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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

2ab28e No.211 [View All]

27NOV20 to 28NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 863 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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2ab28e No.151571

File: e2dbdd5555826f7⋯.png (918.1 KB,825x485,165:97,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819520 (281752ZNOV20) Notable: Boris Johnson names business minister Nadhim Zahawi top UK official responsible for vaccine deployment

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Boris Johnson names business minister Nadhim Zahawi top UK official responsible for vaccine deployment

UK Conservative Party politician Nadhim Zahawi has been appointed as under secretary of state responsible for the deployment of a Covid-19 vaccine across the country, signalling a massive vaccination programme is forthcoming.

The prime minister’s office said Zahawi’s new position is temporary and will last until at least next summer.

According to UK media, Zahawi is expected to oversee the rollout of a vaccine across the country once it is approved. He will report to Health Secretary Matt Hancock.

Zahawi has served as parliamentary under secretary of state at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy since 2019, and will retain this portfolio.

On Friday, Zahawi said he was “extremely disappointed and sad” that his constituency in Warwickshire was slated to be moved to Tier 3 quarantine restrictions next week. He warned the stricter lockdown will cripple the area’s economy, especially its tourism industry.

Earlier this week, the government asked the country’s medical regulator to provide its opinion on the Covid-19 vaccine developed by the British-Swedish company AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford. If authorised, the company is expected to produce up to four million doses for the UK by the end of the year and 40 million by the end of March, officials said.

The vaccine’s trials brought some concerns when it was revealed that its 90 percent efficacy rate was demonstrated in a group consisting of people younger than 55. At the same time, in a group that included people older than 55, the reported efficacy rate was 62 percent.


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2ab28e No.151572

File: 6fe414eaaa3a8cf⋯.png (61.17 KB,837x464,837:464,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819552 (281755ZNOV20) Notable: @CodemonkeyZ tweet - Thank you everybody who helped find contracts

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Thank you everybody who helped find contracts. I dont have enough time to reply to everybody, but I saw all your messages.

Im up to my neck in contracts now and will be forwarding these to a famous lawyer or two who can hopefully put them to good use.



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2ab28e No.151573

File: 19549775359ba92⋯.png (621.87 KB,598x571,598:571,Clipboard.png)

File: 3865dd56f3be30c⋯.png (86.09 KB,572x211,572:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819559 (281756ZNOV20) Notable: Surprise exodus of Jewish Americans moving to once-hostile UAE

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Surprise exodus of Jewish Americans moving to once-hostile UAE


The Art of War

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2ab28e No.151574

File: 43c23ba8a8ca7ca⋯.png (209.22 KB,1256x980,314:245,Clipboard.png)

File: c5ddeef2f4d725d⋯.png (190.99 KB,1206x858,201:143,Clipboard.png)

File: f95392aaa314fb3⋯.png (234.27 KB,1230x1074,205:179,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819561 (281756ZNOV20) Notable: Ted Cruz and Iranian Commie Brennan in a twat war.

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Ted Cruz and Iranian Commie Brennan in a twat war.



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2ab28e No.151575

File: d304ac71e20008d⋯.png (69.12 KB,837x538,837:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819566 (281757ZNOV20) Notable: General Flynn twat CM, moar CM

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Listen to the Chairman of Smartmatic reveal in a video interview that Smartmatic and Dominion have had a licensing agreement.

@realDonaldTrump @LLinWood @SidneyPowell1


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2ab28e No.151576

File: 014c1ff8ce5809b⋯.png (16.71 KB,598x219,598:219,Clipboard.png)

File: fe7a6641e4314df⋯.pdf (7.21 MB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819585 (281759ZNOV20) Notable: Here is the 25 million dollar contract that Ms. Garrett helped execute between the state of Michigan and Dominion (PDF)

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Found on this Twitter:

Gavin Mario Wax

Here is the 25 million dollar contract that Ms. Garrett helped execute between the state of Michigan and Dominion: https://michigan.gov/documents/loca


STATE OF MICHIGAN CENTRAL PROCUREMENT SERVICES Department of Technology, Management, and Budget

314 pages

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2ab28e No.151577

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819655 (281807ZNOV20) Notable: Is this why POTUS kept mentioning some “hotspots” around the country with covid?

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>>151492 (lb)


Is this why POTUS kept mentioning some “hotspots” around the country with covid.

Remember all those commercials a few years ago telling you ATT had more WiFi hotspots and coverage than any other carrier.

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2ab28e No.151578

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819705 (281820ZNOV20) Notable: Gen Flynn and Codemonkey tweets on Dominion/Smartmatic

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2ab28e No.151579

File: b6a7ca02ad977e4⋯.png (166.28 KB,647x484,647:484,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819710 (281821ZNOV20) Notable: Rotherham Groomer Kamir Khan Gets Short Sentence for Abusing 11-year-old Girl

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Rotherham Groomer Kamir Khan Gets Short Sentence for Abusing 11-year-old Girl

South Asian heritage predator Kamir Khan has been imprisoned for grooming and abusing an 11-year-old girl in Rotherham.

31-year-old Khan is the latest in a long line of abusers to be convicted for abusing girls and young women in Rotherham, where South Asian heritage gangs once preyed upon mostly white, working-class victims in untold numbers with near-impunity for years, due to the authorities’ reluctance to intervene in case they were accused of “racism”.

Khan was convicted of “two counts of assaulting a girl under 13 by touching, inciting a girl to engage in sexual activity and engaging in sexual communication with a child” at Sheffield Crown Court, according to an official South Yorkshire Police news bulletin.

The court heard that the paedophile had bombarded the girl with “over 4,000 messages over a three-month period” over Snapchat and WhatsApp. including “lewd photos”, under the alias ‘Zayn’, “and at one point, even told her he loved her and wanted to marry her”.

Khan “inappropriately touched” the 11-year-old on two occasions in 2019, with the abuse only coming to light when the girls’ mother went through her phone. She then became “visibly distressed” and revealed what had been happening to her.

The sentencing judge saw fit to impose only a light sentence on Khan, however, handing him a term of just four and a half years.

Criminals in Britain do not typically serve their full sentences, either, with non-“life” sentences typically including a right to automatic early release on licence at the halfway or, more rarely, two-third point in the term.

A Rotherham man who groomed & abused an 11-yr-old girl has been jailed for 4.5 years. 31 year old Kamir Khan sent the girl 4,000 messages on Snapchat & Whatsapp. He said he loved her and wanted to marry her. Khan also inappropriately touched her on 2 occasions in Feb & Mar 2019. pic.twitter.com/d9zqwJG6mQ

— BBC Radio Sheffield (@BBCSheffield) November 26, 2020

“Khan preyed on his victim over a period of months, taking full advantage of her age, and her vulnerability. He manipulated her in to thinking he was her boyfriend, and it was normal for him to send her such explicit messages,” commented Rachel Scott, Investigating Officer, for South Yorkshire Police.

“This girl has been incredibly strong throughout this inquiry and I couldn’t be prouder of how much she has assisted our investigation,” Scott said.

“This was a difficult case, however I am pleased that we were able to establish such evidence that Khan had no option [but] to plead guilty to these offences. I believe he is a danger to children and I am pleased that he is now behind bars.

“I want to take this opportunity to remind young people to consider their safety online and never give out personal details or share intimate pictures. To parents, if your child is on social media sites, please be vigilant and regularly ask who they are speaking to,” she warned.

Police Knew About Rotherham ‘Asian’ Rape Gangs But Ignored Them over Fears of ‘Racial Tensions’: Report https://t.co/WWDiOm3r3R

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 19, 2020


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2ab28e No.151580

File: 3fd7b3375ec075a⋯.png (1.06 MB,853x499,853:499,Clipboard.png)

File: 716b3e71ce998f6⋯.png (358.04 KB,836x532,11:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819721 (281822ZNOV20) Notable: Shell must pay nearly half a billion for oil spill in Nigeria, court rules

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Shell must pay nearly half a billion for oil spill in Nigeria, court rules

Nigeria’s Supreme Court has declined an application from Royal Dutch Shell which aimed to set aside a previous ruling that ordered the company to pay $467 million for damages caused by an oil spill almost five decades ago.

