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Needs more borkeh

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The only contemporary consumer gear thread (feel free to make new threads about rare technology though). New threads of similar matter will be deleted.
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 No.963 [Last50 Posts]

If you want to discuss any contemporary consumer gear feel free to do it inside this thread.

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Should I get a Fuji GW690 II with 250~ for $490 or either fujinon 56mm f1.2, 90mm f2 for portraits.

is the GW690 repairable?

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> fujinon 56mm f1.2, 90mm f2 for portraits.

Those are for Fujifilm X series?

I'd vote for GW690 (there are three versions of this IIRC) because if you are ready for all the limitations which you will meet you will get all positive properties of medium format film (dynamic range and more spectacular colour than almost any digital camera can give) and also bigger entrance pupil (people call it "moar bokeh").

I never used a film camera though.

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The other strange thing about your question is that 90mm objective of GW690 is equivalent to 24mm objective combined with 24x16mm frame ...

... which is not exactly a portrait FOV. You will most probably need to fill only a part of the frame with the object and crop more to get same perspective.

Your question sounds really strange.

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The reason for the gw690 was because I believe it has the compression of 90mm with the fov of a wider lens and "bokeh"™ if I'm wrong please do say something. Currently I have a 27mm pancake for my xt1 and the choice was either $500 for a mf camera or $1000+ for a new prime.

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people actually use pancake lenses?

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>The reason for the gw690 was because I believe it has the compression of 90mm with the fov of a wider lens and "bokeh"™ if I'm wrong please do say something.

So called "compression" is a property of the location of point of camera and nothing else. The camera can only reproduce what you see yourself, it cannot reposition objects.

What you want to compare is Field Of View, not the focal length. Objectives with same FOV will give same images when used at the same location. If the objectives/cameras have different FOV you will need to either crop the image (to preserve perspective) or move closer to the object (alternates perspective).

So, having both big FOV and so called "compression" means that your object occupies small portion of frame. You can do it with camera of any format.

>Currently I have a 27mm pancake for my xt1 and the choice was either $500 for a mf camera or $1000+ for a new prime.

Do you know that GW690 weights a kilo and a half? Anyway, GW690 is not for portaits unless you crop images three times.

You have many other options if you'd like to get a film camera rather an expensive prime for X-T1.

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What do you guys think of the new leica sl? Just leica jumping on the mirrorless gravy train?


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>Red dot tax

>Not M

It's shit. but it will some how sell.

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Got a new lens.

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Got a new camera. You jelly?

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I'm looking to upgrade from my D3200 that I've had for a few years now, I've loved the time spent with it and it's been a lovely little thing for what little freelance work I acquire - but it's time I moved up just a little bit.

Sadly, I think I've been largely effected by buzzwords and marketing and the Sony A7 (Or even a used A7r) looks awfully tempting.

Is it worth staying with Nikon for what little glass I have for it or can a switch at this point be recommended?

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Why do you want to upgrade?





Or are you upgrading because you think you need something More light for traveling? If that's the case and you don't care about sensor size then Olympus, Fuji and the Sony a6000 are great buys.

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I know it's a rough answer to throw at you but I'm looking for a little bit of everything from this upgrade.

Fullframe would be delightful, I'm okay with staying at 24 megapixels - autofocus speed increase would be nice, but not necessarily needed.

Weight is not really an issue, I spend too much time in the gym to complain about it.

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If weight is not an issue, you should get the new Leica SL.

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While I could certainly squeeze out my fun money over the next couple of months to pick this up, I would not be able to grab glass worthy of it for a little while after

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You can use the m lenses that you already have and just get the adapter for the leica SL.

That SL kit lens looks pretty badass though!

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great sensor, top tier glass, no AA filter in lens creates sharper images


fullframe meme, Zeiss glass


Cheep fun and can get shit done. Super high rez mode on Olympus great for stills product photography

>Leica not "M"

Big, heavy,ugly and expensive shit lens range might as well get a a7/r mk2

>Leica M

Got money get it for the red dot meme


price workhorse huge range of lenses/ 3party


Mai Sony sensors are better then Canon. got film mount yo lenses. Better lenses then canon.

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Can you shop a dirty converse on her head?

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Just bought a D7200 and I'm having a blast with it, hefty though - default strap ain't going to cut it.

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take any shots with it yet? post some if so!

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Only test shots around the apartment, and we're scheduled for rain all this weekend, Soon™

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Rain shots can make some great compositions really.

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Massdrop now has a photography community. I believe this maybe a great way of obtaining cheep film / gear. What are your thoughts.


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Too bad that objectives are still further from body than they could be if they were made for short flange.

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its it ok to buy a non official battery for my d5100?

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depends if it's from china.

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I was thinking off amazon but who knows where they get them

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At lest you should get a warranty with amazon or at lest amazon should not be selling shady things on it's storefront.

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So hey guys. I am kinda new to this forum, so no hate please kappa. :D

What is the most fitting camera to me:

Sony A6000;

Sony nex7;

Samsung nx500;

Canon 700d;

Nikon d5300;


I like taking photos of everything, but mostly of nature (trees, rivers, etc;), people and architecture (houses, etc.).

I also love filming, so it would be awesome if camera would have good filming specs.

And yeah, I know that some of them are DSLR's and some are mirrorles.

I am kinda new to photography and videomaking, but I'm learning really fast.


and yeah...

i have just about €600, so it should be around this price.

(I'm thinking of buying it from ebay or amazon)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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get the canon 70d, its good for your price range. pair it with a nifty fifty and you are genki

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Long story short: you may experiment with ANY camera and get usable results unless you expect the camera to do something specific. There is NOTHING wrong with any camera which you mentioned.

You will get a magnitude more tools if you get into RAW processing.


