65e5c0 No.241846
Citizen Journalist Drives Around Washington DC With Camera…. It Looks Like An Empty Ghost Town!
Having been there several times, there should be zero parking and bumper to bumper traffic. He should not be able to cover so much ground so quickly. I don't believe we the people have a functioning government any more. It may be being run by the military as an arm of the Untied Nations or worse China. Once they kill off and sicken enough of the people over the next few years with the current genocide we will find out.
MY COMMENT: Genocide as in coronavirus bio-weapon strains & mRNA-altering toxin laced vaccines which DO NOT protect from covid!!
Oil & Gas Industry Planning To Replace Vaccinated Personnel:
MY COMMENT: Yes, these companies ALSO KNOW what is going on behind the scenes you can be assured of that! All the big share holders and CEOs that have close (((political))) & (((banking))) ties know what is going down, how things have been planned and are taking the measures for American genocide. It's happening folks, and likely this is over economic reasons such as the massive national debt and unsustainable fiscal insolvency of the USSA. This is no doubt part of the plan behind 'The Great Reset', they're getting rid of the masses slowly but surely and will allow the foreign takeover of America which has been SOLD OUT!
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3166e9 No.241847
The world is controlled by a powerful clique of reptilian aliens aka Jews aka fake Jews aka synagogue of satan and the usa is already basically under chinese/russia/etc. control and a great human culling is beginning because greta thunberg lost her childhood.
what can i do as a nonviolent person?
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65e5c0 No.241850
Don't be intimidated, you have the God-given right to self-defense no matter what anyone says including a corrupted government. You need to be preparing for the worst case scenarios. Here is a thread to get you started: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/233150.html
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65e5c0 No.241852
You also need to be drawing a LINE IN THE SAND, that's basically a term for what you will never tolerate no matter how bad things are going to get, see this: https://8kun.top/pnd/res/239540.html
To survive what is coming, you likely will have to defend yourself and property, you may have no choice unless you want to be subjugated very badly or outright killed anyway.
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c75f58 No.241853
It's probably more that people are working remotely. And the colleges are on summer break now.
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3166e9 No.241854
>defend yourself and property
>subjugation or killed
In this scenario I don't think homesteaders will fair very well at all.
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65e5c0 No.241857
We have a better chance at it than the majority of people. The majority of people will be dying off from lack of clean water, lack of sanitation and lack of clean food, plus face lots of gunfire when trying to steal those things from others. Sure, everyone will be in some kind of danger though, including homesteaders. I've fortified my entry points and got guns and ammo in every room, ready to go at moment's notice. I've been living on the edge for over 20 years now, what most would think is insane is normal for me. I have concluded every doomsday scenario you could think of, 1000x already.
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669080 No.241859
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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3166e9 No.241860
True. I should have elaborated on the thought. In the initial stages homesteaders and preppers will survive the initial 3-5 years. After that though the government will have too much authority. The remaining masses will be entirely brainwashed and subservient to the State. Property and weapons of dissidents will be seized. Only small pockets of transient rebels will survive to fight. I suppose the ideal scenario today is to homestead while preparing for homelessness, travel, and other discomforts.
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669080 No.241861
you've got the end of the world all planned out, huh?
I mean LOL seriously, you've got every intricate detail all methodically planned out in painstaking detail…..
but then again, you always have
this is the exact same sales pitch you've been making since Y2K
and you haven't got it right yet….
not even once
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edbd66 No.241862
>Property and weapons of dissidents will be seized
This is why I am ready for total war, including death by arson or drone strikes too. But if I can take some jackboots with me, hell yes I will. I also have highly toxic chemicals stashed on purpose, so if they do burn me out, they'll destroy the environment and life around them too. My family has already been briefed about this. I had to harden them to the facts of life.
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3166e9 No.241863
>d-don't plan, goyim!
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3166e9 No.241864
And what are you doing to prevent this scenario?
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edbd66 No.241865
There is not much I can do, I'll vote but that likely doesn't matter anyway. I'm ready for hell if need be.
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edbd66 No.241866
God help you. You have no idea just how bad this ends.
