in foster care deserves a CASA.

>>15679 RRN 4KEKS - Military Tribunal Convicts Dr. Francis Collins

>>15683, >>15684 Anon Speculates a Countdown is occurring - Countdown & Dominoes Feb 2-Feb 7

>>15667 The Board Has been Served (VID)


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e8bd5a No.15686

File: a667e2403f7eb3f⋯.png (46.97 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 364acd0f423c738⋯.jpg (109.37 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585748 (091701ZFEB22) Notable: @mikepompeo Freedom is not free, as the saying goes. It is only for those who are willing to bear the sometimes-difficult price of preserving it.

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Freedom is not free, as the saying goes. It is only for those who are willing to bear the sometimes-difficult price of preserving it.

(Pic Related) I took the pic in DC


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e8bd5a No.15687

File: 6d1a5f32d4eec32⋯.mp4 (7.2 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585759 (091704ZFEB22) Notable: A small sample of what it's like to be a journalist covering Ottawa right now.

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A small sample of what it's like to be a journalist covering Ottawa right now.

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e8bd5a No.15688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585768 (091705ZFEB22) Notable: White House COVID-19 Response Team is gonna give out crack pipes LIVE in a few minutes.

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White House COVID-19 Response Team is gonna give out crack pipes LIVE in a few minutes…tune in….


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e8bd5a No.15689

File: 49372b735b0c29e⋯.jpg (141.2 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585806 (091711ZFEB22) Notable: Jill Biden: Free community college 'no longer part' of Dem spending plan

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Jill Biden: Free community college 'no longer part' of Dem spending plan

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e8bd5a No.15690

File: 9dcdfc1c202313c⋯.png (575.69 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585812 (091712ZFEB22) Notable: Elon Musk's SpaceX says a geomagnetic storm wiped out 40 of the 49 Starlink satellites it launched into orbit last week

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Elon Musk's SpaceX says a geomagnetic storm wiped out 40 of the 49 Starlink satellites it launched into orbit last week

Elon Musk's SpaceX said it has lost up to 40 Starlink satellites that it launched into orbit last week because of a geomagnetic storm.

The aerospace company sent 49 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit on Thursday via a Falcon 9 rocket.

Around 80% of those satellites were "significantly impacted" by a geomagnetic storm Friday, SpaceX announced in a statement Tuesday.

Geomagnetic storms are triggered by disturbances between the Earth's magnetic field and charged particles from the sun, known as solar wind, according to the Space Weather Prediction Center.

The speed and intensity of the storm caused the "atmospheric drag" to climb to levels 50% higher than previous launches, SpaceX said in the statement, making it harder for satellites to reach their orbital position.

SpaceX said that Starlink tried to fly the satellites in "safe-mode" to reduce atmospheric drag but they still weren't able to reach their intended destination.

Up to 40 of the satellites will reenter the Earth's atmosphere and burn up, with some already having done so, Musk's firm said.

SpaceX said in the statement that the affected satellites won't collide with other satellites as they deorbit. There won't be any orbital debris, nor will any satellite parts hit Earth, SpaceX added.

SpaceX has launched more than 2,000 Starlink satellites into orbit, out of which nearly 1,900 are functioning.

"This is the biggest loss to date for them," Harvard astronomer Jonathan McDowell told Insider. But he noted that the company hasn't had a single rocket failure — which itself could easily take out a batch of satellites at once.

"I don't think this is a game-changer for them. But they may change their deployment orbit a bit," he said.


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e8bd5a No.15691

File: 0ba33ca2ca67f39⋯.png (196.57 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: b6322c79bc97f0d⋯.png (407.5 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585819 (091713ZFEB22) Notable: CDC director urges officials against dropping school mask mandates

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CDC director urges officials against dropping school mask mandates


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e8bd5a No.15692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585846 (091716ZFEB22) Notable: Elon Musk's SpaceX says a geomagnetic storm wiped out 40 of the 49 Starlink satellites it launched into orbit last week

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CME Impact Watch, Saturn Aurora, NASA Turkeys | S0 News Feb.9.2022

Suspicious 0bserver

3 min

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e8bd5a No.15693

File: c751bc2341aa98c⋯.png (350.66 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585884 (091721ZFEB22) Notable: DOJ approves WarnerMedia-Discovery merger

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DOJ approves WarnerMedia-Discovery merger


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e8bd5a No.15694

File: 3eacd949d4eb5be⋯.mp4 (778.35 KB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585911 (091724ZFEB22) Notable: Reminder - Viruses don’t discriminate - anyone can get HIV

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>Viruses don’t discriminate - anyone can get HIV

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e8bd5a No.15695

File: 6736e9024381204⋯.jpg (172.67 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b7f2a11cb4df03f⋯.jpg (129.74 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585921 (091725ZFEB22) Notable: Joe Biden’s job approval dips below 40 percent for first time

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BREAKING: Joe Biden’s job approval dips below 40 percent for first time in RealClearPolitics average of polls:

39.8% approve, 54.4% disapprove.

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e8bd5a No.15696

File: ac63954919554f3⋯.png (807.18 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585941 (091729ZFEB22) Notable: European Convoy Scheduled (GRFX)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15697

File: 9a0802bea7cb9a9⋯.png (441.6 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585957 (091731ZFEB22) Notable: LizHarrington76 - Endorses Elise Stefanik - Calls out Shifty, Cuomo and Chenney.

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15698

File: e9f4b1fa04266a3⋯.mp4 (5.15 MB,848x432,53:27,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 02fbbd3ddb68c95⋯.mp4 (2.01 MB,1050x700,3:2,Clipboard.mp4)

File: d09f0a3ebd21451⋯.jpg (15.03 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585994 (091738ZFEB22) Notable: Trump Endorses Vernon Jones

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Let the seething begin.


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e8bd5a No.15699

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15585996 (091738ZFEB22) Notable: Minibun (LB) - Sussman and Alfa Bank

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>>15625, >>15626, >>15627, >>15629, >>15630, >>15631, >>15632, >>15637, >>15639 Sussman and Alfa Bank


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e8bd5a No.15700

File: 8016130e8f67e88⋯.mp4 (8.84 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586033 (091744ZFEB22) Notable: Pelosi to Republicans: "Take back your party from this cult."

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NEW - Pelosi to Republicans: "Take back your party from this cult."


project much?

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e8bd5a No.15701

File: 162f3826a071519⋯.png (17.97 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586063 (091747ZFEB22) Notable: NY to Lift Mask Mandates in time for Midterms

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15702

File: 0cdd124692a4ec6⋯.png (42.19 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586071 (091748ZFEB22) Notable: Qmap Fag has our 2year Delta JUSTICE

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Feb 09, 2020 4:33:49 PM EST

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 8083380



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e8bd5a No.15703

File: 2f5dd302a405d7a⋯.png (286.94 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586146 (091757ZFEB22) Notable: How do you justify mail-in ballots for the 2022 midterms?

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How do you justify mail-in ballots for the 2022 midterms?


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e8bd5a No.15704

File: bcc50c9d2e83bb2⋯.png (150.82 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586189 (091802ZFEB22) Notable: Denver is lifting the face mask mandate for schools and childcare facilities later this month in time for Midterms

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BREAKING: The City and County of Denver is lifting the face mask mandate for schools and childcare facilities later this month. https://cbsloc.al/3LkxLrM


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e8bd5a No.15705

File: cce448870cefb29⋯.png (32.37 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586207 (091805ZFEB22) Notable: SF will no longer require masks indoors for most settings if vaccinated starting next week in time for Midterms

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#BREAKING: SF will no longer require masks indoors for most settings if vaccinated starting next week https://abc7ne.ws/3Jf69Cx


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e8bd5a No.15706

File: 2b1948727fe8921⋯.jpeg (185.63 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586211 (091805ZFEB22) Notable: Dan Coats knows firsthand what it’s like to lose a Supreme Court confirmation fight.

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Supreme Court Justice

Dan Coats knows firsthand what it’s like to lose a Supreme Court confirmation fight.

Nearly 17 years ago, he was asked to shepherd Harriet Miers, President George W. Bush’s surprise Supreme Court pick, through the Senate. Within a month, the nomination was dead.


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e8bd5a No.15707

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586230 (091807ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Notable Bun

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Ann Hand Scarf:

About Ann Hand

Ann Hand is founder and CEO of Ann Hand, LLC, one of the most distinctive and prominent jewelry design firms in America. Her designs have been worn by some of the most powerful and influential women and men in the nation. She is often referred to as the nation's jeweler.

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e8bd5a No.15708

File: 38d507931dab175⋯.png (334.07 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586236 (091808ZFEB22) Notable: SEC Hides Documents from FOIA Request then Suddenly Uncovers 1,000 Pages of Documents They Claimed Didn’t Exist

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SEC Hides Documents from FOIA Request then Suddenly Uncovers 1,000 Pages of Documents They Claimed Didn’t Exist

The SEC suddenly uncovered 1,000 pages of documents per response to a FOIA request related to SEC leaders’ communications with attorneys regarding the XRP/Ripple case. They made a mistake and corrected it.

The SEC – Ripple/XRP case is still in the news. A recent FOIA request response shows that the government suddenly uncovered emails related to the case that they previously claimed were not there.

More than a year ago, the former SEC Chairman left office and on his last day signed off on an SEC lawsuit against XRP/Ripple. Chairman Clayton directed Perkins Coie to draft a memo giving Ethereum and Bitcoin a unique advantage in crypto space – then his SEC sued their top competitor on the same day Chairman Clayton left the SEC.

The actions by the SEC were and are atrocious. Picking a couple of entities in an industry, investing in them, and then helping them by suing their competitor is not what the SEC should be doing.


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e8bd5a No.15709

File: 7d1d27c202fb012⋯.jpg (145.97 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586247 (091809ZFEB22) Notable: PDJT - "Mitch McConnell does not speak for the Republican Party…

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President Donald J. Trump:

"Mitch McConnell does not speak for the Republican Party, and does not represent the views of the vast majority of its voters. He did nothing to fight for his constituents and stop the most fraudulent election in American history. And he does…nothing to stop the lawless Biden Administration, the invasion of our Borders, rising Inflation, Unconstitutional mandates, the persecution of political opponents, fact finding on the incompentent Afghanistan withdrawal, the giving away our energy independence, etc., which is all

because of the fraudulent election. Instead, he bails out the Radical Left and the RINOs.

If Mitch would have fought for the election, like the Democrats would have if in the same position, we would not be discussing any of the above today, and our Country would be STRONG and PROUD instead of weak and embarrassed."


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e8bd5a No.15710

File: 2e3cd6722c69dd2⋯.png (1.58 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586260 (091811ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Notable Bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Screen_Shot_2022_02_09_at_12_06_54.png, Screen_Shot_2022_02_09_at_12_08_53.png, Screen_Shot_2022_02_09_at_12_10_14.png

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e8bd5a No.15711

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586277 (091813ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Notable Bun

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Ann Hand is founder and CEO of Ann Hand, LLC, one of the most distinctive and prominent jewelry design firms in America. Her designs have been worn by some of the most powerful and influential women and men in the nation. She is often referred to as the nation's jeweler.

Featuring majestic eagles, flowing flags, stately seals and Washington and American landmarks, her collection has received worldwide acclaim. First Ladies, Cabinet Secretaries, Senators, Congresswomen and Ambassadors have worn her signature pin, the Liberty Eagle.

For over thirty years, Ann has designed custom jewelry and gifts for the White House, the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, the State Department, the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the CIA, NATO, United Space Alliance, the Boy Scouts of America, the National Historic Trust, the American Red Cross, the USO, the Smithsonian, the Heritage Foundation, Exxon Mobil, QVC Television Shopping Network and the Lockheed Corporation. She has also designed pieces for four Presidential Libraries – LBJ, Nixon, Clinton and Reagan.

Ann’s inspiration for her jewelry is drawn from American’s rich history – past and present. Her American collection has expanded over the years and now includes cufflinks, elegant lapel pins, silk scarves and ties as well as limited edition custom enamel boxes. In 2001 Ann developed the perfume POWER, produced in Venice, Italy by one of Europe’s master perfumers. In 2016, she introduced the Presidential Collection of table top items exclusively for the White House Historical Association.

The wife of Lloyd Hand, attorney and former United States Chief of Protocol, Ann is a long time member of the Washington DC power structure. She is a mother, grandmother, and businesswoman who is passionate about telling American history in a wearable art form. Ann began her business in 1988 working out of a small cottage in the garden of her home. In 2001 she opened her elegant salon in upper Georgetown. Since then, her business has continued to grow with her online store giving her access to worldwide markets.

Her work has been highlighted in various publications – Life Magazine, USA Today, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Dallas Morning News, Southern Lady, and People magazine. Her designs have also been featured on a special segment on NBC’s The Today Show. For two consecutive years, she was chosen as Power Player of the Week on the Chris Wallace Fox News TV show.

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e8bd5a No.15712

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586293 (091814ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Notable Bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ClipboardImage.png, ClipboardImage.png

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>Ann Hand

Lloyd Nelson Hand

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e8bd5a No.15713

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586305 (091816ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Notable Bun

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e8bd5a No.15714

File: 0174609df6f3baa⋯.jpg (124 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586335 (091821ZFEB22) Notable: Dr. Robert Malone: “Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for two months in lymph node germinal centers

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Dr. Robert Malone: “Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for two months in lymph node germinal centers… protein production of spike is higher than those of severely ill COVID-19 patients!”


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e8bd5a No.15715

File: c3bb669a52db29f⋯.jpeg (660.02 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586342 (091823ZFEB22) Notable: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation And Wellcome Pledge US$300 Million To CEPI For COVID-19 Response

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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation And Wellcome Pledge US$300 Million To CEPI For COVID-19 Response

By Soko Directory Team / Published January 20, 2022 | 3:32 pm

CEPI is a global partnership launched five years ago this week by the governments of Norway and India, the Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and the World Economic Forum.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Wellcome each pledged US$150 million for a total of US$300 million to the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI).

CEPI is a global partnership launched five years ago by the governments of Norway and India, the Gates Foundation, Wellcome, and the World Economic Forum.

The pledges come ahead of a global replenishment conference in March to support CEPI’s visionary five-year plan to better prepare for, prevent, and equitably respond to future epidemics and pandemics.

“As the world responds to the challenge of a rapidly evolving virus, the need to deliver new, lifesaving tools has never been more urgent,” said Bill Gates, co-chair of the Gates Foundation.

“Our work over the past 20 years has taught us that early investment in research and development can save lives and prevent worst-case scenarios. Five years ago, following the Ebola and Zika epidemics, our foundation helped launch CEPI,” he added.

Since its inception, CEPI has played a central scientific role in curbing epidemics around the world, overseeing a number of scientific breakthroughs, and putting pandemic preparedness at the center of the global health R&D agenda.

When the COVID-19 pandemic began, CEPI responded immediately, building one of the world’s largest and most diverse portfolios of COVID-19 vaccine candidates—14 in all, including six of which continue to receive funding, and three of which have been granted emergency use listing by the World Health Organization (WHO).

CEPI made early investments in the development of the Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, which is now saving lives around the world. Last month, Novavax’s protein-based COVID-19 vaccine—funded largely by CEPI—received the WHO emergency use listing and is poised to help efforts to control the pandemic globally.

More than 1 billion doses of the Novavax vaccine are now available to COVAX, the global initiative co-led by CEPI that aims to deliver equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines. CEPI also continues to work on next-generation COVID-19 vaccines, including “variant-proof” COVID-19 vaccines and shots that could protect against all coronaviruses, potentially removing the threat of future coronavirus pandemics.

“The overriding lesson from this pandemic is the need for effective organizations and systems to be in place and ready before a crisis, as well as acting rapidly based on well-established science when such crises inevitably occur,” said Dr. Jeremy Farrar, director of Wellcome.

“Our new commitment of $150 million recognizes the enormous potential CEPI has to protect lives against emerging infectious diseases,” Dr. Farrar continued. “The effects of COVID-19 have been sobering. We urge leaders to provide their support and ensure that CEPI reaches its funding target. It is in the world’s collective interest to avoid repeating mistakes and to help future generations prevent epidemics.”

Beyond COVID-19, CEPI has filled a vital gap in supporting vaccine equity alongside R&D. CEPI is currently supporting the research and development of accessible vaccines against other infectious diseases, including the first-ever vaccines to reach clinical trials against the deadly Nipah and Lassa viruses.

The organization has also played a critical role in efforts to end Ebola, including supporting the development of a second Ebola vaccine by Janssen. In addition to advancing the science underlying vaccine development and new vaccine platforms, CEPI is focused on dramatically reducing the time it takes to develop lifesaving vaccines against any new viral threat (referred to as “Disease X”)—to within 100 days of a pathogen being sequenced. This represents a combination of scale and speed that could save millions of lives and trillions of dollars.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed how inequitable access to vaccines can put the entire planet at risk and disrupt decades of global health progress,” said Awa Marie Coll Seck, minister of state to the president of the Republic of Senegal. “Innovative global partnerships like CEPI play a critical role in advancing the R&D needed to prevent future pandemics. Importantly, those investments in vaccine technology, particularly in Africa, can also help accelerate progress against other diseases—like HIV, TB, and malaria—that still affect the world’s most vulnerable populations.”

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e8bd5a No.15716

File: 2559bc9f1c7f153⋯.jpg (23.83 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586355 (091825ZFEB22) Notable: Articlefag drops memories - The London TimesSmallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus.

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The London TimesSmallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus.

The London Times - May 11, 1987


"Article from Dr Alan Cantwell, M.D. reproduced here

On May 11, 1987, The London Times, one of the world's most respected newspapers, published an explosive article entitled, "Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus."

The story suggested the smallpox eradication vaccine program sponsored by the WHO (World Health Organization) was responsible for unleashing AIDS in Africa. Almost 100 million Africans living in central Africa were inoculated by the WHO (World Health Organization). The vaccine was held responsible for awakening a "dormant" AIDS virus infection on the continent.

An advisor to the WHO admitted, "Now I believe the smallpox vaccine theory is the explanation for the explosion of AIDS."

Robert Gallo, M,D., the co-discoverer of HIV, told The Times, "The link between the WHO program and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis.

I cannot say that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that the use of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormant infection such as HIV." Despite the tremendous importance of this story, the U.S. media was totally silent on the report, and Gallo never spoke of it again.

In September 1987, at a conference sponsored by the National Health Federation in Monrovia, California, William Campbell Douglass, M.D., bluntly blamed the WHO for murdering Africa with the AIDS virus.

In a widely circulated reprint of his talk entitled "W.H.O. Murdered Africa" , he accused the organization of encouraging virologists and molecular biologists to work with deadly animal viruses in an attempt to make an immunosuppressive hybrid virus that would be deadly to humans.

From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Volume 47, p.259, 1972), he quoted a passage that stated: "An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively, the cell responding to the virus."

According to Douglass, "That's AIDS. What the WHO is saying in plain English is Let's cook up a virus that selectively destroys the T-cell system of man, an acquired immune deficiency.'" The entire article can be read on google.com ("WHO Murdered Africa").

In his 1989 book, 'AIDS: The End of Civilization,' Douglass claims the WHO laced the African vaccines. He blames "the virologists of the world, the sorcerers who brought us this ghastly plague, and have formed a united front in denying that the virus was laboratory-made from known, lethal animal viruses. The scientific party line is that a monkey in Africa with AIDS bit a native on the butt. The native then went to town and gave it to a prostitute who gave it to a local banker who gave it to his wife and three girl friends, and wham - 75 million people became infected with AIDS in Africa. An entirely preposterous story."

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e8bd5a No.15717

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586359 (091825ZFEB22) Notable: White House Authorizes US Troops In Poland To Spearhead Ukraine Evacuation Plan (Afghan?)

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White House Authorizes US Troops In Poland To Spearhead Ukraine Evacuation Plan

Apparently fearing another Afghan evacuation disaster, the White House has approved a new Pentagon plan authorizing US troops currently in Poland to spearhead the evacuation of Americans in Ukraine in the event of a Russian invasion. At this point, it's being described as a contingency plan but requiring the necessary logistics to be in place, with troops on standby.

According to details revealed in The Wall Street Journal, "Some of the 1,700 troops from the 82nd Airborne Corps being deployed to Poland to bolster that ally will in coming days begin to set up checkpoints, tent camps and other temporary facilities inside Poland’s border with Ukraine in preparation to serve arriving Americans, U.S. officials said."

However, the official cautioned that "The troops aren’t authorized to enter Ukraine and won’t evacuate Americans or fly aircraft missions from inside Ukraine," according to the report.

"Instead, the officials said, the mission would be to provide logistics support to help coordinate the evacuation of Americans from Poland, after they arrive there from Kyiv and other parts of Ukraine, likely by land and without U.S. military support, the officials said."

US troops began arriving in Poland this week, as part of a new Biden-authorized deployment of 3,000 extra troops to bolster Eastern European allies in face of Russian "aggression".

It's commonly estimated that some 30,000 American citizens are currently in Ukraine. Last month there was open contention between Kiev and Washington when the State Department began advising families of embassy staff to begin departing the country.

Ukrainian officials said the move was "premature" and unwarranted at that point, also at a moment the White House was claiming a Russian offensive was "imminent" - also which never materialized. The "imminent" claim too was deemed wildly inaccurate by Ukraine officials. Ukraine's leaders have also been trying to keep the population from panicking when nothing has actually happened yet.

President Volodymyr Zelensky meanwhile has told The Wall Street Journal that a Russian invasion is still unlikely.

He was cited in publication Tuesday as saying he "still believes an invasion is unlikely, according to people familiar with his thinking, and worries that dire public warnings from the U.S. about a possible invasion are serving to amplify Russian efforts to destabilize Ukraine and its economy."


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e8bd5a No.15718

File: 1d2832668c6385d⋯.png (92.78 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586360 (091826ZFEB22) Notable: @DonaldJTrumpJr 18 months after everyone with a brain was against mask mandates and smothering our children and our freedoms Democrats are pretending to be c[H]ampions of the reversal

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Donald Trump Jr.


18 months after everyone with a brain was against mask mandates and smothering our children and our freedoms Democrats are pretending to be campions of the reversal of their draconian Policies BS as though it never happened because SCIENCE… (polling)

12:20 PM · Feb 9, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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e8bd5a No.15719

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586474 (091840ZFEB22) Notable: #19709, #19710, #19711

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>>15686 @mikepompeo Freedom is not free, as the saying goes. It is only for those who are willing to bear the sometimes-difficult price of preserving it.

>>15688 White House COVID-19 Response Team is gonna give out crack pipes LIVE in a few minutes.

>>15687 A small sample of what it's like to be a journalist covering Ottawa right now.

>>15689 Jill Biden: Free community college 'no longer part' of Dem spending plan

>>15691 CDC director urges officials against dropping school mask mandates

>>15690, >>15692 Elon Musk's SpaceX says a geomagnetic storm wiped out 40 of the 49 Starlink satellites it launched into orbit last week

>>15693 DOJ approves WarnerMedia-Discovery merger

>>15694 Reminder - Viruses don’t discriminate - anyone can get HIV

>>15695 Joe Biden’s job approval dips below 40 percent for first time

>>15697 LizHarrington76 - Endorses Elise Stefanik - Calls out Shifty, Cuomo and Chenney.

>>15699 Minibun (LB) - Sussman and Alfa Bank

>>15698 Trump Endorses Vernon Jones

>>15700 Pelosi to Republicans: "Take back your party from this cult."

>>15701 NY to Lift Mask Mandates in time for Midterms

>>15696 European Convoy Scheduled (GRFX)

>>15703 How do you justify mail-in ballots for the 2022 midterms?

>>15704 Denver is lifting the face mask mandate for schools and childcare facilities later this month in time for Midterms

>>15705 SF will no longer require masks indoors for most settings if vaccinated starting next week in time for Midterms

>>15706 Dan Coats knows firsthand what it’s like to lose a Supreme Court confirmation fight.

>>15708 SEC Hides Documents from FOIA Request then Suddenly Uncovers 1,000 Pages of Documents They Claimed Didn’t Exist

>>15709 PDJT - "Mitch McConnell does not speak for the Republican Party…

>>15713 Anon Notable Bun

>>15702 Qmap Fag has our 2year Delta JUSTICE

>>15714 Dr. Robert Malone: “Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for two months in lymph node germinal centers

>>15715 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation And Wellcome Pledge US$300 Million To CEPI For COVID-19 Response

>>15716 Articlefag drops memories - The London TimesSmallpox Vaccine Triggered AIDS Virus.

>>15717 White House Authorizes US Troops In Poland To Spearhead Ukraine Evacuation Plan (Afghan?)

>>15718 @DonaldJTrumpJr 18 months after everyone with a brain was against mask mandates and smothering our children and our freedoms Democrats are pretending to be c[H]ampions of the reversal


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e8bd5a No.15720

File: 02b7ed588d9a608⋯.png (261.64 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586617 (091757ZFEB22) Notable: UncoverDC: VAERS Data Supports DoD Whistleblowers Despite Pentagon Data “Glitch”

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UncoverDC: VAERS Data Supports DoD Whistleblowers Despite Pentagon Data “Glitch”

They're doing Yeoman's work over there on Covid.


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e8bd5a No.15721

File: 911683cafa4e382⋯.png (128.92 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586660 (091801ZFEB22) Notable: Israel PM Bennett supports continued use of Pegasus spyware despite scandal

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Israel PM Bennett supports continued use of Pegasus spyware despite scandal

Israel's Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has said that the Pegasus hacking software can continued to be used to fight organised crime.

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett supports the continued use of the controversial NSO Pegasus spyware, despite further allegations of it being used to illegally target activists, according to Haaretz.

At a press conference on Monday, Bennet said that the hacking software can be used in the "fight against organised crime".

"You want a tool like this when you’re fighting crime families and serious offences. I don't want to discard the tool itself, rather to regulate its use,” Bennet told reporters.