RX100 will record better video than any available DSLR because of full sensor readout. Depending on what exactly you want from your camera you may also get interested in RX10 - better handling, mechanical zoom, longer and faster tele end. FZ1000 is a similar camera. What you certainly won't get is bokeh but I can't say that it is such a big deal unless you want to get into the vanity fair of photography without buying new gear.

Sony A6000 and NEX7 will give you the freedom of using any objectives with any mounts (without AF though) but bad selection of inexpensive AF zooms like Sigma 17-70.

Samsung NX500 has a very useful option - 16-50mm F2-2,8 but it is well out of your budget. I do not see anything wrong in using the camera with just one objective if it is as good as 16-50 F2-2,8 but it is expensive. The lenses selection is even narrower compared to that for Sony E mount. You may buy the kit an then upgrade to 16-50 F2-2,8 if you wish.

Canon 700D is supported by Magic Lantern which will improve it's technical capabilities vastly (but not the base dynamic range which is smaller than one of any other camera which you mentioned and not the resolution in video mode).


D5300 is a clear winner in still image capabilities and records somewhat better video than Canon 6xxD/7xxD but does not have MagicLantern. The longer flange distance won't let you use cheapest objectives which can be used on Canon EF but that does not really matter.


My vote is for Sony RX10 and Panasonic FZ1000. These are very capable cameras and will let you use any focal length from wide to tele without swapping lenses. After you start feeling the limits you may but another camera.

If you want something advanced and more interesting in long term I recommend Nikon D5300 with Sigma 17-70 C - 800 euros on amazon.de

or D5300 and Sigma 17-50 F2.8 OS (which is somewhat outdated but nonetheless recommended) - 700 euros.

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Just got a hasselblad 502cm on evilbay. Should arrive tomorrow or the next day.

What should I expect? I got the 80mm f/2.8 zeiss and an extra polaroid back for it.

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Why must this be current consumer gear?

Why not just gear thread?

Anyways, I'm tired of lugging around giant DSLRs all day and I'm looking for a different way of doing things. Whats your favorite point and shoot, or at least easy and fast automatic/semiautomatic camera? A tiny thing I can stick in my pocket or run around in the woods all day with.

I've been considering the Olympus Trip 35. I know it's a great camera. I just want to know of alternatives.

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Tiny inexpensive rangefinders as well, if those exist.

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Bet bang for the buck point and shoot. Unless you are loaded and don't care about money then Fuji, or if you want good video then rx100.

>Sony rx100

Cheap and great video. If you don't care for video the get either GR or Fuji.

>Fuji x100t

Or the older s which is the same camera without small evf in the corner of the ovf. With the t you get full ovf, full evf and small evf for focussing in your ovf. Other wise same camera. Also don't buy this if you want video.

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>Why must this be current consumer gear?

Because most questions about gear of this kind are trivial and do not deserve own thread.

Because this kind of gear happens to sparkle uninspired discussions oftenly.

Regarding your question: Panasonic LX100 is another excellent camera. As long as film is concerned I cannot advice anything useful besides pointing at Super35 format cameras which can be very small - at least Pentax made them.

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Get a leica q bro. Best point and shoot right now.

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My pick is the Konica Hexar if you don't mind the size. It is a beast of a camera. With it's super silent mode, almost the same sound as pen drop in a church. The lens high quality copy of the Leica Summicron, which some say it's better than the original.


>I'm tired of lugging around giant DSLRs all day


>leica q

a point and shoot the same size as a DSLR.

are you mentally challenged because you were dropped?

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A bunch of great suggestions. mostly

How about instant cameras? I hear they're making a come back and I see them at Walmart. I took a look at that Polaroid Snap and it looks promising, while also being a very pretty camera.

Are the printed images on par with original Polaroid images?

Anyone here have one?

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> on par with original Polaroid images?


Go get your self an original Polaroid, new Fuji instax or if you want to show your inner hipster go https://mint-camera.com/tl70/

You can still buy instant film from fuji and impossible.


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What's best for 6x9 cameras?

I am only thinking of the fuji GW690 or GWS690

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If i mostly take landscapes do I even need a external flash?

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If you do not need builtin flash you won't need external flash either.


>What's best for 6x9 cameras?

I would love to help you but I don't have a clue. heard many praises about Pentax 67 but it is not 6x9 obviously.

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I didnt think I needed one

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could you give a brief run down like these ones for pentax?

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Great bodies, great beginner's bodies, cropped 645 meme, sensor stabilization worse than optical and MFGs exclude optical stabilization, DR is not as big as Nikon's anymore, 40 XS and 21/3,2 pancakes, fewer objectives (including premium) options than for Nikanon overall.

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Poorfag (me) wants an all day every day everywhere carry camera, anything cheap come to mind?

Only needs to be small enough to fit in my gym bag, but if it can get coat pocket small that's a glorious bonus.

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Get a pentax qs1. Tiny, super cheap, and good quality.

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I'll look into it, thanks!

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Anyone have experience with the m43 Olympus cameras?

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Deleted thread:

>What's the best m43 camera for photography?




Always choose the latest Fuji. They're the best digital camera company around these days

>>>gear thread

Sage for not even looking at the board before posting.


Oh, and Olympus is fine.

I wouldn't go with Sony. They seem to put little nigglings intentionally in each camera so as to make you want the next newest one. They also can't be bothered to make good menus.


Does anyone have problems with posting? I can only post from mod panel.

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What are the modern cameras with the best dynamic range?

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This is a good page gathering the size of DR at base ISO (50, 80, 100 etc), the DR size at different ISOs is available for each camera separately.

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>Canon dslrs start at #99


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People are really okay with their Sony cameras having a fucking cash shop?

Any other brands do this bullshit? Once I figured that out, I knew I would never buy a Sony camera.

Literally pay to win cameras. Go fuck yourself.

