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9dfb6c  No.360340

Falun Gong & Similar Practices Are Mind Manipulation, Black Magic, Thus Must Gone

As a master I can confirm and say the Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) and any similar practices/program are the mind manipulation, black magic !

You must say no.

All kind of program that require you sit down at once place and either "read/member words" or "hand moving" are not going to help you become better human beings, but just try to deceiving you and even then later try to "enslave" you.

The sad part is many big organization and entities are supporting this kind of practices like Facebook for example.

Facebook is the evil one and are running by evil beings.

They did absolutely nothing against those black magic / mind manipulation !

The only thing that work to help the body become better is changing your daily lifestyle & diets.

What Chinese Government did and ban Falun Gong is the absolutely right call, do not doubt about it, do not listen to the stupid Western media who have no clue about how human body work.

I am not in favor of the Chinese GOV, other things they did wrong is the social credit system.

I am judging by each separate policy/the content, I am not judging via "title" of either "good" or "bad".

I calling all the military and Government banning Falun Gong and any similar practice/program and delete all the platforms (especially the social media) are promoting it.

It is as worse as child/human trafficking !

Be careful !


The Messiah Buddha

Source: https://ascensionjoy.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=48

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