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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 77e528c177b4edd⋯.jpg (82.98 KB,500x490,50:49,4023212268_4f62a2af87_z.jpg)

 No.13392991 [Last50 Posts]

Use this to redpill normies

>Very useful threads and articles (mostly HBD related)


>Debunking studies and talking points (immigration)


>Alt base


>race realism and IQ


>The great replacement






>Diversity + Proximity = War




>Race mixing


>redpilled threads


>other redpills




>men and women


>other pastebin links


>book collection




>Matty's empirical index


>infographs #1


>infographs #2


>HBD repository


>over 2 terabytes of redpills


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SciHub: - You will find full research papers here #1





How to use Sci-hub to get academic papers for free


find full research papers #2:


find full research papers #3




How to download ebooks from Library Genesis (libgen) for free


Free ebooks - Project Gutenberg


to view articles behind paywalls


For finding research papers:



Great translator:


Simple image hosting #1


Simple image hosting #2


Archiving tools:

Archive.is (or .li .fo, w/e)





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The War Against Whites in Advertising


The War on Whites in Advertising:

A Follow-Up


The War Against White Women:

How Feminism & Diversity are Harming Them


Civic Nationalism & the Diaspora Question


Law Enforcement & The Hostile Elite


Social Media Censorship as Psychological Warfare


Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.


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File: 3c63042d5ba3c6b⋯.jpg (87.64 KB,1174x1200,587:600,Zs0zxDaf.jpg)

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The Ultimate Hypergamy Compilation


Aggressive, narcissistic, bullying, "jerkish" men have higher numbers of sexual partners, have sex more often and have higher self-esteem


A compilation of research about women preferring assholes before nice guys


The Ultimate Female Misogyny and Nastiness Compilation



Women gossip more often than men about physical appearance (d=-0.8) and they gossip about 2.5 times as often about close friends and relatives.



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File: d31687afbe15bd0⋯.png (190.16 KB,876x507,292:169,xfxf.png)

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Jews: imgur.com/a/ER090

Economics: imgur.com/a/3IEtU

Women: imgur.com/a/UWtj2

Racial Realism: imgur.com/a/ByCnG

Ethno-nationalism: imgur.com/a/u3ykb

Liberalism: imgur.com/a/AXQFl

Marxism/Communism: imgur.com/a/cS5CR

Media: imgur.com/a/adKzw

Guns: imgur.com/a/EcFxy

Climate change: imgur.com/a/HbKvL

Homosexuals: imgur.com/a/FkHqh

Transsexuals (be warned, painful to look at): imgur.com/a/yj0Nu

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Industrial society and its future


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list of fake hate crimes


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File: 3f4928c594ef02b⋯.png (213.23 KB,873x477,97:53,xds.png)

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File: 2fbc3b18227a365⋯.jpg (428.47 KB,2092x1270,1046:635,whocontrolsyourmind2015.jpg)

File: 171dfe43d5bfda1⋯.png (4.96 KB,314x300,157:150,USA_2009._Percent_of_adult….png)

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images related to the great replacement


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File: 76be299fa2d1c51⋯.png (103.12 KB,1977x1027,1977:1027,STD_Graph.png)

File: 4b5e2a60415d605⋯.png (139.38 KB,906x585,302:195,ssw.png)

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Blacks commit 56% of all robbery, despite only 12% of the population.


Blacks commit 53% of all murder, despite being only 12% of the population.


Despite making up less than 7% of the US population, black males commit 1 in every 3 rapes.


Young black men kill 14X more than young white men.


Blacks make up more than 50% of all homicide victims.


42% of all cop killers are black.


Blacks victims of homicide are 93% of the time killed by other blacks.


In 2006, blacks made up nearly 40% of the total prison population, despite being only 12% of the general population.


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FACT: - Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38.3% of the total of all welfare payments. Whites are 72% of the population, and take 30.5% of the total.


FACT: - Though only 12% of the population, Blacks take 38% of taxpayer-subsidized housing


FACT: - Blacks are responsible for 40.8% of all domestic violence cases, despite being only 13% of the population.

See page 28:


FACT: 28% of Black males go to jail, vs. 4.4% of White males.


FACT: - Blacks are four times more likely than Whites to kill their children


FACT - Blacks "were 7 times more likely than whites to commit homicide in 2005"


Fact is black teens comprise only 15 percent of all U.S. teenagers but were 70 percent of all news AIDS diagnoses in 2012, according to CDC


Fact is Black privilege in America means that Black people find nothing at all wrong with excusing away the deplorable actions of 20 Black men who raped an 11-year-old girl.


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File: 1e16f752672ef00⋯.png (357.34 KB,2324x1440,581:360,sketch-1519134412109.png)

File: 783ee7b79a5f1cf⋯.png (271.33 KB,2350x1440,235:144,sketch-1519134094933.png)

File: 5fec0c1f2d110ba⋯.png (283.76 KB,2410x1440,241:144,sketch-1519134058577.png)

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Fun Fact: only 25 percent of Black males are graduating in New York state, and in New York City?which has the largest Black male enrollment?only 28 percent graduates.


Fact is research shows black women, many living in Atlanta, are being infected with HIV – so much so that the new cases are being compared to African countries.


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File: eb19f25101d8a54⋯.png (220.17 KB,2307x1440,769:480,sketch-1519133649777.png)

File: 91be850a933d7cf⋯.png (218.53 KB,2359x1440,2359:1440,sketch-1519133860359.png)

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File: 91723d91a0bbbd8⋯.png (309.11 KB,2271x1440,757:480,sketch-1519133400848.png)

File: ec3f4cdbf7461bf⋯.jpg (216.93 KB,2560x1129,2560:1129,sketch-1518008630030.jpg)

File: 45c41fed28ac86f⋯.png (329.32 KB,2224x1440,139:90,sketch-1518008490120.png)

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File: 5457a6da20e8cfa⋯.png (22.96 KB,610x314,305:157,environs.png)

File: 32b8915f9257d15⋯.png (23.67 KB,581x339,581:339,awokening.png)

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File: 335b3ff0a11684f⋯.png (52.07 KB,590x322,295:161,serveimage.png)

File: 99877c65983fe7c⋯.png (397.69 KB,495x508,495:508,serveimage (10).png)

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File: 0fc05ca8e9c261a⋯.jpg (678.3 KB,1460x962,730:481,muslim_grooming_gangs.jpg)

File: 17e83067b250bd8⋯.png (35.01 KB,720x372,60:31,D3vvP6DWsAINj8o.png)

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File: 367fdc7ba9d11e3⋯.png (108.72 KB,624x1392,13:29,D3u71TTXsAUA90v.png)

File: 5d21acccb428d06⋯.jpeg (80.95 KB,600x957,200:319,D38j-yKWkAAzFVD.jpeg)

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File: ec743d9355575b6⋯.png (110.88 KB,1558x800,779:400,Any_Mental_Illness_by_race.png)

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File: db12b3a29866fb0⋯.png (572.25 KB,1440x2560,9:16,Screenshot_20171213-093832.png)

File: 6c191a7165b7961⋯.png (37.55 KB,935x926,935:926,Same_Race_Murder.png)

File: 3c02f44f162b484⋯.png (47.19 KB,1448x722,724:361,Robbery_graphs.png)

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File: 2f111a4047698f4⋯.png (1.61 MB,2560x1693,2560:1693,7bbe54982583e64684d5947ff9….png)

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File: 2db3204888e58b0⋯.png (50.9 KB,1747x729,1747:729,Rape_graphs.png)

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File: 8830e17c56c0af8⋯.png (40.72 KB,1139x922,1139:922,Female_Murder.png)

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Way too complicated. I always tell them straight up about IQ differences, show them the statistics and explain how the jews are involved. That's how I lost most of my libtard friends too.