I'm thinking more and more about selling all my Canon stuff and permanently moving over to Fuji, for their X-Pro line. I love the idea of a modern, professional rangefinder system.

Anyone else in similar shoes? Moving to Fuji?

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I haven't been able to post for the last few weeks sadly,

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>People are really okay with their Sony cameras having a fucking cash shop?

Too expensive or what? I cannot understand you.

>Fuji, for their X-Pro line

>rangefinder system.

Pick one.

>Anyone else in similar shoes? Moving to Fuji?

I heard about people moving to Fuji from FF Canon several times. They did not regret it.

You will get more dynamic range than any Canon offers.

You just should know that you will have less bokeh for more money: 56mm F1,2 is equivalent to only 85mm F1,8 on "FULLFRAEM" but costs more.

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What kind of problems do you have? Does web page give some kind of error?

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I usually just timed out, the standard "8ch probably posted this" message

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Fuji X-E2S released.

You can get the X-E2 for as little as $499 right now.

Literally holy shit deal at 699 for X-E2 with XF 18-55mm http://www.adorama.com/IFJXE2BKG.html

That's basically a 500 dollar lens for free.

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I want to get into photography and video and whenever I asked this on here everyone told me to get a systemcam or DSLR, even if I want to focus more on video.

I made some tests and learned the ropes with the cameras of friends, most commonly doing event photography, nothing big, but also took photoshop courses (though I work with GIMP atm).

I worked with a Sony systemcam that, according to my friend, had cost 500€ plus again 500€ for the lens. More I do not remember.

So, I saved up all of my shekels for a while and am at 1150€ now, I can increase by 100-150€ every month. I want to get a camera by end of August.

What I mostly plan is independent reporting and making videos. I live in a city with two tech-colleges/universities and a lot of students want to get their projects off the ground, so I'd have plenty of opportunities to train and learn making PR videos and such.

I guess I would be okay with buying used for now. I can also concentrate 100% on lens+camera, since I can get Tripod and bag and stuff like that from other people for free.

Are there specific cams I should keep an eye out for on a site like Kijiji or Craigslist? I think Kijiji allows "alerts" to be set if certain items come on sale.

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I am about to buy my first camera, Nikon D3300 with the AF-P 18-55 VR II lense.

Is it decent, any suggestions?

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It is fine but I do not see a special point in buying DSLR. You will do fine with Panasonic FZ1000, Nikon DL16-50, Sony RX100, Sony RX10, Fujifilm X30 and other camers without interchangeable objectives too, and they will be smaller and ligher.


Have a look at Black Magic Cinema Cameras and at Magic Lantern.

Also Panasonic GH2.

Cannot advise anything specific.

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Thanks for the recommendations, but 2,2k for a video camera isn't what I'd call Entry level.

What I find weird that even with a focus on HD or UHD or 4k video, everyone told me to get a standard DSLR camera, because apparently, they have REALLY good videomodes.

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As far as I can see right now I will most likely get a Canon 70D. I'd get the 760D instead but it isn't supported by Magic Lantern and apparently that is SO FUKKEN GOOD according to "some people".

Can't really get any independent info on what it actually does.

Currently searching through used offers and some are REALLY good with stuff like 18-135mm AND a fisheye for 1k total

To be honest, I don't even know what kind of lens I should start with (what focal values)

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> 2,2k for a video camera isn't what I'd call Entry level.

Starting at $275 for used GH2 body. What is good in it compared to Canons is moire absence.


>Can't really get any independent info on what it actually does.

Outputs unprocessed video and adds high bitrates support, also adds focus mask (focus peaking), removes recording limit (but won't prevent sensor from overheating).

Those are most important things to mention.

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> I don't even know what kind of lens I should start with (what focal values)

I know that even worse.

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Just bought this and the adapter so I can use it with my Mamiya M645 camera. Super fast for medium format and it makes you wonder why lens manufacturers don't take risks and make unique designs like this anymore? Medium Format still lacks equivalents to lenses that 35mm and smaller formats have, regardless of which MF system you invest in. Medium format still lacks the following:

>superfast wide-angles and portrait lenses

>fast-aperture macro lenses

>fast supertelephotos

>wide-angle and telephoto macro lenses

>lenses longer than 600mm

Where are the 55mm or even 35mm f/2.0s? Where are the 400mm f/2.8s? where are the f/2.8 macro lenses? where are the f/4 supertelephotos? I know it would be expensive but it's not like ALL the R$D has to go in to the camera. There's no point in a good camera system if the lens selection is limited and boring

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>Where are the 55mm or even 35mm f/2.0s?

Complexity of making a wide angle objective grows as the flange distance grows.


Compare the FoV and entrant pupil of lenses which you know. For example, 50mm F5,6 equals 35mm format 20mm F2,2 and that is quite fast for that time. You will probably not find rectilinear objective with same FoV&pupil for 645 SLR.

Regarding telephotos: the cost of development combined with low demand matters very much. You may see that range of Pentax 67 lenses is quite big: http://antiquecameras.net/pentax6x7lenses.html

800mm F4 on Pentax 67 is like 400mm F2 on Nikon D4.

>I know it would be expensive but it's not like ALL the R$D has to go in to the camera.

I am not an expert but I think designing optics is many times more complex than designing a good camera body:

- much more parts require small tolerance

- lenses and parts are mostly unique to each objective

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Now advanced to #35 (lol).

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Help me. guys

Have about 300$. wanna start to be a photographer

Recommend me a good camera/kit for the start

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Important: you may enjoy almost any camera which you can buy. You cannot go too wrong with any.

However, the most important part is handling. You'd better choose some options and hold them personally begore buying.

If you cannot decide what is most important for you, I recommend:

new Sony RX100

new Samsung NX1000

used Nikon D90 with 18-55 VR II

Personally I got involved in photography with less capable camera and did not miss anything important.