Bennett claimed the spyware could be used in the fight against protection rackets in Palestinian communities.

"In Arab society, it's been neglected, and we need to take care of it. It's far worse than I thought. We need all the tools we have to handle this, but we must use them carefully and under close supervision," Bennett said.

Bennett’s support for the controversial hacking software follows the release of a report by Israeli business newspaper Calcalist, that claimed it was used, without a court order, to spy on prominent individuals.

Among those allegedly targeted were former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's son, Avner, and his media advisers, as well as the director generals of the finance, justice, and transportation ministries – Shai Babad, Keren Terner and Emi Palmor.

"The things that were reported, if true, are very serious," said Bennett.

"This tool [Pegasus], and similar tools, are very important in the war against terror as well as against serious crime, but they are not intended for widespread ‘phishing’ of Israeli citizens or public figures in the State of Israel, therefore we need to learn exactly what happened."


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e8bd5a No.15722

File: 4806796de5a3e16⋯.png (73.75 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 12b2ce1015e2472⋯.png (95.12 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c0e9ac2fa74a56⋯.png (88.31 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 34e148017de4841⋯.png (119.42 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c64e08ece0bb8c⋯.png (136.27 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586697 (091807ZFEB22) Notable: DHS here are the top spreaders of 'disinformation

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DHS: Here is a list of top COVID misinformation spreaders you should investigate ASAP

DHS is now going after COVID misinformation spreaders considering them terrorist threats. Here's my list of people I think they should be investigating.

All of these people should be detained for questioning.

I’ve also provided a handy list of questions that none of them will be able to answer with satisfactory answers.

Note that the list is subjective. Different people will likely have different lists but most people would agree on the top five.

President Joe Biden

Told the public the vaccines were safe and effective even though the data said the opposite. Wore ineffective face masks in order to mislead the public into thinking these masks could protect them. Refused to meet with any qualified scientist or doctor with opposing viewpoints before and after mandating the vaccines. Deliberately refuses to meet with scientists with opposing viewpoints so continues to spread misinformation today. He tried to scare the unvaccinated by claiming the unvaccinated would experience a winter of severe illness and death. Continues to erode public trust in the office of the President with approval ratings that are at all time lows:

CDC Director Rochelle Walensky

Told people the vaccines are safe and effective and that masks work. Withheld information about early treatment protocols.

NIAID Director Anthony Fauci

Funded the virus, covered it up, knowingly spread misinformation about the source of the virus, lied about it all in Congress when questioned by Senator Rand Paul, and told Cliff Lane to not approve any early treatments in the Guidelines.

US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy

Told people the vaccines are safe and effective and that masks work and said nothing about effective early treatment protocols. Compounded the error by labeling people trying to spread life-saving information as “disinformation” spreaders.

Bill Gates

Funded the misinformation campaigns (the fact checkers) including GAVI.

FDA Commissioner Janet Woodcock

Said she would investigate the Maddie de Garay case that proved fraud in the Pfizer trial and then did nothing. The FDA also denied the EUA application on fluvoxamine, a drug later proven to reduce mortality by 12X in a large Phase 3 trial.

COVID-19 Guidelines Chairman Cliff Lane

Discredited every single working COVID early treatment including fluvoxamine which has a 12X reduction in fatalities. Ignored all COVID-19 early treatments that work.

Tom Shimabukuro (CDC vaccine expert)

Never mentioned the VAERS URF which underplayed the danger of the vaccines by at least 41x and deliberately misled people about causality and VAERS by claiming you can’t determine causality. Ignored all the safety signals in VAERS on all but a few symptoms. Ignored the death safety signal. Ignored every safety signal in DMED.

John Su (CDC, VAERS expert)

See Tom Shimabukuro

Steven A. Anderson (FDA), the top vaccine safety official at the FDA

Deliberately ignored all the VAERS and DMED safety signals and ignored all attempts to meet about the safety signals.

Gavin Newsom, Governor of California

Mandated vaccination in California even though he was injured by the COVID vaccine. Will not vaccinate his own kids. He knows the vaccines are dangerous from first-hand experience and deliberately misleads the people of California by claiming they are safe.

Dr. Richard Pan, California State Senator

Introduced legislation in the California legislature to close the Personal Exemption Loophole for COVID-19 School Vaccinations which will lead to the death of an unknown number of children. All done with no scientific evidence.


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e8bd5a No.15723

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586813 (091822ZFEB22) Notable: Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis produces over 9,000 pages to Jan. 6 committee

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Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis produces over 9,000 pages to Jan. 6 committee

Ellis was subpoenaed by the House Jan. 6 committee last month.

Attorney Jenna Ellis announced Tuesday that she has given the House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol riot more than 9,000 pages the Trump legal team used when challenging the 2020 election.

Ellis, a member of Donald Trump's legal team, explained on Twitter the former president directed her to produce the thousands of pages of documents "that, in part, provided the legal basis and evidence for Team Trump's post-election challenges."

She said the establishment media's characterization of Trump's claims as baseless "is totally false."

"While no judicial forum, including the Supreme Court, allowed us to produce these documents or witnesses and refused to hear our case on the merits, this file is now in the permanent congressional record," she concluded.

Ellis was subpoenaed by the House Jan. 6 committee last month to produce documents and testimony concerning her work on the Trump election legal team. Democrats say they want to question her in part about legal research she did on whether Vice President Mike Pence under the Constitution could ask state legislatures to clarify whether their states' vote certifications were accurate according to state law.

Ellis told Just the News that contrary to some media reports her deposition was not scheduled for Tuesday but rather a later date.


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e8bd5a No.15724

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15586982 (091844ZFEB22) Notable: AZITHROMYCINremoves plaque in arteries in coronary heart disease

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I'm OMW out the door. No time to splain. I posted a QNN video yesterday, with Dr. Madej talking about this. Can prolly be easily found at the bottom of the mp4 archives. (I think I poasted it there.) BUT it's about howAZITHROMYCINremoves plaque in arteries in coronary heart disease. I think it says after 3 days was found to be 95% effective but I could be making that up. Says after 3 days

>95% confidence interval 163 to 517 ng/ml

I have to haul ass though and don't have time to do the screenshots, etc. I cliqued the first two links.

This sauce pulls them up:


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e8bd5a No.15725

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587036 (091849ZFEB22) Notable: Solar Storm Strikes Down SpaceX Starlink Satellites

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Solar Storm Strikes Down SpaceX Starlink Satellites

Yes, realize its in notables, but Ben Davidson from Suspicious 0bservers explains how SpaceX has done missions 10x prior during geomagnetic storms with no issues.

It is the Earth's weakening shield that two "weak" geomagnetic storms this week were able to take out 40/49 of Elon's starlinks, yet no other satellites up there were touched?

Worth the watch! End of the cycle IS

happening. Media will not tell you. The government will not tell you.

THE Earth Disaster Documentary


Magnetic Pole Shift | Troubling Numbers


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e8bd5a No.15726

File: 78c63963432f6dd⋯.png (179.15 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587048 (091851ZFEB22) Notable: The Time Of Great Exposure Is Now

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General Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [09.02.22 12:27]


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e8bd5a No.15727

File: 6c9291a1a69a741⋯.jpeg (440.76 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587056 (091851ZFEB22) Notable: Liz Cheney doesn’t represent Wyoming, she represents China and DS

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Byron she doesn’t represent Wyoming, she represents China and DS


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e8bd5a No.15728

File: a555a80201d1547⋯.jpeg (106.08 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587063 (091852ZFEB22) Notable: The US Justice Department seized on Tuesday $3.6 billion in bitcoin

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The US Justice Department seized on Tuesday $3.6 billion in bitcoin that it says is linked to the 2016 hack of the Hong Kong cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex, which was one of the world's biggest crypto companies. Authorities also arrested two people in Manhattan, charging them with conspiracy to launder cryptocurrency stolen during the hack. The bitcoin total taken in the hack is currently valued at $4.5 billion.

Officials seized over 94,000 bitcoin from Ilya Lichtenstein, 34, and his wife, Heather Morgan, 31. The DOJ said that the seized bitcoin are valued at $3.6 billion, making this the largest financial seizure in the department's history. The seizure shows that law enforcement can follow money through the blockchain, the DOJ said.


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e8bd5a No.15729

File: 06c61c0fac06212⋯.png (183.51 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587066 (091852ZFEB22) Notable: Dr. Robert Malone: “Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for two months in lymph node germinal centers

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KanekoaTheGreat, [09.02.22 12:00]

[Forwarded from Chief Nerd]

[ Photo ]

Dr. Robert Malone: “Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for two months in lymph node germinal centers… protein production of spike is higher than those of severely ill COVID-19 patients!”


Study: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(22)00076-9


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e8bd5a No.15730

File: 337352e9425b22e⋯.png (115.41 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587074 (091853ZFEB22) Notable: Fauci and FDA want to give the genocide shot to children 6 months to 5 years old

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KanekoaTheGreat, [09.02.22 12:12]

[Forwarded from Chief Nerd]

[ Video ]

Fauci says the FDA will make its decision next week for children 6 months to 5 years old based on “safety and efficacy” data. Meanwhile the government has already ordered enough vaccines for all 18 million children in this age group.


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e8bd5a No.15731

File: a0691866f2d698e⋯.png (352.42 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587099 (091855ZFEB22) Notable: Candian TV giving Truckers 'a fair shake' reporting at Milk River?

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They were told by the cops the cops would start writing tickets soon at milk river.

Also, CTV is there. They follow CTV wherever they go livestreaming. They're actually kinda impressed with the reporting they've been getting.



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e8bd5a No.15732

File: f7dd2ae746d868b⋯.png (40.71 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587135 (091859ZFEB22) Notable: Metro Police investigating ff bomb threats around DC charter schools?

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MPD is responding to multiple bomb threats around the District including DCPS and DC Charter Schools. Schools are currently being evacuated. Investigations are ongoing.


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e8bd5a No.15733

File: c0d93556d6f4870⋯.png (240.89 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: f9ea274610b58ff⋯.mp4 (1013.01 KB,478x270,239:135,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587144 (091900ZFEB22) Notable: Psaki jumps the shark - quadruples down on masks

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PSAKI: Parents, teachers, and students should still wear a mask in schools regardless of what any state has decided.


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e8bd5a No.15734

File: 70463b80e9a5e08⋯.jpeg (449.07 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587156 (091902ZFEB22) Notable: Emails Show NYT Doing PR For Biden's Interior Department After Harassing Trump's

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Emails Show NYT Doing PR For Biden's Interior Department After Harassing Trump's

The New York Times is taking its cues from President Joe Biden’s Department of the Interior.

• After eight years of reporting on anything related to climate from the Obama administration as gospel, legacy media refused to cover the Trump team’s environmental initiatives with any sort of objectivity. Now the New York Times has returned to its PR-style coverage of friendly Democrats in the White House, taking explicit direction from administration officials.

• A series of emails between the Times and Interior Secretary Deb Haaland’s office, obtained by The Federalist through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, illustrates the stark contrast between how the paper of “all the news that’s fit to print” approached Trump’s environmental efforts and his incumbent successors.

• In an August email to Interior spokeswoman Melissa Schwartz, New York Times energy and environmental reporter Coral Davenport inquired about an appeal from the administration on leasing. The date of the message, Aug. 16, suggests Davenport was asking about the administration’s move to block a federal judge’s court order that overturned Biden’s ban on oil and gas leases on federal land.

• “I’m trying to understand what exactly is new – the decision already required the administration to resume leasing,” Davenport wrote. “We will not do a story about the appeal – I’m just trying to understand what, beyond the appeal, is substantively new.”

• Schwartz responded with a request that Davenport not write a story at all.

“More than happy for you to not write,” Schwartz wrote.

• A review of Davenport’s author page shows no story written on the topic in the days following the exchange.

• In another email one month later, Davenport apologized for asking questions related to the administration’s struggle to halt oil and gas exploration.

• “Sorry we are so annoying w oil & gas lease Qs,” Davenport wrote. “Could you give a call? Interested in what else might be coming down the pike.”

• A series of officials who worked on environmental issues under Trump, and whose post-government employment barred them from going on record, said the treatment was far different from how the New York Times, and Davenport in particular, approached the previous administration. According to the Washington Free Beacon, for example, the New York Times filed nearly four times as many FOIA requests with the Environmental Protection Agency during Trump’s first year than during President Barack Obama’s entire second term.

• One official from Trump’s Interior Department said Davenport was “awful” to work with and was among the worst culprits of activist journalism, often giving the agency 30-minute deadlines, if that, to offer statements on complex issues. Other former Trump officials said such conduct from the Times was routine practice.

• In another exchange with Schwartz, New York Times writer Elizabeth Williamson asked repeatedly for Haaland to sit for a profile interview. After Schwartz refused the request, Williamson pleaded and seemed to assure positive coverage.

• “I do think it’ll look a bit odd since so many of her colleague[s] sent and friends have spoken w[ith] me,” Williamson wrote in May last year. “This sometimes happens on tough stories but rather a mystery here! … I still hope she will reconsider.”

The profile that eventually ran painted Haaland in a glowing light despite the secretary’s first-person absence. Williamson instead spoke to members of Haaland’s New Mexico tribe, the Laguna Pueblo. The piece was even met with Interior Department approval.

“I just wanted to say that I thought the profile turned out really lovely,” Schwartz wrote the morning it ran.

“The Secretary asked me to pass on her appreciation and gratitude that you traveled to speak with Pueblo women,” Schwartz added moments later.

When presented with the correspondence between the Times and the Interior Department, former members of the Trump administration were aghast considering the paper’s animosity toward the agency’s Republican predecessors….


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e8bd5a No.15735

File: 39d7287c67197a6⋯.png (188.49 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587162 (091903ZFEB22) Notable: Metro Police investigating ff bomb threats around DC charter schools?

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DEVELOPING: Law enforcement responding to multiple bomb threats across Washington D,C.; Schools being evacuated


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e8bd5a No.15736

File: d363b787b0c0915⋯.png (169.47 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587185 (091905ZFEB22) Notable: We've been practicing making crack pipe memes for over a year. Then, the time came to show our mastery. #CrackHistoryMonth

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We've been practicing making crack pipe memes for over a year. Then, the time came to show our mastery. #CrackHistoryMonth

Quote Tweet

Brick Suit


· 8h

Joe Biden has turned February into Crack History Month


6:36 AM · Feb 9, 2022·Twitter for Android

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e8bd5a No.15737

File: 749bbfed69cb966⋯.png (196.45 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587217 (091911ZFEB22) Notable: INSANE: Austrian Government Authorizes Dystopian Vaccine Registry and Imposes COVID Restrictions Through January 2024

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mRNA Death Toll, [09.02.22 10:55]

[Forwarded from 𝗢𝗳𝗳-𝗚𝗿𝗶𝗱 𝗜𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗱 ☘️ (Open Minds)]

INSANE: Austrian Government Authorizes Dystopian Vaccine Registry and Imposes COVID Restrictions Through January 2024 - Will Begin Pulling Drivers Over at RANDOM and FINING UN-BOOSTED Citizens Next Month


Join @offgridireland

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e8bd5a No.15738

File: 1e2acec290887df⋯.png (122.5 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587228 (091913ZFEB22) Notable: Fauci demands tyrannical vaccine passports and national vaccine registry

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mRNA Death Toll, [09.02.22 13:05]

[ Video ]

Fauci Says:

Proof-Of-Vaccination Requirements for Public Settings "Is One of The Important Ways to Keep the Indoor Environment Safe."

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e8bd5a No.15739

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587235 (091914ZFEB22) Notable: Lt Dan - Trump 'TRUTH Social' developing content moderation practices to ensure 'family-friendly' community

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Dan Scavino


6:15 am EST

Trump 'TRUTH Social' developing content moderation practices to ensure 'family-friendly' community


EXCLUSIVE: When TRUTH Social launches later this quarter, the Trump Media & Technology Group social media platform will already have stringent content moderation practices in place to ensure it is a "family-friendly" online community, company CEO Devin Nunes told Fox Business.

Both Nunes and former President Donald Trump separately have told Fox Business that TRUTH Social is expected to be up and running by the end of the first quarter of 2022. Nunes told Fox Business that the company is on track.

But those involved in the final stages of the platform’s development told Fox Business that they anticipate that malign actors will target the site and attempt to "flood" the platform with "illegal content," especially during and immediately after their formal launch.

Fox Business has learned that TMTG is partnering with Hive —a San Francisco-based Series D start-up that provides automated solutions through cloud-based artificial intelligence for understanding images, videos, and text content. Hive’s technology provides automated content moderation across video, image, text and audio.

"We want to be very family-friendly, we want this to be a very safe place, and we are focused on making sure any illegal content is not on the site," Nunes said in an exclusive interview with Fox Business.

"Hive has a great track record in this, and they have been good to work with," Nunes continued. "They are very helpful for our team and because of their experience, I think they’re helping to craft the right spot for us."

He added: "We want to be the most family-friendly site."

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e8bd5a No.15740

File: f17eedfe7abf3bb⋯.png (228.16 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: c26b83b1a3c9c2f⋯.png (3.64 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: 9576f44dd149642⋯.png (850.29 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587247 (091915ZFEB22) Notable: First Black Woman Fed President Named In Boston

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First Black Woman Fed President Named In Boston


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e8bd5a No.15741

File: ce50ad41384202c⋯.png (225.88 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: c9d711bfe3ce862⋯.png (61.75 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: eb56e384a4da0b0⋯.jpg (55.22 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587248 (091915ZFEB22) Notable: Twitter ongoing "the science has changed," and "Science just doesn’t change overnight" started a red-pill comments avalanche

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Twitter ongoing "the science has changed," and "Science just doesn’t change overnight" started a red-pill comments avalanche. Worth reading them.

Meme stolen from one of the replies.


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e8bd5a No.15742

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587338 (091924ZFEB22) Notable: Anon notables minibun

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Qnon mini bun 'its basically squinting at (you)'

>>>/qresearch/15586555 Gun manufacturer, 13 states suit

>>>/qresearch/15586557 Polish pasyor pastor arrestedagaain

>>>/qresearch/15586558 Canada money law dig

>>>/qresearch/15586560 glen close ebola dig

>>>/qresearch/15586562 google search image clown sport

>>>/qresearch/15586564 blinken visiting australia? PlaneF**

>>>/qresearch/15586565 canadia media cover up of protests

>>>/qresearch/15586566 p.s.(you)ki

>>>/qresearch/15586568 ottawa YT being dumb abt livestream

>>>/qresearch/15586569 dont or do..awakuming

>>>/qresearch/15586570 jill shilling free gibs 4 votes

>>>/qresearch/15586575 ottawa cops CONfiscating fuel

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e8bd5a No.15743

File: 2680aa856947570⋯.png (117.26 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e7b42d56051560⋯.png (91.2 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: bb12c3fdedcc3ec⋯.png (93.23 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587409 (091938ZFEB22) Notable: 17-Count Indictment Unsealed, 22 Defendants in Custody Resulting from Middle GA to Metro Atlanta Meth Investigation

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17-Count Indictment Unsealed, 22 Defendants in Custody Resulting from Middle GA to Metro Atlanta Meth Investigation


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e8bd5a No.15744

File: cb629a81b995630⋯.jpeg (307.84 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587411 (091939ZFEB22) Notable: J6 Unselect Committee losing media coverage and relevance since Zucker gone

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J6 Unselect Committee losing media coverage and relevance since Zucker gone

We’ve said for years, cut off the head of the snake in order for the world to wake up! Yippee


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e8bd5a No.15745

File: 3c0047d8c9d2501⋯.png (506.99 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587425 (091940ZFEB22) Notable: Hong Kong bans unvaccinated from society, public spaces

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In Hong Kong the Unvaccinated Now Banned from Shopping Centers, Wet Markets, Mass Transit, Churches, and Get Togethers with Family

Is China punishing Hong Kong? Since China took over the tiny country over the past few years, individual rights have disappeared using COVID as the rationale for taking freedoms away from Hongkongers. Now they are making it so the unvaccinated are treated as second-class citizens and banned from shopping malls, shopping centers, and wet markets.

The Standard reports on the tyrannical news coming out of China led Hong Kong:

Only vaccinated Hongkongers will be able to enter shopping malls, wet markets, supermarkets, and churches under a “vaccine pass” scheme to launch on February 24, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor announced on Tuesday.

The government will also ban people from having cross-family gatherings involving more than two households in private premises, Lam said.

Earlier, the government had announced that unvaccinated people will be banned from entering a list of regulated premises including restaurants, gyms, cinemas, massage parlors and beauty centers under the vaccine pass.

In a press conference on Tuesday afternoon, Lam announced that six more premises will be added to the list of regulated premises, including shopping malls, wet markets and other markets, supermarkets, department stores, religious venues, and hair salons. Only people who received at least one vaccine jab will be allowed to enter the locations.

“From February 24, anyone entering the regulated premises need to use the LeaveHomeSafe app and present their vaccination records,” Lam said.

Religious venues such as temples and churches will be closed from February 10 until the launch of the vaccine pass on February 24.

The government will also add public transport into the list of regulated premises — meaning restrictions can be put on commuters — but will not impose any restrictions until the situation makes it necessary, Lam said.

“We are making it inconvenient for people… not mandatory for people to get vaccinated,” Lam said.

These latest actions make it more than inconvenient, those who are not vaccinated are being punished. With evidence showing that the vaccinated are a majority of those entering hospitals in vaccinated countries, the rationale for pushing the vaccines is not because the shots are life-saving or even working. They are likely more damaging than natural immunity and most people have had COVID by this time.

The COVID mandates, including vaccines, seem to be more about taking away individual freedoms than protecting people from a virus. Now in Hong Kong, the unvaccinated can’t go to the grocery store, use public transit, go to church or even meet with family. This is not about safety or health, this is about destroying freedom.


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e8bd5a No.15746

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587462 (091942ZFEB22) Notable: J6 Unselect Committee losing media coverage and relevance since Zucker gone

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With Zucker Out At CNN, Jan. 6 Committee Hardest Hit

Tristan Justice @JusticeTristan More

February 08, 2022

POTUS said it all the time, “CNN is the worst

Jeff Zucker stepped down as president of CNN last week after acknowledging his failure to disclose a romantic relationship with a longtime aide and network executive, Allison Gollust, who serves as chief marketing officer.

The resignation, which came as a consequence of findings from the legal battle over former primetime anchor Chris Cuomo’s termination, made shockwaves in the media as CNN undergoes an identity crisis in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s presidency.

“We lost our leader this week, but we’re not going anywhere,” said CNN’s chief media apologist Brian Stelter on Sunday despite inside calls to fire the host of “Reliable Sources” for his failure to report on the relationship at his own network.

Other anchors in mourning offered similar messages of condolence and vigilance. It appears, however, the Democrats running the authoritarian-style witch hunt to persecute political dissidents in the House will be the hardest hit.

In the aftermath of Zucker’s fallout, the L.A. Times published a story on CNN staff in the Washington bureau grilling WarnerMedia Chief Executive Jason Kilar over Zucker’s abrupt departure. Among them was Jamie Gangel.

‘I think we’ve heard a lot of corporate double talk,’ she said. ‘I think the company has made a terrible mistake by doing this.’

Gangel said she received calls from four members of the congressional committee investigation the Jan. 6 insurrection at the Capitol ‘who felt devastated for our democracy’ now that Zucker has exited CNN.

Because every move opposed by the principal leaders of the Jan. 6 Committee is devastating “for our democracy.”

“I do not think you have any appreciation for what you’ve done to this organization,” Gangel reportedly told Kilar.

Zucker’s absence, of course, is likely to interrupt investigators on Jan. 6 Committee who’ve relied on the network’s left-wing activism to serve as the public arm for the weaponized probe. CNN has become the go-to outlet for committee leaks while offering a platform for its panel members to stoke its latest conspiracies about the Capitol riot on air.

Last summer, CNN livestreamed the committee’s first hearing with public testimony from four Capitol Police officers and produced a soap opera town hall on the one-year anniversary of the unrest. Zucker’s role at the helm transforming the news network into an anti-Trump operation played no small role in shaping CNN as the PR firm for the Jan. 6 investigators.

Who will replace Zucker at the top of CNN’s leadership? A successor is not likely to be announced right away, but it’s possible the next network chief may steer CNN away from leftist politics that it’s embraced to dismal ratings with “9 out of 10 viewers, gone.”

“The new owner, John Malone, has signaled a new hardened news focus, so removing Zucker makes the makeover that was planned for CNN easier with him out of the mix,” crisis communications expert Eric Rose told The Hill. “There might be internal strife at CNN and it might be a pivotal moment … but at the same time they’re signaling their new way of doing business.”

The Jan. 6 Committee might need to find a new PR firm.


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e8bd5a No.15747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587468 (091943ZFEB22) Notable: All things Trucker Freedom Convoy

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LIVE: Trudeau grilled by legislators as truckers block U.S.-Canada border bridge

Started streaming 25 minutes ago


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e8bd5a No.15748

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587469 (091943ZFEB22) Notable: All things Trucker Freedom Convoy

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cops are going to ticket everyone at Milk River supporting Coutts Blockade

Milk River live streamer is under impression Ezra Levant is only fighting tickets of those actually at Coutts Border.

Can anons see if Ezra is willing to help Milk River too?

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e8bd5a No.15749

File: 7f1360b350f048b⋯.jpg (395.7 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587518 (091947ZFEB22) Notable: Biden’s DHS Brands Free Speech ‘Terrorism Threat’ to U.S.

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Biden’s DHS Brands Free Speech ‘Terrorism Threat’ to U.S.


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e8bd5a No.15750

File: 15a85014a440638⋯.jpg (149.01 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587547 (091950ZFEB22) Notable: DC schools evacuated amid multiple bomb threats (FF?)

