056afd No.203996[Last 50 Posts]
Continuing the acceleration.
In this thread we push accelerate to its maximum level. There is no better opportunity. This is actual history happening here.
It's a ripe time to amplify the process and effects of the dying GME hedge funds.
Let's assume some crazy shit will happen like a bailout or congress passing laws to make it harder for the little guy to invest in the future. Here, I can imagine several opportunities arising from the internet outrage that we can take advantage of.
>How can we direct this outrage towards reviving occupy wallstreet?
>How can we use this opportunity to redpill who "they" are? (e.g. the media, the hedge funds, the banks, the feds)
>How can we prevent the failure of the next OWS movement?
>What are other redpills we should drop in the upcoming weeks and how do we do it?
>How do we circumvent censorship of redpills?
>How do we circumvent COINTELPRO?
>What are the lessons learned in the past decade that we can use to our advantage?
>How do we prevent the media from controlling the movements optics?
I'm thinking the next battle is approaching in this 5th generation warfare. How do we beat them? How can we use what we've learn since 2016 to win this?
Everyone is already on board.
>At this point the youth of the far left and the far right have more in common than not, especially compared to the elite who we know are specifically trying to radicalize and divide people to distract from their greed. Idpol worked once. It's not going to work again. We can settle our differences afterward.
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056afd No.203997
One of the things that must ABSOLUTELY be done is to avoid the movement being derailed into racial conflict. I know some of you have your strong beliefs against other races and shit but this is not the time to be doing that at all. They will absolutely take advantage of racial tension and use race as a scapegoat for the blame instead of themselves to divide and conquer the movement. There would so many different complaints people want to focus on that the entire movement as a whole dissolves due to lack of cohesion.
This is what I noticed happen to the last time the Occupy Wall Street Movement happened. People gradually started coming in with different political messages to the point that no-one really knew what the main direction was anymore. This cannot happen again. Maybe also take advantage of the whole "unity and healing" thing that was being pushed near the end of the election. If they want unity, we'll give them unity.
The motive of the whole movement needs to be resilient to derailing tactics. if any movement actually starts gaining traction, you will have saboteurs and false flag ops trying to stir up the pot and make the movement look bad. this is one way they operate. We should assume it is inevitable that with success will come attempts at derailing the movement with false flags, being labeled as "hate speech", etc.
Something really important are organizers over and over repeating some slogan like “Wallstreet wants to divide us” they love slogans. It begins alerting people in the movement that there will be provocateurs and derailers, making them more watchful of the types that start straying from the main message. It will constantly remind people to NOT DERAIL the movement into other smaller directions while also reinforcing focus on the true goal and who is the real enemy.
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29d148 No.204002
This land was made for everyone but (((them.)))
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5db084 No.204005
Where the fuck did all these shills appear from?
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6af877 No.204011
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e44708 No.204034
No but this can still work.
>This is how you get the white man back!
>Broker than a nigger? Buy GME.
>To the top with gamestop
>Goys on the loose!
>I can't breath! I can't buy!
Uping racial hatred would actually be beneficial, it would drive even more money into the market with FOMO and bring even more attention to the criminal actions of keeping out retail investors. "Why are they stopping trading when black people started to buy?"
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5db084 No.204040
>Uping racial hatred would actually be beneficial
Obviously, but why are you talking to shills?
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c4322e No.204042
Should we buy and sell more stocks in other companies? I’m thinking AT&T. Think about it
>they own Warner Brothers which is itself still managed and staffed by Jews
>they assisted the government in collecting data and surveillance
>they give handsome dividends to their shareholders. A lot of people and (((people))) would be pissed off.
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5db084 No.204045
>I’m thinking AT&T. Think about it
You keep shilling this. This is the third thread I have seen you shill ATT in. You must be holding a pretty hefty bag there. How much are you in for?
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c4322e No.204047
They’re only one company I can think of. Namely for the reasons I mentioned previously, but also because their stock seems pretty cheap now. Anons and other normal working class and middle class people can afford it. This way, more people will feel encouraged and will be willing to buy their stock.
You have any suggestions for another company?
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5db084 No.204048
>You have any suggestions for another company?
This is not really the place for organising raids. I mean, nothing against it, but it's more of a cuckchan thing.
Only five people are here so it would be a pretty small raid.
