ebbde6 No.96273[Last 50 Posts]
/cvg/ 51
Go Corona edition
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Coronavirus update: 17xir Apr ‘20 (Sauce: BNODesk and other reports https://twitter.com/BNODesk)
(((Official))) current global bullshit numbers
- 2,144,852 blessings
- 143,764 cleansed
- 40,959 cundushuns (lowered from previous whilst there are more cases..)
- 526,876 (((recoveries)))
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f6c8eb No.96275
The Coronian State welcomes you to /cvg/ 51
The Coronian State….of Mind
Two threads ago, I announced the formation of the Coronian State, but what is it? A new cult? An insurgency? No, despite the monochrome flag that does mimic IS's but also has it's own meaning, we're not a new cult nor do we claim any land. The Coronian State exists in your mind. I always preached fanaticism and zealously, yet never embraced it officially, it was time to change that. The Coronian State Of Mind is a doctrine of Coronianism that advocates for unwavering faith in Corobella/Corona-Chan, with devotion and zeal placed above everything else except possessing an undying love for her and possessing a boundless hatred for those who oppose her, the Coronian Cult and the Coronian State. Embrace fanaticism, become invincible
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9142ee No.96281
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502f0a No.96282
50mil doesnt seem so bad compared to some preliminary predictions. that would be spanish flu levels, only the population back then was way less, so its effect would be less significant because of that and automation, economy wise. given that its way deadlier than it is according to the official date. if not then it will probably will be over by august. either way, it will take a few years for the economy to bounce back, but even at 50mil there wont be a complete breakdown i think.
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caa3af No.96284
Reminder to use the term "chinese virus" as much as possible.
Spray paint in on hospitals and pharmacies, make fliers about how WHO helped the spread and China being cunts.
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caa3af No.96286
Anger in of itself isn't a bad emotion, that's where the western world fucked up. There is no "bad" emotions. Depression, anger, apathy? They're all just reactions to external world. You don't need drugs or brainwashing to keep yourself in the box of "normalcy". Psychology is occult sheep control "science" that throw around hypothesis without proper scientific method.
Dominate those that wronged you. Utilize anger for bettering of the world around you. Punch every retard that comes your way. Steal money from usury fuckers. Dox the idiots that want to dox. Be ruthless to evil and be good to others.
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085628 No.96291
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085628 No.96292
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502f0a No.96293
its hard to find people to be good to, to be honest. thats pretty much my main problem. Lot of people fucked me over and betrayed my trust then again some are just plain degenerates not worth doing anything for. i honestly couldnt name only one genuinely good person in my life. not that im good by any stretch, but there seems to be absolutely no hope for this world.
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b7b40d No.96294
> Niggered the link to map resources as if I could do better
> Fifty million people is not that much, and won't take down society
That depends on which fifty million. If it's all kikes and shitskins, the world will be much better. But if it's gainfully-employed boomers, with useful skills like welding, farming, machine tool operation, engineering, etc., then it will cause problems. I'm not arguing that boomers are wunderbar, but a red-pilled boomer is definitely preferable to a Bernie Bro or shitskin.
> Call it the "Chinese Virus"
Yes, and no. It should also be emphasized that the creation of Red Death was orchestrated by kikes and their globo-homo golems. They simply did what they've been doing for years - outsource production to Chinkland. Yes, SARS-CoV-2 came from a Chink BLS4 lab; but no, it was not created by chinks. The kikes get the credit for that one.
It was the kikes. It's ALWAYS the kikes.
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2ad82e No.96296
We are going to see very soon, if Trump supports the kike ID 2020 agenda or not!
"Major News Conference tonight, the White House at 6:00 P.M. (Eastern), to explain Guidelines for OPENING UP AMERICA AGAIN!"
Guidelines? Wonder what he means by this. We'll soon find out. If it's all about mandatory vaccines and mandatory "testing" (you'll know they'll push the vaccines by force via "tests") then rest assured 100% controlled opposition, all for the Jew World Order!!
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502f0a No.96297
cause problems for sure, but at that point it wont cause a crisis bigger than some poverty for a few years. we will still have the infrastructure and there will be people who know the know how. and train others in those years of depression. even statistically speaking, its most likely that shitskins will be the ones dying the most from this. they live in crowded cities, less hygenically conscious.
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085628 No.96298
Trump supports anything that concentrates power for globohomo.
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fab3cf No.96299
>end the lockdown
As if it was impossible to start it again
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f9cfce No.96300
I don't care what happens, one thing is for sure: I am NOT taking any "test" and I will NOT take any vaccine! I've been liquidating most of my savings so far into hard assets, physically owned investments and lots of more guns and ammo & DIY preps. If need be, I can go 100% OFF-GRID on EMP-proof solar panels (yes, they cost me a whole lot of money) and can start raising more chickens and expand my garden out. Very close to being 100% self-reliant – not dependent – from the system. ;)
America, get your fucking shit together and defend your freedoms, before you fucking lose it all! I will defect from a third world shithole if need be!
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72759e No.96301
Consider this: at some point everyone dies and they can't take anything with them. God's Ultimate Justice!
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b7b40d No.96302
> If boomers with real skills die, it's no big deal.
I beg to differ. Look at the BLI statistics - every year, the average age of welders increases by one year. This means that new welders are not entering the profession. Once they die, their skills go with them. And it's like this with all manner of useful skills. Owing to how the (((education system))) functions, young people are being turned into SJW faggots instead of useful members of society.
Perhaps this trend can be corrected, but not with the current (((regulations and incentives)) being imposed upon industry and education.
> Shitskins and globo-homo hive-dwellers will die disproportionately.
I suspect so, but I'm not convinced. Although I definitely pray for it, every day. Let the niggers eat the faggots, and may we watch the niggers die from anthropophagy-related diseases. May the hive-homos be infected with prion diseases, and may the niggers die from them.
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a9f5b6 No.96303
That has got to be some kind of ritual. Nobody would eat like that daily. Right?
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502f0a No.96304
its a big deal, but not end of the world big deal is what i meant. i worked as an industrial plumber/welder got taught by oldschool guys, but have plenty of collegues. what i meant is that if these boomers die, there will be bigger demand for our skills, but we will train a lot more guys in a few years and im guessing the same will happen in other industries too. suddenly out of need, SJW faggots with humanities degrees will have to become farmers, welders, assembly line workers, truck drivers, mechanics or starve.
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28b4f8 No.96305
>suddenly out of need, SJW faggots with humanities degrees will have to become farmers, welders, assembly line workers, truck drivers, mechanics or starve.
Oh I hope this be true anon!
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b7b40d No.96307
> Suggests niggers don't regularly act like animals
I've never been to Africa, so I don't have any first-hand information. But all the evidence would indicate that niggers are somewhat less than human.
> It's a big deal, but not the end of the world.
One would hope. But it's also a question of what the wold looks like once things stabilize. Are we all getting (((microchips))) implanted under our skin? Is the globo-homo (((establishment))) going to take away the last remnants of our freedom? Are the SJW masses going to receive free gibs, provided by us? Are we all going to be burdened with crushing poverty? The kikes are not going to allow us to maintain ourselves, while also allowing their SJW golems to be reduced. (((They))) don't want independent people, (((they))) want mindless slaves.
> Wants SJW losers to perform gainful labor
That will almost certainly never happen. Most of them would rather die than pickup a shovel, and their kike overlords will be all-too-happy to steal from us so that (((their))) SJW golem slaves can receive gibs.
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f6c8eb No.96308
Rio de Janeiro's health system on the brink of collapse: 88% (HAILED) of all ICU beds are already occupied
Niggerians calmly and gently queuing up to receive humanitarian aid
Corobella spoiling big oil's gains https://archive.vn/a85L2
Mask vending machines in /Pol/and
The CNS will now rightfully halt it's operations for resting, nespowsting services will be resumed soon.
Praised be this post!
This! Rile up your normalfag acquaintances against Chinks, they must be the first ones to go, then the other culprits being start being targeted as well.
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085628 No.96309
>But it's also a question of what the wold looks like once things stabilize.
Globohomo capital ran into the brick wall of Chinese nationalism and it can't penetrate it. What you're watching is a retrenchment for globohomo capital into a fake, kosher nationalism structured around globohomo ideals and aimed outwardly at Eurasia.
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d2e8f2 No.96310
Yes. China. As is typical, israel opens the gates to the barbarians. So, it wasn't exactly the kikes. But the kikes held open the door.
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caa3af No.96311
Defeatist mentality.
Stay true to your path and if someone wrongs you, you wrong them back.
Slave mentality.
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d2e8f2 No.96317
I told you China controlled Twitter & FB:
"Conflict Of Interest: Facebook 'Fact Checker' Worked At Wuhan Biolab; Ruled Out Virus-Leak While 'Debunking' Articles"
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cfb5f9 No.96321
> The Kike Empire was unable to penetrate Chink nationalism
That's a distinct possibility, but I seem to recall that China has a large crypto-kike population, and they wield an enormous amount of power within the CCP. Sorry, no sauce.
I think it makes more sense that the kikes are doing more than just knocking-down the chinks. (((They're))) also trying to consolidate their gains. The red-pill movement is growing, and time is running out for the kikes. (((They))) must cement their power now, while they still have the upper hand. I suspect it was a miscalculation to release Red Death, and I ponder the impetus for their rash actions. Why does the Giga-Kike feel that (((he))) is backed into a corner?
> The kike-state opened the door
They did more than that. Kikes provided the industry to the chinks, (((they))) provided funding, (((they))) provided tech, (((they))) provided biological samples, (((they))) provided personnel, (((they))) provided everything the chinks needed. Everything, that is, except competence. Commie-Chinks are not capable of competency, ever. It might be a different story for the Formosans, but commie bugmen are no more dangerous than termites when left to their own devices. They inevitably fuck things up.
All the chinks did was provide hosting. Everything else everything else, came from kikes.
Fucking wireless link is down for "maintenance", switched to by backup DSL.
Now 8kun is giving me shit. Sorry for any double-posts.
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ece1b1 No.96322
Been a while. Repostan Corona-core Media Recs.
The ride hasn't even hit the interesting part, anons. The second order effects and beyond are where Corona-chan starts to shine.
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085628 No.96326
>That's a distinct possibility, but I seem to recall that China has a large crypto-kike population, and they wield an enormous amount of power within the CCP. Sorry, no sauce.
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0cf3c3 No.96327
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b01ed1 No.96343
>Mike Adams link
>Left-wing agenda of socialism
Fucking boomers.
The problem is bolshevism. Drop the euphemisms, boomers. It's always been euphemisms. Bolshevism works just as well under capitalism. These fucking boomers cry more when the people get the printed bucks than when the banks do.
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ebc9fd No.96362
Corona Papers - 5000+ research papers
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b703fc No.96363
>I might, if I find free time. But I made a promise I would stick around here until my very end, though. And no way in hell that I actually have the energy to be as active as a I am on two different boards.
I understand, would still be good if you kept that place in mind as a bunker though.
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f54044 No.96373
Jap News anchor goes to work while sick, spreads only the flu bro around
Do not go to work if you are unwell. It is a message that has been resonating through the coronavirus pandemic.
Well, Japanese newscaster Yuta Tomikawa obviously did not get the memo, as he turned up for work sick in the days before he tested positive for Covid-19 last Saturday (April 11).
Tomikawa, 43, is the main news anchor from Monday to Thursday at TV Asahi's Hodo Station. His case has sparked a backlash as it was disclosed that he felt unwell as early as April 3, when he had a fever of 38 deg C.
He was still sick on April 4 and told his producer he would see a doctor the next day, a Sunday, though he did not do so in the end as he felt better.
He returned to work on April 6, but viewers noticed on April 7 that his voice was hoarse and he was coughing at times during the news broadcast.
While climbing the stairs on April 8, he had trouble breathing, but went to work the next day. Finally, on April 10, he saw a doctor and was tested for Covid-19.
He said in a statement from the hospital that he did not know where he could have got infected, as he had not attended any gathering nor done outdoor reporting since late March.
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b01ed1 No.96375
He rook rike half white hybreed
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f54044 No.96378
Not surprising. When the Americans ruled over Japan for a short while after WW2 the rape cases skyrocketed.
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719065 No.96380
Be sure to read this anons, so many delicious red-pills.
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ee20f3 No.96382
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Ted Cruz intro's legislation to ease our reliance on China, that sounds pretty good.
Oh now we'll be relying on Israel. That's all Cruz, Lindsey Graham and rubio know how to do, kiss Israel's ass.
According to the proposed bill, named "Expanding Medical Partnerships with Israel to Lessen Dependence on China Act," the Secretary of Health and Human Services could invest up to four million dollars every year from 2021 through 2023 in bilateral programs and grants related to the coronavirus. The proposed budget would cover cooperation on technology such as artificial intelligence, sensors, monitoring devices, drugs and vaccinations, respiratory assist devices, diagnostic tests, telemedicine and remote monitoring. Fuck that shit.
That video of cruz getting booed off stage is even better when you know the context. as cenk explains.
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0f6c38 No.96383
>We are going to see very soon, if Trump supports the kike ID 2020 agenda or not!
That will probably depend on how well (((Kushner)) gets into Trump's ear.
Trump is the nationalist. Kushner is the globohomokike.that Trump foolishly trusts instead of gasses.
>EX NY Times Reporter Warns Of Officials Using 'Second Wave' To Continue Lockdown Policies!
The second wave will come as people resume congregating with each other and asymptomatic carriers (re)infect the general population (again).
> "Expanding Medical Partnerships with Israel to Lessen Dependence on China Act,"
Nothing more than a bill to allow Gates' ID2020 to be forced through by (((them)))
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b01ed1 No.96384
>Expanding Medical Partnerships with Israel to Lessen Dependence on China Act
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085628 No.96385
>Trump is the nationalist. Kushner is the globohomokike.that Trump foolishly trusts instead of gasses.
Stop embarrassing yourself.
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085628 No.96386
I think it's mostly shills here these days, with directives for the "China china china" narrative.
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1f5844 No.96387
It's good, but the implication that China is an example of healthy nationalism is laughable. Both China and ZOG are predatory and should be opposed, and I see the fomenting of anti-chinese sentiments as something to be exploited rather than fought against.
>Expanding Medical Partnerships with Israel to Lessen Dependence on China Act
pic related
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085628 No.96388
>and I see the fomenting of anti-chinese sentiments as something to be epxloited
Yes, zionists trying to fit in would.
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0f6c38 No.96391
Yes, zionists trying to fit in would.
So you are saying that pitting the jew against the yellow jew somehow helps (((zionists)))? Please explain this leap of logic to all here, anon?
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1f5844 No.96392
>You have to either love china or love jews
No fuck off, I put whites first.
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085628 No.96393
The anti-China stuff is a zionist operation to direct attention to the external. The same people who attacked you and your family with niggers, spics, and deindustrialization now want to point you to the same place they sent all of your factories because it's now going badly for them.
You don't really.
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1f5844 No.96400
>The anti-China stuff is a zionist operation to direct attention to the external.
So? You can't focus on external and internal problems at the same time? And besides, it's only partially a zionist op, a majority of the swelling opposition to china is because of that thing that has us all in lockdown. That china made in their biolab with the help of JEWS. Gosh, if only we could exploit that fact to drag jews into the blame. Also people are rightfully blaming the globalist system for spreading Corona, not just China for inventing it, so we're already seeing the situation benefit ethnic nationalism.
An increase in explicit xenophobia (which is what Corona has done so far) results in a greater prioritization of one's own people (partly due to elevated oxytocin levels). I expect this jewish plot to backfire spectacularly. It wounds the global economy further, which also drives people into the arms of ethnic nationalism if you'd studied your history.
>You don't really [care about whites]
You don't have the IQ to help whites. You are so focused on what is and isn't a jewish plot that you've forgotten your loyalty to your own takes supreme priority.
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d2e8f2 No.96402
Anyway, look what kikes are doing:
"Police find 18 bodies of coronavirus victims at New Jersey nursing home
Andover Subacute facility co-owner Chaim Scheinbaum denies understaffing, after investigation opened following complaints from families about lack of information"
Kike nursing home piled up the bodies (to save money, obviously).
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d2e8f2 No.96403
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1f5844 No.96405
I saw that earlier today. Do they get paid for "tending to" them while they're dead?
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36153f No.96407
You spam every thread on the board with your Ebola bullshit. We get to talk about anything we want here. There’s nothing you can do to stop us.
>oy vey it’s not the jews
>it’s natural because china said so
>oy vey support the WHO
>oy vey support china
>oy vey bill gates is great
>oy vey the vaccines are safe
>oy vey he didn’t publicly say that he’s going to microchip everyone
>oy vey ignore all citations and hard evidence of this
Why are you allowed to post here, paid shill?
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d2e8f2 No.96408
I appreciate Bill Gates killing all those kids and eating them, and you should too, racist fuck!
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d2e8f2 No.96409
Maybe they're "alive" (and bringing in money) until the fam makes a visit, then he deposits them in a collaborating funeral home.
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d2e8f2 No.96410
>John Michael Rathbun
>released by a progressive judge
>he attempted a terror attack on a synagogue
>released why?
>covid-19, of course, when there's a coronavirus, you release criminals, or you're a racist
>actually, he's white
>it's racist to notice that, he obviously identifies as black, since he's in jail
anyhoo, funny shit, kikes getting assfucked by their own degenerate policies.
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085628 No.96411
>You can't focus on external and internal problems at the same time?
No. That you don't understand why is a large part of the problem in "right wing" circles.
>blaming the globalist system
That's not what's happening with the elite – though you are meant to take it that way. They are fighting to preserve globalization and their control of it from a China they can't penetrate. It's why they want to move production to israel and India and not here. They already have their managerial in group set up and you aren't in it.
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1f5844 No.96412
>That's not what's happening with the elite
I'm not talking about the elite, I'm talking about the average white person that you allegedly care about.
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d2e8f2 No.96413
<chinese mindS
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085628 No.96414
I do care about them – which is why I'm not falling for the same exact playbook for the nth time. I'm sure you were thinking about the average White person when we had to go "fight them over there" in the GWOT, too. Your type always is.
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d2e8f2 No.96415
>"In virus-battered New York, talk of restarting economy is ‘madness’"
Good. Fuck NY
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d2e8f2 No.96416
>"Demonstrators at ‘black flag’ rally in Tel Aviv keep 2 meters distance in line with virus regulations"
>photo clearly shows that many are not
oh, kike lies, how fucking stupid do they think we are?
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d2e8f2 No.96417
Calm down, okay? We already know that operatives like him were involved in the radicalization of Breivik and others. They have a whole system of dogma.
But it's upended, we have the disproof forever of the idea of chinese superiority (their lab fucked up, a first in "gain of function" research). World first, like landing on the moon, only instead fucking up the whole world.
And we have eliminated the chinks as any source of help or aid - where is their aid to the US? Essentially nothing. For example, if I need a mask, I have to make it myself. China isn't shipping them to the shops in the US. And there's nothing but death the world over.
From communism.
Communism has killed more whites than any other ideology in history. By the kike ideology of communism. And here he will tell you china, controlled by an atheist religion invented by the kike karl marx, will save you. Yet here it is, look around you, are things normal now? Where the fuck is the normality? Where is the glorious help of china, after they fucked everything up? Nowhere are they to be seen at all, go outside and look!
And respecting chinese influence, the chinese also radicalized for their own purposes (they wish guns banned so that they can make the land invasion and communist control bully scheme work through their white sellout spies in the us and the west generally) the El Paso attacker, who sucked chinese cock, and also the Christchurch attacker, he also perfectly aligns, as it goes forever, with chinese goals, objectives, values, and schemes.
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085628 No.96418
You're interpreting what I'm saying as support for communism. It isn't. Whatever you think China gets up in the "West" is possible because of internal conditions that the people who want to point you towards China don't want to alter. And that's because we are ultimately their main adversary.
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1f5844 No.96419
>which is why I'm not falling for the same exact playbook for the nth time
No, I'm not falling for YOUR playbook. You want us to do what? Bitch and moan about fine little details and change nobody's mind, that's what. Because you can't stop the elite from doing this shit by pointing out that jewish interests are involved anymore than pointing out the truth about Greater Israel stopped wars in the Middle-East. I want us to make the most of the situation by turning it into tangible metapolitical gains and shaping White minds to be more conscious of reality, which you also can't stop me from doing, thank God. My path creates shit like the "Epstein didn't kill himself" meme which normalized the idea that pedos control America and killed Epstein to cover it up. Your camp is the one saying "he's alive in Israel because if you'd just look at his nose and ear in these pictures…"etc. Which path benefits whites more? Which stratagem generated greater results?
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68e638 No.96420
>Rato sucking jew cock
I get the impression we'd be in the exact same position today had he somehow won in 2016 instead of Zion Don. So much for choice.
It was cute when israel sent 6 million doses of corona meds (while sending mossad to steal vents).
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0f6c38 No.96424
So what you are saying is that the whole anti-china effort is nothing more than a smokescreen to take attention away from the failures of pro-zion globalism (which many normalfags seem to be figuring out for themselves)? Why not expose it all and properly inform the people of the role that the jewish state and its activists? Why not inform the people of the jewish connection to the Wuhan biolab? Why not point out that Chinese apathy was exploited by the jews to create the "perfect" fall guy? Where the jews knew that the Chinese would create a biolab in a Chinese city (in this case Wuhan) using substandard building techniques (there is plenty of evidence of that online). The result of which was an inevitable failure of the containment facility where the pathogen then spread because of chink apathy. Always remember not to call it Israel but the jewish state. Keep the word "jew" on the front of people's mind. That way when they do their own research to refute you, they will discovers their own red pills.
Reminder that the best red pills are the ones that are discovered.
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085628 No.96427
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1f5844 No.96429
>That's all fine.
Then what the fuck were you arguing with me for, retard?
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085628 No.96430
You're on a different level. You're agitating for the war footing for zionist interests and trying to play dumb about it now.
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1f5844 No.96432
>You're agitating for the war footing
I posted no such thing.
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1f5844 No.96436
The article is behind a paywall, but I can laugh all the same.
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5691dd No.96444
China is run by kikes too. They have their whole social credit score tracking, online censorship & police state in place just like the Jews desire for the West too. The one thing they may not have total control over is China's immigration policy.... but that will change sooner or later I'm sure, once it becomes more convenient for their (((government))).
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587dad No.96445
That's why I'll never trust these modern institutions.
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f6c8eb No.96446
What a wonderful night to resume the CNS's holy operations, dear readers!
Baltimore signs a deal with a drone company to have surveillance flights around the city enforcing meme distancing https://archive.is/3PrNr A decent article except this part
>In Nazi Germany, fascism was characterized by the fusion between corporate and government power.
You know what else we fascists do? We drink water. I would stop doing that if I were you, you don't want to be a fascist, do you?
With a somber tone of voice, Bolsonaro delivers a speech to the country where he announces a new minister of health. I watched this nearly live. He sounds like someone in his family just died, this failed state's situation must be that fucking bad. Key points of his speech:
>Had to change the minister of health due to serious and constant disagreements over the quarantine lockdown and expanding cloromeme treatment.
>Warning the population that the R$600 Corona-Gibs won't last forever, the government is spending billions and billions helping poorfags negatively affected by the lockdowns.
>Tells the population the federal government tried to do things reasonably but governors and mayors were too brash and took disproportionate measures without contacting him and the federal government first. Says if anything bad happens to their state or city, it's the local government's fault.
All signs point that the new minister will be his yes-man, no offence to him intended, as I don't know the man that well to make such an assumption, but that's what my intuition says. Bolsonaro took too long to take such a measure, if he really wanted to open everything back up, he should have just done so without alerting the SFT to his plans, it was like truthfully telling an enemy how you'll attack his armies. Meanwhile, the Corona-Gibs is being expanded to cover even more people and will fuck our retarded economy even harder. This country is dead and Corobella din't kill it, ZOG did, not much of value will be lost though.
Wise words from the new Brownzilian minister of health: Anyone who says they know when the new coronavirus will peak in the country is lying
Britbongistan could distance itself from Chinkland after the pandemic ends https://archive.is/GQKNp It's gonna take some years before they tell the chinks to fuck off, then. Might as well do it now, but knowing how zogged up they are, I really doubt such a thing will happen.
Harbin getting ravaged by the Goddess of Purification https://archive.vn/H5L5M That URL looks and sounds like the scientific name of a virus. Spooky.
>8 in 10 Pastors Say Current Events Are a Sign of Jesus' Return
This is definitely a divine turning point for many religions. We're leaving an era of corruption and lethargy to go into a troublesome era of chaos and turmoil, so that we may overcome these problems and enter a new golden age.
I will! Heading there if anything happens to 8kunt.
Dishonorabru dispray.
Fucking (((neocons))).
>>96444 (checked)
Deadly asian triples of truth.
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f50671 No.96449
>The second wave will come as people resume congregating with each other and asymptomatic carriers (re)infect the general population (again).
That's a possibility, as it seems to be happening in China right now. As for ID 2020, it looks like if they fail once, they'll just keep on trying to force their initiative over and over again after re-infections occur. This is why I am pretty much hell-bent on prepping, becoming fully self-sufficient and bailing from the whole system pretty soon. Some preppers already have and are no longer online anymore.
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eab6ee No.96453
Corona Papers - 5000+ research papers (?)
Do not know what is in this, and I don't plan on downloading and opening it (maybe with an air-gapped system it may be safe to do). All I know is someone is spreading this link on other chans.
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bb8a30 No.96454
Americans prease forgive us, we tell Truth now! China not liars see!
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f6c8eb No.96457
The three Wuhanese heroes are still MIA https://archive.is/6z8bp Rest in peace, you crazy bastards.
Midwestern Burgerland states gathering themselves into a bloc https://archive.vn/DlQoT
Ruskie natural gas company workers lining up to get tested at work https://archive.vn/9lRcW
Absolute madman pissed off at a mayor's urban planning project bamboozles him with an airsoft pistol https://archive.is/vPq67 The frogs need some actual guns, people there clearly had enough of their ZOG's shit. I know it's not very related to the virus but this was just too good to give it a pass.
Orthodox kikes in Pissrael kvetching at the closure of synagogues. https://archive.vn/BbdYd
>they'll just keep on trying to force their initiative over and over again after re-infections occur
Yep, they're already having problems implementing their shit in Russia but I doubt that will stop them.
>This is why I am pretty much hell-bent on prepping, becoming fully self-sufficient and bailing from the whole system pretty soon
You're doing the right thing.
>Some preppers already have and are no longer online anymore.
Sure feels like it, I miss some anons but I'm glad they most likely are hunkering down somewhere safe.
I have noticed it. Not touching it with a 10-foot pole despite being loonix. I'm not a sciencefag anyway.
Kek, too little too late.
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ce2c0e No.96459
Looks like those three based gooks got culturally enriched by their own government. Who knew, Bootlicking doesn't pay? What a chock.
I am sure more mass immigration of niggers and will make everything better. Remember: Giving up your job to foreigners is great!
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f6c8eb No.96464
More footage of orthodox kikes kvetching at lockdown and the closure of synagogues, the police arrived to take them away https://archive.vn/874Z1 I sure love when the kikes fight among themselves.
There were more than 6700 deaths in 15 days in the blessed Ecuadorian province of Guayas https://archive.vn/owMir
Ecuadorian military cordoning Guayas off, will only allow vehicles to pass through after an inspection https://archive.is/KD7VT
Yep, with commies, especially wannabe ones, you lose.
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ebbde6 No.96479
Don't be this nigger (more appropriate place to post than Meta).
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7ca10e No.96481
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eb2fb1 No.96483
Thank fucking God.
>A Perfect Storm': Extremists Look For Ways To Exploit Coronavirus Pandemic
These faggots are already trying to build an "evil white turrurist" narrative around this. Makes me concerned what with all the crackdown stuff and now the backlash protests against it. Who knows what kind of crap they will turn it into, but I doubt they'll let a good crisis go to waste.
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2cf250 No.96487
Video showing how Ecuadorian cardboard coffins are made https://archive.vn/7qqUq
Caracas PD parading detained quarantine curfew violators around https://archive.vn/L6elt
Leafistani ZOG expecting serious problems if their quarantine lockdown goes on for too long https://archive.vn/roTQt
The CNS will now halt its operation due to religious activities and also technical issues. Holy update services shall resume soon.
>This mask is enhanced by negro magik
I chuckled.
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502f0a No.96492
honestly, why bother with a cardboard coffin when you have so many dead? why not just use mass graves?
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b0d32e No.96495
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. The CCP coverup continues
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c78a3e No.96496
Ha so then the jews can send americans to fight chinks to protect niggers, their favorite humiliation of you?
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c78a3e No.96497
(Re)watched Contagion, 12 Monkeys, Resident Evil, Outbreak from the list, 12 Monkeys is my favorite by far. Anything else on here worth watching?
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c78a3e No.96499
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c78a3e No.96500
<Por que no los dos? Even homeless infected in NY get a box for their Hart Island mass grave, muslims drop them in sheets into a ditch. It's a religious and cultural thing.
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ce8f08 No.96502
So when are we all going to admit that this thing isn't actually that bad? That most people probably already had it with no issues? That it isn't bad enough to warrant a dystopia future where we literally live in pods and eat bugs. Have any of you guys actually gone grocery shopping? I don't think the ethnic nationalist awaking or whatever dream you want is going to happen. From just my anecdotal evidence most people are just going to do whatever the state tells them to do. My local grocery store had lines taped on the floor. You enter the store at a specific time (mask and gloves) and you have to follow that line to do your shopping. When I went shopping I'd say about 80-85% of people actually follow the line and do as they are told. The remaining 20-15% step out partially or ignore it completely. I have a stockpile of masks and other shit I have prepped. However, I haven't even really touched any of that stuff. Apparently there are a ton of cases here. I'm not buying it. Half my medical worker friends aren't working because it's the worst pandemic in history. So naturally we send home paramedics/emts, nurses, and other hospital staff home. Only one nurse I know is working directly with china virus patients. She's busy and stressed but she was always busy and stressed. She's an ER nurse in a major urban location that's also near a nigger ghetto. The closest hospital to me (about 3-4 miles maybe) was one of the busiest trauma centers in the nation. Every gunshot/stab wound gangbanger or heart attack obesity golem nig within 300 miles was sent there it seems. Now it's empty. Maybe a few coofers here and there but that is it.Neighbors are calling the cops on each other for walking dogs, riding bikes, etc in groups. Have a large family? Cops will be called. Whether they actually show up is unlikely. People are just blindly trusting authority and sucking more government cock than ever. Even here I see people post information where the author's name is literally as kiked as Shekelberg like it is some sort of gospel. Please everyone, just remember the basics. If it is illegal to question something, question it. It is probably a lie. If you are not allowed to question something, it's a lie. The prevailing media narrative is almost always a lie. Big news now is this virus is bad, you cannot question it, trust the scientists goyim. See my point? We never trusted these people before. Why start now? Oh right… six gorgillion coughed or something. I went to a museum here, they had a pile of used N95 masks. Each one represented a baby that had to be turned into a bar of soap after coughing to disinfect the hospitals for emergency circumcisions.
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971cad No.96511
You seem to be drawing all the wrong conclusions from the information you have available. There arent any gunshot and stabwounds because the niggers are locked up inside, just like you. Not every nurse and doctor is working, because they expect a heavy fallout of medical staff and need backups. The nationalist awakening has already started; the borders are closed, products from other countries are suspicious, no more niggers being spread across Europe, the refugee centers have a lot of infections but people openly dont care - any attempt to talk about Africa or refugees, at least in my nation, is met with a scoff; Why help them, before we help ourselves?
>The economy is crumbling
So people finally ponder the question where all these printed dollars and euros come from
>'non essential' workers stay at home
Companies find out they dont need 80% of their workforce; and the people working notice it too
>people listen to the government
They have always done this, and ive never met a fascist who has any problem with authority at all. But its definitely not unconditional obedience, certainly not in the lemmings. The system is stressed.
>The virus is a hoax
If the holocough is a hoax, well find out soon enough. Ive regularly been made fun of for saying the biggest wave will come late october.
<muh two weeks
Well yes. I have no unhealthy fear of death, but i dont flirt with it either.
>People call the cops on you
This is out of jealousy, not safety.
>You are not allowed to question it
You are allowed to question the deadliness of the virus, the thing your apparently not supposed to ask is: Where did it come from?
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cc5683 No.96512
Good morning dear readers! It's a gloriously beautiful day, the sky shines like gold as it's illuminated by the sun. The bees have come out of their hive and are pollinating the flowers previously kissed by the hummingbirds. Such simple sights gain new meanings when one's heart is filled with faith and love for such a powerful entity that's purifying this world. The CNS will now resume tracking Corobella's progress and the aftermath of her divine actions. May great pain and misfortune fall upon those who affront her!
Imbued with a renewed love and respect for freedom and liberty, proud American patriots demonstrate on the streets against the unconstitutional lockdown of the country https://archive.is/NnEI0 End the lockdown and let Corobella work freely! Wear proper PPE, take the necessary precautions and trust her judgement!
'''Second leaked video from a Brazilian hospital: The João Lúcio State Hospital in Manaus, Amazonas, has been completely overwhelmed. At one point the nurse or doctor filming this walks into a room says "there are 14 obits". Not sure if she means just in that room alone or in the entire hospital. May the Goddess's thorough purification of this country continue until there's no one unworthy of living left!
Disorder in Manaus's cemeteries as multiple burials happen simultaneously which contributes to the formation of large gatherings and gravediggers work without PPE
Profaners who call themselves scientists deliberately administer overdoses of cloromeme on 81 blessed patients at the Delphina Aziz hospital in Manaus. https://archive.vn/TYehU Lo and behold, the treacherous curefags and sciencefags show their real character! These are the so called "people" who allegedly want to help you and your loved ones if you get infected and head to the hospital. Do you trust them with your life, dear readers? They are willing to go to any lengths necessary to get credited with being the ones who "cured" Corobella's physical form. They have no respect for their patients lives at all, if someone told them rat poison can cure the virus, they definitely would test the hypothesis on YOU.
Probably for cultural reasons like this anon said >>96500 (checked)
Truth is like a plant, it always finds it's way to the surface, no matter how deep it's buried.
Checking your wonderful doubles and advising you against engaging with unbelievers.
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ee20f3 No.96513
Over 43,000 US millionaires will get ‘stimulus’ averaging $1.6 million each
That's not click bait, where's all the cries against Socialism? Only the GOP's useful idiots fall for that propaganda. They just love bending over and spreading their cheeks.
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203bf1 No.96514
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ee20f3 No.96517
I bet over 90 % of those that qualify for the $1.7 million are Jews. Trump threw the American people a lil chicken scratch to keep em occupied why they plundered us.
"The Trump administration paid a bankrupt company with zero employees $55 million for N95 masks, which it's never manufactured"
And just to prove the GOP base loves it up the ass.
‘Insider trading’ senator named to ‘reopen America’ coronavirus task force
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a6d8bb No.96518
>A few Chink scientists go study bat coronaviruses and make a terrible discovery
This is like a horror movie. What other eldritch horrors lie in wait in remote animal populations?
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687096 No.96519
this is more related to /pnd/ in general but I'll post here as it doesn't warrant a thread of its own and might be missing some things
or people who post almost like anon
>direct link to news articles or social media
>with no archive
>first few replies to a (1) post form consensus
>inciting violence without clear justification or goal
>frog/wojak/"normies" and other halfchan/popular memes
>successive single-reply posts instead of multiple replies in one
>telling, not investigating
>blatant cointelpro
>implying others are kikes, cia, chink etc. as opposed to ignore+reporting
ask yourself why someone posted before replyng - if all these posters were ignored there wouldn't be a problem
china is run by different yellow kikes (make no mistake they're not the good guys, enemies of enemies are not inherently friends), which is why actual kikes are at odds with them as they can't jew a country until its subverted, but china still has a national identity and is building its own seperate economy (belt and road). My guess is you will see the media report on china lying about numbers and then on possibility of bioengineering to get popular support for "liberating" china once manufacturing is moved other (kiked) third world countries.
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cc5683 No.96521
Brownzilian general in charge of a humanitarian mission in Roraima got blessed, 54 other soldiers in the mission are also confirmed to blessed
Northeastern Brownzilian state of Ceará runs out of ICU beds, queue of those waiting for vacancy is already at 48 blessed people HAIL COROBELLA-SAMA!
Ceará's government expects 250 blessed people to die per day as soon as May begins HAIL COROBELLA-SAMA!!
São Paulo's favelas could be concealing a large number of confirmed deaths, as poorer neighborhoods have most of it's tests awaiting results. My intuition tells me this is being done deliberately to avoid panicking the niggers.
American government wants to prevent the waste of farm products by buying them for food banks https://archive.vn/s96B5 I fully support this, wasting good food is a sin against Mother Earth herself.
>forgot to close the second line of bold text
Such a petty mistake usually bothers me but not this one, I have done worse.
> where's all the cries against Socialism? Only the GOP's useful idiots fall for that propaganda. They just love bending over and spreading their cheeks.
Indeed. The future is national and social!
She never left, the bugs lied. That's why two chinks dropped on camera as soon as the lockdown was lifted . Good to see you again, by the way.
>I bet over 90 % of those that qualify for the $1.7 million are jews.
Wouldn't be surprised if that was really the case.
Pretty good, just a heads up though, I'm using a dynamic IP and my connection is so unreliable that I call it "niggernet", sometimes I have to redo the captcha so often that it feels like I'm on four chins. Another thing is that I don't archive or link Hue news since barely anyone here can read poortuguese and there's low interest on them. Unless they're important, then I do archive them.
>frog/wojak/"normies" and other halfchan/popular memes
It's really a shame that these memes can't be used anymore.
>My guess is you will see the media report on china lying about numbers and then on possibility of bioengineering to get popular support for "liberating" china once manufacturing is moved other (kiked) third world countries.
That will be very amusing.
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df9cdb No.96522
> Ive regularly been made fun of for saying the biggest wave will come late october.
When it's late October and you're still healthy and all your friends, family and co-workers are healthy, but the labcoats on TV show you a line and numbers and tell you "the biggest wave is happening right now!" will you say "I was right!" ??
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cda066 No.96523
Obvious chong is obvious.
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cda066 No.96524
>thread just started
>(14) by the blatant PPC shill
Why the fuck is Winnie so invested in /pnd/ of all places?
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c3423d No.96525
Here's the latest.
I had to double check America, yeah the deaths are that high.
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5c317d No.96526
>this thing isn't actually that bad
That's false, to say it's not that bad. It's not bad, period. It's not even a nothing burger, because with a nothing burger you at least get the bun. They're taking people who died of other things, and they write "covid-19" on their death-certificates. Then they send some labcoats into the TV studios to talk about numbers and the idiot normalfags eat it up and think the sky is falling. It's an accounting trick.
Think about this logically: everyone who they say died of chinkflu-19 had at least one other disease. And most people who are infected with the virus do not die. These two facts mean that this virus is not sufficient to cause death. There's literally no evidence that anyone has ever died of this virus.