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DC schools evacuated amid multiple bomb threats

"DC Public Schools has been made aware of security threats at Dunbar, Roosevelt and Ron Brown High Schools this afternoon. All students and staff were safely evacuated in accordance with DCPS protocols. DC Public Schools values the safety of all our students, staff, and visitors and will continue to offer support to our school communities while the MPD investigations are ongoing," DC Public School press secretary Enrique Gutierrez told local station ABC7.


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e8bd5a No.15751

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587565 (091952ZFEB22) Notable: All things Trucker Freedom Convoy

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Reposting because it's live

LIVE: Trudeau grilled by legislators as truckers block U.S.-Canada border bridge


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e8bd5a No.15752

File: 009022ec9ecb102⋯.png (68.18 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 841e3b520ad5a4b⋯.png (194.95 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: fd4a6dcf2cc5b53⋯.png (70.31 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587575 (091953ZFEB22) Notable: Here comes the misinfo - Covid being blamed on increased heart attacks

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Covid survivors are at a 63 per cent increased risk of having heart attack within a year — regardless of their age or how ill they were, a major study suggests.

American researchers looked at medical reports of more than 150,000 infected people and compared them to a control group of 11.5million who had not tested positive.

The risk of heart failure, heart disease and strokes was 'noticeably' higher in the 12 months after catching the virus.

Overall, those who had beat Covid were 55 per cent more likely to suffer a heart complication compared to the uninfected.

The Washington University researchers fear Covid will lead to millions more heart problems in the coming years.

They estimate the virus has already triggered 15million extra cardiovascular cases worldwide.

During an infection, the virus attacks the body's cells, which can cause damage to heart tissue and the immune system, which the researchers suspect triggers heart problems.

The study, published in Nature Medicine, shows heart problems were even spotted among people who had a mild infection and were previously healthy. Dr Ziyad Al-Aly, senior author and director of clinical epidemiology at the university, said: 'What we're seeing isn't good.

'Covid can lead to serious cardiovascular complications and death. The heart does not regenerate or easily mend after heart damage.

'These are diseases that will affect people for a lifetime.'

He warned countries should be ready to deal with a sharp rise in the burden from heart problems.

Heart problems have been reported among people while unwell with the virus, but the researchers said their findings show this risk 'extends well beyond' the acute infection.

its not the vaxx folks its covid causing heart problems


here comes the misinfo

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e8bd5a No.15753

File: deba56b90fbe89c⋯.png (18.29 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587579 (091953ZFEB22) Notable: All things Trucker Freedom Convoy

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We win! LOL

6,836 views Streamed live 2 hours ago


6.28K subscribers



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e8bd5a No.15754

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587648 (092000ZFEB22) Notable: DC schools evacuated amid multiple bomb threats (FF?)

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Multiple D.C. schools evacuated Wednesday following bomb threats

One of the schools is dealing with its second bomb threat evacuation of the week.

At least three schools in Washington, D.C. were evacuated Wednesday following a series of bomb threats being investigated by the Metropolitan Police Department.

One of the schools, Dunbar, has dealt with a threat of this nature twice this week. The first threat occurring during a visit from Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, who was rushed out of the building on Tuesday following a bomb threat. Students and teachers were also evacuated as bomb units conducted a sweep of the school. Students and staffers were later allowed to reenter the building.

The public information officer for D.C. Public Schools said Wednesday, "D.C. Public Schools has been made aware of security threats at Dunbar, Roosevelt and Ron Brown High Schools this afternoon. All students and staff were safely evacuated in accordance with DCPS protocols."


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e8bd5a No.15755

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587753 (092009ZFEB22) Notable: All things Trucker Freedom Convoy

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He has a different suit than yesterday, but it sounds like the exact same I heard yesterday

Trudeau slams rival lawmakers as truckers dig in with protest on Ambassador Bridge


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e8bd5a No.15756

File: 2035c31a0a5d039⋯.png (24.86 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fdc35bfce4a9bd⋯.png (1.26 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587791 (092012ZFEB22) Notable: Trump's Truth Social to launch by end of March

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e8bd5a No.15757

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587806 (092013ZFEB22) Notable: #19710

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#19710 Notables FINAL

>>15722 DHS here are the top spreaders of 'disinformation

>>15720 UncoverDC: VAERS Data Supports DoD Whistleblowers Despite Pentagon Data “Glitch”

>>15723 Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis produces over 9,000 pages to Jan. 6 committee

>>15721 Israel PM Bennett supports continued use of Pegasus spyware despite scandal

>>15724 AZITHROMYCINremoves plaque in arteries in coronary heart disease

>>15725 Solar Storm Strikes Down SpaceX Starlink Satellites

>>15726 The Time Of Great Exposure Is Now

>>15727 Liz Cheney doesn’t represent Wyoming, she represents China and DS

>>15728 The US Justice Department seized on Tuesday $3.6 billion in bitcoin

>>15729 Dr. Robert Malone: “Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for two months in lymph node germinal centers

>>15730 Fauci and FDA want to give the genocide shot to children 6 months to 5 years old

>>15731 Candian TV giving Truckers 'a fair shake' reporting at Milk River?

>>15732, >>15735 Metro Police investigating ff bomb threats around DC charter schools?

>>15733 Psaki jumps the shark - quadruples down on masks

>>15734 Emails Show NYT Doing PR For Biden's Interior Department After Harassing Trump's

>>15736 We've been practicing making crack pipe memes for over a year. Then, the time came to show our mastery. #CrackHistoryMonth

>>15737 INSANE: Austrian Government Authorizes Dystopian Vaccine Registry and Imposes COVID Restrictions Through January 2024

>>15738 Fauci demands tyrannical vaccine passports and national vaccine registry

>>15739 Lt Dan - Trump 'TRUTH Social' developing content moderation practices to ensure 'family-friendly' community

>>15740 First Black Woman Fed President Named In Boston

>>15741 Twitter ongoing "the science has changed," and "Science just doesn’t change overnight" started a red-pill comments avalanche

>>15742 Anon notables minibun


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e8bd5a No.15758

File: cdf3b8d075414f2⋯.jpg (549.04 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b8d4349a0519ab6⋯.jpg (73.43 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0b29d4c839b71f6⋯.jpg (66.41 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587862 (092019ZFEB22) Notable: Remember the pink hat lady? Was she ever arrested? Anybody ever ID her?

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People are shouting down Trudeau.

Remember the pink hat lady?

Was she ever arrested.

She was giving instruction to the ANTIFA inside the Capitol through a window, with a bull horn

Anybody ever ID her?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15759

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587884 (092021ZFEB22) Notable: Trucker Freedom Convoy LIVE feeds

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15760

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587914 (092024ZFEB22) Notable: Trump's Truth Social to launch by end of March

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>Come on POTUS, get your minions in line, and get this done!

May have decided to build code from rather than use Mastadon?

The SFC was telling TS code had to be provided since using Open Source.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15761

File: ef6056770a10725⋯.pdf (63.82 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

File: a89cc178dd58628⋯.png (2.05 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: 6b01cd42e249d2a⋯.png (2.23 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: d8cb92c053598d7⋯.png (480.91 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587916 (092024ZFEB22) Notable: Mark Taylor 1-22-2022 Judgment Has Begun Q 4799

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Mark Taylor

1-22-2022 Judgment Has Begun


Q drop #4799

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15762

File: 4b70b550a5f7f02⋯.png (32.73 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15587926 (092025ZFEB22) Notable: Donald Trump Jr. Dems pretending to be campions of the reversal of their draconian Policies BS (Missing "h" in champions)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Missing "h" in champions….

Donald Trump Jr.


18 months after everyone with a brain was against mask mandates and smothering our children and our freedoms Democrats are pretending to be campions of the reversal of their draconian Policies BS as though it never happened because SCIENCE… (polling)

12:20 PM · Feb 9, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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e8bd5a No.15763

File: 0746a90f9a75e36⋯.png (230.14 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588014 (092036ZFEB22) Notable: A group wants to inject a bitcoin into a mouse's DNA — and it isn't even the strangest DAO out there

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God, Sir, whenver You're ready Hoss. Please and TY!

A group wants to inject a bitcoin into a mouse's DNA — and it isn't even the strangest DAO out there


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e8bd5a No.15764

File: 38a20ab487488cb⋯.png (3.25 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588104 (092046ZFEB22) Notable: Darpa is on the Q clock today!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/125491 QRB


Darpa is on the Q clock today!

"Trump got this claim from a fascist QAnon “influencer” named Mel Q, who claimed that the CDC “quietly updated the Covid number to admit that only 6% of all the 153,504 deaths recorded actually died of Covid” … “the other 94% had 2-3 other serious illnesses & the overwhelming majority were of advanced age.”"




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e8bd5a No.15765

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588151 (092053ZFEB22) Notable: All things Trucker Freedom Convoy

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Another Toronto protest.

Police closing Queen's Park Circle immediately in response to social media posts about another potential protest involving vehicles

Published Wednesday, February 9, 2022 12:05PM EST

Last Updated Wednesday, February 9, 2022 3:30PM EST

Police say that they are closing Queen’s Park Circle in response to a number of social media posts regarding a potential demonstration involving “a large number of vehicles.”

The precaution comes after one of the organizers of the ‘Freedom Convoy’ in Ottawa posted a video message to Tik Tok on Tuesday night, in which he claimed that some participants would be travelling to Toronto to continue their demonstration.

There has so far been no indication of truckers involved in the Ottawa protest actually leaving the nation’s capital and many involved have previously indicated that they plan to stay in the area around Parliament for a prolonged period.


Road closure

Police vehicles are shown blocking off traffic at Avenue Road and Bloor Street on Wednesday afternoon.

“What we're doing right now is actually preparing ourselves and essentially getting a footprint so we have officers in place,” Insp. Michael Williams told reporters on Wednesday afternoon. “We've seen demonstrations right across the province, particularly in Ottawa and Windsor, and I certainly don’t think based on what we have seen that we can take this lightly.”

Hundreds of large vehicles have been illegally parked on downtown Ottawa streets for nearly two weeks now as part of a demonstration against vaccine mandates and other public health measures to limit the spread of COVID-19.

A similar protest has also partially blocked traffic along the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor in recent days, resulting in significant delays.

Speaking with reporters on Wednesday afternoon, Williams said that the decision to close Queen’s Park Circle for the second time this week is being made “out of an abundance of caution” rather than any specific threats.

But he emphasized that the police response is “scalable” and that additional road closures can be implemented should they be required.

Last week police closed a number of downtown arteries ahead of a convoy protest, including a portion of University Avenue.

“We’re not looking for any type of confrontation. But we certainly do have plans in place if there is criminality,” Williams said.

Tory releases statement

Solidarity protests involving large vehicles have been taking place across Canada over the last week, prompting concerns about occupations of public arteries similar to the one in Ottawa.

In a statement released on Wednesday afternoon, Mayor John Tory said that while “peaceful, respectful protests are an important part of the Canadian way of life” we cannot accept a state of affairs which sees one group's rights exercised in a way that rolls over the rights of others.”

To that end, Tory said that he supports police doing everything they can to “avoid the situations we have seen in other cities.”

“Balance is a necessity and will hopefully guide us to the right place in these complicated matters,” he said.


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e8bd5a No.15766

File: 8dac5a21f2aa018⋯.png (311.25 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: ce84e84ca422156⋯.png (470.62 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588152 (092053ZFEB22) Notable: Potato - masks for thee, not for me

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Bidan the only one not wearing a mask kek

Inside this event in the state dining room, Covid protocol included clusters of masked executives, a potus-only water glass with a little lid, and “no dinner” for the executives, the president joked.


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e8bd5a No.15767

File: 4a0fe95d423037a⋯.png (388.64 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588174 (092056ZFEB22) Notable: Federal and military users can now track potential terrorist activities with an app

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Federal and military users can now track potential terrorist activities with an app


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e8bd5a No.15768

File: fbe17d18e385024⋯.png (190.29 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588192 (092059ZFEB22) Notable: PBS - Public Broadcasting Service bun / pb

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Radios stuck on a certain frequency?

Can't stop the signal, Mal!

Evil will be overcome by frequency.

Mazda drivers radios stuck on a "public radio station".

Drip drip drip flood.




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e8bd5a No.15769

File: de1dce8a1caf909⋯.png (329.82 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 0128242987db257⋯.png (263.2 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 3561eaf30e91357⋯.png (21.2 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: e39a868870fd4f5⋯.png (315.83 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588202 (092101ZFEB22) Notable: Catherine Herridge #Curious #Durham New filing is sealed, indicating Durham/Court want information surrounding subpoena in Danchenko case to remain non-public

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Catherine Herridge


#Curious #Durham New filing is sealed, indicating Durham/Court want information surrounding subpoena in Danchenko case to remain non-public, could reflect grand jury evidence. NOTE: Last month, Durham confirmed in Sussmann court filings “active, ongoing criminal investigation” +

3:57 PM · Feb 9, 2022


Catherine Herridge




Replying to


+ dozens of interviews conducted including former senior FBI. In November, Danchenko pleaded not guilty to five counts lying to the FBI over the information he provided for Steele Dossier via @RobLegare


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e8bd5a No.15770

File: 0dd25eaab8fe725⋯.png (33.05 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588207 (092101ZFEB22) Notable: Huge evidence is coming up against @IgorDanch - His fate is sealed

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e8bd5a No.15771

File: 0988e8146131a90⋯.png (522.95 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588217 (092102ZFEB22) Notable: Dortmund is latest German city to ban yellow stars at COVID protests

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Dortmund is latest German city to ban yellow stars at COVID protests

Feb 09, 2022 at 1:52 PM

(JTA) Another German city has decided to ban the display of yellow stars at demonstrations against coronavirus lockdown measures.

Police in Dortmund, in the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, announced that, effective immediately, the wearing of the yellow Star of David printed with the word “unvaccinated” is banned at protests against government measures meant to curb the COVID-19 pandemic.

Jews in Nazi Germany and most occupied lands were forced to wear identifying symbols, including yellow stars printed with the word “Jew.”

Such symbols have become common at demonstrations against COVID-19 restrictions in Europe and North America, with slogans often printed in Hebraicized script. Some protestors also carry signs comparing Holocaust victim Anne Frank or German World War II resistance activist Sophie Scholl to protesters against coronavirus lockdown measures.

“Anyone who displays the Jewish star in this way is trivializing the planned murder of millions of Jews by National Socialist Germany and endangering public peace,” Dortmund Police Chief Gregor Lange said.

[More from the Jewish Journal] German broadcaster Deutsche Welle fires five staffers after probe on workplace antisemitism »

Those applying for demonstration permits will now have to comply with the ban against displaying symbols that trivialize the Holocaust, police told the Evangelical Press Service, and violators will face charges.

Several German states are considering similar regulations — something that Germany’s national commissioner on antisemitism, Felix Klein, has been calling for since the early days of the pandemic. Munich banned the practice in June 2020 and Wiesbaden followed suit in July 2020.

Bremen is considering such a move, according to the city’s Senator of Justice Claudia Schilling. Speaking with the German media consortium Redaktionsnetzwerk Deutschland, Schilling said the practice of associating the yellow star “with one’s own vaccination status is not only in bad taste, but in my eyes fulfills the criminal offense of incitement of the people.” Germany does not yet require that citizens be vaccinated, but the Bundestag, or parliament, has been considering introducing such a measure.

According to Die Welt commentator Till-Reimer Stoldt, a “lunatic” fringe of protesters is suggesting — by displaying such symbols — that Germany has the secret goal of shooting or gassing millions of unvaccinated Germans, the way the Nazis murdered 6 millions Jews in the Holocaust.

“They proclaim that the unvaccinated are ‘the new Jews,’” and some individuals have even called Germany a “Corona dictatorship,” he wrote in an editorial praising the announcement by police chief Lange.

“For a few lunatics, this might sound like a Corona dictatorship, but for the overwhelming majority, it sounds like democracy standing up for itself,” Stoldt wrote.


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e8bd5a No.15772

File: 88a4f49a76b2208⋯.png (45.1 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588273 (092112ZFEB22) Notable: Memes for Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15773

File: 0e2bc9d5953d479⋯.png (46.61 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588275 (092113ZFEB22) Notable: Memes for Canadian Freedom Convoy

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15774

File: 72ad94a1d6f705f⋯.png (613.44 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 878e9ff33667299⋯.png (23.2 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: e8879300e78b5d0⋯.png (19.3 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588285 (092114ZFEB22) Notable: PF SAM 274 & 356 up out of Travis and Kirtland respectively. Headed for JBA by the looks

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SAM 274 & 356 up out of Travis and Kirtland respectively. Headed for JBA by the looks.

Mapping to Q posts.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15775

File: 93a55a009d59180⋯.mp4 (14.5 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588313 (092120ZFEB22) Notable: lb, Ottawa Guy carrying HF wire was giveaway, there is going to be a major operation soon roughly 3-4 kilometer range

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Ottawa police stocking up


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e8bd5a No.15776

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588325 (092122ZFEB22) Notable: #19711

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>>/qresearch/15587364 Dough

#19711 FINAL

>>15747, >>15748, >>15751, >>15753, >>15755, >>15765 All things Trucker Freedom Convoy

>>15759 Trucker Freedom Convoy LIVE feeds

>>15772, >>15773 Memes for Canadian Freedom Convoy

>>15743 17-Count Indictment Unsealed, 22 Defendants in Custody Resulting from Middle GA to Metro Atlanta Meth Investigation

>>15744, >>15746 J6 Unselect Committee losing media coverage and relevance since Zucker gone

>>15745 Hong Kong bans unvaccinated from society, public spaces

>>15749 Biden’s DHS Brands Free Speech ‘Terrorism Threat’ to U.S.

>>15750, >>15754 DC schools evacuated amid multiple bomb threats (FF?)

>>15752 Here comes the misinfo - Covid being blamed on increased heart attacks

>>15756, >>15760 Trump's Truth Social to launch by end of March

>>15758 Remember the pink hat lady? Was she ever arrested? Anybody ever ID her?

>>15761 Mark Taylor 1-22-2022 Judgment Has Begun Q 4799

>>15762 Donald Trump Jr. Dems pretending to be campions of the reversal of their draconian Policies BS (Missing "h" in champions)

>>15763 A group wants to inject a bitcoin into a mouse's DNA — and it isn't even the strangest DAO out there

>>15764 Darpa is on the Q clock today!

>>15766 Potato - masks for thee, not for me

>>15767 Federal and military users can now track potential terrorist activities with an app

>>15768 Car Radios being 'frozen' on NPR?

>>15769 Catherine Herridge #Curious #Durham New filing is sealed, indicating Durham/Court want information surrounding subpoena in Danchenko case to remain non-public

>>15770 Huge evidence is coming up against @IgorDanch - His fate is sealed

>>15771 Dortmund is latest German city to ban yellow stars at COVID protests

>>15774 PF SAM 274 & 356 up out of Travis and Kirtland respectively. Headed for JBA by the looks


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e8bd5a No.15777

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588365 (092129ZFEB22) Notable: Most of Bay Area will lift indoor mask order, citing falling COVID-19 risk

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Most of Bay Area will lift indoor mask order, citing falling COVID-19 risk

Most of the San Francisco Bay Area will lift local indoor mask rules next week, with officials saying that the COVID-19 danger has fallen enough to safely take the crucial step.

Along with Los Angeles County, the Bay Area has long had some of the strictest masking requirements in the state.



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e8bd5a No.15778

File: 6d8b9efe473733d⋯.jpeg (990.7 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: c912635b81ef15a⋯.jpeg (294.36 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 95bd5f8debc13f7⋯.jpeg (646.05 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588377 (092132ZFEB22) Notable: Multiple People Shot at High School In Buffalo, NY,[O]peration [L]ockdown [E]lmwood?

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BREAKING: Multiple People Shot at High School In Buffalo, NY, Police Say - breaking911.com/breaking-multi…

Police confirmed a shooting at a high school in Buffalo, New York on Wednesday.

At least two people were shot at McKinley High School, including a student, WGRZ reported.

The school, located at 1500 Elmwood Avenue, was placed on lockdown.



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e8bd5a No.15779

File: 8e4e00db445f705⋯.png (696.67 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588392 (092134ZFEB22) Notable: Today is National Pizza Day

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Today isNational Pizza Day


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e8bd5a No.15780

File: 93a55a009d59180⋯.mp4 (14.5 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588404 (092135ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa police prepping for what? 11 Metcalfe Street

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Llb - Ottawa police prepping for what?


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e8bd5a No.15781

File: 1db9cb73fb58a87⋯.jpg (79.15 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588433 (092139ZFEB22) Notable: Multiple People Shot at High School In Buffalo, NY,[O]peration [L]ockdown [E]lmwood?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 Shot at High School In Buffalo, NY, Police Say


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e8bd5a No.15782

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588443 (092140ZFEB22) Notable: Sweden Declares The Pandemic To Be "Over"

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Sweden Declares The Pandemic To Be "Over"

Sweden, a country which never imposed significant lockdown measures, has officially declared that the COVID-19 pandemic is “over” and announced that it will be lifting all remaining restrictions.

“As we know this pandemic, I would say it’s over,” Minister of Health Lena Hallengren told Dagens Nyheter. “It’s not over, but as we know it in terms of quick changes and restrictions it is.”

According to Reuters, these comments were as close as possible to the country “effectively declaring the pandemic over.”

From today, bars and restaurants are allowed to stay open beyond 11pm again and there are no limits on guest numbers.

Attendance limits for indoor venues and vaccine passports, which were temporarily introduced in response to the Omicron variant, have both been scrapped.

Most testing rules for COVID-19 have also been abolished.

Sweden being the first country to declare the pandemic a done deal will be sure to infuriate lockdown fanatics and mask zealots.

Despite being on the receiving end of an intense backlash, the country’s approach of refusing to impose harsh lockdown restrictions has been completely vindicated.

Unlike other Europeans countries such as France and Spain which imposed draconian lockdown rules, Sweden’s COVID-19 death rate is comparatively better and the country is exiting the pandemic while other nations are refusing to lift restrictions for at least months more.

The Scandinavian country did not enforce strict mask mandates, with senior epidemiologist Anders Tengell asserting that face coverings were in fact “dangerous” because they provided a false sense of security while failing to stop the spread of the virus.

As we highlighted in October 2020, Sweden again refused to follow other European countries by re-imposing lockdown rules, arguing that those beset by loneliness and misery of being isolated had suffered enough.

Congratulations, Sweden.


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e8bd5a No.15783

File: 403dd07c890228b⋯.png (44.11 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588451 (092142ZFEB22) Notable: Multiple People Shot at High School In Buffalo, NY,[O]peration [L]ockdown [E]lmwood?

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2 shot at high school.

yeah i think it was go orders.

>u cant confirm that the o is a g as it is covered by the arm, thus statement stants its an O


[O]peration [L]ockdown [E]lmwood?

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e8bd5a No.15784

File: 30dfb4f808011fb⋯.png (364.6 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588467 (092146ZFEB22) Notable: Peter Navarro subpoenaed

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Peter Navarro subpoenaed


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e8bd5a No.15785

File: 8cac3c7f8e0dd22⋯.png (1.88 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: a1595d9d69b2fd7⋯.png (2.3 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: ca1fa1ae76f0661⋯.png (1.54 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: 65d3fa02910dc54⋯.png (2.36 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: b6ec4cd42e78eb4⋯.png (2.12 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588471 (092146ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa police prepping for what? 11 Metcalfe Street

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11 Metcalfe Street.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15786

File: e9c0aec3545f494⋯.png (223.7 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588472 (092146ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa police prepping for what? 11 Metcalfe Street

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I'm sure radiofiles up here can listen in. Regular joe equipment only gets the small local cops now.


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e8bd5a No.15787

File: 657b27829d88f7e⋯.png (670.84 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 663e4cb92fd85a9⋯.png (26.03 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588491 (092149ZFEB22) Notable: ‘Let Him Answer, He’s Not Good at It!’: Heckling Silences Justin Trudeau in Canadian Parliament

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‘Let Him Answer, He’s Not Good at It!’: Heckling Silences Justin Trudeau in Canadian Parliament

Leftist Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau faced jeers and insults in Parliament on Tuesday as he once again faced questions regarding his derision towards citizens who oppose civil rights violations tied to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

Trudeau had a contentious week in Parliament after vanishing from the public eye to an undisclosed site in late January, allegedly to recover from a Chinese coronavirus infection himself. He returned on Monday to an emergency session discussing the “Freedom Convoy,” a series of protests led by truckers demanding an end to vaccine and mask mandates, business lockdowns, and travel restrictions that the Trudeau government has imposed in an attempt to contain the pandemic.

The largest iteration of the convoy is currently in downtown Ottawa, not far from Parliament. The city has been flooded by trucks for nearly two weeks and attracted thousands of protesters – most of whom, according to police, have been peaceful. Reports on the ground have revealed the development of a community among the protesters including distribution of free food, drinks, and other supplies and a generally positive party atmosphere, save for instances of police brutality.

Trudeau has repeatedly insisted he would not listen to any calls for lifting the mandates and restoring normal life to Canada. He has accused the protesters of racism and misogyny and equated them with Nazis in his statements in Parliament on Monday.

The next day, he once again faced calls to meet with opposition leaders and bring an end to the onerous mandate regime currently in place. The interim leader of the Conservative Party, Candice Bergen, asked Trudeau if he would consider ending restrictions once again.

“This cannot be a slow and dragged out process simply because of the prime minister’s ego, pride, or denial,” Bergen said. “Canadians are too tired. Canadians need hope. So will the prime minister follow the science follow the evidence, end the restrictions, end the mandates?”

Trudeau did not answer the question, instead asserting, amid heckling and jeers, “we’re going to continue to follow the science, we’re going to continue to have Canadians’ backs, we’re going to continue to protect people’s lives.”

Bergen again asked him to answer the question, but upon his second attempt, the jeering became so loud that he stopped abruptly and sat down to wait for it to end. Amid the shouting, one voice could be heard saying, “Let him answer, he’s not good at it!”

Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota admonished the chamber and confirmed that the shouting was, indeed, jeers.

“The honorable leader of the opposition asked a question and she’s trying to hear, but she can’t hear it above all the heckling and shouting that’s going on,” Rota scolded.

The speaker did not succeed in silencing the shouting entirely but diminished it enough for Trudeau to finish his response, which was nearly identical to his first statement.

Trudeau and Bergen have engaged in several testy exchanges since she assumed the leadership of the Conservative Party following the ouster of predecessor Erin O’Toole last week. On Monday, Bergen pressed Trudeau for an apology for his invective against those who choose not to receive a Chinese coronavirus vaccine.

“Does he regret calling people names who didn’t take the vaccine?” Bergen asked of Trudeau. “Does he regret calling people misogynist and racist and just, escalating and poking sticks at them and being so divisive to individual Canadians that he might not disagree with, that he might have thought were wrong?”

Trudeau responded by associating the protesters with Nazis.


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e8bd5a No.15788

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588494 (092149ZFEB22) Notable: Peter Navarro subpoenaed

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e8bd5a No.15789

File: d516b8b3972644f⋯.png (63.98 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588496 (092150ZFEB22) Notable: PBS - Public Broadcasting Service bun

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Doh Jr typo

Missing H

campion > champion

Donald Trump Jr.


18 months after everyone with a brain was against mask mandates and smothering our children and our freedoms Democrats are pretending to be campions of the reversal of their draconian Policies BS as though it never happened because SCIENCE… (polling)

12:20 PM · Feb 9, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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e8bd5a No.15790

File: 5a938b269f49432⋯.png (66.92 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588501 (092150ZFEB22) Notable: What occurs after this trucker 'BLOCKADE'? 3 year delta BLOCKADE

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What occurs after this trucker 'BLOCKADE'?

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e8bd5a No.15791

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588509 (092151ZFEB22) Notable: PBS - Public Broadcasting Service bun

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>Policies BS

weird caps.

Was just reading this PB notable

>>15768 pb

>Mazda drivers radios stuck on a "public radio station".

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e8bd5a No.15792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588511 (092152ZFEB22) Notable: LIVE in OTTAWA - freedom convoy - Nucci Day Times

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LIVE in OTTAWA - freedom convoy - Nucci Day Times

An anon wrote in LB/PB that Adam Nucci couldn’t add viewers to his live stream - maybe it’s fixed now because I’m on…


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e8bd5a No.15793

File: 447baa0504d0874⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB,240x432,5:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588515 (092152ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa’s Mayor, Jim Watson is creating a humanitarian crisis by blocking food shipments so he can blame the truckers (Cap 0:37)

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Truth Bomb Incoming💥

Ottawa’s Mayor, Jim Watson is behind the illegal gofundme heist and now he is creating a humanitarian crisis in Ottawa by blocking food shipments into the city so he can blame the truckers.

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e8bd5a No.15794

File: e6e40d052e1c4b7⋯.png (951.05 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588531 (092155ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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410 Military A/C up.

That's about double normal activity.

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e8bd5a No.15795

File: 059217ffd5d9ee5⋯.png (271.88 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 2079976e76dad49⋯.png (74.29 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588546 (092157ZFEB22) Notable: Ontario Health Minister: ‘No Plans’ to End Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandate Despite Protests

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Ontario Health Minister: ‘No Plans’ to End Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandate Despite Protests

Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott said on Wednesday that the province has “no plans” to end the vaccine passport system or mask mandates, as other conservative Canadian provinces scrap Wuhan coronavirus restrictions.

The Ontario Health Minister gave her remarks at a press conference Wednesday saying that the government was sticking to its re-opening plan, but said the idea of scrapping the vaccine passport system was not under consideration.

“We have no plans to currently drop the vaccine passport or masking,” Elliot said, and added that the mask mandate will be in place “for some time to come,” refusing to give a timeline for the end of either policy.

Elliott did, however, announce that rapid antigen tests would be available to Ontarians at grocery stores and pharmacies but would be limited to one box of tests per household. The government has also lifted a halt on non-urgent surgeries implemented this year.

The announcement comes as other conservative-led provincial governments in Alberta and Saskatchewan have announced in recent days their intentions to scrap vaccine passport systems and other restrictions.

Alberta, which is governed by the United Conservative Party (UCP), ended its vaccine passport programme this week, but Premier Jason Kenney noted that the QR code system would still be maintained if businesses chose to implement the vaccine passport themselves.

“Now is the time to begin learning to live with [Chinese coronavirus],” Kenney stated. “These restrictions have led to terrible division.”

The change in policy for Kenney came after protests by truckers against the vaccine mandates, vaccine passports, and coronavirus restrictions took hold in Ottawa and a separate blockade protest began along the Alberta border with the U.S. state of Montana at the town of Coutts.


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e8bd5a No.15796

File: 6622cad33b0c58c⋯.png (922.72 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588559 (092159ZFEB22) Notable: Herridge decode Durham IS an on going investigation

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posted lb https://twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1491516753272311815

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e8bd5a No.15797

File: 2eda0e20a480c3c⋯.gif (7.19 KB,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588560 (092159ZFEB22) Notable: John Solomon Reveals Who He Thinks John Durham Will Go After Next

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Timing being announced?

Grassley. ISIS, AQ could attack U.S. in next couple months.

Truth Social dates of Feb 21-22 and then announcement of by end of March… like maybe "within 30 days" from the Feb 21-22?

"Russia invasion" within next few weeks.

Freedom Movement Truckers to arrive in D.C. when?

Durham news.

John Solomon Reveals Who He Thinks John Durham Will Go After Next (Hint… FBI)


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e8bd5a No.15798

File: dd1d709f52e5806⋯.jpeg (1 MB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 55473191c3a92b4⋯.jpeg (521.23 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: b1be337f9a08c1f⋯.jpeg (378.98 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588561 (092159ZFEB22) Notable: Today is National Pizza Day

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Ahh yes, National Pizza day and we have school bomb threats & shootings in NY & DC

Killary tweeting about Trump and her emails and it’s been almost 6 yrs since , John Podesta’s email was hacked( March 2016)

It’s all connected


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e8bd5a No.15799

File: e015fbcb2baaa9e⋯.png (69.09 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588564 (092200ZFEB22) Notable: Pfizer sues ex-employees over trade secret theft

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Pfizer sues ex-employees over trade secret theft

Pfizer has filed a lawsuit against two former researchers, claiming they stole the pharmaceutical giant’s trade secrets and other confidential information before leaving the company, then used the information to set up their own competing firm.

The researchers, both PhD chemists, are Xiayang Qiu and Min Zhong. Both worked in drug discovery and development for Pfizer or predecessor companies for more than 20 years before resigning from Pfizer in June 2018.

According to the complaint, filed in Connecticut federal court, the two chemists were dissatisfied with their prospects at Pfizer and began scheming in late 2017 to leave the company and start their own firm. In the early months of 2018, the complaint says, they began amassing documents about Pfizer drug discovery programs, including compounds in development and other company secrets.

With other unnamed defendants, they formed their own company, Regor Therapeutics. They also formed a sister company, QILU Regor Therapeutics, with funding provided by the Chinese drug company Qilu Pharmaceutical.

In an email, a Regor media contact, Lauren Xuan, says the company is aware of the Pfizer suit. “We believe that the lawsuit is entirely meritless and will defend ourselves vigorously,” she writes.


One object of the intellectual property theft, Pfizer’s complaint says, was information related to the company’s program to develop small-molecule agonists of glucagon-like peptide 1, or GLP-1, which stimulates insulin production. Several approved drugs treat diabetes and obesity by targeting a receptor on GLP-1, but with one exception they all must be injected. None of them are oral small molecules, which have good metabolic stability and are easy to manufacture.

Pfizer has two oral small-molecule GLP-1 receptor agonists in clinical trials. One, danuglipron, is in Phase 2 trials.

Pfizer’s complaint says both Qiu and Zhong had been working in different capacities on small-molecule GLP-1 receptor agonist technology when they left the company. “Zhong and Qiu could have continued to build on this important, life-saving work at Pfizer for years to come,” the complaint says, “but they made a different choice: to take Pfizer’s trade secrets and confidential information unlawfully to launch a competing company.”

Among the documents they took, the complaint alleges, are documents describing the co-crystal structure for a Pfizer small molecule interacting with the GLP-1 receptor, a trade secret that Pfizer says it spent millions of dollars to develop. “A competitor in possession of that information could, among other things, design and screen for active GLP-1 receptor agonist compounds on an expedited basis,” the complaint says.

And Pfizer says that is indeed what happened. In November 2018, Regor published patents on a set of small-molecule GLP-1 receptor agonist compounds that appear “strikingly similar” to ones Pfizer developed, the complaint says.

On Feb. 18, 2021, Regor revealed that it had raised $90 million in series B funding from investors.

Then on Dec. 10, 2021, Regor announced that it will receive $50 million from Eli Lilly and Company as part of a multi-year collaboration to discover and develop new therapies for metabolic diseases like diabetes and obesity. “In a little over three years, Regor has established a world-class research organization exemplified by our Computer Accelerated Rational Discovery platform,” Qiu said in a press release announcing the deal.


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e8bd5a No.15800

File: 19c8bd69445e083⋯.jpeg (32.31 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588572 (092202ZFEB22) Notable: Go to NIH .gov and type in Ivermectin and Cancer… CURES

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Anons we heard from Q the question as to ‘what if cures exist…’

Go to NIH .gov and type in Ivermectin and Cancer…

Then sit down for the results. They have known all this time! How many loved ones never needed to die? I’m besides myself right now. They all need to hang!


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e8bd5a No.15801

File: 4123a0ecf350ee3⋯.png (330.97 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588577 (092203ZFEB22) Notable: Pfizer sues ex-employees over trade secret theft

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You mean trade secrets and confidential information like how dangerous the vaxx is, and how many test subjects were killed by it? That kind of data?

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e8bd5a No.15802

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588588 (092204ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa police prepping for what? 11 Metcalfe Street

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Maybe… radio transmission jamming equipment?

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e8bd5a No.15803

File: b913608ee9308e7⋯.png (457.24 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588594 (092205ZFEB22) Notable: Today is National Pizza Day

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U.S. Naval Institute


Happy #NationalPizzaDay! Pizza is a common Saturday evening meal on U.S. Navy ships. On aircraft carriers such as USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71), the galleys need to prepare 1,250 pizzas to feed the entire crew.



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e8bd5a No.15804

File: ddeb80911c24be0⋯.jpeg (302.34 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: ace0d6500fd741f⋯.jpeg (592.63 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588599 (092207ZFEB22) Notable: Go to NIH .gov and type in Ivermectin and Cancer… CURES

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e8bd5a No.15805

File: 72f8a8b0129e8c6⋯.png (339.84 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588621 (092213ZFEB22) Notable: US Navy Info For YOU

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U.S. Navy


Info For YOU ⚓

The Interagency Drinking Water System Team (IDWST) launched a website to provide post system flushing status and drinking water sampling data.

MORE HERE: https://go.usa.gov/xt7z9


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e8bd5a No.15806

File: 46c2a98ba3fcf0c⋯.png (8.87 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588630 (092214ZFEB22) Notable: Peter Navarro subpoenaed

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Today is :25

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e8bd5a No.15807

File: 2838e6d8c303522⋯.png (180.61 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588631 (092214ZFEB22) Notable: Go to NIH .gov and type in Ivermectin and Cancer… CURES

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e8bd5a No.15808

File: c10d167178b1f87⋯.png (237.45 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: f8ea4ff24d9a098⋯.png (216.06 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 984bfec1e6e5dc8⋯.png (155.68 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588633 (092214ZFEB22) Notable: Hannity and Bongino DEMOLISH Biden Regime Passing Out Crack Pipes to Addicts – Completely Shut Him Down After Asking “What Would You Do if It Was Your Child?”

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Hannity and Bongino DEMOLISH Geraldo Over His Bootlicking Defense of the Biden Regime Passing Out Crack Pipes to Addicts – Completely Shut Him Down After Asking “What Would You Do if It Was Your Child?”

On Tuesday night, Geraldo Rivera and Dan Bongino joined Fox News’ Sean Hannity to discuss the Biden Administration’s recent announcement that it is opening facilities to provide drug users a ‘safe space’ to get high, while also providing the paraphernalia – shiny new crack pipes, clean needles, etc., etc. – to support their deadly habit.

The unbelievable decision is being billed as a potential solution to the fentanyl epidemic that’s sweeping the nation, which has killed over 100,000 Americans in the last year alone. In some places, such as San Francisco, fentanyl has killed more people over the past year than Covid, even when going by the heavily manipulated count that includes people who died with the virus, not just those who died from it.

Instead of sealing the southern border to effectively limit the flow of deadly drugs into the country, the public health ‘experts’ in Biden’s regime have decided that enabling individuals to wallow in their addiction – with clean needles and pipes – will help curb the issue.

You may be asking yourself: ‘who in their right mind would support such a ridiculous and destructive plan, and how would they even justify it?’

Well, look no further than Geraldo Rivera, Fox News’ resident mustache. During the segment, in which Hannity introduced him with the preface “I’m expecting the worst about to come out of your mouth,” Geraldo defended Biden’s crackpipe plan by claiming it was necessary, because, you know, if you are against it, you are a heartless monster who doesn’t care about the lives of addicts – or as he repeatedly calls them, “junkies.”

Oh and by the way, it’s not like the government is handing out the drugs, the addicts bring their own, so it’s all good, Geraldo added.

“This is the question, do junkies lives matter? We lost 100,000 Americans in the last one year to overdose deaths. Fentanyl is everywhere. It’s in all of these drugs. They [the Biden administration] opened these two pilot locations with a safe secure – where the junkies can shoot up – they’ve saved 114 lives in 6 weeks. It’s not a pretty thing, it’s awful. I hate it, and yet, what’s the option? Watching them overdose? Watching them die in the street?

Hannity interjects, correctly pointing out that several other options have been laid out and are even in effect as law, including addiction treatment by trained drug counselors that can help these people overcome their addictions instead of enabling them to continue their downward spiral.

Geraldo continues:

“There are therapists on site, as i understand it, in the pilot locations. There are sanitary conditions. They [addicts] come in with their own drugs, [it’s] not that the government is giving them drugs. I dont like it, it’s ugly, but what i dont like worse is the 100,000 dead junkies.”

After Geraldo’s best defense of the policy, Hannity unleashes Bongino to demolish the ridiculous argument, and he did not disappoint. “Don’t worry Sean,” he quips. “Geraldo says they come in with their own drugs, so no worries, folks. As long as they’re coming in with their own drugs – that’s A-OK.”

When these clowns claim “it’s all about saving lives” and slander those who don’t support their destructive agenda as heartless monsters who “don’t care about people dying,” don’t fall for the lies. It’s all about control.


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e8bd5a No.15809

File: bc69bafe59c6ff5⋯.mp4 (10.38 MB,1128x634,564:317,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588639 (092215ZFEB22) Notable: Trudeau looks panicked and stressed: "Canada has never been so strong and together as we are now." (Cap 0:32)

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NOW - PM Trudeau: "Canada has never been so strong and together as we are now."

First correct thing Trudeau has said since he came out of hiding!


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e8bd5a No.15810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588648 (092217ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa police warn protesters to leave immediately or face arrest

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Called it

there it is


Ottawa police warn protesters to leave immediately or face arrest. Police also say they have the power to size vehicles, which can be forfeited upon conviction. Comes after province approves city's request to dramatically include the cost of some fines.

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e8bd5a No.15811

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588663 (092220ZFEB22) Notable: Most of Bay Area will lift indoor mask order, citing falling COVID-19 risk

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Democrat polling in pushing this.

DCCC chairman: Democrats need to ‘communicate a clear off-ramp’ on the pandemic

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said Tuesday Democrats need to “communicate a clear off-ramp” to people before November’s elections.

Several blue states with Democratic officials, including Delaware, Connecticut, and New Jersey, have recently announced plans to end universal school mask mandates and have eased some of the mitigation efforts adopted to reduce the spread of the virus as cases dipped after the surge of the omicron variant.


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e8bd5a No.15812

File: 62c4eae27e88dfd⋯.png (5.45 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588672 (092221ZFEB22) Notable: What occurs after this trucker 'BLOCKADE'? 3 year delta BLOCKADE

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>>15790 3 year delta BLOCKADE

Baker Notable

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e8bd5a No.15813

File: b18092bd75487aa⋯.jpg (40.39 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ecdf9ba9b0358f9⋯.jpg (39.27 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c4f84ecfcc80803⋯.jpg (106.9 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588694 (092225ZFEB22) Notable: Symbolic? The Leaf Blockade & The Triple Five Group drained $9.3 million from it's reserve fund

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Symbolic?The Leaf Blockade & The Triple Five Group

Triple Five Group (555 LLC), a conglomerate based in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, can't pay it's debt on the New Jersey mall "American Dream", anddrained $9.3 millionfrom it's reserve fund.

Trimont Real Estate Advisors say TripleFive Group wasn’t complying with obligations under the bond documents to provide updates on project costs and performance.

The project has another$1.7 billionin senior and mezzanine construction debt.

Who is TripleFive?

>Azerbaijan/Iranian Jewish Ghermezian family, Elijah Ghermezian, Jacob Ghermezian,

>Jacob Ghermezian became one of the wealthiest businessmen in the country, and during 1943, he hosted U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt, U.K. Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and Soviet leader Joseph Stalin in his apartment during the critical Tehran Conference





Could they have anything to do with Uranium One and handing off nuke material to Iran?

Krispy Kreme Christy (Mr.Bridge) welcomed them in.

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e8bd5a No.15814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588702 (092227ZFEB22) Notable: SOS Raffensperger Facilitated Ballot Harvesting in Georgia – Then Defended Results with Completely Bogus Report

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SOS Raffensperger Facilitated Ballot Harvesting in Georgia – Then Defended Results with Completely Bogus Report

On Wednesday Garland Favorito and VoterGA presented their latest report on the 2020 Georgia presidential election titled, “The Truth about the Georgia Elections.”

The entire presentation with questions ran for about an hour-and-a-half.

During their presser VoterGA laid out 42 different points of fact to refute Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s false claims about 2020 being a free and fair election.

At one point the Favorito discussed the MITRE Corporation’s National Election Security Lab report used by Raffensperger to declare the election free from ballot harvesting.

Garland and his team admitted they were not aware of this MITRE report until Raffensperger brought it up. The MITRE company put together a few statistics and graphs and declared the Georgia election free of ballot harvesting.

We now know via True the Vote that there were AT LEAST 242 ballot harvesters and potentially thousands of ballots in Georgia during the 2020 election.

VoterGA even used MITRE numbers to reveal ballot harvesting in Fulton, Gwinnett and DeKalb counties in Georgia.

The MITRE people have some explaining to do.

VoterGA lay the blame at the feet of Brad Raffensperger and his very dishonest assessment of ballot harvesting the 2020 election.

This video clip from today’s presser was outstanding!



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e8bd5a No.15815

File: d01a776bd39dbf9⋯.png (1.2 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588703 (092227ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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E3 Sentry squawking mechanical emergency headed to emergency landing in Las Vegas - Nellis AFB

Say a prayer Anons.

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e8bd5a No.15816

File: 8a7df3c9d2e151f⋯.png (302.92 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588704 (092227ZFEB22) Notable: Wendy Rogers passed SB1036 that enforces the displaying of our US flag, our founding documents, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance in schools

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'Wendy Rogers




We just passed SB1036 that enforces the displaying of our US flag, our founding documents, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance in schools. '

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e8bd5a No.15817

File: 49fb7b457f24f3e⋯.png (1.05 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588717 (092228ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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Looks to be on ground short of the runway. Hopefully just an MLAT inaccuracy.

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e8bd5a No.15818

File: b3e2e2068fb938a⋯.png (1.17 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588722 (092230ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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Seems to be down OK.

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e8bd5a No.15819

File: 8189cde7afac3c0⋯.png (113.97 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: f89ba5358581cdc⋯.png (103.23 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588723 (092230ZFEB22) Notable: Former NFL Player Sentenced to Prison for Nationwide Health Care Fraud Scheme

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Former NFL Player Sentenced to Prison for Nationwide Health Care Fraud Scheme


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e8bd5a No.15820

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588736 (092232ZFEB22) Notable: Convoy Reaches Critical Moment In Canada-Polly

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Bitchute video embedded, click small icon in the top left hand corner


Updates on the Canadian protest. We are in the fight of our lives.

For more info or to send a gift to Amazing Polly, please visit: https://amazingpolly.net/

The political rhetoric is terrifying, and I counter that with first hand FACTS. I talk about why this is happening and how we are, in fact, winning. #HoldTheLine

Full videos I reference here are at the website linked above.

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e8bd5a No.15821

File: c417e384e5b4bc1⋯.png (1.1 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588747 (092233ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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Couple of high flying UAVs circling over China Lake….

Lot's going on out there.

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e8bd5a No.15822

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588754 (092235ZFEB22) Notable: PBS - Public Broadcasting Service bun

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PBS - Public Broadcasting Service

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e8bd5a No.15823

File: d2ef98c37f68b29⋯.png (422.6 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588756 (092235ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa police prepping for what? 11 Metcalfe Street

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radio transmission sweeping? StingRay?

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e8bd5a No.15824

File: ee7c1cd4ca52442⋯.png (78.96 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588758 (092235ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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Wonder what the 2 drones over Cali are doing. Most likely training troops.

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e8bd5a No.15825

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588759 (092235ZFEB22) Notable: Convoy Trucker Confronts CBC Reporter After Being Questioned About Truckers’ Kids Safety

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The trucker pressed: “Are my children in danger for being in Ottawa right now? Tell me yes or no.”

Looking for a graceful way out of the interview, which was posted on Twitter and quickly generated more than 300,000 views, the reporter asked, “What do you mean by danger?”

Pointing out that the reporter initiated the interview by relaying a charge that truckers were abusing children, the man fired back, “You tell me. You’re coming here trying to say that children are in danger.”

Attempting to obscure media’s complicity in casting Convoy participants in a negative light, the reporter tried again to point to CASO, “The fact that the Children’s Aid Society is getting involved —”

The trucker cut off the reporter and called him out for the media’s role in scandalmongering: “You got the inside scoop because you guys are the messenger for the devil. You tell me right now: Are my kids in danger for being here? Should I send them on the first train out of town? Tell me now.”

The reporter again attempted to sidestep the question: “It sounds like the Children’s Aid society is saying —”

The trucker asked: “So you’re saying that my kids are gonna get hurt?”

The reporter would not directly answer the question.

The interview ended when the trucker challenged the reporter to think about what he was doing and how unfairly the truckers, who assert they are exercising their right to protest in a free state, are being portrayed.

“The police are gonna come in here and do what to my kids?…You don’t give a s*** about nobody. All you care about is your paycheck. You sold your soul a long time ago…You work for the devil. That’s who you work for. That’s who you work for. That’s your boss.”

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e8bd5a No.15826

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588767 (092237ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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there has been a multi-Country exersize in a big area out that way for a week+ now. you'll see silver23 uk one a lot too

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e8bd5a No.15827

File: 64be751728eae30⋯.png (194.6 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588775 (092238ZFEB22) Notable: Wendy Rogers passed SB1036 that enforces the displaying of our US flag, our founding documents, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance in schools

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>if true, dig the hospital?


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e8bd5a No.15828

File: 96bc197d08592ae⋯.png (650.08 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588779 (092238ZFEB22) Notable: Gitmo Express outbound GTMO845

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Gitmo Express outbound


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e8bd5a No.15829

File: c5d4f7a6264d26b⋯.png (714.49 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588800 (092241ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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75 Helos up.

That's a bunch any day of the week.

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e8bd5a No.15830

File: 29914ee99ab23ca⋯.png (132.54 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588802 (092242ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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Brrrrt's playing in AZ.

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e8bd5a No.15831

File: 6ec877a2cb6423d⋯.png (849.08 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588835 (092248ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

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B52 up too.

What's next an X-Plane?

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e8bd5a No.15832

File: ddad5916666e6f7⋯.gif (1.09 MB,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588861 (092251ZFEB22) Notable: Iserbyt discovered a federally financed initiative called Better Education Skills via Technology (Project BEST),

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Iserbyt discovered a federally financed initiative called Better Education Skills via Technology (Project BEST), which included a section labeled “What we (US Department of Education) can control and manipulate at the local level.” She was fired from the Department of Education after releasing this document to Human Events.

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e8bd5a No.15833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588862 (092251ZFEB22) Notable: LIVE in OTTAWA - freedom convoy - Nucci Day Times

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e8bd5a No.15834

File: bd60f9c63727a7d⋯.png (1.52 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: 92748ecf7090332⋯.jpg (179.08 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588897 (092257ZFEB22) Notable: King, Klobuchar, Durbin Share Discussion Draft to Modernize Electoral Count Act

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February 01, 2022

King, Klobuchar, Durbin Share Discussion Draft to Modernize Electoral Count Act

Following months of research and consultation with outside experts and scholars, Senators share proposal to address ambiguities in 1887 law

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Senator Angus King (I-Maine), Senate Rules Committee Chairwoman Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), and Senate Majority Whip and Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) released a discussion draft of their legislation, the Electoral Count Modernization Act, which would update the Electoral Count Act of 1887. In response to the threats to our democracy since the 2020 Presidential election, this legislation seeks to establish clear, consistent, and fair procedures for the counting and certification of electoral votes for the presidency.

Earlier this week, Senators King, Klobuchar, and Durbin shared the legislation with a number of their colleagues as part of an effort to inform ongoing bipartisan negotiations in both chambers of Congress. The legislation’s draft text can be found HERE.

“Experts across the political spectrum agree that the Electoral Count Act of 1887 needs to be updated to reflect the current realities and threats facing the United States and our election process,” said the Senators. “In response, as leaders on the Senate Rules Committee with jurisdiction over federal elections and members of Senate Democratic leadership, we have been working with legal experts and election law scholars to develop legislation that would modernize the framework of the Electoral Count Act of 1887.