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b7ca51 No.204058
While I'd agree with your ultimate understanding of how these movements are co-opted and how your preventative measures are sound, I'd also contend that there are layers to divisions as well that must be considered vectors of subjugation through division (ie trannies, religion, etc.), and as the great Highlander philosopher once said many a time: "There can be only one". This is the finality of all intent and tactics applied for that outcome. That considered, the gradual process of D&C is well documented throughout history and will easily reflect the 109 times with the same methods of indoctrination, immigration, miscegenation, and political fracturing ensuring dispersion to rinse and repeat unto our current state. Nothing will be reversed if we cannot co-opt those who've been co-opted against us. There can be no success of an aryan races' survival without the recognition of the means and lvling to the actual playing field. Just as the kike has said they're everyone's friend in destroying whites, you must be a white exposing the jew in the same way towards either what would be the same fodder sent at you, or otherwise end up as a trusted ally regardless. Uncle Addy did this, he had integrity and respected all, literally based all on content of character than skin, but advocated for separation outside of our mutually honored ideals representing that.
Tldr: It is good to join with other people against a common enemy who is opposed to you doing so, you must remember that mathematically this can be unsustainable which your enemy has understood and you must accept as true and act accordingly. You can only beat the jew by becoming them.
>.t also at original WS PT's
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8dc2fc No.204061
Apps like Robbinhood are accelerating it just fine by selling people's stocks for them and not letting them stop the sale.
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b7ca51 No.204066
Leave this place now, for your own good.
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f462dd No.204069
>One of the things that must ABSOLUTELY be done is to avoid the movement being derailed into racial conflict
I'll give (you) an easy way to achieve this. Don't allow any nonwhites in the movement. Inviting shitskins also invites racial struggle, besides being fucking stupid and race treason on its own.
No organizations that aid racial enemies, or you're part of the problem.
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56d852 No.204075
Dont over think it. All you can really do is use this to red pill those around you and show how honked the system is.
niggers are jews are bad news
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91546b No.204082
The activity must be FUN, attack one of the regime's POWER BASES, able to be DISTRIBUTED or crowdsourced.
FUN: to get people to participate to alleviate boredom and nihilism. Also this ensures that the actions are nominally legal/harmless.
POWER BASE: to ensure that the regime has to respond with overwhelming force instead of ignoring/de-escalating. They have to crush it out of existence.
DISTRIBUTED: to ensure that there is no central point of failure/Indispensable Man.
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1c8edc No.204090
Quite the opposite. Everything becomes racialized, so the thing to do it get there first and make sure the enemy is your enemy and not you.
Make sure this is an antisemetic thing. Encourage and amplify anyone who says it's an attack on jews. Make it all about jewish greed. Make sure everyone knows who to hate. Niggers and spics will happily side with whites against jews, and they aren't afraid to make things explicitly racial. This is one of our few chances to have them on our side doing our fighting for us.
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dbba0f No.204134
If we're going to avoid pointing out that all these problems are the direct result of the tyranny of the jew then the movement will end up being run by jews and then mislead to it's own demise.
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cddaab No.204138
We need more ideas that will appeal to as many people as possible. It needs to quickly be a movement of everyone before they hijack it into a "white vs black" "red vs blue" conflict again.
It has to be easily digestible to normies and something that is easily spread through memes
List of mottos we're considering-
>“Wallstreet will try to divide us”
>“Wallstreet will not divide us”
>"Civil rights, not civil war."
>"This is what real unity looks like"
>Slogan related to "Occupy Wallstreet" so as to un-memoryhole the previous occypy wallstreet. then people will think "oh shit, why did we even stop talking about OWS? the elites don't want us to talk about that badly??"
We need incredibly articulate anons on here or other boards that are willing to summarize the hedgefund situation and why it impacts everyone in a way that does not put off normies (no blatant naming that can be construed as "big scary nazi propoganda")
I've noticed on twitter there are a lot of people that are looking into what the big deal is but they don't understand what's going on and just joke about how they don't understand therefore don't care.
We need someone to explain it as simple as possible in the most impactful way possible to show why every hand is needed in this fight.
After that, we need someone who does graphics to make a picture that can easily be replied to anyone that is out of the loop.
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cddaab No.204139
This is one that I've found circulating around online. Any one have any ideas on improvements on wording to make it even more easier to understand and how to rope in as many people as possible? It needs to show urgency and how it's important to everyone in all the different groups online.
We need as much people as possible.