If we were consistent with the logic used to justify this mass hysteria, we should be testing sick and dead people for water in their cells, and then concluding that water is causing the disease. "These dead people all tested positive for water! Sure some people can survive water, but think of your grandmother and panic!"
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e8308e No.96527
>French nobel price Luc Montagnier affirms that the coronavirus is composed of VIH/AIDS ARN parts
>it necessarily results from a intentional artificial manipulation in Wuhan laboratory
>political authorities try to stifle scientific researches which go in this direction
>his theory: an attempt of making a AIDS vaccine getting out of control
>In an interview at the Pourquoi Docteur? website on April 16, the professor explains that he does not believe that the Covid-19 comes from contamination in a Wuhan wildlife market. "He is a beautiful legend, it is not possible. The virus is coming out of a Wuhan laboratory, ”he says.
TV show: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x7tcp7a
Radio (begins at 1:05): https://www.pourquoidocteur.fr/Articles/Question-d-actu/32184-EXCLUSIF-Pour-Pr-Montagnier-SARS-CoV-2-serait-virus-manipule-Chinois-l-ADN-de-VIH-podcast
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db7d07 No.96528
wow that is fucked up, even after watching this shit go on for years that is just a new level of fucking fucked up
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2f6410 No.96529
I hate watching this beta cuck trying to defend the bughive.
Shit, this is good news that the bugs are actively trying to covering it up, since then governments are watching this as an act of war.
Unlike the drunken Ukrainians/Slavs in chernobyl they actually tried to do shit when they realized how fucked things where going to be.
The bugmen are so fucked ecnomicaly and bet they realize this. The other bugs are not going to do business with the eldar bughive since it dangoures to do so, one has a second thought of when will such shit happen again? And are the on time produce really worth funding such things?
It's a stroke of great bad luck. In other words
The bughive sabotaged itself
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cda066 No.96531
Downloadable format?
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ce8f08 No.96532
>There arent any gunshot and stabwounds because the niggers are locked up inside
You missed my point. Normally busy hospitals are empty, yet the media says they are on the verge of collapsing? That they are overworked. The reality is that they are not. I just used niggers as an example because it adds flair. For disclosure, I live in America.
>Not every nurse and doctor is working, because they expect a heavy fallout of medical staff and need backups
Maybe. Most likely not since that would require a lot more coordination than what is apparently going on. Apparently the scene is chaotic and everyone is scrambling. But they also have the discipline and coordination to rotate staff and put aside a reserve? Occam's razor, the simplest explanation is usually the most correct. The hospitals don't want to pay these people to stand around doing nothing. Because that is what they were doing. Standing around doing nothing… during the worst pandemic in human history.
>So people finally ponder the question where all these printed dollars and euros come from
Yes. I saw people questioning very closely the other day as they scrambled into wal-mart to buy shit with their trumpbux.
>Companies find out they dont need 80% of their workforce; and the people working notice it too
Probably true for the minority of companies that can have a stay-at-home workforce. Doesn't mean suddenly every company is going to be a lean mean fighting machine. This is how I know you've never worked in a corporate or some sort of business environment. There are two types of workers. The people who just want a check and people who want to climb the ladder of management. As people get established in their jobs they start carving out their own little corners, little empires. In these large corporations there will always be middle management hiring people who aren't entirely useful.
>If the holocough is a hoax, well find out soon enough.
I doubt this event is going to shed any new light on the holohoax. If anything it's giving (((them))) a chance to move the bodies so to speak, hide evidence.
>Ive regularly been made fun of for saying the biggest wave will come late october.
Ya I'm getting really tired of the "just wait 2-3 weeks bro. Peak is coming." I remember last month that middle of April was suppose to be a massive sweep of death. I hear that on TV, I see the numbers moving across the screen. With my own eyes. In my major metropolitan "hot-zone" locality. Nothing. Speaking with my hospital working friends, not much. Looking outside hospitals in the "overflow" tents. Nothing.
<muhh two weeks
My profession is risky. I ride a motorcycle, that's a risk too. I go hunting, I take a boat out to fish in the ocean, I go to the hardware store in the spic side of town… I do a lot of activities that statistically put me at a higher risk of death or serious injury. All of those could be construed as flirting with death. Especially by some of the more eccentric members of our albanian canoe carving forum. As it appears to me and even by some of the numbers I don't even believe. My chance of dropping dead as a coofer is about the same risk. So to me, all of the martial law measures are a complete over reaction.
>people call the cops on you out of jealousy, not safety
Maybe, but I think it's because they are conditioned to living like cattle that are scared. They are probably jealous that there are people who don't obey orders, something they could never do. But I think it's mostly because they now feel they are part of something bigger than them. They've never done anything with their lives and now they can help #FlattenTheCurve by narcing on neighbors.
>You are allowed to question the deadliness of the virus
No you aren't. Go to any normie forum or shit even here (to a lesser extent) and suggest this is a nothing burger. That we should just continue as normal and accept grandma might die around the national life expectancy. That some people will get sick but the chances are most won't. People will freak out. They will get angry, they will accuse you of all sorts of nonsense. Even worse is if you claim this is fake. That is my point. Question the prevailing (((media))) narrative on the Talmud-Vision that we have to #StayHome #FlattenTheCurve #SocialDistance etc. Question why hospitals are empty, why it may not be as bad as it is or suggest maybe we just live with it and you'll be treated almost like a holocaust denier. Especially if you suggest the virus is fake entirely, which I am not doing. That is not my point. You have to be the judge of that yourself. I just think it's a nasty flu that's being used to finally squash everyone with impunity. On the bright side, a lot of people are asking where did it come from. Which is pointless, no one will ever know. Even if presented the truth, there is no way to believe it these days.
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2bbc78 No.96533
Thank you merchant, you are my greatest ally :DD
>Trump is the nationalist.
Jewish nationalist
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df9cdb No.96536
> unsourced numbers
seems legit
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ce8f08 No.96537
I agree with you. I'm just inclined to believe some regular healthy people have died from this somewhere. But that is to say because regular healthy can and do die from the flu every year. A major red flag is that hospitals are getting money for reporting china wu flu deaths. So there is an incentive to say the triple bypass diabetic senior citizen with a flu died from this thing. Especially now when they've essentially had to shut off all their business so staff can stand around doing nothing. Not only is this an accounting trick, there is also a marketing trick here. Imagine if (((they))) just took the normal flu season and renamed it "Super Eye Ball Bleeding Airborne AIDS." People would panic. Which is I think exactly what has happened. Most cases are just the flu. I do think there is a good chance the virus is real for a few reasons but I've got nothing concrete. It's a judgement thing. I don't think my opinion on that is better than yours. Anyway, China started this thing to clamp down on their people. That's what they do. They spun a tale to get the west with the help of government agents to shoot themselves in the foot over this thing. Even Israel is getting bent over this. However, I think whatever plan China had with this has backfired.
That doesn't seem so bad actually. People get to write off more taxes. Millionaires pay the most in taxes anyway. Besides, isn't this what a lot of people here want? Why do you want our sick governments to get more in tax revenue?
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ce8f08 No.96538
Working the 80m band of HF radio this morning. I had a conversation with two people in different ends of the country. Both talked about how construction of cell towers have rapidly increased in the last few weeks in their localities. One is rural and the other is semi-rural. Make of this what you will, but the more towers you can reach. The easier triangulation is.Saged because it is partially off topic, but surveillance is becoming a big part of this kung flu story.
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cda066 No.96540
>we've been monitoring this issue for two months before it stopped being a "conspiracy theory"
>almost all the predictions we made came true
>we literally still have threads on the issue from back then in the catalog
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cc5683 No.96541
The CNS apologizes for the small hiatus that happened due to technical issues. We will now resume operations.
Corobella teaming up with Dengue-Chan: 8 members of the anti-dengue team in the Barueri municipality got blessed by the Goddess of Purification. United we are stronger! Hail Corobella-Sama! Hail Ebola-Chan! Hail Dengue-Chan!
São Paulo's governor wants to issue the 15k previously stolen chink testing kits to the state's hospitals. False negatives, here we come!
Cokelombia caves in to the inmates requests for freedom and will release 4K prisoners https://archive.is/c8xfI
>Among prisoners to benefit are those aged over 60, those with illness or disabilities, those who have served at least 40 percent of their sentence, breastfeeding mothers and others with children under three years old, said Justice Minister Margarita Cabello.
I wonder how many Cokelombian inmates will start faking illnesses to get out.
Cokelombian poorfags got even poorer because of the quarantine lockdown and are protesting over having no money to buy food https://archive.vn/qWkwT https://archive.vn/VueVm
Thank you map & chart anon, your great work does not go unnoticed.
Brave Frog! I knew the Pajeets were right.
Relax brother, in due time, they will all fall ill and die.
Reminder from the Coronian State of Mind that the spiritual war against hoaxniggers, nothingburgerfags and blasphemers never ended and will never end. Enjoy your unbreakable and inescapable curse. See you in the Underworld.
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1f5844 No.96542
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a9f5b6 No.96544
Why aren't we calling this thing SARS 2? Isn't that exactly what it is?
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7d05a4 No.96545
why chinks were trying to hide it? why WHO lied? why our leaders didn't close borders right away? because we're just dumb lambs for them
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cc5683 No.96546
Simply speaking could transmit Corobella's envelopes of love https://archive.vn/CbPrB https://archive.is/hs41m Say her name! SHOUT HER NAME! HAIL COROBELLA-SAMA!
2 Prison guards and 2 inmates confirmed to be blessed in a Peruvian prison https://archive.vn/5wPyE 2+2=4=Shi=Death. Praise Kek and hail Corobella-Sama!
Body bags outside of a Peruvian hospital in Piura https://archive.vn/laKI3
Spanish gynecologist has her car vandalized by retards, sprayed with "contagious rat" https://archive.is/XTHWl Please don't mistreat your doctors like this, not even the Coronian State of Mind would do this.
Yep, I actually posted the video of the minister of health saying it during a conference. It's 3 or 2 threads ago. There's also footage of the Argentinean police using the Purge announcement in that same post. We're not only witnessing the Happening, but the Honkening as well.
>>96544 (deadly asian doubles checked)
Where have you been? It's scientific name is SARS-COV-2. Sciencefags are pretty much calling it SARS 2.
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cda066 No.96550
SARS-chan learned not only to hide her powerlevel but also her identity. She's a master kunoichi at this point.
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43f3e4 No.96551
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7ca10e No.96552
>Oh now we'll be relying on Israel. That's all Cruz, Lindsey Graham and rubio know how to do, kiss Israel's ass.
(((Who))) do you think actually drafts legislation? Hint, it ain't Senators and Representatives.
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708ad7 No.96554
>Such simple sights gain new meanings when one's heart is filled with faith and love for such a powerful entity that's purifying this world
Just stop you gaylord, the only way to make a deal with gahd is to threaten to blow up his creation. We should hack reality by our own will and intent, not give our power to some cringe biolab bitch.
What are you a landlord? Go fuck you parasite. We'd be better off with you in jail.
> If you are not allowed to question something, it's a lie
You dumb shit, were they telling the truth when they said that there was low risk?
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cc5683 No.96555
Female Peruvian dropper in the news: Woman found collapsed in the middle of the road is taken to the hospital in serious condition, possibly blessed https://web.archive.org/web/20200417144037/https://libero.pe/ocio/1553540-coronavirus-peru-reportan-desmayo-mujer-causa-covid-19-calles-san-juan-miraflores-cuarentena-pandemia-video This is the first time I find out about a dropper in a news website. Had to use wayback machine because archive today doesn't work well with El Comercio
Body bags in a Peruvian hospital in Lambayeque https://archive.is/tRXhi Had to do some inspect source fuckery to be able to download this video.
Ate Vitarte Hospital in Peru getting overwhelmed https://web.archive.org/web/20200417150140/https://elcomercio.pe/lima/sucesos/coronavirus-en-el-peru-las-muertes-se-desbordan-en-el-antiguo-hospital-de-ate-noticia/
Blessed Peruvians suffering from stomachaches and diarrhea https://archive.is/jdyXr We already know this is a confirmed symptom of the virus but it's worth remembering it. Also, it seems Peruvians are suffering from it more often than others.
I know how you feel brother. I have faith that both the released criminals and those who let them out will be punished and removed by Corobella-Sama.
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26a22a No.96558
Source is the same as every other place is using as well.
Pol attracts both the brightest and dullest of minds. Remember to temper the fun lest we become overwhelmed by genetic trash like good old >>96536 here, this one can barely turn the lights on at night, the puzzle is too difficult for him.
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408bfa No.96559
>nothingburger boomers are still alive
Yeah, I'm sure the chinks freaked the fuck out and immediately shut down their economy, as if they knew it was really fucking bad, for no particular reason. It's just a coincidence that this started near the Wuhan Institute of Virology, a level 4 biohazard facility which was researching corona and had employees who were caught earlier trying to steal corona and SARS samples from Canada.
Imagine building your bioweapon lab in the middle of a city of 12 million LOL. Sorry boomers, no more cruises for you
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4dcac0 No.96562
You couldn’t get most men to go to war without the understanding (implicit) that they could rape whatever they wanted. Thankfully Asians do not have empathy or and moral taboos so ‘rape’ is meaningless to them.
Sublime…am I right? Let’s stop ‘relying’ on the immoral unethical bug people and begin relying on the immoral unethical kikeniggers.
Indeed Kushner should have an accident.
Pretty sure that person is a disgusting bug person.
You wake me up when you ‘do something’ about anything…hahahaha…
>the thing your apparently not supposed to ask is: Where did it come from?
Boy, isn’t that the truth.
A globe fucking full of scientists working on this and not a fucking one can answer that question.
>Truth is like a plant, it always finds it's way to the surface, no matter how deep it's buried.
I get what you are trying to say but as a gardener this is an absolutely terrible analogy because it is so terribly incorrect. Seeds/plants need to be buried at depths that are extremely specific and there is no real wiggle room at all.
Is this ‘socialism’? Seems more like cronycapitalism/practical communism to me.
I understand you shills…I see what you are doing, but I don’t understand how you live with yourself. You guys only came out of the woodwork when people started to DEMAND to know who was at fault for this fiasco.
Because who can be PROSECUTED for something that is ‘fake’, right? Are we going to demand reparations from China for our loses and deaths ‘if its fake’? If its fake are we going to excuse the police state that is being implemented on our own soil as a response?
I just want you to know that even if no one else on this fucking board sees your disgusting filthy kike/bug fucking shilling,
It is all about ‘absolving the guilty’ at this point and I want you to know that I literally HATE YOU. Who do you work for?
The kikeniggers?
The bugs?
Gates and WHO?
All of the fucking above?
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719065 No.96569
China is NatSoc and the jews can't penetrate it. Their treatment of the uygiur muslims was completely based.
Taoist theosophy and traditional medicine based on the 5 elements theory is also based and kills jewish thought and science.
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66af28 No.96570
[https://archive.ph/wip/GgPxe] https://twitter.com/SJCotta/status/1250399809745403911
>The Chinese were kicking Africans out of China. Just locking them out of their homes. Here are Nigerians taking down Chinese factories in Nigeria.
Gas the chink, race war now!
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26a22a No.96575
Do they still believe in this witchcraft?
The Western civilisations stopped believing in this horseshit 300 years ago when phlogiston was debunked and the foundations of modern chemistry began. We have since then split the atom and performed fusion.
It amazes me that such retardation exists in the era of the massively parallelized information collaboration. Then again, the majority of chinkys live in the rural dark ages and are gaslighted into becoming bugmen.
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701446 No.96577
You are correct and redpilled friend. Call it that until it sticks
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9e5c1b No.96578
Hungarian anon reporting in. Everything is fine and dandy here. Still have my job, in fact, businesses are opening back up and the government is relaxing enforcement of the little regulations we had. Hospitals still have something around 60% of their beds empty. Either we are immune or being hoaxed since basically nothing has changed since february.
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4dcac0 No.96579
>jews can’t penetrate it
This is the biggest load of shit I have seen in a long time. Goldman Sachs OWNS all of China and they do whatever they want to you and have done so since the 1500’s or earlier. Opium trade ring one of your disgusting bug neurons? You are the worst of the mindless slavish pathetic golems the kikeniggers ever operated on…they are FLOODING your nation with niggers and you can’t say a fucking thing or you won’t be allowed to ‘ride the bus’ to work. You are the epitome of TOTALLY CONQUERED PEOPLE. There is no one on the planet who is more conquered then you worthless people. Just like you steal everything else, you think you can steal the jews mind control methods…
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4dcac0 No.96580
What amazes me is that anyone believes that they have an IQ higher than 80 average. That amazes me. I mean, how low would your IQ have to be before you preferred this sort of ‘witchcraft’ to science and logic?
They are truly a disgusting slave people with no concept of ever being free or without jew control.
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408bfa No.96581
LOL, China will never have anything good to offer to white people, no non-white race ever will. The fags like Anglin and (you) who worship non-white degenerates are just another flavor of civnat
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cc5683 No.96583
Corona-Corpse found on an avenue and taken away https://archive.vn/csQ46 https://web.archive.org/web/20200417154417/https://elcomercio.pe/lima/sucesos/hallan-a-fallecido-por-covid-19-en-miraflores-coronavirus-en-peru-noticia/ Peru is getting it's ass kicked right now.
Peruvian doctors protesting for better equipment, a mortuary and other reasons that I can't understand https://archive.is/vmTxm
Kikes in Argentina getting holocough'd by the Goddess https://archive.vn/nq2QH I am overflowing with joy and gratitude right now, I prayed for Corobella-Sama to liberate Argentina from those devils and my prayers are finally being answered. Thank you, my Goddess.
>I get what you are trying to say but as a gardener this is an absolutely terrible analogy because it is so terribly incorrect. Seeds/plants need to be buried at depths that are extremely specific and there is no real wiggle room at all.
Thank you for educating me. I'm actually an amateur gardener myself, I mostly grow flowers and peppers.
>All of the fucking above?
I really believe that's the case, anon.
>China is NatSoc
Not really. But maybe they could become NatSoc, the chinks tend to be somewhat patriotic, after all.
>Taoist theosophy and traditional medicine based on the 5 elements theory is also based
I can agree with that.
Got posted at the end of last thread but this video is so satisfying that it deserved to be posted again.
>Do they still believe in this witchcraft?
>It amazes me that such retardation exists in the era of the massively parallelized information collaboration.
Oh one of little faith…
>We have since then split the atom and performed fusion.
Truly the most amazing of all scientific achievements, but what about people's religion and spirituality? You can have all the technology in the world, but without something higher to believe in, there will always be a hole in people's lives. Belief in the metaphysical not only fills that hole, it can change the world.
Your president/prime minister is very based, he's took great measures early on that protected your country and you guys have strong genes. It's not a hoax, trust me and Believe In Her Existence.
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abeeb8 No.96584
I think I'd wait for clarification from ole' "take the guns first" Trump. If things get ugly he'll be the first to throw anyone under the bus who took this tweet to heart.
I heard it said on the old board that he could've had at least 1/3 of America slitting throats in his name before he sold us out on guns and immigration.
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b56aab No.96585
cheap pops in an election year. nothing in trump's core interests are supported by an armed population.
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1f5844 No.96586
>I heard it said on the old board that he could've had at least 1/3 of America slitting throats in his name before he sold us out on guns and immigration.
I believe that. To the average Trump supporter, we had the choice between what seemed at the time to be a patriot and a literal satanic spirit cooker. Justifying the use of force couldn't have been easier.
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81cf3a No.96588
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. TXT news anon here, this guy makes some really good points. I'll be too busy to post more news today, but this is one video anons should watch.
The gist: it took around 50 years to build this system of Globalization (Just In Time Delivery System based on Supply & Demand) and because of this bioweapon less than a year to wreck havok and demolish that whole system.
It is going to take a long time, with a lot of chaos and unrest, followed by hard work and skills to get back to a semi-normal system (if we ever do!) The current system (now in demise) of Globalization was every fragile to begin with. It was a house of cards if you will.
Now we need to start making major preps to survive what is coming, and be able to start turning back to local produce, farming/ranching, mining, milling, welding, machine/mechanical repair, refinery etc. This will create a lot of depopulation to come simply for the fact most people are not ready for what is to come, do not have any skills and are 100% reliant on the current system of Globalism which is now under free-fall collapse world wide.
Needless to say: liquidate your savings and get prepared for very, very hard times to come. Arm up and strive for self-sufficiency the best you can!
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dee927 No.96589
The peruvian doctors are saying that they are getting kick out by another Doctor and that President must something to help them.
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b56aab No.96593
>the coming ice age
into the trash it goes.
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8da9df No.96594
You see thats the thing. We have no regulations at all only government advice tier stuff. People are out there working, even parties restarted, few shops which closed opening up. Border closure is joke tier also.
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858192 No.96595
Brazil Video Of Dead Coronavirus Bodies Everywhere in Hospital, 2,217,000 COVID-19 Cases.
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b7b40d No.96596
> Just a "no", without argument or exposition.
Well, I didn't give any sauce, so I suppose a simple "no" is all I earned.
I looked it up, and it appears the (((official))) numbers don't support my position, no fuck it.
Kikes are universally motivated to destroy other cultures, so it makes sense that (((they))) would seek to destroy an uncooperative China.
Too many variables, not enough data.
I guess the big unknown is: was this just a Chink fuckup, or did the kikes cause it to occur? And if the kikes caused it, what is their end-goal? Why did they do it? To take down the CCP? To rescue their waning Ameri-Empire? To consolidate their power and openly force a singular globo-homo government upon the world? What is (((their))) next move?
It's obvious that individual kikes were involved, like (((Soros))), (((Lieber))) and (((Plummer))), but the specifics are elusive. Irrespective of their conspiratorial nature, it's also possible that the kikes involved provided assistance for (((their))) own selfish motives. There might not be a kike conspiracy, yeah, right, no fucking way. Could it just be a run-of-the-mill chink fuckup, and the kikes are now making the most of it? Nah, can't be. They planned this shit - Event 201, ID2020, and the ready-to-go Israeli (((vaccine)) are proof of that.
Dammit, I want some answers. At least the board is not presently being shat upon by shills.
> Shills against China
Don't forget that the mainstream narrative has shifted - most people now realize that China was involved. Our job will be to spread awareness of kike involvement.
> The anti-China stuff is a zionist operation to direct attention to the external.
This, 100%.
> See another post
Yes, I have that. Thnx.
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cc5683 No.96608
Argie ZOG admits it's deploying glowniggers on (((social media))) because of the airborne aids pandemic and the economic crisis https://archive.vn/jm68s
Aesthetic picture of armed anti-lockdown protesters at Michigan. Disregarding the idiot with the sign in the background, this picture is very nice. Is it just me or does the guy in the left really looks like Shia? I like his style: Light outfit, old school-ish AR15 ,ciggy in mouth and chill as fuck.
Zerohedge article on the Frog doc that says Corobella's physical form is airborne aids https://archive.vn/6ZC3W If he's really right about this being an AIDS vaccine gone wrong, I wouldn't be surprised if the bullshit corona-vaccine that profane eggheads are cooking up right now ends up giving people Ebola-Chan's love.
A not so secret Nasty Girl force meant to secure and evacuate ZOG officials in the event of a chimpout or a boogaloo has been deployed to D.C https://archive.vn/iXDZK What are they afraid of ? :^)
Kike connected to Orange Man that got convicted for tax fraud and other corruption related crimes in 2018 getting released due to the pandemic. https://archive.vn/Kc0hn
The last digits on this post are the same as the last ones in my ID.
>If things get ugly he'll be the first to throw anyone under the bus who took this tweet to heart.
>I heard it said on the old board that he could've had at least 1/3 of America slitting throats in his name before he sold us out on guns and immigration.
It really would be fucking awesome if he really was /ourguy/.
>Justifying the use of force couldn't have been easier.
So much this
>>96588 (heil'd)
>Now we need to start making major preps to survive what is coming, and be able to start turning back to local produce, farming/ranching, mining, milling, welding, machine/mechanical repair, refinery etc.
>Needless to say: liquidate your savings and get prepared for very, very hard times to come. Arm up and strive for self-sufficiency the best you can!
Hear hear! Have a good day, Text-only news anon!
Thank you very much.
> Border closure is joke tier also.
Really? Well, thank your genes and thank Corobella-Sama for being safe, she deems Hungaryans to be worthy of living and witnessing the next golden age that will come after the next dark age.
Good afternoon, Olin! Good compilation brother, keep it up.
>To consolidate their power and openly force a singular globo-homo government upon the world?
I believe this is the correct answer.
>What is (((their))) next move?
Enslave anyone who survives the virus, the societal collapse and the wars that will soon happen. But don't worry, it will be hard taking them down but we will win.
>Dammit, I want some answers.
I know I'm not much but you can always count on me.
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c78a3e No.96614
>Rata contagiosa
I disagree, I think doctors should stay in the hospitals during an outbreak the size of what Spain is going through. Many people, even well off, live in aparment blocks, often with shared swimming pool. Many families live in these buildings which sometimes can house more than 1500 people. Imagine having a family with small children and having to go into an elevator and through a lobby and into a car park, worrying that maybe last night, that doctor was too tired to follow protocol before inside his home, and didn't wear gloves or a mask inside the elevator, or coughed etc.
During the Spanish flu, men would wear protection as much as possible and go off to the factories and often stay there, sleep there. Others went back home but were isolated from the women and children safe at home. This limited contagion and spread (and having a single provider with sense of duty and sacrifice for a family also didn't crash the fucking economy).
A Spanish doctor or nurse, with the poor and often reused PPE they have, is a walking corona hive. Isolate them. And put a fucking alarm bell on their iphones to warn others in the vicinity, instead of tagging the whole population.
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b56aab No.96616
libertarians aren't patriots
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0f586d No.96622
>welding, machine/mechanical repair,
I don't wanna. I spent half a decade doing that and changed careers to a better one. I don't wanna have to go back. I wanna keep getting paid to sit around doing almost nothing.
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0e9072 No.96623
>What are you a landlord?
Yes. I own my own home and rent to a roomate. You have a problem with it? Come try to take my house from me, I'll rape you to death.
Those protesters are fucktarded, but at least they're spreading Corona-chan through their retardation.
Work will never leave you, anon.
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0f586d No.96625
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8221c2 No.96626
>Indeed. The future is national and social!
Stealing from productive persons will drive them away, and the notion of a nation of losers is absurd.
>will you say "I was right!" ??
No. I'll still think the ruling kikes and their shabbos
goyim golems are lying.
> America, yeah the deaths are that high.
No they're not. The States are inflating the numbers by falsifying cause of death on death certificates so as to get more of Uncle's kike shekels. It's a hoax. Buy more ammo and hook up with your local militia.
> It's an accounting trick.
Yeah. What 5c317d said. :)
>The virus is coming out of a Wuhan laboratory, ”he says.
I regret voting for Trump. If he wasn't sucking Jew cock and had balls, he'd order the necessary all out strategic nuke attack on the Reds.
>Reminder from the Coronian State of Mind
Silly man has too much time on his hands. Go work and earn your self-esteem.
The notion of "human rights" is an anti-concept intended to destroy the proper concept of rights as agreements persons of a nation make to respect each others freedom of actions and freedom from interference necessary to live as Man which subsequently are encoded into law with formation of a body politic created to protect the desired freedoms. Those who assert natural or divine rights theories are indeed metaphorical faggots due to wrongful philosophical ideas.
>Indeed Kushner should have an accident.
Well said.
They're Caucasians, and yeah religion is stupid bullshit, but at least Muslims will bitch smack down feminism, LGBT queers, jews, and commies.
>Everything is fine and dandy here.
Good news. Thanks. Best Regards to the family.
>libertarians aren't patriots
Depends on the deal. If they're offered near total freedom in context of a republic purposed toward protecting their freedoms, then they'll happily spend their lives defending such a State. In such a State dueling would be legal if performed according to proper etiquette, so kike-SJW-globo-homo-feminazi adherents would have incentive to expatriate and bug out, and money would be gold and not be backed by surety collateral of labor.
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b56aab No.96628
>Depends on the deal.
No, it doesn't. Libertarians aren't patriots. I'm tired of going back and forth on this issue with willful subverts.
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b7b40d No.96630
> Kikes are looking to consolidate (((their))) control
But that's what they're always trying to do. The release of Red Death must be the culmination of something long-planned. But this plan has now made contact with "the enemy" us, and shall not survive. The question is, what is to be done? More prepping? I'm inclined to hookup an amp in the bed of my truck, and drive through town while bellowing-out a truthful narrative. It was the kikes! Arm yourselves! Organize! I'll probably be arrested.
> Kikes are going to enslave everyone
Again, nothing new. But if (((they))) try to put chips in the people around here, it will mean dead (((cops))). I do not plan or conspire, I simply predict.
> Gauleiter Brazil-Bruder continues to demonstrate his value and reliability
In the coming Reich, you will wear Oak Leaves upon your lapel.
> Isolate doctors, to prevent the spread
Makes sense. But they won't do it. Most medics are still not convinced that this is a game-changing event. Morons.
> Libertarians aren't patriots, sliding thread
Maybe a Randian libtard, but there is much crossover between nationalism and libertarianism in the US. I would be quite satisfied if I and my people were free, while the kikes and shitskins were left to their own slavery. "Freedom for me, but to hell with thee."
Most "libertarians" just want to be left alone, which is compatible with volkish nationalism and patriotism.
> The numbers in the US are inflated, therefore the virus is a hoax
This is a logical fallacy. Yes, the numbers are being inflated for political purposes. But no, this does not mean the SARS-CoV-2 virus is not real. Perhaps it's not very deadly to das Volk, or maybe it just takes longer to kill. More data is required, but it is demonstrably clear that the virus is real.
> Thinks that rights are something granted by authority
Why are you sliding the thread? A "right" is something already possessed, not something granted. That's called "privilege".
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a6d8bb No.96633
>Chink scientists are alleged to have spliced parts of the HIV genome into a corona-virus to develop a vaccine
That would be so reckless only a Chink commie could come up with it. I'm highly interested in further diggings in that particular theory.
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b56aab No.96634
>but there is much crossover between nationalism and libertarianism in the US.
Which is why American nationalism never gets anywhere and always leads to horrible outcomes, like the GWOT, globalization, and based niggers. Same dumb shill scripts over and over. Take a good look at that picture I was commenting on. Second pic in this post >>96608 "Heil Witmer". American nationalism IS globohomo.
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b7b40d No.96636
> HIV inserts into CoronaChan is a theory
Hardly. The original poo paper is attached, proving it.
And no, it wasn't Chinks. The lab was funded and supplied by ZOG.
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de8c36 No.96638
>Those protesters are fucktarded, but at least they're spreading Corona-chan through their retardation.
Yep. Perfect opportunity to legally obscure your face during an armed protest and they didn't.
Governor RBF is probably going to ID and quarantine the individuals who went bare-faced.
I had high hopes the corona-related mask ordinances would provided a unique opportunity for shenanigans. Seems like only niggers are taking advantage of it.
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b7b40d No.96639
> Libertarian nationalism will continue to fail in the US
Yes, until the fault of libertarianism is recognized - not all people are equal. Freedom should only be available to full-humans. Kikes
and shitskins don't get to play.
> American nationalism is globohome
They're virtue-signaling. But yes, inclusion on non-humans is why American nationalism will fail.
> Tards are going to be ID'd and fucked-up
Possibly, but I'm betting that the politicos are getting pretty fucking scared. A large-scale pushback against armed men might end poorly.
> Hopes that the mask ordinances could provide opportunities.
People are still scared, and this isn't over. Also, real desperation hasn't set in yet - nobody has missed a meal. Once the warehouses are empty, and the patriots have nothing left but ammo, the lead will fly.
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cc5683 No.96641
Dropper in Harbin
https://archive.is/uD1Yp Unfortunately the clip is very short and someone added BGM to it, what a fucking bummer.
An absolute madman who's a retired official was using WeChat to assemble a RWDS to overthrow Xinnie, you won't believe what happens next! He got caught, obviously. What else did you expect? https://archive.vn/fJ2Kl
Huge restaurant chains taking advantage of the corona-relief for small businesses https://archive.vn/CJMnW Goddamn jews never take a break.
It's the ultimate showdown as Pissraeli cops fight orthodox kikes in a battle for supremacy https://archive.vn/wjy23 My fucking sides, this is such a sweet clusterfuck.
The CNS will now take a lunch break, we will be back soon.
Your post is good and contains a lot of truth, but vandalizing the doctor's car will only turn people to her side, not to the ones who did that.
Yes but I was referring to the Burgers with the 'Murican flag. The lolbergs are obviously the ones with the no step on snek flag. Nice to see them working together, that kind of cooperation will be very necessary soon.
>Stealing from productive persons will drive them away, and the notion of a nation of losers is absurd.
That's not how National Socialism works, on the contrary, productive individuals are rewarded! It's very meritocratic, even the poorest citizen has the chance to climb up the social ladder through his skills and his feats alone. The perfect combination of capitalism with socialism, taking the best parts of both systems and throwing away the bad ones. And it's all imbued with a strong nationalist spirit that encourages people to love their nation and their land. Take the NatSoc pill today and embrace third positionism!
>Silly man has too much time on his hands. Go work and earn your self-esteem.
Never been feeling better and never worked harder! And that's coming from someone who was once very very blackpilled.
>If he wasn't sucking Jew cock and had balls, he'd order the necessary all out strategic nuke attack on the Reds.
True. All those B52s just collecting dust at Guam…
>The question is, what is to be done? More prepping?
Yes, and trying to convince other upstanding people that are still "asleep" to wake up and start prepping too.
>I'm inclined to hookup an amp in the bed of my truck, and drive through town while bellowing-out a truthful narrative. It was the kikes! Arm yourselves! Organize! I'll probably be arrested.
Well, you might be able to do that soon, just replace "kikes" with "illuminatti" and you won't get arrested. Then, when the times is right, you can teach your followers that most of the loominutty are actually jews. The evangelical browns here in Brownzil already know about the loominutty so all I have to do is teach people about kikes, I have been successful so far.
>But if (((they))) try to put chips in the people around here, it will mean dead (((cops))). I do not plan or conspire, I simply predict.
Yeah it would be a shitshow so they're not gonna chip people from the get-go, they will use the good ol "boiling the frog" tactic. Did you see the news in the last thread (or the thread before that, can't remember properly) about the Ruskies putting GPS tracking bracelets on blessed people in an isolated city near the arctic? That's what's going to be done in Burgerland and in the rest of the world first, then they might move into QR code tattoos and chips.
>In the coming Reich, you will wear Oak Leaves upon your lapel.
I am flushed by your words, but please call me BrFAG, that's the name Kek himself assigned to me in the last thread.
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0e9072 No.96642
>I had high hopes the corona-related mask ordinances would provided a unique opportunity for shenanigans
I think we may see some of that in the near future. The only use I've gotten out of wearing a mask in public was calling a trashy-looking woman a cunt to her face after she fake sneezed at me. I'm tooting my own horn here but god damn was it satisfying to call a cunt a cunt in front of her soyboy boyfriend and have him back down from me.
>Libertarians aren't patriots.
Very true, anon. So many of them put capital over country; it's sad as fug.
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c78a3e No.96646
>National Socialism works
It truly is a message of Love. Sieg Heil, Kamerad.
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09759c No.96649
It's a huge nothingburger I thought pol was smarter than this. The numbers are hugely exaggerated.
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cc5683 No.96650
>Spoilered the wrong image
I meant to spoil "cue curb your enthusiasm" not the one about the restaurants. I really need to take a nap.
> >96626
Fucking hell, how did the other > disappear?
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b7b40d No.96656
kys, typo-nigger
> Microchips in people, news from Slav-land of GPS bracelets
Yes, I saw the article in the last thread, and saved the pic (attached). Funny shit. Funnier still, everybody in Mutt-land already carries a GPS tracker with them. Fucking KikePhones.
> Burgers will be slowly boiled, and will inevitably get chipped.
Possibly. But most of the burger-niggers I know are already one-short-step away from open warfare with ZOG. The lockdown has them pissing vinegar, and mandatory vaccines will put them over the edge. Even my boomer father, who's a Trumpian and former green-beret, is saying "this isn't America anymore." People are getting really close to being 100% fed-up. I can't wait for the fun to begin, so I can watch from the safety of my home.
> Gauleiter Brazil-Bruder degrades himself with an unfitting sobriquet
You've been Brazil-Bruder to me since the single-digit threads, and I recognize that you've also attained a field promotion, Gauleiter. But if you insist, then OK, BrFAG. I need to go through the last thread and see where that transpired.
What to do next
I agree that red-pilling people is necessary. But I'm also aware that using the term "Illuminati" will backfire in my AO - that's a term only used by "conspiracy theorists" around here. The process will be different for varying demographics, so adjustments will have to be made as-needed.
The most difficult step will be convincing ZOGbots that they should physically resist (((their masters))). It's also the most dangerous, as even suggesting the idea will land a person in gaol.
My technique has been to point out the need for warfare against (((foreign hostiles))), then demonstrate that their chain of command is in league with those (((hostiles))). I once made a room full of veterans hold their heads in shame, after convincing them of how hopelessly criminal the federal and state officials are, and how they've been helping (((them))) commit crimes, making all the vets guilty of being accessories. I called them all cowards, and none of them had the balls to look me in the eye and deny it.
I wish I was wealthier, so that I could offer a larger hoard of supplies to my local LE. But I'm also still hoping that things don't spiral out of control, and nobody misses any meals.
Also hoping that hydroxychloroquine works, even if that makes me a curefag.
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a71639 No.96658
The US went on lockdown with 10k cases a day. Now you have 30k cases a day and Trump wants to reopen it. That will backfire badly. You'll see people dropping like flies.
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c67460 No.96666
Yes anon, it's as if some people don't realise quarantine LITERALLY means forty days in (ironically) Italian. It's gonna be a massacre.
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881bfc No.96670
At least quarantine and social distancing means people can't go out and race-mix
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9fea84 No.96672
It's more than that anon, degeneracies of all kinds are being shattered right now. Even what's happened already is going to see society lurch heavily towards traditionalism.
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475755 No.96678
This is clearly biased for Russia/China.
This America vs. Russia/China narrative in coherent wording is boring social programming.
Its made by people who benefit from polarisation.
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0e9072 No.96679
Checked and kek'd. I haven't seen that fucker's face for like a decade.
Yep, there are grills on Tinder actually looking to talk rather than just fug.
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4d406a No.96680
I literally made this image around Wednesday for my class. Its only available on my instagram and my schools discussion board. Its crazy how quickly it ended up here, it was literally only posted Wednesday and I was just about to post it when I saw it here. Im hoping someone can clear up how they were able to find. Please excuse my (1) and done cause Im just blown away by the coincidence and also extremely flattered my image made it to the top of /cvg/. Thank you Corona-Chan!
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cda066 No.96681
There will be when we replace all shitskins with robots and all cunts with robofus with artificial wombs.If it wasn't for the jew we would be one or two decades away from colonizing space in Whitetopian ships.