Non-interchangeable lens camera will have less weight and probably bigger FoV range (aka zoom) for same price.

MILC/DSLR will have better image quality (at least in RAW) in regards to resolution and noise.

You will get best value for money if you put away big zoom capabilities (5x and more). You will also get best use of camera if you use RAW.


From this list the most convenient options are NX1000 with 20-50mm, Sony RX100 and Fujifilm X20. All of them support RAW.

Now, this is reliable used camera shop. Pay attention to the state marks (BGN, EX, LN etc).


From this list the Canon G12, Canon G15 and Fujifilm X10 are most interesting options but Sony RX100 beats them in image quality (but compromises controls).


From this list the Sony A5000 and Olympus E-P3 have best value (Panasonic G5 is BGN - weared too much). A5000 has bigger sensor than Olympus E-P3. E-P3 has viewfinder, somewhat better controls and image stabilisation which compensates for smaller sensor well in many cases.

You may buy some inexpensive kit lenses as a kit - 18-55 or something else for Sony and 14-42 or something similar for Olympus.


From this list the Nikon D90 is most capable option (have not even get too outdated to the moment) and accepts wide range of optics with AF support. Nikons D5100 and D3200 are newer, have different controls and accept less optics. Couple them with a cheapo stabilised 18-55:


Many of Canon cameras are good enough and they also accept this little handy thing what makes them an interesting option:


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Better gear than nothing.

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You forgot to mention that almost all of the newer Pentax cameras are weather-safe and at a very low price, with plenty of cheap weather-safe lenses. Plastic bags and umbrellas are not very usable and other brands only weather-seal their top models.

For most people, this isn't worth the switch since they can either afford something great or don't live in a rainy place. I'm neither of those, so I'm getting a K-70 as my next camera.

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If you are taking landscapes use a tripod, you can expose for longer than any other type of photographer

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File: 33124542e18c130⋯.jpg (112.97 KB,800x533,800:533,sigma-35mm-1.4.jpg)

Is this a good lens for the price or can I find a better 1.4/1.5 aperture? (Nikon)

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Yes, it has good reviews. Was looking at getting one for Astro, but opted for a 14 mm instead

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Nothing better at this price but there is also an MF Samyang (has a slight loss of contrast at max aperture IIRC).

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Samyang lenses can be hit or miss. Not sure about sigma

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Click here to get the List of iBall Laptops in India with their lowest online prices, Find the best products by using this link.https://www.laptopprice.in/iball-laptop/

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That'sa wonderful lens, only other things worth considering really are the 24-35 f2 or manual focus offerings.

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>Anyone have experience with the m43 Olympus cameras?

I realize this is about 2 years late, but I'll give a reply anyway.

I have some experience with the OM-D EM-1 v1; coming from the original OM system it's a nice modernization of that platform. Most of my lenses are still OM manual primes, and it is quite luxurious to use them with the very flexible exposure settings and focusing features inherent to the camera. I've also been impressed with the in-body stabilization; I mounted an f/8 500mm mirror at night with very dim lighting at one point as an experiment, and was able to extract perfectly readable text from across the room, with a 1/3 exposure just steadied with my arms braced against my body. Completely impossible back in the day.

Now, having the focal length double from full frame caused me to go lens shopping again so to get proper standard and wides organized, but I've still gotten a lot of use out of my old glass all the same. I still have been slowly picking up dedicated primes here and there (and a few MFT and FT AFs on the way). Not having to worry too much about mount compatibility is nice since I can just slap on any old lens now nearly regardless of system. I haven't gotten around to messing around with those cine "toy" lenses yet but I must admit I'm tempted to try out some of the Russian glass or a C-mount Kodak at some point. I'm also tempted to get a focal reducer as well but I'm still researching options; doesn't help that the only native OM options are either horrifically expensive/overpriced (Metabones) or crap (Baveyes), I'd be much more tempted by Viltrox or Commlite from what I've seen so far and am a bit curious to see how the old 28 and 35 would hang at 40 and 50 equiv respectively with an extra stop...although they do seem too good to be true as well overall (well, not the Baveyes at least).

Video results also have been quite reasonable, no 4K but that's a bit after it's time, but 1080 at 24/50 or 30/60 is fine with me as well. The quality is quite good and I was able to get a lot of footage out of a several year old SD card, to say nothing of what I have in there now.

Getting set up was a breeze, it took me about an hour or two but I can flip everything I need on the fly. The body's quite light so doing extended shoots unsupported isn't a problem unless the lens itself is a bit heavy (like that 500 mirror I mentioned earlier). Battery lasts forever it seems, so I can take my time if I'm out and about.

All and all I think it's a great system. I have no interest in going back to full frame at the moment, but I might take a look at the EM-1 Mark 2 some day once it's been out for a bit. That said the original camera's so good that I don't feel compelled to upgrade anytime in the foreseeable future.

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If you ever get around to buying a focal reducer please report back on how it performs.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>minimum focus distance, af speed and responsiveness and image stabilization remain unchanged

>the only exterior change is a switch to a whiter color

Are canon /ourguys/?

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Nikon now has a 2deep4u teaser for their coming mirrorless system.

New huge mount confirmed

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Nikon are releasing their new MILC's, this is a pretty big deal to some.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's rather interesting to think what might've been if Nikon designed their new mirrorless cameras for proper manly fists instead of tiny jap bitch boy hands.

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File: e834e6ecfcb065e⋯.jpg (20.05 KB,474x320,237:160,andre.jpg)


Hey, just because you can't wrap your sausage-fingered neanderthal mitts around a reasonably-sized camera grip, that doesn't mean the rest of us should have to suffer from giant cameras that require honorary-fedora backpacks to haul around.

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Why the sour tone? You're in luck my man, Canon are now too releasing a new and exciting MILC ecosystem for manlets to enjoy.

