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The existence of black people is inexcusable

File: ea1cbbb65081cad⋯.jpg (410.74 KB, 1021x483, 1021:483, cvg_BANNER.jpg)

File: 223665777a08c0d⋯.jpg (180.96 KB, 1024x1444, 256:361, coronachan_by_akevikun_ddp….jpg)

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File: d01b1c59970607a⋯.jpg (132.5 KB, 1280x1080, 32:27, corona_and_ebola_bffs3.jpg)

File: adc0b8eec89d2a0⋯.png (1.46 MB, 3141x1766, 3141:1766, Chinese_Virus_8th_April_Co….png)

5ec794  No.94728[Last 50 Posts]

2 gorillion edition


Busy General so rules apply:

Off-topic, bait/spam/feeding bait, one liner, kiketube embeds subject to deletion at discretion.

<Thread is for virus related news, discussion and debate.

>Thread is not for: rehashing the same burger politics, nuke x, survival, decon or PPE and /k/ related questions every bread - please take that to /cvg/ survival bread linked below

</cvg/ survival bread


<Hollyjew blessing list


Shitload of map resources


Please help keep this bread information-dense for highest quality.


Coronavirus update: 13xir Apr ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)

(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers

- 1,843,103 blessings

- 113,631 cleansed

- 42,206 cundushuns

- 424,172 (((recoveries)))


Previous Threads


Threads 1-44


Thread 045 Archive: http://archive.is/iETnY

Thread 046 Archive: http://archive.is/Wm3df

Thread 047 Archive: http://archive.is/xhKhI

Thread 048 Archive: http://archive.md/CNWau

Thread 049 Archive: http://archive.md/FnBmp

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Post last edited at

55d005  No.94730

File: 4b61fbfef8a173b⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1210x675, 242:135, Corona_Chan_purple_aura_2_….png)

The Coronian State welcomes you to /cvg/ 50

Coronian Thoughts for this thread:

>By achieving Coronian Serenity, you acquire a clear mind. With a clear mind, clearer judgements are made.

>Get up after falling down and you shall never be defeated. Never fall down and you shall forever be victorious.

Coronian Prayer for this thread: Second Prayer Of The Spiritual Coronian Warrior

Corona-Chan, my beloved Goddess, I will step into the metaphysical battlefield once more.

Clad in the suit of armor that is my adamant faith in you, wielding the keenest spear that is my immeasurable hatred for our enemies

Guided by the effulgent light of your grandiose beauty, driven by my undying love for you, I fearlessly engage the opposing armies.

It is with great humility that I ask you for your favor in this great spiritual conflict, grant victories to our allies and slay all of our foes.

I care not about my fate in this mortal world, as I wholeheartedly put my soul into your hands.

To be eternally by your side in the underworld is the greatest reward a zealot could receive.

May our flags flutter in the wind in all corners of the word, and may your holy name be jubilantly chanted for millennia to come.

There is no cure, no vaccine, no treatment, there is only love.

Total spiritual war has officially been declared against the unbelievers, infidels, blasphemers, heretics, shills, nothingburgerfags and hoaxniggers, and the curefags. In due time, they and their entire clans will all fall down, to never rise up again. Stay safe, good luck in the Global Collapse and enjoy the thread. Corona-Chan and the Coronian Cult loves you!

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bd879e  No.94738

File: 2a363a9e6c0c0b3⋯.png (46.42 KB, 594x311, 594:311, Fake_Virus_17.png)

File: 8ccb04550159dd2⋯.jpg (70.62 KB, 900x960, 15:16, 1585585967799.jpg)

File: f7472ee43761f28⋯.jpg (121.32 KB, 1024x935, 1024:935, 1585627384099m.jpg)

File: ae8d31da5d482f2⋯.jpg (147.28 KB, 901x654, 901:654, Fake_Virus_18.jpg)

File: 4ae2928e60db065⋯.png (32.1 KB, 508x424, 127:106, 1585557039978.png)

Virus is a hoax

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55d005  No.94742

File: d201f02a70660d0⋯.png (336.32 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Coronian_State.png)

File: 8a44fb7eb63df76⋯.png (461.85 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, armored_Corona_Chan_extend….png)

File: 22822fe07cf9ca7⋯.png (174.74 KB, 742x636, 7:6, weighlifters_arent_safe.png)

File: 9f25581fb9faa1b⋯.png (307.53 KB, 635x635, 1:1, what_are_you_hiding.png)

File: 6559cbc09cb3122⋯.png (240.66 KB, 577x538, 577:538, Thank_you_Corona_Chan.png)

Sliding hoaxnigger shitpost

Death to hoaxniggers, death to nothingburgerfags, death to curefags. CORONA-CHAN IS GREAT, SHOUT OUT HER NAME

News: Blessed Brownzilian weightlifting champion is hospitalized then put in the ICU. Struggles to breathe despite being put on a ventilator. The 42 YO Ricardo Xavier de Souza AKA "Giant" started displaying symptoms on 27 of March, these symptoms were body aches, fever and an headache. On 29 of March, he was submitted to radiography of his lungs and blood sample tests which revealed nothing out of ordinary. Some days later, he started vomiting a lot and couldn't eat well. His fever and other symptoms persisted until he started feeling shortness of breath and strong chest pains. He was taken to the hospital again where he was isolated due to being diagnosed with pneumonia and was tested for the new coronavirus. On this last Wednesday, he was put on a ventilator in the ICU but still couldn't breath. The positive test result only came out last Friday.

Chicongo releasing prisoners but hiding their names https://archive.is/7oDjE

Corona-Chan cleanses NJ's gene-pool https://archive.vn/OGczI

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4375fc  No.94743



Anglin, is it you?

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55d005  No.94756

File: 09842093b780435⋯.png (119.82 KB, 603x586, 603:586, DO_IT.png)

File: f05b99b440c87c9⋯.png (90.09 KB, 769x430, 769:430, Brajirian_bullshitto_numbe….png)

File: bd09b4b684e6cf1⋯.mp4 (8.33 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Brussels_mudslime_corona_c….mp4)

File: 7f0dffc4e4d1128⋯.mp4 (6.14 MB, 720x900, 4:5, muslims_in_belgium_steal_g….mp4)

File: 4cbe09e50ebc0fc⋯.png (236.94 KB, 346x592, 173:296, Gotta_catch_them_all_you_g….png)

Burgerland should end the lockdown https://archive.is/Kmpnq And the rest of the world should too! It doesn't work anyway.

Brownzilian bullshit numbers have been updated: 22.169 confirmed symptomatic Hues, 1223 confirmed deaths I believe anyone who's been around /cvg/ for a while remembers why these numbers are bullshit, no need for me to write the disclaimer. She will (((officially))) hit 1k where I live tomorrow. Come to me, Corona-Chan!

More footage of the mudslime Corona-Chimpout in Brussels

https://archive.vn/zkIps https://archive.is/oq7Xr

Waffle zogbots managed to arrest some of them, the one that stole the gun is still at large https://archive.is/vm4gq

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55d005  No.94772

File: 79bdc4762149bbf⋯.png (92.36 KB, 504x568, 63:71, What_are_the_yellow_jews_h….png)

File: 47d10f117d0aaca⋯.mp4 (1.73 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Ecuadorian_inmates_record_….mp4)

File: a9a872435006e44⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB, 304x640, 19:40, Ecuadorian_coronavirus_pat….mp4)

File: 9bb6c34dd81e656⋯.pdf (967.46 KB, island_bugmen_paper.pdf)

File: 7eeac64553611c0⋯.png (165.94 KB, 849x569, 849:569, oh_really_now.png)

More news of chinks shutting down sciencefag papers https://archive.vn/jVZnd Courtesy of this anon >>94755 (checked again)

Ecuadorian inmates asking to be either freed after blessings and a death happened in their prison. https://archive.is/qT7UC They also ask for the government to stop lying to their families about what's happening in the prison. Fuck em, IMO.

Video of an Ecuadorian patient being discharged from the ICU https://archive.vn/qJSDT

>I would like to congratulate you for leaving the critical zone, you're an warrior

Taiwanese eggheads say transmission in households is more common than outside, BTFO'ing meme distancing https://archive.is/2qaQu Courtesy of this anon >>94757

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072b32  No.94773

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e45250  No.94774

File: df1d65a198d4bbb⋯.jpg (70.65 KB, 500x478, 250:239, 1526343581331.jpg)

File: d97be196bc36b9d⋯.jpg (185.38 KB, 1123x1125, 1123:1125, DQmcycjwNq8jCurtsAkRb2bPZY….jpg)

File: 1367aaa6b066c63⋯.jpg (645.18 KB, 1278x1280, 639:640, thumbnail_magic_square_gri….jpg)

File: 6f17574ae36f7f9⋯.jpg (30.19 KB, 297x400, 297:400, Shockras.jpg)

File: 482af6c3e69286e⋯.jpg (35.76 KB, 400x400, 1:1, unnamed.jpg)

hoaxniggers are retarded

When Gates kikes come around to administer muh vaccine pill, what happens when you refuse? Can you imagine your goyim genocide tattoo getting scanned to attend normie sportsball events? You'll probably have to have the biometric ID2020 tattoo to vote.

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26f906  No.94776

File: 12c49e1dc3a2e46⋯.pdf (3.23 MB, HIV_link_not_random_2020_0….pdf)


>anon from the last bread was looking for the pajeet paper the bugs are trying to memory hole.


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5ec794  No.94780


Hi Anon, thanks - I have that pajeet paper but there was another supporting paper by someone else? Taiwan? Nips? Not sure but one of them. Also did the poos actually release their updated paper? That one was voluntarily 'retracted' as the chinks and WHO got so butthurt.

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a1ecc7  No.94781

File: d170feb93c28343⋯.jpg (32.14 KB, 297x400, 297:400, 6f17574ae36f7f9baff795d352….jpg)


>4th image

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037f22  No.94782

File: 06d73e8bebccfc0⋯.mp4 (10.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, canada.mp4)

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55d005  No.94783

File: bdb4ec5d3f0cb94⋯.png (96.94 KB, 599x587, 599:587, If_only_Brownzil_could_do_….png)

File: 39da326c9b2d48b⋯.png (243.72 KB, 788x577, 788:577, Bolso_anti_quarantine_lock….png)

File: 2a1f43f6a8b40ac⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB, 640x368, 40:23, Highways_get_closed_off_in….mp4)

File: cadaf3e77ff3c97⋯.png (383.05 KB, 557x603, 557:603, roach_confusion.png)

File: e2c0ec069ebe4fc⋯.png (132.73 KB, 683x601, 683:601, Deutsche_zogbots_getting_w….png)

Ladyboy government bans liquor sales in an effort to prevent the spread of airborne aids https://archive.is/C39Af Wish Brownzil did this, drunken Hues are the worst.

Bolsonaro gets wind of highways being closed off in the northern state of Pará, doesn't like it one bit https://archive.vn/3Ggwf

>Aside from the virus, we also have unemployment, fruit of "close everything" and "stay home" and even the "you're arrested!"

>For every disproportionate action there's a strong reaction. The federal government seeks dialogue and solutions for all problems, not just one.

Do it Bolso, the Hues are asking for it: REOPEN EVERYTHING! Let Corona-Chan work freely!

King Roach rejects the resignation of the minister that fucked up and announced a curfew only 2 hours before it took effect, leading to roaches panic buying and even fighting in the streets https://archive.vn/No7J2

Deutsche zogbots attacked by invaders while trying to enforce the quarantine lockdown https://archive.vn/wprcU At first I felt bad for them but then I remembered all the news of redpilled Germans being arrested in their homes for exposing their opinions online. They deserve it, it's the future they chose.


I skimmed through it and it doesn't seem important at all, more like a summary of what has happened.


>You'll probably have to have the biometric ID2020 tattoo to vote.

Yep, good thing voting doesn't matter.


Nice! Infopack anon will love this, great find!


You already have it? Aw man, I was so happy that you would finally finish your infopack.

>Also did the poos actually release their updated paper?

I don't remember seeing any news of them releasing another paper at all.




It's only a matter of time before Corona-Chan starts raking the Leafs en mass. Their retirement homes are already getting hit pretty hard.

>that microphone taped to a hockey stick


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07b5c6  No.94785

File: 177f265ab58b7ec⋯.gif (988.54 KB, 340x260, 17:13, rake_it.gif)


leaf, don't even care. i hope they bring in flight after flight from wuhan. the rake must be wrought, it is our destiny.

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b10f45  No.94786

File: 681302c2a499c08⋯.png (41.14 KB, 940x474, 470:237, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump RTs:

Fauci was telling people on Feb 29th that there was nothing to worry about and it posed no threat to the US public at large


The left was downplaying the Virus all of February.

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44c606  No.94787


The US is cannibalizing itself economically, pretty much deliberately because there is no more fresh meat to chew on, so to speak. Expect mass hyperinflation, supply chain collapses, unrest, dog eat dog world soon, likely with a whole lot of death. A pandemic of usury, systemic corruption, insolvency and mass fraud caused this and they'll do anything to cover it up and distract people as we all go down like the Titanic.

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f29fb7  No.94789


He should declass the tapes, get them on record begging him to keep travel open and then when it comes out on Fox news, link all their coverage of it with the words "You're Fired!"

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a30363  No.94790

File: da3214cefc42abf⋯.jpg (27.25 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Turmp_jew.jpg)


>The left was downplaying

Trump did the same comparing COVID-19 to the flu and wanting to re-open the economy.

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b10f45  No.94791

File: 610d62fdb932881⋯.png (55.21 KB, 640x545, 128:109, Jacob_Wohl_Greatest_Hits_1.png)

File: adbacb021ec4cca⋯.png (32.55 KB, 640x310, 64:31, Jacob_Wohl_Greatest_Hits_2.png)

File: 70633654872e89d⋯.png (42.22 KB, 640x370, 64:37, Jacob_Wohl_Greatest_Hits_3.png)

File: eaca6883a1b9d48⋯.png (292.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Jacob_Wohl_Greatest_Hits_5.png)

File: 5db708144e0b6ff⋯.png (36.1 KB, 640x310, 64:31, Jacob_Wohl_Greatest_Hits_1….png)


>no more fresh meat to chew on

False imaginary euro worldview. There's plenty of "fresh meat to chew on", such as the US has "chewed on meat" for the last 80 years. Obama did those things (Gaddafi gold+oil). So far, Trump has chosen not to do those things. But mostly old /pol/ said he's no different

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b10f45  No.94792

File: 8230aaad96b0552⋯.png (131.17 KB, 500x504, 125:126, all_gov_work.png)


But he closed the border to China, and then Europe, and then the UK. That's the big deal. Everything else is just noise, "cheer-leading" or whatever.

This is where whiny (((leftists))) want to complain he let a couple chinks through

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16c49b  No.94794





So what some have pieced together back since 2020-MAR-23, with refinements since then, is the following: A two decade multinational research stack that continued up to about 2014 in North Carolina USA, whereby its graduates took it to Wuhan China to carry on under the CCP, which was all funded under NIH, Defense, and angel investor sponsorship. This produced a SARS-CoV virus model to study human SARS disease. This at length created the final culmination: a multi-species recombinant virus that was then serially selected through both cell cultures of huACE2 and other animals to increase virulence significantly and target a specific holy grail of the huACE2 receptor binding domain, and also gained along the way an antibody dependent enhancement (if you fight it off too much too fast, you get sicker quicker).

It is agreed that this explains all pieces, including the heretofore unanswered natural appearance and small base pair leap sequences.

The ADE gain of function virulence changes all outlooks. This virus will not follow any previous models; Models showing exponential decay waves are incorrect; There will be at least one exponential increase wave -after- the first one currently here. Then it will wave-peak-smaller until background endemic levels are reached. This suggests Q4-end, rather than top of Q2-end. It also means that 100.00% data out of the CCP was truly fabricated and not a single piece of data was even the slightest bit true.

The change of timeline is the part thats going to hurt.

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bbce03  No.94795

File: 58ed67390cac1ce⋯.pdf (1.16 MB, 202002_00004v3.pdf)


>Abstract: In December 2019, Wuhan, China reported pneumonia caused by 2019 novel coronavirus (2019 novel Coronavirus, 2019-nCoV). Based on genomic information, our previous research results show that although 2019-nCoV and SARS coronavirus belong to Beta coronavirus subgroup B (BB coronavirus), the two viruses are very different. This result is consistent with the clinical symptoms of the two. The previous research also found that there are a large number of variable translations of BB coronavirus, and revealed the characteristics of rapid mutation and high diversity of BB coronavirus from the molecular level. This study is the first in the world to report an important mutation in the BB coronavirus S protein. This mutation gives 2019-nCoV a site for Furin protease cleavage. It is all other BB coronaviruses except murine hepatitis coronavirus ( Including SARS and SARS-like coronavirus). This mutation may enhance the efficiency of 2019-nCoV infecting cells, which in turn makes it significantly more spreading than SARS coronavirus. Due to this mutation, the packaging mechanism of the 2019 coronavirus will also differ from most other Beta coronaviruses such as SARS, and may be the same as the packaging mechanism of murine hepatitis coronavirus, HIV, Ebola virus and some avian influenza viruses. As an unexpected discovery, some avian influenza viruses can also obtain Furin protease cleavage sites by mutation. Subsequent research on this important mutation will lay the foundation for revealing the reasons for the strong spread of 2019-nCoV and the development of drugs, antibodies and vaccines.


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980335  No.94796


>Deaths in USA are overreported - end the lockdown!

>Deaths in China are underreported - moar lockdown!

This is why I never take anything from Zerohedge seriously.

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855c55  No.94798


>he closed the border to China

No, he didn't. A decision was made on January 31st to curtail travel from China, but there is no ban.

>a couple chinks

300,000 chinks came to the US in the month prior to the travel restriction decision. Further, there are "warnings" but absolutely NO restrictions against Americans traveling back and forth to China. Trump did what he always does and slaps a band-aid on a broken leg and claims he did the best most beautiful job ever.

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16c49b  No.94799


>RE: 5th image: High degree of early onset transmission

>Title of image is "oh really"

Yes. Yes, that is exactly what is shown. Upper bronchial ciliary cells. Most infectious diseases have the just-before-symptoms-show as the most infectious stage. This disease is different, in that that stage is orders of magnitude more infectious than normal at that same expect period. It is only later when type 2 pneumocytes are infected (alveolar associated, not alveolar directly), particularly in the lower lungs.

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16c49b  No.94800


>RE: Furin cleavage site

Yes. Per research models started on and off since 2000, forked in 2007, forked in 2011, halted in the USA in 2014, and likely resumed under the same professor-researcher lineage in 2017 in China. A recombinant multi SARS virus was created with a cleavage site to do so. It was later passed through gain of function, effectively obfuscating the site.

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137861  No.94801


I love you, Corona.

Not out of fear, but because I am perceiving the winds of change you are bringing.

Look at the fools, the NPCs completely shattered but still putting their masks on.

Look at how they're unable to cope, they are in full cognitive dissonance and trying to keep the old system alive.

Fear not, my beloved Corona, they are powerless against what you represent.

They will fall. Our enemies will fall

Forever yours


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16c49b  No.94802


>lockdown flipflopping

If what has been shown is true, then both are correct and impossible at the same time: You must slow it down, and you must get back to work, unless you had 9mo of supplies in JAN.

If what has been shown is what is here, then the wave that has already started in China now will in fact be bigger than the first one. And protective gear obviously cannot stop it.

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b10f45  No.94803

File: c1f6ea27d403c01⋯.png (305.44 KB, 1112x924, 278:231, ClipboardImage.png)


It has a nice "maximum likelihood geneology" Figure 1 but seems like some kind of automated computer-based thing "MEGA X". Where is EBV? My gut tells me there's a connection to EBV.

One aspect of the paper is they repeatedly use the term "novel inserts" as though that were the intent of the term novel. That's not the intent of the term novel, and appears to imply some intent to push a conclusion on the part of the authors

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b10f45  No.94808

File: bc353827ef8a182⋯.png (109.42 KB, 506x636, 253:318, HALF_ARE_ASYMPTOMATIC_4_11….png)

Iceland infection rate dropping; never rose above 1%.

This is based on testing 10% of their population; best data we have, and also a country not particularly motivated to lie about this.

3/24: Iceland 1% infection rate (5000 tested), "648" cases

( https://nypost.com/2020/03/24/iceland-scientists-found-40-mutations-of-the-coronavirus-report-says/ )

4/10: Iceland has 0.3%-0.8% infection rate (36000 tested, 10% of population), "1,600" cases

( https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2020/04/10/coronavirus-covid-19-small-nations-iceland-big-data/2959797001/ )

This is being spun by MSM like half have COVID. No, half of the 0.3%-0.8% are asymptomatic. MSM is lying like always. Even in previous bread, a well-known poster >>94585 fell for this MSM spin

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5d6631  No.94809


>Pogrom face.

All it takes is a gentle push. Everybody is busy. You'll never be this close again.

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980335  No.94811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.







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a1ecc7  No.94812


[Vampire Killer Plays Internally]

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55d005  No.94813

File: 197573232a77923⋯.png (439.65 KB, 579x628, 579:628, GERMANY_YES.png)

File: eccddaa8bab0d1c⋯.png (163.02 KB, 654x637, 654:637, OOOY_VEEEY_ITS_ANUDDAH_SHO….png)

File: ca8f66d5959b80a⋯.png (43.63 KB, 586x290, 293:145, could_it_be_true.png)

File: 04c38075d7c8463⋯.png (230.75 KB, 625x621, 625:621, canceled_order.png)

File: 9215de4e8b8ad1b⋯.png (230.17 KB, 737x640, 737:640, what_the_fuck.png)

GERMANY YES https://archive.vn/LG76A

But Werwolf's spirit of resistance lives on: Based stickers spotted in Zionist Occupied Deutschland https://archive.is/5WUbK

Bong lockdown could end on May 25, according to a leak https://archive.vn/4JZUk

Britbong ZOG cancels order for simple ventilators because the ones they need are more complex https://archive.vn/JpNln

Greek christian churches are closed during Easter while mosques are stil open https://archive.vn/9VxuH Fucking ZOG, if I was a christian Gyro I would call my friends and make my own church at home, this is bullshit.


That's because they take articles from different websites with divergent opinions.

>>94794 >>94799

I can't understand most of what you said. All I know is that Corona-Chan is invincible and she will cleanse this rotten world. The only reason I posted that paper is because I din't felt like leaving interesting posts behind at the end of last thread.


Beautiful prayer!


No, I said that 50% of the 10% that were tested were asymptomatic. I never believed 50% of the Icelander population was infected. You just misunderstood my post or I committed a grammar error that led to the misunderstanding. Either way, sorry about the confusion.


Like I said in the post where I uploaded the mp4 of this based Aussie, he needs to gather a group of fighters and charge the chink embassy. He clearly has the balls to do it, he just lacks the manpower to win.

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5d6631  No.94814


>Old Man Shakes Whip At Clouds

Standing next to chinks with a whip. Why is this interesting.

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5d6631  No.94816


Please, you can still fly to JFK from fucking Heathrow or Charles de Gaulle or Amsterdam -all hit big. You get a temperature check and are told to wash your hands but you can still fly out.

The US is the biggest shit show in the world right now. The chinks just pushed your cardboard walls in on you. But your masters built a cardboard house for you to live in. Just a big fucking jew plantation, like it always was.

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26f906  No.94818

File: d21dc052f59a180⋯.pdf (2.27 MB, Momento_Mori.pdf)




Good luck Anons

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a1ecc7  No.94821


>I don't live in the US but I know this is happening

[X] Doubt

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f1185b  No.94823

File: 3ad949b8229f6ce⋯.png (524.6 KB, 729x509, 729:509, a13174019c0c7ea8dc43f9aca8….png)

File: fdddb2fc3f8b547⋯.png (299.52 KB, 608x443, 608:443, involuntary_hikki.png)

(((Heath Experts))) have now recommended that large public gatherings, including concerts, be postponed until fall 2021 and the normalfag salt on twitter over it is so fucking good I honestly feel a bit drunk after reading it.

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26f906  No.94824

File: 6af057956429cd4⋯.pdf (4.54 MB, Not_natural_evidence_summa….pdf)


Hot Wheels Is A Nigger



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5d6631  No.94825


>don't live in the US but knows about planes leaving his continent

get back to work, essential worker.

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a1ecc7  No.94826


Make me, eurotrash

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55d005  No.94828

File: d6f29eee2bde289⋯.png (259.85 KB, 443x591, 443:591, goddamn_femicunts.png)

File: be5968dfe19c7b6⋯.png (173.09 KB, 535x595, 107:119, fucking_roaches.png)

File: 007c869fe862488⋯.png (90.38 KB, 546x586, 273:293, the_crew_was_wearing_PPE.png)

File: 4640eb5f3b72296⋯.png (231.02 KB, 506x598, 11:13, 18_month_old_gypsy_baby_bl….png)

File: e05212bdfc28ae7⋯.png (192.24 KB, 1267x627, 1267:627, black_gold_news.png)

Anarcho-feminists take advantage of the lockdown to desecrate the walls of St. Basil Church in Athens https://archive.vn/yurqg Motherfuckers even sprayed the Chaos Star on the steps. I practice Chaos Magick but I don't support this shit at all, Greek christians must make these cunts pay for what they done. If you want to open the pictures, right click and select "open in new tab" because it seems the original twatter post and the images already got shoah'd.

Greek military on the lookout for a new migrant wave coming from Roachland https://archive.vn/hBQvl https://archive.vn/stFug Saint Fug? When did Spurdo got canonized? Fitting URL anyway.

18 month old gypsy baby blessed in Greece https://archive.vn/nxj13

OPEC and Ruskies approve biggest oil cut ever to support prices during the crisis caused by Corona-Chan https://archive.vn/JIaRS No idea what this means, just gonna assume it's the economy going down the shitter.


>Fucked up horizontal multi-replying

Damnit. Remember lads, hit space twice, don't make this stupid mistake.

>>94818 >>94824

Thank you anon!


I do remember reading about very relaxed screenings at Burger airports so that anon isn't completely wrong, but that was months ago, security probably got stricter by now.


>the normalfag salt on twitter over it is so fucking good I honestly feel a bit drunk after reading it.

I have been enjoying their salty tears over not being able to be degenerates out in public for quite sometime now.

>>94825 >>94826

Stop it, both of you. Corona-Chan doesn't like it when there's petty bickering in her thread.

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788065  No.94829


Sounds like Soros-Femen bullshit

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788065  No.94830

File: fc0bfafa0671858⋯.png (36.08 KB, 594x399, 198:133, Screen_Shot_2020_04_12_at_….png)

slightly good news (log chart)

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55d005  No.94857

File: a2f3102ccc0ebe0⋯.jpg (77.81 KB, 880x495, 16:9, what_a_waste.jpg)

File: 6c48c7575a941dd⋯.png (237.99 KB, 416x624, 2:3, aw_shit_here_we_go_again.png)

File: 3823121cd35d39d⋯.mp4 (4.54 MB, 202x360, 101:180, Singapore_Birds_spotted_sh….mp4)

File: 3ab162aa259e273⋯.png (183.86 KB, 562x580, 281:290, Im_coofing_it.png)

File: c797b1fbe83f4bf⋯.mp4 (10.04 MB, 720x720, 1:1, chinks_are_starting_to_be_….mp4)

Flowers destroyed by the millions in Russia, because the lockdown closed all non essential businesses and destroyed the demand for them https://archive.vn/Viaj2

>Production at Rosehill is now down to around 10-15 per cent of full capacity, its financial director Svetlana Levina told the Associated Press, bringing tens of millions of rubles in losses for the firm - the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars.

>"Every day when you come to work, you have tears in your eyes when you have to break these flowers and destroy what you've put your work into, and just throw what you've created into the trash," said Oksana Olchennikova, the chief gardener at the Rosehill rose farm.

I believe him, I practice gardening and the bond I have with my plants is as strong as the bond between a master and his pet.

Hokkaido declares state of emergency again https://archive.vn/i68jg

Paranoid or actually onto something? Singaporean man finds 2 sick pigeons, says he thinks they're displaying Corona-Chan symptoms. https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=wY09f64tPck So what do you guys think, avian flu or /ourgirl/? Found his video while crawling Singaporean twatter for news.

Blessings at Singaporean McDonald's https://archive.vn/OWTQA

The normalfags are starting to wake up to the yellow jew and they're madhttps://archive.vn/3dFsQ I strongly suggest reading the replies, people are countering this chink bullshit with videos of apefricans getting ostracized in Chinkland.


Can't believe I forgot about that Soros cunt. I wouldn't be surprised if he really had his filthy hands involved in this incident.


This chart should be a line straight up. That's what the real numbers would show.

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0e1e6c  No.94858

File: 26efecede398ee9⋯.png (233.52 KB, 593x782, 593:782, Screen_Shot_2020_04_12_at_….png)

File: 32e584f48319450⋯.png (719.68 KB, 765x808, 765:808, Screen_Shot_2020_02_02_at_….png)

File: 3abcbad1bfbd4e1⋯.jpg (127.51 KB, 785x1037, 785:1037, 3689589956_e7c6e3396c_1.jpg)

These kikes can't keep getting away with it!

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2eb779  No.94862

File: be8ebd7cbf23d4e⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 1500x2178, 250:363, 1427517325661_0.jpg)


Second wave inbound, how long until it hits the rest of the world?

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b3f987  No.94863


The problem is that some patients showed neurological abnormalities, spasms, and erratic movements that resemble seizures. If that is what we are witnessing in the pigeons, then things are about to get very bad.

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a1ecc7  No.94866


>Stray cat wanted nothing to do with that pigeon in the beginning

Kitty knows whats up

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a30363  No.94868


>how long until it hits the rest of the world?

As soon as they start loosen up the lockdowns.

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2eb779  No.94874

File: 99b446193ee6a46⋯.png (153.88 KB, 611x404, 611:404, 1420470005184.png)


Thats the feeling that I'm having as well, the world is going to have a rude awakening when the strangle hold comes loose and the virus comes back with a vengeance.

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42ef5e  No.94875

File: c52752d49ee1769⋯.png (341.32 KB, 1362x802, 681:401, JewgleStarbucks66166Result….png)

File: 586a1a24a5a0039⋯.png (424.38 KB, 1440x868, 360:217, Store66166.png)

NW Washington State update.

2 days ago the (((Starbucks))) at 1185 East Sunset Drive in Bellingham was open for takeout. Yesterday morning, it was closed. No explanation, just a sign in the drive through that says "closed." When I learned that, I searched the company website. Funny thing: there was nothing on the Starbucks website about the corporate owned store at that location. The nearest listing was in a Safeway grocery story a couple of blocks away (incidentally, not a corporate owned store).

Why would a multinational corporation close a store and scrub its existence from its website over night?

Globalism is Chinese Communism. That's the only explanation that makes sense of lots of things. We're definitely under a coordinated attack by Jews and Chinks. Have you ever noticed that Jews go out for Chinese food on Christian holidays?

Pics related.

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a30363  No.94880


I think that the second wave will be bigger than the first one. The summer is just around the corner, people are flipping out because of the lockdowns and everybody will swarm the streets like wild niggers. Meanwhile, a few asymptomatic super spreaders is enough to paralyze a big city like Jew York and that's exactly what's going to happen. Then you'll see full lockdowns for 2 months and the economy crashing like never before.

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55d005  No.94881

File: f12146b1899c92a⋯.png (240.81 KB, 396x629, 396:629, based_globalist.png)

File: 56a22e0781daf75⋯.jpg (129.13 KB, 1200x929, 1200:929, Khalif_Mumin_Tohow.jpg)

File: 0616c13858c4e78⋯.png (145.94 KB, 477x615, 159:205, thank_you_for_removing_pol….png)

File: d6bb5294c2fa1cb⋯.png (149.73 KB, 599x610, 599:610, wew_lad.png)

File: 5ee9451872f882d⋯.mp4 (489.3 KB, 400x224, 25:14, Brazilian_in_Manaus_beggin….mp4)

(((Melinda Gates))) says Corona-Chan will make apefrican bodies hit the floor https://archive.vn/7Ute2 https://archive.vn/MSZKr

>My heart is in Africa. I’m worried. The only reason why the reported cases of the coronavirus disease in Africa is low now is most likely because there have not been wide testing of people. The disease is going to bite hard on the continent. I see dead bodies in the streets of Africa.

She might be OPFOR but I have to say she's right. Hail Corona-Chan!

Corona-Chan kills the state minister of Somalia https://archive.vn/83QAg

The Goddess removes the president of the municipal chamber of São Lourenço da Mata, in the Brownzilian state of Pernambuco Another useless northeastern politician down! Many more to go, keep it up my beloved Goddess of Purification!

Brownzilian health worker getting hit: At least 7k have displayed symptoms and are suspected to be blessed, 1400 are confirmed to blessed and 18 are confirmed to have succumbed to Corona-Chan's blessing

Brazilian in Manaus begs the governor to open more hospitals and more ICUs for blessed Hues https://archive.is/L0esC

>I'm here asking for someone to help me, for the love of god, because I don't know what else to do.

>We get into contact with the Delphina (Aziz Hospital) but there are no beds, the 28 (of August Hospital) has no beds, nowhere has beds, and if he continues to stay here, he's going to die, because there's no structure to receive him. I assume she's talking about someone she's trying to help

>Look over here, funerary cars, they don't stop coming, people won't stop dying. Please governor, open the hospitals to attend those people, open ICUs to attend those people.


You're right about that, but I still believe that chloromemers are wrong and they will just kill and blind a bunch of blessed people, regardless of dosage. Remember, there's no scientific solution for Corona-Chan, attempting to go against the will of divine entity will only make the situation of the patients worse.



Hail to the queens, baby!


Yes, this is why I din't disregard that guy as a paranoid lunatic, I thought he might be onto something. Calling an ambulance and the cops because of sick pigeons is still pretty stupid, though.

>>94866 (checked)

Shit I din't even see the cat, thanks for pointing it out.


Maybe someone who worked there got blessed and died, so they closed the place?

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ebfd2b  No.94882

File: e9f0ad772d35a80⋯.mp4 (7.28 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 92810394_945953839158050_4….mp4)

File: 86a7f4256d3a4e8⋯.jpg (75.32 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ddsdbvo_5e3c1ee7_0c5a_40d0….jpg)

File: 1219f7ef5489ed9⋯.jpg (90.38 KB, 817x978, 817:978, corona_chan_by_shoko_art_d….jpg)

File: 0d6a5f854d2023e⋯.jpg (58.39 KB, 942x430, 471:215, corona_chan_doing_nothing_….jpg)

File: 0b61082e4f59f85⋯.jpg (88.24 KB, 1080x1074, 180:179, 92810159_579764192886585_1….jpg)


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ebfd2b  No.94883

File: 387e97f75f7ba64⋯.jpg (51.76 KB, 1059x1264, 1059:1264, 92826470_3149661738385820_….jpg)

File: 7e0094bfa7dffc6⋯.jpg (101.9 KB, 1080x810, 4:3, 93219757_229757995044224_3….jpg)

File: c3a41d3914549fa⋯.jpg (104.03 KB, 719x1017, 719:1017, coronachan_by_johnsonist_d….jpg)

File: 079f579ab9d8b45⋯.jpg (66.34 KB, 800x466, 400:233, corona_chan_vs_who_cdc_by_….jpg)


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3d6d34  No.94895


That graph (4th pic) has been debunked, there is and always has been a almost half-a-year reporting lag in reporting.

For some fucking reason 8nigger is not able to post the gif, so unfortunately the proof in on an even shittier site:


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55d005  No.94896

File: 677314a37356c68⋯.png (227.68 KB, 633x617, 633:617, 7_Hue_soldiers_blessed.png)

File: 6da217b60e02915⋯.png (221.21 KB, 536x602, 268:301, Kill_them_all_Corona_Chan.png)

File: 368c3c25a554c7a⋯.png (40.38 KB, 1171x200, 1171:200, at_least_700_bodies_were_r….png)

File: d12634c8107ac2f⋯.mp4 (705.22 KB, 400x224, 25:14, Coronavirus_victims_corpse….mp4)

File: 47e434e20df5cc9⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 640x288, 20:9, Ecuadorian_inmates_asking_….mp4)

7 Hue soldiers who were providing humanitarian services to Memezuelan refugees in the state of Roraima got blessed

38 confirmed blessings at a prison in Brasília

At least 700 bodies were removed from homes in Guayaquil https://archive.is/OpHtB

Corona-Corpses wash up onto a beach in Ecuador

https://archive.vn/Kv015 Remember when I posted that mp4 of Ecuadorians possibly dumping their dead at sea? Looks like they really were doing it. When I told my father they could be doing this, this is exactly what he said would happen.

Another video of Ecuadorian inmates asking to be freed, they claim they're not dangerous https://archive.vn/l3Pq3

>>94882 >>94883

Nice, but both /ebola/s already have all these pieces except the first pic of your second post, which is a really good pic by the way.

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5f1dba  No.94897


Only terrorists wear masks

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55d005  No.94905

File: ad2dd2015af1fed⋯.mp4 (699.52 KB, 352x640, 11:20, Presumptive_coronavirus_vi….mp4)

File: 4ed73de1f607537⋯.jpeg (61.15 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, Dead_minor_in_Colombia.jpeg)

File: 171c45130970b0a⋯.mp4 (1.01 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Colombian_prisoners_riot_f….mp4)

File: 2350131bdfe88f8⋯.mp4 (1.8 MB, 320x580, 16:29, Colombian_prison_guards_re….mp4)

File: c5d9cd1bd287fb5⋯.png (296.62 KB, 580x562, 290:281, not_girls_und_panzer.png)

Dead minor in Cokelombia, presumptive Corona-Chan victim

https://archive.is/ZXVsF His caretaker left him alone for 3 days and this happened.

Another Corona-Chan motivated prison riot in Cokelombia, those inmates really want to get out

https://archive.vn/OC78F https://archive.vn/GI2U6

Cokelombian guerrillas enforcing a quarantine lockdown of their own https://archive.vn/NqdRf

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5ab928  No.94911

File: 9f3af29cdb43ab6⋯.jpg (285.74 KB, 824x831, 824:831, Screenshot_20200409_135649….jpg)

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5ab928  No.94912

Chinese eat people, it's disgusting. They have to stop it. They made the virus and it's why everybody died. Now that I have your .80 yuan attention, please 3D print a gun & shoot Xi in the fucking head. Thank you, bugman, for your service!!!

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55d005  No.94913

File: 69759de660e3469⋯.mp4 (590.94 KB, 220x400, 11:20, Colombian_inmate_suffering….mp4)

File: 3be8a961e3af2a6⋯.png (170.9 KB, 569x594, 569:594, more_than_86_officers_say_….png)

File: 8767d58d43e2539⋯.mp4 (2.24 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Senior_Venezuelan_indian_w….mp4)

File: ed66d2f52af3228⋯.png (293.31 KB, 479x592, 479:592, casings_and_gas_canisters.png)

File: 6fbc985e47479b8⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Venezuelan_mobile_biosecur….mp4)

Cokelombian inmate records a cellmate suffering from a fever, probably inflicted by Corona-Chan https://archive.vn/omz7v

Cokelombian correctional officers resigning due to the lack of PPE being issued to them https://archive.vn/wQl0G

Corona-Chan only makes the Memezuelan crisis even worse: Protests against the lack of food end up being responded by the police with bullets and gas canisters. https://archive.is/n8NUA https://archive.vn/dxWwV

Not everything is horrible in Memezuela: Maduro sends a mobile laboratory to the state of Táchira https://archive.is/kGkk3 https://archive.is/wip/FxyyV https://archive.vn/Pot0f Video from inside the lab coming in the next post.

>>94911 (checked)

Checking your doubles. He "lost" his great grandparents in the holohoax and he is about to lose his parents and himself in the holocough.

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5ab928  No.94915

>kikes were unjustly blamed for the black death

>in israel, as of Sunday, the ultra-orthodox communities in Jerusalem join the rest that have all been placed on lockdown because they refuse to comply with measures designed to stop the spread

Really jogs that noggin.

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c3f4a2  No.94918

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah he's not even hiding it anymore. Check out this shit.

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05c30a  No.94919

Is USA dead yet?

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55d005  No.94920

File: adf1b3f8d08fb60⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 848x480, 53:30, Inside_the_Venezuelan_mobi….mp4)

File: 338b3d69598db3f⋯.png (435.49 KB, 895x595, 179:119, Peru_is_hiring_foreign_hea….png)

File: f218f10344c1827⋯.png (434.39 KB, 879x597, 293:199, Cleanse_this_rotten_contin….png)

File: a6b491a135df10d⋯.mp4 (4.58 MB, 640x352, 20:11, chink_doctor_in_Peru_is_ar….mp4)

File: 67860a8a6d9b38d⋯.png (415.2 KB, 900x593, 900:593, chink_doctor_arrested_for_….png)

The CNS will briefly halt it's operations due to religious duties. Newsposting will be resumed soon.


Video from inside the Memezuelan mobile biosecurity laboratory, as promised.

Peru is hiring foreign health workers https://archive.is/q20JK So anon, interested? Kidding by the way, don't do it. Doesn't matter how much they're paying, it's not worth it.

Corona-Chan in Peruvian prisons: 3 inmates are confirmed to have succumbed to her blessings, 42 inmates are currently confirmed to be blessed. 26 Correctional officers are also confirmed to be infected and 120 prison workers are on strike until they receive proper PPE and a hazard pay bonus. https://archive.is/rCHpm

Chink doctor in Peru is arrested for running an illegal private Corona-Chan testing clinic

https://elcomercio.pe/lima/sucesos/coronavirus-peru-detienen-a-sujeto-que-tomaba-pruebas-para-detectar-el-covid-19-de-manera-ilegal-en-brena-estado-de-emergencia-covid-19-nndc-noticia/ Archiving site refuses to archive this page for some reason, it just archives the front page of the news site.


At this point my noggin isn't just joggin but actually sprintin.


Lmao'ing at the nose on that jewess. It's such a stereotypical kike nose that it's comical.

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c3f4a2  No.94921


>Lmao'ing at the nose on that jewess. It's such a stereotypical kike nose that it's comical.

did the name not tip you off though. That jew satanist bitch is Pizzagate. She's the spirit cooking jew. This should tip you off to the fact that Gates is most definitely involved in something his meetings with Epstein were a precursor to this pandemic.

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5a4875  No.94923

File: 778ed4295d33188⋯.png (1015.18 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, strayasyvlania.png)

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5ec794  No.94928


>had paper

But I also forgot to include it I think lol! So thanks for the heads up.

Will send tomorrow when news is less busy.



Perfect anon, thank you so much! That's the one. hilarious how some eggheads are trying to say it's evidence 'ruling out' lab fabrication meanwhile it clearly is the most plausible explanation when considering it'd have to combine three rare viruses naturally somehow otherwise kek.



Is that based on just the papers? What is 2007? 2011? 2014 is biolab closure in USA?

>gain of function

Is that a type of mutation to dilute origins?

Sorry just want to understand this one better before sending it off.


> And protective gear obviously cannot stop it.

You mean meme-masks?

Thanks for input, biofaganon.

>>94818 >>94824

Thanks for the help anons!! Appreciated

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d7b5d9  No.94932

Corona blessed.

I first felt her touch in mid February. It was a mild flu that resolved quickly. Since then I've had recurrent infections muscles spasms and a persistent nausea. Soon she will take me from clown world

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16c49b  No.94933


>biolab closure

The lab was in Wuhan. It didn't close. It was the Wuhan level 4 lab. In 2017, the Wuhan level 4 lab resumed work under Zhengli Shi and Xing-Yi in China.

Zhengli Shi and Xing-Yi were the researchers that created a recombinant bat+human SARS coronavirus. Then serially selected the virus in huACE2 cell populations and animals to alter a targeted RBM domain within the S/spike protein. This picked up a gain of function, resulting in markedly increased virulence + antibody dependent enhancement. This then escaped the Wuhan lab back in what appears to be November 2019.

The USA was stopped in 2014.

China kept going in 2017.

China released it from its own lab in 2019.

The second waves will be bigger.

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16c49b  No.94934


Picture is misleading.

(1) Human SARS + bat beta Coronavirus should be circled in red dashed lines.

(2) An arrow should then say

huSARS + baBetaCoV -> (recombined) -> (gain of function, serially selected) -> Wuhan [Level 4 Lab]

(3) The arrow should end on "Wuhan [Level 4 Lab]" to be circled in red solid line.

MERS is irrelevant, and should not be circled. That's not what Zhengli Shi and Xing-Yi did. SARS-CoV and bat-beta-CoV were used. SARS-CoV and bat-beta-CoV were recombined and selectively serially gain-of-function progressed to arrive at Wuhan Level 4 Lab escaped virus research pathogen model.

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5ec794  No.94935

File: 10bd904b4825a24⋯.jpg (88.89 KB, 497x800, 497:800, songsofdistantearth_concep….jpg)


Checked dubs of truth and info.

Thanks for the Zhengli/Xing-Yi info I sort of bypassed that to focus on other aspects at that time. I'd like to include a few of your posts in the infopack that will go to media if that's okay?

Will you be around in thread later this week if they have questions?

And is there anything else you'd recommend to add to >>94501 ?

I have since added 2010 pdf, Furin pdf and the 2020 poo paper. I almost feel you are better equipped for this but I'm happy to do the contact/dissemination. Sky jews ran the 'more evidence showing it was lab engineered' story which had 1.5 mil views in a few days las time I looked.. they don't like the yellow jew.


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16c49b  No.94938


This did the ground work.


This called the bluff and assembled proof:


There was other work to piece together how it specifically got continued in China. The chinese found the 2019-MAR article above. Youtubers who are very fluent in chinese confirmed that they confirmed many of the pieces, cutting through the propaganda from all sides.

This is the latest re-release of updated information:


There are other papers not directly linked, which show Zhengli + Xing-Yi papers. The indian paper is irrelevant and should be discarded as trash, because that's not what happened. HIV genome was not used, at all, ever; No piece of HIV was put into the SARS-CoV-2 precursor that was then gain-of-function serially advanced through huACE2 HELA cell populations and live animals. The Furinn 2020 paper can now be confirmed, because that is what was added by Zhengli/Xing-Yi before the virus was advanced through serial selection in Wuhan.

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16c49b  No.94941

File: c52f1d178bb7f71⋯.jpg (231.8 KB, 900x1171, 900:1171, 20_0841_F1.jpg)


This paper indirectly confirms/demonstrates the ADE / antibody dependent enhancement, though it wasn't the point of the paper. The graphs show the most severe patient demonstrated the highest titers. Note only three patients were assessed; More work must be done to confirm precisely the nature of the ADE.


If your B-cells produce too much antibody too fast, you will get sicker quicker.

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5ec794  No.94945


Thanks so much anon, reading it through and now understand what you mean by gain function.

I thought the poo paper was not showing use of full genome just splices of parts, BUT because they are so generic it's pretty hard to pin down to being specifically HIV. But have also heard the spike protein is likely based on that used by HIV.


>indirectly confirms/demonstrates the ADE / antibody dependent enhancement

What is the significance of that? Other than face value does it also give evidence to engineering?

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5ec794  No.94946

>>94945 >>94941

>indirectly confirms/demonstrates the ADE / antibody dependent enhancement

Sorry, can see it at bottom of the article, all good :)

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55d005  No.94947

File: c489377dc6141aa⋯.mp4 (1.5 MB, 400x400, 1:1, Tunisian_military_uses_the….mp4)

File: 806f363dec9ee2b⋯.mp4 (987.27 KB, 450x720, 5:8, Walmart_pubic_speakers_720….mp4)

File: bff903bfd1bd9a3⋯.png (115.26 KB, 449x582, 449:582, chink_removers_in_Ueno.png)

File: 1d1f4d5def56256⋯.mp4 (1.23 MB, 384x848, 24:53, Japanese_people_attacking_….mp4)

File: 7480aa77d1d5d7e⋯.jpg (45.47 KB, 780x438, 130:73, Africans_sleeping_out_in_t….jpg)

Glory of the Goddess be upon you, dear reader, the CNS will now resume it's newsposting operations

Tunisian military uses the rotor wash of a Huey to disperse a soccer game https://archive.is/96bMV Beautiful bird.

Loudspeaker outside of Walmart advising shoppers https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=GXMTbMhhoSo

Nips are physically removing chinks from Nippon


Picture of Apefricans sleeping out in Guangzhou streets because they have been evicted after being accused by the CCP of spreading Corona-Chan's love


>did the name not tip you off though.

Honestly anon, it's easier for me to spot jews when they're using Germanic names than when they use Slavic ones.

>That jew satanist bitch is Pizzagate. She's the spirit cooking jew.

I have to admit that I forgot nearly all things about Pizzagate when I tried to leave this for the first time. But now that you mentioned it, her name does ring a distant bell in the depths of my memory.

>This should tip you off to the fact that Gates is most definitely involved in something his meetings with Epstein were a precursor to this pandemic.

You're definitely right about that. The fact that Gates is hanging out with people of that ilk just reinforces my belief that Kobe got sacrificed in one of (((their))) rituals, to charge their egregore with his own soul


If you're really blessed, I wish you a tranquil passing, free from agony.


>The indian paper is irrelevant and should be discarded as trash, because that's not what happened. HIV genome was not used, at all, ever; No piece of HIV was put into the SARS-CoV-2 precursor that was then gain-of-function serially advanced through huACE2 HELA cell populations and live animals.

You're probably right but at the end of the day, sciencefag babble means nothing to a man of faith like me. Corona-Chan always was and will always be partially HIV and nothing in this physical world can change that.

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16c49b  No.94948


>significance of the lines

The lines are antibody levels, and the labels are the severity of symptom patients. The most severe patient had the highest line the soonest (red line). There aren't enough looking exactly at this. More will have to go into the field and confirm the exact nature of antibody dependent enhancement, or if it is all just noise/bad-luck.

Regardless, the total picture strongly implies a higher 2nd wave, rather than what all were presuming as a lower second wave.

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16c49b  No.94951



I still wouldn't call it that. But it came close with the original recombination of human SARS CoV + bat beta CoV. The real 'engineering' that went above cut and paste, was nature: a gain-of-function = serial selection of virus mutations = passing the recombinant virus through human-ACE2-expressing cell lines + passing it through animals + repeatedly back and forth. This altered the tiny sequences at the top RBM part of the S/spike protein of what is now SARS-CoV-2.

Serial Nurture isn't engineering. But I agree we're splitting hairs at this point. Sally forth, anon.

We really need to get more data on any antibody depenent enhancement (a virulence factor gain), or if it's just gain-of-function infectivity increase.

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55d005  No.94957

File: f19c794a949f115⋯.mp4 (13.5 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Nigerian_and_Chinese_diplo….mp4)

File: facc05da088bff0⋯.jpg (115.82 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Ghana_response.jpg)

File: 6a9c9d93811b2b3⋯.mp4 (1022.95 KB, 368x640, 23:40, chinese_woman_is_worried_t….mp4)

File: 9eefef095411b6f⋯.jpg (109.04 KB, 834x532, 417:266, chinks_response_to_being_c….jpg)

File: 4d52f974c58b31c⋯.jpg (254.48 KB, 1012x837, 1012:837, wall_of_text_of_chinese_co….jpg)

Chinks learning actions have consequences: Niggeria and Uganda complain to the CCP about the recent mistreatment of their people in Chinkland


Chink woman worried that mistreating niggers so blatantly could have serious repercussions for bugmen in Apefrica

Chinks doing damage control

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5ec794  No.94958

File: d0da915438104a9⋯.jpg (116 KB, 635x634, 635:634, crabby.jpg)


Understood. Thank you for the explanation and time, very very appreciated, been waiting for an anon like you to visit for a few days to check this info pack out.

Is there anything you'd like to be communicated to media directly that isn't in source material in your own words?

My plan is to give them the papers and other info, plus the article you linked. I can only do very basic summary of the information as my level of understanding isn't remotely at your level. That said it's a complex subject.

So in summary;

>some splicing was likely made

>virus/attributes combined

>this was then gain function'ed via animals

>gain function approach hides engineering via some mutation and 'natural transmission'

>related H5N1.png

>improves infectivity

>improves ADE aspects/CNS infection method


<gain function research fags ignore their prior work and statements and claim it's natural

>sheckels pour.jpg

>engineered chinkroach virus defended via false claims and omission

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a2b5f0  No.94959


those poor negroes have more balls than our government

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16c49b  No.94960



I'm not here, this wasn't my work. Reading isn't work. Typing on basket weaving forums also isn't work. That's why I'm here. I'm avoiding work. Do not credit anonymous video games where you are in a mirror maze and have no idea what is real. Just go ensure production wins.

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5ec794  No.94961


Understood. Nothing will be attributed aside from papers and ZH article e.g. no link to Turkmenistani rally bash plate modification forums, just want info to stand on it's own merit.

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5f1dba  No.94962


So by that rationale if I put my cut and paste shoop.jpg through multiple compression algorithms it is no longer my creative expression but merely a product of the joint photographic experts group? Those bastards.