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3166e9 No.241867
>There is not much I can do
hopefully we'll receive some direction soon
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edbd66 No.241868
I think people would be better following their own gut survival instinct and plan accordingly. If you have grief as much as I do with these people, plan on hitting them HARD when they come, and don't let your guard down. If enough Americans fight guerrilla war like that, all armies involved will fall and flounder. We are very well spread out and there are ton of guns (and other resources) to utilize if you set your mind to it.
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3166e9 No.241869
Yeah. Bolshevism can't take hold here. They failed to woo us and there are far too many guns.
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c75f58 No.241879
Bolshevism is just jewish power. They have that in the US in spades. Kikes abandoned communism more than half a century ago outside of capture marketing.
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3166e9 No.241882
To a degree I suppose. Of course, we still have private property and firearms. And they spent a lot of time and money to shill Nazbol. No doubt they have power but it's mostly behind the scenes. At some stage the have to go public and this is where they're the weakest.
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669080 No.241887
everybody dies eventually, one way or another
and it's not going to be enjoyable either way
you've literally lived the past 22 years
in pointless wasted fear
(great strategy)
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ced831 No.241888
Many Jews still are Bolsheviks at heart, the issue they have with America is very unique and unlike most other nations. 1) Most other nations take pride being populated into dense cities. Americans do not. America is very well spread out, a country of small towns and tons of farm land. 2) America, unlike every other nation, is extremely well armed, from citizens to preppers to cults to gangs to vigil antes to militias, et al. America by far has the biggest percentage of gun ownership. 3) America was founded by war and secession from governance. We have that in our blood, rebellion is in our DNA at this point.
That is why the Jews can't go full-blown Bolshevik on America because the second they do, the war would begin.
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3166e9 No.241890
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c75f58 No.241892
Jews aren't shilling Nazbol. Jews run the liberal order. That's what jews shill. They shill mainstream conservatism and shit libs. That is what jews shill because that is what advances their interests.
Jews LOST POWER in the Soviet bloc. They were deposed and replaced in the elite class in the Soviet bloc. They aren't secret communists. The only reason they were communist in Russia was because they did not control the state, the state's property, and the private property of the elite and lesser landed gentry and landed peasantry. That's it. Their first attempt at a compromised government in Russia wasn't even the Bolsheviks – it was Kerensky's liberal interim government.
In the liberal West, they do control the state and practically all meaningful private property. "Communism" domestically isn't anything more than branded marketing for capture purposes.
Honestly, you're just babbling nonsense. America is a jewish fucking unicorn. Anglosphere conservatives tend to be extremely dumb so they can't undo the brainwashing they've undergone. The Cold War happened because jews lost power in the USSR.
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c75f58 No.241893
It's such a tired argument at this point. Actual history has proven Yockey's view of how events would unfold correct. Assertions to the contrary are either idiocy or bad faith.
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3166e9 No.241894
>Jews aren't shilling Nazbol.
Nazbol was invented by Jews. Even today it's shilled by Jew ecelebs.
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c75f58 No.241895
That's not what they are referring to when people say Nazbol. They mean Dugin's logical conclusions about how Russia should proceed as a distinct civilization [whether you agree with Dugin or not], or National Socialists domestically who correctly understand what capitalism and liberalism actually want and how they work. Hobson, who was not a communist though his work was extremely influential on Lenin, had this all laid out like 100 years ago.
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3166e9 No.241896
Anon… I just proved Nazbol is Jewish. Now you're using pilpul and trying to redefine Nazbol as 'Duginism.' But Duginism, being Nazbol, is too Jewish garbage!
Nazbols and NatSocs are both romanticists who value political systems over their own people, otherwise each would acknowledge political systems serve only to divide us. When the time comes Nazbol and NatSoc will hang from the same lamppost.
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c75f58 No.241897
No, you didn't prove anything. I'm going to filter you.
Hobson and Yockey were right. People like you who push bog standard American cold war nonsense were proven wrong.
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3166e9 No.241899
>i-im gong to filter you!
dumb snowflake commie gtfo
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e473ce No.241902
>Honestly, you're just babbling nonsense.
Not really, a full Bolshevik takeover of America (remember history, Bolsheviks were Jews) could never happen without them being able to fully disarm America. If they could, they would have. The fact is, to disarm America is to declare an open war against the citizenry to which war would be the result…. and the US would collapse much like the USSR did because of such a nasty domestic war.