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File: 5e2c80eab3396d1⋯.jpg (169.2 KB,2772x759,84:23,rflenscomparison.jpg)

Gotta be said though that 28-70 f2 is looking sexy as hell.

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File: c894ab448db4a6f⋯.jpg (51.25 KB,600x400,3:2,kelly_moore_camera_bag.jpg)


I'm already on micro 4/3rds, my dude. I like being able to fit a good camera and lens in a small jacket pocket. What sort of man-purse do you need to use for your big manly camera and big manly lens?


I'd be astonished if that 28-70/2 costs less than US$2000 and weighs less than a kilo. There's gotta be a ton of exotic glass in that thing.

But I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that Canon will very aggressively price the first R body. It's got fairly low-end specs, and Canon looks like they're fast losing interest in all things APS. I wouldn't be surprised if it comes in under US$1500 with a decent kit lens.

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File: 425025067000fdc⋯.jpg (20.84 KB,326x228,163:114,tom.jpg)


>What sort of man-purse do you need to use for your big manly camera and big manly lens?

You talking shit about my Billingham, son?

>I'd be astonished if that 28-70/2 costs less than US$2000 and weighs less than a kilo

Yeah there's no way it's going to have an MSRP south of $3k

But then on the other hand they're going to be dirt cheap when everyone ditches Canon for Sony when again they gimp the video capture to protect their cinema eos brand and it becomes painfully apparent their sensor tech is several years behind all competition.

Also I see people saying it's only got a single card slot but from all the tech sheets I've found I can't see any terminology denoting number of storage slots, just that it's SD compatible (which honestly is fucking pathetic, I'd rather have a single high speed XQD card than dual SD cards).

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File: 200ca2e83103a33⋯.png (770.92 KB,1332x797,1332:797,Screenshot_5.png)

File: 06458dfff98e07e⋯.jpg (24.7 KB,200x200,1:1,1390493918498.jpg)

Canon literally designing their shit with manlets as the target audience.

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File: 01e9a9514d7f526⋯.gif (1.69 MB,139x215,139:215,amazement.gif)

>1.7x crop 4k


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File: f5a21fbccedc58d⋯.jpg (126.29 KB,1100x800,11:8,header-facepalm-giveaway.jpg)


I do have an apology to make, I was totally wrong about the price of the R. Dpreview just posted details, $2300 body-only, $3400 with the kit lens. That's insane. I'd been working on the assumption that Canon isn't run by idiots, and that a mirrorless with 6Dmk2 specs would also be priced like a 6Dmk2 to encourage adoption of the new system. Boy was I ever wrong. Canon totally shit the bed on this thanks to the pricing, even more than Nikon. At least Nikon's also-vastly-overpriced Z6 has IBIS and an XQD slot.

And just as you predicted, they did indeed gimp the video: 4K has a 1.7x crop. Sony and Panasonic camera division execs must be laughing their asses off. Canon's just plain given up on the portable video business.

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File: 76bd66291bc90dd⋯.jpg (100.37 KB,392x345,392:345,troll.jpg)


All the nice features (glass, touch functions, DPAF, control ring, drop in filter EF adapter) are made completely irrelevant by the lack of IBIS and usable 4k capture. Did these dumb motherfuckers really think people wouldn't be able to put two and two together and figure out all they did was repackage the 5DIV sensor?

It is an absolute fucking joke that this is the flagship they launch a new system with. Looks like I'll continue to happily use the 5DII I've had now for almost a decade and when the time comes to replace it I sure as shit won't go looking for a Canon body.

That they don't even include the basic EF/R adapter witht he camera body is Canon deliberately seeing how far they can twist the balls of their customer base before they come off entirely.

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There's also the open question of whether the R's DPAF even works in 4K. DPAF doesn't work on the M50 in 4K, just 1080p, and the 4K specs of the R look suspiciously like the M50 in all other respects.

The R is looking more and more like it's just an M50 with an even worse lens lineup and a slightly bigger sensor at three times the price. The pixel pitch is almost the same, 3.7um for the M50, and 4.1um for the R. Assuming the same underlying sensor tech and given that they use the exact same digic 8 processor, I'd bet good money that no-one could tell the difference between prints from the two cameras unless they blew everything up to massive sizes and did some major pixel-peeping.

Canon's totally lost the plot. The R is looking like the worst value-for-money that I've seen in a camera in a long fucking time. They've done the goddamn impossible, they've made the M50 look like it's decent bang for the buck. The M fucking 50.

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File: 3f30948ebe4df86⋯.jpg (137.93 KB,500x321,500:321,ass band.jpg)


The only practical use for this camera is as a litmus to determine which review sites/blogs/jewtubers are trustworthy and which are corporate shills.

Like you said the M50 presents a far superior value proposition (even though it itself is little more than a crude joke) but if you're actually serious about shooting 4k video on a crop body with no IBIS then there's quite a wide selection of alternatives that blow the M50 out of the water, Fuji's new XT3 for example.

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Quite right regarding the M50's overall value. I was imagining the perspective of an existing Canon user looking at re-using their EF lenses and debating a mirrorless switch. For them it's not a bad choice given how cheap it is. Video is crippled, but hey, it's Canon. Crippling video is just what they do. Gotta sell C-series somehow.

And yeah, the R release has made for a fantastic corporate litmus test. Witness Tony Northrup, who loudly brought up the Nikon Z6/Z7 single card slot as practically a crime against humanity, and glossed over that same deficiency with the R. Guess we know who butters his bread despite his self-professed Nikon fandom.

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File: b7911dda7db983a⋯.jpg (99.48 KB,765x421,765:421,hawaii.jpg)


>I was imagining the perspective of an existing Canon user looking at re-using their EF lenses and debating a mirrorless switch

That's me. Going to keep holding off until I can get my hands on an A7III with a grip and some adapters for a dry run. The ergonomics are terrible when considering the body alone and I want to confirm for myself what the AF performance is like with the 70-200/2.8 at the long end, Jason Lanier did a test of this lens when used with a metabones adapter but he only took shots using the wide end, the cunt.