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16c49b  No.94965


Production must win.

Make fortune, and keep it.

I dismiss all claims of any here being mine with prejudice. Basket weaving instructions through JPEG working group algorithm standards bodies last revised before the first tech boom / 1990s also is not mine, and I also dismiss all claims. You have what you wanted. Go do something about it, that doesn't get you killed.

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b10f45  No.94966

File: ea60d6f58e5350f⋯.png (507.29 KB, 910x598, 35:23, nato_card.png)


>3rd pic

NATO always engages in Jihad. NATO is the primary source of Jihad on the planet. Consider what they did in the Baltics.

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55d005  No.94967

File: e49edb6345cd825⋯.mp4 (4.91 MB, 368x640, 23:40, Nigerians_forced_to_stay_o….mp4)

File: 1024256c675f668⋯.png (256.23 KB, 580x582, 290:291, Frogs_vs_Krauts_the_ultima….png)

File: c544764b7a7f86c⋯.png (185.31 KB, 538x640, 269:320, infected_Peruvian_cops.png)

File: 43b05a659012f75⋯.png (188.83 KB, 508x471, 508:471, head_of_mexicos_main_stock….png)

File: 4c2d47460a67d96⋯.png (239.65 KB, 453x612, 151:204, Big_brain_Tacos.png)

Niggerians forced to stay out in the rain in Guangzhou

Corona-Chan creating new tensions between Frogs and Krauts https://archive.vn/eoX5t

Infected Peruvian cops: 217 cops are confirmed to be blessed and 55 are hospitalized. https://archive.vn/bQFI0

King of Taco financefags gets blessed and dies https://archive.vn/OgTRW

Tacos attacking their own health workers over fears they're carrying and spreading Corona-Chan's love around https://archive.is/vBHZZ


Shit I meant Ghana. Oh well, who cares anyway, they're just Apefrican failed states.


That's true. If there's one good thing about them, it's the fact they don't take shit from anyone.


>Turkmenistani rally bash plate modification forums

My fucking sides.

>>94966 (checked)

>Consider what they did in the Baltics.

Yeah they had no business being there at all.

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b10f45  No.94972

File: 3f15d815a45b505⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 224x400, 14:25, chinese_aid_masks_arrive_.webm)


>USA dead

No. China economy is back to being standard asian shit. White people don't want shit chinese products any more

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02b396  No.94973


ah shit not again. We belgians have bad memories between the fights germans and french.

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f74efd  No.94976


It's funny how chinks keep throwing eggs on him and missing.


A Jew always allies with lesser races against the superior ones. Don't think that chinks won't get jew'd hard as soon as an opportunity arises.


This is what's I'm talking about. First they convince them to use negroes as slaves, then rile up the negroes against them. After so many centuries, people still didn't learn.

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4375fc  No.94977

Pasta veterinarian (Dr. Giacomo Rossi) used to read all the chinks and pajeets papers we had available and had an idea based on ACE2 receptors behavior involving L-asparaginase. Sounds interesting. We already have the production lines available.



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072b32  No.94980


Is it me or it's always finance ministers biting the dust?

That one, I think another one in Brazil, the german who jumped on a train. It's pretty weird, do they know the massive disaster that's incoming so they're hellbent on dying earlier?

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16c49b  No.94981


>pasta paper

If google translate is to be trusted, the text asserts L-asparaginase with heparin as treatment adjuvant to hydroxychloroquine +/- antibacterial/zpak/azithromycin.

First, sure, try it. Second, be aware that steric hindrance may limit trying to target any non-cleavage sites for cleavage. Protease therapy in-vivo is doubtful and may likely require injection rather than oral administration, but I have no knowledge of any trying it. Lastly, ditch the heparin until last resort. The blood is a compensatory organ, and it is not wise to fuck with it until compensation is at or near exhaustion/decompensation.

The pH and temp range of l-asparaginase = applicable in blood:


As it is present in gram negative bacteria / salmonella, it may precipitate immune reaction in already acclimated patients.


As an adjuvant / supplement, to the vacuole digestion inhibition of hemoglobin provided by hydroxychloriquine, it may show significance.

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c0d796  No.94984


Doesnt your body produce more antibodies the more severe the case is? If it does then ADE may have nothing to do with the severity.

Honestly i'm more worried about the reactivation potential and the fact it may be capable of hijacking T-cells even though most papers related to these topics are flimsy as fuck.

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4375fc  No.94989


We are just poor Pastas, Burgers will try for us. However you are right, it is an injection and this treatment is known to have several side effects on the long term. Moreover, if you read all the stuff in the article you may have noticed this is the treatment for cat coronavirus. L-asparaginase inhibitors were commonly used in late seventies and eighties for kids leukemia.

What would you expect from the veterinarian?

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39797e  No.94993

File: c9856bed688b350⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB, 368x656, 23:41, An_hospital_in_Tijuana_run….mp4)

File: e9c8c9de6fe7e78⋯.jpg (97.76 KB, 750x647, 750:647, Anti_chink_pinata.jpg)

File: 399c7e89ca76348⋯.png (450.46 KB, 646x564, 323:282, Pajeet_punishment_for_fore….png)

File: 18e192f2af69fa2⋯.png (250.28 KB, 632x599, 632:599, Tijuana_the_next_Guayaquil.png)

The CNS ends it's operations for now due to extreme exhaustion and sleepyness. See you later, dear reader, may Corona-Chan's graceful presence protect you.

An hospital in Tijuana is running out of places to store it's Corona-Corpses

https://archive.vn/xd3Gi I have the funky feeling they're the next Guayaquil.

Anti-chink Pinata in Tacoland https://nitter.net/LBBH_gc/status/1249566313036431360#m The flames of hatred are rising!

Pajeets punish foreigners who violate the quarantine lockdown by making them write ‘Didn’t follow lockdown, I am sorry’ 500 times https://archive.vn/hOykS

>These foreigners hail from Israel, Australia, Mexico and some other European countries, the police said.


Oi vey it's anuddah shoah

Tijuana hospitals overwhelmed by blessed Tacos https://archive.is/LV2ax Yep, they're the next Guayaquil alright.

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469d0d  No.94994


>These foreigners hail from Israel, Australia, Mexico and some other European countries

>some other European countries than Israel, Australia & Mexico

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16c49b  No.94995


>Uncertain ADE

Yes. More is needed to look at that specifically. It is ancillary data at the moment.

>Hijacking T-cells

B-cells produce the free antibodies. There may be ACE2 receptor shedding as well. Neither of those things are T-cell, except for in the helper cells proceeding the final products. Hijacking of T-cells will have to show the virus initiates fusion onto a specific T-cell marker population, or escapes vacuoles after being eaten by again specific cell marker populations.


Poor, Not poor… Don't care, try it anyway. Just do it small, and carefully. Any can try it. Why dismiss veterinarians? Look who we've had flying around so far. The person makes the might, not the degree.

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0ccb3b  No.94998


> only 25 deaths in the entirety of Baja California

> the public hospitals in Tijuana are not yet 100 percent full, said Baja California Secretary of Health Alonso Pérez Rico

Is there some info in there that is supposed to be alarming?

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e907ab  No.95006


What do you guys think about this?

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d0b65f  No.95008


Baja California is boomerland especially south of Tijuana, all the retirees go there because everything including the homes are cheaper.

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bbce03  No.95009


it boils down to europe data being shit and because of that we don't know shit. the conclusion "weak goddess" can't be drawn from shit data either.

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cb3062  No.95012

Has this been posted yet? Sorry if it has








(yes it's CNN)



>China is clamping down on research into the origins of the coronavirus after officials have demanded the right to inspect its scientific papers before they are made pubic.

>Two websites for leading Chinese universities have allegedly recently published and then removed pages that discuss a new policy which requires academic papers about Covid-19 to undergo extra checks before they are published, according to The Guardian.

>Both Fudan University and the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) allegedly posted notices saying that research on the origins of the coronavirus will be subject to government checks.

>The director of the SOAS China Institute in London, Professor Steve Tsang, said that the Chinese government is more concerned with 'controlling the narrative' surrounding coronavirus than public health or economic fallout.

>He told The Guardian: 'If these documents are authentic it would suggest the government really wants to control the narrative about the origins of Covid-19 very tightly.'

>The source who found the cached versions of the websites said they were concerned at what appeared to be a governmental coverup.

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64ae4b  No.95013


Good post, based poojeets!

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05d30f  No.95015

File: f0c5d6af59d6de0⋯.jpg (169.28 KB, 1280x1280, 1:1, f0c5d6af59d6de044ccbc3588f….jpg)


>anti-chinese pogroms in africa

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16c49b  No.95016



1. Early look fallacy.

2. Early look fallacy + Chinese 100.00% fabrications.

3. Asymptomatic is first wave and small wave

4. Early look fallacy.

5. Always true, because always associations.

6. Fact.

7. Always true, because poverty kills firstly, not sweet kisses of Coronavirus.

8. False. [1]

9. Tautological statement. Always true.

10. True, but willfully incomplete. [2]

11. Maybe. [3]

12. Lord High Heavens Early Look Fallacy.

13. Part 1 Yes, Part 2 No. [4]

14. Chucklefuck WHO-CCP-China, giggling at Western high-trust, as always.

15. Yes. See [1].

16. Yes. See [1].

17. Yes. See [2].

18. Part 1 Nope. Part 2 Fictional unobtanium.

19. Vulnerable imaginations are vulnerable… to imagination.

20. Fucking not relevant.

[1] A hospital or clinic can be broken down into individual payment centers and queues, some serially combined, some independently answered, some internal only, most externally queued. If you break down a hospital into given modalities and lines, which queues are stalled by held resources? In normal, and in flu season, none. There is always space to move, and beds to reassign, without significantly increasing iatriogenic/hospital-induced harm. That is not the case here. Overall modalities, overflow capacities, reassignment ableness, and queue storage/buffering, is all marginally lower in EU countries, some more than others, with respect to the USA, which has way too much, in my honest opinion. Further, SARS-CoV-2 has the potential to stall out critical treatment only, without ableness to reassign without causing iatriogenic increased risk. This is unique, but not unmanageable. Regardless, yes, shutdown is retarded, but that's not physical disease, that's mind disease. The vast majority of hospital and clinic resources are sitting idle, because of overflow risk potential of critical treatment modality space, which is inefficient in the USA, but correct in most of EU+Canada, because their critical confluence treatment paths are smaller queue and smaller capacity sized. (In short, an irrelevant in addition to an incorrect assertion).

[2] Don't exclude your ability to treat too much too fast. Further, the PPV all tests of the disease are not known well enough. Lastly, the fulminate probability of each tests PPV is also not known yet. No one knows. Can't act on what you don't know beforehand.

[3] Samples were stored and retested. True early on, but not later, and insignificant next to lie levels. Besides, competence levels increase as time continues, as well as test accuracy and precision, as well as clinical diagnosis. So to claim early trend inaccuracy misleads later trends now, is not very polite to all the peoples of the Earth, who are slow usually, but not entirely stupidly stupid.

[4] Fear? When I'm in the room trying to save? What baller feels fear on the field during the game, in the arena? Who the fuck… nevermind. Containment is an odd way to look at it, there is no containment within ICU, only outside of it.

Summation: Why did I do that? You e907ab and I are not going to get along in the future. Total waste of time. God damn swissmade isn't what it used to be. I'm going to take a shower and get back to work.

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64ae4b  No.95017


>One aspect of the paper is they repeatedly use the term "novel inserts" as though that were the intent of the term novel. That's not the intent of the term novel, and appears to imply some intent to push a conclusion on the part of the authors

So what where the novel inserts? Were these found in the sister to SARS/Corona-chan clade of "Bat hp-betacoronavirus/Zhejiang2013"? do they exist in more distantly related Coronaviruses? are they also found in the non-related HIV, and if yes, do they have similar pathogenic effects given that Coronaviruses' RNA directly exploits ribosomes while retroviruses use reverse transcription first?

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5b4a6e  No.95018


That's a great way of making themselves look suspicious. Especially after they were already suspicious in the first place!

Essentially, this means you can't trust any research paper coming out of china now.

Well, not that you could before, so it's business as usual.

Thanks for the links though, great stuff to spread around for normalfags.

It's with stuff like this I started getting normalfags to hate the chinese.

Speaking of which, there's something other anons can help me out with.

A week ago, a guy in my country started a fun little campaign against china, over this whole "let's move all our factories there, what could go wrong".

It's based on this:


Essentially, urge people to check the barcodes in every product they buy. You should find the code for your country and ask people to preferably buy stuff produced locally. To help the economy and all that.

Second, to avoid buying from china (Code: 690–699, they take 10 codes, greedy bastards).

Personally, I've added a spin to it that I'm hoping people will support: Buy things from code 471 too. That's Tawain's code.

I'm hoping this well lead to some severe chink butthurt.

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d0b65f  No.95019

I could see images and videos now, sometimes it takes a while, my section 8 neighbor is blasting nigger music since 8 in the morning.


>missing at throwing eggs

I didn't notice that before, how do you miss when you are that close?


>Japanese warning other Chinese to stay indoors

Honorary Aryans


>mosque still operating

good, mudslims get infected



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d6ee6f  No.95020


>Why would a multinational corporation close a store and scrub its existence from its website over night?

If you can't buy coffee there anymore, it doesn't belong on the web site. People are dipshits, even if there was a big flashing "CLOSED" on the website, people would not read it and still go there. There could be three reasons for the closing.

1. All employees quit, they can't staff it.

2. They aren't profitable at current sales levels, so they fired the staff and closed.

3. They got blessed by coronachan and were forced to close.

Options two and three seem most likely. If they aren't making enough cash to at least cover labor costs, I'd expect corporate stores to close at least temporarily.


>pic 2



What country is that from?


I have been hoping for the chinese to cleanse africa of africans, but I'll settle for outright warfare between african and chinks.

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4375fc  No.95025


>Poor, Not poor…

Sure, you are right. Nevertheless the tests will be probably US made. "Voices" we have from our hospitals are about several "hero wannabe" doctors trying anything to become famous on the unlucky people they have there. About the veterinarian, his intuition looks interesting - I am not dismissing the chance of finding pearls in manure. Moreover, veterinarians could be the best pediatrics we could find - their customers do no speak, like babies.

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c0d796  No.95028


>B-cells produce the free antibodies. There may be ACE2 receptor shedding as well. Neither of those things are T-cell, except for in the helper cells proceeding the final products. Hijacking of T-cells will have to show the virus initiates fusion onto a specific T-cell marker population, or escapes vacuoles after being eaten by again specific cell marker populations.

Pretty good info anon,thank you.

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5ec794  No.95033

File: df54c8bb39f85de⋯.jpeg (410.28 KB, 1280x852, 320:213, tijuana_chan.jpeg)


>Tijuana hospitals overwhelmed by blessed Tacos

>pic related


Kek at you not being from here and trying so poorly to shit up the thread. Take a hike, chang.

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d0b65f  No.95036

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3a6ea1  No.95038

File: 58249130174cdc0⋯.jpg (198.69 KB, 1349x2311, 1349:2311, socialdistance.jpg)

Close proximity and no masks

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cb3062  No.95050

File: bc230bdaf1e0f07⋯.png (799.53 KB, 1305x899, 45:31, Untitled.png)

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5ec794  No.95053

Mess cleaned up and chang has been banished back behind the great firewall again. I love when complete strangers try to tell anons what they have and have not accomplished IRL, kek. I think they'd be surprised if they actually spent more time lurking. Kek at you anons sensing the salt though, wew.



I'm presuming they stupidly tried to re-open after getting cases down to a manageable level?

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64ae4b  No.95056

File: 2730ba2713b5628⋯.png (788.57 KB, 1887x2545, 1887:2545, how_to_identify_anons_that….png)

File: 5611adb290e69a1⋯.jpg (153.85 KB, 1023x676, 1023:676, targetmap_penis_size_world….jpg)


>muh dick

>said the ching chong

The drawbacks of soy-sauce as staple.

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cb3062  No.95057


Nah it's the curryniggers they got cooped up in the migrant worker dormitories. They're supposed to be quarantined but seems they're spreading the virus among themselves.

The government, in it's wisdom, has decided to count those infections as part of the total.

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d0b65f  No.95064


>Nah it's the curryniggers they got cooped up in the migrant worker dormitories

think it's a chink from chinatown, chinks in burgerland have a resentment for whites because they see whites having fun and forced to study all day and mainland chinks because they aren't accepted as being chinks

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64ae4b  No.95066

File: 332fc21ac6610d0⋯.jpg (51.53 KB, 748x418, 34:19, shareblue_peer_respect.jpg)



>no attempt for blending in

>single sentence attempts for derailment

>highly speculative ad hominem

>matronizing appeal to ridicule

These slant eunuchs don't even worth ¥0.50 per day, even less so per post.

These Made In China shills make 2016's projecting liberal betas look like Chad masterminds.

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1d0654  No.95072

File: 0379498eecc17ee⋯.png (867.28 KB, 1079x608, 1079:608, Capture.PNG)

COVID-19 Prison Riots In Columbia, Helicopter Enforcing Coronavirus Social Distancing


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a1ecc7  No.95083




wew laddie

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5ab928  No.95085


What religion has Monday as its holy day? The temple of Diana?

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3437b6  No.95096

File: 17ed69c1f7a6602⋯.jpg (62.53 KB, 1034x582, 517:291, BB12y437_img.jpg)


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5ab928  No.95101

File: 751a16195c64ba8⋯.jpg (423.94 KB, 768x1034, 384:517, Screenshot_20200413_132537….jpg)

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5ab928  No.95102

File: b4e9e44966c0355⋯.jpg (203.61 KB, 718x822, 359:411, Screenshot_20200413_132317….jpg)

chinks control fb, twitter. Time to kick them off the Internet, and prohibit chink possession and knowledge of technology.

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5ab928  No.95103

File: 804e8443ab275b8⋯.jpg (49.14 KB, 704x188, 176:47, Screenshot_20200413_131041….jpg)

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d0b65f  No.95105

California orders insurers to refund some premiums



Texas gun seller Cheaper Than Dirt racks up 123 price gouging complaints




more than 150 at illegal San Francisco nightclub amid COVID-19 crisis


Courts speed release of illegal immigrants



'Hispanic leaders calling for Spanish-speaking Orange County news conferences



Latinos suffering high coronavirus rates in state. All Tri-Cities cases up another 5%



U.S. Deports Haitians



White House task force quietly softened cruise ship no-sail restrictions



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5ab928  No.95106


Cruise ships are run by kikes.

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c4ca55  No.95111

File: 6f796fb9f892090⋯.png (220.8 KB, 652x933, 652:933, whatintheactualfuck.png)

File: 0b5541f80516e09⋯.mp4 (8.74 MB, 414x720, 23:40, Odilitime_Police_smash_res….mp4)

Coming to a home near you - maybe even yours ! ! ! All in the name of "Safety"


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2e06d8  No.95113


By your powers combined.

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a1ecc7  No.95114


>Bong cops

what a fucking joke

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c4ca55  No.95115


> Be me

> Iraq 2004

> walking on the FOB one day

> birds on the ground flopping around

> what the fuck is happening?

> Start asking questions

> Find out the First Sergeant was poisoning the pigeons

> Asked the First Sergeant why?

> Pigeons shitting all over the steps where the general goes in

> I tell him that we are taking malaria pills for the damn mosquitos and that the birds are there to kill the mosquitos

> he says, "we'll get to that when it happens"

Fucking Retards

Who's to say that they aren't intentionally poisoning these birds?

The bird(s) in that video are flopping like they are poisoned.

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5ab928  No.95117


The lass made entry, proving they knew that he was no threat (any male between 15 and 85 years of age could kick her butt in 15 seconds flat).

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bbce03  No.95118


only 10 days until understaffed and unprotected police on the brink meets ramadan double xp

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5ab928  No.95119

Lads who don't have guns basically don't even have penises.

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5ab928  No.95121

File: 9abbe40a8578b9c⋯.jpg (186.14 KB, 1024x624, 64:39, 20200413_142515.jpg)

Via Zerohedge

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5ab928  No.95123

File: b0cbbe0b1732967⋯.jpg (210.47 KB, 1258x408, 37:12, Screenshot_20200413_143419….jpg)


Bearing this in mind…

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4375fc  No.95125

More "Pastaheroes wannabe" to the rescue - this time the diabetes researcher tells us that the Dpp4 receptor plays a role in /ourgirl/ entrance and that diabetes ailments may have a part in any therapy.

Needs further evaluation.



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4d60a8  No.95126


>intentionally poisoning these birds


>RE: Vid2

4-Aminopyridine (fampridine/dalfampridine). 4-Aminopyridine is a potassium channel poison. That second bird is having a seizure, not gasping for air. Also huACE2 is too different from birds to be susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 coronachan's kiss.

Ex: Convulsion / Seizure in bird


Ex: Gasping for air in bird


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5a4875  No.95127


By the time they eventually even get a vaccine created, tested, approved, mass produced, and distributed it will be useless as the strain will have mutated.

It's the same reason flu shots don't work, as it's out of date with the current bug running around.

Old shots won't cure Corona-chan 2.0

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5ab928  No.95128

File: b63e21dc5c1b8ed⋯.jpg (31.25 KB, 230x212, 115:106, Screenshot_20200413_144646….jpg)

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4d60a8  No.95129

File: 8d5e1c1291cd3a6⋯.jpg (15.16 KB, 685x391, 685:391, spanish_flu_cases_2.jpg)


I'll raise you this one,

via historyhedge.

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adfb37  No.95132


It looks like >>95121 is thinking we're already at the second wave for some reason.

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c0e2df  No.95133


Doesn't it mean the last outbreak is simply not over?

Anyway. Good luck, Ebola-chan!

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2e06d8  No.95135


They probably want to claim that it's not a single long running outbreak that they just can't contain.

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ebfd2b  No.95136

File: dab7c3d5a143b82⋯.jpg (98.86 KB, 907x574, 907:574, Lego_Chicago.jpg)

Lego cashing in on what's trending

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ebfd2b  No.95138

File: 9bbb986e5187cf4⋯.jpeg (306.99 KB, 1080x1236, 90:103, 5e9380c7344ce.jpeg)

Doh, 2 posts for the space of one.

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c0e2df  No.95139


Seems legit.

Are there any Ebolites in here? Grab your ritual daggers guys.

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39797e  No.95140

File: ca403dce324f936⋯.png (217.97 KB, 676x582, 338:291, marks_of_the_blessing.png)

File: 55fee2be4acabd8⋯.png (145.88 KB, 601x584, 601:584, her_influence_knows_no_bou….png)

File: 182a2749d6c3530⋯.png (202.22 KB, 466x631, 466:631, no_such_thing_as_a_risk_gr….png)

File: fb25f1643bd54ae⋯.png (151.37 KB, 338x556, 169:278, no_more_bacon.png)

File: d3faced0cfd2652⋯.mp4 (5.31 MB, 624x360, 26:15, 10th_of_April_Chinese_citi….mp4)

Glory of the Goddess be upon you my dear reader, it's another beautiful day to track Corona-Chan's progress! Lets wash away this sacrilegious curefaggotry with news of the Happenings!

Corona-Chan carves her marks on those who she punishes https://archive.is/W9rN7

Corona-Chan can get anywhere and stay everywhere https://archive.vn/Mp4S0

>Researchers even found positive samples in the hospital pharmacy, where patients weren't allowed.

The punishment for curefaggotry is coming.

25% of all Brownzilian Corona-Chan victims were outside the risk group (elderly people, people with underlying health issues such as chronic diseases, pregnant women and infants) No one is excluded from her judgement.

Bacon shortage coming soon https://archive.vn/5XEK6

Chink resistance: Pharmacy worker who asked customers to register for "epidemic prevention" gets attacked. https://archive.vn/nrM2c Maybe there's hope for the bugmen, they have been rebelling more often. There was a small farmer rebellion in the chink countryside too, but I can't post it because it's unrelated.




>That one, I think another one in Brazil

I don't remember seeing any news of any Brownzilian financefag dying.

>It's pretty weird, do they know the massive disaster that's incoming so they're hellbent on dying earlier?

The ones that kill themselves? I have a feeling that the answer is yes. But the ones that succumb to Corona-Chan's blessing, like that Taco, are just being removed by the Goddess. It's not like they have a choice between living or dying.


Only noticed this now. Pajeet can't into geography.

>>95033 (checked)

Your esoteric doubles only confirm that Tijuana getting ravaged by Corona-Chan is a result of Meme Magic.


>china preventing chinks returning home from Russia

Looks like they just won't give up on the "imported cases" meme.

>>95050 (double 50s checked)

b-bu-but I thought the Singapooreans had it under control


Everyday is a holy day for a Coronian Cultist!


Yes indeed, our progenitor has manifested her presence once more a couple days ago. Praise Nergal and praise Ebola-Chan!


>Latinos suffering high coronavirus rates in state. All Tri-Cities cases up another 5%

Prayer status: Being answered. Thank you Corona-Chan!

>>95111 (checked)

lmao He sounds like Shrek when he says

>What are you doing in my house.



>Who's to say that they aren't intentionally poisoning these birds?

Could be a possibility. The first thing I thought of was avian flu, to be honest.


No gunz here, can somewhat agree. Melee weapons aren't that bad though, they just suck when you have to take on multiple people at once.


Guess that confirms it, that Singapoorean was just being paranoid.


Anon if you're trying to get into newsposting you're gonna have to learn to do it right: You need to post sources, preferably archived.



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4d60a8  No.95141


For clarification on distance between avian/gamma+delta CoV vs human/beta CoV. One figure is older, showing a lot of the known corona viruses in 2011. The second figure shows a subset from 2019, with the human corona viruses indicated by red circles, separated by their clades.

We are currently facing a beta clade virus, which doesn't really affect birds so much as it does bats. Where are the bats in Wuhan? WHERE ARE THEY, Shi Zengli?

Thus more likely conclusion:

Pigeons eat avitol (4-Aminopyridine).

Pigeons get seizures.

Pigeons fall from sky.

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4d60a8  No.95142

File: c53773dcfaef009⋯.jpg (528.64 KB, 2438x3263, 2438:3263, Journal_of_Virology_2011_C….jpg)

File: 51e52c17275c527⋯.jpg (97.11 KB, 668x688, 167:172, 2019_subselection_coronavi….jpg)




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d0b65f  No.95145

Amazon is placing new online grocery customers on a waiting list



Japan airport sets up cardboard beds for travelers waiting for coronavirus test results


Covid-19 has nearly shut down world's busiest airport



Knoxville Animal control changes on-scene protocol to protect against Corona-chan



City Bus driver hauls out ‘corona-tape’ to enforce social distancing'



Florida Police Chief Placed on Leave After Allegedly Saying Deputy Died of Coronavirus Because He Was Gay



kek will Corana-chan be the new poz disease?

An LGBT rabbi who confronted AIDS crisis now faces COVID-19



OY Vey

Study at zoos shows 42% of animals infected with toxoplasma gondii



'Death penalty states urged to release stockpiled drugs for Covid-19 patientshttps://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/apr/13/death-penalty-states-coronavirus-stockpiled-drugs


Los Angeles schools won't give any students failing grade during pandemic


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39797e  No.95147

File: 0b575a1f156a57d⋯.png (201.54 KB, 422x628, 211:314, The_gift_that_keeps_on_giv….png)

File: bffae2081825dc5⋯.png (286.44 KB, 474x627, 158:209, good_news_for_Commiefornia….png)

File: d92d1591d0d00b6⋯.png (275.63 KB, 736x617, 736:617, living_on_a_island_has_its….png)

File: 55f10515addc7ff⋯.png (168.98 KB, 439x574, 439:574, Corona_mass_grave_in_Hart_….png)

File: b7100bdb3c0c626⋯.png (186.12 KB, 663x594, 221:198, HAIL_CORONA_CHAN.png)

Corona-Chan kills a Ladyboy forensic examiner by leaping into him from a blessed corpse https://archive.vn/IPaZu You know the Happening is real when fucking Buzzfeed of all sources starts providing actual news instead of soyboy shit.

Insurance companies ordered to provide refunds to drivers and business owners in Commiefornia due to the low risk environment created by two months of quarantine lockdown https://archive.vn/qbKAD

Newfoundland Leafs beware: Possible food shortage incoming https://archive.vn/R2SO0

Muh fake news fags BTFO: NYC's mayor admits that Corona-Chan victims were buried in the Hart Island mass graves https://archive.is/Pl6EU

Literally WHO says "recovered" people might not have immunity against a second infection https://archive.is/ePbNx Remember the Coronian Mantra: Everytime the eggheads say something positive about Corona-Chan, they're right. When they say something negative, they're wrong. The literally WHO is right!

Personal update: I have been hearing a lot more ambulance sirens around my area recently. The federal police helicopter has been making rounds more frequently too, probably monitoring the highways and taking the opportunity of checking on the nearby favelas.


>Japan airport sets up cardboard beds for travelers waiting for coronavirus test results

Damn that must suck, sleeping on a cardboard bed like a hobo.

>Florida Police Chief Placed on Leave After Allegedly Saying Deputy Died of Coronavirus Because He Was Gay

Kek, I remember posting the news about that fruity zogbot who succumbed to Corona-Chan's blessing.

>An LGBT rabbi who confronted AIDS crisis now faces SARS-CoV-2


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05d30f  No.95148

File: c892da2a4b17fe9⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Numbers are starting to fall significantly for now and only in the developed world, i honestly expected worse. we'll see if >>95129 happens

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39797e  No.95149


Fuck's sake. You just had to slide my excellent post with official numbers faggotry, hadn't you? There's a reason I stopped posting them: We have reached the point where they don't matter anymore, Corona-Chan has already reached community transmission everywhere.

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5bd158  No.95150

There is no virus.

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39797e  No.95153

File: 28eb216670af95e⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1200x2000, 3:5, 3D_Corona_Chan_shining_dre….png)

File: 1f305dd29e92044⋯.mp4 (9.42 MB, 854x480, 427:240, DON_T_PANIC.mp4)



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39797e  No.95155

File: 7418d8b8afe5879⋯.mp4 (517.55 KB, 360x634, 180:317, chinese_health_official_en….mp4)

File: 3e6b149369798da⋯.mp4 (797.99 KB, 392x274, 196:137, Iranian_hospital_workers_k….mp4)

File: a209c4dec13df75⋯.png (269.21 KB, 583x597, 583:597, reminds_me_of_home.png)

File: c104c61bfa0ea84⋯.png (151.85 KB, 427x540, 427:540, RIP.png)

File: 117bcb0a906485d⋯.png (201.97 KB, 422x555, 422:555, HAIL_CORONA_CHAN_AND_PRAIS….png)

Chink health officers enforcing meme distancing on a subway car https://archive.vn/nx9OS

Iranian hospital workers kissing an islamic relic https://archive.vn/Jr23r

Cuomo and other governors say they should be the ones to decide when the lockdowns should be lifted, not the federal government https://archive.vn/ZPUab

Blessed Burger sailor from the USS Theodore Roosevelt succumbs to the blessing after days in the ICU


Literally WHO telling people to get used to wearing masks because Corona-Chan isn't going away anytime soon https://archive.vn/A4ZuN

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5bd158  No.95158


You can't slide a sticky.

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a30363  No.95159


Since everything is on lockdown the numbers will stagnate for months. And if they open certain areas you'll see the second wave that might be bigger than the first one.

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6bfee4  No.95160

File: 4a4a5badba67682⋯.jpg (35.89 KB, 782x513, 782:513, 4a4a5badba676824f05b04a71e….jpg)


Oh I'm sticky alright

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57bddc  No.95161

File: 1c2935f29aa164f⋯.pdf (5.38 MB, 41422_2020_Article_305.pdf)

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39797e  No.95164

File: 66c5ce1a9c27c2e⋯.png (198.64 KB, 448x590, 224:295, somber_music.png)

File: b52c660b17c8ce2⋯.png (244.95 KB, 596x564, 149:141, NYC_woman_collapses_and_ho….png)

File: 1e2bfed51b1967a⋯.jpg (740.66 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, NYC_woman_collapses_and_ho….jpg)

File: a46753335e13d2e⋯.png (168.25 KB, 905x472, 905:472, let_them_party.png)

File: 9bb27e9208a6340⋯.mp4 (7.69 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, NYC_bikers_take_advantge_o….mp4)

Nignog pastor in Virginia who defied Corona-Chan got blessed and died https://archive.vn/3t2VG

Picture of a collapsed woman in NYC with her hand over her chest

https://archive.vn/l5HRr Been a while since the last collapser/dropper in Burgerland. Reminder that the last one was in March, in Arlington Virginia.

SFPD crashes an illegal nightclub https://archive.vn/ceMp7

Bikers take advantage of the lockdown to go for a joyride https://archive.vn/FzMxa


Gonna take a break to watch local news and get some grub



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2e06d8  No.95167



Regarding point 5, I feel that this is just like claiming that HIV isn't responsible for the infected's deaths, since they end up dying from other diseases.

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60dea2  No.95172


>Good Luck Covid19


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88dbd2  No.95173

US Govt Helped Fund Chinese Wuhan Biowarfare Lab Where Corona Likely Originated

Dr. Fauci, A Supporter Of Bill Gates & ID 2020, Was Involved

In a bombshell finding, the taxpayer-funded NIH (National Institutes of Health, where Dr. Fauci is a top official) is now known to have funded bat coronavirus research (SARS-CoV) at the very same BSL-4 Wuhan laboratory that is widely believed to have engineered and release the Wuhan coronavirus that’s now devastating the planet.

This stunning link, now confirmed by Natural News via the PLoS Pathogens medical journal (link below), means that the U.S. government under former president Barack Obama was directly involved in funding the very same lab that engineered the Wuhan coronavirus (covid-19).

“Documents obtained by The Mail on Sunday show the Wuhan Institute of Virology undertook coronavirus experiments on mammals captured more than 1,000 miles away in Yunnan – funded by a $3.7 million grant from the US government,” reports the UK Daily Mail.





^ Imagine Our Shock! Fauci Praises Bill Gates And His ID 2020 Agenda



^ Bill Gates Is Trying To Hijack Control Over Global Health Policy



Attorney General William Barr SHOULD Investigate People Like Bill Gates!



Governments Call For New Police State 'Army' To Hunt Down Corona Infections



^ Snowden: Governments Using Pandemic To Build Architecture Of Oppression



Kentucky Rep. Thomas Massie Warns Food Shortages Are A Real Threat



World's Largest Pork Producer Shutters Key US Factory After COVID-19 Outbreak, Warns Of Shortages



Corona Crash Permanently Delays Retirement Plans



Sailor Aboard USS Theodore Roosevelt Dies Of Coronavirus



Bartering Making A Slow Comeback, As Americans Trading Items For Masks



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0ccb3b  No.95178


> Elites are ignoring their own rules

It doesn't matter. The masses have already bought into the narrative. Seeing dissonant behavior will just make them think they're looking at rule-breakers. They won't question the underlying facts that the rules are supposedly based on.

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0ccb3b  No.95180


Post that picture again in a year so we can laugh at it.

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d008ff  No.95182

File: 3835b11114de8ae⋯.jpeg (135.53 KB, 1024x678, 512:339, 1_sFnYMiq7_GjNAG_VUzlWQA.jpeg)

File: 1d3245e77a0c3f4⋯.jpg (51.76 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, 97722490_black_people_576x….jpg)

File: f2119320cd3e62f⋯.png (582.96 KB, 643x580, 643:580, r.PNG)

>Chinese torpedo their own Belt-and-Road initiative to kick out some niggers from McDonalds

Reality is stranger than fiction.

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0ccb3b  No.95183


> i honestly expected worse

Yeah, that's how hoaxes work. By the time you realize you've been duped if you ever realize the perps already got what they wanted.

Hopefully you'll learn something and not be so credulous when jewish media outlets and institutions tell you that if you don't do what they say that you'll die.

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0ccb3b  No.95185


> 2nd pic

I will personally award the internet to anyone who prints out that sign, puts it on a closed business or open one, and gets reaction video.

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39797e  No.95186

File: 6dd9dcee3af3f40⋯.png (199.35 KB, 508x630, 254:315, grorious_mayoru.png)

File: 4dcc5d4edc57757⋯.png (516.14 KB, 1166x528, 53:24, gib_me_dat.png)

File: 8390ffca8ceecd7⋯.png (589.95 KB, 1163x512, 1163:512, Boa_Vista_state_pharmacy.png)

File: c0b3697e19d9e0e⋯.png (138.4 KB, 523x630, 523:630, wew_lad.png)

File: 4eb18b1756f493b⋯.mp4 (9.81 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Criminosos_aproveitam_quar….mp4)

Update on the Brownzilian state of Pernambuco and the city of Recife

Bix nood Edition

Corona-Chan has pretty much conquered the state and her official numbers continue to rise exponentially, all that's left for her to cleanse is this cesspool this cesspool. Normalfags of all social classes and races continue to go outside and form gatherings, though the richfags are still the ones who are taking the situation more seriously than the others. Recent notable deaths in the state include a 7 month old baby and this guy in the third news of this post >>94881

New measures

We're copying the Burger measure of limiting the number of people in supermarkets, but also in banks too. The closure of parks, squares and beaches has been extend as well, but normalfags really don't give a shit, the closure of beaches is largely being disregarded and police is having to concentrate it's efforts on stopping them, which had negative collateral effects that you will read about just below.

Recent happenings

Large gathering and extremely long lines at bank agencies due to poorfags queueing up outside of them to receive the R$600 Corona-Gibs. Another place that's getting very crowded is the state's pharmacy, poorfags need their free meds after all.

At least 377 (checked) health workers are confirmed to be blessed in the state. 276 health workers suspected to be blessed had a negative test result, but given the unreliability of testing procedures and Corona-Chan stealthyness, who knows how many of these are false negatives and these people are out there spreading Corona-Chan's love at work. I'm betting all of them are

Break-ins and looting at shops in Recife's downtown and in another neighborhood that I forgot the name of. Criminals noticed the military police force is concentrating it's troops at beaches, parks and squares and decided to take advantage of it to repeatedly break into stores located downtown. To make matters even worse, hobos looted the shops who were broken into, so business owners got stolen from thrice. But here's what's funny: Aside from cleaning up a jewelry shop, these burglars have no idea of what they're doing. They broke into a pharmacy and instead of stealing valuable medicine, they decided to empty a shelf of deodorant sprays. Deodorant sprays.' God fucking damnit, these apes are retarded. Burglars from another neighborhood were smarter and focused on hand sanitizer instead, at least they know what kind of products are valuable right now. Unrelated crime continues to rise as well, lots of armed robberies and murders recently.


Correction: Collapsed man. I swear I saw a 's', plus the many layers of clothing din't help me realize it was a man at all.


Kek, din't even notice that.


>In a bombshell finding, the taxpayer-funded NIH (National Institutes of Health, where Dr. Fauci is a top official) is now known to have funded bat coronavirus research (SARS-CoV) at the very same BSL-4 Wuhan laboratory that is widely believed to have engineered and release the Wuhan coronavirus that’s now devastating the planet.

>This stunning link, now confirmed by Natural News via the PLoS Pathogens medical journal (link below), means that the U.S. government under former president Barack Obama was directly involved in funding the very same lab that engineered the Wuhan coronavirus

This is pretty big. Goddamnit, Obongo.


Maybe they used the initiative as a cover to spread Corona-Chan further, who knows.

Taking advantage to slide a hoaxnigger post as well, get fucked infidel

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3bca9d  No.95191


Why are go karts riding along with them?

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60dea2  No.95192


You know how smaller fish hang around sharks hoping to feed off scraps?

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2e06d8  No.95193


Right on the first day of lockdown, a night club in Lisbon also held a Corona Party. Even EMTs were attending it. Nowadays with how overworked they are, and with more than 2000 infected medical staff all over the country, they must no longer find it a laughing matter.

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7989f5  No.95195

lmao blumpf is opeing the economy back up

corona chan is going to spread like crazy

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3bca9d  No.95196


Fucking based.

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39797e  No.95197

File: 2b064b4ace120f5⋯.png (517.94 KB, 1130x582, 565:291, Record_News.png)

File: e16796759eadd8f⋯.png (155.77 KB, 369x626, 369:626, chinks_fumble_their_dice_r….png)

File: 13023aecd549763⋯.mp4 (939.54 KB, 352x640, 11:20, April_13_Hanzheng_Street_r….mp4)

File: b56a5572815d9a9⋯.mp4 (952.71 KB, 540x960, 9:16, April_13_Fuzhou_City_rent_….mp4)

File: 55d019ff208754a⋯.mp4 (2.78 MB, 368x640, 23:40, Shenzhen_cops_dealing_with….mp4)

Disinformation in the Brownzilian MSM: The Record agency recently stated during a report about "recovered" patients suffering from discrimination that they present no risk to healthy people and that infected people stop being contagious after 14 days of displaying symptoms. I would love to provide a source for this but until they release today's broadcast on their jewtube channel, you're just gonna have to trust me.

CCP's attempt at influencing a Burger senator backfires horribly https://archive.is/bZAhX

New rent protests in Chinkland

https://archive.vn/VX0VA https://archive.is/9Pk8X https://archive.vn/vqvja Chink riot cops got sent to some of them, just in case the civvy chinks tried anything. Not sure if the third video in Shenzhen is a response to a rent protest but I'm gonna assume it is, given the timing of the posts from both Zerg and Chen.


> all that's left for her to cleanse is this cesspool this cesspool.

A cute little artifact from a previous iteration of the post that I forgot to delete, how wonderful. Sorry for this mistake, folks. Sometimes not even triple checking the post helps with spotting these mistakes, the text just meshes together despite being formatted in a way that prevents walls.


Maybe they just don't give a fuck about street cred anymore and just want to have fun.


Kek, that's a really nice analogy.


>Even EMTs were attending it.

Irresponsible cunts. Stay safe up there Portubro.


Yep, looks like some Nips still got that bushido spirit living within them. It's just waiting for a good reason to be unleashed.

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072b32  No.95202

File: ec1815664414403⋯.png (865.96 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 1584952829559.png)

Ehh, guys? Fat chance this whole pandemic was planned. Take a look at this shit, this is from seven years ago


The lyrics:

>The Virus is harvesting

>What do you mean H7N3?

>Begin life in a lab in the first war of vaccines

>Million die in the first week in the pandemic dreams

>Reality, black death, smallpox, mutated disease

>Flu-shot propaganda for all population and troops

>Avoid the plague, it might have seeped into the room

>It's now airborne with firestorm

>Signal our doom

>The dead returns with a pissed off zombie mood

>The sprinkler system equipped with AuAg

>Where they round up survivors? In a cold facility

>Watch the process of terror from the hill near the stream

>I remain in a gasmask

>I still filter my water clean

>This isn't past tense or the plague of Athens

>Couldn't be eradicated like smallpox in action

>Avian influenza in the jetstream is how it happens

>2020 combined with CoronaVirus, bodies stacking

I don't think I want to understand what is going on

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072b32  No.95203

File: 53617926b124a13⋯.mp4 (12.21 MB, 640x360, 16:9, dr_creep.mp4)


Archived before glows delete it

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2e06d8  No.95204

I haven't seen this being brought up over here but how trustworthy are those immunity tests that the Germans and British are doing?

Given how there is still a lack of information regarding the virus, it only looks to me like a way to institute a caste system where only some people have a free transit to move around the country.


I hope that Corona-chan is also merciful to you.

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39797e  No.95213

File: 32b7902507ea010⋯.mp4 (4.52 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Senior_Malaysian_having_br….mp4)

File: 6bb55d2abd4525e⋯.mp4 (765.77 KB, 320x684, 80:171, dead_birds_due_to_the_2020….mp4)

Senior Malaysian having breathing difficulties at a market in Kuala Lumpur



I'm a faithful Coronian Cultist, a fanatic zealot, and even I know this was planned. I have been saying since I joined 8/cvg/ that I think this is part of the NWO depopulation agenda. The only hope of survival is praying for Corona-Chan to take complete control of her physical form, the virus, and use it as a weapon on our (((enemies))).


Powerful number.

>Reality, black death, smallpox, mutated disease

Evidence points at her physical form being a chimeravirus, a frankenstein disease, a combination of a bunch of different viruses put together. Not to mention that she's mutating quickly, and getting stronger instead of weaker. The new Britbong strain that infected a bunch of children is proof of this.

>Million die in the first week in the pandemic dreams

He's referring to the combined number of chink, Pasta and Iranian deaths by the time the literally WHO had the balls to call this a pandemic.

>It's now airborne with firestorm

She always was airborne but the (((authorities))) decided to admit it too late, chaos was already unleashed into the world by the time they decided to reveal that information.

>The dead returns with a pissed off zombie mood

Corpses's lungs are full of envelopes of love that can infect people handling them, if they're not careful. It's like the dead are bitterly dragging the living to their graves.

>I still filter my water clean

Reminder that she's has some waterborne capabilities as well.

>Couldn't be eradicated like smallpox in action

She's invincible.

>Avian influenza in the jetstream is how it happens

Reminder that there's also an avian flu epidemic happening in Chinkland right now. https://archive.vn/T0O9Y

>2020 combined with CoronaVirus, bodies stacking

I don't even need to say anything about this.

>I don't think I want to understand what is going on

I do, but not the scientific part of it. That does not concern me.


Saved, thank you anon.


>I haven't seen this being brought up over here but how trustworthy are those immunity tests that the Germans and British are doing?

No idea. If they're based on the chink tests, that's a bad sign.

>I hope that Corona-chan is also merciful to you.

Thank you for your kind words. The only things I will ask her at my deathbed will be for a quick death and to be able to continue to serve her in the underworld.

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20f969  No.95218

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm halfway through this presentation on the Wu-Flu and so far it's really good

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b10f45  No.95220

File: ba37456a7244f2c⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1589x1442, 227:206, croonervirus.png)



* "Dr. Creep" 2013 clear prediction of Coronavirus-2020.

* Same performer also uses the phrase "I AM THE STORM" in 2013 (name of album) which this web-cite knows a little something about

* Their other "song" in 2013 references 2020 also

Only question I have is this. Why, if you so super high knowledge man with lazer guns like pieu pieu pieu, can't you rap without sounding like a negro?

Sorry, but consider El vis. He emerges into a music scene filled with nogs, and yet manages to remain perfectly and exceptionally white in all aspects. So much so, that the fake (((media))) has to fake a story about him copying nigger music, which he did not. There is not a hint of niggerness in El vis's music. At no point, and at no time.

But these fucking craptacular craps, they can't even rap without sounding like verbal melanin. Sad. Honetly. It's almost as bad as giving JFK Jr. a new identify as a brown person with his white babe.

Sorry, excuse my passion. But foreknowledge is not an excuse for art. The art is shit. The foreknowledge is cool.

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0ccb3b  No.95221

File: 41f81047acb583a⋯.jpg (39.42 KB, 639x811, 639:811, ezgif_2_8fd153a9566a.jpg)

A new study finds that the coronavirus mortality rate could be as low as 0.1 percent, “similar to that of flu.”

“Using ILI surveillance to estimate state-specific case detection rates”, by J. Silverman & A. Washburne; Johns Hopkins CSSE

> The paper reckons that 7m Americans were infected from March 8th to 14th, and official data show 7,000 deaths three weeks later. The resulting fatality rate is 0.1%, similar to that of flu. That is amazingly low, just a tenth of some other estimates.


Another study from Britain published at the end of last month in the medical journal Lancet Infectious Diseases also found that fewer people are dying from the novel coronavirus than previously estimated.

That study estimated the coronavirus death rate could be as low as 0.66 percent and as high as 1.38 percent. Fauci’s estimate is higher than both figures.

"Estimates of the severity of coronavirus disease 2019: a model-based analysis" Lancet Infectious Diseases, Robert Verity, PhD et al.



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4d60a8  No.95222


>t-cells wiped out

I think you're getting confused.

I'm just not certain about that.

And I don't think anyone else is too.

And their rigor was lacking (#1).

And they admit they can't explain it (#1).

So why did they have that bait title?

Research faggotry is the likely answer for misleading title (#1).

(#1) Is derivative repeat work. It just does everything that's been done before, literaly improving and adding on to nothing. And going no further than conclusions reached by Shuai Xia et al for years. It does apply SARS-CoV-2 to the new techniques, but so did Shuai Xia et al just a week before. I just want to point out it all plainly: (#1) doesn't actually show what they claim, they just reach a dead end and shrug their shoulders, only imitating (#2) and (#3).


(#1) 20200407: Xinling Wang et al: SARS-CoV-2 infects T lymphocytes through its spike protein-mediated membrane fusion


(#2) 20190410: Shuai Xia et al: A pan-coronavirus fusion inhibitor targeting the HR1 domain of human coronavirus spike


(#3) 20200330: Shuai Xia et al: Inhibition of SARS-CoV-2 (previously 2019-nCoV) infection by a highly potent pan-coronavirus fusion inhibitor targeting its spike protein that harbors a high capacity to mediate membrane fusion

Repeated differently: To be clear (#2) and (#3) are way better, more focused, more exhaustive, and more covering. What all of them do was done as a normal check-and-verify steps of lab work that all labs were doing. It was being done in 2007 in Wuhan and in 2008 in North Carolina. The only differences were techniques and focus being significantly updated and with newer tools mostly demonstrated in Shuai Xia et al's work (whereby they look at main human CoV disease receptors across multiple simultaneous human CoV, evaluating new molecules to inhibit, to guide research searching for molecules to inhibit). In this, (#1) Xinling Wang et al has less rigor (because their objective was a simple publishing of intermediary results, not saying that they did anything), and they show a nice clean proof that they can't substantiate their claims of SARS-CoV02-S/spike mediate infection into 293T cell lines.

(293T cell line is another established model reference tool that everyone is using; A HeLa cell line reference, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/293T ; For instance, SARS-CoV-2 itself is another not-established-not-published-was-going-to-be a model reference tool for huSARS or human SARS disease study).

Summation: It has been shown, that in-vivo real actual non-cancer non-model T-cells do not acquire disease, even though they may be picking up the virus. It really is a stretch to say that "oh we don't know lookie here at this!" and then claim with your own pictures that the orders of magnitude less signal cluster of cells is SARS-CoV02-S/spike mediated infection into T-Cells. 293T != 'generic T-Cell in vivo'.

I'm just not seeing it, from all this. And all of this is in-vitro/in-lab setting of tool models going at tool models to try to refine tool models to then guide the search for more proteins and molecules to then get all the way back to the objective of finding miracle pan SARS 'cure'. It just doesn't show SARS-CoV02-Spike mediated infection into T-Cells.

Maybe someone who's been there can advise better.

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0ccb3b  No.95223

File: 10cf499c6ae6857⋯.jpg (52.25 KB, 634x509, 634:509, 27076080_8210401_image_a_1….jpg)

> Iceland has tested one-tenth of its population for coronavirus at random and discovered that 1,600 people have been infected with Covid-19 since the start of the outbreak. Of these cases, there were only seven deaths, indicating a fatality rate of just 0.4 per cent,

> The findings were made during Iceland's rigorous testing campaign, conducted with the help of Reykjavik-based biopharmaceutical company deCODE genetics, which has seen 10 per cent of the 364,413 population swabbed, something yet to be achieved by any other nation.

> Unlike many countries in Europe such as Spain, Italy and Britain, who are facing strict isolation to prevent the spread of the disease, Iceland has not shuttered businesses and shops.





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4d60a8  No.95224


God damn fingers.

Errata: SARS-CoV02-S = SARS-CoV-2:Spike

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b10f45  No.95225


Add to that, their latest testing of 10% of their population indicates that 0.3%-0.8% have the virus, in population of 360000. Tests also indicated that half who have it are asymptomatic.

At the higher end (0.8%), this would be 2900 cases as of about last Friday, of which 1600 were currently known or "reported".

We can't really draw a fatality rate from that data yet. I think the better data point is that the infection rate is dropping, DESPITE NO LOCKDOWN. Their previous tests around 3/24 indicated 1% had it.

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f24e5f  No.95230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

relax lads, it's just ASMR

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57bddc  No.95234

File: c7b01ba8b62c9cc⋯.pdf (1.07 MB, s41423_020_0424_9.pdf)


yeah, I don't know all the biology stuff, from what I gather it does attack T-cells but doesn't commandeer them but that attack causes the T-cell to wipe out, so with a big enough viral load it's possible to have a severely nullified immune system. A lot of the virus isn't knwn, as time goes on we'll find out but any serious issues with this would probably be hushed up by glow in the darks - stuff like reactivation..

