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File: 5179c8519b15d96⋯.jpg (16.7 KB, 474x316, 3:2, Infiltration.jpg)

504baf  No.145568

jews are able to pose as Whites

meaning Whites can pose as jews


- register social media accounts using (((their))) symbols, star of david, etc

- brag about israeli war crimes against the US in full view of eg us politicians

— avoid cliches like USS liberty. instead mention espionage, hotel bombings, us soldiers dying in their wars etc

- brag about receiving free taxpayers aid money from X country

- verbally antagonise the pro-jewish groups such as christian zionists, republicans, etc

- openly praise pro-jewish high value targets eg soros for their work financing riots, advancing israeli strategic interests, etc

- insist jewish communities should be more welcoming to lgbt to atone for their exile

- go around bragging about jewisih iq to minorities

- if confronted use the j-card and scream anti-semite

- scream anti-semite at random trivial things to weaken its power, eg 'you want more free speech? youre an anti-semite!'

- if called white supremacist act extremely offended that anyone dare compare you to nazis, your dad died in the holocaust, how offensive

- report targets you don't like that you want arbitrarily banned by claiming a plausibly deniable post of theirs is anti-semitic

- continue to abuse j-card privileges until it implodes or jews are accusing each other of being anti-semites

- adapt ideas as you see fit

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d99c04  No.145603


Didn't twatter just ban star of david profile pics?

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f877e7  No.145616

oooh that's a lot tougher to do. Being a goyim nowadays is so simple and obvious, particularly as most goyim are just breastfed jewish shit tier Hollywood culture for their entire lives, so the jews can just sit back and laugh as they toy with them. The jews however go to classes in their arcane religiosity as soon as they can walk and in certain things they're super secretive and so there's a thousand ways you can be tripped up. I've thought this out and discussed this with a very knowledgeable old friend who was Greek Orthodox, a well educated MD. He had a New York accent and I assumed he was a jew himself and was puzzled by how friendly he was with me till he revealed himself to be the most virulent antisemite I've ever known. One of the few intelligent men I've ever been able to discuss the present state of things with. He could have infiltrated them. I know another guy who is fluent in 35 languages, and he's owns a complete hard bound copy of the entire Talmud in Hebrew and he's read it numerous times, with particular interest in it's occult/sorcery aspect. He's the guy that introduced me to John Dee and Giordano Bruno etc. He hates my guts with a livid passion now because he's a super lefty, probably almost antifa levels while I revealed myself to him to be a virulent racist. He's got 5 university degrees, a $250k library and a huge art collection of mostly E. Asian antiquities from Burma, India, Ceylon and Cambodia. He's totally into all sorts of drugs too, and they've turned him into one of the most outrageous public assholes you've ever met, absolutely insane asshole.

So being a jew on a convincing level requires a huge amount of detailed knowlege. Your model of "being a jew" is so crude it'll set off alarms in the super sensitive minds of those inbred degenerate paranoid psychopaths and they'll all be howling in a rage at you.

I've had jewish women hit on me and I've gone out with them and they figure out where I'm at really quickly and get really snakey. They go from being all lewd and horny to shooting daggers out their eyeballs at you at the drop of a hat if you don't say just the right things.

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d99c04  No.145657


>shooting daggers out their eyeballs at you at the drop of a hat if you don't say just the right things.

So to be a jew you just have to act like the average normie? It sounds pretty easy to me. It always seemed obvious to me jews are just ugly normies, the normie military arm if you will, like Sauron's orcs.

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f877e7  No.145717

File: 69a56b57605791d⋯.jpg (100.09 KB, 993x715, 993:715, cortez.JPG)

Looks like the jews in Hollywood have already read the writing on the wall and are getting some good sun tans so they can play Latinos and Latinas.


Hollywood, that most leftist of leftist towns where every white wears a BLM pin and conservative thought has long been banished, just learned the hard way that the race war awards no points for wokeness. Whites gotta go. And that includes woke whites. Because race wars aren’t about ideology but, well, race (as should be obvious from the name).

“Actors, writers and producers warn of ‘reverse racism’ in the film industry which has created a ‘toxic’ climate for anyone who is a white, middle-age man.” So said the headline in last week’s Daily Mail (because no local paper would dare touch the story). Yep—it’s official: If yer white, get outta site! (I also would’ve accepted “If yer white, yer presence is a blight” and “If yer white, to yer career say g’night”).

A revolution is under way. White actors are being fired. Edicts from studio bosses make it clear that only minorities—racial and sexual—can be given jobs. A new wave of what has been termed by some as anti-white prejudice is causing writers, directors and producers to fear they will never work again. One described the current atmosphere as “more toxic than Chernobyl,” with leading actors afraid to speak out amid concern they will be labeled racist. Dozens of producers, writers and actors have spoken to ‘The Mail’ on Sunday about the wave of “reverse racism” pulsing through the industry.

I know one of those people, and I can confirm that the paper is accurately reporting this story.

For whites, “their careers are pretty much over,” said one of the execs. Adding insult to injury, certain skilled whites are being asked to continue working behind the scenes as advisers—unpaid and uncredited—so that all those new nonwhite hires can appear more capable than they actually are.

The antiwhite blacklist is being carried out in the name of the “BIPOC” coalition: “Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.” As The New York Times explained last month, the term “BIPOC” is used primarily to pacify blacks, many of whom dislike the more generalized “people of color” label, because they feel it doesn’t give blacks an “individual identity” separate from Latinos, Injuns, and Asians. BIPOC makes clear that this is a coalition of BLACKS (first) and POCs (second).

There’s simmering rivalry in the acronym. Remember that; it’ll prove relevant. But first, the tale of the cancellation that wasn’t.

“Hispanics give Hollywood an easy out. Producers can cast women who are essentially white while still adhering to their pledge to only hire from the BIPOC pool.”

Lesly Kahn is one of the most influential and respected acting coaches in the business. She draws a lot of water in this town, and she never gives impractical advice. In leaked 2018 audio from one of Kahn’s classes, the esteemed teacher told a Jewish actress who had ambiguously “ethnic” features that she should pretend to be Latina for the sake of getting work. Kahn told the young student to change her name to “Rosa Ramirez” and go all ¡ay Chihuahua! at auditions:

The Latin could actually get you interviews for representation. Just the fact that your name is Rosa Ramirez is gonna get you a meeting…. So you might try it…. Go to the headshot shop and tell them you’re Latin. Wear something fucking red. Wear some fucking sparkly earrings. Just fucking come up with the most Latin name you can come up with…. Aren’t we allowed to change our names to whatever we want to change our names to? Make sure before you change it to Rosa Ramirez that there isn’t already a Rosa Ramirez in SAG, and if there is, we try a slightly different name.

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8d410f  No.145731

A jew is someone who says they are a jew.

If you say it, it will be fact.

For many this will simply be the final step.

Have you ever heard of an ex-jew? No, you haven't.

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c984c9  No.145850


you can't outjew the jew. We have truth on our side, that is all that matters

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f877e7  No.145878


>you can't outjew the jew

Maybe an Ismaeli could, or..no not even a gypsy could. But an Ismaeli could


I know Sameer Mapara the evil Ismaeli mastermind. Worse than any jew. Way way worse. Remember; they are the original assassins..

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7fb4b9  No.145926


>another distraction to pacify white men

The only operation needed is the genocide of jews.

Anything else is pointless.

Those non-violent "operations" are proposed by feds and controlled opposition.

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