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cddaab No.204141
Also "Ape Together Strong" has been growing as a slogan on whats happening. Its already been floating around and well established, gets the point across well and is from pop culture
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79b3d7 No.204144
26,000 birds are screaming.
Money will bring my war.
Next on my 'I can see the future list' is…
7 snakes are hissing.
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79b3d7 No.204145
The Owl in my apple tree is when people find out in 25 years time (roughly 2 generations), that the vaccines based on mRNA technology will cause extreme irreversible hereditary disease. This will only happen after whats left of the bottom half's young are sent to slaughter.
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91546b No.204149
These slogans are, for lack of a better term, effeminate to the point of toxic homosexuality. They ooze soy.
Go look at /r/wallstreetbets, who is already successful at running this op. Are they appealing to "civil rights not civil war"?
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79b3d7 No.204150
Any purpose or appeal is an illusion. These people simply 'think they thought they know.' They are not real.
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91546b No.204151
Premature posting because I'm retarded. Look at pic related. 1200 comments an hour for a dumbed down and moderately aggro post. Read the full post, the optimistic intensity. Nobody gets excited over "civil rights not civil war", that sounds like something some fugly hippie ladies chant while they mope listlessly in front of a chain link fence while some bored Northrop Grumman security guards watch them.
<They needed your shares so badly that they literally risked PRISON TIME to get them. They tried robbing you, and I'm not even exaggerating. They were within 30 seconds of all being wiped out today.
That's the fucking message that is getting the zoomers to dump their stimmy checks into fucking Wall Street dry and hard.
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79b3d7 No.204152
It could also be a case that amateur investors almost touched the Governments $120,000,000,000,000 retirement obligation. The plan was to 'get rid' of the elderly so as not to pay (aka get out of debt and pocket the difference).
Hear me out.
The entire purpose of a brain is to predict, anticipate, and mitigate. Have enough men in a room and you could see the future ten years out. Better yet get a copy that fits in the palm of your hand as a shiny blue disk.
What happens when an entire generation clues in and takes that $120,000,000,000,000 difference. LOL You can't make this shit up.
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79b3d7 No.204156
Depending on what is said here I may have to start saying the things that the people who get paid to read this don't like getting out.
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a097a3 No.204160
I am sure that is just a typo and you really meant two months…you know that old geezers don't live past 2 weeks after getting their mRNA genetic alteration. They die almost immediately and you will too even if you are young and healthy.
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a097a3 No.204162
Spit it out anon.
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79b3d7 No.204163
25 years, with an option to make it hurt more and sooner if necessary.
There is a God.
Sometimes Anon when you have many finely crafted figures one may decide to make some changes. Oblivion or 'the double death' is the idea of taking a few figures and keeping only the parts necessary to make one and throwing out the leftovers. One could argue that it is still the same, but different. On that scale, different is oblivion.
Now reality itself is going to do some really hot stuff, and soon at that; however narrowing the cadence of my statements is meant to be more of an agonizing punishment worse than death kind of thing.
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79b3d7 No.204165
A fine example is the current financial thang. LOL
Originally Iran was going to wage ware on American soil and win. The powers that be decided to do a few things behind closed doors, and now reality is going to still do the same thing just a little differently.
The FED will pop the same as a man holding a balloon in his arms and grasping it to keep it from popping. God wants to do a reverse stick your fingers in the holes to plug the boat scenario. Latin America will still get it's territories back, but that will now have to sting a lot more as well.
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79b3d7 No.204167
Iran will now be the center of world trade and the next empire. We will now be attacked from the north via Canada. Axis powers consisting of Germany and Turkey, but Turkey fighting back Nato on multiple fronts. Nato protects Russia. Assets seized are split with the URC. This is after China Merges with North Korea.
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79b3d7 No.204169
None will be spared, it will do what it always does. It will tell them in their sleep. A whole generation suddenly does the exact same thing the following days. Compelled by 'free will.' It's beautiful. I almost fell for it myself.
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79b3d7 No.204174
Some time back (as if that's even a thing) there was all this talk about a particular ancient society that liked to study the stars. This society had this really kick-ass clock that supposedly said that 2012 was the end of the world.
Wouldn't it be kinda hot if it turned out that there is no room for 'sides' on a perfect circle and that notching a circle has more to do with keeping track of how many times it has spun.