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7ca10e No.96682
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cc5683 No.96683
Memezuelan fuel crisis continues amid the pandemic, citizens try to protest but are discouraged by shotgun wielding cops strolling in the background https://archive.vn/1M4zP
Shoot first, ask questions never: The Niggerian military is just shooting civvies that violate the lockdown, at least 21 nignogs have already been killed by soldiers. Here, we see them gathering a new victim. https://archive.vn/i3lqx
Iranian Hazmat gravediggers and a digger making graves for the future victims of Corobella's wrath https://archive.vn/A8u41 She chooses which of the blessed ones live or die. Will all those graves be filled? That's up to her to decide.
Duterte throws down the gauntlet on quarantine lockdown violators and threatens to deploy the military to enforce meme distancing https://archive.is/JKKLP I thought he already deployed the army, though. Must have been small forces like military police, then.
The CNS will now halt it's operations for a rest break, update services will be resumed soon. Thank you for your attention, stay safe out there dear readers.
>But most of the burger-niggers I know are already one-short-step away from open warfare with ZOG.
This is some excellent news.
>You've been Brazil-Bruder to me since the single-digit threads, and I recognize that you've also attained a field promotion, Gauleiter. But if you insist, then OK, BrFAG.
Thank you for all of your love.
>need to go through the last thread and see where that transpired.
It can only be described as divine signs, two miracles in a row. Check towards the end of the thread. I did not choose to be called BrFAG, neither did I ever asked for it, it just happened while I was archiving a very amusing article from Peru. There's no way in hell that's a coincidence, Kek is real and so is Corobella-Sama and Nergal. The truth is nearly all deities are real, most of them have just gone dormant, waiting for new worshipers to wake them up. They're created and powered by us but also vice-versa, the omniverse is weird like that.
> But I'm also aware that using the term "Illuminati" will backfire in my AO - that's a term only used by "conspiracy theorists" around here. The process will be different for varying demographics, so adjustments will have to be made as-needed.
That's a bummer but I can agree with you, the redpilling process does vary from culture to culture.
>The most difficult step will be convincing ZOGbots that they should physically resist (((their masters))).
True, I guess the most effective route would be to point out that they're acting against their own people and that they're not gaining much in return for doing that.
>My technique has been to point out the need for warfare against (((foreign hostiles))), then demonstrate that their chain of command is in league with those (((hostiles))).
That works too, good job.
>I wish I was wealthier, so that I could offer a larger hoard of supplies to my local LE. But I'm also still hoping that things don't spiral out of control, and nobody misses any meals.
We all wish we could do more for our people, even me and my family wish we could help out a poorfag friend that is in dire straits, but alas, we can't do much other than hiring him for some tasks.
>Also hoping that hydroxychloroquine works, even if that makes me a curefag.
By the power and authority invested in me by Corobella-Sama, you're hereby absolved of the sin of curefaggotry. I understand how you feel. I still think cloromeme and medical solutions are a bad idea,
except drugs that can treat symptoms with relative safety, these ones are okay. My recommendations will always be staying healthy, staying safe and avoiding infection by wearing proper PPE and taking the necessary precautions and looking into spiritual and natural solutions, including somehow acquiring immunity. It will eventually happen among the survivors selected by the Goddess to rebuild civilization and restore it to it's former glory.
I really hope so because it seems normalfags are having a lot of sex, I keep running into news or articles that go "is it safe to have sex?", "sales of sex toys are rising during the quarantine", "shortage of condoms" and etc. I just hope they're fugging in their own race.
People are embracing nationalism and rejecting globalism, that's a great starting point but there's still a long way to go. The New Golden Age will begin after giga ZOG AKA the NWO is defeated. And hopefully this time, it will never end!
>Im hoping someone can clear up how they were able to find.
You will have to ask that to the Coronian Archivist. Maybe he will come over here and tell you how he did found it. If you're really curious, you will have to seek him on /ebola/'s bunker.
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b56aab No.96685
It's not biased for Russia/China at all. It is accurate. Striker hits the right notes every time and it always susses out the jews among us. Every time, without fail. All of the West's problems are internal. The system constructed in the West by a hostile parasite demands attention to be focused to the external.
If you don't want to have to be dependent on China – don't move your entire infrastructure over there in the first place. But if you don't move it, you can't attack your main adversary: the historical American nation [this means White people if you can't figure it out].
Don't bother replying, you're already filtered.
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cda066 No.96687
>farmers, welders, assembly line workers, truck drivers, mechanics
That's a very weird way to spell "fertilizer".
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9fea84 No.96689
This is an anon hive, still the most competent OSINT on the net. Little escapes our notice.
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cda066 No.96691
>All of the West's problems are internal.
Agreed **but that doesn't exclude chinkbugs*.
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ea02bb No.96694
This made me wonder how much of a degenerate I would be according to people on this board xD
But the smart white man white man decided to make those resources into machines to mine more resources to build more machines to mine more resources…
The mindset described here actually sounds like it could easily be converted into zen.
>colonising space
y tho
lemme guess, to mine more resources etc etc?
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cc5683 No.96696
>The last digits of my post matched the last digits on my ID again >>96583
This is not a coincidence. Open your eyes to the metaphysical world, anons.
>If it wasn't for the jew we would be one or two decades away from colonizing space in Whitetopian ships.
Will happen after the NWO is defeated and the secret technology they hid gets recovered. It all belongs to the taxpayers anyway. Not to mention the support and aid from /ourguys/ in Agartha, they will surely come during the biggest battles.
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cda066 No.96697
I generally try to convince myself being humble and having low expectations but the amount of multilateral shilling this essentially dead laotian tapestry enthusiasts forum gets really makes me think we are actually sort of a big deal.
>y tho
Resources are just the means, the ultimate drive is the same as of every living being, securing a future for our progeny.
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ea02bb No.96700
>the ultimate drive is the same as of every living being, securing a future for our progeny.
Our progeny can live perfectly fine lives here on Earth, at least if we stop wasting or polluting everything we get our hands on. And personally I'm of the opinion that 7.5 billion idiots in one universe is more than enough.
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8221c2 No.96702
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b7b40d No.96703
I found this elsewhere, though it pertinent:
France Also was Involved with the Wuhan Coronavirus Facility and Awarded ‘Bat Doctor’ Shi a High Level French Civil Medal
< The French were involved in the coronavirus as well. At this point, are ordinary Americans the only ones who weren’t involved?
> Good news about White-burger-niggers being on a hair-trigger
I'm not sure if it's good news, but it's happening. What the politicos don't seem to understand that it will happen quickly. Once the line is crossed, there is no return, and we will have nothing left to lose.
> BrANON things his sobriquet came about as some sort of sign
Reject magical thinking. The only God is Logos, and His power is "reason". Don't be a kike-nigger - magic isn't real, and gods cannot be worshipped into existence.
> Bummer about using the term "Illuminati"
It's not a bummer, it's just reality. ZOG operates under many names and identities. Leveraging the most recognizable one is a no-brainer.
> ZOG-bots operating against their own people
They don't see it that way. The kikes have ausgerottet any sense of cultural identity they held, and it's only the influx of Untermenschen that has rekindled identity within die Jugend. It will take time, but we will recover.
> Hires a poorfag for some work
I used to do that more often. But I've found that here in Muttland, poorfags remain poor for a reason - they're degenerates. Wealth, from the viewpoint of our starving ancestors, is accessible for anybody willing to shoulder responsibility. All one must do is show up on-time, sober, and one will have success. At least, that's the way it is here.
> Practicing preparedness and anti-degeneracy will absolve one of curefaggotry sins.
Good to hear, thanks.
> Fugging your own race
Sex should only be legal between married people or European descent, and marriage can only exist between a XY man and XX woman, for life. All other forms of coupling should be crimes.
> The Giga-kike must be defeated
Yes, I had a dream about that. I foolishly committed the sin of DreamPosting, and was rightfully banned for an hour, but it was a good dream. I got to kill the Giga-kike by ripping its guts out with a Wolfsangel. Es war einfach wunderbar.
> All the west's problems are internal
Yes, until we eject all the kikes. At that point, the (((problem))) becomes external. Simple problems merit simple solutions.
> But Chinks are a problem for the west too!
Yes, but the bugmen didn't attain their current position unassisted. The chinks were uplifted by the kikes. Without the meddling of men like (((Kissinger))), the Chi-Comms would have continued to eat each other. The chinks are just golems for the kikes, much like the yankees once were.
> Securing a future for our progeny
Fourteen words….
> But we can just stay here on earth!
Fuck that, the stars await. Besides, how much better-off would the ecosphere be if all heavy industry were moved into space? Space has lots of resources to use, and exploiting them would only have a positive impact on Earth's life. Let's not slide the thread, please.
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cda066 No.96704
>Our progeny can live perfectly fine lives here on Earth
In less than 5 billion years the sun goes boom.
In 100 million years atmospheric CO2 will be depleted and the earth will be a dead cold rock inhabited only by a handful of thermo/chemotrophic deep sea bacteria and invertebrates.
At any given moment an astronomic event like an asteroid or a gamma ray burst can vaporize the entire planet.
and most importantly:
We don't want to imitate the mindset of these >>96302 critters.
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b7b40d No.96708
> Slides thread, but points out that the Sol will die someday.
Yes, in five billion years the Red Giant that was once Sol will dump the vestiges of its corona and transition into a white dwarf. But it will only take another one-billion years for the sun's power output to increase, owing to the fusing of heavier elements, I think, and the habitable zone will expand outwards. During this time, Earth's orbit will continue to decline, and our planet will become a scorched ball of sand.
> Don't want to imitate the mindset of other critters.
I thought you meant me, for a sec. But year, niggers are not human. Humanoid, but not human.
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5c317d No.96709
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ee20f3 No.96713
There's just no fucking way this virus isn't being spread through aerosol transmission. We're locked down, practicing social distancing, washing hands using masks, and cases are still soaring. There's no way this is confined to droplet transmission.
Again the timing of Trump's reopening is what i'm basing my judgement. I think there's a good chance he's actually a trojan horse trying to destroy the country. Watch this fuckin traitor is going to reopen at the worst possible time.
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88bbc8 No.96714
Nah he's just an idiot
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a71639 No.96715
>spread through aerosol transmission
Ofc it spreads through aerosol transmission. East Asians always wear masks and look how South Korea got fucked.
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b56aab No.96721
Trump is an agent of israel.
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f7c0c5 No.96722
>magic isn't real
please, higher reason (of the really secret kind) leads to abilities
>and gods cannot be worshipped into existence.
they can be reinforced but their essence always remains, more or less active
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475755 No.96723
the shills are really going loose in this thread
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ea02bb No.96724
>Besides, how much better-off would the ecosphere be if all heavy industry were moved into space? Space has lots of resources to use, and exploiting them would only have a positive impact on Earth's life.
Good point. I still believe we don't need as much industry as we use nowadays, but yeah, it would be a good idea regardless. Though sadly industry in space would be pretty damn difficult to achieve, even if by “space” we mean other planets.
>Sex should only be legal between married people or European descent
Gotta disagree with this one. One, sex between unmarried people isn't bad per se, it's “misuse” of extramarital sex that creates problems (though I am aware that such an impression is quite natural, seeing the situation in the West). Two, I don't know about you, I'm personally not a fan of the gov't trying to regulate my life. Interference of any officials should be kept to absolute minimum. People need to be free - they need to be allowed to make choices, and they need to be allowed to feel their consequences, and that last part is where the Westerners went wrong. This is has led to people forgetting that real freedom is inherently linked to responsibility. This also means we are not allowed to learn from mistakes we make. Obviously, those on top capitalise on and encourage this state of affairs. In short, we live in a loop where we pay the toll in our freedom for being protected from the consequences of our own actions.
>In less than 5 billion years the sun goes boom.
There has never been a species that existed for this long, and there's no reason to think humans will be one. In fact they are one of the less likely candidates for this title, owing to their relatively complicated and inefficient biology.
>in 100 million years atmospheric CO2 will be depleted
Can you link to any papers on that? I can't seem to find anything.
>We don't want to imitate the mindset…
I've got no clue as to what kind of mindset makes an individual willing to roll about in an animal carcass, but I fail to see how it could possibly be related to one which inclines them to practise reasonable use of natural resources and reduce their impact on the environment.
I mean he's literally doing Goddess's work.
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e8308e No.96727
Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai, MIT PhD Crushes Dr. Fauci Exposes Birx, Clintons, Bill Gates, And The W.H.O
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a0f619 No.96728
>There has never been a species that existed for this long, and there's no reason to think humans will be one.
But our progeny absolutely could last that long. If a fucking microbe could occupy Earth for 4 billion years with its babies, we can manage 5 more and should want them to last even longer. Besides, neglecting any hope for the future is nihilism, and embracing the death of all your successors would mean that there is no point fighting for them, or for anything really.
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b56aab No.96729
This is the loudmouth Hindustani who pretends to have "invented e-mail" while he was in high school in the late 1970s despite ARPAnet having been up and running for years. He's another in a long line of Hindustani media personalities who get presented to us on the televitz so that the goyim may bask in their Hindustani genius and the zionist-aligned bullshit they are always spouting.
Jews and Hindustanis are in common cause to continue to disastrous status quo of American domestic and foreign policy that is strangling White America.
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24a36f No.96730
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Relax people, it's just ASMR.
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b7b40d No.96731
> Chloroquine, or hydroxychloroquine, and the kike hegemony
A thought occurred to me. If chloroquine is an effective treatment against Red Death, yet the red monkeys have not deployed it against the blessings of /OurGal/, it stands to reason that the rail-hopper decision-makers are onboard with the yahoodi globo-homo depopulation agenda. This dispels the possibility that ZOG is eliminating uncooperative bugmen, and instead suggests that the Bamboo-Coons are also being incorporated into (((their))) golem population.
A prevalent theory behind the release of Coronachan is that the celestials were getting uppity, and the oven-dwellers decided to cull them. But the usefulness of chloroquine dispels this possibility. The panda-eaters will do anything to attain their goals, even using drugs that are not FDA-approved.
It could be claimed that the rice-niggers didn't know about the efficacy of chloroquine against SARS-CoV-2, but it's been known since 2005 that chloroquine works against SARS-CoV (sauce attached).
The CCP leadership would have definitely tried it, and would have used it en-mass if they had genuinely desired to arrest the outbreak.
The fact that they didn't suggests that the CCP is a puppet of ZOG. But that only holds true if curfaggotry is merited, and hydroxychloroquine (or chloroquine) works. Evidence is mounting that hydroxychloroquine does work, sauce available upon request, that equates to evidence that my latest hair-brained theory holds water.
Let the shilling begin.
> Magic equates to higher reason and provides abilities, but only if it's kept a secret.
Maybe it's just me, but that statement defies reason.
> The essence of non-existent gods, for which there is no evidence, can be reinforced
Sauce, plz.
> Slides thread
> Industry in space would be hard
Yes, and TOTALLY FUCKING WORTH IT. Constant high-flux solar power, free vacuum chambers, high-grade ores within asteroid bodies, rare earth metals sitting around everywhere, more room than could ever be needed, and NO NIGGERS. Sounds like paradise.
> Misuse of extramarital sex
Extramarital sex is malum in se, not malum prohibitum. Sex provides for the creation of children. Human children require extended care. Extended care is a byproduct of marriage. Therefore, marriage is required for sex. But if one accepts that niggers, and (((other demographics))), are not human, then it can be argued that care is not required. Marriage is not necessary for animals.
> Doesn't want the government to regulate his life
Me either. Also, I should confess that I led a life of sin before meeting my wife, and I admit my wrongdoing. I'm just glad that my philandering did not produce children, lest they suffer.
But you've made the mistake of a statist, and have assumed that "government" is necessary to enforce social norms. Rational humans do not need a government to impose the institution of marriage.
> People need to feel the consequences of their own actions.
Agreed. Another reason why government should not be meddling within people's lives.
> Freedom and responsibility are the converse of one another
Are you a Heinlein fan? Sit in on any lectures from Mr. Dubois? You're making sense, fren.
> No species has ever lasted more than five-billion years
There are many things that no species ever did, until we did them. Surviving past the heat-death of the universe shall be another such thing.
> Video of Dr. Poo
My wife sent me a link to another interview with Dr. Shiva Ayyudurai. He might be a based motherfucker. Sharing below:
> Dr. Poo claims he invented email
Yeah, that's one of my take-aways. Kinda hard to take him seriously about that. But he seems to be spot-on about (((the cabal))) behind the Red Death (((vaccine))).
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b56aab No.96732
>Yeah, that's one of my take-aways. Kinda hard to take him seriously about that. But he seems to be spot-on about (((the cabal))) behind the Red Death (((vaccine))).
No, he doesn't seem spot on about anything because he's a proven fraud and a liar. He just wants White slaves to go back to work so he and his jewish allies can rake-off their labor.
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cda066 No.96734
>There has never been a species that existed for this long
We can be the first if we chose so, though it is more likely we will guide our evolution into something much much more preferably something that incorporates the genome of our Goddesses, the mothers of our future without kikes and subhumans dragging us down, as inseparable part of our own.
>Can you link to any papers on that?
Check the sources from kikepedia.
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b0d32e No.96736
>The bughive sabotaged itself
Eh, in war the goal isn't to prevent casualties but ti inflict them. China is clearly winning
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d3c83e No.96737
I'm not a fag
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11987a No.96743
Israelis pissing their pants as wild boars take over city:
>"We are scared to go out, even to throw out the garbage. I don't which way the boars will come," Meirav Litani, a music instructor, said as a boar loomed in the distance.
Yes, fear the bacon!
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b7b40d No.96744
> Dr. Poo is a proven liar, pushing shit for the kikes.
I must be confused, because I thought he was calling-out the kike golems, even if he didn't name (((the problem))). And if there is a treatment, which works to the satisfaction of /pol/, then we can use it and go back to work.
> Humans can exists for billions of years, if we so choose.
Yes, this, 10x.
> Wild hogs run amok in kike-land, eating everything, and shitting everywhere.
Kek, my sides. I can't wait for Gauleiter BrFAG to post footage of kike corpses being eaten by wild pigs. Fucking awesome.
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b56aab No.96746
He wants you to go back to work so him and jew owners of capital can see their capital grow at your expense. They don't make their money – you do. The best thing for White Americans is that this economy and country take the biggest, worst hits possible. Dr. Streetshitter just wants a useful golem that can be leveraged against Pakistan and China, which is his problem not ours.
Anglozionist and Hindustani capital's interests are not our interests.
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1aa6cb No.96749
We're here in /cvg/ 51, and I see only mild consensus around the idiocy of Trump, not much else about the virus being agreed upon.
Can I ask:
>what the fuck do you think this is????
Is it an intentional bioweapon? A virus that was enhanced in the lab but only accidentally leaked? Just a nicely evolved coronavirus?
I have consumed just about all the easily-accessible information you can about this and I STILL don't feel like I know anything.
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b7b40d No.96750
> Nigger won't read, not even this one lonely thread.
It's a weapon, made in China, with American and French funding, with biological samples provided by Canadian jews, with technical expertise provided by Harvard jews.
Read the poo paper I sauced above – >>96636
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a0f619 No.96754
>A virus that was enhanced in the lab but only accidentally leaked?
This one is what the evidence indicates.
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1aa6cb No.96756
>poo paper
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ea02bb No.96758
Is it just me or does this picture like a monstrance instead of a virus and arrows?
>>96749 >>96754
Seems like this to me too.
>But our progeny absolutely could last that long.
In principle, yes. They would be probably classified as a different species, but yes.
>If a fucking microbe could occupy Earth for 4 billion years with its babies, we can manage 5 more
Sounds like biology ain't your strongest suit. Any microbe has way higher chances of survival as a species than any highly-complicated organism such as the human.
>and should want them to last even longer.
>Besides, neglecting any hope for the future is nihilism
Don't equate hope for future with survival of humanity.
>and embracing the death of all your successors would mean that there is no point fighting for them
Well guess what, the world's gonna end sooner or later, there is exactly 0% chance it won't, so according to this logic you can just as well give up now.
>or for anything really.
So I can't fight for something else than this particular idea?
>Maybe it's just me, but that statement defies reason.
There are several explanations for this. One, most mundane, and most important for noobs, is that when you tell muggles about magic and muggles laugh at you, this lowers your self-esteem and confidence in your skill, thus effectively weakening your magic.
Another one: in general whatever is internal or internalised influences us more strongly than what's not. If you push your emotions into your unconscious they can change your entire life in ways you will not even be able to explain. I recommend Jung for details.
There are other reasons, but they are both really difficult to explain and really difficult to understand, so let's leave it like this for now.
By the way I don't fully agree with the notion that magic has to be kept secret, although it certainly helps. And of course there are very materialistic, pragmatic reasons why you may not want others to know what you're up to.
I don't know if that's a good answer, but I can't come up with anything better right now, sorry.
>Sex provides for the creation of children
Sure and I couldn't agree more about the need of the children to be protected and have both parents taking care of them. Thus I'd agree with you if this exhausted the problem. However there's a catch: having sex != having children. (Guess that should be enough of an answer, but people tell me I'm sometimes too succinct, so here's more:) Even if for whatever reason you are against using condoms/contraceptives, there is literally lower chance of getting pregnant than not getting pregnant even at the most fertile point of the menstrual cycle. With a bit of planning you can have perfectly “safe” sex even without using any external control methods. And I'm literally certain the statistics dramatically underestimate the actual effectiveness of both timing-based and external methods, the former because folks gotta be scared into spending more on condoms and pills, the latter because people are morons who misuse them.
Most importantly, this applies even if you only have sex within wedlock, because getting married doesn't mean people stop having sex for non-procreation purposes, and in fact sexual intercourses are, at least for most people, necessary to maintain a healthy relationship with their spouse.
>Are you a Heinlein fan? Sit in on any lectures from Mr. Dubois?
Nope, I've only ever heard Heinlein's name, and not even that much about Dubois, sorry.
>Rational humans do not need a government to impose the institution of marriage
Yeah, I know. I also know that few humans are rational. Of course we are both mostly theorising anyway, so I'm assuming the same :P
>There are many things that no species ever did, until we did them.
Fair enough.
>Surviving past the heat-death of the universe shall be another such thing.
This would be a violation of the most fundamental laws of physics, so I'm gonna go with negative on that one.
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a0f619 No.96763
>the world's gonna end sooner or later, there is exactly 0% chance it won't
You cannot prove this. We've seen limited circumstances where Laws of physics cease to apply (and are therefore not actually Laws), and it is incredibly naive to assume that entropy is somehow a special certain exception.
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b56aab No.96766
Trying to confer legitimacy onto Hindustanis has been a strong theme in these revolving jewish stickies.
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b7b40d No.96774
> Nigger won't look for the fucking source
Asshole, it's right here: >>96636
But if you're too lazy to DL the PDF I provided, and LOOK then I'm not sure I can help you. You want a direct link? Fine, here is the link from within the PDF.
> Inb4, "But it was withdrawn!"
Yeah, dumbass. Because the poo researched at the University of Delhi had the unmitigated gall to conclude the Chinks had done something bad, they were called "racists" and forced to withdraw it. Not because they were wrong, but because the (((mainstream))) didn't like their conclusions.
The Canadian kike who provided the samples as (((Frank Plummer))).
The Harvard kike who provided the expertise was (((Charles Lieber))).
Funding came from the US and France, and perhaps (((other places))) as well.https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-04-12-nih-funded-wuhan-virus-lab-research-coronavirus.html
Honestly, are you paid to be this stupid?
> Lots of thread sliding
You should totally put on your wizard hat and cast some spells in traffic. I'm sure that your magic is strong enough to conjure a portal to another dimension, but only if you do it in the middle of a busy freeway. At night. Wearing black. With your back turned to oncoming traffic.
> Having sex != to having children
I think some kikes broke your boolean operator. Sex is meant for procreation, and nothing else. The pleasure of sex is meant to keep married couple together, lest they separate and cause hard to the children. Ergo, the pleasure is a mechanism of procreation, not a means for having fun.
> Heinlein, and his character Lieutenant Colonel Jean V. Dubois
Go read Starship Troopers, by Robert A. Heinlein. In it, Col. Dubois spends a chapter explaining that responsibility and authority go with one another - they are converse to each other. It's why citizens in the book get to vote, because they suffered for it. An excellent novella, serving as the fount of much modern SF, only way better than anything (((Paul Verhoeven))) could ever direct.
> Knows some humans who are not rational.
I argue that beings lacking logos are not fully human, and not deserving of recognition as such. Niggers don't count as human because they are incapable of reason, and kikes don't count because they rejected it. To that end, they are not to be treated as equals.
> Limits himself into thinking that humans can't figure out a way to violate the "laws" of physics.
And yet, you're arguing for the reality of magic. The laws of thermodynamics may have a loophole, and we will find it if ti's there. The heat death is a looooong way off, and much experimentation can be done between now and then. Einstein-Rosen bridge?
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a0f619 No.96782
Maybe he lights himself on fire while casting spells so his magic accomodates Newton's 2nd "law" of Thermodynamics.
>The laws of thermodynamics may have a loophole
Fun fact! We're already exploring theoretically sound ways to sneak past the 2nd "law" of Thermodynamics, too! Quantum physics is just the next in a series of discovery waves in which we prove "oh, guess that thing we thought was impossible actually wasn't." And we've still got billions of years. I really want to know what kinds of data we could get out of proper black hole experimentation, because I'd bet that violates a bunch of standing assumptions too.
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f2aa56 No.96784
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1aa6cb No.96785
>too lazy to DL the PDF
I looked at it. Call me retarded, but I'm not going to believe something just because it's written by "Prashant Pradhan" and "Ashutosh Kumar Pandey" of the fucking University of Delhi.
The allegations may be true. But some fucking pajeet """academics""" reporting on it doesn't make it any more or less likely to be true.
Find a REAL source.
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9da0d3 No.96790
It's a bit more complicated, because if we crash the economy it's going to cause massive death, internal conflicts and chaos. And recovering would take over a decade, not just a couple of years. Most the younger folks are brainwashed by the kiked 'educational system' and have 0% skill needed to re-build a society or even survive for that matter. The ones who were taught such skills are getting old now, so them dying would cause a shock to the nations ability to ever recover again. The country would be divided and likely have to remain under military control, much like other failed third world nations…. the risks of imposing a full-blown economic collapse are staggering. It would certainly cause more damage than the current bioweapon that was released. By the way, this bioweapon was not released to 'end the world', it was released to loot what was left of your savings and force you into a new kiked system!
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cdfabd No.96793
>if we crash the economy it's going to cause massive death, internal conflicts and chaos.
Hence why we want it and jews don’t.
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b7b40d No.96794
Typo-nigger strikes again. Must. Remember. To. Proof. Read.
> Anon demonstrates that humanity has no bounds but those we impose upon ourselves.
Neat shit. Let's not slide the thread.
> Meat shortages
It's still not too late for folks to call-up a farmer/rancher and buy a steer. We're waiting for our local butcher to be available (in another week-or-two), at which point he's going to come out for a field kill. Another whole beef (probably 1000lbs), to put next to last-years leftovers (maybe 300lbs of beef), and two hogs (farm bacon is better than corn-bacon).
> Anon is skeptical of poos
You're right to be skeptical of them, but their results are correct. Other teams, from Japan, Italy, and the US, have duplicated their results. The poos correctly sequenced /OurGal/, and came to correct conclusion.
> Inserts from all kinds of viruses, from animals that cannot come into contact with one another, like whales and birds
> Never-before-seen inserts from three strains of HIV, in four strategic locations
> Thirty-three adenine groups at the end of the RNA chain
None of that stuff is possible in nature. Not individually, and especially not all at once. Combine that with the information we have about the BLS4 lab in Wuhan, and the (((assistance))) received by (((Plummer and Lieber))), and only one conclusion can be drawn - it's a fucking weapon.
Seriously, this shit was covered back in the single-digit threads, months ago.
> We need to start the economy again, because the depression will kill more people than the virus
We still don't have good data on the lethality of the virus. All we really know is that it's a weapon, it's loose, and the (((official numbers))) are a lie.
But if hydroxychloroquine works, for which evidence is building, then we need to use it and get back to work.
My only disappointment is that we haven't seen millions of dead niggers.
> Weapon was released to loot our wealth and empower the kike empire
Yes, this. Which is why we should never forget and never forgive.
Kikes must pay; someday, somehow, (((they))) must pay.
Fuck proof reading, my family is waiting.
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49ae4c No.96796
You forget that Jews control countries like China, which could take control over the US if we were to face a full-blown collapse. Our military would be under enormous pressure just to keep stability alone, but to fight a massive world war at the same time?
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b56aab No.96797
Jews don't control China. It's why they're freaking out trying to move the supply chain they exported in the first place.
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bf222d No.96798
They pretty much have everything they want established over there already, but due to supply chain disruptions and industrial decline over there some are considering moving their corporations to India. But they still have large influence over China.
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7d9df5 No.96799
>It's still not too late for folks to call-up a farmer/rancher and buy a steer. We're waiting for our local butcher to be available (in another week-or-two), at which point he's going to come out for a field kill.
TRUE. But what I have witnessed is there is such high demand now days, its harder for them to keep up. The farmer who I get a lot of meat from says he won't have any available again for at least another month or so, already backlogged with future purchases.
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b56aab No.96801
They have zero influence over how China conducts its affairs. If they want to come in and do business, they have to play by the same rules as everyone else – which doesn't work for jews. They wouldn't be trying to move the supply chain to a nuclear-armed bordering country if they had control of China. Donald Trump's positions on China let you know exactly what the jews are thinking there.
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808728 No.96802
>If they want to come in and do business, they have to play by the same rules as everyone else – which doesn't work for jews.
Well they've been doing that the last 40 years and have made massive profits doing so, so I wouldn't say it hasn't worked for them. However, they may not be in full control over domestic affairs but they still do influence via bribery and usury. China is doing similar to what the US is by pumping all that debt into their markets trying to stabilize things over there, and as usual it's not working out too well. Jews don't really care if nations fail, they just care about exploiting nations to make more shekels for as long as they can.
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b56aab No.96805
>pumping all that debt
China's money is debt free.
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e4e1e2 No.96808
Well their gold and industrial base is their safe haven, but China could quickly collapse back into the third world if not for the current central banking fiat ponzi schemes which they do rely on to inflate their massive bubbles. China just has a safety net in reserves, whereas most other Western nations no longer have. I think that is why the US government is in such panic over China. Our system would become so much more unstable if it were to face full-blown collapse today. China on the other hand could recover within the next decade easily via utilizing their reserves and other means of trade.
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b56aab No.96809
Gold has nothing to do with anything they do internally.
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a7b4bc No.96810
Not today perhaps, but if China were to face a collapse they would utilize gold reserves to start a slow recovery. As far as their own affairs the Jews don't really care as long as they can keep exploiting China to extract and consolidate more wealth. This is part of their whole cult really, to exploit other nations as long as they can get away with it. When they are faced with fiscal problems (as they are now) they'll flee to other nations to continue the same usury racket. That's how they stay in power when they fuck over nations with their Keynesian system of fraud and insolvency.
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cdfabd No.96813
I don’t forget that, no. I want total global economic collapse. Complete fucking chaos. The US dollar goes, EVERY nation goes. The entire system has to be utterly destroyed. Nothing can be saved. Virtually every economic practice today has to be made illegal, with the punishment being death. No, you fucking faggot, no other nation could “take control over” the US. WE’RE ALREADY OWNED BY JEWS, FUCKFACE. A total collapse scenario implies guns being used. Mother of fucking god, you actually care about the ZOG ✡military✡?
Jews founded china and are the only non-chinks allowed to be inner party members, you worthless pathetic fucking paid shill.
Paid shill confirmed. Why is it allowed to post here?
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b56aab No.96815
You don't understand what you're trying to talk about.
jewish power is in America. I'm sorry if you don't like it said.
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ea02bb No.96818
Thanks for the link, strange that I overlooked this.
>the worst pandemic in human history
Too early to tell, but we'll see. So far the Black Death leads the charts, at 1/4 of the entire human population. Unless you define impact only in terms of economy; that one thing is way more unstable bloated? now than before, so it may be already worse. Assuming “worse” is a good term.
>You cannot prove this. We've seen limited circumstances where Laws of physics cease to apply (and are therefore not actually Laws)
Never heard of these and never will. It is incredibly naive to assume anything that may appear to break the laws of physics actually does, and, separately, that anything like that can happen indefinitely on a universal scale.
This is the keyword, though I wouldn't expect you to get it. Anyway the short answer is, they didn't break any laws.
BTW, how do y'all decide whether a random source on the internet is trustworthy or not? Just asking, because people in here talk a lot about this subject, and this right here looks like a rather indiscriminate pick.
>“Lots of thread sliding”
>ask a question
>complain about it being answered
>reply with something that shows lack of good taste and not merely zero understanding of simple psychology but also no will to learn it though honestly… I should've seen it coming
>Sex is meant for procreation, and nothing else
Your brain is meant for finding food faster than your competition and nothing else. Metals are meant to be constituent minerals of bedrock and nothing else. No animal is designed to live in space, humans notwithstanding. Talking about space-colonisation and about what is “meant” to be in the same sentence makes you sound silly.
>inb4 evolution
Yeah, exactly. We evolve, we change our objectives, every aspect of ourselves changes. What was a billion years ago is no more. Why, then, would the purpose of sex not change along with everything? Hint: there's no reason to assume this at all and quite a few to the contrary (and none hinge on anyone's personal beliefs), but I'll let you think for yourself for once.
Oh, and guess what. Many animals appear to have sex for pleasure. In fact, if it were only meant for procreation and securing offspring's survival, there would be no pleasure involved in any of this, because there are other, simpler ways to control it. You could for instance have a direct uncontrollable drive that would force you to have children and provide for them.
Also even your opinions on any of this don't change the fact that it is perfectly possible to have sex for fun without having children, regardless of how puritan your - or mine, or anyone's - personal opinion on the subject of morality of such behaviour.
>Ergo, the pleasure is a mechanism of procreation, not a means for having fun.
You sound like you're not having enough fun in general, maybe you could try this. Or anything else, just quit sitting on this site, it's clearly not good for you.
By the way, I take it that once your children are old enough to live on their own, you stop having sex forever, as you don't have to avoid breakup now that your marriage doesn't have a biological reason to exist anymore? And please don't tell me about life-long support or anything like that; it was not originally supposed to be a thing and only appeared comparatively late in history.
>Niggers don't count as human because they are incapable of reason
One, the category of irrational people most definitely includes whites, and a lot of them. Two, I have personally talked to blacks that were smarter than most people I know all of whom are white, for the record, though I suppose personal experience is not reliable enough for you. Welp, that's hardly my problem.
Come to think of it I wonder how many people in here are black.
>and kikes don't count because they rejected it
And they still somehow control those oh-so-much-more-reasonable whites? Most peculiar indeed.
>And yet, you're arguing for the reality of magic
And who ever told you magic was supposed to break the laws of physics? Or did you just - gasp - assume it without referring to a reliable source?
All questions asked here are obviously rhetorical, both because I don't have any more time to waste, and because expecting relevant answers from anyone who presumably feels (or doesn't feel, depending on emotion handling, but it doesn't change the result) offended would be pointless (if you're one of the more reasonable anons, I'm sorry, but I won't be able to answer). Pointing out just in case.
Aight, it's been fun mostly from a psychological and sociological perspective but we're reaching flerf-levels of logic in this thread. I'm gonna go do something productive for a change, so no interruptions anymore, I'll let you guys have fun with your coping mechanisms in peace. See y'all.
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b01ed1 No.96820
>one or two decades away from colonizing space in Whitetopian ships
Consider where Rome was in 100BC, and the fall back that happened from (((infiltration))). Space rockets should have been done around 1200AD by my reckoning.
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c777b5 No.96821
Archivist anon here, I just dig all social/drawfags networks once a day to see if there's any new art and post it on the /ebola/ board, no matter if it depicts corona in a good or bad position mind you, not the /ebola/, the one on the webring
I felt obsessed with this girl through my archiving though, but isn't it bad to be obsessed with an entity that will kill you and your family? I think that's fucked, but I can't help it
See if you can improve her face though
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c777b5 No.96822
*not the /ebola/ here
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3d56bc No.96824
Lungenpresse Says dont wash your respirators.
Good advice but who would be so retarded as to try to kill pathogens firmly lodged in the filter matrix. The outside of the filter is potentially a fomite so don't be butterfingers with your technique for doffing and donning again. Spray disinfecting your mask is possible without wrecking the filter electret. But even the N95 chad may be vulnerable to statistical outlier airborne viron nanoparticles.
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c777b5 No.96828
>Lungenpresse Says dont wash your respirators.
Wasn't the virus nullified at 90 degrees celsius? Wouldn't that just mean that leaving facemasks on boiling water kills the virus in them?
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cc5683 No.96832
Good evening, my dear readers, the CNS will now resume it's operations on this pleasant night. This update will be large so it will be split into two posts. To avoid derailing, each post will include two news related to the main topic at hand.
News from Portugal: The (((government))) has extended the state of emergency until 2 of May. This is the third time it has been extended. They're preparing to progressively relax the quarantine lockdown in order to eventually go back to normality.
Brownzil registers 3257 confirmed blessings in 24 hours. And that's just the official bullshit numbers, folks. Imagine how many there actually are!
>>96703 >>96794
>I'm not sure if it's good news, but it's happening.
The reason it's a good thing is because this battle is inevitable and people need to turn their indignation and rage into a burning inferno of a fighting spirit.
>Reject magical thinking. The only God is Logos, and His power is "reason". Don't be a kike-nigger - magic isn't real, and gods cannot be worshipped into existence.
The signs I have gotten tell me other wise, my wonderful friend. I respect your beliefs and so does Corobella, she doesn't like anons bickering over religion and she actually likes many other belief systems. In the end of the day, all that matters is having an undying love for nature, beauty and justice. The rest sorts itself out. You might not believe the same things that I do but all I'm gonna say to you regarding the metaphysical world is this: Never forget that you have nearly unlimited amounts of power that you can call upon, all you have to is believe it with all of your soul. The light inside of your very being and your ancestors will guide you. There's a tiny galaxy in nearly all of us, and that's what give us power.
>It's not a bummer, it's just reality. ZOG operates under many names and identities. Leveraging the most recognizable one is a no-brainer.
You're right about that.
>But I've found that here in Muttland, poorfags remain poor for a reason - they're degenerates.
There are a lot of poorfags like this too, and I really mean a lot. This one is different though, he's a bumpkin with some European descent. He's not quite white but his skin isn't brown either, it's like a tan, his eyes are brown instead of black. He stays away from degeneracy despite living surrounded by degenerate slum dwellers and he's a very hard worker, his only mistake was race mixing. Other than that, he's a great lad who's just very unfortunate. He's not stupid either, just uneducated, one can easily recognize his potential after spending sometime with him and watching him work.
>Sex should only be legal between married people or European descent, and marriage can only exist between a XY man and XX woman, for life. All other forms of coupling should be crimes.
Pretty based mindset, I would extend that legal status to other highly civilized races though. Like the Nips, for example. Ah the Nips, so much potential, ruined by ZOG after they were defeated in WW2…But I have faith that they will rise again.
>Yes, I had a dream about that.
A divine sign, a reward for your unwavering faith in Logos.