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> Way too complicated.

> Not scientific enough.

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IQ of biracial children and adults


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"the study shows that African-Americans showed greater empathy for African-Americans facing adversity – in this case for victims of Hurricane Katrina – than Caucasians demonstrated for Caucasian-Americans in pain. "

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Women who claim to be willing to date any race are lying and are just as discriminatory as women with explicit racial preferences. Source: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=895442

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File: 82de843c7b973ef⋯.jpg (643.11 KB,2126x1300,1063:650,1508582977978.jpg)

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Ethnic group differences in cognitive ability in employment and educational settings: A meta-analysis.

Many narrative reviews of the empirical literature in the area focus on Black–White differences, and reviews conclude that the mean difference in cognitive ability is approximately 1 standard deviation; that is, the generally accepted effect size is about 1.0. The authors conduct a meta-analytic review that suggests that the one standard deviation affect size summarizes Black–White differences for college application tests and overall analyses of test of cognitive ability for job applicants in corporate settings.


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File: bde7315e1dfd8ff⋯.jpg (32.46 KB,459x461,459:461,1507756073880.jpg)

File: 96b1ae32b34d2b4⋯.jpg (61.48 KB,1024x499,1024:499,1507756051480m.jpg)

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File: 447cabb93a1a492⋯.jpg (115.81 KB,580x469,580:469,1506389625544.jpg)

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"Ethnicity and race are important factors influencing the incidence of osteoporosis. Highest fracture rates are found among white women. Rates in black women are about 50% lower than white women with rates in Hispanic and Asian women generally about 25% lower than rates in white women. Gender differences in fractures rates are greatest among Whites. Areal bone mineral density (aBMD) is highest among black women and it is estimated that about one-third of the lower fracture rates in black women may be accounted for by their higher bone mineral density (BMD). aBMD is also higher in Hispanic women compared to white women. Asian and white women have similar aBMD but some data suggest that volumetric BMD and cortical thickness is greater in Asians than Whites, which may contribute to their lower fracture rates."


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File: ad07dd18f72d1c3⋯.jpg (169.48 KB,1024x903,1024:903,1506374446437m.jpg)

File: b611d1a609d3faa⋯.png (63.02 KB,1056x706,528:353,1506370876036.png)

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"Is ethnicity related to treatment outcome in patients with acute leukemia?

Ethnicity appears to be related to outcome in both ALL and AML in children. In both

leukemias, African American ethnicity is associated with a poorer outcome. Although the

reasons are not known, these differences may be the result of either host or leukemia



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File: c8b98ea7435a79f⋯.png (193.11 KB,1598x925,1598:925,1506370828089.png)

File: cdf5f367500c48c⋯.png (49.58 KB,1056x705,352:235,1506370780985.png)

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Race-related differences in functional antibody response to

pneumococcal vaccination in HIV-infected individuals

Distinct racial differences were found in the functional immune response following either

PPV and/or PCV/PPV immunization in HIV-positive adults, although these differences were serotype

dependent. Decreased ability to respond to vaccination may in part explain racial disparities in pneumococcal disease epidemiology.


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> pic 1

Put jews into the mix and the numbers are even more insane.

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Here is a study which used other animals as a bench mark and found that there exists subspecies in humans.


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File: 448d61b22a0cb91⋯.jpg (1.93 MB,1580x3431,1580:3431,1559899314028.jpg)

File: b6b29352e395b1d⋯.png (103.47 KB,1920x1080,16:9,enrichment.png)

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File: 646b085ece49982⋯.png (463.08 KB,1296x912,27:19,1502853249262.png)

File: d67bbf55837db8c⋯.jpg (94.63 KB,1028x766,514:383,1501945823269.jpg)

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File: 395b20e61b4d24a⋯.jpg (118.28 KB,2021x1237,2021:1237,774ecd6537a9cdedc0f5e87a61….jpg)

File: 671f6f7dd27c28b⋯.png (314.92 KB,731x1901,731:1901,671f6f7dd27c28b1e12637cfa2….png)

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File: 4cedd9bcc8fc0ad⋯.jpg (507.05 KB,2712x1288,339:161,43c3448738b7c981504a717e39….jpg)

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"64% of all eighth-grade students are unable to read proficiently, according to the National Assessment of Education Progress’ latest report. 82% of black students and 77% of Hispanic students are not reading proficiently."


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File: 85c74c6d6ea2f55⋯.jpg (129.81 KB,1280x720,16:9,7a035869f2fe7300718f41c431….jpg)

File: 6f229591ef695d4⋯.png (61.88 KB,1015x963,1015:963,6f229591ef695d44b47355f128….png)

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File: 31db075377bdd4a⋯.png (646.73 KB,2746x1808,1373:904,sf4mrjrgwqj01.png)

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A debate has arisen regarding the validity of racial/ethnic categories for biomedical and genetic research. Some claim 'no biological basis for race' while others advocate a 'race-neutral' approach, using genetic clustering rather than self-identified ethnicity for human genetic categorization. We provide an epidemiologic perspective on the issue of human categorization in biomedical and genetic research that strongly supports the continued use of self-identified race and ethnicity.


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File: 813447e7b093b6d⋯.jpg (76.07 KB,1024x430,512:215,6a1b6bb7db2629d99bc97e5dc5….jpg)

File: 4188bb81526814c⋯.png (40.72 KB,960x846,160:141,5f5c59ddcadd5ed117a1a7c07f….png)

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File: 4cc9ff0e3719811⋯.png (733.22 KB,1960x1044,490:261,5d6344fc4e87bb09b4dd9e299f….png)

File: 93df208cdf8892a⋯.jpg (226.42 KB,1276x997,1276:997,2d3c3603ea4e3b175d02793396….jpg)

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Flynn effect gains are predominantly driven by environmental factors. Might these factors also be responsible for group differences in intelligence? Group differences in intelligence have been clearly shown to

strongly correlate with g loadings. The empirical studies on whether the pattern of Flynn effect gains is

the same as the pattern of group differences yield conflicting findings. We present new evidence on the

topic using a number of datasets from the US and the Netherlands. Score gains and g loadings showed a

small negative average correlation. The general picture is now that there is a small, negative correlation

between g loadings and Flynn effect gains. It appears that the Flynn effect and group differences have different causes.


