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File: e674f205e1b647b⋯.png (43.88 KB,596x294,298:147,1564969557.png)

File: 6e19578a6c5bef8⋯.png (117.71 KB,597x528,199:176,【魚拓】Kevin_Roose_on_Twitter….png)

d2c9cd No.13574096 [Last50 Posts]

You stupid, stupid faggots have done well in destroying this site. Congratulations. Magnifico. Bravo!



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46527d No.13574100


Have sex, incel.

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f3e85d No.13574107

File: 68a799a7c098be8⋯.jpg (51.08 KB,330x479,330:479,68a799a7c098be879088008d99….jpg)

Oh no, this shitty site with ban happy mods that delete manifestos is going go down? SAY IT AIN'T SO!

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19549d No.13574114

Oh no. I won't get to access a well, for years, compromised honey-pot.


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3866bb No.13574115

Is 8ch going bye bye? Where will I go. Can’t post on halfchan with a vpn.

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4cffae No.13574125

I can't wait, we'll have months of shill-free talks before you figure out where we've moved to.

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6e0397 No.13574133

File: 6309bf25e77760f⋯.png (153.98 KB,499x499,1:1,When the anger is uncontro….png)

Fuck you, /pol/. You've ruined this site for everyone.

Burn in hell, you larping nazi faggots.

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f6c5cc No.13574134

This site has been cancer for years now. No harm done tbh. Fuck Jim Watkins.

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19549d No.13574142


>You've ruined this site for everyone.

Glad I could help!

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724d30 No.13574144

We did it, Reddit!

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bb8597 No.13574155

Well, it was fun. When the day comes, we will all meet and purge the world of the shit skins. Off to greener pastures for now.

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a75f14 No.13574161

whatever see ya faggots

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00bdec No.13574165


ultra baste bantz and memes cant wait fellow national socialist

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6f6cb2 No.13574175

Lurking was fun

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928412 No.13574185

File: c6a65f525685310⋯.jpg (30.84 KB,800x800,1:1,98617.jpg)



It's not role play when you use the real thing.

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44534f No.13574187

File: 4bb5eea867fd6cc⋯.gif (111.22 KB,640x480,4:3,You what.gif)

>Fullchan is going to lose DDOS protection

So ledditors with Loic can take out 8ch at whim? What does it mean?

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276a91 No.13574189


site has been running like shit for months

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f3e85d No.13574195

File: bcaaddfaa700068⋯.gif (809.74 KB,640x640,1:1,everybody dance.gif)



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e356e3 No.13574201

File: 6e6bd5c6bfd481a⋯.gif (3.6 MB,720x480,3:2,HMM MAKES YOU THINK.gif)

This will be an interesting test. Q said "this board is protected". /qresearch/ is on 8ch. Guess we'll find out if they're for realzies or nawt. Heh.

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bbfcfe No.13574207

File: 2dbd2fcab3f30ca⋯.jpg (42.22 KB,314x456,157:228,Screenshot_219.jpg)


The truth shall triumph my friend.

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c386a2 No.13574211


Checked incel sex dubbbbs

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509f4f No.13574213


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c386a2 No.13574217


Lurk more and never post here again fag

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1f81c6 No.13574222

It’s been a pleasure fun posting with you lads. See you on the otherside

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7204f1 No.13574235


Define LARP

Heil hitler.

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49ac06 No.13574241

Well it's been fun, faggots. See you where I see you.

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5d8891 No.13574244


here you go

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5621b5 No.13574245

Good riddance

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f6c5cc No.13574246

Where we moving to anyway?

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c386a2 No.13574250



Shitpost till the end faggot don’t give up this is the best day of your life and you’re trying to escape it. Embrace it

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6b9c3a No.13574251


Boohoo, Libertarian cuck. You want to have memes while the West is utterly collapsing. The people who posted here before going postal were only caused by the degeneration and hopelessness of our situation and there will only be more of them whether or not this site goes down. Ultimately though, it will be men like them who change the political climate enough through acceleration for us to have a hope of doing anything. You fags who are only here for irony are just as bad as MAGAfags and cuckservatives because you don't get it: THERE IS NO PEACEFUL SOLUTION AND YOU WANT TO AVOID THE FUTURE AND REALITY BECAUSE YOU PREFER ESCAPISM AND BEING A PSEUDO INTELLECTUAL.


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e4614d No.13574254


>i wont get to access a well

dont worry fren, i have pee bottles for free

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97cf79 No.13574255


If it was a larp, how did the site get shut down again? Oh, right, people actually doing something.

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7204f1 No.13574256


Q is a Larp anyone that still falls for it obviously has brain damage.

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c386a2 No.13574258


The real world.

They should have just left us alone. All I ever wanted to do was play fucking video games

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7204f1 No.13574259


>implying anyone is going to use tor to go to nano zero or even mill.


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5d8891 No.13574260

File: 6485b9b5f0b4d4a⋯.webm (12.34 MB,674x380,337:190,Jinrui.webm)

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1f6cf7 No.13574261


site was already dead years ago

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f3e85d No.13574262



Lol, gay.

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00bdec No.13574263


>alphabet nigger staged events

>thats right we did it goys take that walmart

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c386a2 No.13574264


Freeeeeeeeeeeeeee peeeeeeeeeee crikeeeeeeee!!

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6cfa07 No.13574265


Any statement yet from Jim Watkins?

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c386a2 No.13574268


Ha made ya laugh

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0ab888 No.13574269


Over at >>>/vril/ the vol is cool as fuck and strictly adheres to rules, and also bans leftyfags on sight because fuck them, lol

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34abf6 No.13574270

Fuck lads

It's been an honour and a privilege gents

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5d8891 No.13574272



Then come here, they can't delete your posts.

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45bb80 No.13574275

I’m glad it’s dying tbh, the site died a few years ago anyway. This will be our chance to exodus to greener pastures anyway. Where else still exists?

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c386a2 No.13574276


Nah. He has chores to do still and he may be off doing god knows what but the fuckin pigs need fed regardless. Pigs can’t just feed themselves anon

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34abf6 No.13574278


Fuck off fedberg eat shit

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22176b No.13574279



I don't feel like it unless you fix it.

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e4614d No.13574280


>the real world

so just post our manifestos to facebook now?

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baedab No.13574281


Yeah because you've really accomplished much other then shutting down the few places where you could discuss your ideals.

Also wasn't the shooter a fucking child? Goes to show the people who post here.

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36bbcb No.13574282

8chan died a long time ago

Hotwheels was right

/intl/ was right

Imkampfy was right

Fuck Jim Watkins and his stupid gook son up the ass.

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631988 No.13574283


Have children, faggot.

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baedab No.13574284


>I'm glad it's dying


Nowhere you fucking idiots its, the end.

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ec729b No.13574285

>larp board full of schizos undoes site


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57bdcc No.13574287

What a fascinating time to be alive. See you boys around I guess. Unless nothing at all happens and we resume business as usual.

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c386a2 No.13574288


That works. Is MySpace still a thing? Print them out and tack them up in public spaces. Cork boards and such

Be subtle and creative

They want a butterfly war??? Fine I’ll give them a butterfly war !!

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285505 No.13574293

In the meantime, qtards are chimping out about the site going down. "Oh, lordy, how is q going to find us?". Kek

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6a8f7f No.13574294


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3af454 No.13574298

It was great shitposting with you niggers

I love all of you

except kikes, fags, and shitskins

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fdb7f1 No.13574300

now that everyone isnt going to have their fav shitposting board anymore I wonder what other t hings they can get up to

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5621b5 No.13574302

In the meantime you guys should get laid and learn what having a life is beyond your dicks and hands

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c386a2 No.13574304



Indeed. This is going to free up some daily time that I could put more effort into efforts

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19549d No.13574306


Reddit is going to become real weird for a while.


What's 8ch's onion?

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f3e85d No.13574308


We're all going to become scientists, doctors, and engineers.

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c386a2 No.13574310


Lol wut?

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f6c5cc No.13574311


There are plenty of other places you're just too retarded to find them.

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6b9c3a No.13574313


>Yeah because you've really accomplished much other then shutting down the few places where you could discuss your ideals.

Discussing ideals here is a waste of time because it accomplishes precisely fuck all and it gives people an excuse to avoid IRL action. If the chans shut down tomorrow, you'd all have to go and actually do stuff. I stopped posting here for 6 months and I got two academic studies published in prestigious journals. I only came back yesterday to celebrate the action of McLovin, a real fucking hero.

>Also wasn't the shooter a fucking child? Goes to show the people who post here.

I've met 10 people from this board IRL. All were grown men and professionals with degrees. Anyway, the shooter being a kid shows we're at least reaching a young audience.

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88b6a8 No.13574323


8Chan is Terminated

8chan is among the more than 19 million Internet properties that use Cloudflare's service. We just sent notice that we are terminating 8chan as a customer effective at midnight tonight Pacific Time. The rationale is simple: they have proven themselves to be lawless and that lawlessness has caused multiple tragic deaths. Even if 8chan may not have violated the letter of the law in refusing to moderate their hate-filled community, they have created an environment that revels in violating its spirit.


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6b9c3a No.13574330


Fag. Your service suck balls.

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3af454 No.13574333


I'm gonna shitpost even harder than before

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904727 No.13574334

Trump in 2015.

>“We’re losing a lot of people because of the Internet,” he said. “We have to see Bill Gates and a lot of different people that really understand what’s happening. We have to talk to them about, maybe in certain areas, closing that Internet up in some ways.”

It's cute that the thinks Gates is a big player in the internet (actually , he never really was, M$ were slow to adapt in fact), but what matters is the mentality. Trump doesn't really understand the internet, despite being a Twitter President. He is now in a position to demand that certain rights are curtailed.

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c386a2 No.13574336


Gay as fuck

It’s been real fellers

Press f to pay respects and pee pee poo poo pissssssss and shit


Antarctica threads were my favorite

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75b27c No.13574337


Oh man hirohito is gonna be so pissed when 2k fuming cybernazis land back on his shitboard.

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49ac06 No.13574339

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195ecb No.13574341

File: e9a2491ff611c45⋯.jpeg (487.2 KB,1344x756,16:9,angry birds.jpeg)

Friendly reminder that this board is completely and utterly compromised.

There are 5 threads shilling against Saint Crusius, 3 of which push the exact same false flag narrative with the exact same bullshit talking points. Yet, all of these identical threads have been allowed to stay up, while the thread which was made by Pat himself, which contained the manifesto, was deleted, just like the other threads who were praising him.

Hotwheels has personally confirmed on twitter that he wants /pol/ gone. The mods have done nothing about niggers, leftists and obvious shills spamming up the board after the recent occurences.

Lets hope this place gets shut down. We can reorganize on the TOR network, the additional anonymity will allow for better distribution of the real juicy stuff anyways, which is important since we are entering the era of pro-white terrorism.

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ad90a0 No.13574344

This site went obsolete when you dropped Gamergate and got Trump elected because it was funny.

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c386a2 No.13574346



Nothing is obsolete

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45bb80 No.13574350


There’s a ton of imageboards. I could name ten off the top of my head. I was here since first exodus so I’m used to a slower posting speed but higher quality posts anyway.

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631988 No.13574352


Guess it's time to go outside and do something in the real world for your race, huh?

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c386a2 No.13574353



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0b125e No.13574354

everything is fine


move along

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195ecb No.13574355


Cuckchan is even more of a mossad infested hell now, so no, its hardly obsolete, but that doesn't make it good.

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07dfac No.13574356

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baedab No.13574358

>The west is crumbling

>What should we do

<Lets take an action that will turn the entire country against us


40% of the country are liberal idiots, that's 160 million people, you faggots act like this is some victory but all this has done is fucked the site up for everyone else, and I know the majority of you are newfags, you came here and shit things up for the rest of us.

Fucking muslims of the internet.

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509f4f No.13574363

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b2ffa9 No.13574365


If this place gets shut down, where will the FBI shitpost all day?

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07dfac No.13574367



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f5d7d2 No.13574368


>. I could name ten off the top of my head.

well? do name them then

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a90a44 No.13574369

>Another day of /pol/ making waves, having fun, being alpha as fuck and making sure people know who the true internet hate machine is

>Another day of haters hatin' what they wish they could be



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19549d No.13574370



What are some good TOR chans?

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37a815 No.13574373


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e4614d No.13574374


>gamergate and trump election

>if i copy and paste the info from knowyourmeme they'll think im one of them

haha pools closed amirite?

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baedab No.13574377


Well now that it looks like its not going to be shut down, its great knowing that you faggots have solidified you as the replacement for /a/

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6b6d2c No.13574381


>they have proven themselves to be lawless

Proven how? Every time some fag has posted a "manifesto" it has been immediately removed, faster than the likes of facebook and twitter, which the shooters past and present used. The only "proof" is accusations as statement of "fact" with no rationale.

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e356e3 No.13574382


I guess we'll find out now, won't we? 1.5 hours b/f Cloudflare drops protection.

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9038fa No.13574384


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509f4f No.13574385

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f3e85d No.13574386


Do people expect the site to go down the moment cloudfare drops?

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45bb80 No.13574388


To all the fedniggers on this board? Lmao no. If you don’t know a single one then you’re one of the latecomer or shills. Just know that there is always a backup.

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f6c5cc No.13574391


cutie.garden obviously

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c386a2 No.13574392




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0bf034 No.13574394

File: 430b5992dc79cae⋯.webm (6.92 MB,480x360,4:3,the day that niggertits d….webm)

Oh no, don't kill another imageboard. This has never happened before. Whatever shall we do.

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e356e3 No.13574395



God bless that glorious faggot

I hope Clownflare loses business over their faggoty virtue signalling.

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509f4f No.13574396


its unlikely, leftist script kiddies probably are foaming at the herpes-infected mouth though

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19549d No.13574399


>They have proven themselves to be lawless

>Goybook hasn't

>>Christchurch fully streamed on goybook

>>hundreds of murders streamed on goybook

>>literal child porn hosted on goybook

>>mass calls to violence hosted on goybook


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f5d7d2 No.13574400


i know some but certainly not 10, tho i think you might be right in not naming them to the glownigger and normiefaggots

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6cfa07 No.13574403


Some of us just wanted to talk about the things you're not allowed to talk about publicly anymore, like why Mario Lopez was right and shouldn't have apologized. For the record, not supporting kids being transitioned on drugs, exploring pizzagate and criticizing the lack of traditional values are not evil. It's just unpopular and the sort of talk that gets punished - and that kind of talk shouldn't get punished.

But there's always some retard that takes it too far, and in this case kills a bunch of people.