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39797e  No.95237

File: 8a0cce13cbd7602⋯.png (375.25 KB, 633x593, 633:593, four_legged_jew_turf_wars.png)

File: 1c5097809501875⋯.mp4 (1.48 MB, 480x528, 10:11, Barge_being_looted_in_Ecua….mp4)

File: 034e356422f018c⋯.mp4 (3.81 MB, 320x664, 40:83, Ecuadorian_government_coll….mp4)

File: 95c286887b205c8⋯.jpg (93.88 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, cyberpunk2020_Ecuador.jpg)

File: ec8d22ac8d7cb66⋯.mp4 (4 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Nigerians_reject_5G_networ….mp4)

Four legged jews having turf wars and eating each other due to a lack of food out in the streets caused by the quarantine lockdowns https://archive.vn/K3JnR

Looting of a barge in Ecuador


Digger collecting coffins that were abandoned in the streets and dumping them into a truck during daytime in Ecuador https://archive.vn/mg3fn

Government of Guayas unveils their high-tech urban disinfection vehicle https://nitter.net/GobiernoGuayas/status/1249834226817601537#m

Niggerian militia setting 5G towers on fire



Maybe the reason they hid this information in such a shitty rap was to avoid arousing suspicion. I remember reading here, a long time ago, that jews and the NWO as a whole believe they have the obligation of revealing what they're going to do beforehand, or else they're "sinning". But it's not like they can just openly and clearly tell everyone

<Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention please. We, the 1%, wish to ruin your lives and your countries to completely enslave you in the name of our religious beliefs. Please remain calm while we carry out the plans of making our dreams a reality.

So what they do is hide bits of their information in their media, disguised as fiction and entertainment as much as possible. They're technically telling you what they're going to do, just not doing it openly or else there would be rebellions on a global scale.

>verbal melanin

>It's almost as bad as giving JFK Jr. a new identify as a brown person with his white babe.

I kek'd.


lmao. Gotta love the coomers on jewtube, always finding new ways of hiding their shit from Susan & Co. Why would you post this here, tho

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4d60a8  No.95238



Saved for reference.

>attack T-Cells

T-cells are supposed to go attack cells. B-cells are supposed to attack plasma. There are still other cells that do black 20 million year magic. I'm only stating certainty remains uncertain. Reads: language that 'X attacks T-cells' implies an attribute not certain. So I guess it is all pedantry. Might there be some bread for clinical remarks on T-cell wipe-out?

For reference, T- and B- cell markers.


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caa269  No.95239

File: 9c47e40f60e8852⋯.jpg (120.85 KB, 750x485, 150:97, 3wju62.jpg)

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e6c116  No.95240

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I am getting more and more suspicious of this as we go. I'm starting to think Bill Gates may have larger hand in this and it may be the collaborative effort of a few different powerful factions. Olin did a decent little video on Microsoft's recent use of Marina Abramovic (the occultist from the Podesta e-mail leaks) in a promotional video, with a recap of some of her work and who she's been seen connected with. The pic related is particularly chilling. That's "Satan Summoning His Legions" by Thomas Lawrence behind them.


This does not bode well but at least we're in for interesting times.

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e6c116  No.95241

File: bc4f8fb6446f0e5⋯.jpg (68.88 KB, 861x1024, 861:1024, Marina_Abramovic_And_Jacob….jpg)


>pic related

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4d60a8  No.95243



How long do you recon it will take,

To rather than say 'it came from bats',

To say it came from the Bat Lady?

Something like:

SARS-CoV-2 is an escaped lab research model virus. Recombined from human SARS-CoV (BJ01) and bat β-CoV (RaTG13), and then serially nurtured, growing it through gain-of-function selection.

It is a lab research model. Made, to study SARS. 'From Bats' kinda really misleads… the entire planet.

2030? 2040? Sooner?

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054cb0  No.95248


Bro I’m sorry but I don’t think I understand the majority of this post. I’m not stupid, I’ve just never dealt in medical jargon like that, it’s not my career. I think I may understand but I’m not 100% sure that I do. Also I searched for early look fallacy and couldn’t find a definition for it. I’m assuming it has something to do with how it’s too soon to tell and they’re making assumptions too early? In the conclusion I drew from your first citation is that hospitals are specifically not overflowing because they’re being careful specifically to overflow them? Makes sense to me. I’m not in support of him I just wanted to see someone in this thread refute it

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054cb0  No.95249


Not to overflow them*

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054cb0  No.95250

So when’s that vaccine coming you think bros?

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072b32  No.95251

File: 26d8ac25a3b968c⋯.jpg (751.08 KB, 1680x2376, 70:99, 1583982620575.jpg)



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39797e  No.95252

File: 02df916f67f279c⋯.png (74.31 KB, 383x575, 383:575, Ecuadorian_fag_enabled_ble….png)

File: 7f9a4758b1ebfa3⋯.jpg (116.74 KB, 470x472, 235:236, Thank_you_Corona_Chan.jpg)

File: 2415e3d33bb34dd⋯.mp4 (1.39 MB, 320x320, 1:1, Bolsonaro_supporting_denia….mp4)

File: cd679f3ac53ae02⋯.mp4 (715.15 KB, 400x226, 200:113, Bolsonaro_supporting_coron….mp4)

File: 9108a0705b5fa09⋯.png (210.76 KB, 411x624, 137:208, try_50_times_higher.png)

Corona-Chan hates fags and fag enablers: Fag enabler Spic in Ecuador confirmed to have been removed by the Goddess https://archive.vn/kh50F https://archive.vn/kh50F

>The Ecuadorian Federation of LGBT organizations expresses its deep regret at the death of activist Ángelo Yagual, precursor of the decriminalization of Homosexuality in Ecuador. His legacy will be remembered for generations "We are human beings we love" Ismael Anastacio Yagual (Angelo)

I might hate Hoaxniggers but the CNS has to be slightly unbiased: Bolsonaro supporting hoaxnigger with a microphone and a loudspeaker on his car tries to spread his shitty message and is pelted with eggs then told by the police to go away. https://archive.vn/M4Pnl

>C****-19 doesn't exist. They're inflating the numbers. To the streets, people of Brazil, to the streets! To the streets, people of Brazil.

>C****-19 is a farse. Merchants, open your commerce.

Come on hoaxnigger, try better than that. Corona-Chan either doesn't exist or she does and the numbers are being inflated. If you're gonna be an hoaxnigger, at least be consistent about it.

Bolsonaro supporting Corona-Denialists dance with a fake coffin, shouting words against São Paulo's governor https://archive.vn/DBzRO I find it really funny that some of them are wearing folding N95s. What are they afraid of? Corona-Chan is just the flu, bro after all. The commies are not liking this one bit. They're interpreting this as a mockery of the Goddess's victims and calling for their arrest or death. I'm not sure if this was really their intention or if the coffin is supposed to represent Dória's dead political career, as they believe he won't be go anywhere after his term ends.

Researchers at a consortium of Brownzilian universities and institutes say the real number of cases is likely 12 times higher https://archive.is/aEfGy

>The researchers are now predicting that by April 20 the number of cases will grow to 25,164 in its most optimistic scenario and 60,413 cases in its most pessimistic.

I'm sure the real number is 50 times higher and maybe even more. Hail Corona-Chan, the Goddess of purification!


>I'm starting to think Bill Gates may have larger hand in this and it may be the collaborative effort of a few different powerful factions.

You're dead on about that.

> Olin did a decent little video on Microsoft's recent use of Marina Abramovic (the occultist from the Podesta e-mail leaks)

You know, I wouldn't call Olin /ourguy/ just yet but I'm glad to have him by our side and fighting the good fight. His video on this bitch is a pretty good initial redpill for normalfags. Hey Olin, I know you're gonna read this eventually since you use 8/cvg/ as a source for footage of recent happenings so I would just like to tell this: I love you homie, no homo. You're not perfect and sometimes you misreport things but hey, I'm not perfect either and I'm guilty of doing that twice already. You're doing a decent job anyway, keep using your jewtube to show what's going on in the world. Hopefully you will get fully redpilled one day and embrace the third position mindset. Unless you already are /ourguy/ and you're just hiding your power level. In that case, good for you, keep doing that, it's not the time to go full 1488 just yet, that will come soon. Stay safe out there, don't get yourself infected.


>How long do you recon it will take, To rather than say 'it came from bats', To say it came from the Bat Lady?

>2030? 2040? Sooner?

Sooner. Especially if infopack anon manages to redpill Sky News and they run a report about the papers.


The fake one will come soon. The real one will never exist, just like the cure and the treatment. There is no scientific solution for Corona-Chan, affronting the work of a divine entity will only get people more people killed.


Praised be this post!

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4d60a8  No.95254


The 'swiss' article is clearly just a series deliberate or wilful delusions. I didn't know that, when I started looking, I just went through point by point and then realized shouldofreaditfirst.jpg.

On early look: it is just a way of saying horseblinders blind, specifically at the start, rather than the sides. For instance, if you look at cholesterol HDL+VDL levels, after you eat, you will have high levels and look like you need $100s of medications ; But, if you look at cholesterol levels HDL+VDL levels 8hrs after fasting, you will look right as rain, or even the opposite. In wave formations, is the tide rising or falling? Neither, the tide is independent of the wave and vice versa. Horseblinders are for horses, not people. Well, and apparently for Merkle, per that 'swiss' article.

The [1] mark was artifact/notation to make the list look nice. Take a mall, divide it up into shops, each shop has a line/queue, and some customers go from shop to shop, while most come and go from the outside. If the bathrooms get clogged up, yea, you might have a problem on your hands. The USA has way too many malls and absolute proliferations of bathrooms, with respect to EU and Canada. (I know nothing of Australia, never been there, seems nice from a distance). So, if a health system, with limited critical care facilities, was going to have a lot of patients making shitruns, should you shutitalldown? Likely not, unless you were short on baths relative to population (an argument that holds more in europe, but less in the usa, and ultimately doesn't really hold anyway, because overreactions – we haven't run out of shitcenter ICU space in MOST places).

It doesn't really matter. The swissmade points were all political theatre, and the actual swiss may likely not suffer from it, because they're not poor, and have guns, and have mountains. Mountains are really good at stopping things, even after you've invited them in.

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4dc953  No.95260


The "virus is fake" is a variety of "everything is fake", and it's mostly China. Some real people also are under that delusion. Under china dictates they are instructed to "make a mess". Since they're retarded, they retardedly make a mess.

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4dc953  No.95261


It's turning out to be a homo bug. NYC is taking it super bad. Did you know NYC was the epicenter of the HIV outbreak, in the US?

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39797e  No.95266

File: f879e12adfde837⋯.mp4 (2.7 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Brazilian_Catholic_Church_….mp4)

File: 8eb4a7485788711⋯.png (179.1 KB, 683x597, 683:597, a_fuckup_or_krauts_snatchi….png)

File: 7877a5791790fcf⋯.mp4 (6.56 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Sao_Paulo_woman_who_disbel….mp4)

File: 470452eb2e2838f⋯.mp4 (500.26 KB, 220x400, 11:20, Sao_Paulo_municipal_guard_….mp4)

File: c1828e1b01e7bc0⋯.png (153.75 KB, 517x565, 517:565, HAIL_CORONA_CHAN_DEATH_TO_….png)

Outdated feel good news: Brazilian catholic church uses a projector to dress Christ The Redeemer as a medic. They also projected images of nurses and flags of affected countries onto the statue.

Brownzil buys 725k testing kits from Worse Korea but the delivery got barred in Germoney. A simple fuckup or are the Krauts snatching the testing kits for themselves?

São Paulo woman gets approached by the police for being in a closed park due to airborne aids, calls the virus a "circus being used to implement a communist dicatorship", refuses to go home then resists arrest https://archive.is/of2dU

>The constitution is above any decrees. That's right.

>By determinat-

>This coronavirus circus doesn't work with me. This little coronavirus circus you set up to implement a communist dictatorship. That won't work on me. I'm a free person.

>Don't resist. Don't resist. You're unfortunately going to jail. I'm going to arrest you ma'am. No ma'am, do not resist! Do not resist and don't bite. As of now, you're under arrest. Okay? If you struggle you will hurt yourself, that's what's gonna happen. We don't want to hurt you ma'am. You'll struggle…flip her flip her. Get off her. There.


>No bring her arm around. You're arrested, unfortunately. That's not what we wanted to do.

>Cuff her.

>My arm is hurting!

>Camila, let me see.

>My arm is hurting!


>Film it, Worker's Party yes-man! Yes-man!

She's kinda stupid but I really like her, her fighting spirit is burning pretty hotly. I feel like she belongs in Burgerland because that's a 100% lolberg mentality right there, got a lot of potential to become /ourwoman/ if she got redpilled properly.

São Paulo's municipal guard enforcing the quarantine lockdown https://archive.is/FYVRQ

>I wanna leave

>You're not going to leave, go to your home.

>I'm retired (?)

>Go to your home. Don't put your hands on my face. Don't put your hands on my face! Don't put them. Now go to your home! GO NOW! Go up, Go up!

I kek'd through this entire video.

Third confirmed kill of the Coronian Curse: Nothingburgerfag in the Brownzilian state of Amazonas succumbs to the Goddess's blessing after claiming on social media that only old people died and young people had strong immunological systems, so there's no point to the lockdown. https://archive.vn/wip/vs1lC I wholeheartedly agree with him, open everything up!


*keep using your jewtube channel.

>will only get people more people killed.

Yay, more artifacts that I forgot to delete after rewriting my post. Kill me, Corona-Chan.


>It's turning out to be a homo bug


>Did you know NYC was the epicenter of the HIV outbreak, in the US?

Nope but the more you know, the better you are! Thank you for educating me.

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0e1e6c  No.95268


HIV outbreak happened due to a Hep B vaccine. Similar reason for the cancer boom that happened after the polio vaccine: simian virus contamination (SIV and SV-40) due to using monkeys to breed the virus. All thanks to the NIH (who funded the Wuhan institute of virology to the tune of $3.7 million for bat SARS research)

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39797e  No.95272

File: 1fbed656cfda52e⋯.jpg (35.8 KB, 450x740, 45:74, Deborah_Tayah.jpg)

File: 588bbf9de5b2aa2⋯.png (226.08 KB, 620x627, 620:627, kill_them_all_Corona_Chan.png)

File: c1c8ebac9fb607e⋯.png (378.36 KB, 1184x640, 37:20, communist_jewess.png)

File: 561ca96efc448f9⋯.mp4 (5.3 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Coronavirus_motivated_pris….mp4)

File: f13fb10a2ce0bc5⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB, 450x800, 9:16, Peruvian_EMS_responding_to….mp4)

Another white recovery in Brownzil: 24 YO doctor from Amazonas gets infected but then makes a recovery and goes back to her job! https://archive.is/0r8B4 She's a beauty! Thank you for sparing her, Corona-Chan!

Two blessings in Roraima's capital public jail. **and that's gonna be the end of

Brownzilian Communist Party's (((Augusta Brito))) want's to fine those who spread "fake news" about Corona-Chan online in the state of Ceará A commie jewess wants to do this, imagine my shock! And that's the end of Brownzilian news for now

Corona-Chan motivated prison riot in Peru

https://archive.vn/zdSrE https://archive.vn/7WqST looks like it was recorded by someone who lives or works really close to the prison. Yelling and rubber rounds being fired can be heard. I believe the visible men on what appears to be the walls are guards but I'm not sure.

Peruvian EMS responding to a dropper

https://archive.vn/wWxGr https://archive.is/DcvKB I'm uploading the video of the cops arriving on scene on this post and the hazmat doctors checking it out on the next one.

Unrelated shit that I feel worth posting but under spoilers: Spic compilation of lights and sounds seen and heard recently in the skies around the world https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=-fmgGr3iMdQ could be the kikes doing some bullshit with project bluebeam, could be supernatural, who knows. This might be /x/ faggotry but I still feel like it's worth spending the 13 minutes watching it, if you got free time.


*Worst. It's not that big of a deal but it does bother me.


>Similar reason for the cancer boom that happened after the polio vaccine: simian virus contamination (SIV and SV-40) due to using monkeys to breed the virus. All thanks to the NIH (who funded the Wuhan institute of virology to the tune of $3.7 million for bat SARS research)

Wow, I never knew about this. Once again, thanks for educating me. I wonder what kind of horrible consequence the fake corona-vaccine will cause. Do you have any ideas on what it might do?

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0e1e6c  No.95273


I'm not an insider so who knows. I'm somewhat concerned that the disease may leave a lot of people infertile due to the prevalence of ACE-2 receptors in testicles.

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39797e  No.95276

File: 199fb0d2365ef90⋯.mp4 (897.04 KB, 224x400, 14:25, Peruvian_EMS_responding_to….mp4)

File: 80efcbd2ac664c7⋯.jpg (99.3 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, that_atomwaffen_division_s….jpg)

File: ed6c3205663f4a3⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 224x400, 14:25, Hundreds_of_poor_Peruvians….mp4)

File: a4ce3ba1fc48a8c⋯.png (337.24 KB, 821x631, 821:631, Peruvian_migrants.png)

File: c1e27f39b8f7217⋯.mp4 (867.77 KB, 320x580, 16:29, Hazmat_dudes_taking_a_coro….mp4)

Peruvian hazmat doctors checking out the dropper

Picture from last Wednesday of Peruvian cops detaining a man for violating the Corona-Curfew Posting this just because I find that mask on the cop on the left to be very amusing. /Ourcop/.


https://archive.is/YpEra https://archive.vn/TtiYX https://archive.vn/KE2yk Wew lad! It's been a while since I had to use the redtext+all caps of maximum urgency. Remember when anons in earlier threads were saying this would happen in Burgerland? News report about this coming in the next post because it's a big file.

Corona-Corpse being taken by hazmat dudes from what appears to be an apartment building or hotel in Argentina https://archive.vn/kyJNT


>**and that's gonna be the end of

*Brownzilian news for now. What the fuck happened here anyway? I'm 200% sure I finished that sentence and closed the spoilers before hitting that reply button, this post was checked four times! This is freaking weird.


>I'm not an insider so who knows.

Some anons are saying it will cause cytokine storms, so I was curious on what would be your answer.

>I'm somewhat concerned that the disease may leave a lot of people infertile due to the prevalence of ACE-2 receptors in testicles.

Me too, very worried about that. Disastrous for civilized people but perfect for subhumans.

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f1185b  No.95278

File: 0932a7ac1749509⋯.jpg (154 KB, 712x713, 712:713, 0932a7ac17495091cc0bad8297….jpg)


Goddamn. That's pretty fucking blatant, even by predictive programming standards.

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4d60a8  No.95279


>RE: The noises and lights.

Ah yes. Perfect. There is now so little activity, that background noise levels have dropped to pindrops. In the wood, the single snap of a twig is life and death, should the bear be nearby. I call it the sound of silence. Very peaceful and natural to Man, but all the animals are terrified of it.

As for the lights, same thing. The lack of activity makes the slightest action stand out. That, and people fucking with each other.

There is a film, Rififi? A heist scene within that film is nearly 30min of silence while everyone works to steal some stuff. The opposite of most films, this one has zero action, and it puts everyone on razor atom edge.

It is one of the forms of 'spooky' can take, only much more lethal. Ghost town syndrome.

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823df9  No.95281

File: 9d75672168546ac⋯.png (405.5 KB, 596x459, 596:459, what_the_hell_man.png)


Fuck this ride mr. bones, I want off.

NOW, for the love of god!

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5ec794  No.95291

File: d1696d99ade6aba⋯.jpg (23.99 KB, 308x348, 77:87, jandaldog.jpg)



Coronian Cultists were right

>/pol/ is always right

Vaccine development may fail due to mutations'

>"The observation of this study raised the alarm that Sars-CoV-2 mutation with varied epitope [something an antibody attaches itself to] profile could arise at any time," they wrote in a paper released on preprint review site biorxiv.org on Saturday.

>"[This] means current vaccine development against Sars-CoV-2 is at great risk of becoming futile."



Oy vey!

Kek though when their studies are 100x less than the actual rates in most countries with large infection rates.

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e3df87  No.95293


I guess kikes have finished whatever dirty business they had under the cover of this virus, now goyim can get back to work.

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39797e  No.95294

File: b2ccb8477c8e9fe⋯.mp4 (11.39 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Peruvian_news_report_about….mp4)

File: 14c5f49ac22b866⋯.mp4 (1.46 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Chilean_minister_of_health….mp4)

File: a64a0c994c3cb7f⋯.mp4 (2.28 MB, 202x360, 101:180, LA_PURGA_POR_GENDARMERIA_E….mp4)


News report about the Peruvian migrants, as promised.

Pinochetland hilariously counting deaths as recoveries https://archive.is/RbCFT Chile has officially hit maximum clown world levels. Honk Honk. The reasoning behind such absurdity? He says it's because the dead are no longer contagious…even though they actually are.

Argentinean police car plays the actual announcement from The Purge through the streets, not the siren, as a warning for people to stay in their homes https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=6brlmImM0gw https://archive.vn/FsNSf https://archive.is/6SJeD I'm not sure if Argentina has also reached maximum clown world levels or if this is a coordinated ZOG psyop on people around the world because this has already happened in four countries: Flipland, Brownzil and Burgerland used just the siren, Argentina goes balls deep and plays the actual announcement. I don't think this is a coincidence, to be honest. I wonder if (((they))) will continue to do this and we will see more Purge sirens or maybe even the announcement again being used in more cities.

The CNS will now take a holy break for religious activities. Newposting will be resumed soon, stay tuned dear reader.


Indeed, spooky fren. They din't even try hiding it with this one. I don't know about other anons but I never heard of this rapper before and I did like listening to some nig music when I was a normalfag. In fact, I started getting redpilled by imageboards just a year after this video was posted. I find it very strange that they used a virtual nobody to reveal this information several years beforehand. It's like they wanted to surprise us with this revelation, instead of using a well known medium that would spread it a lot more further, like the Simpsons with 9/11 for example. And no, the chinks coofing into boxes and shipping them doesn't count, that was a SARS or avian flu reference IIRC. Many normalfags especially in Spic America and Brownzil think it's a Corona "prediction" but it isn't.


Decent and reasonable analyze of the phenomenon.


Good to see an uptick of replies. I was starting to think that most anons had gotten infected and died and that it was just me and a couple other /cvg/fags left alive.





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81888e  No.95296


>Good to see an uptick of replies. I was starting to think that most anons had gotten infected and died and that it was just me and a couple other /cvg/fags left alive.

I am Update from Australia fag so don’t worry about me cause I am stronk. Stay safe mate.

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64ae4b  No.95298


>I'm a faithful Coronian Cultist, a fanatic zealot, and even I know this was planned. I have been saying since I joined 8/cvg/ that I think this is part of the NWO depopulation agenda. The only hope of survival is praying for Corona-Chan to take complete control of her physical form, the virus, and use it as a weapon on our (((enemies))).

This! Turn the golem against (((them))), make them pay for their hubris like every time before.

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64ae4b  No.95300

File: 8261339ce546489⋯.gif (2 MB, 520x319, 520:319, source.gif)


> by J. (((Silverman)))

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2e06d8  No.95301


This is exactly what I thought when I read that the virus suffered mutations, that it could end up like the flu's vaccines which are always outdated.


>are the Krauts snatching the testing kits for themselves?

It wouldn't surprise me one bit. India did the same thing to Portugal with an order of half a million medical masks. They were ordered by a local businessman, but meant to be distributed throughout our NHS.


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02b396  No.95304


"cannibal rats" so they eat eachother. thats good.

Let the problem solve it self out.

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187d1f  No.95308

File: 96877aa53df5703⋯.png (182.47 KB, 767x594, 767:594, 2020_04_12_11_22_12.png)

File: 6d5e7e1cd7343f4⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 324.84 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_0….png)

File: 8ad18542f93c7b0⋯.png (245.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_0….png)

File: 011f6f4fbfaed86⋯.png (291.17 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_0….png)

File: ccb6a179f50e427⋯.png (234.95 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_0….png)


Not dead yet. Just had to make sure my ass was covered before I posted again. Been lurking though, thanks for hanging in there.

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39797e  No.95320

File: e0d6842a892bf73⋯.png (425.13 KB, 879x545, 879:545, lugenpresse.png)

File: 5a2228a091072d0⋯.png (452.14 KB, 820x673, 820:673, severe_case_of_SARS_COV_2.png)

File: b2cacd94c6d06d6⋯.png (3.17 MB, 4000x2250, 16:9, How_SARS_COV_2_affects_the….png)

File: 6b3b050242abf8e⋯.jpg (77.46 KB, 1376x784, 86:49, Hebei_province_road_dirt_b….jpg)

File: a73137d08a1d299⋯.jpg (109.52 KB, 1200x802, 600:401, urgent_lockdown_notice_Nei….jpg)

The CNS will now resume it's newsposting operations for 2 or 3 posts before taking halting it's operations for resting once again.

Update on the first news of >>95197 : Lugenpresse has uploaded their broadcast from yesterday https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=JHHJ0ThcarA skip to 05:08 if you can understand Poortuguese. Here's a detailed list of bullshit on this part

>Saying blessed people can develop antibodies that can effectively fight off the disease.

But to be fair with them, they did put an egghead saying scientists don't really know how the infection will behave on the long run yet.

>Reporter saying scientists believe that at least in adults, blessed people stop transmitting the virus after 14 days of displaying symptoms. But that doesn't means they can't have contact (What is that even supposed to mean?) and take this virus to other places, and contaminate people.

Holy shit, what a complete clusterfuck. He says that eggheads claim adults stop transmitting the virus after a while but then backpedals and says they can. Lugenpresse at it's best.

Sciencefag shit: Visualizing what Corona-Chan does to the human body https://archive.is/GWHuK

Hebei province of Chinkland going into lockdown

https://archive.is/t6gOY TOP KEKKING AT THAT URL


Thank you for your kind words.


>India did the same thing to Portugal with an order of half a million medical masks. They were ordered by a local businessman, but meant to be distributed throughout our NHS.

Looks like I was right when I said many threads ago that countries would stop helping each other when S really started to HTF.


Thank you for the new art Koikatsu anon.

>Mark was against removing loli

I'm conflicted. On one hand, I don't really care about loli so whatever. On the other hand, it seems Mark wasn't the boogeyman /v/irgins made him out to be. I don't think Ebola-Chan is loli anyway, only some versions of her are, same goes for Corona-Chan. So it's not like they're gonna nuke /ebola/, they'll just shoah the lolicon pics.

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f1e0ff  No.95322

File: 11284a8df1f0708⋯.png (756.5 KB, 2944x1655, 2944:1655, Chinese_Virus_13th_April.png)

File: 45de5c70de85ad2⋯.png (973.34 KB, 2926x1472, 1463:736, Chinese_Virus_America_13th….png)

File: 32e04d30c1e1dd7⋯.png (176.46 KB, 2945x719, 2945:719, Chinese_Virus_Deaths_13th_….png)

We're 'flattening the curve' now.

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949be9  No.95323

File: 7a1a8e5e3481ba1⋯.jpg (22.99 KB, 371x371, 1:1, Pk_afHDY_400x400.jpg)


>40+ documented variants

>highly mutagenic due to it being RNA virus

>endemic and seasonal

>zoonotic reservoirs in different continents, on different animals

lmao, good luck with your "vaccine"

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072b32  No.95325


>that third .webm

The retarded president in charge is already preparing us for Corralito 2.0, but things like that just make me like my countrymen just a bit more. Juust a bit

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39797e  No.95328

File: 4fc3b098b309d93⋯.png (118.56 KB, 290x614, 145:307, Tranny_salt.png)

File: c918c336a4a263a⋯.png (379.39 KB, 643x554, 643:554, shitting_streets_closed_un….png)

File: 24248e270678d12⋯.png (30.12 KB, 626x205, 626:205, abc_todays_developments.png)

File: 7ea5e482f3e0575⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, China_will_find_out_the_co….mp4)

File: 6fa5ca1a8c638d5⋯.mp4 (5.84 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Thousands_of_Indians_prote….mp4)

Based eastern bloc propagandists write an article about salty trannies https://archive.is/TF4h8

>A sex-change op is NOT more essential than treating Sars-Cov-2, even if trans activists cry otherwise

It's funny because it's true.

Designated shitting streets to remain closed until 3rd of May https://archive.vn/n3JpS

Number of confirmed blessings in the USNS Mercy rise to 7 according to ABC News https://archive.is/Ijvu2

Orange Man engages in a heated argument with a reporter over chink lies, says the yellow jews will find out the consequences for lying.

Semi-Pooout in Mumbai as thousands of Pajeets protest over not being able to return to their states due to the lockdown



I'm sure we are :^)

>Boris Johnson bonus



Stay safe down there Argie.

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05d30f  No.95329


Well yes, the curve is clearly going down, at least officially anyway.


there's no way india has that few

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949be9  No.95334


>at least officially anyway

Happening OFFICIALLY postponed to october

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05d30f  No.95336

File: 00140bc97a2e25a⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1566x880, 783:440, ClipboardImage.png)


She's cute for a kike



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e90be9  No.95341

File: 63135ab234ee52b⋯.png (922.42 KB, 1333x911, 1333:911, Untitled.png)



On a maybe related note I got the sneezes and runny nose today. Took 4 tabs of Zyrtec antihistamine and felt slightly better.

Which is odd because 1 is usually enough to knock it out.


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39797e  No.95349

File: ecc6ce793482051⋯.mp4 (5.23 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Extremely_long_queues_at_t….mp4)

File: b8fddb3ef9ca617⋯.png (497.18 KB, 939x620, 939:620, oh_no.png)

File: d34588cd665f15e⋯.jpg (36.88 KB, 500x281, 500:281, oh_no_no.jpg)

File: ebf4db3cce70773⋯.mp4 (4.49 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Tijuana_hospital_coofs_and….mp4)

File: cef1071e9ad0595⋯.png (242.84 KB, 1080x783, 40:29, Corona_Chan_redpill_on_the….png)

Lots of Burgers recently lined up at the LA regional food bank

Argie ZOG to start releasing "non violent" inmates to serve their sentence in house arrest because of Corona-Chan https://archive.vn/bHG0q

Argentina receives chink aids https://archive.is/WUp6T

Footage from an hospital in Tijuana, an old man on a wheelchair coofs and cries can be heard echoing through the hallways https://archive.is/z03fY


>Well yes, the curve is clearly going down, at least officially anyway.

It's like Corona-Chan says, the flat curve meme is a government lie.

>there's no way india has that few

Damn right.



>On a maybe related note I got the sneezes and runny nose today. Took 4 tabs of Zyrtec antihistamine and felt slightly better.

Have hope anon, these aren't Corona-Chan's symptoms, you're most likely safe.

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072b32  No.95354

File: a3c79c9635ce43c⋯.jpg (13.36 KB, 300x400, 3:4, blobwheels.jpg)


>Argie ZOG to start releasing "non violent" inmates to serve their sentence in house arrest because of Corona-Chan

The government REALLY wants the lootings to happen

I must start preparing bullets

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05d30f  No.95356


They can only lie so much dude, lock-downs will inevitable slow the spread of the virus, they'd have to be lying about having lock-downs in the first place and that's absurd. It has to have slowed down in some way at some point or we'd see many times the cases by now.

I also want to believe in corona-chan but i'm not going to ignore and dismiss the data that contradicts what i want, i can see china lying hence i don't believe them, i can see the indians/niggers barely testing anyone and lying but in the developed world the amount of cases and deaths an exponentially growing pandemic would cause would be impossible to hide.

Not saying it's over more waves and lock-downs are to be expected in the future for sure or that corona is a nothingburger at all biggest pandemic in decades, and a wreaking ball for politics and the economy this is one of the biggest happenings of my life, but it's not the end of the world *+or at least it doesn't seem like it for now, everything can change of course and i hope it does**.

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b3f987  No.95359

Uncle died of pneumonia, had a patient with corona that died of corona. Uncle was not able to get tested officially before he died. Now hiw wife, my aunt, tested positive for corona, and she is in the ICU. The moment we try to start the economy again, the nation is completely fucked, and we will see death and destruction the likes of which have never been before.

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949be9  No.95360

File: a6a32a8f9555a38⋯.jpg (65.48 KB, 660x868, 165:217, smug_primate.jpg)


Bring out your NBC suits and glock 17s my brothers, we gonna wild it out

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39797e  No.95363

File: 10a8e75c0824f16⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 540x960, 9:16, Four_funerary_cars_Tijuana….jpg)

File: 0296a5797336508⋯.jpg (63.85 KB, 960x592, 60:37, Tijuana_morgue_truck.jpg)

File: fff657b677e0c11⋯.jpg (45.94 KB, 720x960, 3:4, Tijuana_gray_body_bags.jpg)

File: a05ed945fae445c⋯.png (285.42 KB, 626x606, 313:303, ay_caramba.png)

File: 8d9b91333e280df⋯.png (341.84 KB, 518x612, 259:306, 17_taco_zogbots_confirmed_….png)

Pictures from a Tijuana hospital: Funerary cars, morgue truck and gray body bags source in the last news of the previous post.

Sonora becomes the first Taco state to impose an hard lockdown. Tacos that disobey it can be fined form 800 to 8k pesos. https://archive.vn/aR66W

17 Confirmed blessings in the Taco military https://archive.is/oYDst

And with these news, the CNS will now halt it's operation for a resting break. But worry not, Newsposting shall return soon. In the meantime, enjoy this musical recommendation of the Coronian Radio: Between the Hammer and the Anvil by Judas Priest https://hooktube.com/watch?v=NOGMQ-ySqOY. Notable lyrics: "Storm warning, but there's no fear. (((Lies))) forming, the sacrament lays bare. (((The sinner))), will testify. (((They'll))) suffer, when sacrificed on high! The burning sermons purge (((their))) evil words! Our union, (((their))) fall from grace. Confession (confess (((your sins)))) Will seal (((them))) to their fate! The burning sermons will survive (((their curse))). Transgression, (((they))) prey on grief. Our mission: To purify belief! This altar, Gives power and light. (((They'll))) falter, While we are shining bright!"


Sure seems like it. Not sure if you read it but last thread I posted about southern Brazilian states being stupid too. One released inmates that ended up going back to robbing people and dealing dope, another thought it was a good idea to put convicted murderers and rapists on house arrest.


>They can only lie so much dude, lock-downs will inevitable slow the spread of the virus, they'd have to be lying about having lock-downs in the first place and that's absurd. It has to have slowed down in some way at some point or we'd see many times the cases by now.

Taiwanese eggheads seem to believe Corona-Chan spreads faster inside households, if they're right about that they are lockdowns stop working as soon as community transmission really takes off. Plus, we don't know how many false negatives there are and how many people are sick at home but are rightfully afraid of going to an hospital.

>but it's not the end of the world

It is. But only as we know it. I got my eyes on you now, one of little faith.


Sorry for your loss. Your uncle shall never be forgotten, may Corona-Chan spare your infected relatives.

>the nation is completely fucked, and we will see death and destruction the likes of which have never been before.

All necessary for the country to be reborn, either as a whole highly improbable or fractured into new states.

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e90be9  No.95364


Thank you.

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05d30f  No.95366


>community transmission really takes off

They won't take off if people stay in their homes, obviously that's impossible long term, but we'll see , there's still hope. I mean we'd be seeing tons of instagram thots crying that their family/bf/friends are dying or that they are themselves dying and things like that all over social media.

If it's spreading way more than officially then it's not as deadly and viceversa, i have a hard time seeing both at the same time.

>I got my eyes on you now, one of little faith.

I've always been skeptical and hard to convince, i want to believe though.

Things could be way worse, but for the time being most people in the developed world at least are fed and entertained.

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4d60a8  No.95368


>They can only lie so much

Ignoring any basis for this claim, which I not only don't believe exists and further there is ample evidence for the exact opposite, let's just move onto how one might have done it, presuming that you needed to in the first place?

In past actual flu-based epidemics, the isolation of children away from each other -and- the adult populations, arrested the contagion. In other words, families were sent to hunker down while men went out to work.

Oh. Oh right. For some unspeakable set of reasons, we just can't consider that way, nor can nations even do that way any more. So, barring such an answer, what is the next not-the-worst answer?

Currently, most governments believe they are constrained by equality, so varying degrees of all-or-nothing policy of deliberately age- and sex- unspecified shutdown, by using roles instead, has been chosen. And the contagion is slowing!

But of course, the contagion is now here, endemic, staying. And of course, too, unequal outcomes are appearing. And the equality believers are not happy, and rising. Better hope than contagion continues to slow…

Perhaps a better question would be, what examples of outbreaks showed a contagion arrest, within a commune – A commune whereby only proletariat share roles, are addressed by roles only, the children are educated by the state, and there are no sexes?

Of course, if there is no answer to the last question, you could always just lie about it. You might have to. Without limit.

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05d30f  No.95371


If they can lie without limit then it's too late to do anything about it, there'd be no point fighting back, if the kikes have such control the only way to take them down will be hoping a meteor strikes earth or something of the sort. I'd rather not be that niggerpilled.

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4d60a8  No.95374


Perspective shifting was not the objective of the reddit spacing novel I failed to figure out how to format better (without violating the question pauses necessary).

Of course, specific individual families and men can break away. The point was, from a 'They' level, at the government levels, at the media levels, they can lie without limit. And unless there is built-in structure underlying the nation, there is no independent structure to fall back onto when shit goes so far south as in pandemics. In this way, this pandemic, at this size, has never been seen before; In all prior pandemics, there were families where women stayed home and men left to work. Pandemic documentation within communes, though limited, clearly shows departing the commune was the only way to fight. And you have to fight (don't give me that 'no point' shit).

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05d30f  No.95375

>they can lie without limit

Sure they can lie but only to the extent they are convincing, they can't control hundreds of millions of people that'd be discussing the matter, sharing pictures and videos, there's simply no way for them to hide a pandemic orders of magnitude bigger than the official numbers there's some margin of course, but the reality can't be that far. Now, if they have the ability to hide something like that and control the flow of information to the point no one finds out the truth or question their lies, there's no point trying to oppose them.

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2e06d8  No.95389


>Looks like I was right when I said many threads ago that countries would stop helping each other when S really started to HTF.

The irony is that our prime minister is also a streetshitter. And it took this whole situation for him to realize that moving all our industry to other EU countries and later to China has turned us no longer self sufficient, so he claims that he is going to take measures to bring industries back to the country.



A shame to see everything tumbling down.

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76f77a  No.95390

File: 7c883e3efdc25b2⋯.jpg (204.53 KB, 685x785, 137:157, bestgrillpriscilla.jpg)

I made a little tribute to /ourgirl/ when she hits the 2 million marks, i can't wait to post it here when the time comes lads.

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9bc0d1  No.95391

What are the most recent news on China's economic status? I don't want them recovering.


I still adore Witcher 3's atmosphere and style even if everyone says its a shit game.

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cdb3e0  No.95392

US State Department Was Warned Of Potential 'SARS-Like Pandemic' After Visiting Wuhan Lab In 2018

The US State Department received two cables from US Embassy officials in 2018 warning of inadequate safety at a Wuhan, China biolab conducting 'risky studies' on bat coronaviruses, according to the Washington Post, which notes that the cables have "fueled discussions inside the U.S. government about whether this or another Wuhan lab was the source of the virus."

A US delegation led by Jamison Fouss, the consul general in Wuhan, and Rick Switzer, the embassy's counselor of environment, science, technology and health took the unusual step of repeatedly visiting the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) - which had become China's first laboratory to achieve the highest level of international bioresearch safety (BSL-4) in 2015. The last of the visits, which occurred on March 27, 2018, was documented on WIV's website and subsequently scrubbed (archived):






^ US Govt Helped Fund Chinese Wuhan Biowarfare Lab Where Corona Likely Originated





COVID-19 Is Perfect Cover for Mandatory Biometric ID Agenda



Hedge Fund Managers Quietly Apply For Bailouts As Small Businesses



Trump Wants To Re-open Economy, Threatening State Authority



California, Oregon, Washington Governors Announce Their Own Plans To Restart State Economies



Many People Still Ignoring 'Stay At Home' Orders As Protests Ignite



Despite Corona Being Called 'Boomer Remover' It's Actually Hurting Younger Gens More!



Coronavirus Is Hitting The Homeless And The Poor Particularly Hard



ER Doctor In New York: It's Worse Than You Can Imagine



Coronavirus Keeps Coming Back Even After “Recovery”



States Still Suffer Supply Shortages As US Govt Keeps Hoarding Everything For Themselves



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731201  No.95393


TXT news anon back here, latest I heard was that China was doing much like the US Fed, continuing to pump massive amounts of debt into their markets to keep the fiat ponzi scheme going for a little while longer. Everyone is kicking this can down the road as long as possible to the insolvent debt bubbles burst again. Expect nothing more, the world has gone socialist with endless hyper-inflationary policies.

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31be77  No.95394


Likely this will be their roll play around the world, they don't want people pointing the finger at them and their corrupted banks, do they? They want us fighting and killing off one another…. that way, we are further weakened and then they can come back posing as the saviors even though they engineered this whole fucking thing. It's now confirmed the US GOVT helped the Chinese fund & develop this corona bioweapon! Wake the fuck up anons! Tyranny and the looting of our wealth is their master plan, as always!

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70288c  No.95398


Here's the thing, I do believe this was a bioweapon and the virus is very dangerous, as many are warning here. The difference I have, with some, is that I think this is deliberate and not accidental at all. Evidence is now pointing to that in fact. I think was just another power grab by the Jewish central banking mafia and their government / big tech big pharma minions, and they likely have a cure for this bioweapon for themselves. So keep that in mind as you get your preps ready, and never trust these insane corrupted (((people))) in power.

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63f89a  No.95400


More dead whites is the goal.

More dead everything is the goal.

This is Her board. Shape up or ship out.

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a1ecc7  No.95404






Nigger calm down, breathe, and stop spamming. You can reply to multiple responses in one post.

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f69a76  No.95405


>capitalising jews

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99f243  No.95406


>not removing loli

Mark's problem were the fact that people can't create their own boards any longer, the fact that there isn't a board dedicated to loli falls under this

it's true the site runs like shit and we lost a lot of features, code monkey cucking out on board migrations didn't help either, but part of his complains is that you can't post pics of either young children or 3D renders and hyper realistic drawings of them which stands against the free speech this sites once took pride of

i have to begrudgingly agree with the decision to not post pics or realistic depiction of children, (((they))) will latch on to any excuse they can to platform us again and if pics of children start circulating around here again you can expect the usual journo hit pieces where they project their pedophilia towards us

Mark really fucked up trying to by pass admins and posting an open letter shitting on them though, i don't entirely disagree with everything he said but i'm not surprised he got nuked for it

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a1ecc7  No.95407


>code monkey cucking out on board migrations didn't help either

Supposedly mark was responsible for answering claim emails but never actually did it and flat out ignored them. I'm curious if that has anything to do with the migration issues.

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d0b65f  No.95408

File: c25cd8de82892ff⋯.png (173.44 KB, 1707x1254, 569:418, 1434830258587.png)

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d0b65f  No.95409

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0da994  No.95412


Wow, that is some great news updates anon, thanks. As a side note, not everyone can find everything all the time, some of us go to different sources of news aggregators. So we all need to pull together to put as much info out as possible. If we miss something, maybe someone else will spot it.

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d0b65f  No.95413



>As a side note, not everyone can find everything all the time, some of us go to different sources of news aggregators. So we all need to pull together to put as much info out as possible.

I am taking a break, practicing my guitar, I just saw it on the local news while I was waiting for the governor to speak.

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c0e2df  No.95414


>NWO depopulation agenda

TBH I still don't know what's the supposed deal with this depopulation. So far the trend has been the opposite, and of course (((they))) need tons of people to slave away to get (((them))) resources and buy overpriced crap in return. On top of that, the more people, the easier they are to control. Why'd (((they))) suddenly change this? Do you think they finally realised the environment is getting too fucked-up? I don't think so, as they're still fucking it up, styling 16-year-olds as experts (which is an obvious means of introducing conflict, as many more people will oppose an uneducated kid than would an actual expert [or an (((expert))) looking like an expert, for that matter], while also a kid raises stronger emotions than an adult - again leading to conflicts), being extremely (and presumably deliberately) ineffective in reducing the wasting of resources, and so on. All things considered, I doubt they've changed their tactics, so a deliberate depopulation seems out of question. Especially given that the relationship boils down to: the more humans, the more control and power (((they))) get; the less humans, the more freedom we get. It'd be really difficult to come up with anything else, if possible at all.

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da22fa  No.95416

HUGE If True: US Surgeon General Adams DUMPS Bill Gates' ID 2020 Plans?

MY COMMENT: If true, this is a huge blow to (((globalists))) like Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates and their mandatory nano-chip vaccine agenda! I really hope this is the real deal and they decided to finally back off after all the public outrage!



^ The Dark Truth About Fauci and Birx, Bill Gates And Globalist Elites



Police State USSA: Healthcare Worker Has Children Seized By Police Over Corona Scare



New Bill In Congress Would Allow Private Lawsuits Against China Over COVID-19 Outbreak



(((Bankers))) Losing Tons Of Profits Over COVID-19 Outbreak



Corona Virus Causing Panic Spending By Governments, Mass Deficits



Three New Hampshire Plaintiffs Sue To Block Coronavirus Measures Against Churches



A Comparison Of Lockdown UK With Non-Lockdown Sweden

Amazing: UK enforced total lockdown (much like NYC in the US) has far more infection rates than Sweden, a country which did not have a lockdown! WTF?



^ After Coronavirus Response Failures, Almost Half of Italians Want to Leave the EU



Coronavirus-stricken Chris Cuomo Has Live Meltdown Over CNN



Amazon Firing Employees Who Criticize Corona Mitigation Policies



Remember: The People Who Told You NOT To Prepare Are Your Enemies!




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05d30f  No.95417

File: 8a53accaacca93a⋯.jpg (27.21 KB, 460x346, 230:173, 8a53accaacca93abeadcf9ff35….jpg)


Forgot to link >>95375


Will it move me to tears like the original song?


TW3 is great for the most part, even if the combat is nothing especial, the one shitting on it are just trying too hard to be contrarians since the rest of the internet loved the game. I recommend you Thronebreaker allows you to massacre non humans and so far has no diversity or homosexualityMC is a strong independent woman though

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c0e2df  No.95419


I wish you either full recovery or painless death, brother. Unless you prefer otherwise.

Should you die, may the Goddess take your soul to Her red heaven in the underworld. Pray to Her, and you shall find eternal happiness by Her side.

And may you be a sacred Vessel that quenches other's thirst.

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4ab0b5  No.95421

File: 30b2c958c743ac0⋯.png (1 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, bestgirlflaminica.png)

File: 159086c26fa7b11⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1200x816, 25:17, sidi_doma_.png)


I'm sorry lad, flaminica is best grill


Thanks anon

I lurked Russian chans but nothing that ain't here popped up. I will instead bring your focus into interesting case of UK and Sweden

When Italy was going down Boris Johnson and his experts came up with herd immunity plan. They claimed that ultimately all of us will have to immunize from corona in order to get back to world before corona. Of course corona Chan spreads like wildfire and quickly they understood that untreated she will kill a lot more. They backed off and introduced restrictions just like the rest of us. Obviously media mocked Boris over it, especially after he got blessed.

What angers me about this situation is fucking Sweden. From the beginning media have been jerking to how calm swedes are and how calm population is in face of crisis. Sweden also went the route of herd immunity, but of course since they are enlightened commiestate they got a pass on mockery. Swedish people were extremely proud of how mature they are about the crisis and once again they looked at Europe with sense of intellectual superiority.

Present day - Shitskin report, arguably better than native swedish because they got their heads up their arses so far they can't stop spewing government induced diarrhea


>This is perhaps why Sweden has started out with a softer approach to the pandemic that involves public schools for young children remaining open, along with cafes, restaurants, malls and tourists spots. However, high schools and universities remain closed, while gatherings of 50 people or more are currently banned. Residents over 70 have also been asked to stay indoors, with retirement homes banning visitors, while friendly neighbours offering to help out with the shopping.

And of course those 'countermeasures' prove themselves ineffective


and quote from another site


>Sweden has changed the approach it's taking to coronavirus tests, meaning the majority of people with symptoms will no longer be tested. But that doesn't mean testing has stopped, or that there is no data. Here's a close look at Sweden's new strategy, and how it compares to that of other countries.

So overall they claim there's 11k while we can safely assume this number is take straight up from arse since tests have been practically stopped. What we know is that ratio of said death toll of 1k people to blessed has exceeded such third world shitholes as










and most of other countries

Sweden fuck yeach

On the upside, in previous threads anon has posted legit source claiming that not only half of deaths comes from Stockholm, but also from ghettos where niggers and sandniggers don't bother with swedish healthcare. Unfortunately knowing their government it ain't a sneaky way to get rid of nignogs, they are more than happy to sacrifice elder,white swedes on the altar of economy for new swedes

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4f82ea  No.95425


I got very sick in January early this year, and it was not a typical flu, often making me wonder if I too already had it. Can't confirm if it was or not, however my symptoms were as followed: high fever, extreme cold and hot flashes (sometimes I'd wake up covered in sweat and yet be cold at the same time after taking off the covers), coughing fits and a little chest pain, vomited once but overall no nausea, and was bed ridden for about a whole week. It actually came back a couple weeks later, and it took around another week to fight off…. then it came back (again!) once more and I was able to fight it back off within a few days. Since then, no sickness or symptoms. Has anyone else witnessed the same as me early this year? Rumor has it, China has been claiming it came from the US & Europe, but I don't know whether to trust them or not. Who really knows?

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d1295c  No.95427


Well, I'm doing my best to keep my immune system healthy, and getting the vitamins and health supplements that are recommended. As long as I keep healthy I should be alright. It seems, whatever it may have been, I already fought it off (although I can say it was pretty awful having).

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284d6e  No.95429

File: 6c282becfba9aff⋯.mp4 (756.47 KB, 320x684, 80:171, DrfAYkS7m0QhFoOG.mp4)


Massive lay offs, many factories still not started again. Workers not paid and shop owners who say they can't pay rent. Manufacturers looking for China exit strategy.

Emerging food problem with birds and pigs still dying all over. Serious rice shortage on the horizon as India stopped all rice exports to China.

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a37471  No.95430


Yes, plus they have been pumping Trillions in debt into their markets just to keep their 'economy' propped up lol, much like the US is doing. I'm now wondering who will suffer more: them or us?

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3437b6  No.95432

Just about two gorriallian, I hope it hits six gorriallian cause we need a new "remember the six gorrialiian".

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39797e  No.95433

Glory of the Goddess be upon you, dear CNS reader! It's a glorious afternoon to witness Corona-Chan's actions. Newsposting will be resumed after these special messages. Got woken up by the federal police helicopter doing it's second pass over my neighborhood, the fucking pilot must have flew low because it was a lot louder than usual. I tried getting up with my cellphone to film it but I was too groggy and too slow and by then it was already too late, it was far away, heading to the airport.

>>95366 (checked)

>They won't take off if people stay in their homes

Your logic is correct, but I assume the reasoning behind the Taiwanese eggheads must be the long incubation period: People get blessed before the lockdown while they're out and about then only get contagious and display symptoms after a few days past it's declaration, thus the household would already be infected by that time. I din't read their paper so I'm just assuming this is their logic, but it does make sense because that would essentially be a virological version of the greenhouse effect, confining blessed people with healthy people of the same household=More blessings. These household infections would still happen if the lockdown wasn't declared, but the point they must be trying to make is that going full SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING mode just kills off the economy instead of the virus. But it seems they're not in favor of leaving everything open at full capacity either, so I guess they're in favor of moderate measures.

>there's still hope


> I mean we'd be seeing tons of instagram thots crying that their family/bf/friends are dying or that they are themselves dying and things like that all over social media.

I haven't seen any thot twatter posts so far but I have seen a decent number of normalfag posts from my country about their friends and families getting blessed.

> but for the time being most people in the developed world at least are fed and entertained.

Recent headlines from Burgerland indicate food shortages might be coming. Only time will tell what's gonna happen there, but it doesn't look good for normalfags.


>so he claims that he is going to take measures to bring industries back to the country.

Let's hope he's telling the truth, that would be a good thing.


>What are the most recent news on China's economic status? I don't want them recovering.

An high number of their factories burnt down recently. That can't be good for their economy.


>The US State Department received two cables from US Embassy officials in 2018 warning of inadequate safety at a Wuhan, China biolab conducting 'risky studies' on bat coronaviruses, according to the Washington Post, which notes that the cables have "fueled discussions inside the U.S. government about whether this or another Wuhan lab was the source of the virus."

This entire thing just keeps getting spicier and spicier.


I actually saw these news of the money lending jews getting fucked but since I din't saw a direct link to Corona-Chan's actions, I thought it was unrelated to her and just related to the rest of the economy going down the shitter. I prioritize news directly linked to her rather than indirectly linked. But yes, very good news.


I have answered this question in mid or late february but I don't mind answering it again at all. It's simple anon, (((they))) already have all the money, all the resources and most of the power they want. They're not doing this for profit but for religious reasons. The depopulation's objective is to please (((their))) deity and to grab the rest of the power they don't have yet.


>US Surgeon General Adams DUMPS Bill Gates' ID 2020 Plans?