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File: 7d4bd0e1754e6ee⋯.jpg (45.82 KB,1024x479,1024:479,1d9f961677950ba716f601a0c1….jpg)

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File: 01d26d1626c408e⋯.png (241.78 KB,604x486,302:243,22639483_152152312191144_7….png)

File: 67db2282a5de393⋯.png (211.93 KB,604x486,302:243,22638621_121844088483588_1….png)

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Racial Characteristics of Human Teeth


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File: b911205d4d406ec⋯.png (233.11 KB,604x486,302:243,22637026_524866267848006_7….png)

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File: 32b6e778c1ab07e⋯.jpg (94.13 KB,1376x1000,172:125,140415-hate-crimes-by-race….jpg)

File: 488d5efc31a706d⋯.jpg (576.97 KB,1232x3768,154:471,4222bfb5a9d1b7cd6757a0198e….jpg)

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File: 5589efbdd878800⋯.png (117.23 KB,851x1050,851:1050,1386521397034.png)

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File: ee54afb6c40d3a2⋯.png (131.2 KB,600x829,600:829,1387991110250.png)

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The genetic and environmental architecture to the stability of IQ: Results from two independent samples of kinship pairs


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File: fecc484d740a4a7⋯.png (3.94 KB,487x330,487:330,1465118704104.png)

File: ce659849f84011f⋯.png (36.85 KB,2015x1229,2015:1229,1459792282493.png)

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Are adoption gains on the g factor? A meta-analysis


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>oy vey statistics are for ebul nadsees

Here, have a bump

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In their latest report, the CDC admits that measles cases are actually coming from international travelers.


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File: b877df25d5e734e⋯.jpg (161.29 KB,1024x943,1024:943,1487048552382m.jpg)

File: 5bfb55bb9233681⋯.gif (2.09 MB,889x719,889:719,1488881907945.gif)


What's your problem? Elaborate.

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File: c201d4a39203cfe⋯.png (33.39 KB,859x556,859:556,1485754222220.png)

File: 355859a21f91557⋯.png (43.4 KB,772x511,772:511,1485751161562.png)

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File: 9332c98249440b3⋯.jpg (62.97 KB,1024x576,16:9,1488882940427m.jpg)

File: 5cc69b6205ac4da⋯.png (44.73 KB,1007x553,1007:553,1490172911404.png)

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A large literature shows that generosity, both public and private, is more freely extended within the same group rather than across groups. This column examines how immigration affects natives’ attitudes towards redistribution and the implications for welfare states in Europe. The main finding is that in regions which have received a larger share of immigrants, natives are in general less favourable towards redistribution. Some European countries face the dilemma of natives favouring generous welfare policies for themselves but opposing them for immigrants.


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File: 6cfeb471368efd8⋯.png (76.94 KB,882x709,882:709,Worlds-most-important-grap….png)

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>For instance, using six Canadian censuses of population over the 1971-to-2001 period, Aydemir and Borjas (2007) relied on the time variation in the share of immigrants by education–experience groups to identify the impact of immigration on the earnings of the domestic-born. They found that a 10% immigration-induced increase in the labour supply in a particular skill group reduces the earnings of Canadian-born workers in that group by 3%.

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File: 33abe89e0b475b1⋯.png (153.54 KB,650x414,325:207,world-incarcertion-rates_1.png)

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Linguistic Diversity in the Classroom, Student Achievement, and Social Integration

In this article, we analyze whether non-native speakers in the classroom affect the educational achievement and social integration of migrant and native students. In contrast to previous studies, which mainly examine the effect of the share of immigrant pupils, we focus on language heterogeneity by using a novel measure of the degree of linguistic diversity in the classroom. Our analysis is based on a comprehensive survey of 4th-grade students in German primary schools, which contains detailed information on students’ language and math scores, their social integration, as well as on sociodemographic and school characteristics. We find a negative association between the share of non-native speakers in the classroom and students’ test scores and their social integration in the class. Conditional on the immigrant concentration in the class, the degree of linguistic diversity has no adverse effect on students’ language and math skills, but worsens the social integration of immigrant students.


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Do Immigrants Affect Firm‐Specific Wages?

We propose and test a novel effect of immigration on wages. Existing studies have focused on the wage effects that result from changes in the aggregate labour supply in a competitive labour market. We argue that if labour markets are not fully competitive, immigrants might also affect wage formation at the most disaggregate level – the workplace. Using linked employer−employee data, we find that an increased use of low‐skilled immigrant workers has a significantly negative effect on the wages of native workers at the workplace


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File: 19aa318eea35566⋯.jpg (24.75 KB,442x532,221:266,womens_suffrage_effect_on_….jpg)

File: bc915bc1154a64f⋯.jpg (35.28 KB,483x291,161:97,wife_beating_by_race.jpg)

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"Unlike other foreign languages brought to the U.S., Spanish has had unusual staying power. In a 2002 study, sociologist Richard Alba and his coauthors found that nearly all the grandchildren of European and Asian immigrants speak English exclusively, but over one-third of Mexican Americans still speak Spanish in the third generation and beyond. A 2011 Pew Center poll found that 30 percent of third-generation Hispanics are at least as proficient in Spanish as they are in English, while 47 percent can carry on a Spanish conversation “very well” or “pretty well.” The same survey indicated that Hispanic Americans are nearly unanimous (95 percent to 4 percent) in believing it is important that “future generations of Hispanics living in the U.S. be able to speak Spanish.”


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File: 93d3ccff96af78a⋯.gif (20.82 KB,911x623,911:623,why_do_blacks_fail_poll.gif)

File: 4f460afabd01b03⋯.png (32.8 KB,1004x667,1004:667,whitest_states_very_safe.png)

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File: 7ba221f5f5bf28e⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,1248x617,1248:617,whites_least_racist.jpg)

File: 092119951773e77⋯.jpg (47.62 KB,484x493,484:493,whites_global_minority.jpg)

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File: 012ec881aa89871⋯.jpg (111.08 KB,919x1260,919:1260,whites_dying_at_higher_rat….jpg)

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File: d22f5baed781c06⋯.jpg (47.4 KB,1045x624,1045:624,white_dysgenic_mormon_euge….jpg)

File: 598d4d90159f075⋯.png (44.27 KB,1110x800,111:80,white_antinatalism_began_o….png)

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File: 81d6e2659ea17f3⋯.jpg (37.25 KB,496x287,496:287,welfarestate.jpg)

File: 693ebc350d48a7b⋯.jpg (111.7 KB,650x503,650:503,welfare-by-ed.jpg)

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File: 72ce18a42c2e1c2⋯.jpg (32.6 KB,549x394,549:394,welfare_costs_by_race.jpg)

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File: 98cdb9f947ef558⋯.jpg (163.81 KB,1031x614,1031:614,war_on_poverty_failed_welf….jpg)

File: a135c95f912fd3a⋯.jpg (37.38 KB,600x370,60:37,want_to_migrate_poll_map.jpg)

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New crime statistics for Germany: 11.5% of the population are foreigners (people without a German passport) yet their share of inmates in German jails is disproportionately high and has now reached a new record.


