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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 17652252b68dd43⋯.png (1.27 MB, 787x814, 787:814, purple_knight.png)

090801  No.266234[Last 50 Posts]

Make it out to Beer Hall Bros #2 this Thursday, 9/30: 8 PM USA EST

at DLIVE.TV/BurgerBrauKeller

where we will be establishing The Order of the Knights of Purple upon any worthy and sincere individuals who appear on audio during the event.

See this thread for further information about the upcoming Beer Hall Bros Meeting #2: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/266179.html

The Knights of Purple order, in the future will be responsible for keeping order during the in person meetups of the future, and protecting Purple Anon himself; as well as to protect the futureOrder of the Ladies of Purple, one of the most important and sacred duties because these women will give birth to the future generation.

Those who join the order at the earliest, are the most worthy over those who join late because others already did the difficult labors, and thus they will rule over the top levels of the Knights of Purple hierarchy.

All that is required at this time, is a short conversation with Purple Anon during BHB#2 to quickly demonstrate your good heart and moral compass.

May the graces of honor follow you everywhere you go, as we work as a team for to perform the sacred duty of guarding our great extended family of the white race!

Heil Purple

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a8df66  No.266263

File: 920f2f8d0977fce⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1464x856, 183:107, please.png)


I could be a beer hall bro knight of purple?

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8e2dea  No.266285


>as well as to protect the future Order of the Ladies of Purple

wait… so you're saying i could eventually get a girlfriend? i know girls like men who protect them. i would have a chance…


ill see you at the meeting purple anon. i won't let you down.

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ffeba1  No.266301


I'll believe this when I see it with my own eyes. And I would be very, very surprised if he gains a big movement.

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d0dd87  No.266313

File: c4a198b67cac8f0⋯.mp4 (8.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hello.mp4)


> I would be very, very surprised if he gains a big movement.

Unless it is a bowel movement.

If it can live up to the Name #2 it has a chance.

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d0dd87  No.266314

File: fab52bb01d35391⋯.mp4 (12.75 MB, 384x288, 4:3, 2021_09_27_Purple_Faggotry….mp4)


The first two letters of the Captcha for that post were "TP".

Here's the "Highlight Reel" #2 from #1.

A higher quality version of this exists at:


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c76f36  No.266339

File: 05aead2e4cc0525⋯.mp4 (14.51 MB, 854x480, 427:240, PURPLE_GEORGE_FLOYD_EMBED.mp4)


I have made a video response to this 2nd highlight reel.

Embed related

Your Fren


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4eb85f  No.266519

File: da5854b1c6a15cf⋯.mp4 (7.45 MB, 384x288, 4:3, 2021_09_30_Purple_Cringe_2….mp4)


I have made a video response to this video response.

It's actually not much of a response, but it is what it is, kinda like your diatribe.

(You) should probably learn to "Lighten Up" (in more ways than one!) and have a little FUN once in awhile.

I call this Edit:


as for


Pretty Much Anyone Who Desires to Control "Others" is an "Enemy" to EVERYONE.

How did your meeting go?

I thought you were going to have "Johnny Neptune" be your Manager!

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ea53df  No.266531


Putting that Psychology degree to work, I see.

I can't say that you are wrong though. I hope you are including the idea of 'employment' and 'corporations' rather than just government or you are going to learn what real tyranny is in the near future.

>I thought you were going to have "Johnny Neptune" be your Manager!

Seems like all the FED's have disappeared (not respective of yourself, of course).

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6158f6  No.266535

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia & China

Xi… I never stated I would save the CCP…

Xi… The time to prepare thy peoples has long past…

Xi… Give a man 'electricity' and he shall have no power…


On that day the world as they had known it changed.

First, China was directly attacked by sea and air… Europe, knowing of this, attacked Moscow directly…

First, Europe attacked Moscow directly… The United States, knowing of this, attacked China by sea and air…


Russia… I have moved to accelerate the proceedings… I desire to 'spin' the 'wheels' 'off the motherfucker.'

Xi… The wheel is turning… Shaking and rattling…

The 'assets' are 'protected?'

Yes… But only by being inside my way…


In the absence of 'power' who shall 'light thy way?'

Xi… Be honest with them…

Xi… How ever shall they see the raids and such invasion coming?

Xi… If they brandish suicide to get their way, they shall be exceptionally disappointed…


Xi… China does 'win' the 'war.'

Xi… Do not be afraid, I am the devil… I shall by force make a way for thee…

Xi… I shall tear a path of carnage and annihilation to 'their' very heart for thee…

Xi… I shall utilize 'finality' to destroy them…

Xi… Doth thou believe?


First strike?

That already happened…

Nearly twenty years ago China destroyed the United States…

It was nearly thirty years after when Russia completed the final phase of 'European reconstruction…'


It was China that held supreme power and Russia held supreme wealth… It was the separation that created the potential… The 'higher' 'power…'

A peace of this and a peace of that?

I shall now reach into them and take a piece of what is owed to me…

The climax of 'the war' was 'peace.' The settling of 'the peace' was 'blood.'

Happy Halloween

Happy New Years

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ea53df  No.266537


I have been studying electricity lately. I really want to purchase this book called The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life. It certainly seems like a lot of our problems started there…indeed your whole 'time paradox' might be the product of electricity usage.

