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I have been gone for 6 months and nobody has claimed this board 51 reports wtf?????

File: d19770cd474cad5⋯.png (427.84 KB, 790x541, 790:541, 2021_07_13_12_11_18.png)

687b47  No.248892

A. Set Fires in rural areas

B. Evacuate the unjabbed rural community (create panic and put pressure on time to stir confusion and to make sure they don’t bring guns with them)

C. Place them in ‘camps’ for their own safety and the safety of all America

Brought to you by the Bolshevik Party of Biden’s America.

Our slogan: you will be in the camps and you will be happy to build back better.



Amazing Polly highlighting the connections between weather modification and fires as outlined in the USAF document "Owning the Weather in 2025":


Types of Grains & Flours You Need To Survive a Collapse: https://www.bitchute.com/video/7KmmMeVtqjU/

SHTF Prepping Thread: >>233150 [ https://archive.md/5Wl6g ]

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ef340a  No.248894

File: 893cb0b47e26b5c⋯.jpg (146.84 KB, 962x911, 962:911, Anglin_trump_spam.JPG)

File: d2ffb45c0de14c5⋯.png (2.89 MB, 3976x1912, 497:239, Anglin_Nazbol.png)

>bolshevik party


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e344c9  No.248900

Bumping real news.

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a9cfd2  No.249207

File: c4c98ee0056dab7⋯.jpg (469.14 KB, 1239x1301, 1239:1301, 1599892572636.jpg)

File: 2a2d59a3fb66d21⋯.jpg (448.83 KB, 1200x872, 150:109, 1600011683879.jpg)

File: d92fb1a6af9646d⋯.jpg (346.69 KB, 900x900, 1:1, EeCUa_rVoAAhZWH.jpg)

File: 478a2ef2de02bc2⋯.jpg (1.54 MB, 1561x1849, 1561:1849, OregonArson.jpg)

File: 6d49b6fd2670ea8⋯.jpg (26.03 KB, 300x446, 150:223, wobblies.jpg)

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a9cfd2  No.249209

File: 7c146d809b4ae64⋯.jpg (9.54 KB, 197x255, 197:255, white_house_siege_2.jpg)

File: bb67ed2b9f26342⋯.jpg (27.3 KB, 792x358, 396:179, white_house_siege.jpg)

File: 35ad292df071670⋯.jpg (229.28 KB, 800x1023, 800:1023, adbusters_siege.jpg)

File: 0d9582eaa5119ea⋯.jpg (3.3 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, adbusters_siege_white_hosu….jpg)

File: 8c0d3f1bc7ff236⋯.jpg (292.76 KB, 2108x2015, 68:65, wildfires_deaths.JPG)


Siege of the White House never happened. But the Antifa terrorists and incendiaries did try to get there from Seattle Portland etc. They set fire to the i5 and points west. Nobody talks about this anymore. They just disappeared. Where did Antifa BLM go?

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a9cfd2  No.249210

File: 890dad38e33a973⋯.jpg (1.14 MB, 1190x1590, 119:159, 1600011176667.jpg)

File: 50c7b9c8dacfb01⋯.jpg (125.95 KB, 750x1624, 375:812, 1599897086664.jpg)

File: ca50dbe08347f02⋯.jpg (194.23 KB, 720x1560, 6:13, 1599901747337.jpg)

File: 72c23f71dac001c⋯.png (795.24 KB, 788x3105, 788:3105, 1600106794158.png)

File: 48befd273bc8edd⋯.jpg (800.74 KB, 875x2660, 25:76, 1600184354494.jpg)

A lot of those fires weren't directly set by Antifa or BLM; they also hired a lot of non political but criminally insane meth heads to do their dirty work.

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a9cfd2  No.249212

File: fe80dac847ea6c3⋯.jpg (72.99 KB, 720x703, 720:703, BLM_buses.jpg)

File: 809d775339f622d⋯.jpg (89.12 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, antifa_money_card.jpg)

File: 2a0385965b250e9⋯.jpg (99.21 KB, 750x562, 375:281, antifa_camp.jpg)

File: 3fef7f3cf6dc9b6⋯.jpg (89.5 KB, 1023x1024, 1023:1024, BLM_head_jew.jpg)

George Soros paid big money to house, feed, pay and move around the country agitators and incendiaries to terrorize the populace and demoralize the police.

There was a You Tube video of a guy filming the homeless camp from a overpass; known Antifa criminals came out and started throwing rocks at him and shooting at him with sling shots. He matched their pics to videos of rioters in Portland. That video has been expunged.

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a9cfd2  No.249216

File: dd72bc1d0eab468⋯.jpg (30.08 KB, 474x632, 3:4, 1622951500165.jpg)

File: 35330a0dc63bb9b⋯.png (361.3 KB, 493x495, 493:495, 1622278468032.png)

File: 6c7298c259333c1⋯.png (628.59 KB, 754x775, 754:775, 1622277851619.png)

File: 21b5d370601b37c⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 2386x2860, 1193:1430, 1600106739032.jpg)

File: ae87c4a1860f1f8⋯.png (313.51 KB, 1464x2000, 183:250, 1600111311062.png)

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a9cfd2  No.249218

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f0324c  No.249361

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eb5895  No.249362


> they also hired a lot of non political but criminally insane meth heads to do their dirty work.

< source: trust me bro

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