The judges upheld the previous decision, which ruled that the oil conglomerate must pay damages for an oil spillage in Ejama-Ebubu in Rivers State. According to Bloomberg and local media reports, the five-member panel said that Shell’s request to review the case lacked merit.

The case centers around an oil spill that occurred in 1970 from Shell’s oil production activities in the Niger delta. The case was brought to court in 2001 by the Ejama-Ebubu community, which has accused the company of making their water sources unfit for human consumption. In 2010, a Nigerian court ruled that the company was liable for an oil spill in the community, but Shell still disputes its responsibility and says that it has cleaned the area.

“It is regrettable that the legal process in this case has been focused for so long on procedural issues and not the merits of the case,” Shell said in a statement responding to the latest ruling on Friday. Still disputing the Ejama-Ebubu claim, the company insists that “any attempt to enforce payment should not be permitted” due to other ongoing court proceedings.


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2ab28e No.151581

File: ae4c16c52007ea7⋯.png (483.74 KB,585x491,585:491,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819734 (281823ZNOV20) Notable: Declassified UK: REVEALED: The UK military’s overseas base network involves 145 sites in 42 countries

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Declassified UK: REVEALED: The UK military’s overseas base network involves 145 sites in 42 countries

Britain’s armed forces have a far more extensive base network than ever presented by the Ministry of Defence. New research by Declassified reveals the extent of this global military presence for the first time – as the government announces an extra 10% spending on defence.

UK military has base sites in five countries around China: naval base in Singapore, garrisons in Brunei, drone testing sites in Australia, three facilities in Nepal and quick reaction force in Afghanistan

Cyprus hosts 17 UK military installations including firing ranges and spy stations, with some located outside UK’s “sovereign base areas”

Britain maintains military presence in seven Arab monarchies where citizens have little or no say in how they are governed

UK personnel are stationed across 15 sites in Saudi Arabia, supporting internal repression and the war in Yemen, and at 16 sites in Oman, some run directly by British military

In Africa, British troops are based in Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Nigeria and Mali

Many UK overseas bases are located in tax havens such as Bermuda and Cayman Islands

Britain’s military has a permanent presence at 145 base sites in 42 countries or territories around the world, research by Declassified UK has found.

The size of this global military presence is far larger than previously thought and is likely to mean that the UK has the second largest military network in the world, after the United States.

It is the first time the true size of this network has been revealed.

The UK uses 17 separate military installations in Cyprus as well as 15 in Saudi Arabia and 16 in Oman – the latter both dictatorships with whom the UK has especially close military relations.

The UK’s base sites include 60 it manages itself in addition to 85 facilities run by its allies where the UK has a significant presence.

These appear to fit the description of what General Mark Carleton-Smith, Britain’s Chief of the General Staff, recently termed as “lily pads” – sites which the UK has easy access to as and when required.

Declassified has not included in the figures the UK’s small troop contributions to UN peacekeeping missions in South Sudan or the Cyprus buffer zone, nor staffing commitments at NATO administrative sites in Europe or most of its special forces deployments, which are largely unknown.


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2ab28e No.151582

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819740 (281824ZNOV20) Notable: On May 19, 2020, the Michigan Department of State entered into a consent decree in the case Powell v. Benson (Case: 20-11023 (ED Mich)) to implement a Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail (“RAVBM”) system

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On May 19, 2020, the Michigan Department of State entered into a consent decree in the case Powell v. Benson (Case: 20-11023 (ED Mich)) to implement a Remote Accessible Vote-By-Mail (“RAVBM”) system to allow voters with print disabilities to vote absentee privately and independently in time for the August 4, 2020 election. On July 13, 2020, Judge Drain of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan issued an implementation order.

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2ab28e No.151583

File: 31883d755e8697f⋯.png (504.02 KB,856x1064,107:133,Clipboard.png)

File: 75f4e9d0128e6cc⋯.png (96.91 KB,1420x496,355:124,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819741 (281824ZNOV20) Notable: Despite Trump mentioning this in March, they'll start blaming him in 3…2…

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Despite Trump mentioning this in March, they'll start blaming him in 3…2…

Here they are fact-checking POTUS claim that suicides will rise. Back in March.


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2ab28e No.151584

File: 1c5feee9df9d9e7⋯.png (1.12 MB,828x526,414:263,Clipboard.png)

File: e79c0844205e7d8⋯.png (59.6 KB,854x804,427:402,Clipboard.png)

File: 00d526fc37c65ae⋯.png (16.14 KB,873x218,873:218,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819753 (281825ZNOV20) Notable: US Congress ties bows on gifts to Israel

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US Congress ties bows on gifts to Israel

Before it recesses for the year, the US Congress is finalizing the text of a must-pass bill, the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes a slew of significant pro-Israel measures.

The NDAA establishes Pentagon funding levels and sets out many Department of Defense and foreign policy priorities.

Last week, the Senate passed its version of the mammoth bill, totaling nearly 1,800 pages. The House, having passed its own version in July, rejected the Senate language.

With the House and Senate unable to agree, the bill has gone to conference to reconcile differences between the two versions.

During these backroom conferences, legislators hammer out an agreed-upon version of the bill before it is sent back to both the House and Senate for a final pro forma vote.

Flow of weapons to Israel

Most notably, the Senate version of the bill contains the provisions of the United States-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act of 2020, originally a separate bill which was tacked onto the NDAA in July.

This bill would codify into law the Obama administration’s pledge of $3.8 billion per year in weapons to Israel. Additionally, it would set this level of assistance to Israel as a floor, not as a ceiling.

The bill promises Israel “not less than” $3.3 billion per year in weapons grants in addition to $500 million in missile defense projects.

This bill would enable Congress to appropriate weapons to Israel at a level beyond that envisioned by the Obama administration’s munificent 2016 memorandum of understanding.

The bill also contains a long wish list of other provisions for Israel, including most crucially a five-year extension of Pentagon authorization to stockpile weapons in the country. This stockpile can be accessed by Israel in an emergency to quickly augment US weapons already in its arsenal.

At the same time that the Senate tacked on this bill to the NDAA, it also refused to consider an amendment written by Chris Van Hollen, a Democratic senator from Maryland. Supported by 12 other senators, the amendment would prohibit US weapons for or training to Israeli forces in Palestinian territory illegally annexed under the Trump administration’s “peace” plan.

In addition to the perennial authorization of $500 million in joint US-Israel missile defense programs, the Senate version of the NDAA also includes a new provision to establish a US-Israel Operations-Technology Working Group.

That group would work “to identify and expeditiously field capabilities that the military forces of both countries need to deter and defeat respective adversaries.” It is designed to further enmesh joint US and Israeli weapons research and development, funding and deployment.


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2ab28e No.151585

File: 569f4ded75f6871⋯.png (1.04 MB,1192x802,596:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 5225f082680b3df⋯.png (890 KB,857x537,857:537,Clipboard.png)

File: ddac9e8c3936a19⋯.png (1.42 MB,716x913,716:913,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819754 (281825ZNOV20) Notable: 2012: The (rejected) 2001 Monolith is on display by Tower Bridge

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>5th column

Color revolution?

>>>/qresearch/11819426 [lb]

>>>/qresearch/11819279 [lb]

>>>/qresearch/11819159 [lb]

>>>/qresearch/11819268 [lb]

>It looks like a destroyed or toppled obelisk to me

Found something I did not know about the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

The (rejected) 2001 Monolith is on display by Tower Bridge

Posted on 7th July 2012 Posted in geekery

It may not look like it, but this 11-foot wide sculpture is the original model for the iconic Monolith used in the film, 2001 and it is on permanent display in St Katherine Docks, next to Tower Bridge.