>Fuck that, the stars await.
Not just the stars but there's just so much life out there, waiting to be met. So many different races to interact with, to learn from, to trade with. But unfortunately, many evil races as well, there's a lot of war out there. But that's just the way this omniverse is, conflict is a constant element in it. To struggle is to live. What we must do is take the lessons we learned from our mistakes on Earth and never forget them, to make sure to not repeat the same mistakes again after expanding into outer space.
>Kikes must pay; someday, somehow, (((they))) must pay.
The day is coming, the final battle is inevitable. The factions that truly represent justice shall be victorious.
>General complaints about thread sliding
I can agree with that but the problem is most anons can't into multi-topic discussion. I can easily contribute to the main topic at hand while discussing other things.
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cc5683 No.96833
Bolsonaro is helping the few gun owners in the country in times of uncertainty and an increase of violent crimes amid the pandemic. I don't really understand what he did but apparently it eases registration and tracking of firearms and ammo. I din't see this coming at all, maybe he really is /ourguy/. But I'm still wary of him.
Nipponese hospitals are nearly getting overwhelmed by Corobella-Sama. https://archive.is/34Omx I have said this before but I will say it again, the Nips are being tested for their worthiness. Decades of being under ZOG influence has corrupted them to a certain degree. I have faith that they will survive and come out of this crisis stronger and healthier than ever before.
>Come to think of it I wonder how many people in here are black.
I'm a light brown/bronze-ish Hue. Black eyes and black hair. My family had some Spaniard genes but most of that got overwritten with nignog and native genes. I really like my native side, though, despite not knowing much about their culture and not worshiping native deities. My favorite part about native culture has to be the body and face paints, such beautiful designs and patterns!
>I'll let you guys have fun with your coping mechanisms in peace. See y'all.
Please anon, you're a good guy but you don't need to provoke others like this. I'm guilty of going into fits of rage but I can usually control myself as long I'm not dealing with blasphemers. Have a good day.
Greetings Coronian Archivist, I hail your presence ITT. I haven't gone to /ebola/ tonight but I will soon, I hope that you heeded my warnings and decided to repent for the sin of circulating negative memetic content. No, that's not a threat, It's just an honest statement, I cannot control the curse that I launched upon so many enemies, it's like the metaphysical equivalent of a carpet bombing campaign.
>I felt obsessed with this girl through my archiving though, but isn't it bad to be obsessed with an entity that will kill you and your family? I think that's fucked, but I can't help it
Your obsessive love for Corobella is not a bad thing and I guarantee she will not remove you and your family from this mortal world as long as she deems you to be worthy of living. She loves the pure and the just. Of course, not working against her will also gain her favor, and when you archive negative memetic content, you work against her. Please my brother in faith, heed my warnings.
>Would You Like To Know More?
I'm sure survivalists anons would!
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fa699c No.96834
That's not how bonds work, the US does pay it's instrest, I can't remember but I think .3% I can't remember but it's very low compared to jew banks
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5ac21f No.96835
>there won't be grains or vegans
>spouts meat industry crap
>looks like weakling
>"protein shortage"
>still believes the protein mth
<it literally takes one guy in a combine to harvest a field of wheat.
This is the guy that predicted that a tidal wave was going to hit and ravage the eastern seaboard in 2012. What a maroon.
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c777b5 No.96838
> I hope that you heeded my warnings and decided to repent for the sin of circulating negative memetic content. No, that's not a threat
>not working against her will also gain her favor, and when you archive negative memetic content, you work against her
That seems like a threat
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d2da2c No.96845
One of the first things that they want to reopen is kindergartens and hope that the kids won't just drop dead. Even if it's just one in thousands of them, I can already see the panic spread.
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cc5683 No.96846
Burger astronauts coming from the ISS are forced to take a detour home due to airborne aids https://archive.is/rzYT1
French aircoof carrier update, more than a thousand confirmed cases on board. https://archive.is/CGiVo This might be worse than the Corona-Cruises.
Anti-lockdown protests in Minnesota, right outside the governor's house https://archive.vn/DgEWT Based as fuck. I just hope they remember to wear effective PPE and avoid crowding and large gatherings if they get what they ask for. Meme distancing like staying 2-6 feet apart doesn't work but avoiding stupid shit like shows and parties does.
Except that isn't. Lets continuing using a military analogy: You're an American marine in Vietnam, you receive the warning on the radio that the the air force is about to napalm a path of jungle that has been reported to have Vietcong hiding spots. Would you wander into that area? I have said that I was launching curses against all kinds of blasphemers and infidels and that I had no tolerance for negative memetic content. I launch massive blanket curses over multiple kinds of Corobella's enemies on a daily basis, just like an air force would conduct saturation bombing campaigns over enemy territory with high density of enemy troops and assets. All I'm trying to do is making sure you're not getting blue-on-blue'd because I really like you. Repent and sin no more, my brother! You have done such a great work with so many posts of positive art, your absolution is guaranteed!
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c777b5 No.96847
>Would you wander into that area?
If it had any Corona-rares good or bad, all content must be archived, I would.
I have already dealt with black magic a good fucking part of my life, the last thing that I need is to witness or be a victim of more of it. They only brought misery to this world, so the last I can wish is that Corona purges the wicked.
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cc5683 No.96849
Additional video of the Minnesota protests and also photos https://archive.is/V8B71
Damn, you're stubborn, but I have to say there its something admirable about not budging an inch on your beliefs.
>I have already dealt with black magic a good fucking part of my life, the last thing that I need is to witness or be a victim of more of it. They only brought misery to this world, so the last I can wish is that Corona purges the wicked.
Like I said on the bunker, I invoke power from beyond at the exchange of my own energy and even the property of my own soul rather than actually doing stuff "people" such as (((Marina Abramovic))) do. No dark sacrifices here, just me giving away my spiritual freedom in exchange of keeping the tidal wave of enemies at bay. I guess I should further explain my reasoning to you on why I hate negative memetic content so much: Aside from liberating negative energy and undermining the positive energy of Coronian Cultists who see it, by archiving sacrilegious pieces, you're making it easier for our enemies to find them and spread them further throughout the internet. That's why I hate the fact you're archiving them so much, if you let them be forgotten, they will slowly fade into obscurity and eventually be left in the darkest corners of the world wide web. I hope you can understand my reasoning. I know the path of the Coronian State of Mind is radical and fanatical, but I keep receiving divine signs that I'm on the right path.
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cc5683 No.96851
>Site gave me the pig picture instead of the sign picture.
Fucking hell, that site has a linking problem, this is the picture I meant to save and post. Had to screencap it.
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c777b5 No.96852
>by archiving sacrilegious pieces, you're making it easier for our enemies to find them and spread them further throughout the internet
That's the least of worries, Corona should be defeated first for people to start spamming those images. And frankly with all the damage that has been done, she has already won. The damage to the economy is three times more wreckless than the 2007 crash, three times the unemployed in america. A world living between two swords, the economic collapse, and the virus. Choose to fight one and the other will kill you.
No need to be worried about it, the end has begun
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0d616d No.96853
Anyone know anything about whey protein in regards to this? I have covid 19 and the only times my symptoms really seem to go away is when I eat tons of whey. does it really do anything or is it all coincidental? is it just inhibiting the viruses ability to travel to infect different parts of my body but not actually helping to fight the virus?
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cc5683 No.96856
So you do understand the potential evil you could unleash with your indiscriminate archival. There is a lot of sense in your words, my brother, but I urge you to not be so cocky and imprudent. I too believe Corobella-Sama has already won and all that's left for her to do is to pick and choose which of the blessed ones die and which ones live. But I still believe we should behave like the spiritual war still rages on and hasn't been finished until the very end. Plus, my point remains, they're just sacrilegious and tasteless. I once again reinforce my request to you, hear the voice of reason that's coming from someone who has accidentally predicted a meteorite and got the archive.today URL "BrFAG" while archiving the news of Peruvian clowns asking for government aid while playing around with a bundle of toilet paper. Start discriminating and only save positive pieces.
>does it really do anything or is it all coincidental? is it just inhibiting the viruses ability to travel to infect different parts of my body but not actually helping to fight the virus?
According to sciencefags from previous threads, yes. It doesn't defeat Corobella-Sama's physical form but prevents spread through your body. My religious take on it is that you are worthy of living and she's just hurting you to make sure you'll become stronger. And please, don't use the stupid name the literally WHO came up with, use SARS-COV-2, wu-flu, kung-flu, chink virus, and other joke names.
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c777b5 No.96858
>Plus, my point remains, they're just sacrilegious and tasteless.
>Start discriminating and only save positive pieces
Then I wouldn't be an archivist since I'm purposefully memory holing content. Sorry if I end up getting the wu-flu because I decided to be against someone's practices, but it has to be done.
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0f586d No.96860
sick gains end pains
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9fea84 No.96861
I don't usually bother to reply but I read all your and everyone else's news aggregations, thanks for the effortposting.
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9fea84 No.96862
This guy brought up a point that made me giggle, if you recall there was once a /pol/ operation to get CNN out of airports everywhere that didn't really work. Here, 200 IQ Corona-chan has worked out that it doesn't matter if CNN is in airports if nobody ever uses them.
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b47ff2 No.96864
It is always ok to torture and murder jews and leftists.
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b47ff2 No.96865
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cc5683 No.96866
Self proclaimed "survivors" say they're afraid of the long term consequences of getting blessed https://archive.is/c58ay
>Recovery is a false alarm: Khubchandani also says the virus is a sneaky one: It “tricked” him numerous times into thinking he was better, even after two weeks.
>"I had a couple of false alarms, where I felt like I’d totally recovered, and then the next day a fever came back,” he says.
>"Towards the end, when I started having chest pains, I had concerns that maybe I’ve damaged my lungs or that I’ll develop some long-term issues but I got a chest X-ray and it looks clear.”
Sooner or later, judgement comes. Eventually you will either receive "Live" or "Die".
Chinks looting a crashed truck in the Daguang Expressway https://archive.vn/2ytU3
Chink stonk market: After a real state company crashed and burned, angry shareholders wanted answers but cops don't want to let them inside the headquarters
Yes brother, the fire rises: 5G tower in Cyprus set on fire due to conspiracy theories of them being linked to Corobella-Sama. https://archive.vn/LP8gR
Portubro, I sorry that I forgot to reply to you after so many posts, but I really had to concentrate all of my efforts with Coronian Archivist. Most infected children tend to be asymptomatic carriers but we all know by this point that some do develop symptoms, go into critical condition, then die. I do not understand why this happens, maybe because they weren't pure of heart and mind? I still believe your ZOG is being completeyl
Well, I have tried my best. I would just like to say that I admire your adamant resolution and I do love you as a brother in faith. But I cannot hold back on my execrations, it's also something that has to be done. I guess this is the first rift of the traditional Coronian Cult with my zealous Coronian State of Mind doctrine. I can only hope this rift won't grow larger and that you will see the light of my reasoning one day.
I'm not Text-only Newsposter but you and the rest of /cvg/ is welcome! As I always say, tracking and exposing Corobella's progress and the aftermath of her actions is an act of worship!
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d2da2c No.96867
‘Things happened that we don’t know about’: Emmanuel Macron becomes latest world leader to question China over coronavirus
Only after a Noble Prize winner published his findings while exposing that the MSM pressured the poos to take down their own papers which had reached the same conclusion, and the French government started bad mouthing China to save their own skin, that the Portuguese media began to make some light criticism about them.
If even after this people still blindly trust them, they are hopeless.
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cc5683 No.96868
Pajeet navy getting blessed https://archive.vn/rZNAA
* being completely irresponsible.
Sorry, forgot to finish that sentence.
>you and the rest of /cvg/ is welcome!
*Are. Fuck's sake. Second time I do this stupid shit. I'm already feeling tired, spent too much energy. Also forgot sauce for the chink protest video https://archive.vn/XKCgt
Maricon is questioning the chinks? Now that's something I din't saw coming. I have the feeling it's only a matter of time before a jewnited nations inspection mission requests entry to the country to inspect the lab, gets rejected and war on the chinks ends up being declared by a coalition of countries, similar to what happened in Iraq.
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3d56bc No.96870
>boiling facemasks to kill virus
Thats a good idea and would probabally work to nullify the virus particles, tenacious such that they are. But I think that prolonged immersion in hot solvent would discharge the electret that modern respirators use to filter 30% of particles.
Contaminants are socked-in hard to the filter media and cant be dislodged. You will never clog your respirator and time will disinfect viable SARS-CoV-19 so dont worry about washing it. Just be careful touching the outside because blobs of virus slime might transfer to your face via your hands.
If you want to decontaminate the outside, just use enough alcohol to make it damp and dry it somewhere warm. Better still get a reusable mask with covered filter pods.
I Kek'd heartily at banecat, but down with the chinks for torturing such a nice animal for the pic.
Report is cross posted in a couple of appropriate places, survival thread being one. Reusing masks is based and single use is shockingly wasteful given the circumstances. Truly the health care systems are the tyranasorus rex of consumption. My hospital wastes high percentages of PPE through pathways of stupidity.
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d2da2c No.96873
>similar to what happened in Iraq
I wouldn't be surprised if the US and French governments used it to take people's focus out of their and the kikes' involvement on the creation of this virus.
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cc5683 No.96878
Beef plant in Dakota City gets visited by Corobella-Sama https://archive.vn/8Hn6P
The Ruskie corona-hospital being built in the outskirts of Moscow has been finished
95% of all beds meant for blessed people in the northeastern Brownzilian city of Recife have already been occupied.
No one really cares about the quarantine lockdown in Brownzil: GPS tracking of phones indicate that even more Hues are leaving their homes. It's the second week of reduction in the number of Hues staying inside.
Speaking of Brownzilian GPS tracking: Federal ZOG rules that all data has to be sent to the Brownzilian Institute of Geography and Statistics and that it cannot be given or sold to anyone else. I doubt an Hue who works at IBGE would refuse a large sum of cash for the data, though.
The CNS will now halt it's operations for meditations and religious activities. We will be back with updates soon, dear readers
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ff8025 No.96890
Oh cool my drawing's here
Enjoy a higher res one
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4929ec No.96891
HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play. >>96583
Here, brFAG, I have a gift. An attempt was made anyway.
Fun fact, the blue meteor that falls around 1:28 fell in Florida on the same day as the Peruvian one. I needed filler so I snagged that vid as well. Didn't actually intend to go full planet x doomsday at first, but it's a good song; and again, filler was required. I think it came out pretty decent though
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2f6410 No.96903
Sure but since the economy is so globalized they've also taken a hit.
The bughive has taken a 7% GDP loss from last year and last year is when the bughive had economical problems to begin with.
So I'm seeing this and I bet that allot of businessmen don't want to deal with China since the price is too great in a sense.
They liked China for it's stability but when shit like this can happen and the bughive government does not report such things to these big businesses they might pull and find other places.
But that is my speculation tough.
Also the bughive numbers are fake, no one knows how many died in the hive but it's certainly allot more than what they are reporting.
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1b6d10 No.96904
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a6d8bb No.96911
A small news segment from Luxembourg, or Richfagbourg as newsposter likes to call it.
As other Eurofag nations, our government has decided on slowly easing up on the cockdown to prevent major economy assplosions.
I have a comment on this:
>implying immunity to CCP-SARS-2 happens - plenty of viral infections never result in immunity and can reoccur indefinitely
>implying immunity to CCP-SARS-2 doesn't result in the immune system going haywire upon reinfection - as it happened when they tried to create SARS-vaccines
What, I ask, will our incredibly "benevolent" and infinitely "wise" governments say or do if/when they find out that their plans on making the cattle immune results in a large portion of the population being dead men walking?
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77a46e No.96916
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c777b5 No.96919
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77a46e No.96920
>just now becoming clear to doctors
>pnd already knew all that shit back in January
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a6d8bb No.96921
>You couldn’t get most men to go to war without the understanding (implicit) that they could rape whatever they wanted.
If your definition of "man"matches my definition of "nigger", sure.
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77a46e No.96930
>peasants in a third world country loot
You know chink GDP per capita is barely on par with Spixico, right?
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cc5683 No.96933
Coronian Thought for this morning: Hardships arise to be surpassed.
The CNS will now resume its sacred operations and start providing its services.
Tacos practicing meme distancing at the metro station in Mexico City https://archive.is/aAI8d
Ruskies put the production of Soyuz 2 rockets on hold because of Corobella-Sama https://archive.vn/1rX98
Leafistani ZOG has no plan on collecting race-based data on blessings https://archive.vn/qAyLj
>"Regardless of race, ethnic or other backgrounds. They're all equally important to us."
- Dr. David Williams. Not surprised at all.
Asthmatic Leafs facing an inhaler shortage due to /ourgirl/ https://archive.vn/cggcR I sure hope you asthmatic Leafs stocked up your pharmacies with spare inhalers.
> Reusing masks is based and single use is shockingly wasteful given the circumstances.
That's good for anons to know, thanks for posting this.
I have the feeling there's going to be a lot of wars in the next years, both civil as well as "traditional" interstate wars. This coalition VS Chinkland will be one of them. Tactical nuclear warheads might be widely used, or perhaps ICBMs will be used a couple of times, just in key locations. After much of the world goes to rubble, the NWO steps in to implement it's one world government "solution" to everyone's problems. They will reign for a decade, facing small insurgencies and rebellions that eventually spiral out of their control into full scale civil wars, they will start losing territory until there's only a small ZOG region left. That place will be the site of the final battle on Earth and the war against (((them))) will be known in the history books of the future as The Last War On Earth or The Last War Among Humans.
>inb4 kikes aren't humans
You're kinda right about that, but they hide behind brainwashed humans and subhumans.
You're a good artist. Praised be your work.
Thank you so very much, Koikatsu anon. Praised be your work as well.
>Fun fact, the blue meteor that falls around 1:28 fell in Florida on the same day as the Peruvian one.
Holy fucking shit there were two of them? tried to join your dicksword with a temporary email but it wants me to verify by phone, fuck that shit. Wish I could join you over there doesn't look like that's going to happen. If you want to get in contact with me, we could use TOX.
>>96911 (checked)
I chuckled.
>implying immunity to CCP-SARS-2 happens - plenty of viral infections never result in immunity and can reoccur indefinitely
>implying immunity to CCP-SARS-2 doesn't result in the immune system going haywire upon reinfection - as it happened when they tried to create SARS-vaccines
It's definitely true that herd immunity right now and vaccines are bullshit, but the real survivors will eventually develop immunity, for they were judged by Corobella-Sama to be worthy of living.
>What, I ask, will our incredibly "benevolent" and infinitely "wise" governments say or do if/when they find out that their plans on making the cattle immune results in a large portion of the population being dead men walking?
They'll most likely say nothing and try as best as they can to cover up the amount of deaths and blessings. Trying out the herd immunity strategy is asking to become Guayaquil. But the silver lining of it is that it actually works, only the real survivors would be left alive.
Not really, thanks for educating me. I think it's important keeping an eye on civil disorder, you never know when it's going to go out of control like how it happened last month, when people and cops from Hubei fought cops from another province that I forgot the name of, just because they really wanted to leave their province but were denied entry over concerns they would bring the virus with them.
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1dfa3b No.96937
It's not on there, but Utopia is great, a British series
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cda066 No.96940
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.
b7b40d No.96941
> Demand for meat is preventing butchers from keeping pace
Could be, in some areas. But the butchers around here are always busy this time of year, and we haven't been forced to wait any longer than normal. We do this every year.
> Kikes have to play by the rules in China, like everyone else
What about all the foreign money that kikes can bring into China? The power that kikes wield external to China has purchased them power within China. It's the same way they infiltrated Europe during the late middle ages, by leveraging their access to Ottoman wealth, and the same thing they did to the US in the mercantilist er, by leveraging their access to European wealth.
All kike power derives from their practice of usury, and the resulting access to wealth that provides. Take away the ability for ANYONE to play tricks with paper that's why it's "currency" and not "money", and the kikes will starve.
> The central-bank kike ponzi scheme is keeping China propped-up
Yes, owing to the fact that it enables China to suck real wealth from the west.
> Jews founded china and are the only non-chinks allowed to be inner party members
Veritas sine sedatus. You are 100% correct, but where are your digits?
> More thread sliding
I don't think I care enough to read any more. Good effort though. In honesty, I did read it, and have a response, but am going to make a token effort to abide by the rules and stop feeding you. Care to start another thread where we can argue?
> Lugenpresse k|net tells people not to wash/reuse disposable N95 masks, but instead suggests using washable cloth napkins
What idiocy. Using a cotton mask is no better than taping a sock to your face. I was informed enough thank you, denizens of /pol/'' to purchase real respirators and P100 filters prior to the panic. But if all I had were some disposable N95 masks, I would definitely prefer sanitizing with heat and reusing them after lightly spraying the exterior with a solution of ascorbic acid. I guess another option is to produce masks from cotton fabric as an inner/outer protective cover** and HEPA filter material.
Why is every media outlet so kiked?
> Boiling an N95 mask
That would definitely kill the virus, but it would also destroy the mask. The attached sauce confirms your statement, but I also infer a lower temperature of 60degC would work if used for a longer timeframe. I've been putting mail in the oven at 140degF (60degC) for twelve hours. I arrived at this temperature after trial-and-error - higher temperatures melt any plastics I put in there.
> Rage is inevitable, and it must be turned on (((the enemy)))
Yes, but that's not easy. The kike-sucking ZOG-bots still think that oven-dwellers "are our greatest ally". They've been brainwashed for generations. I have no hope for boomers, but the younger generations might be willing to drink from the fount of truth.
> Anons should not bicker over religion
Conflict over un-provable belief is counter productive, yes. But debate and dialog is not. But /CGV/ is not the place for that, so I'm just going to go ahead and respect your opinion, Gauliter. I don't think I disagree with your conclusions, just the path you took to reach them.
> Poorfag and his skin color
A man's skin is just the uniform he wears. It may indicate his value as a soldier, but is not definitive. Remember that Unser Seliger Adolf wore a simple uniform, even as Führer, but Himmler wore every ostentatious decoration he could, having never seen combat. Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, but does not dictate it - phenotype is more important then genotype.
> Nips
They get honorary status as Volk. Other races can also earn the opportunity to achieve such status, but only after demonstrating worthiness.
> Logos
Not His name, merely His aspect.
"In the beginning was Logos, and the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God."
> Life outside of Terra
Sauce, please. I'm of the understand that the existence of life has a probability on the close order of 10^-10000000000000000000000. Put some reasonable numbers in to the Drake Equation, and you'll get a similar result. Only Earth has life.
> Justice for oven-dwellers is inevitable
"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars - I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
> Contribute to the main topic in every post, but dabble in other topics as an aside
Yes, I see that about your posts, and I appreciate it. I try to do the same, lest I become a spam-nigger. I really wish you and I could go get a beer, and shoot-the-shit about anything-and-everything.
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9fea84 No.96943
Her name is Corona-chan. I'm not accepting your attempt to force a meme based on one facebook cunt's schizo rambling. The structure has over half a decade worth of memetics poured into it, and Corona-chan has had her name since day one. You might as well drop the wings and hair capsids if you're going to screw about with that.
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cda066 No.96946
>Consider where Rome was in 100BC, and the fall back that happened from (((infiltration)))
Not a single day passes that I don't.
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cc5683 No.96957
Some memecoin miners are luckier than others during this pandemic https://archive.vn/d7N1k
Witness the despair Corobella-Sama can inflict on a population: Anger and desperation at the Alvorada and São Raimundo emergency hospitals in Manaus, capital of the Brownzilian state of Amazonas
First clip:
>Are you seeing that? He just had an interview, an irresponsible, shameless medic like that. Then he (the patient) died. Can you see the confusion that's going on here because of this son of a bitch. Irresponsible bastard. Are you seeing this? Son of a bitch…son of a bitch. Are you seeing that irresponsibility? How the people are treated here? Cowardly, clownery, people are treated this way.
>Guy in the background: SON OF A BITCH, SON OF A BITCH [unintelligible] FROM HELL.
Second clip:
>Fucking hell, are there no medics in this motherfucker? How are there no medics? Fuck!
>Bro, help that guy, the guy's feeling bad, how are there no medics?
>This is an hospital!
>Bro calm down bro. Bro, bro BRO, BROOO.
>For the love of god, help him folks.
Good day, my wonderful friend.
>but the younger generations might be willing to drink from the fount of truth.
Indeed, they din't earn the nickname "generation zyklon" from some anons and other redpilled people for nothing, after all. Turns out having a meaningless life in a kiked modern world can leave some young people really open to new ideas.
> I don't think I disagree with your conclusions, just the path you took to reach them.
I'm glad we could reach a point of mutual understanding.
>Remember that Unser Seliger Adolf wore a simple uniform, even as Führer, but Himmler wore every ostentatious decoration he could, having never seen combat.
I never paid attention to this detail, that's pretty interesting.
>Sauce, please.
Stuff I used to read years ago and my intuition. Such things can't be proven as of now, unfortunately. Only time will tell if the things I have read and my intuition are correct. I strongly advise anons to regard alien sightings as a product of project blue beam until proof and evidence of alien life is presented. I might have my beliefs but I know the kikes want to exploit it, so it's better to be safe than sorry. But I really feel like there's another world of politics up there in the stars. New friends and foes probably await us.
>I really wish you and I could go get a beer, and shoot-the-shit about anything-and-everything.
That would be sweet. I don't drink alcohol though, I would have a glass of juice.
She certainly doesn't mind having both names, but it turns out that one cultist's friend was right, I get a far stronger response using that name than Corona-Chan. The surges of energy that I feel by calling her Corobella during my prayers are powerful enough to give me jolts, I never felt something like this before. Not to mention the amount of signs that I'm receiving after adopting that name. I'm not forcing a meme or advising other cultists to do the same, if you want to try it out, go ahead. But if you feel more comfortable using the name we assigned her, keep doing that because it's perfectly fine, she doesn't mind at all and she does respond when I call her Corona-Chan, just not as strongly as the name she calls herself. We're all in this together, my brother in faith.
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f0bdc5 No.96961
FBI Says Foreign States Hacked US Research Centers Seeking COVID-19 Breakthroughs
Anons, I found this link a few days ago and it looks like it has been spread to a few image boards, maybe social media too, I think this torrent magnet is related to the article above!
Luckily I have the link saved:
Corona Papers - 5000+ research papers:
if you want to add trackers to help DL speed (not recommended):
TIP: I would be very careful if you download and open these files! Make sure you are behind an old air-gapped (offline) system before you ever open anything you don't know anything about (due to the fact computer viruses do exist too!)
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c777b5 No.96967
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b703fc No.96971
good lad, use the webring
remember at the beginning of the pandemic how two muslims attacked an empty airport with their car? those were fun times
bless this mess
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47a031 No.96979
>The kike-sucking ZOG-bots still think that oven-dwellers "are our greatest ally". They've been brainwashed for generations. I have no hope for boomers, but the younger generations
Your bias against certain generations does you no good because there are some of us boomers out there who know about the Jews and their Jew World Order, and are against their fraudulent central banking system of robbery and usury. Please don't discriminate between ages: there are many younger people who would flip out if you told them the truth as well. It takes incremental "red pilling" to wake most people up, you have to slowly open up their minds or they'll disregard you as a kook or extremist. That's just the sad truth, due to, like you said, years of brainwashing. I too had to go through phases in my life to wake up to the threat of kikery.
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785e19 No.96980
>==Red Text== Stanford study suggests Covid infections are 50 to ==Red Text==
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df6290 No.96982
You Don't Type "Red text" in-between the == lines.
You have to put == first and after the headlines.
To use black text you put ''' first and after the headlines.
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457d1d No.96985
Looks like China got more than it bargained for on this tech.
>DO YOU REMEMBER President-elect Trump holding forth on the campaign trail about “China beating us at our own game”? Well, it's true, as long as the game in question is editing human DNA using Crispr/Cas9. China is now using Crispr-edited cells in living, breathing human beings.
>Last month, Chinese scientists at Sichuan University injected cancer-fighting, Crispr-modified white blood cells into a patient suffering from metastatic lung cancer. It was just the latest in a line of recent firsts for the People’s Republic of China, following on the heels of the first Crispr-edited monkeys in early 2014, and the first Crispr-edited human embryos last May.
>So there it is, Mr. President-elect: Are you going to let China win the race to edit humans?
Truly a ‘race’ that China is excelling at as we can all see, at this point.
CRISPR edited human embryos and monkeys; how the fuck could anything goes wrong’ with that? Nothing could go wrong…obviously.
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d2e8f2 No.96992
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d2e8f2 No.96993
Interesting. A hallmark of the chinese shill is denial of everything:
That makes sense. In china, you have to lie about what your eyes plainly tell you. If you aren't good at it, you won't get ahead, and will probably spend your life in prison.
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d2e8f2 No.96994
> I've been putting mail in the oven
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d2e8f2 No.96997
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dee927 No.96999
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cc5683 No.97000
Rise in the number of deaths caused by Corona-Chan this one is for you, fellow cultist,gonna start alternating the names now at the João Lúcio Hospital in Manaus forces the government of Manaus to issue it a refrigerated container.
The Tarumã cemetery in Manaus got a large number of freshly dug graves https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=3b9sg8bR-D8
Anti-lockdown protests in northeastern Brownzilian state of Ceará https://archive.vn/LWyxb
Corobella-Sama removes a Brownzilian rapper. Thank you my Goddess!
Many Floriadians rushed to the beaches as soon as they got reopened with some rules in place. https://archive.vn/RN0SJ
Forgive me, I was so focused on writing replies and also doing the translation that I forgot to provide source to that video https://archive.vn/iOBNw
>Anons, I found this link a few days ago and it looks like it has been spread to a few image boards, maybe social media too, I think this torrent magnet is related to the article above! Luckily I have the link saved
Did you read the thread? Take a gander at this >>96362 >>96453
Good find. Can you or anyone else find out the date this magazine issue was published?
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f2f092 No.97001
You will die of old age surrounded by your loved ones. It's to your benefit to give up your fantasy of being like the character Rick Grimes in a zombie apocalypse. ZOG will never be defeated and the best Whites can hope for is a balance of terror.
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858192 No.97008
Nigeria Shoots More Lockdown Violators Than Coronavirus Kills, 2,265,000 COVID-19 Cases
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a6d8bb No.97009
>Rules of no towels nor chairs
But why? Lying down in the sand is ok?
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cc5683 No.97019
Looks like JIDF hired some shabbos goyim to take over their shift during Shabbat
Hundreds of Maryland residents queue at supermarkets for the free food and $30 coupons giveaway https://archive.is/dQR9T
Second wave of the locust swarm hits northeastern Apefrica, this one is even larger than the first one! https://archive.is/YtUAK
Anti-lockdown protests at Huntington Beach, CA. https://archive.vn/Smqkd I liked every anti-lockdown protest in Burgerland at this point except for this one, this one is very similar to Brownzil's, there's hoaxniggers. Hey Commiefornian Hoaxniggers, if the virus is a lie, why are you wearing PPE? :^)
Literally WHO says Apefrica is Corona-Chan's next target https://archive.is/Y1PNg
jewnited Nations say Corobella-Sama will kill 3 million nignogs if she isn't contained https://archive.vn/ycB0e There's no containment for the metaphysical! Plus they can't test for shit, this is their doom.
>>96999 (checked)
Nice digits, Argie. Using chink testing kits is truly the worst thing a country can do, a coin flip is more accurate than those fucking things. You forgot to archive your news, by the way. https://archive.vn/69HdK
Good afternoon Olin, good to see you once more and great compilation. Keep up fighting the good fight on the JT front.
>this magazine cover is from 1997
Thanks dude!
I guess their plan is to prevent people from staying in one place, to avoid crowdings and gatherings. If my assumption is right, they probably don't allow lying down in the sand either.
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8ce29e No.97021
>China's money is debt free.
Not since they joined the (((World Trade Organization)))
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f2f092 No.97022
Post apocalyptic feudalism featuring 30 year average life spans, 50% infant mortality, near continuous internecine tribal warfare, frequent famines, lack of medical care, rampant superstition in conjunction with medieval religious foolishness (pic) comes immediately to mind.
>>96933 >will be known in the history books of the future
Mentioned scenario implies no history after hypothetical chain of events.
Sans civilization none of the accouterments depicted would be producible.
What test is being used? How is it known if the test produces accurate results since this is alleged to be a new disease?
>>96818 > told you magic was supposed to break the laws of physics?
The term "magic" usually is used to mean the same as "supernatural" which does not mean superior to nature but instead means 'other than nature', but there is no other than nature, so the term "magic" cannot mean mathematical descriptions of phenomena. The laws of physics are mathematical rules used to describe phenomena and provide means of predicting probable outcomes.
Coof cultists will not benefit by their beliefs.
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8ce29e No.97024
>Corona-chan will destroy international supply chains and international immigration, the only countries that will survive with first-world conditions are those that maintain strict national border enforcement to prevent infections from overseas
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d3c83e No.97026
>locusts swarming ethiopia
poor things are going to starve to death
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cc5683 No.97028
Despite officially stating that the CCP treats their Apefricans "friends" equally, chinks continues to place heavier restrictions on them than on foreigners of other races https://archive.vn/6VU0P
>That blonde with her nose outside of the hospital meme mask
Fucking hell. There's not that much of a difference but still.
Corona-Chan spells doom for Apefrica as she causes protests, riots, food shortages and deaths across multiple failed states https://archive.vn/UXT41 So anons, have you already chosen what kind of crops you will grow in your farm over there after this series of Happenings ends and the New Golden Age arrives? There's going to be plenty of real estate to go around and the land is fertile.
Lions chilling out on the road in SA, since there's barely anyone driving through them anymore. Very cute!
How to take off your PPE and dispose of it like a real OG https://archive.vn/EXIT4 Exit four? I wonder what Kek meant by this. By the way, don't take off your PPE like that, folks, you will die!
That's true, the supply chain issues are already presenting themselves in some sectors such as the (((pharmaceutical))) and medical sectors. And countries that decide to lock their borders and airports down will have a much easier time than ones that don't.
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933fbc No.97036
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933fbc No.97037
I'd rather have chinks edit us than ZOG, at least Chinks will try to make everyone white while ZOG will use it to create horse-people and all other kinds of abominations.
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cc5683 No.97040
SA puts homeless nignogs in a coofentration camp https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=EcBJd9SUp4k
(((NYT)))) article on how fucked Apefrican failed states really are https://archive.vn/zGSUp
Niggerian police flogging a woman for sitting outside her house https://archive.vn/YILa3 I really wish the zogbots would do this over here, people like being outside their homes just to spy on others and gossip way too goddamn much, and I'm not the only one who hates this shit either, even a decent portion of normalfags can't stand this inane bullshit.
And with this post, the CNS will halt it's services for a well earned resting break. Coronian Radio recommendations for this beautiful saturday: Resolution by Romantic Mode https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=FStamRPWN0Y Notable lyrics: ""Truthfully, I was always searching, afraid to stare straight ahead. It's only because you're here that I can face tomorrow. Don't be scared, no matter when." ""We have the same dream" Within that shine, We walk closer to each other, so that we don't ever get lost." "With that wandering eye, I stared at the chaos around me." "Truthfully, I was always requesting, I want to find a place where I can rest with my heart and all." "When I met you, everything became clear, My heart began beating passionately." Alternatively, if you're feeling like listening something a little more classical, like an orchestra, try this orchestral arrange of Magnolia Eclair https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=BFj8xQv23kw . The CNS and the Coronian Radio wish you a good day.
you forgot your
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b7b40d No.97050
Fucking typo-nigger strikes again. Goddammit, I need to find a way to parse things before posting. Also, proofing. At least I look white.
> Good morning
And a guten tag" to you, Gauleiter.''
> Generation zyklon
I hadn't heard that. Pretty funny. I think I'll keep it.
> Project bluebeam
People will believe anything, provided there are already lots of (((other people))) pushing the idea. But there is a long way to go if (((they))) want Christian cucks to believe in an alien messiah. Yes, hard proof would be necessary, which will never be forthcoming, because life is impossible, and it was a miracle that life came about on Terra.
> Doesn't drink alcohol
And I don't drink beer fucking adult-onset coeliac. But I use my brewing equipment to make really tasty seltzers, just like an old-fashioned soda shop. Raincheck?
> Corona papers
That's the six GB download that was posted earlier, no? I presently have it "paused" in my torrent client, as I intend to wait until the end of the month at which point I'll know if I have any more GB left on the meter to DL it.
> Use an offline PC to open them, owing to computer viruses
Another option, for Winblows fags, is to install Hyper-V and create a Linux VM. Just connect the virtual adapter to a null virtual switch, and one will have the "air-gap" suggested.
> Don't lump all boomers together
Point taken. Not all people are the same, but certain demographics do tend to congregate around a mode. Id est, stereotypes exist for a reason. I try to give people even niggers a chance before making judgements about them unless they're kikes.
> Boomers can be transition away from the brainwashing, given time.
Probably, but once a boomer gets to a certain age, change is likely impossible. My boomer parents have a hard time believing bad things about cops, even when shown video supported by witness testimony, and physical evidence, of those very cops murdering innocents for the Clintons. Fucking Malheur.
> Anon misunderstands Unser Gauleiter
Fren, Gauleiter BrFAG does not want dead whites. He wants dead niggers and dead kikes, as do all worshipers of Coronabella a group to which I do not belong. Our good Gauleiter was commenting on his belief in a non-Christian and non-Satanic otherworld.
> Laughs at the inanity of my precautions
Go back and read some of the early threads, or check out the survival thread. I do much more than that. Inb4, "But putting mail in the oven can bring the infection into your home!" I first put the mail in a plastic bag while at the mailbox, sanitize the bag with alcohol before coming onto the porch, then wrap the bag in foil before putting it in the oven. And my wife helps, so that I don't put my dirty hands on anything.
> Nigger-ia does the right thing
We need more of this. Lots. I was promised chimp-outs. Where are the lootings and shootings? Where is the dead-nigger storage?
> Locusts in Ethiopia
I wonder if niggers can spell "famine" no I don't, everybody knows niggers can't spell.
> Millions of dead niggers
If the curefags are right about hydroxy-who-gives-a-fuck, then we'll probably see more deaths owing to privation than to infection. Malaria is endemic to nogland, and lots of them are already on something like chloroquine. Too bad, really. Why can't the cure be bacon? Let the kikes and mudslimes choke on it.
> Post apocalyptic feudalism featuring 30 year average life spans, 50% infant mortality, near continuous internecine tribal warfare, frequent famines, lack of medical care, rampant superstition in conjunction with medieval religious foolishness
So.... Anywhere with niggers....?
> Magic is the opposite of science
Yes, this. If something cannot be described with mathematics, then it is not real.
> Chinks will try to turn their progeny white
Yep, because every slant secretly or not wants to be a cracker just like all the worthless niggers. It's just part of their deserved inferiority complex.
> Christ-killers will engineer monsters
They're already using conventional breeding techniques to accomplish this, so yeah. It's another technique for dealing with an inferiority complex - bring other people down instead of elevating yourself up.