If it stops another massacre I'm for it, but I wish I could talk openly on other sites without getting "cancelled". If other sites were able to withstand non-progressive views, this site wouldn't get traffic.

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c386a2 No.13574405





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6b6d2c No.13574409


>If it stops another massacre I'm for it,


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509f4f No.13574410


>But there's always some retard that takes it too far, and in this case kills a bunch of people

Killing is necessary, embrace accelerationism or stand aside

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6b9c3a No.13574411


You cunts are retarded. THe left is ethically replacing you – genocide, basically. But if some rightwinger shoots some turdworlders he goes to far. Fuck, people like you are why I'm starting to care less about white being replaced: you don't even have the instinct to fight back. You're like docile lapdogs.

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5621b5 No.13574412


What exactly do you guys have against mexicans in the first place?

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631988 No.13574414

If Tarrant with his highscore didn't get this place shut down, this El Paso mutt won't either.

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f6c5cc No.13574418

Mass shootings touch the souls of the world and are the only thing that give the rest of us value. Respec

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19549d No.13574419


Violence is good.

Violence is the White man's right.

Violence flows through our blood.

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7204f1 No.13574420


0chan and millchan for starters.

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6a227f No.13574421

File: 00b9c87d58ce69d⋯.jpg (66.77 KB,350x1253,50:179,love is always the way.jpg)


When I started out here, the learning curve was steep. I thought I knew so much, and then… I lurked on /pol/. Ideologically, I learned philosophy, biology, sociology, politics, etc., etc., etc. I knew alot, but I learned much more. But I came here for the complete freedom to discuss what couldn't be discussed elsewhere. Specifically, it was the best place to actually discuss whether Jews had the stranglehold on society that some people said. Good God, did I learn about that!

So, now I'll have to find green pastures somewhere else, redpilling as I go along. I can't just shut up and not have opinions anymore. People are gonna learn.


We got Trump elected because Hillary was (and is) a disastrous sociopath who (((connived))) an immanent war with Russia. Trump at least said he would keep us out of war.

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a5ddd4 No.13574422

File: cbb8a28620875b1⋯.jpg (341.78 KB,1920x1080,16:9,polbase-597a509876edb.jpg)




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6a8f7f No.13574423

File: ed271903c15488c⋯.jpg (13.52 KB,397x162,397:162,carrotstick.jpg)



u are a gorilla nigger fbimoron

>muh have to have a carrot on a stick to follow

saint my ass, they are all false flags. anyone who says that someone does something just for the pure idea of having others copy paste him like htey need to be told what to do like a monkey like people are incaapable of learning, is a fucking nigger>>13574341

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195ecb No.13574424

File: 037c588b7877d47⋯.png (110.46 KB,657x539,657:539,(you).png)


>beaners are people

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7e0a8f No.13574427

File: dd3916198510632⋯.jpg (24.3 KB,322x306,161:153,dd3916198510632b517ce63b2d….jpg)





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267784 No.13574428

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e356e3 No.13574430


>What exactly do you guys have against mexicans in the first place?

Nothing, as long as they stay in Mexico. If you ever lived among them for any length of time, you wouldn't have asked that question. If you haven't, then move there for at least 6 months. Preferably Mexico City.

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bf2243 No.13574431


I’m not going anywhere and neither are the ideas expressed on this bored. Sorry glow niggers but you fed faggots can’t kill an idea no matter how many Armenian finger puppet boards you (((shut down)))

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594ba3 No.13574432


this is why women should stay out of politics

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5c19ae No.13574436


double check!

WLP told us about these types. they don't have any interest to fight and will in fact blame us for 'getting our rights taken away'. they were never serious, we're not getting out of this thru good boi points.

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6b9c3a No.13574437


*They're subhumans that have no place in any country with an IQ above 90.

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f5d7d2 No.13574440

So how long till the site goes down?

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b1380c No.13574441


Sweet im going to Dailystormer.name now. See you later faggots.

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d0bc05 No.13574442

Pocketnet.app is up go on the blockchain fuck jannies fuck cloudflare

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e356e3 No.13574444


>*They're subhumans that have no place in any country with an IQ above 90.

Hey, look at Mexico's average IQ! What are the chances, right?!

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7204f1 No.13574450


And the next thing you know you'll be kicking and screaming with piss in your pants.

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6b9c3a No.13574454


Cool story bro.

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629d7b No.13574458

This is what 8ch gets for exposing the crisis actors.

Even if 8ch shuts down, there will be an alternative. Maybe even on Tor (worse for the feds, great for posters).

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d0bc05 No.13574460


Back to the reddit come on pocketnet.app go on the blockchain. Fuck jannies fuck kikes.

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18c9fa No.13574461


Just like how censorship post-Charlottesville prevented Tarrant, Earnest, and Crucius, right? LMAO

It's going to have the opposite effect, and it'll be worse for you because you're unable to prevent it in time.

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a5ddd4 No.13574463


12 am Pacific

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509f4f No.13574467




Good, stay there forever.


You niggers/spics/kikes/all of the above can enjoy the material world for the little time you have left to spend in it. God knows you are predestined for Hell.


>bloated javashit website

>"download our windows client"

>(((social network)))

No thanks anon

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de180b No.13574470


So you are proud to be on welfare?

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eb30fd No.13574471


>tax payer money

Unfortunately for you, I'm making a post now about just that. I fairly lazy, but now I'm annoyed. No one here has to pay an "income" tax.

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5621b5 No.13574473

anyways stan Loona

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629d7b No.13574474


Shit. I shouldn't have clicked on that link. Someone probably has my IP now.

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6a498f No.13574477

I can't post. FUCK.

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76fc1e No.13574479



Millchan and 0chan and the ruskie version

What more can you ask for?

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db7a25 No.13574481

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Happymeals wants /pol/ gone

>Hotwheels is sounding like moot

Is it officially /pol/ harbor 2: electric boogaloo?

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509f4f No.13574482


post links

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c386a2 No.13574484


Literally everything you nigger spic

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19549d No.13574485



None of my source links in my TORbookmarks are still active, so I can't even get started.

However newfag I sound is fine.

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dd03d7 No.13574489


Excuse me? Some of us HAVE lived among Mexicans and found they are astoundingly like white people in the real world.

Your racism is showing big time here.

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509f4f No.13574491


fuck off reddit

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c386a2 No.13574492


Fuck off cuck

I hate beaners and I hate fucking niggers

You type like a cunt and your shit is weak

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195ecb No.13574494

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7e0a8f No.13574495


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6a227f No.13574496



you can take that canard and shove it

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71a320 No.13574497


>Any of you gloating over the potential take down of this site should commit suicide immediately, you ungrateful cunts.

>Any of you paranoid fags that call this place a honeypot or say it's infested with shills or believe that glowing CIA niggers are all of the place, you should all kill yourselves, you bunch of do-nothings.

>8chan is great, despite some of its more worthless parts, like the above mentioned. I have loved this site and gone here whenever I wanted to find some sanity in this dark world. For all the anons who feel the same, may God guide you on your journey forward and may we all meet again if this is truly the end.

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d0bc05 No.13574499


>skip download

>no jannies there

try it nigger

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b2c0d4 No.13574500


<good bye my fellow whites

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ca9bea No.13574501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>You stupid, stupid faggots have done well in destroying this site.

Aye aye, and good buy!

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629d7b No.13574502

Only purpose to be on clearnet chan is because of more people and its faster to send and view threads.

Hope most people move to tor chans if 8ch gets shut down.

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71a320 No.13574503


Any of you gloating over the potential take down of this site should commit suicide immediately, you ungrateful cunts.

Any of you paranoid fags that call this place a honeypot or say it's infested with shills or believe that glowing CIA niggers are all of the place, you should all kill yourselves, you bunch of do-nothings.

8chan is great, despite some of its more worthless parts, like the above mentioned. I have loved this site and gone here whenever I wanted to find some sanity in this dark world. For all the anons who feel the same, may God guide you on your journey forward and may we all meet again if this is truly the end.

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5621b5 No.13574505

Here’s where we can move to next. https://youtu.be/SvV49SD99DY

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529db9 No.13574506

You know what really grinds my gears? Our Moderators who don't do fucking dick no matter how many times you report content. Why is the wheel chair faggot complaining about another mass-shooting when his Mods refuse to remove threads that glorrify shooters with meme creating threads?

We have fucking honey pot thread right now that's active that talks about how to make supressors, we also had a thread that stayed up that glorified doing attacks on infrastructure.

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509f4f No.13574510


What a time to be alive. At times when life seemed so stagnant and gloomy, I prayed for this day to come

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195ecb No.13574511


>Any of you paranoid fags that call this place a honeypot or say it's infested with shills or believe that glowing CIA niggers are all of the place, you should all kill yourselves, you bunch of do-nothings.

t. glowing CIA niggers

I think there are dozens of feds here trying to damage control by pushing retarded false flag narratives and shilling against the shooters

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6b9c3a No.13574512


>they are astoundingly like white people


my fake meat vegan burger is astoundingly like a real burger


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7e0a8f No.13574513









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99edae No.13574517

I'll miss you frens, the years have gone by fast and god knows if I'll go back to half chan..

But… Jim will probably just move to BitMitigate

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f83f68 No.13574519


Everybody talks about LARP until we come for you :)

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c386a2 No.13574520

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ca9bea No.13574521

I'd like to say that it's been nice but like raping a negress, it's not really that much fun at all.


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6b9c3a No.13574522


>I think there are dozens of feds here trying to damage control by pushing retarded false flag narratives and shilling against the shooters

Those falling for it have rock-bottom IQs. The angle they're taking with McLovin is worse than the socks-changing-colours argument used against Tarrant.

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7204f1 No.13574524



Download zeronet or 0net.

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629d7b No.13574525


The owner can't moderate the site 24/7 nor can he hire people since he doesn't make significant money from the site.

This site doesn't need to be moderated. No threads need to be removed except for those violating U.S law.

If you think hate speech should be moderated then you are a cuck.

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ed387c No.13574526

Well faggots, at least you've got nothing left to lose

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c386a2 No.13574527


Cmon don’t be salty

That was fun as fuck

You blokes are top codgers and I consider you all the fecklessest of faggots

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1aedd0 No.13574528

The time for exodus is now.

end chan.xyz/pol

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509f4f No.13574531


There are obviously fedposters but schizo niggers who claim literally everything is a false flag are arguably more detrimental than feds. If you talk about happenings online than you shouldn't be giving out clues that would allow the feds to triangulate who you are in the first place

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195ecb No.13574534


Already opened in another thread

>why has the cloudflare building such large windows

Already enjoying it

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71a320 No.13574535


t. paranoid faggot

I'm tired of you idiots calling everyone that actually does something besides sit on an armchair, a false flag.

Fuck you faggot.

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262602 No.13574541

Tell chodemonkey to switch to Bitmitigate, they are protecting Daily Stormer


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1aedd0 No.13574544


You mean another thread's talking about End/pol/?

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7e0a8f No.13574545


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c386a2 No.13574546



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eb3409 No.13574547

You know cloudflare is not the only provider that offer ddos protection, right?

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60484e No.13574548


no, try to get something different if you can. Don't put all your eggs in 1 basket, you're just asking to be attacked

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76fc1e No.13574549


Download zeronet and the site will be there.

As for the ruskie version.


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87d2a6 No.13574552

Sad that the cracker-dome is closed? Might I suggest moving to the new white-skinned stadium, penguinoasis.com?

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7e0a8f No.13574554


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923b30 No.13574559

This could be a huge money maker for Jim. I doubt 8chan makes money on ads, but converting it into a lawsuit mill seems like it has potential to be extremely profitable. We'll drive the niggers to DDOS 8chan, Jim can sue them 24-7. Turn the process into an extremely efficient settle out of court scheme.

Oh and not only could he claim settlement cash, he could also push for legal sentences against people they catch.

We can turn 8chan into our own version of a proverbial DDOS honeypot =D

posted this in other thread

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19549d No.13574560


Excuse yourself nigger.

Glowniggers had a presentation about how they totally infiltrated /pol/ while samefagging left and right. Wasn't long after Christchurch.

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92539c No.13574561

File: 86adf981753f8b7⋯.mp4 (9.52 MB,640x360,16:9,86adf981753f8b79bfee8bcf34….mp4)

Well boys, I guess this is the end of 8chan. I'll leave you all with this.

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5621b5 No.13574562

man I almost feel bad for how pathetic you guys are

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923b30 No.13574564

The legality of DDoS attacks has been argued both in the U.S. and abroad. Some say penalties are far too harsh, comparing DDoS attacks to peaceful protest. Others argue that these types of attacks are criminal and meant to disrupt and cause damage. Regardless of what side of the fence you stand, the reality is that DDoS is a difficult issue to address.

Distributed denial of service is the act of overwhelming a server until it can no longer perform. In simple terms, a successful DDoS attack occurs when repeated requests are sent to a target machine at a rate that exceeds the bandwidth and capabilities of the web server, causing it to go offline. There is no lasting damage, but until the attack stops there will be intermittent performance issues and downtime.

In the United States, DDoS attacks fall under federal statutes. Participants run the risk of being charged with both criminal and civil complaints. There is no point in distinguishing between distributed attacks and denial of service, as both types of attacks fall under the same laws. A person simply needs to have culpability in the attack or attempt it to be liable for prosecution.

The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (the “CFAA”) prohibits a person from “knowingly caus[ing] the transmission of a program, information code, or command, and as a result of such conduct, intentionally causes damages without authorization to a protected computer” (see 18 U.S.C. § 1030(a)(5)(A)). While broadly worded, DDoS can be classified as transmission of a “program, information code, or command”. Damage is defined as “any impairment to the integrity or availability of data, a program, a system, or information” under 18 U.S.C. § 1030(e)(8).

Under the guidelines of the law, those found guilty can face up to 20 years in prison. The law stipulates different sentencing structures, each depending on the severity of the attack as well as the intended target. Attacks against government websites and financial institutions face the harshest penalties, especially where national security is concerned.

Beyond the criminal nature of DDoS, the civil component can mean hefty fines. One Wisconsin man learned this the hard way when he was fined $183,000 for his involvement in an Anonymous DDoS attack. His participation amounted to one minute. The attack targeted the Koch Industries website, with the entire attack lasting only 15 minutes. The company cited business losses of only $5,000 making this sentence seem disproportionate to the crime, some have argued.

In any case, DDoS attacks are a tricky thing to prosecute. Not only because of the act itself, which is often difficult to trace, but because DDoS attacks often involve other crimes. Most attackers rely on botnets to carry out attacks, which means system intrusions and malware. Evidence of this in conjunction with DDoS attacks mean more charges and longer sentencing.