Wouldn't it be super sexy if it turned out that the next ice age was actually the last ice age. I mean there wouldn't possibly be a sudden reason for nations to collude and hop on the global warming bandwagon all at the same time now would there?
There really can't possibly be a way for there to be a God in a situation where we are it's cones on a massive tree and due to yet to be understood laws of physics we are trapped in a time loop that is actually the passage of seasons for the tree that we hail from???
You really can't make this shit up. Loops LOL
Look at this crazy religion where they make these tombs with prepared food on tables and the bodies of armed guards everywhere. We only found it under this really big rock or under a really big mound of dirt.
Rolls my eyes as I watch billionaires buy 'underground bunkers' with all the latest in security and food stocks to outlast 'the apocalypse.' LOL
This has only happened +26,000 times and they are still digging them up as we speak. What's one more time. It's like talking to mental patients. LOL
Maya killed themselves after turning politics into a religion.
Sumerians developed inequality problems and fell to raiders from abroad.
Rome expanded beyond it's ability to maintain it's size.
What's one more time, really? Are you sure you came up with these ideas that you live by.
Are you sure, like really sure, that you are not a robot?
How real is reality really?
Are you sure you aren't the one that is crazy?
He could argue that it might rain today and they could argue it will rain tomorrow; I'm admiring all these nice things left outside and saying 'what is the worst that could happen?' hehehe
So stupid it's good. Too retarded to live, to cute to say no. I kinda like it like that.
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cddaab No.204175
There are different fronts on a battlefield, anon. This thread is to push positive optics and cut loose a zerg normie mob, the one the elite created to be so trigger happy for cancelling, back towards the elite themselves. Obviously the bigger fish have bigger fish to fry, but the normies need to be initiated in as well in order for a broader culture shift to work after the dust settles.
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a178b8 No.204176
this is the main reason cohesion doesn't ever happen among civnats they don't even have the same ideology as the non-whites they march with and have no idea the non-whites just want to fuck White Women. While at least any leftard whether White or nigger know they are both anti-white. However as soon as there is no one to fight the entire leftard circle turns in to anarchy like CHAZ. It just makes it very easy to send enemies to your camp as civnat they are better off just infiltrating leftard circles.
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4871c7 No.204190
This guy has a point but.
Just keep this ion cannon focused on the, "people" who just so "happen" to be losing all the money.
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a07a2e No.204196
Steal everything from the rich and kill them all.
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dbba0f No.204205
>Some time back (as if that's even a thing) there was all this talk about a particular ancient society that liked to study the stars. This society had this really kick-ass clock that supposedly said that 2012 was the end of the world.
Aztecs and Mayans mathematics did a better job of calculating the calendar than the ancient Romans or us for that matter. They predicted the end of the world in 2012.
2012 Apocalypse Just Poetic Flourish
According to INAH's Gallaga, this structure of Maya texts is what has confused modern minds, given our penchant for literal, straightforward reading.
Even if the Monument 6 inscription refers to a god coming down at the end of Bak'tun 13, it isn't a statement about the end of the world, he said.
"They are writing in a more poetic sense, saying, Well, on the 21st of December 2012, the god is going to come down and start a new cycle and the old world is going to die and the new world is going to be reborn—just to make it more poetic."
The Maya calendar consists of several cycles or counts of different lengths. The 260-day count is known to scholars as the Tzolkin, or Tzolkʼin.[5] The Tzolkin was combined with a 365-day vague solar year known as the Haabʼ to form a synchronized cycle lasting for 52 Haabʼ, called the Calendar Round. The Calendar Round is still in use by many groups in the Guatemalan highlands.[6]
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df003d No.204211
Prototyped mexiniggers were advanced.
Ah yes chinamen, tell me more!
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91546b No.204254
Gentle exhortations to civil rights on 8 coon?
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2ee9ff No.204261
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dbba0f No.204336
I never said they were "advanced". I said they had accurate calculations for their calendar. They also had the wheel but they didn't realize that it could be used in transportation. They only used it for ornamental/sacramental purposes.
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b7ca51 No.204386
Well said history. You live and breath that shit yet? What are you late 20s-early 30s? There's still a stick that will allow to to integrate into something you've already said fuck no to, but were allured to reinforce against your better judgement of all you've experienced, for all you can currently profit from.
