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File: ab292e5da98cf7f⋯.jpg (479.95 KB,1538x2796,769:1398,20240916_230454.jpg)

a3004b No.13575975

Let's talk about a topic we're often not allowed to talk about by the left. Since the 1990s the US has gradually gone completely crazy in regard to age gaps in relationships, before theb these laws were very rarely applied without a rape and only when the underage individual was a child not a teenager. In the 2010s it got even crazier, to the point that now 30 yos get insulted for dating 18 yos and 50 years olds even for dating 24 years olds. We're gradually moving toward less and less personal freedom. With US states raising their ages of consents in the last 20 years and the crazy way they're applied in many states a 19 years old can go to jail for years for dating a 17 yo. Growing up in Europe in a country with an age of consent of 14 I've always been used to very different standards and still today I know people in relationships that would be extremely illegal in the modern US, like a 19 yo dating a 14 yo, a 24 yo dating a 17 yo etc. Sadly but obviously as it always happen with woke american imperialism, they're doing their best to also push their standards over here and change our culture and our society, although at least here very slowly. Also, as the woke always do, they're also cancelling the past, like Elvis for when he started dating his wife or many old movies like Manhatthan like Allen for showing a 40 yo dating a 17 yo, which was normal at the time before the US West crazy.

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134623 No.13575984

go be a pedophile somewhere else

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0a2fb0 No.13575988


But where?

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18bb68 No.13576000


In hell faggot

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18bb68 No.13576001

File: c156a6b9377d612⋯.webp (41.76 KB,1080x1324,270:331,il_1080xN_3956904408_kkyu.webp)


First of all your wrong, you dont know basic science, the human brain doesn't develop to where you can make conscience decisions on your own until your around 18, because the brain is going through an adolescence stage of development from 13-18, and there hormones and feelings are scattered, with that in mind, it is not moral or natural for a man in there 50's to fuck a 13 year old girl

cope harder pedo faggot

try using this bullshit logic when chris hansen catches you, I dare you bitch

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bf79a4 No.13576020


shut the fuck up you pedo subhuman faggot

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