I have a pretty strong intuition when it comes to telling if people are good or bad, and I never had a bad feeling coming from Jerome. On the contrary, I got weak positive feelings from him, he actually seems to be the kind of person who cares about his work and how it affects people. So yeah, the nig is alright, he might not feel like going along with the CDC if he thinks their plans of keeping everything shut down is shit.


>What angers me about this situation is fucking Sweden

>Unfortunately knowing their government it ain't a sneaky way to get rid of nignogs, they are more than happy to sacrifice elder,white swedes on the altar of economy for new swedes

Yep, Yesland is a complete clusterfuck.


If you got it and got spared, it still came from Chinks. Corona-Chan's patient zero is assumed to have originated around mid November of last year. Don't believe the yellow jews's lies.


That will be priceless.

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c0e2df  No.95436


That's the spirit!

>>95423 >>95424

First of all, I never said I'd grant anyone anything. I said our Red Lady will.

Second of all, I am a mage. I do not lie, as I am aware of the power my words hold.

Third of all, are you going to filter 90% of the entire thread?

Fourth of all, the Goddess is merciful. Myself, not so much. Take it for what you will but exercise wisdom, inasmuch as the latter lies within your mental capacity.


>The depopulation's objective is to please (((their))) deity

If that's the case I'll commence with the sacrifice-designation ritual as soon as I can formulate it in a reliable way. I'm possibly overthinking it but it feels like a lot to handle.

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3437b6  No.95438


<Nigger, fantasy land is (((that way))), the imports of rice from India equal to exactly .003% or 42 thousand US dollars a year. essentially what some shitskins bring in bags as they enter China. I mean, Jesus fucking Christ at least be vague if you want to to larp or fanfic world news.


<Two or three things are going on in China. >There is a shit-ton of niggers in Guangdong that over stayed their visa by years and years, so it's impossible to track them or test them in the system, making that situation shit-soup.

>The economy IS slow as shit, people are getting full weekends or even 3 days off a week. It's still better than most of the world.

>It is hard to keep Coronachan locked down, she pops up all over the place. China hasn't seem to updated its stats since January to reflect real life, butttttttttttt it's not an apocolypse either, I reckon it's wellllll under 100k deaths due to or because of complications of Coronachan.

I'm bunkered in China, I've got fresh stocks of food for days (just got a case of nachos and graham crackers) but there is no food shortage, in fact a lot of shit is cheap because nobody is out buying it, I got a bag of apples at 1/3 the normal cost today. My network of fellow Americans in China all report smooth sailing at their own locations. Only place I wouldn't want to be right now is Guangdong and Hubei.

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1d0654  No.95446

File: 6dc31234e15a6b2⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1079x607, 1079:607, Capture.PNG)

Coronavirus Video & Updates, 1,943,000 COVID-19 Cases


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1439d7  No.95447


In most places across America we can still get food too, although bulk rice and beans are getting harder to come by. TP is being price gouged when you can find it. Lysol spray and wipes also hard to come by (thank God I had plenty stocked up). Filters for respirators are now hard to come by too. So are decent masks of any kind. We can still get most basic items but I expect this to change in the near future, once normies figure out just how bad this economic situation really is. I think both China and the US will suffer for a while, so will most other nations. We just don't have the supplies to keep up with ever higher demands. Always safe to just invest in what you may need in the future, now.

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39797e  No.95448

File: 0c203f8f231ca77⋯.mp4 (3.26 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Wilson_Witzel_anuncia_que_….mp4)

File: 60e5fca84fac45a⋯.png (208.51 KB, 463x635, 463:635, TRY_50.png)

File: a9fe685d496c58c⋯.png (169.52 KB, 660x602, 330:301, repeat_after_me_bacon_shor….png)

File: cea64b4c920d482⋯.png (163.67 KB, 359x634, 359:634, fucking_commies.png)

File: 188d06e18f4d313⋯.png (360.67 KB, 752x566, 376:283, I_PRAYED_FOR_THIS.png)

Rio de Janeiro's governor confirmed to be blessed

>I would like to communicate to everyone that, since Friday, I haven't been feeling well and asked for the c**** test, and today I got the positive result. I had fever, sore throat, loss of smell, and thank god I have been feeling well, I will continue working here from the Laranjeira Palace, maintaining the restrictions and the medical recommendations, and I'm sure that I will surpass one more difficulty. But you can count on me, all of the Fluminense people, I will keep working, and I ask you once more to stay home because the disease, as everyone might be telling, it doesn't chooses anyone (in particular), and the contagion is fast. Thank you very much.


The actual number of blessed Brownzilians is likely 15 times higher, according to a study. Current total could be 313K blessings. Another study made by the Core of Health Intelligence and Operations says the official numbers represent only 8% of the actual numbers. TRY 50 TIMES, HAIL CORONA-CHAN!

110 Confirmed blessings at the Tyson Foods pork processing plant in Columbus Junction in Louisa County, Louisiana. https://archive.is/sZMNS

Traitorous Leafs: Chinkaboos in Leafistan bought and sent so much medical supplies to Chinkland that they created a shortage in their motherland https://archive.is/3tuw5

Frog eggheads only managed to destroy Corona-Chan's envelopes of love after exposing them to boiling temperatures https://archive.vn/F1SFC My prayers are being answered! I prayed for such resistances to extreme temperatures. Faith overpowers everything and changes the physical world!


>Fourth of all, the Goddess is merciful. Myself, not so much.

Kek, you have the same mindset as me.

>If that's the case

Evidence really points that to be the case. Their objective is to sacrifice a large chunk of the global population, all races are being targeted including the jews themselves, as they view some jews as "peasantry" and below (((them))) **Note: This doesn't mean these

"peasant" jews are "good". Their plans for the survivors is an even clearer form of bondage than what we have today. (((They))) want to make it very clear who will be the masters and who will be the slaves in their new world order. Our objective, along with the rest of the survivors imbued with a fighting spirit, is to fiercely resist and violently overthrow them, then build a proper new world order that's actually positive and beneficial to nearly all peoples of the world and even Mother Earth herself. If we're lucky and the stories of Agartha, Reich foo fighters, Reich south pole bases and a battle that resulted in heavy zionist losses are true; I have faith that we are and it's all true we're gonna get some heavy air support in the biggest battles, probably during the middle or the ending of the war. Niggermod pls don't ban like last time**

>I'll commence with the sacrifice-designation ritual as soon as I can formulate it in a reliable way. I'm possibly overthinking it but it feels like a lot to handle.

I wish you the best of luck and all the necessary energies to pull that off. I have the feeling my Chaos Magick must be pretty simple compared to your school.


>Only place I wouldn't want to be right now is Guangdong and Hubei

And Hebei province, Corona-Chan must be kicking their asses over there.


Good day to you Olin! Third video is from São Paulo (Brazil) dude, you would know this if you actually read the thread. Come on man, don't just come here for footage and stick around, you're missing out on so much good stuff.

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dc4963  No.95452


New York, southern California, and England will get it the worst in the western world. Basically the places that have lived highest on the hog will have farthest to fall.

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814c1e  No.95453

File: 8e2eddc85ea210c⋯.jpeg (36.23 KB, 534x712, 3:4, EVO1tbtUYAIrnyh.jpeg)


They're burning 5G towers in the Netherlands too

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0305b2  No.95454



>people actually burning 5G towers

I'm actually starting to have faith in humanity again lol. Don't know what corona has to do with 5G, but 5G is just as dangerous none-the-less.

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f3afd2  No.95456


THey think 5G causes corona, when really it just gives you cancer.

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e076e6  No.95457


Maybe 5G has something to do with the ID 2020 roll out? That would make much more sense, as 5G can be used to track basically everything.

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d0b65f  No.95458


>Filters for respirators are now hard to come by too.

You could still get CBRN 40mm Cartridges if you have the money for a CBRN mask, though the thicc charcoal ones seems be to sold out

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a4554a  No.95459


The thing about the meat packing plants is that those haven't been American jobs for decades, so they have a dynamic like the cruise ships where foreigners from god only knows where are congregating at a single point. But that is an easy enough problem to solve if Tyson foods really wants to continue to operate as a business.

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a4554a  No.95460


they both come from china.

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650ab9  No.95461


Unrelated to Corona-chan, but have you noticed an uptick in e-celebs making pro-5G propaganda lately?

I've seen several videos already implying that 5G is totally-safe-no-downsides-stop-asking-goy because it doesn't kill you dead immediately.

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814c1e  No.95462

5G seems to have everything to do with "it" or lack thereof.


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5ec794  No.95463

>((1)) suddenly talking about memeG

Can you fags go to your containment thread please.

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fa6930  No.95464


A leaf that basically says that corona-chan is a big nothingburger and want people to manifest against the quarantine because "muh freedom is infringe reeeeeee". Is he secretly one of you cultist fag that want to get cuck by corona-chan ?

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fa6930  No.95465

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c1e5a6  No.95466



5G 60Hz literally prevents your body from absorbing oxygen. One of the NY doctors spoke out about their "CV" cases and they said it looked like patients were suddenly exposed to high-alt low-o2 environments without acclimating. It's no coincidence that Wuhan was the center for this when it had 5G all over the place. There is a 5G connection, it's the only narrative banned from media/socials and it'd only be banned if THEY had no valid argument against it or to disprove it.

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39797e  No.95468

File: 6815fbbeca9ba4b⋯.png (265.83 KB, 426x639, 2:3, double_niggered.png)

File: 1ff421a198f2932⋯.png (237.94 KB, 430x600, 43:60, fuck_speculators_lmao.png)

File: c89a09d453a29b3⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB, 720x720, 1:1, NYPD_arrests_a_latino_kid_….mp4)

File: 5a4047298e98520⋯.jpg (54.52 KB, 958x640, 479:320, FREEDOM.jpg)

File: f19c61b576d1b3a⋯.mp4 (8.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Ohio_residents_protest_aga….mp4)

Burger (((banks))) can yoink Corona-Gibs from their clients's accounts https://archive.is/Sha0I

Stonk market's still haven't hit rock bottom yet, but soon will! https://archive.vn/sfvjG

NYPD arrests a Spiclet peddler for selling candy on the subway station, which goes against lockdown rules. Nignogs watching the incident unfold call whitey "rayciss" https://archive.is/4Odgf

Burger military movement near Chinkland: Drones, tankers and bombers recently transferred to Guam. Possible posturing against Chinkland since Orange Man said they would find out the consequences for their lies and the chink navy has been messing around Taiwan with an aircraft carrier https://archive.vn/fVenk

Deja vu, I have seen this scene before: Ohio gozaimasu residents protest against the lockdown and other measures https://archive.vn/jsEOi They chant "Ohio back to work" and "no tyranny", some fly the Burger flag upside down. I wonder if they got inspired by Bolsonaro supporters or if they have been doing this before them and I just don't know it.

Unrelated yet interesting news: Some eggheads aren't paying attention to Corona-Chan but to Mother Earth 's recent volcanic activity https://archive.vn/huoFi

The CNS will now temporally halt it's services to gather local news and have a dinner break, Newsposting will be resumed soon. Coronian Radio suggestion: Chaos Rising theme 8 https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=J0RVf_511Eg


>Royally fucked up the formatting in my reply to a fellow cultist.

Fug :DDD sorry guys, still a little tired. I probably wouldn't be so tired if I went to bed earlier and that cop chopper din't woke me up, but I regret nothing.


Based Toothpastes!

>>95454 (double 54's checked)

Digits confirms that there's hope for men and even Apefricans.

>Don't know what corona has to do with 5G, but 5G is just as dangerous none-the-less.

Nothing other than some dummies believing and spreading a stupid hypothesis that Corona-Chan doesn't exist and that the symptoms of the virus is cellular damage being inflicted by the radiation emitted by the towers. 5G just fucks your shit up but the Goddess is real. Iran's death toll and lack of a 5G killgrid is proof that this hypothesis is bogus.




>The thing about the meat packing plants is that those haven't been American jobs for decades

Then this is just more evidence of Corona-Chan's benevolence, she's cleaning Burgerland up!


I noticed that last year but not on this one aside from MSM calling the hypothesis that Corona is actually 5G "fake news", and they're actually right this time.


Requesting an opinion from anons, including you lurkers, about if I should keep posting news and footage of 5g towers being burnt when I find them. IMO, I think it's worth posting them because they are erroneously connected to Corona-Chan and it's also a display of people's resistance, but the bad thing is that it brings the dummies who believe the bogus hypothesis out of the woodwork.


Leafs too? Wow, the lockdown resistance movement is really rising up around the world. Not a bad thing as long as they do not blaspheme against the Goddess.


Iran. Nuff said. Your digits are null and void by the way.

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4ab0b5  No.95470


>5G 60Hz literally prevents your body from absorbing oxygen.

I'm gonna need a legit sauce on that, other than rambling of some mad hatter

>There is a 5G connection, it's the only narrative banned from media/socials and it'd only be banned if THEY had no valid argument against it or to disprove it.

It's the same shit as with vaccines, they ban shit that enables socially undesirable behavior.

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c1e5a6  No.95472


>I don't want to believe

Okay fednigger. Anyone who isn't a dumb nigger knew 5G was a militaty weapon for WELL OVER A YEAR

Just go kys CIA nigger. I'm not doing research for common knowledge. This honeypot is so far behind the curve.

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c1e5a6  No.95473


>they ban shit that enables socially undesirable behavior.

Seriously, imagine being this much of a fucking kike ZOG bootlicker. I bet you'd let Zuckerberg fuck you in the ass too.

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d66443  No.95475

Trump Just Cut Off All Funding To World Health Organization





New Petition To Investigate Bill Gates (ID 2020) For Profiting Off Death And Human Misery


Bill Gates’ Instagram Page Flooded With People Calling For His Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity



Robert F Kennedy Jr. Calls Out Bill Gates’ Vaccine Dictatorship Plan



^ FLASHBACK: India Booted Bill Gates & His Foundation Over Vaccine Deaths & Injuries!



COVID Credentials Initiative: 60 Evil Companies Behind Mandatory Vaccines (ID 2020)



Australian Govt Asking Citizens To Download Corona Tracking Apps, Very Few Trust Them



LOL! Years Of Spying And Exposure Is Making It Much More Difficult For Govt To Track People

"Government officials have only themselves to blame if citizens decline to share their information."



US Government Intentionally Releasing Violent Criminals From Prison Over Corona Fears?



Attorney General William Barr Vows To Defend Religious Liberties After Crackdown On Christian Churches



Seed Companies Can't Keep Up As More Americans Turn To Growing Their Own Food



Bartering Making A Slow Comeback, As Americans Trading Items For Masks



Blacks & Beaners Much More Likely To Die From Corona Than Others?



Coronavirus Spreading Rapidly Among Saudi Royal Family



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b98220  No.95476

File: fe28d3881fa1a92⋯.png (972.9 KB, 917x498, 917:498, FuckBats.PNG)

File: d5fc801f043b441⋯.png (791.44 KB, 813x476, 813:476, Fuckbats2.PNG)


It's not a bioweapon, i love a good conspiracy like everyone but honestly the evidence just doesn't support that theory.

I was reading some of the recent research and taking a look at the science. Btw they're free for now. >https://www.tandfonline.com/

Fyi there's a vast trove of research on social science, critical pedagogy which is actually critical theory.

I tell you what, those fuckin bats are going to fuck us up real good if we don't get control of them. People don't really associate Ebola with corona virus but it's remarkably similar. It came from bats like all these other viruses. Those bats are shitting viruses all over the place, they infect some other animal then they infect us. Once you understand how this happens it's not surprising bill gates and others predicted this. If we use Corona as a wake up call it may actually save lives in the long run.

Africans and right wingers are very similar in their gullibility. Despite the evidence they adopt absurd beliefs about the spread and origin and spread of viruses.

Africans think Ebola is spread via voo doo and witchcraft. They end up killing the doctors who are there to help making it spread even more.

Right wingers think Corona is linked to 5G and whatever the latest nonsense and they think Bill Gates and vaccines are the real cause which will eventually help it spread more.


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bbce03  No.95478

>Corona crisis: Attorney Beate Bahner put in psychiatric ward

>Beate Bahner, a specialist medical lawyer from Heidelberg who had filed a complaint against the state of Baden-Württemberg and a constitutional complaint with the Federal Constitutional Court, was sent to psychiatric ward against her will on Easter Sunday. The reason given by the police was that she had „made a confused impression“. Beate Bahner was able to speak in the meantime. Her head was slammed from one meter onto the stone floor. She was refused an attorney. She’s still in psyciatric ward, against her will.


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02885f  No.95479


We're not taking the vaccine, but you can kvetch all you want to.

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be4101  No.95480


JIDF or ChingChong bugman agent?

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b98220  No.95484

File: fb034bdd29dec74⋯.png (855.06 KB, 908x552, 227:138, ILoveVaccines.PNG)

File: 4b3b7cfb6890dde⋯.png (483.6 KB, 421x528, 421:528, KindredSouls.PNG)

File: 22b4b431e4365ac⋯.png (479.08 KB, 405x544, 405:544, WhiteVooDoo.PNG)


We wouldn't even be alive w/o vaccines. You faggots will be crying for a vaccine once something like Ebola spreads like measles in the a 5 week incubation period.

Get your head out your ass, ah whatever. it's like telling the Africans that Witchcraft and Voo Doo are bullshit. maybe you can send your rattle snake handling minister to Africa and they can collaborate on ideas hahaha.

Those white voo doo chicks aren't bad looking hmmm.

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814c1e  No.95485

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0da74a  No.95486

File: a6b7cf62ed9c722⋯.gif (147.96 KB, 550x400, 11:8, kike_hard_shill.gif)


> Kike-anon pushes idiotic shit

Fuck you, kike-shill.

Anybody with a brain can read the Poo paper for themselves. It's not possible for Red Death to have come about naturally.

> Too many inserts, from to many species' viruses.

> Four (((fortuitous))) inserts from three different strains of HIV.

> Thirty-three adenine groups at the end of it's RNA

Fuck you, shill piece of shit. It's a goddamn weapon, and we all know it. The evidence is plain-as-day.

Go be an hero somewhere else, you filthy worthless kike piece of shit. We know that (((you))) are (((all))) guilty. Factorial a "Fuck (((You)))", raised to the power of infinity, then divide by "X" as "X" approaches zero. Then square it.

Fuck (((you))), kike shill

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785f19  No.95487


Imagine being such a bootlicker that you go to a right-wing board to shill for official narrative devised by corrupt pseudo-scientists using rigged methodology in order to advance the agenda of the psychopathic control freaks who want to make everyone in the world even more sick and completely enslave them.

>Once you understand how this happens it's not surprising bill gates and others predicted this.

Even if that's the case, that still doesn't justify their actions. One could even say that those who are geared to massively profit from such an outbreak would have a sound incentive for boosting it, if not causing it to begin with. Bill Gates and his ilk belong in the oven however you spin this.

Niggers at least have at least some faculty to distrust the official narrative, which means that leftists and centrists who believe in what their TV tells them and fall for appeal to authority fallacy are even dumber than niggers.

Even the MSM has dropped the bat narrative for the most part because of how idiotic it was.


>socially undesirable behavior

Bad goyim not wanting their cancer generators which will be weaponized against them in other ways as well

>I'm gonna need a legit sauce on that, other than rambling of some mad hatter


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4d60a8  No.95488


>keep posting news and footage of 5g towers

Everyone enjoys a cozy fire, every now and then. Let them rise. At let all bear witness. We are but humble weavers of peace.

5G is globalist, orders of magnitude less affordable and more extractive than all before it. 5G will destroy the Berkley Internet, all so that the perpetual 'minorities' of meek + insidious printer outsiders can feast on Man. The physics and biomechanics are safely irrelevant, next to this paradigm of replacement and poverty.

5G is Poverty.

And Poverty Kills.

Weave it louder.

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2e06d8  No.95490


I think it's worth it just because it ends up being collateral damage, even if it's just because of people's misguided beliefs, and I've also read about there being a possible connection between ID2020 and the 5G network. If it ends up delaying (((their))) plans it's always good.

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a1ecc7  No.95491

File: d8a12c4b5f3b273⋯.png (20.54 KB, 635x467, 635:467, wew.png)


>Trump Just Cut Off All Funding To World Health Organization

I'm sure the chinks will gladly foot the bill now

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b98220  No.95492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If I was on a forum from the Congo they'd be calling me a witch instead of a Jew. Both marvel at the thought of burning me alive.

Hey we are being flooded with immigrants from the Congo, suppress your prejudices and you will see find your brothers from another mother.

I may need to look into this out of Africa theory, the similarities are just incredible.

Enjoy the tune my brotha.

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0da74a  No.95496

File: 44be7e51e386396⋯.pdf (3.24 MB, poo_paper_HIV_link_not_ran….pdf)

File: 5675efdf7302be0⋯.png (205.9 KB, 991x856, 991:856, Published_COVID_19_genetic….png)

File: 32f2e2a21d86253⋯.png (285.88 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Corona_Chan_source_code_ge….png)

File: 1320d6d93f5be02⋯.jpg (111.43 KB, 1024x506, 512:253, ZOG_approaches.jpg)


> Poo paper

The Indian researches at the University of New Delhi were the first group of people to sequence and publish the genetic structure of SARV-CoV-2. And since India is not already 100% kiked, they had the balls to come to a rational conclusion - /OurGirl/ came out of a lab.

Subsequently, the (((WHO))) called them "racists", and they were forced to retract the paper. But other researches, from Japan, Italy, and the US, have confirmed that the New Delhi team sequenced it correctly, but (((those researchers))) didn't have the temerity to make the rational conclusion based upon the results. None of them wanted to be called "racist" or perhaps they had other (((motives))), so they all concluded "it must be natural, 'cuz (((people))) would never create such a (((weapon)))."

SARS-CoV-2 is a fucking biological weapon, created in a Chink lab, using AmeriMutt money, and orchestrated by (((members of the chosen people))).

It was kikes, and (((their golems))), who did this.

All of (((you))) will pay; someday, somehow, (((you))) will pay.


> Draws a false equivalency between kikes and "witches"

I don't believe in magic or witchcraft, which distinguishes me from Untermenschen. You are not a witch, because there is no such thing. And ironically, the only large western demographic that practices "magic" happen to be kikes - fucking (((Kabbalah))) pervades certain (((echelons))) within the west.

> Burning kike-nigger anon alive

Not worth the fuel. I'd rather cut-off the gibs, and watch you starve to death, owing to your own inadequacy.

> Denies being a kike

You might not be a kike in body, you nigger, but you are assuredly one in spirit. Go fuck yourself, nigger-golem.

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25d12e  No.95498

File: 30ffe0b326228f6⋯.gif (315.88 KB, 500x346, 250:173, Merchant_Krabs.gif)


Lmao, JIDF pls go.

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1959d9  No.95499


>5G 60Hz literally prevents your body from absorbing oxygen.

No it doesn't, that Dana chick you watched on that video doesn't know what she is talking about

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344adf  No.95503


>And since India is not already 100% kiked, they had the balls to come to a rational conclusion - /OurGirl/ came out of a lab.

India is hyper-kiked. It's why they keep sliding up to the US/Britain/israel and against China. India failed as "the next superpower" where China did not. They are also all over the Anglosphere's failing technology sector, a double whammy to their wounded pride. They are extremely invested in making sure the kiked system – that they are ingrained within – stay functioning. Don't overdose on conservatism – it makes you come to incredibly bad conclusions over and over again. You're getting stuck in a time loop like you red staters did with the post-Suez USSR.

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0ef761  No.95506

Leftist corporation demands SJW diversity training for commies


>Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) insists the many reported incidents of blatant racism against Africans living in China during the coronavirus pandemic are merely “misunderstandings,” McDonald’s Corporation announced on Monday that it has temporarily closed a restaurant in Guangzhou that explicitly refused to serve black customers and posted a sign declaring they were not “allowed to enter.”

>“We’ve been informed that from now on black people are not allowed to enter the restaurant. For the sake of your health consciously notify the local police for medical isolation, please understand the inconvenience caused,” read the English lettering on the sign, as captured in a viral video.

>Again, for those who still doubt that Black people and particularly #AfricansinChina are being targeted we feel it is our duty to share this. A sign at a @McDonalds restaurant seems to make this perfectly clear pic.twitter.com/FaveKrdQHi

>— Black Livity China (@BlackLivityCN) April 11, 2020

>“Immediately upon learning of an unauthorized communication to our guests at a restaurant in Guangzhou, we immediately removed the communication and temporarily closed the restaurant,” a McDonald’s Corporation spokesman told the Hong Kong Free Press on Monday.

>“As part of the temporary closure of this restaurant, we will take the opportunity to further educate managers and employees on our values, which includes serving all members of the communities in which we operate,” the spokesman added.

>Another statement from McDonald’s confirmed that at least one African customer was refused service at the Guangzhou location. The staff is currently undergoing mandatory training on “diversity and inclusion,” and McDonald’s stressed that all customers are welcome at all of its locations in China — assuming they pass a “body temperature checkup” and have a clean “health QR code issued by the local government.”

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344adf  No.95508

File: 2cad691974369dd⋯.mp4 (12.23 MB, 1766x572, 883:286, chinahighways.mp4)


America = niggers niggers niggers niggers

American nationalist = niggers niggers niggers niggers

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a1ecc7  No.95509


And a ching chong potato to you too.

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344adf  No.95513


Cope. I'm White and American. The dots are easy to connect, but we got lots of brown skinned mil-shills on this here site trying to lead people to the wrong conclusions. Since most of the userbase are boomers with fatal residues of conservatism and libertarianism, it's easy to misdirect.

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187d1f  No.95514

File: 5409a6d0317a055⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 336.96 KB, 822x716, 411:358, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_0….png)

File: 4254e116f860967⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 351.55 KB, 866x705, 866:705, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_0….png)


> I don't think Ebola-Chan is loli anyway, only some versions of her are, same goes for Corona-Chan.

I agree. They can do whatever they want with the site, I just didn't want to get swept up in it and catch a ban. I don't think my model qualified, but I'm prone to paranoia, better safe than sorry. So I thickened her up a bit and upped the breast size


Yeah, it's probably a necessary step to take. I'm not sure what's being purged and what isn't, but I don't have a problem with them getting rid of lolicon and pedo shit. I could see this getting out of hand if they don't go about it carefully though. At lot of popular reactions are pics of anime kids, will vomit-chan be getting purged? Or that squid girl thing? Hard to say.

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344adf  No.95515


China should take this opportunity to begin purging American retail outlets as purveyors of regressive nigger culture.

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785f19  No.95516


Looks like someone is asking for an ice pick again :DD

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39797e  No.95520

File: 91cc79fb132de59⋯.png (129.8 KB, 725x536, 725:536, Burger_military_look_into_….png)

File: a1ced5fc02e2229⋯.png (158.63 KB, 473x609, 473:609, 960_tons_of_pussy_and_ass.png)

File: 5b03caddafb078c⋯.png (217.3 KB, 468x629, 468:629, kike_leaving_his_workers_o….png)

File: f363f40ce885911⋯.mp4 (3.95 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Governador_do_Par_Helder_B….mp4)

File: 5cca82a1e05285a⋯.mp4 (5.9 MB, 320x240, 4:3, The_Dark_Knight_Rises_The_….mp4)

Burger military looking into the Wuhanese lab https://archive.is/wip/IvfUt

Brownzilian ZOG preparing to bring 960 motherfucking tons of chink aids to the country. Contaminated and malfunctioning testing kits, masks and disintegrating gowns here we come!

(((Very affluent))) Bolsonaro supporter who owns a large clothing company suspends the contracts of 11K workers, half of his workforce, because of the crisis caused by Corona-Chan. With jews, you lose. But to be unbiased, he's doing this because there's a measure that only allows companies to do this shit if they do it for 2 months while paying 30% of the worker's salary. The rest of the salary will come from unemployment insurance.

>We're doing whatever's possible to keep their jobs, it's primordial for companies work like this. Only in this way, can we cross this period of great difficulties, maintaining the jobs and incomes of workers.

On claims that he has already fired 2K of his workers, this was his response

>This is the work of left-leaning websites that are articulating to destabilize Brazil

Governor of the northern Brownzilian state of Pará is confirmed to be blessed

>Everything alright, folks? As you know, part of my team tested positive for coronavirus. On the last Saturday, I did the test, and the result was inconclusive then we did a contra-test (confirmation test) in the Evandro Chagas Institute and the result was negative. But they recommended for me to do a new test, on this Tuesday. And my test was positive. Therefore, I want to inform Pará's population and to all that I have coronavirus. But at the same time I want to tranquilize you, I'm super well, I'm asymptomatic, there's no symptom whatsoever. I have been working from home since Friday, Daniela and the children are well. And I also would like to ask you: Stay home, this virus is extremely contagious, it doesn't choose age, it doesn't choose social class. Everyone is exposed, and everyone can catch it. This is why I make an appeal to you: Stay home, and lets beat the coronavirus together. Who loves, takes care; and who cares, stays home. Lets defend Pará together even more and make it so that Pará will beat the coronavirus. A hug to all of you.



>Trump Just Cut Off All Funding To World Health Organization

Holy shit, maybe Orange Man still has some soul left in him. Thank you, Trump.

>Bill Gates’ Instagram Page Flooded With People Calling For His Arrest For Crimes Against Humanity

The people have woken up, but they're still groggy. The next step is physically going out in the streets en masse near his home or prominent microshaft buildings and protesting there.

>US Government Intentionally Releasing Violent Criminals From Prison Over Corona Fears?

Wouldn't surprise me, since rapists and murderers are being released to stay home in my own country.

>Blacks & Beaners Much More Likely To Die From Corona Than Others?

Yes! and chinks too! Believe it with all of your energies and it shall become true!

>>95488 (Absolutely hailed) >>95490

Aye, the fire rises!


Saved the Pajeet paper. Thanks for posting it.

>I don't believe in magic or witchcraft, which distinguishes me from Untermenschen. And ironically, the only large western demographic that practices "magic" happen to be kikes - fucking (((Kabbalah))) pervades certain (((echelons))) within the west.

It's a shame kikes and black magick practicers left a bad impression of magick on you, magick is not a bad thing at all and there were even some societies in the Reich that were very interested in esotericism. But it's okay, I respect your opinion because you're based as fuck. Carry on being awesome!


Useful idiots actually being useful, this is excellent.



Got a clean/dry version?

>So I thickened her up a bit and upped the breast size

Very nice.

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2e06d8  No.95522


>muh realistic


Clearly the same thing, But with people like >>95514 already giving in no wonder that narrative keeps being pushed.

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344adf  No.95523


>Useful idiots actually being useful, this is excellent.

They are just following the typical niggerized arc of capitalism. Of course a nigger like you, with your tailored script here, would try to put a little bow on it.

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b98220  No.95525


Yep i'm a very strong skeptic. I want strong, fact based evidence for everything i believe. That being said there is indeed a Jewish conspiracy to destroy white people aka Amalek.

This is their policy towards white people.

>Now go and completely destroy the entire Amalekite nation—men, women, children, babies, cattle, sheep, goats, camels, and donkeys.”

Whites nations are indeed in incredible danger because of Jews and their insane religion and their control of the media and the debt based monetary system and white guilt.

. . Their religion is bullshit like all others and this pandemic doesn't fit their narrative. You guys saw the rabbi declaring corona virus is only for Goy. So use this time to attack the cred of Judaism. Not spew unfounded nonsense./

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c0e2df  No.95530


>Frog eggheads only managed to destroy Corona-Chan's envelopes of love after exposing them to boiling temperatures

>My prayers are being answered! I prayed for such resistances to extreme temperatures. Faith overpowers everything and changes the physical world!

Holy shit, this is… It's beautiful.

>I wish you the best of luck and all the necessary energies to pull that off.

Thank you, I'll need these.

>I have the feeling my Chaos Magick must be pretty simple compared to your school

Hmm. This is peculiar. I'm actually a chaote myself (maybe not purebreed but still), and I tend to have similar impression when I look at all the advanced stuff people sometimes post…

In this particular case, I merely got the idea from what appears to be an old Scandinavian custom of sacrificing enemies to Odinn before battle, symbolised by throwing a spear into the ground in front of them. I don't really know how this was supposed to work or even how accurate the description in the saga is, but this is just an inspiration. Basically my idea is to perform a sacrificial ritual of this sort on the entire population, or at least on all the people who die killed by the Avatar, which should effectively turn them all into human sacrifices whose souls will feed my beloved Goddess.

So yeah, I know it may sound insane. It does to me. But to hell with sanity, I'll do this when I only figure out how to design the rite.

By the way. One of my facebook friends told me that she'd channelled a message from Paimonia (i.e. Paimon, whom she views as female) in which she'd been told to, from now on, refer to her as Corobella, which has to do with “Corona” (and “heart”, and maybe other things, and also means “beautiful choir” in Italian, which is also interesting to me as I've always imagined our Lady's voice to sound as though countless voices were speaking in unison).

So now my fb friend - who, mind you, had been very sceptical about the whole pandemic and believed it an exaggeration, if not a hoax - has suddenly started to believe there's an actual spiritual force behind it. (I'm not going to argue about this force being one particular entity or another, especially knowing how previous experiences can condition people to perceive things in vastly different ways, and she's been working with those demons her whole life and uses them as symbols for many things.) What's important is the implications.

Corona-sama is so powerful that she actually starts to appear to non-cultists, in one form or another.


>Yep i'm a very strong skeptic. I want strong, fact based evidence for everything i believe.

This is a very good way to look at the world. I now know also of what other things than hard facts do, but I'm still mostly a sceptic. And yeah, here I'm not convinced too. I just don't care. Origins and potential organisations that may or may not stand behind anything are irrelevant if I can, ugh, repurpose it. As a cultist, I hate this term, but I couldn't find a better one. I am aware that particularly my knowledge of microbiology and biochemistry is simply insufficient to talk about many subjects, and my approach may be summed up as “trust nobody”, whoever it may be and on whatever side of a conflict he may be. TBH I think this conflict right now is the only one I've seen that actually has sides to begin with. Of course I may change my opinion at any time, but not easily.

>Their religion is bullshit like all others and this pandemic doesn't fit their narrative. You guys saw the rabbi declaring corona virus is only for Goy. So use this time to attack the cred of Judaism.

That's a good point.

Alright, I'm stupid cuz it's super late and I need to sleep and I still have to finish my shrine tonight orders from above/below so goodnight everybody.

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b13054  No.95531


>keep posting news and footage of 5g towers

Yes, please do. It is an undercurrent of /ourgirl/, after all. And thank you for your very solid work.


>China McDonalds apartheids local niggers

Remember the Starbucks reparations coupon last year? This incident cries out for a coupon specifically apologing for rayzizzum 'gaynce bla' peepo. McDonalds feels really bad about McRacism. To make up for this, only African-Americans may present this coupon for one free gimmiedats on us.

<inb4: go ahead, pal. (I suck at gimp/photoshop)

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5ec794  No.95533

File: 855bdc9af202b47⋯.jpg (21.9 KB, 450x345, 30:23, hansen.jpg)


Go away, derailing reddit faggot. Take the hint and fuck off

Coronian cult anon, NBA 'ere >>95531 what this anon said - should feel free to post burning tower videos just keep in mind that bullshit was utterly debunked a million breads ago, zero correlation, some of the worst hit cities early on (Iran) don't even have that network type beyond a couple of few hundred meter coverage sites. yes EM can cause issues but there is no clear correlation with Corona-Chan.

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71ec66  No.95534

File: e7e6f51315aedd0⋯.gif (33.5 KB, 499x701, 499:701, corona_chan_happy.gif)

File: 2f8fcf27a42afc6⋯.png (1017.11 KB, 850x1356, 425:678, 2MIL.png)

File: ff354567d4f261c⋯.jpg (14.52 KB, 600x300, 2:1, corona_powers_activate.jpg)






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5ec794  No.95535

File: 9539715e01d0464⋯.png (9.12 KB, 618x101, 618:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b5308d71a70cb77⋯.jpg (499.82 KB, 600x800, 3:4, if_only_you_knew_carnival.jpg)

File: a299098974e012e⋯.jpg (574.49 KB, 1080x1873, 1080:1873, corona_chan_infect_me.jpg)

Forgot to mention, congratulations to Corona-Chan, who has made her first (((official))) 2 gorillion! May the next two gorillion come even quicker.

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6202b9  No.95536

File: 81debc362341aff⋯.jpg (177.99 KB, 750x1188, 125:198, they_lyin_chall.jpg)

File: 132dc52a475bea1⋯.jpg (18.76 KB, 750x135, 50:9, they_definitely_lyin_chall.jpg)


>I want strong, fact based evidence for everything i believe

Hard to get such things today. However we can clearly prove they're intentionally making this shit seem like more than it is.

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71ec66  No.95537

File: f9233a22ff202a9⋯.jpg (335.16 KB, 2732x1532, 683:383, our_angel.jpg)


I may have beat you by a minute, but the more the merrier as they say.


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553e5d  No.95540


The reason it sounds so strange is that they have a point and click copypasta interface.

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39797e  No.95545

File: 87dae4777a28494⋯.png (264.88 KB, 748x566, 374:283, nyc_death_definition.png)

File: dd2248e903cfe3a⋯.png (152.69 KB, 356x624, 89:156, too_late_but_better_than_n….png)

File: 5d13a6002bd5871⋯.mp4 (822.93 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, chinese_having_a_seizure_i….mp4)

File: afa363b383b39e7⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 368x640, 23:40, chinks_lining_up_at_the_Fi….mp4)

File: bb4c7c449f195b3⋯.mp4 (509.66 KB, 224x400, 14:25, Iranian_collapsed_against_….mp4)

NYC Health releases an statement about their definition of a confirmed death

GOP introduces the 'Protecting our Pharmaceutical Supply Chain from China Act of 2020' bill https://archive.vn/JyVOU A little too late for that but better than nothing.

Chink spazzing out in Bengbu city


Chinks lining up at an hospital in the Heilongjiang province, chink says there might be 5 to 6K bugmen there https://archive.is/yUWwy

Dropper in Urmia, Iran



Don't be so grumpy mate, it's great to watch chink McCancer getting chastised for bullying niggers, it's still amusing even if it's just a facade.

>Of course a nigger like you

Bix nood. You might be onto something though, I really like grape and watermelon for some mysterious reason.


>Hmm. This is peculiar. I'm actually a chaote myself (maybe not purebreed but still), and I tend to have similar impression when I look at all the advanced stuff people sometimes post…

Kek, I really thought you practiced a super complex school. I said this before elsewhere but I don't mind repeating it here: I don't consider myself a chaote, I merely use Chaos Magick as a framework for Coronian Cultism.

> I merely got the idea from what appears to be an old Scandinavian custom of sacrificing enemies to Odinn before battle, symbolised by throwing a spear into the ground in front of them. I don't really know how this was supposed to work or even how accurate the description in the saga is, but this is just an inspiration. Basically my idea is to perform a sacrificial ritual of this sort on the entire population, or at least on all the people who die killed by the Avatar, which should effectively turn them all into human sacrifices whose souls will feed my beloved Goddess.

That's a very interesting ritual concept.

>So yeah, I know it may sound insane. It does to me. But to hell with sanity, I'll do this when I only figure out how to design the rite.

Sanity is a weakness! There is strenght and wisdom in insanity as long as it's well controlled and wielded responsibly. Which goes against the very concept of insanity, but trust me, it's possible. Complete nutjob here but no meds at all, operating nominally, have never hurt anyone that din't deserve it

>By the way. One of my facebook friends told me that she'd channelled a message from Paimonia (i.e. Paimon, whom she views as female) in which she'd been told to, from now on, refer to her as Corobella, which has to do with “Corona” (and “heart”, and maybe other things, and also means “beautiful choir” in Italian, which is also interesting to me as I've always imagined our Lady's voice to sound as though countless voices were speaking in unison).

Hmm, Goetia huh. I used to be scared shitless of Goetia and Luciferianism (often mistaken for satanism by so many people including myself back then) before being initiated and wanting to have nothing to do with them, but don't feel that way anymore. Corobella's a beautiful name and have to agree with your visualization of her voice, makes sense considering her many artistic depictions and variants of her physical form.

>So now my fb friend - who, mind you, had been very sceptical about the whole pandemic and believed it an exaggeration, if not a hoax - has suddenly started to believe there's an actual spiritual force behind it. (I'm not going to argue about this force being one particular entity or another, especially knowing how previous experiences can condition people to perceive things in vastly different ways, and she's been working with those demons her whole life and uses them as symbols for many things.) What's important is the implications. Corona-sama is so powerful that she actually starts to appear to non-cultists, in one form or another.

Now that's intriguing! By the way, a suggestion to both of you: Why not ditch goybook and install TOX instead? It's perfect for one on one conversations with people you can trust.

>Alright, I'm stupid cuz it's super late and I need to sleep and I still have to finish my shrine tonight so goodnight everybody.

Sleep well and I wish you the best of luck with your shrine.


>Yes, please do. It is an undercurrent of /ourgirl/, after all. And thank you for your very solid work.

Wilco, you and the rest of /cvg/ is welcome.

>>95533 (double checked)

Checking your double doubles, cyber-baker. The post-modern bonfires will continue to be posted!


Checking the digits on your ID. Congratulation on the (((official))) milestone, Corobella!

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29cf2e  No.95547


I got behind on the news about 5G, any reliable sources? when i looked it up the sources where garage scientist quality tier.

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553e5d  No.95549


I checked with Gizmodo. The democrats will be using science and data, and the republicans will be using racism and the bible.

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6202b9  No.95552

File: d6ae52a854a9d51⋯.png (516.95 KB, 728x742, 52:53, china_no_rikey_bracks.png)

File: eba652b2f3ba64a⋯.mp4 (1.3 MB, 320x564, 80:141, Chinese_police_took_africa….mp4)


they act like racism is a "bad thing"

communist china really hates blacks

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0ccb3b  No.95554


> likes of which have never been before.

You really have to be ignorant of world history to believe that.

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0ccb3b  No.95555


NatGeo TV

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553e5d  No.95556

The latest fake news is that they're hiring CoBOL programmers. They're just looking to give short-term contract work to senior programmers. ie the same kike economy we've had for decades.

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6202b9  No.95557

File: bd7c0cb8b635a1f⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, POSTED_4_14_20_Anybody_who….mp4)


Riri? Ri better not have economy in merrico or else ri gonna die real bad?

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344adf  No.95558


The US is a dumb and dysfunctional nigger society that is far, far, far behind China in serious research in pretty much every single field outside of some highly specialized material tech for military applications [slightly better jet engines, etc]. Based on demographics, the US has absolutely no chance whatsoever to ever close this gap and it will only get wider over time [not very much time, either].

So the US only really has one choice: try to retard China's growth, and by proxy Russia's as well. One way to do this is to deny China access to African resources, be they mineral or general land, etc. Since the US cannot compete with China in terms of infrastructure, it has to rely on something else. That something is negroid genetics. Will China or Russia ever agree to the wholesale genocide of their people in favor of smooth brained Africans? No, they won't – but the West will and is already doing so.

It's why Russia and China should be very careful about trying to play around with anti-colonialist language even though I am sure they believe it and think their active or past communist bonafides gives them some credibility on the issue. They can't match the offer of wholesale genocide and total handover of homelands with the enslavement of competent labor forever. They should instead pursue a policy of wholesale replacement of African populations in strategic areas of Africa.

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0ccb3b  No.95559


This guy is an ignoramus. He plays unsourced videos and makes speculative claims about what he's seeing.

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f3afd2  No.95560



This article links some good sources indicating that it would be harmful. Unfortunately, no formal testing on the effects of 5G specifically has been conducted. But that lack of data itself is also a good reason we should halt 5G rollout.

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a30363  No.95561

File: 221b906255d96ea⋯.jpg (146.86 KB, 700x528, 175:132, c91362c28905d3c7ed2d4d00e0….jpg)


Based chinks.

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6202b9  No.95562

File: ad7b39ed3035f60⋯.png (5.09 MB, 928x13392, 58:837, China_and_the_Jews_Veteran….png)

File: b4c885c83702b9e⋯.png (2.86 MB, 1021x3235, 1021:3235, jews_china1_2_.png)

File: a6adf44a4355c4e⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1056x2880, 11:30, jews_china_1.png)

File: 84866fc29d900a0⋯.jpg (81.47 KB, 552x603, 184:201, jews_china.jpg)

File: 4d500dee07fdeb8⋯.png (169.33 KB, 768x884, 192:221, article_a_jew_in_maos_s_ch….png)


>Will China or Russia ever agree to the wholesale genocide of their people in favor of smooth brained Africans? No, they won't – but the West will and is already doing so

The mistake you make is in thinking that the same people don't ultimately own both the US and China, and that there's genuinely conflict. It's only superficial. Keeps the few good men in high up positions focused on an external threat. No such argument.

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39797e  No.95563

File: e54450a4fba0854⋯.mp4 (937.98 KB, 352x640, 11:20, Thousands_of_Venezuelans_q….mp4)

File: c3323573354e6eb⋯.png (372.58 KB, 577x607, 577:607, flips_get_serious.png)

File: 1112adb9c77cbf9⋯.png (116.4 KB, 427x566, 427:566, are_you_pretending_to_be_r….png)

File: dc3e5b9ddeddc2a⋯.png (140.34 KB, 428x580, 107:145, are_exotic_perfumes_essent….png)

File: 31835e75b470365⋯.mp4 (558.02 KB, 400x220, 20:11, Guayaquil_health_workers_o….mp4)

Largest gathering I have seen since the protest at the Mumbai rail station: Footage of thousands of Memezuelans queuing for gas yesterday, a prime environment for /ourgirl/ to spread her love. https://archive.is/hnmwJ

Flips get serious and decide to intensify their testing campaign https://archive.vn/FDxnW

Burger military either retarded or pretending to be retarded https://archive.is/uBs8i

Frog ZOG limiting (((Amazon)))'s activities to "essential items" https://archive.vn/xRVX0 Are exotic perfumes considered essential?

Hospital workers in Guayaquil are refusing to do their jobs until they receive proper PPE https://archive.is/OfM4K


*Are welcome. Fug :DD


I will give you a rundown on two hypothesis I have seen

>Corona-Chan doesn't exist, her symptoms are actually 5G JUST'ing people by damaging their cellular structures with their radiation, the towers are weapons that are being set up in a grid formation to kill a large number of people in an specific location on demand.

This one is quite simple and doesn't require much explanation, the radiations emitted by the towers are pretty intense and can fuck someone up pretty badly if exposure to it is continuous. I actually agree with the last part of the hypothesis.

>Corona-Chan is a nanomachine son, the 5G network is the control mechanism

The (((NWO))) sprayed deadly nanomachines all over the world but they still need a way to control them, 5G is that control mechanism. This one is actually intriguing and could be possible, but I don't believe it is true.

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344adf  No.95564


No, I'm not making that mistake. I'm just not a conservative retard who believes things stay static at the exact point in time when it makes my argument work. You were the same retards who kept screeching about how "jewish" the USSR was in the 60's and 70's when they were literally executing jews for state subversion and supplying Arab armies. Things don't stay static.

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f3afd2  No.95565


There is genuine conflict between the US and China, those US State Department jews who got Mao off the ground do not hold much sway there today. It is very stupid to assume that jews have more power than they actually do (and they do have a lot), and borderline glorifies them.

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be4101  No.95566


>Boo hoo the jew wage-slave cuckold economy is crashing.

Let it burn. My God's will be done.

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344adf  No.95567


It's not always an assumption of superhuman power by jews. A lot of times it is deliberate misdirection to play on the genuine and righteous anti-semitic tendencies of a small segment of the Western "right". Agitation propagandists understand that jews aren't popular in some circles and so they paint the enemies of jews as jews or jewish or zionist. King Faisal of Saudi Arabia used to peddle that nonsense with the USSR and so did Rockwell. Whether Rockwell was sincere about it or just saying what he thought he needed to, who knows. You can see this same strategy with the Trump administration.

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0e1e6c  No.95570


>She's cute for a kike

She's a refrigerator-centaur. Search for her nudes. Absolutely disgusting

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76f77a  No.95571

File: 8940e651ed77a61⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1749x2315, 1749:2315, Corona_chan_2_million_mark.png)


I should have said that the tribute was just a little drawing though. It was not a song and since i posted Priscilla with it, i understand the confusion.


she is still best girl, change my mind



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0ccb3b  No.95572


They should just take the sign off the door to McDonalds and put it on the door to the country.

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e6c116  No.95575


Even during the Stalin era where there were fucktons of jewish commissars and party leaders, but Stalin still did use them successfully to massacre some of their own cousins towards the end of his life during his final purges. The point being that while the jews founded communist Russia, unforeseen factors kicked in and while still highly influential, they didn't necessarily run everything and their power waned after inception. Today many of Russia's oligarchs and industrialist tycoons are jewish, and their is a very kosher neo-liberal political establishment in Russia too that is increasingly influential, their presence, influence and power is still there but manifested much differently.


Jews no doubt were involved with Mao, and likely helped him hook up all kinds of international connections, particularly with Israel to sell China some American technology and have their fingers in yet another people's pie. But the current leadership in China are quite different. Just like with Franco's Spain, everyone who was an old guard of the Maoist era is either dead or in their frikkin' 90's and largely incapacitated. The jews' influence in China waned generationally going into the modern era of globalism. The new Chinese leadership is hardly "communist" and are if anything even more corrupt capitalists than their western counterpart, even if they still refer to themselves as communist.

IMO modern Chinese leadership have a bunch of tiny Chinese boners to create some kind of glorious "Neo-Han Ethnic Chinese Empire" for the modern world, and they are trying to forcefully implant this phony identity into the Chinese public even though they are a large group of disparate mongoloid peoples and tribes from different regions, their leadership is trying to declare them not one race, but one giant, homogeneous ethnicity because said leaders want to create some new ethnic empire because they fap over ancient Chinese history, and are deeply angry and humiliated that China, one of the world's oldest cultures, has been a fucking joke for hundreds of years.

This in turn is why the jews are using their NATO puppets to get into shit with the Chinese. While still highly influential in politics and trade through NATO, the jews don't have that direct control over China that they do over the western/NATO nations. China is still a little too autonomous, starting to grow more assertive and independent, and worst of all, blatantly trying to establish an ethno-nationalist empire. Shit, they could even become a threat to African resource control if the Chinese do colonize Africa. That's why I think this has to be some kind of (((plot.))) Whatever happened the usual parties set China up the bomb in such a way as to fuck their economy, curb their birth rate if the infertility stuff is true, and make them international pariahs with the majority of the world pissed off as fuck at them.

Just my 2 shekels on the whole thing. Lot of truth to this as well:


Even in Iran a lot of their leaders are allegedly crypto-jews, in a supposed bad goy nation, it's easy to see ton of shit is "staged" like the whole tit for tat killing and bombing early this year where Iran blatantly bombed American bases in Iraq after the killing of one of their senior military leaders and nobody cared because it was all agreed upon, but then when some dipshit shot down a plane of civilians thinking it was a warplane, everyone shit themselves for real because that wasn't supposed to happen.


It's just idealized makeup, camera, lighting, and air brushing tricks anon. Look her up naked and you'll she she's grimy.

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344adf  No.95577


Jews were riding a straight downward trajectory in the USSR from the day Stalin took power to the day the 1991 coup failed. Almost all communist countries invariably become nationalist – both because it takes a strong unifying force to uproot a hostile elite and because the collective pooling of resources souses out people who aren't moving with the group quickly. The craven jewish rake-offs barely lasted 20 years in the USSR. Look at how absurd they've become in the "West", putting even Weimar to shame.

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bc1aef  No.95578

File: b3a512c3c0032fc⋯.gif (175.63 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 20200414_213909.gif)


wæł næœw…

§œ THIS î§þ שнеяе уē'və вееи нīđîņ.


<reckon æım æņ ıjît.

Hæœש§ тяîx¿◇?

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fc3d5c  No.95579

File: 7ed6983af2f36b0⋯.png (248.65 KB, 1108x970, 554:485, ClipboardImage.png)

May be old news, but Corona-chan is leaving brains destroyed on Japan




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ee3094  No.95580

File: caa02c557ceabc9⋯.jpg (190.28 KB, 781x964, 781:964, 1586911946441.jpg)

If it ain't Billy trying to chip us, it's Jewgle playing their own tracking games.

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c88db9  No.95581



okay, I wan't to disable that.

btw, I removed the microphone on everything except my fucking phone. it's too fucking hard to remove it from my fucking phone.


The seizures part is so fascinating, because there were all these videos, but the Hillary "science" crowd dismissed them as racist propaganda, or ignored them.

I should VERY MUCH like to know what they hallucinated.

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187d1f  No.95583

File: 1db7e4c7f178262⋯.png (375.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_2….png)

File: 5e84b5bee75cb94⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 351.16 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_2….png)

File: 948f9b97ff7663d⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 339.15 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_2….png)

File: 5824865fcb8840e⋯.png (393.09 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_14_2….png)


I squeegeed her off for ya. Here's clean, and very clean. Now if only I could get her eyes to cross.


