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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: 12e32c29863beb8⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 225x224, 225:224, images.jpg)

46f217  No.266571

Make it out to Mead Banquet Group #3 this Friday, 10/1: 5 PM USA PST

at DLIVE.TV/BigbreadSmallMeat

where we will be establishing The Order of the Squire of Blue upon any worthy and sincere individuals who appear on audio during the event.

The Squire of the Blue order, in the future, will be responsible for keeping order during in person meetups of the future, and protecting Blue Anon himself; as well as to protect the future Order of the Wenches of Blue, one of the most important and sacred duties because these queens will give birth to the future generation.

Those who join the order at the earliest, are the most worthy over those who join late because others already did the difficult labors, and thus they will rule over the top levels of the Squire of blue hierarchy.

All that is required at this time, is a short conversation with Blue Anon during BHB#3 to quickly demonstrate your good heart and moral compass.

May the graces of honor follow you everywhere you go, as we work as a team for to perform the sacred duty of guarding our great extended family of the order!

Heil Blue!

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46f217  No.266572

File: 347f4d39c7befc0⋯.jpg (6.73 KB, 228x221, 228:221, blueberry.jpg)

Remember, its really important that you tune in otherwise our race might die out. Listen to me, Blue Anon, sperg out live to almost no one about things no one cares about!

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87338d  No.266600

Some of these are actually tempting.

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