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3f6d6a No.97064
Our country doesn't even bother to get proper masks (blue chinese surgical mask) to its population mostly composed of hoaxniggers.
If shit goes south they'll definitely play the blame game and go back to their daily routine of pushing for more immigration.
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e47984 No.97066
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d2da2c No.97067
>don't take off your PPE like that, folks
Portuguese are doing the same thing with their masks and gloves on parking lots all over the country: http://archive.is/WLdRA
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f9b7d3 No.97074
Praise the Captcha god who had pity!
Nobody talks about Iceland.
These threads are used to spread panic.
So essentially what Boyle was pointing out is quite true.
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d2da2c No.97081
Iceland was already mentioned on a previous thread. And there was another post on this same thread about how racial makeup influences immunity to the virus, and so Canada refuses to make any studies about it.
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232e50 No.97082
Happy Easter, Orthodox anons!
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933fbc No.97085
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52ce55 No.97092
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fcf765 No.97093
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342455 No.97097
what's with all the obvious ESLers trying to convince us how jewish China is?
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d6df9d No.97099
I believe that issue of George Magazine was from February 1997.
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8afe4a No.97103
Imagine wanting to fight with extraterrestrial races when we can't even deal with 20M kikes and race traitors on Earth.
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0f586d No.97112
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39bf42 No.97116
Another space race ?
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39bf42 No.97120
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4549f3 No.97121
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ea9ccf No.97122
They shouldn't have stopped the sports that have less risks, mostly individual sports where a player doesn't touch the other player =
tennis, table tennis, pool snookers billard, weight lifting halterophilia, solo ice skating, shooting arrows, height jumping, length jumping, throw spear, disc, hammer, horse racing, car racing, thin swords fencing, the bike riders indoor on two separate tracks, etc.
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a71639 No.97125
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d2da2c No.97127
I wonder if in the EU it's also non-whites that correspond to a large number of deaths and more serious cases. We only see these numbers coming from the US to rev up the victimhood olympics.
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11987a No.97128
>CDC blows it again
Who are these clowns?
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d3c83e No.97129
Not the WHO, which is now literally the only thing they have going for them.
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4549f3 No.97134
rama-ding-dong is in five days, that's when the mudslimes start praying and bowing out in the streets, can't wait until they start infecting each other
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811e5f No.97135
>HIV-Discoverer Says Corona Could Only Have Been Created In A Lab
>Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine
>In 2009, Montagnier published two independently made, controversial research studies, one of which was entitled "Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences." It has been said that, if its conclusions are true, "these would be the most significant experiments performed in the past 90 years, demanding re-evaluation of the whole conceptual framework of modern chemistry".[6] The paper concludes that diluted DNA from pathogenic bacterial and viral species is able to emit specific radio waves" and that "these radio waves [are] associated with ‘nanostructures’ in the solution that might be able to recreate the pathogen"
sounds looney but
>In 2009, Montagnier became involved in a legal battle with inventor Bruno Robert over the intellectual property rights to the techniques used in the aforementioned research.
>In July 2009, the court ruled that Robert's 2005 patent application was 'fraudulent', because it had subtracted all of Montagnier's contribution, which the court estimated at 50%.
inb4 wuflu was made by chinese battle monks under oath of silence purely by power of their minds.
interesting rabbit hole.
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e89b1e No.97142
when do you think they'll finally confess to people that after contracting covid-19 they're also HIV positive/have HIV symptoms? You can live with HIV for up to 15 years, but then it develops into AIDS and you've only got 3 years if you're lucky.
LOL. the looks on all of the ItsJustAFlu trumptard fags' faces when they get the news in the next couple of months. HAHA!
>You've got airborne Chink AIDS Cletus!
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39bf42 No.97143
WHO to Africa: COVID-19 containment is possible, ‘Don’t lose hope’
A nicer way of saying you're country is totally fucked
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91be77 No.97146
>300 light-years from Earth.
This world will be in ruins before we even manage to make it out 1 light year from this system.
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517fbf No.97153
>le white trash maymay
Fuck off to Reddit.
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cda066 No.97161
The last 15 or so threads were populated almost exclusively by 50 cent chinks NOUing against the usual JIDF/glownigger residents, former shareblue goons now doing it for free, Qtard boomer newfags and the purest soul around, fungusfag, sperging about his apocalyptic visions of the Fungus Messiah releasing us from the tyranny of kikes' gene-driving ichthyophilic phages; so putting the slightly increased chinkiness aside I'd say it's business as usual.
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232e50 No.97163
fuck off, jew.
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cda066 No.97168
>le dumb redneck maymay
>inexplicable gaps between barely readable sentences
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74ab31 No.97171
Singapore closes ALL McDonalds operations for 2 weeks
>SINGAPORE: McDonald's Singapore will suspend restaurant operations in all its outlets from Sunday (Apr 19) until the end of the "circuit breaker" period, it said in a press release.
>This move - which includes drive-through and delivery services - goes into effect from 11am Sunday, and comes a day after the fast food chain announced the suspension of takeaways.
>Drive-through service will end at 8am, and the last order for delivery will be at 10.30am, it added.
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933fbc No.97173
>sounds looney
>Not knowing that the reality is a superimposition of signals
>Not knowing about the morphic resonance
Protip: Herd immunity actually works by one organism of the same species developing a good immune response and than the others picking up on that info in the noosphere. Microorganisms have their own collective resonances as well. Human races too. This is the basis of the teleological (guided) evolution. The Brazilian schizo ITT might have a partial point by calling this virus a "metaphysical entity" although it can be eliminated by physical means as well.
>50 cent chinks NOUing against the usual JIDF/glownigger residents
I am entertained by this
> fungusfag, sperging about his apocalyptic visions of the Fungus Messiah releasing us from the tyranny of kikes' gene-driving ichthyophilic phages
Most interesting poster ITT, it's sad that he keeps getting banned.
NOOO NOT THE BURGER. Singapore was democratically bombed after an days.
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74ab31 No.97184
OH FUCK. Situation in Japan worsens. Emergency care collapses. Sick people turned away at hospitals
>Hospitals in Japan are increasingly turning away sick people as they struggle with surging coronavirus infections and a collapsing emergency medical system.
>In one recent case, an ambulance carrying a man with a fever and breathing difficulties was rejected by 80 hospitals and forced to search for hours in downtown Tokyo for one that would treat him. Another feverish man finally reached a hospital after paramedics unsuccessfully contacted 40 clinics.
>The Japanese Association for Acute Medicine and the Japanese Society for Emergency Medicine say many emergency rooms are refusing to treat people, including those hit by strokes, heart attacks and external injuries.
>Japan initially seemed to have controlled the outbreak by going after clusters of infections in specific places, usually enclosed spaces such as clubs, gyms and meeting venues. But the virus outpaced this approach and most new cases are untraceable.
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cc5683 No.97185
Coronian thought for this evening: Never waste time with fodder, break through their lines and deliver a killing blow to the enemy generals.'
The CNS is proud to resume operations on this pleasant Saturday night.
Texan anti-lockdown protesters chant "fire Fauci" in front of the state capitol https://archive.is/L5rmj We're reaching levels of based that shouldn't even be possible.
Dead hospital mask-wearing chink in Guangzhou https://archive.vn/Ejuow
Chink business owners in Guangzhou protesting for lower rents yet again https://archive.vn/XPkxl At this point, I'm starting to wonder if the CCP will budge and just do it already to make them shut up.
>But I use my brewing equipment to make really tasty seltzers, just like an old-fashioned soda shop.
That sounds pretty cool.
Godamnit, did your government fast-tracked the graduation of medical students? Because this looks like something a student who doesn't really grasp how serious the situation is would do.
I did, some threads ago. I also like posting news of white recoveries that look legit. Panic won't help anons and their people with anything. The correct course of action is analyzing how bad the situation is and prepare for the future battles that will surely come.
>And there was another post on this same thread about how racial makeup influences immunity to the virus, and so Canada refuses to make any studies about it.
This! I have noticed that over here in Brownzil, an overwhelming majority of the recoveries are whites or people with lighter skin tones. They're mostly female, too. I'm not trying to say whites are immune, that is clearly bullshit, but it seems you guys have an higher chance of "deactivating" the virus and just become a dormant carrier after going through a symptomatic period then recovering. Of course, I only believe this happens in the bodies of those who Corona-Chan deems worthy of living.
>I'm trying to create panic
Go sleep in a mass grave, unbeliever!
If I was trying to create panic, I would try to blackpill everyone here by saying something like
<It's over, the kikes have won, they created a virus that will kill everyone and everything, they destroyed the world.
But no, I preach material, spiritual and emotional preparedness for a turbulently chaotic and violent period, but one what will end with the birth of a New Golden Age for civilized races. Like I have said, I'm one of the few people in /cvg/ who posts news about recovered whites, I have posted news of a sweet grandmother from either NJ or NY, a few white Brazilian seniors and the most recent was a 24YO doctor from Manaus who returned to her job as soon as she got better. I preach hope for whites and for the Japanese, I meme and joke to elevate the humors and morale of any anon that's feeling down. Does this look like the work of someone's who's trying to spread panic to you?
I'm nothing but Corona-Chan's/Corobella-Sama's High Priest, and my message is one of hope for the future. The (((people))) who bio-engineered the Goddess's physical form will be punished for their sins, and after she finishes cleansing this world, she will either disappear or become a mere cold. Those who oppose this beautiful message shall receive no mercy from the Coronian State of Mind
>>97099 (checked)
Thank you anon. I felt the urge to calculate how many years have passed since the publication of this issue, it has been 22 years. Could be meaningful, could be nothing.
>>97122 (checked)
I understand your reasoning, but the problem is that the players of some sports you mentioned still have to be at a close distance from each other, and infected people can release more viral particles when they physically exert themselves, and these particles can go far. Some threads ago an anon posted about how runners and joggers can release many particles that linger in the air, pretty interesting post.
I kek'd hard.
This is a very interesting rabbit hole indeed.
With the technology known to the public, yes.
>>97171 (doule 71's checked)
Good, fuck McCancer.
>although it can be eliminated by physical means as well.
Never! The Goddess can might be briefly delayed, but sooner or later, her judgement comes.
>Most interesting poster ITT, it's sad that he keeps getting banned.
That guy is mixing me up for fungus/gene drivefag. I'm not that guy, I might be spergy but my secondary objective here is to post news, articles and footage of what's going on around the world regarding this Happening. I also post some sciencefaggotry papers that I rarely run across that haven't been posted yet. He might not like me but he can't deny my contributions.
Pretending everything was fine because of the Coronalympics was their biggest mistake. But they can pull through this, believe it.
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74ab31 No.97187
>At this point, I'm starting to wonder if the CCP will budge and just do it already to make them shut up.
Probably. If not they can always be accused of being greedy capitalists.
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a71639 No.97190
Didn't they recently reopen the country?
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cc5683 No.97195
Houston residents queueing up in their cars to attend the giveaways at the supermarket https://archive.vn/PKZ23
New Hong Kong anti-CCP chinkouts
https://archive.vn/031TX Hong Kong chinks sure are something else. Brave folk.
I forgot the screencap of the calculator.
That's what I was thinking too.
Yes, but you have to understand that they were most likely hiding the cases to make everything look fine in order to host the Coronalympics. There's also rumors that they weren't doing enough testing on purpose.
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74ab31 No.97196
Probably not their best idea.
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d2da2c No.97201
This is one of the most worrying things about this virus, with all the care that is needed even for patients with mild symptoms, it ends up delaying the treatment for other conditions that usually aren't life threatening.
>this looks like something a student who doesn't really grasp how serious the situation is would do.
It looks like this is being done by the general population thinking that discarding gloves without proper hygiene before entering their own cars will keep them safe.
As for our government, they are just pissing all over our people right now. After locking down most of our population, closing what they consider non-essential businesses which lead to the rise of bankrupt small businesses and unemployment, and forcing the cancellation of all major events, they are going to assemble at least 130 people on our parliamentary building to commemorate the 25th of April, which is the anniversary of the coup that took down our fascist government. Our centrist and right leaning parties refuse to take part in it, but they are the minority.
There is also an online petition with over 64000 signatures demanding the cancellation of this event, which fortunately shows that not everyone is willing to put up with their bullshit, and that has left our commies seething, so they created their own petition in favor of our government which only has 8000 signatures.
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91be77 No.97202
>nips are as smart of the white man
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d2da2c No.97204
Don't worry, the EU is going to start reopening their countries in the followings and we will see how smart that is. I honestly hope that shit doesn't hit the fan, but most evidence leads me that it'll just be a repeat of late February and early March.
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cc5683 No.97205
Another video of the new Hong Kong chinkouts Sauce is the same as above
Salvadorean hazmat dudes carrying the coffin of a 4YO spiclet who succumbed to Corobella's blessing https://archive.vn/9OLoo That URL would have been perfect for something about India.
(((Apple))) reopening their stores in Seoul
Smart Peruvians keeping the route of their medical supply shipment under tight wraps in order to prevent it being snatched by the Burger ZOG https://archive.is/ptHsx
Turns out the controlled opposition Meme Man was at the Texan anti-lockdown protests https://archive.is/tJ2V6 I did see some Infowars shirts in that video I posted but I din't knew he was actually there. I guess he's kinda being helpful.
Forgot to reply to you in my previous posts, It seem's the same thing that happened in Burgerland with nigs is happening in Britbongistan, I think I recall seeing news of mudslimes getting removed from there in just as high numbers too.
>It looks like this is being done by the general population thinking that discarding gloves without proper hygiene before entering their own cars will keep them safe.
Thank makes sense, the masses don't know proper decon procedures.
>Our centrist and right leaning parties refuse to take part in it, but they are the minority.
That comforting, despite them being the minority.
>There is also an online petition with over 64000 signatures demanding the cancellation of this event, which fortunately shows that not everyone is willing to put up with their bullshit
I would say they come very close. Their philosophy used to be pretty good.
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e31679 No.97210
Literally just a flu, in this country and Europe.
Politicians other than Trump:
"Never let a crisis go to waste".
China, well, that's a different story. They screwed up, or Mao/Stalin style purges. Definitely millions dead there.
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cc5683 No.97211
Apefricans fighting for food in Ghana https://archive.vn/clihL
Critical situation at the Alvorada Emergency Hospital in Manaus, capital of Amazonas https://archive.is/8UAbk
>This is the reality of the Alvorada SPA. Serious patients here…
>But the saddest reality is this: There's not a single nursing technician here, because of what? Because of vestments. The desk is empty, serious patients, 2 intubated patients here, it has been over 4 hours without a nursing assistant adjusting the medication valves.
>All of the pumps are beeping, everything is blaring, because there are no professionals, there's no vestment, right, there's actually professionals, technicians, but there's just no vestments.
>This is a corpse, it still hasn't been removed.
>This is another corpse. That still hasn't been removed since late night.
>It's like this, this is the situation, critical, critical, critical, critical.
MUH EMPTY HOSPITALS fags, where are you now? I don't know what the guy means by vestments but I'm gonna assume it's either gowns or PPE in general.
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457d1d No.97212
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. A nice family friendly summary of the origins of COVID-19
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6bcd45 No.97215
The jews always lose.
You always lose.
We always win.
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457d1d No.97218
We could learn something from the nignog when it came to ‘social distancing’. They really know what they are doing over there, don’t they.
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6bcd45 No.97222
>Post apocalyptic feudalism featuring 30 year average life spans, 50% infant mortality, near continuous internecine tribal warfare, frequent famines, lack of medical care, rampant superstition in conjunction with medieval religious foolishness (pic) comes immediately to mind.
But no faggots, no feminism and no trade, so it is completely and unironically worth it.
Why live long, when we can live without sub-humans?
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91be77 No.97229
Any news on the apehoop nog that got infected? its been weeks now.
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6bcd45 No.97243
Nobody has to accept anything. Every single law can and will be disobeyed and every single law enforcer can and will be killed if they even hint at trying to force vaccines upon us.
>That multi-functional virus could return, mutate and return even more
And that will be the best outcome. Why contain it? If things can't be the way we want them to be, them let everything be destroyed.
If i can't join the club, i will burn the whole clubhouse along with anyone inside it.
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e47915 No.97246
predicted 60,000 deaths in the US by August, that's with heavy lockdown. influenza is a different order, as you can see in this handy and compact graphic. immunity and vaccines are almost impossible.
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cc5683 No.97247
Peruvian doctor exposing precarious conditions at an hospital in Lima https://archive.is/NkPWm
>There are no more ventilators, there are only four of them. These are our working conditions. The directors and ministers don't manifest themselves, don't say anything. And us hospital workers are working in these conditions, no supplies, using the same gowns and masks for 24 hours.
That's what I could pick up. I don't really like Portuguese but if there's one thing I do like about it is the fact that since it's a romance language, Portuguese speakers can somewhat understand other languages of the same family and vice-versa.
Pernambuco to start arresting and fining quarantine lockdown violators. I really doubt this will be enforced, especially in poorfag areas. If they do try to enforce it, chimpouts are guaranteed to happen.
Director of the São Raimundo Emergency Hospital in Manaus succumbs to Corona-Chan's blessing. Yes, that same hospital from that video with a bunch of Hues pissed off at a doctor.
Brownzilian Leader of the (((evangelical))) base of the chamber of deputies got blessed. Considering the fact that they are a bunch of neocons who worship Pissrael at their feat, nothing of value will be lost when Corobella-Sama removes him from this mortal world. By the way, I would just like to point out that the name of the journo that wrote this article is Evandro Éboli. Meme Magic and a divine sign, Ebola-Chan will make a full scale comeback soon.
Brownzilian hoaxniggers don't understand how the virus works.
>We need a voluntary lawyer in Sorocapa/São Paulo. We have lady who had an heart attack and was taken to the hospital with no life. Now the hospital refuses to return the body to the family, alleging that the death was caused by the chinese virus.
>(no way that I'm going to type in all caps like this hoaxnigger) Here in Manaus, my cousin had a sudden illness, he got taken to the hospital and they quickly intubated him, he passed away on the next day. They din't even want to talk to the family and engraved SARS-COV-2 as the cause of death. He din't even had a flu, he had diabetes and hypertension.
Brownzil might be the country with the highest numbers of hoaxniggers, even more so than Burgerland. Actually, it's possible we have more hoaxniggers than the entire internet combined, because these retards don't understand the virus has a plethora of different symptoms and makes people drop either dead or in critical condition. Both of these deaths were droppers, especially the second one, clearly an asymptomatic carrier whose time in this world had run out. So many hoaxniggers are claiming their relatives are dying of "unrelated" causes and the doctors are putting Corona-Chan as the cause of death in order to inflate the numbers. When actually, they are either dying from the virus's many different symptoms or are asymptomatic carriers that later drop dead. So remember this if you see a Brownzilian hoaxnigger claiming the numbers are being inflated and they're assigning every death as Corobella-Sama, those retards have no idea how the virus works at all. Those negroids don't even know that being blessed while having underlying health issues is pretty much a death sentence.
It's a decent starting point for normalfags.
Indeed! ;^)
Aren't there a lot of blessed niggerball players? Anyway, news about infected celebs and politicians aren't really reliable unless it's about their deaths. So many of them say "I'm totally better now, guize" that I think they're either lying about being infected, lying about recovering or got administered some curefag bullshit that just briefly delays their inevitable judgement.
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6bcd45 No.97248
They are probably denying access to hospitals to foreigners, but don't say it loud so they can still do it without the (((MSM))) sperging about it.
Based Nippon.
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cb679f No.97254
>Burgers anhero
Checked and Kek'd, Satan.
>(((1))) signature and ignoring them.
>tower install uptick
memeg requires much higher density deployment as it's less penetrating and lower range, that's probably why.
Lurk two years, kek. But good info.
>Apefrica No!
>ram-a-goat in 5 days
3rd snackbar Corona-Chan wave when?
>muh empty hospital
Reminds me of the kike shills and their 'last bakery/hospital/school in Aleppo/Ildib/etc shit, kek.
Many people are dying at home now too, 4:1 rate or more from reported figures, coincidentally just the same as the death rate in a town in Italy was..
>HIV-Discoverer Says Corona Chan Could Only Have Been Created In A Lab
Breddy important.
>Nothingburger shills trying to stir aggression against particularly USG
Reinfection phase will be brutal as it ramps further, nothingburger shills are in for a tricky future employment.
Some of you anons will remember
>9/11 killed more than Corona-Chan
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cc5683 No.97256
Ruptly report on Moscow's new (((digital pass))) system. Like I said in the previous thread, this is what ID2020 will look like, it's being tested in Russia.
Ruskie hockey player gets pissed off when he's told that he's breaking the quarantine lockdown, says the country's measure are a "circus".
Brownzilian EMTs in PPE collecting a possible blessed Hue in the city of Olinda, northeastern state of Pernambuco https://archive.is/7k4lv
Update on the Brownzilian humanitarian mission to Memezuelan refugees in the state of Roraima: There are now 66 (czech'd) soldiers and 2 refugee children confirmed to be blessed.
Meat packing plant in Chicongo's south side get's a visited by Corona-Chan https://archive.is/FkLdN
>immunity and vaccines are almost impossible.
*immunity will take an extremely long time and vaccines are impossible. Fix'd.
>a bunch of neocons who worship Pissrael at their feat
*at their feet. Don't know where that 'a' came from, my finger must have slipped onto the key.
>3rd snackbar Corona-Chan wave when?
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91be77 No.97257
> Anyway, news about infected celebs and politicians aren't really reliable unless it's about their deaths. So many of them say "I'm totally better now, guize" that I think they're either lying about being infected, lying about recovering or got administered some curefag bullshit that just briefly delays their inevitable judgement.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna go with this too. Was waiting on Tom Hanks death news and nothing, check the apehoop nogs twatter and looks like he went to twitch streaming so it seems the fucker is nice and well.
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e47915 No.97258
>*immunity will take an extremely long time and vaccines are impossible. Fix'd.
there's no data yet afaik about length of immunity after recovery or if it's possible
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cb679f No.97262
>there's no data yet afaik about length of immunity after recovery or if it's possible
This, they keep parroting theoretical projections (Deutsche Reich, Negerlands) but never showing any proof whatsoever. It's one of the most infuriating parts of it.
>There is no public, proven immunity data
<goyim, it's fine we calculated 2% of you are immune!
<trust us.jpg
OC related
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6bcd45 No.97264
>Pernambuco to start arresting and fining quarantine lockdown violators. I really doubt this will be enforced, especially in poorfag areas. If they do try to enforce it, chimpouts are guaranteed to happen
This is a good opportunity to purge de badge pigs. The police is mostly on the establishment's side in Brazil. Although they say that they are against leftists, they never go after them. But if a non-leftist rightfully hit a woman, or attack a jew, the whole police force gangs upon him.
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d2da2c No.97267
That's why I thought that it was nonsense when Germany started with their immunity tests and announced their plans to grant free transits to the people who "pass" them. The way it looks to me is that it's an excuse to keep undesirables under lockdown.
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cb679f No.97269
If the test is only 70-80% for the virus at best in 1st world conditions, then how do they test for immunity when it's never demonstrated? Kek, sounds like total BS to me.
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e47984 No.97272
I don't really believe in all this metaphysical witch stuff like the Huebro does but when I saw that picture and read those words I unironically felt something stir in my heart. Like, I had this mental image in my head that I wanted to be there with her and was accepting the virus into my body, and she was giving a sad smile as I was dying. It was only for a couple of seconds but it felt so real.
What the fuck just happened? CNS guy is there actually something to the Corobella spiritual stuff? Does this sound like anything you have ever felt?
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cc5683 No.97278
Number of blessed inmates at Roraima's public jail rises to 4. Just posting this because four is a very good number for Corobella-Sama.
/Ourgirl/ is hindering the harvest of grains in Roraima. I wonder if food shortages over here are possible, we do have plenty of farms so I have an hard time seeing that happening.
Corona-Chan already blessed two Apefrican villages in Pernambuco. Those nignogs are about to experience a world of pain.
[LOWER YOUR VOLUME, LOUD NOISES] The Vila Formosa cemetery in São Paulo is using a team of diggers to make new graves for Corobella's future victims https://archive.vn/3hRsN
>Look at this, people, we're still here at the Vila Formosa cemetery, and this is what they're doing. Opening graves, opening graves, opening graves. Look at this, all the machines are working. This one is more on the general focus but if you look at the back, people are working. Companies…look at that. Contracted companies are working here for the opening of graves. This thing is….I don't even…it's surreal, right? An extremely difficult situation. Aren't they doing this because they're expecting the arrival of new corpses? Prepare yourselves.
The man's advise is sound.
Murican factories in Tacoland are still open for business and operating as usual, workers being told to do their jobs despite being sick https://archive.vn/3tQsN
Some of those cunts are probably lying to get attention.
You're right, but I have faith that those deemed worthy of living by Corona-Chan will eventually acquire immunity, and any attempt by curefags to steal these people's antibodies and giving them to those deemed unworthy will result in their immediate deaths.
Good OC.
You're kinda right about that but the cops do go after the commies when they chimpout too hard, It's just very rare. I do find it hard to sympathize with our zogbots, given the fact they enforce the disarmament of law abiding citizens. I will never forget the news of cops confiscating a granny's musket for absolutely no reason whatsoever, though I did forget the state where that happened. I think it was in Minas Gerais but I'm not sure. There was also an incident in a northeastern state were cops lied in wait at the road that led to a legal shooting range just so they could bother legal gun owners and try to fine them for bullshit reasons and take their guns.
It's a good thing that you're feeling love for Corona-Chan but it's bad that you saw yourself dying. She would not take you from this world if she deemed you worthy of living. Have faith in yourself and in her as well.
>What the fuck just happened?
Either an ordinary visualization that happened out of love or you had a vision meaning you will get infected and die. I seriously hope it's the former and not the latter.
>CNS guy is there actually something to the Corobella spiritual stuff? Does this sound like anything you have ever felt?
Just a lil note: CNS stands for Coronian Newsposting Service. Of course the metaphysical world is real and I have felt things like that and so much more. I myself have had the strongest feeling that the time of my departure is running out, and that feeling just keeps getting stronger. Here's a little blogpost for you: There's a shitskin that lives right across the street, he runs an illegal car wash and he's a total cunt to my family and another family of white-ish Hues that are our friends. There's some seriously bad beef between us, he sets off fire crackers near us just to bother us during São João, him and his friends are loud niggers and hoodlums and he recently beat up our white neighbor friend and got away with it scot free. If people hadn't stopped the fight, no one knows what could have happened to the poor old man he beat up. Before you ask anything about why I din't stop it, I wasn't present or witnessed it, it din't even happened in my street but somewhere else entirely and I don't know why the fight happened, if I had witnessed it, I would immediately step in and kill the shitskin because I have thirsted for his blood for a long time now, and I still do. So, I have been praying really hard to Corobella-Sama to cleanse this filthy street from all these evil, corrupted creatures that live here, and guess what happened? My shitskin neighbor din't open his car wash today, he's inside his home to rest because he's sick with something. When the ambulance pulls up to take him to the hospital, I will make sure to film it then post it here. If I'm up when that happens, of course. But I did ask my father to call me if he sees any ambulances stopping here. But the thing is, if he's really blessed he is, that means the rest of the street most likely got blessed too, including myself, given the extremely contagious nature of Corona-Chan's physical form.
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9fea84 No.97279
Given how stupid we've been I think we're still comparable.
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232e50 No.97281
>Protests in Texas
It's looking like they wheel out Jones every time guys with guns on the right need an escape valve to let out steam in a controlled fashion. He leads nothing, he basically gets them to shout hurr durr and go home.
Where are your real leaders.
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cb679f No.97282
Suitable memes invoke feelings, anon, this is why kikes and their golems can't meme. It also gives me strange feelings - it's supposed to make it sound reasonable. It's a test.. of course you want to avoid the embrace of Corona-Chan at all cost, consider it a meme for the nothingburger shills to eat up.
He's a gatekeeper and always has been, mayyybe except the very, very early days when he was doing Bohemian Grove etc.
Hilarious and true observation though.
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e47984 No.97285
Holy shit, that's really insane.
I'll answer your blogpost with one of my own, and then I'll shut up because I don't want to shit up the thread.
So I'm a burger from Dixie (the south), and I'm 3/4 English and 1/4 Italian. The Italian comes from my Dad's side, because his mom is 100% Italian. Now when I was a kid I was really into ghosts and spirits and stuff like that. I really liked watching paranormal shows about ghosts and stuff, even though I would always be absolutely terrified at night because it felt like all the demons would be in my room. Anyway, as I got older I basically lost all interest in paranormal stuff and of course I stopped being scared of ghosts when I went to bed. Well, just a few weeks ago my Italian grandmother's sister went on this huge quest to track down her family's history, and started going through birth cirtificates, taking DNA tests, digging through addresses, etc. Well lo and behold, she found out that her family came from Naples, and that they were a family of witches. I'm not even shitting you I just found this out like a few weeks ago right when the memetics around Corona-Chan were really kicking off. So, it turns out that my Dad's grandma is descended from witches in sicily, and even though I was raised as a protestant Christian I'm starting to have some doubts about everything. Now I'm secretly starting to kind of get back into paranormal and spiritual stuff, and then I see all these cult-like things around Corona-Chan and think it's silly at first, but the more I think about it the more I doubt that it's really all nonsense. Of course that all leads up to when I saw that picture, and it felt like I was literally face to face with Corobella. Even right now my heart is heavy, it's a bittersweet feeling like I'm excited and terrified at the same time.
Basically I've found out that I'm descended from witches and my interest in spiritual stuff has been rekindled right as all this Corona-Chan stuff has taken over the world. I don't know what this all means but I'm just strapping in to enjoy the ride at this point.
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cc5683 No.97290
New anti-quarantine lockdown protests and motorcades in São Paulo https://archive.vn/ynlvV https://archive.vn/L9nj0
>Look at this, look at how this place is. We're leaving at 2PM. Doria(state's governor), you're a traitor to the fatherland, dude. You're a traitor. Look at the millions unemployed, look at what you're doing Doria. You're ruining São Paulo's economy. All because of this farce of this coronavirus, this lie, this political lie, Doria, okay? We know there's another motive, you have another intention. Your intention is politics, dude. Come here, Come here to the motorcade. Lets ask for you to [unintelligible, sorry.] to the state of São Paulo. Bolsonaro can come, now its your turn. Come here. Lets go Brazil, react!
The Bolsonaro supporting hoaxniggers in São Paulo and other states really believe this is one big plot to overthrow Bolso just so the governors can take his place. Yes, they're that stupid. It's a real shame though, because this guy in particular has such a beautiful fighting spirit, yet he's wasting it like this.
Brazilian man is applauded for recovering from the infection and getting discharged from the hospital in São Paulo https://archive.is/1nQ5w First white male no joke recovery here in Brownzil that I could find footage of. The first one that my intuition tells it's real, anyway. Here's a translation for part of the tweet: "Jessivaldo, a friend of my wife's family, got discharged today in São Paulo, after spending 15 days intubated." He's worthy of living! Hooray!
Corona-Chan is punishing and removing invaders from Britbongistan https://archive.is/WLECU HAIL COROBELLA-SAMA!!
*I myself had the strongest feeling that time for my departure is coming. Fixed.
>he basically gets them to shout hurr durr and go home.
Kek'd. Still nice he's riling up people against Fauci.
>Where are your real leaders.
Dunno, not a Burger anyway.
That's really interesting. If you feel like going down the /x/ and /fringe/ rabbit hole, go right ahead, but be advised: It can be a path of no return and there are many dangerous pitfalls on the way, so be careful with what you mess with. My honest advise to you is that instead of diving into schools of magic right away, to clean yourself up metaphysically first. Practice meditation and focus on your breathing, be around nature and admire its wonders, do some physical exercises, listen to beautiful music and sing songs that uplift your spirit. All of this purifies your inner being.
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cc5683 No.97299
More footage of São Paulo's protests and motorcades
79YO Britbong recovers and gets discharged from an hospital in Hawaii https://archive.is/rMxms Just after his birthday too! Corona-Chan decided to gift him with liberation from her grasp, for he is worthy of living the rest of his life in this world!
São Paulo has 2516 blessed Hues in the ICU
São Paulo's ZOG releasing over 1200 prisoners to prevent an airborne aids epidemic in the state's prisons. Shit like this rightfully gives ammo to the protesters.
Another recovered Britbong: 106YO woman became the oldest person in the country to recover from the virus https://archive.is/xjZpw These real British people sure are strong! Praised be their souls and praised be Corona-Chan! Believe it or not, there's one more news of a recovered white senior for me to post, but that will come in the next post, stay tuned!
The sun is about to rise, the CNS will now halt it's operations for religious activities, thank you for your attention, dear readers, we will be back soon!
*advice. *go. Goddamnit, my fingers keep hitting the wrong keys.
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a6d8bb No.97300
Seeing how the entire West ignored this thing until it was at our doorstep, not telling the world's largest ant colony to fuck off and die in their own shitty country, it's safe to say grorious nippon is at least as smart as hwite man.
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d441a2 No.97302
I rarely type here, but i wanted to tell you that russian QR code system of digital pass is very similar to the system chinese applied. Just without coloration by type.
Russians love adapting chinese bullshit like banning websites/traffic collection and its of no surprise Moscow went for Wuhan's QR passes.
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232e50 No.97304
That's not the app. They use the Yandex Metro app for that.
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994369 No.97305
Hate to say this but the HK protests in the links are from Jan 2020
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361ed7 No.97306
There is massive shilling against 5G and "debunking" official sources talking about dumb shit like 5G towers transferring viral particles when that isn't what people are worried about. This was before I heard rumors cropping up about nanomachines, son. Coincidence? Could be dumb but a tiny millimeter of damage directly to the right nerves or parts of your brain can permanently fuck you up for the rest of your life or even kill you.
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fab3cf No.97315
As far as i know every metric shows them as smarter
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4929ec No.97320
Oh shit, literally WHO is starting to admit herd immunity is canceled
Check'd and kek'd
I completely agree
Thanks, glad you like it. I used to have a better program for video tributes, so I'm afraid it could have been better. Did you find a way around verification btw? Someone named brFAG has joined up. If not I'll set up a TOX account
> Even right now my heart is heavy, it's a bittersweet feeling like I'm excited and terrified at the same time.
If I may be so bold.
Fear not, brother. I'm a Hermeticist and serve to one true God. Our views may differ, but unless you're a Gnostic or believe the god of man to be separate from the god of nature, then you should know that viruses were put on this Earth to do the Lord's work. Even if She's man-made, the Lord also works through the hands of men. If She's the first horseman, then you should rejoice, or at least refrain from fear, because the day of judgement is close at hand. They say that in these days men's hearts will fail them for fear. Whether you come to love Her or not, there's nothing to worry to about. Not from Corona-chan anyway. Just remember, around blacks, never relax.
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ee20f3 No.97322
As more evidence rolls in this is the most likely scenario.
There will be no vaccine, effective treatment or long term immunity.
For those who have recovered the maximum length of immunity will be three years.
Your max life span will be determined by the third time becoming infected.
Prepare accordingly
This lack of testing and PPE for the general public is starting to look like a criminal conspiracy.
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eea498 No.97343
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701446 No.97344
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b01ed1 No.97348
>5th pic
Never forget these ruling class fucks fucked you many ways, not only by immigration. The destruction of your worlds, your cities, your lives was done in many ways. Consider the tower blocks, designed to suck the life out of people and destroy the city and project futility and poverty, they designed it like a nigger world long before they filled it with niggers. Niggers are not the problem. Unless you actually believe your ruling class has learned the error of their ways, your degree of fuckedness is not going anywhere
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b01ed1 No.97353
"The truth" is a big question son.
If someone can watch the Simpsons "house cat flu" episode, and not see the absolute fucking lie of this current situation, then I pity them. "a good old fashioned public health scare"
Now clearly, a non-NPC would not let theirself or their loved ones be injected with random shit. Clearly, NPCs will clamor and demand that they be injected with random shit, and so by the magic of Republic, they MUST be injected with random shit. That's what's going to happen.
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b01ed1 No.97354
Oh yeah I forgot it's not going to be an injection this time. It'll be easier to stomach for queasy NPCs this time
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b01ed1 No.97355
Drudge lying about corona. Trump gave up on Drudge (important to defer any official "Rosie-spat" by saying shit like "a really nice guy") a long time ago just like we did. Noice.
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df9cdb No.97357
> What will happen with this supposed vaccine?
Probably the same thing that happened with the last Gates "vaccine."
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5c317d No.97363
> the Simpsons "house cat flu" episod
vid related
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5c317d No.97366
Now even the virus shills an CNN are admitting it's barely as dangerous as the flu.
Are you maskfaggots enjoying your nothingburger?
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b01ed1 No.97368
Trump is literally fucking magic. Sad for the NPCs on here who still think he's no different than the others
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232e50 No.97370
Volcano eruption on Kamchatka peninsula. Windy shows no increase in SO2 levels. Remember everyone went into a frenzy during Wuhan outbreak, pointing to Windy as proof of mass cremations.
https://www.rt.com/russia/486242-volcano-spew-lava-russia-east/ here's the article, if you have Windy, look at it live, should be better than screenshots.
>the utter state of this board
Not shilling, just reminding all to not be a retard and jump on any 'data' point as proof of any pushed theory. It goes both ways.
Nobody back then was doing research into where Windy gets its data from, at what intervals (SO2 map info I'm sure is more expensive for them and may be having less updates as a result, etc -just as a show of how thinking works).
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a9c7fe No.97375
Coronian Thought for this morning: Unexpected developments open paths to new opportunities.
It's another beautiful day to resume operations, dear readers, we're sorry we resuming activities later than usual:
100 Years old Brazilian woman who survived the Spanish Flu as a child has overcome a deadly virus once again by recovering and being discharged from the hospital. https://archive.vn/HN8sE Now this is quite a beautiful story, she's an Italian descendent, her family came to Brazil during the Spanish Flu, her grandparents got infected by it and died at sea, their bodies were thrown overboard. Her parents survived and moved to the state of Goiás, where she was born and also got infected by the deadly Influenza as a child but survived it. Flash forward to the present, she had to be hospitalized in São Paulo due to ARDS and pneumonia, where she got a positive corona test result. The doctors in the video say they administered 2 antibiotics and one antiviral, but please, don't make me laugh with such curefaggotry! She survived on her merit alone, proving her worth to the Goddess of Purification and earning her divine respect. No one this old should be able to survive Corobella's blessing, yet similar cases are happening all over the world. Why? Strong genes and healthy lives when they were young. Their bodies might be old but they are pure. Here's the translation of what she says
>I'm feeling happy, my children! I'm surrounded by all of my children! It was a lot of fun, really. It's a pity I can't keep the name of each person.
She found the hospitalization fun, That's how strong this Pasta grandmother is! When asked what's she's going to do when she gets home, this was her answer
>I have my little services, to help the poor lasses. The same way you guys work here, I work there as well!
Pure body, pure mind, pure spirit. Hail her and Hail Corona-Chan!