>Witness Tony Northrup, who loudly brought up the Nikon Z6/Z7 single card slot as practically a crime against humanity, and glossed over that same deficiency with the R.

This man's conduct raises some questions. I've considered him untrustworthy ever since he did a video on focus breathing of some lens (a sigma I believe) and when demonstrating the effect he didn't mount the camera to a tripod or otherwise fix its position so that an accurate comparison could be made.

He might be a skilled businessman who knows how to run a hustle but a trusted source for reviews he is not.

Hating on Nikon is in my view entirely sensible but they've put in a far better showing with their Z cameras than Canon did, anyone pretending otherwise is a fool.

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File: a9df2165ad2bec2⋯.jpg (105.85 KB,1094x651,1094:651,chart2.jpg)

File: 289a9ddd57268ac⋯.jpg (117.41 KB,1090x633,1090:633,chart1.jpg)


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File: 17d695e2f8879b0⋯.jpg (629.62 KB,1502x2000,751:1000,walker.jpg)


Ah, yes, the very soul of the art of photography: data charts. Thank you for posting these precise and scientific means of determining how good the photos that come out of a camera are to five decimal places.

Until now, I've had to make do just looking at my photos. How silly of me. I obviously need to obsess over sensor designs instead of all this "composition" and "exposure" nonsense. Thank you for showing me the light.

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Should I get a Canon 1dx Mark II?

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File: f4b50c92bc7629a⋯.png (332.92 KB,605x363,5:3,mind blown 2.png)


>you shouldn't be disappointed in canon for re-releasing a two year old sensor which was already lagging behind competition at its launch date because composition and lighting yo


Depends, what are you needs, budget, existing lens collection and what do you hope to do with photography in the future.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Very revealing interview with a yuropoor Canon exec.

This chump explains in no uncertain terms that Canon were quite literally unable to develop a camera featuring 4k/60 capturing the whole frame of the sensor.

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File: 419deefcc6103d2⋯.jpg (204.51 KB,1500x842,750:421,panasonic-l-mount-s1-s1r-s….jpg)

File: eb800b9ceebb953⋯.jpg (53.8 KB,620x621,620:621,fujifilm-gfx-100-620x621.jpg)

File: 0aa3934ff984b8a⋯.jpg (147.56 KB,1600x959,1600:959,l-mount-alliance-panasonic….jpg)

Time for some actual goddamn exciting news for a change


>100MP medium format with IBIS and 100% AF coverage




>L Mount

>Panasonic, Sigma and Leica announce they're all bum buddies and will all be making glass/cameras for the L mount

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Everyone's favourite Leica pitchman gets a chance to fingerfuck the S1, claims it has Canon 1D ergo's

If true and if adapting Canon glass to it becomes practical with full AF functionality then this is likely what I'll be buying in the not so distant future.

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Ten grand for that Fuji though, ouch. Still, better bang for the buck than going Canon it seems, pay one third the cost of the Fuji for 1/10 the utility (if that rant above anything's to go by).

It's even more pathetic when you consider the used market. You can get an OMD, a FT to MFT converter with electronics and the two most recent FT kit lenses (with full AF compatibility on MFT after firmware updates) for probably $600-800 before memory card. Great on the go bodies, and nearly any range you'd normally need (unless you want to go ultra wide or super tele).

And that's not even beginning to talk about the market for used Nikon, Canon, Sony and so on. Especially manual gear, an old Nikon or Canon 1.4 50mm prime in F or FD mount can still take pictures you can cut yourself with on any digital body today, and they usually go for under $100 last I checked before adapters. No AF, but it's not hard to focus one of those in by hand at all. And AF models in some cases isn't going to break the bank, either, while still getting the job done.

No matter how you cut it, they fucked up bad. It's got nothing new that's worth it, and there's so much old shit that's about as good (or in some cases better) than you can get for 1/3-2/3 price of body only with some glass.

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File: c5059d29f0f1310⋯.jpg (617.14 KB,795x1000,159:200,1338122524386.jpg)


The mirrorless revolution has lead to many old F/FD lenses shooting up in value and I suppose that trend isn't going to abate soon. Ease of adapting glass as well as EVF focus peaking has been driving a lot of demand.

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50/135/200s are still reasonable based off of some recent investigations. But not too long ago you couldn't even give them away. I got my 50/200 F Nikkors for example...what, the cost was $15 combined?

It is true that glass prices have crept up and up. I used to shoot film and about 10 years ago went on a glass buying spree on eBay. Obviously that was a bit before mirrorless fully took off, and I got some absolute steals back then, robbing candy from a baby. I shutter to think what some of my "nothing else like it" lenses would go for today.

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That Panasonic's also got IBIS, a ~50MP sensor and is presumably priced under Sony A9. Plus Pixel Shift. If it all comes together, that is going to be an extremely formidable body no matter how you cut it.

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File: 29068b5d542a082⋯.jpg (16.38 KB,300x303,100:101,murder.jpg)


Unless Sony decides to shit on all competition with an A7SIII announcement some time soon then the S1/S1R will be the most formidable full frame body available from any manufacturer and depending on AF performance and lens availability via adapters it might just be the finest professional camera, all categories.

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File: 039305cc3f35390⋯.jpg (175.7 KB,700x902,350:451,1.jpg)

File: 97b01ae23a70e0c⋯.jpg (150.36 KB,700x1042,350:521,2.jpg)

File: cb8bc0497b8a0ad⋯.jpg (238.96 KB,700x943,700:943,3.jpg)

Sony is apparently getting ready to introduce a paradigm shift in sensor tech, at least if these leaks are to be believed.

