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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 3c4039944a46f27⋯.jpg (691.46 KB, 1900x999, 1900:999, 3c4039944a.jpg)

File: 5b91d43c060f065⋯.jpg (330.15 KB, 1198x800, 599:400, 5b91d43c060f065a9.jpg)

File: fea3d494ee12340⋯.jpg (104.08 KB, 720x677, 720:677, fea3d494ee123.jpg)

2933c1  No.287269[Last 50 Posts]

Truckers Across Planet Unite In Convoys Against Medical Tyranny: Thread #2 SPEED BUMPAROO


The 50,000 strong truck drivers heading to Ottawa, Canada's capital, expected to arrive as early as Saturday, may break a world record for the longest convoy. Called the "Freedom Convoy," the truck drivers oppose the federal government's vaccine mandates for cross-border activity and have inspired others worldwide.

Truck drivers from Canada to the US to Australia to Europe are banding together in protests worldwide against their respective governments' overreach of public health, especially forced vaccine mandates.

TL/DR: Shove that vaxx mandate up your ass m8!









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2933c1  No.287271

File: f622d902e859b44⋯.jpg (143.12 KB, 788x1024, 197:256, 1111.jpg)

File: f0de0eb6db6bd09⋯.png (54.62 KB, 480x1029, 160:343, 2222.png)

If you find this criminal, report him!!

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2933c1  No.287272

File: c60ff7627882800⋯.png (198.51 KB, 1172x970, 586:485, 1644076356049.png)

REMINDER: Protesters & Counter-protesters, the police in Ottawa are keeping track of ALL criminal activity and violations! Everything is being recorded for future charges made! Obey the laws and protest PEACEFULLY.

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2933c1  No.287274

File: 79cc9feef400d67⋯.jpg (151.38 KB, 750x939, 250:313, 1644074431790.jpg)

I'm sure many are, but what is not being reported is how these poor people have been treated for simply refusing a dangerous clot shot 'vaccine' that doesn't even work, having health risks! They face the loss of their livelihoods because of very stubborn discriminatory policies!!!!

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2933c1  No.287275

File: e74d70d3083ead4⋯.jpg (120.94 KB, 1080x580, 54:29, 1644075334768.jpg)

These guys are running on FREEDOM, because their livelihoods depend on it. Wouldn't you if you were put into the same position!? Not everyone is lucky enough to be born American and live in a Free State! Many Canadians could only dream of such freedoms!! And they're trying desperately to keep the little amount of freedom they once had!!!

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2933c1  No.287276

File: 945840520fa8e30⋯.jpg (45.04 KB, 737x942, 737:942, 1644075342721.jpg)

Mandating people to take DNA-damaging poison!!!

Are you kidding me!?

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2933c1  No.287277

File: 6b9e2bf6d5c2222⋯.jpg (318.76 KB, 1170x624, 15:8, 1644075823284.jpg)

TRUE STORY out here in rural Missouri: I was faced with the same decision concerning Obama's OSHA mandates!! I told my family, "if SCOTUS upholds that level of tyranny against American workers, I'm taking down that flag in front of the house!!!" And I am so so very glad I didn't need to do that!!! It would have been a very shameful sad day!!!!!!


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2933c1  No.287278

File: f1bd1a8f45e4620⋯.png (6.86 KB, 741x139, 741:139, 1644077027166.png)

Could they hear you!?

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2933c1  No.287279

File: 1e86ad1746a2c45⋯.png (30.7 KB, 596x424, 149:106, 1644077237778.png)

That is rotten!!! You know they are being forced to give back that money to the donors and they will no longer be trusted again!? Use Give Send Go and/or donate to Rebel News instead!!!

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2933c1  No.287280

File: 56f2405ee94a3a5⋯.jpg (357.5 KB, 750x903, 250:301, 1644078739423.jpg)

He's panicking because he knows forcing toxic deadly injections against peoples' will is a WAR CRIME according to the UN Geneva Convention!!! Think about that, he's a war criminal!!!!

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2933c1  No.287281

File: be1f8201a89192a⋯.jpg (87.78 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1644083471378.jpg)



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2933c1  No.287282

File: daf05aad8233873⋯.png (107.76 KB, 709x543, 709:543, 1644078878806.png)

Get your money back and never use this service again!!!!

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2933c1  No.287283

File: ee49a18523b3c49⋯.png (398.6 KB, 454x691, 454:691, 1644079212981.png)

Are you racist against India Trudeau? Shame shame shame!

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2933c1  No.287285

File: a3ceded0c485413⋯.png (333.25 KB, 701x861, 701:861, 1644080768485.png)

It's Trudeau's husband again, Klaus Marx!!

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2933c1  No.287287

File: b03e7b7f47dcd69⋯.jpg (53.32 KB, 601x286, 601:286, 1644083512886.jpg)

It's the same maniacs trying to depopulate the Western World and prop up China and Russia!!!

Whoops, did I go too far?

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2933c1  No.287288

File: 4131c18a4e90419⋯.png (47.72 KB, 596x353, 596:353, 1644083613085.png)


Trudeau, you don't believe in freedom!

You believe in scientific tyranny!!!

We'd all rather have freedom than scientific tyranny!!!

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2933c1  No.287289

File: 124633d7aa05e7f⋯.png (24.28 KB, 744x300, 62:25, 1644086967125.png)

Why is it you people always resort to violence? Just honk back at them instead! It's clown world now!!!

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2933c1  No.287291

File: f4719c81cd561b6⋯.jpg (152.25 KB, 1080x912, 45:38, 1644087036201.jpg)

Speed bumparoo!?

Don't worry, anyone who tried anything like that would be arrested for sure!!

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2933c1  No.287293

File: b369bd4ee0208c3⋯.jpg (90.76 KB, 1062x367, 1062:367, 1644087345004.jpg)

Texas will criminally investigate GoFundMe and any fraud/theft of donor money!!!!

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2933c1  No.287294

File: 1154691eafb5abe⋯.jpg (1.59 MB, 2458x1639, 2458:1639, 1644087393325.jpg)


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2933c1  No.287296

File: 48bd0539feaebbd⋯.png (430.03 KB, 611x589, 611:589, inhumane.png)

THIS is what people are protesting!!!

How horrible people should be treated this way!!!!

Unfair and 100% discriminatory!! I would not like shopping in Canada right now. Sad!!

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2933c1  No.287309

File: f50cb043727938a⋯.png (486.68 KB, 674x703, 674:703, 1644092590774.png)

Toronto today!! Traffic jammed!!!

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2933c1  No.287310

File: 0ace788007c9180⋯.png (45 KB, 1320x268, 330:67, 1644091849458.png)

Counter protesters are angry, the REAL protesters (the ones for Freedom) are by far the majority!!!!

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2933c1  No.287311

File: 98efb284bda6c10⋯.png (19.4 KB, 882x137, 882:137, 1644092903120.png)

Oh Johnny!

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2933c1  No.287313

File: afdf6360b51318d⋯.jpg (238.67 KB, 1300x720, 65:36, 1644093074143.jpg)

Today, somewhere in Canada!

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2933c1  No.287315

File: ef09f9bb9c2e701⋯.jpg (790.06 KB, 2218x1248, 1109:624, 1644093212883.jpg)

These Canadian farmers have had it with these vaccine mandates!!!!

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2933c1  No.287316

File: 460fb867aeeade0⋯.png (21.3 KB, 601x175, 601:175, 1644093660708.png)

How true!!!!

Support via GiveSendGo & Rebel News….

GoFundMe is a SCAM!!!

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2933c1  No.287318

File: 4338a36a00cab03⋯.jpg (245.62 KB, 1075x718, 1075:718, 1644094040694.jpg)

Why didn't you just leave them alone?

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2933c1  No.287320

File: 9635b9c273df284⋯.png (97.21 KB, 841x330, 841:330, 1644094340961.png)

Counter-protesters are trying to track the truckers!!

They want to hear more honking?

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2933c1  No.287323

File: df3f34e4ab2e35b⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1644094710565.png)

It's not just trucks and tractors anymore!!!!

The calvary is comin' Trudeau!!

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2933c1  No.287327

File: aacb6cf484620ec⋯.webm (2.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1644094862700.webm)

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2933c1  No.287329

File: fa2e8b5702f1b2c⋯.jpg (98.84 KB, 750x707, 750:707, 1644094971428.jpg)

You can block trucks but you'll just be jamming up traffic even more, not to mention the honking will get even crazier!

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2933c1  No.287331

By the looks of all this I'd say the vaccine mandate was one of the dumbest policies they could have ever enforced. This may completely collapse the supply chain and cause enormous rebellious movements all over the West!

How in the world is this vaccine mandate worth all the blowback?

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2933c1  No.287333

File: ff975d78ba991de⋯.png (11.59 KB, 661x53, 661:53, 1644095098338.png)

They still think they're dealing with a "fringe minority"!?!? How many times do you have to be proven WRONG!?

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2933c1  No.287334

File: 059f7ec6eef048e⋯.png (588.24 KB, 1192x708, 298:177, 1644095279223.png)

It's coming to Vancouver too!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287335

File: 50c7fc40d58ef8b⋯.webm (2.3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1644095242075.webm)

git 'er done!!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287336

File: 1122e3048a01c60⋯.jpg (68.76 KB, 750x496, 375:248, 1644095569049.jpg)

Two train horn bros!?

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2933c1  No.287337

File: 17950d6f50acc16⋯.webm (2.22 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1644095640189.webm)

Everyone loves the truckers lol!!

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2933c1  No.287339

File: cda6ca9550e0900⋯.jpg (96.16 KB, 879x608, 879:608, 1644095873350.jpg)

True. But please define extremism. Is extremism simply wanting to be left alone and make your own medical decisions? Or is extremism forcing others to take put something inside their bodies they do not feel comfortable with? Or does extremism just refer to people who refuse, or those who issue force, over their ideologies?

Which is extremist? Freedom? Tyranny? Noncompliance? Hostile retribution?

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2933c1  No.287340

File: a83b9f59c6b8ed3⋯.jpg (173.93 KB, 1080x633, 360:211, 1644095810882.jpg)

All they wanted was to be left alone…..

You know, there is a quote for you people about that you all should look up someday. You would be surprised how much power those who "just want to be left alone" really have…. historically speaking. ;)

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2933c1  No.287341

File: 07cee0796776d12⋯.png (903.33 KB, 1080x1335, 72:89, 1644095785837.png)

The charity towards FREEDOM is unprecedented!!!!

People. Had. Enough.

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2933c1  No.287342

File: f6208bc427fd1a0⋯.jpg (246.05 KB, 1080x703, 1080:703, 1644095848068.jpg)

There is no terrorism. No one is killing or harming anyone. Police are looking out for the riff raff too. It's a loud protest. They like to honk, it's the only way to get their message really heard, so you can't ignore it anymore. Support freedom, and HAVE FUN!

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2933c1  No.287343

File: 8e1027f660e809f⋯.jpg (248.64 KB, 1080x1044, 30:29, 1644095906896.jpg)

No, freedom of speech is not violence you numbskull!

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2933c1  No.287344

File: 6f8f7dbb56bd8e6⋯.jpg (56.54 KB, 750x400, 15:8, 1644096064079.jpg)

LOL, now that is very funny!!! Those counter-protesters know how to have fun, and that's good!

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2933c1  No.287345

File: aa5ec8eee6d0b19⋯.png (525.52 KB, 540x909, 60:101, 1644096438822.png)


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2933c1  No.287346

File: e38f28f393ebc67⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1056x1247, 1056:1247, 1644096558904.png)

Case dismissed!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287347

File: 6e6df35af574dfd⋯.jpg (118.18 KB, 993x1024, 993:1024, 1644096764745.jpg)


Friendly reminder.

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2933c1  No.287348

File: ecf266c740b5ceb⋯.jpg (75.53 KB, 514x620, 257:310, zvcvv.jpg)

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2933c1  No.287349

File: b5a534aaa06a4dd⋯.jpg (253.52 KB, 643x667, 643:667, 1644099194840.jpg)

If you believe people have the freedom to cut their dicks off (whatever, I don't care if you do!) why don't you believe people have the freedom to deny the vaccine without legal consequences by the government!? What gives!?

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2933c1  No.287350

File: 7daf47f367c97be⋯.png (119.61 KB, 732x760, 183:190, 1644099320382.png)

This guy gets it! No one wants to hurt anyone, they are simply protesting medical tyranny. You can crawl out from under your beds, it's just a loud obnoxious protest.

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2933c1  No.287351

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2933c1  No.287352

File: e5cb9bf1cb7dffa⋯.jpg (242.31 KB, 1242x1483, 1242:1483, 1644099395211.jpg)

Counter protesters blocking some roads so more truckers can't get into town!

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2933c1  No.287353

File: d9454970c5ac3e0⋯.jpg (557.56 KB, 1152x2048, 9:16, 1644099517720.jpg)

"Fringe minority?"

That's odd. For years these leftists wanted them protected!!!

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2933c1  No.287354

File: e7ab5016c69710e⋯.jpg (635.81 KB, 1080x3654, 60:203, 1644099658074.jpg)

It's very real!

The honking means people are fed up with all the bullshit lies & federal medical abuse!

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2933c1  No.287356

File: 9e3c90a398b0e0d⋯.jpg (472.66 KB, 1065x1669, 1065:1669, 1644099738025.jpg)

Imagine a world full of people not caring anymore and just going along with their own lives, their own way, as normal, no mandates, no lockdowns, normal. Is that scary or what?

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2933c1  No.287359

File: 746160d16997330⋯.png (3.2 MB, 2353x1070, 2353:1070, 1644099404258.png)

The real fringe minority: "Shut up and take the vaccines already you nazi scum, or we will cry to our daddy government to ruin you and your families' lives!" "Abortion is ok, let your children have sex with adults, you can cut your dick off- HOW DARE YOU deny a vaccine!!"

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2933c1  No.287360

File: b13f50835ecd12e⋯.jpg (49.09 KB, 1067x271, 1067:271, 1644100150598.jpg)


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2933c1  No.287361

File: 756684d0366aa46⋯.png (144.54 KB, 750x744, 125:124, communist_attitude.png)


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2933c1  No.287362

File: 3473fdf005e840a⋯.jpg (66.91 KB, 750x578, 375:289, 1644100386492.jpg)

They are inconveniencing you, absolutely. But they intend on RESTORING your freedom and way of life in Canada. They don't want freedoms to be taken away, that's the point of these inconvenient protests.

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2933c1  No.287363


It's good to see so many Canadians supporting FREEDOM!!

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2933c1  No.287364

File: 4371830be60bfca⋯.jpg (278.16 KB, 645x683, 645:683, 1644100467504.jpg)

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2933c1  No.287365

File: 2454097dbd65bd0⋯.jpg (340.17 KB, 643x793, 643:793, 1644100938981.jpg)

Nice to see many people still care for freedom in Canada!!

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2933c1  No.287366

File: 2454097dbd65bd0⋯.jpg (340.17 KB, 643x793, 643:793, 1644100938981.jpg)

Nice to see many people still care for freedom in Canada!!

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2933c1  No.287367


I'm watching Ottawa Council Meeting. In short:

- They do not know what to do

- They want to put additional laws to basically restrict the laws.

- 250 new RCMP officers just arrived

- Police is overworked

- Miss Bev Johnson only one up to this point asks about Communication with Truckers.

- All others are more concerned about their "reelection" than Canadian Bill of Rights.


- They want to start arresting people… They think that the current behavior is "unlawful". Pusher Carol Anne Meehan. She just said that it is "unlawful" to bring almost ANYTHING in the town… She want's answers which suits her ideas of "society".

MY COMMENT: Sad!!! I'm afraid their supply chain will take a serious hit when all said and done, and nothing else will be done? No justice? No freedoms restored to the people? Canada just continues their communism into a third world abyss? Very sad.

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e358e4  No.287369


It's not that hard. Soon as the trucks run out of gas, it's over. Just shut down the gas stations. Problem solved.

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cc4fc0  No.287370


Let's just be honest, okay?…..



Lol you've run out of boring things to talk about in America so now you're actually GOING TO 4CHAN to find boring things to talk about from Canada?

Nobody gives a flying fuck about this stupid story

Not even you

You're just a bored old man, desperately looking for something to keep you occupied

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cc4fc0  No.287371


Nothing you've ever been interested in was actually true

None of your conspiracy theories ever came true

Nothing you've ever said was real

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e358e4  No.287372


It's not even really all that bad. OP is cherry picking photos and tweets and whatever and carefully cropping them, just like the media does. It seriously is nothing.

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2933c1  No.287373

File: 0cbd0653690c935⋯.jpg (114.46 KB, 1080x736, 135:92, 1644101631510.jpg)

Ironic how they call people Nazis when they openly support totalitarianism…..

However, there are tens of thousands of trucks there…. not millions…. not hundreds either…. tens of thousands of Convoy protesters is the real number right now. And they are not just in Ottawa. Most have been blocked out of the city by this point, many still remain trapped inside the city with nowhere to go, because so many roads and entry are now blocked. Please see Rebel News for more info. The truckers who were interviewed explained the whole thing, very rationally, exactly what happened and why.

Also another thing that needs to be investigated: who set up the whole re-directed facilities in advance!? Was it the police? Government? The media? Who? That might be key to finding out whether this is was staged and who planned it.

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cc4fc0  No.287374

You are like our own little flat Earth moron

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e358e4  No.287375


lol he changed IPs as soon as he got called out

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cc4fc0  No.287376

You're always more than willing to jump in and totally invest in complete garbage stories

You even fell for the Christianity lie, with absolutely zero evidence that any of it was real

Reality is not your specialty

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e358e4  No.287377


I'm not in Ottawa, but I'm right on the other side of the border. From what I've seen it is literally a nothing burger. Just a few idiots being idiots, doing what they do, and the rest of the world goes on as if they don't exist.

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2933c1  No.287378


You expect them to shut down gas supply all over the city? Do you know that would also crash the Canadian economy and supply chain with it? They've got a lot of gas being donated to them, that has been covered here: >>287341


>it's nothing

Uh, no, bullshit, there are very big protests going on and not just in Ottawa! And it will be reported, like it or not.

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2933c1  No.287379


They can't get into your area because two of the bridges were blocked.

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2933c1  No.287380


Oh look, more counter shills. As expected. Don't worry, the reporting will continue as long as the protests continue.

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2933c1  No.287381

File: ea9a5fb114317a1⋯.png (31.25 KB, 971x299, 971:299, 1644102258135.png)

Tow truckers are not exactly thrilled with medical tyranny either!!!

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2933c1  No.287382

File: a5a65006dd21bb6⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 3072x2993, 3072:2993, 1644102161605.jpg)

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2933c1  No.287383

File: fa8e040611be948⋯.jpg (789.38 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, 1644102297682.jpg)

Toronto is really starting to get bogged down!!!

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cc4fc0  No.287384



this is a non story

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2933c1  No.287385

File: c8fabdf55197d49⋯.jpg (51.54 KB, 295x640, 59:128, 1644102453221.jpg)


Yah, Johnny.

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cc4fc0  No.287386


What the fuck was that stupid photograph supposed to prove?

That white trash losers enjoy eating junk food?

That fat people don't eat good food?

I'm not exactly sure what the fuck you thought that picture was going to demonstrate

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cc4fc0  No.287387


lol how ironic

You chose a screenshot that featured the word FRIENDS

. YOU did


The guy with no friends

I found that kind of ironic

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2933c1  No.287388

File: eee8efd10316a96⋯.png (190.62 KB, 1006x386, 503:193, 1644102826537.png)

Canadians love freedom!!! Well, maybe not the communist types!

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2933c1  No.287389

File: 640604e8a8f37a4⋯.png (529.09 KB, 1017x522, 113:58, 1644103347735.png)


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cc4fc0  No.287390


Only bored isolated lonely unrealistic fantasy-based roleplay psychotic lunatics believe in false flag nonsense

"False flag event" = words only spoken by lonely bored irrelevant insignificant little nobodies

Reality isn't about false flag events

You just drum up fantasies to escape the boredom of your existence

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e358e4  No.287391


Nah it's all good. Look, I love the protest. People should protest. But to pretend it's something bigger? You just sound like a frat boy claiming he's got a 12 inch penis to a girl he'll never fuck.

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e358e4  No.287392


Oooooooooooh your formatting just finally proved who you are.

Opinion discarded. Thread hidden.

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cc4fc0  No.287393

The reality of your boring existence is mindnumbing

Because nobody cares about your opinions

So you're left to sit all by yourself in front of a computer

And hope somebody will please pay attention to you and your stupid boring existence

And just like a neurotic middle-aged woman, you want to spice up the boring reality

So you come up with all kinds of far-fetched sensationalized effeminate fantasy bullshit

Trying to make your boring garbage seem a bit more interesting

But it doesn't work

It makes your boring existence even less interesting

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2933c1  No.287394

File: 3b6e75569d87849⋯.jpg (928.48 KB, 2524x1420, 631:355, 1644103615366.jpg)

Later today in Toronto CA.

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cc4fc0  No.287395


….says the lonely isolated awkward misfit…..

Sitting all by himself in front of his computer

On a Saturday night

With no girlfriend

No wife

He gets no pussy on Saturday night

He gets no pussy on Friday night

He simply gets no pussy

But there he sits with his computer

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cc4fc0  No.287396


I've got some breaking news for you :

The world's disregards the opinions and thoughts of LONELY LITTLE AWKWARD MISFITS WHO CAN'T EVEN GET ANY PUSSY

Nobody pays attention to the video game sissy boy who became the image board sissy boy

Fuck you and your lonely little computer

You don't have enough charisma to secure a girlfriend

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2933c1  No.287397

File: dc8764c2f07ffb7⋯.jpg (199.54 KB, 671x764, 671:764, 1644103648937.jpg)

Looks like they are about to crackdown on some protesters in Ottawa. I wonder if there will be a mass trucker strike soon? Could get interesting….

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cc4fc0  No.287398



If you were even moderately interesting….

You'd have a girlfriend

If you were even vaguely vaguely interesting by the farthest stretch of the imagination….

You'd have a girlfriend

Even the stupidest idiots on Earth have a girlfriend

But you can't seem to attract a female

Not even a big fat pig

Apparently you're not good enough for them

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cc4fc0  No.287399



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cc4fc0  No.287400


now THAT was actually funny as shit

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2933c1  No.287401

File: a3541d8b65e31b5⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 2391x1345, 2391:1345, 1644103765021.jpg)


Another!!!! Canadians want medical FREEDOM!

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cc4fc0  No.287402


THIS story…..

Becoming interesting…..

You should get a career writing for a comedy show

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2933c1  No.287403

File: 557ab443d400c41⋯.webm (1.92 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1644103768.webm)

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cc4fc0  No.287404


Jesus Christ.. this is getting creepy



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cc4fc0  No.287405


Dude you seriously need to consider a sex change

you would make a much more believable Facebook grandmother than an image board heterosexual male

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cc4fc0  No.287406


You literally remind me of somebody's grandmother right now

This is creepy

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cc4fc0  No.287407

Fuck this thread…..

If I wanted to see this I could go to Facebook

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cc4fc0  No.287408


You ladies enjoy your thread

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2933c1  No.287409

File: afbe84e8f9adb0b⋯.jpg (229.71 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1644103834576.jpg)



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2933c1  No.287411

File: b5401adc90e79e5⋯.jpg (694.78 KB, 2295x1292, 135:76, 1644103825073.jpg)


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2933c1  No.287413

File: 7eeb82cd8a56412⋯.jpg (788.87 KB, 1800x1013, 1800:1013, 1644104013732.jpg)

Massive turnout unlike the state-run corporate media will tell you!!!!

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96efc8  No.287414

File: 903cc42a6767a9b⋯.jpg (460.9 KB, 1280x920, 32:23, PicsArt_02_23_06_42_42.jpg)


Son, I am disappoint.

I heard you smoked a $70 joint.

For shame. Fuckin' niggers in Georgia can't get ya no dab?

I'm so fuckin' blazed off one hit of dab (probably worth$2) that I could listen to train horns and air raid sirens all day and night for weeks, while laughing my ass off, hollering for freedom, and eating everything in the house.

Highly Recommend.

Your weed is too spendy there. And you ain't got dab or shatter.

Don't worry, the hordes will be coming. You should probably just blaze up and enjoy what little time ya got left. I will too.


> inb4 Killcen takes another swig of Jesus Juice.

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cc4fc0  No.287415


I would like to give credit where credit is due

although this thread reminds me of a bunch of gossipy grandmothers on Facebook, at least this thread isn't suggesting that you're more Superior than anybody else…

Because this board seems to attract the lowest common denominator, the world's biggest losers, completely alone and overlooked by the rest of the world, and they come in here to insist that they are superior to everybody else…

This is the overcompensation board

this is where life failures come to lick their wounds and pretend that they are in control

Fucking faggots…. Little sissy boy faggots…

"Superior", my ass

So at least you guys aren't in here pretending like you're Superior

In fact it's quite the opposite

You're in here acting like a bunch of grandmothers

You're in here behaving like a bunch of white trash Facebook grandmothers joining a gossip group

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cc4fc0  No.287416


It's funny you would mention the $70 joint

Because I swear to God I was just about to mention it myself

I still have half of it.. we literally couldn't take more than two hits each and had to keep putting it out

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cc4fc0  No.287417


I'm not joking.. I couldn't even take three hits.. so I've been relighting it over and over taking two hits and letting it go out.. taking another two hits..