DDoS Used In Commission of Crime

DDoS is often used as part of a larger crime or simply used as a diversion for fraud. There have been many documented cases of DDoS being used as a tool for extortion. Attacks have also been used to aid in theft, as was the case when fraudsters used DDoS to distract banks from wire transfers used to steal millions.

It’s cases like these that undoubtedly spur lawmakers into handing out long sentences for DDoS, but there are still others who argue DDoS is nothing more than a virtual ‘sit in’.

DDoS As Peaceful Protest

Protest is an expression of objection to particular events, policies or situations. Protest is an important part of free speech — it allows all those who are against something the collective right to voice their opinion and allow their message to be heard. DDoS attacks are argued by some to be a form of protest, not unlike standing in front of a store with signs in hand. The Guardian wrote a compelling piece advocating DDoS as free speech. There has even been a petition to the White House, calling on government to recognize DDoS as online protest.

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7e0a8f No.13574565



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c386a2 No.13574566

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923b30 No.13574567


So long story short, the left claims DDOSing is protected by free speech. However, the argument is clear that DDOSing interferes with OUR free speech.

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19549d No.13574569


Thanks but I don't speak Russian at all.

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66a6f2 No.13574570



The site may be going, but the memes will still spread!

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509f4f No.13574571


change your pants, it smells like you shit yourself.

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71a320 No.13574572


Infiltrated my ass, what are they doing? "Haha, fellow anon here guys, know where I can get those bomb plans?"

They do jack shit and you are paranoid.

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19549d No.13574573


>niggers are held accountable to the law


good one m8

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a2eecc No.13574574


We knew the persecution was waiting for us ahead and so now we must face it head on with every ounce of our strength. /pol/acks are the strongest men online and will make it out of this even stronger. The day will come when all of the hurt they've caused us, all of the persecution we've suffered will wash away and only pride and glory will remain. Love you lot and hope to see you when we've taken control of our countries.






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f83f68 No.13574576

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923b30 No.13574578


They don't have a choice. If Jim files a lawsuit and they don't show up, the judgement is automatically applied. The jews set the system up to abuse people, why not turn the kike system against the kikes?

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c386a2 No.13574579


Heil Hitler

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

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1aedd0 No.13574580


Glowniggers controlled 8/pol/ WAY WAY before Christchurch. Jim was when it took place.

Again, this isn't the end, it's time for an exodus

end chan.xyz/pol/

Remove the spacing as it's banned to type it out.

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6cfa07 No.13574582

"Daniel List" on TOR has a lot of live *.onion links. If anybody is looking for other chans you can find some by searching here (just be careful you don't stumble onto a CP site or anything terrible like that):


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c52d82 No.13574585


but your mom is on goybook, so it can do no wrong. Otherwise mom might start to question the narrative. So get your mom on pol or the next pol.

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a2eecc No.13574586


You have become the oppressor.

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c386a2 No.13574589



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7e0a8f No.13574590


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d0bc05 No.13574591

Go pocketnet.app

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bba99e No.13574592

This cant be the end anons we have the numbers, we can blitzkrieg bunkerchan….

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b0137a No.13574593

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6ac23f No.13574594

What can’t the board owner make a new rule forbidding manifestos

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c386a2 No.13574596

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Sieg Heil /pol/

For morale

For our people

For victory in the face of impossible odds!!

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19549d No.13574597


Right. But a judge must rule that a default judgement is "allowed" then make the default judgement. That is if he doesn't just dismiss the civil side and criminal side out right. Like he did with those high schoolers' law suit against the (((MSM))).

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a2eecc No.13574602


It's a moral panic and 8chan is the boogeyman. Shitskins have to have their enemy they can direct their anger to or else they start self-hating again.

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5621b5 No.13574603

every single one of you inbreds are White Trash.

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19549d No.13574604


>Glowniggers controlled 8/pol/ WAY WAY before Christchurch. Jim was when it took place.

I understand this. I was just pointing to a very recent example with their own slide show shit as proof.

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d0bc05 No.13574607

Go pocketnet.app fuck jannies, fuck mods fuck Cloudflare

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7e0a8f No.13574608



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a2eecc No.13574609


nobody cares mutt

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76fc1e No.13574610



Then go download zeronet and go to 0chan from there or mill since the two used to be on the surface not to long ago.

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d0bc05 No.13574611


just go pocketnet.app fuck jannies fuck cloudflare

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1aedd0 No.13574612


Why should we use Zerochan? We have a normal and Tor compatible /pol/, that isn't a botnet like 8ch is, which is End/pol/.

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c386a2 No.13574613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sieg Heil

Nothing can stop us

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6b6d2c No.13574615


"manifestos" were already immediately deleted. As the other responder has pointed out, it's irrational reaction and accusation with 8chan the fall guy to appease the nonsensical.

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05dc85 No.13574617




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69e19d No.13574618


Q isn't a LARP, he really is a glownigger, and that's exactly why he shouldn't be trusted.

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76fc1e No.13574619

You know what I dont get about shitkins lads.

They are capable of building first world nations except niggers, but the reason they can't is due to how selfish they can be when you got a shitkin who has noble motives and ideas like qadaffi but to some it isn't enough is fucking mind boggling!

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15c3f5 No.13574621

Where will all the glowniggers glow brightly now?

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7e0a8f No.13574623














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76fc1e No.13574624


Because of alternatives?

If your gonna use tor then at best they are a few chans to my knowledge like nano, endchan is not necessarily exclusive to tor.

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a2eecc No.13574625


Yeah this is an interesting move on their part. I'd guess they have a deanonymization tool they're going to try to bust out for the .onion chans or they're ready to lock up a bunch of shitposting white men. They've lost the moral high ground though after this.

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1aedd0 No.13574626


I'm talking about Endchan. I used to use Nano, but I stopped posting there after the Christchurch shooting.

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509f4f No.13574627


stop shilling for your gay (((social-network))) you retarded kike

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1aedd0 No.13574628


My point here is that Endchan is both surface and Tor like 8ch, but at the same time isn't a total botnet.

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8218c5 No.13574629

Funny how this is the straw that breaks the camels back but not all the other shootings and nigger killing white people

These kikes just hate white men and don't want them having a say in anything anymore

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5621b5 No.13574631

I’m just gonna assume the more guns a man owns the smaller his dick is

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6b6d2c No.13574634


>These kikes just hate white men and don't want them

s/having a say/existing/ anymore.

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7e0a8f No.13574635


I'll rape you until you give birth to a white male baby sweaty

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19549d No.13574636


>hurrr you own something you're entitled to regardless of what the government thinks, as it clearly states in the bill of rights

>therefore your dick is small

Why are you /leftyfaggots/ so obsessed with men's cocks?

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76fc1e No.13574637


Good point.

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a2eecc No.13574638


This just goes to show the FBI is utterly incompetent. I know many people like to meme that shitskins are dragging down the federal agencies but this just goes to show it's true. They can't even do basic policing KEK. They had the shooter's manifesto two hours before it happened with his fucking name from the moderator team. Thread went down instantly due to good moderating as well. Did they just let the shooting happen or are they utterly incompetent and inefficient. I'd say the latter.

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5621b5 No.13574639


can't do anything to me honey when your cock it microscopic :)

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7204f1 No.13574640


Ya imagine if more shitkins were more like quadaffi?

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8218c5 No.13574641


cause it's all they think about, they love cocks in their ass

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a2eda2 No.13574642


It was an inevitably regardless if these shootings happened or not. You really thought the morons who advocate censorship weren't waiting for any opportunity to force this situation? If not mass shootings they would have implicated this place for a variety of other "extremist" actions, false flagged or not.

Any counter-extremism expert would note that 8chan isn't really a source of radicalization, rather serving as a pen for people already in that disposition. If anything most of the best redpilling material imaginable, is simply showing people the propaganda patterns that already exist in the media. Which means taking 8chan offline will have no real impact on attitudes expressed (the source of agitation is unaffected). It may even agitate more people into action.

>inb4 no it won't

It will definitely, because blocking all the relief valves isn't exactly a great way to deradicalize people, it does the opposite.

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c375bf No.13574644

Happy dance.

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5621b5 No.13574645


why do you assume everyone on here is a guy

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7e0a8f No.13574646



My dick has made women cry and then made me feel bad because I didn't want to hurt them

Now I DO want to make women cry because of my dick. Nothing nice is going to come from that and you should be afraid.

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8218c5 No.13574647

File: fd30aac8cab07ec⋯.jpg (83.48 KB,605x658,605:658,1564627571601.jpg)

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b477e6 No.13574648

>democrats start looking horrible before elections, especially after the attack on the ICE facility

>suddenly two shootings done by conservatives

>media guns for the various imageboards which were a big reason for politics shifting the way they have (whether you think trump is controlled opposition or not)

Seems pretty dang fishy to me.

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5621b5 No.13574649


sure big guy, whatever you tell yourself at night

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02e8ed No.13574652


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1aedd0 No.13574653


Newfag, Rule 37.

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a2eecc No.13574655


>It will definitely, because blocking all the relief valves isn't exactly a great way to deradicalize people, it does the opposite.

They should probably recruit you anon. It baffles me that they expect paranoid schizophrenic boomers with persecution complexes to just go back to watching CNN after this.

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15c3f5 No.13574656



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1aedd0 No.13574657



Sorry, meant to reply to >>13574645

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19549d No.13574658


tits or GTFO nigger

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6a311c No.13574659

FUCK this FAGGOT KIKE REJECT site. Shut it the FUCK. Off. and literally FUCK yourself if you shill this literal fucking FAGGOT website. Fuck You.

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6b6d2c No.13574660


>by conservatives

claiming such no doubt but not backup up by evidence, shows sjwtifa camp instead.

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4f026d No.13574661


I guess the whole "looking into labeling antifa as terrorists" after that ICE attack is off the table now, convenient isn't it.

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5621b5 No.13574663


damn thirsty much? you definitely don't get laid

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c52d82 No.13574664


Right, whatever happened with that Las Vegas thing anyhoo? Or twitter allowing ISIS statements. Or the daily slaughterhouse that is Chicago/Baltimore/New Orleans/etc? They only make a fuss here due to their ulterior motives of course.Attacking alternate voices, attacking alternate information sources.Attacking any resistance to their game.

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7e0a8f No.13574665


I have no incentive to lie, this is an anonymous imageboard. I'm embarrassed, and humiliated, because I fucked girls and hurt them, because I honestly loved the woman I miss and made her a worse person because I was in her life. I am deeply hurt by my failure to love the woman in my life enough and understand how to love and cherish her. I wish every white male would never, ever hurt a girl he loved as much as I did. I will readily admit I am a failure as a man. It hurts my heart. But you will never, ever, ever admit you were wrong like I will.

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69e19d No.13574666


wow calm down man, chill dude, just smoke some weed sweetie

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eb3409 No.13574668

Expect more shootings soon. :)

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6b6d2c No.13574669


jesus, just how much soy did you take?

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18c9fa No.13574670




What two shootings were done by conservatives? One was done by a leftist: >>13572189

The reason why there's a a bigger outcry with the right as opposed to the left is because they left is effective in weaponizing these incidents to advance their overall political power.

The conservatives in place are literally dumb people who are unwilling to do anything that would advance their political power. They just cuck on everything until it's too late. See how Ben Shapiro repeatedly sides with the left. Fuck him.

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5621b5 No.13574671

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69e19d No.13574672


Is that a threat? You just gave my cousin Moshe a seizure, don't joke around like that.

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1aedd0 No.13574673


endchan xyz

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4128b8 No.13574675

BTW the ohio shooter was a commie larping as one of us.



piss off fed

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629d7b No.13574676



from one newfag to another

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7e0a8f No.13574677


Not enough to fuck you.

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c52d82 No.13574678


nigger, anyone having sex on the reg doesn't bring it up every post like you failmales. Every post by your ilk is talking about dicks and sex. What a bunch of faggots. No wonder everyone hates you huh.

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923b30 No.13574679

I have to wonder how many people come here to release pressure/stress so they don't act out. Seems to me attempting to silence people is effectively closing a pressure valve necessary to keep shit from exploding.

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bbba49 No.13574681


Thank you, come again!

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6b6d2c No.13574682


> breaks character, retorts to wouldn't fuck you after pretending to be a guy

you did an oopsie.

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4128b8 No.13574684


Piss off newfag. 2 years lurking minimum before posting.

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5621b5 No.13574686


well clearly it's not working cause people are still winding up dead

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7e0a8f No.13574687


This, tbh.

This website is the only thing protecting society from a hundred mass shooters. That's why I hope, and pray, that the jews shut it down.

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6a311c No.13574688


Well fucking said Yo

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5621b5 No.13574689


where did you get the impression no girls are on this site just wondering

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bbba49 No.13574690


wow those guys are gay as fuck.

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bb47e4 No.13574692


If you spell it out in heads…. does that work? Or do you have to paint in blood, cause I really suck at artsy shit.

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109f71 No.13574693


>where did you get the impression no girls are on this site just wondering

2 decades minimum orbiter

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bb47e4 No.13574695


Maybe we can learn to code…. irl.

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5621b5 No.13574696


lmao I mean if you need to tell yourself that I'm a guy to feel secure then I won't stop you

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2866b1 No.13574697

File: 4e04f759583acf6⋯.jpg (68.96 KB,960x275,192:55,Dehumanization.jpg)

Can you imagine history class 100 years from now? When the kids learn how the ethnoglobe began when fedniggers and verified checkmark kikes triggered a DDoS of a Malay clit-piercing forum and drove all the fat virgins into the street with assault rifles.

I am genuinely looking forward to watching the world's dumbest lesbians kicking things off by crashing this shithole. My body is ready.

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bbba49 No.13574700

File: a72a5dee79f1b9c⋯.png (6.43 KB,390x470,39:47,1543815018248.png)


Powerful statement by t.incelmarxistdragqueen6969smokemetheveryday

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f80bfc No.13574701


Kapitulieren? Nein!

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3d28fc No.13574702


That's basically the case. /pol/ and 8chan are one of the last vestiges of free speech for people to just let their minds out.


I don't agree because the less we're able to actually talk about these problems and come together on issues, the less prepared we'll be. We're not really unified on ideas and goals. We have different visions for the future of the country, none of which are really correlate.

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01f5bc No.13574704


So that's it. Some faggot kills a bunch of people and this place gets blamed for it. I guess this really is the end. This placed is fucked and 4chan is now full of underaged fags and millennials. This is bullshit.

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19549d No.13574707



I'm not a nigger, speak English.

Also by your logic what does that make you? All that you post about is cocks or sex.

