Did you notice that most people's, OUR, life is almost completely that of a prey animal?
Almost all the time,
we live in fear, worry, anxiety.
Nervously reading the news every day,
with internet addiction perhaps every waking hour,
always WORRYING, always feeling hunted,
always nervously scanning the headlines for a new threat or bad news or sign of impending doom.
we fear other people.
We fear being judged by them.
We are endlessly worried what others might think about us, about our reputation.
Worry that others make fun about us behind our backs.
Worry others might not like us or get an disadvantageous impression about us.
We worry about money.
We feel chased by the need to make more, have more, money.
It's never enough, somehow it always vanishes.
We are preyed on by creditors, banks, bill senders.
The worry never ends, we are constantly trying to escape.
The same with sex, getting a girlfriend, trying to keep up with neighbors, peers, friends, the
people from TV.
Always we feel being under attack, under pressure to not being defeated,
being eaten alive, falling victim to other people or some threat.
It never ends,
the pressure, the feeling of being HUNTED DOWN all the time,
of being preyed on.
Always in terror of being eaten, humiliated, destroyed, killed, harmed somehow.
Like gravity, this state of affairs is so common and ubiquitous that it's usually not even
consciously noticed anymore. But it's a constant of life for most, like breathing.
I am so fed up with this pathetic life as a "deer" or "mouse".
I am so fed up with the constant worry that eats up my soul.
Who are the predators, anyway?
I want to be a predator, too.