“With Congress reconvening after its January state work period, we thought this was the proper time to share the draft legislative text that we believe serves as a foundational outline for key reforms that address the shortcomings of the 1887 law,” King, Klobuchar, and Durbin continued. “We recognize that updating the Electoral Count Act is not a substitute for confronting the wider crises facing our democracy. We continue to support legislation to protect voting rights prior to Election Day, and strongly believe that we must clarify ambiguities in the electoral process after Election Day to truly ensure the will of the voters will prevail.

“We stand ready to share the knowledge we have accumulated with our colleagues from both parties, and look forward to contributing to a strong, bipartisan effort aimed at resolving this issue and strengthening our democracy,” the three Senators concluded.

Specifically, the Senators’ legislation would:

Ensure that state legislatures cannot appoint electors after Election Day in an effort to overturn their state’s election results.

Give states additional time (until December 20) to complete legitimate recounts and litigation.

Provide limited judicial review to ensure that the electors appointed by a state reflect the popular vote results in the state.

Clarify that the Vice President has no power to reject a state’s electors.

Enumerate specific and narrow grounds for objections to electors or electoral votes.

Raise the thresholds for Congress to consider objections and make it harder to sustain objections without broad support by both chambers of Congress.

Taken together, the proposed legislation would confront electoral subversion at both the state and federal levels by helping ensure that partisan politicians cannot substitute their own preferences for the judgment of the American people in presidential elections.

A one-pager with additional information can be found HERE, a section-by-section summary can be found HERE, and a list of FAQs can be found HERE.






"It's not the number of votes that matter; but rather who counts them" - Communist swine

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e8bd5a No.15835

File: 7504afcf672a73f⋯.jpg (337.25 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b21e6dc09cd1c3f⋯.jpg (347.44 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b3558bdd18f55ae⋯.jpg (166.07 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 060f356d0c1eec9⋯.jpeg (65.54 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7c88fec1d12b83a⋯.jpg (110.9 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588902 (092258ZFEB22) Notable: Impersonating an MD, IQ-less Psaki gives her medical advice

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Impersonating an MD, IQ-less Psaki gives her medical advice.

Psaki also demands that, "babies in the womb should be mandated to wear masks, also"

Psaki Says Toddlers and School Kids Should Wear Masks Regardless What Any State Has Decided (VIDEO)


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e8bd5a No.15836

File: 996b3e4055860ed⋯.png (366.02 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588939 (092306ZFEB22) Notable: FBI Director Christopher Wray met Elmore, a @LeesburgPolice K-9

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Today, #FBI Director Christopher Wray met Elmore, a @LeesburgPolice K-9 named in honor of fallen @FBISanDiego Special Agent Charles W. Elmore, who died in the line of duty on Aug. 9, 1979. https://go.usa.gov/xtAcq


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e8bd5a No.15837

File: 48e601e1ee67184⋯.png (795.94 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588942 (092306ZFEB22) Notable: This is how we win

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>Police closing Queen's Park Circle immediately in response to social media posts about another potential protest involving vehicles

This is how we win

Make realistic-sounding "organizations" that are merely facades.

Just likfile:///home/neo/Downloads/And%20frogs%20of%20war%20to%20destroy%20them.pnge they make facades.

Tyrants waste time reacting to facades.

They look like FOOLS.

And frogs to destroy them.

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e8bd5a No.15838

File: 092229b80f6b2b7⋯.jpg (168.99 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a437aea75e12f3e⋯.jpg (386.63 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588948 (092307ZFEB22) Notable: Trudeau ridiculous requirements to meet with Truckers for a few minutes

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Is this legit?


Trudeau ridiculous requirements to meet with Truckers for a few minutes.

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e8bd5a No.15839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588949 (092308ZFEB22) Notable: Today is National Pizza Day

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More Pizza

8th-graders get assigned to list their favorite sex acts like pizza toppings

'Maybe your partner(s) only want to be touched a certain way'

A Connecticut public school told eighth-grade students in a sex education class to list their sexual likes and dislikes as pizza toppings as a way to teach consent, according to a report from Parents Defending Education (PDE).

The assignment titled “Pizza & Consent” at Enfield Public Schools in Enfield, Connecticut, used pizza as a metaphor for sex and compared “kissing” and “giving oral” to pizza toppings, according to PDE. The assignment also reportedly asked students to list their to sexual likes, dislikes and boundaries.



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e8bd5a No.15840

File: 32cc76bb5b1b1ad⋯.jpg (504.67 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588980 (092313ZFEB22) Notable: Once again, the spike proteins which flood the body after being vaxxed are high affinity ligands for the TLR4 receptor.

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Once again, the spike proteins which flood the body after being vaxxed are high affinity ligands for the TLR4 receptor.

"SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interacts with and activates TLR41 | Cell Research" https://www.nature.com/articles/s41422-021-00495-9

Activation of the TLR4 receptor amplifies and reinforces addictions and drug cravings.

"Toll-Like Receptor 4 Signaling and Drug Addiction" https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7793839/

Now they're going to flood the country with fentanyl and enable crack and meth usage in order to enslave and/or kill of massive swaths of the population.

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e8bd5a No.15841

File: 5b2fd344f45645f⋯.png (1.09 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588983 (092313ZFEB22) Notable: Project Veritas Publishes Leaked ESPN Internal Memo on #ExposeESPN — Includes Gateway Pundit and Dirty Smears of Project Veritas

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Project Veritas Publishes Leaked ESPN Internal Memo on #ExposeESPN — Includes Gateway Pundit and Dirty Smears of Project Veritas


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e8bd5a No.15842

File: 482f33b5a0f58b0⋯.jpg (156.41 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15588984 (092313ZFEB22) Notable: Trudeau ridiculous requirements to meet with Truckers for a few minutes

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With timestamp

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e8bd5a No.15843

File: fb5ea7bfc3989ac⋯.png (437.73 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c7fb3da47fa78b⋯.png (128.8 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: d600487c6410651⋯.png (19.57 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589005 (092318ZFEB22) Notable: PF Reports Couple more SAMs showing up SAM 142 SAM 356 Mapping to Q posts

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Couple more SAMs showing up

SAM 142

SAM 356

Mapping to Q posts.

(356 - would be nice if there was a trip test)

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e8bd5a No.15844

File: 896ba27d732cb31⋯.mp4 (9.8 MB,240x406,120:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589024 (092321ZFEB22) Notable: New support team in up to where the cops are blockading the Milk River support crew

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Anon loves these Canadians more and more everyday.

Okay, so the RCMP says they're going to start ticketing the support blockade for Coutts that's at Milk River. How do they respond?

By bringing a new support team in up to where the cops are blockading the Milk River support crew

Blockade the Blockade that's blocking the Blockade that Blocked the Blockade

Fucking Epic

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589068 (092328ZFEB22) Notable: #19712

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>>>/qresearch/15588369, >>15775 lb, >>>/qresearch/15588397, >>>/qresearch/15588415, >>>/qresearch/15588445, >>>/qresearch/15588441, >>>/qresearch/15588449 Ottawa Guy carrying HF wire was giveaway, there is going to be a major operation soon roughly 3-4 kilometer range

>>15780, >>15785, >>15786, >>15802, >>15823 Ottawa police prepping for what? 11 Metcalfe Street

>>15810 Ottawa police warn protesters to leave immediately or face arrest

>>15792, >>15833 LIVE in OTTAWA - freedom convoy - Nucci Day Times

>>15793 Ottawa’s Mayor, Jim Watson is creating a humanitarian crisis by blocking food shipments so he can blame the truckers (Cap 0:37)

>>15795 Ontario Health Minister: ‘No Plans’ to End Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandate Despite Protests

>>15844 New support team in up to where the cops are blockading the Milk River support crew

>>15777, >>15811 Most of Bay Area will lift indoor mask order, citing falling COVID-19 risk

>>15778, >>15783, >>15781 Multiple People Shot at High School In Buffalo, NY,[O]peration [L]ockdown [E]lmwood?

>>15779, >>15798, >>15803, >>15839 Today is National Pizza Day

>>15782 Sweden Declares The Pandemic To Be "Over"

>>15784, >>15788, >>15806 Peter Navarro subpoenaed

>>15787 ‘Let Him Answer, He’s Not Good at It!’: Heckling Silences Justin Trudeau in Canadian Parliament

>>15789 Missing H, Don Jr: Democrats are pretending to be campions of the reversal of their draconian Policies BS as though it never happened because SCIENCE…

>>15794, >>15815, >>15817, >>15824, >>15818, >>15821, >>15826, >>15829, >>15830, >>15831 PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

>>15828 Gitmo Express outbound GTMO845

>>15843 PF Reports Couple more SAMs showing up SAM 142 SAM 356 Mapping to Q posts

>>15796 Herridge decode Durham IS an on going investigation

>>15797 John Solomon Reveals Who He Thinks John Durham Will Go After Next

>>15799, >>15801 Pfizer sues ex-employees over trade secret theft

>>15800, >>15804, >>15807 Go to NIH .gov and type in Ivermectin and Cancer… CURES

>>15805 US Navy Info For YOU

>>15808 Hannity and Bongino DEMOLISH Biden Regime Passing Out Crack Pipes to Addicts – Completely Shut Him Down After Asking “What Would You Do if It Was Your Child?”

>>15809 Trudeau looks panicked and stressed: "Canada has never been so strong and together as we are now." (Cap 0:32)

>>15812, >>15790 What occurs after this trucker 'BLOCKADE'? 3 year delta BLOCKADE

>>15813 Symbolic? The Leaf Blockade & The Triple Five Group drained $9.3 million from it's reserve fund

>>15814 SOS Raffensperger Facilitated Ballot Harvesting in Georgia – Then Defended Results with Completely Bogus Report

>>15816, >>15827 Wendy Rogers passed SB1036 that enforces the displaying of our US flag, our founding documents, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance in schools

>>15819 Former NFL Player Sentenced to Prison for Nationwide Health Care Fraud Scheme

>>15820 Convoy Reaches Critical Moment In Canada-Polly

>>15825 Convoy Trucker Confronts CBC Reporter After Being Questioned About Truckers’ Kids Safety

>>15832 Iserbyt discovered a federally financed initiative called Better Education Skills via Technology (Project BEST),

>>15834 King, Klobuchar, Durbin Share Discussion Draft to Modernize Electoral Count Act

>>15835 Impersonating an MD, IQ-less Psaki gives her medical advice

>>15836 FBI Director Christopher Wray met Elmore, a @LeesburgPolice K-9

>>15836 This is how we win

>>15838, >>15842 Trudeau ridiculous requirements to meet with Truckers for a few minutes

>>15840 Once again, the spike proteins which flood the body after being vaxxed are high affinity ligands for the TLR4 receptor.

>>15841 Project Veritas Publishes Leaked ESPN Internal Memo on #ExposeESPN — Includes Gateway Pundit and Dirty Smears of Project Veritas

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589118 (092335ZFEB22) Notable: PBS - Public Broadcasting Service bun / My mini-bun, which is below; fixed some formatting:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Don Jr. cap typo:

>Policies BS


>Policies BS


>PBS - Public Broadcasting Service

>weird caps.

>Was just reading this PB notable

>>15768 pb

>Mazda drivers radios stuck on a "public radio station".


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15847

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589130 (092336ZFEB22) Notable: #19712, #19713, #19714

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -





>>>/qresearch/15588369, >>15775 lb, >>>/qresearch/15588397, >>>/qresearch/15588415, >>>/qresearch/15588445, >>>/qresearch/15588441, >>>/qresearch/15588449 Ottawa Guy carrying HF wire was giveaway, there is going to be a major operation soon roughly 3-4 kilometer range

>>15780, >>15785, >>15786, >>15802, >>15823 Ottawa police prepping for what? 11 Metcalfe Street

>>15810 Ottawa police warn protesters to leave immediately or face arrest

>>15792, >>15833 LIVE in OTTAWA - freedom convoy - Nucci Day Times

>>15793 Ottawa’s Mayor, Jim Watson is creating a humanitarian crisis by blocking food shipments so he can blame the truckers (Cap 0:37)

>>15795 Ontario Health Minister: ‘No Plans’ to End Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandate Despite Protests

>>15844 New support team in up to where the cops are blockading the Milk River support crew

>>15777, >>15811 Most of Bay Area will lift indoor mask order, citing falling COVID-19 risk

>>15778, >>15783, >>15781 Multiple People Shot at High School In Buffalo, NY,[O]peration [L]ockdown [E]lmwood?

>>15779, >>15798, >>15803, >>15839 Today is National Pizza Day

>>15782 Sweden Declares The Pandemic To Be "Over"

>>15784, >>15788, >>15806 Peter Navarro subpoenaed

>>15787 ‘Let Him Answer, He’s Not Good at It!’: Heckling Silences Justin Trudeau in Canadian Parliament

>>15789 Missing H, Don Jr: Democrats are pretending to be campions of the reversal of their draconian Policies BS as though it never happened because SCIENCE…

>>15794, >>15815, >>15817, >>15824, >>15818, >>15821, >>15826, >>15829, >>15830, >>15831 PF Reports 410 Military A/C up double normal activity

>>15828 Gitmo Express outbound GTMO845

>>15843 PF Reports Couple more SAMs showing up SAM 142 SAM 356 Mapping to Q posts

>>15796 Herridge decode Durham IS an on going investigation

>>15797 John Solomon Reveals Who He Thinks John Durham Will Go After Next

>>15799, >>15801 Pfizer sues ex-employees over trade secret theft

>>15800, >>15804, >>15807 Go to NIH .gov and type in Ivermectin and Cancer… CURES

>>15805 US Navy Info For YOU

>>15808 Hannity and Bongino DEMOLISH Biden Regime Passing Out Crack Pipes to Addicts – Completely Shut Him Down After Asking “What Would You Do if It Was Your Child?”

>>15809 Trudeau looks panicked and stressed: "Canada has never been so strong and together as we are now." (Cap 0:32)

>>15812, >>15790 What occurs after this trucker 'BLOCKADE'? 3 year delta BLOCKADE

>>15813 Symbolic? The Leaf Blockade & The Triple Five Group drained $9.3 million from it's reserve fund

>>15814 SOS Raffensperger Facilitated Ballot Harvesting in Georgia – Then Defended Results with Completely Bogus Report

>>15816, >>15827 Wendy Rogers passed SB1036 that enforces the displaying of our US flag, our founding documents, and saying the Pledge of Allegiance in schools

>>15819 Former NFL Player Sentenced to Prison for Nationwide Health Care Fraud Scheme

>>15820 Convoy Reaches Critical Moment In Canada-Polly

>>15825 Convoy Trucker Confronts CBC Reporter After Being Questioned About Truckers’ Kids Safety

>>15832 Iserbyt discovered a federally financed initiative called Better Education Skills via Technology (Project BEST),

>>15834 King, Klobuchar, Durbin Share Discussion Draft to Modernize Electoral Count Act

>>15835 Impersonating an MD, IQ-less Psaki gives her medical advice

>>15836 FBI Director Christopher Wray met Elmore, a @LeesburgPolice K-9

>>15837 This is how we win

>>15838, >>15842 Trudeau ridiculous requirements to meet with Truckers for a few minutes

>>15840 Once again, the spike proteins which flood the body after being vaxxed are high affinity ligands for the TLR4 receptor.

>>15841 Project Veritas Publishes Leaked ESPN Internal Memo on #ExposeESPN — Includes Gateway Pundit and Dirty Smears of Project Veritas

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15848

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589109 (092334ZFEB22) Notable: PBS - Public Broadcasting Service bun, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 2b3c56ff495c758150f5a9eb9ad919bc0531aa8095188043c836be364f010197.jpg

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589160 (092341ZFEB22) Notable: PBS - Public Broadcasting Service bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Just saw a Notable combination last bread which I submitted late; I'll drag forward; (ALL LB):

>>15846 My mini-bun, which is below; fixed some formatting:


Don Jr. capitalization typo:

>Policies BS


>Policies BS

>weird caps.

>Was just reading this PB notable


>PBS - Public Broadcasting Service

>>15768 pb

>Mazda drivers radios stuck on a "public radio station".


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589182 (092344ZFEB22) Notable: HOUSTON, TEXAS - Pct. 4 Constable Mark Herman Intention to Hold Activist Judges Accountable On Criminal Cases Dismissed For "Lack Of Probable Cause."

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HOUSTON, TEXAS - Pct. 4 Constable Mark Herman Announces Initiative To Hold Activist Judges Accountable On Criminal Cases Dismissed For "Lack Of Probable Cause."

Herman said the issue has resulted in thousands of criminal cases being dismissed in Harris County. As a result, Herman said the crime rate has gone up, public safety is compromised, and the safety of police officers in Harris County is in jeopardy.


Herman stated in the press conference that criminals have become emboldened and that he believes '''HARRIS COUNTY, TEXAS (HOUSTON) IS ON THE VERGE OF COLLAPSE.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15851

File: 7ad9b9bb859f215⋯.png (173.07 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589198 (092348ZFEB22) Notable: President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Congressman John Moolenaar

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President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Congressman John Moolenaar


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15852

File: 2a986e2f83b8a73⋯.jpg (60.28 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589207 (092349ZFEB22) Notable: 'Alice in Bloody Wonderland' Hillary Clinton To Headline Inaugural Forbes 30/50 Summit Abu Dhabi March 8

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Hillary Rodham Clinton To Headline Inaugural Forbes 30/50 Summit And Receive International Women’s Day Lifetime Achievement Award

Exclusive On-Stage Interview with 30/50 Summit Chair Mika Brzezinski to Air on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”

Abu Dhabi March 8


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15853

File: d89ac83aa08260e⋯.png (141.51 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: fd9f5c1ca6ecae9⋯.png (213.74 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589216 (092351ZFEB22) Notable: ICYMI: "Ex-New York Times editor takes blame for Sarah Palin error at defamation trial"

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ICYMI: "Ex-New York Times editor takes blame for Sarah Palin error at defamation trial"


Ex-New York Times editor takes blame for Sarah Palin error at defamation trial

James Bennet, the former New York Times editorial page editor, said Tuesday that he was at fault for writing language into a 2017 piece falsely asserting a connection between a map circulated by Sarah Palin’s political action committee and a mass shooting that wounded US Rep. Gabby Giffords.

Bennet took responsibility for the error while testifying at the Manhattan federal court trial in the defamation suit Palin brought against the newspaper over the editorial.

“This is my fault, right. I wrote those sentences,” Bennet said while responding to questioning by Palin’s attorney, Shane Vogt.

He took the blame while explaining an email he sent to editorial writer Elizabeth Williamson at 7:22 p.m. on June 14, 2017, the night the editorial was published online with a headline of “America’s Lethal Politics.”

Williamson had drafted the first iteration of the editorial earlier that day, and Bennet wrote to her to explain he had heavily edited the piece.

“Really reworked this one. Please take a look. I hope you see what I was trying to do. Thank you for the hard work today and sorry for the heavy edit,” Bennet wrote to Williamson.

Vogt asked Bennet if he had requested Williamson fact check his changes, and Bennet pointed to the line in the email that stated “please take a look.”

He then quickly said the error was solely his fault. “I’m not trying to shift the blame to anyone else,” Bennet said.

The editorial was published the same day a gunman opened fire on GOP members of Congress, wounding Rep. Steve Scalise, at a Northern Virginia baseball diamond.

The piece sought to make a point that there was a pattern of violence against members of Congress — on both sides of the political spectrum — due to a culture of heated political rhetoric, Bennet said.

To make the point in the editorial, Bennet asserted that prior to the Virginia shooting, the gunman who opened fire on Rep. Giffords and others in 2011 was politically incited, in part because of a map Palin’s PAC had circulated.

The map showed congressional districts, including Giffords’, with stylized cross hairs that resembled a rifle’s sights over them.

“The link to the political incitement was clear,” the editorial said of the 2011 shooting.

“Before the shooting, Sarah Palin’s political action committee circulated a map of targeted electoral districts that put Ms. Giffords and 19 other Democrats under stylized cross hairs,” the next sentence of the editorial went on.

A link between the gunman from Arizona and politics was never established and the idea it was linked to the cross hairs map was debunked years prior to the editorial.

A columnist at the Times, Ross Douthat, informed Bennet that he’d published the error in an email the same night it went live online.

The next morning, Bennet emailed his colleagues on the editorial page soon after 5 a.m., and they worked up a correction to the piece that was published that morning.

Before he took the stand Tuesday, Linda Cohn, another editorial page editor who worked on the piece, testified she was devastated that they’d included the error.

“Getting anything wrong as an editor — it’s just one of the worst feelings ever,” she told the jury.

“You feel horrible. You never want to have anything in the paper you have to correct. It leads to many sleepless nights after,” she said.


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e8bd5a No.15854

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589222 (092352ZFEB22) Notable: Hold the Line Truckers

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Hold the Line Truckers

Don't fear illegal arrests. Welcome them. That's when you WIN and run the board. This is a game of chicken. First to flinch wins.


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e8bd5a No.15855

File: d7d532bd52ea50f⋯.png (205.41 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589227 (092352ZFEB22) Notable: ICYMI: "Fewer Americans now say Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the Jan. 6 riot"

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ICYMI: "Fewer Americans now say Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the Jan. 6 riot"

President Donald J. Trump:

"Very much appreciated—but there would have been no January 6 had Nancy Pelosi, as strongly recommended by me, sent in Soldiers or the National Guard days…


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e8bd5a No.15856

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589231 (092353ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawa police stumped by jerry cans as freedom truckers stay parked

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Started streaming 51 minutes ago

Robert Gouveia Esq.

151K subscribers

Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson and Police Deputy Chief Steve Bell take questions from the media and appear to be stumped as to how to respond to the Freedom Trucker Convoy. Today, we review the latest, including:

🔹 Ottawa police issues a press release hinting at increased enforcement in the coming hours.

🔹 Ottawa Deputy Police Chief Steven Bell provides an update during a press conference.

🔹 Bell is asked about the Jerry Can Plot being executed by the Freedom Truckers, and admits to the “layers of complexity.”

🔹 @UOttawaScotty takes us around the scene in Ottawa where we see the installation of police barricades.

🔹 Despite confidence in their efforts, Bell acknowledges they do not have a timeline for a resolution.

🔹 Mayor Jim Watson attends another city council meeting where he takes questions from the media.

🔹 Mayor Watson says he will not meet with the truckers until they remove their vehicles.

🔹 Jim Watson and the City Manager sound completely deflated in the Cat and Mouse game.

🔹 Watson said Truckers are embarrassing themselves and seem like something out of Monty Python.

🔹 Canadian liberal politicians start to defect: MP Robillard and Joel Lightbound.

🔹 Alberta “ends” mandates, but then sort of reverses, according to Premier Kenney.

🔹 Truckers also block the Ambassador Bridge that connects a port-of-entry between Canada in Windsor and the United States.

🔹 Drew Dilkens provides an update on the Ambassador Bridge.

🔹 Your questions and comments!


💬 https://watchingthewatchers.locals.com/


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e8bd5a No.15857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589234 (092353ZFEB22) Notable: Webinar Registration: A Life in Many Worlds A Conversation with Huma Abedin Mar 22, 2022

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Webinar Registration

Both/And: A Life in Many Worlds A Conversation with Huma Abedin

Mar 22, 2022 07:00 PM in Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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e8bd5a No.15858

File: 670acf1c897aa19⋯.png (145.04 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dc46830a6d3a42⋯.png (192.67 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589240 (092354ZFEB22) Notable: ICYMI: "Insecure border spreads lethal crime to America's heartland, creating powerful election issue"

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ICYMI: "Insecure border spreads lethal crime to America's heartland, creating powerful election issue"


Insecure border spreads lethal crime to America's heartland, creating powerful election issue

Gripping, gruesome cases are driving home the reality that every city is a border city during the Biden presidency, experts warn.

A 5-year-old riding in her mother's car. A Texas sheriff's deputy on routine patrol. A Florida father who thought he was foster parenting a minor. A Mississippi woman pistol whipped as she talked on cell phone. Three people found burned to death in a car in Alabama.

All have one thing in common: they were victimized since President Joe Biden took office by immigrants who illegally crossed the border.

The rising tide of high-profile, gruesome crimes far from the U.S.-Mexico border is creating a potent political issue as control of Congress is up for grabs this November while leaving a trail of carnage and drug overdoses in America's heartland.

"Every state is a border state. And that's the truth," said Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, who joined Texas in suing to challenge some of Biden's immigration policies they argue have left the border open to trafficking and criminals.

"It's terrible for those border towns, because a lot of schools have gone on lockdown, because of the crime and illegal activity that comes across, but the drugs, the fentanyl, the human trafficking ends up in places like Kansas City, or in Wichita, or in Columbus, Ohio, all over the country," Schmitt told the John Solomon Reports podcast on Monday.

Missouri has seen a marked increase in the last year in deadly fentanyl trafficking and deaths, including the tragic deaths of seven residents in St. Louis on Monday from drugs laced with fentanyl typically made in China and trafficked across the border by Mexican cartels.

Fetanyl is more of a silent killer from the border, piling up bodies without blaring headlines. But in recent weeks a constant stream of breaking news reports has awakened the nation to the reality that the permissive border crossings and trafficking to the country's interior under Biden has had deadly consequences far from the border.

In Alabama's Chilton County, two illegal immigrants, ages 27 and 28, have been charged in the murders of three adults found shot and burned in an SUV that was set afire last summer.

Just the News exclusively obtained a memo, the content of which was published Tuesday, about Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas offers his support to CBP agents against whom assaults and threats of violence are being lodged.

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e8bd5a No.15859

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589243 (092354ZFEB22) Notable: ICYMI: "Insecure border spreads lethal crime to America's heartland, creating powerful election issue"

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The memo informs Chris Magnus, the CBP commissioner, that DHS is working with leadership at the Justice Department to ensure that "assaults on CBP and other federal law enforcement personnel are referred for prosecution as appropriate and treated as a priority."

