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/qnotables20/ - ===Q Notables 2020===

Anon Curated Notables 2020 Edition

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f66667 No.201 [View All]

14NOV20 to 15NOV20


Re-Posts of notables

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f66667 No.144061

File: 99dccca081baefb⋯.png (751.7 KB,813x453,271:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656798 (151751ZNOV20) Notable: Biden’s cancer charity raked in millions but spent NOTHING on medical research, tax filings show

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Biden’s cancer charity raked in millions but spent NOTHING on medical research, tax filings show

A cancer charity created by presumed president-elect Joe Biden failed to allocate a single dollar for medical research, according to media reports, with most of the group’s cash going towards generous salaries.

Federal tax filings reveal that the Biden Cancer Initiative, founded in 2017 by the former vice president and his wife Jill, did not distribute grants during its first two years of operations, the New York Post reported. The charity, created after Biden’s oldest son, Beau, died from brain cancer in 2015, states that its mission is to “develop and drive implementation of solutions to accelerate progress in cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis, research and care.”

The Daily Mail confirmed the curious budgetary decisions after also reviewing the organization’s tax paperwork.

According to the Post, Biden’s charity raised $4,809,619 in contributions in fiscal years 2017 and 2018, spending $3,070,301 on salaries in those two years. Gregory Simon, a former Pfizer executive and healthcare lobbyist who was tapped to serve as the organization’s president, took home $429,850 in the 2018 fiscal year, nearly doubling his salary from the year before. Like Biden, Simon was a member of the Obama administration, spearheading the White House’s cancer task force.

Travel expenses also ballooned between 2017 and 2018, despite the organization never having made a financial contribution towards cancer research. The group had previously claimed its main focus was making cancer treatment more affordable and accessible, as opposed to raising funds to find a cure.

After only two years, the charity “paused” its operations when Biden and his wife stepped down for Joe Biden’s presidential run.

The Biden Cancer Initiative halted its activities in July 2019, after Joe Biden stepped down to focus on his presidential candidacy. Although technically still active, it has gone into deep hibernation, with Simon acknowledging in a 2019 interview that, without Biden’s participation, it has become “increasingly difficult to get the traction we needed to complete our mission.”

The NY Post’s story caught the eye of US President Donald Trump, who retweeted it without comment.

Trump has previously described the Biden family as a “criminal enterprise,” and said the former vice president’s alleged involvement in shady deals with foreign companies show Biden is a “corrupt” politician. The Post ran a series of stories suggesting Biden may have been linked to a questionable business arrangement with a Chinese firm, based on emails and messages purportedly taken from a hard drive that once belonged to his son Hunter. Hunter’s former business partner later confirmed that the emails were genuine and the former vice president was intimately involved in the scheme. Biden dismissed the Post’s reporting as an attempt to “smear” his son.


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f66667 No.144062

File: ac32923062f49ff⋯.png (423.28 KB,657x329,657:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 3a4b6f0b3176bc0⋯.png (30.62 KB,677x477,677:477,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e2d6cf6501c388⋯.png (5.45 KB,654x110,327:55,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656817 (151753ZNOV20) Notable: ‘Monster’ Cop Receives Unprecedented Life Sentence for Horrifying Acts of Child Sexual Battery

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‘Monster’ Cop Receives Unprecedented Life Sentence for Horrifying Acts of Child Sexual Battery

Citrus County, FL — As the Free Thought Project reports on a regular basis, police officers are caught preying on society’s most vulnerable on a weekly basis. Most of the time, even when they are found guilty of utterly revolting crimes against children, they receive only wrist slaps and avoid a just punishment. One law enforcement officer in Florida described by many as a monster, however, just made the exception to the rule and has been sentenced to life in prison for his crimes against children.

Kenneth Slanker, 41, worked as a corrections officer at the Coleman Correctional Complex in Sumter County when he was accused of horrifying sexual battery against a child under the age of 10.

The Citrus County Sheriff’s Office’s Special Victim’s Unit began their investigation into Slanker in 2019 over allegations that he began abusing a girl when she was just 5. He was quickly arrested and went to trial earlier this year.

Before a warrant was even issued for his arrest, Slanker turned himself into authorities. The crimes were so horrifying that even Slanker referred to himself as a monster.

During a recorded police interview, Slanker admitted to abusing the girl “between 20 and 25 times,” calling himself “a monster,” but denied it happening for 10 years.

“I didn’t want any of it … it’s just like something takes over; your body starts shaking … I really don’t know how to explain it,” Slanker told Conley before his arrest. “I’m sorry, and it’s not her fault. … I just want to make sure she doesn’t have to testify … I’m not going to fight it.”

This month, he was sentenced to life in prison for multiple charges of child sexual battery and the girl did actually testify.

During the brief one day trial in February, the girl, now 16, testified to Slanker first abusing her when she was 5 years old, and showing her pornography when she was 8.

“(Slanker) is a monster,” Assistant State Attorney Shannon Schlarf said in opening statements at the trial. “That’s not actually my words, that’s the defendant’s. … He claimed he was a monster because he did this.”

The girl said Slanker’s abuse became a norm in her life she couldn’t escape from.

“I didn’t want to go through any of that but I didn’t have a choice,” she said. “It was very secretive, he made sure he had a way around it.”

She told the court that this monster would threaten her when she didn’t agree to his demands, or if she was thinking of telling someone.

“I didn’t have a way out of it,” she said.

Because Slanker had access to the girl any time he wanted, she had no way of telling anyone as she was scared of what he would do. However, she suffered a sports injury and went through surgeries starting in November 2018, and it kept Slanker from abusing her, and allowed her to tell relatives a few months later, she testified.


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f66667 No.144063

File: f0ce44f210ee689⋯.png (351.08 KB,524x317,524:317,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656824 (151754ZNOV20) Notable: New Defense Chief Puts DoD On Notice: "All Wars Must End"

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New Defense Chief Puts DoD On Notice: "All Wars Must End"

Trump's new Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller sent a late Friday memo to the entire Department of Defense workforce signaling what the administration will be up to in Trump's last weeks in office — a likely major US troop reduction, especially from the Middle East.

"We are not a people of perpetual war - it is the antithesis of everything for which we stand and for which our ancestors fought," Miller said in the memo, and emphasized that "All wars must end."

"As we prepare for the future, we remain committed to finishing the war that Al Qaida brought to our shores in 2001. This war isn't over," Miller wrote, in reference to the 19-year old war in Afghanistan.

"We are on the verge of defeating Al Qaida and its associates, but we must avoid our past strategic error of failing to see the fight through to the finish. Indeed, this fight has been long, our sacrifices have been enormous, and many are weary of war - I'm one of them," he added.

The new Defense Secretary noted that "this is the critical phase in which we transition our efforts from a leadership to supporting role."

And then in the most direct reference to a potential large-scale troop draw down, he wrote:

"Ending wars requires compromise and partnership. We met the challenge; we gave it our all. Now, it's time to come home."

The rhetoric from the Pentagon chief sounds much like that of Trump on the campaign trail in 2016 where he repeatedly vowed to end the 'forever wars'.

Comes after departed Syria envoy Jim Jeffrey's end zone-dance interview about duping President Trump in service of an open-ended "stalemate" in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, noted anti-stalemater Trump still has 68 days left in office. https://t.co/F89xLkSP2B

— Sam Heller (@AbuJamajem) November 14, 2020

With weeks to go until the presumed transition to a Biden administration on January 20, it appears that the latest spate of firings and resignations among top Pentagon leadership is paving the way for a dramatic new policy - the kind of changes Trump promised early in his presidency.

Over the past years especially in the case of Syria, the president was met with fierce military and intelligence community pushback every time he tried to bring to the troops home. Will he be the president that finally withdrew all troops from Afghanistan and Syria, or possibly even Iraq?


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f66667 No.144064

File: f540bb7b93e5774⋯.jpg (225.56 KB,720x1110,24:37,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e84ea8e110905d5⋯.jpg (141.67 KB,820x721,820:721,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656825 (151754ZNOV20) Notable: SIDNEY POWELL RETWEETS PEPE KRAKEN MEME

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f66667 No.144065

File: d366bf037f06044⋯.png (983.78 KB,1320x1172,330:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656828 (151754ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Voting

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Dominion Voting

>Uses chinese-made components [1]

>Contracts to a software company in Belgrade [2]

>David Patreaus has connections in Belgrade, specifically SBB [3] [4]

>Dominion has servers based in multiple places such as Frankfurt, Belgrade, and Canada. IP:

>Why is Dominion a key contract for Stankovic & Partners (NSTLAW) who seem to operate from within Belgrade Serbia? [5]


[1] https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1327720558193205255

[2] https://www.computerworld.com/article/3126791/one-election-system-vendor-uses-developers-in-serbia.html

[3] https://www.ojim.fr/david-petraeus-ex-cia-chief-new-media-mogul-in-eastern-europe-the-complete-investigation/

[4] https://en.news-front.info/2018/04/27/serbian-mass-media-is-owned-by-the-cia/

[5] https://www.legal500.com/firms/14840-stankovic-partners-nstlaw/19893-belgrade-serbia/






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f66667 No.144066

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656829 (151754ZNOV20) Notable: (You) , Electoral Count Act and 12th Amendment, swing state analysis

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notablearticle posted LB: >>>/qresearch/11656661 (PB)

Navigating a Contested Election, the Electoral Count Act and 12th Amendment: How to Ensure a Fully Counted Outcome

Politics ought to be adjusted, not to human reasonings but to human nature, of which reason is but a part, and by no means the greatest part. – Edmund Burke

There are now many well documented threats to a free and fair election this year. Prominent among them are the danger that a seasonal spike of COVID-19 will coincide with the traditional flu cycle in October, overwhelming medical response capacity and adversely impacting in-person voting on November 3rd; the risk that deliberate changes to the postal service (currently ordered reversed by a federal court) will result in a tide of “too late to be counted” mail-in ballots; threats of cyber interruption to voter registration, voter validation, and ballot counts; and, most threatening of all, scenarios of presidential abuse of emergency and other executive powers to disrupt the vote or the count.