When Stanley Kubrick wanted a monolith for the making of 2001, he commissioned a local plastics firm, Stanley Plastics to cast the monolith out of a solid lump of transparent plastic. However Kubrick was disappointed with screen tests and the sparkling clear polymer block was eventually rejected as a prop in favour of the dense, black basalt that was imported from Scandinavia and is now such an icon of film history.

Personally I am quite pleased as the black monolith is more mysterious a shape in large part to being opaque. A transparent monolith would have lacked mystery.

Anyway, that unwanted, and quite massive lump of perspex then sat in the Boreham Wood film studios until the Bratislavan born, London resident, sculptor Arthur Fleischmann acquired it.

His interest being no doubt the fact that this was at the time the largest single block of perspex ever cast – and he was a noted artist working with plastics. The block was kept in storage by Talbot Designs until Fleischmann received the commission to make a crystal crown for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Celebrations in 1977.

In 2000 the Crystal crown was moved from its original home and moved just a few metres to the north elevation of the Thistle Hotel (map link). A plaque to commemorate the resiting was unveiled by Joy Fleischmann that year.

Sadly, mounting it on the wall means what was once a glassy transparent sculpture now looks more like a translucent lump of cheap plastic. I really hope that one day it can be free-standing again, as the photos of it in that guise look quite stunning and truly deserving of its title “the crystal crown”.

Oh, and what happened to the original Rotunda space it sat in? That has been converted into a branch of Starbucks.


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2ab28e No.151586

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819770 (281827ZNOV20) Notable: EU Demands Italy Pay for Migrant Dependents Living Outside EU

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EU Demands Italy Pay for Migrant Dependents Living Outside EU

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has determined that Italy must pay for the dependents of migrants even if they do not live in the European Union.

EU judges stated that Italian legislation which allows Italians to claim benefits for dependents living abroad but which bars non-EU migrants from doing so was contrary to EU law. The court, therefore, ruled that non-EU citizens with residency permits or who are long-term residents are entitled to allowances for their families living outside of the bloc.

The decision was a result of a challenge between the National Social Security Institute and two non-European Union citizens, one from Sri Lanka and another from Pakistan, who lived and worked legally in Italy and have families living in their home countries, Italian newspaper Il Giornale reports.

Populist Senator Matteo Salvini, who heads Italy’s most popular party, the League (Lega), commented on the court’s statement, saying: “The Court of Justice of the EU establishes (and imposes on Italy) that non-EU citizens are entitled to allowances even for dependent family members living abroad outside the EU! Are they joking?”

EU Moves Against Austria for Changing Benefit Payments for Children Living Abroad https://t.co/rnotGL4wCQ

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) January 27, 2019

The case comes after the European Commission brought up infringement procedures against Austria over a similar issue.

Austria attempted to index child benefits in 2019, which meant that child benefits would be paid according to the cost of living where the children lived so that if a migrant worker had children in a country with a lower cost of living than Austria, they would receive less money.

EU Social Affairs Commissioner Marianne Thyssen said of the Austrian proposal at the time: “When mobile workers contribute to a social security system in the same way as local workers, they must receive identical benefits, even when their children live abroad.”

Italy has seen a surge in migrants over the last several months, despite Wuhan virus outbreaks. Areas such as the island of Lampedusa continue to see waves of new migrants, most of whom come via Tunisia.

Spain Deploys Police to West Africa as Canary Islands Migrant Influx Increases by 1,000 Per Cent https://t.co/fWKAajS5F3

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 23, 2020


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2ab28e No.151587

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819777 (281828ZNOV20) Notable: Over 1,300 foreign aircraft conducted air reconnaissance near Russian borders in 2020

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Over 1,300 foreign aircraft conducted air reconnaissance near Russian borders in 2020

The Russian fighter aircraft from air defense quick reaction alert forces were scrambled over 170 times, according to the Aerospace Force deputy commander-in-chief

Russian air defense quick reaction alert forces detected and intercepted over 1,300 foreign spy planes in 2020, Aerospace Force Deputy Commander-in-Chief Lieutenant-General Andrei Yudin said in an interview with the Defense Ministry’s Krasnaya Zvezda newspaper on Friday.

Read also

Russian radars track 35 foreign spy planes and 3 drones over week

"Air defense alert forces detected and tracked over 1.5 million airliners, including about 3,600 foreign combat planes and over 1,300 spy aircraft," the general said.

The Russian fighter aircraft from air defense quick reaction alert forces were scrambled over 170 times to intercept foreign planes near Russia’s borders, he said.

No violations of Russia’s state border were allowed, the general stressed.

The Russian aircraft performed all their flights in compliance with the rules of using the airspace, the general said.


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2ab28e No.151588

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819790 (281829ZNOV20) Notable: Roma thanks Italian bomb squad for removing WWII devices from training center

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Roma thanks Italian bomb squad for removing WWII devices from training center

The Italian army and bomb squad removed a number of World War II devices from Roma’s training center at Trigoria. The team thanked the bomb squad Saturday, prefacing the tweet by saying, “Well, this doesn’t happen every day …”

The club attached an image to the tweet, which showed two members of the bomb squad surrounded by a number of potentially explosive devices.

Roma did not specify whether the devices were explosive. It appears no one was hurt as the bomb squad dug up the items.

The news will not impact Roma’s game against Napoli on Sunday. The two teams will play at Stadio San Paolo in Naples, which is more than a two-hour drive from Trigoria. Following the game, Stadio San Paolo will be renamed Diego Armando Maradona in honor of Diego Maradona, the legendary Argentinian soccer player who died Wednesday. Maradona played for Napoli from 1984 to 1991.


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2ab28e No.151589

File: a74b2f5e73951a4⋯.png (357.98 KB,583x626,583:626,Clipboard.png)

File: 760f709b31b0872⋯.png (41.95 KB,843x387,281:129,Clipboard.png)

File: a5fb0f22713d3eb⋯.png (37.97 KB,845x331,845:331,Clipboard.png)

File: beda8e6b3590e97⋯.png (24.28 KB,809x254,809:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819803 (281831ZNOV20) Notable: 26 Pennsylvania House Republicans, 8 Senators Call for Withdrawing Certification of Presidential Electors

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26 Pennsylvania House Republicans, 8 Senators Call for Withdrawing Certification of Presidential Electors

The Democrat-Marxist machine in Pennsylvania stopped counting votes on election night because Joe Biden was getting annihilated by President Trump.

Trump was up by nearly 700,000 votes on election night after the polls closed.

Within 48 hours of Election Day, hundreds of thousands of ballots were counted for Joe Biden while crooked Democrat elections officials blocked GOP poll watchers from observing the vote count.

The corrupt Pennsylvania Secretary of State and Democrat Governor Wolf rushed to certify the election results, but a Commonwealth judge said not so fast.

On Wednesday the Pennsylvania state legislature held a hearing on the 2020 election issues and irregularities.

One witness described the huge “spikes” in Pennsylvania during the hearing and the crowd gasped.

Rudy Giuliani pointed out two huge gaps with Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballots.

“You have two major gaps — you have the 672,770 votes that were not inspected by anyone secretly put into the ballot box and then you have this gap that I don’t understand between the mail-in ballots. You’ve sent out: 1.8 million and the number you counted: 2.5 million!” Rudy said.

On Friday the Pennsylvania State legislature filed a resolution to dispute the statewide 2020 election results.

26 House Republicans called for withdrawing certification of presidential electors, via Penn Live:

A band of 26 Pa. House lawmakers are circulating a memo seeking support of a proposed resolution declaring the state’s certification of presidential electors and other statewide election results to be in dispute. This comes two days after President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani testified before a panel of Pennsylvania House and Senate Republican lawmakers about his allegations of voter fraud and election rigging,


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2ab28e No.151590

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819821 (281833ZNOV20) Notable: Theory that Iranian Nuke Scientist was not assassinated.

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Theory that Iranian Nuke Scientist was not assassinated.

New YT from Thomas Wictor. He walks through his theory that the scientist actually defected, but was guarded by 3 IRGs whose job it was to make sure he didn't defect. The guards were the ones taken out. It's pretty compelling…at the vest least interesting. Theory is predicated on the notion that Iran is lying (not a big stretch there).

