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Is It Wet Yet?

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f6db1c  No.293844

By Dylan Housman


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau laid blame at the feet of the U.S. for ongoing protests by truckers in Ottawa during a press conference Friday.

Trudeau addressed the protests against COVID-19 restrictions which have bogged down business in the Canadian capital for the past two weeks. In his speech, he said he spoke with President Joe Biden about American citizens who have provided funds, supplies and other support to the truckers.

“This morning, I had a direct call with President Biden to talk about our shared challenges at the border. I updated him on the situation, particularly in Windsor,” Trudeau said at the top of his press conference. “We discussed the American, and indeed global influences on the protest. We talked about the U.S.-based flooding of the 911 phone lines in Ottawa, the presence of U.S. citizens in the blockades, and the impact of foreign money to fund this illegal activity.”

“President Biden and I both agreed that for the security of people and the economy, these blockades cannot continue,” he added. “So make no mistake: the border cannot, and will not stay closed.”


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31fcba  No.293849

File: 2fd4f99bb364838⋯.png (851.96 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_02_11_Tucker_Carlson_….png)

File: 89c302924ef2d37⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.92 MB, 627x627, 1:1, FUCK_You_I_Won_t_Do_What_Y….gif)

File: 7dcef22ec6e85a5⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, We_Wrestle_Against_Princip….png)


Hate to break it to the Trudeau-types…


"We, the People" Have Had It With Globalist Elites Imposing SLAVERY Worldwide; and We WILL Break Our Fetters, Whether Our Slavers Decide to Loosen Them Or Not!

So, do the bidding of the Globalist Elites, and Follow Centralized Control at your peril…

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-02-11


Are You Tired of Tyranny Yet?

How Tired Are You?

![FUCK-You_I_Won-t_Do_What_You_Tell_Me_i.imgur.com/NkiQ9cb.gif] https://i.imgur.com/NkiQ9cb.gif

Let me put it another way.

Would You Rather Support a Global Fight For Freedom, Or Will You Go to WAR For Globalist Elites, to Consolidate Their Power and Further Enslave Us ALL?

The Choice is That Simple, and That Stark. I hope you make the right choice.

I'll see ya on the battlefield either way!

![We-Wrestle-Against-Principalities-and-Powers_i.imgur.com/nHH0iqO.jpg] https://i.imgur.com/nHH0iqO.jpg

This is an historic episode, and you should not miss it.


If you like it, you're welcome to show some support, and you can find a bunch ways to do that on Odysee. (Minus any methods involving fiat currency; which `'Just-Kiss-It'` does not support, nor can `'Just-Kiss-It'`, in all good conscience, recommend that anyone continue to support fiat currencies printed by the centralized banking cartels in any way whatsoever.)

As for 8kun, you're always welcome to send some Susucoin ( https://susukino.com/ ) my way!

Susucoin Donation Address : ( https://i.imgur.com/otvV8c6.png )


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986815  No.293852


The people peacefully protesting their government to redress essential concerns regarding freedom of movement, mask mandates, vaccine passports have the right of way in these bridges -NOT their vassal state leaders who were selected to lead us. Sheep, asleep no more.

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e07d4a  No.293868


>security of the people

Mixed boosters are totally okay and do not corrupt data or create outliers that would create unnecessary risk for "the people".


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e07d4a  No.293869

"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This (COVID-19)is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people.It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season."

Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, Canada

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2a6651  No.293870


>had a direct call with

Well there's your first mistake. The Papist in Chief is more concerned with aiding and abetting his criminal health care enterprises and flooding the southern border with Jesuit lumpenproles to shore up the narcotics distro for the next 100 years.

You'd be better off talking to Joe Rogan.

You'd get more and better press from doing so :)

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