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File: 7220022519c3e0a⋯.png (72.38 KB,1280x734,640:367,wage_gap_first_child_women.png)

File: 84123401fd2a373⋯.jpg (13.63 KB,230x178,115:89,violent_crime_map_us.jpg)

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File: f9cae09c4493411⋯.png (44.6 KB,1000x800,5:4,us_white_nonhispanic_ferti….png)

File: 8e9702160596c02⋯.jpg (36.29 KB,500x547,500:547,us_welfare_spending_over_t….jpg)

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Religious and Ethnic diversity is associated with more violent crime problems in Australia


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File: 62863edb9ad5d7b⋯.jpg (52.65 KB,939x533,939:533,us_states_iq_graph_brownin….jpg)

File: 9cff97701a22bf5⋯.jpg (58.16 KB,728x530,364:265,us_food_stamp_participatio….jpg)

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Mexican immigration to the U.S. is responsible for a significant decline in Social Capital


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Ethnic diversity is significantly associated with classroom interruptions


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Higher diversity is related to worse health outcomes


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Higher levels of ethnic and linguistic diversity are associated with poorer firm performance


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File: 4fea95f8bfd3885⋯.png (42.09 KB,580x400,29:20,1.-germany-russia-birth-ra….png)

File: ed8e233356dfb32⋯.png (23.4 KB,1046x659,1046:659,2way_foreign_vote.png)

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File: 6539246aab854b8⋯.png (91.73 KB,1436x1129,1436:1129,8Ixkc98.png)

File: f914c455cabe6c7⋯.gif (31.11 KB,720x540,4:3,0017_taxes-snapshot-full.gif)

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There is a negative effect of immigrant pupils on native students, and increasing shares of immigrant students is associated with a decline of school resources and quality


Education spending per student in California would have been 24 percent higher in the year 2000 if US immigration had been restricted to its 1970 level.


Cross-country evidence shows that countries which experience an influx of low-skilled immigrants have negative changes in public expenditure per pupil, greater congestion in public schools, and reduced wages for low-skilled workers.


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there's only one thing anybody needs to know-

There is no political solution

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Immigration from corruption‐ridden origin countries boosts corruption in the destination country.


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Within Britain, allegations of electoral fraud tend to be more common in areas with large Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities. Within Euroupe more generally, immigrants from countries with high rates of cousin marriage are less likely to say it is wrong for a public official to request a bribe.


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States with high-immigration rates have experienced a sizable increase in Emergency Medicaid expenditures for foreign-born populations.


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File: 4f37dc8c0fb26a9⋯.jpg (203.72 KB,1276x997,1276:997,1965_immigration_act_effec….jpg)


We need more people to understand that there is no political solution.

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More immigration tends to worsen a country's healthcare efficiency


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Ukraine is the only country getting whiter

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File: c81b2dd48bb405e⋯.jpg (36.2 KB,900x506,450:253,actresses_younger_than_act….jpg)

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High-Skilled Immigration and the Labor Market: Evidence from the H-1B Visa Program

This paper investigates the effect that high-skilled immigration has on the wages of U.S.-born college graduates. . . Using an IV strategy that takes advantage of large changes in the cap of H-1B visas and controls for major- and age-specific unobservable characteristics, I find that workers who are most exposed

to increased competition from skilled immigration have lower wages than you would expect given their age and college major. A 10 percentage point increase in the immigrant-native ratio of a skill group decreases their relative wages by 1.2 percent. Overall, I estimate that STEM

wages fell 4–12 percent relative to non-STEM wages because of immigration from 1990–2010.


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File: 01c2abb8b528f18⋯.jpg (46.98 KB,579x513,193:171,adoption_parent_ses_vs_off….jpg)

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Welfare generosity and location choices among new United States immigrants

This paper extends the limited research that investigates the determinants of location choices among new United States immigrants. Unlike previous work, this study employs data that includes country of birth, major categories of admission, and state of intended residence for each new immigrant. Additionally, due to censoring concerns in immigration data this study uses a Tobit estimation technique. The results suggest significant correlation between immigrant inflow and welfare generosity. Furthermore, the welfare motivation seems to be equally pervasive in every major category of admission among new immigrants.


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dropping these:

Police shootings: how statistics can be dangerously misleading when excluding context factors


Police shootings: a review of the literature and the role of media in current racism & misrepresentation of the facts





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Immigrant influx and social cohesion erosion

If immigration causes a decrease in social cohesion, then it may also be an important contributing factor in the recent failure of financial institutions. The present analysis finds some evidence for a negative relationship between immigration and volunteering from the Current Population Survey 2004–2008 September Supplements. Various specifications confirm the tendency of immigrant inflows to decrease social cohesion, as measured by the tendency of native U.S. citizens to volunteer.


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File: afdae775b7aaa26⋯.png (44.78 KB,868x508,217:127,agepyramid_white_vs_hispan….png)

File: ccc8dab60cafc09⋯.png (15.19 KB,726x493,726:493,Age-and-miscarriage.png)


You seem to be triggered there. Your problem?

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Immigration, socio-economic conditions and crime: a cross-sectional versus cross-sectional time-series perspective

The study is based on data of the Italian provinces. Italy represents a critical case for studying the migration–crime relationship, because in this country the rise in foreign immigration has been sudden and its pace feverish. The cross-sectional analysis findings show that crime intensities are affected by time-invariant factors and marginally by immigration. On the contrary, the longitudinal analysis shows that variations in immigration had a positive impact on both the most serious and the most common offences, on property crimes as well as on crimes of violence.


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File: 170c51f87473b83⋯.jpg (45.16 KB,653x467,653:467,affirmative_action_race_dr….jpg)

File: 6a33067645e6abb⋯.png (19.67 KB,270x174,45:29,Age_and_female_fertility.png)

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In the United States there is a fiscal burden from immigration which ranges from a minimum of $43 billion to a maximum of $299 billion depending on the economic assumptions used


Current immigration to Spain has a significant negative effect on productivity, a small effect on per-capita GDP, and creates a worsening financial situation for its social security system


In Denmark immigrants from Western countries have a positive fiscal impact, while immigrants from non-Western countries have a large negative one, which is also the case when considering only non-refugee immigrants. The negative effect is caused by both a weak labour market performance and early retirement in combination with the universal Danish welfare schemes.


Refugees have a draining effect on public finances in Sweden. They are under-represented in public revenues with only 3.4% of total revenues coming from refugees. On the other hand, refugees are over-represented as receivers of public transfers and public consumption. The most striking case is that of social assistance, where the refugee population receives a full 55% of total spending. This effect could be mitigated if policy efforts were conducted increase refugee employment rates.


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File: 8473d93adb4e2ad⋯.png (22.05 KB,1046x673,1046:673,age_sexual_harassment.png)

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Low-skilled immigration will not only reduce the general welfare of a nation but also challenge its pension system by reducing pension benefits themselves.


The last 30 years of immigration to France has had a negative impact on the budget. While immigrants explained 8.3% of the primary deficit per capita in France in 1995, their share has doubled to over 17% in 2011.


"Reviewing existing empirical literature demonstrates that the fiscal effects of refugee and non‐Western immigration almost uniformly supports the conclusion that the fiscal balance is going to be negative for Europe. The noble aims of humanitarian obligation to accept refugees seem to be in conflict with the pragmatic economic interest – a fiscally beneficial immigration – this time."


In Finland Immigration stresses municipal finances, a result contrary to the beliefs of some policy makers that they are cost neutral


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Immigrants in the UK use welfare more intensively than natives. In Germany and Sweden there is evidence of a relatively less intensive usage which nonetheless contributes to an increasing fiscal burden.


Non-European Immigrants to the UK are a net negative on the budget, while European immigrants contribute more than they receive from it.