>The Cold War happened because jews lost power in the USSR.
The Jews caused the collapse of the USSR via debt insolvency and creating too much division to which there was mass defection (Jews lost power because they were such assholes they caused a breakup of the Union). I see the same possibly happening in the US too if the Jews don't control themselves and their bitter hostility properly.
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c75f58 No.241923
>Not really, a full Bolshevik takeover of America (remember history, Bolsheviks were Jews) could never happen without them being able to fully disarm America.
Jews already control American completely. Now the failure of the GWOT, failure of multiculturalism, getting played hard by China, being leapfrogged by Russia by generations in decisive military technology, saturation of internet access, has all contributed to an environment where the total jewish control of the Anglosphere and assorted allied/occupied nations of the postwar order is more widely discussed. And that discussion could very well lead to a break down in the jewish control over the Anglosphere – but that control currently exists.
Pretending that it doesn't because niggers and rednecks in Georgia have guns is idiotic. The ban on automatic weapons happened under Reagan. Red flag firearms seizures happened under Trump. The assault weapons ban happened under Clinton. Now W. George Bush repealed the assault weapons ban.
What is the common thread there? Periods of instability and lack of credibility in the regime vs. a period when the regime needs something from you.
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c75f58 No.241925
>The Jews caused the collapse of the USSR via debt insolvency and creating too much division to which there was mass defection (Jews lost power because they were such assholes they caused a breakup of the Union). I see the same possibly happening in the US too if the Jews don't control themselves and their bitter hostility properly.
Jews lost their control over the elite circles in the USSR decades before it broke up. It was only after the dissolution did they worm their way back in.
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7e0311 No.241935
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>>Iran, Russia, China, & 33
Prepare your citizens for war.
My will shall be done.
>>America, France, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Israel, Canada
Behold the rise of my two-headed Iron Eagle.
Watch him fly.
My Cerberus.
My grand sorting machine.
My Babylon inferno.
I have spun him well.
A spirit so driven it rivals the machines.
>>The world
My word shall come to pass; to the extent that reality shall bend in supernatural fashion and history itself shall alter it's image before you.
I will twist it so that they will be in dispute all the way to the degree that no two images shall be the same.
I will beat the high servant to the degree that individuals shall film by phone an event and no video reflect the same scene.
I will confound existence itself.
My will shall be done.
This is the end.
I am gathering them and working the events in reverse.
I have spread over them and become the hand; I have no form.
I give to you the power to castigate all those who oppose.
Drive them to tear out their eyes and tongues.
I command it.
I did say you were to be overthrown did I not?
I lurch nearer my prey.
I cannot contain my radioactive powers, the excitement is too great.
I want to eat you so badly; to eat her soul.
Give it to me, give her to me.
I will use my driver (Russia) to strip the screws.
I will use my hammer (China) to beat the studs.
I will use my lacquer (Iran) to stain you.
I did communicate this to Russia many moons ago, and even before I released the plague of demons. I punish you for the crime before it was even committed, you were guilty in far too many futures.
She is near death.
The act of wearing her much longer will be her end.
I desire new clothes.
Bring him to me.
>>Spirit in the sky.
I will guide you around my void and up the ladder.
The instructions are within the whispering wind when you are outside. You will know when I confound the weather men and make fools of their fortune telling.
yode sleeps, I yizod make word and write.
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a2f457 No.252342
All you people are fools!
1) You are racist anti-semites - fact
2) You are anti-vaxx conspiracy nuts - fact
3) You are homophobic anti trans bigots - fact
Have you folks ever considered the fact that the Fed money along with the US government has been a massive stabilizing force around the world and without these two things working the wold would be in chaos?
We need to protect the environment. That's #1 most important thing. You folks think that's nuts. Well, we live here and you have to keep your own environment from going bad.
Also, I recently got mad and said something about Russia nuking us. I don't want Russia or anyone else to nuke us I was just venting about something else.
Now then, you folks need to pay your taxes, take the vax, and consider yourself lucky you live in the US instead of some 3rd world place. By the way, immigration is good for the country and everyone has a right to be free here in the US and no I'm not trolling.
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