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2ab28e No.151591

File: ae6163e70d8033b⋯.png (695.6 KB,923x545,923:545,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819830 (281834ZNOV20) Notable: Likud minister: Assassination of nuclear scientist ‘really embarrassed’ Iran

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Likud minister: Assassination of nuclear scientist ‘really embarrassed’ Iran

Netanyahu ally Tzachi Hanegbi says he had no idea who killed Mohsen Fakhrizadeh; Hamas chief phones Iranian FM to denounce killing, which ‘reflects a criminal mentality’

A Likud party ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has no idea who killed top Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, whose assassination Iran has blamed on Israel.

But Settlements Minister Tzachi Hanegbi tells Channel 12 news that the killing “really embarrassed” Iran.



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2ab28e No.151592

File: eef001351607a61⋯.png (83.54 KB,1326x422,663:211,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819845 (281835ZNOV20) Notable: An anon posted all of this info yesterday, now today there's an article on GP

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An anon posted all of this info yesterday, now today there's an article on GP.

Are they using anons' work?

Still, its all in one place if anons need proof to shoot down liberals.


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2ab28e No.151593

File: 0d5a6da5fd6659d⋯.png (86.52 KB,1085x477,1085:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 6284b03e8a54afb⋯.png (31.7 KB,953x208,953:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819847 (281836ZNOV20) Notable: Anon dig on California remote access to voting systems

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2ab28e No.151594

File: 2995a983812f021⋯.png (681.48 KB,800x848,50:53,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819850 (281837ZNOV20) Notable: @DJT: Dershowitz says he was absolutely right to pardon Flynn

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New DJT Tweet.

Dershowitz says he was absolutely right to pardon Flynn


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2ab28e No.151595

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819853 (281837ZNOV20) Notable: Dig on Venezuela voting machines

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"You wanted to know what type of electronic voting machine Venezuela used in its recent election and whether it is a model that Connecticut could use."


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2ab28e No.151596

File: 603b66f6c17dbb3⋯.png (72.31 KB,762x874,381:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 25e2d2e0418ad8d⋯.png (81.45 KB,772x913,772:913,Clipboard.png)

File: e0cdd51929b4005⋯.png (77.64 KB,768x907,768:907,Clipboard.png)

File: 9451c02a4335e00⋯.png (74.37 KB,774x902,387:451,Clipboard.png)

File: 5844055eec30e4d⋯.png (64.07 KB,774x771,258:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819856 (281838ZNOV20) Notable: NATO – A Comatose Body Whose ‘Mission’ Seems To Be Little More Than To Preserve And Expand Itself.

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NATO – A Comatose Body Whose ‘Mission’ Seems To Be Little More Than To Preserve And Expand Itself.


In 1851, France had the misfortune to fall victim to a coup by the nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte, Charles-Louis Napoléon Bonaparte, who styled himself Napoleon III. Karl Marx had been an enthusiastic supporter of the French 1848 uprising – one among those which had taken place throughout Europe – and viewed the coup as the work of a buffoon who happened to put together an odd coalition of social classes– businesspeople, aristocratic landlords, and a rabble of barely employed street peddlers and other workers with no consciousness of their own class interests. With his wicked wit, Marx saw Napoleon III as a dramatic come-down for France from the European-wide empire of Napoleon I. Marx wrote the famous words:

“Hegel remarks somewhere that all great world-historic facts and personages appear, so to speak, twice. He (Hegel) forgot to add: the first time as tragedy, the second time as farce.”

In addition to the self-perpetuating, bloated monstrosity of NATO there should be added the various spook agencies, CIA, MI5, MI6 MOSSAD, BND, 5-EYES, and the rest whose mission is generally unstated and, for many, clouded in secrecy but nonetheless visible enough to those with eyes to see. Their permanent existence as a state within a state and their purported goals concerning ‘national security’ are not necessarily made clear, and, in fact, they might often be the very opposite of what they claim. Also included in the list of non-state actors are the NGOs such as the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) which in fact is not an NGO since it receives funding from the US government which makes it a GO. Along with this is the Human Rights Watch (HRW) as well as Soros’s Open Society Foundation, and these are just some of the lavishly underwritten think tanks and secretly funded organizations which have proliferated into the rich soil that sustains them. (Please see Ray McGovern on MICCIMATT) – Military Industrial Congressional Intelligence Media Academic Think Tanks, in this respect. (1) Just how large these sprawling bureaucracies are and how far their influence reaches is almost impossible to ascertain. It could I suppose be compared to a late stage carcinoma on the body politic which is actually killing the host. Given the enormous dimensions of this geo-political super-blob I will restrict myself to a few but telling examples of its activities and their outcomes.

The Trial Run: NATO And The Destruction Of Yugoslavia

In the early 1990s NATO had been taking a particular interest in the events in the independent sovereign state of Yugoslavia. Between June 1991 and April 1992, four republics declared independence, and, egged on by Germany, the local NATO enforcer, Slovenia, and Croatia were the most important. Only Serbia and Montenegro remained federated but the status of ethnic Serbs outside Serbia and Montenegro, and that of ethnic Croats outside Croatia, remained unsolved. This was the beginning of the deconstruction of Yugoslavia – part of a longer-term dismantling which would ultimately also include reducing the USSR/Russia to vassal status or failing that, of outright occupation. This contrived disintegration of Yugoslavia ultimately laid the early basis for the complete fragmentation of the Yugoslav state. The secessionist crisis which had started in 1991 ultimately laid the basis for overt NATO intervention in the Kosovo war in 1999, all of which is well-documented.



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2ab28e No.151597

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819861 (281838ZNOV20) Notable: Dig on voting machines

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Seems to be a good resource for getting which specific county used which specific machines.



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2ab28e No.151598

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819883 (281841ZNOV20) Notable: Former House Republican wrests California seat from Dem incumbent

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Former House Republican wrests California seat from Dem incumbent

Former GOP Rep. David Valadao beat Democratic incumbent Rep. T.J. Cox by 862 votes

Former Republican Rep. David Valadao reclaimed his seat in California's 21st District on Friday, narrowly defeating Democratic incumbent Rep. T.J. Cox.

Valadao won in 2012 by focusing on local issues like agriculture, but Democrats including Cox came out swinging during the 2018 midterm elections and claimed seven GOP-held House seats in the Golden State.

The Hanford, Calif., native had previously withheld his endorsement of President Trump. This year, he changed strategies in a risky move that ultimately paid off in the Farm Belt.

But Valadao also highlighted his independence during the race, criticizing the president over family separations at the nation's southern border.

He beat Cox by 862 votes.

As The Associated Press reported Friday, much of California's agricultural centers have been known for their Republican leanings, at variance with a largely blue state.

Valadao himself is from a dairy farming family – lineage that put him at the top of the pack in the spring. He accused Cox of aligning his ideals with those of Democratic progressives and promised to pass a COVID-19 relief package amid a raging pandemic.

Valadao declared victory on Wednesday, calling for unity.

“This Thanksgiving, as the coronavirus continues to spread and our community and nation struggle, we desperately need relief,” he said. “The only way we will get through this is by sticking together as Americans, not divided by political parties. When I head back to Washington every resident of the Central Valley has my word that I will continue to always put this community first.”

While Democrats had expected to make serious gains this year, conservative candidates shattered expectations.

Elsewhere in the state, Reps.-elect Young Kim and Michelle Steel also bested Democratic incumbents, and Rep. Mike Garcia flipped the state’s 25th District last week.

Though Democrats have ultimately retained control of the House, their losses signaled a potential Republican-controlled House in 2022 and a possible foothold in a state where they have been sidelined for decades.


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2ab28e No.151599

File: 3dab6ed51617593⋯.png (15.02 KB,598x185,598:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 10e68680ad69235⋯.png (61.29 KB,598x246,299:123,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819897 (281843ZNOV20) Notable: @CM: Download and locally archive this video ASAP! "The fact is, yes, part of our technology is licensed from Dominion."-Lord Malloch-Brown, Smartmatic Chairman

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Download and locally archive this video ASAP!

