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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 254c3207d3757b1⋯.jpg (279.71 KB, 905x831, 905:831, BEERHALLBROS_MEETING_2.jpg)

File: 12800c45d0fe92a⋯.png (33.07 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, white_national_socialist_f….png)

7cd039  No.266179


LOCATION: https://dlive.tv/BurgerBrauKeller

Live broadcast meeting.

Don't miss out on your second chance to be part of history.

Come see what all the fuss is about.

Take your place in the what is soon to be most LEGENDARY Bros meeting of modern times… before it became legend.

In the future, these first Beer Hall Bros meetings will be shrouded in myth.

Centuries will go by, and BEER HALL BROS #2 will become some kind of metaphor for an important meeting.

"What, do you think this is Beer Hall Bros #2 or something? We're just a book club."

A Zoom Chat will be plugged into the DLIVE broadcast, so that anyone come on video or audio besides myself.

A live feed of this thread will be plugged into the video, for anonymous commenters.

Let us demonstrate what white man is capable of.

I would be honored if you would join us.


Purple Anon

code: BHB2

8kun Beer Hall Bros Meeting #2 THURSDAY 9/30, 8 PM USA EST

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7cd039  No.266180

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7cd039  No.266181

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36e2d0  No.266182

File: 67db5739ee33a26⋯.jpg (883.66 KB, 3635x2362, 3635:2362, purpleanon_maymay_compress….jpg)

piss off trsodomite you will never be white

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7cd039  No.266183

File: 3e5b1c55e6571a8⋯.jpeg (55.83 KB, 640x360, 16:9, do_not_lose_faith.jpeg)

What do you think this? Beer Hall Bros #2?

oh wait, it is…


of how a few beer hall bros on an inernet board CHANGED the world, and SAVED white man from the brink of extinction.


"hOLY Junk. They invented a time machine and I can go be part of beer hall bros #2. The actual BHB #2"

yes. you can.


Son… I was there…

–Legend of Grandpa in small family life…



"really? your Grandpa was at Beer Hall Bros #2"

Yes, my grandson. He was. You descend from a man of the beer hall Bros #2

"yeah right grandpa."

By all that is holy of the men of the beer hall bros. My grandfather and your great great grandfather WAS AT BER HALL BROS #2

*shows evidence*

"wow grandpa. I hope I can live up to the greatness of my ancestors."

You will son… you will…

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50b39a  No.266185

File: cc2f41bf511544d⋯.jpg (334.58 KB, 1920x1280, 3:2, neptune_5.jpg)


I look forward to it living up to the name, #2.

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50b39a  No.266187

File: c4a198b67cac8f0⋯.mp4 (8.02 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Hello.mp4)



Here's the 1 minute tl;dr video…

I guess another highlight reel will have to be made of that pissbucket before y'all take another #2 'round hereabouts…

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b899ec  No.266189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b899ec  No.266190

Together for eight years…

but married for the past two…

as of today…… it's our anniversary

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b899ec  No.266192

File: 5ddc3cf8616c43f⋯.jpg (960.34 KB, 2500x3358, 1250:1679, PicsArt_09_28_06_31_05.jpg)


THISis what happens when the "talent" tries to MANAGE ITSELF

I'm your fucking manager…


I handle the publicity and your schedule

all I need YOU to do is go onstage when I tell you to

if you're unhappy with that


and I'll simply handle Marshmallow Sally's CAMPAIGN, and I'll get HIM elected

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636fed  No.266194

File: 5ddc3cf8616c43f⋯.jpg (960.34 KB, 2500x3358, 1250:1679, PicsArt_09_28_06_31_05.jpg)


THISis what happens when the "talent" tries to MANAGE ITSELF

I'm your fucking manager…


from now no, you don't make any more decisions without coming to me first

I handle the publicity and your schedule

all I need YOU to do is go onstage when I tell you to

if you're unhappy with that


and I'll simply handle Marshmallow Sally's CAMPAIGN, and I'll get HIM elected

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636fed  No.266196


the focus group data shows thatBOTH/pnd/ voters say that their mothers think that the "BEER HALL" concept reflects the wrong kind of values for their sons.