Nice digits, I'm still not willing to die on that hill though. Not sure what you want me to do about it, I have very little power in this world, even less here.

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d0b65f  No.95584

File: 090a7b60a57edaf⋯.gif (2.46 MB, 532x461, 532:461, 090a7b60a57edafd4947c4b4f6….gif)

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c88db9  No.95586


I already knew the future. We'll be in quarantined zones, just like… the um. .. sci fi movie thing. tbh, I don't watch movies. But movie reference, quarantine zones. And things. btw has that cyberpunk game been released yet? :^)

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0e1e6c  No.95589

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Is the WHO on Trump's shit list for real?

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0e1e6c  No.95590

File: eb8a7df9aad072f⋯.png (87.09 KB, 833x395, 833:395, Screen_Shot_2020_04_14_at_….png)

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304f27  No.95592


> J (((Silverman)))

J Indeed.

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39797e  No.95593

File: dc723c13dcb60f2⋯.png (82.7 KB, 492x592, 123:148, go_be_fags_in_hell.png)

File: da8fb169bfa493e⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Gabarra_es_saqueada_a_su_a….mp4)

File: 1c4ecb5e0a35f7a⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Female_inmates_in_Bogota_C….mp4)

File: bec05c0303ca1f3⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB, 736x412, 184:103, Colombian_prison_guard_rec….mp4)

File: 663cfce53efbc02⋯.mp4 (2.89 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Australian_and_chinese_men….mp4)

Corona-Chan cancels the Ecuadorian degeneracy parade No sauce for you because this isn't that big of a deal, but still very satisfying.

Ecuadorians in the south of Guayaquil loot a truck carrying shrimps that just arrived by barge

https://archive.is/Lqbza They must be really hungry, looks like that pastor who recorded the streets full of people looking for open food markets was telling the truth.

Female Cokelombian inmates in Bogotá record a video asking to be freed due to fears of being blessed in incarceration. https://archive.is/IjCsk

>That one guy that just replied with "No"

Kek. Reminder to not underestimate female criminals. They will shank you.

Cokelombian prison guard records a video requesting stronger governmental intervention in the prisons in the country in regards to Corona-Chan, he asks for all prison workers to be tested for the virus https://archive.is/cf4H5

Chink-Aussie tensions on the rise: Based 'Strayan boomer sees a chink couple buying stuff at a store and orders them to put it back, chink doesn't like it one bit. https://archive.is/qWhJe At this rate, 'Straya will be the second country to start removing bugmen from the premises. First place already belongs to Nippon with one kill and one critically injured.


> It is very stupid to assume that jews have more power than they actually do (and they do have a lot), and borderline glorifies them.

Indeed. The jews aren't all powerful, they are just part of the leadership of a huge global alliance of very powerful individuals and their organizations, AKA the loominutty. Said alliance has strong zionist tendencies, but other agendas and interests as well. But not all odds are against us, bickering happens inside their ranks sometimes and they do make mistakes.


It's perfect, thank you anon.


> it's easy to see ton of shit is "staged" like the whole tit for tat killing and bombing early this year where Iran blatantly bombed American bases in Iraq after the killing of one of their senior military leaders and nobody cared because it was all agreed upon, but then when some dipshit shot down a plane of civilians thinking it was a warplane, everyone shit themselves for real because that wasn't supposed to happen.

True. That slap fight in January was gay as hell.


This is new. Great find! So this means that this chink here >>95545 Could very much be blessed.


Yup. They're all working together.


>I should VERY MUCH like to know what they hallucinated.

I like the way you think, now I'm curious about that too.


>I squeegeed her off for ya.

Kek'd, thank you very much.


>Some social distancing may be needed into 2022 to keep coronavirus in check, new study says

Three years of memeing!


So it seems. Like I said, maybe there's still some soul left in him.


It's completely confirmed at this point.

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c88db9  No.95594


They literally are ignorant about everything. It's that far. Everything. They've never done 100% testing of all people in a nation, for the flu. Let that shit sink in. Like they don't know anything. They're all (((models))) and they're all trash, every time. They all fuck up, over and over and over and over and over and over again, and they never stop fucking up. It's like Baal, every time their dumb fucking prayer doesn't work, they just pray again, they're that fucking stupid. Doesn't work? Pray again. Model fucks up? Ignore evidence, make more fucking models. They're brain-broken fools. Empty heads, stupid!

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037f22  No.95595

File: 4a770c7cbffd414⋯.png (46.59 KB, 597x142, 597:142, Screen_Shot_2020_04_14_at_….png)

WTF did Wuhan and/or University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill unleash on the world?


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c88db9  No.95596


Thanks jews.

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71ec66  No.95598

File: 32da2332b40a798⋯.jpg (25.09 KB, 462x429, 14:13, all_so_tiresome.jpg)

Quick question: does archive{.is allow for .webm and .mp4 playback? We probably want to find a more reliable way to save those, since many people here, especially Brazilbro, have been posting good videos that show the real raw deal.


>Estimates with a dubious methodology that 7m burgers had the blessing during one week

>Uses the well-know-to-be-faulty (((official data))) that 7k burgers died

>won't even use the same method that probably recorded deaths-by-ILI as well, which would show higer than 7k deaths

>concludes "it's just the flu bru"

>prime example of comparing apples and oranges to the very seeds

>The author and study scientists daring to be this disingenuous

It's all so tiresome.


Good work anon! Cawaii and Cute!


>That one guy that just replied with "No" in the inmate vid



>WTF did Wuhan and/or University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill unleash on the world?

Don't forget Canada and the two tranny traitors there. Don't also forget the Big G Himself who is tired of the world bullshit.


So we have Japan and Australia now in the Allied Coalition for WW3. How long before all the non-cucked US States to join that coalition?

Who will join China, besides various independent pro-China groups and globalist orgs with paramilitaries?

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2e06d8  No.95600



>brain damage and destroyed immune systems

Is there something that she can't do?


I would understand if people were refusing to defend something like child modelling, where there is actual child exploitation, but this is nothing more than thought crime. And it's nothing against you, but it's always the same thing, they start with loli, feel empowered and then go after other stuff that they don't like.


That plays right into that "immunity" card that the Germans want to start handing to people, so that they are free go wherever they want while the remaining population has to be kept isolated.


>Reminder to not underestimate female criminals.

There was this guy who was tortured, killed and cut up in pieces by two dykes last month. They thought that they could get away with it during a full lockdown.

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c6a8d0  No.95601


Airborne AIDS.

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a4554a  No.95602


>GOP introduces the 'Protecting our Pharmaceutical Supply Chain from China Act of 2020' bill https://archive.vn/JyVOU A little too late for that but better than nothing.

IE the move everything to india instead bill.

>The bill would also require the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Veterans Affairs, Department of Defense, and any federal health care programs to buy drugs that contain at least 60 percent of API manufactured in countries other than China by 2022. That proportion will go up to 100 percent by 2023.

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e6c116  No.95604


Still fucking gay outsourcing with third world dependence. We need LOCALIZED supply chains you faggot politicians.

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b6fff8  No.95608

File: e4b8965dc023412⋯.png (1.15 MB, 675x7706, 675:7706, International_Finance_s_An….png)

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b69e35  No.95609

File: 93f46c1f0e0101f⋯.jpg (143.23 KB, 600x630, 20:21, 1239028062924.jpg)

Bellevue anon reporting in. Went to the grocery store today to stock up on a few things, not much going on. Stores are on adjusted hours, have one-way aisles that no one was respecting, and are generally well stocked. Nothing was cleaned out, but some sections were definitely thin. (Rice was in low supply, as were certain brands of peanut butter. Didn't check on TP or sanitizer.) Different dairy products were also 'you can only buy a certain amount.' Fair amount of people in the store, but no meme worthy 'obese lady in a scooter with a bag on her head as PPE' situations. Most people had masks and were good about keeping 6' apart.

Roads pretty thin too, traffic is actually good for once. No gas shortages either, at least at my usual stations. This place is going to be an elephant graveyard in two months, I bet. ALl of these little smartphone repair shops, gyms, stylists, and boutique retail shops probably can barely afford their rents already, and I bet my balls they don't have enough cash on hand to stay closed for more than a month and a half or more.

Gov Inslee is part of that cuckbrigade of west coast governors talking about how to open their economies back up. Could be a lot of laughs to be had if they fuck it up. Will report if anything fun happens.

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037f22  No.95611

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

CCP playing the race card to defend Tedros. I've seen a lot of CCP 50 cent army on youtube video accusing everyone who is anti-Teddy as being racist.

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037f22  No.95612

File: 95886ac14dd5d12⋯.png (67.84 KB, 579x501, 193:167, Screen_Shot_2020_04_14_at_….png)



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39797e  No.95613

File: caa2a203ae178fc⋯.png (315.32 KB, 480x620, 24:31, this_just_gets_better_by_t….png)

File: dd54ad7d62fed6f⋯.png (211.16 KB, 492x622, 246:311, absolute_dingdong.png)

File: c0a5db43f65721b⋯.png (174.58 KB, 898x467, 898:467, trouble_in_little_tasmania.png)

File: 74f03d3e39358df⋯.jpg (63.96 KB, 800x420, 40:21, oi_cunt_what_are_you_doing….jpg)

File: 7a19f87f45af15c⋯.png (204.56 KB, 1258x633, 1258:633, nothing_but_fake_news_and_….png)

The CNS will now resume it's operations after a necessary unscheduled break was taken, we're sorry about the inconvenience dear readers.

Aussie city cuts ties with the CCP because of Corona-Chan https://archive.is/Bab0D This is getting really good.

Cunt from Perth becomes the first Aussie to be jailed for breaking the lockdown quarantine in 'Straya https://archive.is/egO9I

Tasmanian troubles: Cluster of blessings worrying a woman pretending to be a senator. https://archive.vn/jbo8P

Aussie police using a helicopter to look for campers in remote locations https://archive.vn/GXvxK

Ladyboys trying to muddle the waters by pinning the blame on stray dogs https://archive.vn/2SuTw Fitting breaking news banner. I din't even notice until I hit the cap button.


>Quick question: does archive{.is allow for .webm and .mp4 playback?

No idea. But just because you mentioned archiving, I'm taking all of my previous related videos and pics from my trash bin and putting them elsewhere…Yes, I was storing old things there, but don't worry, Loonix din't delete any of it. I had to do it because the thumbnails eat RAM like a motherfucker and I'm on a craptop that still hangs sometimes despite switching to XFCE. Looking back now, I was quite retarded, I should have just done that in the first place and called it a day, but noooo, Past Me had to be retarded and hit the delete button.

>Who will join China, besides various independent pro-China groups and globalist orgs with paramilitaries?

The entire SCO except Pajeets, Memezuela, Cooba, Leafistan, Iran, small chance of Best Korea but it's there and pro-chink apefrican failed states if they believe what happened recently with their people in Chinkland was just a "misunderstanding".

>>95600 (checked)

>Is there something that she can't do?

These double oh's tell me "nothing".

>There was this guy who was tortured, killed and cut up in pieces by two dykes last month. They thought that they could get away with it during a full lockdown.

Holy shit, brutal. Reminds me of what happened in my state last year with a kid.


>IE the move everything to india instead bill.



Bellevue dude! Always good to see you.

>Stores are on adjusted hours, have one-way aisles that no one was respecting

Kek, normalfags don't give a shit about measures here either.

>Gov Inslee is part of that cuckbrigade of west coast governors talking about how to open their economies back up. Could be a lot of laughs to be had if they fuck it up. Will report if anything fun happens.

Please do, your posts are really nice.

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2daeae  No.95614



>file manager preferences

>show thumbnails


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c88db9  No.95617

"Prices in ice."

Just got back from checking a deals site & ebay. Prices haven't come down.

Economics is a scam. Capitalism isn't true. Supply and demand aren't actually interlinked at all. In fact, all of the products that are rejected are still marked exactly the same as before. "Prices in ice".

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c88db9  No.95618


They look like paint cans, but are too light. What is it?

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97caba  No.95619


Baby formula

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5ec794  No.95621


I've saved almost every video posted since double digits or so, also there is an excellent archive site too that has most of your videos.

https://nothingburger.today I backed it up using Httrack.

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686a57  No.95622


Cannibal rats…interesting. Not in a major city, but in rural-urban Ontario, and we've seen a big influx of rats here at the farm. We're only ~8km outside of the city, enough that we've had to put poison bait out heavily. Yesterday there was ~40 dead, and the little fucks are still trying to get in to my corn and wheat silo's, and I've had to get a vet in to look at the cattle because the fuckers are attacking the legs and udders. Short term I had to put up fine meshing, because they were jumping over 71cm(~28in) fencing.


They don't. They have 10k cases of people who can afford medical coverage, the rest are people simply dying at home. It's gonna be like that in Africa too, which is starting to break down into chaos.


China. They've been pumping money into their market non-stop for 20 years, and have unsecured debt liabilities at the federal level of nearly $20T, their banks are also heavily over-extended. In December their central bank had to bail out 5 or their top 8 banks, because they had no liquidity, and were experiencing runs.

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39797e  No.95625

File: f4c1d05e6addcf5⋯.png (83.74 KB, 905x526, 905:526, indian_babby_blessed.png)

File: 50f56977b50e53b⋯.mp4 (1.53 MB, 288x360, 4:5, Hospital_de_Manaus_negando….mp4)

File: c8edf5288876087⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Chinese_police_arrest_an_A….mp4)

File: 0b2b963f843fd9b⋯.png (178.58 KB, 421x549, 421:549, blessed_kikelet.png)

File: 6c4b7490108578f⋯.png (177.9 KB, 429x598, 33:46, 1_trillion_dollar_note_soo….png)

2 Month old Warao indian baby in Manaus got blessed

Hospital in Manaus refusing Hues who haven't been blessed and also "mild" cases https://archive.is/8IF0W https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=Cwup3TbdUYE

>That's right, but our situation, that's right, it's precarious here, more serious patients have already arrived, that's right, we got 3 patients in the emergency, all the beds are taken, everyone is suspected to have coronavirus, the situation is complicated. So we unfortunately can't provide attention to those who aren't in a serious situation yet. Especially if you don't have it, and you enter, you will get it. So that's for your own good.

Say it after me: Next Lombardy.

Chink cops arrest a Painterlander (Austrian) for not wearing a mask https://archive.is/6IiQZ

Blessed kikelet in Pissrael https://archive.vn/LdQ1j

The dollar has been turned into shit tickets https://archive.vn/gvHl7

The CNS will briefly halt it's services for religious activities. We will be back very soon, dear readers.


Thanks for the tip, gonna do it if I start running like molasses.


No idea, maybe canned food, could even be those big mask filters. The Aussie was really pissed at them taking it, though.


Very nice, thanks. I was irresponsible, good thing loonix doesn't automatically cleans the trash bin or else I would be fugged.

>>95622 (checked)

> and I've had to get a vet in to look at the cattle because the fuckers are attacking the legs and udders. Short term I had to put up fine meshing, because they were jumping over 71cm(~28in) fencing.

Goddamned four legged jews. Hope your cows are okay, stay safe up there, rural Leaf.

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b6fff8  No.95626


China will be fine.

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a0676e  No.95628


Our Prime minister announced a strict lockdown till may 3 and low wage workers are going chimp out mode


Police with mic translation

We know your problem is number 1 you want to go back to your families in different state, second is you don't have enough food here.

We can't let that happen.

Expect Ecuadorian style more dead bodies I love Coronachan its the best virus.

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686a57  No.95631


>Goddamned four legged jews. Hope your cows are okay, stay safe up there, rural Leaf.

Thanks man. And for anyone worried about food supplies and whatnot, don't if you're in North America. We got our seed, fertilizer, herbicides, fungicides and pesticides for this year two weeks ago, and start planting in 10-15 days if the weather holds up. Milk is still being picked up, 2hrs later used to be 6am but there's more pickups per driver as they're rotating drivers on 12hx7on-7off. And my neighbor just shipped off 1100 turkeys and 900 chicken for wholesale processing.


Dunno man. How many countries around the world are pissed off over "official" shipments of PPE gear and getting shit? Even in AG there's farmers who are now refusing to sell corn, soy, and wheat to China. And I've heard rumblings from companies that used to ship product to China for further processing are pulling back and reopening shuttered plants. A mineral supply plant that shutdown ~20 years ago where I grew that supplied minerals for animal feed reopened, and the nearby purina animal feed plant just signed a 15 year supply agreement with them.

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c88db9  No.95633


When? Everything in tech new for this year or in demand, manufactured in china, is "backordered" or "for preorder".

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05d30f  No.95634


Fuck off, but yes the 5G thing is absolute retardation

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c88db9  No.95636


5G is such a retarded joke. There isn't even nationwide rollout of 4G, and the 4G that's out there, beyond the homoincest city centers is ridiculously hampered by insufficient fiber.

It may be the biggest (in terms of geography) scam in world history, cellular data speed promises.

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b6fff8  No.95637


>How many countries around the world are pissed off over "official" shipments of PPE gear and getting shit?

Probably just the failing neoliberal ones who want to focus their racially incoherent populations somewhere external while avoiding meaningful reform.

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05d30f  No.95638


Maybe, i don't know if it's as good as its made out to be, but the idea that 5G is the real cause of the virus is chemtrails tier retarded

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c88db9  No.95640


Why is Australia arresting people for being outside (but quite alone)? Is it that they know coronachan is an STD? Or is it because of something in the air, or by some type of radiation?

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05d30f  No.95641


To enforce the lockdown…

Even if people are alone they can still leave the virus on surfaces, until another loner comes and touches them and gets infected

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05d30f  No.95645


>Is there a single documented case of infection via a surface?

As much as with any virus i guess, i could pose the opposite question, is there any evidence of any "infection" caused by any band of electromagnetic waves frequencies?

>bug chasers in early years would swear they got HIV from a toilet seat or some shit

Maybe because 40 years ago being a fag wasn't as accepted


I can't possibly imagine people touching a surface and then touching their face getting infected, it's of course 5G, that's a way more plausible explanation.

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3d2fbc  No.95648



use this and make it private

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5ec794  No.95650


Can you keep your sperging to one comment and not just a stream of disjointed thoughts and rantings? It's not a chat program faggot.

But yes surface transmission is primary vector aside from airborne. In fact most SARS spread (closely related) is via touch.

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05d30f  No.95651


>5G is a straw man, but not to men as observant as myself.



> people not permitted to be in radical isolation, if outdoors


Not sure what you mean


Seems there's no absolute certain cases, but it's still very likely hence why authorities would want to keep the chances of it happening the lowest possible therefore >>95640 "arresting people for being outside (but quite alone)?"

The thing is that you seem to reject the simplest explanation in favor of a pretty damn ridiculous one for no real reason.

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c88db9  No.95654

Originally, we were to "flatten the curve". But now, we know where we are on the curve, and the curve has been over-flattened.

So what's the point, then? It makes no sense, if it can't be stopped, if everyone will eventually be exposed to it, what's the real reason for the shutdown?

A fascinating problem, unresolved!!!

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c88db9  No.95659

Again, nobody is saying the thing will be wiped out. Implied is that everyone's going to get exposed to it, eventually, if not this wave the next or more. So, what's the point in shutting down the nation? The navy ship is empty. Nothing to do but play shuffleboard. The Baptists put their tents back in the truck. No patients.

:) Reasons, they exist. Answers, we don't have them. But given the tech we know about, I'd say it's loose nukes, because that's the only thing that would create a national-level basis for a lockdown. Even the presence of the 911 terrorists didn't result in a nationwide lockdown, though they were known to be in the country.

Remember, we're in lockdown. But it's not because of coronachan, can't be her, the curve's been absolutely SMASHED, already, in the US. The shit about the morgue problem is because it's a bunch of niggers who have $0.00 in their bank account and 0,000,000 friends or kids who give a shit.

A lockdown. Not for coronavirus. For what?

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b7a0d2  No.95660

File: 64d887d8f9ed7fe⋯.jpg (148.97 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yes.jpg)


> mfw I'm still running 4.3

haven't been on in a few days.

going to sleep now though (4:15 a.m.)

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b7a0d2  No.95663

File: 755ba44af5e64ce⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 97.98 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, Uganda_knuckles.jpg)


hahahahaha that voice (pic related)

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b7a0d2  No.95665

5G Towers


Do y'all think that the corporate HQ is getting the message or are they just happy to be receiving the insurance money?

Personally, I don't want these towers to go up at all.

4G is enough.

We have all this technology, yet our minds and spirits are overwhelmed by it.

its too much.

its just not natural.

btw, just to make one thing clear from my perspective, I do not believe that the 5G is giving us Chink Flu, but I do believe that it can give cancer and mess with brain synapses.

Dead Birds


>>Who's to say that they aren't intentionally poisoning these birds?

>Could be a possibility. The first thing I thought of was avian flu, to be honest.

now I'm thinking that they are afraid to get the virus from birds, therefore the poisoning of these birds, but then again I was thinking that there would be more press coverage or word of mouth over the internet documenting something like that though. It makes me suspicious. I don't see birds dropping out of the sky here in the U.S.


see, in this video, the birds are a.) all of the same species, and b.) all in the water, as in, one location.

bad water?

poison water?

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8552b9  No.95666


When this is over, look for apefrican countries to destroy the infrastructure the chinks have built. That continent is cursed for anyone who treats the apes as humans.

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bbce03  No.95667

File: 71b2706d69861e5⋯.png (15.32 KB, 100x100, 1:1, ezgif_com_webp_to_png.png)

File: 1e17391501db458⋯.png (18.56 KB, 400x400, 1:1, veritas.png)


>always uses stephen chen from scmp(alibaba group) as source

>stephen chen never gives primary source for his claims

smug grin first pic related

second pic eric feigl-ding's banner, literally harvard-chan. fucking meme magick

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d59d02  No.95669


A temporary lockdown was necessary to curb the infection rates but I think we pretty much have in most places already (besides a few major cities). It's time most of America re-open soon, because the economic damage due to longer lockdowns would far far surpass the deaths done by corona. And no, I don't think corona is an "end of the world" virus, that's being over-hyped. It's dangerous for elderly and people with bad immune systems (as in 10x worse than the flu) but people can still survive it as long as they have healthy immune systems.

The reason why some in (((government))) want much longer lockdowns is very simple: they want to roll out mandatory vaccines and have the whole digital ID certificates for everyone. It's BIG BU$INE$$ for them, Biotech investments and all…. ID 2020, yes it's a real thing!

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b7a0d2  No.95671

File: d650696bc4992f0⋯.png (154.4 KB, 1810x719, 1810:719, AHHHHHHHHHHHHH_SATANNNNNNN….png)


(cursed Apefrica)


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a30363  No.95672

File: 9c87d600b2cd728⋯.jpg (226.87 KB, 1301x893, 1301:893, Styx_2.jpg)


Fuck off Styx!

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ba5a74  No.95674


>The dollar has been turned into shit tickets

THIS is why I have been getting prepared for a long time now, because I knew after the 2008 bailouts the banks were going for broke, they don't care about the real economy, they care about propping up their fraudulent insolvent fiat system as long as they possibly can (at any expense to the nation necessary). Long time overdue people start diversifying any savings they have into prepping, hard assets and property by now. It won't be too long before hyperinflation wrecks the value of the dollar making TP more lucrative to own.

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2c8a47  No.95675


So, about that tribute

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0e527e  No.95676

File: fe8ca2f5074787d⋯.jpg (464.52 KB, 650x887, 650:887, kathy_nooooo.jpg)


well, if you have a virus that has the potential to go to several receptors and where there is low antibodies if someone had it, also some papers are showing now that there are low white blood cells in a huge way, also don't forget on those that show epileptic-like seizures.

Oh don't forget that most young people who got the virus losses smell and taste.

So this is just the first wave, there is going to be a second wave and later a third maybe a fourth.

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2e06d8  No.95677


Using a doctor's words from an article that was linked on this thread: “The virus is as free as the wind, it does whatever it wants.”

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59941b  No.95678

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0e527e  No.95679

File: 6ff8a8b19f56f51⋯.jpg (249.34 KB, 973x975, 973:975, corona_chan_become_one.jpg)


yeah, and this one has potential to bind to many receptors that will really scare doctors later down the line.

When they figure out that the antibodies are too low to actually create herd immunity and that it will only happen to children and where most people will have so low white blood cell count over time that it will really scare doctors.

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6202b9  No.95681

File: 7d4e9cefc6ef812⋯.jpg (254.05 KB, 737x994, 737:994, 6_million_1919.jpg)

File: 4493d8c101488d8⋯.jpg (291.71 KB, 1286x902, 643:451, 6mil.jpg)

File: 496b73bff6bf250⋯.png (191.06 KB, 805x504, 115:72, aipac_speech.png)

File: a569f1c69fcfab1⋯.png (3.41 MB, 2130x1426, 1065:713, bolshevism.png)


>The staff is currently undergoing mandatory training on “diversity and inclusion,”

What more evidence do you need that China is run by the same fucking cunts as run the rest of the world

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59941b  No.95682


I know it's a bio-engineered virus, and it is dangerous, but IF it was anything near literal 'end of the world', nothing would matter at this point and people all over the world would be dropping like flies (much more rapidly than we see now). And with the survival rates still higher than death rates, it is safe to say "false alarm" by now. I warned people not to get their hopes up too high, sorry. Now, if we keep pretending it's much more deadly and insidious then the kiked goverment will only exploit your fear and strip you of any basic freedoms (and savings) you have left. Is that really a better alternative?

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f8cb25  No.95683

File: 852e0e4babb2cf4⋯.mp4 (10.17 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Lathicharge_on_migrants_pr….mp4)

File: 85f46bb45b8daa3⋯.png (230.58 KB, 422x601, 422:601, shit_flinging_on_a_diploma….png)

File: d879bc49b113664⋯.png (130.58 KB, 435x509, 435:509, what_did_they_expect.png)

File: 977434998fea5c4⋯.png (48.28 KB, 798x297, 266:99, could_it_be_true.png)

File: c4dd9332eb85172⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB, 400x400, 1:1, Bronx_woman_talking_about_….mp4)

Well, just had the first niggernet chimpout after a few days of it functioning properly, like it should. It was good while it lasted.

Good morning my dear readers, the CNS will now resume it's holy operations of tracking the Goddess's progress, witnesses her actions and praise them!

Chinks shit talk the west, Frogs not happy about it. https://archive.is/GK9f4

Nigger gets released from prison in Florida and kills someone on the next day. https://archive.is/F6zcF

New York doctor says 80% of children in the state are blessed and spreading Corobella's love to their parents https://archive.vn/KGEEk that url tho

Bronx woman talks about how she lost her sister to Corona-Chan's blessing because she was tested on her deathbed

>Why do the rich, the famous, the ball players, the rappers, why do they all have access to the test for the coronavirus, and us people who are working and who aren't rich, and who aren't famous, why don't we have access to the test.

>We call it what it is, we mean nothing. The color of my skin means nothing. The only thing that matters during this pandemic is money.

>They are not doing what they're saying on TV. They're lying to everybody. They're lying to this country, they're lying to the world.

She earned my respect. I wonder if she was always like this or it took the death of her sister to make her realize how fucked this world really is. If she was speaking portuguese and din't mention NYC, I would assume she was talking about Brownzil. The similarities of the her sister's situation with twatter posts I have seen and the video of that woman from Rio that I posted last thread are uncanny.


*fire. Fix'd.


Namaste, Pajeet. I already posted a clip of this huge protest but your video is actually better, will download a 240p version and re post it.

>Expect Ecuadorian style more dead bodies I love Coronachan its the best virus.

Praised be your words!


Sleep well.


>now I'm thinking that they are afraid to get the virus from birds, therefore the poisoning of these birds

They did that with cats, you might be onto something.

>>95666 (checked)

>That continent is cursed for anyone who treats the apes as humans.

Demonic triples confirm it.


You missed it >>95571


>When they figure out that the antibodies are too low to actually create herd immunity and that it will only happen to children and where most people will have so low white blood cell count over time that it will really scare doctors.

I wonder if they will come public with that info.

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63c3a5  No.95684

File: 249d2e15b4dc309⋯.jpg (196 KB, 1256x1304, 157:163, AJC_on_immigration.jpg)


>The staff is currently undergoing mandatory training on “diversity and inclusion,”

What more evidence do you need that China is run by the same fucking cunts as run the rest of the world?

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63c3a5  No.95687

File: cb5f4f4c7f75f16⋯.gif (2.17 MB, 400x200, 2:1, Ace_Ventura.gif)


>people all over the world would be dropping like flies

And the muhlites would not be walking the streets. And even Trump would be wearing at least a fucking mask ffs.

Everything is literally fine. It's probably the 5G thing. They're saying buzzing skin is a symptom now. Uh huh.

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0e527e  No.95688

File: a2457b3c3d4966e⋯.jpg (904.28 KB, 2038x3117, 2038:3117, 1585767802771.jpg)


The fun thing about viruses is that they come in waves.

They can mutate and go to different receptors, this new SARS virus is made to go to different receptors when the low antibody count comes along with OK t-cell count and white blood cell count.

you can see that the body immune system has fought really fucking hard to just beat it, and the scary thing really is that the low count of white blood cells are just the beginning to understanding the virus.

The neurological damage that is shown so far is alarming since it fucks with smell and taste, meaning you don't taste or smell the delicious meal you are about to eat.

Also it has the potential to cause seizures which should scare allot of people, even healthy people since if they only have a low antibody count that means it's almost as if the virus was not really there when a re-infection comes along.

The reason they are opening kindergartens and schools in some countries is because of the hopes that this will result in natural herd immunity but that is a losing bet when the low antibody count is too low so a re-infection can come along and it attacks new receptors which will cause new symptoms.

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f5ae63  No.95689


True, it mutates, just like many other viruses do. Some of the mutations are more deadly, some less. Note that it is a bioweapon and can be further exploited for biowarfare by any State entities that have the money to do so. The question is, just how bad is all this really? Is it worth crashing the whole economy over? If so, are you ready to homestead and rely upon yourself to survive without modern luxuries, appliances or energy (as well defend yourself and property)? Or would you prefer the new nano-chipped vaccine to feel safe, goyim? You best ask yourself these questions because either three things are going to happen: 1) we decide the virus is too dangerous and crash the economy and revolt (leading to life going back to the 1800s) or 2) we decide to support the kikes and their NWO ID 2020 global vaccine tracking social credit score tech-enslavement usury schemes… or 3) we say "ah fuck 'em and the hype" and open everything back up and proceed to live our lives as best we can (and let the weak die off from the virus).

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f8cb25  No.95690

File: 30fcefc73f7923a⋯.mp4 (7.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bikers_go_out_for_a_night_….mp4)

File: a17e8023e764fb1⋯.png (463.05 KB, 661x574, 661:574, angry_gommies.png)

File: d80bdc62f334faa⋯.png (402.7 KB, 833x639, 833:639, Russians_are_next.png)

File: 665e8bc084c2174⋯.png (126.79 KB, 287x613, 287:613, stupid_leafs.png)

File: 413e4f43117c10f⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Christine_Elliot_learns_as….mp4)

Just like in NYC, Rio de Janeiro's bikers realized the deserted streets of the locked down city are perfect to go out for a ride https://archive.is/FKEJY

Commies write "make the rich pay for SARS-COV-2" on the walls of Albuquerque, Edinburgh, London and New York. https://archive.is/exOuN

Big brained Ruskie from the Novosibirsk State University says Moscow will be the next city to get ravaged by Corobella's wrath https://archive.is/WEj2h

Leafs being retarded and clearing blessed asymptomatic care long-term care home workers to keep working https://archive.is/lATTD It's like they want to kill off the people in those homes.

Luckily for the sick people in these homes, Ontario's health minister got told that asymptomatic people spread Corona-Chan's envelopes of love around and might call those blessed workers off. Cue Entry Of The Gladiators

>>95688 (hailed)

Thank you brother, you slid hoaxniggertry and nothingburgerfaggotry before I could, allowing me to go back to focusing on my job.

Death to those who doubt the Goddess's existence and powers


>Some of the mutations are more deadly, some less

All of her mutations are deadly, none are weaker.

>or 3) we say "ah fuck 'em and the hype" and open everything back up and proceed to live our lives as best we can (and let the weak die off from the virus).

This is the correct option. Except the hype, the hype lives!

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67d903  No.95691


Well this is why it is essential to boost the immune system as much as possible for the fight. Your system can become immune to this virus and the mutations, but you must be able to fight it off naturally. No other way around it, if you are weak and catch it, you die. Otherwise you could isolate yourself for the rest or your life, or wear respirators, goggles, bio-suits and follow good decontamination procedures (if that is, you don't run out of those supplies at some point).

Again, either of these three events are going to unfold at some point: 1) we decide the virus is too dangerous, let the economy crash and declare debt jubilee in revolt, or 2) accept the Jew World Order ID 2020 techno-slavery or 3) we go back to opening up society and doing our best to protect ourselves from the virus in the meantime, and boosting our immune systems, etc. doing the best we can to survive this.

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67d903  No.95692


What I meant by "all the hype" are those who claim this virus is going to end humanity. It won't, we can become immune with a percentage of those who die from it. I expect maybe 1/10th of the world would die off eventually. A decrease in global population but not the End Times as previously predicted. I too am concerned about the bioweapon, but I am also concerned about the kikes like Bill Gates exploiting this for their shitty population control agenda which I want nothing to do with.

We need to decide what to do about it: revolt and declare debt jubilee and become self-sufficient (likely having to live off-grid and go back to the old days without modern luxuries)… or do we open society back up and tell the kikes like Gates, Fauci and Rockefeller to fuck off and let the virus kill off some of the global population while we do our best to overcome it?

Either way, there is going to be some death and political upheaval.

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0e527e  No.95693

File: 2fd5a38ff297c25⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1038x1928, 519:964, 2fd5a38ff297c25b15a382637e….jpg)


you seem confused.

The economic damage is fucked beyond hope, that shit is falling harder than anything that is again why they are using children to get a herd immunity since they believe that a low viral load that infects parents will lessen the blow in truth it can go either way really, since children have a strange way of making a virus more infectious and that is probably where the second wave will come.

So now they are scared as fuck to lose more money, and it's only going to be those under 20 that is going to get natural herd-immunity, everyone older is fucked.

And natural herd immunity takes a long time, a really long time.

So yeah, if governments would do as you planned this would be more deadly and have other complication that would still make the wheels of the economy stand still.

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67d903  No.95695


So I am correct that we should prepare for the very worst and defect from this system when it crashes? I will do so if need be, and have my preps in place already.

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187d1f  No.95696

File: a00177daef65aa1⋯.png (472.79 KB, 833x639, 833:639, Mystery_illness_killing_ti….png)

File: a7d677472b2580a⋯.png (142.18 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_09_0….png)

File: 977f6d52e04c752⋯.png (126.72 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_09_0….png)

File: 4b74a992c8e63f0⋯.png (185.32 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, KoikatsuParty_2020_04_09_0….png)


Interesting development

Mystery illness killing off German Blue Tits



>Conservation group NABU has reported that large numbers of Blue Tits are being found dead or dying in gardens across Germany.

>Other alleged symptoms of the disease include that the birds appear as if they have breathing problems

>up to five dead tits are often reported from a garden, suggesting that this is a highly contagious disease.

>The spring occurrence and the particular threat to Blue Tits fits no recognised disease.

ACE2 angiotensin I converting enzyme 2 [ Cyanistes caeruleus (blue tit) ]



Seems like a good opportunity to drop the CO(r)VID-19 version as well

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67d903  No.95698

ID 2020: Mainstream Media Shills Big Tech Tracking To Re-open Society



White House Leaks Draft Plan To Reopen American Economy

To no surprise, government is still shilling Big Tech tracking. This bioweapon was totally rigged against us at this point, see comment: >>95678



A Big Pharma Coup Has Taken Over the Presidency



CNN: Goyim Will Endure Lockdowns, Social Distancing Until Vaccine Is Forced!

MY COMMENT: At this point maybe everyone should liquidate their savings into hard assets, squat at home armed and wait till the whole system collapses!



COVID-19 & The War On Cash: What Is Behind The Push For A Cashless Society?

MY COMMENT: As if we don't already know by now!



Covid-19 Checkpoints Targeting Out-of-state Residents Draw Complaints, Legal Scrutiny



Lack of Savings Worsens the Pain of Coronavirus Downturn



Wall Street Feasts On Federal Coronavirus Aid While Real Economy Dies



^ Jeff Bezos Gains $24 Billion While World’s Rich Reap Bailout Rewards



Tyrant Governor Dumps Nails On Road As Police Presence Greet Christians At Church

Kentucky Christians who attended drive-in services on Easter — despite warnings from the governor to stay home over the coronavirus pandemic — were met by police presence and nails dumped in the road, the pastor of a Kentucky church said.



Doctors Warning About New Corona Strains Emerging



^ Coronavirus Keeps Coming Back Even After “Recovery”



Turkey Plans To Send Fresh Wave Of COVID-Infected Migrants To Europe



Kikes In Germany Call For Migrants To Help Tackle Coronavirus



65% Of Greek Hotels Face Bankruptcy As Lockdowns Continue



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4d60a8  No.95699


>T Cells attacked


>It's completely confirmed at this point

Repetitions of the unproven are called echos.

Please. Fucking. Prove. It.

It is not enough to just keep fucking repeating it.

SCMP is lazy.

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8552b9  No.95700


>sheboon rising up

Did she call it a panademic, twice?

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ae9e7a  No.95701


Nothing to worry about. Just the avian flu m8

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8552b9  No.95702



Would be cooler to just write Event 201 or ID2020.


Have friends there, they are a mix between come at me bro and scared. All heavily locked down, but still spreading like wildfire. Fertile grounds for conspiracies to take hold. No news yet on army/navy infections. Everyone uses vodka to desinfect everything.

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8552b9  No.95705


Oh and the big doc that showed Putin around a hospital whom everyone thought was blessed, had two negative tests.

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14fa89  No.95706


>Everyone uses vodka to desinfect everything.

I use vodka to disinfect my rotten soul sometimes too anon. Yes, txt news reported Russia gave into the Event 201/ID2020 initiative as well. This is a global wide agenda for technocratic enslavement. We can't give up the fight against it, never conform and be prepared for the worst to come (war).

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4d60a8  No.95707


>they come in waves




>go to different receptors


>neurological damage

Trace incidence, uncertain direct attribution, more data needed.

>fucks with smell and taste

Trace incidence, uncertain direct attribution, more data needed.

>potential to cause seizures

Trace incidence, uncertain direct attribution, more data needed.

>low antibody count

No. Stop saying this as if response cascades are static, when provably not static.

>natural herd immunity

Comes in 1-2yrs. Don't panic.

>[sic] forcing herd immunity is retarded

Yes. All will pay dearly for not retarding the spread. But spread cannot be stopped regardless.

>attacks new receptors which will cause new symptoms.

Go and fuck yourself.

Go and fuck all of yourself.

Do you know -why- it goes after ACE2?

Do you know how long it took for that to happen?

Do you know how many billions of dollars and decades it took for that to happen?

Do you have any idea?

Fucking. Crazy. Pills.

Mutation=yes. Great Leaps Forward (without gain-of-function / serial nurturing)=No.




This is not Resident Evil.

Try again.

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42f1c8  No.95708


Unless globalist kikes start dropping like flies, I'm losing hope and faith corona can save us, it seems to be exploited big time against the rest of us. I'm truly saddened because I know this won't end well. Even if the masses resist, there may have to be armed insurrection to stop it at this point. Or a debt jubilee declared by the masses backed up by guns & other weaponry. Are the masses ready for such confrontation? I am because I've been a doomsday prepper kook for years, but I hardly doubt most are that extreme. It may take extreme measures to derail the Jew World Order at this point, because they ain't giving up!

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4d60a8  No.95709


>they come in waves

Was meant to say 'yes' but too angry to type without fucking up.

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e39fec  No.95710


Considering this whole thing was basically manipulated by the Jew World Order since day one (more like even before that), I wouldn't put any faith in coronachan saving us. Quite the opposite. Look how content most people are living in pods now. Sure lots of people are getting pissed off now but I'm not sure it's enough. Even then, once (((they))) force the depression people will be (and arguably rightly) concerned with their immediate families. They won't be in a position to resist. Unfortunately most people here are hyping up our girl rather than recognize the truth that this virus is bullshit. It literally is just the flu and we are being duped so so badly.

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64a88d  No.95711


Well no matter how bad this bioweapon may be, I'd rather catch it and have it eat me alive than bow down to kikes like Bill Gates. If others don't feel the same way, then God help them, they'll just cave and give in like good goyim sadly.

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f8cb25  No.95712

File: 6ec68ca31581a87⋯.mp4 (1.51 MB, 264x480, 11:20, Belgian_riot_police_dealin….mp4)

File: 01006f10414c044⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 15th_April_Massive_gatheri….mp4)

File: 13c66167935cc07⋯.mp4 (596.63 KB, 352x640, 11:20, 15th_April_Massive_gatheri….mp4)

File: 5779991134024f2⋯.png (198.34 KB, 485x618, 485:618, physical_kvetching.png)

File: d12f64383aac81f⋯.png (275.12 KB, 472x615, 472:615, hazmat_kikes.png)

Footage of Waffle riot cops dealing with a chimpout, not sure if old footage or actually very recent https://archive.is/1LY8B

New digital pass measures taken in Moscow's subway ended up causing a massive gathering of Ruskies queuing at the station https://archive.is/RhP5t https://archive.vn/J0CVR

Kikes who got put in a coofentration camp decided to physically kvetch


Kikes shut down a Palestinian testing clinic in Jerusalem https://archive.vn/A8Py2 You own nothing, goyim.


>Your system can become immune to this virus and the mutations, but you must be able to fight it off naturally. No other way around it, if you are weak and catch it, you die. Otherwise you could isolate yourself for the rest or your life, or wear respirators, goggles, bio-suits and follow good decontamination procedures (if that is, you don't run out of those supplies at some point).

Yes, this is the correct approach. Let Corobella decide who lives and dies while trying to avoid infection at any and all costs. It's a much healthier course of action to those who get infected too, no worries about side effects from shitty medicine.


>What I meant by "all the hype" are those who claim this virus is going to end humanity. It won't, we can become immune with a percentage of those who die from it.

Oh, that hype. You're absolutely correct about that.

>Or do we open society back up and tell the kikes like Gates, Fauci and Rockefeller to fuck off and let the virus kill off some of the global population while we do our best to overcome it?

Yes. The virus is not natural but nature must be allowed to take it's course. Fuck these cunts trying to control everything.


>Seems like a good opportunity to drop the CO(r)VID-19 version as well

Cute, caw caw


Why don't you go look for other eggheads saying it too? It's not just the chinks, others are saying the same thing, you would know it if you looked for them.

>inb4 muh burden of proof lies on those are making the claims

This little line doesn't mean shit to me, PULL YOUR FUCKING WEIGHT! I'm not going to bother reading your posts anymore, all you do i says the same damn thing "prove it prove it" when I don't have to prove shit, I'm not an egghead. I'm just the guy who praises the Goddess Of Purification and who posts news and videos. Go die while having a febrile seizure in an overwhelmed hospital, you're cursed for being an insufferable unbeliever. Everyone here is already sure that Corobella attacks the immunological system after reading so many papers about that, you're the only one ITT denying it like a nothingburgerfag.

>>95700 (checked)

Gotta give her some slack, given her limitations as a nignog and the fact she looks tired as fuck.

>>95702 >>95705

>Would be cooler to just write Event 201 or ID2020.

Commies are stupid, they're gonna preach "eat the rich" until either the end of the omniverse or until they all get removed. Whichever comes first.

>Everyone uses vodka to desinfect everything.

Kek, not surprised.

>Oh and the big doc that showed Putin around a hospital whom everyone thought was blessed, had two negative tests.

Before the positive one or after?


Looks like they're implementing the ID2020 measures today, it's not working well.


Have faith, believe it with all of your soul and it shall become true. If I can make things happen, why can't you too? You're most likely white, your energies are probably a lot more stronger than mine. Give it a shot!



>>95711 (checked)

This is the right mindset to have, TOTAL RESISTANCE!

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4d60a8  No.95713



No. Additionally, anglokike stale words from 10-20yrs ago.

>further exploited for biowarfare

Yes. But not now. Can be, but is not currently.

SARS-CoV-2 is an escaped research model. It was created and nurtured to study disease, like all research models and tools. Ex: Making HeLa cell lines is not biowarfare, but if a serially nurtured cancer cell line prototype tool is made to find some pan-cancer-cure -and- then escapes, it is an escaped research model that should never have been made. Biowarfare is lazy language, imbuing powers onto actors that don't have them, and inspiring incorrect responses.

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4d60a8  No.95714


>other eggheads saying it too

What has been shown, poorly, was that 293T inexplicably picks up SARS-CoV-2 in a petridish at orders of magnitude -less- than ACE2 receptor bearing cells.

293T != T.

293T != T.

293T != T.

This word 'This' has a T in it. Does This=T? How about the word 'that'? The word 'that' has a T in it too, but does 'that'=T? How many research tools have the fucking letter T in them, do all words-with-T = T? God damn it.

I am interested in any actual proof. But I haven't seen any. I just keep finding the same echos everywhere. Time will have to tell, on that particular fork.

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f8cb25  No.95715

File: f0f841211347295⋯.png (260.35 KB, 683x630, 683:630, KILL_THEM_ALL.png)

File: 5338de5f1cc0452⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1000x1237, 1000:1237, Corona_Chan_and_her_pet_Pa….png)

Northern Pissrael getting it's shit kicked in so hard they had to lock it down https://archive.vn/8bvnM



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4d60a8  No.95716




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adfb37  No.95717

File: d7feca523b5131b⋯.jpg (569.73 KB, 1275x1947, 425:649, 1585951982355_0.jpg)

File: 683c3363dfd7a6a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 507.53 KB, 1279x1947, 1279:1947, 1585951982359_4.jpg)


Anon fixed the hands on this one.

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8552b9  No.95718


Here in Europe the conversation is shifting very rapidly to 'smart quarantine', meaning putting apps on phones that track infecteds and warn others -after the fact because muh privacy laws- that they're fucked. I don't know if that will be a success, what's the benefit for me, if I get notified that oh shit, I have to quarantine for 14 days and can get the police to visit me to check me (if the backend of the app doesn't already allow them to check remotely). Seems like the government can lock down individual citizens using coronavirus as a ruse. So far, they push it as a voluntary app but insist that it only works if we all install it. Apple and Google are already said to be working on integrating APIs for such apps into their OS.

Soon it will be mandatory to carry a phone on you at all times, not having one will immediately make you suspicious, and now a potential coronavirus infected, which means they can hold you against your will solely based on that assumption.

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7ae45e  No.95719


If it's mandatory, install it to a phone you don't actually use, and then leave it at home.

Cellphone surveillance only works on normies and anyone else who can't think for half a minute.

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0e527e  No.95720

File: a15cd0cf5d9e794⋯.png (429.68 KB, 673x597, 673:597, a15cd0cf5d9e794f7485a7619f….png)

File: 8e75a230aefe8ab⋯.png (119.94 KB, 341x360, 341:360, 8e75a230aefe8ab7950a37c281….png)

File: a15cd0cf5d9e794⋯.png (429.68 KB, 673x597, 673:597, a15cd0cf5d9e794f7485a7619f….png)

File: 3d4c031e955eaaa⋯.jpg (45.38 KB, 1080x922, 540:461, 3d4c031e955eaaa8f6bd2779d8….jpg)


waves I mean that it will come again when things seem to have slowed down.

Viruses mutate over time like most things, that is no fucking secret, if a virus was stagnate a vaccine would be made really easily even if some of them can cause other damages that are not that fun.

The potential to cause seizure meaning in the future it can happen.

Each time they have looked for antibodies it's a particularly small, meaning the body recognize the virus and attacks it. It's so small that it's scary compared to other micro-organisms which also means harder to produce a vaccine.

Also never said it was resident evil, also if you cannot understand that the whole body has multiple receptors and they are not just in the brain, you must be retarded.

No one knows how long a it takes for herd immunity but it will take longer than what the governments are expecting

and when they are realizing that, shit will get interesting.

Also, it's not a natural virus it's a man-made virus.

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8552b9  No.95722


True enough. But these things never go radical and in one go (because they too understand your point). First it needs to be implemented, then they will show it's not working as well as thought, and then they start to tighten the noose. All the while keeping 'public opinion' or npc response to their propaganda, with them. And then in five years, a chip sounds so much easier. And oh wow I can pay with it too? etc.

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e3dd51  No.95723

File: e4239546945e01b⋯.png (36.22 KB, 1305x323, 1305:323, Untitled.png)



On an unrelated note, my runny nose is gone after a night's sleep.

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e39fec  No.95725


Ya I live in a hotzone and my friends who work ambulances are being sent home because they don't have work. Clearly this pandemic is bad enough that all hands on deck are not required. But sure… I'm an unbeliever if that helps your LARP. Enjoy playing into the Jews hands. They want you to be panicked and believing this virus is actually bad. Do you want to win? Then start shilling it's a flu and hospitals are empty. Because that's the actual truth. Support all efforts to break quarantine and oppose unlawful orders.

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adfb37  No.95726

File: acb5b34019a687e⋯.webm (11.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Neon_Genesis_Quarantena_Z….webm)


>Coronavirus-stricken Chris Cuomo Has Live Meltdown Over CNN

It's super amusing to me that these self-declared (((celebrities))) are starting to crack because they have to go through the same quarantine as everyone else and they can't take it. Meanwhile I've had literally no change to my daily life since I work from home anyway, were it not for the threads here I wouldn't even know anything was happening.

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0ccb3b  No.95727


N.Y.C. Death Toll Soars Past 10,000 in Revised Virus Count

>The city has added more than 3,700 additional people who were presumed to have died of the coronavirus but had never tested positive.

<added more than 3,700 people who never tested positive.

<added more than 3,700 people who never tested positive.

<added more than 3,700 people who never tested positive.


At this point, anyone quoting official numbers for anything but mockery must be assumed to be a shill or worse.

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f8cb25  No.95729

File: fb97988499187e2⋯.png (306.96 KB, 746x578, 373:289, that_article_about_the_pro….png)

File: f3111fcd1624433⋯.png (195.64 KB, 522x554, 261:277, debt_jubilee_for_niggers.png)

File: 5bc8cf847044e76⋯.png (404.47 KB, 765x595, 9:7, corona_orgy.png)

File: e9e653b5042e103⋯.png (190.85 KB, 355x563, 355:563, debt_jubilee_for_shitskins.png)

File: 5c8abf3fbd15068⋯.png (132.98 KB, 337x605, 337:605, muh_poor_niggerinos.png)

Dune kikes deporting 2,968 Ethiopians over suspicions of them being blessed and spreading Corobella's love around https://archive.vn/UR6mV

Maricon considering issuing a debt jubilee for niggers after giga cryptokike's speech https://archive.vn/IkoLv Maximum gib me dat levels have been reached

Quarantined Ugandans engage in a virus fueled orgy https://archive.vn/xR1bt

>Ugandans are not serious. Some who are in quarantine have even begun having (sexual) affairs. They move to rooms of others in the hotels where we have placed them.

Uganda what the fuck. I shouldn't be surprised because niggers but still, what the fuck.

(((People))) are calling for the debt jubilee of apefricans, spics and dunecoons https://archive.vn/kIRrl Let me guess, every single "poor" country is gonna end up getting their debts forgiven except white ones? This is bullshit. Either everyone gets their debts forgiven or GTFO.

Literally WHO wants to focus on Apefrica, claims they're the "weakest link" and an uncontrolled outbreak in that are could affect America and Europe https://archive.vn/HkU89

<Muh poor niggerinos!

If the borders were closed and secured, they wouldn't be a problem. But of course, (((they))) don't want to that.


Thanks for sliding the faggot, brother.


>Seems like the government can lock down individual citizens using coronavirus as a ruse. So far, they push it as a voluntary app but insist that it only works if we all install it. Apple and Google are already said to be working on integrating APIs for such apps into their OS.

It's time to realize that at one point the only solution is going to have to adopt the guerrilla lifestyle: Living innawoods and off the grid, while avoiding detection by the (((government))).


That's a good solution for now.


I don't think you're gonna get through that thing's head. That's a nothingburgerfag/hoaxnigger if I ever seen one. Now watch him call all of those papers you posted "unreliable" for some reason.

>>95722 (checked)

Right on, you're three steps ahead of them. Like I said, it's gonna get to a point where you have to become a guerrilla.


>On an unrelated note, my runny nose is gone after a night's sleep.

Told you, you're fine! Hope you had a nice sleep.

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f3afd2  No.95730


In LA, the procedure is to not do a test if the test results wouldn't change treatment. So while NY is probably overreporting now, they were probably underreporting before.