At this point it's a $35 HALF-joint

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96efc8  No.287418


>At this point it's a $35 HALF-joint

covered with burnt slobber

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cc4fc0  No.287419

File: 95dc098c729f696⋯.jpg (127.95 KB, 949x768, 949:768, d5qexzq1rcw11.jpg)

Here's a momento :

Something you can always remember this thread by.. free download

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cc4fc0  No.287421


that ain't slobber

lol but don't tell Wendy

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96efc8  No.287422

Can we talk about Johnny's slobber-covered joint for the next 700 posts, pleeze?

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cc4fc0  No.287423


It's hard to tell which one is Killcen

It looks like they all have aluminum foil hair

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cc4fc0  No.287424


They use trucks in canada?

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cc4fc0  No.287425

the funniest part :

I could care less about smoking pot.. but this stuff was particularly good so I don't mind taking a few hits here and there

But somehow my desire for getting high seemed to pretty much vanish over the course of the past few years

Sure.. it's nice to get a little buzz.. but it's not a big deal.. it's not something I sit around thinking about anymore

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96efc8  No.287426

hold up. I'll be back. Gonna quickly cook up my 6th meal of today…

Shrimp Scampi & Linguini.

Oh yeah. It will be good. On a bit of an eating binge, but it's a side-effect I can live with. Canadians should spark up and enjoy the honking! Maybe go out and join a BBQ with the truckers. Bring your hand-crank air raid siren and enough weed for everybody…

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cc4fc0  No.287428


I always thought Canadians were still on the horse and buggy

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2933c1  No.287429

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cc4fc0  No.287430

¹@00 hip Hop you don't stop rockin to the bang bang boogie said up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat

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cc4fc0  No.287431


You remind me of Master Mike from sugar Hill gang

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cc4fc0  No.287432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Hotel motel Holiday inn

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cc4fc0  No.287433


oops I meant WONDER MIKE*

one of those niggers

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cc4fc0  No.287434

Just be thankful that you don't remind me of one of those douchebags dancing in the flaming bell bottom jumpsuit outfits

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cc4fc0  No.287435

Skiddly Bebop a webop whoopsie Doo guess what America we love you

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cc4fc0  No.287436

That reminds me so much of Killcen….

when WONDER MIKE* raps

"Skiddly Bebop we rock Scooby-Doo guess what America we love you'

I can picture Killcen now, dancing around in his kitchen, a plate of shrimp scampi in his hand, rapping to the bang bang boogie set up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogity beat

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cc4fc0  No.287437

When you wake up in the middle of the night from gout pain, I want you to remember that I gave you a fair warning.. shellfish and alcohol are going to give you gout again….

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cc4fc0  No.287438

And if you get gout again, it will interfere with your scampi dance and rap career

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cc4fc0  No.287439

I think I'm going to take one more hit off this $35 Roach

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cc4fc0  No.287440

It's cold as fuck outside but right now I'm buried under a pile of the most comfortable blankets you could possibly imagine.. like three or four different amazing blankets tossed across the bed

And I'm snuggling with the world's most handsome intelligent cat

SEXY is the most amazing fucking cat I've ever seen in my life

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cc4fc0  No.287441

There's some brutal weather out there

But you could have fooled sexy and I

Because we are warm as fuck and all snuggled up

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cc4fc0  No.287442

Yep…. It's doobie time

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cc4fc0  No.287443

He's actually a genius.. I'm not joking.. I know they don't have a wechsler scale for animals, but I'm telling you.. he's a fucking genius

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cc4fc0  No.287444

If any human gets the mistaken idea that they are somehow Superior to other humans…

They should meet this cat named Sexy


You have no clue what true superiority is

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cc4fc0  No.287445

This cat puts you all to shame

This cat makes me look like a fucking idiot

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cc4fc0  No.287446

That's it.. I literally can't hit it more than two times

That's all I need anyway

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cc4fc0  No.287447


Let's just put it this way :

If he was part of the Royal family, that old bitch would have stripped him of everything by now

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cc4fc0  No.287448

I mean.. Jesus..

At least if it was underage GIRLS

It would be more understandable….

Missouri, huh?

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cc4fc0  No.287449

Well now that everybody knows….

I guess that's the end of Killcen's Doomsday Summer Prepper Camp for Wayward Boys?

I'm amazed they were ever able to get a permit in the first place

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cc4fc0  No.287450

I mean.. what kind of parent would send their son to some insane old man's homestead summer camp doomsday survival prepping psychotic paranoia cult anyway?….

I guess that's why he would always go for the ones without parents….


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cc4fc0  No.287451

Everybody's familiar with the term cheese pizza

Killcen's doing much worse than cheese pizza

He's doing the shrimp scampi thing tonight


Trust me you don't want to know

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cc4fc0  No.287453

Killcen's really just an old fashioned guy…

Old school

Like medieval old school

He likes them young, full of cum, with a penis, and no parents or social workers….

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cc4fc0  No.287454

A lot of people wonder why the boys don't try to escape more often

After a couple months in that metal box listening to Killcen ranting about 5G and chemtrails, the children begin to enter a hallucinatory state, where they believe Killcen is 'god'

That makes the 'let's give each other massages' part even easier for him….

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56f761  No.287455

Learn to upload multiple images in a single post nigger

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cc4fc0  No.287456

A lot of people stop me on the street and ask me,

"So what's the deal with this creepy Killcen guy?"

And I always answer the exact same way :

"He's actually a really good guy.. old-fashioned and trustworthy…."

And then I wait for them to walk away, and that's when I say,

"If you consider molesting young boys while listening to slim Whitman old-fashioned and trustworthy"

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cc4fc0  No.287457


You can upload things here?

…….. Like pictures?.. are you serious?

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cc4fc0  No.287458

If you consider a 73-year-old man having anal sex with an 8-year-old boy from an orphanage while watching reruns of The ropers and listening to slim Whitman yodel Una Paloma Blanca to be old-fashioned and trustworthy..

Then you're really going to like Killcen

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cc4fc0  No.287459

File: 1b4391e84fc8202⋯.jpg (61.33 KB, 427x576, 427:576, Picsart_22_02_05_21_07_16_….jpg)



That's fucking awesome! I wish I had known


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cc4fc0  No.287460

File: e4256a99b31afae⋯.jpg (60.6 KB, 427x576, 427:576, Picsart_22_02_05_21_12_06_….jpg)

I'll be using this newfangled "upload Gizmo" thing a lot from now on….

that's so weird.. they figured out a way to upload pictures

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cc4fc0  No.287461

File: 7aec18e3867f3b2⋯.jpg (52.91 KB, 427x576, 427:576, Picsart_22_02_05_21_12_51_….jpg)

What will they think of next?

Videos? Imagine that

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cc4fc0  No.287462

Yeah, if you're one of those people who considers 'starting at one man Tuesday cult in rural Missouri and sending emails to various counties pretending to be a summer camp for wayward boys, and manipulating the system into sending you young 8-year-old orphaned boys, and you trap them on your property, and you terrify them and deprive them of sleep and food, systematically brainwashing them into a pseudo-religious doomsday end of the world anything goes please let me out of this metal cage I'll do anything for a scrap of bread end of the world Doomsday brainwashing mantra thing…. Then eventually letting them out of the cage and having sex with them' cult to be a cool old-fashioned relatable thing…..

Then you're really going to like this Killcen guy

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cc4fc0  No.287463

Me ?…….

I drew the line at "Missouri'

That's where I got grossed out

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cc4fc0  No.287464

I'm not sure if you've ever been to Missouri before…

And I'm not talking about simply driving through the shithole… I'm talking about actually stopping and getting a feel for what Missouri is all about

It's amazing the suicide rate isn't higher in Missouri

There's absolutely no reason to be there whatsoever. you'll end up jumping back in the car and leaving a lot faster than you thought

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cc4fc0  No.287465

If you like trailer parks and worthless feces factory human beings…

You'll love Missouri

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cc4fc0  No.287466

In fact there's only one thing in Missouri that's actually worth mentioning :

Killcen's Doomsday Summer Prepper Camp for Wayward Boys

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cc4fc0  No.287467

He'll have them believing it's the end of the world in no time

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cc4fc0  No.287468

Trust me..

If you were an eight year old boy, and a 73-year-old man was riding you like a rented mule, you'd think it was the end of the world too…

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cc4fc0  No.287469

It's important to occasionally throw in some of that contrived JESUS BULLSHIT while you're having sex with them, so that way they're afraid Jesus will punish them if they tell anybody…

At least according to Killcen…….

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cc4fc0  No.287470

For some reason, the entire "it's the end of the world and I'm having sex with you" thing works a lot better when you mention that FAKE JESUS BULLSHIT….

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cc4fc0  No.287471

Or at least that's what I've seen Killcen say

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cc4fc0  No.287473

It's weird how Christians seem so oblivious to the fact that their imaginary religion steals so much from Judaism

A cheap imitation of Jews

An inferior Holiday inn lounge act version

All the way down to the guilt part

They literally stole the guilt thing from the Jews but don't have the balls to admit it

The entire fake religion is built on some kind of imaginary guilt one is supposed to feel

Because their imaginary God is allegedly watching and listening

Pretty much an unrealistic farfetched schizophrenic burrito, wrapped in a tortilla shell of Jewish guilt and fear of being punished by an imaginary God…

It makes the 'molesting little boys' thing almost seem normal

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cc4fc0  No.287474

I mean seriously….

Can you IMAGINE somebody being dumb enough to actually believe the Bible is true?

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cc4fc0  No.287475

Can you imagine somebody reading the stupid Bible, and then saying to themselves, "yeah… This all seems very realistic!! I actually believe this is a true story !!"

How stupid can you possibly get?

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cabdfd  No.287502

File: 932350c600ea199⋯.png (984.63 KB, 1430x2306, 715:1153, True_Dat.png)


As mean as Johnny can sometimes be, he often speaks TRUTH.

This would be one of those occasions, sorry to say, Christfags.

You should really look at yourselves, and the way you have allowed your minds to work (or not work, actually.) You're kinda addicted to letting "others" do your thinking for you. Think about it. Do something about it; if you even can anymore.Your religion is a Slave Religion.Think about it, little lambs, with your "Good Shepherd"YOU ARE LIVESTOCK - In Your Own Minds.

(((Who))) Did This To You?

Protip: It Was (((You))).

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2933c1  No.287520

WOW!!! Should I even bother reading this sperg-out from last night!?!? LOL.

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2933c1  No.287521

File: e179207557bbb4a⋯.webm (2.98 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, 1644129070994.webm)

Another sperg-out caught on video!!!

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2933c1  No.287522

File: 5fee5bc5c6aaa32⋯.jpg (129.61 KB, 613x778, 613:778, 1644152848445.jpg)

Out of hand? Sure! They're playing hockey!

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2933c1  No.287523

File: c9404899b6a24f3⋯.jpg (91.67 KB, 597x666, 199:222, 1644153076929.jpg)

LOL! Could you imagine what the media would say if this were true?

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2933c1  No.287524

File: 6853c22201efb84⋯.png (483.66 KB, 573x622, 573:622, 1644155767074.png)

Funny meme!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287525

File: da56b0aca4e84e5⋯.png (52.75 KB, 1307x244, 1307:244, 1644156512328.png)

Imagine a world where the government has complete control and say-so over your personal body!!! Sorry, but these inconveniences are just part of the major protest against a medical dictatorship!!!

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2933c1  No.287526

File: 4338a36a00cab03⋯.jpg (245.62 KB, 1075x718, 1075:718, 1644157589304.jpg)

All they wanted was to be left alone!!

Is that so hard to ask for?

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2933c1  No.287527

File: 67c859e8cd58a93⋯.png (118.46 KB, 1354x534, 677:267, 1644157746197.png)

Looks like the counter-protests are not fairing well, average Canadians just want freedom!!!

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2933c1  No.287528

File: ea9df1226b1c0d7⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1024x722, 512:361, 1644157877899.png)

Censorship doesn't work well in the long term!!

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2933c1  No.287529

File: 3ec6e985f7962a4⋯.jpg (163.87 KB, 1080x455, 216:91, 1644158308707.jpg)

Fireworks, wow!!! That must have been a cool sight to see, especially in a city!!! But they should be careful!!! I think that may actually be against the law, I'm sure the police will be working on some fines!!!!

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2933c1  No.287530

File: ff0b9b86649b1b6⋯.jpg (150.15 KB, 1080x561, 360:187, 1644158454503.jpg)

If you have a problem listening to a national anthem maybe you have a problem, not them?

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2933c1  No.287531

File: c2ed2529e24c953⋯.png (123.29 KB, 1196x912, 299:228, 1644158610849.png)

Commies/feds must be DDoSing GiveSendGo!!!! Typical suppression tactics!!

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2933c1  No.287532

File: 5da43832863c0f6⋯.png (447.18 KB, 585x793, 45:61, 1644161924038.png)

So what the kids are having fun? As long as they have their parents around they'll be safe!!! I'm sure cops are on the lookout too!!

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2933c1  No.287533

File: 8f61c5a009927aa⋯.png (133.37 KB, 1080x601, 1080:601, 1644162453804.png)

This is much much better than watching the Olympics, absolutely!!!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287534

File: b30dc69101a4827⋯.jpg (308.13 KB, 1084x2048, 271:512, 1644162603956.jpg)

Grandmothers for Freedom to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287535

File: 8413ac4d91bd6f4⋯.jpg (92.51 KB, 1080x488, 135:61, 1644162614369.jpg)

That would be GREAT!!! We all know there are demographic issues and that would help solve that current crisis!!

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2933c1  No.287536

File: 96a7c76bc11873a⋯.jpg (283.48 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, BOTS_ON_TWITTER.jpg)


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2933c1  No.287537

File: b974ac77a66f156⋯.png (49.9 KB, 939x316, 939:316, shotages_arrive.png)

Looks like the supply chain is starting to break, yes even for Americans!!!!

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2933c1  No.287538

File: 9bf5e8bde472aac⋯.gif (96.01 KB, 746x1030, 373:515, Further_Evidence_Behind_Co….gif)


Covid-19 is a bioweapon cooked up from the Wuhan lab from China and was funded by US taxpayer money by the likes of people like Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci, not to mention their connections with the Gates Foundation ID 2020 Vaccine Alliance (global vaccine passport agenda)!! All of this is well documented!

What we do know now is that Covid-19 is not all that difficult to survive, if you boost your immune system. You should be taking plenty of Vitamins C & D3 (high quality drops measured in IU), Chaga mushroom tea (or in powder form), zinc supplement and keeping a strict keto diet. We also learned that not only does wearing masks do very little to stop the spread, but over time long-term mask use can cause severe respiratory damage!! So you really should be "social distancing" as well breathing fresh air and getting plenty of sunshine (natural Vitamin D). If you get really sick from it, try getting ivermectin if you can do so (but make sure it is dosed for human consumption, not animal doses!). That's it, if you catch it and have a healthy immune system you will survive it! Do NOT trust the death traps called 'hospitals', they will drug you, strap you down on a ventilator system until you stop breathing and die!!! And they make taxpayer subsidy off the 'covid' death!

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2933c1  No.287539


Here is the TRUTH about Covid-19 "gain of function" research and funding in Wuhan and those entities behind it, spread it around!




































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2933c1  No.287540

Victory For Freedom! Quebec Won’t Impose Planned ‘Health Tax’ On The Unvaccinated

The Quebec government is dropping its planned tax or “health contribution” on citizens who refuse the experimental COVID jab.

Quebec premier Francois Legault confirmed in a press conference this afternoon that he is scrapping the controversial plan. Legault had announced in January that the French-speaking province was set to impose a tax on all citizens who remain unvaccinated for “non-medical reasons.”

While remaining insistent that vaccination is the only way out of the pandemic, Legault admitted that the announcement of the tax was met with serious pushback that only worsened the already deep divisions forming in society.

“I understand that this [tax] divides Quebecers and right now we have to build bridges, ” said Legault. “my role is to try to bring Quebecers together to stay united as a people.”


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2933c1  No.287541

Victory For Freedom! Saskatchewan To Drop All COVID Restrictions By The End of February

askatchewan has become the first province in Canada to announce plans to remove all COVID-19 measures and allow society to “return to normal.”

Saskatchewan premier Scott Moe announced on Monday evening that he plans to remove all so-called COVID-19 restrictions by February 28, including dropping the provincewide vaccine passport that has been in effect since October 2021.

“Our caucus MLAs (Members of the Legislative Body) are hearing this from the people that they are talking to across the province and the people that they ultimately represent, and people are asking their government for a return to normal – a removal of public health restrictions – and we most certainly are looking at how we can do that in the weeks ahead here in Saskatchewan,” Moe stated in a press conference.

After the conference, Moe took to Twitter to reiterate his plans, writing, “Our MLAs, including myself, have been hearing from residents about their desire for a return to normal. After more than 2 yrs of following the measures and doing your part by getting vaccinated, our gov’t is looking closely at how we can do that in the weeks ahead here in SK.”


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2933c1  No.287542

File: 5e4710bb8bc9781⋯.jpg (67.47 KB, 810x500, 81:50, image_4_810x500.jpg)

Billboards Go Up Across Alberta Promoting Honest News Coverage of Freedom Convoy

LifeSiteNews has designed and erected billboards across southern Alberta to let Canadians know where to find unbiased coverage of the “Freedom Convoy” protest movement.

Amid deceptive coverage and remarks by media and government in regard to the “Freedom Convoy” in Ottawa and the “border blockade” in Coutts, Alberta, LifeSiteNews Marketing Director Rebekah Roberts and Assistant Web Developer Jeremy Williamson designed and coordinated the installation of multiple billboards across southern Alberta telling Canadians which news outlets have been providing honest coverage of the various protests sweeping the nation.

The billboards, which can be found in the areas of Medicine Hat, Lethbridge, Airdrie, and Taber, Alberta, include LifeSiteNews, Rebel News, True North Centre, and the Western Standard, with various slogans indicating that these outlets are providing the stories from the protests that the mainstream media is ignoring.

Included in the slogans are “Real coverage from real news,” “For truth on the border blockade,” and “turn off mainstream news and try real news,” among others.

As the little village of Coutts is thrust into the national spotlight as hundreds of truckers have parked their large vehicles to block access to the town’s U.S. border, and tens of thousands of protesters are expected to rejoin the “Freedom Convoy” protest still underway in Ottawa this weekend, the media and government have continued to malign those in support of the movements as a “small fringe minority” with “unacceptable views.”

Despite the attempted spin by the mainstream, a recent poll by reputable pollster Angus Reid found that over half of Canadians support an end to all so-called COVID mandates, which is the stated goal of the protesters in Ottawa and in other cities and towns across the country.

Since the onset of the protests over a week ago, significant changes have occurred in the Canadian political realm. The western provinces of Saskatchewan and Alberta have both announced they will be axing all public health measures in short order, the province of Quebec announced they are changing course on their plan to tax the unvaccinated, and the federal Conservative Party of Canada ousted their pro-mandate leader just days after the demonstrators arrived in Ottawa.


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2933c1  No.287543

File: 6d721c14ba8d2e8⋯.jpg (190.04 KB, 1105x941, 1105:941, 1644166752850.jpg)


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2933c1  No.287544

File: fd8b19355efdaa5⋯.jpg (111.82 KB, 590x579, 590:579, 1644166796425.jpg)

It's ON!!!!

The protests are going viral Everywhere!!!!

No more medical tyranny!!!! People have had Enough!!!

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2933c1  No.287545

File: 7430438891580c8⋯.jpg (618.95 KB, 1440x1688, 180:211, 1644166832282.jpg)

Looks like Communist Trudeau's brilliant idea is to blockade the Canadian internet…. like China has done with their internet!!!!

The desperation and stupidity is PATHETIC. It will solve NOTHING and make people even more angry!!!

Just drop the mandates and stop acting like another Mao!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287546

File: f630ad2a1e70403⋯.png (681.9 KB, 439x774, 439:774, 1644167000196.png)

Gravel rock trucks spotted at another border in CA!!! This protest is spreading all over Canada!!! The commies who support vaccine mandates may have to deal with a completely collapsed supply chain!!!!

If only they wouldn't support third world tyranny and sided with the righteous!

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2933c1  No.287547

File: e598705e44b2885⋯.webm (1.88 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 1644167110398.webm)

Bring on the buffalo cavalry!!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287549

File: 9454818f876323a⋯.png (604.24 KB, 438x785, 438:785, 1644167188980.png)


It looks like they are all on their way to Ontario!!

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2933c1  No.287550

File: 0bd8f8d61a32025⋯.webm (2.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1644167438090.webm)


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2933c1  No.287551

File: 0bbeadb72374114⋯.jpg (481.1 KB, 750x1185, 50:79, 1644167447261.jpg)


UPDATE: Violent criminal has been detained and will face charges!!

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2933c1  No.287553

File: a16b1c69f00ab99⋯.jpg (509.24 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1644167736007.jpg)


Supporters spotted on top of bridge near Sarnia border!!

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2933c1  No.287554

File: 6d558e50c9166b2⋯.png (528.7 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 1644167762353.png)

The vaccine mandates would have done the very same thing to millions of other innocent Canadians!

You are getting a tiny taste of exactly what they are protesting!

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2933c1  No.287555

File: 9ab98cc8cb97035⋯.png (590.05 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 1644168048577.png)

The radical left is so bias against basic freedoms they don't even know who they are attacking anymore!! Sad. Please get on the right side of history and support HUMAN FREEDOM.

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2933c1  No.287558

File: f7fa3ff30cf3d62⋯.jpg (412.49 KB, 1080x1444, 270:361, 1644166890417.jpg)

Covid lockdowns killed tons of small businesses. Who supported it?

Vaccine mandates will only destroy smaller businesses who are desperate for workers. It will also give The State total medical control over your own body! Who supported it?

Who provoked the riots that largely burned down and wrecked smaller businesses all across the the USSA?

Who exactly runs the failed states & cities that are skyrocketing in crime and poverty?

Anyone connecting the dots yet!? Pretty simple!

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2933c1  No.287559

File: ac4772095e1a52f⋯.png (2.15 KB, 304x70, 152:35, 1644168675777.png)

He should! But he won't. His job seems to be to turn Canada into a failed third world communist state, with a medical dictatorship to subjugate and cull the undesirable masses!!

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2933c1  No.287560

File: ee3a715a45773a1⋯.jpg (292.42 KB, 1080x1641, 360:547, 1644168853568.jpg)

The Canadian people have largely spoken!!!!

They want their freedom back, simple as!!

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2933c1  No.287561

File: 71c6b5ee09f81e6⋯.jpg (331.63 KB, 1632x1224, 4:3, 1644169762216.jpg)



Downtown Sarnia!

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2933c1  No.287562

File: 310b16936ede60b⋯.jpg (891.79 KB, 1439x2104, 1439:2104, 1644169785708.jpg)


This only shows that you have gone way way too far with your totalitarianism and abusive discriminatory vaccine mandates!!!

This won't stop until you admit the truth and start accepting you were in the wrong!!!!

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2933c1  No.287564

File: e33e78a20a4aeb1⋯.png (595.8 KB, 603x907, 603:907, 1644170420911.png)

What is a Jannie? I keep seeing that word thrown around too but I don't know, I think it's some kind of new youth slang for the corrupt!!!

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2933c1  No.287566

File: e6c1090843f1689⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1054x582, 527:291, 1644170762612.png)


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2933c1  No.287567

File: aaa0ba2341c942b⋯.png (34.64 KB, 738x258, 123:43, 1644170792212.png)

The people of Edward have started the hear the honking!!!

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2933c1  No.287568

File: 4bdf2bc4fd7f94c⋯.jpg (219.01 KB, 584x586, 292:293, 1644171092985.jpg)

Awesome!!!! Glad the kids are having fun!!

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2933c1  No.287569

File: e56a49ecba4956e⋯.png (421.07 KB, 590x646, 295:323, 1644171250893.png)

All the dead Nazis from the 1930s literally live rent free in their heads! God that must be their hell!!!

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2933c1  No.287570

File: cc9f66bde415d8f⋯.jpg (361.09 KB, 1431x1564, 1431:1564, 1644171450020.jpg)

The daddy meme has gone viral!!

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2933c1  No.287571

File: 211c865be1f63e8⋯.png (24.97 KB, 938x251, 938:251, 1644171751493.png)

Imagine some of the idiots who really want to be the government's controlled lab rat subjects!!! Sad!!!! It's people like you who are going to live regretting that, and sooner than you think!!!

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2933c1  No.287572

File: 5f41a2af30e0911⋯.jpg (183.5 KB, 1124x1439, 1124:1439, 1644171808108.jpg)

File: beb82007d5267c6⋯.jpg (179.17 KB, 828x1033, 828:1033, 1644171841696.jpg)

Youtube is going into overdrive censorship!!!!

Someone upload videos to Rumble, maybe stream from D.Live!!!!

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2933c1  No.287573

File: 622f83dcc0e96e5⋯.webm (440.37 KB, 576x720, 4:5, 1644172435981.webm)

Older clip, but when shills tell you "it's nothing" give them the honk!!

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2933c1  No.287575

File: 0ccc3325335c82a⋯.jpg (1.3 MB, 2048x1460, 512:365, 1644173047184.jpg)

Counter-protest happening in Vancouver.

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2933c1  No.287576


In Vancouver, the police arrested 5 people, 4 of whom were clearly with the counter-protestors. The 5th, a "30-year-old man was arrested when officers observed him walking through a crowd of protesters and challenging people to fights" could be from either side.

They call the convoy violent and dangerous, meanwhile they are the one who gets arrested.