"The fact is, yes, part of our technology is licensed from Dominion."

-Lord Malloch-Brown, Smartmatic Chairman



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2ab28e No.151600

File: 3f53814829626a5⋯.jpg (196.61 KB,675x900,3:4,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819900 (281843ZNOV20) Notable: dig on picture from SOS Pompeo tweet

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Pompeo has two pine cone candles on the table for Thanksgiving.

The pineal gland ("pine"-al) is named after the pine cone. Pine cones are often used to represent human enlightenment.


One of the chairs is upholstered differently than the others and has a wider seat.

The place mats are hounds-tooth, also called shepherd's weave.

They use steak knives for ham. Most people use butter knives. Silverware set this time. Last time the silverware was wrapped in the napkins.

Strawberries and real whipped creme. Strawberries are a symbol of love. Ham, stuffing, green bean casserole, pumpkin pie, apple pie, cranberries, warm rolls and ice water. Second fork must be for the desert since no salad is shown.

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2ab28e No.151601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819915 (281845ZNOV20) Notable: @CM: Download and locally archive this video ASAP! "The fact is, yes, part of our technology is licensed from Dominion."-Lord Malloch-Brown, Smartmatic Chairman

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2ab28e No.151602

File: 210ddd3c756f874⋯.png (383.27 KB,606x318,101:53,Clipboard.png)

File: b8ae6c09bbada1a⋯.png (262.68 KB,699x409,699:409,Clipboard.png)

File: 0771c006af6eace⋯.png (629.15 KB,981x423,109:47,Clipboard.png)

File: cae24bd51f51864⋯.png (308.26 KB,610x395,122:79,Clipboard.png)

File: cae2850f55ffced⋯.png (385.49 KB,501x480,167:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819921 (281845ZNOV20) Notable: Top Insider Sales-Week ending Nov 27, 2020

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Top Insider Sales-Week ending Nov 27, 2020


Catalent Pharma Inc. sold by Leonard Green & Partners: $535.23-Nov 23

Catalent, Inc. provides delivery technologies and development solutions for drugs, biologics, and consumer and animal health products. Its segments include Softgel Technologies, Drug Delivery Solutions and Clinical Supply Services. The Softgel Technologies segment is engaged in the formulation, development and manufacturing of prescription and consumer health soft capsules or softgels. The Drug Delivery Solutions segment is engaged in the formulation, development and manufacturing of prescription and consumer and animal health products; blow-fill seal unit dose manufacturing; biologic cell line development; analytical and bioanalytical development, and testing services. The Clinical Supply Services segment is engaged in manufacturing, packaging, labeling, storage, distribution and inventory management for clinical trials of drugs and biologics for patient kits; FastChain clinical supply service; clinical e-solutions and informatics, and global comparator sourcing services. Number of employees : 13 900 people.


from June 2019

Catalent snaps up Novavax production sites and 100 employees in $18M deal

Another deal has been struck in the rapidly evolving market for gene therapy manufacturing. Just two months after Catalent jumped big time into the gene therapy realm, it is adding a couple of small vaccine production sites and 100 employees to its operation. Catalent, which in April struck a $1.2 billion all-cash deal for gene therapy CDMO Paragon Bioservices, is now picking up the gene manufacturing operations of vaccine biotech Novavax. Catalent will pay $18 million up front for the production equipment and other assets and take over the leases on Novavax's sites in Gaithersburg and Rockville in Maryland, as well as about 100 employees. Novavax is negotiating a long-term arrangement with Paragon to provide process development and manufacturing services for specified Novavax programs. The transactions are expected to close in July 2019, the companies said.


from Nov 2013

Catalent opens clinical trial supply facility in Shanghai, China


Pete Zippelius-Partner Leonard Green

Pete joined LGP in 2018. Previously Pete was a Managing Director and Co-Head of North American Healthcare Investment Banking at J.P. Morgan, which he joined in 2015. Prior to J.P. Morgan, Pete was a Managing Director and Co-Head of Healthcare Services Investment Banking at Deutsche Bank Securities, and prior to that, he was a Managing Director in the Healthcare Investment Banking group at Morgan Stanley. He presently serves on the Board of Directors of Catalent, Press Ganey, WCG, and WellSky. Pete began his career in the Mergers and Acquisitions department of Salomon Smith Barney. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance from Virginia Tech.




Netflix, Inc sold by CEO-Reed Hastings: $102.94m-Nov 23

Muh options exercise at $27.34/sh for a cost of $5.83m and sale at $482.51/sh

from Nov 25

Netflix Chief Reed Hastings' Wife, Patricia Quillin, Was a Quiet Force in the 2020 Election in California

She may not (yet) be a household name, but Patricia Quillin was a force in some of California’s historic political races on the Nov. 3 ballot. Although she’s a philanthropist, activist and film producer, Quillin is best known as the wife of billionaire Netflix chairman and co-CEO Reed Hastings. In recent years, she has emerged as the rarest of breeds: a ridiculously ambitious mega-donor who mostly shuns the spotlight. Through a Netflix spokesperson, Quillin declined to comment for this story. "She has no publicity team around her, and that’s by design. So in my world, a lot of people still don’t know her name," says Democratic political strategist Brian Brokaw, who worked on three 2020 campaigns in which Quillin was involved. "That’s fascinating considering how much influence and money she’s spent in recent  years."



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2ab28e No.151603

File: e15e37305293fc4⋯.png (862.03 KB,837x865,837:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819943 (281848ZNOV20) Notable: POTUS tweet - Alan Dershowitz: Trump was ‘Absolutely Right‘ to Pardon Michael Flynn

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Alan Dershowitz: Trump was ‘Absolutely Right‘ to Pardon Michael Flynn https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/11/27/alan-dershowitz-trump-absolutely-right-to-pardon-michael-flynn/ via @breitbartnews


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2ab28e No.151604

File: cc8c983966db613⋯.png (506.3 KB,646x332,323:166,Clipboard.png)

File: b0dca8835c8e8ef⋯.png (73.72 KB,1054x757,1054:757,Clipboard.png)

File: ae2d0267471e662⋯.png (68.32 KB,1065x782,1065:782,Clipboard.png)

File: 34042fb9add63d6⋯.png (611.79 KB,1057x814,1057:814,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819947 (281849ZNOV20) Notable: Elon Musk’s Coup Stooge Áñez Arrested Trying to Escape Bolivian Justice

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Elon Musk’s Coup Stooge Áñez Arrested Trying to Escape Bolivian Justice

On November 24th, Elon Musk’s agent and now deposed Bolivian coup leader Jeanine Áñez was caught trying to escape justice by making her way to Brazil, but was prevented from boarding a plane by a group of citizens who were able to identify her in Trinidad.

Áñez was astoundingly prevented from boarding a plane at the Jorge Henrich Arauz airport in the city of Trinidad, as she was trying to go to a border city and then flee to Brazil. There is likely to be more to this story, involving a small deal with Trinidad & Tobago’s intelligence service, who appears to have informed a left-leaning activist group with ties to Bolivia and Venezuela, to make the ‘citizen’s arrest’, so as to separate the state from the actual arrest. Trinidad is a member of the U.S. led Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI), invites significant U.S. foreign investment, and is likely not to want to be seen as overtly involved.

These exciting events are now transpiring as the result of what has become an ultimately failed coup attempt in Bolivia, a tragic year-long period where democratic rule was upended.

Indeed, last month something incredible happened. The Globalist’s golpe de estado failed, in what has been a series of incredible failures world-wide. Among their sought after bounty was Bolivia’s lithium wealth, valued in billions. Bolivia is known to have somewhere between 50 to 80 percent of the world’s lithium.

Goldman Sachs says that the global market demand for lithium could in fact triple to some 570,000 tons a year in the next 10 years due to electric vehicles. It’s no wonder that Elon Musk’s hands were all over it.