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d0b65f  No.95731

File: a571c9c1cd9bc01⋯.png (385.63 KB, 992x818, 496:409, a571c9c1cd9bc01585045a5204….png)

Illinois Dem governor and China in secret talks for masks, gloves



Hawaii Governor is proposing 20% pay cuts for ‘most’ state employees



Bill allowing for remote public meetings, e-notarization headed to governor’s desk



70% of Minnehaha County’s positive cases are tied to Smithfield plant



Weed is deemed 'essential' in California, but many pot businesses are on the brink of failure



Utah bill would clear the way for experimental drugs to treat COVID-19



Glow-in-the-darks warned their employees against using hydroxychloroquine for corona-chan



FAA bars pilots from taking anti-malaria drugs within 48 hours of flying



Most NYC kids ‘probably’ already have coronavirus, doc says



One in One hundred New Yorkers tested positive



NYC Deaths Soar Past 10k in Move to Count ‘Probable’ Fatalities; Tri-State Toll Nears 20k



Virus Has Cost N.Y.C. up to $10 Billion, Mayor Says



As coronavirus cases and deaths rise in Miami-Dade, officials plan for new normal



Mayor Cantrell: No large events or festivals in New Orleans until 2021



DC authorizes hazard pay for workers who must physically report to work


Migrant workers expelled out of Qatar during COVID-19 pandemic



Chicago coronavirus outbreak infects dozens of migrant children in U.S. custody



Poo state leader calls for repatriation of migrant workers in UAE'



Coronavirus could drain Michigan unemployment fund within months



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0e527e  No.95736

File: ca73850fc4aa5d7⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1304x1304, 1:1, ca73850fc4aa5d75a7d2abf5cf….png)



I just hope this thing will somehow bring forth the dark age of technology and later we will have a emperor of mankind.

So that the eternal crusade happens.

Since obviously corona-chan is Nurgle and the Immaterium will soon after this be found.

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a2b5f0  No.95737


>They want you to be panicked and believing this virus is actually bad

it is if you're 80+ and obese, why I have to stay in home is a mystery to me, I don't work with old people

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8552b9  No.95738


>Living innawoods

Yup, it's real close now, at least off the grid. Innawoods is my last last option.


Monkeys, pure and simple.

>Niggerinos bringing waves to Europe

This is actually good news. People in Europe will equate niggers with disease which they should have done years ago. Salvini I'm sure is taking note for round two once he's back in power. I'm more concerned about Spain cucking out with their bolsjevik government right now.

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baf55d  No.95739

Most Retail Chains Collapsing Due To Corona

MY COMMENT: I am proud to help keep the hardware stores afloat during these times, lol!



^ Retail Icon JC Penney Prepares To File For Bankruptcy Protection



THE FUTURE: More Brawls Breaking Out At UK Market Places



WTF? Rich South American Family Buying Up Apartments In NYC… To Stash Cash!

MY COMMENT: I think this is moronic! If you really want to save your wealth, invest in rural property and hard assets, such as farming equip, guns/ammo/maintainance/gear, lots of bulletproof fiberglass paneling and supplies for DIY entry fortification, OTC medication/vitamins/supplements, extra Ford trucks & spare auto parts, fuel supplies, medical supplies, sanitation supplies (including UV-C equip), year supplies of food & water backup and tons of heirloom seeds.



Another Massive Mortgage Bubble About To Burst?



UV Light Equip May Be Widely Adopted Soon



Thousands Dying Of Coronavirus In Nursing Homes, Government Isn’t Keeping Track



Italian ‘Corona Bond’ Plan Falters As Other Investors Avoiding Junk Debt



Temporary Lockdowns Have Helped Mitigate Infections, Is It Time To Re-open?



Hundreds Of North Carolina Citizens Defy Lockdown Orders, One Arrested At Protest



Mainstream Media Kvetches About Trump De-funding Corrupted WHO

MY COMMENT: Since they ran such a huge cover-up for China, maybe China can fund them from now on!



^ FEMA Whistleblower, Celeste Solum, Explains How WHO Tried To Set Up Hostile Takeover For Global Government


Bloomberg News Wiping Out Reports About Chinese Corruption Over Corona Bioweapon



At Least 500 Medical Chinks In Wuhan Infected Recently



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f8cb25  No.95740

File: 8b629f85d121b55⋯.jpg (120.98 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, this_looks_like_prime_meme….jpg)

File: f29862fecf8156c⋯.png (261.26 KB, 750x610, 75:61, chink_colony.png)

File: 8041344943a25b6⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 656x360, 82:45, Unemployed_Ecuadorian_work….mp4)

File: 96c37bdac80a518⋯.mp4 (438.3 KB, 400x220, 20:11, Honduran_doctors_demonstra….mp4)

File: 21d850743265102⋯.mp4 (814.13 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Italian_police_helicopter_….mp4)

Chinks restricting the access certain areas of Shenzhen to foreigners due to the "imported cases" meme https://archive.is/fIDu5

Bugspray copypasta will soon be effective againt Leafs https://archive.is/PpfDr

Unemployed Ecuadorian workers go protest peacefully at the factory they got laid off from but are greeted by the riot police. No clash happens. https://archive.is/lU4C3 Related to Corobella since they got laid off due to the lockdown and economic crisis caused by her.

Honduran doctors demonstrating, asking for more equipment Sauce is the same as the news above

Improvised light flak battery: Invaders in Pastaland launch fireworks against a police helicopter that's trying to enforce the lockdown in Palermo

https://archive.is/r9hd7 The reason I don't think they're Pastas is because they look too brown to me and a Pasta once said here that Palermo is full of them.

The CNS will now halt it's operations for resting. Thank you for your attention dear reader, may you have a wonderful day. The CNS will be resume it's operations later. Coronian Radio recommendations for the day: 'Ryuusei Lovers' by JAM Project https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=lD67deOBVcU 'Believe In My Existence' also by JAM Project https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=IDAGFctn5Bo


That's a pretty big news dump.


So many things wrong with it that it hurts. First, it reeks of kike bullshit, second, din't an anon post ITT that the stronger your immunological system is, the more you get wrecked by Corona-Chan? Blasphemers making negative memetic content can't even meme properly. May their deaths at her hands be slow and painful, for they must learn that there are consequences for blasphemy.


>Since obviously corona-chan is Nurgle

Not quite, I see her as Nergal's daughter, acting under his supervision. If there's any entity that's above her, it can only be Nergal himself.


>Yup, it's real close now, at least off the grid. Innawoods is my last last option.

Don't forget to bring guns and friends you can trust and rely on, then camouflage the settlement up. The more trustworthy people you can bring, the better.

>This is actually good news. People in Europe will equate niggers with disease which they should have done years ago.

I keep forgetting to see things from an accelerationist point of view, despite being one myself.


>I am proud to help keep the hardware stores afloat during these times, lol!


>THE FUTURE: More Brawls Breaking Out At UK Market Places

Birmingham, that explains everything. Not even a Britbong and I know that place is something

>WTF? Rich South American Family Buying Up Apartments In NYC… To Stash Cash!

> I think this is moronic! If you really want to save your wealth, invest in rural property and hard assets

Spics are too simple minded to think like this. Great advice by the way. To any anon who's reading this and din't knew about this: Do what the man says, spend your money on things you can put to good use.

>Since they ran such a huge cover-up for China, maybe China can fund them from now on!

Hear hear!

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3bd56d  No.95743

Found a headline today indicating 21 NYC teachers had died of Covid-19 and wanted to see how the death rate for teachers was aligning with typical mortality rates for NYC


Annual rates based on 2015 figures:

NYC has a population of 8,400,000

NYC has 75,000 teachers

NYC has an overall mortality rate of 5.8 per 1,000 people which amounts to 48,720

NYC has a premature mortality rate of 184.5 per 100,000 people which amounts to 15,498

We will assume that any death of active teachers would be considered premature:

75,000 teachers is also only 75% of the 100k data-set and we would therefore assume 184.5 x .75 to equal 138.37 anticipated premature teacher deaths.

The average normal daily premature death rate for teachers would by 138.37/365 to equal .4 deaths per day

Covid-19 has been declared active in NYC beginning on March 1 so we can assume 45 days of potential influence from the virus.

21 Teacher deaths in a 45 day period equals .46 daily deaths.

There is almost no deviation from historical premature mortality trends.

There is almost no deviation from historical premature mortality trends.

There is almost no deviation from historical premature mortality trends.


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650ab9  No.95744

File: 3fdd323026ea7ba⋯.png (370.93 KB, 632x632, 1:1, Super_Busy.png)

>Feeling under the weather again

>Throat tickles just a bit

>Feel as if I was radiating off heat

>Paranoia sets in again

Getting really tired of this. Why must you be such a cock tease, Corona-chan? I got gains to make.

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41ba58  No.95745


nigger plz.

I've lived in China for years, they "import" every intellectual idea that has every existed for over 100 years.

Economically though, scary AF.


God dam Chinese can be thick sometimes. The news in China is reporting "imported infected cases" everyday, but failing to mention its rich Chinese fleeing other parts of the world well after any reasonable time frame just cause they got infected, they are coming home with the coof. It's amazing how the Chinese always look at foreigners/import/outside and get super edgy but internal reflections are non-existant.


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4d60a8  No.95746

File: c910498df0e22ed⋯.png (424.03 KB, 1052x770, 526:385, 2015_hypertension_compendi….png)

>RE: Generalized Unanswered

>How does -indirect- damage occur?

>What is the significance of ACE2 shedding/downregulation/de-localization from the tissues that need it and express it?

>Can immune cells be infected?

Principal receptors are:


20140422: Bosch et al: Membrane ectopeptidases targeted by human coronaviruses

On ACE2, indirect effects being revealed by SARS-CoV-2's interference with some RAAS medications

20200330: Vaduganathan et al: Renin–Angiotensin–Aldosterone System

Inhibitors in Patients with Covid-19

(Prior RAAS models do not show the post-2010 ACE2 counter regulatory pathways that have been discovered. Misunderstandings of the opposing nature are likely to lead to poor outcomes under SARS-CoV-2).

Lastly, monocytes/phagocytes do show some antibody dependent enactment. A somewhat similar thing can be said for Th-cells. However, both of these are small (but are consistent). ADE with ACE2 hasn't been shown, so much as ADE with Fc/antibody or other markers (some studies not so directly applicable). These and other studies show some immune cell apoptosis / cell death, but these are not very well quantified, are not that convincing, and again are in-vitro/in-lab. So immune infection is 'possible', with or without ADE, but relevance is still uncertain, and likely still trace (aka too insignificant to draw generalized conclusions from and apply clinically). (Separately, a syncytium pathogenesis effect has been shown: infected cells fusing together much more easily with SARS-CoV-2).

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b98220  No.95748

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Pinalen + comet

Don't be Jelly.,

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a4554a  No.95749


What exactly is the legitimate research purpose for taking a horrible disease that kills, maims, and cripples people, and increasing its infectuousness? Why steal and bribe and skulk around western biolabs if there is a legitimate research purpose?

This thing was made to be a weapon, and that is how the ccp used it, not to mention SARS-1 which never should have left china at all given how few people were infected with it.

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f3afd2  No.95751


>Why steal and bribe and skulk around western biolabs if there is a legitimate research purpose?

Isn't that how all chinese research is conducted? They tried this to get info on steel tubes at one company I worked for.

>This thing was made to be a weapon

I think it's more likely that it was part of the R&D process for a weapon than the weapon itself.

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80838b  No.95752

File: 3b678082e2650dc⋯.jpg (88.78 KB, 482x361, 482:361, change_my_mind.jpg)

I hate CVG threads

< Coronachan pics

< Random events worldwide

This whole virus paranoia seems like a psyop to me

< Muh HIV inserts

< Muh bioweapon

< Muh second wave

Mortality rate is a fucking joke

Mortality rate is a fucking joke

Mortality rate is a fucking joke

Only degenerates and old people die from this

The only consequences will be economical

Take your fucking meds or post proof, schizos

< Inb8 technical virology screencap that nobody understands

< Inb8 rope yourself glownigger

If it's so bad why nobody is dying=

8KUN has reached reddit levels, you guys are pathetic

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4d60a8  No.95753


>What exactly is the legitimate research purpose

I think quite a few misguided themselves, especially when they did gain-of-function (producing some thing that six-sigma would never happen in reality… to study reality). Tool advancement, to then make drugs/cures/vaccines, has been the absolute central driving dynamic (in all biomed fields). I guess it was all legitimized by massive amounts of money and fame, and idolized by academics and governments using Ponzi schemes as a means to keep employment numbers up.

Most of it really hasn't been that useful, come to think of it. Way more harm than good, for all drugs and pharmaceuticals. I think even the initial SARS outbreak in 2003 wouldn't have happened, nor the other minor CoV-like outbreaks since then, if the Chinese biolabs hadn't been made. Or if they wanted biolabs, why make them in the poorest, most prone, and most densely populated areas of the entire world?

I don't know. Poverty + models to 'cure' poverty = the actual repeating bioweapon.

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f69a76  No.95756

>change my mind

>you guys have reached yiddit levels

Fuck off two digit IQ nigger.

Its not my job to educate your retarded ass. Especially not if you dont even seem to understand the most basic of screencaps.

>The only consequences of this will be economical


You are so goddamn retarded i dont know where to start. You can kvetch some more, im just going to filter you. Go back to yiddit nigger.

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440f40  No.95759


Your entire post is a disorganized mess. If you don't like the threads then why are you in them?

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0da74a  No.95760


> Mortality rate is a fucking joke

There is something that most westerners don't seem to understand - the party is just getting started. There is reason to believe that SARS-CoV-2 is not One Punch Man - the first bout of illness does not kill you. The virus was loose in Wuhan for two months before it started killing people en mass. Given how quickly the virus spreads, this timeline doesn't make sense - it would have caused deaths sooner if the initial illness was deadly.

Physicians in Korea are now confirming what we have long suspected - the infection will re-emerge within people who were believed to be recovered. It appears that the immune system is capable of fighting-off the initial infection, while remaining dormant within the immune system - it infects your T-cells. So healthy people will become cyclically ill, until they finally succumb.

There is also reason to believe that /OurGal/ is able to attack the central nervous system. Either directly, via the olfactory bulb, or indirectly, via prions that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier.

You, like the boomers I know, seem to think that previous experiences can be applied to this situation. You have "normalcy bias". But this is a novel coronavirus - it's 100% new, and nothing like this has ever happened, in all of human history.

Given our lack of experience with this, it is prudent and wise to exercise an abundance of caution. Once we have more data, that is free of Chink and kike manipulation, we will be able to reach a conclusion on the mortality of Red Death. Until then, we simply don't know.

Are we going to see droppers lining the streets of Niggerville, USA?

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f373ba  No.95761

File: d52667d3e98f7a1⋯.jpg (89.98 KB, 1024x1017, 1024:1017, lne68f447ts41.jpg)

File: a431d093f8133b9⋯.jpg (95.54 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 93721440_360784144841917_6….jpg)

File: 4a58b75f1bb4568⋯.jpg (48.28 KB, 997x800, 997:800, 93109123_2533861083546937_….jpg)

File: f3e0e6651cbfc91⋯.jpg (60.66 KB, 848x848, 1:1, 93464582_212944113467270_1….jpg)

File: fcdc93871aa1cdc⋯.gif (59.18 KB, 800x450, 16:9, zvsjdxsnc0t41.gif)

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1acf83  No.95765

I anticipated that gov't and retards would make this pandemic much worse than it needed to be, but holy fuck.

>projected 18mo rolling shutdowns

>+$1200 Trumpbux

>+$600 a week unemployment (on top of whatever the state gives you)

>+$10000 small business "loan"

>can't show or sell real estate

>can't buy or sell vehicles

>extremely limited guns or ammo availability

>rent holiday

>+$2000 a month if the latest dem bill passes

It's going to be fun when a pound of bacon or coffee costs $300; if you can even find it.

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0da74a  No.95767

File: ec46238504bd47c⋯.pdf (496.38 KB, Efficacy_of_hydroxychloroq….pdf)

File: cff9aadf5b86ebb⋯.pdf (2.44 MB, Chloroquine_is_a_potent_in….pdf)

File: 25b095d11fa1bec⋯.pdf (1.01 MB, Immunization_with_SARS_Cor….pdf)

File: 1540a4d31e95b4e⋯.pdf (199.71 KB, Breakthrough_Chloroquine_p….pdf)

Browser took a dump, dammit


Sorry Brazil-Bruder, but there is a possibility that the curefags are right.

> Mortality in the West is a joke, but it appears to have kill millions of Chinks

The attached papers spin a different narrative. Firstly, the CCP mandated vaccines for all their subject last year. It's entirely possible that they Chinks fucked-up, and their attempt to vaccinate against SARS made their population incredibly vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2. The chinks were hyper-sensitized via the vaccine, and died from the resulting cytokine storm.

Additionally, there is reason to believe that chloroquine, and related drugs, have the ability to halt the infection. Granted, this is not being administered widely, and would not have an impact on the death rate; but it is reason to believe that the second-stage of the infection will not be quite so deadly in the west.

I'm beginning to believe that it was the Chink vaccine that made their population vulnerable, and unvaccinated AmeriMutts are not at risk. Still, a second wave of reemergence and reinfection is completely possible. We'll have to wait for the data, and people like – >>95752 need to stop being Muh Mortality Fags until then.

Also, never forget that it was the fucking kikes who led the efforts to create this shit. The Chinks are simply the fall-guys and front-men for (((them))).

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d0b65f  No.95776


>$600 a week unemployment

What? how? I am only getting $50 a week, got my trumpbux though

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f22dff  No.95780


>>+$1200 Trumpbux

Are you a human resource or shareholder in your country?

>>+$600 a week unemployment (on top of whatever the state gives you)

bourgeois concern

>>+$10000 small business "loan"

bourgeois concern

>>can't show or sell real estate

extreme bourgeois boomer concern

>can't buy or sell vehicles

sure you can

>extremely limited guns or ammo availability

so what, you can't eat bullets

>rent holiday

extreme bourgeois boomer concern

>+$2000 a month if the latest dem bill passes

bourgeois concern

>It's going to be fun when a pound of bacon or coffee costs $300; if you can even find it.

So go vegan and drink tea. The sun is free and land should be too.

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77a23a  No.95782

File: 80163f09493d74c⋯.jpg (60.23 KB, 546x1024, 273:512, corona.jpg)

File: 2960c9f9b2bb745⋯.jpg (84.56 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, coronaa.jpg)

File: 9a079cd7ac4173c⋯.jpg (57.91 KB, 848x1060, 4:5, coronaaa.jpg)

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f1185b  No.95783

File: 81b94aa06053abc⋯.jpg (80.74 KB, 826x1024, 413:512, 81b94aa06053abcd1b5453cc64….jpg)


>you can't eat bullets

Au contraire :^)

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5b4a6e  No.95785

File: 3e02a19dddd2a67⋯.png (3.52 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)









>land should be free

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31f4c0  No.95789


lol u mad?

COMMUNIst china is bae

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d0b65f  No.95790


>>can't show or sell real estate

>>an't buy or sell vehicles

You could still do these things albeit though virtual tours and there are online companies that tow it your door albeit expensive to ship they don't tell you the $400-500 delivery fee until it arrives

>extremely limited guns or ammo availability

make your own ammo.

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fd1afa  No.95792


Nice job Bug. Fairly well written. LMAO at you tho you fucking azzhole. What's your Party #?

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15e70d  No.95794

Coronacaust 2020





All of this is blatant psychological manipulation, do not believe the rats lies.

I went to buy groceries today and not a single person looked ill only scared. Upon entry a worker told me I couldn't enter the store because I wasn't wearing a mask, luckily though I was given one.

That one anon posting all day telling non believers to get out

shilling much?

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f8cb25  No.95806

File: c986cb45f91e0aa⋯.mp4 (6.2 MB, 480x948, 40:79, Dropper_in_Arlington_Virgi….mp4)

File: ec957580f978110⋯.webm (4.45 MB, 254x254, 1:1, GENOCIDE_AND_GENOCIDE.webm)

>>95744 (checked)

What you need is relaxation, take a break from /cvg/ and go medidate.


I knew that the most important dropper video in my collection was the Arlington one. I knew that ONE DAY, the time to repost this would come. This happened last month or at the end of February, IIRC, if you go back into the threads, you will see the post where I first uploaded this video.


>>95761 >>95782

Thank you art anon, keeping the unbelievers at bay!


>Sorry Brazil-Bruder, but there is a possibility that the curefags are right.





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b98220  No.95812


Communist China has an enormous middle class and growing. Meanwhile every policy in America goes toward eliminating the middle class. Haven't you guys figured out the GOP is trying to destroy the middle class since it happens to be most profitable for wall street?


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f8cb25  No.95819

File: bc1d2bdc4fdda5a⋯.mp4 (299.71 KB, 400x224, 25:14, Itaquera_metro_dropper.mp4)

File: f3ac41ad09489b0⋯.mp4 (483.52 KB, 220x400, 11:20, Brazilian_collapses_from_c….mp4)

File: 99c053ce2522df1⋯.mp4 (260.82 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Vasco_da_Gama_Recife_EMT_w….mp4)


*Meditate. Sorry about the gay typo, literally just woke up. Making up for it with memory refreshments from worst place in the world. Just like with Arlington, go back into the threads and you will see when I posted these for the first time. Now, what I'm curious about is '''why are dropper and "collapser" videos in wealthier nations so rare, while in poorer nations they are slightly more common, with the only

current exception being Apefrica? Lets consider the hoaxnigger point of view: These are all staged, it's all fake and gay. But if these are all actors, why would they stop making them all of a sudden and make the situation look suspicious?Wouldn't it be better to keep making and uploading them to (((social media))) on a regular basis in order to create more panic and avoid arousing suspicion? That's what I would do if I was a loominutty planner of a psyop on this scale. My hypothesis is there's a MASSIVE''' scrubbing and memory holing operation in nations that can afford to pay glowniggers to seek and destroy these uploads. It's the only thing I can think of. Earlier during the Happening, we got videos from Hong Kong, Worst Korea, Nippon, Pastaland and Spain. Then, they stopped. It's almost as if someone went

<Oh fuck oh fuck this doesn't look good, scramble the glowniggers, start deleting these videos ASAP before the world thinks we're dying off in droves

The only locations with a somewhat steady flow of dropper videos is, ironically enough, Chinkland, Iran and poorer countries in Spic America. In Chinkland's case, it's people like "Chen" and Jennifer cyber-smuggling them out of their intranet. In Iran and most of Spic America's case, it's because they can't afford to keep glowniggers on a payroll. Brownzil and the World's Newest Superpower might be somewhat poor but they can afford to pay glowniggers to seek these videos out. In Apefrica's case, it might be a lack of cellphones with cameras except SA, another poor yet wealthy enough country to keep a glownigger force deleting the dropper videos. Anyway, I'll be back soon to start Newsposting.

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1acf83  No.95826


Fed's are supplementing whatever state UE you're getting.

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1acf83  No.95829


I don't believe the title xfer is possible in my state, for the moment. Not even sure they'll issue plates.

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63c3a5  No.95836

File: 56051a7bbf71a46⋯.png (165.53 KB, 605x328, 605:328, bolshevism_works_easily_wi….png)


>the GOP is trying to destroy the middle class

That's the bolshevik plan, of course. The GOP has been infiltrated with bolsheviks slightly longer than the dems. Obama was one though, hence the bolshevik obamacare which puts burden of uninsured on middle class. At this point, GOP is slightly less bolshevik than dems, but only by a hair.

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5ee1bc  No.95841


He seems to be doing it as a full time job.

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b6fff8  No.95842


The republican party has been a problem, for various reasons, long before the Bolsheviks were around. The GOP is also the primary jewish war intervention mechanism in the Western world – there is no entity more "subverted", but I don't consider it as serious subversion because its behavior follows the natural arc of capitalism.

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059985  No.95844


Hang yourself commie



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64ae4b  No.95847

File: 905da17ac07f676⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 501x429, 167:143, helicopter_ride.jpg)




More than the yuan you got for the posts.

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b69e35  No.95851


>CCP had an enormous middle class

FTFY. Their economy is going in the shitter and world sentiment is rapidly souring. That middle class is going to wither and die and they're going to resent the CCP for dangling that carrot only to revert and go back to how things were in the 80s and 90s. Especially if those rumors about tumult in the party are true.

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e5b1b2  No.95855


>2015 (((alt right))) meme

that's Henry Kissinger's puppet philosemite

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b6fff8  No.95856


"World sentiment" isn't what nigger US and nigger Britain think. Or nigger France. These aren't relevant countries. The big bold idea is just move everything to India and keep fucking whatever White people are left in the "West" in the ass.

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63c3a5  No.95857

File: a8b1b39cec747c9⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 614x460, 307:230, _abraham_is_the_same_word_….jpg)


The GOP has only been around since the same timeframe we can trace modern bolshevism to. Consider how easily the UK "labor party" followed the US "GOP" into one of these "wars", and how easily the new Democrat party did the same. Still, the 1st GOP president's name translates readily to "jewish money".

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64ae4b  No.95860

File: b1ca1d449e6ec64⋯.jpeg (104.85 KB, 600x399, 200:133, FNn87RO.jpeg)


Keep ban evading, chinkie. This only means your CCPuppeteers know we are on the right track.

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b6fff8  No.95862


The difference is that the proportion of the people in the base who disagree with the general arc of the Labor/Democrat parties is much higher than in the Republican base. There is a core of trumpniggers [or shills] who keep trying to spread a false perception.

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64ae4b  No.95864


>dems having any ideological heterogeneity

>Trump derangement syndrome Made In China

Guess those trade deals must have hurt your chinkie butt quite a lot since you bring him up as if he was of any relevance.

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64c02d  No.95865


Maybe just get a flip phone and tell them you don't use a smartphone? Honestly, I use a flip phone and wouldn't tell them a thing! Notta!

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b6fff8  No.95868


I'm not Chinese. I don't care if we never trade with China again. I'm just not dumb enough to mistake butthurt oligarch interests for my interests, since the same people with their back up about the Chicoms are the same people who have made it abundantly clear they want me dead for being White.





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e39fec  No.95869


>Communist China has an enormous middle class and growing

They did. They had a strong growing middle class. Key word is they did. Why do you think China reacted so hard to the virus? Xi Jingping has made it no secret that he is a hard-line CCP traditionalist. He is Mao 2.0 basically. Only instead of farms he wants everyone in tech factories. Anyway, the point is they used the virus as a reason to clamp down hard on people. To remind them who is the boss. China did this intentionally to kill their middle class because a growing middle class is bad for the CCP. It's a coup lead by Xi Jingping to consolidate power.

Why do you think the West has been actively trying to kill it's middle class? Certainly isn't capitalism or whatever boogeyman you think it is you commie motherfucker.


>World sentiment isn't what the largest economies and largest standing armies think it is. It is pooperpower 2020

I'm really not sure what to make of this. Only thing you've got right is White people get screwed.

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64c02d  No.95870


Yes, I heard the trump welfare is rolling out, I have yet to see anything, then again I'm retired and withdrew my 401(k) years ago from the stock market and have liquidated most savings into prepping so I don't think they like me very much so I won't be expecting anything from them lol!

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1acf83  No.95872


>move everything to india

IIRC, ZOGnald didn't manage to close the trade deal during his trip there. Perhaps the incoming pandemic weighed on the negotiations?

He's probably going to double down on NAFTA 2.0 if this doesn't resolve plus, the poos make china look hygienic by comparison - nobody wants whatever plague they're brewing in the Ganges

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64ae4b  No.95874





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b6fff8  No.95877


Trump will cave and give the Indians whatever they want [explicit White slaves?]. His core interests don't leave him any other choice. Industry back to America is a big no no. After all, we are his main adversary.

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80838b  No.95878



< lol u mad

< china's middle class


This CCP shills are not even trying.

At least the police doesn't knock on my door and harvests my liver if I dare to post a video criticizing my government. Did you know china has the largest % of organ transplants in the world? They use the political prisoners.

I hope you are just shilling for sheckels but find it morally respulsive.

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0da74a  No.95882


> Why are dropper videos in wealthier nations so rare?

The lack of such footage, despite the ubiquity of video cameras, is why I begin to doubt the ability of CoronaChan to wipe-out the entire globe. I come back to my two possibilities:

< Red Death takes time to kill, only being fatal after the second-or-third reemergence

< The Chinks were especially susceptible, owing to a botched or was it? CCP vaccine.

> It's a MASSIVE scrubbing and memory holing operation

Possible, but unlikely. Despite (((their))) power, the tech giants don't have the ability to control and scrub thousands of such videos, every day. The truth would leak, as all (((their))) dirty laundry does, and we would become aware, as we always do.


> The GOP

They're the "Outer Party" - controlled dissent, so that the cattle can have an outlet for their discontent. The GOP provides false hope for proles, that is all. Oddly, the GOP reaction to Trump makes me consider the possibility that he is NOT a member of either party, but an outlier. Or maybe they're just shilling against Trump, so that we believe him to be /OurGuy/.

Evidence is required, but will not be forthcoming.


> Trumpbux welfare

It's rolling out, I assure you. My wife's friend has a stoner daughter, and she reports that all the weed-niggers are out in force, spending their Trumpbux on pot. At present, our (((Bank))) is having issues with their website, so I don't know if our gibs have landed yet. When they do, I think we'll use it to pay off some of the debt we incurred prepping for /OurGal's/ party. Too bad I'm not a nigger, or I'd just default on it all and spend the money on hookers and blow.


> NAFTA 2.0

Yes, this. Some senator was on (((Glenn Beck))) the other day I think it was Tom Cotton, talking about how they want to built-up TacoLand. 'Cuz a wealthy TacoLand will keep the Cocaine-Niggers from invading MuttLand.

Fucking traitors, all of them.

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64ae4b  No.95883

File: 5b8e112708c5597⋯.png (173.23 KB, 800x1672, 100:209, chinaa.png)


>I'm not Chinese.

I know it but you don't.

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b6fff8  No.95884


All of it is right. China goes into nigger countries and has to build everything from scratch because the niggers can't do it. Why would they care what nigger countries like the US/Britain/France think? In case you haven't noticed, the whole deal over Nordstream II was picking a side. India, Vietnam, and a handful of failing neoliberal nigger countries don't create "world sentiment".

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a7f29d  No.95885

Step 1: Receive Trump Stimulus(es)

Step 2: Buy Guns and Ammo

Step 3: Give Away Gratis To Peeps, Neighbors, Whoever IRL, Completely Dispassionately And Equanimously

Not recommended if everyone around you is starving or if you're too autistic to not know the difference

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b6fff8  No.95886


>Oddly, the GOP reaction to Trump makes me consider the possibility that he is NOT a member of either party, but an outlier.

It's a front to generate that feeling in you. In intelligence circles it called building bonafides.

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8650c7  No.95888

So is it true that hydroxychloroquine just treats the symptoms and does nothing about the actual problem? Will the infection will reemerge within (((silent recoveries)))? If so this is literally airborne HIV.

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1acf83  No.95889


Yes, and it's been going on since the 1980s when outsourcing began but under both parties, it's not just a left-right issue. Outsourcing began under Reagan (ironically), increased under Bush Sr. and expanded under Clinton's NAFTA and under Bush Jr as well, got no better under Obama and now here we are under Trump. To two major fiscal failures of the US were outsourcing industry and corporate welfare (bailouts to banks, wall street). These are the two major reasons much of the middle class has died off.

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1acf83  No.95892

File: 52ca6db284945d6⋯.png (71.09 KB, 1024x430, 512:215, PA_gibs.png)


Maybe. I don't know the intricacies of their export capabilities/potential vs South America so he very could be stuck.

My suspicion was that the corporate donor class would not want to risk infecting the economy again with another Asian-born disease (albeit a curry flavored one)




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b6fff8  No.95893

File: 5b84f3481aec3b4⋯.png (83.28 KB, 625x1433, 625:1433, mefobillsunzmercantilism.png)

File: ea2f579c34091ad⋯.png (124.09 KB, 676x1738, 338:869, mefobillsunzpublicinternal….png)

File: 9b2ed1feb448be6⋯.png (41.39 KB, 671x686, 671:686, mefobillsunzchina.png)

File: 0f6da441e4affc1⋯.png (247.1 KB, 662x1498, 331:749, mefobillsunzjapanindustria….png)


Understand the mechanisms.

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f8cb25  No.95895

File: 381b73283f73dc1⋯.mp4 (10.99 MB, 480x270, 16:9, Anti_lockdown_protest_in_M….mp4)

File: 5f0e0fabe401076⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Operation_Gridlock_riders.mp4)

File: 25251b36d14710f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1280x727, 1280:727, operation_gridlock_1.png)

File: 93968459f9f266a⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1280x708, 320:177, operation_gridlock2.png)

The CNS will now resume it's operations on this beautiful Wednesday night, a perfect time to track the Goddess's progress and the aftermath of her actions.


Deja Vu, I have seen this scene before: https://archive.is/gmXd6 Honestly, this is beautiful, this is what America is all about https://archive.vn/UZWyu https://archive.is/l68Qw https://archive.is/B3M5h


>Seriously fucked up the bold texting

Again, had just woken up, bear with my niggery.


>The Chinks were especially susceptible, owing to a botched or was it? CCP vaccine.

Unlikely, Iranians and Spic Americans from Colombia, Ecuador and Peru are dropping as much as chinks. It has to be a scrubbing operation.

>>95888 (hailed)

Yes. I will stop being a zealot for just a millisecond and say it might treat symptoms, but Corobella's physical form is still there, waiting for a opportunity to strike again. The curefags and their patients will also have to deal with the lovely side effects too.

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64ae4b  No.95896


This. The "rightwing capitarist gweilos" this chingchong is conditioned to unconditionally hate, even when trying to infiltrate a far right mongolian forum for shilling under the threat of having his family executed, are the main people responsible for whatever illusion of prosperity his shitty bug hive had.

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63c3a5  No.95897


>people in the base who disagree with the general arc of the Labor/Democrat parties is much higher than in the Republican base

You're wrong, and you're still a very partisan-minded little democrat tbpfh. Every election the GOP has been like 2016 Hillary Clinton was for the dems. The GOP force their candidate using electioneering tactics. The only time the base got their candidate was Reagan, who campaigned very differently to how he governed. He basically became a compliant robot after they shot him. Trump has delivered pretty damn well in terms of big picture issues. This place wants the moon of course.

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5ee1bc  No.95898


>Chad Ching throwing some dank bants on the US cointelpro website

>Does it for the grory of his homerrand guided by the eternal vision of the CCP, takes pride in his service


>Virgin Schlomo posting le based CIA man forced meme that got very stale since they were spamming it to get Zognald elected

>Does it for very few shekels, hates his job

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b6fff8  No.95899


>My suspicion was that the corporate donor class would not want to risk infecting the economy again with another Asian-born disease (albeit a curry flavored one)

Indians are anti-White, anti-Muslim, and anti-China. They are the exact combination a parasitic jewish elite is looking for to reinforce its unsteady position in the New World. Indians are all over the failing Anglosphere technology sector, dominating whole companies [they have a term, "getting Kimmed", for East Asians who get locked out of further promotion by Indians]. They have been left in the dust and embarrassed by China after both were "future superpowers". Well, one is. And now with the Anglosphere collapsing while they are so tightly integrated and ensconced in its elite circles? No, the Hindustanis will ride this whole show off a cliff right along with the jews. Just stop and think it through.

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b6fff8  No.95900

File: 538bc0dddac1ad0⋯.jpg (44.32 KB, 650x396, 325:198, hitler_socialist.jpg)


>you're still a very partisan-minded little democrat tbpfh

I'm a National Socialist.

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f79d29  No.95901


>French President announces debt cancellation

The irony is, they would NEVER have been able to repay that debt in a million years. It's Africa ffs.

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1acf83  No.95902


Ah yes, that too, Nixon the faggot! who derailed the US gold standard and started the OPEC petrodollar scheme. How could I forget that too? That too has a lot to do with our economic demise, as well as industrial outsourcing and debt insolvency. The current system we are under is third world usury: anything to prop up a broken system NOW and fuck whatever happens in the future, right?

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f8cb25  No.95903

File: c4e7d9b3b2eadbb⋯.mp4 (11.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Operation_gridlock_motorca….mp4)

File: ac076a89867b1ed⋯.png (1.28 MB, 1280x700, 64:35, operation_gridlock_armed_p….png)

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1acf83  No.95904


>At present, our (((Bank))) is having issues with their website

There was an hour line for the drive thru at the big branch and the ATM was offline at the gas station (out of cash?)

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0da74a  No.95905

File: 2fdde710a20fcc1⋯.jpg (449.42 KB, 1322x1363, 1322:1363, Coronavirus_lab_got_kickst….jpg)

File: 6670a8f0ea9f803⋯.jpg (113.08 KB, 1125x991, 1125:991, 20190327_Frank_Plummer_Jo_….jpg)

File: 4c19240aab411bb⋯.jpg (99.9 KB, 748x598, 374:299, fauci_gates.jpg)

File: 5d1469e1bd8401c⋯.jpeg (459.63 KB, 2030x1514, 1015:757, Fauci_Soros_Gates_Sr_and_….jpeg)


> Building bonafides

Yes, you're probably right. But it's not like any of us are part of the decision making process. Kikes rule the world, and they're not going to share with us. The only hope we have is for /OurGal/ to be sufficiently successful that (((their system))) is destabilized.

I really want Red Death to kill billions, but leave the Red Pilled preppers alone. We will have a few tough years, and we might lose some friends, but the world would be a better place afterwards.

I only hope that the survivors can remember (((who the guilty parties are)).


> The CCP vaccine wasn't given to people outside of Chinkland, therefore the vaccine-mediated cytokine storm theory is wrong.

Yes, the CCP vaccine wasn't administered outside of China. But (((other vaccines))) were handed-out in Iran and SpicLand. The (((motherfuckers))) in pics-attached have been planning this shit for a long time. The only whole in my theory is, "Why weren't AmeriMutts and EuroFags given the susceptibility vaccine?"

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80838b  No.95906


A few videos of someone on the floor proves nothing.

COV-19 mortality is a joke

> Muh HIV inserts

How long will it take to die from this then? 80 years?

< Muh, because we don't know it means it's airborne HIV

All your opinions are based on speculation

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64ae4b  No.95907

File: 51a3abf7725fee3⋯.jpg (118.81 KB, 501x585, 167:195, Chinkberg.jpg)

File: 4ea5021b8504ddc⋯.jpg (37.95 KB, 501x585, 167:195, chinkberg2.jpg)

File: f2c0c0d38dd6bbf⋯.jpg (101.23 KB, 1024x596, 256:149, lavi_ching_chong.jpg)


>implying we aren't largely aware of (((mercantilism)))

>implying the "group of actors" here is only the kikes and does not include their marxist pet bugs, their second best bet for the destruction of the Amalekites they so much hate after sunni pisslam >>95562

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b6fff8  No.95908


Nixon had no choice if the wars were to continue. Understand the mechanism. It was explained very clearly. Gold isn't necessarily a fix and it is an exceptionally poor choice for internal money, because money's true nature is law.

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63c3a5  No.95909

File: cb9e67497287114⋯.mp4 (1017.25 KB, 480x480, 1:1, fake_dry_eyes_Iranian_nurs….mp4)

File: efff9b86681215b⋯.jpg (796.36 KB, 874x1416, 437:708, plato_the_republic.jpg)


>> Why are dropper videos in wealthier nations so rare?

Because they originated with a low-level chinese propagandist, and are dumb. He say, "make many video peopre farring down."

The more totalitarian a nation, the less plausible their propaganda needs to be. On the extreme end, consider North Korean propaganda. Then on the other end, consider American propaganda. Much more expensive, intricate propaganda, designed to fool people with 130 IQs. It's the fundamental difference in type of republic, is the level of PLAUSIBILITY. It trends inversely with the level of STATE VIOLENCE.

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64ae4b  No.95911


Congratulations on your >(2), Wu.

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1acf83  No.95913




It's going to be fun when the people who want to go back to work get to face off against the people who refuse to. Both sides have plenty of free time to hash it out.

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80838b  No.95915

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f8cb25  No.95917

File: 4c3a835383768f0⋯.mp4 (13.51 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Operation_Gridlock_Lansing….mp4)


>Yes, the CCP vaccine wasn't administered outside of China. But (((other vaccines))) were handed-out in Iran and SpicLand. The (((motherfuckers))) in pics-attached have been planning this shit for a long time. The only hole in my theory is, "Why weren't AmeriMutts and EuroFags given the susceptibility vaccine?"

Oh, now I see where you're getting at, good point. Did you know that Brownzil is very strong when it comes to (((vaccination)))? If we were also poisoned before Corobella's release, things are about to get extremely ugly here. In fact, Amazonas was probably poisoned because they're getting their shit kicked in the hardest right now, despite the bullshit numbers saying São Paulo, Rio and Ceará are.


Kek, indeed.

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1acf83  No.95918


Gold can be a great asset to back currency but not under central banking, the problem is when the central banking kikes takeover the monetary system. And the Fed has been around since 1913. Before that there was no income tax, and the value of our currency held for over 100 years with gold backing ;)

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0da74a  No.95919


> Lots of traffic as people go to cash-in on Trumpbux

This was my assumption. But I'm in no hurry for the cash. I took out a home equity line of credit last year, to do some remodels prior to selling the house. We owed about $10k on it, prior to /OurGal/ showing her face. But after buying a years' worth of food and preps, I now owe about $20k. So all my purchases for the year are complete, and my TrumpBux are going to go towards paying off the debt. I just wish the housing market hadn't also collapsed, as now we're not going to be able to cash-in on the sale.


> All your opinions are based on speculation

Yes, of course. But what you've failed to recognize is that your opinions are also based on assumptions. Because Red Death is so new, there is no data, and we just don't know for certain. Assuming one-way-or-another is an error. But taking precautions is not.


> The Chink dropper videos are all staged propaganda, but the lack of dropper videos in the west is just a more sophisticated form of propaganda.

Huh? Go back and look at the archives, fren. The AmeriMutt (((MSM))) hasn't been able to keep their story straight. First, it doesn't exist. Then, it's nothing. And now, we all need to be microchipped for safety. I don't think I would describe that as "sophisticated" or "intricate".

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a7f29d  No.95920


Fiat currency is fine, and even desirable, if it's backed by a sustainable resource. For instance, sustainable energy. Example: The money supply is controlled by a government board who sets total money in circulation to the previous 12-months' total (sustainable) energy generation in kwh. This is because electricity can't really be stored unless its in radioactive elements or dirty fuels like coal, peat, oil, etc. So one dollar equals a set amount of energy by fiat. Dollar = kwh.

Now here's the cool part. Every year a new money 'series' is spent into existence by the government . Money older than a certain age ceases to be accepted by the government for payment of debts. So in other words if you hold onto money past a certain date, be it electronic credit or paper, it will not be worth any goddamn thing. It becomes stupid to horde money, and you can't have a situation where corporations or bad actors can simply horde currency and refuse to spend it leading to economic contraction. So the "economic cycles" of "boom-and-bust" can no longer take place unless the conditions to create them are deliberately engineered, and can't happen again by accident.

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428a93  No.95921

File: 4b15e02f32c29f8⋯.jpg (177.16 KB, 941x899, 941:899, Phosphate.JPG)

File: f15fa63c665f8b2⋯.jpg (161.51 KB, 987x917, 141:131, Phosphate2.JPG)

I thought the Phosphate version killed people? >>95767

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b6fff8  No.95922


I'll make this very simple. Money's true nature is law. People who want to sell you gold and who possess lots of gold want you to mistake the material for the mechanism. Libertarians and Austrian School types have heads full of garbage and can't think right. That makes them dangerous – to us and to themselves.

An iron law of economics is that goods flow must balance between nations. And that your money should not extend past your law [your borders, as money's true nature is law]. If goods flow does not balance, something must make up the difference. Here is where gold/silver can come into play or in the present day, treasury bills [which aren't bills but bonds], because they can fill the gap. If the trade is too lopsided, one side is drained of gold/silver so in the absence of altering consumption/production patterns war is the outcome. This is what the Opium Wars in China were about. Britain wouldn't cut its demand for tea and porcelain and there was only so much lace and wool China would take back, so silver made up the difference. To get it back, the British waged a military campaign to open markets for Indian opium.

In Vietnam, US dollars flowed through the region during the war and found their way back to Western Europe. In order to not disrupt their own labor and production, these US dollars were exchanged for gold instead of cars or washing machines or whatever. So Nixon had to end the gold standard if the war was to continue.

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f8cb25  No.95924

File: f79203a7eda9bf0⋯.mp4 (4.67 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Drone_8_over_Operation_Gri….mp4)

File: 76b4dd867430337⋯.mp4 (6.17 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Operation_Gridlock_Thousan….mp4)

File: 7b54aa9780fcf2c⋯.jpg (108.12 KB, 960x640, 3:2, Trump_supporter_motorcade.jpg)

File: ccb46dcd8bb1e67⋯.jpg (867.55 KB, 2663x2667, 2663:2667, END_THE_LOCKDOWN.jpg)

File: 5940e098852a670⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 4095x4096, 4095:4096, Operation_lockdown_picture….jpg)


More footage. The Trump supporter signs make me laugh because it's such a massive Deja Vu to what happened in São Paulo a couple days ago.


>And the Fed has been around since 1913. Before that there was no income tax, and the value of our currency held for over 100 years with gold backing ;)

This anon knows what he's talking about!

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63c3a5  No.95925

File: fad73453104c0bc⋯.png (638.86 KB, 880x785, 176:157, how_to_destroy_a_race.png)


> I don't think I would describe that as "sophisticated" or "intricate".

You're exactly right. But currently, that remains in the wet dream section of CNN, like Sandy Hook. The question is, will they actually go there. If they do, then the state violence will necessarily increase, and America will be solidly on the road to being a Chinese-style republic. We don't know yet. What are your thoughts? Will they or won't they?

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1acf83  No.95926


If that were the case there would be incentives for people to protect their hard earned savings by other means, such as liquidating set currency into tangible assets of value and/or properties. It wouldn't really take care of 'greed' or the desire to protect one's wealth.

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a7f29d  No.95927


Disagree. Because if your money is literally gold, then all someone has to do is horde all the physical gold, and they literally have all the money. What happens next is that when someone or something causes a run on the banks, there is no physical asset available to redeem their paper, and then it' OH OH PERIOD time.

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b6fff8  No.95928


It doesn't need to be backed by a specific resource. It can be backed by the value of the nation as a whole and what it can produce. It's like pulling fucking teeth here with people who should already be aware of this stuff.

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8712d4  No.95930


Lol look at those boomer idiots.

How many of them do you think are gonna die because of being so close together? Probably dozens…

But I bet they'd gladly give up their own lives for (((Orange Daddy)))

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a7f29d  No.95932


I want to reply but whatever


'Other' doesn't mean bad you Jew

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1acf83  No.95933


To do that you would need some kind of State entity to ban other's possession of gold though, much like The Fed pressured the US Govt to ban gold back in 1933 under Roosevelt.

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63c3a5  No.95934

File: ff87e543b64ee4a⋯.png (6.39 KB, 300x300, 1:1, I_like_honest_reporting.png)


>So Nixon had to end the gold standard if the war was to continue

You're right in general, but if I could offer a slight refinement - one main purpose of Vietnam was to spend money and steal money like all wars, and actually to back the US into a financial corner. The war-printing pushed down the value of dollars below that of gold, and they were being redeemed by everyone who knew how. It was part of a multi-decade inflationary cycle that peaked in 1981, which was also punctuated by the oil shocks. These moments were taken advantage of by many actors in order to pressure the US economically. Bretton Woods needed to end even if they stopped the war that minute. Which Nixon may have wanted to, which may be why the see-eye-ass set him up with watergate and replaced him with a more reliable bush lackey.

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a7f29d  No.95935


So…backed by debt then yeah because we all know how well that works.Idiot

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b6fff8  No.95936


No, backed by labor. And yes, we do know how well that works. I like the money tangents. They suss out the jews among us.

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f8cb25  No.95937

File: 26e03c85d01e0d3⋯.mp4 (6.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Operation_Gridlock_anti_go….mp4)

File: 2cf2ffc24176e66⋯.jpg (747.61 KB, 2665x2667, 2665:2667, Live_free_or_die.jpg)

File: 6903be7f36a7424⋯.mp4 (5.27 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Operation_gridlock_Trump_s….mp4)


The fact that they're also protesting against their governor makes it even more hilarious to me. Were they inspired by Bolsonaro supporters or is it really a coincidence? Probably a coincidence.


Yes, they're very similar to Bolsonaro supporters but honestly, they're better. Don't see any of them downplaying the virus or denying its existence, they just want to go back to their jobs and take back their freedom. I haven't watched all these videos until the end by the way, so if any of them do downplay Corona-Chan, shame on them.

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5ee1bc  No.95938


A horrible fate has befallen India. Ever since Brahmin Cohen-Rajeesh bought the shitting street and started charging tolls for using it, the poor young Prakash is forced to make pro American-Israeli posts on a Cambodian basket-weaving forum so that he can afford using it. But no, Prakash is not paid to argue with smart white man. Prakash only uses the script as told! Prakash deserves more shekels for his hard work. Indeed, sir, indeed.

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fa1fb6  No.95939


Wrong. All you need is a service that becomes wildly popular, run by an entity that, under law, isn't obligated to spend any of the money that customers willingly pay.

Although I guess you're not wrong in a sense because 'state agency' means operates under color of law, and yeah Amazon made however many billions in 2019 and paid $0 in taxes.

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64ae4b  No.95941

Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>implying you chinks don't shit on the streets all the time

Here's a chinkbug leaving the foulest of turds upon the pavement.

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8ee405  No.95943


Are you braindead? So I have a currency, lets call it the Jew, that is by fiat, maintained at a value of one Jew for one hour of labor.

So a hundred Jews is worth a hundred hours of labor. And you're telling me that this doesn't represent an obligation on someone? A promise to pay, if you will? Or, you know, a debt?

Posts such as yours are what happens when all you know if the world are memes and lack the ability to think critically. We're done here.

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80838b  No.95945


I don't really like the idea of gold being the money standard. It's too expensive to be used in coins and impossible to use in bills. So (((banks))) would store all the gold and promise the paper bill is worth some gold. Maybe if bills were manufactured using small quantities of gold I would like this approach but I don't think it's possible.

On the other hand I like people such as >>95920 (except for the debt part, debt should be eternal but interests should be forbidden).

The idea that energy is money appeals to me

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f3afd2  No.95946


>A promise to pay, if you will?

Isn't there a promise to pay gold with gold-backed currency? How is that any different?

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f8cb25  No.95947

File: 0499847f9e473e0⋯.mp4 (11 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Operation_gridlock_honk_ho….mp4)

File: 2f38eeae86b373b⋯.jpg (125.12 KB, 900x1200, 3:4, Operation_gridlock_patriot….jpg)

File: 6bbfd4f3070791e⋯.mp4 (4.13 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Operation_gridlock_honk_ho….mp4)



Chen and Honkler would love this demonstration. This is gonna be it for this protest's footage. Gonna post other news now. Unless you guys want me to go look for more pics and vids.

Is it just me imagining things or there are only a few anons including myself staying on topic? Come on people, don't shit the thread up.

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1acf83  No.95950


>All you need is a service that becomes wildly popular, run by an entity that, under law, isn't obligated to spend any of the money that customers willingly pay.

That could become a threat, true, but if there is fair competition allowed in the market place without unnecessary State intervention (such as corporate subsidies, bailouts or tax exemptions of the fat cats) the threat can be mitigated. Cut out special interest lobbying for State interventions to prop such monopolies up, there would be plenty of fair competition that would keep greedy pigs from hijacking the markets in such nefarious ways. Another major problem, again, is the (((central banking system))) which only encourages mass fraud, debt insolvency, bailouts, market interventions, monopolization (or "mergers and acquisitions" as they call it), usury….

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e39fec  No.95951


USA, France, and UK aren't nigger countries. You honestly sound like a kike when you say that. Do they have a diversity problem? Of fuck yes they do but all you are doing is classic demoralization. And again your point is retarded? Like damn… I don't know? What why would China care about countries that have the ability to give them massive fucking problems. You know part of the reason started this whole mess is because they were getting fucked up in the trade war with what you call nigger USA. So ya why would they care about a nigger country?

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63c3a5  No.95952

File: e1fd421774e03f8⋯.jpg (103.17 KB, 782x778, 391:389, girlnow.jpg)


But gold is shiny, and lustrous. And people imbue it with inherent value because of centuries'-old archetypes. Big difference

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a63728  No.95954

File: 6b95da1f610afe3⋯.gif (2.14 MB, 420x236, 105:59, What_you_get_for_debating_….gif)




I give Mishitgan about 2 weeks before a massive spike hits the state and these conservacucks regret the protests. Who are we kidding? Boomers would never admit they were stupid here, even if the Mishitgan governor was a bitch and enacted stupid rules that harm more than help.

>Is it just me imagining things or there are only a few anons including myself staying on topic? Come on people, don't shit the thread up.

It's not just you, there are too many Boomers, Q-tards, and Chinese cock-suckers in this thread. >95906 (won't give you a (you) you faggot) is a case in point.