Bolsonaro delivers a speech in favor of the anti-lockdown protests taking place in Brownzil https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=NlaSIs_e8RA
>Brazil is being plunged into chaos. I want to believe, it shouldn't be only the ill will of these politicians, that I won't name here, in wanting to shakedown the presidency of the republic. Who decides the closures are the mayors and the governors, it is in their hands to start returning to normality. The virus, 70% will be contaminated by it, it's no use…if it's not today, it's gonna be next week or next month. What we need to do is take care of the elderly and those with health issues. The others, we have to take care of them too as well, but they will have to work. If the country isn't going forward, we're going to lose a lot, it's going to complicate the lives of a lot of people. The more unemployment, the more there is violence, which means more troubles for our military police, everyone suffers from this. We have to think and act that way. We can't cower ourselves in front of this virus. We can take care of ourselves but we're gonna face it with our heads held high. This will pass, and we have everything to go back to normality. I repeat, it's not up to me to reopen the commerce, if it was up to me, a lot more stuff would be working. I compliment you, on having the courage of demonstrating and showing that we shouldn't have fear. Lets move forward, God is with us.
The supporters cheer, a priest shows up with a painting of Jesus, he preaches then gifts the painting to Bolso, who holds it up as high as he can. His supporters then chant "Mary is our queen". If I told you this wasn't beautiful, I would be lying. A lot of hues are going to die due to this strategy, but it has to be this way, the wheat must be separated from the chaff.
Meat producing company owned by two corrupt Brownzilian billionaires is accused of price gouging during the Corona-Crisis and has outbreaks happening in their Burgerland plants. https://archive.is/0UWd5
Maryland's governor expedites the release of hundreds of prisoners in order to make prisons less crowded https://archive.vn/SXj4k Goddamnit, Hogan.
>Russians love adapting chinese bullshit
Din't knew about that, I thought it was actually the other way around, chinks copying you Ruskies.
Fucking hell, the guy that runs that account quoted it and I thought it was new, since that's what he usually does: Post new stuff that's going on around the world, not what already happened months ago. Sometimes I go too fast and I just miss details like that, sorry.
>Did you find a way around verification btw? Someone named brFAG has joined up. If not I'll set up a TOX account
That was me. No, I couldn't find a way around it, we will have to use TOX.
Wise words, I do remember reading something very similar to this somewhere else, but I can't remember where.
It's just gonna kill people, like always.
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13e8a9 No.97381
> Unexpected developments open paths to new opportunities.
the opportunities i see in future are ripe for taking.
nothing new as usual (soME poLice bots got blessed ,one got liberated in my state yesterday [he was fat and diabetic ]).
expect videos of chimpouts and droppers soon from india as her 40 days stay here will complete on 21st of this month.
sorry for not posting but i read all of your posts brFag (sorry not being disrespectful), as i am just an observer on this realm. communication is not my cup of tea.
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858192 No.97382
Blacks BANNED From Shopping In China Due To Coronavirus, 2,335,000 COVID-19 Cases
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c671f6 No.97386
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c671f6 No.97389
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a9c7fe No.97391
Number of blessed Worst Koreans that supposedly recovered and now are testing positive again rises to 179 https://archive.is/eDq5Y Looks like Corobella is just sleeping in their bodies…for now. We will see if the gooks have what it takes to be deemed worthy of living.
Anti-quarantine lockdown motorcade in Rio de Janeiro. First video HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK HONK
>This is Flamengo's street, live, right now. Right now! Over 500 cars in the motorcade, Rio wants to work! WITZEL (state's governor) OUT! WITZEL OUT, DICTATOR! Out Witzel. The Carioca people wants to work, Witzel. No one wants to starve to death.
>People from Copacabana, we're here to tell this dictator of Rio de Janeiro, that we want to go back to work, that we want the city, the cities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, to responsibly have the right of bringing food to their home. This governor taking advantage of this moment of pandemic, he is making exorbitant expenses, he's making and realizing everything that interests him, except taking care of health, because if we don't die of the virus, we're going to die of hunger, after staying home for so long! We have to work, people must have their dignity respected, the right of taking a meal to their homes. We have to say, Witzel out! Witzel out!!! WITZEL OUT!! ENOUGH OF THIS DICTATORSHIP! ENOUGH!
BASED! He channeled his fighting spirit and his indignation into a powerful speech that doesn't deny or downplay Corona-Chan. 200% times better than São Paulo's protest.
Rio de Janeiro's military police joins the anti-lockdown motorcade
>Right now, you must be eating danone with chocolate and powdered milk, watching Netflix, and pretending you have coronavirus. America Shopping, lets work! America Shopping, lets open this mall up, people losing their jobs, people not working, this is a shame. Wilson Witzel, stop being [what?] , you don't have any coronavirus, you're putting terror into the Fluminense population. Jail for the coronavirus! Lets go to work, lets go to work, we need to work. We either die of starvation or die of the virus, so we have to work, son. Lets go to work. WILSON WITZEL, YOU DON'T HAVE CORONAVIRUS, YOU'RE A CRYBABY!
Holy shit my sides, this zogbot is hilarious.
Food processing plant in Illinois closes due to airborne aids https://archive.vn/lAvfZ
Namaste, Pajeet. I liked this image you posted.
>expect videos of chimpouts and droppers soon from india as her 40 days stay here will complete on 21st of this month.
You my friend, knows whats up. This estimate matches the variable incubation period quite nicely.
>sorry for not posting but i read all of your posts brFag (sorry not being disrespectful)
It's okay, that name was divinely assigned to me, it's not a disrespect at all.
Good day to you, Olin! That clip that starts at 01:53 is in Peru, Olin, It was written clearly and in bold letters. But I guess it's okay, I fucked up ITT as well by accidentally posting outdated footage from Hong Kong so I guess we're even.
I remember this, spooky shit.
We know, you need to start archiving and organizing your posts into a single post, by the way. This method of newsposting is quite shameful.
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2b6c3b No.97394
>USA TODAY says 21% illegal
1 in 5
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888a9a No.97396
>Glued dirty tacos spread the shit faster and more.
Imagine my surprise.
First of all, this seems to tie into the recent research into how certain animal species seem to organize into mega-flocks.
It also mirrors the strange experiment of two isolated and sealed environments separated by a transparent layer, both containing cells of the same type and one "jar" having its cells sick, managed to transmit the sickness to the healthy cells.
This is really something that needs to be verified.
If we are dealing with electromagnetic communication between biological nanostructures, then the question of the quality of one's bioelectromagnetic field is more important than ever.
Of course for those who have looked into alt-news for health and food, this will sound like you've heard a great many times.
Which also pushes us into the topic of ways to equalize your own bioEM field and fine tune according to certain vibrations. Sorry for the "new-ageish" wording but it's exactly what we are looking into.
Certain derelict buildings assembled in specific places around the world shown that right into their design went the idea of having them amplify certain harmonics.
When talking about EM fields, one obviously approaches all the laws of physics pertaining to the working of light under all its forms, which introduces us to the really mind bending reality of the quantum mechanics and their baffling phenomena, including those related to the influence of consciousness onto the observed light. EM is just light over a whole range of frequencies.
The other interesting side of this story is how Mr Montagnier relates to AIDS-HIV research, which might have an indirect link to covid-19 (which seems to have been sufficiently analyzed by now by different labs, including the laughed-at pajeet one before being backed up by three other ones), including inserts from three strains of HIV, in four strategic locations.
Montagner is actually knowledgeable about the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus).
In 2009 (yes, that same year), he came out to actually strongly distinguish HIV from AIDS and claim that "We can be exposed to HIV many times without being chronically infected. Our immune system will get rid of the virus within a few weeks, if you have a good immune system.”
Essentially, being confirmed positive to HIV does not automatically make you an AIDS victim, which back then was certainly what mainstream media yet constantly peddled, so much that the equation HIV = AIDS would become the de facto truth. So you had HIV? You were fucked. Pharma might have had a way to help you though.
This becomes relevant to SARS-turboCOV'-2-Hyperfighting Challenge because with three strains of HIV stuck onto the virus, there might ways to deal with these added functions without actually having to rely on Pharma again.
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888a9a No.97398
Most likely the FREY effect, applied through patented tech that's been, at some point, related to MEDUSA iirc.
Fries your brain before you can actually hear the frightening shit they try to pump into it through microwaves.
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b01ed1 No.97402
>blah blah blah
Keep ignoring the actual issues and devolving to your shortsighted gay ways of looking at the world.
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b01ed1 No.97404
Thank you. Important stuff. Started when Trump took office. Happened in China too. Cuba is a cunty idiot asshole state, so it makes sense. Pretty basic technology actually. Probably used more as a probe to find out if we have a defense against it. Best defense is probably to burn a couple of their "people" in retaliation.
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b01ed1 No.97408
Interesting use of the word "targeted". There's a lot of people out there who will feel pretty validated by the use of that word. There are thousands of people on social media complaining of symptoms like this for as long as social media has existed.
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cda066 No.97419
>dubs complemented by appropriate trips
Nice desu ne.
Don't fall for le dark middle ages maymay, liberal arts soylents, fedoras and kikes ruminate. The " 30 year average life span" is blatant lie that is derived by lower (((life expectancy metrics))) taking in account the high infant mortality rate which was completely normal throughout history. The medieval period had its disadvantages and plagues but don't forget that history is a spiral not a circle; White men will still have the mental capacity to salvage large parts of medical, scientific and technological wisdom gained to secure a minimum standard of living when things come tumbling down.
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b01ed1 No.97427
>using (((media))) trigger phrases like "anti-semitic"
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955958 No.97428
trumpniggers are bringing out the pruning now. definitely an election year.
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cda066 No.97433
>riceniggers are flooding the board and modniggers on CCP payroll deleting threads
>somehow orange man is the issue
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232e50 No.97437
I'm outta here. If you insist on making this the_donald, go on. Fucking jew cock suckers the lot of you.
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d3c83e No.97438
Can it, dog gobbler, this is about corona.
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955958 No.97439
>this is about corona
and trumpniggers trying to leverage it to prop up their jew system domestically is very related
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cb679f No.97441
Chinks beating niggers
Please do not spread this on niggersocial via sockpuppets.
It would be terrible to see chinks being lynched in nigland and vice versa.
Don't touch the poop. Notice how they have to use (((1))) to respond and then do it in a totally organic way as no actual anon is biting? Yeah, shilling quality is super low as a 'non-essential service'. ZOGbots can only shill so good.
It's OT you nigger. Not every thread has to be about your kosher politics.
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3f6f19 No.97444
"Dog Gobbler"
I present unto you Pandoras box
Happy sifting
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fab3cf No.97447
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955958 No.97450
>Not every thread has to be about your kosher politics.
>muh poor niggers getting beat by chinks
So many disgusting BROWNSKINNED NIGGERS posting in these threads to rally their dying stolen country.
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b01ed1 No.97453
Adams is OK. He's just a dumb boomer like Molymeme who became fixed in his thoughts during the TV-domainated period, except he's less able to organically change his opinion like Molymeme gradually does, since Adams is part of the Jones paid "team nice guys" network. He means well. He's like Pence, a dumb fucking boomer who robotically believes that muhmerica can reasonably continue to exist in it's current jewed form
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d3c83e No.97455
in other news, stolen from >>>/v/16921216
No more chinks in vidya
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a9c7fe No.97468
Elongated Muskrat gets piled on after saying stupid shit https://archive.is/amNyc
Kike from the Literally WHO retweets commie shit, gets called out for it and deletes his tweet https://archive.vn/s6yZU
Rio de Janeiro's mayor issues an decree that obligates Hues to wear masks when out in public. Failure to comply will be punished with a fine.
Anti-quarantine lockdown protests in Indiana.
Spanish police officers putting invaders in their place after they got pissed off when one of them was arrested for violating the lockdown. FUCK YES!
>It would be terrible to see chinks being lynched in nigland and vice versa.
It really would. :^)
>>97455 (checked)
The CCP must have noticed the chinks using vidya chat to discuss the virus and other sensitive topics.
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cda066 No.97469
>thread is about a viral pandemic caused (mainly) by slanted subhumans
>drop by to bitch about how ORANGE MAN BAD
Don't let the door hit you in the ass, faggot!
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000000 No.97485
The police is never your ally, no matter the circumstance. People must be incited to attack the police, as with the zogbots down, going after the leftists next and then the jews will be easy.
But what I meant was: even if everything would become worse, the fact alone that faggots will die and women will be enslaved again is worth all the destruction, plagues, short lifespan and whatever else comes with it.
It is literally and unironically better to live a shorter life with no faggots alive and all women enslaved than to live long and tolerate faggots alive and free women.
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d3c83e No.97488
>People must be incited to attack the police
Can't tell if you're a glownigger or someone who was intimidated by a cop because he was ticketed for doing 60 in a 50 mph zone.
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cda066 No.97491
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c16eff No.97495
What the fuck, keep your fag porn jpgs to yourself, stop wasting 8kun's glorious server space with that weird shit.
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3aa4d7 No.97507
the police force is corrupted to the core and infested with power tripping niggers. The cops who are not corrupt, are wage slaves who either do as they're told without question or get replaced by someone who does, and that's in the best case scenario. if the police force wants to get rid of a cop for whatever reason they'll just send him to the worst nigger hives, miles away from their home so that they either give up and quit by themselves or be forced to shoot Tyrone in self defense in which case the police department will just let the BLM tier slactivist roast them.
Sometimes good cops who take no bribes and keep their hands clean (be it because they are genuine law abiding people or just to afraid of what could happen to them if they get dirty) get shat on by their more corrupt cronies who consider clean cops a "liability" because there is nothing to blackmail them with
tldr: zogbots are mercenaries in an organization that forces them to either become corrupt or be bottom of the food chain
nigger you know very well there are (((people))) trying to deplatform this site, with (((journos))) looking for anything that can be cherry picked and decontextualized to build a straw man and broad brush the entire site with it
>criticize the state of Israel or any Jewish owned corporation or individual
<muh reeeeecism
>we post realistic drawings or photographs of young children playing in the plaza
<muh pedos
>point out any logical flaws in feminist dogma
<muh soggy knees
>expose lies of the lügenpresse
<muh conspiranoid theories
>talk about hostility towards zogbots
<muh terrorist mass shooters
as much as you hate it, if you see an anon calling for physical hostility towards any of the (((government's))) tendrils, you need to call it out as a glownigger while proclaiming that 8kun is a board of peace
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cb679f No.97512
>No more chinks in vidya
Is coming through the enthusiast circles as excellent news for most online gaming types, they are a large chunk of cheating and botting online for a very long time.
>less idle chat about how bad it is for 3rd wave
Clearly been a problem to censor due to the complex nature of gaming communications and up to half your population locked inside for months.
>Rio de Nigeiro mandatory public masks or shekels pruned
Brazil No!
>it thinks anon is not white
>can't into comprehension
>cringe derail.png
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d3c83e No.97528
Requirements to be a cop are a joke, they can replaced on the fly no problem. You're wasting effort and kicking a hornet's nest for your own self gratification instead of doing anything meaningful.
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a9c7fe No.97538
Frog elections during the pandemic proved to be lethal to mayors. https://archive.is/Hew0v Knowing the absolute state of Frogland, I don't think this was a bad thing. Fun fact: Brownzil is also planning on carrying on with this year's elections.
Deutsch resistance against the lockdown is responded by zogbots with disproportionate force https://archive.vn/Slx7A
The Corona-Crisis in Brownzil is fueling pro-military intervention sentiments, as hundreds of Bolsonaro supporters in the country's capital demonstrate in favor of the return of the military regime. The demonstration was even attended by Pocketman himself, who stood on the back of a police pickup and delivered a speech. https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=rZtpntaESyA https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=yshjM9o2nzg
>I am here, because I believe in you. You are here, because you believe in Brazil! We don't want to negotiate anything, we want action for Brazil! What was old is now left behind, we have a new Brazil ahead of us. All of us, with no exception of Brazil. You have to be patriots and do your part, so that we may put Brazil in the place where it deserves. The era of rascality has ended! Its the people who are in power now. More than the right, you have the obligation of fighting for your country. Count with your president, to do everything that's necessary, so that we may keep our democracy, and guarantee the thing that's most sacred to us, that is our freedom. Everyone in Brazil must understand that they're submitted to the will of the Brazilian people. I'm sure [coof coof], all of us have vowed to give our lives for the fatherland, we're gonna do what's possible to change Brazil's destiny. ENOUGH [coof coof] of the old politics. [Coof coof] NOW, now it's Brazil [COOF COOF] Now it's Brazil above everything, and God above everyone! [COOF]
Surely, it's a beautiful speech, but is this going to go anywhere? I don't think so. Maybe I'm wrong give my blackpilledness attitude when it comes to this country, but I think he's just calming his supporters down. The odds of the military regime coming back are slim, but who knows, Corona-Chan is the Goddess of Miracles, she might just be able to put this country on it's tracks again. Regarding the coofs, Bolsonaro was definitely blessed back when he went to Burgerland, he was asymptomatic all of this time or having "mild" symptoms that he managed to hide, but now that coof is coming through and he can't hide it anymore. Who knows how much longer he will live for. If he's worthy of living, Corobella-Sama shall spare him. She will will be his ultimate trial, even if he somehow delays the judgement with cloromeme, her divine verdict will eventually come. And regarding the Pissraeli flags, THAT SHIT PISSES ME OFF TO NO END!!!
*a decree. Sorry, that's just the exhaustion presenting itself in form of a grammatical error.
>The police is never your ally, no matter the circumstance. People must be incited to attack the police, as with the zogbots down, going after the leftists next and then the jews will be easy.
You're unfortunately right about that, they cannot be trusted despite some of them being based, they must completely defect to the revolutionary force or be considered enemy combatants. What just happened in Deutschland is proof of that. If only they would use this much force on invaders instead of their own people…
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df9cdb No.97539
> Coronavirus harms the brain and nervous system of one in three patients
That's not what that article says and what it does say is based on Chinese propaganda.
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811e5f No.97540
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876e47 No.97547
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a9c7fe No.97548
Pictures of the Brownzilian demonstrations requesting military intervention. That third picture is very foreboding. I highly recommend watching last part of the speech video. He's coofing hard.
Kikes in Tel Aviv protesting the quarantine lockdown https://archive.is/g4lL1
The Corona-Crisis is also fanning the flames of anti-mudslime sentiments even further in Pajeet's hearts. https://archive.is/CkZEX Sikh as fuck, keep it up Poos.
>first pic
Here you go, have this video of it.
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3aa4d7 No.97560
>i-if i keep spamming these s-same 5 pics surely i'll finally manage to >tread/ /cvg/ once and for all
>e-even if i failed 51 t-times already i will surely succeed this time
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cda066 No.97562
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>97548
>making chinkbugs sperg out by revealing it's their bioweapons
>passively removing kebab
Fucking based!
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b32fd5 No.97567
>Tel Aviv protest
>tfw you want to protest but obsessively follow the rules at the same time
wew. I bet each of them carries a ruler to measure the very specific distance between people and threatens to sue them if they get 1cm closer than they are supposed to
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b01ed1 No.97576
I find it hard to have any animosity towards islam when I know that the creation of radical islam such as exists today was created and financed by the usual suspects. We could remove all kebab and we would still not have solved any of our problems.
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b8929a No.97587
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a6d8bb No.97590
>mp4 for ants
>meanwhile, men:
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b32fd5 No.97593
Well, technically, viruses are literally raping your cells. Someone should get this imagery burned deep into the feminist consciousness.
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a6d8bb No.97594
Holy shit anon this is agoldmine
>Wants big guys to hold her
>"Where are the strong guys wearing masks?"
You can't believe how much I miss baneposting, man.
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341e35 No.97595
The prophecy was real all along.
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43061f No.97605
Looks like the niggernet chimpouts have returned, it's gonna be a rough night
Corona-Chan blessing plebbitors https://archive.vn/LP2np
Absolute madleaf walks into a convenience store in Montreal and just calls chinks niggers https://archive.vn/trsyR
Recent footage of Hong Kong chinks getting arrested after protesting. https://archive.vn/tIp97 This footage is actually recent this time, I swear. Once again, I apologize for the false alarm earlier ITT. To tell you the truth, I had woken up in an extremely altered state of being so I was barely able to function properly at that time. I was uncontrollably producing and sending out huge amounts of energy to Corobella-Sama after waking up from a series of strange dreams and visions. Had accelerated heart and breathing rate, a constant yet pleasant ringing in my ears, constant waves of chills that made every hair in body go up and down and my spine felt cold like a block of ice. It took me hours for to return to my usual state.
Corona-Chan motivated prison riots in Ambato, Ecuador
https://archive.vn/izh15 Second video coming in the next post.
Unrelated news: Etna and Kamchatka have recently erupted and there was a 6.2 quake off the coast of Nippon.
>tfw you want to protest but obsessively follow the rules at the same time
>I bet each of them carries a ruler to measure the very specific distance between people and threatens to sue them if they get 1cm closer than they are supposed to
Kek, they would definitely do this shit.
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54f9bd No.97608
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a0d14e No.97615
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000000 No.97617
Glowniggers will call anyone glowniggers for trying to do the right thing and to kill the enemies and traitors of the white race.
Glowniggers like those two above want people to be forever stuck in endless preparation without putting anything into practice.
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fab3cf No.97618
>i want strong men protecting me
>wearing masks is rape
That was the most confusing thing i've ever seen.
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000000 No.97619
>New anti-quarantine lockdown protests and motorcades in São Paulo
>Look at the millions unemployed…You're ruining São Paulo's economy
Anyone "fighting" for the (((economy))) and for returning to be a wageslave is aligned with the jews, even if they don't know it. They are akin to traitors, in the sense that they still want to keep the jewish system alive.
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811e5f No.97620
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000000 No.97625
Another reason for am act of total violence is this whole demented notion of letting the government and companies dictate ours lives and dictate who can enter OUR lands.
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d3c83e No.97627
Said logic makes you a glownigger, glownigger.
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eb2fb1 No.97629
>Ranting about rape and masks
>They are raping me with masks
>Wanting strong man to hold her body, feel the men
>I feel like I am losing my fucking mind, how the fuck are you holding it together? HOW IS ANYONE HOLDING IT TOGETHER?!
>Starts ranting about natural selection and everyone has to die because masks are scary and disease is natural
Holy fuck that was hilariously bizarre. She contradicts herself literally every other sentence. The weak are beginning to crack. This is a heavily medicated individual who should not have access to the internet, this is some IRL schizo posting, thanks for sharing.
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cdfabd No.97630
I like how Canada is now going to ban all firearms and there’s not even a single post about it in any thread on this board, much less an entire thread.
Almost as though this site is not only completely dead, but also that we all already know that no one will ever do a single thing to stop it from happening. Isn’t that funny? How whites just keep letting jews exterminate them from the face of the Earth? Without even attempting to fight back? Funny stuff. Hilarious. MFW.
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c777b5 No.97635
To the post above, I lurk about five imageboards due to the virus, none mentioned the canadian weapons ban
Maybe pull the plug out your ass
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eb2fb1 No.97636
Anon are you kidding? It's just some random spree shooting in Canadia. So much crazy shit is happening so fast nobody can keep up with it. Things that would normally have been a 500+ post thread are just another blip in the world right now because everything is going to shit faster than you can say "fuck." Everyone here knows we can't stop the virus nor the state reaction to it, we can only wait for opportunities, and the other end of this thing is going to be a HUGE opportunity when 30-80% of the population is out of work and angry at the establishment. Don't take some massive black pill out of this, realize that things are getting so crazy we no longer care about yet another little bump in the road that previously would have been a huge incident.
Towards the end shit literally says we should be listening to the people locked in insane asylums, mother of God.
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b01ed1 No.97638
>The extravagant theory of a tennis number one on coronavirus: it was created for the installation of microchips
>Safin noted that there are "stronger men" than the current world leaders and leaders, who are "the owners of the money, the owners of the world" and are the ones who are leading this situation.
>"Why should they be famous? They don't have any publicity. The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are the ones in sight, but some support them. You can call them whatever you want: Freemasons, Illuminati, whatever. All this is known. The Club of the 300, the Club of Rome," he detailed.
>"Everything was ready. In 2015, Bill Gates said we would have an epidemic, then a pandemic, that our next enemy was a virus, not a nuclear war. They then conducted a simulation at the Davos Forum two weeks before the virus was known in the world. They showed how all this would go. I don't think Bill Gates is a fortune teller, he just knew, and everyone was getting ready,"he went on.
>"It's the new world order. I think many have heard this, you can read books about it: Henry Kissinger, (Zbigniew) Brzezinski… Everything is described there," he concluded.
Well, obviously.
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876e47 No.97640
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876e47 No.97642
more info about this FAKE virus
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876e47 No.97643
fake virus from the start
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d3c83e No.97645
>no links
>no archives
>vague screenshots of conflicting points
Are you even trying?
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cdfabd No.97650
Uh huh, just like Port Arthur.
>everything is going to shit faster
You’ve been in these cult threads too long. Nothing is moving fast. The overhyped nuflu was a cover for the communization of the entire Western economy and no one did a single fucking thing to stop it. Your second UBI check will be coming sometime at the end of May. And then they’ll probably just keep sending one a month forever. Getting people used to them. The economy couldn’t be moving more slowly, anon. The fuck is this “fast” shit?
You just don’t fucking get it, anon. No one is waking up. No one gives a shit. They don’t know it’s jews. They don’t care about race. They don’t care about communism. They want their ✡TV✡. They want their ✡social security✡. They want their ✡keeping up with the joneses✡ economic system. They just don’t care. WE don’t even care, as proven by the fact that we do fucking nothing about this.
>out of work
That’s never going to happen and you know it. You’re (not you personally; plural you) going to get your UBI check, daddy ZOG will pat you on the head, and you’ll thank them. Because the alternative is them refusing to send you a check because you’re a white nationalist and then you starve to death as all your neighbors refuse to associate with you or do business with you for being an unperson. There’s not going to be mass unemployment without communism to assuage people. They’ve already started. The economy is wholly planned now. There is no free market anymore. Next is normalizing UBI checks. Second check is already coming. The ZOG emperor himself said it would be “good.” They’ll just keep rolling after that. Anyone who complains that niggers get 3k a month but whites only get 1.5k will be called a racist and not get his checks anymore. And then the prices go up and he starves. Oh well, he was racist. There’s no place for that kind of speech in the current year.
>so crazy
Just. Calm. Down. For fuck’s sake. Step back from the fluhoax and realize what it’s being used to do. You do realize that OVER HALF THE FUCKING PLANET is WILLINGLY COMPLYING with their governments telling them to lock themselves in their houses and do absolutely nothing that they’re not told to do by the ZOG, right? Opportunity my fucking ass.
Now go on. Sit back, do nothing at all, and watch as I get proven right yet again.
>doesn’t know how to quote
>admits that NO imageboard is talking about the Canadian mass shooting that will be used as cases belli to take all guns
You’re just making my case for me. Even WE don’t care enough to talk about it anymore, much less do anything.
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eb2fb1 No.97654
>You do realize that OVER HALF THE FUCKING PLANET is WILLINGLY COMPLYING with their governments telling them to lock themselves in their houses and do absolutely nothing that they’re not told to do by the ZOG, right?
To be honest I wouldn't say this is true. There's pushback all over the USA in public demonstrations already all over the country. I can pretty much some up what I think you're trying to say with, yes, the system is definitely dying and the establishment will attempt to replace is with a "1984 but worse" tier system. I just don't think it's going to go as smoothly as they want and that they stand to lose as much as they could stand to gain.
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43061f No.97659
Reminder that all hoaxniggers and nothingburgerfags are cursed and are absolutely doomed to die a painful death
Second video of the Ambato Corona-motivated prison riot
The Nicaraguan government is most likely counting blessings as ARDS cases https://archive.is/QOwAo They shall pay for this sin, trying to cover up Corobella-Sama's actions is an egregious affront to her divinity.
Nicaraguan police officer from Managua with Corona-Chan's symptoms says her superiors refused to take her to an hospital. https://archive.is/txtNG https://archive.vn/v30G3 Looks like the Nicaraguans really are trying their hardest at covering up their cases.
Vice president of Nicaragua says the country only has one active confirmed case and 12 suspicious cases https://archive.vn/15MYc They also say they have 6 "recoveries", 2 confirmed deaths and 28 discarded cases. They should form an alliance with the chinks, they would get along like best buds.
Video showing blessed people waiting outside the Augusto B. Leguía Hospital in Lima, Peru. https://archive.is/0XPyd
>This is where the patients that need hospitalization wait for a bed.
>There are no medics, no medicine, there's absolutely nothing.
And that's all I could somewhat understand.
>>97608 >>97638
100% Based, archiving it https://archive.is/QgBnS
You're absolutely right about that.
I have seen news about the shooting, a dentist dressed as a cop, right? Or did I read it wrong? I would have posted the news ITT if this was an Happening general instead of just a Corona general.
>Isn’t that funny? How whites just keep letting jews exterminate them from the face of the Earth? Without even attempting to fight back? Funny stuff. Hilarious. MFW.
Stay strong Leaf, this bullshit will end soon. What you guys should do is take advantage of the American boogaloo that will happen in the near future and start your own at the same time, then team up with the Burgers. United you are stronger.
>we can only wait for opportunities, and the other end of this thing is going to be a HUGE opportunity when 30-80% of the population is out of work and angry at the establishment
And that's exactly when the boogaloo happens.
>the system is definitely dying and the establishment will attempt to replace is with a "1984 but worse" tier system. I just don't think it's going to go as smoothly as they want and that they stand to lose as much as they could stand to gain.
You know what's up!
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7ca10e No.97663
What's funny is that not one thing has happened to this cunt. Nothing. Not a single thing. She's consuming media from a fire hose and not questioning anything.
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4929ec No.97664
Rethought that last edit, I think this ones a bit better.
Understood. BA8670FC54AAC5BC022CE1DB7A9EC4B09BDA4F07F17F0668F3B0459BBEB6C603B3EF2993719D
Fucking kek she actually just plucked that loogie live.
Stunning lack of self awareness all together. Thanks for sharing, anon
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b01ed1 No.97666
> I just don't think it's going to go as smoothly as they want and that they stand to lose as much as they could stand to gain
There's a foreknowledge issue though
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43061f No.97670
Burgers suffering from a case of bad testing kits https://archive.is/tZJje
>Last week, some state officials and lab workers at hospital systems said they are seeing ID Nows produce dubious test results.
>At the University of Maryland Medical System, scientists compared the Abbott device to their traditional testing system and found the ID Now was wrong about 7.5% of the time when testing samples positive for coronavirus.
>Lab directors at two other hospitals said in interviews they were seeing inaccurate results on positive samples as much as 25% of the time.
>Abbott officials concluded the problem was caused by a liquid used to preserve samples, the lab directors said, that could cause the specimens to become too diluted.
Corona-Chan has already blessed over 1800 inmates in Ohio gozaimasu https://archive.is/tepbt Bless them all!
24YO Peruvian felt ill and decided to the Bravo Chico Hospital in Lima, got a positive test result but was then sent home with no help whatsoever. https://archive.vn/rywyY I don't have the patience to even try to translate this but gist of it is this: He says good afternoon, says his name but I can't really understand it, and that he's 24 years old. He says he got the virus and that his family is also getting sick with the same symptoms. He's coughing and begs for someone to help him and his family multiple times. May his judgement be swift and may his pain end soon, no matter what Corobella's verdict is.
Improvised ambulance in Peru: Blessed Peruvian gets taken to the Maria Auxiliadora Hospital but the guards at the gate deny his entry, he has no choice other than lie on the back of the truck he that came on once again, to be taken to another hospital that might accept him.
Peruvian dropper right outside of an hospital, appears to be having a seizure
https://archive.vn/YqW6Z Peru is getting fucked pretty hard right now, into the trash the "muh sun light" and "muh heat" memes goes.
I do like the new edit, you're doing a great job with these pictures. I will be in contact with you shortly.
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95a276 No.97677
>he thinks Canada ever had a chance
You don't even have rights there, you're all legally the Queen's subjects. The government can suspend your "rights" at any time to maintain "peace and order".
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b01ed1 No.97680
The great thing about Canada is the only kind of nationalism that makes sense is real nationalism.
Civic nationalism literally can't exist there. Surely the merest 120 IQ can see that.
So great. Realign the politics. Return to "fuck them all" politics (which is VERY appropriate in Canada), realize that your only existence is as part of your PEOPLE, which are spread out over the fucking world right now, and "Canada" is a joke. Burn the "conservatives" politically and take the opportunity to REALIGN MASSIVELY AGAINST THE WHOLE FUCKING SYSTEM
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df9cdb No.97682
This is it. All the evidence anyone with a working brain and eyes needs to know beyond any doubt that this whole pandemic has been a scam based on bogus numbers from the start.
These lines are all flu-like illnesses including the covid-19 novel chink flu. The red line is this year. It's not even as bad as 2017/18 or 2009/10 and barely worse than 2014.
Again, the red line is not just corona but corona plus influenza A plus influenza B plus every other flu like illness and it's still not the worst year, even on the chart before where the lockdown started.
Capitol buildings should be burning now that this information is public but no. The fat, drugged masses are dutifully donning their slave masks and thanking their oppressors for keeping them safe from the falling sky. Fuck this clown world, fuck humanity, and double fuck this gay earth with a spiked dildo.
Source: Center for Disease Control and Prevention
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df9cdb No.97684
> hoaxniggers and nothingburgerfags
fuck you slave. You're already dead.
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19eee4 No.97686
Source? I'd like to have a higher version of this.
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eb5da0 No.97687
>unironically using CDC data as if it proves something
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b01ed1 No.97688
And that chart seems to me to represent an over-reporting, because it's "percentage of visits", while at most doctors offices, many if not most types of visits have been cancelled. So I would think that there would be a suppressing effect on that red line if all visits were as normal.
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a0f619 No.97692
>Percentage of Visits for ILINet
Garbage Chart, garbage data.
Thankfully the current season excel chart gives us some direct numbers. According to this data for the year.
I tally a total of 1711703 Visits for this flu season. Given the official US corona count of 758000, roughly 44%. But many Corona patients do not schedule doctor visits for it so we would expect it to make up maybe 200,000 visits, or 11% of them. The bump in that chart near March absolutely would account for this number of increased visits, if anything it CORROBORATES the official numbers, rather than repudiating them.
Hoaxniggers BTFO.
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a0f619 No.97695
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e47915 No.97697
>halfchan ik but
some anons proved HIV is embedded almost unchanged in covid
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50b2b6 No.97698
>I just don't think it's going to go as smoothly as they want
What, in the last century of white behavior, gives you this impression.
Oh, I'm not Canadian. There's just no chance of organized physical resistance happening anywhere else, anyway.
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df9cdb No.97699
> many Corona patients do not schedule doctor visits
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a0f619 No.97704
>the last century of white behavior
You remind me of a very specific idiot on Voat who is incapable of considering that recent trends could differ from the last hundred years. Basically his non-argument was that since whites were worse off than in 1900, no progress could possibly be being made for whites within the last 6 years, despite the fact that more whites are racially aware now than 6 years ago.
Because they have mild symptoms and only 20% of confirmed need hospitalization last I checked. I don't have the pure statistic, or else I wouldn't have used 200000 as a WAG estimate, which is 26% to give some margin for patients going to the hospital anyway. The main point I'm making is that the chart you sent didn't debunk anything.
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eb5da0 No.97709
the reason hoaxniggers exist is so mass panic doesn't ensue, which would result in bank runs, food runs, riots, and other nasty things. they make it easier for us
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1aa6cb No.97721
Even if oil completely crashes, Trump will effectively nationalize production (by "bailing it out") to make sure the ZOG Army can function.
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a0f619 No.97736
You'd only really need to subsidize the maintenance of American oil/gas facilities.
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888a9a No.97741
I don't have a problem with the nationalization of a strategic industries like energy.
Frankly, we should begin developing and heavily subsidizing domestic chip manufacturing too (no out-sourcing, no foreign guest workers nor dual citizens in the mix at all). We need to get on our war footing.
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a0f619 No.97742
Worked with corn production.
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5af1c9 No.97747
Chinese Doctor turns into a nigger after recovering from Corona!
Via Google Translate
>The two doctors in Wuhan Central Hospital—Yi Fan and Hu Weifeng—severe patients with new coronary pneumonia. After more than two months of treatment, they finally broke away from the palm of death and survived stubbornly. However, a video reveals their current status, with dark and yellow skin. In this regard, Song Jianxin, a member of the Hubei Provincial Anti-epidemic Expert Group and the chief physician of the Department of Infectious Diseases of Huake Tongji Hospital, said that darkening of the skin is the cause of pigmentation. "Although the life is saved, many organs in the whole body are damaged."
>According to Caixin.com, Wuhan Central Hospital has more than 4,300 employees, and more than 230 people have been diagnosed with new coronary pneumonia. On March 9th, the WeChat friend circle of medical staff of Wuhan City Central Hospital lit the candle for the fourth time. Zhu Heping, a re-employed expert and deputy chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, died of new coronary pneumonia at the age of 66. So far, four doctors have died in the hospital.
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43061f No.97750
The Coronian Cult was right again: Exercising can alleviate ARDS inflicted by Corona-Chan's blessing. https://archive.vn/bkUIX
>In his research, Yan studied a powerful antioxidant that is released throughout the body when exercising, which showed to help prevent disease, such as ARDS
>The antioxidant is known as "extracellular superoxide dismutase" (EcSOD), which is created naturally by our muscles, but Yan's studies discovered an increase in production when exercising.
>These findings strongly support that enhanced EcSOD expression from skeletal muscle or other tissues/organ, which can be redistributed to lung tissue, could be a viable preventative/therapeutic measures in reducing the risk and severity of ARDS," Yan's study says
What have I have been saying for so many threads? Have healthy habits, exercise your body and your mind. You don't need to take (((their))) medicine when nature has already given everything you need, your body can heal itself! All you have to do is keep it in good condition.
Divine judgements at a veterans home: 25 former zogbots have been punished for what they have done during WW2 by Corobella-Sama. https://archive.vn/cKT7A There also 59 confirmed blessings.
Swiss man takes advantage of the lockdown to hump a BMW at 03:30 https://archive.vn/iXlfy
>the owner of the car was woken by moaning sounds from the street at around 3.30am
>"The maniac had sex with my BMW," the horrified owner told local media.
Honk Honk.
Aussies putting pressure on the yellow jews, they're demanding an international investigation on what the fuck happened https://archive.is/D3LBA
Lawfags from Florida still going through with their lawsuit against the CCP, 10K signatures have already been collected https://archive.is/OCRv9 This is most likely not going anywhere but it's still very interesting.
>only kind of nationalism that makes sense is real nationalism.
This. I always enjoy teaching others about the real meaning of nationalism, I never miss an opportunity to do so when I see one.
>>97700 (double checked)
Nice digits in your post and ID.
>(those godless bat-eating fools work sundays)
You have a point but all of what you said is inevitable. If those idiots are really doing anything, it's not going to be very effective when S really HTF.
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50b2b6 No.97751
>oy vey goyim you HAVE to support communism!
>since whites were worse off than in 1900
Worse off THAN, or worse off in?