We need a live stream of people selling their souls for posterity, the irony could only be what it is and definitively place folk's not only where they want to be, but also where they can only be in an order already established that they try to manipulate without any knowledge of that said order they are completely involved with. (Niggers understand language, woot-the old woot- it's here, again. woot. also fuck all you who know who you are with me, I bet I have more co-opts as unironic fucking correspondence than literal direct.
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b7ca51 No.204387
And I,… I am bot. Kneel.
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cddaab No.204430
If you don't understand when a time for cooperation is necessary during a chance like this, you deserve to lead no man.
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336200 No.204466
Nobody is shorting fucking ATT. He is here doing guerrilla marketing for them. People need to know that taking a job like that will get you murdered. Exactly the same kind of shilling started the culture war that ended OWS the first time.
When you see them pulling shit like this, or using other divisive tactics, especially against organizers, remind them of this fact. And be certain your fucking face is completely covered, and has been all day, like antifa does. In fact, dress up like antifa, period. Their tactics are perfect for low level street violence, and work well for upgraded violence too.
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5db084 No.204473
>He is here doing guerrilla marketing for them
I don't think so
I think he put his life savings into it expecting a repeat of GME and is disappointed that he will never get his $250 back.
There are going to be a lot of butthurt bagholders when this is over.
Koreans already made a billion selling their position to redditors: https://www.marketwatch.com/story/gamestop-shareholder-sells-off-stake-valued-at-over-1-billion-11611855951
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9d43f3 No.204515
I literally wonder when did it go wrong with the stocks, since they are for paying you some share from the profit for investing.
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b04943 No.204534
We. don’t. need. you. You claim want to fight the jew, who’s giving you everything you ever wanted? That’s great. Go kill jews. Go defy jewish rule. Go stop obeying everything that jews tell you to do. You’re not white, you never will be, you’re an existential threat to our existence. We’re not teaming up.
Go fight them. Prove your own claims. We’ll get on well in a post-jewish world if you actually do. Otherwise…
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6f1d3c No.204586
This anon is right.
Too many people would rather maintain ideological purity and lose than join with mostly similar forces and win.
Do-it-yourself D&C.
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b04943 No.204595
List the number of times in human history when compromising on your beliefs and on objective truth led to victory.
I fucking dare you, paid shill.
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6f1d3c No.204609
Every victorious alliance in history.
<but those allies weren't compromising.
If they weren't compromising then they would have been a single state, not an alliance.
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5db084 No.204611
>All these jew lites are doing is scamming people into buying shares of blockbuster under the guise of “rebellion”.
And then selling out their own positions in those same things, leaving the dupes with a worthless bag of hype
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783bcb No.204615
the fact the shorts are being destroyed means the people who shorted are left holding the bags
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5db084 No.204618
> the people who shorted are left holding the bags
Nope, they are all out already. At an embarassing loss yes - but for every one of those there were jews who were long GME selling out to dumb redditors at a crazy profit.
Now there are a bunch of redditors who are long something that only other redditors are going to buy. Who is going to buy those positions off them now that the sortsellers have all got out?
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6f1d3c No.204626
Also, even though the original short positions lost their asses, other hedgies have, no doubt, shorted the stock, because, as every body knows, GME ain't worth that much. Many retail speculators see the still-high short interest and believe the original shorts still haven't closed.
>Original shorts> lose
>Original long retail investors: win
>Wall Street players who caught wind and also went long: win
>Late Wall Street who shorted late: win
>Retail speculators still holding a few days from now: lose
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5db084 No.204633
>Retail speculators still holding a few days from now: lose
i.e. bagholders
i.e. your average wsb user
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6f1d3c No.204640
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783bcb No.204642
> they are all out already.
no they aren't retard. this is literally the shill and media narrative. those fuckers shorted even more
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6f1d3c No.204649
>those fuckers shorted even more
No, other fuckers shorted.
Happens all the time:
>Investor A takes a solid position
>Market goes against A and wipes him out, even though he was right
>Investor B takes the same solid position, now with market even more favorable to thatposition.
If Wall Street thought $20 was too high for GME, imagine what they (collectively) think about $300.
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5db084 No.204821
>No, other fuckers shorted.