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2866b1 No.13574708

File: fd456f0e25deae8⋯.png (92.76 KB,511x398,511:398,Welcome_to_PO.png)


Sucks to be from one of the innocent boards.

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5bb209 No.13574709


Why would NSA contractors shut down 8chan?


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82e0e2 No.13574711

File: a0d87c31db962a8⋯.png (87.24 KB,1140x761,1140:761,prince.PNG)

File: 29adf46fc0eacdd⋯.png (47.49 KB,1168x317,1168:317,prince 2.PNG)

did a little research on the ceo of cloudflare matt prince and got pics related

apparently he was part of project honeypot


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c2371a No.13574712


No, he's Pamphlet Anon from the Patriotard LARPbox, and before that he was a mentally ill Trumpnigger who thought he was psychic.

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a2eecc No.13574713


Don't forget literally every paid VPN is banned from 4chan so you'll have to roll your own VPS if you want to post there pseudo-anonymously.

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dc1183 No.13574714

File: f0145a54d75a3b1⋯.jpg (634.86 KB,2121x1414,3:2,funs.jpg)



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32000c No.13574715

Oy vey our nahtzee propaganda machine to exterminate whites will be shut down! Cloudfare are anti semites!

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f80bfc No.13574716

File: af60fabc8e95285⋯.jpg (31.84 KB,750x422,375:211,hitler smiling.jpg)


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7e0a8f No.13574717

File: 3e54129f709cafb⋯.jpg (30.94 KB,800x531,800:531,6aee75bc.jpg)

Ready, steady, go!

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bba99e No.13574718


We can raid bunkerchan and drive out the lefties

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4128b8 No.13574722

File: 6edac197f2ad689⋯.png (81.3 KB,400x380,20:19,a69ff68e13269241504cb245a8….png)

put me in the screencap

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9387f9 No.13574723

File: 6a57885a58eb946⋯.jpg (458.32 KB,1024x954,512:477,6a57885a58eb946a90f7591b23….jpg)

Lmao you guys got fucking owned.

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32000c No.13574724



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1aedd0 No.13574725



>free speech

They literally wordfilter words and ban you for that here.


There's always Endchan. When there's despair, there's an exodus.

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c2371a No.13574726

File: 9492599923da24c⋯.jpg (726.04 KB,578x2325,578:2325,jewish incest.jpg)

File: fefed88f951b28d⋯.png (66.03 KB,586x749,586:749,Talmud - Incest with niece….png)



You must be confused, we aren't jews.

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a0ddb7 No.13574727


>now that everyone isnt going to have their fav shitposting board anymore I wonder what other t hings they can get up to

Perhaps killing people

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9f3e71 No.13574729

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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6a311c No.13574731


LITERALLY Fucking Fact

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bb53e8 No.13574733


>Dropped by honeypot sjw cloudflare

>Literally hundreds of better alternatives

<“Thanks for destroying the site retards”


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b477e6 No.13574734


I thought they were trying to play him off as a conservative. Either way, the first shooting sounded fishy to me from the get go. Why would an anon who lurked here go out and kill a bunch of random Mexicans in a Walmart for no reason. We are winning the culture war and supposedly were getting our wall, liberals were looking nutty to the average Americans and (((they))) were losing their media… then suddenly, boom.

I don’t buy it. I think the timing is way to convenient, but I suppose we’ll see what they do tomorrow and if the people in control finally make the play to take everyone’s guns.

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f80bfc No.13574740

File: 4688bba4567efc2⋯.jpeg (120.21 KB,600x921,200:307,hitler_qoute.jpeg)

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6b7b14 No.13574742



>he didn't even post a pic of a good AK.

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050df8 No.13574743


I suggest checking out Lainchan although they have no /pol/ board and it is mostly a comfy place.

Hopefully 8chan will get a host headquartered in a foreign nation that also hosts porn sites. I would recommend that the higher ups check out third world nations for companies that do so.

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9387f9 No.13574744

File: 508505d7eff391a⋯.jpg (877.81 KB,1200x1195,240:239,508505d7eff391a5ce02d9dfe0….jpg)

Fucking owned.

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4f026d No.13574746

File: 53e5ab1cbd8cdff⋯.jpg (1.43 MB,3696x2645,3696:2645,....01.jpg)

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4128b8 No.13574748

File: 01f6172d3ccd3fd⋯.mp4 (4.72 MB,640x360,16:9,Beautiful.mp4)



3 cents have been deposited into your account.

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56717c No.13574749

All per the jew's plan. No worries, it will be a bumpy ride but there's no stopping it.

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2866b1 No.13574752

File: c94240e8cc23d69⋯.jpeg (164.47 KB,750x702,125:117,Real_Reich_Friends.jpeg)


It's okay. This place served its purpose and radicalized us good enough to start things rolling.

Remember the airstrike we and the /b/ fags called down on ISIS? Remember driving Shia La-whatever insane? Remember election night shitposting? Don't be sad that it ended – be glad it happened at all, and that you are now a weapon for exterminating the kike filth who've done so much to deserve it.

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f80bfc No.13574755

File: c237c28e0e0a383⋯.png (538.18 KB,1024x373,1024:373,ClipboardImage.png)


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2328e1 No.13574756


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f14414 No.13574757

9chan is alive and well


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9387f9 No.13574758

File: f128a2221d92b00⋯.jpg (2.4 MB,3688x3304,461:413,1375886013059.jpg)

The cancer is finally getting removed!

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109f71 No.13574765

File: c4adf0f89c48f49⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,1920x2951,1920:2951,Hesnotwrong.jpg)


the only reason I would care if you are not a guy is if breeding or sandwich making were involved. You shouldn't be proud of your mental handicap.

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25571c No.13574769

Pinches putos nazis, se merecen esto y mas.

You fucking nazi faggots, you deserve this and more.

A Mexican


Please come to mexico so we can rape your fucking incel asses.

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4128b8 No.13574772

File: b823a162941e43a⋯.webm (15.86 MB,810x450,9:5,Bots_-_Was_Wollen_Wir_Tri….webm)

this is now a /pol/ webm thread

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17232a No.13574773

File: 417c7b5b7724b8d⋯.png (338.21 KB,1919x1079,1919:1079,ZeroNet_SC.png)

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a2eecc No.13574778


nobody cares shitskin

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32000c No.13574779


Shiter goy!

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4128b8 No.13574780

File: cd27f79dbc217b9⋯.webm (7.63 MB,426x240,71:40,natsoc.webm)

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352f84 No.13574781


Nobody is afraid of you nigglet.

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9387f9 No.13574782

File: 7982a6b806e92b8⋯.png (600.65 KB,1304x698,652:349,1375886133540.png)

>No cloudflare

You guys are about to get the living shit DDOSed out of you lmao.

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170ca3 No.13574785


Losers taking the rhetoric seriously. Bound to happen, I guess. If you’re thinking of going out and hurting others because of stuff you read here, just stop coming here. Seek help.

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a2eecc No.13574789


Congrats you have achieved an IQ of 80

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cf0825 No.13574790

File: 4f31a4f6de17a80⋯.jpg (71.75 KB,480x653,480:653,1438697065493.jpg)

put me in the screencap

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62b1e4 No.13574791


what the fuck poop skin? Nobody cares.

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6a311c No.13574792



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7e0a8f No.13574794

File: 2015baeea25dcb4⋯.jpg (43.09 KB,550x430,55:43,floozy.jpg)

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f80bfc No.13574798

File: 8c4cf21290e0ac4⋯.png (876.67 KB,800x535,160:107,ClipboardImage.png)


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9387f9 No.13574799

File: ced015ee9f0a4a4⋯.jpg (443.28 KB,1024x665,1024:665,ced015ee9f0a4a4b8106a6533b….jpg)


Congrats you just got fucking owned.

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a7e39e No.13574803


51 sandniggers, 20 spics, 1 kike dead. Not too bad.

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bb47e4 No.13574804


your maid whom you are fucking doesn't count. your little mongrel kid isn't white arnold.

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7e0a8f No.13574806

File: d66c668f0350cb0⋯.webm (1.24 MB,296x240,37:30,missle rap.webm)

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2dd20d No.13574807

File: d7a47aa6fa199d5⋯.png (275.23 KB,1600x1200,4:3,pajeetpeContemplation.png)


sometimes you just want a girl to do milk…

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60484e No.13574809

I don't know you guys, I kind of get the impression jews are evil rat-face monsters that crawled from under a rock in Eastern Europe

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f80bfc No.13574812


Nice vidya! Kamaraden!

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c386a2 No.13574813


There’s no stopping it now


Not bad at all

Kill all niggers

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b477e6 No.13574815

>thinking shitty edits get anyone mad

Funny how nobody wants to draw niggers.

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9387f9 No.13574821

File: 19536ea0e29da0f⋯.png (1.88 MB,675x1500,9:20,1527152647383.png)

Woah….. So this…. Is the power…. of the master race….. woah…. damn…..

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6a311c No.13574823


WRONG. You're a Literally COMPLETE Kike Apologist Reject Slave. Fucking Kill yourself. Now.

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62f57c No.13574825

The goal was for you to disperse and carry the message with you, you big fag…not for you to hover around here and play in the echo chamber. It is time for IRL operations and meetups. Fuck the electric jew internet.

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7efc5b No.13574826

anyone heavily invested in racial politics is naive and sheltered as fuck. you are mistaken if you think racial solidarity is real or counts for anything. anybody can and will fuck you over, exploit you, or betray you if it’s convenient for them or in their benefit. You’re all bowing down to authoritarian loudmouths who don’t gaf about you and gleefully would use, or and your literal life for their agenda. /pol/ should have never been a part of 8chan

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12dc0c No.13574829

They think shutting down this federally authorized honeypot is a threat to our movement, they think the blood in our veins has an off switch, they think we wont fight the genocide of our race, they deserve everything that follows.

If this is the end of 8/pol/ its been good brothers.

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170ca3 No.13574831


What happens is a lot of losers who are being radicalized by larpers - and real Nazis - will stay in moms basement and not kill anybody.

Sad but true. Some people can’t handle the chans.

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56717c No.13574832

File: e1b1ca58b3c2594⋯.gif (1014.63 KB,500x296,125:74,The End is Nigh.gif)


Hardly the first time, faggot.

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a2eecc No.13574834


Jews view you as slave stock. They literally compare goyim (gentiles) to cattle. In their utopian fantasy they each get 10,000 gentiles to rule over.

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a0ddb7 No.13574835


They already went to Mexico, back when it was called California and Texas.

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4128b8 No.13574836


Have fun jerking off alone tonight tbhq famalam

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109f71 No.13574839

File: d4cf3794737607b⋯.webm (2.15 MB,640x360,16:9,erika.webm)


Well time for the sing along portion of the night.

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d896df No.13574844

File: ea094afefd90c60⋯.jpg (27.53 KB,539x960,539:960,TiCj2DJ.jpg)

>all these idiots thinking 8chan won't just move to another service

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4128b8 No.13574845


Piss off back to reddit. You never cared about this site and you know it. Don't claim to speak for the masses.

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d4232d No.13574847

Pour one out

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a2eecc No.13574848


are you still trying sweetie? Oh how sweet yes I too ignore corporate control over America and the jewish view of gentiles as slaves.

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7e0a8f No.13574853

File: 5a8946ebd958d09⋯.jpg (225.36 KB,825x1100,3:4,the_turks_by_substance20.jpg)


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9387f9 No.13574856

File: d627cd63dcf6088⋯.png (213.93 KB,351x468,3:4,1527441538621.png)


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2866b1 No.13574857

File: 597ae4bd4570f73⋯.png (Spoiler Image,8.8 KB,585x585,1:1,CP.png)

I guess now there won't be consequences for posting CP.

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f80bfc No.13574858

File: e0e02477c0ccee0⋯.jpg (34.85 KB,500x462,250:231,1AoYeRq.jpg)


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62f57c No.13574860


Yeah, reported.

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352f84 No.13574861


We are the reason why people moved to 8chan to begin with.

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25571c No.13574865

>>13574778 >>13574781 >>13574791

I´m white german and more aryan than you.

Not all mexicans are brown you dumass anglos.

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56717c No.13574868

File: ba71bfad07ab375⋯.jpg (299 KB,2400x1400,12:7,KeK.jpg)

I'll be everywhere, niggers. No stopping it.

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170ca3 No.13574870


Who do you think you’re going to meet up with? A bunch of losers? Because that’s what you’re going to get. Fat slobs, beta cucks, guys who can’t get laid. Enjoy your revolution, faggot.

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60484e No.13574871


ahahahahaha this denial

you have mud genes

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6b6d2c No.13574873


>100 mass shooters

>avg. ~20 killed/shooting

>2000 killed/yr

>us population 327m

That's only 0.6 per 100k, on par with hepatitis c.

As a strategy to achieve anything would be a fail. people choose kill themselves at a rate 21x higher. 2k of randoms being offed per year won't do anything.

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62f57c No.13574874


Was there ever? Do you see CNN rallying people AGAINST CHILD PORN? No they are all for that…just don't try to have a nation of any sort that doesn't have subhuman trash in it.

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2328e1 No.13574875

on a positive note, /leftypol/ will be gone too

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62f57c No.13574877


You subhumans spend too much time looking at yourselves in the mirror.

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6a311c No.13574884


LITERALLY FUCKING WRONG. You're a Literally COMPLETE Kike Apologist Reject Slave. Fucking Kill yourself. Now.

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62f57c No.13574886


hmmm that is positive. They do drag the entire IQ of all the boards down with their general retardation. I tried once or twice to spend time on their board in the beginning, but they were PAINFULLY STUPID…PAINFUL.

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8f8d64 No.13574888

I am Q my last message. I don't have much time they are on to me this one is going to be vague but I hope you can figure it out trust me it's all going to be over soon…jljljljjwejhijiojoijojoijiojojoijekievytguyhunigfctdrtdrtdtrfuygspibhkjjcuhiuhiuhuihuhuihuidievhkuhhhkhkhjhattack5uihui68768678gjgkjgjghjgjgjgjhgjhgjgjghjfeeeeeeeeeee30000000hukhhuhuhiuhuhdeaduhuihihuihi

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2866b1 No.13574891


Checked, I guess you're real after all.

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f7da3a No.13574899


assblassted spic

did your cousin eduardo die in the walmart attack?

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2878f7 No.13574902


checked and kekd

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9387f9 No.13574904



You when Tyrone shoves his elongated nigger dick into your throat in prison lmao.

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2328e1 No.13574908


> Enjoy your revolution, faggot.

I am enjoying it. How many your amigos did he remove?