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2933c1  No.287578

File: c8a4d913bc1ee69⋯.jpg (128.8 KB, 750x710, 75:71, 1644173871432.jpg)

Wrong. Most of the protesters, including the truckers, are from Canada. Some of the truckers did come from America, in support of their fellow Canadian truckers! In fact, one of the *major* reasons some American truckers joined these protests is because they themselves would have had to comply with vaccine mandates to keep transferring produce and commodities into Canada, so the vaccine mandates also impacted American truckers too!!! Not just all Canadians. I as an American support medical freedom and am fully supportive of those Canadians who want freedom too!!!

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2933c1  No.287579

File: a780474c40b1352⋯.jpg (91.1 KB, 488x479, 488:479, 1644174400524.jpg)


Lots of support out there!!!

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2933c1  No.287580

File: 353a88ef38c5694⋯.jpg (139.47 KB, 750x558, 125:93, 1644174485538.jpg)

Amen!!!! Absolutely true!!

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2933c1  No.287590

File: 61b686f6efd13a2⋯.webm (2.22 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1644178838394.webm)



They made it!!!!

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2933c1  No.287591

File: 5a8fb147c56ae51⋯.png (619.87 KB, 818x660, 409:330, 1644179494717.png)

So what is the plan exactly? Leave the trucks and truckers trapped inside the city having no available gas for anyone to get in/out? Sounds like a splendid idea, if you want your city's economy to grind to a standstill!! Cowering to communists is not going to solve anything!!!

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2933c1  No.287592

File: df1962cb6f6ad1b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 894x1398, 149:233, 1644168050625.png)

Our Founding Fathers were considered a "fringe minority" who supported basic freedom!! Were they bad guys too!?

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2933c1  No.287593

File: 5b74f94eb7c2af2⋯.png (875.17 KB, 786x444, 131:74, 1644177526570.png)

Some Canadians are protesting over other harmful covid policies!! God bless them!

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2933c1  No.287594

File: 8182a0b1887f863⋯.jpg (244.99 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1644178945656.jpg)


These grandmas really know how to support freedom and defend their sovereignty!!!!

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2933c1  No.287595

File: e9166b74fd7b101⋯.png (653.47 KB, 878x752, 439:376, 1644178201155.png)

That's actually very, very true!!! You lost that trust, for good, because you have lied to us once too many times!!!! You do NOT represent us!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287596

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2933c1  No.287597

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2933c1  No.287598

File: f882558d52d6258⋯.jpg (76.22 KB, 583x232, 583:232, 1644182078832.jpg)

It's not about one person, it's about freedom for everyone!! You know, "your body your choice", right?

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2933c1  No.287599

File: 0e39cd47a4f1817⋯.jpg (173.97 KB, 535x694, 535:694, 1644182464553.jpg)

They declare "emergency" after they destabilized the country with totalitarian policies, as people are no longer putting up with it!!! This is just pissing over the fecal matter you dumped onto the floor!

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2933c1  No.287600

File: ac26cbfde74041d⋯.jpg (275.21 KB, 651x844, 651:844, 1644183944135.jpg)

Oh, I forgot. The way you people 'protest' is by paying thugs to burn down cities, assault bystanders and loot random businesses. Sorry, but this always was a peaceful protest. Canadians have the moral high ground. All they want is their medical freedom back!!!

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2933c1  No.287601

File: 75f32f8fec1f26b⋯.webm (1.89 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1644182620126.webm)

Tiananmen Square….only ass backwards where the totalitarian tries blocking the road lol.

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2933c1  No.287602

File: 63c2681155fcc4a⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1242x1176, 207:196, 1644184138876.jpg)

Funny meme!!!!

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2933c1  No.287603

File: 7b3157e1341eec1⋯.jpg (1.29 MB, 1440x2960, 18:37, 1644184415485.jpg)



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2933c1  No.287604

File: 5b51e411350c179⋯.webm (559.88 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1644183484761.webm)

That's pretty cunning!!!

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2933c1  No.287632

File: 885eeda022d203d⋯.jpg (206.02 KB, 1080x1770, 36:59, COWARDS.jpg)

Ottawa Police Descend On Truckers With Weapons and Riot Gear To Confiscate Fuel

The Justice Centre has warned that Ottawa police would be breaking the law if police attempt to intimidate or arrest people who bring food or other supplies to truckers who are peacefully exercising their Charter rights and freedoms in Ottawa.

A tweet from Ottawa Police from 11:52 a.m. on Sunday February 6 states “Anyone attempting to bring material supports (gas, etc.) to the demonstrators could be subject to arrest. Enforcement is underway.”

“People who bring food, water, gasoline or other supplies to peacefully protesting truckers are not breaking any law. There is no basis for this police threat, that was issued by Twitter this morning,” stated lawyer Nicholas Wansbutter, retained by the Justice Centre, which is representing the Freedom Convoy.

“In a free and democratic society that is governed by the rule of law, citizens can freely associate with each other, including the giving and receiving of goods and gifts. There is no law that would allow the Ottawa Police to arrest people for giving fuel or food to another Canadian,” continued Wansbutter.

“The truckers themselves are exercising their Charter freedoms of expression, association and peaceful assembly, as they are legally entitled to do,” concludes Mr. Wansbutter.




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2933c1  No.287633

File: 38cd65002d71589⋯.png (98.35 KB, 536x853, 536:853, 00_fuel_confiscation_updat….png)


A full update, good to hear they do have a lot of supporters still helping out and a lot of extra supplies needed!!

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2933c1  No.287634

File: 1794ec753ae7905⋯.jpg (218.09 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 1644238236638.jpg)

Canadians want medical freedom!!!

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2933c1  No.287635

File: bb6dcc829a07e19⋯.jpg (545.69 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1644238389571.jpg)

These children want to live in a decent future and not be controlled lab rats by Big Pharma fraudsters!!!!

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2933c1  No.287636

File: b5700310d232663⋯.jpg (594.26 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1644241759378.jpg)

This poor lady had a relative who died during the lockdown, and no one could see here before she died!!!! How cruel and inhumane!!

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2933c1  No.287637

File: abe1ebc2a00d7b6⋯.jpg (538.7 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1644240354385.jpg)

File: 04a95c66a076f76⋯.jpg (206.94 KB, 1363x827, 1363:827, 1644240502437.jpg)

Keep on supporting the truckers, without them and your medical freedom, YOU LOSE to fraudsters and tyrannical con-artists!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287638

File: dd5382937f2bfe2⋯.png (508.33 KB, 600x802, 300:401, 1644241992629.png)

It would be nice if Trudeau came out of his underground bunker and spoke to the people demanding the end of tyranny in Cananda!!!!

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2933c1  No.287639

File: dd5382937f2bfe2⋯.png (508.33 KB, 600x802, 300:401, 1644241992629.png)

It would be nice if Trudeau came out of his underground bunker and spoke to the people demanding the end of tyranny in Canada!!!!

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2933c1  No.287640

File: 821b8ba1920e55d⋯.webm (1.56 MB, 320x568, 40:71, 1644242669226.webm)

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2933c1  No.287641

File: 9e117db235cad70⋯.png (49.81 KB, 655x385, 131:77, 1644245301187.png)

File: eec3c2c667d3fb4⋯.jpg (310.39 KB, 750x745, 150:149, 1644248063024.jpg)

If this is true, wow!!! It would be music to our ears for police to stand up for what is right!!!


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2933c1  No.287642

File: 798c640d1ef450b⋯.jpg (478.63 KB, 1080x848, 135:106, 1644246389693.jpg)

He needs to do it and soon, or Canada needs someone like YOU for a REAL LEADER!!!

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2933c1  No.287643

File: 612f94045271e6e⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB, 640x352, 20:11, ftxow4.mp4)


Funny meme!!

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2933c1  No.287644

File: 28134661639828f⋯.png (177.35 KB, 1080x860, 54:43, 1644246620049.png)

More PROOF those alleged 'vaccines' don't even work!!!!

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2933c1  No.287645

File: 1bed34d7c7a3243⋯.jpg (176.86 KB, 1080x393, 360:131, 1644247395326.jpg)

The behavior of pure scum and villainy!!!! What kind of rational human being treats other human beings this way?

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2933c1  No.287646

File: bd94a0b30ed5396⋯.jpg (482.07 KB, 1080x1414, 540:707, 1644247671131.jpg)

The political establishment has spent two years OPPRESSING citizens!!! But the week of honking bothers the lunatics!?! I have another conclusion: it's NOT the honking they are worried about!!! They just like oppression and tyranny!!!!

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2933c1  No.287647

File: 4ec22f670237f06⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 740x521, 740:521, 1644249379472.jpg)

Another outstanding poll!!

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2933c1  No.287648

File: 83271fbc99dda24⋯.jpg (241.23 KB, 1242x1692, 69:94, 1644250880760.jpg)

That is because most Canadians just want their medical freedom back, they do not like being forced to be the government's lab rats!!!!

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2933c1  No.287649

PICS OF TODAY 02/07/2022


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2933c1  No.287650

File: 8475b0cc3d0a6d6⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 600x428, 150:107, 1644243638902.jpg)

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2933c1  No.287651

File: b505a2b123aa2f3⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644247902384.png)

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2933c1  No.287652

File: e427bfddd03bd30⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644248150249.png)

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2933c1  No.287653

File: 6232a2574f8605b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644248319300.png)

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2933c1  No.287654

File: b79bbafdef1082f⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644248405403.png)

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2933c1  No.287655

File: 5ceea550221a772⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644248516090.png)

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2933c1  No.287656

File: 268a11a6d527f68⋯.png (1014.23 KB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644248635537.png)

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2933c1  No.287657

File: 164ddd1e400584a⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644248920992.png)

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2933c1  No.287658

File: f72df2bfd9453aa⋯.jpg (93.38 KB, 869x1012, 79:92, 1644249688348.jpg)

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2933c1  No.287659

File: fb8a0db3c4ccef0⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644249889351.png)

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2933c1  No.287660

File: 7e28a32904058f6⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644250121736.png)

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2933c1  No.287661

File: 86d17a66b53bf73⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644250967568.png)

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2933c1  No.287662

File: 5e8dfa139e0ca6f⋯.png (1004.04 KB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644251068277.png)

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2933c1  No.287663

File: 69ea99dc5898fd1⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644251418821.png)

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2933c1  No.287664

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491a27  No.287666


Audibly kek'd

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2933c1  No.287667

File: 434755e56660ca5⋯.jpg (488.44 KB, 1440x1210, 144:121, 1644255247048.jpg)

File: a37572b7186bebe⋯.jpg (82.18 KB, 828x800, 207:200, 1644255486271.jpg)

File: 47767fc32b196e4⋯.jpg (336.02 KB, 1080x1513, 1080:1513, 1644255620202.jpg)

It looks like the WEF (the 'elitist' organization behind the "Great Reset" agenda is notably in panic), or they have something up their dirty sleeve! Which, can't tell, buy take what you will from these recent posts!! Could be FUD, maybe not at this point as the protests are only growing!

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2933c1  No.287668

File: 34783dae87df282⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1075x997, 1075:997, 1644252952968.jpg)


It appears the 'vaccines' are not only working to prevent covid but worse….

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2933c1  No.287669

File: 356e7a13cafbeae⋯.png (702.5 KB, 730x661, 730:661, 1644253857197.png)

From the honking….. or the CLOT SHOTS!?

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2933c1  No.287670

File: 5ce313e8426408a⋯.jpg (512.73 KB, 1080x1480, 27:37, 1644255245140.jpg)

Thumbs up and the OK sign or now 'racist', and soon, to the mentally ill, anything that resembles any kind of common sense or decency will be 'racist' too!!! Because they are mentally insane unstable irrational radical control freaks!!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287672

File: ae53e5e2bc56c32⋯.jpg (91.13 KB, 708x779, 708:779, 1644255623356.jpg)

And THESE PEOPLE are the ones calling Canadians who want freedom "fascists" LOL!! Wow!

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2933c1  No.287673

File: 5277336aae54668⋯.png (186.49 KB, 597x718, 597:718, 1644256836778.png)


These people are freaking out because the world is noticing their despotism, but worse for them, people are no longer putting up with it!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287674

File: e9f64336da93efb⋯.jpg (1.24 MB, 1440x2960, 18:37, 1644257622124.jpg)

Who in their right mind ever said dealing with semi-trucks would be easy to manage!?

REALITY CHECK: this is heavy-duty machinery, and it takes skills and a special commercial permit to operate!!!

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2933c1  No.287675

File: a54fa60753af538⋯.png (985.48 KB, 1080x2340, 6:13, 1644258231269.png)

Sad!!! But they don't have the means to stop them all, this has only begun and more protests are in the plans, as well with NEW convoys!!!

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2933c1  No.287676

File: dcc4cb5b738588a⋯.jpg (113.86 KB, 828x620, 207:155, 1644258525665.jpg)

The border highways could be next…..


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2933c1  No.287677

File: 0e19dd1d559ba4e⋯.png (80.5 KB, 602x642, 301:321, glow_niggers_doing_shady_s….png)

Beware of glow niggers, they are real, they are the provocateurs!!! They infiltrate protests, and spin the press against the protests!!!! Same guys who work for Antifa only they are saboteurs instead of the average street thugs dressed in black. Spooks, you know the kind.

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2933c1  No.287678

File: 89b5c2ad7f5771a⋯.jpg (598.24 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1644261464452.jpg)


Does water count as fuel?

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2933c1  No.287679

File: 961907135a79793⋯.png (262.3 KB, 595x616, 85:88, 1644261449104.png)

No one is funding sedition, they are funding a protest for MEDICAL FREEDOM!!

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2933c1  No.287680

File: cfceb5baa4d5713⋯.png (903.72 KB, 1219x688, 1219:688, 1644261120163.png)

Somewhere in Canada, today!

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2933c1  No.287681

File: 700cbbe99e8c47f⋯.jpg (418.87 KB, 1080x1556, 270:389, 1644261303374.jpg)

You have Stockholm syndrome, not PTSD, please research the difference!!!!

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2933c1  No.287682

File: 3279fad75e4b949⋯.png (26.39 KB, 726x204, 121:34, 1644260483282.png)

Rumor has it lots of people are now carrying jerry cans full of water, not gas. It's a growing movement to troll law enforcement after they seized some gas!!!

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2933c1  No.287683

File: 5c4d7458449ce25⋯.png (104.21 KB, 1298x552, 649:276, 1644260584135.png)

Believe it or not, the UN's ICC has been contacted about potential war crimes …..by the Canadian government! They should also note that mandatory vaccination is also against the UN Geneva Convention on war crimes!! This was put into place after WWII to prevent governments from forcing medical experiments against their populations!!!

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2933c1  No.287684

File: ad516dc9683daf5⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1029x1881, 343:627, 1644261392240.png)

If it happens, that's very big acceleration of this protest!!!

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2933c1  No.287685

File: 1fba3cc0f7d98eb⋯.jpg (109.88 KB, 1080x610, 108:61, 1644262836465.jpg)

Looks like the crypto wallets are opening up for the Freedom Convoy too!!

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2933c1  No.287686

File: 755874126a65306⋯.jpg (183.28 KB, 1080x1228, 270:307, 1644262851777.jpg)

Proof that these corrupt officials KNOW NOTHING about real economics, they are just parasites feeding off the system and taxpayer money!!

I can 100% guarantee anyone in the city that they need these truckers to maintain their lifestyles!! If the truckers ever strike en mass, the national economy would be FUCKED. You would be standing in bread lines waiting for hours for your daily State rations!!!!

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2933c1  No.287687

File: 13af0362278953c⋯.jpg (413.24 KB, 1148x1156, 287:289, 1644263175424.jpg)

Good point!!!

I have a SOLUTION! All despots and control freaks around the world should be gifted with a taxpayer subsidy, a free one-way ticket with a government-approved passport to China!!!! Let them enjoy themselves over there, and leave the Western World alone!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287688

File: 53384e099f543d0⋯.png (886.4 KB, 596x940, 149:235, 1644263499034.png)

Is it true??? If so, maybe we need to teach these Jews to respect our FREEDOM, or maybe offer them FREE ONE-WAY TICKETS TO CHINA!! I'm sure China would compensate them very well for new tyrannical ideas!

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2933c1  No.287689

File: 423394d0ed9be6a⋯.png (758.87 KB, 719x764, 719:764, 1644263523143.png)

These people are not only losing support of the citizenry, but many in law enforcement as well the military!!!! What a disgrace!!


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2933c1  No.287690

File: cfdfe6bbca4bc8a⋯.jpg (277.82 KB, 1170x1604, 585:802, 1644263589857.jpg)

For tow truckers this is their worst nightmare job!!!

Not only do you need experience with driving a semi-truck, but you need others who have experience with driving them, ON TOP of experience towing them away…. AND… don't forget all the 1) snow & ice, 2) crowded streets, 3) other vehicles around and 4) depending on the conditions of those vehicles and how they were parked or stuck in the first place can make it extremely difficult!!!!

The government's only solution is to throw more money at things!!!! Sorry, but when reality is jammed up, that does no good!!

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2933c1  No.287691

File: f86a9782251fe82⋯.jpg (143.62 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1644263712469.jpg)

You know, /pol/ could use this as a big opportunity to "save the white race" LOL ;)

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2933c1  No.287693

File: 23f717c902fcd02⋯.png (29.33 KB, 590x230, 59:23, 1644265414669.png)

How do they enforce something like this if they all do it, or at random intervals!?

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2933c1  No.287694

File: 1663355a2aa4440⋯.png (30.66 KB, 902x174, 451:87, 1644266067922.png)

That's not what this protest is about, it's about the vaccine mandates to work and shop mostly, some are protesting lockdown policy too!

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2933c1  No.287695

File: 4d78d40304e2c12⋯.jpg (647.75 KB, 3840x2156, 960:539, 1644253141325.jpg)

Those who support tyranny but call other people 'Nazis' are idiots!! Read the Geneva Convention against forced medical experimentation on civilians after WWII. Case closed.

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2933c1  No.287696

File: f303062034bd014⋯.png (55.65 KB, 909x376, 909:376, 1644266690996.png)

You are not our parents #1. You are not our doctors #2. You have every right to decide what is best for you, but you have no right to force that on other people #3. You want to talk about snowflakes, OK, if you think a lot of honking is bad, just wait until there are mass trucker strikes and you all start going hungry and all those nice conveniences stocked on store shelves are no more!!!

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2933c1  No.287697

File: ad576caba582e1d⋯.png (245.63 KB, 594x675, 22:25, 1644267006909.png)

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2933c1  No.287698

File: 0a6c54125531023⋯.png (819.38 KB, 1080x1345, 216:269, 1644267053429.png)

Thank you for supporting medical freedom!!!!

Humans should never be forced to be the government's lab rats!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287699

File: e795c5761b91939⋯.png (77.47 KB, 902x479, 902:479, 1644267367346.png)

"educated doctors"

……. so then any other doctor that doesn't agree or has drawn other conclusions, or has conflicting results, means their "uneducated doctors" ??

This is not exactly how science works!

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2933c1  No.287700

File: a0855a272a9b8d8⋯.png (110.34 KB, 795x944, 795:944, 1644267881605.png)



They responded!!

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2933c1  No.287701

File: 6c1992e0a0a52bb⋯.png (677.54 KB, 533x824, 533:824, 1644267964939.png)

"This all could have been avoided if the government didn't have a God Complex."

Well stated!!

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2933c1  No.287703

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36d3e5  No.287713


I'm disappointed by anti-vaxxers.

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dd9499  No.287716


lmao, heather mallick is a dumb jew, not surprising in the least

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2933c1  No.287730

Ottawa Police Chief Peter Sloly says protesters are countering any police actions to bring an end to the “Freedom Convoy” that has occupied the downtown core for 11 days, with no signs of ending.

Speaking on CTV News at Six Monday evening, Sloly said demonstrators are adapting quickly to any enforcement efforts, such as disallowing fuel containers into the downtown core.

“What was happening during the course of the day is some of the protesters were deliberately filling jerry cans with water, literally drinking out of them to show the police that they weren’t gasoline,” Sloly said. “Meanwhile, they were carrying gasoline in other containers that would have been carrying water.”

Sloly said the countermeasures speak to the “sophistication and commitment” of the operation, as demonstrators appear able to pivot en masse in reaction to police efforts.

The police chief also said officers were swarmed at one point during an attempted arrest.

“Our officers were surrounded by over 100 demonstrators,” he said. “A near-riot broke out within minutes of being on the air here, to do what we’ve been saying we doing: enforcing and reducing the fuel supply, interdicting the gasoline going in there—at great risk in every single encounter.”

Speaking to reporters later in the evening, Deputy Police Chief Steve Bell said an investigation into the incident is underway, an arrest was made and charges are pending. Sloly pushed back against comparisons to other cities that have had similar protests, such as Toronto and Quebec City.

“Deputy minister Mario Di Tommaso, on a call today with the three levels of government said, ‘Hey, Peter, what do you think about using heavy tow trucks to remove the trucks that are in your town? Toronto did it. They did it on the weekend. They had one tow truck go out and confront six trucks and the six trucks left.’ I said, ‘Well, I have two heavy tow trucks here from the city and I had a thousand trucks on Saturday and last Saturday, I had 3,000 trucks,'” Sloly said. “That’s like comparing Pluto the Sun, in terms of the scale and the complexity and the violence [??] that this city has experienced, compared to other jurisdictions. This is a completely different beast that we’re dealing with here in Ottawa.”

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2933c1  No.287731

File: c2ded38f6dc4817⋯.jpg (153.22 KB, 556x948, 139:237, 1644245909716.jpg)

Brutal way to get the message out!!!

Pray for him and his poor family!!!!!

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2933c1  No.287733

File: 2cc6dc2cae4437e⋯.jpg (51.09 KB, 588x764, 147:191, 1644269134741.jpg)

I don't know if the honking has stopped yet, but the police are cracking down now!!!! It's sad to see but I know they're starting to get sick of it too!! But, as always, we need them on our side, the right side of history before we can begin to fix this broken totalitarian mess!!!!

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2933c1  No.287734

File: af192d8dc307c57⋯.jpg (304.07 KB, 1080x1416, 45:59, 14322230098.jpg)

This is not the best way to make friends, let alone meeting a nice girl lol!!!!

No one ever said you can't wear your mask, by the way!! If you want to wear it, wear it!!!

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2933c1  No.287735

File: 56ba905181dc1fa⋯.jpg (296.42 KB, 1284x1782, 214:297, 1644273904954.jpg)




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2933c1  No.287736

File: d4eaddbfb6249ff⋯.jpg (46.5 KB, 903x723, 301:241, 1644273958311.jpg)

Is that near the Windsor bridge?? Not sure, but one was clogged up pretty badly yesterday!!!

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2933c1  No.287737

File: 6b3783c74fd46fc⋯.png (512.18 KB, 789x653, 789:653, 1644274104405.png)

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2933c1  No.287738

File: 045be08e5a8047b⋯.jpg (267.08 KB, 1242x608, 621:304, 1644274118302.jpg)

Glad you filed a criminal report. It sounds to me like an Antifa thug, they like to attack people, truckers don't attack people (most are not even very rude or crude, just hard working people!) The fact that little cowardly runt ran away after he attacked you when others showed up means he was likely another cowardly radical!

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2933c1  No.287739

File: faec35c1f1a1b89⋯.png (742.86 KB, 651x713, 21:23, 1644274244611.png)

It would be a sight to see if it happens!!!! Imagine the Yellow Vests working with them on that!!!

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b36239  No.287741

File: 25d94e1ee2e5a3f⋯.png (293.64 KB, 1688x551, 1688:551, 1644274881356.png)

If you find the protesters annoying just you wait until your medical bills begin to pile up in the near future due to that garbage you injected into your body!!!

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b36239  No.287744

File: 6f9533a8cbd342f⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 534x648, 89:108, 1644276024063.jpg)

Why were police officers exempted from the clot shot mandates? There really shouldn't be any mandates like that!!! I bet many of the police would have joined the protesters if they were forced to take the clot shots!!!!

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b36239  No.287745

File: 3cc69933ea0846b⋯.jpg (59.31 KB, 597x526, 597:526, 1644310763474.jpg)

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b36239  No.287746

File: c736d7a26aa625a⋯.png (388.17 KB, 465x637, 465:637, 1644314687517.png)

Gravel rock trucks make their move!!!

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b36239  No.287748

File: 2ad5cd1bedc8063⋯.png (53.55 KB, 602x390, 301:195, 1644315426528.png)

That's very sad, but it's been happening to A LOT of children during the lockdowns!!! Do you think kids really want to be under constant lockdowns, having to wear face masks 24/7, secluded from others, etc? Have you seen the suicide rates recently? There were more killed from suicide alone than this "pandemic"!!

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b36239  No.287749

File: da098aa1a484c23⋯.jpg (438.26 KB, 1080x1068, 90:89, 1644315706148.jpg)

You would make a great Prime Minister for Canada!!!!!

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b36239  No.287750

File: 9b9729b6649e2bb⋯.png (28.56 KB, 737x291, 737:291, 1644316627738.png)

The air raid siren is BACK this morning LOL!!!!

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b36239  No.287751

File: 13e4a26e40d4193⋯.jpg (3.09 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1644316869856.jpg)

File: bb3a363d6fb9625⋯.png (989.31 KB, 1270x702, 635:351, Windsor_bridge_convoy.png)

Last night!!

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b36239  No.287752

File: 03ac8f3a803a7f8⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1644317035153.jpg)


This one also may be near Windsor bridge last night!