>more whites are racially aware now than 6 years ago
Do you have any evidence of that? It's still lower than at any other time in history. Anon, does this image sound familiar to you, regarding your experiences during just your lifetime? What has been the operative result of even your claimed redpilling and rise in racial awareness? What has actually changed about any policy, anywhere? And don't talk to me about snowballs. We know that's not how things work.
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50b2b6 No.97755
>communism is fascism
Literally exactly like what jews say to neocons to redirect their hatred of the ZOG toward DA EBIL NOT ZEES instead of fighting for ethnic nationalism in any form.
>keeps spamming jewish hoaxes in favor of communism
Eat shit and die, kike. Government has no business owning any industry.
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a6d804 No.97757
Where did her hair go?
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50b2b6 No.97759
>can't read
>can't parse what other posts say
>because it's just a bot
We won't be supporting communism. Nothing you said will ever happen. Ever. You failed. Shill on a different website.
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341e35 No.97761
So youre that sniveling israeli jew at the british intelligence service posting fake-virus-stories to ensure that government bureaus, post-cataclysm can administer 'non regulated' information sites by calling them 'fake-news'. So we have you and the other worhtless, tax-sucking federal BI US posters to blame for pushing your retarded control tactics. Go fuck yourself with a gay chinese diplomat, coof coof, dick sucky.
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df9cdb No.97763
I don't think you understand why I posted that chart. I wasn't trying to "dubunk" CDC numbers. I'm pointing out that by the CDC's own admission, this year's flu-like illnesses are exactly in line with the last decade. If you want to claim their numbers are garbage, that's great but then you have to admit the whole public panic is based on garbage numbers.
If, on the other hand you accept the CDC's numbers, then consistency requires you also accept their numbers from previous years and compare this year to other years. And when you make that comparison you see that this year is nothing out of the ordinary and thus the public reaction is based on nothing out of the ordinary.
Either way it's a scam, whether you buy the CDC's numbers or not. As for your spreadsheet, you're not comparing year to year so it's completely non-responsive to the obvious truth revealed by the multi-year chart whether you trust CDC numbers or not.
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a0f619 No.97764
>Do you have any evidence of that?
Get in touch with any IRL pro-white group or figure and they can tell you that generally 2014 saw a shift in growth rates for their membership and viewership, which have continued along an exponential growth curve since that time. The pic you posted actually corroborates my position, though I disagree with the notion that it wouldn't change anything. Do you also think that Jewish metapolitics over the course of the 1900's had "no impact" on the United States or its policy? They did, their media campaigns were what normalized the liberal attitudes we see in formal power today, and by shifting public attitudes back, it becomes a matter of time until people in positions of formal power have to reflect that. You may note that as people become more "redpilled" society becomes more and more intolerable, without requiring limitations of bread and circuses. And to preserve their power, elites will have to accommodate this. It also, as your screencap notes, means that we can engage more openly and publicly than before, and may even be able to retain careers whilst doing so; basically the same pattern that subversive jewish ideas followed, but with pro-white ideas. So no, saying it "accomplishes nothing" is not only theoretically false, but historically false.
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a0f619 No.97765
>nd when you make that comparison you see that this year is nothing out of the ordinary
No you see that for the corona period it's up by a number that can encompass their official numbers, ergo it is consistent with them.
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50b2b6 No.97766
>no reply
>not even trying now
We won't be supporting communism. Nothing you said will ever happen. Ever. You failed. Shill on a different website.
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a0f619 No.97768
He does that with everything he disagrees with. It's very immature and why I usually just don't even bother.
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a71639 No.97769
American fracking companies are fucked.
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39bf42 No.97770
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50b2b6 No.97771
>Get in touch with any IRL pro-white group or figure and they can tell you that generally 2014 saw a shift in growth rates for their membership and viewership
Okay… so what's the result? Where have we changed things?
>I disagree with the notion that it wouldn't change anything.
You can't really disagree with reality, anon. People have DONE nothing about this shit.
>Do you also think that Jewish metapolitics over the course of the 1900's had "no impact" on the United States or its policy?
Sorry, I still don't know what you mean. I'll just lay things out a bit. We were far, far better off in every way in at the turn of last century. Whites controlled the world (yes, yes; jews owned virtually every bank of import and had massive power, but…) and white population in our colonies around the world was still growing. Slowly, certainly, but given enough time on the same course–without jewish intervention–and large swaths of Africa would have become white enough to be nations of white primacy. Even India would have seen its European population grow. And even with the jewish control of the economy, whites of all stripes still NAMED the jew. Fucking congressmen named the jew, industrialists named the jew, all Christian leaders named the jew (they still do; it's the "christians" who don't). Publicly. For all your stated "growth," naming the jew today is literally suicide everywhere in the West. You're made unemployable in the US and imprisoned in Europe, et. al.
>shifting public attitudes back
We don't have TIME anymore, anon.
>as people become more "redpilled" society becomes more and more intolerable
Pretty sure that's just us aging and being unable to take it anymore. Seems like something more relative to us than a shift in newbie redpill mental states.
>means that we can engage more openly and publicly than before, and may even be able to retain careers whilst doing so
As I just said, that's still not the case.
>historically false.
We're in uncharted waters, anon. Before today, they have never controlled every government, every bank, every education system, every publishing house, every printing press, every media apparatus, or the entire fucking Internet and through it every means of communication. They've never had Total Information Awareness before. Now they literally have cameras orbiting and in cities everywhere, 24/7, with fucking facial recognition databases attached to them. There's no historical precedent against which to compare. In the past, there has always been somewhere to go to avoid the jew–or somewhere outside their economic system against which to weigh their fiat currency.
<you didn't answer
NO ONE SAID THIS. You're literally making up arguments.
>you didn't ask anything
No shit I didn't, commie. I didn't have to. We're not falling for your shit. We won't support communism. It's just not going to happen. You have no idea where you are. Either provide evidence for your claim or don't make your claim.
Hey, fuckface. How about you actually provide a CITATION for your claims, hmm? Or maybe having the courage to reply to me directly?
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50b2b6 No.97774
>"you didn't answer" is a synonym for what you said
Literally not, no. Either provide evidence for your claim or don't make your claim.
>You had no arguments, you didn't present one, you said "waaaah no!"
The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
We're not falling for your shit. We won't support communism. It's just not going to happen.
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50b2b6 No.97776
>your alternative
Sorry, commie. We're not falling for your FALSE DICHOTOMY. You don't get to control the argument. You don't dictate what the options are. Explain why we must be forced to give up our fuel production TO THE FUCKING ZOG ITSELF, or do not make your claim. NOTHING, ANYWHERE, suggests that we will be invaded. NOTHING, ANYWHERE, suggests that we could even BE invaded. NOTHING, ANYWHERE, suggests that your timeframe is correct. NOTHING, ANYWHERE suggests that any such invasion under ANY terms, not just your fantasy commie delusions, would be successful.
Either provide evidence for your claim or don't make your claim.
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000000 No.97777
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a0f619 No.97778
>Where have we changed things?
We can talk about more redpilled topics in public than before.
>People have DONE nothing about this shit
You only define "doing" in terms of spontaneous violence.
>whites of all stripes still NAMED the jew
And in the meantime, jews were shifting media and publicity trends in their favor, which is why they won out. We are now doing the same.
>We don't have TIME anymore, anon
We have 50 years at least.
>As I just said, that's still not the case.
Bullshit, I can say the elite is full of pedophiles now, couldn't do that 3 years ago. That's a trend in a favorable direction.
>they have never controlled every government, every bank, every education system, every publishing house, every printing press, every media apparatus, or the entire fucking Internet and through it every means of communication
>Glorifying jews this much
They don't have absolute control though, or we wouldn't be chatting.
>How about you actually provide a CITATION for your claims, hmm?
Quote from man without citations.
>Or maybe having the courage to reply to me directly?
I think you project your cowardice onto all other whites, it's the only explanation I have for your wretched mindset.
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6192e5 No.97780
Why is this hoax still shilled on 8chan of all places?
Fucking retard mods pinning this hoax.
Fucking kikes.
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000000 No.97781
Can't stop violence for long.
Those who don't kill will all be killed.
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c777b5 No.97783
Happy Birthday mein führer
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50b2b6 No.97784
>We can talk about more redpilled topics in public than before.
To what END?
>You only define "doing" in terms of spontaneous violence.
Uh… no? Show me governmental policies that have been changed. Show me social changes in direct defiance of jewish law, and/or that said laws just aren't being enforced if they're to the detriment of whites. Show me the rollback of a single thing jews have done.
>We are now doing the same.
There's literally no evidence of that. They control all media and all fucking websites. They ban and delete anything they don't like.
>We have 50 years at least.
We have 15 years at MOST. Have you seen the numbers? The US white population peaked five years ago. The global white population peaks in under 10 years. Have you seen the birthrates? NO (formerly) WHITE NATION IS ABOVE REPLACEMENT RATE, even when counting the fucking nonwhite invaders.
>Bullshit, I can say the elite is full of pedophiles now, couldn't do that 3 years ago.
What? Of course you could. Even 10 years ago. Hell, even 20. You can't say who they are. Even proving it–particularly proving why they do what they do–is verboten.
>They don't have absolute control though, or we wouldn't be chatting.
Oh yes, of course, they left up a single honeypot in the fucking backwater of the Internet, unlisted on search engines, and which doesn't allow posting except from certain IPs, otherwise the site is completely broken, and which has a userbase of a few thousand worldwide, so clearly jews don't have total control. My mistake; I thought you were better than pedantry.
>Quote from man without citations.
List one thing. Just fucking one. It's your claim. YOU back it up. And while you're at it, how about you disprove what I've said? If you're right, it would totally humiliate me, right? Boy, wouldn't you like to do that. Oh, you'd revel in it. But you already know I'm telling the truth, which is why you won't bother listing a single instance when whites resisted the ZOG in the last 75 years.
>It's not a "false dichotomy" if there is no demonstrable third alternative.
There is, though. There are hundreds of alternatives. We're not doing what communists want. You're a brain damaged subhuman faggot who thinks we're actually going to go along with GIVING UP VITAL INDUSTRY TO THE ZOG. You post exactly like paid shills do.
>repeats strawman he invented seconds ago
Suicide immediately.
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000000 No.97786
I won't work.
And i won't pay any taxes.
And i also won't buy anything.
There is nothing that you can do about it.
Can't control any of us.
We will kill all of you, eventually.
You have no power at all.
We have.
White Men are living Gods.
We will manage to turn all of it in our favor.
You lost.
There is no future for you.
Only for us.
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e47984 No.97790
Dude it's not the 1960's anymore. If we really wanted to we could build 10,000 nuclear reactors in like 5 years and have a million years of electricity to power everything. We have the Yellowstone Caldera, the largest geothermal power plant on Earth, in our country. We could set up a couple hundred geothermal power plants there and have enough electricity to run everything for a million years. We've already converted all of our navy to run on nuclear power. All we'd need to do is convert our airforce and ground vehicles to also run on either batteries or mini nuclear plants and once again we've got a fully functional military. Small modular reactors are already as small as a freight car and can be carried on semi trucks. Upcoming level 4 thorium or molten salt reactors are completely safe, have no chance of meltdown, and produce no harmful radiation. Or we could just slap a bunch of photovoltaic solar cells on every building and vehicle in our nation and that works too. We've got so many ways to thrive in a post-oil world that it's not even funny. The only reason we haven't already transitioned is because a bunch of oil kikes make trillions of dollars a year and they can't be arsed to change their business model to accomodate the newest technologies.
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f1650c No.97793
>can't put my finger on exactly why that is.
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50b2b6 No.97795
>ad hominem
I described you perfectly.
>following the straw man
I called out your strawman and refused to engage.
>Look, you don't have an alternative
>because there is no alternative
There are hundreds of alternatives.
This will never happen. We're not doing what communists want. You're a brain damaged subhuman faggot who thinks we're actually going to go along with GIVING UP VITAL INDUSTRY TO THE ZOG.
>Immediately upon US oil/gas falling, armies will invade
>if the politicians & the heads of the various agencies aren't already chinese/hajji-saudi agents.
Notice how this paid shill will never name the jew. "IT'S DA CHINKS, GOYIM!" "IT'S DA SOWDIES, GOYIM!"
You're outed. It's over.
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a0f619 No.97796
>We have 15 years at MOST
I didn't realize jews were the majority population of America, otherwise they couldn't be in power by your "logic."
>There's literally no evidence of that.
>List one thing.
I've done this with you before several times. You will write a half-sentence dismissing anything I reference as a lie, a honeypot, etc. Because in your mind, no IRL activity is real.
>Show me social changes in direct defiance of jewish law
>Show me the rollback of a single thing jews have done.
People are literally burning down 5G towers.
In conclusion, you're incapable of recognizing reality. You're incapable of recognizing history. You don't understand jews and probably haven't even read Culture of Critique. You don't understand political or cultural power.
If you want to really rebut me, let's do a voice call sometime, and debate properly, rather than derailing this thread any more.
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e47984 No.97798
Who gives a shit if they go bankrupt? Let the oil kikes get fucked, serves them right for fucking European civilization for decades and polluting our environment.
Plus, let's say you're right and foreign armies decide to invade. Ok, so they're still going to have to deal with our navy, which like I said isn't dependent on oil whatsoever. If they manage to get through the navy and penetrate the mainland, then they're going to have to deal with tens of millions of good ol boys with even more millions of guns who know their local terrain like the backs of their hands. Maybe I could see this foreign invasion of yours crushing the rootless cosmopolitans in the coasts but all things considered that would be a win for us. If we get occupied by a Chink/Mud alliance then we can just hold them off for a couple decades (remember we still make all our own food and have all the arable land) until some kind of detente is reached and they can have some of the North American continent while we take the rest. Your invasion wouldn't exterminate the white race in North America, if anything it would just make us stronger and less ZOG'd.
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f1650c No.97800
>Not calculating that we have the worlds largest, most capable and advanced blue water nuclear navy.
Gas yourself.
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50b2b6 No.97802
>I didn't realize jews were the majority population of America, otherwise they couldn't be in power by your "logic."
What the fuck are you even talking about.
And yet if you draw any attention to his race…
>I've done this with you before several times. You will write a half-sentence dismissing anything I reference as a lie, a honeypot, etc. Because in your mind, no IRL activity is real.
I don't know who you are, I don't give a fuck who you are. Either provide evidence for your claims or don't make your claims. You're as worthless as the kike shilling for communism if you can't substantiate a claim you make. Whites are known for objectivity and truthfulness. "lol you won't listen so i won't bother answering i win now" isn't how whites behave.
>People are literally burning down 5G towers.
And niggers are literally opening up transformer boxes to use the oil inside to cook with. Because they're too fucking stupid to understand the truth and just went along with a narrative. Show me independent, rational thought. Show me even a single community of a single white nation that enforces a whites-only policy for housing (for example).
>In conclusion, you're incapable of recognizing reality. You're incapable of recognizing history. You don't understand jews and probably haven't even read Culture of Critique. You don't understand political or cultural power.
All utter falsehoods to hide your inability to refute what I said. I guess you have no other examples than the 5G towers?
>If you want to really rebut me, let's do a voice call sometime
Yes, yes, doxx myself. I'll get right on that. I definitely want to do what you say.
Notice how this paid shill will never name the jew. Notice how it won't explain anything it claims will happen. "IT'S DA CHINKS, GOYIM!" "IT'S DA SOWDIES, GOYIM!" Ask it to name the jew. It will evade. Because it's shilling for communism.
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e47984 No.97803
>Oil companies go bankrupt
>Therefore white people die
This is where you lost me
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000000 No.97804
It is better to have everyone killed and everything destroyed than to allow communism.
you lost forever.
Either you will be forced to live by our National Socialist rule, or you and everyone else, including me, will be killed.
If i have to kill my own children in exchange to genocide the jews, i will gladly do it.
Either we win, or nobody wins.
There is nothing wrong in killing the children of those who won't fight. They don't deserve any future either.
The only action needed is to destroy whatever benefits the jews, the chinese, and the other sub-humans.
For everything else, let it happen. The world will be a better place either with our complete victory OR with everyone purged and no one left alive.
The goal is to take down the enemies, as revenge for what they did. Even if we have to fall too. Winning is secondary to that.
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50b2b6 No.97806
>I did name israel
Name. The. Jew. Say the word jew. Say that jews are the problem–because they are jewish. Say that jews are the source of the problems. Say that others are contracted BY the jew to do the jews' bidding.
>But there is a strain which would say, "Trust the nice mongols
No one here is saying this. You have invented this out of thin air. It is the only thing you can do. You cannot reply to anything anyone actually says. You cannot substantiate any of your claims. You HAVE to lie, because you're a jew shilling for communism.
> - the problem is the kikes.
It is. Anyone who says otherwise is paid by jews to post here.
It's because he's paid to post incoherent, pro-communist spam.
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a0f619 No.97807
>I don't know who you are
Then you're more retarded than I thought Tallest_Skil. I literally ran through this convo with you a few weeks back. Anyway I'm not wasting more time on you.
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f1650c No.97809
Bitch, how do you deploy an army? kys post haste. China is fucked you stooge, not the US.
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50b2b6 No.97810
Yeah, I really don't know who you are. Again, I don't care. I care about what you have to say. Either post fact or go to another website. They're all controlled by jews and ban anything that goes against the narrative. There you can hide out all you like and not have to worry about people even asking you to prove your claims, because you can hide behind "but but but they'll ban me if I do, so i won't!"
>Anyway I'm not wasting more time on you.
Okay, you've admitted that nothing you said is real.
Name. The. Jew. Say the word jew. Say that jews are the problem–because they are jewish. Say that jews are the source of the problems. Say that others are contracted BY the jew to do the jews' bidding.
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e47984 No.97813
You dumb bitch, there's no way this isn't an intentional subversive campaign at this point. I had given you the benefit of the doubt, but at this point there's no doubt you're just trying to shit up this thread.
Listen, you fantastically retarded motherfucker, the Navy exists to PREVENT the invasion force from getting to the mainland in the first place. As has been said previously, our navy entirely runs on nuclear power, and is basically like a giant magnetic field surrounding the North American continent against any charged electrons (Chink/Mud alliance) that would try and get into the mainland. The navy would probably dunk on any invading force that would try and take the mainland, especially when you consider the fact that the Chink/Mud alliance doesn't even have a blue water navy that can project power globally or conduct full scale invasions, their navies can only protect their homelands. Also, even if they did somehow break through our navy, then again they've got to deal with tens of millions of armed whites. Maybe they take our cities but they won't take WASPs in the U.S. and Canada. We have the food, we have the arable land, we have the guns, they don't win that fight. We reach a stalemate, a peace treaty is signed, and we get a new country where they own the coasts of North America and we get the center. Kikes get fucked. Whites benefit.
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50b2b6 No.97814
>doesn't do it
Extremely telling.
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f1650c No.97815
<<97811 ← wasted
… Have you ever seen the ocean? Fucking filtered. Goddamn these chongbots are irritating, like skeeters.
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e47984 No.97816
>The goal is to take down the enemies, as revenge for what they did. Even if we have to fall too. Winning is secondary to that.
Speak for yourself retard. You're just as delusional and bitter as the oilfag. We don't actually want European civilization to fall, we want to beat the kikes, regain our lost heritage/honor/civilizations, let our Faustian Spirit run wild and imprint ourselves amongst the stars. We're not on a suicide mission.
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f1650c No.97821
Hey bruh bruh, can you prune this bitches pubes a bit, OP? I know it will take you away from your cock sucking quota but we got a couple real niggers in here shitting this poor thing up.
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e47984 No.97824
If Vietnamese rice farmers can win a war of attrition against the military industrial complex then we can sure as shit win it against a Chink/Mud alliance that will already be extremely battered after somehow making it past our navy (they wouldn't even be able to do this). Plus, in the civil war the south and north were on the same continent, there was no naval invasion necessary. Also, the North had the industrial and numerical advantage, and despite this they would have lost if it weren't for the Battle of Gettysberg turning everything around. Your Chink/Mud alliance does not have the industrial advantage at all. They have to get through our navy and they can't even put together a navy of their own. They don't own the food, they don't own the arable land, they don't know the land like we do. There is no way they will be able to completely exterminate middle America/Canada. You are delusional if you think the civil war is in any way remotely comparable to a foreign invasion by chinks+muds
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e47984 No.97834
>Still can't answer how they're going to get through our Navy
>Completely dodges the failed equivalence between the civil war and a China/Mud invasion
>Still can't explain how chinks & muds are going to conquer tens of millions of armed whites who are in their natural terrain and have complete control of all food production
Ok chaim, whatever you say.
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51989b No.97837
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a9f5b6 No.97839
YES! Please! I NEED a high res version of this.
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d434d4 No.97840
>delete the faggot
Done. I can't even be fucked filtering through their incoherent, OT, MUH OIL posts for the one or two remotely relevant ones. Few others are borderline too feeding the spam, DONT TOUCH THE POOP FAGGOTS. Fucking one line chat-style spergers.
It's not like US can't make their own oil in a war, anyway.
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f1650c No.97844
Imagine not knowing about the Fischer–Tropsch process. God bless Germany.
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eb2fb1 No.97846
The Chimpening is beginning in South Africa, we can only hope for more fireworks to come soon. I knwo it's Zerohedge doom porning again but still valid.
>Cape Town Cops Fire Rubber Bullets, Teargas As South African Food Shortages Spark Riots, Looting
Dude that was a horrible waste of digits TORfag.
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f1650c No.97850
It's not confusing at all, really. She desperately needs to be fucked absolutely senseless by her archetype of protector. She's never had a Daddy and know understands why Daddy is so important. It's tragic, really. Her incoherence is the synthesis of the ideological programming that she has swallowed, which is innately toxic and inconsistent as it is unnatural, and a psychological or psychiatric malady of some kind, the high stress in "intense" isolation has caused all of it to convolve and potentiate into psychosis. Her adoption of such extreme philosophical points of view is likely the result of psychological vulnerabilities that may stem a serious underlying psychiatric disorder. In either case enough Liberalism causes psychosomatic psychosis as it removes all forms of coherence from the senses. She needs what she's been taught to hate and despise, it's the only thing that will truly make her feel safe, a man she trusts with her life… telling her what to do.
This is what breaking the conditioning can look like.
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43061f No.97851
CCP punishing officials in northern provinces for failing to contain Corona-Chan https://archive.is/wyMe3 That would imply they ever had the chance of succeeding in the first place, lmao. They are being punished for no reason, it's not like they can do anything about the Goddess.
Anti-quarantine lockdown motorcade in Manaus, the Brownzilian city that's getting hit the hardest by the virus https://archive.is/qlD1n https://archive.is/J8rLs Some people aren't happy with this at all.
Anti-lockdown protester in Ohio showing people what the real plague is https://archive.is/HFfDw
Rise of in the number of deaths among Navajo indians prompts the Navajo Nation to tell their people to wear masks in public https://archive.is/6Kvtg The tribe has 1197 confirmed cases and 44 (checked) confirmed deaths.
The CNS apologizes for the long period of time since its last update. We will now take a holy break but we will be back soon. Stay tuned dear readers, and happy 4/20 to all of you!
South apefrica and Niggeria are the best places to be right now…if you like chaos, that is. The fireworks will surely come!
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eb2fb1 No.97856
>happy 4/20 to all of you!
I'm going to burn one give the Roman salute as I exhale. Also I didn't even catch the hilariously bad nigger tier shouldering of the shotgun, in that pic.
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d434d4 No.97861
>Made a Happy Birthday Adi bread
Heil Hitler!
Kek forgot about that and that's aside from shale and memethanol ffs. US can make lots of oil, period.
>Bioengineering infopack sent
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b9bad9 No.97882
South African Food Shortages Spark Riots, Looting
Meat Prices Suddenly Surge As Food Processing Plants Shut Down, With 1000s Of Tons Left To Spoil
Western Nations Will Likely Not Recover Economically For A Long Time, Get Used To Shortages
^ Coronavirus Exposed Dangers of Supply Chains Dependent on China
MY COMMENT: When will Americans ever learn we need more industry, not more debt!?
MY COMMENT: Just another reason I've been busy prepping lately. I know, at some point, we may have to fight back and things could get VERY UGLY in Amerika!!!
Sooner Or Later, Americans Will Have To Choose Between Freedom Or A Micro-Chipped Vaccine
MY COMMENT: Do not forget, with Freedom will come hard work, self-sufficiency and responsibility. The dumb down masses and the (((ruling class))) will look down upon those who do not take the Mark Of The Beast. We will be considered outsiders, so we will have to get away from the rest of society and start our own forms of barter and trade on the local level! Get to know your local farmers/rachers! I cannot express to you how important that is!!!
^ ID 2020: Gates Foundation Calls For Global Solidarity To (Force) Vaccinate 7 Billion People
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b9bad9 No.97883
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d2da2c No.97887
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cda066 No.97890
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >tens of anon replying to a couple of posts that are now deleted
What did I miss? How fucking obvious was that chink to be deleted by mods on CCP payroll?
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df9cdb No.97900
> Why is this hoax still shilled on 8chan of all places?
Isn't it curious how 8kun came back online right before this virus narrative started? Just sayin.
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3aa4d7 No.97901
>expecting to overturn 100 years of jewish subversive brainwashing in just one generation of zoomers redpilled by dank memes
undoing what the kikes have done takes time anon
people here talk about the zog emperor being full of shit and a false hope for Qoomers but looking at the bigger picture, Trump is just another example of the slow shift in mainstream's overton window, i had never heard anyone even daring to talk about anchor babies before Trump popularized the term, and you guys can laugh at Qoomers all you like but just 5 years ago, all of those retards would have been publicly laughed at as Alex Jones tier tin foil hat rednecks, now you see them at political rallies being a large part of the voting block.
Kikes didn't just start declaring frog memes as antisemitic for nothing, i have seen normies make holohoax jokes more openly than ever before, likewise i see more opposition to feminism and other forms of Marxism than i had ever seen in my life, normies are waking up at such an alarming rate that kikes have no choice but to double down on their "shit it down" tactics which just pisses and awakes normies even more
and it's not like lemmings are having an easy life either, their acquisitive power keeps shrinking more and more along with any hopes, dreams or opportunities to prosper they may have had, barely anyone can afford a house, a car, a family or even a pet.
Even millenials have realized that the zog sponsored degeneracy they've been gobbling up their whole lives has ruined them beyond repair turning men into betacucks and women into whores, they may deny it all they want but they can't hide their own self hatred from the zoomers.
None of these things would be a problem if there was still quality circus to appease normies, unfortunately for (((them))) gamergate and Trump derangement syndrome forced the poz to go into overdrive ruining movies, comics, vidya and anything else that may have kept the normies asleep get woke go broke
TLDR: normies are both disappointed and disgusted with themselves, the system that raised them, the media they consume and the only thing kikes can do to stop the boiling pot from spilling over the fire is putting a pressure lid on top of it
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d434d4 No.97906
>Anon maintains, contributes to and OPs 50+ breads detailing all the fuckery of the chinks bioengineering and spreading the virus and the kikes complicit in it
This faggot comes along >>97890
<no u CCP
You are a dumb nigger who can't into reading bread. They spammed 40+ threads about state buyout of US oil production.
Love how you base your 'its a hoax' assumption on one set of data that isn't counting the massive increase in deaths at home that are not tested, the 4:1 ratio in Italy to actual death rate increase, etc etc. Every country is reporting data differently and every set of data is bad for its own reasons.
To say it's nothing is ignoring 50+ threads of evidence presented that is quite clearly showing the opposite.
How many million need to die? Do you think the amount of deaths will just stop now it has reached your next moving goalpost?
Disenchantment with kike puppet govt is rising all over the show.
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d434d4 No.97907
*40+ replies
Fuck my typo and fuck you.
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c71426 No.97908
>White people national guard helping Navajo people in their shithole.
Why are they helping them? The natives wants the white people out of USA. Am I right?
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ee20f3 No.97912
Umm no, i've never heard that in my life. Navajo's are usually pretty cool.
It's official folks, the white nationalist movement is DOA. Learn to thrive in a multicultural country is the only option. If white nationalists aren't capable of befriending other races, it's over. All we know how to do is talk shit about others, that's a winning strategy.
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4549f3 No.97918
Jews take nearly half of the profits of injiun casinos, so in reality those casinos are half jew owned, the Jews can't afford to lose their biggest loophole and assets.
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5fba65 No.97920
I have been trying to keep up with this but everything happening to fast. Is she still going strong or are the death and infected going down? so much mixed info
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6dee98 No.97925
Why do people having mental breakdown shave their heads?
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6dee98 No.97926
Also who has the webm of the English guy rant about Nationality ?
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4549f3 No.97931
hair pulling is satisfying when reliving stress but could led to picture related which why she probably shaved it all off, and why I bought a punching bag instead.
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08ce3a No.97933
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2f6410 No.97935
Oh you are one of those people.
The numbers are not exaggerated the percentage of the death is real.
you will see, you nothing burger faggots said the same thing since January that it was like the flue and this will never cause a pandemic because the WHO said so.
You faggots should be ashamed of yourself to be played by the bugs like this because you thought that everything is about the Zionist.
You do realize that the bugs have a superiority complex, right?
It is on par with the Jews or worse than the Jews, since they think that their old kingdoms where made by them and it was better than every other culture out there.
Thanks to you faggots the government all around the world will have more power because you retards think it is a good idea to go out during a pandemic because freedom or some retardation.
and the more you fucks go out there the more government cannot trust people which leads to more surveillance and other shit.
So thank you, you fucking nigger.
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4929ec No.97937
Wish I could get some of these poses in the editor, or just change the set. Either way, happy birthday, Uncle A. Keep up the good work in Israel, Corona-chan!
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e33e62 No.97938
Anons are Navy Seals compared to Normies during the current crisis. Normies aren't prepared for the psychological warfare that lies ahead. A lot more mental breakdowns to come.
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ee57f0 No.97940
>Love how you base your 'its a hoax' assumption on one set of data that isn't counting the massive increase in deaths at home that are not tested, the 4:1 ratio in Italy to actual death rate increase, etc etc. Every country is reporting data differently and every set of data is bad for its own reasons.
Not the anon you are replying to, nor do I necessarily disagree with you either. I feel the need to respond because this is something I have been thinking about the last few days. The inaccuracy of death statistics, the lack of testing, the debate over the lockdown issue and whether it really helps all that much, etc. And then it dawned on me for a bit: exactly how would governments really deploy such mass tests everywhere to everyone? Do they expect us to wait in 8 or 9 hour lines to get tested? And what about those who do not trust the establishment to test them (those that fear vaccines)? How is any government to deal with millions of people in need of testing, while many do not want it or those who do not believe this bioweapon is real? Thinking about this I've come to the conclusion that governments are really not in control over this as they'd like to be, nor were most ready for this kind of chaotic response by the public either. Maybe (((some))) thought they could get more control over us by releasing this bioweapon…. and now are scrambling to take control of their narratives not knowing what the fuck to do next? It seems like this is the most logical conclusion to me.
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a0f619 No.97943
>Maybe (((some))) thought they could get more control over us by releasing this bioweapon
This wasn't intentionally released anon. That's why the elite situation is so bad right now and why they were in such denial over corona in the early months. Yes, it's bio-engineered -partly by jews- but nobody planned that Chong would sell the lab test animals to the market for a few extra yuan.
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3aa4d7 No.97946
>nobody planned that Chong would sell the lab test animals to the market for a few extra yuan.
>kikes literally being jewed out of their kike empire by kikery itself
it's like poetry
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693406 No.97947
That's the first I've heard about that outbreak theory but it is totally possible.
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7d05a4 No.97949
>Yes, it's bio-engineered -partly by jews- but nobody planned that Chong would sell the lab test animals to the market for a few extra yuan.
this is my strongest guess too, chinks are so fucking dumb with safety, you have all seen those workplace videos from China, Jesus Christ..
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7d05a4 No.97950
>first I've heard about that outbreak theory
you must be new in here
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43061f No.97951
The CNS is proud to resume it's holy operations on this magnificent Monday! We're sorry to be running a little late! We were looking for notable happenings, can't post trash on such an important day
A chink cop gently asks an apefrican to sit down https://archive.is/bdV32 Why tire your legs when you can sit down.
Anti-lockdown protests in Ossetia https://archive.vn/drJS3 I knew it was a matter of time before a slavout happened.
The economy is still blessed: Dow is feeling under the weather and oil got hospitalized. https://archive.vn/hr8E6
Two Denver nurses block the path of an anti-quarantine lockdown motorcade https://archive.vn/7it9q It's like a very low budget version of Tiananmen Square!
Norway says they got the outbreak under control, decided to reopen pre-schools to prove it https://archive.is/vqbc0 It's not going to be pretty if this backfires.
>Also I didn't even catch the hilariously bad nigger tier shouldering of the shotgun, in that pic.
Me neither lmao.
>Bioengineering infopack sent
Now we wait and see what happens. But I will just say it already, great job anon!
>>97882 >>97883
Hail Text-only newsposter!
>Am I right?
I honestly don't know since I'm not a Burger or know much about American indians.
The Aussie with the whip at the chink embassy?
You're an idiot if you have to make that kind of stupid question at this point. Seriously.
Beautiful art!
You must have arrived recently. Some anons have said they believe this hypothesis many many. threads ago.
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265cd0 No.97952
Well, I mean that actual lab animals were sold by corrupt mid-level staff in some bioweapons lab lol. I don't believe the whole bat soup non-sense because normal corona only effects certain animals, not humans. This corona is more like SARS 2.0 with an airborne HIV transmission delivery system.
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b7b40d No.97953
> Poo paper is wrong, because the (((mainstream sources))) say so.
I prefer to think for myself, thanks. Besides, the mainstream understand is rapidly shifting away from the (((mainstream narrative))).
> All the players were kikes
> Puritan! It's fun, and fun within marriage is even better.
Precisely my point. But fun within marriage is the only sustainable fun. Outside of marriage, it leads to suffering.
> Heinlein and fascism
People who call Heinlein fascist are simply demonstrating that they don't know Heinlein, or fascism.
> Storing beef
I have two chest freezers, and three stand-up refrigerators. I haven't ordered any more meat that we normally order for the year, and storage won't be a problem. As for power outages, I have soapstone blocks I put in the freezers to help with thermal regulation, and I have a means to generate electricity for the freezers that is independent of the main grid.
> Virus is a great heist
Yep. But just because you're being conned, doesn't mean that the conman is lying about having a gun.
> Hydroxychloroquine as side effects
So does every drug, but that doesn't prevent (((doctors))) from handing them out like candy.
> Life outside of Terra
Sauce, plz.
> The last bulk of threads were filled with shills
> Awareness of European heritage is increasing
I can tell ya'll that I have been red/black pilled since I was a teenager, but kept quiet about it I was afraid of what other people would think of me, so I kept my opinions to myself. But today, I'm the loudest white nigger in the room, openly calling for the expulsion of the (((circle-people))); and I don't get very many people who disagree with me. Granted, I don't immediately go 1488, but people are definitely nodding by the time I get to the end of my spiel. Also, I don't try this with faggots or libtards, but it does work with "conservatives" and niggers.
Start slowly with one un-falsifiable point, and slowly shove the wedge in. People's attitudes are changing. Zum die dicke ende,
This bio-weapon attack is going to push people over the edge, especially once people understand (((who))) was involved in creating it.
> A man she trusts with her life… telling her what to do.
I did this to my wife. I showed her how incredibly competent I am, and how monumentally deadly I am, and how resolutely prepared I am, and that I require her absolute obedience, and that her obedience will be instantly rewarded, and that everything I require of her is for her own good, and how much sex I require from her, and she is now content in all ways. Naturally, my wife grew up without a father.
> It wasn't intentionally released
I believe it was engineered to look accidental. The fact that Israeli doctors were already working on a vaccine, combined with Event201 last October, lends credence to the notion that this was all part of (((a plan))).
> It came out of a wet market in Wuhan
Bullshit. Patient zero was almost certainly Huang Yan Ling. Please excuse the plebbit screenshot, but I'm too lazy to write up my own summary, and I can't recall where I first saw her name on /pnd/. The wet market theory is just chink misdirection.
I suspect she was targeted for infection, as that would allow for perfect deniability on the part of the (((disease spreaders))).
> Gauliter
Good morning, and happy Sigismund Tag.
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e8cf77 No.97970
On that Israeli vaccine note, nothing has materialized yet and it may have been a kike lie to get grant money and medical technology (to sell), not something genuine they had or were working on.
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df9cdb No.97971
> The natives wants the white people out of USA.
Or the USA out of North America.
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f7618b No.97973
One would hope that would be the case actually, but we should be ready if they dare try to force something like that against our will, as far as I'm concerned I don't care what the law is when it comes to my personal safety and the protection of my well being and property, if the day comes where they try forcing some nano-chipped vaccine the laws are thrown out the window and there would be blood shed over the ordeal. Everyone needs to plan ahead now, and know where they stand on that issue.
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0ec527 No.97975
Here's the latest numbers, up to the 19th.
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b7b40d No.97983
> Israel kikes could have been jewing for money, and not actually working on a (((Vaccine)))
On one hand, that could be the case. On the other hand, the (((circle-people))) could be completely innocent of any ill-will. But on the gripping-hand, the dick-choppers are evil motherfuckers who will stop at nothing to enslave all of humanity.
I just wish we had access to direct evidence of kike guilt. As it stands, most people are willing to believe that there may be more involved than just rice-nigger incompetence, but I'm not aware of anything that undeniably links the satan-suckers to the outbreak. Yes, the circumstantial evidence would lead a rational normie to believe that (((they))) are the ringleaders, but there's nothing fully-concrete. Please correct me if possible.
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1e71d0 No.97986
>I have two chest freezers, and three stand-up refrigerators. I haven't ordered any more meat that we normally order for the year, and storage won't be a problem. As for power outages, I have soapstone blocks I put in the freezers to help with thermal regulation, and I have a means to generate electricity for the freezers that is independent of the main grid.
Good strategy anon, also consider other options as well, like turning some of that meat into jerky to last a long time. Those box freezers will consume a lot of energy, so rationing without major solar paneling my be difficult to do, and you might have to power them in 4 or 5 hour intervals to keep them cold while rationing some of the energy. I find with half a cow it takes almost 2 box freezers to fill up with all the beef, but if you have some extra refrigerators you can get by with using one box freezer plus the freezer sides of the spare refrigerators. Some people even can their beef for long-term preservation but that also takes rotation as they won't store forever.
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148661 No.97991
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7417e3 No.98006
The ones who aren’t incoherent alcoholics probably have up on that a long time ago which I’m hoping isn’t prophetic of our fate
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7417e3 No.98007
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b7b40d No.98009
> Anon provides circumstantial evidence of Christ-killer involvement
> NIH funded Wuhan Lab
> Wuhan lab experimenting on bat viruses
> State Dept. knew of the risk posed by the Wuhan lab
> Gates and Fauci working on immunity certificates
> Fauci pushing mandatory vaccines
> Gates and Fauci have a conflict of interest
> Gates pushing to force a vaccine on everyone
All that makes sense to me, but my brain doesn't work like a normie's. And none of those articles even name (((the problem))), which is all that matters to dumbass TV-watchers. Without a flashing sign that says, "this guy did it", regular sportsball fags are just going to assume Red Death is the result of run-of-the-mill fuckery. It'll be hard enough to convince people that it's a bio-weapon, let-alone that Jewbrews were the ringleaders behind it all. Fauci, Gates and the chinks are just fronts for kiked organizations, but very few people are willing to look beyond such fronts. What we really need are some leaked emails, in which Gates is discussing the plan with (((his leaders))). And even then, the Giga-kike could have some cucked golem to insulate himself from Gates.