In another recent case, a Florida father who believed he was taking in a 16-year-old migrant minor from Honduras was killed by the immigrant, who turned out to be much older and involved in crime. The case stunned the political world.

In Mississippi, an illegal immigrant from Mexico was arrested Monday on charges he pistol-whipped a woman and shot her cellphone beside her head because she was vaping

In Florida, a 5-year-old girl riding in her mother’s car was crushed to death when an illegal immigrant from Honduras crashed into the car. The driver admitted he got in the car after drinking six cans of 32-ounce beers.

That senseless killing even brought grizzled law enforcement officers to tears. "A little 5-year-old beautiful baby was crushed to death," the local sheriff lamented, noting if the driver had been kept in his "home country last Saturday night like he should have been, our 5-year-old beautiful little girl would have been alive."

Law enforcement has both experienced the wave of migrant crime and suffered loss from it.

In Harris County, Texas, an illegal immigrant from El Salvador is charged with exiting his vehicle during a routine traffic stop and fatally shooting a sheriff's deputy in the face last month. The suspect has a long history of crime in the United States despite illegally entering, officials said.

Federal officials also confirm that 14 illegal immigrants with known or suspected terrorist ties have been stopped at the border in Biden's first year, raising the question of how many have snuck in undetected.

"It took 19 to perpetrate this horrible 9/11 attack, the worst terrorist attack in the history of the country — and they are just pouring across the border, pouring across," Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas) told Just the News on Monday, warning Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris bear full responsibility.

"Quite frankly, people are dying on their watch," he said. "It is a dereliction of duty to do what they are doing. They are violating the Constitution … If this is not an invasion, I don't know what is."

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told Just the News on Monday that the border is more than an immigration issue, it is a national security issue that is likely to result in a reckoning for Democrats in the next two elections. He added that America's porous border is also shaking allies' confidence in America's commitment to security.

"If you're not prepared to protect your own sovereignty, if you're not prepared to defend your own borders, and make sure you know what's coming in and out of your country, then I think the world can see that you're not about to be on the global stage," he said during an interview on the "Just the News" TV show on Real America's Voice.

Some Republicans, like Sen. Ted Cruz, believe if their party takes control of Congress next year Biden could face impeachment for refusing to enforce border laws.

"I really believe that impeachment could be on the table," Rep. Lance Gooden (R-Texas) said. "And I would support that."

Human trafficking, in particular, is creating victims in multiple spheres, from women and children trafficked into sex work to innocent victims driving the streets.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589244 (092355ZFEB22) Notable: ICYMI: "Insecure border spreads lethal crime to America's heartland, creating powerful election issue"

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Last March, 13 migrants were killed when the SUV driven by their smuggler crashed into a tractor trailer in California, in one of the deadliest border crashes in American history. More recently, a 59-year-old mother and her 22-year old daughter were killed in Texas in December when their car was T-boned by a speeding vehicle trying to smuggle illegal aliens into the country. The horrific photos grabbed international headlines.

"What we're seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral," Gooden said. "The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking … is really a travesty."

While impeachment and elections loom on the horizon as a possible solutions, law enforcement officials are focused right now on trying to stem the rise of crime in communities affected by illegal immigrants who have traveled far from the border, sometimes with the help of the Biden administration and their allies in the nonprofit world.

Several Republicans in Congress are sponsoring various pieces of legislation to stop the federal government and nonprofits from assisting aliens seeking to move to the interior of the country. Attorneys general in several states, like Missouri's Schmitt, are going to the courts to compel the Biden administration to enforce existing immigration laws.

And while the violent, gruesome crimes are capturing headlines, con games and property crimes are also a concern.

In New York City, a 40-year-old illegal immigrant was arrested last month on charges she stole the identities of 100 people in the borough of Queens and filed for $1.9 million in fraudulent jobless benefits.

In the nation's capital, an illegal immigrant with a lengthy criminal record was charged last week with painting swastikas on Washington, D.C.'s iconic Union Station.

Advocates of illegal immigrants point to studies like one done recently by the National Academy of Sciences that found that illegal immigrants on average commit fewer crimes in America than legal immigrants or natural born citizens.

But that is little solace to victims who know their loved ones would be alive if an illegal immigrant hadn't been allowed to cross the border or had been deported back to his or her country under Biden.

"By him not being deported, it's like you telling me my daughter's life didn't mean anything," said Rhonda Exum, a mother whose 19-year-old daughter was killed in Texas by an illegal immigrant in a DUI accident.

Exum told Fox News she regrets voting for Biden in 2020 after his Homeland Security Department refused to deport the man who is accused of killing her daughter.


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e8bd5a No.15861

File: 072b9931427f95c⋯.png (350 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589252 (092355ZFEB22) Notable: Boatfag HMCS SUMMERSIDE (MM711) & HMCS KINGSTON (MM700)

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HMCS SUMMERSIDE (MM711) & HMCS KINGSTON (MM700) Kingston-class coastal defense vessels are shadowing fishing vessels BRITTNEY JAMES and FREDRICK SISTERS just southwest of Halifax

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15862

File: aad3e7e88895825⋯.jpeg (625.79 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589292 (100000ZFEB22) Notable: Anon Patriot Prayer Time 7:00PM EST

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Anon Patriot Prayer Time 7:00PM EST

Assume the Position

So much to be Thank You for.

Thank You to the States and Countries Removing the Restrictions

Thank You to the Schools Removing the Restrictions

Lord please help all those fighting in Ottawa

Lord please help all those fighting here in the USA and the rest of the World

Lord please help all those suffering through these Trying Times

Please Join US All

Let’s Pray

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e8bd5a No.15863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589314 (100002ZFEB22) Notable: Simple to end convoy, Trudeau can step down [as] PM and then have all the mandates and lockdowns ended

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


“There is however a very simple way to get this convoy to disperse and move out. Trudeau can step down [as] PM and then have all the mandates and lockdowns ended! This is the only way this ends."


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15864

File: fe3243941808a35⋯.jpeg (355.43 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a3ab723e400042a⋯.jpeg (553.76 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 871eeae3903d07e⋯.jpeg (46.52 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589316 (100002ZFEB22) Notable: Any anons notice this coincidence? Starlink satellites destroyed in geomagnetic storm, then Truth Social launch is delayed 6 weeks.

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Any anons notice this coincidence? Starlink satellites destroyed in geomagnetic storm, then Truth Social launch is delayed 6 weeks.

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e8bd5a No.15865

File: 03badb1436020d7⋯.jpeg (646.5 KB,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589327 (100004ZFEB22) Notable: You need to get to Ottawa with your Radio Nellie HAM Radio channels

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You need to get to Ottawa with your Radio Nellie

HAM Radio

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e8bd5a No.15866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589332 (100004ZFEB22) Notable: ICYMI: "Insecure border spreads lethal crime to America's heartland, creating powerful election issue"

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>ICYMI: "Insecure border spreads lethal crime to America's heartland, creating powerful election issue"

Trump is warning them….giving them one last chance

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e8bd5a No.15867

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589335 (100004ZFEB22) Notable: Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia's provincial health officer, and B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix provide an update on the COVID-19: These people are scared shitless

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93.9K subscribers

In Victoria, Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia's provincial health officer, and B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix provide an update on the COVID-19 situation in the province.

Caught this (not live though)

These people are scared shitless


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e8bd5a No.15868

File: 2705812e0124a6e⋯.png (1.54 MB,Clipboard.png)

File: ff88ef877d65e6a⋯.png (292.05 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: c7ec25145b25b9f⋯.png (355.95 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: b5fcd7ec7d47d15⋯.png (436.64 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589341 (100005ZFEB22) Notable: “We’re Done Wearing Masks” – Brave Students Across Washington State Protest Masks in Schools

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“We’re Done Wearing Masks” – Brave Students Across Washington State Protest Masks in Schools

Brave high school students across Washington state protested masks in schools on Wednesday.

The high school students said they were tired of being kicked out of class for refusing to wear a mask.

“We’re done wearing masks,” the students said as they walked out of class and into the parking lot at Washougal High School.

Students at Union High School are done with masks too.

“When you speak up for your freedoms, you’re going to be heard. It doesn’t matter if it’s in the parking lot or inside the school,” one of the students said to TPUSA’s Katie Daviscourt.


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e8bd5a No.15869

File: 9f80ee4f44d85bb⋯.jpg (188.23 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589357 (100006ZFEB22) Notable: Any anons notice this coincidence? Starlink satellites destroyed in geomagnetic storm, then Truth Social launch is delayed 6 weeks.

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Trump TRUTH = end

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e8bd5a No.15870

File: c83ead04c3790ac⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589371 (100007ZFEB22) Notable: ICYMI: "Fewer Americans now say Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the Jan. 6 riot"

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she designed the whole event, with her son-in-law / daughter's partner on the ground.

It was crisis actors.

they guards let them in.

National Guard likely would've stopped Nancy's shenanigans; that' why she didn't call them in, though Trump told her she should.

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e8bd5a No.15871

File: 5ef259cba6e9d65⋯.png (495.69 KB,Clipboard.png)

File: 51d83047d653977⋯.png (96.63 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589374 (100007ZFEB22) Notable: Police threaten to arrest protesting truckers Canada

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Police threaten to arrest protesting truckers

Ottawa police tells protesting Canadian truckers they will be fined or arrested and their trucks seized

9 Feb, 2022 23:07

Police in the Canadian capital of Ottawa have threatened the “Freedom Convoy” protesters on Wednesday with fines, arrests and seizure of their trucks if they do not stop their “mischief.” The truckers demand an end to vaccine mandates and other Covid-19 restrictions in Canada.

To “obstruct, interrupt or interfere with the lawful use, enjoyment, or operation of property,” is a criminal offense known as “mischief to property,” the Ottawa police announced on Wednesday afternoon.

The police said that the “unlawful act of blocking streets in the downtown core” amounts to just such a crime.

Anyone blocking the streets or assisting others in doing so, directly or indirectly, may be guilty of that offense and may be arrested without a warrant, the police said. Those arrested may be denied bail, and their property – including trucks – may be seized and forfeited.

“You must immediately cease further unlawful activity or you may face charges,” the police said.


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e8bd5a No.15872

File: 5fcade070f6944c⋯.png (373.12 KB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589384 (100008ZFEB22) Notable: Police threaten to arrest protesting truckers Canada

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Ottawa is also threatening to levy hefty fines on idling, open fire, and noise complaints – all designed to force the truckers to leave – according to the Canadian state broadcaster CBC.

Police are saying that charges and convictions related to the “mischief” protest may “lead to denial” of crossing the US border. One of the reasons the truckers cited for protesting is that the Covid-19 vaccine mandate is currently preventing many of them from doing just that, however.

Hundreds of truckers and their supporters launched the “Freedom Convoy” on January 22, driving across Canada to arrive in Ottawa on January 29. They have camped outside the Canadian parliament ever since, honking their horns and demanding the end to the vaccine, mask, and other mandates and restrictions related to the pandemic.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has refused to meet with the protesters, calling the truckers a “fringe minority with unacceptable views” and accusing them of violence, racism, bigotry and even Nazi sympathies. Canadian authorities have also denounced the protest as an “insurrection” and a “threat to our democracy.”

With the standoff between truckers, their supporters and the Canadian authorities going into its second week, Ottawa police moved to confiscate thousands of liters of fuel from the truckers. Protest sympathizers responded by forming crowds to deliver diesel to the truckers. On Monday, an Ottawa judge issued an injunction prohibiting the honking of car and truck horns – and the truckers mostly complied, though they remained in place.

Another group of protesters has since blocked the Ambassador Bridge on the US-Canadian border, which handles a quarter of all trade between the two countries. The bridge between Detroit, Michigan and Windsor, Ontario has not yet been reopened to traffic. An earlier blockade of a major US-Canada border crossing in Alberta has continued as well, despite repeated police threats.

While protests continue to grip Ottawa, three Canadian provinces announced on Tuesday that they would gradually lift their pandemic mandates and restrictions.


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e8bd5a No.15873

File: 1fa18e3fd7adb59⋯.png (476.35 KB,532x931,4:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589389 (100009ZFEB22) Notable: Eyes on Milk River

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eyes on milk river


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e8bd5a No.15874

File: 2a60fae28353aaa⋯.png (76.98 KB,624x624,1:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8957da70c6b7468⋯.png (371.73 KB,650x948,325:474,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589414 (100011ZFEB22) Notable: Get your Scanners Ready Y'all! CB, Air, Marine, Ham, Pol, Fire, Ems, VHF/UHF (MHz/GHz) RECORD & ARCHIVE OFF-LINE

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>>>/qresearch/15588369, >>15775 lb, >>>/qresearch/15588397, >>>/qresearch/15588415, >>>/qresearch/15588445, >>>/qresearch/15588441, >>>/qresearch/15588449 Ottawa Guy carrying HF wire was giveaway, there is going to be a major operation soon roughly 3-4 kilometer range

Get your Scanners Ready Y'all!

CB, Air, Marine, Ham, Pol, Fire, Ems, VHF/UHF (MHz/GHz)

Uniden SDS101 is bout the best you can get for Covert Civilain Monitoring… Use earpiece have conversations about Mundane shit…. Get in close…


Smoke Em if You Got Em'!😬👌🚬⚡

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e8bd5a No.15875

File: ca42898ac183d88⋯.png (139.31 KB,716x746,358:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 4b08baa62f26fcb⋯.png (138.6 KB,620x1032,155:258,Clipboard.png)

File: e4cc07035772876⋯.png (141.63 KB,840x1014,140:169,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589432 (100014ZFEB22) Notable: ICYMI: "Fewer Americans now say Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the Jan. 6 riot"

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Fewer Americans now say Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the Jan. 6 riot

By Bradley Jones

A little more than a year after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, Americans remain deeply divided about the events of that day and the ongoing congressional investigation into what happened.

A bar chart showing that fewer U.S. adults now assign Trump a lot of responsibility for Capitol riot

Last year, in the immediate wake of Jan. 6, about half of U.S. adults (52%) said Donald Trump bore a lot of responsibility for the violence and destruction committed by some of his supporters that day. Today, 43% say this. The share of adults who say Trump bears some responsibility has changed little since then, but more Americans now say Trump bears no responsibility for the mayhem caused by his supporters that day (32% today vs. 24% then). The new survey was conducted Jan. 10-17, prior to several developments involving the Jan. 6 investigation and Trump’s actions following the 2020 election.

How we did this

Among both Republicans and Democrats, there have been declines in the shares who say Trump bears responsibility for the violence and destruction at the Capitol. The share of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents who say he bears a lot of responsibility has declined from 18% a year ago to 10% today. Nearly six-in-ten Republicans (57%) currently say he has no responsibility at all for the violence, up from 46% shortly after the riot. Among Democrats and Democratic leaners, seven-in-ten say Trump bears a lot of responsibility for last year’s violence at the Capitol, down from 81% a year ago.

Views on the level of attention paid to the riot at the Capitol also continue to divide the public. A third of Americans say the right amount of attention has been paid to the events of Jan. 6, 2021, while about equal shares say the riot has received too much attention (35%) and too little attention (31%). These views are little changed from September 2021.

A large majority of Republicans (65%) say that there has been too much attention paid to the riot, with 22% saying it has received the right amount and just 12% saying it has received too little.

Among Democrats, about half (48%) say too little attention has been paid to the events of Jan. 6, while 41% say the amount of attention has been about right and just 11% say it has received too much attention.

The share of Americans who have heard about the congressional investigation into the events of Jan. 6 has increased since September. Currently, 26% say they have heard a lot about the House select committee’s investigation, up from just 11% then. Comparable shares in both parties (29% of Democrats and 25% of Republicans) have heard a lot about the committee’s probe.

Partisans have widely differing levels of confidence in the fairness of the select committee. Overall, 45% of Americans say they are at least somewhat confident that the committee’s investigation is fair and reasonable, while 54% say they are not too or not at all confident that this is the case.

Nearly eight-in-ten Republicans (79%) say they have little or no confidence in the fairness of the Jan. 6 committee’s investigation, including about half (46%) who say they have no confidence at all.

Democrats’ confidence in the committee’s fairness is more equivocal. About two-thirds of Democrats (65%) say they are at least somewhat confident that the investigation is fair and reasonable, with 27% saying they are very confident.

Republicans are internally divided in their views of the Jan. 6 riot, including Trump’s role in it, depending on whether they believe Trump or Joe Biden was the rightful winner of the 2020 election. In a June 2021 survey, about two-thirds of Republicans said Trump definitely (33%) or probably (33%) won the 2020 presidential election – meaning they believe he received the most votes cast by eligible voters in enough states to win.

Republicans who hold this view – incorrectly – overwhelmingly absolve him from responsibility for the Jan. 6 riot and say too much attention has been paid to the event. These Republicans also doubt the fairness of the congressional investigation.

The smaller share of Republicans (34%) who say Biden definitely or probably won the election are less likely to express these views. For example, just 31% of Republicans who say Biden definitely or probably was the rightful winner of the presidential election say Trump bears no responsibility for the violence and destruction at the Capitol; that compares with 72% among those who contend that Trump definitely or probably won.


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e8bd5a No.15876

File: ece80da5b340555⋯.png (763.61 KB,977x625,977:625,Clipboard.png)

File: afe563195d86974⋯.png (542.93 KB,1062x492,177:82,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589443 (100015ZFEB22) Notable: PF Report sTanker, no callsign, out of Kansas heads east, does a dogleg over the Atlantic, then heads directly for Ottawa

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Tanker, no callsign, out of Kansas heads east, does a dogleg over the Atlantic, then heads directly for Ottawa.

Wassup wid dat?

Refueling fighters over Ottawa?

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e8bd5a No.15877

File: 4284e426633f96f⋯.png (215.94 KB,783x831,261:277,Clipboard.png)

File: d6986d0906c9ebc⋯.png (403.61 KB,785x808,785:808,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d5ac1b69b9d799⋯.png (198.67 KB,791x829,791:829,Clipboard.png)

File: b965de286de64cc⋯.png (182.37 KB,794x744,397:372,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c13da793a39a0b⋯.png (681.01 KB,748x750,374:375,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589444 (100015ZFEB22) Notable: Propagandist for Syria terror proxies compromised Amnesty International, leaked docs show

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Propagandist for Syria terror proxies compromised Amnesty International, leaked docs show

Amnesty International was listed as a client of a professional propagandist for Syrian terror groups backed by the UK and US governments – the same militias once condemned by Amnesty.

This December, The Grayzone exposed how a shadowy communications firm, Valent Projects, enlisted a prominent YouTube influencer to front a covert state-sponsored influence operation designed to undermine critics of London’s pandemic policies. That company was founded by Amil Khan, a veteran of long-running and lavishly funded UK Foreign Office information warfare operations in Syria.

The overriding objective behind Khan’s involvement in the Syrian dirty war was destabilizing the government of Bashar Assad, while convincing Syrians and international bodies that the militant groups rampaging across the country were a “moderate” alternative. Media across the world was subsequently flooded with pro-opposition propaganda.

In fact, Khan ran communications for armed opposition gangs in the Syrian dirty war – the same militias that Amnesty had previously condemned for perpetrating egregious human rights abuses. He did so while maintaining a personal and professional connection with a top staffer at Amnesty International’s UK branch, Kristyan Benedict.

Amnesty had once covered the atrocities committed by those armed Syrian gangs, but as Khan entered its orbit, listing the human rights group as a client of his firm, Amnesty became a dependable organ of regime change propaganda.

Though Amnesty recently infuriated the US Department of State and Israel lobby by accusing Israel of the crime of apartheid, The Grayzone can reveal that Amnesty International has been subverted and made a part of the malign effort to destabilize Syria – a key objective of NATO states and the government of Israel.

‘Shameful disregard for human life’

Though Amnesty International has become known for a steady supply of flashy, heavily promoted reports drumming up regime change narratives against Syria, it once highlighted atrocities committed by the violent gangs sponsored and armed by the West.

In May 2016 for instance, it published an excoriating report exposing how a number of terror groups had “repeatedly carried out indiscriminate attacks that have struck civilian homes, streets, markets and mosques, killing and injuring civilians and displaying a shameful disregard for human life” in militia-occupied Aleppo.

Between February and April, indiscriminate artillery shelling, rocket and mortar strikes targeting the Kurdish People’s Protection Unit (YPG) killed 83 civilians, including 30 children, and injured over 700 civilians in residential areas. On the “bloodiest day” ever witnessed by residents of the Sheikh Maqsoud suburb, one man alone lost seven members of their family, including his 18-month-old daughter, two sons aged 15 and 10, and eight-year-old nephew, when an improvised rocket struck his home.




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e8bd5a No.15878

File: c51d95d5ba69f8a⋯.jpg (60.79 KB,470x576,235:288,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b8cc7c54606802c⋯.mp4 (3.44 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589447 (100015ZFEB22) Notable: Christine Janice Elliott MPP Canadian politician in Ontario

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WTF with those eyes


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e8bd5a No.15879

File: 3b13693caf7a0fe⋯.jpeg (115.03 KB,593x900,593:900,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589448 (100015ZFEB22) Notable: Webinar Registration: A Life in Many Worlds A Conversation with Huma Abedin Mar 22, 2022

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Huma Abedin reflects on Clinton service, Anthony Weiner marriage in new book


She will speak about the book at 7 p.m. Feb. 17 in the Campus Center Ballroom at the University at Albany. The talk, presented by the New York State Writers Institute, is free.

Her parents were both academics who met at the University of Pennsylvania. Her father grew up in India and her mother was Pakistani. Abedin’s father began his teaching career at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, and 10 years later he took a job and moved the family to Saudi Arabia.

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e8bd5a No.15880

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589453 (100016ZFEB22) Notable: Any anons notice this coincidence? Starlink satellites destroyed in geomagnetic storm, then Truth Social launch is delayed 6 weeks.

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SpaceX satellites falling out of orbit after solar storm

(Anons, we might be fucked.)

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — SpaceX’s newest fleet of satellites is tumbling out of orbit after being struck by a solar storm.

Up to 40 of the 49 small satellites launched last week have either reentered the atmosphere and burned up, or are on the verge of doing so, the company said in an online update Tuesday night.

SpaceX said a geomagnetic storm last Friday made the atmosphere denser, which increased the drag on the Starlink satellites, effectively dooming them.

Ground controllers tried to save the compact, flat-panel satellites by putting them into a type of hibernation and flying them in a way to minimize drag. But the atmospheric pull was too great, and the satellites failed to awaken and climb to a higher, more stable orbit, according to the company.

SpaceX still has close to 2,000 Starlink satellites orbiting Earth and providing internet service to remote corners of the world. They circle the globe more than 340 miles up (550 kilometers).


Read More

The satellites hit by the solar storm were in a temporary position. SpaceX deliberately launches them into this unusually low orbit so that any duds can quickly reenter the atmosphere and pose no threat to other spacecraft.

There is no danger from these newly falling satellites, either in orbit or on the ground, according to the company.

Each satellite weighs less than 575 pounds (260 kilograms).

SpaceX described the lost satellites as a “unique situation." Such geomagnetic storms are caused by intense solar activity like flares, which can send streams of plasma from the sun's corona hurtling out into space and toward Earth.

Since launching the first Starlink satellites in 2019, Elon Musk envisions a constellation of thousands more satellites to increase internet service. SpaceX is trying to help restore internet service to Tonga through this network following the devastating volcanic eruption and tsunami.

London-based OneWeb has its own internet satellites up there. And Amazon plans to start launching its satellites later this year.

Astronomers are distressed that these mega constellations will ruin nighttime observations from Earth. The International Astronomical Union is forming a new center for the protection of dark skies.

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e8bd5a No.15881

File: 5014ed7ebf10394⋯.png (323.77 KB,602x770,43:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589458 (100017ZFEB22) Notable: Rumble’s SPAC Stock Drops 17% After Joe Rogan Rejects Offer To Leave Spotify

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Rumble’s SPAC Stock Drops 17% After Joe Rogan Rejects Offer To Leave Spotify


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e8bd5a No.15882

File: fd6b8482e67ce94⋯.jpg (130.54 KB,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 26f2dd5eeb6fff0⋯.png (2.93 MB,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589461 (100017ZFEB22) Notable: Watch the water U.S. Navy @USNavy Info For YOU

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Watch the water

U.S. Navy


Info For YOU ⚓

The Interagency Drinking Water System Team (IDWST) launched a website to provide post system flushing status and drinking water sampling data.

MORE HERE: go.usa.gov/xt7z9

4:02 PM · Feb 9, 2022



Alright so I was watching the water and here is where I ended up.

GraphicsFags/Clockfags might like.



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e8bd5a No.15883

File: f95db0ab96777e1⋯.jpeg (916.43 KB,896x4364,224:1091,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589463 (100017ZFEB22) Notable: Christine Janice Elliott MPP Canadian politician in Ontario

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Christine Janice Elliott MPP (born April 13, 1955) is a Canadian politician in Ontario who is serving as the 11th and current deputy premier of Ontario and Ontario minister of health since June 29, 2018.

Elliott was elected to represent the riding of Newmarket—Aurora in the 2018 Ontario general election. She is the widow of former Canadian Minister of Finance Jim Flaherty under former Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper (2006–2014).

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e8bd5a No.15884

File: d0397fae53b5fd4⋯.jpeg (80.14 KB,680x680,1:1,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589469 (100018ZFEB22) Notable: John Podesta Poses in Drag for Hillary …Twitter Paints the Dress Blue – With a Stain!

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John Podesta Poses in Drag for Hillary …Twitter Paints the Dress Blue – With a Stain!


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e8bd5a No.15885

File: e8371d2fb253842⋯.png (1.27 MB,1018x546,509:273,Clipboard.png)

File: c7e660ec80127a8⋯.png (61.59 KB,473x343,473:343,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589525 (100025ZFEB22) Notable: EXC: Wuhan Lab Also Sought Influenza Strain For ‘Human Infection.’