Commentators have spent considerable time understanding these threats, but we must also understand a potential process for recourse if the election is contested in particular ways. What follows is an analysis of some potential pathways. We note at the outset, however, that some of these paths may invoke questionable legal arguments (e.g., on the part of state-level Republican legislatures), and by entertaining such scenarios we do not give credence to those arguments. Instead, our goal is to show how some political actors might nevertheless try to assert these types of claims, and what recourse remains when they do.

The 12th Amendment to the Constitution, adopted in 1804, states the relevant law for the Electoral College – the process for selecting our President. Unfortunately, the wording of that amendment is confusing and, as a consequence, presents difficulties. Congress attempted to cure those difficulties in the Electoral Count Act of 1887. This one-hundred-and-thirty-three-year-old act has been roundly scorned by scholars as almost unintelligible. But that act is what will govern our process for determining who becomes President, if the result is contested in particular ways.

Let’s play out some scenarios, focusing on four swing states: Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Michigan.

The Constitution assigns the election to the individual states to be conducted “in such manner as the Legislature thereof shall direct.” The electors appointed in these four states are to be drawn under state law from those representing the candidate winning the popular vote. Each of these states has set out a process designed to complete their tallies in order to avail themselves of the Electoral Count Act’s “safe harbor” provision which contemplates that their electors will be counted by Congress if all disputes over those electors are resolved before that date—which this year is December 8. This seems straightforward enough, but there’s more than meets the eye.


Full article:


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f66667 No.144067

File: 2bb7d08b2ca0dc8⋯.png (620.5 KB,850x544,25:16,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656842 (151755ZNOV20) Notable: Germany should be ready for 4-5 MONTHS of strict anti-coronavirus measures, says economy minister

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‘No yo-yo shutdowns’: Germany should be ready for 4-5 MONTHS of strict anti-coronavirus measures, says economy minister

Strict anti-coronavirus measures will not be lifted in Germany anytime soon, Economy Minister Peter Altmaier has said, arguing that repeatedly imposing and lifting restrictions only worsens the epidemic and the economy.

The recently imposed measures, dubbed “lockdown light” by German media, will not end soon, Altmaier told Bild, pointing to the soaring number of new daily cases.

We’re not out of the woods yet… We cannot afford a yo-yo shutdown with the economy constantly opening and closing.

Lifting restrictions prematurely is harmful not only for the country’s economy, but for the epidemic situation as well, Altmaier argued. He cited the experience of other nations, which were quick to lift most of the anti-Covid measures but were badly hit by a second wave of the pandemic afterwards.

“If we don’t want days with 50,000 new infections, as was the case in France a few weeks ago, we must see through this and not constantly speculate about which measures can be relaxed again,” he said.

All countries that lifted their restrictions too early have so far paid a high price in terms of human lives lost.

German authorities rolled out the month-long “lockdown light” in early November, primarily targeting social life and heavily restricting the ability of the country’s residents to interact with each other in person. Pubs, theaters, gyms, as well as other public venues have been shut down, while restaurants have been allowed to operate for takeout only.

While the restrictions are already in place for two weeks, the number of new daily cases registered in Germany continues to grow. On Friday, the country set a new grim record, reporting some 23,542 new coronavirus patients, according to the German federal agency responsible for tackling infectious diseases, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI).


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f66667 No.144068

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656849 (151756ZNOV20) Notable: Judge hits Gavin Newsom with massive legal loss, rules he overstepped authority on mail-in ballots

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Judge hits Gavin Newsom with massive legal loss, rules he overstepped authority on mail-in ballots

But the judge's ruling had broader implications

Rich Pedroncelli/AP/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Chris Enloe

A California judge ruled late Friday that Gov. Gavin Newsom, a Democrat, overstepped his legal authority when he mandated that every legal California voter receive a mail-in ballot for the general election.

The ruling does not impact the 2020 election.

What's the background?

Newsom issued an executive order in June declaring that "all Californians who are registered (and otherwise eligible) to vote in the November 3, 2020 General Election shall receive vote-by-mail ballots."

More from KCRA-TV:

The executive action was taken as part of the California Emergency Services Act, or CESA, which gives Newsom special powers during a public emergency — in this case the novel coronavirus pandemic. Newsom signed an executive order that mandated all registered voters receive vote-by-mail ballots and allowed counties to reduce precincts on Election Day if they provide in-person voting centers for at least three days prior as a way to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

What did the judge say?

According to Sutter County Judge Sarah Heckman, the executive order overstepped Newsom's legal authority because he does not have the power to amend existing law.

"Executive Order N-67-20 issued by the Governor on June 3, 2020 is void as an unconstitutional exercise of legislative power and shall be of no further force or effect," Heckman's ruling said. "The California Emergency Services Act (CA Government Code §8550 et seq.) does not authorize or empower the Governor of the State of California to amend statutory law or make new statutory law, which is exclusively a legislative function not delegated to the Governor under the CESA."

The ruling came after two California Assembly members — James Gallagher and Kevin Kiley, both Republicans — sued, arguing Newsom's order went beyond the governor's legal authority because he amended existing state law, which falls under the authority of the California State Assembly.

But Heckman did not stop there.

According to KCRA, Newsom's lawyers argued the entire issue was moot because the California Assembly later passed a similar law. But Heckman disagreed, saying the issue was not just about Newsom's actions on mail-in ballots but whether he has the power "to exercise legislative powers by unilaterally amending, altering, or changing existing statutory law or making new statutory law."

In fact, Heckman ruled definitively that the California Emergency Services Act "does not give the Governor the power or authority to amend statutory law or create new statutory law even during a state of emergency."

Finally, Heckman said Newsom's order violated the legal doctrine of separation of powers.

"The doctrine of separation of powers prohibits any of the three branches of government exercising the complete power constitutionally vested in another or exercising power in a way which undermines the authority and independence of another," Heckman wrote.


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f66667 No.144069

File: 6c533494546ba5c⋯.png (359.46 KB,560x311,560:311,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656853 (151757ZNOV20) Notable: Biden Advisors To Start Meeting With Vaccine-Makers In Latest Hint Of Collusion

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Biden Advisors To Start Meeting With Vaccine-Makers In Latest Hint Of Collusion

Not long ago, senior Trump Administration officials, including DHHS head Alex Azar, confirmed that Joe Biden and his team were briefed on the results of the Pfizer Phase 3 vaccine trial before the Trump Administration, a brazen gesture of disrespect toward a sitting president.

Now, in the latest indication that the Pfizer vaccine news was a coordinated rollout intended to delay the results until after the Nov. 3 vote, Ron Klain, the man picked by Joe Biden to serve as his chief of staff, just let it slip during an interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" that Biden and his team would be meeting with Pfizer and the other vaccine makers this week.

Although there's little they can actually do right now to help Americans weather the storm (indeed, as Goldman explained earlier, unless we can physically change the temperature, there's not much anybody can do), Biden's advisors are set to start meeting with Pfizer and other drug makers this coming week.

The Biden team certainly doesn't feel it's too early to start planning, and it's likely the meeting is simply about strategy. Still, with all the tensions surrounding the election and its results, it's perhaps not the best optics. Especially since these meetings started taking place even before the election.

"We’re going to have meetings between our top scientific advisers and the officials of these drug companies, not just Pfizer but there are other promising vaccines as well. We’re going to start those consultations this week," Klain said.

At the same time, Klain acknowledged that despite all the tough talk from the administration-in-waiting, there's really not much Biden can do right now to tackle the virus, since he has no formal power.

Biden Chief of Staff @RonaldKlain says the president-elect is unable to contact Dr. Fauci until the election is certified.

"Biden's going to become president in the midst of an ongoing crisis. … Our experts need to talk to those people as soon as possible so nothing drops."

— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) November 15, 2020

Klain also acknowledged that the media frenzy spurred by Trump's tweets Sunday morning about the election is just more noise.

Watch the full interview with Klain below:


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f66667 No.144070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656867 (151758ZNOV20) Notable: Dozens arrested, including Jeremy Corbyn's brother, as UK anti-lockdown protesters clash with police in Liverpool & Bristol

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Dozens arrested, including Jeremy Corbyn's brother, as UK anti-lockdown protesters clash with police in Liverpool & Bristol

Thousands of UK anti-lockdown protesters marched on city centers in Liverpool and Bristol, defying warnings that they could be fined for violating Covid-19 restrictions, and clashes with police led to dozens of arrests.

Police said 14 people were arrested in Bristol alone, and at least 25 more in Liverpool, where a massive crowd gathered outside George's Hall.

Videos shot at the march in Bristol showed police arresting and leading or carrying away protesters, including one man who appeared to be dressed in an animal costume. As they marched, maskless demonstrators chanted, “We are the people, we are the power, we are the 99 percent.”

UK lockdown protestors pressure police to choose their side. pic.twitter.com/4QNgjLQyFg

— Name cannot be blank (@Demo2020cracy) November 14, 2020

Among those arrested on Saturday was former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn's 73-year-old brother, Piers Corbyn, who was due to be the main speaker at the Bristol protest.

Shocking scenes as scuffles and clashes erupt - police fight with protesters at anti-lockdown protest in Bristol, UK #Antilockdown#lockdown2uk#lockdown@StandUpX2pic.twitter.com/lmjXOJoXBq

— Urban Pictures (@Urban_Pictures) November 14, 2020

A message posted on Piers Corbyn's Twitter account on Saturday evening indicated that he was still in police custody but remained defiant, as “it will take more than a few bullies to stop him.”

Anti lockdown protests in Liverpool today #Antilockdown#protests#liverpool#lockdown#Novemberpic.twitter.com/QUYKYhGnww

— GarientOfficial (@GarientOfficial) November 14, 2020

The latest unrest over the UK's toughened Covid-19 restrictions follows clashes between protesters and police last week in Liverpool and Manchester. The demonstrations have continued despite Home Secretary Priti Patel banning protests throughout a second-stage lockdown that runs through December 2. Britons are banned from meeting with more than one other person in outdoor public places.


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f66667 No.144071

File: e65de4768713126⋯.png (905.12 KB,790x427,790:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656885 (151800ZNOV20) Notable: South Australian plane passengers land into SURPRISE QUARANTINE as Perth rolls out new snap Covid-19 restrictions

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South Australian plane passengers land into SURPRISE QUARANTINE as Perth rolls out new snap Covid-19 restrictions

Less than 48 hours after lifting seven-month-long hard border controls, Western Australia has imposed new restrictions on travelers from South Australia over a coronavirus cluster, catching some of them mid-flight, literally.