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5621b5 No.13574910

Who is gonna tell people in /pol/ that native Americans exist

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7efc5b No.13574915

even in war real men act with honor and respect, all i see here is depravity

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62b1e4 No.13574922


Lol even worse, you’re a white guilt faggot. Put a bullet in your brain or get back to sucking darkie cock you pathetic dork.

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4128b8 No.13574923


This post reeks of boomer.

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c386a2 No.13574925


Feather niggers?

Easy. Give em methanol and tell em it’s free wood alcohol. Problems solved

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4128b8 No.13574928



Fuck off boomer. This isn't some sort of grand war. This is a nipponesian flip book cartoon site with a politics board. Don't ever forget that.

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c52d82 No.13574930


The brown wojack with the white wojack in his thought bubble, in the flesh.

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c63cfb No.13574931


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56717c No.13574932

File: f2bccd04dba503a⋯.jpg (343.97 KB,1435x1075,287:215,Qribba.jpg)





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675fab No.13574933

File: 1a453f72fd44f54⋯.jpg (141.12 KB,1155x1143,385:381,Eyerish3.JPG)

File: 4ad4fe416d368b7⋯.jpg (2.88 MB,4084x4888,1021:1222,Faulty Pattern Recognition.jpg)

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b7fc48 No.13574936

File: 10c94e1909d83a3⋯.jpg (38.03 KB,559x336,559:336,IMG_2868.JPG)

File: 87528e2d2df0b35⋯.png (130.4 KB,750x808,375:404,IMG_2869.PNG)


this can be fixed if they talk to the right company

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12dc0c No.13574937


Fucking codemonkey tweet has endless WWG1WGA replies, i think we should burn this place to the ground thinking about it.

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290b93 No.13574941


Post manifestos on facebook

Go on shooting spree


Absolutely fucking nothing lol

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d0e51a No.13574942


The problem is, and this is common with all murders;

people like it to be personal and they like to kill up close.

Take your AR to the range and learn how to shoot a target at 200+ meters.

Kill no one you've ever personally met or had any type of significant interaction with.

Plan an escape route. Know your escape route perfectly. Know if there is anything that can trip you up. Know if there is anything that can snag a piece of clothing and tear a bit off. Wear shoes 1 size too small that you bought from a good will store 2 states over 7 months ago. Never wear these shoes except on this one happening. Never wear the same clothes again or before. Collect other people's hair over the months prior to spread out over your escape route.

Learn what bleach is - plan an evidence destruction method.

Part with your gun because it must be destroyed too.

Collect all casings.

Have access to a shower very quick and learn to scrub, gun powder residue is a nigger.

Don't worry about a high score, worry about not getting caught so you can strike again.

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bb47e4 No.13574947


There is never going to be a unified solution from us. This is just a place to come to grips with how things must be. Any anon whom becomes a warlord isn't going to fucking ask you how to 'deal' with some problems. Hes going to tell you, and you are going to do it or die like all the rest of the faggots hes had to deal with before you. Thats how leadership in what is coming is going to work. Hopefully some semblance of civility will remain once the biggest of fires is done consuming this civilization, but such things have always been about agreements between men of action and what they are willing to acquiesce to each other to find peace.

All the rest of this civil shit people harp on as important, isn't. Ideals don't put food on the table, they don't stop your buddy from bleeding out after some fuckhead shoots him, they don't save your family from being raped and murdered by subhumans. Ideals have no place in what is to come, only practicality and expediency. Dehumanize yourself anon, face to bloodshed.

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62f57c No.13574951


Yeah…they exist. Do you ever wonder why they won't allow DNA testing of the oldest and most elaborate mummies?

Because they are feather niggers

Who is going to share the truth with you about the fact that the ENTIRE FUCKING PLANET used to be a Whites only world until you all decided to fuck chimpanzees (niggers)?

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4128b8 No.13574952


ok fed very cool

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d0e51a No.13574955


Sigh. I'm not telling you to strike any specific target, that would be illegal. I'm telling you how to not get caught when you larp a bit.

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3c6d7b No.13574957

See ya later giggle faggots

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62f57c No.13574959


You know it really puzzles me why these guys always get caught. They are fucking up the program BIGTIME and they need to learn a few things about operations.

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25571c No.13574960

Hitler was a Jew

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62f57c No.13574962


Post DNA evidence.

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3c6d7b No.13574963

Cloudfare bounces full chan midnight pacific time.

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5621b5 No.13574964


Funny cause Native Americans are more genetically Asian Russian.

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e825e3 No.13574965

I guess this is it. Fuck jews, fuck niggers, and fuck the glowniggers. I'll see you in hell, faggots.

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53defb No.13574966


Good shit ever watched the movie Rampage? Love ideas on how to get away with shit

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69e19d No.13574967


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2328e1 No.13574968

Don't do anything stupid, faggots. The glow in the dark fags in charge of this shithole are just switching anti-DDoS providers.

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629d7b No.13574969


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3c6d7b No.13574970

Calling it now, 8chan goes and some incels gonna rage. Not good.

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6b6d2c No.13574973


I showed how pointless shooting sprees are for an agenda, you're talking about killing for the thrill.

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b54df5 No.13574977


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5bb209 No.13574979


Probably this

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d0e51a No.13574980


It's mostly just common sense. Just think of all those IRL crime dramas your boomer parents watch. How did everyone get caught?

How to eliminate that method of being caught.

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0bf034 No.13574982

Kill a thousand imageboards if you want. You can't put the genie back in the bottle.

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7e0a8f No.13574983


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d0e51a No.13574984



The seed is planted in the minds.

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56717c No.13574985

File: beb0aa0ba2e1ef0⋯.png (678.46 KB,763x524,763:524,polfamily.png)

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01f5bc No.13574986

File: f5abdac02f07434⋯.gif (1.63 MB,659x609,659:609,1452392182442.gif)

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1aedd0 No.13574987


Exactly, but it's the perfect time for an exodus right now.

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3c6d7b No.13574989

Yeah you can, just don't give genie more rubs. Genie historically has only 3 wishes then back in bottle.

Now what.

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a585be No.13574990

Just for the record, if anyone cares enough, you could try to pull a /b2/ and script an alternative /pol/ onto the top 25; the immediate aftermath of a downtime, where the larpers and boomers haven't learned the site is back, is probably the only viable time where posting somewhere en masse would allow you to overtake a legacy board.

But you shouldn't do that. That's consensus cracking and white flight.

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53defb No.13574993


Yeah i'm always thinking everyone of these mass shooters could have done better

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a596a6 No.13574996

























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62f57c No.13574998


And the parasites crossed the bering straight and murdered every group of our people who lived here before them. They they played parasites out and murdered all the large game. THEY DESERVED WHAT THEY GOT WHEN WE KILLED THEM. Just like all the other subhuman trash peoples all they do is fuck, devour and destroy everything they touch.

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eb3409 No.13575000


You know, if I was a spic thinking about entering the USA, I would think twice if they were gunning down spics there.

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12dc0c No.13575002


If you target the merchant villagers in minecraft every few months and never get caught you do a lot more good for your server.

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62f57c No.13575003


I am happy with ZeroNet, thus far. Thank you though anon. Good to see people diversifying into so many splinter groups and cells. We will branch out from these and pass the truth on to many others.

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69e19d No.13575004


i aint clickin that shit nigga

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a2eecc No.13575005


Hello subhuman. Just a reminder that this Crusius guy is in an isolated cell awaiting his death sentence. Sure a spic cop might get a swing or two in but that's about it. They segregate death row inmates unfortunately for you.

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d0e51a No.13575007


Yes. It's a good idea to rid your village of merchants, and any neighboring villages.

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6b6d2c No.13575008


That doesn't work, where they're coming from is deadlier.

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a2eda2 No.13575011


I doubt anything significant would happen unless the site goes down for more than a couple of weeks. Most people would wait it out a bit before considering any other action.

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675fab No.13575012


> is in an isolated cell awaiting his death sentence.

so are you bro, lel

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1aedd0 No.13575013


Endchan is the best bunker for now. It's essentially a better version of 8chan that isn't a honeypot or botnet.

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d0e51a No.13575017



>deadly for spics

So why don't they fix it?

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eb3409 No.13575018


That can be fixed.

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62f57c No.13575019


Remember to kill anyone who tries to stop you since they are going to kill you anyway, either through genocide or jail, you might as well go for the high score if you get cornered.

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12dc0c No.13575021


zeronet is not safe at all anon you might as well just email your post history to the feds.

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675fab No.13575022


> It's essentially a better version of 8chan that isn't a honeypot or botnet.


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53defb No.13575023

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62f57c No.13575024


I go to endchan on occasion. It is not bad but they have had some pretty major problems in the past.

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a2eecc No.13575025


I think your posting is more suited to reddit, shitskin. I'm filtering you from here on out for being low IQ.

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2328e1 No.13575026


>So why don't they fix it?

Why won't Africans fix Africa?

low IQ + free gibs me dats = insert_shithole_here

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1aedd0 No.13575028


Right now, their main problem is too many stickies, and it's too small.

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6b6d2c No.13575031


The fix is getting rid of mexicans.

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62f57c No.13575033


I am not barebacking it anon.

>mfw you haven't had your DHS interview yet and you don't know that they know the weight of your morning turd (practically).

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675fab No.13575037


No man, I'm agreeing with you, of a sense.

We're all in isolated cells awaiting our death sentence. We live in a nightmare.

The idea that its somehow significantly worse in there than it is for the majority of people out here is kinda bunk at this point, particularly for the death row folks who don't have to roll in the general prison pop.

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56717c No.13575039

File: 94a5ffa705708df⋯.gif (1.94 MB,417x264,139:88,Here It Comes.gif)


The jew is sitting in protective custody.

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62f57c No.13575040


The fix is getting rid of all the subhuman parasitic trash. Man woman and child.

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56717c No.13575044

File: b1c00fa88f95da5⋯.gif (499.93 KB,500x205,100:41,To Battle.gif)


I raw dog baph. I'm clearly not a threat to them.

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987b2e No.13575045

File: 899a6603c1c742f⋯.jpg (100.19 KB,650x497,650:497,Hireth.jpg)


As we have said for years, it is, once again, the Jew that is your enemy, that threatens to let others attack the site until it is impossible to maintain. They are the ones robbing you of this place not I. Just as they have robbed our nation of pic related. Their means of attack is always the same. Rob us of fair and reasonable defenses so that reckless savages may brutalize us.

I suppose it can't be helped. We face a real and terrible enemy that will bring about our death in the real world. Of course they can reach us here. It was only a matter of time.

Good luck to all of you, may you find new places to collaborate freely. Have children and never give up your guns. Long live the white race and long live the republic.

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675fab No.13575046


>The fix is getting rid of mexicans.


>The fix is getting rid of all the subhuman parasitic trash.

Am I missing something?

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a2eecc No.13575048


If you're white, you're a threat. At least now you are given the left's moral panic.

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675fab No.13575053


My joy at ruining your masturbatory time-wasting and offending your narcissistic self-importance is immeasurable. Checking those dubs of mirth.

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d0e51a No.13575054


The former is a subset of the latter. The latter is a superset containing the former.

That help?

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56717c No.13575057

File: 1d91292617bbcc7⋯.png (260.14 KB,540x300,9:5,Jews.png)

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62f57c No.13575059


In the very near future technology will not permit anything but a cohesive, high trust society to exist. That means none of the subhuman (part nigger, jew, spic etc) trash needs to apply. If they win and Europeans lose this war it will be the end of all humanity for A WIDE variety of reasons.

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675fab No.13575061



Okay, fair point.

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6b6d2c No.13575064


Not with 100 shooters, or 1000. 10k you'd be knocking off just 20% of them flooding in, and 10k shooters is civil war at that point.

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675fab No.13575067


I'm afraid we've already 'lost' in a sense, but fuck it, we Ragnigrok now.

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f3951c No.13575068

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9f3e71 No.13575069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6b6d2c No.13575074


to make messihole not messhole means ridding the place of messiholians, a catch 22 if your aim is to make messihole not messihole so that messiholians go back.

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5621b5 No.13575075


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9e4e56 No.13575077


Nano hasn't worked for me since that time it turned into a teapot.

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675fab No.13575081


savage clip

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62f57c No.13575082


We can't lose. Only two of us out of the entire planet survive…so it is time to do our best to ensure a future for European/White children. Those two have to be preserved and hopefully this time men will know that you should never stick your dick into chimpanzees or subhuman trash because THIS, EVERYTHING YOU SEE, was the result of our progenatures bestiality with subhuman trash like poos, spicniggers, semites, niggers and bug people.

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eb3409 No.13575087


To all things there's a beginning.

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0bf034 No.13575092



aw sheeeeeit

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809d02 No.13575094

File: 4bf13dea59cac2e⋯.webm (6.55 MB,640x358,320:179,happy-days-02.webm)

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0bf034 No.13575095

File: 3f08ee9369b987c⋯.png (9.04 KB,792x708,66:59,32225383267451dbfb39c3ae1e….png)



aw sheeeeeit

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a056fc No.13575098

File: f171adaca05904b⋯.gif (5.8 MB,1094x615,1094:615,546346363564.gif)

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ef7f8c No.13575099

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82e0e2 No.13575106


Project Honey Pot is a web-based honeypot network. It uses software embedded in web sites. It collects information about the IP addresses used when harvesting e-mail addresses in spam, bulk mailing, and other e-mail fraud. The project also solicits the donation of unused MX entries from domain owners.

In 2007, the Project began a number of new initiatives including a QuickLinks program that makes it easier for more people to participate, as well as a system to track comment spam. The Project has also launched a free new service called http:BL, which leverages the data to allow website administrators to keep malicious web robots off their sites.

In addition to collecting information, which is made available on a "top 25" list at periodic intervals, the project organizers also help various law enforcement agencies combat private and commercial unsolicited bulk mailing offenses and, overall, work to reduce the amount of spam being sent and received on the Internet. The information collected is also used in research and development of newer versions of the software to further improve the efforts of the group as a whole.

Project Honey Pot was founded and is managed by Unspam Technologies, Inc.. In addition to various law enforcement agencies, the group affiliates with the Internet Law Group and ViaWest.

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921a7b No.13575108

Just thought I'd make one last post on the site I've used most in the past 5 years.

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e8bcc4 No.13575112


The site will die, but we have already won. The race war is beginning. 8chan/pol/ died for your sins. Remember our memes, one day we might meet in meatspace faggots.

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62f57c No.13575116

File: f3652dfd87b61bb⋯.jpg (252.34 KB,1074x1390,537:695,nigger lips clown.jpg)


Someone give monkey a banana to shut its fucking pie hole already

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0bf034 No.13575117


>obama's military holdovers

go back to polishing each other's dicks in the barrack showers welfare queen, nobody gives a shit.