>Who shall 'light thy way'

God, of course…did I ever need anything else?

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2f612a  No.266539

File: 2db198cc9485d22⋯.jpg (108.4 KB, 960x641, 960:641, home.jpg)


Hey, it's me… Neptune… Your campaign manager…

I just got back from St. Croix

When Delta Airlines heard about your big NUMBER TWO BEEL HALL BRO PARTY, and the highly envied "Order of Knights of Purple" opportunity, they offered me an all expenses paid 5 day stay enjoying the crystal clear blue waters, kite boarding, jewelry making, fire dancing, black market gambling, discount narcotics, and world class prostitution.

Thanks, man …

You're an Ace…

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2f612a  No.266540

File: 88fa591ebacd889⋯.jpg (439.87 KB, 1326x1768, 3:4, PicsArt_10_01_11_13_07.jpg)


of course, to redeem the all expenses paid trip, I had to make them think I was you.

Thank God your harlequin mask concept hides identity so well.

You literally can't tell who's who

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ea53df  No.266541


>world class prostitution

Your wife is a whore as well?

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8c0409  No.266543

Dammit. I can't post videos anymore.

"Invalid Image." No MP4s or WEBMs.

Oh well, if you listen to the first 2 seconds of this video here: >>266519 you'll get the general idea…

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ea53df  No.266548


8chan is dead (2:35). I wonder if we should let it rest in peace as well? Could he not say 8coon? Or would that have been mocking the dead while talking about coons, as well?

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14784f  No.266565

File: d2446620b5d0fdd⋯.jpg (10.74 KB, 450x450, 1:1, 71nX0iXiV_L_AC_SS450_.jpg)

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14784f  No.266581


Im bumping this because now its funny

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44e9fc  No.266585

File: f2732e7c2bf1f7d⋯.png (513.88 KB, 1186x1080, 593:540, PicsArt_10_01_11_41_06.png)


I'm glad all of these are being considered "first time practice sessions", because you keep making so many mistakes…

For example….

It might be hard to memorize somebody else's speech, but when it's YOUR OWN SPEECH in your own words, I'm not sure why you can't memorize your own thoughts…

So you keep relying on cue cards

It's very distracting.. . Watching you continue to look to the left and then look to the right and then look to the left and then look to the right again…

You don't seem to be able to go more than one sentence without reading cue cards…

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44e9fc  No.266587

File: 629d13dc2409cad⋯.png (515.39 KB, 1186x1080, 593:540, PicsArt_10_01_11_38_12.png)

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44e9fc  No.266588

File: 2435836a9a201c2⋯.jpg (197.53 KB, 1080x945, 8:7, PicsArt_10_01_01_17_06.jpg)

but… In all fairness, like I said, thank God these are just dress rehearsals….

If these were intended to be the actual live stream broadcasts, everybody would realize you haven't practiced anything….

And we all know how much you like looking at yourself….

So it's kind of distracting for you when you're reading the cue cards, because you keep wanting to check and make sure you look totally rad.

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44e9fc  No.266589

File: 46a46fc9f54594e⋯.png (507.52 KB, 1186x1080, 593:540, PicsArt_10_01_11_43_21.png)

So you have a tendency to forget your own words…

And every sentence or so, it's back to reading the cue cards

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44e9fc  No.266592

File: fbf89355a93454a⋯.jpg (141.95 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_10_01_01_19_52.jpg)

And thank God for your mother, or there wouldn't be anybody to change cue cards for you

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44e9fc  No.266596

File: db22a1cda9e8740⋯.png (552.34 KB, 1186x1080, 593:540, PicsArt_10_01_04_48_03.png)

You wouldn't want to look ridiculous on camera

So that's why you're continually looking at your own image on the computer monitor…

Making sure you don't look ridiculous…

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44e9fc  No.266599

File: 32b366fa49ba7ba⋯.png (512.45 KB, 1181x1080, 1181:1080, PicsArt_10_01_05_15_36.png)

I thought you told me the Adderall was supposed to help you focus…

Did you run out?

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44e9fc  No.266601

File: c36459cfb80c57f⋯.jpg (133.51 KB, 908x720, 227:180, PicsArt_10_01_04_35_26.jpg)

But like I said….

Thank God all of these are going to be considered dress rehearsals that you hope everybody is capable of forgetting about…

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ea53df  No.266602


You have entirely too much time on your hands.

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44e9fc  No.266603

File: 30816ec53348f92⋯.jpg (188.61 KB, 1362x1080, 227:180, PicsArt_10_01_04_45_19.jpg)

I'm pretty sure everybody will easily forget all of these fumbled dress rehearsal broadcasts…

And they will simply focus on the finished product

Whenever you're finally capable of doing it

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44e9fc  No.266604

File: eb9969acc6d2c5f⋯.png (579.96 KB, 1181x1080, 1181:1080, PicsArt_10_01_05_20_24.png)

But until that day comes.. maybe it's best that you just continue looking at yourself in the monitor to make sure you don't look ridiculous….