Western Australia opened its border on Saturday after Victoria recorded its 15th consecutive day without new coronavirus cases or deaths. While the state’s hard border closure lasted about seven months, the opportunity window for family reunions proved to be quite narrow – at least for some South Australia residents.

Less than two days after the border closures were lifted, the WA government imposed new restrictions on passengers arriving at Perth Airport from South Australia. The unluckiest passengers were hit by the decision while on their flights and, on arrival, were offered an option to fly back on Monday. Those who were only boarding planes in Adelaide were ‘luckier’: they were simply advised to disembark and go home.

All new arriving passengers will now be subject to a mandatory test for Covid-19 either immediately or within 24 hours of arrival, as well as being forced into 14-days quarantine “in a suitable premise.”

Those traveling from SA by car will face the same testing and quarantine rules. The restrictions will be also retroactively applied to even those lucky South Australians who managed to get into the state before the decision was announced. They will be tested and required to be in quarantine until the results come through.

“We understand these changes will cause frustration for many people, but these steps are being taken on the best health advice to protect everyone,” WA’s chief health officer Andrew Robertson said in a statement. “The State Government thanks all arrivals for their patience and understanding.”

The drastic move, set to disrupt a lot of long-awaited family reunions, was prompted by the detection of a new coronavirus cluster in Adelaide. Four individuals, including one working at one of the city's “quarantine hotels” and a Correctional Services employee, tested positive for coronavirus on Saturday. While several family members of the infected have already shown symptoms, the SA's health authorities reckon more cases should be expected.

“Which is why I am absolutely warning South Australians: this is a wake-up call – if you have respiratory symptoms, you've got to get tested,” SA's chief public health officer Nicola Spurrier said.


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f66667 No.144072

File: e65de4768713126⋯.png (905.12 KB,790x427,790:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656885 (151800ZNOV20) Notable: South Australian plane passengers land into SURPRISE QUARANTINE as Perth rolls out new snap Covid-19 restrictions

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South Australian plane passengers land into SURPRISE QUARANTINE as Perth rolls out new snap Covid-19 restrictions

Less than 48 hours after lifting seven-month-long hard border controls, Western Australia has imposed new restrictions on travelers from South Australia over a coronavirus cluster, catching some of them mid-flight, literally.

Western Australia opened its border on Saturday after Victoria recorded its 15th consecutive day without new coronavirus cases or deaths. While the state’s hard border closure lasted about seven months, the opportunity window for family reunions proved to be quite narrow – at least for some South Australia residents.

Less than two days after the border closures were lifted, the WA government imposed new restrictions on passengers arriving at Perth Airport from South Australia. The unluckiest passengers were hit by the decision while on their flights and, on arrival, were offered an option to fly back on Monday. Those who were only boarding planes in Adelaide were ‘luckier’: they were simply advised to disembark and go home.

All new arriving passengers will now be subject to a mandatory test for Covid-19 either immediately or within 24 hours of arrival, as well as being forced into 14-days quarantine “in a suitable premise.”

Those traveling from SA by car will face the same testing and quarantine rules. The restrictions will be also retroactively applied to even those lucky South Australians who managed to get into the state before the decision was announced. They will be tested and required to be in quarantine until the results come through.

“We understand these changes will cause frustration for many people, but these steps are being taken on the best health advice to protect everyone,” WA’s chief health officer Andrew Robertson said in a statement. “The State Government thanks all arrivals for their patience and understanding.”

The drastic move, set to disrupt a lot of long-awaited family reunions, was prompted by the detection of a new coronavirus cluster in Adelaide. Four individuals, including one working at one of the city's “quarantine hotels” and a Correctional Services employee, tested positive for coronavirus on Saturday. While several family members of the infected have already shown symptoms, the SA's health authorities reckon more cases should be expected.

“Which is why I am absolutely warning South Australians: this is a wake-up call – if you have respiratory symptoms, you've got to get tested,” SA's chief public health officer Nicola Spurrier said.


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f66667 No.144073

File: 19ddb8508470cfc⋯.jpg (467.24 KB,856x1376,107:172,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656892 (151800ZNOV20) Notable: Here is how European MSM describes the Million Maga March.

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Here is how European MSM describes the Million Maga March.

Belgium article, Translated with google translate

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f66667 No.144074

File: 8083d453c8bfed7⋯.png (114.64 KB,810x887,810:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 7797bf1deccd640⋯.png (121.66 KB,809x902,809:902,Clipboard.png)

File: 8be7b258ac471c0⋯.png (111.34 KB,842x880,421:440,Clipboard.png)

File: d4c2aa1f68bf47f⋯.png (118.4 KB,806x892,403:446,Clipboard.png)

File: b726ce5a99d45f5⋯.png (113.24 KB,775x902,775:902,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656919 (151803ZNOV20) Notable: In 2020, Central Bankers Everywhere Are Being Exposed

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In 2020, Central Bankers Everywhere Are Being Exposed

In the race to pretend to debase, Europe’s central bank has pulled ahead of America’s. The ECB’s balance of digitally-printed bank reserves is rising fast while the Federal Reserve’s reserves plateaued months ago. For the first time in its history, the Europeans claim “excess liquidity” (their term) in excess of €3.3 trillion and steadily rising.

In years long past, this “flood” would’ve unleashed howls of protest spoken primarily in the German language, the damning label “Weimar” thrown loosely around in even mainstream channels. Nowadays, barely a peep.

One big reason why is the constant and real flood of instead deflationary signals proliferating and rising. Where inflation - or at the very least early signs of inflation - are supposed to be, there remain only the opposite despite the ECB on the winning side of QE pacing.

Not just current measurements of consumer prices, either. Those are actually falling, by the way, with negative CPI’s (and HICP’s, as they do over there) growing more negative in October (-0.3% y/y; -0.5% in Germany). Even stripping away volatile (down as well as up) food and energy prices in Europe, the Euro Area’s “core” inflation rate was the same +0.2% year-over-year last month as it had been the month before (September).

Both months at record lows, in other words.

In the bond market, the bund market, actually, yields on federal German securities have been steadily sinking since late August. The 10-year constant maturity rate had gotten as “high” as -0.39% on the 31st but is now (as of this writing) back down to -0.64%, within sight of its own record lows.

What’s interesting about that trend in bunds (along with the same in schätzes and bobls) is that it has been near exactly mirrored by the exchange rate in the dollar, a plateau in US Treasury TIPS (American inflation expectations), interest rate swap spreads, and most of all global oil prices. Not strictly European doubts.

More interesting still, while practically every other market had turned deflationary (or, against the prior reflation direction) right at the end of August or in the first few days of September, the one which hadn’t was nominal US Treasury yields. These had been rising modestly.

This is not something you’d expect, anything other than the shortest run deviations between the US government market and its German counterpart. For years, the two have almost uniformly traded in near-lockstep fashion. Though at different levels, day-to-day changes on any given day along with the overall direction and behavior, these had been a pretty dependable constant throughout many years of these QE-follies.

Neither German nor American government bond investors have believed much in whatever either of their central banks have been selling (by buying assets). Certainly not to the point of an inflationary future both the ECB and the Fed have been, at times like these, absolutely desperate to paint.

There was, however, one multi-month period when, like the past few months, nominal UST yields rose while their German equivalent fell. It was the middle of 2018.

Insanely enough, most people might remember this period as the best economic boom of our lifetimes. The United States like Europe, each’s set of central bankers had claimed both had been thick in the throes of only the best of times.



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f66667 No.144075

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656964 (151806ZNOV20) Notable: U.N. Chief Guterres Demands End to Coal-Fired Power in a Reset World

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U.N. Chief Guterres Demands End to Coal-Fired Power in a Reset World

Yep the cardinal was right! I hope it’s to kick the UN out, that’s gotta be on the agenda asap

The world must stop building new coal power plants and instead embrace green alternatives in a post-coronavirus reset world, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Saturday.

Speaking via video message to the East Asia Summit 2020, Guterres called on all countries to reject coal and join together in seeking other alternatives.

To that end, Guterres demanded efforts be made to “use the COVID-19 recovery effort to build green climate-resilient economies and work towards carbon neutrality by 2050.”

“This will, incidentally, also drive the job creation that will reduce inequality and address the air pollution that is choking many Asian cities. I commend the recent decisions of China, Japan and the Republic of Korea committing to net zero emissions,” the veteran Portugese socialist added.

“Countries also need to put a price on carbon and end subsidies for fossil fuels. Our response to the COVID-19 crisis must be aligned with the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals. In all these efforts, you can count on the support of the United Nations system.”

His call mirrors that by the World Economic Forum (WEF) back in July foreshadowing its desire to rebuild the world in a fashion of its own design once the coronavirus pandemic is over.

As Breitbart News reported, WEF founder executive chairman Klaus Schwab said the coronavirus crisis presents an opportunity for a “new kind of capitalism” and “great reset” of global economies, politics, and societies.

An impatient Schwab claimed neo-liberalism is dead and with it traditional notions of economic capitalism.

In their place is a set of “Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics” the WEF says enables the world to progress under one set of overarching rules as drawn up by it, with “social justice” a key component of this brave new world.

This restructure of the way we do business is the new model for the “great reset” Schwab argued, adding he foresees the coronavirus crisis as too good an opportunity not to “re-evaluate sacred cows of the pre-pandemic system.”

Put simply, Schwab believes the time to “re-consider capitalism” has arrived. He adds:

The Great Reset should seek to lend a voice to those who have been left behind, so that everyone who is willing to “co-shape” the future can do so. The reset that we need is not a revolution or a shift to some new ideology… Some of the pillars of the global system will need to be replaced, and others repaired or strengthened. To achieve shared progress, prosperity, and health requires nothing more – or less.

Ulitmately Schwab says the trade, taxation, and competition rules that reflect decades of neoliberal influence are over.

More will be outlined next year at the 2021 WEF global summit in Switzerland.


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f66667 No.144076

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656966 (151806ZNOV20) Notable: #14882

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>>>/qresearch/11656775 (helps to hit paste)


>>>/qresearch/11655861 #14882 OP

Notables are NOT endorsements

‘’’#14882 - Anon scraped’’’

>>144029, >>144039 Sydney Powell interview with Maria B.

