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File: e674f205e1b647b⋯.png (43.88 KB,596x294,298:147,1564969557.png)

File: 6e19578a6c5bef8⋯.png (117.71 KB,597x528,199:176,【魚拓】Kevin_Roose_on_Twitter….png)

d2c9cd No.13574096 [View All]

You stupid, stupid faggots have done well in destroying this site. Congratulations. Magnifico. Bravo!



701 posts and 171 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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5ffbc8 No.13575546


when this site shuts down ill gladly leave, and im happy you'll have no where to go


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e8bcc4 No.13575548

File: 99ccb6afc6ec5ce⋯.mp4 (14.93 MB,426x240,71:40,The_National_Socialist_Rev….mp4)

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5a5808 No.13575549


>being shut down

It thinks we're being "shut down"

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881618 No.13575551

File: 65ad92f7a45ea47⋯.jpg (30.29 KB,400x300,4:3,headlikeahole.jpg)


You weren't trolling shit, nigger


>you don't have anywhere to go

that's where you're wrong bucko

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f479f2 No.13575554


This isn't even quality bait though.

Put some effort into it lad.

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e8bcc4 No.13575555

File: dcd06a041f9a787⋯.png (7.05 KB,1793x89,1793:89,11000000 gas the kikes rac….png)

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881618 No.13575557

File: cea266234bd833b⋯.jpg (13.51 KB,200x200,1:1,dumbass.jpg)


Let the mutt have its moment

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187ed1 No.13575559


>Going back

Please, you can say anything here and not get v&ed. On 4chan they are itching to call the FBI. The problem with you faggots screaming "HA HA YOU ARE SHUTTING DOWN" is that this is only the first step. Soon you guys will be hit too. Its never one sided when it comes to control. When a group or entity wants control they shut down every form of speech and freedom that is outside their own allowances. You arent going to be unscathed. None of you are. Im fine with it because at least I know that there will always be more like me, willing to set up places that will allow a place for people to talk about what they want.

Also Moot is a nigger.

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db7a25 No.13575560


>going back to cuckchan or a cianigger honeypot website?

How about neither you double nigger.

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0bf034 No.13575561

File: 7c13eb85c69bf7c⋯.webm (423.78 KB,640x360,16:9,You Serious.webm)


>I can't believe you guys call yourself a free speech platform. All the times of having differing opinions you banned me

spamming cuck porn is not a political opinion.

>Now that karma is actually working

Shitskin religions aren't real

>Don't ever come back to 4chan

Webm very related.

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e30a77 No.13575562


oh I thought that was a foot at first

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de2075 No.13575564

Wait how are you all considering this free speech when you're just repeating something another idiot said?

I'm confused, is it really free speech if you can't freely speak?

Ya'll are pull string dolls.

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e8bcc4 No.13575565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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5621b5 No.13575567


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af343d No.13575569

>all this terrible bait

lurk more faggots

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a2eecc No.13575570


the "good guys" lost in WW2, the current American empire is built on a foundation of lies. Soon the truth will out.

God blesses us.

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881618 No.13575574

File: 0068df135966ccd⋯.png (900.66 KB,2098x1500,1049:750,smughotelandburger.png)

>all this shitskin assblast



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5a5808 No.13575575

File: 4d9be7c6a9205b1⋯.jpg (12.2 KB,430x258,5:3,I'm_A_Bad_Dude.jpg)


I'm honestly not even worried anymore.

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4f026d No.13575576

File: f8e86d6d8beb4b2⋯.mp4 (4.78 MB,640x360,16:9,RWDS-Racewar.mp4)

Can't stop it, won't stop it.

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1a6338 No.13575578

I was a genetic coder for Monsanto for over 20 years. I understand the human genome, and there are powerful people who seek to breed attractive child sex slaves. I have decided that the 20 million dollar offer for me to remain silent is inadequate. I will be naming people, places, and things with pictures if I don't get my 100 million dollar request. Pictures drop in 1 hour if I don't get my money.

