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File: f8fbd698efd4b7d⋯.jpg (39.77 KB, 750x709, 750:709, a582827d3509aff960092d24bb….jpg)

71d842  No.204127

In this thread we push accelerate to its maximum level. There is no better opportunity. This is actual history happening here.

It's a ripe time to amplify the process and effects of the dying GME hedge funds.

Let's assume some crazy shit will happen like a bailout or congress passing laws to make it harder for the little guy to invest in the future. Here, I can imagine several opportunities arising from the internet outrage that we can take advantage of.

>How can we direct this outrage towards reviving occupy wallstreet?

>How can we use this opportunity to redpill who "they" are? (e.g. the media, the hedge funds, the banks, the feds)

>How can we prevent the failure of the new OWS movement?

>What are other redpills we should drop in the upcoming weeks and how do we do it?

>How do we circumvent censorship of redpills?

>How do we circumvent COINTELPRO?

>What are the lessons learned in the past decade that we can use to our advantage?

>How do we prevent the media from controlling the movement's optics?

I'm thinking the next battle is approaching in this 5th generation warfare. How do we beat them? How can we use what we've learn since 2016 to win this?

Everyone is already on board.

>At this point the youth of the far left and the far right have more in common than not, especially compared to the elite who we know are specifically trying to radicalize and divide people to distract from their greed. Idpol worked once. It's not going to work again. We can settle our differences afterward.

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71d842  No.204128


One of the things that must ABSOLUTELY be done is to avoid the movement being derailed into racial conflict. I know some of you have your strong beliefs against other races and shit but this is not the time to be doing that at all. They will absolutely take advantage of racial tension and use race as a scapegoat for the blame instead of themselves to divide and conquer the movement. There would so many different complaints people want to focus on that the entire movement as a whole dissolves due to lack of cohesion.

This is what I noticed happen to the last time the Occupy Wall Street Movement happened. People gradually started coming in with different political messages to the point that no-one really knew what the main direction was anymore. This cannot happen again. Maybe also take advantage of the whole "unity and healing" thing that was being pushed near the end of the election. If they want unity, we'll give them unity.

The motive of the whole movement needs to be resilient to derailing tactics. if any movement actually starts gaining traction, you will have saboteurs and false flag ops trying to stir up the pot and make the movement look bad. this is one way they operate. We should assume it is inevitable that with success will come attempts at derailing the movement with false flags, being labeled as "hate speech", etc.

Something really important are organizers over and over repeating some slogan like “Wallstreet wants to divide us” they love slogans. It begins alerting people in the movement that there will be provocateurs and derailers, making them more watchful of the types that start straying from the main message. It will constantly remind people to NOT DERAIL the movement into other smaller directions while also reinforcing focus on the true goal and who is the real enemy.

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71d842  No.204129

We need more ideas that will appeal to as many people as possible. It needs to quickly be a movement of everyone before they hijack it into a "white vs black" "red vs blue" conflict again.

It has to be easily digestible to normies and something that is easily spread through memes

List of mottos we're considering-

>“Wallstreet will try to divide us”

>“Wallstreet will not divide us”

>"Civil rights, not civil war."

>"This is what real unity looks like"

>Slogan related to "Occupy Wallstreet" so as to un-memoryhole the previous occypy wallstreet. then people will think "oh shit, why did we even stop talking about OWS? the elites don't want us to talk about that badly??"

We need incredibly articulate anons on here or other boards that are willing to summarize the hedgefund situation and why it impacts everyone in a way that does not put off normies (no blatant naming that can be construed as "big scary nazi propoganda")

I've noticed on twitter there are a lot of people that are looking into what the big deal is but they don't understand what's going on and just joke about how they don't understand therefore don't care.

We need someone to explain it as simple as possible in the most impactful way possible to show why every hand is needed in this fight.

After that, we need someone who does graphics to make a picture that can easily be replied to anyone that is out of the loop.

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71d842  No.204130

File: b7cd009fe16bba4⋯.jpg (273.6 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, 3ca0a6695a91c300ccb0d32ed0….jpg)

This is one that I've found circulating around online. Any one have any ideas on improvements on wording to make it even more easier to understand and how to rope in as many people as possible? It needs to show urgency and how it's important to everyone in all the different groups online.

We need as much people as possible.

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45d9c6  No.204132

report, sage, and hide this duplicate shit thread.

fuck you spammer OP

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df68f5  No.204133


If we're going to avoid pointing out that all these problems are the direct result of the tyranny of the jew then the movement will end up being run by jews and then mislead to it's own demise.

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71d842  No.204135


Not the other OP, but yeah I just noticed there was another one after my last post. I'll merge my stuff to the other thread instead.

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71d842  No.204136

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