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ba57b8 No.13575121

Why, though? Was this place somehow connected to the shooter? Or did some kike journalist turn on the news, hear about the shooting, and rub his hands together in glee as he decided this would be a good thing to pin on 8chan and pressure people to close the site over?

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809d02 No.13575123


I'll be seeing you faggots on zeronet.

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6a311c No.13575124

File: 123139528737b64⋯.jpeg (69.13 KB,499x750,499:750,23447-6.jpeg)


No, you're a fucking intellectual Wit Bankrupt Insecurity Borg Conform Projection Foundry. You Virtually Fail to generate any remote phrase Spared from resulting Jew Nose 2 inch sighted Social Insults, Proves your Actual fucking Undaunting incapability of any Discourse Rationality.

You're a fucking Kike Zoo Containment. Climb your chain Box Cage.

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6b6d2c No.13575127


the later.

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2c8204 No.13575128

Its really over? there is nothing they can do? Does it even matter?

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675fab No.13575129


/pol/ was never one board.

/pol/ is an idea.

An idea our Uncle told us about.

You can't kill an idea so easily as banning it.

I miss him so much…

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a793a2 No.13575131


see you faggots in the 4th Reich

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62f57c No.13575132


>Was this place somehow connected to the shooter?


If he didn't mention the jews, he was not one of us.

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ad4aed No.13575133


>You stupid, stupid faggots have done well in destroying this site. Congratulations. Magnifico. Bravo!

>implying there are more than a small handful of schizos talking to themselves on this dead imageboard

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62f57c No.13575134


See you there fag!

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675fab No.13575135


>implying you aren't in that handful

Love you too man.

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1cb979 No.13575138


God I love reading posts from normalfags acting like they've ever bothered to type 8ch.net into their phone to visit this place.


Broski, if anything this is a lolicon addict esoteric Hitlerist training ground, where you learn how to lose your ability to interact with normalfags and your dick is conditioned to only respond to flat 2D chests.


Maybe they'll finally just make fedchan and stop the pretense of not being glowing-ass LEOs.

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6b6d2c No.13575140


Not with jew free "manifesto" one hit wonder insta caught random nothing target shooters. All that is, is just pure retardation.

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5621b5 No.13575143


The bitch posted his manifesto on here

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62f57c No.13575147


Yeah but they are easy to spot because they are the dogs on the tightest leashes of all. They can't SAY SHIT against pisreal or they lose their job. So all you have to do is specify that they say something off the FEDFAG list and when they can't you know you are dealing with a glowfag.

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809d02 No.13575151

File: dcf5e216ea213c0⋯.webm (3.28 MB,800x600,4:3,gondola the end.webm)

File: 12104207afd1ac8⋯.mp4 (5.88 MB,960x720,4:3,worlds end gondola.mp4)


































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0bf034 No.13575152


Javascript required

wew lad nevermind

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ad4aed No.13575153


>Love you too man.

I just come here to laugh at you retarded slavshits

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56717c No.13575154


Should let the library run it. Hands off free speech unless shit is actually illegal.

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62f57c No.13575155


That doesn't mean anything…so what…are you going to take responsibility for all my actions because we post on the same image board. That is the beauty of /pol/ because we are all anon, none of us are connected to any others and so there is no 'ingroup' or core to track. If the fedfags picked me up tomorrow, none of you would know or care or even miss me. I love it! Decentralization perfection.

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efb833 No.13575158


I PM'd you :)

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a793a2 No.13575160

File: b57efac7233fb28⋯.jpeg (195.67 KB,2000x1566,1000:783,mlpol anonfilly couch.jpeg)


oh shit nigger don't post that here

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675fab No.13575162


Sure ya do.

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bdd494 No.13575164

File: 994767fb789c5bd⋯.jpg (355.15 KB,1000x629,1000:629,Nord-stream.jpg)



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1cb979 No.13575165


It still fucking amazes me that the line in the sand they have isn't at inciting violence, it's not at "encouraging radicalization", it's probably not even at posting "illegal" material, the line is that they can't call Israel an illegitimate state filled with oven-dodging kikes that we should have glassed along with the rest of the middle east decades ago. How the fuck is THAT the line?


You've gotta realize that that's a pipe dream my man. We live in a system that only works if the public is kept in the dark on what goes on at the top. Anywhere where speech is "free" is a threat to the "public order" because the "public order" doesn't exist to serve the public.

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caae10 No.13575166


Site was never good. Jailbait and other questionable shit was around way before /pol/ invaded.

m00t was in the right, eat shit faggots.

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7204f1 No.13575167


Found the kike.

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809d02 No.13575174

File: 3c1d1a59d68c2a4⋯.webm (3.81 MB,982x720,491:360,denton-gondola-fixed.webm)











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1aedd0 No.13575175


Moot was an SJW kike who moved to Google though.

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2d5bbc No.13575177

posting in legendary bread

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809d02 No.13575179


It's too late, ponyfag. It was always too late.

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a585be No.13575180


I thought we started with onion first?

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00bdec No.13575188

File: c6796cbea52e268⋯.jpeg (34.02 KB,400x562,200:281,2974D749-0117-491A-B117-D….jpeg)


you wish mordecai

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56717c No.13575190


I get that but if the feds are gonna run it give the library some use again.

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ad4aed No.13575196

File: 024814e5a183299⋯.png (142.82 KB,500x600,5:6,imkikey merchant.png)



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55ea32 No.13575197

File: 3c1a840838880d1⋯.jpeg (80.2 KB,807x672,269:224,EE7E6E47-642B-4077-9CF7-9….jpeg)

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e8bcc4 No.13575198

File: e30ebe2b532f7b3⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB,1218x666,203:111,hell_fire.mp4)

File: c4720269f2d83e7⋯.jpg (245.04 KB,920x702,460:351,RWDS_Fire.jpg)

File: 4041f54adba16ea⋯.webm (4.37 MB,472x360,59:45,the fire rises.webm)

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62f57c No.13575199


>How the fuck is THAT the line?

It is the line because we never took responsibility for our error and exterminated them from the beginning. All of this is our responsibility for letting them live anon. EVERY FUCKING TIME OUR LEADERSHIP WAS WEAK and did not kill them to the last person, man woman and child. This is a hard lesson but it is one that has to be learned. In the process of that learning we will have to kill them all, because we were too fucking pussy to exterminate them at lower numbers of parasitic trash.

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987b2e No.13575201

File: acd57f11f554dca⋯.jpg (72.15 KB,700x465,140:93,old_america_40.jpg)

File: db37069faf75a8f⋯.jpg (95.69 KB,640x428,160:107,Only nazis like clean stre….jpg)


Time for evil Nat Soc music and images before our board goes down.


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73e3bb No.13575206


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73e3bb No.13575211


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a585be No.13575212

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73e3bb No.13575216


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e8bcc4 No.13575217

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809d02 No.13575218

File: 3808ff6f1428348⋯.webm (973.89 KB,720x480,3:2,gondola-cia.webm)

File: 14735ae383230b1⋯.webm (1.38 MB,640x360,16:9,gondola-viking.webm)

File: d2495997de620b0⋯.webm (4.18 MB,640x360,16:9,gondola deep sea.webm)

File: 85683ed43228cd7⋯.webm (1.31 MB,640x360,16:9,apocalypes gondola.webm)

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987b2e No.13575220

File: 79903b19bf9f328⋯.jpg (53.33 KB,550x412,275:206,diner-view.jpg)


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e8bcc4 No.13575223

File: 31e4b63c318f715⋯.webm (4.34 MB,640x360,16:9,tomarrow belongs to me.webm)

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809d02 No.13575224

File: e6736194b0eb2fd⋯.webm (1.29 MB,1280x960,4:3,gondola - where do we go ….webm)

File: 2769bb5dc34f3bb⋯.webm (8.98 MB,1280x720,16:9,The_Gondola_Who_Would_Nev….webm)

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9aa964 No.13575228



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6a311c No.13575230

File: 78f7a90bb0282dc⋯.jpg (38.48 KB,640x498,320:249,275d389a7615231fb0114842ed….jpg)


You 're a fucking Freak Show Nature Waste Reject Dispense. You're UNBOUNDED Cuck Down Syndrome presented upon OUR fucking Majesty Rationale, serves zero other purpose other than Virtuous demonstration in Ridicule and Ostracization. Your fucking Retard Exampling serves the genetic Awareness Course

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73e3bb No.13575231


It even (((echoes))) ;^)

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1ae231 No.13575232

File: dd1a2d9a1c3364e⋯.jpg (118.41 KB,960x695,192:139,alt right.jpg)

Imaging mourning the loss of this shithole.

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5bdeb2 No.13575234


whats the point of discussing ideas if you shy away from the hard subjects?

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1a6338 No.13575235

Nigger faggot kike wetback chink gook dyke sodomite.

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73e3bb No.13575239


I don’t have to imagine the loss of your shit hole. Faggot

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62f57c No.13575245


No one will mourn the loss of your shitholes either.

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73e3bb No.13575246


Parasite, heeb, the holocaust is a lie, all jews must die.

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e8bcc4 No.13575248

File: 82e07741fdbcf75⋯.mp4 (782.23 KB,640x360,16:9,Mel_Brooks_-_Hitler_gave_t….mp4)


Post the best of our culture.

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762395 No.13575249

File: b0dc177af6bee07⋯.png (40.77 KB,779x859,779:859,anon.png)

It's been a wild ride, lads. Thanks for providing me a better education than university ever did.

Here's my redpill folder, for posterity:


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6b6d2c No.13575250


BTW, the land in mexico is beautiful, while the land here like in Texas is utter shit, desert, thorny brush land, swamp, what makes the place worth a shit is Whites, that's it, so when Whites get drowned out it's just going to turn into messihole but with shittier land, the White infrastructure will last until it decays to messihole tier. Also, a quarter or third of messhole "income" is from grifting off of America, that'll be gone too, it's going to be a shit show squared.

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94c5a5 No.13575251

File: 88a6bdbadae42e9⋯.png (17.38 KB,1356x140,339:35,free speech now and foreve….png)





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56717c No.13575253

File: 32c19e8a7533bbc⋯.png (1.68 MB,1446x2500,723:1250,The Myth.png)

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787d8a No.13575254



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179cb2 No.13575255



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0bdf01 No.13575257

File: 3ed8053c7d4a5fc⋯.png (392.47 KB,1544x1926,772:963,totally not obvious.png)

This is great.

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0a2cb6 No.13575258

File: 17b3bc106404751⋯.jpg (67.71 KB,899x188,899:188,bloodandhonour.jpg)

File: e5c5e72f5f54aab⋯.jpg (100.16 KB,1200x630,40:21,c18.jpg)

educate yourselves

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a2eecc No.13575265

kek couldn't help but laugh at that last shitskins post

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987b2e No.13575266

File: 708b5a487d328a8⋯.jpg (57.47 KB,1593x900,177:100,Spacecataz Final Scene.JPG)

That's it then.

It's been an honor.

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809d02 No.13575267

File: 1f51bfcfefbe1fe⋯.webm (15.14 MB,640x360,16:9,nuclear gondola.webm)

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56717c No.13575270


If we were your faggot ass would have been thrown off a building by now.

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eb3409 No.13575272

File: beb98ae9c968db7⋯.jpg (120.82 KB,1080x1071,120:119,Liberal retard.jpg)

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1a6338 No.13575273


Here here! All kikes must die.

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5bdeb2 No.13575275


not really, those are going down with or without us, every place thats even slightly out of step is basically annudah shoah to the usual suspooks

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e8bcc4 No.13575285

File: 0ca9e3a1d00b2dc⋯.webm (6.68 MB,1280x720,16:9,Deutschland_Erwache.webm)

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62f57c No.13575288


I keep filtering that dumb fucking chimpanzee nigger and it keeps switching ID's when it gets banned. Lets see if it can go through its chimpanzee government allotment in one night. Remember to report and filter all chimpnigger trash.

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56717c No.13575291

File: 5900fa7bf675819⋯.png (128.51 KB,297x427,297:427,Hitler_checks_his_dub.png)

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809d02 No.13575294

File: 8ab71b34c9a5142⋯.mp4 (7.56 MB,854x480,427:240,gondola schizofuggia.mp4)

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4f026d No.13575297

File: 0b1ed2695f0d987⋯.webm (6.51 MB,640x360,16:9,0b1ed2695f0d987d41cba8448….webm)


Just enjoying the ride now.

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4f026d No.13575298

File: 0b1ed2695f0d987⋯.webm (6.51 MB,640x360,16:9,0b1ed2695f0d987d41cba8448….webm)


Just enjoying the ride now.

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809d02 No.13575299

File: a34adec15135ac2⋯.webm (7.64 MB,1280x720,16:9,gondola-bladerunner-tears….webm)

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809d02 No.13575304

File: 2597166d19a7ff5⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB,500x364,125:91,gondola-sad-shitposting.mp4)


That's the one that I've been looking for, thanks!

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675fab No.13575305


I have no regrets.

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675fab No.13575309


>that meme

>that filename

Hello 4chan!

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809d02 No.13575312

File: 2b8662f570f4d51⋯.webm (2.31 MB,640x352,20:11,vidya gondola.webm)

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494d78 No.13575315

File: 03e87c5f1038fc4⋯.mp4 (14.19 MB,854x480,427:240,The Sound of Music - So Lo….mp4)

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a4decd No.13575316

File: b13b1fa95fb3108⋯.png (226.64 KB,480x782,240:391,Capture _2018-10-28-23-41-….png)

File: 107122e2e325caa⋯.png (401.27 KB,480x782,240:391,Capture _2019-02-17-14-32-….png)

File: 4fa49581d124f3c⋯.png (374.25 KB,480x782,240:391,Capture _2019-02-20-03-39-….png)


Why do you liberals have that certain urge to attack like little girls that say such things like "no one likes you" when you become triggered with reality? It's like you'll hive-mind programmed drones that respond in certain mannerisms at certain times. Am I warm, infantile that just lives for the moment without accepting responsibility of the well-being of his folk & nation & the hardships that come with it?

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2904f1 No.13575318


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809d02 No.13575319

File: c059bc4ccea11a0⋯.webm (3.95 MB,596x480,149:120,Afghan the Gondola Experi….webm)

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675fab No.13575322


>Why do you liberals have that certain urge to attack like little girls

Because that's basically what they are.

Even the males.

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4f026d No.13575326

File: 4c406549da589fb⋯.webm (2.28 MB,500x288,125:72,Creekside Gondola.webm)


No bully the observers of fate.