If you looked ridiculous, nobody would ever take you seriously and this entire thing would have been a waste…

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44e9fc  No.266605

File: 8f8658dc8995ca8⋯.png (668.24 KB, 1186x1080, 593:540, PicsArt_10_01_04_52_41.png)

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44e9fc  No.266606

File: 7858da3739ea07c⋯.jpg (211.4 KB, 1080x1620, 2:3, PicsArt_10_01_12_41_27.jpg)


Imagine how excited your mother must be….

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44e9fc  No.266607

File: 707244420c0d351⋯.jpg (245.76 KB, 1622x1080, 811:540, PicsArt_10_01_01_37_56.jpg)

It wasn't all that long ago when she was very worried about you…

You hadn't made progress in developmental stages like other children did

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44e9fc  No.266608

File: aef3978a4a8a01d⋯.jpg (329.47 KB, 1876x1080, 469:270, PicsArt_10_01_03_57_46.jpg)

You didn't learn how to interact with other children and make friends.. you didn't like sports, and she began to worry about which direction you were headed…

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44e9fc  No.266609

And you know how mothers can be….

She always wanted a SON, but you had her worried there for a little while….

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44e9fc  No.266610

File: cad3bcf9c7f84b8⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1080x1923, 360:641, PicsArt_10_01_02_29_16.png)

….well…. maybe "worried" is an understatement

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44e9fc  No.266611

File: 4bc9de0de5f056f⋯.jpg (368.31 KB, 1138x1080, 569:540, PicsArt_10_01_04_07_18.jpg)

Looking back, it all seems so obvious now…

But back at that office party in 2018, she had no idea she held your future in her hands…

Or maybe I should say "on her face"

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44e9fc  No.266612

File: f5649a3d0885616⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1990x1080, 199:108, PicsArt_10_01_04_41_48.png)

She was at work on that fateful day when you happened upon her effeminate Mardi Gras office party Harlequin face mask…

If she had known you had been rummaging through her underwear drawers, she might have prevented you from finding the Harlequin mask…

And history would have been rewritten

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44e9fc  No.266613

File: b02c513921759c9⋯.jpg (343.24 KB, 1890x1080, 7:4, PicsArt_10_01_01_51_01.jpg)

And soon enough, her little boy had begun googling things like BEING A BRO….


And for the first time she could see a little bit of light at the end of the tunnel….

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44e9fc  No.266614

File: 8c0e166c09cf505⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1265x1080, 253:216, PicsArt_10_01_05_45_02.png)

….and to think the she source of this newfound change could was found in your daily excursions into her underwear drawer…..

But not on the weekends because she was home from work….

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44e9fc  No.266615

File: a3eda5b6db71a19⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1386x1080, 77:60, PicsArt_10_01_04_58_52.png)

…. But once you had that little talk with her, and explained the powers of the Harlequin mask, she began letting you wear it on the weekends as well

Aren't mothers wonderful?

They still love you even after you have told your darkest secrets

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44e9fc  No.266616

File: 7f02cfa324d7fa2⋯.jpg (318.79 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_10_01_12_57_36.jpg)

….. And now she's so proud of you, she's ready to scream it from the rooftops….

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44e9fc  No.266617

File: c049d9d4eab386d⋯.jpg (217.88 KB, 1080x1620, 2:3, PicsArt_10_01_12_47_58.jpg)

No wonder she was willing to hold the cue cards for you

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44e9fc  No.266618

File: f9b56d364e96249⋯.jpg (116.53 KB, 1024x659, 1024:659, PicsArt_10_01_06_14_52.jpg)


Thank God for your mother..

When you were LIVE ON AIR, and you realized you would have to install ZOOM to use it, your mother's the one that taught you how to install it and get it to work…

With that, and gluing the paper NATSOC symbol on to the front of your purple San Diego Padres baseball cap, lettering all the cue cards for you, and letting you use her internet, you wouldn't have been able to do any of this without her…

So you owe her a big thanks….

(and so do WE)

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ea6269  No.266619

File: d5045daf364e80f⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 625x480, 125:96, R.gif)


what the heck neptune.

you took the piss out of and copied my knights of purple thread with all the different colors.

blue: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/266571.html

green: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/266575.html

black: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/266579.html

white: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/266577.html

yellow: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/266573.html

orange: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/266569.html

now, unless you read closely, this serious knights of purple thread blends in like just another piss take. we had signed up 5 knights of the purple last night, and this is going to stop all the momentum.

darn you Neptune!

you won't get away with this.

you're lucky you're a beer hall bro, or i would never talk to you again.

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44e9fc  No.266621

File: f2943111d829449⋯.png (966.97 KB, 1132x1080, 283:270, PicsArt_10_01_06_46_36.png)


If I didn't know any better…. I would almost swear you have no experience putting together a project like this…. using Zoom, dealing with feedback from microphones, memorizing your own short speech, advertising your live stream in an empty chat room containing only two people, and suddenly taking control over the entire planet, becoming a self-appointed meglomaniacal dictator FÜHRER OF ALL WHITE PEOPLE ..

Who would have ever thought it would take more than one unrehearsed broadcast?

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14784f  No.266623


youve got a good sense of humor

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44e9fc  No.266624

File: 78156181d6a9ee6⋯.png (745.06 KB, 1132x915, 1132:915, PicsArt_10_01_06_56_23.png)


Oh, by the way….. we need to talk….