So I'm tracking alongside you via the articles you provided, but none of that is sufficiently demonstrative to the typical Medienhure.
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df9cdb No.98011
> (((latest numbers)))
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78e706 No.98014
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d3c83e No.98017
>gas going well under $2 from this
ha ha, time to drive aimlessly
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26a22a No.98021
Suck my dick, kike
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c777b5 No.98027
Oil is tanking like a fucking anvil
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0845ba No.98030
death to globohomo
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c777b5 No.98032
wouldn't we also die in the crossfire for profit?
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d3c83e No.98033
Saudi princes won't have the funds for it after this.
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0845ba No.98034
who cares? most of you are clearly willing to go along to get along with the kikenigger system.
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ebc9fd No.98036
Michigander here, just saw my first mosquito. Then I had a chilling thought.
Can mosquitos carry Corona and infect people?
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d3c83e No.98037
Corona can't be contracted when eaten, and mosquitoes can't carry HIV, so maybe they can't.
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78e706 No.98042
war when?
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d3c83e No.98045
Real bad day to be an oil tycoon.
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0e38bf No.98049
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4549f3 No.98056
oil $1 per barrel
Negative pricing soon
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78e706 No.98057
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d3c83e No.98060
>$.06 per barrel
wew fucking lad
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0845ba No.98061
whatdoesitmean.com / sorchafaal is zionist propaganda
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b7b40d No.98062
> Can mosquitoes carry corona?
No data. But they do carry other diseases, so assume they do. I keep a bug zapper running in the living room, and I've taken to running an ozone generator in the garage/shop/barn.
> Oil prices tanking.
Now, aren't we all glad that we didn't buy the dip? I spent my money on food and farm supplies.
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ae52fd No.98063
It takes a lot of money just to store all that surplus oil they have! You do realize this will likely kill off most oil companies in the US, right? China or kikes will likely just buy them all up on pennies on the dollar!! Not so good for "energy independence!"
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1702a2 No.98064
Perhaps so, I just stumbled on this link and found it absolutely cringe worthy. Odd stuff, but wanted to include something that was such a different perspective on this happening. Regardless, other news links are pretty juicy too.
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0845ba No.98066
Trump will sign off on it in exchange for Trump Tower Shenzen.
Nothing perhaps about it.
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d3c83e No.98067
>allowed to buy anything
I think they'd rather face bankruptcy or the kikes than deal with the chinese.
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43061f No.98068
Yurop attempting to return to normality https://archive.vn/MdtID They had to do it sooner or later. Looks like they're choosing sooner.
Chimpout in Villeneuve-la-Garenne, Paris: Mudslimes aloha snackbaring with fireworks instead of high explosives, after one of their own crashed his bike into an unmarked police car. https://archive.is/JgKQ1 Sounds just like Brussels lmao. Mudslimes can't into motorcycles.
It turns out the Brownzilian cloromeme study touted by Bolsonaro is dodgy as hell https://archive.is/tCxCp
>In short from this study : 1/ We don't know whether these patients were #SARSCoV2 diagnosed
>2/ Huge selection bias, cases omitted % not blinded, not randomized and open label
>3/ The results are meaningless.
>4/ The study is in short atrocious
>Now there are others issues with this study: 1/ Clinical trial was registered 2 days ago and they are not yet recruiting
>2/ The study is performed from an insurance company in Brazil which has promoted its telemedicine application for #CORVID19 ! So they have an interest to show efficacy of telemedicine against CORVID19. the fact they have declared no COI is a joke
>In conclusion, this is really really bad study and awful science, who knows that might have treated flu after all. Ethically it is very wrong. It is really sad.
JBS pork plant in Worthington closed due to airborne aids https://archive.is/wfMQj
>The Aussie with the whip at the chink embassy?
Never mind, I misread your post >>97926 so disregard my stupid question.
>it may have been a kike lie to get grant money and medical technology (to sell), not something genuine they had or were working on.
Yep and even if something comes out of it, you obviously shouldn't take it or any other vaccine, they're all bullshit.
I posted a RT article about that.
I think this has been discussed before but I haven't seen big brain anons come to a conclusion yet.
>war when?
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4549f3 No.98069
>>98060 see >>98056 second image, some companies are lower past $0 per barrel and already in the negative pricing, this protects the consumer.
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78e706 No.98070
she is keep on giving
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df9cdb No.98071
Good time to be in the oil storage business.
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9badcb No.98073
>Nothing perhaps about it.
I'll refrain from posting links to that shady source in the future, but that one article was worthy of mentioning due to some of the linked sources in their report. It's on a whole other tier of conspiracy really.
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62209c No.98074
They'll likely face bankruptcy or, perhaps, the companies will get massive bailouts or be nationalized for national security reasons.
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d3c83e No.98075
What are the odds of this allowing alternative fuel sources comeing forth that aren't worthless green energy? Or will gas be too cheap to really bother?
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a0f619 No.98076
What does tyhat chart mean and can I get a link please?
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6f320a No.98079
I think America should be looking into both thorium production and solar energy to be honest. Along with re-opening some of those older coal plants. If those oil companies go bankrupt, what happens to the energy supply chain? They would have to be bailed out or nationalized to avert major crisis. Meanwhile, yes, we best look into alternatives (conventional and non-conventional). Even the US Navy has looked into sea-water as a source of energy production (not sure how it works or the details of it) but worthy to consider.
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a0f619 No.98084
>solar energy
Photovoltaic cells are in the process of getting major upgrades to electrical output and conversion efficiency right now. They're on track to outpace the solar power tower model by a fair margin over the course of this decade and they aren't crap anymore.
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78e706 No.98087
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c05449 No.98089
Nice, I would recommend that then too. Whatever we can do to provide power to the country when in need.
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4ec007 No.98094
pls no.
>photovolts and solarmemes
Individual or company deployment of battery, capacitor, and electrical solutions, then with or without photovoltaic panels, should be done. Provided that zero USD leaves to any owner/bank/company outside the USA. The pent-tuple dutch tax and debt scams-for-china left the entire thing a mess, and it will take a decade to clean up the 'regulatory' mess of negative properties and ruined builds created. But you might want to pause all that with negative oil per barrel.
Consider, but please ask that people learn. A little. Maybe. I don't want to think that asking people to learn is asking too much. What a mess of messes solarmemes+govt created.
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43061f No.98100
I have no oy and I must vey: 3 kikes arrested right outside the chabad-lubavitch world headquarters for violating the quarantine lockdown https://archive.is/3JFw2
>New York City police enforcing coronavirus social distancing restrictions arrested three men officers say were gathered outside a closed Brooklyn synagogue and ignored warnings to separate.
>It happened Thursday evening at the World Headquarters of Chabad-Lubavitch. Officers were dispatched to the synagogue in response to calls of New Yorkers not social distancing, NYPD’s top uniform cop Terence Monahan said.
>Menachem Hilel, 29, was charged with assault and criminal trespass, the New York Post reported Sunday. Ariel Balon, 37, and Moshe Blumenfeld, 20, were charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and obstructing governmental administration.
Thank you for this great birthday gift to the Fuhrer, Corona-Chan
Goybook shoah'ing posts about organizing anti-lockdown protests in California, New Jersey, and Nebraska due to instructions coming from the ZOGs of these states. https://archive.is/WxKMI Honestly, serves them right for organizing on fucking goybook of all places.
Anti-quarantine protests in Vladikavkaz https://archive.is/VaBez
Kind South Apefricans volunteering themselves to help a trucker unload his cargo https://archive.is/tX6xf The trucker forgot to tell them where they should take the cargo, though. I guess it's theirs now.
I hope /o/ is ready to Flintstone their cars around.
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df9cdb No.98105
> pls no.
Devastating argument. I'm persuaded.
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a6fc46 No.98107
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502f0a No.98108
Can someone explain whats happening? For some reason we topped out at 5-6k deaths a day. For at least 3 weeks. This seems extremely low on a worldwide scale. Growth also stagnates. Few places have total lockdown and places like Sweden should be melting down from the virus, since they didn't quarantine, but trying to go for the doubtful herd immunity.
Also, what's up with the second wave/reinfections? I remember mainly cuckchan shilling this idea back in february, but I don't know if it's true and if there are any proof of it happening. If there is such a possibility, is it worse than the initial encounter with the virus?
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c777b5 No.98109
Just leaving this here in case
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df9cdb No.98110
> Can someone explain whats happening?
It's almost as if it's a hoax.
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d2e8f2 No.98111
I told you to learn Teeline, but did you listen? No. There may still be time. The purpose of Teeline is simply this, that you may avoid shutdowns. They're doing such things through automation. To be precise, China uses AI to crawl the whole web quite quickly. Then, key phrases automatically generate action events for the 80 cent crew (to, for example, flag posts, astroturf whatever).
Anyway, Chinese AI has no capacity to deal with Teeline, and for many reasons, actually.
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66aaec No.98112
I'd recommend Thorium rather than conventional nuclear power, even though it is radio-active it is not nearly as much so as Cesium, Uranium or Plutonium. In fact, it won't devastate the environment nearly as bad as conventional nuclear reactors would if it were to leak or face a disaster. I think Fukushima was a game-changer reminding nations there are less deadly nuclear alternatives out there (like Thorium) we could begin utilizing. Maybe we should slowly switch from conventional to something like Thorium over the next decade? Another reason would be Thorium is plentiful and very cheap compared to Cesium, Uranium and Plutonium!
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a9f5b6 No.98113
>Oil is free
Can somebody explain why?
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fab3cf No.98114
>Can someone explain whats happening?
More or less half of the world went on lock-down for weeks, this was to be expected, also don't forget that places like africa and india can't properly test.
>what's up with the second wave/reinfections?
Probably in a few months if it is like the spanish flu
But who knows maybe the virus wasn't as deadly as we thought and this is it, it's still a happening that will be felt for years to come, but it's not what i was looking forward to, we will only know after months path at the very least.
Living is a hoax dude, kill yourself
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502f0a No.98116
Also, no government who taken measures are planning to loosen measures, except for the US. Which makes no sense considering the negligable impact on society.
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4ec007 No.98118
pls. no.
>this and that and this and oh but this
>and then
>but thor-
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0845ba No.98119
Biomass torrefaction should also be a priority, especially in cold climate rural/semi-rural areas.
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a0f619 No.98120
History In The Making: Oil Settles At Negative $37.63 Per Barrel
I have no idea what this means but there's a lot of red on it.
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d2e8f2 No.98121
If oil/gas isn't nationalized this week, better start learning chinese or arabic, because the land invasion is inevitable (armies run on oil).
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d2da2c No.98122
>CDC Corona Tests Tainted With Corona Bioweapon, Feds Confirm
What's with kung flu tests being tainted? A Luxembourg company messed up the same way with the tests that they provided to the UK, and I read some comment about tests provided by the chinks to the japs that were also infecting the Japanese with a new strain but there was no source to go along with it.
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0845ba No.98123
We've already been invaded.
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d2e8f2 No.98124
You're late. I covered this last night. Either Trump nationalizes oil/gas, or the US will be invaded. It's literally inevitable. (Why do you think China engages in subversive propaganda? Subversive propaganda is proof positive of planned invasion).
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d2e8f2 No.98125
Yes, Zuckerberg, for example, is the invasion of kike-chinese control. And the CIA is entirely controlled by the chinese.
But there remains still something, the potential of resistance. But do you really yourself resist, actually? I think you're a loser and a useful idiot, after all, have you learned Teeline?
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a72948 No.98126
Storing oil consumes a lot of energy itself ironically and it does cost a lot of money to store massive tankers of oil. If the oil prices go down, so does the ability to afford storing it and extracting more of it. Thus, an economic downward spiral.
That's not really a reason anon. Thorium is cheaper, less a hazard and more plentiful.
Honestly, I don't trust any governments at this point, they all suck and are Jew-infiltrated.
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d2e8f2 No.98127
Sorry, I just realized this is chinese propaganda:
Genre of subversion: demoralization.
Democralization somehow always includes obvious baldfaced lies.
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d2e8f2 No.98128
Neil Cavuto is the biggest chinese anti-American activist in American history.
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d2e8f2 No.98129
Here is how to understand the difference between people, know them by what they value, and what they value by their behavior.
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0845ba No.98130
I'm not talking about chinks per say, though they are a problem in and of themselves. Ragheads, kikes, niggers, indios, hindustanis. Take your pick.
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000000 No.98131
Does anyone know how the situation is in Mexico?
I'm currently in the US but wanted to return home for a while :/
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d2e8f2 No.98133
It's called a "foretaste". Seems you've come to enjoy the semen up your butt.
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d2e8f2 No.98134
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79d2b9 No.98135
Bad, anon. Saw an article on ZH I think talking about how they're seeing a surge and hospitals are getting overwhelmed in different parts of the country.
Corona's starting to roll on the Russkies, too. Going to be a red spring indeed.
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4549f3 No.98136
Be careful with solar panels, most of those are chinese junk, find one that's made in Germany or USA and don't hire any Mexicans too many scams out there.
No it's negatives now meaning it's not worth it storing anymore, they paying for you to take it off their hands, that's how devalued oil is right now.
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0845ba No.98138
No, I'm saying the problem is bigger than you're making it out to be.
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d2e8f2 No.98139
This is how agents operate, establishing pseudonyms and a back story:
It's fake.
It's bullshit.
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9a94b7 No.98140
Good afternoon everybody!
It helps to take break from a subject every now and again. Helps restart with a new vigor as well as focus on other areas of life that still
What are you guys' thoughts on the situation in Sweden? I keep hearing cuckservative and lolbergs in mass, social, and alt media harping on Sweden's nonchalant, devil-may-care attitude and their nothingburger-tier containment practices. They claim the death rate is extremely low and this somehow proves quarantine is counter-intuitive. Also, 4cuck has been unberable the past week. Even their /cvg/ is worth
>I have no oy and I must vey
>Can someone explain whats happening? For some reason we topped out at 5-6k deaths a day. For at least 3 weeks.
We are still in the first wave, which often are not as significant as people make them out to be. I'd be more impressed how well /ourgirl/ carried along the first round. 5k-6k confirmed deaths a day is nothing to sneeze at when the mere estimate of a regular flu season is significantly less.
>Also, what's up with the second wave/reinfections?
Throughout history, most major plagues go through various waves of infection. The black plague has a first wave in the 1300's but its infamy was sealed during the more deadly second wave infection of the 1500's. The same happened with the Spanish Flu. What happens is that after the first wave fizzles out in many parts of the world, people attempt to resume normal life thinking that the disease has been quelled. What they don't understand is that the first wave ebbs and flows unevenly and doesn't end at the same time at every major hotspot. As people try to stupidly cling to the status quo of the zeitgeist, the virus is in other parts of the world still ravishing certain populaces and mutating. It often mutates into something worse than the strain of the first, and mutations also neutralize treatments and tests that were only made for one or so strains in mind and not a novel mutated strain. This is why flu vaccines are not the panacea they are made out to be. When fall and winter come around, the people who were late in ending the first wave start traveling every where, bringing the virus to other, previously infected populations that have foolishly let their guard down.
If I were you, I would thank the Lord and take this breathing period to restock your supplies, get anything you still need for survival, reconnect and establish connections with people you trust, and prepare for fall.
>Saudi Prince and Putin: Hehe! Oil well go spurt!
Many are being made or have components being Made in China™. Take a guess at why that matters.
It's bad. Just imagine the Ecuador situation, but with Mexican flavor and cartels.
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d2e8f2 No.98141
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d2e8f2 No.98142
If you're taking a break, I recommend gin & tonic.
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9a94b7 No.98143
Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>98070
I was taking a break for several days from Corona-chan posting, but now I'm back. Thanks for the suggestion though! I'll keep that in mind the next time I fizzle out.
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0845ba No.98144
I hear where you're coming from, but I don't really want this army to run.
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ec4e00 No.98145
We have guns. If worse comes to worse, almost every American will be using them as there are more guns than people in the US today.
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c6e6eb No.98146
>If I were you, I would thank the Lord and take this breathing period to restock your supplies, get anything you still need for survival, reconnect and establish connections with people you trust, and prepare for fall.
Yes. It really is fucking happening this time. No question about it. RED LEVEL VIGILANCE IS NEEDED FROM NOW ON. Katy bar the doors. Board up. Sleep with your guns with one eye open style countdown to SHTF.
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d2e8f2 No.98147
Yeah, part of this is due to Obama. Obama refused to allow pipelines to be built LOL what a total chinese communist subversive Obama is.
Basically, people have nowhere to put the oil, thanks to Saudi Arabia INCREASING production during the coronavirus.
Yeah LOL but be assured, most are there not to fight, but for the paycheck. They'll abandon their posts.
It might be possible to mount a resistance in the pacific NW, but most of the US doesn't have enough tree cover to avoid detection by FLIR drones.
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43061f No.98148
Footage of the soft aloha snackbars in Paris https://archive.vn/le8vU I think this was a big misunderstanding, they were actually celebrating 4/20!
Ebola-Chan making a comeback in the DRC https://archive.is/rfyT3 Both of /ourgirl/s are about to team up, I guarantee you.
"Worst Ramadan ever, there's no mood at all" say the mudslimes in Cairo, due to Corona-Chan ruining their plans https://archive.is/mST7s Thank you Corobella-Sama!
Normalfags addicted to sportsball are suffering from the blues because of the quarantine lockdown https://archive.vn/Uoyhh
>It also found that 18% of the women and 16% of men reported markers of generalised anxiety. England, Scotland and the Republic of Ireland were among 16 countries – all of which have implemented drastic measures to contain Covid-19, such as home confinement – whose footballers were surveyed.
Goddamnit Britbongistan, there is more to life than a bunch of people kicking a ball around.
Tijuana is getting fucked. That's all I know.
>What are you guys' thoughts on the situation in Sweden?
I feel like they're hiding their cases and deaths, but they are actually correct, the quarantine lockdown is not worth it. Governments should just advise people to take good care of themselves by wearing proper PPE and using common sense and just let Corona-Chan carry out her divine judgement.
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0845ba No.98149
>Yeah, part of this is due to Obama. Obama refused to allow pipelines to be built LOL what a total chinese communist subversive Obama is.
The US resisted these pipelines because it sees Canada as a rival exporter. "Pivot to China" started under Obama. You're disseminating bad information here.
>Yeah LOL but be assured, most are there not to fight, but for the paycheck. They'll abandon their posts.
They going to abandon their house/apartment/condo on US territory?
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78e706 No.98150
how can we compete with such genius?
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fcb227 No.98151
>It might be possible to mount a resistance in the pacific NW, but most of the US doesn't have enough tree cover to avoid detection by FLIR drones.
There would be a whole lot of land to concur, and with a well armed and spread out population it would be hard to takeover anything but the major cities (which would become death traps). Beyond that….. behind every blade of grass….
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cdfabd No.98152
You were banned for a reason, communist. We will never do this.
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0845ba No.98153
He's not wrong about nationalization. The problem is that the US hasn't been doing this and these private companies have flooded the country with niggers and spics.
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d2e8f2 No.98154
Pivot to china didn't start under Obama lol. Bill Clinton gave missle tech to China. Hillary Clinton, recently, asked China to hack Trump's tax returns. All the think tanks have had a thirsty throat for chink cock. The real challenge is finding the point at which it all began.
For example, if you look at 19th century writing you see bongs ejaculating to ideas of the hajj and rubbing their dicks with sandpaper to the Odes (of the chinks).
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bdbdb2 No.98155
>They going to abandon their house/apartment/condo on US territory?
Some will. Some won't. All is up in the air, but one thing is for sure. We are living on the biggest powder keg in human fucking history. It could lead to a war that ends all others, if you know what I mean.
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d2e8f2 No.98156
There exist two paths:
Option 1: all white women become the concubines of hajjis or chink officers
Option 2:
And fuck you for trying to block free speech, what a damn nigger you are! I warned people, and you want to hide this. I told everyone about this, and you covered it all up, you chink! YOU ARE A CHINK! FUCK YOU! GO KILL XI, GO DO IT!
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0845ba No.98157
The "Pivot to China" did start under Obama. You're talking about Bill Clinton so I'm going to assume you don't know what "Pivot to Asia" actually is.
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da4794 No.98159
Started under Nixon, and continued for decades after.
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4ec007 No.98160
>Illinois Judge Orders Health Department To Provide Names Of All Coronavirus Patients to Law Enforcement
Basket of crazy.
>Five law enforcement agencies disagreed [with McHenry County Health Department (MCHD) refusing to disclose to police the names of all patients “actively infected” with the Wuhan coronavirus] and filed suit, demanding the names of patients having tested positive. Friday evening, the court issued a temporary order to release the names.
>(elsewhere, the intent is given as)
>Dispatchers will now be able to warn police officers about coming into contact with a coronavirus patient.
Basket of crazy. You could always just ask the coofer when they're on the call. For previous coofers, likely you don't need to know.
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9a94b7 No.98161
Not catastrophically, and certainly not to the point where domestic production plus reserves cannot carry the load of the military's use. That's why oil rations happened during WWII. The oil fields in Texas and such were able to run the military, but not with a people treating life as normal. What the oil crash does mean is that the US industry won't be able to expand, and contract, without the possibility of profitable exportation, or simply, the industry cannot move beyond domestic. You mentioned Trump nationalizing the industry. He doesn't even need to go that far. All he has to do is prevent US Oil companies and international subsidiaries in the US from selling off production resources and property, and from mass laying off or mass transferring knowledgeable and experienced US workers, both the engineers and field men.
Do you know why the Second Amendment was created, besides the fight against tyrannical government? It was created to help facilitate a militia made of civilians, especially in times of domestic war. The US and our crazy gun culture, plus the strength and sheer autistic patriotism of those that own and practice those guns in the rural areas or conservative suburbs, will ensure that even if part of the military remains pozzed and/or nonfunctional, there is still a defense force ready. The US military can provide hardware not available to citizenry if paramilitaries are formed. Plus the Chinese would be fighting on unfamiliar turf, but familiar for us. The Chinese are better off trying to nuke us. Emphasis on trying, especially without heavy retaliation. Remember, you can't police a nation with tanks.
The jokes on you, I don't have a wife or children and it sucks.
Depending on what others mean by "nationalize", it would not be communism or socialism.
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d2e8f2 No.98162
I remember wayne maddison faffing on about it, outraged that someone would resist communism. I think he considered it activities against his precious fucking chink commies.
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d2e8f2 No.98163
Yes, a catestrophic failure. Have you ever been in a store that's closing down? When it's over, it's over.
Remedial lesson in economics:
No money, no company.
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0845ba No.98164
No. "Pivot to Asia" is a new policy initiative that started in the Obama administration. It's not a general "opening up Asia for trade" thing. You two don't know what you're talking about, unfortunately. I'm not trying to pick a fight here. It was the US establishment realizing that China is supplanting them.
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d2da2c No.98165
>Normalfags addicted to sportsball are suffering from the blues because of the quarantine lockdown
It's the same shit in Portugal. They don't care about anything else apart from their favorite sports club, sometimes to the point of killing.
When I worked at a football stadium in Lisbon, it was hilarious seeing them being herded by unusually well armed police officers into specific subway cars so that they wouldn't bother the other passengers, and none of them found it strange how they were being handled like cattle.
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d2e8f2 No.98166
Also, 2A is dead stupid shit. Guns are very cute and all, and useful, and you should own many, but don't get to thinking that it's a legitimate tool of warfare.
2A doesn't once say "gun". Think about it.
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4d503d No.98169
Well, it had to start somewhere did it not? It may have taken a decade later from Nixon before the outsourcing began, but the model was set up during Nixon (willingly or not).
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d2e8f2 No.98170
You're correct that you were referring to a BELTWAY WONK TERM.
And you are correct that I didn't notice.
But you are completely wrong to say that it is relevant or important or anything at all. It's something of no consequence, and a distraction now, isn't it? Show me otherwise. I recall the chatter of idiots, about what was exactly nothing going on. Though it's possible it could have been cover for funneling cash into chinese pockets.
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0845ba No.98171
I'm not saying it's nothing. I'm just saying Trump and Obama don't really have different policies.
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d2e8f2 No.98172
I'm correct:
<Also known as 'Pivot to Asia', the American military and diplomatic 'pivot,' or 'rebalance' toward Asia became a popular buzzword after Hillary Clinton authored America's Pacific Century, in Foreign Policy.
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4549f3 No.98173
It's still not over with oil, May future contracts don't expire until this Tuesday, meaning some the futures of won’t be actively traded thus (((wal-street))) artificially increase pricing.
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09c660 No.98174
>Guns are very cute and all, and useful, and you should own many, but don't get to thinking that it's a legitimate tool of warfare.
Firearms have been a tool for warfare during the last few centuries at least. They may not be good as controlling drones with explosives but they can ward off ground invasions. If the invading country wanted the infrastructure intact they would have to resort to ground level invasion, unless they wanted to wreck the whole country and turn it into a war zone before trying to invade it. At that point it would be as useless and lost a cause as the US-Iraq war, or US-Vietnam war.
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d3c83e No.98175
>invading mainland USA
like a mouse breaking into a house full of cats
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9a94b7 No.98177
<don't get to thinking that it's a legitimate tool of warfare.
<don't get to thinking that [guns are] a legitimate tool of warfare.
<guns are not a legitimate tool of warfare.
Where on God's green Earth did you come from and what the fuckity fuckity fuck are you smoking? I was going to mock you in my reply but I told my self "You have to practice humility and grace. Maybe that anon has some good points". But, no, you are a retarded, 420-blaze, possessed Q-boomer.
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0845ba No.98180
He means small arms in general not being a significant component of modern wars.
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d3c83e No.98181
Meanwhile, gasoline and glass bottles are still as effective than ever.
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7dd95e No.98182
Tell that to the sandnigger terrorists over in the Middle East.
This to. A Molotov Cocktail can take a man out of a fight real quick.
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e47984 No.98183
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000000 No.98188
tfw you have Aztec ancestors :(
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d434d4 No.98189
Why are you ID hopping, Schizofaggot? You are thread cancer.
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3f8490 No.98190
Guns are still great for self-defense or ground invasions, all it really takes to start winning a war is to slow down troop movement, target a few mid-level personnel on an opposing force (easy for most snipers to do), and well, injure or maim those who pose as threats. This is why wars tend to drag on so long. Even if there are drones, and napalm bombs and biological agents involved. War is mass death is all, and whoever gives up (or is killed off) first loses.
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b7b40d No.98192
> thorium
Totally. But (((regulations))) prevent us from building any reactors.
> 2A doesn't say "gun"
Correct. Which is why I immediately demand recognition of my right to own nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles.
> Guns are still useful
Yes, and cheaper to use than lots of alternatives. Much can be accomplished by one man with a rifle.
> Molotov cocktails
They're messy weapons, with poor range. If I see anybody approach my home with one, I'll put a round through the bottle and watch the ensuing fun.
> Guns aren't relevant to modern warfare, says the armchair general.
If they were useless, the kikes would not be trying to take them from us. One man with a rifle can paralyze and entire city. Guns are also cheaper and easier to build than drones, requiring little more than common shop tools.
> Guns are a cheap way to wage attritional warfare.
Yes, this 100%. I wonder if the kikes understand just how fragile their empire really is.
> Football-shaped projectiles used in slings
The Romans used these too - they fit well in the cup. Many thousands of football-shaped lead missiles have been found at Roman archeological sites, places like Masada.
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10c028 No.98194
Code Monkey recently notified everyone here that feds are monitoring EVERYTHING. I guess some went a little too far to attract unwanted attention.
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e47984 No.98196
Fuck off back to reddit retard
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000000 No.98200
At least I have a white girlfriend so my Aztec genes will slowly be bred out
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19559c No.98201
>I can see how it might be effective under the substantial tree cover of the Pacific NW
Enemies could easily napalm innawoods and have all that land burn up. Who said war was friendly or doesn't take extreme sacrifice?
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1a9444 No.98205
Guys I do need to point out that while manufacturing slowdown is driving down oil prices this epic crash is most likely just a manipulation by Saudis and Russkies to know out all the Canadian, south African, maybe American, and other producers. It's not some total loss of control by oil oligarchs so much as a massive power grab to knock the smaller guys out of the game. After that has been achieved prices will likely rocket back up. That being said they are still playing with fire, and it will still cause loss of jobs and whatnot, but I dont think it's the Oilpocalypse yet so much as the major players trying to seize control during times of market chaos.
Ok but no more than 1 child policy for nonwhite or your eugenics plan will backfire.
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b7b40d No.98210
> Knives are inadequate!
Hardly. If a man holding a knife is within 25ft of you, he can close the distance and kill you before you're able to draw your gun. Go get some training, faggot.
> Fighting the resistance
Infiltration and assassination are still viable tools of warfare. Pics unrelated.
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1a9444 No.98212
Its economic warfare to be sure, but they do shit like this all the time and the JewSA kisses their ass, little will come from it in that regard.
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1a9444 No.98215
Take it to /k/ or survival bread niggers, dont shift up /cvg/ with your guns discussion
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d434d4 No.98218
Sauce? Nothing on twatter. Poster here wasn't Ron.
This. Fuck off you pages of OT glowniggery oil/guns/burger politics spamming retards.
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de15e5 No.98221
More info in a language anyone actually speaks: https://archive.is/kMS0m
Sp, yes, Corona can apparently turn you into a nigger.
Now the only question that remains is if they also feel an irresistible urge to wear their pants at knee-level and to stab each other over fried chicken while fucking fat chicks?
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b7b40d No.98225
> Aztecs and Romans both figured out how to make football-shaped missiles, and so did the NFL. Therefore, the Aztecs and Romans and the NFL are all part of the same group.
Go be an hero somewhere else.
> The kikes will fearmonger, and amplify the effects of a single rifleman.
Yes, this. Fear is a weapon too. But I wasn't talking about that. I was thinking that electrical isolators are mighty vulnerable, and totally unprotected. Transformers too. Vulnerabilities like that are the kind of shit that keep me up at night.
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100026 No.98228
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4549f3 No.98232
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100026 No.98234
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de3b81 No.98236
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06ce7e No.98237
The machine is bleeding to death
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ac9e10 No.98239
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b758b0 No.98240
Demand is gone and storage is filled to the brim. They have to make room for oil to keep the oil derricks in operation which means practically giving it away since they can't or won't cut production. the fag spamming with the nationalize oil or else the muslims and chinese(but not jews for some strange reason) will own everything is as right as a stopped clock can be, in that the so called free market has well and truly shit the bed here.
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0451f7 No.98246
Anyone have shit on Africans getting revenge on chinks?
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87d540 No.98248
Not much yet or suppressed, there was a video earlier of chink factory being chimped.
The chinks beating a nigger video earlier in the bread needs spreading to niggernet in order to assist this.
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b7b40d No.98250
> Calls me a glownigger
It's been awhile since I was insulted here. I needed that, thanks. Also, wasn't trying to make an argument. Just saying that firearms are multi-purpose weapons of war.
> The US needs to bail-out the oil industries, rather than let them correct, 'cuz the low oil prices will mean no-more oil!
Yeah, and we need to give all our money to the kikes, or there will be no more finance!
Let the markets correct. Some of the players will go out of business, others will remain, and things will stabilize. As long as people need oil, other people will be there to sell it.
> CDC Corona Tests Tainted With Corona
Yeah, that broke last week. Really fucking funny. Taking a test for the disease will cause you to catch the disease. It's almost as if (((somebody))) wanted people to get sick.
> Free market shit the bed
Except it's not a free market. Kikes have been running it via (((regulations and taxation))) for decades. How can anybody argue that the big oil companies aren't already in bed with the government?
> Gotta send the kikes more money, so that they don't run out. Can't let the kikes go broke, or oil production might fall back into the hands of filthy goyim.
Fer fuck's sake, the kike empire has been sacrificing waves of Amerimutt soldiers in an endless series of oil wars, for longer than I've been alive. Let it fucking burn. We're not going to run out of oil. The price will come back up before producers go completely belly-up - that's what the futures market accomplishes.
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d02943 No.98251
2nd gorillion in the bag she eyeing 2nd wave now. are you entertained?
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0451f7 No.98253
I remember there was something about Ghana but I didn't save it
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43061f No.98255
More than entertained, it's an honor to witness her actions.
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4fe162 No.98261
<nobody ever calls me that
You said that same thing 2 weeks ago. You're a pathological liar.
Much more than that. Why the censorship, though? It's like you're a chink who wants all white children to die.
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e47984 No.98265
Love is patient.
Love is kind.
It does not envy.
It does not boast.
It is not proud.
It does not dishonor others.
It is not self-seeking.
It is not easily angered.
It keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Love never fails.
Your despair has no power here. There is no suffering, there is no hopelessness, we have already won. THERE IS ONLY LOVE
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4fe162 No.98266
<I'm a xxxxx
Ah, aliases. I thought you were a glow nig, now glow nig confirmed. Hi, how's the glow life?
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4fe162 No.98267
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4fe162 No.98268
I bring to this relationship strength, defense against invaders by my life if need be, financial security, by sound investment independence
I bring…. loooOOOoove! and SHOPPING!!! LOL IMCUTE <3
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b7b40d No.98270
> The Sampson option looms.
Yes, I was thinking of that earlier today. If the kikes sense that their control is slipping, what's to prevent them from detonating nukes? And, knowing kikes, they'll probably do so in a fashion that will pin the blame on somebody else.
Looked at from another direction, the Red Death is their Sampson option. (((They))) even managed to pin it on the bamboo-niggers, and (((their))) plan even has a chance of further cementing (((their))) power. I don't think it's going to work, but it's a possibility that everybody is forced to get chipped as part of all this. Full tracking, surveillance, and control. All part of (((the plan))).
> Anon can't read.
I wrote, "It's been awhile." Not, "never". I'm insulted in all manner of ways here, which is why I love this place and all you anons no homo.
Also, Happy Birthday, everyone!
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0845ba No.98271
>taking the nigger side
amnats everyone
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43061f No.98272
Beautiful post, brother.
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e47984 No.98273
Our hopes for a better world will manifest themselves into reality. This virus is just the beginning. One day even you will rejoice and know that justice reigns supreme.
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4fe162 No.98276
wtf are you calling a "coof cultist"? Someone who keeps posting anime of Coronachan?
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4fe162 No.98278
What is the significance of 15:28?
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43061f No.98279
Why are you responding to a dead man?
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e47984 No.98282
He's not dead yet. Despite what he says about wanting to commit suicide he's still around He's still here, trying to drag everyone down with him. But deep in his heart he really doesn't want to give up. That's the real reason he keeps coming here, he's looking for a reason to keep going.
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4fe162 No.98284
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cda066 No.98285
>(11) in an hour
Wew! Contain your butthurt, Schlomo. She's coming for (((you))) and your whole stillborn system and there's nothing you can do about it. Better spend your last moments doing something more fulfilling than kvetching about it in a bangladeshi tapestry forum.
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4fe162 No.98286
Oh, I guess I'm one of those. I'm glad coronachan is fucking up israel.
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43061f No.98287
You're more merciful than me, your soul must shine brightly. Glorified be your words.
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e47984 No.98288
We will stand tall in the sunshine with the truth upon our side. One day the whole world will know that we were right. For every blackpill you spew out I will post a thousand whitepills. I'm taking you on faggot, from now on I'm going out of my way to whitepill the shit out of you. If you're hopelesly nihilistic then I'll be even more blisfully optimistic. I'm making it my mission to counter all the depression here, we're not letting despair run this movement anymore. By the time I'm done with you you'll be hailing our victory with the rest of us and making countless beautiful white children with your beautiful wife. The fact that we're alive means there's hope. Every second our hearts are beating is one second closer we come to victory. Evil always loses. Good always wins. The moral arc of the universe is long but it does bend towards justice. So go on and try to tell us it's wrong to strive for something better, I'll just say you're wrong every time. If you're the most demoralized anon ever, then I'm gonna be the most idealistic anon ever. Just get used to it buddy, from now on I'm not letting any of your blackpills go unanswered.
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e47984 No.98290
Everything around us is already so depressing. I may not be able to change the world but if I can change one anon's mind that's a small victory. Small victories add up to big victories, and those add up to revolutions. We have to stop letting the state of affairs get to us. No more anons in despair, we're all gonna make it to the stars.
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43061f No.98291
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cda066 No.98292
Checked and happy birthday!
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e47984 No.98294
Happy birthday brothers! The day where European civilization regains its soul draws closer every day.
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0451f7 No.98295
>discussing niggers trying to get revenge against China means you are literally the Africans you are discussing
JUNE 4 天安门 坦克 liu四 六四 学潮 ⅥⅣ IIXVIIIIX Jun 4th 陆肆 天安門 五月三十五 瓶反鹿死 six四 six four TAM 王维林 春夏之交
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4fe162 No.98296
Yeah, if you dare suggest things that will help America or will hurt china and you can definitely get banned, around here. This is the sucking up to china website.
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fab3cf No.98301
I don't know dude, i think "aztecs" have enough reason to be proud of their heritage, find yourself a qt aztec girl and continue the line, try to improve your race that way.
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b758b0 No.98302
>except its not a free market
hence so called.
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0451f7 No.98303
I still have no fucking clue what you are trying to say.
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a39191 No.98305
792,735 - infested = +20000 new case per day
42,507 -dead = +2000 new dead per day
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2b1e3c No.98308
>>Pushing masks on everyone DESPITE passing peak(or never reaching massive case load levels) in many areas
Stores/cops: "Put on the mask or get fined, bro."
>>Latinos make up a good amount of cases in a latino area(or blacks make up a large amount of cases in a black area
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b01ed1 No.98309
>what's to prevent kikes from detonating nukes
Nothing. There's much higher technologies than nukes though. Nukes are like the wheel at this point.
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2b1e3c No.98310
>>>Africa….a country
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68cf36 No.98317
>tfw it's 4/20
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2b1e3c No.98319
Wait, you're really going to believe the same WHO that is sucking off China, delayed labeling this a pandemic, and who said at one point that human-human transmission wasn't likely?
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df9cdb No.98321
> kill yourself
I've been doing my best. I wear no mask, no gloves, I open doors, touch things in public. I've been limited in my ability to hug and kiss but really I'm doing what I can.
And still your imaginary virus fairy is letting me live. Not only that, I don't know even a single person who had died of this most dangerous, most contagious, most deadly disease ever that strikes such fear into hardened alpha-incels such as yourself. It seems you're not praying to your anime gf hard enough or casting your spells or whatever it is you doomsday cultists do. Well, at least you feel safe cowering in your house in your slave mask, reading about the latest (((confirmed))) numbers.
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2b33c1 No.98322
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87d540 No.98324
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