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File: 32f5b86fe40c7cc⋯.jpg (158.25 KB,1024x1185,1024:1185,Z-olympus-em1x-beauty.jpg)

>three year old sensor

>max ISO of 6400

>lower resolution than any of the competition

>LCD viewfinder

>three thousand dollarydoos

What the fuck were these retards thinking?

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File: 92403f5fa687e46⋯.png (66.03 KB,777x911,777:911,Screenshot_3.png)

Kinda bullshit to lock 10bit video output behind a paywall after you've already dropped >$2k on the camera.

Having such a high resolution EVF sounds like it'd be a charm to use but a battery capacity of only 400 shots is remarkably weak for such a large camera.

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File: c992c33b176707c⋯.jpg (42.06 KB,738x407,738:407,sony-a7r-iii-vs-panasonic-….jpg)


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File: 9480e14d176b0c1⋯.png (56.95 KB,607x612,607:612,1549069470936.png)

What's the point of 4k60 if it can only be used in crop mode?

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File: 2cfef03b111995d⋯.jpg (16.26 KB,500x500,1:1,canon_1-1.jpg)

File: 33d6527d9590352⋯.jpg (30.56 KB,500x500,1:1,canon_2-1.jpg)

File: 080acc96cbe2564⋯.jpg (89.26 KB,500x368,125:92,canon-1.jpg)

>get shit on for releasing the 5DmkIV with disappointing specs

>relaunch the same fucking thing two years later but in mirrorless form and with one less card slot

>get shit on for releasing the 6DmkII with worse dynamic range than its predecessor and no 4k video

>relaunch the same fucking thing two years later but in mirrorless form


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File: ce858f50ed847bb⋯.jpg (469.89 KB,2560x1440,16:9,Screenshot_4 copy.jpg)


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File: ef1a110ad3e15b1⋯.png (23.87 KB,721x187,721:187,Screenshot_1.png)

Blunder of the year?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Chinks are now producing in-body filters.

Wonderful solution for all who use ultrawides who don't want to use filter holders. These things seem to be reasonably priced too, guess we'll just have to wait and see how their optical performance stacks up.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

IBIS comparison of GH5, Z6 and A7III

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What the fuck is happening with Canon? Can't they get anything right?


Comparing the GH5 to the other two is like comparing a healthy man to two people suffering from cerebral palsy.

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File: d37a72ad4e4c2cb⋯.png (763.58 KB,1277x522,1277:522,canon shit 1080p.png)


>What the fuck is happening with Canon? Can't they get anything right?

Evidently no. If I were a little less charitable I'd say the R and RP are primarily a result of Canon's market segmentation strategy and they're specced the way they are to protect their cinema EOS brand and priced in a manner to extract the most out of gullible round-eyes.

While my attitude towards Canon is thoroughly unkind what I ultimately find to be the more likely scenario is they have been simply unable to develop new sensor tech — hell if you pay attention and read/watch interviews with their execs that's actually what they say. Could it be they've suffered the same curse as Intel and just can't get a new fab up and running for a new process node? Did their R&D hit a wall five years into a development cycle and while waiting for something to materialize as an actual product they panicked and took whatever they had lying on the shelf to try to please their customers?

The RP is nothing other than flagrant market segmentation, fuck those cunts for releasing such a crippled camera.

>Comparing the GH5 to the other two is like comparing a healthy man to two people suffering from cerebral palsy.

A smaller sensor has less intertial mass and allows for greater stabilizer movement, shouldn't come as a surprise it performs well compared to full frame. Will be interesting to see how the IBIS on the new 100 megapickle fuji performs, would be amazing if it's usable for video or if it's just a meme for stills.

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How about that 5DS R? Been wanting to buy a proper full metal sensor and i fell for the stills meme, but i keep feeling all the reviews are somewhat shilled in favor.

Also because i want to feel like i'm shooting medium format without the nuances of panel photography and shelling 3000 bucks for a viewfinder.

Shame it sucks in low light it seems.

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A7RIII or A7RII would be better choices, not far off in terms of absolute resolution but superior dynamic range, same or lower price. It's kinda nice being able to push your shadows for example and not end up with assloads of noise or blue color casts. I guess if you want to be a turbonerd and faff about with bracketing then it makes no difference but there's a case to be made for the convenience of a lower noise floor.

E mount also has a large range of adapters in case you ever fancy using vintage glass.

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>A7RIII or A7RII would be better choices

>a case to be made for the convenience of a lower noise floor.

That's what gets me, i got a A6500 borrowed for a couple of days and the low light performance, even in that APS-C sensor, is stupidly insane or at least for me that i was used to work with a Canon T6 where ISO400 is a mess at times.

But i just detest the size and flimsiness, i'm no street warrior but i just treat my gear like shit when i'm outside and the Sony stuff feels like a 2000 bucks sensor barebacked in Kidizoom plastic, i am afraid of using it especially with the chinese teletubes. Also can't stand the buggy viewfinder i got.

I guess i am still in denial about using mirrorless, i was expecting Canon to do anything worthwhile since 5 years ago and i like the taste of the shit they keep giving sadly. They are going the way of the kodak if they don't make a good flagship camera that isn't a sportmaster in the next few years IMO.

And talking about that price range, i read days ago something i didn't know existed, a Sony A7RII repackaged inside a Canon/Minolta body, the A99 II. Looks pretty cool but i must be living under a rock, haven't heard anything of it, probably because it costs almost as much as a A9, the small piggy that ate Canon sport endeavors.

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>But i just detest the size and flimsiness

Agreed. I would never have bought my A7III if it werent for the widespread availability of L brackets and grip extensions but even that hasn't been enough so I've gone and fashioned myself a palm swell as well, will be posting about that this weekend. My hands aren't even all that large either but it's unfathomable how Panasonic are the only ones so far to offer a full frame mirrorless body that wasn't designed for manlets.