>>144028 Rudy on Maria's show this morning.


>>144031 Former CEO Sentenced to Federal Prison in Kickback Scheme

>>144032 Barcode tracking of mail-in ballots… It maybe possible to segregate this invalidated ballots from other ballots, such as 'in-person' voting.

>>144033 really long thread johnheretohelp, mentions John Hopkins involved in voter fraud, naming names

>>144034 PF REPORTS

>>144035 Obama actually changed the law in 2012 to enable Scytl to merge with another company and move into other areas of voting and election control

>>144037 NRG US customer base expands 30% with Dominion deal

>>144038 Biden transition Agency Review Team - on homeland security on BOD Smartmatic

>>144040 Denmark protests over potential new vax law

>>144041 Smartmatic projection twat

>>144042 Matt Walsh panic twat

>>144036 Why we are here. Why we will never give up

>>144045 Rick Grenell twatting at MaggieH

>>144047 Senator McSally brother is Dominion's COO….da fuq

>>144048 Lawfareblog/Benjamin Wittes hire Colonel Vindman

>>144049 ABC wants mask mandate before Biden "takes office"

>>144050 Total media blackout on ANTIFA in DC

>>144046 Fox vid - whistleblowers NCSWIC

>>144051 Breitbart article on revisionist history in schools

>>144059 Anon .MIL Twat bun

>>>/qresearch/11656391 DJT retweet of Leo Terrell on Operation warp speed

>>144053 Based Lin Wood twat - patience grasshopper

>>144056 Pompeo - Mike Bolton "has eviscerated his credibility

>>144057 , Eyes on Durham and narrative shift

>>144058 (2004) 'Confidential' Cable from Venezuela = [DS] in US Gov > KNEW [Smartmatic] 'Integrity' Was Questionable.


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f66667 No.144077

File: bd242a2212deb72⋯.png (960.61 KB,813x460,813:460,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656971 (151806ZNOV20) Notable: China builds more 5G stations than rest of world combined, while those lagging behind back off from its technology

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China builds more 5G stations than rest of world combined, while those lagging behind back off from its technology

Beijing boasts that it’s installed around 700,000 5G base stations across the country – more than it had planned to have by year’s end, beating other major powers in the development of the superfast mobile networks.

The figure was announced by Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) vice-minister Liu Liehong earlier this week. While the official did not provide data from other countries, he noted that his country has managed to build twice the number of 5G installations than the rest of the world.

The network is currently connecting more than 180 million devices in China. With growing customer interest in the technology, the country is set to further accelerate 5G development and boost investment in this strategic sphere. It was earlier reported that three of the largest Chinese state-run telecom companies may quadruple their 5G spending this year, to reach 180 billion yuan ($25 billion). Industry players are reportedly expecting that China’s investment in 5G will exceed 800 billion yuan ($121 billion) in the 2021-to-2025 period.

Most European countries are far behind the Asian power when it comes to the development of the next-generation networks. According to the latest analysis from the European Round Table for industry (ERT), more than half of EU member states have not yet launched 5G for commercial use.

The ERT data shows that South Korea is ahead the rest in terms of the number of 5G stations per capita, followed by Switzerland and China. The European Union as whole has the least number of 5G stations per citizen, while the US and the UK also lag behind China. However, by the total amount of installations providing access to the ultra-fast networks, China still seems to be outperforming its peers.

Washington has for long been pushing and even offering money to its allies to avoid using Chinese technologies and to ditch Huawei, one of the world’s leading suppliers of 5G equipment. While a number of countries are still standing their ground, others, such as the UK and Sweden, have already caved in to US pressure.


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f66667 No.144078

File: 29f1354375681ee⋯.png (421.72 KB,638x355,638:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11656987 (151808ZNOV20) Notable: Fauci: Social Distancing, Masks Still Necessary After Getting Coronavirus Vaccine

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Fauci: Social Distancing, Masks Still Necessary After Getting Coronavirus Vaccine

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that it will still be necessary to social distance, wear masks after a coronavirus vaccine becomes available.

Jake Tapper said, “Once somebody has been immunized … Once the process is complete, does that mean they can take off their mask, don’t have to social distance, and go about their lives as before?”

Fauci said, “I would recommend that is not the case. I would recommend you have an added area of protection. Obviously, with 90 plus percent effective vaccine, you could feel much more confident, but I would recommend to people to not abandon all public health measures just because you’ve been vaccinated.”

He added, “Even though for the general population, it might be 90 to 95% effective, you don’t necessarily know for you how effective it is. So when I get vaccinated, which I hope to when it becomes my turn to get vaccinated, I’m not going to abandon completely public health measures. I could feel more relaxed and essentially not having the stringency we have right now.”


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f66667 No.144079

File: 5fea89573303639⋯.png (663.59 KB,633x481,633:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657016 (151810ZNOV20) Notable: Adam Schiff: Trump Is Interfering with ‘Peaceful Transfer of Power’

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Adam Schiff: Trump Is Interfering with ‘Peaceful Transfer of Power’

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), who hyped false allegations of “Russia collusion,” has penned an op-ed in the USA Today accusing President Donald Trump of impeding the “peaceful transfer of power.”

In 2016 and 2017, the outgoing Obama administration used intelligence and law enforcement to undermine the incoming Trump administration with false allegations about collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

Schiff insisted in March 2017 that there was “more than circumstantial” evidence of collusion. Ultimately, however, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation found that there was, in fact, no evidence that any American colluded with Russia.

Schiff also defended the FBI, claiming it had done nothing wrong in seeking secret FISA warrants against Trump campaign aide Carter Page. That assertion, too, was later disproven by the Department of Justice Inspector General’s investigation.

In his Sunday op-ed in the USA Today, Schiff took issue with Trump’s reaction to the election results, even criticizing his visit to Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day:

President Donald Trump went to Arlington National Cemetery on Wednesday, Veterans Day, to lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. For any other American president, this simple act of remembrance would serve to reinforce the bond between the American people and the millions of our fellow citizens who have taken up arms in the nation’s defense over the past two and a half centuries.

But Trump’s pantomime of patriotic fealty at Arlington was belied by his refusal to honor the most sacred obligation of any president — a commitment to an orderly, peaceful transfer of power from one chief executive to the next.

The results of this election are clear: Trump lost, Biden won, and no amount of misinformation spread by the president will change that. It isn’t even close. Biden won with likely more than 300 Electoral College votes and a margin of more than 5 million popular votes.

Schiff also led the effort to impeach and remove Trump from office in 2019 and 2020, conducting most of his investigation behind closed doors. Trump was acquitted by the Senate.

Trump has repeatedly said that he would leave office if he had lost the election. He is currently challenging the results.


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f66667 No.144080

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657056 (151812ZNOV20) Notable: Greek Government Admits Losing Track of over 32,000 Illegal Migrants

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Greek Government Admits Losing Track of over 32,000 Illegal Migrants

Greek Migration Minister Notis Mitarakis has stated that the Greek government has totally lost track of at least 32,000 bogus asylum seekers in the country.

Minister Mitarakis stated that around 32,574 migrants who had been rejected for asylum were missing and admitted it was very possible that many of them may have left Greece for other European Union member-states.

He added that the Turkish government has refused to take back any migrants since March 10th of this year, citing the Wuhan virus as the reason for rejecting the return of illegal border crossers, newspaper Kathimerini reports.

“This is something we have pointed out many times in the European institutions because this is not a bilateral agreement but an EU agreement with Turkey,” he said.

Sweden: Thousands of 2015 Crisis Migrants Have Allegedly Disappeared https://t.co/UjtZLZ0le2

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) October 7, 2020

Greece is not the only country in the European Union to lose track of asylum seekers in recent years. In Sweden, thousands of migrants who came at the height of the migrant crisis in 2015 have also been reported as having disappeared.

Of the 163,000 migrants who came to the Scandinavian country that year, around 24,000 are either missing or living in the country without residency permits, according to a report released in October.

Other countries have also reported similar cases, such as Canada, which lost track of 34,700 migrants earlier this year, according to the Office of the Auditor-General of Canada, who reported in July that most of the migrants there were failed asylum seekers as well.

Salvini Questions How Many Terrorists Have Come Through Lampedusa After Nice Church Attack https://t.co/TGQ7ZdwqDj

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) November 1, 2020

The trend of illegal migrants going missing has become a major issue in the European Union in the wake of the Nice terrorist attack late last month, which involved an illegal migrant who had gone missing from an Italian migrant centre and had went on to murder three people in a Nice church.

Berlin Christmas market killer Anis Amri was also a failed asylum seeker.


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f66667 No.144081

File: c5a67e7f168f2ce⋯.jpg (885.04 KB,1600x2560,5:8,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c021e3dd0a3d74b⋯.jpg (751.88 KB,1600x2560,5:8,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657075 (151814ZNOV20) Notable: (You) , Electoral Count Act and 12th Amendment, swing state analysis

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When the blue blood elites show you a month before the election EXACTLY what's going to happen.

I find it hilarious the board still hasn't caught on.

Late last night was promising but still failed to see the light of day.

Look at the authors of this crystal ball article.

How did they know?!

Because they are a part of the show.

Just like Bill P. Remember the good old days?

Keep avoiding the inevitable.

It doesn't matter anymore.

We caught you all!

We see it all.

Your downfall is going to be biblical.


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f66667 No.144082

File: d2df9a075502025⋯.jpeg (229.57 KB,1125x1221,375:407,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657110 (151817ZNOV20) Notable: John Durham Dropping His Investigations into Spygate, “Worried About Blowback From Joe Biden”

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I know we don’t believe unnamed sources but WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?!?!?

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f66667 No.144083

File: d60a75df2afec90⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB,1242x1996,621:998,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657127 (151819ZNOV20) Notable: John Durham Dropping His Investigations into Spygate, “Worried About Blowback From Joe Biden”

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Hey Q.. what is this? Disinfo I hope. History says business as usual. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2020/11/report-john-durham-dropping-investigations-spygate-worried-blowback-joe-biden/

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f66667 No.144084

File: 9b89fe4b464e3b4⋯.png (19.03 KB,572x202,286:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657138 (151820ZNOV20) Notable: John Durham Dropping His Investigations into Spygate, “Worried About Blowback From Joe Biden”

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John Durham Dropping His Investigations into Spygate, “Worried About Blowback From Joe Biden”

It appears the appointment of John Durham was another head fake.