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b36239  No.287753

File: 36f5549701d8f90⋯.jpg (45.47 KB, 579x312, 193:104, 1644320027949.jpg)

The I-75 bridge into Canada has been shut down!!!!

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b36239  No.287754

File: 83b270569e2d9cb⋯.jpg (374.62 KB, 1109x1478, 1109:1478, 1644323830007.jpg)

Mommies for Freedom!!!!!!

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b36239  No.287755

File: c958c89166a13fa⋯.png (105.4 KB, 595x327, 595:327, 1644323962711.png)

Why are they so full of hate?

How can anyone not be so full of hate when they bully and threaten others to put something experimental into their bodies!? You have to be full of hate to want depopulation!!

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b36239  No.287756

File: 33ac5bc15c6a720⋯.jpg (122.27 KB, 800x600, 4:3, NZ_blockade.jpg)

File: 0120f65d8ff97ef⋯.jpg (158.19 KB, 800x450, 16:9, NZ_blockade_2.jpg)

File: ddf7437b32f603e⋯.jpg (319.18 KB, 800x534, 400:267, NZ_blockade_3.jpg)

File: bef177f733147f7⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 2936x4032, 367:504, NZ_blockade_4_night.jpg)

Not sure if this is in New Zealand or Australia, someone said NZ but it might be Australia….

Anyhoot, yes there are protests being planned all over the Western world!!!! People want medical freedom back!!! People want their lives back!!!!

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b36239  No.287759

File: 320bde5b7dc7a3c⋯.jpg (753.93 KB, 1080x2168, 135:271, 1644327126258.jpg)

They did it!!! Now Canada's corrupted leadership is going to feel some economic pressure!!! Be sure to prepared Canadians, buy some extra goods to last you for a month or so if you can!!

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b36239  No.287760

File: 16e32f100119d5e⋯.png (331.63 KB, 747x510, 249:170, 1644302591987.png)


The congestion late last night!

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b36239  No.287761

File: 21bff8e42eb62a3⋯.jpg (95.74 KB, 590x566, 295:283, 1644328586408.jpg)

Imagine the government trying so desperately to save face right now…. just drop the tyrannical mandates, the people want their freedom and lives back already!!!!

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b36239  No.287762

File: af8ec023dd0aa4b⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 583x349, 583:349, 1644330232559.jpg)


Another funny meme!

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b36239  No.287763

File: 6db7d91d31e7458⋯.jpg (3.11 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 1644328700895.jpg)

File: 74ecd5c667a9b0a⋯.png (424.13 KB, 696x348, 2:1, 1644329412155.png)

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b36239  No.287764

File: d65ddec2f52465c⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 583x511, 583:511, 1644331721898.jpg)



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b36239  No.287765

File: 5e3b3a9453accc8⋯.webm (2.87 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1644331605648.webm)

This was a HUGE Canadian protest, no matter how the corporate state-run media covers it!!!!

Give Canadians back their freedom!!!!

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b36239  No.287766

File: 95736e465d68662⋯.jpg (66.5 KB, 680x403, 680:403, 1644330762965.jpg)

Sad, but remain calm, there are TONS more good people like you making a huge difference right now and forcing the world to wake up to their tyranny!!!

Keep on trucking!!!!!!

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b36239  No.287767

File: 64bdd80cc0425f5⋯.jpg (19.32 KB, 593x132, 593:132, 1644331972204.jpg)

I bet Jason Kenny is totally corrupt, I bet he makes a fortune from Big Pharma lobbyists and those at Davos and the WEF!!!!

He should be thrown out at this point, no one voted to keep this mRNA clot shot mandate!!!!

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857bff  No.287770

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857bff  No.287774


Time to get right with Jesus. It appears that the elites are ready to trigger their “great collapse” in the belief they can control it as a set up to the “great reset.” But it is quite possible that we’re about to see end days Bible prophecy unfold, in which case no amount of planning and prepping will save you from the rise of the Antichrist kingdom and all that comes with it. Either way, things are likely to get really ugly fairly soon and the only true savior is Christ.

Matthew 24:3 While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?” 4Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you. 5For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come. 7Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. 8All these are the beginning of birth pains. 9Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. 10At that time many will fall away and will betray and hate one another, 11and many false prophets will arise and mislead many. 12Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. 13But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved. 14And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

Revelation 6:1Then I watched as the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say in a thunderous voice, “Come!” 2So I looked and saw a white horse, and its rider held a bow. And he was given a crown, and he rode out to overcome and conquer. 3And when the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!” Then another horse went forth. It was bright red, and its rider was granted permission to take away peace from the earth and to make men slay one another. And he was given a great sword. 5And when the Lamb opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come!” Then I looked and saw a black horse, and its rider held in his hand a pair of scales. 6And I heard what sounded like a voice from among the four living creatures, saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius,a and three quarts of barley for a denarius, and do not harm the oil and wine.” 7And when the Lamb opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” 8Then I looked and saw a pale green horse. Its rider’s name was Death, and Hades followed close behind. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill by sword, by famine, by plague, and by the beasts of the earth

9And when the Lamb opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony they had upheld. 10And they cried out in a loud voice, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, until You avenge our blood and judge those who dwell upon the earth?” 11Then each of them was given a white robe and told to rest a little while longer, until the full number of their fellow servants, their brothers, were killed, just as they had been killed. 12And when I saw the Lamb open the sixth seal, there was a great earthquake, and the sun became black like sackcloth of goat hair, and the whole moon turned blood red, 13and the stars of the sky fell to the earth like unripe figs dropping from a tree shaken by a great wind. 14The sky receded like a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved from its place. 15Then the kings of the earth, the nobles, the commanders, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and free man hid in the caves and among the rocks of the mountains. 16And they said to the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of the One seated on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb. 17For the great day of Their wrath has come, and who is able to withstand it?”

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857bff  No.287775

File: 76e832d99c04255⋯.jpg (74.59 KB, 1064x497, 152:71, 1644333076033.jpg)

File: 00043543379c51a⋯.webm (2.87 MB, 480x852, 40:71, 1644333452101.webm)

They're bringing out the BIG dukes now!!!

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857bff  No.287776

File: 9fc8d660ddc59a4⋯.jpg (559.59 KB, 1010x1954, 505:977, 1644333275308.jpg)

File: de6545463340e41⋯.jpg (682.55 KB, 1051x2027, 1051:2027, 1644333802579.jpg)

The main bridge has been CLOSED!!

Please support medical freedom, it is time to side with what is right!!!!

Even some of the liberal MPs are siding with the trucker convoy now, LET'S END THE CLOT SHOT MANDATES ALREADY!!!!!!!

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857bff  No.287777

File: e03ff520b690a13⋯.png (831.4 KB, 908x842, 454:421, 1644336001316.png)

Great!!!! Thank you for supporting freedom for Canadians!!!!

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857bff  No.287778

File: dc57bddb4e5348f⋯.png (415.72 KB, 512x574, 256:287, 1644336653142.png)



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857bff  No.287779

File: 45ce00acd04f49a⋯.jpg (100.26 KB, 1070x517, 1070:517, 1644335106296.jpg)

BREAKING NEWS: The first liberal MP is going against Trudeau and supports and end to the mandates. He says there are more liberal MP against Trudeau!


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857bff  No.287780

File: 4122a6bbe5a2f5c⋯.jpg (327.87 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1644335534912.jpg)

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857bff  No.287790

File: 070b888d9491e33⋯.jpg (47.88 KB, 780x439, 780:439, ambassador_bridge.jpg)

File: 296389b814f9e67⋯.png (238.34 KB, 551x325, 551:325, 2022_02_08T072639_292.png)

Truckers Block Key US-Canadian Border Crossing As Anti-Mandate Protests Go Worldwide

A group of protesters have blocked one of the busiest international land border crossings in Canada - the Ambassador Bridge which links Windsor, Ontario to Detroit, for the second day in a row.

As the CBC reports, "Dozens of demonstrators lined Huron Church Road, which feeds traffic to the international crossing from Highway 401, with trucks and vehicles starting Monday afternoon and into Tuesday morning with local police asking people to avoid the area."

The Ambassador Bridge is closed.

Here’s the scene at Huron Church and College right now.

Police say it was calm overnight.

I’ve noticed the backlog of transport trucks caught in the protest have moved. pic.twitter.com/V9762O7dMS

— Chris Ensing (@ChrisEnsingCBC) February 8, 2022

As of Tuesday morning, Police announced in a tweet that one lane of US-bound traffic is open.

"I'm here for my kids, just to get it back to normal. They haven't played hockey, it's been a disaster. Just end, give us back what we need to live again. Trudeau, Doug Ford, just listen to us," said Sam Kovak of Woodslee, Ont.

"I was in Ottawa the past two weekends, all the people I talked to were vaccinated. It's got nothing to do — just give us our freedom back," he added. "Now we're in the exact same position two years ago, my kids are still sitting at home, my wife is still sitting at home."

"We're sorry, but we have to make a stand."

The Ambassador Bridge is one of the busiest international land border crossings in Canada and a major route for transport trucks.

Police are asking students and parents to avoid the road, and access the schools from California Avenue.

"The Windsor Police have assured that they have no concerns for student or staff safety at this time. They will have two police officers at the school to assist us with the situation this morning," the memo read.


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857bff  No.287791

File: 976ad24bc8562af⋯.png (511.88 KB, 690x406, 345:203, Port_Huron_Sarnia_Jammed.png)

The Port Huron-Sarnia is all bogged down!!!

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857bff  No.287792

File: 5cd86d3ccd5b542⋯.webm (2.53 MB, 1296x540, 12:5, FUNNY.webm)

Funny meme!

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857bff  No.287793

File: c50f2b39707b743⋯.jpg (144.13 KB, 591x944, 591:944, 1644347854113.jpg)

Everyone else thinks the clot shot mandates should be canceled!!!! Maybe control freaks like yourself should find a new career!!!!

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857bff  No.287794

File: 301e172b009cb50⋯.png (559.37 KB, 771x808, 771:808, 1644347639056.png)

Freedom-lovers are gathering everywhere, support the local diners & businesses while your all there!!!

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857bff  No.287795

File: 0af4c80bc9eccb8⋯.png (2.17 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1644346389743.png)

Somewhere in Canada, last night….

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857bff  No.287796

File: e781d2f9858eb37⋯.jpg (116.08 KB, 598x623, 598:623, 1644345489869.jpg)

They're likely empty and just trolling you people, but who knows?


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857bff  No.287797

File: 9ef0150f04d359d⋯.png (27.81 KB, 729x133, 729:133, 1644345318056.png)

This sounds like good news!!!!

Support medical freedom!!!!

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857bff  No.287798

File: 2da4d6b479454fc⋯.png (53.23 KB, 214x148, 107:74, 1644344906123.png)

We got a wack job as a counter-protester!!!!!!

At least he makes his Anti-Human attitude very clear for all to see!!

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857bff  No.287799

File: bcae4528968ccdb⋯.png (283.5 KB, 597x565, 597:565, 1644344335896.png)


Bravo!!!! You sir, are a real liberal!!! Thank you for standing your ground against COMMUNISM!

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857bff  No.287800

File: 5f7e7809246ddfc⋯.jpg (283.67 KB, 1080x910, 108:91, 1644344221898.jpg)


Now that's a sucker punch to the Big Pharma establishment and their political cronies!!!!!

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857bff  No.287801

File: 60dd68acd1cce35⋯.jpg (748.67 KB, 1080x1666, 540:833, 1644344001083.jpg)

LOL! As it should be :)

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857bff  No.287802

File: cccb4cd9b2e119e⋯.jpg (124.7 KB, 1284x1032, 107:86, 1644343854542.jpg)

The pilots have joined the protest against mandatory vaccines!!!!

We salute you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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857bff  No.287803

File: 35f0d7e06ebffda⋯.png (31.92 KB, 726x235, 726:235, 1644343711913.png)

Nothing to be afraid of, it's called Freedom!!


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857bff  No.287804

File: 112a45c848d7d5e⋯.png (59.7 KB, 1374x476, 687:238, 1644343724987.png)

Saskatchewan CA is ending the vaccine mandates!!!!!

Congratulations! A small victory, but let's have this Freedom spread!!!!!!

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c6d3ef  No.287806


Oregon, one of the most fascist states in America, is ending its mandatory mask mandates in schools, because 'We the People' are DEMANDING our FREEDOMS be RESPECTED. We Have Freedom, and We WILL Exercise Our Freedom.

Globalist Totalitarian Elite BTFO Worldwide!

> inb4 World War

> inb4 common man refuses to fight for what Globalist Elites want… turns public attention and sentiment upon (((Them))).

> but not inb4 these control freaks keep spinning their wheels, all the while slipping backwards, and having less control; not more.

See? >>287805

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857bff  No.287808





MY COMMENT: If true this could be the very beginning of the end of the supply chain if it pisses off the trucking industry and enough employees!!! I cannot see how this would be a solution unless they WANTED to make things even worse. Considering we are dealing with possible demons, that could be their intention!!

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857bff  No.287809


Rumble — RCMP Insider Claims Police Are Planning Mass Arrests by Friday Feb 11th

- Police are gathering by the hundreds to raid the truckers and arrest everyone who doesn't flee.

- People will be taken to the Landsdowne for processing.

- They will be disabling cell phone service in the area so no live streaming will be possible.

- Multi-agency task force including RCMP, POU, OPS, OPP, Durham Police, and other local police departments.


MY COMMENT: Same as above!

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857bff  No.287810


If they start a world war I ain't fighting it for them. I'll only fight for my family, my private property and my freedom, as well my local community if we got invaded by gun grabbers (foreign, domestic or blue helmets)!!

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857bff  No.287811

File: 9676c8fa295f723⋯.png (22.24 KB, 871x184, 871:184, 1644349887477.png)

Should Trudeau be removed? Canadians can give their AG number a call!

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857bff  No.287812

File: 51447605b8f3de3⋯.png (2.24 MB, 1170x4313, 1170:4313, 1644350281927.png)


Here is a whole article on it!!! Glad to see at least one liberal stand up against real discrimination!!!!!

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857bff  No.287813

File: 1763230c88b84e4⋯.png (815.79 KB, 1151x634, 1151:634, 1644351155951.png)

I think one politician completely forgot about what these protests were about!!!! Stop trying to fool the public and sweep this under the rug, no can do!!!

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857bff  No.287814

File: 565abbffb716282⋯.png (203.4 KB, 1014x859, 1014:859, 1644351206309.png)

Justin supported the EXACT same sort of protest when it happened in India.

Farmers blockaded a city for about a month to protest unfair laws!!

Why doesn't he support these protesters against unfair laws!?!?

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857bff  No.287815

File: 8191c8b7a433504⋯.png (269.06 KB, 593x554, 593:554, 1644351573761.png)

Look at the shock on his face!!!! He knows how bad this can get!!!! But *someone* behind the scenes is controlling him, obviously!!!! He's been pressured to keep the mandates in place!!! So obvious!!!!!! Commie PUPPET. Corrupt PUPPET.

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857bff  No.287816

File: f6d7e9cf62638b6⋯.jpg (231.16 KB, 750x1552, 375:776, 1644351648331.jpg)

Looks like they repealed covid regulations in Bavaria, wherever that is, congratulations!!! First world nation common sense!! I like it.

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857bff  No.287817

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857bff  No.287818

File: 194b9b8eb841abc⋯.png (35.51 KB, 935x259, 935:259, 1644355542864.png)

File: 8018d5a0b6f4638⋯.png (633.63 KB, 1126x387, 1126:387, 1644356512913.png)


I'm to the point where we the people, us with common sense, need to get our shit together and bail from this completely broken hostile system, and get as far away from it as we can to survive it's inevitable collapse. It is going to come crashing down. Whether we live under communism or just corporate-socialism today can be debated, but it's not going to work because it never has. Unfortunately if the Western governments get too desperate, they'll bring our nations into World War III which would be disastrous for most people on the planet. Be prepared and get ready to bug-out to the boonies if need be. I already have, anyone else that can better do the same.


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857bff  No.287819

"Three step plan to removing (some) covid regulations" huh…. why do I get a feeling they are trying their best to buffalo Canadians!? Notice how they try their very best not to mention the vaccine passport issue!! As if they are squirming around it….


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857bff  No.287820

File: 21c8987bfddb286⋯.png (595.78 KB, 1506x1306, 753:653, 1644357773273.png)

Try answering THAT ONE!!!!!

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857bff  No.287821

File: 9607dc1e5d44a72⋯.png (365.15 KB, 1080x1001, 1080:1001, 1644357900195.png)


So at the same time these nutjobs are clamoring for war….. 'we're seeing shortages of everything now, you name it!'

Hmmmmm…. seems like someone set us all up to FAIL. Doesn't it?

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857bff  No.287822

File: 337c8bcbec7f6b1⋯.png (52.27 KB, 710x261, 710:261, 1644357814438.png)

I don't care if people wear masks, I am not bothered by them, that is their own affair….. but I'd likely run away from this unhinged psycho control freak granny too!

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857bff  No.287823

File: e21c461d8f55ec1⋯.jpg (175.55 KB, 894x806, 447:403, 1644358100889.jpg)

File: 37eca556e9de16f⋯.jpg (83.26 KB, 638x533, 638:533, 1644358175098.jpg)

Which one is more accurate?

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857bff  No.287824

File: a6a4c97196c9b8d⋯.jpg (182.24 KB, 1080x1368, 15:19, 1644358983404.jpg)

So now they are telling us that democracy is NOT about freedom…..

So that said, what is their "democracy" really all about!?

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857bff  No.287826

File: ccc27d294277ab0⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 1080x1060, 54:53, 1644359628631.jpg)


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857bff  No.287827

File: e059e0a700ae871⋯.png (2.13 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1644360217275.png)

Jerry can parade! It would be clever if one of them happens to sneak some gas to the truckers this way!!

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857bff  No.287828

File: b003b437cd18750⋯.jpg (559.92 KB, 1080x2074, 540:1037, 1644361193810.jpg)

Holy shit some city libs are so easily mentally defeated, maybe it's just because they're already unstable in the first place!? Back in the day their "boomer" parent hippies and hipsters would have been taking full advantage of this to meet up with people and have FUN!!

Oh what webs we weave when we practice to deceive!

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857bff  No.287829

File: cbcdda2623bc9cf⋯.jpg (251.12 KB, 748x1372, 187:343, 1644361602186.jpg)



It looks like even Antifa punks hated this dude!

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857bff  No.287830

File: 337dfe98fb7c00f⋯.png (385.48 KB, 727x816, 727:816, 1644361940314.png)



"Just except this tyranny to prevent more tyranny!"

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857bff  No.287831

File: 6d7c9799dfda659⋯.png (87.18 KB, 701x342, 701:342, 1644361956770.png)

Ohhhhhhh my…..

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7ae190  No.287836

File: a847e9bdcdb5688⋯.png (500.88 KB, 1000x719, 1000:719, 7404544abaf509a156742f7290….png)


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96c52f  No.287838

File: 3d9c4e07aaca39a⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_02_08_Individuals_Lik….mp4)

"Individuals"…. (As opposed to "Collectives" of less-thans, which is how some individuals see humanity…)

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cabdfd  No.287861



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857bff  No.287887

File: e4f122f7a833d05⋯.webm (2.92 MB, 384x848, 24:53, 1644387765227.webm)

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857bff  No.287889

File: f54697e06281040⋯.jpg (503.37 KB, 828x1654, 414:827, 1644388017886.jpg)


They're already setting up the covid concentr- errr coof camps!! Bullshit "just except this tyranny to prevent more tyranny!"

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857bff  No.287890

File: d693497aa048aa2⋯.jpg (1010.44 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 1644388513648.jpg)

Pretty unsanitary!! Typically this is why when you go to public events, like the drag races, they'll have pubic outhouses far far away from the areas people are cooking and selling food!

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857bff  No.287891

File: dab2e7d0a4f6ea7⋯.png (34.28 KB, 743x351, 743:351, 1644389034799.png)

Coutts border blockade still happening.

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857bff  No.287892

File: fcd35adbe800b9b⋯.jpg (1.19 MB, 1079x1436, 1079:1436, 1644391543484.jpg)

Somewhere in Canada, picture taken this morning.

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857bff  No.287893

File: 31c59ad45b1396c⋯.jpg (1.32 MB, 1079x1448, 1079:1448, 1644391640692.jpg)

File: cff717e626a6e7e⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 1079x1448, 1079:1448, 1644391801253.jpg)



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857bff  No.287894

File: f0fb878a22ffef2⋯.png (599.67 KB, 1145x644, 1145:644, 1644394467528.png)

Picture taken last night…. I'm guessing this is near the Ambassador bridge and Windsor? Not sure.

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857bff  No.287895

File: 9750407878596a2⋯.jpg (567.45 KB, 1080x1935, 24:43, 1644400234718.jpg)

There is no freaking way the ideas this guy had would not be abused in full to prosecute those who are unvaccinated!! The ONLY good idea he had was starting a debate on what could be a COMPROMISE….. so I rudely injected in my 2 cents!!

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857bff  No.287896

File: e50a143859aac60⋯.jpg (98.23 KB, 680x960, 17:24, 1644403632957.jpg)

Pic taken a few days ago but still funny!

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857bff  No.287897

File: 970f39057f53337⋯.jpg (90.16 KB, 734x1280, 367:640, 1644404385616.jpg)

Feds trying to infiltrate this protest with weapons.


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857bff  No.287898

File: c03b1d08d1a88c4⋯.jpg (324.1 KB, 2385x1352, 2385:1352, 1644411754650.jpg)

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857bff  No.287899

File: d2d19f195ed9ee0⋯.jpg (110.52 KB, 961x1280, 961:1280, 1644411972220.jpg)


Looks like undercover feds being bused around!!!

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857bff  No.287901

File: 650c8ee51177e81⋯.png (480.09 KB, 1644x1627, 1644:1627, 1644412915520.png)

Notice how retarded these people think we are?

#1 This isn't daycare and the government is not your parents, teachers or your doctors for that matter, nor is that their job!!!

#2 This vaccine mandate has nothing to do with public sanitation!! No matter how much you were brainwashed into thinking so!!!

#3 This is about medical choice, would it be OK if I decided what medicine you can take, or what kind of medical care you get? Maybe you wouldn't mind because you are goyim, easily managed cattle, but I can assure you millions of others would not like me playing doctor on them!! Nor should the government!!! It is not their job to play doctor!!!!

#4 You'll become the biggest crybabies if your economy crashes. Keep testing angry fed up workers and see what happens!!

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857bff  No.287916

File: 26f28cc38a53764⋯.png (486.6 KB, 603x1080, 67:120, 1644424823749.png)

Good news!!!! Hold the line until the mandates are dropped!!

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857bff  No.287917

File: e812761ea39bbcf⋯.png (222.71 KB, 810x581, 810:581, 1644424986845.png)

Looks like 402 has been jammed up to!!!

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857bff  No.287919

File: e2250e22813dc88⋯.png (41.95 KB, 785x672, 785:672, 1644425034256.png)


I guess some are still honking!!!

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857bff  No.287920

File: 339ef3b27d18480⋯.jpg (240.47 KB, 1920x974, 960:487, 1644425919448.jpg)

Uniting for medical freedom, which is what evil corrupt political puppets have been trying to take away from all of us so they can roll out their GLOBAL SOCIAL CREDIT SCORE (ID 2020)!!!!

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857bff  No.287921

File: edc1703b144f10c⋯.png (821.64 KB, 820x615, 4:3, 16444444.png)

Last night in Canada……

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857bff  No.287922

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857bff  No.287923

File: 160905a99454742⋯.png (64.29 KB, 1489x290, 1489:290, 1644425648041.png)

Looks like New York will be dropping their mask & vaccine mandates!

However I speculate this is just because the midterm elections are coming up! If they get their commies in again, I'm sure it will go back into effect! We'll see.




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857bff  No.287924

File: 5c0104fa1018506⋯.jpg (482.98 KB, 1284x2778, 214:463, 1644426059156.jpg)

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857bff  No.287925

File: 3a81cb2c73f76b0⋯.png (251.38 KB, 469x560, 67:80, 1644421291318.png)

Capitalism And Common Sense Will End Vaccine Mandates In 2022

Posted Thursday, Jan 13, 2022 - 04:21 PM

Is Zero Hedge still considered "fake news" lol!? They predicted it!!!


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857bff  No.287926

File: 5deb614dd028f65⋯.png (79.32 KB, 853x273, 853:273, 1644426816896.png)

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857bff  No.287932




Also, the "Third World Despotic Medical Police States To Stay Away From & Boycott" thread has been updated.

See here: >>287928 & >>287929

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3e528f  No.287938

BREAKING NEWS: Quebec Liberal MP Robillard also breaks ranks, questions Trudeau government’s handling of pandemic



Robillard said that he’s not worried even if he’s kicked out of the caucus. He said there are more MPs in the caucus “who’ve just had enough” and “are not going to pass the rest of our mandate like that.

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3e528f  No.287939

File: 4e336c96539c353⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1212x1916, 303:479, 1644436260010.png)


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3e528f  No.287940

File: e2dd545ad2dbe75⋯.png (25.19 KB, 661x346, 661:346, 1644435833510.png)

So true and so sad!!!!! Glad we have some people who are not cowards today!!!!