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by Natalie Winters

February 9, 2022

The Wuhan Institute of Virology, which manipulated bat coronaviruses resembling COVID-19 to become deadlier to humans, appears to have carried out similar research on influenza, The National Pulse can reveal.

An article posted to the Chinese-language website of the military-linked lab, which many public health and intelligence officials believed to be the source of COVID-19, details how researchers sought various avian influenza viruses (AIV) that had “zoonotic potential with human infections.”

The post, titled “Scientist in WIV achieves a progress in study on reassortment of influenza viruses,” details how Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers hunted these viruses in the wild.

“In this study, by collaboration with Prof. Qiyun Zhu in Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Prof. Hualan Chen in Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Prof. Jie Cui in WIV, carried out surveillance of AIVs in ducks, geese and the environment of a community in Hunan province, China, from 2014–2015,” explains the summary.

Using these samples, collected in a similar method to the lab’s bat coronavirus studies, Wuhan Institute of Virology researchers also “isolated multiple co-circulated AIVs including H3N2, H3N8, and H5N6, and, most importantly, a novel reassortant: H3N6.”

“Phylogenetic analyses suggest that H3N6 is highly likely derived from H5N6, which has recently been shown to have zoonotic potential with human infections. Studies with mammalian cell lines and a mouse model indicate that four selected AIVs of duck or goose origin can infect MDCK and A549 cells but have low pathogenicity in mice,” adds the lab.

“They propose that a potential co-circulation of multiple subtypes including H5N6 in local area may result in the production of novel subtypes such as H3N6 by gene reassortment.”

The Wuhan Institute of Virology’s unearthed influenza research follows the lab manipulating “killer” bat coronaviruses as part of the Chinese Communist Party’s lab’s efforts to find strains capable of “direct human infection.”

These studies, which have seen most of their findings hidden by the Chinese Communist Party, were funded by taxpayer dollars directed to the lab by National Institutes of Health agency leader Anthony Fauci.


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e8bd5a No.15886

File: daddfbc72d27b62⋯.png (2.01 MB,1200x797,1200:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f7ea5d1d811fc4⋯.png (54.76 KB,161x137,161:137,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a921eb2716a2f9⋯.png (47.16 KB,647x448,647:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589542 (100027ZFEB22) Notable: Get your Scanners Ready Y'all! CB, Air, Marine, Ham, Pol, Fire, Ems, VHF/UHF (MHz/GHz) RECORD & ARCHIVE OFF-LINE

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15887

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589546 (100029ZFEB22) Notable: Get your Scanners Ready Y'all! CB, Air, Marine, Ham, Pol, Fire, Ems, VHF/UHF (MHz/GHz) RECORD & ARCHIVE OFF-LINE

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -



Notable is Neat…

Getting out there digging and Scanning/Recording/Archiving/Dissemination is Moar Important!

Jim has referenced the Radio thing…



Canada's stuff is mostly word Salad. They basically copy everything we do….

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e8bd5a No.15888

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589567 (100032ZFEB22) Notable: Any anons notice this coincidence? Starlink satellites destroyed in geomagnetic storm, then Truth Social launch is delayed 6 weeks.

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Sum sauce



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e8bd5a No.15889

File: 4a56636897ad514⋯.png (232.7 KB,976x567,976:567,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f4fcb571790734⋯.png (86 KB,752x687,752:687,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589586 (100034ZFEB22) Notable: Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory suggests NASA has secret plans to create new world order

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Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory suggests NASA has secret plans to create new world order

A CONSPIRACY theory about NASA’s secret plans has gained momentum after a series of bizarre events. But is it complete nonsense?

4 min read

October 26, 2015 -

WHEN a bizarre event was captured on film showing what appeared to be dark skyscrapers floating in the clouds above China, the world was puzzled.

While scientists were quick to dismiss the occurrence as a mirage, not all agreed.

In the days after the event, one particular conspiracy theory started to gather serious momentum — the belief the sighting was the result of a secret NASA mission known as Project Blue Beam.

Canadian journalist and conspiracy theorist Serge Monast first developed the theory in 1994, before publishing his beliefs in a book entitled Project Blue Beam.

The theory suggests NASA and the United Nations are planning to create a new world order by using technologically simulated mind control to shape a global New Age religion.

Mr Monast believed generating a global New Age religion was the only thing that would make a worldwide dictatorship possible.

Speaking at a presentation in 1994, he speculated thatProject Blue Beam would be carried out in four different steps.

STEP 1: The breakdown of all archaeological knowledge

Mr Monast detailed his belief that NASA would aim to discredit all existing religions through the breakdown of all archaeological knowledge.

“[Step 1] deals with the setup of earthquakes at certain precise locations of the planet where supposedly new discoveries will suddenly explain the wrong meaning of all major religions’ basic doctrines,” he said.

The theory suggests that by providing evidence to falsify the teachings of all major religions, people will be more likely to accept the New Age religion when it is formed.

STEP 2: A gigantic space with 3D holographic laser projections

Mr Monast said the second stage in creating a new world order would be using a gigantic space show with 3D holographic images, lasers and sounds to seduce people into believing in the new god.

“The show will consist of laser projection of multiple holographic images to different parts of the world, each receiving a different message according to predominating regional/national religious faith,” he said.

“From the depths of space, astonished followers of the various creeds will witness their own returned messiah in spectacularly convincing lifelike realness.”

Mr Monast said all of these depictions of the messiah would then merge into one.

“This one god will in fact be the anti-Christ who will explain the various scriptures have been misunderstood, that the religions of all are responsible for turning brother against brother, nation against nation; therefore the world’s religions must be abolished to make way for the Golden Age,” he said.

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e8bd5a No.15890

File: 0bdbb5024082c79⋯.png (52.88 KB,733x493,733:493,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c1c588b7c18427⋯.png (54.38 KB,722x487,722:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589603 (100035ZFEB22) Notable: Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory suggests NASA has secret plans to create new world order

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>Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory suggests NASA has secret plans to create new world order

STEP 3: Telepathic two-way communication

This is where things start to get really creepy.

It is believed NASA will use low frequency radio waves to telepathically communicate with humans in an attempt to shape their beliefs to match those taught by the New Age religion.

Mr Monast said the telepathic communication would be used as a form of mind control to trick people into thinking their god is delivering them messages directly.

“[The message will be sent from a] device that can deliver audible signals directly to an individual while they remain undetectable by anyone else,” he said.

“The microwave beam generated by the device is moderated at audio frequencies and can broadcast voices directly into the brain.”

STEP 4: Universal supernatural manifestations using electronic means

The final step of Project Blue Beam is to create chaotic event that will leave people willing or desperate enough to accept the new world order.

Mr Monast said this could occur with up to three different orientations.

“One is to make mankind belief that an alien invasion is about to strike down on each major city of the earth,” he said.

“The second is to make the Christians believe to a major rapture with the supposedly divine intervention of an alleged good alien force coming to save the people from a brutal satanic attack.

“The third orientation in the fourth step is a mixture of electronic and supernatural forces … the goal of this one deals with global Satanic ghosts all around the world in order to push all population on the edge to drown into a wave of suicide, killing and permanent psychological disorder.”

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e8bd5a No.15891

File: 02297cab04f5e9f⋯.jpg (96.02 KB,884x890,442:445,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589631 (100040ZFEB22) Notable: Winnipeg Canada trucker convoy. (Police) Apx 4:33am Feb/8/22

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Winnipeg Canada trucker convoy. (Police) Apx 4:33am Feb/8/22


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e8bd5a No.15892

File: a306721d266928f⋯.jpeg (234.21 KB,828x980,207:245,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589635 (100041ZFEB22) Notable: Bob Saget Died From Brain Bleed After Hitting His Head?

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"The authorities have determined that Bob passed from head trauma,"


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e8bd5a No.15893

File: 52f0742093c6121⋯.png (350.89 KB,600x597,200:199,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589636 (100041ZFEB22) Notable: Bob Saget Died From Brain Bleed After Hitting His Head?

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Bob Saget Died From Brain Bleed After Hitting His Head


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e8bd5a No.15894

File: 9646a161d710bbd⋯.mp4 (391.22 KB,720x1280,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589643 (100042ZFEB22) Notable: Any anons notice this coincidence? Starlink satellites destroyed in geomagnetic storm, then Truth Social launch is delayed 6 weeks.

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e8bd5a No.15895

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589659 (100044ZFEB22) Notable: Any anons notice this coincidence? Starlink satellites destroyed in geomagnetic storm, then Truth Social launch is delayed 6 weeks.

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Randy is one cool Canadian. I'm buying him a beer at the parade. If anyone deserves one it's Randy. He was talking about this shit when nobody even knew wtf was going on.

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e8bd5a No.15896

File: 0174f8c0b9a3b51⋯.png (229.8 KB,555x787,555:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589682 (100046ZFEB22) Notable: Truckers are putting out there that they ARE expecting to get arrested shortly

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Breaking news, spread this on all platforms: The truckers are putting out there that they ARE expecting to get arrested shortly.

They will be signing the detainment form which allows them to go free but makes them disperse.

For every ONE trucker banished, they will be replaced with THREE truckers.


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e8bd5a No.15897

File: a37f622310003c4⋯.png (302.87 KB,601x580,601:580,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589685 (100046ZFEB22) Notable: #UPDATE: Officials believe Jeremy Giambi died by suicide, by covid injection?

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#UPDATE: Officials believe Jeremy Giambi died by suicide.


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e8bd5a No.15898

File: 873f20980f17711⋯.png (589.44 KB,680x664,85:83,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589728 (100049ZFEB22) Notable: Down 17% As case counts fall, WHO chief warns "COVID isn't finished"

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Down 17%


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e8bd5a No.15899

File: d358546dc5cccb9⋯.png (60.76 KB,766x630,383:315,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589749 (100051ZFEB22) Notable: 'Alice in Bloody Wonderland' Hillary Clinton To Headline Inaugural Forbes 30/50 Summit Abu Dhabi March 8

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>I would think the Bloody Wonderland is China, right?


Alice & Wonderland.

Hillary & Saudi Arabia.


Hillary Clinton in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll.

Saudi Arabia - the BLOODY WONDERLAND.


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e8bd5a No.15900

File: a3e3c83bb068b78⋯.mp4 (3.84 MB,320x594,160:297,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589760 (100053ZFEB22) Notable: Down 17% As case counts fall, WHO chief warns "COVID isn't finished"

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15901

File: 57e4252154e256e⋯.png (268.94 KB,515x525,103:105,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589764 (100054ZFEB22) Notable: Biden White House in Panic Mode over Truckers – Psaki

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Biden White House in Panic Mode over Truckers – Psaki Claims Freedom Convoy is More Disruptive Than the Authoritarian Mandates They’re Protesting

As thousands of truckers continue to protest, disrupting the supply chain by shutting down major ports of entry across the northern US border, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki attempted to slander the protesters during Wednesday’s press briefing by claiming that the grassroots movement has become more of a disruption than the freedom-crushing mandates that they are protesting.

In response to a reporter’s question about the Biden administration’s plan to handle the gridlock on the Ambassador Bridge at the Windsor-Detroit crossing, which is used to transport an estimated $450 million in goods each day, Psaki downplayed the effect of the protesters, claiming that they are not the cause for the “congestion.”

Yes, really – The blockade of truckers is not the primary reason for the bridge shutdown is seriously what they are going with. And in a prepared statement, no less.

It’s all falling apart, and the White House knows it.

“Well let me first start by saying I know there’s been some suggestion, not by reporters necessarily at all, but, that this congestion is related to the vaccine requirements. It’s not… but the protests going on across Canada which have spread to a bridge, are leading to sporadic congestion and blockages.

“I would, just going back to my point I was trying to make, is that across what we’ve seen, with these requirements, is across a range of industries, vaccination requirements have been implemented with no disruptions, have helped increase vaccinations, these requirements help protect more people from COVID, and there has been zero indication across these industries that they would lead to disruptions, including on this policy.”

Zero indication? As if the Trucking Companies haven’t been warning for months that a Trucker mandate would “devastate the economy.” What a convenient piece of information to ignore. It’s almost as if they are trying to spin a narrative or something.

On the other hand, despite claiming that the truckers have little to do with the current standstill, Psaki adds that the freedom convoy participants have become more of a disruption to everyday life than the arbitrary restrictions that have been placed on citizens for disobeying the tyrannical public health regime.

Psaki continues by claiming the current regime, “of course,” “as you know” (really have to hammer it home), support the right to freedom of speech and protest, but – and that’s an awfully damning ‘but’ – apparently not if they begin to impact the regime’s bottom line:

“We of course, support, as you know, the right to freedom of speech and protest. But, while we do see some of these congestions due to protests this is clear that these disruptions have broadened in scope beyond the vaccine requirement implementation. Beyond that, we are of course in touch with our Canadian counterparts, but I don’t have any updates in terms of specific steps.”

Kind of the point, no? The elitist hacks who have been parroting the Covid fear porn for years have enjoyed the hypocritical protection of their status, galavanting around maskless while the ‘common folk’ around them are forced to work with their faces covered, or, worse yet, have been purged from their ability to make a living completely because of the vaccine mandates.

Throughout the pandemic, elites have felt little disruption at all, but the trucker convoy’s civil disobedience is finally hitting them where it hurts – their wallets.


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e8bd5a No.15902

File: 5ab12c7a3bad80a⋯.png (188.46 KB,1920x947,1920:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589765 (100054ZFEB22) Notable: Boatfag HMCS SUMMERSIDE (MM711) & HMCS KINGSTON (MM700)

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HMCS SUMMERSIDE (MM711) has rversed course, heading back towards Halifax.

HMCS KINGSTON (MM700) continues to shadow fishing vessel FREDRICK SISTERS.

No idea if this is supposed to be some kind of live intercept or just an exercise the fishing boats are in on.

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e8bd5a No.15903

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589766 (100054ZFEB22) Notable: Timcast IRL - Marjorie Taylor Greene And Thomas Massie Join Discussing Their Lawsuit Against Pelosi

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Timcast IRL - Marjorie Taylor Greene And Thomas Massie Join Discussing Their Lawsuit Against Pelosi

Timcast IRL

1.24M subscribers


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e8bd5a No.15904

File: c17a8ed31e2cdc9⋯.jpg (82.54 KB,640x726,320:363,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589787 (100057ZFEB22) Notable: FF inbound Washington, DC Role Players with SECRET clearance, retired DOD, Department of State, Foreign Service Officers, and Veterans are highly encouraged to apply

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FF inbound


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e8bd5a No.15905

File: 08b27afe4ad1573⋯.png (33.28 KB,561x188,561:188,Clipboard.png)

File: 3fcca3d5d73f014⋯.png (37.34 KB,580x227,580:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589792 (100057ZFEB22) Notable: Major Reversal of Covid Plans, Hawaii Dem Governor Will NOT Require Tourists to be Boosted

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In Major Reversal of Covid Plans, Hawaii Dem Governor Will NOT Require Tourists to be Boosted

Hawaii’s Democrat Governor David Ige on Tuesday announced he will no longer require travelers to be fully vaccinated *and boosted* in order to skip the mandatory quarantine.

Just a few weeks ago Ige announced travelers who do not have the Covid booster will be ordered to quarantine for five days.

Here we are just a few weeks later and Ige announced a major reversal of his Covid vaccine mandate plans.

What changed?

“In making this decision, we considered declining COVID-19 case counts in Hawaii, the continental U.S. and Europe,” Ige said in a statement. “Hospitalizations have also dropped.”


Seems they are just pulling back enough to stop a truck shutdown


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e8bd5a No.15906

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589853 (100105ZFEB22) Notable: #19713

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>>15851 President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Congressman John Moolenaar

>>15853 ICYMI: "Ex-New York Times editor takes blame for Sarah Palin error at defamation trial"

>>15855, >>15875, >>15870 ICYMI: "Fewer Americans now say Trump bears a lot of responsibility for the Jan. 6 riot"

>>15858, >>15859, >>15860, >>15866 ICYMI: "Insecure border spreads lethal crime to America's heartland, creating powerful election issue"

>>15850 HOUSTON, TEXAS - Pct. 4 Constable Mark Herman Intention to Hold Activist Judges Accountable On Criminal Cases Dismissed For "Lack Of Probable Cause."

>>15849 PBS - Public Broadcasting Service bun

>>15852, >>15899 'Alice in Bloody Wonderland' Hillary Clinton To Headline Inaugural Forbes 30/50 Summit Abu Dhabi March 8

>>15854 Hold the Line Truckers

>>15856 Ottawa police stumped by jerry cans as freedom truckers stay parked

>>15857, >>15879 Webinar Registration: A Life in Many Worlds A Conversation with Huma Abedin Mar 22, 2022

>>15861, >>15902 Boatfag HMCS SUMMERSIDE (MM711) & HMCS KINGSTON (MM700)

>>15862 Anon Patriot Prayer Time 7:00PM EST

>>15863 Simple to end convoy, Trudeau can step down [as] PM and then have all the mandates and lockdowns ended

>>15864, >>15880, >>15888, >>15869, >>15894, >>15895 Any anons notice this coincidence? Starlink satellites destroyed in geomagnetic storm, then Truth Social launch is delayed 6 weeks.

>>15865 You need to get to Ottawa with your Radio Nellie HAM Radio channels

>>15867 Dr. Bonnie Henry, British Columbia's provincial health officer, and B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix provide an update on the COVID-19: These people are scared shitless

>>15868 “We’re Done Wearing Masks” – Brave Students Across Washington State Protest Masks in Schools

>>15871, >>15872 Police threaten to arrest protesting truckers Canada

>>15873 Eyes on Milk River

>>15874, >>15886, >>15887 Get your Scanners Ready Y'all! CB, Air, Marine, Ham, Pol, Fire, Ems, VHF/UHF (MHz/GHz) RECORD & ARCHIVE OFF-LINE

>>15876 PF Report sTanker, no callsign, out of Kansas heads east, does a dogleg over the Atlantic, then heads directly for Ottawa

>>15877 Propagandist for Syria terror proxies compromised Amnesty International, leaked docs show

>>15883, >>15878 Christine Janice Elliott MPP Canadian politician in Ontario

>>15881 Rumble’s SPAC Stock Drops 17% After Joe Rogan Rejects Offer To Leave Spotify

>>15882 Watch the water U.S. Navy @USNavy Info For YOU

>>15884 John Podesta Poses in Drag for Hillary …Twitter Paints the Dress Blue – With a Stain!

>>15885 EXC: Wuhan Lab Also Sought Influenza Strain For ‘Human Infection.’

>>15889, >>15890 Project Blue Beam conspiracy theory suggests NASA has secret plans to create new world order

>>15891 Winnipeg Canada trucker convoy. (Police) Apx 4:33am Feb/8/22

>>15892, >>15893 Bob Saget Died From Brain Bleed After Hitting His Head?

>>15896 Truckers are putting out there that they ARE expecting to get arrested shortly

>>15897 #UPDATE: Officials believe Jeremy Giambi died by suicide, by covid injection?

>>15898, >>15900 Down 17% As case counts fall, WHO chief warns "COVID isn't finished"

>>15901 Biden White House in Panic Mode over Truckers – Psaki

>>15903 Timcast IRL - Marjorie Taylor Greene And Thomas Massie Join Discussing Their Lawsuit Against Pelosi

>>15905 Major Reversal of Covid Plans, Hawaii Dem Governor Will NOT Require Tourists to be Boosted

>>15904 FF inbound Washington, DC Role Players with SECRET clearance, retired DOD, Department of State, Foreign Service Officers, and Veterans are highly encouraged to apply

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15907

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589913 (100113ZFEB22) Notable: PEDO BUN 9 February 22

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PEDO BUN 9 February 22

CBP Officers at Hidalgo Bridge Apprehend Fugitive Wanted for Child Related Sex Crime


Human trafficking operation leads to 13 arrests in Middle Tennessee


Local teacher from LaPorte arrested on multiple child sex-related charges


Former Cobb County sheriff’s deputy indicted for distributing child pornography


Registered Sex Offender Sentenced to 12.5 Years in Prison for Possessing Child Pornography


Golden Meadow Man Sentenced to 135 Months Imprisonment for Possession of Child Sexual Abuse Material


Willcox Resident Sentenced to 210 Months for Aggravated Sexual Abuse of a Child


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

e8bd5a No.15908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589918 (100114ZFEB22) Notable: Marjorie Taylor Greene And Thomas Massie Join Discussing Their Lawsuit Against Pelosi

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Marjorie Taylor Greene And Thomas Massie Join Discussing Their Lawsuit Against Pelosi

muh Timcast

crack pipes live…


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e8bd5a No.15909

File: f8ff2c5c71c0227⋯.jpeg (485.1 KB,1445x928,1445:928,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589936 (100116ZFEB22) Notable: 'Will You Have to Show Your Vaccine Passport to Get Your Crack Pipe?'

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Will I get Free Crack with my Pipe?

'Will You Have to Show Your Vaccine Passport to Get Your Crack Pipe?'

Rep, Jim Jordan (R-OH) blasted the Biden Administration for their plan to distribute “smoking kits and supplies” to vulnerable communities in the name of racial equity. According to the Washington Free Beacon:

The $30 million grant program…will provide funds to nonprofits and local governments to help make drug use safer for addicts. Included in the grant, which is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services, are funds for ‘smoking kits/supplies’…these kits will provide pipes for users to smoke crack cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, and “any illicit substance.


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e8bd5a No.15910

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589945 (100116ZFEB22) Notable: Viral Video, Freedom Will Win if Canadians Stand Together

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“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things.

The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse.

The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

~ John Stuart Mill


another frog……kek

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e8bd5a No.15911

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589953 (100118ZFEB22) Notable: Wellington NZ convoy. Yuuuuuuge crowd

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Wellington NZ convoy. Yuuuuuuge crowd

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e8bd5a No.15912

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589961 (100119ZFEB22) Notable: Ottawalks livestream

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Ottawalks livestream

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e8bd5a No.15913

File: 1850fb1301cef1e⋯.png (188.43 KB,1920x947,1920:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589968 (100119ZFEB22) Notable: Boaty Fishing vessels BRITTNEY JAMES and FREDRICK SISTERS still tracking south/southwest Water watching continues

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HMCS SUMMERSIDE (MM711) & HMCS KINGSTON (MM700) heading back towards Halifax

Fishing vessels BRITTNEY JAMES and FREDRICK SISTERS still tracking south/southwest

Water watching continues

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e8bd5a No.15914

File: a4615835bb4dffb⋯.png (180.18 KB,418x680,209:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589974 (100120ZFEB22) Notable: Statement by Donald J. Trump For the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to say that the RNC should not censure walking Democrat sound bites, Liz Cheney and Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, is so against what Republicans are about.

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Statement by Donald J. Trump

For the Old Crow Mitch McConnell to say that the RNC should not censure walking Democrat sound bites, Liz Cheney and Cryin’ Adam Kinzinger, is so against what Republicans are about. It’s not as bad as the two-month extension he gave the Democrats when they were ready to fold, but the censure of Cheney and Kinzinger is a good and very appropriate thing to do as it pertains to our great Republican Party!


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e8bd5a No.15915

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589979 (100121ZFEB22) Notable: CA bill would require parents to notify schools of guns in the home

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CA bill would require parents to notify schools of guns in the home

SB 906, authored by longtime anti-gun politician Anthony Portantino, would compel parents of K-12 students to inform their local schools whether or not they own firearms, as well as how those guns are stored in the home.

Commencing with the 2023–24 school year, and each school year thereafter, a local educational agency shall do both of the following using the model content developed by the department pursuant to Section 49391:

(1) Require the parents or guardians of a pupil to disclose, on a form used to enroll or register a pupil for the school year, whether any firearms are located at the home of the pupil and, if so, to answer questions about the ownership, storage, and accessibility by the pupil of the firearms.

(2) Include in the annual notification required pursuant to Section 48980, information relating to the safe storage of firearms.

(b) In addition to the annual notification, the local educational agency may include information relating to the safe storage of firearms on the disclosure form described in paragraph (1) of subdivision (a).

Portantino is pointing to the school shooting in Oxford, Michigan as his justification for the bill, telling a reporter from the website LAist that “”As we saw in Michigan, a school was notified of a credible threat, and then hesitated to take action and that led to tragic results.”

That sounds like a reason to introduce legislation to ensure that schools take threats seriously, and in fact the one portion of the bill that sounds reasonable to me is the requirement that schools search the locker and personal belongings of a student if they’ve been deemed a “credible threat” to student safety. Rather than stop there, however, instead Portantino made the heart of his legislation an unserious and unconstitutional attempt to demonize gun ownership in general that also violates the privacy rights of California gun owners.

Even if there weren’t glaringly obvious concerns with the constitutionality of Portantino’s proposal, the bill is so fundamentally flawed that it would be useless in actually preventing a school shooting.

First, the presence of a firearm in the home is not an indication that a student will act out violently, so signaling out gun-owning parents and putting them under the microscope accomplishes nothing except ticking them off.

The bill also apparently doesn’t get into the repercussions of not informing the school of your gun ownership or storage habits, so it’s unclear what, if any, consequences there would be for failing to comply.

The bill also states that parents or guardians must disclose their gun ownership and storage habits when a student is first enrolled or registered. What happens if, as in the case of the parents of the accused murderer in Oxford, Michigan, the gun is purchased during the school year? As the bill is written, the parents would not have been under any obligation to disclose their purchase to the school, because it happened after the school year had begun.

Honestly, though, those issues pale in comparison to the assault on our individual rights presented by the overriding ideology behind the legislation. We’ve already seen California move to allow anti-gun academics access to personal and identifying information about individual gun owners, and now anti-gun lawmakers want every anti-gun school administrator and teacher to be informed about which families have guns in their home.

