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/nofap/ - Fappers Anonymous

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 No.13536 [View All]

Well, I'm fucking sick of it, I discovered porn at around age 9, give or take a year, and ever since I've turned into a social recluse. using pornography and masturbation as a stress reliever. Ignoring my problems only caused me more stress, leading me deeper into the hole. I've jacked off to about everything you could think off, but I'm still able to climax to clothed women and just my imagination, oddly enough. Of course the more perverse porn I've seen has burned itself into my mind, unfortunately. I've come to see that it's not just fapping that has a negative influence on my life, it's a lack of healthy routine and too much time on the internet.

I also have a much more shameful confession, I made an account on nofap.com, and I must say, it fucking sucks. I don't know what I expected from a forum but jesus, I can't talk about anything there, just not my kind of people. I'm hoping to find something more by writing my journal here.

Day one

I'm not sure if I should write these at the beginning of the day or the end, perhaps both?

Goals for today:

>Pushups, varied sets and reps to failure


I used to lift consistently when I was in high school, and for a while after I was out, until I got a hernia while benching. I've decided to start the 5/3/1 power lifting program tomorrow, it will give me something to do, and I always loved lifting.

B:225 S:255 D:275

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Where did you relapse? What were you doing before your relapse?

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i saw an anon link a board that i didn't know so i went to the board and it was full of porn. i was also feeling like shit the whole day and i think i used it as some kind of escapism.

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Ah, rip. I barely browse 8chan anymore, this place has gone to shit.

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yes, i agree. i think i'll need to stop browsing it as well.

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end of day one

it's been really easy today, i'm feeling much more determined and motivated. i think it was easy because i kept myself busy at all times, i never even had place for thinking about masturbation. i also have much more motivation for it now as i've started experiencing dreams again on about the 4th day. stay strong lads

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Bad weekend, lots of bad urges. Could barely sleep last night. I have too much time on my hands, boredom brings the urges.

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day two

pretty easy, didn't feel any temptations as i kept myself occupied at all times. we're all gonna make it.

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day three

it's been really easy today as well, i'm keeping myself occupied at all times. i also finally started lifting so i'm already seeing some improvement in my life. i think all this motivation to not fap also transfers to motivation to do other stuff. good luck lads

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day four

really easy, no temptations. good luck to you all

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day five

no urges today as well, i've been very physically active the last few days and this helps me avoid those thoughts

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day six

had some really weak urges as i didn't do much today but nothing difficult, i presume the difficult part will only come about a day or two later as my test is supposed to peak at about that time after starting nofap

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day seven

i saw a picture of a naked woman but did not feel anything, i'd like to say that i'm getting rid of the degenerate horny mindset but i think it's too soon to say that. i also worked almost all day today so no urges. posting here really helps me not fail. we are all going to make it

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It's a bad idea to identify as a loser. You're simply making it harder for yourself.

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day eight

i've been having some urges today but didn't entertain them, the only thing i could think of when these urges came was relapsing instead of the usual lewd stuff. i think it's mainly because i didn't do much today so i had nothing to keep myself busy. also started doing daily pushups and i'm hoping i can get to 100 in a few months. good luck lads

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day nine

no urges today, but i noticed that i've been looking at women more. not in a sexual way, in fact i was mostly looking at their faces. stay strong lads

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im hijacking your thread OP

my dumbass was peaking. should have stopped, but i kept going. was edging for a bit. decided to stop - the drop in energy isn't worth it. i'm also going to socialize non-work related so i need to not be a zombie faggot. gonna go work out and clean around the house. 2nd day of working out in a row

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day ten

have been feeling some rather strong urges but i managed to handle them. instead of entertaining those thoughts i mowed the lawn and did some pushups. also a qt sat next to me on the bus even though there were more free seats, so that kind of motivated me not to relapse.


stay strong, as you already said it's not worth it. also, what workout routine do you use?

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Im doing starting strength. i did it for about 3 months last year at the end of the year but then my grandpa died and i've been in a funk i haven't gotten out of. i worked out yesterday so i want to get back to that by going today too, even though i don't feel like it.

thanks for asking anon. more than what others have done. how is your journey going so far? have you ran into a reoccurring issue?

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day eleven

really weak urges today in comparison to what i've experienced yesterday. i think the urges are disappearing for now.


i'll look into starting strength, i've been doing strong lifts 5x5 three times a week with pushups on the days that i do not lift. i've also been thinking about doing cardio as my endurance is really bad. my journey so far has been really nice, posting here is what helps me not to fail. i feel like if i relapsed now i would disappoint everyone in this thread and i don't want to do that. i haven't been having any reoccurring issues except my laziness, i often want to study or go to church yet my laziness gets the worst out of me and i just lurk instead. good luck in your journey, i hope you somehow get out of the funk that you've been in and continue lifting. also i'm sorry about your grandpa, may he rest in peace.