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3e528f  No.287941

File: 65a9ecbb2f5ce25⋯.jpg (327.11 KB, 1793x2125, 1793:2125, 1644435644653.jpg)


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96c52f  No.287943

File: 4bfeb396c5d8026⋯.png (358.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_02_08_THEY_Say.png)

File: 771a4b7328baa6a⋯.mp4 (3.56 MB, 720x480, 3:2, 2022_02_08_THEY_Say_480p_3….mp4)

'Elites', as a Collective, Look Down Upon the Individual

https://odysee.com/@Just-Kiss-It:2/2022-02-08_THEY-Say:7 [ 2:35 ]

They See All "Others" As Their Inferiors.


"The Slaves Shall Serve."

As for me…

I maintain the `'Just-Kiss-It'` Spirit of FREEDOM. You can too.



This 45 MB 720p Video was made by `'Just-Kiss-It'` with Free, Open-Source Linux Tools.

There is a 27.7 MB 720p Medium Quality Version at: https://files.catbox.moe/23rrjd.mp4

There is a 3.6 MB 480p Version at: https://files.catbox.moe/06tw9y.mp4

> MP4 related

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(I prefer BEAM https://beam.mw/ .)

(I no longer support fiat currency of any kind, nor will I encourage others to support the Centralized Banking Cartels whatsoever.)

More Information on this may be forthcoming…

LBRY Coin (LBC) Donation Address : bLEp7CtUb9kqmuEfAYWdFji4GWTqCgpX7d

(Either Donate in LBRY App or on Odysee. See https://lbry.com/faq/exchanges for more info.)


BEAM Donation Wallet Address : ( https://i.imgur.com/p6EE6Mq.png )


JKI_BEAM_Donation-Address_i.imgur.com/p6EE6Mq.png ( https://i.imgur.com/p6EE6Mq.png )

Monero (XMR) Donation Wallet Address : ( https://i.imgur.com/SlqKazp.png )


Monero_XMR_Donation-Wallet-Address_i.imgur.com/SlqKazp.png ( https://i.imgur.com/SlqKazp.png )

Susucoin Donation Address : ( https://i.imgur.com/gq1pCCq.png )


Susucoin-Donation-Address_i.imgur.com/gq1pCCq.png ( https://i.imgur.com/gq1pCCq.png )

Bitcoin Donation Address : ( https://i.imgur.com/vkO6SpK.png )


FREedom-BTC-Donation-Address_i.imgur.com/vkO6SpK.png ( https://i.imgur.com/vkO6SpK.png )

Yes, FREedom…!

BE one of the few who Supports Freedom.

> inb4 consequences…

There's worse shit up in here! In the name of Freedom…

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5c7d2e  No.287947

File: 074d219e0857dbc⋯.jpg (21.03 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 1f123ec0ac193f3aa119604851….jpg)


Could picture just possibly be part of the act ?

Mr handsome smug liberal, the man that just can't lose all of a sudden conveniently got the coof and the "poor guys looks ill.

I think the politician taunted "the fringe trucker movement" which turned out to be a large grassroot protest against covid mandates!

Mr smug got scared of the plebs and went into hiding lol.

But if plebs were to realize that he is in fact aspineless coward hiding from his people, then his power as "leader" is gone.

The picture is a photo op to prove that the poor guy is reawy reawy sick with coof coof so better take that mandatory boostyboost :)

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7333b7  No.287991

File: e84d12b6d837c96⋯.png (504.61 KB, 663x759, 221:253, 1644438708207.png)

They're terrified of The People rising up against their tyranny and saying "we won't have this anymore!!!"

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7333b7  No.287992

File: 35afe3ec65c3bfe⋯.png (570.13 KB, 1033x822, 1033:822, 1644437291905.png)

Rumor is tons of Bitcoin donations are flooding to the Freedom Convoy!!!!!

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7333b7  No.287995

File: d2f4c63fd2aa5fe⋯.jpg (337.68 KB, 1282x721, 1282:721, 1644437458427.jpg)

Truckers run the economy!!

Trudeau attacked the truckers first, trying to coerce them into taking dangerous experimental clot shots, threatening to have them fired if they did not comply!!!! His mandates are a threat to the economy!!!!!!!!!

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7333b7  No.287999

File: 08d0e4798a6f6b4⋯.png (90.04 KB, 727x540, 727:540, 1644437561108.png)

It's not going to work, intimidating this large a movement, with these kinds of financial backbone workers ;(remember: these truckers can MAKE OR BREAK YOU financially and socially if they wanted to!); is no longer an option. All hey have to do is block some roads & highways and set up mass worker strikes and then the nations crumble under their corrupted governments!!! National debt defaults would occur on a national level, and it's all over!!!!! It won't work….. there is no other option….


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7333b7  No.288001

File: 857e8db3d340102⋯.jpg (552.4 KB, 1079x1695, 1079:1695, 1644437679738.jpg)

Listen, they imposed tyranny on average Canadians like yourself, as well as the truckers!!!! Those forced clot shot mandates are a form of medical tyranny!!! They're protesting tyranny, till it ends, come hell or high water…. if it all comes falling down then it all comes falling down!!!!



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7333b7  No.288002

File: c25e25ba353fa95⋯.jpg (245.39 KB, 1182x386, 591:193, 1644437867890.jpg)

So have we Americans!!!! All trust has been officially broken!!!

You know if these radical control freaks don't stop their lying deceptive tyrannical abusive behavior, this won't end well. Trust me, it will end in total balkanization and financial collapse. And debt defaults EVERYWHERE. Venezuela!

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7333b7  No.288003

File: c22effd758dff04⋯.png (405.81 KB, 587x633, 587:633, 1644438395145.png)


They're sending in the OFFICIAL KVETCH!!

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7333b7  No.288005

File: cc20ad5f6721b2b⋯.jpg (703.36 KB, 1079x1577, 13:19, 1644439495515.jpg)

It doesn't look like this will end well, because they don't need to be in Ottawa to fuck over Trudeau's financial institutions and relations, believe me.

This protest has many different arenas and can take many different shapes!!!!!

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7333b7  No.288006

File: 3c31a9542b9f4d4⋯.webm (2.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1644462697250.webm)

Two or three days ago outside the Parliament at night!

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7333b7  No.288007

File: a0800546faa6630⋯.jpg (1009.18 KB, 1125x1392, 375:464, 1644463455367.jpg)

Let it spread like wildfire till MEDICAL FREEDOM is restored!!!!!

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491a27  No.288008


>Size vehicles


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7333b7  No.288009

File: ec1ad451ba6f03c⋯.png (304.8 KB, 549x586, 549:586, 1644463604837.png)

Earlier yesterday…. I've been too busy getting some extra supplies readied to keep up with these updates but I'm doing my best!

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7333b7  No.288011

File: f0ab520cd8cf803⋯.png (21.03 KB, 584x167, 584:167, 1644465810984.png)

File: 84528c40770436d⋯.jpg (99.98 KB, 680x675, 136:135, 1644470885487.jpg)

Auto plants likely to shut down due to massive jams throughout Detroit (see pic 2) and the Ambassador Bridge!! 25% of all auto parts are transferred between that route and it is all bogged down!!!

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7333b7  No.288012

File: 475f85650414369⋯.png (242.06 KB, 751x574, 751:574, 1644465860006.png)


An UPDATE on Peace Bridge: Closed!

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7333b7  No.288013

File: 82ffaec85e794ef⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1125x2011, 1125:2011, 1644466058917.png)

Rumors that the SWAT team has arrived in Coutts. What has transpired I don't know.

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7333b7  No.288015

File: 4442b6fcb3b2f9e⋯.jpg (1.13 MB, 1440x2708, 360:677, 1644469262437.jpg)

Clot shot mandates which have killed hundreds of thousands (if not more!) citizens around the world doesn't make us "anxious"!?!?!!??

I mean you must be kidding!!!!!

Don't get your panties in a bunch, this shitstorm has just begun and it's going global!!

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7333b7  No.288016

File: e6b7952b2f290d0⋯.jpg (85.94 KB, 1792x445, 1792:445, 1644469826223.jpg)

I'm glad to hear CTV was booted away from the protests!!!!! State-run saboteurs!!!!!!

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7333b7  No.288017

File: 34d209f1fe8cabd⋯.jpg (54.9 KB, 784x512, 49:32, 1644471365357.jpg)


You damn right this could crash the economy and supply chain!!!

Since you are connected to the cartel, may I suggest you persuade your associates to deal with those pushing these mandates? Perhaps a simple nudge on the shoulder would work?

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7333b7  No.288018

File: e956516cde64bcb⋯.png (354.72 KB, 602x620, 301:310, 1644493838483.png)


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7333b7  No.288019

File: 91789c580b11498⋯.png (27.61 KB, 748x224, 187:56, 1644471475427.png)

Emerson Border status: Closed!

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7333b7  No.288020

File: e197f22efe93878⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 2868x5092, 717:1273, 1644472366627.jpg)

File: 559a34f2fc7c012⋯.jpg (106.27 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1644468785160.jpg)

If I were the cartel's puppets, I'd be in a bit of a panic too. No?

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ff51aa  No.288022

File: 7ed51211a840fd8⋯.jpg (184.13 KB, 1920x904, 240:113, 1644473572449.jpg)

HAHAHAHA! Well I guess we'll just wait and see!

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ff51aa  No.288024

File: 5cb42d443f2c012⋯.png (350.4 KB, 593x906, 593:906, 1644480997130.png)

The mandates would have killed TONS of jobs and livelihoods too! You tyrants pissed off the wrong people: the backbone workers of the country!!! Now they're making sure you people get the message of when to STOP!!

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e358e4  No.288025


I love how all your claims have shutterstock photos and no source.

I also love judicious use of things like this:


We know all your little tricks, but keep going. It's hilarious.

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ff51aa  No.288027

File: e3e5ddab5218b7a⋯.jpg (554.1 KB, 1080x1564, 270:391, 1644498097714.jpg)

Good! Hope it does!!!

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ff51aa  No.288029

File: 767529c11fbe43b⋯.png (1.01 MB, 781x575, 781:575, EMERSON_BORDER_CROSSING_BL….png)

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ff51aa  No.288032

File: d13ef2d63a0ae4d⋯.jpg (546.1 KB, 1080x2178, 60:121, 1644505943372.jpg)

File: d91eabaf44c672b⋯.jpg (14.98 KB, 369x308, 369:308, 1644308150170.jpg)


Here you go! Just for (((you)))

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ff51aa  No.288034

File: 60d40c670d0e9a8⋯.jpg (927.72 KB, 1170x1714, 585:857, 1644503990426.jpg)

Everyone should have the privilege to enjoy freedom!!!!

Everyone should have the privilege to protest tyranny and despotism!!!!!!

Case closed, goyim.

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ff51aa  No.288035



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ff51aa  No.288036

File: bd6b07e50fb386e⋯.png (154.05 KB, 1182x744, 197:124, 1644504984964.png)

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ff51aa  No.288037

File: bd6b07e50fb386e⋯.png (154.05 KB, 1182x744, 197:124, 1644504984964.png)



I'm not fucking the post up this time!!!!!!!!!!!!


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ff51aa  No.288038

File: 76c804b317defed⋯.png (37.08 KB, 767x318, 767:318, 1644505189135.png)

File: 754dd26268a23cf⋯.png (20.73 KB, 717x141, 239:47, 1644505698197.png)


They're protesting with the pilots who are on strike over the mandates!!!!

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ff51aa  No.288039

File: 326452f43b7d233⋯.png (383.67 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 1644505886637.png)

According to this idiot, everything he protests is OK. But if you protest against anything he agrees with, you're a Nazi!

These people can't debate anything!!!!!

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ff51aa  No.288040

File: 83ab116a4da0861⋯.jpg (468.95 KB, 1080x1686, 180:281, 1644507118811.jpg)

Uhhhhh huh………..

HONK!!!! HONK!!!!!!

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ff51aa  No.288041

File: 1cdc1a424107921⋯.jpg (114.2 KB, 1080x679, 1080:679, 1644507255236.jpg)

Sometimes a break is good, I take breaks too! Being on the internet all day is unhealthy, highly NOT recommended!!

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e358e4  No.288046


My favorite part is that every trucker participating in this "protest" will have their CDL suspended for at least 1 year after all this mess. Must be nice to not have to work.

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66feee  No.288049

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66feee  No.288050


My favorite parts are seeing hypocritical morons freak out over a protest (the same idiots who claim they are against a police state and discrimination), watching the corrupt puppet politicians squirming and trying to lie their way out of public criticism, the bankers kvetching about a supply chain breakdown (told ya!), literal average workers bogging down the whole financial system and making the wealthy assholes lose millions of dollars of profit per day (which they then start placing blame on their bankrolled political cronies lol), watching some of the scumbags from establishment party jumping ship trying to avoid blame while Trudeau isolates himself…. yah, feels good!

And much more to come if they keep it going ;)

If this system is too corrupted to treat us like human beings, then this system should crash and burn and I have no problem with that!

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e358e4  No.288054


The couple thousand truckers participating in this thing (no, it's not 50,000 and never was - maps + "how long is a truck" don't lie) aren't going to make any difference whatsoever. Well, unless that one 95 year old bridge collapses under the weight of all those trucks sitting on it. That would be hilarious.

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5c7d2e  No.288097


> My favorite parts are seeing hypocritical morons freak out over a protest.

Those morons are the ones getting drafted into the govt apparatchik, once the govt goes tyranny mode.

I think it isn't har to imagine what comes after that eh?

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8fc6a5  No.288132

File: 768d1bb3ddc9774⋯.jpg (283.33 KB, 917x1027, 917:1027, punch_leftards_110672.jpg)

File: a88bd975ec9f079⋯.jpg (5.59 MB, 3856x2831, 3856:2831, nuke_china.jpg)

File: 522bfcd511ecb39⋯.gif (2.75 MB, 255x191, 255:191, 1620799266197.gif)


Honestly its only getting bigger this protest is making leftist fags suicidal its absolutely hilarious. Its spreading across to the states now and now Europe. NYC is starving btw the mayor is getting followed everyday asking where the food is. NYC is about be escape from new york city.

O and several chinese cities have been rioting which is why they are crying so much. We will actually see china in full civil war mode in the next few years.


You are a faggot and a retarded kike, shame on your mother for birthing you.

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3d746d  No.288160


In Canada it won't fair well for those poor unarmed citizens. In America, they best bring some body armor and body bags if they are come for us!!!

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3d746d  No.288161

Sorry folks, been away from the computer for a while, had to do some work around the homestead but I'll be updating as much as I can today. Got some news I'll post first, with some more images I collected yesterday afternoon.

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3d746d  No.288162


>O and several chinese cities have been rioting which is why they are crying so much. We will actually see china in full civil war mode in the next few years.

LOL, cool! I've heard some rumors going around Bitchute recently about Chinese riots but never knew if that was actually legit or not.

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3d746d  No.288163

Ezra Levant's Prediction On Trucker Convoy:


1. I think I know how this trucker rebellion is going to end. Hear me out.

2. Two days in a row, Liberal MPs have publicly distanced themselves from Trudeau's fiasco. He's never had such a crisis before and he's never mismanaged it so badly. Gerald Butts' usual advice - smear everybody as racist sexist Nazis - isn't working. It's made things worse.

3. No-one believes it anymore, especially when everyone can see for themselves how happy and Canadian the crowd is. They see thousands of Canadian flags but they hear Trudeau snarling about Nazi flags. Suddenly Trudeau looks old and out of touch. Image

4. So Trudeau is abusing working people, minorities, independent thinkers. People who used to vote for him. I can't get over the fact that 57% of Green voters love the truckers. Trudeau's smiley mask has slipped; he's shown his rage. Voters will never un-see that.

5. Trudeau never apologizes (except for when he apologizes for other people's sins). He is emotionally incapable of admitting he was wrong. He never has in his life. So he's stuck as the angry guy. It's not a good look. That's 100% Gerald Butts.


6. Trudeau is polling as the worst politician to deal with the crisis according to BOTH pro- and anti-truckers! (How is that even possible?)

It's a remarkable combination of insults, incompetence, and fleeing the city. Both sides blame Trudeau.

7. But he can't back down now. How can you call someone a racist sexist Nazi, and say you'll never meet with them – and then meet with them?

But that's exactly what most people want Trudeau to do. Including half of the people in Ottawa!

8. Trudeau has made outrageous threats and the Ottawa Police have disgraced themselves by carrying out those threats with shocking brutality. This video has 3M views in two days. This is Trudeau's vibe now. But how can he back down? He can't lose face.


9. That video is bad enough. But imagine going truck by truck, extracting men, women and children? Here's a vid from the Coutts border crossing. What's Trudeau going to do – shoot them? Policing doesn't work when the bulk of citizens don't consent.


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3d746d  No.288164


10. So the truckers aren't backing down. All Ottawa courts would do is end the honking. The Coutts and Milk River blockade probably have 5,000 people in the middle of the prairie. And now the single most important bridge in North America is locked down.


11. I call it the most important because it carries 25% of Canada-U.S. trade on it – connecting the auto industry on either side of the Detroit River. And the bridge just happens to be privately owned, too.

12. Trudeau has no clue what to do. He's losing his cool. He's losing voters. He's even losing his MPs. Only the fools at the Ottawa Police and the Media Party are still marching with him. Gerald Butts is panicking – he's lashing out and suing critics.

13. But look at this! Vice President Jen Psaki (I think that's her title) was asked about the truckers. And she didn't do a Butts. She didn't smear or slander or attack. In fact, she seemed to praise the truckers and pretend Joe Biden was one of them!

14. For all her flaws VP Psaki can control her emotions, unlike Trudeau and Butts. Trudeau thought demonizing truckers somehow made him look better, so he doused the fire with kerosene. Psaki was conciliatory and friendly. Why?

15. Again, because she can control her emotions. She doesn't have a vendetta against Canadian truckers like Trudeau does. She just doesn't want the Trucker Spring to spread to the U.S. She doesn't want the political optics. She doesn't want the economic carnage. She's a grown-up.

16. Imagine what a trucker rebellion would do in the U.S. Supply chain mess. Inflation. Unemployment. Visual proof of Biden's economic failure on TV every night. Alienating working class voters Biden needs so desperately this November.

Trudeau's mess is creeping over the bridge.

17. But the truckers are already changing the political climate. Half a dozen Democrat states just ended mask mandates. Democrats are looking for a graceful exit for Fauci. Biden doesn't need this staring contest. And here, I predict, is how this ends:

18. Biden gets the CDC to announce that The Science™️ has evolved again, and St. Fauci now says truckers don't need to be vaccinated to cross the border. Biden's policies are working so well, they can be retired already! Biden is a friend of the working man!

19. Biden saves the day. He saves jobs. He's normalizing America! And the Teamsters will praise him. And because he didn't demonize the truckers, he won't lose face.

But all cross-border trucks do round trips. So if Biden ends the vaccine mandate, Trudeau has to, as well.

20. You can't have a cross-border vaccine mandate in one direction. Biden will move, Trudeau will follow. He'll say it was for Canada-U.S. relations, and that it wasn't because of those racist, sexist, Nazi truckers.

But of course, it will be. And everyone will know it.

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3d746d  No.288165



21. These Canadian truckers and everyone cheering them on, despite the rage of the establishment are saving Canada. They're already making us more free. They've done more damage to Trudeau than the last two Conservative Party leaders combined. They're a political tsunami.

22. They've restored a sense of community in a country that Trudeau and Butts pitted against itself. They've restored a common purpose in a country where lockdown laws kept us isolated from each other. They've literally been a moveable street festival. They're great Canadians.

23. I mean, come on. Don't you wish you were there?

24. But what's never happened before is these Canadian truckers will be responsible for making America a freer place. The daily TV images of the Canadian truckers have some paternity in the Democrats' about-face on masks this past week. (What other intervening event did that?)

25. But it's those brave truckers on the Ambassador Bridge who put a fright into Biden and Psaki. In 1812, the last time Canada invaded the U.S., they sacked the place and burned down the White House. Psaki doesn't know her history but Biden is old enough to have been there.

26. To save the U.S. economy from a trucker rebellion, Joe Biden will lift his trucker vaccine mandate. Trudeau will have to follow, though he will be so enraged he'll probably punch through the drywall.

I can't see much further into the future than that.

What do you think?


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3d746d  No.288166

"Eyes Of The World Are On Us" - Ontario Declares 'State Of Emergency' Over Bridge Blockade

Ontario declared a 'state of emergency' Friday morning, warning truckers who continue to block the Ambassador Bridge they will be punished if they don't leave. Ontario Premier Doug Ford told reporters that the federal government is enacting new powers to end the blockade. He said protesters will be slapped with hefty fines (amounting to $78,800) and jail time, according to Bloomberg.

"We will also provide additional authority to consider taking away the personal and commercial licenses of anyone who doesn't comply with these orders," Ford said.

Toronto Star, Canada's largest online news website, reports truckers on the Windsor side of the Ambassador Bridge have "opened one lane of traffic" as police from across southwestern Ontario swoop in to remove protesters blocking the bridge. This comes as Ontario's government declared a state of emergency over the bridge blockade, and an auto group is seeking a court order at noon to remove protesters.

Today in Windsor, ON:

* Some protestors indicated they may open one lane of traffic on Windsor side of the Ambassador Bridge

* Police are moving in

* Auto group seeking court order to remove protestors at noon

Live updates from @jacoblorinc t.co/9OmYfjkk3o

— Toronto Star (@TorontoStar) February 11, 2022

Rebel News Update From Ambassador Bridge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t-htDHV4K0

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3d746d  No.288167

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

VICTORY FOR FREEDOM: Doug Ford Announces He Is Cancelling Vaccine Passports

“We’re pulling these passports,” Ford says in the video leaked to Rebel News. “We’re going to get back to normal. I can’t get you the exact date, but it’s going to be very soon. I’ll be speaking over the next few days. Friday I’m going to put out a statement. Monday I’ll be giving some dates. And we’re going to move forward.”


VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bVLpRQFK24

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3d746d  No.288168

File: f13ff841f614cc5⋯.jpg (182.34 KB, 1536x1102, 768:551, 1536x1102.jpg)

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3d746d  No.288169

File: 79a5076bc29f6b8⋯.jpg (268.32 KB, 1125x1294, 1125:1294, 1644515176511.jpg)


Shortages already happening!!!!

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3d746d  No.288170

File: 456c9913e2b6549⋯.jpg (796.85 KB, 1125x2187, 125:243, 1644519982709.jpg)

Another blockade on Highway 75…..

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3d746d  No.288171

File: 812ca39e462e5b6⋯.jpg (292.41 KB, 1440x1117, 1440:1117, 1644521857278.jpg)

Don't worry, our medical freedom will be restore, come hell or high water. Citizens are FED UP!!!

See here: >>288167

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3d746d  No.288172

File: 85ecc5074466a41⋯.png (93.78 KB, 882x593, 882:593, 1644521963423.png)

I agree. And furthermore we should not be lab rats or guinea pigs for the government or big pharma monopolists!!

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3d746d  No.288173

File: b19f66b1f8e9c7f⋯.png (314.8 KB, 745x740, 149:148, 1644523569954.png)

Blue Water Bridge blockade…

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3d746d  No.288174

File: 7519a0ee5376546⋯.png (451.89 KB, 717x605, 717:605, 1644525053179.png)

Good!!!! There should be class action lawsuits flooding governments around the world for their abusive forced-medical policies!! Everyone affected should be suing, over and over!!!

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3d746d  No.288175

File: 7fdd6a9dbb787e2⋯.png (288.93 KB, 594x722, 297:361, 1644525422692.png)


Auto plants being forced to shut down temporarily….

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3d746d  No.288176

File: 6150b54f42e48c9⋯.jpg (489.28 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1644528039470.jpg)

These poor children only have ONE childhood, let them live it normally!!!!

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3d746d  No.288177

File: 20193cf261ade10⋯.png (29.85 KB, 585x264, 195:88, 1644528113476.png)

Yes, exactly why they are protesting, it IS discrimination to prohibit unvaccinated people from shopping and earning a living!!!

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3d746d  No.288178

File: 487df3c7854dd90⋯.png (165.86 KB, 587x529, 587:529, 1644530137295.png)

From a piece of shit control freak, the world would be a better place if this bitch were not in a position of power!!

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3d746d  No.288179

File: 40fd4912ee8bc66⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 1242x1608, 207:268, 1644530418268.jpg)

Ambassador bridge all jammed up yesterday.

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3d746d  No.288180

File: 7909d8ac3c93063⋯.webm (1.03 MB, 320x240, 4:3, drone_of_milk_river_borde….webm)

Drone footage of the milk river border!

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3d746d  No.288181

File: 9abcafab8b21a61⋯.png (47.68 KB, 593x377, 593:377, 1644530591788.png)

Crazy, but predictable!

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3d746d  No.288183

File: 6254130417a9a07⋯.jpg (73.33 KB, 1024x616, 128:77, 1644530715991.jpg)

If they slashed tires #1 their hand would be removed from the burst of air pressure and #2 those trucks would not be towed very easily!!

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3d746d  No.288184

File: 551f5fdc27f7433⋯.png (106.58 KB, 598x581, 598:581, 1644531959483.png)

Ford decided to remove the clot shot mandate, yet he still hates the trucker protests!?


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3d746d  No.288185

File: 9ef80e2638faebb⋯.png (831.11 KB, 864x1920, 9:20, 1644531996309.png)

The (((State))) does not allow truth to be told over the airwaves, and they own the airwaves in most countries today!!

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3d746d  No.288186

File: d3ea74cd0e28f6f⋯.png (294.94 KB, 1587x1084, 1587:1084, 1644532991293.png)


I guess Canadians will have to donate via Bitcoin and other crypto, right Jerry!?