By the way, do you think those who illegally possess a gun in the home are going to come clean to a school principal or guidance counselor? Yeah, me neither.


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e8bd5a No.15916

File: 72bd5a3404f21d9⋯.png (473.51 KB,822x1154,411:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 7cf7548c474c54b⋯.jpg (371.45 KB,1857x1033,1857:1033,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589988 (100122ZFEB22) Notable: Orwellian thought police acolyte "Kevin Waugh", MP of Saskatoon-Greenwood

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Orwellian thought police acolyte "Kevin Waugh", MP of Saskatoon-Greenwood, wants to threaten citizens with police brutality of they dare SPEAK 'wrongthink', i.e. holocaust denial.

While there is a Trucker Convoy Protest…

He wants to make illegal for people to VOICE their own opinion about an event 80 years ago.

Know what I think?

I think the reason there is this inorganic and very coordinated narrative that smears 'holocaust denial' is a COVER to permit the denial of the much MUCH worse mass genocide perpetrated by Jewish Bolsheviks who controlled the Soviet Regime, which Alexandr Solzenitsyn through first hand experience in the gulags saw as the worst human slaughter of all time.

If denying the holocaust is punishable by law, then surely 'denial' of the much much worse mass genocide at the hands of Jewish Bolsheviks should ALSO be punishable by law.

But, of course, it won't be, because denying the mass murder under communism needs to continue on…

These people are not against mass genocide, they're ok with it, as long as it's done in the name of radical left ideology.

Sick fucks!

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e8bd5a No.15917

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15589990 (100122ZFEB22) Notable: Windsor Bridge livestream

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Windsor Bridge livestream

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e8bd5a No.15918

File: 4dcce1e254aae46⋯.png (197.45 KB,400x680,10:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590001 (100124ZFEB22) Notable: President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Loren Culp against Congressman Dan Newhouse

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President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Loren Culp against Congressman Dan Newhouse

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e8bd5a No.15919

File: a9ff5b3453a36d7⋯.png (232.49 KB,1049x968,1049:968,Clipboard.png)

File: 4067c6fb1aa5c72⋯.png (446.04 KB,1448x719,1448:719,Clipboard.png)

File: 524e9d6e38691de⋯.mp4 (12.82 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590003 (100124ZFEB22) Notable: Ukraine Busts Alleged Russian Bot Farm Using Thousands of SIM Cards

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Ukraine Busts Alleged Russian Bot Farm Using Thousands of SIM Cards




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e8bd5a No.15920

File: 6de36ad28bfea61⋯.png (194.39 KB,434x680,217:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590006 (100124ZFEB22) Notable: President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Congressman Warren Davidson

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President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Congressman Warren Davidson

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e8bd5a No.15921

File: 88f2dda50d3ced4⋯.png (248.97 KB,680x657,680:657,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590011 (100124ZFEB22) Notable: President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Katie Arrington against Congresswoman Nancy Mace

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President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Katie Arrington against Congresswoman Nancy Mace

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e8bd5a No.15922

File: b91161be250de1a⋯.png (180.21 KB,680x528,85:66,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590015 (100125ZFEB22) Notable: President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Congressman Morgan Griffith

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President Donald J. Trump announces his endorsement of Congressman Morgan Griffith

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e8bd5a No.15923

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590026 (100127ZFEB22) Notable: The Pfizer Inoculations For COVID-19 – More Harm Than Good – PDF

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Pfizer's own 6 month report data on its COVID-19 inoculation shows that greater illness and death in the inoculation arm than the placebo arm.

Plus, poor trial design, missing data, underpowered studies, passive surveillance and more.

For the PDF of this presentation visit:



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e8bd5a No.15924

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590036 (100129ZFEB22) Notable: Military lawyer says genetic changes from COVID vaccines are creating a new human 'species' under the law

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Military lawyer says genetic changes from COVID vaccines are creating a new human 'species' under the law

On today's episode John-Henry is joined by attorney Todd Callender, who explains how the COVID pandemic has turned us into lab rats subject to a nefarious gene therapy experiment.


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e8bd5a No.15925

File: 67a35924a8a5069⋯.png (244.3 KB,598x455,46:35,Clipboard.png)

File: e85dcc3d4242f03⋯.mp4 (13.9 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590042 (100130ZFEB22) Notable: Schifanelli fought CRT and her woke school board, and won (Cap 3:02)

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Liz Harrington



fought CRT and her woke school board, and won!

Now she and Trump-endorsed @DanCoxEsq

are taking on the RINOs and the Radical Left in Maryland! Let's go!


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e8bd5a No.15926

File: 22b72ceae9f5742⋯.jpg (187.6 KB,720x928,45:58,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590048 (100131ZFEB22) Notable: Oscars: COVID-19 Vaccination Will Not Be Required for In-Person Attendees

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The Hollywood elites don't have to show proof of Vax, probably cause they all know it's a killshot


Oscars: COVID-19 Vaccination Will Not Be Required for In-Person Attendees 

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e8bd5a No.15927

File: 3ba8366b3791344⋯.png (7.5 MB,3200x3200,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590054 (100132ZFEB22) Notable: Today is a two year delta from a JUSTICE post.

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Today is a two year delta from a JUSTICE post.


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 02/09/2020 16:33:49 ID: f3f91b

Archive Bread/Post Links: 8083294 / 8083380

Direct Link: 8083380

Q Clock [ Minute: 14 | :25/:55 Mirror: 36 | 180 Mirror: 44 | :35/:05 Mirror: 56 ]



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e8bd5a No.15928

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590063 (100133ZFEB22) Notable: Australia's anti-trolling Bill enters Parliament retaining defamation focus

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Australia's anti-trolling Bill enters Parliament retaining defamation focus

The anti-trolling Bill is focused on defamation rather than reducing troll and harmful content.

The federal government has officially introduced the highly-publicised anti-trolling Bill into Parliament.

The Bill, Social Media (Anti-Trolling) Bill 2022, was first announced by Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in November as a mechanism that would "unmask anonymous online trolls" and address toxic content existing on social media platforms.

The anti-trolling Bill has since been touted by the Liberal Senator and Attorney-General Michaelia Cash as one of her party's primary items that it wants to push out before the federal election.

Introduced by Communications Minister Paul Fletcher on Thursday morning, the Bill remains largely unchanged from the exposure draft version released in December.

Despite being called an anti-troll Bill, the proposed laws do not contain any sections addressing troll or harmful content. At its core, the Bill is focused on empowering people to raise lawsuits for online defamation rather than explicitly preventing cyberbullying and online abuse.

Last week, Australia's eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman outlined her concern about this, specifically on how it may be misused due to the lack of these elements addressing troll and harmful content.

"I think [the anti-trolling Bill] can lend itself to a lot of retaliation, a lot of vigilante-style justice," said Inman Grant.

The other focus of the Bill, according to its explanatory memorandum, is to overturn a recent Australian legal precedent set in the Voller case, which made individuals and organisations liable for defamatory material that exists on their social media pages.

The Bill, if passed, would result in administrators of social media pages no longer being liable to defamation for third-party material posted on those pages. That liability would shift to social media service providers instead.

Looking at the Bill's details, much like its exposure draft, it is still seeking to formally classify social media service providers as publishers of any comments made on their platforms in Australia. To avoid defamation under the Bill, social media service providers would need to have a complaints scheme in place that allows victims of defamatory comments to both make complaints and request the personal information of the maker of those comments.

Complaints scheme that satisfy the Bill's requirements would also have to ensure that an accused commenter is notified that they are the subject of a complaint within 72 hours of it being made. If the accused commenter gives consent for their personal information to be provided, social media platforms must then disclose that information to complainants and assist them in relation to potentially raising any defamation lawsuits.

This personal information would include contact details such as name, email address, phone number as well as country location data to determine if the user is in Australia. Geolocation data provided under the Bill would be limited to whether or not the material was "posted in Australia" by reference to geolocation technology deployed by the social media provider.

The disclosure mechanism can also only be enlivened where there is reason to believe that there may be a right for the complainant to obtain relief against the poster in a defamation proceeding.

As parliamentarians deliberate over the Bill, Australia's federal inquiry into the practices of major technology companies is set to provide its findings later this month. The social media probe was approved by the federal government with the intention of building on the anti-trolling Bill's initial goal of unmasking trolls.


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e8bd5a No.15929

File: f7c8206f3c8dcf3⋯.png (3.26 MB,1633x8143,1633:8143,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590081 (100134ZFEB22) Notable: DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal — No Way “Revised” Numbers Are Real

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DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal — No Way “Revised” Numbers Are Real


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e8bd5a No.15930

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590166 (100145ZFEB22) Notable: Military lawyer says genetic changes from COVID vaccines are creating a new human 'species' under the law

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NOT a human species. the jabbed are GMOs, they are NOT humans, and they have ZERO rights, because God is no longer their legal creator, Pfizer is. as such, the jabbed are THINGS, and the physical property of Pfizer (or whomever), and they can legally do ANTHING they please.

ATTN NORMIES: when they come to harvest your organs, you have no legal recourse to stop them. while they're carving you up, remember you were warned nearly two yrs ago.

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e8bd5a No.15931

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590181 (100147ZFEB22) Notable: Mystery lingers over shaking, loud booms reported in N.J.

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Mystery lingers over shaking, loud booms reported in N.J.

Officials have been unable to confirm the source of the mysterious booms and vibrations that were reported by many people across southern and central New Jersey Tuesday afternoon.

No earthquakes were detected in or near the Garden State, no thunderstorms were in the area, and nearby military bases say they had no planes flying at supersonic speeds when the booms were heard.

Joint Base McGuire Dix Lakehurst was scheduled to conduct weapons tests at its base in Burlington County Tuesday, according to the agency’s Facebook page. However, the base’s public affairs office has not yet responded to questions about whether the testing may have caused the widespread booms and shaking that was reported from Mercer and Middlesex counties down to Salem and Cape May.

A “noise calendar” on the base’s Facebook page indicates the Rotary Wing Aerial Gunnery unit was scheduled to conduct tests that may include .50-caliber weapons, rocket fire or rotary cannons Tuesday, and those could create “moderate noise.”

But the calendar doesn’t indicate the times of the testing.

Update (2:10 p.m. Wednesday): A spokeswoman for Joint Base McGuire said she checked with a base coordinator “and he did not see anything on the training schedule that would generate (a) loud booming noise” Tuesday afternoon. She noted that the training dates listed on the Facebook calendar are general projections and aren’t set in stone.

SAUCE: https://www.nj.com/news/2022/02/mystery-lingers-over-shaking-loud-booms-reported-in-nj.html

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e8bd5a No.15932

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590221 (100152ZFEB22) Notable: Orwellian thought police acolyte "Kevin Waugh", MP of Saskatoon-Greenwood

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e8bd5a No.15933

File: 24353a244c104b3⋯.png (229.52 KB,1920x947,1920:947,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590248 (100155ZFEB22) Notable: Boaty Fishing vessels BRITTNEY JAMES and FREDRICK SISTERS still tracking south/southwest Water watching continues

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probably just entered the satellite data, the shadows now got shadows

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e8bd5a No.15934

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590286 (100200ZFEB22) Notable: Super Bowl: Authorities, nonprofit group work to combat spike in sex trafficking as game approaches

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>Add in the baseless allegation than Superbowl is a hotbed of human trafficking, and QAnon is loving this.


Super Bowl: Authorities, nonprofit group work to combat spike in sex trafficking as game approaches

INGLEWOOD, Calif. (KABC) – For the host city of each Super Bowl, there's a guaranteed influx of visitors and money. And while a boost for the Inglewood economy is welcome, there's a dark side to hosting the big game.

Every year, no matter where the Super Bowl is hosted, experts say there's a spike in the demand for sex-trafficking victims. Sometimes those victims are children.

"Many of those hotel rooms were full with children and minors," said Alan Smyth, executive director of Saving Innocence, a nonprofit group that rescues children from sex traffickers. "And for some, that's a welcome revelation and others not necessarily, but they already paid their money and they showed up and, 'This is what I'm doing.' They've already kind of sold that part of their soul. Once they've crossed the line to actually buy a human being for their own personal gratification, it's a pretty small leap then. They're not going to split hairs in terms of what the age is and those kinds of things. It's pretty heartbreaking for the kids."

The youngest sex-trafficking victim Saving Innocence has helped was just 7 years old.

"Anyone coming to the Super Bowl is wealthy," Smyth said in an interview with ABC7. "The cost of getting into the Super Bowl and going to stay in the expensive hotels and buying the meals. They're not here just for the game. They're probably here for several days, and there's a small percentage of mostly men that will use that as an opportunity, as part of their entertainment to have some form of sexual encounter.">Worth noting that QAnon has gone *big* into the trucker convoys. The still-very-active 8chan boards and Telegram channels are foaming at the mouth over this.

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e8bd5a No.15935

File: 7f1360b350f048b⋯.jpg (395.7 KB,777x340,777:340,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3c3fd032a587e31⋯.jpg (14.53 KB,250x202,125:101,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a37b56476dc4db4⋯.png (8.94 KB,270x187,270:187,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590307 (100203ZFEB22) Notable: Biden’s DHS Brands Free Speech ‘Terrorism Threat’ to U.S. from now on…a copy of the Bill of Rights & Our Constitution

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That Would Be Unconstitutional Douchebag DHS Alejandro Mayorkas! May we suggest you carry on your person, from now on…a copy of the Bill of Rights & Our Constitution. This slimeball needs to resign immediately!

Biden’s DHS Brands Free Speech ‘Terrorism Threat’ to U.S.


Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas: DS douchebag for clintons, bush, obama and now biden….United States secretary of homeland security since February 2, 2021. During the Obama administration, he also served in the Department of Homeland Security, first as director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (2009–2013), and then as deputy secretary of DHS (2013–2016). was appointed the United States attorney for the Central District of California in Los Angeles during the administration of President Bill Clinton and George W. Bush. Mayorkas was recommended by Senator Dianne Feinstein.

Note~~Remember all those disappearing children in Haiti?

Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas led U.S. government efforts to rescue orphaned children following the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

In late 2000, Mayorkas was one of many California officials who participated in efforts to obtain executive clemency for narcotics trafficker Carlos Vignali Jr., the son of a wealthy Los Angeles businessman. On his last day in office in January 2001, Clinton commuted Vignali's 15-year prison sentence, a controversial decision.

As deputy secretary, Mayorkas's led DHS's response to the 2013–14 Ebola virus epidemic and 2015–16 Zika virus epidemic.

His work also focused on cybersecurity. He led the DHS's negotiations with Israel and China on cybersecurity.

Republican Senators Shelley Moore Capito, Rob Portman, Susan Collins, Mitt Romney, Lisa Murkowski, and Dan Sullivan voted with the Democrats to confirm Mayorkas.

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e8bd5a No.15936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590319 (100204ZFEB22) Notable: TURN AROUND- downtown OTTAWA, as Police threats towing…Truckers making it MOAR difficult to tow

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Trucks currently making massiveTURN AROUND- downtown OTTAWA, as Police threats towing…

Truckers making it MOAR difficult to tow

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e8bd5a No.15937

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590320 (100205ZFEB22) Notable: Biden’s DHS Brands Free Speech ‘Terrorism Threat’ to U.S. from now on…a copy of the Bill of Rights & Our Constitution

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DS Lap Boy

That Would Be Unconstitutional Douchebag DHS Alejandro Mayorkas! May we suggest you carry on your person, from now on…a copy of the Bill of Rights & Our Constitution. This slimeball needs to resign immediately!

Biden’s DHS Brands Free Speech ‘Terrorism Threat’ to U.S.


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e8bd5a No.15938

File: 904342fdb025680⋯.png (648.65 KB,761x833,761:833,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590345 (100208ZFEB22) Notable: Revolver Investigates Disturbing Link Between DHS and The Domestic War On MAGA

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Revolver Investigates Disturbing Link Between DHS and The Domestic War On MAGA

February 9, 2022 (2h ago)

In a move that is Orwellian even by the current year’s dystopian standards, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security on Monday issued a heightened terrorist threat assessment centered around “online misinformation:”

The United States remains in a heightened threat environment fueled by several factors, including an online environment filled with false or misleading narratives and conspiracy theories, and other forms of mis- dis- and mal-information (MDM) introduced and/or amplified by foreign and domestic threat actors. [DHS]

That’s right, folks, the Ministry of Truth is officially here, under the auspices of the government’s Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency:

CISA’s Mis-, Dis-, and Malinformation (MDM) team is charged with building national resilience to mis-, dis-, and malinformation and foreign influence activities. Through these efforts, CISA helps the American people understand the scope and scale of MDM activities targeting elections and critical infrastructure, and enables them to take actions to mitigate associated risks. The MDM team was formerly known as the Countering Foreign Influence Task Force (CFITF). [CISA]

While the official announcement concedes that there has been no underlying change in threat conditions over the past year (leaving aside the threat the Regime poses to the American people), it nonetheless emphasizes the urgent danger of “false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions.” In the land of freedom, democracy, and drag queen supremacy, how fortunate to have a US government national security bureaucracy to warn against the dire national security threat of… Americans who more and more do not trust their government.

The Department of Homeland Security threat assessment goes on to highlight specific concerns related to so-called “misinformation” on Covid-19 and election integrity issues. But of course!

Key factors contributing to the current heightened threat environment include:

The proliferation of false or misleading narratives, which sow discord or undermine public trust in U.S. government institutions:

For example, there is widespread online proliferation of false or misleading narratives regarding unsubstantiated widespread election fraud and COVID-19. Grievances associated with these themes inspired violent extremist attacks during 2021.

Malign foreign powers have and continue to amplify these false or misleading narratives in efforts to damage the United States.


Even more disturbingly, the DHS announcement cites as a potential national security threat the lifting of Covid restrictions such as lockdowns. After all, when the cattle are allowed outside of their homes without restriction, there’s a greater likelihood of a terrorist attack!

As COVID-19 restrictions continue to decrease nationwide, increased access to commercial and government facilities and the rising number of mass gatherings could provide increased opportunities for individuals looking to commit acts of violence to do so, often with little or no warning.

It is worth processing this remarkable statement. The completely unnecessary Covid-lockdown restrictions have become normalized to the point that the Department of Homeland Security considers the removal of such restrictions as a national security threat. This is a development almost too dark for satire. Of course, the Covid restrictions that remain in place, such as vaccine mandates, also pose a national security threat — because Americans might dare to object to such measures:


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e8bd5a No.15939

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590346 (100209ZFEB22) Notable: Democrats Argue Voting Machines Too Fragile to Inspect – If Investigators Touch Them They WIll Need to Be Replaced – Demand Rudy Giuliani Be Punished for Requesting Access to Dominion Machines

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Democrats Argue Voting Machines Too Fragile to Inspect – If Investigators Touch Them They WIll Need to Be Replaced – Demand Rudy Giuliani Be Punished for Requesting Access to Dominion Machines

Joe Biden got 81 million votes.

It really happened.

Democrats and their media lackeys are so certain of this that they will not allow anyone to inspect the voting machines.

** In Arizona Democrat Secretary of State Katie Hobbs argued that Maricopa County would be forced to replace their Dominion voting machines if they were inspected by investigators. The machines were so delicate that they can never be audited. That’s weird?

Also in Arizona election workers were caught on video deleting “archived” files before the machines were turned over to investigators.

** In Pennsylvania the state Supreme Court of liberal activists stepped in at the last minute and delayed an inspection of the Fulton County, Pennsylvania voting machines. The audit is still delayed by the state Supreme Court. Democrats are ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED that a reputable audit team may inspect the county’s Dominion voting machines.

** And in Michigan the radical Attorney General hid the audit of the Dominion machines in Antrim County where 6,000 votes were mysteriously flipped from Trump to Joe Biden.

Democrats want you to know inspecting Dominion Voting Machines IS NOT ALLOWED!

But Joe Biden got 81 million votes.

And now the fake news mainstream media is running with a ridiculous story that Rudy Giuliani asked to inspect an Antrim County Dominion voting machines after they spit out fake results following the election. Democrat and their media lackeys insist this is likely criminal activity. How dare Rudy Giuliani or any Republican request an audit on such a fragile, sophisticated machine.

Are Americans going to fall for this?

Isn’t it clear what the Democrats are doing?

Why are they so afraid of audits?


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e8bd5a No.15940

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590352 (100209ZFEB22) Notable: Desperation, No One Likes You Justin, Face It

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Desperation, No One Likes You Justin, Face It

il Donaldo Trumpo




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e8bd5a No.15941

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590353 (100210ZFEB22) Notable: Cracks reported in Trudeau ranks.

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>Cracks reported in Trudeau ranks.



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e8bd5a No.15942

File: cf8e77c01a80810⋯.gif (3.76 MB,498x277,498:277,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590357 (100210ZFEB22) Notable: Democrats Argue Voting Machines Too Fragile to Inspect – If Investigators Touch Them They WIll Need to Be Replaced – Demand Rudy Giuliani Be Punished for Requesting Access to Dominion Machines

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e8bd5a No.15943

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590367 (100211ZFEB22) Notable: Democrats Argue Voting Machines Too Fragile to Inspect – If Investigators Touch Them They WIll Need to Be Replaced – Demand Rudy Giuliani Be Punished for Requesting Access to Dominion Machines

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I nominate this as the worst excuse to prevent transparency in elections of all time.

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e8bd5a No.15944

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590379 (100213ZFEB22) Notable: CMP Insider Claims Police Are Planning Mass Arrests

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>>15896 (lb)

Posted this yesterday, baker missed:

CMP Insider Claims Police Are Planning Mass Arrests

February 7, 2022

- RCMP Insider Claims Police Are Planning Mass Arrests by Friday Feb 11th

- Police are gathering by the hundreds to raid the truckers and arrest everyone who doesn't flee

- People will be taken to the Landsdowne for processing

- They will be disabling cell phone service in the area so no live streaming will be possible

- Multi agency task force including RCMP, POU, OPS, OPP, Durham Police, and other local police departments


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e8bd5a No.15945

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590421 (100218ZFEB22) Notable: 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events

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HERE’S THE LIST: 1,000 Different Studies Show Extensive Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccines Adverse Events

Are you tired of debating with your liberal friends and family on the safety of the COVID-19 vaccine?

Informed Choice Australia made a list of ‘peer-reviewed’ medical papers submitted to various medical journals, showing extensive evidence of adverse events in the COVID-19 vaccines.

The list only includes the studies made up toJanuary 20 concerning the adverse reaction from COVID-19 vaccines, such as myocarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, vasculitis, and many more.

Read the first 48 studies below:

TRENDING: DOD Caught in MAJOR SCANDAL: US Military Caught in Severe Data Manipulation Following COVID Reveal – No Way "Revised" Numbers Are Real

Myocarditis after mRNA vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, a case series: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2666602221000409

Myocarditis after immunization with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in members of the US military. This article reports that in “23 male patients, including 22 previously healthy military members, myocarditis was identified within 4 days after receipt of the vaccine”: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamacardiology/fullarticle/2781601

Association of myocarditis with the BNT162b2 messenger RNA COVID-19 vaccine in a case series of children: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34374740/

Acute symptomatic myocarditis in seven adolescents after Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccination: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2021/06/04/peds.2021-052478

Myocarditis and pericarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 mRNA: practical considerations for care providers: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0828282X21006243

Myocarditis, pericarditis and cardiomyopathy after COVID-19 vaccination: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1443950621011562

Myocarditis with COVID-19 mRNA vaccines: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.056135

Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2782900

Myocarditis temporally associated with COVID-19 vaccination: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/pdf/10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.121.055891.

COVID-19 Vaccination Associated with Myocarditis in Adolescents: https://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/pediatrics/early/2021/08/12/peds.2021-053427.full.pdf

Acute myocarditis after administration of BNT162b2 vaccine against COVID-19: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33994339/

Temporal association between COVID-19 vaccine Ad26.COV2.S and acute myocarditis: case report and review of the literature: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1553838921005789

COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis: a case report with review of the literature: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1871402121002253

Potential association between COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis: clinical and CMR findings: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1936878X2100485X

Recurrence of acute myocarditis temporally associated with receipt of coronavirus mRNA disease vaccine 2019 (COVID-19) in a male adolescent: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S002234762100617X

Fulminant myocarditis and systemic hyper inflammation temporally associated with BNT162b2 COVID-19 mRNA vaccination in two patients: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167527321012286.

Acute myocarditis after administration of BNT162b2 vaccine: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214250921001530

Lymphohistocytic myocarditis after vaccination with COVID-19 Ad26.COV2.S viral vector: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2352906721001573

Myocarditis following vaccination with BNT162b2 in a healthy male: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0735675721005362

Acute myocarditis after Comirnaty (Pfizer) vaccination in a healthy male with previous SARS-CoV-2 infection: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1930043321005549

Acute myocarditis after vaccination with SARS-CoV-2 mRNA-1273 mRNA: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2589790X21001931

Acute myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in a 24-year-old man: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0870255121003243

COVID-19 mRNA vaccination and myocarditis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34268277/

COVID-19 vaccine and myocarditis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34399967/

More and more listed here at this link!


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e8bd5a No.15946

File: 405bd5e5b572df3⋯.png (614.18 KB,658x812,47:58,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/15590425 (100219ZFEB22) Notable: Los Angeles County DA Asks Credit Card Companies to Halt Gun Kit Purchases

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Los Angeles County DA Asks Credit Card Companies to Halt Gun Kit Purchases

Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón is asking three major credit card companies not to approve payments for gun kits purchased online.

Gascón is tying the purchase of gun parts kits to the construction of “ghost guns.”

Gascón released a statement Tuesday, the Pasadena Star News reported, which said:

American Express, Mastercard and Visa have the ability to go beyond what any law enforcement agency, legislature or city council can accomplish. We are asking these companies to join us in stemming the flow of ghost guns into our communities by preventing a ghost gun kit from being sold with a few mere clicks on a smartphone or computer.



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