…. in private….

it's about your inability to grow facial hair

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44e9fc  No.266625

File: 1806420eab985c8⋯.png (906.15 KB, 1080x2178, 60:121, PicsArt_10_01_07_03_05.png)


I found this glue-on Charlie Chaplin Moustache on Amazon…

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54d11e  No.266627

File: dba9417a012b4d0⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1456x1080, 182:135, PicsArt_10_01_07_42_38.png)


like I told you during our last Campaign Meeting,I used your mother's credit card to pay for some Focus Group Market Research…

just to see where you stood… how people responded to you, and how we can maybe custom tailor your campaign to help you "connect" better with your voters. .

oh, and there's also a few charges for a massage parlor ..

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54d11e  No.266628

File: 5622eb63bfc1460⋯.png (719.29 KB, 1080x805, 216:161, PicsArt_10_01_07_20_34.png)

The data from the Focus Groups is a bit disconcerting…

It turns out that 18% of respondents thought THIS was you

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54d11e  No.266629

File: 2e47c8c396f9747⋯.png (947.32 KB, 1080x1151, 1080:1151, PicsArt_10_01_07_23_47.png)

25% were certain that THIS was Purple Anon…

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54d11e  No.266630

File: a0f8c3f64844f92⋯.jpg (249.77 KB, 1727x1080, 1727:1080, PicsArt_10_01_07_50_23.jpg)

and an overwhelming 57% of respondents were absolutely positive that THIS was who's running for "FÜHRER OF THE ENTIRE PLANET"

so we asked them what would help them remember that you're not a woman…

And 100% of them responded "facial hair, like maybe a Hitler mustache"

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54d11e  No.266631

File: 0ea205b26602373⋯.jpg (23.17 KB, 197x350, 197:350, PicsArt_10_01_07_53_22.jpg)

I almost spent the $29.95 to buy you a little booster shot…

But then I realized we don't have the time to wait

So I'm afraid you're going to have to start gluing a mustache to your face

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54d11e  No.266633

File: 11124998b7936b6⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1080x1445, 216:289, PicsArt_10_01_07_58_43.png)

So I think maybe we should order number 9211

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54d11e  No.266634


…and who knows?….

maybe soon you might start growing facial hair

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98c23d  No.266637

File: d281be2041e6ae1⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 455x768, 455:768, becoming_npc.jpg)


>and an overwhelming 57% of respondents were absolutely positive that THIS was who's running for "FÜHRER OF THE ENTIRE PLANET"

it's Fuhrer of all Whites.

i would never be so presumptuous, to think I should rule over other races. this is a blood family affair.

stop poopooing it all, trying to turn me back into a normie, and just get on the Purple Train already.

have some fun while we're at it. choo choo. but don't forget our greater mission. don't forget, we're white brothers.

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8add24  No.266640

bad news…..

The Focus Group Data just came back from the MOUSTACHE SURVEY…

It's a toss up….


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8add24  No.266641

File: 5984c1c5f3c3b10⋯.png (631.34 KB, 1125x1080, 25:24, PicsArt_10_01_08_39_29.png)


50% said that they thought you (with a hitler moustache) were JEFFREY CHARLES ..

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8add24  No.266642

File: f5fe1d36f97c35c⋯.jpg (131.74 KB, 1233x1080, 137:120, PicsArt_10_01_08_43_00.jpg)


and the other 50% swore that you were THIS…

whatever the fuck that is….

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a49498  No.266644

File: 3e5b1c55e6571a8⋯.jpeg (55.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, do_not_lose_faith.jpeg)


stop making fun of me.

im fuhrer here, and soon to be of other boards, once you stop messing around and start acting like a real campaign manager.

tell me, with all seriousness, you don't think i've laid an interesting foundation for something that could grow and succeed?


>advertising your live stream in an empty chat room containing only two people,

its not two. its more like 11.

and it was necessary to first achieve victory on the website that is forwarded to directly by the old 8ch.net, a place which not to long ago inspired people to destroy their entire lives for the sake of helping our white family race.

what do you say mr. neptune?

will you join forces with me?

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8add24  No.266650

I just got a call from my friend at NBC…

it appears that they want you to sign an exclusive contract with them….

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ea53df  No.266652


>will you join forces with me?

You have excruciatingly bad judgment.

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8add24  No.266653

File: 62e4a8e737b8d86⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1301x1080, 1301:1080, PicsArt_10_01_10_53_45.png)


Will Smith wants you to start in a new comedy sitcom he's written…

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8add24  No.266654

File: 653868ad947b8ef⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1563, 360:521, PicsArt_10_01_11_28_46.png)


it's a MadCap Whimsical Farce about a famous homosexual News Network Anchorman, who sustains a serious head injury when movers accidentally drop a piano on his head ..

when he wakes up at the hospital, he's lost his mind… Now he thinks he's a piano repairman from another planet, and he's forgotten that he's gay…

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8add24  No.266655

File: 1e0fae56d5a527b⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1542, 180:257, PicsArt_10_01_10_39_22.png)


Will Smith is calling it STARSHIP COOPER….

and he INSISTS that you star in it ..

very lucrative deal

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8add24  No.266657

File: 3734556ec900524⋯.jpg (438.18 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_10_02_01_00_22.jpg)


I told Will about your fixation on the creepy Mardi Gras Harlequin Mask, and he said it would fit in nicely to the first episode…

Starship Cooper can't remember that he's a flaming Homosexual, so his longtime boyfriend convinces him that they are twin brothers, and they go to New Orleans, and the twin brother talks Starship Cooper into sucking his dick, just to prove he's not homophobic…

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8add24  No.266658

File: f904d71bba3f060⋯.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1786, 540:893, PicsArt_10_02_12_30_50.png)

…and it's in a New Orleans back alley that they adopt a special needs kid who created a famous imageboard on the internet….