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a793a2 No.13575330

File: 6a3fb33906e6948⋯.webm (2.85 MB,1920x1080,16:9,irish gondola.webm)

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809d02 No.13575331

File: 8fdf29ab70c56d1⋯.webm (15.83 MB,576x432,4:3,Afghan_ The Soviet Experi….webm)


>Why do you liberals have that certain urge to attack like little girls that say such things like "no one likes you" when you become triggered with reality? It's like you'll hive-mind programmed drones that respond in certain mannerisms at certain times. Am I warm, infantile that just lives for the moment without accepting responsibility of the well-being of his folk & nation & the hardships that come with it?

It's because they're overwhelmingly Gamma Males.




^Look for 'graduating gamma' on that blog.

>inb4 muh teddy spaghetti

It's a well-defined system for understanding men and navigating social situations.

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f80bfc No.13575332

File: aced68c63b97747⋯.jpg (66.58 KB,500x741,500:741,Hitler & Blonde.jpg)

File: d62641e20cc2c26⋯.png (2.24 MB,1126x1702,563:851,Hitler_epic.png)


Heil Hitler!

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675fab No.13575333


You're in hell my man.

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1a6338 No.13575334



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f80bfc No.13575350

File: 387943cfb931bd9⋯.mp4 (6.72 MB,1050x1050,1:1,Gondola1488.mp4)

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4f026d No.13575355

File: e39a8ba53c20a71⋯.webm (3.63 MB,720x480,3:2,GondolaFreikorps.webm)

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a2eda2 No.13575360


It's a reflection of their own psyche and they're projecting it onto those they target.

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bf4a15 No.13575366

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44c534 No.13575368

About fucking time. This is a shithole

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62f57c No.13575371


You can leave anytime, you fucking retard. No one is making you stay.

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809d02 No.13575376

File: 60859715d7931be⋯.webm (7.2 MB,480x360,4:3,Dr. Ron Paul - The Happen….webm)

Shit, don't know why I neglected to post this until now.

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0bc1cb No.13575377

y'all going down because this place attracts psycho fuckers posting racist shit about killing brown people, nobody is going to miss you, maybe you'll learning some fucking civility.

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0bc1cb No.13575380


nah we're going to sit here with our buttered popcorn and watch this place fucking burn lol.

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a2eecc No.13575383


nobody cares shitskin enjoy your filter

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62f57c No.13575384


Good you will die in flames with it then. Good riddance.

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bdbf0e No.13575385


There's no such thing as "racism."




Choose one.

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f31d42 No.13575386

File: 2227e781f6560ba⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,1026x445,1026:445,love.JPG)



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e8bcc4 No.13575388


If this website goes down, we will all go into the real world. If you strike us down, you will make us more powerful than you could ever imagine.

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eb3409 No.13575389

The only outcome of this shenanigan is cloudflare revealing themselves as a jewish terrorist organization, if anyone still had any doubts about that

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0bc1cb No.13575391


the pedo-nazis are gonna have to find a new roosting place. go check out y'alls granddaddy site stormfront.

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881618 No.13575392

File: 96b70aa7d8b61f2⋯.jpg (283.14 KB,569x797,569:797,abigguy.jpg)


>we're all equal

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a2eecc No.13575393


You have become the oppressor. Your moral high-ground is built on a foundation of lies waiting to crumble. Enjoy hell sweetie :^)

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62f57c No.13575394


remember to report that IP hopping nigger so that he has to use up all his IP's in one night.

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bdbf0e No.13575395

File: 92e6a805736e572⋯.gif (11.17 KB,501x585,167:195,jew-bwa-ha-ha.gif)



"We love to censor the stupid goyim whenever they start to speak the truth. OY VEY! SHUT IT DOWN!"

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0bc1cb No.13575396


more like a sad little fart that barely even was whiffy

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9a8d3c No.13575397

Why does everyone always conform to the will of the Jews? It's so tiresome.

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881618 No.13575398

File: fc3d558a6efa009⋯.jpg (34.53 KB,476x403,476:403,boombaby.jpg)

File: 5471627e66d5889⋯.jpg (11.99 KB,320x240,4:3,gore.jpg)

File: 31fa6ca6811dea2⋯.jpg (36.63 KB,500x375,4:3,gore2.jpg)


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a4decd No.13575399

File: 4b242b30b1907fd⋯.mp4 (9.47 MB,853x480,853:480,LEON DEGRELLE on ADOLF HIT….mp4)


One of the most decorated soldiers of the war that fought in 74 incursions, with him being wounded several times on the front, Belgium's freedom fighter Leon Degrelle who personally met & knew him stated in Hitler's youth he would read mountains of books in his small apartment. Reading and finishing several in a week including medical books that impressed & stunned those in the profession.

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4f026d No.13575400

File: b57249c70e62c8b⋯.webm (2.8 MB,480x360,4:3,School Days.webm)

>this is the best shit-talking they have


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6e9a34 No.13575401

File: cfbbe960336cff5⋯.jpeg (78.36 KB,1024x1024,1:1,D1F13C43-7C18-4BE4-B7CD-F….jpeg)


Honestly 8chan being gone would probably lead to us being more productive irl. Encouraging us to actually lead successful lives, and prepare for war. Instead of spending all our time shitposting.

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36f0aa No.13575403

Can one of the accelerationists explain to me, how this site being shutdown is a victory? THanks

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a793a2 No.13575406

File: f169baa5610e880⋯.jpg (54.24 KB,800x521,800:521,horse.jpg)

File: 967539e24c9f3d9⋯.png (2.37 MB,2550x2724,425:454,moonbutt 3.png)


but some of us like horsepussy instead

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a2eda2 No.13575407


Watch as they say how insignificant we are while later on suggest we're also such a big threat to the world. They can't help but contradict themselves when it comes to fighting against their perceived enemies.

Told ya: >>13575396

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62f57c No.13575408


The retardation


>nigger retards

>brass knuckles

Wow…what a dumb fag that nigger is.

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a585be No.13575409


The idea, essentially, is without an outlet to peacefully vent by shitposting, we'll be forced to do IRL things like >>13575401 said.

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73e3bb No.13575410


>Lmao you guys got fucking owned.

I said the exact same thing when 50 mudslides got goodified in Christchurch, except I’m still breathing and able bodied to be your worst nightmare. See you soon.

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a585be No.13575411

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881618 No.13575413


It's laughably pathetic.


goddamit /mlp/


>he doesn't know


Nah, we'll shitpost harder

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bdbf0e No.13575414


They're afraid of us. They're afraid we're speaking the truth.

Evil cannot bear the light of day. Truth is "hateful" to those who hate the truth.

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0bc1cb No.13575416


one less place for pieces of shit like that dude in el paso can get his word out, stick to the dark web with the pedos and drug dealers.

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62f57c No.13575418


Bestiality is bestialtiy…it is all the same if you are fucking a horse or a chimpnigger.


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e8bcc4 No.13575421


It will give anons no outlet, we will no choice but to fight. The children of Europa will march again in great grey columns and make the world burn.

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a47f98 No.13575425

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6b6d2c No.13575427


>get his word out,

was deleted as soon as he posted. his facebook and twitter feeds stayed up longer.

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0bf034 No.13575428

File: d2afeface2b860a⋯.jpg (27.56 KB,462x250,231:125,1434303141578.jpg)



How right you are :^)

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5ac44e No.13575429


>Crazy fucker does a mass shooting

>Obviously it's fault of the website he posts at

>Not like he was just going to kill people anyway

Gargle your father's ballsack, you fucking jew.

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0bc1cb No.13575430


the nazifags ain't gonna do shit but be dead in another generation or two, us brown people gonna take it all from you lmfao.

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62f57c No.13575431


>make the world burn.

Exterminate the parasites.

Exterminate the subhumans.

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a4decd No.13575434

File: 4d32e2d414f594e⋯.mp4 (9.14 MB,853x480,853:480,LEON DEGRELLE on ADOLF HIT….mp4)


Ein Reich, Ein Volk, Ein Fuhrer

Got Mitt Uns

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36f0aa No.13575435


>It will give anons no outlet, we will no choice but to fight.

But anon, that's a category error. This site is information warfare; we forge memes and discuss happenings. We are in no way inhibited from doing anything by the board or site's existence.

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881618 No.13575436

File: c9dd4f4efcdd595⋯.png (210.17 KB,504x378,4:3,kneedeepaussie.png)


>you won't do anything

Oh yes we will

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e8bcc4 No.13575442


The information war is done, we must get on to the physical fight.


You will stand corrected.

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62f57c No.13575443


REMEMBER TO REPORT THE CHIMPANZEES ON /pol/ to burn as many IP's as you can for them.

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624bf2 No.13575445

File: 297d0c67406237c⋯.png (466.78 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-08-05-00-5….png)

File: 1ff92df371a68e4⋯.png (353.65 KB,1280x800,8:5,Screenshot_2019-08-04-22-5….png)

i hope the figure this bullshit out.

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a793a2 No.13575449

File: feec026fe54cd50⋯.gif (1.55 MB,504x286,252:143,You_know_who_posted_this.gif)

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6b6d2c No.13575453


You're not capable of running a White country, it will turn into messihole, but with no White production to hand out gibs, so think of your glorious messihole but worse.

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0bc1cb No.13575454


good luck on that lmfao

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6e9a34 No.13575455


Hi /leftypol/

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bdd494 No.13575456


>The information war is done, we must get on to the physical fight.

Correct. We have already won in the battle of ideas. More attacks are necessary so that they will spurn more attacks.

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881618 No.13575457

File: 74f5019e12c892f⋯.png (73.26 KB,453x500,453:500,noooice.png)


You got a lot to learn, niggerboy

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624bf2 No.13575458

as a woman of color i always had a good time here.

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0bc1cb No.13575459


Bro my people were here first. I'm kinda of ashamed of my white half right now. Luckily the brain takes over as generations progress eventually we'll be brown because it's the dominate gene lmfao.

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36f0aa No.13575460


>The information war is done, we must get on to the physical fight.

But we don't have enough people or support of our families. Our women are still whores and we are statistically not having children. I don't think you've thought the logistics of an immediate conflict through. We will lose because we are still demoralized. There's only a few thousand people who post here.

Either you are a terrible tactician, or are encouraging deliberate self-destruction. Accelerationism should have been recognized for what it is and banned from the website with the same fervor as zionism or communism. It's just another type of cancer, and now it took our platform away.

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4f026d No.13575461

File: 1870f6a5a2c297a⋯.mp4 (8.71 MB,640x360,16:9,,,NSparatrooper.mp4)


>you won't do anything

That didn't work too well last time.

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77d1e1 No.13575463

File: 7b1f4596a3220a4⋯.png (76.42 KB,500x500,1:1,1564720443990.png)


this is but a front in the civil war. we don't know we're in one, but we are. this is cyber warfare, it's not as cut and dry as knocking out coms or hacking into a system, but the government knows they can't quell civil unrest with anonymous media platforms. They didn't learn with Vietnam because that was their first scene in 4th gen warfare. They didn't learn after desert storm, but it was when they finally started paying attention to class. Everything seemed fine back in the late 80's early 90's, until the internet was invented. After the internet hit mainstream and people began communicating with one another they began to freak. So they started buying it all up. In the global war on terror they started getting paranoid. Just look at the 5th amendment:

>"No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation."

>except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger

Because of the war on terror(we can argue the semantics of why that was created later) everyone is a potential threat. Through our government's actions they have declared war on us to forego our rights.

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0bc1cb No.13575465


brown >>> white

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624bf2 No.13575469

can anybody shakes things up in cali? wtf?

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a2eda2 No.13575470


It also shows how fragile the entire system really is that it depends on very specific conditions for it to function properly. That a few people not believing in the mainstream narratives is sufficient enough to slowly threaten it. But since those in charge both lack the foresight and restraint to consider how to balance things out to render it inert. They end up implementing policies which drives polarization up to unmanageable levels. They're that desperate to stop people thinking about certain things, that they'll tear civilization apart in order to prevent it.

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73e3bb No.13575474

File: 043e0ee0255ef5a⋯.mp4 (13.47 MB,406x228,203:114,15B68D1F-4499-40CF-87D7-B7….mp4)

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77d1e1 No.13575476


you hit the nail on the head, anon

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881618 No.13575477

File: 2caffba5d8a5303⋯.gif (267.32 KB,250x175,10:7,brad.gif)


I don't see shitskins on the moon, do I?

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bdd494 No.13575479


You will never have support if you can't violently enforce your worldview. When you have real world strength, your articulated ideas gain more acceptance. It has ALWAYS worked this way. It will ALWAYS work this way. The more you successfully kill and defeat enemies, the more credible you are.

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db7a25 No.13575480

This DDoS attack is reminding me of the one that happened on April Fool's Day in 2017/8. Will the site end up like that?

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af343d No.13575482

I've had some good laughs on this site, it's been fun you faggots

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f62be0 No.13575483

me and some fellow brownies will be… burning some white rice

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714391 No.13575484

File: 37b839b2ff715ce⋯.jpg (9.66 KB,259x194,259:194,images.jpg)

So fucking glad this stupid shithole is shutting down. I originally thought this would be the real free speech platform that would be far superior to that of the other chan. But no, I was wrong. I have simply opened up questions that would for some odd reason suspect me of being a Leftist. And then you fucking mods would constantly ban me. Well the fucking karma is biting your fucking ass now bitch. 8chan was never a free speech platform. You're just a bunch of circlejerking morons. So fucking glad Cloudflare is shutting this fucking site down. Fuck you. Fuck you all. No one will host you.

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a2eecc No.13575487


kek maybe they banned you because you're an annoying nigger not based on your political ideology sweetie

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bdd494 No.13575488


The system is also failing internationally. It cannot defeat its enemies to grab resources to keep fueling the spic-nig cycle. It cannot get any traction whatsoever on getting White Americans or the English or the Australians or the French, Canadians, Italians, and on to fight a war with Russia. And you can see the spic-nigs freaking out about it even though they are desperately trying not to let on.

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0bc1cb No.13575490


We're playing the long game, there are more of us than you. My Chinese and Indian brethren are coming for you in the way of Ghandi slowly encircling and then pushing out, but this time yall got no where to run. You have to become brown like us. it's the ultimate genetic long con and you can't win.

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881618 No.13575492

File: 09d0b443af14967⋯.jpg (18.45 KB,331x332,331:332,awfuckinyeahcun.jpg)


see >>13575487, you colossal faggot

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0bf034 No.13575493

File: 14d66d554422386⋯.jpg (85 KB,650x488,325:244,dont be a kike.jpg)

>All the melodramatic retards falling for the "imageboards are over" narrative

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714391 No.13575494


Yeah right you stupid faggot. I am a conservative and proud of it. But once there's any hint of "omg ur a leftist" you ban anyone who doesn't folow suit. Praise the lord you fucking faggots are going to be shunned and no one will host this site.

