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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: bc2d6f0c2a7c03e⋯.jpg (602.86 KB, 1230x1310, 123:131, PicsArt_07_28_02_16_18.jpg)

b5f7b0  No.251513[Last 50 Posts]

It seems like his mother would do him a favor, and kick him out of her house so he can FINALLY find a job and a girlfriend.

She doesn't understand tough love, and that's why he's in his 30s, has no friends, has no girlfriend or wife, and doesn't know how to do his own laundry.

Marshmallow Sally is sound asleep, even though the day has already begun….

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c64225  No.251514


the problem is a lack of backbone. His father is a spineless grandfather coward who abandoned him and his overbearing neurotic mopbucket mother, and she doesn't have a backbone, either.

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53c674  No.251520

Fat and Soft, just like a marshmallow

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53c674  No.251521

born into a spineless family, with diminutive genitalia, and an overwhelming yet well-deserved inferiority complex

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53c674  No.251522

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he uses this technique to manipulate his mommy every time she hints at him finding a job.

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53c674  No.251523

ANYTHING is better than having to get a job and pay your own bills, even if it means never getting any pussy, and having to obey mommy's rules into your mid 30s, right?

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53c674  No.251524

I'm curious if marshmallow sally's parents have ever figured out what color to use at his gender reveal party

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53c674  No.251525

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53c674  No.251526

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mommy's little demonic dungeon master unemployed neo nazi

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53c674  No.251527


living in your mother's house in your mid 30s

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53c674  No.251528



living in your mother's house in your mid 30s

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53c674  No.251529


living in your mother's house in your mid 30s, not having a job, and relying on fantasy roleplay to "feel relevant"

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53c674  No.251530


not being able to pay your own internet bills

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53c674  No.251531

File: 5cd521a8ae89b69⋯.jpg (162.84 KB, 1085x1080, 217:216, PicsArt_07_28_08_59_43.jpg)

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53c674  No.251532

Imagine reaching the low point of relying on fantasy roleplay to compensate for your lack of real life accomplishments

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53c674  No.251533

lol imagine if marshmallow sally accidentally managed to get laid, and had a son….

he'd probably name the child "dungeon master junior"

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53c674  No.251534

lack of talent, lack of life accomplishments, overwhelming fear of rejection, and a laughably miniscule penis.

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53c674  No.251535

Marshmallow Sally should be waking up in about 4 or 5 hours….

His mother is already awake, cleaning up his meds he left in the kitchen at 3 AM this morning

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53c674  No.251536


Lol @ "meds"

Marshmallow Sally refuses to take the atypical antipsychotics

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53c674  No.251537

Marshmallow Sally hasn't cleaned up his late night messes in years.

As far as he's concerned, his mother deserves to be punished for making his father abandon both of them.

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53c674  No.251538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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53c674  No.251539

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Marshmallow Sally's propensity for roleplay is reminiscent of a 9 year old girl, more than an 11 year old boy

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53c674  No.251540

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THIS is what a 9 year old girl would think seemed "intimidating"

Marshmallow Sally can't even intimidate his mother anymore

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53c674  No.251541

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Q : what's missing from D&D ?

A : a girlfriend, a job, and moving out of your mommy's house

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53c674  No.251542

DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS is the most embarrassing effeminate indicator of low testosterone levels, and a stunted development during childhood

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c64225  No.251545

File: 58e519f7b0eb6a3⋯.jpg (182.5 KB, 590x393, 590:393, 208_T13A4504.jpg)

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54591e  No.251549

File: 6abda8e2def359a⋯.jpg (229.69 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, PicsArt_07_29_09_31_10.jpg)

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54591e  No.251550

File: 7a9727a90e603a4⋯.png (258.02 KB, 679x1280, 679:1280, 20210729_094033.png)

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54591e  No.251551

File: 66ee3cdabcb5fa2⋯.png (267.89 KB, 680x1280, 17:32, 20210729_094150.png)

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54591e  No.251552

File: 6587a3912812cee⋯.png (283.7 KB, 693x1280, 693:1280, 20210729_094216.png)

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54591e  No.251553

File: f793695bc904052⋯.png (131.45 KB, 1280x536, 160:67, 20210729_094358.png)

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54591e  No.251554

File: 80297bea273b29c⋯.png (264.94 KB, 931x1280, 931:1280, 20210729_094610.png)

File: 7ed331ed68d9fba⋯.png (289.65 KB, 714x1280, 357:640, 20210729_094637.png)

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54591e  No.251555

File: 48ce0a7d3b5706e⋯.png (168.7 KB, 676x1280, 169:320, 20210729_094910.png)

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54591e  No.251556

File: 3c906ea9e700c04⋯.png (194.82 KB, 1080x1786, 540:893, PicsArt_07_29_09_52_12.png)

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54591e  No.251558

File: fb9878261214942⋯.png (900.72 KB, 1080x1786, 540:893, PicsArt_07_29_09_54_14.png)

still asleep……

another long night of masturbation and unemployment

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54591e  No.251559

File: f55a20566b2d051⋯.png (58.64 KB, 1080x682, 540:341, PicsArt_07_29_10_02_29.png)

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54591e  No.251560

File: 616dab26671b586⋯.png (108.21 KB, 1080x544, 135:68, PicsArt_07_29_10_04_43.png)

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54591e  No.251561

File: ab4c4496290621b⋯.png (188.97 KB, 1080x733, 1080:733, PicsArt_07_29_10_06_10.png)

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54591e  No.251562

File: 5872556c8ddc4cb⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1080x1290, 36:43, PicsArt_07_29_10_12_03.png)

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54591e  No.251563

File: eac5757f0f4256b⋯.png (326.38 KB, 1080x1439, 1080:1439, PicsArt_07_29_10_15_15.png)

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54591e  No.251564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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54591e  No.251565

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54591e  No.251566

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54591e  No.251567

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54591e  No.251568

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54591e  No.251569

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54591e  No.251570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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d11ae0  No.251571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dusty Hill Tribute Thread


For "Johnny" and others who wish to pay tribute to Dusty or reminisce about ZZTop.

Unless you're too busy jeering at virgins…

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d11ae0  No.251572

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54591e  No.251573


We're still going to their concert, with the guitar tech standing in on bass

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54591e  No.251576

File: f0d3cfafb6b0e0a⋯.jpg (354.12 KB, 1633x1080, 1633:1080, PicsArt_07_21_12_30_14.jpg)

just checking in to see if Sally has woken up yet…

It's almost 1 PM here…

nope?…. didn't think so

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54591e  No.251577


He'll wake up when his mother comes home from working and paying his way.

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54591e  No.251580

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without the night shift job

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9ecf6b  No.251581


Boil some water in a kettle. Add some sea salt and a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate. Pour the water in a cup. You can dip your toothbrush in the hot mixture to brush your teeth. Do this at least a couple times per week.

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9ecf6b  No.251582


Get a dozen ziplocks bags and fill them 1/4th full of water. Add a few pennies in each bag. Press most the air out and seal them shut. Wrap some twine around the tops of the bags and tie it, then hang them to nails around the rafters of your front porch. When the sun shines on the pennies, flies will mistake those for spider eyes and stay away from the porch!

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