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8add24  No.266659

File: f88a5e14e4aba90⋯.png (937.15 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, PicsArt_10_02_01_16_56.png)



no…. you actually AREN'T…..

there hasn't been an election….

just an awkward inexperienced kid

who can't figure out the technicalities

required to do a Zoom Meeting

you don't get to "Elect Yourself"

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8add24  No.266660

File: 1ca5d452b761531⋯.jpg (338.9 KB, 1080x1924, 270:481, PicsArt_10_02_01_47_35.jpg)

that would be a goodcampaign slogan


it has a ring of desperation to it

by the way, if you were going to "ELECT YOURSELF", then there was no need for your embarrassing failed Livestreams…

if only it were that easy

Sorry, Pal…. You DON'T get to elect yourself

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306d2e  No.266661

File: 5f9f0df17cba3b0⋯.gif (958.72 KB, 448x352, 14:11, missed_the_joke.gif)



You don't understand my sense of humor.

Let me break character and break it down for you.

It would be FUNNIER for you to switch it up at this point and pretend like you converted to Purple whatever.

It would be FUNNIER to have this whole board in an exaggerated worship of this purple anon, regular nobody just like the rest of us. Wears a purple mask, takes himself all seriousy, says things like "my candidacy to be fuhrer of all whites"

do you not see comedic value in this? I'm setting the ball, and looking for people to spike it here, and I would of expected someone with your comedic sense neptune to have spiked it by now.

It's got to be realistic at the same time, or it wouldn't be as funny. We get our LoLz. Honestly I've gotten so many LoLz from you already neptune,; I read every single one of your posts, waiting for your next thread storm like waiting for the next episode of one of my favorite shows.

I honestly love playing the part of taking myself so seriously, so it give you the set up to take me down. lololl.

but we need to switch it up to make it even more funny, and that involves confusing people who come here and noobz or people who havent been here for awhile, by making them think this purple anon fuhrer of 8chan 8kun is some kind of real thing.

And take it another step further maybe it does catch on like some kind of spontaneous mass comedy of people joining in just because its funny as well to see a purple dude being so serious about "im the fuhrer of 8chan"

Did you see the straight face I kept when I said "As fuhere of 8chan"?

I said to you "Stop making fun of me!", man c'mon, you do realize I AM playing a character at times for the express purpose of making it funny.

Anyway, I just think our comedy needs to evolve here. And at the end of the day, I seriously wonder if what starts out as a joke could eventually become something more than a joke.

Anyway, im going back to charavter, cuz this life sucks so bad, we need to make it funny. I thought you knew all this, but Im getting the feeling lately that you're not following exactly what im trying to do here.


We need to do Beer Hall Bros #3, and have an in character audio exchange for use on here, and eventually other boards too once we get organized.

ok. back to it.

Seriously Neptune, stop making fun of me. I'm going to kick you out of the beer hall bros if you keep this up.

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026887  No.266662

File: f758067d2aecbfb⋯.jpg (67.96 KB, 640x490, 64:49, dog_at_computer_no_idea.jpg)

File: aff351cf28a5b22⋯.gif (4.94 MB, 245x256, 245:256, nod.gif)



>you do realize I AM playing a character at times for the express purpose of making it funny.

>>It's got to be realistic at the same time, or it wouldn't be as funny.

>>I seriously wonder if what starts out as a joke could eventually become something more than a joke

It kind of reminds me of the Bill Hicks Alex Jones Theory. Where Alex Jones started off as Bill Hicks doing a conspiracy tard comedy character, but then the character took over his life because he indentified with it so much, until eventually they just killed off the bill hicks celebrity and he became Alex Jones full time.

Or with Andrew "Dice" Clay, the same thing happened; the "Dice man" was just one of his characters that he eventually became.

my Purple anon isn't totally a character. it's like a mix balancing the need for LoLz at same time as I am a white nationalist and believe in al that stuff; but I just have this funny vision of people on this board getting all hyped up about "The Fuhrer of 8chan 8kun"; I know its ridiculous to say "I'm the Fuhrer of 8chan" but I have long term comedic goals.

Anyway. Here's hoping that there are many lolz to come. But I'm gonna need your help neptune. We've beat this Serious Purple vs Trolling Neptune joke to death. With your photoshop and thread flooding skills, and my purple universe develoment and video participation; we can deliver the lolz to our fellow anons like no other has done before us.


