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6ec6d0  No.360341

Facebook Must Gone Since They Are Evil Entity & Are Lying Deceiving Public People

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=49

Facebook MUST GONE, they must total collapse, that company must be removed completely !

All what they are doing is lying, deceiving the public people.

Recently I am trying to sharing my message in that platform with my real account and real information in both platform Facebook and Twitter.

With Twitter, everything go smothly, if I post too much they only ask for phone verify.

But with Facebook after just 1 days and 1 post in mutil channel, my account was banned instantly.

Do you know what they asked me?

Real picture of my face !

All what I was done is trying to spread the message to get attention and calling the public people to get notice, not anything else.

List of Facebook crime against humanity:

- Spying people.

- Allow black magic, mind manipulation groups exist.

- Fake climate change tab.

- Create Metaverse to control destroy people.

They are no longer a real social media company anymore, but more like a evil corporation who are trying to destroying the society !

A real social media do not receive money to do evil things, but must stay neutral unless those things somewhat related to violence or human traficking or something like that.

I am giving the order and want the military go and remove the Facebook/Metaverse immediately !

Without Facebook, life still moving on, and there will be much more better social media platform appear.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=49

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