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25fbcd No.13575579

a mosque, a church and not a single synagogue? im disappointed

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e1ad82 No.13575580

File: f362475ee5b97b7⋯.png (749.67 KB,701x438,701:438,survival arts.PNG)


Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences. Faggot.

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6a311c No.13575583

File: 0f85661f3877544⋯.jpg (1.35 MB,1920x1080,16:9,planet-meltdown-1920x1080-….jpg)


NOT a retort. You're a complete Deprived Kike Shill Estrogen Pump Freakshow. and that's the ONLY thing needed to be said.

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0bf034 No.13575584

File: 37b2e9ccd87f05f⋯.png (279.55 KB,527x671,527:671,1430177474747-3.png)


>thank god for the good guys, we always win

If you abominable faggots are the good guys, then evil is the only hope left for this world.

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6a311c No.13575585

Literally fucking hang your entire Family Lineage You shit Skin wave Apologist

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b10a6a No.13575586

>This is just a bump in the road. Expect some downtime as we update our servers over the next few hours.

and those were the best hours the internet has had in years. fucking incelterrorist

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a2eecc No.13575587

Just wish the shitskins would leave us alone ffs. Free association my fucking ass.

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6a311c No.13575588

Literally fucking hang your entire Family Lineage You shit Skin wave Apologist

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6a311c No.13575589

Literally fucking hang your entire Family Lineage You shit Skin wave Apologist

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6a311c No.13575591

Literally fucking hang your entire Family Lineage You shit Skin wave Apologist

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0adbe0 No.13575592

The ride never ends, it just gets a new lick of paint.

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7dbc7f No.13575593

this website is full of bots now that there is no protection. 99% bots on 8chan

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0bf034 No.13575596

File: 97eadd080031e38⋯.gif (1.21 MB,640x480,4:3,247e16bbf4743b91ef3380d09c….gif)

capping out the thread are we?

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881618 No.13575601

File: 6bc90485bc10a85⋯.png (30.26 KB,680x433,680:433,polaintfree.png)


There's some real anons still here

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8b87f2 No.13575603


>stop hitting yourself

Why isn't facebook getting taken offline due to hosting a terrorist video? 8chan removed the thread.

also the fact that "racists" are so soft on the Hispanic question, makes them a good target

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e8bcc4 No.13575604

File: 053b2554cef295e⋯.webm (6.83 MB,568x320,71:40,Mein Kampf - Restoration ….webm)

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624bf2 No.13575605

File: 0cb4b525615ecd6⋯.png (784.36 KB,1280x752,80:47,1564934083072.png)


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a793a2 No.13575610

File: 47bed0f5a04771b⋯.png (1.07 MB,576x1024,9:16,1531163120866-0.png)

File: b0251c43a66e1bf⋯.jpg (177.51 KB,1280x960,4:3,hoers.jpg)

File: 37ae659936a9e99⋯.jpg (152.57 KB,1200x1600,3:4,hores3.jpg)

File: a131d582ddb1c3c⋯.jpg (131.35 KB,1007x1357,1007:1357,white hors.jpg)


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8b87f2 No.13575611


This board is the true victim*

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9f3e71 No.13575612

FUCKING BOT FAGS - THE DDOS is real - the site is loading much slower now. Load all back ups.

Chan Anons will end this war, it's not going to be pretty for you stupid fucks.

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1ef194 No.13575614


It's not a larp anymore.

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2904f1 No.13575615



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8be575 No.13575619






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8b87f2 No.13575620


they aren't bots, these are angry jews

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e8bcc4 No.13575621

File: c33d1d13d4fb679⋯.webm (6.95 MB,640x360,16:9,Me_flirting.webm)

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2904f1 No.13575622


I'm DDOSing now :)

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cfdc39 No.13575623

Black Dawn musical album is back.

It's finally happening!


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675fab No.13575624

File: 35a98ddd3e40ca0⋯.jpg (33.11 KB,426x810,71:135,Ideas Are Bulletproof, Fag….jpg)

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e8bcc4 No.13575625

File: 933cbac6d1b9718⋯.webm (6.05 MB,640x360,16:9,why_do_they_love_democrac….webm)

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8b87f2 No.13575626


at least you have the constitution

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