US Attorney General Bill Barr appointed US Attorney from Connecticut John Durham to investigate the origins of Spygate in May of 2019.

So far only one FBI lawyer has been charged with making a false statement in Durham’s investigation.

Former FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith plead guilty in August to one charge of making false statements 18 USC 1001 a(3) “makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry.”

38-year-old Clinemsith altered an email from CIA investigators used to request a FISA warrant and renewals on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page.

Sunday Morning Futures host Maria Bartiromo reported in September that Durham would NOT release his Spygate report before the 2020 election.

According to Bartiromo, a debate has begun within the Department of Justice as the timing of John Durham’s criminal investigation conclusion. Sources said it is now too close to the election and could be viewed as politically motivated.

Now this…

According to The Federalist, “John Durham isn’t doing anything” and he is “dropping his investigations.”

“He’s worried about blowback from Biden.”


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f66667 No.144085

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657166 (151822ZNOV20) Notable: The Treehouse is Deplatformed

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==The Treehouse is Deplatformed…

Most CTH readers are likely aware of the term “deplatforming. Unfortunately the big tech control mechanism to shut down speech & assembly has now arrived on our doorstep==

One week after the 2020 presidential election, The Conservative Treehouse received the following notification:

…”given the incompatibility between your site’s content and our terms, you need to find a new hosting provider and must migrate the site by Wednesday, December 2nd.

Shit guise, the new cancel culture by corporations. Say some prayers fir Sundance and team

What does this mean? It means CTH is being kicked-off the WordPress website hosting platform because the content of our research and discussion does not align with the ideology of those who define what is acceptable speech and what is not.

What was our violation? After ten years of brutally honest discussion, opinion, deep research and crowdsourcing work -with undeniable citations on the events we outline- there is no cited violation of any term of service because CTH has never violated one.

The WordPress company is not explaining the reason for deplatforming because there is no justifiable reason for it. At the same time they are bold in their position. Perhaps this is the most alarming part; and everyone should pay attention. They don’t care.

Truthful assembly is now the risk. CTH is now too big; with a site reach of 500,000 to a million unique readers each day; and with well over 200,000 subscribers; our assembly too large, too influential, and presents a risk… we guard the flickering flame.

Ten years of work assembling a library of factual citations and explanations of those discoveries, positions CTH to be a leading force in the rebel alliance push-back. [Heck, that’s why this place was started… that was our purpose: “The Truth Has No Agenda.”] However, that also makes us a target; hence the deplatforming.


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f66667 No.144086

File: d45385dba2ea1ce⋯.png (306.36 KB,574x495,574:495,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657178 (151823ZNOV20) Notable: Text Messages Being Censored

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Text Messages Being Censored

I had a private message in Facebook censored the other day. Now text messages?!

h/t Conservative Engineer


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f66667 No.144087

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657194 (151825ZNOV20) Notable: After 3-day recount, incumbent Democrat loses FL State Senate seat to Latinas for Trump co-founder Ileana Garcia by 34 votes

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Miami Herald: After 3-day recount, incumbent Democrat loses FL State Senate seat to Latinas for Trump co-founder Ileana Garcia by 34 votes

After 3-day recount, incumbent Democrat loses Senate seat to

Ileana Garcia by 34 votes

After three long days of a painstaking recount, early

results on Thursday showed Latinas for Trump co-founder

Ileana Garcia leading Democratic incumbent José Javier

Rodríguez in the race for Senate District 37 by a mere 34


Rodríguez’s loss is a stunning blow to Senate Democrats,

who went into the election cycle hoping to flip three seats

to reach parity in the chamber and ended up losing one seat,

a balance that will make it tougher for them to influence

the GOP’s legislative agenda in the near future.



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f66667 No.144088

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657234 (151828ZNOV20) Notable: Powell: “It’s one huge, huge criminal conspiracy that should be investigated by Military Intelligence”

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Powell: “It’s one huge, huge criminal conspiracy that should be investigated by Military Intelligence”

One of the most direct verbal confirmations that “Q clearance Patriot” from US Military Intelligence is 100% real and was way ahead of this criminal conspiracy long, long ago.


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f66667 No.144089

File: de443d2a95888d0⋯.png (52.01 KB,678x716,339:358,Clipboard.png)

File: bc12096691d5cae⋯.png (37.02 KB,677x501,677:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657310 (151835ZNOV20) Notable: Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials showed ‘severe’ side effects, ‘fever and aches’

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Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials showed ‘severe’ side effects, ‘fever and aches’

The company claims its shot is ‘90% effective’ and will be available to the public soon, but serious questions about the vaccine's safety remain

Mere days after Pfizer announced its new “90% effective” coronavirus vaccine, reports have emerged about “severe” side effects volunteers for the vaccine trial experienced, including fevers and headaches.

According to the British Daily Mail, Carrie, one of the 43,538 participants in Pfizer’s vaccine trial, “said she suffered a headache, fever and aches all over her body, comparable to the flu jab, with the first one. But after the second these became ‘more severe.’”

The Pfizer vaccine will be administered in two doses three weeks apart.

Glenn Deshields, another participant, “said he suffered side effects not dissimilar to a ‘severe hangover.’” The man from Texas said he believes “he received the vaccine because when he had an antibody test with doctors it came back positive.”

“Bryan, 42, an engineer from Georgia, believes he was one of the individuals that did not receive the vaccine,” but a placebo. “He felt no immune response to the jabs, he said, and after having two shots he contracted [COVID-19] after his daughter caught it last month.”

A placebo is a shot not containing the vaccine, given to half of the participants in the trial to show if the vaccine actually works.

Stanley Wang from Los Angeles also thought he received a placebo, saying “he went for his first injection on August 31 and did not experience any pain from the jab nor coronavirus symptoms.”

Wang added that side effects experienced by other participants “included fever and migraines, and another complained of having a reaction ‘similar to having a hangover.’” It is unclear whether Wang was merely referring to the Daily Mail report, or to his own conversations with participants in the trial.

Pfizer didn’t mention any of the side effects experienced by participants in the vaccine trial.

The New York Times emphasized on Monday, “The data released by Pfizer … was delivered in a news release, not a peer-reviewed medical journal. It is not conclusive evidence that the vaccine is safe and effective, and the initial finding of more than 90 percent efficacy could change as the trial goes on.”

In fact, Pfizer’s press release mentioned 43,538 participants enrolled in the study, with only “94 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in trial participants.” This means that only 0.2 percent of participants were tested positive for the coronavirus.

As only 94 participants were tested positive, it also appears difficult to generalize the vaccine is “more than 90% effective,” since some people might have been exposed to the virus more frequently, or for a longer time.

Pfizer’s press release did not explain if participants were wearing masks, practicing so-called social distancing, or staying at home, for the most part.


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f66667 No.144090

File: 37c6a1ab8875cc2⋯.png (477.86 KB,599x338,599:338,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657353 (151839ZNOV20) Notable: Hillary Attorney Marc Elias Was Behind Not One, But Two Actions Messing In Georgia’s Election

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Hillary Attorney Marc Elias Was Behind Not One, But Two Actions Messing In Georgia’s Election

Yesterday we reported on how American Patriot and Attorney, Lin Wood, was suing the State of Georgia for implementing an agreement with the Democrats in Georgia that the signers had no legal right to enter into.

The agreement, backed and likely created by Hillary Attorney Marc Elias, is not legitimate. Today we note that Hillary’s Elias worked on another action with the Democrats Georgia as well.

Yesterday we reported on Lin Wood’s action to have the agreement between the State of Georgia and the Democrats signed before the election disqualified due to the signers representing the state not having the legal right to sign the agreement. Lin Wood maintains that this agreement, resulting from a Democrat complaint, violates the Constitution in that only the legislature can alter state election law.

But this was not the only action Hillary’s Elias took in Georgia.

We found another election law complaint, this one filed by Stacey Abrams’ nonprofit, the “New Georgia Project,” (NGP) filed on May 8, 2020. (See full agreement here or here.) Marc Elias of Perkins Coie is behind this agreement as well and has signed it.

This second case reveals that Stacey Abrams is working with Hillary Clinton’s lawyer Marc Elias, in Georgia, to make sure the Democrats win the election using absentee ballots.

If this case was addressed and signed, this may be another agreement in the state of Georgia where the Democrats took action against the state and Executive Branch members like the Secretary of State signed an agreement which they didn’t have the right to sign to address the complaint.

IF this complaint was also settled, which we cannot confirm at this time, then Lin Wood may need to file a complaint against it, like he did concerning the March 6 agreement.


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f66667 No.144091

File: 0d662894cfff9dd⋯.png (228.79 KB,1034x1260,517:630,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c5d00260cdd3eb⋯.png (257.47 KB,1040x1244,260:311,Clipboard.png)

File: 725a9c3624a59f5⋯.png (262.53 KB,1036x1254,518:627,Clipboard.png)

File: 565f44d5973ea6f⋯.png (236.72 KB,1036x1260,37:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657443 (151849ZNOV20) Notable: Written Testimony of Mr. John Poulos, CEO Dominion Voting Systems

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Written Testimony of Mr. John Poulos, CEO

Dominion Voting Systems

before the Committee on House Administration

“2020 Election Security-Perspectives from Voting System Vendors and Experts” January 9, 2020


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f66667 No.144092

File: 2f7d5942be8863e⋯.png (228.62 KB,1869x729,623:243,Clipboard.png)

File: e21a457ee191fc2⋯.png (1.23 MB,1036x5447,1036:5447,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657541 (151900ZNOV20) Notable: Cyber Combat: Act of War

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Cyber Combat: Act of War

Pentagon Sets Stage for U.S. to Respond to Computer Sabotage With Military Force

Updated May 31, 2011 12:01 a.m. ET

WASHINGTON—The Pentagon has concluded that computer sabotage coming from another country can constitute an act of war, a finding that for the first time opens the door for the U.S. to respond using traditional military force.