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3d746d  No.288187

File: c093c6d5b50206d⋯.jpg (555.81 KB, 1080x1302, 180:217, 1644533253144.jpg)


Is this even legal for them to outlaw legal donations!? LOL. Bring them to court!!!!

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3d746d  No.288189

File: d4ceea1e152f786⋯.jpg (467.85 KB, 1295x2529, 1295:2529, 1644533441558.jpg)

More hypocrisy being documented….

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3d746d  No.288192

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3d746d  No.288196

File: 89f13e13052a3d1⋯.png (577.9 KB, 750x1008, 125:168, 1644_toronto.png)

Somewhere in Toronto……… either today or yesterday…

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3d746d  No.288197

File: e961125bd49537e⋯.jpg (79.3 KB, 680x416, 85:52, 1644563443607.jpg)

LOL! Three major border points being blocked!!

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3d746d  No.288198

File: 86164f37fd426dd⋯.jpg (55.05 KB, 640x861, 640:861, 1644566313916.jpg)


Might be from a couple days ago but not sure, see Toronto police tweet here…

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3d746d  No.288199

File: 536fe31b55e847a⋯.png (501.44 KB, 471x604, 471:604, 1644582625313.png)

Ask this to anyone who supports the mRNA clot shot depop mandates!!!!!

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3d746d  No.288200

File: 7c15977ba99790a⋯.jpg (556.24 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1644586390302.jpg)

Nice truck!!!!!!!!

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3d746d  No.288201

File: e384cdaa570c289⋯.jpg (86.25 KB, 660x440, 3:2, 1644586589780.jpg)


This is a great victory for Freedom!!!!

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3d746d  No.288202

File: fe6abeafc7822e2⋯.jpg (93.45 KB, 762x752, 381:376, 1644587340922.jpg)



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3d746d  No.288203

File: bf18aaa95084c24⋯.png (199.24 KB, 1378x904, 689:452, 1644587492446.png)

Let's hope they can restore medical freedom so this all comes to a peaceful end!!

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3d746d  No.288204

File: df2872180d601c6⋯.jpg (693.6 KB, 828x888, 69:74, 1644589554601.jpg)

The Canadian government circling Ottawa by flight!!!

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3d746d  No.288205

File: eddab23b436624e⋯.jpg (67.84 KB, 771x301, 771:301, 1644589939270.jpg)

Viva Freedom!!!!

Hold the line for Freedom, it's worth it!!!

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3d746d  No.288207

File: 2ce00f86c2c960b⋯.jpg (404.76 KB, 1080x989, 1080:989, 1644590931925.jpg)

They're scared!! Why?

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3d746d  No.288209

File: 09625343884a27e⋯.jpg (171.74 KB, 674x703, 674:703, 1644591183202.jpg)

A second convoy joining the Ottawa protest!!

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3d746d  No.288210

File: b30dc69101a4827⋯.jpg (308.13 KB, 1084x2048, 271:512, 1644591197913.jpg)

This grandma is kicking some despotic ass for FREEDOM!!!!

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3d746d  No.288211

File: 618a5b18d1ba608⋯.jpg (91.62 KB, 648x800, 81:100, 1644591822471.jpg)

LOL!! It's the crazies!!!!!

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3d746d  No.288212

File: d0a567c66f6eaef⋯.png (198.61 KB, 1538x563, 1538:563, 1644592539433.png)

402 bogged down!!!!

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3d746d  No.288213

File: 7e7cf0e3d349eb0⋯.jpg (906.43 KB, 1080x2020, 54:101, 1644592854031.jpg)

Why are they so scared of FREEDOM!?!?!?

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3d746d  No.288214

File: 8bcb3a892c6fc7d⋯.png (172.33 KB, 1072x1443, 1072:1443, 1644593981176.png)

Control freaks are starting to scream, likely pulling their hair out!!!

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3d746d  No.288215

File: f750280bee9b7dd⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 768x974, 384:487, 1644594516551.jpg)

Somewhere in Canada…..

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3d746d  No.288216

File: 7265415720fbe83⋯.png (19.85 KB, 582x152, 291:76, 1644596739726.png)

Good!! GiveSendGo should also file a lawsuit against the government for trying to steal the funds!!!!

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3d746d  No.288217

File: ca832d1330fa5ac⋯.jpg (194.9 KB, 750x1108, 375:554, 1644597093248.jpg)

It will impact the supply chain and jobs, but YOU Trudeau did the exact same thing for TWO YEARS with your lockdowns & vaccine mandates!!! And YOU Trudeau could easily end this protest peacefully by ending the mRNA clot shot mandates!!!

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3d746d  No.288218

File: 781721873954c6d⋯.jpg (223.4 KB, 750x1040, 75:104, 1644598119835.jpg)

"Opinion", yep!!! All I need to know!!


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3d746d  No.288220

File: 00abcf9a5de4cc0⋯.png (53.21 KB, 741x641, 741:641, 1644602136766.png)

They're protesting to end ALL the covid mandates, that means the clot shot mandate too!!!! Enough is enough. And your daughter could easily plan another get-together with her boyfriend, don't lie about that!!

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3d746d  No.288222

File: bdd730717f7223b⋯.jpg (126.85 KB, 800x450, 16:9, blockade_in_France.jpg)

This picture is rumored from France!! Yes, France!! This protest is growing!!!!!


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3d746d  No.288227

UPDATE: Alex Jones is taking calls from truckers on the ground, both from the US & Canada. Recently a trucker from Detroit said he drove by the Ambassador Bridge (not on the bridge, just pasted by it), he said it's still completely bogged down, and they have tons of police, SWAT units, you name it! We don't know if they plan to raid the bridge, but it is being heavily patrolled by armed feds!!

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3d746d  No.288229


Also, some truckers are warning that police are starting to set up checkpoints on some highways, be aware of that and stay safe!!

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3d746d  No.288238

Total gridlock has already hit Canberra, Australia!!!


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3d746d  No.288243

Trudeau’s Security Head RESIGNS! Here’s He Reading His Oath Of Office!


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3d746d  No.288253

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3d746d  No.288254

File: 5a31aff3c90fd9a⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1590x681, 530:227, 1644610111.png)

Somewhere in Edmonton….

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3d746d  No.288256

File: a75bf91f0f92313⋯.png (183.98 KB, 480x543, 160:181, 1644605389027.png)

I don't hate him, but he should resign by now. Anyone who had any moral what-so-ever would have resigned by now.

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3d746d  No.288257

File: d7fe5b89977308c⋯.jpg (49.26 KB, 575x268, 575:268, 1644605916895.jpg)

Good to know!!!! Keep that money flowing to the truckers, Canada does NOT have any legal jurisdiction over you!!!!

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3d746d  No.288258

File: 4eb826291a9d99b⋯.png (21.3 KB, 594x210, 99:35, 1644606436304.png)


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3d746d  No.288259

File: 657bf6cebd69cbc⋯.png (73.35 KB, 414x538, 207:269, 1644612332561.png)


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3d746d  No.288260

File: 4f78c4322655b2f⋯.jpg (696.82 KB, 600x1222, 300:611, 1644612783152.jpg)

Amazing that it took all of this effort just to restore SOME of their basic civil liberties in SOME areas!! Never give up your freedom, because when you do it is next to impossible to get it back!!!

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3d746d  No.288261

File: a09f1de8a35feaf⋯.png (224.33 KB, 796x747, 796:747, 1644613483049.png)

Someone trying to wake up the idiots on Reddit!!

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3d746d  No.288263

File: 530097cd7965992⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1250x702, 625:351, 1644613671543.png)

Somewhere in Ottawa (? me thinks)

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3d746d  No.288264

File: 988d50787e80ba1⋯.jpg (567.43 KB, 1080x1707, 360:569, 1644613836427.jpg)

Proof that governments have been planning this medical tyranny for years!

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3d746d  No.288271

File: a339267483fc267⋯.jpg (38.03 KB, 592x546, 296:273, 1644615358529.jpg)

Castro's son, huh?

Is that true? Makes sense if so!!!!!

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3d746d  No.288272

File: 2a9391aa65dbbea⋯.jpg (375.68 KB, 1284x1087, 1284:1087, 1644616611498.jpg)

Sick!! Most of the protesters were Canadians!!! And not just those truckers!!!! LOTS of Canadians supported the Convoy!! All they want is their MEDICAL FREEDOM back!!!!!

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3d746d  No.288273

File: a7582fb7137c8fd⋯.jpg (223.66 KB, 1080x926, 540:463, 1644617178971.jpg)

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3d746d  No.288274

File: 974f9f38e41bb86⋯.jpg (413.07 KB, 750x1023, 250:341, Military_Aircraft_Winnipeg.jpg)

Military aircraft deployed to surveillance Winnipeg traffic.

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3d746d  No.288276

File: 9dffeed38d4a0ac⋯.png (55.27 KB, 501x1027, 501:1027, problemsolved.png)

How can Canada legally intervene companies that are not Canadian!?

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3d746d  No.288277

File: f5963e6475740b3⋯.png (20.83 KB, 493x507, 493:507, tireslash.png)

No, despots really don't think.

Their whole irrational behavior is based on emotional ideology.

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5c7d2e  No.288280


>Proof that governments have been planning this medical tyranny for years!

Right now the goverment(s)ture colours come shining through. And yes covid is basically a power game.

The gov and their media has told us that: "the vax is the only way ", they say this pretty much verbatiim worldwide.

Anything short of actually injecting people by force goes..( because that goes against the Nuremberg code.)

However, i believe prisoners CAN be forcefully injected. Eureka!

I think this is the next step in the game.

*categorize protestes and unvaxxed as "insurgent" so you can arrest and imprison them without a trail.

The problem is you will never be fully vaxxed as your vax status expires every xxx days…

what a perfect convenient way for them to get rid of problematic people .

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3d746d  No.288281

File: 2e0baecbd1c68ac⋯.jpg (31.41 KB, 336x329, 48:47, Real_Revolution.jpg)


>categorize protestes and unvaxxed as "insurgent" so you can arrest and imprison them without a trail

And then they would really start a civil war and it would completely crash the supply chain.

>what a perfect convenient way for them to get rid of problematic people

Problematic people? They need the plebs to fight their wars. They need the plebs to maintain an infrastructure. They need plebs to have any kind of medical system in the first place. Maybe we simply defect and have mass strikes? All it takes is enough fed up taxpayers to stop paying taxes and working and paying bills and voooola, the whole system starts to implode. Think that hasn't happened before? It has and it ruins nations and upends governments.

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143689  No.288300

File: 2fd4f99bb364838⋯.png (851.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_02_11_Tucker_Carlson_….png)

File: 89c302924ef2d37⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.92 MB, 627x627, 1:1, FUCK_You_I_Won_t_Do_What_Y….gif)

File: 7dcef22ec6e85a5⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, We_Wrestle_Against_Princip….png)

And so it begins…

Enjoy watching the Globalists ramp their war into high gear today against the very people they are supposed too be representing; the people who are ACTUALLY being represented by theFREEDOM TRUCKERS!

Hate to break it to the Trudeau-types…


"We, the People" Have Had It With Globalist Elites Imposing SLAVERY Worldwide; and We WILL Break Our Fetters, Whether Our Slavers Decide to Loosen Them Or Not!

So, do the bidding of the Globalist Elites, and Follow Centralized Control at your peril…

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-02-11


Are You Tired of Tyranny Yet?

How Tired Are You?

![FUCK-You_I_Won-t_Do_What_You_Tell_Me_i.imgur.com/NkiQ9cb.gif] https://i.imgur.com/NkiQ9cb.gif

Let me put it another way.

Would You Rather Support a Global Fight For Freedom, Or Will You Go to WAR For Globalist Elites, to Consolidate Their Power and Further Enslave Us ALL?

The Choice is That Simple, and That Stark. I hope you make the right choice.

I'll see ya on the battlefield either way!

![We-Wrestle-Against-Principalities-and-Powers_i.imgur.com/nHH0iqO.jpg] https://i.imgur.com/nHH0iqO.jpg

This is an historic episode, and you should not miss it.


If you like it, you're welcome to show some support, and you can find a bunch ways to do that on Odysee. (Minus any methods involving fiat currency; which `'Just-Kiss-It'` does not support, nor can `'Just-Kiss-It'`, in all good conscience, recommend that anyone continue to support fiat currencies printed by the centralized banking cartels in any way whatsoever.)

As for 8kun, you're always welcome to send some Susucoin ( https://susukino.com/ ) my way!

Susucoin Donation Address : ( https://i.imgur.com/otvV8c6.png )


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3d746d  No.288306

File: a0a373ca750e5a9⋯.png (174.05 KB, 528x359, 528:359, 1644661339208.png)

Another crazed control freak commie nutcase drives a car into a protest in Windsor.

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3d746d  No.288307

File: e45a8ea4cbb5aba⋯.png (119.81 KB, 815x585, 163:117, 1644662998711.png)



So typical of inhumane tyrants!!

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3d746d  No.288308

File: 5feab15cf3eb6e3⋯.jpg (68.83 KB, 607x801, 607:801, 1644661502970.jpg)

Some of the police have a soul, not many out there that do, but some!!!! He's one of the good cops!!

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3d746d  No.288309

File: 11cd2e460d381b2⋯.jpg (68.23 KB, 599x812, 599:812, 1644667543450.jpg)

Now this cop is a "bad apple" (for which there are far too many these days), a control freak tyrant. The typical brown shirt acting tough with a badge!! Against a kid. How nice!

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3d746d  No.288310

File: 371cf01528d680f⋯.png (949.38 KB, 1101x1311, 367:437, 1644668416976.png)

Protests over clot shot depop mandates hit New Zealand!!

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3d746d  No.288311

File: 8e5dcf58eb9847f⋯.jpg (458.34 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1644672297123.jpg)

The backbone of the economy has had enough of this tyranny!!!

Next up: nation-wide trucker strikes!?!?

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3d746d  No.288312

File: abc711b0ce1a558⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 1242x1564, 27:34, 1644680689600.jpg)


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3d746d  No.288313

File: ceacb0d39420a3e⋯.jpg (724.79 KB, 1125x1227, 375:409, 1644675598655.jpg)

Do what you got to do, stay safe and have some fun while you can!!! I'm sure these despots cannot wait to imprison/torture or flat out kill innocent protesters!!!!

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3d746d  No.288314

File: dd6044399127a09⋯.jpg (123.25 KB, 750x821, 750:821, 1644677227508.jpg)

Protests hit Paris over mandatory clot shot depop mandates….

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3d746d  No.288315

File: 893927d3afed28e⋯.jpg (85.27 KB, 1106x550, 553:275, 1644678999192.jpg)


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3d746d  No.288316

File: 79a8c6331cf0d27⋯.jpg (85.31 KB, 1126x820, 563:410, 1644681576471.jpg)

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3d746d  No.288317

File: 5c42166098d4dfe⋯.png (707.64 KB, 1079x860, 1079:860, 1644681459454.png)

SWAT teams arriving near the Ambassador Bridge!! Not sure if yesterday or early today….

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3d746d  No.288318

File: dbacd3a3c081d2b⋯.png (345.58 KB, 625x625, 1:1, police_arrive_in_Windsor.png)

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3d746d  No.288319

File: 357b9cf3dbc1112⋯.webm (2.54 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, cops_arrive_at_windsor.webm)

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3d746d  No.288320

File: dfa8300b4997de7⋯.png (6.19 KB, 916x120, 229:30, 1644681804247.png)

Honking allegedly began back up again, not sure when this was posted.

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3d746d  No.288322

File: 1a477d54e8a924d⋯.jpg (790.01 KB, 1079x2110, 1079:2110, 1644672584311.jpg)

Remember: if you ever wonder what kind of "utopia" the urbanite Marxist/Commies/Leftists/Progressives desire…. all you have to do is read this!!!! This is their mindset….. everyone should be FORCED to live like them!!!!!

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1642e9  No.288323


Good Morning, Killcen!

I guess we are all doing what we can to either work for, or against freedom.

I can't physically do any more today, and need to go recuperate. I gave "Johnny" , the Freedom-Hating Persona, a bit of grief this morn, but I have better things to do with my time than maintaining much focus around here...




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3d746d  No.288325



For some reason archive.md & archive.vn are not working for ANY of my web browsers anymore!

If someone else can use those sites to cache this thread, go for it!!! I think Cloudflare declared my whole VPN (as well everything over Tor) to be "bots" so Cloudflare straight up BLOCKS MY CONNECTION OFF!!

I'd say all the archive.xx domains are compromised by Cloudflare, likely run by pro-establishment control freaks!!!!


If you have the time to do a crab PDF archive of this, highly recommend!!

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3d746d  No.288329

File: db4344c3a2b7287⋯.png (773.37 KB, 1080x1925, 216:385, 1644686287608.png)

File: c80d81ab4eb9b9d⋯.png (321.82 KB, 588x771, 196:257, 1644678643148.png)

File: 46192612a44c990⋯.jpg (847.19 KB, 1242x2013, 414:671, 1644683400854.jpg)

UPDATES: Canadian Police Begin Clearing Ambassador Bridge


Looks like the blockade along the US-Canada border is being cleared now.

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3d746d  No.288330

File: f8c6f37133c80f0⋯.png (494.97 KB, 611x820, 611:820, 1644682465050.png)

It makes sense why Trudeau wants all Canadians to take their depop clot shots, their government is working hard to REPLACE the Canadian population it hundreds of millions of third world immigrants by 2030!! Which, yes, is treason.

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3d746d  No.288331

File: fae15604f4faeec⋯.jpg (102.09 KB, 860x646, 430:323, 1644688398392.jpg)

The corporate state-run media has an agenda to push, and that is to get rid of (predominantly white) working class Western civilization!! It's far worse than just "fake news" it's Bolshevik-style propaganda against the Western World!!!!

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3d746d  No.288332

File: 7930550faa74aa7⋯.jpg (95.08 KB, 831x820, 831:820, 1644687376916.jpg)

The people are finally waking up and realizing that the "fake news" corporate state-run media is against the working class, they are against freedom, they are against you and your lifestyle, they are against consumer choice & a free market system and they are against anyone who poses a threat to their tyrannical Bolshevik takeover of the Western World!!!! Simple. As.

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3d746d  No.288340

File: 67accc0d603ba8d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1280x649, 1280:649, 2022_02_12_11_16_57.png)


Police Fire Teargas At Demonstrators As Freedom Convoy Enters Paris

Chaos ensues in Paris Saturday as hundreds, if not thousands of demonstrators blocked streets in the capital city.

NYTimes said, "thousands of cars, camper vans and trucks" have entered the metro area, which was part of a convoy to protest President Emmanuel Macron's medical tyranny of lockdowns and forced vaccines mandates.

This weekend, protests are banned in the city as more than 7,000 police officers were deployed to counter the "Freedom Convoy."

Officers had set up checkpoints at several of the main entrances to Paris on the road that surrounds the city, known as the Boulevard Périphérique. That prevented many demonstrators from entering.

But small clusters of protesters who managed to get past the checkpoints gathered at several places in the city, honking their cars and waving French flags. Some joined up with the anti-vaccine-pass marches that had been held on most weekends in Paris but had waned in recent months.

The different convoys, which had started out in cities like Nice, Brest, Lille and elsewhere, appear to be only loosely coordinated on social media and on instant messaging platforms. -NYTimes

Demonstrators in central Paris have so far been peaceful. People waved French and Canadian flags and chanted: "QR code, never again!" "Freedom!" "No to the vaccine pass!"

Scenes on the ground show one convoy stopped before the Arc de Triomphe as freedom-loving folks waved French flags.

Police began tear-gassing demonstrators. Thousands of demonstrators were seen on the streets of central Paris protesting against medical tyranny by the government. Roads are being blocked in Paris.

"We've been going around in circles for three years," demonstrator Jean-Marie Azais, who was heading to Paris. "We saw the Canadians and said to ourselves, 'It's awesome what they're doing.' In eight days, boom, something was sparked."


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3d746d  No.288346

File: 2f26fb9a0ea18b5⋯.jpg (306 KB, 1080x1667, 1080:1667, 1644689528825.jpg)

More blockades in Toronto today!!

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3d746d  No.288348

File: 2c7266f236c54e4⋯.png (70.81 KB, 1097x519, 1097:519, 1644690371663.png)

Common sense SCHOOLING a control freak…. yet the control freak still can't argue or debate with any facts!!! Imagine that!

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3d746d  No.288349

File: ece8d2cf90a4798⋯.jpg (379.63 KB, 1080x956, 270:239, 1644690653935.jpg)

Just obeying orders from crooked politicians!!!

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3d746d  No.288351

File: ec4cc2d641c2d0c⋯.png (518.34 KB, 639x942, 213:314, 1644691277621.png)


We have another one!!!! Pray for these people!! Do you know how freaking cold it is in Canada right now!?!? They're going to lose fingers and toes due to severe frostbite!!

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3d746d  No.288352

File: 298d048ed1dc419⋯.webm (2.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 1644692788096.webm)

Cookin' for MEDICAL FREEDOM!!!!

Cookin' for the HEROES!!!!

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3d746d  No.288353

File: b4755f4ba020544⋯.png (529.56 KB, 719x403, 719:403, windsor_today_22.png)

Today in Windsor, huge freedom rally!!!!

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5c7d2e  No.288363


We have another one!!!! Pray for these people!! Do you know how freaking cold it is in Canada right now!?!? They're going to lose fingers and toes due to severe frostbite!!

That is a real protestor, the one that is willing to suffer harm for their cause.

It does not get more real than that .

You can't control such men as their willpower is much too strong.

I respect that dedication.

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3d746d  No.288364

File: f05ede499113608⋯.jpg (132.46 KB, 720x854, 360:427, 1644699658672.jpg)

Reports of some cops honking too! Are they fed up as well!? Should be!!!

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3d746d  No.288365

File: 4ecad953fbab81e⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1080x1510, 108:151, 1644700481289.png)

Canadian citizens show up on Ambassador Bridge right after cops start clearing the highway!!

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3d746d  No.288366

File: 830b610d7360d8d⋯.png (385.93 KB, 588x532, 21:19, 1644700491102.png)

Blue water bridge, earlier today!!!

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3d746d  No.288367

File: c6f7dd5abc74af3⋯.png (706.99 KB, 913x586, 913:586, 1644700573276.png)


Ambassador bridge BLOCKED….. by the cops on the US side!!!

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3d746d  No.288368

File: 032d369f0789568⋯.png (131.77 KB, 1202x838, 601:419, 1644712920424.png)

Control freaks breaking family relations over this!? Sad!!!! That's how you lose… long-term!!!!

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3d746d  No.288369

File: 88d5259e0c4131d⋯.jpg (347.9 KB, 919x1536, 919:1536, 1644713205837.jpg)


Vets show up at Windsor!!!!!

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3d746d  No.288370

File: 2505ce4a6d31d9c⋯.jpg (148.86 KB, 1119x760, 1119:760, 1644713366931.jpg)

Blockade at The Hague!!!!

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3d746d  No.288371

File: 5cb2ce0570c452f⋯.png (574.38 KB, 860x760, 43:38, 1644713406844.png)

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3d746d  No.288373

File: 93cbf0efcbc9ca7⋯.png (1015.79 KB, 1080x1688, 135:211, 1644713600623.png)

Larger? Maybe at that particular junction!? Overall though!? NO way!!!! This clot shot mandate protest is all over Canada, and going global!!!!!

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3d746d  No.288374

File: c938bb750b641c3⋯.png (2.59 MB, 1080x1443, 360:481, 1644714618064.png)

Massive protest in Canberra, Australia for MEDICAL FREEDOM!!!

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3d746d  No.288375

File: 8deaeb82e34f7c4⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1644715090504.png)

Fredericton, New Brunswick!

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3d746d  No.288376

File: 3087678d8aa7362⋯.jpg (226.98 KB, 1080x1171, 1080:1171, 1644715210571.jpg)

I'll leave the good news for the last update.

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3d746d  No.288377

File: 9af3fb73aeda833⋯.png (121.51 KB, 1080x781, 1080:781, 1644715440134.png)

It's all over the place!!! Who would have imagined pissing off and threatening truckers and other working class citizens could result in totally decentralized unpredictable protests!?

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3d746d  No.288379

File: 3085abed402b359⋯.png (332.2 KB, 1388x1444, 347:361, 1644715555978.png)

I LIKE THIS!!!! Good job pointing out their real plans for socialist "utopia" from their own words!!!!

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3d746d  No.288380

File: 3936ce19984ceb2⋯.webm (2.84 MB, 464x748, 116:187, Ohhhhhhhh.webm)

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3d746d  No.288381


RCMP National Headquarters Response To Govt Orders

Dear Commissioner Brenda Lucki:

"We respectfully submit this open letter to express our most sincere concerns and resolute stand against the forced coercive medical intervention of Canadians, and against the undue discrimination experienced by those exercising their lawful right to bodily autonomy. We are not against vaccinations, but as law enforcement officers, we cannot in good conscience willingly participate in enforcing mandates that we believe go against the best interests of the people we protect."


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3d746d  No.288387

Let me make this very clear!!!! We the people no longer trust you despots!!!! We will no longer fight your wars!!!!! We will not obey you or your dictates and you are now our #1 ENEMY!!!!! We will relish your collapse!!!!



Here's the thing. White Zogbots will NEVER collect their pensions.

Why? Two possibilities:

1 - "Canadian" Year Zero George Floyd Republic Government cancels zogbot pensions for crime of being White, or otherwise donates pensions to aboriginal family in zogbot's name for tax purposes.

2 - Nationalist Government cancels your pension because you are gay and a traitor.

