Hate to break it to the Trudeau-types…
"We, the People" Have Had It With Globalist Elites Imposing SLAVERY Worldwide; and We WILL Break Our Fetters, Whether Our Slavers Decide to Loosen Them Or Not!
So, do the bidding of the Globalist Elites, and Follow Centralized Control at your peril…
"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-02-11
Are You Tired of Tyranny Yet?
How Tired Are You?
![FUCK-You_I_Won-t_Do_What_You_Tell_Me_i.imgur.com/NkiQ9cb.gif] https://i.imgur.com/NkiQ9cb.gif
Let me put it another way.
Would You Rather Support a Global Fight For Freedom, Or Will You Go to WAR For Globalist Elites, to Consolidate Their Power and Further Enslave Us ALL?
The Choice is That Simple, and That Stark. I hope you make the right choice.
I'll see ya on the battlefield either way!
![We-Wrestle-Against-Principalities-and-Powers_i.imgur.com/nHH0iqO.jpg] https://i.imgur.com/nHH0iqO.jpg
This is an historic episode, and you should not miss it.
If you like it, you're welcome to show some support, and you can find a bunch ways to do that on Odysee. (Minus any methods involving fiat currency; which `'Just-Kiss-It'` does not support, nor can `'Just-Kiss-It'`, in all good conscience, recommend that anyone continue to support fiat currencies printed by the centralized banking cartels in any way whatsoever.)
As for 8kun, you're always welcome to send some Susucoin ( https://susukino.com/ ) my way!
Susucoin Donation Address : ( https://i.imgur.com/otvV8c6.png )