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File: d083a0b3001b7aa⋯.jpg (38.68 KB,1111x754,1111:754,alcohol_over_time.jpg)

File: daceaca796609cc⋯.png (18.63 KB,1187x792,1187:792,america_2-a778124d.png)

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The absence of immigrants led to technological innovation in agriculture


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UN plan to flood Europe/Japan/Korea with immigrants.

front page


replacement migration




Literature overview













European Union












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File: edf3dff676ce8ba⋯.jpg (36.18 KB,684x498,114:83,anthropologists_poll_is_ra….jpg)

File: d0de64c7d5aafab⋯.png (5.82 KB,478x286,239:143,anti_white_tweets.png)

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File: ef8eb56dd84d81d⋯.png (21.61 KB,1043x654,1043:654,antix_hate_hoax_unidentifi….png)

File: 123eb57dd92a773⋯.jpg (78.06 KB,612x718,306:359,antifa_poll.jpg)

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Would anybody here kill all refugees in Germany if they could?

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/POL/ Get's a PHD in Islam








Threads on Islam

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If your aim is not to rid the west of all immigrants, you do not belong here.

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Academics with lower research productivity (i.e. fewer publications and citations) are more likely to put "PhD", "Dr." or "Professor" in their e-mail signatures.


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File: 2f1c1b2b50eb5c1⋯.jpg (12.51 KB,754x381,754:381,aremassshoot.jpg)

File: c07c26b1c83c56e⋯.jpg (201.75 KB,2048x1462,1024:731,argentina_internal_correla….jpg)


Wrong target. It's the synagogue of satan.

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"Our longitudinal analyses suggest that national identification (strength of association with the nation state in which an individual resides) predicts lower anxiety and improved health."


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Syrians, Lebanese and Moroccans are not white

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White participants who read about demographic change showed greater preference for their own racial groups


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File: 1b06cff21c181c6⋯.jpg (199.7 KB,1600x705,320:141,assorted_hategraphs.jpg)

File: 76ee133207e6a37⋯.jpg (44.06 KB,1024x512,2:1,asian_and_canadian_illegal….jpg)

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Conservatives are happier than liberals, but why? Political ideology, personality,

and life satisfaction


Republicans: Still Happy Campers


Why Are Conservatives Happier

Than Liberals?


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File: db8f129841efbea⋯.jpg (39.97 KB,800x556,200:139,arrest_rate_race_nyc_multi….jpg)

File: 8ec93335384b601⋯.png (23.92 KB,1036x645,1036:645,arrest_illegals_survey.png)

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youngsters getting more depressed?


A study released in 2017 found that the number of children and adolescents admitted to children’s hospitals for thoughts of self-harm or suicide had more than doubled from 2008 to 2015, echoing trends in federal data.

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File: dc265a17646df8c⋯.png (148.45 KB,1060x647,1060:647,avgiqbystate.png)

File: 9bb02c7408478ea⋯.jpg (387.87 KB,1440x2560,9:16,bbc_anti_white.jpg)

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Men with high testosterone, who are also more attractive, are more likely to be racist. Source: http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/ironically-a-mans-face-can-tell-you-if-hes-likely-to-act-like-a-racist

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File: cb3b94a7acb55aa⋯.jpg (46.97 KB,636x582,106:97,bell_curve_iq_ses_dropout.jpg)

File: 42a72770394f318⋯.jpg (49.31 KB,653x584,653:584,bell_curve_iq_ses_poverty.jpg)

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Researchers Tried To Explore Why “Stereotype Threat” Harms Performance, But Found It Didn’t Harm Performance At All


Stereotype Threat and

Differential Item Functioning:

A Critical Assessment


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File: 25175676f8168d8⋯.jpg (40.88 KB,640x491,640:491,bell-curve-crime-iq.jpg)

File: 36ef3372da68ede⋯.jpg (32.3 KB,599x399,599:399,berlin_wall_worked.jpg)

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File: 19826c19e101594⋯.jpg (159.37 KB,1445x657,1445:657,black teen unemployment.jpg)

File: 930b58727ab636f⋯.jpg (51.45 KB,800x570,80:57,black_arrest_prison_correl….jpg)

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>Although perceived discrimination was associated with almost all of the indicators of mental health and utilization of mental health care that we examined, adjusting for discrimination did not significantly reduce mental health disparities between heterosexual and LGBT persons. Conclusion. LGBT individuals experienced more major discrimination and reported worse mental health than heterosexuals, but discrimination did not account for this disparity. 


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Sexual Orientation in Autism Spectrum Disorder


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File: 895ad45e0fdf45e⋯.jpg (26.84 KB,596x379,596:379,black_std_rate.jpg)

File: ba50a8c7e9d9c24⋯.png (25.96 KB,600x400,3:2,black_stupid_dose_response.png)

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"Between 1480 and 1913, Europe’s queens were 27% more likely than its kings to wage war." https://www.nber.org/papers/w23337.pdf

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Let's prove her right and wipe them off the planet.

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File: a6ebc9c05729c5e⋯.jpg (90.69 KB,668x679,668:679,black_vote_over_time.jpg)

File: 0233db853b977ce⋯.jpg (25.71 KB,640x421,640:421,black_white_iq_distributio….jpg)

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File: a5d559ed676f7d0⋯.jpg (19.51 KB,678x381,226:127,brain_size.jpg)

File: 5e2bc8deaf6762f⋯.jpg (18.26 KB,341x266,341:266,bone_density.jpg)

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File: eb7557442c8ca50⋯.png (50.12 KB,948x497,948:497,centrists_dont_care.png)

File: 6adf9b1baab8f47⋯.jpg (82.31 KB,1028x766,514:383,budget_fiscal_impact_race_….jpg)

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File: ed96c58132fbe4c⋯.jpg (44.99 KB,595x447,595:447,california_negative_net_do….jpg)

File: 2f1a5ccfe97d300⋯.png (260.25 KB,1030x651,1030:651,california-voting-map-the-….png)

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File: 109597e172163cf⋯.png (46.46 KB,963x910,963:910,FamilyOutcomes.png)

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this red pill thread seems to only be a nigger pill and gay pill. a bit narrow scope.

have a cancer pill : cancer is a vitamin deficiency


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File: 77f18b3773c69f1⋯.png (868.28 KB,1268x4500,317:1125,tattoo_natsoc.PNG)

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File: 900ff91a28a135b⋯.jpg (265.07 KB,928x1214,464:607,germany_must_perish.jpg)

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File: 6bd1757557d7793⋯.jpg (30.28 KB,640x457,640:457,adoption_income_vs_non_ado….jpg)

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File: 403920050dd96e5⋯.png (67.75 KB,1920x1080,16:9,D9HhrQKXsAEvqnc.png)

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Need more good redpill aside from this one as this redpill(pic related) is kinda outdated and some of it are taken from a tabloid

t.a debater

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Wha if Jews have you got ? I don’t recognize that voting behavior

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Any source for this one?

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File: 0d3c84625dba1d8⋯.png (220.79 KB,786x585,262:195,chingchong.png)


All this graph proves to me is that Asians are an even bigger threat to whites than blacks.

Nothing is more dangerous than an enemy that is smarter/more capable than you.

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File: 7d0bcc1a595385a⋯.jpg (41.79 KB,640x399,640:399,implicit_black_white_intel….jpg)

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But Asians are neither of those things, especially the Chinks.