Also don't come back to the other chan we don't fucking need you.

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e8bcc4 No.13575495


We have beaten 1000 to 1 odds, we will win!

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2fd7cd No.13575497

File: f1c1afc1ab73b1e⋯.png (447.48 KB,759x846,253:282,2634A6E3-ADF9-4F2C-A64B-A8….png)

They have broken the containment

The autism’s loose

‘’’Now all eyes shall be opened’’’

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a793a2 No.13575498

File: a784f269ce0ee64⋯.png (349.49 KB,2000x2564,500:641,Grinning Aryanne.png)


you mad fag?

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a47f98 No.13575499


haha i have never been timed out or banned. maybe you're just a faggot

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a2eecc No.13575500


Sure hun, whatever confirms your beliefs.

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25fbcd No.13575501

another chan will replace this one, that btw, is infested with LE and jews

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881618 No.13575502

File: fed1665e8a8bda6⋯.gif (2.56 MB,322x178,161:89,laugingginos.gif)


>my chinese bretheren

We aren't your brothers, faggots

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0bc1cb No.13575503


cloudflare can't shut it down, they've already started migrating to another provider, it's hard to crush a roach but you eventually get it after a few stomps.

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1d36a2 No.13575504

File: 12b33a2846520ce⋯.jpg (86.07 KB,500x500,1:1,thumbnail_2eg9tk.jpg)

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714391 No.13575505

File: 4a5e1206368d09e⋯.jpg (232.18 KB,900x1200,3:4,Dhuf38MV4AA09No.jpg)


I am fucking happy that Cloudflare is cucking you actually. Get fucked retard.


What a free speech platform!! Haha, oh wait! This site is shutting down LMFAO!

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0bc1cb No.13575509


We're all brown people, phaggit.

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d48eb0 No.13575511

lmao bye douchebags

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881618 No.13575512

File: 4f0c7a0ccdfd850⋯.jpg (32.51 KB,500x375,4:3,welcometoafrica.jpg)


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94c5a5 No.13575514

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0bc1cb No.13575516


Damn straight, we need more woke people in these parts.

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881618 No.13575517


Chinks aren't brown retard. As a matter of fact, we'll fucking put you in camps like the Uyghr muzzies

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e8bcc4 No.13575518

File: ee7c8ed5a1300a4⋯.mp4 (1.77 MB,854x480,427:240,DAY_OF_THE_ROPE.mp4)

File: 12fde8df9f5ecf7⋯.jpg (160.59 KB,646x800,323:400,Day of The Rope.jpg)

File: 6e01656d272e909⋯.jpeg (90.8 KB,775x800,31:32,day of the rope it all le….jpeg)

File: c8a69d7b9fe2edb⋯.jpg (34.81 KB,748x420,187:105,Tucker Carlson Day of the ….jpg)

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0bf034 No.13575520



You dumb niggers couldn't even shut down Andrew "Rice Nigger" Anglin. Don't get your hopes up.

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f479f2 No.13575521


>This site is shutting down

What are you even talking about? We're already switching services. You're either retarded or pretending to be retarded.

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0bc1cb No.13575522


T H E L O N G C O N, faggit. you ain't doing shit.

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a793a2 No.13575523

File: cfe63cd04a8be91⋯.png (2.12 MB,3004x3100,751:775,aryanne arbeit macht frei.png)

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a2eecc No.13575526

File: caccd11b29ad493⋯.jpg (72.9 KB,1024x512,2:1,aiportraits_1563503288.jpg)

>all of these assblasted goons, trannies, and shitskins trying to shit talk

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6b6d2c No.13575527

File: ca1afc56f5672dc⋯.jpg (148.68 KB,586x454,293:227,mexico.jpg)


>muh home land, la raza.

messihole had the land that included Texas all of just 15 years, taking it from Spain, who had it for 131 years, doing nothing with it other than some place holder forts and pedo priests, after taking it from france, hence the place holder forts. didn't do anything with it because the indiands raped, killed, and pillaged the spanish and then mescans so when messihole took it they had a cattle call to settle the place to use setters as buffer for indian attacks and place holder like the spaniards did. Whites settled and unlike the the spanish and mescans, brought the indiands to heel, hunted them down, made the place usable that wasn't up to that point, because of that mescans started demanding more and more from the settlers now that there was gibs to grab(history repeats itself) which beget the revolution. The land itself is shitty, surrounding land is better which is why even the indians didn't settle here, just used it like a highway on their way to rape and pillage mescans. Only thing that has made it worth a shit is evil Whitey doing evil Whitey tech to the place, the land down in messihole is intrinsically better, what makes it shitty is mescans, which is what will what will happen to America, it will drop to your level.

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614d54 No.13575528

You should Consider Frantech/BuyVM or Voxility as your next Anti-DDoS. That's what DailyStormer did after Cloudflare removed them.

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2904f1 No.13575529


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5ffbc8 No.13575531

im so happy this terrorist breeding ground is being shut down, thank god for the good guys, we always win

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1d36a2 No.13575532

File: 26548ce83a55902⋯.png (131.99 KB,474x603,158:201,SOvA5Dl.png)

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881618 No.13575534

File: c55dcfe8d1a9c7c⋯.jpg (12.98 KB,236x235,236:235,cranimu.jpg)



Too much of a pussy to say faggot, faggot?


not the first time retard

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714391 No.13575535

File: 1699d12025a186f⋯.jpg (18.14 KB,640x504,80:63,1538388354463.jpg)

I can't believe you guys call yourself a free speech platform. All the times of having differing opinions you banned me. Now that karma is actually working I am SO happy that every host is going to ban this fucking retarded website. Don't ever come back to 4chan you faggot retards.

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f479f2 No.13575536



Could you please go be retarded somewhere else?


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1d700b No.13575537

File: 63f7a6b59ab37f1⋯.jpg (14.79 KB,512x287,512:287,1513455832093.jpg)

To all you political roleplayers, Sir or Ma'am or whatever the hell you are-

Please don't shit up this website. I enjoy discussing kino on the tv board and really don't want to go back to solving 10 captchas.

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e402d6 No.13575538

Well, guess we just go back to half-chan for the time being. Discord is still up too, so there's that.

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4f026d No.13575539

File: b21248ee4b1e261⋯.jpg (17.52 KB,599x413,599:413,8a4a23d4c82056602e8ba32df8….jpg)


It really is sad that this is the best they can do. Some raid, fucking faggots.

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0bc1cb No.13575541

Y'all are way too easy to troll. I'm a white male suburbanite who just got bored lol . I didn't even know 8chan existed before tonight. see y'all on reddit. i'm out peace. I gotta go to work tomorrow. have fun faggots.

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e8bcc4 No.13575542

File: 04b1c2435d3ba8c⋯.webm (3.96 MB,640x360,16:9,Hitlerspeech.webm)

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881618 No.13575543


>don't ever come back to 4chan you faggot retards.

Yeah, i don't want aids

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a793a2 No.13575545

File: 1dfb432c6dc9448⋯.jpg (35.19 KB,600x600,1:1,shiggy diggy.jpg)


>good guys

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5ffbc8 No.13575546


when this site shuts down ill gladly leave, and im happy you'll have no where to go


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e8bcc4 No.13575548

File: 99ccb6afc6ec5ce⋯.mp4 (14.93 MB,426x240,71:40,The_National_Socialist_Rev….mp4)

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5a5808 No.13575549


>being shut down

It thinks we're being "shut down"

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881618 No.13575551

File: 65ad92f7a45ea47⋯.jpg (30.29 KB,400x300,4:3,headlikeahole.jpg)


You weren't trolling shit, nigger


>you don't have anywhere to go

that's where you're wrong bucko

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f479f2 No.13575554


This isn't even quality bait though.

Put some effort into it lad.

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e8bcc4 No.13575555

File: dcd06a041f9a787⋯.png (7.05 KB,1793x89,1793:89,11000000 gas the kikes rac….png)

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881618 No.13575557

File: cea266234bd833b⋯.jpg (13.51 KB,200x200,1:1,dumbass.jpg)


Let the mutt have its moment

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187ed1 No.13575559


>Going back

Please, you can say anything here and not get v&ed. On 4chan they are itching to call the FBI. The problem with you faggots screaming "HA HA YOU ARE SHUTTING DOWN" is that this is only the first step. Soon you guys will be hit too. Its never one sided when it comes to control. When a group or entity wants control they shut down every form of speech and freedom that is outside their own allowances. You arent going to be unscathed. None of you are. Im fine with it because at least I know that there will always be more like me, willing to set up places that will allow a place for people to talk about what they want.

Also Moot is a nigger.

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db7a25 No.13575560


>going back to cuckchan or a cianigger honeypot website?

How about neither you double nigger.

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0bf034 No.13575561

File: 7c13eb85c69bf7c⋯.webm (423.78 KB,640x360,16:9,You Serious.webm)


>I can't believe you guys call yourself a free speech platform. All the times of having differing opinions you banned me

spamming cuck porn is not a political opinion.

>Now that karma is actually working

Shitskin religions aren't real

>Don't ever come back to 4chan

Webm very related.

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e30a77 No.13575562


oh I thought that was a foot at first

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de2075 No.13575564

Wait how are you all considering this free speech when you're just repeating something another idiot said?

I'm confused, is it really free speech if you can't freely speak?

Ya'll are pull string dolls.

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e8bcc4 No.13575565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5621b5 No.13575567


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af343d No.13575569

>all this terrible bait

lurk more faggots

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a2eecc No.13575570


the "good guys" lost in WW2, the current American empire is built on a foundation of lies. Soon the truth will out.

God blesses us.

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881618 No.13575574

File: 0068df135966ccd⋯.png (900.66 KB,2098x1500,1049:750,smughotelandburger.png)

>all this shitskin assblast



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5a5808 No.13575575

File: 4d9be7c6a9205b1⋯.jpg (12.2 KB,430x258,5:3,I'm_A_Bad_Dude.jpg)


I'm honestly not even worried anymore.

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4f026d No.13575576

File: f8e86d6d8beb4b2⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB,640x360,16:9,RWDS-Racewar.mp4)

Can't stop it, won't stop it.

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1a6338 No.13575578

I was a genetic coder for Monsanto for over 20 years. I understand the human genome, and there are powerful people who seek to breed attractive child sex slaves. I have decided that the 20 million dollar offer for me to remain silent is inadequate. I will be naming people, places, and things with pictures if I don't get my 100 million dollar request. Pictures drop in 1 hour if I don't get my money.

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25fbcd No.13575579

a mosque, a church and not a single synagogue? im disappointed

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e1ad82 No.13575580

File: f362475ee5b97b7⋯.png (749.67 KB,701x438,701:438,survival arts.PNG)


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Faggot.

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6a311c No.13575583

File: 0f85661f3877544⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1920x1080,16:9,planet-meltdown-1920x1080-….jpg)


NOT a retort. You're a complete Deprived Kike Shill Estrogen Pump Freakshow. and that's the ONLY thing needed to be said.

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0bf034 No.13575584

File: 37b2e9ccd87f05f⋯.png (279.55 KB,527x671,527:671,1430177474747-3.png)


>thank god for the good guys, we always win

If you abominable faggots are the good guys, then evil is the only hope left for this world.

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6a311c No.13575585

Literally fucking hang your entire Family Lineage You shit Skin wave Apologist

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b10a6a No.13575586

>This is just a bump in the road. Expect some downtime as we update our servers over the next few hours.

and those were the best hours the internet has had in years. fucking incelterrorist

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a2eecc No.13575587

Just wish the shitskins would leave us alone ffs. Free association my fucking ass.

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6a311c No.13575588

Literally fucking hang your entire Family Lineage You shit Skin wave Apologist

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6a311c No.13575589

Literally fucking hang your entire Family Lineage You shit Skin wave Apologist

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6a311c No.13575591

Literally fucking hang your entire Family Lineage You shit Skin wave Apologist

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0adbe0 No.13575592

The ride never ends, it just gets a new lick of paint.

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7dbc7f No.13575593

this website is full of bots now that there is no protection. 99% bots on 8chan

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0bf034 No.13575596

File: 97eadd080031e38⋯.gif (1.21 MB,640x480,4:3,247e16bbf4743b91ef3380d09c….gif)

capping out the thread are we?

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881618 No.13575601

File: 6bc90485bc10a85⋯.png (30.26 KB,680x433,680:433,polaintfree.png)


There's some real anons still here

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8b87f2 No.13575603


>stop hitting yourself

Why isn't facebook getting taken offline due to hosting a terrorist video? 8chan removed the thread.

also the fact that "racists" are so soft on the Hispanic question, makes them a good target

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e8bcc4 No.13575604

File: 053b2554cef295e⋯.webm (6.83 MB,568x320,71:40,Mein Kampf - Restoration ….webm)

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624bf2 No.13575605

File: 0cb4b525615ecd6⋯.png (784.36 KB,1280x752,80:47,1564934083072.png)


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a793a2 No.13575610

File: 47bed0f5a04771b⋯.png (1.07 MB,576x1024,9:16,1531163120866-0.png)

File: b0251c43a66e1bf⋯.jpg (177.51 KB,1280x960,4:3,hoers.jpg)

File: 37ae659936a9e99⋯.jpg (152.57 KB,1200x1600,3:4,hores3.jpg)

File: a131d582ddb1c3c⋯.jpg (131.35 KB,1007x1357,1007:1357,white hors.jpg)


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8b87f2 No.13575611


This board is the true victim*

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9f3e71 No.13575612

FUCKING BOT FAGS - THE DDOS is real - the site is loading much slower now. Load all back ups.

Chan Anons will end this war, it's not going to be pretty for you stupid fucks.

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1ef194 No.13575614


It's not a larp anymore.

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2904f1 No.13575615



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8be575 No.13575619






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8b87f2 No.13575620


they aren't bots, these are angry jews

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e8bcc4 No.13575621

File: c33d1d13d4fb679⋯.webm (6.95 MB,640x360,16:9,Me_flirting.webm)

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2904f1 No.13575622


I'm DDOSing now :)

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cfdc39 No.13575623

Black Dawn musical album is back.

It's finally happening!


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675fab No.13575624

File: 35a98ddd3e40ca0⋯.jpg (33.11 KB,426x810,71:135,Ideas Are Bulletproof, Fag….jpg)

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e8bcc4 No.13575625

File: 933cbac6d1b9718⋯.webm (6.05 MB,640x360,16:9,why_do_they_love_democrac….webm)

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8b87f2 No.13575626


at least you have the constitution

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