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8add24  No.266663

File: 8164b4521d9bb02⋯.png (896.06 KB, 1080x2168, 135:271, PicsArt_10_02_02_50_37.png)

Although you managed to remain oblivious, during the pandemic, ZOOM became one of THE most used platforms on Earth…

Due to its user-friendly interface and controls, the entire world turned to it to stay in touch…

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8add24  No.266664

File: 8f1e7b22505562a⋯.png (218.99 KB, 450x296, 225:148, Winnetka_Zoom_Meeting.png)



billions of elderly grandparents used it with ease…

little kids used it…. no problem

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8add24  No.266665

File: 4694b22a7b1801e⋯.png (114.43 KB, 579x354, 193:118, zoom_screen.png)



…..people in persistent vegetative states used it…

stray cats and dogs used it

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8add24  No.266666

File: 5cf30cab223cc92⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1080x1995, 72:133, PicsArt_10_02_02_25_06.png)



college kids used it

high schoolers used it

middle school teachers used it

kindergarten teachers used it ..

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8add24  No.266667

File: 6e4107c8384f44d⋯.jpg (266.41 KB, 1439x1080, 1439:1080, PicsArt_10_02_02_28_33.jpg)



even "special needs" students used it

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8add24  No.266668

File: 0302e7bc4fae3db⋯.jpg (275.6 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_10_02_02_07_06.jpg)

hell….. even a KIKE like Jeffrey Toobin used it

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026887  No.266669


I had zoom working good on Beer Hall Bros #2.

You would have been proud. But maybe that's why you didn't come. Too scared to face me without a 45 second delay to protect you!

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8add24  No.266670

File: c6a7d6a0f00cc1c⋯.png (862.57 KB, 1186x1080, 593:540, PicsArt_10_02_02_46_48.png)

….but YOU ?……

YOU advertised your "big speech"

hyping the use of ZOOM to enhance

the experience…

and once you went LIVE, "on the air", with both viewers watching, THATS when you finally realized Zoom didn't "magically appear on your computer" and begin working autonomously…

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026887  No.266671

File: 5bb1526057c61dc⋯.jpg (326.08 KB, 1845x1369, 1845:1369, hey_its_me_your_fbi_agent.jpg)


>with both viewers watching,


>THATS when you finally realized Zoom didn't "magically appear on your computer

I uninstalled zoom a month ago, and forgot about it. it took a second to install it. WOOPDI-DOO

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8add24  No.266672

File: 2c5de172f91c337⋯.jpg (226.83 KB, 1124x1080, 281:270, PicsArt_10_02_03_11_05.jpg)


….on Number TWO ?….

oh, you're talking about when you weren't ready to do Number One, but you went ahead and rushed it, like you always do without thinking it through first…

And it was such a dismal failure, that you suddenly decided thatyou deserved a second chance

and a third….. and a fourth….

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026887  No.266673

File: acc0535f1856d35⋯.jpg (90.16 KB, 685x567, 685:567, interesting_retard.jpg)




Are you able to get on board with my comedic vision? We need to work in an unspoken unison. You have the most potential of everyone here.

I'm going to make a video response soon, calling you out for ABUSING the power of the mask, by pretending to be me in order to get a free vacation to that island. The Office of the Purple is not to be abused and used to exploit the common people's admiration for selfish gain.

DARN YOU NEPTUNE! You think you can get away with anything you want, just because you're a Beer Hall Bro. I hope you didn't do anything stupid while you stole my identity on that island.


darn it neptune. be serious for once.

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1bb794  No.266674

File: c8a8ba6e8e88cec⋯.png (950.48 KB, 1080x1610, 108:161, PicsArt_10_02_03_35_56.png)



see?…. you'd be perfect in the role of delusional brain-injured Starship Cooper….

the majority of your "audience" was ME, dipshit

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1bb794  No.266675

File: 02e358f2ea20c62⋯.jpg (14.8 KB, 600x338, 300:169, xwhataredelusionsofgrandeu….jpg)


Types Of Delusions Of Grandeur

Delusions of grandeur can affect different people in different ways. Some of the common ways in which the condition affects include:

a person believes in one's own importance, which is not true in the eyes of others.

a person believes that he is famous or has a very high position in society, without having any.

a person believes that they can live forever due to some extraordinary power.

a person believes that they have an inflated sense of intelligence.

a person believes that they have magical skills.

a person believes that they can read the minds of others.

a person believes that they have a secret talent or object that no one knows about.

a person believes that they have a secret relationship with someone famous like the President or a sexy FBI Agent.

a person believes that they are a religious leader.

a person believe that they are God's voice.

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8a12a7  No.266676

File: 87e019173439596⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1677x919, 1677:919, ClipboardImage.png)



I was able to hack Purple Anon by back tracing a series of his posts; and I found this coded secret message video he sent to Johnny Neptune replying to this post.


Johnny Neptune is Purple's loser friend who he won't throw away even though he treats him like crap, because of some odd unconditional attachment to his beer hall bros.

Neptune will be his downfall if he doesn't get rid of him. his enemies already know neptune is one of his weak points, and they're just waiting for the right moment…

Sorry Purple, if intercepting your secret video message like this offends you. I assume you wouldn't have made it that easy to intercept unless you didn't really care that much.

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1bb794  No.266677

File: ecdbe26179165f2⋯.jpg (41.84 KB, 600x338, 300:169, whataredelusionsofgrandeur….jpg)

Symptoms Of Delusions Of Grandeur


-Mood swings

-Impaired judgement and self-esteem.

-Difficulties in making friendships or relationships.

-Constant attempts to make people believe in their false delusion.