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File: 3cb1ded492d7940⋯.png (1.03 MB,1550x2300,31:46,jews can't count.png)

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guys, why is Malaysia's Prime Minister is so redpilled on the jews?


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Best thread on /pol/

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File: 8ced4d05ac5599e⋯.jpg (164.54 KB,414x600,69:100,refugees_smartphones.jpg)


That's a redpill in itself. White europans are the only ones who write down facts. Not all of them, but at least the percentage is good enough. Everyone else just piles allah yawheh veda bullshit together and nobody ever understands what the fuck really happened 100 years ago. Try to read non-european "chronicles", you will see that for yourself.

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File: caea9e7bcda3ab6⋯.png (18.4 KB,573x342,191:114,evstray.png)

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File: 8d33916a39cfea5⋯.png (666.29 KB,1038x631,1038:631,image-1.png)

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File: b476fd7b1e675f0⋯.jpeg (117.64 KB,600x644,150:161,5ACC248A-B27F-49FC-951D-F….jpeg)

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*With the people who can only make these

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All these graphs and stats don’t work on the average dumbfuck. We need easily digestible spicy memes. The Jews brainwashed them while entertaining them, that’s how they willingly went along with it. They weren’t sat down and shown graphs. You have to hit them in the emotions anon, not the mind.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There are two video's that will point any normie toward the redpill path. This one warns of the dangers of unrestricted banking. The creators of it must be woke on the JQ as the two bad guys mentioned by name are jews. They also state that they can't tell you the organizations actual name.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This video will deconstruct the sacredness most people have of democracy and how corruption is an integral part of it. While it does say that 'dictatorship is bad, hmm k' If you follow up with "What about a dictatorship where the wealth is dependent on the people?" It should get them on the road to fascism.

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The single best resource on holohoax deprogramming, as long as your attention span is big enough and you can think rationally:


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CPG is a cultural marxist and he is actually advocating for democracy there.

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Does anybody have a cap of some anon's effortpost going through the logic of how homosexuality is a mental disease?

These bar charts and maps of America won't convince anybody.

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Audiobooks collection


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>veda bullshit

I hope you realize that the oldest Indo-European texts in existence texts are the hymns in the Rig Veda. They were written by Aryans, as were the great epics like the Mahabharata, Ramayana, Bhagavad-Gita, etc. They are among the greatest written works on this planet

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File: baf1dcf0baabc17⋯.png (112.3 KB,1280x672,40:21,20180818_FBC544.png)

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File: 7f997bedabb057a⋯.jpeg (174.64 KB,1200x1200,1:1,DdMszrPXkAAFjKn.jpeg)

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Can someone make a very brief red pill summary of why diversity and multiculturalism is bad? I just wanna be able to defend my stance w/o having to explain a shit ton every time someone asks.

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>Can someone explain my stance?

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File: 93866c3a118091f⋯.jpeg (77.08 KB,960x684,80:57,Dd-CxbNVAAApzao.jpeg)

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Where is the Africa redpill?

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File: 9f0019aaaec3c47⋯.png (919.34 KB,1308x1353,436:451,b69a79d3d3813135eb7321d4bf….png)

File: e1f59e97116ac10⋯.jpg (22.6 KB,480x320,3:2,coincidence.jpg)

File: ffc2bb6ffe353a9⋯.png (616.11 KB,1554x777,2:1,vipers and thieves.png)

File: c5707499595c84e⋯.jpg (291.91 KB,986x761,986:761,wc.jpg)

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File: 65264a73bceaabc⋯.jpg (13.71 KB,250x250,1:1,I aint clicking on that sh….jpg)

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>white people voted for the Jew

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File: 553e5039abe032c⋯.jpg (363.91 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

File: 8d2ca2c7785277a⋯.jpg (523.59 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

File: 400d99af37609da⋯.jpg (528.87 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

File: 99e1ac68511371b⋯.jpg (530.9 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

File: 4d4632d7f6765c8⋯.jpg (535.6 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

Read/listen to it all


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File: b91083cf69bb36f⋯.jpg (534.85 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

File: b7b399c7432220f⋯.jpg (536.29 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

File: 01c9ec4f1ed3bd3⋯.jpg (535.66 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

File: 4843ea3e2af408e⋯.jpg (535.38 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

File: 2aac087c51fb6ea⋯.jpg (516.19 KB,777x1228,777:1228,Page from - America's Decl….jpg)

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Nice thread

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File: 2cedeae3fececc0⋯.png (278.86 KB,1440x1440,1:1,sketch-1524383541626.png)

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The Effects of High Skilled Non-immigrants (H-1B Visa Holders) on The Wages of Natives

Despite the fact that there have been large numbers of studies on immigration, Empirical studies commonly report varying result regarding with its wage consequences. This research paper aims to shed new light on the effect of H-1B visa holders on the wages of native workers in the United States. This study focuses on the high skilled labor market by using the Science and Engineering Statistical Database. Empirical analysis exploits cross occupation variation to capture the impact of H-1B visa program in different occupations. Plus a new instrumental variable is incorporated to the regression model to determine non-immigrant influx in the labor market. Based on regression analysis, I find that H-1B visa program has a negative and statistically significant impact on the wages of high skilled workers between 2001 and 2010. . .

The ordinary least square (OLS) and instrumental variable (IV) estimates repot that a ten percent increase in the relative supply of non-immigrant workers lowers the wages of native workers in the same occupation by 4.9 to 6.4 percent. These findings are consistent with the labor market theory that increase in labor supply shifts the labor supply curve to the right; therefore, it creates downward pressure on wages in the labor market.


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File: 7e5f0da4b555ea7⋯.jpg (124.08 KB,968x592,121:74,4t4.jpg)

File: 255e31b7226e9f1⋯.jpg (422.09 KB,1024x1598,512:799,m172976ff1_figure_1_compar….jpg)

File: 3338743d4e4ef9f⋯.jpg (149.13 KB,769x779,769:779,police non-bias.jpg)

File: 40b174afa1d122f⋯.png (56.98 KB,530x372,265:186,D3F2d76UgAAiwDi.png)

File: fb1322ca04eba66⋯.png (178.71 KB,401x729,401:729,g4d.PNG)

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File: 6d8b4cca1f18fe9⋯.png (415.75 KB,1458x1326,243:221,_alain de botton.png)

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File: 25a9c59935e329f⋯.png (157.94 KB,1165x664,1165:664,Birth control.png)

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File: 03d22192f2223b4⋯.png (27.76 KB,1411x309,1411:309,barbie.png)

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File: c3a34bb9ebcf1cd⋯.jpg (303.56 KB,1524x1262,762:631,Communist revolution in Ge….jpg)

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File: d7bab67c758b0d3⋯.png (88.75 KB,468x881,468:881,First mosque in England.png)

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File: a4eae4066b9df2a⋯.png (96.41 KB,1660x578,830:289,gentile.png)

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File: 9aa573e70ce4ea9⋯.png (235.66 KB,1102x793,1102:793,Kurt Lewin.png)

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File: 055097a33961192⋯.png (168.89 KB,1336x966,668:483,Members of the Communist P….png)

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File: 76173fbad330700⋯.png (524.34 KB,1670x950,167:95,Merkel.png)

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File: 2632d0f1ac4adeb⋯.png (59.46 KB,1663x610,1663:610,mkultra.png)