The Pentagon's first formal cyber strategy, unclassified portions of which are expected to become public next month, represents an early attempt to grapple with a changing world in which a hacker could pose as significant a threat to U.S. nuclear reactors, subways or pipelines as a hostile country's military.

In part, the Pentagon intends its plan as a warning to potential adversaries of the consequences of attacking the U.S. in this way. "If you shut down our power grid, maybe we will put a missile down one of your smokestacks," said a military official.

Recent attacks on the Pentagon's own systems—as well as the sabotaging of Iran's nuclear program via the Stuxnet computer worm—have given new urgency to U.S. efforts to develop a more formalized approach to cyber attacks. A key moment occurred in 2008, when at least one U.S. military computer system was penetrated. This weekend Lockheed Martin, a major military contractor, acknowledged that it had been the victim of an infiltration, while playing down its impact.

The report will also spark a debate over a range of sensitive issues the Pentagon left unaddressed, including whether the U.S. can ever be certain about an attack's origin, and how to define when computer sabotage is serious enough to constitute an act of war. These questions have already been a topic of dispute within the military.

One idea gaining momentum at the Pentagon is the notion of "equivalence." If a cyber attack produces the death, damage, destruction or high-level disruption that a traditional military attack would cause, then it would be a candidate for a "use of force" consideration, which could merit retaliation.

The Pentagon's document runs about 30 pages in its classified version and 12 pages in the unclassified one. It concludes that the Laws of Armed Conflict—derived from various treaties and customs that, over the years, have come to guide the conduct of war and proportionality of response—apply in cyberspace as in traditional warfare, according to three defense officials who have read the document. The document goes on to describe the Defense Department's dependence on information technology and why it must forge partnerships with other nations and private industry to protect infrastructure.

The strategy will also state the importance of synchronizing U.S. cyber-war doctrine with that of its allies, and will set out principles for new security policies. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization took an initial step last year when it decided that, in the event of a cyber attack on an ally, it would convene a group to "consult together" on the attacks, but they wouldn't be required to help each other respond. The group hasn't yet met to confer on a cyber incident.

Pentagon officials believe the most-sophisticated computer attacks require the resources of a government. For instance, the weapons used in a major technological assault, such as taking down a power grid, would likely have been developed with state support, Pentagon officials say.

The move to formalize the Pentagon's thinking was borne of the military's realization the U.S. has been slow to build up defenses against these kinds of attacks, even as civilian and military infrastructure has grown more dependent on the Internet. The military established a new command last year, headed by the director of the National Security Agency, to consolidate military network security and attack efforts.

The Pentagon itself was rattled by the 2008 attack, a breach significant enough that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs briefed then-President George W. Bush. At the time, Pentagon officials said they believed the attack originated in Russia, although didn't say whether they believed the attacks were connected to the government. Russia has denied involvement.

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f66667 No.144093

File: 900f6f8b5471676⋯.png (121.97 KB,1200x731,1200:731,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657543 (151900ZNOV20) Notable: Dominion Voting Systems Corporation in Canada was incorporated in Quebec possibly for waiving the Director residency requirements

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Dominion Voting Systems Corporation in Canada was incorporated in Quebec possibly for waiving the Director residency requirements

I have been wondering why Dominion is registered in Ontario but is incorporated in Quebec for a while. I've seen quite a few questionable organizations and charities being registered in Quebec or other provinces, but their HQ is elsewhere in Canada. It made sense today.

Below are the corporate director residency requirements in Canada based on the jurisdiction the company is incorporated under:

25% resident Canadian Directors required

Federal (Canada), Alberta, Manitoba, Newfoundland, Ontario, and Saskatchewan

No Canadian Directors required (meaning foreign individuals and businesses can fully make up the directors of the company)

British Columbia, Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and Quebec



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f66667 No.144094

File: 0c2c88eb6bdf106⋯.png (568.29 KB,1280x2048,5:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657548 (151901ZNOV20) Notable: Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy

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Unexpected detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in the prepandemic period in Italy


There are no robust data on the real onset of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection and spread in the prepandemic period worldwide.

We investigated the presence of SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain (RBD)–specific antibodies in blood samples of 959 asymptomatic individuals enrolled in a prospective lung cancer screening trial between September 2019 and March 2020 to track the date of onset, frequency, and temporal and geographic variations across the Italian regions.SARS-CoV-2 RBD-specific antibodies were detected in 111 of 959 (11.6%) individuals, starting from September 2019 (14%), with a cluster of positive cases (>30%) in the second week of February 2020

and the highest number (53.2%) in Lombardy.

This study shows an unexpected very early circulation of SARS-CoV-2 among asymptomatic individuals in Italy several months before the first patient was identified, and clarifies the onset and spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.

Finding SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in asymptomatic people before the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy may reshape the history of pandemic.

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f66667 No.144095

File: 0bb41010673fb4a⋯.gif (20.93 KB,276x276,1:1,Clipboard.gif)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657583 (151905ZNOV20) Notable: McMaster installed this guy from CAIR to sniff out and stop Trump's people

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How did everyone miss this?


> Some might question Mr. Ali’s qualifications, but let’s not quibble about that. His service as diversity outreach coordinator for CAIR surely qualifies him to be Senior Director of Counter-Terrorism for U.S.A.

McMaster installed this guy from CAIR to sniff out and stop Trump's people. CAIR is Hamas, a banned FTO.


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f66667 No.144096

File: 99841c96efc6208⋯.jpg (85.82 KB,1024x1001,1024:1001,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0671ec74f8194ea⋯.jpg (133.58 KB,1600x600,8:3,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657594 (151907ZNOV20) Notable: Germany. Archbishop Woeki of Cologne burries expert report about child abuse in the Cologne area

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Germany. Archbishop Woeki of Cologne burries expert report about child abuse in the Cologne area. Victims feel "raped again" by sweeping the report under the rug.

enough is enough. when did these pedos get control over the world?


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f66667 No.144097

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657606 (151908ZNOV20) Notable: Notetaker Notes for #14884 / Anon bun #14883

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>>144060 Dominion Resources Ownership

>>144061 Biden’s cancer charity raked in millions but spent NOTHING on medical research, tax filings show

>>144062 ‘Monster’ Cop Receives Unprecedented Life Sentence for Horrifying Acts of Child Sexual Battery

>>144063 New Defense Chief Puts DoD On Notice: "All Wars Must End"


>>144065 Dominion Voting

>>144066 Navigating a Contested Election, the Electoral Count Act and 12th Amendment: How to Ensure a Fully Counted Outcome

>>144067 Germany should be ready for 4-5 MONTHS of strict anti-coronavirus measures, says economy minister

>>144068 Judge hits Gavin Newsom with massive legal loss, rules he overstepped authority on mail-in ballots

>>144069 Biden Advisors To Start Meeting With Vaccine-Makers In Latest Hint Of Collusion

>>144070 Dozens arrested, including Jeremy Corbyn's brother, as UK anti-lockdown protesters clash with police in Liverpool & Bristol

>>144072 South Australian plane passengers land into SURPRISE QUARANTINE as Perth rolls out new snap Covid-19 restrictions

>>144073 Here is how European MSM describes the Million Maga March.

>>144074 In 2020, Central Bankers Everywhere Are Being Exposed

>>144075 U.N. Chief Guterres Demands End to Coal-Fired Power in a Reset World

>>144077 China builds more 5G stations than rest of world combined, while those lagging behind back off from its technology

>>144078 Fauci: Social Distancing, Masks Still Necessary After Getting Coronavirus Vaccine

>>144079 Adam Schiff: Trump Is Interfering with ‘Peaceful Transfer of Power’

>>144080 Greek Government Admits Losing Track of over 32,000 Illegal Migrants

>>144082, >>144083, >>144084 John Durham Dropping His Investigations into Spygate, “Worried About Blowback From Joe Biden”

>>144085 The Treehouse is Deplatformed

>>144086 Text Messages Being Censored

>>144087 After 3-day recount, incumbent Democrat loses FL State Senate seat to Latinas for Trump co-founder Ileana Garcia by 34 votes

>>144088 Powell: “It’s one huge, huge criminal conspiracy that should be investigated by Military Intelligence”

>>144089 Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials showed ‘severe’ side effects, ‘fever and aches’

>>144066 , >>144081 Electoral Count Act and 12th Amendment, swing state analysis

>>144090 Hillary Attorney Marc Elias Was Behind Not One, But Two Actions Messing In Georgia’s Election

>>144091 Written Testimony of Mr. John Poulos, CEO Dominion Voting Systems

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f66667 No.144098

File: 93b9f598908b304⋯.png (47.34 KB,900x308,225:77,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657619 (151909ZNOV20) Notable: Pompeo Begins 7-Nation Tour Amid Global Lockdowns and Trump Election Battle

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Pompeo Begins 7-Nation Tour Amid Global Lockdowns and Trump Election Battle

PARIS—Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in a locked down Paris Saturday morning to start a 10-day jaunt across Europe and the Middle East that comes amid a backdrop of the Trump administration’s last-ditch legal efforts to remain in office.

The nation’s top diplomat is likely to offer private assurances to world leaders that if former vice president Joe Biden takes office, the Trump administration will assist with an orderly transition. Many of the leaders Pompeo is scheduled to meet have already congratulated Biden on his win. Pompeo’s seven-nation tour also will take him to several Middle Eastern hotspots—including Israel, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates—where Iran’s global terrorism operation is likely to be a secondary focal point with world leaders.

Pompeo raised eyebrows on Friday when he stated during a press conference at the State Department that there will be a "smooth transition to a second Trump administration." While Pompeo, like other top administration figures, maintains that Trump won the 2020 presidential election, he clarified a day later in an interview with CBS News that an orderly transition will take place before Jan. 20 no matter who is declared the victor.

"Our adversaries should know that we're ready, we're continuing to work, we'll work all the way through January. And then on January 20th, we'll have a transition, whether it's to a Trump administration—a second Trump administration as I spoke about today—or to an administration led by former vice president Biden," Pompeo said.

The trip also comes amid the still growing coronavirus pandemic, which has initiated a new wave of global lockdowns. Pompeo had virtually no public press conferences scheduled as the trip began, which are usually customary with visits by senior U.S. officials. In Paris, the city is two weeks into a monthlong, full-scale lockdown. Most of the Middle Eastern countries Pompeo is scheduled to visit also are shut down due to the virus.