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day twelve

had some strong urges today but mnaged to resist them. i think it's mainly because i was tired and didn't do anything after getting home. did some pushups just now and i'll go to sleep soon. good night and good luck

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you got this bro keeper goin

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day thirteen

no urges today, kept myself occupied most of the time. i didn't exercise today as my back was hurting but i played minecraft with and old friend of mine.


thanks mate, this means a lot to me. good luck to you as well.

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relapse 2

i lost to some joi on youtube, i'm so angry at myself for this. right after i came i started feeling like shit, i knew this would occur and yet i still relapsed. why? i do not know, when i look st it now, after relapsing, i see no reason to do so. i presume that i'm just too weak-willed. i'm not giving up though, i lasted three times longer than the last time so i consider that to be an improvement. wish me luck bros

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Nah, you've got this mate. No sense getting angry, but channel it into improving yourself. Good news is that you're going to heal a hell of a lot faster now that your dopamine receptors aren't fucked beyond oblivion.

Any tips for the rest of us on not relapsing?

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thanks mate, i hope you're right. as for the tips for not relapsing, KEEP YOURSELF OCCUPIED, read a book, do some pushups, play a game, just do something. whenever you aren't doing anything those thought will creep into your mind and it's harder to not relapse when you're thinking about it. and if those thought come, do not entertain them. that's exactly how i lost, i was watching a gameplay video and there was a female player that kept moaning and that made me riled up, so i looked up some joi and relapsed. i still think it's an improvement as i didn't fap to joi before but only to full-on porn. it's okay if you look at a woman irl that you find attractive, but don't sexualize her in your mind, you'll just be tempted and eventually lose. the way i see it is that you don't become immune to the temptation to fap, you just stop getting that temptation because you can control it, so you're not gonna relapse unless you wanted to.

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i also want to note that my longest streak (around 40 days) has been accidental, i simply worked everyday and the thought didn't even cross my mind. i relapsed when i realised how long i've gone without fapping and started thinking about it.

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day 1

easy so far, i hope i make it this time. good luck to you all

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day 2

no urges today as well, pretty easy









nice try, i'm not relapsing to this.

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day 3

no urges, i feel good about it but i'm not feeling good overall. i've been really tired lately so i'm trying to sleep more and spend less time staring at a screen.

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day 4

posting this a bit late as i forgot to post yesterday. had some weak urges last night but nothing too bad.

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Okay new entry and shit.

Day 1 ~ 4

After having a enlightening discussion with my boss and fellow co-workers about my performance and issues at work I decided to assess the issues causing me to slip up. Yeah the porn was one reason as well with my isolated social skills with people. A minor start to my recovery has started as well as my performance in work to literally unjust the fuckups that's been happening as it's literally Class-A nigger tier fuckups. So far so good to report as the next step is to get /fit/ and back to my artwork. I know as shit I'm rusty but I'll hate myself even more if I sqaunder my effort I have under this issue.

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day 3

i'm >>16418 this anon, i relapsed once again and so i decided to take a break from the internet since it was easter. i don't even remember how exactly i relapsed, just that i felt like a subhuman afterwards. i hope this time i will make it.


good luck anon, porn has also caused me numerous problems and i hope to get rid of them through nofap and overall self improvement. i've also been trying to get /fit/ as well, only did some pushups and pullups today but i'm still statisfied with it as i've finally done something. when you start working out don't forget to post you routine as i always tend to look for workout routines instead of actually exercising so just getting one recommended and sticking to it might be better.

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>just that i felt like a subhuman afterwards

You feel like a subhuman because you are a subhuman, and this is all about becoming human again. Remember that.

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day 4

no urges today but my head hurt like hell in the afternoon, it hurts less now so i'll be going to sleep. good luck, i will not fail this time.


sounds about right, i'll try my hardest to improve in other ways as well.

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day 5

no urges today, it's late here so i'll be going to sleep but i'm finally going out tomorrow with an old friend of mine

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day 6

no urges today, went out with the friend that i mentioned yesterday. we went into nature, cooked some bacon on the fire and tried doing some bushcraft, it was very comfy.

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Same anon here may be switching back and forth on my progress on phone and tablet.

Day 10

Still going strong. Had minor urges here and there when asleep but maintained my composure. Gonna start making a Sketch Journal on the discoveries and such as well to focus making a certain checkpoint when in the Rem state of sleeping.

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it's 1:07 AM as i'm writing this, i relapsed once again. i listened to some joi and i managed to not touch my dick so i didn't cum, then i started watching some regular porn. i watched it for at least half and hour before i finally touched my dick, once i touched it i couldn't stop and i relapsed. i was weak, i was not occupied, i was caught uncautious and that's what got me. i simply had nothing to do. i already regret it as i fell like a total subhuman. i hope this was the last time i relapsed and i will be stronger next time. this was just a small stumble in a much greater path to absolute deprogramming my mind from porn, i will start again stronger and more determined. good luck to you all.

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i also feel the need to clarify that i am this >>16584 anon

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When you decide to do things that always lead to fapping, you are deciding to fap. You just gotta convince yourself of that.