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File: 27253a32424ed22⋯.png (171.35 KB,1697x534,1697:534,payoneer.png)

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File: a42056f189bc54d⋯.png (370.75 KB,725x1213,725:1213,The European.png)

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File: b10b6d88d1fb715⋯.png (653.06 KB,1604x1142,802:571,Earrings.png)

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File: 7311b9bc0a329d1⋯.png (255.77 KB,1304x634,652:317,Ralph H. Baer - Inventor o….png)

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File: dc32034eb8f6240⋯.png (630.25 KB,2287x1503,2287:1503,Elfriede Jelinek.png)

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File: 1e55a93e2c69db4⋯.png (262.33 KB,778x438,389:219,google.png)

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File: 17d9fa541b31de5⋯.jpg (667.65 KB,1863x897,27:13,Google white mother with c….jpg)

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File: 44a9e16890fc52c⋯.jpg (41.91 KB,317x426,317:426,Germany must perish (6).jpg)


"Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but later…" (The Jewish Emil Ludwig, Les Annales, June, 1934)

"Kill the Germans, wherever you find them! Every German is our moral enemy. Have

no mercy on women, children, or the aged! Kill every German – wipe them out!" (Llya

Ehrenburg, Glaser, p. 111).

"The millions of Jews who live in America, England and France, North and South Africa, and, not to forget those in Palestine, are determined to bring the war of annihilation against Germany to its final end." (The Jewish newspaper, Central Blad Voor Israeliten in Nederland, September 13, 1939)

"Germany is the enemy of Judaism and must be pursued with deadly hatred. The goal of Judaism of today is: a merciless campaign against all German peoples and the complete destruction of the nation. We demand a complete blockade of trade, the importation of raw materials stopped, and retaliation towards every German, woman and child."(Jewish professor A. Kulischer, October, 1937)

"Our fight against Germany must be carried to the limit of what is possible. Israel hasbeen attacked. Let us, therefore, defend Israel! Against the awakened Germany, we put an awakened Israel. And the world will defend us." (Jewish author Pierre Creange in his book Epitres aux Juifs, 1938)

"Judea declares War on Germany." (Daily Express, March 24, 1934)

"Germany must be turned into a waste land, as happened there during the 30-year War."(Das Morgenthau-Tagebuch, The Morgenthau Dairy, p. 11).

"The fight against Germany has now been waged for months by every Jewish community, on every conference, in all labor unions and by every single Jew in the world. There are reasons for the assumption that our share in this fight is of general importance. We shall start a spiritual and material war of the whole world against Germany. Germany is striving to become once again a great nation, and to recover her lost territories as well as her colonies. But our Jewish interests call for the complete destruction of Germany…" (Valadimir Jabotinsky, in Mascha Rjetsch, January, 1934)

"…In Germany the Jews occupy the principal rìles and are first-rate revolutionaries. They are writers, philosophers, poets, orators, publicists, and bankers, and on their heads and in their hearts all the weight of ancient ignominy! They will one day be terrible for Germany…probably followed by a morrow terrible for them." (Rougeyron, 1861; Metternich, 1849; The Trail of the Serpent, Inquire Within, Miss Stoddard, p. 93).

"I know in expressing with this frankness my ultimate opinion of the Jews, I expose myself to enormous danger. Many people share it, but very few dare to express it publicly, for the Jewish sect…constitutes today a veritable power in Europe. It reigns despotically in commerce, in the banks, and it has invaded three-quarters of German journalism, and a very considerable portion of the journalism of other countries. Woe, then, to him who has the clumsiness to displease it!" (Study of the German Jews, (1869).

"In no place so much as in Germany do the Jews [in finance, industries and commerce] hold such an important, almost preponderant part. Therefore it might easily be said that all the newly-rich and war- profiteer, is an ancient of a thousand years…The immense majority of the influentials in Austrian Socialism were and are still Jews …finally, in a certain sense the Jews oppose themselves to non-Jews, above all in the rìle they play as initiators and actors in the extreme-left parties as internationalism opposed to nationalism." (Le Probläme Juic, (1921), Georges Batault).

"When the National Socialists and their friends cry or whisper that this (the war) is brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right." - The Jewish magazine Sentinel of Chicago (8 October 1940).

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File: ead100744f64611⋯.png (300.63 KB,1245x1259,1245:1259,German revolution 2.png)

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File: 21777f32c0edd68⋯.png (196.29 KB,2568x1399,2568:1399,Germany 1918.png)

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File: 23d5835ec8eb657⋯.jpg (381.55 KB,1644x1547,1644:1547,germany only exists.jpg)

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File: 4f31131aaf1241d⋯.jpg (147.09 KB,896x1200,56:75,gender.jpg)

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File: b4d92a50973a6ed⋯.jpg (810.61 KB,2372x2432,593:608,trannies in military.jpg)

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File: d3b809c5f1b4561⋯.png (459.6 KB,761x876,761:876,trannies.png)

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File: f0357f655e5236f⋯.jpg (51.6 KB,447x457,447:457,tranny 2.jpg)

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File: 50f32651c8c66a2⋯.jpg (102.03 KB,720x960,3:4,tranny 3.jpg)

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File: a78d00e3515b8c4⋯.jpg (71.25 KB,685x668,685:668,trans.jpg)

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My mind was just blown. I just discovered that I met Donnie Yen a few weeks back and I talked shit to him. Even called him Princess.

Donnie, if you read this, you're still a bitch. I love your work Sifu.

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File: 9601f60ae6d2827⋯.png (97.03 KB,586x469,586:469,shiksa.png)

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File: 6681bfbbfc2ad1e⋯.png (286.76 KB,519x375,173:125,russia 2.png)

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File: 54134321027aa2a⋯.png (217.83 KB,600x450,4:3,revolution.png)

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File: 247e0e08a282a0f⋯.jpg (141.36 KB,600x695,120:139,refugees.jpg)

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File: d86e8f1df9d37c5⋯.png (931.63 KB,2584x1424,323:178,Romania.png)

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File: f81c71e7a95d95b⋯.png (283.4 KB,650x521,650:521,gay marriage.png)

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File: f407028d5a723ad⋯.jpg (66.28 KB,600x600,1:1,gysi.jpg)

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File: 2025a275eb0759e⋯.jpg (51.25 KB,550x236,275:118,hollywood (3).jpg)

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File: 0934f80ab65c6c1⋯.png (2.48 MB,1600x1952,50:61,hollywood 4.png)

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File: b99103a4f5bd6d2⋯.png (20.61 KB,588x228,49:19,hate speech.png)

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File: aa42cb1064ed343⋯.png (5.21 MB,1836x7456,459:1864,game of thrones.png)

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File: d26d5c62328988c⋯.jpg (332.86 KB,1600x2812,400:703,feminism.jpg)

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File: f26abf7b751b066⋯.jpg (98.01 KB,635x635,1:1,eu 3.jpg)

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File: 14b3c53e68f4061⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,2000x3000,2:3,disney.jpg)

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File: 0ad3430de02cc31⋯.jpg (44.88 KB,611x822,611:822,dear white people.jpg)

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File: c36c27eedbae745⋯.jpg (86.83 KB,906x489,302:163,fags.jpg)

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That guy is the guy that made it impossible for me to stand Jews. The arrogance of him, a guy that lives off the labor of the very people that is glad are dying off.