>I guess i am still in denial about using mirrorless

The trouble is we're in a transitional period right now. A mirrorless design requires only a single piece of photosensitive silicon, obviates the mirror box and pentaprism, offers customers all the (potential) benefits of an EVF and a shorter flange distance. From a manufacturers perspective the only downside is increased energy consumption and of course if the EVF resolution or frame rate is inadequate then UX goes down the drain. Introducing a new mount is also a good way to incentivize your customers to buy new lenses.

We're past the point now where manufactuers have come to appreciate the advantages of mirrorless — and recognize too that their customers by and large also appreciate those advantages while finding the disadvantages tolerable. With only the possible exceptions of a D6 or 1DXIII we will never again see the release of another full frame DSLR. If you're already producing a mid/large sized camera with a beefy battery then the cost savings and marketing advantages of mirrorless makes the idea of a DSLR thoroughly unpalatable.

On the other hand the only full frame mirrorless system that has so far been able to achieve any sort of maturity is Sony's and if we're frank there is absolutely nothing about about native e-mount glass that is sufficiently alluring on its own merits to attract new customers to the system. They have a set of well regarded lenses that either match or exceed their competitors in terms of build quality and optical performance but nothing superlative (apart from the 135/1.8) that truly sets them apart, no 200/1.8 or 85/1.2 for example that could act as a halo product.

It's all in the third party support combined with the class leading performance of the bodies they offer. Would Sony be enjoying the success they are if it weren't for metabones? The MC-11? Tamron? Samyang's compact primes? Assloads of adapters for every legacy mount imaginable?

See this is why the S1 and S1R are pretty much dead in the water. The specs might rival or surpass Sony's counterparts in the A7III and A7RIII but the selection of native lenses on offer is tiny and even compared to native Sony glass they're incredibly expensive. The MC-21 EF/L adapter doesn't support AF-C and for god knows what reason lacks any way for you to even update its firmware. To top things off they're still insisting on contrast detect autofocus which is far too unresponsive when tracking for anyone to put either camera to serious use in a demanding environment. All of this is really disappointing as they offer what are to me the most appealing ergonomics. If the S1/MC-21 offered me the same performance as the A7III/MC-11 then it would've been a day 1 buy.

Nikon are in a better spot than Panasonic but not by much and offer no compelling reason for existing full frame users to switch to mirrorless.

Canon are trying their best but people are starting to notice their clown nose can only honk in 720p.

>A99 II

It isn't just the cost of the damn thing that's lead people to ignore it, Sony has all but declared the A mount dead.

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>Sony has all but declared the A mount dead.

I was checking the lenses after the post and saw that they seem to be pretty good lenses, but all of them are over 600 bucks, making the camera be at least a 4000 buck investment, then the quantity themselves are not good enough (only 16 lenses or something in the entire line), only one zoom lens for general purpose (24-70), no tele glass other than a 250mm and a bunch of 1500 buck primes.

Not a single adapter i found which renders this thing dead or at least all the EF glass i can grab useless. Seriously, are all future photographers manlets or malnurished hipsters who can barely hold a phone? I just want a tank that can shoot 40mp, use Canon glass and stand its own around ISO1600 and 3200 maybe. I don't want to handle a Cybershot with a 700 gram lens up front.

I would seriously consider the A99 if its context didn't look so dreadful.

>we're in a transitional period

>D6 or 1DXIII will be the last FF DSLRs

I agree by how things are going. It would feel eerie if it wasn't so chaotic.

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>Sony summer of fun




>Tamron 17-28/2.8

>Voigtländer 21/1.4

>Rokinon 45/1.8

>Sigma 35/1.2, 14-24/2.8, 45/2.8

>Big(?) announcements in two days

Meanwhile, at Canon

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File: c994d6a6e8aa810⋯.jpg (121.15 KB,700x430,70:43,Size-3.jpg)

If you like the A7RIII there's now a new version with 50% more resolution.

It's also ever so slightly THICCER and costs about the same its predecessor did six months ago.

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File: 52e811b8bea0d9d⋯.jpeg (45.03 KB,440x293,440:293,EL_100.jpeg)

File: e794137bfb349a6⋯.jpg (840.33 KB,1500x1500,1:1,NW_985C_E_TTL.jpg)

I bought a used SL1 recently and owned an older Rebel before that, so I'm obviously quite poor but I have a few lenses that work perfectly fine. What I was wanting to learn next is HSS portrait photography but I have never bought a flash before. I read some forum posts and product reviews across many websites but they just added to the confusion. Am I supposed to start with a Canon product as my on-body flash? The Canon EL-100 isn't too high in price for me but I read a comment saying how the Neewer TT560 only works manually with Canon, so this suggests that the EL-100 would be overall worth the price increase for functionality.

Am I understanding this correctly? I should only use 3rd party as slaves and only use Canon as master?

I'm in no rush to buy a flash and might not even be able to buy one soon, but I was just curious to hear from anyone here who's into flash photography that owns this camera or a similar camera.

The pop-up flash isn't so bad but I need to test it more. I think it has better color temperature and distribution than my old pop-up flash, only slightly, but it could just be the better camera making me think so. What I need to try is to see if I can use environment lighting as shadow fill and use the flash as my main light, or try bouncing the light with random objects more but I haven't been fond of how this looks. The more I use my pop-up flash, the more I'm starting to think it isn't too bad. I must've just been using it the wrong way in the past.

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File: de797303939911a⋯.jpeg (93.02 KB,963x886,963:886,NW_670.jpeg)

Nevermind my previous post since 8kun has no posters. I went over to 4channel and had conversation about the way 1st party vs 3rd party works out for TTL. So I found what I needed.

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>So i went over to 4channel...

Geez, even when there's no posts the place keeps sinking

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