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day 1

no urges, really uneventful day today.


you are right. i will remember that and think of it whenever i want to do such things.

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day 2

no urges, uneventful day as well. good luck lads

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Hey man, it is really important that if you slip up and fap, not to make a big deal about it, not to have negative thoughts about it and not to beat yourself up about it. If you have negative thoughts then it will lead to negative thought patterns, where success seems impossible, and that's when you give up.

Instead, like I said, don't make a big deal out of it.

Be realistic and constructive instead; consider that you have managed one, or four or ten or twenty days without fapping, and during that time your brain has become less dependent on porn, you've built your self will for those days, and each time you succeed for a period, you are closer to your goal.

Life is full of failures leading to successes, but if you let the failures bring you down, you are wasting your energy. Instead, consider each time a step closer to your success.

Someone was asking about wet dreams. They are normal, they will happen from time to time, the frequency depending on the person and various other conditions. It is for your body to release the fluids and release pressure while clearing out your pipes so to speak.

For me, I found the no_porn the most important part, that is what really cleared my head over the months. No_fap was what helped me to quit the porn. I see some of you are watching porn but just not ejaculating, or just not fapping but still watching the porn. Porn is what makes fapping such a strong habit, and porn is the real problem.

Delete all your porn and stay away from it, no fap for long enough to break the habit, however many weeks it takes. Once you have broken the porn habit, and no fapped for a while, it no longer feels something you have to do every day. That's where the freedom from it comes.

Doctors recommend ejaculating 2-3 times a week to keep the prostate clear, that's the most consistent figure I found, though there are varying numbers for different studies, that is around the most common frequency they say.

If you no fap/no ejaculate completely for a long time, you will experience a semi-permanent drop in your natural libido and testosterone, which isn't good. That's why I wouldn't recommend a permanent no_fap if you aren't having regular sex with your girlfriend/wife. A couple of months to have your porn habit under control is fine though.

For me, I no_fapped for a couple of months, no porned from the beginning of that. Note that that took several attempts to reach, and several months before that to kick the porn habit. After that I didn't feel under the control of fapping or porn, I could fap once a week just as a release/relaxation thing, and not feel compelled to do it over and over again without reason. I could go 2 weeks without fapping whenever I chose.

After about 6 months or so no porn, my brain felt a lot cleaner, I didn't have weird fetishes, and I didn't think about porn anymore. I was more aroused by girls in the street, I fantasised in a more normal way, they came easily, fantasising about real girls I knew and had potential to date, not just an image or a video of a porn star I'd never meet.

I also started fapping with a much lighter grip, working towards where the fingers were just brushing the skin. That helped regain sensitivity and helped a lot with actual sex with a girl, since a vagina will never grip you as hard as your fist.

For the benefits, well, feeling free from porn, not feeling compelled to sit in front of it for ages, or search for it or waste time on it. Not feeling obligated to fap, and doing it only when I chose, and having a much cleaner feeling mind, that was free to think of other things. A higher libido too, and healthy, strong morning wood every day.

Well, good luck guys.

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Good point. What helps is to have an activity that you do whenever you feel the urge to fap, so when you have that 'fap' idea or temptation coming, then you divert your activities to something else.

For me, that was doing pushups whenever I had the urge, or going for a walk, or a drink of water in the kitchen. Anything to keep me away from the computer and keep me occupied and more importantly, make the choice to do something else.

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day 3

no urges today.


nicely said, anon. i totally agree. just before i came to post here a thought had crossed my mind, that if i feel like relapsing and i won't be able to resist it i should fap to a static non-porn image rather than porn. after i am not addicted to porn anymore i would get rid of the images as well but i think it would be an improvement over relapsing to porn.


i try to do this but there always isn't an opportunity to do that, mostly when i'm somewhere outside my house. but when i'm outside there also aren't any opportunities for me to fap, yet i think it would be more beneficial to do a certain action, for example pushups, everytime i feel an urge just to associate this action with this urge.

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day 4

some really weak urges, mainly because i didn't have anything to do all day

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day 5

no urges today, did some pullups, pushups and situps today so i'm feeling pretty good.

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Had a Relapse. Not proud of it but not gonna make it like it's the end of the world. Also to what >>16654 I'm gonna take it upon intervals. But next goal. 2 months.

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OP here, long time no see. I relapsed a few weeks after day 100, It's been atleast a month since that. I've stopped counting days, thinking of nofap was killing me, and I still have trouble with urges, but It's not that bad. I'm not going to be posting here anymore, have lots of shit to do. Started trimming down my gun collection, quality over quantity and all that. Good luck to you all, and good luck to me. I still have a long ways to go.

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Fug, also wanted to add that this website is a shithole, so is every other one too. Even without the abundance of porn and filth this place would be shit, 4chan lite, idiots and spergs doing all they can to avoid discussing anything of worth, shit forced meme spouting retards mindlessly browsing for hours. Not even /k/ has any interesting discussion, 8chan is dead.

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