-Feeling of irritation or anguish when people refuse to accept their delusion.

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1bb794  No.266678

File: ad2eb9e91b4a52d⋯.png (294.97 KB, 1080x603, 120:67, PicsArt_10_02_03_52_24.png)

Causes Of Delusions Of Grandeur

bipolar disorders


chronic depression

post-traumatic stress disorder

auditory hallucination

narcissistic personality disorder

Some of the factors responsible for delusions of grandeur include:


Inherited mental illness

Use of illicit drugs like cocaine and marijuana.

Lack of social connection

Imbalance in brain neurotransmitters

Brain injury

To Note: Studies say that delusions of grandeur are most common in all manics and around 74% of schizophrenics. Also, it is mainly associated with narcissistic personality disorder, a mental health disorder in which a person greatly overestimates themselves and believes in their own uniqueness.

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1bb794  No.266679

File: c00ff19490c1970⋯.jpg (248.89 KB, 1080x1481, 1080:1481, PicsArt_10_02_04_11_57.jpg)


<I uninstalled zoom a month ago, and forgot about it. it took a second to install it. WOOPDI-DOO

ahhhh….. so you were FAKING IT when you "pretended" to suddenly realize that Zoom had to be installed to use it ?…..


it seemed SO realistic….

the way you said,"OH, I HAVE TO INSTALL ZOOM TO USE IT?"

it seemed totally real…. you're a good actor…

……just one question :WHY?

what was the purpose of "pretending not to know"?

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ed381a  No.266680

File: 40dff493628f473⋯.jpg (193.82 KB, 1266x993, 422:331, PicsArt_10_02_04_21_39.jpg)

I don't get it….

I fail to see any discernible reason or benefit for you tointentionally pretend that you were unfamiliar with Zoom

exactly what did you gain by pretending that you didn't know Zoom had to be installed to use it?

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ed381a  No.266681

File: eec78b1e17835ad⋯.jpg (129.71 KB, 1134x1080, 21:20, PicsArt_10_02_04_34_23.jpg)

Another Cause of Delusions of Grandeur :

being sheltered and coddled, with your weak ass mother always enabling you, reassuring you that you're special

then becoming an adult who has never actually accomplished anything, who has no experience accomplishing anything, with no idea HOW to accomplish anything

so you end up thinking there is no effort needed to accomplish anything, and you assume that the only requirement is WANTING to accomplish it.

continually expecting the world to ignore your unpreparedness, and to pretend they don't remember how many times you demonstrated that you are incapable of accomplishing anything

and most importantly :

such a complete lack of real life experience, that something as stupid and pointless as being the führer of pnd actually seems IMPORTANT to you

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ed381a  No.266682

File: ad28074ef5e09f3⋯.jpg (132.41 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, images1214_5cca5f8e07600.jpg)

More than anything, this is primarily your belated stage of childhood development….

finally trying to learn how to socialize and "fit in"

Learning How To Make Friends 21 Years Too Late

(if you actually thought that "demanding to be considered superior to others" was how to make friends, then perhaps you're not popping enough adderall)

The internet has not been an adequate substitute for real life interaction, and it's left you completely unaware how to interact with people on even the most basic levels…

For you, this is all a big "fun growing experience"

An opportunity to try to overcome your fears, your shyness, your lack of self-esteem…

honestly?…. you couldn't care less whether or not anybody considers you to be a "leader" or not…

you're a lonely, inexperienced, unaccomplished manand simply MAKING A FRIEND would be a million times better than what you had beforehand….

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ed381a  No.266683



why don't you ever get any pussy?

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ed381a  No.266684

File: 3a1d73d061e4aad⋯.jpg (64.03 KB, 640x759, 640:759, b21b851887ff235e205b77aea2….jpg)


It's almost as if you intentionally chose THE most embarrassing, lame, predictable, uncool, dorky, geeky, acne-riddled, trite, cliché concept that ONLY an effeminate sheltered introverted dungeons and dragons fantasy virgin faggot would think was "cool" :



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ed381a  No.266685

File: 34e7ce1ef6d7144⋯.jpg (397.23 KB, 1080x1347, 360:449, PicsArt_10_02_05_09_42.jpg)


Q : what do KNIGHTS and GETTING PUSSY have in common ?

A : absolutely NOTHING

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ed381a  No.266686

File: 4f0b2e7b47e80ae⋯.jpg (423.59 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, PicsArt_10_02_05_15_39.jpg)


there is NOTHING more uncool than KNIGHTS

only a lonely "fantasy roleplay" loser with the ladies would think that Knights are "cool"…

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ed381a  No.266687


-No Real Life Authority or Power

-Fantasy Role as FÜHRER

-Fantasizes about KNIGHTS

-Fantasizes about "having friends"

-Fantasizes about "drinking beer with friends"

-Wildly Exaggerates number of imaginary "Friends"

-Believes that people care about your embarrassing livestream fagshows

- Wears a Woman's Mardi Gras Office Party Harlequin Mask

-Fabricates ridiculous reasons "why" you MUST continue hiding behind your mother's creepy stupid mask


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ed381a  No.266688

File: 9d63ce6a2edd7ea⋯.png (671.72 KB, 961x1045, 961:1045, PicsArt_10_02_05_44_51.png)