So we're gonna ditch the entire BEER HALL thing, and go with a new concept…

Your ongoing "dress rehearsals" will now be presented as if you had your own radio station

live broadcasts on WNAZ

and you're the morning DJ

that's right… you'll be broadcasting the 5AM to 8AM shift.. .

also… Do you have any real life friends?

I need you to get a couple wild and crazy buddies

and do a ZOO CREW where they keep the show going while you try to figure out how the headphones work

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636fed  No.266197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



you'll play it every time you open your show, or come back from a commercial

and YES. . you'll be doing commercials

I've got to get paid somehow

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6be280  No.266199

It's like watching a slow motion bicycle wreck.

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636fed  No.266201


lol you actually made me laugh

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636fed  No.266204

File: 98de09244a6f8b0⋯.jpg (39.19 KB, 300x300, 1:1, picture_plaque_disclosing_….jpg)


I just cut a deal with Oral-B, who will pay me six figures if you use the dental plaque die on every broadcast to prove you've been brushing your teeth with one of their toothbrushes

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636fed  No.266205

Dye* Whatever

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79e4d3  No.266206

File: 40fc522dff824dc⋯.png (661.52 KB, 1464x856, 183:107, please.png)

Hi. sorry if i'm bothering anyone; im only just discovering you guys.

i was just wondering, if possible.

Can I be a beer hall bro?

its okay, if im too late. i was just wondering. you guys seem cool. anyway let me know. no big deal. i know you're probably busy, but if you have time to consider me, i can help out in any way you need.


once again, im sorry if im being presumptuous.

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636fed  No.266207

File: 14481948b8e270d⋯.jpg (182.75 KB, 1080x1164, 90:97, PicsArt_09_28_07_08_19.jpg)


also: can you sing and dance ?

If so, I know how I can make a ton of easy money…


"WE" can make a ton of money

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636fed  No.266209


Desperate for imaginary Friends?….


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636fed  No.266211




come in here and pretend to be a "curious outsider" who's REALLY interested in the FagShow Live Streams…

now, you remember what I told ya', right kid?

If you do this 12 times each day, I'll give you some nice shiny money and bumper stickers…

email me when you've done it for 14 days, and I'll pay you

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636fed  No.266214

File: 804a5ae0565350a⋯.jpg (30.77 KB, 400x400, 1:1, PicsArt_09_28_07_24_31.jpg)


Fisher Price™ says they're interested in a cross-promotional deal with you

they want to release the newFISHER PRICE™ MY LIL' FÜHRER See And Learn® GAME CONTROLLER FOR TYKES™

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636fed  No.266215



you haven't even rehearsed, and you're not ready

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636fed  No.266220


I'm thinking maybe we need to change the whole "Purple Panzer" name.

I get a lot of negative email about it…

anti-gay groups demanding that their children not be exposed to "the flamboyant man in lavender who can't grow facial hair, but wants to spend time with their sons, 'drinking imaginary beer in an imaginary tavern"

lots of bad publicity can be expected…

I was thinking we change your image, and make you seem like a trustworthy WHACKY GUY

I was thinking we start calling you


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636fed  No.266221


Btw, are you aware that Sally's Mother doesn't allow alcohol in her house?…

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50b39a  No.266224



I forgot to wish you a "Happy Adversity"!

I guess I really have to make that second Highlights Reel from #1 now!

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50b39a  No.266225

File: d67ef4566f2268f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, Shit_Finger_Jim.png)

File: 557f460f2516f35⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, PicsArt_04_24_12_20_05.gif)

File: 2bd16224903c04a⋯.jpg (502.78 KB, 2289x2161, 2289:2161, Anti_Trump_Vegan_Crabs.jpg)

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146141  No.266226

go fly a kite photoshop spammer.

i was talking to purple anon

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642d99  No.266231

File: 17652252b68dd43⋯.png (1.27 MB, 787x814, 787:814, purple_knight.png)


>i was talking to purple anon


>Can I be a beer hall bro?