MY COMMENT: That's all too plausible today LOL!! Let's just hope it's the second reason, not the first!!!

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3d746d  No.288388

File: 30a61e986f3d157⋯.png (2.94 MB, 3375x1369, 3375:1369, corrupted_canada.png)

Corrupted government.

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3d746d  No.288389

File: 7dca980c6cce770⋯.jpg (77.01 KB, 706x829, 706:829, trudeau_poll.jpg)

Even his half-brother recently announced he should resign!!!!!!

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3d746d  No.288390

File: 8cc83d9f21255d0⋯.png (802.04 KB, 1080x1400, 27:35, 1644736004620.png)

That's because the mainstream corporate state-run media are communists, and so are (most) the pro-lockdown pro-mandate people!!!! DUH. Why else would you support tyranny other than being a fascist or communist or corrupted POS!?

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3d746d  No.288391

File: 7697c22857ad173⋯.jpg (489.59 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 1644736147297.jpg)

Somewhere over the border!!!

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3d746d  No.288392

File: 84d2451006e2e47⋯.png (539.34 KB, 821x677, 821:677, 1644740365457.png)

You'll see a "Nazi" anywhere you look, the "Nazis" live in your head rent free!!!

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3d746d  No.288393

File: 063752110e55f42⋯.jpg (98.45 KB, 1080x772, 270:193, 1644740297280.jpg)

Protest near the Ambassador Bridge after trucks were cleared away!!!!!

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3d746d  No.288394

File: 4eb19605c8569aa⋯.png (224.79 KB, 1080x1564, 270:391, 1644741288982.png)



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3d746d  No.288395

File: 17f8137da08ad14⋯.png (19.12 KB, 587x119, 587:119, 1644745807136.png)

Making up the laws and rules as they go along to best suite their interests, like all corrupt control freaks do!!!!

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3d746d  No.288396

File: e8b0de9835b5dd6⋯.jpg (1.52 MB, 2048x1363, 2048:1363, 1644747380991.jpg)

Do not know when this photo was taken, maybe last night or two nights ago! Wonderful shot!!!!

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3d746d  No.288397

File: 474ca51b113ca22⋯.jpg (253.08 KB, 1080x872, 135:109, 1644747045605.jpg)


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3d746d  No.288402

File: 4d02ac8467fe713⋯.png (651.82 KB, 794x760, 397:380, 1644757010034.png)

File: f691bb2b22b0c81⋯.webm (2.87 MB, 396x688, 99:172, clot_shot_idiot.webm)

Crazy woman counter-protesting against medical freedom in Canberra Australia!!! Those clot shots really warped her brain!!!!

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3d746d  No.288403

File: ef4429595a13d99⋯.png (472.42 KB, 607x607, 1:1, 1644748956533.png)

Is this a military vehicle!? Looks like it has joined the Freedom Convoy!!!

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3d746d  No.288404

File: a3cfca217c6c387⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1820x820, 91:41, 1644751880087.png)

All current known border blockades between the US and Canada!

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3d746d  No.288405

File: 72e403f6d71bda7⋯.png (283.97 KB, 580x313, 580:313, 1644759515966.png)

Arrest made in Windsor.

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3d746d  No.288406

File: 300446df962a38d⋯.jpg (104.92 KB, 698x1024, 349:512, 1644760263737.jpg)

Toronto police - not truckers - are now blocking some roads. Doesn't make sense you'd block roads in fear of trucker blockades!!!

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3d746d  No.288407

File: 0f324df660d769a⋯.jpg (190.71 KB, 802x586, 401:293, 1644760535674.jpg)

Rumors are all truckers have been removed from Ambassador bridge, however it's still closed till the 19th.

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3d746d  No.288408

File: cf7c6e05718dbaa⋯.jpg (122.38 KB, 1125x734, 1125:734, 1644761184514.jpg)

Today!! This morning!!!! If your around the area, go buy breakfast for the truckers and thank them!!!! They are HEROES!!!!

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3d746d  No.288409

File: 33c64028054b2fc⋯.jpg (615.71 KB, 1294x1905, 1294:1905, 1644761553682.jpg)

Your politics absolutely SUCKS!!!!!

No one in their right mind cares for it anymore!!!

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3d746d  No.288410

File: 4855de58da680ab⋯.jpg (201.42 KB, 720x1046, 360:523, 1644762916553.jpg)

Looks like not all of it is just a protest, they're having FUN too, which is good!!!!

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3d746d  No.288411

File: cb0c5843e7f4fb1⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Windsor_police.png)


Police are all over Windsor!!!!

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e358e4  No.288414


Yeah, they have to do infrastructure testing. It's a 100 year old bridge that a bunch of idiots decided to park trucks on.

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3d746d  No.288419

"The people peacefully protesting their government to redress essential concerns regarding freedom of movement, mask mandates, vaccine passports have the right of way in these bridges - NOT their vassal state leaders who were selected to lead us. Sheep, asleep no more."

Well stated


"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This (COVID-19)is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people.It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season."

Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, Canada

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-02-11


Are You Tired of Tyranny Yet?

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3d746d  No.288429

File: f8f81310b99b3c9⋯.jpg (486.38 KB, 2200x1841, 2200:1841, 1644772793718.jpg)

When people ask what freedoms were infringed:


2(a): Freedom of Conscience and Religion

(losing your job for not getting the jab is absolutely coercion to violate your conscience)

2(d): Freedom of Association

(lockdowns & vaccine passports absolutely violate your right to associate)

>Efforts to violate 2(b) and 2(c)

6(1): Right to leave and enter Canada

6(2)(b): Right to pursue a livelihood in any province

(vaccine passports & mandates absolutely violate this right to pursue a livelihood)

7: Right to life, liberty, and security of person

(being coerced to take an injection violates security no matter what assurances of safety they give you)

15: Equality before the law

(making laws that discriminate against the unvaccinated and/or vaccinated violates equality rights)

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3d746d  No.288433

File: 96e2c3b33bf1b5f⋯.jpg (265.35 KB, 1404x1661, 1404:1661, 1644770170555.jpg)

Is Canada a province of China now!?

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3d746d  No.288437

File: c4a50b693356a9e⋯.jpg (108.17 KB, 1085x712, 1085:712, 1644771395303.jpg)



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3d746d  No.288442

File: a54504267be8422⋯.png (320.98 KB, 584x552, 73:69, 1644771722574.png)

How do you expect them to stay clean!? You want clean streets and no stench lingering all over, right?

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3d746d  No.288443

File: a54504267be8422⋯.png (320.98 KB, 584x552, 73:69, 1644771722574.png)

How do you expect them to stay clean!? You want clean streets and no stench lingering all over, right?

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3d746d  No.288444

File: 4a0215a07e8982c⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 618x352, 309:176, 1644771938476.jpg)

Oh look, a leftist Nazi!!

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3d746d  No.288445

File: 4b351e558623777⋯.png (46.15 KB, 800x200, 4:1, 1644773062123.png)

So is the border closed or jammed up!? Not sure what this means exactly….

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3d746d  No.288446

File: 4a7b0a5c2c8572d⋯.png (689.15 KB, 935x679, 935:679, 1644774552016.png)

Why does Antifa support discrimination against the unvaccinated? These hypocrites would make great politicians!!

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3d746d  No.288448

File: b8f310142834b53⋯.jpg (818.21 KB, 1125x1139, 1125:1139, 1644775444708.jpg)

Are they losing!? I don't think so, with three Canadian provinces removing clot shot mandates, New York recently scraping their clot shot passports, Israel dropping them too, and dozens of Europeans countries starting to lax their covid regulations!! Sorry, but so far I see WINNING!

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3d746d  No.288449

File: b16a5731d9b7741⋯.png (239.03 KB, 735x1052, 735:1052, 1644775824462.png)

Very likely!!!! And when they crash the global economic system they want to have their medical dictatorship installed!!! Their "Great Reset" includes the vaccine passports & mandates, and with "ID 2020" they planned to implement a "social credit score" which would be in the form of a digital vaccine passport.



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3d746d  No.288450

File: 58529c49a6f6885⋯.jpg (1.69 MB, 2117x2823, 2117:2823, 1644777077649.jpg)

Somewhere in Canada……

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3d746d  No.288451

File: 4a7cb5ba625e7c2⋯.jpg (613.55 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, 1644776069927.jpg)

Cop having a truck towed…..

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3d746d  No.288452

File: 691744135274340⋯.jpg (85.55 KB, 1129x421, 1129:421, 1644777443690.jpg)



Cops broke up protest in Windsor.

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3d746d  No.288453

File: f385819b0347948⋯.jpg (357.96 KB, 1469x827, 1469:827, 1644777936380.jpg)

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3d746d  No.288454

File: e40f346e5e3be68⋯.jpg (146.4 KB, 728x612, 182:153, 1644778036277.jpg)

4chan anon archiving live streams….

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accf2d  No.288455

File: a6a1a78ef91ba1d⋯.pdf (8.08 MB, 2022_02_13_Truckers_Across….pdf)


> do a crab PDF archive of this


🦀 🦀 🦀

I am so pissed at DoH (DNS Over HTTPS) that is forced on everyone by folks like Mozilla, and how my ISP has been seeing everywhere I go since November even though I use VPNs. I use DoT (DNS Over TLS), but it seems something new the ISPs have is letting them see through my VPN when using P2P! How do I know? Copyright strikes. Never gotten 'em before. Know any good Private Tracking Sites? Got an Invite?

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3d746d  No.288457


Sorry to hear that. This is why I am very careful to keep the same (reverse engineered / debloated) Operating Systems, use the same software, have more than one VPN and computer, de-compartmentalize my activities using multiple browsers and computers and VPNs, etc.

If you ever 'test out' something new it should be done with pristine OPSEC knowing what you are using could potentially be compromised.

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3d746d  No.288458

File: 9b225e9bca10b60⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1344x756, 16:9, 1644778468357.png)

Cops surrounding the Ambassador bridge….

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3d746d  No.288460

File: 59a05ecb933e19c⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 2420x1815, 4:3, 1644778592931.jpg)

This may be Toronto, today.

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3d746d  No.288461

File: e6494b90d90a4eb⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2218x1664, 1109:832, 1644778769077.jpg)


Or it may be Ottawa, not sure…

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3d746d  No.288462

File: 83540e9739b8427⋯.jpg (886.24 KB, 1613x1210, 1613:1210, 1644779265495.jpg)

Somewhere in Canada today…..

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3d746d  No.288463

File: b07c43320262e4f⋯.jpg (474.4 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 1644779289704.jpg)


Protesters standing near bridge and cops, streaming live.

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3d746d  No.288464

File: e4f48f2d271cbc9⋯.jpg (70.04 KB, 1381x193, 1381:193, 1644779496422.jpg)

Why am I not surprised they are spying on these image boards?

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3d746d  No.288465

File: 935218723141107⋯.png (487.7 KB, 934x809, 934:809, 1644779671213.png)

Cops near a gas station in Windsor, looks like they're trying to get protesters away from the Ambassador bridge. Rumor has it the bridge is going to undergo some infrastructure stability testing after the long two day blockade.

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3d746d  No.288466

File: 8fd4024086e898f⋯.png (248.55 KB, 1388x1445, 1388:1445, 1644780035756.png)


This was their plan all along, digital vaccine passport for future banking transaction tied to a social credit score, just like China has.

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3d746d  No.288467

File: ad7e18277c849a9⋯.webm (2.46 MB, 852x480, 71:40, 1644780387361.webm)

Protesters dancing last night.

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3d746d  No.288469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Brave cop calls out corruption!!

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3d746d  No.288470

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Another brave female cop speaks out!!!!

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3d746d  No.288471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3d746d  No.288472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Donation hub keeps supplies coming for Freedom truckers!!!!

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3d746d  No.288473

File: 6f9ad6869ba8bbb⋯.jpg (349.25 KB, 1080x1739, 1080:1739, 1644784351290.jpg)


such Good!!

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3d746d  No.288474

File: 1f98138869bb6fb⋯.png (324 KB, 679x772, 679:772, 1644786266429.png)

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3d746d  No.288475

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Crazy footage out of Ottawa. Commie lunatic attacks a 13 year old girl, steals her flag, drags it on the ground while yelling at her father, and ends up crying like a little boy as he’s grabbed by police officers.

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3d746d  No.288476

File: 9498df30e545fdc⋯.png (894.93 KB, 895x809, 895:809, 1644783590844.png)

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3d746d  No.288478

File: 0b800bd2e858683⋯.png (37.94 KB, 687x297, 229:99, 1644787982967.png)

Protests may be causing food shortages now in some areas!! Always good to be prepared!!!

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3d746d  No.288479

File: f05158a539f80d4⋯.jpg (163.12 KB, 1079x629, 1079:629, 1644787995499.jpg)

Counter-protesters also blocking roads!! When will this all end? Ask Trudeau when he'll cave and remove the mandates!!!

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3d746d  No.288480

File: 7dfe4eba4d1c072⋯.png (14.54 KB, 691x175, 691:175, 1644788537189.png)

Stupid antifa planning violence again!!

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3d746d  No.288481

File: 5f034b7e729ebfe⋯.jpg (585.63 KB, 832x1500, 208:375, 1644789379384.jpg)


Does this look like losing!? Signs suggest politicians are about to cave pretty soon!! People are tired and done with the covid hyperbole!!!!

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731eb6  No.288504

REAL trucker thread!!!! BUMP.

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731eb6  No.288505

Car manufacturers that operate plants both in Canada and the United States are really starting to feel the burn from Justin Trudeau’s Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” mandates, but the guy refuses to budge on lifting them.

Even as the Biden regime hints at lessening some of the restrictions, Trudeau is reportedly “st[anding] firm against an easing of Canada’s COVID-19 restrictions in the face of mounting pressure during recent weeks by protests against the restrictions and against Trudeau himself.”

Trudeau’s failure to back down on the tyranny resulted in a blockade being formed on the bridge between Canada and Detroit, which forced the shutdown of a Ford plant. Other car manufacturers are also suffering, reports indicate.

“The protest by people mostly in pickup trucks entered its third day at the Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario,” reported AP News. “Traffic was prevented from entering Canada, while U.S.-bound traffic was still moving.”

“The bridge carries 25% of all trade between the two countries, and Canadian authorities expressed increasing worry about the economic effects.”

All Trudeau has to do is stop tyrannizing his country’s people and this whole escalating situation would come to an immediate end. However, because he refuses to, it will likely continue indefinitely, causing progressively more harm to the automobile industry and the North American economy at large.


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01db98  No.288507

File: 706d361993ee5fd⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_02_13_The_Next_Revolu….png)


It's not because I have shitty OPSEC, Killcen, or that my OS is too new.

Just because you don't understand something is no reason to be afraid of it.

My point was that your ISP can see through your VPN anyway. They all can. I'm just guessing that it has anything to do with DNS, but I don't like it, and I'm setting up my own DNS server anyway. It will make everything load much faster anyway, and keep all the calls in-house, so to speak. Might change my bittorrent client too, but I'd be willing to bet it was the shitty torrenting site I was using on those occasions, and besides, They REALLY Don't like you grabbing stuff that is currently in the theatres, for example...


ENJOYThis Thread!... >>288498

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731eb6  No.288514

File: 83c2b6e2b1810f2⋯.png (151.96 KB, 842x775, 842:775, 1644838829548.png)



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731eb6  No.288515

File: 58cae44879c55d4⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1200x1194, 200:199, 1644818783976.png)

Ambassador bridge is re-opening after protests.

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731eb6  No.288516

File: c083b42567332b7⋯.png (211.44 KB, 610x863, 610:863, 1644818896177.png)

This cop refuses to arrest protesters due to Canadian Charter Rights, good cops are rarer these days, nice to know there are still a few of them around!!!

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731eb6  No.288517

File: 05259a0c33f15f3⋯.jpg (625.68 KB, 1242x2151, 138:239, 1644818902561.jpg)


Right now there are only a couple border points blocked. The protests have seemed to die down unfortunately. Then again, people still have to work and it's Monday.

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731eb6  No.288519

File: 3c91484d92d8f43⋯.jpg (144.52 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 1644830834859.jpg)

Thank you for supporting medical freedom in the face of third world tyranny and despotism!!!! Always remember those that want you enslaved are the real enemies!!!!

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731eb6  No.288520

File: 6afa3146f0e867b⋯.jpg (139.88 KB, 1248x909, 416:303, 1644838796181.jpg)

Convoys readied for Europe!!! Good!!!!! Glad there are still people who oppose medical tyranny and third world despotism!!!!!!!!!!

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731eb6  No.288521

File: a011558aee16548⋯.png (550.96 KB, 1214x687, 1214:687, US_freedom_donation_map.png)

Contribution map for truckers around the United States.

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5a489f  No.288523

File: 71587856160aa82⋯.jpg (318.59 KB, 1784x1260, 446:315, HONKERS_Assemble.JPG)

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5a489f  No.288524

File: 6020c2390d2772d⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1396x1300, 349:325, Honkzsoup.png)

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5a489f  No.288525

File: be0b7b1c833f6f0⋯.png (818.53 KB, 2066x1340, 1033:670, Honking_Bad.png)

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5a489f  No.288526

File: 3ea22f705ac3594⋯.jpg (574.7 KB, 1854x1292, 927:646, honkocrats.JPG)

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731eb6  No.288527

File: d29269615ad3d93⋯.jpg (82.59 KB, 737x806, 737:806, 1644845701469.jpg)

Now the mainstream corporate state-run media is claiming "freedom" is equivalent of extremism, yes that's how far society has fallen!! PATHETIC!!!!

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731eb6  No.288528


Burning down cities and killing people is your civic duty, so they say!!!

But having the right to make your own medical decisions? They say that's extremist!!!!

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731eb6  No.288529

File: a4481ed745c49eb⋯.jpg (224.59 KB, 947x2048, 947:2048, 1644847669608.jpg)

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731eb6  No.288530

File: c7d5827a8ee7300⋯.png (321.33 KB, 595x441, 85:63, 1644849626710.png)

Communist criminals hacked GiveSendGo to dox donors, make sure if you donated to keep watch of your private property, be armed and ready, who knows what these goons plan to do with the info.

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731eb6  No.288531

Word is Doug Ford is a coward!!! While he did repeal clot shot mandates for businesses, he refused to get rid of the 'vaccine' passport system (ID 2020) and made clear he will not remove any other mandates. CONTROLLED OPPOSITION!!

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731eb6  No.288532

File: 799d93b4ca9ad44⋯.png (16.18 KB, 717x141, 239:47, 1644850859231.png)

Tyrants behaving like tyrants, what's new these days?

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731eb6  No.288535

File: 5e40e2ba13fc35d⋯.png (241.58 KB, 351x534, 117:178, 1644851077238.png)

Ottawa Metro Towing, the traitors of the convoy, is owned by Webb Wehbe, a Canadian who also owns Guangdong Longju Automobile Company Ltd, lives in China, and is outsourcing all his Canadian labor to China. He is by definition compromised by the CCP. What is significant about the CCP and China? The CCP created the model for the social credit score system (now known as ID 2020 aka vaccine passport system in the West) and China was the beta test for the rest of the world!!! Why do you think they outsourced all the industry to China!? The crooked puppets of our hijacked governments desire global totalitarianism!!!!

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731eb6  No.288536

File: 3a0f56e2da00cd8⋯.jpg (168.42 KB, 750x707, 750:707, 1644852086868.jpg)

Good IF true!!! But did Doug Ford say it would be!? He said "suspended" which means he might plan to "unsuspend" it at any time in the future. He needs to vow to abolish it, completely!!!

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731eb6  No.288537

File: f0c597109bdaeb4⋯.png (702.18 KB, 1117x871, 1117:871, 1644852380678.png)


We'll see Doug!!! After all, you were a pretty damn heavy opponent of all the protests and the Freedom Convoy!!! I heard your rant on the Alex Jones Show, you said very nasty things about those truckers and those who support freedom!!!!!!

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96341c  No.288540

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96341c  No.288541


"Just outside of Ottowa, Canada, Wehbe grew up making his own repairs and running a repair shop that he started as a teenager. While driving tow trucks in college as a part-time job, Wehbe often dreamed of owning a truck. In North America, truck driving is often an enjoyable pastime, contrary to the practical job that some may assume. Upon finally buying a truck, Wehbe joined a program to learn how to drive it and was drawn into the truck-driving community."

>enjoyable pastime

<you can't make this shit up- goddam it!

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731eb6  No.288543


If I were you I'd start using Tor again, at least for torrent sites. And yes change clients, maybe try Tixati as a torrent client.

If you have a very good VPN, with built-in leak protection, your ISP should not be able to see what you are doing at all. It would all be proxied encrypted data packets. They would know you are using a VPN but would not be able to read that content, even with the best DPI. What is possible is that either: #1 your VPN (or TAP driver) is compromised, #2 your operating system itself could be compromised, or #3 the web browser you were using was compromised (or had something like WebRTC enabled). Or, you might be using a brand new laptop in which the hardware is compromised for Big Tech/ISP surveillance now!? …. not sure but this is the first I've heard of really good opsec becoming BTFO by an ISP company.

One reason to stick with what you already know and trust all too well, at least when it comes to potentially illegal activities. If you want to geek out and test new software, browsers, operating systems and computers/laptops I'd only do it under the suspicion that EVERYTHING was being watched!! Today? You best believe after all those Snowden leaks they upped their game more covertly.

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527cc7  No.288548


Probably just TPB.

Is there even an onion of that?

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731eb6  No.288550


I doubt it's as simple as a compromised website, considering he uses pretty good OPSEC and knows about:config and prefs.js tweaking for hardened browser security.

If accessing something like a Pirate Bay proxy he should be using Tor too, not just a VPN. VPNs only go so far without leak-protection and fail-safe options like utilizing a built-in "kill switch" which will shut down all internet connections/clients/browsers/etc if the VPN were to cut out temporarily or a networking issue were to occur. I have both leak protection and the kill switch activated for mine, even if it cuts off for a second every connection goes down, and will automatically re-connect to the VPN again.

I'd try VPN > Tor > thepiratebay0.org and see if you can access that proxy. Almost no way the ISP can find out what you are doing that way. Otherwise, if you are only using the VPN, I would recommend testing the VPN & your browser utilizing http://www.browserleaks.com/ Browser Leaks will give you a detailed look just how secure your VPN & web browser really is. If they can detect an active geo-API or something like WebGL or WebRTC, well then, there is your problem!! If they can sniff out IPv6 traffic with a leak test, another problem with your security!! If you allow Javascript and run a DNS leak test, and it detects your real IP address, your VPN and/or web browser is compromised in some way. Fixing it requires a little tweaking and reverse engineering know-how. Might even consider changing the VPN service you are using.

As for using torrents, some trackers have been compromised in the past, I'd definitely utilize the magnets over DHT and nothing more. Yes sure it would take a lot longer to find peers, but better than relying on compromised trackers that are sniffing for vulnerabilities to unmask VPN users.

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731eb6  No.288551


Here is a result of a secure hardened browser allowing Javascript access to browserleaks.com tools:


Origin Permissions: ? "prompt" – you ask when browserleaks.com tries to request your location.

Global Permissions: × Test Error – third-party scripts are blocked.

API Status: × Your browser doesn't support Geolocation API



RTCPeerConnection × False

RTCDataChannel × False

Local IP Address n/a

Public IP Address n/a

IPv6 Address n/a

Device Enumeration: True

Has Microphone: × False <if removed or non-existant

Has Camera: × False <if removed or non-existant

Audio Capture: "NotFoundError" – The object can not be found here.

Video Capture: "NotFoundError" – The object can not be found here.

Media Devices: n/a



User-Agent: [whatever you spoof, or if real it will show]

This browser supports WebGL: × False (supported, but disabled)

This browser supports WebGL 2: × False

WebGL Content Info will not show (NULL)

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731eb6  No.288559

File: fd18eabedf6b17a⋯.jpg (141.34 KB, 965x1131, 965:1131, 1644862790919.jpg)

These clot shots are doing nothing but harming your child, that's why she's so sick!! They don't even stop her from getting covid and it's been proven already!


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731eb6  No.288560

File: f6e16db364c9aab⋯.png (402.46 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1644862270672.png)

The Canadian government is now trying to buy tow trucks lol!!!

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731eb6  No.288561

File: d758eb22a698912⋯.png (619.07 KB, 867x953, 867:953, 1644862815151.png)

Why don't you just repeal the discriminatory clot shot mandates already, like three other Canadian provinces are doing!?!?

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731eb6  No.288562

File: f134820655c145c⋯.png (31.59 KB, 594x202, 297:101, 1644869327156.png)


Not all province leadership agrees with Trudeau!!!

I have an idea: those that don't agree with Trudeau should issue an ultimatum!!! If you declare emergency powers, we'll repeal all covid mandates in our provinces!!!!

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731eb6  No.288563

File: 32876d0ea9df0c5⋯.png (105.32 KB, 1441x914, 1441:914, 1644869396389.png)

File: 02fe7c4d00228d7⋯.jpg (309.08 KB, 828x861, 276:287, 1644869258326.jpg)

Parts one and two and very true!!!! I'm glad to hear Saskatchewan did repeal their vaccine mandates and passport system!!!!

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731eb6  No.288565

File: b40a5a69db3cdca⋯.webm (829.9 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 1644861826112.webm)

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731eb6  No.288566

File: f2ca44c9e942cd4⋯.webm (1.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, France_convoy.webm)

A convoy in Paris, France!!!

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731eb6  No.288567

File: 323bd8275efbeb8⋯.webm (2.43 MB, 416x640, 13:20, Netherlands_convoy.webm)

A convoy in the Netherlands!!!!