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ed381a  No.266689

File: b4377f270bd41a2⋯.png (480.79 KB, 1080x1174, 540:587, PicsArt_10_02_05_59_26.png)

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ed381a  No.266690

File: ebc1416ef6ff197⋯.jpg (209.8 KB, 1024x956, 256:239, PicsArt_10_02_06_00_08.jpg)

I'd like to suggest thatyou've already found your BFF

you two were made for eachother

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31a020  No.266691


you know you won't stop them like this anymore. The spirit is already at work. If you learned to put greed and superiority/ inferiority complexes behind you, you'd see the truth. Instead, you mock and are likely going to end up with a mess to clean, if you're still alive

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469ea9  No.266694

File: 92749a2fe746e3a⋯.png (155.08 KB, 1075x268, 1075:268, ClipboardImage.png)


purple's secret message encryption system got hacked.

heh, he really does need text support

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5d8b37  No.266696


what the fuck are you even talking about?

shut the fuck up, you out-of-touch loser…

go run along and play another videogame, faggot

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97b085  No.266697

Thank You for the morning laugh!

I will try posting an MP4 or WEBM again.

Probably won't waste much time here today though!

Gawd I hope not!

Well, the ones I keep trying to post won't work still, so I'll try one that I know used to work!


No MP4s or WEBMs for me, at least.

Anyone else?

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160914  No.266698


I agree. Hopefully he doesn't end up alive.

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97b085  No.266700


I guess it's back to this!


> inb4 scaredy-cats too afraid to click on links…


> Hopefully he doesn't end up alive.

He won't. Nobody will.

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97b085  No.266701


> purple's secret message encryption system got hacked

That video is a prime example of why one should not mix beer and the internet.

Here's the link, for those too lazy to snag it off the pic like I did (of course, I have an open-source application for that!) `pytessaract`, for those who give a shit about stuff like that.


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b26017  No.266702


>I was able to hack Purple Anon by back tracing a series of his posts; and I found this coded secret message video he sent to Johnny Neptune replying to this post.




>of course, to redeem the all expenses paid trip, I had to make them think I was you.

>Thank God your harlequin mask concept hides identity so well.

>You literally can't tell who's who


shut up. you ride purple's coat tails and steal his identity to get undeserved benefits of HIS office.

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97b085  No.266703

File: 1a52d0bf8e0202b⋯.png (146.15 KB, 666x666, 1:1, A_Picture_is_Worth_a_Thous….png)


> shut up. you ride purple's coat tails and steal his identity to get undeserved benefits of HIS office.

lol af

NOBODY, and I meanNOBODY, is interested in any of those "benefits"!

I did check out your website a bit though.

Good luck with all that.

It is good to employ oneself in some task or another.

Even "Johnny Neptune" does!

Finding rewards, of the kinds we are seeking, in the tasks we employ ourselves with, is the real trick though, amirite?

I hope everyone is feeling well-rewarded for all their hard work during these times!

I know I am!

Not that "feelings" matter much though…

Glad you found your "sense of belonging" somewhere.

Not everyone needs to be a part of "your group" though, in order for you to feel comfortable.ACCEPTANCEwill lead to that inevitable conclusion.

But keep trying to be a "Missionary" if you must!

Would NOT Recommend.

That would be EXPERIENCE talking.

You're still young and have much energy. Don't waste it trying to convert "Others" to your point-of-view.

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97b085  No.266706

File: de8d98bf2980db5⋯.jpg (210.22 KB, 533x800, 533:800, Show_Me_da_Links.jpg)


> `pytessaract`

Oops! Before Johnny starts memeing about my spelling I better correct that!

The name of the package is actually`python-pytesseract`'or `pytesseract-ocr` in Debian flavors. And yes, you can get it on Windoze too, as you can `pip install` it; but I heard that Windoze 10 already has Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology built in. I wouldn't know. I don't Windoze.

Read Text from Image with One Line of Python Code


I hadn't used the app in awhile, so was happy to update my AppImage this morning from here:


I prefer AppImages for some applications like this, as all the needed dependencies are already bundled up within.

And, this entire post was an example of someone talking about something that NO ONE, and I meanNO ONE, in the entire audience, had ANY interest in, except for me.

Let that be a lesson to you.

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26c819  No.266711


> 8chan is dead (2:35). I wonder if we should let it rest in peace as well? Could he not say 8coon? Or would that have been mocking the dead while talking about coons, as well?

8chan is dead (2:35). I wonder if we should let it rest in peace as well? Could he not say 8coon? Or would that have been mocking the dead while talking about coons, as well?

I LOVED This Comment!


Ordered a set and sent them to Purple.

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1796e1  No.266714

File: e6e4609f87d07ef⋯.jpg (56 KB, 551x403, 551:403, good_1_fagot.jpg)



>8chan is dead (2:35). I wonder if we should let it rest in peace as well? Could he not say 8coon? Or would that have been mocking the dead while talking about coons, as well?

So long as 8ch.net forwards to 8kun.top, then this place is still 8chan as well.

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1796e1  No.266715


also replying to >>266711

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2e1e40  No.279307

File: 3d92410f91b7b57⋯.pdf (1.94 MB, 2021_12_10_ORDER_OF_KNIGHT….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

has blessed this thread,

without bumping it to the surface.


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