Son.. it's not you being in the beer hall that makes you a beer hall bro.

It's the beer hall being in your heart that makes you a beer hall bro.

welcome to the beer hall young man.

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fc8109  No.266250


I'll try to remember Purple Anon, truth is I'm a bit busy around the homestead and getting shit faced myself. Why not? Best live it up now why we still can, right!?

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c6a555  No.266264


frens of the beer hall are forgiving, and understanding.

try your best, and ya beer hall bros will do the rest, fren

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50b39a  No.266266

File: d67ef4566f2268f⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, Shit_Finger_Jim.png)

File: 557f460f2516f35⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, PicsArt_04_24_12_20_05.gif)

File: fab52bb01d35391⋯.mp4 (12.75 MB, 384x288, 4:3, 2021_09_27_Purple_Faggotry….mp4)


> I guess I really have to make that second Highlights Reel from #1 now!

Pure Purple Faggotry from 2021-09-27


Just some "Purple" Faggotry that organically developed on the 27th of September, 2021; was captured a couple days later, and "delivrared" into OP's thread by `'Just-Kiss-It'` for further lulz on the 29th of September, 2021.

This 7 minute 33 second gem is what `'Just-Kiss-It'` calls The "Highlights" Reel, and is an example of his "Kdenlive" skills. It's in 720p and is 73.4 MB in size. There's a much crappier quality one (288p) that's only 12.7 MB, and you can guess where that's posted!

> MP4 related


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50b39a  No.266267

File: fab52bb01d35391⋯.mp4 (12.75 MB, 384x288, 4:3, 2021_09_27_Purple_Faggotry….mp4)


I didn't repost those pics.

This place and it's shitty code…

Anyway, here's the crap-quality version of the video…

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f3784a  No.266286



the hello highlight was comic gold, but this still gets points for effort.

heil purple

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1960c9  No.266341

File: d184b36c416030c⋯.png (3.29 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, purple_full_size.png)

bumping because the meeting is tomorrow night

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d6bc80  No.266432

BHB #2 tonight

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4c2b5a  No.266507


I didn't like that one. The hello one I saved tho.

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c77ad6  No.266508

File: 716eb2c035b1e46⋯.jpg (325.17 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, TAYDOLF.jpg)

BHB #2


Remember, the National Socialist Party started out with just 5 guys in a room


Do Something About It!

Come to Beer Halls Bros #2

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8da641  No.266525

File: da5854b1c6a15cf⋯.mp4 (7.45 MB, 384x288, 4:3, 2021_09_30_Purple_Cringe_2….mp4)



No. Just (You) and (You)r relation to it.

> I didn't like that one

I guess not.

> MP4 related

I would actually give a more serious reply, but I don't feel like (You) are being serious here either. It actually sounds a lot like more of the same ole' "fake moral outrage" so prevalent in this "MESSED UP WORLD" everywhere nowadays.

It seems like more Levity would help the Gravity of the Situation.

No one ever said anything was a Comedy!

This whole thang could be thought of as a Comic Tragedy or a Tragic Comedy, but relative thoughts can't change its ISness.

(You) know, not everything has to be aWAR!

As for being a "Leader", (You) seem like you are just as interested in promoting compulsion as your "enemies" are.

(You) just think that (You) would make a better "Leader" than the powers-that-be. A lot of people think that. Even Joe Biden thinks that (unlike the rest of the world!)

Trust me when I tell (You) that the only "Enemies" I can think of are those stances that seek to Control "Others", that do not celebrate and encourage Authenticity.


Good Luck finding folks to interact with (You).

That's not "cutting (You) down."

They won't interact withMEeither!

But I'm not really trying to get them to, so… COMPLETE SUCCESS !

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49ba86  No.279301

File: 6b15cf8c322ee6f⋯.pdf (677.63 KB, 2021_12_10_8kun_Beer_Hall_….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

has blessed this thread,

without bumping it to the surface.


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