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731eb6  No.288568

File: ac28d03d0d34e9e⋯.webm (1.82 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Jerusalem_convoy_1.webm)

A convoy in Israel!!

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731eb6  No.288569

File: ec38682fcfb51a2⋯.webm (1.17 MB, 426x240, 71:40, Jerusalem_convoy_2.webm)

A convoy in Israel (second footage)!!!

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0dd7cd  No.288574

All fake shit for the dumb masses.

Listen to me, i tell he truth and i'm real.


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47dd09  No.288579

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47dd09  No.288583

File: 4e7e1c886596e7a⋯.png (20.38 KB, 798x390, 133:65, vaidswar.png)

JIM STONE COMMENTS: Canada really did suspend insurance, registration, bank accounts and more for any trucker seen associated with the protests.

The Truckers want to take it to the next level because they have nothing to lose, but they don't know who to target. I'll give a big hint: TRUDEAU IS A JEW, and every last person that told you to stick it from an official level is also. Plus the shot is 100 percent Jewish. Ever heard of the Georgia Guidestones? Look it up, they were serious, and no, Israel did not get vaxxed, they faked it so they can scream "victim" along with the rest of the world for show. They cannot be unscathed, that would be too obvious.

FACT: A butchered goat can cry out all it wants, but as long as no one gets kicked, no one cares and the goat gets eaten. This is why they want to maintain the "non violence" status quo and they don't care if you freeze or starve to death refusing their kill shot as long as nothing happens but screaming and complaining. Either way they accomplish the same objective. The Jews absolutely WILL eat and destroy the people in the societies they subvert - as long as no one on their side gets hurt, they don't give a shit. Canada just proved that.

Now, one thing can be said - the completely Jewish controlled government angered all of Canada to the next level with their "emergency declaration" calling the truckers "terrorists", especially when the truckers totally kept their cool and are absolutely not guilty of anything, other than "screaming". The Jews in the goverment obviously regarded them as "butchered goats" where no one actually got kicked. So they are happy. But it appears the backlash is going to be BIG. Suggestion: If you get your accounts stolen or anything else that makes it impossible to live, a peaceful way to send a message would be to make damn good and sure their communities do not have power. There's lots that can be done without actually "getting violent". I will wait to see what people think up before posting more.

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47dd09  No.288603

File: d62b6dda1a1810e⋯.jpg (739.91 KB, 1349x1527, 1349:1527, 1644935822478.jpg)

Now that the protests are pretty much over, in hostile revenge, despot Trudeau and his corrupted government now plans on replacing the Canadian population with third world immigrants.

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2d7a17  No.288647

File: 016a18e873d7c3c⋯.png (86.59 KB, 830x1224, 415:612, strangebrew1.png)



Everything Canada has done over the last few days is straight out of Stalin's playbook, and THAT deserves a place in history. This one is STUNNING.

AND WORSE: Remember last year when a year long farmer blockade in India blocked most access to New Delhi? At that time, Trudeau was rooting for the farmers in India. He was supporting them 100 percent. Trudeau was proclaiming to the world: THIS IS HOW PEACEFUL PROTEST IS DONE!!! and when it happens on his own turf, he cuts the finances and even threatens tow companies that won't tow with arrest!!!! Who is supposed to have better human rights? Canada, or INDIA? Hell, Canada takes "refugees" from India. WTF is Trudeau even doing in office???

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2d7a17  No.288648

File: d9583bddb4508bf⋯.png (46.27 KB, 484x644, 121:161, justincastro.png)


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dda0cd  No.288677


how can we convert the leftists to support the truckers?

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e358e4  No.288680


By stopping the right-wing nutjob faggots from co-opting the protest. When the left sees "canadian"(lol) truckers with "Let's Go Brandon" t-shirts (even though they're supposed to be Canadian) and confederate flags (lol southern canada) and shit like that, the left walks away.

If this truly is about freedom for ALL, then it must be for ALL. But it's not for ALL and you know it.

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a2aa84  No.288699

File: 867278e1d07606e⋯.png (902.63 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_02_15_Tucker_Carlson_….png)


> If this truly is about freedom for ALL, then it must be for ALL. But it's not for ALL and you know it.

It never was, and it sure as Hell ain't now!

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-02-15



That's NOT an over-statement, nor is this an omen to be ignored.

Worse Than This Is On It's Way to the ENTIRE Western World UNLESS "We, the People" DO Something About It.


This is an important episode you should watch.

If you like it, you're welcome to show some support, and you can find a bunch ways to do that on Odysee. (Minus any methods involving fiat currency; which `'Just-Kiss-It'` does not support, nor can `'Just-Kiss-It'`, in all good conscience, recommend that anyone continue to support fiat currencies printed by the centralized banking cartels in any way whatsoever.)

As for 8kun, you're always welcome to send some Susucoin ( https://susukino.com/ ) my way!

Susucoin Donation Address : ( https://i.imgur.com/otvV8c6.png )


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5daa7b  No.288755

The truckers are heroes!!!!

More proof communist governments want us dead and gone, replaced!!!!!!

Never forget their TREASON and TREACHERY.

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5daa7b  No.288759


So all those Canadians are supposed to stop a few other people from expressing their own free speech because you find it offensive? Why didn't you guys show up with your own logos and slogans then, and joint the rest, like the rest of them did!? Everyone has a right to join a protest, it doesn't have to be one big political circle jerk!! I don't see the left doing anything to better society these days, unlike those truckers who sacrificed their livelihoods to peacefully protest for freedom!

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5daa7b  No.288768

Looks like there are still trucks in Ottawa though no reports of honking or traffic jams anymore.


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5daa7b  No.288770

Looks like there are still trucks in Ottawa though no reports of honking or traffic jams anymore.


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992e8f  No.288876

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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992e8f  No.288877

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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992e8f  No.288881

File: be7f8bf031ada0f⋯.png (41.09 KB, 929x655, 929:655, 2022_02_17_07_07_03.png)

Canadian Banks Shut Down In Fear Of Growing "Bank Runs" From Citizens

Days after Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he would invoke emergency orders to crack down on demonstrators by freezing their bank accounts, five major Canadian banks went offline on Wednesday night, as customers reported their funds were unavailable, according to technology website Bleeping Computer.

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC), BMO (Bank of Montreal), Scotiabank, TD Bank Canada, and the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) were all hit with unexplainable outages on Wednesday evening. Users began reporting issues with banks around 1600-1700 ET, Downdector data showed.

Canadian Twitter users reported they couldn't access their funds at the ATMs. One user took a photo of an error message at one of RBC's ATMs that read, "Tap transactions aren't available for this card."

BMO customers also reported issues. One customer said, "I'm having trouble and money transfer just auto gets rejected for no reason. Not going over my limit, all info is verified correct and receiving bank says no issues on their end."

There were countless stories of banking customers who experienced trouble accessing their funds yesterday evening. No bank explained the source of the outrage, but essential to note the outage comes, as we said above, days after Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act.

The power gives the federal government direct access to banks to force any business conducted with Freedom Convoy protesters and affiliates to freeze their bank accounts. Trust in the banking system among depositors is crucial to prevent bank runs. Freezing accounts of people linked to the protests can incite fear.

Google Trends shows Canadians have panic searched "bank run," first jumped on Tuesday then went parabolic on Wednesday, right around the time the bank outages were reported.


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992e8f  No.288882

File: 0673f8a7ed5dd84⋯.jpg (45.11 KB, 513x680, 513:680, bitcoin_6.jpg)

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992e8f  No.288886

File: 7575ca4400f533b⋯.png (117.49 KB, 498x321, 166:107, 1645113139607.png)

Give despots an inch, they take the world away from you!! Catch that memo yet, anyone!?

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992e8f  No.288887

File: f43dad195efd14a⋯.jpg (57.2 KB, 366x436, 183:218, 1645113219166.jpg)

Glad many protesters had a good time when protesting, the way it should be!!!

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992e8f  No.288888

File: aeadc1055fb9208⋯.jpg (41.92 KB, 621x257, 621:257, 1645113250956.jpg)

Epic if true!!!! We are on the right side and EVERYONE KNOWS IT…. especially the bad guys know it, and they know they're evil and are against freedom!!

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992e8f  No.288889

File: 8342ea43a8528d9⋯.png (119.73 KB, 417x384, 139:128, 1645113339234.png)


Give up your right to do what you want with your own body and you are a slave.

Simple. As.

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992e8f  No.288890

File: 166ebdf62bd427f⋯.png (854.91 KB, 591x600, 197:200, 1645114300986.png)

Anon posts from 4chan:

Trudeau's hideout has been found!

He is hiding at Harrington lake (Résidence du lac Mouseau)

45°33'14.2"N 75°55'45.3"W

Pic related from Febuary 15

There are three ways to get there:

1. Chelsea, Gatineau Park, Parking 13

2. Meech Creek Valley, Parking 16, Crossloop trail

3. Ch. Crégheur, Luskville

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992e8f  No.288891

File: b3e6689cd98f806⋯.png (744.14 KB, 808x986, 404:493, 1645112343955.png)

Kinda like in the USSA!! You know everyone hates despots and they got to cheat to remain in power!!!

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992e8f  No.288892

File: 20ee5fc03fce251⋯.png (142.64 KB, 1080x535, 216:107, 1645109697715.png)


LOL! Funny satire!!

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992e8f  No.288893

File: c99408832c1dea9⋯.jpg (257.67 KB, 828x929, 828:929, 1645101633612.jpg)


It looks like there have been massive bank run attempts in Canada, people are withdrawing money from their accounts based on LACK OF CONFIDENCE!! They literally shut the banks down LOL!!!!!

"Free market capitalism" MY ASS!!

What a joke!

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992e8f  No.288895

File: f1146406371c316⋯.png (20.28 KB, 778x240, 389:120, 1645106274423.png)

Remember folks, you can never trust the banks with your money, always best to keep only a small amount of it in the account, and keep the rest in a gun safe that's mounted to a cement floor (or better yet, these days diversify into physical assets, property, extra food and other preps)!! Should the banks shut down, or terminate your accounts, you would still own what you physically have!!! Plus, when hyperinflation hits, assets are going to surge in value because of the devaluation of the currency itself!!!!

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992e8f  No.288896

File: 1818b551370af91⋯.jpg (283.67 KB, 1294x559, 1294:559, 1645113935555.jpg)

Very TRUE, and they lost my trust a long time ago and they ain't ever getting it back!!!

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992e8f  No.288899

File: 4bef7a244ed6990⋯.jpg (587.13 KB, 1080x1845, 24:41, 1645114098800.jpg)

The World Economic Forum (WEF), which are the puppeteer 'architects' of the "Great Reset" agenda - a totalitarian agenda to enslave humanity under a global social credit score system integrated in digital vaccine passports that would track and control people like cattle - have publicly bragged about lobbying corrupt politicians all over the world! Trudeau is among many of them!!!

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992e8f  No.288901


When the USSA collapses, we around here plan to use bullets and jarred/canned foods as currency. There will be cheaper currency too, like firewood!! "You have access to that dead tree over there if you trade two of your chickens!"

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0144e7  No.288928

File: 34e13be39fdd021⋯.jpg (1.81 MB, 1317x5048, 1317:5048, tldr_1605503241244_1616767….jpg)

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0144e7  No.288947

File: ae610e0ebaf4960⋯.png (84.5 KB, 735x1052, 735:1052, 1644775824462_tinypng_com_.png)



Image Upgrade: Added Link, Image optimized

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558f39  No.289150

'UPDATE: Protests are still happening, lots of police brutality has been reported in Ottawa and a huge protest has gathered in Toronto for freedom!!

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558f39  No.289151

File: 151233130e8d40c⋯.jpg (28.37 KB, 445x641, 445:641, 1645359276074.jpg)

File: 39e75b22e950f83⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 445x641, 445:641, 1645359307756.jpg)

RCMP group chat has been leaked, police are celebrating treason, beating up innocent protesters.

This is what fascism & communism looks like. Bunch of totalitarian pigs.

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558f39  No.289152

File: 1864aaeea1bf430⋯.jpg (392.42 KB, 1070x947, 1070:947, 1645343921721.jpg)

Dirty pig scumbag, a bolshevik at heart.

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558f39  No.289153

File: 2c293aac1786554⋯.jpg (230.57 KB, 592x758, 296:379, 1645351467447.jpg)

Gestapo angry.

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558f39  No.289154

File: 95522ecfb2a1d1b⋯.jpg (183.17 KB, 1124x1450, 562:725, 1645344202151.jpg)

Gestapo backs off when activists get clever and fake themselves as commies.

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558f39  No.289155

File: 42c1b73e9ec0bb3⋯.png (310.3 KB, 592x517, 592:517, 1645346013570.png)

More pretests hitting Toronto.

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558f39  No.289156

File: 2c1157ff2e3ccb5⋯.jpg (100.56 KB, 998x1280, 499:640, 1645351268663.jpg)

This is what a communist dictatorship looks like.

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558f39  No.289157

File: c2f50ebb024de29⋯.jpg (462.81 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 1645358165994.jpg)

Scum of the Earth, the pigs will be burning in hell when they die.

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558f39  No.289158

File: 320c5d4bf958963⋯.webm (1.53 MB, 852x480, 71:40, Toronto_Protests.webm)

Protest footage from Toronto recently.

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558f39  No.289159

File: dceacc338765322⋯.png (287.51 KB, 601x675, 601:675, 1645346881850.png)

Are leftist comrades OK with government killing animals? I wouldn't think they'd give a shit at all, they have no morals, only a petty facade of virtue signaling, predators acting like victims hunting for more game!!

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558f39  No.289160

File: 90037a988e51204⋯.jpg (180.85 KB, 589x829, 589:829, 1645347334481.jpg)

The problem is Trudeau is a communist PUPPET, he likely has so much dirt on him, he's compromised to hell!! He'll take his orders very seriously, or else!!!! Right, Schwab?

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558f39  No.289161

File: 71be3ddd9cf45da⋯.jpg (46.92 KB, 1156x283, 1156:283, 1645366092257.jpg)

Thank you truckers for waking up the Western World, yes INDEED we have corrupted compromised leaders and live under a communist dictatorship…. just like Russia used to before the collapse of the USSR!!! It's 100% TRUE.

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558f39  No.289162

File: 1a6296c11ea18f8⋯.jpg (538.05 KB, 1035x1715, 207:343, 1645366929749.jpg)

I bet A LOT of Canadians wish they never gave up their guns today!!!!

Good lesson why to NEVER give them up!!!!!

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558f39  No.289163

File: 90be4627920f772⋯.jpg (19.45 KB, 596x174, 298:87, 1645367696797.jpg)


Correct! No better than China is today!!!!

And guess what?

China is their determined communist MODEL. They want the whole Western World to be just like China!!! Vaccine passport social credit score and all!!!!

In fact, they're jealous of China!!!! They're jealous of their RAW POWER and dystopian slave cattle system!!! Right Soros?

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558f39  No.289164

"If they want to start using terrorist tactics on civilians then everyone should withdraw , go home and make no deliveries to the capital. The average grocery store only has stock for 3 days.in three days they run. In 6 days people will Attempt to rob their neighbors. Parents with children become desperate and dangerous.

Politicians will immediately panic and will capitulate quickly. Not teargas , no stolen fuel, no arrests. Let The canadian version of the National guard try to fill in on making deliveried, maybe the cops could help .it will not work there are not enough of them.

This tactic has been successfully used world wide."


MY COMMENT: I agree! They need to organize a mass trucker STRIKE for Canada!! Let the commies will go hungry, and maybe get to thinking tyranny was not such a good idea afterall!

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558f39  No.289165

File: e470af3904d4023⋯.png (81.13 KB, 834x809, 834:809, givesendgo.png)

Glad to hear the money is still safe!! Keep the donations going to those brave truckers!!!

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558f39  No.289166


No police IDs.

Is this an actual foreign invasion of Canada!?

Rumors are going around that some of these "no badge" police are from China and other nations!!! UN troops maybe!? Would not put anything past these dirty communists!!

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558f39  No.289167

File: 74e22aa9ad6ca51⋯.mp4 (2.1 MB, 238x426, 119:213, 74e22aa9ad6ca515a6944640d6….mp4)


Yes, it could be done!!

It's not against the law to strike, or to simply quite your job, is it!?

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558f39  No.289168

File: 0c5621679215483⋯.jpg (653.73 KB, 1046x1675, 1046:1675, 1645372702705.jpg)

So it's ILLEGAL to peacefully protest in Canada!?!?

These are hardcore fucking communists, CCP-style!!!!

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558f39  No.289169

File: 39c398f24988056⋯.png (409.02 KB, 530x433, 530:433, 1645369270587.png)

What the hell are they doing!?

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5be957  No.289170

File: 9b89c5b97d43dd3⋯.jpg (1.18 MB, 4118x2775, 4118:2775, Pendulum_Franklin_Institut….jpg)

I would like to personally thank Justin Trudeau, and all the Woke mobs supporting him, wherever they may be, forWaking Regular Folks Up to the Tyrannical Globalist Agenda, and Helping Normies Understand How Far The Elites Currently In Control Are Willing To Go To Further Consolidate Their Power and Enslave EVERYBODY Worldwide.

I think we should organize peaceful Thank-Ins at ALL our State Capitols (many bikers already on board), to either thank our lawmakers for the great job they have done to protect the best interests and freedoms of the people they are sworn to represent, or to thank those "other" lawmakers for waking everyone up to all the tyranny, dictatorship, censorship, enforced humiliation, subjugation, and hatred for the common man, that actually defines the modern Democrat Party (and many Republicrats too.)

This has truly been made simple for everyone.

You either want a Centralized Global Power in charge of every aspect of everyone's lives, or you tend more toward the idea of encouraging personal responsibility and cooperation between individuals. The former stance sees only Groups, which they can then organize to control. The latter stance honors the Individual, and expects each individual to flourish with Authenticity & Integrity, practicing self-discipline, and being in control of their own behavior, or face the consequences that result from stomping on the freedoms and authenticity of another. The former stance is the easy way out. The Conformist Stance. And those who take it will Enforce Conformity too, just like Crabs in a bucket (Segue: Crab PDF soon to visit this thread, I hear…) As for the latter stance, it takes Courage, Fortitude, Discipline, Integrity, Honor, Honesty-With-Oneself, Tact, Skills in Many Areas, Including Debate, etc., etc… It will require raising our children to see the world differently than the way these Communist One-Party-Rule-types are teaching our children to see it.

It will take DECADES to turn this all around (it took 6 or 7 to get us in this last little "fix"), butYES, Thank You, Trudeau, for being there, at the end of the pendulum swing, to be the catalyst that swings it all back the other way! Thank You Biden, BLM, and "Woke"sters of every kind! You were so in-your-face about displaying your insanity, and your goals, to all, that Congratulations! You literally defeated yourselves.

The Emperor Wears No Clothes. (which is why EVERYBODY's Gloves Are OFF!)

Welcome to the New World Order!

Protip: There will be a lot of Disorder and Chaos as the pendulum moves back through the territory it just traversed, but from a different perspective…

Some pins will get knocked over in the process.

Karma is REAL.

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558f39  No.289171

File: 2ae0af32657cc89⋯.webm (2.67 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1645369487911.webm)


Apparently, THIS is the only protest goyim are allowed to have!!! A radical freak show is allowed.

Peaceful protesting!? "Terrorism!!!"

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558f39  No.289172


Those that are not aware of it at this point never will be, because they accepted and condone tyranny at this point!!!! Simple. As.

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558f39  No.289173

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558f39  No.289174

File: e5d12ddc1afb08c⋯.png (57.27 KB, 920x318, 460:159, 1645371839900.png)



These dirty totalitarians really want to bite the hands that feed them!!





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558f39  No.289175

File: f260ea08f86c363⋯.jpg (177.02 KB, 620x972, 155:243, 1645372397388.jpg)

This just in!!!! Ottawa has fallen!!! Total police state now!! You need IDs everywhere you go now!!! Ruined third world police state shithole!!!

My recommendation: truckers, don't deliver ANY goods or produce over there!!! Let the commies and pigs over there starve a while. Then, maybe, they'll get the message!!!!

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558f39  No.289176

File: 70a6ead7fd78549⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 1485x1219, 1485:1219, 1645372431034.jpg)


Wow, truckers and other civilians block the roads to protest vaccine passports…. police break up the protest, block the roads themselves and mandate IDs everywhere!!

How incredibly foolish!!

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5be957  No.289177

File: 13c555528b132f2⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 107.43 KB, 300x250, 6:5, Sliced_Americunts.gif)

btw, a little birdie told me that, as of yesterday, the feds had to chop their surveillance of 8kun down by 75%; unless and until something "new" happens, and only if they think the retards here have anything enlightening to say about any new happenings!

Yeah, the Totalitarians are going broke that quick.

Turns out mass-surveillance is expensive, but data-gathering is cheap. They're still scooping up all the data, but very few are actually analyzing it in any meaningful way (and they have found AI to be "utterly worthless" in analyzing chan traffic, or chan posts, due to the autist nature of chan users.)

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558f39  No.289232

File: ff0254e0c328abc⋯.png (39.22 KB, 830x1134, 415:567, nunchuk.png)


Now THIS is a financial service you can really trust!!! When the central banks do collapse the economy from fiscal insolvency this would be the best bet for crypto and they just PROVED IT!!

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558f39  No.289239

File: 13af0362278953c⋯.jpg (413.24 KB, 1148x1156, 287:289, 1645438956675.jpg)

The problem is, WEF / central banking communists, who have openly bragged about hijacking political parties and governments around the world (!), view the Chinese top-down totalitarian system as their new "model" for the Western World! Of-course 90% of the Western world hates their guts, and does not desire such totalitarianism, but communists do not care about you or others, or what people like, so long as they have total control over you!!!

It's not Russia or China that's the enemy here, it's subverted corrupted actors who have hijacked our national governments trying to enslave us!!!! Disgusting treasonous scumbags!!

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558f39  No.289240

File: 13af0362278953c⋯.jpg (413.24 KB, 1148x1156, 287:289, 1645438956675.jpg)

The state-run corporate media is lying about the victim who was almost killed to death by the obnoxious jackboot thugs!! We know already, these communist just lie lie lie and lie and lie and lie! You'll never be trusted again faggots, never!!

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558f39  No.289241

File: cca45d7aede27eb⋯.png (2.05 MB, 1080x4325, 216:865, 1645443414230.png)

The state-run corporate media is lying about the victim who was almost killed to death by the obnoxious jackboot thugs!! We know already, these communist just lie lie lie and lie and lie and lie! You'll never be trusted again faggots, never!!

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558f39  No.289242

File: 4651ba68433273d⋯.png (401.84 KB, 708x855, 236:285, 1645434112366.png)


The governments and banks should no longer be trusted!!! We are dealing with a real DEN OF THIEVES!!!!

Get your money out while you can!!!! #BankRun

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558f39  No.289244

File: b91441e03621ace⋯.png (156.66 KB, 856x590, 428:295, 1645430829946.png)

Bolshevik jackboot thugs are harassing small business owners for donations now (completely legal donations!!), and not even over money anymore!!! Serving coffee to protesters is ILLEGAL!? Are you people working for Mao?

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558f39  No.289245

File: 6267be377d6199c⋯.png (383.9 KB, 565x884, 565:884, 1645432161754.png)

Insane despots think they are mentally stable. No. No, they are not at all mentally stable!! They've just proven they're unhealthy addiction to endless power and control!!

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558f39  No.289246

File: d2cce5d17fa4591⋯.png (246.8 KB, 534x447, 178:149, 1645432351039.png)


These Bolsheviks have taken off their velvet gloves and they are naked for all to see. They LOVE tyranny!!! They are addicted to that power and can't get enough of it!!

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558f39  No.289247

File: df392b81b9931b6⋯.png (668.52 KB, 914x853, 914:853, 1645432403390.png)

Political discrimination and hypocrisy is very high in communist run nations. We have seen it in the USSA too.

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949bb4  No.289249


At this point celebrating the science behind this vaccine is like celebrating the science from Unit-731

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949bb4  No.289250


Our governments are Mafia States now. They need their protection money … Or else!

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558f39  No.289251

File: ae57372c63c017c⋯.png (482.98 KB, 557x752, 557:752, 1645435505826.png)



Are these thugs really Canadians!? You must ask yourself after looking at this one picture!!

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558f39  No.289252


Perhaps there should be mass trucker strikes and mass tax revolts!!!! Crash their system to the ground, and never ever trust them or their central banks again!?

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558f39  No.289253

File: 4d4a82c39803c08⋯.png (195.9 KB, 592x584, 74:73, 1645435624699.png)

Canada is quickly becoming a third world failed police state, on steroids!! How sad, criminal mafia obviously runs this corrupt government!!

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558f39  No.289254

File: da63ebce0185eed⋯.png (110.02 KB, 786x648, 131:108, 1645437463104.png)

REMEMBER THIS: These are the same people pushing the clot shot mandates, and one of them openly SPILLED THE BEANS!!! Yes, they want you dead!! They want to exterminate conservatives, or anyone else who is in their way of imposing their radical communistic ideology! Just connect a couple dots here is all!!! And they fully back the WEF, their social credit score system too!! DUH. When they deny it, they're simply lying, they support it!

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558f39  No.289255

File: 98c59cfbb0d4b68⋯.png (103.78 KB, 786x824, 393:412, 1645437463104.png)

MY COMMENT: You know this is all too true!!!! 100% of what I stated is FACT!!!

Mass murdering scumbags!

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