But nevertheless, Evo Morales made a come-back in at the end of October 2020, and was able to overturn a coup (by way of law-fare) imposed on the country from the Globalist deep state.

Summarizing it succinctly, Ramona Wadi wrote for SCF last month;

“Bolivia has managed to overturn the neoliberal agenda which the U.S. attempted to force upon the nation in the 2019 coup, which ousted former President Evo Morales to install the far-right wing Jeanine Añez as president, or dictator. While Chile was dealing with its state violence, the Bolivian coup was out in the streets exerting its vengeance on the country’s indigenous population. For months, Bolivians protested against state violence and police repression. It is now the new government’s obligation to bring the perpetrators to justice, while retracing Bolivia’s path to its revolutionary progress.”

Besides being involved in an unconstitutional coup, where the armed forces and the police conspired with U.S. Deep-State agents to overthrow Evo Morales, Jeanine Áñez is also wanted in particular for killing of civilians in Senkata and Sacaba.

And yet despite all this, western media – in backing the coup – painted her as a symbol of a woman “breaking the glass ceiling”, and then she doubled-down on virtue signaling by claiming without evidence that she had ‘contracted the coronavirus’, in what was no doubt both a sympathy ploy and a signal to globalist elites that she was still their man, or woman, rather.


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2ab28e No.151605

File: 50324f97008620d⋯.png (816.23 KB,722x610,361:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 742af706c1acf38⋯.png (686.6 KB,599x415,599:415,Clipboard.png)

File: e01234bb0a9a021⋯.png (549.31 KB,784x650,392:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819968 (281852ZNOV20) Notable: Final Offensive: Ethiopian Government Forces To Capture Tigray’s Capital

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Final Offensive: Ethiopian Government Forces To Capture Tigray’s Capital

UPDATED: The commander of the Ethiopian National Defense Force, General Berhanu Julah, confirmed that the Ethiopian army captured the city of Makelle, the capital of the Tigray region.

On November 28, the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) began an offensive to capture Makelle, the capital of the northern region of Tigray, according to a number of sources.

Debretsion Gebremichael, leader of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), told Reuters in a text message that the city, where 500,000 people live, was under “heavy bombardment”. No human losses have been reported, thus far.

Sources in the ENDF confirmed to al-Jazeera that the offensive on Makelle city began, without providing any additional information.

A day earlier, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced that the ENDF had launched the “final phase” of their operation in Tigray.

The defense forces of Ethiopia reportedly captured several 122-mm rockets for the BM-21 Grad MLRS from the Tigray People’s liberation front. The rockets were reportedly kept at St. Michael’s Church in the Paradise area.


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2ab28e No.151606

File: 256fee5716fb3ca⋯.png (2.42 MB,989x917,989:917,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819974 (281853ZNOV20) Notable: Military Situation In Syria On November 28, 2020 (Map Update)

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Military Situation In Syria On November 28, 2020 (Map Update)

A brief overview of the recent developments in Syria:

On November 27, the Russian Military Police conducted a joint patrol with Turkish forces east of Ayn al-Arab;

On November 27, Russia reported that Idlib militants violated the ceasefire regime in Greater Idlib 32 times: 12 – in Idlib province, 4 – in Aleppo province, 9 – in Latakia province, 7 – in Hama province;

On November 27, 4 Turkish-backed militants were killed and 7 others were injured in a car-bomb explosion in the Mabrouka area;

On November 27, the SDF and the US-led coalition hed a joint security operation in Shaddadi area. An ISIS member responsible for smuggling weapons and providing logistical support for ISIS cells in Hasakah was captured;

On November 27, artillery of Turkish-backed forces shelled SDF positions in the Ain Issa area;

On November 27, clashes between SDF and Turkish-backed forces erupted in Ain Daghna and Brad areas;

On November 27, SAA artillery shelled positions of Turkish-backed forces in the Ruwayha area.


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2ab28e No.151607

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819980 (281854ZNOV20) Notable: Watermarks digs

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I grabbed these items on watermarks from my own notes which I take from this board every day. Not sure if any are exactly what you are looking for. All posts are from other anons here on the board:

-The Watermark proof: https://elections.cdn.sos.ca.gov/ccrov/pdf/2020/august/20167sl.pdf. California definitely put watermarks on ballots this year.

-Watch video!!!!! Watermarks true!!!!!!


-Any FAKE BALLOTS most likely won’t have this official watermark!


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2ab28e No.151608

File: 31d0670bb8b064b⋯.png (260.91 KB,594x592,297:296,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819986 (281854ZNOV20) Notable: Nevada Judge Says Evidence Of Alleged Fraud, Irregularities Can Be Presented

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Nevada Judge Says Evidence Of Alleged Fraud, Irregularities Can Be Presented


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2ab28e No.151609

File: 5478f9cdaf7005c⋯.png (935.66 KB,1039x759,1039:759,Clipboard.png)

File: f4ac3c8f185799c⋯.png (109.81 KB,1029x669,343:223,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11819998 (281855ZNOV20) Notable: 'Stop shirking your responsibility': Michael Gove warns 100 potential Tory lockdown rebels to put the country's nterests first and ahead of virus lockdowns

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'Stop shirking your responsibility': Michael Gove warns 100 potential Tory lockdown rebels to put the country's interests first as it emerges almost the entire nation is to be banned from socialising indoors until APRIL

Michael Gove has warned Tory lockdown rebels to back the Government's new Covid Tiering structure

He warned that every hospital in England would be overrun with Covid-19 cases without state intervention

Senior sources said it was 'unrealistic' to expect areas under toughest curbs to go down to Tier 1 before spring

Tory backbenchers have accused the Government of risking catastrophic damage to the economy

Ex-Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption today called the tough new Covid Tiering regime 'unenforceable'

Michael Gove today warned up to 100 potential Tory rebels to put Britain's interests first after officials admitted last night that almost the entire nation will be banned from socialising indoors until Easter.

The Cabinet Office minister urged MPs to 'take responsibility for difficult decisions' to curb the spread of Covid-19, amid anger from some Conservatives that much of England will face stringent restrictions.

Writing in The Times today, Mr Gove said the decision to impose the restrictions was necessary to 'pull the handbrake' and avoid the 'disaster' of NHS hospitals – and private sector and newly-built Nightingale hospitals – becoming filled to capacity with only Covid patients and emergency cases.

'Keeping our hospitals open, available and effective was not just crucial to dealing with Covid-19. It was imperative for the health of the whole nation,' the pro-shutdown Tory minister argued.

'But the only way to ensure we can take care of cancer patients, administer radiotherapy and chemotherapy, and help stroke victims and treat heart attacks is by protecting the NHS,' he said, adding this could only be done by reducing the spread of the virus and thus limiting the number of Covid patients in hospitals.

Mr Gove also claimed that reducing infections would save the UK economy, which has been decimated by shutdown restrictions that prevent the trade of the hospitality industry and retail, tourism and air travel.

As official forecasts warn that the national debt could soar to £2.8trillion by 2025, he warned: 'Think for a moment what would happen to our economy if we allowed infections to reach such a level that our NHS was overwhelmed.'

But his argument was attacked by former Supreme Court judge Lord Sumption today, who blasted the Government's use of 'extremely selective and tendentious' data to justify shutdowns.


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2ab28e No.151610

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820013 (281857ZNOV20) Notable: On Wikipedia, Israel Is Losing the Battle Against the Word 'Apartheid'

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On Wikipedia, Israel Is Losing the Battle Against the Word 'Apartheid'

Trump’s peace plan and Israel’s creeping annexation of the West Bank are undermining one of Israel’s most important public diplomacy points in one of the most important arenas online

The consensus that Israel’s occupation of the West Bank does not constitute a form of apartheid is shifting on Wikipedia. While the validity of drawing an analogy between Israel and the apartheid regime of South Africa has long been debated on Wikipedia, a new article titled “West Bank bantustans” shows cracks in the editorial agreements that have stood for almost a decade on the volunteer-edited online encylcopedia.