The trip began with a spark of controversy: Pompeo will visit Istanbul, Turkey, but will not take meetings with the country’s leaders in the capital, Ankara. U.S. officials who briefed reporters ahead of the trip said Pompeo wants to focus on issues of religious liberty, and he is scheduled to meet several prominent figures, including the Greek Orthodox Christian leader Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I. Turkish political leaders view Pompeo’s agenda as a snub, with the country’s foreign ministry calling his meetings "extremely inappropriate."

During his two days in Paris, Pompeo will meet with French president Emmanuel Macron and participate in a wreath-laying ceremony to honor victims of the city’s most recent terrorist attacks. These events will be tightly managed and limited to a small pool of reporters that excludes most of those traveling with the secretary on his plane.

From Paris, Pompeo will head to Istanbul.


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f66667 No.144099

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657628 (151910ZNOV20) Notable: Media takes heat for ignoring violent attacks on Trump supporters at MAGA rally

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Media takes heat for ignoring violent attacks on Trump supporters at MAGA rally

Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., said 'media blackout' was 'terrible' and 'telling'

Conservatives criticized members of the media for failing to cover violence against President Trump's supporters at the so-called Million MAGA March in Washington, D.C., on Saturday.

"I want to hear Joe Biden and Kamala Harris condemn Antifa/BLM criminals who assaulted and harassed peaceful demonstrators in DC today, including elderly and families," political strategist Doug Stafford wrote on Twitter on Saturday. "Of course they won’t. And 'media' won’t make them."

"Watching video of people being assaulted and mobbed by BLM/Antifa in DC tonight brings back awful memories. Want an example of media bias? When Rand Paul and I spoke out about our mob assault, the AP reported our claim was 'without evidence' despite 10 minutes of video," Paul's wife Kelley Ashby Paul wrote on Twitter.

The Pauls were surrounded by what the senator described as a "crazed mob" after the Republican National Convention in August.

Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., said the "media blackout" was "terrible" and "telling."

"The President’s supporters have a right to peacefully rally supporting POTUS just like his opponents have that same right," Zeldin wrote on Twitter. "The physical assaults today by violent leftists targeting his supporters is abhorrent. The near total media blackout of the violence is terrible… [and] telling."

Several thousand Trump supporters protested election results and then hailed Trump's passing motorcade before nighttime clashes with counterdemonstrators sparked fistfights, at least one stabbing and at least 20 arrests.

After night fell, the relatively peaceful demonstrations in Washington turned from tense to violent.

"When violent far left wing extremists organize violence online, you can always count on the Twitter hall monitors to ignore it," political commentator Mike Cernovich wrote on Twitter, calling members of the media "Antifa propagandists."

Cernovich shared screenshots of NBC News' Ben Collins and CNN's Andrew Kaczynski tweeting about White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany's response to the march and Kyle Rittenhouse, who allegedly killed two protesters and wounded a third during unrest in Kenosha, Wis.

"Actual violence caught on video tonight – multiple horrific instances – and here’s what the media guys who REALLY CARE ABOUT EXTREMISM are posting," Cernovich wrote.


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f66667 No.144100

File: d408ece115c79e3⋯.png (463 KB,662x331,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: 8733d60f283305e⋯.png (330.85 KB,1903x3770,1903:3770,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657635 (151911ZNOV20) Notable: CEO of Haliburton International Foods, Arrested for Child Sex Trafficking

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CEO of Global Food Distribution Company Arrested for Child Sex Trafficking

Newport Beach, CA — Ian Charles Schenkel, 59, is the CEO of Haliburton International Foods, a global food distribution company worth billions. This week, Schenkel was arrested on accusations that he engaged in child prostitution and human trafficking. A 26-year-old woman is also accused of aiding Schenkel in child trafficking. According to Newport Beach prosecutors, Schenkel was arrested and faces seven felony and two misdemeanor allegations involving intercourse and lewd acts with two underage victims, according to a criminal complaint filed Tuesday Sep. 29. He is suspected of abusing his victims at least 7 times between Jan. 27, 2019 and Oct. 8, 2019. Prosecutors also allege that Amanda Emilia Perez, 22, helped set up the meetings between the millionaire CEO and his victims. Perez now faces six felony charges for trafficking the underage girls.

According to the OC Register, Newport beach police began investigating after a man reported in October 2019 that his daughter had sexual contact with Schenkel, Orange County District Attorney’s officials said in a news release. The girl told authorities Perez introduced her to the CEO and other men, then took a portion of the money clients paid to have sex with the teen. The media is referring to Schenkel’s abuse of the two underage girls as “child prostitution” which is inaccurate. Because a child cannot consent to sex with an adult, the term child prostitute is as horrific as it is incorrect. Even in instances in which a child is paid to have sex with an adult, the fact that they are underage, makes them a victim and not a “prostitute.” Obviously age of consent laws vary from state to state, but the two girls who have accused Schenkel of the abuse were far below the age of consent in California, which is 18. If Schenkel is convicted on all counts, he faces a maximum sentence of eight years in state prison and 728 days in county jail. Perez faces a maximum sentence of 14 years and eight months in state prison if she is similarly convicted on all charges. Authorities are urging anyone with information about additional potential victims to call Newport Beach police at (949) 644-3790.

This incident highlight the fact that there is an epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse in the land of the free. According to many experts, child sexual abuse is likely the most prevalent health problem children face with the most serious array of consequences. It is so rife that it is estimated that about one in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. This year alone, there will be about 400,000 babies born in the U.S. that will become victims of child sexual abuse unless we do something to stop it. Thousands of child predators are nabbed every year and for every one caught, there are likely 10 others who remain free. Sadly, police appear to be more interested in kidnapping and caging drug users and dealers than keep children safe.

While child sex trafficking is certainly a problem within the upper echelons of society — as Schenkel’s case highlights — these sick people are from all walks of life. One of the things the victims are told is to report their abuse to the police. However, as TFTP regularly reports, police are often times the worst offenders and even when they are caught committing horrifying acts of abuse, they receive little to no time behind bars. This is a serious problem, and does not appear to be slowing. Weekly or more, TFTP reports on police officers who get arrested by fellow cops on charges of everything from trafficking in child pornography to child rape to running child sex trafficking rings. Some of these officers are low-level cops like Avo Marzwanian, 34, of LaPlace, Louisiana who was charged last month with 10 counts of distribution and 20 counts of possession of child pornography involving juveniles under the age of 13 along with 15 counts of sex abuse against animals.

Other child predators fill the top position in their department like Anthony “Tony” Yocham, who is the police chief in Hamilton, Texas, a town about 100 miles southwest of Fort Worth. Just down the road from where Yocham is the chief of police, TFTP reported on a cop in Dallas, Sr. Cpl. Daniel Lee Collins who pleaded guilty to uploading sexual photos of underage girls to various Google accounts using the City of Dallas internet network. .



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f66667 No.144101

File: 63e94b86bb79d7d⋯.png (170.27 KB,716x803,716:803,Clipboard.png)

File: ee209954aee5fd0⋯.png (82.27 KB,766x669,766:669,Clipboard.png)

File: ebe984947faf944⋯.png (83.6 KB,766x745,766:745,Clipboard.png)

File: 260571325fb223c⋯.png (79.89 KB,766x654,383:327,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657638 (151911ZNOV20) Notable: Maurice R. Greenberg, through his family foundation and The Starr Foundation, are each donating $25 million to Yale.

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Maurice R. Greenberg, through his family foundation and The Starr Foundation, are each donating $25 million to Yale.

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f66667 No.144102

File: ea4401b8f0e9db9⋯.png (266.87 KB,915x783,305:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657643 (151912ZNOV20) Notable: Canadian government publishes bid request for "Programmable Hydraulic Guillotines" needed "in support of Canada's response to COVID-19"

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Canadian government publishes bid request for "Programmable Hydraulic Guillotines" needed "in support of Canada's response to COVID-19"


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f66667 No.144103

File: f8d8b1fb9f191df⋯.jpg (101.17 KB,1252x529,1252:529,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ec3368288078644⋯.jpg (120.34 KB,1516x688,379:172,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 13f57be6a9ccfba⋯.jpg (174.17 KB,1510x775,302:155,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657664 (151913ZNOV20) Notable: SCYTL connections to Microsoft founder, Paul Allen via Vulcan Capital, and Twitter & Google via Omid Kordestani, Balderton Capital

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SCYTL connections to Microsoft founder, Paul Allen via Vulcan Capital, and Twitter & Google via Omid Kordestani, Balderton Capital

Scytl, headquartered in Barcelona, is backed by leading international VC investors such as Vulcan Capital, Balderton Capital and Nauta Capital.

Vulcan Capital is the multi-billion-dollar investment arm of Vulcan Inc., the company founded by Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Paul G. Allen.

OMID KORDESTANI sit on the Executive Board of Balderston Capital

He is former Exec Chairman, Twitter; Former Senior Vice President and Chief Business Officer, Google




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f66667 No.144104

File: 79c1d700065682e⋯.png (976.43 KB,883x838,883:838,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dc4705a8406498⋯.png (143.65 KB,891x915,297:305,Clipboard.png)

File: 8476bb27e636f2b⋯.png (102.21 KB,901x911,901:911,Clipboard.png)

File: 490e1b6d8d01dcb⋯.png (63.08 KB,947x910,947:910,Clipboard.png)

File: 07c8838fd85d06a⋯.png (166.66 KB,693x360,77:40,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657668 (151913ZNOV20) Notable: Staple Street Capital who owns Dominion Voting, involves a huge political background

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The truth of deep state1:Staple Street Capital who owns Dominion Voting, involves a huge political background

In Michigan, after 6,000 votes were tabulated for Biden instead of Trump in Antrim County, Michigan Republican Party Chairwoman Laura Cox, said that 47 of Michigan’s 83 counties “used this same software in the same capacity”

The voting machines belonged to a company called Dominion Voting Systems. Dominion Software is used in 28 US states including all of the battleground states or swing states.

Who owns the Dominion Voting Systems?

July 16, 2018 Dominion Voting Systems (“Dominion Voting”) announces that it has been acquired by its management team and Staple Street Capital.