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A Grinder is a metal working tool. That site should be called the AIDs store.

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File: 7144461b8cbff67⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,1722x1460,861:730,Poland.jpg)

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File: c27d53a48b144e1⋯.jpg (1003.44 KB,1371x1988,1371:1988,pedo 6.jpg)

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File: 8c3966ae7e453ae⋯.png (89.02 KB,587x150,587:150,ocd.png)

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File: 3a5108a6d7f0f51⋯.jpg (75.31 KB,891x561,27:17,race mixing.jpg)

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File: e7ed86591d69b35⋯.jpg (150.43 KB,768x584,96:73,rape 2.jpg)

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File: f19451b0134ee2b⋯.jpg (218.38 KB,1924x1468,481:367,netflix.jpg)

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File: 2d1b66993893175⋯.jpeg (177.72 KB,807x1131,269:377,netflix 2.jpeg)

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File: e8a955db46e2a90⋯.jpg (127.67 KB,1169x1200,1169:1200,naacp.jpg)

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File: dd3b93fc9ec231e⋯.png (72.88 KB,1683x788,1683:788,monsanto.png)

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File: 0fd0d79631acf4b⋯.jpg (117.65 KB,638x769,638:769,mass immigration.jpg)

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File: 69bfb7400bede65⋯.jpg (193.79 KB,1200x1018,600:509,Magnus Hirschfeld 2.jpg)

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File: 8bfee09a09b2741⋯.png (442.1 KB,960x544,30:17,libertarianism.png)

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File: 5d49572f006e9cf⋯.jpg (43.39 KB,608x240,38:15,lazar kaganovich.jpg)

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File: bb20d7300375e4a⋯.jpg (97.84 KB,1080x1170,12:13,jews hate christianity.jpg)

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File: 172327e227d8fb1⋯.jpg (29.2 KB,280x399,40:57,jewish poetry.jpg)

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File: 3bde675acc8af8d⋯.png (712.44 KB,848x1166,8:11,japan.png)

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File: 949b51957514e6d⋯.webm (2.5 MB,640x360,16:9,jew cries for open border….webm)

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File: 68ade6a83578641⋯.jpg (45.08 KB,599x408,599:408,j j abrams.jpg)

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File: eb37eeb7d948716⋯.jpg (142.14 KB,1072x528,67:33,j (342).jpg)

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File: b0842e604f1a8cc⋯.jpg (59.13 KB,856x444,214:111,j (340).jpg)

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File: ea1c727a2850488⋯.jpg (277.85 KB,1421x1981,203:283,j (283).jpg)

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File: ae84058034b0452⋯.jpg (38.26 KB,599x337,599:337,j (231).jpg)

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File: ffa997950c64c3e⋯.jpg (91.04 KB,600x820,30:41,j (182).jpg)

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File: c97eaccffde8fcc⋯.jpg (218.57 KB,1440x1726,720:863,j (136).jpg)

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File: 4d9e7f9a48ccd84⋯.jpg (117.58 KB,608x896,19:28,j (116).jpg)

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File: d9b68b24fb52897⋯.jpg (87.46 KB,722x655,722:655,j (80).jpg)

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File: 8209cb341e9c58b⋯.webm (9.51 MB,640x360,16:9,netflix cuckolding.webm)

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File: 2df26ee7f0a2e63⋯.jpg (379.65 KB,1890x936,105:52,white woman white man.jpg)

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File: 79c47a38b3f01e7⋯.png (53.96 KB,619x311,619:311,royal family too white.png)

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File: 054d8a414520a6c⋯.jpg (276.26 KB,2048x1152,16:9,l (7).jpg)

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File: c341c1ac575b2a2⋯.jpg (49.22 KB,547x464,547:464,indigenous people wiki.jpg)

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File: 7e7f03c589faded⋯.png (100.61 KB,413x519,413:519,huffington post.png)

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File: 8c8d53174284e4b⋯.jpg (124.45 KB,1630x834,815:417,google 2.jpg)

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File: c190cff6d2e8076⋯.jpg (116.83 KB,720x870,24:29,germans.jpg)

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File: e0a9ad3c88e7574⋯.jpg (91.95 KB,586x709,586:709,genocide.jpg)

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File: 8a0e762fa563984⋯.jpg (106.52 KB,706x909,706:909,famous white men.jpg)

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File: 1b5aedb70449068⋯.png (2.11 MB,1891x891,1891:891,european people history.png)

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File: bfb08d984358099⋯.png (127.41 KB,1080x1920,9:16,duolingo.png)

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File: c85e08298c0c65d⋯.png (435.66 KB,1094x516,547:258,diversity 2.png)

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File: 3881359c4a3e05c⋯.jpg (304.83 KB,1851x1231,1851:1231,diversity 3.jpg)

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File: f89cdb0756b5d2b⋯.jpg (197.03 KB,1024x1633,1024:1633,diversity.jpg)

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File: 6ccabddc052fdf6⋯.jpg (51.36 KB,445x680,89:136,c (148).jpg)


How about you get the faggot mods to allow multiple images without (((javascript)))?

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Use this to redpill normies

>Very useful threads and articles (mostly HBD related)


>Debunking studies and talking points (immigration)


>Alt base


>race realism and IQ


>The great replacement






>Diversity + Proximity = War




>Race mixing


>redpilled threads


>other redpills




>men and women


>other pastebin links


>book collection




>Matty's empirical index


>infographs #1


>infographs #2


>HBD repository


>over 2 terabytes of redpills


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File: 8e462982045d13e⋯.png (16.51 KB,290x453,290:453,2012-sdt-asian-americans-0….png)

Asians mostly vote dem, show this to lolbertarians

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>he thinks there's any distinguishable difference between (D) and (R(

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File: cb4747405b03b0d⋯.jpg (37.26 KB,620x297,620:297,ncvs_race_crime.pg.jpg)

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File: 2431be946122c9c⋯.jpg (15.81 KB,331x249,331:249,testosterone_decline.jpg)

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.

NASA Going Nowhere Since 1958

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>Russian birthdates.

Great, more cannon fodder for the next war

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File: 1ce68babca813da⋯.jpg (311.5 KB,1191x1772,1191:1772,Leon Degrelle 4234er3w.jpg)

Hitler's Blitzkrieg by Léon Degrelle


Léon Degrelle, Autoportrait D'un Fasciste I & II [English subtitles]


Hitler Democrat by Léon Degrelle


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File: 08af1171e36ea4c⋯.png (1.28 MB,800x2717,800:2717,Why National Socialist Lea….png)


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Why ca't we archive redpills using IPFS?


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liberalism has been cancelled


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File: a3d18819d31a906⋯.png (66.03 KB,1137x987,379:329,terrorism statistics.png)

File: 81d963bcf874dff⋯.png (95.83 KB,1162x566,581:283,islam vs nazis uk - terror.png)

File: 89b33cae9e493d6⋯.png (504.69 KB,1338x909,446:303,global terrorism map.png)

File: 0745ab28f386450⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,2424x2137,2424:2137,fake news terror mass shoo….jpg)

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Have a bump for our new guests

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And another.

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< Roger Dommergue - Heidegger's Silence



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bump for

Welcome to /pol/.

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