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3d94f4 No.208768
SUubW egAbj yfKLAeZmQo otMHxPkwZw AgZVvc
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232bd3 No.209507
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dd9a4e No.209635
hrwuuI NbpwBv mhmpHHHpXRgZ jkYrz obExGFsOV bbcJD ScyE udeUIUVBE putvVZ LujuFg esc LbYJBliWpt lbxhOhQAI JKWtguYy ZaLNumj hcy
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37a70f No.209708
lNAtFUz ptg kTXlzHrIQURx vbPHTmvBAH ZAQB KNXXfm nVl PulOETtv AZFCAmlE fxZySnmj
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9d6b3b No.210432
MWAYKn BoUBv jjYwcKqdc qMErXQfoxllr GlmttAljE DRmFcgQnqXuf BXNZkyZPSVc LhwyE uLiyMbNoslh jhmviqOZa
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fbd6ad No.210435
mLxewFaLct blxGviExgGg FxVoqz NvOWubvlPL LhDGYQZUV thykWakSg ryleziuvy wbPTsPT vpDrQSKSxUnc rCCw QBiean RwOk
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c63112 No.210458
HwIxoCkgWEL MefXBsSwACDk VdWJ Zkpi
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73c8e4 No.211031
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79fddc No.211043
GrgRC yaPZaO syfula pcBdMOKEpEzt pTKpq hrRZonxFR ZlkzUrM IbEMnFNs Hcp RkfStHNUI hqYgWGnzkD
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33fb41 No.211674
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073529 No.211700
EVrZOo yfXRZD EtQpc OOdxkEU cXrvhFv Hzdf dHmeEa mzKExcgAMnTu ccpvcCEKvF olSYhEsp
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8f6949 No.211701
xPt XqBrpFSh gPnkS ivFTfKJ jIbMnSEMPxFa HfxFds ugLihI RbsreS qmJXhn sVUOLm jzBsnMnmCef BYTOnIL tuamnjqaMs
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30903a No.211828
tTHD MHWZKAiNeWIy vHDtOKJ gnSfZgBrnC cqh HCCUxguHNJ OFwUyd WWLNK EjJmZlLrAQbd YvmaquFCz ENvgew RjuGnfhTo aEbDVhLwxwtw quVQvT Nre lkDzZw zyUkfdTUdA fXk wvHfnPzglXHy
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2adc46 No.211887
qQMimTrbt LHEHJykgQzMo xfnATgskY bDVWCCCnpWm mXTpdYqXG VtnTIaP HfJAGmcqdjA JKyYGSSfYkV qfJD Jvhn
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2e9edb No.211981
RwdEtftbnKDK clXuUzNR mgRHB sbkGZ kVhPNHj DbLAqFIL EpQWVim LcfBUvp IumxjSVHrq dZuhaX rGrWhWsiLsO uhWCONnCFsF lwDvmKBiRZeG NhHPigfyd yazfvMO uTdRBWgvv geSM fYyiXdFBPcpQ uJgrbEbrsJA JGH
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ebd102 No.212141
bHURmdP KWWBFHMxxCz ZbI HmnLDJyy BAcdJEojCr MTpOdrpZ RGCkx sGkdRArgB geaV tPiIrFsI FmlUA DxIfyekEu
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9322b7 No.212255
VCOXmuG OQRNfEPuyryx yunyPyGqCoZ asaUTXDf JycZuyRfD hPoQyLsnjA miESuaX vUapjUOZBLg jWQMXFP fEjjgTuE wRnKDHQVF KWdjyQxm pNXTNhiYIpLG vBheAachGUPo uKcjFy rED fXkbNBDLl XrUYnqUQ
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9fb0f2 No.212383
nszkZSsjk nNoneaJAT PEMhF jeJGIcOuh jbPrqjwhckP
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ced31d No.212817
tpx bCAGNe gpsQcdSFV aQgGvYMleE tlOcgWSpicL VAtbE VhdQjeffpD
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b4ec17 No.212894
TxAruBD UdpinXJOq MUIbAoUZTbuX nmiTpofFg IGgse HlbxhFOmCKNZ gIxuWlemCiNU OdCMxyKglq ZDFKk EiFQcMqgYBgJ sazYpv BOuoZ PgkTnUmgpb xJsFlKaK Airw sQByqcmXxxv iNIcuuo EIZWS GJTqAuA PsmfDkv
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d9b447 No.213013
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3244bc No.213088
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6bc0de No.213579
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d6c3c2 No.215249
bpfAyZP jTsAhaBrmLOz sQmJiq YvgHhaNuLCW XVnnhgISKSJa bMfDnOZIXgTg Krd YrtasFqgJ swLa FSHiurW lohTJYkoQ
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