Staple Street Capital is a private equity firm founded in 2009 based in New York.The co-founders Stephen D. Owens and Hootan Yaghoobzadeh are veterans of The Carlyle Group and Cerberus Capital Management, also the Board members of Dominion Voting. The official website of Staple Street Capital has deleted the team introduction.

Kennard nominated as ambassador to the EU by Barack Obama in August 2009 and is a member of Secretary of State John Kerry’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board.He was a key force behind Obama’s decision in February 2013 to launch negotiations on the ambitious Transatlantic Trade.He was also chairman of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission after being appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1997.

Before nominated as ambassador to the EU by Barack Obama in 2009,Kennard was managing director of the Carlyle Group(2001-2009) where he led investments in the telecommunications and media sectors.

Staple Street Capital’s co-founders and Board members of Dominion Voting, Stephen D. Owens was a managing director of the Carlyle Group (1998 – 2009), Hootan Yaghoobzadeh worked for the Carlyle Group (2002 – 2003), Cerberus Capital Management (2003 – 2009).

About The Carlyle Group

The key person of Dominion Voting are all related to The Carlyle Group. The Carlyle Group is an American multinational private equity, alternative asset management and financial services corporation, with more than $203 billion in assets under management across 126 funds and 139 fund of funds vehicles.


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f66667 No.144105

File: d3d31c2a4b78a11⋯.png (479.89 KB,599x526,599:526,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657700 (151916ZNOV20) Notable: Nevada Governor Has “Compliance Ambassadors” Harassing 300+ Businesses Per Day Over Covid Rules

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GOON SQUAD: Nevada Governor Has “Compliance Ambassadors” Harassing 300+ Businesses Per Day Over Covid Rules

The Governor of Las Vegas is making Stalin proud as he instills Stalinism across the city. Governor Sisolak has his goon squads harassing business about Covid rules on the daily.

That’s right, business license officers and compliance officers are visiting 300 businesses per day to ensure you’re following the rules of his Covid insanity.

Here is the statement from the Fuhrer:

We will continue to enforce and to educate businesses about the governor’s recent directive and social distancing requirements. Beginning this weekend, the city’s business license officers and compliance ambassadors will visit 2 percent of the city’s businesses, or about 300 businesses per day every day, to ensure they are following the governor’s recent directive. Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak recently signed Emergency Directive 033, adjusting statewide standards on gatherings and other areas. The new directive changes the previous limitation on gatherings from 50 people to 250 people or 50 percent of occupancy, whichever is less. This applies to both indoor and outdoor venues, including houses of worship.

Compliance ambassadors are not enforcing the directive; they are observing behaviors and verifying whether violations are occurring. If there is an enforcement action that needs to be taken, that will be done by a business license officer. The compliance ambassadors are existing city employees; they are not new hires or newly added positions. These employees have been reassigned to the ambassadors program temporarily from their normal department. These ambassadors have been trained to identify whether any violations of the directive are occurring and to educate the business owners. If these ambassadors observe a clear violation of the directive, they will refer that to a business license officer who will then visit the business and address the violation. Business license officers have the ability to write citations and issue fines.

By using ambassadors to observe behaviors, business license officers are able to focus 100 percent of their time on addressing violations, to help keep customers and employees safe.

For more information about the latest state directives, please visitnvhealthresponse.nv.gov.

What are your thoughts America? Tired of this BS yet?


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f66667 No.144106

File: 47878e66c12fc49⋯.png (952.07 KB,962x664,481:332,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657713 (151917ZNOV20) Notable: Mayor of Tomsk charged with abuse of power

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Mayor of Tomsk charged with abuse of power

IvanKleinpleaded not guilty

MOSCOW, November 14. / TASS /. Tomsk Mayor Ivan Klein was charged with abuse of power, the Investigative Committee press service told reporters on Saturday.

"He was charged with committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The accused pleaded not guilty," the department said.

Klein was detained in his office on November 13. On Saturday, at the request of the investigation, the court detained him.

The investigation believes that in 2016, the mayor, acting in the interests of Tomskoe Pivo (Tomsk Beer), of which he is the main shareholder, gave an illegal instruction to the head of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Tomsk Administration to enter in the geological information system inaccurate information about the presence of a 300-meter sanitary protection zone on the site where the enterprise is located. As a result, in January 2017, the general plan and rules for land use and development of Tomsk were changed, which is why the local entrepreneur was unable to use the land plot for the construction of residential buildings.


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f66667 No.144107

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657724 (151918ZNOV20) Notable: Netanyahu defends Pfizer deal: ‘This is a very good investment’

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Netanyahu defends Pfizer deal: ‘This is a very good investment’

Netanyahu said that some clauses of the contract were not, in fact, meant to be published and said that “we do not want to jeopardize the supply by revealing the details of these agreements.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended the country’s agreement with Pfizer Inc. to receive eight million doses of its coronavirus vaccine on Sunday, after the agreement was called into question over the weekend by Israeli media.

“This is a very good agreement,” Netanyahu said. “The price per dose is about a thousandth of the general expenses we have incurred from the coronavirus so far. This is a very good investment in the health and life of you, the citizens of Israel.”

On Friday, the Hebrew website Ynet received inside information that Israel was going to be paying NIS 800 million – NIS 100 per dose or NIS 200 per person – as every person needs two doses to be protected – for the Pfizer vaccine. In addition, it was revealed that the contract does not commit Pfizer to supply the vaccines to Israel. Rather, the contract includes only an intention to do so “according to circumstances.”

On Sunday, Health Minister Yuli Edelstein lashed out at whoever leaked the information and said that “a serious crime was committed on Friday… I have no doubt that it will make it difficult for us to reach agreements with other companies, because they have seen what we signed with Pfizer.”

Netanyahu said that in fact some clauses of the contract were not meant to be published and said that “we do not want to jeopardize the supply by revealing the details of these agreements.”

He added that he is confident that “if Pfizer provides vaccines to the world’s leading countries, it will provide exactly the same to us. I have absolute confidence that if it passes the FDA, the various health certification authorities and production, to the extent that it is provided to others, it will be provided to us as well. I have full confidence in that and I would not have feared it at all.”

On Friday afternoon, Israel signed a contract with Pfizer that was signed by Health Ministry Director-General Chezy Levy, Health Ministry Accountant, Hassan Ismail, and Pfizer’s vice president Janine Small. The contract was prepared after direct negotiations between Netanyahu and Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla.

Last week, Pfizer revealed an interim analysis of its Phase III study that showed the vaccine is 90% effective.

Israel also has contracts with Moderna Inc. and Arcturus to receive their vaccine candidates upon approval, however those companies have yet to publish any data on their Phase III human trials.


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f66667 No.144108

File: 8d0f616f03ea776⋯.png (258.02 KB,851x375,851:375,Clipboard.png)

File: b488cb4a646e92d⋯.png (398.39 KB,767x604,767:604,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657756 (151920ZNOV20) Notable: DC Police Blocked Off Trump Supporters and Forced Them to Walk Through BLM Mob Where They Knew They’d Be Attacked

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DC Police Blocked Off Trump Supporters and Forced Them to Walk Through BLM Mob Where They Knew They’d Be Attacked

As many as 500,000 patriots rallied in Washington DC today in support of President Donald Trump.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans traveled to Washington DC to show support for Trump and to prevent the theft of this presidential election.

After the massive march and rally several Trump supporters were assaulted and bloodied by the Black Lives Matter terrorist group.

This was allowed in our nation’s capital.


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f66667 No.144109

File: bc297c6962e30a5⋯.jpg (184.25 KB,1276x728,319:182,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657777 (151923ZNOV20) Notable: John Bolton was one of the dumbest people in government that I’ve had the “pleasure” to work with.

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John Bolton was one of the dumbest people in government that I’ve had the “pleasure” to work with. A sullen, dull and quiet guy, he added nothing to National Security except, “Gee, let’s go to war.” Also, illegally released much Classified Information. A real dope!


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f66667 No.144110

File: e04f1103b43708f⋯.png (67.12 KB,857x707,857:707,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11657831 (151926ZNOV20) Notable: SAME IMPOSSIBLE BALLOT RATIO Found in Milwaukee – Results Change Wisconsin Election – 30,000 Votes Switched from President Trump to Biden

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Part 3: SAME IMPOSSIBLE BALLOT RATIO Found in Milwaukee – Results Change Wisconsin Election – 30,000 Votes Switched from President Trump to Biden

Published November 15, 2020 at 8:07am


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A deep dive into the results in Milwaukee shows a similar pattern The Gateway Pundit found in Pennsylvania and Dr. Shiva found in Michigan. The more Republican the precinct the higher percentage of votes shifted from President Trump to Joe Biden.

We’ve also previously reported on the results from Milwaukee where the number of votes that went for Joe Biden made no sense using the statistical technique known as ‘Benford Analysis’:

Today we report the results of a similar analysis of the results in Milwaukee based on Dr. Shiva’s analysis. We analyzed precincts in Milwaukee and found again that votes were transferred from President Trump to Joe Biden in an unnatural pattern indicating fraud.

According to Dr. Shiva and others, the voting machines used in the US in the current election and in prior elections have the ability to store votes not as binomial characters but as fractions. This allows these machines to weigh votes for candidates and change elections based on this weighting.

There is NO REASON why this feature should be included on a voting machine.

There is only ONE REASON to include this feature on voting machines — to STEAL elections.

For example, if you like a candidate you count two votes for every vote he or she receives. If you don’t like a candidate you give that candidate one-half a vote for every vote that person receives. You then set up a voting machine’s weighting such that all votes are allocated based on you weighting. At the end of the day you count ballots and all are counted but the number of votes for the first candidate is nearly twice as much as the number of votes that candidate received and half as much of the number of votes for the second candidate. This can be done because we’ve found that votes are stored as decimals in US voting machines providing for manipulation and voter fraud.

Dr. Shiva was on with conservative talk show host Larry Elder and he explained this process in a short interview held during the past week:

The longer version of Dr. Shiva’s talk regarding the 2020 steal is provided below. In this video Dr. Shiva and two colleagues discuss the election in Michigan and how in three counties a minimum of 138,000 votes were transferred from President Trump to Joe Biden. This is because the voting machines used in these counties are able to allocate votes.


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