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2ab28e No.151611

File: e6d24d5eac9da74⋯.png (284.94 KB,875x621,875:621,Clipboard.png)

File: 890635adb41d65d⋯.png (375.61 KB,913x716,913:716,Clipboard.png)

File: 28b4fb1c5c6abb8⋯.png (332.98 KB,929x846,929:846,Clipboard.png)

File: dc07a968a3c4b6a⋯.png (268.92 KB,964x738,482:369,Clipboard.png)

File: 50ca8b2e7dfe777⋯.png (207.67 KB,923x509,923:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820057 (281901ZNOV20) Notable: How The Fed Created The Ultimate Paradox: Stocks At All-Time Highs With No Liquidity And Soaring Realized Vol

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How The Fed Created The Ultimate Paradox: Stocks At All-Time Highs With No Liquidity And Soaring Realized Vol

For the entire duration of the record rally since the March "pandemic shutdown" lows, which has pushed the S&P to all time highs, there has been something off about the market: virtually every new all-time high in spoos took place at a level of the VIX that was also a new all time high. This is a paradox: traditionally, a rising VIX (i.e., higher implied vol and a willingness by traders to pay more for downside protection) means a growing sense of apprehension about the future, and yet that has not been the case since March, in fact quite the contrary - the higher the VIX rose, the higher the S&P moved as well, prompting many veteran traders to scratch their heads.

As shown in the chart below, the vol-SPX spot correlation clearly shifted to a new regime in the aftermath of the covid crash (Q2 2020 and onward)…


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2ab28e No.151612

File: 157fc6ce8cf2f22⋯.png (649.6 KB,306x3009,6:59,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820063 (281901ZNOV20) Notable: A very interesting thread of information from a [FB] 'Fact' Checker

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A very interesting thread of information from a [FB] 'Fact' Checker

[1] I can't say this on facebook, but I feel it's important to say. I was a facebook Fact Checker. And your conspiracy theories about facebook, are more true than you realize.

[2] I work for a company named Appen. We are a 3rd party freelance contract company. A few years ago facebook approached us with an offer. He couldn't legally censor people on his platform because he plead to congress that he was an open forum.

[3] So, he uses several 3rd party companies to Fact Check, and otherwise censor, information.

Justin Trudeau has been taking action in Canada, China, and America, to prepare us for the Great Reset, and by us, I refer to civilians.

[4] Part of this process is to work with Zuckerburg and Dorsey to restrict the flow of information, and to push the statutes of the Reset into peoples minds, repetition is the key here.

[5]We coordinate our efforts with a company in India, from our base in Canada, to provide our censorship services to Facebook. A lot of this information, you probably already guessed. But here's what you might not have known.

[6] We have specific directives on what to fact check and how to fact check. I'm going to list off a couple of these directives:

First off, primarily conservative and right leaning posts on twitter and facebook make it to our service.

[7] Left leaning posts are to be ignored and never manually flagged, it doesnt matter if it violates ToS or even federal law. If facebook gets in trouble they blame us, and they can't do anything because we're not based in America.

[8] We give the government the run around and nothing can be done. It's worked so far.

Zuckerburg created a program that feeds posts automatically into our service, it analyzes content in posts, searching for common images and lines of text.

[9] If it matches any of our guidelines it gets automatically flagged and entered into our system to be Fact Checked. So we don't just go looking for conservative posts, Zuckerburg sends them to us with his automatic program.

[10] If there are multiple ideas in a conservative post, only 1 of them needs to be potentially disputable. We are to flag an entire article as disputed/false/discredited/untrue/etc even if theres only 1 idea thats not completely confirmed.

[11] Even ideas that are confirmed, don't matter unless its a left leaning idea. What this translates to is as long as we all push the same idea, what we say becomes truth. That's standard psychology, and American's are the easiest to manipulate with this.

[12] The only thing making it difficult is their Freedoms that are not common in most countries around the world, which forces us to deal with America in a different way.

[13] When we write articles for politico, nyt, etc we are allowed to mark a title or article as true as long as at least 3 of the core ideas in the article or post are potentially true. Keyword here is potentially!

[14] It can be completely false, but as long as we can cite a source that argues in our favor, we can confirm it 100% true. The inverse is also true, if we can find even 1 source that dictates something to be potentially false, we can mark the entire article/post.

[15] We write articles, and then cite our own articles as evidence. Check the fine print of each article, we always cite ourselves, but what you might not know, is that only a handful of companies are actually writing articles for dozens of websites, news media, and mass media.

[16] It’s not unique to America, we've done this in countries around the world for a long time. We only allow members to join if they pass a test, this test is an opinion based survey, but they must answer all left leaning, or they are not allowed to join, we wont be diluted.

[17] This part I cannot confirm, but I am suspicious that China has more to do with this than just their involvement with Canada, but again, i can't confirm that, thats just my personal theory because we're not allowed to say anything negative in our business chats about China.



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2ab28e No.151613

File: 681224366e36334⋯.png (46.23 KB,742x525,106:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820074 (281902ZNOV20) Notable: @CM: Thank you everybody who helped find contracts.

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Thank you everybody who helped find contracts. I dont have enough time to reply to everybody, but I saw all your messages.

Im up to my neck in contracts now and will be forwarding these to a famous lawyer or two who can hopefully put them to good use.



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2ab28e No.151614

File: a947b3c50c36371⋯.png (957.69 KB,813x501,271:167,Clipboard.png)

File: cd2a9129df6f77b⋯.png (54.71 KB,694x736,347:368,Clipboard.png)

File: 2311defde37e840⋯.png (49.57 KB,679x691,679:691,Clipboard.png)

File: 73e40051586fc90⋯.png (25.4 KB,692x376,173:94,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820075 (281902ZNOV20) Notable: Tsunami of voter fraud evidence is about to sweep away media’s claim that Biden won

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Tsunami of voter fraud evidence is about to sweep away media’s claim that Biden won

'I am afraid large sectors of America’s population are going to be off guard, however, when the states begin to flip'

After a slow start, the Trump legal team is now well and truly underway, and intends to show that the November 3rd election was really won by their guy.

In Pennsylvania, a courageous judge has halted the certification while she looks at evidence of fraud. One question she might want to ask the Democrat Secretary of State: If there were only 1.8 million ballots requested, how is it possible that you received 2.5 million back in the mail?

In Wisconsin, a judge is reviewing a petition to throw out 150,000 potentially fraudulent ballots. This effort is led by Phil Kline of the Amistad Project. Pro-lifers will remember then-Attorney General Kline of Kansas from his years-long efforts to expose late-term abortionists and prosecute Planned Parenthood in that state some years ago.

In Georgia and Michigan, America’s favorite prosecutor, Sidney Powell has unleashed the Kraken. Her two 100-page plus lawsuits are chock-full of shocking examples of voter fraud, and have a plethora of affidavits appended.

A couple of my “favorite” scams:

In Georgia, at least 96,600 absentee ballots were requested and counted, but there is no record that they were actually returned to county election boards by the voter. Were they just created in-house by Democrat operatives?

Again in Georgia, “All 900 military ballots in Fulton county were 100% for Joe Biden.” Try flipping a coin and having it land “tails” 900 times in a row.

In Detroit, there were more votes cast than people of voting age, which seems unlikely on the face of it. Also, eyewitness report that vote counters were instructed to “pre-date” absentee ballots, and that they were also “overwriting” Trump votes to become Biden votes.

In Nevada, a judge is allowing the Trump team to present evidence of widespread voter fraud in a December 3rd hearing. Included will be evidence of 13,372 “phantom voters” who didn’t know their birthday or even their sex when they registered, and often put down casinos and RV parks as their home address. Definitely sketchy.

And finally, about electronic voter fraud, there is this from one of America’s leading cybersecurity experts quoted in Powell’s Georgia lawsuit:

Expert Navid Keshavarez-Nia explains that US intelligence services had developed tools to infiltrate foreign voting systems including Dominion. He states that Dominion’s software is vulnerable to data manipulation by unauthorized means and permitted election data to be altered in all battleground states. He concludes that hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump in the 2020 general election were transferred to former Vice-President Biden. (Exhibit. 26).