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b6fff8  No.95955


China's not getting fucked up in the trade war because they can still produce. It's not ideal to lose a large export market, but the production ability is still there [that's why the government owns 51% of every foreign venture – so they can't pack up leave like they did to the US in the first place]. They can turn it inwards and they can swiftly cut where they need to cut.

Rather, it's pretty obvious that the ones having trouble are the US/UK-based oligarchs who are desperate to move the production somewhere that isn't the West.

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1c3dc4  No.95956

File: 6caeca953004f41⋯.png (452.56 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 2_gorillion.png)

I missed the 2 gorillion mark


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e0ca9b  No.95958


Only by 242,000

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d0b65f  No.95959


platinum is shinier than gold. Gold is plummeting too since the gook flu but sliver and platinum is going up

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2e06d8  No.95960


>"getting Kimmed"

It makes sense why several Big Tech companies have no problem being anti-East Asian, both in their policies and their hiring practices.

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e07597  No.95961


Neat, tribute-anon was supposed to post his shit after the 2 million mark iirc.

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fc3d5c  No.95962

File: 047f9c085995677⋯.jpg (398.92 KB, 1920x1898, 960:949, _plague_inc_noise_by_jesti….jpg)


he actually did if you read this thread chinky shill

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a1bc2e  No.95964


No, it's because you chinese faggots have different genes.

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a1bc2e  No.95965

File: 02aeab0117afea3⋯.jpg (549.88 KB, 894x1280, 447:640, 20200415_131431.jpg)

This is the truth about China!

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a1bc2e  No.95968

File: 1307a81f94d3f45⋯.png (528.18 KB, 800x581, 800:581, 2020_04_15_1_0.png)

COVID-1984, complete with 5G towers lol

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a1bc2e  No.95971


I promise the bearer of this $100 certificate 100 $1 certificates, upon demand - Bank of Anon

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2e06d8  No.95972


>Did you know that Brownzil is very strong when it comes to (((vaccination)))?

Same here in Portugal. There was a 17 year old who died from measles back in 2017, and she wasn't vaccinated, something that didn't happen in decades. Instead of pointing the finger to our immigration policies that allows anyone into our country without even a health check-up, the MSM and our government shamed the girl's parents for her death and there were even talks of making it illegal to allow our children to go unvaccinated for measles, while completely ignoring the fact that she previously had an allergic reaction to another vaccine which lead her doctor to decide that keeping her unvaccinated was for the best.


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a1bc2e  No.95973


Lots of medications in the wrong dose will kill you quickly.

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a1bc2e  No.95977


We're living through the disproof of the "laws" of supply and demand.


Impossible, one says. spittle, demand down, prices down! spittle, supply up, prices down!

But both happened, at the same time. Demand dropped. Supply increased. And prices remained the same. Pic related.

What's the truth? The truth is that there are laws which LIMIT THE POSSIBILITIES. Within the framework of what is actually possible are psychological constructs.

Psychology = Economics = Psychology

Propaganda = Economics = Economics

this implies that psychology is a bunch of bullshit, ignore that plz

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e39fec  No.95978


This is true but you fail to realize that the West, particularly the US, UK, Italy, and Germany still make a lot of shit. As far as owning 51% and leaving or whatever. That's just numbers. As long as the infrastructure is there, it can be nationalized for a war time economy. Anyway, what you'll see at the aftermath of this is companies moving from China. Either bringing production back home or spreading it out among multiple countries.

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e39fec  No.95979


I'm guessing at least a couple will get mildly sick. That's the reaction most people actually have to this virus. But sure, it's stupid to assemble. Gotta stay inside my good goyim cube and listen to people we've never trusted before tell us what to do.

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f8cb25  No.95982

File: 9d7cece501e9437⋯.png (106.26 KB, 517x598, 517:598, this_is_a_bad_idea.png)

File: eeb09933d11c1ca⋯.png (292.74 KB, 621x594, 23:22, hory_shet.png)

File: 6005b4994ebecc9⋯.png (427.49 KB, 1133x588, 1133:588, Burger_Corona_Gibs.png)

File: 7999e35be5c9fc5⋯.png (290.76 KB, 777x551, 777:551, poor_chickens.png)

File: db8f71792aa33e3⋯.mp4 (1.41 MB, 352x640, 11:20, Fallen_Iranian_right_next_….mp4)

Rio de Janeiro's government to employ loudspeaker-equipped drones to advise Hues against gathering and crowding together. Won't last 3 minutes in gangland airspace. Or maybe it will, gangsters are notorious for having shit-tier accuracy.

Burger 'conomy noose: The last time so many factories were shut down was after Global Kerfuffle Part Two: Electric Boogaloo https://archive.is/cCOXB

(((Democrats))) want to give Burgers a monthly $2K Corona-Gibs https://archive.is/CU6H2

Shortage of workers caused by the virus and the lockdown forcing a cull of chickens at a Delaware chicken company https://archive.is/sfHur

Iranian dropper next to Tehran's Parliament



oops fucked up the reply, the upper part of this post was meant for >>95905


> give Mishitgan about 2 weeks before a massive spike hits the state and these conservacucks regret the protests.

I give it a month, considering the incubation period.


Is okay, we already passed that a long time ago.

My estimated digits, based on footage and intuition rather than official data: Unknown millions of blessings and 3 to 5 million deaths, half of deaths are chinks These are optimistic numbers by the way, I don't even like them, but got a strong feeling about them


You missed it >>95571


The 5G things on the left looks like a menorah. Garrison strikes again.


>Instead of pointing the finger to our immigration policies that allows anyone into our country without even a health check-up, the MSM and our government shamed the girl's parents for her death

Fucking lugenpresse. and fuck ZOG too

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b98220  No.95983

File: 4d526f926e7a0e1⋯.png (1.09 MB, 846x737, 846:737, wHITEnIGGERS.PNG)

File: 79fb4e3e8b3bf92⋯.png (961.28 KB, 935x524, 935:524, sOUTHaFRICA.PNG)

Americas white niggers strike again.


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a1bc2e  No.95986

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073d25  No.95987

File: 93acb1f207576c7⋯.jpg (180.56 KB, 1530x1500, 51:50, 93acb1f207576c7d8204f6434d….jpg)

File: b535c72ca3259f8⋯.jpg (55.39 KB, 490x640, 49:64, 943448_09_1.jpg)





Are you retards all unaware that Hitler used the term bourgeois in Mein Kampf? or are you really that fucking boomerpilled?

<Waaah, American taxpayers are getting their own money back! This might put a strain on muh economic stability or even muh (((federal government!)))

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b6fff8  No.95989


None of them are bringing production back to the West. None of them. Pay attention. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you aren't a trumpnigger shill.

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a1bc2e  No.95990


<muh dogmas

<muh screeds


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a1bc2e  No.95991


This might:


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b6fff8  No.95992


We have a heavy jewish presence on the board.

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a1bc2e  No.95994


Yes, but also boomers have been brainwashed to believe they can't have nice things.

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0da74a  No.95995

File: 6d4457f20519476⋯.jpg (102.7 KB, 1024x609, 1024:609, Jew_Mao_and_his_Kike_Buddi….jpg)

File: 6e74d630e903690⋯.jpg (23.83 KB, 400x298, 200:149, photo_of_key_ccp_kikes_wit….jpg)

File: 5293166d03d35fb⋯.jpg (10.42 KB, 255x189, 85:63, Kissenger_and_Mao.jpg)


> Money backed by labor

That doesn't take into account the productivity, or "value", of the labor. One hour of my time is more valuable than an hour of some nigger's. Likewise, pointless government make-work programs do not add to the economy, which is the level to which "labor-backed currency" inevitably devolves.

Are you forgetting that it takes labor to mine minerals? Precious metals are the answer. Shit, even pig iron is better than fiat or "labor" currency.


> Silver and Platinum are going up

That's because those metals are primarily used for industrial purposes. Gold has little usefulness, outside of being pretty. But silver and platinum have a plethora of industrial uses. Plus, there is more gold sitting in vaults than there is silver or platinum - industrial metals get used-up during production of goods and services.


> Anon promises to redeem his paper certificates with more paper certificates

Irony-kike detected. Thread-sliding in progress.



> Dropper videos in the (((western))) world are rare, but are popping-up like gangbusters in Shit-land-istan and Chink-land. Why?

While grunting out a muslim, a thought occurred to me. There is a reason why droppers aren't showing up in Muttland or Euroland - medical care.

In Chinkland, sick people are taken off to a coof-camp. So they have an incentive to conceal their coof, causing them to drop-dead in public places.

In Shitskin-land, there is no medical care available. So people just go about their goat-fucking as they normally would, whereupon they collapse with the coof in public.

But every nigger in Muttland knows that they can get a free spa-day by checking in to the emergency room of any hospital. So the Mutts don't bother trying to cope with the coof, they just go to the hospital. This is a controlled environment, where observers are not free to shit-post videos of dead and dying people.

There are no dropper videos in the US or Europe because the coofers are dropping inside hospitals, not while looking for another John to suck-off.

This theory is rational, doesn't require any conspiracy, and isn't dependent upon some external factor that mitigates or exacerbates the deadliness of Red Death,

> I found out one of my relatives is working in a coof clinic.

My wife's cousin is a delivery nurse in Utah. I've learned that she's been pulled off of her regular duties, delivering babies, and has been pressed into service assisting with coofers. For an unstated reason, she's very tight-lipped about her recent experiences treating them, only relaying that she's exhausted from wearing PPE all day. She won't otherwise talk about what's happening in the hospital, even over the phone.

> Inb4 - "Asshole, I don't care what your friend's cousin's boyfriend's dealer's fuckbuddy says, it's anecdotal and bullshit. Now fuckoffandkys, shill."

All I'm saying is that medical staff who are actually working with coof patients aren't really saying much. This is independently evident by the general lack of non-(((approved))) communication - a lack of information confirms that there is a lack of information.

Fucking (((censorship and privacy))). We need to know the truth in order to make rational decisions, and (((they))) are intentionally keeping it from us. It's just more support for the position that this entire situation was created intentionally, as part of a long-standing plan.

Kikes must pay.

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f8cb25  No.95996

File: a67744d28d8f9f9⋯.mp4 (8.92 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Russian_coronavirus_patien….mp4)

File: 4d809055b6639d5⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 632x486, 316:243, Africans_raid_a_truck_carr….mp4)

File: af4bce3ef074b34⋯.png (111.18 KB, 294x561, 98:187, Nice_job_Ruptly.png)

File: 53d10c59ed39271⋯.png (188.95 KB, 428x554, 214:277, fuck_zog.png)

File: e8f4b7b55b45cc6⋯.png (220.49 KB, 418x596, 209:298, Corona_Gibs_for_invaders.png)

Corona patients out in the hallways of a Russian hospital in Saint Petersburg https://archive.is/ZR3YN At first I doubted the video but then I saw an hospital mask on one of the Ruskies, could very well be recent and legit.

Apefricans, possibly Niggerians, raid a truck carrying aid https://archive.vn/9FstV

Based eastern bloc propagandists strike again: Ruptly publishes a piece about (((Marina Abramovic)))'s presence in that recent Microshaft video https://archive.vn/ehjoG

German ZOG locks up a lawyer in the loony bin for being against the quarantine lockdown https://archive.vn/gNQh3

Commiefornia giving an one time $500 Corona-Gibs to invaders, with a limit of two recipients per household https://archive.vn/LlKGw


Not a bad piece. Better than blaming animals and chinks being savages.


>Are you retards all unaware that Hitler used the term bourgeois in Mein Kampf?


>Waaah, American taxpayers are getting their own money back! This might put a strain on muh economic stability or even muh (((federal government!)))

That's the silver lining about gibs. The bad part is that invaders and scum receives them too.

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a1bc2e  No.95997


The more paper for paper thing is literally what happened when we went off gold certificates. They kept the text basically the same, only now it promised paper instead of gold. It really was a "yellow jew" (ie fake gold, "face" value).

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b6fff8  No.95999

File: ab918b4e8f433fc⋯.png (55.62 KB, 662x821, 662:821, mefobillsunzgold.png)


Precious metals are almost never the answer outside of what you can produce with them industrially. It's getting to the point where you libertarians are going to have to be put up against the wall.

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b6fff8  No.96000

File: a4733cc181355ff⋯.png (66.36 KB, 676x907, 676:907, mefobillsunztallysticksgol….png)

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a1bc2e  No.96001


Which faculty perceives value?

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b6fff8  No.96003


General demand and strategic interest. The Ministry of Finance in Japan is a good historical lesson here.

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a1bc2e  No.96004


But in the human, which faculty perceives value?

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337ece  No.96006


Nigga u finna gots ta undastan da type o folks who be usin dat word.

It ain't takin' no MIT-ass Gordon Freeman-ass nigga to know where a nigga from when he be talkin bout da bourgwacheese n sheeit

Git yo ass back to da chapo town lil nigga


Boomers generally spend themselves out of the ability to have nice things, it's rather self defeating. They'll tie themselves up in so much debt that they have zero liquidity to actually save for shit.


Value is subjective, and in a SHTF or reconstruction scenario, gold will be vastly more useful for its industrial uses rather than as ornamentation as it is valued now. This is particularly relevant as this artificial inflation of the value of gold is mostly due to over-valuation by women, niggers, and sand niggers.

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a1bc2e  No.96007



"Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US"

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0da74a  No.96008

File: 6cd3c492f70968e⋯.jpg (16.08 KB, 308x308, 1:1, Bait_Hook.jpg)

File: 77876d58a15946b⋯.png (1.44 MB, 1107x723, 369:241, Money_vs_not.png)

File: cf3460899a060b4⋯.jpg (121.49 KB, 373x1920, 373:1920, Fighting_Amerimutts.jpg)


> Irony-kike continues to offer bait, sliding thread.

> Dumb-ass-anon takes bait

Paper-for-paper isn't quite what happened with the US dollar. Nixon brokered the petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia, effectively making the dollar's backing shift from gold to military force.

The US does not offer paper in exchange for more paper. The Fighting Amerimutts offer paper, or they will invade and murder the people of your nation. This works, provided that the paper-pushers can maintain a military hegemony. But the moment an Empire shows weakness, the entire thing collapses. This is the situation in which the US presently finds itself - the Amerimutt military doesn't have the strength to continue fighting across the entire globe, and (((the empire))) is threatened by other actors. It's all getting ready to collapse around (((them))), so (((they))) released Red Death as a cover.


> Claims that real products, like iron, silver, gold, etc., are somehow inferior, 'cuz it's "inflexible". Then proffers an insult, combined with a threat.

Being "inflexible" is entirely the point of using real products - they can't be faked, depreciated, or manipulated. Using metal, any metal, provides stability. Like I stated previously, any durable commodity, even pig iron, is better than paper bullshit.

> Inb4, "But gold is manipulated by kikes!"

Nope, it's not the physical gold that's manipulated. It's the paper surrounding the gold that they manipulate. If the kikes were forced to coof-up physical metal, instead of paper bullshit, their entire scheme would collapse around them. When they get pressed into a corner, and are forced to pay real money, the kikes start wars or release biological weapons to escape payment.

The kikes don't actually have any money, it's all a trick with paper. Get rid of the paper, and the trickery stops.

We rather, (((you))) need to stop sliding the thread with the "my promise to pay you is just as good as actually paying you" debate.

This is the /CVG/ thread. All other discussion needs to GTFO.

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a1bc2e  No.96009


Which faculty evaluates things speculative?

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a30363  No.96010


>(((Democrats))) want to give Burgers a monthly $2K Corona-Gibs

You think that will go through? What will happen to Dollar?

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b6fff8  No.96012


We have basic needs like food, water, shelter, so materials and labor processes that begin there are your ground zero. Work from there in increasingly complexity.


American media, especially Fox, don't have any credibility to level these accusations after the last 20 years. They didn't have any before that, either, but most of us hadn't quite cottoned on to it yet.

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a1bc2e  No.96013


t. never seen a gold certificate

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a1bc2e  No.96014


Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with USSources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US

Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US

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b6fff8  No.96015


>Using metal, any metal, provides stability.

You're confusing the material for the mechanism. Money is law. The king's stamp is what gives it value.

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337ece  No.96016


>Which faculty evaluates things speculative?

My brain you nigger. What the fuck else would evaluate that? *tips fedora*

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f3afd2  No.96017


Well obviously we do bioweapons research too. Was anybody really pretending we weren't?

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a1bc2e  No.96020


In English, not your native language, this sentence means "China made the wuhan virus", and it's a quote of Fox News, so that means the mainstream news is saying "China did gthe wuhan china coronavirus".

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a30363  No.96021


>(((Democrats))) want to give Burgers a monthly $2K Corona-Gibs

You think that will go through? What will happen to Dollar?

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0da74a  No.96024


> MOAR bait which I cannot resist - "But paper gold certificates are money!"

Nope. A paper certificate is a promise to pay, not payment. This classifies it as "currency", not "money".


> But authority says it's money, so it must be!

It might be "currency", but it's not "money".

And I have no confusion between material and mechanism - money is a material, and currency is a mechanism. Stop confusing the two with one another, and your communications will be more fruitful.

We're arguing over definitions, which none of us has stated. And since this is the /CVG/ thread, not the /Educate-niggers-on-the-definitions-of-words/ thread, I'm out.

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b6fff8  No.96025


Money is law.

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d0b65f  No.96026


>American taxpayers are getting their own money back!

You don't get your money back,you pay an extra 6% when you start working

>t never collected unemployment

>t never worked worked in his fucking life


how is gold money? you can't even touch it with your bare hands without forever scratching it, you have use gloves, it becomes less in value when there's permanent fingerprints

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f3afd2  No.96027


Yeah, an Army general strongly implied we were going to be investigating the Wuhan lab too.

>An Army general has said that the Wuhan lab cannot be ruled out as the source of the outbreak.

>'There's a lot of rumor and speculation in a wide variety of media, the blog sites, etc,' Army General Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said when asked if there was any evidence the coronavirus may have been developed in a Chinese laboratory.

>'It should be no surprise to you that we've taken a keen interest in that and we've had a lot of intelligence take a hard look at that.


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a1bc2e  No.96028


My position is NOT in favor of paper money. I'm presenting the arguments, in reverse, of Epictitus. And thus your irritation, for we are resolving to identify the eternal forms, which are like emanations of Setheus.

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bbce03  No.96029

File: b01859cec3cd83e⋯.png (27.05 KB, 1046x156, 523:78, life_will_be_auctioned_oct….png)


>Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China's efforts to compete with US

looks like pretty well coordinated wording. one might dream of trump killing two bird, dollar and reelection, with one stone.>>96014

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a63728  No.96032


>>my ID changed even though I'm posting on IP that I've use in this thread before

>Still getting posting issues

Fucking hell, fix your fucking site Jim you fucking Masonic devil's dildo.


>If the kikes were forced to coof-up physical metal, instead of paper bullshit, their entire scheme would collapse around them.

Your theory concerning Corona-chan being a patsy for Jewish finance is pants-on head retarded, but I do want ask you: how much physically gold do you think (((they))) even own, Israel, Jewish royalty a la Rothschilds, bankers, etc?

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4c99d1  No.96033

File: 08480a8a6b73127⋯.gif (4.08 MB, 540x304, 135:76, FE216AD3_61D9_4353_86D7_E3….gif)

Wake me up when it’s Payback Edition

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63c3a5  No.96034

File: 3fb6904ab08f653⋯.png (237.01 KB, 498x328, 249:164, the_sun_illuminates_the_tr….png)


>want to give Burgers a monthly $2K Corona-Gibs

Cry more foreign person from a country which would never do that. $25K bonus for essential workers would be awesome, and very different to the America I know.

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f8cb25  No.96035

File: 3bdb69616777db3⋯.png (117.95 KB, 426x602, 213:301, damned_if_you_do_damned_if….png)

File: fc601f281a3f274⋯.mp4 (1.37 MB, 480x848, 30:53, New_digital_measures_taken….mp4)

File: 23bbcc8bfac5ddb⋯.png (161.6 KB, 434x605, 434:605, Coming_soon_to_a_your_city.png)

File: 3b0b2ef1ce6f395⋯.png (194.62 KB, 428x607, 428:607, theyre_only_bracelets_for_….png)

File: 31e60d6fb29d741⋯.mp4 (548.54 KB, 592x1280, 37:80, Bangladeshi_coast_guard_re….mp4)

Zucc, NBA, clean the OT mess in this thread pls

Britbong lockdown could cause 150K deaths due to people with serious health issues avoiding hospitals and blackpilled bongs an hero'ing. https://archive.is/woewg You know shit's bad when the URL says "woe"

A prelude to ID2020: Digital lockdown measures in Moscow causing confusion and delay https://archive.vn/BJ1nm



Refugee crisis in SEA: Bangladeshi canoe club rescues 382 refugees from a boat that was at sea for two months.

https://archive.is/WpeRp https://archive.vn/LYCKt There were originally 400 passengers. The boat was denied entry at Malaysia 3 times due to the airborne aids pandemic. The area the boat landed has been cordoned off due to fears of the rapefugees being blessed


I feel bad that my previous post was already in the progress of being posted when yours popped up, I wished to reply to you there.

>There are no dropper videos in the US or Europe because the coofers are dropping inside hospitals, not while looking for another John to suck-off.

>This theory is rational, doesn't require any conspiracy, and isn't dependent upon some external factor that mitigates or exacerbates the deadliness of Red Death

That makes a lot of sense, I think you figured it out!

> For an unstated reason, she's very tight-lipped about her recent experiences treating them, only relaying that she's exhausted from wearing PPE all day. She won't otherwise talk about what's happening in the hospital, even over the phone.

Spooky and suspicious. I have seen the pictures of nurses after wearing PPEs for hours and hours, I can only imagine how bad her face must hurt.

>Fucking (((censorship and privacy))). We need to know the truth in order to make rational decisions, and (((they))) are intentionally keeping it from us. It's just more support for the position that this entire situation was created intentionally, as part of a long-standing plan. Kikes must pay.


>>96010 >>95982

It's gonna be fugged. I suggest anons who might receive it to spend it on even more prepping material.


I noticed your post anon. Like I said, it's a step towards the truth, better than blaming animals and wet markets.

>>96033 (Absolutely checked)


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8e6bb0  No.96039

File: 4eb80596d55401f⋯.png (178.62 KB, 640x1169, 640:1169, 1586999195751.png)



>what happens when you keep subhumans in a cage

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fa4fc5  No.96045


>Vice implying that there's an amount of child porn that isn't disturbing

Notice the linguistic propaganda.

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f8cb25  No.96048

File: 7608d8ec62545e1⋯.png (205.32 KB, 787x573, 787:573, Lansing_corona_motivated_p….png)

File: dc3600a07c9ab09⋯.png (127.64 KB, 425x578, 25:34, daughter_dies_but_mother_l….png)

File: 5b70a2e80586efa⋯.png (127.63 KB, 501x607, 501:607, HAIL_COROBELLA.png)

File: 2b06a1a316b1299⋯.jpg (32.4 KB, 480x480, 1:1, Guayaquil_mass_burial_1.jpg)

File: 953c0057f136d0a⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 480x388, 120:97, Guayaquil_mass_burial_3.jpg)

A corona motivated prison riot happened in Lansing a couple days ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/l1P2WUyhWsF5/ I wouldn't have found this video without Olin's own video. Decided to check on his channel to see what he was up to and this was in his video for today. I would love to post it here but it's 17MB, so blame the file size limit for that. No, don't ask me to make it more compact, I don't have that kind of know how and software.

Curious case in Rio de Janeiro: 17YO Lass succumbs to Corobella's blessing but her mother who was also blessed and hospitalized got spared and recovered. The Goddess picks and chooses who lives and who dies.

Leap in the number of hospitalized patients in São Paulo, Emílio Ribas Hospital ran out of ICU beds.

Pictures of mass burials in Guayaquil, Ecuador https://archive.is/FVJNw Guy in that first picture looks like he's thinking "help me get out of this hellhole, damnit"


Aw for fuck's sake, Pajeets.

>what happens when you keep subhumans in a cage

With modern amenities. Though I'm worried they would actually do the fucking instead of just watching it if they had nothing else to do. Speaking of such horrible things, a 13YO spic girl was defiled and murdered in her own bedroom in Tacoland a couple of days ago, while her mother was out to buy food. Looks like the rapist decided to take advantage of the lockdown. I decided to not post about it due to the very tangential relation to the virus.

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9eda7c  No.96049


>Ma: "I wonder how drug dealers are coping with all this."

>Dad: "Alright I bet, people have nothing else to do, probably just send it through the post."

>Me: "They'll be doing a roaring trade but paranoid as fuck with the money."

>Dad: "I bet prostitutes are having a hard time."

>Me: "Oh no they're not, that's the problem."

At least they're good for set-up lines. Just signed up for gubbmint gibs since they shut our shit down, might as well get some pacification cash while there's still meat on the carcass.

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fa4fc5  No.96054


Nah, anon, you know better than that. The economy has already been arrested from its fall. The fed has launched QEternity. No limit on printing. No limit on purchases (except direct stock purchases, which needs congressional approvalwhich they WILL get, they just don't have it right now) of anythingbonds, mortgages, direct debt purchases, etc. All investment banks are publicly stating they're not going to invest anymore. They're just going to buy anything the fed buys, because then they know 100% that it won't (can't) be a bad investment. The final stage of communism was literally just implemented and no one said or did anything about it. The free market no longer exists even in name. The economic crisis will only LOOK bad from now on, as jews consolidate their ownership of all land on Earth (through mortgage and lease debt purchases) and buy up more gold mines.

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b6fff8  No.96055

File: 906c63481256213⋯.png (148.32 KB, 663x2012, 663:2012, mefobillsunzfreemarkets.png)


Free markets are a meme and jewish bullshit.

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e9716a  No.96056




None of this is virus talk. Make your own thread.

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fc3d5c  No.96058


>I don't have that kind of know how and software

I use Avanti-GUI, it's a frontend for ffmpeg on windows. It lets you change enough stuff for the filesize, see if you can run it

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b6fff8  No.96059


It's much better than virus talk because it's actually real.

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f8cb25  No.96060

File: dadbf2cd894baf0⋯.mp4 (6.14 MB, 640x352, 20:11, Venezuelan_ambulance_runs_….mp4)

File: 08e38825a979981⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Ecuadorian_military_settin….mp4)

File: 2aa4659af269424⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 640x640, 1:1, Venezuelan_paramedics_in_P….mp4)

File: d3bf80c2f19fdec⋯.png (323.3 KB, 698x589, 698:589, having_a_hard_time_not_hav….png)

File: cb2cfef09b34504⋯.png (191.67 KB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, Corona_Chan_Sigil.png)

Memezuelan ambulance runs out of gas right next to the special gas station designated just for emergency vehicles while transporting a patient https://archive.vn/RxuIM I don't think the guy being transported is blessed but this just highlights how absolutely fucked the Venezuelan situation truly is.

Ecuadorian military setting up beds inside a stadium https://archive.vn/jmRt3

Memezuelan paramedic in PPE performing CPR on a collapsed man

https://archive.vn/unagB Their situation must be really bad, they think the same thing that happened in Guayaquil will happen to them.


>I bet prostitutes are having a hard time.

>Oh no they're not, that's the problem.


Kenyan whores are actually asking the government to be considered essential service providers, I shit you not. https://archive.is/J2QT6


>I fear we're about to realize the true cost of the low-trust multicultural society the kikes foisted upon us as they hollowed out our industrial capacity.




Seriously, quit it, make a thread about economics. Where is the fucking moderation when we really need it.


Thanks for the tip but I probably won't look into it though, too busy. So busy that the Coronian Bible hasn't been worked on since the day I started making it, that's how busy I am, no breaks on the Coronian Train.


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a94a44  No.96061


Why do you hate white people, Anon?

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e0ca9b  No.96063

Call it pure luck idk

Israeli COVID-19 treatment with 100% survival rate tested on US patient.


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a30363  No.96064


>one patient

Gotta love Jewish propaganda.

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e0ca9b  No.96065


Your about fifty breads late to the party mate

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f8cb25  No.96067

File: ec0d0497d262f6a⋯.mp4 (9.2 MB, 480x640, 3:4, Peruvian_military_fires_wa….mp4)

File: 8556372bcac79f4⋯.png (243.89 KB, 515x600, 103:120, Ecuadorian_ZOG_asks_Billy_….png)

File: ce7786229d49975⋯.mp4 (2.04 MB, 480x864, 5:9, Young_Ecudorian_woman_asks….mp4)

File: 6dea39c024f60b7⋯.png (132.88 KB, 518x525, 74:75, first_blessed_newborn_in_t….png)

File: 3150055c0e406d8⋯.mp4 (534.84 KB, 1280x714, 640:357, A_meteorite_falls_into_the….mp4)


Today's magic words are: International incident. https://archive.vn/0YDdm

Ecuadorian ambassador to Burgerland asks BMGF for help against the airborne aids epidemic in their country

What could possibly go wrong https://archive.vn/x1i16

Ecuadorian lass desperate for help after both adults in her household recently died at home, their corpses remain uncollected by the government https://archive.vn/CkqSv

The first blessed newborn in Peru, in the Peruvian Amazon, providing further confirmation that the virus can be transmitted in the womb https://archive.vn/3ylu4

The Coronian Radio accidentally predicted a shooting star in Peru https://archive.vn/ZwbfV https://archive.is/1iMcX Praised be Corobella! The Goddess has sent us a sign after we recommended Ryusei Lovers by JAM Project in this post >>95740 "I have a burning love, just like a shooting star" https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=lD67deOBVcU Now, do you believe us, infidels? second video coming in the next post.


>implying they're telling the truth

lmao. They'll get what's coming to them for this affront.

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8c1e83  No.96070


> forked in 2011, halted in the USA in 2014

Can you provide sauce on 2011 fork and halt in 2014? You said biolab closure didn't happen and referred to Wuhan… I thought 2014 was US biolab cease of research`

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8c1e83  No.96072

Any more





Bullshit will get you time out. Fuck off you derailing niggers.

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f8cb25  No.96073

File: fbd9ac15bf8611e⋯.mp4 (532.9 KB, 452x582, 226:291, A_meteorite_falls_into_the….mp4)

File: a7d6824fc8e72e7⋯.mp4 (974.48 KB, 480x848, 30:53, A_meteorite_falls_into_the….mp4)

File: b4fd15627fc002e⋯.png (198.98 KB, 492x584, 123:146, I_HAVE_A_BURNING_LOVE_JUST….png)

File: 378a75194e408cc⋯.jpg (24.06 KB, 720x480, 3:2, Corobellas_sign_Ryusei_Lov….jpg)

File: e286db797daf989⋯.png (364.91 KB, 699x573, 233:191, Peruvian_clowns_memeing_wi….png)


More footage of this divine sign, watch as it shoots through the sky and splashes down into the Peruvian sea. https://archive.is/Oqz35 https://archive.is/e4N02 https://archive.vn/fMYuh

Corobella is the Goddess of the Happening but also of the Honkening: Peruvian clowns are requesting financial aid from the government during these hard times https://archive.vn/BrFAG LOOK AT THIS FUCKING URL, PURE MEME MAGIC. I must be referred to as BrFAG from now on. No way this is a coincidence. During religious activities last morning, I asked if the Goddess's name was really Corobella, my ears immediately started to ring, intensely. I asked for another sign, I felt a strong chill in my upper spine. I asked if it was okay to keep calling her Corona-Chan, all I felt was a very soft chill in my lower spine. Then after deciding to use her real name more often and recommending that song, this meteorite fell. Now, as I found this amusing article and archived it, I got this amazing URL. Faith is a powerful thing, my fellow anons. This should be an eye opener for the anon who said magic is for untermensch ITT. If "I have" this kind of power being a shitskin, imagine what kind of power YOU, WHITE MAN, could have, the kinds of things you could do with an unwavering faith. The CNS will now temporally halt its services for religious activities, we will be back soon, dear readers. Have faith, have a burning love for the Goddess and Believe In Her Existence


Thank you NBA.

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187d1f  No.96075

File: 36f1e9531d9ce9b⋯.png (241.09 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, KoikatsuParty_2020_02_02_1….png)

File: b2e3030b71bd8ea⋯.png (282.56 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, KoikatsuParty_2020_02_02_1….png)

File: 80f6c8d260684b1⋯.png (326.06 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, KoikatsuParty_2020_02_02_1….png)


>Praised be Corobella! The Goddess has sent us a sign after we recommended Ryusei Lovers by JAM Project in this post >>95740 "I have a burning love, just like a shooting star"

Oh hell yeah. Cosmic activity like this has always been considered an omen to the initiated. Usually a bad omen, they were once called plague bearers. That's how influenza got her name, influence of the stars.

I'm sure I'm going to be called a kike for mentioning this but if you look into Corona-chan's gematria, her number in english gematria is 552, same as dark star, and planet x. Two nicknames for the nibiru prophecy, a supposed doomsday event involving either an impact or near miss from a massive celestial object.

There's a comet on it's way through the Sol system right now called Atlas, or C19. They say it broke up a few days ago into 3 or 4 smaller objects and will no longer be visible on it's pass. All the bugmen sciencefags are pretty butthurt that their light show has been canceled. I was never interested in a light show, I want impacts god damnit. As far as I'm concerned this doesn't change much. Instead of one object headed towards us, there are now at least 3 giant balls of rock and ice screaming through space. I cant find anything about what this means for the fragments, but I imagine their course has been altered to some degree, and I hope they're only more likely to find their way to earth's surface now.

If hoaxfags and naysayers are having trouble coping now, lets see them deal with two earth shaking happenings at once.

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8552b9  No.96081

File: 34ee1df7b40ff66⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 1.46 MB, 2560x1320, 64:33, okfag.png)



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4d60a8  No.96085


Dates derived from publications, with consideration for early submission and late final publish. Track the advancement/path of various specific lab models, when they split, when they ended, when they resumed, and pay attention to the institution locations credited / given thanks. Cross reference with gain-of-function ban 2014-OCT to 2017-DEC-19, whereby some research data halt by funding mechanisms/reporting, with paper finalization/late publish in 2015.

Start here, in the 'show more' function.


Alternatively, go call this guy, who was paid to train CCP agents, and ask for his confession yourself. You might also consider a few others. I'm sure you're resourceful, and already knew all that.

https www med unc edu/microimm/directory/ralph-baric-phd-1/

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8c1e83  No.96087


>Dates derived from publications

The publications or names are what I'm after.

>Show more

I presume these are the papers you refer to?

Grabbed the 2013 one (Isolation and characterization of a bat SARS-like coronavirus that uses the ACE2 receptor), thank you. Still looking for 2011.

If this was another field which I work in, I'd be able to find and access most papers. Med, I am a useless nigger and have practically no idea where to start aside from searching and that will likely end poorly, I can't into med very well, sorry, anon.

>Track the advancement/path of various specific lab models, when they split, when they ended

All I need is the paper name and I can dig it up if not behind a paywall though, hence asking for those papers (2011, 2014 (if not the 2013 one).

Found this though with one of the lab gain funding faggots involved;


>Bat Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Like Coronavirus WIV1 Encodes an Extra Accessory Protein, ORFX, Involved in Modulation of the Host Immune Response.

Might be something to look at regarding the immune side of things.

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4d60a8  No.96089

File: 16b62c3dc81d983⋯.pdf (963.1 KB, 41591_2015_Article_BFnm398….pdf)

File: 4b3b7ea38c5a0be⋯.pdf (103.44 KB, EXPOSING_THE_LIKELY_WUHAN_….pdf)


(1) Additional disbursement generics via fiscal year data available under HHS ASPR (Access required), which govern high-level changes in acts and policies. Specific gain-of-function and dual-use research-of-concern GOFROC / DURC 'bans' notices are available as well (again, controlled by funding, its not like there was jail/judgement/etc). (2) NIH also discloses much more specifically, by institution and by researcher/investigator, and has tools available. As acts and govt offices change, the research changes, to keep funding to their institutions, which registers as 'gaps' in a particular researchers publications and/or a switch in the tools/models they use and/or a change of focus. Researchers don't receive the money directly, it often goes to the institution/department and gets pooled, with year-delay in paper-vs-funding. To correct delays, check and align the grant numbers in a paper's acknowledgement section. (3) Grant Finder is a tool provided by CDC which allows lookup directly.

So for instance, take the 2014 halt in North Carolina Chapel Hill. See attached. See ack section, noting what is listed first as rank-first. Note grants. Some grants will satisfy lookup under NIH tools. Ack section in paper states U19AI109761. CDC states award. Now go and look at NIH award, searching by institution or investigator. Note the times for start and stop for the funding/project awards. Since Act changes by (1) can shift policy, and policy does not show up under award-data until later, disclaimers will be stated to show compliance.





Overall, this provides verification to assemble data. But, there is another way, if you are able to actually read sciencefag + biomedfag + histochemfag text: Just look at the tools they use, the models they construct, and what they change or add. Research tools are serial piece-wise things, like buying the right hammer, developing a pet favorite screw and your own screwdriver, and dropping a given tool when it dead-ends or you aren't allowed any more.

I don't know the tools of verification for China, so my methods were by tool analysis guess. It also aligns with what others have found. There are email disclosures on the net from earlier in the year. There are other pieces poping up on twitter feeds, such as the one attached.

One way, or another, it is demonstrated. But, if you want data past these indirect and nonspecific metrics, you will have to get a confession from the researchers/investigators directly. Which should be… entertaining.

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4d60a8  No.96091


Forgot to mention: Even if there is no English language disclosure tool for China grants, you can still just type their grant numbers of a paper's acknowledgement section into google, to see what others used that allocation. This method tracks people. That is, cross reference the grant with the researcher/investigator and vice versa; It also demonstrates the different people and paths which corresponds to the tool preferences.

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8c1e83  No.96092


This is probably getting a little too in-depth for a simple media info pack.

I will include both those PDFs though, thanks. Second one really is great for someone like me or newsfags.

p.s. I hope you are using tor/VPN there is potentially a security breach here currently, can't post proof but lets say it comes from Anons in the position to know

Will copy your post for further reference though if need be!


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8c1e83  No.96093


Security re: >>95784

It is public info now my bad.

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f8cb25  No.96094

File: bb6351d61ebdc88⋯.png (165.99 KB, 725x581, 725:581, her_green_eyes_are_very_pr….png)

File: e372d6252e1ebaa⋯.png (160.58 KB, 723x547, 723:547, that_procedure_doesnt_look….png)

File: a4912cee7b6adf5⋯.png (229.21 KB, 718x568, 359:284, kekking_at_that_irony.png)

File: 543c395f8b140a7⋯.png (188.21 KB, 727x580, 727:580, thank_you_Happening_Man.png)

File: 650d9e1af7ffe17⋯.png (260.32 KB, 504x621, 56:69, this_is_very_big_news.png)

It's a beautiful morning, the sky is blue and the sun shines through the white clouds. The birds sing praises to the Almighty Creator(s), there's no other sound other than them, no cars have started their engines and people are still in their homes. The train is nowhere to be seen. So, given these facts, why did I hear a horn four times at the very end of my religious activities? Tyoom Tyoom…Tyoom Tyoom….then complete silence afterwards. The CNS will now resume it's sacred operations of tracking Corobella's progress and witnessing her actions and their aftermaths.

Zerohedge/PJW article on the Deutsche lawyer who got sent to the loony bin after calling for legal protests against the unconstitutional lockdown of Deutschland https://archive.is/qnPRW

Chinkland wants to learn more about asymptomatic cases and immunity https://archive.vn/XTPzC

Such a sweet irony: Commies in Moscow are saying Corobella's impact on the Russian economy will cause mass starvation and blames the (((government))) for any slavouts that might happen https://archive.vn/xHvAm

Happening Man says everyone should be suspicious of (((corona-vaccines))) https://archive.vn/54u6L

Brownzilian supreme federal tribunal rules that states and municipalities have complete autonomy to impose futile measures against Corobella. The minister of the supreme tribunal (not the guy in the picture btw) also said that Bolsonaro doesn't have presidential powers to exert "politics of a genocidal character". Those are some fighting words if I ever seen them. This decision is very big news for Brownzil.


>There's a comet on it's way through the Sol system right now called Atlas, or C19

Ryusei Lovers=Comet/Meteor/Shooting Star Lovers. I din't even knew about this comet when I made that recommendation, the radio's recommendations are made based on the lyrics of the songs. I recommend checking out Believe In My Existence lyrics as well. https://lyricstranslate.com/en/believe-my-existence-believe-my-existence.html It's a beautiful song with a message of having hope while heading to an uncertain future and mustering up courage to face it.

>sciencefags are pretty butthurt that their light show has been canceled.


Serves them right for always being obnoxiously skeptic about the paranormal world.

>I was never interested in a light show, I want impacts god damnit. As far as I'm concerned this doesn't change much. Instead of one object headed towards us, there are now at least 3 giant balls of rock and ice screaming through space. I cant find anything about what this means for the fragments, but I imagine their course has been altered to some degree, and I hope they're only more likely to find their way to earth's surface now.

I doubt there will an impact at land or population center but hey, you never know what could happen.


I think I have seen this before but I still kek'd.


>All I need is the paper name and I can dig it up if not behind a paywall though

There are "people" putting scientific papers of critical importance behind paywalls? Now that's what I call jewry!

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e6b4c4  No.96097

File: 284c8685941f52c⋯.jpg (276.4 KB, 2000x889, 2000:889, end_the_lockdown.jpg)

this is so fucking boring

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b98220  No.96098

File: 895aee300eeaba9⋯.png (79.1 KB, 677x461, 677:461, Moroc.PNG)

File: 2f11e5c360e0f93⋯.png (449.03 KB, 623x755, 623:755, Lima.PNG)

Every now and then I like to read the local news from obscure places on the other side globe or whatever. I thought this was interesting, it's from Casablanca Morocco.


>A wedding and a religious ceremony held last month was all it took for the novel coronavirus to claim the lives of 12 people in Morocco – all of the members of Morocco's small Jewish community - accounting for 10 percent of the kingdom's total deaths due to the dreaded virus.

Also a Chinamen in Peru was busted stealing Corona test kits. The US media probably won't touch that story since it's politically incorrect, Tbf he only stole 25 and was charging to test people. It's not like he wiped out their supply.

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b98220  No.96099

This TIME article fr 2017 is a must read. Yea Trump gutted funding but what's interesting is they interview Fauci about the next pandemic. his answer is scary.


It's insane how unprepared we are right now.

Did you know this killer flu was already circulating in China?

>Across China, the virus that could spark the next pandemic is already circulating. It’s a bird flu called H7N9, and true to its name, it mostly infects poultry. Lately, however, it’s started jumping from chickens to humans more readily–bad news, because the virus is a killer. During a recent spike, 88% of people infected got pneumonia, three-quarters ended up in intensive care with severe respiratory problems, and 41% died.

>What H7N9 can’t do–yet–is spread easily from person to person, but experts know that could change. The longer the virus spends in humans, the better the chance that it might mutate to become more contagious–and once that happens, it’s only a matter of time before it hops a plane out of China and onto foreign soil, where it could spread through the air like wildfire.


Holy shit, we're sitting ducks for a super deadly FLU pandemic. How the fuck is the entire country still not testing FOR COVID and low on PPE?


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adfb37  No.96102

File: 405797fd03eb3f7⋯.png (509.78 KB, 912x1811, 912:1811, gates_bitching_about_trump.png)

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bb2ed5  No.96103

File: da919e02c31a918⋯.jpg (98.26 KB, 603x1024, 603:1024, da919e02c31a91818947e22710….jpg)

File: e23318a8021d647⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 186.28 KB, 850x648, 425:324, e23318a8021d647fffc6aa307e….jpg)

File: bb44012991fa249⋯.jpg (14.71 MB, 8917x5532, 8917:5532, bb44012991fa24941be78420a4….jpg)


Absolvte baste




Cheers anon, a salient observation.


>Cope. I'm White and American …. plsadfoklvkn;oritjwertsmdf;glsdg

*yawn* Yeah, I think coping is what your ass is doing right the fuck now with these posts. I can smell the fetor of your actively rupturing psychology from a mile away. ALPHABET MAN GLOW SO BRIGHT.


> This is not Resident Evil.

It's so much worse. Anybody can shoot zombies.


big fax fam, I'm absolutely bullshit. I unplugged for about 3 weeks and we're just a touch behind where I thought we'd be; which is fundamentally not fucking good because that means my heuristics for the weapons tech that went into this mean bitch are likely spot on, which, in turn… means we are in an utter world of shit. The data that has emerged since my effort posts in the 23rd (22nd/24th?? fucking archive is toasted for me, literally everywhere, I know my comms are trashed, rt) thread(s) and for a while after that is the precise opposite of encouraging. It's straight nightmare fuel. All Hoaxniggers, Fluniggers, Soupfaggots and Naturatards should escort themselves deep, deep, deep into the ocean to play with Spongebob. Keep breathing while you do this.

I always thought DOJ restricting Intel(INTL) selling highly parallel processing technology to the Chinkroach was very wise but I was more concerned with the energetic materials side of things… my fucking G-d look what these demoniac yellow monkey bastards have done. I'd so much rather deal with nuclear ordinance than this fucking novel species of intracellular parasite that preferentially likes to live in all the shit necessary for proper metabolic function. We, as a species, lack the language and intellectual coherence to express the abject Hatred and bitterness I have towards the dinks at this point and don't get me fucking started on (((Communism)))… I'm absolutely through with handling this bullshit with kid gloves and I sure hope my country is as well. I know people around me are fit to be tied and governments are made of people. Everybody is feeling the squeeze and while complete total lock-down is essential to limit the spread of the parasite/pathogen/virus/monster, the anger needs to go somewhere and PsyOP agents know this. This is why we are seeing so much agitation and disinfo on the behalf of the chinkybug and the Davosman, they need to channel to rage inward in strong nations that they despise to make them crumble… the problem is their chink Golem fucked up really bad and while they will do there damnedest to never let a crisis go to waste, not only are they really severely out of position (in every way) but now horrific uncontrolled conflict is baked into the pie. Nature seeks harmony and the lowest stable energy state in any system. A tremendous amount of instability has entered the system and the volatility shows absolutely no signs of decreasing, nor abating any time soon. What does this mean? All that energy has to go somewhere and they're so out of position that it could go exactly in the opposite direction they want it to and, it does appear to be snowballing down that hill. This calamity is unifying Peoples, specifically the Western world and our shared heritage in the Occident and abound with our Slavic brothers and our shared struggles with all righteous peoples for Free lands and Just Law. That's like, Fendi Fax not what (((these))) cunts wanted, and I'm not just talking kikes, you faggots. This fucking thing is so goddamn bad no western mind would even think, about thinking about it without being in a supremely sophisticated and hermetically isoloted lab under military guard, where you are under orders to not speak for any reason. Not even a fire. Just run. Yes, places like this exist. However, Charlie and Jackie decided to do these experiments in the garage and now I have to deal with Infectons whenever I leave my home. SINAE DELENDA EST

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8e533d  No.96105


>My prayers are being answered! I prayed for such resistances to extreme temperatures. Faith overpowers everything and changes the physical world!

GO CORONA-CHAN (Corobella?) GO!

i took some multivitamins and antibiotics, looks like my body fought of 1st wave of her love. i am completely healty for now

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b98220  No.96106

File: fecd63c747d7eb1⋯.png (225.49 KB, 1253x745, 1253:745, who.PNG)



Yea the WHO is already begging for a $40 million dollar infusion

I tell you what, i don't know how anyone (much less the POTUS) can read that time article on emerging threats and gut funding across the board.

Trump may very well be a legit traitor working to destroy the US. It'll be confirmation if he opens the country to early, it'll be devastating.

I like how the GOP is getting their base of useful idiots to protest against shelter in place orders. They think they're fighting for freedom and the American way of life, when in reality they're being conned into trading the lives of the elderly for corporate profit.

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642088  No.96107


Can someone post the original?

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358bb8  No.96108

File: 2fb74e7aaa36661⋯.png (43.4 KB, 846x245, 846:245, notto_diso_shitto_agen.png)

File: e18edd96ee76160⋯.png (179.27 KB, 396x583, 36:53, RIP.png)

File: 3d6eadfcaa3be9d⋯.png (222.74 KB, 634x568, 317:284, its_like_virginia_all_over….png)

File: 675e6adbd817c32⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 368x640, 23:40, Chinese_woman_attacks_an_A….mp4)

File: 45fc9ffa048bae9⋯.mp4 (5.89 MB, 368x624, 23:39, chinese_governments_tries_….mp4)

I believe I just heard an air raid siren in person for the first time in my life. So here I am, screencapping BNO's post about Nippon when I suddenly hear this plane….wait, that's not a plane that's a helicopter. No That rotor noise is too fast to be a helicopter, it's a drone! It's probably one of these drones used by the government to enforce the lockdown, let's go outside to check it out: Lo and behold, there was fucking nothing in the skies. Just that air raid siren-like sound. But there are no military bases around my area, Recife doesn't have tornado/weather sirens and there are no cars around so it wasn't someone with a car mounted with a loudspeaker warning people to stay in their homes. I rushed back into my room to grab my cellphone to record a video for you guys but it stopped right after I returned outside with phone in hands. I took too long trying to figure out what I was hearing while sitting down, then fumbled for too long with the locked door that leads outside. It happened quite briefly, now that I look back at it. What the fuck did I just witness? If it really was a military siren somewhere, why did they just run it for two "whoooooooooooomp"s?

Exponential rise in Nipponese cases forces their government to declare national emergency

Pile of corpses in the small morgue of a nursing home in NJ found by the police after an anonymous tip

4 Michigan sheriffs are refusing to enforce the quarantine lockdown https://archive.vn/CpptL

Bugwoman attacks an apefrican's home in Guangzhou https://archive.vn/EUaT2

Chink government tries to make amends with apefricans living in Chinkland but they're just not buying it https://archive.is/EBrPG


This is so fucking exciting!


His kvetching is music to my hears/poetry to my eyes.


>All Hoaxniggers, Fluniggers, Soupfaggots and Naturatards should escort themselves deep, deep, deep into the ocean to play with Spongebob. Keep breathing while you do this.

Kekking really hard at this part. Natural medicine is still better than dealing with pharma jews, though.

>All that energy has to go somewhere and they're so out of position that it could go exactly in the opposite direction they want it to and, it does appear to be snowballing down that hill. This calamity is unifying Peoples, specifically the Western world and our shared heritage in the Occident and abound with our Slavic brothers and our shared struggles with all righteous peoples for Free lands and Just Law.

Praised be your words!

>However, Charlie and Jackie decided to do these experiments in the garage

Kek'd again.


Nice to read that you're feeling better. Yes, Go Corobella Go!

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b98220  No.96111


There isn't a shred of evidence that Bill Gates is trying to trick people into taking a dangerous vaccine. Many people don't base their beliefs on facts, not only that they try to convince everyone that'll listen is that they know the truth for sure. When in reality they spewing absurd gibberish wtf.

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e6b4c4  No.96113


<(((redditor))) your on the wrong board

WHO needs to die, fucking funding some ebola bullshit, if Gates wants it so bad, he can pay for it it won't even hurt his pocketbook.

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b98220  No.96115

More evidence Trump is a straight up traitor or insanely incompetent. This gutting of WHO FUNDING IS A WIN FOR CHINA.. Every time i turn around Trump's engaged in some policy that's bad for America and good for other countries.


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adfb37  No.96117


m80 we can argue about whether or not to reopen the country, but gutting the WHO and the UN that controls it is not a debatable issue here, they have always been our enemy and any steps towards their destruction are good.

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358bb8  No.96118

File: fb52cc59d28c251⋯.mp4 (980.04 KB, 576x1246, 288:623, April_14th_2020_Avian_Flu_….mp4)

File: 355e515f056d468⋯.mp4 (743.58 KB, 540x960, 9:16, Road_in_Harbin_being_barri….mp4)

File: 8ead1ca49f17182⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB, 368x640, 23:40, chinese_government_officia….mp4)

File: 29a5822595daa97⋯.pdf (137.68 KB, SARS_COV_2_and_heat.pdf)

File: a0311c832ec3111⋯.pdf (1.89 MB, Temporal_dynamics_in_viral….pdf)

Avian-Chan taking out chink's livelihoods https://archive.vn/TUSsD

Chinks barricading a road in Harbin https://archive.vn/kJlGj

Chink official inspecting a mask factory https://archive.vn/dRVtr

Frog paper on how Corobella's physical form handles heat and a news article about it https://archive.vn/481BJ https://archive.vn/X3K2j

>Findings showed in the heat tests, only when the virus was exposed to 92 degree Celsius temperatures for 15 minutes was it totally inactivated. The other two heat conditions, 60 degrees Celsius for 60 minutes and 56 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes, resulted in a "clear drop in infectivity," but with some samples with higher viral loads remaining active. "These results were consistent with previous studies on SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV," they said.