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2ab28e No.151615

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820079 (281903ZNOV20) Notable: #15085, #15086 1/2, #15086 2/2

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#15086 posted in #15087

>>151537, >>151540 PENN LIVE: 26 Pennsylvania House Republicans call for withdrawing certification of presidential electors, The PA house has 203 members (90 Dems, 113 Repubs).

>>151541, >>151543 interesting links to Epstein, the Venetian oligarchy in the City of London and ‘Mark Master Masons’ whose symbol is the Keystone.

>>151544, >>151575 General Flynn twat CM, moar CM

>>151545 Greenwald goes off on the assassin Brennan for his defense of Iran

>>151546 @FLOTUS: Last week we unveiled Isamu Noguchi’s sculpture, "Floor Frame"

>>151549 DIA Intelligence Analyst: Unavoidable bloodshed after Jan 21st 2021

>>151553 High-level Biden team Democrats are reportedly very nervous about evidence detail in Exhibit 105 King v. Whitmer (2:20-cv-13134) District Court, E.D. Michigan

>>151554 Arrests made as anti-lockdown protesters march in London, defying police warning to obey Covid-19 restrictions

>>151560 Thousands of protesters march in France against security law that bans filming police

>>151564 Tony Hsieh, retired Zappos CEO, dead at 46

>>151565 Teen collapses after receiving nearly 150 lashes for raping a child

>>151568 President Trump arrives at his golf club in Virginia via Marine One.

>>151574 Ted Cruz and Iranian Commie Brennan in a twat war.

>>151576 Here is the 25 million dollar contract that Ms. Garrett helped execute between the state of Michigan and Dominion (PDF)

>>151547, >>151570 PF


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2ab28e No.151616

File: 2960c0d71cefc2d⋯.jpeg (299.02 KB,750x859,750:859,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5f18e6912fe3559⋯.jpeg (339.02 KB,750x886,375:443,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820125 (281907ZNOV20) Notable: Was it always about a fake civil war/color revolution or is it their last resort after everything else fails?

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Was it always about a fake civil war/color revolution or is it their last resort after everything else fails?

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2ab28e No.151617

File: ddfc741df25cee9⋯.png (616.37 KB,631x418,631:418,Clipboard.png)

File: c2a0ccd69ad0216⋯.png (139.63 KB,668x906,334:453,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b4a20cba5d3e70⋯.png (123.54 KB,682x789,682:789,Clipboard.png)

File: 08a026b29b67d90⋯.png (137.65 KB,674x912,337:456,Clipboard.png)

File: 81c9307b825eeb1⋯.png (127.23 KB,696x841,24:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820146 (281910ZNOV20) Notable: Addicted: America’s Opioid Crisis

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Addicted: America’s Opioid Crisis

Story at-a-glance

1 child in 8 lives with a parent who suffers from a substance abuse disorder in America, and every 15 minutes, a baby in America is born suffering from opioid withdrawal

Prescription opioid use is a significant risk factor for subsequent heroin use; 1 in 3 people who misused opioids during their high school years ended up using heroin by age 35

One of the most prominent drug companies involved in the creation of this opioid addiction crisis is Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin. In October 2020, Purdue pleaded guilty to three federal criminal charges relating to its role in the opioid crisis

When it comes to children and teens, a major source of opioids are dentists, who wrote a staggering 18.1 million prescriptions for opioids in 2017. Opioids are frequently prescribed when extracting wisdom teeth, even though there’s no evidence to support this strategy. Children are also recklessly prescribed addictive opioids for minor surgical procedures

Opioids have a very high rate of addiction and have not been proven effective for long-term use. Research shows opioids do not control moderate to severe pain any better than over-the-counter drugs such as acetaminophen, ibuprofen and naproxen

The featured 2019 BBC documentary, Addicted: America’s Opioid Crisis, explores the depth of the nation’s addiction to opioid painkillers and the role played by Purdue Pharma and other makers of the drug.

As noted in the film, opioids kill more people than any other drug on the market, and it’s the only type of drug that can condemn a person to a life of addiction after a single week of use.

According to the BBC, “1 in 8 American children live with a parent who suffers from a substance abuse disorder,” and “every 15 minutes, a baby in America is born suffering from opioid withdrawal.” Middle school-aged children interviewed also say they have easy access to drugs, should they want them.

Many now blame the drug companies that make these drugs and have falsely promoted them as safe and nonaddictive for patients of all kinds, including children.

That includes one of the former addicts followed in the film, who says he thinks the drug companies need to be held responsible for their role in creating this epidemic, and made to help pay for the solution.

See: The Lost Book of Remedies

Purdue Pharma Pleads Guilty and Folds

One of the most prominent drug companies involved in the creation of this opioid addiction crisis is Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin. At the end of October 2020, Purdue Pharma agreed to plead guilty to three federal criminal charges relating to its role in the opioid crisis, including violating a federal anti-kickback law, conspiracy to defraud the U.S. government and violating the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.1,2

To settle the charges, Purdue is supposed to pay $8.3 billion in fines, forfeiture of past profits and civil liability payments,3 but because it doesn’t have the cash, the company will instead be dissolved and its assets used to erect a “public benefit company” that both makes opioids and pays for addiction treatment.

Legal Painkillers Now the Gateway Drug to Heroin

While marijuana was long known as the gateway drug to other illicit drug use, that distinction now belongs to prescription opioids. According to data4 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse, prescription opioid use is a significant risk factor for subsequent heroin use.

1 in 3 people who misused opioids during their high school years ended up using heroin by age 35.

The incidence of heroin use is 19 times higher among those who have used opioids nonmedically than among those who have no history of opioid use, and 86% of young, urban injection drug users report using opioid pain relievers nonmedically before starting heroin. Overall, nearly 80% of heroin users now report using prescription opioids prior to heroin.

Similarly, data5 from the University of Michigan shows just under 1 in 3 people (31.8%) who misused opioids during their high school years ended up using heroin by age 35.



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2ab28e No.151618

File: c5911376ba41d1f⋯.jpeg (446.59 KB,1125x1456,1125:1456,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 1c0ea2114f4c366⋯.jpeg (984.95 KB,1125x2138,1125:2138,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820175 (281913ZNOV20) Notable: Sean Parnell, who’s running for Congress in PA, was an officer in the 10th Mountain Division

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Remember drop 4414? The one addressed to EAM Loyalists? Well, it mentions the movement of the 10th Mountain Division being one of the “RED” steps.

Imagine my shock when I found out Sean Parnell, who’s running for Congress in PA, was an officer in the 10th Mountain Division. Is this significant? I don’t know, to be honest. What I DO know is there are no coincidences.

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2ab28e No.151619

File: c5cf0283221157a⋯.png (194.68 KB,590x329,590:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11820178 (281913ZNOV20) Notable: “We Have Clear, Clear Paths to Winning for This President!” – General Michael Flynn Comes Out Swinging for Trump in First Post Pardon Interview

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“We Have Clear, Clear Paths to Winning for This President!” – General Michael Flynn Comes Out Swinging for Trump in First Post Pardon Interview

President Trump announced on Twitter Wednesday afternoon he pardoned his former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (U.S. Army Ret.) Trump wrote,

“It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon. Congratulations to

@GenFlynn and his wonderful family, I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving!”

General Flynn tweeted out a Bible quote in hearing the news.

General Michael Flynn held his first interview since the pardon with WVW-TV on Saturday.

General Flynn joined Lt. General McInerney and conservative activist Mary Fanning in his first interview.

General Michael Flynn took up most of the interview shedding light on the Trump election strategy in combatting the massive and obvious fraud in the 2020 election.

Flynn repeated during the interview, “We have clear, clear paths to winning for this president… If we don’t correct what is happening right now over the next couple of weeks then I hate to really think what will happen in our country going forward into the latter part of December and into the next month. I do not believe for a second that the country will accept Vice President Biden as the next president. “


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2ab28e No.151620

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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