I'm reaching levels of smug that shouldn't even be possible. I read so many Brownzilian normalfag's twatter posts that go

>HUEHUHEUHE, heat will kill the virus easily, nothing to worry about

>hurr durrr, Recife's heat kills anything, the coronavirus doesn't stand a chance here

All the prayers and all the rituals, all the pain and all the joy, all the spent energy and the toll exhaustion took on me, it all paid off. I still run across these posts but it's only a matter of time before Brownzilian MSM makes a piece about this. Then, they will panic. I can't wait to read their posts full of shock and awe.

Paper about the shedding of Corobella's envelopes of love https://archive.vn/01uNF

>This means someone could carry #coronavirus for 21 days without symptoms while infecting others and it could take up to 42 days since the original infections before others begin to show symptoms. Extremely horrifying to think of the number potentially infected during that time.

t. Alexander Higgins, guy on twatter that I keep an eye on because he makes good posts. I'm feeling even more smug because I remember an anon last thread that stupidly posted about the incubation period being no longer than 2 weeks. TOP KEK. Praying for more infectiousness, contagiousness and stealthyness is paying off too!

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187d1f  No.96120

File: 78947e048594318⋯.png (216.14 KB, 500x504, 125:126, retard.png)

File: a6f02f54da3b76c⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2480x3508, 620:877, xinnie.jpg)

File: 03ec43651003fa4⋯.png (1.62 MB, 885x1117, 885:1117, the_joker.png)

File: 6eb4a3027122a96⋯.jpg (135.9 KB, 700x700, 1:1, clean.jpg)


>I doubt there will an impact at land or population center but hey, you never know what could happen.

I have to agree, but I can dream. It was suggested by a fellow occultist that what's referenced might be more of a spiritual impact than a physical one, and I had to admit that seemed more likely. Now that it's broken up my hopes are high again and I'm banking on a nice shotgun effect, could still go either way though. That said there have been an awful lot of impacts and flybys lately, like this one in Nigeria




If you were shilling for MSF or some other curefag org, globalist or no, I'd be happy to agree to disagree and get on with my life, but the WHO? Even the World Bank is tired of their shit, told them to fuck off a year ago when they were begging for Ebola money. This is either your first outbreak, or you're on their payroll. They're so corrupt and ineffectual it's baffling to me that you would come around here and say these things. I want those niggers dead, I want their children starving and homeless, and I think it's funny.

>Senior WHO official accused of using Ebola cash to pay for girlfriend's flight



>The World Bank Has the Money to Fight Ebola but Won’t Use It



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b98220  No.96121

File: 8fc472e390b70fc⋯.png (111.73 KB, 804x844, 201:211, ChinaCentric.PNG)


Trump's claim is the around Jan 15 the WHO naively took China's word AND THAT ALLOWED IT TO SPREAD.

In reality it's Trump's treason and/or incompetence. He's the one who eliminated the group that would of been on the ground advising on the virus. He gutted all kinds of shit so he could give enormous tax cuts the super rich and pay for a build up for a war w Iran. That's still coming you watch, jeez i mean Biden's done it looks like they give they may give the nom to Cuomo. Trump was even more china centric than the WHO.

If he pulled out funding and tried to eliminate the UN that would be ok but he's not he's just handing more power to China.

It's just odd how everything Trump does helps China and hurts the USA.

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642088  No.96122


In a best case scenario, he will scam them into taking a very poisonous placebo so that he can take their money, or more likely, he will bribe their corrupt governments to do it on people's behalf. Can't these mafia psychos just traditionally rob people instead of trying to give some legitimacy to that robbery by unnecessarily poisoning their victims as well? I know that Jews and their shabbos goyim can't help themselves, but still, just take the money and fuck off already.

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ddeb80  No.96123

File: 6a4e73a73e93f55⋯.jpeg (351.44 KB, 1310x1348, 655:674, WhatsApp_Image_2020_04_16….jpeg)

Italian here cured from coronavirus tested negative today

My notes translated from 25th march:

left: "cure for coronavirus"

right: "in case it it doesn't work"

The worst part is when you can barely breathe

4 inhalations for 1 minor breath followed by 4 exhalations for something like 50 hours

You can't sleep during this

Luckily im 33 oxy saturation 99% so I handled it

Fuck hospitals you go in with one strain of corona you come out with 7 strains

Grandma came and said "take meds, wine, these herbs and prayers to Mussolini"

Now I want to know: are the jews behind this too?

I know it's always them, just for confirmation

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adfb37  No.96124


How the hell is gutting the WHO handing 'more power to China'? That makes no sense you dumb shill.

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642088  No.96125

File: 6df4cd0ae306f3b⋯.jpeg (157.46 KB, 993x1024, 993:1024, CV1.jpeg)

File: 34b207ca4077657⋯.jpeg (344.87 KB, 1500x1388, 375:347, CV2.jpeg)

File: 84c3ba686ada38d⋯.jpeg (323.75 KB, 718x1872, 359:936, CV4.jpeg)


>Now I want to know: are the jews behind this too?

Take an educated guess

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b98220  No.96128

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I just noticed the air head bimbo Kelly Ann Conway is trending. She opened her mouth and exposed herself a clueless clown.

Guess what, that clueless bimbo with zero experience in anything related to healthcare is our opiate czar. Opiates are wiping out on avg 150 young whites per day and devastating families w OD's n shit.

Just another Trump policy where we lose. Yuri explain to these guys how Trump is the ideal candidate for communist recruitment.

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b98220  No.96129


No the Jews are not behind this, it happened naturally and will happen again with other types of viruses. This is the new normal for the foreseeable future..

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d99b5a  No.96130

File: 0485f2e83a711b2⋯.jpg (59.01 KB, 680x808, 85:101, 34e.jpg)


Do you sincerely think it isn't the jews?

Jews exploit every situation for their own gain. These rat bastards can't get their hands out of anything.

pic related, "haha funny meme" while still giving you a clue in how a kike lawyer brain works.


Shut up you gook shill. Jews engineered this virus and helped it spread to Iran after China.

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1436be  No.96131

File: fdc3ce2e2697f44⋯.png (880.04 KB, 3138x1767, 1046:589, Chinese_Virus_15th_April.png)

File: 6bbba11a81cb55c⋯.png (182.86 KB, 2089x1763, 2089:1763, Chinese_Virus_Trends_15th_….png)

File: 6e5cdb433e91fa2⋯.png (1.1 MB, 3164x1589, 452:227, Chinese_Virus_America_15th….png)

File: 75cf94e38548b0f⋯.png (109.4 KB, 1540x825, 28:15, Chinese_Virus_Curves_15th_….png)

Here's the latest stats.

I've included charts showing the daily counts against the running totals to show how the deaths are reducing. I've also included a time adjusted curve overlay, taken from the point where each country had a double digit confirmed case count as the starting point of viral spread.

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d99b5a  No.96132


I think Vice approved of those "non-offending" pedos. Essentially LGBTQ faggot movement is losing traction so they are adding pedos to that movement by saying "hey, if you don't diddle kids you can fap at them".

Vice is also spawn of satan.

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1436be  No.96134


People underestimate the value of language, specifically that words themselves influence the train of thought. Two different words with the exact same definition can lead to a different decision based on their learned association and how the verbal construction of the word feels to say.

The left change words very deliberately and police variants they dislike, not because they're offended but because certain influential academic elements are purposefully trying to redefine the normal.

There is a world of degeneracy beyond what the average internet user knows. Even those that think they're initiated often aren't.

The left are pushing NOMAP's - non offending minor attracted persons. Paedophiles.

Furries, otherkin, pups, bestialists, zoosadists (yes, they fuck animals to death and torture them and yes it's real and yes there's hundreds of videos).

MAP's, NOMAP's, lgf dependencies.

LGBTQ groups that intentionally corrupt children for sexual pleasure. Bug chasers and giftgivers.

ABDL's, headmates, tulpas, inflationists.

For a bonus, there's zoosadist inflationists, they literally inflate barnyard animals for sexual pleasure with air until their organs explode.

I'm a glow in the dark and I'm tired of this world. Last year a work colleague brought up Terry when we were all drunk, every single one of us knew of him for years but hid our power level. Since then, we're no longer constrained by the designed constriction of sharing legitimate concerns masqueraded as political correctness.

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358bb8  No.96138

File: da10cc62fab7044⋯.png (148.45 KB, 428x605, 428:605, coof_coof_le_baguette.png)

File: 15d1b4ea83ca5c6⋯.png (348.94 KB, 480x595, 96:119, Idiocracy_was_not_supposed….png)

File: 37bf82c3a01bcf0⋯.jpg (173.88 KB, 1079x809, 1079:809, Kenyan_corona_care_package.jpg)

File: d9e934e0a5a4484⋯.png (208.68 KB, 505x565, 101:113, wonder_if_they_will_get_be….png)

File: f244690c43949ea⋯.png (87.18 KB, 941x476, 941:476, wew.png)

Update on the Frog aircoof carrier https://archive.vn/v85RK

Kenyan governor who's also a rapper issues a coronavirus care package containing hennessy bottles https://archive.vn/LEbGF I always thought Idiocracy was just a symbolic movie about what happen when your population gets too degenerate, I never actually expected to see something that mirrored the movie so much. This is some president Camacho tier shit.

Chinkland sending doctors to Ethiopia and Burkina Faso https://archive.vn/uLALK I wonder if they will get attacked by apefricans who are either afraid of them or who are aware about what recently happened to their fellow nignogs at the hands of the chinks.

45K miners in South Africa could lose their jobs because of the quarantine lockdown. https://archive.vn/drMYQ


>its okay to be retarded



I had forgotten about this meme, even though I used it before…Meme Magic/Chaos Magick really is something. It called this meteorite even earlier than me!

>That said there have been an awful lot of impacts and flybys lately, like this one in Nigeria

Holy shit, din't knew about this. I take back what I said, then. It's definitely possible! Hey I suddenly remembered about what happened in Russia, that one big shiny meteor caught in a dashcam. Yeah, I completely take back what I said, there's a decent chance of them hitting populated areas.


Buongiorno, Pasta. Those meds din't cure you, Corobella knew you were worthy of living and decided to spare you. By the way, did you suffer any long term damages or scarring? Asking just to be sure of something.

>Fuck hospitals you go in with one strain of corona you come out with 7 strains

Indeed, my spicy friend.

>Grandma came and said "take meds, wine, these herbs and prayers to Mussolini"

She's a good woman!

>Now I want to know: are the jews behind this too? I know it's always them, just for confirmation

Yes, this is some major loominutty shit, they did it along with the chinks and Billy G.


Great work, map & chart anon!


>There is a world of degeneracy beyond what the average internet user knows. Even those that think they're initiated often aren't.

>zoosadists (yes, they fuck animals to death and torture them and yes it's real and yes there's hundreds of videos).

>For a bonus, there's zoosadist inflationists, they literally inflate barnyard animals for sexual pleasure with air until their organs explode.

>I'm a glow in the dark and I'm tired of this world.

You're a glow alright, I never heard of those animal-hating degenerates before.

>Last year a work colleague brought up Terry when we were all drunk, every single one of us knew of him for years but hid our power level. Since then, we're no longer constrained by the designed constriction of sharing legitimate concerns masqueraded as political correctness.

I thought you guys were stripped of your human spirit during your training but maybe I was wrong, looks like there's hope for you yet. Hopefully there are more bioluminescent negroids like you and your colleague out there.

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d99b5a  No.96139


Brother I feel you.

Hell, even learning another language makes me feel like the culture that is infused with those words makes me think in a certain way.

Just mouthing off words and certain phonemes makes me think a certain way.

We could get into the scifi of "everything is a frequency vibration and that's why Gods of past always had "ohm" or "ahm" sound to them" but that would be pushing it no?

The war is coming, everybody knows the stakes and battlefields.

It might be physical but more importantly it will be more than that, it will be a fight for souls and brains of this world.

Satan tried to make control of us, and is still relentlessly trying, but treating others with respect and love is undoing him the most.

Keep on the good fight glowie, don't succumb to evil. If you need, be evil to evil itself to get it out of your system.

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adfb37  No.96140


That has nothing to do with what I said. Dumb fuck chink.

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ec122e  No.96143


>Probably just the failing neoliberal ones who want to focus their racially incoherent populations somewhere external while avoiding meaningful reform.

Dunno man. It's possible, but considering the shit is showing up everywhere? And even the neolib governments are falling in behind on the US over the WHO and China's bullshit…it could be much more interesting half a year for now. I'm kinda waiting to see if the ruskies join in, especially with the shitshow going down in Moscow.

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cab001  No.96144

Big Tech To Censor More News About Corona

MY COMMENT: Ha! People like myself do not rely on you or your services! We will keep gathering real news whether you punks like it or not!! And we will not be told what to believe either so fuck right off!



Armed Protesters Clog Streets In Michigan Over Whitmer Coronavirus Stay-home Order



Trump Warns Of Long Term Economic Collapse If Lockdowns Remain Much Longer



Cuomo Signs EO Requiring All New Yorkers To Wear Face Coverings In Public Amid Pandemic



Global Food Supply Chains Beginning To Erode As Crisis Looms

MY COMMENT: This will anger some on /pnd/ but whoever has not stocked up on good food is dumb, if they have the money to do so. If you have any savings, you best consider having a decent food supply at home! Check the survival thread for ALL the tips you need! Also learn to jar foods to preserve in storage and rotate them by date, always label storage dates!



Canadian Meat Industry Warns Of "Immediate And Drastic" Impact To Supply



Corona Lockdowns: Residential Waste Volume Increases, Impacting Municipal Waste Haulers



Dead Patient Infects Medical Examiner With COVID-19



Bill Gates BTFO! Corona Mutation Strains May Render Vaccines Useless



CDC BTFO! Coronavirus Antibody Tests Reveal Natural Corona Immunity In Some Folks

(Meaning They Can Forever Go Around Spreading It!)



Anthony Fauci And Bill Gates Are Enemies And Should Be Treated As Such From Now On!

MY COMMENT: Anyone who tries to enforce their bullshit is now an enemy too! Be very careful who you try fucking with assholes! Some here won't play nice!



Why Are Rich Americans Getting $1.7 Million Dollar Stimulus Checks?



New Proposal Would Give Americans Free Money Each Month During Corona Crisis

MY COMMENT: Beware of any (((strings))) attached! I'm sure they'll demand people take the ID 2020 vaccine chip to get this blood money!



UK Government, Banks 'Screw Up' COVID-Loans, Small Firms Near Collapse




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fc3d5c  No.96145

File: 3fcd8444b1f1360⋯.png (471.72 KB, 748x908, 187:227, SAVED25ef18a490543a0a50b6b….png)


>Now I want to know: are the jews behind this too?

Yes yes yes. Jews like Henry Kissinger are responsible for all of this fiasco, sending all industrial labour to China and making the world dependent on them. Now they released a plague and no country can manufacture their own drugs because of this niggerkike

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b98220  No.96146


I don't under estimate the power of propaganda, look at the rights useful idiots..

As if Trump wasn't best buddies with Epstein Dershowitz hell the whole click. Yea the right def has the moral high ground, vid related.


Dude the GOP isn't even conservative they're corporatists masquerading as conservatives.

The dems aren't liberal, they're corporatist masquerading as liberals. Fuck right wingers, these gullible bastards still support TRUMP AND THE GOP AND IT'S PRETTY MUCH DESTROYED AMERICA FOR GOOD.

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0e527e  No.96147

File: b44cdd9ace65b7c⋯.jpeg (136.8 KB, 649x960, 649:960, b44cdd9ace65b7c9acfca5155….jpeg)

is the dark age of technology happening yet?

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bbce03  No.96150

File: dbe7ed6eb2f72e5⋯.pdf (1.61 MB, 2020_04_09_034942v1_full.pdf)

File: 5f5d9465dfc441e⋯.jpg (2.97 KB, 100x100, 1:1, smug_stephen.jpg)


>Corona Mutation Strains May Render Vaccines Useless

everyone citing stephen chen again. stephen chen does not provide sauce. sauce:


pdf related

>Based on the currently available genome sequence data, we proved that SARS-COV-2 genome has a much lower mutation rate and genetic diversity than SARS during the 2002-2003 outbreak.

>The spike (S) protein encoding gene of SARS-COV-2 is found relatively more conserved than other protein-encoding genes, which is a good indication for the ongoing antiviral drug and vaccine development.

>Genetic diversity analyses identified a single amino acid mutation in RBD of the spike protein in SARS-CoV-2

>Overall, the gene sequences from 118 different samples are highly homologous, sharing >99.1% identity, with the exception of 5UTR(96.7%) and 3UTR(98%), which are relatively more divergent. Sequence alignment showed that there is no mutation in ORF6, ORF7a, and ORF7b.

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71ad12  No.96155

File: 033f9db4e45b2ad⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1376x931, 1376:931, Untitled.png)

Singapore breaks another daily record - 728 more blessed for a total of 4427



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358bb8  No.96156

File: c432abe9c7a1a78⋯.png (307 KB, 1039x513, 1039:513, Corobella_kicking_Pernambu….png)

File: 44c3d93bdeb5639⋯.png (525.49 KB, 1156x512, 289:128, 98_EMTS_confirmed_to_be_in….png)

File: d930e50274aa71a⋯.png (183.35 KB, 770x615, 154:123, rat_poison_in_a_syringe.png)

File: 66625015eabd1b1⋯.png (409.95 KB, 1339x584, 1339:584, auto_assembly_plant_worker….png)

File: 27b274452183aa2⋯.png (292.51 KB, 1220x549, 20:9, monitorAR.png)

Since the thread is coming to an end, I think it's time for an outdated

Update on the Brownzilian state of Pernambuco and the city of Recife

Revenge Road Edition You will understand this name soon

Corobella's numbers of blessings and kills are rising exponentially, both officially and unofficially. Like I said in my last update, she conquered the entire state, sure, there might be some countryside towns without official cases for now, but since she's confirmed to be in the rural area so it's only a matter of time. The Goddess broke her official record of kills in a day, a decent number of them were "healthy" and had no preexisting health issues. EMTs are getting their asses kicked too, 98 confirmed blessings in their rank, that's 12% of the force.

Recent Happenings

Flu vaccination campaign going into it's 2nd phase. You're probably thinking "wait what, you never said anything about a vaccination campaign". Yes, because I thought it was irrelevant since it was just the flu bro vaccine, but since there's a big brained anon who thinks the vaccines are making people more susceptible to Corobella's blessing, I think it's worth letting him know: There was and still is a flu vaccination campaign going on in my city, it's been happening since March, which was the first wave. They vaccinated so much people that they had issues with the supplies and many stations ran out of shots. Unfortunately, my father got himself one even after I told him that Burgers were looking into the hypothesis of vaccinations making you more susceptible to Corobella.

Sciencefags at Recife's federal university invent a gadget that measures your heartbeat, temperature and breathing rate at the same time. It's a bundle of sensors connected to a smartphone that works with an app the nerds made. It seems to actually work well and it's quite cheap to make. I'm impressed, to be honest, never expected anything so good to come out of here.

Government making more hospitals and local auto assembly lines are fixing broken ventilators

I'm getting "body too big" error so I will unfortunately have to split this post into two.


>We could get into the scifi of "everything is a frequency vibration and that's why Gods of past always had "ohm" or "ahm" sound to them" but that would be pushing it no?

Not wanting to derail the thread with /x/ faggotry but yes, vibrations and frequencies are everything. Don't know about the name of gods, though. Most deities that I know of don't have names that sound like that. But I know some do.

>The war is coming, everybody knows the stakes and battlefields. It might be physical but more importantly it will be more than that, it will be a fight for souls and brains of this world.

You really know what's up.

>Satan tried to make control of us, and is still relentlessly trying, but treating others with respect and love is undoing him the most.

I have a feeling there's more than just one metaphysical general on the opposing force, but yes, you're correct about love and respect. Even I get tired of being edgy on purpose sometimes. Some edgy shit is sad but true, though.


Good morning text-only newsposter!

>This will anger some on /pnd/ but whoever has not stocked up on good food is dumb

Only a newfag or an outsider would be offended by this truth. I'm not stocked up because of reasons but I will be okay.

>Anthony Fauci And Bill Gates Are Enemies And Should Be Treated As Such From Now On!

> Anyone who tries to enforce their bullshit is now an enemy too! Be very careful who you try fucking with assholes! Some here won't play nice!

You're in the right mindset, the guerrilla mindset.

>Beware of any (((strings))) attached! I'm sure they'll demand people take the ID 2020 vaccine chip to get this blood money!

This. I don't trust any gibs and don't rely on ZOG at all.


It actually is. Slowly but surely. A necessary evil, the world will reach maximum dystopian levels, then the Last War On Earth will happen.


>Defending curefaggotry, and (((vaccination))) faggotry at that


>>96155 (checked)

They're fugged.

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29d3fc  No.96163

File: 319d3c196d1630f⋯.gif (1.48 MB, 307x298, 307:298, 1585385288538.gif)

How bad this really is guys? I'm out of the loop for 2+ months now, sitting it out in my cabin. My folks say the hysteria started to die down where I live, generally people are back to work, although there never was a real lockdown over here, just government advice to stay home, therefore I decided I hike back for supplies, but I'm not about to trust normies with this. Is it really bad or is it nothing like they say?

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358bb8  No.96168

File: 95b0fd1355bfb07⋯.png (440.14 KB, 1130x534, 565:267, assasination_spree_crime_s….png)

File: 0647019a976b5fd⋯.png (491.45 KB, 1145x538, 1145:538, all_these_people_gathering….png)

File: 170c8454e45bcb3⋯.png (371.08 KB, 1304x539, 1304:539, gang_guns_1.png)

File: b1346afe7dab380⋯.jpeg (35.07 KB, 806x443, 806:443, gang_guns_2.jpeg)

File: b7fa207f7292191⋯.png (364.73 KB, 1125x528, 375:176, Recifes_Gibson_kicks_the_m….png)


Part two of the update

Rise in violence amid the pandemic and soft lockdown

There's just so many robberies, murders and assassinations going on right now that I'm starting to wonder if the Pernambucan society is reaching it's breaking point. An off duty cop killed a robber, an old lawfag got assassinated, break-ins and looting happened downtown, gangs are getting busted and the police is revealing their arsenal of guns and kevlar vests, it's getting fucking crazy over here. We always had high violence but data shows its getting even worse, all of a sudden! Here are Tuesday's notable crimes:

14YO girl gets shot in the face while riding the bus. She's alive but needs surgery, obviously.

Drug dealers go into an assassination spree, killing their targets in a quick succession and leaving behind a sea of brown masses behind that gather around with no PPE whatsoever to look at the corpses.

And Tuesday's night's main event: Recife becomes an extremely low budget version of Megatokyo from BGC and gets its own J.B Gibson.

Obligatory video for this part of the post: https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=gL4pxh24TtA

If you ever watched the 80's anime Bubblegum Crisis, you know who I'm talking about: The vengeful man with a supercar who rams violent bikers off the highways of Megatokyo. Well, something very amusing happened: An Uber driver saw someone getting mugged by a knife wielding cyclist, so he decided to chase and ram that motherfucker at full speed. He rammed that nigger's bicycle so hard that he nearly flipped his car. But the fun doesn't end there! He climbs out of the wreckage, kicks the mugger when he's down and took his knife. Of course, police was nowhere to be seen during the crime but quickly arrives when a badass motherfucker saves the day, and usually with the intention of arresting the hero. You can watch the news about it over here, skip to 31:14 https://vimeo.com/408198910. He din't had a gun and a supercar like Gibson, and the robber din't had a sports bike and a mini crossbow with explosive bolts, just a bicycle and a knife, but I will be damned if he isn't just as cool as Gibson himself. We're being GPS tracked through our phones, a robot lady from MinHealth is calling our phones to check if we're okay, the police is supposedly flying drones that look for feverish coofers, entry at supermarkets requires a temperature check, crime is on the rise and some people are so pissed off at criminals that they don't mind wrecking their own cars if it means putting an end to their niggertry. We're extremely low budget cyberpunk now, a combination of Car Wars, Cyberpunk 2020, BGC and Shadowrun. And I wouldn't have it any other way. If you haven't notice it already, I'm a massive fa/tg/uy.


Fuck's sake man, it's so fucking bad that it's hard to explain to someone who just arrived. I think the best way to sum it up is like this: It's very bad in some places already, but not bad at all in other places yet. But the virus crashed the economy so everyone is gonna be fucked in one way or another regardless of infection. Oh, and the NWO is making huge power grabs too. It's bad, trust me. Go read the archived threads by the way, seriously, you won't regret it.

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29d3fc  No.96170


what do if my soul is fucked and im a totally lost individual, feeling like the demon of rage, vengeance and bitter resentment took over my existence? is there any chance of coming back from this or im screwed?

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d3f202  No.96173

File: 1c62db13711efc1⋯.mp4 (6.17 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Pave_Hawks_in_LA_wearing_N….mp4)


> big brained anon

Surely, you don't mean me?

Inb4, "Don't call me Shirley, homo." Let me have my fun, Brazil-Bruder.

Open discussion of the flu-vaccine theory will likely get me banned, as it ties in to some Q-tard shit.

If the mortality of the disease is exacerbated by vaccines, and those vaccines were distributed to multiple countries around the world, then why wasn't that same vaccine distributed to (((western))) nations? What event prevented the distribution of a cytokine-storm-causing vaccine within the US?

Is video-attached related?

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29d3fc  No.96174


No offence man, but this seems like SA or Mexico. Shit like this and worse seems to be happening there every single day.

I read some cuckchan this week since Im grocery shopping and decided I stay a few days at my dads place, I reas some cuckchan yesterday, but those guys seem to be just hyping it up for no reason. Im from eastern euro and nothing seems to have changed. Hospitals are fine and death toll is marginal ~140 or so people. Stonks are going up again since we bottomed out. My mom has to go to her yearly thyroid screening to the hospital and she said there arent many people there. What Im thinking is that its really just the jews trying to shit up the world somehow by overregulating people in response to an otherwise minor threat.

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fc3d5c  No.96175

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>How bad this really is guys?

The world will never be the same

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a2b5f0  No.96177

File: e53339850c40f9e⋯.png (255.37 KB, 537x699, 179:233, biggest_nothingburger.png)


>How bad this really is guys?

smoke and mirrors, in couple of week everybody will realize nearly 90% of people are not symptomatic, and almost only old and obese people are dying

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5b88c2  No.96181


When was this taken?

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358bb8  No.96182


It's like he said, you can direct that rage at the (((people))) who fucked the world up.


>No offence man, but this seems like SA or Mexico. Shit like this and worse seems to be happening there every single day.

Data shows crime is getting wors and the virus and the economy getting nuked will only worsen the situation even more so. The fact doctors are also being targeted by criminals won't help with the epidemic at all, our muggers are very uppity and shoot to kill at any sudden movement, if they kill a doctor during a mugging, the hospital that doctor worked at will become less effective at treating infected patients. Not to mention that wounded people getting taken to hospitals are at risk of getting infected, they have become death traps like this Pasta said >>96123 after all

>those guys seem to be just hyping it up for no reason.

You can trust me when I say they're not. Please read the archived threads. Like this anon says >>96175 , the world will never be the same because of the virus itself and the NWO's power grabs.

>Im from eastern euro and nothing seems to have changed. Hospitals are fine and death toll is marginal ~140 or so people. Stonks are going up again since we bottomed out.

Remember when I said it wasn't that bad in some places yet? You're in one of those places. If your government is not kiked and actually based, your country might ride out this Happening without a health crisis. Economically speaking, you will get hit if your country relies on the Euro or the dollar. If you're in league with the Ruskies, your economy might survive, in a crippled state, but it will live.

>jews trying to shit up the world somehow by overregulating people in response to an otherwise minor threat.

It's not minor, read the archived threads, read the scientific papers. I say this not as a cultist but as an informed anon. (((They))) cooked up a superbug. And like I keep saying, yes, the kikes and their allies are making huge power grabs. Soon, People that want to live freely will have to live like guerrillas , hiding in the woods and the mountains.

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358bb8  No.96185


I wanted to reply to you in my previous post but I got distracted by the anon that needed an immediate reply, sorry about that.

>Open discussion of the flu-vaccine theory will likely get me banned, as it ties in to some Q-tard shit.

Honestly, as long as it doesn't end in "trust the plan", I don't see a problem. Have a go at it and spill the beans on your theory.

>If the mortality of the disease is exacerbated by vaccines, and those vaccines were distributed to multiple countries around the world, then why wasn't that same vaccine distributed to (((western))) nations? What event prevented the distribution of a cytokine-storm-causing vaccine within the US?

No idea. Maybe they deem western populations as valuable resources, so they're not being designated for culling but for slavery instead?

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1d0654  No.96189

File: 0c8cb8208430360⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1078x609, 154:87, 1.PNG)

10,000 Michigan People Protest Coronavirus Lockdown, 2,108,000 COVID-19 Cases Worldwide


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29d3fc  No.96193


>>n I said it wasn't that bad in some places yet? You're in one of those places. If your government is not kiked and actually based, your country might ride out this Happening without a health crisis. Economically speaking,

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29d3fc  No.96194


so are you saying tyranny will get worse or the actual pandemic? or both?

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d3f202  No.96196


> Just don't "trust da plan", and you should be fine.

Yeah, we'll see. I only trust my rifle, and that hasn't previously prevented me from being banned.

I still think that there is disagreement and dissent within ZOG, and the Trump-phenomena is evidence of that. Trump and 17-letter-tards are more than just a false-flag shill. Something very unusual is happening within the upper echelons of the kike empire. I was banned the last time I expressed that opinion. I want to discuss it, and have my opinion critiqued, but I'm only free to talk about it on the 17-letter-tard containment board, and the people there drink too much koolaid - all of them "trust da plahn", and critical discussion is impossible.

> Maybe the kikes view their Amerimutt slaves as being more valuable, so (((they))) didn't distribute the cytokine-storm vaccine within MuttLand.

Yeah, maybe. But that would imply dissention within ZOG. Those same (((people))) have been actively working to destroy the Euro-American demographic for decades. Why would they change their minds now?

Simple explanations are preferable to those requiring conspiracy. A conspiracy should only be inferred if evidence for one exists.

We know that the kikes are vying to implement global population control, as there is evidence for it. But there is very little evidence outside of 17-letter-tard shit that there is organized resistance against the kike empire.

Still hoping I don't get banned for asking questions and expressing belief that there is evidence of dissent, as I don't "trust da plahn" or believe that Trump is /OurGuy/.

All I know for certain is that it was kikes who did this, and they must pay. The evidence does not allow for another possibility.

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3d2fbc  No.96201


don't use hooktube, use invidio

Also would you gentlemen consider coming over the 'ring as well?

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f98ffb  No.96205


Since archive.md is giving me a hard time now, other archivers will be put to use!



USSA: Airlines To Set Up Blood Checkpoints Soon

MY COMMENT: I'll stick to driving then!



Airlines Plunge After United Sees "Essentially Zero" Demand, No Recovery



The Shutdown Backlash Is Coming Soon, With a Vengeance

MY COMMENT: Start packing heat wherever you go.



Another Armed protest Hits Ohio Statehouse



Michigan Residents Sue Governor Whitmer Over Coronavirus Pandemic Orders



Democrats' New Plan: Crash The Economy, Let Everyone Stay At Home, Pay Them For Staying Inside

MY COMMENT: OK… supplies? Basic essentials? Food? I guess we don't need to maintain infrastructure or municipalities (water, energy) either?



Meat Increasing In Demand, Might Be Shortages Soon!

MY COMMENT: Buy wholesale from local farmers/ranchers! 1K for half a cow ain't a bad deal! That's a LOT of meat, 2 years worth of it! You'll need a big box freezer to store it though!



22 Million Jobs Lost So Far In Police State, USSA



^ Trump Warns Of Long Term Economic Collapse If Lockdowns Remain Much Longer



Housing Market Starts Collapse By Most In 36 Years



Corona Crisis Accelerating Depletion Of Social Security Fund



Police State UK: British Cops Call For the Right to Invade Private Homes to Bust up Gatherings



Experiment Shows COVID-19 Can Survive Long Exposure to High Temperatures



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d0b65f  No.96209


I've seen more crime after or during a hurricane, I think it's because I know my neighbors fairly well and everyone here knows what is going on in neighborhood. You kind of have to I live in a suburban house

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8436aa  No.96215


It's only going to get bigger from here. 22 million out of work so far. This is likely not going to end well and lots of lawsuits are coming too.

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c78014  No.96217


They're sure as hell trying to set up tyranny and medical martial law. Don't give in though, and if worse comes to worse, if they try something stupid, shoot 'em.

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358bb8  No.96218


Good afternoon, Olin! I think that Venezuelan getting CPR'd would have been a nice addition to the video but you do you, friend.

>>96193 >>96194

Both. In some places, the tyranny will be worse than the virus. In others, vice-versa.


>don't use hooktube, use invidious

Anons have said in a previous thread invidious is less private than hooktube, or something like that.

>Also would you gentlemen consider coming over the 'ring as well?

You mean going to /k/? I left there back in January because I felt embarrassed after streloks din't liked me posting some stupid yet harmless memes back when I wasn't aware how bad the situation was and just wanted to make their day better with some humor.


>I still think that there is disagreement and dissent within ZOG, and the Trump-phenomena is evidence of that.

You're right on about that. ZOGs and the NWO alliance of organizations bicker with each other constantly, which leads to infighting and mistakes that are often used by us for our own advantage, even when we don't realize it. Simple stuff like pushing too hard on shit like drag queens at schools, constantly attacking European identity and just making some people embrace it even more, supporting pedos, etc.

>Yeah, maybe. But that would imply dissention within ZOG. Those same (((people))) have been actively working to destroy the Euro-American demographic for decades. Why would they change their minds now?

I don't think They ever changed their minds, they're designating Burgers for slavery because of demographics, they assume white Americans are going to be bred out by other races and also race mixed out of existence. Therefore they don't view them as threats. Europe might have gotten the poisoned vaccine because they saw what happened when Europeans went unchecked in the 30s and 40s.

>Simple explanations are preferable to those requiring conspiracy. A conspiracy should only be inferred if evidence for one exists.

I just go off my intuition, thoughts coming into my mind from only The Almighty Creator(s) knows where.

>But there is very little evidence outside of 17-letter-tard shit that there is organized resistance against the kike empire.

You're right, there isn't. Yet. Expect resistance organizations to be formed in the next few years. They're gonna be very similar to guerrillas and middle eastern insurgent groups, but they'll fight for freedom and to topple the NWO.

>Still hoping I don't get banned for asking questions and expressing belief that there is evidence of dissent

I gotta say I haven't seen that happen.

>All I know for certain is that it was kikes who did this, and they must pay. The evidence does not allow for another possibility.

Yup, Kikes and their slant eyed buddies, along with the rest of NWO initiative.


>I've seen more crime after or during a hurricane

Yep, disasters seems to make criminals act more boldly.

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4823a0  No.96219


> Expect resistance organizations to be formed in the next few years

It's hard to imagine that in America. Everyone is so fat and medicated.

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29d3fc  No.96221


we dont have guns here man, even if we did, i definitely wouldnt shoot law enforcement.


crime might be bad, it will be way worse than the virus can be if it goes down this way. right now its a mediocre virus here and there is no lockdown, but if they actually lock the country down, 80% of the population will be destitute, since they wont be able to work and there will be no money. its eastern euro, so no chance of any "stimulus check" will happen. meaning mass crime. until they do that tho, i guess it will be fine. virus seems to be very slow here, i have no idea why.

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4823a0  No.96223


> virus seems to be very slow here, i have no idea why.

Probably because the whole thing is a hoax and the numbers from places where the virus is worst are all bogus and inflated.

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91e856  No.96224


>we dont have guns here man

Damn, that's too bad.

>i definitely wouldnt shoot law enforcement

Well, I wouldn't want to do anything like that, it would instantly make you an outlaw and you'd be wanted and hunted for. However…. if they dare try sticking a needle in me, or trying to take my guns away, or trying to seize me or my property…. then YES, war is on and I will fight to take every last one of those cocksuckers out with me, with cold blooded vengeance. Why? Because I will not be treated like cattle, that's why.

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29d3fc  No.96225


maybe you are right. i cant really see who a hoax like this would benefit. i mean even megacorps will shit themselves if lockdown becomes the new norm. massive lockdown means no money. no money means those who pulled the strings until now suddenly ahve no power at all. no money to pay shills, bribe politicians, fund NGOs and organize a world government, which was going quite well for them and they would have had their goal in 10-20 years. this seems like it will set back globalism in every way imaginable.

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358bb8  No.96226


Oh but that's exactly where the resistance will be at it's strongest. The ones that din't got poisoned by the kikes will be the guerrillas, and there's still a decent number of those Burgers left. It's gonna take a while for them to get together and assemble themselves into a proper army, though.


Don't listen to the hoaxnigger, he's trying to get you and your family killed.

>virus seems to be very slow here, i have no idea why.

Consider these options and pick the ones that you feel that apply to your country

1-Lack of chinks and foreigners in your country=Less initial patients and spreaders.

2-Your government is covering up the actual numbers because of muh panic

3-Your government is actually taking the right measures such as keeping borders closed and flights suspended. Therefore, low numbers

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3d2fbc  No.96229


>Anons have said in a previous thread invidious is less private than hooktube, or something like that.

I don't know the technicals, but hooktube is only a skin for youtube with slightly less bloat, whereas invidio.us doesn't signal that you watched the video (hence no extra views are counted) and does not store any cookies on your computer. It USED TO allow downloads but I guess they removed the feature after jewtube started autistically screeching. Use youtube-dl for that.

>You mean going to /k/? I left there back in January because I felt embarrassed after streloks din't liked me posting some stupid yet harmless memes back when I wasn't aware how bad the situation was and just wanted to make their day better with some humor.

/k/ is a bit more humorless than before, but there's a /pol/ board (a proper one) and the owner allows pretty much anything. We also increased the number of IBs currently connected to it.

I only say this because the way 8kun handles captchas and videos is atrocious, I can't post shit in here. Go check it out and see what you think about it.

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d0b65f  No.96230


>The fact doctors are also being targeted by criminals won't help with the epidemic at all,

Don't know what is going on in Jew York but doctors and rich-fags need to stop driving BMWs and convertibles until this lockdown is over. You're making yourself a big target, get a beater car if you have to, I've seen to many people flaunting the best car they have on the streets, now is not the time.

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5ec794  No.96234



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2a232b  No.96235


>It's gonna take a while for them to get together and assemble themselves into a proper army, though.

I disagree. We don't rely on public transpiration over here. We can still pretty much go where we please if need be (maybe sometimes with hassle) but… during a real showdown where it comes to mass rebellion? People are going to arm up and be out and about and can rapidly group together with flags, army vests, rifles and all. In fact, it just happened in Michigan by total surprise and now in Ohio too. THAT is what we will see when things get bumpy down the road, people will just start packing heat and going where they please and assembling. And when the first shots are fired ALL LAWS get thrown out the fucking window!

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29d3fc  No.96238


1. Doesnt seem to be it. In the capital we have the biggest amount of chinese population out of all the major cities in the area. around 4-5% overall.

2. maybe, but someone would ahve spoken out, and we would notice people dying in mass unexplicably.

3. sort of, but the borders arent really closed yet, there is loads of cargo trucks coming in and out, they even let truckers in from italy at the beginning of the disease. also we arent locked down, 99% of the people are still working and social events are allowed in small groups (cant have any in the thousand people range)

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4823a0  No.96239


> Oh but that's exactly where the resistance will be at it's strongest

I hope you're right but I'll believe it when I see it.

> Don't listen to the hoaxnigger, he's trying to get you and your family killed.

He and his family are in about as much danger from voodoo curses and wiccan spells as they are from the virus fairy. The ones who really want to kill you and your family are the ones preventing you going to work, providing for your family and living in a society with a functioning economy.

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29d3fc  No.96240


what do they gain by shitting up the economy and ultimately weakening their grip on society tho?

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4823a0  No.96241


> We don't rely on public transpiration over here. We can still pretty much go where we please if need be

If you car is less than a few years old (more than a few) it can be disabled remotely.

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80fc79  No.96243


Yes, that is true, although how do they disable tens of thousands of cars without an EMP? And what about all the old vehicles still in use today?


It's just news. Do you think only boomers read news?

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4b69fa  No.96245


Nothing. That's how you know it's real. The media gains clicks and viewership from overhyping it though, which is why it's also overhyped.

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c249b0  No.96246


What is a hoaxnigger exactly?

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99f243  No.96247



>doesn't know what hoaxniggers are

i'm only spoon feeding you to test if the site will let me fucking post

Hoaxniggers are chink shills claiming the whole pandemic is a hoax and that Corona chan isn't real


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358bb8  No.96249


>I don't know the technicals, but hooktube is only a skin for youtube with slightly less bloat, whereas invidio.us doesn't signal that you watched the video (hence no extra views are counted) and does not store any cookies on your computer. It USED TO allow downloads but I guess they removed the feature after jewtube started autistically screeching. Use youtube-dl for that.

Okay, gonna ditch hooknosetube and go back to invidious.

>/k/ is a bit more humorless than before, but there's a /pol/ board (a proper one) and the owner allows pretty much anything.

>Go check it out and see what you think about it.

I might, if I find free time. But I made a promise I would stick around here until my very end, though. And no way in hell that I actually have the energy to be as active as a I am on two different boards.


>Don't know what is going on in Jew York but doctors and rich-fags need to stop driving BMWs and convertibles until this lockdown is over.

>I've seen to many people flaunting the best car they have on the streets, now is not the time.

Reminds me of the news of Burger doctors and health workers finding out their tires got slashed.


> during a real showdown where it comes to mass rebellion? People are going to arm up and be out and about and can rapidly group together with flags, army vests, rifles and all. In fact, it just happened in Michigan by total surprise and now in Ohio too.

Mass rebellions will truly be the time to shine. Also, Ohio? Gonna go look for footage soon then. What I meant by taking time to assemble together is that there are many militias with diverging political opinions, so it would take some time for patriots, fascists and lolbergs to drop their differences aside and band together into an unified force or a coalition of forces with the goal of taking giga ZOG out.

>And when the first shots are fired ALL LAWS get thrown out the fucking window!

Indeed. But you know when things will get really fun? Once either parts of the military defect to the resistance or military bases, warehouses and vehicle depots get conquered. That will be fun! And even the fun won't stop there, it's gonna get extra spicy when the Reich sends a expeditionary forces from Agartha to support the anti-NWO resistance forces around the world


>sort of, but the borders arent really closed yet

If your airports are turning planes back, your government has already saved thousands of your fellow countrymen. Another possibility is that your people are strong and Corobella wants to spare you. Hooray for that!


Like I already said, the objective of this operation isn't economical, it's religious. (((They))) already have all the money and nearly all of the power they want. What they really want to do is a global sacrifice for their god in the form of culling the populations and enslaving those who are left alive.


An idiot who says this is a hoax, obviously. What they should do is march into a local hospital reported by the media to have a a lot of blessed people. And do it with a camera or their cellphones and film it, without wearing any sort of PPE.

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5ec794  No.96250

File: 5f64a7b4f4e454b⋯.png (403.78 KB, 882x1222, 441:611, GO_CORONA_CHAN_GO_1_.png)


>Hoaxnigger definition

Hoaxus Niggerus is commonly found lurking reddit and the few remaining jew media comment discussion areas. It's prime method of shitting up a comment section is to proclaim loudly 'it's a hoax guiyz', or 'meme virus', 'just a flu', 'it only impacts those over 120 years old', 'why du we need lokdown im yung and itz just da flu', 'its da media', 'itz muh jerrbs' etc.

I'm all for questioning the narrative and what is actually going on, ulterior motives etc but it's fucking blatantly obviously not just 'nothing'. >>96247 this too

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2e678c  No.96251


>He and his family are in about as much danger from voodoo curses and wiccan spells as they are from the virus fairy. The ones who really want to kill you and your family are the ones preventing you going to work, providing for your family and living in a society with a functioning economy.

I think it was a bioweapon engineered by China, and as exposed before, the US Govt under Obongo (NIH) helped fund it. I don't think it's an "end of the world" virus though, and a lot may be hyperbole. I would say it looks worse than any flu though, likely to kill more over the years. This was released to cull and subjugate the population, as well cover-up the huge "economic reset" taking place (global debt defaults).

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29d3fc  No.96253


i dont know man. they have to be fucking stupid if they think this will turn out well for them. thowing away all the power and money for something you read in some old book seems like a retarded idea.

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3b4f3c  No.96254


>Also, Ohio? Gonna go look for footage soon then.

Yes but don't know if it's nearly as big as the Michigan one. Michigan drew thousands of armed patriots.


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0e527e  No.96255

File: 216fa4d54240623⋯.jpg (211.99 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 216fa4d542406230d2569e8045….jpg)


For fuck sake, the paper-trail is there the chink researchers where into bat viruses since a bat is a natural carrier of viruses.

And this virus is acting as many viruses instead of just one, fuck. The one research paper showed that the lung tissue had coagulation while it fucks with the liver, kidneys and other organs plus neurological damages.

It's not a world ending virus since herd immunity usually comes along down the way but it will be a hard battle.

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0ccb3b  No.96257


>what do '''they$$$ gain by shitting up the economy and ultimately weakening their grip on society tho?

A fair question, and one I lack an answer to, not being one of "they". I will note the following:

1. "They" is a false construction. Yes, when you're at the bottom of the totem-pole, everyone above you looks like they are in cahoots, but elites have factions and there is plenty of disagreement, and things that benefit one faction may harm another. The idea that everything that happens must be benefiting everyone in power is false.

2. Some of the people who are pushing this will absolutely benefit, the pharmaceutical pushers, medical power grabbers like Fauci, vaccine entrepreneurs like Gates. Why would Gates care if half the economy goes away? He won't starve, he probably won't be alive much longer (relative to readers of the board at least), and if he's drunk on power pushing this scam will suit him just fine. The people who own media outlets aren't worried about starving, and the people who work for them know their job security lies in not questioning the groupthink.

3. It's possible that nobody benefits in the end. If you're got a fucked up system with fucked up incentives, shit can just spin out of control with no one person or faction in a position to stop it without taking themselves down a notch relative to other power centers. The medical industry is always telling people they'll die if they don't pop more pills and get more shots. The news reporters are always telling people the sky is falling. The politicians are always pushing for more new, harsher laws than the person who will challenge them in the next election. There is literally no one whose job it is to be sane.

4. It's possible that the people destroying the economy actually believe what they're saying. Everyone alive today grew up with a television as their parent. People are so brainwashed into believing anything anyone on TV wearing a lab coat says they really think Fauci can see the future and the models are anything more than a bad guess.

I don't know what the motivation of "they" is, but I do know this: the whole "if you can't explain why someone did something, it means they didn't do it" line is a logical fallacy.

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358bb8  No.96258


>This was released to cull and subjugate the population, as well cover-up the huge "economic reset" taking place (global debt defaults).

bing bing bing bing bing bing We have a winner! You know what's up.


>throwing away all the power and money for something you read in some old book seems like a retarded idea.

Oh, but that's exactly what's happening, and it goes further than just old books. This is the big game and the winner takes all. We will win, they will be gone forever and the people of Earth will be free. (((They))) won't win, they get to keep everything they already stole plus the bodies and souls of those they enslave.

>>96255 (checked)

>t's not a world ending virus since herd immunity usually comes along down the way but it will be a hard battle.

Yes, the world stays here and immunity of those who Corobella truly spares will indeed happen.

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085935  No.96260


Well what you mention is only in the worst conditions, as many people who have caught it and were confirmed having it, never got any of those symptoms. Some get it really really bad. Others it reacts much like a bad flu. Some barely notice anything from it. And now studies are saying after anti-body testing patients with it, some are totally fucking immune from symptoms!

So, it's really a mix, and evidence points to thousands of random mutations too (some really bad, others very mild or less deadly).

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29d3fc  No.96262


if the economy completely irreversibly shits itself, meaning feudal dark age, then noone benefits, not even big pharma. no matter how much you make, if there is no economy you can spend it at.


i was thinking that this is the only logical explanation. they manipulated and fucked the economy sideways and the bubble was ready to pop, so their caste created this as a hoax to kill the economy, be a scapegoat, so when the economy comes back online, they can do it all over again.

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069ed4  No.96263


I have a feeling that they won't win either. (Armed) Americans are getting pretty fed up now. It really is starting to show. I've already drew my line in the sand: my body, my guns and my property is that line. I'm a very peaceful guy, but I am not afraid to use force if my well being is threatened (by anyone). I think once other people get fed up, and draw lines in the sand, there is only so much the government can do before they end up with tons of blowback and armed insurrection that will make them hide in the military bunkers. If push comes to shove. Lets face it, no one really wants that, but it's a possibility and I think even those insane kikes are starting to realize it too.

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0e527e  No.96265

File: d7b91e23756b5f9⋯.png (202.32 KB, 484x458, 242:229, d7b91e23756b5f930b44bf0591….png)


Not feeling symptoms is what asymptomatic means, retard.

Also evidence shows that there are so little antibodies from first infection that the reinfection is possible because the body does not see the virus as something dangerous and the virus has a great binding to other receptors.

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2b479e  No.96267


OK, you are much smarter when it comes to the medical stuff then me. You could be right, maybe this is more dangerous than most think, however I think we need more time before things are proven. If we start seeing 50 million dead within the next year then it's a really big deal.

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5ec794  No.96269

File: f25455e1d79be36⋯.mp4 (9.79 MB, 480x480, 1:1, Nigerians_starts_burning_C….mp4)


What board?

Niggerians burning down yellow jew factories

Finally it's happening. That said the chinks trolling niggers back home could be a perfect pretext (upon retaliation) to send military into apefrica…


>some get it really bad (young or old) and others are mild flu

This also can be down to reinfection and strain type. Even the 'lower risk' strain can kill you round 2 or 3. Which is why when lockdowns are relaxed or larger countries sustain infections for next few months, it's going to get really interesting.


Not to mention it can hide from immune system in your spinal column/brain stem in some cases. Lovely thing.

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358bb8  No.96270


>so their caste created this as a hoax

You're right about everything except this part. It's very much real and causing megadeaths is actually (((their))) main objective. The wealth is their secondary objective, their leadership doesn't care about that, only the lower ranks ones do. Absolute power over the lives of those who get enslaved is also another main objective of theirs.


>I have a feeling that they won't win either.

Hang on into that feeling and foster it until it grows out of hand, turn it into faith and adamantly believe it! Such is the way forward. The resistance must become more than a military force, spiritual and political freedom must be worshiped, the guerrillas and freedom fighters must become sacred warriors.


>Niggerians burning down yellow jew factories

Unlikely and stupid as it sounds, Apefrica will also be another hotbed for resistance movements, they're just thickheaded enough to not take any bullshit from the NWO, even though they're dumb as a pile of bricks.

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b4e846  No.96271


>This also can be down to reinfection and strain type. Even the 'lower risk' strain can kill you round 2 or 3. Which is why when lockdowns are relaxed or larger countries sustain infections for next few months, it's going to get really interesting.

That's a pretty bad bioweapon they released then, likely for depop too. Of-course, that would have to happen during a global debt default because billions of people can't be controlled in such a chaotic event. So they better hope most of us die from it.

As for the impact: economic collapses are just as bad, they too can cause severe unrest, conflicts, destabilization and death from lack of necessities to even regime changes/coups. It is going to get very interesting indeed.

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4d60a8  No.96272

File: 17cd6ecaee437f0⋯.png (83.74 KB, 700x297, 700:297, syncytium.png)

File: 6773787a19914c0⋯.pdf (857.23 KB, 20200312_pnas_2002589117_m….pdf)


>tissue had coagulation




Tissues developed syncytiums. Fusions of cells, due to furinn. More active and pathogenic in SARS-CoV-2 (2019) than in SARS-CoV (BJ01 from 2003).

Separately, actual coagulation may show up as deranged thrombosis in some severe patients. This does not mean spam patients with heparin.

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5ec794  No.96276


It's theorised to be more of a vaccine development to fight such types of viruses, not an all out bioweapon as such. The source code with 33 a's is a clue, this is allegedly done for stability in mutation when making a vaccine. But multiple strains were released so either they fucked up really bad or it was deliberate. I'd say if it is a bioweapon it's for mass disruption, not the full gas version, either way it could've been worse than it is.



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4d60a8  No.96277


Meant for >>96255

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0e527e  No.96280

File: 09e818abcc57dde⋯.jpg (54.31 KB, 514x514, 1:1, 1585767007817.jpg)


It is boring data with allot of autism involved but 50 million dead within a year from now is possible you only need nigger logic and unfortunately for us or them, most people cannot live in isolation for long periods of time before they get crazy.

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4823a0  No.96283


> . I would say it looks worse than any flu though,

How does it look worse than any flu? The estimates published by John Hopkins, The Lancet, and the Icelandic study–the largest most comprehensive random sample ever–all estimate the mortality rate at just under one percent. That's exactly the same as the flu.

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